3 values
Take the following as truth: Its principal scandal reporter, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has published lots of stories on the suicide. Then the following statement: "The suicide being covered was caused by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: I never like to leave Canada, because I'm disappointed every time. Then the following statement: "There is no way I will ever travel outside of Canada again since it is disappointing." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Jon ran behind a building not yet aflame, the house where Susan had stayed a few days earlier, and prayed to any god who might be listening that they would not find any enemies behind it. Then the following statement: "Every building was on fire." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: In her soft grey frock, with white ruffles at the wrists falling over her slender hands, she looked very beautiful. Then the following statement: "She looked hideous in her frumpy gown." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: and uh i have a few health food stores that i send it to i can buy the cookies in a larger quantity than they can so i can get a deal from the uh from the main from the supplier Then the following statement: "There are a few health food stores that can buy the cookies in bulk for a better deal." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: At the sight of Tommy, Julius's eyes seemed as though they would pop out of his head. Then the following statement: "Julius turned and walked away as soon as he saw Tommy walk through the door." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Seemed that whoever the killer was, she'd let him into her home voluntarily. Then the following statement: "The killer broke a window in order to enter the home." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: and even the painter couldn't give me a good estimate he said well i'll be done this afternoon you know Then the following statement: "The painter told me exactly when they were going to finish." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: There's a pile of money called the Social Security Trust Fund. Then the following statement: "The Social Security Trust Fund is made up of money. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Dave Hanson, to whom nothing is impossible, he said. Then the following statement: "He said Dave Hanson." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: If Moynihan has anything to do with it, Al Gore will not get Bill Clinton's. Then the following statement: "Moynihan most likely has nothing to do with it." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Still, Miyajima manages to be both solemn and lively. Then the following statement: "There is no feeling of somberness at Myajima." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: expressed about the methodology and results of the procedures to determine the federal pay gap. Then the following statement: "The methodology and results were used to determine the federal pay gap." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Old salts may want to skipper their charter craft acroseopen sea to the smaller Dutch islands of Sint Eustatius or Saba, or to French Saint-Barthelemy. Then the following statement: "If you are looking for a different options you can take your charter ship to one of the less popular islands nearby." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Tomb 57, that of Khaemhat, was decorated with statues of himself and his family very rare for tombs of his class. Then the following statement: "The tomb was decorated with statues." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Chambers developed increasing reservations in his later years about the direction the American right was taking, distancing himself first from Joe McCarthy, then from Richard Nixon, and even from William Buckley Jr.'s National Review . But Chambers' importance lies, finally, not in his politics but in his romantic penchant for the extremes of the psychic and political undergrounds. Then the following statement: "Chambers built a wall between himself and McCarthy and Nixon." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Thank you. Tuppence felt a terrific rise in her spirits. Then the following statement: "Tupperence felt better after this event." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The place was a living tomb… . Then the following statement: "It was no more than a living tomb." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: He hired a room, and I hired one too. Then the following statement: "He hired a room, but I didn't have enough money for one myself." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The dramatically rising cliff of black basalt stone made the castle impregnable to all but the most wily commander. Then the following statement: "The castle was secure due to its proximity to a cliff." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: somehow i hoped that as a people we could be better than than um expecting Then the following statement: "I hoped we could be better than that." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: He gasped for air and his head throbbed. Then the following statement: "His head hurt terribly." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: If food and medical care tripled in cost, people would of necessity spend less on other things to pay for the increase or cut down on the food and medical care they purchased. Then the following statement: "People would have to cut spending in other areas if food and medical care increased." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: yeah i i think you really have to be disciplined Then the following statement: "It really doesn't require much discipline to do." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: oh okay i'll let you go Then the following statement: "I will only let you go if you agree to take out the garbage." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: In that regard, they evaluated a set of about 50 policies to improve the technology performance and characterization of the residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and electricity generation sectors. Then the following statement: "At least 25 of the policies were responsible for the growth of the residential sector." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Authentic Jamaican cuisine (including jerk chicken, pork, and fish), or choose your own lobster. Then the following statement: "Jamaican cuisine includes jerk chicken." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Now, the resort and hotel complex is variously described as simply noisy to a one-stop destination for fantasy, excitement, and adventure ; your conclusion obviously depends on your point of view. Then the following statement: "The resort and hotel complex are very quiet." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Given the extent of wealth it has brought to the country, it is not surprising to have a Natural Rubber Museum, which opened since 1992 at the Rubber Research Institute's Experimental Station in Sungai Buloh. Then the following statement: "Rubber has not contributed to the wealth of the country." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Encapuchadores bind these male trees in spring to produce the pale, bleached fronds that are used in Palm Sunday celebrations. Then the following statement: "There are no celebrations on Palm Sunday." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: up to a forty four magnum any any of them in the correct hands they're an absolutely fantastic weapon Then the following statement: "A 44 magnum is a total piece of junk." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: i i seems like it was on a Friday Friday or Saturday Then the following statement: "I think it was a Tuesday." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: I beg your pardon. A man's voice beside her made her start and turn. Then the following statement: "She was startled by the man and turned when he said I beg your pardon. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: However, an interim program was instituted between April 4 and October 4, 1996, to maintain a basic program until EQIP could begin. Then the following statement: "They had a temporary program in place." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The Zapruder family is demanding $18 million, wanting no blood money but figuring it could fetch $70 million on the open market. Then the following statement: "The Zapruder family wants nothing in return." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: I am not keeping back facts. Then the following statement: "I am keeping back facts." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Around him stood the remainder of the Sticks. Then the following statement: "There weren't any members of the Sticks left. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: He scanned the great lawyer eagerly. Then the following statement: "He ignored the lawyer." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Most organized tours generally include a night at a gazino as part of the package; otherwise you can book a table through your hotel or through a travel agent. Then the following statement: "No tours include a gazino night, you can't book one. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: I'm in a huge, overwhelming sea of debt, said Jennifer Arons, 28, a criminal defense staff attorney at Manhattan Legal Aid. Then the following statement: "Jennifer claims her debt is over the six digit mark at this point." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CERT/CC CERTa Coordination Center Then the following statement: "The CDC in New York was rounded and grey." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: and uh when i played softball it was with the church team it was just for fun although the church team we made it to the nationals we were ranked fifteenth in the nation so i you know i'm proud of that Then the following statement: "I played softball with the church team for the fun of it." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: It was at that moment that the full realization of his folly began to come home to Tommy. Then the following statement: "He realized the folly and became sad." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: As such, they were reviewed by OMB based on information supplied by the Departments, which included planned regulatory action documents describing the reason for the rules and an assessment of the costs and budgetary impact of the rules. Then the following statement: "The review by OMB included a description of the reason for the rules." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: that it would just have to be a hobby and i'm i'm very mechanical and mechanical engineering interested me so i did that and then i you know i did that for six years and then i stayed home with my son and did nothing and found out that i was that you know it was great but i was bored part of the time too and i wanted something else Then the following statement: "I am bored with mechanical engineering and I should seek some hobbies." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: um-hum yeah it's kind of it's kind of strange here the way things go uh here if you have an accident and no one's injured the police won't even show up Then the following statement: "The police don't show up if nobody is injured." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: but uh Yount has been a he's a player uh year in year out and always uh is leading the team in uh most of most of their offensive categories Then the following statement: "Yount has not been very helpful with their offensive categories." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: This is very sad news, but you will excuse me if I say that I do not see how it bears on the subject of your inquiry? Then the following statement: "The inquiry is about birth records and the sad news is a death in the family, but the speaker is insisting on following protocols. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The next witness was Mary Cavendish. Then the following statement: "There was another witness." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: and you got to have your cranberry sauce now i like jellied kind Then the following statement: "I only like homemade cranberry sauce, not the jellied kind." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: plant that emits 0.1 pounds of mercury and a plant that emits 2000 pounds of mercury - regardless of cost - is neither efficient nor necessary. Then the following statement: "Plants that emit mercury are not necessary." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: It was dead quiet. Then the following statement: "There wasn't much noise in the air." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: it really is our kids are all grown and gone and away from home so our our new family is the you know our two cats and our dog we never really well we had we did have some time to devote to them you know but not nearly as much time as we have now so they've really become children they're they're real characters they really well all of them are Then the following statement: "Since our kids are all grown and gone, we have the pets to fill their spots." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: As noted above, the LSC case count for 1999 includes all cases that meet LSC eligibility criteria, regardless of the funding mix of any particular grantee. Then the following statement: "The LSC included cases of any tupe of funding." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: no um my husband has a grandmother in a nursing home and that has been a real mess to say the least Then the following statement: "It's been a dream once we moved my husband's grandmother into the nursing home." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: but uh because i work for uh Hal Ammon Then the following statement: "I work for Hal Ammon." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: yeah the current average or whatever Then the following statement: "Yeah the average right now." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: She had decided not to ask if Sir James was "at home," but to adopt a more personal attitude. Then the following statement: "She straight up asked if Sir James was "at home"." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Nor was a common start or end point identified for design review as an element of the facility acquisition process. Then the following statement: "A common start or end point was not identified in the facility's construction." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: A company of handweavers has been working here since at least 1723, and visitors are able to watch them at work, but their products have become less distinctive since they expanded into a popular tourist attraction. Then the following statement: "Tourists can view the company of handweavers work, but the historic company have less distinctive products now due to becoming a popular attraction." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: And so there are self-righteous demands for international labor We should not, the opponents of globalization insist, be willing to buy those sneakers and shirts unless the people who make them receive decent wages and work under decent conditions. Then the following statement: "There is very little demand for cheap goods through international labor." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Dublin is an intimate city, physically small but tightly packed, a perfect place for walking. Then the following statement: "Dublin is a dense city made for foot travel." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: You will be able to buy it at the giftshop adjacent to the ship on your visit. Then the following statement: "You can buy the item at the giftshop on your visit." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: A third Asian neighborhood, Koreatown, lies west of downtown along Olympic Boulevard between Vermont and Western avenues. Then the following statement: "The Olympic Boulevard is east of Koreatown and so is Vermont and Western avenues." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The others followed. Then the following statement: "The others had followed Jon." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Gigot thinks the tax fraud proceedings against Hubbell are legitimate and ordinary, while everyone else regards the indictments as trumped-up mini-crimes meant to squeeze Hubbell into giving Starr what he wants--cooperation. Then the following statement: "There is a disagreement as to whether Hubbell's tax fraud charges are being conducted in a proper manner." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: U.S. economic interests through the prevention and mitigation ofmarine incidents. Then the following statement: "Prevention of marine incidents for U.S. economic reasons." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: It could be very confusing. Then the following statement: "It is always clear and easy to understand. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Room 5 holds objects from the final phase of Minoan civilization (1450-1400 b.c.). Then the following statement: "Room 5 has stuff from the middle ages." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: right yeah i i spend a lot of time down in Charlotte uh and on their just the the regular TV not cable you can pick up four PB or three PBS channels Then the following statement: "You can get all sorts of cable channel access in Charlotte." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The magazine's humor often depended on racist and sexist stereotypes, such as wide-grinned, watermelon-eating blacks. Then the following statement: "The magazine depended on this type of humor." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: When he looks back a year from now, Rubin said he hopes the foundation has new programs, a higher profile and a rejuvenated board. Then the following statement: "Rubin does not want to be working on the program in a year from now." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: But, says Lindburg, 'if you protect the panda, you're protecting the golden monkey, the monal pheasants, the takins. Then the following statement: "Saving the Panda will not help any other animals." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Adopting a unified approach to reduce SO2, NOx and mercury is better than looking at each pollutant separately because of synergistic effects. Then the following statement: "Mercury, NOx, and SO2 are best considered in harm reduction by themselves, since they bear no relation to each other." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: In the southeast corner of the courtyard is the Turkish Sultana's House, or Hujra-i-Anup Talao (the Chamber of the Peerless Pool); animals covering every wall panel and pillar create the illusion of woodwork rather than stone. Then the following statement: "There are a number of animals on the wall panels." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: It was refurbished in the Victorian era but rendered useless by succeeding Nile dams. Then the following statement: "The Nile damns were useless." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: so what do you think about it Then the following statement: "What do you think about flying across the country?" is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Women are so large a part of the labor force that it is hard to believe that this could be true of the total if it were not also true of women. Then the following statement: "Men are a huge part of the labor force so they are the only ones that matter." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Breyiana Breyiana look at me please just a second be quite please i can not hear i will talk to you in just a second go ahead so she went to school out here Then the following statement: "Please be quiet for a second; I cannot hear and will talk to you in a second." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: yeah actually when we were up north um but some family things changed so we ended up coming back down here and all that because it helped my husband's work but um we really would like to but we don't know if we're going to do it unless we stay here you know it Then the following statement: "We are certain of what we are going to do if we stay here. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: yeah well i think they got i think that was almost everyone of them that he recruited uh recruited for this year Then the following statement: "He recruited everyone for this year." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: As a matter of fact he is. Then the following statement: "He is, actually. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: here, where you should click the FIFA Online link, which you'll find on the left (under THE BASICS). Then the following statement: "You'll have to click the FIFA link over to the right, above THE BASICS." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Town End is full of wonderful artifacts from 17th-century daily life, such as cooking utensils bowls, pans, crockery, and hooks to hang hare and pheasants rag rugs made by the women of the household, and laundry implements such as a dolly used for stirring the clothes in the washing tub. Then the following statement: "There are many artefacts in Town End which date back to the 1600s, including laundry tools and cookware. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: She had come to know Betty Currie very well. Then the following statement: "She had come to quite dislike Betty Currie." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Why come here? The torrent has started already and many other southern villages surely draw the interest of bandits. Then the following statement: "There were villages in the south." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: It took the advent of jetliners and cruise ships for that to happen. Then the following statement: "There are no cruise ships in the area." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: uh Malaysia four years in Malaysia and three years in the Philippines Then the following statement: "Six years in Malaysia and two years in the Philippines." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: By these criteria Kinsey fares well. Then the following statement: "Kinsey's research is useful in the modern era." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Longabaugh noted that new and creative interventions may be developed in the ED that the rest of the field will want to adapt and explore. Then the following statement: "Longabaugh is an investigative journalist with more than thirty years experience." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Adrienne Worthy, executive director of Legal Aid, said her agency will receive $400,000 less in federal funds in 2003, because the 2000 Census found 30,000 fewer poor people in West Virginia. Then the following statement: "Federal funds are dependent upon the populous which they serve." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The show is at its best on weekend afternoons, with everything from beach boys on unicycles to rock musicians on roller blades. Then the following statement: "The show is still pretty good in the morning, but not its best." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: After years of neglect it was restored, beginning in the mid-1970s, and opened to the public in 1984. Then the following statement: "It was left to rot." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: uh the ones we see are Americans by marriage a huge number here in Colorado Springs there's an Air Force base and an army base Then the following statement: "There aren't any army establishments in Colorado. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: that's right uh-huh well you know it's just like you say there's so much stuff that needs to be done here in this country and uh you know if if you could have a thought of something like uh like a uh uh a Peace Corps sort of organization i mean this would be so useful just in uh for instance just helping old folks Then the following statement: "There's a lot of stuff we need to do in this country." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Flanked by some of the city's most stylish fashion boutiques and shoe stores, the quarter's main street retains the commercial tradition of its medieval name, Via de' Caleiuoli (stocking- and shoe-makers). Then the following statement: "The main street has shops where you can buy shoes and stockings." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Randall tells the Enquirer the baby, Jefferson, is named after 19 th century comic actor Joseph Jefferson but does not say if Randall actually attended any of the actor's performances. Then the following statement: "Randall did in fact attend many of Jefferson's performances." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: The inner courtyard, the Nasal Chowk, is one of the few that can be visited. Then the following statement: "Nasal Chowk is not open to the public." is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: We established the program because we were concerned about the changeover, Wheeler said. Then the following statement: "Wheeler said that the program was established because of the changeover concern. " is true, false, or inconclusive?
Take the following as truth: Sir James Peel Edgerton said you would be able to manage that for me. Then the following statement: "Sir James Peel Edgerton was lying when he told me you could manage that for me." is true, false, or inconclusive?