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de | Das Satire-Wiki Stupidedia stellte den Betrieb ein |
Nach 13 Jahren hat das deutschsprachige Satire-Wiki namens Stupidedia den Betrieb zum 31. Januar 2018 eingestellt. Allerdings können die bisher angemeldeten Benutzer noch weiter daran arbeiten. Neuaufnahmen und anonyme Einträge nur mit IP sind jedoch seitdem nicht mehr möglich.
Stupidedia ist nicht das einzige Wiki, dessen Ende eingeläutet wird. Auch ''The Awl'', ein englischer Blog abseits des Mainstreams, gibt nach über sieben Jahren auf. Manchmal sind es Kostengründe, manchmal auch der Wechsel aktiver Autoren zu anderen Projekten und die zunehmende Konkurrenz, was dazu führt, dass die Arbeit nicht mehr fortgeführt werden kann. Einige versuchen sich mit bezahlter Werbung über Wasser zu halten. Doch letztlich entscheidet auch das Interesse der Leser. Bei Stupidedia heißt es dazu: „Und die neue Seite? Sind wir auch hier mal ehrlich – Die Resonanz ist gleich null.“
| [
"Themenportal Kultur",
"Themenportal Medien",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Stupidedia:Websitewechsel - Stupidedia",
"text": "Aus Stupidedia, der sinnfreien Enzyklopädie!\nStupidedia gibt es mittlerweile schon seit 2004. Heute wollen wir einen neuen Schritt wagen und eine neue Version der Stupidedia vorstellen.\nIn den letzten Wochen haben wir an einem neuen Design und auch Konzept für Stupidedia gearbeitet.\nEinen ersten Blick könnt ihr unter werfen.\nWie auf der Seite ersichtlich, bewegen wir uns von dem klassischen Wiki-Konzept weg. Das heißt jedoch nicht, dass die Stupidedia nun keine Community-Website mehr ist. Es wird weiterhin möglich sein Artikel, bei Stupidedia zu veröffentlichen - Jeder wird weiterhin die Möglichkeit haben Artikel und Bilder online zu stellen.\nDabei gelten nach wie vor unsere Richtlinien ( Die Autoren der Artikel werden mehr hervorgehoben und Besucher können sich leichter in Form von Kommentaren in die Community einbringen.\nDie Entscheidung ist uns nicht leicht gefallen, jedoch glauben wir, dass für einen zukünftigen und erfolgreichen Fortbestand der Stupidedia Erneuerungen erforderlich sind.\nEinige Artikel des Wikis wurden schon in der neuen Version übernommen und es werden viele weitere folgen. Das Wiki wird nicht aus dem Web verschwinden, sondern als Archiv weiterhin unter einer Subdomain abrufbar sein.\nZusätzlich werden neue Texte unter einer neuen freien Lizenz, CC BY-SA 3.0, erscheinen. Für alle Artikel, die im Wiki erschienen sind, gilt weiterhin die bisherige Lizenz. Eine genauere Erläuterung der Lizenz findet man hier:\nVorteile der neuen Stupidedia [ Bearbeiten ]\nEin moderneres Layout, das neuen Usern auch zeigt, dass es sich um ein Satire-Portal handelt.\nVereinfachte Präsentation unserer Artikel, und verbesserte Navigation (gerade für Gelegenheitsnutzer!).\nDie Webseite ist nun auch für mobile Oberflächen optimiert. Außerdem wird es für Aufrufe über die Facebook-App sowie mobile Aufrufe über Google eine optimierte Darstellung geben.\nUnerfahrene User können sich mit Hilfe von Kommentaren leichter in die Community einbringen.\nTechnisch können wir zukünftig schneller auf aktuelle Entwicklungen reagieren.\nZeitplan [ Bearbeiten ]\nEs wird der 31. Januar 2018 für die Umstellung angepeilt.\nZu diesem Zeitpunkt soll die Hauptseite von Stupidedia ersetzen.\nDas Wiki wird danach unter einer Subdomain abrufbar sein.\nIn den nächsten Tagen und Wochen werden wir auch noch weitere Details genauer erläutern!\nÜber Feedback, Fragen, Anregungen usw. würden wir uns freuen!\n— Uebel (Diskussion) 10:34, 16. Dez. 2017 (CET)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2006-11-11: W Iraku zginął polski żołnierz, drugi Polak jest ranny |
Polski żołnierz, sierżant Tomasz Murkowski, zginął w Iraku, drugi Polak jest ranny - potwierdziły dwa źródła wojskowe.
Rzecznik MON Piotr Paszkowski powiedział w TVN24, że ''do wypadku doszło wczoraj późnym wieczorem''.
Oprócz Polaka zginął również żołnierz słowacki, st. sierżant Rastislav Neplech. Oprócz żołnierza polskiego ranny został również Ormianin. Obaj żołnierze przebywają w szpitalu w Bagdadzie. Stan rannych jest "stabilny".
Sierżant Tomasz Murkowski miał 30 lat, służył w 13. Pułku Przeciwlotniczym w Elblągu. Osierocił dwoje dzieci. Żołnierze zginęli wskutek wybuchu miny pułapki w okolicach Al Kut. Żołnierze brali udział w misji stabilizacyjnej.
| [
"Bliski Wschód",
"Misja stabilizacyjna w Iraku",
"Siły Zbrojne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Polski żołnierz zginął w Iraku",
"text": "Polski żołnierz zginął w Iraku\nŻołnierze w bazie zostali postawieni w stan podwyższonej gotowości.\nDwóch żołnierzy - Polak i Słowak zginęło w wybuchu miny pułapki w Iraku. Ranny został Polak i Ormianin.\nPolski żołnierz, który zginął w Iraku w wyniku wybuchu miny to sierż. Tomasz Murkowski z 13 Pułku Przeciwlotniczego w Elblągu - ujawnił rzecznik MON Piotr Paszkowski.Do wypadku doszło wczoraj późnym wieczorem. Żołnierze zginęli wskutek wybuchu miny pułapki w okolicach Al Kut w prowincji Wasit. Kompania saperów słowackich rozminowywała tam składy amunicji pozostawione jeszcze przez wojska Saddama Husajna. Konwój został zaatakowany przy użyciu ładunku wybuchowego umieszczonego przy drodze. Eksplozja zniszczyła pojazd łączności (HMMWV - Hummer), w którym znajdowali się wszyscy poszkodowani żołnierze. Po ataku konwój został również ostrzelany z broni maszynowej.Życiu rannych nie zagraża niebezpieczeństwo, zostali przewiezieni śmigłowcem do szpitala w Bagdadzie. Polak jest ranny w nogę, jest to młodszy chorąży z bazy lotniczej w Malborku.To 22 polska ofiara w Iraku. Dotychczas zginęło tam 21 Polaków: 17 żołnierzy, dwóch byłych komandosów GROM pracujący dla amerykańskiej firmy Blackwater oraz dwaj dziennikarze TVP Waldemar Milewicz i Mounir Bouamrane.",
"url": ",12,item.html",
"archive_url": ",12,item.html"
] |
fr | La pression internationale s'accentue sur la Syrie : la Russie presse el-Assad | Carlos Latuff.
L' a aujourd'hui condamné l'assassinat du dirigeant de l'opposition kurde, Mechaal Tamo, vendredi, ainsi que le tabassage de l'opposant et ancien député , s'inquiétant une fois de plus de la répression face aux qui font rage dans le pays.
, a annoncé un communiqué de , la chef de la diplomatie européenne. , poursuit-elle, condamnant en Syrie.
La n'est pas en reste et a elle fustigé les récentes violences dès hier, appelant le président el-Assad a quitter le pouvoir , estimant que la situation est .
Le pouvoir en place depuis onze ans est de plus en plus isolé sur la scène internationale : , allié traditionnel de , estime désormais que le régime syrien doit faire des réformes ou partir, même si la Russie maintient son refus à toute .
, a déclaré le président russe lors d'une réunion du Conseil de sécurité russe. , a-t-il ajouté, précisant qu'il continuerait de bloquer à l' .
Ces déclarations surviennent quelques jours après le de la et de la , toutes deux membres permanents du , à un projet de résolution portant sur la répression des manifestations en Syrie. Les pays ayant présenté mardi un projet de contre le régime ont vivement désapprouvé la décision de la Russie et de la Chine, rappelant que, selon l'ONU, la répression des contestations par le régime de Damas a tué plus de depuis mars dernier.
| [
"Politique et conflits",
"Printemps arabe",
"Bachar el-Assad"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Moscou envisage pour la première fois un départ d'Assad",
"text": "AFP - Le président russe Dmitri Medvedev a envisagé pour la première fois le départ de Bachar al-Assad, estimant vendredi que le régime syrien devait faire des réformes ou partir, même si Moscou maintient son opposition à toute ingérence dictée par les Occidentaux.\n\"Nous travaillons activement avec les dirigeants syriens pour qu'ils procèdent aux réformes indispensables. S'ils ne sont pas capables de mener ces réformes, ils doivent partir\", a déclaré M. Medvedev au cours d'une réunion de Conseil de sécurité russe.\n\"Mais c'est au peuple et au régime syrien de décider cela, et non pas à l'Otan ou à certains pays européens\", a ajouté le président russe, avertissant que Moscou continuerait de bloquer à l'ONU \"des sanctions visant à déboucher sur des changements de régime\".\nCes déclarations interviennent quelques jours après le veto de la Russie et de la Chine - membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU - à un projet de résolution sur la sanglante répression des manifestations en Syrie.\nLes pays occidentaux qui avaient présenté mardi un projet appelant à des \"mesures ciblées\" contre la Syrie ont vivement dénoncé la décision de la Russie et de la Chine, la répression des manifestations par le régime de Damas ayant fait, selon l'ONU, plus de 2.700 morts depuis la mi-mars.\nAlliée de longue date de la Syrie, à laquelle elle fournit des armements, la Russie s'est défendue d'être l'avocate du régime de Damas et a fait valoir qu'elle accueillerait en octobre deux délégations de l'opposition syrienne comme elle l'a déjà fait - sans grand résultat - par le passé.\nMoscou avait proposé à l'ONU son propre projet de résolution écartant toute idée de sanction et insistant la nécessité d'un dialogue politique, comme elle le fait depuis des mois.\nVendredi, M. Medvedev a reproché aux auteurs du texte de ne pas y avoir inclus une clause selon laquelle il n'y aurait \"aucune ingérence militaire dans ce conflit\", Moscou disant vouloir éviter une répétition du scénario libyen.\nAprès avoir permis, en s'abstenant au Conseil de sécurité, les bombardements de l'Otan en Libye, la Russie a vivement critiqué l'Alliance atlantique, lui reprochant d'avoir outrepassé le mandat accordé par les Nations unies en cherchant à renverser le régime du colonel Kadhafi.\nAu début de la révolte en Syrie à la mi-mars, la Russie soutenait le régime de Bachar al-Assad et a souligné par la suite que celui-ci s'était engagé à faire des réformes démocratiques.\nA partir de l'été, le Kremlin a commencé à dire que le régime syrien était responsable de la sanglante répression des manifestations dans le pays, tout en appelant le régime à mettre en place des réformes.\nDésormais, Moscou envisage un possible départ du président Assad, de plus en plus isolé sur la scène internationale.\nDans le même temps, la Russie affirme que l'opposition syrienne compte dans ses rangs des \"terroristes\" qui risqueraient d'arriver au pouvoir dans l'hypothèse d'une chute du régime.\nEn Libye, la Russie avait longtemps soutenu son fidèle allié Mouammar Khadafi.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Togo footballers ambushed in Angola |
A bus carrying the football team of the African country of Togo was ambushed by gunmen earlier today, wounding at least two players, as it crossed the border into Angola. Some reports suggested that the driver was killed.
The attackers reportedly opened fire on the bus with machine guns as it was travelling though Cabinda. The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda, a separatist group, soon claimed responsibility for the ambush.
Central defender Serge Akakpo and the back-up goalkeeper, Obilale Kossi, was hurt as well, according to Gabriel Ameyi, the Togo Football Federation vice-president.
"We had just crossed the border ... everything was fine. Then there was a powerful burst of gunfire. Everyone dived under the seats and the police fired back. It felt like war had broken out. It's shocking," said Thomas Dossevi, a Togo striker, to the RMC radio station.
The incident occurs two days before the start of the largest football competition in Africa, the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations. The contest's organisers said that Togo's team will still participate in the event despite the ambush; however, midfielder Alaixys Romao commented that his team might have to withdraw.
"No-one wants to play. We're not capable of it. We're thinking first of all about the health of our injured because there was a lot of blood on the ground," he said to RMC radio.
"If we are still not sure about security then we will be leaving," captain Emmanuel Adebayor, of Manchester City, commented. "It's a football game, it's one of the biggest tournaments in Africa and a lot of people would love to be in our position but I don't think anybody would be prepared to give their life," he said to BBC Afrique.
"So I will talk with the team and we will discuss between us and take a group decision that we think is good for our careers, good for our lives and good for our families because at the end of the day it is only football."
| [
"Crime and law",
"Football (soccer)"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Togo footballers attacked in Angola",
"text": "Serge Akakpo is said to be one of the players injured in the attack [AFP]\nSerge Akakpo is said to be one of the players injured in the attack [AFP]\nArmed men have opened fire on a bus carrying Togo's national football squad to the African Cup of Nations tournaments in Angola, killing the driver and wounding at least two players, officials have said. The attack took place on Friday, shortly after the team passed into the Cabinda region, which is separated from the rest of Angola by a thin strip of the Democratic Republic of Congo.\nThe Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC), which has been fighting for independence for three decades, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was aimed at the team's military escorts.\nThomas Dossevi, a Togo striker, told the RMC radio station that the team was \"shot at like dogs\" by hooded assailants who were \"armed to the teeth\".\n\"We had just crossed the border ... everything was fine. Then there was a powerful burst of gunfire,\" he said.\n\"Everyone dived under the seats and the police fired back. It felt like war had broken out. It's shocking.\"\nHigh profile players\nGabriel Ameyi, the Togo Football Federation vice-president, said players Obilale Kossi and Serge Akakpo had been wounded in the attack.\nThe Associated Press news agency reported that two team doctors and a journalist travelling with the squad had also been injured.\nThe attack comes just two days before the start of the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations, the continent's biggest football event.\nA spokesman for the tournament has said that it will go ahead despite the attack.\n\"Our great concern is for the players, but the championship goes ahead,\" Souleymane Habuba, a spokesman for the Confederation of African Football, said.\nThe Togo team had been training in Congo and were travelling to Angola by bus ahead of their match against Ghana on Monday.\nCabinda is scheduled to host seven matches in the tournament this month.\nKarthi Gnanasegaram, Al Jazeera's sports correspondent in London, said some high profile players, including captain Emmanuel Adebayor, who plays for the English club, Manchester City, were in the Togo team.\n\"We have spoken to Manchester City. They have told us he is definitely safe and he is unharmed, but he is obviously shaken by what has happened in the last few hours,\" she said.\nAntonio Bento Bembe, Angola's minister without porfolio who is in charge of Cabinda affairs, condemned the attack.\n\"This was an act of terrorism that is being dealt with as we speak,\" Bento Bembe told Reuters.\n'Failed security'\nGuy Momat, an independent Congolese journalist, told Al Jazeera that the FLEC consider the Cabinda region to be a separate entity from the rest of Angola.\n\"We've got oil and timber in Cabinda and for years groups have been trying to take control of them for the profits.\"\nMomat said that the unrest had subsided in recent years giving impetus to Angola staging the tournament.FLEC signed a peace deal with Angola's government in 2006, but in recent months has claimed a spate of attacks on the military and foreign oil and construction workers in the province.\nKeir Radnedge, a leading football author and a former editor of World Soccer magazine, told Al Jazeera that security arrangements in Angola had failed.\n\"The problem with any sports organisation is that they do rely on this moratorium that generally sports teams don't get attacked. Now obviously, that is something that is falling apart.\"\n\"The situation speaks volumes about the difficulty of trying to protect any number of sports teams when they're travelling.\n\"This is one of the big worries concerning South Africa and the World Cup,\" he said, referring to the upcoming 2010 football tournament.\n\"This is probably the worst thing that could have happened at the start of the South African World Cup year.\"\nAngola as a whole is only just emerging from a 27-year civil war which erupted shortly after it gained independence from Portugal and finally ended in 2002.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Togo footballers shot in ambush",
"text": "Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Gunmen have fired on a bus carrying Togo's football team to the Africa Cup of Nations in Angola, wounding players and reportedly killing the driver. The attackers machine-gunned the vehicle after it crossed from the Republic of Congo into Angola's oil-rich territory of Cabinda. Rebels who have been fighting for the region's independence later said they had carried out the attack. The organisers of the tournament, which starts on Sunday, say it will go ahead. The Angolan government called the incident an \"act of terrorism\". The Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (Flec), which said it carried out the attack, has fought for independence for several decades, but entered a ceasefire in 2006. In a statement quoted by Portugal's Lusa news agency, the group said: \"This operation is only the start of a series of targeted actions that will continue in all the territory of Cabinda.\" Togo is due to play its first cup game in Cabinda on Monday. The Confederation of African Football confirmed that the tournament would go ahead as planned, despite the violent attack. Angolan Sports Minister Goncalves Muandumba said security for the competition would be stepped up to guarantee \"all the conditions necessary for the success, tranquillity and security of the people and their belongings\". 'Under shock' Nine people, including at least two players, were wounded during the shooting, reports said. Central defender Serge Akakpo was among those hurt and back-up goalkeeper Kodjovi Obilale was also reportedly injured. Romanian side FC Vaslui confirmed that Mr Akakpo, who joined the club from French side Auxerre last year, was shot and badly injured in the attack. The 22-year-old was out of danger after being struck by two bullets and being treated by doctors, the club said. The team's communications manager was among those seriously wounded in the shooting. Manchester City striker Emmanuel Adebayor was also on the bus but is unhurt. Speaking to the BBC, he described the incident as \"one of the worst experiences of his life\". \"I'm still under shock,\" Mr Adebayor said. \"I was one of those who carried the injured players into the hospital - that is when I realised what was really going on. All the players, everyone was crying, calling their mums, crying on the phone, saying their last words because they thought they'd be dead.\" The bus was travelling to Cabinda from the squad's training ground in the Republic of Congo when the shooting happened. \"This was an act of terrorism,\" Cabinda affairs minister Bento Bembe told Reuters news agency. Football's highest governing body, Fifa, said it was troubled by the incident. \"Fifa and its president, Joseph S Blatter, are deeply moved by today's incidents which affected Togo's national team, to whom they express their utmost sympathy,\" the body said in a statement. Competition officials said they had not known that the Togolose team had decided to drive directly to Cabinda. They said they had expected the squad first to fly to the Angolan capital, Luanda, and from there to Cabinda. Shot 'like dogs' The head of the Togolese football federation told AFP news agency that the driver had died. Togo striker Thomas Dossevi told France's RMC radio that several players were \"in a bad state\" after the attack. CABINDA Oil-rich province cut off from the rest of Angola by DR Congo Flec rebels fought for region's independence Rebels laid down arms in 2006 but some unrest continues Angola had dismissed concerns about staging games there\nTogo footballers tell of attack \"We were machine-gunned, like dogs,\" he said. \"At the border with Angola - machine-gunned! I don't know why. I thought it was some rebels. We were under the seats of the bus for 20 minutes, trying to get away from the bullets.\" The identities of those injured - who also included team staff - have not yet been confirmed. Togo's first game in the tournament is due to be against Ghana on Monday. But midfielder Alaixys Romao told RMC the team was likely to pull out of the 16-nation cup. \"No-one wants to play,\" he said. \"We're not capable of it. \"We're thinking first of all about the health of our injured because there was a lot of blood on the ground.\"\nBookmark with: Delicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | AFC Asian Cup: Saudi Arabia edge out Indonesia, Uzbekistan trounce Malaysia |
Saudi Arabia has scored in injury time to defeat Indonesia 2-1 in their 2007 AFC Asian Cup Group D fixture.
Saudi Arabia took the lead after twelve minutes, when Yasser Al-Qahtani headed home a cross from the right hand side of the field by Ahmed Al Bahri. His header was driven low and to the left of the Indonesian goalkeeper Yandri Christian Pitoy, who dived but failed to get his right hand to the ball.
Indonesia struck back and levelled eight minutes later, when Elie Aiboy rounded Saudi goalkeeper Yasser Al Mosailem and calmly slotted the ball into the empty net. Elie received a through-ball from Budi Sudarsono and kept his composure, going to the left of the advancing goalkeeper and taking an extra touch before putting the ball into the back of the net.
Both goalkeepers made saves to keep their sides level, with Mosailem making two late in the first half to keep Saudi Arabia level at the break. Pitoy made a couple of excellent saves late in the second half, and Indonesian defender Maman Abdurrahman made a precise sliding tackle to stop a one-on-one opportunity for Al Qahtani on seventy-eight minutes.
The 88,000 predominantly-Indonesian fans inside the Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta were silenced by a Saad Al-Harthi goal in the ninety-second minute. A swinging free kick from the left hand side saw Al-Harthi leap and head the ball beyond goalkeeper Pitoy's grasp to give Saudi Arabia all three points and the lead of Group D. Korea Republic play Bahrain this afternoon (UTC) in the fourth Group D fixture.
In Group C, Uzbekistan has defeat Malaysia 5-0 at the Bukit Jalil Stadium, Kuala Lumpur. It is Malaysia's second consecutive five-goal defeat, after they lost to China 5-1 in their other Group C fixture.
Maksim Shatskikh opened the scoring after ten minutes with a back-post header. Timur Kapadze then doubled Uzbekistan's advantage on twenty-nine minutes, before Ulugbek Bakaev converted a penalty kick just before half time to make the score 3-0.
After the break, Malaysia dug in and didn't concede again for forty minutes. On eighty-five minutes, Aziz Ibragimov broke through to score. Shatskikh completed his double and the 5-0 result in the eighty-ninth minute
The result leaves Uzbekistan on top of Group C on three points, equal with China and Iran. The latter two play each other this afternoon (UTC).
| [
"Football (soccer)",
"Saudi Arabia",
"Kuala Lumpur",
"Middle East"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "",
"text": "Indonesia defeated by Saudi Arabia at last minute in Asian Cup 15/7/2007 11:32\nWith nearly 90,000 supporters including the president's attendance and cheering, the Indonesian team played offensive football with full confidence at the very beginning.\nBut at the 14th minute, Saudi Arabia broke the stalemate first. Captain and striker Yasser Al Qahtani received teammate's air pass in the forbidden zone and kicked header just outside the box successfully.\nWith stronger cheering, the Indonesians launched more attacks, and just 6 minutes later, by dint of opponents' misplay, Elie Aiboy, a small forward gave a suddenly blitz kick and bring the two teams at the same score.\nIn the second-half time, the Saudi Arabians at least had 3 times to score, but all missed or destroyed by tough defenders, and the Indonesians also produced a lot of troubles in the front of opponents' goal.\nWhen audiences at spot were beginning to cheer the match would end with draw at the last minute, the Saudi Arabians won a freeball at the left corner of forbidden zone.\nThey used a seconded header to suddenly kill Indonesia by substitute Saad Al Harthi. The three Asian Cup champion finally showed their rich experience and roughly won the match to secure their qualification of the second round in this tournament.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Asian Cup: Last gasp winner gives Saudi 2-1 victory over Indonesia",
"text": "Asian Cup: Last gasp winner gives Saudi 2-1 victory over Indonesia\nJAKARTA, Indonesia: Saudi Arabia substitute Saad Al Harthi scored an injury-time header to beat Indonesia 2-1 in Group D on Saturday, putting the Middle Eastern side on course to reach the quarter finals of the Asian Cup.\nSaudi Arabia were good value for the victory, dominating the last half hour of the match, but the nature of the defeat was cruel on Indonesia, which had performed doggedly, and the 88,000 fans at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium.\nThe result leaves three times winners Saudi Arabia atop the group with 4 points, and have one foot in the quarterfinals. Indonesia, which has three, now need to pick up points against Asian giants South Korea in its final game to progress.\n\"I am very disappointed,\" said Indonesia coach Ivan Kolev. \"In my view, we did enough to gain a point because we played well.\"\nAl Harti, who had been on the pitch for less than five minutes, leapt to glance in a header from an angled freekick from the left, prompting jubilation on the Saudi bench.\n\"We took our opportunity and we have the victory,\" said Saudi coach Helio Cesar dos Anjos. \"There were some difficult moments for us, especially with the crowd cheering Indonesia on, but everybody could see we controlled the game for the last 20 minutes.\"\nThe first real chance of the evening fell to Indonesia when Elie Aiboy missed an open net after Saudi goalkeeper Yasser Al Mosailem spilled a powerful freekick.\nSaudi Arabia quickly made Indonesia pay for that miss when, on 12 minutes, Ahmed Al Bahri sent a cross from the right where he found Yasser Al Qahtani, who headed powerfully past the sprawling Indonesian keeper Yandri Christian Pitoy.\nAiboy made amends for his earlier miss on 19 minutes, running onto a threaded through ball by Budi Sudarsono, coolly rounding the keeper and slotting home the equalizer. The goal was met with volleys of fireworks and red flares by the home fans.\nAs the half drew to a close, Aiboy came within a whisker of his second goal when he cheekily attempted to chip the keeper from a well-worked move following Indonesia's first corner, but the keeper just tipped it over the bar. Sudarsono forced the keeper to make another good save seconds later when he almost headed in from a second corner.\nSaudi Arabia finished the match strongly.\nPitoy pulled off two smart saves to keep the game 1-1. On 78 minutes, the highly impressive Yasser Al Qahtani was one on one with the goalkeeper but guilty of taking one too many touches, allowing Indonesian defender Maman Abdurrahman to make a superb sliding challenge.\nElsewhere in Group D, South Korea has one point after drawing with Saudi Arabia, while Bahrain is pointless following its loss to Indonesia. On Sunday, the two teams meet, with Bahrain having to draw or win to stay in the competition.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Dalila s'éloigne de la côte du Mexique |
L'ouragan Dalila se dirige présentement vers le sud-ouest au-dessus de l', s'éloignant ainsi de la côte du . Tôt mercredi, les vents de l'ouragan atteignaient des vitesses maximales de 120 km/h. Dalila devrait s'affaiblir jeudi.
| [
"Amérique du Nord",
"Océan Pacifique",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Home | Windsor Star",
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es | Encuentran asesinado al coordinador regional de campaña del opositor Henrique Capriles |
Juan Aranda de 52 años, coordinador regional de campaña del opositor venezolano , fue encontrado asesinado este jueves en la localidad de . El Gobierno de Venezuela descarta que se trate de una "venganza".
Aranda fue secuestrado por dos hombres que se hicieron pasar por policías pasadas las 11 de la noche y apareció horas después con varios disparos, según denunciaron sus familiares.
Según un grupo de personas que acompañaban a Aranda realizando campaña a favor de Capriles, se encontraron con partidarios de ; sin embargo los evitaron para no entrar en un conflicto.
Por su parte, el Gobierno de Venezuela descartó mediante un comunicado que el asesinato de Aranda sea una venganza.
| [
"Henrique Capriles"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Venezuela: Hallan asesinado a coordinador de campaña de Capriles",
"text": "Foto: Twitter\nEn vísperas de las elecciones del domingo, este jueves finaliza el período de campaña electoral en Venezuela, donde se elegirá al sucesor del fallecido presidente Hugo Chávez.\nLa lucha ideológica entre el presidente encargado, Nicolás Maduro, y su contendor, Henrique Capriles, ha despertado a sus simpatizantes e incluso se han producido enfrentamientos en las calles.\nSin embargo, este jueves se registró el hecho más grave tras el hallazgo del cuerpo asesinado de Juan Aranda (52), coordinador de campaña de Capriles. El cadáver se encontraba con múltiples disparos.\nSegún informan medios extranjeros, el crimen ocurrió luego de que Aranda fuera secuestrado por dos sujetos que se hicieron pasar por policías, denunció la familia de la víctima.\n“Pasadas las 11 de la noche del lunes lo fueron a buscar a su vivienda una pareja de motorizados y se lo llevaron. Horas más tarde apareció muerto de múltiples disparos en el sector Palotal”, relataron sus familiares.\nSegún el diario en su versión digital, Aranda había participado ese día en una caminata a favor de Capriles. En el recorrido se encontraron con seguidores del candidato oficialista Nicolás Maduro, quienes también hacían campaña.\n“Salvo los gritos de consigna a favor de un candidato y otro, no hubo ningún problema. Por eso nos pareció extraño que a Juan le llegaran a su casa, como a las 11 a decirle que lo estaba buscando la policía porque y que había agredido a un chavista. Los sujetos no eran policías”, dijeron los allegados.\nAunque no se descarta ningún móvil, las investigaciones se inclinan al sicariato político como propósito del crimen",
"url": "!Fq4SfpFBTbOug/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter",
"archive_url": "!Fq4SfpFBTbOug/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter"
"language": "es",
"title": "Secuestran y asesinan a coordinador de campaña de Capriles",
"text": "11 abril 2013 | Caracas -\nUn coordinador de campaña del candidato opositor Henrique Capriles fue asesinado a tiros luego de participar el lunes en la noche en un volanteo por casas del municipio Pedro María Ureña en Venezuela.\nJuan Aranda, coordinador del comando Simón Bolívar, se dirigía a su residencia en la localidad de Tienditas cuando fue secuestrado por varios hombres y luego hallado muerto en una cancha deportiva de la localidad.\nAranda fungía como coordinador del centro de votación de la escuela Cipriano Castor en Tienditas y militaba en el Movimiento al Socialismo.\nSe conoció que antes del asesinato, el grupo en el que se encontraba se topó con personas que respaldan la candidatura del presidente encargado Nicolás Maduro, pero se fueron del lugar para evitar enfrentamientos.\n\"Salvo los gritos de consigna a favor de un candidato y otro, no hubo ningún problema. Por eso nos pareció extraño que a Juan le llegaran a su casa, como a las 11 a decirle que lo estaba buscando la Policía porque había agredido a un chavista\", explicaron sus familiares a El Universal.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Postobón puja por patrocinio del Fútbol Profesional Colombiano |
Luego de conocerse la alianza entre la DIMAYOR y Coca-Cola por medio de la cual esta empresa pasa a patrocinar al FPC a partir del año próximo, la compañía colombiana Postobón ofreció $40.000 millones de pesos (aproximadamente 13,54 millones de euros) a la DIMAYOR.
La oferta de Postobón es 60% mayor a la de Coca-Cola, por los mismos cinco años; sin embargo, el anuncio oficial de la llegada de una u otra empresa al patrocinio oficial del fútbol colombiano se realizaría mañana, tal cual se tenía previsto antes de que Postobón pusiera en aprietos a la entidad administradora de este deporte en Colombia.
Postobón ofrece además $16.000 millones (poco más de 5,4 millones de euros), que serían distribuidos entre los 36 equipos de las divisiones A y B.
Independientemente de quién termine patrocinando, lo único cierto es que Protabaco dejará de hacerlo, pues vence su contrato y entra en vigor una ley que prohíbe la publicidad de cierto tipo de empresas en este tipo de eventos, incluyendo las tabacaleras.
| [
"Economía y Negocios",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Postobón ofrece $40.000 millones para patrocinar el fútbol colombiano",
"text": "como iditota no entiende que eso no genera diero si no mas pobreza y quines son los que toman gaseosa al almuerzo y nada mas??\nEl rey de qué? fracasados perdedores, que salen de colombia a hacer el ridiculo, porque en esos torneos los arbitros no se compran. Que han ganado? una libertadores hace 20 años y pare, y despues de quejan de millonarios que viven del pasado, porque lo del torneo nacional tiene un tufillo mafioso bastante desagradable. Entonces dejen de creerse algo que no tienen, ayer con 13 en la cancha y no pudieron. Que tal si postobon gana el martilllo,entonces que los otros equipos monten otro torneo, porque ahí si con canal, periodistas pre-pago y con sus amenazas que si narconal no gana retiramos el patrocinio que será de ese torneo?\nsimplemente no me parece etico que un grupo empresarial maneje tanto el campeonato como el equipo y el canal oficial, eso es como ser juez y parte, al estilo RCN con los premios TvyNovela; si amenzaraon con quitar el patrocinio del torneito de pacotilla para que no sancionaran al nacional, ahora patrocinando el torneo oficial la cosa se va a complicar aun mas, a sabiendas de que tambien manejan el medio oficial, donde se informara que todo marcha de maravilla y el nacional sera el eterno campeon del futbol colombiano\nY es que no se dan cuenta que cerveza Aguila patrocina varios equipos, y esto no quiere decir que los equipos que patrocina esta marca sean campeones o se hagan la rosca. Las olimpiadas varias veces las ha patrocinado Coca..........cola, y los gringos se han llevado su garrotera de los rusos y de los chinos algunas veces. Es mejor que se patrocine el futbol de esta manera y no con productos que inducen al vicio, además, se coloca a circular el dinero y se ayuda a equipos que no gozan de grandes presupuestos, y que entre otras cosas han dado sorpresas quedando campeones por encima de los grandes de este pais. Por favor seamos constructivos y comportemosno como civilizados al ir a los estadios, demostremos cultura. Un partido es un partido y nada mas, la tierra sigue girando.\nel futbol profesional colombiano cada dia se hace una mafia mas nauseabunda... uno cree que no puede empeorar pero lo hace, yo no me imagino los torcidos que se van a terminar haciendo alla dentro... minimo le ponen equipo a la oficina de envigado, ahi varito, pan y circo, y a falta de pan, una gaseosa postobon...\nBIENVENIDA COCA COLA A NUESTRO FÚTBOL. YA NO QUEREMOS MÁS ESTAS EMPRESAS COMPROMETIDAS CON EL PATROCINIO DIRECTO E INDIRECTO A LAS MAFIAS PARAMILITARES QUE -ASOLARON- Y ASUELAN A LA POBRE GENTE DE ESTE POBRE PAÍS. YA NO QUEREMOS MÁS MAFIAS EN EL FÚTBOL, Y POSTOBÓN ES EL MISMO QUE SALVÓ DE UN PLUMAZO A NACIONAL DE ESTAR COMO EL AMÉRICA DE CALI -LISTA CLINTON-, PUES SU SUSTENTO NARCO ERA -Y ES- CONOCIDO POR TODOS (Y LOS ANTECEDENTES JUDICIALES DE ESTE CLUB?. AVERIGÜELO VARGAS !!!). OJALÁ SEA COCA COLA NUESTRO PATROCINADOR Y NO ESTA EMPRESA QUE DESPREZA NUESTRA LEGALIDAD...\nPostobon fue el responsable directo del GRAN ROBO del Narcoanal en el ano 2007. Creen que colombia se va a olvidar de como tuvieron que comprar desde el primer partido (narcoanal vs Bucaramanga) hasta el ultimo (santa fe vs cali) para quedar campeones. como seria de malo este HP equipo que tuvieron que comprar TODOS LOS PARTIDOS. Yo no tomo ni compro POSTOBON y mucho menos ire al estadio cuando estos corruptos paisas existan, osea nunca\nNada ya q no podemos hacer nada....simplemente rechacemos los productos del renovado cartel de medellin encabezado por ardila lulle volvamos a consumir productos postobon, ni ver RCN ... y ni miremos los partidos del narcoanal q ya sabemos q estan comprados se les haga raro q lo q van a pagar este año no sea un adelanto sino mas bien el pago del campeonato de este año...volvamonos anti ardila postobon y no narcoanal...\nEl uso de este sitio web implica la aceptación de los Términos y Condiciones de COMUNICAN S.A. Todos los Derechos Reservados D.R.A. Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial,así como su traducción a cualquier idioma sin autorización escrita de su titular. Reproduction in whole or in part, or translation without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved 2009",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Fotostrecke: Next Generation Trophy 2014 |
Die Nachwuchsakademie des FC Red Bull Salzburg lud vom 14. bis 16. August 2014 zur „Next Generation Trophy“ in Salzburg. Das internationale Fußballturnier von U16-Teams bekannter Klubs fand zum sechsten Mal statt. Das Finale entschied der Gastgeber FC Red Bull Salzburg mit einem 1:0 gegen den FC Bayern München für sich.
Next Generation Trophy U18-Turnier des FC Red Bull Salzburg.JPG|Nachwuchsakademie Liefering
Next Generation Trophy U24-Turnier des FC Red Bull Salzburg.JPG|Sitzende Spieler von Borussia Dortmund
Next Generation Trophy 2014 04.JPG|RB Leipzig – FK Austria Wien
Next Generation Trophy U60-Turnier des FC Red Bull Salzburg.JPG|RB Leipzig – FK Austria Wien
Next Generation Trophy 2014 06.JPG|RB Leipzig – FK Austria Wien
Next Generation Trophy U59-Turnier des FC Red Bull Salzburg.JPG|RB Leipzig – FK Austria Wien
Next Generation Trophy U53-Turnier des FC Red Bull Salzburg.JPG|RB Leipzig – FK Austria Wien
Next Generation Trophy U43-Turnier des FC Red Bull Salzburg.JPG|RB Leipzig
Next Generation Trophy 2014 46.JPG|Manchester City – Borussia Dortmund
Next Generation Trophy 2014 45.JPG|Manchester City – Borussia Dortmund
Next Generation Trophy 2014 35.JPG|FK Austria Wien
Next Generation Trophy 2014 01.JPG|Sitzplatz mit Fußstütze
| [
"Themenportal Europa",
"Themenportal Österreich",
"Themenportal Sport",
"Fußball allg.",
"Fußball in Österreich",
"Sportveranstaltung im Fußball",
"Wikinews:Fotostrecke|Next Generation Trophy 2014"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Next Generation Trophy: Jungbullen nach Finaltriumph über Bayern Rekordsieger",
"text": "Ein kleiner Vergleich sei angebracht: FC Red Bull Salzburg hatte erst im Jänner Bayern München in der ausverkauften Red Bull Arena mit 3:0 in die Schranken gewiesen – auch wenn es nur ein Test war. Es war aber auch ein Vorgeschmack, welche Art von Fußball in Salzburg nun gepflegt wird. Und dass man damit sehr erfolgreich sein kein, war ja schon beim Treffen mit den Münchnern zu Jahresbeginn zu erkennen.\nInternationale Top-Nachwuchsteams in Salzburg\nSamstag standen sich bei der sechsten Next Generation Trophy, dem international weit über die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannten U16-Turnier, die zwei besten U16-Nachwuchsteams aus Österreich und Deutschland erneut gegenüber. Wiederum wirkten die Hausherren, als hätten sie die bessere Taktik aus der Schublade geholt. Die Bayern versuchten im gesamten Spielaufbau spielerische Lösungen zu finden. So weit, so gut. Doch das spielte der Rose-Truppe perfekt in die Karten. Immer wieder konnten Bälle in der bayerischen Vorwärtsbewegung abgefangen werden. Randy Montie, Salzburg-Torschütze vom Dienst mit Kamerun-Wurzeln und seit einem Jahr in der Mozartstadt, kam in Minute fünf gleich zum ersten Mal gefährlich vors gegnerische Tor.\nDie Bayern reagierten, stellten auf Konter um. Eine Attacke an Stürmer Wintzheimer hätte zu einem Elfmeter führen können, auch die nächsten zwei Chancen verbuchten die Gäste. Doch Salzburg-Keeper Schragl bewies, warum er ein starker Rückhalt des Teams ist. Es entwickelte sich ein offener Schlagabtausch, in dem nun auch die Jungbullen tollen Kombinationsfußball boten.\n1:0 für Salzburg nach Foul-Elfmeter\nUnmittelbar vor dem Pausenpfiff, in einer neuerlichen Drangperiode der Salzburger, kam es zur Schlüsselszene der Partie: Wolf nahm sich eine weite Clement-Flanke über die Bayern-Abwehr perfekt mit, und der Bayern-Goalie kann nur noch die Notbremse ziehen. Rot für ihn – Elfer für Salzburg. Und Randy Montie netzte mit seinem fünften Turniertreffer zur Führung unmittelbar vor der Pause ein. Da spendete auch die Zuseher-Prominenz um Salzburg- und Leipzig-Sportdirektor Ralf Rangnick, ÖFB-Sportdirektor Willi Ruttensteiner, Jugend-Nationalteamtrainer Hermann Stadler sowie unzählige internationale Scouts kräftigen Applaus. Die Bayern gingen nun aggressiver in die Zweikämpfe, setzten alles auf eine Karte. Die Salzburg-Boys blieben aber abgebrüht, strahlten über Konter weiterhin große Gefahr aus. Als Randy Montie, das Spielfeld drei Minuten vor dem Ende verließ, schien alles entschieden zu sein. Salzburg kam zwar noch zu Chancen, wie etwa durch einen Meisl-Kopfball, aber auch das 1:0 reichte zum Sieg! Bei den Salzburgern kannte der Jubel bei der anschließenden Siegerehrung natürlich keine Grenzen. Aus dem unglaublich starken Salzburger-Kollektiv hervorzuheben ist Randy Montie, der im Finale Nervenstärke bewies und den Elfmeter trocken verwandelte. So gab es für Trainer Marco Rose und seine Jungs einige Gründe für eine ausgelassene Feier. Und die Jungbullen dürfen sich nun Rekordbullen nennen. Sie sind in der sechsjährigen Geschichte das erste Team, das sich den Titel zum zweiten Mal geschnappt hat.\nPlatz drei an Red Bull New York\nPlatz drei ging an Red Bull New York. Die US-Kicker besiegten in einer extrem engen Partie die sicherlich nicht unterlegenen Rasenballer aus Leipzig hauchdünn mit 1:0.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Next Generation Trophy 2014",
"text": "Next Generation Trophy 2014\n© Sportreport\nZum sechsten Mal veranstaltet die Nachwuchsakademie des FC Red Bull Salzburg die „Next Generation Trophy“, ein Turnier mit U16-Teams namhafter internationaler Klubs.\nEin internationales U16-Turnier der Extraklasse!\nVon 14. bis 16. August 2014 (Eröffnung am Donnerstag um 11:00 Uhr) treffen in der brandneuen Nachwuchsakademie Liefering zwölf Teams aus acht Nationen und drei Kontinenten aufeinander.\nTitelverteidiger FC Basel\nDas Los der Titelverteidigung ist bei der Next Generation Trophy kein leichtes. Bislang ist es noch keiner Mannschaft gelungen, den Titel erfolgreich zu verteidigen, was auf ein hochklassiges und ausgeglichenes internationales Niveau schließen lässt. Der FC Basel wird als fünfte Mannschaft sein Glück versuchen, um die begehrte internationale Trophäe erneut mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Die Eidgenossen haben im letzten Jahr Nervenstärke bewiesen. In fünf Partien erhielten die Basler kein Gegentor und erzielten ein Tor in der regulären Spielzeit, sind aber aufgrund einer starken Performance im Elfmeterschießen immer aufgestiegen und konnten sich schlussendlich den Turniersieg sichern.\nInternationale Gäste\nDer positive Ruf der Next Generation Trophy hat sich im europäischen Fußball bereits verbreitet und das Turnier entwickelte sich zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil des Turnierkalenders vieler Mannschaften. Neben den bereits traditionellen Teilnehmern – FC Basel, Bayern München, Manchester City F.C. sowie den Red Bull Akademie-Mannschaften aus Leipzig, Brasilien und New York – sind einige weitere hochkarätige Teams vertreten. So zählen heuer internationale Kaliber wie der Liverpool F.C., Espanyol de Barcelona und Borussia Dortmund zum Starterfeld. Neben dem Veranstalter FC Red Bull Salzburg ist mit der Wiener Austria eine weitere österreichische Top-Nachwuchsmannschaft dabei. Last, but not least die West African Football Academy, die seit Kurzem eine intensive technische und inhaltliche Kooperation mit Red Bull verbindet.\nNext Generation Trophy als Sprungbrett\nViele Talente, die in den letzten Jahren bei der Next Generation Trophy im Einsatz waren, haben bereits den Sprung in diverse Profimannschaften geschafft. Beispielsweise spielt Youri mittlerweile in der Kampfmannschaft des RSC Anderlecht, oder auch Niclas Füllkrug, der über den SV Werder Bremen nun beim 1. FC Nürnberg zum Einsatz kommt. Aber auch aus der Akademie des FC Red Bull Salzburg haben es einige Akteure in die heimische Bundesliga geschafft. Valentino Lazaro (Gewinner 2011 und „Spieler des Turniers“) gilt beim FC Red Bull Salzburg als Paradebeispiel. Mit seinen jungen 18 Jahren konnte er mit den Meisterschafts- und Cuperfolgen (2012, 2014) bereits zweimal das Double gewinnen und feierte vor Kurzem auch sein Debüt in der österreichischen Nationalmannschaft. Mit 16 Jahren, 7 Monaten und 10 Tagen war Valentino Lazaro zudem der jüngste jemals eingesetzte Spieler der Roten Bullen in der Bundesliga.\nFür den Sportlichen Nachwuchsleiter Thomas Letsch hat dieses Turnier auch dadurch einen hohen Stellenwert: „Für die weitere Entwicklung unserer jungen Talente ist gerade der Vergleich mit internationalen Topteams von größter Bedeutung. Die Next Generation Trophy 2014 bietet hierzu eine perfekte Gelegenheit, und ich freue mich, auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein hochkarätiges Teilnehmerfeld mit zwölf Teams aus acht Nationen in unserer neuen Nachwuchsakademie begrüßen zu dürfen. Ich wünsche uns allen drei Tage gute Unterhaltung mit Nachwuchsfußball auf höchstem Niveau.“\nFC Red Bull Salzburg AKA U16-Trainer Marco Rose: „Wie jedes Jahr um diese Zeit haben wir eine neue U16-Mannschaft. Auch in dieser frühen Phase der Saison möchten wir uns bei unserem Heimturnier so gut wie möglich verkaufen. Unser Ziel muss es ganz klar sein, den Fußball, für den der FC Red Bull Salzburg steht, auf den Platz zu bekommen. Für meine Spieler ist es neben der nationalen Herausforderung immer etwas Besonders, sich mit internationalen Top-Mannschaften zu messen. Wir freuen uns, die Next Generation Trophy erstmals in unserer neuen und außergewöhnlichen Akademie spielen zu können. “\nDie Teilnehmer\nGruppe A:\nFC Red Bull Salzburg\nFC Basel\nWest African Football Academy\nGruppe B:\nRed Bull Brasil\nFC Bayern München\nLiverpool F.C.\nGruppe C:\nRB Leipzig\nFK Austria Wien\nRCD Espanyol de Barcelona\nGruppe D:\nRed Bull New York\nManchester City F.C.\nBorussia Dortmund\nBisherige Sieger der Next Generation Trophy:\n2009 Dinamo Zagreb\n2010 Werder Bremen\n2011 FC Red Bull Salzburg\n2012 Athletic Club de Bilbao\n2013 FC Basel\nPresseinfo: Red Bull Salzburg",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Lebanon faces humanitarian crisis |
More than half a million people have been displaced in Lebanon as the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah continues into its second week. The UN relief coordinator Jan Egeland, who visited Beirut said that a humanitarian crisis was unfolding in the country and outlined planned relief efforts. Efforts are underway to open a safe corridor to allow aid shipments to be sent to Lebanon. The evacuation of foreign nationals from Lebanon continues. Israel launched more air strikes and also a ground incursion into Lebanon, and Hezbollah launched rocket attacks on northern Israel.
| [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"United Nations",
"Israel Defense Forces"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "UN appalled by Beirut devastation",
"text": "Images of destruction in Beirut\nIn pictures\nMr Egeland, the UN's emergency relief chief, described the destruction as \"horrific\" as he toured the city.\nHe arrived hours after another Israeli strike on Beirut. Israel also hit Sidon, a port city in the south crammed with refugees, for the first time.\nIn Haifa, two people died as Hezbollah rockets struck the Israeli city.\nFifteen people were reportedly injured by the volley of rockets, which struck a house and an industrial zone.\nSeveral were injured in rocket attacks on Haifa\nHe says the rocket exploded next to a carriageway, raking passing cars with shrapnel and ball bearings and killing a man in a nearby vehicle.\nA later barrage of missiles was reported to have injured five people.\n'Block after block'\nMr Egeland arrived in southern Beirut on Sunday just hours after Israeli strikes on the Hezbollah stronghold.\nA visibly moved Mr Egeland expressed shock that \"block after block\" of buildings had been levelled.\nHe appealed for both sides to halt attacks and said UN supplies of humanitarian aid would begin to arrive in the next few days.\n\"But we need safe access,\" he said. \"So far Israel is not giving us access.\"\nIsrael has said it will lift its blockade on Beirut's port to allow aid through, but with roads, bridges and trucks among Israel's targets, transporting it around the country is difficult.\nIn other developments:\nUK Foreign Minister Kim Howells is due to meet Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. A day after accusing Israel of targeting \"the entire Lebanese nation\", he said the British government understood Israel's need to defend itself and criticised Hezbollah for hiding weapons in civilian areas.\nThe US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is due to leave for the Middle East later on Sunday.\nIsraeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz said Israel supports the idea of an international peacekeeping force in south Lebanon, and suggested it should be led by Nato. A Nato official said there had been no discussion so far of any Nato role.\nIranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Israel had \"pushed the button for its own destruction\".\nSyria's information minister said his country would enter the conflict if a major Israeli ground invasion of Lebanon threatened the security of Damascus.\nAn unarmed UN observer was seriously wounded during fighting between Israeli forces and Hezbollah fighters in the village of Maroun al-Ras, which Israel said it had taken control of on Saturday.\nThe French and German foreign ministers are also in Israel for talks on the crisis.\nSidon targeted\nIsrael's bombing campaign continued, with strikes on Beirut and on southern and eastern Lebanon in the early hours of Sunday.\nHAVE YOUR SAY When one Israeli soldier is kidnapped, the whole world goes crazy, but Israel kidnapped a whole nation\nMike\nSend us your comments\nOne target was the southern port of Sidon, a city not previously targeted by Israel, where 42,000 refugees from the surrounding area have flooded in the hope of safety.\nThe BBC's Roger Hearing in the city reports that a mosque was destroyed in one strike, which hit less than 500m (550 yards) from a hospital. At least four people were injured.\nWhile Israel said the mosque was a meeting place for Hezbollah militants, local doctors insisted it was just \"a place for prayers\".\nBombing intensifies\nThe BBC's Jim Muir in the southern city of Tyre reports intense bombardment, with Hezbollah firing missiles from the area and Israel launching air strikes in retaliation.\nIsraeli air strikes hit civilian cars near Tyre\nFurther east, more Israeli air strikes forced engineers to turn back who were trying to repair impassable roads so a UN-escorted aid convoy could get through, our correspondent reports.\nHe says that bombing has intensified in the region since Israel dropped warning leaflets on Friday, and the Israelis are now shooting at almost anything on moving on the roads.\nAt least 364 Lebanese have been killed in the 12 days of violence, many of them civilians, and angry protests condemning Israeli attacks have been held in cities around the world.\nAt least 36 Israelis have been killed, including 17 civilians killed by rockets fired by Hezbollah into Israel.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News",
"text": "Knife found at O.J. Simpson's former L.A. home studied by police LOS ANGELES Police said on Friday they were examining a knife purportedly found at the former home of O.J. Simpson, the onetime football star acquitted of stabbing to death his ex-wife and her friend in the \"Trial of the Century\" two decades ago. |\nSupreme Court temporarily blocks Louisiana abortion law WASHINGTON The Supreme Court, two days after hearing a major abortion case from Texas, on Friday temporarily blocked a Louisiana law imposing regulations on doctors who perform abortions in a move that would allow two recently closed clinics to reopen.\nExclusive: U.S. watchdog to probe Fed's lax oversight of Wall Street NEW YORK A U.S. watchdog agency is preparing to investigate whether the Federal Reserve and other regulators are too soft on the banks they are meant to police, after a written request from Democratic lawmakers that marks the latest sign of distrust between Congress and the central bank.\nBrazil's Lula detained in corruption probe; Rousseff objects SAO PAULO/BRASILIA Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was briefly detained for questioning on Friday in a federal investigation of a vast corruption scheme, fanning a political crisis that threatens to topple his successor, President Dilma Rousseff. |",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Business & Financial News, U.S & International Breaking News",
"text": "J.C. Penney has need for speed in bankruptcy, lawyer says\nJ.C. Penney Co Inc needs to exit bankruptcy proceedings in just a matter of months to survive the unprecedented financial strain of prolonged store closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lawyer for the iconic U.S. department store chain said during a court hearing on Saturday.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Israel punches into south Lebanon as civilians flee",
"text": "Politics Israel punches into south Lebanon as civilians flee by Nayla Razzouk BEIRUT, July 23, 2006 (AFP) - Israeli troops were holding positions in southern Lebanon Sunday after tanks punched across the border in a new ground incursion against Hezbollah amid mounting concern over the plight of civilians. Striking mobile telephone and television masts, Israel also kept up its devastating air blitz on Lebanon that has killed at least 350 people and displaced over half-a-million in 11 days of military action on the country. General Beni Gantz said Israeli air and ground forces \"have more or less completed taking over the village of Marun Al-Ras,\" close to the Israeli border and strategically located 911 meters (3,000 feet) above sea level. Gantz said Hezbollah forces sustained \"many casualties after fierce fighting that lasted a long time.\" But Lebanese security forces said that Israeli and Hezbollah forces were engaged in street battles in the village, where four Israeli soldiers and several Hezbollah militiamen were killed in battles in recent days. Britain's junior foreign minister openly criticised the Israeli military offensive as \"difficult to understand\", as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was to visit the region after once again rejecting the idea of a ceasefire. \"The whole thing has to stop. It's no natural disaster but a man-made crisis. This is a senseless war. It should never have started. It should never have been carried out like it is now,\" UN relief coordinator Jan Egeland said in Cyprus before heading to Lebanon. But the White House said Saturday it was keeping to its policy on backing Israel's right to self-defense. \"We are keeping to our adopted position. Israel has the right to defend herself,\" a White House spokesman told AFP in response to the incursion. Earlier, around 10 armoured Israeli personnel carriers and bulldozers punched across the border at Avivim, around 35 kilometres (23 miles) from the coast, bypassing an observation post of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon. The army said the incursion was a \"pinpoint operation\" and insisted it has no plans for a full-scale invasion despite consistently refusing to rule the option out. Israel urged the remaining people living in south Lebanon to leave and also called up thousands of reservists as it massed troops along its northern border. Meanwhile, one employee of the LBCI television station was killed and another wounded in an Israeli air strike on TV transmission towers and mobile telephone masts at Fatqa, in the Kesrwan mountains northeast of Beirut. Transmission towers for Hezbollah's Al-Manar and the privately run New TV, as well as mobile phone networks, were also destroyed in Terbol in northern Lebanon. Mobile telephone networks were down in the north of Lebanon after the strikes while local television transmission for LBCI was cut in the north and in the Kesrwan mountains, although people could still view the channel on satellite. \"The Israelis are looking to destroy sound and image in Lebanon -- the last weapons this country has -- after bombarding infrastructure,\" said Minister for Telecommunications Marwan Hamadeh. Five civilians were killed and scores were wounded on Saturday in Israeli raids on various locations in Lebanon. The worst cross-border fighting in a quarter century has also killed 33 Israelis. Four civilians were wounded early Sunday in an Israeli strike on a building housing a Hezbollah religious centre in the centre of Sidon, the first attack in the heart of the southern city since the start of the offensive. As tit-for-tat strikes continued, Hezbollah militants kept up a defiant stream of rockets onto northern Israel, with police there saying 80 Katyusha rockets landed on Saturday, lightly wounding two people in Carmiel. Britain's junior foreign office minister Kim Howells made London's most unequivocal criticism yet of Israel's military offensive, in stark contrast to the line taken by Washington and his own prime minister. \"These are not surgical strikes. It's very difficult to understand the kind of military tactics that are being used,\" Howells told journalists during a visit to Beirut. \"If they are chasing Hezbollah, then go for Hezbollah. You don't go for the entire Lebanese nation.\" \"I very much hope that the Americans understand what's happening to Lebanon -- the destruction of the infrastructure, the death of so many children and so many people,\" he said. Egeland was due to arrive in Beirut from Cyprus on Sunday, saying he would be \"urging and begging\" for some 100 million dollars in aid to help a nation already in the throes of a major humanitarian crisis. Israel said it opened a 50-mile-long and five-mile-wide (80 by eight kilometres) safe passage to the Beirut port for ships and aircraft, a humanitarian corridor to allow aid to the Lebanese. Israel's air and sea blockade put Lebanon's only international airport out of action, and the bombing of houses, roads, bridges, factories, warehouses and trucks created scenes reminiscent of the 1975-1990 civil war. But US President George W. Bush maintained his backing for Israel's campaign against Hezbollah as Rice prepared travel to the region on Sunday in search of what she described as a long-term solution. \"I believe sovereign nations have the right to defend their people from terrorist attack, and to take the necessary action to prevent those attacks,\" Bush said in his weekly radio address. Underlining the repercussions of the Lebanon conflict on the whole region, he said Syria was \"a primary sponsor\" of Hezbollah and has given the Shiite militia Iranian-made weapons. Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mukdad said Syria is ready to open a \"dialogue\" with the United States to resolve the crisis in Lebanon. Meanwhile thousands of people around the world bashed drums, brandished placards and chanted slogans to demand an end to Israel's offensive in Lebanon, the biggest rally taking place in London. Foreign governments continued to evacuate their citizens, with Britain urging all remaining nationals wanting to leave to gather for the last evacuation ship that left Saturday. The United States is expediting an arms shipment of precision bombs to Israel from an arms deal struck last year amid the Jewish state's ongoing assault, a US official said Saturday. US marines were in Beirut for the first time in 22 years to help move a total of 10,000 American nationals to Cyprus, the main staging point for the massive evacuation. The island is battling to find temporary accommodation and flights for the estimated 70,000 evacuees at the height of its holiday season. Israel is continuing its offensive on the Gaza Strip, where at least 106 people have been killed in two weeks. It aims to retrieve a soldier snatched by Palestinian militants and to stop rocket fire.-AFP Tweet Advertisement\nYour feedback is important to us!\nWe invite all our readers to share with us their views and comments about this article.\nDisclaimer: Comments submitted by third parties on this site are the sole responsibility of the individual(s) whose content is submitted. The Daily Star accepts no responsibility for the content of comment(s), including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein. Please note that your email address will NOT appear on the site.\nPlease enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus Advertisement FOLLOW THIS ARTICLE Interested in knowing more about this story? Click here",
"url": "",
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"language": "en",
"title": "UN says Lebanon in 'major' humanitarian crisis",
"text": "Politics UN says Lebanon in 'major' humanitarian crisis LARNACA, Cyprus, July 22, 2006 (AFP) - UN relief coordinator Jan Egeland said Saturday that Lebanon was suffering a \"major\" humanitarian crisis and complained of the difficulties of delivering aid to the blockaded country. Egeland, who was in Cyprus on his way to visit Lebanon to launch an emergency aid appeal, also criticised Israel's blistering response to attacks by the Hezbollah militant group as \"disproportionate\". \"We can't get relief into the country in any quantity or distribute it beyond a few points. This is already a very major crisis with more than half a million directly affected,\" he told reporters. \"This number will grow dramatically as the population of south Lebanon has been asked to leave,\" by the Israeli army. He said the United Nations would be concentrating on setting up humanitarian corridors in the next few days and wanted to use the Cyprus-Beirut shipping route to bring in aid. But he said he also wanted to send aid in by road and by air using Beirut's international airport, which has been shut since the start of the offensive after a succession of Israeli raids. \"We are particularly worried about the civilian population in the south so gravely caught in the crossfire,\" he added. Egeland, who was to be flown to Beirut early Sunday aboard a British military helicopter, said he would be launching an international appeal on Monday \"urging and begging\" for over 100 million dollars. He also echoed criticism from other UN officials over the Israeli military response, which has already killed over 350 people in Lebanon. The Israeli military response has been \"disproportionate, when to my thinking one third of the wounded and killed are women and children, then it clearly goes far beyond responding to armed groups\", he said.- AFP Tweet Advertisement\nYour feedback is important to us!\nWe invite all our readers to share with us their views and comments about this article.\nDisclaimer: Comments submitted by third parties on this site are the sole responsibility of the individual(s) whose content is submitted. The Daily Star accepts no responsibility for the content of comment(s), including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein. Please note that your email address will NOT appear on the site.\nPlease enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. comments powered by Disqus Advertisement FOLLOW THIS ARTICLE Interested in knowing more about this story? Click here",
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"language": "en",
"title": "UN mediator urges Israel to ensure humanitarian access",
"text": "A UN mediator urged Israel to \"extend its full cooperation\" to ensure humanitarian access to civilians trapped in the fighting in Lebanon during a UN Security Council meeting Friday, while the US reiterated its rejection of an immediate cease-fire. \"It is urgent that the Israeli government extend its full cooperation by immediately ensuring humanitarian access to those in need,\" Vijay Nambiar, the head of the mediation team sent by UN chief Kofi Annan to the region last week, told the 15-member council during a debate on the explosive situation in the Middle East.\nNambiar also echoed Annan's appeal before the council Thursday for a \"cessation of hostilities\" between Israel and Hizbullah in Lebanon.\n\"This is essential so that captives are protected, humanitarian access is assured, civilian casualties are dramatically reduced, and the political space is opened to negotiate a full and durable cease-fire,\" he added.\nNambiar, who earlier Friday had a 45-minute private meeting in a New York with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, also stressed the need \"to develop quickly the elements of a political framework that would pave the way for a full and durable cease-fire.\"\nThe United States' representative to the United Nations John Bolton said that an unconditional cease-fire \"would only allow them [Hizbullah] time to regroup and plan their next wave of kidnappings and attacks against Israel.\"\nBolton said that the US was studying the possibility of the \"insertion of an international stabilization force.\"\nBolton also accused Syria and Iran of backing Hizbullah and Hamas with weapons, financing and political support.\nMore than 45 speakers were due to take the floor in the day-long debate that came one day after Annan urged the 15-member council to take \"firm action\" toward ensuring peace and stability in the Middle East.\nJan Egeland, the UN undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs, who announced that he would travel to the region to deal with what he has described as a looming \"humanitarian catastrophe\" in Lebanon.\n\"The war, the terror, the attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure has to stop in Lebanon, in northern Israel as it has to stop in Gaza. Too many children, women, elderly and other civilians have already lost their lives,\" Egeland said.\nEarlier Friday, Israel ruled out an immediate cease-fire with Hizbullah but indicated it was willing to negotiate a solution to the Lebanon crisis with the United Nations and Washington.\n\"It is lamentable that UN Secretary General Kofi Annan thought it necessary to draw a balance between Israel and Hizbullah when the UN itself recognizes that this is a terrorist movement violating its resolutions,\" Israel's representative to the UN, Dan Gillerman, told Public Radio. - Agencies",
"url": "",
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"language": "en",
"title": "South faces shortages, clogged evacuation routes",
"text": "BEIRUT: UNIFIL is planning to evacuate civilians from the Lebanese-Israeli border in the coming days, but \"the ability to move will depend on the situation on the ground,\" according to a press release issued by UNIFIL on Friday. A source at the UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura said residents trapped in border villages should call the aid station in Marjayoun at 07-830 351 or 07-830 050 for more information, but emphasized that the operation would take time given the number of evacuees and continued Israeli fire.\nMeanwhile, the humanitarian crisis in targeted areas is growing worse as the number of displaced passed 900,000 on Friday - with 39,500 in Beirut alone - and rescue workers were prevented from reaching stranded villages with vital supplies.\nThe Higher Relief Committee said it urgently needs food products such as milk, rice, sugar and canned meat; diapers and kitchen tools; medicine such as insulin, painkillers, antibiotics and chlorine to clean water; sterilized gloves; refrigerators to store medicine; tents; electrical generators of 5, 10, 20 and 30 kva; blankets and other necessities.\nConcerned parties were urged to donate by depositing in the committee's account at the Central Bank. The account number is 760051114.\nThe mayor of the Tyre town of Bergholieh said Friday that thousands of civilians in Tyre were stranded and were in dire need of medical assistance, water and food, while the village of Blida in Marjayoun made a similar plea.\n\"There are people dying because we can't use the roads to deliver medication, and the same is happening with food,\" said Kasim Chalin from the Red Cross center in Tyre.\n\"People are calling us - women, old people, children - and we can't do anything because the road is closed and bombed out, we're even trying to make roads to go from village to village,\" he said, adding that at least one paramedic has been wounded and an ambulance damaged by Israeli strikes.\nChalin said the Red Cross evacuated 23 patients to Beirut from the Jabal Amal hospital in Tyre on Thursday to make room for more patients, denying reports that the hospital had sustained a direct hit.\nHealth Minister Mohammed Khalifeh confirmed that the Red Cross and the ministry were transferring patients to Beirut and said that 34 patients had been moved.\n\"We have to evacuate casualties to Beirut to Rafik Hariri University Hospital and this has been a big relief for hospitals on the front lines,\" he said.\nKhalife also said that hospitals in the South were starting to suffer supply shortages, but that the ministry was able to send a few vital provisions Friday \"with great difficulty.\"\nThe minister seemed wary of fueling panic over the capacity and capability of hospitals in the South, but suggested that their condition could worsen if no progress were made toward a cease-fire.\n\"They [the hospitals] are definitely not working under the best conditions,\" he said, \"We have to press ahead asking the international community to pressure Israel not to target civilians and to allow in supplies.\"\nUN relief agencies on Friday called for safe passage for humanitarian supplies, warning that overcrowded refugee centers and hospitals were vulnerable to disease and urging Israel not to attack trucks ready to take in water purification and sanitation supplies.\n\"The key problem is access,\" said UNICEF spokeswoman Wilvina Belmonte. \"Children are bearing the brunt of the hostilities and we have to be allowed to help them get through this crisis.\"\nShe said one-third of the Lebanese dead so far were children, and they accounted for nearly half of those displaced, especially from the mountain regions where Hizbullah has a strong presence and which have been especially hard-hit.\nIsrael said on Thursday it was trying to facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid to Lebanon.\nThe Swiss-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said it had sent two trucks early on Friday with supplies to Tyre. - With agencies",
"url": "",
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] |
pt | Brasil é o primeiro colocado no ranking da FIFA | De acordo com o ranking publicado ontem, 18 de maio, pela FIFA, o Brasil permanece em primeiro lugar com 831 pontos. O segundo colocado é a Checoslováquia com 784 pontos e o terceiro é a Argentina com 778 pontos.
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"language": "en",
"title": " The Official web site of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association",
"text": "FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking\nTrio target top ten\n( 18 May 2005\nArgentina's match with Ecuador and their showdown against leaders Brazil may give them the opportunity to climb into second place and to cut the Brazilians' lead. In Europe, all eyes will be on Greece, Sweden and Turkey, the teams currently occupying places 12 to 14, as all three hold hopes of joining the top 10 elite. The eagerly anticipated clash between the European champions and their Aegean neighbours in Piraeus on 8 June and Sweden's World Cup qualifier against Malta could prove to be decisive.\nIn this month's ranking, Mexico (7th, up 1), trade places with Spain (8th, down 1). Zimbabwe (57th, up 5) gain ground on the back of two victories in friendly matches, but the majority of changes are a direct result of a devaluation of past results. According to the index rating, which takes account of the teams' strength in addition to the number of points gained during the year, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Cuba, Ecuador and Sudan are currently the teams vying for the Mover of the Year title. However, the months ahead should also result in significant changes in this race. While approximately 100 matches in March and April gave rise to new calculations and countless changes in the table, the latest edition of the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking is simply indicative of the calm before the storm set to strike in June and July, with dozens of World Cup qualifiers, the FIFA Confederations Cup and the CONCACAF Gold Cup all on the agenda.Argentina's match with Ecuador and their showdown against leaders Brazil may give them the opportunity to climb into second place and to cut the Brazilians' lead. In Europe, all eyes will be on Greece, Sweden and Turkey, the teams currently occupying places 12 to 14, as all three hold hopes of joining the top 10 elite. The eagerly anticipated clash between the European champions and their Aegean neighbours in Piraeus on 8 June and Sweden's World Cup qualifier against Malta could prove to be decisive.In this month's ranking, Mexico (7th, up 1), trade places with Spain (8th, down 1). Zimbabwe (57th, up 5) gain ground on the back of two victories in friendly matches, but the majority of changes are a direct result of a devaluation of past results. According to the index rating, which takes account of the teams' strength in addition to the number of points gained during the year, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Cuba, Ecuador and Sudan are currently the teams vying for the Mover of the Year title. However, the months ahead should also result in significant changes in this race. - The next FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking will be published on 15 June 2005.\nRank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 1 Brazil 0 839 -1 2 Czech Republic 0 796 0 3 Netherlands 0 790 -1 4 Argentina 0 772 0 5 Spain 0 768 0 5 France 0 768 0 7 Mexico -2 767 -1 7 USA 1 767 0 9 England 0 757 0 10 Portugal 0 753 -1 11 Turkey 0 748 0 12 Italy 0 741 0 13 Denmark 0 733 0 14 Sweden 0 731 -1 15 Japan 0 714 -1 16 Greece 0 708 0 17 Germany -1 707 -1 18 Uruguay 0 705 -1 19 Iran 0 703 0 20 Croatia 0 701 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 21 Costa Rica 0 700 1 22 Poland 0 695 -1 23 Cameroon 0 694 -1 24 Colombia 0 692 0 24 Nigeria 0 692 0 26 Republic of Ireland -2 691 -1 27 Romania 0 686 0 28 Tunisia 0 685 0 29 Korea Republic 0 680 0 30 Paraguay 0 672 0 30 Senegal 0 672 0 32 Egypt 0 666 1 33 Saudi Arabia 0 663 0 34 Russia 0 661 -1 35 Morocco 1 660 5 36 Switzerland -1 655 -1 37 Norway 1 649 0 38 Ecuador -1 647 -4 39 Bulgaria 0 638 0 40 Ukraine 0 629 -1 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 41 Honduras 0 628 0 42 Côte d'Ivoire 0 626 0 42 Jamaica 0 626 0 44 Israel 0 621 -1 44 Slovakia 1 621 0 46 Finland 0 614 0 47 Serbia and Montenegro 0 612 0 48 Australia 0 610 0 49 South Africa 0 609 0 50 Ghana 0 608 0 50 Trinidad and Tobago 0 608 0 52 Bahrain 0 603 0 53 Zimbabwe 0 599 -2 54 Iraq 0 597 0 55 Belgium 0 595 -1 56 Guatemala 0 585 0 56 Togo 0 585 0 58 Zambia 0 584 5 59 Uzbekistan 0 573 0 60 Scotland 0 572 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 61 Belarus 0 570 0 62 Mali 1 569 0 63 Angola -2 568 -2 64 Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 561 0 64 Chile 0 561 -1 66 Latvia 3 560 10 66 Peru 0 560 0 68 Venezuela -1 555 0 69 Slovenia -1 553 0 70 Hungary 4 552 5 71 Austria -2 550 0 72 Wales -1 549 0 73 China PR -1 547 -1 73 Kuwait -1 547 -1 75 Cuba 0 546 0 76 Estonia 0 543 0 77 Guinea 2 541 10 78 Congo DR -1 536 -5 78 Panama 0 536 0 80 Algeria 0 522 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 80 Libya 0 522 0 82 Korea DPR 0 520 3 83 Albania -1 517 0 84 Canada 0 511 -1 85 United Arab Emirates 0 509 0 86 Jordan 0 503 0 87 Burkina Faso 0 502 0 87 FYR Macedonia 0 502 0 89 Qatar 6 493 15 90 Kenya -1 487 -1 90 Rwanda -1 487 -1 92 Oman -1 483 -1 92 Singapore 0 483 0 92 Sudan 0 483 0 95 Iceland -1 482 0 96 Uganda 5 475 12 97 Bolivia -1 472 0 97 Cyprus -1 472 0 99 Botswana 2 466 3 100 Haiti -2 465 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 100 Syria -2 465 0 102 Lithuania -2 463 -1 103 Northern Ireland 0 460 -1 104 Gabon 0 459 0 105 Georgia -1 458 -1 106 Malawi 0 451 0 107 Moldova 0 441 -1 108 Armenia 0 431 0 109 Thailand 2 422 14 110 Indonesia -1 417 -1 111 Congo -1 411 0 112 Ethiopia 0 399 0 113 Benin 0 396 0 114 Azerbaijan 0 394 0 115 Barbados 0 386 0 116 Turkmenistan 0 385 0 117 Hong Kong 0 383 0 118 India 9 381 26 119 Cape Verde Islands -1 371 0 119 Malta -1 371 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 121 New Zealand -1 368 0 121 Vietnam -1 368 0 123 Liechtenstein -1 366 0 124 Malaysia -1 358 0 125 El Salvador -1 357 0 126 Andorra -1 356 0 126 Lebanon -1 356 0 128 St. Lucia 0 344 0 129 St. Kitts and Nevis 0 337 0 130 Mozambique 0 336 0 131 St. Vincent and the Grenadines -1 335 -1 132 Faroe Islands 0 324 -1 133 Maldives 0 323 0 134 Swaziland 0 322 0 135 Fiji 0 317 0 135 Liberia 0 317 0 137 Kazakhstan 0 314 0 137 Palestine 0 314 0 139 Yemen 0 310 0 140 Solomon Islands 0 303 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 141 Tahiti 0 299 0 141 Tajikistan 0 299 0 143 Bangladesh 17 296 72 144 Mauritius -1 283 -1 145 Sri Lanka -1 281 0 146 Lesotho -1 267 0 147 Vanuatu -1 266 0 148 Burundi -1 265 0 148 Myanmar -1 265 0 150 Madagascar -1 264 0 151 Luxembourg -1 256 0 152 Grenada -1 249 0 153 Nicaragua -1 244 0 153 Surinam -1 244 0 155 Antigua and Barbuda -1 242 3 156 Chinese Taipei 0 237 0 156 San Marino -1 237 -1 158 Pakistan 0 236 5 159 Kyrgyzstan -2 235 0 160 Chad -1 229 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 161 Bermuda 0 219 0 161 Namibia 0 219 0 163 Sierra Leone 0 213 0 164 Gambia 0 205 0 165 Tanzania 0 196 0 166 Papua New Guinea 0 190 -1 167 Guyana 0 185 0 168 Netherlands Antilles 0 184 0 169 Eritrea 0 182 0 170 Laos 0 180 0 171 British Virgin Islands 0 176 0 172 Dominica 0 171 0 173 Equatorial Guinea 0 168 -1 174 Dominican Republic 0 157 0 175 Nepal 0 153 0 176 Seychelles 0 152 0 177 Niger 0 144 0 178 Mauritania 0 139 0 179 Mongolia 0 137 0 180 Belize 0 134 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 181 Cayman Islands 0 133 0 182 Samoa 0 131 0 183 Central African Republic 0 128 0 184 Somalia 0 111 0 185 Tonga 0 110 0 186 Guinea-Bissau 0 109 0 187 New Caledonia 0 104 0 188 Cambodia 0 95 0 189 Afghanistan 0 85 0 190 Bhutan 0 84 0 191 Philippines 0 77 0 192 Macau 0 75 0 193 Bahamas 0 68 0 194 Cook Islands 0 65 0 195 Puerto Rico 0 62 0 196 US Virgin Islands 0 58 0 197 São Tomé e Príncipe 0 55 0 198 Anguilla 0 52 0 199 Brunei Darussalam 0 49 0 200 Aruba 0 46 0 Rank Team +/-Rank\nDec 05 Pts:\nJan 06 +/-Pts: Dec 05 200 Djibouti 0 46 0 202 Montserrat 0 30 0 203 Turks and Caicos Islands 0 22 0 204 Guam 0 20 0 205 American Samoa 0 15 0\nRelated News Czechs in second place Central America and Caribbean on the rise Greece all guts and go Singapore, Sudan and Haiti gain ground Brazil and China PR award winners\nemail this to a friend printer friendly version\nWhich of the teams that suffered defeats during the first leg Round of 16 ties of the UEFA Champions League has the best chance of progressing to the quarter-finals? Chelsea Juventus Real Madrid PSV Eindhoven Liverpool",
"url": ",2548,106849,00.html?articleid=106849",
"archive_url": ",2548,106849,00.html?articleid=106849"
] |
es | El primer ministro Shinzō Abe logra la mayoría en las elecciones legislativas de Japón |
Los resultados se conocerán el lunes, sin embargo, diversos sondeos dan la victoria en las al (PLD) del primer ministro, . Según las proyecciones, el PLD alcanzaría entre 253 y 300 escaños de los 465 que conforman la de Japón. El mes pasado, un año antes de lo previsto, Abe convocó elecciones en la búsqueda de un nuevo mandato que le permitiera superar la que calificó de "crisis nacional".
El aliado del PLD, el partido , obtendrá entre 27 y 36 diputados, para un total superior a los 310 diputados. Con esa cifra, ambos partidos controlarían dos tercios de la cámara y superarían la meta mínima que Abe se había fijado. El principal partido opositor, el , llegaría a entre 44 y 67 escaños. Por su parte, el , de la gobernadora de Tokio, , quedó en tercera posición.
Con esta victoria, Abe permanecerá en el cargo hasta el 2021, convirtiéndose en el jefe de Gobierno con más tiempo en el cargo desde el fin de la . La participación, que llegó al 52%, se vio afectada por los efectos del tifón Lan. A la par de los comicios, las autoridades evacuaron 5000 viviendas en el país. El amplio margen le concede a Abe la capacidad de mantener su política dura contra Corea del Norte, la razón por la que convocó elecciones anticipadas. Al agradecer su reelección, el primer ministro indicó que actuará "con firmeza" frente al .
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"Democracia y elecciones",
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Abe logra una fácil reelección en los comicios de Japón",
"text": "La apuesta le ha salido bien a Shinzo Abe. El primer ministro conservador se convertirá en el más duradero de la historia japonesa y contará con una súper mayoría absoluta en la Cámara Baja que le permitirá abrir el camino para una reforma de la Constitución pacifista. Así lo dan por seguro los medios nipones y sus encuestas a pie de urna tras las elecciones legislativas anticipadas celebradas este domingo.\nNo ha habido sorpresas. Como se esperaba, Abe, que convocó los comicios el mes pasado —más de un año antes de lo previsto— para aprovechar las divisiones en la oposición, ha superado con facilidad el desafío que presentaban sus rivales. Según la encuesta a pie de urna de la televisión TBS, el Partido Liberal Demócrata (PLD) del primer ministro y su aliado Nuevo Komeito logran 311 escaños, del total de 465 con que cuenta la Cámara Baja.\nEn cambio, el Partido de la Esperanza (Kibo no To), que al comienzo de la campaña electoral parecía que podría representar una alternativa seria al dominio del PLD, ha confirmado el desencanto que los votantes mostraban en las encuestas previas a la jornada electoral: únicamente conseguirá 50 escaños. En el campo progresista, el Partido Constitucional Demócrata lograba unos resultados mejores de lo esperado, aunque aún a mucha distancia de la formación en el Gobierno.\nLa participación se vio perjudicada por el fuerte temporal que este domingo azotó Japón. Decenas de miles de ciudadanos fueron evacuados y centenares de vuelos suspendidos debido a la proximidad del tifón Lan.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Shinzo Abe busca otra victoria electoral con la vista puesta en la reforma constitucional",
"text": "También quiere que la reforma permita introducir la educación gratuita, un empeño en el que tendría menos dificultades a la hora de recabar apoyos Cinco claves de las elecciones en Japón\nLos más de 100 millones de votantes convocados hoy a las elecciones legislativas de Japón parecen predispuestos a otorgar una nueva victoria al primer ministro japonés Shinzo Abe, según apuntan todas las encuestas.\nLos sondeos tan sólo difieren en el margen de ese triunfo. Algunas apuntan a una victoria que le aseguraría la mayoría de dos tercios que requiere para poder acometer la reforma constitucional que busca desde hace años.\nLas consultas de diarios como 'Mainichi' o 'Sankei' indican que la alianza del Partido Liberal Democrático (PLD) que lidera Abe y su aliado Komeito superará sin problemas el margen de 310 escaños de los 465 que componen el Congreso, aunque 'Nikkei' indicaba lo contrario.\nEl jefe del ejecutivo cerró su campaña con varios discursos centrados en Corea del Norte, el mismo elemento que ha utilizado de forma repetida como eje de sus alocuciones y que semeja haber surtido un notable efecto a la hora de recuperar la confianza de los votantes.\n\"No podemos ceder ante la amenaza de Corea del Norte. Nos hace falta una diplomacia fuerte\", señaló en una de esas intervenciones.\nComo explicaba 'Nikkei' y el diario 'The Asahi Shimbun', los miembros del PLD están tan confiados en un triunfo arrollador que ya han preparado una propuesta de remodelación de la Carta Magna y en especial del sensible artículo 9, que podrían presentar a la cámara en los próximos meses.\n'The Asahi Shimbun' asegura que Abe pretende que el elemento \"pacifista\" que conlleva la renuncia a la guerra que contempla el artículo 9 sea contrarrestado con la inclusión en el texto constitucional de una definición clara de la existencia de las llamadas Fuerzas de Auto-Defensa (SDF), el ejército japonés.\nEl citado artículo estipula que Japón no puede \"mantener fuerzas armadas terrestres, marítimas o aéreas, y otro potencial bélico\" y esa terminología ha llevado a que políticos izquierdistas hayan calificado a las SDF como \"inconstitucionales\".\n\"El objetivo de Abe es que una constitución revisada entre en ejercicio en 2020\", apuntó 'Nikkei'.\nDesde que expresó su deseo de revisar el texto constitucional en 2007 -durante su primer mandato como jefe del gabinete-, Abe no ha escondido su determinación por eliminar las restricciones del artículo 9 y permitir una interpretación flexible sobre el cometido del SDF. El primer ministro cuenta con el apoyo decidido de lobbies tan influyentes como Nippon Kaigi, una agrupación ultra nacionalista que no cesa de promover la necesidad de enterrar la constitución de 1947, impuesta por EEUU.\nIncluso si se consuma su victoria, la revisión constitucional requeriría una compleja negociación ya que no es totalmente seguro el apoyo de Komeito.\nAdemás, cualquier iniciativa parlamentaria tendría que ser secundada por el electorado en un referéndum y todos los sondeos indican que la población japonesa se opone a disociarse del \"pacifismo\" que ha dominado la política del país desde la última contienda mundial.\nAbe también quiere que la reforma constitucional permita introducir la educación gratuita, un empeño en el que tendría menos dificultades a la hora de recabar sostén de otros grupos políticos.\nPese a las obvias reticencias de la población japonesa frente al ideario del primer ministro, lo cierto es que con la oposición sumida en el más absoluto caos, dividida entre un Partido Democrático (PD) al borde de la disolución, y nuevas formaciones como el Partido de la Esperanza de la gobernadora Yuriko Koike, y el Partido Constitucional Democrático creado por una facción escindida del PD, el electorado parece haber optado por la estabilidad que personifica Abe.\nEl colapso acelerado de la formación establecida por Koike es tal que tras presentarse hace sólo semanas como una posible alternativa a Abe ahora ni siquiera puede asegurar su victoria en la capital, el mismo escenario en el que aplastó al PLD en los sufragios locales de julio.\n\"La fragmentación de la oposición en la mayoría de los distritos electorales ha sido un salvavidas para los candidatos del PLD, incluso para aquellos dentro del partido que pensaban que iban a pasar un momento difícil en las urnas\", estimó el diario Manichi en un análisis de las encuestas.\nSi la votación confirma este vaticinio, Abe también reforzaría sus opciones para ser refrendado como máximo dirigente del PLD durante la convención de esa formación que se celebrará en septiembre de 2018, lo que le podría convertir en el primer ministro que más tiempo ha permanecido en su puesto desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Albert Pujols termina con su peor racha sin cuadrangular |
El beisbolista dominicano Albert Pujols logró su primer cuadrangular luego de aceptar su contrato con los Angelinos de Anaheim; además de ser su ''home run'' número 446 en las Grandes Ligas, es el primer jonrón en una fase regular luego de 33 partidos y 139 turnos al bate, incluyendo sus últimos turnos con los Cardenales de San Luis.
El fin de dicha sequía se produce en el triunfo como local de la escuadra de Anaheim frente al equipo canadiense de los Azulejos de Toronto por 4-3 en el Angel Stadium of Anaheim.
| [
"Estados Unidos",
"República Dominicana"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Azulejos de Toronto vs. Angelinos de Los Angeles",
"text": "Árbitros\nPlato - Mark Wegner, Primera Base - Wally Bell, Segunda Base - Brian Knight, Tercera Base - Mike Winters",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Los Angeles Angelinos",
"text": "El inicialista dominicano Albert Pujols bateó el domingo su primer cuadrangular con el uniforme de los Angelinos de Los Ángeles, un batazo por encima de la verja del jardín izquierdo en la quinta entrada contra el derecho Drew Hutchison, de los Azulejos de Toronto.\nPujols bateó de 4-1 con dos carreras impulsadas en la victoria de Los Angeles 4-3 sobre Toronto en el Angel Stadium. Pujols ahora batea .196 con siete impulsadas.\nEl tres veces ganador del premio Jugador Más Valioso bateó 445 jonrones en 11 años con los Cardenales de San Luis, pero se fue sin sacar la pelota del parque en los primeros 27 juegos desde que firmó un contrato por 10 años y $240 millones de dólares con Los Angeles. El sábado recibió el día libre para que despejara la mente.\nEl cuadrangular de Pujols llegó en el turno 111 del 2012, la peor sequía de su carrera en una temporada. Incluyendo el final del año pasado, Pujols tenía 33 partidos y 137 oportunidades sin conectar la bola fuera del parque.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Kuba bietet USA humanitäre Hilfe an |
Fidel Castro
Kubas Staatschef Fidel Castro hat den USA medizinische Hilfe für die Opfer des Hurrikans „Katrina“ angeboten. Die Lieferung von Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten sei trotz dem von den USA verhängten Wirtschaftsembargo gegen Kuba an keinerlei Bedingungen geknüpft, betonte Castro. Angesichts der Katastrophe müssten die beiden Länder ihren Streit unterbrechen und zur Rettung von Leben zusammenarbeiten.
Bis zu 1.100 Ärzte könnten binnen zwei Tagen bereitgestellt werden und „in einer Stunde und 50 Minuten könnte eines unserer Flugzeuge auf dem nächstgelegenen internationalen Flughafen gelandet sein“, so Fidel Castro.
| [
"Themenportal Nordamerika",
"Hurrikan Katrina",
"Politik in den Vereinigten Staaten",
"Politik in Kuba"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Kuba bietet USA Hilfe an",
"text": "Kuba bietet USA Hilfe an Havanna/Caracas - Angesichts der chaotischen Zustände in den Hurrikan-Gebieten haben die USA Hilfsangebote von ungeliebter Seite bekommen: Die beiden verfeindeten Staaten Kuba und Venezuela erklärten sich zur Entsendung medizinischer Hilfe an. (rr /sda )\nFidel Castro: «Kuba ist bereit zu helfen.»\nService\nDer kubanische Staatschef Fidel Castro sagte in einer vom Radio und und Fernsehen übertragenen Ansprache, insgesamt könnten 1100 Ärzte mit 26,4 Tonnen Medikamenten in die USA entsandt werden. Die ersten hundert Mediziner sollten noch am Freitag (Ortszeit) nach Houston im US-Bundesstaat Texas geflogen werden. Jeweils 500 weitere sollten am Samstag und am Sonntag folgen. «Kuba ist bereit, sofort zu helfen. Wir bieten ganz konkrete Dinge an, Ärzte am Ort der Tragödie, was genau das ist, woran es im Moment fehlt», sagte Castro. Hilfsgelder von Venezuela Venezuela bot den USA Hilfsgelder in Höhe von einer Million Dollar an. Zudem könnten 120 spezialisierte Rettungskräfte entsandt werden, ebenso wie zwei medizinische Notfallteams, die in der Lage seien, jeweils 150 Menschen zu behandeln, hiess es in Caracas. Daneben stünden zehn Wasserreiniger, acht Stromgeneratoren, 20 Tonnen Wasser, 50 Tonnen Lebensmittel und 5000 Decken zur Verfügung. Das Angebot an die Gouverneurin von Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, sei in einer offiziellen diplomatischen Note an die US-Botschaft ergangen. Die USA sind mit Kuba seit Jahrzehnten und mit Venezuela seit dem Amtsantritt des linksgerichteten venezolanischen Präsidenten Hugo Chávez 1999 verfeindet.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Resumen de la décimo séptima fecha de la primera etapa de la Serie A de Ecuador 2015 |
Para la décimo séptima fecha de la primera etapa del se disputaron seis partidos programados entre los días , y el .
El primer partido de la fecha se jugó en , en el cual el le ganó de visita a la con marcador 0-2. La primera anotación ocurrió al minuto 1 de juego por medio del uruguayo , mientras que al minuto 9 sentenció el marcador.
visitó con victoria a la en el con un solo tanto anotado por .
En el del norte de , el perdió de local ante el con marcador 2-3. Los cuencanos abrieron el marcador al minuto 12 por medio de ; y antes de finalizar el primer tiempo, a los 40 minutos del partido, anotó el segundo gol visitante. En el segundo tiempo el conjunto local mejoró su rendimiento, lo cual se vio reflejado por el empate que dio al marcador por medio de al minuto 73 y al minuto 79. Sin embargo, el cuadro morlaco se impuso nuevamente cuando anotó el 2-3 definitivo.
En el denominado derbi capitalino, el líder de la tabla de posiciones recibió en el al . Al minuto 39 abrió el marcador para Liga, y al minuto 57 anotó de penal. Luego, al minuto 71 puso el tercer gol de los albos. El cuadro visitante descontó por intermedio del uruguayo al minuto 82.
logró un empate a 1 en su visita a . Los goles fueron anotados por al minuto 31 para el Aucas, y al minuto 47 empató para el "cuadro militar".
El partido con mayor expectativas en la fecha fue el tradicional . El derbi del Puerto Principal se desarrolló en el de la ciudad de a partir de la 16:30. El ganó de local a su clásico rival, el , por un marcador de 2 a 0. El "conjunto torero" abrió el marcador con gol del delantero argentino al minuto 20 del primer tiempo; y, en la parte complementaria, el uruguayo al minuto 85 sentenció el 2-0. El jugador barcelonista salió del terreno de juego expulsado al minuto 73, sin embargo, el "cuadro eléctrico" no pudo descontar a pesar del buen partido que desplegaba en media cancha.
Equipo Local
Equipo Visitante
8 de mayo
'''0 '''
'''1 '''
9 de mayo
10 de mayo
| [
"Barcelona Sporting Club"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Barcelona venció 2-0 a Emelec en el Clásico del Astillero",
"text": "Con goles del argentino Ismael Blanco y del uruguayo Brahian Alemán, Barcelona se tomó la revancha y derrotó este domingo por 2-0 a Emelec en el Clásico del Astillero.\nLos toreros pusieron fin a la mala racha. Y lo hicieron frente a su archirrival que el próximo jueves visita Medellín para enfrentar a Atlético Nacional en la definición de los octavos de final de la Copa Libertadores.\nLas tres derrotas consecutivas (frente a Liga de Quito, como local y visitante; y ante Deportivo Cuenca) tenían bajo una fuerte presión a la escuadra que dirige Rubén Israel.\nLos toreros abrieron el marcador en el minuto 20 por intermedio de Ismael Blanco.\nDe una gran asistencia de Brahian Alemán, el argentino la paró con el pecho, se acomodó dentro del área y definió cruzado.\nLa fórmula de los amarillos funcionó. El pase de Alemán a Blanco fue a espaldas de los defensores azules, que hoy alinearon con José Luis Quiñónez y Jorge Guagua; Gabriel Achilier fue reservado para el compromiso de la Copa.\nEmelec tuvo chances de anotar a los 5m. Un tiro de esquina ejecutado por Miler Bolaños lo pescó Guagua y su potente disparo fue detenido por Damián Lanza.\nA los 32m, Miler llegó hasta el borde del área y luego sacó un remate cruzado que pasó muy cerca del poste izquierdo de Lanza.\nLa ausencia de Ángel Mena, quien no fue convocado para el Clásico, pesó mucho en el juego ofensivo del Bombillo. Por el sector derecho, el juvenil Villamar no generó peligro durante los 45 minutos que estuvo en el campo. En el segundo tiempo el DT azul, Omar De Felippe, dio paso a Fernando Gaibor, quien tuvo una opción manifiesta de gol enviando un disparo muy arriba.\nEn la etapa de complemento el control del esférico y de las acciones lo tuvo Emelec, pero sobre el final el bloque defensivo no pudo contener una incursión del uruguayo Alemán. Los canarios apelaron al contragolpe y a los 85m acertaron.\nAlemán ingresó al área, superó sin problemas la marca de Bagüí y luego dejó en el camino a José Luis Quiñónez para definir hacia el poste izquierdo de Dreer.\nEn Barcelona la principal novedad fue la continuidad del arquero Damián Lanza, y la inclusión de Flavio Caicedo, a los 73m.\nAntes de finalizar el Clásico, el torero Pedro Velasco vio la tarjeta roja luego de un encontronazo con Emanuel Herrera, quien se quejó de un golpe en el rostro.\nTras el 2-0, los millonarios darán vuelta a la página para enfocarse en el choque frente a Atlético Nacional, rival colombiano contra el que deben definir la serie de los octavos de final.\nA Medellín, Emelec llegará con una ventaja de 2-0 obtenida el pasado jueves en Manta.\nFORMACIONES:\nBarcelona: Lanza; Valencia, Perlaza, Checa, Velasco; Frezzotti (F. Caicedo, 73m) , Oyola, Vega, Alemán (Nazareno, 89m); Blanco, Vásquez (Esterilla, 57m). DT: Rubén Israel.\nEmelec: Dreer; Narváez, Guagua, J.L. Quiñónez, Bagüí; Villamar (Gaibor, 45m), Lastra (Charcopa, 66m), P. Quiñónez, Mondaini (Herrera, 83m); Bolaños, Escalada. DT: Omar De Felippe.\nÁrbitro: José Luis Espinel. Amonestó a Blanco (20m), Valencia (65m), de Barcelona; Narváez (14m), J. Quiñónez (67m), de Emelec. Expulsó a Velasco (90+3m).\nEstadio: Monumental.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Independiente del Valle se llevó tres puntos en su visita a Liga de Loja",
"text": "A Independiente del Valle le bastó los diez primeros minutos del partido para adelantarse en el marcador y ganarle 0-2 a Liga de Loja en su visita al estadio Reina del Cisne.\nA minuto 1, el cuadro sangolquileño se adelantó en el marcador a través del uruguayo William Ferreira quien aprovechó una serie de rebotes dentro del área lojana tras un tiro de esquina ejecutado por Bryan Cabezas.\nFerreira solamente empujó el balón adentro del arco para ponerse en ventaja 1-0.\nLiga de Loja le costó reaccionar y a los 9 minutos, Daniel Angulo marcó la segunda luego de recibir un centro preciso de Bryan Cabezas. El portero del cuadro lojano, Robinson Sánchez, dio un rebote en el primer cabezazo de Angulo quien luego remató al fondo de las redes.\nEn la segunda parte, los cambios realizados por el técnico argentino, Julio César Toresani, no surtieron efecto en la escuadra lojana.\nIndependiente del Valle bajó las revoluciones ofensivas y se dedicó a rotar el balón en la cancha hasta el final del partido.\nCon este resultado el cuadro dirigido por Pablo Repetto escolta al líder, Liga de Quito, con similar puntaje 34 pero con 11 de gol diferencia, tres menos que los quiteños. Mientras que Liga de Loja se estanca en la séptima casilla con 19 puntos y -7 de gol diferencia.\nEn la próxima fecha, Independiente recibirá a El Nacional en el estadio Rumiñahui de Sangolquí. En cambio los lojanos visitarán al Deportivo Cuenca, en el Alejandro Serrano Aguilar. (D)\nAlineaciones:\nLiga de Loja: Sánchez; Gómez, Hurtado, Velásquez, Ayoví; Caffa, Larrea, Ojeda (Onofre, 45m), Gracia; Caicedo (Callejo, 45m) y Renato (Naula, 60m). DT: Julio César Toresani.\nIndependiente del Valle: Azcona; Núñez, Mina, Caicedo, Pineida; Rizotto, Orejuela (J. Angulo, 82m); Caballero (D. Arroyo, 74m), Cabezas; Angulo (Quintero, 77m) y Ferreira. DT: Pablo Repetto.\nÁrbitro: Juan Carlos Albarracín.\nAmonestados: Juan Caffa (17m), Oscar Velásquez (57m) de Liga de Loja. Daniel Angulo (58m) de Independiente.\nEstadio: Reina del Cisne.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "River Ecuador perdió 2-3 ante Dep. Cuenca en Samanes",
"text": "River Ecuador cayó por 2-3 ante el motivado Deportivo Cuenca, este sábado en el estadio Christian Benítez, en el marco de la fecha 17 del Campeonato Ecuatoriano.\nEl conjunto morlaco abrió el marcador en el minuto 12 por intermedio de Silvio Gutiérrez; a los 40m, Andrés Oña permitió que la visita se vaya al descanso con un 0-2 cómodo.\nAnte las facilidades que ofreció el bloque defensivo, e incluso el arquero Molina, Dep. Cuenca dio el golpe sin atenuantes.\nLuis Bolaños, desde el sector derecho, envió un centro al corazón del área; Gutiérrez, sin marca y muy bien ubicado, conectó el balón en dos tiempos y venció a Molina.\nEl segundo tanto llegó de una pelota parada. Un tiro libre pegó en el vertical, Molina trastabilló y Oña sólo tuvo que empujar el esférico para firmar el 0-2 parcial.\nAunque River sí tuvo oportunidades de descontar en el marcador. A los 22, el paraguayo Manuel Maciel estrelló un cabezazo en el horizontal. Y antes de finalizar el primer tiempo, Emanuel Serra y Christian Cruz hicieron trabajar al guardameta Martínez, ex-River.\nTras una jugada individual y combinación con Maciel, el argentino remató incómodo y Martínez despejó el balón al córner. A minuto seguido, Cruz sacó un disparo frontal, pero mejor fue la respuesta del arquero del Cuenca.\nLos goles de 'La Fuerza Roja' llegaron en el segundo tiempo. Danny Luna (73m) y Daniel Neculman (79m) levantaron a River.\nParecía que los pupilos de Humberto Pizarro no iban a permitir que los puntos se escapen de casa, pero tres minutos después Bryan Oña fulminó las aspiraciones del rival rompiendo la trampa del offside y definiendo ante la salida de 'Tranca' Molina.\nDesde el arribo de Álex Aguinaga al banquillo, Deportivo Cuenca se mantiene invicto y ha escapado de la zona del descenso; suma 17 puntos (-11).\nFORMACIONES:\nRiver Ecuador: Molina; Camacho, Lara, López, Cruz; Cazares, Luna, Valencia (Soliz, 46m), Serra (Giler, 66m); Néculman, Maciel (Solís, 46m). DT: Humberto Pizarro.\nDeportivo Cuenca: Martínez; López, Domínguez, Solís, Gutiérrez; A. Oña, Zea, Jerves, Feraud (B. Oña, 65m); Bolaños, Garcés. DT: Álex Aguinaga.\nÁrbitro: Samuel Haro. Amonestó a Camacho (26m), Cruz (39m), Martínez (69m), Zea (75m).\nEstadio: Christian Benítez.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Liga de Quito superó 3-1 a Dep. Quito en el clásico capitalino",
"text": "El invicto y líder del campeonato nacional, Liga de Quito se impuso por 3-1 a Deportivo Quito, la noche de este sábado en el estadio Casa Blanca.\nAunque no era superior por lo cerrado que empezó el clásico quiteño, Liga (Q) abrió el marcador a los 39 minutos con un frentazo del atacante Narciso Mina.\nEl centro limpio de Diego Morales desde el sector derecho fue muy bien conectado por el goleador albo, que hoy registra 8 dianas en el torneo.\nLa segunda anotación se produjo desde la vía del penal. A los 57m Hólger Matamoros fue derribado dentro del área por Eddie Guevara y el juez no dudó en determinar la sanción. 'Chicharra' se encargó del cobró y con un potente disparo a la esquina venció al golero Ramos.\nLa goleada la firmó el argentino Diego 'Cachete' Morales a los 71m, tras diseñar una jugada individual que finalizó con un sutil toque para mandar el balón a las redes.\nPero el uruguayo Julián Lalinde incentivó al equipo de la Plaza del Teatro con el tanto del descuento. A los 82m el charrúa recibió un centro en el área y cabeceó a las redes.\nLiga de Quito, el club con el pórtico menos vencido, se reafirmó como el líder del campeonato. Ayer, Independiente del Valle, su máximo perseguidor, derrotó 0-2 a Liga de Loja y llegó a 34 puntos.\nEn la pelea por adjudicarse la primera etapa del campeonato están Liga (Q); Independiente; y Emelec, que mañana (16:30) disputa el Clásico del Astillero ante Barcelona en el estadio Monumental.\nFORMACIONES:\nLiga de Quito: Domínguez; Quinteros, Araujo, Romero, Reasco; Intriago, Cevallos, Matamoros (Uchuari, 82m), Casquete (Casquete, 59m); Morales; Mina (Congo, 90m+1). DT: Luis Zubeldía.\nDeportivo Quito: Ramos; Maldonado, Castro, Guerrón, Guevara; Rivero, Saritama (Lalinde, 65m), Calderón, Bonet (Salas, 54m); Porozo (Cano, 45m), Cuero. DT: Tabaré Silva.\nÁrbitro: Vinicio Espinel. Amonestó a Matamoros (32m) y Domínguez (82m), de Liga (Q); Lalinde (74m), Maldonado (82m) y Guerrón (87m), de Dep. Quito.\nEstadio: Casa Blanca.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Empate entre El Nacional y Aucas salvó a Jorge Yunda",
"text": "Jorge Yunda se salvó de renunciar a la presidencia de El Nacional. A inicios de la semana pasada dijo que si su equipo perdía ante Aucas y el DT Octavio Zambrano no daba un paso al costado, él iba a dejar el cargo. Criollos e indios igualaron a 1, ayer, en el estadio Olímpico Atahualpa.\nEl titular de los militares también dejó entrever que, por lo menos esta semana, no pedirá la renuncia del entrenador, ya que con el empate ascendieron al séptimo puesto.\n“¿Y por qué no debería seguir si acabamos de salir del octavo lugar?”, respondió Yunda, al ser consultado si Zambrano continuará en su trabajo.\nLuego, aseguró no haber dialogado con nadie para ofrecerle la dirección técnica del equipo, esto pese a que Juan Garay y Paúl Vélez contaron sobre un acercamiento. Mas, sentenció que si los resultados no se dan, pediría la renuncia así sea su padre el que esté en esa labor.\nEl juego de ayer se definió en dos jugadas inesperadas. Juan Marcarié abrió la cuenta para Aucas (31m), tras aprovechar un yerro de Marco Montaño quien intentó salir con el balón dominado, pero el argentino le quitó y venció al golero Adrián Bone. El empate se dio luego de un remate de Alejandro Villalva, que rozó en Cristhian Hurtado y desubicó a Sebastián Blázquez (46m).\nAucas no ha perdido en las últimas cuatro fechas, pero sigue en el fondo de la tabla. (D)\nNacional - 1\nBone; Morante, Caicedo, Ordóñez; Bagüí, Palacios, Chalá; Montaño (Pabón, 63m), Lara, Muñoz (Villalva, 45m); Álvarez (Mejía, 90m).\nDT: Octavio Zambrano\nAucas - 1\nBlázquez; Quilumba, Salaberry, Carcelén, Ibarra; Valencia, Hurtado; Lara (Padilla, 45m), Villacrés (Andrade, 76m), Marcarié; Abreu (Ledesma, 59m).\nDT: Juan Ramón Silva.\nGoles: 0-1, Marcarié (31m); 1-1, Villalva (46m).\nÁrbitro: Mario Romero. Amonestó a Marcarié (28m), Salaberry (66m), de Aucas. Expulsó a Palacios (69m), de El Nacional.\nIncidencias: Partido de la fecha 17 de la serie A, jugado en el estadio Olímpico Atahualpa ante 10.133 aficionados. La recaudación fue de $ 42.479",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": null,
"title": "Independiente del Valle ganó 2-0 a Liga de Loja en el estadio Reina del Cisne",
"text": "Independiente del Valle derrotó 2-0 a Liga de Loja, en el estadio Reina del Cisne, en el partido que abrió la fecha 17 del Campeonato ecuatoriano de fútbol. Los 'rayados', que se encontraron con un gol al inicio del cotejo, controlaron las acciones hasta el final del juego.\nLos visitantes sorprendieron en el primer minuto con el gol de William Ferreira (1-0). Después de eso, los 'negriazules' se adueñaron de la pelota y priorizaron los ataques por los costados. Fue así que desde la zona izquierda salió un pase que el goleador Daniel Angulo resolvió con autoridad, al interior del área, para aumentar la cuenta a los 9 minutos.\nLuego de eso los locales reaccionaron, sobre todo con lanzamientos desde fuera del área. Fabio Renato y Juan Caffa ensayaron remates que obligaron al guardameta Librado Azcona a estirarse.\nLiga de Loja empezó a tener más tiempo la pelota, pero no generó mayor peligro en el arco rival.\nEn Liga (L) ingresaron, en el segundo tiempo, el argentino Facundo Callejo y el juvenil Ánderson Naula. Con ambos jugadores en la cancha, los locales atacaron con más peligrosidad. Naula, quien se destacó en la selección Sub 17, sobresalió por su velocidad.\nAl final del partido, los lojanos remataron 18 veces al arco. Independiente, a su vez, pateó en ocho ocasiones según las estadísticas de la Federación Ecuatoriana de Fútbol (FEF).\nLos 'rayados' del valle continúan segundos en la clasificación, con 34 puntos. Liga de Quito tiene ese mismo puntaje, pero un mejor gol diferencia.\nEl club austral, en cambio, se quedó con 19 puntos.\nLos jugadores del uruguayo Pablo Repetto cumplieron con el objetivo de conseguir un triunfo para no alejarse del puntero del torneo. La principal novedad fue la reaparición del delantero Daniel Angulo, quien cumplió un partido de suspensión. El ariete esmeraldeño es el goleador del club con ocho tantos.\nEl cotejo fue arbitrado por Juan Albarracín.\nLas alineaciones:\nLiga de Loja\nRobinson Sánchez, Ángel Gracia, Julio Ayoví, Armando Gómez, Edwin Hurtado, Óscar Velásquez, Pedro Larrea, Juan Caffa, Carlos Caicedo (Facundo Callejo), Luis Ojeda, Fabio Renato (Anderson Naula) DT: Julio Toresani\nIndependiente del Valle\nLibrado Azcona, Luis Caicedo, Arturo Mina, Christian Núñez, Mario Pineida, Pablo Caballero, Bryan Cabezas, Jéfferson Orejuela, Mario Rizotto, Daniel Angulo, William Ferreira. DT: Pablo Repetto.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Ligue nationale de hockey : les discussions se poursuivent entre les joueurs et les propriétaires |
Sidney Crosby a troqué son uniforme de joueur pour celui de négociateur durant le conflit de 2012
Les discussions entamées hier entre 6 propriétaires d'équipe et 18 joueurs de la ligue se poursuivent aujourd'hui dans le but de faire cheminer les choses vers une entente de travail et la fin du lock-out dans la . À la sortie de la rencontre tard hier soir, le commissaire-adjoint et le conseiller de l'Association des joueurs ont parlé, dans une conférence de presse commune, d'une journée pouvant être qualifiée de , . Parmi les acteurs impliqués, et le propriétaire des Pingouins, , ont été les plus volubiles. Les discussions reprendront aujourd'hui, dans la matinée. Aucune entente n'a été annoncée dans ce conflit qui dure depuis 80 jours et qui a déjà causé l'annulation des matchs jusqu'à la mi-décembre.
À la sortie d'une réunion des gouverneurs de la Ligue nationale, s'est adressé à la presse dans un minimaliste point de presse dans lequel il a annoncé qu'il . Il a ensuite quitté les membres des médias en ne répondant à aucune question. Les discussions se poursuivent en après-midi.
| [
"Amérique du Nord",
"Hockey sur glace",
"Ligue nationale de hockey",
"Hockey sur glace",
"Saison 2012-2013 de la Ligue nationale de hockey",
"Conflit de travail dans la LNH en 2012-2013"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Discussions positives",
"text": "Les discussions entre les joueurs et les propriétaires se sont poursuivies en soirée, mardi, et devaient reprendre mercredi matin.\nLe conseiller de l'Association des joueurs (AJLNH), Steve Fehr, a qualifié les discussions de constructives et que c'était « peut-être notre meilleure journée jusqu'à maintenant ».\nIl a tout de même ajouté qu'il restait encore beaucoup de travail à faire avant d'en arriver à une entente.\nDe son côté, le commissaire adjoint de la LNH, Bill Daly, a remercié les joueurs pour leurs efforts. « Je pense que tout le monde veut en arriver à une entente, a-t-il dit, alors je crois que c'est encourageant. »\nFait à souligner, Daly et Steve Fehr ont rencontré la presse ensemble avant de prendre congé pour la nuit.\nUne première rencontre en après-midi\nUn groupe de 18 joueurs et 6 propriétaires se sont rencontrés pendant plus de cinq heures mardi après-midi derrière les portes d'un hôtel de Manhattan, et les discussions ont repris vers 22 h après la pause du souper.\nLes échos ont fait état d'un climat positif entre les parties et les observateurs affichent un optimisme prudent pour la suite des discussions, mercredi matin, avant la rencontre des gouverneurs à 11 h.\nOn a plus tôt indiqué que les deux parties alternaient entre de petits et de plus gros groupes lors des différentes séances de la journée.\nSidney Crosby, Jonathan Toews, Ryan Miller, Shane Doan et Mike Cammalleri, entre autres, représentaient l'Association des joueurs.\nIls étaient assis à la même table que six propriétaires de la ligue : Mark Chipman (Winnipeg), Murray Edwards (Calgary), Larry Tanenbaum (Toronto), Jeff Vinik (Tampa Bay), Ron Burkle (Pittsburgh) et Jeremy Jacobs (Boston).\nSelon des sources, Crosby et Ron Burkle ont été deux des membres les plus engagés dans les discussions.\nNi le commissaire Gary Bettman ni le directeur de l'Association des joueurs, Donald Fehr, n'étaient présents à la rencontre.\nOn espérait qu'un changement à la table de négociations insuffle une nouvelle dynamique au processus. L'idée de cette réunion a été proposée par Bettman après l'échec de deux jours de médiation la semaine dernière.\nVoici les joueurs qui prenaient part à la rencontre :\nCraig Adams (Pittsburgh)\nDavid Backes (St Louis)\nMichael Cammalleri (Calgary)\nSidney Crosby (Pittsburgh)\nB.J. Crombeen (Tampa Bay)\nMathieu Darche (agent libre)\nShane Doan (Phoenix)\nRon Hainsey (Winnipeg)\nShawn Horcoff (Edmonton)\nJamal Mayers (Chicago)\nManny Malhotra (Vancouver)\nAndy McDonald (St Louis)\nRyan Miller (Buffalo)\nGeorge Parros (Floride)\nBrad Richards (Rangers de New York)\nMartin St. Louis (Tampa Bay)\nJonathan Toews (Chicago)\nKevin Westgarth (Los Angeles)\nLa LNH avait déjà soumis sa liste de six représentants dimanche. De ce nombre, seuls Jeremy Jacobs (Boston) et Larry Tannenbaum (Toronto) n'affrontent pas des joueurs de leur propre équipe.\nLe Canadien ne participe donc pas aux discussions, d'un côté comme de l'autre.\nLe lock-out perdure depuis maintenant 80 jours.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | Petra Vlhová odniosła piętnaste zwycięstwo w zawodach Pucharu Świata w narciarstwie alpejskim |
'''Słowaczka odniosła zwycięstwo w rozgrywanym na górze slalomie zaliczanym do . Sukces osiągnięty w jednym z największych ośrodków narciarskich w Finlandii był dla narciarki piętnastym triumfem w zawodach tej rangi w karierze.'''
Vlhová osiągała najlepsze rezultaty w obu przejazdach. Na kolejnych miejscach ulokowały się Amerykanka i Austriaczka .
Spośród piętnastu pucharowych zwycięstw Słowaczka dziewięć z nich zdobyła w slalomie, w tym na Levi w 2017 roku. Sobotni triumf pozwolił jej objąć prowadzenie w klasyfikacji generalnej cyklu zawodów.
Kolejne zmagania zaplanowane są na niedzielę 22 listopada, ponownie będzie to slalom na Levi.
| [
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Alpejski PŚ: Shiffrin druga w pierwszym starcie po powrocie, triumf Vlhovej",
"text": "Vlhova była najlepsza w obu przejazdach. Shiffrin straciła jednak do niej tylko 0,18 s. Trzecie miejsce zajęła Austriaczka Katharina Liensberger - 0,57 s straty.\nPrzerwa Shiffrin była efektem niespodziewanej śmierci jej ojca. Z powodu absencji nie udało jej się sięgnąć po raz czwarty z rzędu po Kryształową Kulę. - To szalone uczucie być na starcie po takiej przerwie i wszystkim co się wydarzyło. To niesamowite i cieszę się, że w ogóle tutaj jestem - przyznała.\nSlalom to ulubiona konkurencja Amerykanki. Zdobyła w niej złoty medal igrzysk w Soczi (2014), a także czterokrotnie mistrzostwo świata (2013, 2015, 2017 i 2019).\nVlhova natomiast cieszyła się z 15. pucharowego triumfu. Dziewięć z nich odniosła w slalomie. W Levi poprzednio była najlepsza w 2017 roku. Słowaczka, która podczas październikowej inauguracji w Soelden była trzecia, objęła prowadzenie w klasyfikacji generalnej PŚ.\nNa niedzielę zaplanowano w Levi kolejny slalom.\nWyniki slalomu w Levi:\n1. Petra Vlhova (Słowacja) 1.50,11 (54,19 s/55,92 s)\n2. Mikaela Shiffrin (USA 1.50,19 (54,34/55,95)\n3. Katharina Liensberger (Austria) 1.50,68 (54,71/55,97)\n4. Wendy Holdener (Szwajcaria) 1.51,46 (55,35/56,11)\n5. Michelle Gisin (Szwajcaria) 1.51,52 (55,26/56,26)\n6. Laurence St. Germain (Kanada) 1.51,53 (55,43/56,10)\nKlasyfikacja generalna PŚ (po 2 z 34 konkurencji):\n1. Petra Vlhova (Słowacja) 160 pkt\n2. Marta Bassino (Włochy) 113\n3. Michelle Gisin (Szwajcaria) 95\n4. Federica Brignone (Włochy) 80\n. Mikaela Shiffrin (USA) 80\n6. Mina Fuerst Holtmann (Norwegia) 63\nKlasyfikacja slalomu (po 1 z 9 zawodów):\n1. Petra Vlhova (Słowacja) 100 pkt\n2. Mikaela Shiffrin (USA) 80\nŹródło: PAP",
"url": ",d87b6cc4",
"archive_url": ",d87b6cc4"
] |
en | White House press center evacuated after bomb scare |
The front of the White House.
A press room across the street of the was evacuated after a bomb sniffing dog had a reaction to a van it was searching. The van was believed to be a transport vehicle for Israeli Prime Minster , but some reports also say that it is not known to whom the van belongs.
The evacuated space is where the press gathers before they enter the in the of the White House. It is around the corner from .
"Police were called, they are on the scene currently attempting to clear the vehicle. The vehicle is part of the delegation that is staying at the Blair House," said Darrin Blackford, a spokesman for the .
Police searched the van using a robot and blocked off streets around the area to vehicle traffic, but at 4:30 p.m. (eastern time), authorities gave the "all-clear" for personnel to be allowed back into the building.
The "suspicious" van was parked in front of Lafayette Park. Other areas near the White House were also evacuated including Pennsylvania Avenue, on which the White House is located, and the Jackson Square Press Center, because "of an abundance of caution."
Olmert is currently a guest in the Blair House which is located across the street from the White House. Olmert is expected to meet with United States President George W. Bush to discuss the Palestinian government and other issues. It is not known if Olmert was inside the house at the time of the incident.
It is not known why the dog reacted to the van, but nothing was found inside it after the Secret Service searched it.
| [
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"US White House",
"Washington, D.C.",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "White House press corps evacuated from work center",
"text": "WASHINGTON The press center across the street from the White House was briefly evacuated on Monday after a bomb-sniffing dog prompted a security check of an Israeli vehicle, U.S. officials said.\nThe temporary filing center is around the corner from Blair House, where dignitaries often stay. Security was already tighter because of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's visit from Monday.\nSecret Service spokesman Darrin Blackford said a dog singled out a vehicle parked on Jackson Place, in front of the press quarters.\n\"Police were called,\" Blackford said. \"The vehicle is part of the delegation that is staying at the Blair House.\"\nNothing was found in the vehicle, the Secret Service said later.\nOlmert is staying at Blair House in advance of a meeting on Tuesday with President George W. Bush.\n(Additional reporting by Jeremy Pelofsky and Andy Sullivan)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "All-Clear Given After White House Press Offices Evacuated",
"text": "WASHINGTON The Secret Secret gave an all-clear and allowed members of the press and other employees back into buildings near the White House who were evacuated Monday after a bomb-sniffing police dog signaled it smelled something suspicious in a minivan.\nThe buildings included were the White House Conference Center and buildings surrounding Blair House — where Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is staying as he prepares for a meeting with President Bush on Tuesday.\nThe vehicle that was being inspected was parked in front of Lafayette Park, across from the White House, and was said to be part of Olmert's delegation. Police shut off traffic on nearby streets as they investigated the situation, which lasted about 90 minutes.\nMembers of the press who were standing outside of the executive mansion were also asked to leave the White House grounds, though staff and President Bush are in the building ahead of a celebration with NCAA winning teams.\nU.S. officials said D.C. Metro Police were using an abundance of caution in calling in an explosives and ordnance team after what is reportedly a bomb scare. A robot also was expected to inspect the vehicle.\nOlmert had just arrived in Washington, D.C., for a stay at Blair House, where foreign dignitaries often reside while visiting the president. Olmert is in town for talks with U.S. officials on the recent dissolution of the Palestinian government, and security has been heightened because of his visit. His vehicle motorcade remained outside Blair House while the evacuation occurred.\n(Story continues below)\nAdvertise Here Advertisements Advertisements\nSources told FOX News that the minivan was not part of Olmert's motorcade.\nThe press corps has been working out of the conference center at Jackson Place and H Street, N.W., while its usual space inside the White House is under renovation.",
"url": ",2933,284095,00.html",
"archive_url": ",2933,284095,00.html"
"language": "en",
"title": "CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive",
"text": "WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Secret Service evacuated the temporary press center across the street from the White House on Monday after a dog got a \"suspicious hit\" on an Israeli vehicle entering the secured area around the White House, according to a Secret Service spokeswoman.\nThe Israeli vehicle was arriving ahead of Tuesday's meeting between President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.\nThe area was given the \"all clear\" about an hour and 40 minutes after the 2:50 p.m. incident.\nSecret Service spokeswoman Kim Bruce told CNN the service evacuated the area, including Lafayette Park, Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House and the press center at Jackson Square, \"out of an abundance of caution,\" but the White House itself was not evacuated.\n\"The president's schedule has not been affected,\" she said.\nThe press is temporarily quartered at Jackson Square during renovations in the White House's West Wing.\nBecause of Olmert's visit, security in the area was already very high. The prime minister will be staying at Blair House, the president's official guest residence across the street from the West Wing and adjacent to Lafayette Park.\n— CNN's Suzanne Malveaux and Ed Henry contributed to this report",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "White House press corps evacuated from work center",
"text": "By Matt Spetalnick and Caren Bohan\nWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The press center across the street from the White House was briefly evacuated on Monday after a bomb-sniffing dog prompted a security check of an Israeli vehicle, U.S. officials said.\nThe temporary filing center is around the corner from Blair House, where dignitaries often stay. Security was already tighter because of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's visit from Monday.\nSecret Service spokesman Darrin Blackford said a dog singled out a vehicle parked on Jackson Place, in front of the press quarters.\n\"Police were called,\" Blackford said. \"The vehicle is part of the delegation that is staying at the Blair House.\"\nNothing was found in the vehicle, the Secret Service said later.\nOlmert is staying at Blair House in advance of a meeting on Tuesday with President George W. Bush.\n(Additional reporting by Jeremy Pelofsky and Andy Sullivan)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Canada.Com | Homepage | Canada.Com",
"text": "Sign-up to receive the weekly top stories, contest and promotion announcements every Tuesday\nThanks for signing up!\nA welcome email is on its way. If you don't see it please check your junk folder.\nThe next issue of Newsletter will soon be in your inbox.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Der Tod von Mark Spoon erschüttert die Techno-Szene |
Die Nachricht vom Tod des beliebten DJs und Techno-Produzenten Mark Spoon hat die Techno-Szene erschüttert. Zum letzten Mal trat Mark 2005 öffentlich auf dem Dance Award in Hannover auf.
Mit richtigem Namen hieß er Markus Löffel. Er starb im Alter von nur 39 Jahren; vereinzelt findet sich auch eine Altersangabe von 41 Jahren. Wann Mark genau starb, ist nicht klar. Bekannte hatten versucht, ihn telefonisch zu erreichen. Die von ihnen dann alarmierte Polizei fand den DJ heute morgen tot in seiner Berliner Wohnung. Erste Vermutungen über seine Todesursache laufen auf einen Herzinfarkt hinaus.
Bekannt wurde Mark vor allem in den 90er Jahren mit seiner Gruppe Jam & Spoon und Storm.
| [
"Verstorben 2006",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Mark Spoon ist tot",
"text": "Artikel-Services\nTechno-DJ\nMark Spoon ist tot\n11. Januar 2006 Der aus Frankfurt stammende Techno-Discjockey und Musikproduzent Mark Spoon ist tot. Er starb im Alter von 39 Jahren in Berlin, wie seine Plattenfirma Universal Music am Mittwoch mitteilte. Der Musiker, der mit bürgerlichem Namen Markus Löffel hieß, sei am morgen tot in seiner Wohnung gefunden worden. Nähere Umstände seines Todes und den genauen Zeitpunkt konnte das Unternehmen nicht nennen.\nMark Spoon wurde Anfang der 90er Jahre mit dem DJ-Duo Jam & Spoon über Deutschland hinaus bekannt. Einer seiner größten Hits war Right In The Night. Auch bei der Love Parade in Berlin trat er auf. Zudem produzierte er zahlreiche Remixe anderer Gruppen wie Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Er gilt auch als Entdecker des Musikers Dr. Alban.\nBildmaterial: Universal Music",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Dance-Urgestein: Techno-DJ Mark Spoon tot aufgefunden",
"text": "11. Januar 2006 Druckversion | Versenden | Leserbrief\nDANCE-URGESTEIN\nTechno-DJ Mark Spoon tot aufgefunden\nMarkus Löffel alias Mark Spoon ist im Alter von 39 Jahren tot aufgefunden worden. Löffel gehörte zu den bekanntesten und renommiertesten deutschen Techno-DJs und Produzenten. Mit dem DJ-Duo Jam & Spoon feierte er vor allem in den neunziger Jahren Erfolge.\nBerlin/Frankfurt - Der aus Frankfurt stammende Techno- Discjockey und Musikproduzent Mark Spoon, der mit bürgerlichem Namen Markus Löffel hieß, sei am Morgen tot in seiner Berliner Wohnung gefunden worden, teilte die Plattenfirma Universal Music heute mit. Nähere Umstände seines Todes konnte das Unternehmen nicht nennen. Gemutmaßt wird über einen Herzinfarkt.\nTechno-Duo Jam & Spoon, Musiker Löffel (vorne): Trends vorweg genommen\nEiner der ersten Jam-&-Spoon-Hits, das von Plavka gesungene \"Right in the Night\" nahm 1993 Trends vorweg, die erst Jahre später in der Clubszene zum Tragen kamen. Das zugehörige Album \"Tripomatic Fairytales 2001\" sowie das nachfolgende \"Tripomatic Fairytales 2002\" gehören zu den Klassikern des Mainstream-tauglichen Clubsounds. Mit \"Tripomatic Fairytales 3003\" veröffentlichten die beiden DJs zuletzt ein Album voller tanztauglicher, sphärischer Popsongs zu denen Stars wie Jim Kerr (Simple Minds), Xavier Naidoo oder Dolores O'Riordan (Cranberries) den Gesang beisteuerten.\nMarkus Löffel, der die Techno-Fans auch auf der Love Parade immer wieder mit furiosen Sets beglückte, gilt neben Szene-Größen wie Sven Väth und Westbam zum Urgestein der neueren deutschen Dance-Musik. Auch mit seinem Soloprojekt Storm sowie mit zahlreichen Remixen für bekannte Techno-Größen und Pop-Künstler machte Mark Spoon in den letzten Jahren auf sich aufmerksam. Seinen letzten öffentlichen Auftritt hatte er im letzten Jahr in Hannover, als ihm der deutsche Dance Award verliehen wurde.\n© SPIEGEL ONLINE 2006\nAlle Rechte vorbehalten\nVervielfältigung nur mit Genehmigung der SPIEGELnet GmbH\nYAHOO! SUCHE IM WEB:",
"url": ",1518,394770,00.html",
"archive_url": ",1518,394770,00.html"
"language": "de",
"title": "Jam & Spoon: Techno-DJ Mark Spoon gestorben (News)",
"text": "Jam & Spoon: Techno-DJ Mark Spoon gestorben\nHeute fand die Polizei Mark Spoon (aka Markus Löffel) tot in seiner Wohnung. Woran der Frankfurter DJ starb, ist noch unklar.\nMark Spoon (vorne) ist tot.\nBerlin ( Berlin ( vbu ) - Mark Spoon, besser bekannt als eine Hälfte von Jam & Spoon, wurde heute morgen tot in seiner Wohnung aufgefunden. Bekannte hatten versucht, den DJ zu erreichen. Doch keiner kam durch. Daraufhin alarmierten sie die Polizei, die den schrecklichen Fund machte: Spoon lag tot in seiner Wohnung. Nach Angaben seiner Plattenfirma erlag der Musiker einem Herzinfarkt. Gerade einmal 39 Jahre wurde der Mann, der neben seinen Erfolgen bei Jam & Spoon auch mit Snap! und seinem Solo-Projekt Storm nationale und internationale Hits landete. Als Musik-Manager entdeckte er einst Dr. Alban. Seine Remix-Künste stellte er unter anderem bei der Bearbeitung von Moby-, Pet Shop Boys- und Stereo MCs-Tracks unter Beweis. Er galt als einer der Größten in der deutschen Dance-Szene. Gerade einmal 39 Jahre wurde der Mann, der neben seinen Erfolgen bei Jam & Spoon auch mit Snap! und seinem Solo-Projekt Storm nationale und internationale Hits landete. Als Musik-Manager entdeckte er einst Dr. Alban. Seine Remix-Künste stellte er unter anderem bei der Bearbeitung von Moby-, Pet Shop Boys- und Stereo MCs-Tracks unter Beweis. Er galt als einer der Größten in der deutschen Dance-Szene.\nMEHR INFO\nSTARPORTRÄT\nJam & Spoon",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Hauptgasleitung in Innsbruck angebohrt |
In Innsbruck wurde bei Renovierungsarbeiten des Innsbrucker Volkskunstmuseums aus Versehen gegen 15:30 Uhr die Hauptgasleitung unter der Angerzellgasse angebohrt. Von außen war es nicht möglich, die Hauptleitung abzusperren. Die Feuerwehr pumpte das Gas aus dem Keller, es bildete sich ein hochexplosives Gas-Luft-Gemisch. Eine Volksschule und das angrenzende Tagesheim, die Theologische Fakultät und die Schwarzmander Kirche wurden evakuiert, die Schüler der Volksschule in das Akademische Gymnasium verlegt. Außerdem musste der Strom in dem Bezirk abgeschaltet werden. Wegen der Explosionsgefahr wurde das Gebiet weiträumig evakuiert, Gefahr bestand der Meldung zufolge nur für die Einsatzkräfte. Eine Baufirma hatte die Straße aufgegraben, und eine Spezialfirma dichtete das Leck provisorisch ab. Die Sperrungen der umliegenden Straßen wurden gegen 19:00 Uhr aufgehoben. Am Mittwoch wird das Leck voraussichtlich endgültig repariert werden, indem das Rohr komplett ausgetauscht wird.
| [
"Themenportal Europa",
"Themenportal Österreich",
"Themenportal Tirol",
"Themenportal Unfall"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Hauptgasleitung bei Renovierung von Innsbrucker Museum angebohrt",
"text": "02.12.2008 18:45 Hauptgasleitung bei Renovierung von Innsbrucker Museum angebohrt Die Situation wurde als sehr gefährlich eingestuft, da sich das Gas nicht abdrehen lässt. 120 Volksscüler mussten dasn angrenzende Gebäude verlassen. Foto: APA Bei Renovierungsarbeiten des Volkskunstmuseums in der Innsbrucker Innenstadt ist am Mittwoch die Hauptgasleitung angebohrt worden. Die Situation wurde als sehr gefährlich eingestuft, da sich das Gas nicht abdrehen lässt. Nach ersten Informationen der Polizei wurde der Bereich für den Verkehr gesperrt und das Volkskunstmuseum evakuiert.\nVolksschule wurde evakuiert. Eine Baufirma wurde mit Grabungen beauftragt, um das Leck zu stopfen. Es könnte mehrere Stunden dauern, bis das Problem behoben werden kann. Eine an das Volkskunstmuseum angrenzende Volksschule und das angeschlossene Tagesheim musste evakuiert werden. Etwa 120 Volksschüler wurden ins Akademische Gymnasium gebracht. Außerdem von der Evakuierung betroffen war die Theologische Fakultät der Universität Innsbruck und die Schwarzmander Kirche. Insgesamt mussten 157 Personen aus dem Gefahrenbereich gebracht werden. Verletzt wurde vorerst niemand.\nExplosionsgefahr. Die Explosionsgefahr sei aber nach wie vor gegeben, hieß es bei der Polizei. Deshalb wurde auch der Strom in mehreren umliegenden Gebäuden abgeschalten. Der Großalarm im Volkskunstmuseum wurde gegen 15.30 Uhr ausgelöst. Die Bauarbeiter waren gerade damit beschäftigt, eine Abwasserleitung vom Keller des Museums nach außen zu verlegen. Dabei wurde aus Versehen die Hauptgasleitung angebohrt.Im Gebäude habe sich ein \"hochexplosives Gasluftgemisch\" befunden, sagte Josef Hundsbichler, Einsatzleiter der Feuerwehr. Besucher befanden sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine im Museum, da es wegen der Renovierung geschlossen wurde.\nArbeiten. Um das Leck in der Gasleitung zu flicken, musste die Straße in der Innsbrucker Angerzellgasse aufgraben werden. Das Loch in der Leitung werde dann abgedichtet und am nächsten Tag werde das Rohr komplett ausgetauscht, erklärte Hundsbichler. Bis das Leck abgedichtet sei, ströme weiterhin Gas aus. Er rechne damit, dass die Arbeiten in der nächsten halben Stunde abgeschlossen werden können. Drucken Versenden Zurück Mehr Chronik Angriff auf deutsches Kreuzfahrtschif... 2. Geburtstag: \"Party\" und Eisbombe f... Toter bei Wohnungsbrand in Wien Mehr als 300.000 in Simbabwe von Chol... Plöckenpass nach Schneechaos wieder f...\nKommentare Es sind noch keine Kommentare vorhanden.\nKommentar erstellen Die Situation wurde als sehr gefährlich eingestuft, da sich das Gas nicht abdrehen lässt. 120 Volksscüler mussten dasn angrenzende Gebäude verlassen.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Bird flu spreading through Indonesia and China |
Two Indonesian women, 23 and 27, have tested positive for the H5N1 strain of avian influenza. They are in "serious condition but seem to be improving," said Hariadi Wibisono, a senior health ministry official. They are being treated in the designated bird flu hospital, Sulianti Suroso in eastern Jakarta. It is believed that both women had contact with infected poultry. This brings Indonesia's number of confirmed cases of the virus to 25.
A 26 year old female farmer in Fujian, China whose surname is ''Lin'', also has the deadly H5N1 virus. She was admitted to the hospital in January, but it was only confirmed on Wednesday that she had the virus. Some of the people that have come in close contact with the woman are under observation by local health officials. Her current condition is reported as stable. This is China's eleventh confirmed case of the virus.
Julie Hall of the Beijing-based World Health Organization said that the latest patient was "highly likely to have had contact with sick animals," but the WHO is still waiting for information on how she could have gotten the disease.
Some experts believe migrating birds from China's Qinghai Lake nature reserve are spreading the virus; however, there others who believe it's shipments of poultry and poultry products along with poultry manure.
As avian influenza confirmed in Nigeria, "We shouldn't assume that is just in Nigeria" said David Nabarro, the United Nations' coordinator for bird flu and pandemic influenza. "The outbreak in Nigeria means we have another central point for the virus to become embedded into the poultry population."
About 20 countries have reported outbreaks of the virus in birds which has sickened people who come in contact with the infected birds. If the rate of human infection continues to increase, so does the chance the virus will change into a form easily transmitted by humans.
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"Avian Flu",
"Infectious disease",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Breaking News from Ireland",
"text": "3 hours, 27 mins ago Fugitive drug lord 'injured' evading police in Mexican mountains Drug lord Joaquin \"El Chapo\" Guzman is believed to have been injured evading police in the mountains of north-western Mexico, according to officials.\n3 hours, 58 mins ago Cologne mayoral candidate stabbed in the neck A leading candidate to be mayor of Cologne has been wounded in a knife attack as she campaigned a day before an election in the western German city.\n6 hours, 20 mins ago Police arrest politicians who pardoned themselves after bribery convictions Eleven of the 14 renegade lawmakers who last week created political chaos when one of them granted himself and the others pardons from corruption convictions while the president was abroad have now been arrested.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "China investigates 11th human case of bird flu",
"text": "'); //-->\nAFX News Limited\nChina investigates 11th human case of bird flu\nBEIJING (AFX) - China is investigating the cause of its 11th confirmed human bird flu case while pressing on with efforts to stamp out the country's latest outbreak among poultry.\nA 26-year-old woman, surnamed Lin, from the eastern province of Fujian tested positive for the deadly H5N1 strain after being hospitalised with fever and pneumonia on Jan 10, the health ministry said in a statement.\n'After medical treatment, the patient's condition is currently stable,' the statement said, according to Agence France-Presse. Bird flu has killed seven people in China.\nLike most of the other human cases detected in China, no outbreak among animals was detected in Zhangpu county where Lin lived, emphasising the extent of the problem in the country and the inability of authorities to effectively monitor the disease.\n'What we've seen in quite a number of other cases in China is that the Ministry of Agriculture has not been able to identify viruses in the animals in that area,' said Julie Hall, a Beijing-based World Health Organisation expert.\n'But there certainly have been reports from the health authorities and patients themselves that animals in their areas have been dying and have been sick for some weeks prior to their onset of their illness.'\nShe said the latest bird flu patient was highly likely to have had contact with sick animals, although the WHO was still awaiting information about what caused the disease.\n'We're not surprised,' Hall said.\n'We believe the virus is endemic in parts of China and certainly endemic in the wild birds. Many poultry flocks in China remain vulnerable to infections.'\nvy/kma/sst/dk\nNeither the Subscriber nor AFX News warrants the completeness or accuracy of the Service or the suitability of the Service as a trading aid and neither accepts any liability for losses howsoever incurred. The content on this site, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided by AFX News and its third party content providers for your personal information only, and neither AFX News nor its third party content providers shall be liable for any errors, inaccuracies or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.\n1 of 1\n'); //-->\nNews Headlines | More From | Special Reports\nSubscriptions >",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Woman contracts bird flu in China",
"text": "China is inoculating millions of birds to try to stamp out bird flu\nChina's health ministry confirmed on Wednesday that the woman in Fujian had tested positive for the H5N1 strain, the official Xinhua news agency said.\nThe news came on the same day that health authorities reported Africa's first avian cases of bird flu.\nMore than 70 people, mostly in South East Asia, have died of the disease since late 2003.\nScientists fear the H5N1 bird flu virus could mutate from a disease that largely affects birds to one that can pass easily between people, leading to a human pandemic.\nChina is seen as potential flashpoint for a human pandemic, because it has the world's largest poultry population.\nThe latest victim was first admitted to hospital with a fever in January, but she was only confirmed to have contracted bird flu on Wednesday.\nNo outbreak among birds has so far been detected near where she lived.\nBut some of the people who have been in contact with her have been placed under observation by local health authorities, according to Xinhua.",
"url": "",
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"language": "en",
"title": "Canada.Com | Homepage | Canada.Com",
"text": "Sign-up to receive the weekly top stories, contest and promotion announcements every Tuesday\nThanks for signing up!\nA welcome email is on its way. If you don't see it please check your junk folder.\nThe next issue of Newsletter will soon be in your inbox.",
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"language": "en",
"title": "Avian influenza - situation (birds) in Nigeria",
"text": "printable version\nAvian influenza - situation (birds) in Nigeria 8 February 2006 The confirmation of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in domestic birds in northern Nigeria marks the further geographical spread of this virus. Although all evidence to date indicates that the virus does not spread easily from birds to humans, careful monitoring of the situation is warranted. Experience in several other countries has shown how quickly the H5N1 virus can spread and become firmly established in poultry. The ability of this virus to cause rare but severe disease in humans is well documented. At present, the only confirmed H5N1 outbreak is thought to be confined to a large commercial farm, located in Kaduna State in the northern part of the country, where thousands of chickens were kept in battery cages. Investigations are urgently needed to determine whether the outbreak, which began almost a month ago, has spread from the farm to affect household flocks. Poultry deaths in the adjacent province of Kano have been reported, but the cause has not yet been determined. The most immediate public health need is to reduce opportunities for human infections to occur. Investigations of human cases in Asia and elsewhere have identified close contact with diseased or dead household poultry as the most important source of human exposure to the virus. In Nigeria, as in other parts of Africa, most village households maintain free-ranging flocks of poultry as a source of income and food. Close human contact with poultry is extensive. If the virus has spread to household flocks in Nigeria, public information campaigns will be needed to warn populations to avoid high-risk behaviours, including the slaughtering, defeathering, butchering, and preparation for consumption of diseased poultry. WHO is ready to respond to requests from Nigeria for support, including assessment teams and the provision of essential supplies and equipment. Infectious disease staff at WHO’s regional office in Harare, Zimbabwe held an emergency meeting today to assess the situation, plan a response, and evaluate the possible risk to other African countries. A team of experts experienced in the investigation of outbreaks has been placed on standby. No clear information about the source of the Nigerian outbreak is presently available, but the country is known to lie along a flight route for birds migrating from central Asia. Full sequence information about the virus in the Nigerian outbreak is expected later this week. This information will allow comparison with viruses that have caused human cases elsewhere and thus assist in the assessment of risks to human health. Sequence information may also shed some light on the origins of the outbreak.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Accidental email brings product placement agency under fire |
Jeff Crouse.
An email accidentally sent to Jeff Crouse of the ''Anti-Advertising Agency'' recently brought the controversial techniques of the advertising firm ''Kluger Agency'' under fire.
"I'm writing because we feel you may be a good company to participate in a brand integration campaign within the actual lyrics of one of the worlds most famous recording artists upcoming song/album," the email read, offering to place Jeff Crouse's fake brand, Double Happiness Jeans, into the songs of popular artists. It was posted on his blog along with a reply that mocked Kluger and brought ridicule and criticism against Adam Kugler and his agency. According to Crouse, Kluger emailed him once again to claim it had been an automated email, and later requested that Crouse remove the post and comments criticizing himself and his agency, threatening a $150,000 lawsuit against Crouse for defamation.
Kluger Agency is known for advertising brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, Mercedes-Benz, and Nike by inserting the brand names in the songs of popular artists like Mariah Carey, Black Eyed Peas, Fall Out Boy, Pink, Lady GaGa and Ludacris. Kluger, founded in 2006, represents over 170 corporations and focuses on well-known record labels.
Kluger and his PR team have come forward defending the advertising techniques, stating that they do not have songs made just for the products in question and do not infringe on artistic integrity. "Now, we don't want an artist to write a song specifically to promote a brand, we just feel that if it's a product that's admired by the artist and fits his/her image, we now have the capability of leveling out the playing field and making things financially beneficial for all parties involved," he was quoted saying to ''Wired''.
However, the agency's website shows video examples of its product placement, with brand images and names often being repeated, pointed at, praised, or being the basis of the song. The website also advertises that "a successful 'brand-dropping' campaign will imprint the brand name and product into your market's subconscious".
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"United States",
"Culture and entertainment",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Products Placed: How Companies Pay Artists to Include Brands in Lyrics",
"text": "Yes, you read that right: things have gotten so weird in the music business that high-profile acts are inserting ads into their song lyrics. The next time you hear a brand mentioned in a song, it could be due to a paid product placement. And unlike magazines, songs are not required to point out which words are part of an advertisement.\n\"I'm writing because we feel you may be a good company to participate in a brand integration campaign within the actual lyrics of one of the worlds most famous recording artists upcoming song/album,\" begins the opening e-mail in the eventual salvo between the two.\nA e-mail from the Kluger Agency , which performs such product placements, mistakenly sent to Jeff Crouse of the Anti-Advertising Agency and Double Happiness Jeans, provides a rare glimpse into the secretive market for song lyric product placement.\nSongs that refer to products and brands have been with us for years, from Simon and Garfunkel singing \"Mama don't take my Kodachrome away\" to Janis Joplin's plea for a new car in \"Mercedes Benz\" and beyond. Conscious of the branding value such mentions can bring, some artists have gone so far as to approach companies with offers to include brand and product names in their song lyrics.\nIn the e-mail, Kluger (who has represented Mariah Carey, New Kids on the Blog, Ne-Yo, Fall Out Boy, Method Man, Lady GaGa and Ludacris) explained via e-mail that for the right price, Double Happiness Jeans could find its way into the lyrics in an upcoming Pussycat Dolls song. Crouse posted the e-mail on his blog at the Anti-Advertising Agency, an art project of sorts that's basically the philosophical mirror image of a traditional ad agency.\nThe thing is, Double Happiness Jeans is not your everyday brand -- it's a virtual sweatshop organized by EyeBeam for a display at the Sundance Festival, which involves paying Second Life citizens 90 cents an hour to make real, customized jeans designed in the virtual factory. Crouse and Steve Lambert, his partner at the Anti-Advertising Agency, are probably the last people on earth who Kluger would want to receive this e-mail. Both men spend a fair amount of their time questioning, undermining and criticizing the pervasiveness of materialism and advertising in our culture.\n\"It was hilarious,\" Lambert told us via telephone, \"that he wanted to put Jeff's fake Second Life sweatshop company in a pop song. It's this desperation that advertising has come to because you can't just tell people about your product anymore, because nobody cares. Advertisers have created this situation where they've made themselves obsolete. There's too much advertising out there, so they try to find new ways to cut through the clutter that they've created. And this is one of those ways.\"\nSoon after Crouse posted Kluger's e-mail and his own response on the blog, a commenter wrote, \"Either a spammer/con-artist is using the name... or (they are) really bad at marketing themselves.\" Kluger asked Lambert and Crouse via e-mail and telephone a number of times to remove the post and comment. \"Will you please remove the post on your blog? Now a new comment was made basically calling us 'morons,'\" he wrote in one of the requests. \"When I google the blog or my name, the tag line is 'spammer/con-artist' using the name Adam Kluger PR. Obviously, this is not good for business, and more importantly, I'm quite embarrassed.\"\nUPDATE: (A representative from Adam Kluger PR contacted to say that agency was not involved in this issue in any way).\nNever mind that it was he who first approached them via unsolicited e-mail by using a scraper program that identified them as potential clients for his product placement service. Or that the words he objected to were in readers' comments, not in the original post. Kluger doesn't like the comments and wants them removed from the internet.\nThe Anti-Advertising Agency declined and has already drawn some attention to the practice of selling space in lyrics to advertisers through its blog. \"Maybe Ludacris wants to rap about a luxury SUV, and is just looking for the right one,\" said Lambert. \"We'll never know (everything about) how it works, because that takes the mystique out of it, and the mystique is one of the things that they can sell.\" But thanks to this e-mail, we at least have proof that the phenomenon is real.\nFor his part, Kluger claims that product placement can be done in such a way that artistic integrity is not affected. \"We are just financially taking care of the people that should be taken care of,\" he told us via e-mail. \"If an artist like Sheryl Crow has the same target audience as XZY brand, we feel it's nothing but a strong and strategic way to pinpoint a market.\n\"Now, we don't want an artist to write a song specifically to promote a brand, we just feel that if it's a product that's admired by the artist and fits his/her image, we now have the capability of leveling out the playing field and making things financially beneficial for all parties involved. 'Brand-Dropping' is the term that the Kluger Agency coined to describe discreetly advertising by product mentioning in song, and we feel we can make this the way of the future without jeopardizing any artists creative outlet or typical style.\"\nWhether because the Anti-Advertising Agency exposed the practice of product placement in lyrics, because Kluger doesn't like being called a moron on the blog's comments section, or both, he says he's going to sue.\nIn an e-mail sent to Lambert, he wrote, \"$5500 is what it's going to cost me to have an attorney stick you with a $150,000 judgment for the next 20 years. We've consulted with two different firms. This was written with the intent to hurt our business and we will win, period... We will go after Steve Lambert,, and Budget Gallery (where Lambert sells his art). Since you are intentionally damaging our California-based agency, you will have the opportunity to defend yourself in the state of California. If you think I'm bluffing, that's fine with me.\"\nLambert remains unconvinced. \"I really don't think there's any way he can win,\" he told us.\"I have every right to have that there... Jeff's commentary doesn't say anything about this guy's company, it's just funny. And bloggers aren't responsible for people who write comments -- it would be like holding the New York Times accountable for every letter to the editor ever sent them.\"\nKluger's angry, litigious reaction to his offer being posted indicates that he knows he's doing something a bit shady. Bands like The Pussycat Dolls don't have much integrity to lose, but we were still sort of surprised to find that they sell elements of their songs to the highest bidder.\nWhat's next, a song called \"My Family And I Enjoy McDonalds-Brand Food Products\"? A band called \"Exxon/Mobil Greatly Benefits All Aspects of The Glorious Environment\"?\nI appreciate that artists need to embrace a variety of revenue opportunities to make it today, but selling song lyrics seems to go over the line -- assuming there's still such a thing as selling out.\nSee Also:\nPhoto: Thomas Hawk",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Product Placement “oppertunity” from",
"text": "One of my lifelong dreams has been to turn on top 40 radio and hear some pop tartlet subtly dropping product placements for my fake sweatshop products into their newest hot single. So you can imagine how excited I was when I read this email yesterday from Mr. Kluger, wherein he offered me an oppertunity I just couldn’t pass up.\nfrom Adam Kluger\nto me\ndate Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 1:17 PM\nsubject RE: Product Placement oppertunity\nHi, I’m writing because we feel you may be a good company to participate in a brand integration campaign within the actual lyrics of one of the worlds most famous recording artists upcoming song/album. Lyrics play an important part in the use of music as marketing, Just as a catchy tune could assail your senses, a good “jingle” or cute lyrics could become a part of society for quite some time, imagine your brand name being a part of that. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, the chance to make your product a house-hold name. The artists demographic is typically 16-35 and once we get a chance to speak further, i’m sure you’ll be glad we contacted you. (emphasis mine) Get back to me at (949) 379-2008. Best Regards,\nAdam\nAnd my reply:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"text": "Our Web Properties\nEIN Presswire EIN Presswire has a distribution “foot-print” that includes millions of users of our EIN Newsdesk media monitoring services. Further distribution is achieved via RSS, email, partner websites, and social media.\nEIN Newsdesk Thousands of news sites. Millions of pages. Constantly updating. People can’t visit them all looking for the news but we do. Using a central news hub makes sense. One destination used by millions of people.",
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] |
es | Polémica por publicidad en textos escolares chilenos |
Con asombro se mostraron los chilenos tras la denuncia del diario electrónico El Mostrador de la existencia de publicidad directa en los textos escolares de Lenguaje y Comunicación de quinto año básico (o primaria). Este hecho fue tema principal en diversas redes sociales y produjo una oleada de críticas contra el Ministerio de Educación por la aprobación del texto escolar.
El libro del alumno, que es distribuido gratuitamente por el ministerio en colegios públicos y debe ser comprado por los padres en colegios particulares, tiene alusiones a compañías de telefonía móvil, jugos, comida para perros, papelería, etc., que se enmarca en la unidad de publicidad, y cuyas preguntas iban desde recitar el jingle de un producto hasta completar un cuadro resumen con las propiedades comerciales de ciertos productos.
Las empresas mencionadas en los libros declararon que fueron consultadas acerca del uso de sus imágenes, pero ellos no pagaron para ser incluidos en la publicación escolar. El Colegio de Profesores calificó la publicidad como inoportuna y que genera una falsa sensación de dependencia del producto, además de influenciar a los estudiantes.
El ministro de educación, Joaquín Lavín, indicó a primera hora que el texto había sido revisado por el ministerio sin presentar mayores reparos en sus contenidos, ya que son adecuados para la unidad tratada.
Sin embargo, y a final del día, precisó que a partir del próximo año no se permitirán textos publicitarios en la unidad del libro y se autorizará el uso de marcas ficticias para el desarrollo del capítulo cuestionado.
En el mundo político, senadores pro-gobierno criticaron el rol del gobierno y solicitaron al ministerio mayor control en los contenidos a ser publicados por las editoriales y que solicitará a Lavín abrir una investigación en su cartera para conocer el porqué los libros contenían estos anuncios publicitarios.
La unidad de publicidad está presente desde el 2002 en el currículo de Lenguaje y Comunicación, y esta polémica se suma a las ocurridas hace algunos años por la publicación en un libro de inglés de una dirección web que redirigía a un sitio pornográfico, y otro texto que contenía una imagen de un chat que hacía comentarios despectivos contra la Armada y su máximo héroe, Arturo Prat.
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"Economía y Negocios"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Ministro Lavín reacciona y decide prohibir el uso de publicidad en textos escolares",
"text": "Luego de la polémica provocada por la publicación de textos escolares que incluyen avisos comerciales que podrían influir sobre menores sin discernimiento, el titular de Educación culpó de la medida a las administraciones concertacionistas para luego afirmar que instruyó que, en el futuro, los textos escolares no hagan alusión a una marca específica, sino que la enseñen a través de marcas ficticias.\nLuego de que este martes El Mostrador informara que textos escolares aprobados por el Ministerio de Educación incluyen publicidad, el Gobierno decidió prohibir el uso de avisos comerciales en libros para estudiantes. La medida se debió a la polémica que generó la publicación de este medio dando a conocer que libros de estudio de “Lenguaje y Comunicación”, usados por estudiantes de los primeros años de enseñanza, incluían avisos comerciales de distinto tamaño en la unidad de “Medios y publicidad”.\nEl problema central -que generó una reacción sin precedentes de los usuarios de las redes sociales, los presidentes de las comisiones de educación de la Cámara de Diputados y el Senado y expertos en educación y publicidad, calificando la situación de “inaceptable”- se debió a que los textos de estudio incluían avisos comerciales que en vez de alentar a los niños a identificar los mensajes publicitarios, fomentaban la repetición de esloganes y mensajes que promovían el consumo de productos de manera contraria al objetivo de la unidad “Medios y publicidad”, que busca que los niños identifiquen mensajes publicitarios para no sucumbir ante ellos.\nA raíz de las informaciones dadas a conocer ayer, la presidenta de la comisión de Educación de la Cámara de Diputados, María José Hoffmann (UDI), dijo que “la publicidad en textos escolares es inaceptable y exige regulación del Ministerio”. La parlamentaria agregó que el uso de publicidad a temprana edad genera fidelidad futura, lo que debiera ser regulado y excluido de cualquier proyecto educativo.\nEl senador Mariano Ruiz Esquide, del partido Demócrata Cristiano, sostuvo que el hecho constituye “una manipulación de los niños y su familia que debe ser sancionada”. “Es un hecho atentatorio a la formación de los jóvenes. No es posible que existan avisos publicitarios escondidos y aceptados, asociados a marcas publicitarias de telecomunicaciones, alimentos y bebidas”, agregó Ruiz Esquide.\nDe manera similar, el senador del PPD Jaime Quintana, quien preside la Comisión de Educación de la Cámara Alta, calificó como preocupante la situación ya que “la intromisión de las marcas en los textos escolares puede provocar que nuestros niños, claramente un target muy apetecido por las empresas, potencien su necesidad de adquirir estos productos, generando una necesidad que hasta el momento no existía y una frustración si no pueden acceder a tener lo deseado”.\nTodas estas versiones repitieron en distinto modo las frases de expertos en educación como Mario Waissbluth -quien dijo que cuando leyó el artículo le dio “un ataque de ira”- y publicistas como Martín Vinacur, quien al ser consultado para el artículo original dijo que “la publicidad infantil supone tratar a los niños como consumidores antes que como niños. Se trata de una manipulación llana y lisa para programar consumidores y eternizar una conducta cultural. La publicidad para niños es una de las aberraciones del sistema, es la transformación de la infancia en un producto de consumo bajo la excusa de reconocerlos como sujetos soberanos de sus deseos y elecciones”.\nLavín que sí, que no\nAyer el ministro de Educación Joaquín Lavín se defendió de las críticas y justificó la inclusión de los avisos en la unidad de “Medios y publicidad” haciendo hincapié en que se trata de “un contenido que permite que los niños enfrenten mejor la publicidad“. Además dijo que “los niños deberían (aprender) a través de una forma reflexiva, y eso es lo que se enseñan en estos libros, a cómo enfrentar la publicidad”. Además recordó que se trata de “los mismos libros que esa cartera viene repartiendo desde el año 2002″.\nLa información aportada por el secretario de Estado fue reconocida a El Mostrador por la ex ministra de Educación Mariana Aylwin, quien señaló que el uso de avisos en la unidad de estudio mencionada, fue aprobada en el año 2002 dentro de la reforma educativa. Pero aseguró que en ese período nunca se vio algo “ni remotamente cercano a lo que dieron a conocer ustedes”.\nSin embargo, con el paso de las horas y a medida de que la polémica fue escalando, el ministro Lavín decidió recular y dijo a los periodistas que envió un oficio a la jefa de la Unidad de Curriculum y Evaluación del Ministerio de Educación, Loreto Fontaine, en el que restringe el empleo de la publicidad en los libros que se distribuyen en colegios privados.\n“Hoy día he instruido que, en el futuro, los textos escolares cuando pasen esta materia, no hagan alusión a una marca específica, sino que la enseñen a través de marcas ficticias. Creo que es lo mejor, porque así se pasa la materia y no se predispone a los alumnos a favor de una marca específica”, dijo Lavín.\nEstos cambios se producirán a partir de la próxima impresión de textos escolares.\nRevisa las imágenes que aparecen en los textos escolares",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Bromas por textos escolares con publicidad se tomaron Twitter",
"text": "Guía de uso:\nEste es un espacio de libertad, por lo que solicitamos que no lo desaproveches. Contamos con que las opiniones se remitan al contenido de los artículos y no a insultos, ataques personales, comentarios discriminatorios o spam.\nPor lo mismo, en honor a la legibilidad y buen funcionamiento de este canal de expresión, todos los textos pasarán previamente por un filtro. No haremos ediciones ni correcciones, sólo quedarán sin publicar los que no cumplan con lo solicitado en el párrafo anterior.\nTotal opiniones: 10 06/04/2011 - 00:29:02 ...y los reyes le llevaban al niño Jesus incienso, mirra y oro.... de jollerias baron!!!\nH.Falcon\nSan Bernardo. 05/04/2011 - 23:46:28 Creo que los amos de chile estan siendo demasiado optimistas, es cierto, los Chilenos son medio imbeciles y no tienen valor para defenderse, por lo que sacarles un poco mas de plata cada dia no es dificil, pero en serio estan siendo muy optimistas, incluso el rey de los wenones tiene un limite.\ncopernico\nchile 05/04/2011 - 23:28:32 Guarden sus corvos tontitos que esos textos estan en circulacion desde el 2002 , en fin ,gente desinformada creyendo saberlas todas , instruyanse y luego critiquen , de momento desde la ignorancia solo hacen el ridiculo\nsaludos\npato\nchile 05/04/2011 - 22:12:50 ¡¡Jajaja!!!\nmaria\nvalparaiso 05/04/2011 - 22:07:23 Pucha en reirme.....pense que piñera no mas tenia salidas tontas.....pero su ministro le esta haciendo la competencia. viva el cambio!!!!!! jajajaja publicidad gratis para mis amigos empresarios jajajaa\njuan\nchile 05/04/2011 - 19:37:18 Lo que dá más risa es la respuesta de Lavín, este ignorante que no se la pudo en el programa del canal 13....Y es ministro de educación, ¿Sabrá lo que significa pelafustán?\nA Lavín quien lo auspicia para delarar estupideces?\nMarcos\nChile 05/04/2011 - 19:28:04 REALMENTE INCREIBLE,,, CREI QUE EN ESTE GOBIERNO LO HABIA VISTO TODO,,, PERO VEO QUE SORPRENDEN CADA DIA CON ALGO NUEVO,, SE SUPERAN A SI MISMO DIA A DIA.., NO SALE POR AHI,, PUBLICIDAD DE LAN? Y UDS CREIAN Q EL GOBIERNO ESTABA PREOCUPADO POR LA EDUCACION.. ESTA ES LA EXCELENCIA..\nClaudio\nChile 05/04/2011 - 19:20:23 Ministro Lavin .........\nMario\nSantiago 05/04/2011 - 19:15:31 Pusieron los más fomes, he visto unos mucho más graciosos: Si un auto va a 50 km/h y otro a 60 km/h en un trecho de 100 km. ¿en q Pronto Copec se encuentran?\npor citar uno.\nSaludos\njaviera m.a.\nSantiago,chile 05/04/2011 - 18:57:27 la reconstrucción comienza por casa, no por esperar que vengan a reconstruirnos\nRubén\nConcepción, Chile",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Mariana Aylwin responde a Lavín: \"Me cuesta creer que haya textos de esos años que tengan publicidad\"",
"text": "Mariana Aylwin, ministra de Educación entre 2000 y 2003, respondió al actual titular de la cartera, Joaquín Lavín, quien aseguró que la publicidad en textos escolares de Lenguaje y Comunicación aprobados por dicha cartera se trata de los \"los mismos libros que el Mineduc viene repartiendo desde el año 2002\".\nLa ex titular de Educación dijo a La Tercera que a pesar de que no puede \"poner las manos al fuego\", le cuesta creer que dicha publicidad se haya autorizado en su gestión, porque una \"comisión transversal\" revisó exhaustivamente la política de textos escolares ese año.\n\"Hubo una comisión transversal que revisó todo, no hizo ver una situación de este tipo. Con lo cual me cuesta creer que haya textos de esos años que tengan publicidad\", dijo Aylwin. \"Insisto, yo estuve muy encima de la política de textos y nunca supe de esto. En más de una ocasión miré los textos enteros\", añadió.\nConsultada por la posibilidad de que la aseveración de Lavín se compruebe, la ex ministra de Estado asumió que \"si es ese caso, fue sin mi autorización y tendría que indagar qué pasó\".\nLa otrora titular de Educación explicó que hacia 2002 \"hubo un gran escándalo por textos de Ciencias Sociales\" y que también había \"había salido un libro del CEP sobre los textos escolares que decía que eran muy malos, en ese contexto convoqué a una comisión que sesionó bastante tiempo, cuyo secretario ejecutivo fue Cristián Cox, y que la presidió Máximo Pachecho. Donde creo que estaba representado el Colegio de Profesores, la Lucía Santa Cruz, creo que estaba la Loreto Fontaine\".\nAylwin insistió que esta comisión \"hizo una revisión de los textos de estudio y de la política de textos. Por lo tanto, no puedo creer que en esa comisión éste no hubiera sido un tema, porque obviamente era un aspecto importante\".\nAsegura que el tema a discutir es \"cómo uno vende publicidad\".\n\"Se puede vender publicidad, pero incluso me han dicho que hay publicidad de colegios, eso lo encuentro impresentable. Que en un texto del Mineduc haya publicidad de colegios, lo encuentro complicado\", aseguró.\nPIDEN RETIRO DE LIBROS\nFrente a esta polémica, la diputada PPD, Cristina Girardi, solicitó, mediante un oficio dirigido a Joaquín Lavín, que el Mineduc informe sobre cuáles fueron los criterios pedagógicos que estuvieron detrás de la aprobación de libros escolares de Lenguaje y Comunicación. La legisladora requirió, además, que desde el Ministerio se retiren estos textos, que incluyen publicidad, de todos los establecimientos escolares.\n\"No sé cuáles son los criterios educativos por los cuales el Mineduc apoyó y aprobó estos textos escolares, pero me parece que queda cada más que claro que para nuestros gobernantes la educación es un negocio\", declaró la diputada por el PPD.\nLa parlamentaria sostuvo que incluir propaganda en los libros de los más pequeños \"no está destinado precisamente a formar personas con criterios ciudadanos libres, que efectivamente puedan elegir, sino consumidores\". \"Ese parece que está siendo el destino de nuestra educación en Chile\", aseguró.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Wildfires burn in southern California |
Canyon Country, Santa Clarita, California, which is just south of Agua Dulce, California.
===Los Angeles Area:===
Wildfires in Malibu, California, USA have forced the evacuation of the campus of Pepperdine University, as well as several celebrity homes, and more than 250,000 people in San Diego County; after more than 250,000 acres burned in Southern California. High winds and low humidity in the area have only helped to strengthen the fire.
Additionally, firefighters are currently having a difficult time getting in to Malibu, as the only road that leads in to the area is the Pacific Coast Highway, which often sees heavy traffic, although it has been closed between Kanan Road and Topanga Canyon Boulevard. Currently, 700 firefighters are working on fighting the blaze. The fire has burned about 4400 acres so far and 15 homes have been lost, however there have been no reported injuries or deaths. The Los Angeles County Fire Department reports the blaze is 15% contained, with 100% containment predicted by Friday, October 26.
Location of Malibu, California shown in red
Other Los Angeles County wildfires are burning in Agua Dulce (~10,000 acres), Chatsworth, and Castaic.
===San Diego County:===
San Diego, California, USA fires are burning at Witch Creek and at Potrero in San Diego County. The Witch Creek fire, as of 5:50 AM PDT Monday, has burned 8000 acres, and has merged with another fire near the San Diego Wild Animal Park. The city of Ramona, California, USA is under mandatory evacuation and authorities have ordered evacuations in Rancho Bernardo, California, USA and Poway, California, USA as the fires surge west. So far, over 250,000 people have been evacuated in San Diego County.
Additional fires are now being reported in Fallbrook, California, USA and San Marcos, California, USA. The San Diego County Office of Emergency Services (OES) advised residents north of state Route 56, south of Del Dios Highway, west of Interstate 15 and east of Interstate 5 to evacuate, as of 8:32 AM PDT Monday. Since Del Dios Highway is a short north-south segment, it is not clear what OES' intended northern boundary was. Qualcomm Stadium in Mission Valley is opening as an evacuation center.
As of 7:32 a.m. PDT Monday, authorities are reporting 18,000 acres burning in San Diego County, with 0% containment.
As of 10:16 a.m. PDT Monday, 250,000 people have been evacuated from their homes. Rancho Santa Fe, California, USA was ordered emptied, while dozen of homes were on fire in Ranch Bernardo, California, USA.
As of 10:32 a.m. PDT Monday, the CHP advises that Interstate 15 is still closed in both directions between state Route 78 and state Route 56
As of 1:45 p.m. PDT Monday, evacuations were ordered for Scripps Ranch, California, USA, specifically "Everything south of Scripps Poway Parkway, North of MCAS Miramar, East of Interstate 15, West of Highway 67." This evacuation comes almost four years to the day after the Cedar Fire of 2003.
===Orange County:===
In Orange County, a 3800-acre fire is burning in Silverado Canyon.
California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a state of emergency.
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"Disasters and accidents",
"United States",
"Arnold Schwarzenegger"
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"language": "en",
"title": "California's Wind-Driven Wildfires Char 356,000 Acres (Update5)",
"text": "Oct. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sought help from other states as wind-fueled fires burned 356,000 acres (142,400 hectares) across Southern California, consuming hundreds of houses, killing two people and uprooting more than a quarter-million more.\nAbout 68,500 homes and 2,200 businesses are threatened by fires, and 321,000 residents have fled, Rochelle Jenkins, a spokeswoman for the state's emergency response team, said in an interview today.\n``I'm heartbroken to see those things,'' Schwarzenegger said in a news conference after touring burned houses in San Diego. ``These are people that have saved all their lives to pay for those homes. We have to do everything we can to help these people.''\nMore than 6,000 firefighters backed by helicopters, bulldozers and water-laden aircraft are battling 15 wildfires in seven counties, from San Diego north to Malibu, outside Los Angeles, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.\nPresident George W. Bush declared a state of emergency in California, vowed to travel to the area Oct. 25 and sent Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator David Paulison to San Diego today.\nDead and Injured\nTwo people have been killed by the wildfires and 45 have been injured, including 16 firefighters, state authorities said. An unidentified civilian died of burns in Santa Clarita in northern Los Angeles county, and Thomas Varshock, 52, was found dead Oct. 21 in the San Diego area.\nFlames have consumed more than 1,300 homes, 100 businesses and 80 other buildings, damaged another 400 structures, according to the state fire protection agency. The Insurance Information Institute in New York estimated fire damage would total at least $500 million.\nIn San Diego, an estimated 250,000 people were evacuated, jamming roads and highways. Parts of two major freeways from the city, Interstates 15 and 5, were closed yesterday by the fires.\nTwelve evacuation centers in San Diego house more than 12,000 people, said Tonya Hoover, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Forestry, including Qualcomm Stadium, home of the National Football League's San Diego Chargers franchise. The Chargers moved practices to Arizona for the next three days.\nEvacuations\nHewlett-Packard Co. evacuated employees yesterday from its printer-research facility, one of its largest, in northern San Diego County near Escondido, spokesman Edward Woodward said.\nSan Diego officials said they were so overwhelmed by the size and number of fires that they initially couldn't get an accurate count of how many homes had been destroyed. They fear the fires may be worse than a 2003 blaze that caused $1.1 billion in damage, destroying 4,847 structures.\n``We have very dry areas, very hot weather and a lot of wind,'' Schwarzenegger said. ``Those are the perfect storms for a fire.''\nSome police and firefighters were diverted from fighting fires, controlling access and traffic to dealing with stubborn homeowners refusing to leave their homes until the last minute, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders said. The U.S. Navy asked only ``essential personnel'' to report to work yesterday, and all schools and colleges in San Diego County are closed today.\nNothing Like This\n``We've never seen anything like this,'' Sanders said yesterday. ``The fires are coming at us from all angles in the worst possible weather conditions.''\nAbout 238 homes were burned in the communities of Lake Arrowhead and Running Springs, in the mountains northeast of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles television station KTLA said.\nThe fires destroyed nine homes and five businesses in Malibu, where many movie stars have homes, northwest of Los Angeles.\nFlames consumed at least 35 buildings in Rancho Santa Fe, a northern San Diego residential community ranked by Forbes magazine last year as the second-most-expensive postal code in the nation, based on median home prices.\nHomeowners in the area, where the average residence sells for $2.5 million, include T. Boone Pickens, chairman of Dallas-based BP Capital LLC; golfer Phil Mickelson; and singer-songwriter Jewel, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.\nElectrical Emergency\nCalifornia power-system operators declared an electricity transmission emergency for a second day after the wildfires disabled wires and required utilities to curtail supplies.\nThe flames are being driven by the so-called Santa Ana winds, which carry hotter-than-normal air from desert areas in the eastern part of the state. Conditions are forecast to continue until tomorrow afternoon, according to the National Weather Service.\nThe gusting winds carried embers as far as 2 miles (3 kilometers) to kindle new fires. Temperatures may surpass 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 Celsius) today. Some areas of Southern California have received little more than an inch (2 centimeters) of rain since Jan. 1.\n``The winds are being erratic and changing direction, so it is very challenging for our firefighters,'' Hoover said in a telephone interview. ``We are pooling resources throughout the western United States.''\nState Farm Mutual Insurance Co. and Farmers Insurance Group, the largest home insurers in California, face claims from more than 1,500 customers whose homes were damaged or destroyed by wildfires.\nRising Numbers\n``The numbers keep rising,'' Farmers spokesman Jerry Davies said in a phone interview from Qualcomm Stadium, where thousands of evacuees were sent. The company, a unit of Zurich Financial Services AG, has been approached by more than 800 customers, with the number climbing by about 200 in less than four hours.\nLloyd's of London and nontraditional insurers may have higher costs from the California wildfires than companies that protect most homes in the state, including Allstate Corp., because the traditional insurers have avoided fire-prone areas, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.\n``The fires are really spreading very rapidly,'' said Neena Saith, an analyst at Risk Management Solutions in London, which models disasters for insurers, in a telephone interview. ``In terms of the numbers of homes damaged, we're looking at it being in the top-five events in California history.''\nTo contact the reporter on this story: Peter J. Brennan in Los Angeles at\nTo contact the editor responsible for this story: JoAnne Norton at",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "California fires kill one, close part of Pacific Coast Highway",
"text": "(CNN) -- A series of wildfires Sunday in Southern California led to evacuations in some areas, and killed at least one person and injured 17 others in San Diego County, according to officials.\nAt least 1,200 acres were scorched Sunday by wildfires in Malibu, California. more photos »\nFour firefighters and 13 civilians were hurt in the southeastern part of San Diego County, said Roxanne Provaznik, spokeswoman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.\nThe Sand Diego County blaze, straddling Highway 94, scorched 14,000 acres by nightfall, fire officials said. At that time, it was just five percent contained.\nProvaznik said the firefighters were hurt when flames engulfed their fire engine.\nA second fire in San Diego County near Witch Creek had burned 5,000 acres by Sunday night and was considered zero percent contained, she said.\nFarther north, at least seven fires burned near Malibu, the beach community that is home to dozens of celebrities.\nFires shut down the Malibu section of the Pacific Coast Highway. Watch the fires rage »\nLos Angeles County Fire Chief P. Michael Freeman said five single family home and two commercial buildings -- a glass company and Malibu Presbyterian Church -- were destroyed in Malibu.\nNine single family homes and five commercial buildings had been damaged, he said of the blaze that consumed 1,200 acres.\nThe department said about 200 homes in the Malibu area were evacuated.\nHelicopters that were dumping water on the fires were to be grounded at dusk, said Freeman. He said firefighters were in a \"good position\" to fight the blaze with engine companies after dark.\nFreeman said the Malibu area fire began around 4:50 a.m. (7:50 a.m. ET) Sunday. As of 5 p.m. (8 p.m. ET) the Malibu fire was not under control, he said.\nThe cause is still under investigation but several downed power lines were found in the area, he said.\nFreeman's \"best projection\" is that the fire will last at least two days.\n\"Thousands of homes are going to be threatened at one time or another based on the movement of the fire,\" said Freeman.\nMalibu Mayor Pro Tem Pamela Conley Ulich said earlier Sunday, \"We are at the mercy of the wind.\"\nHot weather and Santa Ana winds marked the height of traditional wildfire season this weekend, after one of the driest years on record.\nNoting there have not been any reported injuries in Malibu, Freeman urged residents not to return to their homes to retrieve anything.\n\"We're all scared to death and we have nowhere to go,\" Susan Nuttall, 51, told The Associated Press as she sat in her black Mercedes in a cul-de-sac after fleeing her condominium near the Pepperdine campus. She was wearing a bathrobe and holding her Chihuahua. View images of the destruction »\nFlames consumed Malibu's landmark Castle Kashan, a fortress-like hilltop home with turrets and arched windows.\nChunks of brick fell from the exterior of the burning structure overlooking the coast. The house was not directly in the fire's path, but powerful winds carried embers to the building, fire inspector Rick Dominguez said. Castle Kashan is owned by Lilly Lawrence, a Malibu philanthropist.\nDaniel Collins, who has been staying at Castle Kashan for a few months, said he woke to thick smoke and \"flames licking the windows.\"\n\"It was pretty intense,\" he told CNN. \"And we were probably in this house for an hour or so watching this and finally they got us out of there. By the time we left, the castle was engulfed in flames.\"\nCollins said he felt safe because there were many firefighters. Once he was helped from the castle, Collins rushed to see if his neighbors were safe and they were, he said.\nMeanwhile, students at Pepperdine's Malibu campus were told to gather at Firestone Field House, while faculty and staff were gathering at Tyler Campus Center, campus police told CNN.\nLater the university said students, faculty and staff who relocated to those facilities had been allowed to return to their dorms and on-campus residences.\nThe fire department as of 2 p.m. (5 p.m. ET) listed the following areas as being under mandatory evacuation orders: Montenedo, Malibu Road, Malibu Colony, Pepperdine, Malibu Crest, Serra Retreat and Big Rock.\nThe residential area Malibu Crest and vacation area Sierra Retreat also were evacuated Sunday, Padilla said.\nEvacuation centers were set up at Zuma Beach and authorities had aerial teams serving as lookouts, and helicopters and fire engines to areas as they became threatened, Dominguez said.\nResidents of the threatened areas include Dick Van Dyke, Mel Gibson, and Olivia Newton John.\nMeanwhile, another wind-driven wildfire has burned hundreds of acres of woodland in the Townsend Peak area of California's Angeles National Forest, in the northern section of Los Angeles County, according to U.S. Forest Service spokesman Stanton Florea.\nAuthorities said that fire, near Castaic, had consumed 1,500 acres as of 2 p.m. (5 p.m. ET) Sunday.\nThe fire, which started just before 10 p.m. Saturday (1 a.m. Sunday ET) Saturday, threatens a condor habitat and destroyed an out-building, Florea said. E-mail to a friend\nCopyright 2007 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report.\nAll About Wildfires • USDA Forest Service",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Fire Forces 250,000 To Evacuate",
"text": "POSTED: 8:34 am CDT October 21, 2007\nWildfires fanned by fierce desert winds forced the evacuations of nearly 250,000 people Monday in San Diego County, including hundreds who were being moved by school bus and ambulance from a hospital and nursing homes.\nMore than a dozen wildfires had engulfed Southern California, killing at least one person, injuring dozens more and threatening scores of structures.\nA San Diego-area fire official said that the raging wildfires got \"dramatically worse\" overnight.\n\"[The situation] is worse than many of us could've imagined,\" said Bill Metcalf, chief of the North County Fire Protection District. \"It was a long night. A dangerous night.\"\nMetcalf said that one of the major issues that firefighters are dealing with is that residents did not listen to early evacuation orders.\n\"One of issues is that we're not able to do any suppression because resources are being used to do rescues,\" he said. \"People didn't evacuate at all or didn't until it was too late.\"\nAnother fire in the area prompted officials to order the town of Ramona to be evacuated earlier Monday. Officials said several structures on the edge of town have been burned.\nOne person died in a fire near San Diego. Four firefighters and at least 10 other people were hospitalized.\nThere are nearly a dozen wildfires scorching parts of Southern California.\nFirefighters in San Diego County are battling about a dozen fires that have burned more than 40,000 acres. Firefighters said Sunday night that they are overwhelmed.\nIn Malibu, about 700 firefighters have been working to protect hundreds of luxury homes in upscale communities.\n\"To try and staff something this big, you cannot predict it,\" Los Angeles County Fire Inspector Sam Padilla said.\nAmong the structures destroyed by the fire are the landmark Castle Kashan, a fortress-like home with turrets and arched windows. The owner of the home had time to gather some items -- including Elvis Presley's Army fatigues -- before flames engulfed her home.\nDistributed by Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.\nIt's believed the fire was sparked by a downed power line.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2010-06-02: Przyznano Literackie Nagrody Lambdy dla twórców literatury queer |
'''27 maja 2010 r. Fundacja Literatury Lambdy w Nowym Jorku wręczyła nagrody dla autorów książek, których twórczość wiąże się ze środowiskiem LGBT i kulturą queer. Nagrody te uchodzą za jedne z najbardziej prestiżowych w tym środowisku i zostały przyznana w tym roku po raz dwudziesty drugi.'''
Jury Lambda Literary Award, liczące 87 osób, przyjęło do oceny 462 publikacje – zarówno akademickie jak i te wydawane w głównym obiegu księgarskim. Do finału zakwalifikowało 113 z nich. Wśród nich wyłoniono 24 zwycięzców w 23 kategoriach. Laurami uhonorowano następujących autorów:
* Lesbian Fiction: Jill Malone ''A Field Guide to Deception'' (Bywater Books)
* Gay Fiction: Vestal McIntyre ''Lake Overturn'' (HarperCollins)
* Lesbian Debut Fiction: Rhiannon Argo ''The Creamsickle'' (Spinsters Ink)
* Gay Debut Fiction: Rakesh Satyal ''Blue Boy'' (Kensington Books)
* LGBT Children’s / Young Adult: Dale Peck ''Sprout'' (Bloomsbury USA)
* Lesbian Mystery: J. M. Redmann ''Death of a Dying Man'' (Bold Strokes Books)
* Gay Mystery: Michael Thomas Ford ''What We Remember'' (Kensington Books)
* Lesbian Erotica: Sacchi Green Rakelle Valencia (red.) ''Lesbian Cowboys'' (Cleis Press)
* Gay Erotica: Kevin Killian ''Impossible Princess'' (City Lights)
* Bisexual Fiction (ex aequo): Mykola Dementiuk ''Holy Communion'' (Synergy Press) oraz Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli ''Love You Two'' (Random House Australia)
* Bisexual Nonfiction: Minal Hajratwala ''Leaving India: My Family’s Journey From Five Villages to Five Continents'' (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
* Transgender: Lynn Breedlove ''Lynnee Breedlove’s One Freak Show'' (Manic D Press)
* LGBT Anthology: Ariel Gore (red.) ''Portland Queer: Tales of the Rose City'' (Lit Star Press)
* LGBT Drama: Mart Crowley ''The Collected Plays Of Mart Crowley'' (Alyson Books)
* LGBT SF / Fantasy / Horror: Catherynne M. Valente ''Palimpsest'' (Bantam/Spectra Books)
* Lesbian Romance: Colette Moody ''The Sublime and Spirited Voyage of Original Sin'' Bold Strokes Books)
* Gay Romance: Frank Anthony Polito ''Drama Queers!'' (Kensington Books)
* Lesbian Poetry: Stacie Cassarino ''Zero at the Bone'' (New Issues Poetry & Prose)
* Gay Poetry: Benjamin S. Grossberg ''Sweet Core Orchard'' University of Tampa Press)
* LGBT Studies: Margot Canaday ''The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth Century America'' (Princeton University Press)
* LGBT Nonfiction: James Davidson ''The Greeks and Greek Love'' (Random House)
* Lesbian Memoir / Biography: Joan Schenkar ''The Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith'' (St. Martin’s Press)
* Gay Memoir / Biography: Reynolds Price ''Ardent Spirits: Leaving Home, Coming Back'' (Scribner Books)
Dwójka debiutujących autorów, Rakesh Satyal i Rhiannon Argo, do honorowych laurów otrzymała nagrody pieniężne po 1 000 dolarów.
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"Ameryka Północna",
"Kultura i rozrywka",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "",
"text": "Nazywamy się Emilia i Nadia. Jesteśmy ze sobą od ponad dwóch lat, znamy się od czterech. Na blogu piszemy o sobie, ale też o sprawach naszym zdaniem ważnych, jeśli chodzi o lesbijskie relacje – zarówno związkowe, jak i łóżkowe.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "22nd Annual Lambda Literary Awards Winners Announced. Larry Kramer and Kate Clinton honored.",
"text": "The Lambda Literary Foundation at an awards ceremony in New York City’s SVA Theater announced winners for the 22nd Annual Lambda Literary Awards last night.\n“The Lambda Literary Awards are the most prestigious queer literary prize in the world,” says Lambda Executive Director, Tony Valenzuela. “The Awards are important because they recognize the work of authors chronicling the LGBT experience and creating art out of our lives.”\nAwards were presented in 23 categories. Winners were chosen by a jury of 87 judges who come from all walks of literary life: journalists, authors, booksellers, librarians, playwrights, and illustrators.\nThe judges assessed 462 LGBT-interest titles nominated in 23 categories, selecting 113 finalists from LGBT-specific presses academic publishers and mainstream trade houses.\nOf those 113 finalists, 24 winners were announced (including 1 tie). Winners included Ariel Gore, editor of the anthology Portland Queer: Tales of the Rose City; Catherynne M. Valente, author of the fantasy novel Palimpsest; and Vestal McIntyre author of the novel, Lake Overturn.\nTwo $1,000 cash prizes were given out to debut fiction authors Rakesh Satyal (Blue Boy) and Rhiannon Argo (The Creamsickle). The Betty Berzon Debut Fiction Award is named after long-time LGBT activist and author, Betty Berzon.\n2010 Pioneer Awards were also given to Larry Kramer and Kate Clinton.\n“Reading powerful stories about ourselves is important, and the foundation’s commitment to supporting LGBT artists and writers is vital,” said 2010 Pioneer Award Recipient, Kate Clinton.\n“Queer books save queer lives,” Lambda Board member, Nicola Griffith observes. The Lambda Literary Foundation’s sole purpose is to champion those books, to nurture, celebrate, and preserve queer literature.”\nScott Cranin, Board member: “The Lambda Literary Awards have become the centerpiece of the year for the literary community. They help readers find the gems and recognize the authors for writing them.”\nTerry DeCrescenzo, Board member: “The Lambda Literary Awards insure that our literary voices are not only heard, but also celebrated. Without the Lammys, LGBT writing would be marginalized.”\nThe 22nd Annual Lambda Literary Awards were made possible by support from Bella Books/Spinsters Ink, Harper Perennial, Kensington Publishing Corp., TLA Gay, Gay City News, Bold Strokes Books, Alyson Books, Monette-Horowitz Trust, American Institute of Bisexuality, Barefoot Wine, American Booksellers Association, Bywater Books, Blind Eye Books, University of Wisconsin Press, Black Lawrence Press, Michele Karlsberg Marketing and Management, Beacon Press, and Arsenal Pulp Press.\nLesbian Fiction\nA Field Guide to Deception, by Jill Malone (Bywater Books)\nGay Fiction\nLake Overturn, by Vestal McIntyre (HarperCollins)\nLesbian Debut Fiction\nThe Creamsickle, by Rhiannon Argo (Spinsters Ink)\nGay Debut Fiction\nBlue Boy, by Rakesh Satyal (Kensington Books)\nLGBT Children’s/Young Adult\nSprout, by Dale Peck (Bloomsbury USA)\nLesbian Mystery\nDeath of a Dying Man, by J.M. Redmann (Bold Strokes Books)\nGay Mystery\nWhat We Remember, by Michael Thomas Ford (Kensington Books)\nLesbian Erotica\nLesbian Cowboys, edited by Sacchi Green & Rakelle Valencia (Cleis Press)\nGay Erotica\nImpossible Princess, by Kevin Killian (City Lights)\nBisexual Fiction – A Tie!\nHoly Communion, by Mykola Dementiuk (Synergy Press)\nLove You Two, by Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli (Random House Australia)\nBisexual Nonfiction\nLeaving India: My Family’s Journey From Five Villages to Five Continents, by Minal Hajratwala (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)\nTransgender\nLynnee Breedlove’s One Freak Show, by Lynn Breedlove (Manic D Press)\nLGBT Anthology\nPortland Queer: Tales of the Rose City, edited by Ariel Gore (Lit Star Press)\nLGBT Drama\nThe Collected Plays Of Mart Crowley, by Mart Crowley (Alyson Books)\nLGBT SF/Fantasy/Horror\nPalimpsest, by Catherynne M. Valente (Bantam/Spectra Books)\nLesbian Romance\nThe Sublime and Spirited Voyage of Original Sin, by Colette Moody (Bold Strokes Books)\nGay Romance\nDrama Queers!, by Frank Anthony Polito (Kensington Books)\nLesbian Poetry\nZero at the Bone, by Stacie Cassarino (New Issues Poetry & Prose)\nGay Poetry\nSweet Core Orchard, by Benjamin S. Grossberg (University of Tampa Press)\nLGBT Studies\nThe Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth Century America, by Margot Canaday (Princeton University Press)\nLGBT Nonfiction\nThe Greeks and Greek Love, by James Davidson (Random House)\nLesbian Memoir/Biography\nThe Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith, by Joan Schenkar (St. Martin’s Press)\nGay Memoir/Biography\nArdent Spirits: Leaving Home, Coming Back, by Reynolds Price (Scribner Books)\n——\nALL FINALISTS HERE\n\nALL FINALISTS’ BIOS HERE\n\nKATE CLINTON & LARRY KRAMER’S BIOS\n\nLIST OF LAMBDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES\n\nLIST OF BOOKS SUBMITTED FOR CONSIDERATION\n\nPHOTOS FROM THE EVENT\n\n© Donna F. Aceto\nRelated posts:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | US Homeland Security raises transit terror alert |
The United States Department of Homeland Security has raised the terror alert level to "orange" for trains in reaction to the bombings of three subway trains and a bus in London.
The United States has a five-level terror alert system in which orange is the second-highest level.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff asked citizens for increased vigilance and asked cities to increase their security on their transit systems.
"Currently, the United States has no specific, credible information suggesting an imminent attack in the United States," says Chertoff.
The United States Coast Guard, part of the Department of Homeland Security, has alerted stations in high-risk areas to stand 24/7 patrols.
In Washington, Capitol Hill police announced plans to search buses, tour vans and larger vehicles traveling on the roads leading to the Capitol.
In San Francisco today, local police stood guard at Muni and BART stations. Amtrak rail lines released a statement saying that they are stepping up their security around their country-wide stations. Local sheriff dispatches have been seen patrolling even the smallest rail stations.
| [
"2005-07-07 London bombings|2005-07-07",
"United States",
"United Kingdom",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Terrorism alerts",
"US Capitol"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff on the Bombings in London",
"text": "For Immediate Release\nOffice of the Press Secretary\nContact: 202-282-8010\nJuly 7, 2005\nWe have been closely monitoring the bombings in London. Our sympathies and condolences go to the victims of this incident and the people of London.\nWe have been in direct communication with officials at the state and local level and with public and private sector transportation officials. We have asked them for increased vigilance and additional security measures for major transit systems.\nThe Department of Homeland Security has stood up the Interagency Incident Management Group to ensure full situational awareness around this incident and in the United States. We do not have any specific intelligence indicating this type of attack is planned in the United States, but we are constantly evaluating both intelligence and our protective measures and will take whatever actions are necessary.\nWe will continue to work closely with British officials as they investigate this incident.\n###",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Cities' security measures",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "U.S. Hikes Terror Level for Transit",
"text": "Friday, July 08, 2005\nPHOTOS VIDEO PHOTO ESSAYS STORIES BACKGROUND\nFrom New York to San Francisco, cities tightened security for local rail and bus lines that carry millions of Americans daily. Stepped-up safeguards included officers armed with machine guns, bomb-sniffing dogs, increased video surveillance and more police at train and bus stations.\nHomeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff (search) said Thursday that authorities had no evidence of a specific, credible threat against the United States.\nHowever, he said, \"we feel that, at least in the short term, we should raise the level here because, obviously, we're concerned about the possibility of a copycat attack.\"\nThe London attacks were well-coordinated, leading to speculation about Al Qaeda (search) involvement, and U.S. officials were trying to determine responsibility.\nU.S. counterterror officials said they received intelligence last month dating back to 2004 that Al Qaeda was interested in attacking rail systems in Europe and the United States, including derailing trains or crashing trucks into them. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the intelligence is classified, said the report lacked specifics on the date and location of any potential attacks.\n(Story continues below)\nADVERTISEMENTS Advertise Here\nSecurity around the Capitol and at foreign embassies in Washington was increased, particularly around the British Embassy. Law enforcement authorities around the country were urged to step up security at United Kingdom diplomatic offices, and the State Department ordered U.S. embassies around the world to review their security arrangements.\n\"We will not yield to these people, will not yield to the terrorists,\" President Bush said in Gleneagles, Scotland, where he was attending the Group of Eight (search) summit. \"We will find them. We will bring them to justice.\"\nSigning a condolence book at the British Embassy in Washington, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (search) wrote of Thursday's bombing victims, \"They will not have died in vain.\"\nAt the State Department, a British flag was run up a flagpole outside the diplomatic entrance and then lowered to half-staff by two uniformed guards.\nFor many Americans, the bombings and heightened security revived the tension many had felt after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but which had seemed to recede in recent months.\n\"Everything is kind of vulnerable,\" said Bill Giel, 53, of Milford, Conn., who was riding a commuter train to work. \"I just hope the authorities are doing their job in keeping things secure.\"\n\"You kind of hold your breath until rush hour is over because of the timing of the one in London,\" said Paul Dullea, a 37-year-old employee of the Boston Bar Association who rode the commuter rail and subway into Boston from his home in Millis, Mass.\nAbout 29 million people in the United States take commuter trains or subways on an average workday, and millions more take buses. The New York City area accounts for about a third of the rail total, followed by Chicago, Washington, Boston and Philadelphia. The West Coast's largest transit system is in San Francisco.\nThe alert marked the seventh time the terror threat advisory level had been raised to orange since it was created in 2002, though, like the last time, it was for specific areas. The alert was last raised in August for financial institutions in Washington, New York and Newark, N.J., in the run-up to the November elections.\nRecent intelligence has indicated that London was considered a prime target for Islamic extremists, in part because Al Qaeda was having difficulty getting people into the United States, one official said.\nTwo senior U.S. counterterror officials who detailed some of the classified information received in June said it indicated Al Qaeda's intention to replicate last year's Madrid train bombing attack in Europe and the United States. The officials would not specify whether the intelligence came from a person, intercepted communication or other source.\nBut they said the intelligence was not otherwise specific, and was dated back to shortly after the Madrid attacks in March 2004.\nThe officials stressed that the information came as part of a stream of reports indicating Al Qaeda's interest in transit attacks. One of the officials said a federal bulletin was not issued to private, state and local authorities because there wasn't specific information tied to an attack.\nU.S. officials have long worried that terrorists would try to strike the nation's mass transit system.\nAuthorities are particularly concerned about transit systems in Washington, New York, Boston, Miami and Chicago because of earlier indications of Al Qaeda's interest in those cities, said John Rollins, a former senior Homeland Security intelligence official now with Congressional Research Service.\nIn February, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the Senate Intelligence Committee that U.S. transportation systems \"remain a key target.\" He said last year's attacks on commuter trains in Madrid showed the devastation that a simple, low-tech operation could achieve.\nU.S. security concerns and resources have focused on commercial airlines since 2001, said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee.\n\"We tend to always be looking backward at what the last threat or attack was,\" Collins said. \"As soon as we close the gaps in one area, I'm certain the terrorists will exploit in other areas.\"\nSecurity efforts were not being increased at U.S. airports after Thursday's attacks.",
"url": ",2933,161773,00.html",
"archive_url": ",2933,161773,00.html"
"language": "en",
"title": "U.S. Raises Threat Level for Transit Systems, Chertoff Says",
"text": "July 7 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will raise the terror threat level for public transit systems, while keeping the national threat level unchanged, U.S. Homeland Security Michael Chertoff said.\nThe threat level for transit systems will be raised from ``elevated,'' to ``high,'' he said.\n``We are not suggesting that people avoid public transportation systems,'' he said. ``We don't have any specific credible information that an attack is imminent in the U.S.''\nThe change is in response to terrorist bombings on London's subway system and a bus that killed at least 33 people and injured more than 345 others. A group calling itself the al-Qaeda Organization in Europe claimed responsibility for the attacks, the deadliest on London since World War II.\nTo contact the reporter on this story: Nicholas Johnston in Washington at\nTo contact the editor responsible for this story: Ken Fireman in Washington (1) at",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | Comércio atrapalhou a Cúpula UE-África |
O primeiro-ministro português, , descreveu a Cimeira - como "sensacional", que terminou ontem em sob o lema ''‘Parcerias para o Futuro’''. Mas, para muitos observadores, o fracasso das negociações em torno dos acordos comerciais manchou o maior evento político ocorrido em nos últimos anos.
A Cúpula ficou marcada por divergências entre os dois continentes sobre os novos acordos comerciais. O presidente do , , saiu da conferência com um apelo contra os acordos econômicos. “Os africanos estão contra os acordos”, declarou.
Diante das críticas, o presidente da Comissão Europeia, , garantiu que a UE vai continuar a negociar os acordos com os países africanos em 2008 e que o objetivo é impedir “que qualquer país africano fique pior” no próximo ano.
Sócrates mostrou-se satisfeito com a Cúpula. ''“Tenho a certeza que as coisas vão melhorar”'', afirmou o presidente em exercício da UE, que destacou a adoção de uma estratégia conjunta e os mecanismos para a sua implementação.
Em relação aos Direitos Humanos, o primeiro-ministro realçou que ''“esta Cimeira não foi de silêncios, deu voz a quem precisa dela, deu voz aos Direitos Humanos, aos refugiados, aos imigrantes, às legítimas aspirações de desenvolvimento”''.
Uma opinião bem diferente da organização internacional : ''“Muito se tem falado sobre Direitos Humanos e boa governança, mas o que é que os líderes de Estado e de Governo acordaram em concreto a favor do povo de África? Lamentavelmente, a resposta é nada”'', afirmou o porta-voz da organização, Reed Brody.
Fora da Cúpula foram assinados vários acordos, como o envio de oito mil milhões de s para 30 países africanos. , e são alguns dos beneficiários. A próxima Cúpula UE-África ficou marcada para 2010 e a já se mostrou interessada em acolher o encontro.
| [
"Economia e negócios",
"Política e conflitos",
] | [
"language": "pt",
"title": "Correio da Manhã",
"text": "A Cimeira UE-África ficou assim marcada por divergências entre os dois continentes sobre os novos acordos comerciais. O presidente do Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, abandonou aliás a conferência com um apelo contra os acordos de parceria económica. “Os africanos estão contra os acordos”, declarou.\nPerante as críticas, o presidente da Comissão Europeia, Durão Barroso, garantiu que a UE vai continuar a negociar os acordos com os países africanos em 2008 e que o objectivo é impedir “que qualquer país africano fique pior” no próximo ano.\nMas Sócrates mostrou-se satisfeito com a Cimeira e realçou o seu sucesso. “Tenho a certeza que as coisas vão melhorar”, afirmou o presidente em exercício da UE, que destacou a adopção de uma estratégia conjunta e os mecanismos para a sua implementação (ver caixas).\nEm relação aos Direitos Humanos, o primeiro-ministro realçou que “esta Cimeira não foi de silêncios, deu voz a quem precisa dela, deu voz aos Direitos Humanos, aos refugiados, aos imigrantes, às legítimas aspirações de desenvolvimento”.\nUma opinião bem diferente da organização internacional Human Rights Watch: “Muito se tem falado sobre Direitos Humanos e boa governação, mas o que é que os líderes de Estado e de Governo acordaram em concreto a favor do povo de África? Lamentavelmente, a resposta é nada”, afirmou o porta-voz da organização, Reed Brody.\nÀ margem da Cimeira foram assinados vários acordos, como o envio de oito mil milhões de euros para 30 países africanos. Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe e Guiné-Bissau são alguns dos beneficiários. A próxima Cimeira UE-África ficou marcada para 2010 e a Líbia já se mostrou interessada em acolher o encontro.\nPLANO DE ACÇÃO UE-ÁFRICA 2007-2010\nOs líderes europeus e africanos aprovaram ontem o primeiro plano de acção comum, com projectos a executar entre 2008 e 2010. Uma das áreas apoiadas é o comércio, com dois mil milhões de euros.\nPETRÓLEO E CIMENTO DA LÍBIA DE KADHAFI\nPortugal e a Líbia deram ontem o seu apoio à compra, pela Secil, de 50 por cento do capital da cimenteira líbia Al-Ahlia Cement Company, que está ainda a ser negociado.\nA segunda maior cimenteira portuguesa assinou ontem, no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, em Lisboa, uma declaração de intenções sobre a assinatura de um memorando de entendimento com a Líbia para compra de metade do capital social da empresa. Em comunicado refere-se que os governos dos dois países “manifestam o seu apoio à rápida conclusão das referidas negociações”.\nJá a Galp Energia vai associar-se à Libya Africa Investment Portfolio (LAP) para desenvolvimento de projectos de exploração e produção de petróleo e gás natural. O anúncio das duas iniciativas contou ontem com o testemunho do primeiro-ministro português, José Sócrates, e o líder líbio, Muammar Kadhafi. Que foi recebido duas vezes por Sócrates em São Bento durante a sua estada em Portugal.\n\"ARROGÂNCIA DO BANDO DOS QUATRO\"\nChegou sábado à noite ao Palácio da Ajuda com trinta minutos de atraso para o banquete oferecido pelo Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva e, manteve-se em silêncio durante a Cimeira até ontem. Robert Mugabe, presidente do Zimbabwe, acusou a chanceler alemã Ângela Merkel de “arrogância” pelas críticas que fez, na véspera, ao seu regime.\n“Nós não temos uma democracia há cem anos. Tivemos de lutar por ela no nosso país. As críticas são arrogantes e provêm do bando dos quatro “, declarou, aludindo não só à chanceler como aos homólogos da Suécia, Dinamarca e Holanda.\nAntes, já Javier Solana, Alto Representante da União Europeia para a Política Externa, assegurava que as declarações de Ângela Merkel vinculavam os 27 Estados-membros.\nMerkel acusou Mugabe de fazer “mal à imagem de uma nova África”. Solana sublinhou que a Europa está pronta a regularizar as relações com o Zimbabwe desde que o país dê sinais de respeito pelos Direitos Humanos.\nPor sua vez, o secretário executivo da Comunidade de Desenvolvimento da África Austral , Tomaz Salomão, lembrou que “o Zimbabwe não fazia parte da ordem de trabalhos”, registando o desconforto.\nO LIVRO DO ASSESSOR\nO livro ‘Arte e Artistas em Portugal’, de Alexandre Melo [conselheiro cultural de José Sócrates], foi oferecido na Cimeira. A edição é do Instituto Camões, feita há seis anos, e o próprio disse que “não tinha conhecimento”.\nNOTAS\nDIREITOS HUMANOS\nReforçar o diálogo a nível mundial e nas instâncias internacionais. A UE pretende ainda enviar até ao final do ano uma força militar para o Darfur.\nALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS\nApoio à criação do projecto Muralha Verde, que tem como objectivo travar a desertificação dos solos em torno do Sahara, com a construção de barragens e plantação de árvores.\nIMIGRAÇÃO E MOBILIDADE\nCombater o tráfico de seres humanos e a imigração ilegal. Promover a integração de imigrantes e o desenvolvimento dos seus países de origem.\nA CADA SEGUNDO MORREM OITO CRIANÇAS EM ÁFRICA\nA cada segundo que passa morrem oito crianças em África. Uma “epidemia silenciosa”, alertou um responsável da OMS, Luís Sambo\nZAPATERO ANUNCIA CRIAÇÃO DE UNIDADE CONTRA A ETA\nJosé Luis Zapatero anunciou, à margem da Cimeira, a criação de uma unidade policial franco-espanhola contra o terrorismo e a ETA\nPND PEDE AO MP MANDADO DE DETENÇÃO DE MUGABE\nO Partido da Nova Democracia pediu ontem ao Ministério Público que emita um mandado de detenção de Robert Mugabe\nCENTENAS DE ACTIVISTAS MARCHAM NAS RUAS DE LISBOA\nCentenas de activistas europeus e africanos manifestaram-se ontem pelas ruas de Lisboa, gritando “África não está à venda”",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Jeux olympiques de 2024 : Rome retire sa candidature | , la maire de Rome, en 2016.
Tout comme pour (hiver 2022) ou (hiver 2026), la ville de a retiré hier sa candidature pour les d'été de 2024. La raison principale de tous ces abandons est un problème financier : l'organisation de parcs olympiques, pourtant non obligatoire depuis 2011, revient en dizaine de milliards d'euros. Une autre nouveauté avait été instaurée : les pays peuvent désormais s'allier entre eux pour une candidature groupée.
Les Jeux olympiques d'été de 2004 à ont coûté deux points de croissance à son pays, pour des constructions actuellement à l'abandon. Le même résultat est visible à , où la Russie avait payé 37 milliards d'euros.
Ce sont désormais les pays en émergence tels que le Brésil (Jeux d'été de cette année), la Russie, la Chine ou le Qatar qui, demandant des images valorisantes de leurs pays, se portent candidats.
Après l'avoir promis dans sa campagne électorale, la nouvelle maire de la ville, , a officialisé la fin de la candidature de Rome.
| [
"Jeux olympiques",
"Jeux olympiques d'été",
"Jeux olympiques d'été de 2024",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Chère, impopulaire : l'organisation des Jeux Olympiques fait de moins en moins rêver",
"text": "Si les anneaux olympiques font rêver tout sportif, les villes, elles, courent de moins en moins après l'organisation du rendez-vous. Après Hambourg, Boston et Toronto, la ville de Rome a enterré mercredi 21 septembre sa candidature à l'organisation des JO 2024. À cette liste s'ajoute Munich, qui a renoncé par référendum aux Jeux d'hiver 2022. Plus récemment, Québec tournait le dos aux JO 2026.\nLes réticences des villes et de leurs populations sont avant tout motivées par des raisons financières. Les dépenses engagées dans l'organisation des Jeux olympiques se comptent en milliards, voire en dizaines de milliards d'euros. En 2014, la Russie pulvérisait à Sotchi le record des JO les plus chers de l'histoire avec un budget de 37 milliards d'euros.\nÉchecs financiers, problèmes envrionnementaux et corruption\nCes sommes d'argent considérables se retrouvent trop souvent mal investies. En 2004, le budget de 10 milliards d'euros consacré aux Jeux d'Athènes a servi en grande partie à construire des stades... qui sont aujourd'hui à l'abandon. Le Comité international olympique (CIO) a estimé que cet énorme échec financier a coûté à la Grèce près de deux points de croissance.\nLe phénomène n'est pas nouveau. En 1976, en pleine crise pétrolière, le déficit d’un milliard de dollars des Jeux de Montréal avait refroidi plus d'une candidature. Los Angeles s'était ainsi retrouvée seule ville candidate à l'organisation des Jeux de 1984.\nAux problèmes économiques et financiers s'ajoutent aujourd'hui les conséquences sur l’environnement, les désagréments quotidiens provoqués par des années de travaux, ainsi que les affaires de dopage et de corruption qui touchent les grandes instances internationales sportives.\nLe Qatar bientôt candidat à l'organisation des Jeux\nLe CIO a pris conscience du problème. Depuis 2011, une réforme rend possible les candidatures conjointes entre pays pour partager la prise de risque financière. Pourquoi ne pas imaginer un jour une candidature aux Jeux d'hiver dans les Alpes, partagée entre la France, la Suisse, l’Autriche, l’Allemagne et la Slovénie ? Autres changements : dans le cahier des charges, les villes n'ont plus l’obligation de construire des parcs olympiques et la priorité est donnée aux candidatures qui privilégient le développement durable.\nLes Jeux olympiques ont toutefois encore un bel avenir devant eux. Chine, Russie, Brésil... Les pays émergeants, qui regorgent de moyens financiers et sont en demande d'événements à même d'affirmer leur puissance, ne s'embarrassent de consulter leur population. Après la Coupe du monde de football 2022, le Qatar déposera à son tour sa candidature à l'organisation des Jeux.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | New Zealand man goes on trial in Cambodia over sex with underage girls |
Lines was arrested in the province of
A man from New Zealand has gone on trial in Cambodia over allegedly having sex with two young girls. 53-year-old Michael John Lines was arrested at a hotel in the province of in March. Lines holds dual citizenship from New Zealand and Australia.
The trial took place behind closed doors and lasted a day. Lines was tried on charges of procuring an underage child for sex. Judge Duch Kimsan said he will announce his decision in the near future.
In the past few years Cambodian police and the courts have begun to crack down on foreigners who travel to Cambodia seeking sex with young girls from poor areas.
| [
"New Zealand",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Mike Smith (Wikinewsie)",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Kiwi on trial for abusing girls in Cambodia",
"text": "Source: ONE News Related News Paedophile case riles rights groups August 27, 2010\nA 53-year-old New Zealand man has gone on trial in Cambodia for sexually abusing young girls.\nMichael John Lines, who also has Australian citizenship, faces charges of procuring a child for prostitution.\nHe was arrested in March at a hotel in the coastal province of Preah Sihanouk.\nPolice accused him of having sex with two underage girls.\nThe closed door trial was adjourned after a day, and the judge said he would give a verdict in the near future.\nCambodia has long been a magnet for foreign paedophiles because of poverty and poor law enforcement, however in recent years police and courts have increasingly targeted sex offenders.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "No Cookies",
"text": "No Cookies\nTo use this website, cookies must be enabled in your browser. To enable cookies, follow the instructions for your browser below.\nEnabling Cookies in Internet Explorer 7, 8 & 9\nOpen the Internet Browser Click Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced Check Override automatic cookie handling For First-party Cookies and Third-party Cookies click Accept Click OK and OK\nEnabling Cookies in Firefox\nOpen the Firefox browser Click Tools > Options > Privacy > Use custom settings for history Check Accept cookies from sites Check Accept third party cookies Select Keep until: they expire Click OK\nEnabling Cookies in Google Chrome\nOpen the Google Chrome browser Click Tools > Options > Privacy Options > Under the Hood > Content Settings Check Allow local data to be set Uncheck Block third-party cookies from being set Uncheck Clear cookies Close all\nEnabling Cookies in Mobile Safari (iPhone, iPad)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Científicos revelan que los rapanui no poseen vínculos genéticos con los habitantes de Sudamérica |
Investigadores de la establecieron que el de los habitantes de no poseen rastros de otras civilizaciones de antes de la llegada de los navegantes europeos a la isla.
De acuerdo con la publicación en la revista médica '''', los científicos estudiaron restos humanos ubicados cerca de la , que datan antes de 1740, fecha en que se estima la llegada de los primeros navegantes a la isla. Sus estudios señalan que en los restos no existen trazas de ADN similares a las existentes en los otros pueblos de en la misma fecha, por lo cual siembra una incertidumbre acerca de la llegada de los hombres a Isla de Pascua.
Estos hallazgos hacen plantearse nuevas dudas acerca de la , debido a su complejo sistema de escritura y la casi extinción de los habitantes nativos de la isla a mediados del siglo XIX por problemas tribales y la que diezmó la población local. Actualmente, los científicos indican que existe entre un 6 y 8% del ADN que proviene de otras civilizaciones de América debido al proceso de mestizaje en la isla.
| [
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Antiguos habitantes de la Isla de Pascua no habrían tenido vínculos con indígenas americanos",
"text": "Los moái, las figuras monolíticas emblemáticas de la Isla de Pascua, miden entre 4.5 metros y 10 metros de altura. La más antigua se habría construido en el año 700 d.C. El origen de sus autores, los rapanui, sigue siendo un misterio. | Fuente: AP Photo / Gtres | Fotógrafo: Karen Schwartz\nUn estudio científico señaló este viernes que no hay prueba genética de que los habitantes de la Isla de Pascua, los rapanui, se hayan mezclado con indígenas de Sudamérica antes de la llegada los conquistadores europeos. Según el informe de la revista médica Current Biology, tampoco es posible descartar al 100% los contactos culturales o acercamientos entre la comunidad asentada en la actual zona de Chile y los demás pueblos originarios del subcontinente americano.\nLars Fehren-Schmitz, investigador de la Universidad de California y el principal autor de la investigación, afirmó que les \"sorprendió no encontrar ninguna traza de indígenas americanos\" en las muestras de ADN que extrajeron de cinco restos del yacimiento de Anakena, que se ubica al norte de la isla. De acuerdo a cálculos, tres de los cadáveres pertenecieron a individuos que vivieron mucho antes del año 1722, mientras que los otros dos fueron de personas más contemporáneas, nacidas entre el siglo XIX y el XX.\nLos científicos dijeron \"no encontrar ninguna traza de indígenas americanos\" en el ADN extraído de los restos de quienes vivieron en la antigua civilización.\nMisterio. Los resultados permitieron a Fehren-Schmitz y su equipo rechazar la hipótesis porque ninguno de esos individuos tenía una herencia sustancial de indígenas americanos. \"Nuestra información sugiere que la herencia indígena americana presente hoy en día en los pascuenses no estaba presente en la isla antes del contacto europeo y, por tanto, puede ser debido a hechos más recientes en la historia\", añadió.\nDe esta manera, queda pendiente la respuesta sobre cuándo se produjo exactamente el mestizaje entre rapanuis y sudamericanos. En la actualidad, el ADN de los pascuenses muestra entre un 6% y un 8% de material genético procedente de indígenas americanos. El próximo paso para los investigadores sería obtener cuantiosas muestras del genoma de otras poblaciones antiguas de Oceanía y el occidente de Sudamérica para determinar las interacciones potenciales entre unos y otros. (Con información de EFE)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Revelan el misterio del origen de la civilización de Rapa Nui",
"text": "Los paleogenetistas por primera vez en la historia han 'resucitado' y descifrado el ADN de los antiguos habitantes de la Isla de Pascua (Rapa Nui) y llegaron a la conclusión de que estaban emparentados con polinesios que nunca tuvieron contacto con otros grupos de personas antes de que los europeos llegaran a esta misteriosa isla, informa el artículo, publicado en la revista 'Current Biology'.\nUn científico de la Universidad de California, Lars Feren-Schmitz, y sus colegas compararon el ADN de los restos de habitantes de la isla que vivieron antes de la llegada de los europeos con el ADN de personas que poblaron la zona durante los últimos días de la civilización local. Los estudios han demostrado que los habitantes de la isla de Pascua no estuvieron en contacto con otras comunidades humanas durante miles de años antes de la llegada de los colonizadores europeos.\n\"No encontramos ningún rastro de que los habitantes de la Isla de Pascua y los indios de Sudamérica pudieran entrar en contacto. Este hecho nos sorprendió mucho, ya que había muchos indicios de que tales contactos habían tenido lugar. Por eso estábamos seguros de que íbamos a encontrarlos. Pero resultó que no es así\", dijo Feren-Schmitz.\n¿Por qué se extinguió la enigmática civilización?\nLa isla de Pascua es uno de los lugares más misteriosos de la Tierra; hace unos 2.000 años fue hogar de una extraña civilización polinesia que dejó en ella un gran número de vestigios en forma de ídolos gigantes, los moái. De acuerdo con los científicos, estas esculturas son figuras deificadas de los ancestros y parientes de los antiguos habitantes de la isla.\n¿Resuelto uno de los más grandes misterios de la historia?\nEsta civilización prácticamente había desaparecido de la isla de Pascua antes de la llegada de los primeros colonizadores. La causa de su extinción podría estar relacionada con dos factores: el agotamiento de los recursos como resultado de la tala de los bosques y el exterminio de animales por los polinesios y la guerra entre diferentes tribus de aborígenes.\nLas guerras internas, por su parte, llevaron a la extinción casi completa de la cultura moái. Finalmente, los restos de la civilización en la isla de Pascua fueron destruidos a mediados del siglo XIX, cuando la isla fue ocupada por los esclavistas. Debido a la extinción de la cultura, el único sistema de escritura de la isla aún no ha sido descifrado por los científicos.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Mozilla sets record for most software downloads in 24 hours |
view full size image)
Mozilla's new browser Firefox 3.0 has been downloaded over 8 million times in 24 hours. The Mozilla Foundation has encouraged users worldwide to download their latest browser in an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of World Records, with what is referred to as Download Day 2008. The target of five million downloads was reached long before the 24 hour period was over.
The 24 hour download session ended at 18:16 UTC on June 18th, one hour later than the original time of 17:00. This delay is due to technical problems which included the servers being overwhelmed. For a while after the specified launch time, the Firefox website linked to a download for Firefox 2.
Over 2.88 million of the downloads were from the European Union; 2.56 million were from the United States.
The unofficial, unaudited final number of downloads during the 24 hour marathon was 8,320,331. This figure still needs to be checked by the Guinness Book of Records for validity.
If the unofficial figure is accurate, almost 100 copies of the application were downloaded every second.
John Lilly, the CEO of Mozilla commented on the release of Firefox 3. “We’re really proud of Firefox 3 and it just shows what a committed, energized global community can do when they work together,” he said.
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"United States",
"Science and technology",
"World records",
"Mozilla Firefox"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Firefox 3 downloads smash 5m mark",
"text": "Firefox 3 downloads smash 5m mark\nTom Espiner\nDownloads of Mozilla's Firefox 3 web browser have already passed the five million mark, approximately halfway through its 24-hour world-record attempt period.\nThe Mozilla team had aimed to exceed the 1.6 million downloads that Firefox 2 achieved in the first day of its release period, and had hoped for five million downloads for Firefox 3 in its first 24 hours of release, to set a Guinness world record.\nApproximately 14 hours after its release, Firefox 3 passed the five million download mark. President of Mozilla Europe, Tristan Nitot, told that he felt as though he was in \"a dream\".\n\"We have exceeded our wildest expectations,\" said Nitot. \"I'm so proud of the community. Five million downloads in 14 hours is mind boggling. I'm just concerned it's a dream and I'm going to wake up.\"\nNitot said it was difficult to predict what the final number of downloads would be, but that the total could reach eight million.\n\"Europe is just waking up, so we expect a few more million,\" said Nitot. \"I don't know where it will end up, but we could get seven or eight million [downloads].\"\nMozilla aimed to set a Guinness world record for the total number of downloads of a piece of software in a 24-hour period. As part of its marketing effort, it encouraged users to pledge to download Firefox 3 on its release, and to hold download parties.\nThe release was scheduled to begin at 6pm BST on Tuesday 17 June. However, the release could not begin as planned as Mozilla's servers had problems, which were exacerbated by the number of people wishing to download Firefox 3, according to Mozilla.\nNitot said that the main problems had begun before Firefox 3 had been released.\n\"It's true that downloads have exceeded out wildest dreams, but there was a failure even before the sites were open,\" said Nitot.\nA Mozilla spokesperson confirmed that there had been problems migrating the servers, but said that the issues were fixed an hour later.\n\"There were a few technical issues migrating the sites and servers, then we went live an hour later,\" said the spokesperson.\nA post by Mozilla marketing co-odinator Melissa Shapiro on the Mozilla blog on Tuesday, at the beginning of the release, said that the interest in Firefox 3 had been \"overwhelming\", and that Mozilla servers were under pressure.\n\"The outpouring of interest and enthusiasm around Firefox 3 has been overwhelming (literally!),\" wrote Shapiro at the time of the release. \"Our servers are currently feeling the burn and should be back to normal shortly. Download day will officially commence once the site goes live. The 24-hour period will be clocked from that moment.\"\nAs a consequence of the release being delayed for an hour, Firefox 3's 24-hour world-record download attempt period will end on Wednesday at 7pm BST.\nDid you find this article useful?\n14 out of 14 people found this useful\nShare this article:",
"url": ",1000000121,39436026,00.htm",
"archive_url": ",1000000121,39436026,00.htm"
"language": "en",
"title": "Firefox 3 launch overwhelms Mozilla's servers",
"text": "The Firefox web browser is on track to set a record for the number of downloads in one day – although it had to overcome early jitters.\nThe new 3.0 version of Firefox, the second most popular web browser on the market, has already been downloaded by millions of people as its creators attempt to set a world record to mark the relaunch.\nPlans did not run smoothly, however, as the race hit a roadblock soon after it began at 6pm last night. Servers belonging to Mozilla, the company which makes Firefox, ground to a halt as initial interest overwhelmed the company with traffic.\nMany potential downloaders were left disappointed, as the Firefox website refused to work or failed to deliver the new program.\nIt was four hours before service was back to normal, taking some of the shine off the stunt, but downloads soon reached rates of up to 14,000 per minute, Mozilla said.\nThe company played down the glitch, with Mozilla vice president Paul Kim saying only that the systems were \"quite busy\".\n\"We're thrilled with the response to the release,\" said Kim. \"Our systems were quite busy earlier this morning, so individual requests may not have gotten through, but they are all up now and serving a tremendous amount of traffic and downloads.\"\nAlthough the stunt was guaranteed to work – there was previously no such category acknowledged by Guinness World Records – it will still take up to a week for the results to be ratified and officially recognised.\nThe revamped system, which includes improved security and performance features, hopes to build on its initial success and grab more market share from Microsoft's Internet Explorer.\nAccording to figures from Net Applications, Firefox is currently used by 18.4% of browsers worldwide, trailing Internet Explorer's 73.8% share of the market, but ahead of Apple's Safari with 6.3%.\nProgress has been slow since Firefox arrived with a bang in 2004 as the first significant challenger to Microsoft for several years. The complete market domination of Internet Explorer over Firefox's predecessor, Netscape, had previously been a central plank in the US government's antitrust case against the Seattle software giant in the 1990s.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Mozilla Releases Firefox 3 and Redefines the Web Experience",
"text": "For more information, visit the FAQ.\nMozilla Releases Firefox 3 and Redefines the Web Experience\nMajor performance enhancements and revolutionary “Awesome Bar” make Firefox 3 the fastest, smartest, most powerful browser Mozilla has ever released\nMOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. - June 17, 2008 - Mozilla today released Firefox® 3, a major update to its popular and acclaimed free, open source Web browser. Firefox 3 is the culmination of three years of efforts from thousands of developers, security experts, localization and support communities, and testers from around the globe.\nAvailable today in approximately 50 languages, Firefox 3 is two to three times faster than its predecessor and offers more than 15,000 improvements, including the revolutionary smart location bar, malware protection, and extensive under the hood work to improve the speed and performance of the browser.\n“We’re really proud of Firefox 3 and it just shows what a committed, energized global community can do when they work together,” said John Lilly, CEO of Mozilla.\nWhat’s New in Firefox 3:\nThe Web is all about innovation, and Firefox 3 sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.\nUser Experience. The enhancements to Firefox 3 provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox 3 smart location bar, affectionately known as the “Awesome Bar,” learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time. The Firefox 3 Library archives browsing history, bookmarks, and tags, where they can be easily searched and organized. One-click bookmarking and tagging make it easy to remember, search and organize Web sites. The new full-page zoom displays any part of a Web page, up close and readable, in seconds.\nPerformance. Firefox 3 is built on top of the powerful new Gecko 1.9 platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product. Firefox 3 now uses less memory while it’s running, and its redesigned page rendering and layout engine means users see Web pages two to three times faster than Firefox 2.\nSecurity. Firefox 3 raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web. Firefox 3’s one-click site ID information allows users to verify that a site is what it claims to be. Mozilla’s open source process leverages the experience of thousands of security experts around the globe.\nCustomization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox 3 lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons. Firefox Add-ons allow users to manage tasks like participating in online auctions, uploading digital photos, seeing the weather forecasts, and listening to music, all from the convenience of the browser. The new Add-ons Manager helps users to find and install add-ons directly from the browser.\nFor more information about Mozilla Firefox 3 and how it delivers an easier, faster, and safer online experience, visit\nMozilla Firefox 3 is available now for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X operating systems as a free download from\nThe release of Firefox 3 kicks off Download Day, the Mozilla community’s grassroots campaign to set a brand new Guinness World Record for the greatest number of software downloads in 24 hours. The worldwide community effort begins the minute Firefox 3 is released and will continue for a full day. For more information, please visit\nPress Contact:\nSteve Naventi\nTel: +1-415-345-4725\nEmail:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Download Day 2008",
"text": "Enter your email address and we’ll keep you informed of the latest record developments. We hate spam as much as you do, so we promise not to share your data with anyone.\nSelect a country Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua And Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia And Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile Chinese Taipei Colombia Comoros Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Côte d'Ivoire Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Mainland China Malawi Malaysia Mali Malta Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Republic Of Congo Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia Samoa Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand The Democratic Republic Of The Congo Timor-leste Togo Tonga Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe\nEmail address:*\nPledge Now!\n* Optional. Mozilla only will use your email address to confirm your registration, send download reminders to you when Firefox 3 launches, and to let you know the results of our record attempt. We will not share your email address with any other organization or individual. If you would like more information about Mozilla’s privacy policy, please click here. You may contact us for any questions, or if you wish to access and/or correct your information, where appropriate, by emailing us at: Mozilla Corporation, 1981 Landings Drive, Bldg. K, Mountain View, CA",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Firefox 3’s First 24 Hours",
"text": "Firefox 3’s First 24 Hours\nIt’s been a very busy 24 hours for Mozilla folks around the world — as our 24 hour initial period draws to a close, I wanted to put a few things into perspective. This is the first post of what will no doubt be many analysis posts, so here are a few things that have happened during the first official day of Firefox 3 life:\nA little more than 8.3 million downloads (this isn’t our official Guinness number — that will be a little lower as we weed out over counts over the next few weeks)\nFirefox 3 market share has grown to about 4% worldwide\nPeople in around 200 different countries have downloaded, with 16 countries north of 100k copies\nTop 10 countries so far: US, Germany, Japan, Spain, UK, France, Iran, Italy, Canada, Poland\n757 Parties around the world\nAnd if you’re interested in what our network has been doing over that time period:\n83 terabytes served in total\n(that works out to nearly 8 1/2 full copies of the US Library of Congress’ print collection or a million copies of the new Coldplay album)\nAt the peak, we were serving 17,000 downloads a minute (283 per second!), and saw sustained download rates in excess of 4,000/minute\nOur peak mirror throughput during the period was 20 gigabits/sec (a huge thanks goes to everyone who helped to create our unbelievably great mirror network)\nSo a good day’s work by everyone involved. Like everything that’s Mozilla, this involved people far beyond Mountain View, and far beyond the borders of any one company or group. More to come…",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Algérie : 103 morts dans un crash d'avion militaire |
Un avion militaire algérien s'est écrasé aujourd'hui dans l'est de l', tuant, selon les premiers communiqués, 103 personnes (99 passagers et quatre membres de l'équipage), sans aucun survivant. Cependant, certaines sources annoncent 77 morts et un survivant, gravement blessé.
L'avion, de type Hercule C130, qui transportait des militaires et leurs familles, s'est écrasé à , à 500 kilomètres à l'est d'. L'accident serait dû à des mauvaises conditions météorologiques, précise une radio algérienne.
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] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Algérie : crash d'un avion militaire, plus de 100 morts",
"text": "Un avion de type Hercule C130, comme celui qui s'est écrasé ce mardi 11 février 2014 dans l'est de l'Algérie (illustration). Crédit : AFP / PIERRE VERDY\nUn avion de transport militaire s'est écrasé, ce mardi, dans l'est de l'Algérie. Selon un premier bilan, 103 personnes ont été tuées dans l'accident.\nL'avion de type Hercule C130, qui s'est écrasé à Oum El Bouaghi (500 km à l'est d'Alger), transportait des militaires et des familles de militaires, a indiqué à l'AFP une source de sécurité. 99 passagers et 4 membres d'équipage ont perdu la vie.\nSelon la radio algérienne, le crash est dû aux \"mauvaises conditions météorologiques\". Soixante-et-onze corps et un survivant ont été récupérés par les secouristes quelques heures après le crash, selon un premier bilan officiel diffusé par la radio publique citant la protection civile.\nCarte de localisation du crash d'un avion militaire en Algérie ce mardi 11 février. Crédit : INFOGRAPHIE AFP",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Astronomie : de possibles planètes au sein de rémanents de supernova | Image de , prise à bord de SOFIA. Des traces de poussières (en blanc) ont été observées à travers l'onde de choc de la supernova (en rouge).
Des données amassées par le ''Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy'' () indiquent la présence de poussières capables de former des semblables à la à l'intérieur des restes de , un qui se serait produite il y a environ ans au centre de la .
Le télescope, situé à bord d'un modifié, a été capable de détecter un nuage isolé de à travers le nuage de gaz et l'onde de choc de la supernova à l'aide d' infrarouges. L'observation de ces poussières confirme que celles-ci peuvent subsister alors que l' de la supernova rencontre la matière environnante. En fait, on ne savait pas jusqu'ici si ce type de matière pouvait résister à ces ondes. Cette confirmation soutient le actuel, selon lequel la matière expulsée lors d'une explosion de supernova serait la source de la dont les et les sont constituées.
L'intensité des émissions du nuage de poussières a permis l'estimation de sa , qui serait équivalente à celle de planètes semblables à la .
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"Nouvelle du Projet:Cégep de Chicoutimi",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Old supernova dust factory revealed at the Galactic center",
"text": "Abstract\nDust formation in supernova ejecta is currently the leading candidate to explain the large quantities of dust observed in the distant, early Universe. However, it is unclear whether the ejecta-formed dust can survive the hot interior of the supernova remnant (SNR). We present infrared observations of ~0.02 of warm (~100 K) dust seen near the center of the ~10,000 yr-old Sgr A East SNR at the Galactic center. Our findings signify the detection of dust within an older SNR that is expanding into a relatively dense surrounding medium (n e ~ 100 cm−3) and has survived the passage of the reverse shock. The results suggest that supernovae may indeed be the dominant dust production mechanism in the dense environment of early Universe galaxies.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "NASA’s SOFIA Finds Missing Link Between Supernovae and Planet Formation",
"text": "[image-36]\nUsing NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), an international scientific team discovered that supernovae are capable of producing a substantial amount of the material from which planets like Earth can form.\nThese findings are published in the March 19 online issue of Science magazine.\n\"Our observations reveal a particular cloud produced by a supernova explosion 10,000 years ago contains enough dust to make 7,000 Earths,\" said Ryan Lau of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.\nThe research team, headed by Lau, used SOFIA's airborne telescope and the Faint Object InfraRed Camera for the SOFIA Telescope, FORCAST, to take detailed infrared images of an interstellar dust cloud known as Supernova Remnant Sagittarius A East, or SNR Sgr A East.\n[image-51]\nThe team used SOFIA data to estimate the total mass of dust in the cloud from the intensity of its emission. The investigation required measurements at long infrared wavelengths in order to peer through intervening interstellar clouds and detect the radiation emitted by the supernova dust.\nAstronomers already had evidence that a supernova’s outward-moving shock wave can produce significant amounts of dust. Until now, a key question was whether the new soot- and sand-like dust particles would survive the subsequent inward “rebound” shock wave generated when the first, outward-moving shock wave collides with surrounding interstellar gas and dust.\n\"The dust survived the later onslaught of shock waves from the supernova explosion, and is now flowing into the interstellar medium where it can become part of the 'seed material' for new stars and planets,\" Lau explained.\nThese results also reveal the possibility that the vast amount of dust observed in distant young galaxies may have been made by supernova explosions of early massive stars, as no other known mechanism could have produced nearly as much dust.\n\"This discovery is a special feather in the cap for SOFIA, demonstrating how observations made within our own Milky Way galaxy can bear directly on our understanding of the evolution of galaxies billions of light years away,\" said Pamela Marcum, a SOFIA project scientist at Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.\nSOFIA is a heavily modified Boeing 747 Special Performance jetliner that carries a telescope with an effective diameter of 100 inches (2.5 meters) at altitudes of 39,000 to 45,000 feet (12 to 14 km). SOFIA is a joint project of NASA and the German Aerospace Center. The aircraft observatory is based at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center facility in Palmdale, California. The agency’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, is home to the SOFIA Science Center, which is managed by NASA in cooperation with the Universities Space Research Association in Columbia, Maryland, and the German SOFIA Institute at the University of Stuttgart.\nFor more information about SOFIA, visit:\n\nor\n\nFor information about SOFIA's science mission and scientific instruments, visit:\n\nor\n\n-end-",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Desalojo de indígenas en Perú deja un saldo de 33 muertos |
22 indígenas y 11 policías muertos, por lo menos unas 100 personas heridas, así como 38 policías rehenes es el saldo de una violenta jornada de desalojo de un grupo manifestante indígena que mantiene bloqueado un tramo de la carretera de Loreto, en la Amazonía Peruana.
Los manifestantes son por lo menos 2500 indígenas, quienes desde hace 10 días tienen obstuídos unos 10 kilómetros de la carretera conocida como la "curva del diablo" para exigir al gobierno la derogatoria del decreto 1090 "Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre", por medio del cual, de acuerdo con los manifestantes, se vulneran sus derechos de propiedad sobre sus tierras comunales y ancestrales.
El desalojo se inició desde las 05:00 horas locales (10:00 UTC) por orden del presidente Alan García quien afirmó que "llegó el momento de abrir las carreteras y asumir las responsabilidades", agregando que "por más respeto que se tenga al diálogo y a las personas, tenemos que aplicar las leyes porque el país también quiere orden" y que "se está rechazando algo que se desconoce. Cuando se habla sin leer y se rechaza ideológicamente, solo por rechazar, se cometen graves errores", refiéndose al desconocimiento del texto del decreto por parte de los protestantes. Según las declaraciones del mandatario, de actuar de acuerdo a las solicitudes de los grupos indígienas nunca se habrían podido explotar durante los últimos 30 años los yacimientos selváticos petroleros del Oleoducto Nor Peruano. El presidente del Consejo de Ministros Yehude Simon ha hecho un llamado a los líderes indígenas para establecer una mesa de diálogo, pero los representantes de las comunidades se han negado a asistir.
Por su parte, el líder indígena Alberto Pizango calificó los hechos como "una matanza a manos del Gobierno como parte de un plan de entrega de los recursos naturales a empresas extranjeras que incluye privatizar nuestras tierras". De acuerdo con la Ministra del Interior Mercedes Cabanillas, Pizango habría abandonado en las últimas horas la zona de bloqueos para solicitar asilo político en Bolivia.
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"Alan García",
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Aumenta a 34 el número de muertos por la violencia en la selva amazónica peruana",
"text": "Aumenta a 34 el número de muertos por la violencia en la selva amazónica peruana\nBAGUA, Perú (AFP) — El saldo de muertos por enfrentamientos entre policías e indígenas aumentó a 34 este domingo en una zona de la selva norte peruana, que está ahora bajo toque de queda y férreamente militarizada, mientras que el gobierno nacional y los nativos se responsabilizan mutuamente.\n\"Hay 23 policías y 11 nativos muertos, eso es lo que puedo certificar oficialmente\", anunció este domingo el ministro de Defensa, Antero Flores Aráoz a la AFP, al dar el nuevo saldo de las 24 horas de terror vividas entre viernes y sábado en la región de Bagua, 1.000 km al norte de Lima.\nFlores Aráoz resaltó que \"la cifra de policías puede aumentar porque aún hay dos o tres desaparecidos\".\nLos indígenas evalúan entre 30 y 50 los civiles fallecidos por la represión policial, según dijo Shapiom Noningo, presidente de la Comisión de Pueblos Indígenas Amazónico.\nEl balance oficial de víctimas hasta el sábado era de 31 muertos, de los cuales 22 policías y nueve civiles.\nLas muertes se produjeron durante la recuperación violenta el viernes de una carretera en la selva norte de Perú que había sido tomada por indígenas, y durante las protestas en las siguientes 24 horas, que incluyeron el secuestro de 38 policías por un millar de indígenas. De los 23 policías muertos, 16 de ellos fueron degollados y acuchillados por los indígenas, según testimonios de los policías que sobrevivieron al secuestro.\nEl presidente, Alan García, calificó de \"barbarie y salvajismo\" estas muertes, mientras decretó este domingo como día de duelo nacional, por lo que la bandera ondeaba a media asta en el palacio presidencial.\nLos acontecimientos de Bagua son los más violentos en lo que va del segundo mandato de Alan García.\nLa Defensora del Pueblo, Beatriz Merino, recorrió en Bagua los hospitales, morgues, comisarías y cuarteles del ejército para verificar en el lugar la el número de víctimas y de heridos y detenidos. La Defensora señaló que hay 39 civiles detenidos y 153 civiles heridos y hospitalizados, de los cuales la mayoría había sido dada de alta.\nEn Bagua, la calma retornaba gradualmente conforme pasaban las horas, producto de la militarización de la ciudad desde el sábado, cuando el gobierno decretó un toque de queda de tres de la tarde a seis de la mañana, que fue respetado sin ningún incidente, comprobó la AFP.\nEste domingo, había poca gente en las calles, mientras organizaciones civiles, con colaboración de la Iglesia, intentaban que 200 indígenas que se escondían en Bagua fueran llevados hacia sus lugares de origen.\nEl abogado a cargo del operativo, Santos Esparza, dijo a la AFP: \"Estamos recogiendo a los indígenas que están escondidos en casas atemorizados para remitirlos a sus zonas de origen, con ayuda de la Iglesia. Hemos hablado con la Policía y ellos dicen que no va a haber problema, pero hay temor\".\nEn paralelo los dirigentes amazónicos reclamaron \"al Gobierno que constituya una comisión nacional de alto nivel con presencia de la Defensoría del Pueblo y de observadores internacionales para que imparcialmente investiguen los hechos y determinen las responsabilidades\", dijo Noningo.\nNoningo se presentó como el nuevo interlocutor de los dirigentes indígenas ante el gobierno en reemplazo de Alberto Pizango, en la clandestinidad después de que el gobierno ordenara su detención por los delitos de sedición y conspiración.\nSegún la ministra peruana del Interior, Mercedes Cabanillas, Pizango podría haberse refugiado en Bolivia. En La Paz, fuentes gubernamentales dijeron a la AFP que no tienen conocimiento de que Pizango se encuentre en Bolivia.\nCopyright © 2013 AFP. Todos los derechos reservados. Más »",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2005-04-04: Irak: Atak na więzienie Abu Ghraib |
W sobotę wieczorem więzienie Abu Ghraib na przedmieściach Bagdadu zostało zaatakowane przez bojówki irackie. Rannych zostało 12 więźniów i 44 żołnierzy amerykańskich. Do ataku doszło po zmierzchu. Bojówkarze - których było około 40 - wysadzili przed budynkiem bombę ukrytą w samochodzie, po czym zaatakowali z użyciem broni palnej, granatów i kolejnego ładunku wybuchowego.
Odparcie ataku z wykorzystaniem czołgów i helikopterów i odzyskanie kontroli nad sytuacją w więzieniu zajęło Amerykanom około godziny. Zginął co najmniej jeden iracki bojówkarz. Kilku żołnierzy amerykańskich odniosło ciężkie obrażenia.
W Abu Ghraib przebywa około 3000 więźniów. To właśnie tam w ubiegłym roku doszło do skandalu związanego z poniżaniem irackich więźniów przez amerykańskich strażników.
Kilka godzin po ataku iracki parlament wybrał swojego przewodniczącego. Został nim sunnita, Hajim al-Hassani. Sunnici w większości zbojkotowali ostatnie wybory parlamentarne w Iraku.
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] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Militants attack Abu Ghraib jail",
"text": "The attack appears to have been well organised\nThey struck after dark, targeting an outbuilding with a car bomb and following up with another bomb, gunfire and grenades, US officials said.\nAccording to the US military, at least 40 militants were involved.\nThe attack came hours before the new parliament finally elected a speaker, choosing a Sunni Muslim for the post.\nHajim al-Hassani, the current industry minister, was chosen in a secret ballot with Hussain al-Shahristani, a Shia Muslim, and Aref Taifour, a Kurd, elected as his deputy speakers.\nThe appointment of a Sunni is designed as a gesture to that minority which largely boycotted January's elections, having held sway over Iraq during Saddam Hussein's regime.\nSunnis have also for the most part stayed away from the country's new security forces, although senior Sunni clerics have recently urged their followers to join up.\nMany of the militants fighting the new US-backed forces and targeting US soldiers are based in the Sunni community.\nAs parliament met, an unexplained explosion in the city sent smoke billowing into the sky.\nSurprise attack\nUS guards at Abu Ghraib fought the attackers for about an hour on Saturday evening, calling in helicopters and tanks to restore control.\nA new explosion rattled nerves in the Iraqi capital on Sunday\nAt least one militant was killed and it was expected that more would be confirmed dead later, US spokesman Lt Col Guy Rudisill said.\nOf the US injured, only a few had serious wounds, he added.\nSome witnesses said the second car bomb had gone off while US troops were trying to evacuate the casualties from the first blast.\nThe jail has been targeted before with mortars.\nLt Col Rudisill said the US had had some intelligence that \"something like this might happen\".\n\"But we really don't know why this large-scale attack happened tonight,\" he added.\nNotorious jail\nMore than 3,000 detainees are held at the jail on the outskirts of the capital, Baghdad.\nIt was at the centre of a scandal last year over the abuse of prisoners by US guards and before that was one of Saddam Hussein's most feared jails.\nThe latest attack came as both US and Iraqi officials said the level of violence had gone down since January's elections.\nA marine became the latest US serviceman to be killed in Iraq when he was hit by an explosion in Haditha, Anbar Province, on Saturday.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2007-11-13: Antypiracki filtr AT&T |
Niedawno YouTube wprowadziło filtr wykrywający nielegalną zawartość serwisu. Teraz AT&T, amerykańskie przedsiębiorstwo telekomunikacyjne, zamierza zrobić to samo, ale już z zasięgiem obejmującym cały internet. Business Week donosi, że koncern prowadzi rozmowy z NBC Universal oraz Disneyem.
Dotyczą one możliwości użycia, opracowanej prze firmę Vobile technologii rozpoznawania treści. Celem ma być blokowanie pirackich materiałów, aby nie można było ich przesyłać w sieci.
Technologia Vobile jest jedną z kilku, które MPAA (amerykańskie stowarzyszenie, mające na celu dbanie o interesy amerykańskich studiów filmowych) bierze pod uwagę. AT&T testuje ją od wiosny, a najwcześniejsza, realna data wprowadzenia jej w życie, to koniec 2008 roku.
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"Ameryka Północna",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Specjalistyczny Serwis Prasowy Branży IT",
"text": "Data informacji: Firmy / Marki : Wszystkie ACCO Polska Aristo ATA-INT.LTD COMES Edimax GBC Gestetner Glofiish IRS ITL Polska Sp. z o.o. Kensington Sp. z o.o. MIO NEC NEC Display Solutions NEC-Mitsubishi Nobo Rexel Sanyo SHARP Słowa kluczowe:\nTemat: Fotografia Cyfrowa Internet Multimedia Oprogramowanie Poligrafia Roboty Sprzęt Telekomunikacja Usługi Wydarzenia\nSposób wyświetlania\nNagłówek Skrót Skrót + zdjęcie RSS 2.0 ATOM\nAntypiracki filtr AT&T\nData wprowadzenia informacji: 2007-11-08 Niedawno YouTube wprowadziło filtr wykrywający nielegalną zawartość serwisu. Teraz AT&T zamierza zrobić to samo, ale już z zasięgiem obejmującym cały internet. Business Week donosi, że koncern prowadzi rozmowy z NBC Universal oraz Disneyem. Dotyczą one możliwości użycia, opracowanej prze firmę Vobile technologii rozpoznawania treści. Celem ma być blokowanie pirackich materiałów, aby nie można było ich przesyłać w sieci. Technologia Vobile jest jedną z kilku, które MPAA (amerykańskie stowarzyszenie, mające na celu dbanie o interesy amerykańskich studiów filmowych) bierze pod uwagę. AT&T testuje ją od wiosny, a najwcześniejsza, realna data wprowadzenia jej w życie, to koniec 2008 roku. Źródło: Gizmodo",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Chile tsunami first reached Pichilemu, SHOA reports | Arturo Prat Square in Pichilemu before and after the tsunami.
Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA, Spanish for Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy) released a report last Tuesday amidst public criticism of its response to the tsunami that hit the coast of Chile on February 27. The agency recognized the difficulty of arriving at every member of its Maritime and Naval networks. It reported that the tsunami warning was activated at 03:51 local time (06:51 UTC), 17 minutes after the earthquake, due to the delay of an ONEMI operator, whose identity "was not possible to determine"; the operator sent the alert via fax.
The warning was ended at 04:56 local time (07:56 UTC) by SHOA director Mariano Rojas, who has since been dismissed.
Despite the late tsunami warning, the Army said that it was an "adequate time for emergencies of this nature, considering the time required to obtain the information on the epicentre and magnitude."
The tsunami arrived at the following times, as the Army reported:
* Pichilemu: 03:48 (06:48 UTC); 04:15 (07:15 UTC).
* Constitución: 03:49 (06:49 UTC); 04:17 (07:17 UTC); 04:50 (07:50 UTC); 05:20 (08:20 UTC).
* San Antonio: 03:50 (06:50 UTC); 04:20 (07:20 UTC).
* Talcahuano and Dichato: 03:54 (07:54 UTC); 05:30 (08:30 UTC): 06:00 (09:00 UTC); 06:40 (09:40 UTC).
* Juan Fernández Islands: 04:25 (07:25 UTC); 04:40 (07:40 UTC).
* Valparaíso: 04:51 (07:51 UTC); 04:50 (07:50 UTC); 05:20 (08:20 UTC): 05:40 (08:40 UTC).
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"MisterWiki (WWC2010)",
"Writing contest 2010",
"2010 Chile earthquake",
"Disasters and accidents",
"South America",
"O'Higgins Region",
"Diego Grez (Wikinewsie)",
"Natural disasters",
"Valparaíso Region"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Armada publicó informe completo sobre el procedimiento del SHOA",
"text": "Guía de uso:\nEste es un espacio de libertad, por lo que solicitamos que no lo desaproveches. Contamos con que las opiniones se remitan al contenido de los artículos y no a insultos, ataques personales, comentarios discriminatorios o spam.\nPor lo mismo, en honor a la legibilidad y buen funcionamiento de este canal de expresión, todos los textos pasarán previamente por un filtro. No haremos ediciones ni correcciones, sólo quedarán sin publicar los que no cumplan con lo solicitado en el párrafo anterior.\nTotal opiniones: 41 Página actual: 1 / 5 31/03/2010 - 15:07:19 7.Tenga instruida a su familia sobre la ruta de huida y lugar de reunión posterior.\n8. Procure tener aparato de radio portátil, que le permita estar informado, y pilas secas de repuesto.\nCon cariño para toda mi patria.\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 15:05:16 6. Un tsunami puede tener diez o más olas destructivas en 12 horas; procure tener a mano ropa de abrigo, especialmente para los niños.\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 15:04:01 5. Tenga siempre presente que un tsunami puede penetrar por ríos, quebradas o marismas, varios kilómetros tierra adentro, por lo tanto hay que alejarse de éstos.\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 15:02:57 4. Si Usted se encuentra en una embarcación, diríjase rápidamente mar adentro. Un tsunami es destructivo sólo cerca de la costa. De hecho a unos 5.600 mts. mar adentro o a una altura mayor a 150 mts. sobre el nivel del mar tierra adentro Ud. puede considerarse seguro.\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 15:01:51 3. La mitad de los tsunamis se presentan, primero, como un recogimiento del mar que deja en seco grandes extensiones del fondo marino. Corra, no se detenga, aléjese a una zona elevada, el tsunami llegará con una velocidad de más de 100 Km/h.\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 15:00:39 2. Si es alertado de la proximidad de un maremoto o tsunami, sitúese en una zona alta de al menos 30 mts. sobre el nivel del mar en terreno natural.\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 14:59:24 1. Si vive en la costa y siente un terremoto lo suficientemente fuerte para agrietar muros, es posible que dentro de los veinte minutos siguientes pueda producirse un maremoto o tsunami.\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 14:56:11 El USGS en su web publica que hacer antes, durante y después de un sismo (earthquake), incluso si quedas atrapado, tambien el sitio informa como actuar en caso de tsunami. Sería bueno propagarlo en escuelas, juntas vecinales, etc\nJuan\nChile 31/03/2010 - 13:25:01 Como se les puede creer a los galoneados de la armada si toda la vida le han sacado el poto a la jeringa, desde la DICTADURA, vivo carca del SHOA y ahí pasan solo los suboficiales y si pasa ALGO, no pueden comunicarle a su superior, porque está durmiendo. Es una falta grave. TODOS MIENTEN..\nJorge Hernan\nValpo 31/03/2010 - 13:09:45 Supuestamente son expertos en oceanografía, pero afirman que no tienen información sobre los epicentros de los terremotos.¿Cómo pueden actuar en caso de tsunami? No entiendo este informe . tampoco aclaran el confuso primer fax chacotero, cuyo título decía una cosa y su texto otra.\nMarcela\nSantiago Página actual: 1 / 5\nVea más en las siguientes páginas: 2 3 4 5 Página actual: 1 / 5Página actual: 1 / 5Vea más en las siguientes páginas:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Blackberry presenta el nuevo modelo Q5 |
Research in Motion planea lanzar el Q5 en los mercados en donde posee una presencia notable, como Latinoamérica y algunos países europeos.
La compañía norteamericana de tecnología presentó el pasado 14 de mayo el nuevo Blackberry Q5, considerado de gama media y enfocado a los países en donde la presencia de la marca Blackberry es más notable. El teléfono inteligente estará disponible en algunos países europeos, Latinoamérica, Asia, Oriente Medio y África.
El Blackberry Q5 incluye el sistema operativo , junto a un teclado y una pantalla táctil de 3,1 pulgadas. El dispositivo, que incorpora un de dos núcleos a una velocidad de 1,2 GHz y 8 GB de memoria interna, estará disponible en rosa, rojo y blanco. También dispondrá de una cámara de 5 , aunque su batería no es sustituible.
Además, la compañía también anunció el lanzamiento de una versión de su programa de mensajería instantanea para dispositivos con sistema operativo y . El servicio se ofrecerá sin costo a los usuarios de dichos sistemas operativos.
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"Estados Unidos",
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "BlackBerry Q5, el más barato del mercado",
"text": "La compañía anunció que planea ofrecer su sistema de mensajería instantánea a dispositivos sus competidores\nMartes 14 de mayo de 2013\nRedacción | El Universal\n14:45",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Blackberry presenta \"Q5\", un móvil dirigido a los jóvenes",
"text": "Posee teclado físico QWERTY y pantalla táctil de 3,1 pulgadas\nBlackberry ha presentado este martes el móvil «Q5», un nuevo smartphone «joven y divertido» con sistema operativo Blackberry 10. La empresa canadiense ha publicado un comunicado en su página web en el que hace oficial la existencia del móvil.\nDestaca su teclado QWERTY físico «que da confianza, es divertido y atrevido». «Cada función, cada parte de BlackBerry Q5 ha sido fabricada para dar una experiencia rápida y sin esfuerzo que te permita moverte y explorar, crear y compartir», apunta el comunicado.\nComparte las mismas dimensiones que el Q10 pero está diseñado para ser vendido a un precio menor y está dirigido a un mercado más joven y viene en tres colores: blanco, rojo, y negro.\n«Blackberry se emociona al presentar este nuevo Blackberry QWERTY, el Q5, dirigido a nuestros consumidores de selectos mercados alrededor del mundo», ha dicho Thorsten Heins, director ejecutivo de Blackberry.\n«El Q5 da lo mejor de todo con su tecnología de Blackberry 10 y el teclado QWERTY físico. Es para los aficionados jóvenes que son apasionados, confiados y audaces, y hace que sea fácil para ellos que se diviertan, creen, compartan y estén conectados», ha señalado Heins.\nEl Blackberry Q5 tiene el teclado físico QWERTY, una pantalla táctil de 3,1 pulgadas. Hace unos días se había filtrado la existencia de un nuevo móvil de Blackberry que parece coincidir con el Q5.\nEn el comunicado oficial no mencionan otras características como la cámara o memoria RAM, pero según la información filtrada tendrá un cámara de 5MP (a diferencia del Q10 que tiene 8 MP), memoria interna de 8GB y memoria RAM de 2GB.\nSe espera que el nuevo BlackBerry Q5 esté disponible desde comienzos de Julio de este año, en «selectos mercados» en Europa, Oriente Medio, África, Asia y América Latina. Aún no se conocen los precios pero se espera que sean más económicos que el Z10 y el Q10.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2008-03-26: Posłowie PO chcą broni w każdym domu |
Platforma Obywatelska planuje rozszerzyć dostęp do broni palnej. Informację o tym ujawnił dziennik „Rzeczpospolita”. Autorem i głównym orędownikiem idei broni w każdym domu jest poseł Andrzej Czuma. Ma on już gotowe uzasadnienie projektu, które przedstawił na wczorajszym prezydium klubu parlamentarnego swojej partii.
"Miała miejsce taka dyskusja, jednak na razie uznaliśmy, że to byłaby rewolucja" – poinformował nieoficjalnie jeden z polityków PO obecny na spotkaniu.
Czuma proponuje wprowadzenie „obywatelskiej karty broni”, dokumentu o który mógłby starać się każdy dorosły Polak. Jedynym wymaganiem przed otrzymaniem "karty" miałoby być potwierdzenie, że starający się o dokument nie miał problemów z prawem lub zdrowiem psychicznym.
"Pojawiła się taka propozycja, ale nie znam szczegółów. Jesteśmy na etapie wstępnego zapoznawania się z projektem. W najbliższych dniach spotkam się z pomysłodawcą" – stwierdził Grzegorz Dolniak, wiceszef Klubu PO.
Z nieoficjalnych informacji wynika, ze pomysł posła Czumy nie cieszy się całkowitym poparciem w klubie. W ocenie wiceszefa klubu parlamentarnego PO Waldy Dzikowskiego, projekt ustawy rozszerzającej dostęp do broni powinien być inicjatywą rządowa, a nie klubową.
"Poseł Czuma mieszkał parę lat w Chicago. Byłbym bardzo ostrożny z realizacją tak ryzykownego pomysłu" – powiedział Janusz Zemke.
"Nie chodzi tylko o rozszerzenie, ale też o zwiększenie rygoru dostępu. Trzeba dać ludziom możliwość obrony przed bandytami. To może zapobiec przestępczości. W kraju takim jak Polska bandyta i tak kupi każdy rodzaj broni, a uczciwy obywatel nie może" – tłumaczył Andrzej Czuma.
"Nie mamy infrastruktury, dzięki której można by przeszkolić obywateli w posługiwaniu się bronią. Nie jest w stanie tego zrobić ani policja, ani wojsko. Obecnie prawo dopuszcza ubieganie się o pozwolenie przez każdego obywatela" – stwierdził gen. Mirosław Gawor, były szef BOR.
"Rozszerzanie dostępu do broni to głupi pomysł. Taka zmiana przepisów mogłaby spowodować, że pozwolenia trafią w ręce ludzi przypadkowych. Pozwolenia powinna wydawać policja, bo ma doświadczenie w posługiwaniu się bronią" - komentował gen. Roman Polko.
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"Platforma Obywatelska",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Broń w domu każdego Polaka?",
"text": "Broń w domu każdego Polaka?\nTargi broni w Houston, USA\nObywatelska karta broni – to jeden z pomysłów Andrzeja Czumy. Poseł przekonuje kolegów z PO do zgłoszenia ustawy w tej sprawie – dowiaduje się „Rz”\nŻadna część jak i całość utworów zawartych w dzienniku nie może być powielana i rozpowszechniana lub dalej rozpowszechniana w jakiejkolwiek formie i w jakikolwiek sposób (w tym także elektroniczny lub mechaniczny lub inny albo na wszelkich polach eksploatacji) włącznie z kopiowaniem, szeroko pojętę digitalizację, fotokopiowaniem lub kopiowaniem, w tym także zamieszczaniem w Internecie - bez pisemnej zgody Gremi Business Communication. Jakiekolwiek użycie lub wykorzystanie utworów w całości lub w części bez zgody Gremi Business Communication lub autorów z naruszeniem prawa jest zabronione pod groźbą kary i może być ścigane prawnie. Rozpowszechnianie niniejszego artykułu możliwe jest tylko i wyłącznie zgodnie z postanowieniami \"Regulaminu korzystania z artykułów prasowych\" zamieszczonego na stronie i po wcześniejszym uiszczeniu należności, zgodnie z cennikiem zamieszczonym na stronie\nBanner\nW Platformie pojawił się pomysł rozszerzenia dostępu do broni palnej – dowiedziała się „Rz”. Wczoraj dyskutowali o tym członkowie prezydium Klubu PO. – Pojawiła się taka propozycja, ale nie znam szczegółów. Jesteśmy na etapie wstępnego zapoznawania się z projektem. W najbliższych dniach spotkam się z pomysłodawcą – mówi „Rz” Grzegorz Dolniak, wiceszef Klubu PO. Autorem pomysłu jest poseł Andrzej Czuma, szef komisji śledczej ds. ewentualnych nacisków na służby. Według naszych informacji wczoraj przedstawiał uzasadnienie do gotowego już projektu ustawy. – Miała miejsce taka dyskusja, jednak na razie uznaliśmy, że to byłaby rewolucja – mówi nieoficjalnie polityk PO obecny na posiedzeniu. – W tak ważnej kwestii to nie powinien być projekt poselski, lecz, jeśli już w ogóle, to rządowy – dodaje Waldy Dzikowski, wiceszef Klubu PO. Czuma chciałby, aby w Polsce, podobnie jak w USA, dostęp do broni był jak najszerszy. – Poseł Czuma mieszkał parę lat w Chicago. Byłbym bardzo ostrożny z realizacją tak ryzykownego pomysłu – komentuje poseł Janusz Zemke, szef sejmowej speckomisji. – Nie chodzi tylko o rozszerzenie, ale też o zwiększenie rygoru dostępu – tłumaczy Czuma. – Trzeba dać ludziom możliwość obrony przed bandytami. To może zapobiec przestępczości. W kraju takim jak Polska bandyta i tak kupi każdy rodzaj broni, a uczciwy obywatel nie może. Obecnie przepisy dotyczące posiadania broni reguluje ustawa z 1999 r. Czuma twierdzi, że prawo to jest niezgodne z regulacjami unijnymi, a Polska ma na dostosowanie swoich przepisów w tym zakresie 24 miesiące. Poseł chciałby przekonać kolegów z PO także do innych rozwiązań. Proponuje, żeby zamiast policji pozwolenia na broń wydawały organy administracji samorządowej – prezydenci miast, wójtowie, burmistrzowie. Jednak najważniejsza zmiana miałaby dotyczyć właśnie powszechnego dostępu do broni – każdy, z wyjątkiem przestępców czy osób chorych psychicznie, mógłby się starać o tzw. obywatelską kartę broni. W samej PO te pomysły wywołują kontrowersje. – Wydają mi się karkołomne – komentuje Jarosław Gowin, wiceszef partii. A co o nich sądzą eksperci? Generał Mirosław Gawor, były szef BOR, jest sceptyczny. – Nie mamy infrastruktury, dzięki której można by przeszkolić obywateli w posługiwaniu się bronią. Nie jest w stanie tego zrobić ani policja, ani wojsko – mówi „Rz”. Jego zdaniem nie ma potrzeby rozszerzania zakresu pozwoleń na broń: – Obecnie prawo dopuszcza ubieganie się o pozwolenie przez każdego obywatela. Jeszcze bardziej krytyczny jest generał Roman Polko. – Rozszerzanie dostępu do broni to głupi pomysł. Taka zmiana przepisów mogłaby spowodować, że pozwolenia trafią w ręce ludzi przypadkowych – mówi wiceszef BBN. – Pozwolenia powinna wydawać policja, bo ma doświadczenie w posługiwaniu się bronią. [ramka] W Stanach Zjednoczonych konstytucja zapewnia obywatelom prawo do noszenia broni. Według oficjalnych statystyk znajduje się ona w 35 proc. amerykańskich domów. W Europie najbardziej liberalne w tej sprawie są Finlandia i Szwajcaria. Zezwolenie na noszenie broni może uzyskać każdy obywatel powyżej 15 lat, ma ją 56 proc. Finów. W pozostałych krajach jej noszenie jest nielegalne, z wyjątkiem myśliwych i strzelców sportowych. Zanim w 1997 r. władze brytyjskie zakazały posiadania broni, ok. 57 tys. obywateli miało w domu co najmniej jeden pistolet. W Brazylii, jak w większości krajów Ameryki Południowej, posiadanie broni jest legalne, ale tylko we własnym domu. Szacuje się, że w tym kraju w rękach prywatnych jest 17 mln sztuk broni. Co roku ok. 38 tys. osób ginie od kul. [i]ryb[/i][/ramka] [i]Masz pytanie, wyślij e-mail do autorki:[/i]",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Des scientifiques ont recréé le virus de la grippe espagnole de 1918 |
Des scientifiques étatsuniens ont recréé le virus de la grippe espagnole de 1918 grâce à la génétique inversée : ils ont prélevé des tissus de poumon de personnes décédées de cette maladie. Le virus est revenu à la vie et injecté dans des souris, il pourrait permettre aux scientifiques du ''Centers for Disease Control and Prevention'' de comprendre pourquoi cette épidémie fut si mortelle en 1918.
Fâcheusement, ces scientifiques ont trouvé des mutations et des marqueurs génétiques semblables à ceux des virus de grippe aviaire. Ceci prouverait que le virus de la grippe aviaire peut muter pour se transmettre à l'homme, ce qui pourrait entraîner une pandémie mondiale basée sur la grippe aviaire asiatique.
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"Grippe aviaire"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "1918 killer flu 'came from birds'",
"text": "Flu viruses are constantly evolving\nUS scientists have found the 1918 virus shares genetic mutations with the bird flu virus now circulating in Asia.\nWriting in Nature, they say their work underlines the threat the current strain poses to humans worldwide.\nA second paper in Science reveals another US team has successfully recreated the 1918 virus in mice.\nWe are revealing some of the secrets that will help us predict and prepare for the next pandemic\nJulie Gerberding\nSeventh Indonesian bird flu death\nThe virus is contained at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under stringent safety conditions.\nIt is hoped to carry out experiments to further understand the biological properties that made the virus so virulent.\nThe virus was recreated from data produced by painstaking research by a team from the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.\nLung tissue samples\nWorking on virus samples from the remains of victims of the 1918 pandemic, the researchers were able to piece together the entire genetic sequence of the virus.\nThey found the virus contained elements that were new to humans of the time - making it highly virulent.\nAnd analysis of the final three pieces of the virus' genetic code has revealed mutations that have striking similarities to those found in flu viruses found only in birds, such as the H5N1 strain currently found in south east Asia.\nThis strain has so far killed at least 65 people.\nMany experts believe it is only a matter of time before H5N1, or a similar strain, causes many deaths in humans - possibly after combining with a human flu strain.\nCrucially, the mutations identified by the US researchers were found in genes which control the virus' ability to replicate in host cells.\nThe researchers say these mutations may have helped the 1918 virus replicate more efficiently.\nAt this stage, they say the H5N1 strain shares only some, and not all, of these mutations.\nIncreased virulence\nBut these mutations may be enough to increase the virus' virulence - and give it the potential to cause serious human infection without first combining with a known human flu strain.\nThe researchers believe the two other major flu pandemics of the 20th century - in 1957 and 1968 - were caused by human flu viruses which acquired two or three key genes from bird flu virus strains.\nBut they believe the 1918 strain was probably entirely a bird flu virus that adapted to function in humans.\nJulie Gerberding, director of the US Centers for Disease Control, said: \"By unmasking the 1918 virus we are revealing some of the secrets that will help us predict and prepare for the next pandemic.\"\nAnd Dr Jeffery Taubenberger, lead researcher of the Nature study, said: \"Determining whether pandemic influenza virus strains can emerge via different pathways will affect the scope and focus of surveillance and prevention efforts.\"\nWarning\nProfessor John Oxford, an expert in virology at Queen Mary College, London, said the suggestion that the virus had the potential to jump between humans without first combining with a human virus made it even more of a threat.\n\"This study gives us an extra warning that H5N1 needs to be taken even more seriously than it has been up to now,\" he said.\nDr Terrence Tumpey, of the US CDC, defended the decision to recreate the 1918 flu virus.\nHe said: \"We felt we had to recreate the virus and run these experiments to understand the biological properties that made the 1918 virus so exceptionally deadly.\n\"We wanted to identify the specific genes responsible for its virulence, with the hope of designing antivirals or other interventions that would work against virulent pandemic or epidemic influenza viruses.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Report finds over $1 trillion per year is spent on arms worldwide |
AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface tactical missile developed in the United States. According to the report, almost half the world's military spending is by the United States.
According to a new report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), total world military spending was $1.35 trillion in 2004. The institute says that this is just 6% off the all time record, set in 1987 at the end of the Cold War. However this record could soon be shattered as spending jumped 5% last year alone.
In a stark example of the huge amount spent on the military by the United States, SIPRI revealed that almost half of all spending is by the US, $455bn or 47% to be exact. This figure is greater than the ''combined'' spending of the next 32 heaviest spenders. US spending on its armed forces now stands at 3.9% of its GDP, less than the 6% during the Cold War, but more than the 3% reported the previous year.
The top five spenders in 2004 were as follows:
# United States of America
# United Kingdom
# France
# Japan
# China
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"Politics and conflicts",
"Economy and business",
"North America",
"United States",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "HIGHLIGHTS from the SIPRI YEARBOOK 2005",
"text": "Security and conflicts\n• In 2004 it became obvious that maintaining control over Iraqi territory would require capabilities other than high-intensity warfare and more manpower than in the technology-intensive phase of the war.\n• Many of the conflicts that continue to produce the greatest number of deaths, casualties and suffering are wars of long duration. Far from soliciting more attention, their long-standing and recurrent nature tend to make them less visible internationally. Although the current international emphasis on the prevention of violent conflict is a positive development, it is worth considering whether the emphasis of policy and research should be directed at addressing the resolution of the world’s longest-standing major armed conflicts.\n• Much of the current discussion of peace-building is focused on the macro level. What current operational experiences appear to illustrate, however, is that peace-building fails most often at the micro level, in the content and delivery of specific security, rule-of-law, economic, social and political reforms.\n• Nationally led ‘coalitions of the willing’ of the kind that undertook the military actions in Afghanistan (2002) and Iraq (2003) pose special challenges for parliamentary oversight, since the interstate component of decision making is not carried out through an established, transparent multilateral institutional process.\n• Military expenditure by states in the Middle East is high and shows a rising trend since 1996. Conventional arms races are unconstrained, but developments related to weapons of mass destruction are the ones that receive international attention.\n• Since the 1980s, the introduction of a more open economic model in most states of the Latin American and Caribbean region has been accompanied by the growth of new regional structures, the dying out of interstate conflicts and a reduction in intra-state conflicts.\nMilitary spending and armaments\n• In the new security environment, which focuses on insecurity in the South and greater global security interdependence, there is an increasing awareness of the ineffectiveness of military means for addressing threats and challenges to security and a growing recognition of the need for global action.\n• World military expenditure exceeded $1 trillion in 2004. The USA accounted for 47 per cent of this spending.\n• The combined arms sales of the top 100 arms-producing companies in 2003 were 25 per cent (in current dollars) higher than in 2002.\n• China is almost completely dependent on Russia for its arms imports, but its relationship is changing from a recipient of complete weapons to a recipient of components and technology to be used in Chinese weapon platforms. There are indications that China is anxious to gain access to other than Russian technology, partly because that technology is becoming outdated.\nNon-proliferation, arms control and disarmament\n• In April 2004 the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1540, an instruction to UN member states that they must legislate nationally to introduce effective controls on nuclear, biological and chemical weapon proliferation-sensitive items. The resolution was adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, leaving open the potential use of enforcement measures by the Security Council against states failing to comply with this instruction.\n• The controversies over the North Korean and Iranian nuclear programmes led to renewed interest in proposals for limiting civil uranium-enrichment and plutonium-reprocessing capabilities on a worldwide basis.\n• A number of official inquiries into the handling of intelligence concerning Iraq’s weapon programmes, including how it had been interpreted or presented, published reports in 2004. The inquiries found a common theme that pre-war assessments were inaccurate and unsupported by the available evidence.\n• Since Libya’s policy change it has become clear that it received considerable foreign assistance to procure sensitive nuclear materials, technologies and components as well as documentation related to nuclear weapon design. However, the relatively low technical absorption capacity of its scientific–industrial base meant that these ‘short cuts’ did not bring Libya appreciably closer to achieving a nuclear weapon capability.\n• The NATO–Russia stalemate over the adapted CFE Treaty has lasted for over five years, but the second wave of NATO enlargement was accomplished despite Russia’s concerns. In Europe, the focus has shifted towards ‘soft’ measures and arrangements, such as confidence- and security-building measures for stricter control of small arms, surplus ammunition and landmines.\n• International non-proliferation and disarmament assistance (INDA) is becoming a significant element of the wider anti-proliferation effort. To increase the effectiveness of this assistance, the efforts made by the G8 group of industrialized states were redesigned in 2004. Traditionally undertaken as a bilateral effort between the USA and Russia, the functional and geographic scope of INDA programmes is expected to expand in future to include projects in a wider range of countries, cover new types of sensitive material and undertake projects in new countries.\n• In 2004 the EU reviewed the instruments that have been used to create an effective and modern system for controlling transfers of both conventional weapons and dual-use items. As a result of these reviews. revisions will be made to both the arms and dual-use export control systems of the EU.\n• Over the years, the law of the sea has been adapted to changed priorities. Today, the general rule of flag-state jurisdiction has yielded to the universal interest of combating the slave trade, piracy and drug trafficking. In future, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction may also be added to this list.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Weapons spending tops $1 trillion",
"text": "The US \"war on terror\" is the main driver behind the spending boost\nA study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) found that countries around the world spent $162 on weapons for each person alive.\nThe US alone accounted for 47% of the global total, mainly because of soaring spending on its \"global war on terror\".\nArms companies were benefiting from the demand, with sales at the top 100 firms up 25% in 2003 on the year before.\nThe pace of mega-mergers in the arms trade in recent years had slackened, Sipri said, but had left major military suppliers comparable in size and influence to top multinational corporations.\nDriven by the US\nAccording to the 2005 yearbook published by Sipri, a well-respected think-tank on war and peace studies, the total spending on weapons in 2004 grew 8% to $1.035 trillion - the highest dollar value yet.\nThe main explanation for the current level of... world military spending is the spending on military operations abroad by the US\nSipri 2005 yearbook\nAdjusted for inflation, the figure falls just 6% below the all-time peak of spending in 1987-88, the last gasp of the Cold War.\nThe US was the primary driver behind the 2004 growth as the massive budget allocations on fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and rearmament elsewhere were spent.\nIn all, its extra spending on the \"war on terror\" between 2002 and 2004 - some $238bn - exceeded the combined military spending of the developing world including China.\n\"The main explanation for the current level of, and trend in, world military spending is the spending on military operations abroad by the US and to a lesser extent its coalition partners,\" the report said.\nBut other countries too were rearming rapidly, notably in the Middle East.\nChina and India were key recipients of conventional weapons in 2004, Sipri found. Both relied extensively on Russia as a supplier, but were now keen to diversify their spending.\nLong-running wars\nThe report went beyond military spending to look at trends in military activity and warfare.\nChina is keen to look further afield to boost its forces\nIt identified 19 conflicts which had cost more than 1,000 lives in 2004. All but three - against Al-Qaeda, in Darfur and in Iraq - were more than a decade old, Sipri said.\nThe institute also noted the perception that unilateral action was overtaking multi-nation measures to deal with global security issues.\n\"Many actions of the USA and other 'northern' powers since 2001 seem rather to have polarised attitudes further\" in the face of transnational threats,\" the report said.\nBut it also noted that many other states were seeking to pool sovereignty or work through systems of international regulation - and the limitations the US experienced in working in Iraq without institutional backing.\n\"It would be hasty to assume that the unilateral rather than the multilateral approach to wielding power will shape the globe's future,\" the report said.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Report: World military spending tops $1T in 2004",
"text": "Today's Top News Stories • Report: In U.S., record numbers are plunged into poverty - • VP's plane has minor electrical problem - • Israeli troops raid West Bank city - • Severe storms injure 27 in Arkansas - • Va. lawmakers pass slavery apology - • Add RSS feeds\nReport: World military spending tops $1T in 2004 STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) Global military spending in 2004 broke the $1 trillion barrier for the first time since the Cold War, boosted by the U.S. war against terror and the growing defense budgets of India and China, a European think tank said Tuesday. Led by the United States, which accounted for almost half of all military expenditure, the world spent $1.035 trillion on defense, equal to 2.6% of global gross domestic product, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said. Besides its regular defense budget, the United States has allocated $238 billion since 2003 to fight terrorism, according to the report. \"These appropriations are now assuming extraordinary proportions,\" said SIPRI researcher Elisabeth Skons, who co-authored the organization's annual report. Adjusted for inflation, the figure for global military spending in 2004 is only 6% lower than its Cold War peak in 1987-1988, Skons said. Total military expenditure grew 6% in 2004 over the previous year, in line with an average annual increase since 2002, the institute said. South Asia, northern Africa and North America made the largest increases. In Western Europe and Central America, military spending fell. But the report said the figures might be on the low side as countries are increasingly outsourcing services related to armed conflicts, such as military training and providing logistics in combat zones, without classifying them as military expenditures. Such outsourcing has more than doubled in the last 15 years, and was estimated to have reached $100 million during 2004, SIPRI researcher Caroline Holmqvist said. The researchers predicted it would double again from current levels by 2010. \"This is a global phenomenon,\" Holmqvist said, adding it was difficult to provide exact figures. \"This is an industry that is not largely regulated.\" As a region, South Asia saw the biggest rise in military expenditure, largely because India boosted its defense budget by 19% in a move that could provide a \"real setback\" to the country's attempts at ending a decades-long conflict with neighbor Pakistan, Skons said. \"Just a few years ago, it looked like they would be able to reach a peaceful settlement,\" she said. \"Now India has increased (military spending) again.\" The report is based on official national budgets in most cases, and independent studies for countries like China, where, Skons said, \"it's obvious that the official figures are very wrong.\" The government-funded institute estimated that China increased it defense budget by about 10% in 2004, to $35.4 billion — a figure that is about 70% above the government's official figure, Skons said. Petter Stalenheim, co-author of the report, said India's large increase in military spending might be a way of challenging neighbor China as the supreme power in Asia but there was little sign of a growing arms race between the countries. \"Objectively, you can see that both India and China are increasing their military expenses by a rather large percentage,\" Stalenheim said. \"But at the same time, neither one says they're directed toward each other.\" The report also said China, which traditionally imported military equipment from Russia, is increasingly turning to other countries. \"(China) is very much dependent on Russia, and being dependent is not something that any country would like,\" SIPRI researcher Siemon Wezeman said. \"What their wish would be is to become an independent producer of everything they need.\" However, it may take as long as 50 years for China to catch up with the West in arms production, he said. The United States accounted for 47% of all military expenditure while Britain and France each made up 5% of the total. In all, 15 countries accounted for 82% of the world's total military spending. The arms trade also grew sharply, with the top 100 makers of weapons increasing their combined sales by 25% between 2002 and 2003, the report said. Those companies sold weapons and arms worth $236 billion worldwide in 2003, compared to $188 billion a year earlier. The United States accounted for 63% of all arms sales in 2003, the report said. While conflicts in the Middle East were responsible for much of military spending, the rest of the world is also laying out more on security, the report said. \"It's hard to put the United States in the center, or blame everything on the U.S.,\" said Alyson J.K. Bailes, the think tank's director. \"Despite all the ongoing problems, the state of world security is a great deal better than it was in the Cold War,\" Bailes said. Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | La Francophonie a 40 ans | Drapeau de la Francophonie, représentant les 5 continents
La Francophonie fête aujourd'hui ses 40 ans. En 1970, 21 pays créaient l'ACCT, devenue l'OIF en 2005. Elle regroupe aujourd'hui 70 États et 870 millions d'habitants, soit environ 13 % de la population mondiale.
Le président français Nicolas Sarkozy a déclaré que . .
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"Nicolas Sarkozy"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "La Francophonie souffle ses 40 bougies",
"text": "L'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), structure intergouvernementale qui regroupe toutes les instances \"ayant le français en partage\", fête samedi son 40e anniversaire. A cette occasion, les organisateurs ont publié des chiffres optimistes: la langue française, que l'on dit souvent en déclin, ne se porte pas si mal. Le nombre de personnes la pratiquant est estimé à 200 millions, ce qui en fait, quantitativement, la 9e langue parlée dans le monde. Sur ces 200 millions, la moitié (96,2 millions) vit en Afrique et ce continent est, de loin, le principal réservoir de progression.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | 'Jesus Camp' shuts down |
The evangelical Christian summer camp "Kids on Fire " featured in the documentary ''Jesus Camp'' will shut down for several years due to negative reactions to the film, negative e-mails, phone calls and letters. Many accuse camp leader Becky Fischer of "brainwashing" the children.
The documentary showed camp leader Becky Fischer acting as a "drill instructor" for young children preparing themselves for spiritual and political warfare. Fischer makes explicit comparisons between her camp and Islamist 'jihad training camps'. It also shows children praying before a photograph of President Bush.
The film included scenes with disgraced preacher Ted Haggard, who resigned his leadership of the National Association of Evangelicals after he was accused of having sex with a male prostitute and using methamphetamine.
Haggard has criticized the film as mocking the evangelical movement and for using his statement that "If the Evangelicals vote, they determine the election." The film makers responded that "Pastor Haggard is the only person in Jesus Camp who has a problem with how he was portrayed" and stated that they had been careful to avoid his more inflammatory and divisive comments.
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"United States",
"North America",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Pastor will shut down controversial kids camp",
"text": "Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - Page updated at 12:00 AM\nE-mail article Print view\nThe summer camp featured in the documentary \"Jesus Camp,\" which includes scenes with disgraced preacher Ted Haggard, will shut down for at least several years because of negative reaction sparked by the film, according to the camp's director.\n\"Right now we're just not a safe ministry,\" Becky Fischer, the fiery Pentecostal pastor featured in \"Jesus Camp,\" said Tuesday.\nThe documentary, which hit select U.S. theaters during the summer, portrays Fischer, 55, as drill instructor to a group of young evangelical children steeling themselves for spiritual and political warfare.\nLed by Fischer, the children pray in tongues, as is common in charismatic strains of Pentecostalism; tearfully beg God to end abortion; and bless President Bush at a weeklong camp in Devils Lake, N.D.\nFischer has drawn fire from some corners for \"brainwashing\" the children. After vandals damaged the campground last month and critics besieged Fischer with negative e-mails, phone calls and letters, the pastor said she's shutting down the camp for at least several years.\n\"I don't think we'll be doing it for a while,\" she said.\nFischer lives in Bismarck, N.D., and is chief pastor at The Fire Center, a church devoted to children's ministry there. She has run the weeklong \"Kids on Fire\" summer camp, which is featured in the film, since 2002, with 75 to 100 children attending each year.\nThe documentary also includes scenes of Haggard, the evangelical leader accused of gay sex and drug use.\nIn one scene, directors Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady visit Haggard's 14,000-member New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo. He tells the vast audience, \"We don't have to debate about what we should think about homosexual activity. It's written in the Bible.\"\nThen Haggard looks into the camera and says kiddingly: \"I think I know what you did last night,\" drawing laughs from the crowd. \"If you send me a thousand dollars, I won't tell your wife.\"\nLater, another joke for the filmmakers: \"If you use any of this, I'll sue you.\"\nThe married, 50-year-old father of five admitted in a letter read Sunday to his followers that he was \"guilty of sexual immorality.\" He has yet to address specific claims by a male escort that Haggard paid him for sex over the past three years.\nHaggard also leads the audience in praying for President Bush to select a Supreme Court nominee who supports their beliefs (it would end up being Samuel Alito) and later brags about the rapid expansion of evangelicalism.\n\"It's got enough growth to essentially sway every election,\" Haggard says with a smile. \"If the evangelicals vote, they determine the election.\"\nHaggard has acknowledged that he paid Mike Jones of Denver for a massage and for methamphetamine, but said he didn't have sex with Jones and didn't take the drug.\nHe resigned last week as president of the National Association of Evangelicals, which represents 30 million people, and was removed Saturday as leader of his own church.\nFor the last three years, Fischer has rented a campground in Devils Lake from the Assemblies of God, one of the largest national churches in the Pentecostal movement. But Fischer said she was asked not to return after vandals broke windows and caused $1,500 in damage at the campground in October.\nFischer said she has asked the distributors of \"Jesus Camp\" not to release the film in Bismarck because she fears for the safety of the 70 children who attend The Fire Center.\nGrady, the co-director of \"Jesus Camp,\" said the negative reaction to the film \"has weighed a little heavy on our hearts.\"\n\"Not that we had anything to do with it, but [the campground] wasn't getting vandalized before the film and it was after it, and we need to acknowledge that,\" Grady said.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Élections législatives en Israël | Ehud Olmert
Les Israéliens sont appelés aux urnes pour des élections législatives afin d'élire un nouveau parlement. Cette élection se déroule dans un climat incertain où Ariel Sharon le premier ministre est toujours dans le coma et son successeur Ehud Olmert (premier ministre par intérim) traine dans son ombre. Olmert est le chef du parti Kadima (En avant ) qui réunit des anciens membres du parti du Likoud et du parti Travailliste. Les analystes politiques le qualifient de pantin qui suit les directives et la ligne du parti et les idées d'Ariel Sharon sans en avoir précisément. Les sondages le donnent pourtant gagnant.
Cependant, on note qu'à la mi-journée, 21% des électeurs se sont déplacés conte 24% au scrutin précédent.
Une explosion a blessé deux personnes dans le Néguev à 14h35.
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"language": "fr",
"title": "Israël : courte victoire de Kadima, sévère recul du Likoud",
"text": "JERUSALEM, ENVOYE SPECIAL. Juste après 23 heures, selon les sondages de sortie d'urnes, le parti fondé par Ariel Sharon remportait entre 29 et 31 députés. Le parti travailliste se maintenait entre 20 et 22 mandats. C'est la déroute pour le Likoud qui passe de 40 à 11-12 sièges.\nJérusalem, envoyé spécial\nLa victoire annoncée d'Ehud Olmert, tête de liste de Kadima (En avant !) est courte. Bien plus courte que ne le laissaient présager les sondages ces derniers jours. Les sondages sorties des urnes des 3 grandes chaînes de télévision lui attribuaient entre 29 et 32 députés, qui suffisent à son chef pour former une coalition gouvernementale, pour laquelle il a été déjà mis en place une équipe de négociateurs. Son allié immédiat, Amir Peretz, qui se voit créditer de 20 à 22 mandats à réussi à redresser une situation compromise à la fois par sa propre prestation en début de campagne, la désertion de nombre de membres du parti travailliste, en raison de son origine marocaine, et du passage à Kadima de transfuges comme Shimon Pérès ou Haïm Ramon, « l'inventeur » du « big bang » politique qui a permis la formation de la liste Kadima.\nLes deux autres triomphateurs de cette consultation sont l'un, attendu, Israël béténou (Israël, notre foyer), le parti d'Avigdor Lieberman, qui recrute essentiellement dans les rangs des Russes. Ses quelque 12 à 14 députés lui offrent une réelle force. Et surtout, il surpasse le Likoud. Le second, improbable, est celui de la liste des retraités, entre 6 et 7 sièges, dont le dirigeant est un ancien responsable des services de sécurité, Raphy Eytan. Il appartient à cette figure politique récurrente du suffrage proportionnel d'Israël : une catégorie marginale affirmant, haut et fort, ses intérêts, à la faveur d'une consultation. Au demeurant, de nombreux jeunes, désireux d'exprimer leur désaveu du jeu politique habituel ou une forme d'opposition ironique, ont voté pour une liste qui défend leurs grands-parents.\nLe grand perdant est le Likoud, qui trébuche de 40 mandats à 11-12 sièges. Le parti qui, depuis 1977, a dirigé la vie d'Israël, l'exception des mandats d'Ytshak Rabin et d'Ehud Barak, auquel Ariel Sharon a offert deux victoires successives et qu'il a quitté, se disloque, tout comme son dirigeant, Benyalmin Nétanyahou, devra en rabattre de ses prétentions à diriger le «camp national».\nEnfin, le fait majeur de ce scrutin est le faible taux de participation, le plus bas de l'histoire du pays: 63%. Toute la journée, les chefs de partis ont rameuté leurs électeurs. Kadima a envoyé des centaines de milliers de SMS pour appeler à voter. De même, des militants de ce parti se sont rendus aux urnes pour expliquer aux russophones la différence entre les homophones Ken (Oui) inscrits sur les bulletins de Kadima et le Ken (Nid) de la «Feuille verte» (pour la légalisation du cannabis).\nLa déclaration d'Ehud Olmert, quelques jours avant le scrutin, selon laquelle «d'ores et déjà, les résultats sont bouclés» n'a pas peu fait pour dissuader les électeurs de se déplacer pour voter en sa faveur. Devant le faible taux de participation, le président de l'Etat, Moché Katsav, comme la présidente de la Commission électorale centrale, la juge Dorit Beinish, ont appelé les électeurs à «accomplir leur devoir démocratique». Selon le professeur Avraham Diskin de l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, chargé d'organiser un sondage sortie des urnes pour la Commission électorale centrale, à partir de 406 urnes, cette abstention «témoigne d'un phénomène de distanciation et de manque de confiance à l'égard du processus électoral et de la démocratie» de la part des citoyens.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "title",
"text": "Advertisement But Pensioners party chief Rafi Eitan said Wednesday that Labor had no been in touch with him on the issue, nor had he heard of the initiative. He also expressed doubts that such a move would strengthen the Pensioners' position.\nParty chairman and No. 3 on the party's list, Moshe Sharoni, fiercely criticized Labor over the matter.\n\"Shelly Yachimovich is lying,\" said Sharoni. \"There have not been nor will there be contacts with Rafi [Eitan], or with [Pensioners' No. 2] Yaakov Ben-Yizri. They haven't spoken to any of us. What did Shelly think, that she is running the news on television? They are making things up.\"\nSharoni added that the party would not merge with Kadima or Labor, but would rather maintain its independence.\n\"We are in no one's pocket,\" he said. \"With seven seats we don't need to join Labor. We didn't run in the elections to do that.\"\nSpeaking a day after Labor won 20 Knesset seats, coming second to Kadima's 28, sources close to Labor Chairman Amir Peretz noted that five out of the seven prospective Pensioners' Party MKs are union professionals, and say that Peretz should have an easy time finding common ground with them on social issues. Nevertheless, the sources said, the option of bringing the Pensioners' into the Labor Party as a faction is not up for consideration.\nMeanwhile, Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert convened senior Kadima officials Wednesday afternoon to discuss the results of the elections and set up a coalition negotiation team.\nOlmert, who as head of Kadima seems set to become Israel's next prime minister, said he believes he has a high chance of forming a broad coalition government not dependent on single party.\nOlmert expects to form a coalition with Labor, United Torah Judaism and the Pensioners. Shas will also probably be brought into the coalition. It is as yet unclear if Meretz and Yisrael Beiteinu will be invited to sit in the government.\nKadima's planning for a future coalition seems to reflect the fact that the party won far fewer seats than it had hoped, and that Shas and the Pensioners' Party did better than expected.\nOlmert said Wednesday that Kadima would not give up any of the three senior portfolios - the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry or the Finance Ministry. But Kadima Minister Meir Sheetrit speculated earlier in the day that the party would have to yield one of the three, given the limited number of seats Kadima won.\nOver at Labor, Peretz met Wednesday with party director-general MK Eitan Cabel and faction whip Ephraim Sneh to discuss the party's coalition negotiating team.\nLabor sources told Haaretz that either Cabel or former justice minister David Libai will probably head the team, which is likely to consist of MKs Isaac Herzog, Yuli Tamir and Benjamin Ben-Eliezer.\nIn the coalition talks between Kadima and Labor, which began in an unofficial capacity Tuesday night, Peretz is expected to demand one senior portfolio, most likely the Finance Ministry.\nEven so, the Labor leader could be willing to take the defense portfolio if he receives Kadima's promise to push through socio-economic legislation, including a hike in the minimum wage and universal pensions. A veto on the next state budget is also likely to be one of his conditions.\nSheetrit said Wednesday that it would be possible to form a government without Labor, and did not rule out the possibility of incorporating Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu into the coalition. He noted, however, that right-wing governments oppose Olmert's plan for unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank, giving them a slim chance of being invited into the government.\nKadima member Haim Ramon said Wednesday morning he expects the new government to be presented immediately after the Passover holiday, in mid-April.\nSpeaking to Israel Radio, Ramon said Kadima would be able to implement a withdrawal from the West Bank with the support of between 70 and 80 Knesset members. He added the Labor Party would be \"a possible central partner\" in the coalition and emphasized \"social issues would not be a hindrance in coalition negotiations.\"\nRelated articles:\nWith 99% of vote counted, Kadima wins 28 seats, Labor on 20\nThe nuts and bolts of the election process\nQ&A; - Our experts answer your election questions\nElection Analysis",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "title",
"text": "Advertisement But Pensioners party chief Rafi Eitan said Wednesday that Labor had no been in touch with him on the issue, nor had he heard of the initiative. He also expressed doubts that such a move would strengthen the Pensioners' position.\nParty chairman and No. 3 on the party's list, Moshe Sharoni, fiercely criticized Labor over the matter.\n\"Shelly Yachimovich is lying,\" said Sharoni. \"There have not been nor will there be contacts with Rafi [Eitan], or with [Pensioners' No. 2] Yaakov Ben-Yizri. They haven't spoken to any of us. What did Shelly think, that she is running the news on television? They are making things up.\"\nSharoni added that the party would not merge with Kadima or Labor, but would rather maintain its independence.\n\"We are in no one's pocket,\" he said. \"With seven seats we don't need to join Labor. We didn't run in the elections to do that.\"\nSpeaking a day after Labor won 20 Knesset seats, coming second to Kadima's 28, sources close to Labor Chairman Amir Peretz noted that five out of the seven prospective Pensioners' Party MKs are union professionals, and say that Peretz should have an easy time finding common ground with them on social issues. Nevertheless, the sources said, the option of bringing the Pensioners' into the Labor Party as a faction is not up for consideration.\nMeanwhile, Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert convened senior Kadima officials Wednesday afternoon to discuss the results of the elections and set up a coalition negotiation team.\nOlmert, who as head of Kadima seems set to become Israel's next prime minister, said he believes he has a high chance of forming a broad coalition government not dependent on single party.\nOlmert expects to form a coalition with Labor, United Torah Judaism and the Pensioners. Shas will also probably be brought into the coalition. It is as yet unclear if Meretz and Yisrael Beiteinu will be invited to sit in the government.\nKadima's planning for a future coalition seems to reflect the fact that the party won far fewer seats than it had hoped, and that Shas and the Pensioners' Party did better than expected.\nOlmert said Wednesday that Kadima would not give up any of the three senior portfolios - the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry or the Finance Ministry. But Kadima Minister Meir Sheetrit speculated earlier in the day that the party would have to yield one of the three, given the limited number of seats Kadima won.\nOver at Labor, Peretz met Wednesday with party director-general MK Eitan Cabel and faction whip Ephraim Sneh to discuss the party's coalition negotiating team.\nLabor sources told Haaretz that either Cabel or former justice minister David Libai will probably head the team, which is likely to consist of MKs Isaac Herzog, Yuli Tamir and Benjamin Ben-Eliezer.\nIn the coalition talks between Kadima and Labor, which began in an unofficial capacity Tuesday night, Peretz is expected to demand one senior portfolio, most likely the Finance Ministry.\nEven so, the Labor leader could be willing to take the defense portfolio if he receives Kadima's promise to push through socio-economic legislation, including a hike in the minimum wage and universal pensions. A veto on the next state budget is also likely to be one of his conditions.\nSheetrit said Wednesday that it would be possible to form a government without Labor, and did not rule out the possibility of incorporating Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu into the coalition. He noted, however, that right-wing governments oppose Olmert's plan for unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank, giving them a slim chance of being invited into the government.\nKadima member Haim Ramon said Wednesday morning he expects the new government to be presented immediately after the Passover holiday, in mid-April.\nSpeaking to Israel Radio, Ramon said Kadima would be able to implement a withdrawal from the West Bank with the support of between 70 and 80 Knesset members. He added the Labor Party would be \"a possible central partner\" in the coalition and emphasized \"social issues would not be a hindrance in coalition negotiations.\"\nRelated articles:\nWith 99% of vote counted, Kadima wins 28 seats, Labor on 20\nThe nuts and bolts of the election process\nQ&A; - Our experts answer your election questions\nElection Analysis",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | Morreu na Coreia do Sul, Sun Myung Moon, o Reverendo Moon e fundador da Igreja da Unificação | Sun Myung Moon e a esposa Hak Ja Han.
Morreu na madrugada de 3 de setembro (hoje no horário Ocidental) aos 92 anos de idade em Seul (capital sul-coreana), , fundador da na qual se transformou em império multi-milionário e conhecido em casamentos em massa nas décadas de 70 e 80.
Informada pelos porta-vozes do reverendo, ele morreu na madrugada de segunda-feira e o anúncio da morte foi feito pela agência sul-coreana , confirmado por outro porta-voz do reverendo à AFP, informações confirmadas por seus porta-vozes. Moon, que tinha sido hospitalizado no mês passado depois de sofrer complicações em decorrência de uma pneumonia, faleceu passadas às 2 horas de local de segunda-feira.
O reverendo Moon tinha sido transferido na semana passada do hospital St. Mary de Seul, aonde deu entrada em meados de agosto em terapia intensiva, para centro médico pertencente à Igreja da Unificação, no leste da capital sul-coreana. Na sexta-feira (31 de agosto), a igreja havia informado que seu fundador sofria do problema crítico nos órgãos vitais, que determinaram seu ingresso em terapia intensiva. Mas no sábado (1º de setembro) a situação de Moon piorou: os médicos informaram que ele tinha entrado "um estado irreversível de sua condição".
Um dos porta-voz que anunciou a morte, afirmou que mesmo com problemas de saúde, manteve os trabalhos. ''"Estava esgotado nos últimos meses, pois apesar de sua idade, viajou todos os meses aos Estados Unidos"'', explicou o porta-voz da Igreja da Unificação, confirmando a notícia da morte do reverendo.
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"Coreia do Norte",
"Coreia do Sul",
"Estados Unidos",
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"language": "pt",
"title": "Morre aos 92 anos Sun Myung Moon, o reverendo Moon",
"text": "Reverendo Moon durante sua festa de aniversário de 91 anos em fevereiro de 2011. (Foto: Jo Yong-Hak/Reuters)\nMorreu neste domingo (2) aos 92 anos o líder religioso Sun Myung Moon, conhecido como reverendo Moon. Nascido na Coreia do Norte, ele era fundador da Igreja da Unificação. Ele estava internado num hospital próximo à sua residência, em Seul.\nDe acordo com a agência de notícias AP, Sun Myung Moon estava hospitalizado em decorrência de uma pneumonia. Ele deixa viúva sua segunda esposa e, ao todo, dez filhos.\nO reverendo era fundador e presidente da Federação das Famílias para a Unificação e Paz Mundial, conhecida no Brasil como a Associação das Famílias. Em 2000, ele comprou o clube de futebol Atlético Sorocaba.\nA Igreja da Unificação foi fundada por Sun Myung Moon em 1954 na Coreia do Sul.\nSegundo a agência AFP, o movimento, famoso pelas cerimônias de casamento que reúnem milhares de casais, afirma estar presente em quase 200 países e reivindica três milhões de adeptos.\nTerras no Brasil\nNo Brasil, Moon era dono de terras em algumas cidades do Mato Grosso do Sul, parte concentrada em Jardim, a 239 km de Campo Grande. O patrono da Igreja da Unificação chegou a ser investigado em uma CPI na Assembleia Legislativa de Mato Grosso do Sul em 2002. Na época, a igreja já havia comprado cerca de 80 mil hectares para suas instalações.\nForam oito audiências, em que prestaram depoimento membros da comunidade e funcionários e pessoas que haviam vendido as terras. Informações da Polícia Federal encaminhadas à Assembleia durante as investigações indicavam que o patrimônio da associação alcançava os R$ 300 milhões, ainda que um dos reverendos ouvidos pelos parlamentares tenha dito que os bens somavam aproximadamente R$ 60 milhões.\nAtendendo a um pedido da CPI, o Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra) fez uma vistoria nas fazendas da associação. A comissão foi encerrada em dezembro de 2002.\nFoto de 14 de setembro de 2002 mostra o reverendo Sun Myung Moon e sua esposa Hak Ja Han Moon caminhando por um tapete vermelho em cerimônia no Manhattan Center de Nova York (Foto: Stephen Chernin/AP)\n'Império de negócios'\nA agência reproduz ainda uma informação do site de Moon, que dizia ter sido torturado e mandado para um campo de trabalhos forçados quando pregava na Coreia após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ele teria sido libertado quando os guardas fugiram com o avanço das forças americanas durante a Guerra da Coreia. Após vagar pela cidade de Busan, no sul, como um refugiado de guerra, teria construído a sua primeira igreja nessa região a partir de caixas de rações militares.\nJá o obituário da AP lembra que a Igreja da Unificação envolveu-se em controvérsia em razão de suas estratégias para atrair fiéis. O texto diz que pais dos seguidores da seita nos Estados Unidos e em outros país mostravam preocupação de que seus filhos estivessem sofrendo \"lavagem cerebral\". A igreja teria respondido que diversas outras religiões haviam enfrentado acusações semelhantes nos períodos imediatamente posteriores às suas respectivas fundações.\nRecentemente, contudo, a Igreja da Unificação \"concentrou-se em erguer um império no ramo dos negócios\", prossegue o obituário. O conglomerado inclui o jornal \"Washington Times\", o New Yorker Hotel, em Manhattan, a Universidade Bridgeport em Connecticut e ainda um hotel e uma pequena montadora na Coreia do Norte.\nAlém disso, foram adquiridos uma estação de esqui, um time de futebol e outros negócios na Coréia do Sul, bem como uma empresa de distribuição de frutos do mar que vende sushi para restaurantes japoneses nos Estados Unidos.\nEm 14 outubro de 2009 casais de todo o mundo participam de uma cerimônia de casamento em massa organizados pela igreja da Unificação do reverendo Moon ao sul de Seul, na Coreia do Sul. (Foto: Lee Jin-man/AP)\n'Visão'\nO site oficial da Associação das Famílias para Unificação e Paz Mundial traz um texto que conta a origem do fundador da Igreja da Unificação. \"Com a idade de 16 anos teve uma visão na qual Jesus lhe apareceu, enquanto orava na montanha, numa manhã do domingo de Páscoa\", descreve.\n\"Jesus explicou-lhe que, originalmente Deus O tinha enviado para salvar todos os homens, mas que a sua missão na Terra tinha ficado incompleta devido aos seus contemporâneos não O terem recebido. De agora em diante era a ele, Sun Myung Moon, que incumbia para completar a sua missão inacabada.\"\nDe acordo com a AP, Moon explicou, em biografia publicada em 2009, por que a ideia de casamentos coletivos era fundamental à propagação de seus propósitos. \"Casamentos entre pessoas de diferentes países e culturas são a maneira mais rápida de se conseguir um mundo ideal de paz\", teria dito. \"As pessoas devem se casar (...) com aqueles que consideram seus inimigos.\"\nAo longo da vida, o reverendo Moon cultivou boas relações com os ex-presidentes americanos Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan e George W. Bush, informa a agência. A despeito disso, ele passou 13 meses numa prisão nos Estados Unidos, entre 1984 e 1985, por evasão fiscal.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pt",
"title": "Aos 92 anos, morre Reverendo Moon",
"text": "Sun Myung Moon, o milionário sul-coreano que fundou a Igreja da Unificação e a transformou em um império multimilionário, morreu na Coreia do Sul aos 92 anos, anunciou a agência sul-coreana Yonhap, uma informação confirmada por seus porta-vozes.\nMoon, que tinha sido hospitalizado no mês passado depois de sofrer complicações em decorrência de uma pneumonia, morreu na madrugada deste domingo, informou um porta-voz do reverendo à AFP.\nNa sexta-feira, a seita havia informado que seu fundador sofria de um problema crítico nos órgãos vitais, que determinaram seu ingresso em terapia intensiva. No sábado, os médicos informaram que Moon tinha entrado \"um estado irreversível de sua condição\".\nO reverendo Moon tinha sido transferido na semana passada do hospital St Mary de Seul, aonde deu entrada em meados de agosto em terapia intensiva, para um centro médico pertencente à seita, no leste da capital sul-coreana. \"Estava esgotado nos últimos meses, pois apesar de sua idade, viajou todos os meses aos Estados Unidos\", explicou o porta-voz da Igreja da Unificação, confirmando a notícia da morte do reverendo.\nSul-coreano, Moon nasceu em uma família de agricultores em uma região que atualmente faz parte do território norte-coreano. O reverendo dizia que aos 15 anos teve uma visão de Jesus pedindo que completasse a missão interrompida pela crucificação.\nSegundo trechos de sua biografia publicada em seu site pessoal, ele foi torturado e mandado para um campo de trabalhos forçados enquanto pregava na Coreia após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Foi libertado quando os guardas fugiram com o avanço das forças americanas durante a Guerra da Coreia.\nDepois de vagar pela cidade de Busan, no sul, como um refugiado de guerra, ele teria construído a sua primeira igreja nesta região, usando caixas de rações militares.\nRejeitado pelas igrejas protestantes coreanas, Moon fundaria em 1954 sua própria congregação, a Igreja da Unificação. Atualmente é uma das maiores e mais controversas comunidades religiosas do mundo, sendo considerada uma seita em vários países.\nA organização reivindica pregar em 200 países para três milhões de seguidores que se referem a Moon como \"o verdadeiro pai\" e o consideram \"o único Messias da história humana\".\nSeus ensinamentos são baseados na Bíblia, mas com novas interpretações, e são considerados heréticos por algumas organizações cristãs. \"A visão de Deus de Moon é essencialmente coreana, combinando xamanismo e padrões familiares confucianos ao modelo cristão\", escreveu Michael Breen em seu livro, \"The Koreans\". \"Seu Deus é o pai misericordioso que sofre em uma agonia solitária em um mundo de crianças más\", explicou o autor.\nO movimento é conhecido pelas cerimônias de casamento que reúnem milhares de casais. Seu vasto império econômico abrange os setores da construção, da educação, da alimentação, da engenharia e da imprensa. A organização possui, entre outros, o jornal Washington Times.\nEm 1991, Moon se reuniu com o então líder norte-coreano Kim Il-Sung em Pyongyang. Fez negócios com a Coreia do Norte, através de uma empresa associada à seita, Pyeonghwa (Peace) Motors, que desde 1999 se dedica à construção de automóveis no norte da península.\nO reverendo deixou 14 filhos, muitos dos quais trabalham em seu império. Hyung Jin Moon, o caçula dos homens, o sucedeu em 2008, então com 28 anos, à fente do movimento.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pt",
"title": "Reverendo Moon morre aos 92 anos em Seul",
"text": "Memória\nReverendo Moon morre aos 92 anos em Seul\nFundador da seita Unificação pela Paz Mundial, famosa por realizar cerimônias de casamento com milhares de casais, estava hospitalizado havia um mês\nO reverendo Sun Myung Moon (Jo Yong-Hak/Reuters)\nO controverso líder religioso Sun Myung Moon, conhecido como reverendo Moon, fundador da seita Unificação pela Paz Mundial, morreu neste domingo, aos 92 anos, em um hospital de Seul, na Coreia do Sul. Ele estava hospitalizado desde o mês passado, depois de sofrer complicações em decorrência de uma pneumonia. Na sexta-feira, Sun Myung Moon apresentava disfunção crítica dos órgãos vitais e sua situação era considerada \"irreversível\" pelos médicos. A seita fundada por Moon ficou famosa pelas cerimônias de casamento que reúnem milhares de casais.\nLeia também:\nEm VEJA de 3/2/1999: A Nova Coreia Floresce no Pantanal\nPreso seis vezes, uma delas em 1985, nos Estados Unidos, por sonegação fiscal, Moon respondeu por crimes como tráfico de armas e aliciamento de jovens. Mas nada o abalava: proclamava-se o escolhido por Jesus Cristo para salvar a humanidade.\nAos 16 anos, quando ainda vivia na Coreia do Norte, onde nasceu, o reverendo dizia ter tido uma revelação. Jesus deu-lhe uma missão. Só o reverendo poderia ajudá-lo a terminar seu trabalho de salvação da humanidade. Caberia a Moon criar a família ideal e, a partir dela, a nação ideal, o mundo ideal. Por isso, os casamentos arranjados são comuns entre os seguidores de Moon. O reverendo determinava quem deveria casar com quem, e os casais recebiam as bênçãos dele e de sua mulher, Hak Ja Han Moon. O líder, acreditam, sabia o que era melhor para todos.\nBrasil - Nos anos 90, Moon deu início a um ambicioso projeto no Brasil: transformar a cidade de Jardim, no Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul, em uma “Nova Coreia” – e inundou a cidadezinha a 270 quilômetros de Campo Grande com milhares de coreanos e japoneses. A chegada em massa dos orientais à pequena cidade causou toda espécie de estranhamento. Os seguidores de Moon foram acusados de estar na região para extrair órgãos de criancinhas e mandá-los para uma rede mundial de traficantes. Também corria a história de que o vinho servido na fazenda continha sangue do próprio reverendo. Ou que não se podia chegar perto dos coreanos, porque eles praticavam lavagem cerebral.\nBispos inconformados com a presença dos seguidores do norte-coreano enviaram carta ao então ministro da Justiça, Nelson Jobim, querendo saber se Moon podia fazer sua empreitada brasileira. Se não, que fosse embora. Era natural que a hierarquia católica se incomodasse com os seguidores de Moon. Para eles, a mãe de Cristo não era virgem nem o pai era José. O reverendo disseminava a ideia de que Maria foi visitar uma prima, Isabel, e lá conheceu o marido dela, Zacarias, que a engravidou.\nO movimento de Moon afirma que evangeliza em cerca de 200 países e reivindica três milhões de adeptos.\n(Com AFP)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "pt",
"title": "Reverendo Moon morre aos 92 anos",
"text": "Reverendo Moon (Foto: EFE)\nO líder religioso Sun Myung Moon, conhecido como reverendo Moon, morreu neste domingo (2) aos 92 anos. Nascido na Coreia do Norte, ele era fundador da Igreja da Unificação. Moon estava internado num hospital próximo à sua residência, em Seul.\nMoon havia sido hospitalizado no mês passado depois de sofrer complicações em decorrência de uma pneumonia.\nA Igreja da Unificação foi fundada por Moon em Seul em 1954, com uma teologia vagamente baseada no cristianismo tradicional. Segundo a crença, Moon teria se encontrado com Jesus aos 16 anos de idade e, inspirado por ele, desenvolvido uma doutrina que prega o fortalecimento da família e do casamento e o trabalho como objetivos fundamentais do homem.\nA igreja De Moon é lembrada principalmente por seus casamentos coletivos. Em 2002, o reverendo Moon casou cerca de 3.500 casais no estádio Olímpico de Seul. O matrimônio em massa teve pessoas de 186 países, muitas das quais haviam acabado de se conhecer.\nMilionário, Moon era dono de império empresarial e financeiro que possui jornais, universidades, indústrias e empresas em diversos ramos de atividades. O conglomerado de Moon inclui o jornal \"Washington Times\", o New Yorker Hotel, em Manhattan, a Universidade Bridgeport em Connecticut e ainda um hotel e uma pequena montadora na Coreia do Norte.\nNo Brasil, onde a igreja é de Moon está presente, o religioso ficou conhecido por comprar cerca de 50 fazendas em Mato Grosso do Sul. Em 2000, o reverendo comprou o clube de futebol Atlético Sorocaba. Moon foi acusado pelo Ministério Público Federal de lavagem de dinheiro e ameaça à soberania nacional.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Motive in Wisconsin church murder-suicide a mystery |
Seven members of a church were killed by Terry Ratzmann, age 44, in Brookfield, Wisconsin March 12. After shooting eleven people, Ratzmann fatally shot himself. Four victims died at the scene; three others died at a nearby hospital.
There is no clear motive but police say that Ratzmann, a long-time member of the Protestant Living Church of God, may have been angered by the teachings of church leader, Roderick Meredith. Apparently, Meredith's teachings differed from those Herbert Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, of which the Living Church of God is a member. Armstrong died in 1986 and Meredith formed a splinter group of the faith which Raztmann joined shortly thereafter.
Church members said that Ratzmann, described as a loner, had been depressed since he was laid off as an engineering technician in 2002. He had been working occasionally at contract jobs since then and his most recent contract as a computer technician was scheduled to end March 25, a week before the shootings.
Mourners created a make-shift memorial outside the Living Church of God building in remembrance of the seven victims.
| [
"United States",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Police: Gunman kills 7 at church meeting",
"text": "Police: Gunman kills 7 at church meeting\nSuspect then shot himself to death, chief says\nEmergency workers arrive at the hotel where a gunman opened fire during a church meeting. YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Wisconsin or or Create your own Manage alerts | What is this?\n(CNN) -- A gunman opened fire at a church meeting in a Wisconsin hotel Saturday afternoon, leaving seven people dead or dying before killing himself, police said.\nThe gunman died from a self-inflicted wound at the scene; four other people also died at the scene, and three died at a hospital.\nThe shooting occurred in Brookfield, a community of 6,420 people about 15 miles west of Milwaukee.\nOf those who were shot, the youngest victim was about 10 years old and the oldest was around 72, Brookfield police Chief Daniel Tushaus said.\nFour people remained in hospitals.\nNone of the victims' names were released. They were members of the Living Church of God, an international evangelical denomination based in Charlotte, North Carolina.\nTushaus said police responded to a call from the Sheraton Hotel at 12:51 p.m. (1:51 p.m. ET).\n\"We quickly determined that a multiple shooting had occurred, and the suspect involved apparently died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound,\" the chief said. \"There are no other suspects being sought at this time.\n\"The suspect is the person we believe is responsible for the shooting incident.\"\nTushaus said the gunman's motive was unknown, and he didn't know if the shooter, who used a handgun, targeted certain people.\nNine-year-old Bridget Healy of Chicago, Illinois, said she heard the shots.\n\"I just heard a woman screaming 'help.' Someone call 911. Somebody's shot,\" said Bridget, who said she quickly went to tell her mother.\n\"My biggest concern was the children. I didn't want them to see anything,\" Janet Healy said.\nShe said people moved quickly, and many were visibly upset. She said she approached two men who were crying and said, \"I'm sorry.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Chinas zweiter bemannter Weltraumflug soll Anfang Oktober 2005 stattfinden | Die chinesische Weltraumbehörde teilte heute der Zeitung China Daily mit, dass der nächste und damit zweite bemannte Weltraumflug Anfang Oktober 2005 stattfinden wird. Der Direktor des „Space Department of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp“ Sun Weigang sagte, es würden zwei Astronauten an Bord sein, die aus einer Gruppe von 14 Luftwaffenpiloten ausgewählt wurden.
China werde auch zwei wiederverwendbare Wissenschafts- und Experimentalkapseln bis zum Ende des Jahres in den Weltraum bringen. Weiterhin teilte der Direktor des National Satellite Meteorological Centre, Yang Jun, mit, dass man zwei Wettersatelliten zur Wettervorhersage noch vor den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2008 in Peking starten will. Der geostationäre Satellit „FY-2D“ würde möglicherweise 2006 ins All gebracht werden, der polare Satellit „FY-3A“ ist für 2007 vorgesehen.
| [
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "China Plans To Launch Next Manned Space Mission In Early October",
"text": "China Campaigns For October Shenzhou\nBeijing (AFP) July 15, 2005\nChina plans to launch its next manned space mission in early October with two astronauts circling the earth for five to six days, state media reported Friday.\n\"The manned spacecraft Shenzhou VI will ... preferably be launched in early October,\" Sun Weigang, director of the Space Department of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, told the China Daily.\nThe flight would be China's second manned space mission after Shenzhou V's successful launch in late 2003, carrying the nation's first man in space, Yang Liwei, for 21 hours.\nSun said two astronauts, chosen from 14 air force fighter pilots, will blast off in October. China will also launch two recoverable scientific and experimental satellites by the end of the year.\nChina's space program is still shrouded in secrecy with little known about the flights until days before a launch. But authorities have shown signs of more transparency since the success of its first manned space flight.\nYang Jun, director of the National Satellite Meteorological Centre, said China also plans to send another two weather satellites into space before the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 to improve its weather forecast.\nA geo-stationary satellite, FY-2D, will likely be launched in 2006 while a polar orbiting meteorological satellite, FY-3A, is likely to go up in 2007, he said.\nAll rights reserved. © 2004 Agence France-Presse. Sections of the information displayed on this page (dispatches, photographs, logos) are protected by intellectual property rights owned by Agence France-Presse. As a consequence, you may not copy, reproduce, modify, transmit, publish, display or in any way commercially exploit any of the content of this section without the prior written consent of Agence France-Presse.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Sozialdemokratin Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir führt Übergangsregierung in Island |
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir
Die bisherige Außen- und ehemalige Sozialministerin Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir übernimmt als erste Frau das Amt des Regierungschefs in Island. Sie gehört der sozialdemokratischen Partei Allianz an und ist 66 Jahre alt. Sie verfügt über große politische Erfahrung, erstmals wurde sie 1978 in das isländische Parlament, das „Althing“, gewählt. Sie übernimmt die Amtsgeschäfte von dem konservativen Ministerpräsidenten Geir Haarde, der am Freitag, 23. Januar, wegen der Folgen der Finanzkrise für Island seinen Rücktritt erklärt hatte. Der politischen Führung des Landes war eine Mitverantwortung dafür gegeben worden, dass Island durch die internationale Finanzkrise an den Rand des Staatsbankrotts getrieben worden war. Die isländische Krone verlor die Hälfte ihres Wertes, wodurch die Preise für viele Waren drastisch stiegen. Viele Bürger verloren außerdem ihre Ersparnisse, und es wird mit steigender Arbeitslosigkeit durch die große Zahl von Konkursen gerechnet. Der Rücktritt Haardes war durch monatelange Massenproteste förmlich erzwungen worden.
Die neue Regierungschefin soll die Amtsgeschäfte jedoch nur bis zu den Neuwahlen führen, die nun für den 25. April dieses Jahres geplant sind. Ursprünglich sollten die Parlamentswahlen erst am 9. Mai stattfinden.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Island",
"Politik in Island",
"Wahl allg.",
"Allianz (Island)",
"Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Island: Neue Regierungschefin ernannt",
"text": "Wenn Sie eine Webseite unseres Internetauftritts aufrufen, die den Button enthält, baut Ihr Browser eine direkte Verbindung mit den Servern von Facebook auf. Der Inhalt des Plugins wird von Facebook direkt an Ihren Browser übermittelt und von diesem in die Webseite eingebunden. Für weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz klicken Sie auf das i.\nWenn Sie eine Webseite unseres Internetauftritts aufrufen, die den Button enthält, baut Ihr Browser eine direkte Verbindung mit den Servern von Facebook auf. Der Inhalt des Plugins wird von Facebook direkt an Ihren Browser übermittelt und von diesem in die Webseite eingebunden. Für weitere Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz klicken Sie auf das i.\nAls erste Frau in Islands Geschichte hat Jóhanna Sigurdardóttir das Amt der Regierungschefin übernommen. Ihr Ziel ist die Bewältigung der Finanzkrise.\nDie 66-jährige Sozialdemokratin, die seit 2002 mit einer Frau verheiratet ist, bezeichnete bei ihrem Amtsantritt am Sonntag als wichtigste Aufgabe die Bewältigung der auf der Atlantikinsel besonders massiven Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. Bis Mitte April soll ein Parlamentsausschuss ein Weißbuch über Möglichkeiten für einen EU-Beitritt vorlegen. Während die Sozialdemokraten für ein möglichst schnelles Beitrittsgesuch eintreten, haben die Rotgrünen die Mitgliedschaft bisher abgelehnt.\nDie Koalition verfügt im Parlament Althing über keine eigene Mehrheit und ist auf Unterstützung durch die rechtsliberale Fortschrittspartei angewiesen. Sie bleibt zunächst nur übergangsweise bis zu vorzeitigen Neuwahlen Ende April im Amt. Das Finanzministerium übernahm der Chef der Rotgrünen, Steingrímur Sigfússon. Im Außenministerium löst der Sozialdemokrat Össur Skarphédinsson seine Parteichefin Ingibjörg Gísladóttir ab, die im Gefolge einer erfolgreichen Krebsoperation mehrere Monate Pause von der Politik machen will.\nDie neue Linksregierung löst eine große Koalition unter dem konservativen Regierungschef Geir Haarde ab. Haarde trat nach massiven Protesten in der Bevölkerung gegen die Regierungspolitik angesichts der akuten Finanzkrise auf Island ab. Er begründete seinen Rücktritt auch mit einer bevorstehenden Krebsoperation. Sigurdardóttir ist die erste offen in einer homosexuellen Ehe lebende Chefin einer Regierung. Sie hat aus einer früheren Ehe zwei Söhne und ist sechsfache Großmutter.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Regierungswechsel: Sigurdardottir tritt an Spitze der Regierung Islands",
"text": "Als die bisherige Sozialministerin Johanna Sigurdardottir 1994 beim Versuch scheiterte, Parteichefin der Sozialdemokraten zu werden, verhieß sie: \"Meine Zeit wird kommen.\" Damals war noch nicht absehbar, dass sie auf dem Höhepunkt einer beispiellosen Banken- und Wirtschaftskrise Regierungschefin werden würde. Sigurdardottir hat zwei erwachsene Kinder - doch ist sie bekennende Homosexuelle und seit 2002 mit der 54-jährigen Autorin Jonina Ledsdottir verheiratet.\nDie frühere Stewardess Sigurdardottir mischt schon seit vielen Jahren in der Politik mit. 1978 wurde sie erstmals als Abgeordnete gewählt. Von 1987 bis 1994 und dann wieder seit 2007 war sie Sozialministerin. Ihr Engagement für Senioren, Behinderte, ganz allgemein für Mittellose ist weithin bekannt und hat ihr den Spitznamen \"Heilige Johanna\" eingetragen.\nFinanzkrise traf Island hart\nDen Aufstieg zur Regierungschefin hat Sigurdardottir unter anderem der Vorsitzenden der Sozialdemokraten, Ingibjorg Solrun Gisladottir, zu verdanken, mit der sie befreundet ist. Gisladottir brachte die Sozialministerin am 26. Januar als Nachfolgerin des gescheiterten Ministerpräsidenten Geir Haarde ins Gespräch.\nWochenlange Proteste waren dem Rücktritt Haardes vorausgegangen. Die weltweite Finanzkrise traf Island besonders hart und schlug ganz unmittelbar auf die 320.000 Einwohner durch, die isländische Krone verlor im vergangenen Jahr die Hälfte ihres Wertes. Die immensen Probleme wird auch die neue Regierungschefin nicht im Handumdrehen lösen können. Ohnehin wird schon bald neu gewählt - den bereits angesetzten Termin am 9. Mai zog die neue Koalition sogar auf den 25. April vor.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Aktuelle Nachrichten, Hintergründe und Kommentare",
"text": "\"Am meisten Mühe habe ich mir mit seinem Lächeln gegeben\"\nDer 17-jährige Johannes Häfele imitiert Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz - und ist damit in ganz Österreich bekannt geworden. Er erklärt, worauf es bei seiner Parodie ankommt und warum sie sogar für ÖVP-Wähler annehmbar ist.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Québec : disparition d'une mineure âgée de 9 ans à Trois-Rivières |
Une jeune fille de 9 ans de la ville de Trois-Rivières, Cédrika Provencher, est recherchée depuis le 31 juillet 2007, date où elle a été vue pour la dernière fois. Elle était alors sur sa bicyclette, qui a été retrouvée par des voisins, alors qu'elle se rendait de chez sa mère à chez son père.
Selon les déclaration de certains enfants ayant apparemment été en sa présence peu avant sa disparition, Cédrika aurait suivi un homme qui était soi-disant à la recherche de son ''''.
La police n'écarte pas l'hypothèse d'un pédophile. Le suspect aurait d'ailleurs abordé au moins quatre petites filles la veille ainsi que le jour de la disparition de la fillette.
| [
"Amérique du Nord",
"Faits divers",
"Enlèvements de mineurs",
"Affaire Cédrika Provencher",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Déjà une semaine sans nouvelles",
"text": "Disparition de Cédrika\nDéjà une semaine sans nouvelles\nÀ Trois-Rivières, il y a maintenant une semaine, jour pour jour, que la jeune Cédrika Provencher a disparu.\nCe matin, un ami de la famille de la disparue a indiqué que la récompense offerte à toute personne permettant de retrouver la fillette serait portée à 50 000$.\nLa nouvelle sera confirmée, demain, par l'organisme Jeunesse au Soleil.\nLa semaine dernière, un donateur anonyme a déjà offert 10 000$ à quiconque permettrait de retrouver la petite Cédrika vivante.\nInterviewé par Claude Poirier, Guy McKenzie a confirmé que des entrepreneurs de Shawinigan et de Grand-Mère s'étaient engagés à verser 30 000$. Cette somme s'ajoutera à celles déjà engagées par des particuliers.\nCe soir, les policiers mettront en place un barrage routier à l'intersection de la rue Chapais et du boulevard des Chenaux pour tenter de rencontrer des autombilistes qui auraient pu passer dans le secteur mardi dernier.\nEntre-temps, des plongeurs poursuivront leurs recherches dans la rivière Saint-Maurice.\nÀ l'heure actuelle, les policiers tentent toujours de valider les informations communiquées par des témoins potentiels. Ils concentrent leurs recherches sur un homme ayant présumément approché trois fillettes le jour de la disparition de Cédrika.\nL'individu aurait accosté les enfants en leur demandant de l'aider à retrouver son petit chien. La police devrait diffuser un portrait-robot de cet homme dans les prochaines heures.\nEn vidéo 1, écoutez les explications de Denis Therriault.\nEn vidéo 2, Claude Poirier s'entretient avec Guy McKenzie, un ami de la famille Provencher.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "fr",
"title": "Un outil efficace pour éviter un autre enlèvement",
"text": "Disparition de la petite Cédrika\nUn outil efficace pour éviter un autre enlèvement\nLa disparition de Cédrika Provencher met en lumière les dangers qui guettent les enfants.\nÀ Québec, les policiers utilisent depuis 2003 une vidéo pour sensibiliser les jeunes.\nOn y parle de taxage, d'abus sexuels mais aussi d'enlèvement, en montrant les scénarios utilisés par les kidnappeurs.\nLe policier François Bouchard a fait de la prévention auprès des enfants pendant quatre ans.\n«Idéalement, ce n'est pas de leur faire peur, mais il faut aborder le sujet comme ça en leur en parlant tout simplement», explique le policier.\nSelon François Bouchard, l'enlèvement de Cédrika a suscité beaucoup de réactions chez les enfants. «Je sais que, chez moi, c'est comme ça que ça s'est produit. Mon garçon de 8 ans m'a posé des questions, puis on lui a répondu, ma conjointe et moi.»\nLa vidéo est justement utilisée dans les écoles par les policiers pour prévenir les agressions.\nL'un des scénarios évoqués pourrait s'apparenter à l'histoire de Cédrika. On y voit une jeune fille qui est abordée par un étranger lui demandant de l'aider à chercher son chien.\nLa vidéo réalisée par la police est destinée aux écoliers du premier cycle, et elle donne plusieurs conseils pour éviter qu'une autre petite fille soit enlevée.\nEn vidéo, regardez le reportage de Jean-Raphaël Drolet.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "fr",
"title": "\"Je veux retrouver ma soeur!\"",
"text": "Disparition de Cédrika Provencher\n«Je veux retrouver ma soeur!»\nLa sœur de Cédrika Provencher, Mélissa, a livré aujourd'hui un témoignage émouvant.\nElle demande au ravisseur de Cédrika de la libérer au plus vite. «Je veux retrouver ma sœur», a-t-elle lancé à notre journaliste Julie Grenon.\nLa jeune fille de 11 ans a passé les derniers jours avec les membres de sa famille dans les locaux prêtés par un homme d'affaires. Ils y ont établi leur quartier général, et c'est de cet endroit qu'ils coordonnent toutes les opérations visant à retrouver Cédrika.\nD'ailleurs, la famille Provencher prépare demain une autre battue dans des secteurs qui n’ont pas été encore fouillés.\nOn a aussi demandé à des livreurs de restaurants d'ajouter la photo de Cédrika aux commandes de leurs clients.\nMélissa Provencher ne perd pas espoir, et elle est convaincue qu'elle retrouvera sa sœur…\nEn vidéo 1, regardez les reportages de Julie Grenon et de Harold Gagné.\nEn vidéo 2, écoutez l'entrevue de Julie Grenon avec Mélissa Provencher.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Faure Gnassingbé officiellement proclamé vainqueur de l'élection présidentielle au Togo |
Faure Gnassingbé, fils du général Éyadéma Gnassingbé, a été confirmé comme président du Togo par la Cour constitutionnelle. Elle a rejetté un recours de l'opposition demandant l'invalidation de l'élection pour cause de fraudes. La Cour constitutionnelle du Togo valide ainsi l'élection présidentielle de dimanche 24 avril, que Gnassingbé aurait remporté avec 60,15% des suffrages exprimés.
Faure Gnassingbé pourra maintenant prêter serment rapidement et s'affirmer comme véritable chef de l'État. Il a déclaré vouloir former un gouvernement « de cohésion nationale » avec l'UFC (Union des Forces du Changement), le pricipal parti d'opposition, dont le candidat Emmanuel Akitani Bob est accrédité de 38,25% des voix. L'UFC a d'ores et déjà refusé d'entrer dans le gouvernement de « quelqu'un qui représente moins de 10 % des électeurs ». L'opposition appelle l'Union Européenne, l'ONU et l'Union africaine à intervenir et à affirmer l'invalidité du scrutin. De plus, elle demande l'organisation d'élections législative et présidentielle dans endéans six mois. M. Olympio, opposant historique au général Éyadéma Gnassingbé, et à qui on avait interdit de se présenter aux élections, voit la victoire de Faure Gnassingbé comme « la continuation du règne de »Gnassingbé 1er« ».
Après l'annonce mardi 26 avril des résultats provisoires et l'autoproclamation de M. Bob, le Togo avait connu des affrontements armés sanglants, en partie xénophobes, comme l'incendie du centre allemand. Il y aurait eu de entre 50 et 100 morts selon les sources.
Les puissances occidentales considèrent cette confirmation comme le début d'une période plus calme. Un diplomate français signale par exemple que l'élection togolaise n'avait pas connu plus « de fraude qu'en Afghanistan ou au Zimbabwe ».
| [
"Politique togolaise"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Faure Gnassingbé est confirmé à la tête de l'Etat togolais",
"text": "a Cour constitutionnelle du Togo a confirmé, mardi 3 mai, l'élection de Faure Gnassingbé, fils de feu le général-président Eyadéma Gnassingbé, à la présidence du pays. Neuf jours après le scrutin largement contesté qui l'a porté au pouvoir, Faure Gnassingbé peut désormais, fort du soutien de l'armée et des 60,15 % des voix proclamées, se dire chef de l'Etat et agir en tant que tel. a Cour constitutionnelle du Togo a confirmé, mardi 3 mai, l'élection de Faure Gnassingbé, fils de feu le général-président Eyadéma Gnassingbé, à la présidence du pays. Neuf jours après le scrutin largement contesté qui l'a porté au pouvoir, Faure Gnassingbé peut désormais, fort du soutien de l'armée et des 60,15 % des voix proclamées, se dire chef de l'Etat et agir en tant que tel. Une première fois, il avait tenté de succéder à son père, mort le 5 février, sans passer par les urnes, mais il avait dû y renoncer à la suite de pressions internationales. Cette fois, le rejet, mardi, par la plus haute juridiction togolaise, des recours déposés tant par ses partisans alléguant de destructions d'urnes par l'opposition que par ses adversaires pour le vote de centaines de milliers d'électeurs fantômes notamment , ouvre la voie à une rapide prestation de serment qui mettra le nouveau président en position de constituer un gouvernement. Une première fois, il avait tenté de succéder à son père, mort le 5 février, sans passer par les urnes, mais il avait dû y renoncer à la suite de pressions internationales. Cette fois, le rejet, mardi, par la plus haute juridiction togolaise, des recours déposés tant par ses partisans alléguant de destructions d'urnes par l'opposition que par ses adversaires pour le vote de centaines de milliers d'électeurs fantômes notamment , ouvre la voie à une rapide prestation de serment qui mettra le nouveau président en position de constituer un gouvernement. Faisant suite aux promesses d'ouverture et \"réconciliation nationale\" du fils d'Eyadéma, son directeur de campagne, Komi Klassou, a appelé de ses voeux la constitution d'un \"gouvernement de transition pendant six mois\" . La capitale, qui avait connu trois jours d'émeutes après la publication des résultats provisoires, la semaine dernière, est restée calme mardi quadrillée par la police et l'armée. Les partis de l'opposition regroupés derrière le candidat Emmanuel Bob Akitani (crédité de 38,25 % des voix) affirment leur net refus de participer au gouvernement de \"large union\" promis par M. Gnassingbé. Ils ont appelé à une \"résistance populaire\" et promis \"des insomnies\" au nouveau chef de l'Etat. \"Nous ne pouvons pas entrer dans le gouvernement de quelqu'un -Faure Gnassingbé- qui représente moins de 10 % des électeurs\" , a, pour sa part, déclaré au Monde Gilchrist Olympio, l'opposant historique exilé au Ghana qui n'avait pas été autorisé à se présenter à la présidentielle. M. Olympio estime que le résultat proclamé mardi ne fait qu'annoncer \"la continuation du règne de \"Gnassingbé 1er\" -le général Eyadéma-\" . Persuadé que l'opposition a en réalité remporté l'élection, le président de l'UFC (Union des forces de changement) réclame de nouveaux scrutins présidentiel et législatif dans les six mois. L'\"ouverture\" promise pourrait mettre en scène d'autres opposants, plus modérés, ayant participé à des gouvernements sous le général Eyadéma. L'une de ces personnalités, Edem Kodjo, ancien premier ministre et ancien secrétaire général de l'Organisation de l'unité africaine, a indiqué, mardi soir au Monde, qu'il \"ne refusera pas de servir -son- pays\" , tout en assurant ne pas avoir été sollicité. M. Kodjo estime qu'un \"large gouvernement d'union nationale\" devrait organiser des élections législatives et locales afin d'obtenir \"une représentation plus large\" que la présidentielle, et reprendre le dialogue avec l'Union européenne pour \"redresser la situation des droits de l'homme\" . Désormais en effet, c'est sur la scène internationale que se joue l'avenir du Togo. L'opposition revendique l'intervention de l'Union africaine, de l'ONU et surtout de l'UE. M. Olympio annonce pour jeudi sa venue à Paris. Quant au nouveau président proclamé, il est en contact étroit avec l'UE dont le commissaire chargé du développement, Louis Michel, dit \"multiplier les contacts pour éviter un dérapage majeur\" . A Paris, un diplomate ayant la haute main sur la politique africaine de la France explique qu'il faut être réaliste : \"en Afrique, en dehors des chefs d'Etat, il n'y a pas d'alternative en matière d'autorité\" . C'est au fond le raisonnement que Paris a suivi à propos du scrutin présidentiel au Togo, faisant valoir qu'\"il n'y a pas eu plus de fraude qu'en Afghanistan ou au Zimbabwe\" . Dans le cas du Togo, poursuit cet interlocuteur, il faut se demander si \"le moindre mal n'est pas d'entériner le scrutin, dans le but d'éviter une guerre civile\" . Ensuite, il faudra \"peser sur le président fraîchement élu, pour qu'il fasse des gestes d'ouverture\" envers l'opposition. Faure Gnassingbé, estime-t-on de même source française, \"ne partage en rien les convictions politiques de son père, mais, évidemment, il ne faut pas que les opposants jouent la politique du pire...\" . Reste l'épineuse question de l'ex-ministre de l'intérieur, François Esso Boko, réfugié à l'ambassade d'Allemagne à Lomé. Paris n'est pas mécontent que l'intéressé ait choisi l'Allemagne plutôt que la France, mais, comme il faut bien l'\"exfiltrer\" , \"cela ne nous gênerait pas qu'il soit accueilli sur le territoire français\" , concède ce diplomate. Mardi soir, le quai d'Orsay se déclarait \"prêt à l'accueillir\" , mettant en avant la nationalité française de son épouse. M. Michel, lui, assurait avoir reçu l'accord du nouvel homme fort du Togo afin d'obtenir ce qui n'allait pas de soi : que M. Boko puisse quitter le pays sain et sauf. Philippe Bernard et Laurent Zecchini Article paru dans l'édition du 05.05.05",
"url": ",1-0@2-3212,36-645920@51-627450,0.html",
"archive_url": ",1-0@2-3212,36-645920@51-627450,0.html"
] |
en | James Brown dies of pneumonia |
James Brown, often referred to as ''the Godfather of Soul'', died in Atlanta due to congestive heart failure, combined with pneumonia. His death at age 73 was announced by his agent. After his dentist noticed something unusual with him, Brown was told to visit a doctor immediately. He was taken into the hospital yesterday for treatment of his pneumonia until his death at around 1:45 AM (6:45 AM GMT). It is not known whether he received a pneumonia vaccination, as recommended for people of his age.
He was born in 1933 and grew up in poverty until he formed James Brown & The Famous Flames. His influence on 20th century music, from funk to hip hop was profound.
Before he died, he scheduled a New Year's Eve concert series in New Jersey and New York that would help kick off a 2007 tour.
| [
"United States",
"North America",
"Atlanta, Georgia",
"Georgia (U.S. state)"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Farewell to the bad boy",
"text": "James Brown, the Godfather of Soul, always had an impeccable sense of style and occasion. How appropriate then that the man who called himself Soul Brother Number One died on Christmas Day.\nHe died yesterday at the age of 73, after being taken to hospital on Sunday in the US city of Atlanta with pneumonia.\nBrown was born in Barnwell, South Carolina, on May 3, 1933. Like most blacks of his era he grew up in extreme poverty and worked at menial jobs until, after a brief time in a juvenile detention centre, he formed James Brown with the Famous Flames.\nThe first song he recorded with this up-tempo gospel group was Please, Please, Please, which became an instant hit and sold more than a million copies in 1956. Over a career that lasted 50 years, Brown became one of the most influential popular musicians of the 20th century.\nHis musical contribution was simple. Brown took the gospel music of his childhood and the rhythm'n'blues he heard in the juke joints of Atlanta, Georgia, blended them together, made the gospel very secular, and helped create music we now know as soul and funk. These musical forms came to dominate dance and popular music in the latter half of the 20th century.\nIt was probably enough that Brown was at the centre of this vital part of the evolution of popular music. That would have ensured his place in musical history. But, in recent times, he has been lionised by contemporary rap and hip hop performers and his classic songs - Please, Please, Please; Papa's Got A Brand New Bag; I Got You (I Feel Good); and It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World - have been sampled over and again. They remain vital benchmarks in the history of soul.\nThere had been flat periods in Brown's career, but after the release of Live at the Apollo in 1962 - considered by many to be the greatest live recording in the history of popular music - he was recognised as one of pop music's great iconic figures.\nThis accolade was nurtured by Brown, who had no doubt about his own status and ability. When being interviewed he insisted on being addressed as \"Mr Brown\" and was known to terminate an interview if a journalist was so familiar as to refer to him as \"James\". Equally, he constantly, like a musical Muhammad Ali, referred to himself with outrageous hyperbole as Mr Dynamite, the Hardest Working Man in Show Business, the Boss, the Minister of the New New Super Heavy Funk and, most frequently, the Godfather of Soul.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Mr Dynamite, James Brown Died While Hospitalized For Pneumonia",
"text": "Self-proclaimed Godfather of Soul, singer James Brown was hospitalized over the weekend to treat his severe pneumonia and died on Monday, his agent reported. The cause of death is yet unknown.\nThe African American entertainer was taken to the Emory Crawford Long Hospital on Sunday to get treatment for pneumonia and died early Monday at about 1:45 a.m. His agent, Frank Copsidas, said his old friend, Charles Bobbit was by his side when it happened.\nRegarding the cause of death, Copsidas said \"We really don't know at this point what he died of.\"\n\"On Friday he had his toy giveaway, which is his annual toy giveaway in Augusta, Georgia.\n\"On Saturday, he went to his dentist up in Atlanta, and his dentist told him something was wrong, and he sent him to a doctor immediately,\" Copsidas explained.\nRelatives of the popular funk and soul singer were being informed of the death.\nIn 2004, Brown underwent surgery for treatment of prostate cancer. The treatment was successful, and Brown spent his final years largely on the road, on his \"Seven Decades Of Funk World Tour.\"\nAt the time, he described how he planned to carry on as a performer, saying: \"Everyone's got soul, whether it's talking, hip-hop, rap, gospel.\n\"We've gotta just stay with whatever we do.\n\"I don't wanna change, because then I'd have to name myself Sam Smith or Ted Wright or somebody. I'm going to be James Brown.\"\nAccording to his official website, Brown was preparing to return to the road with New Year's weekend shows in New Jersey and New York, which would have kicked off a 2007 tour itinerary booked through August of 2007 at the time of his death.\nBrowns friend of 15 years, Pete Allman, a radio personality in Las Vegas praised the music industrys most hardworking man for his ambition and for motivating him personally and professionally.\nHe was a very positive person. There was no question he was the hardest working man in show business,\" Allman said. \"I remember Mr. Brown as someone who always motivated me, got me reading the Bible.\"\nThe star who was famous for hits including I Got You (I Feel Good), Papa's Got a Brand New Bag and Living in America, is credited with bringing the word funk into mainstream musical vernacular and influencing a new generation of black music that spawned rap and hip-hop.\n\"He is such an influence, I learned so much from him,\" Mr Copsidas told the BBC World Service.\nFor the past 50 years, James Brown together with other artists like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan, brought a major contribution to the music business and is still an inspiration for many other artists.\nHis rapid-footed dancing inspired Mick Jagger and Michael Jackson among others. Songs such as David Bowie's \"Fame,\" Prince's \"Kiss,\" George Clinton's \"Atomic Dog\" and Sly and the Family Stone's \"Sing a Simple Song\" were clearly based on Brown's rhythms and vocal style.\n\"James presented obviously the best grooves,\" rapper Chuck D of Public Enemy once told The Associated Press. \"To this day, there has been no one near as funky. No one's coming even close.\nIn 1992, Brown was honored with a Grammy for lifetime achievements and in 1965 or \"Papa's Got a Brand New Bag\" (best R&B recording) and for \"Living In America\" in 1987 (best R&B vocal performance, male.) He was one of the initial artists inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986, along with Presley, Chuck Berry and other founding fathers.\nDuring his career, he had more than 119 charting singles and recorded over 50 albums and was one of the first inductees into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame honored during the Hall's opening ceremony in 1986.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Pioneer chemist Albert Hofmann dies at age 102 |
Hofmann in 2006.
, a scientist who discovered and created the drug (LSD) in 1938, has died today at the age 102.
''DRC Net'' reports that Hofmann's died of a in his house located in , Switzerland.
After discovering LSD, he set it aside for five years, until April 16, 1943, when Hofmann decided to take another look at it. While re-synthesizing the LSD, he accidentally consumed a small sample and serendipitously discovered its powerful effects. Three days later, on April 19, Hofmann deliberately consumed 250 micrograms of LSD before his bicycle ride home.
He is now known as the first person to experience a '' from taking it. Since then, LSD aficionados around the world unofficially proclaimed April 19, 1943 as ''Bicycle Day''.
The drug was made illegal in the United States in 1966, and many other countries did the same, after heavy users were suffering permanent psychological damage.
Hofmann denounced the illegal use of the drug which became popular in the 1960s, but he was said to be disappointed that further research on theraputic uses was not conducted on it at the time.
Hofmann is also credited with the discovery of psilocybin, which is the main hallucinogenic found in Psilocybin mushrooms. He also discovered the make-up of .
Hofmann was also on the committee as well as a member of the and several other organizations.
Hofmann was born on January 11, 1906. He is survived by his brother Walter, 2 daughters, and 2 sons.
| [
"Science and technology",
"Mental health",
"Basel, Switzerland"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "LSD inventor Albert Hofmann dies",
"text": "Mr Hofmann thought LSD could have uses treating mental illnesses\nAlbert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered the hallucinogenic drug LSD, has died of a heart attack at his home in Basel at the age of 102.\nMr Hofmann first produced LSD in 1938 while researching the medicinal uses of a crop fungus.\nHe accidentally ingested some of the drug and said later: \"Everything I saw was distorted as in a warped mirror.\"\nHe argued for decades that LSD could help treat mental illness, but in the 1960s it became a popular street drug.\n'Turn on, tune in, drop out'\nWhile working with the drug in the Sandoz pharmaceutical laboratory a few years after first producing it, Mr Hofmann ingested some of the drug through his fingertips.\nHe went home and experienced what he described as visions of \"fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colours\".\nThe drug was popularised by Harvard professor Timothy Leary who suggested that people \"turn on, tune in, drop out\".\nRock stars and the counter-culture of the 1960s picked up LSD as a wonder drug but horror stories began to emerge of users suffering permanent psychological damage.\nLSD was made illegal in many countries beginning in the late 1960s.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Dr. Albert Hofmann, Father of LSD, Dead at 102",
"text": "Internet rumors of his passing have been confirmed for us by a friend of Dr. Hofmann's. Dr. Albert Hofmann died of a heart attack this morning at his home in Basel, Switzerland. Hofmann inadvertently discovered the effects of LSD while researching the substance in 1943. He subsequently self-administered the drug deliberately and produced the first accounts of its powerful psychedelic effects.\nIf you think 102 is old, just imagine how long he might have lived if he never did drugs!\nUpdate: The above line is sarcasm. Before posting it, I asked a couple smart people if they thought anyone might misunderstand and we decided it probably wouldn't be a problem. Well, it was, and a few commenters have come away with the incorrect impression that I think Dr. Hofmann would be better off if he never used drugs. This comment explains what I really meant. I won't stop cracking jokes in the blog, but I do apologize for this one.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Obituary: Albert Hofmann, LSD inventor",
"text": "EPA Albert Hofmann\nAlbert Hofmann, who died on Tuesday aged 102, synthesised lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in 1938 and became the first person in the world to experience a full-blown \"acid trip\" – that was on April 19 1943, which became known among aficionados as \"Bicycle Day\" as it was while cycling home from his laboratory that he experienced the most intense symptoms.\nHofmann was working as a research chemist at the laboratory of the Sandoz company in Basel, Switzerland, where he was involved in studying the medicinal properties of plants. This eventually led to the study of the alkaloid compounds of ergot, a fungus which forms on rye.\nIn the Middle Ages, ergot was implicated in periodic outbreaks of mass poisonings, producing symptoms in two characteristic forms: one gangrenous (ergotismus gangraenosus) and the other convulsive (ergotismus convulsivus). Popular names such as \"mal des ardents\", \"ignis sacer\", \"heiliges feuer\" and \"St Anthony's fire\" refer to the gangrenous form of the condition.\nHofmann's studies led to many new discoveries, such as Hydergine, a medicament for improving circulation and cerebral function, and Dihydergot, a circulation and blood pressure stabilising medicine. His interest in synthesising LSD initially derived from the hope that it might also be useful as a circulatory and respiratory stimulant.\nBut when his molecule, known as LSD-25, was tested on animals, no interesting effects were observed, though the research notes recorded that the beasts became \"restless\" during narcosis. The substance was dismissed as of no interest and dropped from Sandoz's research programme.\nBut five years later, acting on some intuition, Hofmann decided to resynthesise LSD. In his autobiography, LSD, My Problem Child (1979), he recalled that in the final stage of the synthesis he was interrupted by some unusual sensations.\nIn a note to the laboratory's director, he reported \"a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination.\nIn a dreamlike state, with eyes closed, I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colours. After some two hours this condition faded away.\"\nHofmann concluded that he must have accidentally breathed in or ingested some laboratory material and assumed LSD was the cause. To test the theory he waited until the next working day, Monday April 19 1943, and tried again, swallowing 0.25 of a milligram. Forty minutes later, as his laboratory journal recorded, he experienced \"dizziness, feeling of anxiety, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis, desire to laugh\". Unable to write any more, he asked his assistant to take him home by bicycle.\n\"On the way home, my condition began to assume threatening forms. Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. I also had the sensation of being unable to move from the spot. Nevertheless, my assistant later told me that we had travelled very rapidly.\"\nBack home, when a friendly neighbour brought round some milk, he perceived her as a \"malevolent, insidious witch\" wearing \"a lurid mask\". After six hours of highs and lows, the effects subsided.\nSandoz, keen to make a profit from Hofmann's discovery, gave the new substance the trade name Delysid and began sending samples to psychiatric researchers. By 1965 more than 2,000 papers had been published offering hope for a range of conditions from drug and alcohol addiction to mental illnesses of various kinds. But the fact that the chemical was cheap and easy to make left it open to abuse, and from the late 1950s onwards, promoted by Dr Timothy Leary and others, LSD became the recreational drug of choice for western youth.\nAn outbreak of moral panic, combined with a number of accidents involving people jumping to their deaths off high buildings in the belief that they could fly, led governments around the world to ban LSD. Research also showed that the drug, taken in high doses and in inappropriate settings, often caused panic reactions. For certain individuals, a bad trip could be the trigger for full-blown psychosis.\nHofmann was disappointed when his discovery was removed from commercial distribution. He remained convinced that the drug had the potential to counter the psychological problems induced by \"materialism, alienation from nature through industrialisation and increasing urbanisation, lack of satisfaction in professional employment in a mechanised, lifeless working world, ennui and purposelessness in wealthy, saturated society, and lack of a religious, nurturing, and meaningful philosophical foundation of life\".\nAlbert Hofmann was born at Baden, Switzerland, on January 11 1906, the eldest of four children of a factory toolmaker. Having graduated from Zürich University with a degree in Chemistry in 1929, he took a doctorate on the gastro-intestinal juice of the vineyard snail. After leaving university he went to work for Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, where he researched the medicinal properties of the Mediterranean squill (Scilla maritima) before moving on to the study of Claviceps purpurea (ergot).\nAs a result of the use of LSD as a recreational drug, Sandoz found itself bombarded with demands for information from regulatory bodies, along with demands for statements after accidents, poisonings, criminal acts and so forth from the press.\nFor scientists unaccustomed to the glare of publicity, it became a headache: \"I would rather you hadn't discovered LSD,\" Hofmann's managing director told him. In the end the decision was taken to stop all further production.\nHofmann laid some of the blame at the door of Dr Timothy Leary. In his autobiography he described meeting Leary in 1971 in the snack bar at Lausanne railway station. Hofmann began by voicing his regret that Leary's experiments had effectively killed off academic research into LSD and took Leary to task for encouraging its recreational use among young people.\nLeary was unabashed. \"He maintained that I was unjustified in reproaching him for the seduction of immature persons to drug consumption,\" Hofmann recalled. Leary further insisted that American teenagers \"with regard to information and life experience, were comparable to adult Europeans\" and were able to make up their own minds.\nHofmann continued to work at Sandoz until 1971, when he retired as director of research for the Department of Natural Products. In addition to his discovery of LSD, he was also the first to synthesise psilocybin (the active constituent of \"magic mushrooms\") in 1958; and he discovered the hallucinogenic principles of Ololiuqui (Morning Glory), lysergic acid amide and lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide.\nIn retirement Hofmann served as a member of the Nobel Prize Committee. He was a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences, and a member of the International Society of Plant Research and of the American Society of Pharmacognosy.\nIn 1988 the Albert Hofmann Foundation was established \"to assemble and maintain an international library and archive devoted to the study of human consciousness and related fields\".\nAlbert Hofmann's wife, Anita, died in December. He was also predeceased by one of his four children.",
"url": ",-LSD-inventor,-dies.html",
"archive_url": ",-LSD-inventor,-dies.html"
] |
de | Almunia fordert die Errichtung eines Energiebinnenmarktes |
EU-Wettbewerbskommissar Joaquin Almunia fordert die Errichtung eines europäischen Energiebinnenmarktes, um die drei nach seiner Ansicht wichtigsten Probleme zu behandeln: den Anstieg des Energieverbrauchs, die Versorgungssicherheit in der EU und die hohe Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas in einigen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten. Gleichzeitig möchte er einen stärken gemeinsamen Ausbau der Telekommunikationstechnik in Europa erreichen, damit die EU nicht von der technischen Entwicklung des digitalen Zeitalters abgehängt wird.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Wirtschaft",
"Themenportal Europa",
"Themenportal Europäische Union",
"Themenportal Energie"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Joaquín Almunia urge a alcanzar el mercado único energético en Europa",
"text": "El vicepresidente de la CE y comisario de Competencia, Joaquín Almunia, ha urgido a que Europa sepa dotarse de un mercado único energético para evitar tres peligros: un gran encarecimiento de la energía, \"problemas serios de seguridad energética\" y la gran dependencia del gas ruso en algunos países.\nJoaquín Almunia, vicepresidente de la CE y comisario de Competencia, ha abierto la última jornada de la XXX Reunión del Círculo de Economía con un debate sobre el futuro de Europa que ha compartido con el expriministro italiano Enrico Letta; la presidenta del Círculo de Empresarios, Mónica de Oriol; el consejero delegado de OHL, el exministro Josep Piqué, y el director de la Fundació Racc, Miquel Nadal.\n\"Tenemos 28 mercados energético, no uno\", Almunia, que no ve perspectivas de avanzar hacia un mercado único de la energía, lo que, además, impediría seguir avanzando contra el cambio climático porque habría que anteponer las necesidades primarias de la oferta energética y los precios.\nTambién el presidente de Repsol, Antoni Brufau, lamentó el viernes, en la Reunión del Círculo, que Europa no tenga un mercado único de energía: \"Europa debería establecer una estrategia conjunta y asumir un coste conjunto\", ha asegurado.\nAlmunia también ha considerado evidente que debe reforzarse la agenda de política exterior: \"Ucrania está ahí para recordárnoslo. No podemos ignorar el desafío enorme que tenemos para nuestra seguridad por primera vez, al menos, desde el final de la Guerra Fría\".\nAlmunia ha argumentado que la situación de Ucrania, por motivos históricos, pero también por las consecuencias sobre la política energética que se pueden manifestar la próxima semana si no mejora la situación, \"puede haber una reacción que lleve a un 'shock' energético y que deje a países europeos en una situación muy difícil\".\nCrisis y oportunidades\nAlmunia ha constatado que la crisis continúa aunque la economía presenta signos de mejora, y ha añadido que el paro no se resolverá hasta que haya crecimiento: \"Si queremos crecimiento, una vez producidos los ajustes macroeconómicos, hay que ver dónde está la inversión, la financiación de la inversión y la demanda para lo que se va a invertir\".\nHa sostenido que la financiación está en vías de solución, y en cuanto a la inversión ha apuntado que hay que encontrar la manera de llenar las carteras de quienes pueden invertir, ya que hay oportunidades a nivel europeo bastante claras, como las infraestructuras físicas, energéticas y las relacionadas con las telecomunicaciones y la era digital: \"Ofrecen parte importante de la solución\".\n\"Hace falta voluntad política\", según él, y ha indicado que la Zona Euro está en vías de solucionar el desajuste fiscal y el de las balanzas por cuenta corriente de países de la periferia, pero tiene un problema de superávit exterior.\nAsí, ha explicado que la zona euro tiene un problema de exceso de ahorro que no se está utilizando para invertir, lo que genera un gran interrogante: \"No veo de dónde va a salir la capacidad de crecimiento para salir de la crisis y no estar al borde de la deflación. Éste es el desafío más urgente que van a tener las nuevas instituciones europeas\".\nFuturo político\nAnte la próxima legislatura europea, ha lamentado que en las elecciones se confirmaron los peores presagios con el alza de la extrema derecha y el antieuropeísmo: eso comporta riesgo de la unidad europea y de la democracia, porque parte del electorado \"empieza a no compartir valores fundamentales de la democracia\".\nAunque ve que las cuatro grandes familias políticas de la Eurocámara seguirán decidiendo, cree que el discurso de extrema derecha y antieuropeísmo puede \"ir contaminando\", de manera que se pregunta hasta qué punto se van a dejar influir los grandes grupos y cómo eso puede afectar al sistema público y al sistema de libertades europeo.\nSobre la desafección ante las instituciones europeas, hay dicho que incluso muchos partidos mayoritarios proeuropeos \"han cedido a la tentación de criticar a Bruselas a ver si pueden arañar por un lado o por otro\", en vez de admitir ante la opinión pública que muchas de las decisiones de la Eurocámara las han tomado ellos con sus eurodiputados.\nTambién se ha preguntado cuántos consejos europeos han tomado conclusiones que después se han transmitido a cada país \"sólo en clave nacional\", por lo que los ciudadanos no lo entienden bien y nadie les explica las ventajas de haber decidido algo en común desde Bruselas, de manera que la gente podría entender las ventajas de compartir soberanía.\nTras el debate, el presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, y el del Círculo de Economía, Antón Costas, cerrarán la XXX Reunión del ente catalán de empresarios, patrocinada por KPMG, La Caixa e Indra.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | G20-Gipfel – Karlsruhe gestattet Protestlager im Hamburger Stadtpark |
Die Festwiese im Hamburger Stadtpark
Aufgehoben worden ist ein Verbot gegen ein geplantes Protestcamps im Hamburger Stadtpark während des G20 Gipfels in Hamburg vom 7. bis zum 8. Juli. Eine entsprechende Verfügung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg wurde vom Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe einkassiert.
Vorerst begründete die Stadt Hamburg das geplante Verbot gegen das Protestcamp unter anderem damit, dass das Übernachten in Zelten im Stadtpark keine Meinungskundgabe sei. Dies wiederum verhindert den Organisatoren des Protestcamps die Berufung auf das geschützte Versammlungsrecht. Nun hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht in einer Eilentscheidung festgestellt, dass die Organisatoren sich zumindest vorläufig auf das Grundrecht der Versammlungsfreiheit berufen könnten. Aus diesen Gründen müsse sich Hamburg die Entscheidung berüksichtigen und neu entscheiden.
Jedoch müsse Hamburg sicherstellen, dass es im Stadtpark nicht zu nachhaltigen Schäden komme und die Sicherheit des G20-Gipfels gewährleistet werde. Dass die Stadt den Organisatoren einen anderen Ort für das Camp zuweise, sei insofern auch denkbar. Zügig muss die Stadt Hamburg noch einmal über das geplante Protestcamp entscheiden. Je nachdem, wie die Entscheidung ausfällt, sind die Organisatoren in der Lage, erneut in einem Eilverfahren gerichtlich gegen eine andere Zuweisung vorgehen.
Unter dem Motto „Alternativen zum Kapitalismus leben und sichtbar machen“ sollen ab diesem Freitag, dem 30. Juni, rund 10.000 Teilnehmer im Hamburger Stadtpark übernachten. Es soll neben den 3000 Zelten zum Wohnen noch eine Bühne und verschiedene Veranstaltungszelte geben.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Politik in Deutschland",
"Themenportal Kultur",
"Kultur in Deutschland",
"Themenportal Recht",
"Recht in Deutschland",
"Themenportal Deutschland",
"G20-Gipfel in Hamburg"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Entscheidung des BVerfG : Karlsruhe erlaubt G-20-Protestcamp in Hamburg",
"text": "Ein großes Protestcamp von G-20-Gegnern in Hamburg darf starten - aber nur in einem durch die Behörden stark beschränkbaren Rahmen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hob nach einer Klage der Veranstalter ein generelles Verbot im Eilverfahren auf.\nVon Klaus Hempel, ARD-Rechtsredaktion Karlsruhe\nDas Verbot des geplanten G-20-Protestcamps im Hamburger Stadtpark ist aufgehoben. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe kassierte eine entsprechende Verfügung der Hansestadt.\nDie Stadt Hamburg hatte das geplante Verbot des Protestcamps unter anderem damit begründet, dass das Übernachten in Zelten keine Meinungskundgabe sei. Deshalb könnten sich die Organisatoren auf das vom Grundgesetz geschützte Versammlungsrecht nicht berufen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat nun in der Eilentscheidung festgestellt, dass sich die Organisatoren zumindest vorläufig sehr wohl auf das Grundrecht der Versammlungsfreiheit berufen könnten. Dies müsse die Stadt berücksichtigen und deshalb neu entscheiden.\nBVerfG hebt Verbot von G-20-Protestcamp auf\ntagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 28.06.2017, Frank Bräutigam, SWR\nDownload der Videodatei Wir bieten dieses Video in folgenden Formaten zum Download an: Klein (h264) Mittel (h264) Mittel (WebM) Groß (h264) Groß (WebM) HD (h264) Hinweis: Falls die Videodatei beim Klicken nicht automatisch gespeichert wird, können Sie mit der rechten Maustaste klicken und \"Ziel speichern unter ...\" auswählen. Video einbetten Nutzungsbedingungen Embedding Tagesschau: Durch Anklicken des Punktes „Einverstanden“ erkennt der Nutzer die vorliegenden AGB an. Damit wird dem Nutzer die Möglichkeit eingeräumt, unentgeltlich und nicht-exklusiv die Nutzung des Video Players zum Embedding im eigenen Angebot. Der Nutzer erkennt ausdrücklich die freie redaktionelle Verantwortung für die bereitgestellten Inhalte der Tagesschau an und wird diese daher unverändert und in voller Länge nur im Rahmen der beantragten Nutzung verwenden. Der Nutzer darf insbesondere das Logo des NDR und der Tageschau im NDR Video Player nicht verändern. Darüber hinaus bedarf die Nutzung von Logos, Marken oder sonstigen Zeichen des NDR der vorherigen Zustimmung durch den NDR.\nDer Nutzer garantiert, dass das überlassene Angebot werbefrei abgespielt bzw. dargestellt wird. Sofern der Nutzer Werbung im Umfeld des Videoplayers im eigenen Online-Auftritt präsentiert, ist diese so zu gestalten, dass zwischen dem NDR Video Player und den Werbeaussagen inhaltlich weder unmittelbar noch mittelbar ein Bezug hergestellt werden kann. Insbesondere ist es nicht gestattet, das überlassene Programmangebot durch Werbung zu unterbrechen oder sonstige online-typische Werbeformen zu verwenden, etwa durch Pre-Roll- oder Post-Roll-Darstellungen, Splitscreen oder Overlay. Der Video Player wird durch den Nutzer unverschlüsselt verfügbar gemacht. Der Nutzer wird von Dritten kein Entgelt für die Nutzung des NDR Video Players erheben. Vom Nutzer eingesetzte Digital Rights Managementsysteme dürfen nicht angewendet werden. Der Nutzer ist für die Einbindung der Inhalte der Tagesschau in seinem Online-Auftritt selbst verantwortlich.\nDer Nutzer wird die eventuell notwendigen Rechte von den Verwertungsgesellschaften direkt lizenzieren und stellt den NDR von einer eventuellen Inanspruchnahme durch die Verwertungsgesellschaften bezüglich der Zugänglichmachung im Rahmen des Online-Auftritts frei oder wird dem NDR eventuell entstehende Kosten erstatten\nDas Recht zur Widerrufung dieser Nutzungserlaubnis liegt insbesondere dann vor, wenn der Nutzer gegen die Vorgaben dieser AGB verstößt. Unabhängig davon endet die Nutzungsbefugnis für ein Video, wenn es der NDR aus rechtlichen (insbesondere urheber-, medien- oder presserechtlichen) Gründen nicht weiter zur Verbreitung bringen kann. In diesen Fällen wird der NDR das Angebot ohne Vorankündigung offline stellen. Dem Nutzer ist die Nutzung des entsprechenden Angebotes ab diesem Zeitpunkt untersagt. Der NDR kann die vorliegenden AGB nach Vorankündigung jederzeit ändern. Sie werden Bestandteil der Nutzungsbefugnis, wenn der Nutzer den geänderten AGB zustimmt.\nEinverstanden Zum einbetten einfach den HTML-Code kopieren und auf ihrer Seite einfügen.\nAuch anderer Ort denkbar\nAllerdings müsse die Stadt sicherstellen, dass es im Stadtpark nicht zu nachhaltigen Schäden komme und die Sicherheit des G-20-Gipfels gewährleistet werde. Insofern sei es auch denkbar, dass die Stadt den Organisatoren einen anderen Ort für das Camp zuweise.\nNun muss die Stadt Hamburg sehr zügig noch einmal über das geplante Protestcamp entscheiden. Je nachdem, wie die Entscheidung ausfällt, können die Organisatoren erneut in einem Eilverfahren gerichtlich dagegen vorgehen.\nVon diesem Freitag an sollten unter dem Motto \"Alternativen zum Kapitalismus leben und sichtbar machen\" rund 10.000 Teilnehmer im Hamburger Stadtpark übernachten. Neben rund 3000 Wohnzelten sollte es auch eine Bühne und verschiedene Veranstaltungszelte geben.\nÜber dieses Thema berichtete die tagesschau am 28. Juni 2017 um 20:00 Uhr.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "G20 in Hamburg: Bundesverfassungsgericht hebt Protestcamp-Verbot auf",
"text": "Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat ein großes Protestcamp von G20-Gegnern in Hamburg zumindest teilweise als Versammlung anerkannt. Nach einer Klage der Veranstalter hob das Gericht damit das generelle Verbot des im Stadtpark geplanten Camps im Eilverfahren auf, wie in Karlsruhe mitgeteilt wurde. Die Stadt Hamburg muss demnach nun noch einmal neu über die angemeldete Demonstration versammlungsrechtlich entscheiden.\nDie Richter verpflichteten die Hansestadt aber nicht zur uneingeschränkten Duldung. Sie kann ausdrücklich den Umfang des Camps beschränken, Auflagen verhängen, die Veranstaltung sogar an einen anderen Ort verlegen - und ausdrücklich erlaubt ist das Camp mit der Entscheidung auch nicht:\nEin kaputter Rasen rechtfertigt kein Verbot\n\"Nicht Gegenstand der Entscheidung ist die Frage, ob und wie weit das Protestcamp in Blick auf die öffentliche Sicherheit beschränkt oder möglicherweise auch untersagt werden kann\", teilte das Gericht mit. Zumindest in Teilen handle es sich bei der Veranstaltung aber um eine Kundgebung, die durch das Versammlungsrecht geschützt ist.\nEin Protestcamp müsse einerseits möglichst weitgehend ermöglicht werden, anderseits müssten nachhaltige Schäden des Stadtparks verhindert \"und die diesbezüglichen Risiken für die öffentliche Hand möglichst gering gehalten werden\", hieß es zur Begründung. Sprich: Ein kaputter Rasen rechtfertigt noch kein Verbot. Denn die Stadt hatte das Camp zunächst nach der Grünanlagenverordnung untersagt.\nZu Recht hatte das Oberverwaltungsgericht entschieden. In der Gesamtbetrachtung handle es sich bei dem Camp nicht um eine grundrechtlich geschützte Versammlung. Es gab damit einer Beschwerde der Stadt Hamburg statt.\nDie Verfassungsrichter haben diese Ansicht nun gekippt. Dabei haben sie über einen Eilantrag gegen die Position des OVG entschieden - aber nicht über die zugehörige Verfassungsbeschwerde. Diese werfe \"schwierige und... ungeklärte Fragen\" auf, hieß es.\nDas \"Antikapitalistische Camp\" soll vom 30. Juni bis 9. Juli stattfinden. Geplant ist bisher eine Zeltstadt für 10.000 Teilnehmer - mit Veranstaltungen vom 28. Juni bis 9. Juli. Der Protest richtet sich gegen das Gipfeltreffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs der führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer am 7. und 8. Juli in Hamburg.\nAktenzeichen: 1 BvR 1387/17",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Aktion gegen (Bananen-)Software-Patente |
Der Förderverein für eine freie Informationsinfrastruktur (FFII) ruft zur Aktion „B-Punkt jetzt“ auf, die das Bundesjustizministerium (BMJ) dazu auffordert, im EU-Rat die Softwarepatent-Richtlinie als B-Punkt zur erneuten Verhandlung einzubringen.
Ziel der Aktion ist, dem BMJ mit Hilfe der DHL-Freitags-Freipaket-Marke ein paar leckere Bananen zusammen mit einer entsprechenden Botschaft zukommen zu lassen. Dem Justizministerium werfen die Absender der Bananen vor, „dass dessen Ignoranz aller parlamentarischen Beschlüsse und das Festhalten an einem unlegitimierten Richtlinienentwurf an die Zustände in einer Bananenrepublik erinnere“.
Die Bananen symbolisieren hier die Unausgereiftheit (der Ratsversion) der Richtlinie und kritisieren die Politpraxis in diesem Zusammenhang. Die Demonstration am 25. Februar 2005 in Berlin stand bereits unter dem Motto „Keine Bananenrepublik - keine Softwarepatente - B-Punkt jetzt!“.
Laut heise und Quellen aus dem FFII gibt es ein Schreiben der Landwirtschaftsministerin Renate Künast, wonach die umstrittene Richtlinie entgegen der bisherigen Verlautbarungen aus dem BMJ, bereits am Montag zur Abstimmung gebracht werden soll. Gegenüber heise online wurde dies jedoch dementiert. Auch neuesten Erkenntnissen aus FFII-Kreisen zufolge ist dem Inhalt des Briefes nicht zu trauen.
Aktuell steht der Bananenzähler am 26. Februar 2005 um 10:00 Uhr MEZ auf 452 Bananen fürs BMJ.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Europäische Union",
"Themenportal Deutschland",
"Politik in der Europäischen Union",
"Politik in Deutschland",
"Deutsche Bundespolitik",
"Europäisches Parlament",
"Renate Künast",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Softwarepatente: Bananenrepublik Europa",
"text": "Der Rat der Europäischen Union wird am Montag, dem 28. Februar 2005, die umstrittene Richtlinie zu computerimplementierten Erfindungen in einer Sitzung der Agrarminister als A-Punkt, d.h. ohne weitere Diskussion beschließen, das zumindest geht aus einem Schreiben des Bundesverbraucherministeriums an Florian Müller von der Kampagne hervor. Andererseits ist zu hören, ein Sprecher der luxemburgischen Ratspräsidentschaft habe entsprechende Informationen dementiert.\nDie Softwarepatent-Richtlinie falle nicht in das Ressort von Verbraucherschutzministerin Künast, sondern von Justizministerin Zypries. Renate Künast könne aus diesem Grund nicht eigenmächtig über eine Absetzung der Richtlinie von der A-Punkt-Liste entscheiden. Dies könne für die Bundesregierung nur das federführende Justizministerium tun, heißt es in dem Schreiben.Die Ministerin wolle sich jedoch dafür einsetzen, dass der existierende Entwurf jetzt im Sinne der vom Bundestag formulierten Bedenken und der Vorschläge des interfraktionellen Antrags 15/4403 verbessert werde. Die Bedenken könnten unter anderem in der 2. Lesung des Europäischen Parlaments Eingang finden. Allerdings hat sich das Parlament gerade dafür ausgesprochen, das gesamte Verfahren von vorn zu beginnen.Derweil protestieren Softwarpatentgegner unter dem Motto Keine Bananenrepublik - keine Softwarepatente - B-Punkt jetzt! gegen das Vorgehen im Rat. Dabei sollen bundesweit Pakete mit Bananen und Protestbannern an das Bundesministerium der Justiz geschickt werden, heißt es mit Verweis auf eine Geburtstagsaktion der Deutschen Post, die heute jedem den kostenlosen Versand eine Pakets erlaubt.In Dänemark zeichnet sich zudem ein Parlamentsbeschluss ab, der die dänische Regierung zur Ablehnung der Richtlinie verpflichten soll. (ji)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Bananen ans BMJ",
"text": "for FFII editors\nPRESSEERKLÄRUNG FFII -- [ Europa / Wirtschaft / EDV ]\nBananen ans BMJ\nVon Softwarepatenten, Verbraucherschutz und der Europäischen Bananen-Union\n-> [ English version | Neues | A-Punkt-Warnung | Künast-Brief | Bananen ans BMJ ]\nBerlin, 25. Februar 2005 -- Unter dem Motto \"Keine Bananenrepublik - keine Softwarepatente - B-Punkt jetzt!\" gehen zur Zeit bundesweit Pakete mit Bananen und Protestbannern an das Bundesministerium der Justiz. Gleichzeitig wird Verbraucherschutzministerin Renate Künast aufgefordert, der drohenden Verabschiedung eines Richtlinienentwurfs durch den Rat der EU am Montag, den 28. Februar, entgegen zu treten.\nAnlass ist das Vorhaben des Ministerrates der EU, am Montag einen Standpunkt zur geplanten EU-Softwarepatent-Richtlinie zu verabschieden, der den Interessen der meisten Mitgliedsstaaten zuwider läuft und der gegen die Beschlüsse sowohl des Europäischen Parlamentes als auch gegen Resolutionen der Parlamente von fünf EU-Mitgliedsstaaten einschließlich des Deutschen Bundestages gerichtet ist. Kritiker weisen dem Ratstext nach, dass er über zahlreiche Hintertüren breite Ausschlussrechte auf reine Software nach US-amerikanischem Vorbild ermögliche und damit einer innovationsgefährdenden Durchsetzungspraxis zu Gunsten amerikanischer und japanischer Konzerne und zu Lasten kleinerer europäischer Unternehmen Vorschub leiste.\nDem in Deutschland federführenden BMJ werfen die Absender der Bananen vor, dass dessen Ignoranz aller parlamentarischen Beschlüsse und das Festhalten an einem unlegitimierten Richtlinienentwurf an die Zustände in einer Bananenrepublik erinnere. Bereits am 15. Februar hatten Demonstranten in einer Kundgebung vor dem BMJ sich dieses Motivs bedient und die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen im Rat der EU gefordert.\n(Kundgebung am 15. Februar vor dem BMJ. Quelle: FFII) - Große Version\nChristian Cornelssen vom Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur (FFII) e.V., kommentiert:\n\"Es ist leider immer noch nötig, das BMJ daran zu erinnern, dass unser Parlament in seiner von allen Fraktionen getragenen Entschließung die Richtlinie in dieser Form ablehnt und entscheidende Verbesserungen auf Ratsebene anmahnt. Dies kann nur geschehen, wenn die Richtlinie als B-Punkt verhandelt wird. Damit es dazu überhaupt kommen kann, muss am Montag der A-Punkt von der Tagesordnung genommen werden.\"\nAufgrund des Widerstandes aus einer Reihe von EU-Mitgliedstaaten fehlt dem Entwurf des Rates mittlerweile die nötige qualifizierte Mehrheit, um als \"Gemeinsamer Standpunkt\" verabschiedet zu werden. Dennoch hat die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft mehrmals versucht, den Text vom 18. Mai als so genannten \"A-Punkt\" auf die Tagesordnung zu setzen, d.h. als Text, der ohne weitere Diskussion und ohne ausdrückliche Abstimmung angegenommen werden könne. Gewählt wurde dafür stets ein Treffen der Minister eines fachfremden Ressorts, etwa der Landwirtschafts- und Fischereiminister, wie es auch am Montag wieder der Fall sein soll. Bislang scheiterten die Versuche daran, dass aufmerksame Minister darauf bestanden, die Verabschiedung des nicht mehr legitimierten Entwurfs von der Tagesordnung entfernen zu lassen.\nSeit dem 17. Februar 2005 liegt der Europäischen Kommission ein Beschluss des Europäischen Parlaments vor mit dem Antrag, das Gesetzgebungsverfahren zur umstrittenen Richtlinie komplett neu zu starten. Damit würde auch der umstrittene Ratstext bedeutungslos werden. Am Abend des gleichen Tages hat der Deutsche Bundestag einstimmig eine interfraktionelle Entschließung verabschiedet, welche erhebliche Mängel im Ratstext feststellt und die Bundesregierung zur Korrektur dieser Mängel auffordert. Die Abgeordneten aller Fraktionen begrüßen den Neustartantrag des Europäischen Parlaments und fordern von der Bundesregierung, insbesondere vom federführenden Bundesministerium der Justiz unter Brigitte Zypries, eine Abkehr von dem bisherigen Ratstext und eine Erwirkung der nötigen Korrekturen auf Ratsebene.\nTrotz des stetig gewachsenen Widerstandes aus den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten hat der Rat der EU bislang nicht zu einer Neuverhandlung des Entwurfs gefunden. Stattdessen soll nach dem Willen der luxemburgischen Ratspräsidentschaft am nächsten Montag ein erneuter Versuch gestartet werden, den Entwurf vom Mai 2004, der weniger Unterstützung genießt als je zuvor, ohne erneute Diskussion durch fachlich nicht zuständige Minister verabschieden zu lassen. Die deutsche Delegation wird von der grünen Verbraucherschutzministerin Renate Künast geleitet. Nach dem Willen der Unterstützer der Parlamentsbeschlüsse soll sie wie zuvor die Minister anderer Länder dafür sorgen, dass der A-Punkt des unlegitimierten Entwurfs von der Tagesordnung entfernt wird.\nKontakt\nJan Wildeboer, janwilde at, +49-174-7917833\nChristian Cornelssen, ccorn at, +49-160-3831686\nStephan Uhlmann, uhlmann at, +49-170-4225008\nÜber den FFII --\nDer FFII ist ein in München eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein für Volksbildung im Bereich der Datenverarbeitung. Der FFII unterstützt die Entwicklung öffentlicher Informationsgüter auf Grundlage des Urheberrechts, freien Wettbewerbs und offener Standards. Über 500 Mitglieder, 1200 Firmen und 70000 Unterstützer haben den FFII mit der Vertretung ihrer Interessen im Bereich der Gesetzgebung zu Software-Eigentumsrechten beauftragt.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "AItemWarning050224De: FFII Wiki",
"text": "A-Punkt-Warnung Landwirtschaft\n-> [ Neues | English | Künastbrief | Bananen ans BMJ | Kontakt Künast | Parteitage am 26. Februar | Künasts Versteckspiel | Vorige A-Punkt-Versuche ]\nAktueller Stand\n2005-05-25 16:15 Uhr: Es gibt einige Dementi, dass die Entscheidung doch nicht am Montag 28.Februar ansteht, also kein A-Punkt.\nMöglicherweise löste die u.g. Mail einen falschen Alarm aus. Siehe Abschnitt \"Erkenntnisse\" unten.\nDie Aktion \"Bananen ans BMJ / B-Punkt jetzt!\" wird jedoch unabhängig davon weitergeführt.\nOriginal-Text\nSehr geehrte/r Unterstützer/in des FFII,\nam Donnerstag abend ist einem Unterstützer eine Email einer Künast-Mitarbeiterin zugekommen, in der es heisst \"Ich schreibe Ihnen im Auftrag von Renate Künast. Am 28.02. wird der 'Gemeinsame Standpunkt' zur Richtlinie über die Patentierbarkeit computerimplementierter Erfindungen auf dem Treffen der Agrar- und Fischereiminister formal bestätigt.\" Will man einen A-Punkt abnicken lassen, so wäre der Montagstermin geschickt gewählt: Die Europaparlamentarier sind nach einer Sitzung in Straßburg gerade wieder nach Brüssel, und - so rechnet man sich möglicherweise aus - über das Wochenende ist die Mobilisierung schwieriger.\nUnverzügliches Handeln ist also geboten, deshalb verschicken wir dieses Rundschreiben schon seit der Nacht, und wir bitten Sie, über Ihre politischen Kontakte darauf hin zu wirken, dass die Softwarepatentrichtlinie kein A-Punkt am 28.02. wird. Andererseits heißt schnelles Handeln auch, dass wir diese Mail bisher nicht aus einer zweiten Quelle verifizieren konnten, wir bitten Sie deshalb um Verifikation oder Falsifizierung, neueste Ergebnisse werden unter\n [Abschnitt \"Erkenntnisse\"]\nveröffentlicht (wir bitten Sie, dort nach dem Öffnen dieser Mail nachzuschauen und eigene Erkenntnisse dort beizutragen.)\nMehr Hintergrund unter\n\nZusätzlich bietet sich die Aktion \"B-Punkt jetzt! - Bananen ans BMJ\" an. Alles Nötige findet man heute noch im eigenen Briefpostkasten (Stichwort: Freipaket-Freitag), im Supermarkt und auf\n\nDarüberhinaus gibt es am Samstag Parteitage, die sich dringend damit befassen sollten:\n\nMit freundlichen Grüßen,\nErkenntnisse",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "[ ] :: Willkommen",
"text": "B-Punkt jetzt!\nB wie Banane - Bananen für das BMJ\nNoch unbestätigten Informationen zufolge, soll am Montag, den 28.2.2005, die Softwarepatent-Richtlinie wieder als A-Punkt auf die Tagesordnung des Agrar- und Fischereirats gesetzt werden. Dort hat Frau Renate Künast wieder die unglückliche Aufgabe, den Richtlinienentwurf des Rates im Namen der Bundesregierung abzunicken, obwohl diesem bei einer Neuabstimmung keine qualifizierte Mehrheit mehr beschieden wäre. Denn die Bundesregierung, in Gestalt des federführenden Bundesministerium für Justiz (BMJ), hält weiterhin an der gegenwärtigen Ratsversion der Richtlinie fest. Dies erinnert an die Zustände in einer Bananenrepublik.\nEs ist daher leider immer noch nötig, das BMJ daran zu erinnern, dass unser Parlament in seiner von allen Fraktionen getragenen Entschließung die Richtlinie in dieser Form ablehnt und entscheidende Verbesserungen anmahnt. Dies kann nur passieren, wenn die Richtlinie als B-Punkt verhandelt wird. Damit es dazu überhaupt kommen kann, muss am Montag der A-Punkt von der Tagesordnung genommen werden.\nDie Deutsche Post AG feiert sich am heutigen Freitag 25.2.2005 mit einem Freipaket-Freitag. Man kann bundesweit kostenlos ein Paket bis max. 20kg verschicken.\nAls Zeichen, dass die EU keine \"Bananenrepublik\" werden soll, nutzen wir diese Gelegenheit und senden dem BMJ ein paar leckere Bananen!\nSo wirds gemacht:\n1. Paketmarke\nMan nehme eine Freipaket-Freitags-Paketmarke ...\n2. Bananen\n... und ein paar Bananen ...\n3. Karton\n... einen Karton ...\n4. Forderung\n(als PDF oder OpenOffice SXW zum Ausdrucken)\n... tue die Bananen zusammen mit der Botschaft hinein ...\n5. Adressieren\n... adressiere an das BMJ ...\n... und abschicken.\nUnterstützer\nBundesministerium der JustizAbteilung III B 4Mohrenstraße 3710117 Berlin\nWenn sie sich an der Aktion beteiligen, tragen sie ihre Unterstützung bitte hier ein:\nBmjBananenSupport050225De",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Künast: Nächsten Montag geht die Richtlinie durch den Rat",
"text": "for FFII editors\nKünast: Nächsten Montag geht die Richtlinie durch den Rat\n-> [ english ] [ A-Punkt-Warnung | Künast-Versteckspiel | BMVEL-Zynismus | Neues ]\n24. Februar 2005 -- Ein Mitarbeiterin im Bundesministeriums für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMVEL) erklärt im Auftrag der Ministering Renate Künast einem anfragenden Bürger, dass die Ministerin beabsichtigt, den Weisungen ihrer Regierung entsprechend am kommenden Montag im Landwirtschafts- und Fischreirat die \"politische Vereinbarung\" zu Softwarepatenten vom 18. Mai 2004 als A-Punkt abzunicken. Darauf werde eine zweite Lesung des Europäischen Parlaments folgen.\nDie zentralen Aussagen\nDer Gemeinsame Standpunkt wird am Montag formal bestätigt\nFrau Künast handelt nur im Auftrag des federführenden Justizministeriums\nA-Punkt Abstimmungen finden ohne Diskussion statt, und die Fachminister müssen sich an die interne Regierungsabstimmung halten\nFrau Künast setzt sich dafür ein, dass die Position des Bundestags in die Richtlinie Eingang findet\nZuweisung der Änderungsarbeit an die Europaparlamentarier\nDer Brief\nSehr geehrter Herr Klein,\nIch schreibe Ihnen im Auftrag von Renate Künast. Am 28.02. wird der \"Gemeinsamen Standpunkts\" zur Richtlinie über die Patentierbarkeit computerimplementierter Erfindungen auf dem Treffen der Agrar- und Fischereiminister formal bestätigt.\nSie kritisieren, dass Frau Künast nicht diesen Punkt \"abnicken\" wird . Die genannte Richtlinie fällt nicht in das Ressort von Verbraucherschutzministerin Künast sondern von Justizministerin Zypries. Frau Künast kann aus diesem Grund nicht eigenmächtig über eine Absetzung der Richtlinie von der A-Punkt-Liste entscheiden. Dies kann für die Bundesregierung nur das federführende Justizministerium tun. Es ist dem europäischen A-Punkt-Verfahren zu verdanken, dass dieser Punkt überhaupt auf die Tagesordnung des Agrarrates kommt. Da hier die inhaltliche Diskussion schon im Vorfeld und durch die fachlich zuständigen Gremien stattgefunden hat, kann jeder Fachministerrat, unabhängig von dessen eigener Zuständigkeit, über einen so genannten A-Punkt abstimmen. Hierbei erfolgt keine inhaltliche Diskussion mehr. Die Fachminister fungieren in diesem Fall als Stellvertreter ihrer Regierungen und müssen sich an die Ergebnisse der internen Regierungsabstimmung halten. Frau Künast setzt sich jedoch dafür ein, dass der existierende Entwurf jetzt im Sinne der vom Bundestag formulierten Bedenken und der Vorschläge des interfraktionellen Antrags 15/4403 verbessert wird. Diese Bedenken können sowohl bei der nun erforderlich gewordenen Neubefassung des Rates zum \"Gemeinsamen Standpunkt\", als auch im weiteren parlamentarischen Verfahren Eingang finden. Nächster Schritt nach dem \"Gemeinsamen Standpunkt\" ist die 2. Lesung des Europäischen Parlaments. Die konstruktiven und von der Bundesregierung begrüßten Vorschläge des interfraktionellen Antrags geben den Europa-Abgeordneten wichtige Anregungen für deren eigene Arbeiten an dem Richtlinienentwurf. Wenn die 2. Lesung in ein Vermittlungsverfahren mündet, ist dies auch bei der weiteren Positionierung der Bundesregierung im Rat zu berücksichtigen.\nMit freundlichen Grüßen,\n[Name der Mitarbeiterin]\n-- MdB Renate Künast Deutscher Bundestag Platz der Republik 1 11011 Berlin\nKommentar des Briefempfängers Thomas Klein\n...diese \"Bedenken\" können (!) Eingang finden in die Ratssitzung oder das weitere parlamentarische Verfahren\nGerade der letzte Punkt klingt nicht so, als würde Deutschland am Montag tatsächlich in unserem Sinne etwas tun. Und dann, Zitat: \"Nächster Schritt nach dem 'Gemeinsamen Standpunkt' ist die 2. Lesung des Europäischen Parlaments.\"\nHallo, was ist mit Neustart des Verfahrens? Will der Rat das Parlament jetzt doch überrollen?\nUpdate\nvon cmdecker: 25. Februar 2005 11:10 Uhr: Es gibt unbestätigte Berichte, dass die Entscheidung doch nicht am Montag 28.Februar ansteht, also kein A-Punkt. Möglicherweise löste die Mail einen falschen Alarm aus.\nWildeboer hat sich beim Rat erkundigt, ist derzeit nicht auf der Agenda. Phm verweist darauf, dass es auch kurzfristig vor der Sitzung durch Deutschland möglich ist.\nSiehe auch Lageeinschätzung in\n25. Februar 2005 15:00 Uhr: Mitarbeiterin von Frau Künast verweist auf Irrtum, bitte keine weiteren Anrufe mehr ;)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Softwarepatente: Wirbel um angeblichen Richtlinienbeschluss im Agrarrat",
"text": "Die Chaostage rund um die umstrittene EU-Richtlinie über die Patentierbarkeit \"computerimplementierter Erfindungen\" gehen weiter: Ein Schreiben aus dem Bundestagsbüro von Landwirtschaftsministerin Renate Künast sorgte für Aufregung, dem zufolge der wackelige Standpunkt des EU-Rates zur Softwarepatentrichtlinie entgegen bisheriger Ansagen aus dem Ministergremium am kommenden Montag in Brüssel \"auf dem Treffen der Agrar- und Fischereiminister formal bestätigt\" werde. Nächster Schritt sei die 2. Lesung des Direktivenvorschlags im EU-Parlament. Anzeige\nDie Ansage ließ bei Softwarepatentgegnern sämtliche Alarmglocken schrillen, da die Spitze des EU-Abgeordnetenhauses am 17. Februar von der EU-Kommission die Vorlage eines neuen Richtlinienentwurfs und damit den Neustart des gesamten Gesetzgebungsverfahrens verlangt hatte. Am gestrigen Donnerstag stellte sich das EU-Parlament als Ganzes noch einmal hinter das Begehr, indem es einen Antrag zum Wiederaufrollen der Richtlinie im Plenum durch den Zuspruch aller Fraktionen im Plenum annahm. Mit einer Absegnung des Ratsstandpunktes wären die europäischen Volksvertreter folglich komplett überfahren worden. Ihnen haben zudem auch die nationalen Parlamente hierzulande, in den Niederlanden und in Spanien den Rücken gestärkt.\nLucien Michels, Presse-Attaché der luxemburgischen Ratspräsidentschaft in Brüssel, dementierte gegenüber heise online allerdings, dass die Patentrichtlinie auf der Tagesordnung für den Agrar- und Fischereirat stünde. Es sei auch nicht geplant, den Standpunkt des Rates vom Mai auf einer Ministerrunde in absehbarer Zeit offiziell zu verabschieden. Vielmehr warte man zunächst auf die formale Reaktion der Kommission auf den Neustartantrag aus dem Parlament. Dort hält sich der federführende Binnenmarktkommissar, Charlie McCreevy, allerdings nach wie vor bedeckt, was die Ausarbeitung eines neuen Richtlinienpapiers oder aber etwa die Einstellung oder Verschiebung des Verfahrens angeht. Der Ire sieht vielmehr den Rat am Zug. So gibt es denn auch noch Gerüchte, dass sich der Wettbewerbsrat am 7. März der Richtlinie doch wieder annehmen könnte. Er hatte die umstrittene Vereinbarung der Minister zunächst getroffen.\nDoch auch Parlamente der Mitgliedsstaaten lassen nicht locker. So bahnt sich in Dänemark ein Entschließungsantrag nach Vorbild des Bundestags an. Er soll die Regierung dort stärker als in Berlin binden und dazu verpflichten, in Brüssel ein Durchwinken des Ratsstandpunktes zu verhindern. \"Wir denken, dass so viele Leute Probleme in dem Vorschlag ausgemacht haben, dass wir die Regierung bitten sollten, momentan in der EU keine Entscheidung über eine Softwarepatentrichtlinie zu treffen\", wird Thomas Adelskov, IT-Sprecher der dänischen Sozialdemokraten, in Medienberichten zitiert. Auch das polnische Parlament will am Ball bleiben. Der Ratstext ist insbesondere in die Kritik geraten, weil er laut Experten zahlreiche Hintertüren für eine breite Patentierbarkeit reiner Software nach US-amerikanischem Vorbild öffnet und damit Wettbewerb und Innovation behindern könnte.\nDer Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur (FFII) hat sich derweil eine ungewöhnliche Form des Protests ausgedacht: Er fordert seine Anhänger auf, die Werbeaktion der Deutschen Post am heutigen Freitag zum kostenlosen Versand eines Paketes zu nutzen, um dem in Deutschland federführenden Bundesjustizministerium \"ein paar leckere Bananen\" zu senden. Schon am Donnerstag vor einer Woche demonstrierte der Mittelstandsverband in Brüssel unter dem Motto \"Keine Bananen-Republik\" gegen Softwarepatente, zwei Tage zuvor in Berlin. Dem Justizministerium werfen die Absender der Bananen vor, \"dass dessen Ignoranz aller parlamentarischen Beschlüsse und das Festhalten an einem unlegitimierten Richtlinienentwurf an die Zustände in einer Bananenrepublik erinnere\".\nZum Thema Softwarepatente siehe auch:\n) / ( jk /c't)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Frankfurt am Main: Goetheturm komplett abgebrannt |
Am Donnerstag um 03.15 Uhr wurde sowohl die Feuerwehr als auch die Polizei verständigt. Gemeldet wurde der Brand des hölzernen 43,3 Meter hohen Goetheturm im Stadtteil Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen. Obwohl die Feuerwehr mit zahlreichen Einsatzkräften vor Ort war gelang es lediglich die Beschädigung benachbarter Gebäude zu verhindern. Der Turm selbst brannte komplett ab. Brandermittler der Kriminalpolizei haben die Ermittlungen aufgenommen. Man vermutet Brandstiftung, da der am Turm keine Elektrik verbaut war und auch ein Blitzschlag als Ursache des Feuers ausscheidet. Da in diesem Jahr bereits zwei Holzbauten in Frankfurt den Flammen zum Opfer gefallen sind, ist es nicht auszuschließen, dass der erneute Brand die Tat eines Serientäters ist.
Der Goetheturm war ein vollständig aus Holz gebauter, 43,3 Meter hoher Aussichtsturm am nördlichen Rand des Frankfurter Stadtwaldes, der nach Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe benannt wurde. Der Turm hatte 196 Stufen und war bis 1999, als er vom Jahrtausendturm in Magdeburg abgelöst wurde, der höchste öffentlich zugängliche Holzbau Deutschlands.
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"Themenportal Kultur",
"Themenportal Recht",
"Kultur in Deutschland",
"Recht in Deutschland",
"Straftat allg.",
"Brand allg."
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "\"Die Menschen in der ganzen Stadt sind wütend\"",
"text": "Frankfurt hat mit dem Goetheturm eines seiner Wahrzeichen verloren. Stadt, Anwohner und Politiker zeigen sich betroffen und sind sich einig: Der Holzturm muss wieder aufgebaut werden.\nHorst Ducat kann es immer noch nicht fassen. Er steht wenige Meter von den qualmenden Überresten entfernt, die einmal der Goetheturm waren. Ein Feuer hat das über 80 Jahre alte Wahrzeichen in der Nacht zum Donnerstag zerstört. \"Ich bin in Sachsenhausen geboren und aufgewachsen\", erzählt der 80-Jährige mit bebender Stimme. \"Ich war schon als kleiner Junge hier. Wie oft sind wir den Goetheturm hoch und runter geklettert.\"\nBetroffen und stinksauer: Ur-Sachsenhäuser Horst Ducat. Bild © Sonja Fouraté (hr)\nAls er dann selbst Kinder hatte, war der Goetheturm deren Lieblingsspielplatz: \"Meine Tochter hat mich heute morgen aus Bielefeld angerufen\", sagt Ducat. \"Sie hatte es im Radio gehört und konnte es nicht glauben. Was für ein Verlust.\" Ein paar Meter weiter sagt ein kleiner Junge zu seinen Eltern: \"Ich habe heute Morgen auf jeden Fall geweint.\"\n\"Frankfurter mitten ins Herz getroffen\"\nTrauer und Betroffenheit macht sich bei den Frankfurtern nach der Zerstörung ihres Wahrzeichens im Wald breit. Das Feuer hat \"alle Frankfurter mitten ins Herz getroffen\", sagt Rainer Vollweiter vom Umweltdezernat und Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann (SPD) stellt fest: \"Die Menschen in der ganzen Stadt sind wütend.\"\nWeitere Informationen Spendenkonten für den Wiederaufbau Die Stadt Frankfurt hat kurzfristig zwei Spendenkonten für den Wiederaufbau eingerichtet:\nNassauische Sparkasse, Kontoinhaber: Stadt Frankfurt,\nIBAN: DE 46 5105 0015 0140 3028 60, Stichwort: Goetheturm\nFrankfurter Sparkasse\nIBAN: DE55 5005 0201 0200 6525 75, Stichwort: Wiederaufbau Goetheturm Ende der weiteren Informationen\nWut und Fassungslosigkeit treibt auch die Stadtverordnete Birgit Ross (Grüne) um, die ebenfalls aus Sachsenhausen stammt: \"Der Goetheturm steht für so viel: Hier wurde gespielt, gegessen, geküsst, geweint, es gab Liebesschwüre, Heiratsanträge - für all das stand der Goetheturm. Und jetzt ist er weg\", sagt sie bei der Besichtigung der Brandstelle.\nTeilen Sie uns am Ende des Artikels Ihre Erinnerungen an den Goetheturm mit\nWeitere Reaktionen zum Brand:\nOberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann (SPD)\nOberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann zeigt sich betroffen: \"Der Goetheturm war ein Wahrzeichen, mit dem die Kinder dieser Stadt groß werden.\" Der Verlust mache \"die Menschen in der ganzen Stadt wütend. Ich werde Stadtrat Schneider voll dabei unterstützen, dass der Goetheturm sofort wieder aufgebaut wird. Der Goetheturm ist eines der Wahrzeichen unserer Stadt. Wir werden die Mittel dafür umgehend bereitstellen\", sagte das Stadtoberhaupt bei dem Rundgang an der Brandstelle.\nBaudezernent Jan Schneider (CDU)\nAngesprochener Stadtrat Jan Schneider will möglichst schnell die Planungen für den Wiederaufbau aufnehmen. \"Auch wenn wir zurzeit mit Schulen, Kindertagesstätten und anderen städtischen Gebäuden alle Hände voll zu tun haben - spätestens morgen sollte das Hochbauamt mit den Planungen für den Wiederaufbau beginnen. Ich hoffe, das es hierfür eine breite politische Mehrheit geben wird.\" Allerdings könnte ein Wiederaufbau aufgrund neuer Baurichtlinien \"nicht mehr eins zu eins möglich sein\". Für die bis 2014 dauernde Sanierung des bestehenden Turms hätten andere Richtlinien gegolten, sagte Schneider.\nUmweltdezernentin Rosemarie Heilig (Grüne)\n\"Das ist ein echter Alptraum und richtig bitter. Wer steckt ein Identifikationssymbol der Frankfurter in Brand?\", zeigte sich Umweltdezernentin Rosemarie Heilig fassungslos.\nFeuerwehrdezernent Markus Frank (CDU)\nStadtrat Markus Frank begreift den \"traurigen Anlass\" auch als Chance. Jetzt könne man den Turm im Sinne der Barrierefreiheit wieder aufbauen, sagte er bei bei einer Pressekonferenz an der Brandstelle.\nStädtisches Umweltdezernat\nÄhnliche Signale kommen aus dem Umweltdezernat, das für den Turm zuständig ist. \"Das hat alle Frankfurter mitten ins Herz getroffen\", sagte Dezernats-Sprecher Rainer Vollweiter \"Man ist kein richtiger Frankfurter, wenn man nicht einmal auf dem Goetheturm war.\"\nNicola Beer (FDP)\nFDP-Generalsekretärin Nicola Beer forderte auf Twitter einen Runden Tisch mit Stadt und Bürgern. \"Lasst uns den Goetheturm wieder aufbauen\", schrieb die hessische Spitzenkandidatin und künftige Bundestagsabgeordnete.",
"url": ",goetheturm-reaktionen-100.html",
"archive_url": ",goetheturm-reaktionen-100.html"
"language": "de",
"title": "Brände: Frankfurter Goetheturm brennt nieder",
"text": "Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - Ein Feuer hat den mehr als 80 Jahre alten Goetheturm in Frankfurt am Main vollständig zerstört. \"Der Turm ist eingestürzt und war nicht mehr zu retten\", sagte ein Sprecher der Feuerwehr.\nWegen der hohen Flammen und der Einsturzgefahr des 43 Meter hohen Holzturms löschte die Feuerwehr den Brand zunächst nicht, sondern sicherte die Umgebung. Zehn Meter des beliebten Ausflugsziels standen am frühen Morgen noch in Flammen, nur die vier Stützpfeiler ragten noch in die Höhe.\n\"Es deutet alles auf Brandstiftung hin\", sagte eine Polizeisprecherin. In dem Turm sei \"keinerlei Elektronik verbaut, und es ist auch kein Gewitter in der Nacht über uns hinweggezogen\". Die Ermittlungen könnten aber erst in einigen Stunden beginnen, wenn alle Glutnester gelöscht und der Brandherd abgekühlt sei.\nBereits im Frühsommer waren zwei Holzbauten in Frankfurter Parks abgebrannt, die Polizei ermittelt in beiden Fällen wegen Brandstiftung. Der koreanische Pavillon im Grüneburgpark stand Anfang Mai in Flammen, einen Monat später der chinesische Pavillon im Bethmannpark. Beide Gebäude wurden völlig zerstört. Der mehr als 80 Jahre alte Goetheturm war ebenfalls aus Holz. Konkrete Hinweise auf eine Brandserie gebe es noch nicht, sagte die Polizeisprecherin, aber: \"Es ist alles möglich.\"\nOberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann (SPD) reagierte betroffen und forderte nach den Worten seines Sprechers einen Wiederaufbau.\n\"Ein elektronischer Defekt kann es nicht gewesen sein\", sagte der Feuerwehrsprecher. \"Zum Glück ist nicht Hochsommer.\" Durch Funkenflug auf trockenen Waldboden hätte das Feuer sonst einen noch erheblicheren Schaden anrichten können.\nAls die Feuerwehr um 3.20 Uhr vor Ort war, stand der Turm schon voll in Flammen. Bei der Leitstelle gingen \"zahlreiche Notrufe\" ein. Rund 60 Feuerwehrkräfte rückten aus.\nDer Turm im Stadtteil Sachsenhausen zählte nach Angaben der Stadt Frankfurt zu den höchsten hölzernen Aussichtstürmen Deutschlands. Erst im Jahr 2014 war er saniert worden. Sein Name war ihm bei der Eröffnung 1931 anlässlich des bevorstehenden 100. Todestages von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe gegeben worden.\n\"Der Sachschaden lässt sich nicht beziffern\", sagte der Feuerwehr-Sprecher. \"Der ideelle Schaden ist aber riesengroß.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "POL-F: 171012 - 1100 Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen: Goetheturm abgebrannt",
"text": "Polizeipräsidium Frankfurt am Main\nPOL-F: 171012 - 1100 Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen: Goetheturm abgebrannt\nFrankfurt (ots)\n(as) Ein Feuer hat heute in den frühen Morgenstunden den Frankfurter Goetheturm in Schutt und Asche gelegt.\nGegen 03.15 Uhr erreichten Polizei und Feuerwehr zahlreiche Notrufe, dass das Frankfurter Wahrzeichen in Flammen stünde. Wenig später trafen die ersten Einsatzkräfte am Turm ein, da stand dieser bereits vollkommen in Flammen. Auch die intensiven Bemühungen der Feuerwehr konnten den Niedergang nicht verhindern. Angrenzende Gebäude und Waldbereiche gelang es so zu sichern, dass diese nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurden.\nNach Abschluss der Löscharbeiten haben spezialisierte Brandermittler der Frankfurter Kriminalpolizei ihre Arbeit begonnen. Die umfangreiche Spurensuche wird sicher mehrere Tage in Anspruch nehmen und dauern momentan an.\nZu der Brandursache sind derzeit keine seriösen und belastbaren Aussagen machbar. Aufgrund der Gesamtumstände ist eine Brandstiftung im weitesten Sinne sehr wahrscheinlich. Zusammenhänge mit ähnlichen Brandstiftungen der Vergangenheit werden im Rahmen der Ermittlungen geprüft.\nIn diesem Zusammenhang bittet die Polizei um Hinweise an den Kriminaldauerdienst unter Telefon 069/755-53111.\nRückfragen bitte an:\nPolizeipräsidium Frankfurt am Main\nP r e s s e s t e l l e\nAdickesallee 70\n60322 Frankfurt am Main\nTelefon: 069/ 755-00\nDirekte Erreichbarkeit von Mo. - Fr.: 07:30 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr\nTelefon: 069 / 755-82110 (CvD)\nFax: 069 / 755-82009\nE-Mail:\nHomepage Polizeipräsidium Ffm.:\nOriginal-Content von: Polizeipräsidium Frankfurt am Main, übermittelt durch news aktuell",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | 2007-09-06: Gdynia: zmiana na stanowisku dowódcy Centrum Operacji Morskich |
W obecności dowódcy Marynarki Wojennej adm. floty Romana Krzyżelewskiego odbyła się uroczystość przekazania obowiązków dowódcy Centrum Operacji Morskich w Gdyni. Kontradm. Ryszard Demczuk zastąpił na tym stanowisku adm. floty Marka Brągoszewskiego. Oficjalnie admirał Demczuk został wyznaczony przez ministra obrony narodowej już 15 sierpnia 2007 roku, jednakże ze względów organizacyjnych zmiana nastąpiła w dniu 6 września 2007 roku. Do tego czasu admirał Brągoszewski pozostawał na stanowisku poza etatem jednostki wojskowej. Jednocześnie dowódca Centrum Operacji Morskich przestał być zastępcą dowódcy Marynarki Wojennej.
Centrum Operacji Morskich jest jednostką dowodzenia taktycznego podległą dowódcy Marynarki Wojennej. Powstało w 2002 roku w ramach reorganizacji systemu dowodzenia i jego dostosowania do standardów NATO. Zostało zorganizowane z połączenia Stanowiska Dowodzenia Marynarki Wojennej i wydzielonych struktur Sztabu i Logistyki Marynarki Wojennej. W 2004 roku jego struktura została rozbudowana.
Zdający obowiązki adm. floty Marek Brągoszewski urodził się 6 czerwca 1949 roku w Gdyni. Jest absolwentem Wyższej Szkoły Marynarki Wojennej, Akademii Marynarki Wojennej ZSRR, Akademii Sztabu i Dowodzenia ZSRR oraz Akademii Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego. Był dowódcą 9 Flotylli Obrony Wybrzeża (1991-1997) i szefem Szkolenia Marynarki Wojennej (2000-2005). Stanowisko dowódcy Operacji Morskich zastępcy dowódcy Marynarki Wojennej zajmował od 18 kwietnia 2005 roku.
Obejmujący kontradm. Ryszard Demczuk urodził się 3 sierpnia 1959 w Białej Podlaskiej. Ukończył Wyższą Szkołę Marynarki Wojennej, Akademię Obrony Holandii i Akademię Dowodzenia Marynarki Wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych. W trakcie służby wojskowej dowodził okrętami rakietowym ORP "Oksywie" i ORP "Grom" oraz dywizjonem Okrętów Rakietowych. Przed wyznaczeniem na stanowisko dowódcy Centrum Operacji Morskich był głównym specjalistą w Dowództwie Marynarki Wojennej.
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"Marynarka Wojenna Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej",
"Siły Zbrojne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Marynarka Wojenna RP",
"text": "Gdynia 2007-09-06 15:09 Nowy dowódca\nCentrum Operacji Morskich Kontradmirał Ryszard DEMCZUK objął dzisiaj (czwartek, 6 września) obowiązki dowódcy Centrum Operacji Morskich. Zastąpił na tym stanowisku dotychczasowego dowódcę COM admirała floty Marka BRĄGOSZEWSKIEGO. Kontradmirał Ryszard Szczepan DEMCZUK – ur. 03 sierpnia 1959 r. w Białej Podlaskiej. Jest absolwentem Wyższej Szkoły Marynarki Wojennej (1985). Ukończył: kurs przeszkolenia oficerów szczebla operacyjno – taktycznego (1990), międzynarodowy kurs oficerów sztabu w Akademii Obrony Holandii (1996), kurs integracji z NATO (1998), kurs „Liderzy XXI wieku” w Europejskim Centrum Studiów Bezpieczeństwa w amerykańskim Instytucie im Georga C. Marshalla w Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1998), studia podyplomowe w Akademii Marynarki Wojennej (2000) oraz podyplomowe studia dowódczo – sztabowe w Akademii Dowódczej Marynarki Wojennej w Newport (2001). Po ukończeniu studiów w Wyższej Szkole Marynarki Wojennej od 1985 roku pełnił służbę w 3 Flotylli Okrętów w 1 Dywizjonie Okrętów Rakietowych, przechodząc wszystkie szczeble dowodzenia od dowódcy działu do dowódcy okrętu. W latach 1989-1994 dowodził okrętem rakietowym ORP „Oksywie”, a w latach 1995-1997 okrętem rakietowym ORP „Grom’. Następnie zajmował stanowiska w 3 Flotylli Okrętów i w Sztabie Marynarki Wojennej. W 2002 roku powraca do Dywizjonu Okrętów Rakietowych i w tym samym roku objął nad nim dowodzenie. Począwszy od bieżącego roku pełnił obowiązki głównego specjalisty w Dowództwie Marynarki Wojennej. Kontradmirał Ryszard Demczuk jest także czołowym racjonalizatorem Marynarki Wojennej. Jego wnioski pt. „Proces dowodzenia. Metodologia pracy dowódcy i sztabu w planowaniu działań bojowych w aspekcie spełnienia wymogów interoperacyjności z procedurami obowiązującymi w NATO” oraz „Wykorzystanie planszetu OPA w walce o żywotność okrętu, wg. procedur NATO” zdobyły wyróżnienie dowódcy Marynarki Wojennej i zostały wprowadzony do stosowania w Marynarce Wojennej. W 2006 roku praca racjonalizatorska pt. „Modernizacja morskiej wyrzutni celu powietrznego ICP KOLIBER” zdobyła 1 miejsce w Marynarce Wojennej. Jest żonaty i ma dwie córki. Interesuje się literaturą, historią cywilizacji i rozwoju myśli wojskowej. Admirał floty Marek BRĄGOSZEWSKI - urodził się 6 czerwca 1949 roku w Gdyni. Po ukończeniu liceum w 1967 roku wstąpił do Marynarki Wojennej i rozpoczął edukację zawodową. Po ukończeniu Akademii Marynarki Wojennej został promowany do stopnia podporucznika i rozpoczął służbę jako oficer zwalczania okrętów podwodnych na okrętach 11 Dywizjonu Ścigaczy Okrętów Podwodnych w Helu. Ostatnim jego stanowiskiem morskim było dowodzenie okrętem zwalczania okrętów podwodnych. W latach 1978-80 studiował w Akademii Sztabu i Dowodzenia w b. Leningradzie, po czym służył jako oficer sztabowy, szef wydziału operacyjnego oraz szef sztabu 9 Flotylli Obrony Wybrzeża w Helu. W lipcu 1991 roku objął stanowisko dowódcy 9 Flotylli Obrony Wybrzeża w Helu i dowodził Flotyllą przez 6 lat. W 1997 roku objął stanowisko zastępcy Szefa Sztabu Marynarki Wojennej. W 2000 roku został szefem Szkolenia Marynarki Wojennej. Od 18 kwietnia 2005 roku był dowódcą Centrum Operacji Morskich – zastępcą Dowódcy Marynarki Wojennej RP. Ukończył kurs sztuki wojennej w Akademii Sztabu i Dowodzenia b. ZSRR (1985), operacji strategicznych w Akademii Obrony Narodowej (1988-89) i języka angielskiego w Fort Borden w Kanadzie. Zapalony żeglarz i członek Bractwa Przylądka Horn. Jest żonaty i ma dwójkę dzieci - córkę i syna (oficera MW). Wersja do druku",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | La antorcha olímpica de Rio 2016 recorrerá 250 ciudades de Brasil |
El recorrido de la antorcha olímpica de involucrará 26 , 250 ciudades, 20 mil , 10 mil portadores y 90% de la población brasileña. Entre 90 y 100 días durará el recorrido, desde el encendido de la en , Grecia, hasta el encendido del pebetero en la ceremonia de apertura el 5 de agosto de 2016 en el .
"La antorcha recorrerá todos los rincones de Brasil, hasta los puntos más difíciles y lejanos, para permitir al pueblo brasileño que participe", declaró , presidente del Comité Organizador de los Juegos. Por otro lado, afirmó que el "gobierno federal está trabajando en la seguridad junto a los gobiernos estatales y locales de todos los lugares por los que pasará la antorcha".
, y serán los patrocinadores oficiales del recorrido. "Estamos escribiendo otro capítulo en la historia de nuestra colaboración con el Recorrido de la Antorcha Olímpica. Desde los , en 1992, creemos en su poder de la antorcha de emocionar, de crear momentos únicos y de difundir el espíritu olímpico a todo el mundo", aseveró Flavio Camelier, vicepresidente de Coca-Cola Brasil.
El diseño de la antorcha se escogió en un concurso a nivel nacional el pasado año. Los cálidos colores hacen referencia a la llama y al calor humano de los brasileños, en alusión a lo que se espera sea el relevo, un evento donde la celebración de las personas "alimentará la llama olímpica con su fascinante energía", informa ''''. La ruta que seguirá la antorcha se revelará el próximo año.
| [
"Economía y Negocios",
"Río de Janeiro 2016",
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "La antorcha olímpica recorrerá cerca de 250 ciudades en Brasil",
"text": "La antorcha olímpica de los Juegos de 2016 pasará por cerca de 250 ciudades en Brasil, dando al 90 por ciento de la población del país la posibilidad de verla antes de que termine su periplo en Río. En la imagen, el presidente del comité organizador de los juegos posa frente a una pantalla con una imagen de la antorcha olímpica en una fotografía tomada el 29 de enero de 2015 en Río de Janeiro. REUTERS/Sergio Moraes\nRÍO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - La antorcha olímpica de los Juegos de 2016 pasará por cerca de 250 ciudades en Brasil, dando al 90 por ciento de la población del país la posibilidad de verla antes de que termine su periplo en Río.\n“La antorcha recorrerá todos los rincones de Brasil, hasta los puntos más difíciles y lejanos, para permitir al pueblo brasileño que participe”, dijo a los periodistas el presidente del comité organizador, Carlos Nuzman, en la presentación del recorrido el jueves.\nEl relevo pasará por las capitales de los 26 estados, además del distrito federal de Brasilia, a través de una ruta de 20.000 kilómetros y durará unos 100 días.\nNuzman dijo que se estaba trabajando para garantizar que el itinerario fuera seguro.\n“El gobierno federal está trabajando en la seguridad junto a los gobiernos estatales y locales de todos los lugares por los que pasará la antorcha”, explicó antes de añadir que los planes “deberían satisfacer a todos”.\nUn estudio reciente realizado por el grupo mexicano Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad Pública y la Justicia Penal desveló que en Brasil se encontraban 19 de las 50 ciudades más peligrosas del mundo, según su ratio de asesinatos del pasado año.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Olympic Torch Relay to visit every state in Brazil",
"text": "As the Organising Committee announced the first details for the Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay on 29 January, it was revealed that the flame would be carried by at least 10,000 torchbearers to every corner of Brazil, on a route designed to reach approximately 90 per cent of the population.\nAs is traditional, the lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame at the home of the ancient Olympic Games, Olympia, will mark the start of the Olympic Torch Relay. From Greece, the flame will arrive in Brazil approximately 100 days before the start of the 2016 Games and will then begin its journey around the country. The culmination of the journey will come on 5 August at the Maracanã Stadium in Rio when the flame will light the Olympic cauldron at the Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony.\nCarlos Nuzman, President of the Rio 2016 Organising Committee, said the Torch Relay would give the opportunity for millions of Brazilians to be involved in the build-up to the Olympic Games. “Upon being awarded the right to host the 2016 Olympic Games, we promised to involve the entire country, thereby ensuring it would be an event made by Brazilians, for Brazilians and with a Brazilian spirit for the world to enjoy. To stage the Olympic Torch Relay across the whole country is to fulfil that promise and give millions the chance to participate in an unforgettable celebration.”\nContinuing its longstanding support of the Olympic Torch Relay, Coca-Cola, together with Nissan and Bradesco, will be a Presenting Partner in Brazil. Flavio Camelier, Vice President of Coca-Cola Brazil for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, said: “We are writing yet another chapter in the history of our partnership with the Olympic Torch Relay. Since the Barcelona Olympic Games, in 1992, we believe in its power to thrill, to provide unique moments and to spread the Olympic spirit throughout the whole world.”\nThe nomination process for the torchbearers will be held throughout 2015 and will be conducted in collaboration with the Presenting Partners, while the design of the torch and more details about the route will be announced later in the year.\nFind out more about the Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay at",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Syrie : 11 000 enfants sont morts dans le conflit | Alep.
Selon un rapport publié par le centre de réflexion britannique Oxford Research Group, enfants syriens, âgés de 17 ans ou moins, ont été tués entre le déclenchement du conflit en mars 2011 et la fin août 2013, parmi les morts civils et combattants recensés.
Parmis eux, 128 seraient morts par armes chimiques, 389 abattus par des tireurs embusqués et 112 ont été torturés. 71%, soit des enfants ont été tués par des armes explosives (bombardements aériens, tirs d'artillerie, attentats à la bombe, voitures piégées). Il s'agit donc de l'armement le plus meurtrier pour les enfants de Syrie, note le rapport qui se fonde sur les données de plusieurs organisations syriennes.
Le rapport montre également que les adolescents ont été généralement plus visés que les enfants plus jeunes et deux fois plus de garçons que de filles ont été tués.
D’ailleurs, les garçons âgés entre 13 et 17 ans ont été les victimes les plus fréquentes des meurtres ciblés, que ce soit les tirs de snipers, les exécutions ou les tortures.
| [
"Guerre civile syrienne",
"Politique et conflits",
"Armes chimiques",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Plus de 11 000 enfants morts dans le conflit",
"text": "Plus de 11 000 enfants ont été tués dans le conflit syrien, dont 128 par armes chimiques et 389 abattus par des tireurs embusqués, selon un rapport publié dimanche par le centre de réflexion britannique Oxford Research Group.\nSelon ces données, 11 420 enfants syriens, âgés de 17 ans ou moins, ont été tués entre le déclenchement du conflit en mars 2011 et la fin août 2013, parmi les 113 735 morts civils et combattants recensés.\nSur les 10 586 enfants dont la cause de la mort a été précisée, 7 557 soit 71% ont été tués par des «armes explosives» (bombardements aériens, tirs d'artillerie, attentats à la bombe, voitures piégées), soit l'armement «le plus meurtrier pour les enfants de Syrie», note le rapport qui se fonde sur les données de plusieurs organisations syriennes.\n«Les tirs d'armes légères sont responsables de la mort d'un enfant sur quatre, 2 806 enfants, 26,5% du total, et parmi eux figurent 764 enfants exécutés sommairement et 389 abattus par des tireurs embusqués», précise l'étude.\nParmi les 764 mineurs tués sommairement, il a été rapporté que «112 avaient été torturés», dont cinq âgés de sept ans ou moins et onze entre 8 et 12 ans, selon la même source.\nLe rapport rapporte également que «128 enfants ont été enregistrés comme ayant été tués par des armes chimiques à Ghouta le 21 août 2013», dans une attaque attribuée par l'opposition syrienne et les pays occidentaux au régime du président Assad.\nCette attaque, qui a fait plusieurs centaines de morts, a donné lieu à une escalade des tensions et au démantèlement des armes chimiques du régime syrien.\nLe rapport montre également que «les garçons âgés entre 13 et 17 ans ont été les victimes les plus fréquentes des meurtres ciblés, que ce soit les tirs de snipers, les exécutions ou les tortures».\nLes adolescents ont été globalement plus visés que les enfants plus jeunes et deux fois plus de garçons que de filles ont été tués.\n«Le plus inquiétant dans les conclusions de ce rapport n'est pas seulement le nombre considérable d'enfants tués dans ce conflit, mais la façon dont ils le sont», a estimé Hana Salama, coauteur du rapport.\n«Tous les acteurs du conflit doivent assumer la responsabilité de la protection des enfants», a-t-elle martelé, son coauteur, Hamit Dardagan estimant que seule «une paix durable et non davantage de bombes et de balles» peut «garantir la sécurité des enfants».",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | All plane occupants die in Namibia crash |
The wreckage of a crashed plane carrying by various reports 33 or 34 occupants has been found in Namibia but none of its passengers or crew survived, police in the country said yesterday. took off from the Mozambique 's at 11:26 (0926 ) Friday and was scheduled to reach in , the capital of Angola, at 14:10 (1310 UTC).
The remains of the plane were discovered at in Namibia, close to the borders between Angola and Botswana. police coordinator Willie Bampton reportedly said yesterday: "My team on the ground have found the wreckage. No survivors. The plane is totally burned". A nearby game ranger with the surname Shinonge described bodies being "scattered all over the place", adding, "It's a horrible sight". Shinonge also said investigators managed to find and recover the aircraft's .
In the immediate aftermath of the incident, when the aircraft's exact location was unknown, stated: "Information obtained indicates that the flight has landed in a location in Northern Namibia, bordering Angola and Botswana near a place called ." However, the airline later confirmed the plane had in fact crashed. "At this time, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the passengers and crew who were on board the aircraft. LAM has established family assistance centres at Maputo and Luanda airports to support the families who are naturally distressed", a further statement from the company said. Authorities from Namibia, Angola, Botswana, and South Africa were thanked by the airline for their assistance in the search for the plane.
The plane reportedly had a crew of six and 27 or 28 passengers. Ten of the passengers were Mozambique nationals, while nine were from Angola and five were from Portugal. One passenger from each of France, Brazil and China were also onboard.
The exact cause of the crash is unknown, although officials in Mozambique said weather and visibility were poor on Friday. In a statement, LAM Mozambique Airlines said: "We do not have any information on the circumstances of the accident and we cannot speculate on possible causes as the investigators must be given the time and space to do their work without interference or prejudice."
== Sources ==
| [
"South America",
"Ryan Peteranna (Wikinewsie)",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Aviation accidents and incidents"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "No survivors in Mozambican plane crash",
"text": "A Mozambique Airlines plane has crashed in a game park in northeast Namibi, killing all 34 people on board, Namibian police have said.\nThe plane, en route from Mozambique to Angola, went down in remote terrain in the Bwabwata National Park, where Namibia turns into a narrow strip of land sandwiched between Botswana and Angola.\n\"My team on the ground have found the wreckage. No survivors. The plane is totally burned,\" Willie Bampton, a regional police coordinator in the Kavango region, said on Saturday.\nFlight TM470 from Maputo, the Mozambican capital, did not land as scheduled in Luanda, the Angolan capital, on Friday afternoon, and the airline initially said the plane might have landed in Rundu, in northern Namibia.\nIt said it coordinated with aviation authorities in Namibia, Botswana and Angola to locate the missing plane.\nA Namibian police helicopter joined officers on the ground in the search.\nThe plane was carrying 28 passengers, including 10 Mozambicans, nine Angolans, five Portuguese, and one citizen each from France, Brazil and China, said the airline. Six crew members were on board, it said.\nThe area is vast and there are no roads, making it difficult to locate the plane, Bampton was quoted by the Namibian Press Agency as saying.\nThe search was conducted in the Bwabwata National Park in northeastern Namibia. Several thousand people as well as elephants, buffalo and other animals live in the park, which covers 6,100 square kilometres.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Mozambique Airlines plane crashes in Namibia, killing 34",
"text": "WINDHOEK (Reuters) - A Mozambique Airlines plane en route to Angola crashed in a game park in northeast Namibia killing all 34 people on board, Namibian police said on Saturday.\nFlight TM 470 left Maputo on Friday for the Angolan capital of Luanda with 28 passengers and six crew members on board when it lost contact with air traffic controllers, the national carrier said in a statement.\nNamibian Police Force Deputy Commissioner Willy Bampton said rescue workers had found burned-out wreckage of the aircraft in the dense bush of Bwabwata National Park, near the borders with Angola and Botswana.\n\"The plane has been completely burned to ashes and there are no survivors,\" Bampton said.\nA Bwabwata game ranger at the scene said the plane's black boxes, including the voice recorder, had been located and taken by investigators.\n\"The bodies are scattered all over the place. It's a horrible sight,\" said the ranger, who identified himself only by his surname, Shinonge.\nNamibia's aircraft investigation unit launched a helicopter search for the plane on Friday but called it off because of heavy rain, an investigator said, adding the search had resumed on Saturday.\nThe remote, 6,100 sq km (2,300 sq mile) park is home to wildlife including elephants, lions and wild dogs.\nMozambican officials said the plane, an Embraer SA 190, went missing on Friday in bad weather and poor visibility.\nIn a statement on its website, Mozambique Airlines listed the nationalities of the passengers on Flight TM470 as 10 Mozambicans, nine Angolans, 5 Portuguese, one French, one Brazilian and one Chinese.\nThe flight left the Mozambican capital of Maputo at 1126 (0426 ET) on Friday and had been due to arrive in Luanda at 1400.\n(Additional reporting by Pascal Fletcher in Johannesburg and Manuel Mucari in Maputo; Writing by David Dolan; Editing by Janet Lawrence)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Press Release (Update: 17:30h)",
"text": "Press Release (Update: 17:30h)\nWe have received confirmation from the Namibian Civil Aviation Authority that the search party and its inspectors have located and identified the aircraft wreckage at a site in northern Namibia.\nIt is with great sadness and regret that we must confirm the tragic loss of LAM flight TM470.\nAt this time, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the passengers and crew who were on board the aircraft. LAM has established family assistance centres at Maputo and Luanda airports to support the families who are naturally distressed.\nFlight TM470 was a scheduled service from Maputo to Luanda. It was carrying 28 passengers and six crew members. The passengers comprise citizens of the following countries:\nMozambique (10);\nAngola (9);\nPortugal (5);\nFrance (1);\nPeople’s Republic of China (1);\nBrazil (1).\nThe crew comprises two pilots, three cabin attendants and a technician.\nLAM has begun informing the families and next-of-kin of the passengers and crew. It has also briefed the Maputo-based Embassy and Consular officials of those countries.\nA dedicated call centre has been opened for families and loved ones of the missing passengers to call for information. The toll-free hotline number is: ±258 21 468 778/9.\nWe will be publishing regular updates as additional verified information becomes available and the next of kin of the deceased passengers and crew have been notified.\nLAM has also assembled a response team which has been dispatched to Namibia this afternoon to assist and provide support to the authorities which will investigate this accident.\nWe do not have any information on the circumstances of the accident and we cannot speculate on possible causes as the investigators must be given the time and space to do their work without interference or prejudice.\nThe aircraft was an Embraer 190, registration C9-EMC. The 93-seat aircraft was manufactured in 2012 and was powered by by two General Electric CF34-10 turbofan engines. Since entering service with LAM on 17 November 2012, the aircraft had logged 2 905 flights hours in 1 877 flights.\nWe are also posting updates on our website:\nWe would like to thank the Namibian, Angolan, Botswana and South African authorities for their support and the resources they have deployed in the search for our aircraft.\nFor further information contact LAM Corporate Communications on +258827846815/+258825777946.\nMaputo, 30th of November 2013",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Press-Release: TM470 Maputo - Luanda",
"text": "Press-Release: TM470 Maputo - Luanda\nLAM - Mozambique Airlines, S. A. informs that its flight TM 470 departed from Maputo International Airport at 11:26 hours today, November 29, 2013, to Luanda, the Angolan capital, scheduled to arrive at 14: 10H, local Angola time has not arrived at its destination as scheduled.\nInformation obtained indicates that the flight has landed in a location in Northern Namibia, bordering Angola and Botswana near a place called Rundu. On board flight TM470 were 27 passengers and 6 crew members.\nCurrently LAM, Aeronautical and Airports authorities are establishing contacts with the authorities close to the location in order to confirm this information. LAM will provide updates as more information is obtained\nFor more information contact LAM Corporate Communications, Mr. Norberto Mucopa: 82 7846815 and Mrs. Irina Matos: 825777946\nMaputo, 29th of Novembro 2013",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Juncker renonce à se représenter à la tête de la Commission européenne | Jean-Claude Juncker, président de la Commission européenne, en 2014.
Président de la depuis novembre 2014, a annoncé aujourd'hui dans une interview à la radio publique allemande qu'il ne se sera pas candidat au renouvellement de ses fonctions. Les prochaines échéances électorales européennes auront lieu en 2019. Bénéficiant du soutien de la chancelière allemande , Juncker avait été intronisé en 2014 candidat du (droite et centre-droit) qui est ensuite arrivé en tête lors des élections européennes de mai 2014. Il avait notamment promis de redonner confiance en l'.
Dans son entretien, Jean-Claude Juncker dresse un sombre tableau de la situation européenne. Il regrette les divisions internes, notamment face à la sortie du , ainsi que la divergence des directions politiques prises par les États membres. Son mandat à la tête de l’exécutif européen a été entaché par l'affaire dite . Premier ministre du , il avait mis en place un système d'évasion fiscale au détriment des autres pays européens. Son mandat de Premier ministre luxembourgeois s'était également terminé sur un scandale, selon lequel il aurait utilisé les services secrets de son pays pour ficher illégalement des centaines de milliers de citoyens.
| [
"Union européenne",
"Commission européenne",
"Jean-Claude Juncker"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Juncker ne veut pas rester à la tête de la Commission européenne après 2019",
"text": "Dans une interview à la radio publique allemande, le président de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, a annoncé qu'il ne briguerait pas de deuxième mandat en 2019, tout en dressant un sombre tableau de la situation de l'UE.\nJean-Claude Juncker n'a aucune envie de faire de second mandat à la tête de la Commission européenne. C’est ce que l'ancien Premier ministre luxembourgeois a annoncé au cours d’une interview à la radio publique allemande. En 2014, \"ce fut une belle campagne électorale. Mais il n'y en aura pas de seconde, car je ne me porterai pas candidat une seconde fois\", a-t-il affirmé sur les ondes de Deutschlandfunk.\nJean-Claude Juncker était devenu président de la Commission européenne en novembre 2014, désigné par les chefs d'État et de gouvernement européens puis confirmé par le Parlement européen, après avoir longtemps présidé l'Eurogroupe qui réunit les ministres des Finances.\nDans cet entretien diffusé dimanche 12 février, le président de la Commission européenne a également tiré un sombre bilan de l'état de l'Europe. \"Est-ce que le moment est venu où l'Union européenne des 27 doit montrer de l'unité, de la cohésion et de la cohérence ?, s'est-il interrogé. Oui, je dis oui s'agissant du Brexit ou de Trump (...). Mais j'ai quelques doutes justifiés que cela arrive vraiment\", a-t-il ajouté.\nPour Jean-Claude Juncker, l'UE évolue dans des directions différentes selon les pays, qui sont difficilement compatibles entre elles. \"Les Hongrois et les Polonais veulent-ils exactement la même chose que les Allemands ou les Français ? J'ai de grands doutes\", a-t-il souligné.\nLes conséquences du Brexit\nL'ancien chef du gouvernement luxembourgeois s'est inquiété en particulier des risques de divisions sur les conditions de sortie de la Grande-Bretagne. \"Les Britanniques vont réussir, sans trop de difficultés, à diviser les 27 autres pays de l'UE\", a-t-il résumé. \"Les Britanniques savent déjà très bien comment s'y prendre, a-t-il indiqué. On promet telle chose à l'État A, telle autre à l'État B et encore autre chose à l'État C et au final il n'y a pas de front uni européen\".\nM. Juncker a admis avoir eu pour ambition au début de son mandat de faire remonter la confiance des opinions publiques dans le projet européen. \"Et à présent me voilà occupé, plusieurs heures par jour, à planifier la sortie d'un État membre, ce n'est pas un travail d'avenir\", a-t-il déclaré.\nAvec AFP\nPremière publication : 12/02/2017",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | Niezapowiedziana wizyta amerykańskiego sekretarza stanu w Afganistanie |
Sekretarz stanu Stanów Zjednoczonych Mike Pompeo przybył z wizytą do Afganistanu. Według Reutera, chce ratować zawarty w lutym układ pokojowy zawarty z afgańskimi talibami. Mike Pompeo ma spotkać się z prezydentem Aszrafem Ghanim i jego rywalem, premierem Abdullahem Abdullahem. Konflikt między prezydentem a premierem uniemożliwia porozumienie się afgańskich talibów z rządem. Rozmowy miały doprowadzić do wycofania z Afganistanu wojsk, w tym amerykańskich. Od czasu podpisania przez talibów i Stany Zjednoczone porozumienia o przerwaniu działań wojennych siły afgańskie mogły otwierać ogień do talibów tylko wtedy, gdy były atakowane. Talibowie, choć zaprzestali ataków na bazy koalicji, której na czele stoją Stany Zjednoczone, po podpisaniu porozumienia nie wycofali się z ataków na siły afgańskie - podkreśliła AFP. Ataki stały się gwałtowne, gdy okazało się, że władzom Afganistanu i talibom nie uda się wypracować porozumienia w sprawie wymiany jeńców i więżniów.
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"23 marca 2020",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Niezapowiedziana wizyta Mike'a Pompeo w Afganistanie. Powodem ratowanie układu pokojowego z talibami?",
"text": "Afgańskie więzienei Pul-e-Charkh Foto: PAP/EPA/JAWAD JALALI\nAgencja Reutera informowała w poniedziałek, że nowo zaprzysiężony na drugą kadencję prezydent Afganistanu Aszraf Ghani wyda dekret w sprawie uwolnienia w tym tygodniu co najmniej 1000 talibskich bojowników, torując tym samym drogę do rozpoczęcia tzw. wewnątrzafgańskich rozmów, czyli bezpośrednich rozmów władz centralnych w Kabulu z talibami.\nRozmowy pokojowe pomiędzy USA i Afganistanem. Co dalej?\nWysoki rangą przywódca Talibanu w stolicy Kataru Ad-Dausze, gdzie toczyły się negocjacje między talibami a przedstawicielami władz USA, poinformował, że pojazdy zostały wysłane po bojowników pod więzienie Bagram.\nWymiana jako środek budowy zaufania\nWymiana więźniów jest częścią porozumienia zawartego pod koniec lutego przez USA i talibów w sprawie wycofania z Afganistanu sił międzynarodowych dowodzonych przez USA po 18 latach wojny. Talibowie domagali się uwolnienia swoich bojowników w ramach środków budowy zaufania.\nGhani, który w poniedziałek został zaprzysiężony na drugą kadencję, odmawiał wcześniej spełnienia żądania talibów w sprawie uwolnienia ich bojowników.\n>>> [CZYTAJ TAKŻE] Trump o porozumieniu z talibami: wycofanie amerykańskich wojsk lada moment\n- Po naszej rozmowie w poniedziałek z Zalmayem Khalilzadem (specjalnym wysłannikiem USA ds. Afganistanu), w której (przekazał nam informację) na temat uwolnienia naszych 5 000 bojowników, wysłaliśmy po nich pojazdy - powiedział przez telefon wysoki rangą przedstawiciel talibów.\nNieznane liczby więźniów\nNie jest jasne, ilu więźniów zostanie zwolnionych, ale trzy inne źródła poinformowały Reutera w poniedziałek, że może chodzić o 1000-1800 osadzonych. Nie było również jasne, czy więźniowie zostaną zwolnieni z innych zakładów karnych poza Bagramem. Ambasada USA odmówiła komentarza w tej sprawie - podał Reuters.\nPrzywódca talibów w Dausze potwierdził również, że zakończyli oni przygotowania do uwolnienia przetrzymywanych przez nich ok. 1000 jeńców. Dodał, że przenieśli wszystkich do bezpiecznych miejsc w Afganistanie. - Planujemy zwolnić 1000 więźniów afgańskiego rządu (i przekazać ich) Czerwonemu Półksiężycowi (...) - powiedział.\n>>> [CZYTAJ TAKŻE] \"Zachowałbym pesymizm\". Ekspert o pokojowym porozumieniu USA z afgańskimi talibami\nOficjalny rzecznik talibów poinformował, że nie może na razie komentować tej sprawy.\nPorozumienie co do wycofania wojsk\nW sobotę 29 lutego w Dausze USA i talibowie podpisali porozumienie określające warunki wycofania z Afganistanu wojsk amerykańskich i zniesienia sankcji nałożonych przez Waszyngton na przedstawicieli dowództwa talibów. Zgodnie z umową USA zobowiązały się do zmniejszenia liczby swoich żołnierzy w Afganistanie do 8,6 tys. z 13 tys. w ciągu 135 dni od podpisania porozumienia. Całkowite wycofanie wszystkich sił USA i sił koalicyjnych ma nastąpić w ciągu 14 miesięcy, jeśli talibowie wywiążą się ze swoich obietnic, zapobiegania międzynarodowemu terroryzmowi islamskiemu i zwalczania go.\nPorozumienie przewiduje również uwolnienie 5000 talibskich więźniów, zatrzymanych przez wojska koalicji międzynarodowej i afgańskie siły rządowe, oraz ok. 1000 jeńców, którzy dostali się w ręce talibów.\n>>> [CZYTAJ TAKŻE] Historyczne porozumienie. USA podpisały deklarację pokojową z afgańskimi talibami\n1 marca Ghani oświadczył, że rząd nie zobowiązał się do uwolnienia 5 tys. talibskich więźniów, jak jest to ujęte w tym porozumieniu. Według Ghaniego żądanie uwolnienia talibskich więźniów z afgańskich więzień nie może być warunkiem wstępnym do bezpośrednich rozmów władz w Kabulu z tym radykalnym ugrupowaniem. Dzień później rzecznik talibów Zabihullah Mudżahid oświadczył, że Taliban nie będzie uczestniczył w tzw. wewnątrzafgańskich rozmowach z rządem centralnym, dopóki talibscy więźniowie nie zostaną uwolnieni.\nmbl",
"url": ",Niezapowiedziana-wizyta-Mikea-Pompeo-w-Afganistanie-Powodem-ratowanie%C2%A0ukladu-pokojowego-z-talibami",
"archive_url": ",Niezapowiedziana-wizyta-Mikea-Pompeo-w-Afganistanie-Powodem-ratowanie%C2%A0ukladu-pokojowego-z-talibami"
] |
en | Iranian media: Professor of Tehran University killed in bombing |
The main entrance to Tehran University.
A remote controlled bomb attached to a motorcycle killed a Tehran University nuclear physics professor, Massoud Ali Mohammadi, near his home in the Iranian capital.
According to state run IRIB's website, "Ali-Mohammadi, a nuclear scientist and a committed and revolutionary Tehran University professor, was detonated by a remote control."
"As a result of the bomb planted by Zionist (Israeli) and American agents two cars and a motorcycle were severely damaged and the windows in the surrounding residential units were shattered," stated IRIB.
"Iran’s police and security bodies are investigating the terrorist case to identify those behind it," Press TV reported on Tuseday.
Press TV added that while no one had been arrested yet, a "handprint of Israeli intelligence services" was suspected in the event.
Mehdi Mohammadifar, a senior official in the Interior Ministry, said the reason for the bombing was being investigated.
| [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Nuclear proliferation",
"Science and technology",
"University of Tehran",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Iran blames U.S. \"agents\" for scientist's murder",
"text": "TEHRAN (Reuters) - A remote-controlled bomb killed a Tehran University scientist on Tuesday, official media reported, in an attack Iran blamed on the United States and Israel.\nIranian officials and state media described professor Massoud Ali-Mohammadi as a nuclear scientist, and Iran’s cabinet said agents of the United States were behind his murder.\nA State Department official in Washington said charges of U.S. involvement were absurd.\nWestern sources said Ali-Mohammadi, a physics professor, worked closely with Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi and Fereydoun Abbassi-Davani, both subject to U.N. sanctions because of their work on suspected nuclear weapons development.\nThe U.N. nuclear agency is investigating Iran’s nuclear program, which Tehran says is for generating electricity and not for building nuclear bombs as the West suspects.\nAli Shirzadian, a spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, said Ali-Mohammadi, 50, had not played a role in the activities of the organization, which is at the center of the disputed nuclear program.\nShahram Amiri, a university researcher working for the atomic body, disappeared during a pilgrimage to Mecca in June, three months before Iran disclosed the existence of its second uranium enrichment site near the city of Qom. In December, Tehran accused Saudi Arabia of handing Amiri over to the United States.\n“America’s spying and intelligence agents from one side abduct some Iranian citizens ... and on the other side their treacherous agents kill an Iranian citizen inside the country,” an Iranian cabinet statement said, reported by the semi-official Fars news agency.\nA list of Ali-Mohammadi’s publications on Tehran University’s website suggested his specialism was theoretical particle physics, not nuclear energy, a Western physics professor said.\nThe bombing -- a rare attack in the Iranian capital -- occurred at a time of heightened tension in the Islamic Republic seven months after a disputed presidential election plunged the oil producer into turmoil.\nIt also coincided with a sensitive juncture in Iran’s row with the West over its nuclear ambitions, with global powers expected to meet in New York on Saturday to discuss possible new sanctions on Tehran over its refusal to halt its atomic work.\nEarlier, Iran’s Foreign Ministry blamed Israel and the United States.\n“Signs of the triangle of wickedness by the Zionist regime (Israel), America and their hired agents, are visible in the terrorist act,” it said.\n“Such terrorist acts and the apparent elimination of the country’s nuclear scientists will definitely not obstruct scientific and technological processes,” it said.\nWhite House spokesman Bill Burton said the accusations were absurd. A senior Israeli official said Ali-Mohammadi was not known to have been a significant figure in any military nuclear program.\nBOOBY-TRAPPED MOTORBIKE\nEnglish-language Press TV said Ali-Mohammadi was killed in a northern part of the capital by a booby-trapped motorcycle as he was leaving his home. It showed footage of blood stains, broken glass and other debris at the scene, with what appeared to be the dead man in a body bag taken away on a stretcher.\nSlideshow ( 8 images )\nFars said President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had ordered the intelligence and security services to use all their capabilities to find those behind the killing.\nState broadcaster IRIB described al-Mohammadi as a “committed and revolutionary” professor, suggesting he backed Ahmadinejad’s government. Fars quoted one of his students as saying he had worked with the elite Revolutionary Guards until 2003.\nBut an opposition website, Jaras, said he was an opposition supporter whose name was among hundreds of academics who issued a statement in favor of moderate candidate Mirhossein Mousavi during the campaign for last June’s election.\nEven if he had worked on Iran’s nuclear program, analysts doubted his death could set back Tehran’s aspirations.\nSlideshow ( 8 images )\n“I have no reason to think that this is part of an Israeli or American strategy to deprive Iran of the brains of the enrichment process,” said Mark Fitzpatrick, chief proliferation analyst at London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies. “There are by now too many scientists and engineers with the requisite expertise”.\nSTRATFOR, a global intelligence firm, said Ali-Mohammadi was unlikely to have been a key figure in nuclear activities since his publishing record pointed to purely academic research.\n“The relatively high visibility and volume of work in academia suggests that Ali-Mohammadi’s role, if any, in the nuclear program was not very significant,” STRATFOR said in an analysis. “Critical scientists involved in nuclear weapons programs usually are sequestered carefully and provided more security than Ali-Mohammadi was given.”\nFars quoted a foreign-based group, the Iran Monarchy Association, as claiming responsibility for Tuesday’s bombing. It did not say how it obtained the statement.\nIran has been convulsed by its most serious domestic unrest since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 as protests by opposition supporters against the election result have turned violent. Authorities deny opposition allegations that voting was rigged.\n(Additional reporting by Mark Heinrich in Vienna; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Mark Trevelyan)\nKeywords: IRAN BOMB/PROFESSOR\nFor Related News, Double Click on one of these codes:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Blast Kills Physics Professor in Tehran",
"text": "PARIS A remote-controlled bomb attached to a motorcycle killed an Iranian physics professor outside his home in north Tehran on Tuesday, state media reported. The reports blamed the United States and Israel for the attack.\nThere was no immediate claim of responsibility. One state broadcaster, IRIB, quoted a Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying that “in the initial investigation, signs of the triangle of wickedness by the Zionist regime, America and their hired agents are visible in the terrorist act” against the scientist, Masoud Ali Mohammadi.\nA State Department spokesman in Washington dismissed the accusation of United States involvement as “absurd.”\nTwo other people were wounded in the blast, which was powerful enough to shatter the windows in a nearby four-story building, mangle window frames and blow a garage door out of its frame. The BBC Persian service reported that the jolt led neighbors to assume that there had been an earthquake.\nThe English-language Press TV said Mr. Ali Mohammadi, 50, taught neutron physics at Tehran University, although he did not seem to have any connections to Iran’s nuclear enrichment program.\nTwo Iranian academics, who would speak only anonymously for fear of official reprisals, said in telephone interviews that he had specialized in particle and theoretical physics. The Web site of Tehran University lists him as a professor of elementary particle physics.\nA spokesman for Iran’s atomic agency, Ali Shirzadian, told The Associated Press that Mr. Ali Mohammadi had no link with the agency responsible for Iran’s nuclear program.\nWhile Press TV called the professor a “staunch supporter of the Islamic Revolution” of 1979, that claim seemed dubious.\nAli Moghari, the director of the science department of Tehran University, described Mr. Ali Mohammadi as an “apolitical professor,” the semiofficial Mehr news agency reported. “He was a well-known professor but was not politically active,” he was quoted as saying.\nThere were some indications that he might have been taking a more active role in the opposition that sprang up after the flawed presidential election last June. Mr. Ali Mohammadi was among 240 university professors who signed a letter before the election expressing support for the main opposition candidate, Mir Hussein Moussavi.\nAfter a brutal crackdown, the authorities late last year broadened efforts to stifle dissent to encompass the educational system, hinting that dissident professors would be purged. A number of hard-line clerics have called for the university humanities curriculums to be further Islamized. But it was not immediately known whether Tuesday’s killing was related to that dispute.\nAnalysts said the Iranian authorities seemed to have been quick to label Mr. Ali Mohammadi a loyalist, possibly as a precursor to renewed, harsh action against their opponents.\n“This is an old trick,” said a former senior official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of retribution. “They did it themselves but blame it on opposition groups so that they can easily begin issuing death sentences for protesters. I think this means there could be more violence against the opposition.”\nThe authorities have already announced plans to try five protesters on a charge of “fighting against God,” which carries a death sentence for those who are convicted.\nSeven leaders of the minority Bahai religious group were tried Tuesday in Tehran in closed proceedings, the Human Rights Activist News Agency, an opposition Web site, reported. The seven, who have been in jail for more than 20 months, were charged with committing religious offenses and trying to disrupt national unity. Recently, Iranian officials have accused Bahai leaders of fomenting the street demonstrations.\nLast week, pro-government demonstrators shot at the armored car of Iran’s most outspoken opposition leader, Mehdi Karroubi, his Saham News Web site reported.\nThat attack appeared to reflect growing frustration that the crackdown in recent months had failed to stop the opposition from lashing out at the country’s leaders and staging intermittent protests that brought tens of thousands of demonstrators into the streets.\nThe Web site of Iran’s state television declared the bombing a “terrorist act by counterrevolutionaries and elements of arrogance,” a reference to the United States. Security forces are investigating, The Associated Press quoted the report as saying.\nLast year, an Iranian nuclear scientist, Shahram Amiri, disappeared during a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia; Iran accused the United States of helping to kidnap him.\nThe United States and its Western allies have been pressing Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program, which Tehran insists is solely for civilian purposes to produce electricity. But the West fears that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon, which would threaten Israel and upset the regional power balance.\nSpeaking Monday at the start of a nine-day trip across the Pacific, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the United States and its allies were discussing financial sanctions that would appear to be aimed at Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and other political players if diplomacy fails to overcome the growing tensions with Iran.\n“It is clear that there is a relatively small group of decision makers inside Iran,” she said. “They are in both political and commercial relationships, and if we can create a sanctions track that targets those who actually make the decisions, we think that is a smarter way to do sanctions.”\nBut, she added, “all that is yet to be decided upon.”",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Kuwait expulsa al embajador de Corea del Norte |
El emirato de ha expulsado al embajador de tras una solicitud de con el fin de aislar al país asiático debido a sus ensayos nucleares.
Esta decisión implica que el gobierno de pierde un puesto de representación en el y donde se concentra una gran cantidad de trabajadores norcoreanos. Además de expulsar a los diplomáticos, el gobierno de Kuwait decidió revocar los procesos de renovación de visas de los norcoreanos en el país, por lo cual los actuales trabajadores deberán volver al país asiático cuando finalice su período de vigencia de la autorización laboral. Ambas medidas afectarían a más de 60 mil norcoreanos que estarían trabajando en el país, según un informe de la acerca de la migración, quienes además estimaron que generan cerca de mil millones de dólares que se dejarían de percibir en Corea del Norte.
Kuwait se suma a México y Perú quienes han expulsado a los embajadores de Corea del Norte, medidas que han sido propuestas por Estados Unidos a los diversos países, con el fin de que se ahoguen las finanzas del país asiático y así forzar una negociación para terminar el programa nuclear norcoreano.
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"Oriente Medio",
"Corea del Norte"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Kuwait da al embajador norcoreano un mes para marcharse",
"text": "Kuwait expulsará al embajador de Corea del Norte y a otros cuatro diplomáticos, limitando potencialmente la capacidad de Pyongyang de ganar dinero para su programa nuclear con los trabajadores que envía al Golfo.\nEstados Unidos y Asia han aumentado la presión sobre sus aliados para que reduzcan los lazos, ya que Pyongyang ha probado un arma nuclear y lanzado misiles balísticos sobre Japón.\nLa embajada de Corea del Norte en Kuwait sirve como su único puesto diplomático en el Golfo. Pyongyang tiene miles de trabajadores trabajando en Kuwait, Omán, Qatar y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.\nRespondiendo a la presión internacional, Kuwait expulsará al Embajador So Chang Sik y otros cuatro miembros del personal.\nUn funcionario del Golfo confirmó el domingo que Kuwait estaría expulsando a los diplomáticos, hablando bajo condición de anonimato para discutir informes de inteligencia. Una carta de Kuwait enviada en agosto a las Naciones Unidas también hizo esa promesa.\nEl emir gobernante de Kuwait, el jeque Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, viajó a Washington y se reunió con el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump este mes. En un comunicado, la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Kuwait llamó a Kuwait “un socio regional clave (Corea del Norte) y muchas otras cuestiones”.\n“Kuwait ha dado pasos positivos en lo que respecta a la implementación de resoluciones de la ONU relacionadas con” Pyongyang “, dijo.\nUn informe de la ONU de 2015 revela que los más de 50,000 norcoreanos que trabajan en el extranjero ganaron para Pyongyang entre 1.2 mil millones de dólares y 2.3 mil millones al año. Otras estimaciones sitúan los ingresos en cientos de millones de dólares.\nLa actual crisis de Corea del Norte es difícil para Kuwait, un firme aliado estadounidense desde la guerra de 1991, que terminó con la ocupación del país por el dictador iraquí Saddam Hussein. Kuwait alberga actualmente a unas 13,500 tropas estadounidenses.\nHVI",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Kuwait da 30 días al embajador de Corea del Norte para dejar el emirato",
"text": "Kuwait dio un mes de plazo al embajador de Corea del Norte para que deje, el emirato que, además de una reducción de la representación diplomática, decidió cesar de entregar visados a los norcoreanos, informó este domingo un diplomático kuwaití.\nEste anuncio tiene lugar diez días después del encuentro en Washington entre el emir de Kuwait y el presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, que considera al régimen de Pyongyang como una de sus \"bestias negras\".\nLa misión diplomática norcoreana en Kuwait será reducida a un encargado de negocios y tres diplomáticos, precisó a la AFP un diplomático kuwaití de alto rango que pidió el anonimato.\nKuwait decidió además no entregar más visas a trabajadores norcoreanos, agregó. Hay actualmente entre 2.000 y 2.500 trabajadores norcoreanos en Kuwait, según este diplomático.\nTendrán que abandonar el país en cuanto terminen los proyectos en los que están empleados, explicó.\nSegún fuentes diplomáticas asiáticas en el Golfo, Corea del Sur y Japón presionan desde hace semanas a las monarquías de la región para que dejen de emplear a trabajadores norcoreanos, porque el dinero que ganan, afirman, beneficia al régimen de Pyongyang.\nCorea del Norte realizó el viernes un nuevo disparo de misil, provocando nuevas condenas internacionales. Donald Trump, y su homólogo surcoreano, Moon Jae-In, se comprometieron el sábado a ejercer \"una mayor presión\" sobre Pyongyang, anunció Seúl.\nFuente: AFP\nLO ÚLTIMO DE MUNDO...",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Ukraine : Timochenko salue la fin de la crise politique |
Le parlement ukrainien a surmonté la crise politique consécutive à l'éclatement de la coalition majoritaire en septembre dernier, s'est félicitée mercredi à Kiev la première ministre Ioulia Timochenko.
, a-t-elle affirmé selon un communiqué rendu public par le gouvernement ukrainien.
Mardi, le bloc de Ioulia Timochenko, celui de Vladimir Litvine et des députés du bloc pro-présidentiel Notre Ukraine — Autodéfense populaire ont formé une nouvelle coalition parlementaire à la place de celle qui s'est disloquée début septembre. Vladimir Litvine a été élu à la présidence du parlement après le départ d'Arseni Iatseniouk le 12 novembre dernier.
| [
"Politique et conflits",
"Politique ukrainienne",
"Ioulia Timochenko"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "actualités du jour, infos en direct et en continu",
"text": "Nous attachons une grande importance à la protection de vos données personnelles. Pour que vous puissiez pleinement connaître et comprendre les droits dont vous jouissez, nous vous informons, dans un souci de respect du principe de transparence qui régit le traitement de vos données personnelles, que de nouvelles versions de la Politique de confidentialité et de la Politique d'utilisation des cookies et d'enregistrement automatique sont appliquées depuis le 24.03.2020.\nPour améliorer le fonctionnement de notre site, accroître la pertinence des contenus informationnels et optimiser le ciblage publicitaire, nous collectons des informations techniques anonymisées sur vous, notamment à l’aide d’outils de nos partenaires. Le processus de traitement des données personnelles est décrit en détail dans la Politique de confidentialité. Les technologies que nous mettons en œuvre pour ce faire sont décrites en détail dans la Politique d’utilisation des cookies et d’enregistrement automatique.\nEn cliquant sur \"Accepter et fermer\", vous acceptez que vos données personnelles soient utilisées dans les buts décrits ci-dessus.\nVous pourrez revenir sur votre choix et retirer votre consentement en utilisant n’importe quel autre moyen indiqué dans la Politique de confidentialité.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | França: Aumento acentuado nos casos de coronavírus com 4.700 novas infecções |
A registrou outro aumento acentuado de casos de ontem, com 4.700 infecções - mais de mil - enquanto a registrou sua maior contagem diária desde maio.
Também houve picos preocupantes na Espanha, Alemanha, Áustria, Suíça e Croácia - muitos deles atribuídos aos europeus em férias e aos jovens que aproveitam as festas na onda de calor do verão.
A Itália registrou 845 novos casos na quinta-feira, seu maior número em três meses, enquanto as 4.771 novas infecções na França foram um aumento colossal em relação às 3.776 de quarta-feira.
| [
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "France sees another sharp rise in coronavirus cases with 4,700 new infections - up 1,000 in a day",
"text": "France recorded another sharp rise is coronavirus cases yesterday with 4,700 infections - up by a thousand - while Italy has seen its highest daily tally since May.\nThere have also been worrying spikes in Spain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Croatia - much of it blamed on holidaying Europeans and youngsters enjoying parties in the summer heatwave.\nItaly registered 845 new cases on Thursday, its highest figure for three months, while France's 4,771 fresh infections was a colossal increase on Wednesday's 3,776.\nBritons were scrambling to return home from Croatia and Austria last night after Transport Secretary Grant Shapps declared that anyone arriving from the countries must self-isolate for 14 days.\nItaly registered 845 new cases on Thursday, its highest daily tally since May, while France's 4,771 fresh infections was a colossal increase on Wednesday's 3,776 (pictured: a graph of the rolling 7-day average)\nBritons packed into Split airport in Croatia on Thursday after Transport Secretary Grant Shapps added it to the 14-day quarantine list\nTourists and beachgoers enjoy the sea, sand and sun along the Mare e Sol beach in Coti-Chiavari, Corsica on August 14, 2020\nBritish Airways economy flights from Zagreb to London are up at £276 today compared to £82 on Monday.\nAround 20,000 British tourists are thought to be in Croatia.\nIn Vienna its a similar story, £482 to Heathrow compared to £109 for the same route on Sunday.\nThe Scottish Government has also announced that Switzerland is being added to its quarantine list.\nWeekly coronavirus cases in Croatia have increased by more than 179 percent from 7.8 per 100,000 to 21.5 per 100,000.\nIn Austria, it's a 79.5 percent increase on the previous week from 8 per 100,000 to 14.4 per 100,000.\nAnd in Switzerland - another nexus of European tourism - weekly cases have increased by 54.6 percent in the last week, from 11.1 per 100,000 to 17.2 per 100,000.\nGermany is also experiencing an increase of 26.1% on last week, with particular concern in Berlin where the contagion is soaring wildly after overcrowding in its parks during the heat.\nMuch of the rise has been blamed on returning holidaymakers as well as summer parties and family gatherings.\nThe latest figures, from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases, bring to 228,621 the number of infections in the country since the start of the pandemic.\nIt takes the daily toll back to a level not seen since late April, when the pandemic was considered to be at its peak.\nThe daily record of new cases in Germany is just over 6,000, registered in early April.\nTen new deaths were reported in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 9,253.\nFaced with a surge in cases, Germany earlier this month introduced free, mandatory tests for anyone returning from areas deemed a high risk for COVID-19 infections.\nBut despite the second wave gathering momentum, the head of the WHO's European branch said that reimposing a full-scale lockdown measures would not be necessary.\nHans Kluge said: 'With the basic nationwide and additional targeted measures, we are in a much better position to stamp out these localized virus flare-ups.\n'We can manage the virus and keep the economy running and an education system in operation.'\nIt comes as the World Bank warned on Thursday that as many as 100 million people may have been driven back into extreme poverty by the virus.\nGermany will need to take on yet more debt in 2021 to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus on the economy, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said.\n'Next year we will continue to be forced to suspend the debt rule and spend considerable funds to protect the health of citizens and stabilise the economy,' Scholz said in an interview with the Funke media group, referring to Germany's cherished policy of keeping a balanced budget.\nThe government has pledged over a trillion euros in aid to shield companies and citizens in Europe's top economy from the pandemic fallout, including through loans, grants and subsidised shorter-hours programmes.\nThe figures added urgency to the desperate bid to find a vaccine for the virus, which has infected more than 22 million and killed hundreds of thousands since it first emerged in China late last year.\nResidents and tourists go for a walk on seaside in La Concha beach, in San Sebastian, Basque Country, northern Spain, 19 August 2020\nTourists enjoy their holidays at the Figueretes beach on August 17, 2020 in Ibiza, Spain\nRussia announced on Thursday it was pushing forward with testing on more than 40,000 people of its candidate drug, known as Sputnik V, which has already been hailed by Russian officials as a success even as experts questioned the rigour of the testing regime.\nSeveral drugs are approaching the mass-testing phase, and countries around the world have been pre-ordering many millions of doses.\nThe EU said on Thursday it had concluded talks with a German pharmaceutical firm to secure 225 million doses of a potential vaccine - the fourth such agreement the bloc has reached.\nFrench President Emmanuel Macron hailed European cooperation on the issue and said he was hopeful that a vaccine would come online with the next few months.\n'This will not solve the problems of the next few weeks, but of the next few months,' he said.\nHowever, while a vaccine remains elusive, governments are left trying to control the spread through social-distancing measures, quarantines, travel bans and restrictions on businesses.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Rallye WRC : Kimi Räikkönen chez Citroën | Kimi Räikkonën en 2007.
Kimi Räikkönen, champion du monde de Formule 1 en 2007, a décidé de faire son entrée dans le championnat du monde des rallyes dans l'écurie Citroën. Il rejoint le ''Junior Team Citroën''. Il pilotera une voiture identique à celle de Sébastien Loeb.
, expliquant que c'est . Pour lui, il s'agit d'
| [
"Sport automobile",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "kimi Räikkönen : de la Formule 1 au Rallye",
"text": "Poussé vers la sortie par Ferrari pour laisser la place à l’Espagnol Fernando Alonso, le champion du monde 2007 de Formule 1, Kimi Räikkönen, pilotera en rallye l’an prochain. Il s’est engagé avec le Citroën Junior Team pour la saison 2010 au côté du champion du monde junior 2008, Sébastien Ogier. Agé de 30 ans, le Finlandais a remporté 18 Grands Prix de F1, dont le dernier en Belgique, à Spa, en août. «J’ai l’opportunité de conduire la Citroën C4, la meilleure voiture du plateau. C’est un nouveau challenge qui s’offre à moi, et c’est très excitant», a confié Räikkönen, dont la référence sera Sébastien Loeb, sextuple champion du monde. Passionné de rallyes, Räikkönen a piloté une Fiat Punto S2000 au rallye de Finlande, cet été, réalisant des chronos encourageants jusqu’à son abandon sur sortie de route, alors qu’il pointait à la 15e place. Le Finlandais a signé un accord d’un an avec Citroën et Red Bull, ce sponsor pouvant lui proposer un retour en F1 dans son écurie éponyme. photo reuters",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Somalians protest against deployment of African Union troops |
On Friday thousands of Somalis made a peaceful protest in Mogadishu against the planned deployment of African Union troops into the country.
The Islamic Courts' Union, the Umbrella organisation of Islamic Clerics and the supporters of two warlords-turned-cabinet ministers, Husein Aideed and Osman Ali Ato organised the demonstration.
Many of the protestors claimed to reject the intervention of foreign troops on grounds of faith.
The African Union plans on deploying troops forming a Peace Support Mission to support the return of Somalians from . The country has been without government since 1991 when President was overthrown, with various factions and warlords fighting for control since.
The new Transitional Federal Government, headed by President , is due to take control on February 21.
Abdullahi Yusuf was elected President by Somalia's transitional parliament on October 10, 2004. He won the votes of 189 of the 275 members of parliament, with the election held in a sports hall in Nairobi, Kenya. His government is recognized by most western nations as the country's legitimate rulers
| [
"Politics and conflicts",
"African Union",
"African Union Mission to Somalia"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Somalis protest against AU troops",
"text": "Key warlords oppose the deployment of AU peacekeepers\nThe protest was organised by an Islamist umbrella organisation with the support of two members of the cabinet.\nOne of the top organisers, Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed, urged demonstrators to prepare for holy war against foreign troops.\nThe African Union (AU) has authorised the deployment of thousands of troops from several regional countries to help with the relocation of the government.\nThe new Somali Cabinet of President Abdullahi Yusuf is due to begin returning from Kenya on 21 February.\nSomalia has been without an effective government since the overthrow of President Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.\nSince then, rival warlords have battled for control of the country, and Somalia has been divided into a patchwork of fiefdoms.\nA question of faith\nThe demonstration was jointly organised by the Islamic Courts' Union, Umbrella Organisation of Islamic Clerics and the supporters of two warlords-turned-cabinet ministers, Husein Aideed and Osman Ali Ato.\nIt was peaceful, with hundreds of heavily armed militias providing security as demonstrators poured into the capital's Trabunka Square aboard mini-buses and big lorries, says the BBC's Mohamed Olad Hassan in Mogadishu.\nFacts and figures about life in Somalia\nAt-a-glance\n\"We don't need foreign intervention... African soldiers are unacceptable on the grounds of faith\" were some of the slogans shouted at the rally.\n\"Having Somalia's neighbours lead and constitute such a force would be unnecessarily inflammatory and could jeopardise the entire peace process,\" said Sheikh Abdulahi Ali, a member of the Somali clerics council.\nRegional Governor Abdullahi Ganey Frimbi, who also joined to the demonstration, has said much blood will be shed if troops from Ethiopia are deployed in Somalia.\n\"We reject Ethiopian intervention and request parliament not to approve the peace mission, which will allow an old enemy of Somalis to enter their territory,\" he said.\nThe Secretary General of the Umbrella Organisation of Islamic Clerics, Ibrahim Suley, issued a statement saying: \"We reject all foreign intervention and request parliament not to approve the peace mission, which will allow African forces to enter Somalia.\n\"We are not of the same religion and that is why we cannot accept them.\"\nThe Somali transitional government was divided over the issue of foreign troops and parliament had not yet approved the measure.\nVarious Somali leaders and groups had threatened to oppose such an intervention by force, our correspondent says.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | New Zealand Labour party drops in latest poll |
A poll conducted by Colmar Brunton on behalf of TV One released yesterday, showed that the New Zealand Labour Party had slipped two percent to 36%. The New Zealand National Party is leading with 49%, a gap of 13%. But acting Prime Minister, Michael Cullen, is brushing this poll off saying that the Colmar Brunton polls are always siding for National and there are two years until the next election.
The gap is the biggest it has been since the leader, Don Brash, of National made a speech about race relations in 2004 at Orewa which was hugely popular.
Cullen said: "Clearly the poll reflected the government legislation last week validating the unlawful spend by political parties in the lead up to last year's election. The poll was taken right at the time the legislation was being passed under urgency through parliament so a hit was expected."
However Prime Minister (PM) Helen Clark, is still leading as the preferred PM on 33% and Don Brash on 17%. Finance spokesman for National has been rumoured to take over Brash's job, John Key, has risen to 11%, the biggest support it has ever been.
Support for National has not changed on 49%, and the Greens is remaining on six percent. The Greens, National and Labour are the only parties to have broken the five percent threshold required in Mixed Member Proportional (MMP).
New Zealand First is up two percent on three percent. Maori Party went down one percent and is now on two percent. Both ACT and United Future are on one percent.
| [
"New Zealand",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Helen Clark"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Overspending hits Labour at polls",
"text": "Oct 24, 2006\nLabour has admitted the election spending scandal has hit the party where it hurts: in the polls.\nThe rare concession comes as the party plots its fightback, starting at the upcoming annual conference.\nThe latest ONE News Colmar Brunton poll puts Labour on 36% support, trailing 13 points behind National on 49%.\nActing Prime Minister Michael Cullen says clearly the poll reflected the government legislation last week validating the unlawful spend by political parties in the lead up to last year's election.\n\"I'm sure there's been a bit of a hit and that poll was taken right at the time the bill was going to the you'd expect a bit of a hit at that point,\" says Cullen.\nCullen says Colmar Brunton polls are always the worst for Labour and seem to exaggerate National's support. He says there are still two years to go before the next election so there is little point in getting too worried about the polls now.\nLabour's chance to help settle down the electorate comes with its annual conference this weekend\n\"It's a Clint Eastwod conference, we're emerging from the smoke and feeling good,\" says Labour Party President Mike Williams.\nLabour is hoping to wipe the smile off National's face with a conference session on the Exclusive Brethren\nFundraising also looms large for Labour - half its $800,000 bill for unlawful campaign spending has already been pledged, although it hasn't been painless\n\"There's a lot of personal things that have to happen...people have to put mortgages on their properties we're not pushing too hard,\" says Williams.\nLabour is expecting a turn out of up to 600 delegates at this weekend's conference.\nOne MP is unlikely to be there.\nTaito Phillip Field, who is under investigation by the police for his immigration dealings, has been given a clear signal from the party to stay away.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Labour slips even further behind Nats",
"text": "N A T I O N A L N E W S S T O R Y RELATED LINKS\nLabour slips even further behind Nats 24 October 2006 By TRACY WATKINS\nThere is more grim news for Labour as it prepares for its annual conference this weekend with an $825,000 debt over its head.\nIn a One News-Colmar Brunton poll yesterday, Labour's support had slid 2 points to 36 points. This puts it a massive 13 points behind National the biggest gap since National surged in popularity after leader Don Brash's race relations speech at Orewa in 2004. Prime Minister Helen Clark is also less popular, though she remains ahead of Dr Brash as preferred prime minister. She is on 33 per cent support with Dr Brash on 17. The news is not all good for Dr Brash, however finance spokesman John Key, widely rumoured to be likely to mount a putsch early next year, has risen to 11 per cent support. National's support has remained steady on 49 per cent and the Greens the only other party to break the 5 per cent threshold are steady on 6 per cent. NZ First registered 3 per cent support, up two points, and the Maori Party is on 2 per cent, down one point. ACT and United Future have one per cent support. The poll results are likely to fuel grumblings over perceived failings in Labour's political management in recent months, after the Phillip Field allegations and the election-pledge controversy. Advertisement Advertisement The Field controversy was allowed to drag on for months before Miss Clark suspended him. Mr Field is under police investigation for bribery after a series of claims were made before and after the election about his assistance to a Thai tiler and other immigrants. Labour's handling of the pledge card controversy has also been politically disastrous. Miss Clark and other senior Labour ministers insisted for weeks that the party had done nothing wrong after a leaked report by Auditor-General Kevin Brady identified election spending, including the pledge card, that he said was unlawful. Labour strategist Pete Hodgson added fuel to the fire when he said Labour would not pay the money back. The party has ended up with the worst possible outcome public displeasure has forced it to pay the money back, and legislation validating the election spending was rushed through Parliament to get the issue off the agenda before the end of the year. Labour MPs will contribute about 5 per cent of their salary and the party will fundraise to pay the $825,000 owed.\n»EMAIL THIS STORY\n»PRINTABLE VERSION\n»SUBSCRIBE TO FREE HEADLINES\n»SUBSCRIBE TO ARCHIVESTUFF",
"url": ",2106,3837601a11,00.html",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Von der Leyen zur Präsidentin der EU-Kommission gewählt |
Ursula von der Leyen (2019)
Das Europäische Parlament hat gestern Abend in Straßburg Ursula von der Leyen mit knapper Mehrheit zur Präsidentin der Kommission der Europäischen Union gewählt. Sie war vom Europäischen Rat für dieses Amt vorgeschlagen worden. Sie bekam 383 von 733 abgegebenen Stimmen. Nötig waren 374 Stimmen. Die Mehrheit war damit knapp. „In einer Demokratie ist eine Mehrheit eine Mehrheit“, sagte von der Leyen darauf angesprochen.
Von der Leyen tritt am 1. November die Nachfolge von Jean-Claude Juncker an und wird dann die 30.000 Mitarbeiter in der Kommission leiten. Sie ist die erste Frau in diesem Amt. Der EU-Kommission fällt die Aufgabe zu, auf europäischer Ebene Gesetze vorzuschlagen und die Einhaltung der EU-Verträge zu überwachen.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (2016)
Bis zuletzt hatten die Europa-SPD und die Grünen aus Deutschland gegen von der Leyen mobil gemacht. Auch einige kleinere Ländergruppen der Sozialdemokraten hatten sich gegen sie ausgesprochen, doch die meisten Fraktionsmitglieder der europäischen Sozialdemokraten haben von der Leyen wohl ihre Stimme gegeben. Die Fraktionen der Europäischen Volkspartei und der Liberalen haben in der geheimen Wahl vermutlich geschlossen von der Leyen ihre Stimme gegeben. Gegen sie ausgesprochen hatten sich die Europäischen Linken und die Rechtspopulisten.
Die Personalie führt auch im Bundeskabinett zu einer Veränderung. Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert bestätigte gestern abend eine Meldung auf Spiegel Online, derzufolge Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Nachfolgerin von der Leyens als Bundesverteidigungsministerin wird. Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und Bundesratspräsident Daniel Günther sind beide verreist, sodass Ursula von der Leyen ihre Entlassungsurkunde und Kramp-Karrenbauer ihre Ernennungsurkunde heute vom Ersten Vizepräsidenten des Bundesrats, dem Regierenden Bürgermeister von Berlin, Michael Müller, SPD, erhielten. An der Zeremonie nahm auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel teil. Kramp-Karrenbauer muss noch vor dem Bundestag vereidigt werden. Dazu wurde eine Sondersitzung am kommenden Mittwoch, den 24. Juli, angesetzt.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Europäische Union",
"Themenportal Deutschland",
"Politik in Deutschland",
"Politik in der Europäischen Union",
"Ursula von der Leyen",
"Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer",
"Europäische Kommission",
"Europäisches Parlament",
"Bundesministerium der Verteidigung"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": " mit Werbung",
"text": " mit Werbung\nBesuchen Sie wie gewohnt mit Werbung und Tracking. Details zu Werbe- und Trackingverfahren finden Sie hier.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer: Nachfolge für von der Leyen als Verteidigungsministerin",
"text": "Überraschung bei der Nachfolge von Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen: CDU-Chefin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer rückt für ihre Parteifreundin ins Kabinett. Das erfuhr der SPIEGEL aus CDU- und Regierungskreisen. Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert bestätigte die Neubesetzung.\nBereits am Mittwochmorgen soll die CDU-Vorsitzende ihre Ernennungsurkunde im Schloss Bellevue erhalten. Die notwendige Vereidigung im Bundestag soll zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erfolgen. Noch-Amtsinhaberin von der Leyen wird bei dem Termin ihre Entlassungsurkunde erhalten.\nWeil Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier im Urlaub und auch der ihn vertretende Bundesratspräsident Daniel Günther auf Reisen ist, wird Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Michael Müller (SPD) als 1. Vizepräsident des Bundesrats die Urkunden im Schloss Bellevue überreichen.\nKramp-Karrenbauer hatte erst im Dezember den CDU-Vorsitz übernommen und sich gegen den früheren Unions-Fraktionschef Friedrich Merz durchgesetzt. Dass es einen schnellen Wechsel an der Spitze des Ministeriums geben würde, hatte sich indes schon abgezeichnet.\n\"Es wird eine sehr schnelle Neubesetzung geben. Das Bundesverteidigungsministerium, der Verteidigungsminister oder die Ministerin, sind Inhaber der Befehls- und Kommandogewalt. Das kann man nicht lange offen lassen\", hatte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel gesagt. Von der Leyen hatte bereits am Montag - und damit vor ihrer Wahl zur künftigen Kommissionspräsidentin - angekündigt, das Amt am Mittwoch abzugeben.\nBayerns Ministerpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) begrüßte die Neubesetzung. \"Das ist die stärkste Lösung. Das gibt der Regierung neue Kraft\", sagte Söder. Kanzleramtschef Helge Braun sagte, es sei ein starkes Signal von Kramp-Karrenbauer an die Bundeswehr, dass sie als CDU-Vorsitzende dieses traditionell schwierige Amt übernehme.\nMit Schlagzeilen über die Kostenexplosion der \"Gorch Fock\" und der \"Berateraffäre\" hat das Ministerium zuletzt Schlagzeilen gemacht. Allgemein gilt das Ministerium als undankbarster Posten im Kabinett - das Management des riesigen Personalapparates gilt als schwierig. Auslandseinsätze, gefallene Soldaten oder Unglücke taugen zudem nicht zur Imageförderung.\nDennoch hatte es zuletzt wilde Spekulationen um die Nachfolge von der Leyens gegeben. Unter anderem waren Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn, Wirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier und der parlamentarische Staatssekretär Peter Tauber (alle CDU) im Gespräch gewesen.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Ursula von der Leyen ist neue EU-Kommissionspräsidentin",
"text": "Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) ist zur Nachfolgerin von EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker gewählt worden. Dafür musste sie eine Mehrheit der 747 Mandate im Parlament, also mindestens 374 Stimmen, erreichen. Auf sie entfielen 383 Stimmen.\nVon der Leyen war nach schwierigen Verhandlungen Anfang Juli von den Staats- und Regierungschefs als Kandidatin für den Posten vorgeschlagen worden. Sie wird die erste Frau in dem Amt und die erste Deutsche seit mehr als 50 Jahren.\nVideo AFP\nIn ihrer Rede nannte von der Leyen eine Reihe von Projekten, die sie in einer fünfjährigen Amtszeit als Kommissionspräsidentin angehen möchte. So versprach sie ein CO2-neutrales bis 2050 und kündigte einen \"Green Deal\" für Europa an. Die CDU-Politikerin setzte sich zudem für eine europäische Rückversicherung für die nationalen Arbeitslosenversicherungen in der EU sowie national definierte Mindestlöhne ein.\nSchon zuvor hatte sie angekündigt, von ihrem Posten als Verteidigungsministerin zurücktreten zu wollen - egal, wie die Wahl ausgehen sollte.\nIn Kürze mehr bei SPIEGEL ONLINE.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Zeremonie in Bellevue: Berlins Regierender ernennt AKK zur Verteidigungsministerin",
"text": "Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Michael Müller ist am Mittwochvormittag eine besondere Ehre zuteil geworden: Der SPD-Politiker übergab CDU-Chefin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer ihre Ernennungsurkunde für das Amt der Verteidigungsministerin. Kurz zuvor erhielt Ursula von der Leyen ihre Entlassungsurkunde am Dienstsitz des Bundespräsidenten in Bellevue. Von der Leyen wechselt als EU-Kommissionspräsidentin nach Brüssel.\nAn der Zeremonie nahm auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) teil. Sie nahm während der Rede Müllers wie auch Kramp-Karrenbauer und von der Leyen auf einem weißen Stuhl Platz. Hintergrund: Bei der Ernennung der SPD-Politikerin Christine Lambrecht zur Justizministerin Mitte Juni hatte Merkel einen ihrer inzwischen drei öffentlichen Zitteranfälle erlitten.\nTagesspiegel Morgenlage Der Überblick über die Themen des Tages aus Politik und Wirtschaft, z.B. von Maria Fiedler Kostenlos bestellen\nBürgermeister Müller gratulierte von der Leyen zu ihrer Wahl. Ihre Entlassung sei kein Abschied, \"sondern der Auftakt zu einem neuen Lebensabschnitt im Dienste Europas\", sagte er laut vorab verschicktem Redemanuskript. 14 Jahre sei von der Leyen im Bundeskabinett tätig gewesen. Müller lobte ihr Engagement: \"Es gibt nur sehr wenige, die auf eine so lange Amtszeit als Bundesministerin oder Bundesminister zurückschauen können.\"\nBesonders hob er ihren Einsatz in Sachen Frauenquote, bei der Gleichberechtigung von Männern und Frauen, dem Ausbau der Kleinkinderbetreuung und des Elterngeldes hervor. \"Wenn heute immer mehr Männer Elternzeit in Anspruch nehmen und sich freuen, mehr Zeit für ihre Kinder zu haben, dann haben wir das auch Ihrer Politik zu verdanken. Die Rollenbilder haben sich geändert – zum Besseren. Auch daran haben Sie Anteil\", sagte Müller in seiner Rede.\nNicht nur als Familien - und als Arbeitsministerin, sondern auch als Verteidigungsministerin habe sie Reformen eingeleitet. Durch von der Leyen sei die Bundeswehr zu einer attraktiven Arbeitgeberin geworden. In Europa erwarteten sie nun neue Herausforderungen. \"Die Europäische Union ist Anfechtungen ausgesetzt. Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit werden in Frage gestellt.\"\nDer neuen Verteidigungsministerin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer wünschte Michael Müller gutes Gelingen. \"Unser Land braucht eine starke Bundeswehr, und die Bundeswehr braucht starken Rückhalt in der Politik und in der ganzen Gesellschaft\", betonte Müller. Die 56-Jährige muss nun noch vor dem Bundestag vereidigt werden. Dafür ist eine Sondersitzung des Parlaments am kommenden Mittwoch vorgesehen.\nMehr zum Thema Sorge um Kanzlerin Merkel Mit jedem Zitteranfall wird das Fragezeichen größer\nNach der Zeremonie folgte ein Empfang mit militärischen Ehren. Die Entlassung und Ernennung nahm vertretungsweise Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Michael Müller (SPD) vor. Eigentlich ist dafür der Bundespräsident zuständig, der derzeit allerdings im Urlaub ist. Auch dessen Stellvertreter, Bundesratspräsident Daniel Günther (CDU), ist derzeit im Ausland. Deswegen fiel es Müller als stellvertretendem Bundesratsvorsitzenden zu, den Ministerwechsel zu beurkunden. (tsp/dpa)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | Lançamento de míssil falha na Coreia do Norte |
Nas primeiras horas da sexta-feira, a falhou em tentar lançar um míssil balístico. A tentativa foi confirmada pelo Ministro da Defesa da . De acordo com a agência de notícias norte-coreana , o míssil tem um alcance de 3.000 a 4.000 quilômetros, o suficiente para chegar à base norte-americana na ilha de .
O lançamento não foi notificado à , informou Yonhap.
Esta sexta-feira marca o 104º aniversário da fundação da Coreia do Norte e avô de atual líder , , que é comemorado com desfiles e eventos militares.
| [
"Coreia do Norte",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "North Korea missile launch fails, U.S. says",
"text": "Skip Ad x Embed x Share The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it is closely monitoring the Korean Peninsula. USA TODAY\nA file photo dated October 2010 and made available by the North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) shows a 'Musudan' missile displayed during a military parade. (Photo: KCNA, EPA)\nTOKYO – An apparent attempt by North Korea to fire a medium-range ballistic missile Friday has failed, according to a U.S. defense official and South Korean leaders.\nThe attempted launch was the latest in a string of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests that have raised tensions on the Korean Peninsula and led to a tightening of international sanctions in recent months.\nNorth Korea attempted to launch a missile at 4:33 p.m. EDT, according to a defense official who spoke on condition of anonymity. The missile was detected and tracked by the U.S. Strategic Command systems and was assessed to be a failure, the official told USA TODAY.\nSouth Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said that North Korea fired a mobile Musudan, or BM-25, missile early Friday, but that the launch failed.\n“It was a fiery, catastrophic attempt at a launch that was unsuccessful,” said Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, the Associated Press reported. He said the U.S. believes it was likely a road-mobile missile but is still assessing, according to the AP.\nThe launch was closely monitored by U.S. ships in the region.\n\"We were aware of North Korea's announcement of their rocket launch and monitored the situation with our allies Japan and South Korea. I can’t get into specifics of the operation, but … with our AEGIS ships, we do have a robust missile-defense capability for the region,\" Cmdr. Bill Clinton, spokesman for the U.S. 7th Fleet, in Japan, told USA TODAY.\nEarlier, Yonhap News Agency reported that South Korea had detected signs that the North had deployed one or two Musudan ballistic missiles in the eastern city of Wonsan.\n“This latest missile test is just one in a steady stream — an outpouring, really — of North Korean efforts to publicly demonstrate the strength of their nuclear weapons program. (North Korean leader) Kim Jong Un is sending a clear message: ‘The new round of sanctions will not stop us,’” said John Delury, an associate professor at Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies, in Seoul.\nFriday’s launch appeared to be timed to coincide with the 104th anniversary of the birthday of the country's late founder Kim Il Sung.\nThe North's official Korean Central News Agency reported last month that Kim Jong Un issued an order to test a nuclear warhead and ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads\nFriday’s attempted launch was the first test-launch by North Korea of this particular version of the weapon. According to Yonhap, the Musudan missile has a range of just under 2,500 miles. That’s enough to threaten not only South Korea and Japan but also Guam, a key hub of the U.S. military’s “re-balance” to the Asia-Pacific region.\nDelury said the United States and its allies should not take much comfort in the apparent failure.\n“Every time the North Koreans test their nuclear and missile capabilities, they learn something, and get better,” he said.\nThis combo shows a file picture taken on April 15, 1992 of then-North Korean President Kim Il-Sung (L) during the celebration marking his 80th birthday at Kim Il-Sung stadium in Pyongyang and a file photo taken on April 15, 2012 of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un as he watches a military parade to mark 100 years since the birth of the country's founder and his grandfather, Kim Il-Sung, in Pyongyang. (Photo: AFP/ JIJI PRESS; R-image, Ed Jones (R) JIJI PRESS/AFP/Getty Images)\nLast month, the U.N. Security Council condemned North Korea's most recent ballistic missile launches, calling them \"unacceptable,\" a clear violation of U.N. resolutions banning such tests and a threat to regional and international security, the AP reported.\nThe council met March 18 hours after the North fired a medium-range missile from a site north of Pyongyang that flew about 500 miles before crashing into the sea off the country's east coast. The resolution condemned the North's firing of short-range ballistic missiles into the sea on March 10, in response to new sanctions from South Korea.\nPyongyang usually notifies the International Maritime Organization, a global shipping regulation body, in advance of a planned test launch. No such notification had taken place as of Thursday, Yonhap reports.\nBrad Glosserman, executive director of the Pacific Forum CSIS, in Honolulu, said the failed test does not necessarily raise the level of tensions any further.\n“Had it worked, Pyongyang would have crowed about its success, but it doesn’t shift the balance of power. North Korea knows that any attempt to threaten the Republic of Korea or the United States or Japan will be met with a resolute defense and a reiteration of the U.S. commitment to their defense. The failure merely increases uncertainty on the North Korean side,” Glosserman said.\nRead or Share this story:",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "North Korea attempts to launch intermediate range missile but fails: Yonhap",
"text": "North Korean leader Kim Jong Un watches the ballistic rocket launch drill of the Strategic Force of the Korean People's Army (KPA) at an unknown location, in this undated file photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on March 11, 2016. ...\nNorth Korea leader Kim Jong Un smiles as he visits Sohae Space Center in Cholsan County, North Pyongan province for the testing of a new engine for an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)...\nSEOUL North Korea attempted to launch an intermediate range ballistic missile off the country's east coast on Friday but the launch failed, South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported.\nThe failed launch follows North Korea's fourth nuclear test in January and a long-range rocket launch the next month, which led to fresh U.N. sanctions.\nYonhap said the failed launch appeared to be a Musudan missile with a range of more than 3,000 kms (1,800 miles).\nAn official at the South Korean defense ministry said North Korea was attempting a missile launch early on Friday morning but the launch appeared to have failed, however, the official could not confirm the type of the missile.\nThe United States, which has 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea, said on Thursday it was aware of reports that North Korea was preparing to test intermediate-range missiles and was closely monitoring the Korean Peninsula.\nFriday is the anniversary of North Korean founding president Kim Il Sung's birthday, April 15, and is widely celebrated in the isolated country. In 2012, the day was marked by a long range rocket launch attempt, which also failed.\nOn Thursday, North Korea deployed one or two Musudan ballistic missiles on its east coast in apparent preparation for the launch, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported, citing multiple South Korean government sources.\nThe Musudan missile, with a design range of more than 3,000 km (1,800 miles), is not known to have been flight-tested, according to South Korean defense ministry and experts.\nSome experts have said North Korea may choose to test-fire the Musudan in the near future as it tries to build an intercontinental ballistic missile designed to put the mainland United States within range.\nNorth Korea, which regularly threatens to destroy South Korea and the United States, often fires missiles during periods of tension in the region or when it comes under pressure to curb its defiance and abandon its weapons programs.\n(Reporting by Ju-min Park; Writing by James Pearson; Editing by Michael Perry)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "(AMPLIACIÓN)- Ejército: Corea del Norte dispara un misil esta madrugada, pero el lanzamiento falla",
"text": "2016/04/15 09:34 KST\n(AMPLIACIÓN)- Ejército: Corea del Norte dispara un misil esta madrugada, pero el lanzamiento falla\nSeúl, 15 de abril (Yonhap) -- Corea del Norte ha tratado de lanzar, en la madrugada de este viernes, un misil balístico Musudan de medio alcance desde la costa oriental, pero el lanzamiento parece haber fallado, según informó el Estado Mayor Conjunto (JCS, según sus siglas en inglés).\n\"Corea del Norte parece haber tratado de disparar, esta madrugada, un misil desde el área del mar del Este, pero se presume que el lanzamiento ha fallado\", dijo el JCS.\nEs la primera vez que Corea del Norte trata de lanzar el misil balístico Musudan, que tiene una autonomía de 3.000-4.000 kilómetros, por lo que puede alcanzar la isla de Guam, en donde se encuentra una basa militar estadounidense.\nEste viernes Corea del Norte está celebrando el 104º aniversario del nacimiento del fundador del país, Kim Il-sung, abuelo del líder actual, Kim Jong-un. El país ha conmemorado en el pasado el festivo nacional con varios eventos militares.\\n(FIN)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | El escritor y neurólogo Oliver Sacks revela que padece cáncer terminal |
en 2009.
El escritor y neurólogo inglés , autor de libros como ''Migraña'', ''El hombre que confundió a su mujer con un sombrero'' y ''Un antropólogo en Marte'', reveló este jueves en un artículo publicado en '''' que sufre de cáncer terminal, una múltiple en el producto de un ocular que le fue diagnosticado y tratado nueve años atrás.
"Sentí que mi salud era buena, incluso que era una fuerte. A los 81 años, aún nado una milla al día. Pero mi suerte se acabó, semanas atrás descubrí que tengo metástasis múltiple en el hígado", aseguró Sacks en su artículo titulado ''My Own Life — Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer''.
El diagnóstico llega nueve años después de que le fuera diagnosticado y tratado con éxito un extraño tumor ocular, que muy pocas veces provoca metástasis. "Pertenezco al desafortunado 2% que desarrolla metástasis", indicó. Sacks, que es profesor emérito de en la , se mostró agradecido de haber vivido casi diez años de buena salud, durante los cuales logró continuar escribiendo.
No obstante, "ahora me encuentro cara a cara con la muerte", revela. La metástasis ocupa un tercio de su hígado y, aunque existe la posibilidad de lentificar su avance, es un tipo de cáncer imposible de curar. Ante esta situación, el médico británico que reside en Estados Unidos desde 1965, asegura que piensa vivir sus próximos meses de la forma "más rica, profunda y productiva" posible.
"Esto no significa que he finalizado mi vida. Al contrario, me siento intensamente vivo", asevera. Asimismo, señala que espera profundizar sus amistades, despedirse de los que ama, escribir más, viajar si cuenta con las fuerzas y "adquirir nuevos niveles de comprensión y sabiduría". En este sentido, explica que dejará de poner atención a las "cosas no esenciales" como "la o las discusiones sobre el " que, sin embargo, aún le importan, pero "pertenecen al futuro".
| [
"Reino Unido"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "My Own Life",
"text": "A MONTH ago, I felt that I was in good health, even robust health. At 81, I still swim a mile a day. But my luck has run out — a few weeks ago I learned that I have multiple metastases in the liver. Nine years ago it was discovered that I had a rare tumor of the eye, an ocular melanoma. Although the radiation and lasering to remove the tumor ultimately left me blind in that eye, only in very rare cases do such tumors metastasize. I am among the unlucky 2 percent.\nI feel grateful that I have been granted nine years of good health and productivity since the original diagnosis, but now I am face to face with dying. The cancer occupies a third of my liver, and though its advance may be slowed, this particular sort of cancer cannot be halted.\nIt is up to me now to choose how to live out the months that remain to me. I have to live in the richest, deepest, most productive way I can. In this I am encouraged by the words of one of my favorite philosophers, David Hume, who, upon learning that he was mortally ill at age 65, wrote a short autobiography in a single day in April of 1776. He titled it “My Own Life.”\n“I now reckon upon a speedy dissolution,” he wrote. “I have suffered very little pain from my disorder; and what is more strange, have, notwithstanding the great decline of my person, never suffered a moment’s abatement of my spirits. I possess the same ardour as ever in study, and the same gaiety in company.”\nI have been lucky enough to live past 80, and the 15 years allotted to me beyond Hume’s three score and five have been equally rich in work and love. In that time, I have published five books and completed an autobiography (rather longer than Hume’s few pages) to be published this spring; I have several other books nearly finished.\nHume continued, “I am ... a man of mild dispositions, of command of temper, of an open, social, and cheerful humour, capable of attachment, but little susceptible of enmity, and of great moderation in all my passions.”\nHere I depart from Hume. While I have enjoyed loving relationships and friendships and have no real enmities, I cannot say (nor would anyone who knows me say) that I am a man of mild dispositions. On the contrary, I am a man of vehement disposition, with violent enthusiasms, and extreme immoderation in all my passions.\nAnd yet, one line from Hume’s essay strikes me as especially true: “It is difficult,” he wrote, “to be more detached from life than I am at present.”\nOver the last few days, I have been able to see my life as from a great altitude, as a sort of landscape, and with a deepening sense of the connection of all its parts. This does not mean I am finished with life.\nOn the contrary, I feel intensely alive, and I want and hope in the time that remains to deepen my friendships, to say farewell to those I love, to write more, to travel if I have the strength, to achieve new levels of understanding and insight.\nThis will involve audacity, clarity and plain speaking; trying to straighten my accounts with the world. But there will be time, too, for some fun (and even some silliness, as well).\nI feel a sudden clear focus and perspective. There is no time for anything inessential. I must focus on myself, my work and my friends. I shall no longer look at “NewsHour” every night. I shall no longer pay any attention to politics or arguments about global warming.\nThis is not indifference but detachment — I still care deeply about the Middle East, about global warming, about growing inequality, but these are no longer my business; they belong to the future. I rejoice when I meet gifted young people — even the one who biopsied and diagnosed my metastases. I feel the future is in good hands.\nI have been increasingly conscious, for the last 10 years or so, of deaths among my contemporaries. My generation is on the way out, and each death I have felt as an abruption, a tearing away of part of myself. There will be no one like us when we are gone, but then there is no one like anyone else, ever. When people die, they cannot be replaced. They leave holes that cannot be filled, for it is the fate — the genetic and neural fate — of every human being to be a unique individual, to find his own path, to live his own life, to die his own death.\nI cannot pretend I am without fear. But my predominant feeling is one of gratitude. I have loved and been loved; I have been given much and I have given something in return; I have read and traveled and thought and written. I have had an intercourse with the world, the special intercourse of writers and readers.\nAbove all, I have been a sentient being, a thinking animal, on this beautiful planet, and that in itself has been an enormous privilege and adventure.",
"url": "",
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"language": "es",
"title": "Selección de suscripción",
"text": "Suscripción\n0,99€ / mes el primer mes\n4,99€ / mes a partir del segundo mes *\n* Sin contrato de permanencia.",
"url": "",
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] |
en | Iran agrees to expanded monitoring of nuclear sites |
File photo of the UN nuclear chief, Yukiya Amano
Iran agreed on Monday to allow the United Nations (UN) increased access to nuclear facilities according to a government announcement on state television. UN monitors will gain access to a heavy water reactor still being built, as well as the largest uranium reactor in Iran.
The government announcement also stated that Iran would clarify its plans to build new uranium-enrichment facilities and technologies.
According to the UN nuclear chief, , the agreement will be put in place within the next three months. He said that Iran had agreed to "implement practical measures" to aid the UN inspectors.
This is the first deal that Iran has made with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) since 2007. The announcement came after talks between Iran and world leaders from the United States, France, China, Russia and Germany in Geneva, over the amount of access that the IAEA should have to Iranian nuclear sites. The negotiations stalled, but are set to resume next week.
The IAEA has been pushing to inspect Iran's nuclear facilities for a decade, currently having access to only 17. The Iranian government continues to assert that their nuclear program is peaceful, and wants the UN to lift .
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said in Parliament on Monday that "It's very important for the Iranian authorities to understand that the pressure will be there for greater sanctions... unless an agreement is reached on these matters."
French Foreign Minister acknowledged that the agreement reached on Monday is a good sign for diplomacy, but also said that more work needed to be done. "We are not far from an agreement with the Iranians, but we are not there yet," he said on .
== Sources ==
| [
"United Nations",
"Nuclear proliferation",
"Politics and conflicts",
"William Hague",
"United States",
"Laurent Fabius",
"North America"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Britain says Iran to face tougher sanctions without nuclear deal",
"text": "LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Monday that there would be pressure to intensify sanctions on Iran if it could not reach a deal with world powers over its disputed nuclear program.\n\"It's very important for the Iranian authorities to understand that the pressure will be there for greater sanctions, for an intensification of sanctions, unless an agreement is reached on these matters,\" Hague told parliament.\n(Reporting by Peter Griffiths and Andrew Osborn; Editing by Andrew Osborn)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Kerry sees Iran nuclear deal in months, will protect allies",
"text": "1 of 7. European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (R) and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif arrive at a news conference at the end of the Iranian nuclear talks in Geneva November 10, 2013.\nABU DHABI/PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday he hoped an agreement to end a dispute over Iran's nuclear program would be completed within months, although Washington was not engaged in a race to seal a deal.\nIran and six world powers came close to a preliminary agreement at the weekend during talks in Geneva and decided to resume negotiations on November 20 in their attempt to defuse a decade-old standoff and allay fears of a drift towards a wider Middle East war.\n\"This is not a race to complete just any agreement,\" Kerry told a news conference during a visit to the United Arab Emirates. However, he added: \"Through diplomacy we have an absolute responsibility to pursue an agreement.\"\nWhile saying that a deal with Iran was expected within months, Kerry tried to reassure Washington's Arab allies and Israel that his country would not abandon them.\nThumping the podium, Kerry said President Barack Obama had said \"that he will continue to defend his friends and allies in this region, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, others, he will defend them against any external attack.\n\"That is the promise of the United States and as I stand here as Secretary of State, as long as I'm Secretary of State, that is also our policy, my policy, representing the President of the United States in executing it.\"\nThe fact that a deal might be within reach after a decade of increasing confrontation between Iran and Western powers shows the shift in the tone of Tehran's foreign policy since President Hassan Rouhani was elected in June.\nRouhani began diplomatic moves towards a nuclear deal in order to ease sanctions that have throttled Iran's vital oil industry and cut it off from the international banking system.\nMAJOR POWERS\nBut with a breakthrough in Geneva tantalizingly close, divisions within the powers emerged when France declined to endorse the proposal, believing it did not do enough to neutralize the risk of an Iranian atom bomb.\nFrench Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius nonetheless expressed hope on Monday that a deal could be reached, although he said Tehran still had to make an effort on a few points.\n\"We are not far from an agreement with the Iranians, but we are not there yet,\" he told Europe 1 radio.\nSome diplomats accused France of grandstanding during the talks at the weekend, which Fabius denied, saying Paris was not isolated but had an independent foreign policy.\nKerry denied reports of rifts among the powers and suggested Iran was not ready to accept the plan at that point.\nThe powers were \"unified on Saturday when we presented a proposal to the Iranians, and the French signed off on it, we signed off on it, and everybody agreed it was a fair proposal. There was unity, but Iran couldn't take it at that particular moment, they weren't able to accept that particular thing.\"\nFabius said Iran must suspend construction of its Arak heavy-water reactor and halt uranium enrichment to a concentration of 20 percent to win a relaxation of the sanctions, a position long held by Paris.\n\"I am hopeful we will reach a good deal. We want an accord that ensures regional and international stability,\" Fabius said. \"If we don't reach an accord it would be a considerable problem in a few months.\"\nJOINT STATEMENT\nThe United Nations nuclear watchdog said it and Iran had signed a joint statement on cooperation to resolve remaining nuclear issues.\nThe technical agreement opens the way for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to visit the Arak site and the Gachin uranium mine, and for measures requested by the agency to be implemented.\n\"The practical measures will be implemented in the next three months, starting from today,\" IAEA head Yukiya Amano told a news conference in Tehran, broadcast on state television.\nIran and the six powers are searching for a preliminary agreement that would cap Iran's nuclear capacity and open up the program to U.N. inspectors. In exchange, they have offered phased, limited and reversible relief from sanctions. Iran, however, wants an early end to oil and banking sanctions.\nUnder discussion is a temporary deal entailing a freeze to higher-grade uranium enrichment - which Iran bills as fuel for a medical research reactor but which is also potential material for bombs - lasting about six months.\nDuring that time, Iran and the six powers would negotiate a permanent agreement aimed at ensuring that none of Iran's nuclear activities could be diverted towards bomb-making. Tehran says its nuclear program is entirely peaceful.\nIn an apparent attempt to keep hardliners on side, Rouhani spoke on Sunday of foreign policy \"red lines\" and vowed not to bow to threats.\nIsrael, which calls Iran's nuclear drive a threat to its existence, condemned the interim deal as it would leave some of Iran's nuclear fuel-making capacity intact, while giving Tehran respite from sanctions.\nPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu served notice that Israel would not feel bound by such a deal, unmistakably reiterating a veiled threat to take military action if it deems diplomacy to have failed to restrain Iran's nuclear ambitions.\n(Additional reporting by Mahmoud Habboush, Marcus George; Writing by Giles Elgood; editing by David Stamp)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Deal struck on UN inspections of Iran sites",
"text": "Iran's state television says an agreement for expanded monitoring has been reached in talks with the UN nuclear chief in a deal that could boost wider negotiations over Tehran's atomic programme.\nThe broadcaster said the deal was struck on Monday in talks with UN nuclear chief Yukiya Amano.\nIt is a so-called \"roadmap'' that will give UN inspectors a broader reach, including access to a heavy water reactor under construction and a key uranium mine.\n\"The practical measures will be implemented in the next three months, starting from today,\" Aman said in a news conference in Tehran, broadcast on state television.\nAmano's visit comes after efforts in Geneva over the weekend stalled on ways to ease Western concerns that Iran could one day produce nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear programme is peaceful..\nThe IAEA has complained about restrictions in access at some sites. Clearing the obstacles could be a major step towards a deal between Iran and world powers when negotiations resume next week.\nFrench 'hopeful'\nThe French foreign minister said on Monday he was hopeful a deal could be reached with Iran over its nuclear programme, although Tehran still had to make an effort on a few points.\n\"We are not far from an agreement with the Iranians, but we are not there yet,\" Laurent Fabius told Europe 1 radio.\nSome diplomats accused France of grandstanding during talks in Geneva at the weekend, something Fabius denied, saying Paris was not isolated but had an independent foreign policy.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Iran Agrees to Give UN Monitors Broader Inspection Powers",
"text": "You need to enable Javascript to play media on Play\nIran and United Nations atomic inspectors signed their first accord in six years, giving the monitors broader access to nuclear facilities in the Persian Gulf country.\nThe International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran agreed “to implement practical measures” aiding inspections, agency director Yukiya Amano said at a Tehran briefing broadcast by Iran’s Press TV. Included in the accord is access to Iran’s largest uranium mine, said Ali Akbar Salehi, who heads the Islamic republic’s atomic program.\nThe pact followed three days of talks in Geneva between Iran and world powers that failed to clinch a broader accord to relieve international sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iranian restrictions on its nuclear program. The IAEA’s decade-long investigation into alleged past nuclear-weapons work has underpinned international concerns about a program that has cast the specter of war and proliferation across the Middle East. Iran insists its atomic research is for peaceful uses.\n“The Iranians have realized that in order to maintain the momentum of political talks” with the group of nations known as the P5+1, “they need to re-energize the technical track with the IAEA,” Ali Vaez, an Iran analyst at the International Crisis Group, said in an e-mailed reply to questions. “The two processes remain as inter-connected as ever, as one cannot get entirely resolved without the other.”\nInformation Sought\nDetails of the agreement will be circulated among the Vienna-based agency’s member states later this month, Amano said. Implementation will start within three months, he said.\n“This shows Iran’s readiness to demonstrate the needed flexibility to advance toward closing Iran’s nuclear file,” Salehi said.\nHe said the agreement allows inspectors greater access to a heavy-water reactor at Arak. While the IAEA has visited Arak, inspectors have sought additional information on the design of the incomplete project to ensure plutonium cannot be extracted for nuclear weapons.\n“Access to the design information is critical to resolve outstanding questions about the intended use of the reactor,” said former IAEA inspector Robert Kelley, who led investigations in Iraq. Reactor access, combined with information about its fuel, “could serve to verify that it is not being configured to make weapons-grade plutonium.”\n‘On Course’\nConcerns over Arak helped to undermine an accord in Geneva, where French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius sought a pause in construction during negotiations. Other top officials, including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, had fueled speculation that an agreement was near after unexpectedly attending the discussions.\n“The real significance of today is that the French objection is not derailing the process,” said Scott Lucas, an Iran specialist at the University of Birmingham in England.\n“It confirms that despite the holdup” two days ago, “we’re on course to getting an agreement” when the seven nations meet for more talks next week, he said in a phone interview.\nAfter the Swiss meetings concluded, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told reporters that the seven nations represented were “on the same wavelength” and “can build on and move forward.” Negotiations resume Nov. 20 in Geneva, giving opponents in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Washington time to lobby against an agreement. A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had no comment on today’s accord.\nSouth African Uranium\nIran’s deal with the IAEA, which already visits Iran’s 17 declared nuclear facilities, is the first since a June 2007 accord crafted by former IAEA director Mohamed ElBaradei.\nIran’s Gchine uranium mine, near the Persian Gulf coast city of Bandar Abbas, has undergone expansion since that deal. Existing IAEA agreements with Iran don’t extend to mining operations.\nIran has been using about 530 tons of uranium obtained from South Africa in 1982 to fuel its declared enrichment program, centered at the Natanz plant, about 210 kilometers (130 miles) south of Tehran. IAEA inspectors have long sought to establish whether Iran has an alternative fuel source for a nuclear effort running in parallel with the declared program.\n“Iran’s nuclear program has been constrained for years by a limited amount of uranium purchased abroad,” Kelley said. “Knowing domestic sources more accurately will help the IAEA draw conclusions.”\nThe agreement is seen as a “first step” leading to further cooperation, according to a copy posted on the IAEA website. In addition to the Gchine mine and the Arak reactor, the deal provides the agency with new information on reactor projects and sites designated for power plants. Iran also pledged to clarify whether it plans to build new uranium-enrichment facilities and technologies.\nTo contact the reporter on this story: Jonathan Tirone in Geneva at\nTo contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | UK soldier killed in Afghanistan named by Ministry of Defence |
A map of the Helmand province in southern Afgahnistan.
The British soldier who was killed in southern Afghanistan yesterday has today been named by the Ministry of Defence.
Cpl Bryan Budd, of the 3rd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, was killed in Helmand province at about noon local time during a gun battle with Taliban forces in the volatile area.
"Cpl Budd died as a result of injuries sustained during the contact. Three other British soldiers received minor injuries," said an MoD spokesman.
So far, twenty British armed forces personnel have died in Afghanistan since 2001.
Yesterday, Defence Secretary Des Browne said: "I was deeply saddened to be informed of the death today of a British soldier and the injuries of three others as they supported the NATO mission in Afghanistan. I wish to express my sincere condolences to their families and friends. My thoughts are with them at this difficult time."
| [
"Politics and conflicts",
"United Kingdom",
"Helmand Province"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Gun battle death soldier is named",
"text": "Cpl Bryan Budd, 29, from Ripon, North Yorkshire, was killed in Helmand province at about noon local time (0830 BST), the Ministry of Defence said.\nHe was serving with the 3rd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment.\n\"[Cpl Budd] died as a result of injuries sustained during the contact. Three other British soldiers received minor injuries,\" an MoD spokesman said.\nTwenty UK armed forces personnel have died in Afghanistan since 2001.\nSoftly spoken\nCpl Budd was married to Lorena and had a two-year-old daughter, Isabelle. Lorena is expecting a second child in September.\nThe MoD said Cpl Budd was softly spoken and a calm character whose \"keenest passion\" was his wife and daughter.\nHe was described as a shining example to those under his command, with great courage and a quick sense of humour.\nHe had been in the Army for 10 years serving in Yugoslavia, Sierra Leone, Macedonia, Afghanistan and Iraq. He was about to be promoted to platoon sergeant when he died.\nBryan died doing the job he loved, leading his men from the front - where he always was\nLt Col Stuart Tootal, CO\nHis commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Tootal, said he was a natural leader.\n\"Cpl Bryan Budd was an outstanding young man who had quickly risen through the ranks in the regiment.\n\"Bryan died doing the job he loved, leading his men from the front - where he always was.\n\"Bryan was proud to call himself a paratrooper and we were proud to stand beside him.\"\nPersistent attacks\nThe 3rd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment, is based at Colchester Garrison in Essex.\nEarlier, Defence Secretary Des Browne offered his condolences to the family and friends of Cpl Budd.\nThree other British soldiers received minor injuries in the incident. Cpl Budd's death brings the number of British forces personnel who have died in Afghanistan since the start of operations in November 2001 to 20.\nHe is the latest victim of persistent attacks on British troops who are in Afghanistan to help rebuilding and to tackle terrorism and heroin cultivation.\nThey were serving as part of a multinational Nato force in the lawless south of the country.\nAfghanistan is going through its bloodiest period since the fall of the Taleban five years ago. Much of the fighting has been concentrated in the south.\n'Drawn into fights'\nBBC world affairs correspondent Roland Buerk said the British Army and its coalition allies were trying to bring security to entire districts in Afghanistan.\n\"The plan was to make major centres safe, to bring in economic development, and hope to turn the local people away from whatever loyalty they had to the Taleban,\" he said.\n\"But it's just not worked out like that. They've been drawn to fighting in remote districts and they've been taking casualties.\"\nHelmand, in the southwest of the country and Afghanistan's top opium producer, sees regular deadly violence blamed on Taleban fighters or drug lords.\nAlthough the Taleban were ousted from power five years ago, supporters have this year stepped up attacks on foreign and Afghan troops.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Tote bei Schüssen in kalifornischer Schule |
Blick über San Bernadino
In einer Grundschule in der kalifornischen Stadt San Bernardino hat ein 53-Jährige seine Ehefrau erschossen, sie war dort als Lehrerin beschäftigt. Ein 8-jähriger Schüler, der hinter der Lehrerin stand wurde ebenfalls durch die Schussabgabe getötet, ein weiterer 9-Jähriger wurde schwer verletzt. Anschließend tötete sich der Schütze selbst. Die Polizei der 200.000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt spricht auf dem Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter von einem erweitertem Suizid. Die Schüler und Schülerinnen der Grundschule North Park Elementary School seien zu einer anderen Schule gebracht worden. Es bestehe keine weitere Gefahr, teilte die Polizei mit.
Der Schütze war seit einigen Monaten mit der Lehrerin verheiratet, vor sechs Wochen trennten sie sich. Der Mann war wegen häuslicher Gewalt und Waffenvergehen vorbestraft. Nach Polizeiangaben sei der Mann gezielt gegen die Ehefrau vorgegangen.
| [
"Themenportal Recht",
"Recht in den Vereinigten Staaten",
"Straftat allg.",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "San Bernardino: Verletzte bei Schießerei in Kalifornien",
"text": "In einer Grundschule in San Bernardino in Kalifornien sind am Montag nach Schüssen in einem Klassenzimmer nach Polizeiangaben zwei Tote gefunden worden.\nDie Polizei sprach auf Twitter davon, sie gehe davon aus, dass es sich um einen \"erweiterten Suizid\" handle. Sie erwarte, dass es \"keine weitere Gefahr\" gebe. Die Schüler seien zur Sicherheit in eine andere Schule gebracht worden. Zwei Personen seien ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden, hatte zuvor eine Sprecherin der Feuerwehr gesagt.\nIn San Bernardino hatte im Dezember 2015 ein in den USA lebendes Ehepaar - laut FBI radikalisierte Muslime - 14 Menschen in einer sozialen Einrichtung erschossen. Der in den USA geborene Mann und seine aus Pakistan stammende Frau starben im Kugelhagel der Polizei.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "Mord und anschließender Suizid",
"text": "San Bernardino (Kalifornien) – Bei einer Schießerei an einer Grundschule im Westen der USA sind zwei Menschen getötet worden. Auch Verletzte gab es.\nEine Frau wurde tot in einem Klassenraum gefunden. Der andere Tote ist der Schütze, sagte der Bürgermeister. Vermutlich handele es sich bei der Tat um einen Mord und anschließenden Suizid.\nDer Schütze sei der Ehemann der ermordeten Lehrerin gewesen, so die offizielle Stellungnahme der Behörden.\nZwei weitere Menschen wurden den Angaben zufolge verletzt und ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Bei ihnen handele es sich um Schüler, teilte der örtliche Polizeichef Jarrod Burguan im Kurzbotschaftendienst Twitter mit.\nEiner der Schüler erlag später im Krankenhaus seinen Verletzungen, wie die Polizei mitteilte.\nDas lokale Fernsehen zeigte Bilder, wie sich die Kinder auf dem Schulhof versammeln Foto: / AP Photo / dpa\nDie Schüler seien zur Sicherheit in eine andere Schule gebracht worden. Zwei Personen seien ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden, hatte zuvor eine Sprecherin der Feuerwehr der Deutschen Presse-Agentur gesagt.\nPolizeichef Jarrod Burguan: „Wir glauben, dass sich der Schütze in einem Klassenraum verletzt hat.“",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "de",
"title": "San Bernardino: Zwei Tote nach Schießerei an US-Grundschule",
"text": "An einer Grundschule in San Bernardino an der US-Westküste sind Schüsse gefallen. Zwei Erwachsene seien tot, berichtete der Polizeichef Jarrod Burguan auf Twitter. Zwei weitere Personen, mutmaßlich Schüler, seien in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert worden. Ihr zustand sei unklar.\nDie Schüsse seien in einem Klassenzimmer gefallen, hatte Burguan zuvor bereits berichtet. Die Polizei gehe davon aus, dass es sich um einen erweiterten Suizid handelt.\nDerzeit sei nicht anzunehmen, dass ein Schütze noch auf freiem Fuß sei, sagte eine Polizeisprecherin. Laut Burguan wurden die Schüler in einer naheliegenden Schule in Sicherheit gebracht.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | UVP : appel à une Constituante, c'est aux Valdôtains de choisir leur futur |
. C'est ainsi qu'Alessia Favre, présidente de l', a ouvert à , ce samedi 10 Janvier la rencontre sur les thèmes de l'autonomie qui ouvre la voie à la "Constituante valdôtaine".
Durant l'introduction au débat, a traité de la reconstitution historique du récent parcours de l'autonomie valdôtaine, rappelant entre autres, des difficultés liés à l'application du Statut, caractérisées par . À la rencontre de , à laquelle ont formellement adhéré les délégations de l', de , du , ont participé environ 200 personnes parmi lesquels de nombreux représentants institutionnels : le président du Conseil régional du , Franco Iacob, le président de la Région, , le président du Conseil régional, Marc Viérin et les membres du Gouvernement régional. Étaient également présents le coordinateur de , Massimo Lattanzi et le secrétaire de la , Sergio Ferrero.
| [
"Union valdôtaine progressiste",
"Union valdôtaine",
"Stella alpina",
"Parti démocrate (Italie)",
"Forza Italia",
"Ligue du Nord",
"Lucien Caveri",
"Auguste Rollandin",
"Politique valdôtaine",
"Vallée d'Aoste",
"Janvier 2015 en Vallée d'Aoste|11"
] | [
"language": "it",
"title": "Pour une Constituante Valdôtaine",
"text": "Quella di ieri è stata una giornata importante. Ed è andata bene!\nUna data storica in un luogo simbolo. Il 10 gennaio 1946 si riuniva il primo Consiglio Valle d’Aosta. Cogne, paese liberato dai partigiani, simbolo della lotta per la libertà.\nIeri 10 gennaio 2015 a Cogne si è fatta politica. Il mondo politico valdostano era pressoché presente al completo e si è ragionato su come si può oggi rilanciare la nostra Autonomia attraverso un percorso organico e serio di riforma da sottoporre e condividere con le Istituzioni e soprattutto con la comunità valdostana.\nQuella comunità valdostana che ha partecipato attivamente alla mattinata di ieri: giovani, intellettuali, storici, rappresentanze sindacali, la società civile e ovviamente (e per fortuna) gli addetti ai lavori.\nUna serie di interventi con oratori di eccellenza che con i loro contributi hanno lavorato sui due volets dei diritti e delle responsabilità, Etienne Andrione, Mauro Caniggia, Diego Joyseusaz, Giuliano Morelli, Liliana Bertolo, Luciano Saraillon, Massimo Tringali, il senatore Cesare Dujany e gli ospiti Franco Jacop Presidente del Consiglio regionale del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, coordinatore delle Assemblee delle Speciali e Lorenzo Baratter capogruppo del PATT del Trentino Alto Adige. È poi seguito un ampio dibattito libero e intenso nelle suggestioni e riflessioni.\nQuesto primo appuntamento è servito anche per spiegare che non vi era dietro all’idea lanciata da UVP alcuna volontà di speculazione politica e per valutare insieme il proseguirsi dell’iniziativa. Questa è una grande occasione per lavorare in maniera concreta e nel rispetto del pluralismo e di tutte le sensibilità presenti in Valle sul futuro della nostra autonomia, per fare anche una sana autocritica e soprattutto per le forze politiche e’ un’opportunità per non sottrarsi al compito di proporre idee e di guidare la comunità in un percorso che la veda nuovamente protagonista sul tema dell’autonomia.\nQuesto e’ il momento dell’entusiasmo per mettersi subito al lavoro che si concretizzerà entro il prossimo mese.\nChi vuole lavorare ha infatti trovato il posto giusto. Sia per chi si è già iscritto formalmente alla Costituente, sia per coloro che ieri si sono detti interessati ad esserci.\nNascerà formalmente nelle prossime settimane un Comitato promotore che in una logica pluralistica e aperta studierà un percorso per giungere a una proposta entro la data simbolo del 26 febbraio, quando nel 1948 lo Statuto d’autonomia venne votato dalla Costituente.\nAlessia Favre – Presidente dell’UVP",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | Microsoft revê sua política sobre weblogs |
A Microsoft disse que vai formular uma nova política para lidar com pedidos de governos que alegam que material publicado em blogs viola alguma lei.
Segundo explicou o advogado da empresa Brad Smith na terça-feira (31) em Lisboa, a Microsoft irá remover blogs somente quando for legalmente notificada e após isso irá remover somente o material que for considerado ilegal. De qualquer forma, declarou Smith, o website continuará visível para fora do país.
A decisão da Microsoft ocorre depois de ela ter tomado a polêmica decisão de ter removido do MSN Spaces o blog do chinês Zhao Jing, conhecido também como Michael Anti. O blog de Zhao foi removido no final do ano passad dos servidores nos Estados Unidos da América o que fez com que o blog ficasse bloqueado para todo mundo.
| [
"Economia e negócios",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": " / By industry / Media & internet",
"text": "Microsoft calls for common China policy\nBy Richard Waters in San Francisco\nPublished: February 1 2006 00:16 | Last updated: February 1 2006 00:50\nMicrosoft on Tuesday called for internet companies to adopt a common approach to dealing with official publication restrictions in China and elsewhere, as it continued to struggle with the fall-out from a decision to block an internet blog by a well-known Chinese dissident. The US software company also modified its policy for deciding when and how to accede to official requests from governments around the world to ban particular writers from its MSN Spaces blog service. It said that under its new approach, while it would still have blocked the blogger in China under the Chinese restrictions, it would not have done so in other countries. The Microsoft service claims 15m bloggers, more than 3m of them inside China. Microsoft's discomfort over its decision to remove a blog by Zhao Jing last month was a forerunner of the greater public outcry that has followed Google's decision last week to launch a censored version of its search engine service in China. The speed of the internet's advance and its mass-market adoption by amateur bloggers around the world had raised new issues for internet companies that were different from those traditionally faced by publishers that operate internationally, said Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel. \"This is not a single-company issue, or a single-country issue - we need principles that will drive our industry as a whole,\" he said. Under what Mr Smith called a \"more robust\" policy on responding to official requests to censor bloggers, Microsoft said it would only remove blogs when it receives an official legal order. However, it said it would continue to publish material that was blocked in this way outside the country concerned.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | USA geben Suche nach Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak auf |
US-Präsident George W. Bush gibt die Beendigung der Suche nach Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak bekannt. Die mehr als zweijährige Suche nach chemischen und biologischen Waffen ist damit erfolglos beendet. Die Existenz dieser Waffen war eine wesentliche Begründung des Irak-Krieges, wurde aber bereits vor dessen Beginn von vielen Fachleuten als zumindest zweifelhaft angesehen.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Vereinigte Staaten",
"Themenportal Irak",
"Themenportal Arabische Welt",
"Politik in den Vereinigten Staaten",
"George W. Bush",
"Politik im Irak",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "US gives up search for Iraq WMD",
"text": "Duelfer confirmed in October there were no WMD stockpiles in Iraq\nThey say the chief US investigator, Charles Duelfer, is not planning to return to the country.\nMr Duelfer reported last year that Iraq had no stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons at the time of the US-led invasion nearly two years ago.\nThe existence of WMD had been the stated reason in Washington and London for going to war with Iraq.\nMr Duelfer said when he released his interim report in October that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had still had the desire to restart WMD programmes.\nIRAQ SURVEY GROUP Set up in May 2003 First leader, David Kay, quit in Jan 2004 stating WMD would not be found in Iraq New head, Charles Duelfer appointed by CIA 1,200 experts from the US, Britain and Australia HQ in Washington, offices in Baghdad and Qatar\nHe will make a few adjustments to his report but he will close the book on the hunt when the final version is published in a few weeks, says the BBC's Nick Childs in Washington.\nOfficials are still sifting through a mountain of documents and say they will follow any leads they find but there is no expectation that the hunt will be revived.\nThe Iraq Survey Group (ISG), which was responsible for the search, continues its work but with the focus now on trying to help counter the Iraqi insurgency.\nWhite House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday's announcement was nothing new and that Mr Bush had referred to the end of the search last year when Mr Duelfer's interim report came out.\nBut a report earlier on Wednesday in the Washington Post newspaper stating the search was over led to what appeared to be a confirmation by the spokesman.\nAsked if the ISG had stopped actively searching for WMD, Mr McClellan said: \"That's my understanding... A lot of their mission is focused elsewhere now.\"\n'Expected'\nFormer US inspector David Kay told the BBC's Radio 4 PM programme this was the expected outcome:\nJustice will never be done for all of the soldiers and Iraqi civilians who lost their lives needlessly\nRyan Healy, Tucson, Arizona\nYour say: WMD search ends\n\"You cannot believe how hard it is to motivate people in the field who know that all they are doing is going through busy work motions because they themselves know there are no weapons there.\n\"I faced that over a year ago with a team that essentially knew that we were right when we said they were no weapons.\"\nHe said the ISG's document search would now focus on the continued insurgency in Iraq and the money flow issue surrounding the oil-for-food programme.\nFormer head of UN weapons inspections Hans Blix also said there was no surprise in the announcement.\n\"We have believed that there weren't any weapons since around May or June 2003. First came David Kay in September 2003 [who said] that he hadn't found any weapons and that was a big sensation - but he thought that there were programmes still,\" he told the BBC.\n\"But then came Duelfer last November [who] said that he hadn't seen any programmes, but maybe Saddam would have intended to restart the programme, and there is no evidence of that.\nMr Blix said he assumed it would be natural for the United States to now report their finding to the UN Security Council \"because the US took the inspections out of the hands of the UN to undertake it themselves\".",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Bomb attack in Iraq kills two British soldiers |
A roadside bomb attack by insurgents near Basra, Iraq has killed two British soldiers. The explosion also injured two other soldiers, who are being treated at Shaibah Logistics Base. The troops were travelling on patrol as part of a convoy 15 miles (9 km) from Basra when it was attacked at approximately 1300 local time.
In a statement, the Ministry of Defence said: "It is with great regret that we can confirm that two British soldiers have died as a result of an attack on a British patrol. One other British soldier was seriously injured, and a further one suffered minor injuries. Both have been evacuated for emergency medical care and taken by helicopter to a British Field Hospital at Shaibah Logistics Base."
A British base in Basra was also hit with a mortar or rocket attack in a separate incdent. The attack set fire to boats inside the base. Military spokesman have reported no casualties.
| [
"United Kingdom",
"Politics and conflicts"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "UK soldiers killed in Iraq attack",
"text": "Their patrol was targeted by a roadside bomb and small arms fire near the town of Ad Dayr at about 1300 local time.\nAnother two soldiers were injured - one seriously - and have been taken to the Shaibah Logistics Base by helicopter for emergency medical treatment.\nIn a separate incident, military boats at a UK base in Basra were hit by mortar rounds or rockets.\nThe attack started a fire among boats on a waterway inside the perimeter of the Shatt al-Arab Hotel base but no casualties were reported.\nThe deaths bring the total number of UK soldiers killed in operations in Iraq since the 2003 conflict to 117.\nIt is with great regret that we can confirm that two British soldiers have died as a result of an attack on a British patrol\nMoD\nPM defiant after deaths\nThe last British soldier to be killed in Iraq was Matthew Cornish, 29, of the 1st Battalion The Light Infantry, who died after a mortar attack on a Basra base on 1 August.\nThere are about 7,200 UK personnel in British-controlled southern Iraq, most in the Basra area.\nThe military convoy was targeted about nine miles (15km) north of the city.\n\"It is with great regret that we can confirm that two British soldiers have died as a result of an attack on a British patrol,\" the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.\n\"One other British soldier was seriously injured, and a further one suffered minor injuries.\n\"Both have been evacuated for emergency medical care and taken by helicopter to a British Field Hospital at Shaibah Logistics Base.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Raúl Castro chosen as new President of Cuba |
Raúl Castro.
Today, the National Assembly of People's Power, Cuba's legislative parliament, announced that it had unanimously chosen Raúl Castro, 76, as the new President of Cuba. He will serve for 5 years.
The National Assembly, composed of 614 members previously elected in a January 20, 2008 general election, also chose the new First Vice-President, José Ramón Machado Ventura, along with 29 other members of the Council of State, Cuba's executive power. The Assembly has chosen Cuba's Council of State ever since the Socialist Cuban Constitution was approved by 97.7% of voters in a referendum in 1976.
This decision comes after Fidel Castro, who ruled as President ever since rising to power in 1959 with the Cuban Revolution, wrote a letter last Tuesday saying that he would not "aspire to or accept... the positions of President of Council of State and Commander in Chief" in today's election for a new President, who also becomes the leader of the Council of State and the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces. According to Voice of America, he will still remain First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, the only official party in the Communist state.
While Cuban exiles in Miami, who have escaped Cuba and what they consider a dictatorship in search of a better life in the United States, celebrated Fidel's retirement as leader of the country, the Cuban streets of Havana, the country's capital, have remained calm and all has continued as normal.
Raúl, who is also Fidel's brother, has been acting president of Cuba since July 31, 2006, when Fidel transferred his presidential power to him after undergoing an emergency intestinal surgery for what is believed to be diverticulitis and was widely expected to be elected President.
The United States has said the change from one Castro to another would not bring about significant change in Cuba, calling it a "transfer of authority and power from dictator to dictator light."
Before the Assembly meeting, BBC correspondents interviewed Cubans at the Havana Book Fair about what they think the most important task should be for the country's next leader. While many coincided that economical and educational reforms were badly needed, they also stated that Cuba "must keep the same rhythm with the revolution that has already given so much to the people."
| [
"North America",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Miami, Florida",
"Raúl Castro"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Chicago news, sports, weather, entertainment",
"text": "If you’re the proud owner of a cast-iron pan , then you already know what a good investment it is. Once well-seasoned, it can cook just about anything from pancakes to fried chicken, it can go from stovetop to oven with ease, it’s nearly indestructible, it’s inexpensive and it holds its heat like a dream. But if you’re just using your pan to cook the occasional burger, then you’re missing out; you really can cook pretty much anything in it.",
"url": ",1,668323.story",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Raul Castro named Cuba's new president",
"text": "Raul Castro named Cuba's new president\nHAVANA (AFP) — Cuba marked a historic milestone in its revolution Sunday as Raul Castro took over as president from his brother Fidel, defying the United States with pledges not to abandon the communist path.\n\"Fidel is irreplaceable; the people will continue his work when he is no longer with us physically, though his ideas always will be here,\" Raul Castro, 76, told lawmakers in his acceptance speech.\n\"I accept the responsibility I have been given with the conviction I have repeated often: there is only one Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution: Fidel is Fidel and we all know it well.\"\nUS Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice earlier urged Cuba to move toward \"peaceful, democratic change.\"\n\"We urge the Cuban government to begin a process of peaceful, democratic change by releasing all political prisoners, respecting human rights, and creating a clear pathway towards free and fair elections,\" Rice said in a statement in Washington.\nBut Raul Castro vowed to be on guard against its powerful northern neighbor the United States, saying \"we have taken note of the offensive and openly meddling declarations by the Empire (as Cuba refers to Washington) and some of its closest allies.\"\nAiling Fidel Castro, 81, who announced on Tuesday he was stepping aside after ruling for almost 50 years, was not present as the National Assembly held its landmark session to select a new leader.\nBut newly reelected speaker Ricardo Alarcon announced Sunday to the assembly that Raul -- the only candidate to be put forward -- had been named the new president.\nRaul Castro then asked lawmakers for permission to consult with his legendary bearded older brother, on \"matters of great importance,\" and lawmakers gave him a swift green light.\nAlso in defiance of US-led calls for democratic change, Fidel Castro this week ruled out any betrayal of the Cuban revolution ahead of Sunday's historic vote.\nIn his Tuesday announcement, the frail communist icon quashed speculation that he would retake the reins of power, which he \"temporarily\" ceded to defense chief Raul Castro on July 31, 2006, shortly after undergoing surgery.\nThe 614-member assembly on Sunday was also choosing the country's Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, first vice president, five other vice presidents, a party secretary and the 23 members of the Council of State.\nJose Ramon Machado, another \"old guard\" Cuban leader, was selected for Cuba's number-two spot, lawmakers said.\nMachado, 77, a former health minister, is a founder of the Communist Party and has been chief of party organization since 1990.\nMeanwhile, Carlos Lage, 56, a rising younger-generation leader seen as having a longshot chance at the presidency, retains his post as one of several vice presidents.\nWith Machado behind him \"Raul Castro is signaling that the old guard is still on top,\" Dan Erikson, an analyst with the Inter-American Dialogue, said in Washington.\n\"Machado Ventura is a longtime insider and party crony (so) Cuba still is not in the process of a major generational transition,\" Erikson added..\nAfter years in Fidel's charismatic shadow as Cuba's number two and defense minister, Raul Castro faces massive challenges, including dismantling a monolithic leadership; preparing the transition to a newer generation in power; reforming the economy; and resolving domestic problems.\nWith half of Cuba's farmland idle, monthly salaries averaging 15 US dollars, national transportation near collapse; and housing and food in short supply the outlook is not good.\nMost analysts predict Cuba's upcoming changes will be largely economic.\nIn the 19 months since he took over as temporary leader, Raul Castro has made some timid adjustments in the economy but has promised bigger changes.\nRaul Castro mentioned in his acceptance speech that he would begin eliminating some simple economic restrictions in coming weeks, but he did not offer details.\nHe has made it clear however that everything will take place \"within socialism,\" and that solutions to the country's problems will come \"little by little.\"",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Are you a robot?",
"text": "Why did this happen?\nPlease make sure your browser supports JavaScript and cookies and that you are not blocking them from loading. For more information you can review our Terms of Service and Cookie Policy.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Raul Castro named Cuban president",
"text": "Raul Castro now has to grapple with Cuba's economic problems\nFidel Castro stepped down last week after nearly half a century in charge.\nRaul has in effect been president since Fidel had major surgery in July 2006. It is understood that he was the only nominee in a vote seen as a formality.\nThe US said Raul Castro's appointment offered potential for change but said its embargo would remain until there was a transition to democracy.\n\"There is a possibility and potential for change in Cuba, but those changes will have to be born inside Cuba,\" said Assistant Secretary of State Tom Shannon.\nThe commander in chief of the Cuban revolution is unique, Fidel is Fidel, as we all know well, he is irreplaceable\nRaul Castro\nKey government figures Raul set for pragmatic course\nThere had been speculation that Raul Castro, aged 76, would name one of Cuba's younger generation of communist leaders as his number two.\nBut he instead opted for one of the original leaders of Cuba's communist revolution, 78-year-old Politburo hardliner Machado Ventura as first vice-president.\nWhat this means for the prospects for change remains unclear, the BBC's Michael Voss in Havana says.\nEconomic challenge\nIn an address to the nation, following the behind-closed-doors vote, Raul Castro said the Cuban government would continue to consult Fidel Castro, 81, on major decisions of state - a move backed by the National Assembly deputies.\nCubans in Havana discuss the priorities of their next president\nIn pictures\nRaul Castro paid tribute to his older brother as he accepted the presidency and said that he was accepting the job on the understanding that Fidel Castro would remain as the \"commander in chief of the revolution\", a title he was given during the 1959 uprising.\n\"The commander in chief of the Cuban revolution is unique, Fidel is Fidel, as we all know well, he is irreplaceable,\" Raul Castro said.\nOur correspondent says Raul Castro now has to steer the Caribbean island through un-charted waters in an unpredictable period of economic and political renewal.\nBefore Sunday's session, Raul Castro had suggested implementing major economic reforms and \"structural changes\".\nHAVE YOUR SAY The Cuban people need international assistance to uplift the standards of life in all fields. Only a young blood will think in these terms, otherwise the older will continue to act wickedly and selfishly Sailani, Karachi, Pakistan\nHe has also had the advantage of continued economic support from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in the form of millions of barrels of cheap oil, our correspondent adds.\nMr Chavez was quick to congratulate Raul Castro on his appointment, leading a standing ovation to the new Cuban president on his weekly television programme in Caracas.\n\"Let's applaud Raul, who is a comrade, a companion, more than the brother of Fidel,\" Mr Chavez said.\nMr Castro said that Venezuela would continue to support the communist state.\nLetter announcement\nFidel Castro, who has ruled Cuba since leading a revolution in 1959, announced his retirement in a letter published on the website of the Cuban Communist Party's newspaper Granma last week.\nHe said he had not stepped down after undergoing emergency intestinal surgery in 2006 because he had had a duty to the Cuban people to prepare them for his absence.\nBut retirement, he added, would not stop him from carrying \"on fighting like a soldier of ideas\", and he promised to continue writing essays entitled Reflections of Comrade Fidel.\nThough he has not been seen in public for 19 months, the government occasionally releases photographs and pre-edited video of him meeting visiting leaders from around the world.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Une nouvelle base russe au Kirghizistan ? |
De rumeurs de plus en plus persistantes font était de l'implantation d'une base russe au Kirghizistan. Alors que les États-Unis ont des vues de plus en plus précises sur les anciennes république soviétique. Moscou ne semble pas disposé à abandonner son influence sur ces territoires au profit de l'Occident.
| [
"Politique internationale"
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "actualités du jour, infos en direct et en continu",
"text": "Nous attachons une grande importance à la protection de vos données personnelles. Pour que vous puissiez pleinement connaître et comprendre les droits dont vous jouissez, nous vous informons, dans un souci de respect du principe de transparence qui régit le traitement de vos données personnelles, que de nouvelles versions de la Politique de confidentialité et de la Politique d'utilisation des cookies et d'enregistrement automatique sont appliquées depuis le 24.03.2020.\nPour améliorer le fonctionnement de notre site, accroître la pertinence des contenus informationnels et optimiser le ciblage publicitaire, nous collectons des informations techniques anonymisées sur vous, notamment à l’aide d’outils de nos partenaires. Le processus de traitement des données personnelles est décrit en détail dans la Politique de confidentialité. Les technologies que nous mettons en œuvre pour ce faire sont décrites en détail dans la Politique d’utilisation des cookies et d’enregistrement automatique.\nEn cliquant sur \"Accepter et fermer\", vous acceptez que vos données personnelles soient utilisées dans les buts décrits ci-dessus.\nVous pourrez revenir sur votre choix et retirer votre consentement en utilisant n’importe quel autre moyen indiqué dans la Politique de confidentialité.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
it | Speciale Elezioni politiche italiane 2008/Programmi elettorali |
I '''programmi elettorali''' per le elezioni politiche italiane del 2008 dovevano essere presentati contestualmente alla presentazione dei contrassegni secondo quanto stabilito dalla legge elettorale in vigore. Fra tutte le liste presentate solo alcune sono state capaci di garantire la propria presenza in più della metà delle circoscrizioni, sia per la Camera dei Deputati, sia per il Senato della Repubblica.
| [
"Elezioni politiche italiane 2008",
"Politica e conflitti",
] | [
"language": "it",
"title": "Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori",
"text": "Oggi si è consumato l'ennesimo crimine del capitalismo, cinque operai sono morti in e tre sono rimasti gravemente feriti in un incendio scoppiato in una azienda tessile a Prato. Operai morti in nome del profitto, operai che lavoravano in condizioni di semi-schiavitù in aziende dove lo sfruttamento è prassi comune, dove non esistono sindacati, dove non esiste nessuna tutela per migliaia di lavoratori in una città, Prato, famosa nel mondo per la sua industria...\n1 Dicembre 2013 -",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "it",
"title": "Il Documento Programmatico del PLI per le Elezioni Politiche del 13-14 Aprile 2008",
"text": "Il Documento Programmatico del PLI per le Elezioni Politiche del 13-14 Aprile 2008\nÈ in atto ovunque un profondo rivolgimento delle idee, delle organizzazioni sociali e delle istituzioni politiche e un mutamento delle tendenze dell’elettorato, che riguarda le tradizionali categorie della politica (destra, sinistra, centro), tendenti ad assumere significati spesso lontani da quelli del passato. In Italia questo processo ha incrociato nel biennio 1993-1994 la messa fuori gioco, per ragioni esterne e con metodi discutibili, di un intero ceto politico. Così, mentre altrove il nuovo si sta costruendo con riferimenti, concetti, valori consolidati, in Italia la transizione sta avvenendo in una sorta di vuoto ideale e politico.\nIn nome della semplificazione si sta realizzando un sistema anomalo di “bipartitismo all’italiana” che, di fatto, si risolve in una pericolosa deriva plebiscitaria di stampo sudamericano.\nIn un contesto di pragmatismo, di seduzione mediatica e di programmi generici la scena è stata occupata da nuove formazioni politiche senza regole nelle mani di singole persone o ristretti vertici e prive di un chiaro e univoco riferimento culturale, ancora alle prese con il problema di fare i conti con il loro passato.\nNon ci si può sorprendere, pertanto, se l’elettorato manifesta nei confronti dei vari soggetti politici una debole identificazione e se a distanza di un quindicennio e dopo la sperimentazione del bipolarismo e dell’alternanza di governo, si presenta la questione della rappresentanza di una vasta area elettorale e di un crescente astensionismo.\nCiascuno dei due poli si caratterizza più per la differenza e contrapposizione con l’altro polo che per la propria identità culturale. In queste condizioni parlare di nuova fase della vita politica e istituzionale e di normalizzazione nei rapporti tra maggioranza ed opposizione diventa più un’esercitazione retorica che una meta raggiungibile.\nSi profila anzi il rischio di una “grande coalizione” con l’unico intento di spazzare via definitivamente le culture politiche più importanti della nostra tradizione culturale, riducendo gli ambiti residuali di sovranità popolare e di democraticità delle istituzioni.\nLe priorità dei liberali\nL’Italia dopo la rivoluzione democratica ha bisogno della rivoluzione liberale, che deve riguardare l’assetto e il funzionamento delle istituzioni, dell’amministrazione e dell’economia, e di un progetto per la modernizzazione che recida i legami con la cultura egualitarista e con la struttura sociale ed economica di segno dirigista e corporativo per dare all’individuo-cittadino il ruolo di protagonista.\nLa sinistra post-comunista, pur accettando il mercato, continua ad essere sostanzialmente dirigista e burocratica, fa fatica ad accettare gli equilibri spontanei che le società raggiungono e non rinuncia a perseguire l’egualitarismo attraverso lo Stato. Stenta a farsi interprete delle domande di libertà e di sicurezza di una società meno massificata e che non vuole essere eterodiretta.\nLa soddisfazione dei liberali per il successo nelle elezioni politiche del 2001 della coalizione di centrodestra è stata messa, a dura, prova fino a sfociare nella delusione, dalla diversità di posizioni al suo interno e dalle incertezze.\nAl centrodestra si chiedeva, infatti, di fare ciò che il centrosinistra non aveva saputo fare nella precedente legislatura e cioè di segnare una incisiva discontinuità nei programmi e nelle scelte di governo per affermare una concezione individualista e anti-statalista della libertà, che non implica una concezione egoistica e cinica della convivenza civile si chiedeva di inaugurare finalmente una nuova stagione delle istituzioni, della politica e dell’economia e dimostrare una forte determinazione nell’avviare il cambiamento.\nLe principali idee-guida che ispirano le scelte dei liberali sono le seguenti : la difesa di tutte le libertà; la correlazione fra diritti e responsabilità; la distinzione fra principi morali e vincoli giuridici non per indifferenza morale ma per facilitare le condizioni della convivenza; l’attribuzione alla politica di un ruolo che riguarda soprattutto le regole, anche se le istituzioni hanno il fondamento in principi come la tolleranza, l’autonomia e il rispetto di sé e degli altri che non sono moralmente neutri; la centralità dell’istruzione e della formazione continua per una società di uomini liberi e con eguali opportunità; la convinzione che ogni cittadino sappia impiegare meglio del Governo i suoi soldi e che il prelievo pubblico non debba superare quella soglia che incentiva l’evasione e scoraggia le attività dei cittadini; la fiducia nel mercato e nella concorrenza;il premio per il merito; la preferenza per il principio che ai cittadini debba essere permesso tutto ciò che non è espressamente vietato; l’amore per la propria Patria, che non deve mai trascendere in odio per quella degli altri; la ferma determinazione nel perseguimento dell’obiettivo dell’integrazione europea e la volontà di lavorare per un’Europa sempre più forte, alleata con gli Stati Uniti d’America per affrontare insieme le sfide del terzo millennio.\nCiò premesso, il PLI s’impegna nella prossima legislatura a sviluppare dentro e fuori il Parlamento una forte iniziativa su alcuni punti prioritari:\nRipensamento della funzione dello Stato e dei livelli quantitativi e qualitativi della spesa pubblica, che nonostante la continua lievitazione non riesce a perseguire l’obiettivo di una società più giusta. Oltre alla lotta agli sprechi e ai privilegi, è indispensabile la riforma di un “welfare” pletorico e costoso che concede benefici superflui anche a chi non ne ha bisogno e trascura i cittadini veramente bisognosi.\n- Introduzione di un limite massimo alla tassazione individuale, oltre il quale si ha espropriazione e s’ incrementa l’ evasione e l’elusione; riduzione per le imprese del numero degli adempimenti ed eliminazione dell’IRAP, che incide sul costo del lavoro; tendenziale sostituzione delle imposte dirette con imposte indirette progressive.\n- Difesa dei diritti di proprietà da una troppo onerosa pressione fiscale e dalla congerie di poteri locali, che , tra piani regolatori, parchi regionali, circoscrizioni e comunità montane, sta determinando una penalizzazione di tali diritti.\nAccelerazione del processo di liberalizzazioni e di privatizzazioni per le aziende a capitale pubblico e per le società ex municipalizzate di proprietà degli enti locali.\n- Impegno per la riqualificazione della Pubblica Amministrazione e per la sburocratizzazione, in modo da responsabilizzare il cittadino anche al fine di accelerare la realizzazione delle iniziative economiche.\n- Intensificazione dell’azione per la risoluzione dei più gravi problemi strutturali del Paese, a cominciare da quello del riequilibrio tra il Sud e il resto dell’Italia soprattutto nel campo delle infrastrutture, dei servizi e da quello energetico, settore in cui appare ormai evidente come, anche in un ottica di diversificazione, l’energia nucleare si stia affermando come indispensabile.\nPer il settore della giustizia: drastica riduzione del numero delle ipotesi e della durata della carcerazione preventiva, per evitare che il cittadino finisca in galera senza processo; netta separazione delle carriere dei giudici e dei pubblici ministeri per garantire la terzietà della magistratura giudicante; rotazione degli incarichi direttivi ed eliminazione della giurisdizione amministrativa, concentrandola su quella ordinaria; affidamento dell’iniziativa nelle istruttorie alle parti per accelerare il giudizio civile; riforma del C.S.M. per eliminarne l’impostazione corporativa.\nNel settore della scuola e dell’Università è importante che in tutto il sistema si persegua l’obiettivo di elevare il livello qualitativo per formare cittadini validi culturalmente e responsabili e rendere più agevole l’inserimento di tutti nel mondo del lavoro e delle professioni . Stabiliti standard educativi per l’intera comunità nazionale, occorre puntare su itinerari differenziati ma dello stesso livello qualitativo, sull’adeguamento dei curricula e sul miglioramento della condizione e dei criteri di reclutamento e aggiornamento dei docenti e aprire il settore ad una vera competizione attraverso la graduale abolizione del valore legale dei titoli di studio e l’istituzione di una valido sistema di valutazione dei risultati.\n- Potenziamento della ricerca di base pubblica e introduzione di un sistema come quello anglosassone delle fondazioni per favorire quella applicata. Rispetto delle autonomie delle istituzioni scientifiche per premiare il merito e selezionare e valorizzare i più bravi.\n- Attenzione al mondo del lavoro e, in particolare alla sua tutela e dignità, alla sicurezza, alla previdenza pubblica e complementare privata, alla mobilità e alla formazione e aggiornamento professionale.\nLa difesa del cittadino contro la criminalità è una questione prioritaria in una società libera che vuole sentirsi anche sicura ed è un compito al quale lo Stato deve attendere con grande impegno senza cedimenti e senza lasciare spazio a velleità di supplenza. A tal fine occorre dedicare la massima attenzione, concentrando risorse umane e strumentali in misura adeguata, all’azione di prevenzione e di contrasto, articolando gli interventi per tenere conto della varietà di manifestazione del fenomeno e tendendo a coinvolgere le autorità locali e quanti ad ogni livello e con varie competenze possono essere utili all’efficacia dell’ azione stessa.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "it",
"title": "Il nostro Programma",
"text": "•Vita Indipendente per i Disabili non Autosufficienti intesa come strumento per l’esercizio dei diritti umani - soggettivi, da scorporare dalle generiche prestazioni per le non autosufficienze (comunque tutelate).",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "it",
"title": "elezioni politiche 13 e 14 aprile 2008",
"text": "PROGRAMMA ELETTORALE\nDEL MOVIMENTO POLITICO UNIONE DEMOCRATICA per i CONSUMATORI\nPER LE ELEZIONI POLITICHE DEL 13 E 14 APRILE 2008\n(Modifiche introdotte l’11.03.08)\nInviaci i tuoi suggerimenti a: Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo\nParticolare impegno verso le tematiche dei consumatori con una delega diretta e specifica\n• Controlli capillari da parte delle associazioni dei consumatori per quanto attiene a qualità e prezzi dei servizi forniti.\n• Esposizione del triplo prezzo (produttore, trasformatore o grossista e rivenditore), dando attuazione all’art. 2 della legge 231 del 2005, che prevede la possibilità di individuare le anomalie dei prezzi che distinguono il libero mercato dalla speculazione. Conseguentemente rendere possibile l’intervento della G.d.F. per reprimere le speculazioni.\n• Moralizzare la nostra società, fornendo ad ognuno la sua occasione.\nEliminare ogni condizionamento della politica dalla gestione delle occupazioni pubbliche e private.\n• Intervenire per un recupero del potere di acquisto dei salari.\nUna politica efficace non può limitare i suoi effetti agli ambiti salariali (aumenti) o fiscali (detassare o ridurre le aliquote), ma deve intervenire sulle dinamiche dei prezzi, controllando i vari passaggi (filiera) ed intervenendo a punire le degenerazioni.\n• Rendere effettiva la tutela dei cittadini contro i potentati economici, pubblici e privati.\nMonitoraggio e controllo atti a prevenire ed evitare abusi e prevaricazioni.\nMiglioramento ed effettiva tutela degli interessi collettivi, utilizzando quel nuovo strumento (la class action: azione collettiva di risarcimento) che entrerà in vigore il 1° luglio 2008.\n• Responsabilizzazione della politica ed eque sanzioni ad ogni abuso.\nSanzioni specifiche ed aggravanti di pena per ogni abuso o reato commesso approfittando della carica politica ricoperta.\nInterdizione assoluta a ricoprire cariche elettive o di rappresentanza per i condannati in via definitiva.\n• Riduzioni dei costi della politica.\nRidurre drasticamente la composizione numerica dei consessi elettivi ( Camera, Senato, Consigli regionali, Provinciali, Comunali, Circoscrizionali);\nIntrodurre un tetto rigido alle retribuzioni della politica e dei vertici amministrativi e gestionali di società, enti ed istituzioni pubbliche.\n• Modernizzazione delle Pubblica amministrazione.\nPer rendere efficace e trasparente l’attività di tutta la pubblica amministrazione occorre informatizzare tutte le strutture al fine di renderle fruibili e facilmente controllabili.\n• Istruzione e cultura.\nRestituire dignità al sistema scolastico formativo ed al corpo docente.\nInterventi concreti per l'accoglienza dei portatori di handicap nelle scuole, partendo da un numero sufficiente di insegnanti di sostegno che possano garantire ad ogni singolo disabile la copertura didattica a tempo pieno.\nModificare la disciplina in materia di accesso ai corsi universitari (numero chiuso). Prevedere percorsi formativi specifici fra aziende ed università.\nInvestire nella ricerca indipendente.\n• Infrastrutture\nRidefinire le priorità della rete infrastrutturale, privilegiando gli investimenti nel Mezzogiorno, tenendo in debito conto anche delle condizioni ambientali e territoriali interessate.\n• Sicurezza e giustizia\nPrevedere interventi incisivi per potenziare la sicurezza attraverso un più corretto utilizzo sul territorio delle forze dell’ordine.\nGarantire la tempestività delle risposte.\nGarantire la certezza della pena.\nMettere in campo un intervento definitivo contro la criminalità organizzata per liberare definitivamente anche il Mezzogiorno da un fattore negativo per lo sviluppo.\nPrevedere, in materia civile, la possibilità di sentenze brevi che affrontino immediatamente il nodo cruciale del problema indicando soluzioni esecutive immediate.\nEvitare i processi mediatici e garantire la riservatezza delle indagini.\n• Lavoro ed occupazione\nGarantire la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro, incrementando i controlli ed offrendo agevolazioni o detrazioni fiscali per le aziende che investono in “sicurezza”. Prevedere soglie salariali più elevate, anche per i lavori precari, agevolando i percorsi di trasformazione verso figure di lavoro stabilizzato.\nFacilitare la libera iniziativa agevolando l’uso degli strumenti informatici per l’accesso a nuove forme di occupazione.\nPer un reale miglioramento dell'ambiente e della salute dei cittadini.\nCambiamento del metodo di valutazione della qualità dell'aria\nIl particolato atmosferico (PM10, PM2,5, etc) non va considerato secondo la massa ma secondo il numero delle particelle presenti in un metro cubo di aria e l’inverso della loro dimensione, perché sono le particelle più piccole a danneggiare maggiormente la salute.\nLa tassa sui rifiuti va conteggiata a seconda del peso dei rifiuti prodotti e non basandosi sulla superficie occupata e/o sul numero di residenti.\nI cip6 o certificati verdi assegnati in origine alle fonti rinnovabili, e presi dalle nostre bollette Enel, vanno urgentemente tolti da tutti quegli impianti che non hanno queste caratteristiche (inceneritori, impianti a biomasse che non funzionino esclusivamente a biomasse, raffinerie, cementifici e simili); che siano già esistenti o in fase di costruzione o in fase di progettazione.\nPotenziamento della raccolta differenziata finalizzata al riciclaggio e trattamento a freddo della parte residua dei rifiuti. Obbligo di compostaggio dell’umido da parte dei comuni. Va da sé che in questo modo gli inceneritori e, in parte, le discariche non serviranno più.\nAgevolazioni fiscali per le aziende che producono usando materiali riciclabili/biodegradabili, sia per gli imballi (che dovranno essere ridotti al minimo) che per il prodotto stesso.\nLe aziende devono prendersi l'onere di smaltire il prodotto, una volta terminato il suo utilizzo.\nEfficienza e risparmio energetico e sfruttamento a 360° delle fonti rinnovabili, il sole in primis. Per quanto riguarda il risparmio, controllo da parte dell’autorità (comuni?) sullo spreco di energia (es. illuminazione notturna ingiustificata d’insegne, di edifici, ecc.)\nLotta al traffico con potenziamento dei mezzi pubblici, car-sharing e agevolazioni fiscali a chi produce e acquista auto ecologiche.\nPotenziamento dell'agricoltura e del consumo di cibo biologico in modo da abbatterne i prezzi e far sì che diventi la normale alimentazione per tutti. Tolleranza zero verso gli OGM e obbligo di etichettatura per gli stessi anche su alimenti \"convenzionali\".\nSI DICHIARA che la persona incaricata come capo della forza politica è il Segretario Nazionale del Partito Dott. Bruno De Vita",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Waffenexport Deutschlands stark gestiegen |
Seit Beginn des Jahrzehnts haben sich die deutschen Waffenexporte mehr als verdoppelt. Ihr Anteil am Welthandel mit konventionellen Waffen hat sich dabei von sechs auf elf Prozent erhöht. Dies geht aus einem Bericht des Stockholmer internationalen FriedensforschungsInstitut (SIPRI) hervor. Damit erreicht der Waffenexport wieder nahezu das Niveau zur Zeit des kalten Krieges. Deutschland belegt mit einem auf 11 Prozent angewachsenen Weltmarktanteil international den dritten Platz nach den USA und Russland. Hauptabnehmer deutscher Rüstungstechnologie sind Griechenland und die Türkei innerhalb Europas, die zwischen 13 und 14 Prozent des deutschen Rüstungsexports abnehmen, sowie Südafrika. Gefragt sind vor allem U-Boote und Panzer. Griechenland, das unter der Last eines Milliardendefizits leidet, zählt dabei zu den fünf größten Abnehmern von Rüstungsprodukten der Welt.
Während der größte Teil der Waffen (40 Prozent) innerhalb Europas bleibt, bereitet SIPRI insbesondere der dramatischen Anstieg bei den Importen in Südostasien und Südamerika Sorgen. Beunruhigend sei auch ein Waffenstrom in die instabilen Regionen im Nordosten Afrikas.
Kritik an den steigenden Exporten von Waffentechnologie äußerte auch die Bundesvorsitzende der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Claudia Roth. Sie forderte eine stärkere Rüstungskontrolle und schärfere Kriterien für den Waffenexport. Der Bundestag müsse, wie es in anderen Ländern und Parlamenten Standard sei, das Recht bekommen, die Genehmigungspraxis der Bundesregierung bei Rüstungsexporten zu kontrollieren.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Wirtschaft",
"Wirtschaft in Deutschland",
"Politik in Deutschland",
"Themenportal Deutschland",
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Kriegsgerät: Deutsche verdienen gut am Waffenexport",
"text": "Von Hannes Gamillscheg\nNur die USA und Russland liefern noch mehr Waffen als Deutschland. Das Rüstungsgeschäft boomt auch in der Finanzkrise. Von Hannes Gamillscheg\nSipri 1966 von der schwedischen Regierung gegründet zählt das Sipri-Institut heute zu den renommiertesten Friedensforschungsinstitutionen der Welt. Es gibt jährliche Übersichten über Waffenhandel und Rüstungsausgaben heraus. Beim Waffenhandel operiert Sipri nicht mit konkreten Zahlen, sondern geschätzten Werten, weil internationale Geschäfte oft nicht mit Barbezahlung sondern durch Kompensationsaufträge getätigt werden und gebrauchtes Rüstungsgut weit unter dem Realwert verschleudert wird. Die Sipri-Werte unterscheiden sich daher oft von den von einzelnen Staaten angegebenen Export-Zahlen. (gam)\nStockholm. Auch die Finanzkrise hat den internationalen Waffenhandel nicht nachhaltig gebremst, und Deutschland hat seine Rolle als Großhändler noch ausgebaut. Seit Beginn des Jahrzehnts haben sich die deutschen Waffenexporte mehr als verdoppelt. Der Anteil am insgesamt gewachsenen globalen Handel mit Kriegsmaterial stieg von sechs auf elf Prozent. Insgesamt lag der Umsatz der Waffenhändler zwischen 2005 und 2009 um 22 Prozent höher als in der davor liegenden Fünfjahresperiode.\nDies geht aus den neuesten Zahlen über den globalen Handel mit konventionellen Waffen hervor, die das Friedensforschungsinstitut Sipri am Montag vorlegt. Nach den Hochzeiten der Kriegskaufleute während des Kalten Krieges war das Rüstungsgeschäft in den 1990er Jahren geschrumpft. Doch seit Mitte dieses Jahrzehnts ist der Trend wieder steigend. Inzwischen hat der Handel fast altes Niveau erreicht. Zwar lag der Umsatz 2008 und 2009 leicht unter dem der davor liegenden Jahre, doch dass die Haushaltsprobleme vieler Staaten zu einem Rüstungsstopp geführt hätten, lässt sich aus den Zahlen nicht ablesen. Da sich große Waffenkäufe oft über Jahre hinziehen, operiert Sipri mit Fünfjahresperioden, die jüngste wies deutlichen Zuwachs aus.\nDeutschland mischt immer stärker mit, nur die USA und Russland exportierten mehr. 40 Prozent gingen an europäische Partner, 25 Prozent nach Asien, 15 Prozent nach Nahost. Insgesamt wurden 55 Länder mit deutschem Kriegsgut beliefert, darunter Malaysia (vier Fregatten), Jordanien (Trainingshubschrauber), China, Taiwan, Indien, Iran, Israel, Vietnam und Venezuela, die alle Dieselmotoren für Panzerfahrzeuge bezogen.\nGrößter Waffenhändler ist weiterhin die USA mit einem Marktanteil von knapp 30 Prozent, mit Asien (Südkorea) und dem Nahen Osten (Israel, Arabische Emirate) als besten Kunden. Kriegsflugzeuge vom Typ F-16 und F-15 für diese drei Länder machten fast die Hälfte der Exporte aus. Russland, das für 23,5 Prozent des Waffenhandels steht, versorgte vor allem China und Indien, auch in Afrika nehmen die russischen Lieferungen stark zu. Bei den russischen Exporten hatten Kampfflieger des Typs Su-30 den größten Wert.\nDiese zunehmende Aufrüstung der Luftwaffen registriert Sipri mit Sorge. Die \"potenziell destabilisierenden Waffensysteme\" ließen ein Wettrüsten in Spannungsgebieten wie Nahost, Nordafrika, Südamerika und Südostasien befürchten. Rohstoffreiche Staaten hätten bedeutende Mengen teurer Kriegsflugzeuge erworben. Unter den Waffenkunden wird sich die in der jüngsten Fünfjahresperiode ausgewiesene Spitzenposition Chinas rasch ändern. Dort ist das Umsteigen auf lokale Rüstungsproduktion voll im Gang. Hubschrauber aus Frankreich und Russland waren im Vorjahr Chinas einzige größere Waffenkäufe. 2005 sorgte China noch für 17 Prozent der globalen Rüstungsimporte, 2009 waren es 2,6 Prozent, womit Peking auf Rang 13 der Einkäufer zurückfiel.\nEinen dramatischen Anstieg bei den Importen stellt Sipri in Südostasien und Südamerika fest, wo die Importe um 150 Prozent zunahmen. Perus Präsident Alan Garcia Perez forderte einen Nichtangriffspakt und vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen für ganz Lateinamerika. In Afrika konstatiert Sipri einen beunruhigenden Waffenstrom in die unstabilen Regionen im Nordosten des Kontinents.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ",1472596,2845560.html"
"language": "de",
"title": "Deutsche Waffenexporte verdoppelt: Second-Hand-Panzer sind der Renner",
"text": "zuletzt aktualisiert: 15.03.2010 - 13:18\nStockolm (RPO). Der weltweite Handel mit schweren Waffen boomt. Nach einer Studie des Friedensforschungsinstitutes SIPRI stieg der Handel in den vergangenen fünf Jahren um 22 Prozent. Zu den größten Profiteuren zählt Deutschland, das sein Handelsvolumen verdoppelte. Besonders Panzer und U-Boote verkaufen sich gut. Opposition und Wissenschaftler schlagen Alarm. Ein boomender Waffenhandel könnte ganze Erdteile politisch destabilisieren.\nDeutscher Exportschlager I: Der Panzer Leopard.\nDie Zahlen sind erstaunlich. In den Jahren 2005 bis 2009 stiegen deutsche Waffenexporte um 100 Prozent an. Nach den USA und Russland ist Deutschland damit der drittgrößte Waffenexporteur der Welt. Der Anteil am weltweiten Handel liegt bei elf Prozent. Besonders gefragt waren gepanzerte Fahrzeuge und U-Boote. Warum sind deutsche Waffen im Ausland so gefragt? Wer sind die Abnehmer? Und sind die Deals politisch und ethisch vertretbar?\nWas exportiert wird: Bei den gepanzerten Fahrzeugen spielt der von Krauss-Maffei entwickelte Panzer Leopard 2 weiterhin eine dominante Rolle. Das Kampfsystem gilt seit seiner ersten Einführung 1979 als solide und aufgrund vieler Adaptionsmöglichkeiten als vielseitig einsetzbar. Besonders dies macht ihn bei ausländischen Armeen beliebt. Der Leopard ist bei fast jeden Bedingungen einsetzbar. Dabei machen gebrauchte Panzer \"aus zweiter Hand\" das Gros der Verkäufe aus.\nExportschlager II: U-Boote der Klasse 214. Foto: ddp\nAngeführt werden die Exporte jedoch von U-Booten. Deals über Jagd-Boote der Klasse 214 wurden bereits mit Griechenland, Portugal, Südkorea und der Türkei abgeschlossen. Die Technik der Boote, in Deutschland lediglich für den Export vorgesehen, gilt als wegweisend. Mit ihren modernen Brennstoffzellen sind es die leisesten konventionellen Boote der Welt. Die Besatzung kann mehrere Wochen unter Wasser bleiben.\nAn wen exportiert wird: In der Türkei und Griechenland sind zwei Nato-Partner die größten Abnehmer deutscher Waffensysteme. 14 Prozent der Ausfuhren gingen an die Regierung in Ankara. 13 Prozent der Ausfuhren wurden an Griechenland geliefert. Die Griechen interessieren sich besonders für das U-Boot 214. Bei dem Geschäft mit den chronisch klammen Griechen kam es bereits zum Streit über die Finanzierung. Schließlich übernahm Athen drei Boote, eines wurde weiterverkauft. Griechenland gehört zu den fünf größten Waffenkäufern der Welt.\nAber auch mit Ländern außerhalb der Nato machen deutsche Firmen gute Geschäfte. Brasilien wird seit 2009 mit 220 gebrauchten Leopard-Panzern beliefert. Auch Chile erhielt 140 Second-Hand-Panzer. Malaysia bekam 2009 zwei Fregatten der Meko-Klasse geliefert. Hersteller ist ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. Auch Süd-Afrika ist ein wichtiger Handelspartner.\nPolitische Reaktionen: Friedensforscher sowie Politiker von Linkspartei und Grünen fordern politische Konsequenzen. Die Grünen wollen ein Widerspruchsrecht des Bundestags bei Waffen-Deals. Die Studie zeige, \"dass wir in Deutschland eine viel stärkere Rüstungskontrolle und schärfere Kriterien für den Waffenexport brauchen\", erklärte die Bundesvorsitzende Claudia Roth im \"Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger\".\nDer Vize-Fraktionschef der Linken, Jan van Aken, nannte das Ergebnis der Studie \"grauenvoll\" und forderte einen Exportstopp. In Deutschland \"darf es keine Arbeitsplätze geben, die darauf beruhen, dass woanders Menschen sterben\", sagte van Aken der \"Frankfurter Rundschau\".\nDie Forscher von SIPRI warnen vor einem neuen Wettrüsten. \"Staaten, die reich an Ressourcen sind, haben erhebliche Mengen an teuren Kampfflugzeugen erworben\", bilanziert Abteilungsleiter Paul Holtom. \"Benachbarte Rivalen haben auf diese Anschaffungen mit eigenen Bestellungen reagiert.\" Ein neues Wettrüsten könne ganze Regionen politisch destabilsieren.\nIm Blickpunkt der Forscher gelangt hierbei besonders Südamerika. Auf den Subkontinent wurden in den vergangenen fünf Jahren 150 Prozent mehr Waffen geliefert als zu Beginn des Jahrtausends deutsche Second-Hand-Panzer inklusive.\nWeitere Fotos zu diesem Thema\nQuelle: csi/csr",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | Marek Słyk nie żyje |
3 kwietnia 2019 roku w Warszawie zmarł polski pisarz Marek Słyk, autor „Zupnej trylogii” (''W barszczu przygód'', ''W rosole powikłań'', ''W krupniku rozstrzygnięć'').
| [
"Kultura Polski",
"Kultura i rozrywka",
"Nekrologi 2019",
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "Marek Słyk, Warszawa, 08.04.2019",
"text": "Bolesław Bogdan Siwiński wiek: 85 Warszawa Z głębokim żalem zawiadamiam, że w dniu 2...\nKatarzyna Karkowska wiek: 96 Warszawa W dniu 3 kwietnia 2019 roku zmarła w wieku 96...\nZbigniew Chmielewski wiek: 93 Warszawa Dnia 5 kwietnia 2019 roku zmarł w wieku 93 lat...\nLucyna Szok Warszawa W dniu 4 kwietnia 2019 roku odeszła w wieku 83...",
"url": ",11,,446302,Marek-S%C5%82yk-nekrolog.html",
"archive_url": ",11,,446302,Marek-S%25C5%2582yk-nekrolog.html"
] |
pt | Antônio Torres eleito para cadeira 23 da Academia Brasileira de Letras |
O romancista baiano Antônio Torres foi eleito no dia 07 de novembro de 2013 para ocupar a cadeira número 23 da Academia Brasileira de Letras. O primeiro ocupante da cadeira foi o fundador da ABL, Machado de Assis e tem como patrono José de Alencar. Já ocuparam a mesma cadeira Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira, Alfredo Pujol, Otávio Mangabeira, Jorge Amado, Zélia Gattai e Luiz Paulo Horta. É a primeira vez em dez anos que a ABL elege um romancista.
| [
"América do Sul",
"Cultura e entretenimento",
] | [
"language": "pt",
"title": "Academia Brasileira de Letras",
"text": "ABL elege o romancista Antônio Torres para a sucessão do jornalista e musicólogo Luiz Paulo Horta\nA Academia Brasileira de Letras elegeu hoje, quinta-feira, dia 07 de novembro, o novo ocupante da Cadeira nº 23 - fundada pelo primeiro Presidente da ABL, Machado de Assis, que escolheu como patrono José de Alencar –, na sucessão do jornalista e musicólogo Luiz Paulo Horta, falecido dia 3 de agosto deste ano. O vencedor foi o romancista baiano Antônio Torres, que obteve 34 dos 39 votos possíveis. Votaram 20 Acadêmicos presentes, e 16, por cartas. Três se abstiveram. Os ocupantes anteriores da cadeira foram: Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira, Alfredo Pujol, Otávio Mangabeira, Jorge Amado e Zélia Gattai.\nSaiba mais\nAntônio Torres nasceu na Bahia em 1940 e estreou na literatura em 1972 com o romance Um cão uivando para a Lua, considerado pela crítica a revelação daquele ano. Hoje, entre os seus 17 títulos publicados, destaca-se a trilogia formada por Essa terra (1976), O cachorro e o lobo (1997) e Pelo fundo da agulha (2006).\nEm 1998, foi condecorado pelo governo francês como Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres por seus livros traduzidos na França. Dois anos depois, teve o reconhecimento nacional definitivo ao receber o Prêmio Machado de Assis, da Academia Brasileira de Letras, pelo conjunto da sua obra. No ano seguinte, ganhou o Prêmio Zaffari & Bourbon, da 9ª Jornada Nacional de Literatura, da Universidade de Passo Fundo (RS), pelo romance Meu querido canibal.\nO novo Acadêmico foi um dos ganhadores do Prêmio Jabuti de 2007, com o romance Pelo fundo da agulha. Seus livros focam cenários rurais, urbanos e da História e têm tido várias edições no Brasil e traduções em muitos países (Argentina, Cuba, Estados Unidos, França, Espanha, Alemanha, Itália, Holanda, Inglaterra e Israel). O romance Essa terra está em vias de tradução na Bulgária, Albânia e Vietnam.\nDe 1999 a 2005, foi Escritor Visitante da UERJ – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – quando ministrava oficinas literárias, realizava aulas inaugurais e proferia palestras nos campus do Maracanã, da Faculdade de Formação de Professores – UERJ de São Gonçalo –, e da Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense – UERJ de Duque de Caxias.\nVeja também\nPerfil da ABL no Twitter\nComente o evento no Orkut\nCurta no Facebook\n7/11/2013",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Crowded House drummer found dead |
, drummer for the popular 1980s band , was found dead in a Melbourne park Saturday.
An ambulance service spokeswoman told the ''Sydney Morning Herald'' that ambulance officers arrived at Park on Saturday afternoon. They reported Hester had "attempted suicide" and suffered "strangulation". The 46-year-old-father-of-two was last seen walking his two dogs in the popular suburban park near his home on Friday evening.
Hester had a history with bouts of , but seemed to be coping well following eight years of . Friends told the '''', however, that he suffered a recent turmoil in his love life. Firstly, there was the end of his romance with long-time partner and mother of his two daughters, and then a parting last December with New Zealand singer Kashan, whom he planned to wed in May. There appeared to be no indication he was distressed when he left the house to walk his dogs.
Hester, from Melbourne, Australia, was a founding member of the internationally popular group Crowded House. Previously, he was in the band with Crowded House leader during the early 1980s. He quit Crowded House in 1994, two years before the band broke up, and became a television personality in Australia with his own prime-time show, then working mostly as a freelance drummer e.g. for Tarmac Adam. He had his own music chat show, ''Hessie's Shed'', on in the late 1990s, and also had a recurring role as Paul the Cook on the children's program ''.'' He also hosted the successful Australian music channel '''''s '''' series.
| [
"Victoria, Australia",
"Culture and entertainment"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "R.I.P. Paul Hester",
"text": "R.I.P. Paul Hester Related Content:\nBuy CD: Crowded House Recurring Dream by Paul Cashmere Former Split Enz/Crowded House drummer Paul Hester has taken his own life. Peter Green, President of the Split Enz and Crowded House fanclubs broke the news to fans. \"Everyone, sitting here in the office trying to figure out what to write, we are a bit messed up at the moment\" his letter reads. \"Last night, our mate, and Crowded House drummer Paul Hester took his own life.\" \"Over the years Paul has swung the extremes of happiness and sadness, but none of us ever thought this would happen. He loved life too much, and it really seems like a bad dream that we hope we'll wake up from tomorrow.\" \"At the moment we are trying to look after Paul's family, he leaves behind two beautiful girls, so if people could not email us that would be appreciated during this incredibly sad time.\" \"It doesn't seem real, but (sadly) it is.\" \"I'll post more on this later on, we are all just getting our heads around this loss of one of our family.\" Paul Newell Hester was born in Melbourne on January 8, 1959. His mother Ann was a jazz drummer. Hester joined Split Enz in 1983 fresh from Deckchairs Overboard. He was recruited into the band with a reference from Midnight Oil's Rob Hirst. His first album with The Enz was 'Conflicting Emotions'. He played on the hits 'Message To My Girl' and 'Strait Old Line. When Split Enz broke up one album later after 'See Ya Round', Hester stayed with singer/songwriter Neil Finn and together with bass player Nick Seymour, was a founding member of Crowded House. Crowded House was an international success. 'Don't Dream It's Over' became a major hit in the USA. Hester recently played with Tarmac Adam, a band featuring his Crowded House band-mate Nick Seymour. He also hosted The Music Max Sessions for Australia's cable music news channel Music Max.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Latest News & Headlines",
"text": "DEAR ABBY: I recently realized I have a fair-weather family. My husband got in trouble with the law and is now in a drug treatment facility. This had been hard on me, but I love him. His crime was being in possession of illegal drugs that were intended only for himself. His family has turned their…",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Wave of sadness after Hester hangs himself",
"text": "Australia's entertainment industry was in mourning today for former Crowded House drummer Paul Hester who hanged himself in a Melbourne park.\nThe 46-year-old father-of-two was found dead at Elsternwick Park in Brighton on Saturday afternoon, after last being seen walking his two dogs on Friday evening.\nNeil Finn, who formed Crowded House with Hester after they played together in Split Enz, today spoke of his grief at losing one of his best friends.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
es | Honduras advierte no recibir embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela |
Honduras amenaza con no recibir embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela después de que el gobierno hondureño de Roberto Micheletti diera un plazo no mayor de diez días a la embajada de Brasil para que defina el estatus del derrocado presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, ya que Micheletti aseguraba de que Manuel Zelaya instigaba la violencia entre los hondureños desde la embajada de Brasil, en donde Zelaya había advertido de que nadie lo volvería a sacar del país.
A causa de ello el presidente hondureño Roberto Micheletti anuncia la restricción para entrar al país centroaméricano a los embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela, además de no recibir a los agentes diplomáticos de tales países.
Diversos países latinoaméricanos y la Unión Europea decidieron romper sus relaciones diplomáticas con Honduras como medida de castigo por el derrocamiento de Manuel Zelaya de la presidencia de Honduras, negándose a reconocer aquel gobierno de facto, Roberto Micheletti además señala que en el caso de que España, México, Argentina y Venezuela optarán por reconocer al gobierno de facto de Honduras y volver a mantener las relaciones a nivel de misiones concurrentes, estos mismos deberian solicitar la acreditación de los nuevos jefes hondureños en sus respectivos países.
Por otra parte, el actual mandatario también dispone restricciones a los agentes diplomáticos de dichas embajadas con una retirada urgente de los establecimientos que ocupen sus actuales embajadas con sus distintivos y sus banderas.
| [
"Golpe de Estado en Honduras de 2009",
"Manuel Zelaya",
"Roberto Micheletti",
"Golpes de Estado"
] | [
"language": "es",
"title": "Zelaya advierte de que \"nadie le volverá a sacar\" de Honduras",
"text": "El derrocado presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, que regresó por sorpresa este lunes a Tegucigalpa, donde se encuentra acogido en la Embajada brasileña, advierte de que nadie le volverá a sacar de su país y que la consigna seguirá siendo \"patria, restitución o muerte\". Así lo expresó ante cientos de sus seguidores congregados frente a la legación diplomática, mientras el Gobierno de facto, encabezado por Roberto Micheletti, pedía a Brasil que le entregara a Zelaya y responsabilizaba a ese país \"de los actos violentos que se puedan suscitar\".\n\"Hago un llamado al Gobierno de Brasil a que respete la orden judicial dictada contra el señor Zelaya entregándolo a las autoridades competentes de Honduras\", dijo Micheletti en un mensaje que leyó en la Casa Presidencial emitido por televisión. \"El Estado de Honduras está comprometido a respetar los derechos del señor Zelaya al debido proceso\", agregó, insistiendo en que el ex mandatario pretende \"continuar obstaculizando la celebración de las elecciones el próximo 29 de noviembre, como lo han venido haciendo él y sus seguidores desde hace varias semanas\".\nEl Ejecutivo de Micheletti ha decretado el toque de queda en todo el territorio nacional para \"conservar la calma\" desde las 16 hora local (medianoche en la península española) hasta las 7 de la madrugada del martes. Además, ha anunciado el cierre de los cuatro aeropuertos internacionales que tiene el país a partir de este martes, que quedarán bajo control del Ejército.\nZelaya, derrocado por un golpe de Estado el pasado 28 de junio, asegura que ha vuelto para encontrar una salida pacífica a la crisis política desencadenada tras su derrocamiento. \"Estoy aquí en Tegucigalpa. Estoy aquí para la restauración de la democracia, para llamar al diálogo\", dijo en declaraciones recogidas por medios locales. El ex dirigente, que ha agradecido públicamente al presidente Lula su apoyo al darle refugio en la Embajada, ha revelado que llegó a Honduras desde Nicaragua, país donde ha pasado la mayor parte del tiempo desde que fue derrocado en junio. Según ha relatado, su travesía duró más de 15 horas y tuvo que utilizar \"diferentes transportes\" para poder llegar a su país. \"Tuve colaboración pero no puedo decirlo para que no molesten a nadie\", ha explicado.\nEl Gobierno de facto, que ha advertido en varias oportunidades de que si regresa a Honduras, Zelaya será detenido bajo cargos de traición a la patria, entre otros, desmintió en un principio la presencia del ex mandatario en Tegucigalpa, incluso después de que tanto Brasil como el Departamento de Estado de EE UU confirmaran que se encontraba en la Embajada brasileña. Previamente, el presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, aseguraba haber hablado con Zelaya por teléfono desde Tegucigalpa. \"Estamos sorprendidos gratamente de que Mel esté en Tegucigalpa y y exigimos a los golpistas que respeten la vida y la diginidad de Zelaya, que le devuelvan el poder\", dijo Chávez, quien se encontraba en un acto en una escuela de Caracas que transmitía la televisora oficial VTV. Según el presidente venezolano, Zelaya viajó \"durante dos días por tierra, cruzando montañas, ríos, arriesgando su vida, y logró llegar a la capital de Honduras\".\nEl secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), Jose Miguel Insulza, ha hecho un \"llamamiento a la calma a los actores involucrados en este proceso\" para evitar que se produzcan incidentes violentos y exige que las \"autoridades del Gobierno de facto se hagan responsables de la seguridad del mandatario derrocado. En declaraciones al canal Telesur, Zelaya dijo que había hablado con Insulza y que éste le había comunicado que se desplazará a Honduras este martes, extremo que no ha sido confirmado por la OEA.\nZelaya ya había intentado retornar en dos ocasiones a Honduras. En la primera, el 5 de julio, quiso aterrizar en Tegucigalpa en un avión del Gobierno venezolano procedente de Washington, pero se lo impidieron los militares, que obstaculizaron la pista de aterrizaje en medio de una gran manifestación en favor de Zelaya. En la segunda, el 24 de julio, por tierra desde Nicaragua a través del puesto fronterizo de Las Manos, tras permanecer dos horas en la zona neutral, regresó ante la presencia de contingentes militares en el lado hondureño con la orden de detenerle.\nCientos de seguidores del presidente depuesto Manuel Zelaya se reúnen frente a la sede de Naciones Unidas en Tegucigalpa AFP",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Honduras rompe las relaciones diplomáticas con España, Argentina, México y Venezuela",
"text": " > Mundo\nhonduras, Roberto Micheletti, diplomacia\nEl presidente hondureño de facto, Roberto Micheletti (Reuters)\nEfe.- 27/09/2009\nDeja tu comentario (90)\nEl Gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti anunció que no recibirá a los embajadores de España, Argentina, México y Venezuela además de dar un plazo \"no mayor de diez días\" a Brasil para que defina el estatus del depuesto presidente hondureño, Manuel Zelaya, .\n\"Nuevamente solicitamos al gobierno de Brasil que defina el estatus del señor Zelaya, dentro de un plazo no mayor de diez días. De no ser así nos veremos obligados a tomar medidas adicionales\", indicó anoche el Ministerio de Exteriores del Gobierno de facto en un comunicado leído por radio y televisión a todo el país. Además, pide a Brasil que \"inmediatamente tome medidas para asegurar que el señor Zelaya deje de utilizar la protección que le ofrece la misión diplomática de Brasil para instigar a la violencia en Honduras\", aunque no especifica en que consistirán las \"medidas adicionales\".\nManuel Zelaya se encuentra en la Embajada de Brasil como \"huésped oficial\" desde el pasado lunes, cuando regresó a Honduras, casi tres meses después de ser expulsado del país y del poder por los militares. El Gobierno de facto también reacciona a la decisión, el pasado día 23, de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y la Unión Europea de hacer volver a sus embajadores a Honduras con el objetivo de apoyar \"sobre el terreno\" una mesa de diálogo.\n\"En el caso de aquellos países que unilateralmente decidieron romper sus relaciones diplomáticas con Honduras o mantener las mismas a nivel de embajadas concurrentes, situación de Argentina, España, México y Venezuela, se hace saber que el Gobierno no recibirá a los agentes diplomáticos de tales países\", agrega. \"Salvo -continúa el comunicado- que sus respectivos Gobiernos procedan a negociar con la cancillería de la república el restablecimiento de las mismas\".\nSeñala, además, que \"en el caso de los que optaron por mantener las relaciones a nivel de misiones concurrentes, deberá solicitarse la acreditación de los nuevos jefes de misión, en vista de que el beneplácito expedido a sus anteriores jefes de misión ha sido retirado\". Por otra parte, dispone la restricción de los privilegios propios de los agentes diplomáticos y \"la retirada con urgencia de los locales que ocupaban las embajadas los distintivos y banderas que identificaban sus estados\".\nNo obstante, la Cancillería del Gobierno de facto \"expresa su satisfacción\" por la decisión de hacer regresar a los embajadores acreditados en Honduras, \"por cuanto la medida representa un reconocimiento expreso al Gobierno del presidente constitucional Roberto Micheletti\".",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Honduras no recibirá embajadores México,España,Argentina y Venezuela",
"text": "Domingo, 27 de Septiembre de 2009 / 13:04 h\nTegucigalpa/dpa\nEl gobierno de facto de Honduras dijo hoy que los embajadores de México, España, Argentina y Venezuela no serán recibidos en Tegucigalpa a menos que sus gobiernos realicen negociaciones para el \"restablecimiento\" de relaciones diplomáticas, las cuales fueron suspendidas por los países mencionados.\nLa Unión Europea y varios gobiernos latinoamericanos habían suspendido los vínculos con Honduras como medida de castigo por el derrocamiento de Manuel Zelaya de la presidencia y se niegan a reconocer al gobernante de facto, Roberto Micheletti.\nLos países rompieron relaciones o decidieron mantener las mismas a nivel de embajadas concurrentes, por lo que deberán negociar un nuevo estatus para los vínculos diplomáticos con Honduras, según la Cancillería de Tegucigalpa.\nLa nota de prensa del gobierno dijo que la normalización de relaciones \"estará condicionada a medidas de reciprocidad inmediata\". Los países latinoamericanos han desconocido los diplomáticos que responden a Micheletti y solo dejan operando a los que reafirman voluntad a Zelaya.\nEn un comunicado, la Cancillería hondureña dijo que el retorno de embajadores que fueron retirados significa un \"reconocimiento expreso al Gobierno del Presidente Constitucional Roberto Micheletti\".\nAsimismo, a los diplomáticos de los países que suspendieron relaciones con Honduras se les pide que entreguen placas de autos, así como formularios para introducir mercaderían exentas de impuestos.\nLa canciller del derrocado gobierno de Honduras, Patricia Rodas, había llamdo el martes pasado a la comunidad internacional para que envíe de vuelta a Tegucigalpa a sus embajadores, tras el regreso de Zelaya.\nSegún explicó en rueda de prensa en Nueva York, Rodas hizo el llamamiento a que \"todo embajador que abandonó el país, estando ya nuestro presidente, regrese a sus misiones\" a través de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y las Naciones Unidas.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "es",
"title": "Honduras no recibirá a embajadores de México, España, Argentina y Venezuela",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Coupe d'Europe de rugby 2013-2014 : les résultats de la sixième journée |
La Coupe d'Europe de rugby à XV, dite H Cup (la France interdisant les publicités pour les marques de boissons alcooliques), dispute sa journée. Se sont qualifiés pour les quarts de finales le Stade Toulousain, le Rugby club toulonnais, le Clermont Auvergne, le Leinster Rugby, le Munster Rugby, l'Ulster Rugby, les Leicester Tigers et Saracens.
Groupe 1
'''Leinster Rugby'''
36 – 3
'''Northampton Saints'''
13 – 3
Castres Olympique
Groupe 2
Cardiff Blues
13 – 19
'''Exeter Rugby'''
Glasgow Warriors
8 – 15
'''Rugby club toulonnais'''
Groupe 3
64 – 6
Connacht Rugby
6 – 16
'''Stade Toulousain'''
Groupe 4
'''Clermont Auvergne'''
28 – 3
Racing Club de France
Llanelli Scarlets
20 – 22
Groupe 5
Leicester Tigers
19 – 22
'''Ulster Rugby'''
'''Montpellier HRC'''
24 – 6
Benetton Rugby Trévise
Groupe 6
'''Munster Rugby'''
38 – 6
Edinburgh Rugby
USA Perpignan
18 – 36
'''Gloucester RFC'''
| [
"Rugby à XV",
"Coupe d'Europe de Rugby à XV 2013-2014|06",
"Pays de Galles",
] | [
"language": "fr",
"title": "Index de la H Cup",
"text": "Toulon découvrira samedi à Mayol la H Cup pour la première fois de son histoire. Le club de Joe Van Niekerk affrontera les Ospreys quarts de finaliste la saison passée. Le capitaine toulonnais donne son avis sur le tournoi et ses adversaires du jour.\nToulon a beaucoup de respect pour la H Cup Toulon découvrira samedi à Mayol la H Cup pour la première fois de son histoire. Le club de Joe Van Niekerk affrontera les Ospreys quarts de finaliste la saison passée. Le capitaine toulonnais donne son avis sur le tournoi et ses adversaires du jour.\nL'ASM veut jouer sur les deux tableaux Quart de finaliste malheureux l'an passé, l'ASM Clermont Auvergne aborde la H Cup avec beaucoup d'humilité mais aussi énormément d'ambitions.\nCastres veut rester invaincu à Pierre Rajon Castres retrouve la H Cup cette saison et aura pour adversaire les Cardiff Blues, Edimbourg et les Northampton Saints. Dans une poule très homogène, les hommes de Laurent Travers espèrent faire honneur à leur couleur et remporter tout leur match à domicile.\nBiarritz a soif d'Europe Finaliste malheureux l'an passé, Biarritz s'est fixé comme objectif de remporter la H Cup. Laurent Rodriguez manager sportif de l'équipe avoue les ambitions européennes du club.\nLe Racing part à la découverte de la H Cup Le Racing-Metro découvrira cette semaine la H Cup en défiant le vainqueur 2009 de l'édition le Leinster à Dublin. Pierre Berbizier et Lionel Nallet ont hâte de rivaliser avec leurs adversaires et de se frotter à ce qui se fait de mieux en Europe.\nIbanez: Un défi excitant pour les clubs français L'ambassadeur 2010 de la H Cup Raphael Ibanez revient sur la saison formidable des clubs français la saison passée et nous explique son rôle d'ambassadeur pour la saison.\nNicolas Mas: Tout donner sur le premier match Battu dès la première journée de la H Cup par le Benetton Trevise l'an passé, les Catalans ont pour objectif cette saison de recevoir un quart de finale de H Cup à domicile. Nicolas Mas et Jacques Brunel parlent de leur poule.\nJean-Pierre Lux: \"La H Cup est installée dans le rugby européen\" Le Président de l'ERC Jean-Pierre Lux a évoqué sur le résultat du tirage au sort des poules de la H Cup et sur la finale 2011 qui aura lieu à Cardiff.\nPrix ERC15: Le résumé de la soirée - 2ème partie Deuxième partie des Prix ERC15. Ronan O'Gara, Brian O'Driscoll, David Wallace et bien d'autres encore expliquent ce que représentent pour eux cette récompense.\nPrix ERC15: Le résumé de la soirée - 1ère partie Regardez le résumé des Prix ERC15 avec les interviews de Jean-Pierre Lux Président de l'ERC, Emile NTamack, Nicolas Brusque, Damien Traille, Sylvain Marconnet et bien d'autres encore.\nSkrela: L'équipe méritait de gagner le titre Visionnez les réactions de Guy Novès, Thierry Dusautoir, William Servat et David Skrela après la quatrième titre continental de Toulouse.\nYachvili: On échoue à deux points Visionnez les interviews d'après match de Jack Isaac, Dimitri Yachvili, Fabien Barcella et Magnus Lund après leur défaite 19-21 contre le Stade Toulousain en finale de la H Cup.\nSt André: La ville, les joueurs et le Présient méritent un trophée cette saison Le RC Toulon affrontera les Cardiff Blues dimanche au Stade Vélodrome à Marseille. L'entraîneur du club Philippe St André, Joselito Suta et Joe Van Niekerk évoquent la finale de l'Amlin Challenge Cup contre les Gallois.\nConférence de presse d'avant match du Biarritz Olympique Laurent Rodriguez, Jean-Michel Gonzalez, Jack Isaac, Jérôme Thion et Dimitri Yachvili évoquent la finale de la H Cup et leurs adversaires du 22 mai prochaine, le Stade Toulousain.\nConférence de presse du Stade Toulousain A quelques jours de la finale de la H Cup qui les opposera au Biarritz Olympique, les joueurs du Stade Toulousain évoquent sur la rencontre du 22 mai prochain.\nRésumé de la demi-finale de l'Amlin Challenge Cup Connacht-Toulon Résumé de la demi-finale de l'Amlin Challenge Cup Connacht-Toulon.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Obama signs landmark law overturning 'don't ask, don't tell' |
United States Barack Obama has officially repealed the law prohibiting openly people from serving in the U.S. military. Campaigners have praised the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) as a historic advance for gay rights.
United States Barack Obama
The new law was signed into effect by Obama yesterday morning. DADT, in effect for 17 years, was repealed by the United States Senate on Saturday. The military will cease enforcement of the policy in 60 days time, after the has certified to Congress that it, and the military are ready to implement the new law.
"This is a very good day," Obama told a crowd of soldiers and senior military officials. "This morning I'm proud to sign a law that will bring an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'. No longer will tens of thousands of Americans be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country that they love." Obama added that the government would "not drag their feet" and they were "committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently."
He added the law would strengthen national security and the U.S. military. "No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay," he said.
Aubrey Sarvis, the executive director of the , praised the new ruling. "Clearly, this is President Obama's Lyndon Johnson moment in history," he said. "A measure of dignity has been restored to thousands of service members on active duty, and to over a million gay veterans who served in silence."
Obama has been an advocate for overturning the ban on gays serving in the military. Under the law, enacted in 1993, over 13,000 members of the U.S. military have been dismissed. Supporters of DADT have said the new ruling will damage the morale of troops. Former Republican presidential candidate John McCain said earlier this month more scrutiny would be needed before the law was repealed.
A report by earlier this month concluded most U.S. service personnel do not believe reform of the rules on gays and lesbians serving in the military would affect morale, unit cohesion or military effectiveness. The report found only 30% believed that changing the law would have a negative effect.
Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, the highest-ranking officer investigated under the DADT policy, said: "I'm just incredibly proud of our country and of this military that so many service members will be able to serve with dignity and integrity. It's actually taken a day or two to sink in, because it seemed so unbelievable at the time."
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"Barack Obama",
"Don't ask, don't tell",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"North America",
"United States",
"Human rights"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "President Obama Signs Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' into Law",
"text": "President Obama signed into law a repeal of the military's \"don't ask, don't tell\" policy Wednesday, fulfilling a campaign promise and marking a historic step forward for gay rights.\nMore Video\nThe law \"will strengthen our national security and uphold the ideals our fighting men and women defend,\" Obama told a cheering crowd of gay and lesbian service members and their supporters in Washington. \"No longer will thousands of men and women in uniform be asked to live a lie or look over their shoulder while serving the country they love.\"\n\"Our people sacrifice a lot for their country, including their lives. None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well,\" he said. \"This is the right thing to do for our military, and I believe it is the right thing to do period.\"\nThe law ends the legal underpinnings for the ban on openly gay troops, but it does not immediately overturn the policy itself.\nOfficials say the 17-year-old ban will remain throughout the military until the president, Defense secretary and Congress certify that the military is prepared to put in place a repeal. Then, a 60-day waiting period begins before the ban is officially removed from the books.\n\"I have spoken to every one of the service chiefs, and they are all committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently. We are not going to be dragging our feet to getting this done,\" Obama said.\nWhile some advocates have bristled at the timing, many could not deny the enormity of the moment and said it would be a defining element of Obama's legacy.\n\"Clearly, this is President Obama's Lyndon Johnson moment in history,\" said Aubrey Sarvis, Army veteran and executive director for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network. \"A measure of dignity has been restored to thousands of service members on active duty, and to over a million gay veterans who served in silence.\"\nThe move is expected to eventually end ongoing investigations and open the door to thousands of discharged service members to return to the military and resume their careers.\n\"I'm just incredibly proud of our country and of this military that so many service members will be able to serve with dignity and integrity,\" said Air Force Lt. Col. Victor Feherenbach, 41, the highest-ranking officer investigated under the policy. \"It's actually taken a day or two to sink in, because it seemed so unbelievable at the time.\"\nWhile it's unclear how vigorously the ban will be enforced during the interim, Feherenbach said there are already signs officials are aggressively pursuing the change.\n\"I just received an e-mail from my commander, and I understand that the Air Force Chief of Staff has sent out a note that said we're going to do this, we're going to follow the law, we're going to be professionals as we always have and we're going to respect each other,\" he said.\nIn the weeks ahead the Pentagon is expected to revise policies and regulations to reflect the repeal, and train leaders on how to enforce the rules. More than 2 million service members across the military are also expected to be briefed on what is expected of them and what is not.\n\"The implementation plan lays out an ambitious agenda of things that need to be done,\" said Defense Secretary Robert Gates last week. \"How long that would take, frankly, I don't know.\"\nAmong the expected changes is non-discrimination against a military applicant who may volunteer that he or she is gay, opening the door to the return of thousands of service members whose careers were cut short after they were outed on the job.\n\"I just really miss it. I miss the people, the mission, the comraderie. I can't wait to get back in there and finish my career,\" said Mike Almy, an Air Force Major and 13-year veteran who was discharged four years ago after investigators learned he was gay through personal e-mails. He plans to re-enlist.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Obama signs DADT repeal before big, emotional crowd",
"text": "President Obama signed the landmark repeal of the military's \"don't ask, don't tell\" policy Wednesday morning, handing a major victory to advocates of gay rights and fulfilling a campaign promise to do away with a practice that he has called discriminatory.\nCasting the repeal in terms of past civil rights struggles, Obama said he was proud to sign a law that \"will strengthen our national security and uphold the ideals that our fighting men and women risk their lives to defend.\"\nIn remarks before signing the repeal, he added: \"No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who are forced to leave the military - regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance - because they happen to be gay. No longer will tens of thousands of Americans in uniform be asked to live a lie, or look over their shoulder in order to serve the country that they love.\"\nThe signing does not immediately implement the repeal but instead begins the process of ending the ban on gays serving openly in the military.\nThe law will not actually change until the Pentagon certifies to Congress that the military has met several conditions, including education and training programs for the troops.\n\"In the coming days, we will begin the process laid out by this law\" to implement the repeal, Obama said. Meanwhile, he cautioned, \"the old policy remains in effect.\" But he pledged that all the service chiefs are \"committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently,\" and he vowed, \"We are not going to be dragging our feet to get this done.\"\nObama quoted Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying, \"Our people sacrifice a lot for their country, including their lives. None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well.\" Obama continued: \"That's why I believe this is the right thing to do for our military. That's why I believe it is the right thing to do, period.\"\nHe said, \"We are not a nation that says 'don't ask, don't tell.' We are a nation that says, 'Out of many, we are one.' \"\nSo many people wanted to witness the signing of the bill that the White House held the ceremony in the auditorium of Interior Department headquarters.\nThe guests at the ceremony included Joe Solmonese, head of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group; Vice President Biden; Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.); and Dan Choi, a former U.S. Army soldier who was discharged under \"don't ask, don't tell\" and was arrested in November after chaining himself to a White House fence to protest the policy.\nSeveral other soldiers who have been discharged from military service because they are gay attended the ceremony as well.\nAmong the guests on the stage with Obama was Eric Alva, a former Marine staff sergeant who lost a leg in Iraq and who, following a medical discharge, has been working for the repeal of \"don't ask, don't tell.\" Another participant was Navy Cmdr. Zoe Dunning, a repeal advocate who fought to remain in the Navy Reserves and ultimately retired in 2007 after 13 years of service as an openly gay officer.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Barack Obama signs gay military law",
"text": "Barack Obama signs gay military law\nPlease turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.\nContinue reading the main story Related stories\nUS President Barack Obama has signed a landmark law allowing gay people serving in the military to be open about their sexuality.\nMr Obama said the law meant that tens of thousands of Americans would no longer be asked to live a lie.\nHe had campaigned to change the 1993 \"don't ask, don't tell\" law, overturned by Congress last week.\nMore than 13,000 service members have been dismissed under the policy, enacted in 1993 as a compromise.\nOpponents argue that the change will damage troop morale at a time of war.\nBut earlier this month, a Pentagon report said that allowing openly gay troops would have little impact on the cohesion of US forces fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.\nThe outgoing Senate and House of Representatives approved the new law last week, with moderate Republicans joining the Democratic majority.\nGuidelines\nSo many activists were expected at the signing ceremony that the White House booked a larger room for the event.\n\"This is a very good day,\" Mr Obama said as he introduced the law, surrounded by senior military officials and members of Congress.\nContinue reading the main story “ Start Quote No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay” End Quote Barack Obama US President\n\"This morning I'm proud to sign a law that will bring an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'.\n\"No longer will tens of thousands of Americans be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country that they love.\"\nThe president said the new law would be good for the armed forces.\n\"The law that I'm about to sign will strengthen national security and uphold ideals that fighting men and women risk their lives to defend,\" he said.\n\"No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay.\"\nBut correspondents say that the planned celebration parties by gay rights campaigners and members of the military may be premature.\nGuidelines need to be finalised on practical questions ranging from how to educate troops to how sexual preference should be handled when army staff are organising sleeping arrangements in military barracks.\nThose guidelines need to be signed off by President Obama, Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.\nAnd even once that is complete, the new law will not officially take effect for another 60 days. Until then, the current ban remains in place.\nHowever, Mr Obama said there would be no foot-dragging to implement the law.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "The New York Times",
"text": "Supporters of the repeal said it was long past time to end what they saw as an ill-advised practice that cost valuable personnel and forced troops to lie to serve their country.\n“We righted a wrong,” said Senator Joseph I. Lieberman , the independent from Connecticut who led the effort to end the ban. “Today we’ve done justice.”\nBefore voting on the repeal, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created a path to citizenship for certain illegal immigrants who came to the United States at a young age, completed two years of college or military service and met other requirements including passing a criminal background check.\nThe 55-41 vote in favor of the citizenship bill was five votes short of the number needed to clear the way for final passage of what is known as the Dream Act. The outcome effectively kills it for this year, and its fate beyond that is uncertain since Republicans who will assume control of the House in January oppose the measure and are unlikely to bring it to a vote.\nThe Senate then moved on to the military legislation, engaging in an emotional back and forth over the merits of the measure as advocates for repeal watched from galleries crowded with people interested in the fate of both the military and immigration measures. “I don’t care who you love,” Senator Ron Wyden , Democrat of Oregon , said as the debate opened. “If you love this country enough to risk your life for it, you shouldn’t have to hide who you are.”\nMr. Wyden showed up for the Senate vote despite saying earlier that he would be unable to do so because he would be undergoing final tests before his scheduled surgery for prostate cancer on Monday.\nThe vote came in the final days of the 111th Congress as Democrats sought to force through a final few priorities before they turn over control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans in January and see their clout in the Senate diminished.\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nIt represented a significant victory for the White House, Congressional advocates of lifting the ban and activists who have pushed for years to end the Pentagon policy created in 1993 under the Clinton administration as a compromise effort to end the practice of banning gay men and lesbians entirely from military service. Saying it represented an emotional moment for members of the gay community nationwide, activists who supported repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” exchanged hugs outside the Senate chamber after the vote.\n“Today’s vote means gay and lesbian service members posted all around the world can stand taller knowing that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ will soon be coming to an end,” said Aubrey Sarvis, an Army veteran and executive director for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.\nThe executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay group that challenged the policy in federal court, thanked Republicans senators for participating in a historic vote. The director, R. Clarke Cooper, who is a member of the Army Reserve, said repeal will \"finally end a policy which has burdened our armed services for far too long, depriving our nation of the talent, training and hard won battle experience of thousands of patriotic Americans. \"\nA federal judge had ruled the policy unconstitutionial in response to the Log Cabin suit, but that decision had been stayed pending appeal.\nAaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center in California , a research institute at the University of California in Santa Barbara that studies issues surrounding gays and lesbians in the military, said that the vote “ushers in a new era in which the largest employer in the United States treats gays and lesbians like human beings.”\nIn a statement on the group’s website, Mr. Belkin said: “It has long been clear that there is no evidence that lifting the ban will undermine the military, and no reason to fear the transition to inclusive policy. Research shows that moving quickly is one of the keys to a successful transition. If the President and military leadership quickly certify the end of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ they will ensure an orderly transition with minimal disruption.\"\nOrganizations that opposed repeal of the ban assailed the Republican senators who defied their party majority.\nNewsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you're not a robot by clicking the box. Invalid email address. Please re-enter. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. Sign Up You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. Thank you for subscribing. An error has occurred. Please try again later. View all New York Times newsletters.\nThe Center for Military Readiness, a group that specializes in social issues in the military and has opposed repeal, said the new legislation “will impose heavy, unnecessary burdens on the backs of military men and women.” It said the Senate majority voted with “needless haste” by not waiting for hearings into a recent Department of Defense study of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Elaine Donnelly, president of the group, said that the Pentagon’s survey indicated that 32 percent of Marines and 21.4 percent of Army combat troops would leave the military sooner than planned if “don’t ask, don’t tell” were repealed.\nKris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, said senators like Scott Brown , a Republican from Massachusetts, “broke trust with the people” by voting on repeal before the federal budget was resolved and “have put the troops at risk during wartime.”\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nDuring the debate, Senator John McCain , Republican of Arizona and his party’s presidential candidate in 2008, led the opposition to the repeal and said the vote was a sad day in history. “I hope that when we pass this legislation that we will understand that we are doing great damage,” Mr. McCain said. “And we could possibly and probably, as the commandant of the Marine Corps said, and as I have been told by literally thousands of members of the military, harm the battle effectiveness vital to the survival of our young men and women in the military.”\nHe and other opponents of lifting the ban said the change could harm the unit cohesion that is essential to effective military operations, particularly in combat, and deter some Americans from enlisting or pursuing a career in the military. They noted that despite support for repealing the ban from Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen , chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , other military commanders have warned that changing the practice would prove disruptive.\n“This isn’t broke,” Senator James M. Inhofe , Republican of Oklahoma , said about the policy. “It is working very well.”\nOther Republicans said that while the policy might need to be changed at some point, Congress should not do so when American troops are fighting overseas.\n“In the middle of a military conflict, is not the time to do it,” said Senator Saxby Chambliss , Republican of Georgia .\nOnly a week ago, the effort to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy seemed to be dead and in danger of fading for at least two years with Republicans about to take control of the House. The provision eliminating the ban was initially included in a broader Pentagon policy bill, and Republican backers of repeal had refused to join in cutting off a filibuster against the underlying bill because of objections over the ability to debate the measure.\nIn a last-ditch effort, Mr. Lieberman and Senator Susan Collins of Maine , a key Republican opponent of the ban, encouraged Democratic Congressional leaders to instead pursue a vote on simply repealing it. The House passed the measure earlier in the week.\nThe repeal will not take effect for at least 60 days while some other procedural steps are taken. In addition, the bill requires the defense secretary to determine that policies are in place to carry out the repeal “consistent with military standards for readiness, effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention.”\nAdvertisement Continue reading the main story\nBecause of the uncertainty, Mr. Sarvis appealed to Mr. Gates to suspend any investigations into military personnel or discharge proceedings under the policy to be overturned in the coming months.\nMr. Lieberman said the ban undermined the integrity of the military by forcing troops to lie. He said 14,000 members of the armed forces had been forced to leave the ranks under the policy.\n“What a waste,” he said.\nThe fight erupted in the early days of President Bill Clinton ’s administration and has been a roiling political issue ever since. Mr. Obama endorsed repeal in his own campaign and advocates saw the current Congress as their best opportunity for ending the ban. Dozens of advocates of ending the ban — including one wounded in combat before being forced from the military — watched from the Senate gallery as the debate took place.\nSenator Carl Levin , the Michigan Democrat who is chairman of the Armed Services Committee, dismissed Republican complaints that Democrats were trying to race through the repeal to satisfy their political supporters.\n“I’m not here for partisan reasons,” Mr. Levin said. “I’m here because men and women wearing the uniform of the United States who are gay and lesbian have died for this country, because gay and lesbian men and women wearing the uniform of this country have their lives on the line right now.”\nSenator Harry Reid of Nevada , the majority leader and a crucial proponent of the repeal, noted that some Republicans had indicated they might try to block Senate approval of a nuclear arms treaty with Russia because of their pique over the Senate action on the ban.\n“How’s that’s for statesmanship?” Mr. Reid said.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pl | Stowarzyszenie Libertariańskie obejmuje patronatem trzecie wydanie Etyki wolności |
'''2 marca 2021 roku objęło patronatem trzecie wydanie Etyki wolności (''Ethics of Liberty'') '''
Polskie wydanie Etyki wolności przygotowuje Wydawnictwo Fijorr Publishing. Przy kolejnym wydaniu współpracował z zespołem wydawnictwa dr Przemysław Hankus, prezes stowarzyszenia. Pozycja ma być w sprzedaży w ciągu kilku tygodni.
| [
"Stowarzyszenie Libertariańskie"
] | [
"language": "pl",
"title": "95. rocznica urodzin Murraya Newtona Rothbarda!",
"text": "2 marca 1926 roku na nowojorskim Bronksie urodził się nie kto inny, jak „Mr. Libertarian” – Murray Newton Rothbard.\nZ tej okazji mamy dla Was dwie wiadomości:\n1) Objęliśmy patronat nad nowym, poprawionym i uzupełnionym wydaniem Etyki wolności Rothbarda – jednej z najważniejszych libertariańskich książek, jakie do tej pory napisano – a nasz Prezes, dr Przemysław Hankus, pracował z zespołem Wydawnictwa Fijorr Publishing nad tym, by kolejna edycja polskiego tłumaczenia opus magnum Rothbarda stała na najwyższym poziomie merytorycznym i językowym. Jak informuje Wydawca, pachnące świeżością egzemplarze Etyki wolności powinni trafić w Wasze ręce w ciągu najbliższych kilku tygodni.\n2) W dalszym ciągu oferujemy jedyne polskie tłumaczenie jedynej jak dotąd biografii naszego dzisiejszego solenizanta: Przeciw państwu. Książkę napisaną przez Justina Raimondo, przetłumaczoną przez dr. Jakuba Wozinskiego i wydaną dzięki naszym staraniom we współpracy z Wydawnictwem Nowy Wspaniały Holding znajdziecie na dedykowanej stronie internetowej W TYM MIEJSCU.\nStandardowo polecamy poczytać zarówno Rothbarda, jak i o Rothbardzie.\nStowarzyszenie Libertariańskie",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Seven dead after gunman opens fire in Netherlands shopping centre |
Seven people have been shot dead after a gunman opened fire in a busy shopping mall in the town of , in the Netherlands. Tristan van der Vlis, believed to be a Dutch national who had a criminal record, killed six people and injured numerous others before turning the weapon on himself.
Officials have said van der Vlis, 24, who was local to the area and was known to police, used weapons he was legally permitted to own to carry out the attack. Police confirmed he was licensed to own five firearms, and used three in the attack. Unconfirmed reports say he left behind a final letter addressed to his mother. Officers this afternoon searched his house, and confirmed he almost certainly acted alone.
The was evacuated and cordoned off after the shooting, amid mass panic. Witnesses described van der Vlis as looking "agitated and distressed" before he opened fire. One witness said: "I saw a woman I know walking at the other side. She wanted to enter a shop when a tall young man approached and shot her in cold blood. He walked calmly and shot through the windows of the shop where I was hiding." Police allegedly arrived before the gunman killed himself.
The mayor of Alphen aan den Rijn, , said children may have been among the victims, although it is not clear if any were killed. "It's too terrible for words, a shock for us all," he said. "Under these circumstances, with many people shopping at the Ridderhof today, including parents with children, it's an almost incomprehensible situation." , the prime minister, said he was "horrified" by the shootings.
== Sources ==
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"Crime and law",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "At least 7 dead in Dutch mall shooting",
"text": "A man armed with a machine gun opened fire in a crowded shopping mall on Saturday, killing six people and wounding 15 before committing suicide, officials and witnesses said.\nPanicked shoppers ran for cover or hid in shops after the gunman opened fire at random at the mall in the small town of Alphen aan den Rijn, some 30 miles south of Amsterdam.\nDressed in camouflage trousers and a bomber jacket, the gunman began shooting in a parking lot before moving inside the mall. Panicked shoppers ran for cover or hid in shops.\nChildren were among the casualties, including an infant who was lightly injured, said Mayor Bas Eenhoorn. Three of the wounded were hospitalized in critical condition.\n\"I saw a woman I know walking at the other side. She wanted to enter a shop when a tall young man approached and shot her in cold blood,\" witness Marjolein Nieuwland told the ANP news agency.\n\"He walked calmly and shot through the windows of the shop where I was hiding,\" she said.\n\"I also saw a woman in her motorized wheelchair shot in the head, and at the Albert Heijn (grocery store) there was a young man. Also dead. Later I heard that was the shooter,\" she said.\nThe rampage ended when the attacker shot himself in the head. \"It's too terrible for words, a shock for us all,\" said Eenhoorn. \"Alphen is in mourning.\"\nThe gunman was identified as 24-year-old Tristan van der Vlis, and it was \"all but certain\" he acted alone, District Attorney Kitty Nooy said. Afterward, a note was found in the attacker's black Mercedes containing threats that he had planted explosives at three other malls in the city, said Nooy. The malls were evacuated, but no explosives were found.\nA witness identified as Maart Verbeek told state broadcaster NOS the attacker appeared to be firing randomly.\n\"There was a panic in the mall, a lot of people running,\" said Verbeek, a pet shop owner. \"I see the attacker coming, walking, and I go inside the store ... and I see him going by with a big machine gun.\"\nWitness Martine Spruit, a 41-year-old receptionist, told The Associated Press she was shopping at a drug store when she heard bangs and people in the store hid behind shelves, realizing a shooting was taking place. Customers shouted for employees to lock the doors.\n\"Then we heard the shots getting further away, so he was walking back and forth,\" she said. \"Then we thought we'd have a look and there were two people lying dead near the entrance... Then he came back shooting so we locked the door again.\"\nNooy said the shooter was a native Dutchman from Alphen who had previous run-ins with the law, including an illegal weapons possession charge when he was only 17 years old that was later dropped. He lived with his father.\nHe had permits for five guns, including the machine gun, Mayor Eenhoorn said.\nThe exact type of weapon was not identified. Dutch law forbids ownership of most firearms, but makes exceptions for some collectors and hunters. Eenhoorn said prosecutors were investigating whether the permits had been properly granted.\nQueen Beatrix and Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued statements saying they were shocked and sympathize with the victims and their families.\nHours after the shooting, residents continued to gather at the mall, some of whom appeared to be in a daze.\n\"You hear about this sort of thing happening at American schools and you think that's a long way away,\" said Rob Kuipers, 50, a project manager. \"Now it's happened here in the Netherlands.\"\nNooy said there was \"no evidence\" to support rumors that the gunman was a former soldier or that his mother or father had been among the dead or wounded Saturday.\nEenhoorn said both the gunman's mother and father were cooperating with the police investigation. The mother found a suicide note at her son's apartment, but Eenhoorn said it did not offer any explanation for the attack.\n\"The text is a farewell note,\" Eenhoorn said. \"It says that he planned to commit suicide and a number of other things, but doesn't make reference to the terrible things he did.\"\nWitnesses said the attacker had long blond hair and wore a black jacket and camouflage pants.\nA resident who lives near the mall who gave his name as Marijn said the shooting went on for minutes. When he went to see whether friends working at the mall were OK, he saw the assailant lying dead in a grocery store.\n\"There was glass everywhere,\" the resident said. \"He was just shooting everywhere as if it were the Wild West.\"\nImages published by the NOS showed the body of the gunman lying near a checkout counter.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Gunman kills six in Netherlands shopping centre",
"text": "Gunman kills six in Netherlands shopping centre\nPlease turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.\nA gunman in the Netherlands has killed six people and wounded at least 11 before taking his own life.\nThe killings took place at a busy shopping centre in the town of Alphen aan den Rijn, about 25km (15 miles) south-west of Amsterdam.\nThe mayor of the town said the man opened fire with an automatic weapon and then shot himself.\nThe gunman came from the town, was known to police and \"almost certainly operated alone\", said a prosecutor.\n'Slaughter'\nKitty Nooy, from The Hague prosecutor's office, identified the man as 24-year-old Tristan van der Vlis, a member of a shooting club who had a permit to carry five weapons.\nShe said he was native Dutchman from Alphen who had had previous run-ins with the law, including an illegal weapons possession charge that was dropped.\nContinue reading the main story “ Start Quote People went over to them to help, thinking that they had fainted. When they understood that someone was firing shots, everyone started running” End Quote Mehdi Attha Witness\nMayor Bas Eenhoorn called the incident \"unprecedented\" for the town of about 70,000 people.\nHe said four of the injured were in a critical condition and five had serious wounds.\nChildren were among the casualties, but officials say they are not prepared to say whether they were among the dead or the injured due to privacy reasons.\n\"It's hardly credible that our town could experience such slaughter, and on a day as beautiful as this,\" he said.\nMost witnesses said the shooting lasted between 10 and 20 minutes, according to AFP news agency.\nA shopkeeper in the Ridderhof centre said the gunman appeared to be shooting people at random.\n\"Initially, we thought it was fireworks,\" 37-year-old Mehdi Attha told AFP.\n\"Then the noises got closer and two people fell to the ground very close to me.\n\"People went over to them to help, thinking that they had fainted. When they understood that someone was firing shots, everyone started running,\" she added.\n\"I didn't see the shooter, I was just thinking about running.\"\nEvacuations\nAnother survivor, an elderly woman, described the killer as \"big and dressed in camouflage pants\".\nThe incident happened at a busy shopping centre\n\"He moved about without haste, killing in cold blood,\" she told Dutch broadcaster NOS.\nMs Nooy said notes had been found in both Van der Vlis' house and car, but did not reveal their contents.\nAfter the shooting, Mayor Eenhoorn ordered the evacuations of three other shopping centre in the town.\nHe did not give a reason for the decision, but Radio Netherlands reported that the note in the attacker's car had said he had planted explosives at the other malls.\nQueen Beatrix and Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued statements expressing their shock and saying they sympathised with victims and families.\nA resident told the BBC the shooting was unusual, despite being the second in the area this month.\n\"It's weird that something like this has happened in this neighbourhood. Usually nothing ever happens here. But this is the second shooting in two weeks,\" said Thomas Aantjes.\nTwo people were killed on 2 April in a shooting in the same district of the town. Officials have not made a link between the two incidents.\nSend your pictures and videos to or text them to 61124 (UK) or +44 7725 100 100 (International). If you have a large file you can upload here.\nRead the terms and conditions",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | Le président sud-ossète accuse l'Europe et les États-Unis de génocide |
Le président sud-ossète Edouard Kokoïty a accusé les États-Unis et l'Union européenne d'être impliqués dans le génocide perpétré contre la population sud-ossète.
, a-t-il affirmé jeudi lors d'une rencontre avec le président russe Dmitri Medvedev au Kremlin.
| [
"Ossétie du Sud",
"Amérique du Nord",
"Droits de l'homme",
"Politique internationale",
"Politique et conflits",
"Dmitri Medvedev"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Génocide du peuple sud-ossète: la responsabilité incombe aux Etats-Unis et à l'Europe (Kokoïty)",
"text": "International Génocide du peuple sud-ossète: la responsabilité incombe aux Etats-Unis et à l'Europe (Kokoïty) 15:27 MOSCOU, 14 août - RIA Novosti. Le président sud-ossète Edouard Kokoïty a accusé les Etats-Unis et l'Union européenne d'être impliqués dans le génocide perpétré contre la population sud-ossète. \"Ce qui est arrivé à notre peuple atteste que la Géorgie n'agissait pas seule, mais de connivence avec les Etats-Unis et de nombreux pays européens. Ils portent eux aussi la responsabilité du génocide de la population sud-ossète\", a-t-il affirmé jeudi lors d'une rencontre avec le président russe Dmitri Medvedev au Kremlin.\nenvoyez par e-mail retour à la page d'accueil",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | US supports UN gay rights declaration |
The Obama administration announced on March 18, 2009 that the United States, in a reversal of position, would support the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity.
67 UN member states (green) have signed or say they will sign the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 57 UN member states (red) have signed an opposing declaration. The United States will become the 67th signatory to the non-binding document, which was proposed by France and the Netherlands and "condemn the human rights violations based on sexual orientation or gender identity wherever they occur, in particular the use of the death penalty on this ground, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health".
US State Department Spokesman Robert A. WoodAccepting the proposal, which according to US State Department spokesman Robert Wood "commits us to no legal obligations", would nonetheless be a reversal from the Bush administration's refusal to sign. According to Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, "the administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals".
57 UN member nations, however, including many but not all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, have signed a counter-declaration introduced by Syria saying that normalization of LGBT rights would lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." Vatican City also opposes the resolution but on its introduction made a statement condemning legal discrimination against LGBT persons.
Homosexuality or homosexual behavior is illegal in some 70 UN member nations and punishable by death in seven.
The United States' adoption of the document comes as the Obama administration faces continued criticism from gay rights advocates on the subject of homosexual individuals serving in the United States military. While Obama has stated he would repeal Bill Clinton's 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" compromise and end restrictions on gays, bisexuals and lesbians serving in the military, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he has had "one brief conversation with the president" on the subject; meanwhile, a US House bill to end the ban is losing its primary sponsor, Ellen Tauscher, to the State Department and no complementary piece of legislation has been introduced to the Senate.
France's proposal of the document is one of several instances in the course of the Sarkozy administration where France and the Vatican have been at odds on issues of sexuality. France's foreign ministry, in response to comments by Pope Benedict rejecting the distribution of condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS, led EU member nations in rejecting the Pope's position. In September 2008, France openly affronted the Vatican by appointing an openly gay man, Denis Tillinac, as its ambassador to the Holy See; the Vatican rejected the appointment.
| [
"United States",
"United Nations",
"European Union",
"North America",
"Human rights",
"Don't ask, don't tell",
"Infectious disease",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "US endorses UN gay rights text",
"text": "US endorses UN gay rights text\nWASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration on Wednesday formally endorsed a U.N. statement calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality, a measure that former President George W. Bush had refused to sign.\nThe move was the administration's latest in reversing Bush-era decisions that have been heavily criticized by human rights and other groups. The United States was the only western nation not to sign onto the declaration when it came up at the U.N. General Assembly in December.\n\"The United States supports the U.N.'s statement on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity and is pleased to join the other 66 U.N. member states who have declared their support of the statement,\" said State Department spokesman Robert Wood.\n\"The United States is an outspoken defender of human rights and critic of human rights abuses around the world,\" Wood told reporters. \"As such, we join with other supporters of this statement, and we will continue to remind countries of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people in all appropriate international fora.\"\nThe Associated Press reported on Tuesday that the administration would endorse the statement.\nGay rights groups hailed the move.\n\"The administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals,\" said Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, which promotes equal rights for homosexuals.\n\"This is long past overdue and we are encouraged by the signal it sends that the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people will now be considered human rights,\" said Rea Carey, the executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.\nHuman rights groups had criticized the Bush administration when it refused to sign the statement when it was presented at the United Nations on Dec. 19. U.S. officials said then that the U.S. opposed discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation but that parts of the declaration raised legal questions that needed further review.\nAccording to negotiators, the Bush team had concerns that those sections could commit the federal government on matters that fall under state jurisdiction. In some states, landlords and private employers are allowed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation; on the federal level, gays are not allowed to serve openly in the military.\nBut Wood said a \"careful interagency review\" by the Obama administration had concluded that \"supporting this statement commits us to no legal obligations.\"\nWhen it was voted on in December, 66 of the U.N.'s 192 member countries signed the nonbinding declaration, which backers called an historic step to push the General Assembly to deal more forthrightly with anti-gay discrimination. It was endorsed by all 27 European Union members as well as Japan, Australia and Mexico.\nBut 70 U.N. members outlaw homosexuality — and in several, homosexual acts can be punished by execution. More than 50 nations, including members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, opposed the declaration.\nSome Islamic countries said at the time that protecting sexual orientation could lead to \"the social normalization and possibly the legalization of deplorable acts\" such as pedophilia and incest. The declaration was also opposed by the Vatican.\nCopyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "In turnaround, U.S. signs U.N. gay rights document",
"text": "By Sue Pleming\nWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States, in a reversal of Bush administration policy, has decided to sign on to a U.N. declaration that calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality, the State Department said on Wednesday.\nState Department spokesman Robert Wood said the Obama administration, which took office eight weeks ago, would now join 66 other U.N. member states who supported a U.N. statement in December that condemned human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.\n\"The United States is an outspoken defender of human rights and critic of human rights abuses around the world,\" Wood told reporters.\n\"As such, we join with other supporters of this statement, and we will continue to remind countries of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people in all appropriate international fora.\"\nGay rights groups immediately welcomed the move.\n\"The administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals,\" said Mark Bromley, who chairs the Council for Global Equality.\nThe U.N. General Assembly had been split over the issue of gay rights, with many Muslim countries refusing to sign on to the statement because of opposition to international attempts to legalize homosexuality.\nA rival statement read out by Syria at the time gathered about 60 signatures from the 192-nation assembly.\nThe United States was the only western state not to sign on to the gay rights document. All European Union member states endorsed it, as did Canada, Australia and Japan.\n'NO LEGAL OBLIGATIONS'\nIn a move that angered U.S. gay rights groups, the Bush administration argued that the broad framing of the language in the statement created conflict with U.S. laws.\nThe rationale was that favoring gay rights in a U.N. document might be interpreted as an attempt by the U.S. federal government to override individual states' rights on issues like gay marriage.\nPressed on this issue, Wood said a \"careful\" interagency review by the Obama administration found that signing on to the U.N. document \"commits us to no legal obligations.\"\nDivision in the General Assembly over the U.N. declaration reflects conflicting laws worldwide on the issue.\nAccording to the sponsors of the Franco-Dutch text of the document, homosexuality is illegal in 77 countries, seven of which punish it by death. Continued...",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "UN Statement on \"Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity\"",
"text": "UN Statement on \"Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity\"\nRobert Wood\nActing Department Spokesman, Office of the Spokesman\nBureau of Public Affairs\nWashington, DC\nThe United States supports the UN Statement on “Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity,” and is pleased to join the other 66 UN member states who have declared their support of this Statement that condemns human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity wherever they occur.\nThe United States is an outspoken defender of human rights and critic of human rights abuses around the world. As such, we join with the other supporters of this Statement and we will continue to remind countries of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people in all appropriate international fora.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Pope's condom stance sparks row",
"text": "Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Advertisement Several EU states have criticised Pope Benedict for saying that the use of condoms could endanger public health and increase the problem of HIV/Aids. The Pope argued that distribution of condoms aggravated the problem, rather than helping to contain the virus, as he began a visit to Africa this week. France's foreign ministry said condoms were fundamental to prevention. German ministers said it was irresponsible to withhold family planning from the poorest of the poor. The Roman Catholic Church believes marital fidelity and sexual abstinence are the best way to prevent the spread of HIV. Some 22 million people are infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, according to UN figures for 2007. This amounts to about two-thirds of the global total. 'Extremely harmful' French foreign ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier said: \"While it is not up to us to pass judgment on Church doctrine, we consider that such comments are a threat to public health policies and the duty to protect human life.\" The Pope is making matters worse\nBert Koenders\nDutch development minister\nWhy the Pope opposes condoms In Berlin, German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt and Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul said in a joint statement: \"Condoms save lives, in Europe as well as on other continents. \"Modern assistance to the developing world today must make access to family planning available to the poorest of the poor - especially the use of condoms. \"Anything else would be irresponsible.\" Dutch Development Minister Bert Koenders said it was \"extremely harmful and very serious\" that the Pope was \"forbidding people from protecting themselves\". \"There is an enormous stigma surrounding the subject of Aids and Aids sufferers face serious discrimination,\" he added. \"The Pope is making matters worse.\" 'Increasing the problem' On his way to Cameroon, the Pope said HIV/Aids was \"a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which can even increase the problem\".\nPope's visit raises hopes Can Catholicism help Africa? The solution lay, he said, in a \"spiritual and human awakening\" and \"friendship for those who suffer\". Campaigners say condoms are one of the few methods proven to stop the spread of HIV. Rebecca Hodes, of the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa, said the Pope's \"opposition to condoms conveys that religious dogma is more important to him than the lives of Africans\". On Wednesday, the Pope attended a gathering of more than 30 Cameroonian bishops in the capital, Yaounde.\nThe Pope said Catholicism faced a threat from superstition He told the bishops they had to preserve traditional African families and protect the country's poor. \"In the context of globalisation with which we are all familiar, the Church takes a particular interest in those who are most deprived,\" he said. He said it was the duty of Christians to help to build \"a more just world where everyone can live with dignity\", the Associated Press reported. The Pope also warned of a threat to the Catholic Church in Cameroon from evangelical movements and from the \"growing influence of superstitious forms of religion\". Earlier on Wednesday, he held a private meeting with Mr Biya at the presidential palace. The BBC's Caroline Duffield in Yaounde says Mr Biya's consistent electoral victories have been widely condemned as fraudulent. Having spoken out publically against corruption, many Cameroonians will be hoping that the Pope delivered his message in private as well, says our correspondent. Pope Benedict is due to end his visit to Africa with a stop in Angola.\nBookmark with: Delicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "U.N. divided over gay rights declaration",
"text": "By Patrick Worsnip\nUNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. General Assembly split over the issue of gay rights on Thursday after a European-drafted statement calling for decriminalization of homosexuality prompted an Arab-backed one opposing it.\nDiplomats said a joint statement initiated by France and the Netherlands gathered 66 signatures in the 192-nation assembly after it was read out by Argentina at a plenary session. A rival statement, read out by Syria, gathered some 60.\nThe two statements remained open for further signatures, the diplomats said. No resolution was drafted on the issue and there was no voting, they added.\nThe division in the General Assembly reflected conflicting laws in the world at large. According to sponsors of the Franco-Dutch text, homosexuality is illegal in 77 countries, seven of which punish it by death.\nThe European Union-backed document, noting that the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was marked this month, said those rights applied equally to all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.\nIt urged states \"to take all the necessary measures, in particular legislative or administrative, to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests or detention.\"\nBut the opposing document said the statement \"delves into matters which fall essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of states\" and could lead to \"the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia.\"\n\"We note with concern the attempts to create 'new rights' or 'new standards,' by misinterpreting the Universal Declaration and international treaties to include such notions that were never articulated nor agreed by the general membership,\" it added.\nThis, it said, could \"seriously jeopardize the entire international human rights framework.\"\nMuslim countries have for years opposed international attempts to legalize homosexuality.\nU.S. officials said the United States had not signed either document. They said the broad framing of the language in the statement supporting decriminalization created conflicts with U.S. law, but gave no further details.\nBut Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen told reporters it was a \"very special day at the U.N.\"\n\"For the first time in history a large group of member states speaks out in the General Assembly against discrimination based on sexual orientation,\" he said. \"With today's statement, this is no longer a taboo within the U.N.\"\nSyrian Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari told reporters sponsors of the statement had \"cornered\" other members by springing the declaration on them.\n(Editing by David Storey)",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "it",
"title": "No del Vaticano all' ambasciatore gay",
"text": "Diplomazie Bloccata sul nascere anche la designazione di uno scrittore divorziato e risposato. E gli stop raffreddano Parigi\nNo del Vaticano all' ambasciatore gay\nRespinta la proposta della Francia, che rimane da un anno senza rappresentante\nCITTÀ DEL VATICANO - È ormai quasi un anno che la Francia, «la figlia primogenita della Chiesa», non ha un ambasciatore a rappresentarla presso la Santa Sede, una vacanza che non ha precedenti per la sua durata nella storia recente dei rapporti fra Vaticano e Parigi e che è stata prolungata dal rifiuto di un diplomatico omosessuale che convive con il suo compagno. Per due volte la scelta del Quai d' Orsay per Villa Bonaparte, la sede della rappresentanza nel cuore di Roma, è stata respinta. La prima volta la scelta è stata bloccata sul nascere quando è stato fatto presente al presidente Nicolas Sarkozy che lo scrittore Denis Tillinac da lui proposto era sì un fervente cattolico, ma era anche un divorziato risposato, cosa che avrebbe incontrato un' inevitabile bocciatura vaticana. Era caduta nel frattempo l' idea dello stesso Sarkozy d' inviare in Vaticano lo storico Max Gallo. La seconda volta la vicenda si è trasformata in un vero e proprio contrasto, benché rimasto a livelli molto riservati, perché il candidato è stato formalmente proposto nel rispetto di tutte le regole con una comunicazione ufficiale alla Segreteria di Stato vaticana. La risposta è stata un no secco, perché si trattava di un altissimo funzionario del Quai d' Orsay omosessuale dichiarato. Il rifiuto ha naturalmente raffreddato la volontà del Ministero di accelerare la nomina dell' ambasciatore. Anche perché si dice che l' alto funzionario, candidato all' incarico, sia rimasto molto ferito dal rifiuto, dal momento che è un cattolico praticante molto impegnato. Neppure la visita del papa a Parigi è valsa ad accelerare i tempi della nomina del successore dell' ambasciatore Bernard Kesseddjian, morto proprio alla vigilia della visita in Vaticano di Sarkozy. Il compito di accompagnare il pontefice in Francia è stato così affidato al segretario dell' ambasciata Pierre Cochard. Il Figaro Magazine ha seguito la vicenda parlando di vari rifiuti. Tra questi ci sarebbe stato anche quello del segretario generale aggiunto del Quai d' Orsay, Jean-Loup Kuhn-Delforge, che sarebbe stato «bocciato» a causa del suo «profilo personale». Così L' Elysée cerca ancora il candidato giusto. In lizza Stéphane Chmelewsky, un diplomatico che ha organizzato il viaggio del Papa e che è appoggiato da Emmanuelle Mignon (una delle più ascoltate fra i consiglieri personali di Sarkozy). Ma anche Marc Odendall, un uomo d' affari, amministratore d' istituzioni umanitarie, ben introdotto in Vaticano».",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Asexual ants discovered |
According to research undertaken at the University of Texas at Austin (and recently published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B Journal), a species of ant (Mycocepurus smithii) found in the Amazon reproduces asexually. The species is thought to be the first such species discovered.
The possibility that ''Mycocepurus smithii'' reproduces asexually had previously been suggested by Hermógenes Fernandez-Marin, "The possibility that females reproduce parthenogenetically is suggested by the conspicuous lack of males in reproductive colonies."
Molecular genetic results reported in the Royal Society Proceedings indicate that members of ''Mycocepurus smithii'' colonies are genetically identical, consistent with asexual reproduction. Anna Himler, the biologist leading the research commented that "In social insects there are a number of different types of reproduction," but continued that "... this species has evolved its own unusual mode."
Further research into when the species became asexual and why this change occurred is being undertaken.
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"North America",
"United States",
"South America",
"Science and technology",
"Species discovery",
"Amazon rainforest",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Ants inhabit 'world without sex'",
"text": "By Victoria Gill\nScience reporter, BBC News\nThese ants do not need males An Amazonian ant has dispensed with sex and developed into an all-female species, researchers have found. The ants reproduce via cloning - the queen ants copy themselves to produce genetically identical daughters. This species - the first ever to be shown to reproduce entirely without sex - cultivates a garden of fungus, which also reproduces asexually. The finding of the ants' \"world without sex\" is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Anna Himler, the biologist from the University of Arizona who led the research, told BBC News that the team used a battery of tests to verify their findings. Unusual evolution By \"fingerprinting\" DNA of the ant species - Mycocepurus smithii - they found them all to be clones of the colony's queen. And when they dissected the female insects, they found them to be physically incapable of mating, as an essential part of their reproductive system known as the \"mussel organ\" had degenerated. This species has evolved its own unusual mode of reproduction\nAnna Himler\nUniversity of Arizona Asexual reproduction of males from unfertilised eggs is a normal part of some insect reproduction, but asexual reproduction of females is \"exceedingly rare in ants\", wrote the researchers. \"In social insects, there are a number of different types of reproduction,\" explained Dr Himler. \"But this species has evolved its own unusual mode.\" She and her colleagues do not know exactly why this particular species has become fully asexual, and how long ago the phenomenon evolved. They are carrying out further genetic experiments, which will enable them to estimate how long ago the evolutionary change occurred. No sex please There are advantages to life without sex, Dr Himler explained. \"It avoids the energetic cost of producing males, and doubles the number of reproductive females produced each generation from 50% to 100% of the offspring.\" But combining genetic material in sexual reproduction gives future generations many more advantages. \"If we're more diverse, we're more resistant to parasites and disease,\" explained Laurent Keller, an expert in social insects from the University of Lausanne. \"In a colony of clones, if one ant is susceptible to a parasite, they will all be susceptible. So if you're asexual, you normally don't last very long. \"But in ants we're seeing more and more reports of unusual methods of reproduction,\" added Professor Keller, who was not involved in this study. He also points out that social insects, like ants, may be particularly well suited to this type of reproduction because it enables the queen to control the caste and sex of all the offspring in her colony. The first farmers Dr Himler's interest in Mycocepurus smithii was originally sparked not by their unusually biased sex ratio, but by their ability to cultivate crops. \"Ants discovered farming long before we did - they have been cultivating fungus gardens for an estimated 80 million years. More interested in gardening than sex \"They collect plant material, insect faeces and even dead insects from the forest floor and feed it to their crops,\" she said. Many different species of ant - including the famous leafcutter ants - cultivate fungi, relying on it for nutrition. But this particular species is able to grow \"a greater number of crops than other ant species\", she explained. \"When we started to study this species more closely, we just weren't finding any males. That's when we started to look at them in a different way.\" Since the fungus crop reproduces asexually, Dr Himler thinks it might give the ants some kind of advantage \"not to operate under the usual constraints of sexual reproduction\". \"There is certainly more work to be done in this system,\" she added. \"We're quite excited about the direction this research might take us, and its implications.\"\nBookmark with: Delicious\nDigg\nreddit\nFacebook\nStumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Satelliten im All zerschellt - Trümmerfeld gefährdet andere Satelliten |
Wie am 12. Februar des Jahres bekannt wurde, sind bereits am Dienstag ein amerikanischer und ein ausgedienter russischer Kommunikationssatellit über Sibirien in 800 Kilometern Höhe frontal kollidiert. Die dabei entstandene Trümmerwolke von momentan gezählten „mehreren Dutzend Teilen“ laut Mark Matney vom Johnson Raumfahrtzentrum in Houston bedroht andere Satelliten in den umliegenden Umlaufbahnen, da ein Zusammenstoß mit einem Trümmerteil zu schweren Beschädigungen führen würde. Für die Internationale Raumstation (ISS) bestehe laut Angaben der US-Weltraumbehörde NASA keine Gefahr, da diese über mehrere Schutzschilde verfüge, welche potentielle Trümmerteile abfangen würden. Auch für die Erde wird es kaum eine Bedrohung sein, da erwartet wird, dass diese Trümmerteile beim Wiedereintritt in die Erdatmosphäre verglühen.
Ein Iridium-Satellit (Archivbild).
Ein absichtliches Herbeiführen der Kollision wird nach derzeitigem Erkenntnisstand ausgeschlossen. Die Europäische Weltraumorganisation (ESA) äußerte die Befürchtung, dass die entstandene Trümmerwolke für ihre Satelliten gefährlich werden könnte. Sie sprach von zunehmender Gefährdung durch Weltraumschrott. Man geht davon aus, dass zirka 17.000 Teile Schrott mit einem Durchmesser von mehr als zehn Zentimetern im Weltraum um die Erde kreisen.
| [
"Themenportal Unfall",
"Unbemannte Raumfahrt",
"Raumfahrt allg."
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Satelliten-Kollision war erst der Anfang",
"text": "Gefährlicher Weltraumschrott:\nSatelliten-Kollision war erst der Anfang\n13. Feb 13:27\nWeltraumschrott wird für die Raumfahrt zunehmend zum Problem. Er hat in den vergangenen Jahren so stark zugenommen, dass er für Flüge der US-Raumfähren ein größeres Risiko darstellt als die Gefahr in den Start- und Landephasen. Seit Jahren überwacht eine eigene Einheit der US-Streitkräfte, das Space Surveillance Network, den Schrott. 17 Radaranlagen und acht Teleskope auf der Erde sowie ein Teleskop im Orbit scannen die Umlaufbahnen. Den Beobachtungen nach umkreisen derzeit rund 17.000 Trümmerteile mit einer Größe von mindestens zehn Zentimetern die Erde. Dazu kommen noch rund eine halbe Million kleinere Schrottsplitter mit einer Größe von ein bis zehn Zentimetern.\nDurch den Zusammenprall der zwei Satelliten am Dienstag 800 Kilometer über Sibirien kommen nun weitere Trümmer hinzu. «Momentan werden mehrere Dutzend Teile gezählt, sagte Mark Matney vom Johnson Raumfahrtzentrum in Houston. «Ich nehme an, dass es mehrere hundert sind, wenn die Zählung abgeschlossen ist», sagte der auf die Erforschung der Weltraumtrümmer spezialisierte Astronom. Die beiden künstlichen Himmelskörper kollidierten mit einer Geschwindigkeit von rund zehn Kilometer pro Sekunde.\nDer Zusammprall zweier Satelliten im All hat in einer ohnehin schon überfüllten Umlaufbahn eine Trümmerwolke um die Erde geschickt. Die kleinen Geschosse gefährden nun auch Esa-Satelliten.\nISS nicht gefährdet\nDie Teile der beiden Satelliten wurden in Umlaufbahnen geschossen, die sich in 500 bis 1300 Kilometern über der Erde befinden, wie der russische Generalmajor Alexander Jakuschin mitteilte. Die Trümmerteile umkreisen die Erde nun mit einer Geschwindigkeit von etwa 200 Metern in der Sekunde. Es wird nach Einschätzung der Nasa Wochen dauern, bis feststeht, ob die Trümmerteile andere Satelliten oder das Weltraumteleskop Hubble gefährden könnten. Die Internationale Raumstation ISS und der kommende Start der Raumfähre «Discovery» am 22. Februar sind ersten Angaben nach aber nicht gefährdet. Wie die Organisation «Union of Concerned Scientists» mitteilte, ereignete sich der Zusammenprall in einer extrem überfüllten Umlaufbahn des Orbits. Bei der Kollision am Dienstag seien besonders viele kleine Teile weggesprengt worden, die nun für Jahrzehnte die Erde umkreisen. Die Wucht des Zusammenpralls habe eine Trümmerwolke verursacht, die ähnlich der Druckwelle eines Schusses die anderen Satelliten in dieser Höhe treffe, sagte David Wright von der Vereinigung. Die kleinen Trümmerteile zwischen einem und zehn Zentimetern seien dabei besonders gefährlich, da sie von den Scannern nicht bemerkt werden und somit einer weiteren Kollision ausgewichten werden könne.\nAngst bei der Esa\nAuch bei der europäischen Raumfahragentur Esa wird mit Sorge auf die eigenen Satelliten geschaut. Die beiden Presitigeobjekte, die Erdbeobachtungssatelliten «ERS-2» und «Envisat», umkreisen in exakt derselben Umlaufbahn wie die Unglückssatelliten die Erde. Ein Zusammenprall mit den rasend schnellen Trümmern würde fast zwangsläufig den Totalverlust bedeuten. Beide Erdbeobachter kosten jeweils mehrere Milliarden Euro. Vor der Kollision am Dienstag waren vier Fälle bekannt, bei denen Objekte im Weltraum zusammengestoßen sind. Dabei handelte es sich aber um kleinere Satelliten oder ausgebrannte Raketenstufen. «Wir wussten, dass dies irgendwann einmal passieren würde», kommentiert Nasa-Astronom Matney den jüngsten Vorfall. «Kollisionen werden in den kommenden Jahrzehnten eine immer größere Bedeutung haben.»\nHohe Geschwindigkeit\nNach Angaben «Union of Concerned Scientists» gab es im Jahr 2006 mehr als 800 aktive Satelliten im All. Der an der Kollision beteiligte russische Satellit Kosmos-2251 hatte ein Gewicht von nahezu 1000 Kilogramm, er wurde bereits 1993 für die militärische Kommunikation in den Weltraum gebracht und war seit 1995 nicht mehr funktionsfähig. Der amerikanische Iridium-Satellit wog 560 Kilogramm und zog seit 1997 seine Kreise um die Erde. Die US-Firma Iridium LLC betreibt zurzeit 65 aktive Satelliten im Weltraum. Ihr Hauptzweck ist die Übertragung von Gesprächen und Daten mit Satellitentelefonen. Acht Ersatzsatelliten kreisen zusätzlich, die bei einem Ausfall einspringen können. Die Iridium-Satelliten haben eine ungewöhnlich niedrige Umlaufbahn und rasen mit besonders hoher Geschwindigkeit um die Erde.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Passenger flight crashes upon landing at Calicut airport in India |
Yesterday, an passenger flight attempted a landing at at , Kerala in India. The aircraft overshot the around 7:38 pm (1408 ) in the evening and slid off before breaking into at least two pieces. According to authorities, at least a dozen people lost their lives and scores more were injured.
This is the aircraft which crashed, as seen in 2008.
Air India Express flight 1344 (AXB1344/IX1344) was en-route from Dubai, UAE making its second attempt at a landing at Calicut during rains. The flight was part of the to return Indian nationals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aircraft was a .
According to the , Calicut has a , so when the aircraft failed to stop on the runway, it fell into a ditch or gorge. The aircraft broke into two pieces but did not catch fire, according to the . There were 190 people on board, six of them crew members.
Civil Aviation Minister said 18 people died. 149 of the survivors have been hospitalized. Hardeep also stated that both of the have been recovered.
Among the dead are both the pilot and co-pilot. The said, "The injured persons have been rushed to Kozhikode Medical College and other nearby hospitals. Those admitted are having serious injuries."
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote, "My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. ... Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected."
| [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Aviation accidents and incidents",
"Narendra Modi"
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "Air India Express Flight Crash Live Updates: Kozhikode airport temporarily shut",
"text": "'There was a big noise, don't know what happened after that': Survivor\nRescue workers at site after a passenger plane crashed when it overshot the runway at the Calicut International Airport in Karipur, in Kerala on August 7, 2020. (Reuters Photo)\nAn Air India Express flight overshot and fell 50 metres off the end of the runway at the Kozhikode airport on Friday, breaking into two. At least 20 of the 190 people on board, including both the pilot and the co-pilot, were killed in the crash.\nA DGCA probe team arrived in Kozhikode along with junior minister of external affairs V Muraleedhran early on Saturday.\nAccording to hospital sources, at least 20 of the injured are in a critical condition. Some of the injured have received spinal cord injuries in the impact, they said.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Air India Express flight en route from Dubai skids off runway while landing at Kozhikode: Reports",
"text": "Air India Express flight en route from Dubai skids off runway while landing at Kozhikode: Reports\nindia\nUpdated: Aug 07, 2020 20:48 IST\nAn Air India Express flight with 180 passengers on board en route from Dubai skidded off the runway while landing at Karipur Airport, Kozhikode on Friday evening, news channels reported.\nThe Air India Express flight was about to land at Kerala’s Kozhikode when the accident happened.\nMore reports are awaited.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Air India plane crash: 16 people dead, 4 still stuck under the debris | Updates",
"text": "Air India Express plane crash: Air India plane has crashed at Karipur Airport in Kozhikode. The plane was landing at the airport. As per the images at hand, the plane can be seen in severely damaged condition. It was a Dubai-Kozhikode Air India flight number IX-1344. The cockpit and cabin have suffered extensive damage. Deepak Sathe, the pilot of the plane has died in the crash. It was raining heavily at the time of the accident. The runway that the plane was landing on was not too long. There were 191 people on-board including the flight crew.The crash took place between 7:30 and 7:45 pm on Friday evening.\nThe rescue effort is on. 30-40 people have been admitted to hospital.\nAs the plane crashed, the first 5 rows of seats suffered extensive damage. It is being reported that it is highly unlikely that passengers seated in these rows would survive the crash.\nLIVE UPDATES:\n10:45 pm - 16 people confirmed dead in the accident\n10:25 pm - \"11 people have died,\" Kerala DGP tells India TV. Four people are still stuck in the debris.\n10:23 pm - 14 dead, 123 injured and 15 seriously injured in Kozhikode plane crash, says ANI\n10:08 pm - Pained by the plane accident in Kozhikode. My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. Spoke to Kerala CM @vijayanpinarayi Ji regarding the situation. Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected.\nPained by the plane accident in Kozhikode. My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. Spoke to Kerala CM @vijayanpinarayi Ji regarding the situation. Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 7, 2020\n9:57 pm - \"Locals have rushed to the crashsite with their vehicles to volunteer in rescue work,\" Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan told Rajat Sharma.\n9:55 pm - Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan speaks with Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan\n9:47 pm - Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan expresses shock over the tragedy.\nThe CM has asked all govt agencies to engage in rescue operations using all government facilities.\nThe CM has deputed AC Moideen, Minister for Local Bodies, to coordinate the rescue operations. AC Moideen has already left for Karipur from thrisur.\nCM also has deputed an IG of Police to oversee the rescue operation. Fire and Rescue teams of two districts have also been engaged.\nHealth authorities have been instructed to provide all possible medical aid to save the lives of victims.\n9:45 pm - The plane was being flowen\n9:42 pm - \"Shocked at the devastating news of the plane mishap in Kozhikode. Deepest condolences to the friends and family of those who died in this accident. Prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured,\" tweeted Rahul Gandhi\nShocked at the devastating news of the plane mishap in Kozhikode. Deepest condolences to the friends and family of those who died in this accident. Prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured. — Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) August 7, 2020\n9:42 pm - NDRF teams rushed to Karipur Airport for rescue effort.\n9:40 pm - Air India Express Flight No IX 1344 from Dubai to Calicut skidded off the runway. We will keep you updated as and when we receive further updates. Our helplines - 056 546 3903, 0543090572, 0543090572, 0543090575: Consulate General of India, Dubai\n9:37 pm - The flight was a Vande Bharat flight\n9:30 pm - Two deaths confirmed, number feared to rise.\n9:30 pm - 10 infants were onboard the crashed plane.\n9:29 pm - Image Source : INDIA TV Image shows two pieces of the aircraft\n9:27 pm - Reports of the death of the pilot, co-pilot reported to be in serious condition\n9:20 pm - Out of 191 people on board, 174 were passengers. 5 comprised the cabin crew and 2 pilots.\n9:15 pm - Aerial image shows two pieces of the aircraft\nImage Source : INDIA TV Aerial image shows the pieces of the crashed plane\n9:00 pm - \"Air India Express IX-1344, B737 Dubai to Calicut, person on board 191, visibility 2000 meter, heavy rain, after landing Runway 10, continued running to end of runway and fell down in the valley and broke down in two pieces,\" said DGCA.\n(More to follow)\nLatest India News\nFight against Coronavirus: Full coverage",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Kerala plane crash: Air India plane breaks in two at Calicut runway",
"text": "An Air India Express plane with 191 people on board has crashed at an airport in the southern state of Kerala, officials say.\nThe aircraft, en route from Dubai, skidded off the runway and broke in two at Calicut airport upon landing, India's aviation authority said.\nRescue operations are under way, with emergency services at the scene.\nAt least two people, including the pilot, have died, the BBC has been told.\nSeveral passengers are injured, a spokesman for the airline said.\nThe airline said there were 184 passengers including 10 children, and six crew members, including two pilots, on board flight IX-1344 when it crashed.\nThe Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said the plane fell into a valley and broke in two after skidding off the end of the runway. Images carried by Indian media show the aircraft broken in two pieces.\nThe incident happened at around 19:00 local time (14:30 BST) amid heavy rainfall in the region.\nThere have been flooding and landslides, as India's monsoon season reaches its peak.\nIn May 2010, 158 people died when an Air India Express flight overshot Mangalore airport runway and crashed.\nThis breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.\nYou can receive Breaking News on a smartphone or tablet via the BBC News App. You can also follow @BBCBreaking on Twitter to get the latest alerts.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
pt | Protestos de estudantes em Caracas deixa um morto e vários feridos |
A Venezuela, simbolidada por sua bandeira
Protestos pacífico de estudantes universitários em Caracas, Venezuela, deixa um morto e vários feridos. A manifestação é por conta das medidas de Hugo Chavez para permitir legalmente sua re-eleição indefinidamente. Homens de milícias armadas pró-chaves mascarados dispararam contra os estudantes no campus da Universidade Central da Venezuela, UCV. 123 pessoas foram sequestradas pelas milícias, mas já foram libertadas pelos Serviços de Protecção Civil e dos Bombeiros Metropolitanos de Caracas.
| [
"América do Sul",
"Política e conflitos",
"Referendo Reforma Constitucional Venezuelana 2007",
"Hugo Chávez",
"Política na Venezuela"
] | [
"language": "pt",
"title": "Protesto contra reforma acaba em tiroteio em Caracas",
"text": "Pelo menos oito pessoas ficaram feridas, duas delas baleadas, em um incidente ocorrido no campus da Universidade Central da Venezuela, em Caracas, nesta quarta-feira. Segundo relatos de testemunhas, homens encapuzados abriram fogo contra estudantes que voltavam de um protesto pacífico no centro da cidade contra a reforma constitucional proposta pelo presidente Hugo Chávez. Os tiros provocaram confusão e correria entre os estudantes. Uma testemunha disse à agência de notícias Reuters que, depois dos primeiros disparos, apoiadores do presidente passaram pela região em motocicletas, atirando para o alto. Policiais foram enviados para o trajeto da protesto para evitar confrontos entre apoiadores de Chávez e manifestantes. O campus da universidade, que é considerada um centro de oposição ao governo de Chávez, também foi cercado pela polícia. Marcha Os estudantes haviam participado de uma marcha que reuniu milhares de pessoas no centro de Caracas, até a sede do Tribunal Supremo de Justiça, onde os manifestantes entregaram um documento em que pedem o adiamento do referendo para aprovar a reforma constitucional, marcado para 2 de dezembro. A reforma foi aprovada pela Assembléia Nacional da Venezuela na semana passada e agora vai ser votada em um referendo popular. Entre as mudanças mais polêmicas está o fim do limite no número de vezes que o presidente pode ser reeleito. A Constituição vigente prevê apenas uma reeleição direta, com um período de seis anos para cada mandato. Outros artigos propõem a redução da jornada de trabalho de oito para seis horas diárias, o fim da autonomia do Banco Central, a inclusão do \"poder popular\" na escala dos poderes nacional, estatal e local e a proibição do latifúndio. O polêmico artigo 337 limita o acesso à informação em caso de estado de exceção. A oposição critica o projeto de reforma da Constituição por \"concentrar poderes\" e \"atentar contra o princípio de alternabilidade na Presidência\". Apoiadores do presidente, no entanto, afirmam que as mudanças vão aprofundar a democracia no país e estabelecer as bases para a formação de um Estado socialista venezuelano. Na semana passada, estudantes e policiais entraram em choque duas vezes em manifestações contra a reforma.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
de | Neue Steuerregelung für ausländische Händler in Australien |
Australiens Lage auf der Südhalbkugel
In knapp einem Jahr, ab dem 18. Juli 2018, wird Australien von Händlern, welche Waren in den Staat auf der Südhalbkugel verkaufen wollen, die Waren- und Dienstleistungssteuer, zu englisch ''Goods and Services Tax'', kurz ''GST'', erheben. Betroffen sein werden Waren, die durch Händler, Online-Anbieter und Wiederverkäufer vertrieben werden.
Sitz des ''Australian Tax Office's'' in Melbourne im Stadtteil Moonee Ponds
Alle Unternehmen, welche jährlich mehr als 75.000 Australische Dollar (AUD), was ungefähr nach aktuellem Wechselkurs 51.000 Euro entspricht, durch den Verkauf von Waren einnehmen, sind verpflichtet, GST zu erheben und sich bei der australischen Steuerbehörde, der ''Australian Tax Office'', kurz ''ATO'', zu registrieren.
Lediglich Händler und Unternehmen, die pro Jahr steuerpflichtige Lieferungen, einbezogen sind Waren von geringem Wert, ab einem Wert von 75.000 AUD, werden von dieser neuen Steuerregelung betroffen sein. Händler und Unternehmen, welche mit einem Wert von unter 75.000 AUD Waren verkaufen, sollen demzufolge nicht davon betroffen sein. Des Weiteren wird die australische Steuerbehörde keine ''GST'' auf Einfuhrwaren mit einem Wert über 1.000 AUD erheben, da diese den bestehenden Zollabgaben, sowie den Grenzabgaben unterliegen.
Nach der Änderung zufolge soll sichergestellt werden, dass Waren „faireren Wettbewerbsbedingungen zwischen lokalen Unternehmen und ihren globalen Wettbewerbern geschaffen“ sind. Inländische Waren müssen die ''GST'' berechnen.
| [
"Themenportal Politik",
"Themenportal Wirtschaft",
"Themenportal Recht",
"Themenportal Arbeit und Soziales",
"Wirtschaft in Australien",
"Politik in Australien",
"Recht in Australien",
"Themenportal Australien"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "Australische Steuerbehörde führt neue Steuerregelung für internationale Händler ein",
"text": "Australische Waren- und Dienstleistungssteuer (Goods and Services Tax, GST) wird für internationale Unternehmen gelten, die Waren von geringem Wert an Verbraucher in Australien verkaufen\nCanberra, Australien (ots/PRNewswire) - Ab dem 1. Juli 2018 verlangt Australien von Unternehmen, die Waren nach Australien verkaufen, die Erhebung einer Waren- und Dienstleistungssteuer (Goods and Services Tax, GST) auf Waren mit einem Wert von 1.000 Australischen Dollar (AUD) oder weniger. Hierbei handelt es sich um Waren, die von Händlern, Online-Marktplätzen und durch Wiederverkäufer vertrieben werden.\nUnternehmen, die pro Jahr mehr als ein 75.000 AUD dieser Waren von geringem Wert an Verbraucher in Australien verkaufen, müssen sich bei der australischen Steuerbehörde (Australian Tax Office, ATO) anmelden und GST auf diese Verkäufe berechnen.\nDiejenigen, die pro Jahr steuerpflichtige Lieferungen (einschließlich Waren von geringem Wert) in einem Wert von weniger als 75.000 AUD an Verbraucher in Australien vornehmen, werden nicht betroffen sein. Die Erhebung von GST auf Waren mit einem Wert von über 1.000 AUD wird nicht verlangt, da diese den bestehenden Grenzabgaben, Zoll- und Einfuhrabfertigungsprozessen unterliegen.\nDie Änderung wird sicherstellen, dass Waren von geringem Wert, die von Verbrauchern importiert werden, die gleiche Steuerbehandlung wie aus Australien stammende Waren erfahren. So werden fairere Wettbewerbsbedingungen zwischen lokalen Unternehmen und ihren globalen Wettbewerbern geschaffen, da inländische Lieferanten, unabhängig vom Wert des Produkts, bereits GST berechnen müssen.\nDie australischen Online-Shopping-Gewohnheiten haben in den letzten Jahren stetig zugenommen, wovon ausländische Einzelhändler profitieren. Diese Tendenz wird sich fortsetzen, was eine noch größere Chance für die Einzelhändler darstellt, die weiterhin im Begriff sind, Markentreue und -wiedererkennung auf dem australischen Markt auszubauen. Der NAB Online Retail Sales Index (http://business. schätzte, dass Australier in diesem Jahr bis März 2017 im Online-Einzelhandel 22 Milliarden Dollar ausgegeben haben, ein Anstieg um neun Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr.\n\"Viele Lieferanten sind heutzutage weltweit aktiv und für australische Einwohner ist es oft genauso einfach, physische Waren bei einem ausländischen Lieferanten einzukaufen wie bei einem vor Ort\", sagte Kate Roff, Assistant Commissioner bei der ATO.\n\"Für viele australische Verbraucher ist es zur gängigen Praxis geworden, eine breite Auswahl an Produkten, wie beispielsweise Kleidung, Elektronik und andere Waren bei Online-Händlern zu erwerben. Das neue Gesetz verlangt von Unternehmen im Ausland, einschließlich Online-Marktplätzen und Wiederverkäufern, GST auf diese Produkte zu erheben, was zu einer gleichmäßigeren steuerlichen Behandlung für alle Waren führt\", schloss Roff.\nUnternehmen im Ausland müssen sich nicht anmelden, sofern sie ausschließlich Firmenkundengeschäfte betreiben. Diejenigen, die angemeldet sind, müssen keine GST auf ihre geschäftlichen Umsätze erheben, wenn der Käufer seine Australian Business Number (ABN) und die Bestätigung seiner GST-Anmeldung zur Verfügung stellt.\nDie Regelung findet in Ergänzung anderer australischer GST-Änderungen statt, die ab dem 1. Juli 2017 in Kraft treten. Gemäß dieser müssen sich Unternehmen, die importierte Dienstleistungen oder digitale Produkte an in Australien ansässige Verbraucher verkaufen, zur GST anmelden und diese auf Verkäufe an australische Verbraucher anwenden. Dazu gehören Architektur- oder Rechtsdienstleistungen, das Streaming oder das Herunterladen von Filmen, Musik, Apps, Spielen, E-Books, Glücksspiel und Online-Kontaktbörsen.\n- auf unserer Website unter oder - per E-Mail-Anfrage an\nOTS: Australian Taxation Office newsroom: newsroom via RSS:\nPressekontakt:\nNick Timms Büro: +61-2-9928-1519 Mobil: +61-431-214-852",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
fr | La Corée du Nord démantelera ses installations nucléaires d'ici la fin de l'année |
La '''Corée du Nord''' a donné son accord à l'identification et au démantèlement de toutes ses installations nucléaires pour la fin de l'année a indiqué l'Assistant du Secrétaire d'État des États-Unis d'Amérique, Christopher Hill. Il s'agit d'une étape qui aidera à la normalisation des relations entre les deux gouvernements, a indiqué Christopher Hill.
Le 13 février 2007, la Corée du Nord a donné son accord aux États-Unis, à la Chine, à la Russie, à la Corée du Sud et au Japan pour le démantèlement de leur programme nucléaire en échange d'aide ainsi que de garanties diplomatiques et de sécurité.
a déclaré Christopher Hill.
Kim Kye-gwan, dirigeant de la délégation nord-coréenne, a indiqué aux journalistes qu'ils avaient eu des discussions très substantielles et que la Corée du Nord fera une déclaration complète de ses programmes nucléaires et les arrêtera d'ici la fin de l'année 2007.
| [
"Corée du Nord",
"Amérique du Nord",
"Énergie nucléaire",
"Politique et conflits",
] | [
"language": "en",
"title": "N.Korea agrees to disable nuclear program in 2007",
"text": "N.Korea agrees to disable nuclear program in 2007\nPrinter Friendly (Page 1 of 2)\nGENEVA (Reuters) - North Korea agreed in weekend talks with the United States to fully account for and disable its nuclear programs by the end of this year, negotiators said on Sunday.\n\"We had very good, very substantive talks,\" U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill told reporters. \"One thing that we agreed on is that (North Korea) will provide a full declaration of all of their nuclear programs and will disable their nuclear programs by the end of this year, 2007.\"\nNorth Korea's top nuclear envoy said separately his delegation was pleased with the outcome of the talks, held to hasten the end of Pyongyang's nuclear programme, a target agreed to in principle in 2005 in exchange for diplomatic and economic benefits.\n\"We agreed about many things,\" Kim Kye-gwan, speaking in Korean, told reporters. \"We made it clear, we showed clear willingness to declare and dismantle all nuclear facilities.\"\nHill said the details of the \"very important\" agreement would be worked out later this month when six-way negotiations -- which also involve South Korea, China, Russia and Japan -- reconvene with a plenary session hosted by China.\nHe did not say what the United States offered in return for the North Korean pledge.\nBut he confirmed the delegations did discuss the terms under which Washington would drop North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. Being on that list imposes a ban on arms-related sales and keeps the economically isolated Stalinist state from receiving some U.S. aid.\nKim told journalists that North Korea \"will receive political and economic compensation\" in relation to its declaration and disablement, but gave no details.\nThe day before the two-day talks began, Washington announced it would offer a significant food aid package to help Pyongyang recover from August floods that killed at least 600 people, made 170,000 homeless and destroyed many croplands.\nProgress in the international diplomatic drive to make the Korean peninsula nuclear-free has been slow since 2005.\nFollowing the Geneva meetings, North Korean and Japanese negotiators will meet in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, for another bilateral session of talks. A six-party plenary meeting is then expected to be held in mid-September, likely in Beijing. Continued ...\n© Reuters 2007. All Rights Reserved.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "North Korea to Dismantle Nuclear Facilities This Year (Update3)",
"text": "Sept. 2 (Bloomberg) -- North Korea agreed to a year-end deadline to identify and dismantle its nuclear facilities, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said.\nThe agreement, which came in the course of two days of talks in Geneva, covers uranium enrichment programs that the U.S. says could be used to make nuclear weapons. The two sides also discussed terms for removing North Korea from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, Hill said.\n``We will have to work out some of the details of this'' in the course of talks involving six nations that will resume later this month, Hill said. ``But we had a very good understanding of this today and an understanding that we need to pick up the pace and get through this phase in 2007.''\nNorth Korea agreed with the U.S., South Korea, Russia, China and Japan on Feb. 13 to dismantle its nuclear program in return for 1 million tons of fuel oil or the equivalent in economic aid, as well as security and diplomatic guarantees that included normalizing relations with the U.S.\nFollowing the February agreement, North Korea shut down and sealed its Yongbyon plant, including a reprocessing facility from which the country made enough fuel for several atomic weapons, according to the CIA. The six countries are trying to settle on terms for disabling all of communist North Korea's nuclear-arms program.\nPlaying by the Rules\n``If they abide by this agreement, it would be a huge breakthrough and a sign of their willingness to play by the rules,'' Thomas Byrne, senior vice president for Moody's Investors Service, said by telephone. ``It appears to indicate that the regime is worried for its survival and needs outside help in reviving the economy.''\nEarlier this summer Moody's upgraded the credit rating for South Korea, partly in response to signs of flexibility from North Korea. Tension with the north has made companies less willing to invest in South Korea, Byrne said.\nNorth Korea, a nation of 23 million people, depends on outside aid, mostly from China and South Korea, because of years of flooding, drought and economic mismanagement. The government has been criticized by the United Nations and other bodies for diverting resources to its nuclear program at the expense of feeding its population.\nVice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan, the head of North Korea's delegation, told reporters today, ``we made it clear, we showed clear willingness to declare and dismantle all nuclear facilities.'' He mentioned no dates, according to the Associated Press. ``We are happy with the way the peace talks went,'' Kim said, AP reported.\n`Full Declaration'\nThe North Korean government will ``provide a full declaration of all the nuclear programs and disable their nuclear programs by the end of this year,'' Hill told reporters today.\nNorth Korea was put on the U.S. State Department's list of nations sponsoring terrorism in 1988 after its agents were implicated in the bombing of a South Korean passenger airliner a year earlier that killed all 115 people on board. Designation as a state sponsor of terrorism results in U.S. sanctions, including curbs on economic aid and a ban on arms-related sales.\nKim declined to say whether the U.S. pledged to remove his government from its list of terrorism-sponsoring nations in return for North Korea's promise to shut down all nuclear facilities this year, the Korean news agency Kyodo reported.\nNorth Korean and Japanese negotiators will meet next week in Ulan Bator, Mongolia's capital. The six-party meeting follows in mid-September, probably in Beijing.\nTo contact the reporter on this story: Jennifer M. Freedman in Geneva at\nTo contact the editor responsible for this story: Eddie Buckle at",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |
en | Hundreds of victims still unidentified three months after Typhoon Frank |
stormed across the Philippine Sea June 21, 2008 capsizing numerous boats, killing hundreds and leaving an estimated 1,330 missing in total including 820 passengers and crew from the ferry.
A Requiem Mass held for the first 10 DNA-assisted identifications of victims of the Philippines ferry disasterSince then Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) teams in , Philippines made up of experts from the (NBI), the (ICMP). and INTERPOL have painstakingly matched from recovered bodies to that of blood samples donated by relatives of those still missing.
Analysis of DNA in ICMP's Sarajevo lab"The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage" according to a recent press release from the ICMP.
"With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives."
An NBI-DVI report explains "DNA matches are made by comparing profiles from victims to a database of profiles from their relatives. A minimum of two close relatives are sought for each individual."
NBI-DVI has so far collected 1,916 blood samples from relatives of missing victims representing 809 missing persons. These samples are then matched against the 318 DNA samples from recovered bodies received by the ICMP.
“Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board," said NBI Director Nestor M. Mantaring in the press release.
"The NBI, through its DVI team, was tasked with identifying the victims of this tragedy. With help from INTERPOL and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families.
"We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded.
| [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Missing persons",
"MV Princess of the Stars"
] | [
"language": "de",
"title": "PTC",
"text": "Anleitungen Hier findest du hilfreiche Anleitungen zur Reperatur von Haushaltsgeräten, Maschinen und Dingen rund ums Haus.",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "INTERPOL media release",
"text": "INTERPOL media release\n18 September 2008\nMilestone achieved in INTERPOL and ICMP efforts in DNA-assisted identification of Philippines typhoon disaster victims\nDNA samples are being analysed at the ICMP's laboratory in Sarajevo.\nNimal Mahagamage is leading INTERPOL's Incident Response Team in Cebu City.\nThe Disaster Victim Identification teams in Cebu City, made up of experts from the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), ICMP and INTERPOL and its member countries from around the world, announced 34 new identifications today – all made utilizing the most modern DNA-matching techniques at the ICMP.\nThe current total of 122 DNA-assisted identifications is more than double the target of 10 per week set by the NBI, INTERPOL and ICMP on August 17 when the first DNA-identified victims were returned to their families.\nThe multi-national identification effort, organized by INTERPOL in tandem with the NBI’s victim recovery process, is one of the most difficult mounted in recent times. The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage. With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives.\n“To have reached 100 DNA-assisted identifications is a significant milestone in terms of forensic achievements. More importantly it means that families who lost loved ones now have the opportunity to finally lay them to rest,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble.\n“INTERPOL has provided its full support in this effort from the beginning, and we will remain focused in our commitment to ensure the accurate and dignified identification of those who perished in this tragedy,” added Mr Noble.\nICMP Director General Kathryne Bomberger said, “Through our identification efforts, including the use of DNA analysis, ICMP is strongly committed to bringing a sense of closure to all those families who lost loved ones in this tragic event. We will continue to work closely with INTERPOL and the Government of the Philippines in handling this difficult process.”\nNBI Director Nestor M Mantaring said working closely with INTERPOL and the ICMP has been critical to the ongoing process.\n“Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board. The NBI, through its Disaster Victim Identification team, was tasked to identify the victims of this tragedy,” said Director Mantaring. “With help from the INTERPOL, and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families. We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded.\nThe identification work is painstaking and slow to ensure all identifications are accurate and no errors are made. “It is going to take some time to complete this most difficult task,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Noble. “But we are committed to doing all in our power to identify all of the victims of this tragedy where we have received sufficient identifying information. That is our goal.”",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
"language": "en",
"title": "Milestone achieved in INTERPOL and ICMP efforts in DNA-assisted identification of Philippines typhoon disaster victims",
"text": "INTERPOL and the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) today announced the 122nd victim identification following Typhoon Frank during which an estimated 1,330 people lost their lives, including 820 passengers and crew from the Princess of the Stars ferry.The Disaster Victim Identification teams in Cebu City, made up of experts from the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), ICMP and INTERPOL and its member countries from around the world, announced 34 new identifications today - all made utilizing the most modern DNA-matching techniques at the ICMP.\nThe current total of 122 DNA-assisted identifications is more than double the target of 10 per week set by the NBI, INTERPOL and ICMP on August 17 when the first DNA-identified victims were returned to their families.\nThe multi-national identification effort, organized by INTERPOL in tandem with the NBI’s victim recovery process, is one of the most difficult mounted in recent times. The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage. With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives.\n“To have reached 100 DNA-assisted identifications is a significant milestone in terms of forensic achievements. More importantly it means that families who lost loved ones now have the opportunity to finally lay them to rest,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble.\n“INTERPOL has provided its full support in this effort from the beginning, and we will remain focused in our commitment to ensure the accurate and dignified identification of those who perished in this tragedy,” added Mr Noble.\nICMP Director General Kathryne Bomberger said, “Through our identification efforts, including the use of DNA analysis, ICMP is strongly committed to bringing a sense of closure to all those families who lost loved ones in this tragic event. We will continue to work closely with INTERPOL and the Government of the Philippines in handling this difficult process.”\nNBI Director Nestor M Mantaring said working closely with INTERPOL and the ICMP has been critical to the ongoing process.\n“Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board. The NBI, through its Disaster Victim Identification team, was tasked to identify the victims of this tragedy,” said Director Mantaring\n“With help from the INTERPOL, and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families. We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded.\nThe identification work is painstaking and slow to ensure all identifications are accurate and no errors are made. “It is going to take some time to complete this most difficult task,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Noble. “But we are committed to doing all in our power to identify all of the victims of this tragedy where we have received sufficient identifying information. That is our goal.”",
"url": "",
"archive_url": ""
] |