12 values
I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 and every so often, without any apparent reason, while my phone is idle sitting on my desk (no dock or anything; it's just laying on my desk) the screen will light up and display the time and the icons of my any current notifications appear. I have disabled daydream and unchecked "Desk home screen display" It appears to happen randomly after device has been idle for some time. It's not a huge deal, but it's annoying and rather distracting. My device is a rooted Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 running android 4.2.2 on baseband VUAME7.
Go to the air gesture settings and deselect "quick glance"
Desk home screen display appears randomly even when disabled
Is there a way to extract a log file containing all keyboard history, and everything that has been typed, from a Samsung Galaxy S3?
You need to first install a Key Logger on the device (Which will need to be rooted for full functionality) and then you will be able to log all key strokes. There are several apps that offer that. P.S Using keyloggers to spy on people is illegal in most countries.
Extract Samsung Galaxy S3 keyboard history
The Google app requires a menu button (like I have on my Galaxy S4) to access options menu and edit Google Now settings. However, on my Nexus 10 I do not have an option button. Most apps have the "3 Dots" button in the top right to replace it, but the Google app does not have this! How am I supposed to access the options menu in the Google app on my Nexus 10?
The overflow menu for Google Now (on all form factors, I believe) is in the bottom right corner of the app instead of the top right, where most other applications put it. You need to make sure you've scrolled all the way to the bottom of your cards, though, because it shares the bar with the "Show more cards..." button, which is hidden if your screen is full.
How to access Google Now settings on Nexus 10?
I wish to mount my Sony Xperia ST21i (Android 4.0.4) under Linux (Debian) via USB. However, I get this error: <code> # mount /dev/sdb /mnt mount: no medium found on /dev/sdb </code> What I did so far: On the phone side: Settings > Xperia > Connectivity > USB connection mode: set to Mass storage mode (MSC), instead of the default Media transfer mode (MTP). On the PC side: dmesg yields <code> [...] usb 2-1.3: USB disconnect, device number 12 [...] usb 2-1.3: new high-speed USB device number 13 using ehci-pci [...] usb 2-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=0fce, idProduct=e170 [...] usb 2-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=3, SerialNumber=4 [...] usb 2-1.3: Product: Android [...] usb 2-1.3: Manufacturer: Android [...] usb 2-1.3: SerialNumber: ********** [...] scsi14 : usb-storage 2-1.3:1.0 [...] scsi 14:0:0:0: Direct-Access SONY Mass storage 0000 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 [...] sd 14:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0 [...] sd 14:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk </code> For comparison, when mounting a cheap memory stick, dmesg yields <code> [...] usb 2-1.3: USB disconnect, device number 13 [...] usb 2-1.6: new high-speed USB device number 14 using ehci-pci [...] usb 2-1.6: New USB device found, idVendor=1307, idProduct=0165 [...] usb 2-1.6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [...] usb 2-1.6: Product: USB Mass Storage Device [...] usb 2-1.6: Manufacturer: P Technology [...] usb 2-1.6: SerialNumber: 00000000000280 [...] scsi15 : usb-storage 2-1.6:1.0 [...] scsi 15:0:0:0: Direct-Access UT165 USB Flash Disk 0.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 [...] sd 15:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0 [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] 3948544 512-byte logical blocks: (2.02 GB/1.88 GiB) [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 00 00 00 00 [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Asking for cache data failed [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Asking for cache data failed [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through [...] sdb: [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Asking for cache data failed [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through [...] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk </code> Several lines more - is this significant? Does this mean, I need to configure my phone differently before I can hope to mount it? Following advice in some related threads, I created an udev rule, <code> # cat /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0fce", MODE="0666" </code> but this had no effect.
This question has been answered by @derobert at stackexchange-url ("stackexchange-url MSC mode only works for accessing a memory card, which I do not have; for accessing the phone's own file system, I need another access mode.
Linux fails to mount Android device in USB MSC mode
I used "adb pull" to backup Final Fantasy III saved data and it worked well, but it doesn't allow me to push it back after the factory reset. <code> D:\AndroidSDK\sdk\platform-tools&gt;adb push d:\save.bin /data/data/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.FFIII_GP/files/save.bin failed to copy 'd:\save.bin' to '/data/data/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.FFIII_GP/files/save.bin': Permission denied </code> My phone is Nexus 4 with latest stock rom (4.3), not rooted, and I don't want to root it only for a game's save files. As a linux user, I understand the file/folder might have no 'w' permission for the adb user, but this link: Says Titanium could restore the save file for Final Fantasy III, any idea how to do that with adb?
OK Seems <code> adb shell ran-as "package-name" ... </code> Should do the trick, but because of a bug, this cannot be done on 4.3 system. Bug:
Permission denied for adb push file to /data/data/xxx/file/
What are the criteria being used to decided which apps go into the trending apps lists on <code> Google Play </code> ? When I look on the trading lists, I don't see a lot of consistency, I see apps with as little as a 1000-5000 downloads and others with 500K-1M downloads. I guess the real question is, any idea what Google takes into consideration when deciding what's trending?
If you have developed and Android app, then you must have gone through . Where the basics are taught about the android. Lets see how, there are generally three tabs, but we will talk about the last one Distribute . In that section it is clearly taught how Google gets an app in Trending portion. its the link! The main factors are: Ratings, Downloads and great apps that users are providing a great feedback with are mainly on the top of the Trending Apps, but there are two type of trending app sections, Free and Paid! So make sure you are viewing the section that is mainly for you! That's all what Google would use. 1. Feedback 2. Ratings 3. Downloads 4. Content.
Getting into the trending list
Cyanogenmod 10.2 comes pre-rooted, but some people don't like the built-in SuperUser program, and would like to either update the su binary or use a completely different su program. Can this be done? If so, how?
Flashing a SuperSU update zip via recovery will override Android 4.3's built-in Superuser. From then on, you can use SuperSU, but you will need to keep Superuser enabled in Settings.
How do does rooting in Cyanogenmod 10.2 work?
Is there a list for the stock applications (those who are installed by default with android), and libraries? for example: Atci_service, calendar, com.mediatek are they default applications? Or where there added by someone else? Thanks.
You might want to check on, which contains the list of apps included with each version: 1.1 1.5 (Cupcake) 1.6 (Donut) 2.0 (Eclair) 2.1 (Eclair) Unfortunately, they stopped that listing after Eclair (2.1). And of course each "ROM cook" might have added other apps (and bloatware ) to the list...
List of default applications for a given android version
Is there a way to block (or mute) all calls except for those on my contact list? Im using android 4.1.2 o samsung galaxy s3 mini, thanks in advance
The app Blacklist Plus mentions exactly that as one possible use: There are four block modes of call blocker: Blacklist All except the whitelist All except contacts All numbers (emphasis mine). There are plenty other similar apps available, just search for "blacklist" or "call blocker" on the playstore.
Block calls for everyone except for contacts
I wonder if there is ability to replicate this feature from iOS : In iOS you can turn on Accessibility function that add the "Speak" button to the "selection menu". And if you click, it would turn on Text To Speech engine and read selected text. Can I do the same thing in Android ? Thank you very much in advance PS: I assume that regular app could not modify "copy, paste, cut menu" so I probably need custom ROM.
Maybe not exactly what you had in mind, but coming close: There are several clipboard-action apps available which might come close to that. I didn't try them, so no guarantees – but their descriptions are promising they can do that. Two examples would be: Speaklip Auto Speak Clipboard 2 Hopefully one of them proves helpful to you. Good luck!
Text To speech feature on selected text
I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with an unwanted pop-up message, and the person who's trying to help asked what kind of pop-up it is. It's just a message on the screen, what difference does it make? And how do I tell what kind it is?
Android has different ways for apps to give you information or get your attention, and they all have different names. App developers need to know the differences, and when to use each one, so they can code the correct behaviour in their apps. Even as an end user, if you want to troubleshoot a problem, find which app is giving you messages, or describe some behaviour (for example, when reporting a bug to a developer), it saves you time and confusion if you can call each thing by its correct name. Notifications Notifications are the most common feedback mechanism on Android. They look like icons in the top-left of the screen (the notification bar). On Honeycomb and ICS tablets, they instead show up in the system bar, in the bottom-right next to the clock. In Jellybean and above, once you've expanded the notification drawer (like in the screenshot), you can long-tap a notification to get a menu with one item, App info . Clicking this item tells you which app is responsible for the notification. You can also stop this app showing any further notifications from that screen. Some apps create notifications to advertise things at you. This is now (since September 2013) banned under Google Play's rules, so you should report as malicious any apps that do this, from the app's page in the Play Store app. Often your phone will play a sound or will vibrate with a notification, but not always: it's up to the app which created it. Toasts A toast is a small message that shows up in its own box near the bottom of the screen, and disappears on its own after a few seconds. It's usually a response to an action you've just performed, but in fact a toast can come from any app, not just the one in the foreground. A toast can't interact with you (you can't click on it or type into it), so there's no need to worry about it "stealing focus" like on a PC. There's no indication of which app created the toast. Dialogs A window that appears, with buttons you can click or a list of options to choose from, is called a dialog box , or dialog for short. (It's spelt the American way even in British English.) They almost always relate to the foreground app. Strictly speaking, from a developer's point of view a "dialog" is any non-fullscreen activity window, but they're usually used for simple confirmations or choices, like in the screenshot. Interstitials In the marketing world, an interstitial is a page or screen that comes in between two others. They're commonly used to show large-format ads in ad-supported apps and games: you click a button in the app, and an interstitial shows for a few seconds before you get to the next screen. Summary Next time you want to discuss or troubleshoot some kind of message that pops up on the screen, you'll know what to call it, and you can make it easier for others to help you.
Popups, dialogs, notifications, toasts: what's the difference?
Can Tasker launch an app's shortcut as an action? I can't find "Shortcuts" as an option in the "Select Action Category"-dialog when creating a new task. This works without problems in Locale.
Strangely, this does not appear to be possible in Tasker, by default. However, I see there is the AutoShortcut app on Google Play which is meant to allow it. Interestingly, Tasker itself will tell you about AutoShortcut (complete with a link to Google Play) if you press the magnifying glass icon when attempting to add a plugin action to a task (I'll update this answer with screen shots when I get around to it). Theoretically, it should also be possible using the <code> Send Intent </code> action, but that seems way more complicated than should be necessary for such a simple task. If AutoShortcut doesn't work for you, let me know, and I can try to figure out what the Intent settings should be.
Launch a "shortcut" in Tasker?
Summary : Is there a way to stop the Samsung Galaxy S4 screen from turning on when receiving text messages (without disabling the notification light)? Details : I've got a Samsung Galaxy S4 on Verizon. I've noticed that sometimes when it's in my pocket that it will turn on and access apps, etc. (for example one time I saw it had posted something to Facebook). I think that the problem is when I receive a text message that the phone turns on and then from there the touch screen might do whatever it wants. The reason I think the phone screen turns on when I receive a text message is I've noticed that happen sometimes. So really what I want to do is prevent the phone from turning on in my pocket, but I don't think that is an actual option. But I thought there should be a way to stop incoming text messages from turning on the screen, while still allowing the notification light to flash. But I haven't found an option that does that.
It looks like having the screen turn on when SMS messages arrive is a stock feature of the Samsung Galaxy S4 on Verzion (possibly applies to other models and carriers as well). I saw threads here and here discussing the problem. There is no setting to disable only the screen turning on. The workaround that I ended up using is as follows: 1) Disable notification in the stock app: go to settings and scroll down to Notification settings and unselect "Notifications". 2) Install SMS Popup . 3) Enable SMS Popup. Then go to Addition Settings and disable "Screen on for Popup". Maybe someday Samsung/Verizon will fix the problem, but for now this workaround seems to work for me.
Stop from Samsung Galaxy S4 turning on when receiving text message
I know that Galaxy Note 10.1 has multiple editions (one of them is LTE chip). Can it make and receive ordinary phone calls? Like using ordinary signals, instead of the Internet ones. I couldn't find any information on this.
No. Only skype or other voip options. It does not have a GSM module on it, it just has a small chip for data transfers.
Can the new Galaxy Note 10.1 make and receive phone calls?
I have an app which is currently in beta testing. With every new version I have to send it to the users, they have to download it, uninstall the previous version (sometimes), and then install the new one. Is there a way to update an app without it being in Google Play?
You might provide them a link! A link on your website, that would provide them with the .apk file. After downloading, the user would install that file in his android phone. After installing, the previous version is auto-deleted and the new version is installed! User data is saved. But I have never used the developer tools from Google Play. So I am not sure, whether the Google would mark it as spam or not, because some user try out Verify And Install instead of Package Installer. Verify and Install is a Google service to check whether the app is spam or not. So I think, if the user tries Verify and Install instead of the built-in installer, he might get some errors, saying this signature is not found on Google Play! Or something like that. But just my guess, if your beta is placed on Google Play, then they won't show up any errors, as they would find a signature on Google Play too. Hope I am not wrong: Because I have never used either Verify and Install or Google Play Developer tools. So I might be wrong somewhere. But still there is a functionality to install apps, but that also depends whether the user is allowing the installation of Unknown Apps (Apps which are not downloaded from Google Play).
Update an app that is not in Google Play
I am running Paranoid Android and love it, but it is hard on battery life. So I am looking at flashing back to AOKP. In looking around, I've seen some vague references to a "Permission Management" ( such as mentioned here ) in the latest AOKP... but after googling for a couple days, can find no real details on it. Is this something that is in the current stable builds of AOKP, or is just referring to the built-in one from Android 4.3 in the latest AOKP nightlies? If anyone can point me to an article with a some good information on this feature and its current build status, I'd be very grateful. Been missing this functionality since LBE Privacy Guard died with Jelly Bean. Mind you, I am aware of other options such as LBE, PDroid, XPrivacy. I'm looking specifically for more information about AOKP's permission management. Thanks!
Well, I've gone and flashed over to AOKP, so figured I'd update this with an answer about their Permissions management. It is found towards the bottom of the root Settings screen. For each user-installed app it lets you turn off specific permissions. Essentially a very basic version of what LBE Privacy Guard used to let you do. Some features that are missing: Ability to group by a permission (e.g. <code> Access Location </code> ) and see all apps that use it with ability to disable them in this view Ability to change permissions on system apps (e.g. camera to disable geotagging completely) So all in all, it's a nice feature, and more than available in most ROMs I know of without extensive modding/flashing of additional frameworks and things. Potentially the 2nd item above could - at least in some cases - be gotten around by using something like ROM Toolbox to convert the system app to a user app... but I'm not sure what other ramifications doing so would have.
AOKP Permission Manager?
There are quite a number of applications that came pre-installed onto my phone when I bought it. I am unable to uninstall any of these without rooting my phone. Every now and then, Google Play will send me notifications of new updates for these software. Some of these, such as Gmail, YouTube and Hangouts belong to Google, others belong to third parties linked to my telco. Whenever I perform an update on an application, I have to go through a list of App permissions and decide whether to grant those permissions. Some of these may request permission to access my address book, others may request certain controls on my Android system. These are privacy issues as well as security issues that I supposed many people will be facing. In any case, how should one deal with these "unwanted" programs?
You might consider disabling those apps (starting with ICS, that's possible for some but not all). This way you'd solve multiple of your issues: no more update reminders app becomes unavailable, so it's no longer shown in the app drawer being disabled, they should also no longer provide an "attack vector" If that's not possible for some apps via Settings → Applications (check the "All" tab there to see pre-installed apps), and rooting is an option, you can still freeze them with apps like Titanium Backup to achieve the same.
Should I update those pre-installed programs that I never use?
I want to buy a mobile Bluetooth keyboard. It seems Apple ones are easier to find. Does it make much difference? (I assume the connection is the same for similar models, and the issue is layout)
I have used a couple of different BlueTooth keyboards and they all work pretty well on Android. I would assume the Apple keyboards would work just as well. I am a fan of Logitech keyboards just because I've always used them and they have always worked. You can always just buy an Apple keyboard and if it doesn't work you can just return it.
Can I use a keyboard for Apple?
When I plug in my headphones, an Earphones page appears on my device with the title "Enjoy listening to your device", which is part of page buddy. I have a music widget and a video widget, which is fine. My first two applications are fine, Firefox and YouTube, but my last two applications are Messaging and Email . Apparently it's supposed to be frequency of use, but I never use the Email app, and neither the Messaging app nor the Email app are aural. When I try to change these two apps, it says "Cannot edit recommended apps". Can I fix this to stop displaying non-aural apps?
it's the most frequently used apps while the earphones are plugged in. just open the app you want to show up 4 or 5 times in a row while the page buddy is active (earphones plugged in) and it will show up in the recommended apps. repeat for the next 3 apps you want to show. There's usually 4 recommended apps. This goes for all of the page buddy pages, earphones, docking, roaming, and spen (on supported devices).
Can I override page buddy's recommended applications settings?
I wonder if there is a way to use "Google Play Music" with something like a "Party Mode". I just want to give my friends the possibility to browse and play my music library without giving them access to my entire Google Account. They clould use the Web app with my laptop or the Android app on my MK808. Maybe I'm using the wrong terms for searching but I coldn't find a thread with a similar problem. I can't imagine that no one else wants to do that... Do anybody know a solution for this problem?
Thanks for your answers. I found a solution for my problem. There is a project named " Google Musik Desktop Player " That's almost what I wanted I just let the player run on my PC and friends in my room have only access to my music library so they can choose a song or create a playlist.
Party Mode or guest Access for Google Play Music?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4.1.2 (standard, not rooted). I previously had an iPhone, and the feature I miss the most is the ability to go directly to the camera from the lock screen without having to type in my PIN. How do I do this on Android? I know that there are at least two or three questions asking pretty much the same question. Unfortunately, I don't have the reputation to comment on those answers to explain why they don't help me: stackexchange-url ("Is it possible to use the camera without unlocking first?"): stackexchange-url ("How to enable a PIN but allow quick access to camera?") For both of these posts, the accepted answers recommend WidgetLocker, but the persons who gave the answers had apparently never tried it themselves. I've tried at least five different free lock screen apps, but none of them solve my problem--they all still require a PIN to use the camera. I haven't tried WidgetLocker, but I'm not going to pay for an app that I'm not sure will work, especially when all the others I've tried don't work. Does anyone know for sure that WidgetLocker resolves this problem? I also bought and tried WidgetLocker, but it doesn't support PINs at all, and so it is not a solution to this problem. stackexchange-url ("How to use camera without unlocking phone? (Jelly Bean on S3)"): This answer suggests using Samsung's built in motion. I tried this, and it still requires the PIN to access the camera. This answer doesn't resolve the issue. I'm certainly willing to pay for an app that solves this issue, but I don't need any other lock screen features--I just want rapid access to my camera. Also, I would prefer not to root my phone just for this, but if there is a solution via rooting, I would seriously consider it. Can anyone please suggest an answer that really works?
There is no way in Android to access to the standard Android camera from a password-protected device. However this little application allows to access to a simple camera with a triple press on the power button even when the device is password locked... Camera Unlock (free) Disclosure: I am the developer of this app
How do you skip the PIN to go directly to the camera from the lock screen?
I want to create a few simple macros which I can activate while driving. At the moment, for safety I would need to park the car in order to use the GUI. What I'm after (if it's possible) is to assign to a trigger (such as shaking the phone, which I can do while driving without taking my eyes off the road) to a series of taps or the clicking of a button etc. Can one app control another in this way? And can macros be recorded which would for example, click on an item in a list, and then when a new screen pops up, click a GUI button in it? Specifically, I listen to a number of radio station streams in the car and want to be able to change between them. has a custom app for this, but their stations are also available as standards-compliant streams (mp3, aac) for 3rd party programs like WinAmp (which might have more accessible controls for switching between streams which could be managed by an additional 3rd party app)
Tasker can do that (and a lot more things), as long as the app in question supports it (a list of apps with Tasker support can e.g. be found here − never mind the German, if you're just after the list). As you've described, it supports "Shake gestures", and if your device has a camera button, you could utilize that as well. "Flip gestures" might also come in handy (flip the device to face down, then face up, etc.) I know it's a paid app. But to try it out, visit the app's project site and get a 7-day trial (remember to export all your configuration and profiles before "day 7", then you can simply uninstall, re-install, and re-import your settings for another 7 days period − this hint comes from the dev himself, so it's nothing bad ;) The app needs some time to get warm with it. But once you did, you don't want to miss it anymore :)
Control of apps while driving. (Macros?)
I have a brand new 10.1 inch tablet, made in china. The screen doesn't respond to touch as much as it should, a few other little things and I can't work out some of the onscreen operating icon/button things. The resellers suggested I start with Android Central Forums, as this is the only Android devise they sell so they don't know the answers. I joined up with A.C.Forums, but can't work out how to post. Help and/or advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks
There's an easy way to check if the tablet has a faulty touchscreen. Go into Google Play and install a painting app. There are many free painting apps to choose from: just pick a simple one. Run the app and try to paint the whole screen. If the painting doesn't follow your finger, or any parts of the screen can't be painted, you can see the screen is faulty, and you should return it to the seller for a refund or exchange. Faulty touchscreens are quite common on cheap Chinese imports because they use cheaper components and don't test them thoroughly. The other possibility is that, being a cheap tablet, it has an old-fashioned resistive touchscreen instead of a proper capacitive one. You can tell by using a pointy plastic stylus (such as the handle end of a toothbrush, or the non-writing end of a ballpoint pen) to click on something on the screen. If that works, it's a resistive screen, not a capacitive one. You'll find any swipe gestures a lot harder to perform on a resistive screen, and multi-touch gestures like pinch-to-zoom are not possible at all. You'll find a resistive touchscreen is a lot more responsive to being pressed with your fingernail instead of the flat 'pad' of your finger.
screen not working properly on my tablet
I have a Google searchbar in a tablet I have borrowed For me it's in a very inconvenient location and I keep on pressing it accidentally. It looks like I can't click and drag on it to move it to another location either. How do I hide this toolbar? I need to be able to get it back as well, since the tablet isn't mine, but I want to hide or disable this search bar while I use it (or at least move it to another location)
The search bar is a built-in part of the default launcher and can't be moved or disabled. The least invasive way to get rid of it is to install a new launcher of your choice and use that instead of the default one. The old launcher is still installed, and will come back when you uninstall the new one, so the question is just whether you ought to install software on this device you've borrowed.
how do I get rid of this google searchbar?
My usual listening habits are to listen to podcasts with Doggcatcher sometimes followed by listening to some music (currently using PlayerPro) (on my Samsung Galaxy S4) while driving. Periodically, when I close Doggcatcher and open PlayerPro, and I select a track to play, the track looks like it is going to start to play. However, although the timer starts at 00:00, and the Play button changes to the Pause button, there is no sound. Often the timer will tick over to 00:01 after a few seconds but it gets not further. Similarly, if I switch to the Google Play Music app, the timer happily ticks away, but no sound comes out. Switching again to, say, N7, we are back to the same PlayerPro behaviour. It appears not to depend on the media player, though I usually use PlayerPro. It usually happens after using DoggCatcher, but then again, it is the only app I use for podcasts. The only solution I have so far, is to restart the device - a bit inconvenient, particularly when driving. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Any idea what is cause these media players to 'pause'? Any tips on investigating this issue?
I had to rebuild my phone after a firmware update; in doing so, I skipped over a lot of the Junk that I'd previously installed. The upshot is that I no longer suffer this problem (nor several others that had crept in). While it could be the software update that was the solution, I suspect that it was more likely that the clean install that did the trick. On the plus side, the problem has disappeared; on the negative side, we don't know what the solution is.
Media Player stuck on 00:00 (randomly) when opened
I have Droid 2 Global (droid2we) and I've tried Power + Volume Up, but that doesn't load any recovery mode. I've also tried Power + X but that loads the standard Android System Recovery &lt;3e> , which won't install unsigned zip files. I can load the Bootstrap Recovery app which will let you reboot into Clockwork Recovery mode, which does work. However, that requires a functioning system which makes it a pointless way to launch a recovery mode!
I found that the following sequence works: While on, run <code> adb reboot recovery </code> from command line. This will restart into standard Android recovery. (If your device is not seen, start at #2 and come back.) Take battery out. Unplug USB. Hold power down for 10 seconds. (Someone theorized it discharges the capictors.) Plug USB cable in. Put battery in. This starts the phone up automatically for some reason. It then loads Clockwork Recovery automatically. I don't know why this works and Clockwork Recovery didn't provide a standard method to start. This would work in the middle of a failed install of Cyanogenmod. After a flash to a stock SBF ROM, it no longer worked.
How do I manually enter Clockwork ROM Recovery?
I Installed CyanogenMod 10.1.2 in my Galaxy S I9000 using Semaphore CWM Recovery v5.0.2.7 following this guide: Before flashing the new ROM I made a backup using Semaphore CWM. After installing CyanongenMod I've noticed that I didn't saved my contacts inside my Google Acount so I tried to restore the backup I've made using CWM Recovery. An error occured while restoring and after that I can't boot in normal mode (I didn't remember the error message). When tried entering in the recovery mode to reinstall the CyanogenMod I got the following error messages: E:failed to open /etc/recovery.fstab (No such file or directory) E:unknown volume for path [/cache/recovery/command] E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/command E:unknown volume for path [/cache/recovery/log] E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log E:unknown volume for path [/cache/recovery/last_log] E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log E:unknown volume for path [/cache/recovery/command] And when I try to install CyanogenMod from the SD card I got the following errors: E:unknown volume for path [/sdcard/] E:Can't mount /sdcard/ I tried reinstalling CWM Recovery but nothing changed. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this issue and flash a new ROM? Thank you.
I've followed the guide in this page and reinstalled a stock version of Android: Then I reinstalled CWM Recovery and flashed CyanogenMod.
Cannot mount internal SD card in Semaphore CWM Recovery v5.0.2.7
I have galaxy note 2 ( N7100). I want to know is there any way I can give phone output to the projector. I don't know even, if it is possible.
Yes. As the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 supports MHL for video output, this is possible (with a special cable) if the projector supports MHL input, or with a bigger adaptor if it doesn't. See stackexchange-url ("my answer on How does MHL work?") for more details.
How to connect android device to projector?
I have an HTC Sensation XE and the smartphone is becoming slower and worse every day, expecially compared to my Nexus 7 and Samsung Tab 2. Android on the phone is slow and lagged ( I have to wait even 6-7 second after clicking somewhere), the battery depletes very fast and the phone itself becomes very hot if I do something "intensive" like using google maps. the Android version on the phone is 4.0.3 and as far as I know, there is no update. What can I do to improve the phone? It's market value makes it not worth to sell and it is still working, so I would like to find a way to fix it somehow, what can i do? I like a lot the vanilla Android of the Nexus 7, there is any way that I can put a plain android on the HTC, keeping all the functionalities? I dont care of Htc Sense, but I want to be able to use the camera, 3g, wifi, GPS and so on. Maybe some kind of reset would be enough to bring it bask to it's best days?
Do a system wipe and reinstall. This significantly sped up my Sensation.
Improving HTC Sensation XE somehow
Please could someone correct my understanding? I read that once a phone has a custom ROM loaded, the play store can not be used on it again. However after more reading I'm not sure if this is the case? I'm sure the answer is complicated so to simplify it, all I want to do is convert an old phone (HTC wildfire) into a dedicated device for my toddler that will just be used for offline games. I don't need to remove features as he will be supervised, but I don't mind if the barest of ROMs is loaded as long as I can load games from the play store: I just want to speed the phone up, as at the moment it is awfully slow. (I have already tried restoring to factory settings and installing updates.) Help would be appreciated!
There is no such restriction. I use custom ROMs on two of my devices, and the Playstore is acting normal. The only problem you might face is that the Google Play App won't come pre-installed. You need to flash a package called "GApps", which must match the Android version used by your custom ROM. Usually, the corresponding links are pointed out on the page where you download your ROM from.
Restrictions of Play Store on custom ROMs
I am android game developer, really wanted to capture nice quality video preview of my game for promotion purposes. And my question is, If I would connect by android device (Samsung Galaxy S3 or Nexus 7 tablet: using micro USB HDMI adapter with my PC, like this one for example: I know I would be able to see what on my PC what I do on my device, but the point is, would I be able to turn on software responsible for capturing my desktop like Camtasia studio meanwhile to be able to record it? Thank you.
This is only any use to you if your PC has an HDMI input , which is very unusual. You'll only have such a thing if you deliberately bought video capture hardware and attached it to your PC. If you have such hardware, you should use the video capture software that came with it. Trying to use Camtasia to capture it would be like trying to use Camtasia to capture from a webcam. In addition, depending on what adaptor you use, your video capture hardware may also need to support MHL (the wire protocol used to send video data over the micro-USB and HDMI connectors). See stackexchange-url ("my answer on How does MHL work?") for more details.
Connecting android device with PC using HDMI (video recording)
Environment: running adb in command window on Windows XP PC running adbKonnect on Nook Simple Touch (rooted; running Android 2.1) When I type <code> adb shell ls \sys </code> I get a list of the folders there. When I type <code> adb shell ls \sys\module </code> I get an error that there is no such file or directory, even though it is listed in the first step. What's going on?
Try <code> adb shell ls -l /sys </code> and check the output. Most likely, access to the <code> /sys/module </code> directory has limited access. It doesn't matter that your device is rooted, when you're not using your root powers. To view the contents of "restircted directories": <code> # open a shell adb shell # obtain root permission su - # now access your target ls -l /sys/module </code> When issuing the <code> su - </code> , you will have to approve a popup to confirm superuser access − at least on the first try. You then can tell your superuser/superSU app to remember your choice.
adb shell ls giving strange results
I need help in this strange situation! I did a factory reset and cleared everything in my HTC One X, erased all files and photos, removed all accounts, and sold the phone. Now all my photos (2150!) are all back there, as the person who bought it says! How is this possible? and what can I do to completely clear it up? I made sure after the reset that nothing was in my phone!
You mention Dropbox in the comments area of another answer. Merely deleting Dropbox data is insufficient to cleansing its folders. You MUST dissassociate the device from your account or the deleted items will re-synch to the device when next possible. Start Dropbox. Settings > Unlink device from Dropbox. If this was not done, or done improperly, I can understand how the recovery occurred to the phone.
I did a factory reset to sell my phone, and my photos are still there according to the new owner…
I have a tablet I'm expecting to take a lot of notes with. Is there a way I can type with the keyboard and draw with the touch screen? I've tried Evernote, which can type with the keyboard, and Freenote, which can draw with the screen but can one app toggle between both?
Use Xperia Notes App . This allows you to add texts, draw pictures and record audios as well. It also has a widget . But the app may not be compatible with your device.
How to take notes with keyboard input and drawings?
I have flashed new firmware on my phone TCL Idol X (s950) and now the phone won't boot anymore :( It starts but then it ends up with the bootlogo. I can access it with <code> adb shell </code> but it is read only mode. Switch it off reboot the phone. Recovery doesn't start. How can I rescue it from the bootloop or get into recovery?
Solution that worked for me: Connect the phone to the charger Switch it off (10 sec press power button) As soon as the led light up and the phone screen is black, disconnect it from the charger The phone should remain off ( wait for 10 sec to be sure ) Connect again the charger and then unplug it after 5 sec Now try to boot the recovery ( <code> power + volume up </code> ) Once you are in recovery: fix the permission to enable <code> r/w </code> on system. Clean Cache and Dalvin Cache if you need flash it again ( you can push file with <code> adb </code> ) Now the phone boots perfectly! I'm using lewa mod for reference.
TCL Idol X (s950) stuck in bootloop, after flashing new firmware [SOLVED]
I have suffered a good deal of OS crashes seemingly as a result of Chrome 29.0.1547.59 (Interface locks up, mainly when switching back to Chrome after doing something else, and having the tabs visually "swish" back into the tab bar) running on unrooted Android 4.2.1 (Nexus 10). However, unlike this last time, I usually get back all my tabs. So, as I would do on a Desktop OS, I went looking for the session store, to no avail. I am yet to even find the bookmarks file. Have tried seasrching the filesystem for "chrome" on Rhythm Software's File Manager (version 1.15.12) and only found <code> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ </code> and <code> /storage/emulated/legacy/Android/data/ </code> which both contain empty <code> ../files/Download </code> directories. Where are these files? P.S If anyone knows of a semi/full heirachy/info on individual files, of Chrome for Android's filesystem, that would also be helpful.
App data usually go below <code> /data/data/&lt;package_name&gt; </code> (in case of Chrome: <code> /data/data/ </code> ). But those directories are only accessible by the app itself, and by the system/root – so unless your device is rooted, you won't have much luck checking there. Concerning the file-system hierarchy, you might wish to first consult the stackexchange-url ("file-system tag-wiki"), and then follow up to stackexchange-url ("Android Folder Hiearchy").
Location of Chrome user data (Specifically session data)
I would like to upload photos from my SGS4 to my Google+ without sharing to anyone. How do I do that?
If you turn on the "Auto Backup" feature of Google+, your photos will automatically be uploaded and will only be viewable by you (until you share them, of course). If you want to do it manually, simply share with G+ and choose yourself as the only person you share with. I like to keep a Circle around with no one in it that I can share things to and so I'm the only one who can see them (kind of a "read it later" thing). You might prefer to do that, since it's quicker to choose a Circle to share to than a person.
How do I upload photos from Android phone to Google Plus without sharing?
Using the Orange browser with Android 4.0.4 on the AZ210A I've noticed that sometimes when opening for the first time it tries to open I've restarted, force closed, cleared data and cache etc and yet every so often it just crops up. Anyone got any ideas?
Do you use Go Launcher? I do and if started happening to me after a recent update. It coincided with Go trying to get me to download their company's browser with a pop up. I'm guessing it's not a coincidence. I've since removed Go and it hasn't happened again. Chalk it up to shady marketing.
Orange San Diego browser opening "goolgle"
It seems to be fairly well established that the Nexus 4 has had issues with not supporting USB OTG since launch (e.g. this bug report ). From what I've read it's both a hardware and software issue. The hardware can't supply the necessary power and the software does not conform to the protocol in some way. I'm happy to use a Nexus 4 with an external power source (Y-cable), which should solve the power issue. What I'd like to establish though is, does Android 4.3 do anything to fix the software issue?
No, 4.3 doesn't address that at all. You'll still have to use the kernel that Ziddey has posted on .
Does Android 4.3 fix USB OTG on Nexus 4 when used with an external power source?
I'd like to be able to move to a specific page without having to (as I'm currently doing,) click on Chrome, then go to bookmarks and then have to go through the logon procedure to get back to the exact page I want. Is there a way to have that precise page live as a pressable app-like icon so that I can get right back there quickly as I access this page often.
Bookmark the page in Chrome for Android. Go to your bookmarks, long-press on the bookmark, and click "Add to Home Screen". Source: Works on my Galaxy S4 and Nexus 7.
Is there a way to turn a web page into an app-like link on the android home page?
Summary: Route navigation crashes on starting of route finding. This is an intermittent bug. It only started happening recently - I think it coincides with when on a desktop browser I volunteered to start using the new version of Google Maps. (I wanted to use the new traffic monitoring feature). I didn't realise it would propagate my choices to my phone as well. Is there any fix? E.g. How can I configure the navigation app on my phone to use only the more stable mainstream navigation app? How can I configure my Google account to revert to the mainstream version of Google Maps, for all devices? Are there any third party apps which have route navigation similar in quality to that of Google's? Thanks
After you enter the starting point and destination, the app gives you the possible routes. On that screen the best route has a start navigation option; selecting this causes the app to crash. Instead select the route you prefer and then hit the start arrow at the bottom right corner. Works for me.
Galaxy S3 Bug: Navigation app crashes when clicking "Start"
Background: I have a rooted Google Nexus 7 (2013 - FLO) tablet, which I love. I have created 2 restricted user accounts for each of my kids. They both love Minecraft, and with restricted user accounts, they each get their own home directory, where their Minecraft worlds are stored. This is great for them, because they can't tamper with each other's worlds. :) Now that the phone is rooted, I would like to copy their worlds off old devices and into their account space or home directories. Question: Where is the home directory (or user account storage space) for restricted accounts on the new Google Nexus 7 (2013), which is running JellyBean 4.3?
They are stored in <code> /mnt/shell/emulated/ </code> I've just created a restricted profile and it created a new folder in there with the name "10", the main admin users folder is "0". You should be able to copy the files into the relevant place within these folders to get mine craft to pick them up. (This was done on the 2012 Nexus 7 but I don't think it will be any different)
where is a restricted user's home directory for Nexus 7 (2013 - JB 4.3)
I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 that I had for a little over months before getting caught outside in a serious rainstorm. As I was pulling the battery out of the phone, I noticed the screen flicker. I pulled the battery and left everything in rice for a few days after the fact. Upon powering up, it appeared that the phone was still working, except for the display. It would buzz when I got an email or a text, and it would ring when called. I'm fairly certain that my problem is simply that the LCD and/or digitizer has gone bad. I've found the replacement parts that I need to replace those, but before I drop the cash on it, I'd like to know for sure that everything is else is working as it should (camera, IR, wifi, etc). I've found a couple of apps that do hardware diag, but since I can't really interact with the device, they aren't a lot of good to me. Does anyone know if there is any sort of hardware diagnostic that can be run through the ADB shell?
Investigating in this issue, we already have a lot of stackexchange-url ("broken screen questions") providing some clues: You could hook your device to your TV screen via HDMI. This should mirror its (invisible) screen. Of course this would require your screen at least to respond to touch events. AirDroid might provide some help, as it allows to manage your device for many things, and also advertizes to stream the screen of your Android in nearly real-time You could use some VNC server, and start it via ADB as described in stackexchange-url ("Broken Screen + Using adb shell to run vnc server") The latter obviously was the solution fitting you best, as you reported having done exactly that with VMLite VNC server . Not the cheapest solution (this app comes for about US$ 8) – but certainly cheaper than paying off a tech :)
Is it possible to run any sort of hardware diagnostics through ADB
I have installed my first non-Google Play app but I want to uninstall it. Where and how do I go about deleting it since for the official apps I just uninstalled them at the Play store. Should I use an uninstall app or is there a better way? 4.1.1 S3
<code> Settings &gt; Apps &gt; Downloaded &gt; { app } &gt; Uninstall </code> OR Open the app drawer, find your app, long-press the icon and drag to the "Uninstall" icon.
How do I uninstall an unofficial app from my S3?
I use a Bluetooth keyboard with a variety of Android devices. Most versions of Android (below 4.2.2) when the external keyboard is connected the on-screen keyboard is still available. When I pair the Bluetooth keyboard to a Nexus 7 running Android 4.2.2 the on screen keyboard is disabled. I cannot find a way to enable the on-screen keyboard from the tablet. Some Bluetooth keyboards include an 'eject' button which toggles the on-screen keyboard. I'm concerned about the times that I'm far enough from the Bluetooth keyboard that I can't reach it but still within Bluetooth range and I can't type on the screen. Is there a way on an Android 4.2.2 (or higher) device to enable the on-screen keyboard while a Bluetooth keyboard is connected?
I was testing ways to toggle the on-screen keyboard. In Android 4.2.2 on a Nexus 7 I had to go through the following steps to toggle the on-screen keyboard from the tablet while a Bluetooth keyboard is connected: To activate the "Choose Input Method" notification you need to have multiple keyboards available. On a stock Nexus 7 you can go into Settings then "Language and Input". Under "Keyboard &amp; Input Methods" check the box next to another keyboard like the "iWnn IME Emoji input" or "Google Pinyin Input". (Optional) If you don't have any other keyboards available you can install a 3rd party keyboard from the Play Store like the NullKeyboard or AnySoftKeyboard. Back in the Language and Input Settings check the checkbox next to the 3rd party keyboard you installed. Read the warning message and click OK if you agree. Go to any text input box A new notification appears in your notification bar (top left) labeled "Choose Input Method", tap the notification (not Select Keyboard Layout) The first item in the "Choose Input Method" popup is "Hardware" with an on/off slider, choose "Off" Use the radio buttons below to choose your software keyboard (I chose the Google Keyboard) Tap the back button and the on-screen keyboard appears. The Bluetooth keyboard is still functional.
How to display the on screen keyboard when Bluetooth keyboard is connected
Sometimes your widgets take up a lot of space. The unlock section also takes up a lot of space if you use a PIN or password. Is there any way to minimize it?
There is an option to minimize the unlock section by default in the lock screen section of the Settings app. Maximize Widgets Show widgets maximized and the unlock minimized when the screen is turned on.
Is it possible to minimize the unlock section of the lock screen?
I tried running android 4.1.1 in virtualbox, but it was to slow and sluggish to do anything. I came across Windroy which runs Android as a windows app. I found a google play apk but it won't run when I try to run it. Before I sold my tablet I used it to develop some apps, and now that I got a new laptop I want to continue developing those apps, and testing them on Android. I spent $10 on AIDE because there wasn't anyway I could submit my apps to Google Play on a Android as that's all I had at the time. When I buy something I expect to use it, and I'd like to use it on my laptop. So does anyone know of a way where I can download apk files on my pc? After it's downloaded I can move it to <code> C:\Windroy\windroy_root\system\app </code> so I can use it with Windroy. Therefore I'll be able to continue working and testing my apps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try BlueStacks and tell us how it goes.
Run/Download Android Apps on a PC (Windows)
I have noticed that 3 of my Android phones heat on low signal (Nexus4, Xperia U, and HTC One) 40~50C. My friend has an iPhone and it doesn't seem to heat as much (30C). So, why does this happen? Why does low signal drain my battery, and why does it heat too much? Could it be solved by software? or is it a hardware problem?
Why? When the phone signals are weak, the android OS constantly scan the area thoroughly. This requires more battery power. That's the reason your phone gets so hot when you are in areas with poor reception. Could it be solved? That is the reason it is advised to turn flight mode on when you are is low-signal areas to preserve your battery life. Is it a hardware problem? Yes. and that problem is common to all the android devices. So nothing to worry. Why not iPhone? For the comparison with iPhone, the specs of android device of each manufacturer varies from one another whereas it doesn't in apple deceives (Not everybody get to produce a device which can run iOS, thanks to the Apple Inc. patents.) As the android specs vary from device to device, it is highly likely that the battery performance will differ from device to device as well.
What causes my Android phone to heat on low signal
Device: MMX A89 Android: 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich Whenever I switch off the phone, then switch it on, SIM card contacts takes a long time to load. They don't load properly. In the call list, only phone numbers are shown and not the names associated with them. How can I fix this problem?
That's normal behaviour for the SIM card phone book, not just for Android, but on older dumbphones too. I remember my old Nokia 3310 took about a minute after booting before the phone book (and other SIM card functions) became available. The problem wasn't really noticeable on early Android phones because they took so long to boot anyway. While the phones are a lot quicker now, the SIM cards are still the same old technology. If you want to get at them more quickly, either leave your phone turned on, or copy them to the device.
SIM card contacts take time to load after turning phone on
According to a colleague who has the new Nexus 7 (2013) model already, there is a GLONASS sensor in addition to the GPS one in the device. Is this true? I was unable to find any reference to this alleged fact in the official documentation and via a casual web search. Please state your sources in your answer(s).
According to Ifixit's teardown, the Nexus 7 2013 uses the Qualcomm 8064 Snapdragon S4 Pro SoC. Qualcomm's specs show that SoC uses their IZat Gen8A GNSS chipset, which according to their overview does include GLONASS support, though this doesn't necessarily mean GLONASS support is actually active and available in software. A simple means to test whether you've got GLONASS is to use GPS Status and Toolbox and see how many satellites it shows for you. If it shows more than 13 satellites, you're getting both GPS and GLONASS.
Does the new Nexus 7 (2013) have a GLONASS sensor?
In my phone, Ankidroid ask me every time what language shall be used for each card side. Which is listed as a bug. But with other phones (eg. Samsung S2 mini) opposite problem arises. Once you select TTS language for a particular deck there is no way to change it. I reinstalled both, TTS engine and Ankidroid, but the TTS language setting is still there. What should I do to force ankidroid to allow me to select another TTS language? Phone: Samsung S6500 Galaxy Mini II Ankidroid: 2.0.1
In AnkiDroid preferences, there is a "Reset Languages" item: Reset language assignments (for text to speech and dictionaries) for all decks. Reset specific deck assignments on deck picker
AnkiDroid: Change decks tts language
Is there any way to root the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1? I found some instructions on rooting the 7 inch version but I'm not sure if that matters. Also the instructions include flashing UK firmware. I'd prefer to do as little changes to my device as possible so I can get a backup as close to the way it came as possible.
These instructions are pretty hard to follow but should work: root insntructions
Is there any way to root the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1?
I have just purchased a new TCL (S950) Idol x phone and I'm figuring out some issue to make it visible on my system. This phone uses Android 4.2.2 and I guess this is the cause of the issue: my previous phone with android 4.1 was correctly displayed in nautilus/dolphin ( using <code> mtpfs </code> ) Now I have tried to install <code> mtp-tools </code> but nothing has changed. <code> lsusb </code> gives me that list (T &amp; A Mobile Phones should be my phone ) <code> Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 003 Device 002: ID 1bbb:0168 T &amp; A Mobile Phones Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1bcf:2b80 Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc. Bus 002 Device 003: ID 8086:0189 Intel Corp. </code> <code> dmesg </code> gives me this output: <code> [15780.855333] usb 3-2: new high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd [15780.874336] usb 3-2: New USB device found, idVendor=1bbb, idProduct=0168 [15780.874348] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=3, SerialNumber=4 [15780.874354] usb 3-2: Product: TCL S950 [15780.874359] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: TCT [15780.874364] usb 3-2: SerialNumber: FESKMRSOYLW8RKSK </code> Any idea what could be wrong here ? UPDATE: I have added the following rules to udev ( <code> /etc/udev/rules.d/11-android.rules </code> ) and now at least <code> adb shell </code> works fine: <code> ## TLC SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1bbb", ATTRS{idProduct}==”0167″, MODE="0777", OWNER="fra" </code> ( change <code> OWNER </code> user name with yours )
As suggested by @Logos this works (take care of using <code> sudo </code> ): <code> sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/MTPdevice </code> However <code> mtpfs </code> is very unstable on this phone so I tried <code> go-mtpfs </code> and I found out it works better. You can install <code> go-mtpfs </code> using the info provided in their site The command to mount the phone is very similar (change the bin path according to yours) : <code> sudo /usr/lib/go/bin/go-mtpfs /media/MTPdevice/ </code> Automount Once you are able to mount the device with the above command you can make the phone automount: You only have to add a couple of rules to udev. You will need those info: ID_MODEL (mine is TCL_S950 ) ID_MODEL_ID ( mine is 0167 ) Installation path of go-mtpfs ( mine is /usr/lib/go/bin/go-mtpfs ) You can find those info running this command in a terminal <code> udevadm monitor --environment --udev </code> and plug/unplug your phone. Now you can create/edit an udev rules <code> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules </code> and add these lines (change ID_MODEL and ID_MODEL_ID with yours): <code> # Mount ENV{ID_MODEL}=="TCL_S950", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="0167", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/bin/sudo -b /usr/lib/go/bin/go-mtpfs -allow-other=true /media/MTPdevice" # Umount ENV{ID_MODEL}=="TCL_S950", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="0167", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/bin/umount /media/MTPdevice" </code> At this point everything should work, check this thread for more details: source
How do I make my Linux PC mount my Android 4.2.2 phone using MTP?
So I thought it would be a great idea to try and root my brand new 2013 Nexus 7. After checking out a few tutorials online, I found one for mac, and downloaded the toolkit at: I opened up the bootloader by holding down Power + Volume Down and opened the included script on my computer, which unlocked the device. I then attempted to restart it into recovery mode. I pressed Power + Volume Down on startup and opened up the bootloader. I then scrolled to Recovery Mode using the volume keys and pressed Power to select it and boot into recovery. This is where everything went downhill. I could open up the bootloader, but when I attempted to boot into recovery to load SuperSU onto my device, it got stuck on the Google logo with an unlocked padlock icon at the bottom of the screen. So I tried to boot normally, and it got stuck on the same screen. All the forum posts I have come across so far to fix a bootloop all require the ability to boot into recovery mode or normally. I cannot find a guide that tells me how to relock and return to factory settings if I cannot boot at all. Basically I need to unbrick my 2013 Nexus 7.
Thank god I figured out how to fix it. The problem was that I was using software that was meant to root a first gen Nexus 7, and I had the second gen (2013) version. Whoops. In order to fix it, I downloaded the Unroot/Stock Toolkit from and then downloaded the factory images for the Nexus 7 2013 from Google's site, I then used the Unroot/Stock Toolkit to reload the bootloader and factory image. After this, my Nexus worked fine. I was still able to root, but this time I made sure to use the correct software to do so.
Nexus 7 (2013) Won't Boot Normally or into Recovery After Attempted Root
How do I share desktop screen on Android, and control my Desktop PC through Android? UPDATE based on OP's comments (geffchang): <code> How do I program this? Which libraries can I use for this? I want to make my own server for this. </code>
You can use TeamViewer for Remote Control for this. Download the app for your phone from the link and download the software for your PC from On screen tips will show you how to proceed with remote sharing. Both the devices must be connected to WiFi.
Windows desktop screen sharing for Android via Wi-Fi
I'm trying to make my nexus 4 sharing its internet connection with other devices. First I've tried with the portable hotspot: when it is ready I try to connect my nexus 7 2. It connects without problem to the WiFi Net but the WiFi indicators never gets blue and I'm not able to surf. Then I've tried the bluetooth way: paired the devices and (on the tablet) checked the internet access option. This time the bluetooth indicator gets blue but whenever I try to load a page the browser loads forever. The same happens with a macbook. I think that for some unknown reason my phone is setting up a WiFi Net but it doesn't share its internet connection. How can I make my Nexus 4 share its internet connection? My Nexus 4 is running Android 4.3, as does the Nexus 7 2
Following @Shadow's suggestion I've googled a bit more...turns out that Android > = 4.1.2 prevents you from using tethering if you are served by a virtual operator (as I am). This is a nice post explains pretty well the situation and propose a solution based on iptables. EDIT Looks like this problem is solved with Android 4.4.2 as stated here
Nexus 4 is not sharing internet connection (tethering), while WiFi or Bluetooth connection is successfully established
I wanted to install CM on my Samsung Galaxy S, and while trying to enable ClockworkMod recovery, I somehow managed to partition it. Now the only thing that appears is the screen with the model number, and I can enter download mode (but not in recovery mode). I tried to install recovery with Odin (I found a tar file) but that failed. Is there any chance that I can get my phone working again?
If anyone dealing with the same issue, I've found a solution on this link . It is for Froyo, but you can look on XDA-Developers for Gingerbread too, it is the same procedure.
How to install recovery and rom on blank Samsung i9000
How to i install binaries on my non-rooted tablet i have the terminal application called Terminal IDE and i followed the instructions, i put my compiled binary in the folder <code> local/bin/ </code> . I comiled a C program using the appliaction called C4droid and then I exported the binary to the <code> /local/bin/ </code> folder but when i tried to run the program it said permission denied. what am i doing wrong? How do install binaries? This is the program that I am trying to install
So what 'Access Denied' in this case is you do not have the correct permissions to execute the file. This can be solved 2 different ways: use the <code> sudo </code> command (super user can run any file) sudo myprogram -options param1 param2 param... use <code> chmod o+x filename </code> to let anyone execute the file so basically you need a rooted device to be able to run that file, unless you change the permissions of the file before you transfer it to the device. You can use the <code> chmod </code> command to add the execute permission to the file before you hand it off to the device. This way anyone can execute the file. Be warned, adding the execute permission for everyone is a security hole if the program can be used to change the file system in any way. Rooting your tablet in this case might actually be safer.
how to install command line programs
I have been having this issue between ROMs, as well as between connections. I am currently running ParanoidAndroid 3.94 (Android 4.3) with franco.kernel 3.0.89. Other apps consistently update fine. The error I get is Update for "application-name" could not be downloaded due to an error. (403) I have eliminated the following factors: Network issues (issue persists with two separate Wi-Fi points, as well as mobile data) Google Play cache issues (I have cleared cache and restarted the Play app) If I "sacrifice" one of the apps that do not work and uninstall "TuneIn Radio Pro" from Play store — I am then also locked out of actually getting the app back on my phone. The button in the Play store says "Install" (note: not "Purchase", so my existing ownership is recognized), I click it and "Accept", and the app even starts downloading! However, after the installation starts, I get the following error message: Error: Package file is invalid Now, I am able to get all of these apps just fine on another device I have (Nexus 7), so I appreciate the fact that there is something up with my phone that causes this. However, I am not certain that it has to be something with the phone as it can also be something on Google's end not handling my dual accounts very well and therefore throwing the 403 (Forbidden) error when I try to download an app I actually own.
This was solved by going into <code> /data/data/ </code> and finding the appropriate folder belonging to the failing app. I found one with "swiftkey" in the name, deleted it, and following that the update worked just fine. Most likely, the app installation was failing in the background with <code> INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED </code> due to the app being restored with TitaniumBackup, as detailed in stackexchange-url ("this answer"). So, in short, this seems to be an error caused by the UID changing between installs and Google Play throwing a fit, and it's solved by making sure app data is removed.
Certain apps fail to update from Play, while others work
Should not <code> shell@mako:/ $ </code> be <code> shell@mako:/ # </code> ? Or I haven't root successfully yet? How to check whether my nexus4 have root successfully? Thanks!
Rooted or not: Logging in via <code> adb shell </code> first brings you to a user-prompt only (connected with the "shell" account). In order to work with root, you need to "escalate" your permissions by invoking <code> su </code> : <code> &gt; adb shell shell@mako:/ $ su # </code> Apart from that, there are a few root checker apps available as well...
i have already root my nexus4,but why it shows “shell@mako:/ $ ”when i enter command“adb shell”
In some Android apps there is a "Login with GMail" option. I often login with that. Some apps are sending emails on my behalf to my GMail contacts, as I saw them in my "Sent items". I want to know how can I stop those apps spamming my friends? This is very irritating. To stop the spamming I logged out from my device but still there are sent mails. If I uninstall the app there is no more sent mails, but I don't think this is the best solution available. Are there any better solutions?
You will need to go into your Google Account settings and revoke issued permissions for any app which you no longer wish to have access to your Google account. You can review connected apps at
How can I block Android apps to send emails on my behalf?
I have a Huawei Y300 with Emotion UI. I want to change from the stock Huawei launcher to Holo Launcher. On launching Holo and pressing home, I do not get any options and am directly taken back to the stock home screen. How do I set Holo as the default launcher?
I found an option in the <code> Launcher Settings </code> of Holo Launcher which allows choosing the default launcher. Setting it to the correct one (Holo/Default) takes care of the issue.
How do I set a separate launcher as default?
My Nexus 7 now believes it has only 5G internal storage. It's shown in storage properties. I noticed it after factory reset, and then a 4.3 update (I remember getting 4.3 OTA update twice, is it possible?) I installed ClockworkMod recovery (back when it was on 4.2), but never rooted it. No storage space analyzers show hidden files or such. Rebooting doesn't change anything. I found /sdcard/0 directory with a content of my previous sdcard before a factory reset, deleting it freed some space, but total is still at 5.8G. I found one complaint about a similar situation, but it's drowned in a simpler problems and was never answered. <code> df </code> output: <code> Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize /dev 487.4M 32.0K 487.3M 4096 /mnt/secure 487.4M 0.0K 487.4M 4096 /mnt/asec 487.4M 0.0K 487.4M 4096 /mnt/obb 487.4M 0.0K 487.4M 4096 /system 639.8M 515.7M 124.1M 4096 /cache 436.0M 7.3M 428.7M 4096 /data 5.9G 2.7G 3.2G 4096 /mnt/shell/emulated 5.9G 2.7G 3.2G 4096 /mnt/asec/ 2.0M 84.0K 1.9M 4096 /mnt/asec/com.loudcrow.goodnightmoon-1 5.0M 3.4M 1.6M 4096 </code> <code> cat /proc/partitions </code> output: <code> major minor #blocks name 7 0 2111 loop0 7 1 5229 loop1 179 0 7467008 mmcblk0 179 1 12288 mmcblk0p1 179 2 8192 mmcblk0p2 179 3 665600 mmcblk0p3 179 4 453632 mmcblk0p4 179 5 512 mmcblk0p5 179 6 10240 mmcblk0p6 179 7 5120 mmcblk0p7 179 8 512 mmcblk0p8 179 9 6302720 mmcblk0p9 179 32 2048 mmcblk0boot1 179 16 2048 mmcblk0boot0 254 0 2110 dm-0 254 1 5229 dm-1 </code> <code> mount </code> output: <code> rootfs / rootfs ro,relatime 0 0 tmpfs /dev tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,mode=755 0 0 devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=600 0 0 proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs rw,seclabel,relatime 0 0 selinuxfs /sys/fs/selinux selinuxfs rw,relatime 0 0 debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0 none /acct cgroup rw,relatime,cpuacct 0 0 tmpfs /mnt/secure tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=700 0 0 tmpfs /mnt/asec tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0 tmpfs /mnt/obb tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0 none /dev/cpuctl cgroup rw,relatime,cpu 0 0 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/APP /system ext4 ro,seclabel,relatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/CAC /cache ext4 rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noatime,errors=panic,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,nomblk_io_submit,data=ordered 0 0 /dev/block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/UDA /data ext4 rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noatime,errors=panic,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,nomblk_io_submit,data=ordered 0 0 /dev/fuse /mnt/shell/emulated fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=1023,group_id=1023,default_permissions,allow_other 0 0 /dev/block/dm-0 /mnt/asec/ ext4 ro,dirsync,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1 0 0 /dev/block/dm-1 /mnt/asec/com.loudcrow.goodnightmoon-1 ext4 ro,dirsync,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1 0 0 </code>
I had the same issue on my N7. The answer for me was to lock the boot loader, then unlock it again. Hope this helps and saves some time instead of flashing the entire OS.
Internal storage missing: Nexus 7 16G down to 5.8G TOTAL
A friend of mine has a Nexus 7 2012. Although it used to work, it now won't turn on. I would mark this off as a broken battery or screen if it were not for this one oddity: the backlight turns on while the device is charging. I am unable to reach the bootloader or recovery mode. He does not know what Android version it runs, so I can be of no help there. He also says that this happened after he let his Nexus turn off due to low battery. Is there any way I would be able to fix this issue (say jumpstart it and use USB debugging to fix it?), or is the device truly broken?
The problem is that the device was stuck in fastboot. I had to use ADB to get into the bootloader, and change to normal boot from there. Now, everything works. I assume he let the device run out of power while updating, as it completed updating once it was out of fastboot. Thanks for all the help you gave me. You may not have solved my problem, but I still appreciate it.
Nexus 7 Not Booting; Backlight Turns on while Charging
I'm using Cyanogen Mod 10.1 and I wonder if there is any possibility to use Google Play without installing all Google apps. I don't need Gmail, Talk, etc. I don't want to link my device to google. Is there any way to just put in your Google account data for Google Play and not for the whole device?
I found myself an answer: Now only Google Play is installed without Gmail, Talk, ... but I had to link my phone anyway to Google.
Use Google Play without any other Google apps installed
I'm using MAC M.L &amp; Eclipse 4.2.2 ADT I've installed Eclipse on MAC OS X I can't create Virtual Device (AVD) Android SDK Manager error is Failed to run the Android SDK manager.Check the Android console view for details. Getting error like Description Resource Path Location Type Error executing aapt: <code> Cannot run program "/Developer/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20130522/sdk/build-tools/android-4.2.2/aapt": error=13, Permission denied: error=13, Permission denied adsa line 1 Android ADT Problem </code> Any help will be appreciated. Thanks I've reffered Official Links Android setting up ADT , [Managing AVD's with AVD Manager][2] See screenshot of Errors Click here
Ok so it looks like you are not trying to run it properly. First things first you need to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD). This will be the profile of the device you will be emulating. Open up a terminal and follow these steps. Make sure you have the SDK installed and you are in the <code> ./tools </code> directory of your SDK. For this example I will be creating an AVD named "Nexus_7". Step 1: determine your target: <code> /.android list targets </code> You will get an output of all of your available targets, here is the one I will use: <code> id: 3 or "android-18" Name: Android 4.3 Type: Platform API level: 18 Revision: 1 Skins: HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800 (default), WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in ABIs : armeabi-v7a </code> Step 2: Create the AVD: <code> ./android create avd -n "Nexus_7" -t 3 </code> For simplicity, when it prompts you to create custom hardware specs, just enter (or enter no then press enter). You should get output like this: <code> Created AVD 'Nexus_7' based on Android 4.3, ARM (armeabi-v7a) processor, with the following hardware config: hw.lcd.density=240 vm.heapSize=48 hw.ramSize=512 </code> Step 3: Launch the Emulator Here is the moment of truth: <code> ./emulator -avd "Nexus_7" </code> It will take quite a while for the emulator to start, especially on the newer Android builds. You can screw around with hardware acceleration if you want it to move a bit faster. Also you should use Screenshots to speed up the boot time. I got all of the info from: Android Docs
Cannot start emulator on Mac OS X
I've got a stock, non-rooted Nexus 4 which I updated to Jelly Bean 4.3 when the OTA update came out a month or more ago. Just today I got another message that there was a system update available. It said it would update to 4.3, and I double-checked (and took a screenshot), and confirmed I already had it in "About phone." Nonetheless, I went ahead with the update to get rid of the notification, and it went through the usual process. The before and after screenshots of the about screen confirm that I had the exact same Android, Baseband, and Kernel versions, as well as the same Build Number. I can't find any differences after the update. Does anyone know why this might have happened? Before screenshot, taken 2013-08-23 16:28:04, before the update was started about a minute later: After screenshot, taken 2013-08-23 16:36:14 after the update finished and it restarted.
The before and after screenshots of the about screen confirm that I had the exact same Android, Baseband, and Kernel versions, as well as the same Build Number Actually, they do not. The first screenshot shows a build number of JWR66 V , and the second is JWR66 Y . An official changelog has not been released, but T-Mobile's documentation indicates that the update contains "security" updates. You can also find some (unofficial) discussion of the actual code commits in this article. So although the version number was not incremented, it is a different build than you previously had.
Why did my Nexus 4 download the Jelly Bean 4.3 update again?
My vanilla Android tablet (4.2/4.3) has this very fun feature in the camera app, that allows easily creating StreetView-like 360° composite pictures. My Samsung TouchWiz phone (4.2) does not have this same feature in camera app. Is there a way to get it?
Yes. Just download the Nexus' camera app onto your Samsung device and install it. You'll end up with 2 camera and gallery apps. They all have different icons, though, so you can visually see which one you want to open. See the following link for a download link and instructions. Use the Google camera app to create photospheres. Note that to view the photospheres, you must also use the Google Gallery app (which is also installed). Direct download: Camera Icons Gallery Icons In ADW , I created a folder called Camera and changed the icon names for the two camera apps to help distinguish between the two. I don't know if TouchWiz can created folders or change the icon labels, though; I installed ADW Ex as soon as I got the phone.
Google's photo sphere functionality for Samsung TouchWiz phone?
When I go to Android Device Manager , my tablet is listed, but not my phone. I had signed up just as soon as ADM was available, and at that time both devices were listed. Now, for the last several days, I can only see my tablet. (For what it's worth, both devices appear in the "My Devices" section of the Google Play Store.) I have done the following while troubleshooting: Ensured that the Android Device Manager settings in Google Settings are both on. I have even toggled them off and back on again Ensured that Location Services are on Ensured that all sync services for my account are toggled on and work Have connected to the Play Store several different times Ensured Google Play Services is at the latest version Made sure I'm using the right account. (In fact, I removed the other secondary accounts from the phone) Power-cycled the phone several different times I could understand if ADM couldn't find the phone due to it being off, out of range, poor signal, etc., but ADM would at least display the phone and tell me it couldn't find it. So, any suggestions to get my phone to show up on Android Device Manager? I would like this to be working before something happens to the phone. ( Murphy's Law and all that.) Although it shouldn't make any difference: Tablet: Nexus 7 (2012) with Android 4.3 Phone: Verizon Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.2.2 Addendum: There's apparently some (relatively new) advice on the Android Device Manager help page : Open Google Settings from your device's apps menu. Touch Android Device Manager . Uncheck Allow remote factory reset . Go to your device's main Settings menu, then touch Apps > All > Google Play services . Touch Clear Data . Note that this action doesn't remove personal data. Go back to Google Settings and select Allow remote factory reset . Restart your device. I have followed these steps, but it doesn't appear to have worked.
Well, I don't seem to have an answer why this was happening, but I got some advice about how to finally fix it. From Ryan Lestage on Google+: Clear data for the following apps: Play Store Download Manager Google Services Framework Restart your phone. Fire up the Play Store app. Wait for the device to show again on the web Play Store. It will appear under <code> Settings &gt; Devices </code> . It may take a half-hour to several hours to appear. When your phone has shown up in the Play Store with the date registered as today's date, proceed with the next steps, but not before. Open Google Settings from your device's apps menu. Touch Android Device Manager. Uncheck Allow remote factory reset. Go to your device's main Settings menu, then touch <code> Apps &gt; All &gt; Google Play services </code> . Touch Clear Data . Note that this action doesn't remove personal data. Go back to Google Settings and select Allow remote factory reset. Restart your device. I would like to know exactly which of these steps was the magic sauce, but I'm content that it worked at all. I suppose that Play Store connection makes some sense, because while my phone was listed there, it showed a "Last Used" date back in March or somesuch. I really hope that the setting sticks this time, and that I won't be forced to repeat this process every couple of months just to protect my device. (If so, I'll go back to some of my other options, like Carbonite and/or Lookout.)
Phone not appearing in Android Device Manager
I've got a Samsung Galaxy Note with SlideIt installed which works wonderfully. But I can't write with my pen anymore. So how do I switch VERY QUICKLY to the Samsung keyboard and back?
I had the exact same issue with my Note II. The best solution I've found is the app Quick Keyboard Switch , which gives you a notification bar icon you can tap after pulling down to bring up a dialog box to switch KBs. You can switch back the Samsung kb, and from there hit the handwriting input button to get back to pen input.
Switch keyboards quickly
I follow the official Android guide here but I cannot start the emulated device. It keeps saying <code> PANIC Cannot start device... </code> as below screenshot. Do you have the same problem and any work around for me? Creating the device Starting the device PANIC/failed result
Try these steps Create a environment variable called: <code> ANDROID_SDK_HOME </code> and set it to <code> C:\Users\&lt;&lt;Administrator&gt;&gt; </code> Open <code> Eclipse &gt; Window &gt; Preferences </code> , click in <code> Run/Debug </code> and <code> String Substitution </code> . Add a new variable called <code> user.home </code> and set it to <code> C:\Users\&lt;&lt;Administrator&gt;&gt; </code> Create an AVD and run it. Note The <code> &lt;&lt;Administrator&gt;&gt; </code> means the name of your Windows account; it is where resides the folder which contains your <code> .android </code> directory An android project member says here : As a work-around, you can define the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME to point to the directory containing your .android directory. The emulator and SDK Manager will pick it up properly. Also you should check that the AVD is created in the location D:\NN\.android\avd (check in your screenshoots, just above the list of AVD, the path in List of existin Android Virtual Devices).
Cannot start emulated Android device/AVD device in Windows 7
I have Tasker speak texts to me if the phone is not in silent mode. (The task looks something like <code> Say 'text from %SMSRN who said %SMSRB' if %SILENT ~ off </code> , and it's run by a profile activated when a text is received.) This works well except when I'm on a phone call and the text is read out while I'm in conversation! Doesn't happen much but it's annoying. So what I want to do is have it read out texts when I'm not in silent mode AND when I'm not on a call. I can set up a variable <code> %INCALL </code> to equal 1 when the phone is off the hook (and clear the variable when the phone is idle). Therefore, I want texts read <code> (if %SILENT ~ off AND %INCALL != 1) </code> . I can't see any way to do an <code> AND </code> in Tasker logic. Is there an elegant way to handle this?
You can specify AND logic in contexts, not just tasks. Don't forget that you can have multiple contexts that must all be met (logical AND) before the task(s) run. Try adding the context <code> State &gt; Call [Any, Invert = YES] </code> ; this would mean the profile will only activate 1) when a text is received AND 2) no call is active.
Use AND logic on variables in Tasker
Is it possible to trigger the media scanner to update its DB via the command line? I have an SSH server installed on my Android device and I copy files to/from over the same link. It would be great if I could also trigger a re-scan for the media scanner. I am aware that there are applications on the market to do this via the UI but this is not what I want. Any help fully appreciated.
The SSH server doesn't set all the necessary environment variables so it is easier to use a shell script. <code> #!/system/bin/sh export ANDROID_ASSETS=/system/app export ANDROID_CACHE=/cache export ANDROID_DATA=/data export ASEC_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/asec export ANDROID_ROOT=/system export BOOTCLASSPATH=/system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/filterfw.jar export EXTERNAL_STORAGE=/mnt/sdcard export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib:/system/lib am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d file:///mnt/sdcard </code> When successful: <code> # rescan-media Broadcasting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///mnt/sdcard } Broadcast completed: result=0 </code> This works on Cyanogenmod 9.1. Depending on your system the environment may be slightly different. Note: In later versions of Cyanogenmod / Android the SD card may be mounted at <code> /storage/sdcard0 </code> . Make sure you know where your card is mounted or this will never work. Diskinfo may help here. Thanks to Dan Hulme for pushing me in the right direction. References:
Can I trigger a media scan via the the command line?
When creating an emulator device, the option <code> Emulation Options </code> makes me confused. What do <code> Snapshot </code> and <code> Use host GPU </code> mean?
The Snapshot option speeds up the boot of the emulator by saving a snapshot of its RAM once it has booted, and restoring from that snapshot on future uses. That way, it doesn't have to run the boot process (which is slow, because it's emulated) every time you start the emulator. The Use Host GPU option uses the host computer's OpenGL implementation (which is probably hardware-accelerated, on your real GPU) to evaluate OpenGL commands inside the emulated system. Put another way, when a program inside the emulator uses OpenGL for graphics operations, the work goes out to your real GPU, and the result goes back into the emulator, instead of emulating a GPU (which is very slow). The result is a significant speed-up, especially when you consider that most view and canvas drawing uses OpenGL in Android ≥ 4, even in non-graphics apps. You can't have both options turned on at once.
What is `Snapshot` and `Use host GPU` emulation option(s) for?
I wonder if other people can read my contact list when the app permission(s) has <code> Phone Calls </code> permision like below snapshot.
Not quite: this permission allows the app to read the IMEI of your phone, your phone number, your network operator, and to know whether you are making a call. It does also let the holder of the permission know the number at the other end of the call, but not any of the contact data associated with that number. These uses are described in the developer documentation for <code> TelephonyManager </code> . A good use for this might be to disable some ongoing process while you're in a call, or show an indicator, or to help you report your device as stolen. A bad use for this would be for invasive ads to track your identity across different apps, in order to push targeted advertising at you; or to record your phone number and those you call, to make nuisance calls to you afterwards, maybe claiming to be from your network operator. Reading your contacts is controlled by the permission called read your contacts .
Can `Phone Calls` application permission allow developer to read my contact book?
I have a chess app on my 2012 Nexus 7 (running stock Android 4.3, with a few small background services) that allows me to set the size of an internal hash table used by the chess engine. Larger hash tables increase the performance of the chess engine, but it is ultimately limited by the RAM available on the tablet. Typically, the Settings app indicates that around 450-500 MB of RAM is free. How much memory should I allow the app to use, and how much should I leave free for the system? As I don't want to change this setting too often, can I rely on this amount of memory being available every time I use the app? (Note that the amount of memory used must always be a power of 2.) The other questions and answers I've read haven't really answered this question, so I don't believe this is a duplicate.
If you've read around, then you'll already have read that the idea of "free RAM" is a bit of a nonsense for Android. PC operating systems take an app out of RAM as soon as you quit it, which leaves empty space that the PC probably has to spend power on filling again afterwards - probably with the same app next time you run it. Android tries to avoid this waste by leaving apps in memory after you stop using them or after they finish running, so that they're ready to run again next time. If it needs more RAM for an app, only then does it get rid of these cached processes . Android will first get rid of cached processes, based on how soon it thinks it's going to need them again. If it still needs more RAM for the foreground activity, it'll get rid of background services (which sync your email etc. but aren't directly visible). If it still needs more RAM, it'll get rid of activities that are directly accessible but aren't currently visible, such as the launcher, the activity you'll go back to when you press back (maybe even in the same app as the activity that's running), or the greyed-out activity that's partly visible behind a dialog. This way, even if you have no free RAM, Android can free up quite a lot of RAM for the foreground activity: all the RAM on the device, except that needed by Android itself. I suggest to work out the best setting using trial and error. Without more knowledge of the app, I can't predict the effect of having the setting too low: perhaps the AI will make worse moves, or take longer to decide. If the setting is too high, you'll notice that when you leave the chess game you have to wait for the previous app to launch: this is particularly noticeable when it's the launcher, and you get a spinning progress indicator instead of the list of apps. If this were one of my apps, I'd consider this a bug. It's bad form to give the user a setting with no way to know what value to set. The app has more information about how much RAM the device has and can make available than you do: it should decide itself.
How much RAM should I allow an app to use, and how much should I always leave free?
I just upgraded my cell phone to android 4.1.2. And I was shocked to see that there is no import/export option in my messages app. While in 4.1.1 there was the option of import/export. My search for solution: I have tried many other apps for messages too, they all lack the import/export feature. I then tried a new ROM of same version, 4.1.2! But again same results. My Question: Is there a ROM issue, or 4.1.2 does not allow this feature to import/export? My cellphone: I am using Qmobile A8. I have tried ROMs by INCPak
If all you want to do is transfer your SMS messages to another device or back them up, use an app like SMS Backup &amp; Restore - that allows you to import / export / back up your SMS messages for posterity. It also allows a user to selectively pick and choose which conversations you want to backup or restore.
Import/Export option not found in messages app (4.1.2)
I have a Huawei U8850 running Android 2.3.7 and want to manage my text messages more efficiently. At the moment the only delete options I can see are to delete all thread or the current thread. However, what I want to be able to do is delete individual text messages (both received and sent). The conversation with my wife (say) will include messages that are just acknowledgements of other messages being received or ones that are no longer relevant (shopping lists, say) and I would like to get rid of those, but keep the more important messages (at least for the time being). Is there any way to do this or am I stuck with either keeping the entire conversation or deleting it all?
All you have to do is press and hold the text message you want to delete. You will then be prompted to select more text messages to delete or just delete the one you have selected. If your Android version is too old for this let me know and I will emulate your specific version and figure it out for you.
Is there any way I can delete individual text messages?
Would Samsung Galaxy Note II battery work on Samsung Galaxy Note? Would it fit and would the 3100mAh be a problem because the original of the Note is only 2500mAh?
It won't fit, The Note 2 batteries are physically larger than the Note 1's battery slots. Your best bet is finding a good third-party extended battery.
Would Samsung Galaxy Note II battery work on Samsung Galaxy Note?
I have purchased an app from the Play Store. How many times I can install the same app on different Android devices? Is there a limit?
There is no limit. From Google Support: Downloading previously purchased &amp; downloaded apps When you download a paid or free app on Google Play, the app is connected to your Google Account, meaning that you get several benefits: If you get a new device, remove an app to free up space, or reset your device, you can reinstall the app without purchasing it again. If you have multiple devices, you can install the app on all of your devices without purchasing the app again. You can quickly find free or paid apps that you previously downloaded.
How many devices does one purchase of Android app support?
i search in google and i can't find some easy way to uninstall the application (it can't be found in the play store apps). How i can uninstall (or delete) framaroot? Thanks Update: I suscefully uninstalled the in the settings of the smarthphone, but it's still have root permission the android. The questions is: how to take away the root permission?
Well i found this to delete (uninstall) SuperUser: Use root explorer and delete superuser.apk from the /system/app folder(1). Go to the Android market and download and install super user. Use root explorer again and delete su from /system/bin (2). Go to the market and uninstall super user. Notes: (1) I use Root App Delete, but the idea is the same. (2) I try to delete but it's unsuccessful :) I solve finally using this guide: Resume: Install es file explorer, Install supersu Start SuperSu in es file explorer start root explorer delete /system/bin/su delete /system/xbin/su Uninstall supersu
How to uninstall framaroot
I'm on a google nexus 4 (up to date, non-rooted) and I'm using gmail and google contacts for my contact/messaging needs. Additionally I'm pulling contacts from facebook, linkedIn, xing (German linkedIn clone) and google plus. Is there an easy way to merge contact info from other networks into the gmail contact when joining/linking contacts from gmail and other networks like facebook and linkedIn? I wouldn't mind using a third party app to do the footwork (joining, unduping, etc.) but I'd like to keep and update the data in my gmail contact list as I am using this list half of the time on my desktop. I don't mind using another contacts app for viewing/browsing and calling/texting my contacts but I don't want to depend on one forever and I don't want to redo everything again and again everytime I switch my phone and/or contacts app I know that Smartr and Rapportive (Desktop only) can do a lot of association stuff but in the end all the data that happens in Smartr stays in Smartr. Things I'd like to have: Data Contact Name Picture (assigned by me, default g+ with facebook or linkedIn as fallback) Nickname basic gmail stuff, multiple numbers, mails, addresses, birthday, other dates, urls other network profiles as "profile URLs" or sound "other URLs" Functionality easy linking/joining and un-duping data storage in gmail contacts as fas as possible compatibility with other apps like smartr or rapportive
KADlancer - check out . (Full disclosure: I work for them, so I'm a bit biased. But the issues you mentioned are exactly the issues we're trying to solve). We currently have a web app in private beta that pulls in contacts from various Google Contacts/Gmail sources, as well as Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. It then adds social profile data to each, normalizes &amp; de-dupes them, and syncs them back in real-time. Within the next month we plan to roll out our public beta, which will support the linking of all of the above sources - meaning you can unify contacts across all your social networks/Google accounts and have all your contacts in one place, automatically up-to-date. Because we offer two-way sync in real-time, changes made in Google Contacts sync to FullContact, and vice-versa - meaning that your data is your data, and stays where you want it (no walled gardens). Again, I work for them, so you'd probably be right to take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. But based on what you posted, it looks like the FullContact Address Book will do almost everything you're looking to do (with the possible exception of Xing, which is currently not supported, but on the roadmap). I'm not aware of any other app out there that does quite what we do, save Smartr - which it sounds like you've already tried. Good luck!
managing multiple contact sources as gmail contacts
Is there a list of which kernel version comes in each Android AOSP version? Or lets say, which version /proc/version would spit out.
You can find all of the stock kernel versions at the Wikipedia Android version history page. It has the kernel version for each version of Android; it's at the end of the descriptions of each Android version. Table from Wikipedia: <code> Android Version |API Level |Linux Kernel in AOSP ---------------------------------------------------- 1.5 Cupcake |3 |2.6.27 1.6 Donut |4 |2.6.29 2.0/1 Eclair |5-7 |2.6.29 2.2.x Froyo |8 |2.6.32 2.3.x Gingerbread |9, 10 |2.6.35 3.x.x Honeycomb |11-13 |2.6.36 4.0.x Ice Cream San|14, 15 |3.0.1 4.1.x Jelly Bean |16 |3.0.31 4.2.x Jelly Bean |17 |3.4.0 4.3 Jelly Bean |18 |3.4.39 </code> Note: other “distributions” of Android might run different kernel versions. Anyone is welcome to correct and expand this table. Please keep formatting.
Which Android runs which Linux kernel?
Long story short, my phone messed up and it's stuck in a bootloop. The phone in question is a Coolpad 7560U, also known as Orange Nivo, running Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. Data and cache wiping do not fix the bootloop. USB jigs are not a valid method either. The usual means of connecting to it using adb or fastboot don't work anymore -- neither will detect the phone in any way. I have tried all of the power on button combinations. All I can manage is to get into the stock recovery mode (the same one the bootloop passes through) and a QPST "通讯中 Secboot" Download mode. I am connecting the phone to my Windows 8 x86 PC through an USB cable. For a certain timespan during the boot loop, the following devices show up in Device Manager, all at once: 3 storage devices : One of them is a CD-ROM drive and the other two are generic removables - None of them are accessible, returning the prompt "Please insert a disk into drive *:". 4 other devices: Under "Ports (COM &amp; LPT)" Coolpad Android AT USB VCOM (COM7) Coolpad Android Diagnostics USB VCOM (COM10) Coolpad Android NMEA USB VCOM (COM9) Under "Modems" Coolpad Mobile USB Modem Phone These four seem like my only means of landing a connection to the phone. Update: According to Alex P.'s answer, I can confirm that the "Secboot" mode puts the phone into a QPST Download mode. The 4 serial port devices do indeed allow for access to the phone through Qualcomm's QPST software suite, and probably impossible to push adb or fastboot commands through.
The serial interface you see is a Qualcomm DIAG interface. It has nothing to do with ADB/fastboot. It can be used to recover the phone though by flashing the proper bootloader. You will need to use Qualcomm tools like QPST and find the proper flashing image in QPST format.
ADB/fastboot over Serial/COM ports?
I received a 7" tablet as a "gift" when I attended a presentation recently. I'd like to find out some specs about it (processor details, who the manufacturer is in case I need support, etc.). I hope someone can help point me in the right direction... The device came in a white and blue box that said "Android" and "Tablet PC" on it. There is no mention of any manufacturer, so my guess is I got an extremely cheap Chinese tablet. The instructions seem to indicate so...the English in it is horrible. Based on the "About tablet" section in Settings, it seems to be running stock Android 4.0.4 and its model number is "TWD_MID". I did some searches but couldn't find any conclusive manufacturer/specs. It has 1GB of internal storage, another "internal storage" worth 1.71GB, and it has a "TF Card" slot...which takes MicroSD cards. Thanks in advance... Kevin
I used Android System Info app and it gave me a bit more hardware information (CPU speed, CPU chip, etc.) but nothing definitive about the manufacturer...I guess it will remain a mysterious an Allwinner clone... Thanks for the help, all...
Help identifying tablet manufacturer and model to get specs
Forgive me if this is already asked, but I couldn't find it anywhere. (Most results involved 1 device and moving data between 2 sd cards. I have two devices and I want to move all data off the sd card to the first device so I can move the sd card to the second device.) I've upgraded devices (HTC Thunderbolt to Samsung Galaxy Note II) and would like to remove my SD card from the Thunderbolt and use it in the Note II. To get a clean start, I will format the sd card before placing it in the Note, and I know how to do this. I want to keep my Thunderbolt and use it as a "poor man's tablet". It's already removed from the cell service and I'll just use it on the home WiFi messing around with some odd projects. I've already uninstalled a bunch of apps, and moved any remaining ones from the sd card back onto the Tablet. What I don't know is how to protect the apps that remain from getting damaged when I separate them from the files they've been storing on the sd card. For example, there's a lot stored in: /sdcard/Android/data/ (such as Google Maps and Swiftkey) /sdcard/data/ /sdcard/.android_secure/ How do I protect the apps on the Thunderbolt from being harmed from permanently removing the sd card? Do I have to clear all their data, or uninstall/reinstall them after removing the card?
As Izzy said in the comments really your best option is to just buy a new card. They are super cheap especially if you buy online. I just looked on Amazon and the cheapest 16 GB SD card I could fine was just over $12.00 US. I'm sure you can go to your local electronics store and pick one up for around $20.00 US if you don't want to deal with buying online and shipping and whatnot. But, if you are stingy (most of us are, lets be honest!), make sure you have migrated all of your apps back to internal storage with AppMgr III . Once this is done you can shutdown the phone and remove the SD card. If you want you can create a backup of your SD card just in case you need the data on it in the future. You can just copy and paste all of the files into a folder and then compress it, or you can create a disk image of the drive, whatever is more convenient to you. Then turn on your old device with the card NOT inside of it. Go through all of your downloaded apps and see if any of them were relying on data on the card. Once you find the apps that need the SD card you can then choose to uninstall and reinstall them, or see if you can transfer the files off of the SD card and then back onto the device and then point the app to the folder. It might take a little bit of screwing around, but perhaps the feeling of having extra cash in your wallet will overcome the frustration of dealing with data migration. Good luck!
How can I (permanently) remove an sd card without harming apps on the device
I bought an Android PC from Amazon and found it booted Linux then booted Android. I mean literally booted Linux (penguins splash), then booted Android (Android splash). I contacted the vendor asking this particular question, and he stated: The mini PC has the Linux bootup first as Android runs on top of Linux I have tried googling and searching Super User for an answer, but have so far found nothing. I know Android uses the Linux kernel to some extent, but is that statement correct? Is this common for an android device? If this is a false statement, should I be worried about 3rd party applications running on the Linux OS at boot? Device Information: Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, RK3188 Quad-core 1.6GHz CPU Cortex-A9 (28nm), 2G DDR3 RAM / 8G Flash stackexchange-url ("Link to Amazon"), and supplier .
Android runs the Linux Kernel for the core system and it can be (and is) optimized for various platforms (compiled for ARM, x86, x64, PPC, etc). Here is a fantastic graphic to demonstrate this for you: Source: stackexchange-url ("Post on Unix.SE") Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack. Source: And my comment on your second sentence is that Linux Kernel is not meant for only desktop operating systems. Its use cases vary from Desktop OS to Servers, mainframes and supercomputers to Embedded Devices. Linux is a widely ported operating system kernel. Due to its low cost and ease of customization, the Linux kernel is used on a highly diverse range of computer architectures: in the hand-held devices and the mainframe Systems, in devices ranging from mobile phones to supercomputers. On the other note: Palm (later acquired by HP) use Linux-derived operating system, webOS, which is used into its line of Palm Pre smartphones. Several network firewalls and routers from makers such as Cisco/Linksys use customized linux kernel. There are tons of devices out there which are using embedded linux.
Android runs ON Linux?
Is there any way to receive an update/new version released notification from the Play Store for an app that is not installed in my phone? I'm using 4.3 on a Nexus 4.
There isn't anything built in but you can use an app such as Changelog Droid. You would need to add the apps you wish to be notified for to the Observed list within the app.
Be notified of an update to an app that is not installed
I don't use the default Firefox search-engines, so I like to be able to delete all the Amazon, Twitter, Google nativelly installed on every Firefox version. Using current and beta version of Firefox, I am able to remove built-in search-engines on Firefox on Android, simply from the add-ons manager and disable the search-engine. However, on the last Nightly build, the search-engines can not be found in the add-ons manager. My phone is not rooted, so I'm not able to directly set the search-engines list by editing the files or removing it through the search-engines list . Can't find a property in <code> about:config </code> either...
I've obtained an answer from Mozilla Support , so I post it here for the community. The feature seems to have been removed. However, any hack is welcome :-) Support said : Using Nightly you can find pre-installed search engines in 'Settings' → 'Customize' → 'Search settings'. I don't think there are plans to re-introduce disabling default search engines anymore. There are no plans to introduce removing pre-bundled search engines.
Remove built-in search-engines in Firefox Nightly
I just updated Cyanogenmod 10.1 to 10.2 (nightly) and noticed that the Camera app (not Focal) no longer has the ability to take Photospheres. I'm guessing it's related to this . How can I get the "regular" Camera app for Android 4.3 on my Nexus 4?
The upgrading to 10.2 from 10.1 page links to a flashable zip with the Photosphere enabled Camera app. That link appears to currently be broken. Here is a working link. After flashing, the Camera app has the ability to take Photospheres.
Where can I find the 4.3 Camera app with Photosphere?
Why does Google Play Music and other music apps display album artwork with such terrible quality? This occurs even when high resolution images are embed into the audio files. How can we fix this?
There is a solution, but unfortunately it is a bit tedious. This issue occurs because Android caches the album art at a low resolution. It also generates file names for the thumbnails in a weird manner (apparently by the value of the system clock the first time the album appears). This means that the fix will be manual unless you employ some computer vision software. Navigate to <code> Internal Storage\Android\data\ </code> and copy the <code> albumthumbs </code> folder to some local directory. You'll see files such as <code> 1345139729376 </code> , <code> 1345139731350 </code> , etc in <code> albumthumbs </code> . These files have no extension but are actually just jpegs. You can just edit these files if your image editing software supports it, but we could add <code> .jpg </code> to make it easier. In Windows this could be done via the command-line with <code> ren * *.jpg </code> . Now if you're on Windows you'll probably see image thumbnails instead of the generic file icon and it will be easy to edit the images. I'm sorry if you have a lot of albums, but since the file names are as good as random we need to actually look at each image and replace it with its high resolution counterpart. If you changed the file extension we can change it all back with <code> ren * *. </code> (note the period at the end). We can then paste our modified album art back into the original <code> albumthumbs </code> folder on the device. The result:
Low resolution album artwork?
The title sounds misleading... There exists a shortcut under the settings shortcut widget that points to notifications. In this I can see all the notifications that my phone had (even after clearing it in the pulldown notification tray). I have 2 questions: a) where is it actually located in the settings (I have been looking for it for a while) b) how do I clear this...there seems to be no option (do I reboot?) Here are the screenshots that may help clarify:
There's no way to get at this activity other than through a settings shortcut. The code for it can be found here on Github , and if you search the repository for the <code> NotificationStation </code> class you'll find all the entry points for it: in this case, only the shortcut intent filter in the manifest. If you examine the code you'll also see there's no way to remove old notifications from the list: as you can see in the screenshot, the greyed-out notifications are those you've dismissed from the 'normal' notification tray. However, this class is mainly intended as a demo. Android 4.3 adds support for any application (with the appropriate permission) to access and display the list of notifications. For example, a third-party launcher might want to show them, an app might want to show all notifications in a pop-up window iOS-style, a live wallpaper or daydream could respond to them graphically, or a utility might analyse your phone use from the notifications (something like Tasker could trigger actions based on notifications appearing or being dismissed). Because this is a new feature, and 4.3 isn't on many devices yet, it'll be a while before third-party developers invest the time needed to offer these features, but you won't have to wait long.
How to get to notifications in settings?
I have been using the the Hotmail app to check my emails. Recently I downloaded the app since it is advertised for better performance and I preferred it's layout over the Hotmail app. It works fine with my home and office WiFi. But when I tried to use it with my data (3G) connection, it does not synchronize with the server. My email is on a <code> .com </code> domain I own. Also I cannot even download the attachments of the previously synced emails. Is this a bug of the app or something is wrong with my device?
This is an error with your network setting. Nothing is wrong with your device or the app . Goto <code> Settings </code> -> <code> More Settings </code> -> <code> Mobile Networks </code> Now go to <code> Access Point Names </code> Click your <code> APN </code> , (e.g. O2) Delete the Proxy and delete the IP Address within it, so it is "Not set" This was solved in the Microsoft forums. app cannot be used with data/3G
I updated to latest ClockWorkMode recovery in my Galaxy S 3(AT&amp;T,d2att) . New version is And noticed that Fix Permission option is removed from it. I used that option when flasing ROMs. I can't find why they did so. Will it affects flashing new ROMs? Is it not necessary? Anyone knows reason behind that update?
It was removed because It's total placebo these days. I wrote it for dealing with the silly things that happen when we used to put apps on SD before Android supported it. Since then, it's been something of a sugar pill that magically fixes all problems without actually doing anything. (Taken from the commit history, posted by Steve Kondik)
Fix permission option removed from CWM recovery
I have the Nexus 7, and I just updated to 4.3, and I'm creating restricted profiles for my kids. They use to play in my main profile, and they progressed a lot in several games and, when they access their new user, they have to start over. Is there anyway to migrate the application data from my main user to the restricted users? I'm not rooted. Tks
Had the same problem with my kids profile. Finally solved, but it required root grants! This is what I did: close all running [app] instances. from command prompt start ADB shell: c:> adb shell switch to root user (your device must be rooted): shell> su go to in target profile directory: root> cd /data/user/[profile_user_id] For example: profile_user_id==10 for first restricted profile. rename directory (to have a back up copy) root> mv [app_dir] [app_dir].old copy app data from main profile (id=0) to new profile: root> cp -r /data/user/0/[app_dir] . change owner for files just copied: root> find [app_dir] | xargs chown [app_user]:[app_group] restart device (not sure if it is really needed). Hope this helps.
Transfer data from one user to another in 4.3
I only use my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Chat) as a "pocket computer" (with WiFi) and don't use it to make telephone calls (I use a dual-SIM "dumbphone" for this). All the time it shows a cellular network signal indicator and reports that it can make emergency calls. Can I switch it off to save battery? Some years ago, when I had a Benefon Esc! GSM+GPS phone, I could independently turn its GSM and GPS modules on/off. I wonder if this is possible in modern day smartphones.
You can switch your phone to Airplane mode - this will shut down ALL radios. After this, turn on ONLY the WiFi and you'll be able to use it as a WiFi only device.
How to switch the GSM/3G module off?
Is there a way to send and receive SMS when a cellular signal is not available, but WiFi is? I'm often on-site at locations where the building has a strong WiFi (Internet) connection, but a simple cell signal is spotty at best.
SMS is tied in with GSM telephony standard, so the answer to your question is No. But what you can do, is use Viber , Whatsapp to send something similar to SMS ( not the GSM variety! ) to each party provided they have the appropriate app installed.
Sending & Receiving SMS via WiFi
The phone was plugged in to my computer (I was doing development) and was running all the time. Suddenly, while I was not doing development or doing anything, the phone died and I have have never been able to turn it on again. I've tried: Hold the Power button Hold both Power and Volume down button Take out the battery and put it in again Replace the batter with another one from my friends' working-perfectly-fine Galaxy S3 The result is the same: no response from the phone at all - it's completely cold, no sound, light or vibration at all - all I've seen is the blank unchanged screen so please don't ask me about the start up screen What can I do?
I have found out through searches that this is the Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) which many have reported especially for Samsung Galaxy S3. It was the motherboard that was broken and replacing it brought the phone back to life.
Samsung Galaxy S3 suddenly dies and won't turn on even after battery removal
Nexus 7 2013 has 4G support, but I can't find any information on 3G support. If I get a Nexus 7 4G model, can I use 3G?
The current New Nexus 7's only support wifi . They do not support any mobile data yet. But once they are released with mobile data support, you can count on them supporting older networks, like 3g (HSPA/HSPA+) as well as supporting 4g (LTE). LTE coverage is not wide enough for them to only support 4g.
Does Nexus 7 2013 have 3G support?
I'm currently using the Android Smartphone Management Software Moborobo and was amazed of what it can do. But I noticed that everytime I send a SMS, the time in my message is not synchronized to the one either in my PC or in my smartphone. Please help, Thanks! :)
The time issue seems to be a known bug has already been reported and fixed in Aug 2012: SMS times bug - August 2012 Timestamp for text messages - May 2012 I suggest you update to the latest version, currently at Beta. If that still doesn't work, I suggest you report it .
How to change Moborobo's SMS time