The stars turn dim and scatter,
And when the stars fall down.
when the stars shall be thrown down,
and when the stars lose their light,
And when the stars shall dart down,
And when the stars shall fall;
When the stars are dimmed.
when the stars shall scatter away,
And when the stars Inkadarat.
And when the stars fall,
when the stars scatter,
when the stars are thrown down,
And when the stars fall, dispersing,
the stars are made to fade away,
And when the stars darken,
Wai<u>tha</u> a<b>l</b>nnujoomu inkadarat
and when the stars lose their light,
When the stars fall, losing their lustre;
وَإِذَا ٱلنُّجُومُ ٱنكَدَرَتْ
The mountains made to move,
And when the mountains are driven.
when the mountains shall be set moving,
and when the mountains are made to vanish,
And when the mountains shall be made to pass away,
And when the mountains shall made to pass away;
When the mountains are set in motion.
when the mountains shall be set in motion,
And when the mountains are made to pass away;
And when the hills are moved,
when the mountains are set moving,
and the mountains have been taken,
And when the mountains are removed
the mountains are scattered about as dust,
And when the mountains are made to pass away,
Wai<u>tha</u> aljib<u>a</u>lu suyyirat
and when the mountains are moved,
When the mountains vanish (like a mirage);
وَإِذَا ٱلْجِبَالُ سُيِّرَتْ
The ten-month pregnant female camels are abandoned,
And when milch camels roam abandoned.
when the pregnant camels shall be neglected,
and when she-camels big with young, about to give birth, are left untended,
And when the she-camels big with young shall be abandoned,
And when the pregnant she-camels shall be neglected;
When the relationships are suspended.
when the ten-months pregnant camels shall be abandoned,
And when the pregnant she-camels are neglected;
And when the camels big with young are abandoned,
when the pregnant camels are neglected,
when the pregnant camels are neglected,
And when full-term she-camels are neglected
the young barren camels are abandoned,
And when the camels are left untended,
Wai<u>tha</u> alAAish<u>a</u>ru AAu<u>tt</u>ilat
when ten-month pregnant camels are left untended,
When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended;
وَإِذَا ٱلْعِشَارُ عُطِّلَتْ
The wild beasts stampede on the run,
And when wild animals are herded together.
when the savage beasts shall be mustered,
and when all beasts are gathered together,
And when the wild beasts shall be gathered together,
And when the wild beasts shall be gathered together;
When the beasts are gathered.
when the savage beasts shall be brought together,
And when the wild beasts are gathered together.
And when the wild beasts are herded together,
when the wild beasts are mustered,
when the savage beasts are gathered
And when the wild beasts are gathered
the wild beasts are herded together,
And when the wild animals are made to go forth,
Wai<u>tha</u> alwu<u>h</u>ooshu <u>h</u>ushirat
and when all beasts are gathered together,
When the wild beasts are herded together (in the human habitations);
وَإِذَا ٱلْوُحُوشُ حُشِرَتْ
When the oceans surge and swell,
And when the seas are set afire.
when the seas shall be set boiling,
and when the seas boil over,
And when the seas shall be filled,
And when the seas shall become as blazing Fire or shall overflow;
When the oceans are set aflame.
when the seas shall be set boiling,
And when the seas become as blazing fire.
And when the seas rise,
when the seas are set afire,
when the seas are set boiling,
And when the seas are filled with flame
the oceans are brought to a boil,
And when the seas are set on fire,
Wai<u>tha</u> albi<u>ha</u>ru sujjirat
and when the seas are set on fire,
When the oceans boil over with a swell;
وَإِذَا ٱلْبِحَارُ سُجِّرَتْ
When souls are reunited (with the bodies)
And when the souls are paired.
when the souls shall be coupled,
and when all human beings are coupled [with their deeds],
And when the souls he paired,
And when the souls shall be joined with their bodies;
When the souls are paired.
when the souls shall be rejoined (with their bodies),
And when the souls are joined with their mates.
And when souls are reunited,
when the souls are assorted,
when the souls are coupled (to their body),
And when the souls are paired
souls are reunited with their bodies,
And when souls are united,
Wai<u>tha</u> a<b>l</b>nnufoosu zuwwijat
when the souls are divided into different classes,
When the souls are sorted out, (being joined, like with like);
وَإِذَا ٱلنُّفُوسُ زُوِّجَتْ
And the little girl buried alive is asked
And when the girl-child who was buried alive is asked.
when the buried infant shall be asked
and when the girl-child that was buried alive is made to ask
And when the girl buried alive shall be asked:
And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) shall be questioned.
When the girl, buried alive, is asked:
and when the girl-child buried alive shall be asked:
And when the female infant (Al-Maw'udah) buried alive is questioned (Su'ilat):
And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked
when the girl buried-alive will be asked
when the buried female infant is asked
And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked
questions are asked about the baby girls buried alive,
And when the female infant buried alive is asked
Wai<u>tha</u> almawoodatu suilat
and when the female infant buried alive is asked
When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned -
وَإِذَا ٱلْمَوْءُۥدَةُ سُئِلَتْ
For what crime she was put to death;
Upon what sin was she killed for.
for what sin she was slain,
for what crime she had been slain,
For what sin she was slain.
For what sin she was killed?
For what crime was she killed?
for what offence was she killed?
For what sin was she killed
For what sin she was slain,
for what sin she was killed.
for what crime she was slain,
For what sin she was killed
such as, "For what crime were they murdered?"
For what sin she was killed,
Biayyi <u>th</u>anbin qutilat
for what sin she was killed,
For what crime she was killed;
بِأَىِّ ذَنۢبٍ قُتِلَتْ
When the ledgers are laid open,
And when the Records of Account are laid bare.
when the scrolls shall be unrolled,
and when the scrolls [of men's deeds] are unfolded,
And when the Writs shall be lain open,
And when the written pages of deeds (good and bad) of every person shall be laid open;
When the records are made public.
and when the scrolls of (men's) deeds shall be unfolded,
And when the pages are laid open.
And when the pages are laid open,
When the records [of deeds] are unfolded,
when the scrolls are unrolled,
And when the pages are made public
the records of deeds are made public,
And when the books are spread,
Wai<u>tha</u> a<b>l</b><u>ss</u>u<u>h</u>ufu nushirat
when the records of men's deeds are laid open,
When the scrolls are laid open;
وَإِذَا ٱلصُّحُفُ نُشِرَتْ
The curtain drawn back from the skies,
And when the heaven is torn away.
when heaven shall be stripped off;
and when heaven is laid bare,
And when the heaven shall be stripped,
And when the heaven shall be stripped off and taken away from its place;
When the sky is peeled away.
and when Heaven is laid bare;
And when the heaven is Kushitat;
And when the sky is torn away,
when the sky is stripped off,
when heaven is stripped,
And when the sky is stripped away
the heavens are unveiled,
And when the heaven has its covering removed,
Wai<u>tha</u> a<b>l</b>ssam<u>a</u>o kushi<u>t</u>at
when the sky is unveiled,
When the world on High is unveiled;
وَإِذَا ٱلسَّمَآءُ كُشِطَتْ
When Hell is set ablaze,
And when hell is further enflamed.
when Hell shall be set blazing,
and when the blazing fire [of hell] is kindled bright,
And when the Scorch shall be made to blaze,
And when Hell-fire shall be kindled to fierce ablaze.
When the Fire is set ablaze.
and Hell is stoked,
And when Hell is Su`irat.
And when hell is lighted,
when hell is set ablaze,
when Hell is set ablaze,
And when Hellfire is set ablaze
hell is made to blaze,
And when the hell is kindled up,
Wai<u>tha</u> alja<u>h</u>eemu suAAAAirat
and when Hell is set ablaze,
When the Blazing Fire is kindled to fierce heat;
وَإِذَا ٱلْجَحِيمُ سُعِّرَتْ
And Paradise brought near,
And when Paradise is brought near.
when Paradise shall be brought nigh,
and when paradise is brought into view:
And when the Garden shall be brought nigh,
And when Paradise shall be brought near,
When Paradise is brought near.
and Paradise brought nigh:
And when Paradise is brought near.
And when the Garden is brought nigh,
when paradise is brought near,
when Paradise is brought near,
And when Paradise is brought near,
and Paradise is brought near,
And when the garden is brought nigh,
Wai<u>tha</u> aljannatu ozlifat
when Paradise is brought close:
And when the Garden is brought near;-
وَإِذَا ٱلْجَنَّةُ أُزْلِفَتْ
(Then) every soul will know what it had prepared (for itself).
Every soul will then come know what it has brought.
then shall a soul know what it has produced.
[on that Day] every human being will come to know what he has prepared [for himself].
Then every soul shall know that which it: hath presented.
(Then) every person will know what he has brought (of good and evil).
Each soul will know what it has readied.
then shall each person know what he has brought along.
Every person will know what he has brought.
(Then) every soul will know what it hath made ready.
then a soul shall know what it has readied [for itself].
then, each soul shall know what it has produced.
A soul will [then] know what it has brought [with it].
then every soul will discover the consequence of its deeds.
Every soul shall (then) know what it has prepared.
AAalimat nafsun m<u>a</u> a<u>hd</u>arat
[then] each soul shall know what it has put forward.
(Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward.
عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌ مَّآ أَحْضَرَتْ
So, I call the receding stars to witness,
So by oath of those that revolve. (The planets.)
No! I swear by the slinkers,
BUT NAY! I call to witness the revolving stars,
I swear by the receding stars.
So verily, I swear by the planets that recede (i.e. disappear during the day and appear during the night).
I swear by the galaxies.
No indeed; I swear by the alternating stars
But nay! I swear by Al-Khunnas.
Oh, but I call to witness the planets,
So I swear by the stars that return,
Rather, I swear by the returning
So I swear by the retreating stars -
I do not need to swear by the orbiting
But nay! I swear by the stars,
Fal<u>a</u> oqsimu bi<b>a</b>lkhunnas<b>i</b>
I swear by the receding stars,
So verily I call to witness the planets - that recede,
فَلَآ أُقْسِمُ بِٱلْخُنَّسِ
The planets withdrawing into themselves,
Who move straight and stop.
the runners, the sinkers,
the planets that run their course and set,
Moving swiftly and hiding themselves,
And by the planets that move swiftly and hide themselves,
Precisely running their courses.
that hide,
Al-Jawar Al-Kunnas.
The stars which rise and set,
the comets,
orbiting, disappearing;
Those that run [their courses] and disappear -
stars which are visible during the night
That run their course (and) hide themselves,
Aljaw<u>a</u>ri alkunnas<b>i</b>
the planets that run their course and set,
Go straight, or hide;
ٱلْجَوَارِ ٱلْكُنَّسِ
The closing night,
And by oath of the night when it turns back.
by the night swarming,
and the night as it darkly falls,
And by the night when it departeth,
And by the night as it departs;
And by the night as it recedes.
and by the night as it recedes,
And by the night when it `As`as.
And the close of night,
by the night as it approaches,
by the night when it approaches
And by the night as it closes in
and sit during the day, or by the darkening night
And the night when it departs,
Wa<b>a</b>llayli i<u>tha</u> AAasAAas<b>a</b>
and the night that falls,
And the Night as it dissipates;
وَٱلَّيْلِ إِذَا عَسْعَسَ
The rising dawn,
And by oath of the morning when it takes birth.
by the dawn sighing,
and the morn as it softly breathes:
And by the morning when it shineth forth,
And by the dawn as it brightens;
And by the morn as it breathes.
and the morn as it breathes.
And by the day when it Tanaffas.
And the breath of morning
by the dawn as it breathes:
and the morning when it extends,
And by the dawn when it breathes
and brightening morning,
And the morning when it brightens,
Wa<b>al</b><u>ss</u>ub<u>h</u>i i<u>tha</u> tanaffas<b>a</b>
and the first breath of morning.
And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness;-
وَٱلصُّبْحِ إِذَا تَنَفَّسَ
That this is indeed the word of an honoured Messenger,
This is indeed the recitation of an honoured Noble Messenger. (Angel Jibreel – peace and blessings be upon him.)
truly this is the word of a noble Messenger
behold, this [divine writ] is indeed the [inspired] word of a noble apostle,
Verily it is a Word brought by a messenger honoured,
Verily, this is the Word (this Quran brought by) a most honourable messenger [Jibrael (Gabriel), from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)].
This is the speech of a noble messenger.
Verily this is the word of a noble message-bearer;
Verily, this is the Word a most honorable messenger.
That this is in truth the word of an honoured messenger,
it is indeed the speech of a noble apostle,
it is indeed the word of an Honorable Messenger,
[That] indeed, the Qur'an is a word [conveyed by] a noble messenger
that the Quran is the word of the honorable angelic, mighty Messenger
Most surely it is the Word of an honored messenger,
Innahu laqawlu rasoolin kareem<b>in</b>
Truly, this is the word brought by a noble messenger,
Verily this is the word of a most honourable Messenger,
إِنَّهُۥ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيمٍ
Full of power, well-established (in position) with the Lord and Master of the Throne,
The mighty, the honoured in the presence of the Lord of the Throne.
having power, with the Lord of the Throne secure,
with strength endowed, secure with Him who in almightiness is enthroned
Owner of strength, of established dignity with the Lord of the Throne.
Owner of power, and high rank with (Allah) the Lord of the Throne,
Endowed with power, eminent with the Lord of the Throne.
one mighty and held in honour with the Lord of the Throne;
Dhi Quwwah, with the Lord of the Throne -- Makin,
Mighty, established in the presence of the Lord of the Throne,
powerful and eminent with the Lord of the Throne,
of power, given a rank by the Owner of the Throne
[Who is] possessed of power and with the Owner of the Throne, secure [in position],
who is honored in the presence of the Lord of the Throne,
The processor of strength, having an honorable place with the Lord of the Dominion,
<u>Th</u>ee quwwatin AAinda <u>th</u>ee alAAarshi makeen<b>in</b>
endowed with power and held in honour by the Lord of the Throne --
Endued with Power, with rank before the Lord of the Throne,
ذِى قُوَّةٍ عِندَ ذِى ٱلْعَرْشِ مَكِينٍ
Obeyed and worthy there of trust.
The one who is obeyed, and trustworthy. (Other angels obey angel Jibreel).
obeyed, moreover trusty.
[the word] of one to be heeded, and worthy of trust!
Obeyed one there; trustWorthy.
Obeyed (by the angels), trustworthy there (in the heavens).
Obeyed and honest.
there he is obeyed and held trustworthy.
Obeyed there, trustworthy.
(One) to be obeyed, and trustworthy;
one who is obeyed and is trustworthy as well.
obeyed, and honest.
Obeyed there [in the heavens] and trustworthy.
obeyed by (all creatures) and faithful to His trust.
One (to be) obeyed, and faithful in trust.
Mu<u>ta</u>AAin thamma ameen<b>in</b>
who is obeyed there and is worthy of trust.
With authority there, (and) faithful to his trust.
مُّطَاعٍ ثَمَّ أَمِينٍ
Your companion is not mad.
And your companion is not insane.
Your companion is not possessed;
For, this fellow-man of yours is not a madman:
Nor is your companion distracted.
And (O people) your companion (Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) is not a madman;
Your friend is not possessed.
(O people of Makkah), your companion is not mad;
And your companion is not a madman.
And your comrade is not mad.
Your companion is not crazy:
Your Companion is not mad,
And your companion is not [at all] mad.
Your companion (Muhammad) does not suffer from any mental illness
And your companion is not gone mad.
Wam<u>a</u> <u>sah</u>ibukum bimajnoon<b>in</b>
Your companion is not one possessed:
And (O people!) your companion is not one possessed;
وَمَا صَاحِبُكُم بِمَجْنُونٍ
He had surely seen Him on the clear horizon.
And indeed he saw him on the clear horizon. (Prophet Mohammed saw Angel Jibreel in his true shape – peace and blessings be upon them).
he truly saw him on the clear horizon;
he truly beheld [the angel - beheld] him on the clear horizon;
Assuredly he beheld him in the horizon manifest.
And indeed he (Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) saw him [Jibrael (Gabriel)] in the clear horizon (towards the east).
He saw him on the luminous horizon.
he indeed saw the message-bearer on the clear horizon;
And indeed he saw him in the clear horizon.
Surely he beheld Him on the clear horizon.
certainly he saw him on the manifest horizon,
in truth he saw him (Gabriel) on the clear horizon,
And he has already seen Gabriel in the clear horizon.
He certainly saw him (Gabriel) high up on the horizon in his original form
And of a truth he saw himself on the clear horizon.
Walaqad ra<u>a</u>hu bi<b>a</b>lofuqi almubeen<b>i</b>
he truly beheld him [the angel] on the clear horizon.
And without doubt he saw him in the clear horizon.
وَلَقَدْ رَءَاهُ بِٱلْأُفُقِ ٱلْمُبِينِ
He is not chary of making public what is unknown.
And this Prophet is not miserly upon the hidden. (Allah gave the knowledge of the hidden to the Holy Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him.)
he is not niggardly of the Unseen.
and he is not one to begrudge others the knowledge [of whatever has been revealed to him] out of that which is beyond the reach of human Perception.
And he is of the unseen not a tenacious concealer.
And he (Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) withholds not a knowledge of the unseen.
And He does not withhold knowledge of the Unseen.
nor does he grudge (conveying this knowledge about) the Unseen;
And he withholds not a knowledge of the Unseen.
And he is not avid of the Unseen.
and he is not miserly concerning the Unseen.
he is not grudging of the Unseen.
And Muhammad is not a withholder of [knowledge of] the unseen.
He (Muhammad) is not accused of lying about the unseen.
Nor of the unseen is he a tenacious concealer.
Wam<u>a</u> huwa AAal<u>a</u> alghaybi bi<u>d</u>aneen<b>in</b>
He is not avid of the Unseen.
Neither doth he withhold grudgingly a knowledge of the Unseen.
وَمَا هُوَ عَلَى ٱلْغَيْبِ بِضَنِينٍ
This is not the utterance of an accursed devil.
And the Qur’an is not the recitation of Satan the outcast.
And it is not the word of an accursed Satan;
Nor is this [message] the word of any satanic force accursed.
Nor is it the word of a Satan accursed.
And it (the Quran) is not the word of the outcast Shaitan (Satan).
And it is not the word of an accursed devil.
nor is it a word of an accursed Satan.
And it is not the word of the outcast Shaytan.
Nor is this the utterance of a devil worthy to be stoned.
And it is not the speech of an outcast Satan.
Nor is this the word of a stoned satan.
And the Qur'an is not the word of a devil, expelled [from the heavens].
The Quran is not the word of condemned satan.
Nor is it the word of the cursed Shaitan,
Wam<u>a</u> huwa biqawli shay<u>ta</u>nin rajeem<b>in</b>
Nor is this the word of an outcast devil.
Nor is it the word of an evil spirit accursed.
وَمَا هُوَ بِقَوْلِ شَيْطَٰنٍ رَّجِيمٍ
So whither do you stray?
So where are you going?
where then are you going?
Whither, then, will you go?
Whither then go ye?
Then where are you going?
So where are you heading?
Where to are you then heading?
Then where are you going
Whither then go ye?
So where are you going?
Where then are you going?
So where are you going?
Where then will you go?
Whither then will you go?
Faayna ta<u>th</u>haboon<b>a</b>
So where are you going?
When whither go ye?
فَأَيْنَ تَذْهَبُونَ
This is a reminder for all the peoples of the world,
That is but an advice to the entire creation!
It is naught but a Reminder unto all beings,
This [message] is no less than a reminder to all mankind –
This is naught but an Admonition Unto the worlds-
Verily, this (the Quran) is no less than a Reminder to (all) the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns).
It is only a Reminder to all mankind.
It is nothing but Good Counsel for everyone in the world,
Verily, this is no less than a Reminder for the creatures.
This is naught else than a reminder unto creation,
It is just a reminder for all the nations,
This is nothing but a Reminder to the worlds,
It is not except a reminder to the worlds
This is certainly the guidance for all (jinn and mankind).
It is naught but a reminder for the nations,
In huwa ill<u>a</u> <u>th</u>ikrun lilAA<u>a</u>lameen<b>a</b>
This is merely a reminder to all mankind;
Verily this is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds:
إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَٰلَمِينَ
For those of you who desire to walk the path that is straight,
For the one among you who wishes to become upright.
for whosoever of you who would go straight;
to everyone of you who wills to walk a straight way.
Unto whomsoever of you willeth to walk straight.
To whomsoever among you who wills to walk straight,
To whoever of you wills to go straight.
for everyone of you who wishes to follow the Straight Way;
To whomsoever among you who wills to walk straight.
Unto whomsoever of you willeth to walk straight.
for those of you who wish to walk straight;
for whosoever of you would go straight,
For whoever wills among you to take a right course.
So let those who want, choose the right guidance
For him among you who pleases to go straight.
Liman sh<u>a</u>a minkum an yastaqeem<b>a</b>
to every one of you who wishes to tread the straight path.
(With profit) to whoever among you wills to go straight:
لِمَن شَآءَ مِنكُمْ أَن يَسْتَقِيمَ
Though you cannot desire except as God will, the Lord of all the worlds.
And what will you wish, except if Allah wills – the Lord of the Creation.
but will you shall not, unless God wills, the Lord of all Being.
But you cannot will it unless God, the Sustainer of all the worlds, wills [to show you that way].
And ye shall not will unless it be that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, willeth.
And you will not, unless (it be) that Allah wills, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
But you cannot will, unless God wills—The Lord of the Worlds.
but your wishing will not avail unless Allah, the Lord of the Universe, so wishes.
And you cannot will unless that Allah wills -- the Lord of all that exists.
And ye will not, unless (it be) that Allah willeth, the Lord of Creation.
but you will not wish unless it is wished by Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
but you shall not, unless Allah wills, the Lord of all the Worlds.
And you do not will except that Allah wills - Lord of the worlds.
However, you will not be able to choose anything unless God, Lord of the Universe wills it to be so.
And you do not please except that Allah please, the Lord of the worlds.
Wam<u>a</u> tash<u>a</u>oona ill<u>a</u> an yash<u>a</u>a All<u>a</u>hu rabbu alAA<u>a</u>lameen<b>a</b>
But you cannot will it unless God, the Lord of the Universe, so wills it [to show you that way].
But ye shall not will except as Allah wills,- the Cherisher of the Worlds.
وَمَا تَشَآءُونَ إِلَّآ أَن يَشَآءَ ٱللَّهُ رَبُّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ
WHEN THE SKY is split asunder,
When the heaven splits open.
When heaven is split open,
WHEN THE SKY is cleft asunder,
When the heaven shall be cleft,
When the heaven is cleft asunder.
When the sky breaks apart.
When the heaven is split asunder,
When the heaven is cleft asunder (Infatarat).
When the heaven is cleft asunder,
When the sky is rent apart,
When the sky is split,
When the sky breaks apart
When the heavens are rent asunder,
When the heaven becomes cleft asunder,
I<u>tha</u> a<b>l</b>ssam<u>a</u>o infa<u>t</u>arat
When the sky is cleft asunder;
When the Sky is cleft asunder;
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ إِذَا ٱلسَّمَآءُ ٱنفَطَرَتْ
And the stars dispersed,
And when the stars fall down.
when the stars are scattered,
and when the stars are scattered,
And when the stars shall be scattered,
And when the stars have fallen and scattered;
When the planets are scattered.
when the stars are scattered,
And when the stars Intatharat.
When the planets are dispersed,
when the stars are scattered,
when the planets are scattered,
And when the stars fall, scattering,
the stars are dispersed,
And when the stars become dispersed,
Wai<u>tha</u> alkaw<u>a</u>kibu intatharat
and when the stars are scattered;
When the Stars are scattered;
وَإِذَا ٱلْكَوَاكِبُ ٱنتَثَرَتْ
When the oceans begin to flow,
And when the oceans are swept away.
when the seas swarm over,
and when the seas burst beyond their bounds,
And when the seas are flowed out,
And when the seas are burst forth (got dried up);
When the oceans are exploded.
when the seas are made to burst forth,
And when the seas Fujjirat.
When the seas are poured forth,
when the seas are merged,
when the oceans are gushed forth,
And when the seas are erupted
the oceans are merged together,
And when the seas are made to flow forth,
Wai<u>tha</u> albi<u>ha</u>ru fujjirat
when the seas overflow;
When the Oceans are suffered to burst forth;
وَإِذَا ٱلْبِحَارُ فُجِّرَتْ
When the graves are overturned,
And when the graves are overturned.
when the tombs are overthrown,
and when the graves are overturned –
And when the graves are ransacked,
And when the graves are turned upside down (and they bring out their contents)
When the tombs are strewn around.
and when graves are laid open,
And when the graves Bu`thirat.
And the sepulchres are overturned,
when the graves are overturned,
when the graves are overturned,
And when the [contents of] graves are scattered,
and the graves are turned inside out,
And when the graves are laid open,
Wai<u>tha</u> alqubooru buAAthirat
and when the graves are laid open:
And when the Graves are turned upside down;-
وَإِذَا ٱلْقُبُورُ بُعْثِرَتْ
Each soul will know what it had sent ahead and what it had left behind.
Every soul will come to know what it has sent ahead and what it left behind.
then a soul shall know its works, the former and the latter.
every human being will [at last] comprehend, what he has sent ahead and what he has held back [in this world].
Each soul shall know that which it sent afore and that which it left behind.
(Then) a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) left behind (of good or bad deeds).
Each soul will know what it has advanced, and what it has deferred.
everyone shall know all his deeds, both the earlier and the later.
A person will know what he has sent forward and left behind.
A soul will know what it hath sent before (it) and what left behind.
then a soul shall know what it has sent ahead and left behind.
the soul shall know what it has done, the former and the latter.
A soul will [then] know what it has put forth and kept back.
every soul will see the result of its deeds - those recorded before his death and those which will produce either virtue or evil after his death.
Every soul shall know what it has sent before and held back.
AAalimat nafsun m<u>a</u> qaddamat waakhkharat
then everyone will know what he has sent ahead, and what he has left behind.
(Then) shall each soul know what it hath sent forward and (what it hath) kept back.
عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ وَأَخَّرَتْ
O man, what seduced you from your munificent Lord
O man! What has deceived you away from your Lord, the Most Beneficent?
O Man! What deceived thee as to thy generous Lord
O MAN! What is it that lures thee away from thy bountiful Sustainer,
O man! what hath beguiled thee concerning thy Lord, the Bountiful,
O man! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Most Generous?
O man! What deluded you concerning your Lord, the Most Generous?
O man! What has deceived you about your generous Lord
O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous
O man! What hath made thee careless concerning thy Lord, the Bountiful,
O man! What has deceived you about your generous Lord,
O human! What has deceived you concerning your Generous Lord
O mankind, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Generous,
Human being, what evil has deceived you about your Gracious Lord,
O man! what has beguiled you from your Lord, the Gracious one,
Y<u>a</u> ayyuh<u>a</u> alins<u>a</u>nu m<u>a</u> gharraka birabbika alkareem<b>i</b>
O man! What is it that lures you away from your bountiful Sustainer,
O man! What has seduced thee from thy Lord Most Beneficent?-
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْإِنسَٰنُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ ٱلْكَرِيمِ
Who created you then formed your symmetry, then gave you right proportion,
The One Who created you, then moulded you, then made you proper?
who created thee and shaped thee and wrought thee in symmetry
who has created thee, and formed thee in accordance with what thou art meant' to be, and shaped thy nature in just proportions,
Who created thee, then moulded thee, then proportioned thee?
Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion;
He Who created you, and formed you, and proportioned you?
Who created you, shaped you, and made you well-proportioned,
Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportion.
Who created thee, then fashioned, then proportioned thee?
who created you and proportioned you, and gave you an upright nature,
who created you, formed you and proportioned you?
Who created you, proportioned you, and balanced you?
Who created you proportionately and fashioned you
Who created you, then made you complete, then made you symmetrical?
Alla<u>th</u>ee khalaqaka fasaww<u>a</u>ka faAAadalak<b>a</b>
who created you, fashioned you and proportioned you,
Him Who created thee. Fashioned thee in due proportion, and gave thee a just bias;
ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّىٰكَ فَعَدَلَكَ
Shaping you into any form He pleased?
He moulded you into whatever shape He willed.
and composed thee after what form He would?
having put thee together in whatever form He willed [thee to have]?
In whatsoever form He listed He constructed thee.
In whatever form He willed, He put you together.
In whatever shape He willed, He assembled you.
and set you in whatever form He pleased?
In whatever form He willed, He put you together.
Into whatsoever form He will, He casteth thee.
and composed you in any form that He wished?
In whatever shape He will He could surely have fashioned you.
In whatever form He willed has He assembled you.
in whatever composition He wanted.
Into whatever form He pleased He constituted you.
Fee ayyi <u>s</u>ooratin m<u>a</u> sh<u>a</u>a rakkabak<b>a</b>
in whatever form He pleased?
In whatever Form He wills, does He put thee together.
فِىٓ أَىِّ صُورَةٍ مَّا شَآءَ رَكَّبَكَ
Even then you deny the Judgement.
Not at all – but rather you deny the establishment of Justice.
No indeed; but you cry lies to the Doom;
Nay, [O men,] but you [are lured away from God whenever you are tempted to] give the lie to [God’s] Judgment!
By no means! Aye, ye belie the the Requital.
Nay! But you deny the Recompense (reward for good deeds and punishment for evil deeds).
But you reject the religion.
No indeed; (the fact is that) you deny the Reckoning, declaring it a lie;
Nay! But you deny (the Day of) Ad-Din.
Nay, but ye deny the Judgment.
No! Indeed, you deny the Retribution.
Rather, you belied the Recompense.
No! But you deny the Recompense.
Despite this, you deny the Day of Judgment,
Nay! but you give the lie to the judgment day,
Kall<u>a</u> bal tuka<u>thth</u>iboona bi<b>al</b>ddeen<b>i</b>
Yet you deny the Last Judgement.
Nay! But ye do reject Right and Judgment!
كَلَّا بَلْ تُكَذِّبُونَ بِٱلدِّينِ
Surely there are guardians over you,
And indeed there are some guardians over you.
yet there are over you watchers
And yet, verily, there are ever-watchful forces over you,
Verify there are for you guardians,
But verily, over you (are appointed angels in charge of mankind) to watch you.
Though over you are watchers.
you do so the while there are watchers over you;
But verily, over you to watch you
Lo! there are above you guardians,
Indeed, there are over you watchers,
Yet over you there are watchers,
And indeed, [appointed] over you are keepers,
but you should know that there are angelic guards
And most surely there are keepers over you
Wainna AAalaykum la<u>ha</u>fi<i><u>th</u></i>een<b>a</b>
Surely, there are guardians watching over you,
But verily over you (are appointed angels) to protect you,-
وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكُمْ لَحَٰفِظِينَ
Illustrious scribes
The honourable recorders.
noble, writers
noble, recording,
Honourablel scribes.
Kiraman (honourable) Katibin writing down (your deeds).
Honest recorders.
noble scribes,
Kiraman Katibin,
Generous and recording,
noble writers,
noble scribes
Noble and recording;
watching over you
Honorable recorders,
Kir<u>a</u>man k<u>a</u>tibeen<b>a</b>
noble recorders,
Kind and honourable,- Writing down (your deeds):
كِرَامًا كَٰتِبِينَ
Who know what you do.
Knowing all what you may do.
who know whatever you do.
aware of whatever you do!
They know whatsoever ye do.
They know all that you do.
They know everything you do.
who know what you do.
They know all that you do.
Who know (all) that ye do.
who know whatever you do.
who know of all that you do.
They know whatever you do.
and these honorable scribes know whatever you do.
They know what you do.
YaAAlamoona m<u>a</u> tafAAaloon<b>a</b>
who know all that you do:
They know (and understand) all that ye do.
يَعْلَمُونَ مَا تَفْعَلُونَ
The pious will surely be in heaven,
Indeed the virtuous are in serenity.
Surely the pious shall be in bliss,
Behold, [in the life to come] the truly virtuous: will indeed be in bliss,
Verily the pious shall be in Delight.
Verily, the Abrar (pious and righteous) will be in delight (Paradise);
The virtuous will be in bliss.
Surely the virtuous shall be in Bliss,
Verily, the Abrar (the righteous believers) will be in Delight;
Lo! the righteous verily will be in delight.
Indeed the pious shall be amid bliss,
Indeed, the righteous shall (live) in bliss.
Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure,
The virtuous ones will live in bliss
Most surely the righteous are in bliss,
Inna alabr<u>a</u>ra lafee naAAeem<b>in</b>
the virtuous will dwell in bliss,
As for the Righteous, they will be in bliss;
إِنَّ ٱلْأَبْرَارَ لَفِى نَعِيمٍ
The wicked certainly in Hell:
And indeed the sinners are in hell.
and the libertines shall be in a fiery furnace
whereas, behold, the wicked will indeed be in a blazing fire –
And verily the ungodly shall be in a Scorch.
And verily, the Fujjar (the wicked, disbelievers, sinners and evil-doers) will be in the blazing Fire (Hell),
While the wicked will be in Hell.
and the wicked shall be in the Blazing Fire.
And verily, the wicked will be in the blazing Fire (Hell),
And lo! the wicked verily will be in hell;
and indeed the vicious shall be in hell,
But the wicked, indeed they shall be in the Fiery Furnace,
And indeed, the wicked will be in Hellfire.
and the evil-doers will be in hell
And most surely the wicked are in burning fire,
Wainna alfujj<u>a</u>ra lafee ja<u>h</u>eem<b>in</b>
whereas the wicked will be in Hell;
And the Wicked - they will be in the Fire,
وَإِنَّ ٱلْفُجَّارَ لَفِى جَحِيمٍ
They will burn in it on the Day of Judgement,
They will enter it on the Day of Justice.
roasting therein on the Day of Doom,
[a fire] which they shall enter on Judgment Day,
Roasted they shall be therein on the Day of Requital.
In which they will enter, and taste its burning flame on the Day of Recompense,
They will enter it on the Day of Justice.
They shall enter it on the Day of Recompense
Therein they will enter, and taste its burning flame on the Day of Recompense,
They will burn therein on the Day of Judgment,
entering it on the Day of Retribution,
roasting in it on the Day of Recompense
They will [enter to] burn therein on the Day of Recompense,
which they will enter on the Day of Judgment
They shall enter it on the day of judgment.
Ya<u>s</u>lawnah<u>a</u> yawma a<b>l</b>ddeen<b>i</b>
which they shall enter on the Day of Judgement,
Which they will enter on the Day of Judgment,
يَصْلَوْنَهَا يَوْمَ ٱلدِّينِ
And will not be removed from it.
And will not be able to hide from it.
nor shall they ever be absent from it.
and which they shall not [be able to] evade.
And thence they shall not be allowed to be absent.
And they (Al-Fujjar) will not be absent therefrom (i.e. will not go out from the Hell).
And they will not be absent from it.
and then shall never come out of it.
And they will not be absent therefrom.
And will not be absent thence.
and they shall not be absent from it.
and from it they shall never be absent.
And never therefrom will they be absent.
to burn therein.
And they shall by no means be absent from it.
Wam<u>a</u> hum AAanh<u>a</u> bigh<u>a</u>ibeen<b>a</b>
and from which they will find no escape.
And they will not be able to keep away therefrom.
وَمَا هُمْ عَنْهَا بِغَآئِبِينَ
How can you comprehend what the Day of Judgement is?
And what do you know – of what sort is the Day of Justice!
And what shall teach thee what is the Day of Doom?
And what could make thee conceive what that Judgment Day will be?
And what shall make thee know whatsoever the Day of Requital is?
And what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is?
But what will convey to you what the Day of Justice is?
What do you know what the Day of Recompense is?
And what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is
Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Day of Judgment is!
And what will show you what is the Day of Retribution?
What could let you know what the Day of Recompense is!
And what can make you know what is the Day of Recompense?
They will never be able to escape from it. Would that you knew what the Day of Judgment is!
And what will make you realize what the day of judgment is?
Wam<u>a</u> adr<u>a</u>ka m<u>a</u> yawmu a<b>l</b>ddeeni
What will make you realize what the Day of Judgement will be?
And what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is?
وَمَآ أَدْرَىٰكَ مَا يَوْمُ ٱلدِّينِ
How then can you comprehend what the Day of Judgement is?
Again, what do you know – of what sort is the Day of Justice!
Again, what shall teach thee what is the Day of Doom?
And once again: What could make thee conceive what that Judgment Day will be?
Again, what shall make thee know whatsoever the Day of Requital is?
Again, what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is?
Then again, what will convey to you what the Day of Justice is?
Again, what do you know what the Day of Recompense is?
Again, what will make you know what the Day of Recompense is
Again, what will convey unto thee what the Day of Judgment is!
Again, what will show you what is the Day of Retribution?
Again, what could let you know what the Day of Recompense is!
Then, what can make you know what is the Day of Recompense?
Again would that you only knew how terrible it really is!
Again, what will make you realize what the day of judgment is?
Thumma m<u>a</u> adr<u>a</u>ka m<u>a</u> yawmu a<b>l</b>ddeen<b>i</b>
Again: what will make you realize what the Day of Judgement will be?
Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is?
ثُمَّ مَآ أَدْرَىٰكَ مَا يَوْمُ ٱلدِّينِ
It is the day when no soul will have power to do the least for a soul, and God's alone will be done.
The day on which no soul will have the authority over any other soul; and on that day, the entire command belongs to Allah.
A day when no soul shall possess aught to succour another soul; that day the Command shall belong unto God.
[It will be] a Day when no human being shall be of the least avail to another human being: for on that Day [it will become manifest that] all sovereignty is God's alone.
It is a Day whereon no soul shall own aught of power for any soul; and the command on that Day will be Allah's.
(It will be) the Day when no person shall have power (to do) anything for another, and the Decision, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.
The Day when no soul will avail another soul anything; and the decision on that Day is God’s.
It is the Day when no one shall have the power to do anything for another, and all command shall be Allah's.
(It will be) the Day when no person shall have power for another, and the Decision, that Day, will be with Allah.
A day on which no soul hath power at all for any (other) soul. The (absolute) command on that day is Allah's.
It is a day when no soul will be of any avail to another soul and all command that day will belong to Allah.
It is the Day when no soul can do a thing for another soul. That Day, the command belongs to Allah.
It is the Day when a soul will not possess for another soul [power to do] a thing; and the command, that Day, is [entirely] with Allah.
On that day, no soul will be of any benefit to any other soul. On that day, all affairs will be in the hands of God.
The day on which no soul shall control anything for (another) soul; and the command on that day shall be entirely Allah's.
Yawma l<u>a</u> tamliku nafsun linafsin shayan wa<b>a</b>lamru yawmai<u>th</u>in lill<u>a</u>h<b>i</b>
It will be a Day when no human being shall be of the least avail to any other human being, God [alone] will hold command on that Day.
(It will be) the Day when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another: For the command, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.
يَوْمَ لَا تَمْلِكُ نَفْسٌ لِّنَفْسٍ شَيْـًٔا وَٱلْأَمْرُ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلَّهِ
WOE TO THOSE who give short measure,
Ruin is for the defrauders. (Those who measure less.)
Woe to the stinters who,
WOE UNTO THOSE who give short measure:
Woe Unto the scrimpers:
Woe to Al-Mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)],
Woe to the defrauders.
Woe to the stinters;
Woe to Al-Mutaffifin.
Woe unto the defrauders:
Woe to the defrauders, who use short measures,
Woe to the diminishers,
Woe to those who give less [than due],
Woe to those who are fraudulent in (weighing and measuring),
Woe to the defrauders,
Waylun lilmu<u>t</u>affifeen<b>a</b>
Woe to those who give short measure,
Woe to those that deal in fraud,-
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ وَيْلٌ لِّلْمُطَفِّفِينَ
Who insist on being given full when they take from others,
Those who when they take the measure from others, take it in full!
when they measure against the people, take full measure
those who, when they are to receive their due from [other] people, demand that it be given in full –
Those who, when they take by measure from mankind, exact the full,
Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure,
Those who, when they take a measure from people, they take in full.
those who, when they take from others by measure, take their full share;
Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure,
Those who when they take the measure from mankind demand it full,
who, when they measure [a commodity bought] from the people, take the full measure,
who, when people measure for them, take full measure,
Who, when they take a measure from people, take in full.
those who demand a full measure from others
Who, when they take the measure (of their dues) from men take it fully,
Alla<u>th</u>eena i<u>tha</u> ikt<u>a</u>loo AAal<u>a</u> a<b>l</b>nn<u>a</u>si yastawfoon<b>a</b>
who demand of other people full measure for themselves,
Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure,
ٱلَّذِينَ إِذَا ٱكْتَالُوا۟ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ يَسْتَوْفُونَ
Whilst when they measure or weigh for them, give less.
Whereas when they give others after measuring or weighing, they give them less!
but, when they measure for them or weigh for them, do skimp.
but when they have to measure or weigh whatever they owe to others, give less than what is due!
And who, when they measure Unto them or weigh for them, diminish.
And when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.
But when they measure or weigh to others, they cheat.
but who, when they measure or weigh for others, give less than their due.
And when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.
But if they measure unto them or weight for them, they cause them loss.
but diminish when they measure or weigh for them.
but when they measure or weigh for others, they reduce!
But if they give by measure or by weight to them, they cause loss.
but when they measure or weigh, give less.
But when they measure out to others or weigh out for them, they are deficient.
Wai<u>tha</u> k<u>a</u>loohum aw wazanoohum yukhsiroon<b>a</b>
but when they give by measurement or weight to others, they give them less.
But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.
وَإِذَا كَالُوهُمْ أَو وَّزَنُوهُمْ يُخْسِرُونَ
Do they not think they will be raised (to life) again
What! Do they not expect that they will be raised?
Do those not think that they shall be raised up
Do they not know that they are bound to be raised from the dead
Imagine such men not that they shall be raised up?
Think they not that they will be resurrected (for reckoning),
Do these not know that they will be resurrected?
Do they not realise that they will be raised to life
Do they not think that they will be resurrected,
Do such (men) not consider that they will be raised again
Do they not know that they will be resurrected
Do they not think that they will be resurrected
Do they not think that they will be resurrected
Do they not realize that they will be resurrected
Do not these think that they shall be raised again
Al<u>a</u> ya<i><u>th</u></i>unnu ol<u>a</u>ika annahum mabAAoothoon<b>a</b>
Do such people not realize that they will be raised up,
Do they not think that they will be called to account?-
أَلَا يَظُنُّ أُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ أَنَّهُم مَّبْعُوثُونَ
On a grievous day,
(To be raised) for a Great Day?
unto a mighty day
[and called to account] on an awesome Day –
On a mighty Day.
On a Great Day,
For a Great Day?
on a Great Day,
On a Great Day
Unto an Awful Day,
on a tremendous day,
for a great Day,
For a tremendous Day -
on a great day
For a mighty day,
Liyawmin AAa<i><u>th</u></i>eem<b>in</b>
on a fateful Day.
On a Mighty Day,
لِيَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ
The day all mankind will stand before the Lord of all the worlds?
The day when everyone will stand before the Lord Of The Creation.
a day when mankind shall stand before the Lord of all Being?
the Day when all men shall stand before the Sustainer of all the worlds?
A Day whereon mankind shall stand before the Lord of the worlds?
The Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)?
The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?
a Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Universe?
The Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of all that exists
The day when (all) mankind stand before the Lord of the Worlds?
a day when mankind will stand before the Lord of all the worlds?
the Day when people will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?
The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the worlds?
when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Universe?
The day on which men shall stand before the Lord of the worlds?
Yawma yaqoomu a<b>l</b>nn<u>a</u>su lirabbi alAA<u>a</u>lameen<b>a</b>
The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Universe?
A Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?
يَوْمَ يَقُومُ ٱلنَّاسُ لِرَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ
Indeed the ledger of the wicked will be in (the lowest depths) Sijjin.
Indeed, the record of the disbelievers is in the lowest place, the Sijjeen.
No indeed; the Book of the libertines is in Sijjin;
NAY, VERILY, the record of the wicked is indeed [set down] in a mode inescapable!
By no means! Verily the record of the ungodly is in Sijjin.
Nay! Truly, the Record (writing of the deeds) of the Fujjar (disbelievers, sinners, evil-doers and wicked) is (preserved) in Sijjin.
Not at all. The record of the wicked is in Sijjeen.
No indeed! Verily the deeds of the wicked are in the Record locked up in the prison-house!
Nay! Truly, the Record of the wicked is in Sijjin.
Nay, but the record of the vile is in Sijjin -
Indeed, the record of the vicious is in Sijjeen.
No indeed, the Book of the immoral is in Sijjeen.
No! Indeed, the record of the wicked is in sijjeen.
Woe to them! Let them know that the records of the sinner's deeds are in Sijin.
Nay! most surely the record of the wicked is in the Sijjin.
Kall<u>a</u> inna kit<u>a</u>ba alfujj<u>a</u>ri lafee sijjeen<b>in</b>
Indeed! The record of the wicked is in the Sijjin --
Nay! Surely the record of the wicked is (preserved) in Sijjin.
كَلَّآ إِنَّ كِتَٰبَ ٱلْفُجَّارِ لَفِى سِجِّينٍ
How will you comprehend what Sijjin is?
And what do you know, how (wretched) the Sijjeen is!
and what shall teach thee what is Sijjin?
And what could make thee conceive what that that mode inescapable will be?
And what will make thee know whatsoever the record in Sijjin is?
And what will make you know what Sijjin is?
But how can you know what Sijjeen is?
And how would you know what the Record of the prison-house is?
And what will make you know what Sijjin is
Ah! what will convey unto thee what Sijjin is! -
And what will show you what is Sijjeen?
What could let you know what the Sijjeen is!
And what can make you know what is sijjeen?
Would that you knew what Sijin is!?
And what will make you know what the Sijjin is?
Wam<u>a</u> adr<u>a</u>ka m<u>a</u> sijjeen<b>un</b>
and what could make you understand what the Sijjin is? --
And what will explain to thee what Sijjin is?
وَمَآ أَدْرَىٰكَ مَا سِجِّينٌ
It is a (repository of) distinctly written record.
The record is a sealed text.
A book inscribed.
A record [indelibly] inscribed!
A record of misdeeds written.
A Register inscribed.
A numerical book.
It is a Book inscribed.
A Register inscribed.
A written record.
It is a written record.
(It is) a marked Book.
It is [their destination recorded in] a register inscribed.
It is a comprehensively written Book (of records).
It is a written book.
Kit<u>a</u>bun marqoom<b>un</b>
it is a written record.
(There is) a Register (fully) inscribed.
كِتَٰبٌ مَّرْقُومٌ
Ah the woe that day for those who deny,
Ruin is for the deniers on that day!
Woe that day unto those who cry it lies,
Woe on that Day unto those who give the lie to the truth –
Woe on that Day unto the belviers-
Woe, that Day, to those who deny [(Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Day of Resurrection, and Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainments)].
Woe on that Day to the deniers.
Woe, then, to those that give the lie,
Woe, that Day, to those who deny.
Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
Woe to the deniers on that day,
Woe on that Day to those who belied it,
Woe, that Day, to the deniers,
Woe, on that day, to those who have rejected God's revelations
Woe on that day to the rejecters,
Waylun yawmai<u>th</u>in lilmuka<u>thth</u>ibeen<b>a</b>
Woe, on that Day, to those who reject,
Woe, that Day, to those that deny-
وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ
Who call the Day of judgement a lie!
Those who deny the Day of Justice.
who cry lies to the Day of Doom;
those who give the lie to the [coming of] Judgment Day:
Those who belie the Day of Requital.
Those who deny the Day of Recompense.
Those who deny the Day of Reckoning.
those that give the lie to the Day of Recompense.
Those who deny the Day of Recompense.
Those who deny the Day of Judgment
who deny the Day of Retribution;
who belied the Day of Recompense!
Who deny the Day of Recompense.
and those who have rejected the Day of Judgment.
Who give the lie to the day of judgment.
Alla<u>th</u>eena yuka<u>thth</u>iboona biyawmi a<b>l</b>ddeen<b>i</b>
those who deny the Day of Judgement.
Those that deny the Day of Judgment.
ٱلَّذِينَ يُكَذِّبُونَ بِيَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ
None denies it but the sinful transgressors.
And none will deny it, except every transgressor, rebel.
and none cries lies to it but every guilty aggressor.
for, none gives the lie to it but such as are wont to transgress against all that is [and are] immersed in sin:
And none belieth it save each trespasser, sinner.
And none can deny it except every transgressor beyond bounds, (in disbelief, oppression and disobedience of Allah, the sinner!)
But none denies it except the sinful aggressor.
Yet none gives the lie to it except the transgressor immersed in sin;
And none can deny it except every transgressor beyond bounds, the sinner!
Which none denieth save each criminal transgressor,
and none denies it except every sinful transgressor.
None belies it except every guilty sinner.
And none deny it except every sinful transgressor.
No one rejects it except the sinful transgressors
And none gives the lie to it but every exceeder of limits, sinful one
Wam<u>a</u> yuka<u>thth</u>ibu bihi ill<u>a</u> kullu muAAtadin atheem<b>in</b>
No one denies it except for the evil aggressor.
And none can deny it but the Transgressor beyond bounds the Sinner!
وَمَا يُكَذِّبُ بِهِۦٓ إِلَّا كُلُّ مُعْتَدٍ أَثِيمٍ
When Our revelations are recited before him, he says: "These are fables of long ago."
When you recite Our verses to him, he says, “Stories of earlier men!”
When our signs are recited to him, he says, 'Fairy-tales of the ancients!'
[and so,] whenever Our messages are conveyed to them, they but say, "Fables of ancient times!"
And when Our revelations are rehearsed Unto him, she saith:'fables of the ancients!
When Our Verses (of the Quran) are recited to him he says: "Tales of the ancients!"
When Our revelations are recited to him, he says, “Legends of the ancients.”
who, when Our verses are recited to him, says: “Mere tales of olden times!”
When Our Ayat are recited to him, he says: "Tales of the ancients!"
Who, when thou readest unto him Our revelations, saith: (Mere) fables of the men of old.
When Our signs are recited to him, he says, ‘Myths of the ancients!’
When Our verses are recited to him, he says: 'Fictitious tales of the ancients'
When Our verses are recited to him, he says, "Legends of the former peoples."
who, when listening to Our revelations, say, "These are only ancient legends".
When Our communications are recited to him, he says: Stories of those of yore.
I<u>tha</u> tutl<u>a</u> AAalayhi <u>a</u>y<u>a</u>tun<u>a</u> q<u>a</u>la as<u>at</u>eeru alawwaleen<b>a</b>
When Our revelations are conveyed to him, he says, "Fables of the ancients!"
When Our Signs are rehearsed to him, he says, "Tales of the ancients!"
إِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِ ءَايَٰتُنَا قَالَ أَسَٰطِيرُ ٱلْأَوَّلِينَ
No. In fact what they have been doing has rusted their hearts.
Not at all – but rather their earnings have heaped rust upon their hearts.
No indeed; but that they were earning has rusted upon their hearts.
Nay, but their hearts are corroded by all [the evil] that they were wont to do!
By no means!' Aye! encrusted upon their hearts is that which they have been earning.
Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn.
Not at all. Their hearts have become corroded by what they used to earn.
No indeed! The truth is that their hearts have become rusted on account of their evil deeds.
Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering) which they used to earn.
Nay, but that which they have earned is rust upon their hearts.
No, that is not the case! Rather, their hearts have been sullied by what they have been earning.
No indeed! Their own deeds have cast a veil over their hearts.
No! Rather, the stain has covered their hearts of that which they were earning.
They will never have faith. In fact, their hearts are stained from their deeds.
Nay! rather, what they used to do has become like rust upon their hearts.
Kall<u>a</u> bal r<u>a</u>na AAal<u>a</u> quloobihim m<u>a</u> k<u>a</u>noo yaksiboon<b>a</b>
No! Their own deeds have cast a veil over their hearts.
By no means! but on their hearts is the stain of the (ill) which they do!
كَلَّا بَلْ رَانَ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِم مَّا كَانُوا۟ يَكْسِبُونَ
Therefore they will be screened off from their Lord that day,
Yes indeed – they will be deprived of seeing their Lord on that day.
No indeed; but upon that day they shall be veiled from their Lord,
Nay, verily, from [the grace of] their Sustainer shall they on that Day be debarred;
By no means! Verily on that Day from their Lord they will be shut Out.
Nay! Surely, they (evil-doers) will be veiled from seeing their Lord that Day.
Not at all. On that Day, they will be screened from their Lord.
No indeed! On that Day they will be screened off from seeing their Lord,
Nay! Surely, they will be veiled from seeing their Lord that Day.
Nay, but surely on that day they will be covered from (the mercy of) their Lord.
Indeed, they will be alienated from their Lord on that day.
No indeed, on that Day they shall be veiled from their Lord.
No! Indeed, from their Lord, that Day, they will be partitioned.
On the Day of Judgment, they will certainly be barred from the mercy of their Lord.
Nay! most surely they shall on that day be debarred from their Lord.
Kall<u>a</u> innahum AAan rabbihim yawmai<u>th</u>in lama<u>h</u>jooboon<b>a</b>
Indeed! On that Day a barrier will be set between them and their Lord,
Verily, from (the Light of) their Lord, that Day, will they be veiled.
كَلَّآ إِنَّهُمْ عَن رَّبِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَّمَحْجُوبُونَ
Then they will indeed burn in Hell.
Then indeed they have to enter hell.
then they shall roast in Hell.
and then, behold, they shall enter the blazing fire
Then verily they will be roasted into the Scorch.
Then, verily they will indeed enter and taste the burning flame of Hell.
Then they will roast in Hell.
and then they shall enter Hell,
Then verily, they will indeed enter the burning flame of Hell.
Then lo! they verily will burn in hell,
Afterward they will enter hell,
Then they shall roast in Hell,
Then indeed, they will [enter and] burn in Hellfire.
They will suffer the heat of fire
Then most surely they shall enter the burning fire.
Thumma innahum la<u>sa</u>loo alja<u>h</u>eem<b>i</b>
then they shall enter the Fire of Hell,
Further, they will enter the Fire of Hell.
ثُمَّ إِنَّهُمْ لَصَالُوا۟ ٱلْجَحِيمِ
They will then be told: "This is what you had denied."
It will then be said, “This is what you used to deny.”
Then it shall be said to them, 'This is that you cried lies to.'
and be told: "This is the [very thing] to which you were wont to give the lie!"
Then it will be said: 'this is that which ye were wont to belie.'
Then, it will be said to them: "This is what you used to deny!"
Then it will be said, “This is what you used to deny.”
whereafter they will be told: “This is what you used to give the lie to.”
Then, it will be said to them: "This is what you used to deny!"
And it will be said (unto them): This is that which ye used to deny.
then told, ‘This is what you used to deny!’
and it will be said to them: 'This is that which you belied'
Then it will be said [to them], "This is what you used to deny."
and who will be told, "This is what you had called a lie".
Then shall it be said: This is what you gave the lie to.
Thumma yuq<u>a</u>lu h<u>atha</u> alla<u>th</u>ee kuntum bihi tuka<u>thth</u>iboon<b>a</b>
and they will be told, "This is what you were wont to belie."
Further, it will be said to them: "This is the (reality) which ye rejected as false!
ثُمَّ يُقَالُ هَٰذَا ٱلَّذِى كُنتُم بِهِۦ تُكَذِّبُونَ
Surely the ledger of the pious will be in 'Illiyun (heights above the heights).
Indeed the record of the virtuous is in the highest place, the Illiyin.
No indeed; the book of the pious is in Illiyun;
NAY, VERILY - the record of the truly virtuous is [set down] in a mode most lofty!
By no means! Verily the record of the virtuous shall be in 'Illiyun.
Nay! Verily, the Record (writing of the deeds) of Al-Abrar (the pious who fear Allah and avoid evil), is (preserved) in 'Illiyyun.
No indeed; the record of the righteous is in Elliyyeen.
No indeed! Verily, the deeds of the virtuous shall be in the record of the exalted ones.
Nay! Verily, the Record of Al-Abrar (the righteous believers) is (preserved) in `Illiyyin.
Nay, but the record of the righteous is in 'Illiyin -
Indeed, the record of the pious is in Illeeyun.
But, the Book of the righteous is in the 'Illiyoon.
No! Indeed, the record of the righteous is in 'illiyyun.
However, the records of the deeds of the virtuous ones will certainly be in Illiyin.
Nay! Most surely the record of the righteous shall be in the Iliyin.
Kall<u>a</u> inna kit<u>a</u>ba alabr<u>a</u>ri lafee AAilliyyeen<b>a</b>
But, the record of the righteous is [preserved] in the 'Illiyyin --
Nay, verily the record of the Righteous is (preserved) in 'Illiyin.
كَلَّآ إِنَّ كِتَٰبَ ٱلْأَبْرَارِ لَفِى عِلِّيِّينَ
But how will you comprehend what 'Illiyun is?
And what do you know what the Illiyoon are!
and what shall teach thee what is Illiyun?
And what could make thee conceive what that mode most lofty will be?
And what will make thee know whatsoever the record in Illiyun is?
And what will make you know what 'Illiyyun is?
But how can you know what Elliyyoon is?
And what do you know what the Record of the exalted ones is?
And what will make you know what `Illiyyin is
Ah, what will convey unto thee what 'Illiyin is! -
And what will show you what is Illeeyun?
What could let you know what the 'Illiyoon is!
And what can make you know what is 'illiyyun?
Would that you knew what Illiyin is!
And what will make you know what the highest Iliyin is?
Wam<u>a</u> adr<u>a</u>ka m<u>a</u> AAilliyyoon<b>a</b>
and what will make you understand what the 'Illiyyin is? --
And what will explain to thee what 'Illiyun is?
وَمَآ أَدْرَىٰكَ مَا عِلِّيُّونَ
It is a (repository of) distinctly written record
The record is a sealed text.
A book inscribed,
A record [indelibly] inscribed,
A record of good deeds written.
A Register inscribed.
A numerical book.
It is a Book inscribed,
A Register inscribed,
A written record,
It is a written record,
(It is) a marked Book,
It is [their destination recorded in] a register inscribed
It is a comprehensively written Book (of records).
It is a written book,
Kit<u>a</u>bun marqoom<b>un</b>
a written record,
(There is) a Register (fully) inscribed,
كِتَٰبٌ مَّرْقُومٌ
Witnessed by those who are honoured.
Which is witnessed by the close ones.
witnessed by those brought nigh.
witnessed by all who have [ever] been drawn close unto God.
To which bear witness those brought nigh.
To which bear witness those nearest (to Allah, i.e. the angels).
Witnessed by those brought near.
which the angels placed near Allah to safeguard.
To which bear witness those nearest.
Attested by those who are brought near (unto their Lord).
witnessed by those brought near [to Allah].
witnessed by those who are near (to Allah).
Which is witnessed by those brought near [to Allah].
The ones nearest to God will bring it to public.
Those who are drawn near (to Allah) shall witness it.
Yashhaduhu almuqarraboon<b>a</b>
which those angels closest to God will bear witness to.
To which bear witness those Nearest (to Allah).
يَشْهَدُهُ ٱلْمُقَرَّبُونَ
Verily the pious will be in heaven,
Indeed the virtuous are in serenity.
Surely the pious shall be in bliss,
Behold, [in the life to come] the truly virtuous will indeed be in bliss:
Verily the virtuous shall be in Delight,
Verily, Al-Abrar (the pious who fear Allah and avoid evil) will be in delight (Paradise).
Indeed, the righteous will be amid bliss.
Verily the virtuous shall be in Bliss;
Verily, Al-Abrar (the righteous believers) will be in Delight.
Lo! the righteous verily are in delight,
The pious shall be amid bliss,
The righteous shall indeed be blissful,
Indeed, the righteous will be in pleasure
The virtuous will live in bliss,
Most surely the righteous shall be in bliss,
Inna alabr<u>a</u>ra lafee naAAeem<b>in</b>
The virtuous will surely be in bliss,
Truly the Righteous will be in Bliss:
إِنَّ ٱلْأَبْرَارَ لَفِى نَعِيمٍ
On couches face to face.
On thrones, watching.
upon couches gazing;
[resting on couches, they will look up [to God]:
Reclining on couches, looking on.
On thrones, looking (at all things).
On thrones, looking on.
resting on couches, looking around.
On thrones, looking.
On couches, gazing,
observing, [as they recline] on couches.
(reclining) upon couches they will gaze,
On adorned couches, observing.
reclining on couches, reviewing (the bounties given to them).
On thrones, they shall gaze;
AAal<u>a</u> alar<u>a</u>iki yan<i><u>th</u></i>uroon<b>a</b>
seated on couches and gazing around in wonder.
On Thrones (of Dignity) will they command a sight (of all things):
عَلَى ٱلْأَرَآئِكِ يَنظُرُونَ
On their faces you will see the glow of beatitude.
You will recognise the freshness of serenity on their faces.
thou knowest in their faces the radiancy of bliss
upon their faces thou wilt see the brightness of bliss.
Thou wilt recognize in their faces the brightness of delight.
You will recognise in their faces the brightness of delight.
You will recognize on their faces the radiance of bliss.
You shall see upon their faces the glow of bliss.
You will recognize in their faces the brightness of delight.
Thou wilt know in their faces the radiance of delight.
You will perceive in their faces the freshness of bliss.
and in their faces you shall know the radiance of bliss.
You will recognize in their faces the radiance of pleasure.
You can trace on their faces the joy of their bliss.
You will recognize in their faces the brightness of bliss.
TaAArifu fee wujoohihim na<u>d</u>rata a<b>l</b>nnaAAeem<b>i</b>
You will find in their faces the brightness of bliss.
Thou wilt recognise in their faces the beaming brightness of Bliss.
تَعْرِفُ فِى وُجُوهِهِمْ نَضْرَةَ ٱلنَّعِيمِ
They will be served the choicest wine, sealed
They will be given pure wine to drink, which is kept preserved, sealed.
as they are given to drink of a wine sealed
They will be given a drink of pure wine whereon the seal [of God] will have been set,
They will be given to drink of pure wine, sealed.
They will be given to drink pure sealed wine.
They will be given to drink a sealed wine.
They will be served a drink of the finest sealed wine,
They will be given to drink of pure sealed Rahiq.
They are given to drink of a pure wine, sealed,
They will be served with a sealed pure wine,
They shall be given to drink of a wine that is sealed,
They will be given to drink [pure] wine [which was] sealed.
They will be given pure wine out of sealed containers
They are made to quaff of a pure drink that is sealed (to others).
Yusqawna min ra<u>h</u>eeqin makhtoom<b>in</b>
They will be given a drink of pure wine, sealed,
Their thirst will be slaked with Pure Wine sealed:
يُسْقَوْنَ مِن رَّحِيقٍ مَّخْتُومٍ
With a sealing of musk, which those who aspire for the best should desire, --
Its seal is upon musk; and for this should those who crave be eager.
whose seal is musk -- so after that let the strivers strive --
pouring forth with a fragrance of musk. To that [wine of paradise], then, let all such aspire as [are willing to] aspire to things of high account:
The seal thereof will be of musk and to this end let the aspirers aspire -
The last thereof (that wine) will be the smell of musk, and for this let (all) those strive who want to strive (i.e. hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah).
Whose seal is musk—this is what competitors should compete for.
whose seal is musk – so let all aspirants aspire after that –
Sealed with musk, and for this let those strive who want to strive.
Whose seal is musk - for this let (all) those strive who strive for bliss -
whose seal is musk—for such let the viers vie—
its seal is musk, for this let the competitors compete;
The last of it is musk. So for this let the competitors compete.
which have the fragrance of musk. This is the kind of place for which one should really aspire.
The sealing of it is (with) musk; and for that let the aspirers aspire.
Khit<u>a</u>muhu miskun wafee <u>tha</u>lika falyatan<u>a</u>fasi almutan<u>a</u>fisoon<b>a</b>
its seal will be of musk -- for this let the aspirants aspire --
The seal thereof will be Musk: And for this let those aspire, who have aspirations:
خِتَٰمُهُۥ مِسْكٌ وَفِى ذَٰلِكَ فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ ٱلْمُتَنَٰفِسُونَ
Blended with the water of Tasnim, (heights ultimate of evolution),
And it is mixed with Tasneem.
and whose mixture is Tasnim,
for it is composed of all that is most exalting
And admixture thereof will be Water of Tasnim:
It (that wine) will be mixed with Tasnim.
Its mixture is of Tasneem.
a wine whose mixture is Tasnim,
It will be mixed with Tasnim:
And mixed with water of Tasnim,
and whose seasoning is from Tasneem,
and its mixture is Tasneem,
And its mixture is of Tasneem,
With the wine is a drink from Tasnim,
And the admixture of it is a water of Tasnim,
Wamiz<u>a</u>juhu min tasneem<b>in</b>
a wine tempered with the waters of Tasnim,
With it will be (given) a mixture of Tasnim:
وَمِزَاجُهُۥ مِن تَسْنِيمٍ
A fountain from which only they who are honoured drink.
The spring from which drink the ones close to Allah.
a fountain at which do drink those brought nigh.
a source [of bliss] whereof those who are drawn close unto God shall drink.
A fountain whereof will drink those brought nigh.
A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allah.
A spring from which those brought near drink.
a fountain at which the chosen ones shall drink.
A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allah.
A spring whence those brought near (to Allah) drink.
a spring where those brought near [to Allah] drink.
a fountain at which those brought near (to their Lord) drink.
A spring from which those near [to Allah] drink.
a spring, the nearest ones to God will drink from it.
A fountain from which drink they who are drawn near (to Allah).
AAaynan yashrabu bih<u>a</u> almuqarraboon<b>a</b>
a spring at which those drawn close to God will drink.
A spring, from (the waters) whereof drink those Nearest to Allah.
عَيْنًا يَشْرَبُ بِهَا ٱلْمُقَرَّبُونَ
The sinners indeed laughed at believers
Indeed the guilty used to laugh at the believers.
Behold, the sinners were laughing at the believers,
BEHOLD, those who have abandoned themselves to sin are wont to laugh at such as have attained to faith
Veriiy those who have sinned were wont at those who had believed to laugh,
Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.
Those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.
Behold, the wicked were wont to laugh at the believers:
Verily, those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.
Lo! the guilty used to laugh at those who believed,
Indeed the guilty used to laugh at the faithful,
The sinners laughed at the believers
Indeed, those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.
The sinners had been laughing at the believers.
Surely they who are guilty used to laugh at those who believe.
Inna alla<u>th</u>eena ajramoo k<u>a</u>noo mina alla<u>th</u>eena <u>a</u>manoo ya<u>dh</u>akoon<b>a</b>
The wicked used to laugh at the believers --
Those in sin used to laugh at those who believed,
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ أَجْرَمُوا۟ كَانُوا۟ مِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ يَضْحَكُونَ
And winked at one another as they passed by them;
And when the believers used to pass by, they used to gesture at each other with their eyes.
when them passed them by winking at one another,
and whenever they pass by them, they wink at one another [derisively];
And, when they passed them, to wink at each other,
And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery);
And when they passed by them, they would wink at one another.
when they passed by them they winked,
And, whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another.
And wink one to another when they passed them;
and when they passed them by they would wink at each other,
and winked at one another as they passed them by.
And when they passed by them, they would exchange derisive glances.
When passing by them, they would wink at one another
And when they passed by them, they winked at one another.
Wai<u>tha</u> marroo bihim yatagh<u>a</u>mazoon<b>a</b>
when they passed by them, they would wink at one another;
And whenever they passed by them, used to wink at each other (in mockery);
وَإِذَا مَرُّوا۟ بِهِمْ يَتَغَامَزُونَ
And when they went back to their people turned to make fun of them;
And whilst returning to their homes, they used to return rejoicing.
and when they returned to their people they returned blithely,
and whenever they return to people of their own kind, they return full of jests;
And when they returned to their household they returned jesting.
And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;
And when they went back to their families, they would go back exulting.
and when they went back to their families, they went back jesting,
And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;
And when they returned to their own folk, they returned jesting;
and when they returned to their folks they would return amused,
When they returned to their people they returned jesting;
And when they returned to their people, they would return jesting.
and, on returning to their people, boast about what they had done.
And when they returned to their own followers they returned exulting.
Wai<u>tha</u> inqalaboo il<u>a</u> ahlihimu inqalaboo fakiheen<b>a</b>
and when they returned to their own people, they would speak of them jestingly;
And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;
وَإِذَا ٱنقَلَبُوٓا۟ إِلَىٰٓ أَهْلِهِمُ ٱنقَلَبُوا۟ فَكِهِينَ
And when they saw them, they said: "They have indeed gone astray."
And upon seeing the Muslims, they used to say, “Indeed they have gone astray.”
and when they saw them they said, 'Lo, these men are astray!'
and whenever they see those [who believe,] they say, "Behold, these [people] have indeed gone astray!"
And when they saw them, they said: verily these are the strayed ones.
And when they saw them, they said: "Verily! These have indeed gone astray!"
And if they saw them, they would say, “These people are lost.”
and when they saw the believers, they said: “Lo! These are the erring ones”;
And when they saw them, they said: "Verily, these have indeed gone astray!"
And when they saw them they said: Lo! these have gone astray.
and when they saw them they would say, ‘Indeed those are the astray!’
and when they saw them said: 'These are they who are astray'
And when they saw them, they would say, "Indeed, those are truly lost."
On seeing the believers, they would say, "These people have gone astray".
And when they saw them, they said: Most surely these are in error;
Wai<u>tha</u> raawhum q<u>a</u>loo inna h<u>a</u>ol<u>a</u>i la<u>da</u>lloon<b>a</b>
and when they saw them, they said [scornfully], "These men have surely gone astray,"
And whenever they saw them, they would say, "Behold! These are the people truly astray!"
وَإِذَا رَأَوْهُمْ قَالُوٓا۟ إِنَّ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ لَضَآلُّونَ
But they were not Sent to be guardians over them!
Whereas they have not at all been sent as guardians over them.
Yet they were not sent as watchers over them.
And, withal, they have no call to watch over [the beliefs of] others...
Whereas they were not sent over them as watchers.
But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers).
Yet they were not sent as guardians over them.
(they said so although) they had not been appointed watchers over them.
But they were not sent as watchers over them.
Yet they were not sent as guardians over them.
Though they were not sent to watch over them.
Yet they were not sent to be their guardians.
But they had not been sent as guardians over them.
No one has appointed them to watch over the believers.
And they were not sent to be keepers over them.
Wam<u>a</u> orsiloo AAalayhim <u>ha</u>fi<i><u>th</u></i>een<b>a</b>
though they were not sent to be their keepers --
But they had not been sent as keepers over them!
وَمَآ أُرْسِلُوا۟ عَلَيْهِمْ حَٰفِظِينَ
So, the believers will laugh at the infidels on that day,
So this day it is the believers who laugh at the disbelievers.
So today the believers are laughing at the unbelievers,
But on the Day [of Judgment], they who had attained to faith will [be able to] laugh at the [erstwhile] deniers of the truth:
Wherefore Today, those who believed at the infidels are laughing,
But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers
But on that Day, those who believed will laugh at the unbelievers.
But today the believers are laughing at the unbelievers;
But this Day those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers
This day it is those who believe who have the laugh of disbelievers,
So today the faithful will laugh at the faithless,
But on this Day the believers will laugh at the unbelievers
So Today those who believed are laughing at the disbelievers,
On the Day of Judgment, the believers will laugh at the disbelievers
So today those who believe shall laugh at the unbelievers;
Fa<b>a</b>lyawma alla<u>th</u>eena <u>a</u>manoo mina alkuff<u>a</u>ri ya<u>dh</u>akoon<b>a</b>
so today those who believe shall [be able to] laugh at those who denied the truth
But on this Day the Believers will laugh at the Unbelievers:
فَٱلْيَوْمَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ مِنَ ٱلْكُفَّارِ يَضْحَكُونَ
Regarding them from their cushioned seats.
On high thrones, watching.
upon couches gazing.
[for, resting in paradise] on couches, they will look on [and say to themselves]:
Reclining on couches, looking on.
On (high) thrones, looking (at all things).
On luxurious furnishings, looking on.
seated upon their couches, they are looking around.
On thrones, looking.
On high couches, gazing.
observing from their couches:
as they (recline) upon their couches and gaze (around them).
On adorned couches, observing.
while reclining on couches and reviewing (the bounties given to them).
On thrones, they will look.
AAal<u>a</u> alar<u>a</u>iki yan<i><u>th</u></i>uroon<b>a</b>
as they sit on couches, gazing around.
On Thrones (of Dignity) they will command (a sight) (of all things).
عَلَى ٱلْأَرَآئِكِ يَنظُرُونَ
Will not the infidels pay for what they had done?
Did not the disbelievers get repaid for what they used to do?
Have the unbelievers been rewarded what they were doing?
"Are these deniers of the truth being [thus] requited for [aught but] what they were wont to do?"
The infidels have indeed been rewarded for that which they had been doing.
Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do?
Have the unbelievers been repaid for what they used to do?
Have the unbelievers been duly rewarded for their deeds?
Are not the disbelievers paid for what they used to do
Are not the disbelievers paid for what they used to do?
Have the faithless been requited for what they used to do?
Have the unbelievers been rewarded for what they did?
Have the disbelievers [not] been rewarded [this Day] for what they used to do?
Will not the disbelievers then be duly recompensed for their laughing at the believers?
Surely the disbelievers are rewarded as they did.
Hal thuwwiba alkuff<u>a</u>ru m<u>a</u> k<u>a</u>noo yafAAaloon<b>a</b>
Have those who deny the truth [not] been paid back for their deeds?
Will not the Unbelievers have been paid back for what they did?
هَلْ ثُوِّبَ ٱلْكُفَّارُ مَا كَانُوا۟ يَفْعَلُونَ
WHEN THE SKY is cleft asunder,
When the heaven breaks apart.
When heaven is rent asunder
WHEN THE SKY is split asunder,
When the heaven is sundered.
When the heaven is split asunder,
When the sky is ruptured.
When the sky is rent asunder
When the heaven is split asunder,
When the heaven is split asunder
When the sky is split open
When the sky is torn apart,
When the sky has split [open]
When the heavens are rent asunder
When the heaven bursts asunder,
I<u>tha</u> a<b>l</b>ssam<u>a</u>o inshaqqat
When the sky bursts open,
When the sky is rent asunder,
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ إِذَا ٱلسَّمَآءُ ٱنشَقَّتْ
And hearkens to its Lord and is dutiful,
And it listens to the command of its Lord – and that befits it.
and gives ear to its Lord, and is fitly disposed;
obeying its Sustainer, as in truth it must;
And it hearkeneth to its Lord, and is duteous,
And listens and obeys its Lord, and it must do so;
And hearkens to its Lord, as it must.
and hearkens to the command of its Lord, doing what it should;
And listens to and obeys its Lord -- and it must do so.
And attentive to her Lord in fear,
and gives ear to its Lord as it should.
hearing and obeying its Lord, as it must do;
And has responded to its Lord and was obligated [to do so]
in obedience to the commands of their Lord which are incumbent on them,
And obeys its Lord and it must.
Waa<u>th</u>inat lirabbih<u>a</u> wa<u>h</u>uqqat
and obeys its Lord as it must,
And hearkens to (the Command of) its Lord, and it must needs (do so);-
وَأَذِنَتْ لِرَبِّهَا وَحُقَّتْ
When the earth is stretched out taut
And when the earth is spread out.
when earth is stretched out
and when the earth is leveled,
And when the earth shall be stretched forth.
And when the earth is stretched forth,
And when the earth is leveled out.
and when the earth is stretched out
And when the earth is stretched forth,
And when the earth is spread out
When the earth is spread out
when the earth is stretched out
And when the earth has been extended
when the earth is stretched out
And when the earth is stretched,
Wai<u>tha</u> alar<u>d</u>u muddat
when the earth flattens out,
And when the earth is flattened out,
وَإِذَا ٱلْأَرْضُ مُدَّتْ
And throws out whatever it contains and is empty,
And it unburdens itself of all that is in it, and becomes empty.
and casts forth what is in it, and voids itself,
and casts forth whatever is in it, and becomes utterly void,
And shall cast forth that which is therein, and shall become empty.
And has cast out all that was in it and became empty,
And casts out what is in it, and becomes empty.
and casts out what is within it and is emptied,
And has cast out all that was in it and became empty.
And hath cast out all that was in her, and is empty
and throws out what is in it, emptying itself,
and casts out all that is within and voids itself,
And has cast out that within it and relinquished [it]
and throws out of itself all that it contains
And casts forth what is in it and becomes empty,
Waalqat m<u>a</u> feeh<u>a</u> watakhallat
and casts out all that is within it and becomes empty;
And casts forth what is within it and becomes (clean) empty,
وَأَلْقَتْ مَا فِيهَا وَتَخَلَّتْ
And hearkens to its Lord and is dutiful,
And it listens to the command of its Lord – and that befits it.
and gives ear to its Lord, and is fitly disposed!
obeying its Sustainer, as in truth it must -:
And it hearkeneth to its Lord, and is duteous.
And listens and obeys its Lord, and it must do so;
And hearkens to its Lord, as it must.
and hearkens to the command of its Lord, doing what it should.
And listens to and obeys its Lord -- and it must do so.
And attentive to her Lord in fear!
and gives ear to its Lord as it should.
obeying its Lord, as it must do!
And has responded to its Lord and was obligated [to do so] -
in obedience to the commands of its Lord which are incumbent on it, (the human being will receive due recompense for his deeds).
And obeys its Lord and it must.
Waa<u>th</u>inat lirabbih<u>a</u> wa<u>h</u>uqqat
and obeys its Lord as it must,
And hearkens to (the Command of) its Lord,- and it must needs (do so);- (then will come Home the full reality).
وَأَذِنَتْ لِرَبِّهَا وَحُقَّتْ
O man, you have to strive and go on striving towards your Lord, then will you meet Him.
O man, indeed you have to surely run towards your Lord, and to meet him.
O Man! Thou art labouring unto thy Lord laboriously, and thou shalt encounter Him.
[then,] O man - thou [that] hast, verily, been toiling towards thy Sustainer in painful toil - then shalt thou meet Him!
O man! verily thou art toiling toward thy Lord a painful toiling, and art about to meet Him.
O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions (good or bad), a sure returning, so you will meet (i.e. the results of your deeds which you did).
O man! You are laboring towards your Lord, and you will meet Him.
O man, you are striving unto your Lord and you will meet Him.
O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions, a sure returning, and you will meet.
Thou, verily, O man, art working toward thy Lord a work which thou wilt meet (in His presence).
O man! You are labouring toward your Lord laboriously, and you will encounter Him.
O human, you are working hard towards your Lord and you will meet Him.
O mankind, indeed you are laboring toward your Lord with [great] exertion and will meet it.
Human being, you strive hard to get closer to your Lord, and so you will certainly receive the recompense (of your deeds).
O man! surely you must strive (to attain) to your Lord, a hard striving until you meet Him.
Y<u>a</u> ayyuh<u>a</u> alins<u>a</u>nu innaka k<u>a</u>di<u>h</u>un il<u>a</u> rabbika kad<u>h</u>an famul<u>a</u>qeeh<b>i</b>
O man, having striven hard towards your Lord, you shall meet Him:
O thou man! Verily thou art ever toiling on towards thy Lord- painfully toiling,- but thou shalt meet Him.
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْإِنسَٰنُ إِنَّكَ كَادِحٌ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ كَدْحًا فَمُلَٰقِيهِ
And he who is given his ledger in his right hand
So whoever is given his record of deeds in his right hand –
Then as for him who is given his book in his right hand,
And as for him whose record shall be placed in his right hand,
Then as to him who shall be given his book in his right hand -
Then, as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand,
As for him who is given his book in his right hand.
Whoever is given the Record in his right hand
Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand,
Then whoso is given his account in his right hand
Then, as for him who is given his record [of deeds] in his right hand,
Then, he who is given his Book in his right hand
Then as for he who is given his record in his right hand,
The reckoning of those whose Book of records will be given into their right hands
Then as to him who is given his book in his right hand,
Faam<u>a</u> man ootiya kit<u>a</u>bahu biyameenih<b>i</b>
he who is given his record in his right hand
Then he who is given his Record in his right hand,
فَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِىَ كِتَٰبَهُۥ بِيَمِينِهِۦ
Will have an easy reckoning,
Soon an easy account will be taken from him.
he shall surely receive an easy reckoning
he will in time be called to account with an easy accounting,
His account shall presently be taken by an easy reckoning.
He surely will receive an easy reckoning,
He will have an easy settlement.
shall be called to an easy accounting,
He surely will receive an easy reckoning,
He truly will receive an easy reckoning
he will receive an easy reckoning,
shall have an easy reckoning
He will be judged with an easy account
will be easy,
He shall be reckoned with by an easy reckoning,
Fasawfa yu<u>ha</u>sabu <u>h</u>is<u>a</u>ban yaseer<u>a</u><b>n</b>
shall have an easy reckoning
Soon will his account be taken by an easy reckoning,
فَسَوْفَ يُحَاسَبُ حِسَابًا يَسِيرًا
And will return to his people full of joy.
And he will return to his family rejoicing.
and he will return to his family joyfully.
and will [be able to] turn joyfully to those of his own kind.
And he shall return Unto his people joyfully.
And will return to his family in joy!
And will return to his family delighted.
and shall return to his people joyfully.
And will return to his family Masrur (in joy)!
And will return unto his folk in joy.
and he will return to his folks joyfully.
and will return rejoicing to his family.
And return to his people in happiness.
and they will return to their people, delighted
And he shall go back to his people joyful.
Wayanqalibu il<u>a</u> ahlihi masroor<u>a</u><b>n</b>
and he shall return to his people, joyfully,
And he will turn to his people, rejoicing!
وَيَنقَلِبُ إِلَىٰٓ أَهْلِهِۦ مَسْرُورًا
But he who is given his ledger from behind his back
And whoever is given his record of deeds behind his back –
But as for him who is given his book behind his back,
But as for him whose record shall be given to him behind his back;
And as to him who shall be given his book from behind his back-
But whosoever is given his Record behind his back,
But as for him who is given his book behind his back.
But he who is given the Record behind his back,
But whosoever is given his Record behind his back,
But whoso is given his account behind his back,
But as for him who is given his record from behind his back,
But he who is given his Book from behind his back
But as for he who is given his record behind his back,
But as for those whose Book of records will be given behind their backs,
And as to him who is given his book behind his back,
Waamm<u>a</u> man ootiya kit<u>a</u>bahu war<u>a</u>a <i><u>th</u></i>ahrih<b>i</b>
but as for him whose record shall be given to him from behind his back,
But he who is given his Record behind his back,-
وَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِىَ كِتَٰبَهُۥ وَرَآءَ ظَهْرِهِۦ
Will pray for death,
Soon he will pray for death.
he shall call for destruction
he will in time pray for utter destruction:
He shall presently call for death,
He will invoke (his) destruction,
He will call for death.
shall cry for “perdition,”
He will invoke destruction,
He surely will invoke destruction
he will pray for annihilation
shall call for destruction
He will cry out for destruction
they will say, "Woe to us!"
He shall call for perdition,
Fasawfa yadAAoo thuboor<u>a</u><b>n</b>
he will pray for utter destruction
Soon will he cry for perdition,
فَسَوْفَ يَدْعُوا۟ ثُبُورًا
But will be roasted in the fire.
And will go into the blazing fire.
and he shall roast at a Blaze.
but he will enter the blazing flame.
And he shall roast into a Blaze.
And shall enter a blazing Fire, and made to taste its burning.
And will enter the Blaze.
and will enter the Blazing Fire.
And he shall enter a blazing Fire, and made to taste its burning.
And be thrown to scorching fire.
and enter the Blaze.
and roast at the Blaze.
And [enter to] burn in a Blaze.
They will suffer the heat of hell fire.
And enter into burning fire.
Waya<u>s</u>l<u>a</u> saAAeer<u>a</u><b>n</b>
and he will enter the blazing flame.
And he will enter a Blazing Fire.
وَيَصْلَىٰ سَعِيرًا
He lived rejoicing among his people,
Indeed he used to rejoice in his home.
He once lived among his family joyfully;
Behold, [in his earthly life] he lived joyfully among people of his own kind
Verily he was among his people joyous.
Verily, he was among his people in joy!
He used to be happy among his family.
He used to live joyfully among his people,
Verily, he was among his people in joy!
He verily lived joyous with his folk,
Indeed he used to be joyful among his folk,
Once, he lived joyfully among his family
Indeed, he had [once] been among his people in happiness;
They lived among their people joyfully
Surely he was (erstwhile) joyful among his followers.
Innahu k<u>a</u>na fee ahlihi masroor<u>a</u><b>n</b>
He used to be happy with his own people;
Truly, did he go about among his people, rejoicing!
إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ فِىٓ أَهْلِهِۦ مَسْرُورًا
Never thinking he will return.
He assumed that he does not have to return.
he surely thought he would never revert.
for, behold, he never thought that he would have to return [to God].
Verily he imagined that he would not be back.
Verily, he thought that he would never come back (to Us)!
He thought he would never return.
thinking he would never revert (to Us).
Verily, he thought that he would never return!
He verily deemed that he would never return (unto Allah).
and he thought that he would never return.
and surely thought he would never return (to his Lord).
Indeed, he had thought he would never return [to Allah].
and had thought that they would never be brought back to life again.
Surely he thought that he would never return.
Innahu <i><u>th</u></i>anna an lan ya<u>h</u>oor<b>a</b>
for he never thought that he would have to return [to God].
Truly, did he think that he would not have to return (to Us)!
إِنَّهُۥ ظَنَّ أَن لَّن يَحُورَ
Why not? His Lord was always watching him.
Surely yes, why not? Indeed his Lord is seeing him.
Yes indeed; his Lord had sight of him.
Yea indeed! His Sustainer did see all that was in him!
Yea! his Lord had ever been beholding him.
Yes! Verily, his Lord has been ever beholding him!
In fact, his Lord was watching him.
But no; (how would he not revert)? His Lord was ever watching him.
Yes! Verily, his Lord has been ever beholding him!
Nay, but lo! his Lord is ever looking on him!
Yes, his Lord had been watching him.
Yes indeed, his Lord was ever watching him.
But yes! Indeed, his Lord was ever of him, Seeing.
This is a fact. Their Lord is Well-Aware of (all that they do).
Yea! surely his Lord does ever see him.
Bal<u>a</u> inna rabbahu k<u>a</u>na bihi ba<u>s</u>eer<u>a</u><b>n</b>
But he will indeed! His Lord was ever watching him.
Nay, nay! for his Lord was (ever) watchful of him!
بَلَىٰٓ إِنَّ رَبَّهُۥ كَانَ بِهِۦ بَصِيرًا
So indeed I call to witness the evening twilight,
So by oath of the late evening’s light.
No! I swear by the twilight
BUT NAY! I call to witness the sunset's [fleeting] afterglow,
I swear by the afterglow of sunset,
So I swear by the afterglow of sunset;
I swear by the twilight.
Nay; I swear by the twilight;
But no! I swear by Ash-Shafaq;
Oh, I swear by the afterglow of sunset,
I swear by the evening glow,
I swear by the twilight;
So I swear by the twilight glow
I do not need to swear by the sunset,
But nay! I swear by the sunset redness,
Fal<u>a</u> oqsimu bi<b>al</b>shshafaq<b>i</b>
I swear by the glow of sunset,
So I do call to witness the ruddy glow of Sunset;
فَلَآ أُقْسِمُ بِٱلشَّفَقِ
And the night and all it gathers,
And by oath of the night and all that gathers in it.
and the night and what it envelops
and the night, and what it [step by step] unfolds,
And by the night and that which it driveth together,
And by the night and whatever it gathers in its darkness;
And by the night, and what it covers.
and by the night and what it enfolds,
And the night and what it Wasaqa,
And by the night and all that it enshroudeth,
by the night and what it is fraught with,
by the night and all that it envelops;
And [by] the night and what it envelops
or by the night in which things all come together to rest,
And the night and that which it drives on,
Wa<b>a</b>llayli wam<u>a</u> wasaq<b>a</b>
by the night and what it covers,
The Night and its Homing;
وَٱلَّيْلِ وَمَا وَسَقَ