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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs thelmasherbs thelmasherbs
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darn it i woke up with a great idea for a lime article and i forgot what it wa
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i have suffered depression most of my life ever since i can remember i have always felt something wa off or wrong even when i wa a child i just didn t have a name for it i lived in a latin household so of course whenever i talked about it with someone i wa mostly met with man up it just a phase it all in your head or you are a kid you dont know im now i started therapy year ago started taking pill again this month i don t get any joy out of life i have had friend best friend girlfriend ive been to private island visited many country and met a lot of people im a very lucky person it just saddens me the amount of people that would have enjoyed those experience even more than me but didnt get to do it my parent tell me that they will always support me but all i want is to stop living im sorry if this doesn t fit the general theme of this subreddit i usually don t think my problem is a big or important a any of yours i just needed to vent and have somebody hear me out cause i don t have anyone else every person always end up either leaving or im the one leaving them because i dont want them to have to suffer even a little bit because of me i wish there wa a button i could press to end my existence however for anyone else that is going through what i am please don t stop trying to get better i know you can do it i may not be strong enough but im sure you will win this fight do it for everyone who ha already given up on themselves im sorry for the long post i hope you have a good life
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downloading nin s new album quot the slip quot when the hell did this come out i m so behind the time these day
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or having a good day like aren t you supposed to be depressed if you keep acting like this nobody will believe you that kind of mentality i take hard class i take the max number of credit i can because if i m not working i m wasting time i don t study for shit i get good grade surely this must mean i m decently smart but i fucking hate that my grade don t drop noticeably because i wish someone would notice or just care or something but i clearly can t stand feeling like a failure more and it doesn t make sense because i feel like a failure all the time why not one more it extends to stupider shit too like being in a good mood laughing stuff i m not happy but it s like the reflex is still there and i m so good at hiding it i don t know what i m like when i m actually happy but i m guessing better le angry awkward and doe this mean people like that version of me better or do they just think this is me normal fuck me i wouldn t ever go up to someone and ask for help i couldn t do it but it would just be nice to have someone be concerned for me naturally without me asking
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i ve tried everything i can think of or have been forced into and i m not getting better i m failing every class because i can t get myself to show up my parent are sick of me and trying to get me sent away my mom telling everyone i know about how i m such a pain in the as everybody is telling me to get my as up and get over it but i feel like nobody get me i am so tired and so done
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sentricmusic suffice to say their offer wa ignored then emi com launched and they all laughed rather a lot
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hi everyone i faced my fear and flew from vancouver to calgary 0 flight time it wa a bumpy ride but i took an ativan before and didn t feel too anxious now i woke up to news about the plane crash in china and i m super scared to get on my returning flight home i feel so hopeless because i need to get home but i m so scared to fly please re assure me
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last day at home today catching the train at 0am tomorrow ha been a nice break but now i need some breakfast a shower and a shave
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our trip ha been canceled see the latest blog post for info http kiwinova blogspot com
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zinziii dammit when ya heading home we didn t get messy drunk together at any point
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every single day at school during my rd period i get very nervous for my th period and my stomach start to ache badly it s like there are gas in my stomach and i get very gassy i think i get nervous because i start thinking about this girl i m very intimidated by but i wouldn t think that it would make me this anxious and then in my rd period i have to go to the washroom to do number two and it s usually diarrhea and that happens every single day in rd period no matter what i do to try to calm myself nothing seems to work i tried breathing pattern but i just get nervous again maybe it s because i eat lunch before rd period but it s every single day that my stomach is aching is it normal to feel this way i don t know if i should do something about it
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the computer might be operational but there still isn t much to do
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living is hard every day i try to get up and do better for myself so i can prove to the people that call me an ultimate failure or warn other people that i m no good that i am good and i can be successful but what good is that if in my quiet moment which is a lot my brain eats my heart up sometimes i give into the thought other people have of me what if this what if that what if i wasn t here will this constant pain stop will this ache in my brain and heart disappear or will i be punished by the god i ve prayed to for peace of mind i m sorry for trauma dumping
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loris sl i see they are still having aftershock over there i m following eqwatch which tell me there s just been another quake
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we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co ez mwwwtqf
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i am just three month away from graduation and couple of week i found i wa gon na get suspended for plagiarism copied a lab report but today it wa confirmed that it s gon na be a year of suspension all that i ve worked is down the drain all of the job offer are worthless everything in my life is ruined now i ve decided to end the painful misery and say my goodbye tonight i hope my family get through this looking for least painful way to kill myself
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i m currently trying to go no contact with narcissistic family it s so hard to do because i have younger sibling who i can t contact or help at all parent are using them a leverage against me i don t have their landline blocked because that s the only way my sibling can reach me if need be so once every few month i receive a call from my father love bombing me i feel like i m going crazy i have so much guilt disappointment anger and more i ve been trying all week to get into therapy but my insurance is being a po and every place that supposedly is in network turn out not to be the only thing keeping me going is knowing i need to be better to help my sibling and staying strong for my bf and his family they are all i have which kill me i have no family no substantial friend i feel so alone and like no one is willing to work with me to help i m trying to not get suicidal or self harm but i m on the verge of having a mental breakdown unless something give
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im so tired
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i want to km i wa so impulsive and ended a very good relationship we were both first lover and i just can t anymore
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so in the next chapter of wanting to kill myself the psychiatrist changed my medication and a a result i am currently prescribed these two new bad boy ha anyone had any luck with them
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i wa really stupid and ordered nitrogen gas without thinking of a back story because i stupidly thought they wouldn t ask well i got a call an hour ago asking what it s for and i folded he could tell it wa bullshit and i sent an email asking to cancel the order and now i m scared i m going to get sectioned edit the cop actually did come around today because of this but i wasn t sectioned
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hamporter i always walk by the annex hoping to see you but instead i get the nguyen family
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want to use the directional dance pad pero di compatible sa tv yung game http plurk com p n0hyu
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letouzet en m me temp il n est pa faux de parler de d pression elle est pas e par le cyclisme et le dopage quant savoir si ce derniers en sont la cause c est difficile la tendance d pressive peut mener ce activit s douloureuses
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cherrytreerec oh man i can t see the vid it ot available in my country
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everything ha just been too much my job suck and i don t even make enough money to afford my rent my husband and i have had to go hungry while we wait for our paycheck which i might add are not nearly enough to get through the week i know i need to get a better job and this wasn t the greatest solution but i m tired of cry and it felt like a relapse when i did it but now i regret it because now someone is probably gon na say something and i m afraid people won t understand how i feel or just haul me off to a psych ward again
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where did u move to i thought u were already in sd hmmm random u found me glad to hear yer doing well
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jonnyfx no article on the fact his home wa robbed while he wa at the game and his kid where at home or about his battle with depression nope let twist his one quote about not winning trohpies to drive more hatred journalism these day if you could call it that sickens me
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halalhomer they believe like muslim will go and kill everyone like crazy war is aimed on the corrupted leader the destructive system which cause injustice and chaos in a country just check out depression and suicide rate if people know they d beg muslim to come and bring islam
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last night i had a bad night and a lot of suicidal thought i spend probably hr thinking if it wa worth it or not i didn t do it of course this morning my friend texted me and told me she dream that i killed myself in front of her she doesn t know i have depression and an eating disorder now i m scared that if i ever kill myself she s going to blame herself she told me that in the dream she felt guilty because she wa there
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fta anyone heard about this wondering if anyone is carrying voom anymore or are they pretty much dead http tinyurl com ca z j
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so i m sure all of you who live with anxiety do have your good day like the bad crippling anxiety come in wave which it doe for me when it s bad my anxiety is looking for any reason to latch it s self onto and make me believe that whatever the reason is that s what make me feel like shit when i have my good day and that thought or issue come to mind i m unfazed it s really fuckn annoying and i feel like it could make me make decision that i will for sure regret why is the brain so damn powerful and why do i have to live with this year of always feeling like shit it ha ruined my quality of life i am very grateful for my family and friend and i am grateful that i ve always had a good life but man i think of all the family trip event party anything fun ruined by my anxiety and sickness that come with it i feel for everyone that ha to go through this i m sorry guy and i hope one day we can be truly happy
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for the past month i ve been ill and every er urgent care and pediatrician say that nothing is wrong with me after several trip to my school psychologist because of anxiety i ve deduced that these are probably long covid symptom cool i guess since the monday before last i ve been waking up with headache that don t go away i immediately started getting anxious and started researching my symptom immediately google say it s brain cancer great i m and all i ve been thinking about since this started wa how i m going to die soon they ve checked all the problem area except in my head i want to get an mri but the oncoming medical bill are looming over my head i m also scared of the result on one hand i could have a tumor cancer that might kill me and on the other hand i could be wasting everyone s time my pediatrician suck and will probably just say it s anxiety which is probably the secondary issue not the primary one i m just so tired and so scared i feel like i have no one to talk to and it s consuming my life
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work laptop is officially dead not happy at all
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german longcovid study 90 9 had no measurable physiological change ie psychosomatic risk factor pre exisiting psychological psychiatric condition depression postrauma anxiety specific job bureaucrat administrator teacher lower than average physical labor http t co llxtl g
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let me explain if you have suicidal thought or behavior technically your not well mentally but if you do drug just time or just for experience it s not a big deal you won t be trapped down watched in a mental hospital taking medication or like abortion it s a woman s body and choice into abort a baby and we should respect their decision but what if a person is cutting or hurting themselves it s a problem even tho it s their decision into doing it but doctor and therapist say it s wrong and something is wrong with them mentally why
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chester see yes i often take the risk of running down the dlr step but today i just missed that last step and twisted my ankle
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hey everyone i ve been a long time reader of this sub and i wan na say first of all that i wish you all the best of life truly i m writing this in great sadness my life isn t bad i ve got a good family awesome friend there s nothing obviously wrong about me i study i work i m in my early 0 i ve made the life for myself that i thought i should and needed to have the problem is there s absolutely nothing about my life that make me happy that i can say that truly satisfies and fulfills me about two year ago i decided to made some radical change in my life i lost a ton of weight i started working more on my look my social skill budding up my confidence i got a job that despite being shitty af ha made me somewhat independent financially i feel like i ve come so far like i ve overcome so much yet right now i m writing you this in such a deep sadness i simply feel sad i feel empty i feel alone mostly i feel alone i feel misunderstood i feel like i m out of place i don t belong anywhere that i try to go t i don t belong to anyone and it s been like this every single day for the last year i feel like i m going mad i ve tried all i can and i truly mean this all that i possible could have done to find even the slightest resemblance of happiness but i haven t sometimes it feel like i m finding a way like i m finding some light but then suddenly it all go away i m tired guy it s my biggest shame in life to have to admit this that i somehow find myself in my early 0 saying i don t have any will to live the many year of life that i still have ahead of me and yet this is the truth i m tired and i don t want to continue not this way at least sometimes i wonder why me why did it happen to me
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im and ive had plantar wart for almost year and im worried that in my carelessness i might spread them to my dick in the shower i know that almost all of the strain that cause plantars are not one that infect the genitals but type is one that both disease share doom acrolling or something but im freaking out a bit reading about the treatment for those wart and how they can fuck up my dick reading about the risk if i dont take the treatment getting more depressed and angry at myself for not treating this issue sooner
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update click here to view version 0 of the list of most helpful comment and resource http www reddit com r anxiety comment t0 f o comment i pkm f utm source share amp utm medium web x amp context update please see the current stickied comment for more information it is ok to include a link that is causing you anxiety and asking people to help explain it better it is also ok to provide a news link alongside your own commentary about the article to help people understand what it is saying in a le anxious way we re specifically going to remove comment that have one or more news link without asking for help or providing original commentary about the article update 0 we have seen a large amount of post that are mainly about sharing discussing specific news article please remember to keep everything relevant to anxiety if a comment is just a news link then we have decided we will have to remove it to keep the thread on topic hi everyone it ha been requested that we create a megathread for all of the event that have been happening with regard to the conflict in ukraine we decided that this is a good idea since so many people have been experiencing extreme anxiety because of it we have opted to have this thread be sorted by best for the time being to read and respond to the latest comment you can manually change the sort to new the reason we re doing this is because we want the most helpful and most grounded comment to float to the top to help a many people a possible keep their anxiety under control during this difficult time for those who want to talk with other anxiety sufferer in more of a live format feel free to join our official discord server with this invite link http discord com invite 9sscse9 http discord com invite 9sscse9 we have added a special channel to it called ukrainediscussion so people can talk about what s happening and help each other a always please remember to be supportive and report any problematic comment so we can remove them a soon a possible thanks the r anxiety mod team
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for context i m a yr old mom of two kid my daughter is and my son is month i have been struggling with all type of mental illness for a long a i can remember i wa raised by a narcissist alcoholic mom and a dad who wa barely there because he wa working to support u i have attempted to take my life more than time and have been hospitalized for my mental health and nothing seems to help i m in therapy and on med and i am just tired of fighting myself i just want it all to stop my husband is never really home do you work and i m all alone all the time with our kid the only reason i m still alive is because they need me not even because i want to be alive there is nothing enjoyable for me anymore every time i think about it i cry i cry for my kid who deserve a better mom and a better life i cry for my husband who doesn t understand what it s like to feel this way and think i should just be ok i cry because i want it all to end so badly and i can t even do that right i m not still here because i want to be and i feel so much guilt for that i just want to feel normal and sometimes it feel like dying is the only way to make it stop
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nickynocky i m looking for other utility supplier tonite now
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i don t know what i m doing wrong everyone always leaf me
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this lady is responsible for my first experience being choked at broke an ankle getting tossed out of the back door in my underwear at 9 because i called my mom a demon i knew it at nine she s a fucking beast who fed me to her partner who is a beast and a fucking pedo now she s on this faux spiritual journey which includes putting loving herself first like after year of breaking mirror with your fist when i wa and shoving me down stair and ripping out my hair and beating me until my ankle broke trying to run free is all in the past and now i m so i have to move on with no closure and you expect me to just be goofy and smile and that s my new purpose she birthed me to be a freaking body bag and she discarded me too it s just so surreal to realize that you were born with the purpose to love and follow the one who had a kid because she needed a friend now she doesn t need me and now i feel like i also have no purpose maybe i never did in the first place i wa the girl that took the abuse silently and now my role is done but what do i do with myself now then why am i here if no one need me anymore
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i tried to end my misery last week but my boyfriend intervened since then he told me he is emotionally checked out but yet we are still together i m so confused he won t touch me or kiss me he rarely smile at me or converse with me when he get home from work i feel so alone i literally have no one to all to about how i feel or what i am going through besides my dog
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i m a yr old female and i wa diagnosed with bipolar when i wa almost been a month but i ve noticed that my anger ha totally converted into full rage when i wa just depressed a month before it s been year since my dad death but it isn t a normal death he wa murdered in cold blood because he wa running for politics i have been trying to seek help from therapist but it isn t enough for me to let go and move on my older brother and boyfriend have been trying to convince me to move on but it s not easy i don t think i can i ve been feeling very vengeful more than before about this situation but every time i let out my anger i go full rage and when that episode is over i can t help but feel hopeless and fucking worthless i cry my heart out but then i m filled with anger and rage again even conversation with my boyfriend would make me snap but instead of taking it out on him i simply tell him i need to call him back then i self destruct sometimes i feel like he doesn t really care since he sends me one worded text but it s whatever it isn t his problem don t know if i m alone in this one or if anyone feel the same a me
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theekween thelmasherbs make people forget unpleasant event such a depression anxiety loss of a loved one heart break and any traumatic event
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thesage 0 i wish i could got ta work though
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brahhh quit smoking cigs i dont want to look old plus i cant breath haha
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fml so much for seniority bc of technological ineptness i now have to quot register quot for class again
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let me get this straight so your mom wearing your sneaker will spiral you back to depression wawu
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unholyknight so did your mom last night brb while i figure out whether i just burned you or myself the most
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what should i do i am feeling down i don t know
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jessicafilan it is
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i woke up an hour ago now i m having a hard time going back to bed in lakewood ca http loopt u rywlhq
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i don t want to talk to advisor they don t advise the judge your arse off
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i just don t want to live with out my wife it s been nearly six month since she left tomorrow morning i want to go jump
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jsparsons i am starting my prep for the pmp exam tomorrow can relate the feeling
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samshepherd darn i don t seem to be very good at this
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i had hour of sleep and now i cant go back to sleeping im thirsty
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i fell so fucking in love with my best friend and i m feeling very alone and in a dangerous space rn i normally would say more but i m tired of telling people the same story and just plane exhausted i just want someone to talk to don t have to be therapeutic just a a fellow human
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why can t i just do a my mother said and accwpt my body
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bleach on my hair for the third time in four day ho hummm got to go out later to post the gazillion thing ive sold too bad
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hi all i guess i just needed to share how i m feeling for year i ve been battling anxiety on and off for year it s been health anxiety primarily heart i ve had so much testing done that show i have rare benign pvc i m healthy and what not that s great and all but this past week i called 9 and wa in the hospital twice i haven t had to call since 0 i will start seeing a therapist and psychiatrist a of this week time a week i ve tried a lot of medicine and never had luck i m now on mg of buspirone with a potential of 0mg depending on how i do i have ativan a needed for emergency medicine now too i m on day of buspirone i know thing take time but before this past week i thought i wa the best i ve been in year i m sitting here sobbing because i can t believe i m back to square i m scared of medicine so i cry a i take the buspirone but i m scared of not be okay too i just feel so lost and hurt i m i want to have a family of my own soon and i can t even see past all my fear and confusion i miss the old me i know my trigger but i don t know what s truly deeply causing this i m so sad i just want to be okay to be my happy self i wa having so many more good than bad day why am i so scared of medicine i am sorry to anyone who feel how i do or struggle i am here for you
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is there any way to bring my appetite back due to unfortunate life event that gave me emotional stress over the past time i ve started loosing my appetite while some people were gaining weight this quarantine it wa the opposite for me this isn t normal for me since i wa enjoying eating meal now food doesn t faze me that much i ve lost desire to eat and i m concerned about my health i miss the feeling of enjoying food p s sorry i forgot to add i m a minor and i m strictly forbidden to go outside i wa hoping if i could do anything inside the house that s useful but i ll consider other comment given thank you
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laekanzeakemp mental health ha been and will always be my favourite topic to talk about let s connect laekanzeakemp i started my journey of writing to fight the silent battle against depression
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cinoshikacho j assumerai pa moi c s r la derni re fois j ai fait une d pression post concert
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there s a possibility that for most people what s effective is the placebo effect of taking a medicine therapy can be a effective to treat depression but most people don t like it because it take longer and cost more money
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stephen just left i miss him sooo much
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no rain please
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i can t take this heat it s like an oven in here i feel sick nwo
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won t be doing the frank morgan race
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i think the pandemic hit me hard i moved out of my childhood home of 0 year week before the pandemic hit i had worked job and saved for year for a deposit on a place of my own which in the very expensive city i live in wa 0kms away from my family it felt like such an amazing achievement at the time but ever since then mentally i ve never been the same i am so lonely yet i enjoy living alone i am a highly anxious person i always wa but now i just worry all the time i move about life with a permanent storm cloud over my head i struggle to regulate my emotion i am getting more and more overweight and can not seem to stop eating bad food i quit my job in 0 and got a new one but i have never quite been happy or settled there i have tried mindfulness regular exercise breathing technique everything you can think of i went to the doctor for help with regulating my low mood and she put me on the pill which ha made thing even worse i am feeling thing lower than ever before i had a really bad day at work today and for the first time ever i thought not in any way seriously or actionable but the thought popped into my mind how suicide would be an option to not have to deal with thing everyone around me seems to be so busy with husband wife kid activity etc i seem to be getting left behind how do i cope with this how do i get back to being happy and determined and not so down and low
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carter co kentucky ha estblshd thier first public library and are in need of a director thier entire budget is only 000 year
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zackdft but i like reading the bullshit
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i smell depression collab here
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mizzzidc i know this will spiral me back to depression of all thing to spiral one back to depression you chose this ya just mental is your shoe that precious you own mother fah mehn gtfoh
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oishiieats did they play polite dance song only my fav please dont say they did or course they did damn me
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re newing my twitter
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new iphone yay not restoring backup no stupid apple
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today my teacher called me and told me if i had trouble in class because i didnt do any of the activity she assigned she asked me specifically if i had trouble at home which i don t it somehow made me felt validated since i dont really have much to be sad about and she thinking i had it worse lmao in truth im probably just a whiny little kid that just want someone validation everyone around me tell me that im just lazy my parent and my cousin that wa once the person closest to me the worse part is that it like pm and i still didnt do shit and it suck because i have to go tomorrow again and she ll ask again i dont want to tell her anything because she ll probably call my mom or something lol she doesnt deserve this either dont want her to do something significant and care too much about me it not worth it im not worth it
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is suffering with the lugholes again
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is feeling weird today happy and sad at the same time and missing my people from italy ilyyy lt