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twilighter life lol yeh ill be studying stupid uni only more week and im on holiday yay plus my birthday next week woot
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it s so tiring to keep going i just can t stand it anymore i wish it all would end
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djalizay i really don t think people choose to be that way but i think he chose not to accept my family s help he might be dead by now
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laniefuller feeling really sick today how about you
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i m glad i m not alone period depression is real
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i desperately needed to make a appointment at a clinic that i ve been putting it off for week but today i finally did it i didn t even overthink at all i love that i am finally breaking out of my shell
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this decision is final hopefully i don t get forced to take my anti depressant they make me sleepy which completely remove my motive to get up and start sawing thanks for reading i guess
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month ago i hit rock bottom and wa about to kill myself luckily the attempt wa a failure therapy worked wonder for me and i m falling in love right now thanks for the kind word in this subreddit you helped me through the darkest night of my life much love
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please give me your grounding exercise to keep me busy a i make a long distance move happy thought appreciated
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tagged nsfw tw mention of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt the idea of suicide is comforting it is all that i ve known the idea of ending the constant misery i feel is weirdly enough the only thing stopping me from doing it besides a select number of friend a it truly is comfortable to me to be sitting in the cesspool of apathy and hatred for myself i feel every day usually when i m depressed i feel the apathy and it slowly just turn to numbness but something is different this time around do you ever feel almost the thrill of suicide or rather do you ever almost feel excitement when you re done grieving what your life could would have been lately i ve felt at peace over my self grieving and i do not like that a i have been desperately trying to stay afloat and the tiny push i would usually give myself to ground myself is gone i ve only ever felt this rush when i attempted and the aftermath destroys me every single time this feeling is almost like some time of euphoric high that i cant stop chasing i hate my life and i hate feeling like this but aren t some people meant to be dished the worst card to balance out nature
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can t sleep i hate these night when i try to go to bed early and stay awake for hour poo
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cyantificnhs ball although without the tune it s just a holiday then
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gloomy weather again
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dmurr emotional stability it will cater to a lot of depression and suicidal situation
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what if this happened then i dont have money omg slfl depression 0
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rj i don t know what half of that mean
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thinking of starting it i have bad anxiety and think i have situational depression what s everyone s favorite medication and why i m nervous to start something for fear i ll gain weight or lose my sex drive something that doesn t usually cause that would be ideal
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add as ptsd and general anxiety ive been on medication for my add a long a i can remember but after a let call it a mental breakdown i had a few week ago and spend the week after on xanax i am finally on anti depressant after saying no for over year they re supposed to help with my anxiety after a trauma i recently went through and it s helping my anxiety yes but it s scary af cause it a if i m on a tiny bit of party drug and everything seems fine even when i notice it isn t when there is an issue or a problem i used to see 9 bad thing happen all at once and felt the need to prepare myself for all of those 9 but now i can sort of calmy ass the issue and find a solution without the 9 possible scenario taking over my emotion and cognitive skill neurologically speaking i fully understand what the drug are doing to my brain scary and anxiety like thought get filtered now but who decides what to actually filter what if i m driving again and i see someone walking in front of my car and it s filtered not a danger very black and white question idk how else to make it clear anyway i wrote a poem about it hope there s someone out there understanding my question cause my therapist definitely doesn t and my shrink is on holiday it s weird not noticing what s changing in my brain but to know something is probably for the better but what if i don t like this person this new brain and way of thinking so many what ifs still even on this tiny pill that s changing me into something someone i m scared of even meeting but can never run from
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last sunday my husband we ve been together year and have a child together admitted to me that he wa talking to his co worker he slept with her thursday after lying about going to work he tell me he doesn t want to leave but he doesn t know what he want anymore friday he admitted he ha cheated on me other time in the past and yesterday on my birthday i found out of those people wa my own sister when i took her in after her husband had been cheating on her i am so heartbroken for myself and my son and all i can think about is ending it all i trusted this man implicitly and never even thought he would cheat there were never any sign at all all i can think about now is ending it once and for all i ve lost my husband and my sister and i really don t have much left i am so far down the spiral i don t think i will ever be able to claw my way back up i don t even know why i am writing this just needed it off my chest
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in the last month since june 0 i have made bad decision after bad decision to the point where i have completely screwed my life apart i lost my gf because of it i lost my mentor which i loved so much because of it i am in major debt because of it the last month messed my life up and i know it s because of me i end up hurting everyone i love i loved them both so much i have been telling myself the same thing over and over again if i 00 knew that i wa going to heaven if i wa 00 sure that i wa going to god i would have killed my self a long time ago
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i see no future ahead of me and i am very much fucked right now life is going too fast i cant keep up with anything i literally have no friend no one would try to find me if i go missing one day im living in this shit hole away from parent since and they dont even care about me at this point everyone can see that i am going to kill myself but no one even see me at all currently making plan if anyone find my reddit account somehow after i die take this a a sorry i wa a bad kid and became a horrible adult sorry for not doing good thing and making everyone around me sad until i have no one around me left
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i m not financially stable enough right now to afford a therapist but my anxiety is really bad and since i m going into university soon i need to get over it really soon can i just do exposure therapy by myself like throw myself out there and just hope for the best and possibly have multiple panic attack
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anxiously awaiting june th it can not come soon enough my graduation ceremony am not looking forward to the 0th end of my break
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dindle manksniff food corp founder dindle manksniff disappears on midnight trip to fridge presumed dead
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steve buscemi the weather in canada is freezing
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i know i m just a burden to everyone around me i hate myself people have told me i m mean after i m really fucking trying to be a good person every partner i ve had i ve hurt at least once the worst part is that i am not doing this consciously i m just naturally an asshole i thought i needed therapy i have it i thought i needed a new job i have it maybe pill done then i wa convinced it wa smoking too much weed so i ve quit for a month now started exercising eating better i have my own house and cat and literally nothing help it only make it worse because i have le and le of an excuse to be a burden to those around me if i kill myself i can leave everyone all my possession and spare them the pain and burden i d cause them in the future i have a plan so no one will have to see my body but the cop and literally everyone would be better off why the fuck should i not do it
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pretty much everyone in my family ha depression or bipolar and i m no exception i m just so worried that it ll make thing worse i m definitely moderate functioning i can go to work and kinda be an ok parent i m not going to off myself even though i have the ideation sometimes but i know life could be much better i might be able to actually do the thing i enjoy in my free time again maybe i won t have the constant brain fog and forgetfulness but what if i end up just feeling numb what if medication make it worse what if i go to a doctor and they won t help i ve never been to a legitimately helpful doctor looking up review doesn t help real talk did medication actually help or make it worse how did it work out for you
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n9ne x tgalloway rwtaylors a someone that ha suffered from depression and anxiety pretty much my whole life i can safely say lockdown made it a million time worse your comment is thoughtless and insensitive this lady lost her son your experience is not everyone else s grow up
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a day negotiating wth insurer after spilling beer on my laptop last night probably to no avail
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hellobebe i also send some update in plurk but i upload photo on twitter you didnt see any of my update on plurk zero
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my girlfriend ha suffered some serious trauma in the past and suffers from pretty serious anxiety and sometimes depression now she also ha a problem where when she go out with friend she always black out and then feel very anxious and depressed for multiple day after she blacked out again last night after assuring me she wouldn t even drink and now say that sometimes she doesn t know if i m real or if she s real i just don t know how to handle this a it s become a huge burden on our relationship and i m especially concerned now that she mentioned these symptom of depersonalization
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argh opened my crisp upside down i hate that
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moreshannon he isn t here he is down south for day working
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marthagonemad agreed i wish it could just be pure and easy fun
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i m an year old male and i have spent my last couple year with little hope and lot of sadness i am writing this after failing my rd driving test 0 each i have failed my test time and just been working a fuck tonne at mcdonald s to pay for my repeated failure that s not the start though i m estranged from my family my biological dad left probably for a good reason been threatened to be kicked out my house keep in mind i need to pas my test before i leave my house for a job which is making it even more stressful most in part to my drug addiction mainly weed yes weed i ve tried to quit weed time in the last month and the furthest i ve achieved is four day before smoking again this girl i really liked dipped after one night i wanted to go to uni but got a senior year score of about out of 99 at this point i just think i m going to fail forever i feel almost selfish for making myself sound like i m experiencing what ukrainian are right now but the constant cloud of pain is so much can someone please help me see the bigger picture i m sorry
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fakerpattypattz oh dear were you drinking out of the forgotten table drink
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wish david cook wa coming to phoenix trying to figure out a way to get to san diego on june th to see him i m obsessed
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enibeni lol im sorry love ya stupid dating coach that make me feel self conscious about my hair
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itspink what boyzone are reforming i m never aware of anything
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chrisexcel 0 hayi suka man you ll give him a depression
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i just got my car back last week and it s fucked up again the depression is fresh
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sitting at home and im very bored keep hearing really weird noise downstairs kinda creepy
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she wa the only thing making me feel guilt or sadness at the thought but now knowing she won t care i think i m ready
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i hate the new facebook look either so messy and everything is all over the place i want the old one back
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my parent are incredibly strict i literally can not do shit all the kid have a meal plan that they must follow or else cant have anything other than the bare minimum in our room no going out with friend or really even having friend in the first place no getting a job or having money for any reason constant room search last week my room wa searched while i wa at school and my dad found my journal where i wrote that i wa gay he outed me to my entire family my dad started blowing up about how i never tell him anything and how selfish i am for keeping it to myself all i ever am is selfish being suicidal selfish you re ruining my dinner i wish i could get a gun in this country so i could blow my brain out in front of them im so fucking done with everything
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willie day hommmmeeworrkkk boooo hope you fella had a good night
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mizzzidc depression for shoe ma am sit down
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so why do i still feel so depressed i survived a horrible brain injury twice i did well in school and went to college and earned a degree i found love and got engaged i attended again and got a second degree i m working in the field i wanted to in the speciality that i love i have friend and family who love me i do the thing that i enjoy doing i feel hopeless i feel worn out i am bored with life at only i feel pessimistic i feel depressed doe anyone else feel like they ve done all the right thing followed all the right step and are still depressed i know this process take time but it s hard to feel motivated to continue trying when for almost eleven year nothing i m doing is helping
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so unfortunately a the title say i have bad relationship anxiety and anxiety in general although it can come and go my girlfriend went out a couple of night ago and although i trust her my anxiety work up and my head belief that she is cheating she doe not have a clue i think this way nor doe it effect our relationship but i ve the shake all day and feel exhausted after my mind racing and playing trick on me how can i stop this
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i had a horrible nightmare last night which affected my sleep now i m really tired
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luckyrivera and it wa a great song too
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is frustrated that rudd cant facilitate private enterprise investing in our broadband infrastructure instead he need to waste our money
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wanttss to go out
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ughhhhh i so didn t see that coming on house ilu bb
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i wonder if someone else feel the same and maybe someone here ha already found way to overcome it i live in small town now but in the past i lived in the big city and had no problem with height it just started several year ago i am afraid of entering building which is very tall i can t go beyond th floor without strong anxiety even going to the city and looking at all super high building make me quite anxious so far my anxiety is somehow manageable but i am afraid it may get worse in future since i avoid going to the city a much a possible i do not live in the city so sadly i can t practice and be exposed to my fear will i feel any relief after guided visualization any advises
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i m a volunteer coach at the h i went to the pst year here i ve seen a lot of thing i didn t like like how the head coach ran it and it felt very low effort and try to avoid problem and a large lack of discipline i tried for year and nothing ha changed and this off season ha been low number since march and my position group fell apart to some transfer and kid not taking the leadership of those transfer i tried but it ha stressed me out and i ve been fixated the last few month on leaving just because of how poorly ran it wa i feel guilty and anxious to spring it on the coach and team but i can t keep hurting myself especially if i have more interest and care than the player and some coach everyone that know the program ha been telling me to get out it s not a bad decision in my eye to leave i just feel crappy about doing it and super anxious after i wa done any advice on coping in these scenario i take a ssri but these scenario it doesn t matter for me i ll get worked up no matter what i really hate the guilt part because i know it s the best choice for myself in both coaching career and just mental health in general
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my alt acc look like it s made by someone with major depression and schizophrenia while being high on ketamine
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pogba sur son niveau catastrophique c tait mourinho quand jos est partie il mets a sur le compte de la d pression mdrrr
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i need something big to happen
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need a hug
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theekween it help with depression anxiety and loss of a loved one thelmasherbs
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sorry jumbled post a my mind is running a million mile an hour monday night my husband wa in a fatal accident i literally can not carry on without him he wa everything plus this year ha already been shitty we were trying for a baby and miscarried we always used to talk about dying and promised each other to die at the same time kind of a a joke but also very serious it wa our way of saying i can t live without you the plan wa to do it at 0 but we are 0 year too early now i need to get through the funeral and get his ash to his family and then i think it s time to go
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im having a miley nite no sleeping boo
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craigelder proof reading defra greener living fund bid only a govt dept could have a grant application deadline this close to easter
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i don t know how much longer i m gon na wait could be a few day or a couple week or month definitely by the end of the year though it all depends on if it get even worse and how much worse it get if it get better then i won t do it but i don t see that happening given the pattern it s like every month i lose someone else every day i get a bigger workload and enjoy the thing i like a little le i m an alcoholic and i m not even old enough to drink i ve promised it to myself so many time because it s comforting feeling like the way out is close even if it s not happening but this time is different this time i really don t think i can go on maybe i m just a baby maybe i m over dramatic maybe i m a piece of shit who deserves to die or deserves to live miserable it doesn t matter anymore the reason i have aren t gon na go away or get better just because people tell me they aren t good reason sorry to everyone i m glad i made a new account so they won t see this specific post at least i m probably gon na post the note to instagram right a it s happening just so it s out there and people know and i don t just disappear from everything and leave anyone worrying
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weather cloudy again everyday same time rainy
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last week i went on a spring break trip it wa fun but triggered a lot of anxiety in me i took a 0 mg edible gummy when i returned home from spring break i m new to the gummy world so it somehow hit me way harder than any other time i ve taken them the next day i still felt high which i ve noticed ha been normal for me when i take the gummies i felt off though like i had been drugged or something i slept the rest of the day to try and get it to wear off the next day i wa concerned i wasn t back to normal i felt like i wa dreaming i kept telling my boyfriend and family something wasn t right with my head and something wa wrong with my mind it wa scary for me i already get bad thought occasionally so i wa worried i would do something bad i couldn t feel anything taste anything or smell anything i literally slept the entire day and the next day i m only just now feeling more myself but i will go into these zone where i lose track of time am having trouble forming word and can t think clearly i skipped school on monday because i started to panic and cry my dad wa going to take me to a doctor on monday and i started cry and told him to call my boyfriend to bring me back home i went to see my doctor yesterday and am talking with a psychiatrist it s really scary can anyone who s experienced talk to me about this
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of this sub i really wish all that post on this sub could just find the peace they are looking for but it seems like it just talking to a wall a lot of post have no response so why post is it to get it out in writing looking for other opinion wanting someone to say hey you are not worthless because i like everyone else here that read these post is struggling with my demon do ordinary people read these post and get a chuckle out of them i dont have the answer if i did i would share with everyone here so i apologize this wa a rant and more question
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i want to know how to stop anxiety while waiting whenever i have a guest coming over wether it be a friend or family or someone im interested in i get severe anxiety from the moment they say on my way to the moment they arrive i feel hot all over i want to throw up and cry and use the bathroom and then a soon a they arrive and i see them im fine for example i called the man im interested in over for a booty call he life an hour away so at 0 0 he texted me he wa coming for an hour i wa asking my sister should i cancel i want to see him but i m anxious and for that entire hour i wa freaking out the only thing that helped wa sitting in the cold drive way and breathing in the night air and then a soon a he arrived i wa fine absolutely perfect similar happened while i waited for guest to arrive to a house party i wa throwing i need help i am on med and in therapy anything help
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patrick coate jackposobiec agree 00 the arrogance of the biden administration will sink this country into a huge depression liberal been canceling anything and anyone they don t like soon our standard our living will be canceled by others who hate our gut and the dollar
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that wa it folk spring s gone and winter is back it s snowing outside
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caused me to choke on my dinner and puke up half a chicken or maybe the chicken wa poisoned how do i know
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all i want is to be loved no i need to be loved i only ever end up in abusive relationship im an object i am always used the people i ve loved more than anything have hurt me more than anything i just want to be loved but i will only ever be abused
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i have severe eco anxiety sometimes it s so bad i have a breakdown and think how can i possibly go on with life if it s headed somewhere so awful i m always worried about my future ever since i wa a kid however most of the time when i m doing okay i want to keep living and i want to do what i can to make that happen i so often see people saying such morbid and pessimistic thing about the future like they ve already given up and i find this so disheartening i also don t think many people realize what this attitude doe to people mental health it is incredibly harmful this kind of opinion breed consequence and make more and more people feel the same way i just want everyone to think about what they say on the internet and how it can be harmful anger and negativity don t do any good so let s not waste time and energy focusing on the bad that wa done rather we should focus on what we can do and how we can help no matter how small the worst thing you can do for the planet is expect someone else to save it please remember it s never too late to save the planet edit i wanted to add something marketing it a powerful tool study have shown that fear mongering doe not work and just creates despair and inaction people need to believe the planet it saveable to save it so when talking about these issue please try to leave the intense negativity aside also i don t want everyone to feel like the world is on their shoulder i just want to do what i can to create a more optimistic attitude towards the future any small change you can make make a difference
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currently watching quot roommate quot i miss the nyc
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this is a question i m struggling with for year now i wa a neglected child of an alcoholic father lot of trauma i m diagnosed with depression for year now i have this void where love from my parent and family wa supposed to be the problem it s causing is in romantic relationship i get addicted to people which is very unhealthy and it s cause of the lack of self love but how do i love myself what s the cure for this i used to hate myself now i m just neutral i really want to be better and be happy by myself i just have no idea how to do it anyone else struggling with that having an advice for this
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i m tired two month clean in hour and yet i am still so hollow i ve driven everyone away i tell myself that it s fine when the suicidal ideation come i tell myself to shut up just one more hour i ll tell myself live another day and maybe you won t fuck it up but i always do maybe i have done some good maybe i m not wholly horrible it s all a lie deep down i know that i am on six attempt to kill myself i m sure this one will be my seventh it s fine
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toddlington only a quarter of a percent babe darn
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i m sincerely done with this living my saving ha finally dried up i will soon lose my home my car and am unable to find work regardless i m just done i ve grown so tired of being tired
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being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
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got up at mistakenly it should ve been
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not sure why i m doing what i m doing not sure why i m writing this it feel like there s no point in doing anything i am not happy currently and i will not have a future so why do i do anything i try to push all my problem to the back of my mind but that doesn t fix anything i still question what the point of doing anything is i m so happy i defeated this super hard bos in this game but what greater purpose doe defeating that bos have what greater purpose doe completing a video game have fundamentally i do not enjoy life so all i m doing by playing game is distracting myself it doesn t matter if said game i played add to my knowledge or expands my worldview because i know i will kill myself in the future right now i m just on autopilot for year i ve tried not to think about my problem and had hope that thing would get better but i had false hope thing haven t gotten better there s only a slim chance thing will ever get better i wish i realised this sooner maybe the fact people keep repeating that one generic line thing will get better wa why i believed they would now i ve learned hope is nothing but a coping mechanism im just so frustrated that my consciousness wa ever brought into existence why couldn t i have stayed in the void now i see no point in doing anything i m just floating here unsure of what direction to go in i m unsure if there is any point in watching a movie letalone making any meaningful decision i m stuck in limbo i told myself i d wait this year out at least but i m starting to see there s really no point in prolonging the inevitable so why am i here writing this not sure what this will do not sure about anything
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finally gave in and wa bored enough to start this thing i think the 0 is going to be a problem for me tho it like a myspace status
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i ve been super depressed this year sure but i don t think it s gon na come yet i remember when i wa young when robin williams killed himself it really shook me because like i understood like my response wasn t being sad necessarily it wa well i get it it s weird i don t know i almost don t even feel emotional saying this one time a couple week ago i wa smoking weed and my heart kind of skipped a beat in a weird way and i thought good i wa like this would be an easy way to solve everything like it would be a relief to die then and there people don t think that right that s weird that i thought that why don t i fantasize about good thing anymore why don t i have oscar acceptance speech in my mirror why don t i think about my dream girl all i ever think about is how hard it ll be to get where i want to be and how i ll probably be when i meet the loml and i ll have no time to do anything fun with her anyway all i ever imagine is the bad stuff i think if you told me that there wa some kind of afterlife that some religion wa right i d do a little research to know what to expect and then probably jump out a window it just make sense right like what am i living for here yeah yeah i have friend and family that love me cool but is that really what s keeping me here guilt that s not a great reason for living and then it just get me it s like am i gon na work for another decade before i can get to a place i wan na be am i gon na be going on 0 by the time i m actually feeling progress in the meantime what the heck happens am i just sad and hurt all the time not worth it i wish i could just learn what my fate wa going to be so i could make an informed decision on whether i should be alive or not i don t know i m not gon na do anything now but like i feel like this isn t normal to think about
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feeling so shitty about myself everyone my age ha already got their life together while me i still dont have shit no driving license not a part of any community no friend i can count on nothing i m completely alone in my own world i ve been wasting too much time throughout my whole life concerning too much about my academic yet still dumb and incapable of anything me and my stupid anxiety will get me nowhere in life i cant even make friend i got this feeling that nobody want to be my friend why would they i cant even talk to anyone without being anxious cant tell anyone about myself because i believe nobody care and i will just waste their time there no future in me im shitty and totally worthless
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i really don t know how to put it into word but i ve been working on my anxiety for the past few year and over time my anxiety attack become le frequent but like today there are some day where my dream are filled with everything that give me anxiety work life issue etc then i wake up with chill having an anxiety attack i feel so strong for even working on my anxiety by myself in the first place but the time i have em dream i just want to give up and be shut out because of how much it throw my headspace off
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jessdubb lmao u may have to wait for another season to come thru it summe boo hot nd dry as weather
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i don t like lukewarm shower
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it pm here and i dont wan na go to chemistry course i dont wan na meet jordi thats the main reason
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i don t want to be a grown up yet
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i might break down and eat some buffalo wing tomorrow
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ahhh the drafthouse had a surprise world premiere screening of the new star trek last night and i wa at torchys
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is in love with scrappy and is missin him already
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it s so cruel having to wait for review to come in so far it look like star trek will be the best film of the year
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i spent my whole life being bullied by everyone including biological family now i m an adult and i m forced to make money quick and the only way in my situation is college and a job i don t wan na spend my whole working and being bullied at home that s not my life anymore i want the freedom of death i considered it year ago but now it s the real thing i got ta make the decision now and i m just thinking about how relieving it would be realize the knife is already in too deep and there s no going back the only thing that matter now is nothing and that s how it ll always be i really really really want that so bad especially now when i realized i can t wait out my pain any longer
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i ve been just waiting for over a week and i can t do it i m making 0 progress on everything i m not even going outside anymore never happen before and it s not because of anxiety i just don t want to i don t care about the consequence i guess i just kind of gave up i keep waiting for something but it s not gon na happen i went from feeling like shit to being a completely unproductive piece of shit genuinely one of the worst decision i ve made in a long time but i m too far in to give up and getting off it is supposed to be even worse mirtazapine g then 0 last few day increased my appetite but i can t be bothered to eat helped with sleep but now i can t get up what am i supposed to do have to wait a few day for follow up with doctor
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reldred yes babypunch is totally addictive
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i just need help man im quite a confident intelligent guy id say good looking and everything but the past year my anxiety is eating me alive might think what i say is weird but good luck i can do stuff but everything i do my body responds with anxiety i feel confident then my body stop me from being happy it like i need to be stressed all the time especially when im not alone anxiety make me tense up sweat panic oily face i feel dirty even thought i keep a real good hygiene just like that from just simply waiting in line at the store or just waiting in front of someone doing something during car ride i just instantly become awkward a duck i talk and everything cool but my body just feel tense a duck and it drain all my energy my face becomes oily because im stressing about my face becoming oily and im gon na panic and look sweaty i look and feel really uncomfortable just from being in front of someone for a minute on the sidewalk i feel like everyone looking at me how annoying i am and disgusting and i think i stand out from a normal person it just horrible people said im overthinking it and others dont really notice anything but i think they do idk im so lost
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ha a cold from playing outside yesterday