18 values
Ridley supports his views by discussing the questionable attacks by environmental groups on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), neonicotinoid pesticides (in the EU bee populations are increasing), nuclear power, and hydraulic fracturing for shale gas.
Once again, we have another example of a marine organism that will likely benefit from so-called ocean acidification, even in the face of an important resource limitation??
"Despite the multiple influences on the reef sites over the study period, the size classes of the corals studied showed resilience to change. We suspected this all along the coral reefs have been around for 100s of millions of years! He states What is apparent from this study is that despite the chronic and acute disturbances between 2002 and 2008, demographic studies indicate good levels of coral resilience on the fringing reefs around Discovery Bay in Jamaica. Crabbe warns that Unfortunately, previously successful efforts to engage the local fisherman in controlling catches around Discovery Bay have not been maintained, and it may be that the development of a Discovery Bay Marine Park is the only solution. We get the message dont blame global warming, blame the local fishermen!"
Includes updated concepts and theories, new observational data, and modeling studies
The statement we proved cannot be interpreted as CO2 has no impact on the dynamics of the Earth-atmosphere system . What we have proven is that the CO2 cannot heat the atmosphere in the bulk but the whole system cannot be reduced to the bulk of the atmosphere . Indeed there are 2 interfaces the void on one side and the surface of the Earth on the other side . Neither the former nor the latter is in LTE and the arguments we used are not valid . The dynamics of the system are governed by the lapse rate which is anchored to the ground and whose variations are dependent not only on convection , latent heat changes and conduction but also radiative transfer . The concentrations of CO2 (and H2O) play a role in this dynamics but it is not the purpose of this post to examine these much more complex and not well understood aspects .
The outrage by the promoters of global warming and their allies in journalism was predictable. They immediately denounced Heartland and all those associated with it. The hypocrisy is typical. Many of the global warming promoters use similar tactics: logical fallacies that are effective, but for which they are not criticized. They accuse skeptics as being anti-science when skeptics point out that the physical science does not support the assertions and conclusions in the Summary for Policymakers of the Fourth Assessment Report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4). They label skeptics as deniers, implying they are Holocaust deniers. These promoters claim that skeptics are shills for the tobacco industry, the oil industry, etc. In short, they try to eliminate any possibility of public, rational discourse on the scientific issues.
However, if you say that the flux density is equal for every second and every place, then you either have to say that the Earth emits the same flux as it receives from the Sun, which is wrong, or that the Sun deposits the same flux as the Earth emits, which is also wrong. In the former case it makes the Earth too hot (on paper), and in the latter case it makes sunshine too cold (on paper).
"I would not presume to tell Congress what to do," Jackson answered, saying she was acting under the authority of a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling that let the EPA enforce the Clean Air Act, including heavy carbon emissions.
The fact that there was dissent within the climate science teams, that some people objected to the very basis of the grand claims of global warming, did not come out through the due process. It came to light when emails at the Climate Research Centre at East Anglia were hacked in November 2009. It is from the hacked conversations that a pattern of conspiracy and deceit emerge. It is a peek into the world of global warming scaremongeringamplify the impact of CO2, stick to dramatic timelines on destruction of forests, and never ask for a referral or raise a contrary point. You were either a believer in a hotter world or not welcome in this "scientific fold'.
The current drought in the US is quite ordinary, and the US has seen many similar or worsedroughtsover the last century.
Wind power is an expensive, intermittent and limited energy source that degrades the environment, kills birds, affects the local weather but does nothing to improve global climate.
/s/ Ed Gibson JSC, Astronaut Skylab 4, 14 years
Scientists at the station have also collected rainfall data during the same period and also began collecting data on sunshine and cloud cover in 1915. These records show that both sunshine and rainfall have increased slightly during the last 84 years. Balling concludes that as a result of these changes together with increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations that "crops there now perform better than their ancestors in the days of Lawes and Gilbert (founders of the station)" (World Climate Report, July 5, 1999).
He is a scientist on the leading edge of climate change analysis who proposes an end run around paralyzing climate disputes by focusing on energy and forest policies with multiple benefits and on fostering resilience to climate extremes.
At this point I think Ive reached the end of the lunar cycles on various time scales. If I run into any more, Ill add them. I would only note that the 23,000 year cycle they mention in the paper is remarkably similar to the precession period of the Earth (or the potential orbital period of our Sun about a companion star) and thus is also the Maya calendar cycle. I suspect that what the Maya calendar cycle was saying was not that this is the end, but rather that this is as good as it gets and the next many thousands start a long slow slide into cold. My read on the 23,000 year cycle chart looks like were about at the turn to the other direction. Add that to a 5000 year cycle turn and an 1800 year peak warmth spot, well, lets just say Id not be moving to Alaska any time soon. Florida and Texas would be better choices.
Another name little known even to many latter-day climatologists is Charles Thornthwaite (1889-1963). In 1931 he produced a classification also based on precipitation effectiveness and vegetation. It was valuable because it was produced from easily available data, total monthly precipitation (P) and evaporation (E) to produce a P/E Index. He modified it in 1948 by including a moisture index that relates the amount of moisture a plant needs to the amount available, known as the Potential Evapotranspiration (PE). (Evapotranspiration is the combined moisture loss from the surface. Either directly, due to evaporation, or indirectly transpired through the plant to the atmosphere.)
The crisis was global cooling, until Earth stopped cooling around 1976. It was global warming, until our planet stopped warming around 1995. The alarmist mantra then became climate change or climate disruption or extreme weather. Always manmade. Since Earths climate often fluctuates, and there are always weather extremes, such claims can never be disproven, certainly not to the alarmists satisfaction.
Perez-Sanz et al . report that "the CMIP5 models fail to reproduce key aspects of both the modern and mid-Holocene climate of the northern Africa and Mediterranean region, including the correct geographical location of zonal precipitation regimes in the pre-industrial simulation and the magnitude of mid-Holocene changes in these regimes." More specifically, they say that most models "overestimate the extent of monsoon influence and underestimate the extent of desert." And they state that they also "fail to reproduce the amount of precipitation in each zone," while noting that "most models underestimate the mid-Holocene changes in annual precipitation."
The CSUs prediction for a major hurricane landfall in the U.S. is also on the decidedly low side. The scientists said there is a 28 percent possibility of a Category 3 or above hurricane hitting this countrys coastline. The average for the last century was 52 percent.
Some years ago now Professor Bob Carter visited with me in my garden on the occasion of the publication of his first book. For some reason he was intrigued to meet a completely independent non-scientist writer writing in the Skeptic cause. As we walked around my garden Bob was at pains to explain to me that molecules of CO2 radiated every which way including downwards, thus warming the lower atmosphere. This is pretty precisely what Dr Helen Czerski also wrote to me.
But until now, we could not see energy being transported away from the sun via its magentic field, which is why many in the environmental community doubt the role of the sun in climate change. We couldn??t visualize the sun??s magnetic output. This new tool is going to open a whole new era of understanding how the sun works, and more importantly how changes on the sun link to climate changes on earth.
Experiments with Zebra Fish show that if their embryo??s develop in warmer water, they not only are able to swim faster but they cope better in both warmer and colder water. (How catastrophic can that be, I ask you?)
?You would think that these environmentalists would beg our companies to stay here in America where we provide the cleanest, most efficient energy on the planet!? Tabitha said passionately. ?Instead, they?re not only chasing our companies away, they?re actually funding drilling and mining in other countries where they have relatively zero regulations compared to that of the US.?
Kagan's prescription would be an unaffordable option for the vast majority of small businesses, as they could spend years in the exhausting "exhaustion" process before they could seek relief in court. This radically restrictive view of legal standing to challenge agency authority has been rejected by Democratic-appointed judges in federal courts and was given a stinging rebuke late last month by the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark case Free Enterprise Fund v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Agnotology is the study of how ignorance arises via circulation of misinformation calculated to mislead. Legates et al. (Sci Educ 22:20072017, 2013) had questioned the applicability of agnotology to politically-charged debates. In their reply, Bedford and Cook (Sci Educ 22:20192030, 2013), seeking to apply agnotology to climate science, asserted that fossil-fuel interests had promoted doubt about a climate consensus.
This is simply a fact, though of course it does not necessarily prove that the theory of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is incorrect. Current results continue to be fairly consistent with my personal theory, that man-made CO2 may add 0.5-1C to global temperatures over the next century (below alarmist estimates), but that this warming may be swamped at times by natural climactic fluctuations that alarmists tend to under-estimate.
Dr Marek Obrtel: open letter to the defense minister
Everybody totally lied. Not one genuine, authentic action by a whole cadre of people, but they circle the wagons. Dan Rather, the George Bush National Guard story proven to be based on fake documents. What happened? Brokaw and Peter Jennings circled the wagons, and the big members of the ruling class of journalism gave Rather a career award. And none of them did anything right. But they are in the ruling class.
The report doesnt come to any quick conclusions, but rather, in plain English, explains how corals grow, how they can change and adapt following coral bleaching and why it is important to consider real-world observations rather than theoretical predictions.
If rising atmospheric CO2 levels drive global temperatures upward, as they insist, why is Earth not suffering from the dangerous ???fever?? that Al Gore predicted? Instead, after mild warming at the end of the twentieth century, global temperatures have leveled off for the past decade, amid steadily rising carbon dioxide levels.
Moreover the chart shows that wind energy output was close to zero for a period of three days (July 16 19). Little wonder that wind and solar have yet to replace a single conventional coal power plant in Germany. No matter how much installed solar/wind capacity the country has, it still has to rely on conventional power on windless nights, which are frequent enough.
Most observers were convinced the energy gap caused by Germany?s decision, two years ago, to phase out nuclear power would be filled by wind and solar power. Hardly anyone realised that the extraordinary boom in renewable energy construction would generate a coal boom too.
The CPP Will Increase Electricity Costs for Consumers and Raises Reliability Concerns. A plan that gives low-carbon generation priority over low-cost generation and forces states to replace economical coal capacity with more costly renewable and nuclear generation will increase consumer electric bills.
Trenberth also said that some long-range climate models also fail to adequately simulate other natural climate patterns that influence El Nino let alone how they might also shift in a warming world.
It is to be hoped that reason will reassert itself, but this is far from certain, because no institution has such a difficult time confessing error or backtracking as the Supreme Court.
231 km (144 miles) ENE (70) from Lae, New Guinea, PNG
James Cameron labelled climate change "hypocrite'
We have many postings here at JS on the problem of treating the numbers to prevent heart and vascular disease and the side effects and problems with statins.
Stephen Harper should take note of the way that Obama has reshaped North American summitry, keeping it trilateral, but trying to make it results-oriented. In 2010, Canada will host both the sixth North American leaders' meeting, and the next G8 (and friends) summit. By then, as U. S. midterm elections in November 2010 loom large for Obama, his "summit fatigue" will be at a peak.
Minnesota opens the door to new nukes , just a crack.
the worst case, the bank might be subjected to further sanctions and lose its
Y2Kyoto: The Duluth To Sault Ste Marie Great Prius Race
NRDC wields political clout in proportion to its tremendous resources. In 2003, NRDC started a 501c(4) lobbying group, NRDC Action Fund, to "work to educate and mobilize voters." During the last election cycle, "NRDC Action Fund primarily operated by encouraging its donors to donate directly to candidates or environmental advocacy groups," reported The Washington Post. NRDC is also involved in LeadingGreen, a new collaboration of environmental groups that will steer donations to federal candidates and enlist the help of major donors in lobbying elected officials.
Blog feature: For more news and analysis, updated throughout the day, visit CEI Open Market.
Science Questions on the Global Surface Temperature Trends
Some are even talking about a repeat of the Maunder Minimum, the period in the 17th century when sunspots disappeared (and, coincidentally, the planet went through the Little Ice Age). Interesting times.
Benny Peiser is director of the London-based Global Warming Policy Foundation.
Since the known natural gas reserves are52 million billion cubic feet (corresponding to 1.2 million billion kilograms ), it all comes down to an untapped reserve 31 times as much as what is currently available. With around 80 years between now and exhaustion of Earths natural gas deposits , we can burn our way through perhaps another 2,400 years of cooking .
unprecedented help of George W. Bush, hit the ground running and moved rapidly
By Tanya Lewis, Yahoo, Aug 5, 2015
Welcome to American Products. American Power. If you shaved today, brushed your teeth, or are reading this on a computer, you already know us.
CFACT press conference at UN climate conference in Bonn
The second is that, although the calculations for the NH and the SH are entirely separate, the fitting process produced the same c value for the fatness of the tail, c = 0.6. This indicates that this value is not varying just to match the situation, but that there is a real physical meaning for the value.
Analyses by Professor William Nordhaus, a long-time advocate of carbon pricing and a world authority on estimating the costs and benefits of climate change, greenhouse gas mitigation policies and carbon prices, shows why carbon pricing must be global or the cost would be prohibitively for participants. Nordhaus (2008), p. 198 , says:
In The Lord of the Rings, Boromir, heir to the forces of the ancient land of Gondor, urges his allies to use the One Ring to smite the evil Sauron. Apparently Rand Paul, heir to the ancient forces of Ron Paul, is familiar with this tale. He has made news recently by urging his allies to use what he considers to be the political equivalent of the One Ring, which, like its fantasy cousin, will bring certain victory.
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 10:11:24 -0500
The reaction rate in the opposite direction is given pss of
"We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so it can support the needs of the present and future generations."
It outlines the methodological approach that allowed him to reconstitute global warming observed during the second half of the 20th century, and the stagnation of the average temperature of the planet, precursor to the onset of cooling.
End unilateral land-use restrictions by repealing the Antiquities Act. The Antiquities Act of 1906 originally enabled the President to quickly designate land as a national monument to prevent looting of archeological sites. However, Presidents from both parties have abused the power to restrict land use. This practice prohibits or restricts economic opportunity, removes decision making from states and private citizens, and often does more environmental harm than good. Congress should limit the President's power by requiring congressional and state approval for any national monument designation.
rainfall is sensitive to El Nio variability are identified. This review of
So before history can repeat itself and wind power (or solar power) can once again challenge the established order, whether it be an authoritarian regime in the developing world or a regulated utility in a Western democracy, it needs to be made dispatchableavailable on demand. It needs storage.
Furthermore, the oceans have warmed at a rate consistent with the land.
With the UK slowly dismantling support for gullibles (aka renewables), I was starting to see that politicians would just slowly change the goal posts and like Bird Flu, the Millennium bug, BSE, Ozone, Acid rain the scam might have just quietly been forgotten as government ease themselves out of the mess they got themselves into.
The snowstorms that ground the nation's capital to a halt only underscored the need for bold action to fight global warming. Heavier, more frequent snowstorms are just what scientists predict in a warming world, as extreme weather events - whether blizzards or heat waves - become more common.
The title of one of the bibles of environmentalism ?Thinking like a Mountain? written more that six decades ago by the American author Aldo Leopold proves that quite convincingly.
The rule is so riddled with loopholes that its become clear that this FCC chairman crafted it with the sole purpose of winning the endorsement of AT&T and cable lobbyists, and not defending the interests of the tens of millions of Internet users.
Does the Uptick in Global Surface Temperatures in 2014 Help the Growing Difference between Climate Models and Reality?
First published in The Land, page 13, Thursday, January 5, 2012
Based on the limited Global Ice and Snow measurements available, and noting the questionable value of Sea Ice Area and Extent as a proxy for temperature, not much inference can currently be drawn from Earth??s Ice and Snow measurements. However, there does appear to be a pause in Global Sea Ice Area.
I will hr frska klarlgga some misunderstanding about the carbon cycle, which framgtt in part debattinlgg in the recent past. These queries and comments rr carbon dioxide probable origin, its duration in the atmosphere, its kllor and snkor and fljder as The increase has on vegetation and earth strlningsbalans. References from lsning available below.
Unfortunately, the President and Congress are actively seeking to pass a major new tax burden - this time on energy use.
Yet the number of folks acting that way just seems wrong. There is an overall artificial feeling to the whole thing. Curious. Then again, with about 1/3 the population on drugs of one kind or another, who knows how drugged up these folks were on anti-depressant feel good pills.
Note how the number of melting days in the area of the Wilkins ice shelf has decreased by -0.5 days per decade between 1987 and 2008.
Mr. FOIA had previously released two batches of 5,000 files each in 2009 and 2011. This enormous third batch went to a network of friends for decoding, sorting and publication.
Utterly focused on radiation, the infant science of climatology gave scant consideration to the crucial interplay of that double intense dose of solar energy on the sunny side of our spinning planet. That intense dose of energy in a focused area was the supercharging fuel for a dynamo that did its work by latent heat. Indeed, while solar radiation may be the origin of all incoming energy, once it enters our gaseous wet planet it is spun convectively about the vortex of Hadley Cells and those blue oceans and albedo white clouds begin to interplay in a constant cycle of evaporation and condensation.
The heavy handed actions taken against ?Tallbloke? and others may be attempts to intimidate people who want to lift the curtain that hides the Wizards of Climate Science from Dorothy and Toto.
Pen Hadow's scientific expedition disintegrating
Clive Crook may be a warmist, but is honest enough to describe whitewash when he sees it:
More on that publication, and how Ive caught the Met Office in a lie, coming soon.
In a recent experiment in the Mediterranean, reported in Nature Climate Change, corals and mollusks were transplanted to lower pH sites, where they proved ???able to calcify and grow at even faster than normal rates when exposed to the high levels projected for the next 300 years.?? In any case, freshwater mussels thrive in Scottish rivers, where the pH is as low as five.
Good morning, my name is Marlo Lewis. As Vice President for Policy and Coalitions of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, I welcome your invitation to discuss climate change policy. CEI is a public interest group established in 1984 with a current staff of 35 and an annual budget of about $2.5 million. Located in Washington, D.C., CEI works to educate and inform policy makers, journalists, and other opinion leaders on market-based alternatives to government programs and regulations. CEI also engages in public interest litigation to protect property rights and economic liberty. CEI is supported by the voluntary contributions of foundations, corporations and individuals. We accept no grants from any government agency, nor do we accept grants from any other party that would compromise the principled positions we espouse.
Snow will begin late this morning and intensify this afternoon. The amount of snow that accumulates will depend greatly on the track of this system. The rain-snow boundary is expected to be very near Cambridge Bay with temperatures near zero degrees. Currently, snow is expected to become mixed with rain this afternoon and change back to snow later this evening. Total amounts of 10 to 15 centimetres (3.9 to 5.9) are expected by Sunday morning. A slight change in the track of the system could result in more snow or more rain.
This is complete nonsense. Most of the old ice was lost during the winters from 1988 to 1996, and was driven by strong winds pushing the ice out into the North Atlantic.
It is less important, but I can not let get to also wonder over G & amp; F curve from 2002 (purple solid) also is a rescaling of the ovannmnda curve with the best value 6.1 o C, and the upper grns in ondligheten? It was perhaps FR HGT?
A successful energy agenda would unleash energy enterprise. Such an agenda would not involve government central planning, quotas, subsidies, or other interference with the effective operation of a free market in energy. Such an agenda would help provide opportunity for all and favoritism to none.
From the WUWT sea ice page , Antarctic Sea Ice is more than 2 standard deviations above normal:
The second warming shift began in 1975 and rose at quite a constant rate until 1998, a strong Pacific Ocean El Nio yearalthough this later warming is reported only by surface thermometers, not satellites, and is legitimately disputed by some. (Theres some background on this in my June 18 column .)
Peter Nasaw, (212) 966-4600Christine Hall, (202) 331-2258
The public is susceptible to scare tactics: Silent Spring, byRachel Carson, published in September of 1962, helped to start the environmental movement. A marine biologist, Carson documented the detrimental effects of pesticides on the environment, which led to the banning of DDT here in the U.S. and millions of deathsin malaria-prone countries.
Natural gas contains relatively more hydrogen and less carbon; that's why greens like it more than other fossil fuels. Over half of the heat from a methane-gas flame comes from the hydrogen. About 80% of the heat in coal comes from the carbon. Oil is in the middle.
Comparing the regulation's "benefits" to its substantial costs makes Rep. Stivers' vote look reasonable and not exactly a poisonous threat to children.
Whatever the aims of the climate-change crowd, it's obvious that they will not tolerate dissent. The academics who wrote the president insist that "an overwhelming majority of climate scientists are convinced about the potentially serious adverse effects of human-induced climate change on human health, agriculture, and biodiversity."
Climate adaptation careers are heating up. Insider tips on the skills needed:
Consider that my post wouldnt be sitting here using Eric Steigs math with Steig et. al. data and 6 of 9 graphs showing a flat or negative Antarctic temperature trend, if they had just shown me the code and data as I politely requested.
From Warren Pearces posting of Ben Piles excellent article at Making Science Public
Snow covered the streets of Tripoli and Duahyaha, Libya, Wednesday, December 31, 2014, also the western mountain areas and Tarhuna, Misrata and Zlitan.
"Newt Gingrich is arrogant enough to believe that he doesn't have to play by the same rules as everyone else," Morano said, predicting it would hurt him in the primaries. "I can't think of any Republican who hasn't addressed this in a way that is satisfactory to the Republican base."
Prediction That Global Warming Causes More Storms Fails Empirical Testing IPCC Climate Models Wrong