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By Robert Tracinski, The Federalist, Aug 6, 2015 | 0_0 |
And so it has come to pass, as is explained in an excellent article titled, Greens Sour on Natural Gas , by Bob King, from yesterdays Politico . It starts, | 0_0 |
Insurance premiums are rising at double-digit rates, sparking widespread anger. Republican governors are refusing to expand Medicaid, the mechanism under which a large majority of people were to become "newly insured." | 0_0 |
A reader or a homeowner may lack the expertise to predict certain things about the climate but he surely understands what it means for the temperature to increase by 5 C in a few decades - let's say 3 decades. He may quickly learn that the warming caused by the greenhouse effect should be most pronounced in the middle troposphere. After a few minutes, he finds the graph of the mid troposphere temperatures from 1978 to 2008: three decades of data. | 0_0 |
Ben Pile is spot on. The 97% consensus article is poorly conceived, poorly designed and poorly executed. It obscures the complexities of the climate issue and it is a sign of the desperately poor level of public and policy debate in this country that the energy minister should cite it. | 5_1 |
The opposite La Nia weather pattern, which has been hovering around Australia for the past two years, brought flooding to the countrys east. | 0_0 |
We used HEM to analyze the impact of making hydraulic fracturing more feasible by increasing the availability of petroleum in North America. In particular, we ran two of the same simulations that the EIA used in "Effects of Removing Restrictions on U.S. Crude Oil Exports," in comparing the impact of lifting the export ban to the impact of lifting the export ban coupled with greater availability of shale oil, shale gas, and its variants in North America. | 0_0 |
It has become standard procedure for advocates of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to link extreme weather events, such as floods, hurricanes, droughts, etc., to rising global temperatures. But according to the former chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr. Bert Bolin, "There has been no effect on countries from any current change." Attempts by activists to establish such a link "is why I do not trust the Greens," stated Bolin. | 0_0 |
Thus, the lack of any evidence for mass extinctions causes no hesitation on the part of those environmentalists calling for quick and draconian action. | 0_0 |
Today's Links: April 9, 2012 | 0_0 |
Sea level has been rising steadily since the mid 19thC, with no evidence of long term acceleration. | 1_6 |
In the 27 November 2009 issue of Science, Michael Mann and eight coauthors (Mann et al., 2009) describe how they used a global climate proxy network consisting of data derived from ice core, coral, sediment, and various other records to reconstruct a Northern Hemispheric surface air temperature history covering the past 1,500 years for the purpose of determining the characteristics of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period. They used Manns Nature trick of Climategate fame, truncating the reconstructed temperature history near its end and replacing it with modern-day instrumental data, so the last part of the record cannot be validly compared with the earlier portion. | 5_2 |
Simple. We call it what it is, and we continue to speak freely and fearlessly, whether they like it or not, until they actually get to the point of putting us on trial for ?high crimes against humanity?. We will not, repeat not, repeat not, be silenced. | 0_0 |
Since the 1D models are the type used in the parameterization of the stable boundary layer in multi-decadal climate model projections, this is yet another reason to question their use as accurate predictive models, including their use to forecast the long term trends in near surface air temperature over land and sea ice. | 5_1 |
Another powerful negative-feedback mechanism which acts to reduce the effects of global warming has been identified, as scientists say that rising temperatures cause plants to emit higher levels of planet-cooling aerosols. | 3_1 |
More evidence of huge explosions triggered by a magnetic reversal | 0_0 |
I thought it was kind of interesting that upon reading this McKinsey & Co study (currently the top one in the list) on education, Kevin Drum and a number of other left 'o center blogs pulled out this one chart to highlight. It shows starting teacher pay (i.e. out of college) as a percent of the economy's average) | 0_0 |
Look at the essay and graphs and see what you think. The trend was there before the region went to new enviro regs. You get, sometimes, what you wish forno graphs on the number of people who left the workforce or went on welfare dependency or moved off the grid with part-time and less productive work. The elite rich may be growing in the Northeast, but the economy may be declining in energy intense production. | 0_0 |
Christopher Booker discusses the implications in: Climategate, the sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming . | 5_2 |
"The Obama Administration," said Sheehen, "consistently fails to acknowledge the enormous industry investments and advancements in clean coal technologies, place a wholly unmerited target on our back to achieve political gains; when in reality, America's coal fleet is responsible for nearly 40 percent of our nation's electricity and just a tiny fraction of the world's carbon emissions." | 0_0 |
Teresa Mull, managing editor of School Choice Weekly, challenges us to ask why we should expect a president to determine how children are educated when education isn't even mentioned in the Constitution. "If government were to mostly leave the education arena, people would find ways to provide high-quality educational opportunities for their kids, just as they do in nearly every other aspect of life, from washing machines to motor vehicles. If you don't want the government choosing your car for you, why would you trust it with your children's education? READ MORE | 0_0 |
Contamination by urbanization, changes in land use, improper station sitting, and inadequately-calibrated instrument upgrades further overstate warming. | 5_1 |
HAYDEN: Fine! If P, then Q! Q! Therefore P! Have it your way! | 0_0 |
feels no need to look under the hood- and discourages its expert reviewers from doing so. | 5_2 |
Greens Release a Slew of Global Warming Reports | 0_0 |
Next Hundred Days Will Be Harder Than the First Hundred | 0_0 |
The world began to enjoy a bonanza in wealth, technology, living standards, and life spans. In just two centuries, average world incomes rose eleven-fold, disease rates plummeted, and life expectancy more than doubled. Unfortunately, not everyone benefitted equally, and even today billions of people still live under conditions little better than what dominated in 1810. Bringing them from squalor, disease, and early death to modernity may be our most important economic, technological, and moral challenge. | 0_0 |
The reason I bring this us is because I have always thought the way black and white TV was transitioned to color was particularly clever. They could have broadcast color with three signals of Red, Green, and Blue levels, and then black and white TVs would have to be thrown out - they wouldn't show anything meaningful with that signal. Instead, though, they mapped color with a three part system of an absolute brightness signal for each pixel, plus two color signals. If you are familiar with Photoshop, when you choose a color, you can enter the color as three numbers R-G-B for the intensity of each color or as Hue-Saturation-Brightness. While not the same as the TV system, it is similar in that it has a pixel brightness component, plus to color components. (my memory is that in the TV system, it is brightness plus two colors and the third color -- blue, I think -- is arrived at bysubtractionfrom the total brightness minus the two other colors.) | 0_0 |
The work of Scafetta and Willson are independent fortsttning and expansion of an earlier work, which I discussed in a inlgg at the beginning of frra year (.lnk). It shows that the total solinstrlningen the earth modulated via planetrt influence on the sun, and that this variation correlates with pverkan from planets. In this work uppmrksammas specifically to Earth-Jupiter conjunction, which has a period p r 1:09. With the help of spectral analysis finds that this collaboration has a dominant impact on the overall solinstrlningen MTT satellites 1978-2012. This is natural given on Jupiter's large mass. The results are clear, but we should note that the d rr about variations within the range of 1362-1368 W / m 2 vidtoppen of jordatmosfren. The importance for climate will understand with a variation in cloud formation. | 2_1 |
Amid reports that landowners in the states Southern Tier have reached an agreement to allow a drilling company to use propane fracking, DEC has said it now could accept and review drilling permits, even as it continues to review its proposed guidelines for water-based hydrofracking. | 0_0 |
In the charts below, I have given climate alarmists every break. I have used the most drastic CO2 forecast (A2) from the IPCC fourth assessment, and run the numbers for a peak concentration around 800ppm. I have used the IPCCs own formula for the effect of CO2 on temperatures without feedback (Temperature Increase = F(C2) F(C1) where F(c)=Ln (1+1.2c+0.005c^2 +0.0000014c^3) and c is the concentration in ppm). Note that skeptics believe that both the 800ppm assumption and the IPCC formula above overstate warming and CO2 buildup, but as you will see, it is not going to matter. | 5_2 |
No doubt booms bring challenges to communities, but most mayors would welcome them compared to the difficulties caused by economic slowdowns or busts. Gas drilling is not going bust in Pennsylvania, but it is slowing down, and the slowdown negatively affects the economies of communities in the gas fields. | 0_0 |
With a new contract for society, the Council desires to implement the Great Ecological Transformation to a nuclear-free and carbon-free global economy. A powerful, ruling government shall provide for this, and will care for the societal problemtic of non-sustainable living styles. Climate protection will be one of the fundamental targets of the state. Our current parliamentary democratic legal process is to be supplemented by a Future Council which will be expressly superordinate over Parliament, party squabbling and conflicting interests, and will be assembled by draw. | 0_0 |
In contrast, the U. S. Midwest Flood of 1993 reported 48 deaths. | 0_0 |
People have this idea that sailing is cheap, because of the low fuel costs. But blue-water sailors have a saying that goes like this: | 0_0 |
four or eight years, either a marathon or a triathlon. Measuring progress after | 0_0 |
The results show temperatures appear to have been more than 5C warmer in polar regions while the tropics only warmed marginally; strikingly similar to recent trends. Not only this, but taken together, the world appears to have been some 1.9C warmer when compared to preindustrial temperatures. Critically, the warmer temperatures appear to have resulted in global sea levels some 6.6 to 9.4 metres higher than today, with a rate of rise of between 60 to 90 centimetres per decade more than double that recently observed. | 0_0 |
How valid is the 2014 claim? In the 10,000 ??? year context, it is significant because it is among the 3 percent coldest years, which is far more significant than the 100-year warm alarmists proclaim. There are two major reasons: Highest readings occur in the most recent years of a rising temperature record. Every alteration, adjustment amendment and abridgment of the record so far, was done to create and emphasize increasingly higher temperatures. | 5_1 |
This new video is the second in a series revealing the truth about the Obama-EPA's extreme agenda to kill fossil fuels. It follows a video Senator Inhofe highlighted in April, which showed former EPA Region 6 Administrator admitting that EPA's "general philosophy" is to "crucify" and "make examples" of oil and gas companies. | 0_0 |
What I read is that by analyzing the large variance portions of SST with similar methods that look at all Sea Surface Temperatures, they found a different result supporting a very low climate sensitivity to CO2 through observation. It turned out that the tropics are definitely the region of interest in models vs observation. | 3_1 |
GLENN: Right. Wouldnt you just I mean, wouldnt you just be saying that natural cold is overpowering the manmade warmth? I mean, wouldnt that be good? I mean, look, if the cooling is masking the warming, the warming, according to these pinheads, is caused by man. The cooling is not caused by man. So wouldnt it mean that the non-manmade cooling is actually winning out over man? Almost like its weird how the whole system works itself out. | 1_4 |
This results in a hypothesis tests that, on average, do not increase the rate of rejecting IPCC projections when they are correct (i.e. error), but have some chance of rejecting it when it is, in fact, false (i.e. error.) | 0_0 |
The Australian s editors are supposed to be journalists who question everything, not a PR agency who promotes an ideology. In reply the Australian could have been roasting the other media agencies for not covering the photos of Anthony Watts surface stations project, and not exposing the missing ARGO results, and for not printing the worst of the climategate emails in full, in context, and with the job descriptions of the emailers for everyone to see. But then, The Australian, as good as it has been (in comparison), hasnt printed those things either. The field of blind parrots pecks the one-eyed. | 0_0 |
Arctic air will plunge toward the South and East on Wednesday and Thursday, after as much as 2 feet of record-breaking snow buried portions of the upper Midwest, warned USA Today on Tuesday. | 0_0 |
More Problems for the Mann et al. Temperature Record | 0_0 |
Climate models failings with respect to ENSOtheir failures to properly simulate of El Nio- and La Nia-related processeshave been known for years. See Guilyardi et al. (2009) and Bellenger et al (2012) . It is very difficult to find a portionany portionof El Nio and La Nia processes that the models simulate properly. | 5_1 |
Figure 1 from Liu et al., PNAS. | 0_0 |
Forget about the fact that much greater warming and cooler trends have occurred even before industrialization (remember the Ice Age, and the warming after that? That was a bit more than 1/100th of a degree!) These are just some of the facts you need to forget in order to believe that man has any effect on the weather (or women--mustn't forget the women!) | 2_1 |
According to this formulation, conscience is not some vexatious barrier. It is an active, living force something that has an apparentvolition of its own: | 0_0 |
2) Winter To Be Mild Predicts Met Office Daily Express, 28 October 2010 | 0_0 |
In chapters 14 and 15 he discusses photogenic polar bears that are the poster children of the media. Steele writes that polar bears arent going extinct and there never was any warming of their habitats. Evidence is shown by Steele that the local food supply benefits from less ice. | 3_2 |
The citys maximum temperature of 12.1 degrees is four below the average maximum for this time of year. For some western suburbs, it was even colder, only reaching nine in Richmond and 10 in Penrith, both eight below average and their coldest day in at least 15 years. ( source ) | 1_3 |
I thought this post on clouds and climate modeling below from Steve McIntyre??s Climate Audi t was interesting, because it highlights the dreaded ???negative feedbacks?? that many climate modelers say don??t exist. Dr. Richard Lindzen highlighted the importance of negative feedback in a recent WUWT post . | 3_1 |
Just consider the incredible revolution that the genius of American capitalists has presented the world: hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" to tap previously inaccessible oil and gas deposits. This technology has turned "depletion" and "sustainability" claims upside down. It has already doubled US natural gas reserves and given North America over a century of recoverable gas, at current consumption rates. | 4_5 |
A major weapon in the arsenal of environmental activists over the last eight years has been the shareholder resolution. The Wall Street Journal (April 3, 2002) reports that the number of global warming resolutions originating from activists is increasing significantly in 2002. Already 18 resolutions have been filed, more than twice the amount filed in any other year in the previous eight years. | 0_0 |
Not only has the White House discouraged drilling on federal lands, President Obama has used his pen to lock up federal lands with potential development, such as the newly designated Organ Mountain Desert Peaks National Monumentwhich blocks production without analyzing the economic impact. "Every time they lock up federal lands, whether through national monuments, conservation areas, or wilderness areas," Steven Henke, President of New Mexico Oil and Gas Association, told me, "they eliminate the potential for royalties from the federal estate. Those funds benefit both the state and federal government and reduce the burden to the taxpayers." | 0_0 |
So, if a record high temperature is reported on any given day in Las Vegas, it will likely be for these unadjusted, UHI-influenced temperatures?? not from NCDC-adjusted USHCN temperatures (which don??t include these stations anyway). | 5_1 |
Reuters added, "While urging the EU to redouble efforts to get the Protocol ratified so it can come into force, the letter added: "The review of the current EU climate-change policies should also be relevant as an alternative to the Kyoto Protocol in case it does not come into force." | 0_0 |
"Immelt said that a carbon pricing scheme would create jobs Doesn't sound like it, if he has in mind a cap-and-tax scheme. (Here's also a useful primer on costs of global warming policies.)" | 4_1 |
Regulatory capture occurs when special interests co-opt the power of the government in order to advance their own interests at the expense of the public as a whole. Over at RegBlog, there is a 16 part series on regulatory capture, but almost all the contributors make the same mistake of assuming that industry is the only threat. In fact, ideological special interests also capture agencies and, in this manner, push for inefficient or even nonsensical regulations to the detriment of the public good. | 0_0 |
Yesterday, after Mr Huhne issued his first annual statement on Britain's energy future, it was clear that we should all be very, very concerned about the future of Britain. | 0_0 |
Rather than dozens of ugly offshore oil and gas platforms, often dozens of miles from our coasts will America now enjoy seeing thousands of beautiful offshore wind turbines, towering above our beaches and creating obstacle courses for submarines, merchant ships laden with bunker fuel, and more tankers filled with crude oil and far more toxic refined product? | 4_4 |
Die Zeits grotesquesly skewed perception of climate science skepticism includes a one-sided look at the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) and prominent German heavyweight skeptic Fritz Vahrenholt. I will write about that tomorrow. | 0_0 |
There is a large divergence prior to 1900, but for the twentieth century the warming trend is not excessively increased. Further, the warming trend from around 1900 is about half of that in the GISTEMP Southern Hemisphere or global anomalies. Looked in this way Mearns would appear to have a point. But there has been considerable downward adjustment of the early twentieth century warming, so Homewoods claim of cooling the past is also substantiated. This might be the more important aspect, as the adjusted data makes the warming since the mid-1970s appear unusual. | 0_0 |
The BRT also recognizes a role for government in developing new technologies, albeit a small one. "A central policy tenet is that governments cannot foster private sector technology advancement by picking winners and losers," says the report. "Instead, a central role for government is to ensure its policies are coordinated and consistent, and that unintended regulatory, policy and tax impediments to innovation are remedied." | 0_0 |
However, if we refer to the idealised temperature profile of the atmosphere shown above where I have drawn on a line at 282K, we see that except for the first couple of kilometres above the surface and over 110km where the addition of CO2 causes Global cooling. So it is true that: | 2_3 |
Illinois wind generated less than five percent of its capacity during the record breaking heat last week, producing only an average of 120 MW of electricity from the over 2,700 MW installed. On July 6th, when the demand for electricity in northern Illinois and Chicago averaged 22,000 MW, the average amount of wind power available during the day was a virtually nonexistent four MW, less than the output of two large wind turbines, or about and enough power to operate 4,000 blow dryers. In fact, the most electricity wind produced on any day during last weeks heat wave was an average of 320 MW on July 3rd, or about 10 percent of the capacity of the wind turbines built in Illinois, when temperatures soared to 103 degrees. | 4_4 |
So with all but a few data series not artificially augmented, Jim Bouldin (PhD) has determined that little Jeff Id BS, has no clue what he is talking about thus the BS I suppose. | 0_0 |
In the short and medium term, the U.S. can do little to bring about an effective global accord on GHG controls. Simple math reveals that GHG control is better viewed as the subject of a global bargain than as a domestic pollution control issue. ACESA's approach amounts to giving away one of this country's biggest bargaining chips, its expenditures on domestic GHG controlsand to giving it away before the hard bargaining has even begun. The U.S. has not used this approach in previous negotiations on trade, arms, or other important mattersand for very good reasons. | 0_0 |
Col. Cunningham led off the discussion by talking about the earth's geological history and fluctuating nature of carbon levels. He interjected interesting points taken from his experiences as an Apollo astronaut and urged the crowd to "not just believe what they're being told, but to check the facts for themselves." He included what he was telling them in that admonition. | 0_0 |
The failed hypothesis of dangerous man-made global warming is already discredited not only by the so-called "pause" in the rise of global temperatures. But it is also untenable because the very concept of a global climate is bogus to begin with, according to respected analyst Dr Vincent Gray. | 1_4 |
In 1990, the Broncos lost the Superbowl 55-10 to San Francisco (they scored two more than 2014.) Since then, there has been almost no warming on the planet. The graph below removes the Pinatubo cooled years of 1992-1994. | 1_4 |
Climate Conspiracy Written by Peter Wood and Ashley Thorne | 5_2 |
???There is surely some limit to how long increasing carbon dioxide can continue to promote plant growth that absorbs carbon dioxide,?? Saleska said. ???Carbon dioxide is food for plants, and putting more food out there stimulates them to ???eat?? more. However, just like humans, eventually they get full and putting more food out doesn??t stimulate more eating.?? | 3_3 |
The eight researchers report that the 1.5??C increase in temperature significantly advanced crop phenophases, leading to a reduction in the length of the entire growth period of about ten days, with the result that grain yields rose due to "the mitigation of low temperature limitation during the pre-anthesis phase and to the avoidance of hot-dry stress during the post-anthesis phase." In addition, they indicate that the areas of flag leaves and total green leaves at anthesis, as well as the 1000-grain weight of the plants, were 36.0, 19.2 and 5.9% higher in the warmed plots than in the unaltered control, respectively. And the net effect of these several warmth-induced changes was a mean grain yield increase of 16.3%. | 3_2 |
The dissertation paper, written by professional mountain guide and climate change campaigner Dario-Andri Schworer while he was studying for a geography degree, quotes observations from interviews with around 80 mountain guides in the Bernina region of the Swiss Alps. | 0_0 |
Click on figure to view a diagram of a cosmic ray shower | 0_0 |
Boone : This would be the case frequently. And it would rarely achieve its rated capacity, producing most at times of least demand. Whatever it generated would be continuously skittering, intensifying, magnifying the destabilizing effects of demand fluctuations, for wind volatility is virtually indistinguishable from the phenomenon of people whimsically turning their appliances off and on. But wind fluctuations are in addition to those of demand, and even more volatileboth on a minute-by-minute basis and at wide scale, where whole days can pass with wind production at less than 10% of its rated capacity. | 4_4 |
MOOSE: Ah, these amateur philosophers aint worth hurtin. Now blow, Socrates, before I squeeze your spinal column into some symbolic logic. | 0_0 |
St Cloud, Minnesota, is experiencing its snowiest April ever. | 0_0 |
LIA = Little Ice Age, MCA = Medieval Warm Period. Note top graph appears to be based upon one of Mann's bogus temperature reconstructions. Remaining graphs show SST reconstructions along southern coast of Chile. | 5_2 |
On March 14, 2012, the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council bought air time in 12 major media markets in Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., for an advertisement depicting children with oxygen masks roaming the halls of Congress. A narrator begins, | 0_0 |
It began when police in Lexington, Ky., were following a suspect who allegedly had sold crack cocaine to an informer and then walked into an apartment building. They did not see which apartment he entered, but when they smelled marijuana smoke come from one of the apartments, they wrongly assumed he had gone into that one. They pounded on the door and called "Police. Police. Police," and heard the sounds of people moving. | 0_0 |
CCD Editor's Note: It's shameful how Gore utilizes hate speech and misinformation to further his own agenda. Note all the inconsistencies in his speech. From Tech Times : | 5_2 |
The idea that CO2 has been an important driver of global temperature over the last 400,000 years is not supported by the evidence. | 2_3 |
Environment Minister Segolene Royal said in May France would unilaterally introduce a carbon price floor of about 30 euros ($33) a ton in order to kickstart broader European action to cut emissions to meet the EU's Paris climate agreement commitments. The announcement pushed power prices higher in the spring. Now sources within the government say the measure is too complicated to put in place and might be unconstitutional. Les Echos quoted one source saying, "In the current context, is difficult, due to concerns about employment, legal difficulties, and security of supply." | 0_0 |
The big problem that I see for the hypothesis that GHGs rule the temperature is that over the period of the CERES data, we should have seen a shift of almost two watts in the downwelling total radiation but I find no such thing in the dataset. So I throw this question out to the climate science community at large. | 2_3 |
The estimates of 0.5 to 1 watts/m^2 (watts per square meter, referenced to Earths surface area) are only 0.15 % to 0.29 % of the 341 watts/m^2 estimated amount of sunlight at the top of the atmosphere shown in Figure 1. | 0_0 |
The difference between this forecast and the IPCCs, is that this forecast is based on actual data. | 5_1 |
Walked Chicken B. Little. A scientist, mind! | 0_0 |
For 85 years the trend was pretty much consistent, hovering at about 8.2 or 8.3C. As indicated by the bold black line, there was an increase from 1900 to 1935, followed by a slight decrease from 1935 to 1985, i.e. in a time when CO2 emissions were rising strongly worldwide. | 2_3 |
One of the most astonishing quotes comes from Bert Bolin (he of the IPCC, who had decided prior to the IPCCs formation that CO2 was responsible for the present warming), who says of Svensmarks work: | 0_0 |
"Just like temperature, radiant energy flows do not add. Lumping two 70 balls of clay together doesn't result in a single ball that's 140 , nor do 70 watts per square meter beaming back onto a body that's radiating 70 raise it to 140 . Frankly, it is stupid to think otherwise." | 0_0 |
Once an official or professional shows that he shares the manners, the tastes, the interests of the class, gives lip service to its ideals and shibboleths, and is willing to accommodate the interests of its senior members, he can move profitably among our establishment's parts. | 0_0 |
In this case, the error in the trends is not different from zero in either the SH or the NH. So my calculations show that the value of the net sun (solar radiation minus albedo reflections) is quite sufficient to explain both the annual and decadal temperature variations, in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, from 1984 to 1997. This is particularly significant because this is the period of the large recent warming that people claim is due to CO2. | 2_1 |
Conclusion: Paleo-climate empirical evidence from the Roman Period indicates that natural climate change causes unprecedented warming , which also may have been the dominant causal factor the modern warming during the 1980-1990's period. | 2_1 |
it raises some interesting results the analysis will not likely lie near to | 0_0 |
Since Mr. Trotsky also indicates that the only alternative position to the idea that the end justifies the means is some form of absolutistic ethics based on the alleged deliverances of conscience, or a moral sense, or some brand of eternal truths, I wish to say that I write from a standpoint that rejects all such doctrines as definitely as does Mr. Trotsky himself, and that I hold that the end in the sense of consequences provides the only basis for moral ideas and action, and therefore provides the only justification that can be found for means employed. | 0_0 |
This Monday, Americans celebrated Presidents Day. Of course, the holiday is scheduled around George Washington's birthday. In RealClearMarkets this week, CEI Director of the Center for Investors and Entrepreneurs John Berlau explained why George Washington should be remembered not only as our first president, but as a truly brilliant entrepreneur. Read the full piece here. | 0_0 |