How To Take Care of a Diabetic Patient
When you’re caring for someone with diabetes, give them emotional support by listening when they want to talk about their illness and offering to help them with their practical needs. You can also be supportive by educating yourself about their condition. If they need to change their diet, you can help by developing healthy eating habits of your own, such as eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Diabetic patients can also benefit from increased physical activity, so offer to exercise with them. To help them deal with stress, recommend relaxing activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing, and encourage them to get plenty of good-quality sleep.
How To Sleep after Watching, Seeing, or Reading Something Scary
To fall asleep after watching or reading something scary, try turning on a soft light in your room so you don't have to fall asleep in the dark. Or, you can put on a funny movie or TV show to fall asleep to, which can help distract you from any scary thoughts you're having. Alternatively, try putting on some soothing music to listen to while you're drifting to sleep so it's not as quiet in your room. You could even call or text a friend to help distract you while you fall asleep, though you shouldn't do this if it's too late at night.
親が浮気をしているとわかった後、対処するのに苦労している場合は、自分の感情を処理し、親との新しい健全な関係を築くために時間をかけることが重要です。 親しい友人など、直接関係していない人を見つけて、自分の気持ちについて話すことができます。 それでも話すのが難しい場合は、自分の気持ちを日記に書き留めてください。 自分の感情をコントロールしたら、不倫がパートナーシップを終わらせる可能性が高いため、個人として両親との関係を築いてください。 不倫を親に対する武器として使用することは避けてください。そうすれば、親とうまくやっていくのがさらに難しくなるだけです。 両親と話すときは、どちらにも自分がどちらかの側にいるように感じさせないために、両親にどのように対処するつもりなのかを明確に説明してください。 もう1つの重要なことは、両親の対立に責任を負わないので、両親の議論の真っ只中にいたくないと伝えることです。
How To Cope when You Find out Your Parent Is Having an Affair
If you’re struggling to cope after finding out that your parent is having an affair, it's important that you take time to process your feelings and develop a new, healthy relationship with your parent. Try to find someone who isn’t directly involved, such as a close friend, so you can talk to them about how you feel. If you still find it difficult to talk, write down your feelings in a journal. Once you've got control over your feelings, build relationships with your parents as individuals, since it’s likely that the affair will end their partnership. Avoid using the affair as a weapon against your parent, which will only make it even harder for you to get on with them. When you talk to your parents, explain clearly to both of them how you plan to deal with them so neither feels like you’re taking sides. Another important thing is to tell them that you don’t want to be in the middle of their arguments, since you're not responsible for their conflicts.
How To Prepare Your Yard for a Dog
To prepare your yard for a dog, start by inspecting the fence to make sure there aren't any gaps between planks or holes underneath it that a dog could escape through. If there are, you'll want to repair them before you bring a dog home. Additionally, you should remove any chemicals in your yard, like garden poisons, insecticides, and fertilizers. You should also pull up any plants that are toxic to dogs, including azaleas, daffodils, hyacinth, and oleander. To help protect your dog from fleas and ticks, keep the grass trimmed and remove any clutter so fleas and ticks have fewer places to live.
How To Store Firewood
To store firewood, start by choosing a location with a concrete, asphalt, gravel, or wooden surface so that the firewood isn't resting directly on top of soil. You can also lay down a tarp and stack the wood on top of it to prevent contact with soil. Next, stack the firewood carefully to encourage air circulation and to prevent rotting. Then, lay a tarp down loosely over the stack and tie or weigh the edges down to secure it.
大きな犬があなたを怖がらせる場合、安全な距離からそれらを見ることができるドッグパークを訪れることで、それらの周りでより快適に感じることができます。 準備ができたら、大きな犬の飼い主に近づき、犬に会っても大丈夫であることを確認してください。 もしそうなら、犬をあなたのところに来させてから、手の甲を嗅ぐようにしてあげてください。 それがあなたを嗅いだ後、あなたはそれがあなたと一緒により快適になるまでその側面を撫でることができ、それからあなたはその頭を撫でることができます。 また、大きな犬に与えてあなたを好きにさせるのに役立つおやつを手元に置いておきたいかもしれません。 犬がしたくない場合は、犬にあなたとやり取りすることを決して強制しないでください。そうしないと攻撃的になる可能性があります。
How To Feel Comfortable Around Big Dogs
If big dogs scare you, you can begin to feel more comfortable around them by visiting a dog park, where you can watch them from a safe distance. When you’re feeling ready, approach the owner of a big dog and make sure it’s okay to meet their dog. If so, let the dog come to you and then give it the back of your hand to sniff. After it has sniffed you, you can pet its sides until it becomes more comfortable with you and then you can pet its head. You might also want to have some treats handy to give a big dog and help get it to like you. Remember you should never force a dog to interact with you if it doesn’t want to otherwise it may become aggressive.
How To Build a Japanese Garden
Building a Japanese garden can be a great way to create a space to relax in your yard. If you want to create a zen garden, you’ll need to flatten out a square piece of land and surround the area with rocks. Then, cover the square with sand and gravel. You can add a few simple plants, like moss and small trees. Rake through your sand or gravel surface to create grooves that look like water, which creates a relaxing feel. Alternatively, try building a tea garden, which is used for performing tea ceremonies. Tea gardens are divided by a wall of rocks or a small gate into 2 areas, known as the inner and outer garden. The outer area of your garden should have a pathway to your inner garden, and contain a few shrubs and plants. You should also place a water basin between the 2 gardens, which visitors use to cleanse themselves before entering the inner garden. In your inner garden, you’ll want to build a tea house and have natural plants, such as ferns, mosses, and shrubs.
How To Start a Scholarship Essay
To start a scholarship essay, open with an interesting story, experience, or anecdote to draw your reader in. Then, connect your opening to the broader topic or question you'll be addressing throughout your essay. If you need some inspiration for a good introduction, read the essays written by the previous winners of the scholarship you're applying for. Just make sure you use your own voice and experiences to write your essay so it comes across as authentic.
How To Fix Wet Suede Shoes
To fix wet suede shoes, place them somewhere dry, but avoid leaving them next to a heater as excessive heat can damage them. If your shoes are soaking wet, pack them full with tissue paper so they don't shrink as they dry. When the shoes are dry, brush away any dirt or mud with a nylon brush. If you spot any stains, scrub the shoe in a circular motion with a suede eraser. Finish cleaning your shoes by applying a suede-protecting spray to prevent future damage.
How To Make Hoppers
To make hoppers, mix the yeast, sugar, and warm water. Let the mixture sit until foamy, which can take 5-15 minutes. Measure the rice flour and salt into a bowl, then add the yeast mixture and stir. Next, add the coconut milk and stir until smooth. Cover the bowl and let it sit for 2 hours. When the dough has expanded, spread a little oil in a medium-hot pan and add 1/3 cup of the batter, tilting the pan to cover the bottom and sides. Your hopper is done when the edges are brown and the center isn’t runny.
How To Vote Online
To register to vote online, visit to find your state’s voter information website. From here, you can print off a voter registration form, fill it out, and return it to the address listed on the form. If you want to vote absentee online, you can either request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you, or in some states you can print off the ballot at home and mail it in. Currently, you can only submit an absentee ballot online if you live in Alaska, Missouri, Arizona, or North Dakota.
How To Smoke a Pork Butt
To smoke a pork butt, start by soaking apple or hickory wood chips in water for 30 minutes. Then, preheat your smoker to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, and spread the soaked wood chips out over the lit charcoal. Next, place the pork butt on the smoker, close the lid, and smoke it for 3 hours. Finally, wrap the pork in foil, and continue to smoke it until it reaches an internal temperature of 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
How To Dry Brush Your Skin
To dry brush your skin, choose a long-handled brush with firm, non-synthetic bristles. If you’ll be brushing your face, abdomen, or chest area, choose a brush without a handle and softer bristles. Stand in the shower or on a tiled surface and brush your body in long, smooth strokes, starting at your feet and working your way up. Each stroke should move towards your heart to promote circulation. Repeat this every few weeks, as you may irritate your skin if you do it more often.
幾何学で「A」を取るには、三角形の線の長さを求めるのに使えるピタゴラスの定理を復習することから始めてください。例えば、三角形の2辺がわかれば、「a^2 + b^2 = c^2」という公式を使って残りの辺を解くことができます。次に、等辺三角形、二等辺三角形、正三角形の違いを認識することに進んでください。最後に、正弦、余弦、接の公式を覚えるのに役立つ頭字語SOCATOAHを暗記してください。ある概念をマスターしたと思ったら、その概念を友人や兄弟に説明してみると、理解を深めるのに役立ちます。
How To Get an "A" in Geometry
To get an “A” in geometry, start by reviewing the Pythagorean theorem, which you can use to find the length of lines in a triangle. For example, if you know two sides of a triangle, you can use the formula, “a^2 + b^2 = c^2” to solve for the remaining side. Then, move on to recognizing the difference between scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles. Finally, memorize the acronym SOCATOAH to help you remember the formulas for sine, cosine, and tangent. Once you think you’ve mastered a concept, try to explain it to a friend or sibling, which will help you cement your understanding of it.
How To Look Presentable While Working in a Restaurant
Looking presentable, especially while working in a restaurant, begins with good personal hygiene. Keep yourself and your apron clean, cover any wounds, and avoid wearing strong fragrances so that customers know that both you and the environment they are eating in is clean and orderly. If you have the option to wear dark clothing, do it. Dark clothes look sharp and hide stains, making them ideal for restaurant workers.
How To Find the Distance Between Two Points
To find the distance between two points on a line, take the coordinates of the two points. Label one as Point 1, with the coordinates x1 and y1, and label the other Point 2, with the coordinates x2 and y2. Plug these values into the distance formula, which is the square of X2 minus X1 plus the square of Y2 minus Y1, then the square root of that result.
How To Cure Mange in Dogs
To cure mange in dogs, start by isolating your dog to prevent the mange from spreading to any other pets in the house. Next, take your furry friend to a veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis and get professional advice about the best course of treatment. Be sure to administer medications and other prescribed treatments exactly as instructed by your veterinarian. Additionally, wash your dog's bedding with hot water, soap, and bleach and replace it with fresh bedding daily to get rid of the mites that cause mange.
How To Play an April Fool's Day Prank on Your Family
To play an April Fool's Day prank on your family, try poking holes in a plastic drink container in the fridge with a needle. Then, when someone in your family takes it out of the fridge, the pressure from their hand will cause the liquid to squirt everywhere. Alternatively, you can switch out condiments and seasonings in your kitchen so your family adds the wrong things to their food. For example, you could put whipped cream in a mayonnaise jar or salt in a sugar container. If one of your family members leaves their cell phone out, try changing the settings to a different language so they won't be able to use it.
How To Calculate the List Price of an Item on Sale
Calculating the list price of an item on sale is fairly simple if you know what the discount is. First, convert the discount price to a decimal. For instance, if the item is 25 percent off, it would become .25. Then, subtract that decimal from 1. In this case, you would get .75. Finally divide the sale price by this new number. If the sale price is 51.75, you would divide this by .75 to get 69 dollars, the original list price.
How To Survive a Dust Storm or Sandstorm
Dust storms and sandstorms can be destructive, but with a little preparation, you’ll increase your chances of survival. As soon as you notice the dust storm, wrap a bandana or piece of cloth over your nose and mouth to prevent you from breathing it in. Wear goggles if you have them to protect your eyes. Get to shelter as soon as possible. Or, if there’s no shelter around, crouch down and shield your face from large objects that may be carried with the wind storm. Moving through the storm can be dangerous, so wait until it passes before trying to relocate.
How To Gain Your Bird's Trust
To gain your bird’s trust, spend as much time as you can around it so that it gets comfortable with your presence. During these times, talk to your bird in a quiet, gentle voice so it feels relaxed around you. Additionally, give it a treat, like a piece of fruit or vegetable, as a reward when it comes closer to you or shows good behavior. Once your bird seems comfortable interacting with you through the cage, try taking it out of the cage by encouraging it to step up onto your hand.
How To Begin the Day
To begin your day, start by getting up and getting moving as soon as possible once you’re awake. Have a good stretch, make your bed, or grab a glass of water from the kitchen to get going! Exercise before breakfast if you can to kick-start your day, then eat a healthy breakfast, which will give you more energy and focus throughout the day. Try to take a few minutes focus inward by meditating, journaling, or doing something you enjoy, like reading. Finally, take time to prioritize your tasks for the day and budget your time so you can get those things done.
広東語で「こんにちは」と言うには、ほとんどの場面で「Neih hou」を使います。時間帯によってあいさつを変えたい場合は、「おはよう」は「Jousahn」、「こんばんは」は「Ngh on」、または「こんばんは」は「Maahn on」と言います。電話に出るときは、通話相手に「Wai」とあいさつします。誰かとあいさつした後に自己紹介するには、自分の名前を「Ngoh giujough」の後に続けて伝えます。その後、名前を尋ねるには、「Neih giu matyeh meng」と言います。
How To Say "Hello" in Cantonese
To say “Hello” in Cantonese, use “Neih hou” in most situations. If you want to vary your greeting depending on the time of day, say “Jousahn” for “Good morning,” “Ngh on” for “Good Afternoon,” or “Maahn on” for “Good evening.” When answering the phone, greet the caller with “Wai.” In order to introduce yourself after greeting someone, tell them your name by using “Ngoh giujough” followed by your name. Then, to ask their name, say “Neih giu matyeh meng.”
How To Answer What Interests You About This Job
If you're asked why you're interested in a job, try answering by explaining what it is you like about the company. For example, you could say something like "I like that you encourage a culture of creativity, which I think pushes innovation." You can also answer by explaining how the position fits in with your career goals. For example, you could reply "I've always wanted to manage a small department, so I'm interested in proving myself in this position so I can advance in the long term."
How To Make Eel Sauce
To make eel sauce, stir together ⅔ cup of sugar, 4 teaspoons of dashi, 1 cup of mirin, and 1/2 a cup of sake into a pot on high heat. When the liquid boils, mix in 1 cup of soy sauce and keep heating the mixture. Once it starts to boil, turn the heat down so the sauce simmers for 15 to 20 minutes. In a separate bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 2 tablespoons of cold water. Add the cornstarch mixture into the sauce and bring it to a boil again. Let the sauce cool before using or storing it.
How To Avoid Soreness During Your Horse Riding Training
To avoid soreness during your horse-riding training, start by using thin, light reins made of leather to prevent achy hands and fingers. You can also cushion your backside by covering your saddle with a seat saver. When you're riding, remember to hug the horse with your knees, keep your toes pointed slightly outward, and maintain good posture to prevent soreness the next day. Focus on drawing your bellybutton in toward your spine to help strengthen your core and keep your back relaxed as you ride.
How To Talk About Sex
If you feel uncomfortable talking about sex, start by opening up the topic, even if you don’t know exactly what you want to say. Just breaking the ice can make the rest of the conversation flow more easily. Remember that sex is perfectly natural, and it’s best to use clear, direct language instead of using euphemisms. When talking to a sexual partner, be as clear as possible about what you are and aren’t comfortable doing, and be firm about your expectations. You should also talk about STI testing before you start getting intimate with your partner. It may seem uncomfortable at first, but you can simply say, “Hey, have you been tested recently?” and be frank about your own sexual health as well. The conversation should be an ongoing, open dialogue where both people feel heard and safe.
スペイン語で「No」と言うには、「No, gracias」と発音し、「noh grah-SEE-ahs」と発音します。これは、申し出を拒否する「No, thank you」という丁寧な言い方です。 礼儀正しくする必要のない状況では、単に「¡No!」と言うことができます。これは「noh」と発音されます。 あるいは、人に理解できないことや何かを知らないことを伝えようとしている場合は、「No sé」と発音し、「noh say」と発音し、「わからない」を意味します。
How To Say No in Spanish
To say “No” in Spanish, say “No, gracias,” pronounced “noh grah-SEE-ahs,” which is the polite way of saying “No, thank you” to refuse an offer. For situations that don’t require you to be polite, you can simply say “¡No!” which is pronounced “noh.” Alternatively, if you’re trying to tell people you can’t understand them or don’t know something, use the words “No sé,” pronounced “noh say,” to mean “I don’t know.”
How To Do Nordic Walking
To do Nordic walking, start by following the instructions that come with your poles to attach the straps to your wrists. Then, walk normally for a bit, holding the poles lightly in your hands to get used to them. Once you get comfortable, step forward with the heel of your foot while planting both poles on the ground to propel your body forward. After that, take a step with your other foot and move your arms forward at the same time so you can touch the poles to the ground again on your next step.
How To Take Care of a Chartreux Cat
To take care of your Chartreux cat, comb its coat twice a week so you can keep its wooly texture looking healthy. Since Chartreux cats can develop gingivitis, gently brush your cat’s teeth often using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste that’s safe for cats. This breed of cat is also known to have a sensitive stomach, so make sure to feed your cat a meat-based diet with cat food that has no less than 40% protein. In addition to looking after its health, you can take care of your Chartreux cat by giving it lots of love and attention since it’s a very affectionate breed.
How To Be a Waiter
To be a waiter, work on your communication skills since a big part of being a good waiter is being friendly, talkative, and a good listener. You should also practice multitasking so you're ready to take orders, communicate with the kitchen staff, and act as the face of the restaurant, all within a fast-paced environment. Also, make sure you're able to carry large, heavy objects with one or two hands since you'll be required to carry trays of wobbly drinks and hot food around a crowded restaurant.
How To Dewax Lemons
Lemons are often coated in a special wax to keep the peel glossy and you may want to remove this if you plan to zest the lemon. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using vinegar to make a fruit and vegetable wash. Combine one part white vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution over the lemon peels and allow it to sit for 2 - 5 minutes. Next, scrub the lemons with a scrubbing brush under cool, running water to remove the vinegar solution and the wax.
How To Make Bread in the Microwave (Simple Method)
To make simple bread in the microwave, combine 5 tablespoons of all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1 large egg, 2 to 3 tablespoons of milk, 2 tablespoons of water, and 2 to 3 tablespoons of oil in a large bowl. Knead the dough for 2-5 minutes, and shape it into an oval, scoring the top with an “X” to prevent cracking. Place the dough in a microwave-safe dish, and microwave for 5 minutes on high heat. Let the bread cool before serving!
How To Not Fall Down Stairs
If you’re trying not to fall down stairs, keep them free from clutter and be sure there’s adequate lighting. You should be able to turn lights on from both the top and the bottom of the stairs! Maintain the stair tread by installing non-slip surfaces or keeping the carpet in good condition. Make a habit of wearing shoes with good treads when you’re up and down, and avoid clothing that drags on the floor. When you take the stairs, pay attention to each step, use the handrail, and take your time.
How To Motivate Students
To motivate students, start by establishing clear expectations and encouraging students to meet them. Students feel less motivated when they're not sure why they're doing poorly, so provide rubrics, detailed instructions, and examples of successful assignments. Additionally, give projects that allow students to think outside the box, like putting on a science-related play, to get them engaged. Providing choices about who to partner with, opportunities for extra credit, and helpful feedback will also help students feel empowered.
How To Talk With a Retainer
To talk with a retainer, practice speaking to your friends and family on a daily basis so your tongue can slowly adapt to the retainer. Additionally, read out loud at least 5 minutes a day to get your mouth used to pronouncing different words. You can also try singing the chorus of your favorite song to help your mouth adapt. If you notice that you have difficulty pronouncing certain words or sounds, repeat them several times a day to train your tongue and mouth.
How To Become a CNA
To become a certified nursing assistant, you'll need to have compassion and enjoy helping people since you'll be assisting patients who are going through difficult times. Also, make sure you're comfortable with a fast-paced, busy job that requires long hours. If that sounds like you, look into the requirements for becoming a certified nursing assistant in your state, which will most likely include training and a certification exam. Once you're certified, you can start applying to jobs in nursing homes, hospitals, and hospices.
How To Treat a Paper Cut
To treat a paper cut, start by gently washing it with cool water and mild soap. Avoid using hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol since they can damage your skin tissue and slow healing. Next, if your cut is bleeding, apply pressure to it with a washcloth or bandage until it stops. Finally, let your paper cut heal on its own. If you want to speed up the healing process, try applying raw honey or fresh aloe vera gel to your cut.
How To Apply Illuminator
Illuminator is a makeup product that can help make your skin look radiant. To apply illuminator, start by choosing the right type for your skin tone. If you have an olive or darker skin tone, pick a golden or bronze illuminator to bring out the warm tones in your skin. For fair skin, choose a pink or pearly illuminator to create a gentle glow. Apply foundation first, then dab illuminator lightly along your upper cheekbones and the apples of your cheeks. You can also add a small amount to your chin, upper lip, and forehead. Once you’ve applied the illuminator, use your fingers or a blending sponge to blend it into your skin. If you used too much, apply a thin layer of foundation over it to make it less noticeable.
How To Knit a Cable
To knit a cable, start by casting 18 stitches on your left needle. Then, alternate between purling 6 stitches and knitting 6 stitches for the next 4 rows. Next, start your fifth row by purling 6 stitches, and then transfer the first 3 knit stitches from your regular needle to a cable needle. Once you've done that, move the cable needle to the front or back of your work, and knit the next 3 stitches on your knitting needle followed by 3 more on the cable needle. Finally, purl the last 6 and turn your work.
バスタブをリフィニッシュするには、スプレーとペイントの両方で使用できる、バスタブのレグレーザーまたはフィニッシュが必要になります。 始める準備ができたら、パテナイフを使って浴槽の古いコーキングをすべて切り取り、市販のクリーナーで浴槽を清掃します。 次に、浴槽の端をテープで止め、リフィニッシュしたくないものはプラスチックで覆います。 最後に、レグレーザーまたはフィニッシュを浴槽に3回塗り、各コート間で15分間乾燥させます。 使い終わったら、浴槽を少なくとも24時間乾燥させてから再度使用します。
How To Refinish Bathtubs
To refinish a bathtub, you'll need a bathtub reglazer or finish, which you can find for both spray-on and paint-on applications. When you're ready to get started, cut away all of the old caulk on your tub using a putty knife and clean the tub with a commercial cleaner. Then, tape off the edges of the tub and cover anything you don't want to refinish with plastic. Finally, apply 3 coats of the reglazer or finish to your bathtub, letting it dry for 15 minutes in between each coat. When you're finished, let the tub dry for at least 24 hours before using it again.
How To Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals
If a buildup of uric acid crystals in your body is causing gout, see your doctor for a prescription to treat your condition. They might recommend taking a medication like Aloprim or Uloric to reduce the amount of uric acid your blood produces. You can also ask about uricosuric medications, which help your body get rid of uric acid more efficiently. Additionally, talk to your doctor about how to avoid medications that increase the levels of uric acid in your body, such as certain diuretics and low doses of aspirin.
How To Get Rid of Indigestion
To get rid of indigestion, drink a hot cup of herbal tea, which can help settle your stomach. You can also take an over-the-counter antacid to help neutralize pain-causing acids in your stomach. To prevent indigestion from happening in the first place, avoid eating spicy, acidic, and greasy foods. Also, try to limit your consumption of carbonated beverages, caffeine, and alcohol, which can all trigger indigestion.
How To Dye Blonde Hair Black
To dye your blonde hair black, start by preparing the dye according to its instructions in a glass or plastic bowl. If your hair is bleached, add a protein filler to the dye to prevent your new color from coming out patchy. Then, divide your hair into 4 sections and apply the dye on 1-2 inch segments at a time. When your hair is covered in dye, put on a shower cap and wait 20 minutes. Next, rinse the dye out with cool water, apply conditioner, and rinse it out. Finish by allowing your hair to air dry.
How To Keep Your Guinea Pig Cool in Hot Weather
To keep your guinea pig cool in hot weather, keep its cage indoors and out of direct sunlight. You can also place ice packs or frozen water bottles in your guinea pig's cage so it can curl up next to them when it's too warm. Also, try draping a damp, cold towel or cloth over part of your guinea pig's cage to insulate the cool air in the cage. You should also make sure your guinea pig has access to fresh water at all times so it doesn't get dehydrated.
How To Put a Friend or Relative out of Your House
To put a friend or relative out of your house, explain in a reasonable, respectful manner that it’s time for them to move on. For example, you might say “We’ve enjoyed having you, but we unfortunately need our space back and have to ask you to leave in the next 2 weeks.” If your houseguest insists on knowing why they need to leave, give them 2 to 3 specific reasons, but try to avoid focusing on their flaws. So, instead of saying “Because you’re lazy,” say “We can’t afford to keep you here any more.” To part on the best terms possible, try to share some ideas about where your friend or relative might go after they leave your house.
How To Sell Expensive Items
To create an ad for an expensive product, write a detailed description of the items best features like "Large capacity, 8-cycle washer with Smart Motion technology!" Then, elaborate on those features with high-quality images. You can encourage buyers by using smart pricing techniques, like changing the price from $500 to $499.99. Once you have someone’s attention, increase your overall sales by offering multiple payment solutions, such as installment plans, as well as discounts for dedicated customers.
布ナプキンでバラの作り方 How to make a rose out of a cloth napkin
ナプキンからバラを作る最も簡単な方法は、ナプキンを斜めに半分に折り、折りたたんだ側を半分に丸めてナプキンをひっくり返すことです。 1つの「しっぽ」を反対側に折り、もう1つのしっぽで繰り返します。 ナプキンが反対側に届くまで巻き、突き出ている余分な布を挟みます。 巻き上げたナプキンの中の2つのフラップを引き離し、ひっくり返してあなたの創造物を鑑賞してください!
How To Make a Rose out of a Cloth Napkin
The easiest way to make a rose out of a napkin is to fold the napkin in half diagonally, then roll the folded side up halfway and flip the napkin over. Fold one “tail” into the other side and repeat with the other tail. Roll the napkin until it reaches the other side, and tuck in any extra cloth that’s sticking out. Pull apart the two flaps inside the rolled up napkin and turn it over to appreciate your creation!
地球を救う方法 How to Save the Earth
How To Help Save the Earth
You can help save the Earth by taking shorter showers, turning the faucet off when you're brushing your teeth, and doing laundry less often, which will conserve water. You'll also be helping if you use less electricity by turning lights and appliances off when you're not using them. Try to walk or bike to places instead of driving as much as possible to help reduce carbon emissions, which are bad for the Earth. Also, produce less waste by reusing things, avoiding plastic bags, and using rechargeable batteries.
How To Grow Dahlias in Pots
If you want to grow dahlias in pots, choose a pot that's at least 12 inches by 12 inches and fill it with a rich potting mix, like 2 parts compost to 1 part peat moss. Then, plant your dahlia tubers on their sides about 4-6 inches deep in the soil during spring. Once the tubers are planted, water the soil lightly so it's damp but not soaked, and mix a fertilizer into the top layer of soil. To help your plants grow, place the pot in an area that gets direct sunlight and water at least 2-3 times a week.
How To Travel Alone
If you’re traveling alone, wear plain, simple clothes so you can blend into the crowd. Additionally, leave your headphones or earbuds at the hotel, since they make you less aware of your surroundings. You should also put any valuables, like expensive jewelry and extra cash, in the hotel safe, so you’re not drawing attention to yourself on the street. If you need to ask for help, try approaching a family, an older person, or a group of women, since these people are unlikely to be a threat to your safety.
How To Winterize Calla Lily Bulbs
To winterize your outdoor calla lily bulbs, you’ll need to stop watering the plants after they flower. This will allow them to go dormant before it gets too cold. Then, in the fall before the ground gets cold, apply 4 inches of mulch or straw around the base of the plant to protect it. For extra protection, place a large, upturned pot over the plant. Keep in mind that calla lilies do best in climates where the temperature doesn’t drop below 30 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, so consider planting them indoors if you live somewhere colder.
How To Brainstorm
To brainstorm ideas, spend some time free-writing to get your idea juices flowing. If you're not sure what to write about, ask yourself questions that relate to the topic you're brainstorming about, and then try to answer them. Alternatively, you can make a mind map but writing down an idea and then branching off from it by writing down any other ideas that come to mind when you look at it. Whichever brainstorming method you use, always keep your end goal in mind so you don't get sidetracked.
How To Firm Up Your Dog's Stool
To firm up your dog's stool, try switching to a high-quality, low-fat dog food that lists meat as the main ingredient. Also, if your dog currently eats wet food, gradually replace the wet food with dry food until your dog is only eating dry food, which can help make its stools firmer. You can also try adding some fiber to your dog's diet by mixing a little oat or wheat bran into its food. If your dog's soft stools persist, take it to the vet to rule out any other health problems.
How To Store Gluten‐Free Bread
To store gluten-free bread you've bought at the store, place it in a bread box and throw away the plastic bag, which traps moisture and makes the bread go soggy. If you haven't used the bread within 4 days, freeze it so the loaf doesn't dry out. For bread you've baked yourself, allow it to cool until it reaches room temperature, then put it in an airtight container. If you've already cut the bread, make sure you store it with the cut side down to avoid it going stale. After 3 days, transfer any leftovers to the freezer so they don't go moldy.
How To Store Scallions
If you need to store scallions, fill a jar with 2 inches of water, then place the scallions upright in the jar so the roots are in the water. Cover the scallions with a plastic sandwich bag, then place the jar of scallions in the fridge for up to a week. To store scallions for longer than a week, chop the scallions into small pieces and spread them on a small, lined baking sheet, then place the baking sheet into the freezer for 3 hours and transfer the scallions to a freezer-safe plastic bag. Place the scallions in the freezer, where they will stay fresh for up to a year.
How To Paint Laminate Cabinets
To paint laminate cabinets, start by removing the hardware, cleaning the surface, and sanding the cabinets with medium-grit sandpaper until the surface feels smooth. Next, roll on a coat of bonding primer and let it dry completely. Then, roll on 2-3 coats of paint, letting each coat dry completely before adding a new one. You can use an angled paintbrush to paint the areas that your roller can't reach easily, such as the edges and borders. Finally, let the paint dry for 6-8 hours before applying a polycrylic sealant.
How To Attend the Wake of Someone You Didn't Know Well
It may feel difficult, awkward, or strange to attend the wake of someone you weren’t close to, but you can get through it by simply being respectful. If you’re unsure of what to do, show compassion towards those that are grieving and tailor your mood to that of the room. Dress conservatively so that you look clean and tidy, and make sure that you arrive and depart from the venue quietly and respectfully. Show your support and offer condolences by giving a sympathy card or gift to those that were close to the deceased, and listening sympathetically to show that you care.
How To Set Spider Traps
The easiest way to trap spiders in your home is by setting up a sticky trap. All you need to do is put something sticky on top of a flat object, like some double-sided tape on a piece of card. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made sticky traps from a hardware store. Place your traps in dark places where spiders may hide, like under the utility sink or the water heater. You can also place a bottle lid filled with water next to your trap, since spiders are attracted by water. Another good place for your traps is beside baseboards, since spiders and insects like to walk along them.
How To Use a Heating Pad During Pregnancy
If you want to use a heating pad during pregnancy, make sure you only use it in ways that won't alter your core body temperature, which could be harmful for your baby. To do this, limit your use to 20 minutes at a time, and never sleep with the heating pad so you don't overheat. Instead of using the heating pad near your stomach, try only using it locally, for instance, on your knee, back, or shoulder. If you're nervous about using a heating pad during pregnancy, instead place it under your blanket to warm the bed, then turn it off once you’re ready to lie down.
How To Start Your Own Business in the Travel Industry
To start a home-based business in the travel industry, decide if you want to earn referral fees from bigger companies, or if you want to book and sell travel packages yourself. Next, write a business plan that provides a solid foundation for your company. Then, start building relationships with vendors to help you negotiate deals for your clients. Finally, implement a marketing strategy using a combination of print and digital advertisements, as well as social media marketing.
How To Tell the Age of a Rabbit
To tell the age of a rabbit, assess the rabbit's overall appearance and behavior. Baby rabbits are easy to discern, since they're very tiny and born blind and deaf! Adolescents usually have unmarred coats and spend a lot of time playing and exploring. Adult rabbits, between 9 months and 5 years old, may show hostile mating behavior and seem less inquisitive about their environment. You can often distinguish an elderly rabbit, age 5 and up, by its conspicuously long front teeth.
How To Hit Fairway Woods
To hit fairway woods, start by taking a wide stance with your shoulders squared and the ball slightly to the left of center. Then, when you swing, use a smooth, even motion, and keep the club low the ground as you go to hit the ball. You want to make a light divot in the ground under the ball to give it air, so keep your club low when you swing down. Also, instead of scooping the ball up with your club, you want to drive down into it and move it forward.
How To Remove Grass Stains from Clothing
To remove grass stains from clothing, try using white vinegar. First, remove any excess dirt or grass by blotting the area with a damp rag. Avoid rubbing, as this will cause the stain to penetrate deeper into your clothes. Once the dirt is removed, soak the stain in a mixture of equal parts warm water and white vinegar. After the stain has sat in the vinegar mixture for 5 minutes, apply laundry detergent to the area and gently massage the fabric for several minutes. From there, rinse the stain with cold water and repeat the process until it fades away.
How To Get Rid of a Tooth Infection
To get rid of a tooth infection naturally, start by mixing 1 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 cup of water and rinsing your mouth with the mix several times a day, which can reduce infection. You can also mix the same measurements of apple cider vinegar and water and swish with that. Alternatively, make an antibacterial garlic compress by placing fresh crushed garlic in a piece of nylon stocking and applying it to the area for 3 to 5 minutes, 4 to 5 times a day. For chronic tooth pain from a tooth infection, visit a dentist for immediate care.
How To Make Any Outfit Look Emo
To make any outfit look emo, add accessories. Incorporate studded belts, chained jewelry, and black-rimmed glasses. Paint your nails black to show your dark side, and dye your hair black or platinum blonde if you are allowed to. You can also try carrying around an instrument case, a book of poetry, or headphones to show everyone your emo side.
電気自動車の窓の電源が機能していない場合は、マルチメーターと少しの電気的ノウハウで自分で修理できるかもしれません。 すべての窓が機能しなくなった場合は、ヒューズを交換するだけで済むかもしれません。 車のヒューズボックスをダッシュボードの下または近くに置くことができます。 1つの窓だけが機能しない場合は、内部に詰まっている可能性のある小さなオブジェクトがないか、シールの周りを確認してください。 何も見つからない場合は、窓のスイッチを取り外し、配線をマルチメーターでテストします。 配線が問題なければ、車から別のスイッチで窓をテストします。 新しいスイッチが必要な場合があります。 さもなければ、配線の一部を交換する必要があります。 配線が問題なくまだ機能しない場合は、窓のモーターまたはレギュレーターを交換する必要があります。
How To Repair Electric Car Windows
If the power isn’t working for your electric car windows, you might be able to fix it yourself with a multimeter and a little electrical know-how. If all your windows have stopped working, you might just need to replace the fuse. You can locate your car’s fuse box underneath or near its dash. If only one window doesn’t work, check around the seal for any small objects that might be stuck inside. If you can’t find anything, take off the window switch and test the wiring with a multimeter. If the wiring’s fine, test the window with another switch from your car. You might need a new switch. Otherwise, you might have to replace some of the wiring. If the wiring’s fine but it still doesn’t work, you might have to replace your window’s motor or regulator.
How To Complain About Your Hotel Stay
If you’re not enjoying your hotel stay and want to complain, try to calmly explain what the problem is first before you escalate your complaint. Approach the person at the front desk if you’re still at the hotel when you make your complaint. Then, tell them in a clear but brief way what your complaint is about. For example, you might say, “I stayed in room 304 and bedbugs infested my suitcase.” Respond politely to what the staff member says, since you'll be more likely to get what you want if you show them respect. If the person on the front desk can’t or won’t help you, ask to speak to the manager on duty to take your complaint to the next level. After you’ve left the hotel, you can contact the corporate owners or the website you booked the hotel with to make your complaint.
How To Volunteer to Serve Meals on Thanksgiving
If you want to volunteer to serve meals on Thanksgiving, call a local soup kitchen ahead of time to see if they need volunteers. If they do, sign up and ask if you can bring family and friends along too. On Thanksgiving, show up on time wearing clean clothes and closed-toed shoes, and tie back your hair if its long. Approach any task assigned to you with a positive attitude and be friendly and welcoming to all clients to give them a wonderful Thanksgiving.
How To Make Gratin Dauphinoise Without Cream
To make gratin dauphinoise without cream, first peel and slice potatoes into thin, ⅛ inch slices. Combine the potatoes with butter, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste. Then, layer them in a greased pan with finely grated gruyere cheese. To make the sauce, bring milk to a boil and stir in thyme, bay leaf, and nutmeg. If you’d prefer you can use fat-free milk or soy milk. Once the sauce is thickened, pour it over the potatoes and add a final layer of gruyere cheese on top. Cover the dish with foil and bake it in the oven at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender. Then, remove the foil, and cook it for another 10 minutes.
グランドボールの投げ方 How to Field a Ground Ball
How To Field a Ground Ball
To field a ground ball, start by bending your knees and dropping your butt toward the ground. Then, extend your glove in front of you, keeping it low to the ground so it's ready to catch the ball. You should also keep your other hand close by so you can use it to trap the ball in your glove. Finally, keep your eye on the ball until it enters your glove and then close your glove around it, using your other hand to hold it in place.
How To Cut Laminate
To cut laminate, measure the length you need and mark the cut lines on the finished side with a non-permanent pen or wax pencil. Then, make straight cuts with a circular saw or a handsaw. If you’re cutting laminate to width, lay out the sheet and measure the overlap. Next, create a template out of scrap that you can lay on top of the sheet you need to cut, mark your cut line, and use your cutting tool to saw along the marked line.
How To Make a Cheese Omelette
To make a cheese omelette, first crack 2 eggs into a mixing bowl. Then, add 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of water and a dash of salt and pepper. Adding water to the egg will make your omelette light and fluffy. Whisk everything together until the mixture is thoroughly combined. Next, heat 1 tablespoon (14 g) of butter in a pan over medium heat until it melts and coats the bottom of the pan. Then, pour in the egg mixture. After about 10 seconds, use a spatula to gently guide the egg into the middle and away from the sides. Keep doing this until the egg firms up. Now, sprinkle ⅓ cup (42 g) of grated cheese on one half of the cooked egg, and fold the other half over the cheese using the spatula. Finally, cook the omelette for 30 more seconds, or until the egg is completely cooked through, and enjoy!
種からトウガラシの植物を育てるには、まず種を密封できる袋に入れた2枚の湿ったペーパータオルの間に挟みます。 井戸や芽が出るまで2〜5日間暖かい部屋に置いておきます。 この時点で、軽い堆肥や鉢植えの土で満たされたトレイに植えます。 熱と湿気を閉じ込めるためにトレイをビニールラップで覆います。 あなたの苗木に5〜6枚の葉が付いたら、直径約3インチのポットに植え替えます。 十分な日光が当たるように、ポットを外側または窓の近くに置きます。 チリ植物がポットにとって大きすぎると、より大きなポットに植え替えるか、庭に植えることができます。 いずれにせよ、1日に6〜8時間の日光が当たるようにし、成長するのに十分なスペースを確保してください。
How To Grow a Chilli Plant from a Seed
To grow a chilli plant from a seed, start by sandwiching your seed between two damp paper towels in a sealable bag. Leave it in a warm room for 2-5 days until it wells or sprouts. At this point, plant it in a tray filled with a light compost or potting soil. Cover the tray with plastic wrap to lock in the heat and moisture. Once your seedling has 5-6 leaves, replant it in a pot with about a 3-inch diameter. Place the pot outside or near a window so it gets plenty of sunlight. When your chili plant grows too big for its pot, you can either replant it in a bigger pot or plant it in your garden. Either way, make sure it gets 6-8 hours of sunlight a day and give it plenty of space to grow.
How To Be Active
To be more active, start by walking 15-20 minutes a day at a comfortable pace. If you spend a lot of time sitting at work, try standing while you work or walking around when possible. Also, exercise while watching TV by doing squats, lunges, and leg lifts during your favorite shows or seeing how many push-ups you can do during a commercial break. If sticking to a routine is challenging, join an exercise class. If you prefer something less structured, try hiking.
How To Prepare for a Bikini Waxing
To prepare for your bikini waxing, check that your hairs are at least ¼ inch long, since the wax can’t hold onto shorter hairs and you’d probably be asked to reschedule. You can also exfoliate your skin to loosen the hairs and make the waxing less painful. When you go for your appointment, make sure to wear loose, comfortable clothes and underwear, which will be gentler against your skin after it's been waxed. If you’re worried about the pain, take an ibuprofen an hour before your appointment. You should also stay hydrated throughout the day, which will help your body deal with the pain and soreness.
How To Get a Toddler to Eat
To get a toddler to eat, start by creating a consistent schedule for your child's meals and stick to it. Next, try making the food more attractive by adding fun decorations, using vibrant colors, and cutting it into interesting shapes. It can also help to offer a variety of different foods and let your toddler choose what they want to eat. Since fluids can cause loss of appetite, don't let your child have any drinks 30 minutes before meal time.
How to Kill Leaf-footed Bugs(葉足虫の駆除方法)
How To Kill Leaf Footed Bugs
Leaf-footed bugs are small, black or orange bugs with white wings. To kill leaf-footed bugs, remove any weeds near your garden, which are one of their major food sources. If you have any plants or trees whose branches touch the ground, prune them back to avoid the bugs hiding there. If you still find leaf-footed bugs, wear gardening gloves and check your plants in the morning when they’re least likely to fly away. Crush any bugs you find with your fingers and drop them into soapy water. As a last resort, spray insecticide on your plants. Keep in mind this will also kill other insects that help your plants, like bees. For more tips, including how to protect self-pollinating plants from leaf-footed bugs, read on!
How To Convert Units
To convert units, verify that the two units you’re converting measure the same thing, like length or width, and look up the conversion rate for both units. Next, write the conversion as a fraction, with the starting unit on the bottom and the unit you’re converting to on the top. Then, multiply your original number by the fraction. Finally, cancel out any units that appear on both the top and bottom of the fraction. The remaining number and unit is your conversion!
How To Have Presence
Having presence is all about being confident and letting your personality shine through. Be yourself around other people instead of acting how you think they want you to be. This will help you come across as more genuine and open. When you talk to people, face them, make eye contact, and use your hands to engage them. Stay focused on the present moment instead of checking your phone or thinking about something else. Speak as clearly and assertively as you can so people will understand your perspective and want to engage with you more.
How To Treat Scoliosis
To treat scoliosis, make sure to get diagnosed by a doctor if you haven’t done so already to ensure that you get the best and safest treatment. Then, follow your doctor’s suggestions, which may include things like wearing a back brace, taking pain medication, and physical therapy. You may also want to speak with your doctor about alternative treatments such as going to a chiropractor or a massage therapist. Along with regular treatment, be sure to get a checkup every 4 to 6 months to see if your scoliosis has gotten better or worse.
How To Get a Free Room Upgrade in Las Vegas
To get a free room upgrade in Las Vegas, you’ll need to get the attention of the hotel staff. For the best chance of an upgrade, go to Vegas during the week or during off-season when there will be more rooms available. You can also try staying in a new hotel, which might be more likely to upgrade your room in hopes of a good review. If you’re there for a special occasion, like your anniversary or birthday, subtly mention this for a chance of getting an upgrade. If you’re feeling bold, try asking directly if there’s any chance of a room upgrade. It’s best to do this in a half-joking tone of voice so you don’t seem pushy. Be nice and always tip the staff, even if you don’t get offered an upgrade. You’re more likely to get extras if you’re kind to the staff.
米国から国際電話をかける最善の方法は、使用しているデバイスによって異なります。 携帯電話または固定電話から電話をかける場合は、国番号、市外局番、および到達したい電話番号の後に「011」をダイヤルします。 Skypeなどのオンライン通話サービスを使用するには、ダイヤルパッドを開き、ドロップダウンメニューから通話したい国を選択し、市外局番と電話番号を入力します。
How To Make International Calls from the USA
The best way to make international calls from the USA depends on what device you’re using. If you’re calling from a cell phone or landline, dial “011” followed by the country code, area code, and phone number you wish to reach. To use an online calling service like Skype, open the dial pad and select the country you want to call from the dropdown menu, then enter the area code and phone number.
How To Support Kidney Function
To best way to support kidney function is by keeping yourself hydrated with water and eating a healthy, balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, lean meats, and beans. It's best to avoid consuming too much sodium, so skip the fast food and limit your consumption of salty snacks. Try to avoid alcohol and smoking altogether, because they can increase your risk for or worsen high blood pressure and kidney disease. Since regular exercise can counteract the dangers of kidney disease, aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week.
How To Stay Up for Multiple Days Straight
If your work has piled up and you need to stay up for multiple days in a row, you can stay energized and healthy by using a few simple tricks. To keep your body and mind energized, eat small, frequent meals. Avoid junk foods that can leave you feeling sluggish. Instead, aim to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Also, move around to keep your brain stimulated. Even if you’re working on a project, take periodic short breaks of about 10 minutes to walk around or do some pushups. Another way to stay awake and alert is to keep your lights on, which will trick your body into thinking it’s daytime even at night.
How To Sew Kimono
Kimonos can be a stylish substitute for cardigans, cover-ups, or lingerie items. While they can be expensive to buy, making your own kimono is easy and inexpensive. All you’ll need is a piece of lightweight fabric, like cotton or a knit blend, scissors, and a needle and thread. Once you have your fabric, you’ll want to measure a piece that will fall around your hips and have ¾ length sleeves. After cutting your fabric, you’ll need to sew your sleeves and sides as well as add a hem to the sleeve openings, bottom, and neckline to ensure that the fabric doesn’t fray.
How To Select Quality Kitchen Knives
To select quality kitchen knives, examine them closely and hold each one in your hand to test the grip. Next, look for any signs of joining or welding, particularly in the hilt of the knife, which can indicate weakness. Then, check the balance to make sure there's not too much weight in either the blade or the handle. Finally, inspect the durability of the materials and make sure that the hilt is solid, easy to clean, and well-joined.
How To Trade VIX
To bet on the volatility of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, look for exchange-traded products that move in relation to the market index called VIX. Because VIX-linked securities can fluctuate wildly, talk to a financial institution or specialist about the risks before you invest. Furthermore, VIX-linked products can really add up over a long period of time, so make sure to calculate the costs of trading products tied to VIX futures before jumping in. If you are ready to invest and want to bet against near-term volatility measured by the VIX index, look into inverse VIX exchange-traded products. However, if you think the VIX will rise, search for long VIX exchange-traded products that will profit from increased volatility. You may also want to look up VIX-linked products, which you can trade yourself with an online brokerage account.
How To Make Herbal Cigarettes
To make herbal cigarettes, start by choosing a base, like damiana, mullein, or raspberry leaf, to form the bulk of your mix. Find a secondary herb, such as blue lotus, thyme, or marigold. Then, choose a flavoring herb or spice, like peppermint, jasmine, or ginseng, which will give your cigarettes their main aroma. After you’ve chosen your herbs, blend together ½ ounce of your base herb, 1/3 ounce of your secondary herb, and 1/6 ounce of your flavoring herb. Once you’ve mixed them all together, break them up in a grinder or a pestle and mortar. If you bought pre-dried herbs, spray a little water on them and leave them to dry for a couple of hours. When your herbs are dry, spread about 0.025 ounces evenly across a rolling paper. Add a filter and roll the herbs up like a normal hand-rolled cigarette.
How To Measure Rain
To measure rain, start by cutting off the top of a 2-liter soda bottle and weighing down the bottom with pebbles. Next, fill the container with just enough water to cover the pebbles and provide a level starting point for your scale. Then, use a permanent marker and ruler to inscribe a scale from 0 to 12 inches on the outside of the bottle. Finally, place the bottle under the open sky, and check it every day at the same time to see how much rain has fallen in the past 24 hours.
How To Arouse Girls
To arouse a woman, set the right mood by turning the lights down low and playing sexy music, like jazz or R&B. Once your lady friend arrives, make her feel comfortable by offering her a drink and taking her coat. Before you get intimate, ask her if she's ok with getting physical. When you're both ready, sit next to her with your leg gently touching hers, and wrap your arm around her. You could also gently play with her hair or massage her shoulders. If you want to move to the next level, kiss her gently and begin softly touching her waist, breasts, or inner thighs. After your kissing gets heavier, take off your clothes starting with both of your shirts, which will set the tone for hot sex. Continue kissing for a while before removing her bra.
How To Roll a Sleeping Bag
To roll a sleeping bag, first, lay it out on a flat, dry surface. Make sure to zip it up completely and smooth it out so any air pockets escape through the head. Once the bag is as flat as it can be, fold it in half lengthwise. Then, use both hands to roll the bag tightly going up from the feet to the head. As you roll, squeeze out any air that might make the finished bundle bigger. If you’re having trouble getting it tight enough, kneel on the roll every once in a while. When the sleeping bag is rolled all the way up, use straps, rope, or even a belt to keep it in place as you slide it into a bag.
How To Safely Transport Your Guinea Pigs in the Car
To transport your guinea pig safely in the car, start by lining a cloth or plastic carrier with newspaper. Then, place a handful of hay in the carrier so it has something to eat. Next, put your guinea pig in the carrier and place it in a secure location, like the foot well or on a chair with the seatbelt fastened. Make sure the temperature in your car is around 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which is ideal for guinea pigs. Additionally, try to change your speed and turn slowly while driving so you don't startle your guinea pig.
How To Calculate Anion Gap
To calculate your anion gap, start by having your sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate levels tested by your doctor. In order to calculate your AG, start by determining your sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate levels. Next, plug your numbers into the standard formula for the anion gap, which is sodium - (chloride + bicarbonate). If the anion gap is above the normal value of 8-12, see your doctor to determine whether you have a condition known as metabolic acidosis.
How To Grow Baby Carrots
To grow baby carrots in your own garden, prepare the soil by adding compost and tilling thoroughly to remove any weeds, dirt clumps, or rocks that might interfere with the growing process. Then, place the seeds in the soil 1/4 inch deep, about 1 inch apart, with at least 6 inches between rows, and cover the seeds with soil. Be sure to keep the soil most for 2 to 3 weeks after planting, apply fertilizer as needed, and weed the garden often. Wait until the first frost to harvest your carrots, and enjoy!
How To Grey Wash Wood
To grey wash wood, you can either use paint and water or paint and wax. If you use paint and water, you'll still be able to see the wood grain underneath. With paint and wax, you won't be able to see the wood grain. Either way, start by sanding the wood to ensure it's smooth and laying down a dropcloth to protect the floor. For a paint and water wash, create the wash solution by mixing four parts water to one part grey latex paint and apply the solution to the wood with a foam brush, following the direction of the grain. If you're using paint and wax, apply a white or cream latex paint and a clear wax base coat to the wood, before wiping grey wax over the surface.
How To Dye Leather Boots
Before you can dye leather boots, you'll need to apply a deglazer to them to remove their protective coating so the dye sticks. Once you've removed the protective finish, apply leather dye to your boots using a cloth or paint brush. Then, let the dye dry for 30 minutes before applying a second coat. Keep in mind that it will be a lot easier to dye your boots a darker color than a lighter color. Finally, let your boots dry for 48 hours before polishing them to restore their shine.
How To Make a White Chocolate Mocha
To make a white chocolate mocha, start by melting 3 tablespoons of white chocolate chips in a double boiler with 2 tablespoons of milk. Then, pour the melted mixture into a mug along with 1 cup of heated milk. Next, add a shot of espresso or 4 shots of strong coffee to the mug and stir everything together. Finally, top your white chocolate mocha with whipped cream before serving.
How To Get the Smell of a Perm out of Your Hair
To get the smell of a perm out of your hair, try using a clarifying shampoo, which is designed to remove minerals and chemicals from your hair. Wash your hair with the shampoo 2 to 3 days after your perm, since washing it immediately afterwards can cause your curls to come out. You can also try applying a coconut oil mask. Just rub the oil through your hair once a week, then leave it in for 30 minutes. You can also apply an essential oil mask. Use around 8 drops of your chosen essential oil, like lavender, and mix it with 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil. Leave the mask in your hair overnight for best results.
How To Care for a Prayer Plant
To care for a prayer plant, keep it in a room with a temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, since this will prevent it from drying out or wilting. Although you should never keep it in direct sunlight, make sure you place or hang your prayer plant near a window so it gets indirect sunlight. You should also add lukewarm water to the pot whenever its soil starts to get dry so it won’t dry out. In addition to water, feed your prayer plant with a water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half-strength every 2 weeks, which will give it all the nutrients it needs. If you want your plant to grow quicker, use sharp scissors or hand pruners to snip a few inches from some of the stems 2 or 3 times a year, since new stems and leaves will grow from the cuts.