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1 | i could not take my eyes off this movie when it showed up on cable. the dialogue and costumes are of a quality most readily associated with soft core porn. in this case the expedient plot serves as a vehicle not for sex but for serial thrashings with nunchuks. (perhaps for sex as well and but not on indian tv and anyway. )not being a fan of the genre i couldn not place jeff wincott and and had no leads to search from. only once brigitte nielsen traded in her futuristic nurse coif (so mayoral. ) for the high top fade we remember from beverly hills cop ii did i make the positive id on her. this movie will no doubt entertain any admirer of early 90 couture or nod and wink schlock à la paul verhoeven. can we add a genre tag for so bad it good. |
1 | so and finally i know it exists. along with the other uk contributors on here i saw this on what must have been it only uk screening in the 70 . i remembered the title and but got nowhere when i mentioned it to people. it scarred me (that 2 r ) but when you go to bed with doom whizzing about your brain and listening all around for impending terror and then isn not that what a truly classic horror movie is all about. i can barely remember the intricacies of the movie and but what i do recollect is my shivering flesh and heightened senses. can anyone confirm my suspicions that this is black and white. again and if anyone has any info on how to obtain a copy of this and please get in touch. |
1 | here the skinny and it seems that this is much older then i thought it was. but it still cool. the bike mechs are cool and the story works for the most part. there are some character issues that i hope work themselves out by part 2 and my biggest complaint of all that it seems to be a macross knock off. not just the animation style but several character designs. for example all the girls in this movie look like lyn minmay of macross. the mechs look similar to macross as well as the other characters. this is really not made for little kids and it has graphic violence and nudity and graphic sexual content. so to make a long story short i give this cool macross knock off 7 stars. |
1 | creep is a straight up serious horror film set in real time that wants nothing more than to just show people get attacked in a empty subway platform by a mutant for 85 minutes. and it does just that. nothing more and nothing less. director christopher smith draws out the drama a far as he plausibly can by introducing a series of characters that would actually have a reason to be in the subway after it is locked. he also leaves the origins of the titular creep deliberately vague (unlawful experiments happening in the 60s underground are hinted at) and that little bit of mystery works for the most part. sadly and he undermines himself toward the end by actually holding back from a twist ending where more genetic malformations would appear (they are hinted at as well). yes and you heard me right i wanted a clichéd twist ending. franka (run lola run) potente is good as the terrorized female lead and the rest of the cast is fine. |
1 | i had not seen this movie since the late 80s and decided to pick up the vhs version of it. the plot is very slow and and the actors almost seem robotic in this breakdance flick. the music and hip hop or freestyle artists and the breakdancing scenes are what make this movie special. the breakdancing is actually better in this movie than in breakin and but i have to say that breakin 1 and 2 carry the energy and excitement to the screen a lot better. it a movie i will keep in my library and but it not a movie that i can watch over and over again and just once in a blue moon. |
1 | who the hell rests at night whilst walking in the desert and travels in the heat of the sun and and these people are supposed to be professional trackers or journeymen. who the hell rests at night whilst walking in the desert and travels in the heat of the sun and and these people are supposed to be professional trackers or journeymen. who the hell rests at night whilst walking in the desert and travels in the heat of the sun and and these people are supposed to be professional trackers or journeymen. who the hell rests at night whilst walking in the desert and travels in the heat of the sun and and these people are supposed to be professional trackers or journeymen. who the hell rests at night whilst walking in the desert and travels in the heat of the sun and and these people are supposed to be professional trackers or journeymen. |
1 | a well cast summary of a real event. well and actually and i wasn not there and but i think this is how it may have been like. i think there are two typically american standpoints evident in the film represent communistophobia and parallels to adolf hitler. these should be evident to most independent observers. anyway and boothe does a great performance and and so do lots of other well known actors. the last twenty minutes of the film are unbearable and i mean it. anyone who can sleep well after them is abnormal. (that why it so terrible it all happened and and it probably looked just like that). but and actually and did that last scene on the air station really take place. |
1 | excellentgoodfairpoor`go ahead and make my day. the fourth picture in the series is directed by eastwood himself (who was rumored of directing most of magnum force) and he brings back the violent society from the first two films. however and the film still lacks impact and believability. this film was released in the early `80s and the time of regan and the young republicans. the premise of a raped woman taking vengeance on her rapist doesn not appeal to this time frame. this plot would have been better for the enforcer and which actually would have made it a good movie. what sudden impact needed was a plot like in wall street but with dirty harry in the middle. rating represent 3 stars. |
1 | if in the 90 youre adapting a book written in the 50 and set the bloody thing in the 50 and not the 90 . see and 40 year old mores and values tend not to play as well and or ring as true and that far down the road. it a simple rule that hollywood habitually keeps violating. and that the problem with this film. it should have been set in the era it was written in. you would think that would be a no brainer and but nooo. i would elaborate and but bmacv comment spells it out quite well. i will limit my commentary to rachel ward. she looks like she dieted her ass completely out of existence for this role. as a result and she looks like a crack ho on chemotherapy and and is about as sexy as a gay leather couch in drag. i found her i could die at any moment look quite disconcerting and and it greatly detracted from her supposed hotness and the sexual tension the film intended to create. other than that and the film was quite good while a 7 plus out of 10. |
1 | first of all and i think the below comment is unworthy for a site like this. obviously you have no taste and you do not respect the taste of others. not to give you a history lesson but i think it needs to be done. black actors out there are just and if not more and successful as others. if you are not a part of the black race you cannot understand the quality and creativeness and and vibrant of old movies such as sparkle and mahogany and cooley high. since unfortunately you are not black and you do not have the pleasure of feeling what we feel when we watch these classics and so therefore you need to keep your freaking mouth shut and just stick to your non dancing race. thanks. |
1 | i was really excited about seeing this film. i thought finally australia had made a good film. but i was wrong. this was the most pathetic attempt at a slasher film ever. i feel sorry for molly ringwald having to come all the way to australia to make an awful movie. the acting was terrible (especially that australian guy who was trying to speak in an american accent) and and the plot was also pretty bad. when i first heard about this film coming out and i thought that the title was pathetic (because it sounds like the cheesy film stab in scream 2) and but i was willing to let it slide if it was a good movie. warning. major spoilers. probably the worst thing about the film was the ending. i was expecting a big surprise about who the killer was. but the killer wasn not even human. which turned this realistic slasher film into an awful horror movie. don not see this film. you will probably be disappointed. |
1 | henry thomas showed a restraint and even when the third act turned into horrible hollywood resolution that could have killed this movie and that kept the dignity of a redemption story and as for pure creepiness sniffing babies. |
1 | the shooter was a different type of film for michael dudikoff. although normally associated with action flicks that incorporate martial arts and this film and because it was a western and enabled him to display that he is a far more capable actor than certain formula story lines have allowed. the major problem and of course and is that the film does not allow any solid character development. the fleshing in is really left to the viewer . we can only guess at the sadness that has made the shooter and whose real name is michael atherton and the killer that he is a killer and mind you and that a little town and terrorized by a local bully and welcomes as a hero who can release it from its misery. |
1 | this was the worst movie i have ever seen and yet it was also the best movie. sci fi original movie are supposed to be bad and that what makes them fun. the line and i like my dinosaur meat well done. is probably the best quote ever. also and the plot sounds like something out of a pot induced dream. i can imagine it now and the writers waking up after a long night of getting high and playing dance dance revolution and then putting ideas together for this represent space marines got to alien planet and which is infested with dinosaurs and has medieval houses in it and to protect a science team studying the planet. best idea ever. in fact and in fits the complete sci fi original movie checklist represent guns dinosaurs medieval times space travel terrible actingso go watch this movie and but do not buy it. |
1 | i am a huge fan of the twin sisters. although this was one of their not soo good movies. i am not saying it bad and i can not say it bad and but this whole popular and not popular thingy isn not good. although i give this movie a 4. |
1 | firstly let me say that i do not like the fact that the rock won the title that is so gay. next i feel regal should have got back his european title and jeff hardy is a crappy champ. rob van dam had the intercontinental title too long already brock should have won it. i am pleased with storm and christian being tag champs and best match was the booker t and big show match in my opinion. |
1 | the costumes and make up were grand and there were some exceptionally funny lines and and the role was made for jim carrey. carrey did as good a job as could be done given the rather disappointing script writing. sure this was mostly a movie for kids and but if you are going to spend this much money making a movie you really ought to at least give the story enough body to go beyond that of dr seuss. i expected more from ron howard. it worth a see and but it lacks the necessary qualities to become a major classic and by any measure. |
1 | what is really sad and shows like six degree and brothers and sisters are the true reality tv and not that garbage that are nothing more than glorified game shows. i think the ground swell of discontent has been there for the past few years with very premature cancellation of numerous shows with a cult following. but with the more vocal backlash the fans of jericho (which i also enjoy) and other shows and networks may start to reverse this trend. i am like others and i will not support any new shows until they have been given a second season. i will then possibly make a decision to watch and catch up via dvd and online viewing. until then abc and you have lost me as a viewer to any new show. |
1 | journey of hope tells of a poor turkish family and their odyssey of hope which spirals downward into despair as they travel to switzerland in search of prosperity. although this oscar winning film is fairly well crafted and it is lacking in substance and has many implausibilities. much of the film 1. 7 hour run time is get on the bus and get off the bus and get on the boat and get off the boat and get in the van and get out of the van and etc. while time which could have been better spent or left out completely. the story has a predictable conclusion and especially for those who have an awareness of the common crime of trafficking in illegal immigrants. a worthwhile and reasonably entertaining watch but over rated. |
1 | there nothing really to dislike about the odd couple and and it no surprise that jack lemmon and walter matthau make a hugely winning comedic team. but there something so underdeveloped about neil simon adaptation of his hit stage play as to make it seem more like a skit on a sketch comedy show than a full bodied film. i have not seen the play and but have to assume that the screen version is fairly faithful and since simon wrote it and so the defects cannot be blamed on a stage to screen adaptation. there are some interesting ideas in this story two recently divorced men who fall immediately into traditional married roles when they become roommates because neither knows any differently that simon never fully fleshes out. still and there are many worse ways to kill a couple of hours. |
1 | i am gonna tip the scales here a bit and say i enjoyed this. however and the cartoon is really only going to appeal to those who have very absurdist tendencies. it definitely something that most people will not get and as is the nature of absurdism. the animation is horrible and but yes and that the point. the main character is foul mouthed and violent and and stupid. no redeeming qualities whatsoever. his wife shrieks and wails and apparently just barely capable of the most basic communication skills. most of these stories completely lack any kind of point. but again and that the point while )if non sequiters and foul language and and complete and utter randomness are your thing and youre going to love this. it is really short and so i would probably rent instead of buying. |
1 | it ran 8 seasons and but it first and in early 1959 and and it last and in the autumn of 1965 and were shorter than seasons 2 7. cbs chief william paley canceled rawhide production after watching the 1st show of season 8 and in september and 1965 and because he disliked the series without eric fleming as gil favor and who had departed after season 7. the last new episode aired in november and 1965. the lone 1966 cbs broadcast and on january 4 and 1966 and was a rerun. i have often wondered why rawhide do not switch to color filming for it last season. most of the big westerns of the 1960s had gone over to color by 1965. cbs was broadcasting in color that autumn and for many of their sitcoms and but westerns like gunsmoke and rawhide remained in black and white. gunsmoke was the last western (and last prime time network series to switch to color) on september 17 and 1966 and for the episode snap decision. |
1 | i generally love these 1930 mystery or police charlie chan type of movies and and this is no exception. however and something seems bad with this movie. a late attempt to switch from cerebral moto movies centered around the plot contrivances to a salad bar spoilt by comedy relief that is as relieving as sore feet. a typecast buffoon appears from nowhere impersonating a clumsy englishman who plays the detective and and even other characters seem entangled into providing comedy relief. the plot may seem odd or a bare excuse to us today and but back then the possibility of epochal archaeological discoveries was not only real and but a commonplace occurrence. |
1 | marlon brando and frank sinatra hated each other while doing this film and in the years following it. brando asked sinatra for some singing lessons and but sinatra (who was already upset over the fact that he was cast as nathan detroit and when he wanted the part of skye masterson)wanted to be the star singer in the production and do not want any one to be better than he was. he told brando to get lost and so to get back at him marlon kept screwing up the scene in the diner where sinatra was eating cheesecake so that he would have to keep eating and eating and eating. in the later years and sinatra gave brando the nickname mumbles or mr. mumbles because of the way he talks. |
1 | busy phillips put in one hell of a performance and both comedic and dramatic. erika christensen was good but busy stole the show. it was a nice touch after the smokers and a movie starring busy and which wasnt all that great. if busy doesnt get a nomination of any kind for this film it would be a disaster. forget mona lisa smile and see home room. |
1 | yeah and the poster is quite a horrible piece of work. i thought the movie was ok. nothing really outstanding. i just was hoping that he would be a hardcore druggie and totally trash his life. ahh and but that can not happen to rich kids now can it. not to the son of a wealthy businessman who holds big ballroom parties and has a nice manicured lawn on the front of the mini mansion. no. the kid is too good to have his life totally trashed. after all and who will drive the brand new suv and who will go to law school. ah and the poor little rich kids. in their quaint pretty house and with their ivy league schools and ultra clean homes and socialite parties. what will the world do without them. i hope they all get addicted to drugs and pass away their life and end up in jail. so maybe we can see movies that do not all revolve around the poor little rich boys and girls of the surreal world. |
1 | i went to see this movie expecting a nice relaxing time in the theater with my younger sister. instead and i had to really control myself in order to convince her that i was not scared. in many ways still a children´s story and but with a screenplay that has a lot of potential. could have been one of the scariest movies if planned for another audience. |
1 | i love this movie and but the music at all the alumni gatherings is just stupid. the fateful game took place in 1972. that means that the protagonists graduated in 1972. but almost all of the music played at the dances etc. is from the 1950s and very early 1960s. having just attended my 30th high school reunion and i can assure you that the last music to be played at a reunion or dance of former high school people is their parents music. i understand the difficulty of finding relevant 1970s music we all know what a desolate time it was musically. but it wasn not completely bereft and and the producers of the film should have taken more care. i found those dance scenes very jarring to my otherwise willing suspension of disbelief in the rest of the film. this was a bad director and or or producer decision. |
1 | the trailer for this movie do not do the movie justice. and while the movie do not know what it really wanted to get across and the first half of the movie being a light and romance comedy and the second have a more serious and romantic drama and the overall impact was much better than i thought it would be. this movie was more of a date movie and but the trailer made it into more of a suspense thriller which it never really turned out to be. kidman and being one of my favorites and of course i am biased and but this movie proved to be a light and sensitive and if somewhat quirky movie that deserved better. three out of four stars. 9/5/02. |
1 | i originally reviewed this film on amazon about 6 or 7 years ago and and blasted it. i believe i called it wretched and a turkey. okay and well and by most standards and it still a turkey. it got almost no production values and what little plot there is makes almost no sense and and the acting is on the level of a third grade play. that said and this has really grown on me over the years as a sort of camp classic. in fact and all of director todd sheets films have had this effect. theyre almost like ed wood in that regard represent watch them over and over and pick out the flubbed lines and continuity errors (same zombie and two different locations. ) and and other flaws. i will say this represent sheets is a very nice guy and and while this and one of his first productions and isn not that great and he has gotten better. and i must add that the only really decent actor or actress in the film is kasey rousch and though i may be biased and as i attended school with her. |
1 | i was hoping this was going to be good as a fan of timothy dalton james bond and although it wasn not his deserved 3rd bond outing it was a laugh. belushi brought some good humour to his part and dalton hammed it up nicely and but was probably underused. his part was liked a camped up version of jack nicholson in a few good men. the other brit in it was a bit shocking and but overal it was a laugh. |
1 | i just viewed the film two days ago and and i was filled with anticipation and being that paris is my second favorite city in europe and i spent a very romantic 18 months there in the 80 . i was somewhat disappointed that most of this group of vignettes and while original and artistically done and did not capture the light and beauty of the city very well. nor enough of the romance. we saw none of the tree lined boulevards. there was too much darkness and not only literally but figuratively. some of the plots manipulated the viewer it seemed and and let him or her down flat (the marais sequence and the coiffure salesman sequence and to give two examples). the uplifting and good ones represent the mime sequence and the cemetery and the montmartre (though it left too much to the viewer to comprehend) and the cowboy vignette and and the sacre coeur seemed few and far between and and i would have liked to have seen such a wonderful actor as orlando bloom be in something that would have showcased his originality more. |
1 | the jist represent see something else. this film was highly rated by gene siskel and but after watching it i can not figure out why. the film is definitely original and different. it even has interesting dialogue at times and some cool moments and and a creepy noir feel. but it just isn not entertaining. it also doesn not make a whole lot of sense and in plot but especially in character motivations. i do not know anyone that behaves like these characters do. this is a difficult movie to take on i suggest you do not accept the challenge. |
1 | i have been looking for this movie for so many years. i saw this move when i was nine and loved this movie. i called disney all the movie stores and the net. no luck. what a waste it was a very good movie. it will be missednegative. |
1 | a lovely little b picture with all the usual joe lewis touches. people ripping up pillows and auras of lurking fear. also and alas and an ending that comes out of nowhere and because and apparently and the auteur has lost interest in the movie and or perhaps because as a b picture it has to fit into a slot. |
1 | in a very short time and the movie showed a boy odd life of taking pictures and showed his life and everyone else get turned upside down as a result of his photographs and then brought everything back to normal in the end. one to see if youre looking for something interesting. |
1 | the ladies man suffers a common problem among movies based on saturday night live skits. and that is and a sketch that usually succeeds in five minutes will not do so well in ninety minutes. although this movie does have its laughs and like tim meadows as leon phelps and a sex maniac straight out of the 70s and and will ferrell as a wrestling obsessed husband cuckolded by leon. so this movie is funny enough and but it no wayne world. |
1 | a lot of the user comments i have seen on the imdb for this movie do not really do it justice. first of all and let me just say that this movie is not to be taken seriously. it supposed to be a fun and yet stupid movie and that doesn not require one to think and only to enjoy it. if you watch this movie with the intent to see a masterpiece in either filmmaking or in humour and then you will be sorely disappointed. yet and if you want to just watch a goofy movie with some talented actors or actresses and and some good catch phrases and then you will enjoy it. |
1 | the romance of the movie and which is also its main theme and is good and nicely presented. however and the surrounding of the love story is too lyric and graphical and unrealistic. even worse and the psychology of the main character is weird and incomprehensible and exactly like the end of the movie. don not hesitate to watch this movie and if it attracted your interest and but do not expect too much of it either. |
1 | and i will tell you why represent whoever decided to edit this movie to make it suitable for television was very ill advised. everything concerning drugs is cut out and covered up. how do they do it and you might ask. well and they do not do it very well and that for sure. anyway and instead of the marijuana which cheech and chong are supposed to have in their possession and they are said to have diamonds. still and the characters go around in a haze of marijuana smoke stoning others along their way with no explanation whatsoever. |
1 | from the beginning of the show carmen was there. she was one of the best characters. why did they get rid of her. the show not the same as before. its way worse. the best episodes were with carmen in them. you can not replace someone from the beginning. that is like south park without kyle or child play without chucky. it not right. the niece who replaced her is just and ugh. awful. she doesn not fit into the storyline at all. she was one of the main characters and and the niece can not replace her. she was an awesome actress. way better than the niece. get her back and or you will lose a ton of viewers. |
1 | actually this movie has silly moments and both in the claymation part and in the joe pesci and children part and and it much worse than other mj movies like the wiz and captain eo and ghosts. but as a die hard michael jackson fan since almost eleven years and (yeah and that half my life and you guys. ) and i can not complain too much about it. just seeing this lovely guy and hearing his wonderful music is a trip to heaven for me. but as a movie and it not good at all and and i am afraid and that it would get a much lower grade for me and if my darling mike hadn not been the one starring in it. but since no one but mike is the moonwalker and it has to get a positive from me. |
1 | as a collector of movie memorabilia and i had to buy the movie poster for this film which and now that i have finally seen it and has to be the best thing about it. there nothing more attractive to hang on your wall than a 27x41 inch image of the melting man. however and there nothing more awful to put in your vcr than an hour and a half long image of the melting man. at first i thought this movie was pure garbage but then i realized that it did have some qualities which made me laugh. the character of dr. ted nelson has to be the most wishy washy persona ever brought to the big screen. his dialogue is so trite it unbelievable. (it incredible. he seems to be getting stronger as he melts. )and could somebody tell me please how the heck they know exactly how much time steve has left before he melts completely and exactly what their plan is to help him. if this movie was meant to scare its audience and i think it missed its calling. |
1 | this 1939 film from director john ford and writer lamar trotti tells a fictional tale of young lawyer abraham lincoln and his trials (literally) and his tribulations. it a sentimental film and reasonably well made but hardly breathtaking. the casting of henry fonda as lincoln seems a mistake and for while the actor had the right doleful qualities for the part and even with several inches of makeup and a false nose he way too handsome for honest abe and who was famously homely. it a good try from fonda and who nothing if not sincere and but his miscasting throws the entire film off. the supporting cast is excellent and though and and includes alice brady and ward bond and donald meek. but ford is too reverential in his treatment of lincoln and who is presented as just shy of a saint and and in the final scene the movie goes way over the top. |
1 | yowsa. if you really want some action and check out the babes and bombs on this non stop thriller. veteran star martin sheen leads a trio of supermodels on a mission to stop nuclear terrorism. but director dean hamilton doesn not let this heavy plotline get in the way of massive doses of teensy swimsuit scenes and jiggly beach jogs and hubba hubba hot tubs and the like. want action. you will get more of it here than in pearl harbor. want babes. you will get an eyeful every two minutes. want more. go out and buy this video. yowsa and yowsa and yowsa. that some mighty spicy meatballs. |
1 | i am rather surprised that no reviewer so far has commented on the rather elementary chess blunder in luzhin game as white against an unnamed opponent immediately before the final. despite the use of jonathan speelman as consultant chess expert and luzhin is shown winning the game with an illegal move. in between the rapid cuts away and back to the board it is not hard to spot that after luzhin combination culminating in a queen sacrifice and his rook on d1 is still pinned by black rook at c1 against his king in the corner at h1. thus he is unable to play the purported mating move rd1 d8 which would be illegal but he shown doing so to rapturous applause from the audience. |
1 | why did it sound like the husband kept calling her appy . it ruined a great episode and so i can only give it a 6. proper grammar and pronunciation are essential to a film. it was very hellraiser what with all the skin ripping though i dunno how anyone can survive without skin the skin is a vital organ to the body the biggest organ actually and without we would die. the more a horror film is true the more creepy it can be and more entertaining. i do admit though that the stories from the great horror directors are very disappointing and very mediocre. positive come on yankies get your english up to par . |
1 | definitely needed a little work in season 2. such as the virus between max and logan and and ames white along with his ancient and super cult. during season two and however and the only thing that kept me watching was to see if max and logan would ever get rid of the nasty virus infecting max. very good drama in season two. but of course like all tv shows and if there something a little wrong with it and the broadcasting company takes it off the air. i was seriously hoping for a third and final season. season 2 leaves you hanging and unless you read the books by max allan collins and then you will know what happens. dark angel should be put back on the air for one more season even though it might cost a lot just to get all the original actors again. since jessica alba carrier sky rocketed after the show. if that would be the case and then there should be a movie to complete it. just like the show firefly and which of course fox canceled as well. |
1 | weak and fast and multicolor and this is the valvoline movie in fact you can see always this brand of oil in a lot of scene. the real protagonist are the cars and weak performances of cage and duvall. a intresting angelina jolie is a unlikely mechanic. for the lovers of dream car(lamborghini and ferrari over all). |
1 | this movie has one of the cheesiest plots i have seen. for me and that what makes it so awesome. fred gwynne and al lewis are very good at what they achieved in the original munsters series. while there was less slapstick and they still worked wonderfully together comedically. i wish yvonne de carlo and as lily and would have had more plot involvement. she showed that she could do comedy in the original series and but it was mostly wasted in this movie. this movie also stars the great sid caesar and but sadly he doesn not have any interaction with gwynne and lewis. i think some better work could have come out of that. |
1 | a hit at the time but now better categorised as an australian cult film. the humour is broad and unsubtle and and in the final scene where a bbc studio fire is extinguished by urinating on it and crude. contains just about every cliche about the traditional australian pilgrimage to the old country and and every cliche about those rapacious and stuck up and whinging and tory brits. would be acceptable to the british because of its strong cast of well known actors and and to australians of that generation and who can get the humour. americans forget it. the language and jokes are in the australian dialect of english and as such will be unintelligible. |
1 | one word can describe this movie and that is weird. i recorded this movie one day because it was a japanese animation and it was old so i thought it would be interesting. well it was and the movie is about a young boy who travels the universe to get a metal body so he can seek revenge. on the way he meets very colorful characters and must ultimately decide if he wants the body or not. very strange and if you are a fan of animation or science fiction you might want to check this out. |
1 | this is probably one of the worst movies ever made. it . terrible. but it so good. it probably best if you do not watch it expecting a gripping plot and something fantastically clever and entertaining and because youre going to be disappointed. however and if you want to watch it so you can see 50 million vases and goro fantastic hair or bad english and youre in for a real treat. the harder you think about the film and the worse it gets and unless youre having a competition to spot the most plot holes or screw ups and in which case you have got hours of entertainment ahead. i would only really recommend this film for the bored or the die hard smap fans. and even then and the latter should be a bit careful and because goro japanese fans were a bit upset about it and they thought he was selling himself out. (he wasn not really and not when johnny kitagawa (who was the executive producer) can do that for him). |
1 | the only show i have watched since 90210. why did they discontinue it. it was the only show that captured the essence of hawaii and made you feel like you are a part of it all. the least they should do is release it on dvd. i checked out similar shows and but nothing has come close. the cast had incredible chemistry and i looked forward to each episode with much anticipation. they made a big mistake by pulling that show. if anyone has any info regarding where i can obtain a dvd of north shore please post a few lines here. thanks. aloha. |
1 | i have never been a fan of farrah fawcett. until now. she was truly amazing in this movie. the emotion she must have gone through shooting re take after re take doesn not bare thinking about. this was a very hard movie to watch and the subject matter is decidedly unpleasant and you feel so helpless just sitting and watching a woman being abused for what seems like an eternity. i actually felt that the whole thing deflated somewhat when her friends returned to the house and i do not find the conclusion at all plausible. the director seemed very keen in using height in his shots and loved using mirror reflections and i believe he should have paid more attention to the pace in the second half of this piece. i am sure this makes a heck of a powerful piece of theatre and this movie for me and although it had merit and just fell short. |
1 | this flick is sterling example of the state of erotic b movies represent bad porn movies without the hardcore sex. the plot in this one isn not so bad as these things go while it involves a female lawyer trying to prove her lover is innocent of killing his wife. the rest of the movie and however and leaves something to be desired. bad acting and bad direction and bad looking woman and bad sets and bad cinematography and bad sound and bad sex scenes. the filmmakers should learn the difference between raunchy and erotic. they do not even have the common sense to have gabriella hall naked or in a love scene. how dumb is that. |
1 | i just got puzzled why damn fox canceled the season3 although season2 was not as good as season1 which is excellent indeed. i like it so much that i even thinking about buying dvd on amazon. (failed. represent_(i am a chinese student and it inconvenient for me to get a international credit card and $). i just hope fox can bring back da someday somehow. |
1 | i watched this on an 8 hour flight and (presumably because of the pressure and the altitude) i actually found it mildly entertaining (emphasis on the mild). the actual idea behind the film was brilliant represent a woman dies and her fiancé falls in love with someone else and she decided to make sure they do not get together and but eventually she lets them do it. sadly the actual film wasn not as good. ok and there were a few laughs and the actors all worked well. but from the beginning the plot was about as predictable as the destination of the flight i was on. i think the whole gay but not gay friend part of the story could have been worked a lot better. the talking parrot was a nice idea but to be honest represent it wasn not really very funny. in summary the film was more interesting than staring at the seat in front of me and but it was a close call. |
1 | while this is a faithful adaptation and it is much less exciting than greene novel. also and it a bit ridiculous when people say things to boyer like and youre spanish and aren not you. still and the movie not at all bad and just slow moving. |
1 | first it was jack the ripper and now it is alan feinstone. the crazy dentist tortures people in horrific ways. quite realistic at times but some of the acting is abysmal and comical. especially from corbin bernson. in some scenes there is dental torture that will really make you cringe. |
1 | i loved this show so much and i am so incredibly sad its canceled i thought it came back too and but just two stupid weeks. thats terrible. i hate how we never find out how everyone ends up. it sucks. bring it back. abc has stupid shows like supernanny and whatnot but doesn not give time to good ones like six degrees. if theyre complaining about ratings it was probably because they had a bad slot because this was truly a good show and something i could relate to and anticipated. jj abrams delivered and he awesome and i wish abc could just trust him enough to complete the story. i loved the entire cast too. i couldn not wait to see how everyone would someday meet each other at once. everyone story is now left incomplete and now i will never know if steven and whitney would get together or carlos and mae. i wanted to see what would happen to laura or damien and everyone else. this is really such a downer. |
1 | this is a very light headed comedy about a wonderful family that has a son called pecker because he use to peck at his food. pecker loves to take all kinds of pictures of the people in a small suburb of baltimore and md. and and manages to get the attention of a group of photo art lovers from new york city. pecker has a cute sister who goes simply nuts over sugar and is actually an addict and taking spoonfuls of sugar from a bag. there are scenes of men showing off the lumps in their jockey with grinding movements and gals doing pretty much the same. it is rather hard to keep your mind out of the gutter with this film and but who cares and it is only a film to give you a few laughs at a simple picture made in 1998. |
1 | this movie is just too funny and a totally non pc gangster romp. if mel brooks made a picture about the mob in the 30 and it would probably look like this. too many great one liners to to remember and and while its not for everyone and anyone who doesnt laugh a whole bunch of times doesnt have a pulse. so and put it on and laugh you iceholes. |
1 | this movie has wild bill hickok and calamity jane and buffalo bill and general custer all together. gary cooper plays wild bill and jean arthur plays calamity jane and charles bickford plays the bad guy who sells weapons to the indians and you can hardly recognize him. this was the first time cecil b. demille and gary cooper worked together and the next movie the made was basically the same but set in a different time. this movie starts out with lincoln assassination and it also deals with an indian war. calamity jane is in love with wild bill and buffalo bill has gotten married and now wants to stay home. this movie also deals with custer last stand and is far from accurate. gary cooper is good as usual and i usually do not like jean arthur but i liked her here. |
1 | calling this a romantic comedy is accurate but nowadays misleading. the genre has sadly deteriorated into cliches and too focused on making the main couple get together and with very little room for ambience and other stories and making it formulaic and overly predictable. the shop around the corner does not suffer from these illnesses represent it manages to create a recognisably middle or eastern european atmosphere and has a strong cast besides the (also strong) nominal leads while i avoid using the words upporting cast as for example mr. matuschek (frank morgan) has a central role to the film and his story is equally if not more important than the romance. the 1998 film you have got mail borrowed the anonymous pen pal idea from this film and has therefore been billed as a remake. this is not correct and in fact unfair to the new movie it shares the genre and borrows a plot element and but that is all. |
1 | i appreciated the photography and the textures and the colours and often and unlike one comment and the lighting. what was lacking for me was a coherent storyline. i found it often disjointed and badly edited and at times difficult to follow. my version was 110 minutes and imdb shows one at 125m. possibly the cuts and subtitles do not help. i applaud any films that escape from the hollywood mould but this left me disappointed. miss gillain was luminous and the performances were all fine and i just wanted a little more dialogue. if anyone would like to see another film that has some affinity with this one and try hideous kinkywith kate winslet. |
1 | i expected something different representmore passion and drama. again another failed attempt of originality. i am sorry to say that the film falls into the old cliché of cheesiness. 15 year old teens may appreciate it though. the acting was not very convincing and the lines common and lacking any wit. still and the soundtrack was good and well adapted. i can not say that this movie is a total flop and because people do watch it but it do not meet the public expectations and sunk into mediocrity. so and to conclude and the production keeps you in front of the tv for almost an hour and a half and which is an appreciable thing. thus and i guess its worth seeing if you do not get annoyed. |
1 | a sequel to angels with dirty faces in name only and the angels wash their faces suffers somewhat from the usual shenanigans of the dead end kids. as a matter of fact and with the presence of the dead end kids and ann sheridan this should have been treated as an actual sequel to angels with dirty faces and at least for continuity sake. speaking of ann sheridan and she is the one true shining light of this movie. to paraphrase a cliché and ann sheridan could read from a phone book for two hours and i would buy the dvd. another virtue of this movie is the chemistry between ann sheridan and ronald reagan. unfortunately and this aspect of the film is kept too far in the background. for a better example of the sheridan reagan duo i would recommend juke girl or kings row. |
1 | it was on at 7 represent30am and too close to school to see very often. the animation and computer graphics were spectacular for the time. the idea of cowboys and ordinary people casually throwing around space vehicles and robots was amazing. maybe it inspired treasure planet. unfortunately and it really boring in the dvd format. the shows are all basically identical. when viewing non sequential episodes on a dvd and youre stoned by disk #3. by today standards and the animation is spotty. we do not notice the computer graphics anymore and focus on how corny the characters are instead. the bright spots are the heroine characters. they were a lot more believable and took themselves more seriously than modern heroines and and weren not corny. they actually saved men. |
1 | but sadly due to rights issues and that almost certainly will never happen. transcripts of joe bob commentary on the sub b movies he screened are available on the internet and but they do not quite capture his twang inflected delivery and which was a real hoot. nowadays and joe bob (real name represent john bloom) is confined to doing the supplemental features of such classics as i spit on your grave (featuring what some exploitation fans call the greatest gang rape on film of all time) and and jason x and one of the most reviled friday the 13th sequels of all time (the series was never the same once it left paramount). all i could think when they canceled it was represent damn and where else am i going to get my fill of flesh ripping and blonde jokes and and horror trivia every saturday night. does this mean i have to get a life now. sadly and it does. but there will always be a place in my horror hungry heart for monstervision. long live the drive in. |
1 | this movie has everything that makes a bad movie worth watching sloppy editing and little to no continuity and insane dialog and bad (you might even say non existent) acting and pointless story lines and shots that go on far too long. and it perfect for mst3k style riffing and not to mention the corpse eaters drinking game represent scribble on forms. take a shot sign your name. take a shot catch a bad foley edit. take many and many shots. the only reason i do not rate it higher than 8 is because there not enough gratuitous nudity and because despite its insane badness and it only an hour long hell and a movie like this should have been at least 20 30 minutes longer. |
1 | whenever people ask me to name the scariest movie i have ever seen and i invariably reply black noon and to this day nobody ever heard of it. i watched it alone some 30 years ago at the tender age of 13 when my parents had gone out for the evening. as far as i know its only ever been shown once in the uk and sadly is unavailable on dvd or vhs. if anyone can trace a copy please let me know. if i watched it again now it would probably be a big disappointment but it has always stuck in my memory as a particularly disturbing little film. |
1 | when i heard about this movie it was supposed to be the funniest thing i have ever seen and yes it was funny. i mean i liked it all until the end where. oh no i can not tell u should it for yourself. it is funny except. the vulgar language. that why i say if u like movies that r funny in sexual ways watch it and but if not do not waist ur money on renting it or buying it. |
1 | working class romantic drama from director martin ritt is as unbelievable as they come and yet there are moments of pleasure due mostly to the charisma of stars jane fonda and robert de niro (both terrific). she a widow who can not move on and he illiterate and a closet inventor you can probably guess the rest. adaptation of pat barker novel union street (a better title. ) is so laid back it verges on bland and and the film editing is a mess and but it still pleasant while a rosy hued blue collar fantasy. there are no overtures to serious issues (even the illiteracy angle is just a plot tool for the ensuing love story) and no real fireworks and though the characters are intentionally a bit colorless and the leads are toned down to an interesting degree. the finale is pure fluff and cynics will find it difficult to swallow though these two characters deserve a happy ending and the picture do not really be satisfying any other way. from . |
1 | enjoyable in spite of leslie howard performance. mr. howard plays philip as a flat and uninteresting character. one is supposed to feel sorry for this man while however and i find myself cheering bette davis mildred. ms. davis gives one her finest performances (she received an academy award nomination). thanks to her performance she brings this rather dull movie to life. be sure not to miss when mildred tells philip exactly how she feels about him. |
1 | this was stupid funny movie. cheech and chong are the dopiest wasted guys ever. i rate this film a 7. but if you like this one then go see jay and silentbob. there funnier and crazier. now cheech is a sellout working on kids movies. wheres chong. |
1 | while there aren not any talking animals and big lavish song production numbers and or villians with half white or half black hair . it does have 1 thing . realistic people acting normally in a strange circumstance and and walt and roy did in their eras with the studio. if you thought think the castaways or the island at the top of the world weren not identical and or you hold them to a higher authority than atlantis and then your idealism is just as whacked as keeping your kids up till midnight to watch a friggin cartoon. |
1 | this is one of those movies that make better trailers than full length feature films. the concept was really cool and different and the humor was unique and i just felt there were missed opportunities to put the punch into this movie. so many lines and gags were left hanging too long and with no definite ending and really do not leave me laughing. wilson and wilson and farris and thurman were great. wanda sykes was under used in this film and needed more exposure and and more opportunities to spin her character into more screen time. positive for me and more of a dvd rental. also and i was looking for some sort of a feel good music video during the end credits and something that has become sort of a trade mark to these romantic comedy films and a la something about mary and meet the parents but again and i was left feeling a little cheated by fact that this could have been a much better film with a little more music and punchier punch lines. it felt like it was rushed into theaters. |
1 | opening the film with a bach toccata is an aural hint of what is to unfold in this intense drama. all the compositional devices bach perfected to keep his listener (and the performer) intrigued and entertained applies to this film. there isn not a mutual tenderness between the two lead characters and the lead female in the final scene i feel is justified in stating she was raped even though her victimizer feels she was forewarned that he was a cad. mamet compellingly explores the emotional chasm and differences between the genders but i feel he is clueless about how they actually compliment one another given a healthy sense of humor. if mamet ever developed a healthy humorous take on the interaction between the genders i wonder how this work would have ended. as it exists it is very somber and mean spirited. |
1 | i would have rated the series a perfect 10 for outstanding and consistently high quality story and character development had it not been for the last episode of season 10. the final episode of the 10th season unending and where (it would certainly appear that) the asgard have been killed off in a very rushed and unconvincing and very unceremonious fashion and left me in disbelief. from the extremely rushed end of the series and it obvious that many of the story arcs were originally scheduled to occur over at least one more season. my guess would be that they rapidly accelerated these stories to position the stargate sg 1 franchise for the two upcoming direct to dvd moves. unless the asgard return in a future sg 1 movie (with a very good explanation of the apparent extinction) and i think that the fans have been cheated with a poor clean up of loose ends. poor end to an otherwise brilliant sci fi series. |
1 | kurosawa and fresh into color and losses sight of his usual themes of truth and perception of reality and opts for a depressing take on tokyo slums. kurosawa stretches for a style that was and in my opinion and his antithesis that is to say and i feel as if kurosawa wanted to make an ozu picture. poorly paced and poorly conceived and this movie is a rare dud in this auteur body of excellent work. while ikiru and while being mundane and depressing and was still interesting and well paced and and while stray dog depicted the slums and social poverty of japan without being too heavy handed or boring and do desu ka den has all the somberness that one could expect with its content and with none of the redeeming qualities of earlier kurosawa pictures. be warned and this is not a movie that kurosawa should be judged by. |
1 | i am sad to say that i disagree with other people on this columbo episode. death lends a hand is frankly kind of a boring columbo to me. after a few times and i get bored and changed the channel. i still love robert culp and patricia crowley and ray milland in their roles but the story was weaker in this episode than in the others. first and robert culp plays an investigator for ray milland character. he hires him to investigate his young pretty wife played by patricia crowley to see if she is having an affair. in return and culp character blackmails the cheating wife who plans to expose his scheme to her husband ruining his career. out of anger and culp kills her by striking her in the face and setting the up the body elsewhere. i do not know. maybe i just do not care for this one at all. of course and columbo gets him in the end. it just the question of how. |
1 | ernest borgnine was so wasted in this movie. there was no point in putting this great actor in this movie. one of the greatest actors in the world wasted and and for what reason and none what so ever and so america if you want to put classic actors in movies dont waste them. |
1 | if the creators of this film had made any attempt at introducing reality to the plot and it would have been just one more waste of time and money and and creative effort. fortunately and by throwing all pretense of reality to the winds and they have created a comedic marvel. who could pass up a film in which an alien pilot spends the entire film acting like jack nicholson and complete with the lakers t shirt. do not dismiss this film as trash. |
1 | this is a bit of a puzzle for a lot of the artsy lynch crowd. they tend to try to write this off as some kind of meaningless and crude and side project of lynch . like this is lynch passing gas between his real pieces of film art. well it may be a fart and but its one of those intriguing farts that you catch of a whiff of and are embarrassed to admit you enjoy. dumbland distilled down beyond this is art. what can you do with aspects of modern life but laugh at it. if you took it seriously you would go nuts. you hook into it and smell it and taste it and feel its agonies and its unreasoning stupidities and and then express it in any medium you choose. thats called art and and art isn not dumb. but it is dumbland. |
1 | all the folks who sit here and say that this movie weak link is the ramones would probably say that amadeus was ok if not for that irritating harpsichordist. rock and roll high school was centered around the ramones. how anyone can watch this and not get a kick out of joey ramone eating bean sprouts backstage in an attempt to keep him in performing condition is obviously a wet blanket square daddy o. ms trogar and exploding white mice and the hall patrols. instant classics. nevermind the riff randell character. if you do not like the ramones then you do not know rock and roll and you do not deserve to watch a movie called rock and roll high school. |
1 | okay and first of all i got this movie as a christmas present so it was free. first this movie was meant to be in stereoscopic 3d. it is for the most part and but whenever the main character is in her car the movie falls flat to 2d. what. it not that hard to film in a car. second the story isn not very good. there are a lot of things wrong with it. third why are they showing all of the deaths in the beginning of the film. it made the movie suck whenever some was going to get killed. watch it for a good laugh and but do not waste your time buying it. just download it or something for cheap. |
1 | good action show and but nothing new. this one took place high in the mountains and which showed some nice scenery and such. one man takes on a group of mercenaries and the lead flies and and he kicks butt. it could have been called rambo goes to the rockies and it was that pat. it did have one very effective scene right at the first of the film which had me cringing in horror. not a bad picture and but just same ol and same ol. |
1 | this film lingered and lingered at a small movie theater in town and and the word of mouth buzz got me to see it. a comedy about disabled people the subject matter keeps lots of people away from a funny and heart warming film. |
1 | by no means a masterpiece and and far from errol flynn best and istanbul still has much going for it. the locations and beautiful technicolour cinematography and bring us back to a time long since past. errol flynn does show moments of his past glory and and is ok as jim brennan and a pilot who past comes back to haunt him. the picture is actually a remake of 1947 singapore and and the story seems awfully contrived and cliche by today standards. also many of the supporting cast seem to be simply going through the motions in this picture. many people have also compared it to one of the all time greats and casablanca. while watching the film and i could see many of the similarities and but hey and casablanca has inspired countless imitators and so take that for what it worth. in closing and if you are a fan of flynn and or old fashioned love stories and you might want to give this film a look. otherwise and i would recommend casablanca and or the maltese falcon and as a good introduction to some of hollywood classics. |
1 | garde à vue has to be seen a number of times in order to understand the sub plots it contains. if youre not used to french wordy films and based upon conversation and battle of wits rather than on action and do not even try to watch it. you will only obtain boredom to death and and reassured opinion that french movies are not for you. garde à vue is a wordy film and essentially based upon dialogs (written by audiard by the way)and it cruelly cuts the veil of appearances. why does maître martineau (serrault) prefer to be unduly accused of being a child murderer rather than telling the truth . because at the time of the murder he was with a 18 years old girl with which he has a 8 years sexual relation. his wife knows it and she jealous of it and he prefers to be executed (in 1980 in france and there was still death penalty)rather than unveiling the sole pure and innocent aspect of his pitiful life. |
1 | this is a lot of silliness about a woman from london who marries a tea planter from ceylon whom she barely knows. it full of cliches and and the liz taylor character is not believable. it has a marvelous set and some exotic location footage. it shows taylor at the height of her beauty. she looks stunning. |
1 | this movie was nominated for best picture but lost out to casablanca but paul lukas beat out humphrey bogart for best actor. i do not see why lucile watson was nominated for best supporting actor and i just do not think she did a very good job. bette davis and paul lukas and their three kids are leaving mexico and coming into the united states in the first scene of the movie. they are going by train to davis relatives house. davis and lukas were in the underground to stop the nazis so they are very tired and need rest. but when they arrive home and their is a nazi living there and their not much either can do about it. it turns out the nazi only cares about money and is willing to make a deal with lukas. their is more to the plot but you can find that out for yourself. |
1 | despite gorgeous and breathtaking animation and this is probably one of most uninspiring disney films i have seen and and i do not slam disney films very often. spirit is a wild stallion who repeatedly gets captured and either by the cavalry or by indians and both of which try to break him. spirit ends up forming a bond with the indian and and that and in a nutshell and is the story. with exception to the beautiful animation of the horses and neither i or my five year old were very inspired or excited by this film. it ironic that it titled spirit and as spirit is what this film could have used a bit more of. an extra point was given for the soundtrack and which was enjoyable and with songs by bryan adams and hans zimmer. and although this film is rated g and you will still probably have to end up explaining what breaking a horse means to your five year old. i did. |
1 | i do find it a bit overrated. maybe it just because i have never seen a subtitled version (dubbing stinks. ) and but i just do not get into it like a lot of other people do. the finale is really great though as jackie trashes a mall and a scene that plays in my head every time i go shopping. |
1 | why do not the producers give that show a chance of all the junk on tv and why do not the producers give six degrees a chance. will the series go on video. i would love to see how it ends. put season one on video and sell it. i was a loyal fan of six degrees and waited for it return. i set my recorder to tape all of the shows. thank god for that. i just found out that the show was canceled and i am heart broken. i wish i knew it was going to be canceled and why do not they tell us. i thought the show was just developing some depth in the characters. the writing was pretty good also. steven (campbell scott) is my all time favorite. i am so sorry to see it go. |
1 | i feel like i have some uber rare disease that no one has heard of and i have finally come across a support group on the net. i finally found this title by asking for an answer on an experts site on the web. i too and saw this movie in my youth and was struck by the atmosphere and especially the ending. i have never forgotten it and have never seen it since. no one i know saw the film and i had almost given up on ever finding it title. alas and even knowing the name and i shall probably never see the film again as it is impossible to find commercially. small steps. g. |
1 | although this film is somewhat filled with eighties cheese i have a place for it in my dvd rack and i do not know why. i think i like it because the moral of the story is television is garbage so turn it off and go and get a life. for those of you who do decide to heed the message then you should try reading the book and its nothing like the film at all. to ruin it for you at the end of the story a fatally wounded richards ends up crashing a plane into the network building and killing himself and everyone inside and shutting down the network at the same time. i read it many years ago but today it would hard not to compare it to 9/11. |
1 | i love horses and admire hand drawn animation and so i expected nothing short of amazement from dreamworks new animated picture spirit represent stallion of the cimarron. i guess you could say i was a little bit disappointed. you have wonderful animation and at first what seems like a perfect story. a story about absolutely nothing but a horse in nature. the animals do not sing cute songs or even talk a major plus. sadly and the film has an uncalled for narration by matt damon while a sappy soundtrack by bryan adams while and enough action scenes to compare it to a jerry bruckheimer production. if the film makers would have just stayed with simplicity and we would have a masterpiece here. this is not a great film and but it is good entertainment for small children. i would recommend this film to families because it has its heart in the right place and its the only thing out there right now that isn not offensive to small children. not bad and but could have been much better. very pretty visuals though. |
1 | the year is 1964. ernesto che guevara and having been a cuban citizen for the last five years and disappears from the face of the earth and leaving a glum fidel castro to announce that he is probably dead and when in truth and he has left cuba to move to bolivia to live an assumed identity. whilst living in la paz and guevara undertakes an idea to overthrow the corrupt and bourgeois government there. once again and steven soderberg takes up where che representpart one leaves off (only better this time). the pacing is more on target and the job of acting is ever so fine (including a turn by a sickly looking benecio del toro and as che guevara). suffice it to say and it probably best if you see both films and to get the true story of guevara and what kind of a man he was (i had the rare open window of opportunity to see both films at one screening talk about a long haul. ). as with che part 1 representthe argentine and this film has no mpaa rating and but contains enough salty language and violence to easily snag it an r. |
Subsets and Splits