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ase depression ke go nna ka motseng wa batswadi
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zahidmunir 9 stress depression anxiety garmiii parhai error
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need to go to the dentist now what a perfect start for the holiday hm
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ha main depression main tun tuna bajata hu http t co ajwocn 0zr
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before taking sertraline i had many problem for instance i wa not even able to talk on the phone in front of my mom and my brother it wa very tough to make a phone call because my heart would start beating very fast also if i saw someone i did not like my heart would beat out of my mouth at the supermarket while paying at the counter my heart would beat fast and i wa thinking everybody is staring at me and judging me but for four month i take sertraline and most of my problem are solved i feel like i am moving in the right direction i even cracked interview for my internship and finally got one before sertraline even thinking about an interview would trigger a load of anxiety now overall my anxiety ha reduced from 0 to or which is a significant improvement but one thing which is still bothering me is the feeling that everybody is staring at me when i eat at a restaurant for instance i feel like the person sitting at the front table is staring at me when i eat currently i am on a dose of mg sertraline to those who are on sertraline did you ever lose this feeling of other people judging you or are looking at you if yes which dose are you at i appreciate your help
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stephenkruiser sorry to hear about your dog
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mompontet je savais qu il tait en pleine d pression mais a n excuse pa tout
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manchester united midfielder paul pogba ha revealed that he ha experienced depression during his time at old trafford pogba is currently nearing the end of his sixth campaign at united and it is expected to be his last a he contemplates http t co tqy jcdeqj http t co vpllqru tq
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jimbob 0 craigf 99 monicablee what ha this gota do with depression life is not all about football
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gon na start seeing my depression like a symbiote
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i have failed you martha
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scc skwerl aww how depressing
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naar haddow racket mee wahey
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pmarca tszzl how doe this gel with rising loneliness and depression though social medium usage is in fact associated with these thing http t co z9 fmrok w http t co hc mf gqmq
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i will always be a loser and nothing can change it if i become a billionaire if i date the most beautiful woman i will always be a sad loser it doesn t matter woman will always see me a an inferior person even if they like me
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theekween help people who suffer from depression anxiety loss of loved one heartbreaking or have witness something traumatic thelmaherbs
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nasa lost raw footage from the apollo mission http www wired com wired archive 0 nasa html
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the phrase and concept it get s better eventually how can anyone keep living without something other than that flawed statement there s no trick or ploy here i just don t get it i m tired of trying to convince myself that idea ha merit or is at least worth pursuing for myself i m tired of leaning solely on that because time after time i can t find anything in this world to look forward to anything to believe in to want maybe no one will read this post maybe everyone hyperbole will i know i don t have a flashy premise i know i m just some random person the average scroller doesn t have to get attached to or invested in because they may never hear from me again i know this question is gigantic and a colossal ask to any one person i just need something random aside fuck betrayal fuck blatant liar
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eating lunch forgot to get home cooked food this morning
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viennah yay i m happy for you with your job but that also mean le time for me and you
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fckeveryword in case you didn t know depressed adjective low in spirit sad especially affected by psychological depression vertically flattened having the central part lower than the margin http t co iv 9md l
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oh no azppa just sent email for state convention may amp there wa papyrus all over it sad b c i wanted to attend
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i m ready for the weekend already it s only monday
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poison for real i had a c section they gave me ibuprofen like wtf that didn t do anything and got postpartum depression on top of that too
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i researched and it took me min to get a recipe for a combination of different med that will do the trick it will cost me le than a hundred but i m broke af everytime something happens now it just make me feel better because it reminds me that my decision is correct don t need my parent denying therapy but then complaining about my behavior don t need my bfs stupid rule and controlling behavior don t need a place in a world where i m scared of so many people where i m angry at so many people where the rise of feminism tell me that men are overdramatic and whatnot where it s racist to call a dish shitty that s from another culture where people will comment on my look and send deaththreats or call me an internet rambo when i m hiding where there s bully that gave me social anxiety where my autism ha given me a handicap that at this point is out of control where i outzone while driving and almost run over a a dude where i have to understand everyone while nobody understands me i do not need this negativity
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i don t know if this is my depression or various other diagnosis i have ptsd anxiety etc but i ve been trying so hard to work on school stuff and i just can t do it i open the article i m supposed to read and i read the first sentence i know what word i m reading just like i know what word i m typing here but the time i get to the next sentence i ve completely forgotten what the previous one said it s become an awful cycle of re reading thing until i eventually give up and spiral into bad coping habit i feel like my brain is melting ha anyone else experienced this i feel awful because i m only i m supposed to be youthful and smart but i m just losing every part of who i used to be i have one job and that is being a student and i can t even do that right
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i feel anxiety over race i know this sound bad but hear my out please i have been doing anti racism work daily and i ve been trying to challenge my own bias but it s been triggering my mental health my anxiety ha taken over and now i can t make decision in my life without fear i ve practically stopped all my hobby cause i m worried i m appropriating in some way and hurting a community i know that none of this is what the anti racism work is about but it s what my mind ha been running with lately it s been i don t matter no one else seems to be having this issue and i don t know who to turn to this is not a reflection on the conversation around blm it s my own issue i just don t know how to get out of this way of thinking
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she is such a narcissist and not a very loving person i m and she treat me like a child i ve grown up to be such an insecure perfectionist because of her she act like i can t do anything for myself i had a job interview for something that i really want and she tried coaching me on what to say and to memorize it so i nail the interview in the way she want me to if i get the job it ll be because of her and tell me all about how i should be grateful that she help me but if i don t get it it s because i didn t do what she told me to say and did what i wanted to do any time i have an achievement it can never be because i did something right it make me so anxious to think about her approval and her reaction because if i don t get this job i already know the lecture that s going to come with it
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abitofdarkness the thing about depression is that you dont feel sad you feel sick sick of life sick of yourself and sick of everyone and everything around you depression make you hate everything it make you angry it like being http t co spnyeolkd
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wwwicked i think i have tried everything but feel free to try to crack it i am at a loss
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hey guy today i opened up to my boyfriend for the first time in a while about all the mental turmoil i ve been going through a part of me want to cut it off i love him dearly but i just feel like i ll be a burden to him for the rest of my life if i stay is it selfish to leave or selfish to stay if i knew he d be fine if i knew he d make it and be happy with someone else one day i would leave i would spend all the money i have chasing fleeting happiness until i m ready to go i wish i could erase the memory from his head so he can just know peace
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why do friend feast while you are on fast
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to end this shitty existence
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i think i am meant to die in obscurity i ve been working here for almost year and learned everything from scratch this company is just a mess yet i ve got nowhere else to go last year we had a new guy start and he ended up being my best friend i trained him we literally know everything about each other and we ve gotten close but one thing that bothered me wa that he s gotten two promotion not just small promotion i m talking management business partner promotion within le than month here i am who know the service center and struggling to keep our employee happy and training new people yet i keep getting overshadowed i ve given up on everything now it s clear to me that i personally don t matter anywhere i have to die so i can be reborn or just never be born agai into this pathetic life i m too nice and i m short and dropped out of college i m happy for him because i m such a nice guy and i know his story so i know it s not nepotism and he would be a great fit but so would i not even a freaking interview just to be a temporary solution for a permanent manager so why set yourself up for failure and use somoene who ha not been in this role in over minths and avoid the one person who took everything on and learned everybing from scratch and literally got a pay increase a year after because they diddint fucking realize i had worked for over 0 ymfycmi g year kill me nowjillmekillemememememenediediedeidekillme
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sometimes i start to plan it by leaving one day and never being found that hopefully i would prepare well enough that no one would ever find me i think that would be better than my family knowing my death wa intentional and planned but i still know they would grieve amp x 00b i m somewhat of an antinatalist and i refuse to ever bring child into this world it just a personal choice i don t judge parent because if i am so miserable why would i create more life maybe if thing looked up and i gained some self esteem again i could have a job i love and more importantly a wife although i don t know how many woman really want to be in a childless marriage i ve never even gone on a date before and i m a m so i worry i ll just be alone for my entire life i feel like a real loser for this i just see life in a very bleak way and i don t see my future a one that is bright and cheerful especially since i don t really believe i deserve good thing i have intrusive thought ocd which is a little voice that throw horrible word and image at me all day and telling me i m a irredeemable human being and a terrible person it exhausting and i feel trapped
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i m quitting my job today and i m a wreck this job ha great people but the work and the hour day most of the year ha pushed me deeper into my depression than i can help i feel like such a failure quitting such a prestigious job because i couldn t handle it my therapist is hyping me up and all of my friend and family are so supportive but i am so unsupportive of myself that all of it read false ha anyone quit their job before because of mental difficulty how do you get excited about new opportunity rather than feeling depressed about past challenge
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time go by so fast i had two day off work and i wasted them away just lying in bed i want to do something productive apply for college take a walk outside talk to girl literally do anything other than sink further into this constant malaise but i simply don t know where to find the energy putting effort into thing just drain me even more it s absolutely miserable the way life seems to be
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bivancamp did you update itunes to the new version b you lost it new software update killed my ipod
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mouthsex i asked everyone how they were doing yesterday and not a single tweet back
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hide depression
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matthewknight i don t know i can ping the site but it won t load at all for me i m trying to contact dreamhost
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sneffielynn i wish i knew what s going on with tb it s driving me crazy
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is looking at the gray sky the sun ha been stolen again
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no way my depression song is playing durning a nice as chapter tf http t co hekcohnfbg
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haven t tweeted nearly all day posted my website tonight hopefully that go well night time
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my search deck on tweetdeck are not working since yesterday anyone else have this problem
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it s just pointless what good is money when your country denies you access for help anyways and nobody care people look at me like i m some sort of a freak i m lucky only half of my family hate me but they don t understand i try to reach out for help via phone and when i explained my situation i get called a f g by the person on the line all because i said i m trans woman looking for therapist i am so tired of never being able to leave my room thar year looking for a doctor hasn t worked that people call me a monster threat to our culture that i m giving a bad impression to child even though i never leave my house i literally don t interact with anyone and nobody see or hears me and yet i m still seen a a monster i ll do you all a favor and just die cause it s too much i m tired of living like this and if i m such a bad threat then i ll be doing every one a favor
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this is nothing new for me and it doesn t really have a chance to come out now because i ve been out of school for about four year and i don t really go out in public much at all but from elementary school to high school i think it even happened when i wa attempting college too when walking down stair my leg would get so stiff that it wa impossible to walk down the stair properly and i wa always scared that everyone could see how my leg were bugging out like that and it made me even more anxious even if no one wa in the stairwell with me or even just one other person it would happen one time i got a friend he wa and i m to carry me down the stair because my leg were just not having it also all my life i have day where i felt like i wa just floaty and floating outside of my body i also felt like whenever i felt this way something bad would happen to me or someone else this feeling last all day and maybe even until the next day i don t know what this is i know other people have this too so could you tell me what it is also also several time a day i ll get really nervous and my heart will feel like it jumped and i ll have a scared feeling for a few second today i even had a weird small pain in my stomach that went a long with it but went away some second after my heart jumped and the scared feeling went away the tummy pain ha never happened before also also also i sometimes wake up feeling really nervous and scared even though nothing ha happened sorry for this really long post i tried to space it out so it would be a le intimidating big wall of text
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i m feeling so bad i can t function anymore and will probably be hospitalised but i got a message from a teacher saying i wa missing too many class and referring me to the school s psychologist what can i do
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i really need to go to a dentist
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nothing left bye guy hope life give you what you want because it didn t for me
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so i wa badly bullied a a kid until i left high school and that shit ha screwed me up i m still dealing with ramification a an adult it s a factor in my depression confidence issue and i m trying to process what happened to me in therapy i wa talking to my mother and i think what i went through wa a lot worse than i initially thought my mother wa telling me a story of a kid beating me up really badly and i have 0 recollection of it i think the bullying i went through a a kid wa a lot worse than i thought i think i suppressed a lot of the shit that happened to me a a kid and i m kinda freaking out now what else did i forget do i want to know everything that happened to me am i overreacting
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bananaface im sorry i got you sick lol going to bed too night
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the funniest part about that tweet is the lady saying her mom wearing her sneaker will spiral her back to depression obviously doesn t have real life problem if her mom wearing her shoe sends her into depression
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theekween it hell with heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing your loved one thelmasherbs
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i am 0 live in the usa full time college student and full time journalist i am in my third year of college which is not going a good a i want just like the first two year i don t know what to do anymore i don t think i want to commit suicide but i feel stuck and i don t see any forward momentum for myself so i just really don t know what to do anymore and i have practically no interest in my job or school i don t think i can continue to do both but i can t do one without the other either due to finance and lack of a degree i feel helpless and on top of that i have a heart transplant which make me reliant on employment eventually someone please help me i am caught between wanting to succeed and wanting to fall asleep and never wake up
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why do those project report for school need so many word am 00 word short
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headtotail thank you i feel sad but hope we can give her a nice life til the end now
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whitout friend
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theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs thelmasherbs http t co ayy9 a u r
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amazon mp downloads down to 9p so much for my 0 cheer jodiedoubleday http tinyurl com dg qtg
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accidentally listened to the new sugababes album playing four girl aloud hit sequentially to purge the memory
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i had plan today and now i m scared of you know moving for fear of teh boke fml
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bugger it all good today might have to error check thing then
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working my life away
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and i didnt end up seeing it bumma some ppl are being a pain
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me to my husband after reading cpt depression s tweet about life with a newborn http t co h cjpeqgu
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btw eventbox is available for free on macheist for every visitor unfortunately i switched to tweetdeck http macheist com
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ohgodjamnit my brain won t let me bullshit you set out to do it and announce it in cap like an attention seeking child throwing tantrum you are not a victim jun look around you do not have the monopoly on depression or shitty life circumstance or fucked up brain chemistry lmao
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hello everyone i am currently on a trip for spring break college senior with friend and really struggling first a little background though i am now but have struggled with anxiety on and off my entire life it started with separation anxiety probably not being okay going to daycare or anything of the sort even with my older brother just because i couldn t stand being away from my parent i also would get hysterical if they left for a trip etc i also would be frantic and cry at the end of the school day in elementary school because i worried my parent wouldn t be there to pick me up a i got older this morphed into more health anxiety i also faint around needle so i have a big fear of fainting and then into panic disorder in high school diagnosed by my therapist i have seen a number of therapist off and on but never gone on any medication for anxiety my parent are super supportive of therapy but have always been more skeptical of med for mental health i also had a really hard time going to college even though it wa only an hour away because i got majorly homesick and struggled with adjustment disorder i eventually did adjust and now totally love my school but it took me a solid semester to overcome by homesickness fast forward to present i have noticed i get really nervous for trip that are somewhere unfamiliar to me and where i don t have one of my safe people with me my parent or my boyfriend i have amazing friend who are caring and supportive but for some reason they don t fall into my safe category like my parent or boyfriend do also just a sidenote but i had a generally happy childhood and have a great relationship with my parent for whatever relevance that may have i have huge anxiety leading up to trip and then also when i arrive and it tends to be crippling if i don t have a safe person there right now i am in mexico for day on spring break with three of my friend and i feel tremendously awful and sad like not necessarily panicky but just really deeply sad and like i want nothing more than to go home and hug my loved one i am trying to do more research and it seems like this could be a separation anxiety type issue in place where i feel comfortable hometown college town etc i am totally happy doing thing alone being independent of my safe people so it isn t an all the time thing but it is making travel really not fun for me and i honestly just want nothing more than to go home any advice would be great i am currently in therapy cbt general talk therapy mashup and will be bringing this up with my therapist but i would really love any and all suggestion for both tackling this immediately and trying to enjoy my trip and for way to think about this when i talk with my therapist i know this is a bit rambling so sorry and thank you
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tired i need a regular 9
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andreabakes oh gee insomnia suck have you tried melatonin
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last year i had a mental breakdown in my very first apartment i got way too overwhelmed and i panicked the anxiety episode lasted month and i couldnt function well today i made it through the night my first day back no anxiety or anything
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life in sc i have been struggling financially for year and faced homelessness on and off i can t do this anymore i m not mentally or emotionally stable at all i fucked up by quitting my last job week ago because i wa committed to ending my life since i had to pay a 00 bill for accidentally causing damage in my apartment luckily my partner who life faraway helped me out and covered it for me for the longest my life been going downhill i have no family to turn to because i m distant from most of them including my own mother because they re toxic or they would never pick up the phone at all my older sister is the only one i talk with but not really at all i have no friend at all the only people i really have is my partner and my older sister sometimes and they ve been helping me through my situation i feel like a complete burden to them i temporarily lived at my cousin s house and experienced verbal physical abuse and destruction of my belonging from his wife then wa kicked out after a couple of month she kicked me out the house every other week because i wa short on my portion of the rent or out of pure pettiness i been homeless either out on the street park area or living in my car from time to time then i wa ultimately kicked out after she randomly decided she doesn t want to see me again even though i paid for my portion of the rent i did managed to get an apartment on short notice with the help of my partner but i had trouble paying for my bill i had different job and the pay wasn t good at all on top of that they were cutting my hour a lot i barely make it to paying my rent multiple time and i wa hit with a late fee every time i ve been attempting to kill myself many time because i m so tired and stressed out with this uphill battle nothing ever work out in my favor i can t do anything right at all i ve been going day without eating having water or electricity because i m way behind on bill and being broke barely have gas to get to the job i had i tried applying for different assistant program but i only get denied or never hear back from them same thing with applying for job online and in person either they re not hiring never called or i have to wait awhile i sold nude and foot pic before but i couldn t get client who s willing to pay i know some of my problem are because of my own irresponsibility i can never catch a break at all i just can t act get right no matter how hard i try i m always stuck
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tw for self harm abuse and suicide for the past year i ve suffered with severe depression from family genetics and other issue a a young kid death wasn t really my first thought it just kind of started appearing after a bit when i wa in middle school my close friend sexually assaulted and abused me for a year and a half they also psychologically manipulated me and abused me in way that i m shocked they got away with i have made around failed suicide attempt in my life time only one ha been severe enough to end up in a hospital because i told people but realistically there s several more that i should have been taken to a hospital for a they probably fucked up some stuff internally i form really strong and probably toxic bond with people to the point where if i think i will be left i try so hard to keep them around that it can be overbearing i ve gone to therapy since i wa in elementary school and i ve done dbt and cbt intensively i have definitely gotten better but the fact that any time someone leaf me i feel so distraught that killing myself feel like the only option my partner and i broke up at the end of january and it ha more or le destroyed me i lost my virginity to them and the breakup came out of the blue they said we could start talking again when they felt like it so i have left them alone i wa being weird about saying hi so i tried to do that some more and i wa feeling better about moving on and staying friend in the future i really haven t been feeling better i still wanted to die but i wa managing it pretty well on monday at midnight they sent a text saying they wanted to give me closure and that they never actually wanted any sort of relationship after and oops sorry about the confusion i m not sure why they sent that we haven t spoken in almost month there ha been no communication and i only told two people how i wa secretly hoping thing could be patched up everyone else who asked i had just said hopefully we can remain friend in the future i know not everyone want to stay friend but they were the one who proposed it that sent me on a spiral i broke month of self harm ripped off my fingernail in stress and haven t eaten correctly since realistically if this is going to be my response to every breakup or conflict how can i keep living like this i don t want to end my own life since a th failed attempt would be embarrassing but i also don t want to be here anymore everyone tell me that in a few month i get to move to my dream town so it ll be fine but really i don t care about that i can t handle the pain now and knowing i ll have to have it possibly many more time is excruciating i feel like i could have been a success story but realistically if it s been so long and i ve only barely gotten better then what s the point i m trying my hardest to find reason to live right now but i don t have much to care about
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right got a stinking headache but i need to run i m not a happy bunny
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i want to be dead ive been suicidal for year im such a fucking retard filled with regret and anger im done with life i want all of this to stop why i cant do one thing right
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i m i ve been depressed since i wa maybe about 0 year old and i wa diagnosed in 0 0 clinical depression i struggle with substance abuse alcohol and weed and that combined with depression is what caused me to quit my job now all i do is cry and get stoned cry while being stoned sometimes and lay in bed on tiktok i m unhappy in my relationship but i m afraid of losing the best thing i ve ever had i m so unhappy with existence and i m fucking sick of being told to tough it out life isn t easy i don t care if i m not going to be born into a decent world i don t want to fucking participate it s selfish to force me to stay when i contribute nothing to society i have no goal or passion anymore my clinic psychiatrist hasn t reached out to me i quit taking my prozac because it stopped working and one specific event triggered my current depression episode regarding my family and boyfriend i m miserable is anyone else miserable
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over year my ex husband waited to find out if this wa going to court in the process he lost his business his taxi licence and his home he began suffering from severe anxiety and depression and needed medication to help him get from one day to the next
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i went to the doctor for the first time in my life for my severe anxiety and a the title say this is what he prescribed me and also zoloft mg i m fine taking the zoloft probably need it but i just don t know how comfortable i am taking the metoprol just from what i ve read and people s experience on it and trying to get off of it my heart rate really go up in the shower and most thing i do but here lately i ve barely gotten out of bed for the past week and a half cause i m just so scared of having a heart attack i m it get so bad in the shower that i become dizzy and nauseous and usually have to lay down for a bit after one i think it all ha to do with my mental health and i just don t see the point of taking the risk of all that horrible stuff i ve heard about metoprol plus on top of it now that i know all those side effect and stuff like that they will never leave me head i just feel trapped and idk what to do trapped by my own mind and body im not sure if i m just horribly out of shape i barely move except for going to grocery store or doing the dish or laundry besides that i m on my bum on youtube or netflix ect so will just trying to move more and get past that heart attack fear be more beneficial than taking the metoprol or should i trust my doctor and take it for week until my next appointment i just don t know what to do any advice would be greatly appreciated
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i feel that i m a mess with no salvation or mercy i want to die to end with this suffering i feel that i made terrible thing just for existing i don t want to hurt anyone anymore guilty of my decision who deserve to die please i just want to die until it get worse please forgive me please forgive my existence i don t want to hurt anyone just for being me or taking wrong desicions my purpose is to be happy but i don t deserve that desire please i want to shot me in the head and end with this i just want peace of mind i can t halle with headache i just want to die quick i just want to die i just want to die i apologize for being me and my action in life i can t life anymore i just want to die so badly and be free in peace i don t want to suffer other people i just want to die
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i ve the same feeling now of sickness when i wa doing my attempt to suicide year ago or about that time i feel sick physically i m sick i failied in life i failed in every decision i ve made i failed in loving my ex i failied loving my family i failed being a good friend i failed being obedient i failed i failed
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my best friend doesn t want to be friend anymore i don t have the energy to fight for our friendship i feel a though i m constantly trying to be a better friend and person just because i m trying doesn t mean i m perfect but that s okay i m heartbroken over the fact but i can not keep someone who doesn t wan na be my friend
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i wish my world would just end now i don t want to keep going on this shit called life is so sad and depressing i just don t want to keep living
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so i took for my first time and it made me a little sleepy but it didn t help my anxiety much but i had the most lucid dream last night and wa literally pinching my skin trying to wake myself up is that normal i m really scared about it
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today i wa prescribed xanax and celexa for my depression and anxiety i have major anxiety about taking pill the side effect freak me out especially when it come to mental medication i ve took zoloft in the pas for a couple day and it freak me out with suicidal thought very angry and ticked off i m scared this might happen again i m so lost on what to do i really need the help but scared of the help
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nothing is worse than this
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leahearnshaw awww i m sorry
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made it into dc on saturday afternoon after hour in air and am now in south fl jetlag suck haven t had a full sleep since thurs
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marcellariley it wa a repeat tonight for gossip girl
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back from the casino a big fat loser
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i emailed my teacher a few week ago because we had a speech coming up so i emailed her ahead of time i explained that i have an anxiety disorder gad and that speaking in front of a class is not something i am able to do because of really bad anxiety attack and also i lose the ability to speak so yeah i asked if there wa any way i could still get point without having to do the speech in front of the class she asked if we could do it just u together a in i present it to just her at lunch i agreed but now i regret it my speech is tomorrow and i m freaking out even over just saying my speech to just her i don t think i can do it but it would look bad if i email her saying i ll just take the zero instead right
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how do i make it in life when i know everything i literally know everything when it come to human nature you see i m a very observant person and i dislike human but i m a human and have human nature in me so wtf do i do guy who are taller with bigger dick get the girl while you re just here with nothing you see i want to not give a fuck about chick but what do i do you see i m with inch i m so insecure that i injured my dick jelqing wa and now but plz don t try you probably get hurt i m still little hurt but it doesn t bother me luckily i m healed not fully but it s doesn t bother me much just a slight feeling that you learn to ignore you see what i mean i m fucked up i see everything i ve been in many people shoe the best basketball player the tallest in school and when i wa younger short and chubby with nobody liking me but i feel a though i m still not enough because they re guy with more than me and since girl only like me because i m with inch she s gon na like the guy 9 with 9inches more than me then the guy foot with 0 inch all i m saying is life fucking suck as it all off of appearance you see i m good looking you might say well don t you have a girl friend that s the problem i can t even find a girl i could have in the past and i should have but i wa too fucking stupid to take advantage of life when you re too busy thinking of all the bullshit in the world and how everybody is fake i feel a though people only like me for certain thing and since they re people in the world who have more than me i will never be able to win this race it s like everything is off of appearance you can t choose what you re born like you can t choose your family you can t choose anything physical appearance in life it s like a video game we all player and are selected random character you try to detach yourself a a human being but you d ant escape human instinct i ve tried and keep trying why can t i ever come to a point where vagina doesn t matter money or competing i used to be real and tell myself that all the time when i wa younger but a you grow older and see the truth of this reality it s a very sad one it s like when you get told santa wasn t real except it s with life everything you thought a a youngin turnt out to not be what it seemed it s like i m a alien observing everyone s else action and re action wa a good kid but all the sudden i grow older and a demon is in me porn is partially start of my demon then social medium is also traumatic everybody is dirt is this game we call life shittiest virtual reality ever i m just tired of competing but when i dont complete they laugh like i m a bum and lazy how can i try when i dont wan na play this ficking game
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watchin i m not there and missing heath ledger
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divapromotions i agree sendout card rock just sent one today to a dear friend that i had to let go
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since i wa a child i ve battled depression my first suicide attempt wa when i wa because according to my religion you re not liable for your sin until you reach maturity or puberty so i figured i m and miserable so if i end it all now i won t have to go to hell drank a bottle of tylenol and ended up in a hospital getting my stomach pumped and swallowing charcoal in college i met the love of my life we understood each other on a level nobody would understand we both had issue hers wa that she wa molested by her father we were both fucked up and our relationship turned very very toxic we d break up and get back together all the time and her family never liked me because i wa a year younger than her they wanted someone ready to take her in and provide her with everything the last time we broke up after year of being together she swallowed a bunch of pill and stopped breathing she turned blue ambulance wa called they resuscitated her but she stayed in a coma doctor tried to get the family to pull the plug because they said she s brain dead and even if she did wake up she wouldn t be the same i stayed by her side the whole time or a much a her family would let me she stayed plugged in and month later she woke up couldn t speak or feed herself or do anything she wa like a newborn baby she went through therapy but couldn t get all her function back she s still in a wheelchair her body shake uncontrollably so she can t feed herself seeing her like this broke me down in piece i couldn t see her like this and one day i left and never looked back i still feel a lot of blame for this i tried to have other relationship but they never work i m 0 now and live with my younger brother not talking to my other two brother or my father don t really have much to live for i have a problem with opioid prescription pill the only way i get any type of relief but it s an expensive habit since i only use prescription pill my mother who wa never really there for me or my brother growing up she wa always dating other men because she couldn t stand my father ha recently broke up with her latest husband and came to live with me and my younger brother she s a drama queen who s always miserable and make me and everyone else around miserable with her i have a decent career with decent money but no goal really i recently bought a few gram of heroin since i figured it would probably be the best way to go dying high a fuck in pure bliss i m just shit scared of being resuscitated and ending up in a wheelchair like my ex or being reincarnated into someone living in a third world country or even hell i made my mom promise not to resuscitate me if anything were to happen to me i m just not happy i have nothing to look forward to in my future i m thinking maybe i ll just take on the heroin habit without the intention to die and hope i accidentally od some day i mean it happens like every 0 second in my country i tried antidepressant and they work to help my mood sometimes but if you really have nothing to live for there s no cure for that i also just lost my job so perfect timing for that i don t even have the desire to look for another one i wish i could just sleep and not wake up
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mizzzidc politely i ask are you mad how dare you speak to you mum in this manner and even type it in word this is absolutely rubbish depression ko depression ni this is complete madness i pray you become a parent soon and get to experience this with your kid
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supersport i miss my buddy ill be in ny on the th
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i just made the person i fell in love with cry because a miscommunication happened and i ended up breaking all contact instantly and acted like a bitch but she still fought to keep in touch and we are better talking now but she cried tonight because of me she cried she got hurt she felt so bad and she is already going through so much because of her ex and then something happened with u at work yesterday and i ended up having a fight with my mom too i just fucking hate that my existence is hurtful for others i just want to fucking die so i stop hurting people god please give me the courage to die so i stop hurting everyone around me i do not want to live with all the sadness that s filled in me
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stats feed indian doesn t know what is depression we would have been topping the list otherwise