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i suck at literally everything i always have sucked at everything ive tried so many different thing ive put in effort for it to be wasted im just wan na be something everyday im surrounded by people who are all skilled and talented and then there me i cant do anything and i mean anything ive never been good at anything ive always dreamt of it but everytime i try it just becomes a giant waste of time i just wish i could be good at something then id probably start to love a treat myself better it just suck when you re the only person you know who isnt interesting im about to just give up on caring for myself completely at this point
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i am scheduled to be very productive on a few hr and i still can not sleep insomia ha gotten to me
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labelsnotlove my home town my mammy called all depressd pls explain y a parent let their yr old child walk alone hello it 009
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i really don t wan na self diagnose i mean i don t think i am pero i really wan na get checked by a doctor for depression and anxiety bc everything i m experiencing are pointing to those two idk i just i m so scared of ppl telling me how i should feel or invalidating my emotion
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i just fucking hate myself the thing is that i just recently got to the point where everytime i look into the mirror i just like get so anxious so fast like idk anymore all these negative feeling flood me when i see myself i just wish i wa better at everything and i look fucking disgusting and i know everyone around me is just thinking that i cant even eat and sit or sleep somewhere without fearing people judge me also im afraid of getting fat cause it would ruin my image even further the voice in my head want me to stop eating i just cant anymore i wan na km
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i m starting a new job tomorrow and i m extremely anxious about it i m excited to start this new chapter but i just wish i didn t feel so nauseous right now i ve come really far in overcoming my anxiety but i ve taken everything slowly one baby step at a time this is a huge step the only job i ve had in the past year is instacarting grocery shop amp delivery that i started month ago i did everything at my own pace day a week and maybe a few order a day this job i m starting is hour shift time a week i shouldn t have set myself up for so much but i need to start working towards my career a a dog groomer and this bathing job is an incredible opportunity to do so my living situation is changing soon in that i will need to bring money to the table so i didn t have much of a choice the worst part is i can t actually bathe any dog until i ve learned from the other groomer how to do it which will take time so i worry that the day will go by really slowly because i won t even be doing anything or getting paid until i am ready to start bathing which i don t know how long that will take a friend of mine who work there in the pet store not in the grooming room pulled a lot of string for me with the bos a well my entire family and boyfriend family know i m starting tomorrow and are so happy to see me finally starting to do something meaningful they ve all had a problem with my not working for year because of my anxiety i just feel like not only for my sake but for everyone else s sake i can not screw this up i feel like i m throwing myself into the deep end and hoping i can swim
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pretty good coaching with exceptional talent trounces exceptional coaching and pretty good talent msu
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why do i keep looking i know that what i read is gon na hurt but i still look i guess it s just a girl thing amp i need to get over him
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jonathanrknight oh did i mention it quot gooooood moooorniiiiiiing quot from germany im back in my cage or better my office
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soenfu http 00 ok date thu mar 0 0 gmt server apache unix red hat linux last modified thu mar 0 gmt content type text plain motivation inf depression inf creativity 0 cookingability 0 isalive true focusingon twitter
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i don t think i like the saw ride at thorpe park the tv ad make me feel sick so goodness know what the ride would do
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henrygooden oddchicken i went there about a month and a half ago wa still open then smelt really good but i wa getting sick
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i m dealing with debt wasted year of my university getting awful grade i disappoint my family left and right i have no confidence in myself and i hate my body i wa low key molested by my best friend when he wa drunk my childhood dog had to be put down after i took care of her for month prior and i feel like it my fault tht i could ve done something better or idk i find solace in anime but even that is starting feel dull i thought i knew what i wanted to do with my life and career but i m so lost i dont know what to do and at this point i feel like ive ruined my life beyond repair i know im and most people just say that im young and i just have too dust everything off and it ll be fine but it not it never is and ive been in this loop of depression since i wa i think about taking my life and then think about how selfish it is to my friend family and little sister i can t do that to her and yet i still think about i i m so lost
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not drunk at all kirstiekalamity
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depression ha no face and it chooses no one
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i cant take no more a knock come on my door i open it and oh farewell my sweet friend darkness fill the room but the flower will soon bloom it coming to an end farewell my sweet friend i dont care anymore nor i can take no more no way out of this farewell my sweet friend
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wish p kid wasn t so sick and in hospital tonight
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couple of mt text didn t arrive here
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omg this bed is making me sick i cant even sleep in it
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fact juicceyy just say these are step to depression
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lol honeybaby i sound like a ny quil commercial that word only look right with a green background i want to sleep but i can t
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i m scared of my future i m scared of taking responsibility for my own life i m scared of facing the consequence of my action i m scared of making decision because they might be the wrong one i m scared of taking a step forward i m scared that there s nothing i can do with my life because i m too scared of everything i m scared of living
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i m wish i wouldn t have drank coffee all day long need sleep must sleep can t sleep
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man utd star paul pogba open up on depression battle paul pogba ha http t co dihwtfgf open pogba http t co bsjashbyiu
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i can t deal with living like this family doesn t care grandparent have low energy amp make me feel old too no work or friend
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honey it s nasty no report of flooding a yet multiple report of bad hair and wet pant however
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d castillo ugh that s disconcerting
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mum just called now my sister is in hospital
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maybe i should have been locked away for the rest of my life like every other unprofitable unproductive worthless retard my only quality is that i m worthless enough to inspire the real regular normal people because if some low iq idiot like me can do something so can a normal person the only thing that held me back were the fear of failing and living even more disabled and some stupid video game i could have done without
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what if i die hel think it his fault
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what do you say when you re told it get better with time it s been the heaviest thing to do when it come to holding myself up i had a hard 0 0 lost my brother best friend and stepdad to suicide and overdose i thought i wa ok i wa so wrong wound up losing my job then my wife decided that she wa better off with me she is probably right so all of 0 i m loosing everyone and every thing spouse life we haven t spoke in over a year iv tried to she is idk i try so hard to move forward though i m not getting anywhere i want to die i can t find the right answer to evolving and being able to engage with life it s been over a year she s great amp thriving i try to do myself in last saturday i tried to leave the car running in my garage and just drift away i couldn t even die right my car ran out a gas all i got wa a head ache and a lot deeper into my pit i ve been looking at and repositioning m pistal hopefully i can get down to business with it soon i know it s better if i do i m worth more in insurance than in life experience why can t i be good at this why am i abandoned in my darkest point they say give it time it s gon na be ok it s a lie time pass for them and i watch it just go by so i say goodbye and if i cross your mind later on know i foght until i couldn t the war in me is to much so it s me i choose my end instead of being this way or loosing touch and hurting someone who ha a good future
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faroukserf david9 gonda depression
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i sometimes wish i could do it just finally end it then i catch myself and i tell myself why i am here for me i am so tired i am tired of working my 9 job i am tired of repeating everything over and over again i feel like everything i have in my life i destroy i am trying my best to move on from my break up i reflected and i pushed him away i wa toxic i feel like a shitty human being that maybe doe deserve to die if i could take it all back i would i tried so hard to keep the relationship healthy that in the end it wasn t the worst part is i made him feel like he couldn t even tell me how he felt the day he discussed it with his friend wa the same day we hung out he never said a word i just don t want to be here right now i just want to disappear i ruined everything in my life i am done i m not going to end it because thinking of the pain i cause others hurt but being alive hurt me more
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hi everyone i m new to this sub and am just seeking advice support this weekend i entered into a huge depressive episode after not having one for many month i struggle with depression anxiety and ocd but it s been getting better a i ve built a routine and stuff like that this week though i had some personal issue one of which wa feeling heartbroken by a very manipulative ex and trying to get myself out of that rut the other is having to move back to my college town i am from a large city that i feel very much at home in and at college i have literally no friend and hate the small town where it s located it feel toxic for me and i never know what to do with myself i never go out and mostly just sleep to pas time today i had a particularly hard time going back cried my eye out began to feel this raw sense of loneliness and longing had trouble saying goodbye to family etc with my anxiety i also struggle with being worried that my family will die before we see each other next which is a whole other issue but it doe complicate thing can anyone help and provide some advice i do go to therapy and am not open to taking medication right now mostly i m just wondering what people do when they feel these profoundly heavy episode since it s been a while for me what is your go to activity how do you take care of yourself and get back on your foot any tip for detoxing from the internet social medium i think this might trigger me to think about my ex and stuff thank you and sending love to all
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wish twitter had a translator twitter just hasn t caught on in the southern hemisphere yet they ll get there aventually i guess
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can someone help me out and give me the most effective way to just get lost money is not a problem nor making a mess
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my anxiety ha been so bad recently and i m developing new fear and irrational thought i work in healthcare and have seen nasty thing like people aspirating choking on vomit and patient dead with throw up all over them i ate something off today and had to throw up i literally had to call my boyfriend i live alone and had the irrational fear i wa going to choke on my vomit or pas out later and nobody would find me until he came to see me this weekend i am honestly really embarrassed he saw me like that doe anyone else get health anxiety
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francoispillet clemenceji ratio pour tenter de comparer un faf meurtrier qui avait de ant c dent dans l arm e de violence avec ton pote qui a fait une d pression tu e c urant
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doe anyone have any advice on what to do i m currently having a panic attack after accidentally popping a pimple around my nose i have severe health anxiety
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mikebreed it all up to u mike i understand what you say but i think it u that need to change my opinion but yours is good too lol
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is grouchy and want bmar
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tired but cant sleep
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i have anxious attachment style and i have autism a well i m and i ve never had a relationship last more than month at this point i feel no one gon na understand or love me and i ll be alone forever do girl not like guy that are clingy and sensitive do i have to change
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nicolerichie haha yeah they were that band from mmc i used to have a cd but i lost it
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hello i ve been dealing with depression for what seems an eternity i went through a pretty bad episode back in 0 9 and it lasted all the way till half of 0 i made some lifestyle change and it worked at first but then my routine turned into a chore and i stopped doing it le and le i m at a point now where i feel exhausted but i want so bad to continue being productive and i just can t i feel like i m just lazy or that i m using my mental health a an excuse but i m so tired some day i m still and my mom prohibits the use of antidepressant or any medication that help with chemical imbalance in the brain i tried therapy but i feel i could benefit more from taking medication it s a constant battle in my head one side tell me to rest the other say that i can t let myself go down bad again ive missed a lot of school because of this but because of covid most of my work is in a laptop so i m missing day but i still maintain good grade i tried talking to my counselor and she said that she agreed that i needed further mental help but because i m a minor and my mom there s not much we can do i need help i don t know what to do anymore
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tw depression okay besties i need some help opinion ab my struggle with brushing my hair i currently have really bad knot in my hair and i m hispanic white and my hair is so thick and curly i don t understand how to properly take care of it and i haven t brushed my hair
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waiting at the airport for my ride while i get harassed by men trying to sell me ugly hat why me i just want to sleep
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laying in bed bored decided to open some of my old playlist on spotify started to listen to some song that my ex sent me the one we used to listen together all night i haven t listened to these song or any song of the one i used to love since we broke up i don t know what made me dig up this pain also there s a playlist she made specially for me but i don t dare to open it it s like i just opened the pandora s box of sadness and depression
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moderate depression
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doing some business study revision
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waitin the theory test centre open
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during spring break i found out my mom ha cancer i don t want to go back to school now because i want to spend a much time a i can with her just in case and i can t imagine not living without her i thought we would have so much time together but now i m not sure she s my best friend and i can t live without her i have no motivation to go to class do work study or even go pack to school i m in the middle of jointing a sorority too and i can t bring myself to go to go back to campus to go to event or anything when internally im miserable and screaming i thought life wa going well but now it s not i m not suicidal at all since i m scared of death and could never take my own life but i just want to sleep and not exist i don t want to feel like this at all and i want help but i feel like i won t get it until i do something to be taken seriously i even feel like my friendship are falling apart the one consistent happiness in my life is volleyball and now all my friend are going to play on team without me and i feel so betrayed i feel like everything is piling up at once and i m so overwhelmed and i m gon na screw myself over with school bc im depressed please give me any advice
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davidblue someone spoiled it for me last week
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is back in byron bay cafe fresh missing all my melbourne friend
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god i feel so constantly out of place i feel like i m always being bothered and anxious i hate it i just want to be alone i would give anything if i could do online again i just feel so anxious and sad at school even with my own friend i just would give anything if i could be by myself i hate it so bad it s so cold and desolate
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i am dying beforehand i dont even want to talk to you you are the reason why im leaving have a nice fucking life without me
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almost through with my italian homework weeeeee now if i only understood what i wa doing
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too much to do not enough motivation
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sleep for now then get up in hour then a very busy week aghhhhh
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ha got a cold coming how shite
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i m up so much paperwork to do today n i m kinda getting sick not fun
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just found that if i use window to browse twitter com the firewall software will automatically turn off and the pc hang
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tellyoursonthis it s called depression anxiety and stress in the west black magic someone want you harm while we don t consider other people s action and thought s to be evil or the reason for our misfortune
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grr not down to go to school today
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evilunicorn will do lt
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i have a plan that should 00 work for me it ll be sometime in april i just want everything to be over with i m not doing any of my work anymore i m not going to school and i have never done that before i m at an all time low and i m sick and tired of this constant hurt constant pain and hurting others i cant do this anymore man i wish my last attempt worked why didn t it i cant fucking take this anymore i just want to go i want to die i cant stop cry and hurting myself in multiple way i m done i m tired of this i don t see myself ever living a happy life and i don t think i want to i cant i m sorry
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mad tired today callin it in early tonight nighty night twittas
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therealnph twitter hate u both then
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tommcfly did you know that johnson baby use animal like cute bunny to test their product
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ha to flip his lifestyle around goodbye to sleeping in and hello work at am
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i ve lost my favourite mac lipgloss i m so upset about it i never lose thing
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so glad i made it through work with an extra hour too and my paycheck still waiting on the one i lost though
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loaded with the cold great fun
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courtneybrwn awww thanks i hate being sick
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depression grippe ac
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kellymreynolds yep it s been week a lady at our church is watching her
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arse totally forgot about a webinar that i wanted to attend this morning now i ll never know how to secure virtualised environment
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even after the aust gov roll out it bln 00mb b band we ll still be way behind most of the rest of the world b band speed
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hello stranger this is just a vent post so i ll try to be thorough if i m going to suffer on account of my own bad decision i might a well try to get some upvotes out of it he blocked me on his snapchat although i have thought about reaching out and trying to patch thing up via other texting apps i m pretty sure he s done with me i need to mention that we weren t technically dating and i ve only been together with him about a month you wan na know the best part i wa the one who actually hurt him i can t even claim to be the victim here every shitty emotion currently pinning me down is 00 deserved all because i wa having a bad day and decided to smother my emotion in the company of another dude it wa only a month nothing ha really changed in my life i m still 9 year old i m still going to college i m still not attending class and i m still just a shitty a i wa before someone asked me once where i wan na be in five year if i m lucky my the time i m twenty four i ll be long dead i ve been thinking about ending my life almost every day i don t really see a way out of this endless cycle of bad emotion i m just scared that i m too much of a coward to go through with it i guess i want to know if it get better i want someone to tell me that i m not too far gone and there s still hope for me even if i don t believe it myself
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it still wont let me log in i know my user s thier co anth sent me a friend request
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iamnipper last week they ve got the bike minus a saddle
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gon na graduate highschool in a couple month i have no future plan no job can t go to college because of financial problem everyday waking up i feel like a total piece of garbage that never taken out my friend ha their own future some of them already have job i don t have any skill i m an idiot i don t know nothing i only have a mom left my big bro paying the bill rn after i graduate highschool if i don t have a job when i reach 0 y o or something happened to my life i m gon na do it or should i i don t know anymore i m scared of my future i hope it ll be okay i hope
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eoghanquigg wish i could but i m no where near belfast love the new song btw
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watko shockingly not
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help i need a new boyfriend i m stuck in a rut
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too much accumulation of knowledge without execution lead to depression growth forex crypto davido victony fireboy
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i can t take it anymore
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how doe your anxiety manifest itself when you are having severe anxiety
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mizzzidc imagine making sacrifice just to raise a child and said child flip up at you like this because of a sneaker she s gon na get back an average parent might go into depression
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hello thank you for reading my post and any advice would be appreciated so i m a 9 year old guy from southern california i dated my ex for about month and it wa a relationship plagued with many issue she cheated on me at the beginning of the relationship and i later found out stayed with her and then cheated on her it wa this weird situation because we both wronged each other so we saw it a we re equal let s try to make this work though our relationship could be considered rocky at best i still loved her very much and i had never felt such strong emotion for someone like that before she wa my first real girlfriend she introduced me to her family and vice versa we went on vacation with each other we went to punk show and enjoyed music because we had a similar taste in music around december she caught me flirting with girl on my phone and i guess you can say she ended the relationship but everything wa still the same we would see each other regularly have sex pretty regularly go out and do thing with one other and talk all the time like we did it wa almost a like we never even broke but she said the relationship wa over but if i prove to her that i would make a change that we would get back together at first i wa super apologetic and begged her for forgiveness but i soon realized that everything wa still the same minus the fact that we technically aren t in a relationship anymore i did a lot of soul searching and talking to those around me who told me it wa for the best that we didn t date anymore so i started talking to other girl around this time i meet my guitar teacher and started playing the guitar i ve been playing for about month now it s something that make me very happy and i enjoy doing it like i mentioned earlier with my ex everything felt the same except we technically weren t in a relationship but she would still say she love and care about me in december i wa still trying to get her forgiveness she bought me these sick computer speaker i bought her this ring with our name engraved on it but she didn t really seem to like it and even left it at my house and never took it even though that s what she wa begging me to buy for her at one point i told her that it bothered me that she completely just tossed away the ring and her response is why would i wear a promise ring when i ve broken the promise i didn t have a rebuttal to it so i dropped the subject january rolled around and the idea of trying to gain her favor back and earning our relationship back grew to disdain we both were on bumble tinder talking to other people flirting but we still would be in this weird situation where we were in this relationship saying i love you to each other so like i mentioned earlier i had downloaded dating apps and met flirted with some girl and she wa doing the same thing but i told her that i m growing tired of this weird thing and that i want to be back with her and try to make thing work and she wa kinda blowing it off i deleted all the dating apps i wasn t meeting flirting with any girl and i didn t do anything with anyone besides her this whole time so fast forward to my birthday on february st and she bought ticket for u to go to knot berry farm amusement park here in socal we had a good time and we ended up having sex later that night during this whole weird period we were having sex pretty consistently my birthday ended up being the last time we saw each for a while because my best friend said that they saw her on bumble tinder i made new account and i saw her she swiped right on me both time and it set me off because i kept telling her i wanted to be with her and wanted to start over and she said wanted to a well but wanted to make sure but wanted wait and that she loved me and only wanted to be with me would always say she can t imagine being with anyone but me so seeing her on these apps even though we told each other we weren t going to be on them anymore so i sent her this long message telling her how i felt about her our relationship and the whole tinder bumble situation and that i wa through with her then it wa almost a she flipped the script and that she wa the one begging me to get back with each other and she pulled her whole i love you i can t imagine being with one else but you blah blah but i wa done and wa ready to emotionally move which i feel like for the most part i have so i completely stopped talking to her many of my close friend helped me out a lot especially my best friend i felt sorta free in a way and i wa trying my best to move on i met other girl and had hookup with a lot of them i mean last week i had sex with two different girl in one night on friday but every time i feel like happy at first after but then shortly after i go back to this feeling of emptiness that i have been feeling i and my family had a trip planned out to give a visit to our family in el salvador and we went it wa only for a week but it wa the happiest i had been in so long a soon a i came back that feeling of emptiness came back full force a couple of week after i came back me and my friend decided we wanted to try shrooms it wa a whole ordeal to get them but we somehow got them we had it all planned out but it kinda fell through me and my best friend ended up taking the i unfortunately had a bad trip at first the trip went super well but i took about gram and it wa my first time and i started telling my friend i wa depressed then it turned into i m planning on committing suicide when i m older but something came upon me and i wa telling him i wanted to kill myself right then and there and i tried to kill myself but my friend stopped me i have been pretty traumatized since that night and i have been thinking about it so much during the time i wa in el salvador my ex made a tik tok about me saying i wa a terrible person and that i treated her horrible and that she wa the victim of the relationship and it got like 000 view she also posted a video on her instagram story of some random licking her face and her kissing him after so i wanted nothing to do with her anymore but after my bad trip i felt emotionally vulnerable and i texted her back and i told her what i went through and we started texting again she told me that she wanted to see me again and i wasn t there emotionally she came over and we ended up having sex and we ve done this twice now i just feel like i have gone through so much these last month and it ha been so much to handle after i took the shrooms i felt like i needed to better my action and i planning on going back to school i have stopped smoking weed and drinking i never did it often but i want to completely stop i m growing tired of this constant feeling of emptiness i feel every day of my life and i feel like i haven t been trying to move my life forward and i keep going back to the same place i keep telling myself i want to move from i don t know if it s depression or what but i m tired of the way i feel sometimes when i think about my bad trip i just chalk it up to me being high but other time i feel like that deep down i actually want to and that the shrooms just made me realize i love and appreciate my best friend my other friend and my family because they provide me with amazing support but these feeling still linger and i m growing tired of it the thing that ha been providing me with happiness is playing guitar and it s been my escape i would appreciate someone to talk to maybe i need someone fresh perspective
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isnt there any way we could update twitter through our cellphone
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the one day i have to go to school is the same day something exciting happens at parliament square
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joannafbeckett i don t think there s one close by last time i checked the closest one wa 0 mile away
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i activated my selfcontrol block early meaning i can t check out the new qc regularizing my internal clock is might be difficult fb
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went in for problem i won t disclose had blood drawn and they had it sent in my symptom just keep getting worse and it s making me fear getting the dreaded cancer call back i m making it worse for myself by googling symptom after symptom illness after illness treatment after treatment and it s filling me with more dread i can t stop shaking i can t sleep i don t know what to do this is the worst attack i ve had in a long time and all i want is to go back day to before my symptom appeared so i can feel normal again and not have to fear the worst i don t know what else to say i m just so scared of what might be and i m just psyching myself out and making it worse i wouldn t be surprised if my symptom are getting worse because of the anxiety i want my doctor to see me on the weekend and i want to be comforted i don t want to die i don t want to go through treatment i m afraid of medication i m just so fucking scared right now and i just want it all to calm down i m afraid to call people i m afraid to wake up family but i don t know where to go or what to do
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anticipating a slow empty boring summer
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aminelkhatmi ric zemmour l alg rien vous invite vos ascendant descendant et vous m me a elkhatmi de saisir l opportunit de la r migration pour viter le grand remplacement afin d viter marion mar chal le pen de crisis de d pression
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jsuispasunkdo anyattardee oshun 0 0 paoloo oui j ai assez mal d velopp dans un autre message j ai bien expliqu qu il ne faut jamais se moqu derri re il peut y avoir de la d pression du stresse de la tristesse un traitement etc
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finally decided to give it a try wish me luck
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0 wa a rough year for me even on new year s eve i woke up headbutting a brickwall in bed a lot of thing happen to me and around me in a short amount of time that i developed chronic anxiety i study mechanical engineering for a math project among other projecta i had to make a youtube channel i wa sick for week with bronchitis and i had to skip class for my health i had a severe spasm on my back and the morning am before my final exam i wa woken up to be informed that my older sibling wa in icu due to gangster attacking him on thing i forgot to mention is that the engineering course that i m doing wa fazing out so if i fail too many time i have to start everythin all over again on the new curriculum after my exam i wa burned out and my body couldn t relax and i went to a massage parlour to treat the spasm it wa a painful experience and with a woman first time touching me like that week later my body wa just slowly going into shock that i would be paralysed and my sibling had to carry me when i wa at home i probably had a panic attack a well anyway i wa 0 when that happened i m cm and weigh kg my psychiatrist prescribed me 0mg of clobazam in total for morning afternoon and evening and i realised my sex drive wa diminished i wasn t to happy about that so a long time probably month after i started i tried to taper my dose but i did it too quickly got withdrawal symptom and wa put on indoblok for the withdrawal the nightmare wa a blast after a while week i think i could stop on the indoblok and just run on the mg of clobazam and my libido returned a bit but not a before also a a side note a struggle to gain weight so i went to get help with that but i stopped doing that a it got expensive heaviest i ve been on the diet plan wa kg by eating diet alone anyway i started seeing a psychologist that my psychiatrist recommended to me to help figure out how mild my higher functioning autism is but he mainly helped me with my anxiety and ocd we mainly talk now and i did speak with them with topic that made me blush and embarrassed then 0 0 happened i got sick in 0 badly luckily not icu badly on a side note prior the massive shock i went in i wa quite comfortable speaking in front of 0 people and making an as out of myself so long story short i currently weigh 9 kg i m cm in length cm for the win and i m now i m doing my internship to gain my qualification which is the last step i spoke with my psychiatrist that after online powerpoint presentation i want to try to reduce my dose to 0mg a i developed a go with the flow and if it happens it happens type of attitude also i m on other medication so i would like to reduce cost i asked my psychiatrist if it s a good idea to stop seeing my psychologist a we only talk about my problem my psychiatrist told me to still go a it help me vent my frustration i m not gon na lie it help and it s fun for me but i notice after i gained mass from covid my libido slightly increased a well also i went on my first date in my entire life the date had a lot more anxiety than i have mine wa non existent the reason why i want to stop my clobazam treatment is i think i have a significant improvement with my anxiety even my ocd ha improved i have a lot le to worry about regarding failing my engineering course a i m almost done i want to save more money i grew up here in south africa and a lot of terrible thing don t faze me anymore sometimes i find it quite funny i really want to see if it wa the clobazam that tanked my libido and i would like to gain it back please so what do you think after week with the presentation that s coming up i m gon na see how my anxiety is had some physical chest pressure but that wa due to issue at work which i had to resolve myself and after that i m gon na slowly reduce my clobazam to 0mg also did any of you who were on clobazam had an impact on your libido i wa impotent when i first started at 0mg but it s manageble at mg after the weight gain some slight improvement