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i failed my behind the wheel test for the third time god know how many time i took and failed the written exam though i seem to be doing fine when i m driving with my husband i wonder if me and driving is not just meant to be i suck at everything
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tharani dd summa than undu than velai undu nu irukara pullaiya pudichi santhula iluthu vittu depression range ku kondu poitu pecha paaru http t co l vorkga
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no matter how hard i try i just seem to be a background character to everyone else for year i have tried to be a better person socialize more be extroverted dress nicely workout try to be friendlier love yourself yada yada yada it s all bullshit lie i told myself delusion that i thought would make me be noticed and at least somewhat respected but in the end it seems like i don t even exist it s absolutely soul crushing i feel like most people just look right through me a if i were a ghost the shadow of what once wa a person i ve never had anyone i could truly call a friend just recently my best friend told me that i wasn t even his best friend that there wa someone else that he see a his true best friend i m not angry at him just dissapointed at the circumstance i m just another shoulder to cry on for every person i talk to i ve never had a girlfriend no one ever really loved me that sting the most i constantly hear story about people and their experience with love yet here i am at 0 year old never even having kissed anyone at my age my brother already had several girlfriend so did all the other people at my age that i know i feel like a fucking clown i really am le than human i ve always been the laughingstock of the fucking world never been respected always ignored i m depressed and suicidal but most of all i m angry if people don t want to see me i will fucking force them to see me they ll have no other choice but to see me one way or another
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think i m going to bed goodniight i hate this
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deepbluesealove my mom amp dad both get up around too early for me
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well i caved i cut myself for the first time today it didn t really hurt but it didn t help either i still feel like shit i can t take it anymore i switched school this year and have yet to make a single friend every day i m on the outside of the group i know that i did something to warrant this problem but no one will tell me what i did am doing i just gave up trying to nudge my way into conversation and just sit there and listen so i don t look like a lonely loser although i guess i look like one anyway anyone have any advice i need social interaction to get out of my depression also looking for new friend won t work a everyone in the grade act like i don t exist so don t suggest that
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omg quot the reader quot is making me
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i don t really have any actual friend but i also have no motivation to actually make any i just can t be bothered but in a way i m almost scared to feel better again it s like i enjoy feeling sorry for myself or something
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i ve always been told that student life is the best time of your life i want to laugh i live it a the worst my friend are all stressed and depressed by their situation overall i feel that people are afraid to talk to each other in person and prefer network and dating apps people are desperately looking for themselves they re going to school and they don t like it i feel like my generation is massively sad and lost in many way i m is it just me or is that you have the same feeling
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i wake up and expect to deal w the same shit i had to yesterday life is gettin boring to say the least
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i wish i could just be normal and happy i have no friend and can t work i am just so tired of everything constant letdown and failure i cry and throw up over the littlest thing i barely even go out anymore cause when i do i see group of friend laughing and talking people will never understand
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all the fightin and name callin i can still run my sister nite
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i ve been prescribed setraline a an anti depressant but i m beginning to have serious anxiety of the side effect especially the mental one i don t want to start taking them to relieve my anxiety and depression and then become suicidal my anxiety is making me think it will happen to me and i ve read so many story of people becoming suicidal because of taking setraline is there any advice anyone can think of to alleviate my worry
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winetweat sorry but follow u we re going to publish picture and video and sometimes also in english
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ha a lot on her mind i need to make some money and idea nowhere is hiring
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why am i this person i love writing reading scholarship academia but each of those field are rightly inaccessible to me i am unintelligent i have nothing to contribute but my work ethic which is practically useless every article and book i read confirms this i wish i could be satisfied with menial work i wish i could let these aspiration go it is ridiculous and self indulgent to pine after thing that are so obviously out of my reach
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too much traffic on the a can t wait till all 0 lane are ready 0 0
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need to study for quant and do legal process assessment for moro
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birutagme yeah it wa really depressing stuff like that get to me
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i have been getting body pain by manic depression it s very awkward for drawing
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su yin huen tweeted i feel unbearable guilt i made my staff cry http tinyurl com cw l9t
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this is how to show a loved one you care when did you begin feeling like this mentalhealth depression
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any chance softbelly for mtub isn t loud
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hello world i dont like to do physic
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please watch this vid and tell me if you are not moved http www youtube com watch v eujsme0torw
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i m not even gon na use an alt for all this shit any more this account probably won t be active from now on i guess it s time to delete everything and sort thing out one final time i m tired i m done i don t know if anyone will see this and i honestly don t care i mean if you are reading this then it s just a waste of time just like me i ll never change no matter what happens sorry apparently it didn t take me too long to fuck up a new friendship not surprised i really did want to join and play game and all that shit and try to talk to others make friend and help but i can t be bothered and i don t try that should be obvious i m a lazy little shit with no motivation to make thing better i usually just laugh in text even if i m not actually laughing to make the situation lighter or something idk yeah i m a mean person you should hate me you should just leave me alone that ll be better for everyone i m actually surprised it lasted this long i didn t really come her to rant i don t know why i exactly came here or why i typed this one of the many problem i just wan na say ig gon na leave the majority of depressing stuff out i really hope you don t see this i ll just leave at the end of this week when i m done preparing i ll let you know exactly when i m leaving in a subtle way a to not make you sad again ahahh i ve tried not a lot i can t remember the exact number they obviously didn t work out and i never got caught pathetic right sorry but i m gon na make sure it work this time around no matter what that wa my last try at friendship or anything else a a matter of fact i guess i m just not suited for this stuff and life my personality is absolutely shit i wish i didn t get attached for useless reason and then not try at all i made you feel like hell i m absolutely shit i know i am everything you said is correct i read every last bit live well have fun byebye
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hey my name luis and i ve lived a very hard life on march 0 0 my friend kidnapped me they tortured me they sexually assaulted me they beat me up they lighted my skin on fire and they shaved my hair and eyebrow off i thought my life couldn t get any worse after that traumatic experience but it actually did i ve been bashed i ve been portrayed my window have been smashed my property ha been stolen my mother car window have been smashed and i get made fun by people for being gay i wan na jump off and die
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damn it down
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still stuck with the microsoft specialist won t this day ever end
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i beginning to think more and more that i am not suited for this life thing i don t think i wa ever meant to find happiness peace in this lifetime i think i wa set up to fail from the start i want the deepest of connection while i wa born with the frailest of heart the slightest touch i bruise a little pressure and i bleed there s no way this is going to work there s only a buildup of crushed expectation a i stuff myself back into the darkness deeper each time i won t last much longer never in my life ha anyone needed or wanted me a much a i them and that hurt i cling to the smallest of gesture am i crazy to think i m thankful to have met you mean being appreciated human to human i just want a piece of that closeness everyone else seems to have i just don t want to be alone for once not to be other is that too much to ask for or do i not deserve it what s the point i m never going to feel fulfilled in this lifetime anyways
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yayfuckbuddies haha i would but you won t
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i ve been taking escitalopram for a while now it s helped in that i can t even remember the last time i had a panic attack however i have this really weird feeling it s like i have no strong emotion no motivation for anything the thing that brought me joy before don t anymore is this a symptom of something else i don t remember feeling like this before
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i wa woken up from a deep sleep just to be let go for mad max not happy and now i can not sleep
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almost every day i get intrusive thought to kill myself i m having a perfectly normal day and then one thing happens and i immediately start thinking about how i should just die i just turned in february and i wa planning to do it before i turned now i m planning to do it before i m an adult i can t go into a store without going into the tool isle and looking at the dollar rope i can t stop thinking about it right now i m on a school trip in fucking hawaii for god sake music festival and all my classmate are having the time of their life but i wa sitting alone trying to stop myself from cry on the bus now i m in my hotel and the only friend those friend fucking got in a group without me so i m in a room with sophomore that i don t even know my class they all begged me to come here on the school trip for month before we came here but i didn t want to because i thought i would be dead by now now that i think about it hawaii would be a good place to end it my room in the hotel ha a balcony we ll see if i use it this week before i leave also i have derealization all of these thing make me want to just leave this world for good there s more thing to but i don t wan na talk about it
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feel slightly ill guess i shouldnt have eaten mc d after all
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etoro the worst thing man utd can do is offer him a new deal to match his financial demand pogba is a virus hence his partnership with raoila all they want is money once they don t get it they start the noise about football depression bla bla
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is it weird to think i m getting closer and closer to taking my own life soon year and year of thinking but chickening out maybe soon it will be my time i attempted to swallow pill today and i think i m one getting really close now i hope i have the strength and courage one day to actually do it so i can finally rest and let go of this life i am tired
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need some feedback if it s just me amp im insecure or if some of these girl are getting out of hand i m a year old girl whose instagram feed look like wan na be influencers i can t deal with how many picture they re putting out there on top of how edited they are it drive me insane because it make me feel so unattractive but then i remember these girl are smoothing their skin lightening their eye whitening their teeth modifying their body etc should i delete instagram cause i honestly don t know what else to do at this point it s deteriorating me
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bnish dan and i grabbed yardhouse earlier why didn t you pirate it i wa so disappointed
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oscartg morning no sun here unfortunately
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teleken unfortunately i don t sorry hopefully you do find someone who can though
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lt algonquin agreed i saw the failwhale allllll day today
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i m more tired than a very tired thing today
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steve buscemi shut up you i am hungry and in britain home of the most boring suckassy breakfast in the world i miss dennys
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yay hannah montana on disney channel fun not
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today i m really amazed scared by how many basic error i find on e commerce website wrong error message no loading icon etc
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h la elle n est pa la seule nous avon tous d notre entourage de jeunes en d pression la politiquesanitaire de ce derni re ann e a t terrible pour eux
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savethestrib dang i would have done this if i knew it wa there earlier any other outing planned
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i moved i cut off my toxic friend i made new one i got a new job got a new boyfriend im going back to school in the fall im in recovery from my eating disorder i ve done everything i could to stop these thought of killing myself i don t believe medication could help me at this point i ve been on three different one now like six different therapist a well i think im destined to die by my own hand maybe people like me weren t meant to live long and i think im starting to accept that i feel like i ve been dying for so long it feel like an eternal fall that i ve been trying to regain my balance from my whole life but there s no stopping it now i wa doomed from the start
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for me my depression severity ha gotten worse a the year have gone by it seems that each year is collectively worse than the last i get a huge pain when i remember not how thing used to be but how i used to be 0 year ago if i could i would go back in time knowing i can t and that i m doomed to worse depression each year is almost too much to bear the whole it get better thing ha not proven true for my life and particular journey with ptsd i felt even better closer to my trauma time hasn t healed it even with year and year of different therapy the farther i get the worse i feel overall doe any one else have this feeling
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hi reddit week ago i had an something like epileptic seizure nothing is diagnosed right now i ll have a meeting with a neurologist on friday all i think about it when i get my councious back people around me i live in a dormitory are terrified i love them and i don t want to see them like this i also see myself during seizure emergency doctor gave commend to take a video of me and it wa also so terrified me after everything got normal i don t want to inform my parent a well because they re far away from me in short i hate how i impact my loved one and don t want to inform any of them i just want to die at corner in peace
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forgot about shitty co op ugh
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well we unfortunately have mouse and been trapping a few but i dropped my phone where the mouse have been tho no mouse shit then i remembered no lysol wipe i mean i m good right not gon na transfer anything lol like idk i also smoke and worried about germ transfer
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espnfc so you give up start whining and blame jose sulking and depression are not the same depression is hideous sulking is childish and attention seeking
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i found out last year that i had major depression disorder which i wasn t surprised at because my whole life since i wa i ve been depressed however i m realizing i also have body dysmorphia bc i just hate the way i look body wise when i stand i can see my fatty ab but when i sit it just a big pile of fat and it frustrating because i workout everyday non stop and linit my eating people say real people men know what a woman s body is supposed to be like well guess what we live in 0 it s supposed be in shape and that s what most expect i m just so over it because those same people who say yeah thats a real woman s body are the same people liking every single big as flat ab photo i try to push myself everyday and today im over it i can t keep going on like this
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i have social anxiety but over the last couple month i ve become more and more scared of people im not talking about the social aspect but about the behaviour of people they can be so agressive some people at my school just have no shame and wan na fight you etc and it really really scare me and make me so anxious it make it so hard to just go out and go to school
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tpmp divizio nous demandons la production que delormeau soit suspendu de cette mission et que cyril hanouna et c s excusent publiquement aupr s de tous le enfants qui sont suivie en p dopsychiatrie et qui sont en d pression cause du covid je pense emma de tout c ur avec elle
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shiner is taking up all my bed and blanket
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whenever i m about to fall down in the dump i start having a very very intense feeling of disgust everyone and everything feel gross to me i start hating my mother s laugh and voice i hate every smell i start hating myself even more i feel gross when i look at the mirror i want to hide and i wish i were dead everything feel bigger and more detailed i start eating like a pig and feel horrible ha someone felt this way do you know how to snap out of it it s better when i m just tired of everything not grossed out i m tired of this stuff
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vindiekins aww you re leaving me just wa hoping for input i have avatar in the rp thread on mtp torn on personality
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is in pain after having her brace tightened
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lizp0 x oh man that suck i m hoping to go to school happy tomorrow or else it won t be good ahhh
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oh no it s a harrod day now i really will be sick
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i ve struggled with mental health issue since i wa in elementary school i ve gone through period where thing have been really bad and others where i m more normal i m doing really bad right now i m in law school and i don t have time for a breakdown but i feel like i m drowning i have class in hour but i ve been up all night cry i don t know what to do my psychiatrist just put me on wellbutrin along with my current medicine of prozac rexulti and buspar i m supposed to talk to my dean today about my mental health issue but i don t feel like i can get out of bed this is ridiculous and i feel like i m being lazy but i legitimately feel like i m suffocating i want to not exist sorry if this make no sense everyone i know is asleep right now and i needed to talk
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trib agreed
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can anybody help with this i have a short minute presentation next week infront of about people over team i know it dosent sound bad but my anxiety ha gotten the better of me already dreading it and now starting to think of excuse to miss it also debating diazepam before it to help which i know isn t the smartest idea but lost with stuff to help
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kind of longs for the bus that show up at the end of ghost world right now ugh
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helpsophia mein bahut depression mein hun maam for money plz give me 0k i will return u your money in few month plz mam
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just watched tropic thunder dreading tomorrow
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skynews jayneseckersky rishisunak there are two meaning for depression and we are heading for both
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jess t haha i know eh but i m thinking about vet science at sydney uni cept that the guy wasn t there last night he wa in hostpital
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heading to altrincham again out of hour install
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theajp glad you enjoyed it mate any more gig lined up in the near future none on the horizon for me at the mo
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i m over it but accutely aware that only bob will ever know that
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a month of stress and anxiety got the better of me last week i quit my job and came close to just packing it in entirely even now a week later anything even remotely stressful push me back into panic mode i m barely sleeping and a i lay awake my mind turn back to wondering why i m even alive
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michigan state you make me sad
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sign that the usa and the world are headed for the worst economic depression http t co rajk xjuoh http t co joctlucsyz
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for some reason i have a strong urge to draw illustration for novel cover
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man is my depression ever gon na go away i m honestly so sick of this
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anapata depression juu ya nike sneaker
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brainiacmathew i know and im on spring break
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wizarab 0 aunty said this would spiral her back into depression i just can t abeg sneaker
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my girl tjlefebvre is missing anyone seen her this evening
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i feel like i can t get high enough to forget the shit that s happening in life rn i want to self harm so bad because i m so sad and idk what to do with myself and how i ve reacted to my relationship struggle
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awh damn my puppy ha tick
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i don t understand i read it would be lethal to take this much at once but i feel perfectly fine i know i m just going to get a bunch of people telling me to go to a hospital but what s up with this shouldn t i be dead
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my boyfriend and i have been fighting so damn much it s driving me mad i love him but i can t go on like this he s narcissistic controlling go on power trip etc one time i told him about how i get thought to unalive myself fast forward maybe a couple month and he had the audacity to tell me why don t you just go k yourself like what he know my past my trauma i ve told him my trigger because of this it make it that much harder to open up about struggle my mental health for instance the other day i told him i miss how we used to text having actual convos interaction and he took it a i wa starting an argument which i told him i wasn t just wa saying how i felt well everyday after work last night it s been hell him starting argument he packed all my stuff in trash bag and wa going to kick me out over telling him my feeling but then say i don t communicate this is the same guy that i ve been with for a couple year he say i m pushing him away but he s pushing me away to the extent of even living i feel like i m going crazy and i know i m not please tell me i m not i m just tired we all know what tired mean
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lmao i literally forgot a whole as book venom but make it trans and about trauma and depression and even more explicitly gay than whatever wa going on in let there be carnage http t co ownsd u rf
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new post http tinyurl com cexkqy
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winggato no free comp lol
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powerpoole some people try to be tricky some stop using twitter at all i guess it s a good a it get i had to try
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christinastokes is sh working for you for me it say that the website is down
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dammit i need to stop buying furniture
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so my psych put me on klonopin to take for the one i have at night and upped my dose of lexapro i don t have particular trigger the attack just happen anywhere and at anytime so if klonopin is an a needed short term medicine i don t know if it s going to help me in the long run if my attack don t stop ha this med ever helped you and what else do you take do that help you
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fuck it s just perfect torture god i could not make it any better myself honestly i give credit to those torturing me y all made me just perfectly susceptible for this shit in my hell odd why a god make a person a he device their hell why make them in the first place and why make them do what you would punish them for this post like everything will not help but if get the stuff off my mind
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tim grainger nah i haven t received my stimulus yet
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my life ha gone way downhill first my best friend leaf without any kind of goodbye then my mother tell me that she doesn t love me after that my ex broke up with me then last sunday she told me not to talk to her again i can t take any of this shit for much longer i really just wished that it wa summer already then i could just kill myself and everyone would forget about me i would do it now if i could but i just think that it might be too close to my breakup and that maybe my ex would think it wa her fault when it isn t i don t really know what else to say my school ha this experience week thing where for a week we just have fun help out our community and don t have to worry about school everyone else in my grade is having fun laughing smiling and shit like that and i m just not i don t see how everyone else can find a way to be happy i see my friend laughing and having fun then they come over to hang out with me and i m just sad i honestly can t wait for the summer then i can fucking kill myself and not have to cry every night to sleep i don t know what help i might want or need but maybe some encouraging word or something might help but anything really would help
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i ve had a rough week with anxiety and one day i realized it s because i fear rejection judgment and i feel like i need to be perfect for some reason that made me feel worse the next day that same day i heard my best friend friend make fun of somebody stutter and he didn t realize i have a stutter i realized it s so easy to talk badly behind people back and that made me feel even worse i started asking myself how do i know who i can truly trust and i started asking myself if certain family member or coworkers would do this and if they devalued me a a person a i wa doing this i thought i feel crazy a couple day passed and i realized anyone can make fun of anyone about anything disability sexuality religion appearance etc this made me calm and i started to go about my business and forget about this stuff and then someone commented on a post i made about it and said they had a similar thought that lead to psychosis and paranoia psychosis is one of my biggest fear and a soon a i read that i wa on the edge of a panic of attack and it took a good 0 0 minute to get off of that edge ever since then my stomach ha hurt and i ve been so anxious and now i can t shake this thought it went from what if others talk badly behind my back to what if i believe they talk badly behind my back i know since i m worried i ll go crazy that s a good sign but since this thought wasn t originally formed by ocd doe that mean it s the onset of psychosis or doe the fact i fear it so much even if it wasn t cause by ocd mean i m still pretty sane or will i become paranoid no matter what now i legitimately feel crazy now and i can t calm down