I can’t upload an image so I can’t explain how much I hate YouTube’s new like, dislike and reply symbols on the comments with a meme so I’ll use a rant. Seriously, the old ones were incredibly iconic and pleasing to look at, as well as the nice blue differing much from the white and the black so you could easily see which comments you’ve liked (and disliked but nobody does that). But now they look super sharp and cramped and generally unpleasant for the eyes. As well as that, they also turn white, black if you use light mode,I’m guessing. You now have to look at them for a second to see if you’ve already liked or disliked the comment. How does nobody else know about this?!
[ "I can’t upload an imageso I can’t explain how much I hate YouTube’s new like, dislike and reply symbols on the comments with a memeso I’ll use a rant.Seriously, the old ones were incredibly iconic and pleasing to look at, as well as the nice blue differing much from the white and the black so you could easily see which comments you’ve liked (and disliked but nobody does that).But now they look super sharp and cramped and generally unpleasant for the eyes.As well as that, they also turn white, black if you use light mode,I’m guessing.You now have to look at them for a second to see if you’ve already liked or disliked the comment.How does nobody else know about this?!" ]
No puedo subir una imageno No puedo explicar lo mucho que odio la nueva de YouTube como, disgusto y los símbolos de respuesta en los comentarios con un memeso Voy a utilizar un desposeído. En serio, los viejos eran increíblemente icónicos y agradables de ver, así como el azul agradable que difiere mucho del blanco y el negro para que puedas ver fácilmente qué comentarios te han gustado (y no les gusta pero nadie lo hace).Pero ahora se ven súper agudos y apretados y generalmente desagradables para los ojos.Además, también se vuelven blancos, negros si utilizas el modo de luz, estoy adivinando.Ahora tienes que mirarlos por un segundo para ver si ya te ha gustado o no el comentario.¿Cómo nadie más sabe acerca de esto?!
Despite what we will tell you Californians do have an accent Mine is basically standard American, but that’s cuz I was basically forced into a standard American accent cuz my family would correct me if I spoke in anything but that, so my accent is distinct from most people around me, although that’s relatively common, but most peoples accent where I live sounds like if a NorCal accent had a slight southern drawl and had the speed and stressing of a valley gurl accent, it’s bazaar and so easy to understand, although the people that stray more towards the valley gurl side are a bit harder to understand I do still have a central California accent but it’s not nearly as thick as most people’s, they didn’t completely beat (not literally) it out of me
[ "Despite what we will tell you Californians do have an accent Mine is basically standard American, but that’s cuz I was basically forced into a standard American accent cuz my family would correct me if I spoke in anything but that, so my accent is distinct from most people around me, although that’s relatively common, but most peoples accent where I live sounds like if a NorCal accent had a slight southern drawl and had the speed and stressing of a valley gurl accent, it’s bazaar and so easy to understand, although the people that stray more towards the valley gurl side are a bit harder to understand\n\nI do still have a central California accent but it’s not nearly as thick as most people’s, they didn’t completely beat (not literally) it out of me" ]
A pesar de lo que vamos a decir que los californianos tienen un acento Mine es básicamente estándar americano, pero eso es porque básicamente me forzaron a un estándar acento americano porque mi familia me corregiría si hablara en cualquier cosa pero que, por lo que mi acento es distinto de la mayoría de la gente a mi alrededor, aunque eso es relativamente común, pero la mayoría de la gente acento donde vivo suena como si un acento NorCal tenía un ligero dibujo sureño y tenía la velocidad y el estrés de un acento de gurl valle, es bazar y tan fácil de entender, aunque la gente que se desvía más hacia el lado de gurl valle son un poco más difíciles de entender todavía tengo un acento central de California, pero no es casi tan grueso como el de la mayoría de la gente, no lo venció completamente (no literalmente) fuera de mí
I found the location.Next step is to get the rope, and hold off till the date comes
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I found the location.Next step is to get the rope, and hold off till the date comes" ]
Encontré la ubicación.El siguiente paso es coger la cuerda, y esperar hasta que llegue la fecha.
All I wanted was to help. its not fair and god does not existsomeone kill me right now. please. just do. or get me financial help to where I can just leave. I cannot be here right now. I want to kill myself. but I don't want to cause further damage to anyone else. someone please kill me or help me, honestly the only thing that can help right now is money and I cant just go around begging. but I need to die. I have to. just kill me now please. I don't know if I'm a good person or not, but I damn well tried to be. there is no god. I went to hell, and I came back, I'm not sure what happens after you die. but I don't care at this point. I just want the suffering to end.... the only thing that can help me right now is money(just to get away so I can live a normal life) or death..... idk what else to say
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "All I wanted was to help.its not fair and god does not existsomeone kill me right now.please.just do.\n\nor get me financial help to where I can just leave.I cannot be here right now.I want to kill myself.but I don't want to cause further damage to anyone else.someone please kill me or help me, honestly the only thing that can help right now is money and I cant just go around begging.but I need to die.I have to.just kill me now please.I don't know if I'm a good person or not, but I damn well tried to be.there is no god.I went to hell, and I came back, I'm not sure what happens after you die.but I don't care at this point.I just want the suffering to end....the only thing that can help me right now is money(just to get away so I can live a normal life) or death.....idk what else to say" ]
Todo lo que quería era ayudar.No es justo y Dios no existe.Alguien me mata ahora mismo.por favor.sólo haz. o consigueme ayuda financiera a donde puedo simplemente irme.No puedo estar aquí ahora mismo.Quiero matarme a mí mismo.pero no quiero causar más daño a nadie más.alguien por favor matarme o ayudarme, honestamente lo único que puede ayudar ahora mismo es dinero y no puedo ir por ahí rogando.pero necesito morir.tengo que hacerlo.sólo tengo que matarme ahora por favor.No sé si soy una buena persona o no, pero estoy muy bien tratado de ser.No hay ningún dios.Fui al infierno, y regresé, no estoy seguro de lo que sucede después de que mueras.pero no me importa en este punto.Solo quiero que el sufrimiento termine...lo único que puede ayudarme ahora mismo es dinero (sólo para irme para poder vivir una vida normal) o muerte....
my chimney is on fire help Idk what to do
[ "my chimney is on fire help Idk what to do" ]
mi chimenea está en llamas ayuda Idk qué hacer
My gf broke up with me She said that she just doesn't feel the same way she use to and that we should just be friends. Lovey duck if ur reading this, u were my first love and gave me the best year of my life and while I wish to give it another try one day but for now I can only respect ur wishes and stay friends. Thank u to whoever stoped by to read this
[ "My gf broke up with meShe said that she just doesn't feel the same way she use to and that we should just be friends.Lovey duck if ur reading this, u were my first love and gave me the best year of my life and while I wish to give it another try one day but for now I can only respect ur wishes and stay friends.Thank u to whoever stoped by to read this" ]
Mi gf rompió conmigoElla dijo que ella simplemente no se siente de la misma manera que ella y que deberíamos ser sólo amigos.Lovey pato si nuestra lectura de esto, usted fue mi primer amor y me dio el mejor año de mi vida y mientras que deseo darle otro intento un día pero por ahora sólo puedo respetar sus deseos y seguir siendo amigos.Gracias a quien se detuvo a leer esto
I feel like my girlfriend is pulling me downHi, I’ve been a long time lurker and finally convinced myself to post something too. So, for start, I’m a 17 year old boy from Chech Republic. I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety for about 3 years now, but I’ve never hurt myself. But since 6 months ago, when I met my new girlfriend, I feel like I’m too obsessed with her to the point where I started choking or even cutting myself when I felt like she was mad at me. I have pretty fragile psyche so this shit can really put me on my knees. It happens daily. It got to the point where she almost broke up with me. But I knew that if she would leave me, I would have no other purpose in life. I don’t know if I’m just too optimistic, but the only future I can see is with her. I have no friends, my family treats my like shit but she doesn’t. It’s just my mind putting me in a state where I think she treats me like shit because I deserve it so I deserve to suffer. Is this a healthy relationship? I know that if we ever break up I’m going to kill myself, but I want to change, I want to be the best she can ever have, but I don’t know why.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I feel like my girlfriend is pulling me downHi, I’ve been a long time lurker and finally convinced myself to post something too.So, for start, I’m a 17 year old boy from Chech Republic.I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety for about 3 years now, but I’ve never hurt myself.But since 6 months ago, when I met my new girlfriend, I feel like I’m too obsessed with her to the point where I started choking or even cutting myself when I felt like she was mad at me.I have pretty fragile psyche so this shit can really put me on my knees.It happens daily.It got to the point where she almost broke up with me.But I knew that if she would leave me, I would have no other purpose in life.I don’t know if I’m just too optimistic, but the only future I can see is with her.I have no friends, my family treats my like shitbut she doesn’t.It’s just my mind putting me in a state where I think she treats me like shit because I deserve it so I deserve to suffer.Is this a healthy relationship?I know that if we ever break up I’m going to kill myself, but I want to change, I want to be the best she can ever have, but I don’t know why." ]
Siento que mi novia me está tirando hacia abajoHola, he estado mucho tiempo merodeando y finalmente me convencí de publicar algo también.Así que, para empezar, soy un chico de 17 años de Chech Republic.He estado luchando con depresión y ansiedad por unos 3 años ahora, pero nunca me he hecho daño a mí mismo.Pero desde hace 6 meses, cuando conocí a mi nueva novia, me siento como si estuviera demasiado obsesionado con ella hasta el punto de que empecé a asfixiarme o incluso a cortarme cuando sentía que estaba enojada conmigo.Tengo una psique bastante frágil para que esta mierda pueda ponerme de rodillas.Ocurre a diario.Llega al punto en que casi rompió conmigo.Pero sabía que si me iba a dejar, no tendría ningún otro propósito en la vida.No sé si soy demasiado optimista, pero el único futuro que puedo ver es con ella.No tengo amigos, mi familia me trata como mierda pero no tiene ningún otro propósito en la vida.No sé si soy demasiado optimista, pero el único futuro que puedo ver es con ella.
First one to beat me in Connect Four wins an useless award ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪🔴⚪⚪⚪ Press space four times at the start of each line for good formatting. Copy paste my move each time and then make yours. I'll reply to your comment and we will start playing.
[ "First one to beat me in Connect Four wins an useless award ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪\n⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪\n⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪\n⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪\n⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪\n⚪⚪⚪🔴⚪⚪⚪\n\nPress space four times at the start of each line for good formatting.Copy paste my move each time and then make yours.I'll reply to your comment and we will start playing." ]
Primero uno para vencerme en Conectar Cuatro gana un premio inútil Presione el espacio cuatro veces al comienzo de cada línea para el buen formato.Copiar pega mi movimiento cada vez y luego hacer el tuyo.Voy a responder a su comentario y vamos a empezar a jugar.
lol guys guess what im pregnant i hope it's a boy im so excited but im also kinda scared cus my mom said that vaccines cause SIDS but i dont want the baby to get polio if i dont vaccinate it???
[ "lol guys guess what im pregnant i hope it's a boyim so excited but im also kinda scared cus my mom said that vaccines cause SIDSbut i dont want the baby to get polio if i dont vaccinate it???" ]
Los chicos lol adivinan lo que estoy embarazada Espero que sea un niño tan emocionado, pero también estoy un poco asustado Cus mi mamá dijo que las vacunas causan SIDS, pero no quiero que el bebé para conseguir polio si no vacunar???
How's everyone's day going? I just wanted to check and see how everyone is doing.
[ "How's everyone's day going?I just wanted to check and see how everyone is doing." ]
¿Cómo va el día de todos?Solo quería comprobar y ver cómo les va a todos.
how to silence the thoughts?pretty consistently i find myself hardly hearing or listening to people. i find myself wanting to die almost all the time, or like warn people that i am involuntarily awful, that everyone leaves eventually. i find myself narrating my thoughts and life while others are talking. i dont know, maybe i am alone in this, but if im not... how the fuck do i remain present anymore? all i can think about are the negatives. i practice DBT but it doesnt help.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "how to silence the thoughts?pretty consistently i find myself hardly hearing or listening to people.i find myself wanting to die almost all the time, or like warn people that i am involuntarily awful, that everyone leaves eventually.i find myself narrating my thoughts and life while others are talking.i dont know, maybe i am alone in this, but if im not...how the fuck do i remain present anymore?all i can think about are the negatives.i practice DBTbut it doesnt help." ]
¿Cómo silenciar los pensamientos? bastante consistentemente me encuentro apenas escuchando o escuchando a la gente.Me encuentro con ganas de morir casi todo el tiempo, o como advertir a la gente que soy involuntariamente horrible, que todo el mundo se va eventualmente.Me encuentro narrando mis pensamientos y la vida mientras otros están hablando.No lo sé, tal vez estoy solo en esto, pero si no...¿cómo diablos me quedo presente más?todo lo que puedo pensar son los negativos. practico DBTpero no ayuda.
Leave a message for me to wake up to. It can be basically anything. I'm bored. Damn I really should sleep
[ "Leave a message for me to wake up to.It can be basically anything.I'm bored.Damn I really should sleep" ]
Deja un mensaje para que me despierte.Puede ser básicamente cualquier cosa.Estoy aburrido.Maldita sea, realmente debería dormir.
Rose's are red, the sun is shining, my mental health is mental decliningI'm making dark jokes to compensate for my never ending loop of depression which eventually convince me to kill myself hopefully ill see you tommorow. ;-;
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Rose's are red, the sun is shining, my mental health is mental decliningI'm making dark jokes to compensate for my never ending loop of depression which eventually convince me to kill myself hopefully ill see you tommorow.;-;" ]
Las rosas son rojas, el sol está brillando, mi salud mental está declinando estoy haciendo bromas oscuras para compensar mi bucle interminable de depresión que finalmente me convencen de matarme con suerte mal verte mañana.;-;
wtf is the point of astrology like, wtf is the point? Oh wow I'm a picses, guess I'll go make a living out of this Seriously, stupid man ​ Like, oh hey there astrology obsesed person, what's your zodiac sign? Oh, it's a cancer I know you are, but what's your zodican sign?
[ "wtf is the point of astrology like, wtf is the point?Oh wow I'm a picses, guess I'll go make a living out of this\n\nSeriously, stupid man\n\n​Like,oh heythere astrology obsesed person, what's your zodiac sign?Oh, it's a cancer\n\nI know you are, but what's your zodican sign?" ]
wtf es el punto de la astrología como, wtf es el punto?Oh wow soy una foto, supongo que voy a ganarme la vida de este hombre En serio, estúpido ​como, oh heyhay persona obsesionada con la astrología, ¿cuál es tu signo zodiaco?Oh, es un cáncer que sé que eres, pero ¿cuál es tu signo zodicano?
No one's really sure how we got to Tennessee from Massachusetts in the summer of 2017, But we do know because of a framed receipt Maddox's mom Has hanging in the guest bathroom of her basement That we somehow ended up stopping at a Jimmy John's in Cincinnati at 11:23 p.m. The previous Sunday. No one really remembers anything from those few days outside of the receipt that parking ticket and waking up in the dumpster behind a bowling alley owned by a gentleman who looks likes Santa Claus' Ecstasy addicted 2nd cousin. But he was a nice dude didn't call the cops and even gave us directions to the closest motel that didn't have bed bugs. The phone call back home was less than pleasant... The parents still sent us gas money to get back to New England and we'll it was one last lost summer weekend before we all left for college... so yeah
[ "No one's really sure how we got to Tennessee from Massachusetts in the summer of 2017, But we do know because of a framed receipt Maddox's mom Has hanging in the guest bathroom of her basement That we somehow ended up stopping at a Jimmy John's in Cincinnati at 11:23 p.m.The previous Sunday.No one really remembers anything from those few days outside of the receipt that parking ticket and waking up in the dumpster behind a bowling alley owned by a gentleman who looks likes Santa Claus' Ecstasy addicted 2nd cousin.But he was a nice dude didn't call the cops and even gave us directions to the closest motel that didn't have bed bugs.The phone call back home was less than pleasant...The parents still sent us gas money to get back to New England and we'll it was one last lost summer weekend before we all left for college...so yeah" ]
Nadie está realmente seguro de cómo llegamos a Tennessee desde Massachusetts en el verano de 2017, pero sabemos debido a un recibo enmarcado La mamá de Maddox ha colgado en el baño de invitados de su sótano Que de alguna manera terminamos parando en un Jimmy John's en Cincinnati a las 11:23 p.m.El domingo anterior.Nadie realmente recuerda nada de esos pocos días fuera del recibo que el boleto de estacionamiento y despertando en el contenedor detrás de una bolera propiedad de un caballero que se parece a Santa Claus' Éxtasis adicto 2do primo.Pero él era un buen tipo no llamó a la policía e incluso nos dio direcciones al motel más cercano que no tenía chinches de cama.La llamada telefónica de vuelta a casa era menos que agradable ...Los padres todavía nos enviaron dinero del gas para volver a Nueva Inglaterra y vamos a ser un último fin de semana de verano perdido antes de que todos nos fuimos a la universidad ... así que sí
My sister's friend has passed My sister's friend has recently passed away from suicide. He was being bullied and couldn't take it anymore. All I ask from you guys is that you send words of encouragement to u/hardboiledeggsowo thank you and if you or a friend are suicidal please tell someone you trust
[ "My sister's friend has passed My sister's friend has recently passed away from suicide.He was being bullied and couldn't take it anymore.All I ask from you guys is that you send words of encouragement to u/hardboiledeggsowo thank you and if you or a friend are suicidal please tell someone you trust" ]
El amigo de mi hermana ha fallecido.El amigo de mi hermana ha fallecido recientemente del suicidio.Él estaba siendo intimidado y no podía soportarlo más.Todo lo que les pido es que envíen palabras de aliento a u/hardboildeggsowo gracias y si usted o un amigo son suicidas por favor dígale a alguien en quien confía
I Need Some Advice So I'm sure this has been done before but I wanted to make a post about it for myself. I like this girl in my class and I want to ask her out but we're not really close and we've never really hung out on a personal level. I don't think that she likes me or knows that I like her but I may be wrong. I'm lacking in the self-confidence department and I'm not amazing at social interaction unless it's with the boys. I was wondering if anyone else has been in this situation and wanted to know what they did about it.
[ "I Need Some AdviceSo I'm sure this has been done beforebut I wanted to make a post about it for myself.I like this girl in my class and I want to ask her out but we're not really close and we've never really hung out on a personal level.I don't think that she likes me or knows that I like herbut I may be wrong.I'm lacking in the self-confidence department and I'm not amazing at social interaction unless it's with the boys.I was wondering if anyone else has been in this situation and wanted to know what they did about it." ]
Necesito un consejoAsí que estoy seguro de que esto se ha hecho antes, pero quería hacer un post al respecto por mí mismo.Me gusta esta chica de mi clase y quiero invitarla a salir, pero no estamos muy cerca y nunca hemos salido a un nivel personal.No creo que le guste o sepa que me gusta, pero puede que me equivoque.Me falta el departamento de autoconfianza y no soy increíble en la interacción social a menos que sea con los chicos.Me preguntaba si alguien más ha estado en esta situación y quería saber lo que hicieron al respecto.
Here's my list of hobbies * Switching between phone and pc. * Using the same 3 apps/webpages * listening to the same song over and over * putting myself in imaginary scenarios that will never happen * having a "hi" exchange for weeks in a row * getting more and more sad everyday * getting more anxious every day * wanting to play with my dogs but i can't since there's a malaria outbreak in my city * worrying about my mental health * worrying about my sexuality * asking if my friends actually are my friends. * etc and etc ​ ^(help)
[ "Here's my list of hobbies *Switching between phone and pc.* Using the same 3 apps/webpages\n* listening to the same song over and over\n* putting myself in imaginary scenarios that will never happen\n* having a \"hi\" exchange for weeks in a row\n* getting more and more sad everyday\n* getting more anxious every day\n* wanting to play with my dogs but i can't since there's a malaria outbreak in my city\n* worrying about my mental health\n* worrying about my sexuality\n* asking if my friends actually are my friends.* etc and etc\n\n​\n\n^(help)" ]
Aquí está mi lista de aficiones *Cambiar entre el teléfono y el ordenador* Usando las mismas 3 aplicaciones/páginas web* escuchando la misma canción una y otra vez * poniéndome en escenarios imaginarios que nunca sucederán * teniendo un intercambio de "hola" durante semanas seguidas * haciéndose cada vez más triste todos los días * haciéndose más ansioso cada día * queriendo jugar con mis perros pero no puedo ya que hay un brote de malaria en mi ciudad * preocupándome por mi salud mental * preocupándome por mi sexualidad * preguntando si mis amigos realmente son mis amigos.* etc y etc ​ ^(ayuda)
Would be fun to make a group chats with random people Post is in the title
[ "Would be fun to make a group chats with random people Post is in the title" ]
Sería divertido hacer un grupo de chats con personas al azar Post está en el título
I’m bored, anyone wanna chat for a bit? 19M, I’m super bored doing homework. If you wanna talk then DM me
[ "I’m bored, anyone wanna chat for a bit?19M, I’m super bored doing homework.If you wanna talk then DM me" ]
Estoy aburrido, ¿alguien quiere charlar un poco?19M, estoy super aburrido haciendo la tarea.Si quieres hablar entonces DM me
My dad downloaded this QUSTODIO crap on my pc. How do i get rid of it or disable it without him knowing? My dad downloaded this QUSTODIO crap on my pc. How do i get rid of it or disable it without him knowing? Title says it. I need to disable this crap and get control over my pc again.
[ "My dad downloaded this QUSTODIO crap on my pc.How do i get rid of it or disable it without him knowing?My dad downloaded this QUSTODIO crap on my pc.How do i get rid of it or disable it without him knowing?Title says it.I need to disable this crap and get control over my pc again." ]
Mi papá descargó esta mierda de CUSTODIO en mi PC.¿Cómo puedo deshacerme de ella o desactivarla sin que él lo sepa?Mi papá descargó esta mierda de CUSTODIO en mi PC.¿Cómo puedo deshacerme de ella o desactivarla sin que él lo sepa?Título lo dice.Necesito deshabilitar esta mierda y obtener control sobre mi PC de nuevo.
i have the horni disease and the only cure is u ahaha hmu bb lmao jkjkjk...........unless 😳😳😳 ahaha dms are open
[ "i have the horni disease and the only cure is u ahaha hmu bb lmao jkjkjk...........unless 😳😳😳 ahaha dms are open" ]
Tengo la enfermedad de Horni y la única cura es u ahaha hmu bb lmmao jkjkjk........a menos que ahaha dms estén abiertos
I'm thinking about doing drugs. Just some addy, maybe smoke a little weed. I don't know where to cop though.
[ "I'm thinking about doing drugs.Just some addy, maybe smoke a little weed.I don't know where to cop though." ]
Estoy pensando en tomar drogas. Sólo un poco de adiy, tal vez fumar un poco de hierba.
I take the train to work everyday, I usually always contemplate just jumping in front of it. I’ll probably never do it, but it calms me knowing I can.Depression is crushing my soul today. Holding back the tears is extra hard this morning. if there truly is a God, I’ll never understand why this God of ours created millions and millions with mental illness. pretty fucked up if you ask me. Man I wanna ball my eyes out.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I take the train to work everyday, I usually always contemplate just jumping in front of it.I’ll probably never do it, but it calms me knowing I can.Depression is crushing my soul today.Holding back the tears is extra hard this morning.if there truly is a God, I’ll never understand why this God of ours created millions and millions with mental illness.pretty fucked up if you ask me.Man I wanna ball my eyes out." ]
Tomo el tren para trabajar todos los días, por lo general siempre contemplo simplemente saltar delante de él.Probablemente nunca lo haré, pero me calma saber que puedo.La depresión está aplastando mi alma hoy.Sostener las lágrimas es extra duro esta mañana.Si realmente hay un Dios, nunca entenderé por qué este Dios nuestro creó millones y millones con enfermedad mental. bastante jodido si me preguntas.Hombre quiero sacar los ojos.
First times thinking about suicide recentlyBeen on antidepressants for half a year now - things have only gotten worse since taking them. Recently started thinking about what the repercussions of suicide would be, and what would happen after i die. How would I do it? What’s the quickest, most efficient way that’s least painful? I don’t even wanna act like I’ve got some huge sob story and my life has been doomed from the start. I’m just sick of hating myself and wanting to be somebody else. I’m tired of waking up and wanting to go back to sleep, even though I’m not tired. I wanna just sit in a metal box and stare at a wall for a long while. I wanna just stop existing for a little while. I’m so burnt out. Not even from school. I’m burnt out from life. The nice thing about it all, though, is that I kinda like the power of not caring anymore. I’m about to graduate high school and go to my dream college, and all I can help but think about is how much I don’t care about my future anymore. I don’t care about the consequences of my life anymore. It’s nice to not care about all the little things that used to make me hate myself. Now when I screw things up, instead of feeling like crap, and just think about how it won’t matter in the long run since there won’t be a long run. A part of me hopes things get worse so I can just off myself and not have to care anymore, so my fuck-ups stop having power over my mentally ill brain.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "First times thinking about suicide recentlyBeen on antidepressants for half a year now - things have only gotten worse since taking them.Recently started thinking about what the repercussions of suicide would be, and what would happen after i die.How would I do it?What’s the quickest, most efficient way that’s least painful?I don’t even wanna act like I’ve got some huge sob story and my life has been doomed from the start.I’m just sick of hating myself and wanting to be somebody else.I’m tired of waking up and wanting to go back to sleep, even though I’m not tired.I wanna just sit in a metal box and stare at a wall for a long while.I wanna just stop existing for a little while.I’m so burnt out.Not even from school.I’m burnt out from life.The nice thing about it all, though, is that I kinda like the power of not caring anymore.I’m about to graduate high school and go to my dream college, and all I can help but think about is how much I don’t care about my future anymore.I don’t care about the consequences of my life anymore.It’s nice to not care about all the little things that used to make me hate myself.", "Now when I screw things up, instead of feeling like crap, and just think about how it won’t matter in the long run since there won’t be a long run.A part of me hopes things get worse so I can just off myself and not have to care anymore, so my fuck-ups stop having power over my mentally ill brain." ]
Las primeras veces que pienso en el suicidio recientementeBeen on antidepresivos por medio año ahora - las cosas sólo han empeorado desde tomarlos.Recientemente empecé a pensar en cuáles serían las repercusiones del suicidio, y qué pasaría después de morir.¿Cómo lo haría?¿Cuál es la manera más rápida, más eficiente que es menos dolorosa?Ni siquiera quiero actuar como si tuviera una gran historia triste y mi vida ha estado condenada desde el principio.Estoy harto de odiarme a mí mismo y querer ser alguien más.Estoy cansado de despertarme y querer volver a dormir, aunque no estoy cansado.Quiero sentarme en una caja de metal y mirar fijamente a una pared por un largo tiempo.Quiero dejar de existir por un tiempo.Estoy tan quemada.Ni siquiera de la escuela.Estoy quemada de la vida.Lo bueno de todo esto, sin embargo, es que me gusta el poder de no preocuparme más.Estoy a punto de graduarme de la escuela secundaria y voy a ir a la universidad de mi sueño.
The Dispair Islands and its residents The Void Islands are a group of Islands located on the surface of an almost dead dimension. The Islands are likely alive and they demonstrate their lives by changing position and shape every 279 years. The Island is inhabited by a tribe of natives called "the Wave Missionaries. In 1478 DC another group of humans came to the islands and pillaged most of them, in 1480 began a war between the Wave Missionaries and the aggressors. The Missionaries were led by Hato, the best swordsman in all the Islands, who was gifted by the Wave a set of divine powers. The aggressors came from a never specified location and were led by Irwin Wardlock. The war ended in 1487 after the fall of Fort Hijo. After that Hato decided to pass down his powers to his family. In 1501 he mysteriously disappeared leaving a note saying "I'll return, I just listened to the Wave calling me, it was not a pleasant invitation. It was a scream of pain". 371 years later a city is founded after the alliance of the Missionaries and another batch of humans called Londinium. 28 years later a relative of Hato, Grica Wallace Irwin, sets out to find the truth behind the shady actions of duke Abraham Lucas and the fate of his long lost ancestor , Hato
[ "The Dispair Islands and its residents The Void Islands are a group of Islands located on the surface of an almost dead dimension.The Islands are likely alive and they demonstrate their lives by changing position and shape every 279 years.The Island is inhabited by a tribe of natives called \"the Wave Missionaries.In 1478 DC another group of humans came to the islands and pillaged most of them, in 1480 began a war between the Wave Missionaries and the aggressors.The Missionaries were led by Hato, the best swordsman in all the Islands, who was gifted by the Wave a set of divine powers.The aggressors came from a never specified location and were led by Irwin Wardlock.The war ended in 1487 after the fall of Fort Hijo.After that Hato decided to pass down his powers to his family.In 1501 he mysteriously disappeared leaving a note saying \"I'll return, I just listened to the Wave calling me, it was not a pleasant invitation.It was a scream of pain\".371 years later a city is founded after the alliance of the Missionaries and another batch of humans called Londinium.", "28 years later a relative of Hato, Grica Wallace Irwin, sets out to find the truth behind the shady actions of duke Abraham Lucas and the fate of his long lost ancestor , Hato" ]
Las islas Dispair y sus residentes Las islas Void son un grupo de islas situadas en la superficie de una dimensión casi muerta.Las islas son probablemente vivas y demuestran su vida cambiando de posición y forma cada 279 años.La isla está habitada por una tribu de nativos llamados "los Misioneros de la Ola.En 1478 DC otro grupo de humanos vino a las islas y saquearon la mayoría de ellas, en 1480 comenzó una guerra entre los Misioneros de la Ola y los agresores.Los Misioneros fueron dirigidos por Hato, el mejor espadachín de todas las islas, quien fue regalado por la Ola un conjunto de poderes divinos.Los agresores vinieron de un lugar nunca especificado y fueron dirigidos por Irwin Wardlock.La guerra terminó en 1487 después de la caída del Fuerte Hijo.Después de eso Hato decidió pasar sus poderes a su familia.En 1501 desapareció misteriosamente dejando una nota diciendo: "Volveré, simplemente escuché a la Ola llamándome, no fue una invitación agradable.Fue un grito de dolor".371 años después una ciudad se fundó después de la alianza de los misioneros y otro lote de humanos llamado Londinium.
My suicidal thoughts.I am typically a person who tends to internalize a lot of my problems and do not usually express when I am feeling depressed or sad. However I do want to express these problems and talk about them. I know I need help with this because I have obsessed over these thoughts for years now. I am constantly of the mind set to judge if life is worth it or not, wondering how much more of existing can I stand before I just put a bullet in my head. I feel like the mindset I hold is undeserved and pathetic. Some people undergo such profound suffering for these thoughts to manifest and it's almost no wonder they do. But I have not suffered any great tragedy my life is easy, so easy compared to most people's it's pathetic. I wake up do household chores for an hour or so and play video games with my friends all day. The only great stress I have is how I will manage to grow up. Because it seems I have the lifestyle of a child when I am at my transition into adulthood. But this is also paired with the realization that the life of the average joe that lives in a part of the world with the highest life quality is doomed to the majority of their life being tedium and suffering. And that is not me just speculating I have had jobs in retail and a fast food restaurant. So I have experienced working in lowly entry level jobs and going to school and both suck the majority of the time. So I am stuck left wondering what the fuck do I do that isn't awful? I fear my life is going to turn into a game where I pick jobs hoping one of them will be good only to realize they have all sucked and then uh oh I'm real old and the majority of things I have done in life I have regretted well fuck me I guess I'll die. I just feel so lost, I am trying to find a path in life where I am not doomed to suffer the majority of the time and live for those small bits of time where I can do what I please. I want to live for what I like all the time but I'm afraid that's too greedy, too much to ask for, the majority of people don't how could I go beyond to that state of blissful existence? Does it even exist? Am I chasing after something that can never be attained? And if that's the case how do I endure the suffering? Because I feel like I am weaker than the majority I am pathetic when compared to the majority. People have endured so much more than I have yet they still have the will to move forward when I am here wallowing in despair over the inevitable suffering I will face in the future. One day I fear when I finally face my moment of profound suffering it will give me the willpower to end my life. If you have anything to say please do I really want to hear your opinion on my circumstances. I have kept these thoughts to myself for too long.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My suicidal thoughts.I am typically a person who tends to internalize a lot of my problems and do not usually express when I am feeling depressed or sad.However I do want to express these problems and talk about them.I know I need help with this because I have obsessed over these thoughts for years now.I am constantly of the mind set to judge if life is worth it or not, wondering how much more of existing can I stand before I just put a bullet in my head.I feel like the mindset I hold is undeserved and pathetic.Some people undergo such profound suffering for these thoughts to manifest and it's almost no wonder they do.But I have not suffered any great tragedy my life is easy, so easy compared to most people's it's pathetic.I wake up do household chores for an hour or so and play video games with my friends all day.The only great stress I have is how I will manage to grow up.Because it seems I have the lifestyle of a child when I am at my transition into adulthood.But this is also paired with the realization that the life of the average joe that lives in a part of the world with the highest life quality is doomed to the majority of their life being tedium and suffering.", "And that is not me just speculating I have had jobs in retail and a fast food restaurant.So I have experienced working in lowly entry level jobs and going to school and both suck the majority of the time.So I am stuck left wondering what the fuck do I do that isn't awful?I fear my life is going to turn into a game where I pick jobs hoping one of them will be good only to realize they have all sucked and then uh oh I'm real old and the majority of things I have done in life I have regretted well fuck meI guess I'll die.I just feel so lost, I am trying to find a path in life where I am not doomed to suffer the majority of the time and live for those small bits of time where I can do what I please.I want to live for what I like all the timebut I'm afraid that's too greedy, too much to ask for, the majority of people don't how could I go beyond to that state of blissful existence?Does it even exist?Am I chasing after something that can never be attained?And if that's the case how do I endure the suffering?Because I feel like I am weaker than the majority I am pathetic when compared to the majority.", "People have endured so much more than I have yet they still have the will to move forward when I am here wallowing in despair over the inevitable suffering I will face in the future.One day I fear when I finally face my moment of profound suffering it will give me the willpower to end my life.If you have anything to say please do I really want to hear your opinion on my circumstances.I have kept these thoughts to myself for too long." ]
Mis pensamientos suicidas.Por lo general soy una persona que tiende a internalizar muchos de mis problemas y no suele expresar cuando me siento deprimida o triste.Sin embargo, quiero expresar estos problemas y hablar de ellos.Sé que necesito ayuda con esto porque he estado obsesionada con estos pensamientos desde hace años.Estoy constantemente de la mente dispuesta a juzgar si la vida vale la pena o no, preguntándome cuánto más de lo existente puedo estar antes de que me ponga una bala en la cabeza.Siento que la mentalidad que tengo es inmerecida y patética.Algunas personas sufren tanto sufrimiento para que estos pensamientos se manifiesten y no es de extrañar que lo hagan.Pero no he sufrido ninguna gran tragedia mi vida es fácil, tan fácil en comparación con la de la mayoría de las personas es patética.Me despierto haciendo las tareas domésticas durante una hora o así y juego videojuegos con mis amigos todo el día.El único gran estrés que tengo es cómo me las arreglaré para crecer.Porque parece que tengo el estilo de vida de un niño cuando estoy en mi transición a la edad adulta.Pero esto también se combina con la comprensión de que la vida de la mayoría de joe en una parte del mundo con el sufrimiento.
Need help remembering a name of an old toy I remember when I was younger, back in 2010-12, I remember the kids around me used to have plastic balls, with a magnet on the bottom, and when stuck onto metal, would explode into a creature, and then was folded away by hand I remembered them a couple days ago, but for the life of me remember what they were called, I don't think I ever knew lol If someone would b able to tell me what they're called, I'll be indebted 2u Tyia
[ "Need help remembering a name of an old toy I remember when I was younger, back in 2010-12, I remember the kids around me used to have plastic balls, with a magnet on the bottom, and when stuck onto metal, would explode into a creature, and then was folded away by handI remembered them a couple days ago, but for the life of me remember what they were called, I don't think I ever knew lolIf someone would b able to tell me what they're called, I'll be indebted 2u\nTyia" ]
Necesito ayuda para recordar un nombre de un viejo juguete que recuerdo cuando era más joven, en 2010-12, recuerdo que los niños a mi alrededor solían tener bolas de plástico, con un imán en la parte inferior, y cuando se pegaba al metal, explotaba en una criatura, y luego se doblaba a mano, los recordaba hace un par de días, pero para la vida de mí recordar lo que se llamaban, no creo que alguna vez supe lolSi alguien b capaz de decirme lo que se llaman, voy a estar en deuda 2u Tyia
How do you delete a reddit account Yeah reddit is kinda boring and I don’t know how to delete my account
[ "How do you delete a reddit accountYeah reddit is kinda boringand I don’t know how to delete my account" ]
¿Cómo se elimina una cuenta redditSí reddit es un poco aburrido y no sé cómo eliminar mi cuenta
Making a post till I get a gf #1 Ok now before you say I'm trynna copy u/Rubeva here me out. Yes I'm copying him for he has given me this terrible idea. However I'll not be posting any jokes cos I'm not funny . Just gonna post random shit.
[ "Making a post till I get a gf #1Ok now before you say I'm trynna copy u/Rubeva here me out.Yes I'm copying him for he has given me this terrible idea.However I'll not be posting any jokes cos I'm not funny .Just gonna post random shit." ]
Hacer un post hasta que consiga un gf #1Ok ahora antes de que digas que estoy tratando de copiar u/Rubeva aquí fuera.Sí, lo estoy copiando porque me ha dado esta terrible idea.Sin embargo, no voy a publicar ninguna broma porque no soy gracioso.Solo voy a publicar mierda al azar.
So i just found out most of the people I know hate me I was on a call with one of my friends and he said “you know, everyone hates you.”I was confused. Then he said “yeah. A lot of people think you’re really annoying.” I asked him for names. He gave me the names of my crush, Sophia, one of my closest friends, Noah, and another friend. Ian. I don’t know what to do.
[ "So i just found out most of the people I know hate meI was on a call with one of my friends and he said “you know, everyone hates you.”I was confused.Then he said “yeah.A lot of people think you’re really annoying.”I asked him for names.He gave me the names of my crush, Sophia, one of my closest friends, Noah, and another friend.Ian.I don’t know what to do." ]
Así que acabo de enterarme de que la mayoría de la gente que conozco me odia estaba en una llamada con uno de mis amigos y me dijo "sabes, todo el mundo te odia".Estaba confundido.Luego dijo "sí.Mucha gente piensa que eres realmente molesto."Le pregunté por nombres.Me dio los nombres de mi amor, Sophia, uno de mis amigos más cercanos, Noah, y otro amigo.Ian.No sé qué hacer.
I need advice on clothes and fashion I barely have any clothes, and want to buy some. I don't know almost anything about brands and fashion, and i also don't know what suits me, i have a pic of me on my profile, so you can suggest what would suit me well. Also, try to keep it simple and fairly cheap. Also, i need recommendations on where to buy clothes. Thanks in advance, ig.
[ "I need advice on clothes and fashion I barely have any clothes, and want to buy some.I don't know almost anything about brands and fashion, and i also don't know what suits me, i have a pic of me on my profile, so you can suggest what would suit me well.Also, try to keep it simple and fairly cheap.Also, i need recommendations on where to buy clothes.Thanks in advance, ig." ]
Necesito consejos sobre ropa y moda apenas tengo ropa, y quiero comprar algo.No sé casi nada sobre marcas y moda, y tampoco sé lo que me conviene, tengo una foto de mí en mi perfil, por lo que puedes sugerir lo que me conviene bien.También, trata de mantenerlo simple y bastante barato.También, necesito recomendaciones sobre dónde comprar ropa.Gracias por adelantado, ig.
If you like reading manga, I started a Manga/Lightnovel reading club on Discord. Would anyone like to join? Hi, I had an idea to start a server for teens like me who enjoy reading manga or lightnovels. My idea is, we vote on manga to read, and we read and discuss the series together. I also have various discussion channels ranging from manga, light novels, manwhas, gaming, anime, etc. If you would like to join or want to know more details, just shoot me a message. (Only teenagers)
[ "If you like reading manga, I started a Manga/Lightnovel reading club on Discord.Would anyone like to join?Hi, I had an idea to start a server for teens like me who enjoy reading manga or lightnovels.My idea is, we vote on manga to read, and we read and discuss the series together.I also have various discussion channels ranging from manga, light novels, manwhas, gaming, anime, etc.If you would like to join or want to know more details, just shoot me a message.(Only teenagers)" ]
Si te gusta leer manga, empecé un club de lectura Manga/Lightnovel en Discord.¿Alguien quiere unirse?Hola, tuve la idea de iniciar un servidor para adolescentes como yo que disfrutan leyendo manga o lightnovels.Mi idea es que votemos sobre manga para leer, y leemos y discutimos la serie juntos.También tengo varios canales de discusión que van desde manga, novelas ligeras, manwhas, juegos, anime, etc.Si quieres unirte o quieres saber más detalles, solo dispárame un mensaje.(Sólo adolescentes)
Boobs are like, not that important Like yea if they exist that's dope and all but size doesn't even matter like a boob's a boob you know
[ "Boobs are like, not that important Like yea if they exist that's dope and all but size doesn't even matter like a boob's a boob you know" ]
Tetas son como, no es tan importante como si existieran que es droga y todo, pero el tamaño ni siquiera importa como una teta es una teta, ¿sabes?
i wish i wasn’t to lazy for suicide.i can’t handle this life anymore and i want it to end. but that requires the energy i don’t have.. i don’t care.. if laziness could kill me i’d be happy. anyways, i have nothing else to say.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i wish i wasn’t to lazy for suicide.i can’t handle this life anymore and i want it to end.but that requires the energy i don’t have..i don’t care.. if laziness could kill me i’d be happy.anyways, i have nothing else to say." ]
Me gustaría no ser perezoso para el suicidio.No puedo manejar esta vida más y quiero que termine.Pero eso requiere la energía que no tengo..No me importa.. si la pereza podría matarme sería feliz.de todos modos, no tengo nada más que decir.
Any Arab teens? Arab brethren DM I want to talk to a fellow Arab 😳
[ "Any Arab teens?Arab brethren DM I want to talk to a fellow Arab 😳" ]
Cualquier adolescente árabe? Hermanos árabes DM Quiero hablar con un compañero árabe
There's nothing life can offer me would make living worth it.I'm 22 years old, diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I tried to kill myself by overdose last Christmas but landed in the psych ward instead. I self-harm fairly often. Sometimes that has kept me from trying to kill myself because I go numb when I cut. In the past couple years I've been in and out of the hospital. I spent 6 months in a partial hospitalization program before they gave up on me. I've been in a mentalization based therapy program for the past year, but it hasn't been very helpful. My family thought it might help if I got a psychiatric service dog, but I can't because one of my flatmates is deathly allergic to dogs. It doesn't seem like any amount of therapy or medication has made me want to stay alive. All I can do is cut to distract myself from wanting to die. I understand that there are a couple of people that would be hurt by me killing myself, but why should I constantly suffer just so a couple of people can go about their happy lives? If they want me to be alive so fucking bad then they shouldn't leave me when I need someone the most.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "There's nothing life can offer me would make living worth it.I'm 22 years old, diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.I tried to kill myself by overdose last Christmas but landed in the psych ward instead.I self-harm fairly often.Sometimes that has kept me from trying to kill myself because I go numb when I cut.In the past couple years I've been in and out of the hospital.I spent 6 months in a partial hospitalization program before they gave up on me.I've been in a mentalization based therapy program for the past year, but it hasn't been very helpful.My family thought it might help if I got a psychiatric service dog, but I can't because one of my flatmates is deathly allergic to dogs.It doesn't seem like any amount of therapy or medication has made me want to stay alive.All I can do is cut to distract myself from wanting to die.I understand that there are a couple of people that would be hurt by me killing myself, but why should I constantly suffer just so a couple of people can go about their happy lives?If they want me to be alive so fucking bad then they shouldn't leave me when I need someone the most." ]
No hay nada que la vida me pueda ofrecer que haga que la vida valga la pena.Tengo 22 años, diagnosticado con trastorno de personalidad límite.Traté de suicidarme por sobredosis la Navidad pasada, pero en su lugar aterrice en la sala de psiquiatría.Me autolesioné bastante a menudo.A veces eso me ha impedido tratar de suicidarme porque me entumecí cuando corté.En los últimos dos años he estado dentro y fuera del hospital.Pasé 6 meses en un programa de hospitalización parcial antes de que se dieran por vencidos.He estado en un programa de terapia basado en la mentalización durante el año pasado, pero no ha sido muy útil.Mi familia pensó que podría ayudar si tenía un perro de servicio psiquiátrico, pero no puedo porque uno de mis compañeros de piso es mortalmente alérgico a los perros.No parece que haya ninguna cantidad de terapia o medicación que me haya hecho querer seguir vivo.Todo lo que puedo hacer es cortar para distraerme de querer morir.Entiendo que hay un par de personas que me harían daño a mí mismo.
Sorry if this is rudePeople are vague about what is going on that's causing them to be suicidal like I get why but still I've never seen a full out explanation of why someone wanted to commit die I've always wondered what is so bad that goes on in one's life to lead them to it, this is probably weird sounding but I kind of want to hear a full account of what goes on that drives someone to their breaking point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Sorry if this is rudePeople are vague about what is going on that's causing them to be suicidal like I get whybut still I've never seen a full out explanation of why someone wanted to commit die I've always wondered what is so bad that goes on in one's life to lead them to it, this is probably weird sounding but I kind of want to hear a full account of what goes on that drives someone to their breaking point" ]
Lo siento si esto es grosero La gente es vaga acerca de lo que está pasando que está causando que sean suicidas como entiendo por qué pero todavía nunca he visto una explicación completa de por qué alguien quería cometer la muerte Siempre me he preguntado lo que es tan malo que pasa en la vida de uno para llevarlos a ella, esto es probablemente raro sonando, pero como que quiero escuchar un relato completo de lo que pasa que lleva a alguien a su punto de ruptura
Anybody wanna join my minecraft java server? It's purely survival on 1.16.1. Hoping we could build stuff together. Dm me if you would like to join.
[ "Anybody wanna join my minecraft java server?It's purely survival on 1.16.1.Hoping we could build stuff together.Dm me if you would like to join." ]
¿Alguien quiere unirse a mi servidor minecraft java?Es pura supervivencia en 1.16.1.Esperando que podríamos construir cosas juntos.Dm me si desea unirse.
Go Eat warm toast with butter and experience heaven. Do it. Im having some rn and its so Damn good
[ "Go Eat warm toast with butter and experience heaven.Do it.Im having some rn and its so Damn good" ]
Ir Comer tostadas calientes con mantequilla y experimentar el cielo.Hazlo.Voy a tomar un poco de rn y es tan malditamente bueno
I've had flashing visions of my suicide for yearsAny time I'm stressed and sometimes when I'm not I'll have a vision of me killing myself. Most of the time I have no control over it. But the rest of the time I end up actively worrying about it, making it worse. Has anyone else had anything like this? I've had a particularly stressful few months and I'm just getting so tired of it. I'm able to rationally think myself out of any situation for the moment but I can see it going either way at this point.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I've had flashing visions of my suicide for yearsAny time I'm stressed and sometimes when I'm not I'll have a vision of me killing myself.Most of the time I have no control over it.But the rest of the time I end up actively worrying about it, making it worse.Has anyone else had anything like this?I've had a particularly stressful few months and I'm just getting so tired of it.I'm able to rationally think myself out of any situation for the moment but I can see it going either way at this point." ]
He tenido visiones parpadeantes de mi suicidio durante añosEn cualquier momento estoy estresado y a veces cuando no estoy voy a tener una visión de mí mismo matándome.La mayoría de las veces no tengo control sobre él.Pero el resto del tiempo termino preocupándome activamente por ello, haciéndolo peor.¿Alguien más ha tenido algo como esto?He tenido unos meses particularmente estresantes y me estoy cansando de ello.Soy capaz de pensar racionalmente fuera de cualquier situación por el momento, pero puedo ver que va de cualquier manera en este punto.
[ "selfharm" ]
He dejado mi trabajo y este es mi último pago por favor ayuda https://i.paste.pics/4TL59.png ¿Puede alguien por favor explicarme qué significa Halva?
Me explaining to my mom what "based" means If I walked out onto the street in 1950s moscow and shouted "stalin is responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the ukraine", I'd be an idiot, but I'd also be based.
[ "Me explaining to my mom what \"based\" means If I walked out onto the street in 1950s moscow and shouted \"stalin is responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the ukraine\", I'd be an idiot, but I'd also be based." ]
Yo explicándole a mi madre lo que significa "basado" si me fuera a la calle en Moscú de 1950 y gritara "Stalin es responsable de la muerte de millones de personas en la Ucrania", sería un idiota, pero también estaría basado.
I attempted suicide and obviously failed in the year 2004. People told me things would get better. They don'tLife gets harder as you get older. I have even more problems than I did back then. I tried to improve my life by going to school but now I will have nothing but poverty, homelessness, and debt that will follow me to the grave. One of the worst parts is that there has not been ONE SINGLE DAY since then where I have felt glad that I did not succeed. It has been nothing but a dark, painful, miserable journey. All I ask for mow is the guts to go through with it and get it over with. Don't tell people things will get better. legalize euthanasia so people don't have to die in a horrifying, painful, and messy way. We have to because this world is NOT for everyone.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I attempted suicide and obviously failed in the year 2004.People told me things would get better.They don'tLife gets harder as you get older.I have even more problems than I did back then.I tried to improve my life by going to school but now I will have nothing but poverty, homelessness, and debt that will follow me to the grave.One of the worst parts is that there has not been ONE SINGLE DAY since then where I have felt glad that I did not succeed.It has been nothing but a dark, painful, miserable journey.All I ask for mow is the guts to go through with it and get it over with.Don't tell people things will get better.legalize euthanasia so people don't have to die in a horrifying, painful, and messy way.We have to because this world is NOT for everyone." ]
Yo intenté suicidarme y obviamente fracasé en el año 2004.La gente me dijo que las cosas mejorarían.No la vida se hace más difícil a medida que envejeces.Tengo incluso más problemas que en ese entonces.Traté de mejorar mi vida yendo a la escuela, pero ahora no tendré más que pobreza, sin hogar y deuda que me seguirá a la tumba.Una de las peores partes es que no ha habido UN DÍA ÚNICO desde entonces donde me he sentido contento de no haber tenido éxito.No ha sido nada más que un viaje oscuro, doloroso, miserable.Todo lo que pido es que el mow sea el valor de pasar por esto y terminar con esto.No le digas a la gente que las cosas mejorarán.legalizar la eutanasia para que la gente no tenga que morir de una manera horrible, dolorosa y desordenada.Tenemos que hacerlo porque este mundo NO es para todos.
Someone VC w me on discord I'm bored as hell idc who tf you are Dm me for my #
[ "Someone VC w me on discord I'm bored as hell idc who tf you areDm me for my #" ]
Alguien de V.C. con mi discordia estoy aburrido como el infierno de idc que si eres D.M. por mi #
I just want her back.Me and my ex girlfriend had been going out for over a year. I loved her more than anything and to be honest I still do. She was my whole life, we did everything together, we went out pretty much every night and every weekend. She was my only friend We broke up because she constantly lied to me, she didn't show up when we planned to go out the day after I tried to kill myself. She didn't come to school for over two weeks and she went out with her "friend" who she promised she would stay away from as she keeps trying to make her take drugs. It got to the point where on the night I broke with her, I flipped a coin, if it were heads I would break up with her and if it were tails I would kill myself. Thankfully it was heads but I'm getting back to that stage again. At school I have no friends anymore, when I try to approach anyone to try to become friends with them they just tell me to fuck off or something like that, so at lunch I just wonder about on my own and everyone just points and laughs at me I can't even try to be friends with my ex because she can't even look at me and she won't tell me why. It's eating me up. I can't live like this anymore. I just want to wrap my arms around her and never let go. She is so intelligent and beautiful. She is the most amazing girl I have ever met. Now she has started to walk around with the "friend" who I mentioned before, that "friend" made my life hell for months, she is the reason why I have cut myself on many occasions, she also told her (My ex) to kill herself constantly to the point where she was about to. I just want her back, I can't live without her anymore. If she doesn't even say hello to me by next Friday, I'm just going to go and hang myself because I can't take it anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just want her back.Me and my ex girlfriend had been going out for over a year.I loved her more than anything and to be honest I still do.She was my whole life, we did everything together, we went out pretty much every night and every weekend.She was my only friend\n\nWe broke up because she constantly lied to me, she didn't show up when we planned to go out the day after I tried to kill myself.She didn't come to school for over two weeks and she went out with her \"friend\" who she promised she would stay away from as she keeps trying to make her take drugs.It got to the point where on the night I broke with her, I flipped a coin, if it were heads I would break up with her and if it were tails I would kill myself.Thankfully it was headsbut I'm getting back to that stage again.At school I have no friends anymore, when I try to approach anyone to try to become friends with them they just tell me to fuck off or something like that, so at lunch I just wonder about on my own and everyone just points and laughs at me\n\nI can't even try to be friends with my ex because she can't even look at me and she won't tell me why.It's eating me up.I can't live like this anymore.", "I just want to wrap my arms around her and never let go.She is so intelligent and beautiful.She is the most amazing girl I have ever met.Now she has started to walk around with the \"friend\" who I mentioned before, that \"friend\" made my life hell for months, she is the reason why I have cut myself on many occasions, she also told her (My ex) to kill herself constantly to the point where she was about to.I just want her back, I can't live without her anymore.If she doesn't even say hello to me by next Friday, I'm just going to go and hang myself because I can't take it anymore" ]
Yo sólo la quiero de vuelta.Yo y mi ex novia habíamos estado saliendo durante más de un año.Yo la amaba más que nada y, para ser honesto, todavía lo hago.Ella era toda mi vida, hacíamos todo juntos, salíamos casi todas las noches y todos los fines de semana.Ella era mi única amiga Rompimos porque constantemente me mintió, no apareció cuando planeamos salir el día después de que traté de suicidarme.Ella no vino a la escuela durante más de dos semanas y ella salió con su "amigo" a quien ella prometió que se mantendría alejada mientras ella seguía tratando de hacer que tomara drogas.Llegaba al punto en el que la noche que rompí con ella, lancé una moneda, si eran cabezas que rompería con ella y si fueran colas me mataría.Por suerte era cabeza pero estoy volviendo a ese escenario otra vez.En la escuela ya no tengo amigos, cuando trato de acercarme a alguien para tratar de ser amigos con ellos.
Dead on the insideI feel like shit all the time, my wife no longer loves me, I've been cutting up and down my legs so nobody will notice for weeks now, I can't find any patch of unscathed skin to cut anymore... I just want to end it... I can't even bring myself to get out of bed today... I've been blowing off my friends and family for a while now too... It just feels like everything is crumbling... How can I get out of this slump?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Dead on the insideI feel like shit all the time, my wife no longer loves me, I've been cutting up and down my legs so nobody will notice for weeks now, I can't find any patch of unscathed skin to cut anymore...I just want to end it...I can't even bring myself to get out of bed today...I've been blowing off my friends and family for a while now too...It just feels like everything is crumbling...How can I get out of this slump?" ]
Muerto en el interior me siento como una mierda todo el tiempo, mi esposa ya no me ama, he estado cortando y bajando las piernas para que nadie se dé cuenta durante semanas, ya no puedo encontrar ningún parche de piel ilesa para cortar... Sólo quiero terminarlo... No puedo ni siquiera sacarme de la cama hoy... He estado echando a mis amigos y familia por un tiempo ahora también... Se siente como si todo se estuviera desmoronando... ¿Cómo puedo salir de esta depresión?
Boys and girls there a reason we wear hoods even when it’s sprinkling Because a tree will drop a giant drop of water right on face and it will get you all wet.
[ "Boys and girls there a reason we wear hoods even when it’s sprinkling Because a tree will drop a giant drop of water right on face and it will get you all wet." ]
Los niños y las niñas hay una razón por la que usamos capuchas incluso cuando es rociado Porque un árbol va a caer una gota gigante de agua en la cara y te mojará todo.
kinda wanna dienothing really too it just fucking hate everything rn. Dont feel like I have anyone true to me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kinda wanna dienothing really too it just fucking hate everything rn.Dont feel like I have anyone true to me" ]
como que no quiero morir nada realmente también solo odio todo rn.Dont siento que tengo a alguien fiel a mí
are u banned from a subreddit? if yes, why and which one
[ "are u banned from a subreddit?if yes, why and which one" ]
¿Se prohíbe u de un subreddit? si sí, por qué y cuál
How do I give support for someone I'm growing to despise?Little background: Few years ago my parents got a divorce and my mom began a (somewhat abusive) relationship with someone. Last year my dad died. Shortly before my dad's funeral it became evident to my mom that she was being cheated on and the dude was going to leave her. So at our dad's funeral my mom was crying, not because her ex-husband had died but, because her boyfriend had left her (I know that my parents marriage had ended and she didn't need to feel bad about it, but to me it was extremelly disrespectful to me and my siblings --- at the moment nobody knew why she was so sad). Few days later, we were stil mourning our dad's death and the reason for her sadness showed up... Now because her boyfriend have left her she is treatning to kill herself. Jesus Christ, My 50 years old mother is treatning to kill herself because her 36 years old boyfriend have left her! She became insuferable, her facebook is filled with disgusting messages, posts and whatnot about how everyone is garbage and life have no meaning; she have turned away any attempt of help from any relative. She treats her 73 yo mother like shit (I believe that in her head my grandma have something to do with her being dump). She spent her new years eve on a psych clinic but isn't taking any medicine because of no apparent reason and I think that she is straight up lying to her doctors. She is just making the lives of everyone miserable (and for me, because of the most retarded reason possible) and I don't know how to deal with it... before I try to help and just making everything worse: how do I give support if I can't stand her reasons and am in fact disgusted by it and by her actions? What should I do? --- I am aware that I am the asshole in the situation for not respecting her reasons and being in general pissed at my own mother; don't need to bring that up. Or bring it, I don't know. If the text seems off it's my fault as my English is not so great as I think.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "How do I give support for someone I'm growing to despise?Little background: Few years ago my parents got a divorce and my mom began a (somewhat abusive) relationship with someone.Last year my dad died.Shortly before my dad's funeral it became evident to my mom that she was being cheated on and the dude was going to leave her.So at our dad's funeral my mom was crying, not because her ex-husband had died but, because her boyfriend had left her (I know that my parents marriage had ended and she didn't need to feel bad about it, but to me it was extremelly disrespectful to me and my siblings --- at the moment nobody knew why she was so sad).Few days later, we were stil mourning our dad's death and the reason for her sadness showed up...Now because her boyfriend have left her she is treatning to kill herself.Jesus Christ, My 50 years old mother is treatning to kill herself because her 36 years old boyfriend have left her!She became insuferable, her facebook is filled with disgusting messages, posts and whatnot about how everyone is garbage and life have no meaning; she have turned away any attempt of help from any relative.", "She treats her 73 yo mother like shit (I believe that in her head my grandma have something to do with her being dump).She spent her new years eve on a psych clinic but isn't taking any medicine because of no apparent reason and I think that she is straight up lying to her doctors.She is just making the lives of everyone miserable (and for me, because of the most retarded reason possible) and I don't know how to deal with it... before I try to help and just making everything worse: how do I give support if I can't stand her reasons and am in fact disgusted by it and by her actions?What should I do?\n\n---\nI am aware that I am the asshole in the situation for not respecting her reasons and being in general pissed at my own mother; don't need to bring that up.Or bring it, I don't know.If the text seems off it's my fault as my English is not so great as I think." ]
¿Cómo puedo dar apoyo a alguien que estoy creciendo para despreciar?Poco tiempo atrás, mis padres se divorciaron y mi mamá comenzó una relación (algo abusiva) con alguien.El año pasado mi padre murió.Poco antes del funeral de mi padre se hizo evidente para mi mamá que ella estaba siendo engañada y que el tío iba a dejarla.Así que en el funeral de nuestro padre mi mamá estaba llorando, no porque su ex marido hubiera muerto, sino porque su novio la había dejado (yo sé que el matrimonio de mis padres había terminado y que ella no necesitaba sentirse mal por ello, pero para mí fue extremadamente irrespetuoso conmigo y mis hermanos -- en el momento en que nadie sabía por qué estaba tan triste).Pocos días después, estábamos hasta que lloramos la muerte de nuestro padre y la razón de su tristeza apareció...Ahora porque su novio la ha dejado tratando de matarse a sí misma.Jesús Cristo, Mi madre de 50 años de edad está tratando de matarse a sí misma porque su novio de 36 años la ha dejado.
i dont want to live anymoreI'm having a hard time because of my mother. I try to make my own things and she gets mad at me if she doesn't like it. I don't do things that are generally bad like skipping classes or failing my classes. I study a lot and get high grades but when I do one small thing she doesn't like she shouts at me and she takes away things of mine. I usually walk home in my area to save money and she got mad at me for it. I really wanted to save up to go to a workshop because I dont want her to take overtime or work a part time job to get me that thing I can honestly save up for. When she knew about it she got mad at me and will take away half of my allowance that I need for other things. It honestly feels horrible at this point because it keeps happening over and over. She doesn't care about what I say about it at all. She just gets mad at me. I can't go to my other relatives because they'll send me back. I can't run away because running away in my country isn't really a good idea. I really cant take it anymore. I really just cant.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i dont want to live anymoreI'm having a hard time because of my mother.I try to make my own things and she gets mad at me if she doesn't like it.I don't do things that are generally bad like skipping classes or failing my classes.I study a lot and get high grades but when I do one small thing she doesn't like she shouts at me and she takes away things of mine.I usually walk home in my area to save money and she got mad at me for it.I really wanted to save up to go to a workshop because I dont want her to take overtime or work a part time job to get me that thing I can honestly save up for.When she knew about it she got mad at me and will take away half of my allowance that I need for other things.It honestly feels horrible at this point because it keeps happening over and over.She doesn't care about what I say about it at all.She just gets mad at me.I can't go to my other relatives because they'll send me back.I can't run away because running away in my country isn't really a good idea.I really cant take it anymore.I really just cant." ]
Yo no quiero vivir más.Yo no hago cosas que son generalmente malas como saltarse las clases o fallar mis clases.Yo estudio mucho y obtener calificaciones altas, pero cuando hago una pequeña cosa a ella no le gusta que me grite y me quita cosas mías.Usualmente camino a casa en mi área para ahorrar dinero y ella se enojó conmigo por ello.Realmente quería ahorrar para ir a un taller porque no quiero que ella tome horas extras o trabaje una parte del tiempo para conseguirme esa cosa para la que puedo ahorrar honestamente.Cuando ella lo sabía, se enojó conmigo y me quitará la mitad de mi asignación que necesito para otras cosas.Honestamente se siente horrible en este punto porque sigue sucediendo una y otra vez.Ella no se preocupa por lo que digo en absoluto.Ella se enoja conmigo y me quitará la mitad de mi asignación que necesito para otras cosas.De verdad se siente horrible en este punto porque sigue sucediendo una y otra vez.
I don't know what to do anymoreI'm 17, I've been depressed for 8 months and had thoughts of killing myself for 6, but its really getting to the point where I just want to end it. Nothing I do is fun anymore, everything I used to do slowly got consumed by frustration. I see a therapist and take medicine, but neither really help. I have a friend who talks to me almost every day and she is pretty much the only reason I haven't done it, but I'm feeling like a nuisance to her. She's says a lot of the things I say to her are making her angry because she doesn't understand why I do/would want to do some of the things I say I started to self harm a little bit, just scratching, but I really am thinking of cutting or more likely just ending my life soon. Idk what I'm trying to say with this, but I just want to die.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I don't know what to do anymoreI'm 17, I've been depressed for 8 months and had thoughts of killing myself for 6, but its really getting to the point where I just want to end it.Nothing I do is fun anymore, everything I used to do slowly got consumed by frustration.I see a therapist and take medicine, but neither really help.I have a friend who talks to me almost every day and she is pretty much the only reason I haven't done it, but I'm feeling like a nuisance to her.She's says a lot of the things I say to her are making her angry because she doesn't understand why I do/would want to do some of the things I say\n\nI started to self harm a little bit, just scratching, but I really am thinking of cutting or more likely just ending my life soon.Idk what I'm trying to say with this, but I just want to die." ]
Ya no sé qué hacer.Tengo 17 años, he estado deprimido durante 8 meses y he tenido pensamientos de suicidarme durante 6, pero es realmente llegar al punto en el que sólo quiero terminarlo.Nada de lo que hago es divertido, todo lo que solía hacer lentamente se consumió por la frustración.Veo a un terapeuta y tomo medicamentos, pero tampoco realmente ayuda.Tengo un amigo que me habla casi todos los días y ella es la única razón por la que no lo he hecho, pero me siento como una molestia para ella.Ella dice muchas de las cosas que le digo que la están haciendo enojar porque no entiende por qué lo hago/que querría hacer algunas de las cosas que digo que empecé a autolesionarme un poco, sólo rascarme, pero realmente estoy pensando en cortar o más probablemente terminar mi vida pronto.Idk lo que estoy tratando de decir con esto, pero solo quiero morir.
just spent 78 dollars on teen titans season 1-5 hows ur day i feel guilty cause it was my dads money but it was worth it :) okay i actually feel bad but whenever i ask my parents if i can buy something they always say yes, like even expensive things ($60) anyways i have learned my lesson
[ "just spent 78 dollars on teen titans season 1-5 hows ur day\ni feel guilty cause it was my dads moneybut it was worth it :)okayi actually feel badbut whenever i ask my parents if i can buy something they always say yes, like even expensive things ($60) anyways i have learned my lesson" ]
Acabo de gastar 78 dólares en titanes adolescentes temporada 1-5 cómo tu día me siento culpable porque era dinero de mis papás pero valió la pena :)okayi realmente se siente mal, pero cada vez que le pregunto a mis padres si puedo comprar algo que siempre dicen que sí, como incluso cosas caras ($ 60) de todos modos he aprendido mi lección
Who’s denser then Tungsten? It’s me I’ll keep this short so don’t expect good English and or full sentences. Last week was hanging out with friends at girls house. Get on topic of hu somehow. She says she’s had people hu in her bed but not her. Looks at me says my name and says u need to get w someone in my bed. I say u first (this is just coincidence I didn’t think anything of it). Later on everyone’s hanging out she says to me let’s go upstairs. Dumbass me says we’re having fun let’s stay down here. Kill me.
[ "Who’s denser then Tungsten?It’s meI’ll keep this short so don’t expect good English and or full sentences.Last week was hanging out with friends at girls house.Get on topic of hu somehow.She says she’s had people hu in her bed but not her.Looks at me says my name and says u need to get w someone in my bed.I say u first (this is just coincidence I didn’t think anything of it).Later on everyone’s hanging out she says to me let’s go upstairs.Dumbass me says we’re having fun let’s stay down here.Kill me." ]
¿Quién es más denso entonces Tungsteno?Es me voy a mantener este corto así que no esperes buen Inglés y o oraciones completas.La semana pasada fue salir con amigos en la casa de las niñas.Ponte en el tema de hu de alguna manera.Ella dice que ha tenido gente hu en su cama, pero no ella.Me mira dice mi nombre y dice que u necesidad de conseguir w alguien en mi cama.Yo digo u primero (esto es sólo coincidencia que no pensé nada de ello).Más tarde en todo el mundo está saliendo ella me dice vamos arriba.Dumbas me dice que nos estamos divirtiendo vamos a quedar aquí.Kill me.
I'm so tired...I've just gotta vent I'm sick of the pain. I'm sick of never feeling good enough. I'm sick of feeling worthless, sick of feeling like I don't deserve anything good. I'm sick of being afraid of everything. This has gotten so out of hand and I'm really worried about where it's going to take me. I never used to struggle with suicidal thoughts but now they're practically the only ones I have. I want to get help but I'm so afraid to reach out. My therapist already knows but she doesn't know the extent to which I have these thoughts. I don't know what to do. I'm so tired of feeling like this, I just want this to be over, I want to be happy again...
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm so tired...I've just gotta vent\n\nI'm sick of the pain.I'm sick of never feeling good enough.I'm sick of feeling worthless, sick of feeling like I don't deserve anything good.I'm sick of being afraid of everything.This has gotten so out of hand and I'm really worried about where it's going to take me.I never used to struggle with suicidal thoughts but now they're practically the only ones I have.I want to get help but I'm so afraid to reach out.My therapist already knows but she doesn't know the extent to which I have these thoughts.I don't know what to do.I'm so tired of feeling like this, I just want this to be over, I want to be happy again..." ]
Estoy tan cansado...sólo tengo que desahogarme que estoy harto del dolor.Estoy harto de nunca sentirme lo suficientemente bien.Estoy harto de sentirme inútil, enfermo de sentir que no merezco nada bueno.Estoy harto de tener miedo de todo.Esto se me ha ido de las manos y estoy realmente preocupado por dónde me va a llevar.Nunca solía luchar con pensamientos suicidas, pero ahora son prácticamente los únicos que tengo.Quiero obtener ayuda, pero tengo tanto miedo de llegar a cabo.Mi terapeuta ya sabe, pero ella no sabe hasta qué punto tengo estos pensamientos.No sé qué hacer.Estoy tan cansado de sentirme así, sólo quiero que esto termine, quiero ser feliz de nuevo...
I'm ending it on new year's day.I've posted on here before and the only response was a troll comment so idk why I'm posting again. I guess I just need to organize my thoughts somehow. I've been looking for a better job for well over a year now and I can't even get anyone to look at my resume. Ive been applying to several jobs a day, I actually have my default tabs set to job boards that I search and apply on in my spare time. Since I started I have has 4 interviews but they offered me less that I am making now even with my hours and responsibilities being cut. I want to work so bad it is literally killing me inside that no-one will even look at my resume, or won't offer me a living wage. I just found our that my rent is going up. One of my bills has also doubled because of a late fee since I couldn't afford to pay it on time. I am just so done. I hate myself and I hate my life but kost of all I hate living. For the first time since I moved out on my own I wasn't able to pay rent this month and my roommate had to make up the difference. It's looking like that will happen again next month and on top of that I have no idea how I can afford to pay my bills now. My savings is gone, cost of living is rising, and I am just a burden on those around me. I'm tired of being a burden on others and I'm tired of working a dead end job that I despise knowing that no matter how hard I try I will never get out of it. I'm going to end it. My dad has inherited some guns over the years, he doesn't like using them, so he just keeps them locked up. I know how to get in to the safe. I am going to find a day I can go over there while they are at work and steal one. I don't want to live to see 2020. I don't want to live anymore. I'm just tired of being in pain all the time. I'm tired of constantly feeling like I am drowning.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm ending it on new year's day.I've posted on here before and the only response was a troll comment so idk why I'm posting again.I guess I just need to organize my thoughts somehow.I've been looking for a better job for well over a year nowand I can't even get anyone to look at my resume.Ive been applying to several jobs a day, I actually have my default tabs set to job boards that I search and apply on in my spare time.Since I started I have has 4 interviews but they offered me less that I am making now even with my hours and responsibilities being cut.I want to work so badit is literally killing me inside that no-one will even look at my resume, or won't offer me a living wage.I just found our that my rent is going up.One of my bills has also doubled because of a late fee since I couldn't afford to pay it on time.I am just so done.I hate myself and I hate my life but kost of all I hate living.For the first time since I moved out on my own I wasn't able to pay rent this month and my roommate had to make up the difference.It's looking like that will happen again next month and on top of that I have no idea how I can afford to pay my bills now.", "My savings is gone, cost of living is rising, and I am just a burden on those around me.I'm tired of being a burden on others and I'm tired of working a dead end job that I despise knowing that no matter how hard I try I will never get out of it.I'm going to end it.My dad has inherited some guns over the years, he doesn't like using them, so he just keeps them locked up.I know how to get in to the safe.I am going to find a day I can go over there while they are at work and steal one.I don't want to live to see 2020.I don't want to live anymore.I'm just tired of being in pain all the time.I'm tired of constantly feeling like I am drowning." ]
Lo estoy terminando en el día de año nuevo.He estado buscando un trabajo mejor durante más de un año y no puedo conseguir que nadie vea mi currículum.He estado aplicando a varios trabajos al día, en realidad tengo mis fichas predeterminadas establecidas en las juntas de trabajo que busco y aplico en mi tiempo libre.Desde que empecé tengo 4 entrevistas pero me ofrecieron menos que ahora estoy haciendo incluso con mis horas y responsabilidades que se cortan.Quiero trabajar tan mal que literalmente me está matando dentro de que nadie siquiera mirará mi currículum, o no me ofrecerá un salario digno.Me acabo de encontrar que mi renta está subiendo.Una de mis facturas también se ha duplicado debido a una tarifa tardía ya que no podía pagarla en el tiempo.Estoy mirando tan bien que me odio a mí mismo y odio mi vida pero kost de todos los que vivo.Por primera vez que me mudé a pagar por mi cuenta desde que no podía pagar la mejor parte de mi currículum.
Greetings r/SW. Today I took it a step further and wrote it out....I actually wrote out my last day...I think this is a very negative turn of events. Does anyone have the patience to listen to my story?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Greetings r/SW.Today I took it a step further and wrote it out....I actually wrote out my last day...I think this is a very negative turn of events.Does anyone have the patience to listen to my story?" ]
Saludos r/SW.Hoy lo llevé un paso más allá y lo escribí....En realidad escribí mi último día...Creo que este es un giro muy negativo de los eventos.¿Alguien tiene la paciencia de escuchar mi historia?
I want to put my family through this.I am 23 years old and my entire family (four siblings and my mom) stopped talking to me last month. They also stopped letting me talk to or see my nieces 6 months ago. I was manic and delusional and put in the hospital for three weeks before they stopped talking to me. I was stable after a few days but that's how it works (especially when you have good insurance). My brothers took my dog to the pound while I was in the hospital, that devastated me and I was pissed at them when I got discharged. My family said they would stop talking to me if I didn't go to "psych rehab" (I haven't ever done illegal substances either than weed) but I wasn't about to be locked up again after having been locked up for three weeks. Or do what they say after they betrayed me like that. I think what my family did to me and is doing to me now is disgusting, it fills me with rage and sadness because I also feel like at this point I can't (and shouldn't) ever forgive them. They will never apologize and I don't see how that gets fixed without an apology. I have all the criteria for suicide and have been suicidal in the past, I can't believe they are abandoning me like this it puts me at a higher risk for suicide and I wish I would do it just to make them feel bad. Just to get them to see the seriousness of the situation. I'd love to post on facebook that the decision was made because on top of feeling like I have nothing left to live for and feeling like I can't cope with my pyschiatric issues anymore (or the side effects of the medications) my family doesn't care what happens to me either so what's the point? They have used me to vent their anger, made me into a joke and used me as a scapegoat my entire life but especially this year. I'm so fucking sick of being left out and abused I wish I could get back at them somehow.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to put my family through this.I am 23 years old and my entire family (four siblings and my mom) stopped talking to me last month.They also stopped letting me talk to or see my nieces 6 months ago.I was manic and delusional and put in the hospital for three weeks before they stopped talking to me.I was stable after a few days but that's how it works (especially when you have good insurance).My brothers took my dog to the pound while I was in the hospital, that devastated me and I was pissed at them when I got discharged.My family said they would stop talking to me if I didn't go to \"psych rehab\" (I haven't ever done illegal substances either than weed) but I wasn't about to be locked up again after having been locked up for three weeks.Or do what they say after they betrayed me like that.I think what my family did to me and is doing to me now is disgusting, it fills me with rage and sadness because I also feel like at this point I can't (and shouldn't) ever forgive them.They will never apologize and I don't see how that gets fixed without an apology.", "I have all the criteria for suicide and have been suicidal in the past, I can't believe they are abandoning me like this it puts me at a higher risk for suicide and I wish I would do it just to make them feel bad.Just to get them to see the seriousness of the situation.I'd love to post on facebook that the decision was made because on top of feeling like I have nothing left to live for and feeling like I can't cope with my pyschiatric issues anymore (or the side effects of the medications)my family doesn't care what happens to me either so what's the point?They have used me to vent their anger, made me into a joke and used me as a scapegoat my entire life but especially this year.I'm so fucking sick of being left out and abused I wish I could get back at them somehow." ]
Quiero que mi familia pase por esto.Tengo 23 años y toda mi familia (cuatro hermanos y mi mamá) dejó de hablarme el mes pasado.También dejaron de dejarme hablar o ver a mis sobrinas hace 6 meses.Fui maníaca y delirante y me puse en el hospital durante tres semanas antes de que dejaran de hablarme.Yo estaba estable después de unos días pero así es como funciona (especialmente cuando tienes un buen seguro).Mis hermanos llevaron a mi perro a la perrera mientras estaba en el hospital, eso me devastó y me enojé con ellos cuando me dieron de alta.Mi familia dijo que dejarían de hablarme si no iba a la "rehabilitación psicológica" (nunca he hecho sustancias ilegales de la misma manera que la hierba) pero no estaba a punto de volver a estar encerrado después de haber estado encerrado durante tres semanas.O haz lo que dicen después de que me traicionaran así.Creo que lo que mi familia me hizo y me está haciendo ahora es asqueroso, me llena de rabia y tristeza porque también me siento como en este punto no puedo (y no debería) perdonarlos.Nunca se van a disculpar y no ver cómo se van a hacerlo.
Oct 22 2016Jag vill dö.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Oct 22 2016Jag vill dö." ]
Oct 22 2016Jag vill dö.
I think I'm done.I see no point in continuing my life. It has been so long since I became disillusioned with this world; the pointless cycle of work and pain to enjoy such small things for such a small time, the uncaring populace that hurts and abuses itself, the vast majority that feel no empathy. I see all of these reflected in myself too, another idiotic follower of the human condition, driven purely by emotion and not by logic. Why anyone would want to live in such a torturous existence is beyond my understanding. I was born too early to escape it, too. Perhaps a few hundred years in the future space travel may have advanced to a level whereby some reasonable scale of exploration is possible, and I could just leave this hellhole behind, and things may have been different. But as it stands I will be long dead under any circumstances, unable to see the one thing I have dreamed of. Only music and video games have stood between me and this. They allowed me to hide my dissatisfaction with the world inside myself and ignore it, so I didn't have to deal with it. But they haven't worked now for a good few months. The one time I found something besides those that I thought may have been worth living for was brutally wrenched from me. This is not a decision I have made without considerable thought. The last couple of months have shown to me just how much I hate this world. Knowing that so many other people feel the same has solidified this. Nothing I have tried has helped. No antidepressants, no therapy, no thought mechanism has eased the pain. The one person I had trust in and who could help me ran away into the arms of another man, and now I am at wit's end. Nothing stands between me and the hell and that I always tried to avoid, so what's the point in even trying to live with it. I just want to fall asleep and never wake up, never have to feel a thing again. I want to be free from the tyranny of sadness and depression, free from the cage of anxiety and panic. I want to die.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I think I'm done.I see no point in continuing my life.It has been so long since I became disillusioned with this world; the pointless cycle of work and pain to enjoy such small things for such a small time, the uncaring populace that hurts and abuses itself, the vast majority that feel no empathy.I see all of these reflected in myself too, another idiotic follower of the human condition, driven purely by emotion and not by logic.Why anyone would want to live in such a torturous existence is beyond my understanding.I was born too early to escape it, too.Perhaps a few hundred years in the future space travel may have advanced to a level whereby some reasonable scale of exploration is possible, and I could just leave this hellhole behind, and things may have been different.But as it stands I will be long dead under any circumstances, unable to see the one thing I have dreamed of.Only music and video games have stood between me and this.They allowed me to hide my dissatisfaction with the world inside myself and ignore it, so I didn't have to deal with it.But they haven't worked now for a good few months.", "The one time I found something besides those that I thought may have been worth living for was brutally wrenched from me.This is not a decision I have made without considerable thought.The last couple of months have shown to me just how much I hate this world.Knowing that so many other people feel the same has solidified this.Nothing I have tried has helped.No antidepressants, no therapy, no thought mechanism has eased the pain.The one person I had trust in and who could help me ran away into the arms of another man, and now I am at wit's end.Nothing stands between me and the hell and that I always tried to avoid, so what's the point in even trying to live with it.I just want to fall asleep and never wake up, never have to feel a thing again.I want to be free from the tyranny of sadness and depression, free from the cage of anxiety and panic.I want to die." ]
Creo que he terminado.No veo ningún sentido en continuar mi vida.Ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que me desilusioné con este mundo; el ciclo inútil de trabajo y dolor para disfrutar de cosas tan pequeñas durante un tiempo tan pequeño, la población indiferente que se lastima y abusa de sí misma, la gran mayoría que no siente empatía.Veo todo esto reflejado en mí mismo también, otro seguidor idiota de la condición humana, impulsado puramente por la emoción y no por la lógica.Por qué alguien querría vivir en una existencia tan tortuosa está más allá de mi comprensión.Nací demasiado pronto para escapar de ella, también.Quizás unos pocos cientos de años en el futuro viaje espacial hayan avanzado a un nivel en el que es posible una escala razonable de exploración, y podría dejar atrás este agujero infernal, y las cosas pueden haber sido diferentes.Pero en su estado actual estaré muerto bajo cualquier circunstancia, incapaz de ver la única cosa que he soñado.Sólo la música y los videojuegos se han mantenido entre mí y esto.Me han permitido ocultar mi insatisfacción con el mundo dentro de mí mismo e ignorarlo, así que no tuve que lidiar con él.
Read my old suicide note tonightRead my old suicide note tonight A while back (couple months ago, so not too long ago) when my mental state was particularly bad I wrote out a suicide note. I didn’t have anything to say to my parents or any of my friends except one. I don’t feel like I need to give an explanation, I’d rather my issues die with me rather than existing in other people’s heads. I wrote the letter to the only friend who I’ve fully opened up to, and I was prepared to do it. Instead, I went to sleep. I’ve been struggling lately so I went back and read that note and got this strange sense of comfort. It made me feel so relaxed, maybe it was the idea that if I’d gotten that close to killing myself before and hadn’t, I could do it again.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Read my old suicide note tonightReadmy old suicide note tonightA while back (couple months ago, so not too long ago) when my mental state was particularly bad I wrote out a suicide note.I didn’t have anything to say to my parents or any of my friends except one.I don’t feel like I need to give an explanation, I’d rather my issues die with me rather than existing in other people’s heads.I wrote the letter to the only friend who I’ve fully opened up to, and I was prepared to do it.Instead, I went to sleep.I’ve been struggling lately so I went back and read that note and got this strange sense of comfort.It made me feel so relaxed, maybe it was the idea that if I’d gotten that close to killing myself before and hadn’t, I could do it again." ]
Lee mi vieja nota de suicidio esta nocheReadmy vieja nota de suicidio esta nocheUn tiempo atrás (hace meses, así que no hace mucho tiempo) cuando mi estado mental era particularmente malo escribí una nota de suicidio.No tenía nada que decir a mis padres o a ninguno de mis amigos excepto uno.No siento que necesite dar una explicación, prefiero que mis problemas mueran conmigo en vez de existir en las cabezas de otras personas.Escribí la carta al único amigo al que me he abierto completamente, y estaba preparado para hacerlo.En lugar de eso, me fui a dormir.He estado luchando últimamente, así que volví y leí esa nota y tuve este extraño sentido de comodidad.Me hizo sentir tan relajada, tal vez fue la idea de que si me había acercado tanto a matarme antes y no lo había hecho, podía hacerlo de nuevo.
Is it selfish telling someone?I'm thinking about opening up to one of my cousins. I'm not really close to him or anything, but he comes down to visit the uni I go to sometimes since he recently graduated. He also tried to get me into his frat and all, but I also feel like I let him down as I left during the process. I want to open up on how I tried committing and the other mental problems I have. I don't want a pity party or anything like that, I just want someone to know, especially family (as I'm usually always the 'loner' and don't really mingle well with others). But, I'm hesitant because I don't know if I'll try to commit again. I don't want for him to get hurt and all because of that (even though he'll probably already feel bad about me dying, but I don't want it to torment him or something).
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Is it selfish telling someone?I'm thinking about opening up to one of my cousins.I'm not really close to him or anything, but he comes down to visit the uni I go to sometimes since he recently graduated.He also tried to get me into his frat and all, but I also feel like I let him down as I left during the process.I want to open up on how I tried committing and the other mental problems I have.I don't want a pity party or anything like that, I just want someone to know, especially family (as I'm usually always the 'loner' and don't really mingle well with others).But, I'm hesitant because I don't know if I'll try to commit again.I don't want for him to get hurt and all because of that (even though he'll probably already feel bad about me dying, but I don't want it to torment him or something)." ]
¿Es egoísta decirle a alguien?Estoy pensando en abrirme a uno de mis primos.No estoy muy cerca de él ni nada, pero él viene a visitar la unidad a la que voy a veces desde que se graduó recientemente.También trató de meterme en su fraternidad y todo, pero también siento que lo decepcioné cuando me fui durante el proceso.Quiero abrirme sobre cómo intenté cometer y los otros problemas mentales que tengo.No quiero una fiesta de lástima ni nada por el estilo, sólo quiero que alguien lo sepa, especialmente de la familia (como siempre soy el 'solo' y no me mezclo muy bien con los demás).Pero, estoy indeciso porque no sé si voy a tratar de cometerlo de nuevo.No quiero que se lastime y todo por eso (aunque probablemente ya se sienta mal por mi muerte, pero no quiero que lo atormente o algo).
What's the easiest way to kill myselfPlease don't put "don't kill yourself we need you!" Or anything in the comments, I'll do it with or without your help, but for my sake I hope you help me. I'm 15 I have 2 mentally abusive parents. I've been able to stop their abuse for a while by doing everything they want but now I'm failing school. It's started every thing back up so much worse. I get really full from my big school lunches but my mom forces me to eat when I come home, but then when I eat she asks why I'm being a pig. Im healthy but it's not enough. Im trying to juggle school and their chores for me but I can't. I'm sorry, I'm a coward and I know it. I can't run away because I don't want to be out there alone, I'm scared of what would happen to me since I'm a girl. I've tried looking into national runaway service but I would need a safe place to stay I really need y'all's help. I'm to much of a coward to cut or hang myself or anything violent but we don't have any pills that could do the job. What can I do? I can't last here 3 more years I just can't, I had a boyfriend that was helping me a while back but they texted him pretending to be me and started a huge fight with them and then they blocked him on my phone. He was so sweet and kind and it's been months since that happened so I'm sure he's so mad at me he wouldn't even consider helping me at this point. I have no one else. Please help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "What's the easiest way to kill myselfPlease don't put \"don't kill yourself we need you!\"Or anything in the comments, I'll do it with or without your help, but for my sake I hope you help me.I'm 15 I have 2 mentally abusive parents.I've been able to stop their abuse for a while by doing everything they want but now I'm failing school.It's started every thing back up so much worse.I get really full from my big school lunches but my mom forces me to eat when I come home, but then when I eat she asks why I'm being a pig.Im healthy but it's not enough.Im trying to juggle school and their chores for mebut I can't.I'm sorry, I'm a cowardand I know it.I can't run away because I don't want to be out there alone, I'm scared of what would happen to me since I'm a girl.I've tried looking into national runaway servicebut I would need a safe place to stay I really need y'all's help.I'm to much of a coward to cut or hang myself or anything violent but we don't have any pills that could do the job.What can I do?I can't last here 3 more years I just can't, I had a boyfriend that was helping me a while back but they texted him pretending to be me and started a huge fight with them", "and then they blocked him on my phone.He was so sweet and kind and it's been months since that happened so I'm sure he's so mad at me he wouldn't even consider helping me at this point.I have no one else.Please help me" ]
¿Cuál es la manera más fácil de suicidarme?Por favor, no pongas "no te mates, te necesitamos!" o cualquier cosa en los comentarios, lo haré con o sin tu ayuda, pero por mi bien espero que me ayudes.Tengo 15 años Tengo dos padres que abusan mentalmente.He sido capaz de detener su abuso por un tiempo haciendo todo lo que quieren, pero ahora estoy fallando en la escuela.Está empezando todo de nuevo mucho peor.Estoy realmente lleno de mis grandes almuerzos en la escuela pero mi mamá me obliga a comer cuando vengo a casa, pero luego cuando como ella pregunta por qué estoy siendo un cerdo.Estoy sano pero no es suficiente.Estoy tratando de hacer malabares en la escuela y sus tareas para mí, pero no puedo.Lo siento, soy un cobarde y lo sé.No puedo huir porque no quiero estar solo, estoy tratando de hacer malabares en la escuela y sus tareas para mí, pero tengo miedo de que me pase algo más que una chica.
I need some helpI feel really terrible right now I spent the entire day burning my self with matches. I really need to talk to anyone to help me feel better or I'm not sure I'll wake up tomorrow
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I need some helpI feel really terribleright now I spent the entire day burning my self with matches.I really need to talk to anyone to help me feel better or I'm not sure I'll wake up tomorrow" ]
Necesito un poco de ayudaMe siento realmente terrible ahora que pasé todo el día quemándome con fósforos.Realmente necesito hablar con alguien para ayudarme a sentirme mejor o no estoy seguro de que me despertaré mañana.
I'm probably mad to post this and I regret you reading it I'm not over emotional. Or at least, I'm not the kind who cries in movies or songs. And I hate to cry. So why in the hell could I not go through one night this week without crying?? I could never relate to all you guys saying "I feel so alone" or "I'm depressed" and I always felt like an outsider in this sense. I mean, I have a great life and I don't like people complaining when they have a great life too! I won't go into details here (simply because it's boring) but I consider the life I'm leading extremely lucky. And suddenly it was like a "welcome to the club" moment. And I always ask myself, *what changed?* Is this a teenager phase that will pass soon? Or is this more... real? I have no friends other than two guys I met online and never actually met. I can't find myself. I have a beautiful family: but it just feels like they don't know me. I'm constantly bored. And I go on walks everyday just to get out of this life - even if it's just for an hour. And seriously, why? As I said, I have a great life. So what changed? I don't know why I'm writing this and I don't know why you are reading this, but it feels good somehow to do this. So thanks I guess. ​ P.S: You can go back to scrolling through memes now
[ "I'm probably mad to post this and I regret you reading itI'm not over emotional.Or at least, I'm not the kind who cries in movies or songs.And I hate to cry.So why in the hell could I not go through one night this week without crying??I could never relate to all you guys saying \"I feel so alone\" or \"I'm depressed\" and I always felt like an outsider in this sense.I mean, I have a great lifeand I don't like people complaining when they have a great life too!I won't go into details here (simply because it's boring) but I consider the life I'm leading extremely lucky.And suddenly it was like a \"welcome to the club\" moment.And I always ask myself, *what changed?* Is this a teenager phase that will pass soon?Or is this more... real?I have no friends other than two guys I met online and never actually met.I can't find myself.I have a beautiful family: but it just feels like they don't know me.I'm constantly bored.And I go on walks everyday just to get out of this life - even if it's just for an hour.And seriously, why?As I said, I have a great life.So what changed?I don't know why I'm writing thisand I don't know why you are reading this, but it feels good somehow to do this.", "So thanks I guess.\n\n​\n\nP.S:You can go back to scrolling through memes now" ]
Yo no soy del tipo que llora en películas o canciones.Y odio llorar.¿Entonces por qué en el infierno no pude pasar por una noche esta semana sin llorar?Nunca pude relacionarme con todos ustedes diciendo "me siento tan solo" o "estoy deprimido" y siempre me sentí como un extraño en este sentido.Quiero decir, tengo una gran vida y no me gusta que la gente se queje cuando tienen una gran vida también!No voy a entrar en detalles aquí (simplemente porque es aburrido) pero considero que la vida que llevo es extremadamente afortunada.¿Y de repente fue como un momento de "bienvenida al club".¿Y siempre me pregunto a mí mismo, *qué cambió?* ¿Es esta una fase adolescente que pasará pronto?¿O es esto más... real?No tengo amigos que no sean dos chicos que conocí en línea y nunca me encontré?Y siempre me pregunto a mí mismo, *¿qué es lo que he cambiado?* ¿Es esta una fase adolescente que pasará pronto? ¿O es esto más... ¿real?¿No tengo más amigos que dos chicos que me he visto en línea y nunca me he enterado de esto.
The only thing keeping me alive is my childBut lately I think she’s better off with a mother who isn’t mentally ill. Her father and I split and he would be able to find her someone better. My parents wouldn’t have to worry about me. Anyone can hire a new nurse my job wouldn’t miss me. I’m so tired of not being good enough. I’m never good enough and I just want it to stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The only thing keeping me alive is my childBut lately I think she’s better off with a mother who isn’t mentally ill.Her father and I split and he would be able to find her someone better.My parents wouldn’t have to worry about me.Anyone can hire a new nurse my job wouldn’t miss me.I’m so tired of not being good enough.I’m never good enough and I just want it to stop" ]
Lo único que me mantiene vivo es mi hijo pero últimamente creo que está mejor con una madre que no está mentalmente enferma.Su padre y yo nos separamos y él sería capaz de encontrar a alguien mejor.Mis padres no tendrían que preocuparse por mí.Cualquiera puede contratar a una nueva enfermera mi trabajo no me echaría de menos.Estoy tan cansado de no ser lo suficientemente bueno.Nunca soy lo suficientemente bueno y sólo quiero que pare
rating u from 1-10 based on instincts alone and looking at ur profile kinda
[ "rating u from 1-10 based on instincts alone and looking at ur profile kinda" ]
rating u de 1-10 basado en los instintos solos y mirando a nuestro perfil como
Anybody else enjoy cooking/baking for others? Made my boyfriend cookie marbled brownies yesterday and he loved them! Ngl it makes me so happy how much he loves my cooking. I’m currently learning how to Khmer (his ethnicity) food for him. He’s got a big appetite so whenever he asks me to make him something and seeing how quickly he eats it all is amazing
[ "Anybody else enjoy cooking/baking for others?Made my boyfriend cookie marbled brownies yesterday and he loved them!Ngl it makes me so happy how much he loves my cooking.I’m currently learning how to Khmer (his ethnicity) food for him.He’s got a big appetite so whenever he asks me to make him something and seeing how quickly he eats it all is amazing" ]
¿Alguien más disfruta cocinar / cocinar para los demás?Hizo mi novio galletas brownies marmoled ayer y él los amaba!Ngl me hace tan feliz lo mucho que le encanta mi cocina.Actualmente estoy aprendiendo cómo Khmer (su etnia) comida para él.Tiene un gran apetito por lo que cada vez que me pide que le haga algo y ver lo rápido que se come todo es increíble
What sin did I do in a previous life that had me be born a short man?Why and how am I not able to meet their height standard I'm nothing that girls want It's clear on both social media and in real life that girls don't desire short men at all, and we should just go and die somewhere or something My dad doesn't allow me to save up with *my own* money to get a leg-lengthening surgery, what's supposed to be my final hope of redemption I will do anything to look good, to have the right to exist, and I can't even do that. I just want to die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "What sin did I do in a previous life that had me be born a short man?Whyand how am I not able to meet their height standard\n\nI'm nothing that girls want\n\nIt's clear on both social media and in real life that girls don't desire short men at all,\n\nand we should just go and die somewhere or something\n\nMy dad doesn't allow me to save up with *my own* money to get a leg-lengthening surgery, what's supposed to be my final hope of redemption\n\nI will do anything to look good, to have the right to exist, and I can't even do that.I just want to die" ]
¿Qué pecado hice en una vida anterior que me hizo nacer un hombre corto?Por qué y cómo no soy capaz de cumplir con su estándar de altura No soy nada que las niñas quieren Está claro en las redes sociales y en la vida real que las niñas no desean hombres cortos en absoluto, y deberíamos simplemente ir y morir en algún lugar o algo Mi padre no me permite ahorrar con * mi propio* dinero para conseguir una cirugía que alarga las piernas, lo que se supone que es mi esperanza final de redención haré cualquier cosa para lucir bien, para tener el derecho a existir, y ni siquiera puedo hacer eso.
Does anyone not want to help themselves? Because I don't...I'm at the point where I don't want to try anymore. I've tried it all, and I've been wanting to die since I was 12 years old (I'm 28/F). Now, I've successfully sabotaged my life so that I lost my job, my boyfriend, I'm pushing my friends/family away. All I want to do is make sure my family doesn't have to deal with too much of the aftermath. I used to want to try. I spent countless years researching all to know about mental health/psychology, the different therapies to treat them, therapy, exercise, hobbies, relationships, creating things....I'm just all out of fight and I feel like that's too pathetic. My boyfriend is leaving me because I don't have the will to live anymore.... I want things to be over so badly.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Does anyone not want to help themselves?Because I don't...I'm at the point where I don't want to try anymore.I've tried it all, and I've been wanting to die since I was 12 years old (I'm 28/F).Now, I've successfully sabotaged my life so that I lost my job, my boyfriend, I'm pushing my friends/family away.All I want to do is make sure my family doesn't have to deal with too much of the aftermath.I used to want to try.I spent countless years researching all to know about mental health/psychology, the different therapies to treat them, therapy, exercise, hobbies, relationships, creating things....I'm just all out of fight and I feel like that's too pathetic.My boyfriend is leaving me because I don't have the will to live anymore....I want things to be over so badly." ]
¿Alguien no quiere ayudarse a sí mismo?Porque no...Estoy en el punto en el que no quiero intentarlo más.Lo he intentado todo, y he estado queriendo morir desde que tenía 12 años (tengo 28/F).Ahora, he saboteado con éxito mi vida para perder mi trabajo, mi novio, estoy alejando a mis amigos/familia.Todo lo que quiero hacer es asegurarme de que mi familia no tenga que lidiar con demasiado de las consecuencias.Solía querer intentarlo.He pasado incontables años investigando todo para saber sobre salud mental/psicología, las diferentes terapias para tratarlas, terapia, ejercicio, hobbies, relaciones, crear cosas...Estoy fuera de combate y siento que eso es demasiado patético.Mi novio me está dejando porque no tengo la voluntad de vivir más...Quiero que las cosas terminen tan mal.
These stupid ads >:( I’m just scrolling through reddit in the dark abyss of my room. Then this bright ass ad slides through and singes my cornea. The ad isn’t even good, they’re just trying to sell me baby yoda underwear. Like I don’t even want it. Well thats the rant. Good night and I bid your eyes good luck.
[ "These stupid ads >:( I’m just scrolling through reddit in the dark abyss of my room.Then this bright ass ad slides through and singes my cornea.The ad isn’t even good, they’re just trying to sell me baby yoda underwear.Like I don’t even want it.Well thats the rant.Good nightand I bid your eyes good luck." ]
Estos anuncios estúpidos >:( Sólo estoy desplazándome a través de reddit en el oscuro abismo de mi habitación.Entonces este anuncio brillante culo se desliza a través y canta mi córnea.El anuncio ni siquiera es bueno, sólo están tratando de venderme ropa interior de bebé yoda.Como si ni siquiera lo quisiera.Bueno, eso es la rabieta.Buenas noches y les deseo buena suerte a sus ojos.
This is the only place I can talk about thisUsing a throwaway account because I need to get this off of my chest but I’m scared of speaking out fully as people I know irl know my reddit account. For the last five years I’ve been slowly growing more and more sad and upset with life due to my own stupid mistakes. I have a loving family and sure we don’t always get along but I love them all to pieces. The stupid mistakes I made haunt me to this day, no one knows about them besides me and the people involved, and that kills me. I have so many passions I want to pursue, like my singing or my art however I’m terrified that if my face gets out there one day I’ll wake up to hear everyone I love knows what I did. I was so so fucking stupid and if I could go back I would have stopped myself. It was only five years ago I found out what I did shouldn’t have happened, that I should have never done it and since then it’s been creeping up on me and eating away at me. I can’t tell anyone about it who I care about and if I went to see a doctor and looked for help, I’d be scared someone would find out, I’m scared I’d break down, I’m scared I’d lose my place in college. I’ve thought about killing myself so many times, I even tired not taking my crohns and colitis medication for a while, hoping this illness would kill me slowly, but kill me none the less, but my mother soon found the full pill boxes and injections. It feels like a huge weight is being dropped on my head. I wasn’t forced to do what I did, I was a stupid child who didn’t know what they were getting into or how bad what they were doing was. I was naive and now it’ll haunt me for the rest of my life, however long that’ll be anyways. Thank you for reading this strangers of Reddit. This is the first and only time I’ll ever get to say these words.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "This is the only place I can talk about thisUsing a throwaway account because I need to get this off of my chest but I’m scared of speaking out fully as people I know irl know my reddit account.For the last five years I’ve been slowly growing more and more sad and upset with life due to my own stupid mistakes.I have a loving family and sure we don’t always get along but I love them all to pieces.The stupid mistakes I made haunt me to this day, no one knows about them besides me and the people involved, and that kills me.I have so many passions I want to pursue, like my singing or my art however I’m terrified that if my face gets out there one day I’ll wake up to hear everyone I love knows what I did.I was so so fucking stupid and if I could go back I would have stopped myself.It was only five years ago I found out what I did shouldn’t have happened, that I should have never done it and since then it’s been creeping up on me and eating away at me.I can’t tell anyone about it who I care about and if I went to see a doctor and looked for help, I’d be scared someone would find out, I’m scared I’d break down, I’m scared I’d lose my place in college.", "I’ve thought about killing myself so many times, I even tired not taking my crohns and colitis medication for a while, hoping this illness would kill me slowly, but kill me none the less, but my mother soon found the full pill boxes and injections.It feels like a huge weight is being dropped on my head.I wasn’t forced to do what I did, I was a stupid child who didn’t know what they were getting into or how bad what they were doing was.I was naive and now it’ll haunt me for the rest of my life, however long that’ll be anyways.Thank you for reading this strangers of Reddit.This is the first and only time I’ll ever get to say these words." ]
Este es el único lugar donde puedo hablar de estoUsar una cuenta de descargo porque necesito sacar esto de mi pecho, pero tengo miedo de hablar plenamente como personas que conozco irl conoce mi cuenta reddit.Durante los últimos cinco años he estado creciendo lentamente más y más triste y molesto con la vida debido a mis propios errores estúpidos.Tengo una familia amorosa y seguro que no siempre nos llevamos bien pero los amo a pedazos.Los estúpidos errores que hice me persiguen hasta este día, nadie sabe acerca de ellos además de mí y la gente involucrada, y eso me mata.Tengo tantas pasiones que quiero seguir, como mi canto o mi arte sin embargo estoy aterrorizado de que si mi cara sale allí un día me despertaré para escuchar a todos los que amo sabe lo que hice.Yo era tan jodidamente estúpido y si podía volver me habría detenido.Fue sólo hace cinco años que me enteré de lo que no debería haber sucedido’, que yo nunca debería haberlo hecho y desde entonces me he estado arrastrando a mí mismo y si podía comer en mí mismo.
If he leaves me, I lose everything.I will have to quit school. Move back in with my parents who do nothing but cut me down. Stop seeing friends regularly. Stop volunteering. Lose everything. Start from scratch. Lose him. I love him so much and – I know the answer is always “you *will* find love again!” – but I won’t. Not this time. You don’t understand how much I love him. My whole life is over if he leaves me tonight. The grief aside, my life will logistically be over and I’ll have to go back to spending all of my time at home alone because I can’t drive and can’t afford to move out of my parents house in the middle of nowhere to somewhere with public transit. I will have to either drop out of school or wake up at 3am every single day and walk an hour in the snow to catch an early bus into the city. And no more of my sweet best friend at home to make the struggle feel worth it. It feels like a truck is sitting on my chest and I can’t focus, can’t study, can’t rest, can’t stop shaking.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "If he leaves me, I lose everything.I will have to quit school.Move back in with my parents who do nothing but cut me down.Stop seeing friends regularly.Stop volunteering.Lose everything.Start from scratch.Lose him.I love him so much and – I know the answer is always “you *will* find love again!”– but I won’t.Not this time.You don’t understand how much I love him.My whole life is over if he leaves me tonight.The grief aside, my life will logistically be over and I’ll have to go back to spending all of my time at home alone because I can’t drive and can’t afford to move out of my parents house in the middle of nowhere to somewhere with public transit.I will have to either drop out of school or wake up at 3am every single day and walk an hour in the snow to catch an early bus into the city.And no more of my sweet best friend at home to make the struggle feel worth it.It feels like a truck is sitting on my chest and I can’t focus, can’t study, can’t rest, can’t stop shaking." ]
Si me deja, lo pierdo todo. Voy a tener que dejar la escuela. Vuelva con mis padres que no hacen nada más que cortarme. Deja de ver amigos con regularidad.Deja de ser voluntario.Pierde todo.Comienza desde cero.Lo quiero tanto y – sé que la respuesta es siempre “tú * encontrarás el amor de nuevo!”– pero no lo haré.No esta vez.No entiendes cuánto lo amo.Toda mi vida ha terminado si él me deja esta noche.El dolor a un lado, mi vida estará logísticamente terminada y tendré que volver a pasar todo mi tiempo en casa solo porque no puedo conducir y no puedo permitirme mudarme de la casa de mis padres en medio de la nada a algún lugar con tránsito público.Tendré que dejar la escuela o despertarme a las 3 de la mañana cada día y caminar una hora en la nieve para coger un autobús temprano a la ciudad.Y no más de mi dulce mejor amigo en casa para hacer que la lucha valga la pena.
MY TEACHER GRADED MY AP CALCULUS TEST AND I GOT A 100! I got a 100 on the MC part on Thursday but then I grinded out a shit ton of problems over the weekend and I did it! My first 100 on an AP Calculus test! LETS GO!
[ "MY TEACHER GRADED MY AP CALCULUS TESTAND I GOT A 100!I got a 100 on the MC part on Thursdaybut then I grinded out a shit ton of problems over the weekend and I did it!My first 100 on an AP Calculus test!LETS GO!" ]
¡Mi profesor gradó mi prueba de AP CALCULUS y conseguí un 100!¡Tengo un 100 en la parte de MC el jueves, pero luego molí una tonelada de mierda de problemas durante el fin de semana y lo hice!¡Mis primeros 100 en una prueba de AP Calculus!
I hate the reddit hivemind If your opinion differs even slightly from the generally leftist points of view on most subs, then you get so, so much hate. Harsh personal insults from people who claim that they are fighting against bullying. The hypocrisy. Calling your opinion "not real" and '"bullshit" while flaunting their own. Keep in mind I said nothing sexist or racist, just appropriately shared my opinion on a sub. I knew it would get hate but how could I know that full grown adults would act so immature and attack someone for having a different opinion. I am not right wing in any way, but I can see how people can turn into bitter far right racists with equally terrible views from this. I hate people who claim to have an open mind but have no room accepting that people with different opinions exist. My comment on r/niceguys may have been unpopular, and I'm not offended by what people say, just shocked that grown adults can be such shitty people hiding behind a screen. I pray to a god, if one exists that I never become as bitter and close-minded as they are. You can check my post history for yourself and see if you think my opinion was worth me being called many names by people almost three times my age. I also inboxed a redditor to explain my point of view but somehow she claimed it was inappropriate and sexual. Like wtf. Anyways, thats my rant, basic " I hate the haters" rant.
[ "I hate the reddit hivemind If your opinion differs even slightly from the generally leftist points of view on most subs, then you get so, so much hate.Harsh personal insults from people who claim that they are fighting against bullying.The hypocrisy.Calling your opinion \"not real\" and '\"bullshit\" while flaunting their own.Keep in mind I said nothing sexist or racist, just appropriately shared my opinion on a sub.I knew it would get hatebut how could I know that full grown adults would act so immature and attack someone for having a different opinion.I am not right wing in any way, but I can see how people can turn into bitter far right racists with equally terrible views from this.I hate people who claim to have an open mind but have no room accepting that people with different opinions exist.My comment on r/niceguys may have been unpopular, and I'm not offended by what people say, just shocked that grown adults can be such shitty people hiding behind a screen.I pray to a god, if one exists that I never become as bitter and close-minded as they are.", "You can check my post history for yourself and see if you think my opinion was worth me being called many names by people almost three times my age.I also inboxed a redditor to explain my point of view but somehow she claimed it was inappropriate and sexual.Like wtf.Anyways, thats my rant, basic \" I hate the haters\" rant." ]
Odio la hivemind reddit Si su opinión difiere incluso ligeramente de los puntos de vista generalmente izquierdistas en la mayoría de los submarinos, entonces usted consigue tan, tanto odio.Insultos personales duros de las personas que afirman que están luchando contra el bullying.The hipocresía.Llamar su opinión "no real" y "golpe" mientras que alardea de su propia.Tenga en cuenta que no dije nada sexista o racista, sólo compartió apropiadamente mi opinión sobre un sub.Sabía que conseguiría odio pero cómo podría saber que adultos adultos adultos completos actuarían tan inmaduros y atacarían a alguien por tener una opinión diferente.No soy derechista de ninguna manera, pero puedo ver cómo la gente puede convertirse en racistas de derecha amarga con opiniones igualmente terribles de esto.Odio a las personas que dicen tener una mente abierta pero no tienen espacio para aceptar que existan personas con diferentes opiniones.Mi comentario sobre r/niceguys puede haber sido impopular, y no me ofenden por lo que dicen las personas adultas pueden estar tan escondidas detrás de una pantalla.
WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED my sister was in her zoom call for her class and someone walked in the teacher’s classroom claiming to be someone else and said that they didn’t take the test that they were supposed to be taking cus he was jacking off in the bathroom?? hybrid really be fucking people up I was in another zoom call but I was in the same room with her like goddamn
[ "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED my sister was in her zoom call for her class and someone walked in the teacher’s classroom claiming to be someone else and said that they didn’t take the test that they were supposed to be taking cus he was jacking off in the bathroom??hybrid really be fucking people up\n\nI was in another zoom callbut I was in the same room with her like goddamn" ]
Lo que el infierno acaba de pasar mi hermana estaba en su llamada zoom para su clase y alguien caminó en el salón de clases de la maestra afirmando ser otra persona y dijo que no tomaron la prueba de que se suponía que estaban tomando cus él se estaba masturbando en el baño??Hybrid realmente estar follando a la gente arriba yo estaba en otra llamada zoom pero yo estaba en la misma habitación con ella como maldito
Does anyone know why people keep talking about August 27th? Where did it come from and why do people think it’s so important? Bruh I hope something special actually does happen Or not maybe something bad will happen
[ "Does anyone know why people keep talking about August 27th?Where did it come from and why do people think it’s so important?Bruh I hope something special actually does happen\n\nOr not maybe something bad will happen" ]
¿Alguien sabe por qué la gente sigue hablando sobre el 27 de agosto?¿De dónde viene y por qué la gente piensa que es tan importante?Bruh Espero que algo especial realmente suceda o tal vez algo malo suceda
Last ditch effortWhen I was a kid I was abused by my biological dad. I've had a speech impediment my entire life that makes me sound mentally ill. No one takes me seriously. When I was in middle school I was relentlessly bullied. On my second year of college I was diagnosed with Luekemia. Unfortunately, it didn't kill me. My mom and dad divorced and it was so ugly. After I dropped out I realized I was trans. Now every day someone says something to me about how I'm a pervert or a freak. People online are so vile. My anxiety has been ruthless since I was a child. I can't hold a job because I get too scared to go in after the 3rd day. I'm 25 years old, don't have a job, can't keep one. I'm fat. I'm bald. I'm trans. I don't have any worth because I can't labor and so I'm just a parasite on my dad and mom. Every job I attempt (dozens) ive failed at. Its so much. When i do work i come home crying, and in the mornings before i go in i get so scared I throw up. But you need money to live and I dont wanna keep being a burden and pathetic I don't know what to do. I've tried dozens of medications. Multiple therapists. I was on disability for a while for the cancer, but it ended now. I'm too anxious to leave the house. I'm too anxious to make phone calls or work or do anything. What options do I even have left besides killing myself? I'm sorry that this is just a bunch of self pity. I just tried to list things
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Last ditcheffortWhen I was a kid I was abused by my biological dad.I've had a speech impediment my entire life that makes me sound mentally ill.No one takes me seriously.When I was in middle school I was relentlessly bullied.On my second year of college I was diagnosed with Luekemia.Unfortunately, it didn't kill me.My mom and dad divorced and it was so ugly.After I dropped out I realized I was trans.Now every day someone says something to me about how I'm a pervert or a freak.People online are so vile.My anxiety has been ruthless since I was a child.I can't hold a job because I get too scared to go in after the 3rd day.I'm 25 years old, don't have a job, can't keep one.I'm fat.I'm bald.I'm trans.I don't have any worth because I can't labor and so I'm just a parasite on my dad and mom.Every job I attempt (dozens) ive failed at.Its so much.When i do work i come home crying, and in the mornings before i go in i get so scared I throw up.But you need money to live and I dont wanna keep being a burden and pathetic\n\nI don't know what to do.I've tried dozens of medications.Multiple therapists.I was on disability for a while for the cancer, but it ended now.", "I'm too anxious to leave the house.I'm too anxious to make phone calls or work or do anything.What options do I even have left besides killing myself?I'm sorry that this is just a bunch of self pity.I just tried to list things" ]
Cuando yo era un niño fui abusado por mi padre biológico.He tenido un impedimento del habla toda mi vida que me hace sonar mentalmente enfermo.Nadie me toma en serio.Cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria me sentí implacablemente intimidado.En mi segundo año de universidad me diagnosticaron Luekemia.Desafortunadamente, no me mató.Mi mamá y mi papá se divorciaron y fue tan feo.Después de abandonar la escuela me di cuenta de que era trans.Ahora alguien me dice algo sobre cómo soy un pervertido o un fenómeno.La gente en línea es tan vil.Mi ansiedad ha sido cruel desde que era un niño.No puedo tener un trabajo porque me da mucho miedo ir después del tercer día.Tengo 25 años, no tengo un trabajo, no puedo tener uno.Soy gordo.Soy calvo.Soy trans.No tengo mucho trabajo porque tengo mucho miedo de ir después del tercer día.
I just want to stop being in so much pain. Please, I need some help and someone to vent to.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just want to stop being in so much pain.Please, I need some help and someone to vent to." ]
Sólo quiero dejar de sentir tanto dolor.Por favor, necesito ayuda y alguien a quien desahogarme.
Should I leave a note?I am a 20 year old female. My parents decided that it was a good idea to have a baby with someone they met at AA and subsequently divorced when I was 4. I've been in therapy since I was 8. My first psychiatric inpatient admission was when I was 16 but once I graduated high school, everything went downhill. I've tried university but it's so lonely. I'm supposed to be in my 4th year but I barely have enough credits for a single year. I was in the gifted program so all of my high school friends are out there achieving great things and I'm just here binging and purging. Since I've turned 18, I've spent aprox. 10 months, mostly of a form(involuntary), in a psych ward. I've tried ECT twice and I'm only 20. I'm scared that it gave me brain damage because my memory is still fucked. I've tried about 20 different medications. Well, I see a social worker, psychiatrist, and a therapist weekly. I'm on disability. Would it really be that much of a surprise to my loved ones? It'd be selfish of them to want me to continue to live this way. I'm diagnosed with Bipolar II, BPD and Bulimia Nervosa. I am just a failure and a burden. There is nothing to look forward to except misery. My friends leave me. My mother just complains about how much money I cost her. Everyone is going to die and I have such trust/abandonment issues that I cannot trust my bf not to cheat on me. I can't tell my psychiatrist that I got the pharmacy to refill that bottle of pills security wrestled from me because he will just put me back on a psych ward. I just want to die. There is no hope at all. I don't want to wait until I'm 30 and just be in a worse position. There's no god because a god wouldn't let someone live in such agony. What have I done to deserve this? I try to go to school and smile but it just feels like I am attempting to evade my destiny. Besides a living will that will say to take me off life support if heavily brain damaged, is there much point in leaving a note at this point? It's pretty much expected at this point. Thank you for reading. Please no "you're only 20" posts. Please.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Should I leave a note?I am a 20 year old female.My parents decided that it was a good idea to have a baby with someone they met at AA and subsequently divorced when I was 4.I've been in therapy since I was 8.My first psychiatric inpatient admission was when I was 16 but once I graduated high school, everything went downhill.I've tried universitybut it's so lonely.I'm supposed to be in my 4th yearbut I barely have enough credits for a single year.I was in the gifted program so all of my high school friends are out there achieving great things and I'm just here binging and purging.Since I've turned 18, I've spent aprox.10 months, mostly of a form(involuntary), in a psych ward.I've tried ECT twiceand I'm only 20.I'm scared that it gave me brain damage because my memory is still fucked.I've tried about 20 different medications.Well, I see a social worker, psychiatrist, and a therapist weekly.I'm on disability.Would it really be that much of a surprise to my loved ones?It'd be selfish of them to want me to continue to live this way.I'm diagnosed with Bipolar II, BPD and Bulimia Nervosa.I am just a failure and a burden.There is nothing to look forward to except misery.", "My friends leave me.My mother just complains about how much money I cost her.Everyone is going to die and I have such trust/abandonment issues that I cannot trust my bf not to cheat on me.I can't tell my psychiatrist that I got the pharmacy to refill that bottle of pills security wrestled from me because he will just put me back on a psych ward.I just want to die.There is no hope at all.I don't want to wait until I'm 30 and just be in a worse position.There's no god because a god wouldn't let someone live in such agony.What have I done to deserve this?I try to go to school and smile but it just feels like I am attempting to evade my destiny.Besides a living will that will say to take me off life support if heavily brain damaged, is there much point in leaving a note at this point?It's pretty much expected at this point.Thank you for reading.Please no \"you're only 20\" posts.Please." ]
¿Debo dejar una nota?Soy una mujer de 20 años.Mis padres decidieron que era una buena idea tener un bebé con alguien que conocieron en AA y posteriormente divorciada cuando tenía 4.He estado en terapia desde que tenía 8.Mi primera internación psiquiátrica fue cuando tenía 16 años, pero una vez que me gradué de la escuela secundaria, todo fue cuesta abajo.He probado la universidad pero es tan solitario.Se supone que estoy en mi cuarto año, pero apenas tengo suficientes créditos para un solo año.Yo estaba en el programa dotado por lo que todos mis amigos de la escuela secundaria están por ahí logrando grandes cosas y estoy aquí abucheando y purgando.Desde que he cumplido 18 años, he pasado aproximadamente 10 meses, en su mayoría de una forma (involuntariamente), en una sala de psiquiatría.He probado ECT dos veces y sólo tengo 20 años.Tengo miedo de que me dañe el cerebro porque mi memoria todavía está jodida.He probado unos 20 medicamentos diferentes.Bueno, veo a un trabajador social, psiquiatra y un semanario.
The days just keep comingAnother day another struggle.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The days just keep comingAnother day another struggle." ]
Los días siguen llegandoOtro día otra lucha.
Can't think clearly anymoreI've just lost my grandfather only a week after another family member suddenly passed as well. I've had suicidal thoughts for the longest time yet haven't talked to anyone about it because I could lose my job. Every day I try to look positively at everything but I don't know how much longer I can put up the act. I'm sick of hurting people and sick of all of my lies.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Can't think clearly anymoreI've just lost my grandfather only a week after another family member suddenly passed as well.I've had suicidal thoughts for the longest time yet haven't talked to anyone about it because I could lose my job.Every day I try to look positively at everythingbut I don't know how much longer I can put up the act.I'm sick of hurting people and sick of all of my lies." ]
No puedo pensar con claridad que acabo de perder a mi abuelo sólo una semana después de que otro miembro de la familia de repente falleció también.He tenido pensamientos suicidas durante mucho tiempo, pero no he hablado con nadie al respecto porque podría perder mi trabajo.Cada día trato de mirar positivamente a todo, pero no sé cuánto tiempo más puedo hacer el acto.Estoy harto de lastimar a la gente y harto de todas mis mentiras.
Bruh what is boris gonna do for kids and grandparents with Christmas Feel like Boris should shut the schools 2 weeks before Christmas break to reduce the risk so kids can meet up with their family like normal without worrying about the virus
[ "Bruh what is boris gonna do for kids and grandparents with Christmas Feel like Boris should shut the schools 2 weeks before Christmas break to reduce the risk so kids can meet up with their family like normal without worrying about the virus" ]
Bruh lo que hará Boris por los niños y abuelos con Navidad Siente como Boris debería cerrar las escuelas 2 semanas antes de las vacaciones de Navidad para reducir el riesgo de que los niños puedan reunirse con su familia como de costumbre sin preocuparse por el virus
I'm just doneI have vaginismus and I lost faith in friendship. I don't care about life anymore. I would like to die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm just doneI have vaginismusand I lost faith in friendship.I don't care about life anymore.I would like to die" ]
Acabo de terminarTengo vaginismo y perdí la fe en la amistad.Ya no me importa la vida.Me gustaría morir.
My crush just asked me out. Then she told me it was a joke. Guys, please don’t do this. It’s cruel and unnecessary. It’s okay if you don’t like someone that likes you, but don’t play with their emotions. Please. F
[ "My crush just asked me out.Then she told me it was a joke.Guys, please don’t do this.It’s cruel and unnecessary.It’s okay if you don’t like someone that likes you, but don’t play with their emotions.Please.F" ]
Mi amor me acaba de invitar a salir.Entonces me dijo que era una broma.Chicos, por favor no lo hagan.Es cruel e innecesario.Está bien si no les gusta alguien que le guste, pero no jueguen con sus emociones.Por favor.F
dinosaurs and dragons are very cool we need more of them. society has progressed past the need of an actual plot to a story. i just want a story about dragoms and dinosaurs hanging out with each other and having a grand time.
[ "dinosaurs and dragons are very cool we need more of them.society has progressed past the need of an actual plot to a story.i just want a story about dragoms and dinosaurs hanging out with each other and having a grand time." ]
Los dinosaurios y los dragones son muy cool que necesitamos más de ellos.La sociedad ha progresado más allá de la necesidad de una trama real a una historia.Yo sólo quiero una historia sobre los dragoms y los dinosaurios pasando el rato con el otro y teniendo un gran tiempo.
I have 27 pages of sheet music So I auditioned as a singer for this music school, and I got in, we are doing a Christmas performance and we’ve been given our sheet music. I can’t read sheet music so I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know who I’m meant to ask for help from and I’m panicking.
[ "I have 27 pages of sheet music So I auditioned as a singer for this music school, and I got in, we are doing a Christmas performance and we’ve been given our sheet music.I can’t read sheet music so I don’t know what I’m doing.I don’t know who I’m meant to ask for help from and I’m panicking." ]
Tengo 27 páginas de partituras Así que audicioné como cantante para esta escuela de música, y entré, estamos haciendo una actuación de Navidad y nos han dado nuestra partitura. No puedo leer partituras así que no sé lo que estoy haciendo. No sé a quién estoy destinado a pedir ayuda y estoy en pánico.
I've been suicidal for 15 years, why am I still alive?I'm turning 26 next month. I've been suicidal since I was 11. More than half of my life. Looking at the math, I feel like a fraud. I feel like I should have killed myself already. Survivor's guilt maybe? Why haven't I done it yet? Hope or cowardice?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I've been suicidal for 15 years, why am I still alive?I'm turning 26 next month.I've been suicidal since I was 11.More than half of my life.Looking at the math, I feel like a fraud.I feel like I should have killed myself already.Survivor's guilt maybe?Why haven't I done it yet?Hope or cowardice?" ]
He sido suicida durante 15 años, ¿por qué sigo vivo?Cumplo 26 el mes que viene.He sido suicida desde que tenía 11 años.Más de la mitad de mi vida.Mirando las matemáticas, me siento como un fraude.Siento que ya debería haberme suicidado.La culpa de Survivor tal vez.¿Por qué no lo he hecho todavía?¿Esperanza o cobardía?
Help..? IdkI've been thinking about this since my first attempt. Which was years ago. My life is just so insignificant, and everything I do I don't like. I just want to end it. I know no one really cares. My mom has even threatened to put me in the hospital (said when I did my second attempt) if I cut or tried again and I have told no one because I'm scared. Maybe it will be better if I was gone. I know no one cares, but i want to live, but this world is so hard and so scary. Always thinking about what is wrong with everyone and everything. I'm only posting this because I feel somewhat safe. Yannow, being anoymus and all. Im always suffering, even when I'm laying around doing what I want, I guess I just want someone to care? I don't know what u want anymore. I have a therapist but I'm scared to tell her about some stuff. Being scared of people, basically everything. It's so tiring. I'm always tired. Another thing that bothers me is that I'll always be alone. Even when with people. It's a suffocating feeling, all the time. If I do do it,and succeed, I want my parents to take better care of the cats, like I do and I want j and c to each have half of my kpop belongings. (sorry I sound like a 5 year old) I want my brother to keep going and act like nothing happened, I know he's always wanted to be an only child. I just want to give up. This is so hard to type out. But I need to get this off my chest. I hope no one I know will find this and confront me. If you do know me, don't say anything, thank you.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Help..?IdkI've been thinking about this since my first attempt.Which was years ago.My life is just so insignificant, and everything I do I don't like.I just want to end it.I know no one really cares.My mom has even threatened to put me in the hospital (said when I did my second attempt) if I cut or tried again and I have told no one because I'm scared.Maybe it will be better if I was gone.I know no one cares, but i want to live, but this world is so hard and so scary.Always thinking about what is wrong with everyone and everything.I'm only posting this because I feel somewhat safe.Yannow, being anoymus and all.Im always suffering, even when I'm laying around doing what I want, I guess I just want someone to care?I don't know what u want anymore.I have a therapistbut I'm scared to tell her about some stuff.Being scared of people, basically everything.It's so tiring.I'm always tired.Another thing that bothers me is that I'll always be alone.Even when with people.It's a suffocating feeling, all the time.If I do do it,and succeed, I want my parents to take better care of the cats, like I doand I want j and c to each have half of my kpop belongings.(sorry I sound like a 5 year old)", "I want my brother to keep going and act like nothing happened, I know he's always wanted to be an only child.I just want to give up.This is so hard to type out.But I need to get this off my chest.I hope no one I know will find this and confront me.If you do know me, don't say anything, thank you." ]
IdkHe estado pensando en esto desde mi primer intento.Que fue hace años.Mi vida es tan insignificante, y todo lo que hago no me gusta.Yo sólo quiero terminarlo.Sé que a nadie realmente le importa.Mi mamá incluso ha amenazado con meterme en el hospital (dicho cuando hice mi segundo intento) si corte o lo intenté de nuevo y no se lo he dicho a nadie porque estoy asustado.Tal vez sea mejor si me fui.Sé que a nadie le importa, pero quiero vivir, pero este mundo es tan duro y tan aterrador.Siempre pensando en lo que está mal con todos y todo.Solo estoy publicando esto porque me siento un poco seguro.Ahora, siendo anoymus y todo.Siempre estoy sufriendo, incluso cuando estoy tirado haciendo lo que quiero, supongo que solo quiero que a alguien le importe?No sé lo que quieres más.Tengo un terapeuta pero tengo miedo de decirle algunas cosas.
We just broke Wall Street, and I know what we should do next We should find a small youtuber, maybe 1,000 subs, and we should all subscribe to him at the same time. I know, I’m kind of a genius
[ "We just broke Wall Street, and I know what we should do nextWe should find a small youtuber, maybe 1,000 subs, and we should all subscribe to him at the same time.I know, I’m kind of a genius" ]
Acabamos de romper Wall Street, y sé lo que deberíamos hacer a continuación.Deberíamos encontrar un pequeño youtuber, tal vez 1.000 submarinos, y todos deberíamos suscribirnos a él al mismo tiempo.
What the heck is blue balls? I’d look it up but I think I’d like my answers a lot more if they were from weird an horny teenagers :)
[ "What the heck is blue balls?I’d look it upbut I think I’d like my answers a lot more if they were from weird an horny teenagers :)" ]
¿Qué diablos son las bolas azules?Lo buscaría pero creo que me gustarían mis respuestas mucho más si fueran de un adolescente raro y caliente :)
is this normal?? is it normal for me to hang out in comment sections and look at profiles and be like "wow i wish i could talk to them bc they look really cool" but not act upon it at all?
[ "is this normal??is it normal for me to hang out in comment sections and look at profiles and be like \"wow i wish i could talk to them bc they look really cool\" but not act upon it at all?" ]
¿Es esto normal?? ¿es normal para mí pasar el rato en secciones de comentarios y mirar los perfiles y ser como "wow me gustaría poder hablar con ellos bc se ven muy bien" pero no actuar en consecuencia en absoluto?
Hey guys, Hey guys, I'm sad, and I need to find stuff to do to stop thinking about things, so give me ideas of stuff to do and I'll do them :)
[ "Hey guys, Hey guys, I'm sad, and I need to find stuff to do to stop thinking about things, so give me ideas of stuff to do and I'll do them :)" ]
Hey chicos, hey chicos, estoy triste, y necesito encontrar cosas que hacer para dejar de pensar en las cosas, así que dame ideas de cosas que hacer y las haré :)
I'm just so tiredCurrently in college, and doing terrible. Girl I was falling for decided to leave me last week and stop talking to me. I'm just so tired, I've had so many sleepless nights, and I've been depressed for so long, I'm just ready to end it, and get the sleep I deserve.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm just so tiredCurrently in college, and doing terrible.Girl I was falling for decided to leave me last week and stop talking to me.I'm just so tired, I've had so many sleepless nights, and I've been depressed for so long, I'm just ready to end it, and get the sleep I deserve." ]
Estoy tan cansadaActualmente en la universidad, y haciendo cosas terribles.Chica por la que me estaba enamorando decidió dejarme la semana pasada y dejar de hablar conmigo.Estoy tan cansada, he tenido tantas noches sin dormir, y he estado deprimida por tanto tiempo, solo estoy lista para terminarla, y conseguir el sueño que merezco.
You Wanna Get More Karma?? No you'll not get it.
[ "You Wanna Get More Karma??No you'll not get it." ]
¿Quieres obtener más Karma??No lo conseguirás.
My life is falling apartHi all, This is my first and maybe last post on here. I’ve had a pretty easy life. I went to good schools. I have wealthy parents who always loved and supported me and pushed me to do the best in life. I have a girlfriend of 2 years who I love so much. I worked in Canary Wharf ( UK Version of Wall Street ) as a foreign exchange broker for over a year and I was pretty good at it. I left that job a few days after I turned 21 to start my own brokerage. I have a group of friends who are always there for each other, my friends are my second family. We always have each other’s backs. My life should be perfect ya know. Middle class white boy with his entire life in front of him. Then it changed. A few months ago I was involved in a car accident with a cyclist. I was driving home from my girlfriends on Mother’s Day and just didn’t see them. I missed the first one somehow but hit the front cyclist. They died a week later in hospital. In a few weeks, after the police have concluded their investigation I am going to charged with Death by Dangerous Driving. It carries a minimum of 2 years in prison and a lengthy driving ban. Due to coronavirus the firm helping me setup my own brokerage has folded, I lost all the money I had already invested into my firm from website design and the such, which was pretty much everything I had. My girlfriend is leaving me due to the fact I’m going to prison for 2+ years. She’s also leaving me for a guy she works with, turns out they’ve been having an affair since early December... and he sexually assaulted her. Apparently I’m just that bad of a boyfriend she wants to leave me for someone who sexually assaulted her. Most of my friends no longer talk to me due to the accident and the stress of the entire situation is putting a huge strain on my dads already very weak heart. My mum cries most morning and nights over it. I’ve always felt like I was a burden on people my entire life. I feel like I’ve let people down my entire life. I wish I could be someone different. My brother for example. He is a national swimmer, he has a masters degree in motorsport engineering and is currently an assistant lecturer. He has a house he rents with his friend in Coventry. My parents were always so proud of him. Although I said earlier that my parents loved me and supported me they have never been proud of me. They found out I smoked in year 9, I was never part of a sports team in school, I wasn’t popular. They felt I wasted my potential playing video games and going out with the few friends I had. So basically I’ve decided to end it. My entire life I’ve let people down, disappointed people and now everything is falling apart around me. I’ve lost my friends, my girlfriend, my company and soon I’m going to lose my freedom. I had everything and now I have nothing. I used to be sure of everything and where I wanted to go in life, I wanted to bring my friends and family and girlfriend along with me. Now it’s just me. Alone in the dark, lying in bed at 1:42am on a Tuesday morning. I’m not sure when I’ll go through with it, maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks or maybe when I’m in prison. So long reddit.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My life is falling apartHi all,\n\nThis is my first and maybe last post on here.I’ve had a pretty easy life.I went to good schools.I have wealthy parents who always loved and supported me and pushed me to do the best in life.I have a girlfriend of 2 years who I love so much.I worked in Canary Wharf ( UK Version of Wall Street ) as a foreign exchange broker for over a year and I was pretty good at it.I left that job a few days after I turned 21 to start my own brokerage.I have a group of friends who are always there for each other, my friends are my second family.We always have each other’s backs.My life should be perfect ya know.Middle class white boy with his entire life in front of him.Then it changed.A few months ago I was involved in a car accident with a cyclist.I was driving home from my girlfriends on Mother’s Day and just didn’t see them.I missed the first one somehow but hit the front cyclist.They died a week later in hospital.In a few weeks, after the police have concluded their investigation I am going to charged with Death by Dangerous Driving.It carries a minimum of 2 years in prison and a lengthy driving ban.", "Due to coronavirus the firm helping me setup my own brokerage has folded, I lost all the money I had already invested into my firm from website design and the such, which was pretty much everything I had.My girlfriend is leaving me due to the fact I’m going to prison for 2+ years.She’s also leaving me for a guy she works with, turns out they’ve been having an affair since early December... and he sexually assaulted her.Apparently I’m just that bad of a boyfriend she wants to leave me for someone who sexually assaulted her.Most of my friends no longer talk to me due to the accident and the stress of the entire situation is putting a huge strain on my dads already very weak heart.My mum cries most morning and nights over it.I’ve always felt like I was a burden on people my entire life.I feel like I’ve let people down my entire life.I wish I could be someone different.My brother for example.He is a national swimmer, he has a masters degree in motorsport engineering and is currently an assistant lecturer.He has a house he rents with his friend in Coventry.My parents were always so proud of him.", "Although I said earlier that my parents loved me and supported me they have never been proud of me.They found out I smoked in year 9, I was never part of a sports team in school, I wasn’t popular.They felt I wasted my potential playing video games and going out with the few friends I had.So basically I’ve decided to end it.My entire life I’ve let people down, disappointed people and now everything is falling apart around me.I’ve lost my friends, my girlfriend, my company and soon I’m going to lose my freedom.I had everything and now I have nothing.I used to be sure of everything and where I wanted to go in life, I wanted to bring my friends and family and girlfriend along with me.Now it’s just me.Alone in the dark, lying in bed at 1:42am on a Tuesday morning.I’m not sure when I’ll go through with it, maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks or maybe when I’m in prison.So long reddit." ]
Mi vida se está desmoronandoHola a todos, Este es mi primer y tal vez último post aquí.He tenido una vida bastante fácil.He ido a buenas escuelas.Tengo padres ricos que siempre me amaron y me apoyaron y me empujaron a hacer lo mejor en la vida.Tengo una novia de 2 años que tanto amo.He trabajado en Canary Wharf (UK Version of Wall Street) como un corredor de divisas durante más de un año y fui bastante bueno en ello.Me fui de ese trabajo unos días después de cumplir 21 años para iniciar mi propia correduría.Tengo un grupo de amigos que siempre están ahí el uno para el otro, mis amigos son mi segunda familia.Siempre tenemos la espalda del otro.Mi vida debe ser perfecta ya saben.Mi clase media niño blanco con toda su vida delante de él.Luego cambió.Hace unos meses estuve involucrado en un accidente de coche con un ciclista.Estaba conduciendo a casa de mis novias en el Día de la Madre y simplemente no los vi conducir.
when you want to date people because women are kinda hot ngl but you also are worried about leaving your friend behind because you love your friends and know that hes insecure about being replaced by people and obviously you dont want to replace her and youre worried youd end up spending less and less time with her and eventually drift apart, which in itself is one of your biggest fears, so instead of doing anything you just cry because you dont know what else to do !!! ​ edit: also you dont even know if you feel romantic attraction at all and you just need an excuse to spend time with people because you have a crippling fear of being alone!!!!!
[ "when you want to date people because women are kinda hot nglbut you also are worried about leaving your friend behind because you love your friends and know that hes insecure about being replaced by people and obviously you dont want to replace herand youre worried youd end up spending less and less time with her and eventually drift apart, which in itself is one of your biggest fears, so instead of doing anything you just cry because you dont know what else to do !!!​\n\nedit: also you dont even know if you feel romantic attraction at all and you just need an excuse to spend time with people because you have a crippling fear of being alone!!!!!" ]
Cuando quieres salir con gente porque las mujeres son un poco calientes nglbut también te preocupa dejar a tu amigo atrás porque amas a tus amigos y saber que él es inseguro sobre ser reemplazado por la gente y, obviamente, no quieres reemplazarla y te preocupa que termines pasando menos y menos tiempo con ella y eventualmente a la deriva aparte, que en sí mismo es uno de tus mayores miedos, así que en lugar de hacer cualquier cosa que simplemente lloras porque no sabes qué más hacer !!! & #x200B; editar: también ni siquiera sabes si sientes atracción romántica en absoluto y sólo necesitas una excusa para pasar tiempo con la gente porque tienes un miedo paralizante de estar solo!!!!!
the song kiss you by one direction is the best song ever created no i dont take constructive criticism
[ "the song kiss you by one direction is the best song ever createdno i dont take constructive criticism" ]
la canción te besa por una dirección es la mejor canción jamás creada no tomo crítica constructiva