{ "translation": { "en": "Most businessmen are rich.", "lg": "Abasuubuzi abasinga bagagga." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Uganda has many different cultures and tribes.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "You can now find books on the internet.", "lg": "Kati osobola okufunira ebitabo ku mutimbagano." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The car has stopped.", "lg": "Emmotoka ezikidde." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The board needs to be looked into.", "lg": "Akakiiko keetaaga okutunulwamu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The school has one founder.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It seems easy for you to move from one job to another.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Women began to organize and exercise their political power before independence.", "lg": "Abakazi baatandika okwetegeka n'okukozesa amaanyi gaabwe mu byobufuzi nga ameefuga tegannatuuka." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Makerere University is not a common university due to its history", "lg": "Ssettendekero wa Makerere si ssettendekero amanyikiddwa ennyo okusinziira ku byafaayo bye." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The opposition leaders expected some changes soon.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'oludda oluvuganya gavumenti baasuubira enkyukakyuka mu kaseera ak'okumpi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Is it true that all birds fly?", "lg": "Kituufu nti ebinyonyi byonna bibuuka?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The leaders always deregate most of their work.", "lg": "Abakulembeze batera okutuma emirimu gyabwe egisinga." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We shall hear from him in the evening.", "lg": "Tujja kumuwuliza akawungeezi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Electricity can be dangerous so it should be handled cautiously.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The movie I watched yesterday night was full of magic.", "lg": "Ffirimu gye nalabye ekiro kya jjo yabadde ejudde obufuusa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "My bedsheets were made from cotton.", "lg": "Amasuuka gange baagakola mu pamba." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The deceased was a devoted servant of God.", "lg": "Omugenzi abadde muweereza nnyo wa Katonda ." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The pandemic slowed down economic growth in all countries in the world.", "lg": "Ekirwadde nnamuzisa kyakendeeza enkulaakulana mu byenfuna mu mawanga okwetoloola ensi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She is waiting for her mother to serve food.", "lg": "Alinda nnyina agabule emmere." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Who was playing from this room?", "lg": "Ani yabadde azannyira mu kisenge kino?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "How did she become a billionaire?", "lg": "Yafuuka atya bifeekeera?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Most of the farmers cannot afford to buy new tools.", "lg": "Abalimi abasinga obungi tebasobola kwetuusaako bikozesebwa bipya." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The president appreciated the special force for keeping peace and security.", "lg": "Pulezidenti yasiima abasirikale bamukuuma okukuuma emirembe n'ebyokwerinda." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I will serve the country without fear or favor.", "lg": "Nja kuweereza eggwanga awatali kutya wadde okwekubiira." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It is a religious norm for Muslims to share meat on Eid.", "lg": "Kalombolombo ka ddiini eri abasiraamu okugabana ennyama ku Eid." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Things you need to know when starting a fish farming.", "lg": "Ebintu bye weetaaga okumanya ng'otandika obulunzi bw'ebyennyanja." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The future is unknown to us.", "lg": "Tetumanyi binaabaawo mu maaso." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Some people have monkeys in their gardens.", "lg": "Abantu abamu balina enkima mu nnimiro zaabwe." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Literature in English is compulsory for students at the ordinary level.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He twisted his ankle while playing basketball.", "lg": "Yanuuse akakongovule ng'azannya ensero." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "How do you reward loyal customers?", "lg": "Osiima otya abaguzi abeesimbu?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "That coach has contributed largely to this team's qualification for the national netball championships.", "lg": "Omutendesi oyo akoze kinene nnyo eri ttiimu ye okuyitamu mu mpaka z'eggwanga ez'omupiira gw'okubaka." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The factbook provides information on history, people, and governments.\"", "lg": "\"Ekitabo ekirimu obutuufu bw'ebintu kiwa obubaka ku byafaayo, abantu ne zi gavumenti.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "ItÕs the government's responsibility to monitor all on-going development s in the country.", "lg": "Buvunaanyizibwa bwa gavumenti okulondoola ekulaakulana zonna ezigenda mu maaso mu ggwanga." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Write your names on this paper.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He was a very powerful politician in the past five years.", "lg": "Yali munnabyabufuzi wa maanyi nnyo mu myaka etaano egyayita." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "They accused him of corruption.", "lg": "Baamuvunaana gwa bukenuzi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "That hospital has admitted over fifty COVID-19 patients this week.", "lg": "Eddwaliro eryo liwadde abalwadde ba COVID-19 abasoba mu makumi ataano ebitanda wiiki eno." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "What is a church's financial status?", "lg": "Ebyenfuna by'ekkanisa biyimiridde bitya" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "How to write a follow-up email?", "lg": "Tuwandiika tutya email erondoola?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He got injured during the game and was replaced.", "lg": "Yafuna obuvune mu muzannyo era n'asikizibwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I asked him to join me for lunch.", "lg": "Namusaba aneegatteko ku ky'emisana." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Politicians are discontented about the system of campaigning scientifically.", "lg": "Bannabyabufuzi si bamativu n'enkola y'okunoonyeza akalulu mu nkola ya ssaayansi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He keeps a milk cow on his farm.", "lg": "\"\"\"Alunda ente ey'amata ku ddundiro lye.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The two truck drivers were both Kenyans and they arrived from Busia and Malaba.", "lg": "Abavuzi b'ebimotoka ababiri bombi baali Bannakenya nga baava Busia ne Malaba." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He wants to marry her.", "lg": "Ayagala kumuwasa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The offensive pushed him from his jungle camp, but he was not captured.\"", "lg": "Omulumbaganyi yamuzinduukiriza okuva mu nkambi ye ey'omuttale naye teyakwatibwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The government appointed this committee to assist the landslide victims.", "lg": "Gavumenti yassawo akakiiko kano okuyamba abantu abaakosebwa okubumbulukuka kw'ettaka." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We didn't have enough beds at the hospital.", "lg": "Tetwalina bitanda bimala ku ddwaliro." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The mixed race people are referred to as half white and half black.", "lg": "Abantu b'omusaayi omutabule bayitibwa bakyotala." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The ministry has three departments.", "lg": "Minisitule erimu ebitongole bisatu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"With the current technology, you can now order food online.\"", "lg": "\"Olwa tekinologiya aliwo leero, kati emmere osobola okugiragiriza ku mukutu.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He encouraged us to participate in missionary work.", "lg": "Yatukubirizza okwenyigira mu buweereza bw'okubuulirira ekigambo kya Katonda." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She is very confident.", "lg": "Mugumu nnyo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I was thinking about you all day.", "lg": "Nnali nkulowoozaako olunaku lwonna." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The winner of the painting competition will be announced tomorrow.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The agreement was between Lagardre and the Confederation of African Football.", "lg": "Endagaano yali wakati wa Lagardere n'akakiiko k'omupiira gwa Afirika ogw'ebigere." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Very few people can afford the shoes sold in that shop.", "lg": "Abantu batono nnyo abasobola okugula engatto ezitundibwa mu dduuka eryo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The timing is perfect because of the dry season.", "lg": "Obudde butuufu kubanga ebiseera bya musana." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Our football team is training hard for the next season.", "lg": "Ttiimu yaffe ey'omupiira eri mukutendekebwa okw'amaanyi nga beetegekera sizoni ejja." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She has raised her children without her husband's support.", "lg": "Yeekulizza abaana be nga bba tamuyambyeko." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The police found a bloody knife at the crime scene.", "lg": "Poliisi yasanga akambe akajjudde omusaayi mu kifo omusango we gwazzibwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Police are monitoring all roads close to the parliament to prevent protests.", "lg": "Poliisi erawuna enguudo zonna ezeetoolodde paalimenti okutangira obwegugungo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The crops have a lot of insects on their branches.", "lg": "Ebirime birina ebiwuka bingi ku matabi gaabyo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The bridegroom's father gave a wonderful speech.", "lg": "Okwogera kwa taata w'omugole omusajja kwabadde kulungi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Handline is manually operated by one person along the lake beaches or on the riverbanks.", "lg": "Amalobo gategekebwa omuntu omu ng'ali ku lubalama lw'ennyanja oba omugga." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Uganda has more than ten local languages.", "lg": "Uganda erina ennimi ennansi ezisukka mu kkumi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Anyone's food consumption rates change with time", "lg": "Engeri omuntu gy'alyamu emmere ekyukakyuka n'obudde." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He had to go to the salon to cut off his hair.", "lg": "Yalina okugenda mu ssaluuni okusalako enviiri ze." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Temperatures vary only a few degrees above or below twenty degrees celsius.", "lg": "Ebbugumu likyukakyukamu ddiguli ntono waggulu oba wansi wa ddiguli abiri." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He ate delicious honey from the hive.", "lg": "Yalya omubisi oguwooma okuva mu kiyumba ky'enjuki." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The party members and supporters want the police to release their leaders.", "lg": "Ba mmemba b'ekibiina n'abawagizi baagala poliisi ete abakulembeze baabwe." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The world's leading scientists met in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque country in two thousand twelve.\"", "lg": "\"Bannassaayansi abasinga mu nsi ababiri baasisinkana mu Vitoria-Gasteiz, mu nsi y'e Basque mu nkumi bbiri mu kkumi n'ebiri.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "My husband drives this car with care.", "lg": "nan" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The people will be able to start up and engage in business.", "lg": "Abantu bajja kuba basobola okutandikawo n'okwenyigira mu busuubuzi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He is offering a course in photography at the university.", "lg": "Akola ssomo lya bifaananyi ku yunivaasite." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The more members you have the more votes in an election.", "lg": "Gy'okoma okuba n'abantu abangi gy'okoma okufuna obululu obungi mu kulonda." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "This river flooded twice last month.", "lg": "Omugga guno gwayanjaala emirundi ebiri omwezi oguwedde." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The railway is still being used to transport passengers within the Nairobi city centre.", "lg": "Eggaali y'omukka ekyakozesebwa okutambuza abasaabaze mu makkati g'ekibuga Nairobi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The government has extended electricity to several villages.", "lg": "Gavumenti etuusizza amasannyalaze mu byalo ebiwera." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Plants need sunlight to grow.", "lg": "Ebimera byetaaga omusana okukula." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Pakwach district officials are looking for funds to complete the storage administrative block .", "lg": "Abakungu ba disitulikiti y'e Packwach banoonya nsimbi kumaliriza ekizimbe kya woofiisi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Mobile phones are used in communicating.", "lg": "Amasimu g'omu ngalo gakozesebwa mu kuwuliziganya." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Some agencies are using politics as a weapon.", "lg": "Ebitongole ebimu bikozesa ababaka nga eky'okulwanyisa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The group leader escaped into the neighboring country.", "lg": "Omukulembeze w'ekibinja yaddukira mu ggwanga ery'omuliraano." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "That man was a famous comedian back in the day.", "lg": "Omusajja oyo yali kazannyirizi mututumufu mu biseera by'edda." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A few Ugandans represented the country in the recently concluded Olympic Games.", "lg": "Bannayuganda batono abaakiikirira eggwanga mu mizannyo gya Olimpiki egyakaggwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He traveled to the neighboring country for the ceremony.", "lg": "Yagenze ku mukolo mu ggwanga ery'oku muliraano." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He is now a very successful businessman.", "lg": "Kati musajja omusuubuzi omututumufu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"This month, there is a delay in the payment of civil servants' salaries.\"", "lg": "\"Omwezi guno, wabaddewo okulwawo mu kusasula emisaala gy'abakozi ba gavumenti.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The Uganda People's Congress government was overthrown in one thousand nine hundred eighty-five.", "lg": "Gavumenti y'ekibiina kya Uganda People's Congress yamaamulwako mu lukumi mu lwenda kinaana mu etaano." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "African stories hold the community together.", "lg": "Engero z'Abafirika zigatta ebitundu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Why are you calling this early morning?", "lg": "Lwaki okuba amakya gano?" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has been working for that company for the last seven years.", "lg": "Abadde akolera kampuni okumala emyaka musanvu egiyise." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He tried to sneak into the room where the money was kept.", "lg": "Yagezaako okusooba ayingire mu kisenge ssente mwe zaali ziterekedddwa." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Factories can save energy.", "lg": "Amakolero gasobola okukkeekereza amasanyalaze." } }