World music n. Pop music that incorporates local or ethnic elements (esp. From the developing world).
World war n. War involving many major nations.
World-weary adj. Bored with human affairs.  world-weariness n.
Worldwide 鈥攁dj. Occurring in or known in all parts of the world. 鈥攁dv. Throughout the world.
Worm 鈥攏. 1 any of various types of creeping invertebrate animals with long slender bodies and no limbs. 2 larva of an insect, esp. In fruit or wood. 3 (in pl.) Intestinal parasites. 4 insignificant or contemptible person. 5 spiral part of a screw. 鈥攙. 1 (often refl.) Move with a crawling motion. 2 refl. (foll. By into) insinuate oneself into favour etc. 3 (foll. By out) obtain (a secret etc.) By cunning persistence. 4 rid (a dog etc.) Of worms. [old english]
Worm-cast n. Convoluted mass of earth left on the surface by a burrowing earthworm.
Wormeaten adj. 1 eaten into by worms; decayed. 2 old and dilapidated.
Worm-hole n. Hole left by the passage of a worm.
Worm's-eye view n. View from below or from a humble position.
Wormwood n. 1 plant with a bitter aromatic taste. 2 bitter mortification; source of this. [old english: cf. *vermouth]
Wormy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 full of worms. 2 wormeaten.  worminess n.
Worn past part. Of *wear. 鈥攁dj. 1 damaged by use or wear. 2 looking tired and exhausted.
Worrisome adj. Causing worry.
Worry 鈥攙. (-ies, -ied) 1 give way to anxiety. 2 harass, importune; be a trouble or anxiety to. 3 (of a dog etc.) Shake or pull about with the teeth. 4 (as worried adj.) Uneasy. 鈥攏. (pl. -ies) 1 thing that causes anxiety or disturbs tranquility. 2 disturbed state of mind; anxiety.  worrier n. [old english, = strangle]
Worry beads n.pl. String of beads manipulated with the fingers to occupy or calm oneself.
Worse 鈥攁dj. 1 more bad. 2 (predic.) In or into worse health or a worse condition (is getting worse). 鈥攁dv. More badly; more ill. 鈥攏. 1 worse thing or things (you might do worse than accept). 2 (prec. By the) worse condition (a change for the worse).  none the worse (often foll. By for) not adversely affected (by). The worse for wear 1 damaged by use. 2 injured. Worse luck unfortunately. Worse off in a worse (esp. Financial) position. [old english]
Worsen v. Make or become worse.
Worship 鈥攏. 1 a homage or service to a deity. B acts, rites, or ceremonies of this. 2 adoration, devotion. 3 (worship) (prec. By his, her, your) forms of description or address for a mayor, certain magistrates, etc. 鈥攙. (-pp-; us -p-) 1 adore as divine; honour with religious rites. 2 idolize or regard with adoration. 3 attend public worship. 4 be full of adoration.  worshipper n. [old english: related to *worth, *-ship]
Worshipful adj. (also worshipful) archaic (esp. In old titles of companies or officers) honourable, distinguished.
Worst 鈥攁dj. Most bad. 鈥攁dv. Most badly. 鈥攏. Worst part or possibility (prepare for the worst). 鈥攙. Get the better of; defeat.  at its etc. Worst in the worst state. At worst (or the worst) in the worst possible case. Do your worst expression of defiance. Get the worst of it be defeated. If the worst comes to the worst if the worst happens. [old english: related to *worse]
Worsted n. 1 fine woollen yarn. 2 fabric made from this. [worste(a)d in norfolk]
Wort n. 1 archaic (except in names) plant (liverwort). 2 infusion of malt before it is fermented into beer. [old english]
Worth 鈥攑redic. Adj. (used like a preposition) 1 of a value equivalent to (is worth 拢50; is worth very little). 2 such as to justify or repay (worth doing; not worth the trouble). 3 possessing or having property amounting to (is worth a million pounds). 鈥攏. 1 what a person or thing is worth; the (usu. High) merit of (of great worth). 2 equivalent of money in a commodity (ten pounds' worth of petrol).  for all one is worth colloq. With one's utmost efforts. For what it is worth without a guarantee of its truth or value. Worth it colloq. Worth while. Worth one's salt see *salt. Worth one's weight in gold see *weight. Worth while (or one's while) see *while. [old english]
Worthless adj. Without value or merit.  worthlessness n.
Worthwhile adj. That is worth the time, effort, or money spent.
Usage see note at while.
Worthy 鈥攁dj. (-ier, -iest) 1 deserving respect, estimable (lived a worthy life). 2 entitled to (esp. Condescending) recognition (a worthy old couple). 3 a (foll. By of or to + infin.) Deserving (worthy of a mention). B (foll. By of) adequate or suitable to the dignity etc. Of (words worthy of the occasion). 鈥攏. (pl. -ies) 1 worthy person. 2 person of some distinction.  worthily adv. Worthiness n.
-worthy comb. Form forming adjectives meaning: 1 deserving of (noteworthy). 2 suitable for (roadworthy).
Would v.aux. (3rd sing. Would) past of *will1, used esp.: 1 in reported speech (he said he would be home by evening). 2 to express a condition (they would have been killed if they had gone). 3 to express habitual action (would wait every evening). 4 to express a question or polite request (would they like it?; would you come in, please?). 5 to express probability (she would be over fifty by now). 6 to express consent (they would not help).
Would-be attrib. Adj. Desiring or aspiring to be.
Wouldn't contr. Would not.
Wound1 鈥攏. 1 injury done to living tissue by a deep cut or heavy blow etc. 2 pain inflicted on one's feelings; injury to one's reputation. 鈥攙. Inflict a wound on. [old english]
Wound2 past and past part. Of *wind2.
Wound up adj. Excited; tense; angry.
Wove past of *weave1.
Woven past part. Of *weave1.
Wow1 鈥攊nt. Expressing astonishment or admiration. 鈥攏. Slang sensational success. 鈥攙. Slang impress greatly. [imitative]
Wow2 n. Slow pitch-fluctuation in sound-reproduction, perceptible in long notes. [imitative]
Wp abbr. Word processor.
Wpc abbr. Woman police constable.
W.p.m. Abbr. Words per minute.
Wrac abbr. Women's royal army corps.
Wrack n. 1 seaweed cast up or growing on the shore. 2 destruction. [low german or dutch wrak: cf. *wreck]
Wraf abbr. Women's royal air force.
Wraith n. 1 ghost. 2 spectral appearance of a living person supposed to portend that person's death. [origin unknown]
Wrangle 鈥攏. Noisy argument or dispute. 鈥攙. (-ling) engage in a wrangle. [low german or dutch]
Wrap 鈥攙. (-pp-) 1 (often foll. By up) envelop in folded or soft encircling material. 2 (foll. By round, about) arrange or draw (a pliant covering) round (a person). 3 (foll. By round) slang crash (a vehicle) into (a stationary object). 鈥攏. 1 shawl, scarf, etc. 2 esp. Us wrapping material.  take the wraps off disclose. Under wraps in secrecy. Wrapped up in engrossed or absorbed in. Wrap up 1 colloq. Finish off (a matter). 2 put on warm clothes (wrap up well). 3 (in imper.) Slang be quiet. [origin unknown]
Wraparound adj. (also wrapround) 1 (esp. Of clothing) designed to wrap round. 2 curving or extending round at the edges.
Wrap-over 鈥攁ttrib. Adj. (of a garment) overlapping when worn. 鈥攏. Such a garment.
Wrapper n. 1 cover for a sweet, book, posted newspaper, etc. 2 loose enveloping robe or gown.
Wrapping n. (esp. In pl.) Material used to wrap; wraps, wrappers.