12 values
Is it possible to create an auto-growing tmpfs ramdisk on a rooted Android 4.x? If yes, how?
If you do a <code> cat /proc/filesystems </code> you should notice tmpfs . So if you have access to the <code> mount </code> command, you shoud be able to create a directory ( <code> mkdir MYDIRECTORY </code> ) mount a tmpfs-filesystem there ( <code> mount -t tmpfs tmpfs MYDIRECTROY </code> ) Per default a tmpfs-mount will use halv of the available RAM on your system. So rather than "auto-growing" you can think of it as "auto-shrinking" - i.e. the more you use it, the less RAM will be available. In the worst case your system might start swapping (which you do not want). You can use options to use a different RAM-size for that mount.
Is it possible to create a RAMDisk / Ramdrive for Android 4.x?
Today, a random SuperUser request from "system", with UID 1000, appear. I figured that it was nothing, so I accepted it. A couple of seconds later, my phone rebooted, or at least that's what I think it did. I saw the T-Mobile screen flash by really quickly; the Samsung screen did not appear. So, what happened and should I be concerned?
If you've installed any task killer application that has super user permission granted, this might be killing all the tasks(including system critical processes) which might result in a restart. An eg. for this would be ZDBox. Try checking if that's causing the problem.
"system" reboots my device after I allow it to in SuperUser?
I have a rooted GNex with stock kernel and stock ROM. Device is only rooted, CWM installed and unlocked bootloader. I received the OTA update yesterday but haven't tried to apply it since I have a custom recovery installed. You should also know that I removed a file called recovery-from-boot.p to avoid the stock recovery from getting reflashed following the indications in this thread I'd like to apply the OTA without losing my data and possibly not root. Losing root is not such a big problem but if you know a way of installing the 4.3 update from CWM without losing data then I'd be so thankful!
You shouldn't lose any data by flashing the OTA file. You can flash the ota file (see AndroidPolice for info and where to download it from) and as long as you've not changed any system files it should apply ok. Simply select the "apply update from sdcard" option and select the update file. You will lose root but you can simply flash SuperSu (the only superuser app that works on 4.3 at the moment) which will "re-root" your device. If you get a prompt about disabling recovery flash, select "No" as the new SuperSu uses this part of getting root access.
Update Galaxy Nexus from 4.2.2 to 4.3 while keeping files and root
I bought a bike charger for my Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro sk17i . When I cycle, the phone says that it is being charged, but apparently it is not because the battery percentage doesn't increase. It is hard to find out anything with the built in battery utility. Is there any way to monitor charging more closely, such as reading the charging current or some other useful indicators?
Battery Monitor Widget or similar might report the current (it depends on whether the battery controller reports it or not), though I'm not finding any reports on whether it works on your device or not. Still, can't hurt to try it. Alternatively, a USB multimeter, like stackexchange-url ("this one"), would give you definite readings.
Closely monitoring charging (with bike charger)
Is there a way display a "balloon counter" notification on top of an application launcher icon (like iOS)?
Go Launcher EX looks like you can turn that on, at least for some apps. Related is the Next Notification plugin for Next Launcher 3D.
How to display balloon counter over application launcher icon?
I've got an OpenVPN server and a Android OpenVPN client ( OpenVPN Connect ). In the server config I've configured it to use a less often than standard keepalive ping. By default, it's a ping every 10 seconds, but I want to save battery by increasing this to 600. In the <code> server.conf </code> I've put a line <code> keepalive 600 1800 </code> to do this. I'm expecting the server to push these settings to the client and that the client honours these settings. However, on the client I see disconnects already after 40 seconds after connecting due to inactivity! Here's what I see in detail: The OpenVPN pushes the <code> ping 600 </code> and <code> ping-restart 1800 </code> (as a result of the <code> keepalive </code> statement) perfectly fine to the client. Disconnect reason is as quick as 40 seconds after connection on idling, reason: *Session invalidated: KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT*. That does not make sense to me. Server version: 2.1.3 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (Debian version 2.1.3-2+squeeze1) Client version: 1.1.12 build 45 (OpenVPN Connect from Google Play) Android version: 4.2.2 (Paranoid Android 3.69) How can I have an increased interval for keepalive pings and have the client not disconnect? FYI - I've also posted this on OpenVPN support forums: topic .
It's a bug with OpenVPN Connect, apparently : You are absolutely right -- server-pushed keepalive parameters (ping, ping-restart) are being ignored in 1.1.12 and earlier. Will be fixed in next release. Thanks, James By using OpenVPN for Android (alternative), I can connect properly.
How do I make OpenVPN Connect honour the keepalive setting?
is there any way you can install an app (for instance WhatsApp) on Android 4.2.1 ICS but at the same time remove its autorun properties sothat it becomes a standalone app and ONLY uses memory, processing power and even more dear battery, only during the time that I start the application. After closing it I want it to remain unstarted! Note: this is different than autokilling it with taskkiller and alike. I want the app to not start in the first place). I find myself installing and de-installing certain apps to overcome this dilemma and I hope there is a better solution otherwise whats the point of Android freedom feeling, right?
You can try this application which allow what you ask for: Autorun Manager , though I think you need to have your phone rooted for this. Regarding the part when you say that want the application to remain closed, that might be tricky, because that depends on the apps implementation. IF the developer is checking constantly if the service is up or down, and try to start when it is down, I advice you not to mess with it, because by trying to stop the service, then you will ended consuming more battery (you try to stop, and the application starts again, and then you stop it again, and you end in a cicle draining your battery). Starting with Gingerbread, is best to let Android manage the state of your application, as it improved greatly the memory and application management.
How to Remove Autostart for Certain Apps?
I got my Samsumg Galaxy S3 paired and connected over Bluetooth to my laptop running Ubuntu 12.04 Both the mobile and the laptop states that the bluetooth connection is up and running I can query the mobile from the laptop with hcitool, for instance: $ sudo hcitool con Connections: > ACL [the_phone_mac_addr] handle 11 state 1 lm MASTER AUTH ENCRYPT I can transfer files from the laptop to the phone using the ubuntu bluetooth menu, but if I try to transfer a file from the mobile to the laptop I alway got a "connection failed" error My idea is that the problem might be with the bluetooth profiles the laptop exposes; from the mobile I can see the paired device details, and the list of profiles are: Call Audio Media Audio Is there a way to add or enable profiles to the laptop? Can anyone confirm my hypothesis? Any other suggestion?
Your hypothesis is correct. It's like transferring files over FTP: the receiving computer needs to run a server that understands the right protocol. To receive files you probably want a server that understands the object exchange protocol (OBEX) or object push protocol (OPP). Our sister site Ask Ubuntu has an answer about receiving files, which may help you out. If you need any further help setting up your Ubuntu laptop, they'll be able to help if you ask a question there.
File transfer error between Samsung Galaxy S3 and Ubuntu 12.04 over Bluetooth
My nexus 4 is notifying me about the availability of the new installation image for Android 4.3. I would like to install it, but I'm afraid this would automatically update Google Maps to the newest version. The comments about the removed features in Maps are so bad, that I want to stay with the old version for a while. So, what happens to Google Maps when I upgrade to Android 4.3?
No, it will not update Google Maps. You will have to update that manually or through Google Play. However, after you download and install the OTA update, you may receive a Google Map update notification. Just make sure you don't set your Google Play apps to auto-update, so you can close / ignore those notifications. Source: Comments on CNet.
Will an upgrade to Android 4.3 update Google Maps automatically (to the new unloved version)?
Last night, my wife turned the sound down on her factory default Verizon Galaxy S4 by Samsung, then later plugged it in at home and it showed a dark screen with the battery charging indicator. This morning, after waking up, my wife disconnected her phone, now charged, in the following Android Debug Bridge recovery mode state: <code> # MANUAL MODE # -- Applying Multi-CSC... Applied the CSC-code : VZW Successfully applied multi-CSC. Now send the package you want to apply to the device with "adb sideload &lt;filename&gt;"... </code> In the screen center there is an icon of an Android cartoon green figure on his back being operated upon with a red triangle over his belly with exclamation point inside the red triangle, below the icon is labeled with <code> No command </code> . Should we take the battery out and reboot? I've tried holding the power button down and trying the up and down volume keys, but the device seems unresponsive. The phone is still in warranty, are we better off just going to the Verizon store or will they just want to mail it off somewhere else to repair?
I called up Verizon support and they had me simultaneously hold the three keys: Volume Up Power Home But after 30 seconds, still no response, so they had me remove the battery for ten seconds and reboot. After reboot, the phone seemed back to normal.
How to recover Galaxy S4 from unrequested ADB recovery mode state?
I have Sony Xperia P phone which is updated to Jelly bean when they rolled out the update. It came with Gingerbread and I updated it to ICS, as soon as I got it. It was running great. But it's started to give me problems since I updated it to Jelly-bean. Even the recent minor release didn't fix the slow down issue. To give the example of slow down, I am getting Slow FPS and sometimes frozen screen for half a second whenever I play a game. Slow FPS is universal for all the apps. When I had ICS I could play games like Subway surfer without any problem, and now I can't play it due to low FPS. Sometimes the System UI gets killed, whenever I start any normal game (such as Samurai v/s Zombie defence). I don't know if it's a universal problem or just my bad luck, but one of my friend who bought the phone with me, is facing the same issue too. Any idea how can I make my phone run fast again?
There are some bugs reported in the Xperia P Jelly Bean update <code> 6.2.A.0.400 </code> . Even if it is suggested to perform a factory reset , the problem has not seemed to have fully solved. So your problem will not most probably be fixed until Sony releases a new version with bug fixes (and it might take some time) Note: Since you are mainly concerned with your gaming apps, you might need to check the incompatibilities from the Google Play Store.
Phone slowdown after Jelly bean update
One of the most exciting features announced for the release of Android Jelly Bean 4.3 was the ability to get autocomplete when dialing a phone number in a similar fashion to text keyboard autocomplete from previous versions. I just updated my Android to version 4.3 but I don't see any difference with dial pad from previous versions. Does that feature actually exist? Do I have to follow some steps to activate it?
Actually this feature does exist, but it is disabled by default, so to enable it in a vanilla Android Jelly Bean 4.3 you must follow the steps below: Open your Phone app, tap the dialer tab (first one at the left). Tap the action overflow icon (at bottom right corner) and tap Settings Scroll down to section Other call settings . You'll see the option Dial pad autocomplete is unchecked by default. Check the Dial pad autocomplete checkbox Go back to the dialer, now you'll see there is a slightly different layout than previously: the top area is now split in two different areas, shown in the picture as double arrows. The area with red arrow will show the phone number you are currently dialing as normally happens, but now the area with green arrow will show the autocomplete suggestions (contact name and their phone number) showing up to 3 contacts at the same time. Start dialing a phone number and it will autocomplete both by contact name and by phone number as you touch each key. In the example it shows 3 suggestions: two by numbers 3-5-3 and one by letters corresponding to keys 3-5-3 (E-L-E) If you don't feel comfortable with dial pad autocomplete , you can turn off this feature whenever you want by going again to Settings menu of the Phone app.
Android 4.3: How to get the dial pad autocomplete
I perform all my communication via the internet (Jabber, SIP), so I only need cellular as a backup. Additionally, coverage at my home is near to nonexistent and as a result, battery drains in a few hours (as opposed to few days when GSM is disabled). Is there an app for disabling cellular communication entirely (airplane mode) if a WiFi network is present, and enabling it otherwise? I'm not interested in solutions which disable just the data connection: Android handles that already. I'm OK with solutions which require rooting, rebuilding Android, etc.
Might help to look into @Izzy's stackexchange-url ("solution") involving tasker . A tweak is needed: Instead of detecting a GSM/CDMA signal, check if a Wifi network is present nearby Switch to/enable airplane mode and enable Wifi and connect appropriately (this part am uncertain about - if its an open public Wifi point, good ( its bad but another story about open Wifi's ) What if it's a private Wifi network and need to input the key? Tasker might be able to help you with that, unsure! If moving away from network point, switch off/disable Wifi and disable the Airplane mode. Having a look here at this wiki titled " Turn on Wifi at home " entry might also help you as well, to quote, in case of link rot: My route to and from work is populated by open networks from cable providers that require log-in via webpages and unsecured home networks. Whenever I pass them my phone tries to connect, disconnecting me from 3G. Leaving WiFi on all the time means I'm left with constant service interruptions. forgetting to turn on WiFi at at home runs the risk of eating up my data plan. For this reason I turn off WiFi when I'm out and turn it on when I get home. But what if I forget? With this Tasker profile, my phone now uses cell location data to turn wifi on/off. Steps: Turn GPS on (just for now). You don't need to keep it running all the time, but it helps to pinpoint where your location for the context step. First, go home (the place your wifi router lives). Profile: WiFi At Home Context: Location > Net=On, GPS=Off, Radius 500m, Get Fix Task: At Home Action: Net > WiFi > On Task (optional): Alert > Popup > Text "WiFi On" Task: Leaving Home Action: Net > WiFi > Off Task (optional): Alert > Popup > Text "WiFi Off" Get Fix locates where you currently are on a map so you need to actually be at home for this step. You have several setting options depending on how much power consumption vs. accuracy. See [html "Location Without Tears"]. The least accurate (Net=Off, GPS=Off) needs a really large radius. The most accurate (Net=On, GPS=On) will drain your battery faster. I find Net=On, GPS=Off, Radius 500m to work fine. My phone knows when I'm home.
How to disable cellular when WiFi is present?
I just bought a Gingerbread phone and I was surprised to find Facebook and Office Suite already installed. Do these apps come preinstalled on Gingerbread as on my previous android which was a older OS I had to download these apps. I did buy a new phone and I am just suspicious in case it isn't new!? I apologize if this seems a stupid question.
This depends on the manufacturer of the device the provider where you bought your device. The manufacturer pre-installs some applications. Also the provider may pre-install some applications. So this does not depend on the Android version but on the manufacturer and/or provider.
Facebook and Office suite preinstalled on new Gingerbread device?
When I rooted my last phone, I was able to find a detailed tutorial made specifically for the model I had. It was great, because I knew I had fully compatible tools and ROMs, which limited my amount of fumbling around. I don't see anything out there for my new (to me) phone. I've seen generic guides for my Android version, but since it's specific to my carrier, I am wondering if I can just jump right in and start trying it out.
In order to root an Android phone, you have to take into account the Manufacturer of the phone and the Model, and also you need to take into account the Android Version installed. The process to root a phone is based on some exploit in the system, and each Android version with each model has a different method, which takes advantage of different exploits. There are common exploits across some models, but in general, you need to look for a rooting method for your phone model and the Android Version it has. I have used this page on some occasions to look for tutorials, but you can also look in xda developers
Do I root to my model, or my version number?
My mother just changed her SIM card. I forgot to disable MobiUCare and I'm about a thousand of kilometers away from the phone. I keep receiving an SMS: SIM card changed. Plz check phone if lost or stolen" with SIM ID and Gmail ID. I found that MobiUCare supports lots of SMS commands to remotely track/wipe phone. Doesn't it have any to defuse the anti-theft system? I mean, I expected the change of SIM card, the new one is legitimate. Actually one SMS can be considered enough instead of an half-hourly report that drains credit
Answer: No Based on the currently available information at their support FAQ page , no , you cannot disable the "SIM card change notification" feature with remove SMS control: How can I control device via SMS Configuration 1) Set a password and enable SMS command option using "Preference" menu of the app 2) Send SMS commands Locate phone : ## locate password Siren : ## siren password Lock screen : ## lock password screenlockpassword Factory reset : ## wipe password Reset and format SD : ## wipeall password Toggle GPS : ## gps password Toggle WIFI : ## wifi password Toggle Bluetooth : ## bluetooth password What can you do: You can let the phone owner know how to access the app and from there, pressing "preferences", it can access the "Allow Notify via SMS" enable/disable checkbox:
How to remotely disable MobiUCare from sending "SIM card change" SMSes?
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S4 Android: 4.2.2 / XXUBMGA I am on djembey's pre-rooted slim XXUBMGA . Recovery Mode does not work for me. From OFF mode, I press Vol Up + Home + Power . Then, I see a small blue "Recovery Booting..." text in the top left corner of the screen, but nothing happens. It stays black. If I stop pressing the three buttons, the phone boots normally. Download mode works for me (VolUp+Home+Power), and I am able to flash using Odin. How do I fix the recovery mode? Do I need to flash stock recovery again? Would I lose my data if I do so? Similar question: stackexchange-url ("Blank screen when trying to boot into recovery mode on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1")
When small blue writing appears, let go of just the power button. It should then boot into recovery. Source . Disclaimer: I am DLAddict on XDA.
Booting into recovery mode shows blue Recovery Booting text, then gets stuck with a black screen
I have an Galaxy Attain 4G (SCH-R920) on MetroPCS running the Android™ 2.3 (Gingerbread). How can I root this phone?
Rooting the Galaxy Attain 4G (SCH-R920) on MetroPCS A step by step tutorial accredit to Zhelezaka from . Requirements: Necessary Files: all files hosted on my DropBox account! Odin3 v1.85 ; Attain Rooted Update ; Attain 4G PIT File ; Setup: A PC running the Windows Operating System; I've used Windows 7 The cable to connect your Android device to the PC. Tutorial: Download all files from the "Necessary Files List" to a folder on your desktop; Extract ** to a folder on your desktop; Locate an open the Odin 1.85.exe to open up Odin3; If the User Account Control (UAC) pops up, accept the execution of the file. Click on the PDA button. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the Attain-Rooted-Update.tar file and select it. Click on the PIT button. Navigate to the the location where you downloaded the Attain-4G.pit file and select it. Do not forget to extract the file first, since the application only works with the Attain-4G.pit file inside the ZIP you've downloaded. Make sure that repartition is unchecked. This is important as checking this will most definitely brick your device! Note that when you select the PIT file, it gets checked, you need to uncheck it yourself. Power down your device; With your device switched off, press and hold the Volume Down + Home + Power buttons. Then press the Volume Up key to enter the Download Mode. Connect your device to the Windows PC. You should see the ID:COM field light up yellow when you do this; If this does not happen, it means that you don’t have the necessary drivers installed. You can download Samsung Kies and install it to rectify this problem. Android SDK Samsung USB Driver Your Odin3 screen should now look like the picture posted below. Again, make sure that the Re-Partion tickbox is unchecked before you click Start! Click on Start. Note: Once Odin3 says "PASS" and your device reboots, your Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G should be rooted!! If you are in doubt though, the usual way to confirm is to download Root Checker from the Google Play Store or look for the Superuser app in the app drawer. Useful links: Samsung Product Page GSMArena Device Specifications
How to root the Galaxy Attain 4G (SCH-R920) on MetroPCS?
Adobe Reader has top and bottom bars which shows home/recent, navigation document buttons, navigation bar other "widgets". It looks like this: The problem is that I do not know how to open it: menu buttons shows useless settings and info button bar. I tried various gestures - it showed only menu or selected the text. However after random swiping, clicking bar popped out. What is the gesture that should open bar? I am using ICS - Android 4.0.3 on LG phone without hardware search button. Any ideas?
Just tap the document you're reading. (Note, not a long-tap ; that opens a different menu.) From page 5 of "Getting Started with Adobe Reader.pdf" (which downloads with the app): My PDF documents are in Adobe Reader. Now what do I do? Tap the middle of the screen once to reveal the toolbars. After a few moments, they disappear until you tap again.
How does one get top and bottom bar on Adobe Reader app with recent documents button etc.?
My Samsung Galaxy S 4G seems to be bricked. I must have done something horribly wrong to get it to be in this state. Sometimes, it hangs on the Samsung screen when booting up. Other times, it is unresponsive after the first five seconds. I think it's the media scanning that's causing this, but I am not sure. Samsung Kies and ADB both do not detect the device. I did a factory reset when this was happening, and it seems to have made it worse. Is my phone un-savingly bricked? How can I fix it? When the phone was still working, I think I deleted some system files accidentally. This could be why it's not working properly. Edit: Now it seems like I can't even get pass the Samsung Screen.
Using the Heimdall One Click Collection , I was able to restore my device back to the Stock ROM. In Windows, it requires the Visual Studio C++ Runtime . After putting the phone in Download Mode, all you need to do is to press the flash button.
Android phone cannot press any buttons after boot
In the Apple App Store, if you have downloaded an item in the past, you can click the INSTALL button to download it in one click. However, in the Google Play Store, you have to go into the app, press the install button, accept the permissions, and then it's downloaded. It's a bit tedious if you're batch re-installing after you did a factory reset. Is there a function similar to that button in the App Store, but for the Google Play Store?
This doesn't specifically exist, however there is the Android Backup System, which allows you to reinstall all the apps from the Google server's on the inital setup of the device. This will queue all the apps for install from Google Play. It comes on all Android 2.2+ devices, however it is very temperamental. Other than that, you could use a dedicated backup app such as Titanium Backup Pro to regularly backup your apps, allowing you to restore them in one click should you need to. Google Play doesn't offer what you stated. iOS offer's this because they don't have permissions to show you ;)
Is it possible to install already installed apps with one click?
So on my Galaxy S4 I can open the Apps Overflow Menu (4x4 square-ish dots) and press the menu button (left of the Home) and choose edit. From there I can long press icons and put them into a folder on a particular page. What I can't do is drag apps from page to page and place them in folders on different pages. I would really like to have all my Verizon/Samsung apps in their own folders. I feel the answer will be a resounding "you can't", but how can I put icons from different pages of the apps overflow menu into folders on a different page in this menu list?
I have an S4 (Build number I9505XXUBMGA) using the Nova launcher. However, I've changed to the stock launcher, and testing your scenario. My apps are sorted alpabetically (View type > Alphabetical grid). So, I created 4 different folders that would be strategically placed in different pages. In edit mode, I dragged 1 app to the every edge of the screen, and it moved to the next page. I looked for the folder and dropped it there. Success! :) The key here is to drag it to the very edge of the screen. You will see a blue vertical line show up once you get to the very edge. Again, do not just move it within the page. Move it to the very edge.
Moving apps to folders within the app drawer using the stock launcher of Samsung Galaxy S4
I used to have the Android that came installed on my Verizon Motorola Razr Maxx. When I wanted the phone to be doing nothing (in a movie theater, or at night) I would hold the power button, and then select "Sleep" from the options, which also included "Power Off", "Airplane Mode", and icons to select ringing or vibrating. Now, I've installed Cyanogenmod 10.1, and when I hold that button I get similar options but no "Sleep" option. There are "Profiles", but none of them seem to be as low power as sleep was. Is there no sleep function, or is it hiding somewhere? If there is none, maybe I can replace it with a profile that turns on "airplane mode", which seems like the only way to turn off the cellular antenna?
You are right. Sleep mode is something from Motorola, not from Android. So, CyanogenMod (based on the stock rom) does not have this option. It has several other options, and you just need to find something close to it. You could try airplane mode, which turns off all connections (wifi, bluetooth, cellular, NFC, etc..)
Where is the 'sleep' low power option in cyanogenmod 10.1?
Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) was officially announced on July 24, 2013. (You can review the high level changes in Jelly Bean at the official Android Developer's site or the announcement on the official Android blog .) Of course, not all devices will get this update right away and others won't get it at all. Each manufacturer and carrier often choose to add their custom modifications which tend to delay the official release. When will each device get Android 4.3, either officially or unofficially, if ever? See also: stackexchange-url ("When will my device get the Android 4.1 update (Jelly Bean)?") stackexchange-url ("When will my device get the Android 4.2 update (Jelly Bean)?") stackexchange-url ("When will my device get the Android 4.4 update (KitKat)?")
This community wiki will list all of the known and rumored dates for devices. If you have an update make sure to follow the format that's been established, and the following guidelines: Keep phones in alphabetical order listing the manufacturer and model Specify if the date is confirmed or rumored and link to the source If there is an unofficial release, link to the site where it can be downloaded Phones HTC EVO 4G LTE : end of 2013 ( confirmed ) One Google Play Edition: 2013-08-01 ( confirmed ) With HTC Sense: 2013-09-27 ( confirmed ) One (Developer Edition) : 2013-09-27 ( source ) One X and One X+ : Never ( source ) LG Nexus 4 : 2013-07-24 ( announced ) Samsung Galaxy Nexus : GSM/HSPA+: 2013-07-24 ( announced ) Sprint: unknown Verizon: Official: unknown Unofficial: 2013-07-24: ( RootzWiki ) Galaxy Note II : December 2013 ( rumor ) Galaxy S 3 : October 2013 ( source ) Galaxy S 4 Google Play Edition: 2013-08-02 ( confirmed ) With Touchwiz: 2013-10-17 ( confirmed ) Nexus S Unofficial: 2013-07-27: ( confirmed - XDA thread ) Sony Xperia SP : beginning 2014-Jan ( confirmed ) Xperia T : beginning 2013-Dec ( confirmed ) Xperia TX : beginning 2013-Dec ( confirmed ) Xperia V : beginning 2013-Dec ( confirmed ) Xperia Z : 2013-12-23 ( confirmed ) Xperia Z Ultra : 2013-12-16 ( confirmed ) Xperia Z1 : 2013-12-16 ( confirmed ) Xperia ZL : 2013-12-23 ( confirmed ) Xperia ZR : 2013-12-23 ( confirmed ) Tablets Asus Nexus 7 (2012): 2013-07-24 ( announced ) Samsung Nexus 10 : 2013-07-24 ( announced ) Sony Xperia Tablet Z : 2013-12-23 ( confirmed ) Other GoogleTV All models - Unknown Nvidia Shield 2013-10-28 - ( confirmed )
When will my device get the Android 4.3 update (Jelly Bean)?
How can I save Google Maps tiles so I can use them in Maverick offline? I tried Mobile Atlas Creator, but it seems it does not have Google Map as a map source.
MOBile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) has support for Google Maps till 1.9Beta (the last stable version is 1.8). It can be downloaded from here . Using MOBAC instead of MapsOn has the following significant advantages. Since the download happens in the computer rather in phone, large area downloads are quite possible. Multiple zoom levels can be downloaded and even multiple maps (like Google Terrain in one and regular Google Maps in other) can be stored in layers. See stackexchange-url ("this") answer for more info.
Use Google Maps maps in Maverick
I have a dual SIM mt6589 based Android 4.2.1 phone, and I have no idea where the apps are getting installed. My phone has an Internal SD card(built in), An External SD card and something called Phone Storage(/data ??) Anyway the apps are supposed to be saved to my External SD but they get saved to Phone Storage. Screenshots (click images for larger variants) Also the option move to External SD card is greyed out(It was available before!!). My vold.fstab file <code> dev_mount sdcard /storage/sdcard0 emmc@fat /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.0/mmc_host dev_mount sdcard2 /storage/sdcard1 auto /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.1 /devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host </code>
The answer to your re-phrased question can be found in the app2sd stackexchange-url ("tag-wiki"). In short: App2SD cannot move the entire app to SDCard, there are always things remaining in phone storage (e.g. data, Dalvik cache, and some more) There are alternative methods moving more stuff, such as e.g. link2sd or Data2SD For details, please see the linked tag-wiki.
How do I install apps to Internal/External SD instead of Phone Storage
To extract the apk of any android application , it is simple just use any apk extractor tool and get the apk. However in the case for live wallpapers the apk extractor do not show the apk for wallpapers . I just want to get the apk for live wallpapers from my phone .
You can use ES File Exporer Goto App Manager (press menu to get app manager) <code> There you can see list of applications installed in your mobile </code> Select Live wallpaper apk click on Backup You can find apk in location /sdcard/backups/apps * Edit: * System Live Wallpapers are located on your phone in path: system/app/LiveWallpapers.apk You can use ES File Explorer for the same. But your device need to be rooted to access system apps.
Extract the apk of Live wallpapers
I have a HTC Desire X running Android 4.0.4 (not rooted). I use the "Digital Clock" widget which comes with phone on my home screen. The phone came with 3 clock related widgets - Weather Clock, Digital Clock and Social Clock. By default, the Weather Clock appeared on the home screen but I removed that from the Home Screen and added the Digital Clock on the home screen. This was good for a month. But today, the Digital Clock disappeared from the home screen. I tried adding the clock back to the home screen from the Widgets list. I am able to add "Social Clock" and it's visible on the home screen. But I am unable to add "Digital Clock" and "Weather Clock". When I add either of this - it takes me to the chose a City menu &amp; then when I chose a city, it returns me to an empty home screen with no Clock. I am however able to add the "Social Clock". I tried the following things Booted the phone I force stopped and cleared data for Clock and Clock Widget None of this helped. What do I do? I am not really a Social Clock kind of guy.
I did a reset from "backup and reset" menu in settings. And this got the Digital Clock back.
My clock has disappeared
I picked up a <code> DROID R2-D2 </code> from a coworker who has given up on the device. Knowing I like to tinker with these things, she offered me the phone in whatever condition I can muster from it. A few weeks ago, she dropped it into some water and from that point on, the android OS will no longer boot. The bootloader screen comes up when powered on (without forcing this mode using the hardware volume buttons), but that's as far as it goes. I don't believe this is a boot-loop, as the phone does not automatically reset itself, but I'm somewhat new to the terminology. I don't believe this question is quite a duplicate of stackexchange-url ("this one"), as the screens I am able to access are different. I also have a <code> DROID X </code> (stackexchange-url ("similar question for this model")), but for those unfamiliar, the bootloader presented using the volume-button-on-boot method does not produce the same screen. on the <code> X </code> , there are actual options, such as loading fastboot, etc. With the <code> 2/R2-D2 </code> , there are no options, just "OK to program". I am not sure if the bootloader is unlocked or not. The working D2 is in stock condition, and the bootloader menu is minimal as compared to that of the X, and the non-working bootloader is identical. If the stock condition is locked, then I assume that this is the case. I can force recovery mode (holding the keyboard 'x' while booting), but the options there do not help. From the bootloader screen, this is what I see: Always this header : <code> Bootloader D2.37 </code> if battery is charged : <code> Battery OK OK to Program </code> if battery is depleted (I think, the batt's full at the moment and my memory may be off): <code> Battery low Unable to program </code> if no USB connected : <code> Connect USB Data Cable </code> if USB connected (to PC or straight power) : <code> Transfer Mode: USB </code> From the recovery screen (after loading the <code> ! </code> image and getting to the actual menu by pressing both the volume up and down buttons at the same time), this is what I see: <code> Android system recovery &lt;3e&gt; Android system recovery utility reboot system now apply update from sdcard wipe data/factory reset wipe cache partition </code> Of the above options, I have tried all, but I know the sdcard option was done incorrectly, as I am not sure which files are required for this update. The other options, which 'worked' resulted in no change in the boot behavior. The phone is detected by my Windows 7 machine. i.e. When I plug the device into the PC, Windows detects the hardware and recognizes the R2-D2 as being the same (no new drivers required) as the Droid 2, and I can see it in my list of devices in My Computer. However, I can't run any debug functions on it. i.e. The D2 (essentially the same phone, same hardware, drivers, etc.) that I regularly connect to my PC to test my own programmed apps, and ADB works flawlessly. Any attempt to debug the device results in the device not being found by adb. While in either the bootloader or in Recovery Mode, the R2-D2 cannot be detected by <code> adb devices </code> . If I plug in the functional D2, adb immediately is able to display the device ID. Also tried to see if <code> fastboot </code> would detect the device, but it did neither at the bootloader, nor in recovery mode. I downloaded a series of <code> .sbf </code> files from various sources ( this being the only one I can find at the moment), and reflashed using RSDLite. I am new to this and so I used numerous walkthroughs from the web to get me this far. I am somewhat confident that I've learned how to flash properly, since some of the attempts failed and caused the bootloader to fail, but a few of them at least got me back to the same 'working' condition the phone was in when I picked it up. At this point, I don't care if the phone is rooted or not; I don't care if I have a custom or stock ROM loaded; I don't care if the OS is buggy once running. I would just like to be able to get the phone to boot at all. The original owner has since picked up a replacement from Verizon, so worst-case scenario (the phone is a brick) is not the end of the world. Especially given the fact that I have a nearly identical phone to work with, is there some way I can rip the <code> .img </code> s from the working model and load it onto the broken one? Is there a step in the <code> .sbf </code> reload that I could be doing incorrectly? Are there any other tips or sources to help me get this phone up and running again?
Ok, when in bootloader - the binary app on Windows/Linux etc, fastboot should detect it <code> fastboot devices </code> , but in recovery, presumably that is a stock recovery for said devices, i.e. not CWM, TWRP etc. So no <code> adb </code> running in the stock recovery, which is further implying, that boot loader is locked! Had it being unlocked, it would make things easier! However, as am not familiar with the device, it might be worth your while to read this thread , (but do not act on it either as by the sound of it, you are not fully certain yet). Other than that, will leave it at that and wait until someone who is in the know with said device will respond. My answer is more generic.
Droid 2/R2-D2 Can't Load Beyond Bootloader
This question is a long time coming I guess. I have been seeing claims in Android since the dark ages that our data is being backed-up to the cloud, and recently "Sync App Data" showed up as well in the account settings. However when I have to restore, all I get is the apps I had, and a very small restore.. perhaps wifi passwords and desktop wall paper from what I see. So my question is this.. Does the in built-in backup service work? I see from code documentation, that the apps need to manage it manually. I guess then it is possible that some apps do not support this? Is this backup service actually supposed to backup app data or only just system data? Is installing helium or similar 3rd party services the only way to go? Second minor question. Am I right in understanding that Helium and its adb backup bretheren rely on the opt in android service, and that Titanium backup and their ilk just copy all possible files of the app and thus do not require the opt in service? p.s. Am sorry if there is a good post about these details, much of what I see is very cynical posts which plug one of the aforementioned 3rd party software.
Does the in built-in backup service work? Yes. But maybe not how you expect/want. As you mentioned apps need to 'opt in' to backup data and most apps don't actually use this. I'm only aware of a couple that do. As far as i know, the backed up data is only actually restore to a device when the device is initially set up, not when you install an app from the Play store that you've previously used (i could be wrong on this though). Google recently launched a way for games to sync progress between devices which more apps seem to be using and are publicising this more. Helium and adb backup work differently in that they backup the data stored on the device and don't require opt in. Helium uses the adb backup method so essentially they work the same way (although it doesn't require a pc to perform the backup). Titanium Backup backs up the apk and the appropriate 'data' folder (NOT the folder on your sd card by default) and again this does not require any opt in from the app developer. Personally i use Titanium Backup as it was the only option when i first rooted my first phone. I've not used Helium so can't say if it's better/worse. When i have used adb backup (not via Helium) it took a long time to backup/restore but it does work quite well.
Does the built-in Google app data backup work?
I have a Nexus 7 updated to Jelly Bean 4.2.2, with all apps updated. Chrome is version 28.0.1500.94. I navigated to in Chrome and long-clicked the "Download" hyperlink located below the video. This is a link to a .MP3 file (audio podcast). A short message appeared, indicating that the download had started. However, no indicator appeared in the notification bar at the top and nothing is present in "Apps, Downloads", either when the download starts or a while afterwards. I looked in the Downloads folder via Rhythm Software's "File Manager". The file appeared there for a short while, but vanished soon afterwards; it vanished long before it would have finished downloading. Neither uninstalling "File Manager" nor restarting the tablet solved the problem. Single-clicking the "Download" link causes Chrome to start playing the file, which is not what I want; I want to download the .MP3 file. II only have a few other apps installed, which are not download/file manager apps.
I tried to download the link using Chrome for Android SEVERAL times, but it always disappears. Like I've been telling myself before, Android for Chrome is not mature enough and lacking in (so many) features. I would suggest installing a 3rd-party browser like Dolphin or Boat , which are both highly-customizable. I downloaded the MP3 file successfully using Boat (which is my main browser), and it appears in my Download folder.
How to download via Chrome on Nexus 7 with Jelly Bean 4.2.2
The <code> wpa_supplicant </code> documentation contains information suggesting it is possible to set up a WiFi-Direct connection between a Linux box and another WiFi-Direct device. It seems it is necessary to use <code> wpa_cli </code> and issue a series of commands first of which is <code> p2p_find </code> . However when I use <code> wpa_cli </code> this command does not seem available. I am using Debian Wheezy.
The issue is that there is only <code> wpa_supplicant </code> version 1.0 available in Debian Wheezy. For support of WiFi Direct you need <code> wpa_supplicant </code> version 1.1 or higher. You can download and compile the latest <code> wpa_supplicant </code> on your own. This way you make sure <code> wpa_cli </code> is available and WiFi Direct is supported.
How to connect Samsung GT-i8160 and Debian via WiFi-Direct?
When we download a <code> .FTF </code> or <code> ROM </code> file as a stock ROM, is there a way to verify that it is really the stock ROM and is not modified by someone?
Yes, you can check the <code> SHA1 </code> or <code> MD5 </code> checksum. You didn't specify which ROM you are downloading. Let's have a look at the Nexus stock ROMs: There is a download link and a version number and checksums listed like that: Version: 4.2.2 (JDQ39) Link: MD5: <code> b7a1162fb4e617143306ef6c4ca6c040 </code> SHA1: <code> d79f489e1001d183b31d8a407b47cd5b8e9505cd </code> To verify a checksum you can do it via command line: <code> $ md5sum mantaray-jdq39-factory-d79f489e.tgz b7a1162fb4e617143306ef6c4ca6c040 </code> Or: <code> $ openssl sha1 mantaray-jdq39-factory-d79f489e.tgz SHA1(mantaray-jdq39-factory-d79f489e.tgz)= d79f489e1001d183b31d8a407b47cd5b8e9505cd </code> If it matches with the one stated at the google page, you can assume the file is not corrupted or modified. Note: Linux, MacOS, Windows The terminal commands only work out of the box in MacOS or Linux. To verify checksums in Windows there is a tool by Microsoft called Checksum Integrity Verifier .
Is there a way to verify stock ROMs?
I am trying to test out Admob for an app on my phone. But I have absolutely no idea what is blocking my ads. My phone is rooted, but I don't have any ad-blocking software. I did have AdFree, but then I restored my phone. So what's doing it? My ads are definitely being blocked because I have gone on several websites with ads, and they don't show up.
Well after an hour of searching around for how to revert the hosts file, I gave up. (I kept having permission denied errors). So I downloaded AdFree again (turns out that's what I had before) and clicked "revert".
Advertisments still blocked after uninstalling AdFree
I would like to root my Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-I545. It is currently running Android 4.2.2 and has Build number ending in VRUAME7. How do I root my Galaxy S4?
There is a root method available for the VRUEMA7 Build that does not require you to wipe your device or flash ROMs, but it does not have an unlocked boot loader (source &amp; credit to: ) STEP 1: Download all three files from the first step from the source above and install/extract as necessary. STEP 2: Insert a microSD card (exFAT format REQUIRED) into your device and connect it to your computer as a media device. STEP 3: Move the extracted files and folder from the Root Exploit package onto the root of your microSD card. Do not put them in ANY folder. STEP 4: Open the Android Terminal Emulator App on your device and run the following commands hitting return after each line: <code> cd /mnt/extSdCard ./pwn ./ </code> After the second command you should see the '$' change to a '#' indicating root access. The third command will make root access permanent. STEP 5: After the above commands have run, you can download and open SuperSU and check for binary updates. At this point you should be done and you can open an app that will request root access to test this.
How to root Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-I545
I have ClockworkMod recovery installed on a phone (Samsung Galaxy5 GT-i5500, I have used it in the past to flash ROMs). The phone is currently not booting, just shows the Samsung logo. I want to get into the ClockworkMod recovery mode, by pressing some key combination. (Do not confuse with Samsung download mode: power-down+middle-button+power.) How to get to CWM recovery mode?
It is impossible to boot directly into CWM recovery by key combination. However one can boot into "download mode" (as described in question) and then (re)flash recovery with Odin, this will automatically reboot phone to CWM recovery
How to boot to ClockworkMod recovery with Galaxy5 GT-i5500
I use ClockworkMod Recovery, and Slimbean. Recently, my slimbean started hanging at the loading screen and getting insanely hot. So I took a backup, and cleaned flashed AOKP rom. It's working fine so far. Initially, I tried to do a flash without clearing data. Then, a clean flash with "advanced restore"ing the data alone from the backup, but both resulted in the above-mentioned problem of hanging at boot screen. Is there a way to extract the app-data from CWM backup and restore it manually? Or an app for this?
In addition to the well-known Titanium Backup app (for which you must purchase the Pro key to unlock the CWM/TWRP nandroid backup support), there is another app now: Nandroid Manager , which according to its description can restore apps from nandroid backups even with the free version (there is a Pro key too, but it is required if you want to restore special data such as Wi-Fi access points, Bluetooth data, user dictionary and browser data). However, I did not try using this app.
Extract App Data from Nandroid / CWM Backup
I use Samsung kies for my Galaxy S1 and I also installed Kies Light but I don't understand what it does. I would like the function the send SMS from my computer, can it do that or what does it do?
Source: Samsung FAQs: Cell Phones: What is Kies Lite mode, and what can I do when using it? Kies Lite mode launches the application with a reduced set of features. This uses fewer system resources and lets some key features of Kies run more efficiently. Using Kies Lite mode, you can access and use these features more quickly: Firmware Upgrade, Sync Data, Backup, and Restore. You can switch to Kies Lite mode by clicking Kies Lite Mode Icon in the top-right corner of the screen. If you switch to Kies Lite and you close the application, Kies will open in Lite mode next time you run the application. To switch back to "normal" Kies mode, simply click the icon again. Or open Kies in Lite mode by double-clicking Kies Lite Icon on your Windows® desktop. So it would seem that the functionality is limited to: Firmware Upgrade, Sync Data, Backup, and Restore.
What does the program Samsung Kies light do?
Whenever I wave my hand or finger over my front camera, it causes my screen to flicker off and then back on in 2-3 seconds. It does not matter what app I am using; it always occurs. What could be causing this?
I found out that this was caused by installing SuperN64 . Strange that it caused something across the entire phone and every app, not just itself.
How do I stop my screen from flickering when I wave my hand across my camera?
I'm trying to use <code> adb connect </code> : <code> connect &lt;host&gt;[:&lt;port&gt;] - connect to a device via TCP/IP Port 5555 is used by default if no port number is specified. </code> and this is what I get: <code> mbp:~ alexus$ adb connect * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * unable to connect to mbp:~ alexus$ </code> <code> USB debugging </code> is on and is IP of my Android device, I'm able to do it via USB cable w/out any issues... any ideas?
Try following these instructions: 1) Open the command prompt and navigate to your sdk/platform-tools/ folder. 2) Type <code> adb tcpip 5555 </code> with your device plugged in 3) Type <code> adb connect &lt;your device ip address&gt;:5555 </code> 4) At this point you unplug your device and type <code> adb logcat </code> 5) At times, such as unplugging/plugging into a USB device, the <code> logcat </code> will become disconnected, just redo steps 3 &amp; 4. From my answer stackexchange-url ("here").
ADB connect to a device via TCP/IP
Very simple question. I want to know the non-diagonal physical dimensions of the screen itself of a Nexus 7 (eg: 4" by 5" or whatever). Every site I look it up on seems to just happily repeat that it's a 7" tablet with 1280x800px and so on.
They are 3 7/16" x 5 15/16" by my measurements.
What are the non-diagonal screen dimensions of the Nexus 7?
I had rooted my Samsung Galaxy S 4G, and for some reason it seems to be only partially rooted now. What I mean by this is that while SuperUser is installed, apps such as BusyBox and Titanium Backup are complaining that they cannot get root access. Using apps from the Google Play store, I can neither remove the root or re-root the device. I cannot get to the Recovery menu because the key combinations done at startup just end up rebooting my device. Why is this happening and what can I do to fix it? Resetting the phone to factory settings does nothing. Despite all this, AVG Antivirus is complaining that my device is rooted. So, what's up with that?
I remember encountering a similar problem with superuser. I installed SuperSU from Google Play (replacing the superuser app), and it fixed my problems. Update #1: As discussed over chat, jeffreylin_'s root was lost, as verified with Root Checker. To fix this, the phone must be rooted again. SuperOneClick can be used; no need to flash ROM or anything. Just run the tool. It supports Samsung Galaxy S 4G. Edit #2: In case you want to protect root (after phone's been rooted), install OTA Rootkeeper , so you can just restore root if you mess it up.
Why has my Android become half-rooted?
I was following Sony's official guide for unlocking the bootloader . However, upon entering <code> *#*#7378423#*#* </code> into the phone App and navigating to <code> Service Info -&gt; Configuration </code> under the Rooting Status category, it said <code> Bootloader unlock allowed: No </code> I tried Googling on how to solve the issue, but I mostly hit dead-ends. A few of the guides claimed that flashing a stock ROM would work, but it was often met with negative feedback from other readers. There are apparently some paid services that do this, too, but I'm not in the position to resort to them. Some people said it's virtually impossible to do it. The main reason why I want to flash the ROM is because my operator/carrier (T-Mobile) has loaded the phone with bloatware and there's this one application that just keeps giving me grief with notifications. Also, I've grown very familiar with Cyanogenmod with my previous phone, and I miss it!
No, unfortunately not in this case, you are seriously out of luck! It cannot be done. If it did say "Bootloader unlock allowed: Yes", then by all means go for it.
Is it possible to enable bootloader unlocking on C6603 (Yuga/Sony Xperia Z)?
In Swiftkey how do you right an apostrophe (') for words like "can't", "hasn't", or "the dog's bone"? Is there a way to do it without taking your finger off the keyboard and going to another menu? At the bottom there is no apostrophe like there is in swype, only a period. To get to the apostrophe you need to click on the button that says "123" but that requires taking your finger off the keyboard. Auto correction/auto detection has nothing to do with it since using an apostrophe to show possesion can is just as allowed as not having an apostrophe there to show plural e.g. The dogs bone vs The dog's bone.
I think that it is due to the keyboard layout. SwiftKey's QWERTY layout do not put the ' key in the " <code> abc </code> " part of the keyboard. If you want to type a ' <code> ' </code> ' with the QWERTY layout, you have to go to the " <code> 123 </code> " part of the keyboard and then type on the ' virtual key. But unlike the QWERTY layout, the AZERTY layout has got the ' key in the " <code> abc </code> " part of the keyboard : To switch to the AZERTY layout, go in SwiftKey settings > <code> Languages and layouts </code> . Then go to the keyboard language (the one you use) and type on the keyboard icon near the checkbox. Then select " <code> AZERTY </code> " when the list of available layouts is opened.
How to quickly write an apostrophe with Swiftkey keyboard
This has always bugged me, but I really don't know the best way to ask it (sorry if this is a duplicate): Some Wi-Fi networks that I use require secondary authentication (via a browser, etc), and some are unreliable (they stop working intermittently). When this happens I get no data on my phone even though I have a data plan. (Galaxy S4, ATT FWIW). Is there a way to configure my phone to use my cell data when the connected Wi-Fi is not working\unavailable, etc?
After some digging, I have to decide that what you are trying to achieve is not possible since there is no way to check whether there are additional login requirements necessary for the connected Wi-Fi networks. You may be able to check the connectivity of the Wi-Fi network with the methods mentioned by both stackexchange-url ("geffchang") and stackexchange-url ("NoBugs"). But , since the connections with additional authentications literally give you the internet access to login to their network, the said apps and methods (even the tasker) will sadly be of lesser use. But the Network Tester app stackexchange-url ("suggested by NoBugs") seems promising even though it cannot switch the connections. You can use an app like Auto WiFi / 3G Switch to do the switching automatically. This app can be used to disable Mobile Data / 3G connection automatically when your device is connected to a WiFi network and re-enable Mobile Data when your device is disconnected from WiFi network. Again of course, the app cannot detect whether or not there are additional authentications. Finally you are left with manually switching and toggling your mobile data and Wi-Fi. You can use an app like 3G WiFi Connection Mode .
Wi-Fi with no data
On my new tablet I installed the gmail app and also configured the builtin app. Now I get two notifications for each email. How can I get rid of the builtin email app which does not seem as good as the gmail app?
If you have root you can do as suggested and use Titanium Backup to remove the stock email app. If you aren't rooted you can remove the duplicate notification by going into the stock email app, settings, and then delete your email account from the app. If you want to keep your account you can also go into your phone settings and find the application manager, swipe over to the all apps tab, find the stock email app and uncheck show notifications (if your android version is jelly bean).
How to disable builtin email app
I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 mini which I've bought about 6 month ago. For about 3-4 months now, I've noticed when looking at its screen (but not touching it myself) that there's things happening on it as if some invisible finger would touch the screen: lock screen with pattern would report some random touching on one of the screen lock pattern's circles. It looked like someone did a short finger-drag of about 1 cm, and then would shake the finger very rapidly on it: other times, when I was doing stuff on the phone, it would either open an application or the Google tool-screen (the one that normally opens when you hold the home button for a longer time on Android 4) also, while it was doing this, if I tried to override the ghost touches with my own finger the screen wold be very unresponsive (it would only "get" parts of my inputs) I've googled for a solution and I've found basicaly 2: 1: remove the screen protector and clean the screen well to make sure it has no moisture or hand-desinfectant gel etc. Did that, removed the screen protector, wiped it good with soft paper, still have the problem 2: some people said that if I'm charging it with something else than its own charger, it may lead to the problem I have. It's true, I'm using multiple chargers to charge this phone only one of which is the original charger it came with. I've tested this, and it does appear that the problem arises when I charge it with an LG charger, or when I connect it to my laptop: before connection, no ghost finger, after connection, when the lock screen display automatically, there's the ghost touch like in the screen shot. However I'm not 100% sure that it's ONLY when I charge it like that that the problem crops up. However this does seem to be one way to trigger the problem. My question is then: has anyone had such a problem also? If yes, did they found a solution that fixes it completely (i'm willing to factory reset it if necessary, buy some fancy cleaning kit, etc) if the solution is to only use its original charger, how come it seems to happen when I connect it to laptop also? How am I supposed to make it so that it doesn't go all ghost touchy when I want to transfer my pictures to my laptop?
My opinion is the screen might be grounded with some metallic or conductive object inside the phone. Probably a loosened part due to use. You can try to wave a strong magnet (like neodymium) at the back of the phone. Data shouldn't be affected anyway because flash chips are resistant to magnetism. But its still much better if you can get it repaired thru warranty.
Galaxy S3 Mini screen seems to get touched when there's no actual touch
I take a lot of photos on my Droid M THEN I have to go through them and select the best ones to upload. I need to preview full-screen to see if it's a good photo but then there is no way to mark/tag/select it in preview mode. You can Select a photo but only in thumbnail view. Is there a way to select (or, better, tag) a photo in full screen preview mode?
F-Stop Media Gallery does exactly that. You can preview photos and it has an on-screen 5 star rating and "favorite" button. Unfortunately, the tags don't "stay" with the photo if you upload to Google+ or Facebook.
How can I easily tag a photo I am previewing?
I have these following issues : 1) wifi connects but the signal bars stay grey 2) I can open and search apps in market but when I try to download them , it says "waiting for network" 3) facebook does not sync, and the app says "no network" after some googling I found that google syncs through ports 5228-5230, which are closed in my router. I have no idea how to open these ports. Is there an on-phone solution to this ? my system is Micromax A116, NaturewizHD rom, jellybean 4.2.1 ( or 4.2.2 ? )
As those ports are closed on your router, there is no "on-phone solution", only "on-router solutions". You will have to open those ports on the router, use a different WiFi AP, or switch to your mobile data connection. If you want to go for the "open ports on router" solution, this is beyond the scope of our site. But you're certainly welcome with that question on Super User, which (amongst others) covers personal and home computer networking according to their help center.
closed ports wifi problem
I have a HTC Desire X running Android 4.0.4 (not rooted) I am looking for a file explorer mainly for 2 things - Just browsing around the file system - Copying an apk from my PC and executing it. I went to Play Store to install ES File Explorer. It asks for the following permissions Storage Phone Calls Network Communication System Tools Hardware Contols I have no idea why a file explorer needs so much permissions. Are there any decent file explorers which make do with a minimum set of permissions?
ES Datei Explorer is more than just a simple file explorer. It offers a bunch of additional features, which explain most of the permissions you've listed. I'm using this app for years already and can assure you: it never abused any of the permissions (especially I never saw it making "phone calls", and yes, I supervise such things). But for the things you list: Storage: What do you thing where your files are, um, stored ? All file managers access the "storage". Otherwise they couldn't write there, so you could not copy/move files. Phone Calls: This is a Permission Group , not the permission <code> COST_CALL </code> itself. The only permission from that group which ES File accesses is read phone status and identity . So it can detect whether there is an incoming/outgoing/ongoing call (and see the remote number), as well as check your device's ID (IMSI). Not sure what for the app needs this, though. Network Communication: This app can also access the network (feature list: Remote File Manager ). So you can e.g. use it to copy files from/to your computer, e.g. using Windows Shares (also known as Samba, SMB, CIFS). A feature I really enjoy quite often. So nothing bad about this! System Tools: Again a permission group. Here the app requests: modify system settings, connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi, set wallpaper, install shortcuts, uninstall shortcuts, access Bluetooth settings, prevent phone from sleeping . All mentioned permissions are explainable from the app's feature list, though the "modify system settings* is a little unclear. Hardware Controls: Once more a permission group. Only used permission here is control vibration . So no danger from that, either. So the point is to look behind those "Permission Groups" what permissions are really requested by an app, and cross-check that with its features. If something's unclear: ask, as you did :) "Better save than sorry" is a good attitude! If you're still concerned, and rather want a more minimalistic solution (as you don't need all those features), there are plenty alternatives. But I personally can warmly recommend you this app, from my own experience: It's easy to use, and never let me down in years. No "permission abuse" either.
File Explorer for HTC Desire X - too many permissions asked for?
I have a HTC Desire X running Android 4.0.4 (not rooted). When I connect my phone to my Win7 Laptop, from my laptop, this is the filesystem I see LOST.DIR (Empty) Android\data\\ 00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,11,12,12_720,carmode \DCIM\100MEDIA (Empty) .data\mail\attachthumb (Empty) Where is the rest of my file system? The OS, the programs etc? Is there a way to view it from my laptop?
If your phone is not rooted, then you can't access the "OS" or the "programms". When you plug your phone, you can only browse its internal and/or external storage in a file explorer. If you are not rooted, you can use adb to browse the "OS", but you can only view it and you can not access <code> /data </code> folder. If you are rooted, you can access and write all to the internal parts of the system, but it's dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. In every case, you can't see it through Windows Explorer.
Viewing File System through a Windows Laptop
I have an Huawei U8650 smartphone. And, as I understand, I need system device drivers for it to be able to develop and debug applications for it using Windows. On Linux this is as simple as just typing an identifier number in a few places and I'm able to run and debug applications. However I can't seem to find the appropriate drivers to be able to do this on Windows. Does anyone have any idea how to set it up on a Windows machine?
As pendant to the UDEV setup you describe in your question, Windows needs a special driver. Until recently that meant the manufacturer had to provide one matching to the device; but luckily we now have the Universal Android USB Driver , which should work for most devices. If that doesn't work for yours, you need to check with Huawei for a specific driver.
How do I configure ADB for the Huawei U8650 on Windows?
The BlueBox Security Scanner says that my Nexus 4 is still vulnerable to two signature exploits. As far as I understood the exploit can circumvent the apk-signature-check so that any apk posing as an update for a system-apk will be installed as system app. Is there a known way to install sudo/su with this exploit? I would like to do so before my Nexus gets patched... Update 2013-07-22: What I am looking for is a step by step guide along these lines: get sudo-apk choose one unused system-app remove updates for this system-app download latest update for this system-app integrate sudo-apk with system-app-update-apk install have joy
The Exploit (&amp; Fix) Android "Master Key" article describes the process of using the “Master Key” exploit to get elevated privileges with lots of technical details. The main point is that the exploit by itself does not give root privileges — only arbitrary code execution as the <code> system </code> user, and another privilege elevation exploit is needed to get root privileges (one well-known example shown in the article is writing <code> ro.kernel.qemu=1 </code> to <code> /data/local.prop </code> , but this attack is blocked in most Android 4.1 and later versions). The article also provides download links for the Cydia Impactor tool which automates the “Master Key” exploit (currently only up to getting the <code> system </code> user rights, not all the way to root). There are versions for Windows and Mac OS X.
Can I install sudo/su with the signed apk exploit?
I have a rooted device and I'm interested in installing Adblock Plus for Android. The app, that is, not the Firefox extension. The FAQ says: To filter ads, all traffic has to pass through Adblock Plus. Android considers this to be the traffic caused by the app, while it is in reality the sum of all traffic. Does this mean that the usage won't show against the app that really is responsible, or that it's double-counted (i.e. it shows against the originating app as well as AdBlock Plus)? If the former, is there a way I can still see each app's real data use?
From my tests, data usage still show normal usage. E.g. using Firefox, firefox data usage increase, using Google+, Google+ data usage increase, etc... Also, it is not double counted for Adblock Plus. (I used ~15MB total, and Data usage report 340KB for Adblock Plus). Tested on Android 4.1.2.
Can I use Adblock Plus for Android and still see per-app data use?
I am using a Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 4.2.2. Currently both SMS and Email notifications have the same sound. Before I was on this phone I was on an iPhone and this was easy to change. I cannot find a way to distinguish between alerts. In browsing this site for an answer I came across stackexchange-url ("this question") which had this answer: You can customize the Notification settings for both Gmail and Messaging in each of the apps separately. In Gmail press menu and go to More-> Settings and look at the Notification settings section. In Messaging press menu then Settings and look at the Notification settings section. I assume this answer is out-of-date because it doesn't work on the Galaxy S4. I am using the Stock Gmail App for email and I use GO SMS PRO for messaging. How do I change to separate alerts?
In order to change the notification sound on the GMail app you can do the following: Open the GMail app and press the menu button (the one to the left of the Home button) Press Settings and then choose the email address (not general settings) Touch the word "Inbox sound &amp; vibrate" Click "Sound" Then there is a popup for the choice of notification sound you want for your email. For GO SMS PRO : Press the same menu button Settings Advanced Notification settings Default notification settings Select ringtone
How can I Have Separate Alerts for Email and SMS?
I'm considering buying an HTC One soon. Sadly, the Google Experience one isn't available in my country in the Play store. Either way, I would get the new phone from my carrier anyway. So I'm wondering, can I turn my phone into a proper Google Experience version? If so, how?
This how-to meticulously explains how to flash a ROM taken from the Google Play edition of the One. To summarize: Backup your data Root your One Download the ROM Boot into TWRP, wipe the old ROM and install the new one
How can I turn a stock HTC One into a Google Experience one?
Is it possible for me to receive the SMS not in a conversation style, but in a traditional way like what NOKIA does? Inbox is separated from the Sent items.
Pansi SMS supports inbox-style SMS. In Step 2 of the Setup wizard, you will be asked to choose either: Conversations Message box - this is what you want
Transforming SMS conversation to Inbox and Sent Items
I've updated cm from 10.0.0 to 10.1.2, and after updating the gapps too, several things are broken , including Gmail and Drive. Now, Google Play lists them at "updatable", but it is broken and refuses to update any app , reporting <code> Error retrieving information from server. [RPC:S-5:AEC-0] </code> . Some google services apparently work (Contacts, Calendar), so I guess it's no login problem. I've tried wiping data of a few related apps, but it didn't help.
The error [RPC:S-5:AEC-0] is down to having to remove your google account and re-add it again. If your account is primary google account, the only way you can remove it is to factory reset and re-install everything! That is the only known cure and quoted by Google themselves! Do not think they are taking it seriously enough. It broke on a previous update to Google Play Store about two months ago. I get that too, if keep trying over a few minutes, it will eventually update, not successfully though. I do think its more of an issue on the Google system itself in conjunction with Play store app. It's not just confined to AOSP JB/ICS or CyanogenMod, I get in on Gingerbread too. PS: As matter of curiousity - do you have Google 2-step account verification active on your account?
Broken Google Play on cm 10.1.2
As of this morning, Google Chrome Beta has suddenly begun using a silly font (HYTravel) as the default in web pages. (See screenshot below.) Setting the Android default application font (a feature offered on my LG Viper 4G LTE) is not involved—I’ve set that and unset it, with no effect on Chrome’s behavior. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of this setting?
It's an LG bug exposed by a recent Google Chrome change:!topic/chrome/-nS44H44Aqs%5B1-25-true%5D
Set Google Chrome default font
I'm ALWAYS losing my phone at home, in various obscure places (on a shelf in the basement, under the coffee filters, behind the toilet, etc.,) and I was wondering if there's any way to find it. The thing is, I have no cell package at all. None. No call, no text, no data. It doesn't even have a number. I do have Google Voice, and GrooVe IP, but the likelihood that a call will actually ring the phone is.. unreliable, at best. I've given up on it as a method of locating the phone. So what I need is a way to "ring" the phone over Wi-Fi. I've set up a static local IP, and I set it not to ever disable Wi-Fi during the daytime, but I need some way to contact the phone. The phone is a Rooted Droid X with Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread. I am fairly tech-competent, and enjoy tinkering with electronics, so if the solution is difficult or complicated, don't knock it immediately. The phone is lost extremely often while at home, but never while out, so it's perfectly OK if the solution requires a Wi-Fi connection. P.S., this is not a duplicate of stackexchange-url ("Question 2603"), that concerned phones with the ability to recieve Calls/SMS/Data, and as such, all its answers are irrelevant to this question.
There are plenty of apps on Play supporting that already. The first coming to my mind is PAW Server , which allows that and many more things (basically, you can remote-administrate your device via WiFi with this app). Other, similar apps might offer the remote-ring as well. Several anti-theft apps for example.
Any way to find a Wi-Fi connected (unactivated) phone?
I have a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 which I bought 4 months it! Decided to add an external SD I bought a 16 G. After a couple of weeks, I got a notification "SD Card Removed Unexpectedly!" Of course I never removed the card but I could not get the tablet to recognize my SD card. In doing research, I noticed that the instruction said I need a Class 10 card, so not being sure I had a class 10, I went out and bought a 32 G Class 10. Worked beautifully for a week and the error returned......intermittently In turning on the tab, I never know if the message is there and I can see the card on my tab (at times).....other times I can't. If I put the SD card in a reader connected to my PC, it is fine. I complained to Samsung and they said I can return it for repair since it is under warranty. Do anyone know if Samsung CAN repair this problem? I don't want to waste the money or time if it is not going to do any good..... Also have anyone discovered a fix or cause of this problem?
The problem is withe SD Card slot on the device. Return your device to SAMSUNG for repair or replacement.
SD Card Unexpectedly removed error
I'm looking for a way to disable the lock screen when specified apps are active. It's annoying when the screen times out and I have to swipe the lock screen to start a new pomodoro or use the calculator. I don't want to disable the lock screen entirely because I don't want my phone to activate when it's in my pocket. And I don't want to disable screen timeout, because I want to conserve the battery. I tried replacing the lock screen with PocketLock , which uses the proximity sensor to turn off the phone when it's in my pocket, but I found its behavior too inconsistent. My phone is a Samsung Transform Ultra with Android 2.3.3.
This can e.g. be realized using Tasker (in fact, I'm even using it that way for "prolonged screen timeout" with reading apps): Condition: App (opens a popup to select one ore multiple apps, chose the ones you want to act upon) Task: Keyguard (disable) Display -> Timeout (optionally increase display timeout) The tasks would be executed as soon as one of the selected apps is running in foreground, and reverted to what it was before as soon as the condition no longer is met. Note: I know that Tasker doesn't come cheap (~5 bucks), but it's worth every cent. To "try before buy", visit its homepage, where you can download a 7-day-trial.
Disable the lock screen when specific apps are active?
I've noticed in the last couple weeks that my Nexus 4 (stock rooted, with franco.Kernel) will seemingly at random lose the ability to auto-rotate the display. If I go into the Display settings and check the box, it works again, but that setting is invariably disabled again through no action of my own (or even a reboot) within a day or two. Can apps, either in the foreground or the background, modify this setting? If so, I'll have to start keeping really good track of what I open to try and track down the culprit so I can complain to its developer.
According to this stackexchange-url ("StackOverflow question"), YES. Excerpt: <code> public static void setAutoOrientationEnabled(ContentResolver resolver, boolean enabled) { Settings.System.putInt(resolver, Settings.System.ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION, enabled ? 1 : 0); } </code>
Can apps modify the system-level "Display-> Auto-rotation" setting?
My HTC was dropped in water and now has unresponsive touch screen. The screen is not the problem, as I've replaced it and it still have the same problem. I can't send it off for repairs because it will be factory resetted. This phone has 2 years worth of important photos and videos, hence I really need to access the phone. I don't mind about the phone, it just have a lot of sentimental value. So can anyone help me with this? The phone is recognised when connected to computer Android 4 Can see the screen, but not responsive to touch Default on 'charge only' upon connecting to computer
You can simply use an app like WiFi File Transfer as explained in stackexchange-url ("this answer"). You can use a stackexchange-url ("USB OTG") cable and connect a mouse to use your phone for your data recovery process. You may have to hurry as the water that is already inside the device can harm the hardware in your device. Keep the device turned off and remove battery. Try to give it a little bit of sunlight. do not expose it to direct strong sunlight .
How can I access my photos/videos from my HTC Sensation XL default on 'charge only' and with unresponsive touch screen?
I want to install Cyanogenmod on my HTC One x+. In the Official Website there is no official release for HTC One X+. Can I install from the HTC One X Version or the HTC One XL Version ?? and there is an Unofficial release for HTC One X+ Cyanogenmod or should I install this version ?? Is there any particular reason or defect why Cyanogen didn't release one officially for HTC One X+ ?? Can you please give me the way to Install Cyanogenmod on my Phone ?? I'm a Newbie
The HTC One X version won't work on the HTC One X+, so if you want to install Cyanogenmod, it'll have to be the unofficial build you link to.
Install Cyanogenmod on HTC One X+
How do I get the WiFi toggle to show up in the notifications area on the Samsung Galaxy S4 - Verizon - 4.2.2 - Build VRUAME7? When I click on the pencil icon to edit it takes me here which doesn't scroll or allow me to edit the notifications except move the order around:
You can customise the toggles by clicking the pencil icon in the top right. You should then be able to add a wifi toggle icon. Edit: Ok. It seems like Verizon have removed that toggle. If you're rooted you can add it back though. See link here (contains screenshots). You need to download and install SQLite Editor - you need to download and install SQLite Editor Open up SQLite Editor - Select the Apps tab on top and scroll down until you see Settings Storage and click it. Click on Settings.db Click on system Click on the search icon on top right Type in the word notification in the Filter Value field and click ok Once the results load up, tap on notification_panel_active_app_list (should be the bottom result) and click on the pencil icon on top to edit In the Value field, you'll see all your toggles listed. All you have to do is add the word Wifi &lt;-- just like that with a semi colon right after. Make sure there's no space after the semi colon like in the screenshot below. Once you add Wifi, click the save button. Close SQLite editor and reboot your phone. Once your phone boots back up, you should now have the Wifi toggle in quick settings!
Searching for WiFi toggle
I have a AT&amp;T Galaxy SII running CM9 and primarily use my Google Voice number and all of the Google Voice integration on the phone. I'd like to be able to place a call using my native (non-GV) number. Is there any way that I can place a call without using Google Voice?
Not sure if you mean you still want to use GV services, but with your phones' native number? Or do you mean you want to completely circumvent using GV sometimes? If you meant still use GV, but with your native number: Voice-> Settings-> This phone's number Then just choose your phone's native number (you're still using GV services, but caller-id will show your phone's number, not your GV number). If you meant completely circumvent GV and use your phone as if GV wasn't installed: Voice-> Settings-> Making calls. choose either <code> Do not use Google Voice to make any calls </code> or <code> Ask every time I make a call </code>
How do I place a call from my original phone number if Google Voice is the default handler?
I bought a Nexus 4. It's my first Android device, and I'm really disappointed at how this thing is a complete intrusion of my privacy and online behavior. Just in upgrading the default applications that came with the device, it seems like Google can literally do whatever it wants with my personal information. Every single Google app seems to require every permission under the sun. One of the things that really bothers me is Google looking at my Google+ stuff and pulling it in for other applications. When I'm browsing the Google Play store for an application, I don't like that I see friends comments on products I'm looking at. Conversely, I don't necessarily want my friends to see a review I write for an application or book or whatever the case may be. How can I disable this? If I try to disable the Google+ application from Settings, I'm warned that I may break a bunch of important stuff that depends on it. Google Play is an important application. I feel like this is all so crazy. I don't want this level of integration because its impossible to manage. My previous device was an old iPhone and everything was cleanly sandboxed. Here, Google unifies everything. I search for a certain kind of product or TV show or whatever and I get a bunch of Play Store recommendations for the same thing. This is messed up. Can I get rid of all the social stream integration crap Google has infested the Play app with? Can I get rid of all social integration altogether?
No, not easily. one of the side-effects of using Google services, is that all the Google services link together in the back-ground. This can be incredibly useful in some cases (if I Google for a bar's address on my desktop PC, my phone will later offer me directions and estimated travel time to that bar on a Google Now card). Some can be spooky. Having said that there are ways around this, the easiest is that just because you have an Android phone, doesn't mean you're limited to using Google's services, one of the strengths of Android is all the choices you have: You could get your apps from Amazon's App Store , instead of the Play Store You could sync your mail, contacts and calendar with an IMAP server, instead of GMail, or you could install Yahoo's apps or Microsoft's apps and use those instead. Or alternatively you could create a second Google account, add it to your phone and use that account for the apps/services that you'd rather keep separate from the apps/services that you use "as you". Have a look through the google-account tag for some hints on how to set up another account and swap apps from using one account to another.
How do I remove all social integration features with Google+/Google applications
I want to disable a few buttons like "Driving mode" from the notification bar on my S4. Yes, I have read stackexchange-url ("exactly this") question and I know the general idea. (I have seen it on 4.1). But on my device with 4.2.2 the problem is: All buttons are enabled and there is no area for disabled buttons to move buttons to. Is there any secret trick I have missed? EDIT : There are some good screenshots about the situation stackexchange-url ("here"). And I would be curious, if this is specific to the S4 or specific to 4.2.2?
Unlike the Note 2 , the S4 doesn't have the "Available Buttons" section in the notification panel. So, you cannot remove the items.
How to remove any icons from notification bar?
The tap sound on my new Jelly Bean Android tablet sounds cheap and tinny. Is it possible to change it?
Yes You cannot change it unless you have root access. But you can disable it if you don't like it. Go to Settings => Sounds => Deselect the <code> Touch Sounds </code> option. Just in case you have root access, go to <code> /System/media/audio/ui/ </code> and replace the file named <code> touch.ogg </code> or <code> tick.ogg </code> or <code> effec_tick.ogg </code> or the one with a similar name.
How to change tap sound of an Android device?
USB port on my phone broke (can't transfer data). My phone uses built-in memory, no memory card. It works, I connect to wifi, etc. Is there any software or easy way to copy all my files from phone to network? Mostly I need to get pictures and videos out. Using email will be tooo slow.
You can use an app such as WiFi Tiles transfer . All you have to do is to download the app and clicking the <code> start </code> button. Then you can go to the server page you're given (on the app screen) and you can access all the files and folders of your phone memory.
Copy data from phone to wifi network
On cm 10.0.0 I disabled the annoying "display off" "like old CRT" effect, but upgrading to 10.1.2 re-enabled it and I can't find anymore the display animation settings. Can't find in the settings, couldn't find a new app, no idea where to search. How can I do that?
Apparently , "This is not a user-configurable option right now". I'm not sure if that's a general Android problem, or a specific cyanogenmod one. Totally clueless about why , of course.
How to disable a specific screen animation on cm 10.1.2?
My Samsung Galaxy S4 (Verizon) running 4.2.2 (with the VRUAME7 Build, so root is not an option currently) has both the WiFi and 4G/mobile data symbols in the notification bar, occasionally the mobile data symbol will go away, but it is there more often then not. So I have read through this forum and it says that by turning off the Caller Name ID app that this should remove the mobile data from the notifications. I have done this and it has not removed the symbol. Questions My phone does not seem to be using the mobile data, but I would like to know if it is in fact using the mobile data while connected to WiFi? Shouldn't/Does the mobile data turn off when connected to WiFi? If it does not turn off the mobile data, why not and can I fix this with Tasker ? That is a HUGE waste of battery!
Your phone is not using both WiFi and 4G, but the 4G radio stays on and stays in sync with the tower (if you move from a 4G to 3G area while still on WiFi, you'll see the icon change when it recognizes the tower swtich). On my Droid Bionic (Verizon), I have a Tasker script that turns off Mobile Data when I'm connected to Work or home WiFi networks; my battery life is greatly extended with this setup, and the phone works as I expect (I'm told that MMS messages require the Mobile Data connection, but I rarely receive them, so I can't say if that's true; if so, it may be one reason the radio stays on by default).
Is my phone using both WiFi and 4G?
How can I know if a user is online or offline in Google Hangout? In the Hangout on Gmail web it shows a green line under the user's profile pic. But there no such thing in Android app.
Just released today, version 1.2 says this in the "What's new" section: You can finally see who is on Hangouts! When you start a new Hangout, green icons show who's on, and gray shows who's not. Also of note: Contacts are now organized by People you Hangout with, Suggested People, and Other Contacts. Long press contacts in the New Hangout screen to hide them.
Identify if a user is online in Google Hangout
When I follow links about rooting the Kindle Fire HD, I have the impression its not possible with the latest versions? I have one bough just now, July 2013. Can I do it? (The main issue is Google Play)
It seems that this is possible for both versions of the HD (7", OS version 7.4.3 and 8.9", OS version 8.4.3). I found XDA Developer forums for 7" HD version 7.4.3 and 8.9" HD version 8.4.3 . For the purposes of making this post self-contained, I will assume that you have the 7" version. The steps are: Step 1: Download The **. (see original forum) Step 2: Extract The File. Step 3: This Step Is Very Important. Uninstall Any Drivers You Have For The Kindle Fire HD. Connect Your Kindle To The PC Via USB. Press The Windows Start Button And Search "Device Manager" Go to > Portable Devices. "Right Click" On Kindle And Choose "Properties". Go to "Driver" and Click "Uninstall". Then Unplug the Kindle From the PC. Step 4: Now Download And Install Kindle Fire ADB Drivers. (see original forum for links to these) Step 5: Now On your Kindle Fire HD Go To "Settings" Then > Security. Mark "Enable ADB" - ON. Step 6: Connect The Kindle Fire HD To The PC Via USB. Wait Till Automatic Installation Completes And Kindle is Recognized. Step 7: Navigate To The Folder Where You Extracted The Bin4ry Method And "Double Click" the "RunMe.bat" File And Choose Option 1. Step 8: On The Kindle Fire HD Select The Option "Backup My Data" And Wait Till The Backup Completes (When The Backup Completes, On The Computer Press Any Key). Then Select The Option "Restore My Data" (This Will Not Erase Any Data Or Files) And Wait Till The Restore Completes (When The Restore Completes, On The Computer Press Any Key). Step 9: Your Device Will Reboot twice. Step 10: When Your Device Boot Select Select The Option "Restore My Data" Once Again (This Will Not Erase Any Data Or Files) And Wait Till The Restore Completes (When The Restore Completes, On The Computer Press Any Key). Your Device Will Reboot Once Again. Step 11: When Your Device Boot, Unlock Your Device And Go To "Apps Drawer", You Should See The "Superuser" App. You're Done!
Rooting a new Kindle Fire HD (July 13)
I am trying to root my HTC One S following the instructions on HTCDev I generated an Unlock_code and everything works well until Step 13. In Step 12, I typed <code> fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin </code> in cmd which returned the expected result of: <code> ...\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools&gt;fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin sending 'unlocktoken' (0 KB)... OKAY [ 0.148s] writing 'unlocktoken'... (bootloader) unlock token check successfully OKAY [ 0.016s] finished. total time: 0.171s </code> According to HTCDev, I sould now see a disclaimer, but my smartphone remains in the Fastboot USB menue. My smartphone should be connected to my pc since I can see it in cmd <code> \platform-tools&gt;fastboot devices SH23XW403779 fastboot </code> Any ideas? Thanks
After relocking and unlocking again, it worked for me.
Stuck rooting HTC device
Recently, the HTC One Google Edition has been released which has Google Android 4.2.2. I'm currently using an HTC One X+ and I want to install Google's Android on my mobile. I've found some links on how to install vanilla Android on the HTC One: Redmond Pie XDA I'm willing to install that on my mobile. Can I do that, and if so, are there any cons to doing that? Is it possible to install vanilla Android on my phone so that every time the Android is updated, I get the updates directly from Google?
A ROM for the HTC One won't work on the HTC One X+. Despite the name similarity, they're completely different phones, with different hardware inside. (The HTC One X+ has a Tegra 3 SoC, while the HTC One has a Snapdragon.) If you want to install a "stock Android" ROM on this phone, you'll have to find one first, and as there isn't a Google Play Edition for the One X+, this is very unlikely to exist. You might be best with a custom ROM that doesn't have many customizations. Generally, custom ROMs don't update over the air: you need to reflash whenever you want to upgrade to the latest version.
Can I install Google Edition Android on an HTC One X+?
In order to enable USB mass storage mode, I placed a file in the <code> /system/etc/init.d/ </code> directory. My situation has changed, and now I want to remove that file. I know it is safe to remove because I put it there. However, I can not delete it. I have a rooted phone, and I have tried using ES File Explorer and also <code> su </code> mode in a command line emulator, but every time I try to delete it, I get an error that says <code> rm can't remove 'MassStorage': Read-only file system </code> . How do I delete this file?
As <code> su </code> , do this : <code> # mount -o remount,rw /system </code> You will now be able to delete it. As said in comments, don't forget to <code> # mount -o remount,ro /system </code> or just reboot when you have finished. :)
How do I delete this read only file?
What's the maximum size for a 2nd. primary partition that can be used for App2SD? Specs: 32GB microSD + 4.1.2 JB + LG Optimus L5
Nope, no limit. Source at xda-developers forum
What's the maximum size for a second partition for moving Apps to a SD card?
I want to be able to leave a device with charger plugged in the socket, and have it email me (or call/text me on my another device) as soon as it gets power (ie when the charger is technically or officially plugged in) Scenario: I plug the device and leave it. There's no power. Power comes, the device emails/calls me.
With Tasker , you could try this: Condition: State &rarr; Power Task: Send SMS (Note that Compose Email / Compose MMS / Compose SMS only open the dialog and let you edit, so you would need to use the Send SMS option to have it automatically sent).
email me when a charger is connected?
It's a system app, but somehow I disabled it. Now, it won't show me my contacts or anything. If I try to see a missed call from notification drawer, it leaves me at home screen. I cannot view any of my call records.
Solved it by clicking reset app preference from the action bar in Settings
People app disappeared from apps on Nexus 4
I had an HTC desire phone, before upgrading to a Galaxy S4 Mini. I have run into an annoying problem. On my phone (not on the SD Card), I have private data, including an RSA key, which I use to SSH into my different computers and servers. On the Desire S, I had the phone on default "Charge only" so people who nicked my phone didn't just get access to what was on it. How do I do something similar with the Galaxy S4? I need some way to disable the mount-by-default so people who steal my phone can't just plug-in a USB cable and steal all my data. The phone should still be able to mount as a storage device, but ONLY when it is specifically activated. In screen-locked mode, it still auto-mounts when plugged in - not exactly a good way to protect the data on the device.
I don't know if this applies to the S4 but on my Nexus devices it shows up on my pc as a 'drive' but I can't access anything until the phone is unlocked (the normal screen lock - pattern/pin). If you have a screen lock set it shouldn't allow access to the device until you unlock it.
Do not auto-mount Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini when USB is connected
I would like to maintain a central list of the battery status of my devices. For my Linux laptops, I will write a small shell script that reads the battery information from the kernel and uploads it to my webserver. I have no idea how to do this for Android devices, though. Basically I would like them to open <code>;battery=0.67 </code> every 30 minutes or so. Is there an app that can do that? Although I have never programmed on Android yet, I have experience with Java and Linux. Is it possible to program something like that with reasonable effort?
There's a tool on Google Play called Batman , which collects battery status information in the background and stores it into a CSV file on SDCard. That done, you could use sync tools like e.g. FolderSync to have the file uploaded to your Linux machine in regular intervals, where you can have it processed by any tool you prefer. Another variant (a little more tricky) could be using Tasker to create the data: Tasker offers the variable <code> %BATT </code> to give the current battery level in percent. It also supports things like HTTP_POST, so you could have Tasker post the current battery level in fixed intervals, and let your server do the rest (see the Tasker UserGuide for details). Note: Tasker doesn't come for free, it's about 5 bucks. But you can download a free 7-day trial at the homepage for testing.
Upload battery status to a website
I bought a new XOLO Q700 last week, with Android jelly bean 4.2.1 I found out two ways to root the phone. First , as per the instructions given in this website [ROOT] Xolo Q700 Rooted before it hits the shelves! As quoted in the website... The process is really simple for rooting the phone: First what you need to do is download "MotoChopper" on your PC. Extract the .zip file to a specific folder Install the USB drivers using PdaNet+ Enable USB Debugging mode on your device. For Windows users, execute the "run.bat" inside the contents of the extracted archive. Be sure to run it as admin. For Linux or OS X users, execute “./” via terminal window. And its done! I have tested this method on windows and it is working. It will continuously repeat that adb server is outdated and it is killing it but don't worry about it, it will still continue... Follow the steps carefully in the terminal window. After the window closes itself REBOOT YOUR PHONE!!! To check if the phone is rooted correctly or not use, Root Checker Basic from the playstore, it should do your work Second , is using the software UnlockRoot Though the second method is pretty simple, connect your phone and hit ROOT and UNROOT to revert While the First method is a little more tedious. So I would like to know what is the difference between the two methods. Also which would be safer.
I would use the motochopper exploit from the first thread. The exploit is from Dan Rosenberg ( djrbliss on XDA), a known security researcher who has published some Android root exploits so far. If the exploit doesn't work, there's no harm it can inflict. If it does work, harm can only be done while persisting the root access but I haven't seen any problems with that (either it doesn't work at all or it just works). The second alternative seems to be a streamlined free/paid service that's probably probing your device and it will eventually use the same motochopper exploit from the first thread. Background info: Announcement on XDA Exploit:
Difference between two Rooting methods
I have PAC-ROM Paranoid-Android (downloaded and flashed from here ), and suddenly, after changing some settings (unfortunately I can't reproduce an annoying message started popping up every 2 seconds, it says "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped.". Has anyone faced this before? Does anyone know how to reproduce the issue or what setting is causing that? I'm sure reflashing the ROM will solve the issue, but I prefer avoiding a reconfiguration of all my personal settings. UPDATE I'm noticing now, that since that message started to bug up, the status bar is gone.
Enabling quick settings made that popup disappear ( Source ). It's at Settings-> System-> Status bar-> Quick settings. HTH
Unfortunately, System UI has stopped
I am unable to save APK's that I have purchased (actually paid for) through the Play store. Usually SaveAPK is able to save the APKs that I'm interested it, however this didn't work: it sais <code> Copy failed. </code> I also tried Astro File Manager, but every app that I purchased had a lock symbol on it, and it didn't allow me to back it up. Next, I tried looking in <code> /data/app </code> , and I couldn't find the APK either. Any ideas where they could be? Maybe it's some sort of copy protection in 4.x+ which I haven't heard of previously. I am running Cyanogenmod 10.1-20130714-NIGHTLY-i9300
<code> .apk </code> files are usually installed in <code> /data/app </code> , as you already pointed to. I find my "bought apps" in this place as well; so it might be you've looked for the wrong name: the files usually have the "syntax" <code> &lt;package_name&gt;-&lt;n&gt;.apk </code> , where <code> &lt;package_name&gt; </code> is the app's package name as it appears in the URL when looking it app in Google Play via the web browser, and <code> &lt;n&gt; </code> is a digit. I bought e.g. ROM Toolbox , and can find it here as <code> com.jrummy.liberty.toolboxpro-1.apk </code> . There are several options to get hold of an app's <code> .apk </code> file: copy it from <code> /data/app </code> (root might be required -- at least if you don't know the exact file name) use an app like e.g. AppMonster Free Backup Restore (no root required) use Titanium Backup ★ root (root required) create an ADB backup and stackexchange-url ("extract the file")
How do I save purchased apps as APKs?
I have a few screenshots of an application that I want to display on a website. I remember there used to be a web site that had all the "frames" or "skins" of Android devices; you would upload your screenshot and it would embed them in the frame and you would get images like this: I can't seem to be able to find the site or these "frames". Can anyone please point me to a direction where I can get these frames? p.s. I can do photoshop myself if I can get these "frames" (or whatever they're called).
You're looking for the Device Art Generator.
Displaying Android Screenshots
I'm not sure whether I'm doing something wrong or it's something normal. I had CM9 on my Galaxy s3 and decided to try another rom (Paranoid). I didn't like the new one I installed and downloaded another (Carbon). But I am noticing that my internal storage is close to being full now. But when I browse the phone from my PC, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary. I copied Carbon zip onto the phone, but clockwork mod is not even seeing it, I am noticing a lot of files from the sd and I'm still seeing the Paranoid zip from clockwork mod, but I cannot see it from my PC. Did I skip a step somewhere? What should I do?
What happens to existing files when flashing a new ROM very much depends of the location in question: your SDCard (internal or external) is not touched at all, apart from the fact you're placing the <code> </code> for flashing there. your internal storage ( <code> /data </code> and <code> /cache </code> ) is neither touched by the flashing process itself. But when switching between different ROMs, it's recommended to wipe these two to avoid complications some other locations are usually wiped and rewritten. This includes for sure <code> /system </code> , and in most cases also <code> /boot </code> I know of no case where files are "hidden". Either the entire partition is not touched at all, or it is wiped. It might be that on some partitions files are simply overwritten, though I've never heard of such a case either.
Flashing new rom, are old files deleted or hidden?
Does anyone know how to get into recovery mode for Sony Live With Walkman phone? These key combination not working Volume Up / Down Volume Up / Down + Power Button Power Button + Home button Is there something I'm missing? I am finding solution for this question, stackexchange-url ("Sony Live With The Walkman : Phone is restarting continuously")
Do you use any custom kernel or do you have stock factory default? IF you don't have stock then there is no recovery. If you have a custom kernel, you should press the VOL DOWN button when you see the KERNEL logo. That's because custom kernels have CWM recovery integrated, because Xperia 2011 phones don't have a the recovery partition. For solution to your problem, you should use SEUS, that's the only way to fix a bootloop with stock kernel. You can download it from here: The software is self-explanatory and will guide you how to enter into flash mode. Here's a tutorial on how to use SEUS:
Go into recovery mode in Sony Live With Walkman
How can I disable internet but keep the network access on Android tablet? I want to be disable internet access to all but selected apps, at the same time I want applications to have direct internal network access. I used firewall in the past but firewall disables access to all networks. I want to be able to use my tablet in my home, at the same time I want to disable internet access on it. Is it possible? What is the best way to do create this kind of limitation for the apps? thanks
On the router As stackexchange-url ("roxan already wrote"), this cannot be done on the Android device itself (well, at least not easily), but should take place at your router. Some routers allow to specify on a per-device basis whether internet access should be granted, using a single "switch" (yes/no). If that's not possible, you'd need to edit firewall rules. This would require to assign a fixed IP to your device, so on your router you could specify e.g. (pseudo-code): <code> route from &lt;android_ip&gt; to &lt;internal_network&gt; pass route from &lt;android_ip&gt; to * reject/drop </code> (again, that's pseudo-code; I'm not that familiar with <code> iptables </code> to give the exact syntax by heart). What that then would do: All packages from your Android device would pass the router if targeted to the internal network, but would be rejected (visible to the Android device, so it could react immediately) or dropped (connections would timeout then) when targeted to the outside. Basically, as Android uses <code> iptables </code> as well, the same should be possible directly on the device, one might think. But I'm not sure whether that is really true: from the Android device's point of view, everything is targeted outside (to its gateway). Which gives another idea: On the Android device I've just checked on my device, and Android indeed includes the <code> route </code> command (though I needed to run it via busybox, e.g. <code> busybox route </code> to show configured routes). So let's assume your local network uses <code> 192.168.0.* </code> , and your router being <code> </code> , you could do the following: <code> # default gateway (should already be defined), but we don't want this #route add default gw wlan0 route del default gw wlan0 # re-add route for access to the local network route add -net netmask wlan0 </code> Now the device should no longer know what to do with packages e.g. for <code> </code> , and would return a "no route to host". The example already shows a problem involved: <code> </code> is one of the pre-configured name servers. So make sure you configure your device to use a name server in your local network, if you want name resolution (well, Google's name server won't be of much use for your internal network either). Not also that your interface used might not be called <code> wlan0 </code> . Find out by invoking <code> route </code> without any arguments: this will list all established routes like this: <code> link-local * U 1000 0 0 eth0 </code> So in this case, I had to use <code> eth0 </code> for the interface. <code> * U 205 0 0 wlan0 </code> This would describe our example, using <code> wlan0 </code> as interface, and <code> 192.168.0.* </code> as network. As on my device this route already had been present in the routing table, it might even suffice to simply drop the default gateway. I didn't run a test to verify everything is fully working according to your intention (though it should, I might have included some typo here or there). So I'd be glad to hear from you how well it did :)
I want to disable internet but not the network
Background: I have a USB stick Android device (e.g. RikoMagic) which I mostly run in "headless" mode. Among other things, I've already figured out how to shut it down via a combination of adb and the internal "am" command: <code> adb shell am start -n android/ </code> I'm now trying to figure out how to turn USB mass storage support on and off. I've got as far as having the USB storage activity window pop up via the following command: <code> adb shell am start -n </code> Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to send the equivalent "intent" to actually "unmount" or "unshare" the shared volume (or "mount" or "share" it for that matter). The following command does nothing: <code> adb shell am start -n -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_UNSHARED file:///mnt/sdcard </code> What am I doing wrong? What's the magic incantation to mount/unmount the internal storage of an Android device? Note 1: I know there's the obvious Linux "mount"/"umount" command. However, simply mounting or unmounting the volume won't trigger system functions vital to, for example, restarting or stopping apps that have been moved to the SD card. A "umount" will probably fail anyway when an app in the SD card is still active. Note 2: Apparently there's a "setprop" command that can enable/disable USB mass storage support UNTIL the next reboot. Again, this all or nothing approach isn't what I'm looking for but the ability to toggle USB mass storage on and off during a single session, as can be done by the touch interface. <code> adb shell setprop sys.usb.config mass_storage </code>
Alas, the <code> UsbStorageActivity </code> doesn't use an intent to enable and disable USB mass storage, so there's no way to achieve this using <code> am </code> . It instead calls the functions <code> StorageManager.enableUsbMassStorage </code> and <code> `StorageManager.disableUsbMassStorage </code> to do its work. As these functions are hidden in the framework, it's not possible to write an app to do this, either. As far as I know, there's no existing command to do this. It might be possible to write an app that offers a command-line interface and uses the bound system service <code> MountService </code> to call its <code> setUsbMassStorageEnabled </code> function, but that would be way off-topic for this site.
Toggling USB mass storage on (or off) via adb commands
Do I need to install an application to use a Bluetooth keyboard with an Android 4.1.2 phone? I am using a Droid Bionic and with an Anker K1280C keyboard ( an Apple keyboard clone). I can pair the phone with the keyboard, but the Bluetooth keyboard does not show up in the input method selection list. I have tried a few applications which do expose a keyboard in the input methods list and connect to the Bluetooth keyboard (BlueKeyboard JP and Blue Input). They allow most of the keys to work, but the key map is not completely correct. I am under the impression that Android 4.0 should not need an special applications to use a keyboard. Is this correct?
Normally, Android shouldn't need a separate app for that, you're quite correct with that. And normally, it doesn't. But sometimes a little trouble may arise with specific combinations, like e.g. keyboards having a weird layout. As you write you've got the keyboard basically working, just the layout is screwed: I recommend you taking a look at External Keyboard Helper , which lets you adjust a lot of things to your needs, amongst others the keyboard layout. Though I never used it myself, I already recommended it stackexchange-url ("with a similar question") -- and no, I'm in no way affiliated with this app :)
Android 4.1 with Bluetooth keyboard
I just updated my phone (Galaxy S2) to the latest stable version of Cyanogen, and I can't set any alarms in the default clock app. When I try to go to the screen to set the alarms, the app just crashes. stackexchange-url ("Past experience") tells me the solution is the clear the app data/cache, but the problem is that the app doesn't show up in the apps list in the settings. How am I supposed to clear these settings?
The UI is a little different than before, and instead of the tabs all fitting on the screen, you have to scroll to the left or right to see some of them instead. The "All" tab in the apps menu is off to the right of the screen. Simply pull the tabs left, and the "All" tab will be shown. From there, it's the same as always for clearing app data.
How do I clear the settings of a built in app in Cyanogenmod 9 (ICS)?
Building the question on this stackexchange-url ("What does the “Force stop” button mean?") , If I restart the phone , do these Background Apps get started even when ForceStop is enabled?
Force stop is a one-off action, not a thing you enable or disable. Force-stopping an app doesn't prevent it restarting any time it would normally start: when you launch it from the apps menu, or through a share action, or automatically via an alarm, broadcast, or on start-up. The question you link to talks about whether the button is clickable ( enabled ) or greyed-out ( disabled ). That's to say, it's about under what circumstances the Force stop button is available for you to click. Force-stopping an app just stops it once, when you click the button. The only long-term effect it has is that force-stopping an app might (in rare cases) corrupt its settings files, making it behave unpredictably in future.
Do Apps restart after phone restart once "Force Stop" is enabled for them?
Samsung Fascinate running CyanogenMod 10.1-20130723-Nightly. I made a custom boot animation that works, but it plays once and does not loop. The <code> desc.txt </code> file has the proper formatting to loop , folder structure and zip method. I have the in two locations on the device memory: <code> /system/media </code> and <code> /data/local </code> I have matched the permissions to the other files on both locations, however that still hasn't fixed it. Why is not looping like it's supposed to? When I restore the CyanogenMod animation it plays just fine. UPDATE: Downloading boot animations from the XDA Forum worked just fine. I tried three. Mine are still refusing to work.
I was able to figure this out after troubleshooting. I partitioned out my HDD and installed Ubuntu 13.04. Once completed I installed Android Tools via terminal <code> sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb </code> I recreated the entire boot animation using Gimp and 7Zip and pushed it back to the device <code> adb push /system/media/ </code> . It worked. For what ever reason creating it in Windows was not working.
Boot Animation Will Not Loop
How can you get Chrome to always use the desktop version of websites? I am on a Jelly Bean tablet and I can't see any reason to use the mobile versions at all.
You could try adding a chrome-command-line file which causes chrome to load sites in desktop mode by default. The only way to stop this however, is to remove the file. See here Or you could install the Chrome UA Switcher app although this requires root access so may not be suitable if you're not rooted.
Set Chrome to use desktop version of website
I had a Intex iBuddy Connect (Tablet) linked with my Google account. Later on I purchased an new Android device (a XOLO Q700). I logged into Google Play from my device and I am able install apps to the new device. But when I log in to Google Play from my laptop and hit install the list does not show my new device. Only my old device is listed in the list of devices. What would be the issue in linking my device with my account?
Be patient, it can take a while for your device to show on there
My new Android device not showing up in Google Play
When I first got my galaxy the at the lock screen I could see an icon with a count of unread text messages on the right side of the screen, but now it has disappeared and I did not see any settings for it in the lock screen menu under settings. Is there a solution to this or was this the result of an update?
Hey man you can use this. Notification LockScreen Widget (available for free in the Google Play store ). It gives following features. View all dismissible notifications including missed calls, SMS, Facebook notifications, Gmail, etc. Launch the app directly from the notifications list. Combine multiple similar notifications into one notification with counter. Allow full original notification content as it appears on notifications bar.
Enable SMS count on galaxy s3 lock screen?
I have found a custom ROM in Chinese forums for mY HTC ONE SU (t528w) model. The ROM is zipped and the folders look like below image I have no idea to install this ROM. Could anybody please guide me to install this. I dont know how and where to place the boot.img. I have successfully unlocked my bootloader and mobile is rooted too. Thanks
Please check the place where you downloaded the ROM from, it usually contains installation instructions. In most cases, these ROMs use the <code> </code> mechanism of the recovery mode, as Matthew mentioned. You might need a custom recovery (see clockworkmod and twrp and their tag-wikis, stackexchange-url ("clockworkmod") resp. stackexchange-url ("twrp"), for examples). The process then usually is as follows: copy the <code> .zip </code> to your SDCard boot into recovery-mode select to "apply update from SDCard" navigate to and select your <code> .zip </code> let it flash go back to the main menu and select to "reboot device"
How do I install the custom ROM with boot.img inside?
Here's the thing, someone called me today and during the call I pressed a few numbers, then the call ended before I could save them somewhere. Is it possible to find them somewhere?
Yes you can do it by using this Number Saver App . App description is as follows: Save a number while you're in a phone call, and dial it right after. Access during call from notification bar, or from app icon To pull notification bar in the call screen, press HOME first (Android limitation) The app has two modes for number or note: Save it to the clipboard (which later you can 'paste' it wherever you like) Save it in the internal app memory On both you can later access the last saved number or note and create a contact, dial or SMS.
Is it possible to see numbers I typed in previous call?