How To Play With a Goldfish
To play with a goldfish, start by feeding the fish treats from your hand for a few weeks so it can get accustomed to interacting with you. Next, use the treats to train your goldfish to do specific things like go through hoops. Show the fish what you want it to do, then give it the treat to reinforce the behavior. You may want to work with a feeding stick or training kit to make training a little easier!
How To Make Vanilla Extract
To make vanilla extract, start by lining up vanilla beans on a cutting board and slicing each bean lengthwise to cut them in half. Next, put the beans into a bottle of vodka, close the cap tightly, and shake the bottle. To infuse the vodka with vanilla, place the bottle in a cool, dark place and allow the extract to infuse for 2 months, shaking every so often. Then, put a colander over a bowl, pour the extract through, and use a funnel to transfer the extract to amber bottles to protect it from sunlight.
How To Identify a Collie
To identify a collie, check for a medium-sized build. For example, adult male collies tend to be about 24-26 inches tall and weigh 55 to 90 pounds. Additionally, look for the collie’s long, distinctive head shape, which appears wedge-shaped or triangular when viewed from the front. You should also watch for a long body with a broad chest and muscular legs. To spot a rough collie, look for a long coat except on the head and legs. Smooth collies have short fur all over. Check the dog’s coat for common collie colors, such as a combination of tan, white, and black.
How To Wear an Oversized Hoodie
An oversized hoodie can look both cozy and fashionable if you pair it with the right things. Try pairing your hoodie with a pair of skinny jeans to create a casual look. For a sportier look, wear some yoga pants or leggings and sneakers with your hoodie. If you’re planning on spending the day at home and just want to be super comfy, wear your hoodie with some baggy pants. However, if you're going for a more fashionable, layered look, wear a longer dress or shirt that can easily be seen under your hoodie. Another way to layer your hoodie is to wear a leather, suede, or denim jacket over it. Make sue your jacket is at least 1 size bigger than you’d normally wear to comfortably fit over your hoodie.
How To Hide That You Are on a Diet
If you want to hide that you are on a diet, prepare some vague, but honest, excuses for why you are eating certain foods and not others. For example, you could say something like, "I'm watching what I'm eating," or "I'm avoiding certain food groups." You can also try shifting the conversation away from eating and dieting by bringing up something different, such as the latest office gossip or recent news from a friend. When you plan on eating out with another person, look up the menu in advance, so you can figure out what to order beforehand. In addition, consider carrying small snacks with you, which will help you stay full and make others less curious about your diet, since they'll see you eating often.
適切なメガネフレームの選択は、顔の形や肌色によって異なります。 柔らかく丸い顔をしている場合は、四角または長方形のフレームを選びます。 顔の形が四角または長方形の場合は、楕円形のフレームを選びます。 肌の色も考慮する必要があります。 たとえば、肌の色が薄い場合は、シルバー、レッド、またはグリーンのフレームを選びます。 または、より暖かく日焼けした肌の色合いの場合は、ゴールド、ベージュ、またはイエローのフレームの方がよく見えるかもしれません。 しかし、スタイルは主観的なので、さまざまなフレームを試着して、何が一番好きかを確認してください!
How To Choose the Right Eyeglass Frames for Your Face
Choosing the right eyeglass frames depends on the shape and complexion of your face. If you have a soft, round face, go for square or rectangle frames. If your face is more of a square or rectangle shape, choose oval frames. You should also take into account your skin color. For example, if you have a pale complexion, go for silver, red, or green frames. Or, if you have a warmer, tanned skin tone, gold, beige, or yellow frames might look better. However, style is subjective, so try on a variety of different frames and see what you like best!
How To Deal With Lactose Intolerance
If you're lactose intolerant, you might not need to give up dairy completely. Try eating small amounts of dairy to see how your body handles it. If you don't experience any uncomfortable symptoms, try gradually increasing how much dairy you eat per day, which can help your body get used to it. Eat your daily serving of dairy with other food, since your body will be able to digest it better that way. Even if small servings of dairy still give you bad symptoms, you can still eat dairy by shopping for lactose-reduced products at the grocery store or by adding lactase drops to your food. These drops contain the enzyme that breaks down lactose, and they help your body digest dairy better.
How To Make Siopao
To make siopao, start by rolling balls of dough into thin circles and placing spoonfuls of filling in the middle of each circle. Next, gather the dough around the filling, twist the edges together towards the center of the bun, then squeeze and seal the top where the edges meet. Then, set each bun on a baking sheet, lay a damp towel over them, and let them rise for 10 minutes. After bringing water and vinegar to a boil in a steamer, place your buns in a single layer on the steamer basket and steam for 15 to 20 minutes.
How To Become a Firefighter
If you are at least 18 years old and you have a high school diploma or GED, a driver’s license, and a clean background, you may be able to become a firefighter. You may be able to increase your chances of being hired by earning a bachelor’s degree, working as a volunteer firefighter, or becoming a licensed paramedic. If you pass the rigorous psychological and physical evaluation during the application process, you will need to attend a fire academy to learn about fire prevention, firefighting techniques, emergency medical procedures, and more.
How To Express Appreciation to a Parent
Expressing your appreciation to your parent is a great way to show them you care. The next time you see them, tell them something specific you appreciate about them. For example, you could say “I really appreciate how you helped me with that project last week.” It’s also nice to say thank you whenever they do something small for you, whether that’s cooking dinner or taking you to a friend’s house. If they did something extra special for you, make them a thank you card! You could also make a post on social media about how much you appreciate your parent and tag them in it. If you want to surprise your parent, treat them to lunch or buy them tickets for their favorite team.
How To Register Your Dog
If you want to register your dog, choose the registry you want to use, such as the AKC. Download and fill out the application, including your contact information and your dog’s breed, name, sex, and date of birth. You may also need to include information about your dog’s breeder as well as pictures of your dog. Once you submit your application, it can take several weeks to receive your dog’s official registration certificate.
How To Make Your Bunny Come to You when You Open the Cage
To make your bunny come to you when you open its cage, put a towel or rug down at the opening to make its paws more comfortable. Next, make sure all the windows and doors are closed so your bunny won't stray. Additionally, check that no other pets are in the room as you open the cage door so your bunny stays safe. Then, back away from the cage, lie on your stomach on the floor, and talk to your bunny in a calm, encouraging voice. You can also place 1 or 2 treats on the floor next to you, like a piece of apple or a sprig of parsley, to entice the rabbit.
How To Calculate the Market Value of a Company
To calculate the market value of a company, start by finding the company's current share price, which is typically available online. Then, find the number of shares outstanding by looking under "capital stock" on the company's balance sheet. Finally, multiply the number of shares outstanding by the company's current share price to find the market value.
ウランを濃縮するには、フッ素ガスを導入して鉱石を六フッ化ウランに変換します。 そこから、気体拡散またはガス遠心分離機を使用してガスを分離し、目的のウラン同位体を集めることができます。 気体拡散を使用するには、六フッ化ウランをパイプラインにポンプで送り込み、気体を多孔質フィルターに通して目的の同位体を分離します。 ガス遠心分離プロセスを使用するには、いくつかの高速回転シリンダーを組み立て、六フッ化ウランガスをパイプに入れて分離し、目的のウラン同位体を抽出します。
How To Enrich Uranium
To enrich uranium, introduce fluorine gas to convert the ore to uranium hexafluoride. From there, use gaseous diffusion or gas centrifuges to separate the gas so that the desired uranium isotope can be gathered. To use gaseous diffusion, pump uranium hexafluoride through pipelines, then force the gas through a porous filter to separate the desired isotope. To use the gas centrifuge process, assemble several high-speed rotating cylinders and pipe the uranium hexafluoride gas into them to separate and extract the desired uranium isotope.
How To Contact Airbnb
To call Airbnb’s customer service line, dial 1-855-424-7262. It will ask you to enter your Airbnb verified phone number, but if you don’t have the phone number for the account, you can dial 0 three times to get through the automated system and speak with a representative. Alternatively, you can contact Airbnb through their website by clicking on the “Contact Us” button on their website. Just keep in mind you will need to sign in with your login information, or make an account, to access more help options.
How To Fix a Chip in a Quartz Countertop
To fix a chip in your quartz countertop, you’ll need adhesive filler or super glue. Use a brush or spatula to apply thin coats of filler or glue to the affected area until it’s level with the surface. If your surface is a dark color, look for pigmented epoxy adhesive, which will blend in with your countertop better. For bigger cracks, caulk will be more effective. It’ll take about 24 hours for the filler to cure. After that, sand the filler down with superfine sandpaper to make it flush with the surface.
How To Choose a Good Dog Sweater
To choose a good dog sweater, start by measuring the length and circumference of your dog's torso. If you're shopping online, check the company's size chart to find out what size the measurements correspond to and order that size for your dog. If you're shopping at a pet store, bring your dog with you and put the sweater on your dog to check the fit. The sweater should cover its whole back, all the way to the base of the tail, and allow for a full range of motion. Finally, pick a color and pattern that suits your dog and your own personal sense of style.
How To Quickly Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes
To quickly get rid of bags under your eyes, hold a cold, damp washcloth over your eyes for 5 minutes, which will help reduce swelling. You can also chill a couple of spoons in the freezer and then hold them over the bags under your eyes for 15 minutes to reduce their appearance. If you have a little more time to spare, lie down and cover your eyes with chilled tea bags or cucumber slices for 30 minutes, which will make your eyes look fresh and alert.
How To Make a Difference As a Christian Youth
To make a difference as a Christian youth, try to be kind to everyone, no matter their religion, race, sexual orientation, and beliefs, to spread positivity in the world. Whenever someone is rude or cruel to you, show them love and forgiveness like God does for you whenever you sin. If you notice someone sitting alone at lunch or being bullied by others, try to make friends with them and make sure they’re okay, as Jesus teaches us to do. You can also lead a fundraiser, like a car wash or bake sale, at your school or church to raise money for charity. Alternatively, volunteer your time at an elderly home, animal shelter, or your church to help those in need.
How To Ground Yourself
If you have to work with electronics or machinery, make sure to ground yourself to reduce your risk of an electrical accident. To reduce the incidence of electric shock, choose a workspace without rugs or carpet, and keep away pets with hair, like dogs, cats, or ferrets. Because static electricity builds the most in dry and cold environments, try to keep the humidity level between 35 and 50 percent, and keep your skin and hands moisturized. If you're working with a computer, ground yourself by touching the exterior metal box of your computer's power supply before you unplug it. You can also prevent the buildup of static electricity by wearing an anti-static strap or wristband, or by standing on an anti-static mat. Then, make sure that your computer is unplugged and that you hold all the components by their edges.
How To Kick People out Politely
If you want to politely kick people out of your house, suggest moving the party to another location, like a nearby bar, so you can leave whenever you want. You could also try pretending you just noticed how late it is by saying something like, "Oh, wow, is it midnight already? I'm sorry for keeping you so long. I completely lost track of time!" If that doesn't work, you could remind them that you have other responsibilities and commitments, like laundry to do or dinner to cook. When people still aren't taking the hint, simply say something like, "Sorry, everyone, but the party's over! I had a great time and hope to see you all soon."
How To Deal With Betrayal
If you've been betrayed, make self-care a priority by letting yourself feel whatever emotions you’re feeling. Take a break from social media so your betrayer's cute pictures aren't in your face, and spend some time alone to let yourself heal. Then, when you feel ready, talk to a trusted friend or therapist. Take care of yourself physically, too, by eating well and getting a good night’s sleep.
How To Harvest Rosemary
To harvest rosemary, wait until spring or summer since that's when rosemary grows most actively. You can trim off some of the plant every day or once a week, which will encourage new sprigs to grow. Also, when you're harvesting rosemary, only take sprigs that are at least 8 inches long so you're not harvesting from newly growing branches. Once you've found a sprig you want to harvest, use shears or scissors to cut off the top 2 inches. Just make sure you're not harvesting more than a quarter of the plant at a time.
How To Plant Seeds in a Basic Seed Tray
To plant seeds in a basic seed tray, first put your tray on a larger plastic tray or rimmed baking pan. Fill the cells with seed starter mix and water them. Then, use your finger to poke a ¼-inch deep hole in each cell before you plant at least 2 seeds in each hole. Next, cover all the cells with more seed starter mix, and press down gently so the seeds touch the mix. Put some water in the bottom of your tray or pan, then cover it with plastic wrap to create a moist growing environment for your plants. Finally, put the tray in a warm spot and watch your plants grow!
How To Cleanse Pores
To cleanse pores deeply with steam, heat 1 quart of distilled or filtered water in a large pot on your stove and remove it once it starts boiling. Next, place the pot on a table or counter where you can comfortably lean over it. Then, position your face 6-8 inches inches above the pot and let the steam open your pores for 10 minutes. Finally, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and follow up with a good moisturizer.
How To Lose Weight Using Self Hypnosis
To try losing weight using self-hypnosis, start by sitting or lying down somewhere comfortable where you won't be disturbed. Then, close your eyes and start taking deep breaths, imagining that all the stress and tension in your body is disappearing. Once you feel relaxed, imagine a pendulum swinging back and forth in your mind, and slowly count down from 10 to 1 to enter a state of self-hypnosis. When you're finished counting down, try telling yourself that you don't like unhealthy foods. For example, you could think something like, "Ice cream tastes bad and makes me feel sick." You should also repeat a positive mantra, like, "Overeating hurts me and my body. I should eat healthier." After about 20 minutes, wake yourself up from your self-hypnosis by counting up from 1 to 10. Repeat the process every day for 20 minutes for best results.
確率はあなたに不利ですが、頭脳を働かせ、地面にぶつかったときの衝撃を軽減する方法を見つけることで、長い落下を生き延びるチャンスを増やすことができます。 体が硬直していると臓器や骨への衝撃が大きくなるため、怖がっているかもしれませんが、体をリラックスさせてください。 ただし、着地時に衝撃の一部を吸収するのに役立つ突き出た岩や木の枝など、つかむことができる大きなものを探してください。 しかし、着地時に頭部よりも足先に着地する機会を増やすために、膝を少し曲げておくようにしてください。 頭部はあなたの体の最も傷つきやすい部分です。 また、着地時に衝撃の一部を吸収するのに役立つ、つかむことができる大きなものを探してください。
How To Survive a Long Fall
While the odds are against you, you can increase your chance of surviving a long fall by keeping your wits about you and finding ways to lessen the impact once you hit the ground. Though you may be terrified, try to relax your body, since the impact to your organs and bones will be greater if your body is rigid. However, try to keep your knees slightly bent to increase your chance of landing feet-first, rather than on your head, which is the most vulnerable part of your body. You should also look for large objects you can grab, like a jutting piece of rock or a tree branch, which will help absorb some of the impact when you land.
How To Remove Onion Smell From Hands
To remove the onion smell from your hands, combine 1 tbsp (15 ml) of liquid soap and 1 tbsp (17 g) of salt in a small bowl. Scoop up some of the mixture and scrub your palms, wrists, the back of your hands, in between your fingers, and under your nails with it, then rinse your hands under cold water. Then, while your hands are still wet, grab a stainless steel item, like a pot or utensil. Hold the item under running water and rub it on your hands for 1 minute to eliminate any lingering onion smell.
How To Grow Broccoli
If you want to grow your own broccoli, choose an area of your garden that receives full sun. Space your rows about 36 inches apart, and dig holes for your seeds every 12 to 24 inches. Place a few seeds in each hole and cover with soil, then water the seeds thoroughly. When the seedlings reach 1 inch, remove smaller or unhealthy-looking plants to prevent overcrowding. Give your broccoli plants about 1 inch of water every week, and fertilize your broccoli once a week starting about 3 weeks after planting.
How To Dress for a Black Tie Event
To dress for a black tie event if you’re a man, wear a tuxedo, a black bow tie, and shined black dress shoes. If you’re a woman, pick a tasteful floor-length gown in a dark, elegant color such as rich purple or blue. Next, accessorize with a small clutch purse and your best jewelry. Then, finish your ensemble with evening shoes with a dainty strap and high heel.
放射線科医になることに興味があるなら、高校で数学と科学の授業を受ければ、大学進学に備えるのに役立ちます。 できれば上級コースに登録し、すべての授業で良い成績を取るようにしてください。良いGPAは良い学部プログラムに進むのに役立ちます。 また、可能であれば、健康クリニックや介護施設でボランティアをしてください。そうすれば、良い経験を得ることができ、より広く医療への関心を測ることができます。 大学に出願する時期になったら、認定された学校を探し、生物学、化学、または医学部の学士号を取得することを計画してください。
How To Become a Radiologist
If you’re interested in becoming a radiologist, take math and science classes in high school, which will help prepare you for college. Enroll in upper-level courses if you can, and try to do well in all your classes, since a good GPA will help you get into a good undergrad program. Also, volunteer at a health clinic or nursing home if possible, so you can get some good experience and gauge your interest in healthcare more broadly. When it’s time to apply to college, look for an accredited school, and plan to get your bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, or pre-med.
How To Responsibly Give a Cat As a Gift
To responsibly give a cat as a gift, be sure to discuss the idea with the recipient first, since there are many reasons they might not want a cat right now. However, if they do say they would like a cat, try asking them what type they'd prefer, such as an energetic kitten or an independent older cat. Once you know their preferences, ask local shelters if they offer a gift certificate that allows the recipient to pick out their own cat. If you pick the cat yourself, look for a healthy one with a personality that matches the recipient's personality.
How To Achieve As a Teen
To achieve as a teen, try to define what success means to you and set small, achievable goals that help you get closer to that vision. Since success doesn't happen overnight, give yourself permission to be imperfect and try again without feeling discouraged. Also, build a strong support system for yourself by establishing meaningful relationships with family and friends, and try to seek out a mentor to help guide you as you work toward your goals. Be sure to allow yourself guilt-free down time occasionally so you can rest up and recharge!
尿路感染症は不快なものですが、痛みを和らげて快適にする方法があります。 膀胱からバクテリアを洗い流すのに役立つ水をたくさん飲んでください。 尿が薄黄色になると、十分な水を飲んでいることがわかります。 感染が治まるまで、カフェイン、ソーダ、チョコレート、柑橘類は避けてください。これらは排尿をより痛みを増す可能性があるためです。 代わりに、炎症を軽減するのに役立つクランベリーまたはブルーベリージュースを飲んでください。 押さえておくと事態を悪化させる可能性があるため、必要なときに必ず排尿してください。 腹部または腰の痛みがある場合は、タオルに包んだ加熱パッドまたは湯たんぽを15分間その場所に当てます。
How To Alleviate UTI Pain
Urinary tract infections can be unpleasant, but there are ways to alleviate your pain and make you more comfortable. Drink plenty of water to help flush bacteria out of your bladder. You’ll know you’re drinking enough water when your urine is light yellow. Avoid caffeine, soda, chocolate, and citrus fruits until your infection goes away, since these can make urination more painful. Instead, drink cranberry or blueberry juice, which can help reduce inflammation. Make sure you urinate whenever you need to, since holding it in can make things worse. If you have abdomen or lower back pain, apply a heating pad or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel to the area for 15 minutes.
How To Find Inflection Points
To find inflection points, start by differentiating your function to find the derivatives. Then, find the second derivative, or the derivative of the derivative, by differentiating again. To locate a possible inflection point, set the second derivative equal to zero, and solve the equation. Finally, find the inflection point by checking if the second derivative changes sign at the candidate point, and substitute back into the original function.
How To Treat Hyperthyroidism
To treat hyperthyroidism, it's important that you talk to your doctor so they can help figure out the best treatment plan for you, which may include antithyroid medication, radioactive iodine, or surgery to have your thyroid removed. In addition to these treatment options, there are things you can do at home to help your hyperthyroidism, like practicing meditation and yoga to reduce stress, taking vitamin D supplements, and adopting a healthy diet.
How To Heal a Swollen Lip
To heal a swollen lip, sponge it with water several times a day and disinfect it with an antiseptic to keep it clean. If your lip is swollen from an injury that just happened, apply an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling. Then, switch to applying warm compresses for 10 minutes every hour. Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or naproxen can also help you deal with pain and swelling.
How To Shop Online Using a Debit Card
To shop online safely using a debit card, start by verifying that the website’s source code is “https" rather than "http," which indicates that the site encrypts all communications between your browser and the website. Then, check that the site is well encrypted against hacking by looking for a padlock icon before “https,” or in between “https” and the rest of the address. Additionally, make sure to always use your own Internet connection when you’re making purchases to reduce your risk of having your information stolen by hackers.
How To Get Rid of Weevils (Flour Bugs)
To get rid of weevils, start by removing all food items from your pantry that have been invested with them and discard the items immediately. Transfer any uninfested foods to airtight containers with hard shells to prevent weevils from getting into them in the future. Clean and vacuum out your pantry thoroughly to remove any lingering pests, then wipe it down with vinegar before moving the food back in!
あなたの子供が不穏な出来事によって心的外傷を受けたかどうかわからない場合、探せる一般的な兆候があります。 性格やエネルギーレベルの著しい変化は危険信号です。 たとえば、あなたの子供が以前は外向的で自信がありましたが、今は静かで恥ずかしがり屋である場合、その出来事を処理するために何らかの助けが必要になります。 彼らはまた、泣いたり怒ったりするなど、うまくいかない小さなことに対して過剰に反応するかもしれません。 多くの子供たちはまた、親指を吸う、ベッドを濡らす、お気に入りのおもちゃや人への愛着など、子供のような行動に戻ります。 あなたの子供がトラウマの余波に苦しんでいるのを見るのは本当に難しいことですが、ほとんどの子供たちは時間内にその経験を癒して克服します。 しかし、子供たちに自分の考えや感情について話すように促して、それらを処理するのを助けることが重要です。 症状が改善しない場合は、治療に連れて行くことも役立ちます。
How To Identify if a Child Has Been Traumatized by an Event
If you're unsure whether your child has been traumatized by a disturbing event, there are common signs you can look for. Any significant shift in personality and energy levels will be a red flag. For example, if your child used to be outgoing and confident but now is quiet and shy, they’ll need some help to process the event. They may also overreact to small things that go wrong, like crying or getting angry. Many children also return to childlike behaviors, such as thumb-sucking, wetting the bed, and attachment to their favorite toy or a person. It can be really tough seeing your child suffer from the aftermath of trauma, but the majority of children heal and overcome their experience in time. However, it’s important to encourage your child to talk about their thoughts and feelings to help process them. It may also help to take them to therapy if their symptoms don’t improve.
How To Keep Guacamole Fresh
To keep guacamole fresh, start by transferring it to a small bowl. The less extra space, the better. Then, pour some lime juice or olive oil over the top of the guacamole to protect it from the air so it doesn't turn brown. After that, just cover the top of the bowl with plastic wrap and put the guacamole in the fridge until you're ready to eat it!
ロケットにぴったりの画像サイズにするには、定規を使用して、最も近いミリメートルまたは数分の1インチまで、ロケット内の画像スペースを測定します。 ロケットの画像スペースを測定するのが難しい場合は、ロケットのサイズから1ミリメートルを引いてスペースを推定してみてください。 目標サイズが決まったら、Photoshopなどのコンピュータプログラム、またはWeb ResizerなどのWebサイトを使用して画像のサイズを変更します。 プログラムで、画像設定に移動し、ロケットで使用する画像スペースに応じてサイズを調整します。 画像のサイズを変更したら、自分のプリンタを使用するには印刷を選択するか、ShutterflyなどのWebサイトを使用して印刷を注文します。
How To Print Locket‐Sized Pictures
To get your picture the perfect size for a locket, use a ruler to measure the image space in your locket, down to the closest millimeter or fraction of an inch. If your locket's image space is difficult to measure, try estimating the space by subtracting 1 millimeter from the size of the locket. Once you have a target size, resize your image using a computer program like Photoshop, or a website like Web Resizer. In the program, go into the image settings and adjust the size according to the image space you have to work with in your locket. After resizing your picture, select print to use your own printer or use a website like Shutterfly to order prints.
How To Lower Androgen Levels in Women
If you’re a woman who wants to lower your androgen levels, eat plenty of foods that are high in fiber and low in fat, such as fruit, vegetables, chicken, tofu, and beans. You should also incorporate foods rich in omega-3 into your diet, like salmon, walnuts, sardines, and chia, which will help keep your androgen levels low. Try to avoid foods high in refined carbohydrates and sugar, like fast food, candy, cookies, and soda, since these can cause a spike in your androgen levels and insulin. It’s also important to maintain a healthy body weight, so try to schedule a few exercise sessions a week, like walking, swimming, or biking. If you want to control your androgen levels through medication, talk to your doctor about prescribing you oral contraceptives or hypoglycemic pills.
How To Fatten Up a Dog
To fatten up a dog, you can transfer your dog onto a high energy food diet, which has higher calories and is more easily absorbed into the body. You can also add some foods rich in vitamin B to your dog's diet, such as chicken or beef liver. If you think your dog has lost weight due to being bored with its food, try mixing up what you feed your dog by giving dry food at some meals and wet food at others.
How To Clean the Tires on Your Car
To clean your car’s tires, all you need is a cleaner designed for tires, a stiff brush, and a hose. Start by spraying tire cleaner onto your tires. Try to avoid getting any on your wheels or paint, since this can dull the paint or remove clear coat. If you’re cleaning your whole car, do the wheels and tires first so you don’t get mud or grime on your paint job. Leave your tire cleaner to soak for 1 or 2 minutes. Then, scrub them with your brush. Once you’ve lifted the dirt from your tires, rinse them with a hose or pressure washer. If your tires are still dirty, spray some more tire cleaner and repeat the process.
How To Handle an Emergency Situation
To handle an emergency situation, start by calling 911, or the appropriate emergency services number if you’re outside the U.S. If someone is injured, try asking questions like “What’s your name?” and “Where does it hurt?” to see if you can help in any way while you wait for the paramedics. Alternatively, if the situation is a workplace emergency like a fire or chemical spill, evacuate the area immediately and get to a safe place, like the parking lot. In a situation where you can’t leave the premises, find the safest location within your area, like underneath a desk or table.
How To Donate Your Body to Science
If you want to donate your body to science, start by informing your doctor and family members about your decision so they won't be surprised or confused when the time comes. Next, research programs and facilities near you that accept willed body donation. Then, once you've selected a specific program or facility, obtain the required paperwork from them, which typically contains details and a consent form. Fill out the required forms completely and submit them.
How To Date an Aquarius Woman
If you want to date an Aquarius woman, be prepared for an eccentric, unusual, or even quirky personality. To get her attention on a date, do the unpredictable, like taking her to hear some unusual music or see some cutting edge contemporary art. Once you're dating, avoid talking about future plans since an Aquarius woman loves her freedom. Instead, stay loose and take the relationship slow at the beginning to avoid scaring her away. You'll also want to support her dreams and goals since Aquarius women tend to be very ambitious.
耳にピアスをするときにイヤリングを選ぶには、この金属がアレルギー反応を引き起こす可能性が最も低いため、外科用ステンレス鋼製のペアを選びます。 プラチナ、チタン、14Kゴールドも通常安全な金属です。 簡単な小さなフープやスタッドのペアで、掃除や治癒を容易にします。 シンプルなフープやスタッドのペアを選ぶことも理想的です。なぜなら、すべてに合うからです!
How To Pick Earrings when You Get Your Ears Pierced
To pick earrings when you get your ears pierced, choose a pair made of surgical stainless steel, since this metal is the least likely to cause an allergic reaction. Platinum, titanium, and 14K gold are also usually safe metals. Go with a pair of small, simple hoops or studs for easy cleaning and healing. Picking a pair of simple hoops or studs is also ideal because they'll go with everything!
How To Get Happy when You're Sad
While getting happy when you're feeling sad might feel impossible, there are a lot of simple things you can do to brighten your mood. Try to go out for a walk, jog, or bike ride to help your body release endorphins, which will help boost your mood. In addition to exercise, try eating a low-fat, low-protein, high-carbohydrate snack, like a toasted English muffin with jam. This will trigger the release of tryptophan, a mood enhancer, in your brain. Another way to get happy is to socialize, so go out to a movie or dinner with your family or friends. If you prefer being alone, then spend some quality time enjoying your favorite hobby or getting lost in a wonderful book.
ドライソルを処方されている場合は、肌を洗って乾かしてから、就寝直前に処方された部分に薬を塗ってください。 ドライソルがシーツや肌の他の部分に移らないように、その部分を覆ってください。 これにより、汗をかかずに6〜8時間薬が作用します。 目を覚ましたら、石鹸と水でドライソルを洗い流します。 ドライソルを壊れた肌や刺激のある肌には塗らないでください。 剃った直後に塗らないでください。 もちろん、医師があなたに特定の指示を与えた場合は、まずそれに従ってください。
How To Use Drysol
If you’ve been prescribed Drysol, wash and dry your skin, then apply the medication to the prescribed areas right before bed. Cover the area so the Drysol can’t transfer to your sheets or other parts of your skin. This will allow the medication to work for 6-8 hours without you sweating. When you wake up, wash the Drysol off with soap and water. Do not apply Drysol to broken or irritated skin, and don’t apply it right after shaving. Of course, if your doctor gives you specific instructions, follow those first.
How To Tell if You Need Glasses
If you think you might need glasses, try to recognize if you squint when looking at things up close or far away, since squinting is a common sign of eyesight problems. You should also notice if things appear blurry when they’re really close or far away, which glasses can easily correct. Think about if you get headaches when reading or using the computer, which could be a sign that you need glasses. You can also print out an eye test at home and see how far you can read the text from to figure out if you need glasses or not. If you’re still not sure or you think you need glasses, visit an eye doctor for a professional test.
How To Get Rid of Eye Floaters
To get rid of eye floaters, it is best to allow them to go away on their own by getting enough sleep and reducing stress. However, if they persist one possible remedy is to take antioxidant vitamins such as rose hips or tumeric or supplements to increase blood flow such as ginko biloba or bilberry. To prevent future floaters, eat antioxidant rich foods like spinach and grapes, as well as foods that are high in Vitamin C and E like strawberries and sunflower seeds.
How To Play Pogs
To play pogs, start by collecting a pile of pogs, which are cardboard discs about the size of a half dollar, and metal slammers. When you're ready to start a game with friends, compare your pogs and offer to play for ones you like the look of. Then, have each player put 10 pogs face down on a flat surface, shuffle them into a pile, and toss the slammer like a coin to see who goes first. When it's your turn, slam the slammer onto the pogs and collect any that turn face up. Win the game by collecting more than half the pogs.
How To Feed a Salamander
To feed a land-dwelling salamander, give it live crickets and worms, which you can buy at pet stores. If you have an aquatic salamander, feed it water organisms like live shrimp, minnows, and worms. It's best to feed adult salamanders 2-3 times per week rather than every day. Be sure to sprinkle a calcium supplement on the food at every feeding and add a multi-vitamin 1-2 times per week. Never feed your salamander human food, since it won't be able to digest it.
How To Make Pajama Pants
To make pajama pants, start by folding a pair of pajama pants you already own in half so that the side seams match up and the crotch is visible. Next, fold your new fabric in half, place the folded pajama pants on top, and trace around them to create a basic pattern. Then, cut the fabric out along the traced line and use it as a template to trace and cut out the second leg. Finally, sew the legs together, add an elastic waistband, and finish the cuffs to complete your project.
How To Handle Problems with Your Veterinarian
If you’re having problems with your veterinarian, the best thing you can do is have a private, face-to-face conversation with them so you can express your frustrations. You may be feeling upset, but try to keep the conversation professional and civil so you can get your concerns across effectively. Unfortunately, a one-on-one discussion may not be enough to solve your conflict, and it may be best for you to find another veterinarian. To look for a new office, you can check out the listings of accredited veterinarians on the American Animal Hospital Association website or ask your friends for recommendations. If your issue with your vet is serious, you may want to file a written complaint against your vet with your state veterinary medical board.
How To Diagnose and Treat Flea Allergies in Cats
To figure out if your cat has a flea allergy, look for pale-colored lumps on its skin. You might also find red, crusty bumps, especially in areas that the cat can easily scratch or bite, like their neck or the base of their tail. Additionally, your cat’s fur might begin to fall out or thin in some places. Your cat will probably be very itchy, so check to see if it scratches or chews itself aggressively or acts irritable. If you see these symptoms, comb your cat with a flea comb and look for fleas or their feces, which looks like little black specks.
How To Alleviate Restless Leg Syndrome
If you’re struggling with restless leg syndrome, insomnia may be to blame. Try to establish a sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, including on the weekends. Avoid caffeine, especially later in the day, as well as alcohol, which might prevent you from getting a restful sleep. In addition, a mild-to-moderate activity like walking, biking, or swimming in the afternoon might help relieve some of the restlessness in your leg muscles when you go to bed.
How To Keep Wool Clothing Safe From Moths
To keep your wool clothing safe from moths, start by washing your clothes in hot water or having them dry-cleaned, since moths are attracted to sweat and skin cells. You can also keep lavender, cinnamon, or clove sachets in your closet to repel moths and keep them from smelling the wool. If you think there may already be moths in your clothes, put the items in your freezer for a few days to kill any larvae or moths. Alternatively, try ironing the clothing so that the high heat kills the moth eggs clinging to the garment.
How To Lower Uric Acid Levels with Diet
If you want to lower your uric acid levels through your diet, do not exceed more than 2-4 servings per week of purine-rich foods like fried foods, liver, bacon, or alcohol. Vitamin C may help lower uric acid levels, so eat several servings a day of foods such as citrus fruits, berries, peppers, and tomatoes. You should also increase your intake of phytate-rich foods like beans, legumes, and whole grains, which may help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
How To Succeed in Network Marketing
To succeed in network marketing, start by finding an established, profitable company with an appealing, effective product. Organize a meeting with a recruiter and ask any questions you have about the company, and look at income disclosure statements on the company website to see what the average seller makes. Be sure to learn your products well, and build connections with prospective customers. Follow up with all leads for sales, and make an effort to recruit new salespeople.
How To Get an MBA
Getting an MBA can open doors for you as a businessperson, whether you want to start your own business or work for someone else. To get started, look for business schools that are a good fit for your professional goals. Then, apply to multiple schools, emphasizing your best qualities and real-world work experience on your application. You'll also want to include professional recommendations from current and recent employers and write an essay that shows why you're a good fit for the school.
How To Test for Asbestos
If you want to test for asbestos, keep in mind that asbestos is only dangerous when it degrades and becomes airborne. Therefore, if you don't see signs of disintegrating pipes, insulation, walls, vinyl flooring, or other old materials in your home, testing for asbestos may not be necessary. If you do see signs of disintegrating materials, or if you just want to be safe, hire an approved contractor to come and test the area.
「Never Have I Ever」の遊び方
「Never Have I Ever」をプレイするには、数人のプレイヤーを円の中に集め、10本の指をすべて伸ばして、全員が両手を前に差し出すようにします。最初のプレイヤーは「Never have I ever...」と言い、これまでにやったことのないとんでもないことで文を終わらせます。それをやったプレイヤーは指を1本下ろし、指を全部上げていないプレイヤーは指を全部上げます。円の周りを時計回りに動かし続け、各プレイヤーがやったことのないことを発表します。最後に指を立てた人がゲームに勝ちます!
How To Play "Never Have I Ever"
To play "Never Have I Ever," gather several players in a circle and have everyone hold both hands out in front of them with all 10 fingers outstretched. The first player says “Never have I ever...” and finishes the sentence with something outrageous they've never done before. The players who've done it put 1 finger down, and the players who haven’t keep all fingers up. Continue moving clockwise around the circle, with each player announcing something they've never done. The last person who has fingers up wins the game!
How To Store Fresh Oysters
To store fresh oysters, start by placing un-shucked oysters on top of a layer of ice in a bowl. Next, lay a damp towel on top of the bowl and place it in your refrigerator set to 35° to 40° Fahrenheit. Make sure that the towel stays damp and replace the ice as needed. Then, shuck and eat the oysters within 2 days. If your oysters are already shucked or you need to store them for more than 2 days, place them in the freezer until you’re ready to use them.
How To Do a Cubist Style Painting
To do a Cubist style painting, begin by choosing a subject that appeals to you. Some possibilities include a still life with flowers or a self-portrait—although Cubism is an abstract style, most Cubist painters work from life. Once you’ve decided what to paint, sketch it on the canvas in pencil. Then, look for ways to break the shapes down into more basic geometric forms. Finally, settle on a color palette for your painting—anything from shades of blue to an entire rainbow—and begin filling in the shapes you’ve created with paint.
13 歳未満のお子様を Apple ファミリー共有グループからすぐに削除することはできません。お子様を削除する場合は、既存のグループに転送するか、Apple ID を完全に削除する必要があります。
How To Remove Someone Under 13 from Family Sharing
It's not possible to quickly remove a child under 13 from a Apple Family Sharing group. If you want to remove the child, you'll need to transfer them to an existing group, or delete their Apple ID entirely.
How To Make a Deco Mesh Wreath
The easiest way to make a deco mesh wreath is to wrap pipe cleaners around a metal wreath frame every 1.5 inches. Then, fix a deco ribbon to the frame and twist the pipe cleaner to hold it in place. For best results, use a deco ribbon that’s at least 10 inches long. Continue threading the ribbon through each pipe cleaner until the ribbon is firmly in place. Make your wreath fuller by attaching another layer, or add additional decorations like ornaments and flowers!
How To Make a Ninja Star from Square Paper
To make a ninja star from square paper, cut a square piece of paper in half to make 2 rectangles, and fold each rectangle in half vertically. Then, crease the rectangles horizontally, taking the bottom and top pieces to make cross-folds in a “Z” shape. Flip the paper over, and fold the squares of each paper to make triangles. Fold the triangles into the center, making two parallelograms, and unfold the outer flaps of the papers before placing them on top of each other in an cross shape. Tuck the triangle flaps into the pockets of the papers and enjoy.
SWIFTコード、または国際銀行間通信協会(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)コードを使用すると、会社のネットワークを通じて国際送金を行うことができます。銀行のSWIFTコードを見つけるには、その銀行のウェブサイトにアクセスして、国際送金セクションまたはFAQに記載されているかどうかを確認します。または、銀行に電話して従業員にSWIFTコードを尋ねます。または、theswiftcodes.comなどのSWIFTコードウェブサイトを使用します。銀行取引明細書に自分の銀行のSWIFTコードがあるかもしれません。受取人のSWIFTコードを知りたい場合は、直接尋ねてみてください。
How To Find the Swift Code for a Bank
A swift, or Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, code allows you to transfer payments internationally through the company's network. To find a bank’s swift code, go to their website to see if its listed in their international payments section or FAQs. Or, call the bank and ask an employee for the swift code. Alternatively, use a swift code website, like You might find your own bank’s swift code on your bank statement. If you want to know the swift code for a payee, try asking them directly.
あなたが血小板減少症を持っているときにあなたの血小板を増やすために、あなたの医者は丸薬または注射の形で薬を処方するかもしれません。血小板減少症が自己免疫疾患によって引き起こされる場合、ステロイドは体の免疫システムを低下させるので、血小板を増やすのに役立ちます。 TTPや溶血性尿毒症症候群(HUS)などの血小板減少症に関連するまれな血液疾患では、医師は血漿交換を勧めるかもしれません。また、ビタミンB12や葉酸などの栄養補助食品で血小板を増やすこともできます。
How To Increase Platelets
To increase your platelets when you have thrombocytopenia, your doctor may prescribe medication in the form of pills or injections. In cases where thrombocytopenia is causes by an autoimmune disorder, steroids can be useful in increasing platelets since they reduce the body’s immune system. In rarer blood disorders associated with thrombocytopenia, like TTP and Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), your doctor might recommend a blood plasma exchange. You can also help increase your platelets with dietary supplements, like vitamin B12 and folic acid.
How To Infuse Vodka With Watermelon
To infuse vodka with watermelon, start by cutting a watermelon up into small, 1-inch cubes. Then, place the cubes in a jar and fill the jar with vodka so the cubes are completely submerged. Next, seal the jar and store it in a cool, dark place for at least 6 days. Finally, place a cheesecloth or tea towel over the mouth of the jar and strain the watermelon-infused vodka into a new container.
How To Describe a Kiss
To describe a kiss, replace excess adjectives with descriptions of what the characters are feeling through all five of their senses. That could include things like the background noise of a party, the smell of the other person’s perfume, or the softness of the other person’s skin. Use body language to build on that by showing how the characters are reacting to the kiss. To accomplish that easily, describe how they are moving specific parts of their body, like what they are doing with their hands or whether they pull away.
How To Present Yourself As an Educated Person
To present yourself as an educated person, greet everyone politely and always use your manners, like saying “please” and “thank you.” Additionally, avoid using slang or cursing, as that comes across as rude or uneducated. In addition to being polite, make sure your clothes are clean and unwrinkled, and keep your posture straight. Once you’ve started looking and feeling like an educated person, broaden your knowledge. For example, try learning a foreign language, researching a passion, or going to night classes. Since people love discussing current affairs, keep up-to-date with current events so you can jump into any conversations that come up.
How To Knit Slippers
To knit a pair of slippers, start by knitting a piece large enough to cover the area from your heel to the middle of your foot. Then, shape the toe by working your stitches onto double pointed needles, decreasing the stitches when you reach the middle of your big toe. For example, knit 6 stitches and knit 2 together, knit 5 stitches and knit 2 together, and so forth. When the piece covers your toes, bind off the stitches, and sew the toe and heel opening closed.
How To Square a Room
To square a room, use a tape measure to find the distance from one corner to the other, then measure the diagonal between the remaining 2 corners. If the 2 measurements are the same, then your room is already squared. If they aren’t, adjust the proportions of the room until the measurements are the same.
How To Reduce Expenses in a Company
To reduce your business expenses, start by examining your expense report for any unnecessary expenses. Next, try to reduce costs by automating your credit card payments and paperwork. Avoid ordering extra inventory, and sell or write off any old inventory that’s just taking up space. Finally, get your staff involved by offering incentives to employees who find creative ways to save.
How To Restore an Old Car
To restore an old car, you'll want to fix any dents, scratches, rust, or chipping paint before you apply a new coat of paint to the entire vehicle. You should also repair and polish any chrome pieces on the car, like the bumper or wheel rims. In addition to fixing up the exterior of the vehicle, you'll need to restore the performance so the car functions properly. That includes the engine, drivetrain, tires, exhaust system, and any faulty belts, hoses, or wires.
アルミホイルからパイプを作るには、まず12インチの正方形のアルミホイルを切り取り、半分に2回折ります。次に、ホイルを丸めて、狭い端と開いた端を持つ円錐のような形にします。次に、開いた端から1インチ下を測り、そこにホイルを折り曲げてボウルを作ります。指を使ってホイルの開いた端を広げ、ボウルの形にします。最後に、喫煙可能な材料をボウルに加え、火をつけ、ホイルパイプの狭い端から吸い込みます。ペンや鉛筆を使ってホイルパイプを丸める方法を学ぶには、下にスクロールしてください! アルミホイルからパイプを作るには、まず12インチの正方形のアルミホイルを切り取り、半分に2回折ります。次に、ホイルを丸めて、狭い端と開いた端を持つ円錐のような形にします。次に、開いた端から1
How To Make a Bowl (Pipe) out of Aluminum Foil
To make a pipe out of aluminum foil, start by cutting out a 12-inch square piece of aluminum foil and folding it in half twice. Then, roll the foil up so it's shaped like a cone with one narrow end and one open end. Next, measure 1 inch down from the open end and bend the foil there to create the bowl. Use your fingers to spread the open end of the foil out so it has a bowl shape. Finally, add your smokeable material to the bowl, light it, and inhale through the narrow end of the foil pipe. To learn how to use a pen or pencil to help you roll a foil pipe, scroll down! To make a pipe out of aluminum foil, start by cutting out a 12-inch square piece of aluminum foil and folding it in half twice. Then, roll the foil up so it's shaped like a cone with one narrow end and one open end. Next, measure 1 inch down from the open end and bend the foil there to create the bowl. Use your fingers to spread the open end of the foil out so it has a bowl shape. Finally, add your smokeable material to the bowl, light it, and inhale through the narrow end of the foil pipe.
How To Spot Deer Tracks
The best way to find deer tacks is to start your search in place with lots of deer, such as a National Park or National Forest, State Park or State Forest, or a private hunting reserve, if you have permission. When you begin, look around for an area with lots of food sources for deer, like fruit, berries, grasses, flowers, or mushrooms. As you explore, pay attention to the ground and look for hoofprints that look like two symmetrical halves in an oblong crescent shape. When you find tracks, take note of the size in a field journal. Adult deer prints will be around 2-3 inches long, which will distinguish them from the prints of much larger hooved animals, like elk or moose.
How To Recognize Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms
If you are experiencing symptoms like pain in your chest or the upper right side of your abdomen, decreased appetite, and fatigue, you may be suffering from a rare blood vessel disorder called pulmonary hypertension. Talk to your doctor about your family history, since this disorder can sometimes be genetic, as well as your existing medical conditions, which can put you at higher risk if you have a connective tissue disorder or HIV, for example. Additionally, keep in mind that situational factors, like living at an altitude between 8,000 and 14,000 feet or being young and female, can also increase your risk of developing pulmonary hypertension. To determine an official diagnosis, your doctor will most likely want to do a physical exam in addition to various chest and blood tests.
新しい子猫があなたの家に慣れるのを助けるために、それがあまりにもストレスにならないように、最初の数日間は1つの部屋に保管してください。その後、まだ部屋にいる間に徐々にあなたの家の人々に紹介してください。 1〜2日後、家の他の部屋を探索させてください。しかし、それが望むときに部屋に戻ることを許可してください。あなたの猫が家に慣れたら、どこにでも自由に行けるようにしてください。
How To Help a New Kitten Become Familiar with Your Home
To help a new kitten become familiar with your home, keep it one room for the first few days so it doesn't get too stressed. Then, introduce it gradually to people in your home while it's still in the room. After a day or two, let it explore other rooms in the house, but allow it to return to its room when it wants to. Once your cat is accustomed to the house, give it free rein to go wherever it wants.
How To Know If a Guy Wants to Kiss You at a Movie Theater
If you’re going to see a movie with a guy you like, look out for some common signs that he wants to kiss you. If your date faces his body towards you and leans close to you, he might be building up to kissing you. He might also hold your hand, stroke your leg, or put his arm around you if he wants to kiss you. Notice if he's chewing any gum, which could mean he's keeping his breath fresh for kissing you. He might also compliment you before or during the movie to flirt with you. If he makes eye contact with you a lot or looks at your lips, this is a big sign that he wants to kiss you. If you think he wants to kiss you but he’s too nervous, try making the first move to help him out.
ゲス・フー(Guess Who)の遊び方
How To Play Guess Who
To play Guess Who, first have an even number of people spread out in the room. Then, have half the people put on blindfolds, which will make them the “guessers” first. Next, have the people who are blindfolded walk around until they find someone who isn’t blindfolded. When everyone has a partner, tell those blindfolded to gently and silently explore their partners’ facial features. Give them 30 seconds to try and figure out who they’re paired with before you have them remove their blindfolds to see how they did. Switch roles to continue playing.
How To Get Acrylic Paint Out of Clothes
To get wet acrylic paint stains out of clothes, first run the stains under cold water to flush out as much of the paint as possible. Then, apply a commercial stain remover to the stains. Machine wash your garment using warm water, and the stains should be gone! For acrylic paint stains that are already dry, start by dabbing the stains with some rubbing alcohol and a cloth until you see some of the color transfer to the cloth. You can also use nail polish remover, hairspray, or another alcohol-based product. Finally, apply a stain remover, and machine wash your garment with warm water. Remember not to dry your clothing until the acrylic paint is completely gone since it could cause the stains to set. If your stain has already set, read on for ways to remove acrylic paint with hairspray, vinegar, or isopropyl alcohol!
How To Make an Easy Chicken Salad
To make classic chicken salad, boil 2-3 cups of chicken breast for 15-20 minutes, strain the water, and chop the chicken coarsely. Next, combine the chicken with the veggies and apple in a large bowl. Then, mix the mayonnaise, lemon juice, and berry preserves together in a separate bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste and drizzle the dressing over the salad. Finally, toss the salad and dressing together and serve it at room temperature.
How To Make a Clay Rose
To make a clay rose, start by rolling a chunk of clay into a ball, dividing the ball into seven similarly-sized pieces, and rolling those pieces into balls. Take the smallest ball and press it into a guitar-pick-shaped “petal” with the pointy part thicker than the rounded part, then fold the sides gently inward. Repeat with a slightly bigger ball of clay, then fold this second petal around the first. Continue attaching slightly larger petals in a spiral, then pinch the bottom of your rose to connect all the petals.
How To Think Before Speaking
To think before speaking, try to always stop and ask yourself, "Is what I'm about to say necessary, accurate, and appropriate?". If the answer is "No," you should probably keep your thoughts to yourself. Additionally, take into consideration what kind of reaction people will have to your words. If you think they'll respond negatively, you might not want to say anything. When you do decide to say something, try your best to be enthusiastic and sincere, and avoid sarcasm since you might unintentionally upset someone.
ブリの焼き方 How to Grill Yellowtail
How To Grill Yellowtail
To grill yellowtail, first preheat your grill to medium. Next, brush the yellowtail fillets with vegetable oil and coat both sides with your chosen spices. Once your grill has heated up, cook the fish for 3 minutes or until it browns on the bottom. Then, flip the yellowtail over and grill it for another 3 minutes to finish it off. You can serve it with mango salsa, hot green curry, or rice.
How To Make Cultured Buttermilk
To make cultured buttermilk, start by adding 6-8 ounces of active, fresh cultured buttermilk to a jar. Then, fill the rest of the jar with fresh milk, seal it, and shake it thoroughly. Next, let the jar sit out at room temperature until the milk has thickened, which should take about 24 hours. Finally, once the milk has thickened and is coating the edge of the jar, transfer it to the fridge for storage.
How To Know if a Child Is Allergic to Cats
If you think your child might be allergic to cats, try taking them to a house where you know a cat lives and get the child to interact with the cat so you can watch for signs of an allergy. As they play, watch to see if your child starts coughing, wheezing, or develops a rash or itchy eyes. Since allergies can come from contact with skin, fur, dander, and saliva, look for redness on any spot where your child has touched the cat. If you notice any of these signs, take them away from the cat before their symptoms get any worse. While most allergies show up through mild reactions, watch for any signs of a swollen throat and get your child to an emergency room immediately, since this can lead to airway constriction.
How To Get to Know a Girl
To get to know a girl better, try spending time with her doing something together, like finding a private place to sit for a chat or going to a coffee shop. When you're having a conversation with her, ask questions about her opinions on important issues, such as what she wants to do in the future, rather than just talking about bands and school. You also need to show you're interested in getting to know her by opening up and talking about your own feelings and goals. If she asks you questions, be yourself instead of trying to impress her by acting cooler or smarter.
How To Speak Hebrew
If you want to learn to speak Hebrew, start with simple phrases, like saying “shalom,” which means “peace,” to greet someone or to end a conversation. To tell someone your name, use the word “shmi” followed by your name. To ask someone their name, say “mah shimkah” if you’re speaking to a man, or “mah shmekh” if you’re asking a woman. As you get more comfortable with conversational Hebrew, learn the Hebrew alphabet, and read children’s books and beginner texts to understand the concept of vowel pointing, since there are no vowels in the Hebrew alphabet.
How To Make Chinese Brown Sauce
To make Chinese brown sauce, combine 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of ginger, 1 1/2 cups of broth, and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch in a mixing bowl. Next, add a tablespoon of oil to a wok and position the wok over medium heat. Then, stir fry 1-3 cloves of garlic for 10-15 seconds before whisking in the soy sauce mixture. Finally, let the mixture come to a boil, add your favorite meat or veggies, and continue cooking the sauce for 5-10 minutes until it thickens.
How To Marinate Lamb Chops
Before marinating lamb chops, defrost them in the fridge for up to 12 hours. Once they’re fully thawed, put them in a large, sealable plastic bag and set them aside. In a small bowl, whisk together red wine, olive oil, and crushed garlic for a simple Italian marinade. Then, pour the mixture into the plastic bag and massage the chops to coat them thoroughly with the marinade. After pushing the excess air out of the bag, seal it and place it in the fridge for 4 to 12 hours, depending on how strong you want the flavors to be. To ensure the marinade coats each side evenly, turn the bag every 2 hours, or halfway through your marinating time.
How To Decorate a Buffet Table
To decorate a buffet table, decide on a color scheme and try coordinating your table cloth, table runner, napkins, and place mats to match it. You could also buy accessories to enhance your color scheme, such as flowers or candles. Then, place your main feature at the center of the table and smaller accessories around the edges. Additionally, make labels for each dish so guests will know which types of food are on offer.
How To Make an Advent Calendar
To make an advent calendar out of tiolet paper rolls, start by writing the numbers for the dates on a sheet of brown paper. Once the numbers are ready, cut them out in squares. Next, glue each number to the end of a toilet roll, and cut off any excess paper. After you've attached all of the numbers, fill the rolls with small gifts, like candy or a certificate for a home-cooked dinner. When you’ve finished filling the rolls, glue them to a piece of cardboard in whatever order you like. If you want to make the calendar look more festive, add decorations to the cardboard or glue them onto the toilet rolls. Finish by hanging the calendar on your wall using a piece of string.
How To Roll Fondant
Before you roll fondant, sprinkle a flat surface with icing sugar to prevent it from sticking. Then, knead the fondant for between 5-8 minutes, or until it's smooth. Next, roll the fondant into a thick, even disk with a rolling pin, taking care to apply steady pressure so the fondant rolls evenly. You should aim to make the disk as thick as a piece of cardstock if you're planning to cover a cake with it. If you're trying to make a circle, turn the fondant 90 degrees every few rolls and roll it out away from you.
How To Talk to Someone Who Doesn't Carry the Conversation
It can be frustrating to talk to someone who doesn’t carry the conversation, but you can make it work by choosing topics that the person can relate to and asking open-ended questions. Once you’ve introduced yourself, steer the conversation towards things you have in common, such as the event you’re attending or the neighborhood you’re in. You can say something like, “I’ve always been interested in marketing. What brings you to this event?” As you make small talk, try your best to ask open-ended questions instead of questions that can be answered with a “Yes” or “No”. That way, you’ll encourage them to participate more in the conversation. For example, instead of asking, “Did you have a nice weekend?” try saying, “What did you do this weekend?” Whatever you choose to talk about, just make sure to avoid sensitive topics like religion, politics, and money, since these can make people uncomfortable.