i ' m going to call you out on this one . the president doesn ' t pass a budget - he offers an outline but budgets are done solely by the house and senate . you are right to say that house democrats came up with something - after the gop took the house and started making budgets . they failed to before then . and senate democrats have yet to offer a budget for 3 years now . don ' t try to say that they deemed a budget - even democrats have shot that down . and budgets can ' t be filibustered , so don ' t try to claim republicans obstructionism . and senate democrats are free to bring up a budget on their own . they are the ones who brought up ryan plan in order to shut it down . republicans wouldnt ( and really couldn ' t ) bring up their take on obamas budget if senate democrats did what the law requires them to do - make a budget .
i ' m not sure if this counts , but i still know how to relax . i ' m in the top level of my school . all the people around me are very smart , and we have a lot of work . they all freak out about how much work we have , and they get stressed out about everything , but they don ' t realise how easy we have it . i have the same amount of work , and i manage to relax about it .
say what you want to about mike brown or steve blake , but kobe lost us that game . you can ' t carelessly turn the ball over twice and jack up an airball in the last minute and a half . unbelievable . that said , how did blake not see bynum under the basket on the last possession ? ! ? he had perkins on his back with an open passing lane .
follow : i ' m from maine , i drink moxie , i ' ve picked blueberries and i ' ve handled live lobsters . i ' m an engineer who prefers hard liquor to beer , and i don ' t have that much of a social life . break : i write really well for an engineer ( four years of writing for a college paper is great practice ) , and i participate a lot in campus organizations . i ' ve taken lots of poli sci classes in college ( almost unheard - of for an engineer ) .
throwing an easy pass when a 6 ' 10 defender with long arms is standing right in front of you . picking up a loose ball and launching a three with lots of time left on the shot clock . dribbling the clock out and falling away from the corner ( this one was difficult even by modest kobe fade - away standards ) . the ball he lost because westbrook poked it through his arms i ' ll give him a pass for since that is not really his fault . but really ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! a seven point lead with all the momentum with two minutes left ? ! ? ! ! ? ! ! ? ! ! ?
doubt no longer . game theory is basically 60 - 70 % of modern economics . it turns out to be pretty useful for a field about how people interact . it assumes all participants are rational , which they aren ' t . as well , it is incapable of accounting for more than a few variables at a time . so at some point between 1710 and today you refine your equations to account for those things .
i don ' t understand people that like anal . as a straight guy , anything going into my ass much bigger than a doctor ' s well lubed finger hurts like a bitch . for some reason large turds seem to come out ok , but stuff going in is really painful .
i would think you ' d need some serious bite force to hold it in place , and it doesn ' t look to be jammed in very far . but i don ' t know shit about corpses , only that i ' d love to paint something based from this .
i ' ve had a little saga sketched up in my notebook for a while now that has to do with a setting that is many years after harry and everyone dies of old age . it would follow ocs of course and i know some people dislike that which is what has put me off on writing it . if i ever get around to starting it after i finish planning i ' ll be sure to link you to it .
hate speech . . . . please , now you ' re going overboard . great , i tend to agree that attacking someone ' s beliefs is entirely kosher . you ' re right , they are beliefs held by choice . that said , catholic priests are a bunch of idol - worshipping close - minded homophobes who think protecting the authority and reputation of the church is more important than locking up child molesters among their ranks . what with the countless number of provable instances where the church has obstructed bringing pedophiles to justice , people who donate in the sunday collection bin should be found guilty of financing organized crime . i ' m so glad we cleared the air .
he is not wearing the turban sikh style . also he is smoking which is prohibited for sikhs . he looks more rajput / rajasthani and they are the ones who usually smoke hookah . so cows are most likely sacred to him .
i love jewish people . i grew up greek and there are many similarities in the cultures . criticizing israel is not hating jews . that is lile saying any criticism to the united states for something like the trail of tears is anti - christian .
wow . let me just say i feel for you going through such a horrific ordeal . i wouldn ' t worry about what your vag looks like ( though pics would be interesting ) . most are innies or outies , and everything in between . i am intrigued that you can still orgasm without a clit though ? as a male , i know if my bell - end was chopped off i would never be able to orgasm again . if you can still orgasm , it just goes to show how useless this barbaric practice is . also it means you get a 1 on your scale of how much a problem it is .
the problem is that all news is biased . i personally like fox when they ' re actually talking about news ( which is seldom because most news is just entertainment or pop culture ) because they ' re the only conservative news station . it ' s easier to pick out the crap i don ' t agree with on their station than the obama worship and various other craziness on every other liberal - biased station .
it might be inaccurate but i don ' t think you know what a being a libertarians really means . to be honest i think its an insult for you to say libertarians are like liberals . being a libertarian means that you don ' t believe other people should be obligated to meet your needs . so a handicapped libertarian who believes society should facilitate his needs by providing him a wheel chair , social security benefits and handicap access isn ' t a libertarian at all . also a society with a small government can still be a complex society . i don ' t know where you get this notion that big complex government equals big complex society . the thing i don ' t appreciate about big governments are liceasing , permits , buerocracy , millions of regulations , certifications , and red tape . but i guess you ' re one of those people who likes these things and that is why libertarians are nothing like you . so please go away and go back to cheering for your hero obama .
what if , and follow me on this one , magikarp is also related to this ? magikarp itself is red ( not too far off from orange ) and gyrados is serpentine like dratini and dragonair . they could be the remnants of whatever original species decided to stay in the ocean .
i keep getting cockblocked by chicks on the bus who are carrying bibles . whether or not this exclusively originates from religion , i frequently use religion as a scapegoat for discrimination against my dick . therefore i ' m going to start posting my sex life ( or lack thereof ) to / r / atheism and by that reason and logic the mods won ' t be able to touch me .
for your first guitar , a kit is probably the way to go . i ' ve heard good things about the carvin kits as well . the saga kits are not as good as the carvins , but not bad and fairly cheap . the [ saga sagas ] ( http : / / www . guitarattack . com / saga / sagasagas . htm ) will give you an idea of what you can pull off with a paint it up , wire it up , bolt it together kit . to build an electric guitar from scratch , you need at minimum a router , drill and hand tools . it will not be less expensive to build from scratch than to build from a kit .
i don ' t really have any intention of allowing the plants to flower so . . . wait what ? i mean knock yourself out but i don ' t know why you would bother if you just want a houseplant . peace lillies are pretty awesome and they ' re great at filtering the air .
this is amazing . i work with patients in a nursing home and being able to do basic things on your own can vastly improve your quality of life . imagine not being able to turn a book page , wipe your self after a bathroom , or change the tv channel . this is very cool . please xpost to r / rehabtherapy .
that really is the best part of reddit it to me . i come for one good grateful dead subreddit and the rest of the time i browse for that perfect out of nowhere humor . then i go to circlejerk and make fun of people trying to do that in every post .
your " logic " both confuses and astounds me . he ' s for liberty except when he ' s against it and when he ' s against it , it ' s still good for us because he makes us freer by opposing it . . . da ' fuck ? truly you would be promoted up the ranks in the ministry of truth .
i ' m 6 ' 4 " , 23 and 182 lbs . it ' s healthy , but again , as i said , if you read my post history , i ' m transgender . being my height and transitioning is not fun at all . guaranteed back problems are par for the course at 6 ' 4 " . fact of life that gravity will do its number on my back
to all the religious people out there : yes we can be dicks . everyone can be a dick . but until christians start killing themselves as frequently as bullied homosexuals or when politicians seriously consider taking away the rights of christians , stfu .
um . . . ok i looked at this and saw the map . . wouldn ' t it make more sense to divert that traffic ( big dig ) and make an above ground park ? at the very least make the outside look better that it is . i love their ideas . . . but those can / should be implemented into regular subway terminals .
i also couldn ' t stress networking enough . one of the organizations i was involved with went to a national engineering conference . i met a professor there who encouraged me to apply for her school ' s program . that ' s how i got my internship .
i disagree . diels post raised the point that iiirrrvvv ' s comment was flawed because an upvote = \ = endorsement . my post was refuting diels _ alder ' s point because of the reasoning outlined in my post . the fact that i received any downvotes either means : 1 . redditor ' s basic reasoning skills are flawed . or 2 . some people disagreed with my point , and downvoted accordingly .
whole home audio is not something that is cheap . you are basically looking for a distributed audio amp with 6 channels - and that ' s just the amp . then you ' ll need to provide a source , which can be anything from a cd / dvd player , a tuner or even a cell phone . begin looking [ here ] ( http : / / www . parts - express . com / wizards / searchresults . cfm ? srchext = cat & srchcat = 562 ) but be prepared for sticker shock . it is possible to wire a basic stereo amp into a distributed system like this , but you lose the independent zone control and you have to understand how to wire speakers in series vs . parallel .
yes they fit you perfectly . going on a tangent here but please cuff them . i feel that having the denim not have enough starch to stack nicely and having the inseam so short on you are two strikes for ugly stacking . my preference is hemming or cuffing , but other than that they fit bang on .
the producer would have less product to sell , however other competitors would attempt to fill the necessary demand , and they would consequently hire the appropriate number of employees . edit : spelling
wow thanks for the info ! we ' ll try to get there for 2ish then . is the play - by - play commentary useful ? does it add much more depth to just watching ? we ' re on the 2nd floor in the middle row so i ' m hoping we ' ll be able to see ok .
lol everytime i post on reddit it goes badly . . . i was really struggling in act 4 , dying just about every room . . . figuring this out really made my night . . . guess i ' ll not worry about trying to share in the future . . .
here is the text from this meme pic for anybody who needs it : title : douche bag 7th graders says he fucked a hot girl is 12 years old and 4 ' 11 " ^ [ [ translate ] ( http : / / translate . google . com / # auto | | says + he + fucked + a + hot + girl + - + is + 12 + years + old + and + 4 % 2711 % 22 ) ] this is helpful for people who can ' t reach quickmeme because of work / school firewalls or site downtime , and many other reasons ( [ faq ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / comments / o426k / faq _ for _ the _ qkme _ transcriber _ bot / ) ) . more info is available [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / ) .
is baby doing well since the early arrival ? i had a 31 weeker and a 36 weeker . your baby looks bigger than my 36 weeker ( she was less than 4 - 1 / 2 lbs ) . he looks very healthy : - ) . sweet picture . congrats : - )
people ' s rights do matter , regardless of how deserving they may be of whatever harm their ' victim ' brings to them . put the shoe on the other foot : if she had cheated on him , and he tossed all her things out on the curb and vandalized her car , it wouldn ' t be " funny , " he ' d be arrested for domestic abuse .
story time ! once upon a time , my family and i were taking a six - week trip across the country in a motorhome . on this particular night , we were driving through the backwoods of virginia to visit some friends - of - family - friends , who had kindly offered their farmhouse as a place for us to stay the night . i had just finished watching jurassic park for the first time , on the motorhome ' s tv . we ' re rattling down this bumpy , narrow road in the dark , when all of a sudden , i look out my window and see a goddamn velociraptor . gave me quite a scare , especially when the motorhome proceeded to nearly get stuck going up the driveway to the house . we asked the people about it later , and it turns out there was a guy who lived nearby and liked to make crazy paper - mache sculptures , including a velociraptor which he had mounted on his front gate . it was just coincidence that we happened to pass his house just after watching jurassic park .
enix made dwvii in an old - fashioned style . i could see someone there saying someone should try it , but the square side has become so much about pushing the graphics envelope , i don ' t see it happening .
according to this map - - not always . http : / / upload . wikimedia . org / wikipedia / commons / e / ea / usgs _ nts _ detonations . png i ' ve never heard of any nuclear tests affecting fault lines , but there was this doozy : http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / operation _ emery
i disagree with the stem field to be successful bullshit . i was a philosophy major . i work for a fortune 500 company in hi - tech . some of my colleague have graduate degrees in french literature and history .
man , am i tired of seeing this old chestnut brought out every time someone mentions big government . you do realize that scandinavian countries are not only much more homogenous , but also have much smaller populations , right ? you ' re comparing apples to oranges . i ' d also like to mention that most of latin america is socialistic , yet no - one ever seems to mention them in this type of argument . . .
i wouldn ' t say this series is over . if the lakers can take both games at home , it becomes a series all over again . the lakers defense played great tonight , and if they can continue that through games 3 and 4 at home , this series can turn around in a snap . i ' m really excited to go back to staples center for game 3 . derek fisher is gonna get a bigger ovation than when he returned for the first time during the regular season . i ' m pumped .
what would have happened if , instead of just stopping , lewis had a crash and didn ' t make it round to the pits ? they ' d have their 1liter sample , he ' d have set a time but not got back round to the pits . would he have to start from the back of the grid ?
burned with desire ( rising star remix ) - armin on a good day ( above & beyond remix ) - oceanlab every other way ( armin van buuren remix ) - bt right back - yuri kane that is all i can think of right now . i ' m not too fond of the vt sub genre .
he ' s probably like 13 . he comments in gonewild , legalteens , bondage , nsfw , povpornvids . might be 11 , actually , looking at some of his comments . you remind me of my crush . . . . o . o now i have alot of images in my head . . . thanks for that ; ) your soooooooo sexy i want mooooaaaaaaawrrrrrrr of this ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! but anyway , might as well give advice . a different hairstyle might help , as your ( op ) ' s head is kinda egg shaped . glasses are also way too big . and i can ' t tell but that left ( op ' s right ) eyebrow looks waaay too long . and calm down on the poor , dude . it ' ll give you unrealistic expectations about what real women are like .
reminds me of this guy ' s story from yesterday . tl ; dr - asian guy has his brother take his driving test in his place since the white people won ' t be able to tell it ' s not really him . http : / / www . reddit . com / r / canada / comments / tocaw / only _ in _ markham / c4oevud
if the bacteria thrives in our environment is a massive fucking if . the odds of a bacteria ( or especially a virus ) flourishing in our bodies and being able to even attack our cells is really unlikely , since they would have evolved for another planet .
mother teresa believed that poverty and suffering were , in a very literal sense the things that caused a closer connection to god . so she did everything she could to ensure that people suffered . she would give them the absolute minimum of food and water needed to survive ( it was well within her budget to feed them properly , to get that argument out right away ) and basically told them that they could accept jesus or die .
sorry you got downvoted man . people like the op are fucking idiots . there are real conspiracies out there , mostly dealing with large corporate power , fake terrorism to enhance security states , manufactured uprisings . . . but saying earthquakes or volcanoes are increasing citing no studies or evidence is just plain silly . earthquakes and volcano are a natural part of plate tectonics . they increase and decrease with frequency over the course of the millions of years the earth has been around .
i use one of those norelco body groomers ; i left the area around the tattoo unshaven for a few days ( as per reddit advice ) but keep it fairly clean shaven now , as mistress prefers it that way . why do you ask ?
hi , my name is " xxxx " , my girlfriend thinks your really hot . how is your night going to be ? but honestly . if you can dance well , people will watch you , and then eye contact flirting is the best . its innocent , and exciting . then the line above to start things off . i also have a shirt that says . . . " wanna play ? "
yeah , i ' m a year into a school psych program in which i observe in the public schools 1 - 2 days a week . i ' m currently in an affluent suburb with a growing low - income population . the kids identified with emotional disorders that are caused by maladaptive behaviors are almost always from low - income families or from families with low parental education . to answer thesensitiveman , being white doesn ' t matter if your parents are low income , not college grads , or dysfunctional .
here is the text from this meme pic for anybody who needs it : title : insanity wolf on tv " my life ' s like tv " criminal minds ^ [ [ translate ] ( http : / / translate . google . com / # auto | | % 22my + life % 27s + like + tv % 22 + - + criminal + minds ) ] this is helpful for people who can ' t reach quickmeme because of work / school firewalls or site downtime , and many other reasons ( [ faq ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / comments / o426k / faq _ for _ the _ qkme _ transcriber _ bot / ) ) . more info is available [ here ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / qkme _ transcriber / ) .
i ' m 17 , and in third year of high school , i only have one more year to go . that ' s what confuses me . i used to be liked and people would laugh at what i said . it felt nice because i was bullied for all the eight years i was in elementary . then suddenly i ' m annoying and uninteresting : / so i ' m probably the problem : (
hi edgarallanboh . i actually created and run the site . i ' ve been working on a mobile web app for it for a few months now . it ' s the first i ' ve ever made , so i got off to a slow start , but it ' s coming allong very nicely now . should be out within a few months on iphone , android , and blackberry appstores . keep checking the site from your mobile device . as soon as it ' s available in the appstores , anyone visiting from a supported device will be automatically be forwarded to a page with the app store links . there will be a free version with ads , and an ad - free version for somewhere arround $ 1 ( or whatever the lowest i can charge ) just to offset the cost of the domain / bandwidth / hosting . thanks for visiting the site ! you have definitely just motivated me to pick up the pace with the app !
eh , i don ' t play all my games but i play games quite a bit . i tend to collect systems that had a small library , so the entire library is a goal of mine strictly from a collecting viewpoint . but when it comes to actually playing games , life ' s too short to waste playing bad ones . there are more aaa titles released before the year 2000 than i could ever complete in 20 lifetimes .
i was a cameraman for a similar show on cable access in central florida . it was a weird experience . the host took it very seriously , it was real to him . to me it seemed like playing make - believe with a bunch of grown - ass men in the middle of the night . it was a lot more dangerous than i expected . they would cut power to whatever building we were in so as not to " interfere " with his sensitive blinky light thing . i guess the cameras didn ' t count . anyway , some of the locations were deeply in need of renovation , with unfinished parts and holes in floors with rusted old fridges and nails and shit everywhere . i could see a little through the camera eyepiece , but not much as it was all shitty green night - vision and the guy i was following ( or walking backwards in front of ) couldn ' t see shit anyway . i think it ' s completely fake , but the dude takes it seriously enough that i think he ' s either full of shit and a great liar , or he ' s just completely insane . people can get very strange about ghost stuff , whether it ' s real or not . i ' ve had some people act very oddly when they find out what we ' re shooting . i always just blamed their own life experiences and perceptions of the world , rather than the supernatural . people are fucking weird , and that ' s usually a much easier explanation for these things .
don ' t use the sized ones that look like spades , they will only work well on hard glass with an even thickness . instead get a small diamond coated grinding bit for a dremel tool , then grind yourself a hole under some water , or very slowly .
kobe choked for the first time this post season . the last shot was good on mwp part , by using kobe as a decoy and getting blake the open shot . if he would of hit that it would of been like the dagger against the nuggets . damn okc stole that fucking game hard ! x 5
new stuff : the new animated avengers series , soul eater , the newer tmnt series , fma brotherhood , gurren lagann , the new thundercats cartoon . but still have old favs like ruroni kenshin , naruto shippuden , and gundam .
none of them , sorry . they will all probably use the plus four method , and lie to you to sell you something that they have in stock . http : / / www . investinyourchest . co . uk / diy - measure - yourself - at - home do it yourself at home ! : )
it seems that i posted part 4 of this 5 part series . in the paragraph below the video , there are hyperlinks to the other 4 parts . the whistleblower from the nsa is william binney , who lead the team that developed the program enabling the nsa to collect raw data at the rate of 20 terabytes per minute and to filter that data for important info . he resigned after discovering that it would be used to collect information from american citizens as well , which is a violation of multiple congressional acts , as well as being beyond the nsa ' s charter , which is supposed to limit information collecting to countries outside the us .
so i take 12 . 5 mg cr and it only seems to make me crazy when i drink a few beers with it or a glass of wine . otherwise , i just stay up and feel happy . like now . are you guys doing something i don ' t know about dosage wise or other to get higher ?
i haven ' t seen much , and therefore am unable to tell . seriously , the moment i saw the image , the ' i expect it to get buried ' , and the preachy title , i had to check whether i was in / r / sidehugs .
naughty dog ' s made some good games but i highly doubt the gameplay will come any close to this level of decision - making , it just doesn ' t make sense to either " save " or " ignore " the guy walking up to you , you ' re playing a story in a game , not a representation of the player , same as uncharted and other games . this trailer is probably an in - game cinematic or something that leads to the level and the game will probably have stealth aspects with maybe some qtes . this isn ' t dead island - level type of trailer impressions but there ' s no reason that a properly - made game ( with the right musical cues for ambience and such , writing , etc ) can ' t be moving . experiences aren ' t exclusive to user - input in gaming , these are interactive stories we ' re playing .
get out while you still can . the " boyfriend fishbowl " comment scares me - if your so isolates you from your friends and abuses you like that , this is not good . the sex without a condom , even when you clearly told him no , is a dealbreaker of the first magnitude by itself - but combined with the " bitchy problem causing burden " comments , it ' s a signal to dump him right now .
i grew up riding an old three wheeler ( younger step - sis got the safe four wheeler ) and those things are death traps . you can ' t buy them anymore . you had to slide the back end around anything in a tight turn otherwise the back tires want to climb whatever you are turning by . also , they are so light in the front and torquey in the back that they want to flip backwards when you give it some gas going up a steep incline . . . . how did i stay alive as a kid ?
again , i love these reassurance posts ! thank you so much for this . ( not to undermine other ' s advice , everyone ' s is equally appreciated ! ) . the whole thing with abroad studies does sound like a good idea , this monotonous schedule is killing me . i guess seeing all my cousins and being in that type of environment can do me some good , i am still considering it . i do have a small notebook of goals , i kind of quit on it but i ' m thinking of bringing it back .
why are you idiots still blabbering about the 2008 cycle while completely ignoring the 2012 one ? goldman gave 1 million to obama in 2008 , bill maher gave the same amount in 2012 - do you think obama is going to legalize weed now because maher gave him all that money ?
any answer to how we solve this will just become political , so while i ' d like to explain my take , i ' ll hold off . to answer your askreddit question and how do i cope with this reality , i say educate yourself , like you clearly have done , and if there is something you want done , do it . otherwise , go somewhere where that nation ' s problems don ' t bother you . i have lots of negative and few positive things to say about america , as a born citizen , and i very seriously plan on moving to canada and living there for the rest of my life within the next decade . this is what helps me get by .
i ' m just bummed they didn ' t say " user " hatesredditors " called them out in 26 min " , or something mentioning this username , simply because of how against the narrative that would be . also it ' s funny , the main post has lost 100 more karma since i got the first message . like people think it ' s going to do anything more to a post downvoted to zero already that ' s 18 days old , posted by a throwaway on top of it all .
sounds good , swimming will really help you tone up . also , for eating , here ' s [ an image that helped me immensely ] ( http : / / i . imgur . com / i29mm . jpg ) when i was losing weight . changed my diet easily and completely . you might find it helpful . edit : ignore the menstrual thing , haha . i found this on / r / fitness by the way .
if you need house painting in katy , tx , call dc young painting . we are a painter near houston . visit our website for details about our services . painting katy tx , dc young painting , painter near houston http : / / www . dcyoungpainting . com /
but goddamn near everyone ragging on it this week is completely ignorant of the history of d2 . i think you ' re overstating the problems in d2 . the only problem i recall having was spammers on unlocked games without level limits . but i admit i never did pvp with strangers . the problem i see with d3 at the moment is that the drm hasn ' t provided benefits to meet / exceed the problems it has caused . i can see the potential benefits to a subset of players , but we know it is hurting ( most ? ) players now .
am i the only one who likes the iriquios ? their hiawatha ' s trait isn ' t all that awesome ( though it does cut costs on roads early game ) but the longhouse is the best building ever , avoid chopping forrest and then turn every available tile into a lumber camp , and you have tremendous industrial potential , and the mohawk are excellent for both defense and offense as forrest is pretty abundant , yet i seem to be the only one who likes them .
first , stop benching , and don ' t bench again until the shoulder is healed . second , if you haven ' t done so already , switch to a powerlifting style bench press . start with the dave tate six week bench press cure series linked by another poster . practice with a broomstick . third , when you return to benching , make sure you ' re benching with your pecs . [ see this . ] ( http : / / www . bodyrecomposition . com / training / benching - with - the - pecs . html ) fourth , congratulations ! you ' re now going to be doing shoulder rehab and shoulder health exercises for a long , long . . . well , forever . face pulls are great . but there are plenty of others around . do them all . see which ones help the most and keep doing them . fifth , a bit anecdotal , but when i did have shoulder problems and had to take a break from benching last year , i actually found that i could still do pushups without any problem . don ' t splay your arms wide , keep them tucked in , and try it . if they don ' t hurt , keep doing them . i think doing pushups helped me rehab my shoulder .
really , when you are paying a grand for a watch . it ' s not the movement of the watch that is getting any better , it ' s the craftsmen ship of all the parts and it ' s look . instead of machine built parts and assembled by machines , it ' s people handcrafting majority of the components by hand . this is especially true with digital watches . if you see someone with a watch that is digital and cost him a grand , is a fucking idiot to think it ' s a better watch then a 10 dollar watch . the board is the same , maybe with some extra quarts crystals . but it turns into jewelery at that point .
it was actually a great game , dudes . we were able to effectively slow them down and control the pace . there were no major runs , and our big men came out to play . i honestly think y ' all are being too harsh on a team that , considering all of the major changes this organization has seen over the past year , shouldn ' t have gotten this far . i ' m proud of what we accomplished tonight and we ' ll surely pick up a win or two back home
great shirt ! not to long ago another redditor showed this very shirt , then later the creator him / her self was quite happy to have seen their shirt online ! i bet the creator of the shirt would be really happy to have seen it made it full circle . : )
any reason why the length have to be 24 ? can ' t it be anything , and then you fill it up with # ' s if the last line of the matrix if the text doesn ' t fit perfectly ? also , why not replace the hash character with a space , so it doesn ' t stand out so much ? i . e " the cake is a lie " with 3 columns would be : the - ca ke - is - a - l ie - and would encrypt as " t - kiaihces - eea - - l - " . good problem , i ' ll probably use this !
actually no , im new to reddit , i ' ve only been here about a week . the photo itself is a couple months old . since mr . savage is at least somewhat outspoken about his atheism , and people here seem to like him , i felt it would be an appropriate post .
how do you propose using , say , a power plant less ? [ green energy ] ( http : / / www . originenergy . com . au / 1544 / greenpower - green - gas ) , or [ better appliances ] ( http : / / www . bunnings . com . au / sustainability _ save - energy _ energy - saving - light - bulbs . aspx ) , or [ solar panels ] ( http : / / www . climatechange . gov . au / en / government / initiatives / renewable - target / need - ret / solar - credits - faq . aspx ) , or [ off - peak usage ] ( http : / / www . originenergy . com . au / 2088 / electricity - tariffs - qld ) , off the top of my head .
i remember watching the end of the broncos playoff game last year and after winning they zoomed in on elway celebrating . first thing out of my mouth was , " wtf , is gary busey a broncos fan ? ! " i was serious : (
from the [ wikipedia ] ( http : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / meniscus ) article , it has to do with the attraction of the molecules of the liquid to themselves versus the attraction of the molecules to the container ' s molecules . having said that , it sounds like you could have a flat meniscus if you had water in an ice vial . that ' d be a really interesting experiment .
well , with the z , there was a noticeable change in the cars driving " attitude " between those two milestones . the car was once much tighter , and more precise . i suppose with new suspension , i could get some of that feeling back . but the miles do make a difference . maybe test drive an example of each , and make your mind up that way .
here in lies the problem , i got to the play button before i figured it out . so i used the cd key and made the battle net account . so it ' s a combination of my over excitement to play + my idiot nature . i ' m hoping my room mates new comp can play it , but that ' s over a month away
i ' ve heard it is pretty nice . does it live up to the hype ? i just finished up puella magi madoka magica and black lagoon not too long ago , i ' ve been looking for something new . any recommendations ?
the preservation of hadith and their use by fiqhi scholars are two different things . i guess you learn something new every day . it ' s not news that you conveniently ignore hadith when it goes agaisnt you . and then you claim that i am following the hawa : ) quoting from kak0 : " according to many hanafis [ . . . ] " yes i know if it ' s not on the internet it doesn ' t exist . you are free to not believe it if you want . and i would be fine if you extend me the same courtesy .
thank you everyone . i learn so much from reddit . if i ' m ever on who wants to be a millionaire and the final question is about hedgehogs being illegal in pennsylvania , i will send you all some money .
okay so that means we have to allow religion directly into politics because we no longer want separation of church and state . whether you agree with how the church functions or not is irrelevant . the government has no right to have any business in the church ' s affairs and the church has no right in the government ' s affairs ( and i already know it does but im not arguing that ) . if we want the two things to be truly separate we cannot have this stupid hybrid bullshit that contradicts the foundations it is based on .
i may be a multiple dog owner , but i ' m a total kitten noob . i ' ll have to see how she behaves before i try to take her to school , which i don ' t know how well that ' d work because she might have to get sent home due to bitchy staff .
yeah guy seems a bit of a dick , don ' t see why he has to be so aggressive , he should be apreceative of people wanting to play the game and make a joke about people being impatient , simply asking people to spred the word about the issue and that they are working to fix it . 1 ) people want to play the game 2 ) people don ' t know its braking the joining that ' s why they keep retrying its logical to assume its the current server not a central database if you don ' t know better . 3 ) fact is arma is fucked as normal lol 4 ) if they slapped a graphic on there main webpage exsplaning to people to just join and wait it out that would reduce the issue allot 5 ) if they add the txt " dont disconect or leve it can take 5 - 15 minutes to connect " to the on screen txt that would help 6 ) obviously they were not expecting it to be this popular they should put a large donate button on there website to help pay for better server equipment . its annoying that arma 2 as an engine is still largely fucked obviously this is still in alpha and so its expected to have issues but arma has so many basic problems that they should have fixed by now . 1 ) x and y mouse movments dont match up and are a pain to change and get right 2 ) players clip with objects in a strange way 3 ) delay in people reacting to getting shot ( this happens offline in single player as well ( vanila arma 4 ) ai walking through walls ( happens in normal arma 2 still ) 5 ) ai move around in crazy patterns dont face people they are shooting at . 6 ) ai run through incredibly predictable reaction patterns 7 ) sometimes ai don ' t react or take action evan when shot from point blank range . oh well can only hope in 15 years or so arma 8 or whatever it will be will actually work properly . still this zombi mod is fun in general if you can look past all the shitty arma2 engine bugs .
can you people really not use the search feature . quoting a post i made 14 hours ago i fucking hate you . quoting a post i made [ 12 hours ago . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / todayilearned / comments / tovpx / til _ pixar _ accidentally _ deleted _ toy _ story _ 2 _ during / ) quoting my post from 16 hours ago are you fucking kidding me ? this was posted [ 3 hours ago . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / todayilearned / comments / tnrj6 / til _ that _ toy _ story _ 2 _ was _ accidentally _ deleted / ) which in turn was a repost from [ yesterday . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / todayilearned / comments / tlvv5 / til _ all _ the _ footage _ of _ toy _ story _ 2 _ was / ) which was a repost from [ 12 days prior . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / todayilearned / comments / t4nls / til _ toy _ story _ 2 _ was _ deleted _ from _ pixars _ linuxunix / ) which was a repost from [ 13 days ago . ] ( http : / / www . reddit . com / r / todayilearned / comments / t1r17 / til _ toy _ story _ 2 _ was _ almost _ completely _ deleted / )
we want to do something about the debt . just so long as it doesn ' t include any tax increases to increase income , cuts in defense and war spending cuts in surveillance costs cuts in " homeland security "
failure and criticism for me . everyone else i know is paranoid about being termed " a failure " in life . it drives them nuts . i am more relaxed , probably since i ' m still the only single guy in the group and only have myself to look after . the other fear is that someone will comment on their work because it ' s not perfect , and that somehow reflects on who they are as a person . i welcome criticism , and always tell others that it doesn ' t affect me because the judgment is on my work , not on my character ( if that makes sense ) .
i have noticed that at the beginning of four weeks , i was super nauseous , even puking occasionally , but now , close to five weeks , it ' s totally subsided . i figure this to be natural , and that every few days , i ' ll be sick , and every other few days , i ' ll be able to sleep through the night . . . . for a little while , at least . lol
it ' s sort of left up to the viewer to decide for themselves . personally , i like to think he ' s dead . i loved code geass and lelouch , but he was an incredibly machiavellian asshole for pretty much the entire series . sacrificing himself to accomplish his goals is consistent with an " ends justify the means " ideology and a fitting end to his character arc .
libel and defamation are not crimes in the us . those are civil violations . threats ( of certain , specific , direct types ) are indeed illegal . also , harassment , profanity ( in some jurisdictions ) , obscenity , etc . are all non - protected forms of speech .
yeah jdavis convinced me to check out stropman and his other favorite seems to be bark river . honestly there ' s not much more to tell . all my knives are sharper than they ' ve ever been , but i think i need to get a more consistant angle before i can pull off the really stupid sharp edges some people can do .
i cant just go there , i moved to another province in october . i do want to file a complaint , i genuinely could not afford that money and need it back desperately . more than that i ' m offended at his refusal to give me what he is required by law to give me . i cant find the correct number to call , should i just go for a whatever number on the site and keep getting bounced around or is there a specific department i can call ?
i ' ve been on both sides of this - the inexperienced girl with the guy who ' s had long - term relationships before , but also the one who ' s had a relationship before and my boyfriend had zero experience . having been the " experienced " one , i ' ll admit it took us a little while to really get to know each other ' s bodies . but the thing is , i love him so that really didn ' t matter in the relationship as a whole . when i started becoming more focused on the sex not being what i wanted it to be , i ( eventually worked up the guts , and then ) told him exactly what i wanted . kama sutra that shit ! after seven months , i ' m sure you have a little idea of what he likes . work with it , and as always , rest easy in the knowledge that men are a little easier to please sexually than women , haha . make sure you actually communicate with him . can ' t even tell you how much this helps . look together for some fun things you both want to do ! and don ' t worry . when he ' s that much older than you , he ' s probably not investing in the hope that you ' re a well - practiced sexual goddess . he probably loves you for who you are .