### Human: What is the Auburn Ski Club? ### Assistant: The Auburn Ski Club is a non-profit training center that owns and operates a lodge/locker room/gym as well as a Nordic ski course and biathlon range adjacent to Boreal Mountain Resort. The club runs alpine, Nordic, snowboard and biathlon training programs for youth athletes from beginner to expert level.
### Human: List five titles by Suzanne Collins. ### Assistant: Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Gregor the Overlander, Year of the Jungle, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
### Human: Which TV Show is about a zip code in Beverly Hills? ### Assistant: 90210
### Human: What is the name of Frankenstein's monster? ### Assistant: Contrary to what many people think, the monster is not named Frankenstein. Dr. Frankenstein is the name of the scientist who created the monster in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel, "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus." The monster does not have a name and is simply referred to as "the Creature."
### Human: What is solar minimum and how it is related to sun cycle? ### Assistant: Sun has a cycle that lasts on an average of 11 years
### Human: Name three poems by William Wordsworth. ### Assistant: Tintern Abbey, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, and the Solitary Reaper
### Human: Which American president appears on a one-dollar bill? ### Assistant: George Washington
### Human: Is it safe to invest in stocks? ### Assistant: There are no guarantees of profits when you buy stock, which makes stock a risky investments. If a company doesn't do well or falls out of favor with investors, its stock can fall in price, and investors could lose money. With the other hand, Stocks offer investors the greatest potential for growth over the long haul. Investors willing to stick with stocks over long periods of time, say 15 years, generally have been rewarded with strong, positive returns.
### Human: What is a baby cat called? ### Assistant: A baby cat is called a kitten
### Human: FATF was established in which year? ### Assistant: FATF was established in the year 1989
### Human: What are the classical states of matter? ### Assistant: 1. Solid: Matter in a solid state is comprised of particles that are held very closely together. Solids hold a definite shape. 2. Liquid: Matter is in a mostly non-compressible fluid state. Liquid matter conforms to the shape of its container. 3. Gas: Matter in a gaseous state is composed of compressible fluids. It may also take the shape of its container, but it will also expand to fill the container.
### Human: What is reserve requirement? ### Assistant: Reserve requirements are central bank regulations that set the minimum amount that a commercial bank must hold in liquid assets. This minimum amount, commonly referred to as the commercial bank's reserve, is generally determined by the central bank on the basis of a specified proportion of deposit liabilities of the bank. This rate is commonly referred to as the reserve ratio. Though the definitions vary, the commercial bank's reserves normally consist of cash held by the bank and stored physically in the bank vault (vault cash), plus the amount of the bank's balance in that bank's account with the central bank. A bank is at liberty to hold in reserve sums above this minimum requirement, commonly referred to as excess reserves. The reserve ratio is sometimes used by a country’s monetary authority as a tool in monetary policy, to influence the country's money supply by limiting or expanding the amount of lending by the banks. Monetary authorities increase the reserve requirement only after careful consideration because an abrupt change may cause liquidity problems for banks with low excess reserves; they generally prefer to use open market operations (buying and selling government-issued bonds) to implement their monetary policy. In the United States and many other countries (except Brazil, China, India, Russia), reserve requirements are generally not altered frequently in implementing a country's monetary policy because of the short-term disruptive effect on financial markets.
### Human: What are some of the highest-rated episodes of The X-Files, based on viewer's ratings? ### Assistant: According to IMDB, users on the site have ranked the following as the top ten episodes from The X-Files: Bad Blood, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Anasazi, Dreamland, Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man, Paper Clip, Redux II, The Erlenmeyer Flask, Jose Chung's From Outer Space, and Small Potatoes.
### Human: What was the first functional submarine called? ### Assistant: The Turtle was made of wood and used in the American Revolution.
### Human: Which medical tool was developed by Sanctorius in 1612 ### Assistant: Thermometer
### Human: In climbing, what is a hand jam? ### Assistant: Hand jamming is a technique used in crack climbing used to support the climbers upper body. The climber places their hand in a crack, then flexes their thumb towards the palm to expand their hand, creating friction between the sides of the crack and the base of the thumb and back of the hand. There are many variations on the technique depending on the size of the climber, the size of the crack, and the circumstances of the route.
### Human: Where is the first Summer Olympics held? ### Assistant: Athens, Greece 1896
### Human: Who was the US president when WWII ended? ### Assistant: Harry S. Truman was the US president at the end of World War II
### Human: What is the show Parks and Rec about? ### Assistant: Parks and Rec is an American sitcom about the Parks and Recreation department of a small town in Indiana called Pawnee.
### Human: What is it inflation? ### Assistant: In economics, inflation is an increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently, inflation corresponds to a reduction in the purchasing power of money.
### Human: What does HEMA stand for? ​​ ### Assistant: HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts. It is a type of martial art that combines the techniques of historical European martial arts with modern techniques.
### Human: What is a mutual fund? ### Assistant: A mutual fund is a type of investment that includes a well diversified pool of stocks across a broad range of industry verticals. Many investors invest in mutual funds and usually stay in them for the long term. It is a good idea to diversify a stock portfolio like a 401k with mutual funds that have annual percentage return on the average of about 10% - 12%. This is great way to get a good return on your money without having to actively manage your brokerage account.
### Human: Name three movies with Denzel Washington. ### Assistant: Three movies with Denzel Washington are Remember the Titans, Flight, and The Book of Eli.
### Human: Which bird flies the farthest? ### Assistant: The Arctic tern flies a round trip of 21,750 miles a year, breeding in the Arctic in the northern summer and feeding in the Antarctic during the southern summer. The bar-tailed godwit migrates farther in a single trip than any other bird. Each year it travels non-stop from Alaska to New Zealand in nine days and loses over half its body weight.
### Human: Why was the model T only produced in black? ### Assistant: Henry Ford produced the model T only in black because the black paint available at the time was the fastest to dry.
### Human: What is an index fund? ### Assistant: An index fund is a basket of individual stocks that is designed to match the performance of specific group of stocks. Index funds allow investors to avoid investing in an individual stock and distribute the investment risk across a broader set of companies.
### Human: Who is the current manager of Arsenal Football Club? ### Assistant: The current manager of Arsenal Football Club is Mikel Arteta
### Human: Name some titles from the Goosebumps series. ### Assistant: Welcome to Dead House, Monster Blood, Say Cheese and Die!, The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes, The Horror at Camp Jellyjam
### Human: Who is the first African-American to perform at the Metropolitan Opera? ### Assistant: Marian Anderson was the first African-American to perform at the Metropolitan Opera.
### Human: Name some famous songs by the Beatles ### Assistant: Some songs by the Beatles are Penny Lane, Yellow Submarine, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Let It Be and Here Comes the Sun
### Human: What was Seward's Folly? ### Assistant: Seward's Folly was the name given by opponents to the 1867 purchase of Alaska from Russia by the United States. Secretary of State William Seward negotiated the treaty in secrecy, and critics mocked both him and President Andrew Johnson for the purchase of a "polar bear garden." However, it turned out to be a profitable investment when gold was discovered in Alaska in 1896.
### Human: What is combinatorial optimisation? ### Assistant: Combinatorial optimisation is a field of applied mathematics, combining techniques from combinatorics, linear programming, and the theory of algorithms, to solve discrete optimisation problems. It is usually used as an alias of discrete optimisation. A combinatorial optimisation problem can generally be drawn as a triple (S, f, C), where S is a given search space, f is the objective function, which should be either maximised or minimised, and C is the set of constraints that have to be fulfilled to obtain feasible solutions. The goal is to find a globally optimal solution, meaning a solution s' that belongs to S, with either the highest or lowest objective value in the case of maximisation or minimisation, each under the restriction of constraints.
### Human: What is a Keystone? ### Assistant: A keystone is the top block of an arch. It is an essential part of an arch because it keeps other stones from falling. A keystone is shaped like a trapezoid, the widest part at the top, so it doesn't slide out of the arch. Humans have built remarkable buildings with heavy ceilings on arches supported by a keystone. Many architects and artisans have been known to sculpt family emblems, symbols and designs on keystones.
### Human: What are the best woods for smoking? ### Assistant: Oak is the quintessential go-to for smoking meat. It is a great place to start if you are a newbie to smoking. It will lend a medium to a strong flavor that is seldom overpowering. - Best Meat to Smoke: Lamb, beef, brisket, and sausages Hickory is the most versatile choice as it can be used to smoke wood in many ways. Be careful, though, because too much hickory flavor will cause your meat to have a more bitter flavor. It has a sweet, savory, and hearty, a bit bacony. - Best Meat to Smoke: Larger cuts of ribs and pork shoulders, as well as almost all red meat and poultry. Maple is one of the most subtle smoking wood, it will impart a more subtle smoke flavor. Use maple for a sweet, light, mild smokiness. - Best Meat to Smoke: Poultry, pork, game foul Mesquite is a hardy wood packing intense flavor. It is recommended for grilling, or to be used in smaller quantities. It is famous for its strong, intense, and unique. - Best Meat to Smoke: Red Meat and for adding additional flavor when grilling Pecan will lend a rich, sweet, nutty flavor. In fact, the wood is so sweet that you may want to use a combination of it with another harder wood to balance out the flavor. - Best Meat to Smoke: Briskets, roasts, and ribs Applewood is mild and sweet, lending a mellow flavor. Apple smoke flavors take a while to permeate the meat, so anticipate several hours of smoking. - Best Meat to Smoke: Chicken, wild foul, pork Alder has a very light and sweet flavor profile. It lends a delicate and sweet characteristic. - Best Meat to Smoke: Fish, like salmon and other Pacific Northwestern types. Cherry is mild and fruity, and when mixed with other hardwood like hickory, the two flavors compliment each other for an amazing result. - Best Meat to Smoke: Chicken, turkey, ham
### Human: Provide a bullet point list of all primary matter phase transitions, with the name of the process following by the matter states involved Use the format: {process name}: {initial state} -> {final state} ### Assistant: - melting: solid -> liquid - sublimation: solid -> gas - freezing: liquid -> solid - vaporization: liquid -> gas - ionization: gas -> plasma - condensation: gas -> liquid - deposition: gas -> solid - deionization: plasma -> gas
### Human: what are the benefit of meditation? ### Assistant: Meditation practice will train mind to focus on specific objects, like: breath or body sensation, which will relief brain from high dense thoughts or strong emotions. It can help brain calm down and be present in current situation. It will avoid the mind to get lost in past regrets or get too anxious in the future desire. This is not only help brain to get great rest, but also an efficient exercise for brain to rebuild the neuron cells and extend their connections. Reports showed, even 15 mins daily meditation can greatly help people with mitigating nervous, pressure, sadness and almost all negative emotions. Long time mediation can lead mind in the "deep calm down" state, which can help people understanding things in the deep root and see things as they really are. These will be the foundation to trigger wisdom and enlightenment. Just like human boy need work out, human brain also need exercise, which is meditation. Meditation now becomes more and more popular and lots of people already get benefit from it and keep it as a daily exercise.
### Human: What city is Microsoft Based in? ### Assistant: Redmond, Wa
### Human: are GSIs important to being a global company ### Assistant: yes
### Human: What is the only established city of the Dothraki people? ### Assistant: Vaes Dothrak is the only permanent settlement of the Dothraki people. It is located northeast of the Dothraki Sea.
### Human: The Death of Socrates was painted by whom? ### Assistant: Jacques Louis David
### Human: What is the capital of Maine? ### Assistant: Augusta is the capital of Maine
### Human: What is Active Directory? ### Assistant: Active Directory is a directory service developed by Microsoft for Windows domain networks. It is included in most Windows Server operating systems as a set of processes and services. Initially, Active Directory was used only for centralized domain management. However, Active Directory eventually became an umbrella title for a broad range of directory-based identity-related services.
### Human: What is the Phillips curve? ### Assistant: In economics, the Phillips curve is the short-run tradeoff between the unemployment rate and inflation. The relationship implies a negative correlation such that an increase in the unemployment rate is associated with a decrease in wage rate. Conversely, during times in which the unemployment rate is quite low (strong demand for labor) the growth of wages is typically observed to be quite high, or increasing. While this phenomenon has been observed in the short-run there are some periods in which the relationship does not hold.
### Human: Where was the first capital of Alaska? ### Assistant: Alaska's first capital was in Sitka, following the transfer of the Alaska territory from Russia to the United States in 1867, and remained the capital until 1906 when it transferred to Juneau.
### Human: What is the difference between football and soccer? ### Assistant: Whilst some believe that football and soccer are different sports they are in fact exactly the same game and simply differ in naming conventions. In England fans are passionate about the fact it should only be called by its historic original name. In North America however, where 'American Football' is a bigger sport and soccer is developing at pace, soccer is the go to name.
### Human: Who is the lead singer of Korn? ### Assistant: Jonathan Houseman Davis is the lead singer of nu-metal band, Korn.
### Human: What is Allsvenskan? ### Assistant: Allsvenskan is the first soccer league in Sweden. It has 16 teams and was founded 1924.
### Human: Who is the visual of the kpop group Twice? ### Assistant: Tzuyu Chou is generally regarded as the visual of Twice, though some may disagree.
### Human: What are common gaming consoles used to play video games? ### Assistant: Common gaming consoles used to play video games include personal computers, Xbox, and Playstation
### Human: Is it safe to invest in cryptocurrency? ### Assistant: Compared to other asset classes such as stocks and government bonds, investing in cryptocurrency can be considered very risky.
### Human: What is an acoholic? ### Assistant: An alcoholic is someone who is unable to control the amount of alcohol they consume. Loss of control with any substance is how addiction starts. Alcoholism is a form of uncontrolled addiction. The most dangerous kind of addiction is one where a person is in denial that they have an addiction. Alcoholism like other additions if not treated can lead to kidney failure and ultimately death in the long run. It's best if you know someone with an alcoholic addition to try and intervene and get them help through a 12-step or alcoholics anonymous program.
### Human: What is considered as DACH region? ### Assistant: The DACH region comprises the three countries in the central Europe: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The abbreviation comes a mix of first letters of countries as per international country codes, i.e. Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and Switzerland (CH).
### Human: What can people do to entertain cats? ### Assistant: People can entertain cats in many different ways: 1. laser pointer against walls for cats to chase after 2. lean string/wand-like toys or strings 3. auto-moving balls 4. Videos with moving balls, mice, etc While different cats would be entertained by different ways, in common, cats like small and fast-moving objects that the cats can run after. Cats also like being patted but only by the people they are familiar with (their people)
### Human: What are Gummi Bears called in England? ### Assistant: Jelly Babies are what people call Gummi Bears in England
### Human: What is the difference between bills, notes, and bonds? ### Assistant: Treasury bills are issued by the U.S. government and have a maturity of one year or less. Treasury notes are issued and have a maturity between 2 and 10 years. Treasury bonds have a maturity of greater than 10 years.
### Human: What cause toe fungus? ### Assistant: One common way that people can get nail fungus on their toes is walking barefoot in moist areas like locker room or public shower. You can also get a fungal infection by skin-to-skin contact, or by sharing an infected nail clipper or towel.
### Human: Which country is the state of Illinois apart of? ### Assistant: The United States of America
### Human: What are three popular movies with Steve Carell? ### Assistant: Three popular movies with Steve Carell are: 1. The 40-Year-Old Virgin 2. Crazy Stupid Love 3. The Big Short
### Human: What is wholesale banking? ### Assistant: Wholesale banking is the provision of services by banks to larger customers or organizations such as mortgage brokers, large corporate clients, mid-sized companies, real estate developers and investors, international trade finance businesses, institutional customers (such as pension funds and government entities/agencies), and services offered to other banks or other financial institutions. Wholesale finance refers to financial services conducted between financial services companies and institutions such as banks, insurers, fund managers, and stockbrokers. Modern wholesale banks engage in: - Finance wholesaling - Underwriting - Market making - Consultancy - Mergers and acquisitions - Fund management
### Human: What was the first living creature sent into orbit around Earth? ### Assistant: Laika, a Russian street dog, went to space in 1957 on the satellite Sputnik 2.
### Human: What is a hadron? ### Assistant: A hadron is a subatomic particles made of up two or more smaller particles called quarks. Hadrons interact via the strong nuclear force. Examples of hadrons include the proton and the neutron.
### Human: How can I make every color of paint? ### Assistant: To make paint colors you need the three primary colors: red, yellow, and blue, as well as black and white to adjust shade (black mixed with color) and tint (white mixed with color). The primary colors red and yellow mix to make orange, red and blue mix to make purple, and yellow and blue mix to make green. Other common colors such as pink can be obtained by mixing black white to these base colors. For example, pink can be created by mixing a lot of white with a small amount of red.
### Human: Which season three episode did Alik Sakharov direct in Game of Thrones? ### Assistant: Alik Sakharov directed the season three episode "The Climb"
### Human: What does the software company Teamwork do and where is it located ### Assistant: Teamwork is an Irish, privately owned, web-based software company headquartered in Cork, Ireland. Teamwork creates task management and team collaboration software. Founded in 2007, as of 2016 the company stated that its software was in use by over 370,000 organisations worldwide (including Disney, Spotify and HP), and that it had over 2.4m users.
### Human: Mahatma Gandhi gave a slogan on Aug 8, 1942 .What was the slogan? ### Assistant: Do or Die for Independence
### Human: When was the last financial crisis and what caused it? ### Assistant: The last financial crisis was from 2007-2008. It was dubbed the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) because it had severe worldwide economic impact. The Global Financial Crisis was caused by the predatory lending of low-income homebuyers, excessive risk-taking of Wall Street and the bursting of the United States hosing bubble.
### Human: What was the first toy to be advertised on television? ### Assistant: Mr Potato Head.
### Human: What are specific reasons for seasons? ### Assistant: Planet Earth has a tilt of 23.5 degrees. This causes the hemispheres to be either closer or farther from the sun. Also, the axial tilt changes the amount of sunlight hitting the earth at any given time.
### Human: What is a knowledge base? ### Assistant: A knowledge base is a set of articles composed of words and sentences that explains concepts of what are known but perhaps hard to understand. A kb can be used to help streamline and making training more readily accessible. A kb is also a place where exchange of ideas occurs through asking interactive questions on published articles. An example of a widely use kb is stackoverflow.com
### Human: What are the India’s Foreign Exchange Reserves as on week ended Sept 23, 2022? ### Assistant: $545.65 bn
### Human: Why don't women have beards? ### Assistant: Facial hair is typical in our ancestors, but now it's absent in most women. The difference seems down to evolution. Humans have become less hairy in the millions of years we developed from apes. Over time, men came to prefer women with little or no facial hair. Those women will pass this "hairless" gene to their daughters. Then those girls would have a head start in the ancient dating game.
### Human: How do sailplanes (gliders) stay aloft? ### Assistant: Gliders are usually towed to altitude by a motorized airplane and then use rising air from natural weather phenomenas such as thermals, mountain lee waves or ridge lift to stay aloft.
### Human: Name a good ski mountain in Vermont ### Assistant: Jay Peak is an excellent mountain for skiing in VT. It sits at one of the most Northern parts of Vermont and is the Northern most ski resort in the state. Because of that, Jay Peak averages more snowfall then any other mountain in Vermont. Additionally, because of it's remote location it is also ideal for a getaway that feels like a true getaway. There is also an indoor waterpark, several excellent dining options, rock climbing wall, arcade, and a movie theater to keep the entire family entertained. Because of its proximity to Canada, you can also take a day trip to Montreal which is an added bonus. The ski conditions are also the best in Vermont which makes Jay Peak an ideal mountain for a ski vacation in Vermont
### Human: What is the company zoom? ### Assistant: Zoom is a video communication protocol used by many companies today. Zoom has been used by school to conduct at home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Zoom is also used by big Fortune 500 corporations to conduct business meetings internally with employees and externally with customers and other accounts. The virtual interaction offered by zoom is a great alternative to save costs on in-person meetings where physical travel is required. The company was founded in 2011 and has about 8500 employees as of 2023.
### Human: Who is Lee Jung-sik ### Assistant: Lee Jung-sik (born July 6, 1995) is a South Korean actor and model. He is best known for his starring roles in the web series I Have Three Boyfriends (2019) and Summer Guys (2021).
### Human: What family was well known for their power in Renaissance Italy? ### Assistant: The Medici family was a famously influential presence in Renaissance Italy
### Human: How long does it take to golf 18 holes? ### Assistant: It depends on the number of players in your group and course conditions. A solo round of 18 holes will take 2.5-3hrs, while it will take 3.5-4.5hrs for a group of four to complete their round under normal conditions.
### Human: For whom is Daenerys Targaryen's dragon, Viserion, named for? ### Assistant: She named Viserion after her late brother, Viserys
### Human: What is St. Peters Basilica? ### Assistant: St. Peters Basilica is located at the Vatican in Rome, Italy. St. Peters is a church where the Roman Catholic Church Pope lives. The church was build in the renaissance style, and the interior contains brilliant marble sculptures and paintings. There are also a large number of tombs for past popes. The Sistine Chapel is one of the Vatican's proudest features, and it was painted on the ceiling by Michelangelo between 1508 to 1512.
### Human: What are some of the famous festivals of India? ### Assistant: India is the land of diverse cultures and festivities. Therefore, certain festivals are more prominent in specific parts than others. A couple of the festivals that are celebrated on a broader level across the country are 1. Diwali: It is also referred to as the "Festival of Lights". During this festival, people light up their homes in the religious significance of welcoming Goddess Laxmi, also known as Goddess of Wealth. Some people consider this festival as the highest religious significance. 2. Holi: It is one the most popular festival to the level that has picked up in western world. Being referred as the "Festival of colors", people generally play with colors (in powder form), sing and enjoy with friends, family and neighbours.
### Human: What is the name of Google's email service? ### Assistant: Gmail
### Human: Given a polynomial x^2 + 2x + 1, what is x? ### Assistant: x is equal to -1
### Human: When is the best time of year to visit the Smoky Mountains? ### Assistant: The Smoky Mountains are open and accessible year around. One can visit the Smokies during each of the 4 different seasons and have a completely different experience in each. Colder months, such as December through early March, are great if you want to explore when it's less crowded, but be prepared for certain higher elevation trails and roadways to be closed due to ice and snow. Summer months are great for morning hikes and hikes at higher elevations as the temperatures are moderately warm and comfortable, but be prepared for larger crowds, as this is the busiest time of year around the park. In October, the Smokies are full of red, orange, and yellow leaves changing colors before dropping for the Winter. This is one of the more beautiful times of year in the Smokies, but also a very busy time as visitors flock to the park to see all the colors. Spring break is also a great time of year to visit the Smoky Mountains, as the weather is cool for long hikes, the bears are just starting to come out with their cubs, and the crowds are less than what you'd see during the summer.
### Human: Why do we watch television? ### Assistant: Television are in almost every home in the United States today. Currently 97% of all US households have an average of 2-3 televisions per home. We use TV as a communication tool to learn what is going on around us in our communities, outside of our communities, and all around the world. It is a way for us to stay connected on current events and get prepared and be safe due to forecasted natural disasters. We use television to even find missing persons, learn who to donate to for good causes, and stay up to date with what is going on in the political arena.
### Human: What are Riot Games' most popular games? ### Assistant: League of Legends, Valorant, Teamfight Tactics
### Human: What are some of the most important attributes of spacecraft battery and how are these attributes realized? ### Assistant: Some of the most important attributes are reliability, low mass. Reliability is often achieved through qualification testing, demonstrated performance in a flight environment and configuration management. Mass can be minimized by using high-performance Li-ion batteries that are optimized for the anticipated use case and by right-sizing the battery to meet end of mission power requirements using calibrated battery life and performance models.
### Human: Who was the lead singer for the band Aerosmith? ### Assistant: Steven Tyler was the lead singer for Aerosmith
### Human: What country most recently joined NATO? ### Assistant: Finland is the most recent country to join NATO, formally becoming a member on 4 April 2023. It is the 31st country to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
### Human: Does Arizona use Daylight Savings? ### Assistant: No, Arizona does not use Daylight Savings?
### Human: What famous character did William B. Davis portray? ### Assistant: William B. Davis, a Canadian actor, portrayed the Cigarette Smoking Man on the popular sci-fi show, "The X-Files." The Cigarette Smoking Man, also known as CSM and C.G.B. Spender, was an antagonist responsible for many global conspiracies surrounding the existence of extraterrestrial life. He is also the biological father of Special Agent Fox Mulder, Special Agent Jeffrey Spender, and Jackson Van De Kamp (also known as William Scully III).
### Human: Name ten Shakespeare plays ### Assistant: Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, Othello, King Lear
### Human: What is a sleeping bag? ### Assistant: A sleeping bag is a warm blanket that can be zipped up to enclose the sleeper. Sleeping bags are typically filled with either down or synthetic material (down is lighter but stays wet longer) and is often used for staying at night while camping.
### Human: What is the difference between a violin and a viola? ### Assistant: The viola is a string instrument that is bowed, plucked, or played with varying techniques. It is slightly larger than a violin and it has a lower and deeper sound.
### Human: What is a stock index? ### Assistant: A stock index or stock market index is a method of measuring the value of a section of the stock market. It is computed from the prices of selected stocks (typically a weighted average). It is a tool used by investors and financial managers to describe the market, and to compare the return on specific investments. For example, S&P 500 is based on the market capitalizations of 500 large companies having common stock listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ.
### Human: What are the co-founders of Tesla Motors? ### Assistant: Eberhard, Tarpenning, Wright, Elon Musk, and J.B. Straubel
### Human: What is the difference between a refractor telescope and a reflector telescope? ### Assistant: A refractor telescope uses lenses to focus the light into an image where a reflector telescope uses mirrors. Reflector telescopes are generally better for visual viewing of brighter celestial objects like the moon or planets and can collect more light due to their larger apertures. Refractor telescopes provide better contrast and image quality but collect less light which makes them more suitable for astrophotography where exposure time can be adjusted to compensate.
### Human: What was Selective Service Act? ### Assistant: The Selective Service Act was passed in 1917 (May). It enabled the country to enlist more men to the military
### Human: Is the sun hot? ### Assistant: Yes the sun is hot, however the surface of the sun is approximately 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, or as the rest of the world would recognise, 5,500 degrees Celsius. At the core however, temperatures are much hotter, 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius) which is necessary to maintain the fusion reaction which provides the warmth we feel. Once all the hydrogen is convert to helium with fusion, the sun will no longer exert external pressure and will likely become a neutron star.
### Human: What is a derivative in finance? ### Assistant: In finance, a derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity. This underlying entity can be an asset, index, or interest rate, and is often simply called the "underlying". Derivatives can be used for a number of purposes, including insuring against price movements (hedging), increasing exposure to price movements for speculation, or getting access to otherwise hard-to-trade assets or markets. Some of the more common derivatives include forwards, futures, options, swaps, and variations of these such as synthetic collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps. Most derivatives are traded over-the-counter (off-exchange) or on an exchange such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, while most insurance contracts have developed into a separate industry. In the United States, after the financial crisis of 2007–2009, there has been increased pressure to move derivatives to trade on exchanges. Derivatives are one of the three main categories of financial instruments, the other two being equity (i.e., stocks or shares) and debt (i.e., bonds and mortgages).
### Human: In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Redbeard? ### Assistant: Gerrick Kingsblood was a free folk raider who founded House Redbeard.