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The mentality of assuming that other peoples bad behaviour is our fault is one of the most suicidal tendencies that is currently in fashion in the West. From our comfy middle class enclaves, it is easy to forget that in the real world, the struggle for power and resources is as red in tooth and claw as it ever was.
Such votes may seem like inside-the-Beltway baseball, but they're also a window into a party's soul. Conservatives will argue that the GOP needs to return to its traditional conservative roots on matters like illegal immigration, the various aspects of which (border security, amnesty, national ID) divide the party. Moderates tend to avoid such wedge issues and instead stress outreach and expanding the loyal Republican base; in Florida, for example, Crist and Greer have embarked on get-out-the-vote efforts targeting Latinos.
The decade with the most record monthly maximum temperatures, was the 1930s. Ten months set their all time record below 350 ppm CO2.
Read here and here . Left/liberal/progressive/Democrat oriented groups just can't leave the proven scientific process and methodologies alone. They literally have to "buy" their "science" by financially contributing to scientists who will then likely perform the left's advocacy work as "independent" scientists, gratis. The Pew Environmental Group is one of the Big Green organizations that lays out the dollars on PhDs to hopefully enhance the desired activist "science" outcome.
This notion was the central feature of the 1997 ByrdHagel Resolution, which unanimously passed the Senate, establishing conditions for the U.S. becoming a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol and remains the primary reason why the U.S. never ratified that treaty.
Hill-Carrboro school district is considering making 61 the lowest grade
I would have thought the CO2 enhanced warming would have been further along by now. Maybe the graphs are inverted?
The data, analyzed by Robert Balling, director of the Office of Climatology at Arizona State University, shows rising temperatures from 1878 to 1950 and then cooling until the 1980s. The last decade, says Balling, "has been dominated by high temperatures. The total record shows a warming trend of 0.71 degrees C."
On June 12, David Karoly stated of the then recently disappeared Gergis et al:
This they did by integrating into a wildfire modeling scheme information about millennial-scale changes in wildfire activity reconstructed from analyses of charred particles found in the sediments of eleven small lakes located in the transition zone between the boreal mixed-wood forests and the dense needleaf forests of eastern boreal Canada. And what did they find?
In May 2012, I did a quick calculation incorporating more recent Hantemirov data, showing that the resulting modern portion was remarkably similar (TM-climate science) to the green chronology of my September 2009 and had an almost identical discrepancy to the Briffa et al superstick. For reasons that remain unclear, Hantemirov objected to the calculation (see comments within post) and, once again, Real Climate screeched in fury.
Yeah, And isnt the development well back from the watercourse and arent there platypuses in the Yarra as far downstream as the suburb of Heidelberg in Melbourne.
Floods are occurring in the western and southern Cape as I write this email. This is the region that FIFTEEN scientists predicted would become warmer and drier as a result of global warming, (Midgley et al 2005).
Funding Flows for Climate Change Research and Related Activities
Part of that history is Oslo, too, which for a fleeting moment seemed to suggest that sanity had at last prevailed. But despite Arafat's glitter in Gaza, and vigorous handshakes on the White House lawn, Oslo dodged the tough issues, leaving them to be adjudicated in so-called "final-status talks." Progress under Oslo fell hostage to traumatic events: the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the debut of Hamas suicide bombers in Jerusalem. Before long, Oslo had receded from memory, becoming part of the history that oppresses rather than liberates this region. Final-status talks at Camp David and Taba had broken down, and the parties had resumed an activity at which both were exceedingly proficient: killing each other.
The 1910-1940 warming was nearly identical to the 1975-2000 warming. Blaming the 1975-2000 warming on CO2 isnt going to fly. It was due primarily to the PDO shift in the mid-1970s.
"Policy makers are working behind the scenes to come up with a way to let states declare bankruptcy and get out from under crushing debts, including the pensions they have promised to retired public workers."
As reported in The Heartland Institute's Environment & Climate News, "European governments, once at the vanguard of renewable energy mandates, appear to be having second thoughts about their reliance on giant wind farms " There has been a sharp drop in such projects with installations plunging 90% in Denmark, 75% in Italy, and 84% in Spain.
Vilsack insisted at the time that the planting restrictions were necessary to help biotech and organic crops coexist more peacefully. But such unprecedented restrictions ignore the realities of seed production and give short shrift to the needs of conventional farmers. It seems that the secretary of agriculture needs a cram course in plant biology and genetics, as well as in the USDA's own regulations.
The Daily Signal reports on the subpoena sent to CEI by Attorney General Claude Walker as part of the intimidation campaign to silence the debate on climate change.
To all appearances, then, GHG control requires action on a global scale, and most of what we know about efforts to restrict open access property rights tells us that a strong global GHG control pact will be an especially difficult challenge. Yet climate change is a threat, even if assessing its severity and timing remains difficult. U.S. climate policy can do no better than to make the best of the options that are actually available, even if they fall far short of offering final solutions.
Senator Reid may believe that compelling and subsidizing increased renewable energy use, while undermining and even outlawing conventional energy, is the way to economic growth and energy independence. In reality, this reckless scheme could easily cause the collapse of our energy grid, job creation, economy and living standards, just as it is already doing in Europe.
Higgins? campaign reminds me of a banner at a climate-change demo a few years ago which said ?trees don?t rape?. The message here is the same: nature is pure, innocent, helpless, while man is repugnant, exploiting, violent. That is, every man who is not already a diehard green, that apparently enlightened kind of individual who assumes he has the right to tell the rest of us that we need to venerate nature, or else.
thinks the ?right? answer is more like our detrended results in the
18. Does the threat of major climate change justify drastic reductions in CO2 emissions by the United States and other nations?
The world has not warmed up very much since the millennium. Twelve years is a reasonable time it (the temperature) has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising carbon dioxide is rising, no question about that.
Detailed rumor: gluon+b goes to b+Higgs: MSSM with large beta
"I've long thought that man-made carbon-dioxide emissions will raise global temperatures, but that this effect will not be amplified much by feedbacks from extra water vapor and clouds, so the world will probably be only a bit more than one degree Celsius warmer in 2100 than today."
Note: You may be thinking that there might actually be a physical explanation for the monstrously excessive response of the HADMAT2-ERSST.v4 difference to the solar cycle data. Keep in mind, though, that the response to volcanic aerosols is solar relatedinasmuch as the volcanic aerosols limit the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the oceans. You can argue all you want about whatever it is you want to argue about, but unless you can support those claims with data-based analysis or studies, all youre providing is conjecture. We get enough model-based conjecture from the climate science communitywe dont need any more.
In the 20th century, a similar transition from a period of primarily bilateral trade to global export competition occurred in wheat and later in steel, and the United States and Canada clashed as they became rivals for overseas markets. Today's calm could become the calm before a storm that neither country wants. Better to initiate a dialogue on natural gas now. U.S. midterm elections in 2014, a Canadian federal election in 2015, and the next U.S. presidential election in 2016 are all looming on the political horizon and each contest, in its own way, will complicate the environment for improving bilateral cooperation on energy and the environment.
Despite corruption and bureaucracy, strong markets have grown up in developing countries. Kenya is a case in point. It leapfrogged the Western world's development process for mobile communications technology. Kenyans went from having few telephones to virtually everyone having a mobile phone without needing the stage of landline infrastructure in between. A similar process is now taking place in personal finance.
The poll showed, for example, that Guardian/Independent readers are no more likely to have taken any specific energy saving actions than tabloid readers, and are actually less likely to have insulated their homes.
Due to these factors, we will temporarily cease to offer tomatoes on your sandwhich. As soon as the tomato crop returns to normal we will add them back to your sandwiches.
>> >things since my return from Washington, but am slowly getting
The White House has previously withstood furious diplomatic lobbying from fellow G-8 members, notably in 2005 at the summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. Despite pressure from summit host Tony Blair, the U.S. maintained its position that energy poverty is not an answer to any of the world's problems, and that economic growth and technological adaptation are humanity's best strategy for dealing with any environmental challenges.
G lobally, each day, there are around four million hooks in the worlds oceans fishing for tuna and swordfish.
Canada's Emission Reduction Program Has Failed Miserably, Total Loss Of Govt Funds; CO2 Up 35% Since Kyoto
But with the New Year its time for a new approach: its time industry leaders took the high moral ground for once and confronted the issue of the barrages that have destroyed the River Murrays estuary.
Never mind the record low attained in Northern Ireland this weekend. I can't remember a time when so much snow has lain so thickly on the ground, and we haven't even reached Christmas. And this is the third tough winter in a row. Is it really true that no one saw this coming?
on Thursday, February 17th, 2011 at 8:31 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
Nasas Oceans Melting Greenland study will deploy 200 robot probes to measure the full extent of Arctic climate change
With this the greetings and invitation not to trust too partisan opinions emerged very clearly as, for example, The administration Bush actually tried to drive certain reports sullambiente to promote the use of fossil fuels and make the situation seem less severe than real so without unnecessary catastrophism and right that the country of the sun and wind to think and acquire soon an energy system with a strong presence of renewable energy, just so we can meet the energy challenges of the future.
Residents in Sheffield and other parts of South Yorkshire can smell it due to the weather conditions that we had last night, which have encouraged it to spread.
This is evident in his most recent letter in which he outlines "Everything You Need to Know About Global Warming in 5 Minutes." It contains the standard doomster litany about climate change. The costs of doing nothing include "probable political destabilization from droughts, famine, mass migrations, and even war."
A recent paper in the journal Nature concluded that species extinction caused by habitat loss is happening less than half as fast as usually estimated. The normal method for calculating rates of extinction assumes that doomed species merely cling temporarily to a shrunken patch of habitat, on their way to disappearing (an idea called "extinction debt"). Apparently, this isn't the case: Although a larger patch of habitat has more species in it, shrinking a patch does not lead to a proportional rate of species loss.
Many coupled general circulation models (GCMs) of the atmosphere tend to underpredict the presence of subtropical marine stratocumulus clouds and fail to predict the seasonal cycle of such clouds. These deficiencies are important because marine stratocumulus clouds have a major impact on sea surface temperatures below them; and they thereby impact many subsidiary phenomena with far-reaching climatic consequences. What was done
Then in 2010, Kerry and fellow Senator Joe Lieberman co-sponsored a failed attempt to pass a cap-and-trade end-run called the "American Power Act." A more appropriate description, however, would have been "American power grab" since, in reality, it had little to do with developing our nation's vast domestic fossil energy resources. Rather, it emphasized ways to mitigate the alleged effects of carbon-based energy upon climate and expand government bureaucracy by creating at least 60 expensive new agencies and projects.
According to the radiative-convective equilibrium concept, the equation for determining global average surface temperature of the planet is
The "forgotten man" theme arises from the ideological sleight of hand at the core of the New Deal. The phrase originated with the supposed "Social Darwinist" William Graham Sumner, who had in mind the taxpayer who was the forgotten third party when politicians dreamt up schemes of social improvement that depended on the forgotten man to provide the means. The New Deal turned this on its head through its portrayal of the "forgotten man" as the little guy left behind in the collapse of economic growth. Instead of being the productive citizen best left alone by government, the forgotten man of the New Deal was the lowly citizen whose salvation depended on government.
It is described on the institutes website as a major sponsor and was joint second in Teris Environmental Excellence Award in 2008.
In the following three graphs, were comparing data for the evolution of the 2014/15 El Nio so far (through month-to-date August 2014) with the data for the evolutions of the 1982/83 and 1997/98 El Nios. The Warm Water Volume data are the top graphs and the depth-averaged temperature data are the bottom graphs. As youll see, the curves of two datasets are similar.
I'm not sure to which "pediatricians" Stonyfield refers, but both the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association have deemed milk from rbST-treated cows to be safe.
Read here . It is common knowledge that global temperatures have not increased over the last 15 years despite massive new amounts of human CO2 emissions. And it is well known that the IPCC climate "experts" have been massively befuddled by this.
Meanwhile, correspondent Black tries to convince us that the majority of Himalayan glaciers are growing. Late last year, says Black, the Kathmandu-based International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (Icimod) released data showing that across 10 regularly studied glaciers, the rate of ice loss had doubled since the 1980s.
1. "We need a broad social movement supporting climate protection." No, we don't need that. Climate is the statistical median of weather parameters of 30 years. Nobody can protect statistic medians.
Suddenly we are also seeingstudies showing that warming wont be so bad after all, and that CO2 climate sensitivity is much lower than first thought. The policy-making pressure coming from the threat of climate change is disappearing rapidly.
7. How did the environmentalists make New Orleans more susceptible to flooding?
Figure 3. Projected global temperature rise from the IPCC?s business-as-usual (A1B) scenario (black curve) and the Kerry-Lieberman emissions scenario as applied to the U.S. (red curve), the OECD90 countries (magenta curve), and the entire world (blue curve).
This year is likely to be the ninth warmest on record, with global temperatures in 2012 cooler than the average for the past decade
Chapter 6, by Roger A. SedjoForests: Conflicting Signals
Just last year experts at the International Energy Agency proposed a target for China"s carbon emissions to peak in 2020 before declining if the world were to be saved from devastating climate change. Too late now.
Can you spell out what your expertise is in this area which makes you a suitable witness for the US Congress?
The warming effect of 4,500 ppm was pretty small, too. The total warming is approximately proportional to the logarithm of the relative concentration increase. You know, the warming doesn't start to accelerate when the concentrations grow (an obvious myth that some people want to be promoted among the gullible laymen): quite on the contrary, the warming effect of one CO2 molecule slows down as the concentration increases.
Like hydro-power, wind power is limited, with few suitable sites, and every wind turbine slows the wind, thus reducing the wind energy available to any downwind turbines. It is renewable but it is not unlimited.
Stanley Young provides statistics showing air quality standards are not improving public health. Young notes air quality has not been a significant health risk since before the Environmental Protection Agency issued its first set of clean air regulations in the 1970s.
My hunch, though, is that the Court agreed to review the case because some Judges do have serious concerns about the legality of EPA's regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from stationary sources.
That's right. A tiny fraction of one degree. Over an 85-year period.
Moreover, some treaty proponents point to expansive litigation possibilities. For instance, William C.G. Burns, a professor at Monterey Institute of International Studies, contends that LOST ``may prove to be one of the primary battlegrounds for climate change issues in the future.''
Often taken for granted, energy is an integral component of human life all across the world. By tapping many of its uncovered resources, America has the potential to be the world's largest producer of energy. With the right policies in place, tapping this energy can help create a vibrant and prosperous economy for decades to come.
Link to study: Why Ending the Renewable Energy Mandate Is Good for Ohio Families and the Economy
So from a global perspective, it doesnt seem like the planets plant life is responding negatively to climate change. Are some species suffering? Undoubtedly. But, as is also the case, many others are flourishing. And in net, the change in plant growth since the early 1980s is positive.
While most of the Czech population tends to be slightly negative about the radar, there also exist early speculations that Czechia could eventually host both the radar as well as the missiles themselves (instead of Poland). From an administrative viewpoint, it would be a cleaner solution, I think.
Change. Top 400 Charities See Billions Less in Donations:
Muller had previously been claimed by those unconvinced by the science as one of their own, because hequestionedthe validity of Manns hockey stick graph, used by Al Gore in his filmAn Inconvenient Truth.
The Australian has been taking heat from the rest of the Australian media (notably Fairfax and ABC employees, and a couple of book writing academics). Its not that The Australian has held back on publishing the illogical, unreasonable PR, and baseless posturing of vested-carbon-scare-interests, no sir. They are just as ready as anyone to publish the unscientific Lomborgs , Orsekes , and Hamiltons . The real issue at stake is censorship. The rest of the media thinks The Australian should do more of it. They disparage The Australian in scathing terms, not for what it wont publish, but because it does not shield the dumb punters enough. The Australian commits the sin of giving some column space to people who dont hold UN-approved-views.
Like Penny Wong before him, Minister Combet has been captured by the self-seeking, alarmist global warming rhetoric of the United Nations IPCC and its supporters. Surely the Government should conduct an inquiry before acting on such impaired advice, yet the advice stands unaudited? There are no checks and balances, and no formal oversight. To commit our nation to deliberate economic hardship, and that of a regressive nature, without even seeking a second opinion would in any other circumstances be considered both foolish and unacceptable (remember Tirath Khemlani, and the bypassing of the Loans Council?).
My concern as a climatologist was that too many pieces didnt fit or were ignored in the complex weather systems that, on average, are climate. Most troubling initially was the effective omission of water vapor as a greenhouse gas (Figure 1).
Such a move would face up to reality and would receive bipartisan support in the United States. Susan Schwab, who headed the office of the U.S. Trade Representative under President Bush, has asserted bluntly: "The Doha Round has failed. It is time for the international community to acknowledge this sad fact and move on." She is backed by all U.S. business sectors. The Doha Round for the service industries "holds no promise," states Robert Vastine of the U.S. Coalition of Service Industries: "Why are we wasting our time?" His views are echoed by the U.S. manufacturing industry, whose spokesman, Frank Vargo, of the National Association of Manufacturers, asserts "The Doha Round has failed miserably in generating new market access."
"The US government continues to keep prohibition of online gambling in place in the country, meanwhile, other countries have moved towards regulating the billion dollar industry. Now, as the prohibition continues, ChiliGaming is about to show once again just how ridiculous the current US laws are."
President Barack Obama Already Dealing with Global Warming
Of the 100 papers we identified, 65 didnt have anything to do with recent global temperature trends (these typified papers published prior to about 2010). Of the remaining 35 papers, every single one of them acknowledged in some way that a hiatus, pause, or slowdown in global warming was occurring.
Senator Brown said coal companies, as major climate change contributors , should pay a 40 per cent resources super profits tax to pay for the clean-up.
With barely any time to recover from jet lag, CFACT's "climate truth squad" arrived in Warsaw over the weekend and immediately went into action. First up was a conference hosted by Fundacj im Bolestawa Chrobrego, a Polish think tank that assembled a powerful coalition of experts drawn from the fields of science, labor, government, and public policy to talk about the dangers of a new international climate treaty on global prosperity and freedom.
LONDON (A.P.).-The earth isgetting warmer. The oceans aregetting deeper. The glaciers aregetting smaller. Even the fish are changing their way of life.
Footprint is thus 2 MW/km2 or 5.13 MW/mile2
It has now been 831 days since the US was struck by any hurricane, and 6,695 days since the US was hit by a category 5 hurricane.
"If it wants to fix the appalling mess that medical care has become at Washington D.C.'s Walter Reed hospital, the Department of the Army might take a quick trip down Georgia Avenue to the Department of Veteran's Affairs Washington, D.C. medical center. The VA hospital system, which once produced regular horror stories similar to Walter Reed's, has emerged as one of the best-run federal agencies. The Department of Defense should look to imitate it while simultaneously freeing military health care from the constraints a VA-like system would almost certainly impose on those who have DOD pay for their health care."
Our calculated global warming in this case is 16C, with warming at the poles approximately 30C. Calculated warming over land areas averages approximately 20C.
These estimates are much lower than previous estimates, particularly on the implied acceleration. For instance Rignot et al 2011 looking at the period calculated polar ice melt contribution to sea levels of 0.91 mm yr 1 , 50% higher than the UNIPCC. Further the acceleration on this paper from polar ice melt was 0.1 mm yr 2 1 mm yr 2 and 0. 133 mm yr 2 including non-polar ice melt. Even at this rate of acceleration ice melt would only contribute 6 inches (150mm) to sea level rise. The upper NOAA estimates seem to be based upon taking this extreme figures and doubling them.
Another renowned scientist with objections to the Big Bang had additional problems in the 1930s. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for thephotoelectric effect . He was a marked man in his Nazi occupied homeland and luckily fled to America in 1933. Einstein was in the unfortunate position of begging for funds to develop an atomic weapon. His begging letters to FDR are available on-line.
23 See citations in Corporate Environmental Enforcement Council, supra note 17, pp. 13-15.
Ironically, it is Schneiderman whose claims about global warming are at odds with actual climate data over the last 30 years, not Exxon.
Following the early Holocene warming Siple Dome data indicate significant cooling between 6400 and 6200 years ago, followed by relatively milder temperatures over East Antarctica 6000 3000 years ago that lasted until about 1200 years ago in the Siple Dome area. There then seems to have been a flattening and a slight decline in temperature starting 1200 1000 years ago, followed by warming in the last few decades.
Roughly speaking, there are two major coursechanging techniques.
??? The density, scalability, and portability of oil, gas, and coal make them affordable, reliable, and flexible for average consumers,?? my article concluded. ???Wind turbines and solar panels, contrarily, are expensive, intermittent, and inflexibleand have their own set of health and safety issues.??
Lohmann et al plotted the geologically reconstructed temperatures and compared them to modeled temperature curves from the ECHO-G Model. What did they find? The modeled trends underestimated the geologically reconstructed temperature trend by a factor of two to five. Other scientists have come up with similar results (e.g. Lorenz et al. 2006, Brewer et al. 2007, Schneider et al. 2010).
This question about whether or not the IPCC model predictions(as represented by the GISS models) are still consistent even withthe largeLoeb et alestimate should have been a majorpart of their article.The Loeb et al 2012 even cited the Hansen paper but did not take the next step and complete model and observational comparisons. That the IPCC models are close to being refuted with respect to the magnitude of global warmingeven with the large Loeb et al values is an unspoken result of their findings. They missed a major implication from their results.
Virtually all the advice from the Left on this subject has been for scientists to improve their communication skills, as if another layer of spin will help. As the British government's new chief scientific adviser notes, perhaps the best advice is simply for scientists to be more honest about the uncertainties in climate-change science. That will allow their advice to be given the correct weight by the public and their representatives in the democratic process. Any other advice is simply confused.
Ed Contoski and I examine the research showing renewable energyincluding wind, solar, and ethanolhas no substantial place in our nation's energy mix. Along the way, we explore how misplaced fears of anthropogenic global warming have led to erroneous beliefs in the value of renewable energy.
Although Wilson claims his species-area curve has been "established by hundreds of independent studies," the criticisms of it are born out in real-world observations. "In the eastern United States, for example, during the first 300 years of European settlement, woodlands were broken up into fragments, none large than 1 to 2 percent of the original vast forest, but only three forest birds became extinct the carolina parakeet, the passenger pigeon, and the ivory-billed woodpecker. Moreover, habitat loss probably did not play the major role in their demise: The parakeet and the pigeon were hunted to death. (U.S. News, p. 82)