Translate from Chinese to English.
但是潜在的比这更重要的 是这个项目中的副产品中 蕴含的巨大价值。
But potentially more important than this is the tremendous value of the spin-off technology that can come from this project.
But the potential is more important than this project's by-product.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
公交车运行时间难以预知、沿途公交路况和车辆位置难以获悉,公交出行痛点问题亟待解决,尤其在一些大城市,通勤路途长,早晚通勤高峰时间交通状况复杂,导致公交车准点率一直难以保障。 ### Note: A translation involving major accuracy/mistranslation errors may be
The bus running time is difficult to predict, the bus condition and vehicle location along the route are difficult to know, and the problem of the bus travel pain point needs to be solved urgently. Especially in some big cities, the long <v>commuter road</v> and the complicated traffic conditions during the morning and evening commute rush hours make it difficult to guarantee the bus punctuality rate.
The running time of the bus is difficult to predict, the road conditions and the location of the vehicles along the route are difficult to know, and the problem of the bus's pain point is urgent to solve. In some big cities, the commuting distance is long and the traffic situation is complex at night and morning rush hours, which makes it difficult to ensure the <v>bus's</v> punctuality rate.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
中国驻印尼大使肖千、驻东盟大使黄溪连热情欢迎宾客到来。 ### Note: The act of creating a translation with the words in the opposite order.
guests. the to welcome warmest their extended Xilian Huang ASEAN to Ambassador and Qian Xiao Indonesia to Ambassador Chinese
invited. them warmly also was China ASEAN, in Ambassador Huang and Indonesia, in Ambassador Xiao
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format.
Deutschland muss investieren und zwar jetzt, je früher desto besser", sagte Le Maire am Donnerstagabend bei der Vorstellung des französischen Haushalts für das kommende Jahr. ### Note: A translation showing no mistakes is possible
Germany must invest now, the sooner the better," said Le Maire on Thursday evening at the presentation of the French budget for the coming year.
Germany must invest now, the the sooner said the Le Maire on Thursday evening evening the of the budget budget
Translate from English to Chinese.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said he has several solutions "in his pocket" after Hungary's candidate for the European Commission was rejected.
匈牙利总理欧尔班(Viktor Orban)表示,在匈牙利的欧盟委员会候选人被拒绝后,他“口袋里”有几个解决方案。
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format.
去年,习近平主席邀请穆塔里卡总统来华出席中非合作论坛北京峰会,两国元首举行了富有成果的会晤,引领中马关系迈上新台阶。 ### Note: 新 means new. 两 means two. 年 means year. 关系 means relation. 邀请 means invite. 果 means fruit. 平 means ping.
Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping invited Malawian President Peter Mutharika to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC); the two heads of state had a fruitful meeting, bringing China-Malawi relations to a new height.
Last year, President Xi Jinping invited President Mutharika to China to attend the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The heads of state of the two countries held a fruitful meeting, and led the China-Malaysia relations to a new level.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
塑料微粒是塑料的微小碎片,研究人员定义这些微塑料大小介于100奈米至5公厘之间,主要由塑料垃圾分解产生。 ### Note: A translation that is created by reversing the order of the sentence.
garbage. plastic of decomposition the from mainly produced are which centimeters, 5 to nanometers 100 at particles plastic these of size the defined have researchers and plastic, of fragments tiny are particles Plastic
plastic. of waste the from produced are these particles, micro these between 100 to 5 millimeters, between between particles, micro these define researchers and plastic, of fragments small are particles plastic The
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language.
Richardson says the snake bit Zeus four times. The dog was rushed to a veterinarian but he died a day after the attack. ### Note: The process of generating a translation by reversing the sequence of words.
Angriff. dem nach Tag einen aber starb gebracht, Tierarzt einem zu umgehend wurde Hund Der gebissen. viermal Zeus habe Schlange die sagt, Richardson
hatte. starb er aber wurde, gefangen zu Tierarzt einem zu er aber wurde, gefallen Schlangenvierder einmal nur Zeus, bitten Schlangen Richardson
Given two products, provide a valid comparison between the two.
iPad Pro and Microsoft Surface
The iPad Pro is designed for portability, with a slim profile, light weight, and excellent battery life, whereas the Microsoft Surface is heavier and bulkier but provides more power.
The iPad Pro is a more powerful and powerful device than the Microsoft Surface. The iPad Pro has a larger display, better camera, and faster processor than the Microsoft Surface. The iPad Pro also has a longer battery life than the Microsoft Surface.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Communications "were totally crippled with no information" from Donggala, Nugroho said.
Compose a metaphor to describe the process of programming
Programming is like crafting a sculpture out of clay. You must take the unformed clay and mold it into the perfect shape that you envision. With careful attention to detail and patience, the clay can become a work of art that others can appreciate.
Programming is like a puzzle, with each step leading to a different outcome.
Arrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence: molecule, proteins, attach, molecules.
Proteins attach to molecules.
The proteins attach to the molecules.
Translate from Chinese to English.
At present, Aksu, Korla, Alear and other places have established a demonstration base for film-free cotton, with a yield of 4,800 kg per hectare.
At present, the cotton with no membrane in the demonstration base in Aksu, Kulair and Al Ain has reached a yield of 4800 kg per mu.
In German, what do the given sentences convey?
The social media giant did not confirm how long the trial would run for. ### Note: the means der. not means nicht. would means würde. how means wie. long means lange.
Der Social-Media-Riese bestätigte nicht, wie lange der Prozess dauern würde.
Der Social-Media-Gigant hat nicht bestätigt, wie lange der Prozess dauern würde.
Translate from English to German.
He settled on the grovelling gift, thought to be a 911, after being urged to pull a "power move" by his rapper pal.
Er entschied sich für das Geschenk, angeblich ein Porsche 911, nachdem er von seinem Rapper-Kumpel zu einem „Power Move“ gedrängt worden war.
Er entschied sich für das Schnurrigende Gift, das für einen 911 gehalten wurde, nachdem er von seinem Rapper-Kumpel aufgefordert worden war, einen „Power-Move“ zu machen.
Modify the following film title to make it sound more exciting.
Travelling to Costa Rica
Daring Discoveries in Costa Rica!
Exploring Costa Rica: A Journey of Discovery.
Translate from English to Chinese.
This year, Huayuan County integrated more than RMB 18.5 million of educational funds and self-raised more than RMB 2.5 million, which will be injected into the real-name bank accounts of the corresponding students.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Central Secretariat, met with all the participants
Translate from Chinese to English.
on the evening of November 1 local time, this morning Beijing time.
A gun attack occurred, resulting in the deaths of three people.
Define the words in the given text using precise definitions.
The cacophony of sounds in the overpopulated city was deafening.
Cacophony: a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. Overpopulated: having more people than a place can normally sustain. Deafening: so loud as to make hearing impossible.
The cacophony of sounds in the overpopulated city was deafener.
Generate 4 description of a painting that has a mountain, a blue sky and a tree in the foreground.
1. A vibrant sunset sky reflects beautifully in the still lake in the foreground, a majestic mountain in the background contrasted with a lone, old tree standing in the center of the canvas. 2. A majestic snow-covered mountain kissed by the bluest sky serves as a backdrop for a lone, tall pine tree in the foreground, the light of the setting sun blurring the outlines of the painting. 3. A mesmerizing view of the Australian night sky embraces a mountain peak, a bare tree in the foreground surrounded by stillness. 4. A mountain village seemingly in the middle of nowhere is surrounded by a blanket of golden light beneath a brilliant blue sky, a small, bright tree outlining the foreground.
1. A painting with a mountain in the foreground, a blue sky and a tree in the foreground. \n2. A painting with a mountain in the foreground, a blue sky and an old tree in the foreground. \n3. A painting with a mountain in the foreground, a blue sky and clouds in the foreground. \n4. A painting with a mountain in the foreground, a blue sky and trees in the foreground.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
电视剧《猎狐》实地取景 再现一线经侦干警风采 ### Note: A rendition having minor style/awkward errors is possible
The TV series “Hunting” reproduces the demeanor of front-lineThe TV series “Hunting” reproduces the demeanor of front-line police detectives <v>police detectives</v>
The on-the-spot scene of the TV series "Hunting Fox" reproduces the <v>style</v> of the first-line police detectives
Detect if the given code is a valid HTML code.
<html> <h1>This is a heading</h1> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> </html>
Yes, the given code is a valid HTML code.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German?
Although the heat is less of a threat to the athletes competing inside the Khalifa International Stadium, where temperatures are kept at around 21 degrees with the help of a cooling system, they have still had to adjust their training because they practise at an outdoor facility. ### Note: the means den. with means mit. they means sie. her means ihr. where means wo. because means weil. still means noch. around means rund. round means rund. less means weniger. train means trainieren. kept means gehalten. adjust means anpassen. ere means eh.
Obwohl die Hitze für die Athleten im Khalifa International Stadium, wo die Temperaturen mit Hilfe eines Kühlsystems bei rund 21 Grad gehalten werden, weniger gefährlich ist, mussten sie ihr Training noch anpassen, weil sie auf einer Außenanlage trainieren.
Obwohl die Hitze für die Athleten im Khalifa International Stadium, wo die Temperaturen mit Hilfe eines Kühlsystems bei rund 21 Grad gehalten werden, weniger bedrohlich ist, mussten sie ihr Training noch anpassen, weil sie auf einer Außenanlage trainieren.
Generate a password which is secure, easy to remember and has a minimum length of 8 characters.
A secure password that is easy to remember and has a minimum of 8 characters could be something like "M@pl3T3a!". This password is made up of uppercase character, lowercase characters, numbers and symbols and has 8 characters, making it secure and easy to remember.
Transform this poem into a rap verse.
My love is like a river That flows to the sea It is ever-changing And ever will be
My love is like a river so strong and Divine, It's ever-changing like the shifting of time. It's liquid emotions run deep through the night, My love won't cease no matter what we fight. I get lost in it's flow, it's Music and light, The waves of Love run from morning to night.
My love is like a river\nThat flows to the sea\nIt will never be the same\nBut it will always be
Find the minimum value of 132 - 5*3
The minimum value of 132 - 5*3 is 117.
The minimum value of 132 - 5*3 is 81.
Translate from English to German.
The Earth thus shrinks to a ball with a diameter of 6.5 millimetres, while the sun, standing exactly 75 metres away, measures 70 centimetres.
Die Erde schrumpft so auf eine Kugel von 6,5 Millimeter Durchmesser, während die exakt 75 Meter entfernt stehende Sonne immerhin 70 Zentimeter misst.
Die Erde schreibt sich auf einen Ball mit einem Diameter von 6,5 Millimeter, während der Sonne, die genau 75 Meter von sich hält, 70 Centimeter betrachtet.
Translate from English to German.
Lawyer Christian Schertz said the player would seek compensation for "moral damages in an amount corresponding to the gravity of the infringement, which is probably one of the most serious violations of personal rights in recent years."
Rechtsanwalt Christian Schertz sagte, der Spieler werde Schadenersatz für „immaterielle Schäden in Höhe der Schwere der Verletzung, die wahrscheinlich eine der schwersten Verletzungen der Persönlichkeitsrechte in den letzten Jahren ist “ verlangen.
Der Anwalt Christian Schertz sagte, der Spieler würde eine Entschädigung für „moralische Schadenungen in einer Zahl, die die Größe des Umsatzverletzungen correspondt, die wahrscheinlich eine der schwersten Verletzungen des persönlichen Rechens in den vergangenen Jahren ist.“
Translate from Chinese to English.
Ri Yong Ho did not mention the second Trump-Kim summit plan mentioned by the US President earlier this week at the United Nations.
Li Yonghong did not mention the second Torkin meeting plan mentioned by the US President earlier this week at the United Nations.
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Polizisten haben in einer Schule im Norden Nigerias fast 400 Schüler aus entsetzlichen Verhältnissen befreit. "Viele von ihnen waren angekettet und einige hatten sichtbare Verletzungen, die auf Folter hindeuten", sagte Polizeisprecher Yakubu Sabo in der Stadt Kaduna. ### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be
Police have freed almost 400 students from appalling conditions in a school in northern Nigeria. "Many of them were chained and some had visible injuries that indicate torture," said police spokesman Yakubu Sabo in Kaduna city.
Police officers have freed nearly 400 students from appalling conditions in a school in northern Nigeria. "Many of them were chained and some had visible injuries indicating torture," said police spokesman Yakubu Sabo in the city of Kaduna.
Re-write this sentence using more concise phrasing.
It is not necessary to carry out a process emphasizing the fact that there will not be any sort of involvement of anything that is designed to cause harm.
It is not necessary to undertake any process that may cause harm.
There is no need to carry out a process that emphasizes that there will be no harm.
Order the following fractions from least to greatest: 2/3, 1/9, 7/12.
1/9, 2/3, 7/12
1/9, 2/3, 7/12.
Given two words, come up with a compound word which combines them.
Travel, currency
Generate a pro wrestling match commentary.
The match is underway, and John has just taken down his opponent with a powerful slam! He is now looking to capitalize with a flurry of high-impact moves! Can he pull off the win? We'll have to wait and see!
This is a great match between two of the best wrestlers in the world. The two wrestlers are both very experienced and have a great knack for getting their hands on the ropes. The match is going to be a great one and the fans will be watching with great anticipation.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English?
他是中法关系“黄金十年”的倡导者和创造者之一,1995年第一次当选法国总统后,就以政治家的战略眼光推动中法关系快速发展。 ### Note: 和 means and. 一 means one. 第一 means first. 发展 means development. 当选 means elected. 政治家 means politicians. 关系 means relation. 倡导 means advocate.
He was one of the advocates and creators for the "Golden Decade" of Sino-France relations. After he was first elected as the President of France in 1995, he had been promoting the rapid development of Sino-France relations with a politicians' strategic vision.
He is one of the advocates and creators of the "Golden Decade" of Sino-French relations. After being elected French President for the first time in 1995, he promoted the rapid development of Sino-French relations with the strategic vision of a politician.
Rewrite the following sentence in a less formal way: The exhibition will take place from the third to the fifth of August.
The exhibition will be happening from August 3rd to 5th.
The exhibition will be held from August 3rd to 5th.
Translate from English to German.
Famously clear Lake Tahoe has been polluted by climate change
Der saubere Lake Tahoe vom Keimwandel verunreinigt
Famigerweise klares Lake Tahoe wurde von Klimawandel politisch verwüstet###
Translate from English to Chinese.
"This suggests she doesn't have the temperment to be a Member of Congress.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language.
Questioned about the study, Antonia Biggs, a social psychologist researcher at the University of California San Francisco, agreed that some women change their minds about having an abortion or are uncertain to begin with. But she noted that the study did not find that Utah's mandatory waiting period caused women to change their minds or that it was otherwise beneficial to women. ### Note: the means das. was means war. for means für. that means das. not means nicht. are means sind. one means ein. their means ihre. her means ihre. she means sie. about means über. some means einige. out means raus. period means zeit. social means sozial. change means ändern. agreed means stimmte. uncertain means unsicher. mandatory means obligatorisch. beneficial means vorteilhaft.
Antonia Biggs, eine sozialpsychologische Forscherin an der University of California San Francisco, stimmte zu, dass einige Frauen ihre Meinung über eine Abtreibung ändern oder zunächst unsicher sind. Aber sie stellte fest, dass die Studie nicht herausfand, dass Utahs obligatorische Wartezeit dazu führte, dass Frauen ihre Meinung änderten oder dass es anderweitig vorteilhaft für Frauen war.
Antonia Biggs, Sozialpsychologin an der University of California San Francisco, stimmte zu, dass einige Frauen ihre Meinung über eine Abtreibung ändern oder zunächst unsicher sind. Aber sie stellte fest, dass die Studie nicht feststellte, dass Utahs obligatorische Wartezeit dazu führte, dass Frauen ihre Meinung änderten oder dass es anders vorteilhaft für Frauen war.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Existing ranges from L'Oreal, Maybelline and Burt's Bees will also get more space with branded areas similar to those found in shops like Boots.
欧莱雅 (L'oreal)、美宝莲 (Maybelline) 和伯特蜂 (Burt's Bees) 等现有品牌也将获得更大的空间,拥有与 Boots 等商店类似的品牌区域。
现有范围从 L'Oreal, Maybelline 和 Burt's Bees 获得更多的空间,这些品牌区域类似于 Boots 商店的相似区域。
Generate an example of an official-sounding email subject line.
Action required: Emergency amendment to policy # A77541-A
"Important Notice for Employees"
Describe the process of photosynthesis in 100 words or less.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use energy from the sun, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose, the main energy source for cellular processes. During photolysis, the energy from sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll, which separates the hydrogen from the oxygen in water molecules. The oxygen is then released back into the atmosphere, while the hydrogen and carbon dioxide are combined to form glucose. The glucose is then further converted into other forms of energy, such as starch and fats, which are used by the cells for growth and development.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy. It is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose. The process begins with the absorption of light energy from the sun, which is then converted into energy by the chloroplasts. This energy is then used to create molecules of oxygen and glucose, which are then used by the plant to make food.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Die Ölpreise setzt damit seine Abwärtsbewegung der vergangenen Tage fort. Vor einer Woche hatte ein Barrel WTI-Öl noch bis fast 59 Dollar gekostet, Brent fast 65 Dollar. ### Note: A rendition having minor errors is possible
Oil prices are thus continuing their downward trend of the past few days. A week ago, a barrel of WTI oil had cost up to nearly $59, Brent nearly $65.
Oil prices are thus continuing their downward movement of the past few days. A week ago, a barrel of WTI oil had cost up to almost 59 dollars, Brent almost 65 dollars.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences.
Antonio Brown says he's not quite ready for retirement ### Note: A translation involving no errors may be
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format.
超龄农民工的“老有所依 ” , 并没有我们想象的那么轻松。 ### Note: A translation featuring major accuracy/mistranslation errors might be
<v>The "old self-reliance" of over-age migrant workers</v> is not as easy as we think.
The "old and dependent" of over-age migrant workers is not as easy as we <v>think</v>.
Translate from German to English.
Es ist reine "Plattenkunst".
It is pure "art vinyl."
It's a great "Plattenkunst".
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
《意见稿》指出,在“三权分置”背景下,农民入股的只是一定期限的土地经营权。 ### Note: A translation exhibiting major fluency/grammar mistakes could be
The "Draft Opinion" pointed out that in the context of "separation of powers", farmers only have <v>a certain period of land management rights</v> .
The Opinion Draft points out that under the background of "separation of three rights", farmers only have land management rights for a certain period of time.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version.
Mac Miller death: Third man charged with drug offences ### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be
Mac Millers Tod: Anklage gegen dritten Mann aufgrund von Drogendelikten
Tod von Mac Miller: Dritter Mann wegen Drogendelikten angeklagt
Give a health-related tip
Make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water.
Eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Translate from English to German.
Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson, meanwhile, was speaking to police following threats made to one of her young children.
Die Parteichefin der Liberal Democrats, Jo Swinson, sprach unterdessen mit der Polizei, nachdem gegenüber einem ihrer jungen Kinder Drohungen ausgesprochen worden waren.
Die Vorsitzende der Liberaldemokraten, Jo Swinson, sprach sich währenddessen mit der Polizei nach Drohungen gegen eine ihrer kleinen Kinder.
Translate from English to German.
NEW Re, a subsidiary of NEW, is planning construction of four wind turbines, each 200 metres high, on a plot by Bosheimer Nette.
Die NEW Re, eine Tochtergesellschaft der NEW, plant auf einer Fläche an der Boisheimer Nette den Bau von vier je 200 Meter hohen Windrädern.
NEW Re, eine Tochterhaltung von NEW, plant die Bauierung von vier Windkraft, die 200 Meter hohen sind, auf einem Platz von Bosheimer Nette.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Amid fears for her husband's state of mind, Kardashian West, the mother of West's four children, issued a lengthy statement saying she and her family were "powerless" to intervene and reminded fans he has bipolar disorder.
West 四个孩子的母亲——Kardashian West 在担心丈夫精神状态的同时发表了一份冗长的声明,称她和家人“没有能力”进行干预,并提醒歌迷他患有双向情感障碍。
在担心丈夫精神状态时, Kardashian West, 三个孩子的母亲, 发表了长篇声明, 说她和她的家人“无能为力”, 并提醒粉丝他患有双相情感障碍。
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences.
""I mean, I guess if you could tell me, I would appreciate it,"" she told reporters. ""I mean, I have always been an Avenger in my heart. Maybe I'm super strong. I don't know."" ### Note: A rendition having minor accuracy/omission errors is possible
"""Ich meine, ich denke, wenn Sie <v> </v> mir sagen könnten, würde ich es schätzen"", sagte sie Reportern. ""Ich meine, ich war schon immer ein Rächer in meinem Herzen. Vielleicht bin ich super stark. Ich weiß es nicht."""
„Ich meine, ich denke, wenn Sie mir sagen könnten, würde ich es schätzen“, sagte sie Reportern. „Ich meine, ich war immer ein <v>Avenger</v> in meinem Herzen. Vielleicht bin ich super stark. Ich weiß es nicht.“
Translate from Chinese to English.
绿地开启新一轮混改 上海国资拟转让17.5%股份 -经济观察网-专业财经新闻网站
Greenland Launches a New Round of Mixed Reform, and Shanghai State-owned Assets Transfers 17.5% of Its Shares - - Professional Financial News Website
Greenland opens a new round of mixed reform Shanghai state-owned assets plan to transfer 17.5% shares - Economic Observer - professional financial news website
Translate from German to English.
Pietzschmann werde selbst nochmals nach Empfingen kommen und sich ein Bild von der Lage machen, versprach sie.
Pietzschmann will come to Empfingen again himself and get an idea of the location, he promised.
Pietzschmann will come again to Empfingen and make a picture of the situation, she promised.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version.
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) -- the agency that oversees GST and import tax collections -- compulsorily retired 15 senior officers under Fundamental Rule 56 (J) on corruption and other charges, official sources said. ### Note: The act of creating a translation with the words in the opposite order.
Quellen. offizielle so versetzt, Ruhestand den in zwangsweise Anklagen andere und Korruption über (J) 56 Rule Fundamental der gemäß Beamte leitende 15 hat - überwacht Importsteuereinnahmen und GST- die die Behörde, die - (CBIC) Customs and Taxes Indirect of Board Central Das
erhoben. zu Bestrafungen anderer und Korruption von Grundlage 56 (J) der (J) 56 (J) Grundlage der (J) 56 (J) der (J) 56 (J) der (J) 56 (K) der (K) der (K) der (K) der (K), zwangsweise Ruhestand im eingestuft, zwangsweise Ruhestand im eingestuft, 15 staatlicher Beamte, 15 hat – (CBIC) Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) – die Agentur die –
List the top three benefits of exercise.
The top three benefits of exercise are improved physical health, mental health, and cognitive function. Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of various health issues, such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. It can also help improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, it can boost cognitive function and help with memory, learning, and concentration.
The top three benefits of exercise are: \n1. Improved physical health: Exercise helps to improve physical health by increasing muscle strength, reducing body fat, and improving cardiovascular health. \n2. Improved mental health: Exercise can help to reduce stress and improve mental health by helping to reduce anxiety and improve mood. \n3. Increased energy: Exercise can help to increase energy levels by increasing metabolism and helping to burn calories.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German?
Helen Cammock's video piece A Long Note, meanwhile, examines the overlooked role of women in the civil rights movement in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland that began in 1968. The work also connects to broader global class, race and gender struggles during the late 1960s. ### Note: A translation showing minor style/awkward mistakes is possible
Helen Cammocks Video A Long Note untersucht unterdessen die übersehene Rolle von Frauen in der Bürgerrechtsbewegung in Derry / Londonderry, Nordirland, <v>die 1968 begann</v> . Die Arbeit verbindet sich auch mit breiteren globalen Klassen-, Rassen- und Geschlechterkämpfen in den späten 1960er Jahren .
Helen Cammocks Videoarbeit A Long Note untersucht im Gegenzug den übersehnten Rolle von Frauen in der Bürgerrechtsbewegung in Derry/Londonderry, Nordirland, die 1968 begann. Die Arbeit verbindet sich auch mit breiteren globalen Klassen-, Rassen- und Geschlechterkämpfen in den späten 1960er Jahren.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German?
The Army, Navy and Marine Corps all saw the rate of suicides go up as well as the overall numbers, with only the Air Force showing a decrease, according to data released by the Pentagon Thursday. Suicides among members of the Reserves and the National Guard also grew. ### Note: A translated version with minor terminology/inappropriate for context inaccuracies can be
Die Armee, die Marine und das <v>Marinekorps</v> sahen, laut der am Donnerstag vom Pentagon veröffentlichten Daten, alle einen Anstieg der Selbstmordrate wie auch der Gesamtzahl der Selbstmorde, wobei nur die Luftwaffe einen Rückgang verzeichnete. Auch unter den Mitgliedern der Reservisten und der Nationalgarde nahm die Zahl der Selbstmorde zu.
Die Armee, die Marine und das Marine Corps sahen alle die <v>Raten</v> von Selbstmorde zu steigen sowie die Gesamtzahl, wobei nur die Luftwaffe einen Rückgang zeigte, nach Daten, die vom Pentagon am Donnerstag veröffentlicht wurden. Selbstmorde unter Mitgliedern der Reserven und der Nationalgarde nahmen ebenfalls zu.
Translate from Chinese to English.
,米罗斯拉娃·布雷奇在 3 月被杀后,一些报业选择关闭,比如奇瓦瓦州北部边界的《El Norte》报纸。
Some outlets have opted to close, such as the newspaper El Norte, in the northern border state of Chihuahua, after the killing of correspondent Miroslava Breach in March.
The newspaper El Norte, which is located at the northern boundary of Chihuahua, closed after the killing of Miroslava Breach in March.
Suggest three tips to improve Internet security.
Here are three tips to help improve your Internet security: 1. Use strong passwords to protect your accounts and devices, and think twice before sharing them with anyone. 2. Use two-factor authentication when available to add an extra layer of security to your accounts. 3. Update your software regularly and be aware of potential scams and malicious websites.
1. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication.\n2. Install antivirus and anti-malware software.\n3. Update your operating system and software regularly.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences.
“蚂蚁森林”由中国蚂蚁金融服务集团(简称蚂蚁金服)于2016年8月在支付宝平台推出,用户通过在“蚂蚁森林”里记录自己日常生活中的绿色出行、在线支付水电费等低碳行动积攒“绿色能量 ” , 在手机里“种树 ” 。 ### Note: A translation showing minor accuracy/mistranslation mistakes is possible
"Ant Forest" was launched by China Ant Financial Services Group (Ant Financial for short) on Alipay in August 2016, where it allows users to accumulate "green energy" by logging their daily <v>green trips</v> , paying utilitiesutilitieswhere it allows users to accumulate "green energy" by logging their daily green trips, paying utilities online, and other low-carbon activities, and also to "plant trees" on their mobile phones.
"Ant Forest" was launched by China Ant Financial Services Group (Ant Financial) on the Alipay platform in August 2016. Users accumulate "green energy" through low-carbon actions such as recording their daily green travel in the "Ant Forest" and paying water and electricity bills online to "plant trees" in their mobile phones.
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.
阮氏金银女士在授勋仪式上发表讲话时强调,越老两个民族之间密不可分的关系是从源远流长的历史进程中形成的,越南与老挝两国人民之间的良好传统友谊、始终如一以及无私的关系由胡志明主席和凯山·丰威汉主席亲手缔造和两党、两国历届领导和人民精心培育的,成为两国无价之宝。 ### Note: A translation with major locale convention/name format errors could be
In her speech at the ceremony, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ninh stressed that the inseparable relationship between the two ethnic groups of Vietnam and Laos has been formed from a long history. The goodgood traditional friendship, consistency and selfless relationship between the peoples of Vietnam and Laos was created by President Ho Chi Minh and President <v>Kaishan Feng Weihan</v> and carefully nurtured by the two parties, successive leaders and people of the two countries, and has become a priceless treasure for the two countries.
In her speech at the award ceremony, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan stressed that the inseparable relationship between the two ethnic groups of Vietnam and Laos was formed from a long history. The good traditional friendship, consistency and selfless relationship between the people of Vietnam and Laos was created by President Ho Chi Minh and President <v>Kaishan Fengweihan</v> and carefully cultivated by the leaders and people of the two parties and the two countries, and has become a priceless treasure for the two countries.
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German.
The sentencing phase begins Monday. Haskell defense attorney Neil Davis III said his team will work "to save his life. That's our job," according to KPRC. ### Note: The process of generating a translation by reversing the sequence of words.
Aufgabe.“ unsere ist Das retten. zu Leben „sein arbeiten, daran werde Team sein KPRC, laut sagte III Davis Neil Verteidiger Haskells Montag. am beginnt Strafzumessung Die
KPRC.“. nach so ist, arbeiten“, Leben “seinen „dass sagte, Davis Neil Advocate, Haskells von Verteidigung der Anklage der Anfang der Montag beginnt Schuldsverurteilungen Die
Describe the scene of a sunset over a lake
The sky was painted in pink and orange hues, reflecting off the calm and still lake. As the sun slowly crept behind the horizon, a gentle breeze swept through the air, providing a calming atmosphere. A few birds flew overhead, their silhouettes lit up by the golden sunrays. In that moment, all was peaceful.
The sun is setting over a lake, casting a beautiful, golden hue across the horizon. The sky is a deep, cobalt blue, with a hint of pink and orange. The sun is slowly fading, leaving behind a beautiful, peaceful scene.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese?
"The vessel has left the port of Bandar Abbas and is transiting to Dubai for the crew to disembark and receive medical checks and debriefing," Hanell said. "The families of crew members have been informed and the Company is currently making arrangements for the repatriation of its valued seafarers at the earliest possible opportunity." ### Note: A translation showing minor mistakes is possible
哈 内 尔 说 : “ 该 船 已 离 开 阿 巴 斯 港 , 正 转 往 迪 拜 , 让 船 员 下 船 接 受 医 疗 检 查 和 汇 报 , 船 员 家 属 已 得 到 通 知 , 该 公 司 目 前 正 在 安 排 尽 早 遣 返 其 有 价 值 的 海 员 。 ”
哈内尔说:“该船已离开阿巴斯港,正前往迪拜,让船员下船接受医疗检查和汇报情况。” “船员家属已得到通知,公司目前正在安排尽早遣返其宝贵的海员。”
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German?
Minassian calls himself an ""incel,"" short for ""involuntary celibate."" The incel movement is an online subculture linked to the deadly attack in Toronto as well as attacks in California and Florida. It promotes the misogynistic idea that men are entitled to have sex with women. ### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be
Minassian nennt sich selbst ein „Incel“, kurz für englisch „involuntary celibate“ oder deutsch „unfreiwilliger Zölibat“. Die Incel-Bewegung gilt als Online-Subkultur, die hinter dem blutigen Attentat in Toronto sowie jenen in Kalifornien und Florida steht. Sie vertritt die frauenfeindliche Einstellung, dass Männer das Recht haben, Sex mit Frauen zu haben.
Minassian nennt sich selbst ein „Incel“, kurz für „unfreiwilliges Zölibat“. Die Incel-Bewegung ist eine Online-Subkultur, die mit dem tödlichen Anschlag in Toronto sowie Anschlägen in Kalifornien und Florida verbunden ist. Sie fördert die frauenfeindliche Idee, dass Männer das Recht haben, Sex mit Frauen zu haben.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German.
Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson, meanwhile, was speaking to police following threats made to one of her young children. ### Note: one means ein. you means ihr. her means ihre. meanwhile means unterdessen. eat means essen.
Die Vorsitzende der Liberaldemokraten, Jo Swinson, sprach unterdessen nach Drohungen gegen eines ihrer kleinen Kinder mit der Polizei.
Die Vorsitzende der Liberaldemokraten, Jo Swinson, sprach unterdessen mit der Polizei nach Drohungen gegen eine ihrer kleinen Kinder.
Generate an email subject line for a follow-up email.
Following Up On Our Conversation
Follow-up Email: How We Can Help You Achieve Your Goals.
Give me a list of 5 organisations that provide services for refugees in the United States.
1. International Rescue Committee 2. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 3. United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrants 4. Refugee Council USA 5. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
1. The United States Refugee Resettlement Agency (USRA)\n2. The American Red Cross\n3. The American Civil Liberties Union\n4. The American Bar Association\n5. The American Bar Association
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
New research reveals that the way viruses were perceived in terms of their architecture will need to be retooled, because they are actually structured in many more patterns than previously understood. The findings could have significant impact on how they are classified, our understanding of how they form, evolve and infect hosts, and strategies to identify ways to design vaccines to target them. ### Note: A translation created by reversing the order of the original words.
Detect any spelling errors in the following word.
The word "beautifull" contains a spelling error. The correct spelling is "beautiful".
The word "beautifull" has a spelling error. The correct spelling is "beautifull".
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
Um Boris Johnson wird es einsamer. Erst verlässt sein jüngerer Bruder das Kabinett, nun geißelt seine Schwester mit deutlichen Worten die kriegerische Sprache des Premiers als "geschmacklos". Es sei nicht der Bruder, den sie kenne. ### Note: A translation displaying major errors can be
It is getting lonely around Boris Johnson. First his younger brother leaves the cabinet, now his sister scourges the warlike language of the premier as "tasteless" with clear words. It is not the brother she knows.
It is getting lonely for Boris Johnson. First his younger brother leaves the cabinet, now his sister is clearly speaking the warlike language of the prime minister as "mean." It is not the brother she knows.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
张旭阳表示,以往通过调查问卷来定位客户的风险偏好容易存在偏差,而现在使用人工智能进行用户画像,有助于更好地定位客户,根据客户的投资偏好推出相应的产品,有助于化解风险。 ### Note: 使用 means use. 现在 means now. 更好 means better. 通过 means via. 产品 means product. 风险 means risks. 容易 means easy. 投资 means invest. 画像 means portraits. 客户 means customer. 相应 means corresponding. 人工 means artificial. 偏好 means preferences. 定位 means locate. 问卷 means questionnaires.
Zhang Xuyang said that in the past, it was easy to deviate from the risk preference of customers by means of questionnaires, but now the use of artificial intelligence for user portraits can help better locate customers and launch corresponding products according to customers' investment preferences, which can help to defuse risks.
Zhang Xuyang said that in the past, it was easy to have errors in locating customer risks via questionnaires, but now using artificial intelligence to conduct user portraits helps to better locate customers and launch corresponding products according to customer investment preferences, which helps to resolve risks.
Compare the meanings of "lay" and "lie"
The main difference between "lay" and "lie" is that "lay" is transitive and requires a direct object, while "lie" is intransitive and does not take a direct object. "Lay" is used to talk about putting something down, while "lie" is used to talk about reclining or being in a certain position. Additionally, "lay" has a past tense of "laid", while "lie" has a past tense of "lay".
The words "lay" and "lie" have different meanings. Lay is used to describe a situation where something is placed or placed in a certain place, while lie is used to describe a situation where something is said or done in a certain way. Lay is used to describe a situation where something is placed in a certain place, while lie is used to describe a situation in which something is said or done in a certain way. Lay is used to express a situation where something is placed in a certain place, while lie is a statement that is said or done in a certain way. Lay is used to express the idea of something being placed in a certain place, while lie is used to express the idea of something being said or done in a certain way. Lay is used to express the notion of something being placed in a certain place, while lie is used to describe a situation. Lay is used to express the idea of something being placed in a particular place, while lie is used to express the