stringlengths 0
the three groups of refineries described here, the major difference |
in the energy intensity is the amount of purchased natural gas for |
utilities and hydrogen production, while the sum of feed refinery |
inputs are generally constant. Thus, in principle, GHG intensive |
refineries have the capacity to reduce life-cycle GHG emissions if |
process fuels can be derived from renewable sources (e.g., renew- |
able natural gas from anaerobic digestion of organic waste) instead |
of fossil-fuel based natural gas, even though supplying a noticeable |
amount of renewable process fuels to refineries is challenging and |
may affect the economics of refineries adversely. |
Systematic disaggregation of GHG emissions by each fuel-cycle |
stage revealed the impacts of technical variations in refineries in |
the refining life-cycle stage. Refineries with higher resource effi- |
ciency tend to process heavier crude and yield more of the gasoline |
and distillate, but are generally less energy-efficient and produce |
more GHG emissions compared to refineries with higher HP yield, |
i.e., less resource-efficient. |
Although the results of this study are limited to assessment of |
the investigated group of refineries, this work has shown that by |
grouping refineries into different groups it is possible to simplify |
the understanding of refinery energy and GHG intensities. These |
results highlight the GHG emissions cost a refiner pays to process |
deep into the barrel to produce more of the desired fuels (gasoline |
and distillate). Within the context of possible future policy scenar- |
ios, these results would likely be very different if refiners opti- |
mized for GHG emissions in addition to profit. Despite this, it is |
clear that even if a refiner produced more HP for export at the |
expense of gasoline and distillate, these HP (with higher carbon |
Fig. 6. Life-cycle GHG emissions of gasoline, diesel, and residual fuel oil, as well as overall petroleum products for each group of refineries. |
J. Han et al. / Fuel 157 (2015) 292–298 |
297 |
content) will ultimately be consumed in the wider economy, pro- |
ducing additional GHG emissions. Further work can complement |
this study to better understand the environmental implications |
of crude sourcing and refinery yields in various markets. |
Acknowledgment |
We gratefully acknowledge the support of Sasol Synfuels |
International and Jacobs Consultancy by providing data and giving |
permission to publish this manuscript. This research effort by |
Argonne National Laboratory was supported by the Bioenergy |
Technology Office and the Vehicle Technology Office of the US |
Department |
of |
Energy’s |
Office |
of |
Energy |
Efficiency |
and |
Renewable Energy under Contract Number DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
Appendix A. Supplementary material |
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in |
the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2015.03.038. |
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