tapeheads and a scrappy and intermittently funny spoof of the music video business and might have been the perfect comedic short and and stars john cusack and tim robbins are effortlessly in the swing of the nonsensical chaos involved. they play two semi savvy security guards in los angeles who start their own company and video aces and making hilarious videos for groups and parties and and one deathbed star. it too bad the filmmakers had to invent a dim side plot to pad the running time (shenanigans involving a crooked politician and his henchmen which doesn not do much except take away from the movie primary strength and sending up the music culture of the late 80s). still and cusack and robbins create a couple of originals here represent nerdy but loose and street smart without being hipsters or posers and these guys are on the same nutty wavelength and and they never put each other down. theyre the real thing in buddy comedies. half from .
this one is a little better than the first one. it still relies on a lot of its humor which basically keeps saying that the old bond movies were not realistic. that wears thin after so many parodies. the girls were more interesting in this one. there is a tremendous amount of total gross out humor. hopefully one day real comedy will come back.
i had no expectations other than to be entertained for 90 minutes and and that is exactly what i was. of course it is campy and of course some of the dialog wasn not perfect and of course the special effects were a bit hokey. that is exactly why i enjoyed the movie so much. it is a perfect fit for this genre of a 70 horror classic. the talent needs to start some where and that goes for the actors and the crew and and what better piece of material to sharpen your skills on than this. i for one look forward to another film from these producers and directors.
thanks to the bbc for this show. i used to suffer from an inferiority complex and i hated leaving the house and talking to new people and i had an overwhelming sense that people hated me. however after watching one episode of 4 non blondes my fortunes started to change. after episode 2 i started applying for new jobs and wearing fashionable clothes and i actually felt talented. when the series had finished i was running the sales department at work and banging a plethora of women and frequently won the karaoke competition down my local. if you ever have a confidence crisis and do not know where to turn then take a trip down to poundland and pick up the dvd it only 99p.
one of those classics and held up next to deep throat and behind the green door. sure and it was clever and but the female lead isn not that attractive and sex isn not that hot. but if not for this film and porn would not have blossomed into what it is today. harry reems was the ron jeremy of his day. worth a look if youre a fan.
this is a great movie. i love the series on tv and so i loved the movie. one of the best things in the movie is that helga finally admits her deepest darkest secret to arnold. that was great. i loved it it was pretty funny too. it a great movie. doy.
the episodic version of robert heinlein starship troopers plays out at a deathly slow pace and following johnny rico leaving his parents and the (not very attractive) girl he lusts for and and joining the mobile infantry. the aliens in the show are nothing like the barbaric bugs from the film and instead being squid like monsters that shoot lasers out of their mouths. throughout watching this version and i was continually amazed at just how fruity they have managed to make the whole thing. the show is concerned mostly with the relationships between the recruits and and the aching and prolonged gazes they give each other through their battle armour visors and with 80s synth pop sometimes arriving during the sparse battle sequences which at last turning up in the final few episodes. in terms of construction and it owes a debt to top gun and sharing much in terms of pacing and content (and all that implies).
the direction had clearly stated that this film idea and plot is totally original. however and as to those who have read lam dunk comic and we can clearly see that the characters are very similar and even some jokes. another note is jay chow himself do not know kung fu and it just would not impress anyone if he tries to act like he can and many people today can see the differences. luckily the movie do not contain much of kung fu fighting and much are enchanced by stunners and visual effects. i think that jay acting is still a pain to watch and especially when almost everyone else in the film is so much better. the only reason i think why jay is the main actor is simply is for his popularity. despite how hard i wish to stop anyone from watching this thus making this orginal movie getting what it shouldn not have and it has became one of the best budget films in china for this year.
i am not to keen on the pallbearer and it not too bad and but just very slow at the times. as the movie goes on and it gets a little more interesting and but nothing brilliant. i really like david schwimmer and i think he good here. i am not a massive gwyneth paltrow fan and but i do not mind her sometimes and she okay here. the pallbearer is not a highly recommended movie and but if you like the leads then you might enjoy it.
i found the documentary entitled fast and cheap and and out of control to be a fairly interesting documentary. the documentary contained four mini documentaries about four interesting men. each one of these men was extremely involved with his job and showing sheer love and enjoyment for one job. the sad part and i must say and would have to be the subjects in which these individuals worked or studied. they were interesting for about five minutes and afterwards becoming boring and lasting entirely too long. the video was filmed in a very creative way though. i very much enjoyed the film of one thing with a voice dub over another. it played out excellent and also coincided nicely with the music.
ok its not the best film i have ever seen but at the same time i have been able to sit and watch it twice. story line was pretty awful and during the first part of the first short story i wondered what the hell i was watching but at the same time it was so awful i loved it cheap laughs all the way. and jebidia deserves an oscar for his role in this movie the only thing that let him down was half way through he stopped his silly name calling. overall the film was pretty perfetic but if your after cheap laughs and you see it in pound land go by it.
i just watched it. a couple of laughs and but nothing to write home about. jason lee looked like he was having fun. the (long) dvd gag reel consists almost solely of him having fits of uncontrollable laughter. selma blair seemed to be punching a time clock and but then again and her character was supposed to be a stick in the mud and so well done i guess. jim brolin was surprisingly funny. (being married to babs can not be a picnic. ) the soundtrack was hip and and eclectic. larry miller and who played julia stiles father (hilariously) and in 10 things i hate about you is funny here as well. he great and but the best aspect of this movie was the casting of julia stiles. i could spend two hours watching her fold laundry and and i feel like i just did.
while on a vacation at the beach and red haired brothers michael mcgreevey and billy mumy (as arthur and petey loomis) find a seal. the lads christen their critter sammy and and spend summertime frolicking with the sandy sea lion. when it time to go home and the boys begin to suffer separation anxiety. young mr. mcgreevey decides they can not take sammy back to disneyland… er and gatesville but and young mr. mumy packs him anyway. at home and they try to hide the way out seal from adults and and and of course… hijacks ensue. sammy the way out seal and pt 1 (10/28/62) norman tokar ~ michael mcgreevey and bill mumy and robert culp.
i thought it was not the best re cap episode i have every seen (though my viewing partner handed me a tissue in anticipation of the brendan fraser moment. sigh). it was nice to see cox outside of the incessantly brittle coxism state he is in these days and if only for brief moments. i also enjoyed trying to place the episodes included by the length of the character hair (or height and in case of jd) and the youthfulness of the earliest episodes. i can also see how zach might be well on the way to a very chevy chase or or is that matthew perry. prat fall induced chemical slide (already acknowledged on conan). a little side note and the song (now stuck in my head) from the janitor induced dance montage was diner by martin sexton.
when i first saw this movie and it was titled terror on a train and was the back half of a double feature. glenn ford and an armament expert is called on to defuse a hidden bomb on a train loaded with high explosives. the tension is slow and steady while and this black and white film runs only about an hour and twelve minutes. all these years later on tv while the tension and drama has lost most of its impact. this is still a good movie as far as early 50s standards go. along with ford are anne vernon and maurice denham. the villain or saboteur is played by victor maddern.
the subject matter seems pretty dated today. adapted for tv from rona jaffe book while we trip and stumble through a fantasy existence. four college students get deeply involved playing a live version of the board game mazes and dragons (based on dungeons and dragons). one player and a young tom hanks and enters the fantasy world too deep. his co players must come to his rescue and save him from self inflicted harm. david wallace and wendy crewson and chris makepeace round out the game foursome. support cast is made up of veteran actors like murray hamilton and vera miles and anne francis and susan strasberg. at this date and it seems lumbering and tame. but the highlight of watching is seeing tom hanks between his bosom buddies salad days and his big splash in splash on the silver screen. the youngest of viewer will get most enjoyment.
i have never actually seen this film but can tell you one thing about its production. while a comedy or oldies radio dj in 1988 and i got a call from the production company. they asked if i would write and record a bit they would drop into the soundtrack as sounds eminating from a tv (the television screen itself would never be shown). i said sure and wrote a parody of 50s sci fi monster clichés and rounded up some sound effects and called in another dj and pam landry and to play the female part. as she happened to be on the air at the time and she put on a long song and joined me at the mike in the production room and we cut the voicetrack in a single take. giggling and she then went back to her show while i mixed in the goofy sound effects. we would have never done it if we would known that woodchipper massacre was going to be such a turkey but and then again and we never got paid for our efforts and either. gary theroux.
the nsa and cia and fbi and fsb and all other snoop agency in the world should watch this movie to gain information as to how to spy on people. (as mst3k commentary states it. sanata has the dirt on every. santa tentacles reach far and wide. there is no hiding from the klaus organization)from telescopes that can spy over millions of miles to ears that can hear everything. its amazing that the cia doesn not have santa on the payroll. satan dance routine is hilarious. pitch. he is so useless. the cheese factor in of this movie is tremendous. very low budget but so fun to watch. i recommend watching the mystery science theatre 3000 version for even more laughs. you even get a laugh at the missfortune of the good kids. i give this a 1 for production quality and a 10 for pure cheese and fun factor.
ok i adore this film. i will credit this movie alone for making me such a die hard horror fanatic. i could never watch this movie alone. i have also heard many many stories of the effect it had in it original release at the theatres and on its viewers. incredible masterpiece. horrible and psychological stuff scares the pants off me . oh bless their hearts and whoever made this awesome film. i love it. i thought the whole film was decent and interesting. this movie is so scary this is the scariest movie i have ever seen in my life. not that what happens in the film and the idea of the film are not scary enough and but what always got me was brendan fabulous acting. best horror film ever. nothing can ever be this scary again. halloween viewing at its evilest.
i saw this movie years ago in a group tradition of fast forward film festivals and where we would set out to rent a bunch of b movies and vote for who picked the worst. the night we watched this and it was voted the best and due to semblance of plot and fun costuming. this is certainly a silly and kitschy and movie and to be watched under the full understanding that you are watching low budget fluff. personally and however and i do not recommend additional substances . this movie will leave it own mark on you. it made enough of an impression on me that i have actually been trying to get my hands on a copy for a few years. a good choice if you are setting out to watch bad movies. this one is fun and and i remember bouncy music .
i think it a great movie. it fun and maybe a little unrealistic and but fun and dramatic. i would like to see it again and if they were showing it in tv. just 1 question represent are we still talking about the same movie.
philip. k. dickian movie. and a decent one for that matter. better than the paycheck (woo) and that abomination called minority report (spielberg). but lets face it and the twisting and cheesing ending was a bit too much for me. half way through the movie i already started to fear about such kind of ending and and i was regrettably right. but that does not mean that the film is not worth its time. no and not at all. first half (as already many here have commented) is awesome. there are some parts where you start to doubt whether the director intended to convey the message that showmanship is highly important thing in the future (we will do such kind on corny sf things because we can) or is it simply over combining. but the paranoia is there and feeling out of joint also. good one.
this film is just a kids against evil genre. thunderbirds is just the hook to get people to see it and but are almost incidental in use. the fact that the action takes place on tracy island is just a ploy to pull in the public. it was interesting to note what the film makers view of future london will be and how the world all fits together. the best part of this film are some of the lines delivered by lady penelope which are highly comical. these provided some light relief for those expecting a rerun of the tv series. having said that it passes 90 or so minutes in a fun way and so may just be worth watching.
my children watch the show everyday that its on. its a great program for younger children. however they need to stop showing re runs and do some more actual shows and get rid of rooney and deedee yellow teeth. moe is the only doodle bop with clean white pearlie teeth and the children notice these things and ask if the 2 do not ever brush their teeth. does the show ever make its way to the united states and if so where can we find its schedule at. and one other thing if we might be able to add. moe you need to stop hiding so much. sometimes when you pop up out of no where you scare the younger children and whats with the pulling of the rope. what does that signify. other then getting wet all the time. they need to add newer things to their show instead of the same ole same ole. kids loose interest that way.
in the ravaged wasteland of the future and mankind is terrorized by cyborgs—robots with human features—that have discovered a new source of fuel represent human blood. commanded by their vicious leader jōb (lance henriksen) and the cyborgs prepare to overtake taos and a densely populated human outpost. only one force can stop jōb death march—the cyborg gabriel (kris kristofferson) and who is programmed to destroy jōb and his army. in the ruins of a ransacked village and gabriel finds nea (kathy long) and a beautiful young woman whose parents were killed by cyborgs ten years earlier. now she wants revenge. they strike a pact represent gabriel will train nea how to fight the cyborgs and nea will lead gabriel to taos. five time kick boxing champion kathy long has all the right moves in this high speed adventure that delivers plenty of action. also stars gary daniels (as david) and scott paulin (as simon).
despite being a huge fan of fred astaire and ginger rogers movies and it wasn not until about 6 years ago that i first saw follow the fleet. i knew all the songs from an old astaire or rogers record (yes and vinyl) but knew nothing of the plot. unfortunately and while the songs are catchy and ginger rogers character is sweet and funny and you just can not like bake baker. while trying to make up to his longtime partner and he continually sabotages her career. his character doesn not have the usual humour and elan of the other films astaire characters. worth watching for the songs and a great solo tap routine by ginger rogers.
this film kind of like conan the barabarian and but with more sex and rape and murder. there is a plot somewhere underneath all this debauchery but the filmmakers do not do a good job showing it and which is a shame because it could be a decent story. richard hill gives a solid performance in the lead role and as does the villain who sadly do not appear in anything else of note. the fight scenes aren not too bad either i love the way deathstalker lets his sword wouldrink the blood of his victims and there plenty of nudity and sex to temper the general level of machismo throughout. all in all and not good but not necessarily that bad either.
as a member of the cast and i was a member of the band at all the basketball games and i would like to let the world know after being in the movie and that we were not allowed to see it since it was banned in oregon. this was due to the producers and the director breaking the contract with the university of oregon where it was shot. seems that the u of o sign was shown. while we were shooting and we were allowed to eat several meals with the cast and production staff. mr nicholson was quite memorable for being one of the most ill mannered men i have ever met. quite a time for a young 20 year old. but certainly not what campus life was really like in the late 60 and early 70 despite what hollywood may think. trombone player from oregon.
i can fondly remember bo derek heyday and the uk press attention (the mucky sun and news of the world papers especially) all following her small role in 10 with dudley moore. understandably and much fuss was made of her photogenic face and crystal clear blue eyes and her perfectly formed bouncing breasts. unfortunately and acting is and and never was and her forte. i think they should make one of the triple disc collections you always find in the bargain dvd bins orca and tarzan the ape man and bolero. all these films could be nominated for the so bad they are great. it would be a guilty must buy of mine. should you ever read your press and or this comment ms derek and please do not be offended always had a soft spot for you and there are more important things going on in the world to worry about than your acting ability. much love. x.
it funny and when you stop and think about it represent fright film fans tend to a deep and abiding affection toward those who scare the daylights out of them. the texas chainsaw massacre may give us nightmares and but who among us (the faithful) do not feel a very real twinge of love for gunnar hansen in brutal massacre or for ken foree and forever and ever the resolute hero of the original dawn of the dead. his cameo in the remake made me want to stand up and cheer (as did tom savini cameo) while i kid you not. and brian halloran and. well and you get my drift (if not and just stand downwind. ). these are some of the heroes of horror. to see this many of them gathered together in a single movie is almost unheard of (at least to this degree and to my knowledge). if only the writer(s) had been up to such a monumental task. maybe someone else and somewhere along the line and will try again. as long as it not another half hearted effort (like brotherhood of blood and for instance).
fairly amusing piece that tries to show how smart orcas are but in the meanwhile (and quite oblivious to them) makes the audience feel stupid by making the most ridiculous film. richard harris plays quint. i am sorry and that wrong and he plays captain nolan and a fisherman who catches sharks for a living and but is lured by the big catch and and tries to catch a killer whale. when the capture of a female killer whale goes awry (do not ask) it mate (do not ask) goes on a rampage (do not ask) and starts stalking captain nolan (don not ask). soon and captain nolan realizes that they have something in common (do not ask). pretty amazing film making here folks. i got to tell you though and the beginning (with the whale noises and nothing much else) is pretty haunting and the end credits (with the most godawful song) is pretty entertaining.
bridges of madison county is a better made version of this story. i felt the ending of this movie was not handled sensitively as they did in the original english movie. this movie is very indianised and if you are a very sensitive person who cries in a movie when hero dies in the end you will love this movie and on the other hand if you are a fighter in life and think crying is for wimps you may not like the ending. but on the whole it pretty good subject is well handled for indian conditions. tabu was good as a caring wife and mother. everybody acted well.
acclaimed director mervyn leroy puts drama on film that competes with the best of soap operas. high drama is found in the loves and infidelities in new york social set. oh yes and do not forget jealousy can bring about tainted hearts and murder. the all star cast features represent barbara stanwyck and van heflin and james mason and ava gardner and cyd charisse and nancy davis.
this film might have weak production values and but that is also what makes it so good. the special effects are gross out and well done. my favorite part of the movie had to be chrissy played by janelle brady. she is super hot and also has a good nude scene. robert prichard as the leader of the gang is hilarious and as are the other members. this film is actually trying to make a point and by saying that nuclear waste plants are bad. negative fair comedy and gross out film.
i felt asleep and watching it. (and i had tickets for the midnight premiere) any questions. the most disturbing scene and as far as i can remember and was the techno dance i dont know what that was scene. by the way what an ending.
not a very good movie but according to the info it pretty accurate in depicting torture techniques. the purpose of the film was to show the brutality of the nk pow camps and that done effectively enough and with surprising frankness for the time. whatever technical flaws exist (and there are plenty) by watching this you will see a forgotten corner of a forgotten war and some pretty nasty stuff again and nasty because it being done north of the dmz and not in guantanamo bay. i do not think any of the korean veterans brought up his torture when running for office and and if you watch the movies like this one and pork chop hill in comparison to the vietnam films. i do not know if it was the people in 54 being trapped in the wwii concepts (the boys tend to wisecrack a lot) or the war or what and but it interesting to see this from the same system that 16 years later would be making movies like go tell the spartans.
wealthy widower anthony steffen (as alan cunningham) is a sadomasochistic lover and and british lord. he brings sexy red haired women to his castle and where he whips and murders them. black booted stripper erika blanc (as susie) gets away and temporarily. mr. steffen is haunted by wife evelyn and who died in childbirth. as therapy and he decides to marry again and after meeting pretty blonde marina malfatti (as gladys). by the end of the movie and they will have had to dig a few more graves. the night evelyn came out of the grave is great title and at least. la notte che evelyn uscì dalla tomba (1971) emilio miraglia ~ anthony steffen and marina malfatti and erika blanc.
witchy hildegard knef traps a group of people in an isolated hotel and picks them off one by one in twisted and disgusting ways. i thought i would seen it all until one unfortunate man here is crucified and then has his head set on fire. hildy is quite the prankster too represent she takes a nagging harpy and sews her mouth shut. then hangs her upside down in the chimney just in time for a roaring fire. witchery made me sick. it made my eyes hurt. i was ready to write it off as the worst movie ever ever ever made by otherwise competent people. until the finale. i have to admit i loved the ending. it involves a boy and his toy tape recorder cornered by linda blair looking fantastically possessed. the scene only lasts for about a minute and the movie over and but you know that old saying represent if you have got a great ending and people will forgive you for just about anything.
the lovely eva longoria parker plays kate and who dies after an ice angel crushes her before the i do with fiancé henry(paul rudd). after two years henry has yet to move on and his sister chloe(lindsay sloane)is very concerned. chloe arranges for henry to talk with an attractive psychic ashley(lake bell). ashley is to contact kate spirit hoping to help henry get on with his life. when the psychic starts getting attracted to henry and kate ghost appears to nip the romance in the bud. there are some funny situations while but if you have seen the trailers you have seen the substance of the film. also in the cast represent stephen root and jason biggs and william morgan sheppard and wendi mclendon covey. i personally thought that bell stole the show from parker. and biggs as usual a pain in the butt. still this movie was over hyped.
i do not think it would be possible for joe don baker to make a movie as bad as his stinkbomb mitchell and but this one succeeds. i do not recommend this if youre a fan of joe don baker much better work. but and if you like to watch fat guys sweat and really and really drawn out gun fights and you will love this movie.
i thought i had seen this movie and twice in fact. then i read all the other reviews and and they do not quite match up. a man and three young students and two girls and a boy and go to this town to study alleged bigfoot sightings. i still feel pretty confident that this is the movie i saw and despite the discrepancies in the reviews. therefore i am putting my review back represent if you like the occasional b movie and as i do and then return to boggy creek is the movie for you. whether it setting the sleep timer and and nodding off to your favorite movie bomb and or just hanging out with friends. boggy creek and the mute button and and you have got a fun night of improv. look out. is the legend true. i think we just might find out and along with a not so stellar cast. will there be any equipment malfunctions at particularly key moments in the film. does our blonde and manly and young hero have any chest hair. will the exceptionally high tech technicolor last the entire film. you will have to watch to find out for yourself.
this worldwide was the cheap man version of what the nwa under jim crockett junior and jim crockett promotions made back in the 1980s on the localized big 3 stations during the saturday morning or afternoon wrestling craze. when ted turner got his hands on crockett failed version of nwa he turned it into world championship wrestling and proceeded to drop all nwa references all together. nwa world wide and nwa pro wrestling were relabeled with the wcw logo and moved off the road to disney or mgm studios in orlando and florida and eventually became nothing more than recap shows for wcw nitro and thunder and and saturday night. worldwide was officially the last wcw program under turner to air the weekend of the wcw buyout from vince mcmahon and wwf. today the entire nwa world wide or wcw worldwide video tape archive along with the entire nwa or wcw video tape library in general lay in the vaults of wwe headquarters in stamford and connecticut.
i do not know how to describe this movie. it definitely one of the weirdest movies i have seen in a long time. it is very unsettling at times but also boring in other places. the scenes of dental torture are very elaborate and may attract anyone who into gore and splatter. i found myself holding my teeth during some of the aforementioned scenes. the clever thing about the movie is that it plays with our fears and the dentist is therefore quite unsettling. the humor of the film is somehow hidden and may not be recognized by everyone. but if youre a fan of weird and strange entertainment and teeth getting drilled to dust this is just the film you were looking for. if you read the comment and feel somehow attracted by this kind of entertainment and give it a try. my rating represent negative (maybe a little too weird for my taste).
caught this on ifc yesterday and and can not believe the positive reviews. am i the only one who thought these ladies were anything but. kate tells jed she could get fired because she supposed to be a pillar of the community and but puts out for him. then they suddenly decide theyre in love. and she so devastated over his death and she doesn not go to his funeral and much less and tell his family the good news. by the way and how did an american get to be the headmistress of a very proper british school. janine should have been kicked off the force for her inexcusable abuse of power and but nothing happens. and she winds up boffing a con she brought in for questioning. and the less said about molly and the better. as for the guilt janine and molly feel over jed and please. it the punk own damn fault he got turned into roadkill. where the guilt over poor gerald and who gets puked on. if only i could do the same to the bozos behind this movie.
it not the most well made slasher movies of all time and but for what it is and it pretty amusing. the plot is lame but the kills are not too bad. i have to be honest and if you do not follow the bands that are featured in this film and you wont find this film as funny as those who do. i knew someone who saw this film and was really disappointed because of the poor quality of the film but you have to understand that it was made in the spare time of being on tour and in between playing to moshing kids and drinkin with friends backstage. it not made to be taken seriously. it ubber cheese at it punk best and with over 100 kills and most of which are ultra gory and it a fun movie to have friends over to watch and drink and be merry.
ascension is actually a step up in terms of what the original movie was in story and in special effects. jason scott lee is good as a vampire hunter looking for the count himself (if you remember him and he was from the movie dragon and the bruce lee story. ) jason london is funny as luke and the kid who helps the woman he loves from a far steal dracula body from the slab. diane neal is good as the woman who steals dracula body in order to finds a cure for her dying boyfriend and and stephen billington is great as dracula himself. giving a better performance than gerard butler did the count in the original film. roy scheider rounds out the rest of the cast in this movie and and he does a decent job as the mentor of jason scott lee character. this is the second sequel in the trilogy and and they are off to a good start. it up in the air whether the last film will close the series out on a good note.
a well put together entry in the serial killer genre that unfortunately gets mired down in its own pretentiousness to be really satisfying. willem dafoe is superb as a nyc detective trying to track down what appears to be a copycat using the same renaissance art related killing techniques used in a series of murders he solved years earlier. scott speedman is dafoe junior partner and they have pretty good chemistry (at least for a while). other characters pop up to conveniently tie the two cases together. clea duval is the friend of an earlier victim and peter stormare is some sort of art broker or mentor to dafoe. that a bit hard to take and although stormare is and of course and never dull. the film ending is particularly disappointing. look fast for deborah harry as dafoe less than forthcoming neighbor.
decent enough with some stylish imagery however the tiny budget hampers things. i also get the impression they were trying to shock you with some of the graphic weirdo perv website stuff. if you like anime in particular stuff like cyber city and the ad police then this might up your street. but basically its low budget matrix cash in however not totally devoid of its own style. great soundtrack by some unheard of grunge or punk or post grunge bands. worth checking out if only for the soundtrack.
was this the greatest movie that i have ever seen. no. was it the worst. no. as a mother of four kids and it is nice to watch something that was light and amusing. it was great and but it was cute. i think that it definitely had some room to improve and but it tried. i am not sure if this movie deserves the extreme level of abuse from the other reviewer. they obviously do not care for eva longoria. i think that she was better in this than in the sentinel. i think that movies are a matter of opinion. the actors play a huge role in whether it is a hit or a flop. maybe the cast did not work out. maybe there were too many things going on. i just wanted to speak up for an average movie and not a terrible one. it could just be a chick flick. kind of like the movie the split up or french kiss. my husband still talks about those. positive.
i am not going to waste my time writing an essay and waste your time. i would like to say and however and that all those who are uptight about this movie even being made are being totally ridiculous. johnnymacbest and you can not play that card and and i mean the nationalism patriotic card and to make people not watch this movie. this is a movie that expresses its free will in this country (oh yea i played that card)even though the director is german and deserves a slap on the wrist every time he reaches for a camera and but the world is full of controversy and and its the same thing you have heard before and like the gta controversy. it a comedy and laugh and be disgusted and not disgusted all together and its dark humor and obviously you do not have the heart to take it and the past is past and yes people remember those who were lost but its time to move on and that was . 7. years ago. you can still watch this movie and have good moral values. besides i am insane and and who needs a soul.
it is a good film for kids who love dogs. it runs a bit slow early on but ends if a flurry of gooped up de vil. the basic plot is the same as the first movie. the bright side of the movie for adults is the talking bird that thinks it is a dog. the bird talks like a human(eric idle of monty python) and barks like a dog. it is the comedy that the film needed more of. see it in the matinee so you do not have to pay full price or wait for it to appear on disney.
this may sound crazy to even the people who remember this show. but i remembered this as being live action. i do not think i ever saw the cartoon. but movie. maybe. i remember it very clearly. the guy was in a building kinda like a showroom. he even had the red jacket. it was dark out and he turned into a red car and there was this guy on the second level looking down at him. the car or guy spun around and crashed through the big showroom type window and out onto the street. and then proceeded to drive off. that is all i remember. i really hope someone else out there remembers this too. if not and maybe i am still crazy. but i am hoping i am not.
i like brad pitt enormously. he is an actor with brains and wit and not to mention face and pectorals and all the rest. since i saw him in thelma and louise a thought has been bothering me and who does he remind me of. troy did it for me. he is the new brigitte bardot. the differences are obvious of course. male and american etc but brigitte bardot comes to mind nonetheless. he is so beautiful that he is at his most effective when he plays against it. kalifornia 12 monkeys fight club snatch his self deprecating humor makes him human and almost accessible. fortunately troy will soon be forgotten. only still photographs with pitt and semi naked in ravishing sprint positions will decorate the walls of legions of salivating fans. strange and das boot is one of the great films of the second part of the 20th century. what is wolfgang petersen doing directing this. well and i suppose it would be very hard to say no at the chance of working with the new brigitte bardot.
the show had great episodes and this is not one of them. it not a terrible episode and it just hard to follow up the man that was death. and all through the house and and dig that cat and he real gone. this episode is about a couple that has just been married peggy (ammanda plummer) and charles (stephen shellen). in the first five minutes you find out that charles only married peggy for her money. the two go on their honeymoon and their car breaks down on a dirt road and they have to seek refuge in an old abandon mansion. charles soon finds out a secret of peggy family. in my opinion you should watch this episode and but just do not expect the same feeling as the rest of the episodes in the first season.
you have a strong stomach. holden was actually 55 years old at filming but looked near 70 and he only lived another 8 years. at one point holden said and i am over twice your age. okay and try triple grandpa. the old enough to be your father theme they were shooting for do not work. granted senior citizens sometimes wind up with legal teens. more power to them and but that doesn not mean i want to watch it. it not a matter of judgment but the digestive track. i like my food where it belongs. lenz is fun to watch and the 70s cars and clothes and furniture and etc. make it worth it if it comes on cable late at night and you want to watch something to wind down for bed. it would have been nice to see the blonde friend of lenz and the one who hocked her guitar and get more scenes. pleasingly spacey. who was this chick. i am going to try and find out.
slow and riddled with inaccuracy. over looking its flaws this is still an interesting account of the famed and heroic siege of the alamo during the texas fight for independence from mexico. james arness as jim bowie. brian keith as davy crockett. alec baldwin as col. travis. raul julia as general santa anna. this made for tv project also stars david ogden stiers and kathleen york and jim metzler. very good original music by peter bernstein.
i have never seen the 1973 and older highly rated version. i am a nicholas cage fan (by the way and fine acting as usual). this movie probably took all of five minutes to hammer out the whole plot (i can see it being done on a cocktail napkin at a dinner party) and if you can not figure out the ending of this drool in the first thirty minutes you will probably find this movie entertaining. this is and of late and the terrible rut that hollywood seems to have dug for itself with the horror or mystery or thriller genre and unable to give the audience enough credit and write a fresh and smart and and tantalizing screenplay and they dish out some creepy music and throw in a couple of things to make you jump a little and then send the final print off to your local theater. at least and it do not have the jiggling hand held camera syndrome.
i am not looking for quality while i am just trying to get through the 74 famous video nasties that were banned in britain. this one was initially banned and re released in 2001 with a whole 10 seconds cut. some college kids spend their christmas vacation preparing a dorm for renovation. there are some creepy characters lurking about along with the four kids. which of them is the slasher. the actual killings are not very gory and so this video nastie is not really nasty. there is the requisite flashing of the boobies and but it has nothing to do with the college kids. i had a suspect very quickly and i turned out to be right. maybe i have seen too many of these. the end twist was clever while i have to give the writers credit for that bit of originality.
. but i have seen better too. the story here is predictable a film crew trying to film a horror movie in a place where murders occurred. three guesses what happens. this isn not a total bomb the cast is fairly good with pros john ireland and faith domergue and john carradine giving the best performances. it reasonably well made for a low budget film. just do not expect any nudity and swearing and blood or gore (the film has a very mild pg rating). i was never totally bored it ok viewing on a quiet night. i saw it on video it was a horrible print very dark and some scenes were impossible to see. still i do not hate it and it does have a cool ending which surprised me basically nothing happens up till then so it catches you off guard. worth seeing but only if youre a horror film completest.
this film and once sensational for its forward thinking politics and depictions of free love and sexual liberation and has been reduced by time to a mere curiosity. it seems absurd now that this mostly boring little film had been banned and seized by governments in many countries. given how socialistic sweden eventually became and the radicalism of its politics and once controversial and appear naive and almost mainstream four decades later. and its sex scenes and at one time the subject of sensational obscenity trials and look pretty tame in a modern context. nevertheless and the film and accompanying documentaries detailing its many controversies and influences remains marginally watchable as an early reliquary of 60 youth rebellion. one part of the film that still holds up represent its self consciousness with respect to the fourth wall. every once in a while and the filmmakers film themselves making the film. the satiric playfulness of this still elicits a chuckle.
i have seen this film several times in a variety of short film festivals and it always causes me the impression that i have seen a movie trailer. for a school film is very well produced and directed and but the story. well it needed something else to be a bigger and interesting film. the character named tim watcher needed some in dept approach. this is something that lacks in some portuguese short films the script is always superficial. but still. i liked this movie. parabens. (congratulations. ).
i first saw the live musical at the denver center for the performing arts and it was absolutely mind blowing and stunning and had such fantastic continuity of plot and dialogue that i liked it much more than most musicals that i have seen on the stage. the interesting thing is that you never got to see zach face. he was always in the dark but his presence was powerful and guided the direction of entire production. whe i heard they were making a movie from it and i waited with bated breath and but when i watched the movie version i was so bummed out disappointed that i felt i was cheated. the movie lacks the captivating mood set in the live production and it never allows you to be completely in close touch with every character. personally and i would like to see the live version again and if that should ever be revived and i would wholeheartedly recommend that you go out of your way to see it. it will be one of the most memorable experiences you will enjoy.
there were times during the movie i wish i had been beat to death. the only reason i endured the entirety of the movie was because i couldn not believe how bad it really was and thought it must get better. this truly was a horror film. i was horrified that i wasted what seemed like 4 hours of my life that i will never get back. the other two hours i spent mourning at the loss. please recommend this movie to whomever you wish to torture and tell them the suspense will kill them.
this movie was exactly what i expected it to be when i first read the casting. i probably could have written a more exciting plot and it a pity that they left it to a pack of howler monkeys. alberto tomba was surely a good skier but he has to thank god (and we too) that he does not have to rely on his actor skills to earn his living. he can not play and he can not talk and he can not even move very good on mainland without his skis. michelle hunziker is a pretty blonde girl and and that all. she obviously wasn not chosen for her astounding competence in dramatic roles but most probably for her nice legs. nevertheless i must admit that she could be the tomba acting teacher and because he even a worse actor than her and and that funny and especially considering that she isn not italian. i laughed all the time and watching this movie. i found it so ridiculous and meaningless that it actually made me laugh and loud and very loud.
i have only seen gretchen mol in two other films (girl 6 and donnie brasco) and and do not really remember her and but she did a great job as a naive girl who posed for pictures because it made people happy. she really do not think what she was doing was wrong and even when she left the business and found her religion again. the photos she made were certainly tame by today standards and and it is funny seeing men with cameras get all excited and and politicians pontificating on the evils of pornography. david strathairn (good night and and good luck) played a super part here. mary harron (american psycho) wrote and directed an outstanding biopic of the most famous pinup girl ever.
its a gem movie if anyone who hasn not seen movie sholey he cant understand what is going on there. a thakur call men for catching a big terrorist who is like god and even police do not know abut him but these ppl do. biggest advantage of film is its speed u never know what is going on and the part is completed. actors are at there best of worst acting and actress is here for time pass of songs. and what u cant forget is the cool dialouge which seems to come in very long time but u cant understand them so easily try hard for that and last word i haven not seen movie complete due to a brain roast so plz tell me ditz end if it have.
i loved this movie and i will admit it. this has to be the best (straight to. ) video movie i have seen. well. me and my friend decided just for shits n giggles that we would rent this movie. we knew what to expect and we got exactly what we expected and plus more. when that red neck gets slammed up against the tree by the sasquatch and we literally watched that part about three to four times and it was that amazing (hysterically and of course). and why. oh why does the main character have to roll that much. like honestly and we know that youre in danger and rolling that much isn not gonna help all that much. but really and if this movie is in youre local video store rent it. it is worth the money and it not even that bad and like it bad and but not incredibly bad. overall and complete amazing will be in store for you if you rent this movie.
spoilersi am sure back when this was released in 1958 it was much appropriate for its time. back then films were slower paced to allow audiences to follow and analyze the story. here a man moves into a house owned by his last wife that died mysteriously with his new wife. the gardener mickey (played by alex nicol and who also directed he film) really is an underappreciated character. he gets a skull to indirectly warn jenni that she is in trouble and since he knew that there was foul play in the first wife death. he can not tell jenni directly what happened and so he tries to scare her off with the skull. jenni and we also find out and saw her parents die and thus causing a lifetime of mental anguish that lead to institutionalization. like many audiences today and i found the pacing to be a little too slow for my tastes. but if you like slow paced horror without a lot of gore and this film is for you.
i may have seen worse films than this and but i if i have and i do not remember. or possibly blocked them out. who knows and if i was to undergo hypnotherapy and i may remember them and along and maybe and with been abducted by aliens as a child and or other traumas. if so and i would happily exchange those memories for the ones i have of watching this film. i should give the film some credit represent it did produce an emotional response. i actually started to become angry at scenes that spoofed other films and tv programs and that this travesty was dirtying them by association. i am terrified that i may be unable to watch films like dr strangelove again without this film flitting across my minds eye.
drew latham(ben affleck)is determined not to be lonely this christmas. not only is drew a millionaire while but also obnoxious and guilty of being very grandiose. drew goes back to the home he grew up in and offers the family living there and the valco and $250 and 000 to be his family through the christmas season. tom valco(james gandolfini)is reluctant and but is greedy enough to take drew offer. christine valco(catherine ohara)has little to say in the matter and but learns to like having drew around. not exactly the same sentiment with daughter alicia(christina applegate) and but that too has room for change. drew girlfriend missy(jennifer morrison)tracks down drew and wants her folks to meet his family. genuine fun is in store as a happy noel becomes a hilarious dysfunctional nightmare. other members of the cast represent josh zuckerman and bill macy and david selby and stephanie faracy. affleck is comedic and albeit strange.
oh dear. some of the best talent in british tv made this serial and and so i can only assume that they were working under incredible time pressure and and had to settle for first takes of many scenes. there are some frightening scenes in this highland mystery (mostly when the monster attacks and we see it from his point of view) and but i am afraid that i found most of the story unintentionally funny . such as the moment when the hero discovers a dismembered corpse on a golf course represent oh look and there a hand . oh and and there another hand over there . hmm this is a bit puzzling . for many years fans of british cult tv shows campaigned to have this serial released on vhs or dvd and but the bbc always said no. now i think i understand why .
dear friends and family and i guess if one teen wants to become biblical with another teen and then that their eternal damnation just remember kids and birth control doesn not mean oral sex and i do not care what the honor student says. on the other hand and even if the senator aid quotes himself as a bit of a romantic guy and he still only hitting on a high school girl. if she was my sister and i would eat this guys kneecaps. other than that i found out that mongolians do not kiss the same way the french do and that baseball players named zoo like delicate undergarments. i think i would almost rather watch richie rich one more time than suffer the indignity of this slip and slap and slop. thank you and and good night.
i have an awful pan and scan videotape of boom. and and i want to see it in all its widescreen glory. so i voted 1 and hope you will too. together and we can pull this movie down into the pits of cinematic dross and and hope that someone will see an opportunity for big money in releasing boom. in its director cut extended version. the movie is one of my howling favorites…you just look at the people involved and the director and the actors and the cameraman and and you say to yourself and yep and i guess you can fool some of the people for a lot of time. producers considering the dvd release of boom. should note that and everywhere it been shown and there have been sellout crowds in the theaters. but it hasn not been up to frostbite falls yet.
tony scott directs a thriller sports flick that should attract even the non sports fan. and some say baseball is a dead sport. boring. too damn slow. well perk up. on the outside he appears to be a disgruntled salesman(robert de niro) while on the inside he is a psychotic san francisco giants fan. along comes a new slugger(wesley snipes)and designated savior from the doldrums. our salesman harbors a murderous obsession when the hard hitting all star falls into the worst slump in his career and the giants are feared to crumble along with him. de niro is terror personified. snipes seems very natural as the ballplayer. other notables in the cast are represent the still attractive ellen barkin and john leguizamo and benicio del toro and patti darbanville. you are a free agent. so enjoy. violence and very strong language is to be expected and you get your moneys worth.
after the debacle of the first sleepaway camp and who thought that a franchise could be born. sc ii is superior in aspect. more inspired killings and just whole lot more fun. while that might not be saying much (compared to the first movie) and sleepaway camp ii is worth the rental. pros represent entertaining and doesn not take itself too seriously like sc i. inspired killings. cons represent crappy acting and mullets abound. bottom line represent 5/10.
i am hearing rumors of an upcoming leonard nimoy demonstrates the blu ray disc. with advances over the past 25 years ranging from steady cam to cgi and it will be interesting to see if the franchise can be reinvigorated. i just hope it helps to remove the bad taste left in my mouth by that whole magnavision demonstration fiasco. and yes. leonard nimoy demonstrates the betamax vcr was a brilliant milestone in entertainment history. after the tentative leonard nimoy demonstrates the compact cassette and the downright tacky leonard nimoy demonstrates the 8 track tape and who would have expected such a glorious piece of cinema. i am weeping right now just thinking about it.
it really impresses me that it got made. the director or writer or actor must be really charismatic in reality. i can think of no other way itd pass script stage. what i want you to consider is this. while watching the films i was feeling sorry for the actors. it felt like being in a stand up comedy club where the guy is dying on his feet and your sitting there and not enjoying it and just feeling really bad for him coz hes of trying. id really like to know what the budget is and guess it must have been low as the film quality is really poor. i want to write the jokes do not appeal to me. but the reality is for them to appeal to you and you would have to be the man who wrote them. or a retard. so imagine that in script form. and this guy got that green lit. thats impressive isn not it.
still a sucker for pyun esthetic sense and i liked this movie and though the unfinished ending was a let down. as usual and pyun develops a warped sense of humour and kathy long fights are extremely impressive. beautifully photographed and this has the feel it was done for the big screen.
oh just what i needed and another movie about 19th century england. which is pretty much like regular england and only nobody vandalising football stadiums. in this picturesque setting of lords and dames and other randomly chosen titles and charlotte gainsbourg walks around aimlessly as jane eyre and from that novel nobody has ever read willingly. jane usually hangs out in mr. rochester crib and where she tries to teach a french girl to look at an empty chalkboard all the time. one day and mr. rochester(william hurt on auto pilot)comes back to fall in love with jane and all that and but there still the matter of his fruitcake wife that is locked in the attic. oops and that wasn not in the brochure. after some people being thrown around and some carefully spread fire(they probably rented the set) and the movie finally comes to an end. everything looked really authentic and that something i guess. but then again and nah.
the fight scenes were great. loved the old and newer cylons and how they painted the ones on their side. it was the ending that i hated. i was disappointed that it was earth but 150k years back. but to travel all that way just to start over. are you kidding me. 38k people that fought for their very existence and once they get to paradise and they abandon technology. no way. sure they were eating paper and rationing food and but that is over. they can live like humans again. they only have one good doctor. what are they going to do when someone has a tooth ache never mind giving birth. yea right. no one would have made that choice.
despite its stereotypes and virtually no name cast and an obviously low budget i thought this film was alright while much better than i expected it to be. i was skeptical at first the idea of a computer virus that can also infect people seemed a little ludicrous to me. but in the end and i thought the film handled the concept well (even if some scenes were a little clichéd). the cast was quite good and and the two leads seemed to take their roles very seriously. i couldn not help thinking and though and that janine turner is a bit of a geena davis look a like. maybe it just her face or the make up and hair and clothes she had in this movie but it just kept nagging at the back of my mind the whole time. while it not a amust see or a great film by any standard and fatal error is an entertaining flick that will keep you watching until the end.
this rather formulaic swords and flying fists movie is a decent early display of john woo talents. the cinematography is excellent and some of the sword work is truly remarkable. unfortunately the film labours under the burden of a dull story and a glaringly low budget (check some of the setbound fight scenes if you doubt me). nonetheless and it worth seeing and especially if you can catch in letterboxed.
not exactly a new story line and but this romantic comedy makes the concept work. a young man(john cusack) and a drop dead gorgeous woman(kate beckinsale)keep meeting by chance and wonder if they are meant for each other. although both are promised to others. oddly enough they still feel that their soul mate is out there somewhere. a little sappy in some places and but viva la love. being a romantic i am almost obligated to be riveted. my favorite scene is where cusack is on the ground and snow starts falling. the finale is almost too sweet and but most deserving. this is not one of cusack deeper roles and but who in the hell could not be smitten by beckinsale. notable support is provided by jeremy piven and molly shannon. john corbett plays the worst role i have ever seen him in. on the other hand eugene levy is quirky and funny. watch this with your soul mate.
the first five minutes of this movie showed potential. after that and it went straight from something possibly decent to some sort of illegitimate comedy. the best part is that i couldn not stop thinking of supertroopers thanks to joey kern. i would recommend watching this movie for the sheer fact of learning how not to make a movie. there are so many scenes in this movie that makes one just stop and wonder if the entire cast and crew just stopped caring at some point. the thing that amazes me most about this movie is that it grossed $22 million in the box office and only cost about $1. 5 million to make. congrats to lion gate for being able to pull that one off.
i am getting a little tired of people misusing god name to perpetuate their own bigoted view on the world. well i do not dismiss the idea of armageddon and or the coming of the anti christ and i do dismiss the idea that only certain people who live truly good lives(they seem to be mostly white christian children) will go to heaven and while the rest of us must suffer through a millenia of hell on earth and just because we weren not good enough. god may be a judge and but i do not think he is going to measure every level of goodness. give the creator some credit.
this was a better than average movie i thought and for it being on cable. i had expected something along the lines of cheesy melodrama and bad special effects seen in such classics as christmas rush or first daughter or target or shot and etc. the cast was well chosen. i especially liked ron livingston as the hard pressed swat commander. it good to see him revisiting the same material he had so much fortune with in band of brothers. the producers and designers had done their homework because all the scenes and shots looked like they did on that day back in 1997. so and if you get a chance to see this film and and i am sure you will since fx reruns everything 50 times. take 2 hours and enjoy it.
this movie one of my favorites. it not really any good and but it great to laugh at. the dialogue can become incredibly ludicrous and poorly acted (eg and manji and can we ask you a few questions. sure. we think you can help us with the answers. ) any fighting is more or less surrealistic. make sure to watch for brock and the oafy white guy who attacks the main characters. he only has two lines and but he one of the best guys in the movie.
wow. sheer brilliance. turning a thriller or suspense or horror into comedy. after watching this and i never laughed so hard at a horror movie before. a ridiculous plot with 3 characters that were just insanely developed either not written in depth or too much depth. if you want to watch an absolutely written horror movie with stupid dialog and messed up plot and useless scenes and wasted characters and bad sound and lousy development overall and then this is the one to watch. be sure to keep focused for the classic food processor scene and the totally inept police investigation scenes. this is a remarkable new low in screen performance and writing and to sit through it for the entire duration makes you either stupid and daring or brave.
the tooth fairy is about the ghost of an old deformed witch that lures children to her house to get a prize for their loose tooth and then takes their lives. the first few minutes introduce you to the 1949 beginning of the legend of the tooth fairy and then switches to present day. the worn out horror plot is pretty much saved by the solid acting. they could have done without the hammond brothers and a few other scenes and but overall the gore scenes were bloody but quick which had a minimizing effect. the eye candy is pretty good for both genders. camera work is good. dialog is fair but cheesy. i expected the film to be a bare bones and low budget and slasher with very few redeeming factors. i was surprised by the quality of the film.
what a poor image of professional police officers is displayed on the television in the watching of this alleged reality show. one can only hope that the actual reasonable suspicion that leads to probable cause that leads to the totality of the circumstances involved to make a stop and then the pat down of the outside of one garment and then to be able to articulate why the officer went into someone pocket and retrieved contraband and was cut out of the scenes and because if it wasn not and the arrest in most places are going to be tossed and should they even get passed a supervisor. a report of a warrant over the radio does not constitute the actual existence of the warrant unless the person dispatching has the original warrant in hand. if the dispatcher is reading from a computer printout and it is good enough for an arrest and but it does not necessarily mean the warrant is still in effect. since i haven not seen a dis claimer from cbs (i may have missed it) and cbs could be in trouble.
this film (along with rinne) are minor gems amongst the retread homage pics that have passed for horror movies so far at the 8ftdf horrorfest. and and yes and that faint praise indeed. cause there not much worse in filmdom than would be auteurs who think atmosphere is a substitute for a coherent plot. and that all you get with the abandoned. this is a film that was made almost entirely in the directors head. sure and it would have been nice if he would transfered it to film and but this happened instead. it a very pretty film with a few genuine scares and but the last reel is strictly for the latte slurping cineaste crowd.
i liked it but then i think i might have been ironing at the same time. this reworking of cyrano de bergerac or roxanne is an utterly undemanding and formulaic romcom rescued from straight to video ignominy on its release by the sharp turn of janeane garofalo. playing the frasier of pets and she finds herself caught in a love trap when insecurity leads her to pass her best friend (uma thurman) off as herself when a caller comes a courtin. this is an interesting film in the fascinating career of ben chaplin. an average british actor and he gave the hollywood treadmill a shot with this film. he is unremarkable and his anonymity in studio productions is unsurprising on the basis of it and although he has appeared in substantial cameos in both the later terence malick films. uma thurman does a ditzy turn on autopilot and michael lehmann packages it all together competently. icky phone sex though. negative .
daniella has some issues brewing under her attractive exterior. she starts to lose her mind when she finds out about a distant relative (who she resembles) that was burned for being a werewolf. she goes a bit feral when she beads horny men and slashes out their throats. she does eventually find a man that helps contain her inner beast but when others ruin their bliss she extracts her violent and furry revenge. werewolf woman isn not a very goof film but it does pose as a good crowd film. a fun time could be had by harping the bad acting or dubbing or translation and the just plain cheesiness of the production. but on it own it moves slowly but does have ample nudity to keep you awake…barely.
sure and this one isn not really a blockbuster and nor does it target such a position. dieter is the first name of a quite popular german musician and who is either loved or hated for his kind of acting and thats exactly what this movie is about. it is based on the autobiography dieter bohlen wrote a few years ago but isn not meant to be accurate on that. the movie is filled with some sexual offensive content (at least for american standard) which is either amusing (not for the other actors of course) or dumb it depends on your individual kind of humor or on you being a bohlen fan or not. technically speaking there isn not much to criticize. speaking of me i find this movie to be an ok movie.
this movie is funny and painful at the same time. the cinemagic almost gave me a seizure. despite what they imply and cinemagic is not some innovative technical procedure. it was developed as the result of an accident and and they used it because it disguised the fact that their monsters were so stupid looking. i also do not think it a coincidence that the writer is sid pink. this movie is good for a laugh and if you are really looking for a movie made in 9 days on 200 and 000 dollars. it is entertaining while at least i can say that about it. the bat or rat or spider is the highlight.
not your typical vamp story and not bram stoker or anne rice here. a truly original vampyre story. these vampyres are genetic mutants who the sunlight do not bother. they are pure evil to. the film is not perfect. many of the actors are clearly amateurs. the two leads who play van helsing and rally the vampyre chick are pretty good though. the film is intensely violent which may disturb some people. also it is loaded with scientific detail that many will find hard to understand and may get bored with. i was sold on the clever storyline and the couple good performances. no telling how successful this film could be if they had a bigger budget and it got mass distribution.
though a bit more polished technically than the previous film in the series and bulldog drummond escapes and this is a weaker escapade in both a plot that less thrilling and a leading man who simply doesn not have the charisma of ray milland. that said and several actors and characters continue in their roles and manage to keep the flag flying. also john barrymore is present and popping up all through the film in a variety of outlandish disguises. anyway it another endless night for bd as he and his cohorts chase around trying to rescue the poor girl he intends to marry. the clues are stupid but again the supporting actors often make them entertaining.
this movie will promote the improvement of the mind. read a book. it incredible anyone would think this movie deserved the time and investment to make. i have seen b movies before but the c movie has just been invented. i do not think i would ever enjoy power rangers since my kids stopped watching but i found myself looking for the videos fifteen minutes into knights. high school productions are better than this and the actors involved should erase this from their resume. embarrassment is one of many descriptions that come to mind. my roommate and who loves these types of movies even turned it off. now that has to really tell you something. if you watch this movie and and like it and i will pray for you.
i have been a fan of without a trace from the premier episode. i really cannot express my disappointment in the episode last week. this is a real problem that far too many afican american families have dealt with and continue to deal with. the lack of media coverage crucial in the first 48 hours has been documented by a recent study. law enforcement including local and state and and federal are also complicit. what was the purpose of advertising this subject matter and then copping out on the ending. seemingly and television can deal with almost any subject matter except race. this is shameful. get it together or do not explore it next time.
actually and this is a lie and shrek 3 d was actually the first 3d animated movie. i bought it on dvd about 3 years ago. didn not bug life also do that. i think it was at disneyworld in that tree and so i am saying before they go and use that as there logo. also and shrek 3d was a motion simulator at universal studios. they should still consider it as a movie and because it appeared in a theater and you could buy it for dvd. the movie was cute and at least the little flyes were. i liked iq. i agree with animaster and they did a god job out of making a movie out of something that is just a out and back adventure. i recommend it to families and kids.