HAHAHAHAHAH CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!! I call it the Ostrich. hahhaaa, how long was she holding this pose for??!she going to be a yogi? Yay downward dog! Go Nat!
A database snapshot is a very useful feature in SQL Server. This can be used to fulfill many requirements like point-in-time reporting requirements and reverting a database back to a point in time. In this tip I will explain how to revert a database snapshot to recover your database. Database snapshots were introduced with SQL Server 2005 and this is still an enterprise only edition feature. This feature has solved many requirements like reporting, data safeguarding and point in time recovery if you do something wrong in your database. This allows us to decrease the database recovery time by reverting a database snapshot. A database snapshot is basically a full database point-in-time view of a source database. As it's a point-in-time view of the source database, the snapshot data never changes if changes occur on the primary database. So when you revert a database snapshot, it will recover to the point in time when the database snapshot was created. As changes are made to the source database, a copy of the original source data page is moved to the database snapshot sparse file, so the snapshot remains intact. This way a database snapshot provides the correct point in time data. One sparse file is associated with one data file, so if your source database has multiple data files, then you will have to create a separate sparse file for each corresponding data file. Below is an example to test this scenario. Suppose you create a database snapshot before running a bulk DMLs on your database. If something goes wrong, then you can revert to this database snapshot to recover your database to the state it was before running the bulk DML. There are some limitations when recovering using a database snapshots. You must drop all database snapshots except the one you want to recover when using a database snapshot to recover the source database. Here is a step by step process to create a snapshot, delete some data and then recover the database using a database snapshot. First we will check how many data files we have in our source database. Make sure to create a separate sparse file for each data file. Since we have only have one data file, we will need to create the database snapshot with one sparse file. This command creates the database snapshot for the database. Here we can see we have 5 rows in this table. Now I will delete all rows from a table, so that we can revert the database snapshot to recover the deleted rows. Delete all rows from this table. Let's again run a SELECT statement to see the table contents. We can see we have no data in this table. As you can see, all rows from tbladmin table have been deleted from the source database in the query above. Now you can run the same SELECT statement on the database snapshot. Here you can see that all of the data which we have deleted in the source database still exists. This is what we will recover using the database snapshot. If you have multiple database snapshots created then you must first drop all unwanted database snapshots before reverting it to the source database. To test this step, create another database snapshot using Step 2. I have created a separate database snapshot at 12 PM named "KPO_Master_DATABASESNAPSHOT_2012060212PM". Now suppose you have multiple database snapshots from multiple source databases on your SQL Server Instance. First you have to find the correct database snapshots for your source database. As you can see the database ID is 45 for our source database which we can get in Step 1. Run the below command to get a list of all database snapshots for your source database. Here you can see that two database snapshots are created for our source database. We must drop the unwanted database snapshot. As we have to recover our database from the first database snapshot that was created before dropping all rows from the above table. To drop a database snapshot run a normal drop database statement using the database snapshot name as shown below. The final step is to restore a database snapshot to our source database to recover all data. It is a simple restore statement using the with DATABASE_SNAPSHOT option. Now you can run the SELECT statement again to check that the data was recovered. Remember, all data which was updated after the database snapshot creation will be lost if you restore a database using a snapshot. For this example, we only had a few rows and we could have selected the data from the Snapshot back to the Source database, but if this occurred for multiple tables or a large amount of data restoring a snapshot is a much simpler and cleaner approach. Always make it a best practice to create a database snapshot before running any bulk operations to secure your database and reduce your recovery time. Use database snapshots to run reports to reduce your source database load. I really liked this article and tried and tested the database snapshot. What a neat tool. We currently run a system of live update time and I was always nervous about what we would do if our database crashed. Now, I have a tool in place to recover by scheduling a task of a database snapshot hourly!! I need info on the below point. Please reply as soon as possible. > Setting up recovery mechanism if anything goes wrong.
Hailing from Chicago‘s Southside, Infinito and Thaione could very well be the next Windy City warriors to break through into the national consciousness. Though they‘ve put out other projects individually, Low Income Housing is their debut as a group, highlighting their skills on the mic (mostly Infinito) and with the beats (mostly Thaione). Soulful, loop-driven production drives rhymes that are smart without being preachy, extolling the virtues of self-empowerment and real hip-hop. "Casual Liberation," "You Are Not It," and the horn and clap-driven "My Life Creation #63" are standouts, but the whole LP is sharp. Keep an eye on these cats.
One hundred years ago a child born in England could expect to live to 55 if it was a girl, 51 for a boy. A girl born in UK in 2006-8 is expected to live, on average, to 81 and a boy to 77 - this increase is due, in part, to modern medicines. In the 21st century medicines are available to treat a wide variety of diseases, but most of them only treat the symptoms of the disease - they don't provide a long term cure. Because infectious diseases are caused by pathogens that can be killed, medicines to treat infectious disease aim to not only make you feel better, but actually cure the disease.
Wow the sweater is gorgeous!!! I love the color and the 3/4 sleeves too. It fits you so nicely but 1's and 0's!!!! I am impressed all around. I can see why your so pleased with this sweater...You've done a fantastic job! I love the colour...mmm you may have given me the inspiration I need to try wool dying too!! Wow!!! That's gorgeous, and size 1 and ZERO needles for a sweater??? You're my latest knitting hero!! It looks so good on you, and those buttons compliment it perfectly! Lovely, beautiful and classic - what a great first sweater! That is so gorgeous! Beautiful work (as usual)! Oh, Shirley. That is absolutely gorgeous! Wow, that sweater is freaking awesome! I love the fit. It's unbelievable that this is your first sweater ever. I'm so nervous about my first sweater; I don't think it will turn out half as professional looking as yours. Great job. I cannot believe you knit that with your own two hands. wow. Wow. WOW. This is stunning! The color is fabby! I have been wanting to dye for ages but have been to frightened is it really easy? the shorter sleeves totally set it off! rdhtdshrteu6ydytduiyetret It's so nice to see you crafting and posting again! I think the knitted pizza slice really completes the set - so cute! Fun to see crochet and knit together, so few people are interested in both, it seems! Your sweater is beautiful. I am currently knitting this pattern and I hope mine looks as great as yours when it's done.
Stop your bin going walkabout with these Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Wheelie Self Adhesive Bin Numbers! Fully water and weatherproof, each self-adhesive sticker features a Clubhouse character! Fed up of your wheelie bin going walkabout on collection day? Never worry about losing your wheelie bin again with these great Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Wheelie Bin Stickers, featuring Mickey, Minnie and all their Clubhouse friends! Weatherproof and waterproof, each sticker features one of the Clubhouse characters, Either Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck or Goofy. Measuring 17cm high, each number features a quality adhesive that sticks to any clean and dry surface. Printed on to self adhesive waterproof and weatherproof vinyl, they are designed to withstand whatever the weather throws at them, keeping your bin looking fresh and fun year after year. Great for identifying your bin from your neighbour's bin, the numbers are manufactured here in the UK, using the highest quality waterproof vinyl. Quick and easy to apply, they will rejuvenate your wheelie bin in seconds and will make sure it never goes walkabout again!
Are you looking for Massage Therapy Schools in Poindexter, Kentucky? Simply enter your zip code to see what schools are available near you. You can select free information from multiple schools, so you can compare later on to decide which ones are right for you. You decided that you really hate your current career and that you want to go back to school near Poindexter, KY to become a massage therapist. Where do you learn about this new and exciting career you want to embrace? And, how hard could it really be, you are just giving a massage. Before getting started, you will need to talk to other therapists or do some internet research on the requirements of this profession. Now, you have to be realistic about this. There will always be fly-by-night organizations ready to take your money and to give you a piece of paper certifying that you are completely trained. You should remember that you can not be certified overnight and as with any type of training, you need to make sure that the massage therapy school you select is accredited near Poindexter or Kentucky where you plan to work. There are more than 80 different types of massage-some of them include the Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, reflexology, acupressure, sports massage, and neuromuscular massage. Massage schools will teach you the basics of these and other types of massage, but individuals usually focus on 3-5 specific types and primarily give that variety. You do not have to determine your specialty up-front, but getting an education as a massage therapist is a good way to begin and to set the groundwork for your new career in Poindexter, KY. After your initial training, you can expand from your primary therapy training and add new varieties to your repertoire. You can even locate web sites that offer training as a massage therapist over the internet and they tout that you can learn your skills and become certified using them as your instructor or massage therapy school in Poindexter, KY. Is this possible? Well, maybe. Again, check what the requirements are in Kentucky and then follow their guidance. If there are several reputable massage therapy schools near Poindexter, KY and you can not figure out which one to choose, ask other licensed therapist. They should be able to provide you with enough information to help you narrow down the possibilities. Once you narrow your search, check with the Better Business Bureau about the schools--they keep a record of people's complaints concerning businesses. Poindexter Massage therapy schools are great to attend because they prepare you not only for the field but also on how to get a job. Most schools who specialize in something, like massage therapy has school hours like high school. Many people who live in small towns will open their own business because of the low competition in Poindexter; however, some times a student will join a spa or something because there is a lot of competition in the area. When it comes to working for yourself, you will probably want to further your education and obtain a degree in accounting or business management. When you are planning to work for someone, you need to take the time to write a better resume than anyone else who may apply. Think of your fellow students as competition for jobs once you get out in the field. While you are attending a massage therapy school near Poindexter, KY, you need to look at your fellow classmates and identify their pros and cons. If you see that someone who is good at doing a hot stone massage, but you are better at another type of special massage, try to work on your hot stone techniques. By looking at your fellow classmates, you can prepare yourself to be the one who gets hired. In addition, it will make you better in all areas of massage therapy. If you are still not sure, what you want to do with your life after Poindexter high school or just in general, you may want to consider looking into massage therapy if you find that some of the spa services are interesting. When you attend massage therapy school you will learn about pressure points and the many different types of massages. You will be able to try the different types of massages because you will usually have a classmate as your partner and you practice and rate each other. Massage Therapy Schools near Poindexter, KY reviewed by Melissa Taku.
On Tuesday, April 4th Dane County voters will go to the polls to elect a new Circuit Court Judge. As polls close, the campaign will gather with friends and supporters who have made an incredible effort to build a grassroots movement to elect Marilyn Townsend, a labor and civil rights attorney and Municipal Court Judge to the Dane County Bench. All are invited.
The Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA UK) has announced the finalists for the 2016 annual awards, the longest running and most prestigious Internet industry awards in the UK. Fifty companies have made the shortlist across fifteen categories and the winners will be announced at the gala ceremony on 7 July. Luminet have been nominated in the Best Wireless category. The ISPA Awards recognise ISPs of all shapes and sizes and the shortlist highlights the true breadth of the industry, plus the services that keep the UK at the leading edge of the digital economy. Over two million tests were carried out by thinkbroadband and Malden Electronics to identify the shortlists for the broadband, hosting and VoIP categories and this testing, as well as the expert judging panel, keeps the ISPAs truly independent.
Raising Baitys | A Blog About Life in the Baity Family: earth day is everyday! so yesterday was earth day....something i am conscious of on a daily basis. although i had to work alllll day and all night yesterday i made my earth day impact on every person i talked to....well at least i like to think that i did. after i got my son off to school in his earth day shirt i made some cupcakes. i baked them in recycled wrappers. i also make little "earths" on top of them using white chocolate that i melted, colored blue, and let set. i then used a buttercream icing recipe that i love because it's so simple and delicious. i encouraged everyone i worked with to go buy flowers or plants (we always do a tree and this year my son wanted a golden delicious apple tree so my mother helped him plant it yesterday since i was gone all day) several of the people i talked to said they were going to go do it so i hope they did. well thats the extent of my earth day blog. since i was not able to be more overly active myself i used my powerful tool of persuasion to get people to be more aware of the earth. i told them to try and be more conscious of the daily choices they make that could easily be changed without effort to be more eco friendly!
Planica - Simon Ammann leads half-way run an FIS Skiflying Wolrd Chapionships in Planica. After two rounds he leads in Planica ahead of Adam Malysz and Gregor Schlierenzauer. Malysz is only 2.8 points behind the Swiss. Schlierenzauer is already about 20 points behind Ammann.
Sara Gates, founder of the social networking service Wisegate, is creating an invitation-only private community of security and IT professionals. Gates believes that senior executives, such as CIOs and CISOs, need other people at their peer level to share war stories and get firsthand feedback on what works and what doesn't work. Wisegate uses a mix of old and new methods to communicate and collaborate. There’s the online social media side, which includes forums, interactive discussions, member polls and the like. Members also can meet via roundtable conference calls, on private phone calls and in person at forums that are hosted in various cities. The community is exclusive; you need an invitation to join. “We don’t want to be another Facebook,” says Gates. “We are looking for quality, not quantity, in our membership.” The most desirable applicants are those in high level technology-related positions in their companies —regarding IT and information security executive decision-makers. The Wisegate network is vendor-free. “We want our members to talk openly and honestly about their experiences with various products and services,” says Gates. “They can’t do that if a vendor joins the discussion. Rather than having vendors influence our members, we want our members to influence the vendors.” The no vendors rule keeps members from being bombarded by sales pitches. One aspect of Wisegate that members really like is that they can use “polling questions” to ask what other companies are doing about an issue. For example, one member asked the others about their policies on encrypted USB drives. The frank information she got in the responses helped her formulate the policies and processes she eventually implemented at her own firm. In another instance, members helped each other devise correlation rules for their SIEM products. If you meet the membership profile and want to apply, go to Wisegate to submit your request to join the Wisegate community.
George III guinea. A gold coin worth 21 shillings. Mr Pumblechook: "And may I--May I--?", by John McLenan. Chapter 20, outside Bartholomew Close, Jaggers threatening a woman with a shawl called Amelia, by F.A. Fraser. Great Expectations Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.
Designed in a compact discreet pocket knife, the Salute Mini is still capable of delivering big time. The handle is machined G-10 with scalloped full-length steel liebers. In addition to the detailed handle, the Salute Mini is completed with a strong lockback mechanism, smooth opening and operation and a proven Bowie-style blade. The Salute is a great tactical folder for everyday use.
Desire Street Ministries continues in its calling and journey to make every neighborhood a desirable place to live. From a single Bible study in the Desire neighborhood of New Orleans, to a stable organization that focuses on helping others reach thousands of kids and families living in impoverished neighborhoods, Desire Street and local ministry partners are striding forward on this path toward revitalization of urban communities across America. Transforming impoverished urban neighborhoods into flourishing, healthy communitie s is the goal, and Desire Street believes that bolstering the leaders in those neighborhoods is the best route toward that goal. Urban ministry leaders walk amidst some of the toughest challenges in the United States today: concentrated poverty, failing schools, unsafe streets, deteriorated housing, high unemployment, inadequate health care. In this maze of need those who commit themselves to ministry in today’s cities navigate toward glimmers of light and hope. They walk in God’s promises to uncover His hidden beauty in places marred by outward decay. Our Mission – To love our neighbor by revitalizing impoverished neighborhoods, through spiritual and community development. Our Vision – To partner with leaders in developing, thriving and sustainable urban ministries. Our Purpose – Desire Street Ministries gathers and directs resources on the goal of revitalizing impoverished neighborhoods. We seek, educate and engage individuals and organizations with a heart for the inner-city—and coach and care for urban ministry leaders called there to live and work. Our partnership approach encourages, equips, empowers and connects leaders to build effectiveness and sustainability in their efforts towards spiritual and community development. Currently partnering with 7 ministries in 4 cities across 3 states, we continue the work where our roots are—rebuilding the Ninth Ward of New Orleans.
Given a rectangular boundary partitioned into rectangles, the Minimum-Length Corridor (MLC-R) problem consists of nding a corridor of least total length. A corridor is a set of connected line segments, each of which must lie along the line segments that form the rectangular boundary and/or the boundary of the rectangles, and must include at least one point from the boundary of every rectangle and from the rectangular boundary. The MLC-R problem has been shown to be NP-hard. In this paper we present the first polynomial time constant ratio approximation algorithm for the MLC-R and MLC_n problems. The MLC_n problem is a generalization of the MLC-R problem where the rectangles are rectilinear k-gons, for k <= n and n is a constant. We also present a polynomial time constant ratio approximation algorithm for the Group Traveling Salesperson Problem (GTSP) for a rectangular boundary partitioned into rectilinear k-gons as in the MLC_n problem.
How are tu irman???? I know that tu have the best time. tu publicado some amazing photos. The weather look like it was an amazing time over there, right? Tell me more. Have some great vacation time. Tell me all once tu came back!!!! Just ended camioneta, van Helsing last week, I was late on this. The finale was a let down. I am thrilled for you! That exam went so well for you! Now tu have más exams ahead? OMG, tu will do good in your siguiente exams, don't think about them too much, take a break. Sister I am so thrilled that your exam went so well, tell me más about it. I am sure tu feel a lot más chill now. Happy Sunday to tu dear!!! Feeling better now? Now that tu have a fecha on mind? Everything's will be just fine, as soon as tu do the exam, just relax! Did tu have a cool week? I hope tu have. I know, until tu have news about the exam, it will be a crazy time. Try to be positive, everything will be allright!!!! tu probably are having a sunny weekend. Here we´re having a great weekend too. Hope your having a great weekend hun! How's the weather over there? Last week we have some very warm days, like spring time almost.
For more information on our local community, click here. A stalk of corn waiting for harvest started as a seed; our community's the same. We're planting the seed of brighter tomorrows today. It is our goal for Lee County to be self-sustained with its own produce, and limit the amount of importation. Buying locally grown is not only buying a fresher product, it is a celebration of good, hard, honest work- the work done by the hands of our neighbors. Come out and help us grow.
In May 2017 Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority elected its first metro mayor, James Palmer for the Conservatives. He has control over the whole combined authority area, working with existing city leaders to take forward the strategic plan. You can find out more about the metro mayors on our FAQ page. This page brings together the key facts and figures about the area’s economy and asks what local residents see as the top priorities for the new metro mayor. Understanding how the city-region performs on key areas such as productivity and employment helps the new metro mayor to assess what they should prioritise. The table below shows how Cambridgeshire and Peterborough compares to the national average on these indicators. You can also find data on areas that the metro mayor has the most power over on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Metro Mayor Data Dashboard. What powers does the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough metro mayor have? Below is a table detailing the powers that the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough metro mayor has. The original East Anglia deal is available here. What is the political landscape in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough? The current metro mayor is Conservative James Palmer who won with 57% of the vote after second preferences. Second was Liberal Democrat candidate Rod Cantrill with 43.7%. The turn out was 33%. Check ‘Getting ready for mayors’ for all the latest blogs, articles, events and research on the new mayors.
Wife Swap is finally making a return in 2019: What channel is it on? When will it air? Stormzy’s role in BBC series Noughts and Crosses explained – does he have acting experience? Who plays Callum in Noughts and Crosses? What else the actor been in? Noughts and Crosses Sephy casting confirmed – Who is the lead actress? What else has she featured in?
Our Diamond Helen Woven Jute Tassel Area Rug will bring a natural print to your minimalist home décor. You'll love its organic, jute design with a bit of fringe for added flair! You added Diamond Helen Woven Jute Tassel Area Rug, 5x8 to your Favorites!
Google is tracking you to give you better results. The problem with advancements in technology is the fact that the users’ privacy has a tendency to get in the way. Google launched Personalized Search on Tuesday and it now tracks where you go in order to give you better results in the future. Of course, in order for Google to track someone, they must have a Google account and be logged in. So if you don’t want Google following you, don’t log in any Google services before searching. Though a partnership with Kanoodle, TypePad pro users can now take advantage of text-based advertising on their blogs. This feature can not only earn you extra cash, but can also pay for your TypePad fees. You can set up the ads one of two ways. Easy or Customized. Easy does everything for you while customized allows you to configure fonts and colors. TypePad also gives tools for tracking earnings so you can view daily ad impressions and ad clicks. As the conference progresses, links will be added to this page. Fresh content is a distinct advantage for your search engine placement and for your site visitors. Repeat traffic from people and search engine spiders will increase proportionate to how fresh your content is. Producing fresh content takes time and resources. Tools like RSS Mix can help by automating a part of your content development. RSS Mix allows you to combine any number of RSS feeds into one unique new feed. You can then use a parser to display a mix of stories from various sources on your website. Tim Mayer has announced on the Yahoo Search Blog that there will be a major update to it’s index this evening. Per a request from Danny Sullivan at Search Engine Strategies in San Jose last summer, Yahoo has started issuing “weather reports” of updates to its search engine. Alas, I am unable to attend the two conferences I’ve been looking forward to for months: WebmasterWorld Search Conference in New Orleans starting today and Chris Pirillo’s sold out Gnomedex June 23-25 in Seattle. I had to go and turn 40 this week and my dear wife is taking me to some exotic locale (I don’t know where yet, it’s a surprise) for a week. Posting from me will be light, but Thomas will be posting daily on search engine marketing news and insights. Be sure to watch for RustyBrick’s coverage each day of the New Orleans WebmasterWorld conference. Via iMediaConnection, eMarketer has published an excellent article on BtoB buyer’s search behavior and future trends for BtoB search marketing. I just noticed an interview I did with a Minneapolis Star Tribune reporter on Yahoo 360 was published today, “Yahoo spreads its net on the Web “. At best I thought I’d get one little quote. He used at least three plus a mention of my SEO firm, TopRank Online Marketing. I guess everyone gets lucky once in a while. The article touches on what Yahoo is doing with Yahoo 360 and also Microsoft’s Wallop. Here’s a post on Online Marketing Blog/2005/06/whats-up-with-microsoft-wallop.html”>Microsoft Wallop from earlier this month. Incidentally, if you are interested in a Yahoo 360 or Wallop invite, post a comment. Here’s a cool keyword research tool I discovered when looking at this site’s referrer logs. NicheBOT offers keyword research options including: WordTracker Keywords, Overture Keywords, Thesaurus, Lateralus, Keyword Analysis and Google Ranking.
Selkirk Powder Company gets reservation requests from all over the country. We get many repeat visitors, and plenty of new visitors alike. Here’s a list of our Top 12 to enhance your visit with us. Bring your friends and family…the more the merrier! Visit Schweitzer’s Activity Center for a schedule of activities and the Kinder Kamp for your little ones.
Red-cockaded Woodpeckers are (or were until the subsequent news of Ivory-billed Woodpecker returning from the dead) the most endangered woodpecker in the USA. This forest is one of the better locations to see them, since it contains numerous active clusters in a small area. We had 5 hours on the last morning before returning to the airport, so decided to give them a try. When we arrived, we headed straight for People’s Road, where we had been told of an active cluster. We gave this about an hour without any luck, apart from a single Downy Woodpecker next to the private ranch, along with female Indigo Bunting and Carolina Chickadee. We decided to find a member of the park staff for more information, which was at first closed, but returned after a hapless search down the privately owned Jones Road where we found one of the staff. It transpired that one of the best clusters was directly behind the office on the loop trail, and also the discouraging news that they were usually most active late in the day. Perhaps the one day delay of the trip due to our missed connection in Paris, where we had planned a late afternoon visit had we been on time, might now be proving costly. However, we started well around the office, with family parties of Eastern Bluebird, and Brown-headed Nuthatch above, with quite a number of Pine Warblers singing. We then started on the loop, just after seeing Red-headed Woodpecker from the office clearing, which was replaced by a pair of American Kestrels (the female with a lizard). We walked some way along the loop, and added more Red-headed Woodpeckers and a singing Yellow-breasted Chat, but time was pressing on, so we started on the return leg. After a short way, our path was crossed by a stunning Coral Snake. We watched it from only about 15 feet, until it disappeared into the leaf litter. We decided that this would more than make up for our lack of rattlesnake, and even Red-cockaded Woodpeckers if they continued to be elusive. That thought was sealed, when only 5 minutes later, in a pool to the left of the track, we found another snake, this one much larger and almost totally dark, which the park staff named as Water Mocassin. It stopped swimming and gave superb scope views. Almost back at the office, we tried a slightly different track, where we found yet another pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers excavating a hole in a dead tree above, but this was only a prelude to finding our main quarry – a Red-cockaded Woodpecker using an active nest. We had seen the hole, but were told that these trees were marked with a green band, which this one lacked. The bird then obliged by flying around us, regularly landing on nearby trees. Unbelievably, we found a second bird minutes later. This was to be the last species seen on the trip. Not a bad ending!
Michelle Obama shows a St. Louis Cardinals team jersey presented to her during a ceremony in the White House in Washington, DC. Jennifer Hudson promotes her new book ‘I Got This How I Changed My Ways and Lost What Weighed Me Down’ in Chicago, Illinois. Dwayne Johnson arrives at Taoyuan Airport to promote his movie ‘Journey 2: The Mysterious Island’ in Taipei, Taiwan. Oprah Winfrey preparing to leave Mumbai for Jaipur. Ne-Yo spotted signing autographs for fans after taping a TV show in Hollywood, CA. Ciara attends a Knicks game at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Diddy seen leaving BOA steakhouse in Los Angeles, California.
The NCSC Job Description Database provides descriptions for a wide range of state court jobs. These descriptions are compiled to serve as models for use by the court community, human resources officers and the resume-writing public, and are updated frequently to reflect the ever-changing features of state court jobs. These job descriptions are for use as models only; they are NOT open positions being advertised. You can find open job postings here.
The icy waters of the Neumeyer Channel on the Antarctica Peninsula, and regions nearby, are home to several species of Antarctic icefish, animals that fit Darwin's phrase, a “wreck of nature.” Unique among vertebrates, icefish lack red blood cells and functional hemoglobin genes, have greatly reduced bone mineralization compared to related fish, and have lost the nearly-ubiquitous inducible heat shock response. Image courtesy of John Postlethwait, 2015 recipient of the Genetics Society of America's George W. Beadle Award. The July issue of GENETICS is out now! Check out the Highlights below of the full Table of Contents here. And don’t miss the essays by winners of 2015 GSA Honors and Awards! Most genome-wide association studies (GWAS) reveal only regions of association, while the underlying causal variants remain unclear. Chen et al. show that two existing methods for identifying candidate causal variants can be unified in a general Bayesian framework, allowing application of an approximate Bayesian method that uses only the summary information. Through simulations and real data analysis, the authors show the proposed method identified candidate causal variants with high accuracy. Septins are a family of GTP-binding proteins that self-assemble into higher-order structures. In these companion papers, Finnigan et al. analyzed the function of Shs1 and Cdc11, the paralogous terminal subunits of the septin hetero-octamer. Comprehensive analyses revealed the importance of a C-terminal extension that optimizes recruitment of the protein Bni5, thereby ensuring efficient localization of the type II myosin of the actomyosin contractile ring. Like the teeth of a bicycle sprocket-wheel, the “sprocket” arginine residues of histones insert into the minor groove of the DNA “chain.” Hodges et al. identify novel functions for histone sprocket arginine residues in gene expression, cryptic transcription, DNA repair, and histone occupancy. These findings reveal simple rules for how the biological function of each “sprocket” residue is influenced by the location and structural mode of DNA binding. To test many hypotheses of molecular sequence evolution, the gene sequences of ancestral species must be inferred. However, the use of reconstructed ancestral sequences may produce spurious results because systematic biases emerge from using the single best reconstructions while ignoring the suboptimal ones, and from model violations. Matsumoto et al. developed methods to correct for such biases and used simulation to evaluate their performance when nucleotide substitution patterns are not constant. The authors suggest the new methods may be useful for studying complex patterns of nucleotide substitution in large genomic datasets. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that inhabits the stomachs of half of all humans, but the vast majority of infections are asymptomatic. Montano et al. analyze the genomes of 60 strains from around the world and find H. pylori has been co-habiting with our species much longer than previously thought. The authors demonstrate that this long-term interaction has led to the evolution of differential local adaptation. They also outline the potential for future medical, functional, and evolutionary research on H. pylori, our oldest known commensal. Thompson et al. report a reference genome sequence for the Hawaiian strain CB4856 of C. elegans, widely studied for its phenotypic differences from the N2 laboratory strain. This revealed 61 regions spanning 2.8 Mb that contain a disproportionate number of SNVs and an abundance of genes from large, rapidly evolving gene families. Because of their high divergence—up to 16% differences—these regions had largely escaped detection in prior studies. Comparison with other wild isolates suggests that these regions are maintained over long evolutionary periods by balancing selection. In genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of metabolites, non-additive genetic effects might be especially important because metabolite phenotypes are closer to the underlying pathways than many other traits. However, most GWAS on metabolites assume additivity. Tsepilov et al. analyzed a panel of 151 metabolites and their ratios (22,801 in total) for non-additive genetic effects in a population based cohort and found that in fact most SNP effects were additive. This provides empirical support for the additivity of genetic control of metabolism. The relative contribution of regulatory and coding changes to the evolution of phenotypic traits is an important, and highly debated, question in evolutionary biology. Wang et al. show that a single nucleotide change in the gene teosinte glume architecturel (tgal) confers naked kernels in maize vs. encased kernels in the wild maize progenitor. This polymorphism causes an amino acid substitution in the TGA1 transcriptional regulator, and this affects dimer stability. These results show how morphological evolution can be driven by a simple nucleotide change that alters protein function. “Genetic program” has become a deeply entrenched metaphor which compares organisms to computers executing programs for processes such as reproduction, development, differentiation, apoptosis, homeostasis, and behavior. Based on unpublished archives, Peluffo investigates the genesis of this influential metaphor of the “genetic program,” shows how it solved the problem of purpose in biology, and suggests that there was a shared origin for its independent introduction by two articles in 1961, one by French Nobel laureates Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod and one by prominent American evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr. What Use Is Population Genetics?
Dr. W. William Immel received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. His internship and residency were completed at Georgetown University Hospital. His Fellowship in Gastroenterology/Hepatology was completed at the Cleveland Clinic in 1986. Dr. Immel was recognized in the Washingtonian Magazine as one of the top 100 physicians in the Washington, D.C. area. Dr. Immel is board certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology/hepatology. He was with Virginia Medical Associates from 1986 to 1998 and has been with Virginia Medical Alliance, p.c. since October, 1998.
Trigger Point Therapy is also referred to as Neuromuscular Therapy. Trigger points are muscle fibers that have become irritated (a knot in the muscle) and are causing a pain loop in the nervous system. This can happen from normal everyday stress or from a trauma to the body. This technique is designed to identify and break up trigger points to eliminate the pain loop and relax your muscles and nervous system so your body can function more optimally. A tight spot in your back may trigger a pain in your neck. That pain in the neck may cause headaches. Trigger Point Therapy is designed to find that one spot that triggers a “chain reaction” of relief and relaxation through the body. You and I will maintain conversation throughout your session in finding those tight spots, and adjusting the amount of pressure. I have been formally trained in finding common trigger points and know many techiniques in rooting them out. Book an appointment with me! I found Barbara on Yelp and my BACK Thanks Me! She found the spots that were strained and made me almost fall asleep three times! She even keeps late hours for us people who get off at 6 pm. - Michael.
Preface: This article is very important for those looking for facts relating to the restaurant industry. If you intend to join this industry you must read this to take an informed decision. Restaurant-industry sales are projected to reach a record $426.1 billion in 2003. The restaurant industry employs more than 11.7 million people in 870,000 locations. Restaurant-industry sales are forecast to advance 4.5 percent in 2003 and equal 4 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product. The restaurant industry provides work for more than 9 percent of those employed in the United States. The average annual household expenditure for food away from home in 2000 was $2,137, or $855 per person. Restaurant-industry employment will reach 13.3 million by 2012. At present the restaurant industry is the nation's largest employer outside of the government. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the restaurant industry's growth will be 30 per cent over the next two years. Industry professionals and owners indicate that the biggest challenge facing the industry is finding educated, competent, and well-trained management personnel to handle this growth. Recruiting and retaining employees is the biggest challenge quick service operators expected to face in 2002, with roughly one-third of the survey respondents rating it their top challenge. Spending on food, both at home and away from home, accounted for 13.6 percent of total average annual household expenditures in 1999, or $5,031 per household. August is the most popular month to eat out, and Saturday is the most popular day of the week for dining out.
Access Control UL294 is the standard of safety for Access Control System units that all access control systems must meet. UL294B is a newer standard, specifically for the use of Power over Ethernet (PoE) components used within access control systems where PoE is the primary power source. Government and state regulations are moving toward required access control UL294 compliance. Comtrol’s RocketLinx ACS7106 is the first UL294B certified switch enabling confidence in deployment and integration within access control systems. Quick and effective service is absolutely essential for a hotel to bring customers back again and again. Comtrol’s Ethernet switches, device servers, and serial cards provide reliable connectivity service to the hospitality industry. Numerous hotel companies have integrated Comtrol’s Rocketport multi-port serial cards, DeviceMaster, and Rocketport USB serial hub products when installing their corporate and property management software, and equipment like phone systems, keyless locks, on-site POS systems, and more. Whether device connections are serial, USB, wireless, Ethernet, or a combination of the three, Comtrol’s products provide excellent connectivity solutions. From the DeviceMaster serial servers to the RocketPort cards and hubs, and from the RocketLinx Ethernet and Power over Ethernet switches, the comprehensive product lines that Comtrol has to offer overcome even some of the most complex connectivity challenges. The Comtrol RocketLinx series of PoE industrial ethernet switches are designed to meet the performance and environmental demands for applications requiring extended operating temperatures, rugged design, and reliable power delivery to standard and high power devices. Featuring both managed and unmanaged models, the RocketLinx PoE industrial Ethernet switches provide cost-effective networking solutions delivering the industry’s best Ethernet switch technologies. MOBILE – What does this mean for your next IP surveillance project? Putting a surveillance camera on or in a vehicle (car, bus, etc.) for safety, monitoring, or other purposes is becoming much more common. It’s very likely if you are a surveillance integrator that you have worked on a project like this. If not, you have almost certainly heard of it being done in the news lately. In today’s increasingly connected world it seems that a systems integrator could dangle a Cat 5e or Cat 6 cable out of a cabinet and have dozens of Ethernet switches readily available for immediate connection. Each of these switches, while undoubtedly similar, have many differences… differences that may make or break a system. Given the requirement for a managed Ethernet switch, these small differences can easily get out of hand – requiring a professionally trained eye for each and every line of a product’s specification sheet. Managed Ethernet switches are complicated pieces of equipment, and using them to their full functionality is no small feat.
Scale Model News: 1:35 SCALE TACOM V-2 KIT: FINISHED AT LAST! Mat Irvine: So far in SMN, I have covered the Takom V-2 rocket with launch pad (in German, abschussplattform or ‘firing table’) and the Hanomag tow vehicle. Now it’s time for me to take a close look at the Meillerwagen transporter/erector. This is by far the most complex of the three builds, and Takom appears to have included absolutely every single bit of the Meillerwagen. You have six runners directly to build it, with some parts shared. There are also photo-etch brass components, a small decal sheet, and two lengths of chain. The finished Tacom trio (below) look excellent, the complexity of the Meillerwagen contrasting nicely with the simple V-2. A handsome piece of art (below) decorates the biggish box. The Meillerwagen does look rather daunting initially, but the instructions - at the beginning, at least - are very clear, and although many of the parts (below) are small and fiddly, they do go together in a logical manner. It is only later on, when there are options to consider, that some of the instructions get slightly hazy. I have a warning for constructors: a decent razor saw is absolutely vital to remove parts from the runners, especially the smallest ones. Even snippers could snap these fragile items, and don’t even think of attempting to twist them off. The runners are alphabetically numbered. Here, you are mostly using the two C runners, plus D, E, F and G. The centre-section of the road-going part of the Meillerwagen is assembled first, and although there are a lot of support struts, there are locating holes or pins on all parts, and some of these even have D-shaped locating pins, to ensure that everything is orientated correctly. Complex though it is, the Meillerwagen does not allow you to move the V-2 into firing position. You have to decide fairly early on whether you are building the rocket being transported horizontally, or with the launch rail in the vertical position. However, you can delay this decision by building some parts separately, such as the rear support legs, and only make your final choice toward the end. The front-wheel axles steer and swivel, and all wheels are designed to roll. However, the attachment points are very small, and we are back to the usual reasoning of whether moving wheels on a static model are useful or not. Some parts are really fragile, such as the ladder that runs up the starboard side of the erector rails. My advice here is that using that razor saw is even more necessary. There is also a ladder section on the port side, but this is moulded as one part. Location details (below) help with construction. Here, the rectangular outline positions a smaller assembly. Whether the rear support legs and pads are modelled folded into the side of the Meillerwagen, or extended outward, and the pads lowered, when raising the erector section. Then there are two sets of hydraulics for this process - contracted inside the main cylinders for transport and extended for raising the rails, and they aren’t interchangeable. The elevated section also has two work platforms. For road travel they are folded flat, for raising the missile, they are moved through 90 degrees and have handrails fitted, which is when the supplied chain is used. You have to decide which way to fit them, as even with the complexity of this kit, the platforms don’t move through the right-angle. The colour of most Meillerwagens was an overall camouflage green, but there are alternative schemes. For this build, I used Humbrol 163 Dark Green over an undercoat of Humbrol 30. The instructions don’t really indicate if the parts F8 and F9, which are protection plates fitted during travel, were removed during launch. Some photos of the real setup show them in place, others show them removed, or perhaps not there in the first place. However, F8 and F9 slot in place, so are removable if you wish. The same applies to the mast that fits to the left-hand side. This is to support the V-2’s electrical connections when it is on the pad. But the Meillerwagen could be removed from the immediate vicinity for launch, so the mast is normally depicted being positioned by the launch pad. Oddly, this is one omission from this otherwise very detailed kit. Most of the Meillerwagen has been constructed (below) though I have left the wheels and other modules off, to allow separate painting. For the pix (below) I chose the black and white markings used for test flights. The pattern is detailed on my recommended V-2 website (bottom). Simple masking off (below) is sufficient for the relatively easy to apply colour scheme. Here, I had already sprayed on the white, and left the masking until it was completely dry. I used satin black spray (below) to complete the marking scheme. No figures are included with this kit, but there are plenty of suitable ones available. To date though, no kit company has released support equipment such as fuel bowsers for A, B and T-stoff, the command wagon, or the long Magirus ladder used to reach the V-2 nose section. Most of these are available in 1:72 scale, but none so far as injection styrene items in 1:35 scale. This Tacom kit is the only currently-available injection-styrene 1:35 scale V-2. Dragon did make one, and the same kit was also reboxed and reissued by Revell, but these have been unavailable for some time. The only real alternative is the Accurate Armour resin kit. These all supplied a launch platform, but none the Meillerwagen, so in 1:35 and in standard injection-styrene, the Tacom release is the only way you will get one. The only previous 1:35 scale Meillerwagen was made in resin by PSP, which also made associated vehicles and equipment. But these were specialist resin kits, hard to find and expensive. PSP kits are now produced by Scalelink but only a few of the V-2 accessory kits are currently made. Both the V-2 (02075) and the Hanomag (02068) are available as a separate kits from Takom. Click here for the SMN Hanomag build. Click here for the SMN V-2 build. Click here for more info at the most comprehensive V-2 website.
“We didn’t pay the rent this month because we’re moving,” a tenant reported over the phone. We will get to law and terms of leases, but even without legal information, we can reason this out using simple fairness. For a contract, such as a rental agreement, to be legally binding, each party must give something and each must receive something. In rental contracts, the landlord gives the use of his property, the apartment or house. He gets rent payments for providing use of the property. The tenant gives monthly rent payments. She gets a place to live and keep her belongings. Part of the month of July had already gone by at the time the tenant spoke. She was still living in the apartment. She was getting a place to live, but the landlord was not getting rent payment. Terms of the contract were not being honored by one party. The rental agreement may spell out at what point rent is considered overdue and what steps a landlord may take to enforce the agreement. If the agreement covers overdue rent and enforcement, the tenant will know where she stands regarding the final month rent payment. If the agreement does not cover overdue rent, the landlord still has the right to go to court to enforce the contract and require the tenant to pay. The Board of County Commissioners voted on a variety of grant approvals related to community projects in a short meeting Thursday. If the tenant and the landlord have agreed that her security deposit will apply to the final month’s rent, assuming no breakage or other expense that the security deposit would be needed to cover, and if she has given proper notice of her intent to move, she may not have to make additional payments out of pocket. A security deposit can be used to cover failure to pay rent, damages to the property or expense incurred by the landlord due to a breach of the lease. State law requires the landlord to give a receipt for the security deposit. A landlord may agree to prorate the rent on the month the tenant moves out, perhaps charging half the rent if she moves out by the 15th of the month. Terms such as a rent reduction should be included in the written lease. But if there is no agreement to apply the security deposit toward rent or reduce the charge for the final month, and the landlord can file in court for payment of rent due, court costs and the right to repossess the property. If the court enters a judgment in favor of the landlord, ruling that the tenant does in fact owe the rent she failed to pay, the tenant is required to vacate the apartment, usually within four days. If the tenant fails to move out within the required time, the landlord can ask the court for a warrant of restitution, allowing the landlord to repossess the property and move the tenant’s belongings out into the street under supervision of the sheriff’s department. Donna Engle is a retired Westminster attorney. Reach her with questions or feedback at 410-840-2354 or denglelaw@gmail.com. Her column, which provides legal information but not legal advice, appears on the second and fourth Sunday each month in Life & Times.
Does your child have problems with peer relationships, depression, or anxiety? Are you worried and confused about what’s going on? Are you unsure how to help? The childhood years are challenging for parents and children alike. Children go through many developmental stages as they transform from small children to young adults. We work with children, teens, and their families as they navigate through these different stages of life. It can be a big help for children and teenagers to talk to a therapist who understands what they’re going through. If you are a parent who worries about your child, it can also help to work with someone who has a fresh perspective and practical solutions. During your first session, one of our therapists will meet alone with you to discuss your concerns about your child and your goals for therapy. Then we will work with you to develop a plan to meet your specific needs. We use a wide variety of treatment methods and approaches, and we customize each plan for each child. Our office is equipped with a variety of play therapy games, toys, and art supplies. Therapy can be enjoyable and enriching for the entire family.
Liberal brainwashing. That’s what conservative critics are likely to call this epic from the Wachowski siblings and Tom Twyker. And it’s true that every act of ideology will work to hide its own workings, as is often the case when it is juxtaposed with some good vs evil battle (as literally happens here). Likewise, parallels that are drawn in Cloud Atlas between historical, present and theoretical struggles are not nearly as intellectual as they could and should be to be truly conscientious. With that said, a lot of what Cloud Atlas has to say is in my worldview fundamental truth. Sharing concerns with and probably inspired by the works of Alan Moore, the Wachowski’s succeed in what they tried to say with their V for Vendetta adap. It is more unified and skilfully told than the Matrix trilogy. Among them the directors have made some fine movies – this is the best. A stunning, bold, unconventional rarity, I haven’t seen a more culturally valuable film since Sucker Punch. It is a work full of love, and I am full of love for it. Intercut between different timelines that curiously involve iterations of the same people, I had doubts the conclusion would satisfy the mystery. I was wrong. One caveat to the masterwork is the karmic rebirth device which seems to present characters with a base consistency which sits rather uneasily with social constructivism. Better to think of the reoccurences as representations of others who are (how shall we say it) connected. Or better yet as facets of the perennial protagonist, the hero of a thousand faces, who sits within our culture and, yes, our ideology. In case you are interested, there are a bluray rip doing the rounds.
Christiana Figueres was appointed Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in May 2010. With a long and distinguished career in the field, Ms. Figueres was a member of the Costa Rican climate change negotiating team 1995- 2009. She represented Latin America and the Caribbean on the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism in 2007, and was then elected Vice President of the Bureau 2008-2009. She conceived the new financial instrument "programmatic CDM" with four groundbreaking publications that marked global thinking on this novel concept. She initiated her life of public service as Minister Counselor at the Embassy of Costa Rica in Bonn, Germany in 1982. She served as Director of International Cooperation in the Ministry of Planning in Costa Rica, and was then named Chief of Staff to the Minister of Agriculture. Moving to the USA, she was Director of Renewable Energy in the Americas (REIA) and in 1995 founded the non-profit Center for Sustainable Development of the Americas (CSDA) which she directed for eight years. She designed and helped to establish national climate change programs in Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador, Honduras, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, becoming a prime promoter of Latin America's active participation in the Climate Change Convention. She served as high level advisor to both governments and private companies, including Endesa Latinoamérica. In 2001 she received the Hero for the Planet Award from the National Geographic Magazine. Ms. Figueres has made important contributions to the analytic literature on the design of the climate regime, is one of the most widely published authors on the topic, and a frequent public speaker. She has a Masters Degree in Anthropology from the London School of Economics, and a certificate in Organizational Development from Georgetown University. She speaks Spanish, English and German.
Innovation Express – a common European approach for supporting the internationalisation of SMEs through cluster initiatives. The funding instrument aimed at facilitating internationalisation, smart specialisation, and cross-border learning and competence development by developing transnational linkages between SME networks, clusters and other specialised research and innovation nodes – for the benefit of their members. Innovation Express represents a joint call for proposals implemented within the framework of the BSR Stars programme – a flagship of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region which fosters macro-regional smart specialisation. The call is funded by national/regional funding agencies to initiate, develop or enhance transnational cooperation activities – leveraging cluster organisations (or similar) to develop proposals for their SME members. Applications were evaluated based on their potential to create benefits for participating cluster initiatives and companies, along with criteria from regional/national funding organisations. Innovation Express partners (see “funding, cooperation and extended partners for Innovation Express” below) supported proposals submitted by groups of SMEs and/or cluster governances located in their geographical area and addressing transnational cooperation activities that benefit their SME members. A broad variety of innovation activities, including technology/knowledge transfer, training, feasibility studies, strategic analysis and mutual benchmarking are supported, as well as many different stages of international cooperation (from initial contact and networking through to the final set up of a long-term innovation project). Within the framework of BSR Stars, there is a particular focus on supporting linkages between clusters with complementary fields of expertise (cross-sectoral) in order to tackle shared challenges or pursue international market opportunities through collaborative efforts. A further particular focus in the 2017 call is supporting linkages between clusters with a comprehensive attention towards sustainability (environmental or social). Please refer to the table of supported innovation activities for each funding partner (below), and get in touch with the relevant contact person for more detailed information. Targeted cluster initiatives or SME networks can be located within the Baltic Sea Region, or elsewhere within or outside Europe. All activity sectors are eligible. However, Sweden has a particular focus on “the 6 constellations” (see more in the documents section below). Submission of proposals possible from 2 June – 31 October 2017. Innovation Express targets groups of SMEs and/or cluster initiatives and their partners (e.g. technology providers, large companies, universities, research centres, etc.). With their proximity to firms, cluster organisations (or similar) are considered as an effective vehicle for involving SMEs which have more difficulties to develop international cooperation. They can also help them identify relevant partners to initiate trust-building processes and generate market impact. Eligible applicants are SME networks or cluster governances located within a geographical area where an Innovation Express funding or extended partner is present (see funding and extended partners below). Proposals must be submitted by the representative of the SME network/cluster initiative for the benefit of its SME members – in accordance with them and driven by their internationalisation needs. The applicant is a legal entity representing an SME network, cluster initiative or other specialised research and innovation environment. The applicant is located in a geographical area where an Innovation Express funding or extended partner is present. Applications must target another cluster initiative or SME consortia in at least one other country (within the BSR or elsewhere internationally). Other eligibility criteria may be defined directly by the funding organisations. Application forms (in word format) can be accessed in the Document Overview the BSR Stars homepage (http://www.bsr-stars.eu/innovation-express/) for preparatory purposes. Proposals must be in line with the supported innovation activities and other guidelines outlined by the funding agency in the applicant’s geography (to be found on funding agency’s own website). It is required that applicants contact their local BSR Innovation Express contact person (see above) in order to be informed about funding conditions. Application forms were to be completed in English via an online application portal. by 31 October, 2017 at the latest. Completion and submission of additional forms was required (according to guidelines defined by Innovation Express funding/extended partners). In addition to the funding partners (listed above), other regional and national organisations are involved as associated partners in the Innovation Express call. Both funding and associated partners agree to serve as a source of information regarding cluster initiatives in their geography (e.g. which exist, their areas of specialisation, their desired areas of collaboration, contact names, etc.), and will help to “open doors” and facilitate initial contacts between cluster initiatives. Funding decisions were communicated mid December 2017. Funding decisions were made by regional/national funding agencies and communicated/registered in the common database. All submitted proposals were registered in a common database and distributed to the relevant funding agency. In connection with the BSR Stars Innovation Express call, a Cluster Matchmaking Conference was hosted by the Baden Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing, targeted at cluster organisations and SME networks wishing to explore opportunities for international collaboration on behalf of their members. The programme focused on cluster to cluster matchmaking, workshops and other opportunities to establish cooperation. The matchmaking event was organised in close collaboration with Cluster Excellence Denmark. For more information about the Innovation Express Instrument, you are welcome to contact Hans Henrik Lomholt (hhl@ufm.dk) at the Danish Agency for Institutions and Educational Grants, coordinating project manager of the BSR Stars Innovation Express in 2016 and 2017.
When talking regarding the options of a pretty girl, it always suggests that an extended and glossy mane, big eyes, good pink lips, and a pointy nose. beyond question, a pointy nose at once catches the eye of individuals to your face. Also, it’s typically seen that girls with sharp noses carry-off makeup additional simply than the others. many ladies recently pay lots on cosmetic surgeries thus on get a superbly formed nose. On the opposite hand, there area unit some World Health Organization don’t wish connected any quite risks that these surgeries could involve. In addition to giving a narrower form to your nose, this exercise is additionally good for those affected by sinus or cephalalgia. Massage every space of your nose, i.e., the bridge, the tip and therefore the sides, for concerning 5 minutes daily. try this exercise gently in circular motion. This should be done frequently over a amount of a month. The lines around your nose, ordinarily referred to as smile lines get deeper by age, and don’t look nice. to urge eliminate these, do this straightforward exercise daily. First, fill your mouth with air and shut it tightly. Then move that air all told four directions at intervals your mouth. Hold the air on every occasion for 5 seconds and eventually unharness it. It is a beautiful thanks to strengthen and form your nose. you wish to dam your naris on one aspect, and inhale among four seconds from the free one. currently reverse the block and exhale from the open one for eight seconds. This exercise is a lot of for building the muscles of your nose than reshaping it. so as to try to to this, you wish to wiggle your nose smartly whereas taking care that your face is totally still throughout the method. This one is for ladies UN agency aren’t proud of the form of their nose. With this exercising for your nose, there area unit probabilities that you just will modification its form and sculpt it to the form you would like. Press very cheap sides of your nose with the assistance of your index fingers, whereas flaring the nostrils. This exercise additionally prevents your nose from droopy. Your smile is one in every of the simplest gifts that nature has given to you. It sure enough might need worked wonders for you a great many times once you would are stressed. you’d be glad to understand that it may assist you to induce a straightened nose. to try to to this exercise, you wish to smile and push your nose upwards. This helps to create the muscles that ar on the edges of your nose. This must be done daily for twenty to thirty times to induce a straighter nose. With age, there area unit several changes that happen within the body– particularly in bones and muscles. Practising this exercise over an extended amount will assist you cut back the speed of decay of the animal tissue in your nose. during this exercise, you wish to put your finger on the tip of your nose and press it gently. Now, push that finger down by exerting downward pressure by your nose. you’ll try this daily for as again and again as you’ll.
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Christmas:BTS and the Courthouses will close at Noon on Friday, December 22nd and will be closed on December 25th. Courthouses will also be closed on Tuesday, December 26th. New Year's:BTS and the Courthouses will be closed on January 1st. Courthouses will also be closed on Tuesday, January 2nd. The entire Bankers Title Shenandoah Team wishes you a pleasant Holiday Season spent creating wonderful memories with family and friends. Click to photo to watch video.
Through the thousands of pictures on the web about painting wooden outdoor furniture, we all choices the top libraries with ideal quality exclusively for you all, and this pictures is actually among graphics libraries in this greatest graphics gallery about Painting Wooden Outdoor Furniture. I hope you may think it’s great. From a variety of designs painting wooden outdoor furniture for today’s homes, home designs with monochrome concepts are in great demand because they will look neat. The monochrome design also also displays a broad impression on the room, especially in a minimalist house. In the world of fashion, if you mistakenly match clothes, then your appearance can look tangled and less attractive. This also applies in the interior world. If you give painting wooden outdoor furniture to your house that are not appropriate, the appearance of the house also becomes less attractive. In addition, if you are not smart at choosing furniture and room accessories, it can cause a house that looks crowded, lacks ventilation, and is uncomfortable. What do you need painting wooden outdoor furniture for your home space? Before deciding to shop for accessories or home furniture, you should do research first. Accessories are everything that can add to the aesthetics of your space. Although it has no function, it doesn’t matter, as long as your goal is intended to add aesthetic space. By providing variations in terms of shape and size, it will create a more attractive room.To view all graphics within Painting Wooden Outdoor Furniture graphics gallery please follow this url This photograph (Storage Benches Outside Cushion Storage Resin Wicker Bench Wooden within Painting Wooden Outdoor Furniture) earlier mentioned will be labelled with:put up by admin with March, 17 2018.
Today on the Friends of a Feather Podcast, my guest is Jamie Ivey. Jamie is wife to Aaron, mom to four kids, and a podcaster. Jamie and I chat about her family, how she started her podcast, and her new book coming out next week, If You Only Knew. I enjoyed sharing with her what her podcast has meant to me and she was kind enough to share parts of her story with me. You will not want to miss this episode! Share with a friend and be encouraged!! We are friends of a feather; let's stick together!! Preorder Jamie's book HERE on Amazon, or HERE ! Today, my guests on the podcast are Trisha and Julie! They are my coworker-turned-friends and I cannot wait for you to hear their stories. I love these special friends whom I have known for the past eleven years. A few years ago, they found out they both had breast cancer within months of each other. I love the support and candidness that they show during our conversation and in life. I also love their sense of humor, too! On this episode, we talk about where they were in their lives when they were diagnosed with breast cancer, advice they give when someone close to you is diagnosed with cancer, what they learned through each of their journeys, and a couple of funny stories mixed in there! Thanks for listening! Feel free to share this with a friend who is walking this same road. We are friends of a feather; let's stick together! Be encouraged and share with a friend!! Welcome to the Friends of a Feather Podcast!!! I'm Wren and I'm so glad you are here! Each week, I get to chat with a friend who has a story to tell, a passion to share, or a dream that she is pursuing. This week, my guest is Melanie Redd. Melanie is a wife, mom to two college-age kids, blogger, writer, speaker, social media consultant and a whole lot more!! On this episode, Melanie and I chat about a lot!! We chat about how we met, how it is hard to not promote ourselves or our businesses in the social media world we live in, and how God has guided her life-walk and ministry one step at a time and how its been and continues to be a fun adventure!!! What I love about Melanie is how encouraging she is and how she points women to the word of God. She gives such great practical advice to young moms who have ministry in their hearts and for women no matter what stage of life you are in right now! You will be encouraged and will want to grab a pen to write down the quotable wisdom she gives!!! We are all friends of a feather!! Let's stick together!! Share the episode with a friends and be encouraged today!! Where to find Melanie Redd online!
We obsess over Fashion Week for many reasons. Obviously, we anticipate the biggest designers' latest and greatest with bated breath, and the street style (oh, the street style!) might just be the best in the world. But we have to admit we get just as excited to catch a glimpse of that coveted front row and see our favorite celebs all decked out in their Fashion Week best. And this year's Paris shows were no different. From newbies like Lupito Nyong'o and the girls of Haim to industry vets like Rihanna, Olivia Palermo, and Elle Fanning, Tinseltown's hottest It girls were all in attendance&and in fine form. Whether they were taking selflies at the Miu Miu show (Lupita and Elizabeth, we're looking at you!), supporting bestie Cara Delevingne at Chanel (Rihanna!), or just looking fabulous in two-tone burgundy (well done, Emma Roberts), these lovely ladies gave the runway gals a run for their money. Click through to catch our top 12 looks, and don't forget to tell us your favorite in the comments below—if you can bring yourself to choose, that is.
The Nightmare Before Halloween returns for a 8th show! C'mon down to Crypticon, Minnesota's #1 Horror Convention! Come meet celebrity guests, Watch classic and indie horror films! Shop for cool horror collectibles in our huge vendor room! Get a tattoo! Live bands! Come party in our fan created horror party rooms, or throw your own horror party room!
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There are very few true waterfront motorcoach properties in Southwest Florida which is why you’ll definitely want to check out 93 Pelican Circle. You will look out onto the attractive waterfront boardwalks built in a natural mangrove habitat and right on the Myakka River. This 3706 square foot waterfront site features landscaping on both sides of the 1500 square foot brick paved pad along with two 50amp electric outlets at the pedestal. Also included are the hook-ups for city water and sewer along with wi-fi which is accessible throughout the resort. The plated square footage of this site allows room for the future construction of a 370 square foot casita or outdoor entertaining space. Grab a glass of wine and enjoy one of Myakka’s spectacular sunsets right from your patio!
You can override default SparkFun Mega Pro Mini 3.3V settings per build environment using board_*** option, where *** is a JSON object path from board manifest sparkfun_megamini.json. For example, board_build.mcu, board_build.f_cpu, etc. PIO Unified Debugger currently does not support SparkFun Mega Pro Mini 3.3V board.
Wasn't <:ctyp< $id$ >> used for something else already? I thought that id is used for regular types, according to the above. I tried to see what variant type defs expand to (below). me to figure this out? This is matched by $id:uid", correct? Is there a "shortcut" for TyOr and TyVrn? I'm afraid I'm still lost here, thus my asking for more information.
BBC News - Is your phone at risk from cyber-criminals? Is your phone at risk from cyber-criminals? While malicious software for smartphones is on the increase, it could still be human error that creates the easiest opportunities for cyber-crime. Ever since phones became "smart", there has been concern that they could become riddled with malicious, self-replicating viruses and worms just like their less portable PC relatives. So far however, the expected deluge has not happened. Cyber-criminals are not flooding smartphones with malware. "The organisations or bad guys are looking for money," says Tony Osborne of online security firm Symantec. "I think as we see mobile phones used more as a method of purchasing or creating financial transactions, then we're going to see far more attacks." But the sector is growing quickly. Market analyst Juniper Research says that over 200 million people worldwide will have used banking services on their phone by the end of 2010, doubling to 400 million by the end of 2013. While this makes for an increasingly enticing prospect for hackers, the current problems faced by users are often a little less hi-tech. Over two-thirds of smartphone users are leaving themselves vulnerable to opportunistic identity fraudsters by users still leaving their phone without a pin or password, according to the government-supported GetSafeOnline.org. And even then, the phone is still at risk. "It isn't too difficult to break into a phone, you can just try every number from 0000 to 9999," says William Buchanan, professor of computing at Edinburgh Napier University. "I think one of the major problems is that people don't realise how much information is on the device." And it is not just what you have on your phone, but how ease of use has often superseded the need for security. "This means that if someone else had your handset, they can access and use your profile without needing to know your password. In addition, if you synchronise your handset with a PC at home, they'll be able to access all of that information too." But what about those criminals trying to get to your handset remotely? "Attackers already have the tools to write the malicious code they need," says Mr Osborne. "The new generation of smartphones are all geared towards downloading apps which are written by other users, using software development kits." In August, BBC technology journalist Mark Ward decided to find out if it would be possible to use these tools to write an application which posed as a simple game but in the background silently stole the phone's contact list and e-mailed it to a predetermined address. "I think the big surprise was how straightforward it was to put the spyware together," he says. "We were expecting to really sweat over the nasty bits, but all the bits we used are standard parts of all the applications you get on your phone. So there was no part of the phone that was cut off from those basic standard bits of coding." Mark never made the application available but some malicious programs have been found in the wild. Even for those not using their phones for full-on finance, there are ways for cyber-criminals to make money directly from malware. A malicious, self-replicating virus called Commwarrior, which targets the Symbian operating system on Nokia handsets, arrives as a multimedia message. If you click on it, you will run malicious code which scans your contact list, and sends a copy of itself to everyone it finds. Discovered in 2005, while worrying for experts, it failed to have the widespread impact that was once feared. Also, an application for Google's Android operating system targeted users in Russia who thought they were downloading an adult video player. Although it seemed to do nothing once installed, an examination of the source code revealed it was actually designed to silently send text messages to premium rate numbers owned by the bad guys. Users would be charged and the criminals would take the profits. So how can you be sure that an app you download isn't doing something untoward in the background? "I think the problem is that you can't assume that every application that wants access to your contacts is suspicious," says Mark Ward. "Take games for example. If you want to play a multi-player game via your phone, it needs to know your location, it needs to know your friends' locations and it needs to be able to bring you together to play with those friends - that's not suspicious." The mobile operators advise not to download apps directly from the web but stick to the official application stores provided by the five different platforms - these only contain applications which have been pre-vetted. So far, there have been no reports of malware getting through this vetting procedure but with thousands of apps to check and source code for each running into thousands of lines, no operator can absolutely guarantee that their vetting procedure will always be foolproof. About 25 new pieces of smart phone malware are being discovered each week. While this is minuscule compared to the PC malware landscape, some companies have already launched antivirus products which scan and remove bad apps from the phone. However, one of the most profitable and effective mobile phone scams is not a virus or even a malicious download. It is a spam text message which asks the recipient to call a premium-rate phone number. But the biggest threat to your smartphone is its portability and tendency to go missing. There are apps however that can help you remotely wipe its memory or find it, so all may not be lost after all.
This reference to Jesus as “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” leads the Church to also celebrate Candlemas on February 2nd. It is customary on this day, to bless the candles we will use during prayer, celebrations and liturgy throughout the coming year. On Thursday, February 2nd, the 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mark’s will include the blessing of candles, and all are invited to bring a candle or candles from home to be blessed.
Over the past few years mental health has been brought to the forefront of society – and so to the profession of architecture. And as concepts such as ‘self-care’ and ‘work-life balance’ have permeated into the way we talk about work, and what we expect from our jobs, it’s important that our profession responds. Architecture, both as a career and a day-to-day job, can be extremely demanding. Everyone reading this will know first-hand of the pressures and pains it brings. We strive for perfection because we see ourselves in our work. But by putting so much of ourselves into what we do, other aspects of our lives can suffer. Too often, this is our mental and physical health. After a series of alarming mental health statistics from the RIBA and the press, and with my own experience studying my Part 3 still fresh in my mind, I thought it was time to create a space where architects could talk freely, in terms of mental wellbeing, about our profession, it’s practices and how we can better serve our peers and those aspiring to join us. You don’t have to spend very long in an architecture department at a university to see tired eyes and hear tales of burn-out. This work ethic doesn’t cease after university – if anything, it can be exacerbated by the pressures of the commercial world. It bleeds into every aspect of our lives and despite the omnipresence of wellbeing issues in architectural work and education, official, institution-led support mechanisms is poor. But idea has become reality. The Architects’ Mental Wellbeing Forum seeks to begin a conversation on mental wellbeing within architecture and press for changes to the way we work. Although our forum is still in its nascent stages, our ambitions are large. Involving architects and human resource professionals from leading UK practices known for their excellent treatment of staff, we hope to share knowledge and research, and examine ways of improving the day-to-day working lives of architects. We want to rid the profession of the pernicious, macho and almost masochistic aspects of work in order to make architects happier and, in turn, better at what they do. And to make sure that it’s not just a talking shop, Katie Vivian from the Architects’ Benevolent Society (ABS) and Virginia Newman, RIBA’s mental health champion, complete the group, ensuring that we have input beyond our respective practices. Since our kick-off meeting in January, we have refined our rather lofty ambitions. We want to create a ‘toolkit’ in collaboration with the RIBA to give architects and employers guidance on how to promote healthy mental wellbeing in the workplace, as well as opening a dialogue with universities to try and nip in the bud the issues that spill over into the profession. In particular, we will be working alongside Sheffield student Melissa Kirkpatrick, who is doing stellar research work on mental health and architectural education, supported by the ABS. Through events, research pieces and social media initiatives, we will give mental wellbeing in architecture the attention it truly deserves. By reading this piece, you – whether you know it or not – have helped in some way to raise the issue of mental wellbeing in architecture. So, instead of eating a sandwich at your desk again, how about you take some time out, sit with your colleagues, eat a leisurely lunch, and discuss how your practice could better support the mental and physical wellbeing of its staff? I – and everyone else at The Architects’ Mental Wellbeing Forum – would love to hear what you think. If you would like more information, would like to get involved, or have a (good or bad) story you wish to share, contact @AMWForum on Twitter, benchannon@assael.co.uk (AMWF chair) or virginia.newman@ksrarchitects.com (RIBA’s mental health champion).
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UPMC Susquehanna is currently seeking a Registered Nurse for our Home Health & Hospice team in Tioga County! This is an excellent opportunity for both experienced or newly registered nurses to work with a variety of patients whether it be in their homes, assistant living locations or long term care facilities. For those who qualify, we are currently offering a $10,000 Sign-On Bonus for individuals with 2+ years of RN experience and a $5,000 Sign-On Bonus to RN’s with less than 2 years of experience! Current Employees - Earn $2,500.00 by referring a Registered Nurse today! Provides direct patient care, evaluates outcomes and adjusts nursing care process as indicated to ensure optimal patient care. Initiates, coordinates and evaluates patient and family centered health teaching. Establishes the plan of care in collaboration with the physician, patient and UM Professional in accordance with the physician orders and patient needs. Advises and consults with family and other agency personnel, as appropriate.
Rates: 55-32 EUR per night. Minimum Rental - 1 night. The house is situated in a green and peaceful area in the district Prenzlauer Berg - only a 10-minute drive from the centre of Berlin; making it the perfect location to explore Berlin. The Graf Bed & Breakfast offers exceptional accomodation at affordable prices. We have 3 double-rooms and 1 single-room at our disposal, and besides accommodation breakfast can be provided, if you so desire. Queen Bed, Private Bath, TV. 2-Twin Beds, Shared Bath. 2-Twin Beds, Shared Bath. 1-Twin Bed, Shared Bath. You will find us near the Prenzlauer Berg district park, between the train stations Landsberger Allee and Greifswalder Strasse. The B & B is situtated in the trendy district Prenzlauer Berg, but is still in a peaceful and central part of Berlin. All of our guests appreciate the private and calm atmosphere in the house. Although Berlin is known for its parking problems, you will have no trouble finding a parking space directly in front of our house. Prenzlauer Berg is home to many coffee bars, clubs, and restaurants and you will easily discover the extraordinary ambiance of this district. It takes only 7 minutes by car or about 15 minutes by tram to reach the heart of "Prenzlauer Berg" - Kollwitzplatz (Kollwitz Plaza).
News & Publications - Should Producers and CSRs Pay for E&O Claims? "Recently we had an E&O claim that was $38,000 and our deductible is $25,000. The owners of the agency, while not active in the agency, understand money. I am president and report to them weekly and monthly at a board meeting. When this came up, they wanted the CSR of the producer who caused the loss, the office manager who the CSR reports to, and me as president to "pay" for the loss. "It was one where the producer filled out the application incorrectly (entered the square footage of a building incorrectly) and gave the app to the CSR, asking her to market it for him. She did and for FOUR renewals the incorrect information was on the renewal apps, even changing companies during that time. The producer always carried the renewal out and gave information to the CSR. She did as he said—it was not her duty to verify anything on this account. Now she is to shoulder some of the blame? "I cant get my owners to understand that I do not think its anyone's fault but the producer's—what experience have you in dealing with who is responsible for such losses, if anyone." Based on the information provided, it does look like the CSR is the least culpable person of those mentioned...and probably the one least able to afford a chunk of the deductible. Your question raises a number of issues, some of them legal one which, of course, we can't opine on. But below are some general observations from the VU faculty. None — the deductible is owed by the named insured — the corporate brokerage. It would be dangerous to go after the independent contractors who caused the loss and probably impossible if they are employees. Seek good legal advice. Also, if the employee is working in the course and scope of his/her employment, it is the employer's problem unless you have an employment contract that sets out who is responsible for errors. That is why the employer buys E&O insurance and covers his employees. I would anticipate a suit from the employee and in some states, like California, if the employer is a corporation, the employee may be entitled to indemnity from his/her employer. Be prepared. Show me a CSR who can pony up $25,000 and I'll buy you lunch anywhere in the country. Unless your agency specifically has a policy that requires someone other than the agency to pay the deductible (some producer contracts do include something on this), then there is little to stand on. For the record, agency owners should understand that it is their responsibility and that it may be more important than they think to make sure that there are appropriate policies and procedures in place. I do believe that they will have a hard time making the CSR, office manager and you pay the deductible without prior written notice on the policy. You may need to seek appropriate legal advice though. You should have a conversation with an employment attorney. This is most likely a change in the terms of the employee's responsibilities. While it is customary to have agreements with producers that they may be held responsible individually for deductibles on E&O claims arising from their accounts, I can't recall an agency pushing it down to the CSR level, even though I'm sure some do. I question, however, the practice if it isn't in the employment contract already. So if they balk, do you fire them? Do you sue them? If it's a producer with ownership in his or her book, are you creating another financial obligation via the termination? Have you thought this policy through? Can you afford to risk losing other employee loyalty to the agency following the inevitable firing of the CSR if you demand they pay? How will this affect morale? Will staff seek employment with an agency that does not invoke this? $25,000 is a lot of money to stick on an employee, even if just a fraction. Did they have any say-so in the amount of the deductible on the policy? There are a lot of issues here and I know that if I were in the CSR's shoes, I'd quit and find a new job. You'd never get the money out of me. I think the owners need to back up and ask some hard questions like these. If they want to institute a policy of deductible reimbursement by offending employees, fine, but they need to get it in writing, outlining the consequences. My experience has been that very few agencies cause the CSRs to cover an E&O claim. Quite a few, though probably not a majority, cause producers to cover a portion of the claim, but rarely the entire claim. Whether it is legal to cause the producer to cover any portion is an issue to discuss with an HR attorney. Some attorneys believe it is illegal to deduct such claims from wages because that may be a violation of employment laws. I serve on the board of directors of an agency and our procedure is that we put all E&Os to a committee, of which I am the chairman, to determine the cause. If the producer is the cause, then he/she pays the deductible. If the CSR is the cause, then the agency pays the deductible. In both instances, we strive to determine the source of the E&O so as to eliminate it in the future. Obviously, if the same CSR continues to have issues, then other action will be taken. Unless the employees are under a contract that states that they will pay for E&O deductibles caused by their mistakes, the agency is responsible for the E&O deductible in my opinion. Do the PROFITS of the agency go to the CSR, manager and you when things go right? If not, what reason do the owners have for charging errors to the employees? In some agencies, the employer will terminate the employment of people who repetitively cause errors that expose the agency to E&O claims. Charging $25,000 to the employees you mention is tantamount to asking you all to find new jobs. "As a result of the tight market and increasing deductibles, some agencies are trying to foist their E&O deductibles off onto their producers. Given that a deductible is designed to make the insured participate in the loss, is it right or even legal to contractually assign the risk of the deductible to individual producers? "Producers from one agency are facing as much as a $75,000 charge against their earnings. That deductible is based on the entire agency's exposure, not the exposure of just one agent. And what should we do if producers from a member agency call us for advice?" At a minimum, the producer should be responsible for at least the split. If they get a 50-50 split, they are responsible for 50% of the deductible. I have seen this done, but discourage my clients from even considering it. In my opinion, the deductible is part of the business risk. If you have a producer who is causing these problems on an ongoing basis, don't penalize him or her, get someone who is more cautious! After all, WHO hired this person??? The E&O deductible buck stops with the owners...they reap the profits; they bear the risks. It actually goes on in more states that just yours. You will typically see this arrangement when the agency treats producers as independent contractors. Although that is a totally different issue, most producers are not legally independent contractors with an independent insurance agency. As far as an employee producer, rarely do I see a contract that requires them to be responsible for the deductible on the E&O insurance. I don't know if it is common, but I've seen it a couple of times. I've not seen any agency contracts that would prohibit it. I haven't really heard anything about this but I can guess where the issue comes from. I would imagine that the producer would be an independent contractor of the agency and covered under the agency's E&O policy. Since the producer is not an employee, the agency allows him/her to fall under their E&O policy, but only if they are responsible for paying the deductible should claim arise caused by an error or omission from their activities. I haven't seen any agency contract either way. I know of an agency that has a "fine" cookie jar. In order to impress upon employees the need to follow E&O procedures, if someone is caught "breaking a rule," they get a fine...$100 for owners, $75 for producers, $50 for CSRs, and $25 for others. They don't hold these people accountable for the E&O deductible...their financial commitment is in prevention, not punishment after the fact. After all, some of these errors are human mistakes which will happen. What about agencies with $10,000, $25,000, or $50,000 deductibles? That's a BIG price to pay for a mistake...I bet the owners don't carry those kinds of deductibles on their HO and PAP policies! If you're going to "fine" them, make it $250-$500 or whatever's affordable for that person. If they deserve worse or mistakes are chronic, get rid of them. The key is quality control BEFORE the loss occurs.
Stay in one of 69 guestrooms featuring flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and cable programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with shower/tub combinations feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as desks and coffee/tea makers. Offering an à la carte restaurant with live cooking, Van Der Valk Hotel Zwolle is located at 6 km from Zwolle. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Rooms here will provide you with air conditioning, a minibar and a seating area. There is also an electric kettle. Featuring a shower, private bathrooms also come with a bath and a hairdryer. Extras include a desk, a safety deposit box and ironing facilities. At Van Der Valk Hotel Zwolle you will find a breakfast buffet in the morning. Other facilities offered include a communal lounge and a bar. Guests can make free use of wellness and fitness facilities. The hotel is 6.1 km from IJsselhallen Zwolle, 5.2 km from Stedelijk Museum Zwolle and 5.4 km from Overijssels Centrum Beeldende Kunsten. The property offers free parking and a Tesla charging point. Be sure to enjoy recreational amenities including a sauna and a fitness center. Additional features at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, babysitting/childcare (surcharge), and tour/ticket assistance. Featured amenities include complimentary wired Internet access, a 24-hour business center, and express check-in. Planning an event in Zwolle? This hotel has facilities measuring 4844 square feet (450 square meters), including a conference center. Self parking (subject to charges) is available onsite. Take in the views from a terrace and a garden and make use of amenities such as complimentary wireless Internet access. Additional amenities at this hotel include concierge services, gift shops/newsstands, and wedding services. A stay at Bilderberg Grand Hotel Wientjes places you in the heart of Zwolle, within a 10-minute walk of Sassenpoort and Museum De Fundatie. This 4-star hotel is 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Grote Markt and 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Grote Kerk. Offering quality accommodation in the historic district of Zwolle, the hotel is a popular choice for both business and leisure travellers. From the property, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. This splendid establishment is within easy reach from the city's main attractions such as the Historisch Centrum Overijssel and Stedelijk Museum Zwolle. This pet-friendly hotel is also 3 kilometres from the Zwolle train station which offers easy access to explore the area. The property has different accommodation options including comfortable rooms and suites. Each unit enjoys delightful design to offer a heaven of peace and tranquillity in which to unwind after a busy day of work or sightseeing. The glamorous hotel restaurant serves exquisite dishes, which might be followed by a quality drink in the lounge bar. Corporate guests may make use of versatile meeting facilities. Librije’s Hotel, in Zwolle’s historic centre, offers elegant rooms and a 3 Michelin-star restaurant in the unusual setting of a renovated 18th-century women’s prison. Free WiFi is available. Featuring an unique decor, all of the luxurious air-conditioned rooms and suites at Librije's Hotel come with a flat-screen TV and a minibar with complimentary drinks and snacks. The bathroom is fitted with a large bath or a shower. A range of cookery lessons and wine courses are available at Librije's Atelier. There is also a shop offering wines and home-made delicacies. The kitchen of Restaurant De Librije sources its natural ingredients and products locally. Guests will also find a lounge where aperitifs or cocktails can be enjoyed. Librije's Hotel is a 10-minute walk from the Zwolle City Museum. Zwolle Railway Station is less than a 20-minute walk away. The centre of Apeldoorn is just over a 30 minutes’ drive from the hotel. lastminute.com has a fantastic range of hotels in Zwolle, with everything from cheap hotels to luxurious five star accommodation available. We like to live up to our last minute name so remember you can book any one of our excellent Zwolle hotels up until midnight and stay the same night.
Subscriptions are renewable on 1st January annually. However, if you join the Society between 1st October and 31st December, your initial subscription remains valid until the end of the following year. We can accept, by post, up to three years subscription in a single payment to reduce the cost of obtaining sterling cheques. If you wish to join or renew your membership by post, do not use the Eshop method of payment below, but use the application form (link here) and post this along with your payment to Maureen Griffiths (details on the PDF form).
Grampians Getaway Accommodation - The Pyramids. Environment. At Grampians Getaway we care for the environment. All waste water is collected and pumped to our oxidation ponds at the rear of the property. We use environmentally friendly chemicals which results in these ponds being habitat for frogs, turtles and nesting ducks. Although we are connected to town water we try to keep our water usage to a minimum by watering gardens from water collected in large underground tanks connected to each villa and large tanks attached to the garage and house. Our Garden beds have been planted with flowering native plants and other species to attract bees, honeyeaters and other birds with advice from Phill at Vaughans Native Plant Nursery in Pomonal. We have recently purchased some small native fish to replenish the fish in the lake hopefully these will grow and reproduce looking forward.
The anvil is very cold and virtually precipitation free even though virga can be seen falling from the forward sheared anvil. Severe cases are called mud storms. And whoever will say again that we have no discipline when it comes to grabbing the center stage kahit sino daw ang matapakan para sumikat lang, can think again. The updraft tower is typically more strongly tilted and the deviant rightward motion lesser than for other supercell types. Radar features of a supercell[ edit ] Radar reflectivity map Hook echo or Pendant The "hook echo" is the area of confluence between the main updraft and the rear flank downdraft RFD. Typically, supercells are found in the warm sector of a low pressure system propagating generally in a north easterly direction in line with the cold front of the low pressure system. But the core group stuck it out hence, the sweet victory for them and the community. And whoever will say again that we have no discipline when it comes to grabbing the center stage kahit sino daw ang matapakan para sumikat lang, can think again. They have also been observed by storm chasers in Australia and Argentina the Pampas. All types of supercells typically produce severe weather. The radar signature of an RFD is a hook like structure where sinking air has brought with it precipitation. Someone commented "I haven't seen so many Filipinos in my entire 37 years in Vancouver in one event like it - only today. Hail spike This three body scatter spike is a region of weak echoes found radially behind the main reflectivity core at higher elevations when large hail is present. Yes, we all know how beautiful the Pinoy culture is, but has anyone thought of proudly showing it? The boldness of the organizers to show the color, music, grace and magnificense of the Pinoy culture in the streets of Vancouver via the the first ever Filipino parade 3 years ago amazed the locals to no end. On Doppler radar, the region of very high precipitation echos with a very sharp gradient perpendicular to the RFD. A region of this area is called the Vault. Congratulations Hirit team - the old timers were huddled in one corner of the park totally amazed and proud of all of you. An observer who is at ground level too close to the storm is unable to see the overshooting top due to the fact that the anvil blocks the sight of this feature. They most often dissipate rather than turning into classic or HP supercells, although it is still not unusual for LPs to do the latter, especially when moving into a much moister air mass. Strong updrafts lift the air turning about a horizontal axis and cause this air to turn about a vertical axis. The Hirit team is a group to reckon with. A 'bolt from the blue' typically originates in the highest regions of a cumulonimbus cloud, traveling horizontally a good distance away from the thunderstorm before making a vertical descent to earth.An educational video for kids. This one-minute video allows viewers to see how a thunderstorm is formed. The video uses actual footage, animation, and time-lapse photography. (). Bolt from the Blue A bolt from the blue (sometimes called 'anvil lightning' or 'anvil-to-ground' lightning) is a name given to a cloud-to-ground lightning discharge that strikes far away from its parent thunderstorm. A 'bolt from the blue' typically originates in the highest regions of a cumulonimbus cloud, traveling horizontally a good distance away from the thunderstorm before making a. The Bureau of Meteorology constantly monitors all of its radars to detect thunderstorms. Severe Thunderstorm Warnings will be issued if the storms are expected to produce any of the following: Damaging wind gusts (90 km/h or more) Large hail (2cm diameter or. Description Distant Thunderstorm is an ambient sound loop to help you sleep, relax, meditate, relieve stress, or block out unwanted noises. This is the official Distant Thunderstorm Skill by Invoked Apps, a top-rated Alexa developer trusted by millions of Echo device owners. Forecast Products: Current Weather Watches; This is the current graphic showing any severe thunderstorm and tornado watches which are in effect over the contiguous United States.
any part in California for that matter, we have answers. Box truck coverage has many layers of coverage and insurance regulations. with your state and federal laws so there is no job interference. Special regulations apply to commercial carriers of both passengers and cargo. This is because of the risk of common carrier accidents. company if a catastrophic loss of events should occur. have created minimum financial responsibility requirements. These requirements are applied for commercial carriers. These requirements may be met by purchasing coverage or obtaining a surety bond. amounts that at least equal to the minimum limits. In some cases, full or partial self coverage may be permitted. to demonstrate the ability to fully or partially self-insure. by the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, which actually took effect in 1981. It has since been amended to increase the financial responsibility limits required. The required coverage is designed to pay for “public liability” however. Moreover, it does not apply to injuries to the Carrier’s employees or loss of the cargo being carried. This would fall under a workers compensation policy. Insurance policy overage is usually obtained by attaching an endorsement form to a policy. This add on is, providing commercial vehicle or truckers coverage. and not all carriers are willing to provide it. purchase your policy directly through a provider. What is a Commercial Box Truck? that sit on the frame, ranging from 14 feet to 24 feet in length. The box is usually separate from the cab and is not accessible from the cab. Most vehicles have a roll-up rear door that’s similar to a garage door. Typically used to haul large items such as furniture, appliances and large boxes. Frequently used as rental moving vans by companies like U-Haul and Ryder. Sometimes referred to as cube trucks, cube vans, bob trucks and box vans. A box truck is sometimes mistakenly called a cargo van. Makers are GMC, Ford, International, Mitsubishi Fuso, Hino (Toyota), Isuzu, etc. After the purchase of your policy, you will receive a policy declaration page. varying types of commercial automobile exposures. These two variations of the business vehicle coverage form are available for special types of risk. which have a premises – operations exposure and have a temporary possession of their customers vehicles. trucking businesses that haul goods for others, and which frequently exchange trailers wit other business. to see all your options and know exactly what they cover. Like with any industry, mistakes and incorrect classification can occur. you are left in a difficult situation. classified properly or purchased coverage for the wrong type of policy. Not only will your premium spent on the policy be useless, but you face a claim denial. Your policy declaration pages for your policy will be length and detailed. They are divided into six sections. identity of the insurance company who is accepting risk and your producer with policy period. All this information is a snap view of the most common questions you may have about your coverage. It will also show the vehicles insured and coverage options provided. Along with this information, rates, premiums, deductibles are commonly found on your declaration page. When numerous vehicles are insured, separate schedules of the vehicles may be attached. Item Six – Schedule of gross receipts or mileage for liability coverage for public auto or leasing rental concerns. Many sections of the declarations will be completed as appropriate for the coverage’s being written. If a particular coverage does not apply, then that section will intentionally be left blank. This can sometimes be confusing if your not familiar with the process. You will see multiple pages in this order. Every section on your policy has a purpose. This is to ensure no gaps of coverage exist. Each policy is tailored to your operation. The policy uses symbols in order to tailor coverage. covered under the various parts of the policy. used to identify covered autos, which describes each one. numerical symbol after each coverage purchased. Coverage may be tailored to your needs by selection of the appropriate symbols. Different symbols may be used for different coverage’s. If no symbol is shown for a particular coverage, then that coverage is not provided. if there is no conflict or overlap between the symbol descriptions. For example, the same coverage could apply to the owned autos and hired autos. 7 and requesting that coverage apply on to the specifically described autos. only for some specifically described autos. because liability risk pose the greatest threat to to a business’s financial well being. coverage to apply only to owned private passenger autos or to owned autos other than private passenger autos. Symbols 5 and 6 can be used to activate no fault benefits and compulsory uninsured motorist coverage for owned autos. These are required to have such benefits in the state where they are licensed or principally garaged. Hired autos includes all autos the insured leases, hires, rents, or borrows. But not autos owned by employees or members of their households. Non owned autos include all autos you as the insured do not own, lease, hire, or borrow. including autos owned by employees or members of their households while being used in your business. Certain symbols may be used only specific types of coverage. Symbols, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 may be used to designate liability coverage. However, liability is the only coverage for which symbol 1 may be used. This is because other coverage’s cannot apply. This applies to any auto, no fault benefits, medical payments, uninsured motorist and physical damage coverage. These coverage options are not available for non owned autos. Symbols 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 all may be used to designate physical damage coverage. Symbol 5 may only be used to designate no fault benefits. Symbol 6 may only be used to designate uninsured motorist coverage for certain vehicles. vehicles may be provided by showing symbol 2 for this particular coverage. attractions that bring visitors and locals alike each year to its city. is the largest aquarium in Southern California. What a statement that says on so many levels. It is also the 5th largest aquamarine in the United States. With these bragging rights comes a lot of attention. Try about 1.4 million visitors annually. Now, that is a lot of attention. It is no surprise with these numbers,that this is the 3rd largest attraction in the Los Angeles area. road and other factors that your insurance company will take note on. remember this when comparing insurance rates. will either help or hurt you on the premium. other rating factors in consideration, such as crime rate within that population. The good news is, there are discounts to offset these higher premiums. Plus, there are also carriers that specialize in areas with large populations. a city and county with such a high tourism population. on your truck or car quote as you probably already assumed. only increases the chance of risk and exposure. and have their rates to reflect accordingly. Find low cost box truck insurance or cheap car insurance Los Angeles. We understand car and truck coverage with prior industry experience. specialty market, with special coverage options. Contact a Licensed Box Truck Insurance Professional, who specializes in your industry and needs!
A workshop at ACM Creativity and Cognition, June 27, 2017 (all-day), Singapore. This workshop will introduce creative coding audio for the Raspberry Pi, using the beads platform for audio programming, and the HappyBrackets platform for inter-device communication and sensor data acquisition. We will demonstrate methods to allow each self-contained battery-powered device to acquire sensor data about its surroundings and the way it is being interacted with, as well as methods for designing systems where groups of these devices wirelessly communicate their state, allowing new interaction possibilities and approaches. The Raspberry Pi is an ultra-cheap, ultra-small Linux microcomputer. Introduced in 2012, it is a flagship device lighting the path towards generally available ubiquitous computing technology. The creative potential of cheap, tiny network-connected general purpose linux computers that are the size of credit cards is immense. Similarly, Java is one of the world’s most popular general purpose programming language, and underlies the creative coding environment Processing, itself one of the most popular environments for creative coding. Java opens up a world of infinite possibilities, and the coding examples in this course have been designed to be incredibly easy to learn, allowing you to get stuck into your creative goals from the get-go. In this course you will learn the essentials of programming real-time audio software and apply these skills to the exciting world of the Internet of Things. You will use the Raspberry Pi as a rapid prototyping platform, exploring the creative potential of real-time sensor and network interaction, combined with real-time sound generation, creating systems that respond to user input, communicate with other devices and play sound. Make your own musical instruments, develop devices for sonic artworks, and create new sound design concepts for sonifying everyday objects. Through this course you will develop a basic understanding of audio programming and the core concepts behind programming for the Internet of Things. You will be able to conceptualize and design your own innovative interactive devices. This course will include the following topics. The afternoon session will be devoted to collaborative exercises and composition tasks. This workshop will be a full-day session framed as a pedagogical workshop which will introduce the platform in an interactive hands-on manner. Participants in this workshop will require a raspberry pi, sensor system, battery system and access to a wifi or wired network which we will provide. Some participants may wish to purchase these devices in advance of the workshop, so that they learn on equipment they can take with them, and for these participants we will provide a description of the equipment we use and suggestions for how to buy them and set them up in advance of the workshop. For participants who do not bring their own devices we will provide a device for the day. Participants will benefit from having some experience in programming Java. No electronics knowledge will be necessary but familiarity with linux and/or raspberry pis would be advantageous but is not required. This course will not introduce Java from first principles, although the coding examples will start off being very simple and easy to pick up (someone with experience in another language would not be significantly challenged). This workshop will also benefit from an online MOOC course we have recorded with Kadenze, available here. We will expect participants to have enough time to review the course materials and videos in advance of the workshop, but not to have completed the assignments. The workshop itself will focus on reviewing the material, running through and clarifying any unclear content, and then on completing collaborative composition asssignments in the second half of the workshop. Participating in this workshop will require registration for the ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition 2017, alongside registration for the workshop. See here for details. To help us to track who’s participating and to send updates to you, if you are planning on participating please fill in this google form. You don’t have to have registered to fill in this form, but you will need to eventually register to participate in the workshop.
As of 2018 and hopefully into 2019, industrial work in the United States certainly seems to be expanding. The concern is: Is the effort to control the air that a worker breathes, keeping pace with the industrial expansion? Experience says that it likely will lag behind putting workers—often new hires at risk for work related illnesses. In short, the potential for worker exposure to chemicals in the workplace will result in an increase in illness, worker compensation claims and OSHA recordable illnesses. The first step at worker exposure control is to monitor the work environment. The best method of determining worker exposure is actual sampling of the worker while he/she is performing the chemical exposure task. Miniaturization of sampling equipment now allows samplers to be directly attached to the worker. This can be a small, battery powered sampler, or even a small, passive badge sampler attached to the worker while a particular task is performed. The testing can be as short as a few minutes or a full shift. Some samplers are so small they can be attached to the worker’s lapel for a full shift. Once the exposure testing period is complete, the sample can be sent to a laboratory for analysis. The proper person to do the sampling is referred to as an industrial hygienist—or a specially trained safety person. This industrial hygienist would generally observe the sampled worker for at least some of the time, so that when results are obtained from the laboratory, they can be interpreted in line with the work performed so that a professional judgment can be made as to whether the exposure was safe, and within acceptable exposure limits, and not above any OSHA limit, or other recommended limits. Interpreting the results, the impact of exposure and the need for corrective measures are more important than the sampling itself—even if done properly. This requires the input of an experienced Industrial Hygienist or other health professional. As time goes on, the sampling equipment and methods become more accurate but the interpretation of the test results become more complex. Thus, as time goes on and testing equipment and methods improve, the need for an experienced industrial hygienist, toxicologist, and epidemiologist becomes more critical. Another complexity involves testing and analysis that duplicates the acceptable sampling criteria for OSHA regulated substances. There are about 500 chemical agents in the U.S. Workplace that are specifically regulated by OSHA. Sampling and analysis and interpretation of results regarding OSHA compliance must be done by a person/organization that can duplicate the sampling according to OSHA methods and be able to determine compliance with the appropriate regulations. Where no OSHA limits exist, the qualified professional must identify other sources of information to determine a safe exposure level. For more toxic substances, the qualified professional can recommend controls and substitutions that are less toxic. We have the technical and professional staff to do sampling and interpretation.
Study your Advanced Diploma of Performing Arts with Perth’s Principal Academy of Dance. This qualification offers intensive training and skills development to a professional level. The course is specifically designed to produce highly skilled and diverse professional performers enabling them to seek work in a broad range of future employment such as musical theatre productions, cruise ships, entertainment resorts, theme parks, film and television. The course is delivered with majors in dance, musical theatre and acting. The aim of this course is to ensure graduates have acquired a comprehensive range of skills and in-depth knowledge to display the disciplined attitude necessary for a professional dancer, singer and actor. Throughout the course, students will enhance and refine their technique and artistry showing confidence, assurance and professional awareness in application. Also, a comprehensive understanding of professional contexts will be applied in performance and practice. Students will be provided with the opportunity to perform in the mid-year performance, stage play, cabaret and end of year Gala Performance featuring choreography, vocal and scene work from popular stage and movie musicals. This is also an opportunity for the general public and invited industry professionals to view up and coming artists. Musical Theatre Major – Acting Techniques, Vocal Technique, Song Repertoire, Musical Theatre Performance Accents, Classical Ballet, Jazz Dance, Tap, Performance Studies, Stage Combat, Audition Preparation, Professional Development. Dance Major – Classical Ballet, Pas de Deux, Modern Dance, Jazz, Commercial Dance, Contemporary, Latin Jazz, Tap, Showgirl Performance, Acting Techniques, Song Repertoire, Musical Theatre Performance, Audition Preparation, Professional Development. Acting Major – Improvisation, Accents, Stage Combat, Screen Acting, Voice Over & Radio Skills, Shakespeare Studies, International Theatre, Stage Play, Commedia Dell’Arte, Audition Preparation, Professional Development. Prior to graduation students have the opportunity to “Show Case” their skills in front of potential agents & employers. A full course outline of the core & electives for each major is available on application.
Just like their engagement session in July, Tori and Michael’s wedding day was the perfect temperature with no clouds in the sky. Their families and friends gathered at Revel on a Monday afternoon in April to see them become husband and wife. I knew when I first met with Tori and Michael that some of the details of their wedding would be a little different from what I’ve seen before, and all the details were so unique and well-coordinated when I saw them in person. They had a yellow and gray color scheme; the bridesmaids wore gray maxi skirts and the groomsmen wore yellow suspenders and bow ties, all with black Converses. Tori’s long-sleeved lace and tulle gown was straight out of a fairy tale wedding, with a cotton crown she made herself and yellow Converses to match Michael’s—the same ones they wore with their black and white outfits at their engagement session. Instead of bouquets, Tori and her bridesmaids carried lanterns with cotton and string lights inside. The tables had cotton centerpieces and their favorite yellow candies. For the reception, they picked out breakfast food, because “who doesn’t love breakfast food?” As a couple who met during Governor’s School and graduated from Clemson, they had all of their rings present for their detail shots. Their “guest log” was cut from an actual log where all their guests could sign. You could see that Tori and Michael were so happy for this day to finally be here. They were so smiley for their portraits, which makes it easy for me! It’s been so much fun to be part of their engagement and their wedding day over the past year or so. Everything else was made possible by family and friends. The one snow day we had in Greenville all winter just so happened to land on the day McKenzie wanted to propose to Katrina. The exciting night out he’d planned for the proposal quickly turned into a night in, so he had to think of a new plan quickly. He put on “Millionaire” by Chris Stapleton and asked Katrina for a slow dance in the living room. When the song finished, he told her that it was a good time to celebrate. Wen Katrina asked what they were celebrating, McKenzie said, “our engagement,” and got down on one knee with this gorgeous vintage-looking engagement ring. Katrina and McKenzie’s intimate wedding was on a perfect April day at the Bleckley Inn in Anderson. They made each other laugh during the ceremony and they had me laughing so much during their bride and groom portraits! We took some photos out in the courtyard and some others in this little alleyway with flowers and string lights. Katrina wore a gown with lace sleeves and an off-the-shoulder V-neckline, like a gown out of a 50s movie. She also had these princess-looking shoes and the garter her mother wore on her own wedding day. Many of the items they used were handmade, including their engraved tree-like ring box, McKenzie’s feather bow tie, and the succulent décor at the reception. All three of their rings are so unique—McKenzie’s wedding band is made from meteorite! Thank you Katrina and McKenzie for letting me be part of this beautiful day! Lindsay and Tim met through the engineering program at Clemson. They became friends when they both had their engineering co-op with the same company and they started dating not long after that. For their first date, they went paddle boarding on Lake Hartwell, right outside their apartment community. While they were on a ski trip to Colorado, Tim proposed to Lindsay on a horse-drawn carriage! How sweet is that? Since Clemson is such a special place for Lindsay and Tim, they decided that was where they wanted to do their engagement photos. They came down from Charlotte with their sweet puppy, Ray. We started down by the stadium and worked our way through the main part of campus. Since legend has it that walking hand-in-hand through President’s Park guarantees that you’ll be together forever, it’s pretty much a milestone in any Clemson couple’s relationship, and we had to get some pictures in there. This session wouldn’t have been complete without going to Harts Cove and taking some pictures at the docks on Lake Hartwell, where they had their first date. Since the students were on spring break, the campus was nearly silent for a Friday evening, making this session more peaceful and intimate. It was the perfect spring day; the temperature was in the upper 60s, the sky was clear, the trees were pink and white, and there were so many colorful flowers in front of Tillman Hall. The bigger trees were still bare enough for that glow you only see in the winter, and to show Tillman Hall in the background when we were at Sikes Hall. Enjoy the photos from this beautiful spring evening! I can’t wait for their fall wedding in the mountains! To see more Clemson engagement sessions and other work I’ve done around there, visit my Clemson page. Just a few days before the Miss Clemson University pageant, Anna was on the sidelines with the rest of the Rally Cats dance team as Clemson won the 2018 College Football National Championship. After a super cool Michael Jackson jazz dance, the most picturesque entrance in her evening gown, bringing in the most ad sales, and taking home the philanthropy award, Anna was crowned Miss Clemson University 2019. She represented Alpha Delta Pi. Not only does Anna come from a family with lots of Clemson Tigers, her great-aunt was the very first Miss Clemson College in 1962! It’s actually a pretty big decision and I don’t know why I’ve never read a blog post on it. I never heard anyone talk about this, and I never thought to talk with anyone about it, maybe because everyone has such different views on marriage in general and what different name change options would say about you. Even when you Google “name change after marriage,” the whole first page is about the process of changing your name and not what to change it to. I’m sure I’m not the only one who would have benefitted from reading something like this. I initially didn’t like the idea of changing my name. This is what I had been called my whole life. I didn’t want to be called something else just because I made the decision to get married. Changing my name would mean having to update everything from my driver’s license to my Amazon shipping information to my paperwork at my job. I really didn’t want to go through all those processes, in addition to having to update pretty much everyone I knew. The reason I did change my name was because I wanted our eventual family to all be under one name. “The Gows” wouldn’t include me if my last name was Scott or Scott-Gow. People wouldn’t know to associate me with Dan or our future children. So I eventually decided that I wanted to be a Gow, but what would come between Christine and Gow? For other people, there are several factors to consider. I know professors who didn’t change their names so they can still be tied to different works they’ve published. Other professors might marry another professor in the same department and not want to be confused with each other. Some use a hyphenated name. One of my professors made her husband’s last name her middle name instead of the other way around. Some people change their name, but still choose to be known professionally as the name everyone knows. Carrie Underwood, for example, is not known to the public as Carrie Fisher, partially because so many people know her as Carrie Underwood, and partially because she could be confused with Princess Leia. After deciding what your last name will be, you have to decide what you want your middle name to be. For some people, it’s an easy choice if they don’t like their middle or last name, or if it’s a name that they don’t want to be associated with anymore. I like my middle name and I didn’t like the idea of completely replacing my family name. Plus, I had Christine Scott Photography going for me, but it would be weird if Scott wasn’t part of my name anymore. I don’t think I really knew what I wanted my middle name to be until over a month after I was married. This brings me to the legal process of name changes, which can vary by state. In South Carolina, you can change your middle and last name to reflect your spouse’s name after becoming legally married. Based on those rules, my options were Christine Laureana Scott, Christine Scott Gow, or Christine Laureana Gow (side note: Laureana is pronounced Laurie-Anna and it was my great-grandma’s name). Somehow, I got away with making “Laureana Scott” my legal middle name without anyone questioning me. I don’t know what my plan would have been if I’d been told that wasn’t allowed or if I didn’t have enough space on the form. Here’s where it gets complicated: if you don’t go by your first name, you will need a court order to legally change your name to the one everyone calls you. This applies to people who go by their middle names, their last names, a nickname, or just another name they’ve chosen for themselves. According to the South Carolina Legislature’s website, “A person who desires to change his name may petition, in writing, a family court judge in the appropriate circuit, setting forth the reason for the change, his age, his place of residence and birth, and the name by which he desires to be known,” as well as a series of background checks and an affidavit. If monograms or initials are important to you, that’s something you’ll want to think about before making a legal name change. Remember the Big Bang Theory episode where they name their teams “Perpetual Motion Squad” and “Army Ants,” not realizing what the acronyms would be on their shirts? Or what if your initials don’t spell anything, but your monogram does? As for initials, I always thought “Christine S” sounded weird, maybe because it was rare for me to need to be distinguished from another Christine, so “Christine S Gow” sounded weird to me too. The only times I see “Christine L Gow” are in places like my bank account. My signature is “Christine L Gow” because that’s what my credit card says and my signature is on the back. On a side note, Dan and I recently realized that the “G” looks different in our signatures. His G looks like the one on the General Mills logo and mine looks like the one on the Goody hair accessories logo. There are online services that will automate the process for you. I considered this since the DMV here wasn’t open when I wasn’t at work, but I read some negative reviews about the online services and decided I didn’t want to risk my legal name getting messed up. I read that you’re supposed to go to the social security office before the DMV, so that’s what I did once I had a day off work. I believe I was required to bring two forms of ID, which can include your driver’s license, your passport, your social security card, and your birth certificate. I got there right when it opened and there was already a huge line across the front of the building. I had some photography work to do, so I brought that with me in anticipation of a long wait. The wait at the social security office was actually longer than the wait at the DMV, but I was able to sit down right away at the social security office. I hope this has provided some insight to you as you get ready for this big change! In 2018, I had sessions or weddings across 6 states. From fulfilling my lifelong dream of meeting Piglet in Disney World to adding beautiful Kentucky to the list of states I’ve been to, it’s been pretty exciting. There were pink and white trees, green trees, red and yellow trees, and trees with lights in them. I shot in Falls Park on the day of prom and right when it stopped pouring down rain after 4 days. It’s been a year of growth for my business, but I’ve also been lucky to keep shooting for other incredible photographers in the area. First of all, my aunt Diane helped me come up with a new logo last week. My original logo was meant to be pretty versatile because I wasn’t totally sure what I wanted to focus on. Once I got a better idea of what would better reflect the work I do, I changed the font and formatting to reflect that a little better. I kept the same colors I’ve always had, partly because I just like them, and partly because I’ve come to like the elegance of navy with a hint of a bright green that you wouldn’t normally see at a wedding. I’ll be starting off the year with Miss Clemson University on January 12th. This will be my third year with the pageant and I can’t wait to meet the new winner and have a session with her! I’ve had a few headshot sessions this year and I’ve realized how much I enjoy them! This will become a service that I regularly offer. It’s important for professionals, small business owners, and pageant contestants to have updated, high-quality photos of themselves so people can become more familiar with the person they’re about to get to know. Just like with a portrait session, I’ll help you decide what to wear and how you want your hair and makeup so you can look and feel like yourself. Since this will only be a 30-minute session, I can have these sessions during the week in Greenville! In the past year, I’ve become more passionate about helping people learn to take better pictures because it’s a skill anyone can benefit from. You don’t have to be an aspiring photographer to take advantage of this. This can help you if you want to have a picture of your cute kids before they grow up, you want to show better photos of a product you want to sell, or remember a pretty place you went to. To let me know you’re interested, join my mailing list and you’ll be the first to know when I have something new to share! You’ll still have a complementary engagement session with your wedding, but there are a few things I’m excited to expand: bridal portraits, albums, and prints. As someone who’s been through wedding planning and continues to be part of it from the vendor side, I think it’s important to use my experience to help your first day of marriage go as smoothly as possible. Part of that is to make you feel comfortable with me before the big day comes, and part of that is to help you build your relationship with each other. Here are a few of my favorites from 2018. Here’s to what comes next year! Remember Amethyst and Matt, who had their engagement session in Disney World this past April? They celebrated their happily ever after on a warm and sunny December day in Savannah, Georgia! My day started with a Forrest Gump impersonator chatting with me at breakfast and telling me to congratulate the couple for him, which I think is pretty cool. The day ended with a sparkler exit along the street with trolley passengers cheering and passing cars honking. Before the ceremony, I took pictures with Amethyst, her family, and her bridesmaids with ivy and palmetto trees. My second shooter, Shain, took Matt, his family, and the groomsmen to the nearby square with lots of giant oak trees and Spanish moss. The ceremony took place in the courtyard of the Kimpton Brice Hotel, which faces the Savannah River. Although this was not a Disney-themed wedding, there had to be Disney references throughout the day, since that’s where Amethyst and Matt met and began their adventures as a couple. Not only were there some Disney songs carefully placed throughout the day (I especially loved the songs from The Goofy Movie as the wedding party entered the reception), each entrance into the reception space had a Disney quote about love on it. Like any Disney princess, Amethyst wore a tiara. Since Beauty and the Beast is one of Amethyst’s favorite Disney movies, Matt had notes and roses given to her throughout the day. As we took their photos in the square after the ceremony, Matt gave her one more note and a rose. I only know that part of that note said “I’ll love you until the last petal falls” because Matt pointed out that this rose was artificial, so no petals would fall. When you’ve spent years working at “the happiest place on earth,” where do you go for your first adventure as a married couple? Well, “the happiest place on earth” actually refers to several places in different parts of the world, so I’ll just leave it at that. Here are a few of my favorites from this beautiful wedding day! While I love all the excitement and details of a wedding day, engagement sessions are unique in their own way. Not only is it intimate, it also gives couples a chance to showcase their personalities and stories through the location and outfits they choose. In this blog, I’m sharing a few tips on what to wear! I believe that photos that make us happy are mostly because of how we feel at the time the photos were taken. I want everyone to feel their best before they even see me, so I give everyone a portrait guide before each session. Much of that gives some insight to help you decide what to wear. I recommend having two outfits, but some couples choose to wear one, either because they really like it or because they don’t want to take time out of the session to find a place to change. Here are a few tips to help you narrow down your options. You don’t want to remember your engagement session as the day you wore a top that was too tight or an itchy sweater. If it’s 100 degrees, try to wear something that’s won’t make you sweat more. If it’s 25 degrees (like in Katherine and Anthony's session, pictured above), make sure you have layers under your outfit and gloves to put on between photos. A scarf and a peacoat can be just as pretty as a sundress. Check out my Pinterest board for some of my favorite outfits for cold weather sessions! Wear comfortable shoes! Take it from me: after I finished my graduation session, it was about a half mile walk back to my car. I really didn’t want to make the choice between wearing the shoes that hurt me for the whole session and walking barefoot. If you’re dying to wear a certain pair of shoes for your session, make sure you have a more comfortable pair to change into if you have a lot of walking to do. Here’s a tip that I picked up from my high school color guard days: carefully placed electrical tape on the insides of your shoes can save your feet a lot of pain. 2. Coordinate with each other. You can coordinate outfits without matching, like the “red top, black pants” my cousins and I would wear for our family pictures at Christmas when we were little. You could choose a color scheme, such as wearing different shades of blue or both of you wearing something red and black. You could also complement each other’s outfits. If your favorite dress is purple and your fiancé doesn’t have anything purple, you can choose an accessory in a similar color to something he does have. You can coordinate your outfits with the color scheme of the location. If there are lots of fall leaves at this location, you could wear warmer hues to complement them. If your session is in the snow (which would be amazing), you could wear bolder colors to stand out. Tori and Michael’s first outfits complemented the colors of the desert garden so well, and their second outfits showed off their matching shoes while coordinating with the sunflowers. If you’re newly engaged, I hope this helps you feel more confident going into your engagement session! Want to be one of the first to see my next blog post for couples? Click here to join my email list! I have a lot of pictures to take in the wonderful month of October, and the first were for Sierra and Remington’s engagement session in the mountains! When I first met Sierra and Remington in July for Sierra’s graduation photos at Clemson, they told me they were about to celebrate their 4th anniversary as a couple. Right before that day came up, Remington told Sierra to make sure her trunk was shut because he got something out of it earlier and he wasn’t sure if it had closed all the way. Thinking he was at work, Sierra opened the trunk to find three boxes with letters and pictures of them together. Remington came from behind the house and proposed! How pretty is the ring he picked out? And yes, I looked all around for red and yellow leaves before Sierra and Remington got there so I could do a fall-looking ring shot, even though it was still a few days before the fall temperature kicked in. I’ve found that people in other states tend to forget that there’s more to South Carolina than Charleston, but Charleston doesn’t have a view like this! Check out some of my favorites from this session with an awesome couple in a beautiful place. Seeing your images for the first time is always such a fun experience, but deciding on what to do with the images can be difficult. You probably value being able to share them on social media or hanging your favorites in your home, but what else is there to consider? Here are some of the benefits of having digital files, prints, and albums. When I was in middle or high school, a friend mentioned not having any baby pictures. I couldn’t understand why since my family had so many pictures of me from when I was little. His parents did take pictures of him when he was little, but his house had burned down when he was in elementary school, and any pictures that were in that house were gone. This was before digital photography became the norm, so any pictures they had that were taken before the fire were either copied from photos given to friends and family, or from the school’s database of school pictures. This is the biggest reason why I never think twice about offering digital files. Another reason is that it’s always nice to be able to share your photos with so many friends and family members at once and to have them on your phone whenever you want to show someone, and you can get more prints if you need to years after I’ve given you the files. But only having digital files isn't ideal for every situation. When I got engaged, my grandma, who was losing her memory, asked me every time we talked on the phone what my ring looked like. It was kind of hard to describe, so I texted a picture to my aunt, who I knew visited her often. Still, my grandma would ask me during every conversation what it looked like, insisting that my aunt had never shown her the photo, even though I knew she had several times. My grandma didn’t have access to a cell phone or a computer, so she couldn't see a digital file unless someone came and showed it to her, which we already knew wasn't working out. I printed off a photo and mailed it to her, along with some photos from our engagement session. That way, they could hang on the fridge she passed every day, and she wouldn’t forget what my ring looked like or whose ring it was. So why would you want to order prints if you can just print the digital files yourself? The short answer I give in my portrait guide is that I give you the option to order prints from a professional lab so that they’ll last longer over time and look closer to what you see on your screen. Plus, it’s easier than downloading the photos and re-uploading them to wherever you’re printing them. As for color, I went to Clemson. Sometimes, I would take photos of athletes and their uniforms would look orange and blue instead of orange and purple. Other times, the orange in their uniforms would look like Tennessee orange or Texas orange, or even red. I worked hard in my editing to make sure the colors in my photos looked like what I saw in person. Still, I soon realized that this didn’t always matter if I was printing from the least expensive print source I could get to, because the print could be more yellow or blurry than the file I sent. In college, I'd either pick up smaller prints from a pharmacy in a flimsy envelope, or the larger ones would be mailed to me in a cardboard tube. Not even millimeters separated my prints from whatever could be happening outside. What if a bigger package fell on it? What if I spilled something on the envelope on the drive home? Well, I can assure you that the prints that come from my galleries come from the same lab as the photos that hang on my walls. They came in thick boxes with tons of layers, and you can see that our wedding colors are CLEARLY purple and orange. Let’s go back to my grandma: my dad made my grandma an album of family photos he had scanned, dating back to before my grandparents were married. He said that when he showed her the photos, she was suddenly able to recall specific details about the photos. Around that time, I made my sister's wedding album as her wedding gift, and my dad asked me to make another copy for my grandma. I sometimes had to describe my cousins' weddings to her, even though she was at all of them, and we wanted her to remember how happy she was at my sister's wedding. The album had pictures of the extended family, my sister’s accessories, and the sign they got with their names and wedding date on it. She could pick it up from her coffee table and remember what my sister’s new last name was, the date of the wedding, who was there, and what everything looked like. And someday, my sister and her husband won’t remember that day so well, and they’ll have the album to show their kids. I decided to make my own wedding album because it’s something I like to do. And I did make it…a year after my wedding. It wouldn’t surprise me if other couples planned to make their own and just never did. Unless you’re like me and you’re obsessed with detail shots, you probably won’t have prints of your shoes and rings hanging on your wall, but you would want to have some photos in your album that highlighted some of the important items from your wedding day, like any heirlooms or the lace on your veil that you love so much. You wouldn’t hang pictures that included every guest, but you’d put some of them in an album so you can remember who was there. Plus, looking through my grandparents’ wedding album is so much fun because everything was so different back then, and it’s only when I look at those photos that my family and I see how much I look like my grandma. My approach to delivering photos has always been to serve you the best I can without making things too complicated for you. Everyone has different photography needs, so hopefully this has helped you get a better idea of what your needs are. Thanks for reading! Want to be the first to know when I've posted another post like this one? Click here to join my mailing list! Tori and Michael first met at governor’s school and became friends when they became counselors for the governor’s school summer camp program. After they both graduated from Clemson with engineering degrees, Michael proposed to Tori on a cruise to the Caribbean. Since so much of Tori and Michael’s story took place at Clemson, that’s where we went for their engagement photos. I've done lots of sessions at Clemson and even had my own engagement photos there, but I love how every session I've had there shows a different part of campus that each person wants to look back on. We didn’t just take photos around campus, we went into the botanical gardens and the student organic farm as well. There’s a section of the botanical garden with all desert plants, so until we moved to the grassier areas with palmetto trees, it would be hard to tell we were in South Carolina if you weren’t there to feel the humidity. With a high of 84 degrees that day, it was even hard to remember that it was July. Although their clothes got caught on the cacti a few times before we came up with a new plan for where to stand, I’m happy to say that the only time anyone got pricked was when I set up the shot of Tori’s ring on top of a cactus with a flat top and little tiny spines around it. Luckily, I didn’t really feel them and they came out pretty easily. I thought the outfits Tori and Michael chose were awesome and looked amazing against some of the plants in the area. Their first outfit complemented the colors of the desert garden so beautifully. They coordinated their second outfit with the sunflower field in mind, using their matching yellow Converses to complement the sunflowers and stand out from their black and white outfits. Here are some of my favorites from this Arizona/South Carolina/summer-feeling session! I had a lot of fun with these two and I can’t wait to be part of their wedding day! Samantha and Tim's wedding was one of those days that you'd picture if you imagined a peaceful summer wedding in the south. They were married at the Pines at Sheltowee, under the shade of the trees with the Appalachian mountains of eastern Kentucky right behind them. The barn was elegantly rustic on the inside with big windows everywhere to let in plenty of natural light for Samantha's bridal portraits. Her gown had a beautiful lacy train and she carried a bouquet in a pastel pink and blue palette, while her bridesmaids carried baby's breath. The reception hall, where Samantha's family served food they made themselves, was decorated with hints of blush. The clouds rolled in during the wedding ceremony, keeping the sun off of everyone on this 90-degree day. The rain held off until after the ceremony and it only began sprinkling towards the very end of the bridal party photos. Luckily, the sun was back out during the golden hour, and you know how I love the way golden hour sun lights up hair like Samantha’s. Their dog, Tux, walked down the aisle with Tim’s parents and sat quietly for the ceremony and some pictures. Since Tim is a herpetologist (someone who studies reptiles), his brother and best man mentioned during his speech that he was only allowed to have one room in the new house for critters. It only made sense for their getaway car to have drawings of some of the many animals he’s worked with. I had always imagined that Kentucky would kind of look like West Virginia, where I first started to be conscious of taking “good” pictures of the mountains that would show people who weren’t there exactly how beautiful something could be. After many years of learning to take better pictures, combining a backdrop like that with the joy of a wedding makes me so happy. Samantha and Tim’s wedding perfectly combined those two and more. Here are some of my favorites from this gorgeous Kentucky day! Dress: Bridal and Formal, Inc. On Thursday, Diana became an alumna of Clemson’s engineering school. On Saturday, she became Andrew’s wife. I did this Clemson couple’s engagement photos on a cold January day in Clemson. Here are their wedding pictures from a 90-something degree clear day in May! The wedding ceremony took place in the Fort Mill church Diana grew up in and a priest from Andrew’s church delivered the sermon. Diana wore the same veil that her mother and her mother’s sisters all wore on their wedding days, except Diana added a pretty gold headband to it. And how beautiful are these rings? Diana’s yellow-gold rings look so pretty together! Diana’s favorite color is gray, so her bridesmaids wore gray, but most of Diana’s accessories were gold and there were hints of blue in their bouquets, with Diana’s rosary wrapped around the bridal bouquet. After the ceremony, we found a shaded area by a pond near the church for bride and groom portraits, then crossed the border of the Carolinas to Diana’s aunt’s house in Charlotte for the reception. Diana and Andrew love the movie Up, so “adventure” was a common theme throughout the reception. They had a few single-tier cakes from All In, a coffee shop in Clemson where everything tastes amazing, including their cakes. After a night of line dancing and partner dancing in the backyard, Diana and Andrew walked through a tunnel of their family and friends blowing bubbles that came from champagne bottle-shaped bubble containers, which I thought was adorable, before heading to Asheville for their first adventure as husband and wife. Enjoy the photos of this beautiful celebration of love between two sweet people! For the Spring 2018 semester, I had 8 Clemson graduation portrait sessions, with 2 more happening after graduation. Here are some of my favorites of each session at the best university. Holly is graduating with a degree in health sciences. She grew up near University of Georgia and became interested in Clemson after they beat Georgia in football. We rescheduled her session for a cloudy afternoon that turned into a bright and sunny afternoon, which made the lighting a little different, and some gorgeous blossoms! Logan is a political science major and Connor is a computer science major. They were also part of my wedding; we all met through Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity. These were also the guys I spent the College Football National Championship with, as well as a lot of that football season. Kinsey is graduating with a degree in chemistry. We arrived at the stadium to find out that the football team had decided to move their practice into the stadium at the last minute, meaning we couldn’t go inside and we had songs like Back in Black blasting through the stadium to pump us up for our other pictures. She did get to come during my next session and get her stadium photos, though! Peter is a management major who will move to Atlanta after graduation. He paid tribute to the football team’s national title from his junior year by wearing a Deshaun Watson jersey for some of his shots around the stadium. Mindy and Megan grew up in Tennessee. Although they didn’t have any family ties to Clemson, they both fell in love with the school and are graduating with engineering degrees. Taron is also a chemistry major and wanted to explore the botanical gardens for the first time during her session. We were originally scheduled to have the session when the trees would be blooming, but it poured down rain on the day we scheduled. Her yellow dress looks so perfect in the gardens though! Tracy and Katie have already graduated from Clemson once, but now they’re graduating with their Masters in Business Administration. Since all their MBA classes are in Greenville, they wanted to have a session in Greenville instead, which was a new experience for me! Glenn is graduating with a degree in history. His session was right after most people moved out, so the campus was so quiet that day. Since there were no cars and his girlfriend had come along, I tried a shot of the two of them on the paw print at the 4-way stop. Congratulations to Holly, Logan, Connor, Kinsey, Peter, Mindy, Megan, Taron, Tracy, Katie, and Glenn (and Alexa and Christine, who will be featured once their sessions happen) on their graduation from Clemson! One of my first Clemson portrait sessions was for my friend Tracy when she was crowned Miss Clemson University 2016. Two years later, I got to cover the pageant and see Tara become Miss Clemson University. As the representative for the Clemson Rally Cats dance team, she had such an awesome dance routine to a Gloria Estefan mix, taking home the overall talent award in addition to the crown. I finally got to get to know Tara on what was probably the most perfect day ever for a portrait session—it was a quiet, 65-degree and sunny day with the trees and flowers in full bloom. Tara is a health sciences major and a sister of Alpha Delta Pi. She was the 2016 Distinguished Young Woman of America. A few weeks before our session, she was on the basketball court with the Rally Cats when Clemson men’s basketball team made it to the Sweet Sixteen for the first time in over 20 years. A few days after our session, Tara and the Rally Cats went to Disney World to compete at Nationals. Of course we had to have some photos of Tara in the stadium with her Rally Cat uniform, where she also posed for some pictures with excited Clemson fans who had come to take some pictures with Howard’s Rock. When we were taking pictures over by Tillman Hall, there was a group of little girls playing on Bowman Field who kept running up to us, then saying to each other, “I think she’s a REAL beauty queen!” They finally came close enough for Tara to show them the crown. Here are some of my favorites from this beautiful day with this sweet lady! For more information about Miss Clemson University, visit my Miss Clemson University page or contact the Clemson University Mortar Board. Amethyst and Matt first met while working at the same Disney World resort. This past February, Matt got all of Amethyst’s friends in on his plan to propose at the top of the Orlando Eye, a giant Ferris wheel. When the ride was delayed due to a fire alarm going off, the group decided to take some pictures in front of the Ferris wheel while they were waiting. When it was Matt and Amethyst’s turn to have their picture taken, Matt popped the question. Fast forward to the day of the engagement session: seeing the Winnie the Pooh characters react to a couple saying they’re engaged is the cutest thing ever. We started the session on the beaches by some of their favorite resorts. Yes, we had a beach and Cinderella’s Castle in the same shots! That Winnie the Pooh song that says “and the rain rain rain came down down down” is a perfect description of what happened partway through. Amethyst and Matt pulled out their Mickey and Minnie umbrellas, which was not only adorable, they looked especially gorgeous when a little patch of golden hour sun peeked out for a few minutes. To top it off, we saw a rainbow for a minute! Luckily, there were lots of gazebos in the area, so Matt and Amethyst could stay dry while dancing to Disney songs. Keep an eye out for a hidden Mickey in one of the gazebos! I don’t normally shoot after the sun goes down, but we were in Disney. We headed to Main Street and watched the fireworks and light show at the castle. I asked Matt and Amethyst if they wanted some pictures with it. They said to wait until the grand finale, when there would be the most fireworks. There may have been a ton of people around, but the rush of catching the right moment was incredible. I knew as soon as Matt and Amethyst told me where they wanted their engagement photos that this would be so much fun. Hope you love looking through these photos from the most magical location! I had the pleasure of shooting the Miss Clemson University pageant once again! This time, I'm sharing some of my favorite photos of each contestant in a blog post. After the opening dance in which all 19 contestants introduced themselves, Miss Clemson University 2017, Brooklyn, entered with the Tiger and Miss Clemson Life, Megan. Brooklyn was an MC for the event with Rachel, who was Miss Clemson 2016, which led her to become Miss South Carolina and the runner-up for Miss America 2016. (for information about purchasing photos, visit my Miss Clemson University page). I had the pleasure of meeting Caroline a few weeks before the pageant to do her pageant headshots. She was given the Miss Congeniality award at the pageant. Reese represented the Clemson cheerleaders and performed the cheer routine to Tiger Rag, the Clemson fight song. I'm loving this shot from Johanna's dance! She was awarded the 4th runner up. Laney looked like she was having so much fun with her belly dance routine! I had to post a shot of Kyndall's dress from the back because that cape is just so cool! Alyx sang Orange Colored Sky with an orange jumpsuit. Perfect for Clemson! I also did Margaret's pageant headshots a few weeks before the pageant. She received the People's Choice award at the pageant. As a lover of all things vintage, I loved Carlyle's evening gown with her hair! Tiffany's gown looks so sparkly in the stage lights! Shea represented Clemson Dancers, the only organization represented at the pageant that I was part of during my time at Clemson. Katherine played one of my favorite Disney songs (When You Wish Upon a Star) and had the perfect dress to go with it! Claire had such a fun Irish dance for her talent! I have so many favorite photos from Logan's dance routine! She was the first runner up and had the most ad sales. This is my new favorite evening gown photo! Morgan was given the philanthropy award. It's not my best picture of Cara's talent, but it's the one that shows off her outfit the best. Nicole's dance routine and gorgeous white evening gown helped get her to 3rd runner up as just a freshman. Abigail also sang jazz in a Clemson colored jumpsuit, wearing purple and singing Fly Me to the Moon. The interview portion of the pageant took place earlier in the day, so I didn't see the interview for which Makenzie was given an award. She also was named second runner-up. Brooklyn made her final walk as Miss Clemson University. She was joined onstage by her dad and brother. The contestants returned to the stage for the award ceremony, which started with the first-ever crowning of Miss Clemson Life, Megan. Brooklyn passed on the crown she was given for Miss Clemson University 2016. After all of the other awards were given, Tara of the Rally Cats was crowned Miss Clemson University 2018! To see more, and for more information on purchasing photos, visit my Miss Clemson University page. One day at Clemson, Andrew and Diana walked hand-in-hand through President's Park. Andrew did not know at the time that superstition says that means they'll be together forever. This time, they held hands and danced through the park, knowing their wedding day will be here before they know it. I've done lots of portrait sessions around Clemson, and I had my proposal, engagement, and wedding pictures at Clemson, but this was my first time shooting an engagement session at Clemson, so this one holds a special place in my heart. It was also my first time doing a session in January; I don't know what colors are the most festive for January, but I'm pretty sure that Diana and Andrew wore them for the session, and Diana’s purple coat is so perfect for a session at Clemson. At such a cold time of year, there were no leaves on the trees to hide some of the buildings on the main part of campus, so Tillman Hall could be in the background of our photo from the steps of Sikes Hall and the photo of Diana’s yellow-gold and sapphire engagement ring. Diana has been on Clemson’s rowing team all four years of college, so we took some pictures down at the lake on the dock with a tiger paw painted on it. With a high of 37 degrees that day, we couldn’t see or hear any people or boats, making it a peaceful time for Diana and Andrew to snuggle up in a blanket on the dock and watch the sun go down over the water. Here are some of my personal favorite photos from Diana and Andrew's engagement session. After having so much fun with them at their session, I'm even more excited now to be part of their wedding day! I always watch the forecast closely and frequently in the week prior to a session, and Katherine and Anthony's session was no different. Yet somehow, I woke up, saw that the forecast had changed from "cloudy" to "partly cloudy," then looked out the window to see the roads covered in snow! Nobody in the area was expecting this to happen. Luckily, it melted enough to clear the roads so I could meet Katherine and Anthony for the session. This would be the first session I'd ever done in the dead of winter and it would be in Virginia, so I knew this would be my coldest session yet. What I didn't know was exactly how cold it would be. Although the snow all melted before I could get a shot of Katherine's ring in the snow, it was still cold enough for us to take pictures in front of a frozen pond. After meeting through their friends a few years earlier, Anthony proposed to Katherine in Washington DC on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial, which faces the Washington Monument. They wanted to have their engagement photos in the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, so in the week between Christmas and New Year's, we met up in Crozet, slightly west of where Katherine and I both grew up. Their outfits were the perfect winter engagement session outfits; the colors were so classically wintery, Katherine's red sweater was a perfect fit for that time between Christmas and New Year's Eve, and Katherine's mom made the scarves that both of them wore to the session. Katherine's yellow-gold ring was covered by her gloves for a good part of the session, but it made for some cute photos of her trying to keep Anthony's hands warm. We ended the session a little earlier than I usually do because the windchill was so brutal (by our Virginia standards), but the golden hour lighting kept us out for just a few more pictures. I'm so glad we were able to brave the cold at least for a little while and that the snow didn't keep us from driving to these mountain views. Since apparently everyone else in Crozet decided to stay inside that day (not that we can blame them), we had this gorgeous landscape all to ourselves. It's always an honor to be part of putting these sweet moments into pictures, but it's even more special in the wide open with absolutely nobody else in sight. I can't wait to come back to Charlottesville for the next part of Katherine and Anthony's story! Another year over, a new one just begun. 2017 was quite the year for pictures! Clemson football won the national championship in January, I shot the Miss Clemson University pageant, Dan and I got married in July and took our honeymoon to British Columbia, there was a total solar eclipse in August, and there were all sorts of awesome people in front of my camera in between. So what's happening in 2018? I will be shooting the Miss Clemson University pageant again this year! If you're competing and you don't have professional headshots for the program yet, let me know and we can set up a session. Thank you so much to everyone who's supported me in my photography so far. Whether you've chosen me as your photographer or you've given me some words of encouragement, it means so much to me. I wouldn't have reached this point without your support. Here are some of my favorite photos from everything I shot in 2017. I'm always striving to be better at what I do, and I can't wait for all the pictures 2018 has in store!
DGAP-News: UEC presented Be-200 amphibious aircraft remotorization project with SaM146 engine at Hydroaviasalon-2018 in Gelendzhik. A spectacular waterspout over the Black Sea was captured on video by witnesses vacationing in Gelendzhik bay on the southern coast of Russia. ... am proud to play for Sweden. I will never let any racists destroy that pride," Durmaz said during his speech at the team's base camp in Gelendzhik.
We are delighted to announce the 12 winning images of the International Cat Care 2016 Cat Naps photography competition! The competition ran for six weeks from the start of April and attracted a record number of entries, with a total of 3,400 pictures submitted by photographers from 51 different countries! This is easily the largest number of entries the charity has ever received in the four years that the competition has been running. This year, together with Your Cat magazine, we were looking for images of cats napping, something cats certainly like to do! We received so many fantastic entries including cats sleeping up trees, in flowerpots and even one of a cat napping on the back of a horse! The judges from iCatCare and Your Cat magazine had the privileged but difficult task of whittling the entries down to a shortlist of just 40, from which the 12 winners were selected. Congratulations go to Viv Harding, Nic Howett, Crystal Moreno, Matthew Wong, Becky Wong, Patrycja Kuczynska, Johanna Vaurio-Teräväinen, Alexis-Kimonas Kokkinaris, Caroline Hooper, Phil Croucher, Christine Lam Ying Loi and Paul Brown – our winners! The twelve winners will each receive £100 and a selection of iCatCare merchandise. All of the winners were also invited to the iCatCare Annual Awards which were held in London on 15 July. Angel: My bowl and my blanket…Right?!? OMG these kitties are adorable! I want them all :). Congrats to all the winners. Check out these awesome winning cat photographs. Monkey and I are sure glad there is a black cat amongst them! Do two identical cat photos exist in the universe? I think not!
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On night of Sunday 28th November 1914 there was a mutiny at Upwey, near Weymouth. Private Wallace Williams of the 3rd Dorset Regiment was killed and Private Lane injured. The papers report that Grandad Beck attended the Coroner’s court but gives us no information about his involvement. The civil courts part in this was to ascertain how the death happened and if it was a criminal offence. The war had started 4 months before. I am sure that the investigating the incident had to be handled with care, as it involved both the military and civilian police. It is likely that Grandad Beck, as Dorset’s only detective was involved in the investigation and liaising with the Dorset Regiment. This may have helped to secure his promotion the following year, to Superintendent of Blandford Forum, a town with a military base nearby. I know it is not really relevant but I couldn’t resist another picture of Lionel in uniform take in 1917. On 23rd April 1917 Grandad Beck’s son Lionel joined the Royal North Devon Hussars 2/1 Battalion. His service was to last 101 days, just over 3 months. From his discharge papers and the three letters Lionel wrote to his sister May, we find out about this time. Less than a year after he returned home, Lionel died, his death certificate contained a surprise. We learn that Private Lionel Howard Beck was 5ft 6in with blue eyes and fair hair. Before his call up, Lionel, worked as a shop assistant, most likely in Blandford where he lived at home with his parents and sister. At this time Grandad Beck was Superintendent at Blandford and the family lived in the police station.
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There are more photos from Doniphan alumni listed at Classmates.com®. Click here to join Classmates.com® for free and share more DHS pictures. Pictures of Doniphan High alumni are listed below. You can view the alumni, graduation, reunion, or sports photos from Doniphan in MO or upload photos you have taken related to Doniphan High School.
HOMsoft wins Microsoft's "2003 Information Worker Challenge" Warranty Management Technologies, LLC creator, Tracey Gundersen was awarded one of 15 “Innovator of the Year” awards by Minneapolis-based Finance and Commerce Newspaper. at 11:00 a.m. CST on WCCO-AM. Tracey and BATC representative Wendy Danks discussed what home buyers can expect with warranty service, home buyer orientations, and why maintenance is important to maintaining warranties. Also, buyers learned how the warranty process works and how to maximize their new home experience.
The ideas for these articles come from the successes, failures, and discoveries in real-world projects. In this particular case, all three inspirations are at play. The unconventional process described in the first section has proven successful, with success measured by everyone going home on time and the projects delivered on time and under budget. The failure that led to the specific problem and solution covered here was an application that continually required more memory and additional hardware at regular release intervals. A random check of code while looking for re-usable assets revealed that a good percentage of the problem was the inefficient use of String. The discovery of the Eclipse feature that makes this issue easy to track and address was the result of randomly trying different settings (which is less efficient than reading the documentation but much more fun). FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. These are the three roadblocks to improvements. When you read this article, you will probably experience all three until you have read it all the way through. Some may even have to give this a try themselves before they will be cured. And, some need an incentive to keep reading to get over their FUD. So, look at three problems that almost every application suffers from as motivation to get through the next sections with an open mind. The first cost of a String literal is the overhead of creating the String. There are few more expensive operations than creating a new object. The use of interfaces is a common approach because you are all aware of this overhead. Yet, because String is so ubiquitous, it is often forgotten that creating a String is creating a new object. The failure example alluded to earlier is a perfect example. One class had a large number of Strings declared. They were all declared as static final, a good practice to reduce the cost of String creation. However, a random search of one these declarations revealed the exact same objects being created in 70 different files. A minimum footprint for a String is 40 bytes. That adds up quickly to more hardware expense and a good amount of labor spent looking for performance improvements. The second cost is in the processing overhead of String comparison, a frequent reason for declaring a String in the first place. With the same String declared multiple times, the more efficient == comparison cannot be relied upon, requiring the more intensive .equals() comparison. The third cost is maintenance. Tracking down every instance of a String is much more tedious and prone to error than changing a single instance. There are some processes that are rarely used that every project can benefit from. One of these is daily code reviews by either a build master or technical lead. This is rarely done for many reasons, two of which are the misconceptions that it takes more time than it is worth and that it is hard to do. Looking at the time versus value concept, a daily review should take no longer than an hour. That time estimate is based on the reviewer being responsible for no more than eight developers (more than that and re-configuring the teams should be considered) and that it is done from the beginning rather than waiting for a performance issue to occur that can't be easily traced. In a six-month project, this would total 125 hours. When compared with how long it takes to tune applications in either QA or production, project savings will generally average 100%. Daily code reviews should be easy. Every source control application includes a report of what files have changed since the last update and a comparison tool to view differences between versions. Setting aside simple beans and other classes that can (and should) be generated by an IDE, the total lines of code output by a team on a daily basis is far less than one might think. This is not because the team is not productive; it is because producing a line of code consists of thinking about what the line should be, writing the line, testing the line, and corrections to the current line or previously written lines based on test results. The time taken to review the code can be greatly reduced through the use of code analysis tools both native to an IDE and available as plug-ins. By providing feedback from these daily reviews to team members and having them make the corrections themselves, the team will reduce their code standard variations. Code that is clean to begin with takes even less time to review. That hour per day can quickly drop to an average of 30 minutes a day. These daily code reviews should not be full peer reviews. They only need to be cursory reviews looking for what can be found quickly (once the review becomes a habit). One Eclipse feature that can speed this process is the use of the Errors/Warnings settings under the Compiler preference. While the default settings are very useful, there is one non-default setting that every Java development team can benefit from. Setting Non-externalized strings to Warning. The same String values used repeatedly in a web application is something that every developer is familiar with. Because example code is rift with String declarations, it is a common (and expensive) habit to declare Strings often. A much more efficient approach is the creation of a single interface to hold String values that will be re-used in more than one class (JSPs included). The two Strings above will be familiar to anyone who has ever worked on a web application. If you were to look at your last application, how many times would you find these Strings declared? Multiply that by the memory size required by each and you will see how much time you spent in meetings discussing how to reduce the time it takes for a user to login where there was a simple (if minor) reduction available immediately. Then add in the processing time where the .equals() method is used instead of the faster == comparison operator. I have used this design approach for many years; I was fortunate enough to be introduced to it on my first Java project. The average number of such Strings used in a web application is 120, with the criteria that the String must be used by more than one object. Frequently, these Strings are used by four or more objects. You would average three objects per String with an average of 60 bytes per String. Gosh, that is only .02 MB. Hardly worth it, eh? Ah, but these Strings are rarely declared as static final, so if you expect 1000 concurrent users, you are now at 20 MB. I'm prone to kill processes on my machine that use anything more the 500k if they aren't critical because I know they slow my 4GB machine down. Although the use of String.intern() would also reduce overhead, that particular approach is much more useful at a class level than an application level.
Things to do if you’re facing a seemingly severe debacle-fixing your garage door opener. The fantastic news isthese machines are rather simple to keep and to fix to those who almost have an problem with repairing machines. If you’re employing an automated garage operator using a remote control, check the remote controller battery when it still provides adequate capability to transmit sign. In case the issue is from the battery, then it could be brought on by a failure in appropriate setup. Your recipient might not be in a position to perceive signs effortlessly. When there’s not anything wrong with the transmitter and the sign, check the monitor. There could be something obstructing the trail or it might currently be somewhat rusty. In such instances, think about purchasing a new opener to the doorway of your own garage or if it may nevertheless be salvaged you can fix the region so that it can operate fluidly. Your doorway opens but it doesn’t shut, what’s? It could possibly be attributed to the light beam detector. New versions of door operators now have an integrated beam detector that can sense whether there’s something blocking its route. This functions as a security measure to stop crushing something or stop accidents. When it feels that something is obstructing its own way, it instantly opens and succeeds. If that is the issue, you need to inspect the installation of this beam detector. When it isn’t installed, it can make it feel anything that’s not in the path of the doorway of your garage that will cause a collapse in shutting the door. Chain-driven openers are often noisier. This also generates more vibrations compared to sophisticated belt-driven doorway operators. But if you realize that it generates more noise and vibration than ordinary, there can be something wrong with all the chains or the buckle. In case the motion is fluid, then check out rust or to get damaged regions. Replace if needed. The Android Apps occurrence has gained momentum with many helpful programs. Nowadays people are very addictive to those programs and in actuality, they’re using these programs for many crucial jobs in their day to day life. These helpful programs have covered nearly all of the critical areas of the digital world to generate the life span of the frequent person simple. There are countless programs available to satisfy your needs, let us talk a number of the helpful programs here. Avast Mobile Security: With over a hundred million supports this Android anti-malware application provides extended services such as a call blocker, program locker, privacy adviser, firewall and more. Additionally, it offers features like RAM booster, crap cleaner, and Wi-Fi scanner . It optimizes your devices against malicious sites, emails, links, telephone calls, SMSs etc.. In addition, it provides alerts for spyware and spyware programs. This anti virus engine supplies complete a internet shield against all probable dangers. File Manager (File Transfer): This program is supplied by Cheetah Mobile and contains more 50 million downloads. This fully featured file management application provides extensive services for users such as fundamental characteristics of cut, copy, paste, delete, research, compress, decompress options and lots of innovative features such as cloud service, Wi-Fi file transfer and more. It is possible to use this handy tool to see documents by type (picture, sound, video, downloads etc.. ) and can get them in 1 tap via Widgets. This wonderful program provides multiple protocols to move files easily. G Cloud Backup: This program is the entire package for your own storage concerns. This program features cloud backup to store your file (videos, pictures, sound, contacts, files, messages, telephone logs etc.. ) onto it to keep it safe and protected. It is possible to further access these records anytime anyplace. You may use this program to readily migrate your data between different devices and also to expand your device’s storage area. It supports most of Android devices such as tablets tablet computers, iPhone and iPad. 7 Minute Workout: Adored by millions of customers around the globe this program is clinically proven to assist you cope with your exercise worries. It gives you the ability to drop weight, strengthen your muscles, improve cardiovascular purposes and more. In its extensive features it supports Google match, provides voice advice, offers exercise logs, flexible circuit time and relaxation time supplies notifications for everyday workout and more. This is the best option to stay fit and healthy. You are able to use these helpful programs to make your experience on Android convenient and impressive. Aside from these programs one common difficulty users confront is cluttered and storage storage area in their apparatus. It impacts device speed and functionality. To manage this scenario it is possible to use Android Cleaner programs for better and instant outcomes. Similar to any other pc or notebook, installing updated and appropriate drivers is a crucial necessity for the smooth performance of your own HP Compaq NW8240. Drivers will be the applications that assist the computer interact with all the hardware devices of your notebook. An obsolete driver doesn’t enable the hardware parts of your computer to operate correctly. Therefore it will become important that you maintain all updated drivers onto your own HP Compaq NW8240. This is a very simple task which you may perform with a tiny technical understanding. In the event you’re not capable update drivers after following these hints then look at calling seasoned computer support providers. It’s very important that you understand the title of manufacturer and apparatus to figure out the proper driver. The most preferred method of getting the proper driver would be always to go on the manufacturer’s site and discover the appropriate driver for your specific device. Another means of getting it’s via online research to achieve a trustworthy site from where proper drivers could be downloaded. The second step you want to undertake would be downloading the driver that’s compatible with all the operating system installed in your HP Compaq NW8240. You have to be certain the driver you’re going to download is your harmonious version and it won’t induce software incompatibility problems. Before beginning installing the driver onto your own HP Compaq NW8240 notebook computer, you’re advised to create certain your machine is free of all sorts of viruses, malware and other internet ailments. It will become important because the existence of these ailments can derail the method of setup. The best means of eliminating these is using very good excellent antivirus software to clean your system. In addition, you also need cleaning the registry using a trusted registry cleaner so the setup is finished with no difficulties. The final step of the method is to upgrade the drivers installed on your notebook. This procedure starts when you complete the setup . Without upgrading the drivers you won’t be in a position to avail its own new capabilities. So upgrade the drivers installed on your system to assist your notebook perform nicely. The operation of this Device Manager would be to record all of the hardware devices present in your system. A device driver might be obsolete and need upgrading if a unit is being shown in yellow from the list. It’s possible to upgrade the specific device driver with a right click on it. Then choose the option’Update Driver Software’ in the sub-menu. While upgrading drivers for your HP Compaq NW8240 isn’t a really tricky endeavor still your restricted technical understanding can make it complex. You are able to do it immediately and conveniently by simply calling a seasoned personal service supplier. Technicians from such service providers can be found online 24x7x365 and they’re especially trained to repair problems with HP notebooks. An electrical generator provides electric power when there is insu19fficient or no reachable power source, guaranteeing that routine exercises and company actions keep amid a power blackout. Apart from giving a catastrophe reinforcement management distribution, a generator may similarly be used to offer consistent power to people and associations in remote regions which aren’t come into by mains electric administrations. What will you use the generator ? It’s safe to state you will use it to restrain overpowering machines or are you going to use it to get electricity backup for your house or business? For house or individual programs, a lone phase control generator with 5kW to 30kW will do just fine. For contemporary programs or to control a huge company, three phase control generators from 30 kW to 6 megawatts have been indicated. Some brands that are outstanding give an extensive reach of generator sets. To find out which one matches your requirements, do some research. Look the web for more information about every manufacturer. Prevalent brands will in all likelihood have their own websites or suppliers of those brands might have their available generators listed on the internet. You may also look at thing posting websites or talks and determine what different customers have stated with regard to a certain generator screen. Doing any exploration may provide you a superior thought of a generator’s detail and worth goes. If you need help in acquiring a generator, then it’s ideal to go over your requirements and concerns using a set stock in mechanical equipment and generator supplier. They may speak about with you in detail the advantages and disadvantages of buying generator and steer you through the manner toward buying the most matching generator that fulfills your determinations. They can lead you on guarantee which might not be cost effective for the intended purpose or price range. Some new generator versions may expect buyers to maintain up before they can find the unit in perspective of restricted availability. On the off possibility that there’s ever an end scenario that occurs, obtaining a generator is going to be of fantastic significance. A generator provides power for you and your house for the several things we need.
When I bought my first property about 8 years ago, it took over a year before it started to begin to pay for itself. I was thinking of selling it and if I did it would have certainly been at a loss. I started to question if it was a good investment because it quickly became a money pit; in the first six months rotting wood in the kitchen that no one spotted before closing meant I had to re-do it before tenants moved in, there were plumbing issues, the list goes on. Now it’s a cash cow. When I jumped into Go Ringless Extreme, I didn’t see any real profit until 10 months into buying the software but my profitability soared soon after. The moral of the story is to not give up! You can certainly get subscribers and clients and make a profit in your first year but your bigger life, the bigger rewards take a little longer. So have the right mindset, stay patient and play the long game.
What passes for amusement at our house — Writing… or Typing? Okay, Milo was just completely adorable and startling then! LOL Milo was being firewood! Not a good thing to imitate! Whether or not you and John are easily amused is something else entirely; this is just amazing cat-cuteness. awwww. :) I love it!
The question before the Court in Anderson v City of Stonnington VSC 374 (“Anderson v Stonnington”) was whether the laneway in question was a road within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1989 (“LG Act”), the Road Management Act 2004 (“RM Act”) or a highway pursuant to the common law. The Court determined that the answer to these three questions was yes. McMillian J found that given that the definition of a road pursuant to the RM Act includes a public highway at common law, the answer to the first question necessarily answered the latter two questions. Her Honour reviewed and summarised the authorities on the creation of public highways at common law, particularly where the disputed land is not recorded as a road in title documents. This is often the case when laneways have remained in the name of the original subdivider. Her Honour concluded that the laneway was a public highway because it had been open to the public and used ‘without force, without secrecy and without permission’ for a very long period of time. Her Honour also summarised the relevant provisions of the Road Management Act 2004 (“the RM Act”) and the Local Government Act 1989 (“the LG Act”). In her Honour’s opinion since 1 July 2004 (the introduction of the RM Act) all public rights of way have existed to the exclusion of private rights of way to the extent that the two overlap (c14 of Schedule 5 of the RM Act). In other words, where land is subject to private rights of way or easements of carriageway and the land is found to have the status of a road pursuant to the RM Act (which includes a public highway at common law) then the public rights to use the road outrank the easement rights. Her Honour suggested that the effect of c14 of Schedule 5 of the RM Act may well be that pubic rights to use a “road” would extinguish private easement rights, however she did not need to decide this point for the purposes of the case before her. Ownership of land that falls within the definition of a road for the purposes of the RM Act vests in Council (c1 of Schedule 5 of the RM Act) and Council owned land cannot be adversely possessed (s7B Limitation of Actions Act 1958). This reinforces the need to ascertain whether the land the subject of an adverse possession application has attained the status of a public highway at common law and is therefore a road pursuant to the RM Act. This is a question of fact and the facts of each case much be carefully considered before an answered can be reached. It is worth noting that Her Honour made it clear that in order to create a public highway the law requires the landowner to intend to dedicate land as a public road and that it must be accepted by the public for that purpose. It is clear from Her Honour’s analysis of this rule that in circumstances where land has been set aside by the landowner as a road in a plan of subdivision lodged with the titles office, but were the road has never physically been created and not used by the public, that the public have not accepted the proffered dedication and that a public highway has not been created.
Instagram is one of the fastest growing Social Media platforms because it allows users to share attractive visual content and short messages, enter competitions and connect with fans. Since it was purchased by Facebook, Instagram has moved from mobile to the web and continues to go from strength to strength. The great potential for online marketing means the most popular users can earn a living simply by promoting products and services to their followers on behalf of brands - but how can you get started and how can Instagram help your business? Well, there are lots of different ways for marketers to get the best results out of Instagram, and OneHowTo are here to give you a quick rundown on different tricks so you learn how Instagram can help your business. Just like Pinterest, Instagram is all about attractive visual content, so think carefully about how you want your Instagram page to appear to followers. Try to create an interesting mix of fun and exciting content along with business pictures. Reward followers by giving them a taste of how your business looks on the inside: photos of employees at work, behind the scenes at special events - all these will help your fans get to know your business and build a relationship with your brand. How can Instagram help my business on the whole? Get your posts seen by as many people as possible. Try to create a following by engaging with many users as possible by liking, commenting, and following relevant posts, people and brands. Use your existing social networks to promote your Instagram page and bring in existing followers. This will create a community of people that are interested in your product or business. As well as engaging as much as possible with other users, you can use relevant hashtags to get your images seen, as well as linking with your Facebook page to capitalize on existing fans. Once you have begun to increase your follower count, you should follow people back and engage with them to develop your brand. What's more, you can use Instagram's Photo Contest feature to set up mini competitions and reward fans with discounts and promotions. Be kind to your followers and think about them. Create a special post for celebrations such as Christmas, by making a Christmas card with Instagram for your followers. Another great way to build authentic relationships with followers is to feature your customers and fans in your posts - pictures of genuine customers enjoying your product is a great way to get the message out! Promote everything on Facebook to further heighten the impact. Instagram now has video - use this to your advantage. Video posts are a great way to further connect with your followers and are great for grabbing peoples attention. Short videos to promote different events or send out a quick message to followers have shown to be highly effective method to engage with fans. A great idea is to Live stream special events from your company. If you want to read similar articles to How Can Instagram Help my Business, we recommend you visit our Economy & business category.
Keep your yard, vacant lot and land cut to less than 12 inches, as outlined in the city ordinance. Spring is here and grass is starting to grow quickly. The city’s Code Compliance officials encourage everyone to avoid tall grass and weeds by mowing regularly. If a Code Compliance officer documents that the grass and weeds on your property are more than 12 inches high, you will receive a one-time certified notice and have 10 days to correct the violation. If you don’t, a city contractor will do the job. The average bill for a residential lot is $250. To learn more, call Code Compliance at 817-392-1234.
Put yourself in the driver’s seat, with the chance to start a new career with an exciting, developing bus company. We’re looking for customer focused, reliable staff to join our work force. We’re currently recruiting for bus drivers to join our teams across our network. The majority of our workforce are bus drivers. They are the key interface with our customers and vital in keeping our services running. online application, or download the form in pdf format and take it to your local depot. Opportunities for other positions arise less frequently, and are advertised locally in the relevant area. You will also find details here. and follow the applications requirements outlined in the advert.
Modular Nightands and Dressers developed by ALF Italia. Made of wood and lacquer combinations, sleek and contemporary. Made in Italy. Bowery nightstand is a neat design furniture piece for bedroom. It stands out for clean lines, mix of materials and sophistication. It is made of asphalt matt lacquer with glass, or matt white lacquer with painted glass bottom. Its base is in chrome and handles are polished steel. Bowery is considered an oversize bedside table. Valenti modern nightstand features design and functionality for a contemporary bedroom. The combination of grey high gloss lacquer with a faux metal finish of the top encompasses the collection into a sophisticated and elegant furniture line. The side table has two large drawers and its size is perfect for large spaces. Made in Italy.
I presume that you’ve seen the video of Space Squid’s zombie simulation project. Well, it turns out that other people have been doing the whole chopping pig heads with swords thing. Only their swords actually cut the pig head instead of bend. I guess there actually are high quality swords out there that might be useful during the zombie apocalypse. My favorite part is where they chop the cowboy boots. These Cold Steel guys are hilarious, especially the pose the main guy strikes after each demo. “Twenty pounds of beef,” indeed.
After growing up in China, William Zhao went to obtain his MBA in France. He remained in the country for 11 years, working in the finance field. He became active in curating contemporary arts exhibitions and became growingly involved in the French art scene, advising the French Government Commission in charge of the Joint France-China Years in 2001-2002 and the president of the Pompidou Centre, Jean-Jacques Aillagon, in the exhibition Alors, Chine. William Zhao returned to Asia in 2003 and has devoted himself more and more to his passion in advising collectors and writing on contemporary Chinese art. Publications which regularly feature his columns include Modern Weekly (周末画报), Bazaar Art (China edition), South China Morning Poster and Architectural Digest. He is also active in supporting important world-class museum activities. He has held such positions as Vice Chairman-Asia of the Association of Guimet Museum (Paris), Member of the Board of Directors of the Shao Zhong Foundation in China or Member of the Board of Directors of the Sovereign Art Foundation (Hong Kong). William Zhao is currently preparing the curatorial work for a solo exhibition by French photographer Stephane Couturier.
Playing Together: How Games Learn From and Add to a Diverse World. Hosted by William Evans of Black Nerd Problems. This panel will look at the power of play and games to bring people from across the globe together to communicate, share, and work together in a way no other medium is capable of.
The statistics on foster care in the United States are staggering. There are approximately 415,000 children in foster care on any given day in the US. In Tennessee that number is slightly less than 8,000 children. We at Ethos believe God desires for us as people and as His church to love and support the children in the foster care system who are experiencing pain, confusion, fear and brokenness that only someone in their position can ever fully understand. But not only the children, the families who so willingly step into the brokenness and pain of this world and love these children the way God loves them. We have several foster families at Ethos. Maybe God is calling you to become a foster family. You can find more information about first steps here with a local organization called Agape. They have two upcoming informational meetings at their Nashville office: Thursday, November 8th from 6-8pm and January 6th from 2-4pm. If you would like to talk to one of the foster families within Ethos or if you just have questions, you can email . Or maybe He isn't calling you to personally foster in this season, but you can support other families as they do. One way you can do that is by praying for them. Praying for the children, for their biological families, and for their present foster families. You can provide things for the child and family as they work to fill in all the material gaps of a child who may have showed up at their door with only a small garbage bag worth of possessions or maybe even just the clothes on his/her back. You can offer to help with household chores or "honey-do" lists so the family can spend more time developing relationships with the children. You can check in frequently, listen, and avoid judgement. You can give these children lots of grace as they walk through a very stressful situation that is out of their control and express their pain in different ways. You can babysit the kids while the parents have a date night or run errands. You can provide gift cards for take out, clothes, fun outings, etc. You can pick up groceries and drop them on the porch. You can drop off special treats on hard days. The list of ways you can help is endless. You can do something! One of the first tangible ways we are asking you to help is by providing a meal to a family from our Cannery gatherings who just welcomed two children into their home in the last few weeks. Help us provide dinner for them so they can spend more time together. Click the link below and select a date to serve this family.
First of all: I'm off this week. All week! Yay!!! I just needed some time out (even from blogging, as my sporadic posting over the last couple of weeks illustrates so well) and am taking a week's vacation from work. My plans? Doing nothing. Or rather, only do the things I feel like doing. And if that means looking at the sky or having a three-hour nap every afternoon, so be it. I am looking forward to just drift for a few days. Sometimes, I am absolutely stumped about what to do with the contents of my weekly organic vegetable bag. Sometimes, I have an epiphany and a little kitchen magic happens. Last week was epiphany-time. I had some leftover chard from a previous delivery, and the new bag came with a few bulbs of fresh, green garlic. I also remembered I had seen some ready-made pastry in the freezer when rummaging for food the other day, and thus felt inspired to make a quiche. Green garlic is just young garlic, picked before the cloves have started forming. It is milder than mature garlic and works well in a dish like this, a pasta sauce or a stir fry. If you cannot get young garlic, you could maybe substitute with red onions or shallots, adding a bit of regular garlic when frying them. Instead of chard you could use a similar vegetable like spinach or beet greens. The pictures are pretty crap, because I took them with my phone. I was hungry and wanted to eat and did not have the will to go get my proper camera. But this quiche was quite good, even if I say so myself, so I wanted to share. I had it with a simple salad, warm for dinner and then cold for lunch the next day and I would definitely make it again! Lay the pastry over a tart tin and ease it into it, making sure to fit it neatly into the fluted rim. You can trim any overlap with a rolling pin that you gently push across the top around the edge of the tin. Prick the bottom of the pastry all over with a fork. Heat the olive oil in a pan, add the garlic, add a generous amount of salt and sauté over a low heat until the garlic starts to soften, about 5 to 10 minutes. Add the chard and marjoram and heat through until the chard starts wilting. Season to taste with lots of black pepper and a bit more salt if you like. Take off the heat and set aside. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs with the milk. Evenly scatter the garlic and chard over the bottom of your pastry and then pour over the egg mixture. Grate a little bit of cheddar over the top. Place the quiche in the preheated oven and cook for 20 minutes or until the egg has set and the top is starting to turn a golden brown. I made a version of this last night, inspired by your post. I only had Filo pastry so I had to improvise a bit and create a wall of beans to keep the eggy-cheesey yuminess contained. Delicious! oooh I must try this! You're such an excellent baker! I'm so impressed and inspired now!!
For decades, I have wanted to attend an RT Convention. There were always reasons why I couldn’t go. When I saw the convention would be in Reno, Nevada, just a ten-hour drive from my home, I had to attend. Happily, my friend, Meridith Allen Conners was willing to accompany me on the trip. The convention was amazing. It was held at the Peppermill Resort. When we arrived Tuesday morning, our room wasn’t ready. Of course, just as I got out of the car in Reno, I spilled tea all over my capris. But soon I was having too much fun to care. While waiting for our room, we registered and received our bag of books and fun items. There was a social gathering held by Brenda Novak. There were roulette table and other games. After receiving more free books (this will be a recurring theme), Meredith and I wondered over to the Frazzle table. Frazzle is a dice game. The lovely Patricia joined us and was able to educate us all on the rules. Soon we were groaning and cheering each other on. Apparently, we were having too much fun. Others gathered, including two handsome cover models (This will be a recurring theme, these two gentlemen were everywhere I went. They may have been stalking me.) As others gathered, we urged them to join the fun. Newbie, Cyndee Martin of Lehi, Utah won the game! I mean that literally, she won the physical game. After this gathering, our room was ready. Meredith and I went to our palatial room. The Peppermill Resort was an incredible bargain. We had a refrigerator in our room, which we stuffed with snacks. Our bathroom had a whirlpool tub, two sinks, a separate shower, and granite. We took time to change and then we were off to the Indie Soiree. At the soiree, we met indie authors. The authors would give us raffle tickets to win various prizes. Meredith was insistent that we go up to a gorgeous man and ask about his book. Stuart Reardon is a beautiful man. He is a former Rugby player, who now works as a cover model and author. Since Meredith was rendered speechless by his masculine beauty, I did all the talking. Sadly, I understood only a little of his responses. It was noisy, and he has a delicious accent. Also, at the Soiree, I ran into a fellow member of the Old School Romance Book Club, Eva Moore. I also ran into soon to be a good friend, Cyndee Martin, also a member of the OSRBC. Eva invited me to her hotel room for a wine tasting later that night. The soiree ended with the winning raffle tickets being drawn. I won Kathern LeVegue’s basket. (Winning things will be a recurring theme.) It contained books, chocolates, bath bombs, wine glasses, wine, and a kindle. Oh yes, there was a tiara. I had just enough time to stash my basket in the hotel room. It was time for Cinema Craptastique. Hosted by Cherry Adair and Damon Suede, Tere Michaels and Paige Tyler, it was a blast. Cherry Adair is a gorgeous, vivacious redhead, who should be the heroine in a romance novel. Damon is energetic and fun. He is so much fun. The movie was Wolves starring Jason Momoa and Lucas Till. The movie was wonderfully awful, and Damon kept us in stitches with his commentary. Then the worst happened. The film stopped and would not start again. No fear. Damon Suede came to the rescue. He acted out the rest of the movie. There is no doubt his version was far superior. Laughing out loud, the audience ate cracker jacks and movie candy. Meredith won her first prize during the movie. We are on a roll. The evening ended with a wine tasting party in Eva Morgan’s hotel room. Eva is the hostess with the mostess. (Partying in Eva’s room will be a recurring theme.) We all sampled a variety of Rosé. It was the perfect end to a perfect day. I did not take enough pictures. Below are the beautiful Stuart Reardon and myself, the funny and talented Damon Suede, and Meridith Allen Conners and myself.
2/25/07 5:30 p.m. at Comcast Center - College Park, Md. Technical fouls: North Carolina-None. Maryland Terrapins-None.
Home > Blog: Resumes > How Do I Get Employers to Notice My Resume and Call Me? Rick Saia's post yesterday ("Dude, Where's My Job? ...") listed five typical reasons a recent grad might be having trouble finding that first job. Coincidentally, as Rick was crafting that post, a reader named Jen G. left a comment on an older blog post, asking a closely related question. Jen is a new graduate who has posted her resume on various online job boards. "Unfortunately," she wrote, "I have rarely been called back from a site that I have posted my resume on. What do I need to do in order to get employers to notice my resume so that I get called back?" Since this seems to be a hot topic, I've added a few more tips for Jen and anyone else who's wondering the same thing. Posting your resume for public viewing on web sites like Monster.com or CareerBuilder.com is a good first step, but it's a passive method of job searching. You have no power over whether anyone ever reads your resume or chooses to call you after reading it. Only IF an employer uses those sites for recruiting, and only IF your qualifications match their keywords, and only IF they read your resume and decide it sounds like a good fit will you ever get a call. That's a lot of ifs. In addition, a resume posted online is, by nature, a one-size-fits-all resume, not targeted to the specific needs of a particular employer. So leave the resume online, because you never know. But meanwhile, make your job search active, and take the power back into YOUR hands. Go to a site such as Indeed.com or Simplyhired.com, which are job board "aggregators," meaning they search ALL the job sites for you (including Monster, CareerBuilder, company web sites, local newspapers, etc.). Select the keywords that are likely to be in the title or job description of your desired position, and do a search. You can narrow the search by zip code and other criteria. You can even save your search criteria and set up a job search agent that will keep checking these sites for you daily or weekly, and email you any matches. But again, keep it active. If you're not getting good results, try different keywords or expand your search area. When you find a job that interests you, edit your resume and cover letter so they address exact keywords and phrases you found in the job description. For example, let's say they're looking for a "Senior Office Manager" and your resume shows you're a "Senior administrator responsible for office management." Those mean the same thing, but you'll have better luck if you edit your resume to match the employer's terminology. You need to do that each and every time you apply for a specific job. So you'll have one "basic" resume and cover letter, but you'll tweak them for every employer. You may end up with 20 or more versions, each slightly different. It's a pain, but it's necessary. And finally, we hope you'll backtrack through The Pongo Blog and Career Corner for lots of other hints on how to conduct an active job search that will give you the best chance of landing your dream job.
Bali Villa Kebun is built on a fantastic and quiet spot of Seminyak with merely a A few minutes walk towards the well-loved white sandy beach. A tropical rental with 3 ensuite bedrooms, which perfect to spend your well-deserved vacation with your family or friends. Numerous desired holiday attractions are within easy reach: beach, dining establishments, the celebrated Seminyak night life, retailers, health spas and souvenirs. The villa is pretty noiseless and undisturbed having a exclusive security managed access path. Within just 20-40 minutes you make it to the international airport, the gorgeous surf shores in Canggu, the idyllic temple site of Tanah Lot and also the renowned Nirwana golf course. Ubud can be driven to in approximately 50 minutes. The attractive Seminyak beach is really just a few minutes stroll from the villa location. On the beach you can enjoy a cocktail or a gourmet dinner in one of the beachfront restaurants or check out the amazing sunsets, this part of Bali is famous for. The exotic holiday vacation villa was built in 2007 and is constructed in a combined Balinese / contemporary design and style. The Seminyak villa features a primary house, by having an open family room, kitchen area, a master bedroom and a pair of extra bedrooms situated in the individual guest pavilions. Both of these added pavilions include a bedroom and en-suite bathroom along with open bath. The sultry garden comprises of places for unwinding such as a patio and sundeck having sun-loungers surrounding the swimming pool area. Moreover, the villa is enclosed by an elevated wall structure for your convenience. Bali Villa Kebun belongs to one of our popular rentals and is a favourite with our guests. Therefore it is advised to book a villa holiday in advance so not run the risk of the vacation rental already booked for your preferred dates. – Three en-suite bedrooms, two with king-size, one with queen size. – Large LCD TV with 50 international channels, movies, news, cartoons, sports.
Koforidua, the Eastern Regional capital last Saturday, 5th January, 2019 revisited the monthly sanitation exercise. The exercise which was started under the previous administration was brought to a halt due to some circumstances. Despite it challenges, the management of this assembly decided to revisit it to enhance indiscriminate disposal of refuse. Personnel from Ghana Police, Immigration, Ghana Fire Service, and Ghana Prisons Services were not left out the hook by enforcing the bye-law of the Assembly. Other agencies includes Assembly Members, staff of the Assembly, businessmen and women, political party faithful’s , traditional leaders within the Municipality and taxi drivers. As early as 6:30am, all the principal streets within the Municipality were blocked to give way to an effective sanitation exercise. With full support from the security services and Zoomlion Ghana, all shops, kiosks, containers and other business operators were also brought to a total halt till 10:30am. This initiative gingered all the citizenry, particularly the teaming youth of New Juaben South Municipality to actively support the worthy course. Addressing the media, the Municipal Chief Executive, Isaac Appaw-Gyasi commended the traditional chiefs and people of Juaben for their enthusiastic support during the exercise. He said Koforidua and its environs is engulfed with filth which to him does not befit it Municipal status. As a result, management and the Assembly Members at their recent meetings gave an approval to revisit and implement the sanitation exercise. He further explained that the assembly cannot operate and implement any meaningful development without seeking its mandate from the Assembly Members, hence the approval. “This initiative is one of the President’s visions to clean the country off-filth and as an Assembly, we owe it a duty to implement any good policy that seems to be inline and at the end support government agenda” he explained. Mr. Appaw-Gyasi emphasized that sanitation, for decades now, has become a canker on the neck of the country and it is time for Ghanaians to join hands to fight this menace. “In fact let me state it clear that the Assembly alone cannot fight this battle and win but it needs the collaborative effort of all citizenry devoid of partisan colours to fight and win. I need you all to help clean Koforidua since it is what we have now” he appealed. He assured the public that this exercise will not be a one-day-wonder but rather the Assembly is going to repeat it monthly and upon that a sanitation court is also going to be revisited to punish any victim to the law. He maintained that the sanitation court will not compromise on it activities with anybody until the culprit is fined or punished by the law. Mr. Appaw-Gyasi further warned Nananom, opinion leaders and other stakeholders to do away with any character that will seems to jeopardize the activity of the sanitation court, for that matter the court will not deal or work with any ‘human face’. “Things has to change, individuals has to change their behaviour towards sanitation and New Juaben South should move forward for development. Let’s work together.” He emphasized.
The show-stopper – deep shell edition. Red Onyx – selected as the next new finish at the 2018 Winter NAMM Show. Rogers’ most revered wood-shell Dyna-Sonic – the Beavertail series. Featuring a 6.5″ x 14″ extended depth, proprietary formula shell complete with original spec reinforcement rings. Faithfully appointed with the second generation lug profile, chrome script logo, oval badge and finished in fiery Red Onyx. At the heart of the drum is Rogers legendary floating snare rail system, which provides extraordinary sensitivity and control that has never been duplicated. Hand-built in Roger’s USA workshop, the Dyna-Sonic No. 37-RO is another masterpiece of art and sonic excellence.
Leslie Gelb, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations and veteran of policy circles dating back to the Johnson administration, was an unlikely candidate to surprise the routine world of Washington national-security roundtable discussions. But debating Iraq with Lawrence Korb on July 20 at the Center for American Progress, he did just that. When his turn to speak came, Gelb fled the safety of the podium and stood and delivered his remarks Oprah-style, pacing around the room wireless microphone in hand. A key premise of the withdrawal argument had been that anti-Americanism was the prime driver of strife in Iraq. The country could best be unified in the context of a U.S. exit -- and sooner rather than later, before the cycle of violence generated a level of sectarian distrust that transcended Iraqi nationalism. But that point now seems to have passed. Even Gelb's partition alternative is less a plan to save the country than a plan to concede that Iraq is beyond saving. So in the late summer of 2006, when the world's eyes turned to Lebanon even as the violence in Iraq reached new levels, the last opportunity to secure a decent outcome in Iraq has already passed, and nothing America can do at this point will change that. God willing, there will be no civil war in Iraq,” intoned Nouri al-Maliki, third prime minister of post-Saddam Iraq to conclude the July 25 joint press availability with President Bush. Importuning the divine is as good a plan as any at this point, for the substantive meeting itself was merely the capstone in a process that closed the door on the last best hope for the conventional policy process. About a month before al-Maliki's trip, the famously fractious congressional Democrats finally reached a reasonable degree of unity around a plan for Iraq -- the Reed-Levin Amendment to the Department of Defense appropriations bill -- that encapsulated the long-standing liberal argument that ruling out an open-ended military commitment was the best chance to avoid a downward spiral of sectarian violence. Unfortunately, when the final plan was released days later, it included neither amnesty nor a timetable. Congressional Democrats had launched opportunistic attacks on the former point, leading the administration to come out against amnesty as well. Bush's views prevailed over al-Maliki's initial instincts in both cases. The opportunity thereby lost was enormous. On June 28, two days after the release of the revised, timetable-free reconciliation plan, the leaders of 11 insurgent groups announced that they were willing to halt all attacks immediately in exchange for a promise of American withdrawal within two years. But Donald Rumsfeld dismissed the offer with the repetition of long-standing administration cant that a timetable is “a signal to the enemies that all you have to do is just wait.” That a substantial bloc of America's erstwhile enemies was prepared to give up in exchange for a timetable did not, apparently, enter into the picture. This opportunity, once lost, can probably never be regained. The level of violence in Iraq reached frighteningly large dimensions this spring with more than 100 Iraqi civilians killed per day in both April and May. This heightened domestic hatred has sharply reduced the odds that removal of foreign forces would bring about national reconciliation. A wave of retaliatory killings by Shiite militias in early July even had some Sunni leaders reversing course and calling for more American troops to be deployed. Bush came out of his meeting with al-Maliki not with a new plan for national reconciliation, but instead with a plan to shift several thousand troops into Baghdad in hopes of securing the capital. The plan has virtually no chance of succeeding. Brookings Institution analyst Kenneth Pollack -- a fan of the strategy -- estimated in congressional testimony that it would require 100,000 to 120,000 troops in Baghdad at a time when there are only 127,000 soldiers in the whole country. But even if sufficient forces were available, the plan's goal of combating Shiite militias and death squads in the capital seems unrealistic at this point. After all, the two largest militias -- the Badr Organization and the Mahdi Army -- are affiliated with political parties represented in al-Maliki's parliamentary coalition. While al-Maliki was en route to Washington, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the nation's largest political party and overseers of the Badr Organization, was calling, in effect, for more militias, telling The Washington Post that the answer to Iraq's security problems was the formation of neighborhood defense committees. Under the circumstances, a serious effort at a crackdown would simply leave the United States without meaningful allies in the country. One way or another, the current trends toward sectarian violence and “soft” ethnic cleansing as Iraqis increasingly try to sort themselves into homogenous neighborhoods is almost certain to continue. The main question remaining is how long American troops will be left in the crossfire.
Where to buy Ulex europaeus plants & price comparison. Photos of Ulex europaeus plants in real gardens. You can also discover who's growing Ulex europaeus. This advice is from our members, if you can't find your question, please try the Ulex genus page or ask our friendly community.
England, four miles north east of Wincanton, four miles north west of Mere, and 6 miles north of Gillingham. The south east of the parish borders Zeals and Stourhead in Wiltshire, and Bourton in Dorset.The village is within a mile of the A303. There are railway stations in the nearby towns of Castle Cary and Gillingham.
Last week there were many reports that Twitter had been hacked and that a user database of 32 million, was listed on the dark web. Twitter claims that this is not the case. Twitter’s Information Security Officer, Michael Coates, posted a response to this potential hack on their site, and took to the microblogging site. What is suspected to be the cause, is users recycling passwords. In the week of “mega breaches”, hundreds of millions social media accounts had their credentials posted to the dark web. It’s likely that hackers were able to get into certain Twitter accounts via reused passwords that have been linked from other platform breaches. All they have to do is find repeating email addresses, and use the passwords provided on the dark web, and more often than not – they will be able to get into multiple accounts.
The National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) has presented the junta with its long-anticipated recommendations for developing post-coup Thailand. But iLaw, a watchdog NGO, has pointed out that much of the NRSA’s reform package was merely copied and pasted from other sources. Several pages from the 1,342 article long report appear to have been lifted directly from previous reports written by the NRSA’s precursor, the National Reform Council (NRC). The junta’s National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) has given the green light to media reform proposals which will tighten government control and surveillance over online media. On 3 July 2017, the NRSA voted 144-1 in favour of a report compiled by its Social Media Reform Subcommittee. Two members abstained. Despite opposition from media groups, the junta is proposing a law to punish unlicensed journalists with two years in prison. On 10 April 2017, Maj Gen Pisit Pao-In, chairman of the media subcommittee of the junta’s National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA), announced that under the new Media Bill, media workers who do not possess official licenses could face two years’ imprisonment, or a fine of 60,000 baht, or both. Citing political ills, the Thai junta has ironically proposed a so-called political culture bill, saying it could foster a democratic political culture. On 7 March 2017, the junta-appointed Committee on National Reform, National Strategy, and Reconciliation announced 42 national reform priorities from Government House. Among these 42 reform goals, a political culture bill was proposed as a solution to Thailand’s political ills. Two weeks ago, the whip committee of the junta’s National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) temporarily rejected the Protection of Media Rights and Freedom, Ethics and Professional Standards Bill, following strong opposition from the 30 media organisations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) join the National Union of Journalist of Thailand (NUJT) in denouncing the draft media regulation bill that will further suppress media in already challenging environment. The IFJ and SEAJU call for the bill to be scrapped immediately. As a model for its ongoing reconciliation efforts, the Thai junta will follow the amnesty programme for communists implemented during the Cold War. The Thai government has made political reconciliation a policy priority, to resolve chronic unrest between different political movements. Plans include a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be signed by various political parties and movements in acknowledgement of a promise to build peaceful relationships with each other.
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Brand new 4-bed dorm besides a small swimming pool and spectacular mountain view. Air conditioning, first quality mattresses and mosquito nets. Located 100 mts from the reception following a beautiful stonen path. Not suitable for disabled people or children.
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Fuel your commitment to a healthy lifestyle by participating in one of our fitness classes. A variety of classes are available for you to choose from, and any of our instructors can help you find one or more that fit your health needs and goals. All classes are free for Jefferson Community Health & Life Burkley Fitness Center members, but membership is not required. A non-member may participate in classes by purchasing a day pass or punch card. All classes are held at Jefferson Community Health & Life Burkley Fitness Center unless otherwise noted. For any questions or for more information, please call 402.729.6139. Use a chair for more than just sitting! Seated exercises focus on improving range of motion, strength and balance. Standing exercises involve stability balls and other equipment to promote better balance and hand-eye coordination. Get lean, build strength and tone muscle using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition. This group-based barbell class challenges all of your major muscle groups by using the best weight room exercises: squats, presses, lifts and curls. Start your day off right with this early morning, energetic circuit training class. Several dumbbell and body weight exercises are combined with cardio to keep the heart rate up, making each workout an efficient and effective calorie burner. Strength and speed are the perfect combination to build muscle and burn fat. This 60-minute weight training class uses barbells, dumbbells and other equipment to tone and strengthen eight major muscle groups. Amplify your cardiovascular health in this upbeat class. Various pedaling speeds and riding positions are synchronized with lively music. Seated and standing positions challenge many muscle groups, including hamstrings, glutes and core. Often described as meditation in motion, Tai Chi promotes balance, stress reduction, inner peace and overall fitness for a healthy mind and body. Deep breathing is accompanied by a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner. Whether you are new to or familiar with yoga, it can be an effective workout for seniors of all experience levels. Stretching, yoga poses, and breathing are synchronized to help seniors with balance, strengthening and relaxation. Join the fun with this water exercise class that uses kick-boards, foam dumbbells, noodles and water jugs. This low-impact, high-resistance workout promotes increased range of motion and balance without detrimental impact on your joints. This dance fitness class uses music to create an exhilarating and effective workout for dancers and non-dancers alike. Fast and slow rhythms are combined to tone and sculpt muscles and increase range of motion.