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i just grew another chin
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title i am currently looking at getting onto med for my anxiety and am exploring option for telehealth my goal is to get on them a soon a possible along with going to a therapist to engage in cbt doe anyone here have suggestion for solid telehealth platform ideally i would not have to wait that long to see a doctor so that i can receive med in a timely manner and i do not have to pay an arm and a leg for the appointment with that being said i am ok with spending a little extra if it mean that i am able to get into an appointment quicker i have been looking at cerebral hims and other various telehealth service which i can not remember at this moment doe anyone have suggestion on one that can provide timely service i am ok with paying money for a monthly appointment if it mean that i can get med but ideally i would get on med a soon a possible and then go to an irl mental health counselor and get med from them thanks
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so a few week ago i landed a new job in a multimedia job that installs the run of the mill thing acoutics audio video lighting network electrical engineering you name it the interview process wa a pretty straightforward and laid back interview and i got the job my first project wa to create a d acoustical model of a church based on blueprint the thing is i never read a arch blueprint in my life and this is the first time so seeing all the different symbol number and whatnot are scaring the hell out of me the employee here are willing to train me however looking at all the diagram and what not i feel intimidated i don t feel cut out for the job i feel afraid at the lack of thing i don t know i m not sure what to do any help
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in work sooo bored
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mizzzidc o masepa a ngwana straight wena the way you we spoke to your mom it s like you were talking to your small sister even if you can go back to depression voetsak http t co y hsjd nr
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when you re having a mental breakdown because you realize the your dream the thing that kept you motivated is completely unobtainable an impossibility nothing more than a pipe dream i m breaking down y all i wan na put a bullet in my head
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happy birthday jaime loveyou lt officially screwed right now midterm quiz project and 00 page book shoot me please
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depression because of sneaker qlyv
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newkidsfan awwwww ur gunna make me cry i miss him so much he ha blessed me w so much love and memory
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i am deathly afraid of driving over an hour away from my town i hate the feeling that i m vulnerable to my car breaking down and me getting stuck over night somewhere is this stupid the fear is very intense and crippling the thought of having a panic attack somewhere off an interstate exit and being hundred of mile from anyone i know to bring me comfort
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so i ve always feared going crazy a few day ago someone made fun of a stutter in front of me cause they didn t know i stuttered after that realized how easy it is for others to talk badly behind my back and wondered who can i really trust i realized a few day later anyone can be made fun of for many thing and i m no different rather if it s a stutter lisp religion sexuality appearance you can be made fun of it for all of that i stopped worry about it and later in the day someone commented on a post about it and said they became psychotic and paranoid thinking about people talking behind their back after they did that for a long period of time this freaked me out because this thought wasn t from ocd although later that first day i thought this i thought i feel crazy thinking this way it took 0 0 minute after reading that comment to not feel like i wa about to have a panic attack and ever since that happened yesterday i ve been extremely anxious i wa laying in bed and realized 99 of people won t make fun of me and the one that do i ll never be friend with and if i am they ll show themselves with time but i wa laying in bed and it feel like a weight wa lifted off of me i realized it s best to take this stutter le serious i ve been letting it defy me instead of treating it like an aspect of me i wa thinking about it i stuttered during sex and literally started laughing because i found it funny and i remembered my cousin making fun of my stutter when i said pork i stuttered and she said ah yes i love pork pork pork i wa offended at the time but i find it funny now i m learning there s joke that devalue me and joke that are lightheaded and i m beginning to not be offended at the light hearted joke now that i see that difference i heard people before going insane end up really happy sometimes and i feel great now that i realized i m going to take it le serious and just joke about my stutter because it doesn t define me doe it sound like i m going insane or did i just figure out what i needed to do after becoming scared but turning that into a plus for me
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how doe suicide really feel for your loved one my friend told me that it would probably be pretty painful and sad but i m wondering if people even care
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watched twilight last night wa brill but not a good a the book
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ssr faced sabotag with most vicious lie written abt him a blind item but not one of these gossip wrote abt his add ction or depression even tho everyone supposedly knew abt latter not suspicious ip nupurprasad pmoindia doptgoi hmoindia ssr social medium compromised
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bkgirlfriday dude it snowed here today cant imagine the weather in hawaii right now
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deepbluesealove im still here reading an article on a different site seems a little dull on twitter tonight with no music
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my account on a messaging app got hacked while there s nothing illegal there i used to be a very very shitty person and i ve written extensively about my terrible wrongdoing attempt to get therapy and make ammends charity work i know that this person is unlikely to leak my info they seem to be using my account to scam my friend out of money they re committing multiple felony and i doubt they want to leak info and get caught still all this make me feel extremely anxious
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journalist throw shoe at chidambaram http ibnlive in com news journalist throw shoe at chidambaram 9 html
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skunkie sorry i guess sarcasm is hard to show in 0 character
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did quitting nicotine actually help anyone with their anxiety
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hide depression tn
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back in those skin crawling boredom bout that just result into depression bc like nothing is worth it anymore cheerz
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waiting for godot is a play where nothing happens two men stand at a bus stop waiting for a man named godot to come he never arrives that s existence waiting for someone or something that never arrives i ve been waiting for my friend for a long time and yet they never come i used to think i had a few close friend who would be there for me when i needed them but time ha proven otherwise so i m waiting for godot now but sooner or later i could simply find a ticket and take a bus
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i m doing really bad mentally i don t feel up to typing a paragraph explaining what s wrong in my life rn i just want somebody to acknowledge me and let me know that it s gon na be okay
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is sad coz alison s leaving england to france tonight
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can t fall asleep
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off to work ahhhh such is life for the poor amp unknown wa thinking earlier how much loot that miley cyrus ha at age
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ha a huuuge headache omg i feel like crap
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i feel like i m really close to ending my own life i cant imagine myself living another year i ve had happy day but i haven t been able to appreciate anything good that ha happened to me i m so hyper focused on every bad thing that it just make me want to end it all the only thing that s really stopping me is lack of a proper method and making it seem like a big deal i don t want anyone to care i don t want it to effect my family or for them to even notice i m trying to distance myself from everyone close to me so i can make it easier on them when i ve finally had enough the sad part is that i ve been so lucky to have a decent upbringing but everything i feel right now is just my fault i don t have any valid reason to feel this way so many people have had it worse i cant even be mad at anyone else i did it to myself and i continue to do this i ob over my appearance too much and it just hurt looking at myself i cant stand to hear myself speak or let other people see me i m so disappointed in myself for letting this happen to me i don t think i ll be able to get out this mindset and a soon a the time is right i ll probably take the east way out man this suck
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cuprohastes don t feed car milky way though they don t like it that advert wa very misleading breaking down on the a isn t fun
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anyone else experience an absurd amount of gas constantly burping discomfort in stomach and chest
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v a b d y kh i gi ng m t qu
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i most likely need time away from social medium so i can get this flooring project started and find a new job in the process burn some fat maybe just maybe start to look attractive again to woman this here sitting around accepting depression a my best friend isn t working
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nobody will let me make one giant cookie
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on the nd anniversary of the first covid 9 lockdown in the uk read about our meta analysis showing increased rate of depression and anxiety during the st lockdown compared with pre pandemic level http t co qz gfzfhq gemmamjtaylor lucamdettmann
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i don t wan na go to work i wan na go to bed
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michael crichton
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i m tired of only having people that don t listen to me i m tired of codependency i m tired of my brain always going so fast and there s no calming it either i m fucking tired i do not want to live anymore i ve fucked up my life and there s no fixing it because it wa doomed from the start it seems like i m doing great but i m not i should be but i m not no one care about me my friend couldn t care le about what i have to say they just want me to listen i don t want to listen anymore the one person i wanted to care i realize now doesn t give a fuck about me he listens to her though she is heather and i m meaningless so i m done being in the way of the two they can have eachother i will go i m in the way that s all i ever am i m an annoying thing people can t get rid of i m a weight on everyone s shoulder i m tired of living and i m done with it
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i have had a lot of problem with anxiety for a long a i remember a lot of my struggle involve health medical anxiety i ve reached a point where i know i need help but i have absolutely no idea where to start medical environment cause me inexplicable fear and dread so waltzing into a doctor office and saying i would like a referral for mental health care is not feasible
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it s like at certain time i die while awake mind go completely blank and nobody can wake me from my trance but eventually i come back once i m back i m flooded with emotion after emotion and it s exhausting then im just angry and sad followed by numb once again and cant focus i quit job often even though i need money because i can not function in this society sometimes i wish i could get on disability but everyone tell me im just making excuse and that it cant be a bad a i make it seem i m always wrong never is anything anyone el fault but fucking mine i swear someone could kill me and people will be like oh well you shouldn t have made him mad i ve never attempted suicide because i don t have the ball to actually murder myself i wish someone would do it for me though my whole life i ve never been good enough for anyone and now i m an unemployed year old man watching everyone thrive and be successful while i slowly rot away i used to be so intelligent and motivated not to mention happy a fuck now i physically can not bring myself to do anything that requires even the slightest amount of mental effort without being downright forced to i know this is a lot and probably none of it make sense i m just so fucking stupid and i figured this is a half decent place to ramble because no one give a shit anyway the only thing that give me hope that my life can one day be something great is music i am a very talented rapper with no recognition but not like these regular as people i innovate and i approach the rap game with the respect she deserves i carve my word onto the page with precision and passion because a of the past decade no exaggeration hip hop ha been the savior of my existence
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i just came back from running and i feel a bit anxious and i realized i always do after doing exercise
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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs thelmasherbs thelmasherbs http t co ayy9 a u r
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i ve always joked about depression but lately i ve found myself facing overwhelming feeling of a sadness that can t be described in word i pray i have it in me to face this and not get consumed by it
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labrys the chat broked
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theekween thelmasherbs heart break depression anxiety
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well the pc in my living room suffered a fatal partion lost all my itunes library is gone and some doc with pic
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depression everywhere depression is killing the youth rn i hope that sh t don t come near u everything will be fine let s try again bro checkonyourlovesones
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my condolence to natasha richardson s family
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death seek me life besieges me i want to die why oh why fuck bring the pain i am ready for the ocean whatever happens i ll be with god please god forgive me i have failed you i am so confused please help me why is my life such a painful struggle i want peace in sobriety with you forgive me god i am sorry
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jonnypotter the simpson on demand thing doesn t work in the uk
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if depression wa a garden
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i think i need to get laid sad revolution i had earlier rofl
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i can t do shit at this point i m spending all of my time desperately trying to find somebody who would be slightly interested in me i m really only living off my hope and scrap of imaginary satisfaction thinking that one person might be liking me for example i m so done living like this why should my biggest need also be the least satisfiable what do i do with my life
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i feel like my body is just a piece of meat i m forced to watch destroy itself it s like there is beeings inside it me and an animal that doe and interacts dumb and not a it should and i can t change that a i am not the one doing all of this bad thing but the other beeing here is some context so you don t think im a serial killer im i m in my last year of highschool and i got big final exam that will decide if i go to college or not or a my dad say if i get to live a nice life and have a good job or be unemployed and a shadow that cover the earth with no meaning or purpouse my mom is the one that understands me better and try to help me and belief i will make it in life she even decides to lie for me regarding some bad grade so my dad doesn t get pissed off i am doing extremely bad in school math is my kryptonite when i say i do extremely bad in school what i mean is i can t get myself to study i have some decent grade but not anything crazy let say im doing okay besides math oh boy at math i have a strict teacher that look like jabba from star war im a hypocrite also everytime i get a math test i feel like i did okay only to see my grade and be disappointed in myself i really don t like studying right now im doing this to avoid doing my homework i i feel like i am watching myself ruin my life and i can t do anything i feel like i m watching myself act like i shouldn t there s no worse feeling than knowing you are wrong but can t change yourself i just want to get my exam and make my parent proud i don t want to make my mom sad anymore but my other side would do anything but what it should im honestly soo dumb i wish i could get myself to do this every second of my existence i think about my exam how am i going to fail them and how i can t change this this is beyond pathetic some people have serious issue yet im making all of this bullshit in my brain im just soo stressed everytime i wish i could just get a seizure and end this im sorry i don t even know what help should i ask for even if i get any advice i can t guarantee ill take them my brain is on another level of fuckery i ll end this rant in a positive note i hope i m doing my homework and i understand it while you are reading this i really hope i make it past this month after im done with my final
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so ive been masturbating for a few year and i started saving video photo to my phone so it easier to get to i always keep them in the hidden section of my phone last night i forgot to hide them and i woke up and found them in the recently deleted section and other app i think she went through the latest notification wa hour before i woke up so i wa certain my phone wa turned on the photo themselves were just photo and video of girl i thought were really attractive they were over and would use to get off to now since they are in the recently deleted tab notification were only hour old and i had notification from before hour ago but before i went to sleep i had apps open which i never use and my phone wasnt in the spot i last had it so the title say i think because im just hoping it wa me in my sleep and i wa really tired since some photo were perfectly fine and she hasnt said anything about it yet so incase she actually saw the photo video can someone give me some advice on thing like what to say do when or if she brings it up
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how can i leave my abusive relationship and still keep my cat i ve been suicidal and right now my cat is the only part of my life that make me want to be alive i don t have anywhere to go and currently live alone with my bf thing started becoming physical when i called him out for cheating now i feel unsafe and desperately want to get away i m sure we re going to be losing our place due to not having money to pay rent i m wondering if anyone had resource out there where i can get help to leave and still keep my cat with me thank you to any who help
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i am officially banning godaddy com from my comp my head hurt from the small print and i wasted 0 that could ve happily gone to boba
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griffmiester no exchanging for me my laptop hasn t arrived
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whyvee welcome home sound like a hell of a journey back
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i feel the need of depending on people for me to feel better and more comfortable but i don t think that s the right way to go but at the same time i m not even sure how i could better myself on my own it s probably the most difficult thing i m doing and i just feel really nervous right now and i hate that i sleep so late it s honestly bugging me and affecting me so much i just want someone who truly care about me to say i ll do alright that i ll find a way to overcome this it feel uncomfortable to cry at time i can t even do it really anymore it just last a few second and then my state of mind change and my brain just go through these phase of different feeling im not sure what i m gon na do tonight but i guess the only thing i can do is be on my phone and just have this pain in my chest last till i pas out
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haha my house is creepy at night it creak and stuff scary lol i m gon na go to bed
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sinab i think we all do
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oops havnt been on a while so much school work hardly any time myself
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sad day manu out for the season
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i don t know what to do my body feel like it is in a constant state of panic my mind ha like a thousand thought in the same second and i feel each and every emotion from that thought at once all those emotion just group up into this constant literally constant state of anxiety when i wake up i am anxious when i go to sleep i am anxious when i go to school when i am with my friend etc i feel like i can not take it anymore it is so exhausting every night the only way i can fall asleep is consuming so much different medium at once i get tired and pas out which doe not happen until am whenever i think there is a root to this anxiety i fix it and it doe not go away like i recently started college and i wa nearly failing by middle of my first semester i worked hard and turned my grade around thinking that wa what wa making me anxious except my mind just find new thing to worry about i have been broken down to the point of asking for help on reddit i know you guy can t fix it but please someone tell me that there is something i can do i already see a therapist i am honestly not sure if she help
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pizza night and i feel too sick
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it s a nice day for once and chibi and i are stuck at home waiting for a parcel
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i cant put the feeling i feel into word im stuck in an endless cycle of dopamine consumption all i do is work school scroll i have no hobby no interest nothing brings me joy but i dont have the motivation to actually do anything i think im depressed but i dont want to go back into therapy psychiatry because im tired of feeling like a patient even writing this is tiring and i cant thinj of how i could describe my conditon my dad tell me he s proud of me for doing basic thing like showering or going to school everyone s expectation of me went from sky high to so so very low in a matter of 0 year i hate it i dont know where i went im just empty now
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nothing beat the cold damp feeling you get when pulling on a wet pair of knicks
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wednesday my b day n don t know what do
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i cant sleep
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i can t sleep i m stressing out jpc lt
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kimmyawesome ohhhh that suck i love the summer set
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thasohtx depression inducing sneaker
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nbcnews reporting pres chief econ guy summer is loaded with wall street money mil from a hedgefund from bank that were bailed out
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i want it to end i can trucking take it i want to end it all i can t do this i can t keep surviving like this i feel like i m drowning all my emotion all the work all the people in my life it make me feel so alone and tired i don t want to be here i can t even reach out to anyone i know and it fucking suck
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amyg0 thats really sad i wolud hate that but i had choco milk earlier d lol
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capillarity n the rise or depression of a liquid in a narrow tube french related to capillary
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another day another depression nap
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alydesigns i wa out most of the day so didn t get much done
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mraow i feel like dancing but first art school want to rape me some more
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jjprojects maybe a broken mbp from ebay one with a broken screen or something good luck
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ive got a poorly tongue after i burnt it on my chilli last night had a lovely day yday to thanks guy
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i ve given up
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another shoe throwing incident journalist jarnail singh threw a shoe at home minister chidambaram bt missed target
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khqrightnow i heard them making announcement trying to find them the mother looked so worried
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i m supposed to take one pill in the morning starting tomorrow i am not afraid of a new medication because i m already taking the other one but i ve never been on paroxetine and i wa wondering how is it working for you guy especially if it helped somebody who ha severe social anxiety like me did you have any side effect i know it s supposed to take week to start taking effect for this med
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missing my bff watching home and away it reminds me of her and me we lt it shout out to u court
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hi all i ve got a script for clonidine for my anxiety and i am curious if anyone here ha any experience with it good or bad thanks in advance
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i had never even thought of suicide before because i wa too shielded from the real world and i thought that it something people do only in the most horrible situation it started when i wa at school speaking to a kid i knew only because she wa a friend of a friend we we re laughing about something when i saw the scar on her hand which couldn t have happened naturally it freaked me out to see that a kid my age with a similar background would resort to self harm and attempt suicide then i started failing in test each time i felt really low i came closer and closer to killing myself i now know how to tie a noose and what height i need to jump from in order to die at this rate i won t survive till my th birthday
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i have to apply for international driver licence not for competition of course to go to nurburgring in may must take half day off
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imagine you have deep psychological issue stemming from year of abuse and depression and your therapist just start talking about how great communism is what is wrong with these people
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i can t do this anymore i think i might finally end it all i m just not sure the right method to complete it i have nothing more to live for i can t go on feeling how i feel i m all alone with no one to help me today is just the final straw i just need all the pain inside to end i ve attempted before and it didn t work i need to make sure it work this time
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qr veolia fail translink the bus and train don t align so the early train is just a late a the bus one hour later
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depression s killing me rn
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something except talking to people about it i tried it and i regret it especially my parent i m not diagnosed but it s so painfully obvious at least for me i don t even know why i feel this way it s making me unable to do simple shit and everyone around me hate me because of it memory loss is annoying too i swear if this shit is permanent i will fucking lose it
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i don t want to exist anymore the thought of death ha brought me a lot of peace for a while now i have friend who are incredibly important to me i love them greatly and i know that they will be perfectly fine without me i accepted my suicidal urge a few month ago and talked to them about it i don t want them to feel any form of guilt when i finally get to go and so i m trying to preemptively minimise that a much a possible i promised them each individually that i would at the very least get in touch with one of them before doing anything to give them a chance to talk to me i have even started going to therapy and promised myself that i would go for a minimum of session with a therapist whom i am comfortable with i also made myself a bucket list the whole point of it all is so that when i m gone they won t feel like they could have done more i don t want them to blame themselves for my decision i don t belong here i long for non existence it s got nothing to do with them and they shouldn t have to suffer because of me some day like today i struggle i just want to go i don t want to finish my therapy i don t want to finish my bucket list i don t want to call them i just want to be forgotten i think i m on the tail end of today spiral and i haven t sh today either which is a win i guess i just needed to write this out
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depression kicken mich in bett
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i always had that sinking feeling it wa there but wa never able to find that proof i would ve done anything for her she built me up for so long all my life saying i would go far and be the best i can this positive reinforcement kept up until graduated high school in 0 9 i wa taking a gap year so i wa trying to find work in the mean time the pandemic hit a i wa searching and many business had already laid off so many and were not hiring at this point i wa getting the sly comment hear and there but nothing too sinister for the most part only after going from job to job only to be taken advantage of or have my hour cut did it escalate more fearing no other alternative i went back to an old company i had left due to the amount of hour we had to work and my physical wellbeing wa deteriorating while there i wa not hired based on the fact i had quit so many job in a short amount of time the abuse began to hit a whope new level i am berated whenever i come from my room criticized for all the simplest thing forgotten told i m the idiot of the family for not paying attention to everything and continuously told i will never make it on my own and will die outside i finally hit my breaking point and while i cried for myself thinking about all i had done she watched i didn t see her face but she wa judging me the whole time and left me i knew she didn t care anymore and she never ha i have hit a whole new low of depression
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what can i say something major happened someone died friend of mine i am drunk i dont wan na call hotlines they know me already