56 values
== Not a football specific ground == Is there any reason why the Liberty Stadium is marked as such, but Huddersfield and Bristol Rovers are not?
Climate change - yes, it always changes. man made climate change? - no way. Just a way to keep us in a "state of fear".
Start watching the News? Not going to happen, TTT. I can make up my own mind, thank you! God Bless!
o sistema de imigração americano é muito fodido e oitnb retratou claramente isso
This is all about taking more money from us . Why don't they just increase the HST instead of pretending they are trying to protect the environment ?
:Yeah, yeah, this IP is already silently blocked for 1 week, just because ONE EDIT after previous (24h) block expired. :And this is not a spam. Site in question is relevant and can be added under WP:EL rules, and this is not only my opinion. But I see you are trying to game the system now to remove it for good. That's good, actually! Please, add this link to blacklist, please, please! You will effectively censor it on all wikimedia projects AFAIK, so it will be quite funny to watch the ensuing drama. ;-)
Street sweepers? The German guest worker program began in the mid 50's during a rapid growth in industrialization and a rapidly growing economy. First came the Italians, the Spanish in 1960, it was then expanded in 1961 to include the Turkish, Morrocans, Tunisians, Portuguese, and Yugoslavians. These people worked in factories and mines, they were trained, educated, and well paid. while not without some difficulties regarding citizenship, discrimination. They have made Germany a stronger and better country. As of March 2016, the unemployment rate in Germany is a record low of 4.2% Reunification probably caused Germany more problems, racial tensions are typically far more common amongst those from the former East, I suspect that many from the East sheltered by the iron curtain never experienced the shame/lessons of the War.
Победоносцеву рядом источников (в том числе известным еврейским историком Семёном Дубновым и доктором исторических наук, ведущим научным специалистом института истории РАН Олегом Будницким) приписывается известная фраза о выборе, который должен быть поставлен перед живущими в России евреями: «Одна треть вымрет, одна выселится, одна треть бесследно растворится в окружающем населении».О. В. Будницкий. «От редакции» «Треть сменит веру, треть может эмигрировать, остальные пусть умирают от голода» «RUSSIA’S JEWISH PROBLEM; THE RUSSIAN JEWS, EXTERMINATION OR EMANCIPATION?» By Leo Errera, February 3, 1895, New York TimesLeo Abram Errera. The Russian Jews: Exterminiationt or Emancipation? Trans. Bella Loewy (London, 1894), p. 18Simon Dubnow, History of the Jews in Russia and Polanld, trans. I. Friedlaender, 3 vols. (Philadelplhia, 1916-20), Vol 3, p. 10 Профессор Университетского колледжа Лондона Джон Клиер полагает происхождение данной цитаты сомнительным, хотя и использует её в качестве эпиграфа.http://books.google.com/books?id=cEiRrDIIcmIC&pg=PA92#v=onepage&q=&f=false Какие претензии по источникам?
Comentario xenófobo? He dado opciones, idiota. Si no entiendo no "aprendo o me aguanto". Concursas en España,habla castellano #Final1GHVIP5 https://t.co/vUS1reTjOz
Bright side: these priests weren't intrinsically dis'd.
But he is also forgetting the thousands of Puerto Rican’s living in the USA, as well as those who will be moving here as soon as possible, after this tragedy and who will be voting here on the mainland. And who will also be remembering this tragedy when they fill out their ballets.
You don't go to parties with your significant other... You go to parties to try and get other peoples significant others #WomenSuck
... haters gonna hate, hopefully they stay in the burbs ...
Mea culpa. I missed the articles showing it was $30,000 not $60,000.
Boring distortions from an ivory tower progressive. Zero policy discussion. Zero meaningful content.
/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Team XBMC * http://xbmc.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ #include "threads/SystemClock.h" #include "system.h" #include "URL.h" #include "FileItem.h" #include "HDHomeRunFile.h" #include "utils/TimeUtils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/URIUtils.h" #include "Util.h" #include "DllHDHomeRun.h" using namespace XFILE; using namespace std; // ------------------------------------------- // ------------------ File ------------------- // ------------------------------------------- CHomeRunFile::CHomeRunFile() { m_device = NULL; m_pdll = new DllHdHomeRun; m_pdll->Load(); } CHomeRunFile::~CHomeRunFile() { Close(); delete m_pdll; } bool CHomeRunFile::Exists(const CURL& url) { std::string path(url.GetFileName()); /* * HDHomeRun URLs are of the form hdhomerun://1014F6D1/tuner0?channel=qam:108&program=10 * The filename starts with "tuner" and has no extension. This check will cover off requests * for *.tbn, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.edl etc. that do not exist. */ return StringUtils::StartsWith(path, "tuner") && !URIUtils::HasExtension(path); } int64_t CHomeRunFile::Seek(int64_t iFilePosition, int iWhence) { return -1; } int CHomeRunFile::Stat(const CURL& url, struct __stat64* buffer) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(struct __stat64)); return 0; } int64_t CHomeRunFile::GetPosition() { return 0; } int64_t CHomeRunFile::GetLength() { return 0; } bool CHomeRunFile::Open(const CURL &url) { if(!m_pdll->IsLoaded()) return false; m_device = m_pdll->device_create_from_str(url.GetHostName().c_str(), NULL); if(!m_device) return false; m_pdll->device_set_tuner_from_str(m_device, url.GetFileName().c_str()); if(url.HasOption("channel")) m_pdll->device_set_tuner_channel(m_device, url.GetOption("channel").c_str()); if(url.HasOption("program")) m_pdll->device_set_tuner_program(m_device, url.GetOption("program").c_str()); // start streaming from selected device and tuner if( m_pdll->device_stream_start(m_device) <= 0 ) return false; return true; } ssize_t CHomeRunFile::Read(void* lpBuf, size_t uiBufSize) { if (uiBufSize > SSIZE_MAX) uiBufSize = SSIZE_MAX; size_t datasize; if(uiBufSize < VIDEO_DATA_PACKET_SIZE) CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "CHomeRunFile::Read - buffer size too small, will most likely fail"); // for now, let it it time out after 5 seconds, // neither of the players can be forced to // continue even if read return 0 as can happen // on live streams. XbmcThreads::EndTime timestamp(5000); while(1) { datasize = (size_t) uiBufSize; uint8_t* ptr = m_pdll->device_stream_recv(m_device, datasize, &datasize); if(ptr) { memcpy(lpBuf, ptr, datasize); return datasize; } if(timestamp.IsTimePast()) return 0; Sleep(64); } return datasize; } void CHomeRunFile::Close() { if(m_device) { m_pdll->device_stream_stop(m_device); m_pdll->device_destroy(m_device); m_device = NULL; } } int CHomeRunFile::GetChunkSize() { return VIDEO_DATA_PACKET_SIZE; }
Be careful what you wish for. If this goes forward, how long will it be before you or someone you care about gets 20 for laughing at the wrong place and/or time? Therefore be advised I'm laughing at you while it's still legal to laugh: BWAAAAAAAAAAAA-hahahaha! "Do you all remember laughter?" (Robert Plant, Led Zeppelin)
Dont take the ambulance ride. One out of two people die on it. Watch out for a vibrant heroin pipeline at work between the port and airport. Good views and berrypicking.
yo hoe will get slayed! &#128298;
You: "Trump will never be President. I guarantee that!" FACT: President Trump won in a landslide. Now he is "finished"... according to you. LMAO! Enjoy every day of President Trump, pal!
The debate around Cornwallis has been going on for decades, but seeing the Mayor of Halifax acquiesce to these bullies is the most depressing aspect to this. What a disgrace!
This is a great idea! And next week it can substitute as a rolling medical center after Von and the boys say hi on Monday night..
@USER Μα δεν χρειάζεται τρία μυρια για να το πεις αυτό. Αν είσαι σωστός άνθρωπος, πρέπει να το φωνάζεις και να το λες, οπότε άτοπο το πολλ. Δεν είναι challenge, πολιτική υποχρέωση είναι.
MOA Public Works is responsible for storm drain, not AWWU. Part of the problem is taxpayers and the Assembly do not understand where responsibilities lay.
Marines Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres testified in uniform about allegedly being assaulted by Antifa in the Old City district of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 17th. Godinez and Torres said they were touring historical landmarks near Front and Chestnut streets when Tom Keenan — who many consider the “leader” of Philadelphia’s Antifa movement — and fellow suspect Thomas Massey approached them. The Marines were in town with other members of their helicopter unit in order to attend a local Marine event. Keenan began to ask them if they were “proud,” eventually asking “are you Proud Boys?” Godinez recalled responding simply “We are Marines.” According to their testimony, this is when the situation escalated into assault. The U.S. Marine reservists were allegedly attacked by Keenan, Massey, and a group of roughly a dozen others chanting “fuck him up.” The soldiers were allegedly called white supremacists and Nazis. When Godinez cried out that he was Mexican, the jeering reportedly turned to racial slurs like “spic” and “wetback.” According to his testimony, “The best way I can describe it is the sound of people chanting in a soccer stadium,” adding that Keenan was “laughing, smiling, and having a good time, while I could have died that day.” The judge ruled that both men would be held for trial on felony charges of aggravated assault and conspiracy, along with several misdemeanors. This will be far from Keenan’s first time in legal jeopardy. As part of the “Love Park 4,” Keenan was charged with criminal conspiracy, institutional vandalism, resisting arrest, and criminal mischief. At the time, Keenan only pleaded guilty to “disorderly conduct,” and the remaining charges were withdrawn. Keenan and Massey will have their day in court on December 27.
I should comment that as of right now it is believed you will only be affected if you have ever applied for credit products (credit card, mortgage, cell phone contract, car lease, etc.) in the US in the past. That is why the number of affected Canadians is only ~100k.
Please stop. If you continue to vandalize pages by deliberately introducing incorrect information, you will be blocked from editing Wikipedia. :If this is a shared IP address, and you didn't make any unconstructive edits, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant warnings.
" Sorry. I didn't now what to do, because he would get mad if I removed his angry remarks from my userpage, which I naturally don't want there. '''''''''' Ø "
How's that rock holdin' up in Chugiak?
Could serve well as a seasonal equipment deployer in areas of interest on the Slope, Pet 4 and ANWR, when winds are minimal. Could be a real test drilling boon!
Why can't you live in a perfect world? That is the question your immature and irrational mind asks.
13. https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=aDsUr_1523225323&p=1
Good for all three Commissioners. Well done.
Gastrosplenic fistulas: a case report and review of the literature. A case is presented of a patient who developed a gastrosplenic fistula during a course of chemotherapy for differentiated histiocytic lymphoma. The fistula was observed during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (gastroscopy) and confirmed by CT scan with contrast. The fistula was followed endoscopically and noted to have closed spontaneously with confirmed closure at laparotomy. The clinical management of this complication is discussed, and the literature pertaining to this rare condition is reviewed.
Every four years or so, the Canadian people get to choose between a Mulroney or a Trudeau. Canadian democracy is alive and well. Can she get her dad to pay back the $2.1 million that he still owes to us ?
When the Scots (from the Western Highlands) came to Upper Canada in the 19th century, they largely spoke Gaelic as their first language. While this continued for one or two generations, the school system, court system, official documents and communications with the government were all in English. Gaelic soon fell into disuse. Was it missed in those communities that were largely Scottish? I hardly think so. Certainly there was never much interest in reviving it.
ময়ূরের পাখা লাগালে কাক যদি ময়ূর হয়ে যেত তাহলে কাক ময়ূর হয়ে থাকতো
I can give you her Skype and she will answer all your questions .
"Sexual harassment is often used by women for a perceived power imbalance when there is no harassment whatsoever." That is simply a false statement. Does it happened occasionally? Probably. Commonly? I will say "no" unless you can provide a study to back your claims.
@user @user هههههه و عقلك راكد من بول البعير و نكاح الجهاد مال أمك
I am shock by both of you, if you do a quick research you would know , i have started more topic on wikipedia, than anyone .. from the same remote location.. , even the said page, you claim authority to know, i wrote most of the piece , this you could verified under different name for more than 4 years now.. the said links picture of Nigeria have been there for more 4 years now, under yahoo. with yahoo ad.. nobody raise an eyebrown.. Is there a different reason you people are bend on this.. If it was about mark, mark happen to be a person, who want to win always, and i understand is feeling becuuse he is young.. but be objective is not using moderator power to win a case.. this is what Rhobite is doing.. If Rhobite think he want to contribute to the Page he should go to Nigeria, and get picture of it.. I am not getting paid for doing this, I am only doing wikipedia a favour, but I now regret, that I should not have started the so many topic i did, which some of them are not be use against me.. I know i have learnt my lesson, I would never start any topic against. i would leave you in keeping your over 40 years old knowledge of Africa and Nigeria. Since you it look like you people do not want to see anything good about the place, I have gone thru most of the picture on Wikipedia and some of the so call contribution are irritating, protracting us as thief, take for example the No to correct release by the infamours CIA, some of the information are not correct. When you remove thing like this you PEOPLE IN QUOTE who claim you know us more than US. just come back to insert it.. What is the all purpose of wikipedia, to inform or to MISINFORM.. Change you view Rhobite.. If you are going to be objective be.. You are not God, if been a moderator make you feel on top of the world, please it is not an achieve , the owner of wikipedia get paid, you are just a tool, been use and that can be dispost of any day.. from what i see, from your talk, if you have start your on .com company you would have made money for yourself. but you just spend your energy and time on building another man wealth. This is an Advice to you Rhobite. it is just an advice , you do not have to take.. time is a precious thing... Yestersday have gone, or time you spend on wikipedia have gone ,invest your time and Energy on your own website.. send me your link and may be i can help you... email me at onelove20004j@hotmail.com.. ok. young man..I am too old to talk with you.. Have a nice days. if you think about this thing, and you want to put the links or any of you, please.. I wish you well, may God bless you.. My time is precious.. I have better thing in life to achieve. bye
Telphusa melanozona Telphusa melanozona is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in India (Bengal). The wingspan is 9–10 mm. The forewings are ochreous-whitish irrorated with light grey and with the base of the costa blackish. There is a moderately broad straight black transverse fascia at one-fourth and a minute black dot in the middle of the disc, as well as two black dots transversely placed in the disc at two-thirds, surrounded with whitish-ochreous, the upper forming the apex of a triangular blackish costal spot. The hindwings are light grey. The larvae feed on Euphorbia neriifolia. They mine the leaves of their host plant. References Category:Moths described in 1913 Category:Telphusa
They are not going to bankrupt our state because the State is going to hold our properties hostage by increasing taxes on them. When mine hit $5500 I am going to move to Harrisburg.
Schmartypants, Trump has used executive orders to remove unnecessary job killing regulations from businesses that want to create. You don't need government to "put in place" any policies to make the economy great, you do need government to step out of the way and then watch this economy take off. So, what Trump will do is dismantle 25 years, particularly the last 8, of very poor policies that were already "in place" when he took office. There is much more to undo, but he has used his executive pen to remove what he could without Congress. Congress will face the voters next year. If their record is nothing but 'obstruction' then they will be tossed out, democrat and republicans, in favor of those who will not 'obstruct' business anymore. This economy is like a condemned house and needs to be torn down and rebuilt, not patched up with more government provided cardboard, bailing wire and duck tape
What case is that?
Sounds more like a fishing trip for a book/movie deal. 5-6 months drifting at sea without considering turning on your emergency beacon makes no sense. Even one of the girl's mother didn't seem very excited when they were "found". Totally phony.
This is an outrageous violation of the environment, and a typical arrogant US military action destroying! The people in the area want the military out and that request should be respected. The U.S. Government needs work on its diplomacy through non- violence.
" Where did the motto that is listed last originate? I went to parochial schools and took Latin - but I've never seen this before!! I am very curious about it. I have never seen it with all the history I have read. What is this "" New order of the ages"" about? What is your source?? ( ""Novus ordo seclorum"" (Latin) ""New order of the ages"""
It must be so nice to be able to spend tax payer money on the most expensive items when other viable alternatives are available so much cheaper. Who cares about getting the most cost-effective use of tax payer money - it's not mine.
Sounds like you are pretty convinced to put your name in the Canadian hat...let us know how easy it is. The US is such a horrible place isn't it?
Adminship - User:ABCD As you may remember, you rejected my nomination for adminship in January. I have recently reapplied. You may wish to vote here. Thanks, 19:11, 18 Mar 2005 (UTC)
` Chinese communist scholars recently acknowledged its propagandism, which was widely broadcasted by media in Japan. ``Japanese large-scale invasion plans``, which was so often reverted here is baseless. See below. Director Jiang Li-feng, Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, speaking to Japanese historians visiting China in early 2006. ``...I felt scolars in Japan must learn much more about Chinese history. For example, someone talked about Tanaka Memorandum earlier. But actually, it has increasingly become a mainstream opinion among Chinese historians to think that Tanaka Memorandum in fact did not exist. Do you have knowledge in Japan, about such achievement of ours in history research?`` - Japanese magazine ``Seiron`` April 2006. `
“Bu ülkede dört şey olmayacaksın: kadın, çocuk, ağaç, sokak hayvanı”
All of those infractions and he's still employed? What does a cop have to do to get fired? His job? Lol
Ебучие тупорылые плОтонические карлики-либерахи на месте?
Thank you, Nick! This is one of the most important issues for me this election -- I think it's a strong indicator of character. City leadership without good character and is dangerous for Honolulu. Thankfully it's election week. Hope everyone is voting -- don't need to be registered Mon-Thurs at Kapolei Hale and Honolulu Hale to vote.
No rules broken by Rona, no story. Drop it. All it does is provide a smoke screen and deflect from JT's actions and issues.
The Monsignor seems eminently qualified for OD leadership. However, I must admit that I still have reservations about OD. For me, it is an almost scary organization. It has always seemed to be an aggressive, volatile and militant group who place them selves above everyone else. They seem to be in the mold of the last two popes, Burke, Dolan, etc. Far Right wingers who despise everyone but themselves. It seem that some of these 'inside' groups are a threat to EVERYONE else just as Hitler was a threat which materialized into a world destructive group. I am forever WARY of such secretive groups who hate for God. Their idea of God is not just very different from mine it is extremely different from mine which is based on the teachings of the wonderful Ursuline and Dominican sisters of our Catholic school and high school which I will not name as the viciousness of the Right wingers is so dangerous, those Aryan-Catholics who are now totally and tightly aligned with the Aryan Protestants.
Is the purpose of this piece to rehash the claim and allegations? Does G&M need to fill an empty print space?
I noticed that. Lazy journalism I guess.
Bi de erkeğim kısmını büyük yazmışsın. Ne çok gurur duyuyorsundur erkek olmaktan, egemenliğin elinden alınacak diye nasıl ödün kopuyordur. Es kaza bir gün boşanırsın da binbir emekle(!) kazandığın paraların nafaka olarak giderse ne haksızlık olur sana değil mi?
Good to see the Twin Otter continue the reputation that the older single engine Otter achieved. Flew it at Little America V in '57-'58 throughout the winter darkness. A tip of the hat to DeHavilland, both great planes!
P.S. I just noticed the discussion continued in a previous section. As noted above, I think it best to remove the label entirely, at least for the time being. It isn't necessary, and there appears to be no solid consensus yet.
I was referring to transit stations.
The Trump administration just shook the Alaskan bee hive.
I do feel bad for the taxi drivers that work long hours and mortgaged their home for a medallion, however, the services we want are just not being provided in the current system. I know many people that have waited for over an hour for a taxi that never came and they missed their event, a family party and other important things. It will be nice to get Uber and have more convenience.
Maybe it should be CON-servative, especially in regards to all aspects of Trump's presidency.
' With his botched incompetence, and his subsequent incomprehensibly stupid twitterings, …Trump proves only that he's no statesman. Not a commander either, …it's said he wasn't going to approve the plan to go into Yemen because it was Obama's plan, but then he quickly flopped, ...and approved the raid in Yemen when told Obama didn't, and wouldn't, have approved it. . Let that sink in. HIs sole interest was one-upping Obama, ...he sent people into the grinder because he's an immature belligerent vindictive buffoon. . . Resist Trump. Resist Trumps unmoored idiotic bungling juvenile adventurism. . Resist Trump's fascist agenda. Support Impeachment Now. . https://www.impeachdonaldtrumpnow.org .
Their data won't be accurate because many of the out of state workers have dual residency in some form or manner that protects their employer in circumstances such as this. I worked on the slope a few years back and there was about 60-70% out of state for the company shifts I worked with. All an investigator needs to do is be at the airport during change out and see how many make the exodus for the out of state terminal.
And is where you apparently need to move to
El hijo de puta terrorista secuestrador de Boye pide amparo a la justicia, el mismo amparo que él no dio a Revilla. Otro sudaca de mierda acogido en España para hacer la revolución que en su país no tuvo cojones a hacer.
1. #owned
" Does ""Mhm"" mean you agree with me? If you don't agree, then read below. Fine, I don't even care for the next potential innocent user who gets caught as a sock of . I hope they do because Wikipedia is corrupt for not telling innocent users about banned users. They publicly reveal sex offenders for a reason to protect children. If you won't publicly reveal banned users, then fine. I now know what Wikipedia is. It's a dog-eat-dog world that cares nothing about anyone. Have a nice day. I'm out of here. This is my last comment. "
And once again you cannot make a point (Yes, all lives matter) without throwing in a snide indictment of 'elites'. Believe it or not, there are people in government who care about their constituents, and you are blaming the wrong people for 'regressive' taxes.
Um commuting is not traveling. The GTA has been doing it without whining for 40 years, and Translink is much better transit.
LOL?!?!?!??? Is Space Shuttle Atlantis not the most ironic name ever for a space shuttle, i mean come on, Atlantis is a freaking underwater lost city...LOL
I would hope most people who were fortunate enough to have a position that pays that much, works 9 months out of the year and has the kind of retirement benefits she has would be a bit more thankful for what she has and not so envious of what others have. And why is it any business of hers what someone else is paid anyway ? Sure it is her right to sue, but I doubt she is going to get a whole lot of sympathy in the court of public opinion on this matter.
" :::I looked for ""Chairman Arafat"" and ""President Arafat"". | "
Yeah Robert, you're right on all your points. Trump THINKS he's a businessman, but we know better, don't we Bob? Yessiree bob a roonie. That ignorant Trump thinks he knows something about business.. How arrogant. I'll bet he's flatulent too!! Gross!
`The quotes are hardly ``indiscriminate``. The article is entitled Criticism of the Qur'an and these are referenced, notable criticisms that do just that. `
Divorces can be brutal.
== Tijuana Brass == how can they ban me how? their just members? and what articles did i touch i am new i dont really get this
Tant qu il a été d EG il est resté complètement marginal, personne ne le connaissait si ce n est comme libraire (et pas comme militant d EG). Il n est connu que parce que négationniste . J ignore où il continue de se dire d EG ? Au sein de la fête du FN ? De toute façon un dictateur se disant démocrate n aurait pas sa place en catégorie:démocrate , soyons sérieux ! Horowitz
We have political activity at universities and that's hardly working for anybody concerned, except a few "student leaders" living the high life on their expense accounts. So do we want it at schools?
Of course, what do you recommend. Should I fail it and you can resubmit later. You can withdraw it and resubmit it later or if you have other suggestions I am open. Just let me know know what you want me to do.
And now Trump's wife is riding to his defense. We have gone full circle........
STOP USING THEM IMMEDIATLY, Yellow Jumars are extremely unsafe which is why I only use blue ones personally. Sometimes I do see people using one yellow jumar, but its always backed up with a safe blue one. I clip an oval (other shapes tend to corkfark the rope and cause extra friction) top and bottom on traverse. I have the yellow jumars, really no need to sling them unless the frame is damaged, in which case you should toss them anyway. I have my very first pair of vintage grey "jumars-of-death", which I still use now and again. The greys have the old style frame which you HAD to sling them around the handle and down through the slot in the bottom of the frame. I believe the problem began with illiterate people who must not have been able to read the documentation, and would clip a biner directly through the slot in the bottom of the frame. Being pot metal, the thin sidewalls of the slot would snap when only minimal torque was applied to the frame by the biner. The problem was with the operator more so then the jumar itself, however the yellow style was definitely a big improvement. I also have a pair of pretzels, but prefer the jumars, especially when using them in any sort of rig. I have the rare z-toothed cams on the greys, which I was going to donate to Storrick, but he was such an arrogant dick in an email reply to me that I decided to keep them. The z-tooth relied pretty much on force alone to clamp the rope and was probably the easiest on ropes of all the handled ascenders, but... even a tiny bit of mud on rope would cause them to slip.. ice.. forget it. I use the Yellow Jumars, they were hand me downs from Graig Peer and do the job nicely...I did re-sling them just in case though...I love them and wouldn't trade them for any of the newer designs, I still need to get a Croll/basic for a backup though... STOP USING THEM IMMEDIATLY, Yellow Jumars are extremely unsafe which is why I only use blue ones personally. Sometimes I do see people using one yellow jumar, but its always backed up with a safe blue one. Is this because of the acidic properties of Red Dye #5 that makes up the yellow paint? Man, why would anyone make those any more?
Or Chicago.
Do you want to send 50,000 people packing? That is about how many people have moved into our housing market since the 80's. They are driving the housing market because they are making more money than the minimum wage and or they are bringing more money with them. You seem to have a problem with capitalism. Just wait and see what happens to the housing market when we become a destination for environmental refugees. If you don't like Californians and their money, wait until the folks from Gulf states show up. BTW, the Californians think our housing is very affordable compared to what they are leaving. Of course, if we actually believe all lives matter, there are many ways to make housing affordable for all. Sadly, as a nation we have never believed all lives matter.
"Ted is a one-man show: it isn't about collegial cooperation with him, but control. He claims that Dan is regularly getting "beat up" (his words) by Ted, who wants Dan to make this division conform to Ted's model." We would hate to accuse some one of blatantly lying, but this is what it is. Ted is not a "one man show" and has gone out of his way to show and affirm why this is true. But on a forum like this one, everyone says, "Amen and amen" simply because they want it to be so to justify their own rebellion against properly ordained church authority and stand behind Dan Jackson who is a major leader in this rebellion. So, you can continue to affirm each other in your rebellion, but it won't change the facts of the matter. Any objective investigation will show that this idea is false. If the church has gone outside of scripture, start your own church and quit "cry babying" all over the church because you can't have your own way.
Guess you don't have to worry about your health because Obama extended basic health insurance to more Americans than ever before. I'm guessing you don't have any money, because if you did you would have invested it in the US stock market while Obama was Prez and have made a mint. You don't even know what left wing even means, because Obama ain't it, he's just more socially minded than the US Right which is sociopathic in its individualistic libertarian impulses.
How's that defending your racism going? Now you want to make apologies for other racists too?
Isn't almost anyone's position on anything self-serving by definition? I'd submit that being concerned that one's livelihood would be threatened or destroyed by an invasive open pit mine next door would be a pretty valid self-serving concern.
(ps3) Warhawk Possibly the single greatest download EVER. This game is frickin' amazing being online only. 16 vs 16 dogfights are incredible!!! Ground combat in jeeps, tanks, surface to air missile launchers!!! Omg, I never had so much fun lol I was flying a Warhawk and locked on 10 missiles on to one enemy Warhawk,,Blew his ass outa the sky, flew through the explosion and let his body hit my windshield LMFAO!!! The levels are HUGE yet very detailed and there is always action no matter where you are..Wish they had more ground combat guns though but it still is awesome.. Best of all is the ranking system and no lag whatsoever..You can also customize the look or color of your warhawk or person..Game is sick!!..Its like Battlefield on steroids. I give it a 9.3 outa 10. Played for like 5 hrs straight..Plus this game had to of had 100,000+ people on at Midnight but was so smooth. LMAO...YOOO another thing... I just dropped a cluster bomb onto their base..it made like 30 small explosions and killed 6 ppl... LOL Came around for a second sweep but their surface to air missiles were back up not to mention their whole team was waiting on my Warhawk with rocket launchers lol Needless to say I was incenerated.......good times lol But War Rock is a free game that's all multi-player. Large maps, tons of vehicles....very fun especially to be a free game that's basically just a beta. They're supposed to have a new version out soon, but I havent checked lately.
t's important to understand the difference between Voter Fraud and Election Fraud. Voter Fraud is one person voting illegally ... either voting more than once or voting in a state or locale where he does not have residency. Election Fraud is conspiratorial ... two or more persons involved in the crime ... and is much more threatening to our Constitution. Voter Fraud is more likely to be offsetting ... close to an equal number voting illegally for each party and not likely to effect the outcome of elections. Election Fraud, on the other hand, can effect a much larger number of votes, in the tens of millions. Election Fraud may involve any or all of the following: tampering with election machines that enter and/or tally the votes, voter suppression tactics such as caging and purging that can disenfranchise millions of voters, gerrymandering, provisional ballots that never get counted, and tactics to make voting and/or registration harder. Election Fraud can determine election outcomes.
He has the White House and both Houses. Thats pretty solid. Clinton would not have had that.
FootballField: Not everyone living in rural Alaska is on welfare. Finally, urban Alaska depends on the federal government too...modernity or not. What state do you live in?
raising questions about their ability to tackle other tough issues" Fudge Why not "tax reform is now more likely because they will have to demonstrate that they can get things done
"Though I did find it suggestive that they want to repeal now and replace in two years -- after the midterm elections" I know. Isn't that the most courageous political act you've ever seen in your entire life? Talk about profiles in courage!
"facts" has five letters.........