[ "The position of women in the Hebrew commonwealth contrasts favorably with that which in the present day is assigned to them generally in eastern countries. The most salient point of contrast in the usages of ancient as compared with modern Oriental society was the large amount of liberty enjoyed by women. Instead of being immured in a harem, or appearing in public with the face covered. The wives and maidens of ancient times mingled freely and openly with the other sex in the duties and amenities of ordinary life. Rebekah travelled on a camel with her face unveiled until she came into the presence of her affianced. (Genesis 24:64,65) Jacob saluted Rachel with a kiss in the presence of the shepherds. (Genesis 29:11) Women played no inconsiderable part in public celebrations (Exodus 15:20,21; Judges 11:34) The odes of Deborah, Judg 5, and of Hannah, (1 Samuel 2:1) etc., exhibit a degree of intellectual cultivation which is in itself a proof of the position of the sex in that period. Women also occasionally held public office, particularly that of prophetess or inspired teacher. (Exodus 15:20; Judges 4:4; 2 Kings 22:14; Nehemiah 6:14; Luke 2:36) The management of household affairs devolved mainly on the women. The value of a virtuous and active housewife forms a frequent topic in the book of Proverbs. ch. (Proverbs 11:16; 12:4; 14:1; 31:10) etc. Her influence was of course proportionably great." ]
[ "[[1306]Games]" ]
[ "[[1307]Jubilee, The Year Of, YEAR OF]" ]
Year Of Jubilee
[ "[[1308]Sabbatical Year YEAR]" ]
Year, Sabbatical
[ "(migratory), a Horite chief, son of Ezer the son of Seir. (Genesis 36:27; 1 Chronicles 1:42)" ]
Zaavan, Or Zavan
[ "an Arab tribe who were attacked and spoiled by Jonathan, on his way back to Damascus from his fruitless pursuit of the army of Demetrius. 1 Macc. 12:31. Their name probably survives in the village of Zebdany, about 26 miles from Damascus." ]
[ "a Simeonite, of the family of Mishma. (1 Chronicles 4:26)" ]
[ "a wooded eminence in the immediate neighborhood of Shechem. (Judges 9:48) The name of Dalmanutha has been supposed to be a corruption of that of Zalmon." ]
Zalmon, Mount
[ "(Deuteronomy 2:20) only, the Ammonite name for the people who by others were called Rephaim. They are described as having originally been a powerful and numerous nation of giants. From a slight similarity between the two names, and from the mention of the Emim in connection with each, it is conjectured that the Zamzummim are identical with the Zuzim." ]
[ "a name given by Pharaoh to Joseph. (Genesis 41:45) The rabbins interpreted Zaphnath-paaneah as Hebrew in the sense revealer of a secret . As the name must have been Egyptian, it has been explained from the Coptic as meaning the preserver of the age." ]
[ "(north), a place mentioned in the enumeration of the allotment of the tribe of Gad. (Joshua 13:27)" ]
[ "the son of Judah. (Matthew 1:3)" ]
Zara, Or Zarah
[ "the son of Judah. (Genesis 38:30; 48:12)" ]
Zarah, Or Zerah
[ "the inhabitants of Zareah or Zorah. (1 Chronicles 2:53)" ]
Zareathites, The
[ "[[1314]Zered]" ]
Zared, The Valley Of
[ "(Joshua 3:16)" ]
Zaretan, Or Zarthan
[ "(splendor of the dawn), a place mentioned only in (Joshua 13:19) in the catalogue of the towns allotted to Reuben." ]
[ "a branch of the tribe of Judah, descended from Zerah the son of Judah. (Numbers 26:13,20; Joshua 7:17; 1 Chronicles 27:11,15)" ]
Zarhites, The
[ "(1 Kings 4:12) [[1316]Zaretan, Or Zarthan, [1317]Zarthan]" ]
[ "(1 Chronicles 1:42) [[1318]Zaavan, Or Zavan]" ]
[ "the members of the tribe of Zebulun. (Numbers 26:27) only." ]
Zebulunites, The
[ "The book of Zechariah, in its existing form, consists of three principal parts, vis. chs. 1-8; chs. 9-11; chs. 12-14.", "+ The first of these divisions is allowed by the critics to be the genuine work of Zechariah the son of Iddo. It consists, first, of a short introduction or preface in which the prophet announces his commission; then of a series of visions, descriptive of all those hopes and anticipations of which the building of the temple was the pledge and sure foundation and finally of a discourse, delivered two years later, in reply to questions respecting the observance of certain established fasts. + The remainder of the book consists of two sections of about equal length, chs. 9-11 and 12-14, each of which has an inscription. (1) In the first section he threatens Damascus and the seacoast of Palestine with misfortune, but declares that Jerusalem shall be protected. (2) The second section is entitled \"The burden of the word of Jehovah for Israel.\" But Israel is here used of the nation at large, not of Israel as distinct from Judah. Indeed the prophecy which follows concerns Judah and Jerusalem, in this the prophet beholds the near approach of troublous times, when Jerusalem should be hard pressed by enemies. But in that day Jehovah shall come to save them an all the nations which gather themselves against Jerusalem shall be destroyed. Many modern critics maintain that the later chapters, from the ninth to the fourteenth, were written by some other prophet, who lived before the exile. The prophecy closes with a grand and stirring picture. All nations are gathered together against Jerusalem, and seem already sure of their prey. Half of their cruel work has been accomplished, when Jehovah himself appears on behalf of his people. He goes forth to war against the adversaries of his people. He establishes his kingdom over all the earth. All nations that are still left shall come up to Jerusalem, as the great centre of religious worship, and the city; from that day forward shall be a holy city. Such is, briefly, an outline of the second portion of that book which is commonly known as the Prophecy of Zechariah. Integrity . -Mede was the first to call this in question. The probability that the later chapters, from the ninth to the fourteenth, were by some other prophet seems first to have been suggested to him by the citation in St. Matthew. He rests his opinion partly on the authority of St. Matthew and partly-on the contents of the later chapters, which he considers require a date earlier than the exile. Archbishop Newcombe went further. He insisted on the great dissimilarity of style as well as subject between the earlier and later chapters and he was the first who advocated the theory that the last six chapters of Zechariah are the work of two distinct prophets." ]
Zechariah, The Book Of
[ "(fissure), an Ammonite, one of David's guard. (2 Samuel 23:37; 1 Chronicles 11:39)" ]
[ "one of the Hamite tribes who in the genealogical table of (Genesis 10:18) and 1Chr 1:16 Are represented as \"sons of Canaan.\" Nothing is certainly known of this ancient tribe. The old interpreters place them at Emessa, the modern Hums ." ]
Zemarite, The
[ "(1 Chronicles 1:36) [[1326]Zepho]" ]
[ "(watch), the son of Gad, (Numbers 26:15) and ancestor of the family of the Zephonites. Called [1328]Ziphion In (Genesis 46:16) (B.C. 1706.)" ]
[ "(built), one of the sons of Jeduthun in the reign of David. (1 Chronicles 25:3) (B.C. 1043.)" ]
[ "(Genesis 10:15,19; Joshua 11:8; 19:28; Judges 1:31; 18:28; Isaiah 23:2,4,12; Jeremiah 25:22; 27:3; Ezekiel 28:21,22; Joel 3:4) (Joel 4:4); Zech 9:2; Matt 11:21,22; 15:21; Mark 3:8; 1:24,31; Luke 6:17; 10:13,14 An ancient and wealthy city of Phoenicia, on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, less than twenty English miles to the north of Tyre. Its Hebrew name, Tsidon, signifies fishing or fishery . Its modern name is Saida . It is situated in the narrow plain between the Lebanon and the sea. From a biblical point of view this city is inferior in interest to its neighbor Tyre; though in early times Sidon was the more influential of the two cities. This view is confirmed by Zidonians being used as the generic name of Phoenicians or Canaanites. (Joshua 13:6; Judges 18:7) From the time of Solomon to the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar Zidon is not often directly mentioned in the Bible, and it appears to have been subordinate to Tyre. When the people called \"Zidonians\" are mentioned, it sometimes seems that the Phoenicians of the plain of Zidon are meant. (1 Kings 5:6; 11:1,5,33; 16:31; 2 Kings 23:13) All that is known are respecting the city is very scanty, amounting to scarcely more than that one of its sources of gain was trade in slaves, in which the inhabitants did not shrink from selling inhabitants of Palestine and that it was governed by kings. (Jeremiah 25:22; 27:3) During the Persian domination Zidon seems to have attained its highest point of prosperity; and it is recorded that, toward the close of that period, it far excelled all other Phoenician cities in wealth and importance. Its prosperity was suddenly cut short by an unsuccessful revolt against Persia, which ended in the destruction of the town, B.C. 351. Its king, Tennes had proved a traitor and betrayed the city to Ochus, king of the Persians; the Persian troops were admitted within the gates, and occupied the city walls. The Zidonians, before the arrival of Ochus, had burnt their vessels to prevent any one's leaving the town; and when they saw themselves surrounded by the Persian troops, they adopted the desperate resolution of shutting themselves up with their families, and setting fire each man to his own house. Forty thousand persons are said to have perished in the flames. Zidon however, gradually recovered from the blow, and became again a flourishing town. It is about fifty miles distant from Nazareth, and is the most northern city which is mentioned in connection with Christ's journeys. (The town Saida still shows signs of its former wealth, and its houses are better constructed and more solid than those of Tyre, many of them being built of stone; but it is a poor, miserable place, without trade or manufactures worthy of the name. The city that once divided with Tyre the empire of the seas is now almost without a vessel. Silk and fruit are its staple products. Its population is estimated at 10,000, 7000 of whom are Moslems, and the rest Catholics, Maronites and Protestants.--McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia. There is a flourishing Protestant mission here.--ED.)" ]
Zidon, Or Sidon
[ "the inhabitants of Zidon. They were among the nations of Canaan; left to give the Israelites practice in the art of war, (Judges 3:3) and colonies of them appear to have spread up into the hill country from Lebanon to Misrephothmaim, (Joshua 13:4,6) whence in later times they hewed cedar trees for David and Solomon. (1 Chronicles 22:4) They oppressed the Israelites on their first entrance into the country, (Judges 10:12) and appear to have lived a luxurious, reckless life. (Judges 18:7) They were skillful in hewing timber, (1 Kings 5:8) and were employed for this purpose by Solomon. They were idolaters, and worshipped Ashtoreth as their tutelary goddess, (1 Kings 11:5,33; 2 Kings 23:13) as well as the sun-god Baal from whom their king was named. (1 Kings 16:31)" ]
[ "the inhabitants of [1345]Ziph, 2. In this form the name is found in the Authorized Version only in the title of (Psalms 54:1) In the narrative it occurs in the more usual form of ZIPHITES. (1 Samuel 23:19; 26:1)" ]
Ziphim, The
[ "son of Gad (Genesis 46:18) elsewhere called Zephon." ]
[ "(fragrance), appoint in the north boundary of the promised land as specified by Moses. (Numbers 34:9)" ]
[ "daughter of Reuel or Jethro, the priest of Midian, wife of Moses and mother of his two sons Gershom and Eliezer. (Exodus 2:21; 4:25; 18:2) comp. Exod 18:6 (B.C. 1530.) The only incident recorded in her life is that of the circumcision of Gershom. (Exodus 4:24-28)" ]
Zipporah, Or Zipporah
[ "(station), the name of a portion of Syria which formed a separate kingdom in the time of the Jewish monarchs Saul, David and Solomon. It probably was eastward of Coele-Syria, and extended thence northeast and east toward, if not even to, the Euphrates. We first hear of Zobah in the time of Saul, when we find it mentioned as a separate country, governed apparently by a number of kings who owned no common head or chief. (1 Samuel 14:47) Some forty years later than this we find Zobah under a single ruler Hadadezer son of Rehob. He had wars with Toi king of Hamath, (2 Samuel 8:10) and held various petty Syrian princes as vassals under his yoke. (2 Samuel 10:19) David, (2 Samuel 8:3) attacked Hadadezer in the early part of his reign, defeated his army, and took from him a thousand chariots, seven hundred (seven thousand,) (1 Chronicles 18:4) horsemen and 20,000 footmen. Hadadezer's allies, the Syrians of Damascus, were defeated in a great battle. The wealth of Zobah is very apparent in the narrative of this campaign. A man of Zobah, Rezon son of Eliadah, made himself master of Damascus where he proved a fierce adversary to Israel all through the reign of Solomon. (1 Kings 11:23-25) Solomon also was, it would seem engaged in a war with Zobah itself. (2 Chronicles 8:3) This is the last that we hear of Zobah in Scripture. The name however, is found at a later date in the inscriptions of Assyria, where the kingdom of Zobah seems to intervene between Hamath and Damascus." ]
Zoba, Or Zobah
[ "(the slow), son of Coz, of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:8)" ]
[ "(descended from Zuph), a Kohathite Levite, son of Elkanah and ancestor of Samuel. (2 Chronicles 6:26) (11). In ver. 35 he is called [1351]Zuph." ]
[ "i.e. the people of Zorah, mentioned in (1 Chronicles 4:2) as descended from Shobal." ]
Zorathites, The
[ "[[1352]Zorah]" ]
[ "are named in the genealogies of Judah, (1 Chronicles 2:54) apparently among the descendants of Salma and near connections of Joab." ]
Zorites, The
[ "Is of God -- Ps 65:4.", "Is by Christ -- Joh 10:7, 9; 14:6; Ro 5:2; Eph 2:13; 3:12; Heb 7:9, 25; 10:19; 1Pe 3:18.", "Is by the Holy Spirit -- Eph 2:18.", "Obtained through faith -- Ac 14:27; Ro 5:2; Eph 3:12; Heb 11:6.", "Follows upon reconciliation to God -- Col 1:21,22.", "In Prayer -- See Prayer. De 4:7; Mt 6:6; 1Pe 1:17.", "In his temple -- Ps 15:1; 27:4; 43:3; 65:4.", "To obtain mercy and grace -- Heb 4:16.", "A privilege of saints -- De 4:7; Ps 15:1; 23:6; 24:3,4.", "Saints have, with confidence -- Eph 3:12; Heb 4:16; 10:19,20.", "Vouchsafed to repenting sinners -- See Repentance. Ho 14:2; Joe 2:12.", "Saints earnestly seek -- Ps 27:4; 42:1,2; 43:3; 84:1,2.", "The wicked commanded to seek -- Isa 55:6; Jas 4:8.", "Urge others to seek -- Isa 2:3; Jer 31:6.", "Promises connected with -- Ps 145:18; Isa 55:3; Mt 6:6; Jas 4:8.", "Blessedness connected with -- Ps 16:11; 65:4; 73:28.", "Typified -- Le 16:12-15; Heb 10:19-22.", "Exemplified", "Moses. -- Ex 24:2; 34:4-7." ]
Access to God
[ "Should be supremely set upon God -- De 6:3; Mr 12:30.", "Should be set", "Upon the commandments of God. -- Ps 19:8-10; 119:20,97,103,167.", "Upon the house and worship of God. -- 1Ch 29:3; Ps 26:8; 27:4; 84:1,2.", "Upon the people of God. -- Ps 16:3; Ro 12:10; 2Co 7:13-15; 1Th 2:8.", "Upon heavenly things. -- Col 3:1,2.", "Should be zealously engaged for God -- Ps 69:9; 119:139; Ga 4:18.", "Christ claims the first place in -- Mt 10:37; Lu 14:26.", "Enkindled by communion with Christ -- Lu 24:32.", "Blessedness of making God the object of -- Ps 91:14.", "Should not grow cold -- Ps 106:12,13; Mt 24:12; Ga 4:15; Re 2:4.", "Of saints, supremely set on God -- Ps 42:1; 73:25; 119:10.", "Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God -- Isa 58:1,2; Eze 33:31,32; Lu 8:13.", "Carnal affections should be mortified -- Ro 8:13; 13:14; 1Co 9:27; Col 3:5; 1Th 4:5.", "Carnal affections crucified in saints -- Ro 6:6; Ga 5:24.", "False teachers seek to captivate -- Ga 1:10; 4:17; 2Ti 3:6; 2Pe 2:3,18; Re 2:14,20.", "Of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted -- Ro 1:31; 2Ti 3:3; 2Pe 2:10." ]
Affections, The
[ "To pray for them -- Ac 12:5; Php 1:16,19; Jas 5:14-16.", "To sympathise with them -- Ro 12:15; Ga 6:2.", "To pity them -- Job 6:14.", "To bear them in mind -- Heb 13:3.", "To visit them -- Jas 1:27.", "To comfort them -- Job 16:5; 29:25; 2Co 1:4; 1Th 4:18.", "To relieve them -- Job 31:19,20; Isa 58:10; Php 4:14; 1Ti 5:10.", "To protect them -- Ps 82:3; Pr 22:22; 31:5." ]
Afflicted, Duty Toward The
[ "God is with -- Ps 46:5,7; Isa 43:2.", "God is a refuge and strength to -- Ps 27:5,6; Isa 25:4; Jer 16:19; Na 1:7.", "God comforts -- Isa 49:13; Jer 31:13; Mt 5:4; 2Co 1:4,5; 7:6.", "God preserves -- Ps 34:20.", "God delivers -- Ps 34:4,19; Pr 12:13; Jer 39:17,18.", "Christ is with -- Joh 14:18.", "Christ supports -- 2Ti 4:17; Heb 2:18.", "Christ comforts -- Isa 61:2; Mt 11:28-30; Lu 7:13; Joh 14:1; 16:33.", "Christ preserves -- Isa 63:9; Lu 21:18.", "Christ delivers -- Re 3:10.", "Should praise God -- Ps 13:5,6; 56:8-10; 57:6,7; 71:20-23.", "Should imitate Christ -- Heb 12:1-3; 1Pe 2:21-23.", "Should imitate the prophets -- Jas 5:10.", "Should be patient -- Lu 21:19; Ro 12:12; 2Th 1:4; Jas 1:4; 1Pe 2:20.", "Should be resigned -- 1Sa 3:18; 2Ki 20:19; Job 1:21; Ps 39:9.", "Should not despise chastening -- Job 5:17; Pr 3:11; Heb 12:5.", "Should acknowledge the justice of their chastisements -- Ne 9:33; Job 2:10; Isa 64:5-7; La 3:39; Mic 7:9.", "Should avoid sin -- Job 34:31,32; Joh 5:14; 1Pe 2:12.", "Should trust in the goodness of God -- Job 13:15; Ps 71:20; 2Co 1:9.", "Should turn and devote themselves to God -- Ps 116:7-9; Jer 50:3,4; Ho 6:1.", "Should keep the pious resolutions made during afflictions -- Ps 66:13-15.", "Should be frequent in prayer -- See \"Affliction, Prayer Under\". Ps 50:15-17.", "Should take encouragement from former mercies -- Ps 27:9; 2Co 1:10.", "Examples of afflicted Saints:", "Joseph. -- Ge 39:20-23; Ps 105:17-19.", "Moses. -- Heb 11:25.", "Eli. -- 1Sa 3:18.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 1:4.", "Job. -- Job 1:20-22.", "David. -- 2Sa 12:15-23.", "Paul. -- Ac 20:22-24; 21:13.", "Apostles. -- 1Co 4:13; 2Co 6:4-10." ]
Afflicted Saints
[ "God is the author and Giver of -- Ps 23:4; Ro 15:5; 2Co 1:3; 7:6; Col 1:11; 2Th 2:16,17.", "Christ is the Author and Giver of -- Isa 61:2; Joh 14:18; 2Co 1:5.", "The Holy Spirit is the Author and Giver of -- Joh 14:16,17; 15:26; 16:7; Ac 9:31.", "Promised -- Isa 51:3,12; 66:13; Eze 14:22,23; Ho 2:14; Zec 1:17.", "Through the Holy Scriptures -- Ps 119:50,76; Ro 15:4.", "By ministers of the gospel -- Isa 40:1,2; 1Co 14:3; 2Co 1:4,6.", "Is abundant -- Ps 71:21; Isa 66:11.", "Is strong -- Heb 6:18.", "Is everlasting -- 2Th 2:16.", "Is a cause of praise -- Isa 12:1; 49:13.", "Pray for -- Ps 119:8", "Saints should administer to each other -- 1Th 4:18; 5:11,14.", "Is sought in vain from the world -- Ps 69:20; Ec 4:1; La 1:2.", "To those who mourn for sin -- Ps 51:17; Isa 1:18; 40:1,2; 61:1; Mic 7:18,19; Lu 4:18.", "To the troubled in mind -- Ps 42:5; 94:19; Joh 14:1,27; 16:20,22.", "To those deserted by friends -- Ps 27:10; 41:9-12; Joh 14:18; 15:18,19.", "To the persecuted -- De 33:27.", "To the poor -- Ps 10:14; 34:6,9,10.", "To the sick -- Ps 41:3.", "To the tempted -- Ro 16:20; 1Co 10:13; 2Co 12:9; Jas 1:12; 4:7; 2Pe 2:9; Re 2:10.", "In prospect of death -- Job 19:25,26; Ps 23:4; Joh 14:2; 2Co 5:1; 1Th 4:14; Heb 4:9; Re 7:14-17; 14:13.", "Under the infirmities of age -- Ps 71:9,18." ]
Affliction, Consolation Under
[ "Exhortation to -- Jas 5:13.", "That God would consider our trouble -- 2Ki 19:16; Ne 9:32; Ps 9:13; La 5:1.", "For the presence and support of God -- Ps 10:1; 102:2.", "That the Holy Spirit may not be withdrawn -- Ps 51:11.", "For divine comfort -- Ps 4:6; 119:76.", "For mitigation of troubles -- Ps 39:12,13.", "For deliverance -- Ps 25:17,22; 39:10; Isa 64:9-12; Jer 17:14.", "For pardon and deliverance from sin -- Ps 39:8; 51:1; 79:8.", "That we may be turned to God -- Ps 80:7; 85:4-6; Jer 31:18.", "For divine teaching and direction -- Job 34:32; Ps 27:11; 143:10.", "For increase of faith -- Mr 9:24.", "For mercy -- Ps 6:2; Hab 3:2.", "For restoration to joy -- Ps 51:8,12; 69:29; 90:14,15.", "For protection and preservation from enemies -- 2Ki 19:19; 2Ch 20:12; Ps 17:8,9.", "That we may know the causes of our trouble -- Job 6:24; 10:2; 13:23,24.", "That we may be taught the uncertainty of life -- Ps 39:4.", "That we may be quickened -- Ps 143:11." ]
Affliction, Prayer Under
[ "In promoting the glory of God -- Joh 9:1-3; 11:3,4; 21:18,19.", "In exhibiting the power and faithfulness of God -- Ps 34:19,20; 2Co 4:8-11.", "In teaching us the will of God -- Ps 119:71; Isa 26:9; Mic 6:9.", "In turning us to God -- De 4:30,31; Ne 1:8,9; Ps 78:34; Isa 10:20,21; Ho 2:6,7.", "In keeping us from again departing from God -- Job 34:31,32; Isa 10:20; Eze 14:10,11.", "In leading us to seek God in prayer -- Jdj 4:3; Jer 31:18; La 2:17-19; Ho 5:14,15; Jon 2:1.", "In convincing us of sin -- Job 36:8,9; Ps 119:67; Lu 15:16-18.", "In leading us to confession of sin -- Nu 21:7; Ps 32:5; 51:3,5.", "In testing and exhibiting our sincerity -- Job 23:10; Ps 66:10; Pr 17:3.", "In trying our faith and obedience -- Ge 22:1,2; Heb 11:17; Ex 15:23-25; De 8:2,16; 1Pe 1:7; Re 2:10.", "In humbling us -- De 8:3,16; 2Ch 7:13,14; La 3:19,20; 2Co 12:7.", "In purifying us -- Ec 7:2,3; Isa 1:25,26; 48:10; Jer 9:6,7; Zec 13:9; Mal 3:2,3.", "In exercising our patience -- Ps 40:1; Ro 5:3; Jas 1:3; 1Pe 2:20.", "In rendering us fruitful in good works -- Joh 15:2; Heb 12:10,11.", "In furthering the gospel -- Ac 8:3,4; 11:19-21; Php 1:12; 2Ti 2:9,10; 4:16,17.", "Exemplified", "Joseph's brethren. -- Ge 42:21.", "Joseph. -- Ge 45:5,7,8.", "Israel. -- De 8:3,5.", "Josiah. -- 2Ki 22:19.", "Hezekiah. -- 2Ch 32:25,26.", "Manasseh. -- 2Ch 33:12.", "Jonah. -- Jon 2:7.", "Prodigal's son. -- Lu 15:21." ]
Afflictions Made Beneficial
[ "God is glorified in -- Ex 14:4; Eze 38:22,23.", "God holds in derision -- Ps 37:13; Pr 1:26,27.", "Are multiplied -- De 31:17; Job 20:12-18; Ps 32:10.", "Are continual -- Job 15:20; Ec 2:23; Isa 32:10.", "Are often sudden -- Ps 73:10; Pr 6:15; Isa 30:13; Re 18:10.", "Are often judicially sent -- Job 21:17; Ps 107:17; Jer 30:15.", "Are for examples to others -- Ps 64:7-9; Zep 3:6,7; 1Co 10:5-11; 2Pe 2:6.", "Are ineffectual of themselves, for their conversion -- Ex 9:30; Isa 9:13; Jer 2:30; Hag 2:17.", "Their persecution of saints, a cause of -- De 30:7; Ps 55:19; Zec 2:9; 2Th 1:6.", "Impenitence is a cause of -- Pr 1:30,31; Eze 24:13; Am 4:6-12; Zec 7:11,12; Re 2:21,22.", "Sometimes humble them -- 1Ki 21:27.", "Frequently harden -- Ne 9:28,29; Jer 5:3.", "Produce slavish fear -- Job 15:24; Ps 73:19; Jer 49:3,5.", "Saints should not be alarmed at -- Pr 3:25,26.", "Exemplified", "Pharaoh and the Egyptians. -- Ex 9:14,15; 14:24,25.", "Ahaziah. -- 2Ki 1:1-4.", "Gehazi. -- 2Ki 5:27.", "Jehoram. -- 2Ch 21:12-19.", "Uzziah. -- 2Ch 26:19-21.", "Ahaz, &c. -- 2Ch 28:5-8,22." ]
Afflictions of the Wicked, The
[ "The cultivation of the earth -- Ge 3:23.", "The occupation of man before the fall -- Ge 2:15.", "Rendered laborious by the curse on the earth -- Ge 3:17-19.", "Man doomed to labour in, after the fall -- Ge 3:23.", "Contributes to the support of all -- Ec 5:9.", "The providence of God to be acknowledged in the produce of -- Jer 5:24; Ho 2:8.", "Requires", "Wisdom. -- Isa 28:26.", "Diligence. -- Pr 27:23-27; Ec 11:6.", "Toil. -- 2Ti 2:6.", "Patience in waiting. -- Jas 5:7.", "Diligence in, abundantly recompensed -- Pr 12:11; 13:23; 28:19; Heb 6:7.", "Persons engaged in, called", "Tillers of the ground. -- Ge 4:2.", "Husbandmen. -- 2Ch 26:10.", "Labourers. -- Mt 9:37; 20:1.", "Peace favourable to -- Isa 2:4; Jer 31:24.", "War destructive to -- Jer 50:16; 51:23.", "Patriarchs engaged in -- Ge 4:2; 9:20.", "The labour of, supposed to be lessened by Noah -- Ge 5:29; 9:20.", "The Jews loved and followed -- Jdj 6:11; 1Ki 19:19; 2Ch 26:10.", "Soil of Canaan suited to -- Ge 13:10; De 8:7-9.", "Climate of Canaan favourable to -- De 11:10,11.", "Was promoted amongst the Jews by", "Allotments to each family. -- Nu 36:7-9.", "The rights of redemption. -- Le 25:23-28.", "Separation from other nations. -- Ex 33:16.", "The prohibition against usury. -- Ex 22:25.", "The promises of God's blessings on. -- Le 26:4; De 7:13; 11:14,15.", "Enactments to protect", "Not to covet the fields of another. -- De 5:21.", "Not to move landmarks. -- De 19:14; Pr 22:28.", "Not to cut down crops of another. -- De 23:25.", "Against the trespass of cattle. -- Ex 22:5.", "Against injuring the produce of. -- Ex 22:5.", "Often performed by hirelings -- 1Ch 27:26; 2Ch 26:10; Mt 20:8; Lu 17:7.", "Not to be engaged in during the Sabbatical year -- Ex 23:10,11.", "Produce of, given as rent for land -- Mt 21:33,34.", "Produce of, often blasted because of sin -- Isa 5:10; 7:23; Jer 12:13; Joe 1:10,11.", "Grief occasioned by the failure of the fruits of -- Joe 1:11; Am 5:16,17.", "Produce of, exported -- 1Ki 5:11; Eze 27:17.", "Operations in", "Hedging. -- Isa 5:2,5; Ho 2:6.", "Ploughing. -- Job 1:14.", "Digging. -- Isa 5:6; Lu 13:8; 16:3.", "Manuring. -- Isa 25:10; Lu 14:34,35.", "Harrowing. -- Job 39:10; Isa 28:24.", "Gathering out the stones. -- Isa 5:2.", "Sowing. -- Ec 11:4; Isa 32:20; Mt 13:3.", "Planting. -- Pr 31:16; Isa 44:14; Jer 31:5.", "Watering. -- De 11:10; 1Co 3:6-8.", "Weeding. -- Mt 13:28.", "Grafting. -- Ro 11:17-19,24.", "Pruning. -- Le 25:3; Isa 5:6; Joh 15:2.", "Mowing. -- Ps 129:7; Am 7:1.", "Reaping. -- Isa 17:5.", "Binding. -- Ge 37:7; Mt 13:30.", "Gleaning. -- Le 19:9; Ru 2:3.", "Stacking. -- Ex 22:6.", "Threshing. -- De 25:4; Jdj 6:11.", "Winnowing. -- Ru 3:2; Mt 3:12.", "Storing in barns. -- Mt 6:26; 13:30.", "Beasts used in", "The ox. -- De 25:4.", "The ass. -- De 22:10.", "The horse. -- Isa 28:28.", "Implements of", "The plough. -- 1Sa 13:20.", "The harrow. -- 2Sa 12:31.", "The mattock. -- 1Sa 13:20; Isa 7:25.", "The sickle. -- De 16:9; 23:25.", "The pruning-hook. -- Isa 18:5; Joe 3:10.", "The fork. -- 1Sa 13:21.", "The axe. -- 1Sa 13:20.", "The teethed threshing instrument. -- Isa 41:15.", "The flail, &c. -- Isa 28:27.", "The cart. -- 1Sa 6:7; Isa 28:27,28.", "The shovel. -- Isa 30:24.", "The sieve. -- Am 9:9.", "The fan. -- Isa 30:24; Mt 3:12.", "Illustrative of", "Culture of the Church. -- 1Co 3:9.", "Culture of the heart. -- Jer 4:3; Ho 10:12." ]
Agriculture or Husbandry
[ "Forbidden -- Ex 23:32; 34:12; De 7:2,3; 13:6,8; Jos 23:6,7; Jdj 2:2; Ezr 9:12; Pr 1:10,15; 2Co 6:14-17; Eph 5:11.", "Lead to idolatry -- Ex 34:15,16; Nu 25:1-8; De 7:4; Jdj 3:5-7; Re 2:20.", "Have led to murder and human sacrifice -- Ps 106:37,38.", "Provoke the anger of God -- De 7:4; 31:16,17; 2Ch 19:2; Ezr 9:13,14; Ps 106:29,40; Isa 2:6.", "Provoke God to leave mean to reap the fruits of them -- Jos 23:12,13; Jdj 2:1-3.", "Are ensnaring -- Ex 23:33; Nu 25:18; De 12:30; 13:6; Ps 106:36.", "Are enslaved -- 2Pe 2:18,19.", "Are defiling -- Ezr 9:1,2.", "Are degrading -- Isa 1:23.", "Are ruinous to spiritual interest -- Pr 29:24; Heb 12:14,15; 2Pe 3:17.", "Are ruinous to moral character -- 1Co 15:33.", "Are a proof of folly -- Pr 12:11.", "Children who enter into, bring shame upon their parents -- Pr 28:7.", "Evil consequences of -- Pr 28:19; Jer 51:7.", "The wicked are prone to -- Ps 50:18; Jer 2:25.", "The wicked tempt saints to -- Ne 6:2-4.", "Sin of, to be confessed, deeply repented of, and forsaken -- Ezr 10:1-44.", "Involve saints in their guiltiness -- 2Jo 1:9-11; Re 18:4.", "Involve saints in their punishment -- Nu 16:26; Jer 51:6; Re 18:4.", "Unbecoming in those called saints -- 2Ch 19:2; 2Co 6:14-16; Php 2:15.", "Exhortations to shun all inducements to -- Pr 1:10-15; 4:14,15; 2Pe 3:17.", "Exhortations to hate and avoid -- Pr 14:7; Ro 16:17; 1Co 5:9-11; Eph 5:6,7; 1Ti 6:5; 2Ti 3:5.", "A call to come out from -- Nu 16:26; Ezr 10:11; Jer 51:6,45; 2Co 6:17; 2Th 3:6; Re 18:4.", "Means of preservation from -- Pr 2:10-20; 19:27.", "Blessedness of avoiding -- Ps 1:1.", "Blessedness of forsaking -- Ezr 9:12; Pr 9:6; 2Co 6:17,18.", "Saints grieve to meet with, in their intercourse with the world -- Ps 57:4; 120:5,6; 2Pe 2:7,8.", "Saints grieve to witness in their brethren -- Ge 26:35; Ezr 9:3; 10:6.", "Saints hate and avoid -- Ps 26:4,5; 31:6; 101:7; Re 2:2.", "Saints deprecate -- Ge 49:6; Ps 6:8; 15:4; 101:4,7; 119:115; 139:19.", "Saints are separate from -- Ex 33:16; Ezr 6:21.", "Saints should be circumspect when unintentionally thrown into -- Mt 10:16; Col 4:5; 1Pe 2:12.", "Pious parents prohibit, to their children -- Ge 28:1.", "Persons in authority should denounce -- Ezr 10:9-11; Ne 13:23-27.", "Punishment of -- Nu 33:56; De 7:4; Jos 23:13; Jdj 2:3; 3:5-8; Ezr 9:7,14; Ps 106:41,42; Re 2:16,22,23.", "Exemplified", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:1-8.", "Rehoboam. -- 1Ki 12:8,9.", "Jehoshaphat. -- 2Ch 18:3; 19:2; 20:35-37.", "Jehoram. -- 2Ch 21:6.", "Ahaziah. -- 2Ch 22:3-5.", "Israelites. -- Ezr 9:1,2.", "Israel. -- Eze 44:7.", "Judas Iscariot. -- Mt 26:14-16.", "Examples of avoiding", "Man of God. -- 1Ki 13:7-10.", "Nehemiah, &c. -- Ne 6:2-4; 10:29-31.", "David. -- Ps 101:4-7; 119:115.", "Jeremiah. -- Jer 15:17.", "Joseph of Arimathaea. -- Lu 23:51.", "Church of Ephesus. -- Re 2:6.", "Examples of forsaking", "Israelites. -- Nu 16:27; Ezr 6:21,22; 10:3,4,16,17.", "Sons of the Priests. -- Ezr 10:18,19.", "Examples of the judgments of God against", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:32.", "Ahaziah. -- 2Ch 22:7,8.", "Judas Iscariot. -- Ac 1:18." ]
Alliance and Society With the Enemies of God
[ "Designed for sacrifice -- Ex 20:24.", "To be made of earth, or unhewn stone -- Ex 20:24,25; De 27:5,6.", "Of brick, hateful to God -- Isa 65:3.", "Natural rocks sometimes used as -- Jdj 6:19-21; 13:19,20.", "Were not to have steps up to them -- Ex 20:26.", "For idolatrous worship, often erected on roofs of houses -- 2Ki 23:12; Jer 19:13; 32:29.", "Idolaters planted groves near -- Jdj 6:30; 1Ki 16:32,33; 2Ki 21:3.", "The Jews not to plant groves near -- De 16:21.", "For idolatrous worship, to be destroyed -- Ex 34:13; De 7:5.", "Probable origin of inscriptions on -- De 27:8.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Of Noah. -- Ge 8:20.", "Of Abraham. -- Ge 12:7,8; 13:18; 22:9.", "Of Isaac. -- Ge 26:25.", "Of Jacob. -- Ge 33:20; 35:1,3,7.", "Of Moses. -- Ex 17:15; 24:4.", "Of Balaam. -- Nu 23:1,14,29.", "Of Joshua. -- Jos 8:30,31.", "Of the temple of Solomon. -- 2Ch 4:1,19.", "Of the second temple. -- Ezr 3:2,3.", "Of Reubenites, &c east of Jordan. -- Jos 22:10.", "Of Gideon. -- Jdj 6:26,27.", "Of the people of Israel. -- Jdj 21:4.", "Of Samuel. -- 1Sa 7:17.", "Of David. -- 2Sa 24:21,25.", "Of Jeroboam at Bethel. -- 1Ki 12:33.", "Of Ahaz. -- 2Ki 16:10-12.", "Of the Athenians. -- Ac 17:23.", "For burnt-offering. -- Ex 27:1-8.", "For incense. -- Ex 30:1-6.", "Protection afforded by -- 1Ki 1:50,51.", "Afforded no protection to murderers -- Ex 21:14; 1Ki 2:18-34." ]
[ "Dimensions, &c of -- Ex 27:1; 38:1.", "Horns on the corners of -- Ex 27:2; 38:2.", "Covered with brass -- Ex 27:2.", "All its vessels of brass -- Ex 27:3; 38:3.", "A net-working grate of brass placed in -- Ex 27:4,5; 38:4.", "Furnished with rings and staves -- Ex 27:6,7; 38:5-7.", "Made after a divine pattern -- Ex 27:8.", "Called", "The brazen altar. -- Ex 39:39; 1Ki 8:64.", "The altar of God. -- Ps 43:4.", "The altar of the Lord. -- Mal 2:13.", "Placed in the court before the door of the tabernacle -- Ex 40:6,29.", "Sanctified by God -- Ex 29:44.", "Anointed and sanctified with holy oil -- Ex 40:10; Le 8:10,11.", "Cleansed and purified with blood -- Ex 29:36,37.", "Was most holy -- Ex 40:10.", "Sanctified whatever touched it -- Ex 29:37.", "All sacrifices to be offered on -- Ex 29:38-42; Isa 56:7.", "All gifts to be presented at -- Mt 5:23,24.", "Nothing polluted or defective to be offered on -- Le 22:22; Mal 1:7,8.", "Offering at the dedication of -- Nu 7:1-89.", "The fire upon", "Came from before the Lord. -- Le 9:24.", "Was continually burning. -- Le 6:13.", "Consumed the sacrifices. -- Le 1:8,9.", "Sacrifices bound to the horns of -- Ps 118:27.", "The blood of sacrifices put on the horns and poured at the foot of -- Ex 29:12; Le 4:7,18,25; 8:15.", "The priests", "Alone to serve. -- Nu 18:3,7.", "Derived support from. -- 1Co 9:13.", "Ahaz removed and profaned -- 2Ki 16:10-16.", "The Jews condemned for swearing lightly by -- Mt 23:18,19.", "A type of Christ -- Heb 13:10." ]
Altar of Burnt Offering, The
[ "Dimensions, &c of -- Ex 30:1,2; 37:25.", "Covered with Gold -- Ex 30:3; 37:26.", "Top of, surrounded with a crown of gold -- Ex 30:3; 37:26.", "Had four rings of gold under the crown for the staves -- Ex 30:4; 37:27.", "Staves of, covered with gold -- Ex 30:5.", "Called the golden altar -- Ex 39:38.", "Placed before the vail in the outer sanctuary -- Ex 30:6; 40:5,26.", "Said to be before the Lord -- Le 4:7; 1Ki 9:25.", "Anointed with holy oil -- Ex 30:26,27.", "The priest burned incense on every morning and evening -- Ex 30:7,8.", "No strange incense nor any sacrifice to be offered on -- Ex 30:9.", "Atonement made for, by the high priest once every year -- Ex 30:10; Le 16:18,19.", "The blood of all sin offerings put on the horns of -- Le 4:7,18.", "Punishment for", "Offering strange fire on. -- Le 10:1,2.", "Unauthorised offering on. -- 2Ch 26:16-19.", "Covered by the priest before removal from the sanctuary -- Nu 4:11.", "A type of Christ -- Re 8:3; 9:3." ]
Altar of Incense
[ "Descent of -- Ge 36:12,16.", "Character of", "Wicked. -- 1Sa 15:18.", "Oppressive. -- Jdj 10:12.", "Warlike and Cruel. -- 1Sa 15:33.", "Governed by Kings -- 1Sa 15:20,32.", "A powerful and influential nation -- Nu 24:7.", "Possessed cities -- 1Sa 15:5.", "COUNTRY of", "In the south of Canaan. -- Nu 13:29; 1Sa 27:8.", "Extended from Havilah to Shur. -- 1Sa 15:7.", "Was the scene of ancient warfare. -- Ge 14:7.", "Part of the Kenites dwelt amongst -- 1Sa 15:6.", "Were the first to oppose Israel -- Ex 17:8.", "Discomfited at Rephidim through the intercession of Moses -- Ex 17:9-13.", "Doomed to utter destruction for opposing Israel -- Ex 17:14,16; De 25:19.", "Their utter destruction foretold -- Nu 24:20.", "Presumption of Israel punished by -- Nu 14:45.", "United with Eglon against Israel -- Jdj 3:13.", "Part of their possessions taken by Ephraim -- Jdj 5:14; 12:15.", "With Midian, oppressed Israel -- Jdj 6:3-5.", "Overcome by Gideon -- Jdj 6:33,34; 7:21,22.", "Saul", "Overcame, and delivered Israel. -- 1Sa 14:48.", "Commissioned to destroy. -- 1Sa 15:1-3.", "Massacred. -- 1Sa 15:4-8.", "Condemned for not utterly destroying. -- 1Sa 15:9-26; 28:18.", "Agag, king of, slain by Samuel -- 1Sa 15:32,33.", "Invaded by David -- 1Sa 27:8,9.", "Pillaged and burned Ziklag -- 1Sa 30:1,2.", "Pursued and slain by David -- 1Sa 30:10-20.", "Spoil taken from, consecrated -- 2Sa 8:11,12.", "Confederated against Israel -- Ps 83:7.", "Remnant of, completely destroyed during the reign of Hezekiah -- 1Ch 4:41-43." ]
Amalekites, The
[ "God condemns -- Ge 11:7; Isa 5:8.", "Christ condemns -- Mt 18:1,3,4; 20:25,26; 23:11,12.", "Saints avoid -- Ps 131:1,2.", "Vanity of -- Job 20:5-9; 24:24; Ps 49:11-20.", "Leads to strife and contention -- Jas 4:1,2.", "Punishment of -- Pr 17:19; Isa 14:12-15; Eze 31:10,11; Ob 1:3,4.", "Connected with", "Pride. -- Hab 2:5.", "Covetousness. -- Hab 2:8,9.", "Cruelty. -- Hab 2:12.", "Exemplified", "Adam and Eve. -- Ge 3:5,6.", "Builders of Babel. -- Ge 11:4.", "Miriam and Aaron. -- Nu 12:2.", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:3.", "Absalom. -- 2Sa 15:4; 18:18.", "Adonijah. -- 1Ki 1:5.", "Sennacherib. -- 2Ki 19:23.", "Shebna. -- Isa 22:16.", "Sons of Zebedee. -- Mt 20:21.", "Antichrist. -- 2Th 2:4.", "Diotrephes. -- 3Jo 1:9." ]
[ "Descent of -- Ge 19:38.", "Called the", "Children of Lot. -- De 2:19.", "Children of Ammon. -- Jer 25:21.", "Governed by hereditary kings -- 2Sa 10:1.", "Country of", "Belonged to the Zamzummims. -- De 2:20,21.", "Bordered on the Amorites. -- Nu 21:24.", "as fertile. -- Jer 49:4.", "Well fortified. -- Nu 21:24.", "Half of, given to the Gadites. -- Jos 13:25.", "Character of", "Cruel and covetous. -- Am 1:13.", "Proud and reproachful. -- Zep 2:10.", "Vindictive. -- Eze 25:3,6.", "Fond of ornaments. -- 2Ch 20:25.", "Idolatrous. -- Jdj 10:6; 1Ki 11:7,33; 2Ki 23:13.", "Superstitious. -- Jer 27:3,9.", "Chief cities of", "Rabbah. -- 2Sa 12:26,27; Jer 49:3.", "Ai. -- Jer 49:3.", "Jewish laws respecting", "Perpetual exclusion from the congregation. -- De 23:3; Ne 13:1.", "No covenant to made with. -- De 23:6.", "Not to be distressed. -- De 2:19; 2Ch 20:10.", "Assisted Eglon against Israel -- Jdj 3:12,13.", "With the Philistines oppressed Israel for eighteen years -- Jdj 10:6-9.", "Jephthah raised up to deliver Israel from -- Jdj 10:15-18; 11:4-33.", "Proposed a disgraceful treaty to Jabesh-gilead -- 1Sa 11:1-3.", "Saul's victories over -- 1Sa 11:11; 14:47.", "Ill-treated David's ambassadors -- 2Sa 10:1-4.", "Hired the Syrians against David -- 2Sa 10:6.", "Victories of Joab over -- 2Sa 10:7-14; 12:26-29.", "The royal treasure of, taken -- 2Sa 12:30.", "Of Rabbah reduced to hard bondage -- 2Sa 12:31.", "Spoil of, consecrated to God -- 2Sa 8:11,12.", "One of David's mighty men was of -- 2Sa 23:37.", "Solomon intermarried with, and introduced idols of into Israel -- 1Ki 11:1-5.", "Confederated against Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 20:1; Ps 83:7.", "Miraculous defeat of -- 2Ch 20:5-24.", "Submitted to Uzziah -- 2Ch 26:8.", "Defeated by Jotham -- 2Ch 27:5.", "Seized upon the possessions of Gad -- Jer 49:1.", "Aided the Chaldeans against Judah -- 2Ki 24:2.", "Vexed the Jews after captivity -- Ne 4:3,7,8.", "The Jews reprobated for intermarrying with -- Ezr 9:1-3; Ne 13:23-28.", "Predictions respecting", "Subjection to Babylon. -- Jer 25:9-21; 27:3,6.", "Destructions for hatred to Israel. -- Eze 25:2-10; Zep 2:8,9.", "Punishment for oppressive cruelty. -- Jer 49:1-5; Am 1:13-15.", "Restoration. -- Jer 49:6.", "Subjection to the Jews. -- Isa 11:14." ]
Ammonites, The
[ "Descent of -- Ge 10:15,16; 1Ch 1:13,14.", "One of the seven nations of Canaan -- Ge 15:21; Ex 3:8,17.", "Governed by many independent kings -- Jos 5:1; 9:10.", "Kings of, great and powerful -- Ps 136:18,20.", "Originally inhabited a mountain district in the south -- Nu 13:29; De 1:7,20; Jdj 1:36.", "Acquired an extensive territory from Moab east of Jordan -- Nu 21:26,30.", "Had many and strong cities -- Nu 32:17,33.", "Of gigantic strength and stature -- Am 2:9.", "Character of", "Profane and wicked. -- Ge 15:16.", "Idolatrous. -- Jos 24:15.", "Defeated by Chedorlaomer, &c -- Ge 14:7.", "Joined Abraham against the kings -- Ge 14:13,24.", "Jacob took a portion from -- Ge 48:22.", "Forbearance of God towards -- Ge 15:16.", "Doomed to utter destruction -- De 20:17,18.", "Refused a passage to Israel -- Nu 21:21-23; De 2:30.", "Deprived of their eastern territory by Israel -- Nu 21:24-35.", "Land of, given to Reubenites, &c -- Jos 13:15-31.", "Western kings of, confederated against Israel -- Jos 10:1-5.", "Miraculous overthrow of -- Jos 10:11-14.", "Kings of, degraded and slain -- Jos 10:24-27.", "The Gibeonites a tribe of, deceived Israel into a league -- 2Sa 21:2, Jos 9:3-16.", "The Israelites unable to expel, but extracted tribute from -- Jdj 1:34,35.", "Had peace with Israel in the days of Samuel -- 1Sa 7:14.", "Brought into bondage by Solomon -- 1Ki 9:20,21.", "Ahab followed the abominations of -- 1Ki 21:26.", "Manasseh exceeded abominations of -- 2Ki 21:11.", "The Jews after the captivity condemned for intermarrying with -- Ezr 9:1,2.", "Descent from, illustrative of man's natural state -- Eze 16:3." ]
Amorites, The
[ "Belong to the works of the flesh -- Ga 5:19,21.", "Are transitory -- Job 21:12,13; Heb 11:25.", "Are all vanity -- Ec 2:11.", "Choke the word of God in the heart -- Lu 8:14.", "Formed a part of idolatrous worship -- Ex 32:4,6,19; 1Co 10:7; Jdj 16:23-25.", "Lead to", "Rejection of God. -- Job 21:14,15.", "Poverty. -- Pr 21:17.", "Disregard of the judgments and works of God. -- Isa 5:12; Am 6:1-6.", "Terminate in sorrow -- Pr 14:13.", "Are likely to lead to greater evil -- Job 1:5; Mt 14:6-8.", "The wicked seek for happiness in -- Ec 2:1,8.", "Indulgence in", "A proof of folly. -- Ec 7:4.", "A characteristic of the wicked. -- Isa 47:8; Eph 4:17,19; 2Ti 3:4; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 4:3.", "A proof of spiritual death. -- 1Ti 5:6.", "An abuse of riches. -- Jas 5:1,5.", "Wisdom of abstaining from -- Ec 7:2,3.", "Shunned by the saints -- 1Pe 4:3.", "Abstinence from, seems strange to the wicked -- 1Pe 4:4.", "Denounced by God -- Isa 5:11,12.", "Punishment of -- Ec 11:9; 2Pe 2:13.", "Renunciation of, Exemplified", "Moses. -- Heb 11:25." ]
Amusements and Pleasures, Worldly
[ "Descent of -- Nu 13:22; Jos 15:13.", "Were called", "The sons of Anak. -- Nu 13:33.", "The sons of the Anakim. -- De 1:28.", "The children of the Anakims. -- De 9:2.", "Divided into three tribes -- Jos 15:14.", "Inhabited the mountains of Judah -- Jos 11:21.", "Hebron, chief city of -- Jos 14:15; 21:11.", "Of gigantic strength and stature -- De 2:10,11,21.", "Israel terrified by -- Nu 14:1; 13:33.", "Hebron a possession of, given to Caleb for his faithfulness -- Jos 14:6-14.", "Driven from Hebron by Caleb -- Jos 15:13,14.", "Driven from Kirjathsepher or Debir by Othniel -- Jos 15:15-17; Jdj 1:12,13.", "Almost annihilated -- Jos 11:21,22." ]
Anakim, The
[ "Averted by Christ -- Lu 2:11,14; Ro 5:9; 2Co 5:18,19; Eph 2:14,17; Col 1:20; 1Th 1:10.", "Is averted from them that believe -- Joh 3:14-18; Ro 3:25; 5:1.", "Is averted upon confession of sin and repentance -- Job 33:27,28; Ps 106:43-45; Jer 3:12,13; 18:7,8; 31:18-20; Joe 2:12-14; Lu 15:18-20.", "Is slow -- Ps 103:8; Isa 48:9; Jon 4:2; Na 1:3.", "Is righteous -- Ps 58:10,11; La 1:18; Ro 2:6,8; 3:5,6; Re 16:6,7.", "The justice of, not to be questioned -- Ro 9:18,20,22.", "Manifested in terrors -- Ex 14:24; Ps 76:6-8; Jer 10:10; La 2:20-22.", "Manifested in judgments and afflictions -- Job 21:17; Ps 78:49-51; 90:7; Isa 9:19; Jer 7:20; Eze 7:19; Heb 3:17.", "Cannot be resisted -- Job 9:13; 14:13; Ps 76:7; Na 1:6.", "Aggravated by continual provocation -- Nu 32:14.", "Specially reserved for the day of wrath -- Zep 1:14-18; Mt 25:41; Ro 2:5,8; 2Th 1:8; Re 6:17; 11:18; 19:15.", "Against", "The wicked. -- Ps 7:11; 21:8,9; Isa 3:8; 13:9; Na 1:2,3; Ro 1:18; 2:8; Eph 5:6; Col 3:6.", "Those who forsake him. -- Ezr 8:22; Isa 1:4.", "Unbelief. -- Ps 78:21,22; Heb 3:18,19; Joh 3:36.", "Impenitence. -- Ps 7:12; Pr 1:30,31; Isa 9:13,14; Ro 2:5.", "Apostasy. -- Heb 10:26,27.", "Idolatry. -- De 29:20,27,28; 32:19,20,22; Jos 23:16; 2Ki 22:17; Ps 78:58,59; Jer 44:3.", "Sin, in saints. -- Ps 89:30-32; 90:7-9; 99:8; 102:9,10; Isa 47:6.", "Extreme, against those who oppose the gospel -- Ps 2:2,3,5; 1Th 2:16.", "Folly of provoking -- Jer 7:19; 1Co 10:22.", "To be dreaded -- Ps 2:12; 76:7; 90:11; Mt 10:28.", "To be deprecated -- Ex 32:11; Ps 6:1; 38:1; 74:1,2; Isa 64:9.", "Removal of, should be prayed for -- Ps 39:10; 79:5; 80:4; Da 9:16; Hab 3:2.", "Tempered with mercy to saints -- Ps 30:5; Isa 26:20; 54:8; 57:15,16; Jer 30:11; Mic 7:11.", "To be born with submission -- 2Sa 24:17; La 3:39,43; Mic 7:9.", "Should lead to repentance -- Isa 42:24,25; Jer 4:8.", "Exemplified against", "The old world. -- Ge 7:21-23.", "Builders of Babel. -- Ge 11:8.", "Cities of the plain. -- Ge 19:24,25.", "Egyptians. -- Ex 7:20; 8:6,16,24; 9:3,9,23; 10:13,22; 12:29; 14:27.", "Israelites. -- Ex 32:35; Nu 11:1,33; 14:40-45; 21:6; 25:9; 2Sa 24:1,15.", "Enemies of Israel. -- 1Sa 5:6; 7:10.", "Nadab, &c. -- Le 10:2.", "The Spies. -- Nu 14:37.", "Korah, &c. -- Nu 16:31,35.", "Aaron and Miriam. -- Nu 12:9,10.", "Five Kings. -- Jos 10:25.", "Abimelech. -- Jdj 9:56.", "Men of Bethshemesh. -- 1Sa 6:19.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 31:6.", "Uzzah. -- 2Sa 6:7.", "Saul's family. -- 2Sa 21:1.", "Sennacherib. -- 2Ki 19:28,35,37." ]
Anger of God, The
[ "Is from God -- 2Co 1:21.", "That christ should receive", "Foretold. -- Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; Da 9:24.", "Fulfilled. -- Lu 4:18,21; Ac 4:27; 10:38; Heb 1:9.", "God preserves those who receive -- Ps 18:50; 20:6; 89:20-23.", "Saints receive -- Isa 61:3; 1Jo 2:20.", "Is abiding in saints -- 1Jo 2:27.", "Guides into all truth -- 1Jo 2:27.", "Typified -- Ex 40:13-15; Le 8:12; 1Sa 16:13; 1Ki 19:16." ]
Anointing of the Holy Spirit
[ "Antiquity of -- Ge 28:18; 35:14.", "Consecrates to God's service -- Ex 30:29.", "Persons who received", "Prophets. -- 1Ki 19:16; Isa 61:1.", "Priests. -- Ex 40:13-15.", "Kings. -- Jdj 9:8; 1Sa 9:16; 1Ki 1:34.", "Things which received", "Tabernacle, &c. -- Ex 30:26,27; 40:9.", "Brazen altar. -- Ex 29:36; 40:10.", "Brazen laver. -- Ex 40:11.", "Those who partook of", "Protected by God. -- 1Ch 16:22; Ps 105:15.", "Not to be injured or insulted. -- 1Sa 24:6; 26:9; 2Sa 1:14,15; 19:21.", "Oil or ointment for", "Divinely prescribed. -- Ex 30:23-25.", "Compounded by the priests. -- 1Ch 9:30.", "An holy anointing oil for ever. -- Ex 30:25,31.", "Not to be imitated. -- Ex 30:32.", "To be put on no stranger. -- Ex 30:33.", "Jews condemned for imitating. -- Eze 23:41.", "Illustrative of the anointing", "Of Christ with the Holy Spirit. -- Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18.", "Of saints with the Holy Spirit. -- 1Jo 2:27." ]
Anointing, Sacred
[ "Described -- De 13:13; Heb 3:12.", "Persecution tends to make -- Mt 24:9,10; Lu 8:13.", "A worldly spirit tends to make -- 2Ti 4:10.", "Never belonged to Christ -- 1Jo 2:19.", "Saints do not become -- Ps 44:18,19; Heb 6:9; 10:39.", "It is impossible to restore -- Heb 6:4-6.", "Guilt and punishment of -- Zep 1:4-6; Heb 10:25-31,39; 2Pe 2:17,20-22.", "Cautions against becoming -- Heb 3:12; 2Pe 3:17.", "Shall abound in the latter days -- Mt 24:12; 2Th 2:3; 1Ti 4:1-3.", "Exemplified", "Amaziah. -- 2Ch 25:14,27.", "Professed disciples. -- Joh 6:66.", "Hymenaeus and Alexander. -- 1Ti 1:19,20." ]
[ "Christ pre-eminently called \"The Apostle\" -- Heb 3:1.", "Ordained by Christ -- Mr 3:14; Joh 15:16.", "Received their title from Christ -- Lu 6:13.", "Called by", "God. -- 1Co 1:1; 12:28; Ga 1:1,15,16.", "Christ. -- Mt 10:1; Mr 3:13; Ac 20:24; Ro 1:5.", "The Holy Spirit. -- Ac 20:24; Ro 1:5.", "Were unlearned men -- Ac 4:13.", "Selected from obscure stations -- Mt 4:18.", "Sent first to the house of Israel -- Mt 10:5,6; Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46.", "Sent to preach the gospel to all nations -- Mt 28:19,20; Mr 16:15; 2Ti 1:11.", "Christ always present with -- Mt 28:20.", "Warned against a timid profession of Christ -- Mt 10:27-33.", "The Holy Spirit given to -- Joh 20:22; Ac 2:1-4; 9:17.", "Guided by the Spirit into all truth -- Joh 14:26; 15:26; 16:13.", "Instructed by the Spirit to answer adversaries -- Mt 10:19,20; Lu 12:11,12.", "Specially devoted to the office of the ministry -- Ac 6:4; 20:27.", "Humility urged upon -- Mt 20:26,27; Mr 9:33-37; Lu 22:24-30.", "Self-denial urged upon -- Mt 10:37-39.", "Mutual love urged upon -- Joh 15:17.", "Equal authority given to each of -- Mt 16:19; 18:18; 2Co 11:5.", "Were not of the world -- Joh 15:19; 17:16.", "Were hated by the world -- Mt 10:22; 24:9; Joh 15:18.", "Persecutions and sufferings of -- Mt 10:16,18; Lu 21:16; Joh 15:20; 16:2.", "Saw Christ in the flesh -- Lu 1:2; Ac 1:22; 1Co 9:1; 1Jo 1:1.", "Witnesses of the resurrection and ascension of Christ -- Lu 24:33-41,51; Ac 1:2-9; 10:40,41; 1Co 15:8.", "Empowered to work miracles -- Mt 10:1,8; Mr 16:20; Lu 9:1; Ac 2:43." ]
Apostles, The
[ "Dimensions, &c of -- Ex 25:10; 37:1.", "Entirely covered with gold -- Ex 25:11; 37:2.", "Surrounded with a crown of gold -- Ex 25:11.", "Furnished with rings and staves -- Ex 25:12-15; 37:3-5.", "Tables of testimony alone placed in -- Ex 25:16,21; 1Ki 8:9,21; 2Ch 5:10; Heb 9:4.", "Mercy-seat laid upon -- Ex 25:21; 26:34.", "Placed in the Holy of Holies -- Ex 26:33; 40:21; Heb 9:3,4.", "The pot of manna and Aaron's rod laid up before -- Heb 9:4; Ex 16:33,34; Nu 17:10.", "A copy of the law laid in the side of -- De 31:26.", "Anointed with sacred oil -- Ex 30:26.", "Covered with the vail by the priests before removal -- Nu 4:5,6.", "Was called the", "Ark of God. -- 1Sa 3:3.", "Ark of God's strength. -- 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:8.", "Ark of the covenant of the Lord. -- Nu 10:33.", "Ark of the testimony. -- Ex 30:6; Nu 7:89.", "A symbol of the presence and glory of God -- Nu 14:43,44; Jos 1:6; 1Sa 14:18,19; Ps 132:8.", "Esteemed the glory of Israel -- 1Sa 4:21,22.", "Was holy -- 2Ch 35:3.", "Sanctified its resting place -- 2Ch 8:11.", "The Israelites enquired of the Lord before -- Jos 7:6-9; Jdj 20:27; 1Ch 13:3.", "Was carried", "By priests of Levites alone. -- De 10:8; Jos 3:14; 2Sa 15:24; 1Ch 15:2.", "Before the Israelites in their journeys. -- Nu 10:33; Jos 3:6.", "Sometimes to the camp in war. -- 1Sa 4:4,5.", "Profanation of, punished -- Nu 4:5,15; 1Sa 6:19; 1Ch 15:13.", "Protecting of, rewarded -- 1Ch 13:14.", "Captured by the Philistines -- 1Sa 4:11.", "Miracles connected with", "Jordan divided. -- Jos 4:7.", "Fall of the walls of Jericho. -- Jos 6:6-20.", "Fall of Dagon. -- 1Sa 5:1-4.", "Philistines plagued. -- 1Sa 5:6-12.", "Manner of its restoration. -- 1Sa 6:1-18.", "At Kirjath-jearim twenty years -- 1Sa 7:1,2.", "Removed from Kirjath-jearim to the house of Obed-edom -- 2Sa 6:1-11.", "David made a tent for -- 2Sa 6:17; 1Ch 15:1.", "Brought into the city of David -- 2Sa 6:12-15; 1Ch 15:25-28.", "Brought by Solomon into the temple with great solemnity -- 1Ki 8:1-6; 2Ch 5:2-9.", "A type of Christ -- Ps 40:8; Re 11:19." ]
Ark of the Covenant
[ "Antiquity of -- Ge 14:1-8.", "Ancient, often numerous -- Jos 11:4; 1Sa 13:5.", "Of different nations often confederated -- Jos 9:2; 10:5; Jdj 3:13; 1Ki 20:1.", "Troops often hired for -- 1Ch 19:7; 2Ch 25:6.", "Were composed of", "Bowmen and slingers. -- 1Ch 12:2; Jer 4:29.", "Spearmen or heavy troops. -- Ps 68:30; Ac 23:23.", "Cavalry. -- Ex 14:9; 1Ki 20:20.", "War chariots. -- Jos 17:16; Jdj 4:3.", "Often consisted of the whole effective strength of nations -- Nu 21:23; 1Sa 29:1.", "Furnished with standards -- Song 6:4; Isa 10:18; Jer 4:21.", "Accompanied by beasts of burden and wagons for baggage -- Jdj 7:12; 2Ki 7:7; Eze 23:2.", "Generally in three divisions -- Ge 14:15; Job 1:17.", "Were led by", "Kings in person. -- 2Ki 18:13; 25:1.", "Experienced captains. -- 2Ki 18:17,24.", "Called the", "Wings of a nation. -- Isa 8:8; Jer 48:40.", "Power of Kings. -- 2Ch 32:9.", "Hosts. -- Jos 10:5; Jdj 8:10.", "Bands. -- 2Ki 24:2; 1Ch 7:4.", "Began their campaigns in the spring -- 2Sa 11:1.", "Often went on foreign service -- Jer 5:15; 50:3.", "Marched", "Often in open line. -- Hab 1:6,8.", "With order and precision. -- Isa 5:27; Joe 2:7,8.", "With rapidity. -- Jer 48:40; Hab 1:8.", "With noise and tumult. -- Isa 17:12,13; Joe 2:5.", "Employed in", "Fighting battles. -- 1Sa 17:2,3; 1Ch 19:17.", "Besieging cities. -- De 20:12; Isa 29:3.", "Assaulting cities. -- Jos 7:3,4; Jdj 9:45.", "Often surprised their enemies -- Jos 8:2; 2Ch 13:15; Jer 51:12.", "Commenced battles with a shout -- 1Sa 17:20; 2Ch 13:15; Jer 51:14.", "Toil and fatigue often endured by -- Eze 29:18.", "Divided the spoil -- Ex 15:9; Zec 14:1.", "Sent out foraging parties -- 2Ki 5:2.", "Exercised savage cruelties on the vanquished -- Jer 50:42; La 5:11-13; Am 1:13.", "Frequently the instrument of God's vengeance -- Isa 13:5.", "In latter ages received pay -- Lu 3:14; 1Co 9:7.", "Encamped", "In the open fields. -- 2Sa 11:11; 1Ch 11:15.", "Before cities. -- Jos 10:5; 1Sa 11:1.", "Fear occasioned by -- Nu 22:3; Jer 6:25.", "Devastation occasioned by -- Isa 37:18; Jer 5:17.", "Often destroyed by", "Their enemies. -- Ex 17:13; Jos 10:10,20; Jdj 11:33; 2Sa 18:7; 1Ki 20:21.", "Themselves through divine intervention. -- Jdj 7:22; 1Sa 14:15,16; 2Ch 20:23.", "Supernatural means. -- Jos 10:11; 2Ki 19:35.", "Brought their idols with them. -- 1Ch 14:12.", "Compared to", "Whirlwinds. -- Jer 25:32.", "Waters of a river. -- Isa 8:7.", "Caterpillars. -- Jer 51:14,27.", "Grasshoppers. -- Jdj 6:3-5; 7:12.", "Locusts. -- Isa 33:4; Re 9:3,7.", "Flies. -- Isa 7:18,19.", "Clouds. -- Eze 38:9-16.", "Overflowing torrents. -- Isa 28:2; Da 11:10,26.", "Illustrative of", "Multitudes of angels. -- 1Ki 22:19; Ps 148:2; Da 4:35; Mt 26:53.", "The Church. -- Da 8:10-13; Song 6:4,10.", "Numerous and heavy afflictions. -- Job 19:12." ]
[ "First mention of -- Ex 7:4.", "Collected by", "Sound of trumpets. -- Jdj 3:27; 6:34.", "Special messengers. -- Jdj 6:35; 2Sa 20:14.", "Extraordinary means. -- Jdj 19:29; 20:1; 1Sa 11:7.", "Enroled by the chief scribe -- 2Ki 25:19.", "Called", "The host. -- De 23:9; 1Sa 28:19.", "The armies of the living God. -- 1Sa 17:26.", "Composed of infantry. -- Nu 11:21; Jdj 5:15.", "Horsemen and chariots introduced into, after David's reign. -- 1Ki 1:5; 4:26.", "Divided into", "Three divisions. -- Jdj 7:16; 1Sa 11:11.", "Van and rear. -- Jos 6:9.", "Companies of thousands, &c. -- Nu 31:14; 2Ki 1:9,11; 1Ch 13:1; 27:1.", "Commanded by the captain of the host -- 2Sa 2:8; 17:25; 20:23.", "Often led by the king in person -- 1Sa 8:20; 15:4,5; 2Sa 12:29; 1Ki 22:1-53.", "Inferior officers of, appointed by", "The chief officers. -- De 20:9.", "The king. -- 2Sa 18:1; 2Ch 25:5.", "The captain of the host. -- 2Sa 18:11; 2Ki 4:13.", "Persons liable to serve in -- Nu 1:2,3.", "Persons exempted from serving in", "Who had built a house. -- De 20:5.", "Who had planted a vineyard. -- De 20:6.", "Who were lately betrothed. -- De 20:7.", "Who were newly married. -- De 24:5.", "Refusing to join, stigmatised -- Jdj 5:15-17.", "Refusing to join, often punished -- Jdj 21:5,8-11; 1Sa 11:7.", "The fearful allowed to leave -- De 20:8; Jdj 7:3.", "Sometimes consisted of the whole nation -- Jdj 20:11; 1Sa 11:7.", "Strict discipline observed in -- Jos 7:16-21; 1Sa 14:24-44.", "Educated in the art of war -- Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3.", "Often supplied with arms from public armouries -- 2Ch 11:12; 26:14.", "Before going to war", "Were numbered and reviewed. -- 2Sa 18:1,2,4; 1Ki 10:15,27.", "Required to keep from iniquity. -- De 23:9.", "Consulted the Lord. -- Jdj 1:1; 20:27,28.", "Encouraged by their commanders. -- 2Ch 20:20.", "Ark of God frequently brought with -- Jos 6:6,7; 1Sa 4:4,5; 2Sa 11:11; 15:24.", "Attended by priest with trumpets -- Nu 10:9; 31:6; 2Ch 13:13,14.", "Praises of God often sung before -- 2Ch 20:21,22.", "Often disposed to battle with Judgment, &c -- 2Sa 10:9.", "Bravery and fidelity in, rewarded -- Jos 15:16; 1Sa 17:25; 18:17; 2Sa 18:11; 1Ch 11:6.", "Men selected from, for difficult enterprises -- Ex 17:9; Nu 31:5,6; Jos 7:4; 8:3; Jdj 7:5,6; 2Sa 17:1.", "Directed in their movements by God -- Jos 8:1,2; Jdj 1:2; 2Sa 5:25; 1Ch 14:16.", "With the aid of God all-powerful -- Le 26:3,7,8; De 7:24; 32:30; Jos 1:5.", "Without God easily overcome -- Le 26:17; Nu 14:42,45.", "Mode of supplying", "Food brought by themselves. -- Jos 1:11.", "Food sent by their families. -- 1Sa 17:17.", "Contribution levied. -- Jdj 8:5; 1Sa 25:4-8.", "By presents. -- 2Sa 17:27-29.", "Congratulated on returning victorious -- 1Sa 18:6,7; Ex 15:1-21.", "Purified on returning from war -- Nu 31:19-24.", "Disbanded after war -- 1Sa 13:2; 1Ki 22:36.", "Part of, retained in times of peace by the kings -- 1Sa 13:1,2; 1Ch 27:1-15." ]
Armies of Israel, The
[ "Made of iron, steel, or brass -- Job 20:24; 1Sa 17:5,6.", "Offensive", "Sword. -- Jdj 20:15; Eze 32:27.", "Two-edged sword. -- Ps 149:6; Pr 5:4.", "Dagger. -- Jdj 3:16,21,22.", "Dart or javelin. -- 1Sa 18:10,11; 2Sa 18:14.", "Spear or lance. -- 1Sa 26:7; Jer 50:42.", "Battle-axe. -- Eze 26:9; Jer 51:20.", "Bow and arrows. -- Ge 48:22; 1Ki 22:34.", "Sling. -- 1Sa 17:50; 2Ki 3:25.", "Hand staff. -- Mt 26:47.", "Called weapons of war. -- 2Sa 1:27.", "Called instruments of war. -- 1Ch 12:33,37.", "Called instruments of death. -- Ps 7:13.", "Defensive", "Helmet. -- 1Sa 17:5,38; 2Ch 26:14.", "Coat of mail, breastplate, habergeon, or brigandine. -- 1Sa 17:5,38; Ex 28:32; Jer 46:4; Re 9:9.", "Girdle. -- 1Sa 18:4; 2Sa 18:11.", "Target. -- 1Sa 17:6.", "Greaves. -- 1Sa 17:6.", "Shield. -- 1Ki 10:16,17; 14:26,27.", "Buckler. -- 1Ch 5:18; Eze 26:8.", "Called harness. -- 1Ki 22:34.", "Called armour. -- Lu 11:22.", "For sieges", "Battering Rams. -- 2Sa 20:15; Eze 4:2.", "Engines for casting stones, &c. -- 2Ch 26:15.", "Not worn in ordinary times -- 1Sa 21:8.", "Put on at the first alarm -- Isa 8:9; Jer 46:3,4.", "Armouries built for -- 2Ki 20:13; Song 4:4.", "Great stores of, prepared -- 2Ch 32:5.", "Were provided", "By individuals themselves. -- 1Ch 12:33,37.", "From the public arsenals. -- 2Ch 11:12; 26:14.", "Often given as presents -- 1Ki 10:25.", "Before using", "Tried and proved. -- 1Sa 17:39.", "Burnished. -- Jer 46:4; Eze 21:9-11,28.", "Anointed. -- Isa 21:5.", "Part of, borne by armour-bearers -- Jdj 9:54; 1Sa 14:1; 16:21.", "Hung of the walls of cities -- Eze 27:10,11.", "Of the vanquished", "Taken off them. -- 2Sa 2:21; Lu 11:22.", "Sometimes kept as trophies. -- 1Sa 17:54.", "Sometime burned. -- Eze 39:9,10.", "Of conquered nations taken away to prevent rebellion -- Jdj 5:8; 1Sa 13:19-22.", "Inferior to wisdom -- Ec 9:18.", "Illustrative of", "Spiritual armour. -- Ro 13:12; 2Co 6:7; Eph 6:11-14; 1Th 5:8.", "Spiritual weapons. -- 2Co 10:4; Eph 6:17.", "Judgments of God. -- Isa 13:5; Jer 50:25." ]
Arms, Military
[ "Apothecary or perfumer -- Ex 30:25,35.", "Armourer -- 1Sa 8:12.", "Baker -- Ge 40:1; 1Sa 8:13.", "Brick-maker -- Ge 11:3; Ex 5:7,8,18.", "Brazier -- Ge 4:22; 2Ti 4:14.", "Blacksmith -- Ge 4:22; 1Sa 13:19.", "Carver -- Ex 31:5; 1Ki 6:18.", "Carpenter -- 2Sa 5:11; Mr 6:3.", "Calker -- Eze 27:9,27.", "Confectioner -- 1Sa 8:13.", "Dyer -- Ex 25:5.", "Embroiderer -- Ex 35:35; 38:23.", "Embalmer -- Ge 50:2,3,26.", "Engraver -- Ex 28:11; Isa 49:16; 2Co 3:7.", "Founder -- Jdj 17:4; Jer 10:9.", "Fuller -- 2Ki 18:17; Mr 9:3.", "Gardener -- Jer 29:5; Joh 20:15.", "Goldsmith -- Isa 40:19.", "Husbandman -- Ge 4:2; 9:20.", "Mariner, &c -- Eze 27:8,9.", "Mason -- 2Sa 5:11; 2Ch 24:12.", "Musician -- 1Sa 18:6; 1Ch 15:16.", "Potter -- Isa 64:8; Jer 18:3; La 4:2; Zec 11:13.", "Refiner of metals -- 1Ch 28:18; Mal 3:2,3.", "Rope maker -- Jdj 16:11.", "Silversmith -- Ac 19:24.", "Stone cutter -- Ex 20:25; 1Ch 22:15.", "Ship builder -- 1Ki 9:26.", "Smelter of metals -- Job 28:2.", "Spinner -- Ex 35:25; Pr 31:19.", "Tailor -- Ex 28:3.", "Tanner -- Ac 9:43; 10:6.", "Tent-maker -- Ge 4:20; Ac 18:3.", "Weaver -- Ex 35:35; Joh 19:23.", "Wine-maker -- Ne 13:15; Isa 63:3.", "Writer -- Jdj 5:14." ]
Arts of The
[ "Prophecies respecting -- Ps 24:7; 68:18; Eph 4:7,8.", "Foretold by himself -- Joh 6:62; 7:33; 14:28; 16:5; 20:17.", "Forty days after his resurrection -- Ac 1:3.", "Described -- Ac 1:9.", "From Mount Olivet -- Lu 24:50; Mr 11:1; Ac 1:12.", "While blessing his disciples -- Lu 24:50.", "When he had atoned for sin -- Heb 9:12; 10:12.", "Was triumphant -- Ps 68:18.", "Was to supreme power and dignity -- Lu 24:26; Eph 1:20,21; 1Pe 3:22.", "As the forerunner of his people -- Heb 6:20.", "To intercede -- Ro 8:34; Heb 9:24.", "To send the Holy Spirit -- Joh 16:7; Ac 2:33.", "To receive gifts for men -- Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8,11.", "To prepare a place for his people -- Joh 14:2.", "His second coming shall be in like manner as -- Ac 1:10,11.", "Typified -- Le 16:15; Heb 6:20; 9:7,9,12." ]
Ascension of Christ, The
[ "Descended form Jacob's eighth son -- Ge 30:12,13.", "Predictions concerning -- Ge 49:20; De 33:24,25.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:40,41.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:13.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:13.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:27.", "The centre of the fourth division of Israel in its journeys -- Nu 10:25,26.", "Encamped next to, and under the standard of Dan, north of the tabernacles -- Nu 2:25,27.", "Offering of, at the dedication -- Nu 7:72-77.", "Families of -- Nu 26:44-47.", "Strength of on entering Canaan -- Nu 26:47.", "On Ebal, said amen to the curses of the law -- De 27:13.", "Bounds of their inheritance -- Jos 19:24-31.", "Bordered on the sea -- Jos 19:29; Jdj 5:17.", "Did not fully drive out Canaanites -- Jdj 1:31,32.", "Reproved for not aiding against Sisera -- Jdj 5:17.", "Assisted Gideon against the Midianites -- Jdj 6:35; 7:23.", "Some of, at coronation of David -- 1Ch 12:36.", "Officers place over, by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:16.", "Aided in Hezekiah's reformation -- 2Ch 30:11.", "Remarkable persons of -- 1Ch 7:30-40; Lu 2:36." ]
Asher, the Tribe Of
[ "Dangerous to travellers -- Ge 49:17.", "Described as", "Venomous. -- Job 20:14,16.", "Not to be charmed. -- Ps 58:5.", "Illustrative", "Of obstinate rejecters of God's Word. -- Ps 58:4,5.", "Of the enemies of God's people. -- Ps 91:13.", "(Venom of), of the speech of the wicked -- Ps 140:3; Ro 3:13.", "(Venom of), of injurious effects of wine -- De 32:33; Pr 23:32.", "(Deprived of its venom), of the effects of conversion -- Isa 11:8,9." ]
Asp, or Adder
[ "Unclean -- Le 11:2,3,26; Ex 13:13.", "Described as", "Not devoid of instinct. -- Isa 1:3.", "Strong. -- Ge 49:14.", "Fond of ease. -- Ge 49:14,15.", "Often fed on vine-leaves -- Ge 49:11.", "Formed a part of patriarchal wealth -- Ge 12:16; 30:43; Job 1:3; 42:12.", "Was used", "In agriculture. -- Isa 30:6,24.", "For bearing burdens. -- Ge 42:26; 1Sa 25:18.", "For riding. -- Ge 22:3; Nu 22:21.", "In harness. -- Isa 21:7.", "In war. -- 2Ki 7:7,10.", "Governed by a bridle -- Pr 26:3.", "Urged on with a staff -- Nu 22:23,27.", "Women often rode on -- Jos 15:18; 1Sa 25:20.", "Persons of rank rode on -- Jdj 10:3,4; 2Sa 16:2.", "Judges of Israel rode on white -- Jdj 5:10.", "Young, most valued for labour -- Isa 30:6,24.", "Trusty persons appointed to take care of -- Ge 36:24; 1Sa 9:3; 1Ch 27:30.", "Often taken unlawfully by corrupt rulers -- Nu 16:15; 1Sa 8:16; 12:3.", "Later counted as an ignoble creature -- Jer 22:19.", "Laws respecting", "Not to be coveted. -- Ex 20:17.", "Fallen under a burden, to be assisted. -- Ex 23:5.", "Astray, to be brought back to its owners. -- Ex 23:4; De 22:1.", "Astray, to be taken care of till its owner appeared. -- De 22:2,3.", "Not to be yoked with an ox. -- De 22:10.", "To enjoy the rest of the Sabbath. -- De 5:14.", "First-born of, if not redeemed, to have its neck broken. -- Ex 13:13; 34:20.", "Christ entered Jerusalem on. -- Zec 9:9; Joh 12:14.", "Miracles connected with", "Mouth of Balaam's opened to speak. -- Nu 22:28; 2Pe 2:16.", "A thousand men slain by Samson with a jaw-bone of. -- Jdj 15:19.", "Water brought from the jaw-bone of. -- Jdj 15:19.", "Not torn by a lion. -- 1Ki 13:28.", "Eaten during famine in Samaria. -- 2Ki 6:25." ]
Ass, the Domestic
[ "Inhabits wild and solitary places -- Job 39:6; Isa 32:14; Da 5:21.", "Ranges the mountains for food -- Job 39:8.", "Brays when hungry -- Job 6:5.", "Suffers in time of scarcity -- Jer 14:6.", "Described as", "Fond of liberty. -- Job 39:5.", "Intractable. -- Job 11:12.", "Unsocial. -- Ho 8:9.", "Despises his pursuers -- Job 39:7.", "Supported by God -- Ps 104:10,11.", "Illustrative of", "Intractableness of natural man. -- Job 11:12.", "The wicked in their pursuit of sin. -- Job 24:5.", "Israel in their love of idols. -- Jer 2:23,24.", "The Assyrian power. -- Ho 8:9.", "The Ishmaelites (Hebrew). -- Ge 16:12." ]
Ass, the Wild
[ "Explained -- Ro 5:8-11; 2Co 5:18,19; Ga 1:4; 1Jo 2:2; 4:10.", "Foreordained -- Ro 3:25; 1Pe 1:11,20; Re 13:8.", "Foretold -- Isa 53:4-6,8-12; Da 9:24-27; Zec 13:1,7; Joh 11:50,51.", "Effected by Christ alone -- Joh 1:29,36; Ac 4:10,12; 1Th 1:10; 1Ti 2:5,6; Heb 2:9; 1Pe 2:24.", "Was voluntary -- Ps 40:6-8; Heb 10:5-9; Joh 10:11,15,17,18.", "Exhibits the", "Grace and mercy of God. -- Ro 8:32; Eph 2:4,5,7; 1Ti 2:4; Heb 2:9.", "Love of God. -- Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:9,10.", "Love of Christ. -- Joh 15:13; Ga 2:20; Eph 5:2,25; Re 1:5.", "Reconciles the justice and mercy of God -- Isa 45:21; Ro 3:25,26.", "Necessity for -- Isa 59:16; Lu 19:10; Heb 9:22.", "Made but once -- Heb 7:27; 9:24-28; 10:10,12,14; 1Pe 3:18.", "Acceptable to God -- Eph 5:2.", "Reconciliation to God effected by -- Ro 5:10; 2Co 5:18-20; Eph 2:13-16; Col 1:20-22; Heb 2:17; 1Pe 3:18.", "Access to God by -- Heb 10:19,20.", "Remission of sins by -- Joh 1:29; Ro 3:25; Eph 1:7; 1Jo 1:7; Re 1:5.", "Justification by -- Ro 5:9; 2Co 5:21.", "Sanctification by -- 2Co 5:15; Eph 5:26,27; Tit 2:14; Heb 10:10; 13:12.", "Redemption by -- Mt 20:28; Ac 20:28; 1Ti 2:6; Heb 9:12; Re 5:9.", "Has delivered saints from the", "Power of sin. -- Ro 8:3; 1Pe 1:18,19.", "Power of the World. -- Ga 1:4; 6:14.", "Power of the devil. -- Col 2:15; Heb 2:14,15.", "Saints glorify God for -- 1Co 6:20; Ga 2:20; Php 1:20,21.", "Saints rejoice in God for -- Ro 5:11.", "Saints praise God for -- Re 5:9-13.", "Faith in, indispensable -- Ro 3:25; Ga 3:13,14.", "Commemorated in the Lord's supper -- Mt 26:26-28; 1Co 11:23-26.", "Ministers should fully set forth -- Ac 5:29-31,42; 1Co 15:3; 2Co 5:18-21.", "Typified -- Ge 4:4; Heb 11:4; Ge 22:2; Heb 11:17,19; Ex 12:5,11,14; 1Co 5:7; Ex 24:8; Heb 9:20; Le 16:30,34; Heb 9:7,12,28; Le 17:11; Heb 9:22." ]
Atonement, The
[ "Tenth day of seventh month -- Le 23:26,27.", "A day of humiliation -- Le 16:29,31; 23:27.", "Observed as a sabbath -- Le 23:28,32.", "Offerings to be made on -- Le 16:3,5-15.", "The high priest entered into the holy place on -- Le 16:2,3; Heb 9:7.", "Atonement made on", "For the holy place. -- Ex 30:10; Le 16:15,16.", "For the high priest. -- Le 16:11; Heb 9:7.", "For the whole congregation. -- Le 16:17,24; 23:28; Heb 9:7.", "The sins of the people borne off by the scapegoat on -- Le 16:21.", "Punishment for not observing -- Le 23:29,30.", "Year of Jubilee commenced on -- Le 25:9.", "Typical -- Heb 9:8,24." ]
Atonement, the Day Of
[ "Made by sacrifice -- Le 1:4,5.", "By priests alone -- 1Ch 6:49; 2Ch 29:24.", "Necessary for", "Propitiating God. -- Ex 32:30; Le 23:27,28; 2Sa 21:3.", "Ransoming. -- Ex 30:15,16; Job 33:24.", "Purifying. -- Ex 29:36.", "Offered for", "The congregation. -- Nu 15:25; 2Ch 29:24.", "The priests. -- Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:34.", "Persons sinning ignorantly. -- Le 4:20-35.", "Persons sinning wilfully. -- Le 6:7.", "Persons swearing rashly. -- Le 5:4,6.", "Persons withholding evidence. -- Le 5:1,6.", "Persons unclean. -- Le 5:2,3,6.", "Women after childbirth. -- Le 12:8.", "The altar. -- Ex 29:36,37; Le 16:18,19.", "The holy place. -- Le 16:16,17.", "The healed leper. -- Le 14:18.", "The leprous house healed. -- Le 14:53.", "Extraordinary cases of -- Ex 32:30-34; Nu 16:47; 25:10-13.", "Typical of Christ's atonement -- Ro 5:6-11." ]
Atonement, Under the Law
[ "Is turning from God -- 1Ki 11:9.", "Is leaving the first love -- Re 2:4.", "Is departing form the simplicity of the gospel -- 2Co 11:3; Ga 3:1-3; 5:4,7.", "God is displeased at -- Ps 78:57,59.", "Warnings against -- Ps 85:8; 1Co 10:12.", "Guilt and consequences of -- Nu 14:43; Ps 125:5; Isa 59:2,9-11; Jer 5:6; 8:5,13; 15:6; Lu 9:62.", "Brings its own punishment -- Pr 14:14; Jer 2:19.", "A haughty spirit leads to -- Pr 16:18.", "Proneness to -- Pr 24:16; Ho 11:7.", "Liable to continue and increase -- Jer 8:5; 14:7.", "Exhortations to return from -- 2Ch 30:6; Isa 31:6; Jer 3:12,14,22; Ho 6:1.", "Pray to be restored from -- Ps 80:3; 85:4; La 5:21.", "Punishment of tempting others to the sin of -- Pr 28:10; Mt 18:6.", "Not hopeless -- Ps 37:24; Pr 24:16.", "Endeavour to bring back those guilty of -- Ga 6:1; Jas 5:19,20.", "Sin of, to be confessed -- Isa 59:12-14; Jer 3:13,14; 14:7-9.", "Pardon of, promised -- 2Ch 7:14; Jer 3:12; 31:20; 36:3.", "Healing of, promised -- Jer 3:22; Ho 14:4.", "Afflictions sent to heal -- Ho 5:15.", "Blessedness of those who keep from -- Pr 28:14; Isa 26:3,4; Col 1:21-23.", "Hateful to saints -- Ps 101:3.", "Exemplified", "Israel. -- Ex 32:8; Ne 9:26; Jer 3:11; Ho 4:16.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 15:11.", "Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:3,4.", "Peter. -- Mt 26:70-74." ]
[ "Foretold -- Eze 36:25.", "Is through Christ -- Tit 3:6.", "Christ administered -- Mt 3:11; Joh 1:33.", "Promised to saints -- Ac 1:5; 2:38,39; 11:16.", "All saints partake of -- 1Co 12:13.", "Necessity for -- Joh 3:5; Ac 19:2-6.", "Renews and cleanses the soul -- Tit 3:5; 1Pe 3:20,21.", "The Word of God instrumental to -- Ac 10:44; Eph 5:26.", "Typified -- Ac 2:1-4." ]
Baptism With the Holy Spirit
[ "Inhabits woods -- 2Ki 2:24.", "Described as", "Voracious. -- Da 7:5.", "Cunning. -- La 3:10.", "Cruel. -- Am 5:19.", "Often attacks men -- 2Ki 2:24; Am 5:19.", "Attacks the flock in the presence of the shepherd -- 1Sa 17:34.", "Particularly fierce when deprived of its young -- 2Sa 17:8; Pr 17:12.", "Growls when annoyed -- Isa 59:11.", "Miraculously killed by David -- 1Sa 17:36,37.", "Illustrative of", "God in his judgments. -- La 3:10; Ho 13:8.", "The natural man. -- Isa 11:7.", "Wicked rulers. -- Pr 28:15.", "The kingdom of the Medes. -- Da 7:5.", "The kingdom of Antichrist. -- Re 13:2." ]
Bear, The
[ "The Jews never appeared without -- 2Sa 10:5.", "Worn even by the priests -- Ps 133:2.", "Laying hold of, a token of respect -- 1Sa 20:9.", "Shaving of, a great offence -- 2Sa 10:4,6,7.", "Plucking of, a sign of scorn -- Isa 50:6.", "Dribbling on, a sign of derangement -- 1Sa 21:13.", "In affliction", "Was neglected and untrimmed. -- 2Sa 19:24.", "Was clipped. -- Jer 48:37.", "Was shorn. -- Jer 41:5.", "Sometimes plucked out. -- Ezr 9:3.", "Corners of, not to be marred for the dead -- Le 19:27; 21:5.", "Subject to leprosy -- Le 13:29,30.", "Of the healed leper to be shaved -- Le 14:9.", "Shaving, illustrative of severe judgments -- Isa 7:20; 15:2; Eze 5:1." ]
Beard, The
[ "Created by God -- Ge 1:24,25; 2:19.", "Creation of, exhibits God's power -- Jer 27:5.", "Made for the praise and glory of God -- Ps 148:10.", "Differ in flesh from birds and fishes -- 1Co 15:39.", "Herb of the field given to, for food -- Ge 1:30.", "Power over, given to man -- Ge 1:26,28; Ps 8:7.", "Instinctively fear man -- Ge 9:2.", "Received their names from Adam -- Ge 2:19,20.", "Given to man for food after the flood -- Ge 9:3.", "Not to be eaten alive or with blood -- Ge 9:4; De 12:16,23.", "That died naturally or were torn, not to be eaten -- Ex 22:31; Le 17:15; 22:8.", "Supply clothing to man -- Ge 3:21; Job 31:20.", "The property of God -- Ps 50:10.", "Subjects of God's care -- Ps 36:6; 104:10,11.", "Described as", "Devoid of speech. -- 2Pe 2:16.", "Devoid of understanding. -- Ps 32:9; 73:22.", "Devoid of immortality. -- Ps 49:12-15.", "Possessed of instinct. -- Isa 1:3.", "Being four-footed. -- Ac 10:12.", "By nature wild, &c. -- Ps 50:11; Mr 1:13.", "Capable of being tamed. -- Jas 3:7.", "Many kinds of, noisome and destructive -- Le 26:6; Eze 5:17.", "Many kinds of, domestic -- Ge 36:6; 45:17.", "Lessons of wisdom to be learned from -- Job 12:7.", "Found in", "Deserts. -- Isa 13:21.", "Fields. -- De 7:22; Joe 2:22.", "Mountains. -- Song 4:8.", "Forests. -- Isa 56:9; Mic 5:8.", "Habitations of", "Dens and caves. -- Job 37:8; 38:40.", "Under spreading trees. -- Da 4:12.", "Deserted cities. -- Isa 13:21,22; Zep 2:15.", "Liable to diseases -- Ex 9:3.", "Frequently suffered on account of the sins of men -- Joe 1:18,20; Hag 1:11.", "Often cut off for the sins of men -- Ge 6:7; 7:23; Ex 11:5; Ho 4:3.", "Early distinguished into clean and unclean -- Ge 7:2.", "Clean", "Ox. -- Ex 21:28; De 14:4.", "Wild ox. -- De 14:5.", "Sheep. -- De 7:13; 14:4.", "Goat. -- De 14:4.", "Hart. -- De 14:5; Job 39:1.", "Roebuck. -- De 14:5; 2Sa 2:18.", "Wild goat. -- De 14:5.", "Fallow deer. -- De 14:5.", "Chamois. -- De 14:5.", "Pygarg. -- De 14:5.", "How distinguished. -- Le 11:3; De 14:6.", "Used for food. -- Le 11:2; De 12:15.", "Used for sacrifice. -- Ge 8:20.", "First born of, not redeemed. -- Nu 18:17.", "Unclean", "Camel. -- Ge 24:64; Le 11:4.", "Dromedary. -- 1Ki 4:28; Es 8:10.", "Horse. -- Job 39:19-25.", "Ass. -- Ge 22:3; Mt 21:2.", "Wild Ass. -- Job 6:5; 39:5-8.", "Mule. -- 2Sa 13:29; 1Ki 10:25.", "Lion. -- Jdj 14:5,6.", "Leopard. -- Song 4:8.", "Bear. -- 2Sa 17:8.", "Wolf. -- Ge 49:27; Joh 10:12.", "Unicorn. -- Nu 23:22.", "Behemoth. -- Job 40:15.", "Ape. -- 1Ki 10:22.", "Fox. -- Ps 63:10; Song 2:5.", "Dog. -- Ex 22:31; Lu 16:2.", "Swine. -- Le 11:7; Isa 66:17.", "Hare. -- Le 11:6; De 14:7.", "Coney. -- Le 11:5; Ps 104:18.", "Mouse. -- Le 11:29; Isa 66:17.", "Mole. -- Le 11:30; Isa 2:20.", "Weasel. -- Le 11:29.", "Ferret. -- Le 11:30.", "Badger. -- Ex 25:5; Eze 16:10.", "How distinguished. -- Le 11:26.", "Not eaten. -- Le 11:4-8; De 1:7,8.", "Not offered in sacrifice. -- Le 27:11.", "First born of, redeemed. -- Nu 18:15.", "Caused uncleanness when dead. -- Le 5:2.", "Domestic", "To enjoy the sabbath. -- Ex 20:10; De 5:14.", "To be taken care of. -- Le 25:7; De 25:4.", "Not to be cruelly used. -- Nu 22:27-32; Pr 12:10.", "No likeness of, to be worshipped -- De 4:17.", "Representations of, worshipped by the heathen -- Ro 1:23.", "History of, written by Solomon -- 1Ki 4:33.", "Often used as instruments of punishment -- Le 26:22; De 32:24; Jer 15:3; Eze 5:17.", "Man by nature no better than -- Ec 3:18,19.", "Illustrative of", "The wicked. -- Ps 49:20; Tit 1:12.", "Ungodly professors. -- 2Pe 2:12; Jude 1:10.", "Persecutors. -- 1Co 15:32; 2Ti 4:17.", "Kingdoms. -- Da 7:11,17; 8:4.", "People of different nations. -- Da 4:12,21,22.", "Antichrist. -- Re 13:2; 20:4." ]
[ "Antiquity of -- Ge 47:31; Ex 8:3.", "Couches or divans used as -- Job 7:13; Ps 6:6.", "A small pallet or mattress used as -- 1Sa 19:15.", "Considered necessary -- 2Ki 4:10.", "Made of", "Iron. -- De 3:11.", "Ivory. -- Am 6:4.", "Gold and Silver. -- Es 1:6.", "Wood -- Song 3:7-9.", "Supplied with pillows -- 1Sa 19:13; 26:7.", "Covered with tapestry and linen -- Pr 7:16.", "Often perfumed -- Pr 7:17; Eze 23:41.", "Of the poor covered with upper garment -- Ex 22:26,27; De 24:12,13.", "Used for", "Sleeping on. -- Job 33:15; Lu 11:7.", "Reclining on by day. -- 2Sa 4:5; 11:2.", "Reclining on at meals. -- 1Sa 28:23-25; Am 6:4-6; Lu 7:36-38; Joh 13:23.", "Not used in affliction -- 2Sa 12:16; 13:31.", "Persons sometimes took to, in grief -- 1Ki 21:4; Ho 7:14.", "Saints meditate and praise God while on -- Ps 4:4; 149:5; Song 3:1.", "The wicked devise mischief while on -- Ps 36:4; Mic 2:1.", "The slothful too fond of -- Pr 26:14.", "Of the poor often sold for debt -- Pr 22:27.", "Subject to ceremonial defilement -- Le 15:4.", "Purification of -- Mr 7:4.", "Illustrative", "Of the grave. -- Isa 57:2.", "(Made in darkness,) of extreme misery. -- Job 17:13.", "(Made in sickness,) of divine support and comfort. -- Ps 41:3.", "(Made on high,) of carnal security. -- Isa 57:7.", "(Too short,) of plans which afford no rest or peace. -- Isa 28:20." ]
[ "Descended from Jacob's twelfth son -- Ge 35:18.", "Predictions respecting -- Ge 49:27; De 33:12.", "Persons selected from", "To number the people. -- Nu 1:11.", "To spy out the land. -- Nu 13:9.", "To divide the land. -- Nu 34:21.", "Strength of, on leaving Egypt -- Nu 1:36,37.", "Formed the rear of the third division of Israel in their journeys -- Nu 10:22,24.", "Encamped on west side of the tabernacle under the standard of Ephrain -- Nu 2:18,22.", "Offering of, at dedication -- Nu 7:60-65.", "Families of -- Nu 26:38-40.", "Strength of, entering Canaan -- Nu 26:41.", "On Gerizim said amen to the blessings -- De 27:12.", "Cities and bounds of inheritance -- Jos 18:11-28.", "Celebrated as bowmen and slingers -- 1Ch 12:2.", "Assisted against Sisera -- Jdj 5:14.", "Oppressed by the Ammonites -- Jdj 10:9.", "Almost annihilated for protecting the men of Gibeah -- Jdj 20:12-48.", "Remnant of, provided with wives to preserve the tribe -- Jdj 21:1-23.", "Furnished the first king to Israel -- 1Sa 9:1,2,15-17; 10:20,21; 2Sa 2:8-10.", "Adhered for a time to the house of Saul against David -- 2Sa 2:9,15,25,31.", "Some of, assisted David -- 1Ch 12:1-7,16.", "Revolted from the house of Saul -- 2Sa 3:19.", "Some of, at David's coronation -- 1Ch 12:29.", "A 1000 of, with Shimei came to meet David on his return to Jerusalem -- 2Sa 19:16,17.", "Very numerous in David's time -- 1Ch 7:6-12.", "Captains appointed over -- 1Ki 4:18; 1Ch 27:12.", "Remained faithful to Judah -- 1Ki 12:21.", "Furnished an army to Jehoshaphat -- 2Ch 17:17.", "Numbers of, returned from the captivity and dwelt at Jerusalem -- Ezr 1:5; Ne 11:4.", "Celebrated persons of", "Ehud. -- Jdj 3:15.", "Kish. -- 1Sa 9:1.", "Saul. -- 1Sa 9:1; 10:1.", "Abner. -- 1Sa 14:51; 17:55.", "Elhanan. -- 2Sa 21:19.", "Paul. -- Php 3:5." ]
Benjamin, Tribe Of
[ "Whom God chooses -- Ps 65:4; Eph 1:3,4.", "Whom God calls -- Isa 51:2; Re 19:9.", "Who know Christ -- Mt 16:16,17.", "Who know the gospel -- Ps 89:15.", "Who are not offended at Christ -- Mt 11:6.", "Who believe -- Lu 1:45; Ga 3:9.", "Whose sins are forgiven -- Ps 32:1,2; Ro 4:7.", "To whom God imputes righteousness without works -- Ro 4:6-9.", "Whom God chastens -- Job 5:17; Ps 94:12.", "Who suffer for Christ -- Lu 6:22.", "Who have the Lord for their God -- Ps 144:15.", "Who trust in God -- Ps 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; 84:12; Jer 17:7.", "Who fear God -- Ps 112:1; 128:1,4.", "Who hear and keep the word of God -- Ps 119:2; Jas 1:24; Mt 13:16; Lu 11:28; Re 1:3; 22:7.", "Who delight in the commandments of God -- Ps 112:1.", "Who keep the commandments of God -- Re 22:14.", "Who wait for the Lord -- Isa 30:18.", "Whose strength is in the Lord -- Ps 84:5.", "Who hunger and thirst after righteousness -- Mt 5:6.", "Who frequent the house of God -- Ps 65:4; 84:5.", "Who avoid the wicked -- Ps 1:1.", "Who endure temptation -- Jas 1:12.", "Who watch against sin -- Re 16:15.", "Who rebuke sinners -- Pr 24:25.", "Who watch for the Lord -- Lu 12:37.", "Who die in the Lord -- Re 14:13.", "Who have part in the first resurrection -- Re 20:6.", "Who favour saints -- Ge 12:3; Ru 2:10.", "The undefiled -- Ps 119:1.", "The pure in heart -- Mt 5:8.", "The just -- Ps 106:3; 10:6.", "The children of the just -- Pr 20:7.", "The righteous -- Ps 5:12.", "The generation of the upright -- Ps 112:2.", "The faithful -- Pr 28:20.", "The poor in spirit -- Mt 5:3.", "The meek -- Mt 5:5.", "The merciful -- Mt 5:7.", "The bountiful -- De 15:10; Ps 41:1; Pr 22:9; Lu 14:13,14.", "The peace-makers -- Mt 5:9.", "Holy mourners -- Mt 5:4; Lu 6:21.", "Saints at the judgment day -- Mt 25:34.", "Who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God -- Lu 14:15; Re 19:9." ]
Blessed, The
[ "Explained -- Joh 1:5; 1Co 2:14.", "The effect of sin -- Isa 29:10; Mt 6:23; Joh 3:19,20.", "Unbelief, the effect of -- Ro 11:8; 2Co 4:3,4.", "Uncharitableness, a proof of -- 1Jo 2:9,11.", "A work of the devil -- 2Co 4:4.", "Leads to all evil -- Eph 4:17-19.", "Is consistent with communion with God -- 1Jo 1:6,7.", "Of ministers, fatal to themselves and to the people -- Mt 15:14.", "The wicked are in -- Ps 82:5; Jer 5:21.", "The self-righteous are in -- Mt 23:19,26; Re 3:17.", "The wicked wilfully guilty of -- Isa 26:11; Ro 1:19-21.", "Judicially inflicted -- Ps 69:23; Isa 29:10; 44:18; Mt 13:13,14; Joh 12:40.", "Pray for the removal of -- Ps 13:3; 119:18.", "Christ appointed to remove -- Isa 42:7; Lu 4:18; Joh 8:12; 9:39; 2Co 4:6.", "Christ's ministers are lights to remove -- Mt 5:14; Ac 26:18.", "Saints are delivered from -- Joh 8:12; Eph 5:8; Col 1:13; 1Th 5:4,5; 1Pe 2:9.", "Removal of, illustrated -- Joh 9:7,11,25; Ac 9:18; Re 3:18.", "Exemplified", "Israel. -- Ro 11:25; 2Co 3:15.", "Scribes and Pharisees. -- Mt 23:16,24.", "Churches of Laodicea. -- Re 3:17." ]
Blindness, Spiritual
[ "Christ set an example of -- Joh 7:26.", "Is through faith in Christ -- Eph 3:12; Heb 10:19.", "A characteristic of saints -- Pr 28:1.", "Produced by", "Trust in God. -- Isa 50:7.", "The fear of God. -- Ac 4:19; 5:29.", "Faithfulness to God. -- 1Ti 3:13.", "Express your trust in God with -- Heb 13:6.", "Have, in prayer -- Eph 3:12; Heb 4:16.", "Saints shall have, in judgment -- 1Jo 4:17.", "Exhortations to -- Jos 1:7; 2Ch 19:11; Jer 1:8; Eze 3:9.", "Pray for -- Ac 4:29; Eph 6:19,20.", "Ministers should exhibit, in", "Faithfulness to their people. -- 2Co 7:4; 10:1.", "Preaching. -- Ac 4:31; Php 1:14.", "Reproving sin. -- Isa 58:1; Mic 3:8.", "The face of opposition. -- Ac 13:46; 1Th 2:2.", "Exemplified", "Abraham. -- Ge 18:22-32.", "Jacob. -- Ge 32:24-29.", "Moses. -- Ex 32:31,32; 33:18.", "Aaron. -- Nu 16:47,48.", "David. -- 1Sa 17:45.", "Elijah. -- 1Ki 18:15,18.", "Nehemiah. -- Ne 6:11.", "Shadrach. -- Da 3:17,18.", "Daniel. -- Da 6:10.", "Joseph of Arimathaea. -- Mr 15:43.", "Peter and John. -- Ac 4:8-13.", "Stephen. -- Ac 7:51.", "Paul. -- Ac 9:27,29; 19:8.", "Barnabas. -- Ac 14:3.", "Apollos. -- Ac 18:26." ]
Boldness, Holy
[ "Is to the devil -- 1Ti 3:7; 2Ti 2:26.", "Is to the fear of death -- Heb 2:14,15.", "Is to sin -- Joh 8:34; Ac 8:23; Ro 6:16; 7:23; Ga 4:3; 2Pe 2:19.", "Deliverance from, promised -- Isa 42:6,7.", "Christ delivers from -- Lu 4:18,21; Joh 8:36; Ro 7:24,24; Eph 4:8.", "The gospel, the instrument of deliverance from -- Joh 8:32; Ro 8:2.", "Saints are delivered from -- Ro 6:18,22.", "Deliverance from, illustrated -- De 4:20.", "Typified", "Israel in Egypt. -- Ex 1:13,14." ]
Bondage, Spiritual
[ "Probable origin of -- Job 19:23,24.", "Made of", "Papyrus or paper reed. -- Isa 19:7.", "Parchment. -- 2Ti 4:13.", "Made in a roll -- Isa 34:4; Jer 36:2; Eze 2:9.", "Written with pen and ink -- Jer 36:18; 3Jo 1:13.", "Often written on both sides -- Eze 2:10.", "Often sealed -- Isa 29:11; Da 12:4; Re 5:1.", "Often dedicated to persons of distinction -- Lu 1:3; Ac 1:1.", "Were numerous and most expensive -- Ac 19:19.", "The ancients fond of making -- Ec 12:12.", "Divine communications recorded in -- Ex 17:14; Isa 30:8; Jer 36:2; Re 1:19.", "Important events recorded in -- Ezr 4:15; 6:1,2; Es 2:23.", "Erasures in, alluded to -- Ex 32:33; Nu 5:23.", "Not extant, but mentioned in scripture", "Wars of the Lord. -- Nu 21:14.", "Jasher. -- Jos 10:13; 2Sa 1:18.", "Samuel concerning the kingdom. -- 1Sa 10:25.", "Chronicles of David. -- 1Ch 27:24.", "Acts of Solomon. -- 1Ki 11:41.", "Natural history by Solomon. -- 1Ki 4:32,33.", "History of the kings. -- 1Ch 9:1.", "Samuel the seer. -- 1Ch 29:29.", "Nathan. -- 1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29.", "Shemaiah. -- 2Ch 12:15.", "Gad the seer. -- 1Ch 29:29.", "Ahijah the Shilonite. -- 2Ch 9:29.", "Visions of Iddo. -- 2Ch 9:29; 12:15.", "Jehu the son of Hanani. -- 2Ch 20:34.", "Sayings of the seers. -- 2Ch 33:19.", "Illustrative of", "Memorials of God's providence. -- Ps 56:8; 139:16.", "Memorials of conversation and conduct of men. -- Da 7:10; Mal 3:16; Re 20:12.", "The record of the church of Christ. -- Da 12:1; Heb 12:23; Re 20:12,15; 22:19." ]
[ "First mention of, in Scripture -- Ge 21:14.", "Ancients often drank from -- Hab 2:15.", "Used for holding", "Water. -- Ge 21:14,15,19.", "Milk. -- Jdj 4:19.", "Wine. -- 1Sa 1:24; 16:20.", "Some, made of earthenware -- Jer 19:1.", "Made of skins", "Shrivelled and dried by smoke. -- Ps 119:83.", "Marred by age and use. -- Jos 9:14,13.", "When old, unfit for holding new wine. -- Mt 9:17; Mr 2:22.", "Sometimes probably of large dimensions. -- 1Sa 25:18; 2Sa 16:1.", "Illustrative", "Of the clouds. -- Job 38:37.", "Of God's remembrance. -- Ps 56:8.", "Of sinners ripe for judgment. -- Jer 13:12-14.", "(Dried up,) of the afflicted. -- Ps 119:83.", "(Ready to burst,) of the impatient. -- Job 32:19.", "(Broken,) of severe judgments. -- Isa 30:14; Jer 19:10; 48:12." ]
[ "An instrument of war -- Ge 48:22; Isa 7:24.", "Sometimes used in hunting -- Ge 27:3.", "For shooting arrows -- 1Ch 12:2.", "Called the battle bow -- Zec 9:10; 10:4.", "Those who used, called", "Bowmen. -- Jer 4:29.", "Archers. -- 1Sa 31:3; Jer 51:3.", "Usually of steel -- 2Sa 22:35; Job 20:24.", "Held in the left hand -- Eze 39:3.", "Drawn with full force -- 2Ki 9:24.", "The Jews taught to use -- 2Sa 1:18.", "Used expertly by", "Lydians. -- Jer 46:9.", "Elamites. -- Jer 49:35.", "Philistines. -- 1Sa 31:2,3.", "Sons of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. -- 1Ch 5:18.", "Benjamites. -- 1Ch 12:2; 2Ch 14:8.", "Given as a token of friendship -- 1Sa 18:4.", "Often furnished by the state -- 2Ch 26:14.", "Of the vanquished, broken and burned -- Ps 37:15; Eze 39:9.", "Illustrative", "Of strength and power. -- Job 29:20.", "Of the tongue of the wicked. -- Ps 11:2; Jer 9:3.", "(When deceitful,) of the hypocrite. -- Ps 78:57; Ho 7:16.", "(When broken,) of the overthrow of power. -- 1Sa 2:4; Jer 49:35; Ho 1:5; 2:18." ]
Bow, The
[ "Dug out of the mountains -- De 8:9.", "Purified by smelting -- Job 28:2.", "Characterised by", "Strength. -- Job 40:18.", "Hardness. -- Le 26:19.", "Yellow colour. -- Ezr 8:27.", "Fusibility. -- Eze 22:18,20.", "Sonorousness. -- 1Co 13:1.", "Takes a high polish -- 2Ch 4:16; Eze 1:7.", "Inferior in value to gold and silver -- Isa 60:17; Da 2:32,39.", "Antiquity of working in -- Ge 4:22.", "Extensive commerce in -- Eze 27:13; Re 18:12.", "Working in, a trade -- Ge 4:22; 1Ki 7:14; 2Ch 24:12; 2Ti 4:14.", "Canaan abounded in -- De 8:9; 33:25.", "Taken in war", "Often in great quantities. -- Jos 22:8; 2Sa 8:8; 2Ki 25:13-16.", "Cleansed by fire. -- Nu 31:21-23.", "Generally consecrated to God. -- Jos 6:19,24; 2Sa 8:10,11.", "Offerings of, for the tabernacle -- Ex 38:29.", "Collected by David for the temple -- 1Ch 22:3,14,16; 29:2.", "Offerings of, for the temple -- 1Ch 29:6,7.", "Coined for money -- Mt 10:9; Mr 12:41.", "Made into", "Mirrors. -- Ex 38:8.", "Gates. -- Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2.", "Bars for gates. -- 1Ki 4:13.", "Fetters. -- Jdj 16:21; 2Ki 25:7.", "Shields. -- 1Ki 14:27; 2Ch 12:10.", "Helmets. -- 1Sa 17:5.", "Greaves for the legs. -- 1Sa 17:6.", "Household vessels. -- Mr 7:4.", "Sacred vessels. -- Ex 27:3; 1Ki 7:45.", "Altars. -- Ex 27:2; 39:39.", "Sockets for pillars. -- Ex 38:10,11,17.", "Lavers. -- Ex 30:18; 1Ki 7:38.", "Pillars. -- 1Ki 7:15,16.", "Idols. -- Da 5:4; Re 9:20.", "Instruments of music. -- 1Ch 15:19.", "Moses made the serpent of -- Nu 21:9; 2Ki 18:4.", "Illustrative of", "Obstinate sinners. -- Isa 48:4; Jer 6:28.", "The decrees of God. -- Zec 6:1.", "The strength and firmness of Christ. -- Da 10:6; Re 1:15.", "Strength given to saints. -- Jer 15:20; Mic 4:13.", "Macedonian empire. -- Da 2:39.", "Extreme drought. -- De 28:23.", "The earth made barren. -- Le 26:19." ]
Brass, or Copper
[ "Canaan abounded with -- De 8:7.", "Often ran over pebbles -- 1Sa 17:40; Job 22:24.", "Borders of, favourable to", "Grass. -- 1Ki 18:5.", "Willows. -- Le 23:40; Job 40:22.", "Reeds. -- Isa 19:7.", "Abounded with fish -- Isa 19:8.", "Afforded protection to a country -- Isa 19:6.", "Mentioned in scripture", "Arnon. -- Nu 21:14,15.", "Besor. -- 1Sa 30:9.", "Gaash. -- 2Sa 23:30; 1Ch 11:32.", "Cherith. -- 1Ki 17:3,5.", "Eshcol. -- Nu 13:23,24.", "Kidron. -- 2Sa 15:23; 1Ki 15:13; Joh 18:1.", "Kishon. -- 1Ki 18:40; Ps 83:9.", "Zered. -- De 2:13.", "Of the willows. -- Isa 15:7.", "Illustrative", "Of wisdom. -- Pr 18:4.", "Of temporal abundance. -- Job 20:17.", "(Deceptive,) of false friends. -- Job 6:15.", "(Drinking of, by the way,) of help in distress. -- Ps 110:7." ]
[ "To be offered only to the Lord -- Jdj 13:16.", "Specially acceptable -- Ge 8:21; Le 1:9,13,17.", "The most ancient of all sacrifices -- Ge 4:4; 8:20; 22:2,13; Job 1:5.", "Offered by the Jews before the law -- Ex 10:25; 24:5.", "To be taken from", "The flock or herd. -- Le 1:2.", "The fowls. -- Le 1:14.", "Was an atonement for sin -- Le 9:7.", "Guilt transferred to, by imposition of hands -- Le 1:4; Nu 8:12.", "Required to be", "Killed, if a beast, by the person who brought it. -- Le 1:5,11.", "Killed, if a bird, by the priest. -- Le 1:15.", "For the people at large, killed and prepared by the Levites. -- Eze 44:11.", "A male without blemish. -- Le 1:3; 22:19.", "Voluntary. -- Le 1:3; 22:18,19.", "Presented at the door of the tabernacle. -- Le 1:3; De 12:6,11,14.", "Offered by priests only. -- Le 1:9; Eze 44:15.", "Offered in righteousness. -- Ps 51:19.", "Entirely burned. -- Le 1:8,9,12,13; 6:9.", "Blood of, sprinkled round about upon the altar. -- Le 1:5,11.", "Blood of, sprinkled round about upon the altar -- Le 1:5,11.", "If a bird, the blood was wrung out at the side of the altar -- Le 1:15.", "Ashes of, collected at foot of the altar, and conveyed without the camp -- Le 6:11.", "Skin of, given to the priests for clothing -- Le 7:8; Ge 3:21.", "Was offered", "Every morning and evening. -- Ex 29:38-42.", "Every sabbath day. -- Nu 28:9,10.", "The first day of every month. -- Nu 28:11.", "The seven days of unleavened bread. -- Nu 28:19,24.", "The day of atonement. -- Le 16:3,5; Nu 29:8.", "At consecration of Levites. -- Nu 8:12.", "At consecration priests. -- Le 9:2,12-14.", "At consecration of kings. -- 1Ch 29:21-23.", "At purification of women. -- Le 12:6.", "For Nazarites after defilement, or at the end of their vow. -- Nu 6:11,14.", "For the healed leper. -- Le 14:13,19,20.", "At dedication of sacred places. -- Nu 7:15; 1Ki 8:64.", "After great mercies. -- 1Sa 6:14; 2Sa 24:22,25.", "Before going to war. -- 1Sa 7:9.", "With sounds of trumpets at feasts. -- Nu 10:10.", "The fat, &c of all peace offerings laid on, and consumed with the daily -- Le 3:5; 6:12.", "Of the wicked, not accepted by God -- Isa 1:10,11; Jer 6:19,20; Am 5:22.", "Obedience better than -- 1Sa 15:22; Jer 7:21-23.", "Knowledge of God better than -- Ho 6:6.", "Love of God better than -- Mr 12:33.", "Abraham tried by the command to offer Isaac as -- Ge 22:1-24.", "Incapable of removing sin, and reconciling to God -- Ps 40:6; 50:8; Heb 10:6.", "The most costly, no adequate tribute to God -- Isa 40:16; Ps 50:9-13.", "Guilt of unauthorised persons offering -- 1Sa 13:12,13.", "Guilt of offering, except in the place appointed -- Le 17:8,9.", "Of human victims execrated -- De 12:31; 2Ki 3:27; Jer 7:31; 19:5.", "Illustrative of", "The offering of Christ. -- Eph 5:2; Heb 10:8-10.", "Devotedness to God. -- Ro 12:1." ]
Burnt Offering, The
[ "Fools are -- Pr 20:3.", "The idle are -- 2Th 3:11; 1Ti 5:13.", "Are mischievous tale-bearers -- 1Ti 5:13.", "Bring mischief upon themselves -- 2Ki 14:10; Pr 26:17.", "Christians must not be -- 1Pe 4:15." ]
[ "The young of the herd -- Job 21:10; Jer 31:12.", "Playfulness of, alluded to -- Ps 29:6.", "Fed on", "Milk. -- 1Sa 6:10.", "Branches of trees, &c. -- Isa 27:10.", "Fattened in stalls, &c -- 1Sa 28:24; Am 6:4.", "Offered in sacrifice -- Le 9:2,3; Heb 9:12,19.", "Of a year old best for sacrifice -- Mic 6:6.", "If first-born not redeemed -- Nu 18:17.", "Eaten in the patriarchal age -- Ge 18:7,8.", "When fattened considered a delicacy -- 1Sa 28:24,25; Am 6:4; Lu 15:23,27.", "Illustrative of", "Saints nourished by grace. -- Mal 4:2.", "Sacrifices of praise. -- Ho 14:2; Heb 13:5.", "Patient endurance. -- Eze 1:7; Re 4:7." ]
Calf, The
[ "Made on account of the delay of Moses in the mount -- Ex 32:1.", "Was made", "Of the ornaments of the women, &c. -- Ex 32:2,3.", "To represent God. -- Ex 32:4,5; Ps 106:20.", "After an Egyptian model. -- Ac 7:39,41.", "To go before the congregation. -- Ex 32:1.", "Molten in the fire -- Ex 32:4; Ps 106:19.", "Fashioned with a graven tool -- Ex 32:4.", "An altar built before -- Ex 32:5.", "Sacrifices offered to -- Ex 32:6; Ac 7:41.", "Worshipped with profane revelry -- Ex 32:6,18,19,25; 1Co 10:7.", "Making of", "A very great sin. -- Ex 32:21,30,31.", "A forgetting of God. -- Ps 106:21.", "A turning aside from the divine command. -- Ex 32:8; De 9:12,16.", "Excited wrath against Aaron. -- De 9:20.", "Excited wrath against Israel. -- Ex 32:10; De 9:14,19.", "Caused Moses to break the tables of the testimony. -- Ex 32:19; De 9:17.", "Israel punished for. -- Ex 32:26-29,35.", "Moses interceded for those who worshipped -- Ex 32:11-14,30-34; De 9:18-20.", "Destroyed by Moses -- Ex 32:20; De 9:21.", "Punishment of those who worshipped a warning to others -- 1Co 10:5-7." ]
Calf of Gold
[ "By Christ -- Isa 55:5; Ro 1:6.", "By his Spirit -- Re 22:17.", "By his works -- Ps 19:2,3; Ro 1:20.", "By his ministers -- Jer 35:15; 2Co 5:20.", "By his gospel -- 2Th 2:14.", "Is from darkness -- 1Pe 2:9.", "Addressed to all -- Isa 45:22; Mt 20:16.", "Most reject -- Pr 1:24; Mt 20:16.", "Effectual to saints -- Ps 110:3; Ac 2:47; 13:48; 1Co 1:24.", "To man is", "Of grace. -- Ga 1:15; 2Ti 1:9.", "According to the purpose of God. -- Ro 8:28; 9:11,23,24.", "High. -- Php 3:14.", "Holy. -- 1Ti 1:9.", "Heavenly. -- Heb 3:1.", "To fellowship with Christ. -- 1Co 1:9.", "To holiness. -- 1Th 4:7.", "To liberty. -- Ga 5:13.", "To peace. -- 1Co 7:15; Col 3:15.", "To glory and virtue. -- 2Pe 1:3.", "To the eternal glory of Christ. -- 2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10.", "To eternal life. -- 1Ti 6:12.", "Partakers of, justified -- Ro 8:30.", "Walk worthy of -- Eph 4:1.", "Blessedness of receiving -- Re 19:9.", "Praise God for -- 1Pe 2:9.", "Illustrated -- Pr 9:3,4; Mt 23:3-9.", "Rejection of, leads to", "Judicial blindness. -- Isa 6:9; Ac 28:24-27; Ro 11:8-10.", "Delusion. -- Isa 66:4; 2Th 2:10,11.", "Withdrawal of the means of grace -- Jer 26:4-6; Ac 13:46; 18:6; Re 2:5.", "Temporal judgments -- Isa 28:12; Jer 6:16,19; 35:17; Zec 7:12-14.", "Rejection by God -- Pr 1:14-32; Jer 6:19,30.", "Condemnation -- Joh 12:48; Heb 2:1-3; 12:25.", "Destruction -- Pr 29:1; Mt 22:3-7." ]
Call of God, The
[ "Made of gold -- 1Ki 12:28.", "Made to prevent the Israelites going to Jerusalem -- 1Ki 12:26,27.", "Called the", "Golden calves. -- 2Ki 10:29; 2Ch 13:8.", "Calves of Bethaven. -- Ho 10:5.", "Calves of Samaria. -- Ho 8:5.", "Placed in Dan and Bethel -- 1Ki 12:29.", "Probably from an Egyptian model -- 1Ki 11:40.", "Designed to represent God -- 1Ki 12:28.", "Priests appointed for -- 1Ki 12:31; 2Ch 11:15.", "Sacrifices offered to -- 1Ki 12:32; 13:1.", "Feasts appointed for -- 1Ki 12:32,33.", "Were kissed in adoration -- Ho 13:2.", "Worship of", "Denounced by a prophet. -- 1Ki 13:1-3.", "Adopted by succeeding kings. -- 1Ki 15:34; 16:26; 2Ki 10:29,31; 14:24.", "Became the sin of Israel. -- 1Ki 12:30; 2Ki 10:31; 2Ch 13:8.", "God's people refused to worship -- 1Ki 19:18; 2Ch 11:16.", "Guilt of making -- 1Ki 14:9,10.", "Guilt of worshipping -- 1Ki 14:15,16; 2Ki 17:22,23.", "Predictions respecting", "Captivity. -- Ho 10:6.", "Destruction. -- Ho 8:6; 10:8.", "Punishment of the worshippers. -- Ho 8:13,14." ]
Calves of Jeroboam
[ "Unclean -- Le 11:4; De 14:7.", "Found in deserted places -- Eze 25:5.", "Characterised by", "The bunches on its back. -- Isa 30:6.", "Its docility. -- Ge 24:11.", "The dromedary a species of, remarkable for swiftness -- Jer 2:23.", "Abounded in the east -- 1Ch 5:21; Isa 60:6.", "A part of patriarchal wealth -- Ge 12:16; 30:43; Job 1:3.", "Kept in numbers by kings -- 1Ch 27:30.", "Used for", "Riding. -- Ge 24:61.", "Drawing chariots. -- Isa 21:7.", "Carrying burdens. -- Ge 37:25; 1Ki 10:2; 2Ki 8:9.", "Conveying posts and messengers. -- Es 8:10.", "War. -- Jdj 7:12; 1Sa 30:17.", "Of the rich adorned with chains -- Jdj 8:21,26.", "Furniture of, alluded to -- Ge 31:34.", "Subject to plagues -- Ex 9:3; Zec 14:15.", "Treated with great care -- Ge 24:31,32.", "Esteemed a valuable booty -- 1Ch 5:20,21; 2Ch 14:15; Job 1:17; Jer 49:29,32.", "Coarse cloth made from its hair -- Mt 3:4.", "Referred to in illustrations by Christ -- Mt 19:24; 23:24." ]
Camel, The
[ "About earthly things, forbidden -- Mt 6:25; Lu 12:22,29; Joh 6:27.", "God's providential goodness should keep us from -- Mt 6:26,28,30; Lu 22:35.", "God's promises should keep us from -- Heb 13:5.", "Trust in God should free us from -- Jer 17:7,8; Da 3:16.", "Should be cast on God -- Ps 37:5; 55:22; Pr 16:3; 1Pe 5:7.", "An obstruction to the Gospel -- Mt 13:22; Lu 8:14; 14:18-20.", "Be without -- 1Co 7:32; Php 4:6.", "Unbecoming in saints -- 2Ti 2:4.", "Uselessness of -- Mt 6:27; Lu 12:25,26.", "Vanity of -- Ps 39:6; Ec 4:8.", "Warning against -- Lu 21:34.", "Sent as a punishment to the wicked -- Eze 4:16; 12:19.", "Exemplified", "Martha. -- Lu 10:41.", "Persons who offered to follow Christ. -- Lu 9:57." ]
Care, Overmuch