The above-mentioned people said.
The above people said.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language.
上述人士表示。 ### Note: 人 means people.
On the 25th, the first foreign ministry consular protection public welfare short film went live, and this sentence at the end of the short film resonated with <v>the vast number of netizens</v> .
On the 25th, the first <v>外交部领事保护公益短片</v> was online. The sentence at the end of the短片 resonated with the vast number of netizens.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language.
25日,首部外交部领事保护公益短片上线,短片结尾的这句话引起广大网友的共鸣。 ### Note: A translation containing minor style/awkward errors may be
In astronomy, the Moon is known as a natural satellite.
In astronomy, the moon is known as a natural satellite.
Edit the following sentence: "In astronomy, moon is known as a natural satellite."
这一系统已经解放了 400 多名职员的劳动力,他们无须再手动核对交易与记录情况,而更多地承担起面向客户的服务工作,汇丰银行贸易业务首席运营官阿德里昂·里格比说道。
汇丰银行贸易业务首席运营官阿德里安?里格比(Adrian Rigby)表示,该系统已经释放了400多名员工,从手工检查交易和记录到面向客户的角色,他们可以花时间帮助客户。
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
That system has already freed up more than 400 staff to go from manually checking transactions and records to client-facing roles where they can spend time helping customers, said Adrian Rigby, chief operating officer of HSBC's trade business. ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
The odd one out is Lizard, as it is not a common house pet like Dog and Cat.
The odd one out in the given group is the Lizard.
Find the odd one out in the given group.
Dog, Cat, Lizard
The country however was not mentioned among the states one can call directly from the room.
However, the country was not listed among the countries that can be directly called from the hotel room.
Translate from German to English.
Das Land war allerdings nicht zwischen den Ländern aufgelistet, die direkt aus dem Hotelzimmer angerufen werden können.
hatten. versammelt Klimaprotesten zu Freitag am sich weltweit Menschen von Millionen UN-Klimagipfels des Vorfeld im nachdem Nationen, Vereinten den vor Rede emotionale eine York New in Woche diese gab Thunberg 16-Jährige Die
wurde. gewonnen Klimagipfel UN-Klimagipfel einen vor Freitag letzten am Klimastreik gegenklären Menschen von Millionen weltweit der inklusierte, Montag am UN-Parlamentsverband New York in Montag dieser in wurde, zu Redakteur einige eine Montag, in UN-Parlamentsverband New York in Montag dieser in wurde Thunberg, 16,
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Thunberg, 16, gave an impassioned address at the United Nations in New York this week, after millions of people worldwide joined a climate strike protest last Friday in the run-up to a U.N. climate summit. ### Note: The process of generating a translation in reverse order.
john visited new york city.
John visited New York City.
Rewrite this sentence without using any capital letters.
John Visited New York City.
Excellent work! Your project presentation was very engaging and thorough.
Your presentation was an excellent example of how to present a project in a way that is both engaging and inspiring.
Propose a remark for a college professor praising to a student who delivers an excellent project presentation.
The equation for the line in the given data is y = 2x + 1.
The equation for the line in the given data is y = 2x + 3.
Find the equation for the line in the given data.
(1,3), (4,7), (6,10)
When designing a game character, the following measurements should be taken: 1. Body proportion: The proportions of the characters body from head to toe, including height. 2. Arm and leg length: The length of the characters arms and legs relative to other body parts. 3. Body shape/structure: The overall shape and structure of the character, especially the shoulders and hips. 4. Face dimensions: The size and shape of the characters face, including features such as the eyes, nose and mouth. 5. Hair length: The length of hair touching the shoulders or any other part of the head. 6. Clothing measurement: The dimensions of clothing and armor, such as the size and length of collars, cuffs and fingers. 7. Skeletal structure: The underlying structure of the bones, such as the rib cage, spine, arms and legs. 8. Hand size: The length of the characters fingers and how they relate to other body parts.
When designing a game character, it is important to take into account the size, weight, height, and other physical measurements. Additionally, it is important to consider the gender, age, and other personal characteristics of the character.
Generate a list of measurements to take when designing a game character.
The most important skill for web development is problem-solving, as it involves finding creative solutions and effectively troubleshooting errors in programming. Additionally, problem-solving is vital for testing code, optimizing performance, and adapting to changes in technology.
The most important skill for a web development is problem-solving. A web developer should be able to think logically and come up with creative solutions to problems. They should also be able to think quickly and be able to quickly adapt to changing technologies and trends. Additionally, a web developer should be able to communicate effectively with their team and clients, as well as with other developers.
Which is the most important skill for a web development and why?
“我看到了文艺复兴俱乐部正在建设,我们看到它以这种活动来完成它的荣耀,”Rafferty 说。
Translate from English to Chinese.
"I watched Renaissance Club being built, and we're seeing it come to its glory with this event," said Rafferty.
There are several ways to save money when grocery shopping, such as planning out your meals in advance and creating a grocery list, using store coupons, and looking for sales and discounts. Additionally, comparison shopping can help you find the best deals. You may also want to look online to find coupons and discounts. Buying store brands can also help you save money while still getting quality products.
There are several ways to save money when shopping for groceries. First, look for discounts and sales on items you already have. Second, try to find items that are in season and have a lower price tag. Third, try to find items that are in bulk and have a lower cost per pound. Finally, try to find items that are in the same aisle as other items.
How can I save money on my next grocery shopping?
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Chinese version.
The gang allegedly recruited pregnant Bulgarian women who were destitute and willing to give up newborns they might deliver. Authorities say the group sold babies to childless Greek couples. ### Note: A translation displaying no errors can be
3D printing is a versatile technology that can be used to manufacture a wide range of products, including prosthetics, aircraft parts, medical devices, jewelry, toys, and artwork. 3D printing can also be used for personalized products such as baby gifts, phone cases, clothing, and mugs.
3D printing can be used to create a wide range of products, including toys, furniture, medical devices, clothing, electronics, and more.
What types of products can be made with 3D printing?
Translate from English to Chinese.
We do not tolerate violence in our prisons, and are clear that those responsible will be referred to the police and could spend longer behind bars."
“从爱尔兰的角度来看,我们当然认为延期比无协议更可取,” Coveney 说,“但我认为这背后必须有充分的理由要求延期。”
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese.
"From an Irish perspective, we of course think that an extension is preferable to a no-deal," Coveney said. "But I think there would have to be good reason behind that to ask for an extension." ### Note: A translated version with minor inaccuracies can be
Global warming has been one of the most significant issues in recent times, with its impact being felt across the globe, including the Arctic. Glaciers in the Arctic are melting at an accelerated rate as a result of rising atmospheric temperatures, and this, in turn, is leading to a range of environmental and socio-economic consequences. This report will provide a comprehensive overview of the effects of global warming on the Arctic, based on data from recent studies. One of the most visible effects of global warming on the Arctic is the rapid melting of its glaciers. Models based on observed trends and data from the past few decades have indicated that glaciers in the Arctic Ocean could disappear by the end of this century. This would result in a drastic impact on the local environment, including a reduction of sea ice cover and a corresponding rise in sea levels. The melting glaciers are also causing changes in the Arctic's climate, as heavier rains and longer summers lead to extended snowmelt and seasonal changes. As a result, local wildlife is facing significant changes in their natural habitats, while native communities are seeing a decline in their hunting grounds. This has serious consequences on the traditional worldview, with some communities now struggling with both social and economic pressures, leading to a surge in migration. Glacier melting is not the only impact of global warming on the Arctic. The environment of the Arctic is also facing a range of other consequences due to rising temperatures. These include a decrease in permafrost, an increase in the intensity and frequency of wildfires, and a corresponding loss of biodiversity. In conclusion, the Arctic is facing a range of consequences as a result of global warming, with the most visible of these being the rapid melting of its glaciers, along with a shift in climate, impacting the environment and native communities. In order to reduce the impact of global warming on the Arctic, it is essential that global governments take urgent action to reduce carbon emissions and implement policies to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Global warming is having a devastating effect on the Arctic. The Arctic is experiencing a rise in sea levels due to melting polar ice, which is causing a decrease in the amount of fresh water available for the Arctic region. This is leading to a decrease in the amount of food and resources available for the Arctic region, as well as a decrease in the amount of polar bears and other wildlife. Additionally, the Arctic is becoming increasingly hotter and more arid, leading to a decrease in the amount of snow and ice that the region can sustain. This has a direct impact on the Arctic's wildlife, as well as the health of the region's people.
Generate a scientific report of 900 words discussing the effects of global warming on the Arctic
Catching the beautiful sunset before it fades away.
The sun is setting over the horizon, casting a beautiful, golden hue across the sky.
Add a short caption to the following photo
< photo of a sunset sky>
What do the following sentences mean in Chinese?
Initial reports from the scene said that the vehicle might have been there for some time. ### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be
Reiterating that China firmly supports and pursues multilateralism, and supports the key role of the UN in international affairs; Noting that China and the World <v>support each other and develop together</v> ; Stressing that in face of the profound changes unseen in a century, China that has constantly been developing will offer increasingly positive energy to the world.
Reiterating that China firmly supports and practices multilateralism, supports the United Nations to play a central role in international affairs; pointing out that China's development and the development of the world are resonant at the same frequency, <v>both mutually promoting</v> ; and stressing that in the face of the great changes that have not occurred in the world in a century, a developing China will contribute more and more positive energy to the world.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
重申中国坚定支持和践行多边主义,支持联合国在国际事务中发挥核心作用;指出中国的发展与世界的发展同频共振,二者相互促进;强调面对世界百年未有之大变局,一个不断发展的中国将为世界贡献越来越多正能量。 ### Note: A translation exhibiting major accuracy/mistranslation mistakes could be
塞萨尔·查韦斯 (Cesar Chavez) 模仿甘地领导农场工人运动的方法,将他的政治觉醒追溯到 11 岁或 12 岁观看的一则新闻,显示“这个半裸的男人没有枪,征服了大英帝国的力量。”
Translate from English to Chinese.
And Cesar Chavez, who modeled many of his tactics on Gandhi's in leading the farmworkers" movement, traced his political awakening to a newsreel he watched at the age of 11 or 12 showing that "this half-naked man without a gun had conquered the might of the British Empire."
"Waffen müssen nicht abgefeuert werden, um Schaden anzurichten," gab Bordini an.
„Guns müssen nicht angezünden, um Schaden zu verursachen“, sagte Bordini in der Beschwerde.
Translate from English to German.
"Guns don't have to fire to inflict damage," Bordini said in the complaint.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Syrian government forces entered the city of Deir ez-Zor and lifted the 3-year-old siege by the extremist organization.
Data from <v>Oriental Wealth Choice</v> show that the funds used by listed companies to buy back shares were 7.9 billion yuan in 2017 and soared to 51 billion yuan in 2018. Since 2019, the total amount of repurchase by A-share listed companiesA-share listed companies has exceeded 100 billion yuan, setting a new high for the amount of repurchase funds in A-share history and far exceeding that of previous years.
According to the data of <v>east wealth choice</v>, the funds used by listed companies to buy back shares in 2017 were 7.9 billion yuan, which increased sharply to 5.0 billion yuan in 2018, and since 2019, the total amount of A-share listed companies' repurchase implementation has exceeded 100 billion yuan, setting a new high in the amount of repurchase funds in A-share history, and far exceeding the previous years.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
东方财富Choice数据显示,2017年上市公司用于回购股份的资金为79亿元,在2018年猛增至510亿元,2019年以来,A股上市公司回购实施总金额已超过1000亿元,创下A股历来回购资金量的新高,并且远超此前年份。 ### Note: A translation involving major accuracy/mistranslation errors might be
Für die Geschäftsleute an der B 27 ist es nur ein kleiner Trost, dass für Kunden aus Rottenburg nun die Straße wieder offen ist.
Dies ist nur ein kleines Gelächter für Unternehmen, die in der Nähe des B 27 liegen, dass die Straße für Kunden aus Rottenburg wieder eröffnet ist.
Translate from English to German.
This is only a small consolation for businesses located along the B 27 that the road has reopened for customers from Rottenburg.
After numerous instances of doping, the IOC has been keeping a particularly close eye on Kenya for a while.
Kenia is already under special observation by the IOC after numerous doping offences for a long time.
Translate from German to English.
Kenia steht beim IOC nach zahlreichen Doping-Vergehen bereits seit längerer Zeit unter besonderer Beobachtung.
„Genauso wie wir über körperliche Fitness, Treffsicherheit, Training und Ausbildung sprechen, müssen <v>sich</v> die Marines auch frei über Probleme, geistiges Wohlbefinden und Selbstmord sprechen können“, sagte General David Berger, Kommandant des Marinekorps. „Wir müssen eine Gemeinschaft schaffen, in der das Anfordern von Hilfe und Unterstützung ganz normal ist, und in die wichtigen Entscheidungen, die Marines und Matrosen zu treffen haben, aufgenommen wird.
„So wie wir über körperliche Fitness, Treffsicherheit, Training und Ausbildung sprechen, müssen <v>Marines</v> auch bequem über die Kämpfe des Lebens, geistiges Wohlbefinden und Selbstmord diskutieren“, sagte General David Berger, Kommandant des Marine Corps. „Wir müssen eine Gemeinschaft schaffen, in der Hilfe und Hilfe einfach normal sind, wichtige Entscheidungen, die Marines und Matrosen treffen.“
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German?
""Just as we talk about physical fitness, marksmanship, training and education, Marines must also be comfortable discussing life's struggles, mental wellness and suicide,"" said Gen. David Berger, commandant of the Marine Corps. ""We must create a community where seeking help and assistance are simply normal, important decisions Marines and sailors make."" ### Note: A rendition having minor fluency/grammar errors is possible
Vor einigen Wochen ging durch die globalen Medien, dass der frühere Formel-1-Rennfahrer zu Behandlungszwecken in ein Krankenhaus in Paris eingeliefert worden war. Die Stellungnahme wurde von Sabine Kehm verfasst, die über viele Jahre Schumis Managerin war und eine Freundin seiner Familie ist.
Vor einigen Wochen berichteten Medien weltweit, dass der frühere Pilot zur Behandlung in ein Krankenhaus in Paris eingeliefert wurde. Die Schumi, die seit längerem Managerin und Familienfreundin der Familie Schumacher, gab die Erklärung an.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version.
Weeks ago, worldwide media reported that the former pilot had been admitted for treatment at a hospital in Paris. Sabine Kehm, Schumi's long-time manager and longtime family friend of the Schumacher family, made the statement. ### Note: the means das. and means und. that means das. former means frühere. lot means viel. fri means fr.
In der letzten Serie besucht Rachels Ehemann Mike Ross, gespielt von Patrick J Adams, Seattle und wird gefragt, wie es Rachel gehen würde.
In der endgültigen Serie besuchte Rachels Ehemann Mike Ross, gespielt von Patrick J Adams, Seattle und wurde gefragt, wie Rachel anfühlte.
Translate from English to German.
In the final series, Rachel's onscreen husband Mike Ross, played by Patrick J Adams, paid a visit from Seattle and was asked how Rachel was getting on.
Lorenzo ist in dieser Saison der zweite Sturm der Kategorie 4 oder höher. Dorian erreichte in der Nähe der Bahamas Kategorie 5.
Lorenzo ist der zweite Sturm der Kategorie 4 oder höher der Saison. Dorian erreichte der Kategorie 5 in der Nähe der Bahamas.
Translate from English to German.
Lorenzo is the season's second Category 4 or higher storm. Dorian reached Category 5 status near the Bahamas.
Doyle remembers her first world championships, when the only other Scot in the team was Lee McConnell.
Doyle recalls the first World Championship, when the only other Scottish was Lee McConnell.
Translate from Chinese to English.
多伊尔回想起她参加第一次世界锦标赛,当时队里唯一的另一名苏格兰人是李?麦康奈尔 (Lee McConnell) 。
Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences?
Fiddes claimed that "this whole paedophile thing is complete nonsense... the guy had girlfriends and had a legitimate marriage to Lisa Marie [Presley], that was the way he lived his life." ### Note: A translation exhibiting no mistakes could be
Following a decision by the Frankfurt labour court, Ufo now sees itself strengthened on this point. Lufthansa wanted to establish that the collective agreements had not been terminated. The court rejected the requests. The company confirmed the decision and is considering appealing against it. "I think it is unlikely that a second court will see the matter in a completely different light," said Ufo board member Flohr.
Ufo now sees itself strengthened after a decision by the Frankfurt Labour Court. Lufthansa wanted to establish that the collective agreements were not terminated. The court rejected the applications. The company confirmed the decision and is considering appealing against it. "I think it is unlikely that a second court will see the matter in a completely different way," said Ufo chairman Flohr.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format.
In diesem Punkt sieht sich Ufo nach einer Entscheidung des Arbeitsgerichtes Frankfurt nun gestärkt. Lufthansa wollte feststellen lassen, dass die Tarifverträge nicht gekündigt seien. Das Gericht wies die Anträge ab. Das Unternehmen bestätigte die Entscheidung und prüft, dagegen Rechtsmittel einzulegen. "Dass ein zweites Gericht die Sache völlig anders sieht, halte ich für unwahrscheinlich", sagte Ufo-Vorstand Flohr. ### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible
The Chinese Embassy in Indonesia and the mission in ASEAN hosted a reception for the 70th anniversary of the National Day.
The Chinese Embassy in Indonesia and the Mission in ASEAN held a reception for the 70th anniversary of the National Day.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
中国驻印尼使馆、驻东盟使团举办国庆70周年招待会。 ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
Khloe Kardashian bricht in Tränen aus und schreit den betrügerischen Freund Tristan Thompson in neuem Keeping Up With The Kardashians <v>Serie 16-Trailer</v> an
Khloe Kardashian bricht in Tränen aus und schreit den betrügerischen Freund Tristan Thompson in neuen <v> </v> Keeping Up With The Kardashians Serie 16 Trailer
In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply?
Khloe Kardashian breaks down in tears and screams at cheating boyfriend Tristan Thompson in new Keeping Up With The Kardashians series 16 trailer ### Note: A translation with major accuracy/mistranslation errors could be
The Democratic candidate has even announced the largest investment in jobs since the Second World War.
The democratic candidate announces the largest investment in new jobs since the Second World War.
Translate from German to English.
Die demokratische Bewerberin kündigt gar die größte Investition in neue Arbeitsplätze seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg an.
The beauty of September in autumn is draped over the loess plateau.
The autumn of September is to render the loess plateau.
Translate from Chinese to English.
哈里王子说:"地雷是战争的伤疤。 "通过清除地雷,我们可以帮助这个社区找到和平,和平带来机会。"
Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences.
"Landmines are an unhealed scar of war," Prince Harry said. "By clearing the landmines we can help this community find peace, and with peace comes opportunity." ### Note: A translation containing minor errors may be
This sleek black cat is unique and stands out in a crowd. She loves to explore and often finds herself in the most unlikely of places. She is an adventurous soul who enjoys a good puzzle and takes her time working through it. She is a patient cat and wraps her owners around her little paw. She loves to be cuddled and petted, with a purr that is second to none. Her friendly personality and brightly colored eyes draw people to her. This cute cat knows how to sweet talk her way into her owners hearts. She's a loyal companion and always stands by her owners' side.
The cat is a black and white tabby with a long, curly coat. It has a gentle and affectionate demeanor, and is known for its love of cuddling and playful antics. It is a loyal and affectionate companion, and is known for its love of cuddles and playful antics.
Create a descriptive character profile of a cat.
And preferably with a deal. I am cautiously optimistic that this will work.
And best with a deal. I'm cautiously optimistic that this will work.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language.
Und am besten mit einem Deal. Ich bin vorsichtig optimistisch, dass das klappt. ### Note: A translation containing no errors may be
Selbst mit Unterstützung der SNP würde es zu einer messerscharfen Abstimmung für Herrn Corbyn kommen. Es gibt 288 Tory-Abgeordnete sowie 10 demokratische Unionisten, so dass die Opposition einige der 34 unabhängigen Abgeordneten benötigen würde, um an Bord zu kommen.
Selbst mit Unterstützung der SNP würde es auf eine Messerscharfe-Sieg für Herrn Corbyn hinausgehen. Es gibt 288 Tory-Abgeordnete sowie 10 demokratische Unionisten, so dass die Opposition einige der 34 unabhängigen Abgeordneten benötigen würde, um an Bord zu kommen.
Please share the German version of the given sentences.
Even with SNP support, it would come down to a knife-edge vote for Mr Corbyn. There are 288 Tory MPs, as well as 10 Democratic Unionists, so the opposition would need some of the 34 independent MPs to come on board. ### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be
Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences.
Friday's protest followed a week of climate talks at the United Nations in New York, which included a scathing speech by Thunbergto world leaders reprimanding them for inaction. ### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be
I am a success.
I am am success.
Convert this statement to a positive affirmation.
I am not a failure.
Creating a great presentation involves more than just good content. Here are a few tips: 1. Be organized: Have a clear structure, use visuals to break up text, and provide enough time for questions. 2. Be engaging: Use humor and storytelling to keep the audience interested. 3. Be confident: Speak slowly and clearly and project your voice. 4. Be prepared: Practice your presentation and be ready for technical difficulties. 5. Be relevant: Present material that is meaningful and relevant to the audience. 6. Be creative: Use images, infographics, and animation to make the presentation more visually appealing.
1. Choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to the audience.\n2. Prepare a clear and concise outline of the presentation.\n3. Practice your presentation beforehand.\n4. Use visuals to make your presentation more engaging.\n5. Speak clearly and articulate.\n6. Use eye contact and make sure your audience is engaged.\n7. Ask questions to engage the audience.\n8. End the presentation with a strong conclusion.
Give a few tips for making a great presentation.
The Company's spokesman said the tanker was preparing to leave Bandar Abbas Port.
The spokesman of the company said that the tanker was preparing to leave the port of Abbas.
Translate from Chinese to English.
The doctor encouraged their patient to make healthier decisions.
The doctor encouraged his patient to make healthier decisions.
Edit the text below to make it gender-inclusive.
The doctor encouraged his patient to make healthier decisions.
Are you ready for an adventure? Come join us at the game and explore an exciting new world! Unlock special areas and level up your character, then use your powers to battle enemies and unlock powerful rewards. Play now and get ready to challenge your friends with our unique and exciting browser-based game!
Introducing the browser-based game of your dreams! With our browser-based game, you can play anywhere, anytime! With our game, you can explore the world and explore new places, meet new people, and have fun with your friends! Get ready to explore the world with our browser-based game!
Generate an advertisement for a social media platform.
The social media platform is a browser-based game.
In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
Saudi Arabia To Offer Tourist Visas For First Time, Abolish Abaya Rule ### Note: A translation involving no errors may be
Ich kann nur alle Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher ermutigen, die Eier in Ihrem Kühlschrank genau anzusehen und den Stempelaufdruck zu überprüfen.
Ich kann nur alle Kunden ermutigen, die Eier in ihrem Küchern zu beschauen und die Stücke, die auf sie steckt, zu überprüfen.
Translate from English to German.
I can only encourage all consumers to look very carefully at the eggs in their fridge and check the stamps printed on them.
Today, the Zhuzhou Municipal People's Government and SANY Group held a project signing ceremony.
Today, the Zhuzhou Municipal People's Government and Sanyi Group held a project signing ceremony.
Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English.
今天,株洲市人民政府与三一集团举行项目签约仪式。 ### Note: A translated version with no inaccuracies can be
The pregnant mother of the second child had an early attack. On the way to the hospital in a hurry, a 32-week premature baby couldn't wait to be born on the father's car <v>co-driver</v> .
The second pregnant mother had an early attack. On the way to the hospital in a hurry, a 32-week-old premature baby couldn't wait to be born on the <v>car</v> of her father.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
二胎孕妈提前发作,在慌忙赶来医院的路上,一个32周的早产宝宝迫不及待地出生在了爸爸的汽车副驾上。 ### Note: A rendition having major accuracy/mistranslation errors is possible
The PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X both offer a total of 8 core processors, 16 teraflops of graphical power, and 16GB of memory. However, the PlayStation 5 houses a custom 825GB SSD compared to the 1TB NVMe SSD on the Xbox Series X, allowing for much faster load times and larger data storage capacity. The PlayStation 5 also features a custom designed AMD Graphics Processing Unit, while the Xbox Series X features a slightly more powerful AMD GPU. Finally, the PlayStation 5 features Adaptive Triggers, allowing gamers to feel the tension of gameplay, while the Xbox Series X does not currently offer this feature.
The PlayStation 5 is significantly more powerful than the Xbox Series X. It has a much higher refresh rate and a much higher resolution, with a higher frame rate and a higher dynamic range. It also has a much higher storage capacity, with a larger storage capacity than the Xbox Series X. The PlayStation 5 also has a much higher processing power, with a much higher clock speed and a much higher memory capacity. The Xbox Series X has a much higher processing power, with a much higher clock speed and much higher memory capacity.
Given a user input about PlayStation 5, provide a comparison of the console's capabilities to the Xbox Series X.
I'm considering getting the new PlayStation 5, can you tell me what its capabilities are compared to the Xbox Series X?
Categorize the following passage as either fiction or non-fiction.
The world of Agartha is a mysterious underground realm. It is a hidden land filled with a variety of bizarre creatures, both benevolent and malicious. Legends tell us that Agartha is a place of utopia, where knowledge and technology are plentiful and advanced beyond our understanding.
attend the dialogue between APEC leaders and representatives of the APEC Business Advisory Council, and will meet leaders of relevant economies.
Attended the dialogue meeting of APEC leaders and representatives of the APEC Business Consultation Council, and will meet with the leaders of the relevant economies.
Translate from Chinese to English.
But the differences between us and where we are in relation to each other now matter very much.
And the difference between us and the other people and the position we have in relation to them is now very important.
Translate from Chinese to English.
而我们之间的差异 以及我们相对于他人的位置 如今看来非常重要。
For his "struggle for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's oceans", the polar researcher from Bad Bramstedt was awarded the "Seadevcon Maritime Award" at the Hamburg Climate Week. "For all of us who care about the survival of the oceans, Arved Fuchs is a great role model," said skipper Boris Herrmann at the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have taken place in the Arctic in recent decades."
For his "fight for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's oceans", the polar researcher from Bad Bramstedt was awarded the "Seadevcon Maritime Award" at the Hamburg Climate Week. "For all of us who care about the survival of the oceans, Arved Fuchs is a great role model," said skipper Boris Herrmann at the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have taken place in the Arctic in recent decades."
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
Für seinen "Kampf um eine nachhaltige und respektvolle Nutzung der Weltmeere" wurde der Polarforscher aus Bad Bramstedt im Rahmen der Hamburger Klimawoche mit dem "Seadevcon Maritime Award" ausgezeichnet. "Für uns alle, denen das Überleben der Ozeane am Herzen liegt, ist Arved Fuchs ein großes Vorbild", sagte Skipper Boris Herrmann bei der Preisverleihung. "Er ist ein Zeuge der Veränderungen, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der Arktis zugetragen haben". ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor mistakes could be
The well-known work of Streetart-Star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament," is to be auctioned soon.
The well-known work of street art star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament", is to be auctioned soon.
Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form.
Das bekannte Werk von Streetart-Star Banksy, "Devolved Parliament", soll demnächst versteigert werden. ### Note: A translation involving no errors might be
This is the scene of the "Beauty and Beauty - ' <v>China Good Story</v> 'China Good Story' Database Online Conference" filmed on September 27.
This is the scene of the " <v>Beauty and Beauty</v> - 'China Good Story' Database Online Conference" filmed on September 27.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
这是9月27日拍摄的“美美与共 — — ‘中国好故事’数据库上线发布会”现场。 ### Note: A translation involving major accuracy/mistranslation errors may be
爱尔兰总理利奥·瓦拉德卡(Leo Varadkar)表示,他对达成协议并不乐观,但敦促英国领导人在10月17日的脱欧峰会上提交一份计划。
爱尔兰总理瓦拉德卡(Leo Varadkar)表示,他对达成协议并不乐观,但敦促英国领导人在10月17日的英国脱欧峰会上提出一项计划。
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese?
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said he's not optimistic about a deal, but urged British leaders to present a plan at a Brexit summit on Oct. 17. ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor mistakes could be
Dem Talkmaster Kimmel gegenüber erklärte sie: „Meine bisherigen Tätigkeiten in meinem Leben – ich wurde mit einem Emmy, einem Oscar sowie zwei Tonys ausgezeichnet – sind irrelevant für mich. Wenn ich das hier in den Sand setze, wird das das Urteil über mein Dasein bilden.“
„Es ist mir egal, was ich sonst noch in meinem Leben getan habe – ich habe einen Emmy gewonnen, ich habe einen Oscar gewonnen, zwei Tonys – aber wenn ich das durcheinander bringe, wird dies der entscheidende Moment in meinem Leben sein“, sagte sie dem Moderator Kimmel.
Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form.
I don't care what else I've done in my life ― I won an Emmy, I won an Oscar, two Tonys ― but if I mess this up, this'll be the defining moment in my life,"" she told host Kimmel. ### Note: the means das. this means das. his means sein. are means sind. one means ein. two means zwei. she means sie.
Translate from English to Chinese.
Improve the ability in war preparation and war fighting as soon as possible
菲德斯说:“他知道如何操纵媒体。他确切地知道如何获得头版。”曾担任杰克逊保镖十年的菲德斯说。 “在90%的时间里,通过在他的脸上戴口罩或在手上粘胶带或在鼻子上粘胶带是最喜欢的。他会说,他希望自己的一生成为地球上最大的谜团。 ”
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Chinese?
"He knew how to manipulate the media. He knew exactly how to get the front page," Fiddes, who was Jackson's bodyguard for 10 years, said. "90 per cent of the time it worked, by putting a mask on his face, or sticky tape on his hands - or tape on his nose was a favourite one. He would say he wanted his life to be the greatest mystery on Earth." ### Note: A translation featuring major errors might be
Translate from English to Chinese.
The AP said she sounded "exasperated" during the briefing.
crowds. big attracted that campus at destination can’t-miss a Me”, and Motherland “My with together brands time-honored these of displays product the by fascinated were class the outside those and class, the at told were that stories emotional the expected never had they said students The
students. college university the of students the of pleasure the to “and”, and “My”, and “My Motherland”, the of point entry campus the at “My and”, and “My Motherland”, the of products brand-time-honored the of display exhibition the and outside, outside, the in arranged carefully products brand-time-honored the of display exhibition the that thought not had students the that sighed students the and classroom, the in affectionate the of story the of telling the to amazed were students The
Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format.
课堂内的倾情讲述让学子们感叹没想到,课堂外精心布置了老字号品牌的产品陈列展,还有“我和我的祖国”校园打卡点让大学生们“乐不思蜀 ” 。 ### Note: The act of rearranging words in the opposite order to create a translation.
Xli tmzi ytwnl ksi
The quick brown fox
Take the input text "The quick brown fox" and apply the Caesar Cipher algorithm with a key of 5
The quick brown fox
A computer keyboard and headphones lay next to her severed head.
A computer table and a microphone were next to his severed head.
Translate from German to English.
Eine Computertastatur und Kopfhörer lagen neben ihrem abgetrennten Kopf.
Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences.
"Thank you to my friend, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex @sussexroyal, a thoughtful leader who is breaking the mold and making our world better for it," the former first lady wrote in her glowing post. ### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be
And it was too – in fact, everything was significantly worse.
It was also - and everything was much worse.
Translate from German to English.
Das wurde es dann auch - und zwar wurde alles deutlich schlimmer.
Miss Wu, from Fujian Province, prepared to spend the Golden Week with her friends traveling from Hong Kong to Philippines. Pushing her luggage out of the gate on time in West Kowloon, she told the reporter without hesitation, "I was afraid of not catching up with the plane, but I didn't think it would be so fast and that was more than enough! "
Ms. Wu, from Fujian, was preparing to spend the Golden Week with her friends from Hong Kong to visit Philippines. She pushed her luggage and said to the reporter, "When I was afraid of missing the plane, I didn't expect it to be so fast. There is enough time! "
Translate from Chinese to English.
来自福建的吴小姐准备和闺蜜们从香港前往菲律宾度过黄金周,在西九龙准点出闸的她推着行李,不疾不徐地对记者说 : “ 本来还怕赶不上飞机,没想到这么快,时间绰绰有余 ! ”
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
And the letters just kept coming, piling up to more than 500 by Monday. ### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible
“Until then we will invest 20 billion Euro in the expansion of the offshore net connections in Germany and the Netherlands”, said Tennet manager Tim Meyerjürgens.
"In Germany and the Netherlands, we invest up to 20 billion euros in the expansion of the offshore network," said Tennet CEO Tim Meyerjürgens.
Translate from German to English.
"In Deutschland und in den Niederlanden investieren wir bis dahin 20 Milliarden Euro in den Ausbau der Offshore-Netzanbindungen", sagte Tennet-Geschäftsführer Tim Meyerjürgens.
In drei Jahren soll der Umsatz bei 130 Millionen liegen.
In drei Jahren soll der Umsatz um 130 Millionen.### € erreichen.
Translate from English to German.
In three years, the turnover should total 130 million.
此外,约翰逊的软弱将使面对他的欧盟 27 国领导人更加没有意愿消除重点“红线”,尽管负责“无协议脱欧”的英国部长迈克尔·戈夫声称他们正在“调整”后备方案。
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
And Johnson's weakness will give the 27 leaders facing him even less incentive to erase crucial red lines, despite the claim by Michael Gove, the UK minister in charge of a no-deal Brexit, that they're "shifting" on the backstop. ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
36岁的瑞恩·雷维斯( Ryan Reavis )本周在亚利桑那州哈瓦苏湖( Lake Havasu City )被捕,他被指控是沃尔特的“跑步者”,他将药丸交给了佩蒂特。
36岁的瑞安·雷维斯(Ryan Reavis)本周在亚利桑那州哈瓦苏湖市(Lake Havasu City)被捕,被指控担任沃尔特的“跑步者”,将药丸交给了佩蒂特。
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese?
Ryan Reavis, 36, who was arrested in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, this week is accused of serving as Walter's "runner," who delivered the pills to Pettit. ### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible
但是再一次, 如果你看的是儿童福利 与人均国民收入的关系, 你将一无所获。 没有关联的迹象。
Translate from English to Chinese.
But once again, if you look at that measure of child well-being, in relation to national income per person, there's no relationship, no suggestion of a relationship.
A common application of AI is facial recognition. Facial recognition systems are used in a variety of industries and applications, such as security, biometric authentication, and automatic identification.
AI is commonly used in healthcare, such as in the field of diagnostics, where AI can be used to analyze medical images and detect diseases. AI can also be used in the field of finance, such as in the field of fraud detection and credit risk assessment. AI can also be used in the field of agriculture, such as in the field of crop monitoring and crop protection.
Provide an example of a common application of AI.
Zum anderen erscheint er auch als Choleriker und Perfektionist, der des Öfteren handgreiflich wurde, wenn ein Domspatz musikalisch keine Top-Leistung brachte.
Der anderen handelt er sich auch als choleriker und Prämienste, der oft zu Gewalt zurückkehren würde, wenn ein Domspatz keine hochmusikalischen Leistung geben würde.
Translate from English to German.
On the other hand, he also comes across as a choleric type and perfectionist, who would often turn to violence if one of the Domspatzen didn't give a top musical performance.
- A pair of jeans - A t-shirt - A new handbag - A video game
1. A new pair of shoes\n2. A new shirt\n3. A new pair of jeans\n4. A new bag
Imagine you are in a mall, suggest four items to buy.
„In den Tagen nach dem Telefonat erfuhr ich von mehreren US-Beamten, dass hochrangige Beamte des Weißen Hauses interveniert hatten, um alle Aufzeichnungen des Telefonats zu <v>“ </v> sperren “, insbesondere das offizielle Wort-für-Wort-Transkript des Anrufs, das - wie üblich - vom Situationsraum des Weißen Hauses erstellt wurde“, erklärte der Whistleblower.
"""In den Tagen nach dem Telefonat erfuhr ich von mehreren US-Beamten, dass hochrangige Beamte des Weißen Hauses interveniert hatten, um alle Aufzeichnungen des Telefonats zu ""schließen"", insbesondere die offizielle Wort-für-Wort-Transkription des Anrufs, die - wie üblich - vom Situation Room des Weißen Hauses produziert wurde <v>""</v>, erklärte der Whistleblower."
Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences?
""In the days following the phone call, I learned from multiple U.S. officials that senior White House officials had intervened to ""lock down"" all records of the phone call, especially the official word-for-word transcript of the call that was produced - as customary - by the White House Situation Room,"" the whistleblower stated. ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor fluency/punctuation mistakes could be
All his neighbors are sheep farmers, but they used the traditional free-range method, which only produced sheep of poor quality and quantity.
His neighbors are sheep farmers, but they adhere to the traditional free-range method. The quality of sheep is poor and the quantity of sheep is small.
Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form.
他的左邻右舍都是养羊户,但坚持传统的散养方式,羊品质差,出栏量小。 ### Note: 他的 means his. 但 means but. 品质 means quality. 传统 means tradition. 方式 means method. 羊 means sheep. 量 means quantity. 邻 means neighbors.
Comet has already been sighted before approach - and can be observed for several months
Comet was already sighted before approach - and can be observed for several months
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Komet wurde bereits vor Anflug gesichtet - und kann mehrere Monate beobachtet werden ### Note: A translation involving minor errors might be
"Alan Sutherland, <v>Chief Executive</v> von Surreys Studentengewerkschaften sagte: ""Wir wurden uns des Fehlverhaltens bewusst, und als die Untersuchungen weitergingen, wurden alle einzelnen Studenten, die beschuldigt wurden, eine ""große"" Straftat gemäß den studentischen Disziplinarvorschriften begangen zu haben, an eine universitäre Untersuchung verwiesen."""
Alan Sutherland, Chief Executive von Surreys Studentengewerkschaften, sagte: „Wir wurden uns des Fehlverhaltens bewusst, und als die Untersuchungen weitergingen, wurden alle einzelnen Studenten, die beschuldigt wurden, eine „große“ Straftat gemäß den Disziplinarvorschriften der Studenten <v>aufzunehmen</v>, an eine universitäre Untersuchung verwiesen.“
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences.
Alan Sutherland, chief executive of Surrey's student unions said: ""We became aware of the misconduct, and as investigations proceeded any individual students who were accused of committing a ""major"" offence as per the student disciplinary regulations were referred to a university investigation."" ### Note: A translation showing minor accuracy/untranslated text mistakes is possible
Classify the following sentence as either positive, negative, or neutral: "I was quite surprised by the outcome."
„Mein tiefstes Beileid zum Tod von Jacques Chirac. Indien trauert um den Verlust eines wahren globalen Staatsmannes. Als Freund Indiens spielte er eine entscheidende Rolle beim <v>Aufbau</v> und Aufbau der strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Indien und Frankreich“, twitterte Premierminister Modi.
„Mein tiefstes Beileid zum Tod von Jacques Chirac. Indien trauert um den Verlust eines wahren globalen Staatsmannes. Als Freund Indiens spielte er eine entscheidende Rolle beim Aufbau und Aufbau der strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen Indien und Frankreich“, twitterte Premierminister Modi.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German.
""My deepest condolences on passing away of Jacques Chirac. India mourns the loss of a true global statesman. A friend of India, he played a decisive role in establishing and building India-France Strategic Partnership,"" Prime Minister Modi tweeted. ### Note: A translation containing major other mistakes might be
Verb, noun, adverb
Identify the type of words being used in the sentence. Output the types of words.
The children were running down the street.
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
"This is different in some sense because it was chlorine... but know that President Trump has been pretty vigorous in protecting the world from the use of chemical weapons," Pompeo said. ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
Russia once again arrested numerous North Korean fishermen
Russia again arrested numerous North Korean fishermen
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Russland nahm erneut zahlreiche nordkoreanische Fischer fest ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
Anstand in der Politik: Neue Auszeichnung eingeführt, um Spaltungen in Westminster entgegenzuwirken und höfliche Politiker auszuzeichnen
Civility in Politik: Neues Preisprogramm zur Bekämpfung der Westminster-Abspaltung und zur Anerkennung von Politikern, die Höflichkeit zeigen###
Translate from English to German.
Civility in Politics: New awards scheme set up to counter Westminster division and recognise politicians who show courtesy
。益利共公合符以,休退或任留应否是们他定确以,现表作工的员务公府政查审期定定规条)J(65 第》则规)金休退(员务公央中《年 2791。休退员官会员委关海和税接间央中中名 22 制强府政,月 8
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Chinese?
In August, the government compulsorily retired 22 CBIC officials. The Rule 56 (J) of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 provides for periodical review of the performance of government servants with a view to ascertain whether they should be retained in service or retired in public interest. ### Note: A translation that is generated by reversing the order of the original sentence.
Augenzeugen zufolge war ein Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK) am Tatort.
Laut Zeugen war ein SWAT-Team an der Tatort.
Translate from English to German.
According to eyewitnesses, a SWAT team was at the scene.
framework. strategic import global the within Singapore and Malaysia, Zealand, New from goods sell to stores pilot open also will Group Alibaba present, At
Singapore. and Malaysia, New Zealand, from goods sell to framework, import global the within stores pilot open will Group Alibaba the Currently,
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
目前,阿里巴巴集团还将在全球进口战略框架内开设试点商店销售来自新西兰、马来西亚和新加坡的商品。 ### Note: A translation that is produced by reversing the order of the words.
Other signatory countries of this agreement including the UK, China, France, Germany and Russia were trying to remedy it. Yet Europe has been censured repeatedly by Teheran for not doing enough.
The other signatories to the agreement, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, have been trying to save the agreement, but Tehran has repeatedly accused Europe of not doing enough.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
这份协议的其他签约国,英国、中国、法国、德国和俄罗斯,一直试图挽救该协议,但德黑兰一再指责欧洲做得不够多。 ### Note: 和 means and. 这 means this. 签 means sign. 协议 means agreement. 英 means ying.
Translate from English to Chinese.
He was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt - to a criminal standard of proof - on a series of grounds.
Petrobras, wie das staatliche Ölunternehmen bekannt ist, sagte in einer Erklärung, <v>dass es, obwohl es nicht an der Ölpest beteiligt war, zu den Aufräumarbeiten beitrug, wobei </v> etwa 100 Petrobras-Mitarbeiter bei der Reinigung der Strände halfen.
Petrobras, wie die staatliche Ölgesellschaft genannt wird, sagte in einer Erklärung, dass sie, obwohl sie nicht an der Ölpest beteiligt war, zu den Aufräumarbeiten beitrug, <v>mit</v> etwa 100 Petrobras-Mitarbeitern, die bei der Reinigung der Strände helfen.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German?
Petrobras, as the state oil company is known, said in a statement that even though it was not involved in the spill it was contributing to the clean-up efforts, with some 100 Petrobras employees helping clean the beaches. ### Note: A translated version with minor style/awkward inaccuracies can be
Boomerang Catch - Throw a boomerang and catch it before it comes back! Who can catch it the most times in a row?
The game is called "Coat of Arms". The objective is to build a strong and powerful kingdom by gathering and using the resources of the world. The game is played in a 2D world, with players taking turns to build their kingdoms. Each kingdom has a different set of resources, such as gold, silver, and copper, and each kingdom has a different set of resources. The player must use their resources to build their kingdoms and gain the most points. The game ends when the player has built their kingdoms and has accumulated the most points.
Make up a new game.
The book dropped below the school desk with a loud thud.
The book below the school was a classic novel.
Generate a sentence using the provided words: book, below, school
Der 35-jährige Star warf die NBA- <v>Spielerin</v> Anfang des Jahres endgültig ab, nachdem er beschuldigt wurde, sie mit Familienfreund Jordyn Woods betrogen zu haben - nachdem sie zuvor betrogen hatte, als sie im neunten Monat mit ihrer Tochter True schwanger war.
Der 35-jährige Star <v>abgedeckte</v> den NBA-Spieler Anfang dieses Jahres nachdem er beschuldigt wurde, sie mit Familienfreund Jordyn Woods betrogen zu haben - nachdem er zuvor betrogen hatte, als sie im neunten Monat mit ihrer Tochter True schwanger war.
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences?
The 35-year-old star dumped the NBA player for good earlier this year after he was accused of cheating on her with family friend Jordyn Woods - having previously cheated when she was nine months pregnant with their daughter, True. ### Note: A rendition having major accuracy/mistranslation errors is possible
In the past, the <v>anxiety scenes</v> waiting for the bus were performed almost every day at the bus station.
In the past, the anxiety scene of waiting for a bus was staged at the bus station almost every day.
Please share the English version of the given sentences.
以往,等车的焦虑场景几乎每天在公交站上演。 ### Note: A translation featuring minor accuracy/mistranslation errors might be