56 values
The fact that someone called me a dyke for wearing hockey gear @URL
Scott, when your studies do not take into account multiple real-world factors, as I have learned is the case from speaking with other egghead traffic engineers, then yes, your studies are theoretical and not actual. I quiver in fear more and more every time I see some new and novel road designs being put in place, as they so often seem designed to inhibit and endanger traffic, and cause more problems than they solve. Case in point: the new Muldoon-Glenn Highway interchange, with its multiple sharp curves where a single straight traffic flow used to be. Again, allowing theory to triumph over practicality and common sense, as our slippery and icy roads for half of the year --- not to mention growing driver inattention and recklessness --- will surely cause many MORE accidents in that interchange than ever occurred before.
ظب السانك يا عديم النخوة والشرف والعرض
He should give thanks that he was born in North America. In many parts of the world the villagers would have took care of him. It would not be pretty!
` Please do not vandalize pages, as you did with this edit to Wentworth Military Academy and College. If you continue to do so, you will be blocked from editing. @ How's my driving? `
Not to worry Thomas, Justin will have to explain soon enough why he lied to get to office and broke all his campaign promises under. I'm sure those in the NDP that gave suffer dude his 39 percent will be delighted to hear them in 2019.
olha de perto a foto que ela dá um sorriso ...
Mo was my friend and coworker. I will be there with his family to see justice served!
The State's fiscal house is in such a mess, major re-consideration of the whole picture is called for, but the many trough-feeders will resist this similar to the way liberals continue to whine about the last election.
"Never has a less qualified man with a more bloated sense of self-worth ever run for office." They're absolutely was a person just like that -he will be the next President of the U.S.
Try when the med schools have just graduated their classes. In my area several doctors were setting up practices and taking new patients in the last couple of years.
Thank you Sir!
Kasich says to millennials. You're not that important. Other people from other countries need your job, your place in school, your healthcare. Quit worried about you or your wives being raped and killed. You don't need a wall, or secured borders, or really even a homeland. Get over yourselves.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report |Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
As occasional commenter (usually on public safety stories) Bryant Paul said so eloquently a while back about ANOTHER HPD misconduct story and being a cop these days, (paraphrasing here): "It's JUST a job...not a calling or some greater good. Pay for a service. Clock in, clock out."
There's no such thing as a "universal" background check because there's no way to enforce that on private transactions without a massive registration scheme (which is illegal). Your last comment just reveals your antipathy towards lawful gun owners and with it, your desire to eliminate civilian gun ownership altogether.
2 kişiye tek kişi seçim yatışı bu. Ekrem imamoğlu - rte binali yıldırım.
You got one thing right, the DNC only exists in the history books at this point. I don't see them making a comeback any time soon, maybe not ever.
And I'll state this bluntly: Ms. Speer and Layne Morris have suffered a loss. They seek redress for their pain and suffering. They are not trying to "cash in" on Mr. Khadr's suffering any more that Mr. Khadr could be said to be "cashing in" on their suffering when he accepted his $10 million dollar payout.
Don't disagree with most of your post, except that the number of units to a building should be restricted to that which is allowable under fire and building codes. Cities should not be able to by-pass safety in order to allow homeowners and landlords to pack more people into ever smaller unsafe apartments. But so long as the suites follow building code with emergency exists, fire suppression/abatement/retardation systems, and homeowners register said suites and pay taz on rental income, i see no problem with more suites.
Basilischi se non erro è usato in senso dispregiativo (come sardagnoli ai sardi). Comunque meglio sentire anche il parere degli altri.
The Port Moody example of an affordable townhouse option will not fly in the City of Vancouver either. New build townhouses in Richmond are selling for a million dollars, anything on the north side of the Fraser commands much more. increasingly, the average working family cannot afford a townhouse option. And once any sort of viable and frequent public transit service gets extended to the east, affordability options in those areas will diminish too. Unless we get a handle on the commodification of our housing stock, and it's attraction for overseas money, densification will solve little. Other than, as you mention, the rabbit hutch being the only option...but increasingly that rabbit hutch will be the only option all over metro Vancouver, and eventually the Fraser Valley.
` I personally think the members of Metallica are against war. If you hear their early songs such as ``One`` you will see they are against war and how it affects people. Lars Ulrich did in fact speak out against the war, so I doubt they support what Savage is doing. Look up some old Metallica lyrics dealing with war, you will see they are pretty much opposed to it. As for Rammstein, the vocalist has stated they do not have political beliefs, though they seem to lean left. Look at the lyrics to the song ``Amerika`` and you will see they are kinda poking fun at America and American culture. I think this should be looked into.`
They should be banned and taken off the market immediately. Big pharma should not be in control just because they want to make money.
The attacks on Reince Priebus from the Washington Post, Politico, and CNBC only indicate that he must be doing a good job. Trump needs a loyal inside man to manage his affairs with Congress and the general government, and Priebus seems to be doing a good job.
Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!! Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!Jéské Couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!
Both my mother and father are buried at Fort Logan cemetery, and last Veterans' Day I put flags on their graves. There was plenty of staff around and no one said anything to me. I suspect it might be the SIZE/number of flags placed that might have been the issue. Either way, it's stupid to forbid putting flags on your veteran parents grave(s) on Veterans' Day. Tell the staff they'd be better off doing something about the tons of goose droppings. =D
Wikipediatube doesn't require that references be credible. Haven't you read the guidelines? Two pops for yes!
2. I would say whoosh.. but i fear even that will go over your head.
I guess that statue of dear old dad was worth it after all.
Fuhs, you took a job with our enemies, you now work for Russia's interests. You're literally a Russian lobbyist who works to advance their interests at the expense of our own interests. Like Trump, that's some traitorous stuff there. Here's the link. https://www.adn.com/politics/2017/10/13/alaska-politics-roundup-high-card-draws-could-decide-southeast-elections-while-walker-makes-moves/ You shouldn't be trying to enrich yourself advancing our enemy's interests.
== Chris G Bot 3 - Regarding WP:CHU == Hi, whilst acting as a Robot Clerk on Wikipedia Change of Username Requests (Simple) your BOT marked a request by (founder of Wikipedia) as effectivly void as Jimbo did not have authority to request that someelse's user name should be changed. Could you correct the code so that Jimbo Wales is ok? Thanks,
Herbicide drift can do more damage than contaminate organic farmers. On Jan. 2, 2011, the Register-­Guard article, “Dying on the vine,” reported the loss of a vineyard caused by herbicide drift from adjacent Roseburg Forest Products lands. It also highlighted the inability of the vineyard owners to get a fair trial. RFP is one of the largest forest poisoners in Lane County, known in forestry circles for heavy aerial spraying to achieve their pure plantation fetish. One person's valuable agricultural crop was sacrificed simply to purify anothers. Chemical corporations have the clout and political power to prevent fair hearings and compensation from herbicide drift. One of my brothers in arms, sprayed with Agent Orange in Vietnam, suffers ulcerations, nerve damage, and two stone deaf children. Agent Orange's manufactures have stalled compensation and will do so until Vietnams spray survivors are dead. Why defend lethal forest poisons that have maimed veterans just like bullets?
I stand corrected. I guess I'm old enough to have forgotten as much as I remember. Well done.
What is the Globe talking about? The "Honourable" Robert Mugabe is a signatory of the Paris Climate deal championed by Trudeau and the self-involved Hollywood elite - Mugabe's name just adds further credibility to an agreement that is now being quietly abandoned by Germany and Australia because the targets effectively demand economic suicide - but Trudeau is moving full steam ahead on the deal. I see the Globe also forgot to note that Robert Mugabe was recently appointed as a UN Goodwill Ambassador before the head of the UN World Health Organization ($US 4.4 billion annual budget) was pressured by the "global imperialists" to rescind the nomination. Is it any wonder why the Harper Conservatives held very little regard for the UN? The average Zimbabwean would be infinitely better off under British rule; Mugabe is responsible for over 1 million deaths of his own people in addition to destroying once fertile farmlands by expropriating the land and giving it away to political friends.
30% des homos seulement ! Il y a erreur certainement ou alors c est l inverse avec 60% des homos qui pratiquent la sodomie.
والله ياظريف انكم ستدفعون الثمن بموافقة حكامنا العرب او لا انكم عبثتم بامن العرب وشرفهم ودينهم يارجل اعلم ان الشرف عندنا اولا ثم اولا ثم اولا واعلم ان ترابنا بارودا وان ضحكتك الصفراء مليئة بالسم
This article does not tell it all. I guess the truth lies with am700KBYR 's excellent coverage and interviews with hard working house minority members. Michael Dukes for Governor!!
I am never resistant to understanding anything, especially the distinction between the government and individuals. You are again wrong to assert that you have a right as an individual citizen to shut down another citizens legal public meeting. They could be having a meeting on how best to barbecue puppies and you still have no right to "shut down" their meeting. You seem have a problem with freedom of assembly and speech but are okay with mob rule and street anarchy. You could be arrested for failure to obey an officer by not dispersing or assault if you decide your obnoxious insults aren't effective and you start throwing punches. The TEA party faction is a political faction based upon like minded individuals who believe they are Taxed Enough Already. They welcome likeminded individuals and don't care what color their skin is. The Congressional Black Caucus is discriminatory as it has no Caucasian, Hispanic or Asian members. They like blacks, not whites, browns or yellows.
I am sure Mr. Merchant will obey the judges imposed orders! LOL! Lets see a picture.
I honestly just came to see the headline, it's not like this author has tremendous range. Status quo.
1. Well jews did kill his son and gift to the world. I can imagine he could give a fuck less about a people that directly reject his forgiveness and salvation.
" Please do not vandalize pages, as you did with this edit to Beeswax. If you continue to do so, you will be blocked from editing. "
http://evolutioncounseling.com/condescending-attitude/ When you make comments that are meant to tear others down you are focusing your psychic energy on decay, and the result will be a life of decay. An alternative is to spend so much time focusing on your own growth and development as a person that you don’t have any time to waste criticizing others. If you secretly feel weak and inferior, do something with your life to make yourself strong from the inside out instead of trying to solve your problem by pushing these feelings onto someone else. Unfortunately, these people are unwilling to make their lives better. The only way they can feel better about themselves is to constantly put down other people and groups they feel so inferior to. It's no one's fault, only the person making condescending remarks to feel better. Whether you like it or not, telling and show the truth is never being apologist. Unlike Breitbart, fox news and the like, leftist publications tell the truth.
"He was a fool". You can disagree with the Syllabus (I do), but this is blasphemy against a man who has been beatified by the Church!
Americas's invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, bombing of Libya, drone attacking of Yemen and Pakistan, sending troops to Syria, threatening NKorea, Iran, spying on allies and foes alike, regime changing, expanding the military to challange Russia and China etc. is not the greatest threat to world peace!?
Ok, NOW its official http://www.elitexc.com/assets/pdf/news/2008/elitexc_saturday_night_fights_card.pdf
Well said, Marjorie. Cue the idiots who will now attempt to dispute these incontrovertible facts.
Somehow, building a budget has included growth, when money to fund said increases does not exist without increasing taxation. What's with these people, the idea that an increase in anything is pretty boring when it always includes a new tax. Can we get a break from your constant need to raise taxes. How about a year of the status quo for a change? Did you really get elected to be a constant voice for more taxes? Enough already!
@Tuckedofftae No bitch this girl annoying
Dr. Dao has a good case against the security service, but less so against the airline United Airlines 1. United is allowed to remove passengers at their discretion, it is called involuntary de-boarding and it can be done for a variety of reasons, if certain steps such as offering compensation. Passengers agree to this when they purchase a ticket 2. United requested the passenger leave the aircraft (lawful order from flight crew), passenger refused and security service (Not United employee's or contractors) was called Legally United followed the appropriate steps, morality is another question Against Airport Security Service 1. It appears that the security service used excessive force, but I don't think it will help Dao's case that he refused to comply with the officers orders and he tried to run back onto the airplane. I doubt any court would accept criminal charges for Dao's behavior, but he did break the law. My guess is that this will be settled out of court.
Good place for you to research is the annual reports of the SA Institute of Race Relations at the time. They kept comprehensive records of all sorts of things.
" Thanks! Hi there PEEJAY, longtime no ""see"", VASCO here, I want to thank you for duly renaming Danny (footballer)'s page, that is how it should be called - that or his full name, or parts of. I tried it once with Guti (footballer), which also had a wrong name/nickname compound for page title, and it was reverted, for lack of start of pertinent discussion. Hopefully, after some ""top level"" conversations, it was allowed to stay. Man, what happened to ""be bold""? I wouldn't be surprised if they (""they"" namely being User:Barocci) change it back again to its WRONG title. If it does, please let me know if the correct place to start a discussion is in the article's talkpage (assuming it is, i already ""dropped"" a note there). Take care, have a nice weekend, from Portugal - "
Bonjour. Je suis Badmood, un robot dressé par Phe. Je fais l analyse quotidienne de tous les articles créés deux jours plus tôt afin de détecter les articles en impasse et les articles sans catégorie. Un article en impasse est un article qui ne contient aucun lien interne. Pour plus de détails sur les liens internes, vous pouvez consulter cette page. Les catégories permettent une classification des articles. Pour plus de détails sur les catégories, vous pouvez consulter cette page. Ajouter des liens ou des catégories n est pas obligatoire, bien sûr, mais cela augmente fortement l accessibilité à votre article et donc ses chances d être lu et d être amélioré par d autres contributeurs. Pour tout renseignement, n hésitez pas à passer voir mon dresseur. De même, si vous constatez que mon analyse est erronée, merci de le lui indiquer. Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir mes messages, vous pouvez ajouter « * Utilisateur:Lpqualite » en bas de cette page. Badmood (d)
She had a dream and in that dream stood the prophet, peace be upon him, who spoke to her. He said, ‘when you’re out for a day of shopping, always try to get the biggest bang for your buck.’ She might have misinterpreted what he was trying to tell her.
Another truth for gwyn, he's bought and paid for.
Trump is confused about the relationship between the President and Congress. He seems to think he's the CEO, and they work for him. It's a failure to grasp the most basic facts of the way this Republic works -- but that should not be news to anyone at this point.
'we'? Have Scheer. All to yourself.
1. Dyke Teacher Arrested for her seduction/sex with female student Women with this peculiarity rarely do it for the orgasm, they do it for the power The excitement for them happens by "turning" a young "breeder" into a living nightmare just like them https://caseyanthony.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Emma-Costner-in-Court.jpg #PERVERT #Teacher
" == What's the Real Deal? == It has become apparent from the comments of at least one contestant, that the producers can exercize an option to take a ""not insignificant"" percentage of the presenter's business regardless of whether or not a deal is struck in the Shark Tank. The disclosure appears in the final credit role. I personally think that it is disingenuous for the show not to emphasise this aspect as the participants are not getting a free publicity ride in return for their participation. Google Scott Jordan, Scottevest for further details. "
" Lev, always good to see a fellow LHS grad doing well. My comment though is that if your dad is Jewish, it seems like an oversimplification to simply say that you are not. If I tell you my dad is Irish and that my name is Sean O'Malley, doesn't it sound a little weird if I tell you I don't ""consider myself"" Irish at all? Ashkenazi Jews make up a distinctive historical ethnic group separate from the Jewish religion. Of course you can consider yourself anything you want. Take care! "
Sometimes, silence is golden.
First of all, the market has been on a record upswing, so making a profit on investments was almost a given. Some fund managers have done better, some have done worse than ours. That these two were offered positions at three times their Alaska salary, is a fair indicator that someone thinks that they did better than most, and will continue to do so. Money managers are among the most vetted people in the world. Now, when the market goes on a down,turn, which it eventually will, the real question will be, how well will those two do then? And what about their replacements with our Permanent Fund? I would have felt more comfortable with those two. Their replacements will have to prove themselves. However, if the replacements do well, better than the industry average, they too will be lured away. So, instead of doing what we can to retain proven winners, we let them go, and take our chances. Winners are so rare, so hard to even find. Alas, poor managers, they did so well!
Actually, they do show this, but it doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. BTW, we can see when you "like" your own comment. LOL
https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/2017/08/14/where-have-all-the-combat-vets-gone/ Same same. '90s w/ bubba, and now the '10s w/ Obama.....all the services are experiencing these personnel shortage issues. Throw in sequestration and an improving economy, well.... But since the new guy has taken over, the command emphasis on readiness and increased strength numbers is improving. The U.S. still has the most lethal, most proficient, most professional servicemembers that tax money can provide. I like that the standards are being reinforced and in some areas tightened up. If we fight tonight, we will win. I wouldn't wish fighting in Korea on a broke d^#$ dog. The winters are brutal. It's a wet cold. It goes through every single layer of warm clothing you have on. Even the new stuff. For whatever reason (probably due to weight) we got rid of the wool blankets. THOSE will keep you warm...mostly. The terrain is nasty. Hills and valleys all over the place. Better be in shape
`::Bear with me. ::First of all, here's the sign on my street: ::*http://www.simplesignshop.com/images/150/slow_children_sign.jpg ::What does it mean, ``resolve the IPs``? Does that mean find the IP of the web site/host? Or the user IP that added the link? ::If it helps, the domaintools entry for each site lists the IP as well as other sites hosted at that IP. You have to pay to get the entire list, but they give you a ``teaser`` of 3 or 4. I noticed that there were about 10 or so domains per IP. So here's an example: ::*http://whois.domaintools.com/adriennejanic.net ::**Go to the server data section: ::***``IP Address:`` ::****Click the little ``R`` button to the right: ::*****http://www.domaintools.com/reverse-ip/?hostname= ::Anyway, thanks so very, very much! `
Maybe, if they looked as cool as Pee Wee Herman's bike. Or if I wanted to see how fast I could get to Waialae Ave. from the top of Wilhelmina Rise.
` ==A Few Things I Wanted to Say== I don't understand why everyone thinks Cockney can only be spoken on the East End. It seems to be much more of a working or lower class accent found all over London (maybe not ``all over``, but certainly not just the East End). If you listen to sound clip for example, you'll hear a man from Peckham. Peckham is not in the East End, instead it is in South London, and yet he is more Cockney than anyone I have heard in my life. It says in this article as well that most characters on the sitcom Only Fools and Horses are Cockneys, and yet that takes place where else but in Peckham. This article also says that Snatch contains Cockney accents and yet Jason Statham who plays one of the main characters in that film and seems to speak with one of those accents, is actually from Sydenham, in south-east London. What are some differences between the so-called ``South London`` (south of the Thames) accent and ``North London`` accent? I just find it annoying that locals claim to be able hear differences between the two and yet they never can describe those differences when asked. It makes one doubt whether such differences even exist. It's kind of like how New Yorkers claim to be able to distinguish between Bronx accents and Brooklyn accents, Irish New York accents and Italian New York accents, etc., but when asked what those differences are, they can't give you an answer. It's all b.s. if you ask me. `
"Doomed" is such an appropriate word, not just for the Ward Warehouse shops, but for most of us in general. Here comes another tower with units and shops we cannot afford . Money talks loud and clear in Hawaii!
==Faculty of Law,University of Melbourne== This article was copied directly from the law school history page. Copying material is plagiarism, and a violation of copyright laws. I've deleted the page; please note that if you continue to add copyrighted material, you may be blocked from editing.
You are absolutely right but Zuma is much worse
IG be the bid bitches an these dumb ass faces lol
Boris Johnson Elected New PM for the UK, 2725 - YouTube Obama was a quisling, and Islam apologist, a cultural Marxist. Hope Palmer is a disgrace to the presidency of the United States
Why do they insist on changing the name anyways? More of the PC BS.
This article does not seem to have any actual theories and sociology of the history of science except for a brief mention of Kuhn at the end of it. All of the current content should be scrapped as original research unless it is attributed to a particular scholarly opinion. This page could be useful if it was an overview of various theories relating to the history of science, i.e. Popper, Feyerabend, Kuhn, Shapin, Latour, etc. but at the moment it is highly questionable in its usefulness or encyclopedic nature.
You decided to run the worst democratic presidential candidate in history.
Don't give up - RESIST the left.
The passes expire after Christmas?? What a total rip off.
Dr. Soh has constructed a house of cards almost as flimsy as James Damore's sophomoric and cliche-ridden resignation note, one that was not "science". Did she bother to read it? As for Soh's attempted counter-refutation on the alleged errors by former Google staffer Yonatan Zunger regarding gender, in which she cites studies on the distinguishability of male and female brains, so what? How does this affect equity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics? Soh leaps from generally accepted and readily measured (though subtle and overlapping) differences between the physical structure of adult male and female brains to the far less solid ground of innate gender differences in abstract thinking, and from there to the socially-driven areas of fields of employment. Maybe Soh should let the ink dry on her Ph.D. thesis a bit longer, and next time consider having one or two colleagues carry out an informal review of any op-ed contribution that claims to be based on science.
A prediction of war is not a declaration of war. Nor is a prediction of a declaration of war a declaration of war. Nor is an expression of a conditional intention to declare, or be at war, a declaration of war. These are different speech acts. Hitler correctly didn't take himself to be at war with Britain in September 1939 when Chamberlain warned that Britain would go to war if Germany persisted in attacking Poland, even after he persisted, but only after Britain declared war and made clear it was acting on its previous warnings.
Good news by Senator Murray. Our Senators would not have to deal with many of these Trump/Republican problems if they had not joined the DNC in selecting our 2016 candidate for president before the primaries got moving. They also would have done well to vote for rather than against Senator Sanders' legislation to allow the public purchase of drugs from Canada and to endorse/co-sponsor his moderate and reasonable Medicare for all single payer health care proposal. It is time for our incumbent Senators and members of the House to stop being afraid of McGovern and start being enthusiastic about the positive and progressive provisions of the Democratic platform of 2016. The DLC is history. Our Washington delegation should recognize that now and stop being afraid of the labels that neoliberal Republicans and Democrats will, as always, try to pin to them as 'too far left'.
Thanks to Sen. Espero and his colleagues for this logical common sense piece of legislation supported by the Attorney General's Office. The Governor should sign it into law. As for Hawaii's poor performance reporting mental health records to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System, It would be most informative to have an idea why that is so? Another great article by the Editorial Board.
3. Yup. What's astonishing is that it seems people *still* haven't managed to grasp this despite it happening over and over and over again to every single person or company who tries.
I don't have adequate info on the author to publicly rate him.
So using Neil's "neato gun owner" phrases and thinking just like Neil, does this make the guys that stole the Bank's money now become THEIR money? Same warped and incorrect logic he applies to gun owners. People that steal guns from true gun owners are still thieves that stole guns. These guys are still thieves that stole money. Get it?
Yes indeed longer sentences mean less crime. Some Alaskans are bad apples that will never be or ever want to be good apples. These rotten apples are best stored in prisons. That way these rotten apples have less time in their lives to commit crimes against the good apples in Alaska. Start over! Repeal SB91!
ليليان داوود بس بدك تطولي لسانك ع رءيس الجمعوريه كرمال مملكة بول البعير وتسمي لينان مملكة عونسنان...
Say what you want. You are incorrect. It's not me doing it. It is rather hilarious though. Never had anyone obsessed with me like this.
fui apresentar a música do cachorrinha fdp pra mãe, kkkk coitada da hanna
Terrible photo of Mr Nelkin. (looking down thru case.)
" l You’re single because you’re single. It’s not because you texted too much or too little or waited 33 minutes to respond because he took 23. It’s not because you met up with your ex that night at 5 a.m. that no one knows about, or because you kissed another boy after a date with a loser. You’re not single because you spit food on that date or tripped coming out the the movie theatre. You’re not single because you hurt your first boyfriend really badly when you were 15 or because you have yet, to this day, to apologize. It’s not because you were secretly jealous when your friend got a boyfriend or that a guy you dated for two months now has a really cute girlfriend and looks really happy. And you’re happy for him. But still ill that he found someone before you. You’re not single because you slept with your ex boyfriend. You’re not single because half the world found out when you didn’t even want to remember it yourself. You’re not single because you think the guy your friend wants to hook you up with is ugly or not tall enough. It’s not because you’re not willing to put up with someone who doesn’t brush their teeth on a regular basis. You’re not single because your standards are too high. Good for you for having standards. It’s not because you didn’t like that really, really good guy who wanted to take you on a date and you just weren’t feeling it. And it’s not because you like to wear pajama pants as soon as you get home and wash all the makeup off your face. You’re not single because you didn’t learn enough from the past or would rather chill on a Friday night with your blanket and a cold beer than shower, get ready, and go out. You’re not single because something is wrong with you. You are single because you are single. It’s really as simple as that. You haven’t made the connection with another heart yet. You can get dolled up, dress cute, cut your hair, dye your hair, tweeze your eyebrows, put on lipstick and you may still. be. single. You can go out to a bar hoping to meet the love of your life and not find a damn one in the place attractive. And it’s going to remain that way until it’s time for you to find one. Stop hoping for it. Start living the life that you do have instead of wishing for things that you don’t have. There will come a time you’ll meet a boy [or lady] and you’ll have to give up some of this single freedom you currently have. Start being more thankful. Start doing that now. Why You’re Single by Amanda Crute (via framesjanco) (Source: christmasnoose, via moriartini)
Not a Republican, I'm more Independent! Thanks, just wanted to yank your chain. But you got me wrong. I like small government and let the States run on their own. All I want is to be allowed to work where I like, pay my bills and leave me alone. I don't like Unions, but they protect the everyday person. They just too powerful now, no balance. Our State systems have turned into economic disasters with the way the political systems handle contracts and throwing good money after bad. I'm not in that circle to get side benefits but its pretty clear, to me, that the Democratic Party carries a lot of the baggage when it comes to taking care of each other. Republicans are just as bad, just in a different way. The riots in Berkeley and the phony organizers here, political science department, turned me off. Don't believe in any War. Believe in a strong defense!
"The international community" Minus most North African and Middle-Eastern countries., of course, what with their own harsh punishments for LGBT, I doubt they'd want to count themselves in as part of an international effort to stop what's going on in Chechnya.
I have little "trust" in the Alaska Mental Health Trust spending a half million dollars on a firm for lobbying and consulting. Doesn't the Trust have a board of directors? Can't the Trust use our congressional delegation to achieve the same results? This is a waste of money that should be spent on those intended to benefit from the Trust.
How is it possible that this comment has not been flagged? How did it even get through the civil comments review?
why is this any worse than the ontario hydro executive's salaries?
Let us hope that the State Historic Preservation officials accompany DOH personnel, and that they look at the remains of Waiopili Heiau which has been destroyed almost totally by the adjacent quarry. This is a travesty which has not really been publicly disclosed or discussed, for this was an exceptional structure.
Sizzling platinum-blonde was once smoking a cigar when young lady learned young lady dreamed to get her slit plunged together with her fave faux-cock. Descendant took hold of it and push it into her cunt.