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stephendon i just cant commit the time though my play time isnt the same a everyone el
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hi i 9f just applied to become the disability rep for one of the society at my uni this is kind of a big deal for me since i ve never really interacted outside of the bubble of maybe 0 people in total of my year and did not visit any of the society meetups but with the way the application are looking they re letting just about anyone in several people who happen to be my friend are also applying for other position and i know it might just be our little bubble but i am so very proud of myself for doing something i have never done before i got diagnosed with anxiety and depression just very recently and i had to take the rest of the year off from uni so yeah this is a big thing for me omg
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whatdamnnick well the problem with rain here is that it come with extreme coldness
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last night i had a dream my bestfriend and i were hanging out a a spiritual person i believe that our passed loved one visit u in our dream to hang out with u in the only way they can my bestfriend committed a year ago and it wa the worst day of my life every once in a while he doe this but i had a dream last night we both hung out and had such a good time at the end he gave me a gift and said he would see me next time when i woke up i wa really depressed i didn t want to go into work i wanted to lay back down and go to sleep and hang out with him again it made me have suicidal thought and those were scary i miss him alot to the point where life just seems so awful without him and how can i live like this without him i m a very lonely person and he wa the only friend i had who understood me help
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also i shouldve bern asleep an hour ago
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i ve tried i ve put in effort i ve fought back and i did get better before it all went downhill again til i m back to square one then still i got told to try and put in more effort to fight back a if that wasn t what i have been doing to get this far to survive this far no matter how much effort i put in the end everything came back to nothing it s all meaningless they would only see the result without acknowledging nor appreciating the effort i m too tired to fight anymore i don t have anyone to talk to about my problem more like i don t have anyone that i trust enough for me to really open up to even the friend i got right now i can t feel a strong connection with them i don t even talk much with them also too scared to even talk to a therapist and seek help having to reveal my problem like that make me feel vulnerable miserable and embarrassing another reason for not seeking help is so i can break down even more until i really lose my mind and there d really be nothing better than dying i guess but mainly i hate the idea of having to reveal myself to others a i ve mentioned just before this i ve grown too tired i ve been spending a lot more time in my room playing game and barely doing anything productive outside of my work i don t have any motivation or dream sometimes i fear having to sleep at night because by the time i wake up i d have to go through another dull day again and repeat the same thing over and over again the problem is in me i can t run away from myself i wish i could just disappear from existence and it d be nice if no one would remember me at all i m going to sleep and i hope i won t wake up to greet another day but i know that ain t gon na happen will delete this post later i don t really like posting a rant like this too but i really needed to get it out a bit please don t mind this post at all and have a good day to whoever ha read this til the end
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just found out that my mum and my adopted auntie are on twitter check them out my mum is tessm and my awesome a auntie is tania
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onemoreproject that is lame
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i had a meeting that i knew wa going to go well but i couldn t control my breathing and my heart rate wa insane i wa filling time with some paperwork but i couldn t focus i tried box breathing and it didn t work forgot to try grounding technique but will moving forward just to mention this pre event anxiety is normal a a kid going to birthday party made me anxious happens all the time still but this is the first time i just couldn t breathe this wa such a worrying experience i have something to actually worry about tomorrow and i hope it doesn t go the same way i honestly don t think it will because my body seems to react to adrenaline differently based on specific situation i am stressed thinking about it now or stressed because i m stressed maybe a soon a i sat down in that meeting i wa completely fine thought it might have been a combination of walking too fast and then my body not recovering from a weird breathing pattern but then i wa walking the same way later completely fine i ve been sighing all day which is what i tend to do when i am stressed i am trying to get help but yeah thing aren t moving along very well i m going to make an appointment with my therapist a soon a possible we are working together on an unrelated issue but i think we ll benefit from talking about it also worried about an upcoming wisdom teeth surgery anyway going to go cry so i can get some of this out of my system
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il y a litt ralement ce qu on appelle la d pression hivernale donc oui oui rayon de soleil tout le monde est content
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just remembered that doctor have told me i have depression amp that make a lot of sense seeing how i took monday off saying i wa sick but just could not for the life of me bring myself g work amp i m literally writing an email at am saying im not coming the rest of the week
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the back road a tweet on depression in le than 0 character http t co hi oucfa m
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so far i have on all my site put together most of them were me checking out the update i made
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omkar kurode you won coz i created quot avenue quot for you and yeah i made the mistake of choosing tango over zone
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i m talking to my psych on monday and i want to do some research into what might work for me i have frequent mild panic attack infrequent but still kind of like once a week once every week severe panic attack and constant anxiety i ve tried a bunch of anxiety med but haven t really found any that worked for me however i haven t tried any in year so there s a chance i ve grown a i wa about during most of my trial and it s been a good year since then so what are were your favorite thanks
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jap girl they re leaving
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in that mood of wanting to suffer my asthma attack a a form of self harm depression suck when it hit outta nowhere for what seems like no reason at all finally coming out of auto pilot and i have no idea what triggered it it thursday
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for long in a while i hit a down again and that come with a lot of thinking like last time when i felt like that i distanced myself from my friend and they didn t even bother to ask me what is wrong with me i m an really introverted person but ask them all the time how they are doing and offer them my support i ask myself when they would if they start to ask themselves where i am if i would just dissappear without saying anything i can t believe i am posting in this sub again but i don t know who to tell stuff like this
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doe anyone else think that depression can t be cured treatment resistant depression is a term that i think about and seeing that some people may just be born to have it and deal with it for life no matter what you could have the most idealistic life imaginable and have no identifiable trigger and still be depressed and if it s down to serotonin dopamine or whatever anyone think is happiness isn t working and nothing is making a difference then what is there to fix it i m told about coping mechanism from everyone i talk to about it who s qualified and a a psychology uni dropout the little i think i ve learned ha not given any answer that satisfy this a coping these day just isn t something that make sense to me a everything i try feel like a waste of effort to distract from the inevitable thought of wanting to essentially meet the earth and feeling nothing no idea really why i m asking this a it s not really going to be a easy post to find a reply for i understand that but it doe kind of seem that feeling crap all the time could just be a natural decision made by whoever whatever or nothing beforehand for u to deal with until the end
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in high school i wa quiet mind my business didn t talk to many people i noticed that certain people just didn t like me one time a teacher moved a girl to sit next to me and she made this weird face like annoyed and when she sat next to me she wa slightly turned ti the direction i wasn t in and not facing straight another occasion i wa sitting in a table with other people and none of them would bother to talk to me even when i tried to make a convo or ask a question and one of them actually cut hair now and my brother and dad cut their hair with her and they re always saying she talk a lot etc she s friendly today i went to that place to cut my hair and she wa completely quiet just asked me what hair type i wanted and the price of the cut i didn t want to start a convo cause i knew that back then she wouldn t even want to talk i just feel like i have something that just make people dislike me for no reason
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just the same old stuff going on for year i feel like i m not good enough for anyone and it make me feel inferior and le than everyone else
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good morning ready go but i want go back bed
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hoping the tummy rumble go away soon
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everyone moved on became a better person happier get a career and a life meanwhile i m still the same stuck in the beginning
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i just need someone to talk to or distraction and sympathy
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i want to be back in la
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i had a pretty bad bought with my depression over the last year i walked out on two job because i just couldn t deal and i wa jobless on the couch for about month nothing really mattered and everything felt overwhelming and hopeless i started working again and while it s only been two week thing don t feel a hopeless i m trying my best to keep it that way i just wanted everyone to know that it really can get better i love you all and i m sorry if this doesn t help anyone but if it help just one person then i feel like it wa worth the time take care of each other and yourself
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month almost of being chronically unwell and not the same person because of shithead fucking parent forced me to go back on a medication that didn t help nobody cared i wa lulled into thinking it could never do something like this to me no positive covid test no positive test for other virus like lyme i guess lexapro just decided to ruin my life for whatever reason i m not linking my story for the millionth fucking time i m this is my life fuck this i can t even cry because the medication fucked my brain up so badly
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i m struggling to type this morning maybe i m still suffering from day glo overload from friday s 0 s fest
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why do i get hot easily and my anxiety get really bad where i need to leave whether it s the gym or doing my nail i have no problem socializing but i fine myself needing to leave situation when i start feeling like this it s so consuming can someone help
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so cold
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we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co xcjz hquj
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so me m my gf f killed herself i don t know why or how i feel it s all my fault my family didn t know we were dating so i don t know how to bring it up to them i can t even focus or eat now i just don t know what to do i m honestly about to end it i failed her
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i have anxious attachment style and i have autism a well i m and i ve never had a relationship last more than month at this point i feel no one gon na understand or love me and i ll be alone forever do girl not like guy that are clingy and sensitive do i have to change
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awww my whitestrips are not staying on
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want quot someone quot to come over here
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mccainblogette awwwww and you were trying to go to sleep hour ago
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power to levitate still negative
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i have already given up on my life cuz i have realised no matter what i do nothing ever gon na make me happy happiness is an illusion a myth and it s always the next step like do this after that you will be happy do that you everything will be fine but that next step where the door of happiness exists never come we are always step step back to happiness most close you can get is that you can knock on the door
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pinkiecharm sorry you musta got a bit sick of my dance tweet sorry to have you unfollow me
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webview one of control of iphone sdk is too slow that even for loading local custom page it take a marginal time
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i just took the pill i don t know how many it ll take but i m just going to keep eating them one by one until they re all gone i feel so bad for everyone i hope i really don t fuck up anybody s life by ending mine
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just heard eminem s new single it s official he fell off just heard eminem s new single it s official he fell off
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going out sidee in dee cold
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just bought sour gummi worm peach gummi o s and cheeto puff and a ounce soda i m such a fat as had a huge dinner too
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otakusecret my reaction too whoa didn t see that coming
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kal penn i am so sad kutner wa my favorite of the new team
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i ve oded twice and they know i sh and the mental health team ha done fuck all sort of threatening to kill people how do you get committed i get that you can go private but i m broke i literally want to stab myself and don t know what to do so
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what a mistake buying that dress i dont even want to go to grad anymore
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matched with a guy on a dating app we went on a few date hooked up a couple of time but it didn t work since both of u got too occupied with our work and we had nothing to talk most of the time but now after like a month i see this guy on my dance class whatsapp group and he is about to join the same batch i feel so anxious and weird first i dance horrible but it didn t really matter because i didn t know anyone there should i leave the class what do i do the class wa like an escape to me since i recently moved to this city and i don t want to leave the class but i also don t want to see him there and show him this side of me help please
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crackcouture wow that sound fun nah just going to melbourne for a couple of day unfortunately
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i m have aspect of social anxiety and notice it largely when talking with people i view a smart and they start bringing up some complex idea a they are explaining it i often go through this cycle of oh no they re explaining something complicated you better pay attention or they ll find out your dumb then of course i ve zoned out for a few second now playing catch up and i either nod along praying they think im following or if i m feeling brave ask them to repeat there s a major imposter syndrome component i know but i m just wondering if anyone else struggle with this kind of thing ha any recommendation
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i d rather not exist
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these few day my mother ha been telling me how much of a disappointment i am and i totally agree with her i only bring bad energy in the house and i always mess something up for the year i ve been alive i haven t made positive impact on my mother life or society i wan na die
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stephenkruiser so sorry to hear about your dog
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vivekg good to hear that we have support in netbeans but then it netbeans you know
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i m alive because i wan na outlive all the mf who gave me truma
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i just got another thing i have to look out and care for overcame the college exam and finally found one more freelance deal to keep me fed anyway job got cancelled because of covid 9 but it s an online tutoring what doe it ha to do with covid i m doing all i can with every option i have i work consistently but why doe it always have to be so one sided i have day left with only little money enough for a single meal until i may get the chance to work there are phone and landline bill which i wouldn t be able to work without yet still unpaid because college say fuck you and pay u or we kick you out because i didn t have enough to enroll for this term why why why i want to die but i can t i don t want to make people i care about sad but this is not fair
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immm sooooo lowwww
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i feel it coming on hard and it s just too much i m not even full spiral i wa doing so good for so long i hate how easy it sound to end it because fuck wouldn t it just be i m just screaming into the void again i feel like quarantining when i m like this because well meaning friend will tell me they love me and it s not worth it and to push forward and they re on my side and i know it doesn t make me feel any different about myself and maybe they do too but it s so damn tiresome i hate myself and i don t think i ll ever stop i m tired of stressing them out or bringing them down by existing the cool thing about being dead is people will almost always remember the good thing about you and maybe they ll talk about how you struggled but it ll sound romantic and not nearly a disgusting a it actually feel why doe it have to be so attractive objectively speaking there s nothing sexy about about coming across the news in whatever form that a loved one ha ended their life but here i am fantasizing about how i ll just stop being and i ll be just that more loved without having to do anything but die no guilt no pressure just nothing i guess technically people will have to deal with my remains they ll have to raise money to have something done with me because i definitely don t have anything in place to make it easier i m just so fucking tired
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i have been having anxiety chest pain for over year i have seen a doctor but the solution wasn t a good i take deep breath and sometimes i use st john s wort and camomile to calm i got better for a while but now whenever i think of something a in a college related report studying commitment promising to do something and thinking about it all day my chest hurt from these condition and i have breathing difficulty what do you do to help when you get these symptom
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hairpin haha well what make you think you don t use big word too sadistic p what did i say any way and no i don t sorry babe
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fuck len wein s house caught fire earlier today the family is safe but they lost their dog
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debbugging old vb code the day could have started better
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makeherfamous hmm do u really enjoy being with him if the problem are too constant u should think thing more find someone ulike
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blahhh my throat is sore amp i keep coughing i hate being sick
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and of course i have access to my halo mythic map pack re download but bad news not the legendary map pack ugh 00ms
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now i want amanita someone made me feel unliving
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xjerx she s at the ritz lol but been there before and it s ok for a gig not got any more planned what about you
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fragilemuse the book is awesome there are some other great work in there too couldn t afford to buy it today tho
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warlach curse ye have fun at it i miss doing online pr for paramount pic
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i am struggling with depression for about a year now it make me do thing i don t want to do i ve lost a good friend that i ve known over year because my mind told me to hate him i started calling him name and told him that i want this friendship to end i apologized so many time explained everything and tried to stay in contact but now we just go our way my best friend know about my depression and always support me but today they started arguing with me i think they are getting sick of me my mind tell me to hate them too but i luckily can t bring myself to cut them off my body is very often freezing i m sometimes even heavily shaking because of this idk why is this related to my depression my suicidal thought are getting worse i don t really want to die but i don t want to live either wait no i do want to die but i am too afraid of failing an attempt and having to live with the injury i might get doe anyone else have these problem doe anyone know how to deal with this also doe anyone wan na talk i feel lonely and i don t want to bother my friend
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i m not interested in life there thing i d like to do but i have no money to experience them i dont have friend or any girl to share a relationship with life is bland i have a job interview tomorrow i ll probably get it now i ll have to show up and sell 0hrs of my life doing something i could care le about for some money i hate everything it s not enjoyable pandemic ruined everything a girl i started really liking doesn t want to see me anymore because i m not vaxed that one definitely hurt a bit she went cold on me please skip the anti pro vax debate i m over it amp i m not anti i dont like leaving the house or dealing with people i dont see any point in this thing called life it just drain me and i d like it to end it simply exhausting amp i get 0 enjoyment from it it feel like a sadistic game i just want it to end i wont hurt myself i dont think i will i dont know if i m depressed i either feel nothing or anger i envy people who are blissfully happy enjoying life i d give anything to have that i dont need everything to be great but i d at least like to not hate day to day life i dont have much left in me anymore i dont see the point in continuing playing this dumb game of collecting money for thing and meaningless relationship i want to be nothing
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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs thelmasherbs http t co ayy9 a u r
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listening to murd and 9th wonder just chillen out missing my crazy sex life
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i ve been on medication prescribed by my primary care doctor my therapist noticed my depression anxiety remaining pretty high and told me to talk to my doctor about it my doctor increased my dosage but also want me to see a psychiatrist who can better analyze my issue he didn t give me a referral and said i can see anyone you want preferably someone that take my insurance he did give a list of a few psychiatrist though i have been looking through my insurance s website for a psychiatrist i have also just been searching online but i don t know which one to select what criterion should i look out for are online review reliable any advice would be appreciated
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ha a poorly cat at home i want to be their to hold her fur back and pas her tissue
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ekim 0 hehehe too bad they were separated
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mum s been taken to hospital they don t know what s wrong she s been vomiting since yesterday rushing back to get to the hospital
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there were few class that interested me in college i chose a class called film amp acting and wa told i d could do video editing in that class turn out it wa a theatre class and i soon i wa doing absolutely nothing because i wasn t provided anything to do in the class am i stupid for not reading the description of the class that wasn t on the paper and can t find on the website
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at night when i fall into to pradeep kumar song enna da inga iruntha depression ah kaanom pradeepkumarsong http t co vxbeyyiunk
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mom i m sad it hurt in my heart the feeling fall into my stomach i can t stop the tear when they start mom i m sad that i never did anything that i never achieved anything that everything just fell apart i can t get up in the morning i can t focus on anything but the sadness i can t put my clean clothes away i don t have the energy to try i sleep all day because it make time go by faster it s hard for me to try and take care of my dog because that mean getting up my thought race all day about what could have been mom i m sad because i don t know if i can make it i don t know if i can keep going i don t want to break you and dad heart but i think my heart ha been broken for a very long time the fight inside me is starting to slow down everything is turning black i don t know if i can make my way to see the light anymore
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i cant give up smoking i tried but it s not easy
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human just making my life harder to impossible to live ruined my life and my childhood fuck you people pushed me to the edge million of time that i don t mind even kill torture steal destroy hurt other people or even destroy humanity and earth you fucking deserve this instead of living happy life human and religion are fucking cancer
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i wish there wa a reddit thing for friendship breakup but since november 0 i ve been repeatedly crushed by a now ex best friend who i never wanted to let go of it s my fatal flaw forgiving ppl who don t deserve it i always get bitten in the as and never learn from it the manipulative people in my life have torn my down over and over and bc i m literally a fucking doormat i don t want to explain everything with this specific friend but part of what keep hurting me is that i see picture and am reminded of good memory we ve had and all of a sudden i miss them or i ll see picture from when i wa happy and i m brought to tear over the fact that i m convinced it s all my fault i wish i could delete my social medium and throw my phone into another galaxy but sometimes thing like snapchat and tik tok make me happy so then i don t do that why am i like this why do people walk away from me so easily why do i let those people in just for them to walk out again
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sorry for the next tweet
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i want to get my life together but i feel like i haven t accomplished anything i m taking adult education class now and i m trying to get a part time job but no luck so far i haven t had a job before so i m not very optimistic i live with family and i feel like a leech i m trying to contribute with whatever i can like cleaning but i feel so worthless unwanted and like a burden my father died recently and i want to live the best life that i can for him but i m wondering if i even can i just want thing to work out i ve been trying to be positive but it s so difficult
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boxee now ha pandora useless to me here in oz boo hoo
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gabbyisactive brat you have to rub it in don t you i want a mocha
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ive been awake for so long it feel about pm meh
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since i wa little i have been raised to never respond when i think people are wrong or when they scold me so i learned to just keep it all since i moved alone to another city i have tried to express myself better without being aggressive but lately i have noticed that when i express my emotion or thought people get angry or upset with me so i have been thinking for some time that maybe everyone prefers my submissive version that doe not mention what i think to my most assertive self and that from my perspective it is my true self maybe my personality is wrong and i really should change it or maybe i just don t have the tact to give my opinion advice for any of those option would help me a lot thanks
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theekween it help with anxiety and depression thelmasherbs
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i m not joking been having a pounding headache after a meltdown why actually i m personally not surprised since i have like a laundry list of trigger it s just like damn really i can t even cry in peace depression is a bitch weirder part is if you are cutting onion or even cry because something good happens it doesn t trigger a migraine or a tension headache it s just negative cry that doe it
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donniesbabe well it pishing here sun look like it want to break through hope it dows kid doing my head in
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the word kill yourself repeating in my mind every time i think of how fucked my life is
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there wa a problem with your picture
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it just make me happy over and over again i just wish i wasn t afraid to fly http tinyurl com skpp
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adreamforsteph ok house wa sad
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i am wondering why my lovely wife doesn t check or respond to my tweet
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feeling blue and almost everybody say that my joke are bad