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morning all starving and dying for a cuppa but can t co off to doc for fasting blood test in a little while
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will probably be in scotland next week http plurk com p n0ivz
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ktml i think it itunes fault i cant download it on my mac now quot store busy quot if you got it anything awesome in the camerakit update
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hello all i am in need of some advice and input on behalf of my wife she wa officially diagnosed with anxiety a few year ago now and she hasn t really pursued any sort of treatment it s a very sensitive topic to her and so we haven t really discussed her option medication is an especially taboo topic she ha a ton of hesitation about starting medication because she doesn t think the side effect and downside are worth the potential positive aspect i guess i wa just hoping for some advice personal experience and input about this situation what ha worked and helped what hasn t etc particularly about experience with medication and such thank you so much for your help
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went to the doctor s today and my blood sugar level wa
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feel so alone and alienated i think about hanging myself everyday and it s getting more realistic everytime i imagine it in my head i ve never been the type of person to turn to suicide but i literally have nobody i can turn to and talk to every single person i thought would be there turned out to be selfish self centered people and i ve expressed my thought about suicide and none of them care i feel like they won t until it s too late and even then they will feel relieved i don t even ask for much but i guess just being there while i fix myself is just asking too much i ve googled suicide by hanging and found out it only take seven minute to die by hanging don t even have to do it standing up either i could take a couple pill and put the noose around my neck and lay down with enough pressure on the rope to drift off to whatever is next and all i wanted wa for someone to say that my feeling matter that i matter i don t really think at this point there is any other way to stop all the hurt inside me i ve lost everything in the last year and a half that i hold near and dear to my heart i ve wrote out suicide letter to my loved one and got my retirement account going to them a well i guess subconsciously i ve been planning this out for close to a year now that i think about it i just don t understand how i didn t see how fake the people i surrounded myself and built a foundation for my life l i feel stupid and blind and used up and tossed out like yesterday trash i feel like nowhere is home anymore and my heart break for my kid but i rarely get to see them anyway who know maybe i ll actually get the ball and just do it haven t set a date or anything like that because fuck that i feel it is going to be very sudden and out of nowhere just here one minute and gone the next i never in my whole life though i would get to this point but whatever thanks for listening i appreciate whoever read this post taking the time
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hello all i have anxiety pretty bad which i take lexapro for around the beginning this week i started urinating blood it happened time ever since then i have had to go constantly i made an appt that same day at my urologist and they did indeed confirm there wa moderate blood in my urine they requested i schedule a ct scan which i did at the beginning of april since thats all that wa available they also prescribed me an antibiotic which i have been taking a few day so until something take place i just have these crappy symptom in place until something happens i dont know if i have a uti something else or what i ve never had one before so i dont know what to expect even if i did i m really not in any pain besides the discomfort of having to go constantly accompanied by a dull achy feeling it worse at night when i m trying to sleep and laying in bed also tried azo and ha not helped either any idea how to deal with this and not lose my mind in doing so
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just got back from the hospital bf s nephew might have meningitis
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my stomach is feeling satisfied now been starving for hour
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wtfanabel nite i still cant go to sleep
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amiriissaa brytonzablon mchelsea hawajui kuna vitu kama depression
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i wish my new glass weren t so expensive
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is somehow sick again day till my exam wonderful timing
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owww just hit my elbow really hard on a door
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i m and i feel like my life is completely pointless i struggle with ocd and most of the time it consumes my every waking thought i go to therapy but somehow i never end up doing the homework and i m not making a much progress a i should be i go to my local community college even though i do really well in my class it doesn t feel like an accomplishment i originally got into a good university but dropped out very quickly due to poor mental health now a lot of my previous friend have actually graduated with degree from year university while i m still kind of stuck i can t drive and i don t have a friend group i have one close friend and a few acquaintance but i struggle with making new close friend because i am extremely socially anxious i used to have more friend but i ve burned most of those bridge looking at my life i don t really see much to live for i feel disconnected from everyone else in society and i can t escape my anxiety every stride i make seems to be temporary and i am so tired of having to struggle through every day i don t really have a point i guess i m just venting i honestly don t know if anyone can do anything for me i know i need to do the work myself it just feel pointless
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devakishor oh oh that s sad
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why won t anyone enjoy pretty film with me
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lost my phone some where maybe in the grass it just so long hope it doesn t rain
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gr t my face is very itchy
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life is just not for me it seems to be working out great for literally everyone else i m supposed to sit around and wait for better day or a miracle to happen what is the point my life ha 0 meaning no relationship no friend no accomplishment just emptiness im tired of living i m tired of being alone hating everything about myself my life wondering why god gave me this life just to sit here and be miserable for year meanwhile everywhere i look is family couple smile thing that i wanted but will never achieve and i give up i ll be happier gone than i ever experienced alive and the most sad part is no one will ever know i m gone i even feel stupid and sorry for myself posting this i am not looking for sympathy or anything just needed to get that out there
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maybe is a defense mechanism idk but a few week ago i really tried all the fake it until you make it schtick for a few day it wa fine and people at work were impressed however soon i started to make mistake and i went overboard because now everyone is pointing out my flaw i wa a cry mess and i felt super weak and exposed today i reversed back to my usual you are worthless you really thought you could achieve something mental mantra and somehow i feel better it is like it feel better if i am the one saying it and not the others i feel so effed up for being relieved a i am now i really thought i wa getting better and believing in myself for a change but i guess i am not just built that way
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mfarnsworth you and i will both be retired by the time this is all done mate
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krisbelieve andarson brel basilngidi mizzzidc eng bystuff mj cachinnate yea you are right imagine the pain and depression the mother will go through when she find out her own blood daughter ha humiliated her in bird app because of a nike of how much
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didnt know having too much anxiety and the overwhelming depression is gon na make sleep at am sleep all day i misssed a lot
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i have been away from home for week and yesterday i wa scheduled to return my friend had offered to pick me up from the airport for context i don t live in the safest city for woman after i land my friend text me saying they can t pick me up from the airport and i should book a cab and come home i wa at the airport from pm to am because there were no cab available creepy men started following me stating oh no one s here to pick you up i had to go to the police because the men didn t stop following me i had a breakdown in public and i couldn t breathe i finally called a friend who life near by who came to pick me up at around 0 am by then i wa completely wrecked yesterday wa a complete mess and im still feeling anxious and triggered
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dontcha just love microsoft corrupted open xml document
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depression stress
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medfitblondie it will also be life changing when you come off of them so much so in my experience that you will one day wish you never started them yes the energy is great the focus is great but when you get off them depression will set in fatigue amp sleepiness will last week
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doe anyone else have issue with being dizzy and light headed even feeling weak constantly i ve been this way for about week now and it just make my anxiety even worse it like a never ending death cycle
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my goodness it s freezing down here
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happyahma welcome back sorry to hear about the ant
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misselizabeth food allergy suck i became allergic to shellfish about month ago out of the blue and i used to love shrimp
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hey so i feel cringe posting this and will likely delete but sometimes just venting and writing thing out is rlly calming and therapeutic this is my first post here but i ve lurked for a few year now and always read other people s story when im feeling down and alone which help sometimes background before getting into this i have gad and major depressive disorder and have been on ssri since 0 my dad side of the family all tend to have the same issue just on a way le of a scale i am awful at articulating my thought and it s insanely frustrating just a head up before getting into the incoherent vent post i m just gon na be listing a bunch of different thing that have been bothering me i am soon to be i am absolutely petrified of turning 0 and i have 0 accomplishment in life i still live with my parent i work a shitty job paying hr i have 0 motivation or drive to want to pursue anything like a better job meeting new people getting into a relationship etc i sit in my dark dimly lit room all day and play game watch twitch stream all of my friend are moving on and having kid and getting their own place and embracing adulthood with open arm i seem to be the only one that is incapable of making this transition i want to be a kid again i want the simpler time i hate responsibility and expectation i m immature and dumb and don t want to grow up i have a shitty jealous easily angered petty personality that i wa also blessed enough to obtain from my dad side of the family i have never met someone with a personality a petty and insecure a mine ex so i have this friend that applied for a government job that would be really good for her and she d be making good money this is obviously a great thing and i m happy for her but i would be lying if i said i wasn t kinda hoping she got turned down we both currently work shitty job and suffer the same money work struggle i think i just don t want to be left behind and feel like i m alone in my struggle i feel so shitty that i m even thinking this way i also have an ego that i rlly shouldn t have considering im an ugly short bald year old that peaked in highschool idk if it s undiagnosed narcissism or what but i know something is wrong because of this i am most of the time an awful friend i ve gotten better over the year because i gained some self awareness before though i would burn a lot of bridge i wa getting into argument with irl friend and internet friend weekly man i used to be such a bully to my little brother growing up too and i cringe every time i think about it im incredibly grateful every day that i wa able to gain self awareness and a want to change i have anxiety attack and sink into deep hole of depression when faced with the realization i have to work a 9 0 hour work week cuckjob for another 0 year i used to watch twitch stream a an escape but now i can t even do that anymore without having an anxiety attack that i ll never get to live the easy luxurious life that they do wake up whenever they want go to work whenever they want do w e they want for hour and then log off and go do fuck all they can take off whenever they want without the worry of being fired all while making more in year than i will ever make in lifetime of busting my as i understand i m describing like the top of twitch streamer but still i have really awful self esteem and have had for a long a i could remember i used to hate getting picture taken a a kid and would constantly try to hide my face it became a running gag in my friend group that i would never take picture it wa to a point where i wa having anxiety attack just seeing picture of myself there are time when i start to feel better about my appearance but then ill see a picture of myself and immediately get reminded that i m fuckin nosferatu i genuinely think i m incredibly below average and if it wasn t for the fact that i am addicted to working out i might just be the most undesirable man on the planet i would put myself in bottom 0th percentile in look i do think i have some degree of body dysmorphia and it s especially bad right now because im in a panic y state so i am probably overreacting a little about my appearance i ve always had some social anxiety growing up but it wa maintainable and didn t rlly stop me from doing most thing i wanted to do but there wa an incident in 0 that just made it skyrocket and it ha been progressively getting worse since quite frankly i think i am just doomed to suffer i genuinely do not see a happy ending future for me i am a walking abomination of every negative character trait imaginable that doesn t deserve to have good friend i don t even want to have kid because idk for certain if i just won t day get tired of it all and shoot my shot if u will i wouldn t want to have kid growing up without their dad i also don t want to potentially pas down to them the shitty mental health gene that i have and have them go through everything i have mentally bc it suck and i would want a better life for them honestly there s so much more fucking shit that i could complain about regarding myself but this is already long enough don t feel obligated to respond to this i ve already started to feel a little better just from typing it this is the th night in a row i ll be up till am bc anxiety attack keeping me from falling asleep oh yeah and reminder that this is all while still taking ssri s i do not want to imagine what my mental state would be without them tl dr money work growing up age look self esteem personality social anxiety it s all freakin shit and make me depressed and anxious
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noelclarke good morning you stop ignoring me just co i said i like cough take that am very sad now boo hoo
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i m not here to debate y all if my take make you uncomfortable good critical thinking isn t flowery it s why i have clinical depression i m prone to screaming about it into the void
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post anime depression sadge
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it rain heeaaavily outside and i trap in this building cant go home
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i got smoke in my eye now they burn
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birthday depression just ha an extra level of spice to it
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the article is saying that the chemical imbalance is just a hypothesis and the real cause of depression is unknown antidepressant are perceived a effective on managing depression but once you take them you won t be able to function without them
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every day i wake up and it s the same a yesterday i cry my eye out for hour and go back to sleep knowing i have to live another day is absolutely awful i just want to die my best friend wa put in a mental institution because he tried to kill himself and i m not allowed to see him the last thing he said wa that he knew about my suicidal thought and told me to do better than him my girlfriend doesn t know but she s the only person in my life right now because my entire family disowned me because i m non binary and she is the only reason i m still around and i m doubting if even she still like me because i just cry and cry and the gun in my neighbour cabinet is looking more and more tempting and i m now curious what death feel like and i envy my brother who shot himself a year and a half ago he wa the only family member i had that still loved me everything is bullshit
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like i the people i know would get very sad if i commited suicide they maybe wouldent what the fuck am i talking about i wa well i wa feeling good just a few day ago but like it wa painfull it wa better to just krep thinking negatively but that hurt too and i font know what i might do in the future i dont like it i font want anything the peeople in my class are just they feel like they are just stupid baby that somehow wa getting educated in my school i hate every one of them my mind is a mess i just want to talk about stuff i dont know what to do my plan to escape depression hasnt worked either i dont have any idea to what to do i dont whant to return to my old state of mind it is horrifiying but at the same time comfortable i wa realy desparate i batteked against deppresion with my weird thinking style and plan but i cant do it any more i dont ser amy bright future ahed of me i want to help people with deppresion but i cant even help my self i dont know if i want to die even tough i have friend i feel lonely and when some one say anything about lonileness or depression i just cant control myself i get so angry that if givven the chance i would tip their head off then i feel guilty at my self i dont know what the hell is going on i am sorry for wasting your time with this post i am realy sorry
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rachelcmrn i don t like goodnights
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something got into my eye now it itchy aw
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i miss one of my friend
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being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
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nachojohnny brian don t make me fuck u up lol i replied ur message did u get my i miss u
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completely wiped and reloaded the 900 lost all bbm contact going to bed sad
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why doe stik o have to be chocolate
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onlinemigration me too although im still going hehe
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feel lonely feel alone feel restless angry annoyed jealous just like everything s a let down have no friend no significant other family is somewhat sad and broken no job no confidence i m just here living every f cking day over and over again some people from my family can be cold not understanding i hate depending on them for stuff and hoping to get help when they don t even want to i want to be independent and i m sick of it already can t talk to some of these people about serious topic or about truth because they don t want to hear it or won t listen nothing make me feel happy and all i ever hear is all i do is drink or go out and yeah i do cause this shit is sad and it s only time that it s not and i wan na meet people and idk it s just hard i m tired of sitting there in my feeling
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what do you guy think will this finally change my life buspasfar mg day escitalopram 0mg bupropion 0
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too many assignment
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nikicheong just reminded me that krispykreme http www krispykreme com my ha landed in msia and ha an ugly website
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i just want to either take all my pill or jump off a bridge and be done with it people i thought cared at me don t and the one person i know care about me and want to be my friend doesn t respect me a a person with feeling he hurt me he know how his new relationship ha affected me and now his won t stop behaving like a horny teenager in public a a man in his mid 0 i just want to be respected i looked up to him and it s all crumbling down in front of me i can t be friend with him anymore and i can t live with that i just want to be done with this pathetic life i just had to cut my parent off for the second time in undergrad and have nobody i m useless and behind on so much i have so many obligation but i can t find the strength to do any of them all my peer hate me for being upset how dare i be upset when i see the person i like make out with their significant other on the floor and won t keep their hand off each other and i can t do anything about it if i say anything i ll lose everyone i m trapped i fucking hate myself for getting close to him and wish he just left town when he graduated so i never got to know him at all
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piccy coming soon off to watch 90 0 god i wan na move to america soo baadd
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too worried and tired to post tonight
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i guess i just need to vent too i m a timid and shy person with social anxiety i m afraid of what people think of me i m afraid of being judged negatively i m afraid of being rejected im afraid of taking my mask off in class in fear of catfishing today i didn t have my mask on for a split second and went to the bathroom to throw something away i see classmate and i immediately froze and walked out before they could even say hi they probably think i hate them now i couldn t even think it s like my body moved itself i did take my mask off without thinking once and the lady complimented me on how pretty i wa i wa so shocked i know i m not ugly and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but i still can t help but feel ugly i m afraid of speaking up and asking question i cant make eye contact with people bc i m scared i might see disgust in their eye i m scared of applying for certain job bc i m afraid i won t be able to do it so i settle for the easiest and worst retail job im afraid for my career in design bc i feel like i won t be able to sell myself to people im afraid of talking to people bc i ll stumble over my word i m afraid of falling in love for fear of being left and if i do fall in love it ll turn into obsession and infatuation from fear of them leaving cheating growing up i ve had to deal with domestic abuse violence when it came to my parent my father wa quite the bully always saying i couldn t do anything hell that man ha never said a nice thing in his life in middle school i ve dealt with rejection and it wa quite painful and other teen asking me out a a joke i spent the rest of highschool in online school so i never really got to experience that vital part of life i ve been in therapy for year on and off but it just didn t work for me talking about my shitfuck dad all day doesnt help with my fear how can i stop this fear that ha taken over my life
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doesn t know why but is feeling very down and a trip to the gym didn t help
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want to go to easterfest
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ugh what a waste of hour
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i am told that my perfectionism is unproductive and unrealistic that i can not perform excellently on every task i set to that this is no reason to panic and consider the worst and yet the world itself is perfection obsessed we applaud prodigy exclude people who don t perform perfectly from higher academic program idolise perfect work i can t bear it these thought are not just figment of my imagination they are very real and true i can t just dismiss them because they are uncomfortable
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just one hug to relief depression
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cardinaire ya me too
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someone i thought loved me my ex fianc of six year just told me i should go kill myself oh and just a few week ago he said i should go hang myself so i guess i can just go do it now clearly everyone in my life will be better off if i just end it all now i finally got confirmation of that oh do it on your birthday so you can go out the same day you came in april 9th is my birthday so i guess it s happening he cheated on me on my birthday last year anyways and knocked that girl up so i guess it s time now i should start preparing and i ve been trying to get rid of all my stuff and give it to friend or donate it anyways my camera are going to my best friend my video game and console can go to my nephew i have another niece or nephew on the way that i won t get to meet but it s ok i guess it s better that way i am giving my clothes to domestic violence shelter and a couple friend i m going to give all my art supply to my best friend too i have ton of unopened canvas and paint i m going to give my book to the library in my hometown i ve got a little over a month i think i can do it then i have a surgery i fought for for over year on the th but there s really no point in doing it now i guess i ll just call them and tell them i back up give my spot to someone who need it my sister ha her gender reveal on the th so i guess that will be my goodbye they won t even know it but i will tell them i love them a lot and in my note i ve written page upon page of apology for being a failure of a daughter and sister hopefully they forgive me i had a long note for my ex fianc but i m not giving one anymore he s far away and my family hate him so there s no guarantee he d get it even if i wanted to i have been wanting to die for year since i wa little i first broke a mirror and cut myself at the age of fucking i ve had nearly ten different attempt i think it s finally time i don t want to live anymore and i finally got permission by someone who claimed to love me that i should just do it so in a way it wa a huge gift from him to say that i am thankful for it it gave me peace i can just do it now and be done with it so honestly awesome i m so relieved
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i have to attend this place once every week and while i m there my mouth constantly generates saliva due to me being nervous this then lead to constant swallowing and i m a little worried people might start to notice is there any way around this any advice is greatly appreciated
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i m a freshman in college rn i have an english essay due tonight however i am so anxious over my result and quality of my work that i can not even finish just the thought of writing or receiving my grade make me feel physically ill big project and essay have always made me feel this way but since i m especially struggling with this one it worse i want to just accept whatever grade i get but i can t the last time i felt like this over an essay my hand shook a i turned it in and i cried profusely afterwards ironically it wa the best essay grade i ve ever gotten 00 but this time i know i would be lucky to get an 0 i wish i wasn t like this i just this day to pas it been nothing but tear nausea and anxiety
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is extremely hungry
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rooxxy i ve got tonne over here going to have to donate some i think i just can t eat any more
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awake spanish test to make up this morning
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i open to every experience that life offer emotion feeling sadness confusion happiness excitement depression lowest point of life challenge change adventure artistic feel dream desire knowledge new people new culture innovation open mindedness
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damn stiff neck day
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polaroidskyline that sound fair horrible i wa going to repeat myself but i guess the text i just sent you would do it better whee
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set my alarm to wake up wanted to speak to my si in africa on skype i miss her sooo much
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a man in my neighborhood just killed himself in the same method i am planning it happened a month ago but i just got more detail about it today from my mom she doesn t suspect a thing about me all the story i have heard about when something like this happens is that people rally together but that didn t happen my mom talked about his poor wife and how much his kid are going to miss him and how it must have been some of the medication he wa on she didn t say a thing about him other than it wa sad that he had mental health issue the people in my circle think that people like me and him are worth le than someone healthy they never said that but i can tell they think people like me are hard to love that we have too many demon inside of u that people with depression are letting the devil get to them none of this ha escaped me am i really evil am i letting the devil win the worst part is that they don t know what i m planning to do but i could never say anything because i don t want to hurt them i don t want to destroy the image they have of me while i am alive
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masithoko dlomo mizzzidc i don t think depression will make you post such on twitter but i think there is more to her lash out than just the sneaker ugurl uyagower
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life s rushing towards me at 0km h and instead of going forward i just stand there scared shitless and watch the headlight getting closer
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i still cant understand linked in what sthe point of it again just got bakc from shoot bloody exhausted i need a hug
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i don t know i don t know i don t know i really really don t know what is going on and i am very confused and afraid for the last year and some change i have not been able to avoid the constant intense desire to violently commit suicide i fight it by trying to think hard about my family and friend and dog and all the good thing in life i have to life for but i am tired of fighting my own brain this hard every single moment of the day there are many many day where it feel like i reach my absolute breaking point and i think i m going to do it but then if i let a couple of hour go by or smoke some weed i feel fine great even but thats the thing i never really know when that s going to end i don t know the next time i ll feel better or the next time i ll feel this low it just kind of hit me and catch me off guard every single time i have always had intense emotional problem even since early childhood and i recall having suicidal ideation at even like or year old i have been diagnosed a bipolar a year ago but i absolutely believe i have a wild case of bpd i have thought that since high school but only in these recent sophomore and junior year of college have the suicidal ideation have become intense urge it feel like i have tried every other option to try to feel happy better but they all either don t work to work for a short time and eventually fail i ve tried therapy last year for the first time thru my school it wa okay they put me on mg abilify and that helped a bit seemed when i wa on the med i would often joke to myself i m glad im on these med because if i wasn t i wa definitely going to kill myself but i dont take them anymore my mother wa very concerned about all the side effect i wa having random spell of fainting or vomiting and heavily encouraged me to get off it and she also mentioned that maybe my emotional problem were intensified by the sudden condition from covid on a teenager well i wa back then and that everyone wa going through a hard time and that made sense to me so i decided to get off it i dont think i ll be able to afford it anyway after college but thats just some side background info there are time i have blanked and scared myself and that s what make me feel like my life is in danger sometimes there wa a time last year during an episode i just started stabbing my arm repeatedly with my cuticle nipper manicure tool thing it broke the skin but they were all obviously very tiny it always scared me looking back because i think if it wa a razor blade or a knife or something it would have killed me i didn t even know what i wa doing my emotion were so strong and i just started doing it there wa another time this year where during another episode i mindlessly drove to target early in the morning to get a fresh pack of razor blade to cut myself with i did not realize what i wa doing until i got all the way back home and wa trying to figure out how to work the razor blade dispenser it just hit me wow did i really just get in my car drive 0 min to target and buy nothing but razor blade to cut myself and maybe kill myself with this is where i worried i wa getting out of control and might actually do it one day i am scared it is soon i don t want it to be but i am scared it might be the urge is so strong there are time i feel no longer in complete control of my action i am scared i am checking the box for someone who is experiencing a mental health emergency but i don t know if i really am or if im just someone who is overdramatic sensitive life inexperienced privileged and attention seeking there are time i fear that i am being attention seeking and being manipulative with my emotion even when i am alone and express them and don t talk to anyone irl about it that confuses me the most but i can never really be sure which lead me to reddit sometimes i think back on my thought if that make sense and look back at previous question i ve asked and don t know if they are normal or not to a degree i know they aren t but i don t know if it s really that bad i am afraid sometimes that if i do kill myself all these thing along with my search history music taste social behavior substance abuse problem shit i ll admit it etc etc are all indicative of someone who is going to kill themselves i look in the mirror and see someone who is going to kill themselves soon i dont want to do it i dont want to do it i always think to myself am i going to be a suicide statistic are these all the inevitable sign and symptom am i about to be one of the of college student to kill themselves this thought distress me very much i have never attempted suicide before i personally know people and read about people online who have but when they describe their emotion i do not really relate to them it seems a though my condition is never really a serious a theirs like i said i ve never officially tried before these people have so it make me think that whatever crazy shit is going on in my head i just need to get over i wish so desperately that i could do that i think i am just emotionally weak you can go back in my post history and see me weird post some i have hidden to avoid ridicule but i don t know how to get them back i notice people around me always ask if i m okay if i ever accidentally share the slightest tip of the iceberg of my feeling with them and the comment i get on reddit post telling me that i should seek professional help immediately i wa looking on my school s counseling website and they have a whole special section for resource for people who might need immediate help am i really one of those people am i experiencing a mental health emergency do i need to be monitored in a hospital there are time i do feel like i am a potential danger to myself but unlike depressed people i at least am able to feel great sometimes when i hear about people who come back from grippy sock vacation i really cringe at that term but thats what everyone around me seems to use they mention their trauma and abuse and i didn t really have it a bad a them i am just sensitive i come to reddit in desperation i have never known how to express my feeling on this without accidentally guilt tripping or manipulating people so i avoid talking about my feeling with people i know irl outside of therapist do i really need help like hospital help is this an emergency it feel like one but is it really please help me tl dr i dont want to kill myself but i a scared that i might or am i just being a weirdo
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i just don t know how to
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yopatrizzle not sure to tell u the truth it s been so long since i ve seen him but ask sumo s daddy paulskratch he ha full custody lol
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this webinar had me on chokehold oh god it got me listening to my depression playlist at the fucking afternoon
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slowly getting dragged by the foot into a depression pit and i can t tell if it s bc i slept wrong or if there s literally no reason at all
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it s excruciating every time i interact with a romantic partner because i go basically mute when otherwise with anyone else or even with that same person just before we re dating i m hyper and outgoing and comfortable and creative and i can experience and express thought in my head i say a partner a i ve dated four all very different type of people and experienced the same draining of brain juice a soon a we make eye contact a partner it suck lem me know if you can chat about it all relationship lasted almost to a year and i m in th grade by the way thanks for reading and take care today
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i lt cigs rip
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is she still up is she is then u shud be online dunno how to find out
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nowadays it s a if my body is just tired of being anxious all the time like it doesn t really care anymore like it s just an annoying pest i get intrusive thought which fuel my anxiety and my neurosis it seems that after dealing with it all for so long the constant worrying the obsessing the hyper fixation the pacing back amp forth the chest pain and the dizziness the shallow breathing i m just tired of it so tired of fighting my mind and body is basically starting to tell itself man what are you even toiling over what s the point why worry about what s not there what you can t control it s one thing when others say that kind of stuff to you but when you realize it yourself it hit different somehow i m starting to actually feel some relief for the first time in a long time this is an interesting development in how i feel towards my mental health i guess it s some kind of progress though not the ideal way to overcome the anxiety it s better than nothing i m sure i m not out of the wood yet but hey i ll take it i want my life back i don t know if anyone else ha made this realization too i m just kind of venting keep your head up everyone stay safe out there
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mtsiaklides aw i wish i could i can t really speak to my yia yia because she doesn t speak english
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nataliekatoart good morning you are not alone in the depression phase i experienced it too keep spirit
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had anyone tried luvox i know it s for ocd but i wa given that for said ocd and panic disorder i m bipolar and am already on medication i just wan na know about side effect and if it ha either worked or given anyone trouble
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robabanks i can t sleep either
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just bought a car and my impending fatherhood is affecting my judgement out with plan of a 0ci and in with a rav
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i snickered for like twenty minute thinking that wa the awesomest name ever
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filler text filler tezt
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is wishing he loved me
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cococourtney i wa just listening to the sweet for the first time in forever i miss them so much can we go to chi town for visit plz
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dra on now i am sad co u r sad
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fourteen year ago today i got married i thought it wa the beginning of my uneventful everyday nothing wife mom homemaker life and id be happy and grow old and die and be buried beside my old man nope here i am and widowed w four kid and alone af i m so lonely in the human sense that yes it contributes to my mdd and cptsd i ve been widowed for four year raising four kid solo my parent died a year after my husband did my sibling live 0 mile away my extended relative live out of state my close friend i only really interact with through texting because they live far away all of my friend and female acquaintance have boyfriend or husband so anytime i m physically around them the interaction feel awful for me and my kid i don t fit in at any of the church i attend or interact with because all of the other widow are decade older than me and all of the mother w young kid go there with their husband and are all happy with their full life and younger people don t wan na talk to the widow w a bunch of kid in her 0 dating hahahahahahahahahahhhhhh they re either never been married and want someone young and childless they re older and don t want to have a house of kid if we d get married or they re younger and don t want to take on that role to kid who aren t biologically theirs etc i m just left out and alone and then people don t like if i voice how lonely i feel so they ll attempt to invalidate my feeling with you have kid that make me extra lonely i have no one to send the cute pic i take of them to tell their cute little story to who they can do thing with or help me answer the question many time i m overwhelmed because they ll all talk to me or ask me question simultaneously because we have no one else who s a regular in our life it s just me so they swamp me and i can t pay attention to everyone all at the same time how they need so then at night they re asleep and i m trying to destress but i can t because the next day will be the same and there is no one to cuddle with or talk to etc it s funny too because i see article etc about how mom are overstressed etc and they need help and all but when i air my situation and trouble people say my motherhood single widowed motherhood to four fatherless kid should be the answer to my loneliness and stress if society want to feel bad for and support married mom of one of two kid how come i can never get some freaking recognition and support a a single widowed mom of four with no family or whoever helping her again i m ostracized even in the stressed single mom circle
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khensu i always feel like that too have an amazing day though xx
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very recently my life ha been treating me absolutely horribly and i haven t been able to see anyone i ve loved or my irl crush for a week and a half now and it driving me insane because i just want to see them and i ve done nothing but sit in my room in bed and die for a week straight and i can t leave my house because i have covid btw it like i get to watch everyone else in my life go on and do the thing they ve wanted to while i m stuck in bed trying to take my life or just sleep but it never work and it never help my back ha been hurting for the longest time and i don t know if it normal or not but i can t seem to stand up straight and when i do it hurt and it hurt to walk i just want to sleep and do nothing else