56 values
Maybe they should patch the big holes in the net if sharks and seals can get inside.
I was pretty clear about this, MC: I pity the Nazis. They need psychological help. Most extremists do. I avoided nothing. Only simple people think there are simple answers to social questions. In fact, assuming that such answers exist is typically a component of white privilege. But white supremos also need a firm hand, since they are heavily armed, glorify war, and espouse violence, and worse, against Jews and people of color, which is illegal and dangerous. This is why the AntiFa should cease trying to kick their butts and instead shame them through outing on FB, Instagram and in the press and such. Hold them up for the losers they are and they'll vanish. You're not asking not a simple question. Both groups--the destitute and the white nationalists--need justice to be done. Own it: you despise the poor, favor the white supremos over civil rights and equality, and you associate being on the right side of history with the supposed moral quibbling of "political correctness".
It's terrible how those people get away with it. They have no shame.
Hodges - sounds like you made the numbers up. If the "legislative season" allowed landlords to jack up rates that high, there is no reason they would give full year leases which do not calculate in that expensive period. Also not clear why you mentioned the school board - that has nothing to do with your fake numbers which was the source of my comment to which you replied.
I didn't say it was a good thing. However just wait and see and in 2 years or so someone will look at the numbers and be like “oh usage went way up after our audit we are so great for fixing the problem vote for me”
"There are sexual fetishes within furry fandom, just as there are fetishes in Harry Potter fandom. (See "Words to the Wolves," WW, Sept. 11, 2012.) But if you boil the meat of furry fandom down to fetishism because anthropomorphic animals make you think of bestiality, who's the one with the problem?" I loved this line. XD FYI Furries can be therians, but not all therians are furries. I'm shocked an article that mentioned fursuits didn't even mention the two fursuit giants, Clockwork Creature and Beetlecat. >.>
Perhaps they were taught at home that protesting for the rights of all peoples is in fact reason enough. "....they have absolutely no reason to protest." That is just plain scary and ignorant.
Their other as mentioned was the guy who shot up Parliament. You take what you can get I guess.
75px|center| Aday gösterdiğiniz resim, seçkin resim statüsü aldı. :Dosya:NGC 1977.jpg , Vikipedi:Seçkin resim adayları sayfasında aday gösterildi, yeterli desteği topladı ve seçkin resim seçildi. Başka bir resmi aday göstermek isterseniz, Vikipedi:Seçkin resim adayları sayfasındaki yönergeleri takip edebilirsiniz. Katip-bot
انشاء الله أكراد تركيا كلهم في الجحيم لأنهم شعب وسخ شعب بياع نسوانهم يبعثون نساءهم الى الحروب والرجال وراء المال اوسخ شعب والله والى جهنم انشاء الله
This is a great advancement for most all Alaskans! There are only 1300 trappers in Alaska who have caused so much heartache for families out enjoying a day in the park. Trapping does not belong anywhere near public places. It has become a cult of recreational bullies rather than the traditional livelihood it once was.
RELATED ARTICLES Share this article But by the end of the evening, it appeared that the combination of looking after baby during the day, and a late evening had taken its toll on the fairly new mother. Jessica's night out came as she was forced to fire back accusations she is a 'dumb' celebrity. Party girls: Jessica enjoyed a late night out with friends In MySpace blog, the actress defended herself against accusations made by Bill O'Reilly and TMZ.com, usmagazine.com reports. The 'controversy' began last week when a TMZ.com reporter approached Jessica, a vocal supporter of the new president, at an inauguration event. But Jessica fired the first question, asking the reporter what Barack Obama's greatest characteristic was. When the reporter said he felt uncomfortable answering because he is a journalist, Alba replied: 'Be neutral - be Sweden about it.' TMZ.com later called her a 'ditz' and an 'arrogant buffoon' for saying Sweden instead of Switzerland when referring to the neutral country during World War II. Smiley face: The actress defended herself against accusations made by Fox News host Bill O'Reilly that she was a 'ditz' for saying Sweden was 'neutral' O'Reilly, on his Fox News show, then piled on, calling her a 'pinhead' for confusing the two countries. But on her blog, Alba wrote: 'I find it depressing that, in the midst of perhaps the most salient time in our country's history, individuals are taking it upon themselves to encourage negativity and stupidity. 'Last week, Mr. Bill O'Reilly and some really classy sites insinuated I was dumb by claiming Sweden was a neutral country. 'I appreciate the fact that he is a news anchor and that gossip sites are inundated with intelligent reporting, but seriously people... t's so sad to me that you think the only neutral country during WWII was Switzerland.' She then linked to a Wikipedia article to prove Sweden was also a neutral country.
The stupidity is from the GTA. Quebec and the Maritimes vote Liberal because it's in their financial interest as deadbeats to do so.
A very true statement, and very disappointing too!
Trump, unable to produce any kind of coherent, constructive policy on his own, seems fixated on only undermining that of his predecessor. He probably knows he'll be gone within a year or two so wants to destroy as much as possible while he can.
Don't believe a word says! I say we revert any of his edits
":::: I think the Enhanced per-user, per-article protection / blocking feature is the answer that goes a long way to satisfy my concerns, and I'm pleasantly surprised it seems to be one of the most popular proposals on Meta at the moment. It would mean we could do a full block for 6 hours (sufficient to cool down), then block on talk / user talk space for 48 hours (to prove they really are committed to writing the encyclopedia and not just sniping at people). We can then counteract criticism like ""oh, but they're such a good content creator"" with ""well they're not blocked from creating content, so what's your point?"" (talk) (cont) "
Once again a Trudeau is in the mix..............this is supposed to be a non-political event. Justin and gang have been crashing them since becoming PM. My son went to a WE Day and I think it is a wonderful idea, but I have a problem when the typical Liberal left use this as a way to get to our children. Politics should not be here..........no matter what party......PERIOD.
Trump has done more in 3 weeks than dopey has done in a year. Not one thing accomplished. Where is the cons? Trying to stop and outsider from getting the leadership. It tells you clearly that these parties are rigged.
5. Glad to see other people hate Chloe.
Interesting look at Mr. Xi's desires. But scary for Canada if all the countries start copying it for its former citizens. The Chinese leader's wishful thinking will deny opportunities for Chinese people every nation in the world by making them suspect unless they expressly deny their consent not to co-opt. (Incidentally, why there are no women in that line up photo of a do-called communist society, none could rise up the ladder!) It is imperative to re-evaluate the merits of dual citizenship in this changing world, perhaps excepting USA, so as to focus all her citizens to focus to the good of Canada. It is especially important for an immigrant rich country as Canada. Dual and divided attention when values are not synchronized is harmful. System must enable the residents to make up their mind. Be focused in your country of choice but love all. Meanwhile, JT must stop aggressively selling the country in the name of doing business for the country.
god damn it, little kid is precious and I am crying my eyes out which I do not do often.
UO Architecture grad Carol Venolia, Healing Environments author, spoke here once saying it can take 20 yrs for a new house to outgas. Id make sure minimum toxic* finishes used (SafeCoat makes sealers that can seal plywood, even carpet chemicals). NAUF no added ureaf. plywood could be used. All paints are supposedly low VOC now, but _no_ VOC may be preferable in tiny homes? (Hempcrete would not need paint.) (*Minimum toxic is sometimes the preferred vocabulary because non toxic may not apply to everyone: e.g., some are allergic to cedar, etc.) WiFi if siting lots of homes near each other: could be health issues. Eco WiFi apparently reduces RF/MW by 80%, works in the US: made elsewhere. I'd hope that communities, people in regular houses, would get into habit of turning off routers at night. I dont use WiFi. RE 75k price: I know a man building one, he estimates 25k, some to a friend. But I do not think that it is up to code since not codified? He doin the bldg, and not arch designed.
Elon Musk is one of the large creatures in the Washington swamp, living off of taxpayer "green" subsidies. The swamp is starting to drain so he is heading elsewhere.
Even discounted, that's $150 more than anyone would pay to see and hear Tripping Hillary or Pausing Pelosi. Watching a Democrat should be declared cruel and unusual punishment. Bill Clinton could be placed at Disney World's president's display and no one could tell the difference. Well maybe the robots are more lifelike. Al Gore speaking of climate change is a case study in insanity. Weiner and Weinstein the dynamic duo of depravity which exists amongst the Democrat elitists freakshow. The Democrat Party has become the "Hostel" of America.
== hello == go to hell. FIrst of all my comment on feces was correct whore. Can you be a gay whore? Also dont edit cyrus or brazil both of them are true you gay homo. Finally go hump your dog and play in traffic. Are you secretly brazilian?
Funny....I guess there are still a few backward provinces burning coal....most have moved on and that would include over 2/3rds of Canada. I hear that numbskull Jason Kenney intends to scrap the decision to ban coal plants for 2030....I'll be he's got your vote.
It still adds up the same annually.
Bunch of bigots here, hating on the VP for no reason whatsoever. Just three months in, and not even giving him or the Trump Administration a chance to prove itself. You need to know how closed-minded and ignorant you all sound.
Wikipedia:WikiProject Frederic Chopin This is to advise you that the above project is currently being considered for deletion in accord with wikipedia policy. Please feel free to take part in the discussion at Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Wikipedia:WikiProject Frederic Chopin. Thank you.
Too bad the debate isn't focused on facts rather than optics.
Perfect! Burke could get some tips on doing drag and makeup.
Is anyone here blasting Republicans? No. Is anyone suggesting that Dems could do better? No. They're blasting TRUMP and Trump only. They are talking about a Federal Government employee, yet you're bringing state issues into focus? Well, bonus points for deflection I guess. Nobody can deny that Trump is likely going to devastate the nation with his lack of experience, baffling appointments, and reap enormous financial gains of the back of American citizens and the environment. Gary has a pointed opinion highlighting certain areas of importance that will likely be extremely detrimental to thousands if not millions of Americans. I'd rather ask who was the right choice for the GOP? It wasn't Cruz, it wasn't Rubio. So who was it? If the electoral, college by way of a Christmas (TM) miracle, chooses another to lead, who should it be? Stop playing the partisan card, stop pointing fingers, and offer some ideas for effective solutions. Otherwise, you're no different than those you chastise.
You feel sad I bet.
Really!!??? A two year old can remember something inappropriate? Nothing worse than a pissed off spouse!!
Guste o no en unas elecciones históricas, ha ganado el bloque independentista, punto! Pero los NO independentistas están muy vivos en Cataluña y son mayoritarios; una cosa son escaños y otra votos...está claro que Catalunya esta dividida, toca hablar, dejar la guerra...#21-D https://t.co/FNuw7V3sfK
With all the media bashing Trump 24/7 why does the Globe feel the need to publish this stuff from a former al -Jazeera contributor... the only thing worth noting in her c.v.! Nothing of value added in any way shape or form.
Unless Trudeau is going to put some money into mental health in the prison system this will accomplish nothing, and is just optics. Releasing mentally disturbed people back into the general prison population isn't going to make them better.
There is a world of difference between the contrition of a former KKK member and the current debate over the removal of confederate statues that were mostly erected during the Jim Crow era in order to reassert white supremacy in the wake of defeat during the Civil War and which are still a painful reminder to millions of black people of the pain and suffering their ancestors endured under the oppressive system championed by the subjects of those statues. That your alt-right mind cannot discern the difference comes as no surprise.
@USER I thought so... I'm mingling... ever since you decided to attack my opinion on gun control and Brett Kavanaugh. I just asked you if having a conversation with you would be worth my time and effort. So far all you've done is prove that it is not worth the effort. 😉have a nice day
Giant oarfish edits Hi, instead of completely reverting my edit like a lazy prick, perhaps you should just remove my commentary, instead of being a lazy prick. Did I mention that you're a lazy prick? Oh, and you're a lazy prick.
" Guy de Lusignan Come on Adam, I was surprised by your edit. It's clearly Guy de Lusignan. Even the English statue in Damascus uses the ""de"". Only 900 v. 700 on google books admittedly, but it's more when it only includes the name as a surname. How will anyone know it's a hereditary name if you use ""of""? Even English earls keep their ""de"" untranslated. (Talk) "
Trump is obsessed with ignorance. His own.
Totally agree with you on that!
Good, concise article from the author. The other consideration is who (banks) or what (governments)will lend (finance) to the growth of the coal industry? It's one thing for Trump to sign this Executive order but what really will be the consequences moving forward? So the net job growth will involve maybe ten new jobs to teach low skilled workers how to operate a drilling machine except that job does not exist. I'm speculating also that there might be the need for engineers and scientists to come up with a solution for clean coal which I know is a thing. Maybe just maybe, Trump is on to something.
Im Handwerk ausgebildeten Handwerkern,nicht Facharbeiter,sondern durch eine Deutschlandweite Einheitliche Gesellenprüfung, Arbeitslos gewordene Hartz IV Empfänger,als Arbeitsscheue Menschen einzustufen,diese Gesellen in Minderbezahlte Job's zu bringen u zu Sanktionieren,ist Frech
Yurttan hangi maksatla olursa olsun defolup gitmekte güzel
If we can't stop hate groups from getting permits to march - as I agree we most often cannot (free speech is for everyone) I suggest we force them do it in a vacuum. No one watch, no one protest, no one attend, all doors and windows closed, curtains drawn, businesses shut down on the path. Street lights off. No pedestrians, no cars and NO MEDIA COVERAGE AT ALL. No U-tube, no Facebook, no Instagram, NOTHING. Let them march and scream among themselves.
It is always good to look at cause and effect. Housing prices around Eugene are tied to a flourishing, growing economy which all took place while President Obama was on watch. 401K up.... probably the greed of the marketplace and their excitement at having Republicans and Trump in power has an impact. But let's not forget how quickly that 401k can halve in value (like mine did in 2008) when reality bites. Finally, none of us are "whining", we are exercising our rights as citizens. Remember, we listened to you for 8 years prior to the last election.
Here's a bit about Gabe that most people in Port Angeles may not know. About 15 years ago when my daughter was about 5, Gabe married her mother Katy. Katy and I were married very young and had our daughter, but our marriage didn't last. All a person can hope for when getting a divorce is that whomever your ex chooses to marry if they ever marry again, they will love your kid too. Gabe Rygaard earned the respect and admiration of me and my family over the years, and it really didn't take long to start. He loved and cared for my daughter like she was his own, which is why I have never called him her step dad. She was blessed enough to have two dads. Period. All of us worked hard to make it all work out, and I am proud to say that. Gabe was a huge part of helping her become a strong woman. He will be greatly missed. He had huge affection for his family, his church Kingsway, and Port Angeles youth sports. He cared about PA. I wanted to share this story. Rest In Peace Gabe.
And while you are about it, why not ask Thabo Mbeki or the Pahad brothers, or other exilers, what actually happened to Oliver Tambo's protegy and clear leader, Thami Mhalmbiso?
Jim Rhode was one of my absolute favorite people ever. He used to bounce me on his knee when he came over for dinner with my parents. He always brought me a toy fighter plane and seemed to have endless energy and was always up for playing with me. He is truly one of the nicest people I ever knew.
rumor had it that the jail on 5th and charnleton gave an LTD token to every parolee. I hope that dang bus money Portland is giving out is getting people farther than Eugene...or even Ashland. drop them off in Idaho, or montana - pretty towards the inland...*** I think just moving the "problem" of the homeless is a cheap shot. it's just not fair to surrounding communities.
" I disagree that WP:MEDRS compliance ins't required by GA criteria. An article must be ""stable"" for GA and FA. In plants articles, one of the biggest battles had by plant editors is the attempt by editors to assert false health claims in articles, often to advertise products, but also just by editors overly devoted to using Wikipedia to promote non-mainstream medicine; this then leads to edit wars, blocks, etc. MEDRS helps to prevent this by requiring that health claims have a very specific type of sourcing. If this is not met by this article, the article will not be stable. ( )"
Lengserkan Jokowi Bangsat!!
It strikes me as being impolite.
I think President Trump could use you on his legal team. I heard some "Fake News & Fake Facts" that he was having a difficult time finding good lawyers to defend him. Good Luck and Aloha!
How about a national minimum wage to protect the majority of your voters Trump? Try helping those in need for the first time in your life. This will increase wealth inequality and lead to the bankruptcy of the good ole US of meh. The empire continues fall.
::::* How about other items that I wrote above?
What a coward. It's football! It's a full contact sport of managed conflict for violence. And, it's supposed to be ALL ABOUT PERSERVERENCE AGAINST ALL ODDS AND CHARACTER. Sheesh. Wear a helmet and just go to work, coach.
The headline certainly offers a biased conclusion to this two-sided story.
RT @NOGOODNIGGER_: Stop gassing up these regular ass bitches
JORDAN. A new fresh parenting online platform that features advice about pregnancy, child development and related topics, is getting attention from mothers in the Arab world. 360Moms was launched a year ago collaborating with some of the best experts in the world to publish original high quality content, and is the first Arab website to share real life stories of mothers to inspire and give hope. In addition, it has a special Q&A section for moms to get quick answers on any parenting and health question. The site already has 25,000 monthly users from all over the Arab world, and has over 50,000 followers on social media. The site was called by some mothers as: “A much needed platform” and “an everyday inspiration”. Dina Abdul Majeed, the founder who is a mother herself to two little boys, had a 13-year career before starting 360Moms. She was previously the Head of the creative team at Yahoo Middle East and Africa. She started the platform because she found a big gap in parenting and health content in the Arab region. She explains: “The inspiration that made me start this project was my own experience, I had a challenge regarding parenting my two kids, and two experts (that are now part of 360Moms experts team) helped me with my problem and saved me! I couldn’t find an online parenting platform to give me instant answers, I decided at that time that I wanted to spread the best updated knowledge to every mom to support and help her. Sometimes a few tips from experts can make all the difference in the world for a mom.” Photo Caption: Dina Abdul Majeed, the founder of 360Moms The platform also believes in personal involvement with their users, and organize monthly workshops about parenting and health topics to all parents. And this is only the beginning, its long term vision is to build a connected and empowered community of parents in the Arab world, to inspire them into building thriving generations.
" Saturns.Pyroteknix Saturns.Pyroteknix is a band based out of North Richland Hills, Texas. Members Shawn Lutch - Lead Guitar, Backup vocals Nick Penner - Vocals Drew Nelson - Rhythm Guitar Michael Legorreta - Drums Songs You're Not Alone Drifting Soul Quarantined Infection Official Website "
:He constantly refers to the hindu gods, and Sheldon once get's him to let him stay by saying hospitality is part of the Hindu religion.
Looooove this article ;-)
@USER @USER @USER I was just going through my TL and I saw this. There are no words she is such a sweetheart this is so horribly sad. May her family find the strength.
See Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/Incidents#SuccessTech_Academy_shooting.
Getting Some Sick is was a previously thought to be a commonly unknown illness, which was later linked to Unit 731, which can affect anyone, but is more likely to appear if one is an overweight, homosexual male. It also seems to afflict teachers more often due to their exposure to hundreds of students a day. It is also known to afflict neocons like Larry Craig while in public bathrooms, and give them "Happy Feet". It is also known a GAIDS, GayAIDS, or the Gay Virus. Anyone who gets infected with it becomes GAY GAY GAY GAY! Contents Symptoms The first sign of Getting Some Sick is Getting Some Nausea. Vomiting typically does not accompany the nausea, but in rare cases patients were Blowing Some Chunks. The second sign is Getting Some Migraine. This includes sensitivity to light, sound, and common sense. Typically the pain is felt in the temple area. The final and most elusive sign of Getting Some Sick is Getting Some Delirium. Patients typically experience hallucination, which leads to word salad. The only problem with this is that sometimes the patients are just weird. Other symptoms include nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. After that the person infected with it becomes GAY GAY GAY GAY! Documented Cases A manifestation of some sick. The first documented case of Get Some Sick is that of Mr. Winkler, a seventh-grade teacher. He assigned students a reference book to read dealing with homosexuality, and one child refused to read it. Winkler had no choice but to fail the student. Unbeknownst to him, the child was a master of voodoo and had political ties with the Ku Klux Klan which later provided him with the reaserch on the Get Some Sick Virus, and he willed the illness upon Winkler. It took four doctors 42 hours to find out what was wrong with him, but finally they Got Some Germ and discovered a new type of archebacteria in Winkler's testicle. They were able to administer a new type of antibiotic to cure him of the condition. It was first discovered by Dr. House after he confused it for Lupus. The second documented case of Get Some Sick is that of Larry Craig who caught it in an airport public bathroom and forgot his antibiotic shots and started to have "Happy Feet" and was accused of being Gay by an undercover Police Officer in the stall next to his. Larry Craig is still in denial about this. Cures A vaccine has been created for the illness, in the form of Getting Some Shot In The Arm With A Really Huge Needle. The patient must be injected with the vaccine in the upper arm with a 14-inch needle. Do not be alarmed when it goes clear through his/her arm- this is normal. Swelling and itching at the injection site may occur, but it is worth it because Getting Some Sick is worse than anything else! It is the worst thing ever! It is so bad! I don't like it and nobody does, because it is GAYGAYGAYGAY!!!!
Q: Number of integral values of x satisfying the inequality What is the number of integral values of $x$ satisfying the inequality: $$\frac{(e^x-1)(\sin(x)-2)(x^2-5x+4)}{x^2(-x^2+x-2)(2x+3)}\le 0$$ I was able to find three solutions: $0$, $1$ and $4$. Is there any other solution? A: Note the $x^2$ in the denominator ensures the function is not defined at $x=0$, otherwise has no effect on the inequality, so we may ignore it. Similarly, $\sin x -2$ is always negative, and so is $-x^2+x-2$, so both may be together ignored. As $e^x-1$ has the same sign as $x$, essentially we can substitute that, and equivalently solve for $$\frac{x(x-1)(x-4)}{2x+3} \leqslant 0$$ The intervals to check are $x< -\frac32,x \in (-\frac32, 0), x \in (0, 1), x \in [1, 4]$ and $x> 4$, which is easily done to get $x \in (-\frac32,0) \cup [1, 4]$, so integral solutions are $x\in \{-1, 1, 2, 3, 4\}$.
It wasn't a private audience. It was the regular general audience in St. Peter's Square. O'Reilly was one of many people Francis shook hands with. The pope likely had no idea who who was.
http://www.thehockeynews.com/news/article/ken-campbell-ranks-the-top-100-nhl-players-of-all-time Sidney Crosby - "The best player in the world at a time in history when players have never been better." That makes him the best player ever, nest-ce pas ?
Are we 'forgetting?' Do you not understand that Clark's problem is that memories of her cash-for-access and other corruption are very, very recent - as in 'ongoing'. When the fox is in the coop now, you don't worry about last decade's fox. BTW, $15K is peanuts - Clark has taken more than that in sealed envelopes in one evening's meeting.
The ranking of city population data is a standard entry among the vast majority of city articles introduction. It is useful to estimate the relative size within a certain framework. The first priority is traditionally the country. Because of Germany´s advanced degree of integration within the EU, this is the second point of reference here. Note that the whole Berlin article profoundly draws data from its EU ties ( Map in infobox, data in Economy section, metropolitan area in intro !) In this respect the EU ranks maintain a certain consistency within the article itself. Because of space and relevance restrictions the introduction can´t include endless listings of one city data aspect. The following sentence about the metro area size and rank is the sufficient data to describe the size of the city population.
It's more than a "their". The true self-responsibility/self-integrity is not deeply rooted in our country's culture. It's a systemic problem. We're materialistic and individualistic first.
Alaska celebrates Labor Day by passing laws such as "Employment at Will", which allows companies to skirt most of the labor laws from the past 75 years.
This speech from Rep. Lee Zeldin, who happens to be a Republican and a Jewish member of Congress, spit fire in his explanation for why he voted no on the Democrats’ silly resolution condemning hate. Of course, the media and the Left are already out there claiming the Republicans who voted no on the resolution support hate, deliberately missing the point on why they voted no. Zeldin kicked a*s and took names. Watch. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), who is a Jewish member of Congress, explains why he did not vote for the Democrats' resolution condemning hate This is a must watchpic.twitter.com/Kocwj1WPZm — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) March 8, 2019 Hot. Damn. His points are all valid. If Omar was a Republican her name would be in the resolution, it would specifically and aggressively target anti-Semitic comments, and she would have lost her committee seats. Since she’s a Democrat they watered it down to address all hate speech and completely ignored the REASON they have to do this in the first place. It was so meaningless that Omar herself voted FOR IT, which means zero consequences for her behavior. And zero change in it. But hey, at least now Democrats can pretend Republicans oppose condemning hate speech. Everything. Is. Stupid. Articulated well. There needs to be consistency regardless of party affiliation — Dan R Kunio國 Sparkman (@DanRSparkman) March 8, 2019 Bingo. Anti-Semitism doesn’t have a party. Well, the way Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are trying to find excuses for it maybe it does … Nailed it — Joff Barbash (@JoffBarbash) March 8, 2019 I disagree with Congressman @leezeldin on just about everything, but here he was correct. And to his credit, he mentioned the Democrats who were supportive of his cause. Zeldin served in the military in the Middle East. I dare anybody to say that he has "foreign allegiances." pic.twitter.com/3wMZED6JIj — Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) March 8, 2019 Total mic drop moment. Related: ‘STOP asking WOC questions!’ Steven Crowder politely asks AOC a question about discrimination and her cult FLIPS OUT DANG it! Mollie Hemingway DROPS Vox journo claiming she’s kept her role at Fox News a secret with her own TWEET Truth HURTS! Tammy Bruce’s ‘silver lining’ in Democrats winning the House is BRUTAL and it will totally piss them OFF
Hope he works out, he does have some butt kina crappy run support, but he's learning. Whoever is in charge of scouting LBs on other teams rosters deserves a raise.
Because I still thought we had a great country, just not a great President. You know what, I didn't riot, burn down and assault anyone either. That's just what the unhinged liberals do.
Funny. But also sad.
Will you get an education so the rest of us don't have to see the idiocy you spout every day? Thanks.
Charlie Angus would beat Sid Ryan on a bad day.
What is Scheer smoking? Trans Canada canceled Energy East for business reasons, Trudeau did not can it! An NEB review was in progress and the government was yet to be in a position to make a decision to approve this pipeline or not. Trudeau has already approved two other pipelines and is a supporter of Keystone XL. Trudeau is certainly correct that some commenters on the EE cancelation are portraying this as Alberta vs Quebec, we see that in the comments boards on this site. Bottom line is that Scheer is lying and he is no better than Stephen Harper.
" This article currently states: ""He admitted that he had been unfaithful to his wife."" On February 19, 2010, Tiger Woods did not state: ""I have been unfaithful to my wife."". Has Tiger Woods ever admitted that he cheated on his wife? Is it certain that Tiger Woods did not instead engage in stupid, selfish and irresponsible behavior by cheating on his food and/or beverage diet?-"
no to ndp... ndp are a catastrophe waiting to happen.
America's most effective Presidents are rarely the most liked ones, because they are the few who are truly willing to make the hard decisions that aren't necessarily popular with everyone. Presidents of the last 30 years all realized the growing quagmire of illegal immigration, but few were willing to address it because they didn't want the fallout. Trump is ready to take action, but the overall establishment is panicking and lacks the same strength and resolve to truly enforce the country's laws and borders.
what really galls me is selling chum salmon as "keta salmon" According to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, keta is the second-most abundant salmon species in the north Pacific region. It ranks third in importance to the U.S. salmon fishing industry and is commercially fished from Oregon to Alaska, with the majority of the catch coming from southeast Alaska and Prince William Sound. Keta, sometimes called chum, dog or silverbrite salmon, average about 8 pounds each and are generally caught by purse seining and drift gill netting. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game projects that 17.9 million fish will be caught during the 2010 season, which runs from the beginning of June to the end of September. The supply for this sustainable fish been consistently strong from year to year, with hatcheries in Washington, Oregon and Alaska augmenting natural
No doubt you will consider this "fake news" but here goes: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/28/us/politics/donald-trump-housing-race.html
The article heading should read, Major tax hike coming to Ontarian's Jan 1. Any guesses on how long it will take for consumers to start curtailing their spending. Hide your money folks, money bags wynne coming at you.
Doesn't Trump and the GOP tire of stoking division?
Q: Check power consumption of individual hardware components I can check the total average power consumption of my machine using powerstat. However how do I check the power consumption of the individual components of my computer, like say the wlan-card? A: Since the individual-component-power-usage monitoring circuitry is not designed into modern computers, you're left with: Monitor system power usage with the device connected. Monitor system power usage with the device disconnected. Some devices (CPU, RAM, hardware buses, etc) can't be measured with this technique.
Solid decision. He was reassigned and not fired. A ugly racist rally was held a week ago under the disquise of protesting the removal of a Robert Lee(slave owner and killer) statue. In an effort to not have any irony at the amatuer event ESPN simply reassigned a person with the same name. Not a big deal but the right want to deflect their hatred onto other people because an employee was reassigned, get over it.
Q: Rails: Update loan amount with amount paid I am pretty new to rails and I wrote a little app that keeps track of loans. There is a User model and a Loan model and I have it worked out to track who loaned who money, etc. I am trying to write a new feature that would keep track of payment but I am unsure where I should put it. This feature would update the database value of loan amount with a new value. Would this feature be a part of the Loan class, would it be a new controller that can access the loans / users model? My apologies if this question is overly vague, I can supply more info is necessary. A: You can just create a method in the Loan model make_payment(amount) and reduce the amount from the total loan amount. I would advice you to maintain a log of payments in order to keep track of them later. Create a Payment model that belongs to the Loan model.
Год как поменял все лампочки на гаусс, пока ни одна из строя не вышла. Про охлаждение не совсем понятно, вот у меня был включен свет около часа, они по прежнему выкручиваются руками, то есть нагрелись не сильно. Не похоже, чтобы это было им критично. У бабули лампы osram вкрутил больше двух лет назад, когда они ещё стоили не гуманно, просто она сама не может на стул встать поменять если перегорят - в общем, за два с лишним годом полёт нормальный, светят отменно, ни одна из строя не вышла. Перед гаусом были какие-то хрен пойми из метро лампочки, большинство не прожили и года. Пока остальные помрут не стал ждать, поменял все сразу везде.
How can the author claim that Star Wars is better when he hasn’t even seen Star Trek?!
seriously do you know what happens when poor people get poorer? they start resorting to theft on a massive scale. Im just realistic about what will happen when you start taking away the PFD from those who literally rely on it to get through life.
9. Shittest Mount Rushmore addition concept ever
Are retirement pensions from the state or federal government exempt?
Poor feces, being forced to associate with Trump.
slofstra, "Qualitative" discussion often veers towards hyperbole and one-sided arguments. As I've already said above, there are deep-pocketed, vested interests that want high immigration and a much higher population. Just like they want unrestricted trade flows and investment. They will impose their money and influence into any debate at every opportunity. Here is a different qualitative view: Canada is already quite crowded. Our present population is huddled in a sliver of precious arable, land along the U.S. border. Easy immigration, combined with easy capital flows, has wrecked the housing markets for local citizens in Van and the GTA. Employment is much more precarious in a free-trade, AI world. Tech jobs will be outsourced as quickly as possible to low-cost jurisdictions, just like manufacturing was.