translation |
"af": "Kies in sigbare lae",
"en": "Select in visible layers"
} |
"af": "Verspreiding Lys",
"en": "Distribution List Editor"
} |
"af": "Aftrek [-]",
"en": "Subtract [-]"
} |
"af": "program",
"en": "caption"
} |
"af": "Wissel kleure",
"en": "30 seconds"
} |
"af": "Tekslisensie",
"en": "Text License"
} |
"af": "@ action: button",
"en": "Use this button to search for more similar bug reports on an earlier date."
} |
"af": "Geen!",
"en": "None!"
} |
"af": "* Die oorblywende elemente in die maatreëls vir die hervoming van die regbank finaliseer en sy werking, in oorleg met hierdie gesiene instelling van ons demokrasie, verbeter.",
"en": "* finalise remaining elements of measures to transform the judiciary and improve its functioning, in consultation with this eminent institution of our democracy;"
} |
"af": "Groep (Groep) Die Groep Die bediener loop onder. Gewoonlik hierdiemoet wees sys, egter jy kan konfigureer dinge vir nog 'nGroep as benodig. bv: sys Do not translate the keyword between brackets (e. g. ServerName, ServerAdmin, etc.)",
"en": "Group (Group) The group the server runs under. Normally this must be sys, however you can configure things for another group as needed. ex: sys"
} |
"af": "1200x600 Dpi",
"en": "1200x600 DPI"
} |
"af": "Die oorspronklike wagwoord was verkeerd",
"en": "The original password was incorrect"
} |
"af": "Slegs Vir _Hierdie Sessie",
"en": "Just For _This Session"
} |
"af": "kop",
"en": "heading"
} |
"af": "Wys boodskapvoorskou langsaan die boodskaplys",
"en": "Show message preview side-by-side with the message list"
} |
"af": "Die dokument bestaan nie.",
"en": "The document does not exist."
} |
"af": "Stel die taal van die huidige dokument",
"en": "Set the language of the current document"
} |
"af": "Nul is 'n mens; een tot drie stem ooreen met die vlak van die rekenaarspeler.",
"en": "Zero is human; one through three correspond to the level of the computer player."
} |
"af": "KsircComment",
"en": "Statistics"
} |
"af": "Invoer naam:",
"en": "Enter the area name:"
} |
"af": "Maak tans skoon",
"en": "Blanking"
} |
"af": "Name=Arts Kontrole Program",
"en": "Name=aRts Control Applet"
} |
"af": "Kan nie skryf na %s: %s",
"en": "Can't write to %s: %s"
} |
"af": "Een twee drie, nog 'n keer",
"en": "~ One, two, three, quick on your feet"
} |
"af": "Die Openpgp sleutel jy kies hier sal wees gebruik word na teken jou aktikels .",
"en": "The OpenPGP key you choose here will be used to sign your articles ."
} |
"af": "Waterfall",
"en": "Waterfall"
} |
"af": "_VRGB",
"en": "_VRGB"
} |
"af": "Ag, hoe word my oë dof, en hoe bons my hart so bang!",
"en": "- l'll try to lure him into the trap! - ...or be lured into the trap!"
} |
"af": "Ek is kapot",
"en": "I'm beat."
} |
"af": "Id% 1",
"en": "ID %1"
} |
"af": "Eendag sal ek deur die woud loop na die rivier 'n betrokke, windlose dag, 'n herfsdag",
"en": "One day I'll walk through the forest to the river. A foggy, windless autumn day."
} |
"af": "8 Februarie, eerste repetisies, Rachin is genadeloos op Morange",
"en": "Feb. 8, first rehearsals. Rachin is relentless on Morange"
} |
"af": "Normale Grysskaal ( Swart ink houer )",
"en": "Normal Grayscale ( Black cartridge )"
} |
"af": "Seleksie",
"en": "Selection"
} |
"af": "Gesels",
"en": "Chat"
} |
"af": "Die aantal minute van onaktiwiteit voor die sessie as ledig beskou word.",
"en": "The number of minutes of inactivity before the session is considered idle."
} |
"af": "Almal te vervang.",
"en": "It can always be replaced."
} |
"af": "Skrap voltooide take",
"en": "Delete completed tasks"
} |
"af": "Odessa is 'n lekkerder speletjie. Belowe.",
"en": "Odessa is a better game. Really."
} |
"af": "_Gaan",
"en": "_Go"
} |
"af": "Kon nie voueropsomming skrap nie '%s': %s",
"en": "Could not delete folder summary file '%s': %s"
} |
"af": "%s: %s bestaan nie, maar moet bestaan.",
"en": "%s: %s does not exist but must exist."
} |
"af": "URL :",
"en": "URL :"
} |
"af": "reserweslot type",
"en": "reserve"
} |
"af": "Beskrywing van laas bekende ligging van gebruiker.",
"en": "Description of last known location of user."
} |
"af": "Tel bietjie my hartklop met die getik van 'n horlosie, asb.",
"en": "To be sure, already love has set her heart astir!"
} |
"af": "KPosDiens",
"en": "KMailService"
} |
"af": "Lêerstelsel",
"en": "File System"
} |
"af": "Kies 'n tydsone",
"en": "Select Timezone"
} |
"af": "Tyd per Navraag",
"en": "Time Per Query"
} |
"af": "Wit ruiter op %1$s neem swart toring op %2$s",
"en": "White knight at %1$s takes the black rook at %2$s"
} |
"af": "QWebPage",
"en": "Scroll here"
} |
"af": "U moes 'n kopie van die GNU Algemene Publieke Lisensie ontvang het saam met hierdie program. Indien nie, sien .",
"en": "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see ."
} |
"af": "Die skyf in \"%s\" word nie ondersteun nie.",
"en": "The disc in \"%s\" is not supported."
} |
"af": "Panama StadCity in Paris France ( optional , probably does not need a translation )",
"en": "Skalnate Pleso"
} |
"af": "van hulle kwalifikasies, kundigheid of ondervinding op die gebiede van, gesamentlik",
"en": "qualifications, expertise or experience in the fields, when viewed collectively, of"
} |
"af": "NOMMER",
"en": "NUMBER"
} |
"af": "Opkomend:",
"en": "Upcoming:"
} |
"af": "Hoë kontras",
"en": "High Contrast"
} |
"af": "teletype",
"en": "Telex"
} |
"af": "Toepassing HandleidingsName",
"en": "Application Manuals"
} |
"af": "Soek VoorwerpCity in Minnesota USA",
"en": "Hill City"
} |
"af": "Kan nie gebruikergroep vir %s instel nie",
"en": "Cannot set user group for %s"
} |
"af": "PIN:",
"en": "PIN:"
} |
"af": "Daar!",
"en": "There he is!"
} |
"af": "Skuif na gids",
"en": "Move to Folder"
} |
"af": "Dit lyk of hy regkom.",
"en": "He seems to manage."
} |
"af": "Aantal lêers:",
"en": "Number of files:"
} |
"af": "Voorgrond kleur :",
"en": "Foreground color :"
} |
"af": "It_ems:",
"en": "It_ems:"
} |
"af": "52 - 59 mb Ram",
"en": "52 - 59 MB RAM"
} |
"af": "Jy is hard, Renaud",
"en": "You're too harsh, Renaud."
} |
"af": "(twee beelde: een vir status, een vir lading)",
"en": "(two images: one for status, one for charge)"
} |
"af": "Voor ( % 1 ) :",
"en": "Before :"
} |
"af": "Kleur na Plekaanduier",
"en": "Extras"
} |
"af": "Ek speel sommer",
"en": "I'm just kidding."
} |
"af": "180 x 180 Dpi",
"en": "180 x 180 DPI"
} |
"af": "Wie sê dat ek wil skei?",
"en": "Who says I want a divorce ?"
} |
"af": "Vervris plaaslike IMAP Kas",
"en": "Rebuild Local IMAP Cache"
} |
"af": "Kpilot Konfigureerder",
"en": "Show KPilot configuration information"
} |
"af": "Opwekking van verwerker",
"en": "Processor Wakeups"
} |
"af": "Romeense",
"en": "Rain"
} |
"af": "Kieslys opdateer programName",
"en": "Menu Updating Tool"
} |
"af": "Dr Mallard, wat het jy daar?",
"en": "Dr. Mallard, what do you have there?"
} |
"af": "Gevorderde soektog",
"en": "Advanced Search"
} |
"af": "Moenie skrap nie",
"en": "Do not delete"
} |
"af": "C1",
"en": "C1"
} |
"af": "Ek is nie dom nie; ek is baie ernstig hieroor",
"en": "I'm not an idiot; I'm very serious about this."
} |
"af": "Maar dit is 'n begin.",
"en": "But it's a start."
} |
"af": "KPresenter - > KWord FilterName",
"en": "KPresenter XPM Export Filter"
} |
"af": "Ag ja,",
"en": "Oh."
} |
"af": "Maak skoon gidse elke:",
"en": "Purge folders every:"
} |
"af": "Ek het gedink dit sou goed wees.",
"en": "I thought it would be OK."
} |
"af": "ligjaar,ligjare,lj,lig jaar,lig jareunit-format",
"en": "lightyear,lightyears,ly"
} |
"af": "Karbon Svg In voer FilterName",
"en": "Round Corners Filter"
} |
"af": "Ek kon egter vind watter chemiese daar gebruik is.",
"en": "However, I did identify what chemical was used."
} |
"af": "Ek sal die polisie bel!",
"en": "I'm calling the police!"
} |
"af": "OV-Tango? Die Toesighouer oor die Chileense agente.",
"en": "\"'A link to Operation Tango cannot be excluded.\""
} |
"af": "Verander Stensil Horisontaal OplynStencils",
"en": "Civil - Vertical Limiting Line"
} |
"af": "Toetsafvoer formaat : ' xml ' , ' lightxml ' , ' plaintext '",
"en": "Format of test output : 'xml ' , 'lightxml ' , 'plaintext '"
} |