stringlengths 0
| code
stringlengths 1
| path
stringlengths 8
| repo_name
stringlengths 6
| license
stringclasses 15
values | hash
stringlengths 32
To see this in action, consider the vessel transit segments dataset (which we merged with the vessel information to yield segments_merged). Say we wanted to return the 3 longest segments travelled by each ship: | top3segments = segments_merged.groupby('mmsi').apply(top, column='seg_length', n=3)[['names', 'seg_length']]
top3segments.head(15) | Homework/01 - Pandas and Data Wrangling/temp/Data Wrangling with Pandas.ipynb | Merinorus/adaisawesome | gpl-3.0 | 68bfdfba25fca7f93eae51d4456b53ca |
Notice that additional arguments for the applied function can be passed via apply after the function name. It assumes that the DataFrame is the first argument.
Recall the microbiome data sets that we used previously for the concatenation example. Suppose that we wish to aggregate the data at a higher biological classification than genus. For example, we can identify samples down to class, which is the 3rd level of organization in each index. | mb1.index[:3] | Homework/01 - Pandas and Data Wrangling/temp/Data Wrangling with Pandas.ipynb | Merinorus/adaisawesome | gpl-3.0 | 0dfb455f193a1fabe5c81010be4d2ba6 |
Using the string methods split and join we can create an index that just uses the first three classifications: domain, phylum and class. | class_index = x: ' '.join(x.split(' ')[:3]))
mb_class = mb1.copy()
mb_class.index = class_index | Homework/01 - Pandas and Data Wrangling/temp/Data Wrangling with Pandas.ipynb | Merinorus/adaisawesome | gpl-3.0 | 3cc80c31e8c8ed6e3d0af0b7932abc3f |
However, since there are multiple taxonomic units with the same class, our index is no longer unique: | mb_class.head() | Homework/01 - Pandas and Data Wrangling/temp/Data Wrangling with Pandas.ipynb | Merinorus/adaisawesome | gpl-3.0 | b2751cb972b4fe7f4276c6562f5bac9e |
We can re-establish a unique index by summing all rows with the same class, using groupby: | mb_class.groupby(level=0).sum().head(10) | Homework/01 - Pandas and Data Wrangling/temp/Data Wrangling with Pandas.ipynb | Merinorus/adaisawesome | gpl-3.0 | 0bff9a150472cc89b46527a22de93361 |
Exercise 2
Load the dataset in titanic.xls. It contains data on all the passengers that travelled on the Titanic. | from IPython.core.display import HTML
HTML(filename='Data/titanic.html') | Homework/01 - Pandas and Data Wrangling/temp/Data Wrangling with Pandas.ipynb | Merinorus/adaisawesome | gpl-3.0 | 0aed6a1d4e9bcb58ee3ed0c58a4e50cc |
Women and children first?
Describe each attribute, both with basic statistics and plots. State clearly your assumptions and discuss your findings.
Use the groupby method to calculate the proportion of passengers that survived by sex.
Calculate the same proportion, but by class and sex.
Create age categories: children (under 14 years), adolescents (14-20), adult (21-64), and senior(65+), and calculate survival proportions by age category, class and sex. | titanic_df = pd.read_excel('Data/titanic.xls', 'titanic', index_col=None, header=0)
titanic_nameduplicate = titanic_df.duplicated(subset='name')
gender_map = {'male':0, 'female':1}
titanic_df['sex'] =
titanic_grouped = titanic_df.groupby(
for sex, survived in titanic_grouped:
print('sex', sex)
print('survived', survived)
titanic_grouped.agg(survived.mean).head() | Homework/01 - Pandas and Data Wrangling/temp/Data Wrangling with Pandas.ipynb | Merinorus/adaisawesome | gpl-3.0 | 6610dc16e9a7c16e8885ad1caf001d5f |
The Heart of the Notebook: The Combinatorial Optimization class | class CombinatorialOptimisation(Disaggregator):
A Combinatorial Optimization Algorithm based on the implementation by NILMTK
This class is build upon the main Dissagregator class already implemented by NILMTK
All the methods from Dissagregator are passed in here as well since we import the class
as shown above. We should note howeger that Dissagregator is nothing more than a general interface
class upon which all dissagregator algortihms are build. All the methods are initialized in the
Dissagregator class but the specific implementation is based upon the method to be implemented.
In other words, even though we pass in Dissagregator, all methods will be redefined again to work with
the Combinatorial Optimization algorithm as you can see below.
model : list of dicts
Each dict has these keys:
states : list of ints (the power (Watts) used in different states)
training_metadata : ElecMeter or MeterGroup object used for training
this set of states. We need this information because we
need the appliance type (and perhaps some other metadata)
for each model.
state_combinations : 2D array
Each column is an appliance.
Each row is a possible combination of power demand values e.g.
[[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 100],
[0, 0, 50, 0],
[0, 0, 50, 100], ...]
def __init__(self):
self.model = []
self.state_combinations = None
self.MODEL_NAME = 'Combinatorial Optimization'
def train(self, metergroup, num_states_dict=None, **load_kwargs):
Train using 1D CO. Places the learnt model in the `model` attribute.
metergroup : a nilmtk.MeterGroup object
num_states_dict : dict
**load_kwargs : keyword arguments passed to `meter.power_series()`
* only uses first chunk for each meter (TODO: handle all chunks).
# Initializing dictionary to save the number of states
if num_states_dict is None:
num_states_dict = {}
# The CO class is only able to train in new models. We can only train once. If model exists, raise an error
if self.model:
raise RuntimeError(
"This implementation of Combinatorial Optimisation"
" does not support multiple calls to `train`.")
# How many meters do we have in the training set?
num_meters = len(metergroup.meters)
# If more than 20 then reduce the number of clusters to reduce the computational cost.
if num_meters > 20:
max_num_clusters = 2
max_num_clusters = 3
print('Now training...')
print('Loop in all meters begins...')
# We now loop in all meters passed in in the training data set
# Every time, we load the data in the meter and we call the method
# --> train_on_chunk. For more info about this method please see below
for i, meter in enumerate(metergroup.submeters().meters):
#print('We now train for submeter {}'.format(meter))
# Load the time series for the power consumption for this meter
power_series = meter.power_series(**load_kwargs)
# Note that we do not effectively load until we use the next() method
# We load and save into chunk. Chunk will be used in training
chunk =
# Get the number of total states from the dictionary
num_total_states = num_states_dict.get(meter)
if num_total_states is not None:
num_on_states = num_total_states - 1
num_on_states = None
# The actual training happens now. We call train_on_chunk using the time series we loaded on chunk for this meter
self.train_on_chunk(chunk, meter, max_num_clusters, num_on_states)
# Check to see if there are any more chunks.
except StopIteration:
warn("The current implementation of CombinatorialOptimisation"
" can only handle a single chunk. But there are multiple"
" chunks available. So have only trained on the"
" first chunk!")
print("Done training!")
def train_on_chunk(self, chunk, meter, max_num_clusters, num_on_states):
Train on chunk trains the Combinatorial Optimization Model based on the time series for the power consumption
passed in chunk. This method is based on the sklearn machine learning library and in particular the KMEANS
algorithm. It calls the cluster function which is imported in the beginning of this notebook. Cluster, prepares
the data in chunk so that its size is always compatible and the same and then calls the KMEANS algorithm to
perform the clustering. Function cluster returns only the centers of the clustered data which correspond to the
individual states for the given appliance/meter
# Check if we've already trained on this meter. We only allow training once on each meter
meters_in_model = [d['training_metadata'] for d in self.model]
if meter in meters_in_model:
raise RuntimeError(
"Meter {} is already in model!"
" Can't train twice on the same meter!"
# Do the KMEANS clustering and return the centers
states = cluster(chunk, max_num_clusters, num_on_states)
print('\t Now Clustering in Train on Chunk')
#print('\t {}'.format(states))
# Append the clustered data to the model
'states': states,
'training_metadata': meter})
def _set_state_combinations_if_necessary(self):
"""Get centroids"""
# If we import sklearn at the top of the file then auto doc fails.
if (self.state_combinations is None or
self.state_combinations.shape[1] != len(self.model)):
from sklearn.utils.extmath import cartesian
# Saving the centroids in centroids (appliance states)
centroids = [model['states'] for model in self.model]
# Function cartesian returns all possible combinations
# than can be performed using centroids
self.state_combinations = cartesian(centroids)
#print('Now printing the state combinations...')
def disaggregate(self, mains, output_datastore,
vampire_power=None, **load_kwargs):
'''Disaggregate mains according to the model learnt previously.
mains : nilmtk.ElecMeter or nilmtk.MeterGroup
output_datastore : instance of nilmtk.DataStore subclass
For storing power predictions from disaggregation algorithm.
vampire_power : None or number (watts)
If None then will automatically determine vampire power
from data. If you do not want to use vampire power then
set vampire_power = 0.
sample_period : number, optional
The desired sample period in seconds. Set to 60 by default.
sections : TimeFrameGroup, optional
Set to mains.good_sections() by default.
**load_kwargs : key word arguments
Passed to `mains.power_series(**kwargs)`
# Performing default pre disaggregation checks. Checking meters etc..
load_kwargs = self._pre_disaggregation_checks(load_kwargs)
# Disaggregation defauls. Sample perios and sections
load_kwargs.setdefault('sample_period', 60)
load_kwargs.setdefault('sections', mains.good_sections())
# Initializing time frames and fetching the meter for the aggregated data
timeframes = []
building_path = '/building{}'.format(mains.building())
mains_data_location = building_path + '/elec/meter1'
data_is_available = False
# We now load the aggregated data for power consumption of the whole house in small chunks
# Every iteration of the following loop we perform the CO step to disaggregate
counter = 0
print('Disaggregation now begins...')
for chunk in mains.power_series(**load_kwargs):
counter += 1
# Check that chunk is sensible size
if len(chunk) < self.MIN_CHUNK_LENGTH:
print('\t Now processing chunk {}...'.format(counter))
# Record metadata
measurement =
# This is where the disaggregation happens
# Vampire Power is just the minimum of the power series in this chunk
appliance_powers = self.disaggregate_chunk(chunk, vampire_power)
# Here we save the disaggregated data for this chunk in Pandas dataframe and update the
# HDF5 file we created.
for i, model in enumerate(self.model):
# Fetch the disag data for this appliance
appliance_power = appliance_powers[i]
if len(appliance_power) == 0:
data_is_available = True
# Just for saving.. Nothing major happening here
cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([])
meter_instance = model['training_metadata'].instance()
df = pd.DataFrame(
appliance_power.values, index=appliance_power.index,
key = '{}/elec/meter{}'.format(building_path, meter_instance)
output_datastore.append(key, df)
# Copy mains data to disag output
mains_df = pd.DataFrame(chunk, columns=cols)
output_datastore.append(key=mains_data_location, value=mains_df)
if data_is_available:
meters=[d['training_metadata'] for d in self.model]
print('Disaggregation Completed Successfully...!!!')
def disaggregate_chunk(self, mains, vampire_power=None):
"""In-memory disaggregation.
mains : pd.Series
vampire_power : None or number (watts)
If None then will automatically determine vampire power
from data. If you do not want to use vampire power then
set vampire_power = 0.
appliance_powers : pd.DataFrame where each column represents a
disaggregated appliance. Column names are the integer index
into `self.model` for the appliance in question.
if not self.model:
raise RuntimeError(
"The model needs to be instantiated before"
" calling `disaggregate`. The model"
" can be instantiated by running `train`.")
if len(mains) < self.MIN_CHUNK_LENGTH:
raise RuntimeError("Chunk is too short.")
# sklearn produces lots of DepreciationWarnings with PyTables
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
# Because CombinatorialOptimisation could have been trained using
# either train() or train_on_chunk(), we must
# set state_combinations here.
# Add vampire power to the model (Min of power series of the aggregated data)
if vampire_power is None:
vampire_power = get_vampire_power(mains)
if vampire_power > 0:
#print("Including vampire_power = {} watts to model...".format(vampire_power))
# How many combinations
n_rows = self.state_combinations.shape[0]
vampire_power_array = np.zeros((n_rows, 1)) + vampire_power
state_combinations = np.hstack(
(self.state_combinations, vampire_power_array))
state_combinations = self.state_combinations
summed_power_of_each_combination = np.sum(state_combinations, axis=1)
# summed_power_of_each_combination is now an array where each
# value is the total power demand for each combination of states.
# Start disaggregation
# The following line finds the best combination from all the possible combinations
# Returns the index to find the best combination as well as the residual
# Uses the Find_Nearest algorithm
indices_of_state_combinations, residual_power = find_nearest(
summed_power_of_each_combination, mains.values)
# Now update the state for each appliance with the optimal one and return the list
# as Dataframe
appliance_powers_dict = {}
for i, model in enumerate(self.model):
#print("Estimating power demand for '{}'".format(model['training_metadata']))
predicted_power = state_combinations[
indices_of_state_combinations, i].flatten()
column = pd.Series(predicted_power, index=mains.index, name=i)
appliance_powers_dict[i] = column
appliance_powers = pd.DataFrame(appliance_powers_dict)
return appliance_powers
# The current implementation of the CO does not make use of the following 2 functions.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def import_model(self, filename):
imported_model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'r'))
self.model = imported_model.model
# recreate datastores from filenames
for pair in self.model:
pair['training_metadata'].store = HDFDataStore(
self.state_combinations = imported_model.state_combinations
def export_model(self, filename):
# Can't pickle datastore, so convert to filenames
exported_model = copy.deepcopy(self)
for pair in exported_model.model:
pair['training_metadata'].store = (
pickle.dump(exported_model, open(filename, 'wb')) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | eb789d60a67da6b8e13e837e73e4ebd1 |
Importing and Loading the REDD dataset | data_dir = '\Users\Nick\Google Drive\PhD\Courses\Semester 2\AM207\Project'
we = DataSet(join(data_dir, 'REDD.h5'))
print('loaded ' + str(len(we.buildings)) + ' buildings') | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 7857028ae06f69a0ca7396abbc82a71f |
We want to train the Combinatorial Optimization Algorithm using the data for 5 buildings and then test it against the last building. To simplify our analysis and also to enable comparison with other methods (Neural Nets, FHMM, MLE etc) we will only try to dissagregate data associated with the fridge and the microwave. However, the REDD dataset that we are using here does not contain data measurements for the fridge and microwave for all buildings. In particular, building 4 does not have measurements for the fridge. As a result, we will exclude building 4 from the dataset and we will only import the meters associated with the fridge from other buildings.
The train data set will consist of meters associated with the fridge and microwave from buildings 1,2,3 and 6. We will then test the combinatorial optimization algorithm against the aggregated data for building 5.
We first plot the time window span for all buildings | for i in xrange(1,7):
print('Timeframe for building {} is {}'.format(i,we.buildings[i].elec.get_timeframe())) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 8547406c05c768abc3eab32a0710ce80 |
Unfortunately, due to a bug in one of the main classes of the NILMTK package the implementation of the Combinatorial Optimization do not save the meters for the disaggregated data correctly unless the building on which we test on also exists in the trainihg set. More on this issue can be found here
However, for us it makes no sense to use the same building for training and testing since we would like to compare this algorithm with the results from FHMM and Neural Networks. In order to circumvent this bug we do the following:
The main issue is that the meter for the building we would like to disaggregate must be on the training set in order to be able to disaggregate correctly. That being said, we still want to train as less as possible on the meter we want to test on since we would like to see how the algorithm performs when a completely unknown dataset is available. In order to do that we create a metergroup comprising of the following:
1) The meters for the Frigde and Microwave for all buildings but building 5, since building 5 is the building we would like to test on. Later we will see that building 4 needs to be excluded as well because there is no meter associated with the fridge for this building.
2) The meters for the Frigde and Microwave for building 5 which is the building we would like to test on, but we limit the time window to be a very very small one. Doing that, we make sure that the meters are there and understood by the Combinatorial Optimization Class but at the same time, by limiting the time window to just a few housrd for this building do not provide enough data to overtrain. In other words, we only do this in order to be able to disaggregate correctly.
After we train we will test the algorithm against the data from building 5 that werent fed into the training meters. After we disaggregate we will compare with the ground truth for the same exact window.
Modifying Datasets to work with CO | # Data file directory
data_dir = '\Users\Nick\Google Drive\PhD\Courses\Semester 2\AM207\Project'
# Make the Data set
Data = DataSet(join(data_dir, 'REDD.h5'))
# Make copies of the Data Set so that local changes would not affect the global dataset
Data_for_5 = DataSet(join(data_dir, 'REDD.h5'))
Data_for_rest = DataSet(join(data_dir, 'REDD.h5'))
# How many buildings in the data set?
print(' Found {} buildings in the Data Ser.. Buildings Loaded successfully.'.format(len(Data.buildings)))
# This is the point that we will break the data from building 5 so that we only include a small
# portion in the training set. In fact, the line below makes sure than only a day of data is seen during training.
break_point = '2011-04-19 02:00'
# Changing the window for building 5
# Making a metergroup..
e = [Data_for_5.buildings[5].elec[a] for a in ['fridge','microwave']]
me = MeterGroup(e)
# The data that we pass in for training for building 5 look like this...
me.plot() | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | ed5e59076d2d027951742cf239cb302e |
Creating MeterGroups with the desired appliances from the desired buildings
Below we define a function tha is able to create a metergroup that only includes meters for the appliances that we are interested in and is also able to exclude buildings that we don't want in the meter. Also, if an appliance is requested but a meter is not found then the meter is skipped but the metergoup is created nontheless. | def get_all_trainings(appliance, dataset, buildings_to_exclude):
# Filtering by appliances:
elecs = []
for app in appliance:
app_l = [app]
print ('Now loading data for ' + app + ' for all buildings in the data to create the metergroup')
for building in dataset.buildings:
if building not in buildings_to_exclude:
print ('Processing Building ' + str(building) + '...')
elec = dataset.buildings[building].elec[app]
except KeyError:
print ('Appliance '+str(app)+' does not exist in this building')
print ('Building skipped...')
print ()
metergroup = MeterGroup(elecs)
return metergroup | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 71ffd0d57d5b155642054bf0b9eada6c |
Now we set the appliances that we want as well as the buildings to exclude and we create the metergroup | applianceName = ['fridge','microwave']
buildings_to_exclude = [4,5]
metergroup = get_all_trainings(applianceName,Data_for_rest,buildings_to_exclude)
print('Now printing the Meter Group...')
print(metergroup) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 0c1e9ac6177a7ca9da32e76abe926d2d |
As we can see the Metergroup was successfully created and contains all the appliances we requested (Fridge and Microwave) in all buildings that the appliances exist apart from the ones we excluded
Correcting the MeterGroup (Necessary for the CO to work)
Now we need to perform the trick we mentioned previously. We need to also include the meter from building 5 with the Fridge and Microwave which is the building we are going to test on but we need to make sure that only a very small portion of the data is seen for this building. We already took care of that by changing the window for the data in building 5 so now we only have to include the meters for the Fridge and Microwave for building 5 from the reduced time dataset | def correct_meter(Data,building,appliance,oldmeter):
# Unpack meters from the MeterGroup
meters = oldmeter.all_meters()
# Get the rest of the meters and append
for a in appliance:
meter_to_add = Data.buildings[building].elec[a]
# Group again in a single metergroup and return
return MeterGroup(meters)
corr_metergroup = correct_meter(Data_for_5,5,applianceName,metergroup)
print('The Modified Meter is now..')
print(corr_metergroup) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 31166bc9df2d1035c1dedd5525d7a2b0 |
As we can see the metergroup was updated successfully
We now need to train in the Metergroup we just created. First, let us load the class for the CO | # Train
co = CombinatorialOptimisation() | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | f605e08ca9122f88cf5b53d3145c198f |
Now Let's train | co.train(corr_metergroup) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | f905ef2b2b57e84af152f03fc049d071 |
Preparing the Testing Data
Now that the training is done, the only thing that we have to do is to prepare the Data for Building 5 that we want to test on and call the Disaggregation. The data set is now the remaining part of building 5 that is not seen. After that, we only keep the Main meter which contains ifrormation about the aggregated data consumption and we disaggregate. | Test_Data = DataSet(join(data_dir, 'REDD.h5'))
# The building number on which we test
building_for_testing = 5
test = Test_Data.buildings[building_for_testing].elec
mains = test.mains() | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | ca4c059285bb2de02091dd8f1fd91504 |
Disaggregating the test data
The disaggregation Begins Now | # Disaggregate
disag_filename = join(data_dir, 'COMBINATORIAL_OPTIMIZATION.h5')
mains = test.mains()
output = HDFDataStore(disag_filename, 'w')
co.disaggregate(mains, output)
except ValueError:
output = HDFDataStore(disag_filename, 'w')
co.disaggregate(mains, output)
for meter in range(1, 2):
df1 ='/building5/elec/meter{}'.format(meter))
df2 ='/building5/elec/meter{}'.format(meter))
output.close() | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | f418e2fddf6f347f3f6ab0efccdee414 |
OK.. Now we are all done. All that remains is to interpret the results and plot the scores..
Post Processing & Results | # Opening the Dataset with the Disaggregated data
disag = DataSet(disag_filename)
# Getting electric appliances and meters
disag_elec = disag.buildings[building_for_testing].elec
# We also get the electric appliances and meters for the ground truth data to compare
elec = Test_Data.buildings[building_for_testing].elec
e = [test[a] for a in applianceName]
me = MeterGroup(e)
print(me) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | de81b6dbf76afcfcb0bda6cf2a785db3 |
Resampling to align meters
Before we are able to calculate and plot the metrics we need to align the ground truth meter with the disaggregated meters. Why so? If you notice in the dissagregation method of the CO class above, you may see that by default the time sampling is changed from 3s which is the raw data to 60s. This has to happen in order to make the disaggregation more efficient computationally but also because it is impossible to disaggregate using the actual time step. So in order to compare now we have to resample the meter for the ground truth and align it | def align_two_meters(master, slave, func='when_on'):
"""Returns a generator of 2-column pd.DataFrames. The first column is from
`master`, the second from `slave`.
Takes the sample rate and good_periods of `master` and applies to `slave`.
master, slave : ElecMeter or MeterGroup instances
sample_period = master.sample_period()
period_alias = '{:d}S'.format(sample_period)
sections = master.good_sections()
master_generator = getattr(master, func)(sections=sections)
for master_chunk in master_generator:
if len(master_chunk) < 2:
chunk_timeframe = TimeFrame(master_chunk.index[0],
slave_generator = getattr(slave, func)(sections=[chunk_timeframe])
slave_chunk = next(slave_generator)
# TODO: do this resampling in the pipeline?
slave_chunk = slave_chunk.resample(period_alias)
if slave_chunk.empty:
master_chunk = master_chunk.resample(period_alias)
return master_chunk,slave_chunk
| phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 940c1846148a964c65403438f7764115 |
Here we just plot the disaggregated data alongside the ground truth for the Fridge | | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 6723de4becc1c978f5c885025e4bd8bd |
Aligning meters, Converting to Numpy and Computing Metrics
In this part of the Notebook, we call the function we previously defined to align the meters and then we convert the meters to pandas and ultimately to numpy arrays. We check if any NaN's exist (which is something possible after resmplilng.. Resampling errors may occur) and replace them with 0's if they do. We also compute the following metrics for each appliance:
1) True Positive, False Positive, False Negative, True Negative
2) Precision and Recall
3) Accuracy and F1-Score
For more information about these metrics please refer to the report. | appliances_scores = {}
for m in me.meters:
print('Processing {}...'.format(m.label()))
ground_truth = m
inst = m.instance()
prediction =
a = prediction.meters[0]
b = a.power_series_all_data()
pr_a,gt_a = align_two_meters(prediction.meters[0],ground_truth)
gt = gt_a.as_matrix()
pr = pr_a.as_matrix()
if np.all(np.isnan(pr)==False):
print('\t Predictions array seems to be fine...')
print('\t No Nans detected')
print('\t Serious error in Predictions...')
print('\t The resampled array contains Nans')
gt_states_on = gt > 0.1
pr_states_on = pr > 0.1
TP = np.sum(np.logical_and(gt_states_on==True,pr_states_on[1:]==True))
FP = np.sum(np.logical_and(gt_states_on==True,pr_states_on[1:]==False))
FN = np.sum(np.logical_and(gt_states_on==False,pr_states_on[1:]==True))
TN = np.sum(np.logical_and(gt_states_on==False,pr_states_on[1:]==False))
P = np.sum(gt_states_on==True)
N = np.sum(gt_states_on==False)
recall = TP/float(TP+FN)
precision = TP/float(TP+FP)
f1 = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall)
accuracy = (TP+TN)/float(P+N)
result = {'F1-Score':f1,
appliances_scores[m.label()] = result
Names = ['Fridge','Microwave'] | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 7c3fe8d97d40a01eda3c88eccace044a |
Now we just plot the scores for both the Fridge and the Microwave in order to be able to visualize what is going on. We do not comment on the results in this notebook since we do this in the report. There is a separate notebook where all these results are combined along with the corresponding results from the Neural Network and the FHMM method and the total results are reported side by side to ease comparison. We plot them here as well for housekeeping although it is redundant.
F1-Score | x = np.arange(2)
y = np.array([appliances_scores[i]['F1-Score'] for i in Names])
y[np.isnan(y)] = 0.001
f = plt.figure(figsize=(18,8))
plt.rc('font', size=20, **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']})
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
ax = f.add_axes([0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8]),y,align='center')
plt.title('Combinatorial Optimization',fontsize=22) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 048eb798a3341e149e5c2de3552cd070 |
Precision | x = np.arange(2)
y = np.array([appliances_scores[i]['Precision'] for i in Names])
y[np.isnan(y)] = 0.001
f = plt.figure(figsize=(18,8))
plt.rc('font', size=20, **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']})
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
ax = f.add_axes([0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8]),y,align='center')
plt.title('Combinatorial Optimization',fontsize=22) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 27524ddbbe8c515de0e68a4bfb1a64e3 |
Recall | x = np.arange(2)
y = np.array([appliances_scores[i]['Recall'] for i in Names])
y[np.isnan(y)] = 0.001
f = plt.figure(figsize=(18,8))
plt.rc('font', size=20, **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']})
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
ax = f.add_axes([0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8]),y,align='center')
plt.title('Combinatorial Optimization',fontsize=22) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | 210143594e80ab02b443aac6bc760664 |
Accuracy | x = np.arange(2)
y = np.array([appliances_scores[i]['Accuracy'] for i in Names])
y[np.isnan(y)] = 0.001
f = plt.figure(figsize=(18,8))
plt.rc('font', size=20, **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern']})
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
ax = f.add_axes([0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8]),y,align='center')
plt.title('Combinatorial Optimization',fontsize=22) | phd-thesis/benchmarkings/am207-NILM-project-master/CO.ipynb | diegocavalca/Studies | cc0-1.0 | c2f277988db8ef9a3431f9982f2f0db0 |
Create the grid
We are going to build a uniform rectilinear grid with a node spacing of 100 km in the y-direction and 10 km in the x-direction on which we will solve the flexure equation.
First we need to import RasterModelGrid. | from landlab import RasterModelGrid | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | e683af9c8259e068fdc4bab070b8fc4a |
Create a rectilinear grid with a spacing of 100 km between rows and 10 km between columns. The numbers of rows and columms are provided as a tuple of (n_rows, n_cols), in the same manner as similar numpy functions. The spacing is also a tuple, (dy, dx). | grid = RasterModelGrid((3, 800), xy_spacing=(100e3, 10e3))
grid.dy, grid.dx | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | 5a2de3321fdadcfccbbe68ed21849bd6 |
Create the component
Now we create the flexure component and tell it to use our newly created grid. First, though, we'll examine the Flexure component a bit. | from landlab.components import Flexure1D | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | dbd26a532dc4ec5b69f51d19ff6b7bb6 |
The Flexure1D component, as with most landlab components, will require our grid to have some data that it will use. We can get the names of these data fields with the input_var_names attribute of the component class. | Flexure1D.input_var_names | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | bffeb8757469b06172ce58a16f1b8c66 |
We see that flexure uses just one data field: the change in lithospheric loading. Landlab component classes can provide additional information about each of these fields. For instance, to see the units for a field, use the var_units method. | Flexure1D.var_units('lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure') | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | e19ff7a6024e4757d161904b74515914 |
To print a more detailed description of a field, use var_help. | Flexure1D.var_help('lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure') | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | 196eab78621a8c254af6c69fb8668040 |
What about the data that Flexure1D provides? Use the output_var_names attribute. | Flexure1D.output_var_names
Flexure1D.var_help('lithosphere_surface__increment_of_elevation') | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | 0648de3d7ec916ed36c330fe111ffd81 |
Now that we understand the component a little more, create it using our grid. | grid.add_zeros("lithosphere__increment_of_overlying_pressure", at="node")
flex = Flexure1D(grid, method='flexure') | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | 3a5324a4c9b91d3a46294976bf12aa5d |
Add a point load
First we'll add just a single point load to the grid. We need to call the update method of the component to calculate the resulting deflection (if we don't run update the deflections would still be all zeros).
Use the load_at_node attribute of Flexure1D to set the loads. Notice that load_at_node has the same shape as the grid. Likewise, x_at_node and dz_at_node also reshaped. | flex.load_at_node[1, 200] = 1e6
plt.plot(flex.x_at_node[1, :400] / 1000., flex.dz_at_node[1, :400]) | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | 743a57ee27bd89e84d6c7744d06a370d |
Before we make any changes, reset the deflections to zero. | flex.dz_at_node[:] = 0. | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | a034718ad83da13e35b6286afd2c5ab1 |
Now we will double the effective elastic thickness but keep the same point load. Notice that, as expected, the deflections are more spread out. | flex.eet *= 2.
plt.plot(flex.x_at_node[1, :400] / 1000., flex.dz_at_node[1, :400]) | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | ef0bd6f8bc9276cc547d0640b5f6c268 |
Add some loading
We will now add a distributed load. As we saw above, for this component, the name of the attribute that holds the applied loads is load_at_node. For this example we create a loading that increases linearly of the center portion of the grid until some maximum. This could by thought of as the water load following a sea-level rise over a (linear) continental shelf. | flex.load_at_node[1, :100] = 0.
flex.load_at_node[1, 100:300] = np.arange(200) * 1e6 / 200.
flex.load_at_node[1, 300:] = 1e6
plt.plot(flex.load_at_node[1, :400]) | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | f71cf1063a25cb1e85b147e6bacfcb6b |
Update the component to solve for deflection
Clear the current deflections, and run update to get the new deflections. | flex.dz_at_node[:] = 0.
plt.plot(flex.x_at_node[1, :400] / 1000., flex.dz_at_node[1, :400]) | notebooks/tutorials/flexure/flexure_1d.ipynb | amandersillinois/landlab | mit | 97e62bcdf339e1fa72c94151fefad571 |
Init | import os
dir.create(workDir, showWarnings=FALSE) | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | 910e92df850675665126cad5464c3316 |
Loading phyloseq list datasets | %%R
# bulk core samples
F = file.path(physeqDir, physeqBulkCore)
physeq.bulk = readRDS(F)
#physeq.bulk.m = physeq.bulk %>% sample_data
physeq.bulk %>% names
# SIP core samples
F = file.path(physeqDir, physeqSIP)
physeq.SIP = readRDS(F)
#physeq.SIP.m = physeq.SIP %>% sample_data
physeq.SIP %>% names | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | b98b9894f4a0c3d4667babce5c285430 |
Infer abundance distribution of each bulk soil community
distribution fit | %%R
physeq2otu.long = function(physeq){
df.OTU = physeq %>%
transform_sample_counts(function(x) x/sum(x)) %>%
otu_table %>%
as.matrix %>%
df.OTU$OTU = rownames(df.OTU)
df.OTU = df.OTU %>%
gather('sample', 'abundance', 1:(ncol(df.OTU)-1))
df.OTU.l = lapply(physeq.bulk, physeq2otu.long)
df.OTU.l %>% names
#df.OTU =, lapply(physeq.bulk, physeq2otu.long))
#df.OTU$Day = gsub('.+\\.D([0-9]+)\\.R.+', '\\1', df.OTU$sample)
#df.OTU %>% head(n=3)
%%R -w 450 -h 400
lapply(df.OTU.l, function(x) descdist(x$abundance, boot=1000))
fitdists = function(x){
fit.l = list()
#fit.l[['norm']] = fitdist(x$abundance, 'norm')
fit.l[['exp']] = fitdist(x$abundance, 'exp')
fit.l[['logn']] = fitdist(x$abundance, 'lnorm')
fit.l[['gamma']] = fitdist(x$abundance, 'gamma')
fit.l[['beta']] = fitdist(x$abundance, 'beta')
# plotting
plot.legend = c('exponential', 'lognormal', 'gamma', 'beta')
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
denscomp(fit.l, legendtext=plot.legend)
qqcomp(fit.l, legendtext=plot.legend)
# fit summary
gofstat(fit.l, fitnames=plot.legend) %>% print
fits.l = lapply(df.OTU.l, fitdists)
fits.l %>% names
# getting summaries for lognormal fits
get.summary = function(x, id='logn'){
fits.s = lapply(fits.l, get.summary)
fits.s %>% names
# listing estimates for fits
df.fits =, lapply(fits.s, function(x) x$estimate)) %>%
df.fits$Sample = rownames(df.fits)
df.fits$Day = gsub('.+D([0-9]+)\\.R.+', '\\1', df.fits$Sample) %>% as.numeric
%%R -w 650 -h 300
ggplot(df.fits, aes(Day, meanlog,
ymax=meanlog+sdlog)) +
geom_pointrange() +
geom_line() +
theme_bw() +
text = element_text(size=16)
# mean of estimaates
apply(df.fits, 2, mean) | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | ccc3246fdeb7224beb0377e003b6918b |
Relative abundance of most abundant taxa | %%R -w 800
df.OTU =, df.OTU.l) %>%
mutate(abundance = abundance * 100) %>%
group_by(sample) %>%
mutate(rank = row_number(desc(abundance))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(rank < 10)
ggplot(df.OTU, aes(rank, abundance, color=sample, group=sample)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
labs(y = '% rel abund') | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | 18df84d100ecfe3cdd119fab8f17dd6d |
Making a community file for the simulations | %%R -w 800 -h 300
df.OTU =, df.OTU.l) %>%
mutate(abundance = abundance * 100) %>%
group_by(sample) %>%
mutate(rank = row_number(desc(abundance))) %>%
group_by(rank) %>%
summarize(mean_abundance = mean(abundance)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(library = 1,
mean_abundance = mean_abundance / sum(mean_abundance) * 100) %>%
rename('rel_abund_perc' = mean_abundance) %>%
dplyr::select(library, rel_abund_perc, rank) %>%
df.OTU %>% nrow %>% print
ggplot(df.OTU, aes(rank, rel_abund_perc)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
labs(y = 'mean % rel abund') | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | ee7e56d48b45d23762d9230e1e099512 |
Adding reference genome taxon names | ret = !SIPSim KDE_info -t /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1147/validation/ampFrags_kde.pkl
ret = ret[1:]
F = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/fullCyc_trim//ampFrags_kde_amplified.txt'
ret = read.delim(F, sep='\t')
ret = ret$genomeID
ret %>% length %>% print
ret %>% head
ret %>% length %>% print
df.OTU %>% nrow
%%R -i ret
# randomize
ret = ret %>% sample %>% sample %>% sample
# adding to table
df.OTU$taxon_name = ret[1:nrow(df.OTU)]
df.OTU = df.OTU %>%
dplyr::select(library, taxon_name, rel_abund_perc, rank)
df.OTU %>% head
#-- debug -- #
df.gc = read.delim('~/notebook/SIPSim/dev/bac_genome1147/validation/ampFrags_parsed_kde_info.txt',
sep='\t', row.names=)
top.taxa = df.gc %>%
filter(KDE_ID == 1, median > 1.709, median < 1.711) %>%
dplyr::select(taxon_ID) %>%
mutate(taxon_ID = taxon_ID %>% sample) %>%
top.taxa = top.taxa$taxon_ID %>% as.vector
#-- debug -- #
p1 = df.OTU %>%
filter(taxon_name %in% top.taxa)
p2 = df.OTU %>%
p3 = anti_join(df.OTU, rbind(p1, p2), c('taxon_name' = 'taxon_name'))
df.OTU %>% nrow %>% print
p1 %>% nrow %>% print
p2 %>% nrow %>% print
p3 %>% nrow %>% print
p1 = p2$taxon_name
p2$taxon_name = top.taxa
df.OTU = rbind(p2, p1, p3)
df.OTU %>% nrow %>% print
df.OTU %>% head | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | 8d40fe753f177c2bd29833b6e977ff9e |
Writing file | %%R
F = file.path(workDir, 'fullCyc_12C-Con_trm_comm.txt')
write.table(df.OTU, F, sep='\t', quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
cat('File written:', F, '\n') | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | c1a31078762ef6f653737dc6149e5d9d |
parsing amp-Frag file to match comm file | !tail -n +2 /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/fullCyc/fullCyc_12C-Con_trm_comm.txt | \
cut -f 2 > /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/fullCyc/fullCyc_12C-Con_trm_comm_taxa.txt
outFile = os.path.splitext(ampFragFile)[0] + '_parsed.pkl'
!SIPSim KDE_parse \
$ampFragFile \
/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/fullCyc/fullCyc_12C-Con_trm_comm_taxa.txt \
> $outFile
print 'File written {}'.format(outFile)
!SIPSim KDE_info -n $outFile | ipynb/bac_genome/fullCyc/trimDataset/dataset_info.ipynb | nick-youngblut/SIPSim | mit | 08eb8d2f22760a6a5af466197a1a0640 |
Case 1: a = a+b
The sum is first computed and resulting in a new array and the a is bound to the new array | a = np.array(range(10000000))
b = np.array(range(9999999,-1,-1))
a = a + b | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | d5b24ebcaa22f4c26b803a7d04c3f861 |
Case 2: a += b
The elements of b are directly added into the elements of a (in memory) - no intermediate array. These operators implement the so-called "in-place arithmetics" (e.g., +=, *=, /=, -= ) | a = np.array(range(10000000))
b = np.array(range(9999999,-1,-1))
a +=b | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | 9efb0fa3c19d10356124a854fff74282 |
2. Vectorization | #Apply function to a complete array instead of writing loop to iterate over all elements of the array.
#This is called vectorization. The opposite of vectorization (for loops) is known as the scalar implementation
def f(x):
return x*np.exp(4)
print(f(a)) | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | 1661daf7922750c2243b88e6d9d89a51 |
3. Slicing and reshape
Array slicing
picks out the elements starting with index i and stepping s indices at the time up to, but not including, j. | x = np.array(range(100))
x[1:-1] # picks out all elements except the first and the last, but contrary to lists, a[1:-1] is not a copy of the data in a.
x[0:-1:2] # picks out every two elements up to, but not including, the last element, while
x[::4] # picks out every four elements in the whole array. | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | e92537bc971044550c50545bc0fa1f75 |
Array shape manipulation | a = np.linspace(-1, 1, 6)
print (a)
# rows, columns
a.shape = (2, 3)
a = a.reshape(2, 3) # alternative
print (a)
# len(a) always returns the length of the first dimension of an array. -> no. of rows | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | 37394204ccc60212cebda62bd37adde7 |
1. Create a 10x10 2d array with 1 on the border and 0 inside | Z = np.ones((10,10))
Z[1:-1,1:-1] = 0
print(Z) | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | 00bd7d2e4732525111359abd4def18f3 |
2. Create a structured array representing a position (x,y) and a color (r,g,b) | Z = np.zeros(10, [ ('position', [ ('x', float, 1),
('y', float, 1)]),
('color', [ ('r', float, 1),
('g', float, 1),
('b', float, 1)])])
print(Z) | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | 6c12ce9553830e71e14d2e845295331e |
3. Consider a large vector Z, compute Z to the power of 3 using 2 different methods | x = np.random.rand(5e7)
%timeit np.power(x,3)
%timeit x*x*x | 02_NB_IntroductionNumpy.ipynb | dianafprieto/SS_2017 | mit | 87513d2b31a33a8465eac94b368d4654 |
Run the code below multiple times by repeatedly pressing Ctrl + Enter.
After each run observe how the state has changed. |
simulation.show_beliefs() | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | 0d0717c1480b60f5f429b165de01abe5 |
What do you think this call to run is doing? Look at the code in to find out.
Spend a few minutes looking at the run method and the methods it calls to get a sense for what's going on.
What am I looking at?
The red star shows the robot's true position. The blue circles indicate the strength of the robot's belief that it is at any particular location.
Ideally we want the biggest blue circle to be at the same position as the red star. | # We will provide you with the function below to help you look
# at the raw numbers.
def show_rounded_beliefs(beliefs):
for row in beliefs:
for belief in row:
print("{:0.3f}".format(belief), end=" ")
# The {:0.3f} notation is an example of "string
# formatting" in Python. You can learn more about string
# formatting at
show_rounded_beliefs(simulation.beliefs) | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | 7092564caba96b0008f91a081fbdcbe0 |
Part 2: Implement a 2D sense function.
As you can see, the robot's beliefs aren't changing. No matter how many times we call the simulation's sense method, nothing happens. The beliefs remain uniform.
Open and complete the sense function.
Run the code in the cell below to import the localizer module (or reload it) and then test your sense function.
If the test passes, you've successfully implemented your first feature! Keep going with the project. If your tests don't pass (they likely won't the first few times you test), keep making modifications to the sense function until they do! | from imp import reload
def test_sense():
R = 'r'
_ = 'g'
simple_grid = [
p = 1.0 / 9
initial_beliefs = [
observation = R
expected_beliefs_after = [
[1/11, 1/11, 1/11],
[1/11, 3/11, 1/11],
[1/11, 1/11, 1/11]
p_hit = 3.0
p_miss = 1.0
beliefs_after_sensing = localizer.sense(
observation, simple_grid, initial_beliefs, p_hit, p_miss)
if helpers.close_enough(beliefs_after_sensing, expected_beliefs_after):
print("Tests pass! Your sense function is working as expected")
elif not isinstance(beliefs_after_sensing, list):
print("Your sense function doesn't return a list!")
elif len(beliefs_after_sensing) != len(expected_beliefs_after):
print("Dimensionality error! Incorrect height")
elif len(beliefs_after_sensing[0] ) != len(expected_beliefs_after[0]):
print("Dimensionality Error! Incorrect width")
elif beliefs_after_sensing == initial_beliefs:
print("Your code returns the initial beliefs.")
total_probability = 0.0
for row in beliefs_after_sensing:
for p in row:
total_probability += p
if abs(total_probability-1.0) > 0.001:
print("Your beliefs appear to not be normalized")
print("Something isn't quite right with your sense function")
test_sense() | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | 235b9cd3f069a6fac9199fb4d2bcf842 |
Integration Testing
Before we call this "complete" we should perform an integration test. We've verified that the sense function works on it's own, but does the localizer work overall?
Let's perform an integration test. First you you should execute the code in the cell below to prepare the simulation environment. | from simulate import Simulation
import simulate as sim
import helpers
R = 'r'
G = 'g'
grid = [
# Use small value for blur. This parameter is used to represent
# the uncertainty in MOTION, not in sensing. We want this test
# to focus on sensing functionality
blur = 0.1
p_hit = 100.0
simulation = sim.Simulation(grid, blur, p_hit)
# Use control+Enter to run this cell many times and observe how
# the robot's belief that it is in each cell (represented by the
# size of the corresponding circle) changes as the robot moves.
# The true position of the robot is given by the red star.
# Run this cell about 15-25 times and observe the results
# If everything is working correctly you should see the beliefs
# converge to a single large circle at the same position as the
# red star.
# When you are satisfied that everything is working, continue
# to the next section | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | aa14f5392fde5332677cace8146fd1a3 |
Part 3: Identify and Reproduce a Bug
Software has bugs. That's okay.
A user of your robot called tech support with a complaint
"So I was using your robot in a square room and everything was fine. Then I tried loading in a map for a rectangular room and it drove around for a couple seconds and then suddenly stopped working. Fix it!"
Now we have to debug. We are going to use a systematic approach.
Reproduce the bug
Read (and understand) the error message (when one exists)
Write a test that triggers the bug.
Generate a hypothesis for the cause of the bug.
Try a solution. If it fixes the bug, great! If not, go back to step 4.
Step 1: Reproduce the bug
The user said that rectangular environments seem to be causing the bug.
The code below is the same as the code you were working with when you were doing integration testing of your new feature. See if you can modify it to reproduce the bug. | from simulate import Simulation
import simulate as sim
import helpers
R = 'r'
G = 'g'
grid = [
blur = 0.001
p_hit = 100.0
simulation = sim.Simulation(grid, blur, p_hit)
# remember, the user said that the robot would sometimes drive around for a bit...
# It may take several calls to "" to actually trigger the bug.
simulation.show_beliefs() | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | d784da21c815ed791f4ba76541773bfe |
Step 2: Read and Understand the error message
If you triggered the bug, you should see an error message directly above this cell. The end of that message should say:
IndexError: list index out of range
And just above that you should see something like
path/to/your/directory/localizer.pyc in move(dy, dx, beliefs, blurring)
38 new_i = (i + dy ) % width
39 new_j = (j + dx ) % height
---> 40 new_G[int(new_i)][int(new_j)] = cell
41 return blur(new_G, blurring)
This tells us that line 40 (in the move function) is causing an IndexError because "list index out of range".
If you aren't sure what this means, use Google!
Copy and paste IndexError: list index out of range into Google! When I do that, I see something like this:
Browse through the top links (often these will come from stack overflow) and read what people have said about this error until you are satisfied you understand how it's caused.
Step 3: Write a test that reproduces the bug
This will help you know when you've fixed it and help you make sure you never reintroduce it in the future. You might have to try many potential solutions, so it will be nice to have a single function to call to confirm whether or not the bug is fixed | # According to the user, sometimes the robot actually does run "for a while"
# - How can you change the code so the robot runs "for a while"?
# - How many times do you need to call to consistently
# reproduce the bug?
# Modify the code below so that when the function is called
# it consistently reproduces the bug.
def test_robot_works_in_rectangle_world():
from simulate import Simulation
import simulate as sim
import helpers
R = 'r'
G = 'g'
grid = [
blur = 0.001
p_hit = 100.0
for i in range(1000):
simulation = sim.Simulation(grid, blur, p_hit)
test_robot_works_in_rectangle_world() | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | 9a37fa27bbba570a2203377c653a9da5 |
Step 4: Generate a Hypothesis
In order to have a guess about what's causing the problem, it will be helpful to use some Python debuggin tools
The pdb module (python debugger) will be helpful here!
Setting up the debugger
Open and uncomment the line to the top that says import pdb
Just before the line of code that is causing the bug new_G[int(new_i)][int(new_j)] = cell, add a new line of code that says pdb.set_trace()
Run your test by calling your test function (run the cell below this one)
You should see a text entry box pop up! For now, type c into the box and hit enter to continue program execution. Keep typing c and enter until the bug is triggered again | test_robot_works_in_rectangle_world() | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | 8278bb50f65812e146339c2d95cd71bd |
Using the debugger
The debugger works by pausing program execution wherever you write pdb.set_trace() in your code. You also have access to any variables which are accessible from that point in your code.
Try running your test again. This time, when the text entry box shows up, type new_i and hit enter. You will see the value of the new_i variable show up in the debugger window. Play around with the debugger: find the values of new_j, height, and width. Do they seem reasonable / correct?
When you are done playing around, type c to continue program execution. Was the bug triggered? Keep playing until you have a guess about what is causing the bug.
Step 5: Write a Fix
You have a hypothesis about what's wrong. Now try to fix it. When you're done you should call your test function again. You may want to remove (or comment out) the line you added to that says pdb.set_trace() so your test can run without you having to type c into the debugger box. | test_robot_works_in_rectangle_world() | TowDHistogramFilter/TowDHistogramFilter.ipynb | jingr1/SelfDrivingCar | mit | 94f2759c2935c59a5b801b7f2f61cbc5 |
B17001 Poverty Status by Sex by Age
For the Poverty Status by Sex by Age we'll select the columns for male and female, below poverty, 65 and older.
NOTE if you want to get seniors of a particular race, use table C17001a-g, condensed race iterations. The 'C' tables have fewer age ranges, but there is no 'C' table for all races: There is a C17001a for Whites, a condensed version of B17001a, but there is no C17001 for a condensed version of B17001 | [e for e in b17001.columns if '65 to 74' in str(e) or '75 years' in str(e) ]
# Now create a subset dataframe with just the columns we need.
b17001s = b17001[['geoid', 'B17001015', 'B17001016','B17001029','B17001030']]
b17001s.head() | examples/Pandas Reporter Example.ipynb | CivicKnowledge/metatab-py | bsd-3-clause | 0ceef94ca336b440211b807968ffa893 |
Senior poverty rates
Creating the sums for the senior below poverty rates at the tract level is easy, but there is a serious problem with the results: the numbers are completely unstable. The minimum RSE is 22%, and the median is about 60%. These are useless results. | b17001_65mf = pr.CensusDataFrame()
b17001_65mf['geoid'] = b17001['geoid']
b17001_65mf['poverty_65'], b17001_65mf['poverty_65_m90'] = b17001.sum_m('B17001015', 'B17001016','B17001029','B17001030')
b17001_65mf.poverty_65_rse.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna().describe() | examples/Pandas Reporter Example.ipynb | CivicKnowledge/metatab-py | bsd-3-clause | b81086be8af442701cdf396cc4f34bfe |
Time windows
<table class="tfo-notebook-buttons" align="left">
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" />Run in Google Colab</a>
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" />View source on GitHub</a>
Setup | import tensorflow as tf | courses/udacity_intro_to_tensorflow_for_deep_learning/l08c04_time_windows.ipynb | tensorflow/examples | apache-2.0 | ad90ae2d23818de56efcc82f0ce4f666 |
Time Windows
First, we will train a model to forecast the next step given the previous 20 steps, therefore, we need to create a dataset of 20-step windows for training. | dataset =
for val in dataset:
dataset =
dataset = dataset.window(5, shift=1)
for window_dataset in dataset:
for val in window_dataset:
print(val.numpy(), end=" ")
dataset =
dataset = dataset.window(5, shift=1, drop_remainder=True)
for window_dataset in dataset:
for val in window_dataset:
print(val.numpy(), end=" ")
dataset =
dataset = dataset.window(5, shift=1, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda window: window.batch(5))
for window in dataset:
dataset =
dataset = dataset.window(5, shift=1, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda window: window.batch(5))
dataset = window: (window[:-1], window[-1:]))
for x, y in dataset:
print(x.numpy(), y.numpy())
dataset =
dataset = dataset.window(5, shift=1, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda window: window.batch(5))
dataset = window: (window[:-1], window[-1:]))
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10)
for x, y in dataset:
print(x.numpy(), y.numpy())
dataset =
dataset = dataset.window(5, shift=1, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda window: window.batch(5))
dataset = window: (window[:-1], window[-1:]))
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10)
dataset = dataset.batch(2).prefetch(1)
for x, y in dataset:
print("x =", x.numpy())
print("y =", y.numpy())
def window_dataset(series, window_size, batch_size=32,
dataset =
dataset = dataset.window(window_size + 1, shift=1, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.flat_map(lambda window: window.batch(window_size + 1))
dataset = dataset.shuffle(shuffle_buffer)
dataset = window: (window[:-1], window[-1]))
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size).prefetch(1)
return dataset | courses/udacity_intro_to_tensorflow_for_deep_learning/l08c04_time_windows.ipynb | tensorflow/examples | apache-2.0 | 1e9cb722b3d4bff8095c0f6a0ffbd5de |
I want to open each of the files and replace the nanme of the site with hythsc.lower
Dir /home/wcmckee/ccschol has all the schools folders. Need to replace in Demo Name
with folder name of school.
Schools name missing characters - eg ardmore | lisschol = os.listdir('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/')
findwat = ('LICENSE = """')
def replacetext(findtext, replacetext):
for lisol in lisschol:
filereaz = ('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/' + hybaec + '/')
f = open(filereaz,'r')
filedata =
newdata = filedata.replace(findtext, '"' + replacetext + '"')
#print (newdata)
f = open(filereaz,'w')
replacetext('LICENSE = """', 'LICENSE = """<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License" style="border-width:0; margin-bottom:12px;" src=""></a>"')
licfil = 'LICENSE = """<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License" style="border-width:0; margin-bottom:12px;" src=""></a>"'
opwcm = ('/home/wcmckee/github/')
for lisol in lisschol:
print (lisol)
rdwcm = open(opwcm, 'r')
filewcm =
newdata = filewcm.replace('wcmckee', lisol)
#print (newdata)
f = open('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/' + lisol + '/','w')
for rdlin in rdwcm.readlines():
#print (rdlin)
if 'BLOG_TITLE' in rdlin:
print (rdlin)
for lisol in lisschol:
print (lisol)
hythsc = (lisol.replace(' ', '-'))
hylow = hythsc.lower()
hybrac = hylow.replace('(', '')
hybaec = hybrac.replace(')', '')
filereaz = ('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/' + hybaec + '/')
f = open(filereaz,'r')
filedata =
newdata = filedata.replace('LICENCE = """', licfil )
#print (newdata)
f = open(filereaz,'w')
for lisol in lisschol:
print (lisol)
hythsc = (lisol.replace(' ', '-'))
hylow = hythsc.lower()
hybrac = hylow.replace('(', '')
hybaec = hybrac.replace(')', '')
filereaz = ('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/' + hybaec + '/')
f = open(filereaz,'r')
filedata =
newdata = filedata.replace('"Demo Site"', '"' + hybaec + '"')
#print (newdata)
f = open(filereaz,'w')
for lisol in lisschol:
print (lisol)
hythsc = (lisol.replace(' ', '-'))
hylow = hythsc.lower()
hybrac = hylow.replace('(', '')
hybaec = hybrac.replace(')', '')
filereaz = ('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/' + hybaec + '/')
f = open(filereaz,'r')
filedata =
newdata = filedata.replace('"Demo Site"', '"' + hybaec + '"')
#print (newdata)
f = open(filereaz,'w')
| posts/niktrans.ipynb | wcmckee/ | mit | 8bd2f6fb03e24b0091f22f31cf09ed89 |
Perform Nikola build of all the sites in ccschol folder | buildnik = input('Build school sites y/N ')
for lisol in lisschol:
print (lisol)
os.chdir('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/' + lisol)
if 'y' in buildnik:
os.system('nikola build')
makerst = open('/home/wcmckee/ccs')
for rs in rssch.keys():
hythsc = (rs.replace(' ', '-'))
hylow = hythsc.lower()
hybrac = hylow.replace('(', '-')
hybaec = hybrac.replace(')', '')
#print (hylow())
filereaz = ('/home/wcmckee/ccschol/' + hybaec + '/')
f = open(filereaz,'r')
filedata =
newdata = filedata.replace("Demo Site", hybaec)
f = open(filereaz,'w')
f.close() | posts/niktrans.ipynb | wcmckee/ | mit | 827d135e9703c2e4fcfb3086f70e77b1 |
Let's build the construction table in order to bend one of the terephtalic acid ligands. | fragment = molecule.get_fragment([(12, 17), (55, 60)])
connection = np.array([[3, 99, 1, 12], [17, 3, 99, 12], [60, 3, 17, 12]])
connection = pd.DataFrame(connection[:, 1:], index=connection[:, 0], columns=['b', 'a', 'd'])
c_table = molecule.get_construction_table([(fragment, connection)])
molecule = molecule.loc[c_table.index]
zmolecule = molecule.get_zmat(c_table) | Tutorial/Gradients.ipynb | mcocdawc/chemcoord | lgpl-3.0 | 886e340a7d69b4b2a0a3522c77aeb0ca |
This gives the following movement: | zmolecule_symb = zmolecule.copy()
zmolecule_symb.safe_loc[3, 'angle'] += theta
cc.xyz_functions.view([zmolecule_symb.subs(theta, a).get_cartesian() for a in [-30, 0, 30]]) | Tutorial/Gradients.ipynb | mcocdawc/chemcoord | lgpl-3.0 | aeb069930747c1d261751df52621e3b7 |
Gradient for Zmat to Cartesian
For the gradients it is very illustrating to compare:
f(x + h) \approx f(x) + f'(x) h
$f(x + h)$ will be zmolecule2
$h$ will be dist_zmol
The boolean chain argument denotes if the movement should be chained or not.
Bond | dist_zmol1 = zmolecule.copy()
r = 3
dist_zmol1.unsafe_loc[:, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']] = 0
dist_zmol1.unsafe_loc[3, 'bond'] = r
molecule + zmolecule.get_grad_cartesian(chain=False)(dist_zmol1),
molecule + zmolecule.get_grad_cartesian()(dist_zmol1),
(zmolecule + dist_zmol1).get_cartesian()]) | Tutorial/Gradients.ipynb | mcocdawc/chemcoord | lgpl-3.0 | eadb7c4abfe5663bb8fe03bd1966fd57 |
Angle | angle = 30
dist_zmol2 = zmolecule.copy()
dist_zmol2.unsafe_loc[:, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']] = 0
dist_zmol2.unsafe_loc[3, 'angle'] = angle
molecule + zmolecule.get_grad_cartesian(chain=False)(dist_zmol2),
molecule + zmolecule.get_grad_cartesian()(dist_zmol2),
(zmolecule + dist_zmol2).get_cartesian()]) | Tutorial/Gradients.ipynb | mcocdawc/chemcoord | lgpl-3.0 | b7e623495437c482c50eacf73fc5f1e3 |
Note that the deviation between $f(x + h)$ and $f(x) + h f'(x)$ is not an error in the implementation but a visualisation of the small angle approximation.
The smaller the angle the better is the linearisation.
Gradient for Cartesian to Zmat | x_dist = 2
dist_mol = molecule.copy()
dist_mol.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = 0.
dist_mol.loc[13, 'x'] = x_dist
zmat_dist = molecule.get_grad_zmat(c_table)(dist_mol) | Tutorial/Gradients.ipynb | mcocdawc/chemcoord | lgpl-3.0 | 97c06d654de7e12495f2616f3119ec86 |
It is immediately obvious, that only the ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral'] of those atoms change,
which are either moved themselves in cartesian space or use moved references. | zmat_dist[(zmat_dist.loc[:, ['bond', 'angle', 'dihedral']] != 0).any(axis=1)] | Tutorial/Gradients.ipynb | mcocdawc/chemcoord | lgpl-3.0 | 248ff801fd96d3ff50311e9f74803479 |
2D trajectory interpolation
The file trajectory.npz contains 3 Numpy arrays that describe a 2d trajectory of a particle as a function of time:
t which has discrete values of time t[i].
x which has values of the x position at those times: x[i] = x(t[i]).
y which has values of the y position at those times: y[i] = y(t[i]).
Load those arrays into this notebook and save them as variables x, y and t: | with np.load('trajectory.npz') as data:
t = data['t']
x = data['x']
y = data['y']
assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and len(x)==40
assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray) and len(y)==40
assert isinstance(t, np.ndarray) and len(t)==40 | assignments/assignment08/InterpolationEx01.ipynb | LimeeZ/phys292-2015-work | mit | ddd444d994b98dedcc2926985fdc6a14 |
Use these arrays to create interpolated functions $x(t)$ and $y(t)$. Then use those functions to create the following arrays:
newt which has 200 points between ${t_{min},t_{max}}$.
newx which has the interpolated values of $x(t)$ at those times.
newy which has the interpolated values of $y(t)$ at those times. | newt = np.linspace(min(t),max(t), 200)
f = np.sin(newt)
approxx= interp1d(x,t,kind = 'cubic')
newx = np.linspace(np.min(t), np.max(t), 200)
approxy = interp1d(y,t,kind = 'cubic')
newy = np.linspace(np.min(t), np.max(t), 200)
assert newt[0]==t.min()
assert newt[-1]==t.max()
assert len(newt)==200
assert len(newx)==200
assert len(newy)==200 | assignments/assignment08/InterpolationEx01.ipynb | LimeeZ/phys292-2015-work | mit | 839f3b1fd180834e537c536812503f9a |
Make a parametric plot of ${x(t),y(t)}$ that shows the interpolated values and the original points:
For the interpolated points, use a solid line.
For the original points, use circles of a different color and no line.
Customize you plot to make it effective and beautiful. | plt.plot(newt, f, marker='o', linestyle='', label='original data')
plt.plot(newx, newy, marker='.', label='interpolated');
assert True # leave this to grade the trajectory plot | assignments/assignment08/InterpolationEx01.ipynb | LimeeZ/phys292-2015-work | mit | 928863bf08273311c262956fb8ba8e2b |
<img src="pandas_logo.png" width="50%" />
Pandas is a library that provides data analysis tools for the Python programming language. You can think of it as Excel on steroids, but in Python.
To start off, I've used the meetup API to gather a bunch of data on members of the DataPhilly meetup group. First let's start off by looking at the events we've had over the past few years. I've loaded the data into a pandas DataFrame and stored it in the file events.pkl. A DataFrame is a table similar to an Excel spreadsheet. Let's load it and see what it looks like:
DataPhilly events dataset | events_df = pd.read_pickle('events.pkl')
events_df = events_df.sort_values(by='time')
events_df | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | b05b6aa245f53d833ade26307c265b7a |
You can access values in a DataFrame column like this: | events_df['yes_rsvp_count'] | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 594777717e727a44e956fb2943beed21 |
You can access a row of a DataFrame using iloc: | events_df.iloc[4] | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | d66c1f48e9b4e2a09cf0c30f5c28edc0 |
We can view the first few rows using the head method: | events_df.head() | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 8368f1ee27bbe383edab0b108f3c1989 |
And similarly the last few using tail: | events_df.tail(3) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | c37135af06be2d98b8276bcb73c35712 |
We can see that the yes_rsvp_count contains the number of people who RSVPed yes for each event. First let's look at some basic statistics: | yes_rsvp_count = events_df['yes_rsvp_count']
yes_rsvp_count.sum(), yes_rsvp_count.mean(), yes_rsvp_count.min(), yes_rsvp_count.max() | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 93c0d2d5c8f83cbd11a12c56f3a4f15b |
When we access a single column of the DataFrame like this we get a Series object which is just a 1-dimensional version of a DataFrame. | type(yes_rsvp_count) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | c01fca488212cccddd2e47db3b95383f |
We can use the built-in describe method to print out a lot of useful stats in a nice tabular format: | yes_rsvp_count.describe() | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | e88eafc39cc593558d72f82f828690c9 |
Next I'd like to graph the number of RSVPs over time to see if there are any interesting trends. To do this let's first sum the waitlist_count and yes_rsvp_count columns and make a new column called total_RSVP_count. | events_df['total_RSVP_count'] = events_df['waitlist_count'] + events_df['yes_rsvp_count']
events_df['total_RSVP_count'] | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | ba95e8ec3295740136bd8b5475940ee0 |
We can plot these values using the plot method | events_df['total_RSVP_count'].plot() | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | c38adee1aa66e51d5e0d4e50f06de910 |
The plot method utilizes the matplotlib library behind the scenes to draw the plot. This is interesting, but it would be nice to have the dates of the meetups on the X-axis of the plot.
To accomplish this, let's convert the time field from a unix epoch timestamp to a python datetime utilizing the apply method and a function. | events_df.head(2)
import datetime
def get_datetime_from_epoch(epoch):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch/1000.0)
events_df['time'] = events_df['time'].apply(get_datetime_from_epoch)
events_df['time'] | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 4d75ae95d73317fd2a2a6a25c436a6b7 |
Next let's make the time column the index of the DataFrame using the set_index method and then re-plot our data. | events_df.set_index('time', inplace=True)
events_df[['total_RSVP_count']].plot() | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 6d31c3fa70cb62bcc4e984e425baaffc |
We can also easily plot multiple columns on the same plot. | all_rsvps = events_df[['yes_rsvp_count', 'waitlist_count', 'total_RSVP_count']]
all_rsvps.plot(title='Attendance over time') | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 78e2057f272ed06d17d8486435259ebd |
DataPhilly members dataset
Alright so I'm seeing some interesting trends here. Let's take a look at something different.
The Meetup API also provides us access to member info. Let's have a look at the data we have available: | members_df = pd.read_pickle('members.pkl')
for column in ['joined', 'visited']:
members_df[column] = members_df[column].apply(get_datetime_from_epoch)
members_df.head(3) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 46273bd5f56b1983e5caa51f8f5a88e9 |
You'll notice that I've anonymized the meetup member_id and the member's name. I've also used the python module SexMachine to infer members gender based on their first name. I ran SexMachine on the original names before I anonymized them. Let's have a closer look at the gender breakdown of our members: | gender_counts = members_df['gender'].value_counts()
gender_counts | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 9c09c19eea49f55bb22a4ddeaeff3fe4 |
Next let's use the hist method to plot a histogram of membership_count. This is the number of groups each member is in. | members_df['membership_count'].hist(bins=20) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 4f71ad38bcb92c4a2ae0f94ab5c6ec1e |
Something looks odd here let's check out the value_counts: | members_df['membership_count'].value_counts().head() | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | fc37796c0fd6728ed51da2093475845d |
Okay so most members are members of 0 meetup groups?! This seems odd! I did a little digging and came up with the answer; members can set their membership details to be private, and then this value will be zero. Let's filter out these members and recreate the histogram. | members_df_non_zero = members_df[members_df['membership_count'] != 0]
members_df_non_zero['membership_count'].hist(bins=50) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 03b46edb4f84cb2eb03c8bbefa2b6df9 |
Okay so most members are only members of a few meetup groups. There's some outliers that are pretty hard to read, let's try plotting this on a logarithmic scale to see if that helps: | ax = members_df_non_zero['membership_count'].hist(bins=50)
ax.set_xlim(0, 500) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | f85ee2926fed6d07c2444b82a32e6d82 |
Let's use a mask to filter out the outliers so we can dig into them a little further: | all_the_meetups = members_df[members_df['membership_count'] > 100]
filtered = all_the_meetups[['membership_count', 'city', 'country', 'state']]
filtered.sort_values(by='membership_count', ascending=False) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 4a7988520ca769db514d7b83d90d1b15 |
The people from Philly might actually be legitimate members, let's use a compound mask to filter them out as well: | all_the_meetups = members_df[
(members_df['membership_count'] > 100) & (members_df['city'] != 'Philadelphia')
filtered = all_the_meetups[['membership_count', 'city', 'country', 'state']]
filtered.sort_values(by='membership_count', ascending=False) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | 509ef6863f1eb851df4148d84a1118c3 |
That's strange, I don't think we've ever had any members from Berlin, San Francisco, or Jerusalem in attendance :-).
The RSVP dataset
Moving on, we also have all the events that each member RSVPed to: | rsvps_df = pd.read_pickle('rsvps.pkl')
rsvps_df.head(3) | DataPhilly_Analysis.ipynb | mdbecker/daa_philly_2015 | mit | b924f8348d237a8c0e7bfd2edd6e1cb3 |