int64 4
| Score
int64 5
| Title
stringlengths 9
| Tags
stringlengths 3
| Answer_score
int64 5
⌀ |
29,089,102 | 9 | Repository and query objects pattern. How to implement complex queries | <c#><sql><entity-framework><design-patterns> | null |
6,757,711 | 5 | How to get permissions for using System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcess(string)? | <c#><authorization><remote-access><user-permissions> | null |
59,874,640 | 5 | Resolving an anonymous type | <c#><anonymous-types> | null |
1,719,636 | 6 | How to capture mousemove events beneath child controls | <c#><winforms><events><handle><mousemove> | null |
3,628,374 | 8 | how to extract body contents using regexp | <javascript><html><regex> | null |
4,324,704 | 5 | Aggregation, Association and Composition | <java> | null |
19,586,401 | 14 | Error in binding resource string with a view in WPF | <.net><wpf> | null |
42,392,933 | 5 | Update with Dapper using dynamic column name | <c#><sql><><dapper> | null |
3,145,062 | 40 | Using AutoMapper to unflatten a DTO | <mapping><automapper> | null |
36,502,893 | 7 | Rotate multiple PDFs and write to one single PDF | <c#><pdf><itextsharp> | null |
875,892 | 5 | iTextSharp Vertical Spacing | <c#><itextsharp> | null |
15,138,165 | 5 | How to set TextBox cursor position without SelectionStart | <c#><winforms><.net-2.0> | null |
10,894,708 | 5 | Structure to hold 3 columns and lookup for a row fast by any of the columns | <c#><data-structures><hashtable> | null |
9,477,502 | 128 | Get the last inserted row ID (with SQL statement) | <sql><sql-server> | null |
38,223,233 | 5 | How can I set the RGB Color in font Using xssfworkbook npoi | <c#><colors><background><rgb><npoi> | null |
18,529,668 | 9 | How to best check if a cookie exists? | <c#><><cookies> | null |
1,539,466 | 6 | Object Initializer for object collections | <c#> | null |
23,756,176 | 6 | Avoiding UAC but launching an elevated process using a windows service | <winapi><uac><elevated-privileges> | null |
8,797,597 | 22 | Timezone Strategy | <c#><javascript><><timezone><utc> | null |
2,915,742 | 5 | parse content away from structure in a binary file | <c#><.net><binary><parsing><fortran> | null |
27,827,620 | 5 | How do I read a property from my main form in a user control | <c#><winforms><user-controls> | null |
564,650 | 452 | Convert HTML to PDF in .NET | <c#><html><pdf><itextsharp> | null |
4,029,875 | 6 | how to wrap text in boundfield column in gridview | <c#><> | null |
28,155,317 | 20 | what is the printf in C# | <c#><printing><format><printf> | null |
3,005,881 | 6 | how properly remove item from list | <c#> | null |
37,592,507 | 5 | A namespace cannot directly contain members? | <c#> | null |
941,502 | 14 | How to convert DateTime object to dd/mm/yyyy in C#? | <c#> | null |
31,448,510 | 5 | When are static fields initialized in C#? | <c#> | null |
9,838,017 | 13 | Strange Queue<T>.Enqueue(T item) code | <c#><.net> | null |
20,553,161 | 6 | How Func<DomainObject,object> return Object name as string | <c#><delegates><func> | null |
13,221,326 | 5 | Limit for HttpRuntime cache storage in mvc mini profiler | <c#><mvc-mini-profiler><mvcminiprofiler> | null |
8,797,654 | 6 | Is there a technical reason for no implicit conversion from DBNull to nullable types? | <c#><.net><> | null |
34,266,589 | 7 | Use .NET dll in Python | <python><.net><dll><installation><> | null |
5,873,118 | 8 | Checking if an email address exists | <c#><.net><><><email> | null |
14,499,295 | 7 | Multi-Threading a Large C# Application Using async/await | <c#><multithreading><task-parallel-library><.net-4.5><async-await> | null |
8,232,419 | 5 | Why this code using InternetSetCookie to set cookies at a WebBroser control is not working? | <c#><.net><cookies><browser> | null |
24,960,483 | 5 | Converting an object into Json in C# and sending it over POST results in a corrupt object? | <c#><javascript><json><node.js><bytearray> | null |
44,604,902 | 5 | ASP.Net Core API routing without attributes | <c#><><routing> | null |
45,719,017 | 5 | Angular Post json to .net core web api is null | <c#><angular><><> | null |
17,661,428 | 10 | async - stay on the current thread? | <.net-4.5><async-await><c#-5.0> | null |
22,240,764 | 5 | How to serve relative files from HttpListener | <c#><html><httplistener> | null |
51,559,933 | 12 | Can not stop async TCP sever Windows service | <c#><.net><sockets><tcp><windows-services> | null |
3,104,255 | 6 | Why is SharpSVN SvnClient.Export(...) not always finding files that should be there? | <c#><export><sharpsvn> | null |
5,021,190 | 6 | Architectural concerns: Fluent NHibernate, The Repository pattern and ASP.NET MVC | <c#><><architecture><repository-pattern><ddd-repositories> | null |
17,292,811 | 7 | Exception: Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '65536' | <c#><visual-studio-2010><wcf><serialization><datacontractserializer> | null |
12,926,476 | 5 | .NET CIL manipulation of evaluation stack | <c#><.net><cil><mono.cecil> | null |
2,350,604 | 12 | Get the surface area of a polyhedron (3D object) | <c#><math><geometry><computational-geometry><area> | null |
21,282,318 | 11 | Java Vs C#: Java and C# subclasses with method overrides output different results in same scenario | <java><c#><oop><inheritance><overriding> | null |
2,014,734 | 5 | Debugging x86 .NET application on Windows x64 in VS2008 | <c#><visual-studio><debugging><visual-studio-2008><64-bit> | null |
2,653,711 | 7 | What is the purpose of @ as part of a member name in C#? | <c#><web-services> | null |
9,666,064 | 18 | C# : Get type parameter at runtime to pass into a Generic method | <c#><generics><types> | null |
1,637,908 | 5 | WPF : Assigning to RichTextBox.Document extremely slow (7 minutes!) | <c#><.net><wpf><.net-3.5><richtextbox> | null |
32,095,768 | 5 | How to use session in apicontroller in mvc 4 | <c#><jquery><><><> | null |
589,338 | 87 | Slow debugging issue in Visual Studio | <visual-studio><debugging><visual-studio-2008><performance> | null |
2,743,836 | 31 | Is it possible to replace to uppercase in Visual Studio? | <regex><visual-studio><replace><uppercase> | null |
12,582,434 | 5 | String Find & Replace Method | <c#><string> | null |
56,867 | 784 | Interface vs Base class | <oop><interface><language-agnostic><base-class><static-typing> | null |
21,184,035 | 9 | System.Net.Http is missing | <c#><windows-phone-8> | null |
39,992,870 | 7 | How to access OpenXML content by page number? | <c#><xml><openxml><docx><openxml-sdk> | null |
5,701,163 | 35 | Removing a character from my stringbuilder | <c#><.net><> | null |
9,453,101 | 114 | How do I get epoch time in C#? | <c#><datetime><epoch> | null |
2,612,783 | 13 | Which assemblies conflict in "found conflict between different versions"? | <c#><.net><visual-studio><visual-studio-2010><assemblies> | null |
18,095,665 | 11 | A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression tree in nopCommerce | <c#><><linq><entity-framework-4><nopcommerce> | null |
29,154,868 | 5 | New C# 6.0 String Interpolation statements don't compile | <c#><visual-studio-2015><string-interpolation><c#-6.0> | null |
11,435,578 | 6 | Get Outlook 2010 Rule description | <c#><outlook><outlook-addin><outlook-2010> | null |
11,738,684 | 5 | Inject in custom membership provider with StructureMap | <c#><><><structuremap><membership-provider> | null |
22,986,300 | 17 | Explicit cast operator fails with "assembly is not referenced" error | <c#><casting><explicit> | null |
32,390,720 | 5 | How to get Sub objects based on value using linq? | <c#><.net><linq><lambda> | null |
679,489 | 7 | Determine if port is in use? | <c#><wcf> | null |
39,763,521 | 9 | Split (NOT PARSE) a string into command line args C# | <c#><.net><command-line-arguments> | null |
31,399,492 | 7 | Multiple join with groupby in linq | <c#><linq> | null |
48,348,744 | 5 | Deserialize array within array | <c#><json><><deserialization> | null |
16,113,227 | 8 | DateTime.Parse always throws exception in a specific culture | <c#><.net> | null |
10,673,740 | 14 | How to check if a point (x,y) is inside a polygon in the Cartesian coordinate system? | <c><algorithm><math><polygon><computational-geometry> | null |
6,184,529 | 12 | How to wrap a static class in a non-static instance object (dynamically) | <c#><.net><instance><non-static><static-class> | null |
5,758,545 | 9 | Why can't I find the certificate to sign the ClickOnce manifest? | <c#><visual-studio><manifest> | null |
769,621 | 484 | Dealing with commas in a CSV file | <csv> | null |
2,539,095 | 12 | Programmatically change the icon of the executable | <c#><windows><windows-7><icons><taskbar> | null |
4,357,729 | 23 | Use reflection to invoke an overridden base method | <c#><.net><reflection> | null |
10,354,275 | 6 | C# How to stop a method if it takes longer than 2 seconds? | <c#><timer> | null |
3,620,456 | 7 | What exactly is "handle"? | <terminology><handle> | null |
30,318,186 | 5 | How can I get the url from the business logic layer? | <c#> | null |
6,700,651 | 7 | IQueryable is disposed after using | <c#><linq-to-sql> | null |
51,961,450 | 6 | Dynamics CRM/365 SDK and .NET Standard / .NET Core | <dynamics-crm><dynamics-365> | null |
38,952,557 | 5 | How to get an exception on inaccurate calculation? | <c#><decimal><precision> | null |
5,004,912 | 5 | Visual Studio 2010 long debugging | <c#><><visual-studio-2010> | null |
12,353,141 | 5 | Adding a "Red Squiggle" underline programmatically in WPF | <c#><wpf> | null |
3,382,903 | 121 | Razor comment syntax | <><razor><comments> | null |
27,688,568 | 8 | are these two XML`s the same? | <c#><xml><web-services><delphi><soap> | null |
37,871,229 | 7 | How to get string from dataPackageView.GetDataAsync() | <c#><uwp><com-interop> | null |
1,441,406 | 10 | How do I access a file share programmatically | <c#><.net><winforms><file-sharing> | null |
38,788,737 | 5 | Breaking change in GetFiles with 0.15.2 can't exclude folders | <c#><cakebuild> | null |
7,667,332 | 6 | Can a statically typed language be developed with the DLR? | <c#><compiler-construction><language-design><dynamic-language-runtime> | null |
9,911,948 | 8 | Oracle Instant Client and Entity Framework trouble with configuration | <c#><><oracle><entity-framework><odac> | null |
3,071,634 | 38 | Strange behaviour when using dynamic types as method parameters | <dynamic><c#-4.0> | null |
548,499 | 6 | What's the best approach for reading in XML data and building a query to insert the values into a SQL Server DB? | <c#><.net><sql><xml> | null |
51,240,596 | 10 | Add dynamic to IList<T> fails | <c#><dynamic> | null |
1,506,963 | 17 | Array.Length vs Array.Count | <c#><.net><arrays> | null |
4,423,318 | 109 | How to compare arrays in C#? | <c#><arrays><compare> | null |
17,194,645 | 5 | \d versus [0-9] in .NET regular expressions | <.net><regex> | null |
Subsets and Splits