translation |
"en": "I hope so.",
"me": "Nadam se."
} |
"en": "You know what they say.",
"me": "Znaš šta kažu."
} |
"en": "\"Hope is the thing with feathers. \"",
"me": "\"Nada je ono što odleti.\""
} |
"en": "Emily Dickinson.",
"me": "Emili Dikinson."
} |
"en": "That bitch will say anything.",
"me": "Ta kučka će da napiše sve."
} |
"en": "Ms. Hewes, I'm sorry I missed our meeting today.",
"me": "Gđo. Hjuz, žao mi je što sam propustila sastanak."
} |
"en": "No, no.",
"me": "Ne, ne."
} |
"en": "I understand.",
"me": "Razumijem."
} |
"en": "I understand.",
"me": "Razumijem."
} |
"en": "The good sister.",
"me": "Dobra sestra."
} |
"en": "It's just that this is family, and if I skipped the wedding for a job interview...",
"me": "Radi se o tome da je ovo porodica, i ako propustim vjenčanje zbog razgovora za posao..."
} |
"en": "You'd confirm their worst fear.",
"me": "Potvrdićeš njihov najveći strah."
} |
"en": "Which is?",
"me": "Koji je?"
} |
"en": "They're good, hardworking people, and they're afraid of losing you.",
"me": "Oni su dobri, marljivi ljudi i boje se da te ne izgube."
} |
"en": "Wait.",
"me": "Čekajte."
} |
"en": "How long have you been here?",
"me": "Koliko dugo ste ovdje?"
} |
"en": "You love them, you do anything for them.",
"me": "Zapravo, podsjećaju me na moju porodicu."
} |
"en": "The problem is, they don't have your ambition.",
"me": "Voliš ih i učinila bih sve za njih, ali problem je što nemaju tvoju ambiciju."
} |
"en": "What's the problem?",
"me": "I u čemu je problem?"
} |
"en": "You try to lead by example, and they want you to lead, and then they resent you for it.",
"me": "Pokušavaš da im daš primjer i oni žele da ih vodiš, a onda su ogorčeni zbog toga."
} |
"en": "They put you on a pedestal, look up to you, and then blame you for the crick in their necks.",
"me": "Stave te pijedestal, dive ti se, a onda te krive zbog ukočenog vrata."
} |
"en": "Oh, that problem.",
"me": "A, taj problem."
} |
"en": "I know how hard you worked to get your shot with me, but you turned it down to be with your family.",
"me": "Znam koliko si se namučila da dođeš do razgovora sa mnom, ali si odabrala svoju porodicu."
} |
"en": "That's an interesting choice.",
"me": "Zanimljiv izbor."
} |
"en": "Ms. Hewes?",
"me": "Gđo Hjuz?"
} |
"en": "Is there any way I could still interview?",
"me": "Postoji li šansa za novi razgovor?"
} |
"en": "I think it would be a waste of time, Ellen.",
"me": "Mislim da bi to bilo traćenje vremena, Elen."
} |
"en": "You're hired.",
"me": "Dobila si posao."
} |
"en": "I hate to interrupt your morning, Art, but it's not good.",
"me": "Arte, žao mi je što smetam, ali nije dobro."
} |
"en": "All right, how much does she want?",
"me": "Dobro, koliko traži?"
} |
"en": "Say again?",
"me": "Molim?"
} |
"en": "I can barely hear you.",
"me": "Jedva te čujem."
} |
"en": "Yeah, I'm in the middle of a storm here, Ray.",
"me": "Da, u frci sam ovdje, Rej."
} |
"en": "How much does she want?",
"me": "Koliko traži?"
} |
"en": "She wouldn't give me a number.",
"me": "Neće da kaže cifru."
} |
"en": "If she's got a pulse, she's got a price.",
"me": "- Ako ima puls, ima i cijenu."
} |
"en": "Well, it's one you can't afford.",
"me": "- Pa, ti je sebi ne možeš priuštiti."
} |
"en": "She's on a mission here, and she won't stop till you're strung up in the public square.",
"me": "Na zadatku je i neće stati dok ne budeš visio na gradskom trgu."
} |
"en": "All right, you know what?",
"me": "Dobro, znaš što?"
} |
"en": "It's time you made the call, Ray.",
"me": "Vrijeme je za poziv, Rej."
} |
"en": "We're not there yet, Art.",
"me": "Još nijesmo tamo, Art."
} |
"en": "I'm sick of this shit",
"me": "Dosta mi je ovog sranja."
} |
"en": "First the government, now this bitch, shit!",
"me": "Prvo vlada, sad ova kučka!"
} |
"en": "Do you know something?",
"me": "Znaš šta?"
} |
"en": "My wife's about to leave me because of this.",
"me": "Žena će me ostaviti zbog ovoga."
} |
"en": "My kids are getting harassed at school.",
"me": "Djecu mi maltretiraju u školi."
} |
"en": "This bullshit never ends.",
"me": "Sranja ne prestaju."
} |
"en": "Make the call.",
"me": "Nazovi."
} |
"en": "I want some leverage.",
"me": "Želim da se stvari malo okrenu."
} |
"en": "Give me some time.",
"me": "- Daj mi vremena."
} |
"en": "No. Time's up.",
"me": "- Ne, nema ga više."
} |
"en": "Hey, Ray, what... you called them \"bloodsuckers\"?",
"me": "Hej, Rej, šta... nazvao si ih krvopijama?"
} |
"en": "What's that about?",
"me": "Šta je to bilo?"
} |
"en": "Come on.",
"me": "Hajde."
} |
"en": "Lighten up on the rhetoric.",
"me": "Smanji retoriku."
} |
"en": "Art...",
"me": "Arte..."
} |
"en": "Yeah, I can't hear you.",
"me": "Da, ne čujem te."
} |
"en": "Look, if you need me, I'm going to be at the Brewster Trauma Center.",
"me": "Gledaj, ako ti budem trebao biću u traumatološkom centru Bruster."
} |
"en": "My idiot brother-in-law can't drive those shit.",
"me": "Moj šurak idiot ne zna da vozi."
} |
"en": "I'm going with you, so wait just one second.",
"me": "Idem s vama, pa pričekajte trenutak."
} |
"en": "Arthur Frobisher's dossier, and his broker, Gary Genow.",
"me": "Dosje Artura Frobišera i njegovog brokera Gerija Dženoua."
} |
"en": "What do you know?",
"me": "Šta znaš?"
} |
"en": "The government lost because they couldn't link these guys.",
"me": "Vlada je izgubila jer ih nije mogla povezati."
} |
"en": "Frobisher claimed he had a preexisting agreement to sell his stock.",
"me": "Frobišer tvrdi da je već prije dogovorio prodaju dionica."
} |
"en": "Genow backs him up, but that's a crock. Very good.",
"me": "Dženou je to potvrdio, ali to je glupost."
} |
"en": "However, Frobisher and Genow were both in Florida the weekend prior to the sell off.",
"me": "Dobro, ali i Frobišer i Dženou su bili na Floridi nedjelju prije prodaje."
} |
"en": "We don't have a case unless we can connect",
"me": "Nemamo slučaj, ako ih ne povežemo."
} |
"en": "Which the government couldn't do even though both men were in Florida?",
"me": "A to vlada nije mogla iako su obojica bili na Floridi?"
} |
"en": "We interviewed every employee, colleague and golf buddy within 100 miles of Arthur Frobisher on the day in question.",
"me": "Razgovarali smo svima koji su bili unutar 200km od Frobišera toga dana."
} |
"en": "And we managed to piece together Frobisher's whereabouts.",
"me": "I saznali smo gdje je sve Frobišer bio."
} |
"en": "On Saturday, June 19, from 9:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m., he plays 18 holes in Palm Beach.",
"me": "U subotu, 19. juna od 9:00 do 13:00 igrao je golf u Palm Biču."
} |
"en": "We interviewed club members, guests and employees, but no sign of his broker.",
"me": "Razgovarali smo s članovima kluba i zaposlenicima, ali ni traga od brokera."
} |
"en": "From 1:00 p. m. to 3:00, he lunches with a few of his fortune 500 pals...",
"me": "Od 13:00 do 15:00 ručao je s par bogatih prijatelja..."
} |
"en": "But his broker is nowhere to be found.",
"me": "Ali ni traga brokeru."
} |
"en": "From 3:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m.,",
"me": "Od 15:00 do 18:00 bio je na velnesu."
} |
"en": "For three hours?",
"me": "Tri sata?"
} |
"en": "What was he getting waxed?",
"me": "Zar se depilirao?"
} |
"en": "6:00 p. m., Frobisher flies home in his private jet, arrives at Teterboro Airport at 9:00 p. m.",
"me": "U 18:00 se vraća kući privatnim avionom, i dolazi na aerodrom Teterboro u 21:00."
} |
"en": "He's home safe and sound by 10:00.",
"me": "Srećno je stigao kući u 22:00."
} |
"en": "So somehow Frobisher and his broker communicated down in Florida, but no one saw them together.",
"me": "Znači na Floridi je nekako razgovarao s brokerom i niko ih nije vidio."
} |
"en": "So they probably used an intermediary.",
"me": "Vjerovatno su koristili posrednika."
} |
"en": "Unfortunately, that could be anyone in the entire state of Florida.",
"me": "Nažalost, to može biti bilo ko na Floridi."
} |
"en": "Patty's got all her contacts in the Sunshine State looking into it.",
"me": "Peti je svim kontaktima rekla da se pozabave time."
} |
"en": "Whatever happened, someone down there must know something.",
"me": "Šta god da se dogodilo neko mora da nešto zna."
} |
"en": "Ellen?",
"me": "Elen?"
} |
"en": "You've got a 4:00 p. m. at Bergdorf's.",
"me": "Imaš sastanak u 16:00 u Bergdorfsu."
} |
"en": "Go to VlP Services.",
"me": "Idi u VIP dio."
} |
"en": "Talk to Suzanne.",
"me": "Traži Suzanu."
} |
"en": "She knows what Patty likes.",
"me": "Ona zna šta Peti voli."
} |
"en": "First... your home away from home.",
"me": "Prvo... tvoj drugi dom."
} |
"en": "Free piece of advice.",
"me": "Mali savjet."
} |
"en": "Don't... don't make it your own.",
"me": "Nemoj se... odomaćiti."
} |
"en": "Patty doesn't want family photographs, tchotchkes, knickknacks.",
"me": "Peti ne želi porodične fotografije, tričarije."
} |
"en": "And don't bring anything you can't carry out in one trip when she fires you.",
"me": "I ne donosi ništa što ne možeš brzo da odneseš kada dobiješ otkaz."
} |
"en": "I'm kidding... sort of.",
"me": "Šalim se... kao."
} |
"en": "Frobisher discovery.",
"me": "Dokumenti o Frobišeru."
} |
"en": "Patty will need a full summary.",
"me": "Peti želi sažetak."
} |
"en": "She wants to see how you write.",
"me": "Želi da vidi kako pišeš."
} |
"en": "Her name is Ellen Parsons.",
"me": "Zove se Elen Parsons."
} |
"en": "- You her lawyer?",
"me": "- Vi ste njen advokat?"
} |
Subsets and Splits