int64 4
| Score
int64 5
| Title
stringlengths 9
| Tags
stringlengths 3
| Answer_score
int64 5
⌀ |
1,064,596 | 32 | What is java's equivalent of ManualResetEvent? | <java><.net><multithreading><synchronization> | null |
392,864 | 20 | Splash Screen waiting until thread finishes | <c#><winforms><splash-screen> | null |
29,777,568 | 5 | Dictionary element accessing | <c#><.net> | null |
12,369,570 | 6 | Difference between IList<T> and List<T> | <c#><linq><list> | null |
442,019 | 27 | How do I enumerate all time zones in .NET? | <timezone> | null |
36,576,928 | 5 | How can I deserialize an invalid json ? Truncated list of objects | <json><> | null |
155,303 | 114 | .NET - How can you split a "caps" delimited string into an array? | <.net><regex><algorithm><string><pascalcasing> | null |
442,026 | 259 | Function overloading by return type? | <programming-languages><language-design><overloading><function-calls> | null |
44,154,539 | 8 | Not able to deserialize Lazy object | <c#><serialization><deserialization><lazy-initialization><serializationbinder> | null |
18,701,996 | 5 | How to I encode a number so that small changes result in very different encodings? | <c#><algorithm><encoding><scramble> | null |
9,469,612 | 7 | How to get MethodInfo from a method symbol | <c#><.net><reflection> | null |
4,087,468 | 40 | SSN Regex for 123-45-6789 OR XXX-XX-XXXX | <regex> | null |
20,995,759 | 6 | What is the difference between “dynamic” and “object” keywords in C#? | <.net><c#-4.0> | null |
1,310,384 | 8 | How to effectively buffer and flush stream in Open XML SDK | <c#><xml><excel><performance> | null |
8,429,232 | 5 | linq string.contains on field of child object list | <string><linq><list><contains> | null |
25,435,822 | 11 | How do I remove headers from my Web API response? | <c#><><><.net-4.5> | null |
6,258,361 | 5 | "Could not find part of the path" error when copying a file | <c#><path><file-copying> | null |
6,643,389 | 6 | .NET: Covariance and Contravariance | <.net><covariance><contravariance> | null |
12,689,086 | 7 | adding GZIP to WCF REST service in C# | <c#><.net><wcf><web-services><gzip> | null |
286,399 | 7 | Is there a way to define a List<> of two elements string array? | <c#><arrays><generics><data-structures> | null |
3,235,522 | 6 | Exposing a .NET class library (which primarily defines CRUD operations) as a service | <c#><.net><wcf><service><wcf-data-services> | null |
31,063,747 | 5 | How Would I Set Mouse Cursor At X,Y Coordinates, Click Left Mouse And Scroll Left,Right,Top,Bottom | <c#> | null |
1,539,783 | 5 | Unit testing a function that outputs via XmlWriter? | <c#><.net><unit-testing> | null |
7,077,576 | 14 | How do I tell my code is running on Mono? | <.net><mono> | null |
1,236,683 | 7 | Color Interpolation Between 3 Colors in .NET | <.net><colors><interpolation><system.drawing.color> | null |
4,923,084 | 7 | TCP speed tester algorithm question | <c#><tcp> | null |
1,269,452 | 5 | Is using delegates excessively a bad idea for performance? | <c#><.net><performance><delegates><lambda> | null |
49,102,545 | 5 | Task does not contain a definition for Content | <c#><><xamarin><xamarin.forms> | null |
13,508,306 | 7 | Can I detect the moment garbage collection is run in .NET? | <c#><.net><garbage-collection> | null |
31,645,395 | 6 | Dynamically create lambda search on IQueryable on nested objects | <c#><entity-framework><reflection><lambda> | null |
30,531,288 | 8 | TargetInvocationException when using SemanticResultKey | <c#><.net><speech-recognition><speech-to-text> | null |
2,211,546 | 9 | How to include the xsd:documentation in the C# class generated with XSD.exe? | <c#><.net><documentation><xsd><xml-documentation> | null |
42,876,646 | 6 | XAML: How can I change the source of a specific ResourceDictionary | <c#><wpf><xaml><uwp-xaml> | null |
48,872 | 97 | Why/when should you use nested classes in .net? Or shouldn't you? | <.net><class><nested><fxcop> | null |
130,794 | 3,202 | What is dependency injection? | <design-patterns><language-agnostic><dependency-injection><terminology> | null |
5,979,887 | 16 | Can't include Microsoft.Security.Application? | <c#><.net><><namespaces><antixsslibrary> | null |
28,745,459 | 5 | How do I generate an html string from group by | <c#><linq> | null |
13,950,709 | 7 | linq query for varchar field not returning any results | <c#><linq><visual-studio><linqpad> | null |
6,692,599 | 8 | Destructors are not guaranteed to be called | <c#><.net> | null |
35,061,496 | 7 | OrderBy ignoring accented letters | <c#><sorting><lambda><expression><letters> | null |
4,923,131 | 15 | Task could not find "AL.exe" using the SdkToolsPath | <windows><visual-studio-2010><.net-4.0> | null |
4,742,910 | 6 | Converting 'float' to 'byte[4]' and back to 'float' in .NET Micro Framework | <c#><embedded><.net-micro-framework> | null |
6,717,184 | 16 | .NET FFmpeg wrapper for video playback | <c#><.net><video><ffmpeg><video-player> | null |
1,638,150 | 7 | Preserving Order In Sequence of Choices (LINQ To XSD) | <c#><linq><xsd><xsd.exe><linq-to-xsd> | null |
6,192,906 | 5 | Can I put a windows (.bat ) file inside the resources folder of a Visual studio C# project? | <c#><batch-file> | null |
1,228,554 | 6 | C# - Loading .NET Assembly into Separate AppDomain So You Can Unload It | <c#><.net><reflection><dynamic><assemblies> | null |
4,800,267 | 14 | How to execute code that is in a string? | <c#> | null |
1,883,920 | 59 | call a function for each value in a generic c# collection | <c#><linq><lambda><generics> | null |
33,570,578 | 8 | Windows 10 cannot access the specified device, path, or file when using full path to executable, running as Administrator | <c#><windows><encoding><filesystems><windows-10> | null |
17,645,331 | 10 | WPF Borderless window resize | <c#><.net><wpf><cursor><window-resize> | null |
32,964,373 | 5 | Icon button layout in winform | <c#><.net><winforms><visual-studio-2012> | null |
1,335,065 | 21 | Check status of services that run in a remote computer using C# | <c#><windows><windows-services><remote-access> | null |
3,563,291 | 7 | How to check if the program is executed under Visual Studio control? | <c#><visual-studio><debugging> | null |
29,089,565 | 5 | Get total Amount of the column in AngularJs | <c#><angularjs> | null |
40,733 | 63 | Disable WPF label accelerator key (text underscore is missing) | <wpf><user-interface> | null |
25,001,764 | 5 | Always Running Threads on Windows Service | <c#><multithreading><windows-services><async-await><threadpool> | null |
16,793,385 | 5 | Type.GetMethod with a Generic overload - Get Generic MethodInfo without looping through all Methods | <c#><reflection><methodinfo> | null |
6,250,284 | 6 | Send JSON data to highcharts pie from MVC controller in C# | <c#><><json><highcharts><pie-chart> | null |
343,852 | 91 | What's a good algorithm to determine if an input is a perfect square? | <algorithm><math><perfect-square> | null |
122,670 | 46 | What is the LINQ way to implode/join a string array? | <.net><linq><string> | null |
18,915,116 | 12 | How to add New Row in datagridview which is bound to the datasource | <c#><winforms><datagridview> | null |
15,458,101 | 7 | Can you have multiple enum values for the same integer? | <c#><.net><enums><clr> | null |
18,931,515 | 7 | Type.GetType fails when invoked as method group but not in lambda expression | <c#><.net><reflection><lambda> | null |
51,117,885 | 6 | Read text file line by line using timer | <c#><streamreader><datalog> | null |
14,614,335 | 5 | Twilio's TwilioRestClient SendSmsMessage returns null | <c#><mono><amazon-ec2><twilio><restsharp> | null |
36,511,558 | 20 | How to detect if HDMI cable is plugged into PCMCIA card / no signal? | <c#><directshow><pci><graphedit> | null |
565,062 | 10 | check the availability of the WCF Web Service | <wcf> | null |
64,749,385 | 10 | Predefined type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit' is not defined or imported | <c#-9.0> | null |
40,738,634 | 5 | Can you increase throughput by using Task.Run on synchronous code in a controller? | <c#><><task> | null |
13,598,539 | 6 | What is the best way for calculating hashcode of a class with string properties? | <c#><gethashcode> | null |
30,654,290 | 17 | How can character's body be continuously rotated when its head is already turned by 60°`? | <java><c#><unity3d><google-cardboard> | null |
2,195,289 | 53 | Why does IQueryable.All() return true on an empty collection? | <.net><linq><logic> | null |
45,645,669 | 15 | Cross-AppDomain call corrupts the runtime | <c#><.net><serialization><appdomain><remoting> | null |
13,344,625 | 5 | Process.Start can't find an existing file | <c#><.net><file><process><io> | null |
27,656,052 | 5 | Convert "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt" to "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSZ" | <c#><string><datetime> | null |
9,977,719 | 10 | Invoke a method with optional params via reflection | <c#><.net><reflection><optional-parameters> | null |
8,568,696 | 8 | IComparer for natural sorting | <c#><list><sorting><natural-sort> | null |
34,398,073 | 5 | Azure WebJob Best Approach | <c#><azure><azure-webjobs><azure-webjobssdk> | null |
14,352,250 | 8 | Is there a Java equivalent to the 'new' modifier in C#? | <c#><java><polymorphism> | null |
17,833,851 | 8 | How can I generate a "Social Golfer" matrix for worker seating arrangement? | <c#><sql><oracle><select><permutation> | null |
5,750,651 | 31 | How to know if Process.Start() is successful? | <c#><.net><excel><process> | null |
19,496,825 | 10 | Single quoted string to uint in c# | <c#><c++><string> | null |
4,890,494 | 27 | Websockets with ASP.NET MVC / MVVM | <c#><.net><><mvvm><websocket> | null |
21,495,678 | 6 | Error :Cannot Find Table 0 | <c#><sql-server-2008> | null |
737,151 | 647 | How to get the list of properties of a class? | <c#><.net><reflection><properties> | null |
3,121,025 | 32 | What's the purpose of the Tuple(T1)/Singleton in .net? | <.net><tuples> | null |
40,640,386 | 11 | Using [JsonProperty("name")] in ModelState.Errors | <c#><> | null |
4,136,830 | 5 | Can WPF KeyBinding Key have multiple values | <wpf> | null |
9,281,419 | 5 | Setting up persistent forms authentication on multiple servers and subdomains | <c#><.net><forms-authentication><web-farm> | null |
13,361,039 | 8 | Windows 8 / XAML Double Tap event always preceded by Tap | <c#><xaml><windows-8><touch><double-click> | null |
45,383,568 | 5 | Entity Framework - Different proxy objects for the same entity. And Include behavior with multiple paths to same destination | <c#><.net><entity-framework><entity-framework-6> | null |
17,579,922 | 10 | C# Show output of Process in real time | <c#> | null |
2,023,316 | 38 | How to create a Winforms Combobox with Label and Value? | <.net><winforms><combobox> | null |
18,890,651 | 6 | MEF throws exception ImportCardinalityMismatchException? | <c#><mef> | null |
32,251,805 | 5 | Calculating the frame-rate in a Unity scene | <c#><unity3d><frame-rate> | null |
6,102,948 | 81 | Why does modulus division (%) only work with integers? | <c++><c> | null |
15,269,798 | 12 | Is there a named constant like string.Space to replace " " | <c#> | null |
1,220,519 | 42 | How to sign a .NET Assembly DLL file with a Strong Name? | <.net><code-signing> | null |
16,334,760 | 5 | Color non-consecutive cells in an Excel sheet | <c#><excel><office-interop> | null |
1,990,569 | 9 | Write a lambda or anonymous function that accepts an out parameter | <c#><.net><c#-3.0><lambda> | null |
Subsets and Splits