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theekween depression and anxiety thelmasherbs
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hey guy i m a year old male who just recently give or take 0 day ago quit vaping and ever since about day after quitting i ve been having this uncontrollable illness anxiety constantly every day thinking i might have some sort of terminal physical disease i have no idea what ha been bringing this on i quit vaping to get rid of any anxiety it may have been causing me before such a paranoia thinking every car behind me while i m driving wa a cop or the like doctor prescribed me a mg x day dose of buspirone and it seems to help but i ve also been avoiding it during the day because i m afraid it might make me dizzy while i m doing certain activity last night out of nowhere i got really lightheaded dizzy vertigo and it scared me thinking if i tried to sleep it off it might be the end for me i stayed up most of the night with severe tremor because that s what my body doe when it panic my question overall is do you all think it s due to the nicotine withdrawal and that it ll get better over time i seriously don t know if i can live like this
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i want my money from kevo to hurry up
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anyone know a good way i can work on not over thinking thing a much it s starting to take a toll
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theekween help with depression thelmasherbs
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wa intending to finish editing my page novel manuscript tonight but that will probably not happen and only page are left
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i feel like i m going to go in a bad place mentally i keep trying to rationalize i can t control what others do but i can control what i think and how i behave it s hard the last time my anxiety wa this bad i ended up in the er i don t want to get that bad again but it s so hard i hate my mind i know that this anxiety is just going to put me into a deep depression
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dutifully working a job that doesn t care about my humanity training people to replace me dutifully caring for a pet that make my mental health worse training them a i stress cry dutifully filling out tax for my dead parent emailing lawyer because my sibling won t fulfill their legal obligation dutifully attending counseling with my spouse actively listening to being told my want and need are wrong dutifully laying in bed quietly so a not do disturb anyone else staring at the ceiling through insomnia and intrusive thought understanding that i don t exist i am just a tool for everyone else this is my duty
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everyday i wake up same routine i feel underappreciated by those i live with i have very few i m very close to and care about my mental state ha been on a rapid decline for month now i m basically living for my cat and the person i m closest to i just constantly have this overwhelming sense of dread and paranoia everyday my family just doesn t seem to care anytime i do anything they make me feel lesser than them because i m not like them i just cant bring to care about most thing i try to lose myself in game or reading manga i dont want to necessarily die but i m just tired of living in general i dont tell people how i feel out of not wanting to put my problem on them i have spent a lot of night lately cry my self to sleep at am
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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing your loved one thelmasherbs
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i ve been bullied for year at school because of my appearance my nose and it always made me sad and insecure when it started i wa since then i take picture of my face at least 0 pic everyday now i m graduating from college and i still feel the same way a i did year ago whenever i am with friend and colleague i keep thinking that in the inside all of them are laughing or thinking how ridiculous i am when i take a selfie i find my nose to be normal but when someone take a picture and i m in it i find it so weird also i ve always been very shy but lately it got difficult cause everytime i m on a conversation with someone i can t help wondering how they re seeing me i think it gon na get worse now that i need to get a job and talk to people that i don t know well i just needed to say this
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j xox ohh i hope so not stopin till i get a reply lol i wunder if marvs read all the v lyric haha i can imagine his nxt blog about it
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only day later and ant have eaten clean it bone that poor little gecko skeleton so very disturbing i regret not mercy killing
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stupid movie we watched mirror ugggggh stooopeeed rip off
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saf wouldn t even work with him and his greedy agent jose brought him back with the highest fee and loved him like son jose should be the one talking bout depression because he wa really backstabbed
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had a great st birthday but is sick a with the flu
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i m have fucked up my whole life and i dont really want to kill myself but im really running out of option when i wa 9 year old i wa diagnosed with borderline disorder and all my life i have been fucking everything up relationship friendship family member job my study i have been acting very impulsive and i have aways been blaming my disorder instead for everything i ded drug use victimless crime somehow i still have some principal left hooker now today s situation is i havent felt fine in year or something like that i am on the edge of getting myself in seriously debt i live in a small shitty appartement and the only thing that ha stayed with me during all these time is my weed maybe it sound retarded i dont really know but it true i even lost my momma on the way she is not dead just doesnt want to speak to me anymore i lost all my friend because of ly shit behaviour and lie i lost a relationship of year recently and to be honest i deserve it because i can blame my disorder or the drug or whatever deep down i know it were my action and my saying that fucked it all up i know it may not be the best solution but i feel like killing myself would most certainly be the easiest way out for me sorry if this storry is shit but i am high right now and my english isnt that good
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i don t see the meaning of life in general or the purpose of my own life i ve been clinically depressed and in and out of therapy for seven year now which is of my life which make me feel sad i ve reached this point where i don t even have the desire to take an active role in anything that happens to me or in my choice i feel very passive like i m just sort of letting my life lead me instead of leading it i feel dormant like i m just existing and i d barely even call myself alive everyone around me ha relationship thing to look forward to goal to meet etc yet i m only year old and i cant find even one attainable thing that i have the desire to accomplish i know i m not supposed to compare because everyone is different and blah blah blah but i m jealous of others who are driven and motivated i m unhappy and unfulfilled but simultaneously i m burnt out from constantly trying to work on myself get better and look for thing that will help change my mentality i really don t know what i should do next that is if i can bring myself to do anything at all
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so i m starting to reach the point of getting rid of thing i own that way no one else ha to do that i don t really want to be in this mood but i don t see why i should bother trying anymore i m at the point where i can t hide how miserable i am and i don t want people to tell me it will get better or that i ve come such a long way i feel like i m holding those people back and they re wasting their energy on me i m not scared of dying anymore even though all i want is to not feel like garbage
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and india missed out it 00th test victory n 0th consecutive win without a loss
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maammalice everyone s seasonal depression is gone after a few day of sun and we are all now touching ourselves with excitement
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tyjanetrev i agreee clearly they only want attention sorry i couldn t catch the train mateee
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bostongarden i miss bentley
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is this common or am i just the only one who s like this
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turtle are better than my mac last longer and move faster
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recently i broke up with my girlfriend i m in a deep feeling of solitude i had a panic attack last night she feel better but i keep questioning my self for what i did wrong i can t sleep and i m feeling very anxious someone can help me
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missin the boo
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t i just asked my friend what piglet wa winnie the pooh seriously guy what is it
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katerih how wa the tj dinner tonight my freezer melted down
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meganh9 same it ha been drizzling all day if u are going to rain might a well pour
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can t upload my pic
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post concert depression except it s post hockey game depression http t co xr v9dbswf
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it s so stupid but my body ache i have never felt so sad before im so emotionally and physically drained i don t care about myself anymore i hate myself and the stupid relationship i wa in it ruined me all i want to do is take a bunch of pill and curl up into a ball i have no friend who i can talk to either im so lonely i don t talk to anyone and i feel so isolated and crazy who knew i would end up like this i feel ashamed i still have the suicide letter i wrote a year ago there s nothing i want to change about it
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going to sleep with lily and rocki lt johnathon is too busy watching batman movie http twitpic com y j
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naughtyhaughty i had on my page for sooooo long until it got deleted sad day in history
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a week ago i matched with someone on a dating app and shortly after starting to talk to them i started experiencing what i thought wa bad anxiety i m on antidepressant that usually surpress my anxiety really well so this wa really odd for me since then i ve been feeling nauseous anxious with an upset stomach every day even though everything s going relatively well in general and with this person i m talking to i ve never felt this much anxiety over a potential partner could this be excitement my heart ha been beating fast my leg feel a little light there s a tight feeling of nausea in my chest it can t be covid because the test i just took wa negative i just want this feeling of nausea to go away thanks
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i m so sick of the grind that is life i m so done kill me please
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being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
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laptop died on me yesterday have to reinstall but it the perfect time to try out window beta
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revjesse ahahah if only it were hot enough i want to work elsewhere like stacking shelf in some grotty shop
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for the past year i have been doing online school and now im going back to high school but i have to meet with my school dean today and im so so nervous
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i wish i had someone i could talk to i know they wouldnt care but itd be nice to know i have friend
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i should write an article on what to do if you slip back into depression
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gabrielmansour multiple book at a time although i have a bad habit of not finishing book
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recently went through a breakup so that s adding to this feeling but doe anyone else feel like they are simply just living day to day for the sake of it without direction yes i have goal etc but in the past when i ve reached goal nothing ha made me feel different anyone else feel aimless all the time i also used to be able to see where i wanted to be in or year now i can t even imagine what life will be like in to month can anyone relate
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just got done watching the new house episode definitely one of the saddest episode ever
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well isn t that great now i m really sick all coughing and having a sore throat
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nooooo i wa doing so good im not allowed to cry ughhh staying up late make me think about stuff
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i just got a new girlfriend we both had sex last weekend and it wa great we re both and love each other i ve been pretty depressed during the past year and when i met her everything changed i though she would be my new world and she is but something she told me broke my heart and made me depressed again one of her crackhead mom friend had been touching her in the private area when she wa younger she told me this because she got flashback from that moment while i were doing the same to her she didnt want to hurt me so she did not say anything this made me furious and sad i want to kill that motherfucker so badly and now everytime we have sex she is going to be thinking about that moment after this i told my self to never let this happend to her again although she will always be hurt it hurt me almost just a much to know this i need help tip support anything please
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strategywoman i am from denmark child of hungarian refugee born here i wa not sleeping well for day after february so i started following all kind of tweeps to get more information if i wa not sick with stress and depression i would be at the border in poland helping
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if paul pogba had depression at man united what about mourinho and ole you d be reaching for the revolver every time that shower of shite turned up in training every manager since ferguson ha been trying to compete with a st team that wouldn t get on the bench at mancity
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well so much for being productive on my day off from angel
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doe anyone else have like anxiety tic for lack of a better word and if there is a better word please let me know i think one of mine is picking at my split end sometimes i do it when i m bored but i know when i m anxious i ll just grab a bit of hair and pull at the split end to get them off i don t pull out my hair just the split end if they come off if they don t i don t keep pulling but is that normal for anxiety lol just curious
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this town is causing me depression and anxiety i lived here my whole life and i only have bad memory here abuse bullying etc i even have trouble walking and breathing because of the stress i need to leave because it s making my depression worse i tried to talk about it with my psychiatrist but she dismissed it isn t she suppose to help me get out of here
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beautiful but someone in your gender say she s going into depression because her mom wore her nike shoe without informing her
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i am currently prescribed propranolol to help with situational anxiety i m sure many people know that before an anxiety inducing event your stomach can be slightly funny i wondered if anyone knew if propranolol directly help to reduce this
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objectively unattractive have never been touched by the opposite sex objectively unemployable no one will know i m gone never been valued peace out
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masha allah i been dey wait make someone tweet this icing taste like sweetened depression of a person with dissociative amnesia
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my interwebs is so fraked up that i can google map something on my iphone bar gprs no g faster than my 0mbps cable connection
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vinpocetine for depression symptom amp mood disorder relief http t co zapfkyxdg9 http t co hqhozyg u
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hmm so the sun shining brightly thru my curtain lit up my room n woke me up cnt sleep nw 0 is way too early to wake up
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i feel like i should change my picture but i don t think i could part with my bff audrey hepburn
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i hope not all is lost sigh
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thinking of pay day another week to go lol
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i wouldn t necessarily say i don t know what i really want in life it s more like i m still experimenting on what i enjoy to draw and to make a career out of it hopefully replace it with the current job i m working in a for the current job i m working a a custodian housing custodian at a university it s a lot of work and you got to be extremely fast pace and versatile i m diagnose with chronic depression anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder it s so hard trying to keep up everyone s expectation i m always slow and having a hard time trying to finish everything i just feel like i m letting people down and i try so hard to push myself over my limit to match theirs i can only do what i can and i even told my supervisor about my disorder to accomodate me which he did but i still feel like perhaps i m not the right canidate and i m fearing the call of being fired and getting complaint for not finishing certain amount of floor on time my mindset so far i m doing what i can and if it s not enough then i tried my best but i know with my mental disorder i will go back down the spiral i called my supervisor and express my frustration even though he said everyone adores me and i m being too hard on myself i know these compliment won t last long i really don t want to quit this job but i feel like shit when i m bringing other people down with my slow dumbass illness
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lovebscott umm nope think im an insomniac plus i got the flu i lll be sleepin like a phuckin fish outta water any minute now
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bloodrush ugh pizza would be fantastic right now too bad this isn t phx no pizza place open ppast like 0 here
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my whip cream is melting
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yesterday evening i had the worst panic attack of my entire life this ended up making me feel drained defeated and like i wa an absolute freak for the rest of the day i ended up venting on a subreddit about how i felt and a lot of the comment actually helped me a lot and one reminded me of a couple of old trick that a therapist taught me awhile ago that i wished i would ve remembered yesterday when your brain is feeling really overloaded and so busy that you almost seem manic and don t even know where to begin to start the best thing you can do is force yourself to sit down and allow your body to sink into the chair while you close your eye and just sit there in silence for a moment this allows you to relax your body long enough to feel the emotion that is bothering you the most however if you find more than one specific emotion coming to mind you are still too overwhelmed and need to sit for awhile longer once i can identify what i am feeling the most i just say one word out loud sad scared tired angry etc and reflect why i might be feeling that way and what i am able to do on that very moment to make myself feel better taking a shower napping asking someone for a hug etc it s important to focus on the thing that you feel like you can start to work on in that moment because if you allow your brain to slip back to thing out of your control you will end back up at square one he also reminded me that these are all normal emotion and that i am not weird or crazy for feeling the way that i am and that it is ok to ask for help or set up boundary for myself i used to use this one more during busy quarter in college but can still be really helpful for trying to squish anxiety down before having to do something you can t get out of which could be taking a test going for an interview or even making a phone call i like to picture all of my anxiety and worry a little people boarding a boat on a river and just like to imagine them floating away and out of my view even if it is just for the time needed to complete that one task that i have to do i really hope these help someone because these trick used to help me a ton when i wa going through some rough patch in life and i think i m going to start using them again
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massage wa great i just spilled coke all over my desk lame watching the simpson a i ve finished all my hill dvd
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i mean nobody go on this anymore x
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i just feel trapped being alive and death there s no escape for me so wtf do i do
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on my way to chicago finally connecting through london now and will be home for measely day and then back out again
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while i wait for my school counselor to give me an update on the whole online school therapy thing i wa convinced to check out a confidential free and text based crisis hotline it s apparently designed for teen like me who have noone in their life that they could talk to now for me personally my experience wa subpar i don t want to disrespect the volunteer work there but after the successful attempt one in the morning and one just hour earlier i felt like i wa just a number on a waiting list the system constantly kicked me out of the conversation and the one time i actually had a decent conversation it felt like they were trying to cast me aside a quick a possible a soon a i mentioned that music help me organize my thought at time they told me to just listen to music and the conversation closed immediately after maybe i m stupid or maybe it s just my anxiety and paranoia but they seemed annoyed i guess it would help to say what i wa expecting i wa thinking it would be a deep dive into why i feel the way i do but it wa more just a short session of giving me a metaphorical ice pack and sending me home with an old stale lollipop if i didn t feel worthless enough already then well a for the nd successful attempt it wa even shorter they asked me how i wa feeling they asked a question to confirm what i said i answered and then the very next message wa telling me that i must ve stepped away and that the conversation had been closed the automated reply also hit me with a stinger saying you matter it doesn t feel like it it doesn t help that i had to reply stop over and over because i kept getting auto reply from the bot needle to say i have le faith that online school therapy will even put a dent in how i feel tldr seeking help a many advise when situation like these crop up hasn t worked this time around and my already weak ability to see a good future for myself ha withered away a bit more
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tairinonfir fudiggity shark ozero my bc packet low estrogen le severe side effect reason men dropped out in 0 study pain acne depression suicidal thought the depression wa main listed reason for halting trial one case of possible infertility current monitoring i m not saying male bc http t co e l i wdf
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owwwwww what a doozy of a headache tablet later and it ha only taken off a slight edge
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having delay to 00
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theekween anxiety and depression thelmasherbs
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gaspitsnicole sigh me too mostly i midd hsnging out with my friend damn growing up p
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what is common between chidambaram and george bush
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this is eating me alive my suicidal thought depression kept me from doing thing that were very important and now that i am trying to actually do them for example i sat down to actually write on a web novel i abandoned for all of that time and the feeling of guilt over wasting so much time ha me in a choke hold it force me back into that dark place this ha been a struggle all of my life i used to have this issue with not cleaning because i beat myself over not cleaning i don t want to go back into the dark and i don t have access to treatment for my ocd anymore any advice on what i can do to help even it is okay help tremendously i ve tried l late is better than never but for some reason i can t convince my brain this is true
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now i m down to 0 battery
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i m not where i m supposed to be but i ll take this over depression
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maikeru you aren t connected with me back so i can t dm you
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just had a great time that is if i forget about the fight on the way back
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sad that the foot of my macbook just fell off
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we play the game of love to avoid depression
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i have bi polar disorder and per my therapisti have dismisive atrachment issue but right now i am struggling probably worse than i have in a while in a drunken fit i deleted almost all of the number in my phone so i had no one to reach out to i even called by sister but found myself hanging up after the first ring because i don t want to bother her i am in a low point right now and i can t pull myself out of it i feel so weak my life is the best it ha ever been i have all of the reason to be happy and yet i am here i right now contemplating feeling like i am at the end of my rope i have the life i have always dreamed of and i just feel like i can t hack it anymore i can feel myself breaking at the seems my thought are everywhere i do y know where i am at right now but i am scared i feel like of i reach out to my family they will say i am doing it for attention
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i want to get back in bed
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mizzzidc lmaooo this one is mad and doesn t have anyone to tell her the way we form wokeness sef is making everything clownish talking about depression lolz please whatever is disturbing you go way deeper than the shoe and the vent of a private convo is rather unnecessary shm
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i ve been struggling super hard with my anxiety a it s popped up in the most inconvenient of time it s to the point i don t want to go out place with my boyfriend or family party or anything every time i do i have an anxiety panic attack and have to leave ha anyone had any experience overcoming this im on medication and just started therapy just get nervous and feel like something is so wrong with me and i just want to be better
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this trolley ha up packed in like sardine padre game and they remove a car good call mt
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i could post my face and the fact that im sexy everyday but my depression won t allow me to flex on y all nigga like dat
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would anyone rlly care if i killed myself
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carobode i m starting to have an headache too am school amp i m so sleepy got work do this am
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darkened jade yep work started badly and ha gone rapidly downhill story of my life to be honest
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i don t know if i have depression anymore a few year ago i wa convinced i did since i didn t have much joy left in my hobby game or many show and i know when this thing all started back in primary school i m in uk there wa this autistic kid named patrick he appeared nice at the beginning but i had a bad feeling about him i felt bad that i did since he wa autistic and back then i wa told that you should never judge someone because of appearance or disability for that i wanted to be his friend along with everyone else after a few day of trying i realised why i had the bad feeling it turned out that patrick wa a bully and he always called me name and pushed me and hit me every time i wa even near him and of course i went to a teacher guess what they did drumroll nothing they said he couldn t help it because he wa autistic this went on for a year after a year of this the other boy in the class joined in and called me name and i only had friend through all of this let call one b and the other l when i wa hanging out with b she offered a sweet they had one of and i wa thankful for her kindness the next day b told l that i stole it from her and i now lost my only friend another year of this and still nothing but i had one friend we ll call her m m wa a girl i liked i matured fast after a while of hanging out with m i asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes month of more bullying but being with m i wa sad about not having friend but happy that i wa with m m slowly stopped hanging out with me and soon enough she started hanging out with b month later me and m were over m wa always talking to b i talked to no one i stopped going outside apart from school whenever m asked me to come outside i never said yes anymore i just sunk myself into a rabbit hole of youtube video p game and especially fortnite when it wa popular after summer holiday i went back to school and i gave up on making friend or doing work that year i always got mad whenever someone insulted me and i walked out of the classroom still teacher did nothing they actually called my carers and said i might have autism or anger issue absolutely ignoring the fact i wa being bullied right in front of them it definitely didn t help that the teacher for our class wa always on the girl side and soon enough i felt like i wanted to murder some of my classmate and i forgot to mention that i became friend with one of the boy that bullied me last year but he didn t really talk to me much after i started reading news story about depression abuse treatment of kid mental health etc and i came to the conclusion that adult couldn t help in this situation so i had to stop my anger before it even started i tried to stop sleeping because i thought if i wa tired enough my brain would be to weak to show emotion i soon enough had no friend didn t get much sleep didn t go outside apart from school and that s only through the course of and a half year primary i decided i wa gon na better myself and actually do my work i got to level in subject i talked to my friend more i became friend with m again after m and b had a fight they stopped being friend so in that year the teacher were the true problem and patrick of course let s call teacher one c and no d d wa the one i hated the most d intentionally made fun of the fact my dad left my mother when i wa born d also heard patrick call me name and hit me and breathe in my face multiple time i burst out of the room and went outside then d found me and acted like he didn t know what happened the deliberately said get back inside or i ll call your dad that made me so angry that i shouted right in his face and i went back inside angrily patrick still annoyed me and still teacher ignored it after covid erupted we went off school and it wa great skip to primary and patrick finally started getting in trouble by one teacher only teacher c after a while of him actually getting in trouble he came up with a plan he decided to tell teacher c to go home and kill themself and when it happened teacher c went out with watering eye and the head teacher came in and said to him patrick that s not nice don t say it again teacher c still got him in trouble and he gave up on stopping her nothing much happened that year he still bullied me but i tuned all of it out since i couldn t care anymore nor could i get angry anymore all my anger wa used up now i m in s and people call me emo just because of my long fringe no one want to be friend with me everyone annoys me for no reason most of my primary school friend are no longer talking to me i gave up do i have depression
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i ve been on venlafaxine for year or so it helped at first but it hasn t helped whatsoever in quite some time i take 0mg in the morning the last month my anxiety and panic ha been absolutely crippling debilitating and unbearable i called the dr today and he called in a prescription to increase me from 0mg to mg i hate taking any medication or pill whatsoever especially increasing a dosage anyone had any good result from a venlafaxine increase after taking the same dosage for such a long time
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gon na try to get some sleep in this hotel room
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bad day at the betfair office