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i found my madden 0 in 09 oh well i say old is new again
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drewl rishisunak borisjohnson the great depression in the 9 0 is going to look like utopia compared to what is coming to every household not if you are a wealthy chap like rishi
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morning everyone in serious need of some decent coffee why isn t the catering open yet at 0 0
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still procrastinating i hate organizing my clothes there s just so much
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yangsfolder lu harus liat rant gue sih i went through stage of depression hari ini
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i m absolutely fucking leathered i love you all
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is waitin for th break down service a somethin fallen of my car i ve got my hot water bottle with me feel such a twat
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wa super lucky to get a seat on the train we pay 0 for this min journey
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auraglyphix high always seem to followed by low long a you climb back from it there s nothing wrong with letting some depression out
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i am tired i don t feel anything good i just don t want to exist anymore
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it so tired that im cry for no reason at all im about to try to get an hour and a half in for tonight half what i got last night
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starting next month april 0 i ve landed a job at somewhere i have no experience in because all i know is kitchen work it s a filing job and it s very social and communication based something i clearly have anxiety with i will be speaking to people face to face and on the phone daily and i get so anxious thinking about it if anyone ha any advice please help me out i want this job because i hate working in kitchen thank you
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i feel like i experience anxiety backwards everyone say their thought are racing i get brain fog while my heart s pounding awful stuff when school is my main trigger and getting something done is the way to make it stop dae get muffled thinking when they re anxious any tip on how to deal
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on a bad day it feel a though someone ha applied the vignette filter and my field of view is decreased whilst thing become a bit more blurry and le vibrant my eyelid also become a bit heavier a though i ve just woken up after a nap and there s a sort of foggy feeling in my forehead and behind my eye can any of you guy relate to this or doe it sound like something unrelated to anxiety
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i am not i don t believe or respect myself enough to do it i am extremely pathetic lazy and bad person that s the truth a simple fact and this will probably never change because thats how i am
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and sprint a far away from myself a possible i want to slam my body into the ground and dissimilate into the million of spec of dirt i am on fire from the inside out i can not escape my anxiety and depression medicine doesn t help therapy doesn t help my default is wanting desperately to do the thing i want in life go to class amp be the student i know i can be continue the job i wa just hired on for but being absolutely paralyzed by fear no source recognizable just a constant mind numbing fear completely debilitating my every waking second the idea of being in class or anywhere away from complete solitude elicits physical response my muscle flex involuntarily my inner dialogue struggle to complete sentence no one understands this isn t my choice
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i never really sure how to approach someone who s obviously going through a depression but act like everything is normal because they re not sure how or what to do in that situation
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blazing row with boy tantrum all round missed train and now standing on platform feeling guilty
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recently i have been having a tough time dealing with my lack of motivation is really hard to care about anything specially when i always feel like im being forced to do anything even thing that i like to do it like im being constanly dragged through life how do you guy deal with extreme apathy and lack of motivation when you dont really have any interest in existing
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i know this is weird to ask but anyone got any alternative to cutting i m too scared to punch a wall not scared enough to not cut somehow and i can t cut without getting caught due to helicopter parent they have caught me cutting so my mother doe body check regularly again i know it s weird to ask but any suggestion are appreciated
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missykesson cant find u on it
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borning thats me with a cold virus all bunged up and eye all squinty bah
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driving to schiphol apperantly i am not the only one stuck around aalsmeer
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welcome everyone we are happy to continue our discussion on postnatal depression with you now how different is postnataldepression from maternal blue come on in and learn some more postpartummentalhealth timewithdrnita http t co cmfou0tnan
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woken up by someone hammering gt lt they have stopped now and i can t get back to sleep
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i m in my 0 and talking with my coworkers made me realize how different i wa they talk about the different party they ve been to and how drunk they got i don t think i ve been to a party with more than people where we were drinking i mostly drink alone and have no issue putting a liter down of 0 alchohol in an evening my life feel like only pain and alchohol is the only relief i get why do i live with this curse i have been severely depressed since i wa 0 i can t hardly remember life before depression i ve had a few attempt but always chickened out before i could take off the safety so i drink i dont like bar i already spend to much on cheap bottle of liquor i dont like drinking but it s the only relief i feel cheated out since i never experienced the fun of party where drinking wa about having fun rather than just drowning
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i can hear the difference voice in my head i talk with my girlfriend all night but when she s sleeping i can hear the voice sometimes or my head creates an illusion or paranoid i don t have an idea about happen with me
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need some help want to buy a macbook pro but still inlove with my old powerbook
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been sent to the naughty boy corner in work http twitpic com y s
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ok i think i m finally done with work for the yester day now for a beer and some tv before hitting the sack back at it around 9am
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mum soup made my stomach make nasty noise
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every second i m awake is like a nightmare i want to wake up from except it s real life it s real life and i feel trapped in my head i like being asleep i like being shut away from the earth i wish i could sleep forever i hate life
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doing make up shit
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hate waiting for mail
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being in pain a i have done my back in
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catvix i am news to me and sorry to hear about the job
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i can t enjoy the weather
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big capacious wooden kitchen island 0x 0 metric thought i wa buying it but we re not photo amp c on request if you re interested
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playing game at home my new bos didn t call me yet
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deemaah but i thought i did not my fault that you dont pay attention to my genitals
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doe anyone el anxiety cause extreme paranoia for context there will be situation to in which i think a situation is true when it not because of this family amp friend have to constantly reassure me it not wa wondering if anyone dealt with the same thing and if so what did you do to fix it
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i stopped my dad from killing himself yesterday and idk what i should do i don t know how to help him i offered to help him talk to a therapist but he said no i m afraid to lose him when i pulled the gun out of his hand he looked so scared and overwhelmed he even said thank you for now i took the gun from the house i hope to god it wa just a one off and he won t try again but i don t know how to help i know i can call 9 and they will put him in a hospital for his own safety i don t know i m scared of doing that he doesn t like hospital any help would be appreciated i m completely lost
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kaozdesign i think i found my face unfortunately you didn t find yours yet
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shalinique for saying may change up ur twitter game i like u just the way u r on here
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tpaw wooo yeah sorry to hear you missed out on origin ticket
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sleep is my greatest and most comforting escape whenever i wake up these day the literal very first emotion i feel is just misery and reminding myself of all my problem i can t even have a single second to myself it s like waking up everyday is just welcoming yourself back to hell
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mizzzidc la fisto i hope one day you get dragged unnecessary on social medium like this by your child if you think dragging your mom on social medium will take you out of depression then good luck to you
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is sad because there wa another earthquake in italy
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theekween depression and anxiety thelmasherbs
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msjheart lol yeah i m good i just got ta unplug it and use the other one until i can hustle up 9 buck for a new one
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getting ready for work 0
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hello i hope you are having a good day i have been suicidal for the last year at least i am 9 male idk if that matter and i never told anyone about it because well i am too shy today i built enough strentgh to be able to open up about my suicidal thought to my mother just to feel absolutely destroyed by her reaction she immedately asked if i am autistic no joke and didnt stop saying that i wa telling her this to threaten her or make her feel guilty i wa very confused when i heard that and she still continued doubting my academic performance even though i told her many time i am still doing well in my study then finally she somehow ended up beating me up out of rage telling me that i am lazy that i dont help at home that i dont pay the bill that i dont get the highest grade making feel me like i am burden to everyone well i guess that must be true right i am worthless so i should disappear soon trust me i want to die really badly but i get slapped by reality and i realize how weak i am when i try killing myself i am sorry for being such a disappointment to everyone i am truly sorry
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i m not strong enough to kill me
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mauricedb i tried the sitecom one to but felt to toy like
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chi u nay h p chu n b t ch c m y s ki n tr ng bao nhi u vi c
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this week is not going a i had hoped
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morning all i m back from my little break from the computer back to work again today
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omg exam killed me how could i not know the difference between haif a circle and a hemisphere lt gt
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i ve had anxiety since i wa 9 that wa year after my brother death amp my dad s assent into abusive alcoholism year after my discovery of oxycontin the year of my mom s diagnosis of breast cancer they were all dead by the time i wa i ve been addicted to damn near everything in my lifetime iv user of heroin amp amphetamine but nothing wa ever a bad a the xanax era my mom wa dying in front of my eye just wasting away we were homeless for a while we slept in the same bed smoking meth and taking any rx med that took u out of the moment i m now i m married living in a shitty basement apartment i developed epilepsy last year amp have been out of work since my husband work a lot so i m just alone a lot of the time been on so many psych med spent month in a top ranked trauma center in baltimore got round of electro convulsive therapy ketamine treatment just completed my rd inpatient drug rehab on friday back to drinking by sunday i can not take this anymore what do i fucking do like can anybody help i ve done recovery program worked the step been in therapy once a week for the last year nothing is working and i just don t want to be here anymore somebody please help please
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didnt announce reading lineup
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damn i m missing twitter have been very busy off late and have not got enuff time to be active on twitter missing all d action
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only more day left in london where did the time go
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chewbeka yeah it is brutal at least it s not until june lmao but i m excited then we have to get onto another plane to canada lol
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low dose naltrexone ha been shown to increase endorphin level by up to 00 so it can be extremely effective in helping people whose anxiety depression is caused by endorphin deficiency according to a study by renowned researcher norman brown and jaak panskepp since ldn can upregulate endogenous opioid activity it may also have a role in promoting stress resilience emotional well being a well a amelioration of psychiatric problem such a depression it is proposed that ldn can be used effectively a a buffer for a large variety of bodily and mental ailment through it ability to beneficially modulate both the immune system and the brain neurochemistry s that regulate positive affect full text can be found here http vdocuments net ldn for disease prevention quality of life html
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haven t done much on twitter lately been in a slight depression how s my twitter fam
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last week at a family st patrick s day party i got drunk and took the rest of my antidepressant idk how much it wa but it wa at least more than half the bottle left i realized what i did wa stupid because there were kid around and i didn t want my little cousin seeing me od so i told my aunt and she took me to the er that wa thursday night i don t remember anything after getting to the er i wa completely out of it and i didn t wake up until saturday morning i wish i didn t survive and i ve been in the hospital since then because there aren t any bed available for outpatient program i m just waiting for a bed i don t want to go to a psych ward i ve already been admitted other time for suicidal ideation this wa my first time attempting i don t think life is worth living and i don t mean that for just me i think for anyone life is so fucking mundane and pointless i don t want to do any of it i don t want to live so i can work and pay bill for the rest of my life what s the point in that and none of the people that i genuinely care about have reached out to me that know i od d which break my fucking heart it s like they don t even care i ve been so depressed for so long i don t want to fight anymore and i don t think it s fair for people to ask me stay when they know i m suffering i ve given up already i don t think i ll ever get my will to live again i m literally dead inside and i have nothing to live for
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body ache is one of the worst thing about depression i hate it
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i think i m just a bother to everyone i m going to hurt someone depression imheret 0
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franzglaus i know just wanted to let everybody know what wa happening
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in this post i will reveal the center to my problem and i better get started ive never been in a relationship before strangely i never really been attracted to many people before but recently back in november while i wa riding my bus home i seen a girl who blew my mind away she s so beautiful she s everything i find attractive she still ride my bus and i usually sit right behind her she never talked to me and i never talked to her the only interaction we had wa when she handed me a clipboard to right my name because the bus driver wa making seating chart i can t stop thinking about her i want to talk to her so bad but i never will because i m lame and have no social skill it s hard to cope with knowing there someone who relates to you so much you see everyday but not being able to go say hi it suck i m not mad i m just fucking sad man i want to cry
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some are born to sweet delight some are born to endless night guess i wa born to endless night it just prof that some people were born to suffer and suffer more than most people not for joy that s why normies can t understand u the people in this sub they only think we are lazy ignoring our suffering and lot of mental problem and tell u to cheer up suicide is selfish our life are great it get better you are ungrateful lol i just want to quit the game not being attacked by some ignorant folk i don t need these lie or false hope my problem can t be cured and i know it thank you very much
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i am just a kid with a deformity i am in such constant misery i have no friend and i dont even feel human all i do is get made fun of and i cant take it anymore i just want to end it
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cough cough cough that s all i seem to do right now
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no electricity today so no tweet
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craftysince 990 lol that s sweet i bought ticket last year amp amp my partnerincrime flaked so i didn t end up going but this for sure
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hiii i hope you re having a good day or night i ve been under anxiolytic since december 0 a it is a pretty strong one i can t use this for too long so i slowly lowered the dose now i take pill per day i started at pill per day problem i m strugguling to completly stop is it normal if anxiety kinda come back when you stop a medical treatement thanks p sorry if my english is bad it s not my native language
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g day at the evil highschool right now
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it the holiday and i still bloody insist on waking up at school time
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im tired exhausted of overthinking i want peace i want my brain to relax and stop thinking for a second im not patient and i want to be in a different part of my life already my job is not helping me at all i have to hide my mental health issue because i feel judged at my job and i know they won t believe me i want to at least work from home because thinking every day about having to go back to that place and committing two hour of my life there and back and then having to deal with the greed they showcase is disgusting trying to find a new job but i live in a place where the average applicant is more than 00 apps per job post waiting on grad application received an acceptance but it s even more heartbreaking than a denial because i can t afford it this world and the decision other make for u is cruel im tired of a lot i want to help others more than i want to help myself but i know i need myself to be good to make a positive impact for others i m really stuck i just want to cry and cry
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she asked me to go out and do thing outside of school which i don t do often she s so nice and cool and creative and i care fo her so much but i feel like i should just leave her alone im such a terrible person ive done and said so much messed up stuff and if she knew who i really wa she would hate me im a fucking shit head emotional manipulator i cut my arm and palm to shit just hoping that she would notice and comfort me or tell me to stop and she didn t notice and now i want to cut myself more for being an idiot and thinking i could get someone to care for me by ruining myself she d probably be disgusted by my scar anyway i wish i could go to therapy or get help but i can t and at this point i feel awful all the time and i just can t do it anymore im gon na kill myself soon probably this year whenever i fuck up to the point all my inhibition about death are gone thank you to the people that dm d me on my last post i didn t respond to one of you but i appreciate it
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want her step brother home im so worried you dont even know i hope he know how much i care for him
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willie day can t sleep it and i have to be at work at 0 don t know what the problem is
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hollis death scene will hurt me severely to watch on film wry is director cut not out now
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i m only year ago i wa really one of the famous kid in school everything wa going well until first quarantine started i became probably the most antisocial person it wa the last half year of school so didn t go anywhere because i wa doing online lesson i didn t go out with friend at all until next year where quarantine stopped for month so had to go to school again i started getting bullied by my own friend i couldn t handle it i wa thinking of commiting suicide back then to i got through it but this made me even more antisocial i couldn t trust anyone for a really long time because a i said these were my own friend bullying me for fun now at the rd year everything is kinda ok i started going out with friend again month ago after so long but i don t like going out with them week ago i wa in bed thinking and my hole life what i like the most is video game and lucid dreaming i thought the reason why these are the only staff i enjoy to the conclusion that they offer me just an escape from sad reality which is me not enjoying literally anything else school is my biggest enemy my hole life i wait for it to be over but just can t deal with it anymore only for me to wait every day to end just to basically sleep and play some video game so i faked being sick with a lot of fever for the past week to escape school and all the stress i have in life my parent took me to the doctor and he said to do a lot of test so we can see what is my illness my parent found out because the test showed that i don t have anything they weren t mad because they think that i have a reasonable reason for doing all these and they are right but i can t tell them all of these i just can t find the power
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i would like to apologize for the repeated video game live related tweet i am going to have a stern discussion with koodo soon stern
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greaaat my lappy won t turn on wtffffff
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jokerrrr it stillllll hasn t arrived
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theekween thelmasherbs make people forget unpleasant event such a depression anxiety loss of a loved one heart break and any traumatic event
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valonthecoast lol awwww i m sorry you re stuck n bored yes hun i thought you be trying to keep yourself entertained can t be easy
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when i get mine i m going to do a tour of copenhagen with it hmmph i can t top that must get thinking http tinyurl com c trgj
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i ve been feeling really depressed lately and find myself with no one to talk i have these cry spell whenever i m alone and convinced that i m worthless and not worth anyone s time it s getting harder to pick myself up from the floor bed and be productive or practice self care my friend live far away and emotionally at arm length my family understands that i m depressed but not how much it debilitates me with no one to talk to i feel trapped i m hoping finding online support can help me understand how to go on so i m kinda new to this how doe this thread help you
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i m just really out of motivation damn i felt more depressed then i ever thought i d be a week ago and the week before that my depression is getting deeper and deeper
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almostcool i m off now
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i m worrying about having schizophrenia psychosis every day it s gotten to the point where i can t do normal stuff without thinking about my sanity whenever i talk to someone i always over analyze conversation i feel like people don t like me or make fun of me and it make me question my sanity too i do overthink my own behavior a well i always feel like i m behaving like a crazy person and people just don t want to tell me im crazy which make me think im delusional and the cycle go on with almost everything hell i even feel like a crazy person writing this post i d been to psychiatrist before and he told me i have ocd and anxiety but i just can t believe it i don t feel like a normal person and i m tired of this am i really going crazy if not then what the hell am i supposed to do to stop this if u find my text confusing then sorry english is my second language and i m still learning
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is sad that the march break is over
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i have my mom and grandma but it still feel lonely and i can t talk about my problem with them and my anxiety is kicking me in sometimes i feel like i m overreacting to it i just want to cry and tell people how lonely i m but still i don t want to share my feeling i want to stay strong a much a possible i don t know what i m doing and today is my birthday and no one wish me i m lonely i need someone to know what i feel it s just too lonely
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i have no friend that i enjoy spending time with i m about to go through my second messy breakup in the past two year the last of which got me diagnosed with ptsd my family ha done nothing but ignore me emotionally for my entire life and i fucking want out i m live with my parent because i m a minor and have lived in the country very far away from people for year now i don t really have any dream or ambition and i have had depression and anxiety for a long a i can remember i m tired of everything and i just want it to stop i m behind in schoolwork and i m just recovering from an antidepressant that worsened my feeling my school is online and i don t really have any option to interact with people other than my parent now that my partner is breaking up with me nothing really brings me happiness and i just feel like there s nothing i m going to do in life i don t want to go to college or really be successful all i really want to do is to find love but i m not even sure if that s a good ambition anymore especially since no one would actually stay with me i don t know what to do anymore
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love to get drunk just not by himself
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first unc dominated second the hill is back hallelujah third econ paper gaussian copula is def not that deal
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jonathanchong i could do with a long week