{ "en": "The size of the loops should be as large as stowage space permits.", "xh": "Isayizi yorhintyelo kufuneka ibenklu ekubekwa endaweni evumelekileyo." }
{ "en": "The running part is now underneath the coil, so turn the coil over and the rope should then run out freely when required.", "xh": "Inxenye ehambayo ingaphantsi kwenkatha, oku kuthandela kuguqule okanye kujike uthandelo olungaphaya kwentambo enokuphumela ngaphandle xa ilindiwe." }
{ "en": "Remember that the running part or end should always be on the top of any coil.", "xh": "Khumbula okokuba inxenye ehambayo ekugqibeleni, kufuneka isoloko iphezulu kuyo nayiphi na inkatha." }
{ "en": "To coil a small line in the hand (right-hand lay).", "xh": "Ukuthandela umgca omncinci esandleni (ukubekwa kwesandla sase kunene)" }
{ "en": "When coiling in the right hand the rope should be held with the right thumb pointing towards the end; and when coiling in the left hand the left thumb should point towards the bight.", "xh": "Xa uthandelo lungasesandleni sasekunene intambo kungafuneka ibanjwe ngeminwe okukhomba evele ngasesiphelweni, xa uthandelo ngakwisandla sasekhohlo umnwe wasekhohlo kufuneka ukhombe." }
{ "en": "The coil will then form correctly.", "xh": "Uthandelo lona luya kwakheka ngokukuko." }
{ "en": "To thoroughfoot a rope.", "xh": "Ukuyigqithisa ngonyawo intambo." }
{ "en": "This is the most effective way of taking a large number of turns out of a rope.", "xh": "Le yeyona ichaphazeleka kwindlela yenani elikhulu kujikelezo oluphela entanjeni." }
{ "en": "First determine whether the turns it is required to remove are left- or right- handed.", "xh": "Kuqala chaza okokuba ukujika kuxhomekeke ekususweni kwesandla sasekunene nesasekhohlo." }
{ "en": "Then, to remove left-hand turns, coil down left-handed, dip the end through the-coil and haul the coil out straight.", "xh": "Emveni koku susa isandla sasekhohlo, sijike uthandelo lubephantsi kunxuzeke phakathi kothandelo kwaye lutsale uthandelo oluphume ngaphandle loluleke." }
{ "en": "To remove right-hand turns, coil right-handed and proceed as before.", "xh": "Ukususa isandla sasekunene xa ixesha nothandelo lwesandla sasekunene luqhubekeke njengakuqala." }
{ "en": "If the bight of the rope is badly snarled, thoroughfoot the end for only a few fathoms at a time, repeating this operation as often as necessary.", "xh": "Xa isirhintyeli sentambo siphindeke kakubi ngonyawo siphelo ngefathomus ezimbalwa ngexesha wuphinde lomsebenzi njengangoko kufuneka." }
{ "en": "'Thoroughfooting' also describes the method of joining two ropes by their soft eyes.", "xh": "Ugqi thiso lwenyawo luchaza indlela yokudibanisa iintambo ezimbini ngokwamehlo ayo afofo-tofo." }
{ "en": "The eye of rope A is passed through the eye of rope B, and the bight of B is then hauled through the eye of A, thus joining the ropes by their eyes.", "xh": "Imehlo lentambo engu-A igqithile kwelinye imehlo elingu-B, kwaye nesirhintyeli esiku-B, siye sitsalwe kwelinye imehlo eliku-A ziye zidityaniswe ezintambo ngokwamehlo azo." }
{ "en": "This method is not used for joining two ropes temporarily, because it may take some time to unhitch them.", "xh": "Le meko ayisetyenziswa xa kudityaniswa ezintambo zimbini ngokwexeshana ngenxa yokuba ingathatha ixeshana lokunganyusi nto." }
{ "en": "To fake (the term ‘flake’ has been used incorrectly in the past) down a rope.", "xh": "Ungasebenzi eyona ntambo eyiyo (Eligama elithi \"flake\" lisetyenziswe ngokungalunganga ngaphambili)." }
{ "en": "A rope which may have to be paid out quickly should be faked down in as long fakes as stowage space allows; falls, for example, must be faked from the bight to the end.", "xh": "Intambo enokuthi ibhatalwe ngokukhawuleza kungafuneka yenziwe ingabinabunyani iwiswe phantsi ngokungabi nanyani ngokuya ilahlwa kuvuleka isithuba esivumela, ukusuka umzekelo kuwiswe, umzekelo kufuneka ingabinaku nyaniseka kwisiphelo sorhintyelo." }
{ "en": "When faked a rope does not acquire as many turns as when coiled, and it will therefore run out with less chance of becoming snarled.", "xh": "Xa ukuzenzisa kwentambo kungenakufumana msebenzi ubalulekileyo ngoikomsebenzi wakho ngamathumba amaninzi othandelo kwaye ngeke oko kubalekela ngaphandle ngokwethuba elincinci likwenza isiphithi-phithi." }
{ "en": "Care should be taken that each bight at the end of a fake is laid under that immediately preceding it to ensure a clear run.", "xh": "Ukhathalo kufuneka luthathwe kurhintyelo ngalunye ekupheleni kolwenziso olubekiweyo ngaphantsi kogqithiso lwalomzuzu olucacisa ubaleko." }
{ "en": "To cheese down.", "xh": "Ukuwisela phantsi." }
{ "en": "When a neat stow is required for a short end of rope, such as a ladder check line or the cordage tail of an awning tackle fall, it may be cheesed down.", "xh": "Xa ubeko olucocekileyo lidingwa okwexeshana elifutshane ekugqibeleni komchucho wokujonga imigca yesikhuseli seseyile singawiswa phantsi." }
{ "en": "This method should never be used when the rope will be required to render quickly through a block.", "xh": "Le ndlela imela ingaze isetyenziswe xa intambo kufuneka inikezele ngokukhawuleza phakathi korhenqo." }
{ "en": "Belaying.", "xh": "Ujijelo." }
{ "en": "When a rope will have to be cast off while still under strain it cannot be secured with a bend or a hitch, except perhaps a slipping one.", "xh": "Kungoko okubekiweyo kungaphoselwa phantsi ngoku isengaphantsi kotsaleko alunakukhuseleka kunaba okanye ngaphandle kotyibiliko." }
{ "en": "It is therefore belayed to a fitting made for the purpose, such as a cleat, staghorn or bollard.", "xh": "Ngako oko kujijelo lokulingana lokwenza iinjongo ezinje ngeverhe, inyamakazi enempondo ezimbaxa yangaphesheya okanye intsika." }
{ "en": "The action of belaying consists of taking sufficient turns round the fitting to hold the rope by friction when it takes the strain.", "xh": "Ulwenzeko olubekwe kuqulatho oluthatha ithube lolqnelo olujikeleze nolinganiso olubambe intambo yokhuhleko xa ithatha utsaleko." }
{ "en": "Generally speaking, four complete turns should be sufficient, but the number of turns may have to be increased according to the degree of friction existing between rope and fitting.", "xh": "Ngokokuthetha jikelele, amathuba amane apheleleyo ajikela ukulinganiseni, kodwa inani lamathuba linganciphisa iqondo lokhululeko olukhoyo phakathi lwentambo ezinlinganisiweyo." }
{ "en": "A wet and slippery rope or bollard, or a smooth cleat or staghorn and a well- worn rope, may require extra turns.", "xh": "Intambo emanzi netyibilikayo okanye intsika okanye iverhe empuluswa okanye inyamakazi enempondo ezimbaxa yangaphesheya kwaye unxibo lwentambo, lungafuna amathuba aphinda-phindiweyo." }
{ "en": "To belay a rope to a cleat or staghorn.", "xh": "Intambo ebekiwe kwiverhe." }
{ "en": "Take initial turns as shown in fig. 6-18 and 6-19, then continue with figure-of-eight turns round the horns of the cleat or staghorn as many times as are required.", "xh": "Thatha amathuba aqalayo njengokuba kuboniswe ku 6-18 naku 6-19 uphinde uqhubeke kumboniso okwisibhozo kumathuba ajikeleza uphondo olweverhe ngamaxesha amaninzi njengeemfuno." }
{ "en": "It will be seen that when the figure-of-eight turns are removed the rope is ready to be checked under control.", "xh": "Kungabonakala ukuba xa umboniso wesibhozo kumathuba asusiweyo, iintambo zikulungele ukuhlolwa phantsi kolawulo." }
{ "en": "A rope belayed to a cleat or a staghorn must be ready for casting off at a moment's notice; therefore the turns should not be completed with a half hjtcb, because this may jam them.", "xh": "Intambo yokubopha iverhe kufuneka elungiselelwe ukuphoswa ngexesha elimisiweyo, ngoko ukujijeka akufuneki kugqibele kwicala le H.J.T.C.B, loonto ingenza okokuba ziqine." }
{ "en": "Cleats are not suitable for belaying wire rope.", "xh": "Iverhe ayikulungelanga ukubekwa kwiintambo zocingo" }
{ "en": "To hang a coil on a belaying pin or a cleat.", "xh": "Ukuxhoma uthandelo kwindawo yokubeka izikhonkwane okanye iverhe." }
{ "en": "Whenever possible a coil of rope should be hung up clear of the deck so as to keep the deck clear and the rope dry.", "xh": "Nani na xa uthandelo lwentambo kufuneke luxhonxwe endaweni ebonakeleyo kumgangatho ukuze igcine umgangatho ucacile nentambo yomile." }
{ "en": "Under-running.", "xh": "Ubaleko lwangaphantsi." }
{ "en": "The bight of a rope, hawser or cable secured between two points is under- run to ensure that it is not foul of any object and is free to run if required.", "xh": "Urhintyelo lwentambo eyomeleleyo okaye intambo yombono ekhuselekilyo phakathi kwenqaku eliphantsi kobaleko ukuqinisekisa ukuba akuphitani neyiphi na inkxaso kwaye ivumelekile ukuba iceliwe." }
{ "en": "For example, a mooring rope is under-run for examination by hauling up its bight from the sea bed over the bows of a boat.", "xh": "Umzekelo intambo yokubophelela inqanawa ihamba ngaphantsi ukuze ivavanywe ngokutsala urhintyelo phantsi komhlaba ophantsi kolwandle nomphambili wenqanawa." }
{ "en": "A tackle on the deck is under-run by separating its running parts to ensure that the fall is correctly rove and has no turns or kinks in it.", "xh": "Isixhobo esiphezulu komgangatho sihamba njaphantsi, ukwehlula indlela esibaleka ngaye, ilungile ayikwazi kujike kuyo." }
{ "en": "Throwing a heaving line.", "xh": "Yintambo ejulwayo." }
{ "en": "As its name implies, a heaving line is a light flexible line that can be thrown.", "xh": "Njengokuba igama layo lichaziwe, intambo enzima incinci kumancala onke enokuphoswa." }
{ "en": "It is used as a messenger to pass hawsers from ship to shore, or vice versa.", "xh": "Apho lento ingenakwenzeka uchasaniso lungasetyenziswa kwisandla sasekhhlo kurhintyelo, olubizwa njenge \"ndoda yase French\" kuthandelo." }
{ "en": "It is used as a messenger to pass hawsers from ship to shore, or vice versa.", "xh": "Isetyenziswa njengesithinywa ukugqithisa intambo eyomeleleyo ukusuka enqanawani ukuya elunxwemeni." }
{ "en": "Old log line and signal halyard are very flexible and make excellent heaving lines.", "xh": "Isechebe esidele sokulungisa isantya senqanawa, intambo apho iflegi zithambe kakhulu zenze umsebenzi omhle." }
{ "en": "A heaving line consists of approximately 17 fathoms of 1¼-inch cordage, rot- proofed or natural, and well stretched; though it cannot be thrown much further than a distance of 12 fathoms the extra length often proves extremely useful.", "xh": "Yntambo ejuliweyo inamalunga oqikelewe kwi 17 Fathomus ze 11/4 intshi ubude bentambo edaliweyo etsaleke kakhulu nengene ingenakutsalwa iye kude kakhulu kumgama enga 12 fathomus, ubude obongezelelweyo buchaza ukusetyenziswa okugqibeleleyo." }
{ "en": "One end should be whipped and the other weighted with a monkey's fist a small sand bag, or a heaving line knot.", "xh": "Elinye icala kufuneke libotshwe ngomtya ukwenzela ukubambeka, ukuze kweliye kwenziwe iqhina ukwenza ubunzima, ingxowa enesanti, okanye amaphini amakhulu." }
{ "en": "To weight the monkey's fist with a heavy nut, as is sometimes done, is dangerous and inexcusable.", "xh": "Ukuveyisha ubunzima begqindi lenkawu ngamalahle anzima, ngamanye amexesha iphele, iyimgozi kwaye ayixoleleki." }
{ "en": "To prepare a line for throwing it should be wetted, and from 12 to 13 fathoms should be coiled carefully in the left hand, using rather small coils.", "xh": "Xa kulungiswa intambo umgca kufuneka wenzile manzi ukusuka kwi 12 - kwi 13, ukuya phantsi kufuneka kuqwalaseleke ngasekhohlo kusetye nziswa uthandelo oluncinci." }
{ "en": "One-third of the line is taken in the right or throwing hand; the line is then thrown with the right arm straight, and it must be allowed to run out freely from the coil in the left hand.", "xh": "Kwenye ukuya kwezintathu kwimigca isuswe ekunene okanye kwicala lokuphosa, emva koko intambo ijulwa ngesandla sasekunene nkqo kwaye kufuneka iphoseke ngokufanelekileyo ukusuka kwimithendelo yasekhohlo." }
{ "en": "The most frequent cause of bad casts is failure to have this coil properly clear for running.", "xh": "Eyona nto ifumaneka kakhulu yenza kubekubi ukuphumelela ukuphoswa kwentambo ngendlela eyiyo kungenza uthandelo lucace." }
{ "en": "There is more than one method of heaving a line and most good throwers have their own variations.", "xh": "Zininzi indlela zokwenza ubunzima bentambo kubajuli abazincutshe kuba banendlela zabo." }
{ "en": "Some men take rather less than half the coil in the right hand and throw both halves together, letting go with the right hand before the left.", "xh": "Abanye bathatha zibe mbalwa kunokuwehlula uthandelo ekunene, baphose amacala omabini ngaxeshanye, benze eyokunene ihambe kuqala kuneyasekhohlo." }
{ "en": "This method is very effective but harder to learn, and to achieve a good throw by the first method is generally sufficient.", "xh": "Le ndlela isebenza kakuhle kakhulu kodwa kunzima ukuyifunda ubalasele ekujuleni, le yokuqala indlela mike umdle yanelisa ngokubanzi." }
{ "en": "Many seamen think they can heave a line further than they can; 70 feet is a good cast.", "xh": "Abantu abaninzi bolwandle becinga bangayeka umgca kumgama ongaphezulu kwaba nokukwenza, ama 70 enyawo yeyona itshatsheleyo." }
{ "en": "Before heaving a line the standing end must be made fast (to the top guardrail, for example) with a clove hitch.", "xh": "Phambi kobuba umgca uphoswe ekugqibeleni kufuneke yenziwe ikhawuleze.Incutshe zokuphosa zezingathi zenza into ezingayikhathelanga kwaye ixesha balimosha ngokushiya ukhuseleko kwicala eme kuyo inqwelo." }
{ "en": "Many a good throw has been rendered abortive and valuable time wasted through omitting to secure the standing end first.", "xh": "Incutshe zokuphasa zezingathi zenze into ezingayikhathalelanga kwaye ixesha balimoshe ngokushiya ukhuseleko kwicala eme kuyo inqwelo." }
{ "en": "As soon as the heaving line has been caught the standing end should be bent to the hawser.", "xh": "Ekugqityweni kokubanjwa kwentambo ekugqibeleni kwentambo encinane kufuneke intambo imele, ukuze igotywe entanjeni enkulu." }
{ "en": "Remember that a heaving line is only meant to take the strain of the weight of the hawser while it is being passed ashore or into the ship.", "xh": "Khumbula ukuba intambo encinane kufuneka ibambe ubunzima bamacingo amancinane yentsimbi enkulu ngelixa idluliselwa gaselunxwemeni okanye inqanawa." }
{ "en": "Handling new rope.", "xh": "Indlela yokuthwala kwentambo entsha." }
{ "en": "Opening a new coil.", "xh": "Ukuvula uthandelo." }
{ "en": "A length of rope is supplied to a ship in a compact, machine-wound coil, bound with yarns or strands.", "xh": "Ububanzi bentambo budluliselwe kwinqwelo busisica bubambeke kwimisonto." }
{ "en": "To open up a new coil of rope below 6 inches in size a seaman should roll it over until the outside end of the rope is at the top and pointing directly at him.", "xh": "Ukuvulwa koludidi lwentambo ngaphantsi isithandathu semigama sobungakanani, ingcali yolwandle kufuneka iyisonge ide ekupheleni kwentambo ibe ngaphandle ikhome kuyo." }
{ "en": "If the rope is of right-hand lay, he will then turn the coil over towards his left and lay it flat on its side; conversely, a coil of left-handed rope must be turned over to the right.", "xh": "Ukuba intambo ikwicala lasekunene kufuneka ajonge icala elo iyengesekhohlo, ayincambalalise kwicala layo, ngokuphikisayo, uthandelo lwecala lasekhohlo lwentambo malujongiswe ngesekunene." }
{ "en": "The lashings are now cut and the inner end of the rope pulled out from the centre.", "xh": "Imisonto iyasikwa nasekuphelani komphakathi isikwe itsalwe nasesiphakathini, intambo ize ishiye uthandelo kokhule." }
{ "en": "The rope will then leave the coil correctly; counter- clockwise for a right-handed rope, and clockwise for a left-handed one.", "xh": "Intambo ize ishiye uthendelo kakuhle iye kwicala lengesekunene, isiya kwicala lengesekhohlo." }
{ "en": "It can then be coiled down right- or left-handed according to the lay of the rope.", "xh": "Lungatsho uthandelo ukhule ekunene okanye ekhohlo ngokwendlela intambo ebekwengayo." }
{ "en": "With rope of 6-inch size or larger the twisting involved in the preceding method is not acceptable and the coil must be unreeled in the opposite way to that in which it was made up.", "xh": "Intambo ebude bungu 6 okanye ngaphezulu ujijo luyechaphazeleka, le ndlela ekhawulezayo ayamkelekanga, nothandelo kufuneke lusongelwe kwicala elingelinye kwindlela ebinzelwe yona." }
{ "en": "The coil should be placed on a turntable, or slung so that it can be revolved.", "xh": "Uthandelo kufuneka lubekwe kwithuba letafile, okanye intetho engaphucukange enokuthi izunguleze." }
{ "en": "Cut the lashings and haul off from the outside.", "xh": "Uqhawulo lohlaselo lotsolo olususwayo ngaphandle." }
{ "en": "To cut off a length of rope from a new coil.", "xh": "Uqhawulo lobukhulu bentambo kuthandelo olutsha." }
{ "en": "Rope used for general purposes is hauled from the coil, as previously described.", "xh": "Intambo esetyenziswa kwinto eqhelekileyo itsalwa kuthandelo njengoko bekuchaziwe." }
{ "en": "Then the rope is whipped at each side of the position at which it is to be cut, to prevent the strands from flying apart, and then cut with a knife.", "xh": "Emva koko intambo iyabotshwa amacala ukuze isikwe ukuze ikhusele imisonto kumacala ohlukeneyo kwaye isikwe ngebhozo." }
{ "en": "Whenever a length of rope is cut off a coil, a label, on which should be clearly stated either the length cut off or the length remaining, should be attached to the coil.", "xh": "Noba kunini ubude bentambo xa busekelwe ithendelo umboniso ekufuneke ucancile uxela ubude bokusikwe kobukhulu obushiyekileyo, bufuneka buhlanganiswe nothendelo obukhulu bentambo obufunekayo busikwe ngokungakhathalelwa." }
{ "en": "A length of rope should never be cut unnecessarily.", "xh": "Ubukhulu bentambo abufunekanga busekwe ngokungakhanthalelwa." }
{ "en": "If too long for a temporary purpose it may be shortened by one of the methods described in the next chapter or it may be used on the bight, i.e, doubled.", "xh": "Ukuba ide okwexeshana inganqunyulwa ngendlela echaziweyo kwisahluko esilandelayo okanye kurhintyelo oluphinda-phindiweyo." }
{ "en": "Storage.", "xh": "Ugcino." }
{ "en": "Coils of new rope should be stowed clear of the deck, in a cool, well-ventilated, dry place, to allow the air to circulate freely around them.", "xh": "Uthandelo lwentambo entsha kufuneka ibekwe kahuhle kumgangatho, kwindawo epholileyo, ecocekileyo ukuvumela umoya uphumele ngokukhululekileyo phakathi kwazo." }
{ "en": "Used rope should be hung in loose coils if this is practicable.", "xh": "Intambo esetyenzisiweyo kufuneka ixhonyiwe kuthandelo olukhululekileyo kokusetyenziswa kufuneke lubekwe ngocoselelo olukhululekileyo kokusetyenziswa kufuneka lubekwe ngocoselelo." }
{ "en": "No cordage should be stowed in contact with bare ironwork, and if practicable it should be stowed clear of bulkheads.", "xh": "Uthandelo lifumaneka enqanaweni elingangeni manzi." }
{ "en": "If cordage has to be stored in the open it should be protected from sunlight, because vegetable fibres are very susceptible to deterioration caused by the sun’s rays.", "xh": "Akukho ntambo kufuneka igcinwe endaweni evulekileyo kufuneka igcinwe ngokukhuselekileyo elangeni, kuba intsinga zemifuno ziyathabatheka mandudu, zisenziwa yimitha yelanga." }
{ "en": "Examination.", "xh": "Uvavanyo." }
{ "en": "Cordage made from vegetable fibres is very susceptible to rot from the effects of damp and mildew, and it is a wise precaution, particularly in the tropics, to examine new.rope carefully before it is put into service.", "xh": "Imisonto ethambileyo umthunjanziwe yimifuno kulula ukuba ibole ekuchaphazelekeni kokufuma okanye umbethe ikhawuleze imoshakale ingakumbi xa kuyike ilanga, ukuhlolwa kwezintsha.Yibophe kakuhle phambi kokuba iyohlohwa." }
{ "en": "To examine a rope for signs of deterioration, open out the strands anywhere along its bight and look closely at their inner surfaces; if any dust or broken fibres fall out or can be rubbed off it is a sure sign of dry rot; if their inner surfaces are much darker than their outer surfaces it is a sign of dampness; and if there is a light grey film of dust on their inner surfaces it is a sign of mildew.", "xh": "Ukuvavanyo intambo ngempawu ezinochatha vula imisonto naphi na ecaleni korhintyelo, kwaye ujonge ngaphakathi kuyo, ukuba ukungcola okanye ukwaphuka kwentsinga iwe ingakhuhleka yingqinisekiso yempawu zokoma kokubola, ukuba umphakathi wayo awucacanga ngaphezu komphandle yindlela ebonisa ukufuma, kwaye ukuba kukho umbala ongecacanga ugawela ukugcola ngaphakathi kuyo." }
{ "en": "Rope which is suspect should never be tested by hanging a proof load on it, because, though it may pass the test without apparent failure, the load may be just sufficient to strain the fibres and disturb their grip on each other, and if this occurs the rope will probably part the next time it is used.", "xh": "Intambo ekrokelekayo akufunekenga ihlolwe ngokuthi ixhonywe, ngoba noba lungaphumelela uhlolo ngaphandle kokucacileyo, isica singavumeleka kudontso lwentsinga kwaye lungapazamisa ukubamba ezinye, ukuba lonto ingenzeka intambo igaqhawuka xa iphindwe isetyenziswe." }
{ "en": "It is more economical in the long run to discard rope which is suspect, particularly if it is intended to use it for hoisting.", "xh": "Iyaqoqosheka kubaleko olude lokususa intambo ekrokrelekayo, ukube ezithile ziphakanyiswe." }
{ "en": "HANDLING OF MAN-MADE FIBRE CORDAGE.", "xh": "Ukuphathwa intambo zentsinga ezenziwe ngezandla." }
{ "en": "Although the rules for handling vegetable fibre cordage generally apply to man-made fibre cordage, the properties and characteristics of the latter necessitate greater care in its handling.", "xh": "Nangona imithetho yokuphathwa kwemifuno yentsinga ngokubanzi ichaphazela ezo zenziwe ngezandla ebekwa kuyo indawo ebekuzo impawu zifunwe ukuphathwa kakuhle." }
{ "en": "Here are a few hints that, if followed, will prevent misuse of the cordage and give the maximum advantage of use within the safety limits: Do not uncoil a new rope by pulling the end up through the centre of the coil.", "xh": "Nazi ezinye ezinxulumeneyo, xa zilandela zizakukhusela indlela yokungasetyenziswa kakuhle kwaye inikwe indlela egqibeleleyo yokuyisebenzisa ekhuselekileyo." }
{ "en": "Unreel it off a turntable.", "xh": "Ukukhulula koguquko." }
{ "en": "When sets of ropes are to be used in parallel, such as boats' falls, do not pair man-made fibre rope with wire or manila.", "xh": "Xa indidi zentambo kufuneka zisetyenziswe ngokuxwesiswa njenge nqanawa akusetyenziswa intsinga zezendla ezinocingo." }
{ "en": "Since hawser-laid rope is right-hand laid always coil it on bollards, capstans or reels in a clockwise direction .", "xh": "Xa intambo eyomeleleyo ibekwe kwisandla sasekhohlo kuthandelo lwentsika womatshini wokunyusa i-ankile okanye uhexo ngakwicala umthunja ngekulo." }
{ "en": "When handling rope and coiling it down on deck, avoid coiling it in the same direction all the time, since this will tend to unbalance the lay.", "xh": "Xa ubamba intambo uyitsalela kumgangatho nqanda ukuyibophela kwicala elinye lonke ixesha izakwenza igabambi kakuhle." }
{ "en": "Bollards, capstans, drum ends and other holding fittings used with man-made fibre rope should have smooth working surfaces to reduce abrasion and minimise surging of the rope under working conditions.", "xh": "Intsika ekubotshelelwa kuyo intambo yenqanawa, umatshini wokunyusa i-ankile, ekupheleni komqulu kunye nezinto ezibambayo ezenziwa ngesandla kufuneka zithambe ukunciphisa ukutshisa kwintambo ngendlela esetyenziswa ngayo." }
{ "en": "Avoid bad leads and sharp metal edges.", "xh": "Nqanda ukukhokela kwecala kunye nesinyithi esibukhali emgaqweni." }
{ "en": "When handling hawsers take care that thimbles or other fittings do not chafe or cut the rope.", "xh": "Xa ubamba ingcingo ezithambileyo zikhuthalele ukuze ifimbili okanye izixhobo azikhuthuli okanye azizisiki intambo." }
{ "en": "When hawsers are used on capstans or drum ends for either heavy towing or impact loading, take six turns and two turns overlaying the last four turns.", "xh": "Xa ingcingo ezithambileyo zisetyenziswa kumatshini wokunyusa iankile okanye kumqulu ekwenzela ubunzima bomthwalo, yijikelezise kathathu ezimbini ziphindane ezine zokugqibela." }
{ "en": "This will reduce the hazard of uncontrolled surges.", "xh": "Lo nto inganciphisa ukwenzekala ngokuphuma kwamanzi." }
{ "en": "When securing a low freeboard vessel alongside, where the tide range is average, secure at half tide.", "xh": "Xa ukhusela umkhumbi emacaleni apho kubotshwe ngoko milinganiselo, khusela ngokwehafu yentambo." }
{ "en": "No further handling should be required.", "xh": "Akho ndlela igqithisileyo enophatho." }
{ "en": "Hawser-laid Nylon hawsers tend to elongate around bollards when loaded.", "xh": "Umsonto omde owenziwe nge Nayiloni ujiikeleza xa ugcwaliswa." }