### Human: Which was the first satellite launched by China? ### Assistant: Dongfanghong-1 was the first satellite launched by China
### Human: Give me a title of one of the "Harry Potter" novels. ### Assistant: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
### Human: Where was the 2017 European Judo Championships held ### Assistant: The men's 90 kg competition at the 2017 European Judo Championships in Warsaw was held on 22 April at the Torwar Hall.
### Human: Are cats or dogs better? ### Assistant: The debate on if cats or dogs are better has been talked about for ages, there is no clear winner. Humans love being binary and needing to choose between one or the other. Each person is different, and can benefit from cats AND dogs in their life. You can like both cats and dogs, and like them equally as well.
### Human: What is the difference between archaeology and paleontology? ### Assistant: Archaeology is the study of human culture, while paleontology is the study of dinosaurs.
### Human: Why is sailing so much fun? ### Assistant: Sailing is a wonderful sport. It's a great way to learn about the wind, physics and environment while being out in the fresh air and sun. There are many enjoyable things you can learn while sailing: how to navigate, how to tie ropes, how to read the wind and how to change the sails. Sailing is often a team sport and is a great way to work together outside. There is nothing like feeling the wind in your face and salt in your hair.
### Human: What is functional genomics? ### Assistant: Functional genomics is a field of molecular biology that attempts to describe gene (and protein) functions and interactions. Functional genomics make use of the vast data generated by genomic and transcriptomic projects (such as genome sequencing projects and RNA sequencing). Functional genomics focuses on the dynamic aspects such as gene transcription, translation, regulation of gene expression and protein–protein interactions, as opposed to the static aspects of the genomic information such as DNA sequence or structures. A key characteristic of functional genomics studies is their genome-wide approach to these questions, generally involving high-throughput methods rather than a more traditional "candidate-gene" approach.
### Human: Who is Robert Kiyosaki? ### Assistant: Robert Kiyosaki is an American entrepreneur and author who became famous primarily due to his book Rich Dad Poor Dad, a book which many refer to as "the bible of financial literacy". He has acquired much of his wealth through investing in real estate successfully and teaching others financial skills that are not taught in typical school systems.
### Human: What is a grocery store? ### Assistant: A grocery store is a place that offers food and beverages to people for purchase. You can purchase raw ingredients for cooking, drinks for hydration, meat for barbecuing, raw fruits and vegetables, and pre-packaged foods like pizza, candy and ice cream. The food purchased at a grocery store is used to keep people alive, sustained, and healthy. Grocery stores may also be referred to as a supermarkets.
### Human: What makes the platypus such an interesting animal? ### Assistant: The platypus is a mammal who lays eggs and has an incubation period approximately 10 days. They hunt by detecting minute electric fields of prey with sensitive bill and adult males have venomous spurs. They also have thick fur which provides insulation against cold water. While they are difficult to keep and breed in managed care settings, there are a few platypuses in zoos. Currently, two reside at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and all others in Australian collections.
### Human: What is a trumpet? ### Assistant: A trumpet is horned instrument that is made out of brass. It is used in classical music and it is also very prevalent in jazz. You have trumpets like the piccolo that have a very high sound and a bass trumpet which has a very low sound. Trumpets can be played in a solo or in a group with other instruments.
### Human: What is a rocking chair? ### Assistant: A rocking chair has two long curved legs rather than four straight legs so that it rocks forward and backward.
### Human: How can I decide what bike I should get? ### Assistant: When it comes to bicycles for adults, there are different kinds available in the market. Select a bike based on how you'd like to use it. Bikes can be categorized as follows: 1. Road bikes - These bikes have super thin tires and are often used for biking on roads. These help you attain high speeds relatively quickly. 2. Mountain bikes - These bikes are made to sustain the rough terrain that you could come across while biking. The tires are much thicker and made to protect you and give you the support you need. 3. Hybrid/Commuter bikes - These bikes fall into the middle of the above 2 categories. If you think you might do a bit of road biking and mountain biking, then this might be your best option. You can also go to a store that specializes in selling and repairing bikes to get more information.
### Human: What are the main football teams in the city of Madrid? ### Assistant: There are two world-class football/soccer teams in the city of Madrid, Spain: Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid.
### Human: Who wrote Beloved? ### Assistant: Beloved is a book written by Toni Morrison
### Human: Who let the dogs out? ### Assistant: According to the hit 2000 song "Who Let the Dogs Out" by the Baha Men, it is undetermined who exactly is responsible for letting the dogs out. The lyrics indicate that the dogs may have been uninvited to the party and let themselves out so they could crash the party, much to the dismay of the other guests in attendance.
### Human: What is the smallest state in the United States? ### Assistant: Rhode Island is the smallest state with 1,545 square miles. By comparison, the largest state is Alaska at 665,400 square miles. You could fit 430 Rhode Islands into one Alaska.
### Human: What is the meaning of life? ### Assistant: Some say it's love and family, others say it's 42. I say you should probably figure this one out for yourself.
### Human: What are the titles to the six volumes of Sir Winston Churchill's "The Second World War"? ### Assistant: The six volumes of Sir Winston Churchill's "The Second World War" were published between 1948 and 1953. They are: 1. The Gathering Storm 2. Their Finest Hour 3. The Grand Alliance 4. The Hinge of Fate 5. Closing the Ring 6. Triumph and Tragedy
### Human: How does the German voting system work? ### Assistant: Each voter has two votes. The first vote is for a direct constituency candidate. The candidate with the relative majority receives a guaranteed seat in parliament. The second vote is for a party's list of candidates, which applies at the state level. The second vote determines the overall proportional party representation in the parliament. Overhang seats might be added to satisfy the direct mandates from the first vote.
### Human: Who was given Stockholm Water Prize 2022 ? ### Assistant: Prof.Wilfried Brutsaert
### Human: In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Tarly? ### Assistant: House Tarly's ancestry can be linked to Harlon the Hunter, who built the Horn Hill castle with his twin brother Herndon of the Horn.
### Human: How many octaves does a harpsichord have? ### Assistant: 5 octaves
### Human: Is GitHub Actions are free? ### Assistant: GitHub Actions usage is free for standard GitHub-hosted runners in public repositories, and for self-hosted runners. For private repositories, each GitHub account receives a certain amount of free minutes and storage for use with GitHub-hosted runners, depending on the product used with the account.
### Human: What is the purpose of using Terraform modules ? ### Assistant: In order to easily maintain, manage and scale their infrastructure, DevOps teams design their infrastructure using modular and reusable components called Terraform modules. Terraform modules allow you to easily share and reuse the same components across multiple use cases and environments. It also helps enforce a standardised approach of defining resources and adopting best practices across your organisation. Not only does consistency ensure best practices are followed, it also helps to enforce compliant deployment, avoid accidental misconfigurations which could lead to costly errors.
### Human: What are some examples of movies that won best picture in the 1990s? ### Assistant: Some of the movies that won an Oscar for best picture in the 1990s include: Titanic, The English Patient, Forrest Gump, and Dances with Wolves.
### Human: Which U.S president had a home called The Hermitage? ### Assistant: Andrew Jackson
### Human: In Digital Marketing, what is the difference between SEO and SEM? ### Assistant: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it focuses on the creation and enhancement of webpages to improve their rankings in organic search results. SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and it focuses on the use of paid advertisements to rank at the top of Search Engine Results Page.
### Human: What is the difference between the Masters and the U.S. Open in golf? ### Assistant: The Masters is one of the four majors that is played every year in golf and is the only major that is played at the same course each year. Every year the Masters is played in April at Augusta National golf course and it is the first major of the year. The U.S. Open is another one of the golf majors and is played at a different course every year, although some courses are repeated once every 8-10 years. The tournament is normally played in the summer and gives the opportunity for amateur golfers all over the U.S. to qualify and play with the professionals.
### Human: How are Social Security and Medicare in the USA funded? ### Assistant: Social Security and Medicare in the USA are funded through payroll taxes on income. Both employees and employers are required to pay payroll taxes.
### Human: What is the name of the gruff and tough female Viper pilot on the 2003 reboot of "Battlestar Galactica"? ### Assistant: Kara "Starbuck" Thrace
### Human: Where does the word plumbing originate from? ### Assistant: "Plumbing" originates from the original name for Lead (Pb), Plumbum, which is what most pipes were made from at the time.
### Human: What is a Romance language? ### Assistant: A romance language refers to the language family of languages which are derived from Latin, which are spoken in many areas that were a part of the Ancient Roman empire.
### Human: what type of economy is China? ### Assistant: mixed economy: the socialist market economy (SME) is the economic system and model of economic development employed in the People's Republic of China
### Human: What are all the different types of alpaca breeds? ### Assistant: The alpaca comes in two breeds, Suri and Huacaya, based on their fibers rather than scientific or European classifications. Huacaya alpacas are the most commonly found, constituting about 90% of the population. The Huacaya alpaca is thought to have originated in post-colonial Peru. This is due to their thicker fleece which makes them more suited to survive in the higher altitudes of the Andes after being pushed into the highlands of Peru with the arrival of the Spanish. Suri alpacas represent a smaller portion of the total alpaca population, around 10%. They are thought to have been more prevalent in pre-Columbian Peru since they could be kept at a lower altitude where a thicker fleece was not needed for harsh weather conditions.
### Human: When was the first Academy Awards? ### Assistant: The first Academy Awards was Thursday, May 16, 1929
### Human: Did Ghana lose by 100 against India in a soccer game? ### Assistant: This game actually didn't happen but Ghanaians and the entire nation some believe it did and tell stories about it. Our parents describe the game as very intriguing filled with mythical black magic and powers. It is believe that the soccer ball turned in the course of the game turned into different sorts of objects every time Ghana had possession. This however aided the Indian team to put up 100 goals whereas Ghana only scored 1. Lastly, legend has it that the Ghanaian player that scored the only goal for Ghana died afterwards
### Human: How do you brew beer? ### Assistant: The steps to make beer is as following: 1. Mashing 2. Separation 3. Boiling 4. Fermentation. The ingredients are brought together through these 4 steps. You can create many beer styles with this process.
### Human: What are some of the most popular undergraduate majors at UC Berkeley? ### Assistant: UC Berkeley has over 150 undergraduate major and minors for students to choose from. Some of the most popular include Molecular and Cell Biology, Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science.
### Human: What gear do you need to go on a backpacking trip? ### Assistant: To go on a backpacking trip, you'll need a few categories of items: shelter, cooking and clothing. Start with a trekking pole tent like the X-Mid Pro. Don't forget 2 trekking poles. You'll need a sleeping pad like a Klymit Static-V and a sleeping bag or quilt such as the Kelty Cosmic 0. In order to cook and boil water, you'll need a stove such as a Jetboil and the corresponding fuel to power it. As far as clothing goes, several layers of wool/synthetic fabric with a light shell will work great at keeping you warm and dry. All of this needs to go in a backpack that's of the right capacity and sized to your frame.
### Human: Who are the top Presidents of USA ### Assistant: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and George Washington are most often listed as the three highest-rated presidents among historians. More recent presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are often rated among the greatest in public opinion polls, but generally do not rank as highly among presidential scholars and historians. Because William Henry Harrison and James A. Garfield both died within their first year in office, they are often omitted from presidential rankings. Zachary Taylor died after serving as president for only 16 months, but he is usually included. In the case of these three presidents, it is not clear whether they received low rankings due to their actions as president or because each was in office for such a limited time that they did not accomplish much.
### Human: Who are some famous Greek philosophers? ### Assistant: Plato, Aristotle and Socrates are all famous Greek philosophers
### Human: What is the difference between American Football and Futbol? ### Assistant: In America, football refers to the NFL style of football. This involves heavily padded players, scripted plays and a game where the goal is to get the ball into an endzone with a mix of pass and run plays. International Futbol refers to the game that is played primarily with a players feet, passing the ball and shooting with only their feet of head. Players in Futbol are not allowed to use their hands unless they are the goalie defending the goal. The goal of Futbol is to get the ball into the opposing team's net.
### Human: What are the words of House Bolton? ### Assistant: "Our Blades are Sharp"
### Human: Best Actor award in 27th Screen Actors Guild(SAG) Awards was given posthumously to whom? ### Assistant: Chadwick Boseman for Black Bottom
### Human: Who is John D. Rockefeller? ### Assistant: John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) was an American business magnate and philanthropist. He has been widely considered the wealthiest American of all time and the richest person in modern history. Rockefeller was born into a large family in Upstate New York that moved several times before eventually settling in Cleveland. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran it until 1897 and remained its largest shareholder. Rockefeller's wealth soared as kerosene and gasoline grew in importance, and he became the richest person in the country, controlling 90% of all oil in the United States at his peak. Oil was used throughout the country as a light source until the introduction of electricity, and as a fuel after the invention of the automobile. Furthermore, Rockefeller gained enormous influence over the railroad industry which transported his oil around the country. Standard Oil was the first great business trust in the United States. Rockefeller revolutionized the petroleum industry and, through corporate and technological innovations, was instrumental in both widely disseminating and drastically reducing the production cost of oil. His company and business practices came under criticism, particularly in the writings of author Ida Tarbell.
### Human: How do you change a bicycle tire? ### Assistant: Start by taking off the wheel. For this, open the quick release for the brakes or detach the brake cable. Then, unscrew the axle to take off the wheel. Following, you have to deflate the tire and be able to pull out the tube from underneath the tire. Pry the tire off the rim with tire levers. Once the tire comes off, you can replace the tube and work it back underneath the tire. Remember only to inflate the tube completely once both tube and tire are fitted on the rim. To mount the wheel again, follow the above-described steps in reverse order.
### Human: What are common executive roles at large companies? ### Assistant: Large companies contain different sets of executives. Most companies have a chief executive officer who runs the company. Another common executive title is the Chief Financial Officer, the person responsible for accounting, financial planning and reporting. Chief Technology Officers are generally responsible for building and maintaining technology infrastructure, the code base and driving innovation within the organization. The Chief Marketing Officer is generally responsible for marketing, brand awareness and demand generation within the organization. A Chief People Officer is often responsible for human resources, recruitment and talent management. A Chief Security Officer protects the safety and security of the organization.
### Human: What is Orchesis - either professional or amateur ### Assistant: Art of Dancing
### Human: What is the largest state in the United States? ### Assistant: Alaska is the largest state in the United States, trailed by Texas in second place. Alaska has 665,400 square miles of land whereas Texas has 268,597 square miles of land. If Alaska were to be cut in half, Texas would be the third largest state.
### Human: Did Gary Collins played in the NHL ### Assistant: Ranleigh Gary Collins (September 27, 1935 – June 17, 2022) was a Canadian ice hockey player who played two playoff games in the National Hockey League for the Toronto Maple Leafs during the 1958–59 season. The rest of his career, which lasted from 1956 to 1968, was spent in the minor leagues.. Collins died in June 2022 at the age of 86.
### Human: Why do people live in homes? ### Assistant: People live in homes because its a way to protect you from the elements of nature like storms, heavy rain, lightning, heat and humidity. Its a place that offers comfort with air conditioning, offers a comfortable place to sleep, and offers a comfortable place to cook and eat and have entertaining activities like television, and spending time with your family.
### Human: What was the world’s first high level programming language 1957 ### Assistant: IBM FORTRAN
### Human: What are the Grand Slams of tennis? ### Assistant: In tennis there are four major tennis tournaments each year which are each called a Grand Slam tournament. The first each year is the Australian open, which is played on hard courts. The second is the French Open, which is played on clay courts. The third is Wimbledon, which takes place in London on grass courts and the final tournament is the US Open, which takes place in New York City.
### Human: What is Arsenal FC? ### Assistant: Arsenal Football Club is an English professional football club based in Islington, London. Arsenal plays in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. The club has won 13 league titles (including one unbeaten title), a record 14 FA Cups, two League Cups, 16 FA Community Shields, one European Cup Winners' Cup, and one Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. In terms of trophies won, it is the third-most successful club in English football. Arsenal was the first club from the South of England to join the Football League in 1893, and they reached the First Division in 1904. Relegated only once, in 1913, they continue the longest streak in the top division, and have won the second-most top-flight matches in English football history. In the 1930s, Arsenal won five League Championships and two FA Cups, and another FA Cup and two Championships after the war. In 1970–71, they won their first League and FA Cup Double. Between 1989 and 2005, they won five League titles and five FA Cups, including two more Doubles. They completed the 20th century with the highest average league position. Between 1998 and 2017, Arsenal qualified for the UEFA Champions League for nineteen consecutive seasons. Herbert Chapman, who changed the fortunes of Arsenal forever, won the club its first silverware, and his legacy led the club to dominate the 1930s decade; Chapman, however, died of pneumonia in 1934, aged 55. He helped introduce the WM formation, floodlights, and shirt numbers; he also added the white sleeves and brighter red to the club's jersey. Arsène Wenger is the longest-serving manager and won the most trophies. He won a record seven FA Cups, and his title-winning team set an English record for the longest top-flight unbeaten league run at 49 games between 2003 and 2004, receiving the nickname The Invincibles. In 1886, munitions workers at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich founded the club as Dial Square. In 1913 the club crossed the city to Arsenal Stadium in Highbury, becoming close neighbours of Tottenham Hotspur, and creating the North London derby. In 2006, they moved to the nearby Emirates Stadium. With an annual revenue of £340.3m in the 2019–20 season, Arsenal was estimated to be worth US$2.68 billion by Forbes, making it the world's eighth most valuable club, while it is one of the most followed on social media.The motto of the club has long been Victoria Concordia Crescit, Latin for "Victory Through Harmony".
### Human: What was the The second capital of Chandragupta II ### Assistant: The second capital of Chandragupta II was Pataliputra.
### Human: What are the names of Daenerys Targaryen's three dragons? ### Assistant: Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal
### Human: Best film in Motion Picture 27th Screen Actors Guild(SAG) Awards was given to which film? ### Assistant: Chicago 7
### Human: Who is Ali G? ### Assistant: Ali G is a fictional character created and performed by Sacha Baron Cohen. In fiction, he grew up in Staines, and was part of a group called "Da West Staines Massiv" He is depicted as a British stereotype of suburban chav acting in a way that they think is typical of black people. Ali G first appeared in a TV series called The 11 O'Clock Show where he would interview famous people who do not realise they are being set up. Due to his popularity, a standalone TV series called Da Ali G Show and a film Ali G Indahouse were also created.
### Human: What are five popular songs by Jack Harlow? ### Assistant: Five popular songs by Jack Harlow are First Class, WHATS POPPIN, Dua Lipa, Tyler Herro, and Churchill Downs.
### Human: What kind of dog breed do you get when you mate a poodle with an old english sheep dog? ### Assistant: sheepadoodle
### Human: Which country is alphabetically last ### Assistant: Zimbabwe
### Human: What are the words of House Fowler? ### Assistant: "Let Me Soar"
### Human: What is GitHub Actions? ### Assistant: GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository, or deploy merged pull requests to production.
### Human: How many maharatna companies are there in India? ### Assistant: 11(eleven), the 11th is Power Finance Corporation
### Human: Who is the all time leading goal scorer in the NHL? ### Assistant: The all time leading goal scorer in the NHL is Wayne Gretzky with 894 goals., Gretzky played in the NHL for 21 seasons, spending most of his time with the Edmonton Oilers and the Los Angeles Kings, but he also played for the New York Rangers and briefly, for the St Louis Blues.
### Human: How can I avoid sunburn? ### Assistant: Monitor the UV Index of your local area, and follow the advise to apply sunscreen when the index is high, and reapply according to the label of your sunscreen. SPF 30 should be sufficient for most areas.
### Human: What is the state capitol of Nevada? ### Assistant: The state capitol of Nevada is Carson City which was founded in 1858 and is named after Kit Carson.
### Human: How does a tack work in windsurfing? ### Assistant: There are two basic turn maneuvers in windsurfing, the tack and the jibe. The tack turns upwind and takes the nose of the board through the wind. To start tacking, steer the board upwind by moving the sail to the back of the board. When the nose of the boards points right into the wind, step around the front of the sail to the other side. Then, move the rig forward to continue turning the board downwind.
### Human: What is the difference between a banana and a plantain? ### Assistant: While bananas and plantains share a lot of similar physical attributes, their uses are quite different. For example, bananas are typically used in sweeter dishes as they are considered to be a fruit and contain higher sugar amounts than plantains. Plantains are more starchy which is why they are not typically eaten raw and are often used in more savory dishes. Plantains are also typically larger in size than bananas. Bananas contain high levels of potassium which are excellent for our health and can help reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Plantains also have health benefits but the benefits greatly depend on how they are prepared.
### Human: What are the pros and cons of working from home rather than going into an office downtown? ### Assistant: There are both advantages and disadvantages from working from home, and they apply differently to different people depending on the person's personality, family situation, location, and job description. Some key advantages are the ability to develop closer personal relationships with team members, have the opportunity for more spontaneous casual conversations, and experience more productive meetings because of the ability to read people's body language and to see presentation materials more clearly. Many people will experience better mental health by going into the office and establishing a sense of greater connection with team members. In addition, certain employees will take advantage of remote work to use work time to engage in personal activities rather than real work, to the detriment of the employer. Some disadvantages of going into the office include the time inefficiency from commuting, the cost of commuting, the time inefficiency that occurs from experiencing all the social chatting that occurs in the office, and the hassle of having to schedule conference rooms. Commuting also contributes to global warming through the greater use of fossil fuels. On balance, whether remote work makes sense is a complex question, and the answer will be unique for every employee and employer depending on the circumstances.
### Human: What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? ### Assistant: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or BJJ, is a grappling martial art that takes focuses on dominant position and submissions on the ground. Jiu Jitsu was introduced to Brazil in the early 1900s by a Japanese Judoka. It was then further developed by the Gracie family in Brazil. It is now one of the most popular self-defense martial arts in the world.
### Human: Which NFL teams have gone to the Super Bowl only once and won? ### Assistant: New Orleans Saints and New York Jets
### Human: What is ChatGPT? ### Assistant: ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) built by a company names OpenAI. It has the ability to answer in a human like way to any question that you ask it. It can generate code from text, write stories, answer questions, make hashtags, help summarize notes, etc. It was launched on November 30, 2022 and it gained millions of users in the first week it was available for free use by the public. ChatGPT models can also be customized for industry specific use cases using smaller training datasets.
### Human: How many cents do I have if I have 3 dollars and a dime? ### Assistant: If you have 3 dollars and a dime, you have 310 cents in total.
### Human: What are popular young adult books? ### Assistant: Young adult novels typically tell a coming to age story with a main character in their teens or early adulthood. From 2000-2015, common books for young adults are Harry Potter, Divergent, and The Hunger Games. Since them, young adult novels are more often showing themes of diversity, inclusion, and overcoming adversity and less focused on action-based storytelling. A popular graphic novel series, Heartstopper, is a good example of a popular book focused on DEI. This eventually turned into a high-profile television show on Netflix.
### Human: What is the highest score possible in ten pin bowling? ### Assistant: The highest possible score in ten pin bowling is 300.
### Human: How many miles per year does the average person drive? ### Assistant: 13,500
### Human: Does Alaska have any professional sports teams? ### Assistant: There are no professional sports teams in Alaska. There are some semi-professional and minor league organizations, such as Division I collegiate sports, junior hockey teams, and college summer baseball teams.
### Human: Are there still grizzly bears in California? ### Assistant: No, although the grizzly bear is a symbol of California, grizzly bears are extinct in California
### Human: Who was the first human to walk on the moon? ### Assistant: Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon.
### Human: What is RBI? ### Assistant: The Reserve Bank of India, chiefly known as RBI, is India's central bank and regulatory body responsible for regulation of the Indian banking system. It is under the ownership of Ministry of Finance, Government of India. It is responsible for the control, issue and maintaining supply of the Indian rupee. It also manages the country's main payment systems and works to promote its economic development. Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran (BRBNM) is a specialised division of RBI through which it prints and mints Indian currency notes (INR) in four of its currency printing presses located in Nashik (Maharashtra; Western India), Dewas (Madhya Pradesh; Central India), Mysore (Karnataka; Southern India) and Salboni (West Bengal; Eastern India). The RBI established the National Payments Corporation of India as one of its specialised division to regulate the payment and settlement systems in India. Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation was established by RBI as one of its specialised division for the purpose of providing insurance of deposits and guaranteeing of credit facilities to all Indian banks.
### Human: What is the largest land animal in the world? ### Assistant: African Elephant
### Human: How is the order of the NFL draft determined? ### Assistant: The order of the NFL draft is determined by the record of each team during the previous season. The teams with the worst records choose before the teams with better records.
### Human: What are the words of House Targaryen? ### Assistant: "Fire and Blood"
### Human: What is solar wind? ### Assistant: Solar wind is a force that results from discharged light and gas particles from stars.
### Human: How many innings are played in a professional baseball game? ### Assistant: Nine innings are played in a professional baseball game.
### Human: What is the oldest type of flight technology? ### Assistant: Hot air balloons
### Human: What is a crypto (cryptocurrency)? ### Assistant: A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it. It is a decentralized system for verifying that the parties to a transaction have the money they claim to have, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries, such as banks, when funds are being transferred between two entities.
### Human: What is Flink? ### Assistant: Apache Flink is an open-source, unified stream-processing and batch-processing framework developed by the Apache Software Foundation. The core of Apache Flink is a distributed streaming data-flow engine written in Java and Scala. Flink executes arbitrary dataflow programs in a data-parallel and pipelined manner.
### Human: When did Delaware join the United States? ### Assistant: Delaware was admitted to the union on December 7, 1787.
### Human: What are the different kind of hits in baseball? ### Assistant: The different kind of hits in baseball are a single, double, triple, and home run.
### Human: What are the words of House Baratheon? ### Assistant: "Ours is the Fury"
### Human: Which is heavier: 1kg of flour or 1kg of steel? ### Assistant: A kilogram (kg) is a unit of weight, so it doesn't matter what material is being weighed - a kilogram will always be equal to a kilogram. Therefore, both weigh the same.
### Human: What is the California Alpine Club? ### Assistant: The California Alpine Club (CAC) is a membership club with overnight lodges on Mount Tamalpais in Mill Valley, CA and at Echo Lake, which is 20 minutes outside of South Lake Tahoe.
### Human: Who spoke at NYU's 2022 commencement? ### Assistant: Taylor Swift spoke at NYU's 2022 commencement.
### Human: How does screen printing work? ### Assistant: Screen printing is also referred to as silk screen printing. It is essentially the process of printing an image or artwork onto a surface by pushing ink through a screen. The screens are pulled tight and held in a metal or wood frame. Much like a picture frame. Depending on the detail of the artwork, the screens can have different size weave. The weave is essentially how tight the screen is woven and how large the holes in the screen are. For more detailed designs, the screen used will be woven very close and tight so the holes are very small and let less ink through. This allows for very thin lines and detail. Each screen can print 1 color at a time. So, to print a design with multiple colors, there needs to be multiple screens. 1 screen per color. Many screen printing presses have large rotating arms that hold the screens. The arms rotate for each color to be printed individually.
### Human: How many different Alaska Native tribes are there? ### Assistant: There are 228 federally recognized Alaska Native tribes.
### Human: Where is Hesse's Demi Bastion ### Assistant: Hesse's Demi Bastion is a demi-bastion in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. It is part of the Northern Defences of Gibraltar. The bastion forms a link in a chain of fortifications which ascend the lower north-west slopes of the Rock of Gibraltar, below the King's Lines Battery and Bombproof Battery. The Moorish Castle's Tower of Homage is at the top of the same incline. History It was originally the Baluado de S. Pedro (St. Peter's Bastion) during the Spanish period prior to the Capture of Gibraltar in 1704 under Prince George of Hesse-Darmstadt, after whom the bastion is named. The old Spanish bastion was rebuilt and renamed by the British in 1730. In 1762, during the Seven Years' War, it was armed with two 18-pdrs and four 4-pdrs to flank the ditch in front of the Landport Gate. By 1885 the bastion's guns were all 32-pdrs.
### Human: What is the difference between guitar and ukulele? ### Assistant: Guitar and ukulele are similar instruments. But there are many differences between them: - The biggest difference is that a ukulele is much smaller than a guitar. - Second, the ukulele has four strings while the guitar has six strings. Ukulele is tuned to G-C-E-A, while the guitar is tuned differently as E-A-D-G-B-E. - Next, the sound is different. The guitar sounds much fuller than the smaller-body ukulele. - Ukulele usually comes with nylon string, while the acoustic guitar usually comes with steel ones. - Scale length. The length from nut to the saddle is much longer in a guitar. - Difficult to play. The six strings make the guitar a little more difficult to play than a ukulele.