3 values
Take the following as truth: They watched me constantly for weeks. Then the following statement: "They left me on my own for weeks." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: It has a staff of about 100 employees, including attorneys and support staff, in 10 branch offices. Then the following statement: "The 10 branches had close to 100 employees." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: First we applied three alternative concentrationresponse (C-R) functions to estimate premature mortality incidence. Then the following statement: "No CR functions were applied to the incidence. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: All we've done is checked that the first two creditors divided their collective share of $125 appropriately Then the following statement: "The first two creditors divided their shares correctly." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: However, little evidence remains of that era some ceramics in the museum, a few fortifications, a network of irrigation ditches. Then the following statement: "There is little evidence left of that era." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: , chief knowledge officers or chief technical officers) that diffuse responsibility across several senior-level managers. Then the following statement: "Chief officers often spread their responsibility among senior-level managers. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: oh no well i don't find a lot of time to watch TV and a lot of the time i find it during the day when i'm rocking my little girl to sleep so i watch a lot of reruns old shows Then the following statement: "I enjoy watching the old reruns because I find them calming." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: so that will definitely help in taxes and what you will get back Then the following statement: "You'll probably get a lot bigger refund." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The smart Annie was not in evidence. Then the following statement: "The clever Annie was not in proof." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Yes, Mistuh Reese, suh? Then the following statement: "THe slave spoke to Mr Reece." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: At the heart of the sanctuary, a small granite shrine once held the sacred barque of Horus himself. Then the following statement: "Horus has a shrine." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Postal Service's domestic rates for First-Class and Priority Mail to the inbound mail distribution described above. Then the following statement: "Usps domestic rates for priority and first class mail ate described above. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: do you like um any rock and roll at all Then the following statement: "So you don't like rock and roll?" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Dining room, grill, pub. Then the following statement: "It has a dining room but no grill." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: What have you, my friend, he cried, "that you remain there like, how do you say it?, ah, yes, the stuck pig?" I explained that I was afraid of obliterating any foot-marks. Then the following statement: "I didn't say anything when he asked me that question." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: But such a show would have meant the museum taking a hard look at its own, often controversial part in the art world. Then the following statement: "The museum didn't want to look too closely into its part in the art world." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: But you will find fishermen, many of whom are direct descendants of some 600 Genoese mercenaries King Charles III rescued from captivity on Tunisia's Tabarka Island, hence the name. Then the following statement: "Tabarka Island is part of Turkey." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: And while we allow people to give a kidney to their child, we do not allow them to donate their heart. Then the following statement: "You can't always donate organs to your child. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Unbar, Francisco! he called in Spanish. Then the following statement: "He call Francisco in Spanish." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The Commission is unwilling to recommend an interpretation of the statute that produces such consequences, absent an express congressional intent that such burdens be imposed. Then the following statement: "Unless congress expresses an intent that such burdens be imposed, the Commission is unwilling to recommend an interpretation of the statute that produces such consequences." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Who could there be?" Then the following statement: "The speaker doesn't know who it is." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: My wife and daughter are the ones doing Riley. Then the following statement: "My grandmother and grandmother's lesbian lover are doing Riley." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Take a backwaters trip through the lagoons and around the island villages. Then the following statement: "Backwater rides are popular in this area. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Alcohol use and trauma. Then the following statement: "Trauma is the leading cause of alcohol abuse." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: In a culture where Xena and Hercules have hit TV shows, it's a lot more fun imagining that you are a valiant warrior doing business-as-battle than it is to admit that you're a pudgy functionary whose most daring deed is to draft a boldly worded memo. Then the following statement: "Xena and Hercules both have hit shows on CBS." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Laibson's imperfect altruists face a far subtler problem--they're not just weighing costs and benefits, they're engaged in games of strategy against their future selves. Then the following statement: "Laibson has selfish people that follow him." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: 'But if they catch me...' Then the following statement: "But if they kill me" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The win brought tears to her eyes, of course, and prompted a phone call to Mom in India. Then the following statement: "She called her father after she lost, smiling as she did it." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The New York Times ' Janet Maslin says the film works precisely because it is derivative--its stars, Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise, emulate the characters in The Usual Suspects , which gives them extraordinary opportunities to preen. Then the following statement: "The movie stars Matt Dillon and Gary Sinise." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The Muslim campaign for Partition was led by London-trained Bombay lawyer, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Then the following statement: "Muhammad Ali Jinnah went to London to campaign for Partition. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: it's um it's it's amazingly less expensive than it is Then the following statement: "It's much more expensive that way." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Automobile includes small trucks. Then the following statement: "Small trucks are not great automobiles." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: You're quite safe." Her breath came more normally, and the colour was returning to her cheeks. Then the following statement: "She started recovering from the mild shock she had gone through." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: probably so probably so um-hum Then the following statement: "probably yes so uh-huh" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: After its early failure, Hubble now provides vital clues to the universe. Then the following statement: "Hubble failed earlier becuase they weren't making enough discoveries." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: well they all come back from from the bottom Then the following statement: "They bounce back from the bottom." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: A library with the maximum allowable e-rate subsidy of 90 percent would still find itself paying a monthly Internet bill of $186. Then the following statement: "A library has a maximum subsidy of 90% for utilities." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: and i was never in a minor league city until i came Dallas we were a minor league city when i came here in fifty nine and i immediately bought season tickets uh to the class triple A uh uh Dallas Rangers Then the following statement: "Dallas was always in the majors." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Just a hunch. Then the following statement: "It is just a guess" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The SPAN A Guide to Legal Services Planning. Then the following statement: "The SPAN A guide is a guide used for legal service planning." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: yeah i think they did a pretty good job but they didn't follow it exactly but they did give it you know do it justice Then the following statement: "They made a good rendition." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal a policy worthy of imitation. Then the following statement: "The citizens of the U.S. are supposed to be proud of themselves." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: She always says the right thing, does the right thing, wears the right clothes. Then the following statement: "She does, says, and wears everything perfectly, consistently. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Leave the river briefly to loop east around Talcy, with its Romanesque church and the 13th-century chateau of Thizy, before ending your trip at Montr??al. Then the following statement: "It is recommended that you leave river briefly before ending your trip at Montréal." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: yeah and i you know i think defense really is what wins wins uh in the long run you can have the best half back there is or the best quarterback but if they don't have any blocking maybe they can't do anything Then the following statement: "I think a good defense is the most important thing you need to win games." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: 'You killed Derry.' Then the following statement: "Derry is still alive. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Twelve days later, I made my second. Then the following statement: "It took twelve days to make another." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The number of Arawak had already fallen dramatically, so the Spanish began to import slaves from Africa to work the land; the first Africans arrived in 1517. Then the following statement: "The Spanish had plenty of Arawak to use as slaves." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: and enjoy nature and uh kind of wipe out the stress of everyday life i'd always Then the following statement: "I like to get out in nature and de-stress." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: but i i don't ever feel the need to dress that warmly i i don't have to travel that far to work uh what what what what about uh your clothes in the winter time up there Then the following statement: "I have to catch a plane to go to work." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Mrs. Vandemeyer, she read, "20 South Audley Mansions. Then the following statement: ""20 South Audley Mansions" is a book that Mrs. Vandemeyer read." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: I'd call it a bad date. Then the following statement: "I'd consider it a bad date because the girl was rude to the waiter." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Traditionally a poor island, the native population has happily embraced the new seasonal lifestyle that has brought them proserity, and the old ways have almost completely disappeared. Then the following statement: "The old ways of the native population has almost completely faded away." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: For adventurous travelers looking for an introduction to the South, the rewards are rich. Then the following statement: "For those who prefer more safety, other options are available." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: It covers most but not all close Senate and gubernatorial races.) Then the following statement: "The radio station covers most close gubernatorial races" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The component may also be a contractor. Then the following statement: "They were prohibited from being a contractor." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The point is not that investing in foreign companies is necessarily a mistake. Then the following statement: "Putting money into foreign companies poses a great risk." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Currently OASI and DI make payments to that Account, and HI receives payment. Then the following statement: "The Account is the easiest way to keep track of payments made by OASI and DI on an annual basis." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: In addition to the effects on household saving choices, individual accounts may also affect the relationship and interactions between Social Security and private pensions. Then the following statement: "Individual accounts would reduce demand for private pensions." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Washington Post reports two attempts by private companies to grow embryos--a practice banned among federally funded researchers but allowed in the private sector. Then the following statement: "The Washington Post was the first company to report on attempts of private companies growing embryos." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: a plausible increase in the penetration of computer ownership by households over the course of a single year. Then the following statement: "Computer ownership by households usually increases in a year." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: But the explanation is institutional, not ideological. Then the following statement: "Many experts have argued that it's impossible to separate the institutional from the ideological in the circumstances." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: You and Tuppence have been sticking together like Siamese twins. Then the following statement: "You and Tuppence have been hand in glove." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Below the Rond-Point, the mood changes and a pleasant park leads you past two the Petit Palais, all steel and glass, and the Grand Palais. Then the following statement: "The mood changes below the Rond-Point, and a pleasant park leads you past two the Petit Palais, all steel and glass, and the Grand Palais." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Participants generally agreed that improvements in corporate governance will bring about improvements in auditing. Then the following statement: "The participants only agreed on a few subjects." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING Then the following statement: "Granting permission." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Ever see a contemplative Power Ranger? Then the following statement: "Ever see a Power Ranger consider the consequences of their actions?" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: However, I believe that additional actions by the board and AICPA management will be needed to restore trust and confidence in the Institute over the longer-term. Then the following statement: "Trust and confidence in the Institute have been lost forever." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Every tube contained a body, and every body was a famous figure from history. Then the following statement: "The tubes held everyday people." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Four sikhara domes rise above the entrance-porch in addition the mandapa hall for worshippers; a larger hall for dancing-girls; and the inner sanctuary, surrounded by an ambulatory for walking around the image of the deity. Then the following statement: "Visitors are not permitted to walk around the image of the deity, but must sit quietly in front of it." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The great Kanto earthquake of 1923 destroyed some 60,000 homes in Yokohama and took over 20,000 lives. Then the following statement: "Yokohama took a long time to recover from the earthquake." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: oh was that good i heard oh okay Then the following statement: "Yes, I heard that was really good." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The only adult males allowed in the Harem were the Black Eunuchs, who were in charge of security and administration. Then the following statement: "The Black Eunuchs were responsible for the security and administration of the Harem." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Due to the amount of information now available, power has shifted from the physician to the patient. Then the following statement: "Doctors have more power than ever thanks to better data availability." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: i know i am um i don't know anybody in their right mind that says that that i'm doing it because i want to i Then the following statement: "I know there are people who think I'm doing it because I desire to." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Isn't that America's last bastion of mobsters, racists, and hacks? Then the following statement: "It's America's first wave of racists. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Let me try it." She began snapping her fingers and saying the word eagerly, but nothing happened. Then the following statement: "She became frustrated when the spell didn't work. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: There is also an archaeological museum that displays older relics, including examples of Mycenaean pottery. Then the following statement: "The museum is completely empty and doesn't have anything in it." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: There are nonetheless a number of practices and alternative strategies that senior executives in leading organizations use to help define and institute their CIO positions to effectively meet business needs. Then the following statement: "There are no practices and strategies that can help CIO positions to meet business needs at the moment." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: By one estimate, Russia's economic output would more than double if the Russians simply sold off their natural resources instead of trying to make something out of them. Then the following statement: "It is possible that Putin wants to develop the financial independence and work skills of Russians and the loss of money in less profit to merely selling off materials is worth the manufacturing expertise gained by his people as they create goods within their own country. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Research over the last 20 years has changed the scientific view of life. Then the following statement: "The last 5 years of research have a higher proportion influence." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Perhaps he should clear out even farther and head for California. Then the following statement: "Maybe he should head for California to clear out even farther?" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: yeah well uh we're not uh really sailors but i want some summer soon to um hire a sailboat with a captain since we're not you know versed in that and uh go to the Caribbean Then the following statement: "He has sailed a little." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: For the moment, he sought refuge in retreat, and left the room precipitately. Then the following statement: "He stayed put and sat on the floor." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: In June you can watch dealers haggling over heaps of white silkworm cocoons. Then the following statement: "During the summer months dealers barter for piles of silkworm cocoons." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The results looked like Versace melded with Blade Runner , says Newsweek 's Steven Levy. Then the following statement: "Steven Levy has never seen Blade Runner." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: uh you know if you have a large acid spill you know well gee maybe you better check this person who's handling all these acids you know i work with a wafer fab so we do a lot with chemicals and acids and Then the following statement: "Acid is handled by workers. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The bourgeoisie showed off its new prosperity with extravagant furnishings, silks, satins, and baubles, and in 1852 Paris opened its first department store, Au Bon Marche. Then the following statement: "Paris opened the first department store." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: He waited for the group on the nearby 18 th green to finish. Then the following statement: "He was patient while hte group on the 18th hole finished." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: i think so i don't know i just uh i'm unhappy with it but and well i'm i'm sort of semi fortunate right now i'm a graduate student so i don't make that much what i make isn't taxed very highly because i'm still in school Then the following statement: "I have never been a college student." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: He thought about ways to achieve this life goal for a long time, which means until he learned the basics of text editing, which happened at his first job at a firm trading in plastic bags landfill disposal permits. Then the following statement: "He thought about ways to achieve his life goals for a long time." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Kofukuji's many surviving artworks and artifacts are housed in its newest building, the Museum of National Treasures, a fireproof repository built in 1958 to honor Kofukuji's immense cultural and historic importance. Then the following statement: "The fireproof repository built in 1958 is considered to be enough to protect the artifacts." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: no not near as much as i'd like to i mean i've i tend to stay pretty busy at my job and uh Then the following statement: "If my job wasn't so busy, I do that a lot more." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: We have a problem concerning gift etiquette. Then the following statement: "The problem we have with gift etiquette is people not knowing how to choose appropriate gifts." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The Inglethorps did not appear. Then the following statement: "The Inglethorps were the first ones to turn up." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: equivalent to increasing national saving to 19. Then the following statement: "National savings are 18 now." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: There's a sort of bidding war going on, with law schools offering ever-increasing financial packages -- most of it loans, said Dean Glen. Then the following statement: "No one really cares about the new students coming to their institutions. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Today, as always, the time-honored occupations of fishing and farming support Martinique's fragile existence the delicious rum also helps. Then the following statement: "Martinique makes more money from fishing than from farming." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Comments regarding enforcement issues and questions raised by the regulated industry were addressed by EPA in four Detergent Rule Question and Answer Documents. Then the following statement: "All the issues and questions raised by the regulated industry were addressed by the EPA." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The Ottoman Empire surrendered when World War I ended the following year, and, following a declaration by the League of Nations (the forerunner to the United Nations), Britain became rulers of Palestine by mandate. Then the following statement: "If the Ottoman Empire never surrendered, Palestine wouldn't have been ruled by the British." is true, false, or inconclusive?