How To Make Dr. Pepper
Although the exact recipe for modern Dr. Pepper is a closely-guarded secret, you can make a similar version yourself. Open a bottle of regular cola, and pour it into a chilled glass or mix your drink directly in the bottle. Pour in 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and then let the drink rest for a few minutes so the ingredients can combine. If you want a sweeter or a stronger flavor, add more of each extract.
How To Cook Shallots
Caramelized shallots are mouthwateringly delicious, and they're super easy to make. Start by boiling about 4 cups of shallots for 2 minutes and then peeling off the skins. Heat 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a pan over high heat, then add the peeled shallots in a single layer and cook them for 5 minutes. Drain the leftover oil from the pan, leaving the shallots in it, and add 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 bay leaves, and 1 sprig of thyme. Cook everything for 5 more minutes, stirring continuously. Finally, add 2 cups of beef stock to the pan and cook until the sauce gets thick and sticky, which might take several minutes. Transfer your caramelized shallots to a plate with a slotted spoon and enjoy!
How To Use ADP for Payroll
To use ADP for payroll, start by making a new payroll cycle to clear out any old data. You’ll then need to check to see if the company code, the week number, pay date, period end date, scheduled deductions and special effects are all correct, then click “Continue.” Before manually entering the pay data, wait for the system to start the new data cycle. Once the popup window closes and the new payroll cycle page returns, you can set up the employees who are to be paid by clicking on “Process” in the task bar. Then click “Enter Paydata” and select “Paydata” from the popup menu. Select the employee or batch of employees and click “Go to Payroll Cycle.” You can now enter information such as the employees’ hours and any overtime, deductions and leave entitlements.
How To Heat Milk
To heat milk to a boil easily, pour it into a microwave-safe container and heat it for about 2 1/2 minutes, stirring every 15 seconds so it doesn’t scorch. You can also pour the milk into a large, deep pot and warm it over medium heat until it boils. Stir the milk every few minutes so it doesn’t boil over, and lower the heat when the milk starts to boil to avoid scorching it. If you’re heating the milk for a baby, pour the milk into a bottle, then place the bottle into a pot of warm water until the milk has reached room temperature.
How To Make Glazed Carrots
To make honey glazed carrots, start by melting 2 tablespoons of butter in a skillet over medium heat and adding 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Next, give the mixture a brisk stir with a fork or mini whisk to combine. Then, add peeled, cut carrots and cook for about 15 minutes so the carrots turn tender and become infused with the glaze. As the carrots cook, make sure to stir them occasionally to prevent scorching. Finally, transfer the carrots to a dish and serve!
How To Use Ear Candles
To use ear candles, trim the skinny end of a tapered candle so that it fits into your ear canal. Next, cover your head with a damp towel and massage the area behind your jawbone, around your temple, and your scalp for 30 seconds. Then, cut a small hole in a paper plate, place it over your ear, and position the tapered end of the candle in your ear canal. Finally, light the large end of the candle and let it burn for 15 minutes. Trim the candle every 2 inches and let it burn down until it's 3-4 inches tall.
How To Tape and Mud Drywall
To tape and mud drywall, use a drywall knife to spread a liberal amount of drywall mud into the seam between 2 drywall boards, then run the trowel over the freshly-mudded sections. Before the mud dries, press a strip of paper tape into the freshly mudded joint, starting at one corner and working your way to another. Seal the tape with your trowel, let it dry overnight, then sand the first coat. Repeat this process with a thicker layer of mud for 2 additional coats.
歯医者への行き方 How to go to the dentist
How To Go to the Dentist
If you need to go to the dentist, ask your family and friends to recommend a dentist they like. You can also read reviews of different dental clinics online. You should also check with your insurance to see if you have to see a dentist in your network. Once you’ve chosen the dentist you want to see, call and make an appointment. If you get nervous before dental appointments, practice breathing exercises or meditation beforehand to help yourself calm down, and ask your dentist if it’s okay for you to listen to music during the appointment to help distract you.
How To Get a Sick Day off from School Without Going to the Doctor
Getting a sick day off school without going to the doctor is relatively easy if you feign signs of illness. Begin the night before by subtly suggesting that you’re not feeling your best, since sickness symptoms don’t usually come on all at once. For example, try saying that your head hurts or that you ate something funny at lunchtime. Pretend to be tired at the dinner table or in the morning, because being sick usually wears your body out. Stay in bed later than usual in the morning to make it look as though you’re not well. If your parents ask how you feel, say that you couldn’t sleep much and are even more exhausted than yesterday. Remember not to overdo any of your symptoms, since this may convince your parents to take you to the doctor.
How To Dress for Hot Weather
To dress for hot weather, start by choosing clothes made from breathable fabrics, like linen or jersey. Stick to light colors, like white or pastel shades, which will absorb less sun than darker colors. For clothing fits, opt for looser cuts to create a layer of air between you and your clothes, like T-shirts or A-line dresses. When possible, wear short-sleeved or sleeveless shirts, which can hide sweat lines. Otherwise, try long-sleeved button up in a lightweight material like chambray.
How To Tell if You Have Mouth Cancer
Mouth cancer can affect almost any part of your mouth, including your lips, gums, and tongue, and it can be treated if you detect it early. Ulcers in your mouth that don't heal after 2-3 weeks or bleed at the slightest touch are a common sign. Other symptoms include patches that change color on your tongue, lips, or mouth. The easiest way to inspect your mouth for these signs is to use a small hand-held mirror in a well-lit room. Other symptoms to look out for include swelling on the side of your face or neck, loose teeth, and numbness. If you notice any of these symptoms, this doesn't necessarily mean you have mouth cancer. That's why it's important to make an appointment with your doctor or dentist to get a clear diagnosis.
How To Peel Chestnuts
To peel chestnuts easily, loosen their shells in the microwave first. Use a sharp knife to cut an X shape into the flat side of each one, then place the chestnuts in a glass baking dish, taking care to spread them out in a single layer. Microwave the chestnuts on high for 6 minutes and give them about a minute to cool before handling them. Then, use a small knife to peel off the shell from each chestnut. Work on one chestnut at a time, and be sure to remove as much of the inner brown skin as possible!
How To Make Vegan Pancakes
To make vegan pancakes, start by mixing flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl. Then, in a separate bowl, mix vegetable oil and soy or almond milk. Next, pour the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients, and stir everything together until the batter is only a little lumpy. Finally, cook 1/4 cup of the batter at a time in a skillet for 2 minutes on each side.
How To Prevent Cerebral Palsy
To prevent cerebral palsy, get vaccinated against serious illnesses like measles before you get pregnant. Once you're pregnant, be sure to take prenatal vitamins, eat a healthy diet, and keep up with your doctor visits to prevent premature birth and birth defects related to cerebral palsy. Toxoplasmosis can also put the baby at risk, so avoid contact with cat litter and feces. Once the baby is born, follow the recommended vaccination schedule to prevent serious illnesses that can lead to cerebral palsy.
How To Use an Indian Bathroom
To use an Indian bathroom, start by positioning yourself over the toilet with your feet shoulder-width apart on either side of the toilet hole. Then, crouch down over the toilet opening, bringing your thighs together and resting your arms on your knees. Next, once you're as close to the hole as possible, go to the bathroom and use the provided spray hose or bucket of water to clean yourself off. When you're finished, flush the toilet by pulling the handle or chain or by pouring water down the toilet hole.
How To Get a Cat Used to Snow
If you want to get your cat used to snow, start by building it a warm outdoor cat shelter so it has somewhere to safely snuggle up in while it observes the outdoors. You should also consider getting your cat winter boots to protect its feet from injury, since its paws can be hurt by snow, salt, and chemical de-icers on the pavement. To provide a steady source of water for an outdoor cat in freezing temperatures, consider purchasing a heated water bowl, which you can find at your local pet store or online. Interacting with your cat in the snow will also help it feel more comfortable, so try playing with it using some of its favorite toys, or take it on a leashed stroll instead.
How To Hold Your Mini Lops
To hold your mini lop, approach it slowly from the side so it doesn't feel startled or threatened. Next, slip one hand under the bunny's chest and position your other hand around its bottom. Then, hold the back legs with the hand supporting its bottom to prevent kicking and gently lift the rabbit off the ground. Finally, place the rabbit in your lap or hold it firmly against your chest while continuing to support the chest and bottom.
How To Come Out to Your Friends
Coming out to your friends can be a big step, but if they’re good friends, it can feel liberating and help you feel more comfortable around them. It’s probably best to tell the friends who you’re most confident will support you first. If you’re unsure how someone will take it, you can test the waters by asking them about LGBT issues. For example, say something like, “Did you know gay marriage is legal in Northern Ireland now?” If you don’t want to come out publicly, ask your friends not to tell other people so you can take it at your own pace. If you’re too nervous to tell your friends in person, text or call them instead. Don’t take it personally if your friends need time to get used to the idea, since it might come as a surprise.
How To Determine How Many Weeks Pregnant You Are
If you have a regular period cycle and need to determine how many weeks you've been pregnant, count the weeks that have passed since the first day of your last period. For example, if it's been 13 weeks and 5 days since the first day of your last period, that means you're only 13 weeks pregnant. You can also search the internet for a pregnancy calculator, which will use the first day of your last monthly period and the length of your cycle to determine your gestational age. However, for the most accurate estimate of how far along you are, make sure to visit your doctor for a physical exam, a pap smear, and possibly an ultrasound.
How To Identify Female and Male Marijuana Plants
If you’re growing marijuana plants, it’s important to be able to tell male and female plants apart, since only the females produce the buds that contain high concentrations of THC. To identify male and female marijuana plants, make sure they’ve been growing for at least 6 weeks, since both types of plant look the same in their early stages. Then, look for male plants to have thicker stalks and fewer leaves than their female counterparts. You can also tell if a plant is male by checking for little flowers or bulbs at the joints of the stalk and branches. By contrast, you’ll see small, translucent hairs on the same areas of a female plant. Once you’ve identified that a plant is male, remove it from your growing area to prevent it from pollinating the female plants, which will result in your THC harvest being reduced.
How To Calculate Mean Deviation About Mean (for Ungrouped Data)
To calculate mean deviation about mean for ungrouped data, start by finding the mean of your data set by adding all of the data points together and then dividing by the total number of points. Once you have the mean, calculate the deviation of each data point by subtracting the mean from each point. Then, drop the negative sign from any deviations that have them. Finally, calculate the mean of the deviations by adding them together and dividing by the total number of deviations.
How To Split and Store Your Bath Bombs
To split a bath bomb, put it in the corner of a plastic bag and set it on a cutting board with the seam facing toward you. Through the bag, insert a screwdriver into the center seam and tap the handle with a hammer. Once the bomb splits, remove each half and store them in individual sandwich bags. Make a knot above each bomb and cut off excess bag. Then, store them in a cool, dark place away from moisture until you're ready to use them. If you can't find the seam, or if your bath bomb isn't a ball, scroll down for help!
How To Identify a Keeshond
To identify a Keeshond, check the dog's head to see if it looks wedge-shaped when viewed from above. You should also notice dark brown, medium-sized eyes that are not too wide, and not too close together. However, if you don't see slanting dark lines or expressive markings around its eyes, it most likely isn't a Keeshond. In addition to the dog's face, check that the dog is medium and compact in size, with a moderately long neck and thick coat, as these are trademark traits of a Keeshond. In terms of personality, see if the dog responds well to reward-based training and is eager to learn. Because Keeshonds were originally bred to be watchdogs, you should also notice that the dog is very intelligent and alert.
How To Eat More Iron
The easiest way to increase your iron intake is to eat iron-rich foods, like lean red meats and oysters. Iron from meat is the easiest for our bodies to absorb, but there are plenty of other iron-rich foods, like beans, leafy greens, and dried fruits. If you’re getting most of your iron from non-meat sources, though, it’s a good idea to consume plenty of vitamin C, since it helps your body absorb iron. You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, or from vegetables like broccoli. Keep scrolling for a guide to how much iron your body needs per day!
How To Prepare for IELTS
While the International English Langauge Testing System can seem intimidating, if you prepare early and use focused studying strategies, you’ll increase your chances of success. If possible, start studying 6 to 8 weeks before your test date. The exam includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening sections, so think about where your strengths and weaknesses are to help you decide how to focus your study time. To make sure you study the right material, get an IELTS book, find a study guide, or use online or in-person prep courses to get extra help. While some prep courses will include a practice test at the end, you can also do practice questions or take a full practice test on the official IELTS website. In addition to guided studying, practice your skills as often as possible. Speak English regularly, listen to English podcasts and music, read English magazines and blogs, and write emails and letters in English.
How To Get Rid of Smelly Gas
To get rid of smelly gas, try eating your food more slowly, since digesting food in a hurry produces more gas. In addition, you'll be better off eating smaller meals more regularly than larger meals because digesting larger amounts of food quickly can cause gas. Try to avoid eating fruits and vegetables that produce gas, like pears, broccoli, or onions. You could also try sticking to water rather than drinking carbonated beverages, which produce gas. Additionally, avoid artificial sweeteners such as those in sugar-free candy.
How To Make Tteokbokki
If you want to make Tteokbokki, start by combining 4 cups of water, 7 dried anchovies, and a 6 to 8 inch piece of dried kelp in a pot. Let the water boil for 15 minutes so the mixture reduces into a thick broth. Once the broth is ready, combine it with 3 tablespoons of hot pepper paste, 2 teaspoons of hot pepper flakes, and 1 tablespoon of sugar, and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until everything dissolves. When the sauce is ready, add fresh rice cakes to the pot and cook them for 8 to 10 minutes. Add any other ingredients to the pot you like, such as cabbage, eggs, or fish cakes. If you add additional ingredients, let the broth return to a boil and cook for 4 to 6 minutes. Serve your Tteokbokki with sesame seeds and sesame oil.
How To Plan a Dinosaur‐Themed Birthday Party
To plan a dinosaur-themed birthday party, decorate with photos of dinosaurs on the walls and dinosaur footprints on the ground. You can also cover a table with a green tablecloth, some fake leaves, and dinosaur figurines. For refreshments, serve your guests dino-shaped sandwiches and cookies, green and red drinks, and cake with a dinosaur on top. You can also get a dinosaur piñata or have a dinosaur scavenger hunt.
How To Control Weight
To control your weight, start by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, since they are packed with nutrients, relatively low in fat, and filling. Ideally, adults should eat about 5 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables every day. Additionally, try to consume 25 to 38 grams of fiber a day, since it can help you lose weight and reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes. If you are an adult under 65, you should also be working out for about 5 hours each week, over the course of at least 3 days, to control your weight. In particular, try to do strengthening activities, like push-ups and sit-ups, at least twice a week to get the best results.
How To Use a Clarisonic
Before using your Clarisonic, make sure to charge it for at least 24 hours. Once it’s charged, prep your skin by removing any makeup from your face and wetting your skin with warm water. Then, add a generous amount of facial cleanser to the Clarisonic brush head or directly to your face. To clean your face, gently move the Clarisonic over your skin in small, circular motions, focusing on your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin.
How To Hide Belly Fat in Jeans
The easiest way to hide your belly fat while wearing jeans is to find a pair of jeans that flatter your shape. To draw attention away from your belly, opt for a dark-wash or black pair of jeans, as dark colors have a slimming effect. Avoid wearing low-rise jeans that don't cover your belly, which can cause a muffin-top look. Instead, go for jeans with a mid-rise or high-rise cut. Since loose-fitting jeans tend to bunch up and make your shape look short and rounded, buy jeans labeled slim, straight, or skinny. By wearing jeans that fit snugly and end at your ankle, people will be more focused on how well they fit rather than your belly!
How To Make a Cape
To make a cape, start by getting fabric for the outer part of your cape and the lining, like cotton, flannel, satin, or wool. Then, measure around the base of your neck and from your shoulders down to where you want the cape to end. Next, fold your fabric into quarters and draw the neck part of the pattern onto one corner using the measurements you took. After you've done that, cut the fabric for the outer part and lining and sew them together. Finally, attach a ribbon to the open part of the cape so you can tie it closed.
コーヒー豆または挽いたコーヒーを室温で保存するには、コーヒーをより長く新鮮に保つために、重く気密性のある蓋付きの不透明な容器に入れてください。 容器を直射日光から離れた乾燥した環境に置き、湿度および温度条件を一定に保ちます。 長期保存のためにコーヒーを冷凍する場合は、完全に気密性のある容器に入れ、頻繁に開けたキッチンの冷凍庫よりも一定の温度を維持する傾向があるため、ある場合はそれを冷凍庫に入れます。
How To Store Coffee Beans or Ground Coffee
To store coffee beans or ground coffee at room temperature, place the coffee in an opaque container with a heavy, airtight lid so it will stay fresh longer. Place the container in a dry environment away from direct sunlight, and keep the humidity and temperature conditions constant. If you are freezing coffee for long-term storage, place it into a completely airtight container, then place it into a deep freeze if you have one, since they tend to maintain a constant temperature more than a kitchen freezer that is opened often.
How To Dress when You Are Fat
You can dress great if you’re fat by choosing flattering, well-fitting clothes. For example, avoid oversized garments and tent dress that only make you look bigger. Instead, wear nice-fitting boot cut jeans or pencil skirts, which both make your hips and thighs look more proportionate. When it comes to dresses, try wearing A-line or Empire style dresses which accentuate your curves while camouflaging your tummy and thighs. If you want to wear a suit, stick to simple patterns since they flatter the shape of your body. Additionally, situate your belt at waist level, and not below your belly, since this will just make your stomach more pronounced.
ビデオゲームのレビューを書くには、ゲームのさまざまな要素の概要を読者に説明し、それがどれほど優れているかについての個人的な意見を提供する必要があります。 ゲームを実際に感じてもらうには、少なくとも7時間プレイする必要があります。 メインストーリー、サイドクエスト、マルチプレイヤー、チャレンジなど、ゲームのできるだけ多くの異なる部分を探索してみてください。 プレイしている間に、レビューを書くのに役立つように、好きなものとあまりうまくいかないものについて簡単なメモを取ります。 グラフィック、サウンドデザイン、ストーリー、ゲームメカニック、動作の良さなどのトピックを取り上げたいと思うでしょう。 また、そのジャンルの他のゲームと比較して、そのユニークな点を読者に示すこともできます。 最後に10点満点または星評価を与えます。
How To Write a Video Game Review
To write a video game review, you’ll want to give readers an overview of the game’s different elements and provide your personal opinion on how good it is. You’ll need to play the game for at least 7 hours to get a real feel for it. Try to explore as many different parts of the game as you can, like its main story, side quests, multiplayer, and challenges. While you’re playing, take brief notes on the things you like and things that don’t work so well to help you write your review. You’ll want to cover topics like graphics, sound design, story, game mechanics, and how well it runs. You can also compare it to other games in its genre to show readers what’s unique about it. Give it a grade out of 10 or a star rating at the end.
How To Offer Encouragement to Someone Who Has Failed an Exam or Test
If you want to encourage a friend who has failed an exam or test, remind them that everyone fails, and that it does not define who they are as a person. This may sound less cliché if you include an example of someone you know who has been very successful after failing an exam. But don’t feel like you have to do all of the talking -- ask them how they feel and let them vent if they need to. When they are done venting, remind them that they don’t have to get right back to studying. Encourage them to take a break to feel better instead.
How To Make Curly Hair Beautiful and Frizz Free
To make curly hair beautiful and frizz-free, make sure you're only shampooing your hair 2-3 times per week, since shampooing it more often will strip the natural oils from your hair. Then, when you're drying your hair, blot it gently with a microfiber cloth instead of a regular towel. Or, if you don't have a microfiber cloth, try using an old t-shirt. These materials will soak up excess water without causing frizz and breakage, which will frizz up your hair! Additionally, always detangle wet curls with a wide tooth comb and avoid using products that contain silicones, sulfates, alcohol, and parabens to prevent dryness and frizz.
How To Become a Surgeon
To become a surgeon, first determine if you have the right personality traits, since a surgeon has to be good under pressure, have strong focus, and enjoy managing crisis situations. If your school offers a mentorship program, spend a day shadowing a surgeon and ask them questions about their job, including the benefits and negatives. In high school, focus on math and science courses in high school, taking AP classes if possible, to prepare for college-level courses and give you the best chance of getting into medical school.
How To Make Organic Pesticide
To make organic pesticide, chop up 1/2 cup of hot peppers, like jalapeños or habaneros, and 1/2 cup of onion or garlic. Add these vegetables to your blender or food processor and pulse until you have a thick paste. Once they are blended, add the purée to 2 cups of warm water and let it sit overnight. The next day, strain out any solids and spray the mixture onto your plants. You can also make a natural pesticide by mixing a few teaspoons of mild dish soap with a gallon of warm water.
How To Teach Your Dog to Bolt from a Standing Start
To teach your dog to bolt, start by holding its collar and using the “stay” command to keep it in place. Then, have a friend hold up a treat and say your dog’s name while backing away to get its attention. After your friend has backed up about 30 feet, say “Ready...Set...Go!” and release your dog’s collar. When your dog runs to your friend, have them give the dog the treat as a reward. Practice this a few times each day, making sure to give your dog rest and water between each session.
How To Clean Kittens
To clean a kitten, note that there are certain parts of their bodies that kittens can't reach to clean themselves, including their head, back, and behind. Therefore, you should clean these areas for them using a damp cloth. You should also wipe its body with a damp cloth after its eaten as many kittens are messy eaters. As you wipe your kitten, move in the direction of the fur to avoid irritating it, and pay special attention to the area under the tail, which can get dirty. When you wipe its face, work from the front to the back so you don't get water in its eyes. Alternatively, if your kitten doesn’t seem that dirty, use a brush to clean its coat.
How To Grow Catnip
To grow catnip, start by scattering the seeds in small pots and keeping the pots in a sunny spot. Then, water them every day until they germinate and start to grow leaves. If the plants look tall and thin, place a fluorescent lamp above them so they can get more light and grow bushier. Once the plants are 5-6 inches tall, transplant them outdoors to a sunny area and leave at least 18 inches between plants. When you’re ready to harvest your catnip, trim off stalks and dry them on a paper towel next to a sunny window for 2 days.
How To Diagnose a Broken Thumb
To diagnose a broken thumb, note any severe pain immediately following the injury. Additionally, check if your thumb is bent at an odd angle or is twisted in a strange way, which may indicate a broken bone. You should also pay attention to any numbness, tingling, or coldness in your thumb. Alternatively, If you can move your thumb backwards without any pain, you may have a sprain instead of a break.
車両の公正な市場価値を判断するには、エドマンズやケリーブルーブックなどのウェブサイトを使用します。 メインページに移動し、「価格マイカー」または類似のものを表示するタブまたはアイコンをクリックします。 次に、車両の年式とモデル、車の走行距離、郵便番号または都市名を入力します。 次に、電動窓やロック、サンルーフ、革製の内装など、車の設備をリストします。 最後に、車の全体的な状態を入力し、最終報告書のコピーを印刷します。
How To Determine the Fair Market Value of a Vehicle
To determine the fair market value of a vehicle, use a website like Edmunds or Kelley Blue Book. Navigate to the main page, then click the tab or icon that says "Price My Car" or something similar. Next, enter the year and model of your vehicle, the car's mileage, and your zip code or city name. Then, list your car’s amenities, such as power windows and locks, sunroof, or leather interior. Lastly, input your car's overall condition, then print out a copy of your final report.
How To Make a Puppy Happy
It doesn’t take a lot to make a puppy happy, as long as you meet its basic needs. Give the puppy 2-3 servings of puppy food each day, along with plenty of fresh water and a safe place to rest. Puppies love to chew and play, so make sure it has a variety of puppy-safe toys, and take it outside each day for play and exercise. In addition, give the puppy plenty of affection, and it will be sure to be happy!
How To Not Scare a Cat
The best way to avoid scaring a cat is to keep it away from loud noises, such as the vacuum cleaner, hair dryers, power tools, and loud voices. If someone needs to use the vacuum cleaner, take the cat to another room and pet it to make it feel more safe. Additionally, when you play with your cat, try not to stare into its eyes. This can be seen as an act of aggression and might make the cat nervous. If the cat appears fearful, try squatting down to seem smaller and less threatening, and offer your cat treats to encourage it to approach you.