total hydrogen consumption decreases significantly as API gravity
and HP increase. As discussed above, Low API refineries have much
larger hydrocrackers (HYK), one of the largest consumers of hydro-
gen in refineries [12]. Removal of crude sulfur content also con-
sumes a large amount of hydrogen. Table S2 shows that average
crude sulfur content decreases monotonically from Low API to
High API refineries, which drives the reduction in hydrogen con-
sumption. Hydrogen demand in the High API/High HP group of
refineries is reduced further because the sulfur removal require-
ment via hydroprocessing in HP is low relative to gasoline and
Fig. 3 also shows that the amount of hydrogen from SMR
decreases significantly as API gravity and HP yield increase. A con-
sequence of this lower share of hydrogen from the SMR results in a
higher overall energy efficiency for the High API/High HP refinery
group because hydrogen consumption via SMR is relatively ineffi-
cient (70% efficiency) compared to other refinery units, resulting
in significant energy burdens for products of hydrocracking and
hydrotreating units. Hydrogen is also a co-product of catalytic
reforming, which produces high-octane reformate that contributes
to the gasoline pool. Thus, hydrogen originating from catalytic
reformers has a significantly lower energy burden relative to
hydrogen produced from the SMR.
3.2. Product-specific efficiency
Fig. 4 shows the calculated average and variation of product-
specific efficiencies for each group of refineries using the energy
allocation method. The product-specific efficiency for all products
in the High API/High HP group are consistently higher than the
other two refinery groups, mainly due to more favorable crude
quality, higher HP yields and lower complexity. These results are
consistent with those recently reported by Elgowainy et al. [12],
which showed (1) among refinery products, gasoline has the low-
est efficiency, (2) RFO has the highest efficiency, and (3) diesel can
display a wide range of efficiencies. In the latter case, Forman et al.
[9] showed that tighter regulation of aromatics in CARB diesel
combined with refineries that utilize multiple inefficient units via
deep-conversion pathways can result in relatively low diesel effi-
ciency. Although noted only for California refineries, its impact
can exacerbate the already wide range of diesel efficiencies in
refineries outside California [9], in general due to the relatively
inefficient diesel refining pathways. Interestingly, HP yield has a
much larger impact on the refining efficiency of RFO compared to
the impact of API gravity. The lower refining efficiency of RFO with
lower HP yield is likely due to the larger share of HP components
from downstream processes (e.g., HYK and coker), which carry lar-
ger energy and emission burdens.
It is important to note that the estimation of product-specific
efficiencies (as well as energy intensities) depends on allocation
approaches. As mentioned earlier, a marginal approach employed
in the JRC study results in a lower refining efficiency (or higher
energy intensity) of diesel than of gasoline in the EU refineries
because the EU refineries operate at the diesel limit, while the US
refineries operate at the gasoline limit. In this study, on the other
hand, an attributional approach is applied where process energy
in each process unit is allocated to its products based on the prod-
ucts’ energy content. One could argue that, on the other hand, a
market-value-based allocation could in principle be more consis-
tent with the LP modeling approach since refineries operate to
maximize profit rather than energy efficiency. Elgowainy et al.
(2014) compared the product-specific efficiencies by a market-
value-based allocation with those by an energy-based allocation,
and observed no statistically significant differences between them
for all refined products (except for coke). This study also conducted
a process level market-value allocation, and found a similar trend
as shown in Fig. S5.
Fig. 2. Overall refinery efficiency.
Fig. 3. Hydrogen consumption in kJ of hydrogen/MJ crude (Each box represent the
hydrogen from each source. ‘‘Purchase’’ refers to hydrogen produced outside of the
gate of the refinery, typically external steam methane reformers [SMR]) while
‘‘SMR’’ refers to internal production of H2 through SMR of NG within the refinery.
‘‘Reformer’’ refers to H2 from catalytic reformers).
J. Han et al. / Fuel 157 (2015) 292–298
Fig. 5 illustrates the energy intensities of petroleum products
for each group. Each bar denotes the contribution of each input
into the particular petroleum product. The energy intensity of a
given product is simply the aggregation of energy burdens (allo-
cated at the processing unit level) along the pathways that lead
to that product pool. The derivatives of crude and purchased HP,
as well as purchase butane and purchased blendstocks, comprise
the product pool. For example, HP, purchased in the form of heavy
gas oil or vacuum gas oil as a feed for the FCC, is processed into the
components of gasoline, distillate and residual oil, while purchased
butane and other blendstocks, such as reformate, alkylate and iso-
merate, are blended directly into the gasoline pool. Therefore, we
noticed that the sum of crude inputs—purchased HP, purchased
butane and blendstocks—are generally consistent, although the
compositions of the individual product pools are different. The dif-
ferent inputs that contribute to the individual product pools are
likely driven by the refinery complexity and installed capacity of
process units and determined through refinery optimization. For
example, the relatively smaller FCC refining capacities in the High
API/High HP group result in a smaller contribution from purchased
HP relative to other groups throughout all products (see Table S3).
Notably, the FCC capacities in the Low API and High API/Low HP
refinery groups are similar, affording similar contributions of pur-
chased HP in each refinery group.
Consistent with the discussion above related to hydrogen con-
sumption, higher product-specific efficiencies and lower energy
intensities are observed in the High API/High HP refinery groups,