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Some Corporations can't pass the costs on to the consumer because their consumers are not in Oregon. Increasing their costs by 2.5% will make them unable to compete in the rest of the US or the world and they will either have to quit business or move. Think RV manufacturing. Most of it is now in the Midwest where it is central to raw materials and transportation. If a Coburg or Harrisburg RV company has to charge 2.5% more than all those companies in Indiana, they lose. Add in the transportation costs from Oregon to wherever and they really lose. If they are gone, local governments and school districts get no property tax money; and the State of Oregon gets no income tax money from their employees. It's not a matter of greed; it's a matter of economics.
For the first time since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran is on the verge of acquiring a direct land link to the Mediterranean Sea and southern Lebanon. Iranian proxies and Assad regime forces advanced south in the Syrian desert on Friday to reach the Syrian-Iraqi border, cutting off Free Syrian Army rebels who had hoped to traverse that same territory to fight ISIS in the east. Barring a Pentagon-backed rebel counterattack, Iranian proxies are now on pace to complete their corridor through a combination of advances south on the Iraqi side of the border and advances north and east on the Syrian side. On the Iraqi side, Iran-linked Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) groups reached the border in a lightning offensive last month. The Institute for the Study of War records that before the offensive, PMF groups had already attained a direct line of control from the Iran-Iraq border to Tel Afar – their forward position on the eve of the lightning offensive. Now, a similar lightning offensive has occurred on the Syrian side of the border. The Iranian pro-regime media station Tasnim News released multiple photos today from the Syrian-Iraqi border showing IRGC-Quds Force head Qassem Suleimani alongside members of the Fatimiyun Brigade, which is a force of Afghani foreign fighters in Syria backed by the IRGC. Iranian-backed militias from Iraq including the Imam Ali Battalions, the Imam Baqir Brigade, and the Jihad Brigades had all increased their presence in the Syrian desert in the weeks prior to last Friday’s advance. While many miles still separate the Iran-backed militias’ in northeastern Iraq and southwestern Syria, the militias are highly likely to link up if only ISIS-held territory stands in their way. Iranian and Assad regime forces were able to make rapid gains against ISIS in the Aleppo suburbs after boxing in rebel forces in the area of Al-Bab town. This past Friday, rebel forces in the Syrian desert might have been boxed in in a similar fashion. It is important to note that pro-Assad forces launched few operations in the south Syrian desert until Free Syrian Army rebels began making gains against ISIS in the area this March and April. Assad forces then declared the area a priority – but they and their Iran-backed allies attacked the FSA rebels, not ISIS. Furthermore, pro-Assad attacks against rebel forces only began in earnest as the Russian “de-escalation zones” initiative took effect. Iranian Quds Force head Suleimani reportedly urged his proxies to build a ground corridor “before the Americans get there” around this time. Shlomo Bolts is the policy and advocacy officer at the Syrian American Council in Washington D.C., where he prepares analysis and presentations regarding the ground situation inside Syria to facilitate policy papers, reports, op-eds and briefings with senior officials in the government and Congress. [Photo: Tasnim News]
We have a malignant narcissist and mentally deranged sociopath in the WH, who is a disgusting insult to the office of president. He is not a leader and has absolutely no concept of how to represent the United States domestically or internationally, and has become a blustering, insulting pathological liar without shame. His incredibly stupid, intemperate remarks spoken like an ignorant fool, merely underline the uncertain future the country faces unless he is removed from office. What may be even more frightening are the GOP sycophants in his administration and Congress, and his glassy-eyed fans who believe he can do no wrong.
` The link to ``Useful Idiot`` would seem to be a decidedly non-neutral point of view. Unless anyone objects soon, I'll remove it.`
“Mainstream America is now looking at this and saying, ‘Wow, we’ve got a problem,’ and yet it’s been going on over and over,” said Brent Wilkes, ....." Yes America has a problem - a BIG problem, or should I say two problems - they are called guns & the gun lobby. The lobby say, you need guns to be safe; I would ask them to explain why there are more gun related deaths in a day in some large cities than there are in a year in all of Great Britain where guns are the exception - so how do they explain that away. The gun market is only looking after their own bank balance and I suspect will have connections to the other vast market of funeral directors. America has at long last taken one positive faltering step to ensure everyone has health care and with luck, one day someone will have the strength to introduce gun control.
If these people are not talking I would think that felony charges could at least be filed against who ever drove the the kid who assaulted this young man away. This was not a fight it was a violent attack. If just one of these sleezy cowards thinks they are going to jail I'm sure they will cry like the little chicken shits they are and spill their guts. Eventually all involve will be at least identified and if they have not made it right by being on the right side of the law and displaying some common decency, it will really suck to be them. The consequences of being involved in any way with this type of disgusting behavior can be long and far reaching.
I think you meant Borg-McEnroe and don't forget Rosewall-Laver. Many, many classic matches back when all the Aussies were dominating.
You have decided, based on your hubristic belief that your opinions are wholly congruent with the magisterium (even though you clearly disagree with the magisterium about salvation), that because the NCR disagrees with you, it "penly crusades against the organisation it is named after". This erroneous opinion has no basis in fact. Or would you like to demonstrate otherwise. You keep asking why people who disagree with this part or the other of the magisterium stay in the Church. I would ask why you, who disagree with the NCR, stay on this blog?
Oh for God's sake, you think choosing the name of Martin Luther is anti-Catholic?
Richard Onorato - Bush made a mistake that could have been avoided and Trump would be a terrible president, but let's be honest here ... Who split Pandora's box wide open by arming the Iranian-backed "rebels" in Syria, invading Libya and dealing arms through the embassy, funding the overthrow of the legitimately elected leader of Ukraine, and destabilizing Middle Eastern governments all in a pretty little line? If you guessed Hillary Clinton, you're absolutely right. She can say whatever she wants to say in her campaign speeches, but her latest book says she's proud of being a war monger. So, if you want a president who is philosophically opposed to starting anymore wars and whose fiscal philosophy would cause him to seek to reduce our worldwide war mongering, you want to vote for Gary Johnson because Trump and Hillary think war is normal and good for the economy and Johnson does not.
` You guys might also want to take a look at this, which is the specific request to have this permission enabled on enwiki, including an extension that I wrote for it (Special:Makeipexempt). However, it seems to have stalled, and no one wishes to implement this (even though it'd be a very easy fix). ^  `
@Jerry Dryer Re: "regulating gun accessories work...From what was learned so far from LV is he had large mags, bump stocks" He was in a room by himself away from anyone that could subdue him and considering you can swap a magazine in less than 3 seconds the capacity of the magazine would have made no difference. As far as the bumpstocks, you can bumpfire a semi automatic much more accurately and consistently with a rubberband or belt loop. Also if he had used a hunting rifle with a scope and bipod and chose his targets carefully I speculate it would have taken longer in a noisy crowd to realize what was happening and he would have killed more people but wounded fewer.
Successful microsurgical penile replantation after a workplace injury. Microsurgical techniques offer the opportunity for successful replantation of the amputated penis. We report the case of a patient who sustained a traumatic penile amputation as a result of a workplace accident. Microsurgical replantation was achieved with combined urological and plastic surgical input.
" Tagging article Economy of Bihar It came to my notice that you have marked Economy of Bihar as a Good article. The status of GA cannot be granted automatically without a formal WP:GAC. Kindly go through the assessment guides in the Assessment Page. Happy tagging. TALK2ME "
I meant Kurgan. On Disqus, s/he used "nic" as the name. Anyway, Kurgan uses satire and sarcasm to make points.
== Skins (franchise) == Skins may be a TV series now but if you read the article, you will see that a featured film is being created from the series. Hence, making TV series redundant as the film is covered in that article also.
Seia ta chariade asu but kichhii farak padu nahii
Transitioning to private sector employers is fine, but these executives should have to wait a few years before accepting positions in any state or local government agency. And having HART on one's resume should be a red flag to anyone considering hiring these individuals.
Sorry officer, the lesson here is...if the plane is already boarded and seated, and 4 United crewmembers show up at the last minute and need to dead-head, it is grossly inappropriate to force people off the plane to accommodate non-scheduled employees. Lesson #2 is, in a free market economy, you continue to up the bid to buy back the seats until someone gives them up "voluntarily". Not belligerent force and coercion as was the case here Lesson #3, you don't physically assault someone who is behaving lawfully. Not cooperating with police is not illegal, if the police have no legal grounds to forcibly remove you in the first place. This person was not being trespassed by united, you don't go hands on to remove someone to enforce internal airline policy.
Today's hearing was about Trump asking Comey for "loyalty" and obstruction of justice by letting Flynn off the hook. Please try and keep up.
Laying off 25% of state employees would be "a good start", and save more than an income tax would raise
There is a Public Corruption Division in DOJ in Washington, but every US Attorney's Office across the country handles public corruption cases as well. Wheat works in the White Collar Crime section of the San Diego US Attorneys Office, and in most districts that's the section of each office that handles public corruption cases.
Tumor promoting activity of teleocidin in skin and forestomach of mice initiated transplacentally with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. Experiments on the effect of transplacental initiation with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) and postnatal promotion with teleocidin were carried out in mice. The percentage of tumor-bearing mice among females treated with DMBA transplacentally on day 17 of gestation and postnatally by topical application of teleocidin to the skin of the back was 73.3% in week 30, whereas that among females treated with DMBA on day 10 of gestation and postnatally by topical application of teleocidin was 20.0%. This indicates that teleocidin shows potent tumor promoting activity on mouse skin in a transplacental initiation and postnatal promotion protocol. Furthermore, in the males treated with DMBA transplacentally on day 17 of gestation and given diet containing 0.01% teleocidin postnatally five tumors of the forestomach were found in 5 of 19 effective mice (26.3%) in week 52. One of these five tumors was a squamous cell carcinoma, and the others were papillomas. This indicates that teleocidin also has tumor promoting activity in the forestomach of mice.
Bacon...nom...nom! ― Me (21st century AD)
What kind of bill, exactly, could the GOP propose that Democrats could support without abandoning their core principles? You can't flip this around to 2008, either. Democrats ended up passing a bill that was fundamentally the same as a bill passed by a Republican governor and had, in its ancestry, a proposal from the Heritage Foundation. Republicans opposed the ACA because a) Democrats were proposing it and b) a large bunch of Republicans want the health system fully privatized. Democrats are opposing the current GOP proposals because a) it will take health coverage away from millions of Americans, b) it will likely make health care cost a lot more for a lot of Americans and c) Republicans are proposing it. There's no real equivalence here.
A lot of protesting uses violence, although the "violence" caused by the Antifa is pretty tame by many standards. If violence is all you have to explain fascism, then you don't know anything about it. Fascism is much more than that, but you don't seem to understand. This is the Merriam Webster definition of Fascism: "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." That's the opposite of Antifa because they are not a regime and they are not exalting nation and race above the individual, and have nothing to do with economic or social regimentation. Oh, but who do you think resembles that?
This type of statement categorizes an entire population without any basis.
Remember it was Harper who started this mess with 40 years mortgages back in 2008... > http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/special-investigation-how-high-risk-mortgages-crept-north/article1067885/
@USER They are BOTH GUILTY of CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR & they know it. 🙏🏻 God removes any & all barriers to getting the truth from them! #MAGA
As far as my cousin goes he wasn't a "few". Following the registry you can find plenty of people who have offenses over varying years. That means reoffending. They weren't a 1 & done type of offender. I used the registry to avoid certain areas & to see who was in my area a few times. Once I found out 4 lived in the same apartment bldg that kind of worried me since it was a 4plex. 2 had multiple offenses spanning years the other 2 only had 1 offense. Responsible people use the reg to decide where to raise their kiddos; but effective parenting means also keeping an eye out for friends and the creepy uncle. Growing up in AK 1 in 4 women have been raped, Sex assaulted or molested. The rate of rape is the highest in the nation. Obviously a low sentence wasn't deterring anyone from trying. The groomers r the worst convincing the child that they love them. This twisted many women/children as they wanted them to get help but didn't want them to get in trouble. Love was a key factor
Opposition to Trump was concentrated in California and New York, for obvious reasons. There are good democratic reasons to prevent a couple of areas of the country from imposing its values on the rest.
:: Maybe a sentence saying Boeing is studying improvements to the 777. The 777+ is near term improvements and -8X/-9X changes would come later. -
الآن بدأتم تتبرأون من جرائمكم بحق أهل السنة وتلصقونها ببعض أزلامكم و أحزابكم , فقد أصبحت لعبة قديمة و مكشوفة , فقد دارت الدائرة عليكم أيها الشيعة و أبشروا فقد جئناكم بالذبح .
Donaldson probably left due to embarrassment much like many fans. Pitching continues to be the only thing they have going for them and I am still not watching. Just reading the news and shaking my head.
" Indeed, I admit I was a bit too edit-warry there and I shouldn't have. / I guess when certain editors are determined to make this project into a warzone, it's just too tempting to give in and war against them. ✽ "
Not much of a surprise here. Trump was for single payer and said so more than once. It's why I did not vote for him.
Way back in the day, US President Ronald Reagan fired 11,345 air traffic controllers who refused to follow government policy. He also banned them from federal employment for life. It was a radical move no doubt. It created difficulties as thousands of new controllers had to be trained. On the other hand, it fixed a broken system. I'm in favour of the Liberals doing the same with Corrections Canada. Tear down the "blue wall."
What a childish little jerk. I hope he makes lots of friends in prison. Maybe they can take something from him.
Why would you run to the media and have this broad-casted across the country? If the girl is so traumatized perhaps making her life less intruded upon and showcased is part of the answer? And let her move on instead of the endless rehashing of the deaths. They are tragic to be sure, but you will never move on if the people around you insist you might/must be a victim also, and the media, especially CBC are insistent on making these stories their over done content. I swear CBC is 70% Native content, with no comments allowed.....not good.
5 "funny" comments so fat meat. Guess you are the real loser here!!!
Patient attitudes towards the arteriovenous fistula: a qualitative study on vascular access decision making. The use of arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) among hemodialysis (HD) patients has been consistently associated with lower rates of morbidity and mortality; however, up to 30% of eligible patients refuse the creation or cannulation of an AVF. We aimed to understand the attitudes, beliefs, preferences and values of patients who refused creation or use of an AVF. With qualitative methodology, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 13 HD patients (Canada, 2009), who previously refused creation or use of an AVF. Three independent analysts reviewed interview transcripts. We discovered three main themes that impacted the decision to refuse a fistula: (i) poor previous personal or vicarious experiences with the fistula, including cannulation, bleeding, time commitment and appearance; (ii) knowledge transfer and informed decision making. Patients identified information from other patients to be as important as information from health care workers, that information on vascular access (VA) was presented but not understood and that timing of information was crucial with information overload at the start of dialysis and (iii) maintenance of status quo and outlook on life. Some patients stated they live day-to-day without being influenced by the mortality risks with a catheter. AVF refusal is multifactorial and depends on individual patients. Although nephrologists consider the fistula to be the optimal VA, patients do not think in the same terms of reducing infection rates but focus on the practical day-to-day use of their VA and its influence on their quality of life and future outlook.
Breaking: Shake Shack Announces Its First Chicken Sandwich—And It’s Only Available in Brooklyn Just when we were starting to get annoyed at the fact that Manhattan has lately had an abundance of cultishly popular sandwiches, while Brooklyn has had exactly none, Shack Shack announced this morning that, starting today, they would be launching their first ever chicken sandwich. And guess what? It’s only available at the store’s Brooklyn locations. Suck it, Fuku. The ChickenShack, available exclusively at Shake Shack’s Kings County locales—409 Fulton Street, in Downtown Brooklyn; 1 Old Fulton Street, in Dumbo; and 170 Flatbush Avenue, near the Barclays Center—is made from a “crispy, all-natural and antibiotic-free chicken breast” and will be topped only with pickles, lettuce, and a swipe of buttermilk herb mayo. And it sure looks damned good. The ChickenShack is available starting today, 7/7, but will only be around for an enigmatic “limited time.” So, you know, we don’t know about you, but we’ve never been so happy to work in Downtown Brooklyn in our lives. We really haven’t.
And two to manage and run her campaign.
some people mix up God's dislike of certain behaviors with the people themselves, so they may say that God hates homosexuals. These people are of the belief that homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes and that a marriage union is only acceptable if it is between a man and a woman. Yet, we are all sinners, Christian and non-Christian teens alike, and God loves us all. Every single person, homosexual or not, is special in God's eyes. Sometimes it is about our own views of our behaviors that lead us to believe we are less special in God's eyes. If you are of a denomination that has deemed homosexuality as a sin, you may be faced with guilt about your same-sex attraction. However, it is your own guilt that makes you think that God loves you less.
Muthu Chippi Muthu Chippi (Tamil: முத்துச்சிப்பி) is a 1968 Indian Tamil film, directed by M. Krishnan and produced by P. L. Mohan Ram. The film stars Jaishankar, Jayalalithaa and Nagesh in lead roles. The film had musical score by S. M. Subbaiah Naidu. The film was a Hit at the Box-Office. Cast Jaishankar Jayalalithaa Nagesh Shylashri Vennira Aadai Nirmala Major Sundarrajan Thengai Srinivasan C. K. Saraswathi Tambaram Lalitha K. Kannan S. Ramanathan S. R. Janaki 'Master' Prabhakar 'Baby' Vijaya Crew Director: M. Krishnan Producer: P. L. Mohan Ram Production Company: Mohan Productions Music: S. M. Subbaiah Naidu Lyrics: Vaali Story: 'Thuraiyur' K. Moorthi Dialogues: 'Thuraiyur' K. Moorthi Cinematography: N. S. Mani Editing: S. A. Murugesan Art Direction: B. Nagarajan Choreography: P. S. Gopalakrishnan, Chinni-Sampath Stunt: 'Judoo' K. K. Rathinam Soundtrack The music was composed by S. M. Subbaiah Naidu. References External links Category:1968 films Category:Indian films Category:1960s Tamil-language films Category:Tamil film scores by K. V. Mahadevan
Many have used up all their indignation on recent increases to minimum wage.
RT : E nesse dia da mulher confirmei o que eu já acreditava : TODA GENERALIZAÇÃO É BURRA !
For 50 years women have planned their pregnancy, or not planned, with the knowledge that abortion is legal. It still is. I did not say rape was the ONLY reason for abortion, just the opposite, the majority is for birth control/contraception. I think 'free sex' has hurt our national culture. We ignore the down side of casual sexuality in building long term secure relationships. Sex is great fun, but if not with a truly intimate partner, can lead to all kinds of misunderstanding of intent and create emotional risk for both people, let along the physical concern for disease, violence, and in some cases pregnancy. At one time, fairly or not, women were seen as more intuitive, sensitive, protectors of virtue and honestly, helping to control the baser instincts for power(money, sex, violence) that many men show. I think we've lost some of that balance. But there's no reason that men can't change their behavior(more empathy), if we expect women to change theirs.
Ah, the intolerance of liberals raises once again its ugly head.
However the pre election polls took the Electoral College into account counting voter preferences by electoral college district. And those polls still showed Hillary massively winning in the Electoral College.
No amount of gold plating, chrome, paint, or decorative finishes can ever make a border wall attractive. Complete waste of money.
Roman rulers would never do this!
Speak for yourself! I can't resist!
` : OK, no problem. I'll explain every endorsement in the future. `
I think we all need to sign up for yougov polls so they can get a more balanced view. They seem to be asking the wrong people.
लड़की सोते हुए अपने बॉयफ्रेंड का लिया लुंड 63 sec http://xv.musz.info/%e0%a4%b2%e0%a5%9c%e0%a4%95%e0%a5%80-%e0%a4%b8%e0%a5%8b%e0%a4%a4%e0%a5%87-%e0%a4%b9%e0%a5%81%e0%a4%8f-%e0%a4%85%e0%a4%aa%e0%a4%a8%e0%a5%87-%e0%a4%ac%e0%a5%89%e0%a4%af%e0%a4%ab%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%b0-2/ …
Darn I clicked on this thread hoping for another self portrait. (ya like that.. took me all day to think of that line) Just kidding. As cutesy as this pic is you've done a great job on the textures. The hair is awesome as usual.
" This procedure needs to become clear in the article itself. As you explain, it is not sufficient to use one source, we also require PPPs. The best would be to add one column and mirror this data with its reference. The a third column could display the desired values mentioning on top the necessary computation applied to the two sourced columns. I will delete now the unsourced table. Once you have established a version that is verifyable (e.g., the way I explained above), please add it again. "
Surgical treatment of primitive thyroid lymphoma. Primitive thyroid lymphoma, although rare, is becoming more frequent. Its incidence is increasing, from 0.5% in the sixties to 1-5% of all thyroid neoplasms today. The diagnosis of such neoplasms is not always straightforward. In fact, it is often the result of pathologic findings on a gland resected for an apparently benign disease. Surgical dissection may prove more complicated than in standard cases of thyroidectomy for the possible tight adhesions existing between the gland's capsule and the surrounding structures. In cases of capsular infiltration, postoperative external local radiotherapy is indicated. A retrospective observational analysis was performed to establish whether patients with incidental thyroid lymphomas who underwent total thyroidectomy for another pathology had major surgical complications and worse prognostic results than patients with an accurate preoperative diagnosis. Six cases of thyroid lymphoma were retrospectively reviewed: 4 diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and 2 MALT lymphomas. Of these, 2 were correctly preoperatively identified by fine-needle aspiration biopsy and 4 were an unexpected finding at histology: 3 cases of total thyroidectomy carried out for huge hypothyroid goiter in patients affected by Hashimoto's thyroiditis and in 1 case of total thyroidectomy carried out for anaplastic carcinoma in a patient affected by Hashimoto's thyroiditis. In our experience, a correct preoperative diagnosis was extremely difficult (33%). In patients who underwent fine-needle aspiration, a correct diagnosis was made in 66% of cases. All patients with stage IE lymphoma who underwent total thyroidectomy had equivalent surgical complications and prognosis.
Watch CNN come to the defense of Kim Jong Un after that tweet.
Start making cash right now... Get more time with your family by doing jobs that only require for you to have a computer and an internet access and you can have that at your home. Start bringing up to $8012 a month. I've started this job and I've never been happier and now I am sharing it with you, so you can try it too. You can check it out here... ---------------------- http://w­w­w­.­c­a­s­h­-s­p­o­t­.­c­o­m
The Trudeau victory had nothing to do with tweets and selfies, and everything to do with policy. Specifically it was the unCanadian and draconian policies of Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party the people of Canada rejected. Trudeau was elected because he seemed best poised to insure Harper was tossed. No one voted for Trudeau based on his tweets, selfies, boxing ability, or his sexiness. They voted for him because he was best positioned to remove a very bad and dangerous government.
You are certainly no friend of mine. You have accused me of lying about what you had said, and run away when I proved by actual quotation that the accusation was false. We both know that, even though you praise humility, you are not humble enough to apologize. You sneered at my combat experience, saying "A lot of so called "combat veterans" of Vietnam smelled more perfume from call girls than they smelled cordite" and "So when you were an Army officer in Vietnam (even though you spent your time inside of Danang airbase, with at least two battalions of infantry marines on the wire ) what was the combat load for M-16 ammo per soldier on a daily patrol?" An actual friend would not have written such things. No, you are no friend of mine, you ignorant, arrogant, hypocritical blow-hard. You should be able to guess that I do not feel friendly towards you
Hard to imagine that our state would sanction a truly independent airport authority, but that's the only way this could work. Otherwise, yes, it would be HART on steroids, providing political cover for state bureaucratic mismanagement.
What the he'll is going on that we are struggling with these facilities that take care of the mentally challenged or health care for Alzheimer's patients that have other medical issues? St. Mary's in Grand Junction just discharged a friend who broke a hip and has Alzheimer's without rehab for the hip and no place with beds open for Alzheimer's! Ludicrous! The "authorities" closed the facility to accommodate "challenged " residents here last year and re-located them to Denver. Again, ridiculous! Our health care system is without compassion and based on the bottom line! The worst part is drug addicts, emergency room mangers of all sorts can get care but we treat those who have health issues as seniors like shit! Sad state of affairs! Shame on healthcare and those who do not fight for dignity in end of life care! Shameful! Politicians should be shamed for not supporting a bill that cares for these people!
rt @user quero din, mano eu quero din
Her primary duty is to the second congressional district. We have not see benefits from her tenure so far. Unfortunately she appears to be doing other things rather that working for her district. This is not about party affiliation. Hiram Fong, a republican, was a darned good senator and brought many projects and benefits to Hawaii. Sure, congress people have to consider the well being of the nation. I just have not seen any solid substantial benefit to the second district. Bottom line, "show us the money". Where are the projects, improvements, jobs, housing?
I don't think there is an NFL rule that says players must forsake their 1st Amendment rights. In fact, wouldn't it be illegal to impose a rule that suppresses those rights? Also, I have not seen anywhere, until now in your post, the assumption that Kaepernick attempts to portray his views as representative of his employer. (And, by the way, there is no "meter" either. There's a contract, which I bet has no such clause, cause if it did, wouldn't he be fired by now?)
Working with Willie Hofmeyer would make it doubly interesting!
Wow that sounds fun - good luck with the hobby! Been buffing astronomy articles in your absence.....but take care of yourself. Leisure time is too valuable to waste if not unwinding and enjoying.... (talk · contribs)
I am a grandparent that was doing all the things you said my granddaughter was NOT being abused or neglected. OCS got involved because someone lied. They have approved me and my house to have her but won't give her to me because I still talk to her Dad. Really!!!!
What is behind the name duckduckgo - blackvine http://www.altvirtual.com/tech-news/duckduckgo-a-new-way-to-search-the-web.html No seriously is it because most of the good domains are in the hands of cyber-squatters ====== villageidiot Expected this to be entertaining or informative. Instead it's just a shameless plug for the site and its founder. Lame, duck. ~~~ epi0Bauqu For the record, I had nothing to do with the writing or submission of this article. And I've never heard of the site. ~~~ villageidiot No worries. Wasn't pointing the finger at you. Just thought the article was kind of pointless. It's good that you clarified, though - thanks.
Perdón, se entiende que ha ganado la izquierda independentista. No es así, me refiero que ha ganado más la derecha indepe que la izquierda indepe.
3. I’m the fool? 😂🖕🏻
Reply to bartender. I know right!! Over a quarter of muni employees make over $100,000 a year in wages alone, without factoring benefits. Once you factor those in, it is 50% of them. Could you imagine a company that did this and could still survive?
Peter Ozsváth Peter Steven Ozsváth (born October 20, 1967) is a professor of mathematics at Princeton University. He created, along with Zoltán Szabó, Heegaard Floer homology, a homology theory for 3-manifolds. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1994 under the supervision of John Morgan; his dissertation was entitled On Blowup Formulas For SU(2) Donaldson Polynomials. In 2008 he was named a Guggenheim Fellow. In July 2017, he was a plenary lecturer in the Mathematical Congress of the Americas. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2018. Selected publications Homology for Knots and Links'', American Math Society, (2015) References External links Personal homepage Category:Living people Category:1967 births Category:20th-century American mathematicians Category:21st-century American mathematicians Category:Hungarian mathematicians Category:Guggenheim Fellows Category:Princeton University faculty Category:Columbia University faculty Category:Topologists Category:Mathematicians from Texas Category:People from Dallas Category:Princeton University alumni Category:Members of the United States National Academy of Sciences
My deepest ALOHA to his ohana.
The anti fracking groups had nothing to do with the fact the best, most concentrated frackable resources were drilled first. In California, official estimates for frackable oil were 15 billion barrels, now the government concedes 26 million is more realistic. The first areas to be fracked for shale gas were in Texas and Louisiana/Arkansas, both are in decline now due to depletion. The fracking boom is peaked and it delayed rationing, but not forever. Note that most anti-fracking groups do not want to discuss geological depletion. Lots of people talk about the problems of solar and wind intermittency. As a user of solar since 1990 I agree with that being a huge problem. We have reached the limits to endless growth on a finite planet.
Q: Finding greatest common factor What is the greatest common factor of: $$\underset{m}{\underbrace{111\dots111}}$$ and $$\underset{n}{\underbrace{111\dots111}}.$$ I am guessing that it involves using Euclidean algorithm (matrix-method). A: Hint $\ $ The Euclidean algorithm computing their GCD mimics that for $\rm\: gcd(m,n)\:$. Put $\rm\ 1^{[n]}\: :=\ 1\cdots 1\ \ (n\ 1's)\ =\ (10^n-1)/9\:.\ $ Then your gcd is $\rm\ gcd(1^{[m]},\:1^{[n]}) $ But $\rm\ 1^{[m]}-1^{[n]}\ =\ 1^{[m-n]}\cdot 10^n\ \ \ $ [e.g. $\rm\ 11111 - 111\ =\ 11000\ =\ 1^{[2]}\cdot 10^3\ $] and $\rm\ gcd(10,1^{[n]}) = 1\ $ since $\rm\ 9\cdot 1^{[n]}\ =\ 10^n-1\ $ and $\rm\ \rm\ gcd(10,\:10^n-1) = 1\:$. Thus, choosing notation so that $\rm\:m\ge n\:,\ $ and applying the above observations we have $ \rm\quad\ \ \ gcd(1^{[m]},1^{[n]})\ =\ gcd(1^{[m]}-1^{[n]},\:1^{[n]})\ =\ gcd(1^{[m-n]}\cdot 10^n,\:1^{[n]})\ =\ gcd(1^{[m-n]}\:,\:1^{[n]})$ So $\rm\ \ gcd(1^{[m]},1^{[n]})\ =\ gcd(1^{[m-n]}\:,\:1^{[n]})\ $ just like $\rm\ gcd(m,n)\ =\ gcd(m-n,n)\: $. So $\rm\ \ gcd(1^{[m]},1^{[n]})\ =\ 1^{[gcd(m,n)]}\ $ follows from the above by a simple induction. Remark $\ $ For full proofs and more see the answers to this prior question, which prove $$\rm \gcd(a^n\! - 1,\, a^m\! - 1)\ =\ a^{\gcd(n, m)}\! - 1 $$ Your result follows by specializing $\rm\ a = 10,\ $ then cancelling $\rm\:a\!-\!1 = 9.$
I recall reading other studies but here's one that I could find quickly. Just eat your damn fruits and veggies people. Don't avoid them because they are not organic. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4007233/
"Why isn't it pointed out that the State, more exact the Democrats, elected by uninformed liberals, set the purchase price." The price was established by an independent appraisal. If you'd like to impugn the capability of that private business without evidence, prepared to get sued.
And America spying on everyone!
Pamuğu çoktan tefeciler bitirdi.2000 yılında İzmir'de tefeci operasyonu yapılanlar elini kolunu sallaya sallaya çıktılar.1-2 sene sonra Amerika'da şirket kurup şimdi incir ihracatı yapıyor ve bir kurumun başkanlığında. Pamuk sahalarının çoğu gitti. #çoksoru
seams you lefties thought oil was dead not to long ago, not so fast right?\
Forcing a word to fit because you want to marginalize makes it wrong.
Q: Tree filter: how to remove all but one directory? Here's what I've tried, but the result is bizarre / unexpected: git filter-branch -f --tree-filter \ 'for f in $(ls); do if [ "$f" != "deploy" ]; \ then rm -rf "./$f"; fi done; mv "./deploy/philips/*" .; \ rm -rf "./deploy"' --prune-empty HEAD formatted for readability. In reality this is a single line. What happens is that mv fails because there are some files left, which the previous loop didn't remove. The action completes "successfully" processing all commits, but the effect is that what then remains in the root directory isn't filtered / only some small percent of it. So, I have two questions: Isn't there an easier way to purge all but a single directory from a particular branch? If filter-branch is the way to go, can I maybe stack multiple filters? It seems like it executes the filter in random order. Is that true? PS. If I can simplify it while sacrificing the commit history - this is an acceptable solution. Also tried something like this: $ git banch master preliminary * release-0.6.3 $ git checkout release-0.6.3 master/deploy/philips Also tried variations like master:/deploy/philips, master:deploy/philips, /deploy/philips, deploy/philips and master -- deploy/philips - I'm still no closer to the goal. :( EDIT: Please never mind this question. I'm an idiot! The deploy directory was ignored / nonexistent in master! this why I couldn't check it out. A: This is actually really easy using git subtree. Just run this (for every branch): git branch newmaster `git subtree split -P deploy/philips` Now you should have a new branch newmaster that contains the history you want. Check that, delete the old master, rename and you are done. If you don’t have git subtree in your git, you can read its docu here: https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/subtree/git-subtree.txt and to install it, just download this file and put it in your git-core folder (in cygwin that’s …\cygwin\lib\git-core): https://raw.github.com/git/git/master/contrib/subtree/git-subtree.sh
Yazıyı kopyalama nezaketi gösterdiğiniz için teşekkürler. Dün ulaşamıyordum (sayfada çalışma var sonra ulaşın gibi bir şeyler çıkıyordu.). Neyse ordaki bir ifadeyi yanlış anlamışım galiba düzelltim. Sağ olun.Hedda Gabler
Marcia: Good morning. Morning. Marcia: Good morning. Marcia: Wanna eat breakfast? Come and eat! Come and eat! Marcia: Come and eat! [squeaking door sound] Weeweewee! Marcia Mouse. Marcia: Eek, eek, eek! Come and eat! Marcia: Eek, eek, eek! [squeaking door sound] [more sound making] [whistling] Mango. Come and eat! [squeaking door sound] [more sound making] Come and eat! [whistling] Beep! [more sound making] Marcia Mouse. Shake your butt! Shake your butt! Shake your bootie! [whistling] Marcia: Good boy! Come and eat! Come and eat! Here ya go! Marcia: Gooo! Come and eat! Marcia: Almost ready. Beep! Come and eat! [indiscernible words] Marcia: Yeah, just a minute. I´m making your breakfast. [sound making] Marcia: It´s good! Come and eat! Marcia: Come and eat! Beep! [more sound making] [squeaking door sound] Come and eat! Come and eat! Let´s go see Jeff? Hop aboard! [whistling] Marcia McClean. Marcia: Marcia McClean. Am I cleaning on me? Marcia: Corn! [smacking sounds]
Unfortunately for the right wing spin masters, these emails are solid evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign & Russia. Trump Jr. released these because of the New York Times article from yesterday, knowing that they were going to release them. Since Trump was elected it's been one lie after another and then another. The Russia is just a "ruse" comment is now just a memory. Unfortunately this is going to burn down the entire Republican Party, if they do not remove Trump from office asap. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies. I don't think they had a clue that they were being watched since 2015 by an alliance called the 5 eyes, countries that share intelligence with us. It was the British that first warned US intelligence of these Trump contacts with the Russian intelligence agents. http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/13/politics/trump-russia-british-intelligence/index.html
Alina West In recent years the porn business has seen a huge influx of skinny chicks with small tits gain massive popularity and Alina West is one of those sexy spinners that’s built up quite a following around the world. She’s been working hard in the fuck business since 2014 and her small tits, hot ass, and sweet smile are all part of the reason why. It’s her willingness to do whatever it takes to make a great scene that makes her truly memorable though. She’s turned on by all things sexual and it’s such a pleasure to watch her go at it with big cock guys.
Financial advisors are simply salesmen who dump products in return for high commissions.
Ciao Pizzi, dato che ho deciso di eliminare it.wiki (non en.wiki, attenzione!) dai miei bookmarks, mi chiedevo se eri dotato di un programma di messaggistica istantanea, tanto per dialogare un poco se mai ti beccavo online. Se hai MSN, programma che quegli imperialisti di Microsoft usano per controllarci, aggiungimi al contatto mariosanson [at] tiscali [dot] it. Altrimenti, suca! Anzi, no, puoi pur sempre beccarmi su IRC, sono registrato su irc.azzurra.net come Olpus (il Bonzo non ci stava). Poi ho anche una paginetta MySpace per provare a cuccare con qualche ragazzina emo/goth (che tanto è la stessa cosa, sempre cretinette sono) con pretese artistiche, anche se finora tutte trovano la mia immensa trippa per niente sexy. Ah, proprio vogliono che la butti giù. Vabbeh, sarebbe anche ora, e poi per ciulare si fa questo ed altro. Comunque l idea è che se sei iscritto a MyKevinSpacey puoi aggiungermi tra i friends . Olpus
` It seems almost sad that you had to read my whole userpage just to find something clever to say about me, and when that came, it was an almost disappointing remark about the quality of my edits to an on-line enyclopedia. May I ask that you please do the following: *Die *Be more considerate to other users. *Consider comments in your head before you type them onto my talk page, which is getting kind of full. *Have more consideration for the cracking of my computer's monitor upon the posting of your picture there. How inconsiderate, I had to get a new one... Thank you, `
Being homeless isn't a crime. Apparently, where there is crime there happens to be a lot of homeless and the people that are caught committing these crimes are homeless. Hence the connection. There used to be a time where putting two and two together was called police work... But now that's somehow taboo... It seems like APD wants to solve the homeless problem to also solve the criminal problem. Obviously holding violent criminals for a long period of time isn't in Anchorage playbook either. (as much as it should be)
AKfox, can you point me to the law that says the PFD is the property of the people? I don't see that in the AK constitution. From the fund's website: http://www.apfc.org/home/Content/aboutFund/fundFAQ.cfm What happens to Fund income? The Legislature decides how Fund income is used. To date, the Legislature has: inflation-proofed Fund principal paid dividends to qualified applicants made special appropriations to the principal paid for some Fund-related state expenses
Mastercard Inc (NYSE:MA) announced the appointment of Craig Vosburg to president, North America Markets, effective January 1, 2016. This appointment comes as Chris McWilton announced he will leave MasterCard on December 31. McWilton joined MasterCard in 2003 as corporate controller and was appointed chief financial officer in October of the same year. As CFO, McWilton played a critical role in the company’s successful initial public offering (IPO) in May 2006. The MasterCard IPO was the largest domestic IPO of 2006 and the 12th largest domestic IPO in U.S. history at the time. He was named president of MasterCard Global Accounts in 2007, managing relationships for the company’s largest customers. He was then appointed president of U.S. Markets in 2009, before assuming North American responsibilities in 2013. Prior to joining MasterCard, McWilton had a 22-year career with KPMG, where he specialized in financial and SEC reporting and was an SEC reviewing partner. “I want to acknowledge Chris’s contributions to the growth and evolution of MasterCard,” said Ajay Banga, president and chief executive officer, MasterCard. “I’d also like to personally thank him for his commitment over the years in helping to make our company what it is today. The entire company joins me in wishing Chris and his family all the best going forward.” As president, North America Markets, Vosburg will oversee the company’s customer-facing activities in the United States and Canada, including sales, business development, strategy and relationship management with issuers, merchants, governments and acquirers. He will join the company’s Executive Committee. Vosburg, 48, was most recently the company’s chief product officer, a role he held since April 1, 2014. In this role, he led the development, commercialization and management of the company’s global Core Products offerings which include consumer credit and debit, commercial, prepaid and loyalty solutions. “I’m pleased to announce Craig’s appointment. His experience, both global and domestic, make him the ideal person to drive our business forward,” said Banga. “I’m confident Craig will have great success in his new role.” Vosburg brings global experience to the role gained through a decade of working in the Asia Pacific region with MasterCard and earlier in his career with Bain & Company and A.T. Kearney. Vosburg joined MasterCard in 2006 as head of MasterCard Advisors in Southeast Asia, Greater China, and South Asia/Middle East/Africa. In 2008, he was named managing director of the MasterCard Advisors business in the U.S. and Canada. In 2010, Vosburg was named group executive, U.S. Market Development, responsible for managing and building relationships within the merchant and acquiring community. He began his career working in commercial banking at CoreStates Financial Corporation. Vosburg is a past David Rockefeller Fellow at the Partnership for New York City and currently sits on the Board of Directors of the New York Botanical Garden. He holds a Master of Business Administration from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Bucknell University. Changes to Global Product and Middle East and Africa Leadership Effective January 1, Michael Miebach will assume the role of chief product officer for the company, replacing Vosburg, and will be based in New York. He currently serves as president, Middle East and Africa, responsible for driving the evolution of payments and delivering increased value to MasterCard stakeholders in markets across the region. Before joining MasterCard in 2010, Miebach held several global positions including with Barclays, where he was the managing director for Middle East and North Africa and managing director for Barclays Africa. He also held senior-level positions at Citibank, responsible for Germany, Austria, UK and Turkey. Raghu Malhotra will become president, Middle East and Africa as of January 1. Previously overseeing Middle East and North Africa, Malhotra will now add supervision of sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa markets to his responsibilities. Since 2000, he has led several teams across South Asia, India and the Middle East and Africa. Prior to joining MasterCard, Malhotra served in a variety of leadership roles across the consumer franchise and financial services businesses for Citigroup, American Express and ANZ Grindlays Bank.(Original Source) Shares of Mastercard closed yesterday at $99.38. MA has a 1-year high of $101.65 and a 1-year low of $74.61. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $94.80 and its 200-day moving average is $93.68. On the ratings front, Mastercard has been the subject of a number of recent research reports. In a report issued on October 30, RBC analyst Daniel Perlin reiterated a Buy rating on MA, with a price target of $114, which represents a potential upside of 14.7% from where the stock is currently trading. Separately, on the same day, Deutsche Bank’s Bryan Keane reiterated a Buy rating on the stock and has a price target of $114. According to TipRanks.com, which ranks over 7,500 financial analysts and bloggers to gauge the performance of their past recommendations, Daniel Perlin and Bryan Keane have a total average return of 19.0% and 15.9% respectively. Perlin has a success rate of 84.6% and is ranked #365 out of 3816 analysts, while Keane has a success rate of 83.1% and is ranked #93. Overall, one research analyst has assigned a Hold rating and 8 research analysts have given a Buy rating to the stock. When considering if perhaps the stock is under or overvalued, the average price target is $108.25 which is 8.9% above where the stock closed yesterday.
In Canada the only people opposed to immigration policies are racists. But, have no fear, the Prime Minister has made it clear that he is not going to let these racists dictate our immigration policies. Thanks for standing up to the racists, Prime Minister. You are truly Canada's hero!
You are trying to take conversation to some rigid extreme. Conversation is between people--human beings. There is a context. Conversation is talking, a "subjective" interaction. EFC writes to make ideological points and digs. It is his lawyer MO.
To the contrary- we need much more civility in the world. If you want nasty commentaries, there is lots of it out there.