### Human: Here is a summary written by student 040fe20c2992 for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would either cover the spoiled meat in chemicals or rub it in diferent materials to make it smell better like it says in paragraph 2.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26421406546489 and the wording score is -1.50507251840997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04100c94a82b for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave started off with the teacher giving small commands to the class to " eliminate democracy" but it was to really show that people follow what the crowd does. Soon as it moved on through the few days more commands were given and kids all over the school started to participate. The experiment was soon ended because Mr. Jones thought it was starting to get out of hands, so he told everyone it was an experiment.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.825345150866286 and the wording score is 1.67200569417217.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 041ac5513a57 for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian system of government is that they have the pharaohs at the top and the farmers at the bottom. In the text, "Because the people of Egypt believed that their pharaohs were gods, they entrusted their rulers with many responsibilities." And, "At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.365607841229535 and the wording score is -0.591787701635864.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04240e622f79 for prompt 39c16e: 'According to Aristotle, there are three elements of an ideal tragedy. These are, a perfect tragedy should be arranged not on the simple but on a complex plan, so the plot. Then, there is character. Aristotle says, "Then remains, then, the character between these two extremes-- that of a man who is not eminently god and just, yet whose misfortune is brought about not by vice or depravity, but by some error of judgement or frailty." The third element should be spectacle. He says, "The change of fortune should be not from bad to good, but, reversely, from good to bad." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.579979775681093 and the wording score is -0.212561584414596.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 042d742a4b04 for prompt 39c16e: 'it should start with a complex plan which will draw out the feeling of pity and fear. A highly renowned man of power will overpower a man who has made a mistake and in the end, will end with tragedy. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.34453396255115 and the wording score is 0.176040925872716.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 042e210ad534 for prompt 39c16e: '1. The kind of tragedy which some place first, and like he said it has a double plot with an opposite catastrophe for the good and for the bad. 2. A perfect tragedy should be arranged and not on the simple but yet complex plan, Aristotle staed that it should imitate actions which excite pity and fear. 3. Aristotle staed that "should the downfall of the utter villain be exhibited.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.708197210268727 and the wording score is -0.883248865260707.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0435793037e3 for prompt ebad26: 'The reading says that the smell was so hard to handle and the workers wouid have to pickle or smoke the meet to try and reduce the smell, or the meat would just get put into a room and start to pile up until they were ready to use it. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.822578419475809 and the wording score is -0.284195239538939.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 043acb590122 for prompt 3b9047: 'Each social class was envoled differently , each had a task to do. The harder the task like farming , and slavery were at the bottom . And working your way up the more you were respected . Like merchants, and craftmen . The top was the priest ,Noble , And " A chief minister called a vizier as a supervisor ." to the Pharaoh. The very top was the Pharaoh, "[The] Pharaohs were believed to be gods in human form."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.471727561037891 and the wording score is 0.248702613856837.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 043b311a7b53 for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements of an ideal tradgedy would be very complex and "excite pity and fear", it should go from good to bad, ending in dramatic way that is the suffices "true tragic pleasure", and focus on a man who is hit with extreme difficulties.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 044127626a4d for prompt 814d6b: 'The third wave started to get many students to join the group. Mr. Jones decided to terminate the movement because it was getting out of contro. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26919628668938 and the wording score is 0.474037870049486.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 044f0983daf3 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed so much over a short period of time was because it was framed to eliminate something everyone wanted gone, which was to eliminate democracy and it was very easy to join the movement. The main reason the experiment ended was because it got way out of hand and the teacher thought it was getting to powerful so he needed to stop it.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.564001535126031 and the wording score is 0.544047268581291.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0454bfc88ea6 for prompt 3b9047: 'In the story ''Egyptian Social Structure'' it was about people who kept government records and nobles that could hold governements post. Different social classes were involved because the famers had to pay taxes, soilders were included, carftsmen, people paying for their kids education and etc.. I know this because in paragraph 3 and 5 it says,'' Each farmer paid taxes in the form of grains, which were stored in the pharaoh’s warehouses. This grain was used to feed the people in the event of a famine.'' and '' Working with the vizier were scribes who kept government records. These high-level employees had mastered a rare skill in ancient Egypt — they could read and write.'' '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.750671140889605 and the wording score is -0.129480624778936.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 045554ebf31b for prompt 3b9047: 'The social classes were very different with this government because they had positions for people to work up to, only the highest positions could read and write, and the lowest positions were farmers and slaves. "Farmers paid taxes that could amount to as much as 60% of their yearly harvest -that's a lot of hay!" The social classes in order of highest to lowest (said in the text only) start with Pharaoh, Vizier, Nobles, Priests, Soldiers, Farmers, Slaves. Slaves worshiped the higher classes. Obviously, slaves were the slaves. Farmers were farmers. Soldiers fought the battles. Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods. Nobles held government posts. Viziers were tax collectors, info gatherers, Pharoah advisers, etc. And last but not least, Pharaohs were the kings/rulers. People thought they were gods so they praised them.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.67557907843018 and the wording score is 2.26614779593455.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 045753b390d2 for prompt 3b9047: 'the ancient egyptions are different from social classes because the classes are classes used to teach and do arts and craft because they also have many ancient egyption people.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 045a3a28beff for prompt ebad26: 'To cover up spoiled meat the meat packing industry would color the meat and cover it in chemicals. Chemicals such as borax and glycerin, and gelatin would be used to make the meat more presentable. The text explains how borax, and glycerin were put into the hoppers with moldy, white saussage from Europe. This text also mentions , "...preserve it with borax and color it with gelatin to make it brown. "'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.168225651366535 and the wording score is 0.0376423655330801.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 047814ca952a for prompt ebad26: 'There was many ways the meat-packing companys would hide the spoiled meat for example, ¨any oder they coose.¨(Sinclair 2) They could mask the smell of the spoiled meat by using chemicals and stuff. ¨Mixed with half a ton of other meat.¨(Sinclair 3) They would mix spoiled meat with normal meat and other things so it all looked normal and you couldnt tell the diffference.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.542785110892574 and the wording score is -0.704554162284602.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0493db35aaca for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed so quickly because Mr. Jones would emerge as an authoritarian figure to his class, which resulted in dramatic improvements to the efficiency of the class. The students also recruited new members, which made the experiment grow extremely quickly. Mr. Jones had to stop the experiment because he felt as though it was slipping out of his control, and the students had become extremely involved and loyal to the project.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.264472995467321 and the wording score is 0.758002182081705.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0498b5e34f46 for prompt ebad26: 'One of the ways that the meat factory would cover up spoiled meat was that they would put chemicals on the meat to hide the odor. "How they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters." Using baking soda to cover the smell of things is gross, they also used pickle juice.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.328738524517365 and the wording score is -1.05329427563164.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04a60b0c9c40 for prompt ebad26: 'At the begining of the second paragraph it says "they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell" it also says "of all the miricles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.09352270025638 and the wording score is -1.42199155877431.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04a70d939f80 for prompt ebad26: ' Companies would put chemicals on it or mix the spoiled meat with other meat. The text states, " ...it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." This specific part is talking about the moldy white sausage that Europe had rejected and these companies used.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.297030624358104 and the wording score is -0.168733888829912.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04afa73b1194 for prompt ebad26: 'In paragraph two, it says they would pump hams with spoiled meat. The smell was so bad they found a way to mask it and sell their "boneless hams". In paragraph three, they show how they took in moldy, white sausages from Europe. They later dosed these sausages with borax and glycerin then remade to sell.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04b54ba2670c for prompt ebad26: 'The meat packing industry would commonly just mix in bad meat with good meat to make sausage and call it a day or rub some borax in it. Because the good meat countered the smell and the looks enough, it was hard to tell on the shelfs. Sometimes they would even sell spoiled meat for more money because of the coloring and borax put into it.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04bfd8aac075 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave was developed by Jones who proceeded to enforce strict classroom discipline by emerging as an authoritarian figure. Jones’ class was transformed into a group with a supreme sense of discipline and community. Jones was surprised that some of the students started reporting to him when other members of the movement failed to abide by the rules. The students became increasingly involved in the project and their discipline and loyalty to the project was so outstanding that Jones felt it was slipping out of control. He decided to terminate the movement, so he lied to students by announcing that the Third Wave was a part of a nationwide movement and that on the next day a presidential candidate of the movement would publicly announce its existence on television. instead of a televised address of their leader, the students were presented with a blank channel. After a few minutes of waiting, Jones announced that they had been a part of an experiment to demonstrate how people willingly create a sense of superiority over others, and how this can lead people to justify doing horrible things in the name of the state’s honor.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0722844236158602 and the wording score is -1.55474505411249.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04c6acfdd5ce for prompt 3b9047: 'In Eygt, the slave was on last of the soicial pyramid and the pharos were o the top. The pharos were looked at like gods or an emporer, while a slave was a nobody. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04ca8d2a32ae for prompt ebad26: 'Paragraph one states that "whenever meat was so spoiled that it could not be used for anything else, either to can it or else to chop it up into sausage." They would often mix spoiled meat to produce sausuges, and they'd even put chemicals on the spoiled meat as it says in paragraph 3 that "it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.388378742233568 and the wording score is -0.718005416422111.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04cc71913de6 for prompt ebad26: 'Whenever the meat was spoiled, and couldn't be used for anything, they would can it, or chop it into sausage. (Paragraph 1; lines 4-7) '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04df128c8fa8 for prompt 3b9047: 'At the bottem of the prymid are slaves and farmer's.Torwards the midlle are priest's and solder's.Torwds the top there are the higher ranked solider's.At he top are the kings and queen's of egpt.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.536299206438047 and the wording score is -0.674868661271524.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04e1f16bf7ad for prompt 3b9047: 'The system of ancient Egyptian government is like a pyramid. The very top of the pyramid was the gods and the pharaohs because the gods controlled the universe and because the pharaohs were believed to be able to comunicate with the gods so they were thought as god like. The gods controlled the universe and the pharaohs controlled everyone. The priest and nobles were next. Only nobles could hold government office. The priest were supposed to make the gods happy. After nobles and priest came the soldiers. The soldiers were the ones that fought in wars or quelled domestic uprisings. Soldiers were also the ones who supervised the peasants, farmers, and slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and palaces. The people who were next after soilders were scribes. A scribe recorded in writing the everyday life and extraordinary happenings in ancient Egypt. Their jobs were varied and included writing letters for fellow villagers who couldn't write, recording the amount of crops harvested. After the scribes came the merchants. Egyptian merchants carried products such as gold, papyrus made into writing paper or twisted into rope, linen cloth, and jewelry to other countries. Next after merchants were artisans. Artisans created the fine artwork that often covered temples, royal tombs, and other monuments. They worked in large groups to complete engravings, paintings, and hieroglyphics. Despite artisans' skill and creativity, the upper classes often viewed them as little more than common laborers. Next after artisans were farmers. Now we're on to the lower part of the pyrimad with farmers. Farmers are the ones who harvest food. They also harvest papyrus for others(most likely scribes) to write on. Now we're on the VERY bottom of the social pyrimad with slaves and servants. The servants worked as cooks, butlers, litter carriers, and as pharaoh's dressers. The male servants also worked on royal building projects or were sent to fight in the Egyptian army. Egyptian servants did not have many rights but were usually not treated poorly. Egyptian servants could not own or inherit land. Slaves were very important in ancient Egypt as a big part of the labor force, but they were also used for many other purposes. Many slaves were house servants, gardeners, farm labor, musicians and dancers of excellent talent, scribes, and accountants.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 3.80272207089915 and the wording score is 3.51483103434524.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04ec40c9c988 for prompt 39c16e: 'an ideal tragedy should have a conflict the reader can relate to the readers emotion. It should also not fall to close to a comedy in its writing. the tragedy should also satisfy someones moral feelings. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.548304076980462 and the wording score is 0.506755353548534.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04ed45bc46e9 for prompt 3b9047: ' The structer of it was like a periomand the people at the top where treated greatly and the people at the bottom where like peasnts there was so many of them. So thats why they where at the bottom. Then you could say your middle class because of there jobs or life style.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.452950387633723 and the wording score is 0.291839369007423.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04f0674a27c0 for prompt 3b9047: 'First of all, the structure of acient Egyptian system of government started with gods on top and as you go down are the less important classes. During these few paragraphs I will be listing different classes that help/involved in the government'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.61194986616794 and the wording score is -0.162889048712082.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04f254a57c9b for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over such a short time period because of the students willingness and eagerness to participate. The students then told other students outside the class about it and it grew even more. Mr. Jones ended the experiment because he felt it was spiraling out of control and decided it was best to exterminate the experiment before it could get out of hand. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04f4cddad5eb for prompt ebad26: 'They would mix it with other meats to cover up the spoiled meats, as said in paragraph 3. "...and mixed with hlaf a ton of other meat, no odor that was ever in a ham could make a difference."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.921624696425702 and the wording score is -1.21361135478513.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04f7a3a75d58 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tradgedy consists of a man who is like us, one who is neither good nor bad, and he should be met with some sort of misfortune. Tradgedies should also have a simple plot that encites pity in the reader. The ideal tradgedy also goes from good fortune to bad fortune rather than bad fortune to good fortune. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 04f7f7ed5c94 for prompt 3b9047: 'In ancient Egypt, the Egyptian society is like the food pyramid, but instead of food, it's classifying the roles Egyptians had back in the day. For example, the pharaoh was at the very top of the social chain because he was considered godlike and had control over the Egyptian lifestyle. for the full list of roles and to keep this short, have this thing I made:'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0500cdcba2cf for prompt 814d6b: 'it develpoed because people conform to a crowd. usually nobody speaks up and no one says anything becasue they are afraid to go against to crowd'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.970236693352702 and the wording score is -0.417058297304168.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 051d3805555d for prompt 814d6b: 'It developed very fast bcause students became part of a group and had a sense of superiority and exclusivity. The experiment ended because it was spreadin way too fast. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.12523060041564 and the wording score is -0.537431171972585.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0535f186546b for prompt ebad26: 'The factory would use chemicals to cover up spoiled meat. " All the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose." They didn't consider the effects it could have on people because it made them money. The factory usally just chopped the spolied meat into sausages and resold them. A lot of the times the spolied meat would be mixed with half a ton of other meat even if it had been on the floor and had rat dung on it. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.75038000942855 and the wording score is 1.79634386748499.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 054a2fba825c for prompt ebad26: 'Meat packing industrees had many ways to get customers to buy the rotten, or spoiled meat. One of the ways the employees would conceal the rotten meat was by rubbing soda on it. The soda would cover, or get rid of that smell. Uptown Sinclair says "Jonas had told them how the meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters." The meat packing industries were so desperate to make money and strive in buisness that they would sell anything, no matter the condition. In the Jungle it also says "and fancy skinned hams which were made of the oldest hogs, whose skins were so heavy and coarse that no one would buy them-that is, until they had been cooked and chopped fine and labeled head cheese" The meatpacking industries would do many things to excell in buissness; other processes they developed were called "boneless hams," and also "California hams." In conclusion, Meat packing industrees had many ways to get customers to buy the rotten, or spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.97368894303533 and the wording score is 1.41722731269078.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0553b17deaf0 for prompt 814d6b: ' The Third Wave devoped over such a short time from people blindly followin his rules and students trying to get people to join the movment. Ron jones ended the movement because he felt like he lost controll of it. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.328150986113429 and the wording score is -0.248892428406657.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 055578efbcf8 for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the ancient egyptian system was like a pyramid. The power of it was based on what you do or how your social class is. For example if you are at the bottem you are a slave or farmer because you have the worst job or the worst social class. The article states that the slaves got forced to work. The farmers had to tend the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reservoirs in good order.Each farmer had to pay taxes in the form of grains.This proves why the slave and the farmer is no where as good as being a pharaoh and that is why it is at the bottem of the list. The pharaohs were at the top of the list in the government.The article states that people even thought that they were gods in human form. They people had so much trust in the pharaohs. Ther most important thing that they trusted was protection.The pharaoh directed the army in case of a foreign threat or an internal conflict. The middle class in the government were the nobles and priests. The passage states about the nobles that they were the only one who could hold the government posts. In these positions they profited from tributes paid to the pharaoh. On the other hand the priest were responsible for pleasing the gods. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.12921959496168 and the wording score is 2.30540105998552.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 055a617fc835 for prompt 814d6b: 'One of the reasons The Third Wave developed quickly, was because it wasn't just inside the classroom, people talked about it and supported it outside too. Also, he had a specific way to initiate new members into the movement. The experiment ended after Jones thought it was getting too realistic and he told the students about how it was actually an experiment.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.440019660878631 and the wording score is 1.13326300065856.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 055d6307018e for prompt 39c16e: 'Three elements of an ideal tragedy are first, the person must be relatable, second, the person must neither be too good or too bad, and thir, the plot must go from good to bad.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.810573548933394 and the wording score is -1.465819254359.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0566a9c8ea64 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave developed over a short period of time because once some people start doing something, others repeat their action and so on, until everybody does that. It ended because Mr. Jones said it was actually an experiment, not a nationwide movement.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 056ebbeb42e1 for prompt 3b9047: 'The government was good because they had slaves entertaining gods and other people working for them to make a strong environment for the people. They had slaves and other people help build structures for the priests and government. The pharaoh was treated like a god and had people make sacrifices and other things. They did have soldiers to make sure they didnt get invaded and taken over. Artisans did skilled trades stuff espacially involved things by hand. The nobles and preist had high jobs the preist Were responsible for pleasing the gods, while the nobles were the only people that could hold government posts.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.531367778754094 and the wording score is 0.583991473066364.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05718d8b2529 for prompt 3b9047: ' The structure of the Egyptian government was like a pyramid, worse ranks at the bottom, better ranks at the top. Here is the structure of the government. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.20457384774869 and the wording score is -1.16978365920044.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0572af40195b for prompt 39c16e: 'The tragedy should be a very complex plan, one that has actions of pity and fear, this being a distinctive mark of tragic imitation. The change of fortune presented must not be the spectacle of a virtious man brought from prosperity to adversity, nor that of a bad man passing from adversity to prosperity; it posseses no single tragic quality and does not satisfy the moral sense nor calls fourth pity or fear. The pity is aroused by unmerited misfortune.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.526774668878883 and the wording score is -1.55182263405357.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05ae0051821c for prompt ebad26: 'The author said, "There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage; there would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white – it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." , he also said that " they had what they called “boneless hams,” which were all the odds and ends of pork stuffed into casings"'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.499429889725876 and the wording score is -0.970213315995978.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05b267c0c991 for prompt ebad26: 'When meat would go bad in the factory one of the ways to cover it up would be to "rub it up with soda to take away the smell" (Sinclair 2). When hams were found spoiled to the point that workers couldn't stand to be in a room with them, they were packed with a second batch of pickles "which destroyed the odor" (Sinclair 2). Extracting the bone "and insert in the hole a white- hot iron" (Sinclair 2), was another way of saving the spoiled meat since the bad part was mostly on the bone.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.26480160386883 and the wording score is 0.202885814371677.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05b6ed28dfc9 for prompt ebad26: 'According to the passage they would run it with soda to take away the smell. There would also be a machine that you plunge a needle to it and a man cam fill ham with a pickle in seconds. They would also change the names of the bad meat. Like "Boneless Hams" and "Skinned Hams".'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.157459620904918 and the wording score is -0.165811468770997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05baff881d31 for prompt 814d6b: 'It spread over a short period of time becuase students felt honor and spread it to other people and they felt the same way . It ended becuase it was getting out of hand '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05bbbef85071 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Third Wave was an experiment by Ron Jones, a high school teacher at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California in 1967. This experiment was developed over such a short period of time because Ron believed that the Third Wave experiment would help his students by making them follow a certain set of rules so that as students should stand up when asking or answering questions in three words, students saluting each other similar to that of the Nazi at school and even outside of school. Ron then ended the experiment on the foruth day when he realized that it was slipping out of his control. The students had become extremely involved in the project with high discipline and loyalty to the project.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 2.22056771283714 and the wording score is 1.75612953239332.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05be61592105 for prompt 814d6b: 'The Thid Wave made the students feel empowered because of their motto and their unity. I think the solute outside of class was a way of getting other people. People who didn't know what it was would ask the person and they would tell them about it and get them to join the Third Wave as well. The drarastic change occured when Jones taught them how to recruit people and there was an increase in more than 150 students in less than a day. It was eneded because it was getting out of control how fast people came apart of it and Jones didn't want it to be a permanent thing. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.40779064038936 and the wording score is 1.50488270386015.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05c107c86764 for prompt 39c16e: 'A good tragedy should consist of fear and pity of characters. It should not be a simple story it should be something with more than one situation going on. It should bring shock to people in the story and the audience. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05d76df56393 for prompt 3b9047: 'different social Egyptian systems of government by if there were soldiers or craftsmen/women where in the middle class and the slaves and farmers where at the bottom class and the priest was at the hight class and also other people like him.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.18487081813185 and the wording score is -0.872720031182113.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05d94786294b for prompt 3b9047: 'Different social classes invloved in this government by only holding nobles and not preiests and some only held priests and not nobles. For example in the text it states,"Right below the pharaoh in status were powerful nobles and priests. Only nobles could hold government posts; in these positions they profited from tributes'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.974242264823977 and the wording score is -0.751413840355257.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05dd05b29001 for prompt ebad26: 'According to the text factories used spoiled meat and non-spoiled meat and mixed them together and no one would know the difference, ''Cut up by the two-thousand-revolutions- a-minute flyers, and mixed with half a ton of other meat, no odor that ever was in a ham could make any difference.'''### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.901921666808857 and the wording score is -0.916547726766798.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05de8f633012 for prompt ebad26: 'In paragraph 4, it says that the meat would be stored in great piles in rooms, and the old meat would sometimes get mixed with the fresh meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.26421406546489 and the wording score is -1.50507251840997.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05e57abb420b for prompt 3b9047: 'In the social pyramid of ancient Egypt, soical classes had different roles. For example pharaoh's had god like powers over their subjects. Social classes like farmers & slaves, were forced to work under rule by their succesors. In conclusion different social had different power throught out the social pyramid.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 05f58195ebc3 for prompt 3b9047: 'The egyptian system of goverment works by the higher class people because they controle most of the goverment and the queens and kings control all of the goverment. In the text it says, " were scribes who kept goverment records. This proves that diffrent levels of power controled diffrent things.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.472653417250568 and the wording score is -0.0052242590109083.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06056a545800 for prompt ebad26: 'Whenever the meat was spoiled, they would either put it in a can or "chop it up into sausage." Also, if meat was found sour, they would "rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.279895899077077 and the wording score is -1.21292041435103.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 060e845eca1c for prompt 3b9047: 'According to the text "EGYPTIAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE" the egyptian system of goverment went by the higher class which was at the top while the lower class was at the bottom like a pyrimid.They were diffrent social classes involved in this government like higher and lower class the higher class had power over all subjects and people belived they were gods.The lower class were slaves,peasents and workers and had been like prisoners.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0938138317174397 and the wording score is 0.503832933489619.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06118485969a for prompt 814d6b: 'At first only the class was in the movement but they thought they were superior to others so later other people joined the movement. Jones intended it to be a 1 day experiment but it kept on expanding and he was curious as to what would happen. Soon enough many more than the original class had joined the movement to the point that if you weren't in the movement you would get discriminated against. Jones eventually said it was a national movement and the president were to announce it. When people gathered to see the announcement jones ended up saying what the experiment was and why he did it.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.95852822975316 and the wording score is 2.22232010034986.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0618e45405fe for prompt 3b9047: 'The structure of the social classes were that the pharaohs were at the very top, the viziers were next, the knights after, and the normal townsfolk were last.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.07261303201737 and the wording score is -0.999628686402458.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06203387c466 for prompt 3b9047: 'Different social classes we're involved with the government by showing how you have different jobs and advantages for each social class.For example the narrator states "Ancient Egypt was composed of several social classes, ranging from lives lived in slavery to positions of absolute power".This shows how people have different positions and showed there powers/advantages for each social class.Secondly the narrator states "'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.0768775334910716 and the wording score is 0.586913893125279.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06297cc98ed1 for prompt 814d6b: 'How the Third Wave developed over such a short period of time is the discipline within the community. When the class members found out about the movement they started to join. This led the movement to have over 200 participants. Then this experiment was ended because it took on a life of its own, meaning that the students became so dedicated to the project, Jones felt like it was slipping out of control.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.782609029917822 and the wording score is 1.42472416428341.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 062edbf59adc for prompt 39c16e: 'A plot must hold within it a well constructed purpose and stick to it as well as a beginning, middle, and end. Aristotle said plot was "the soul" of tragedy. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.29592196562415 and the wording score is -0.620512131608245.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0633c939f259 for prompt ebad26: 'The meat industry was very disgusting . They came to the point that they would sell dirty meat in order to recieve money. To make "smoked" sausage for the publics breakfast they made fake smoked sausage and just colored it brown,"Some of it they would make into "smoked" sausage – but as the smoking took time, and was therefore expensive, they would call upon their chemistry department, and preserve it with borax and color it with gelatin to make it brown." When it came to the meat it would always spoil to to solve it the decided to put them in pickle only so find out the desturbing smell made things worse ."meat that was taken out of pickle would often be found sour, and how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters; also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose". They were smart but still not clean .'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.58520761030792 and the wording score is 0.501953392016199.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0636e7c576c2 for prompt ebad26: ' one way is that they would use pickle juice so that it would make the smell better another way is that they would take out the bone because the bone is a main reason of bad smell or roating they also rub the meat with soda so it takes away the sour smell from the pickle juice, In the text it states "how they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell." this shows that they cover up spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.05417305056096 and the wording score is 0.0815796235448203.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 063a02049b50 for prompt 39c16e: 'The first element of an ideal tragedy would be that "a perfect tragedy should... be arranged not on the simple but on the complex plan. In a tragedy it is very important for the audience to always be engaged in what is going on. One of the main goals of the play writer is to provoke emotions in the audience. Another element of an ideal tragedy would be "a well-constructed plot." The point of a tragedy is to show the downfall of someone who originally had a good life; because of this the "change of fortune" should go from good to bad. The last element of an ideal tradgedy would be that the "downfall of the utter villain" should not be exhibited. Yes, this type of plot would "satisfy the moral sense," but it would provoke as much emotion as other plots would. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.94260078273864 and the wording score is -0.179153160481451.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 063fbd0c9ef9 for prompt ebad26: 'The industry would mix spoiled meat with fresh meat or use chemicals to change the apperance of spoiled meat to look safe. "they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell, and sell it to be eaten on free-lunch counters; also of all the miracles of chemistry which they performed, giving to any sort of meat, fresh or salted, whole or chopped, any color and any flavor and any odor they chose."'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.217099838621121 and the wording score is -0.501100327980525.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0640923b8448 for prompt 3b9047: ' different social classes involved in this government ,Working with the vizier were scribes who kept government records. These high-level employees had mastered a rare skill in ancient Egypt — they could read and write. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0640cdf579e5 for prompt 814d6b: 'The people out of the third wave felt like they had to conform to a larger and well liked group to the students. Jones felt like the experiment was getting out of control so he ended it by telling what the experimented demonstrated.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.39331016991752 and the wording score is 0.627128228216951.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06463ce221ea for prompt 39c16e: 'For nothing can be more alien to the spirit of Tragedy; it possesses no single tragic quality; it neither satisfies the moral sense nor calls forth pity or fear.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.54716321678788 and the wording score is -1.46124482282529.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 064d4d18387f for prompt 39c16e: 'One element is the incorporation of the character being a highly renowned person. A second element is a plot being good to the plot being bad. A third element is incorporating a double plot such as in "The Odyssey", where the result is good on one side and bad on the other. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0658ef2a99b5 for prompt 3b9047: 'The ancient Egyptian system of government was structured like a pyrimid. At the top of this pyrimid, were the gods, then the pharoahs, then the nobles and priests, after that I believe comes the soldiers, then the farmers and slaves. Different social classes were ivoled in this government because everyone in the pyrimid, had a certain job or task to do in everyday life. One example is the farmers and slaves. The farmers had to raise animals, tend the fields, and keep canals, and reservoirs in good condition. The slaves were forced to work on building projects, and as the article says, " Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war". so the slaves were basically prisoners. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.8582753141811 and the wording score is 1.16760474075015.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 065a07e0e0d6 for prompt ebad26: 'The meat would be moldy and they would dip it in borax foe consumption.Meat would be stored in rooms with leaks and rat infestations. They would use shovels to remove the rats offthe meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.974242264823977 and the wording score is -0.751413840355257.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 065add03298f for prompt 814d6b: 'He terminated the movement because he felt it was getting out of hand. It was a movement to show disipline and loyalty but it was actually to show superiority.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.419499103988893 and the wording score is 0.300379099185542.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 065af8477679 for prompt ebad26: 'They would insert pickles so the odor can balance out. They would get all the spoiled parts mix them up and make sausages. They would use a heat iron to take out some of the mold. They would use chemicals to help take out the smell or make it look like it's roasted. (Paragraphs 1-4)'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.104305307643243 and the wording score is 0.139791889425454.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0687d94b4f15 for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of an ideal tragedy is The change of fortune should be not from bad to good, but, reversely, from good to bad. A second elemen of the tragedy is that it should come about as the result not of vice, but of some great error or frailty, in a character either such as we have described, or better rather than worse. A third element is that the character in a tragedy has to be between the extremes of good and evil.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.217099838621121 and the wording score is -0.501100327980525.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0687f492b075 for prompt 3b9047: 'The different social classes involved in this goverment because of social mobility with social mobility the goverment can keep a record of all the classes. According to paragraph 13 it says " These schools were run by priests or by artisans. Boys who learned to red and write could become scribes, then go on to gain employment in the government." This means that if the boys that go to these schools get to be apart of the goverment other people in the goverment know or run parts of it. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.0768775334910716 and the wording score is 0.586913893125279.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 068f0453345f for prompt 3b9047: 'In this article it talks about the social pyramid in Ancient Egypt, and how it was structred like the Pyramids of Giza. At the top of the social sturcture were gods, like Ra, Osiris and Isis (1). The Egyptians would also elevate some human beings these were called pharaohs. Pharaohs were believed to be gods in human form (2 and maybe 3)'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0621059315581789 and the wording score is -0.380727453312108.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 068f3ba0c8af for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top, there were richer people that were gods. "At the top were the gods....". Then there were the Pharaohs, which Egyptian people believed were gods. "..some human beings to gods. Their leaders, called Pharaohs....". Then right below the Pharaohs were the Nobles and Priests, who pleased the gods and held government posts. "Right below the Pharaohs in status were powerful nobles and priests. Only nobles could hold government posts....Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods.". Under the Nobles and Priests were Soldiers, they fought in wars, also supervised lower class people. "Soldiers fought in wars...supervised the peasants, farmers, and slaves...". In the middle class were craftsmen, they made and sold useful things. "Craftsmen made and sold...". At the bottom were the slaves and farmers, slaves were prisoners caught in war, farmers tended fields and took care of animals. "Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of wars...Farmers tended the fields, raised animals, kept canals and reservoirs in good order..".'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.60564758942245 and the wording score is -0.398753138983326.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06b083930263 for prompt 3b9047: 'Every person had a role, some people were craftsmen that made pottery. Soldiers . The farmers were the lowest and the role of being a Soldier were higher.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.40817975173863 and the wording score is -0.4936034763879.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06bc6445b630 for prompt 39c16e: 'A true tragedy features many elements of misfortune and few of good luck. In this passage, Aristotle outlines the faults in some so called "tragedies," and what caused others to succeed. The entire point of tragedy is to invoke a deep and true feeling of pity or sadness in the reader, something they can relate to on some level. a man going from rich to poor does not invoke these feelings, and neither does a man going from rags to riches. Villians falling and heroes rising cause opposite emotions than what is to be striven for in a tragedy, so a true tragedy has to have a merely ok character, usually with a moral compass that is skewed. As the focus on this one mediocre man, they shouldn't be taken on tangents that stray from the one main topic of the story of this man. A tragedy written to please the readers like The Odyssey, oftentimes more resembles the plot of a comedy than a tragedy. We have been able to infer from this article that a good tragedy follows at least 3 very important elements, 1) it follows the story of a neither good nor evil man, 2) it has many events of sadness and none of success 3) it follows one main plotline that wouldn't be easily confused with that of another genre. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 3.41187761482361 and the wording score is 4.18739785666477.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06df9c581208 for prompt 3b9047: ' At the top, there are Pharoras who thhey belived were gods, then there was nobles and priests, then soilders and at the bottem there were farmers and slaves. In the story it says "Right below the pharaoh in status were powerful nobles and priests... Soldiers fought in wars or quelled domestic uprisings. During long periods of peace, soldiers also supervised the peasants, farmers, and slaves who were involved in building such structures as pyramids and palaces.Skilled workers such as physicians and craftsmen/women made up the middle class. Craftsmen made and sold jewelry, pottery, papyrus products, tools, and other useful things... At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers." '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.467721989566616 and the wording score is -0.0856529291942516.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06e0c006b27b for prompt 3b9047: 'The Egyptian social classes each play a part in making the civilization work. At the top of the pyramid was the pharaoh was the ruler and who was seen as a god, they oversaw all building tasks trade and production. Helping the pharaoh was viziers they were in charge of tasks they were like modern-day tax collectors. Scribes were also at the same levels as viziers they were important because they knew how to read and write. Underneath them are nobles and priests. In the text, it states that "Priests were responsible for pleasing the gods" which was important because they thought that all their successes were only possible with luck and help from the gods. Soldiers were also important they fought in battles to help protect their people but also work part-time as supervisors of peasants as well as farmers and slaves. Craftsmen were in charge of making many things such as "jewelry, pottery, papyrus products, tool, and other useful things." this was important because without those things they wouldn't be able to trade or make advancements in technology. All of these people no matter what level had an important job to do that was a part of the civilization's success. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.9942417013837 and the wording score is 1.67211525659922.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06e2ecfb993d for prompt 3b9047: 'At the top of the pyramids would be what they Egyptian society to beileve was there Gods. They believed that there God's controlled the universe and that it was important to keep them happy. Below the powerful God's were the powerful noble and priests nobels enjoyed great status and grew wealthy from donations to the so called gods. All of the egyptian society gave gifts to the Gods. At the bottom of the social structure were the slaves and farmers slaves were being forced to work on building projects and as farmers tended to the fields and kept canals and other things in good order.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.985008295285594 and the wording score is 0.62324473711734.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06e524aaf5b3 for prompt 39c16e: 'The 3 elements of a tragedy are mocking the actions that bring pity and fear, the change of fortune should be from good to bad, and it should kind of be comedic where audience can relate. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.03388248254018 and the wording score is -1.08670269956478.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06ec00b2249e for prompt 3b9047: 'the farmers and slaves are at the bottom the farmers plant and grow slaves are enmeys of the war and they do toil labor and the second is craftsman make goods and weapons and the thrid scribs and soilders the scribs write things down and the soidlers fight in wars or to protect and the fourth nobles and priest the nobles are responsible for making local laws and keeping order in their region the priest worked at the temples, conducting the daily rituals of clothing, feeding and putting to bed the sculpted images and The viziers were appointed by the pharaohs and often belonged to a pharaoh's family. and the fith The vizier's paramount duty was to supervise the running of the country and the the sixthpharaoh made laws, waged war, collected taxes, and oversaw all the land in Egypt.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.846561575099744 and the wording score is 0.423404263306276.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 06f06accaf9e for prompt ebad26: ' The factory would use or cover up spoiled meat through pickling and turning it into sausage. The pickle made the meat look newer regardless of the age, but the meat still had "an odor so bad that a man could hardly bear to be in the room with them" (Sinclair par. 2). The sausage had anything and everything in it, "in comparison with which a poisoned rat was a tidbit" (Sinclair par. 4). The factory had zero consideration about what they were selling to the public. As long as it looked good and made money, it was as good as fresh to them. Overall, the factory would use various way to cover up spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.45640263731636 and the wording score is 0.708329646379191.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0703209ef239 for prompt 39c16e: 'An ideal tragedy has 3 parts. A good man whose misfortune causes the tragedy. A man whose makes mistakes and then has to pay for them, or a tragedy that comes in the first place. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.62764732431351 and the wording score is -0.125597133679325.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 07062f07fc74 for prompt 3b9047: 'As stated in the beginning Egypt's structure was built like a pyramid. Just below the pharoahs there were supervisors and nobles and priests. They were mostly involved with making sure all of the taxes were correct. In the middle class there were soldiers and skilled workers such as physicians and craftsmen. Lastly, there was the lower class which was made up of slaves and farmers who were taxed heavily. They worked on pyramids for the pharoahs and grew crops, but it was possible for them to climb the ladder and eventually become soemthing a little higher class. In conclusion, the Egyptian structure was divided but came together very nicely to create a w orking society.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 1.8297232567616 and the wording score is 2.42869635471285.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 070a248094d8 for prompt 814d6b: 'The school was veiewed by other students as an improvement from their normal education, rather than an experiment. This caused students to jion the school rapidly.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.921624696425702 and the wording score is -1.21361135478513.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 070a8a5ca17c for prompt 39c16e: 'One element of a tragedy is that the change of fortune should not be from bad to good but good to bad. It should be of some great fatality or error not vice. Another element is that they are complex. They should imitate actions that bring about pity and fear. The third element is that the person whose misfortune is brought has to be the one who is highly renowned or prosperous.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0621059315581789 and the wording score is -0.380727453312108.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 071763b83fd4 for prompt ebad26: 'To cover up spoiled up meat, they would combine it with fresh meat or spray chemicals on it. In paragraph 3 it states, ",,, and that was moldy and white - it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption." This proves they would use chemicals in order to cover up the smell and look of the rotten, spoiled meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.0024657138419762 and the wording score is -0.04543859410258.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 07254aef7214 for prompt ebad26: 'One way the factory would cover up spoiled meat is by using chemicals to change the color and smell of the meat. In paragraph 3 it says "moldy and white – it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption", this is evidence how spoiled meat would be dosed with chemicals and used again for home consumption. Another way is the factories used a white- hot iron to cover up bad meat.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 072a13ea950b for prompt ebad26: 'They would keep it in pickle, then would rib it with soda to get rid of the smell. They even had to make a stornger pickle to help take away the really bad smelling hams.'### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -0.79954532814419 and the wording score is -0.333977337668508.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 072dc0180a11 for prompt 3b9047: 'at the top of the egyptian pyramid it was pharaohs then nobles and priest then slaves and farmers the pharaohs were treated like gods and the nobles and preist were still treated good and the slaves a farmers are treated like prisoners '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is -1.18487081813185 and the wording score is -0.872720031182113.
### Human: Here is a summary written by student 0757713e6941 for prompt 39c16e: 'It should have a tragic ending. Aristotle believed that failing tragic stories are those who end without a tragedy. The story shouldn't follow the story of a character who is a fully good or fully bad person. Aristotle believed a good tragedy should start with a charater who has no single tragic quality. Lastly, Aristoltle believed that a tragic story should have a main character who we can all relate to. '### Assistant: The content score for this summary is 0.205682506482641 and the wording score is 0.380537638762288.