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stuiy never again will i click on a link that scream quot i m a spider i m a spider quot i should have known better yucky
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depression anxiety lack of sleep lack of new yukika music lack of weed http t co d y 9 zpry
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i don t know if i want to wipe who i am and have been for so long now or if i want to wipe ou my existence so long i ve told myself and forced myself to live just one more day because one day or another it will be different right one day or another it will be better right these day there s another loud thought i have not being here at all is different it is better it might not be the most pleasant choice but it is a choice all the same and it is the only choice that say you ll never have to hurt again you ll never have to hold your hand when you break you ll never ave to cry again it will all end forever this thought is the only thing that seems to care about me anymore
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tuesday ll start with reflection n then a lecture in stress reducing technique that sure might become very useful for u accompaniers
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what do you do to help it
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when all i did wa be there for her i drove fucking mile when her anxiety wa about to make her pas out when her parent wouldn t understand even when she left and there were pregnancy scare and thought of him leaving and now the whole town know me a a fucking rapist and stalker even though we only kissed once i know this is going to sound fucked up even worse but i genuinely can t take the lie no one should get away with doing that to someone else and i really don t think im going to let her i really really really really don t want to but it s all i can think about god help me
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i feel like everything i do i get tired of very quickly i dont feel like challenging myself or bettering myself when something happens to me i put myself down real quick im functional enough to get out of bed clean myself and go to work but thats really it nothing else my interest in activity isnt there i used to be on 0 mg of sertaline a year and a half ago but i got off it thats back when i wa suicidal and to be honest i have improved just not to the extent i think i should have i thought my brain would start getting back into a completely healthy rhythm by itself but it didnt thankfully im not suicidal and the fact i admit i want to improve is a very good sign
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an ex muslim miss veedu vidz http t co z nqoa u exmuslim mentalhealth depression apostasy http t co hoap9arrmw
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my mental health ha been sharply declining lately for various reason and i ve found myself in a constant state of dread and paranoia i m far more nervous than usual and i m very uneasy around other people even my family in general i ve been very jumpy recently i m constantly glancing over my shoulder at shadow in the corner of my vision mostly i just feel very unnerved like the feeling you get after watching a horror movie the unnerved feeling is the worst part because it s been interfering with my sleep dae experience this and how do i make it go away
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mueller g wusste ich vorher brauchst nur in unser b ro schauen die haben ne riesen angst vor covid lager interessiert da keine sau ihr longcovid ist ihre depression und angstst rung sonst gar nichts
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just got a tennis top in the post but i don t like it and it too big shame
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emiliexclarkex miss you
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thought sleeping in wa an option tomorrow but realizing that it now is not evaluation in the morning and work in the afternoon
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hello it s getting hard for me i don t know if i m really suicidal or not but i wish i could just not wake up i think about that every night before going to bed and when waking up i hate myself for this i clearly don t have that much problem in life i don t have money problem i have friend i am healthy yet there are time where i just feel so crushed and it hurt so much to keep on living people have it muc worse and they are still doing so much better and i have trouble getting up in the morning and doing simple thing i don t have any hope to find happiness in the future my therapist try to help me and is very nice but it s just not enough i have felt like this for too long it just never end and not existing would just solve it all in the end we all end up dying i don t want to just continue living just to see what it s like i just want to end it sometimes yes it s selfish but i won t be conscious anymore to see myself be sad from my decision anyway yes there are thing that i like in life but honestly when i m in a bad state i don t care anymore i don t look forward to those thing and i just want a realease from the mental pain don t worry tho i don t have the gut to do anything anyway and i m not looking for help or advice i am just rambling and expressing how i m feeling because it make me feel a tiny bit better to let it all out if you read it all well thank you
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so last night i wa up for hour trying to reset my sleep schedule since i had been going to sleep around am and waking up around pm i still wasn t that tired last night around 0 pm so i smoked some weed a i usually do every night i started hallucinating while making my bed seeing hand grab for me when i tucked the blanket it i tried to convince myself it wasn t real but i wa really freaking out so i went up stair and tried to just chill and find something to eat at this point my mind is racing and i can t think straight and i m wondering what is wrong with me and that s when i realized my heart wa racing like beating out of my chest i quickly pulled out my stopwatch to take my pulse because lately when i get anxious my heart rate get to about 0 my whole body is shaking and i m trying to count every beat for second but i got to second and my count wa already at 0 the stopwatch on my phone looked like it glitched and my knee went weak i thought i wa going to pas out so i freaked out and ran to my dad for him to take my pulse just in case i wa just buggin and just thought my heart rate wa crazy nope it wa resting at a i laid in my dad bed for about 0 minute shaking and cry i couldn t even get my breathing under control because i wa shaking so bad i couldn t voluntarily move needle to say i m going back on anxiety med sleeping more and never smoking weed again and i m gon na start seeing a cardiologist
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these guy who is bill gate s associate make me feel like i know nothing i don t even know my name now
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tldr fck this i m out i can t fcking do this i m tired of myself why do i feel like this i would ask for help but it s not worth it at this point i give up i should be at the happiest point in my life i have more friend than ever before that love me i ve been out of a really toxic abusive friendship for month now i don t know i m tired i m done all my grade are good but rapidly slipping i worry everyone i m around my entire family think i m suicidal and they re fcking right although they just think it because of my shitty humour they keep telling me to drop they only hear the half of it my friend are the one who are extremely worried even though i think it might be bc of my joke too i m not sure if this is a rant or a cry for help because i have a beam in my room thats perfect for a noose and a letter and i ve spent since december finding a date that won t f up anyone s bday or special event early april it wa gon na be early this month but my friend ha invited me to a convention and tbh that s the only reason i m here i didn t want to mess it up for them because they seemed really exited and i really love them and although i ve come to term with leaving them i know it ll take them a while i m not sure why i m writing this help advice idk i just feel like i m at the point of no return
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pypi fail installing markdown with pip and easy install downloads the python version
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wishing i could sneak in to watch the star trek premiere
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some day i just have tiny panic attack for no reason is that common also i have very high social anxiety so it s very frickin hard to make friend and trust when your constantly thinking oh there talking about me when there not or when i want to really to them but i can t because there s like this thing holding me back and i get stressed just for being by people i have no friend and to top it all off i suffer from depression and suicidal thought
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i had plan for the future big plan they don t exist anymore a relatively recent assault took them from me the assault also took away my ability to enjoy being out of my house the thing that once made me happy no longer do i can t take care of myself i m on med but they don t help i get up and go through the motion but on the inside i am dying i am just a shell of who i once wa what s even the point why am i still trying
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i don t want to d e but also don t love the idea of being alive i feel like im just existing my life somehow sound really cool on paper and in real life it s extremely meh im in a long term relationship working in entertainment like i always wanted for myself living in new york i have some solid friend but none of it feel good am i just an entitled brat i feel no excitement anymore im just constantly working on arbitrary goal that i set for myself so i don t just lay in bed all day call it high functioning i don t really want to keep doing this whole thing i m tired and over it and i ve gone through too much shit this past year and i am still dealing with ptsd and sa stuff and i just feel like i don t want to deal with it anymore i want to give my life to someone else and go live on a beach somewhere and i know that life is hard and i hate that i wish it wasn t so hard i m not strong enough to keep fighting i want to give up seeking advice please or some word of wisdom or something how do i find my spark again
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efbwrites fantasypeddler my depression
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patti wambold jeffgordonweb am glad that you got it i have not been on much at all am struggling big time with my depression it suck got alot of issue i am dealing with right now
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this will have to do i lost the password to the version without the
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abacab 9 still sore come put tomorrow though
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not having clothes is sending me into a state of depression that ion like
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i think this is mental breakdown but over the past few month thing have been slowly building up for me and i seem to have finally snapped last week my daily routine is basically wake up shit shower brush and sit on the pc until i go back to bed i eat whenever i feel like it i know it sound and it a shit schedule but it s like the only structure i have in my life a boring and shitty a it is it s always the one thing i can kinda find comfort and stability in anyways the final thing happened that made me snap last week i now wake up and just kinda sit in my bed for a while brush my teeth go walk outside for an hour and then drive around for a few hour then i come back shit shower and the only thing i have left is to sit on my pc but it is borderline painful to do that idk what it is but i just can t handle wasting my time on the pc anymore i ve more or le ditched my online friend and any game video song that i used to enjoy all day i want to be out of the house a much q possible and dread the place that i ve spent so much time in comfort i dread going back to my safe space and wan na avoid it for a long a possible
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i m feeling so hopeless right about now and just want to be free of this pain i m going through nothing seems to be going right for me and it suck i want to get off of this damn ride and be done with it all
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i just don t know what to do i m too cowardly to just end my life once and for all but at the same time i just can t fucking take it anymore i don t get why good thing happen to bad people and bad thing happen to good people this world is unfair and bullshit and the people in it are toxic what should i do
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we are doing free personalised moon reading comment me if you re interested
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this break my heart navy seal marcus luttrell s doggy http www rightpundits com p 9 i am filled with rage
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no reason in life
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triplejsr the new eminem single quot we made you quot it s got zero play on aftermath s myspace i wan na hear it soo bad
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i want to be dead ive been suicidal for year im such a fucking retard filled with regret and anger im done with life i want all of this to stop why i cant do one thing right
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eazydoesit negative you lost my vote of confidence
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i ve been suffering from bout of depression since my dad died last year i wa already in the second semester of my master s when it happened i finished that semester with the exception of my research method course and then i took a leave of absence then in september 0 i went back to school to work on my placement at a political office until november from january to march i worked there part time until my contract finished and told them that i would be focusing on my thesis until my school is finished my thesis didn t go a planned and i can t help but feel like i ve let my supervisor down she is super sweet and although she is very busy she ha been very supportive and know what happened to my dad my thesis ended up not having enough interview not enough literature and i d have to finish it by next week and find a second reader in order to graduate on time this wa also my fault because i feel like i haven t been taken my mental health seriously enough a i have had so many day where i did not want to do anything i ve procrastinated so much a a result of fear depression grief and burnout etc i just have not mentioned this to my supervisor because i don t want to be making excuse it would take a miracle for me to finish this all on time and i really want to because it s so expensive to pay for another semester i m feeling so depressed over this
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oh but damn fried screwing up me lunch
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proflappleby my person diagnosis depression been told nothing more cmht can do
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it s a new morning pulled back the curtain sunshining bird tweeting and i m stuck inside working
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i would know if i had a brain damage injury anyersum or my brain is bleeding in the past like month ago my ex boyfriend would punch me in the head pull my hair one time he punched me really hard i had a bump and a extreme headache for day it went away i never went to get it checked because it went away something would have happened by then right if i wa bleeding or had something going on from then on i been stressed and i have headache everyday mainly at a certain time i been diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder i just need reassurance im okay right i wa playing a game on my phone all of a sudden my head started feeling really tight and weird anyways the point is is the stress causing it he used to hit my head alot the last time wa like month ago but before that too other than the concussion i felt fine would i have blacked out if it wa bad enough to do damage i never did i been fine but i started having headache reccently maybe stress im fine right plz give me reasssurace answer this i would know if i had a brain bleed how long after a accident can ur brain bleed would i have known by now
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lancehenrikson just writ a ticketbot thing it is spamming people with ticket for band with quot that word quot in probably child too
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davidtaraso i m stuck on chapter incineration destination
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i ve been depressed since i wa year old recently got diagnosed with bipolar personality disorder when i already got diagnosed with anorexia binge eating ibs issue anxiety and depression every day i say i want to kill myself and die i want to die today i looked up parent who s child committed suicide i wanted to see their perspective if i were able to do it i have a plan already but ik i won t be able to do it just having the option is fine why is it so hard to want to be alive and live i don t want to tell my therapist or my psychiatrist because i will get sent to the hospital i love gaming and i won t have to sense of relief if i say the truth i might do it after highschool or maybe after i finish university i can t do it my senior year because that s a waste of school year i m in my junior year have you guy ever looked up story of people who wa close to someone who committed suicide
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up and throat still hurt
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ha anyone had a panic attack for the first time or not even necessarily for the first time but just a bad one and it changed their anxiety physical anxiety symptom i had my first ever proper panic attack in january of this year it wa awful and i went to a amp e thinking i wa dying a bit over a month went by and i wa fine but then suddenly out of nowhere i got an insane head rush when i wa trying to sleep it disappeared when i opened my eye then came back again when i closed them it caused me so much distress and i had no idea what it wa i wa having anxiety attack and wa in a constant state of alertness and worry ever since then i ve had constant light headedness brain fog just feeling completely spaced out type of feeling i ve been on constant alert wondering if i m feeling dizzy spaced out and it s just progressively gotten worse from there i feel tired all the time and mildly disassociated it s honestly ruining my life i ve had multiple test done and they ve all come back clear so i m wondering is this all just my anxiety having gotten worse after that intense panic attack i need to know if these physical symptom are due to anxiety or not any help is really appreciated lt
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i m so tired of living every day i wake up and resent that i m still alive wasting oxygen i m in pain every day i want it all to stop i wish my mum had an abortion when she wa pregnant with me i hate myself
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hello family i m here to just talk a little about how i feel and plan for my future recently a new gun law wa passed in ohio where i live i no longer have to be to buy a handgun i don t need a ccw nor can they do a background check it go into affect in day the age is the only thing that used to restrict me from buying but soon enough that will change i m so tired of feeling to way i do my son mom make everything so difficult to the point where it would just be easier on everyone if i wa gone and leave my son with a could be would be dad and save him from seeing how i actually am sometimes i get excited to be able to watch my son grow up but then i remember how much of a brick wall the mother is going to be and then i m right back down the spiral i never got out of in the first place she ha absolutely no regard to my feeling i m just tired of the hurt tired of being deceived and tired of being tired i want it to end and the only end in sight i see is the fire arm and before anyone say it no the mother is not the cause of all my problem nor wa she the beginning of it all i ve felt this way since th grade i m now 0 amp graduated in 0 0 and ha been getting worse ever since i ve tried medicine never felt a difference i ve tried drug but in the end they just make me feel worse i want to be there for my son but i can t with her i m pretty self aware and understand that some of the thing i say are selfish in the eye of some but it s just how i feel and i have no one to talk to so here i am i really appreciate anyone who take minute out of their day to read my message
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my therapist ha asked me to do something spontaneous activity in which i do not have control over the situation and that experience should feel good background so i have been trying to get out of this anxiety state which i get everytime i open my work laptop or think about work my mind ha been taking control and planning thing of so many thing that i can not let go control and do anything spontaneously i have been thinking about what can somebody do to fulfill this
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tw suicide yea so my recent symptom of depression wa that i thought i wa really really old i m lol there were numerous occasion where i had to convince myself of my actual age because my brain wa certain i m or had to count year from my birthday and repeat to myself over and over that i m i thought most of it wa because i m seeing a lot of successful people on social medium younger than me and because i m not finished with my uni yet because i m repeating a year but during therapy today i realized that beyond those reason i also had this subconscious plan in my head that i will barely make it past 0 like top and then i will be dead i have no idea where it came from i m not suicidal i don t think i ever wa but my brain seems convinced that by the time i m 0 i will develop suicidal thought and then before i will kill myself no wonder i thought i wa so old i have a little more than 0 year before my deadline lol and that s being generous idk why i wrote this i will probably delete this later i just needed to dump this info somewhere i don t want to worry my friend and family
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new post new tagalog reggae classic song 0 �chocolate factory tropical depression blakdyak http t co htqh kebnh
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ufffffffffffffffff ke gorom need to a pond to swim
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moony 9 yeah is it bcoz kal penn is a visiting lecturer somewhere n cant be on the show anymore im gon na miss him
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hellivina ihopness g knight lovely lady i m sleepy now
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here i am back again currently it s am and i m holding back what can only be described a a mental break from my roommate and this dude who s also sleeping over it s really wild how there s a grey area over expression of emotion it s like emotion are only cool to be expressed when it s convenient to others and every other time is just a complete drag on society and those around you
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meta ufo don t get involved any presale or lock project again of u don t want to spend the rest of ur life in depression
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argh cant stop yawning
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jeffsmithcars why would you want to send traffic to that page at the bottom you say you re not done
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i fallen in a dark place i feel like i always been this way how do i look on the brighter side of thing how do i get thru being miserable everyday i feel like if i m in a place too long i get depressed n sad i m constantly on the run no one understands me i feel i keep alot to my self i feel like i m exploding i feel there s no hope i wan na stay in a bed n not get up or go out or do anything anymore how do i cope what do i do i wan na feel normal i wan na shake the feeling i don t wan na be medicated i need the cure of another human being actually caring about my wellness i need a therapist but i can find help so i m here looking for help
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man i want some nike air yeezy s but a i don t live in state have no chance in hell ahh well spend the 00 on pair of sb s instead
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jamming postponed again boohoohoozx damn you flu bug
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h ouse made me sad oh kutner
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yeah i know most people probably see all this a a joke but i ve seriously got no friend or anyone to talk or turn to it s seriously bringing me down even more it s a if i m not even good enough for an online friendship my depression make me feel so isolated and lonely in life and i m sick of it
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today is the day the government kill u all
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candy say thats really great to hear i ve always loved cooking cooking is so good for your emotional wellbeing that and some therapist are now recommending cooking class a a way to treat depression and anxiety a well a eating disorder adhd and addiction
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fionamccarthy i am sure it will i have got load to do today
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it s simple a that
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i recently asked out my crush she seemed positive about it but didn t give me a clear answer i asked if we could talk about it today and we did she told me she would like to o go out with me but she doesn t feel ready to be in a relationship she would ve said yes if i had waited a bit longer i am just so disappointed in myself everytime i am near happiness i screw everything up i hate myself
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pour certain jimenez est mort de suite d une d pression pantani d un oed me pulmonaire et simpson d une insolation tout ressemblance avec de v nements r cent etc etc
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ali 0 omg did daughter not come home last night what a huge worry i would have been out of my mind poor you
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just remembered that i ve forgotten my best friend birthday
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ya ll ever had beef with a microwave or an alarm clock
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i have the flu
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two day ago i got the biontech vaccine my third dose on the night immediately after i got the vaccine i had a celsius degree fever on the next day it went down a bit i think it wa ish but wa evidently better than my first day today i still felt a bit hot and i checked my temperature to be around a well yet i don t feel super unwell just sometimes i would feel my body is a bit warmer than usual may i ask if this is okay people say that if your fever doe not go away hour after vaccination something is wrong but i don t have any other symptom no pain no fatigue whatsoever may i ask if this is something that i should be concerned about
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tldr we ve been told that depression is caused by chemical imbalance in the brain but is it really pharma industry produce drug to fix the chemical balance the most common antidepressant is called ssri which will increase the level of serotonin in the brain
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playradioplay that wa so sad and unexpected i totally cried haha
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ha anyone lost their career or become underemployed due to depression how do you survive are you frightened about how you will retire or get by in old age it s been seven year of mostly unemployment for me and i m horrified when i think of the future
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i am feeling sick
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when i slit my wrist we will see it s a 0 0 at this point
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cant eat drink or breath properly thanks to the bad throat infection
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c mon sean man
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kangaroogav preach brother special k single gammon roll amp water no dinner
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doe anyone else experience this i had a very traumatic fainting experience when i wa 0 year old and have fainted maybe 0 or so time in the last year following it normally is brought on by extreme anxiety and trigger would love to know if anyone ha any tip with dealing with this at this point i can kind of know what s going to cause a fainting spell but it s very exhausting to always have to think about
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lron jaii lmaooo mornin baybeeee don t lie a peaceful journey my train is straight boring not even a hooded teef in sight
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chauv i ha so many thing to do
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so much for my roast tonight still frozen solid
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over the past few year i ve had trouble with relationship being irritable weird eating pattern and suddenly being overcome with fear that i can not shake i have avoided telling anyone in fear of self diagnosing so my question is how do i know if it s time to see a doctor
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getting sick time for some hot tea studying and then sleeeep
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sitting at my desk eating dinner great thai but a bit of a sad situation overall
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i read about someone who couldn t stop thinking about breathing and other people who were stuck manual breathing which terrifies me i have massive chronic health ptsd now i m constantly thinking about it and i don t think i breath correctly when i manual breath which make me short of breath and lightheaded and drive my anxiety higher when i get distracted i pop out of it really can only get distracted at work sometimes it get better but then when somehow i remember it just go right back to bad breathing please any tip
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going for a shower amp brush my teeth don t wan na go to work
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britneyspears just read up about the film look good although we over here are gon na have to wait for it to come out
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planting a friend today not been to a funeral in gt 0 year
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i dont bother doing anything all day and im failing college yet im still tired and im constantly thinking about suicide
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is in the bathroom wake up lakin
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dadi iyal and you ll get familiar with twitter pretty soon i m not coming back this summer so that mean i dont even see you then
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warning i ll be ranting about feeling hopeless guilty all the time and having no will to do anything with a splash of bitterness with life lately it feel like there is no hope for thing to get better for me like all the hope i had before is sucked right out of me nothing make me feel better word of encouragement and people saying it will get better that it all temporary and that life is beautiful doesnt make me feel any more hopeful in fact i m tired of hearing all these positive encouragement it make me feel bitter guilty and defensive in a way bitter because well i get very irritated about everything and everyone lately so my brain go well why the fck doe anyone want to live so much anyway whats the fckin point guilty because i feel shitty for not being able to heal despite complying to my medication and regularly meeting my psychiatrist granted med aren t miracle worker you apparently got ta work on yourself to get better which make me feel even more shittier because i don t have the will and energy to do anything and that make me feel like a failure finally i feel defensive cause internally my brain go well it not fcking easy you don t know what i m going through so in the end nothing make sense anymore i don t even wan na live but i still feel guilty for not getting better i don t see the point in life but why haven t i offed myself yet sorry for ranting it been a while doe anyone else feel the same
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said he had fallen into a depression the two day curfew and all the explosion have got to me i had so many plan for this year and now they are gone
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theekween thelmasherbs it help with depression anxiety make you feel like your self again
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bj keswickproblems ndp oh yeah you must enjoy record breaking inflation housing price that canadian can t afford because of all the foreign investor paying outrageous tax being driven into the next great depression make sure you stand with trudumb