Word processor n. Computer program, or device incorporating a computer, used for storing text entered from a keyboard, making corrections, and providing a printout.  word-process v. Word processing n.
Wordy adj. (-ier, -iest) using or expressed in too many words.  wordily adv. Wordiness n.
Wore past of *wear.
Work 鈥攏. 1 application of mental or physical effort to a purpose; use of energy. 2 task to be undertaken. 3 thing done or made by work; result of an action. 4 employment or occupation etc., esp. As a means of earning income. 5 literary or musical composition. 6 actions or experiences of a specified kind (nice work!). 7 (in comb.) Things made of a specified material or with specified tools etc. (ironwork; needlework).
Workable adj. That can be worked, will work, or is worth working.  workability n.
Workaday adj. Ordinary, everyday, practical.
Workaholic n. Colloq. Person addicted to working.
Work-basket n. Basket for sewing materials.
Workbench n. Bench for manual work, esp. Carpentry.
Workbook n. Student's book with exercises.
Workbox n. Box for tools, needlework, etc.
Work camp n. Camp at which community work is done, esp. By young volunteers.
Workday n. Day on which work is usually done.
Worker n. 1 person who works, esp. For an employer. 2 neuter bee or ant. 3 person who works hard.
Work experience n. Scheme intended to give young people temporary experience of employment.
Workforce n. 1 workers engaged or available. 2 number of these.
Workhouse n. Hist. Public institution for the poor of a parish.
Working 鈥攁ttrib. Adj. 1 a engaged in work (working mother; working man). B while so engaged (all his working life; in working hours). 2 functioning or able to function (working model). 鈥攏. 1 activity of work. 2 functioning. 3 mine or quarry. 4 (usu. In pl.) Machinery, mechanism.
Working capital n. Capital actually used in a business.
Working class n. Social class employed, esp. In manual or industrial work, for wages.  working-class adj.
Working day n. 1 workday. 2 part of the day devoted to work.
Working hypothesis n. Hypothesis as a basis for action.
Working knowledge n. Knowledge adequate to work with.
Working lunch n. Lunch at which business is conducted.
Working order n. Condition in which a machine works.
Working party n. Group of people appointed to study and advise on a particular problem.
Workload n. Amount of work to be done.
Workman n. 1 man employed to do manual labour. 2 person with regard to skill in a job (a good workman).
Workmanlike adj. Competent, showing practised skill.
Workmanship n. Degree of skill in doing a task or of finish in the product made.
Workmate n. Person working alongside another.
Work of art n. Fine picture, poem, building, etc.
Workout n. Session of physical exercise or training.
Workpiece n. Thing worked on with a tool or machine.
Workplace n. Place at which a person works.
Workroom n. Room for working in.
Worksheet n. 1 paper for recording work done or in progress. 2 paper listing questions or activities for students etc. To work through.
Workshop n. 1 room or building in which goods are manufactured. 2 place or meeting for concerted discussion or activity (dance workshop).
Work-shy adj. Disinclined to work.
Workstation n. 1 location of a stage in a manufacturing process. 2 computer terminal or the desk etc. Where this is located.
Work study n. Assessment of methods of working so as to achieve maximum productivity.
Work table n. Table for working at.
Worktop n. Flat surface for working on, esp. In a kitchen.
Work-to-rule n. Working to rule.
World n. 1 a the earth, or a planetary body like it. B its countries and people. 2 the universe, all that exists. 3 a the time, state, or scene of human existence. B (prec. By the, this) mortal life. 4 secular interests and affairs. 5 human affairs; active life. 6 average, respectable, or fashionable people or their customs or opinions. 7 all that concerns or all who belong to a specified class or sphere of activity (the world of sport). 8 (foll. By of) vast amount. 9 (attrib.) Affecting many nations, of all nations (world politics; world champion).  bring (or come) into the world give birth (or be born). For all the world (foll. By like, as if) precisely. In the world of all; at all (what in the world is it?). Man (or woman) of the world person experienced and practical in human affairs. Out of this world colloq. Extremely good etc. Think the world of have a very high regard for. [old english]
World-beater n. Person or thing surpassing all others.
World-class adj. Of a quality or standard regarded as high throughout the world.
World cup n. Competition between football teams from various countries.
World-famous adj. Known throughout the world.
Worldly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of the affairs of the world, temporal, earthly (worldly goods). 2 experienced in life, sophisticated, practical.  worldliness n.
Worldly-wise adj. Prudent or shrewd in one's dealings with the world.