<Graph> : <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> culture <o> Byzantine Empire <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> mother <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> boy <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> David <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> Abraham <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> creator <o> Cimabue <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> Isaiah <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> instance of <o> Hodegetria <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> Jeremiah <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> depicts <o> Christ Child <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> location <o> Room A4 Giotto — Cimabue <s> Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Prophets. ˋSanta Trinità Maestà´ <p> main subject <o> Madonna and Child <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> depicts <o> Galeazzo Maria Sforza <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> model <o> Galeazzo Maria Sforza <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> location <o> Pollaiolo, Room A10 <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> movement <o> Early Renaissance <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> creator <o> Piero del Pollaiuolo <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> main subject <o> Galeazzo Maria Sforza <s> Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> country <o> Italy <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> made from material <o> panel <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> creator <o> Albrecht Altdorfer <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> depicts <o> Saint Florian <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> instance of <o> painting <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> location <o> Flemish and German Renaissance paintings, room 22 <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> part of <o> Legend of Saint Florian <s> The Departure of Saint Florian <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> creator <o> Bronzino <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> location <o> Bronzino, room 64 <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> pendant of <o> Portrait of Lucrezia Panciatichi <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> depicts <o> Bartolomeo Panciatichi <s> Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi <p> main subject <o> Bartolomeo Panciatichi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> boy <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> biblical Magi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> location <o> Room A7 Lorenzo Monaco - Gentile da Fabriano <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> main subject <o> adoration of the Magi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> Palla Strozzi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> Gentile da Fabriano <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> instance of <o> polyptych <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> Christ Child <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> described by source <o> Gentile da Fabriano (c. 1390-1427):International Style and Court Culture <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> donated by <o> Palla Strozzi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> movement <o> International Gothic <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> commissioned by <o> Palla Strozzi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> creator <o> Gentile da Fabriano <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> falconer <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> Nofri Strozzi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> adoration of the Magi <s> Adoration of the Magi <p> depicts <o> adoration <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> creator <o> Piero della Francesca <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> country of origin <o> Italy <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> depicts <o> landscape <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> depicts <o> unicorn <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> main subject <o> Federico da Montefeltro <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> depicts <o> Federico da Montefeltro <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> commissioned by <o> Federico da Montefeltro <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> instance of <o> diptych <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> genre <o> double portrait <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> depicts <o> Battista Sforza <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> depicts <o> horse-drawn wagon <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> location <o> Room A9 Paolo Uccello - Filippo Lippi - Piero della Francesca <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> movement <o> Italian Renaissance <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> movement <o> Early Renaissance <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> has part(s) <o> Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> has part(s) <o> Portrait of Battista Sforza <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> main subject <o> Battista Sforza <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> time period <o> Early Renaissance <s> Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza <p> described by source <o> 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> made from material <o> wood <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> Jesus <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> John the Apostle <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> Mary Magdalene <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> Crucifixion of Jesus <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> Salome <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> angel <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> instance of <o> painted crucifix <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> instance of <o> icon <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> Cleopas <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> depicts <o> Mary of Clopas <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> made from material <o> gold leaf <s> Crucifix with Stories of the Passion of Christ <p> location <o> Room A3 12th-century <s> Crucifix 432 with stories of the Passion and Redemption <p> made from material <o> color <s> Crucifix 432 with stories of the Passion and Redemption <p> made from material <o> wood <s> Crucifix 432 with stories of the Passion and Redemption <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Crucifix 432 with stories of the Passion and Redemption <p> instance of <o> painted crucifix <s> Crucifix 432 with stories of the Passion and Redemption <p> location <o> Room A3 12th-century <s> Crucifix 432 with stories of the Passion and Redemption <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> depicts <o> Jesus <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> depicts <o> Paul the Apostle <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> depicts <o> Peter <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> creator <o> Cosimo Rosselli <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> depicts <o> angel <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> depicts <o> John the Evangelist <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> creator <o> Meliore di Jacopo <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> owned by <o> Alfonso Tacoli Canacci <s> Christ the Redeemer alongside Saints Peter, the Virgin Mary, John the Evangelist and Paul <p> location <o> Room A3 12th-century <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> depicts <o> boy <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> main subject <o> Madonna and Child <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> location <o> Room A3 12th-century <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> depicts <o> mother <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> depicts <o> Annunciation <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> depicts <o> Christ Child <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Virgin and Child enthroned; Annunciation <p> genre <o> religious art </Graph>
<Text> :It was produced in 1471 on Galeazzo Maria Sforza's third visit to Florence to strengthen his alliance with Lorenzo the Magnificent. The chronicles of the time refer to his entering the city on 13 March that year wearing "a blue brocade with lilies, as the French device and arms" - it is this costume that appears in the portrait. The work was restored in 1994, showing that it had been painted directly onto an unprepared panel in the Flemish manner. It may thus have originally formed a diptych with a portrait of Federico da Montefeltro, duke of Urbino - both works were recorded in the "camera di Lorenzo" in a 1492 inventory of the Palazzo Medici. The Portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi is a painting by the Italian artist Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Bronzino, finished around 1540. It is housed in the Uffizi Gallery of Florence, Italy since 1704. The Adoration of the Magi or Adoration of the Kings or Visitation of the Wise Men is the name traditionally given to the subject in the Nativity of Jesus in art in which the three Magi, represented as kings, especially in the West, having found Jesus by following a star, lay before him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and worship him. It is related in the Bible by Matthew 2:11: "On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another path". Christian iconography considerably expanded the bare account of the Biblical Magi described in the Gospel of Matthew . By the later Middle Ages this drew from non-canonical sources like the Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine. Artists used the expanded Christian iconography to reinforce the idea that Jesus was recognized, from his earliest infancy, as king of the earth. The adoration scene was often used to represent the Nativity, one of the most indispensable episodes in cycles of the Life of the Virgin as well as the Life of Christ. Stories throughout the Middle Ages started circulating, which speculated who exactly were the three kings who were famous for visiting the Christ child. Many people assumed that they came from somewhere in the east. Eventually it was decided that the three kings would represent the three main continents at the time; Europe, Asia, and Africa. The three names that prevailed over the centuries for the three kings were Gaspar , Melchior, and Balthasar. The prominence of this story, as well as the three kings or magi, is due to the great theological significance that the Biblical story holds, their exotic clothes and looks, as well as their great and expensive gifts. In the church calendar, the event is commemorated in Western Christianity as the Feast of the Epiphany . The Eastern Orthodox Church commemorates the Adoration of the Magi on the Feast of the Nativity . The term is anglicized from the Vulgate Latin section title for this passage: A Magis adoratur. The Diptych of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza are two oil paintings by Italian artist Piero della Francesca, dated to 1473-1475. This famed double portrait is often mistitled The Duke and Duchess of Urbino--as it appears on the website of the Uffizi Gallery, which owns it. Since Battista Sforza died in 1472 and Federico da Montefeltro was not made duke until 1474, however, Battista never attained the title of duchess. One of the most celebrated portraits of the Italian Renaissance, the diptych features the Duke of Urbino Federico da Montefeltro and his wife Battista Sforza . In the tradition of the fourteenth century, inspired by the design of ancient coins, the two figures are shown in profile, an angle that ensured a good likeness and a faithful representation of facial details without allowing their sentiments to show through: indeed, the Duke and Duchess of Urbino appear unaffected by turmoil and emotions. The couple are facing each other and the spatial element is suggested by the light and the continuity of the rolling landscape in the background, representing the area of the Marches over which ruled. The chromatic contrast between the bronze skin tones used for Federico and the pale tones of Battista Sforza is striking; pale pallor . . . not only respects the aesthetic conventions which were fashionable during the Renaissance but could also allude to her untimely death in 1472. On the back of the panels, the are featured being carried triumphantly on ancient wagons, accompanied by the Christian virtues; the Latin inscriptions pay tribute to the couple's moral values. The presence of the images on the reverse side suggests that the two paintings, now set in a modern frame, would once have been part of a diptych. One of . . . Piero della Francesca's most famous works, the double portrait is representative of the relationship between the painter and the of Montefeltro; Piero was a frequent guest at their court, . . . which would soon become one of the most important cultural and artistic hearts of Italy. The master painter marries the strict approach to perspective learned during his Florentine education with the lenticular representation more characteristic of Flemish painting, achieving extraordinary results and unmatched originality. It has generally been assumed that this work was commissioned by Federico. Piero biographer James R. Banker shares that view and states that he is "confident that Piero painted soon after Battista's death." The assumption that Federico commissioned the work has been questioned by one scholar, however. In an article based on her M.A. thesis on the work, Michelle Marder Kamhi agrees that the work was probably created soon after Battista's untimely death, but argues that the inscriptions' emphasis on her husband's deeds and virtues would have been inconsistent with his profound grief at her loss. She suggests instead that the diptych was commissioned by someone else as a gift both to honor him for his triumphant military campaign at Volterra in 1472 and to console him for the loss of his beloved young wife, who had become ill in his absence and died soon after his return. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Saint Luke <p> country <o> Italy <s> Saint Luke <p> country of origin <o> Italy <s> Saint Luke <p> location <o> Room A3 12th-century <s> Saint Luke <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Saint Luke <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Saint Luke <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Saint Luke <p> made from material <o> tempera <s> Saint Luke <p> depicts <o> Luke the Evangelist <s> Saint Luke <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Saint Luke <p> creator <o> Master of the Magdalen <s> Saint Luke <p> instance of <o> painting <s> start time <p> Wikidata property <o> start time <s> start time <p> subclass of <o> point in time <s> start time <p> instance of <o> infimum <s> start time <p> opposite of <o> end time <s> key event <p> Wikidata property <o> significant event <s> key event <p> subclass of <o> occurrence <s> end of manufacturing <p> facet of <o> construction <s> end of manufacturing <p> facet of <o> construction <s> end of manufacturing <p> instance of <o> term <s> end of manufacturing <p> subclass of <o> key event <s> end of manufacturing <p> part of <o> Life cycle <s> end of manufacturing <p> subclass of <o> end of <s> end of manufacturing <p> opposite of <o> start of manufacturing <s> end of manufacturing <p> followed by <o> exploitation, in technics <s> end of manufacturing <p> subclass of <o> end <s> end of manufacturing <p> partially coincident with <o> beginning of <s> construction <p> said to be the same as <o> construction <s> construction <p> practiced by <o> architect <s> construction <p> studied in <o> engineering <s> construction <p> subclass of <o> production <s> construction <p> follows <o> construction permit <s> construction <p> follows <o> groundbreaking <s> construction <p> facet of <o> architectural structure <s> construction <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> construction <p> has characteristic <o> construction time <s> construction <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> construction <p> studied in <o> building science <s> construction <p> followed by <o> ribbon-cutting ceremony <s> construction <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Construction <s> construction <p> followed by <o> opening <s> construction <p> subclass of <o> creation <s> construction <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Log cabin corner joints <s> construction <p> followed by <o> occupancy permit <s> construction <p> subclass of <o> technical activity <s> construction <p> described by source <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <s> construction <p> described by source <o> Lean Logic <s> construction <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Zika Corpus <s> demographics of Lombardy <p> country <o> Italy <s> demographics of Lombardy <p> location <o> Lombardy <s> demographics of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Lombardy <p> subclass of <o> demographics of Italy <s> Category:Views of Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> Lombardy <s> Category:Views of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> economy of Lombardy <p> country <o> Italy <s> economy of Lombardy <p> location <o> Lombardy <s> economy of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Lombardy <p> subclass of <o> economy of Italy <s> economy of Lombardy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Lombardy <s> Four Motors for Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Baden-Württemberg <s> Four Motors for Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Lombardy <s> Four Motors for Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Catalonia <s> Four Motors for Europe <p> has part(s) <o> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Four Motors for Europe <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caprino Bergamasco <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caravaggio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capriate San Gervasio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capizzone <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Osio Sotto <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pagazzano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Osio Sopra <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontida <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontirolo Nuovo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pianico <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piario <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cassiglio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the 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administrative territorial entity <o> Clusone <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ciserano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cisano Bergamasco <s> Province of Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lioni <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paladina <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palazzago <s> Province of Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Cremona <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelli Calepio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Rozzone <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carvico <s> Province of Bergamo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Como <s> Province of Bergamo <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palosco <s> Province of Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lecco <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Credaro <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chiuduno <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pumenengo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Presezzo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ranzanico <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ranica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cavernago <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castro <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colere <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castione della Presolana <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponte San Pietro <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponteranica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pognano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piazzolo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> capital <o> Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Pellegrino Terme <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pradalunga <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Predore <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casazza <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casirate d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Brescia <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albano Sant'Alessandro <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adrara San Rocco <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rota d'Imagna <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rovetta <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parre <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parzanica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Romano di Lombardia <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponte Nossa <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roncola <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roncobello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alzano Lombardo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ambivere <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Paolo d'Argon <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giovanni Bianco <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Costa Volpino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Costa Valle Imagna <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Algua <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Almenno San Bartolomeo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cortenuova <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cornalba <s> Province of Bergamo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre de' Busi <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corna Imagna <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Comun Nuovo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Premolo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Serina <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Seriate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Solto Collina <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Solza <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Azzone <s> Province of Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Monza and Brianza <s> Province of Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Province of Sondrio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ardesio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arcene <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cologno al Serio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colzate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dossena <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dalmine <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Entratico <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Endine Gaiano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Antegnate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Strozza <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suisio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Omobono Terme <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Brigida <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rogno <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Riva di Solto <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adrara San Martino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spirano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stezzano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piazzatorre <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piazza Brembana <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bianzano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berzo San Fermo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Songavazzo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sorisole <s> Province of Bergamo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Foppolo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Foresto Sparso <s> Province of Bergamo <p> official residence <o> Palazzo della Provincia <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fino del Monte <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiorano al Serio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cenate Sopra <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cazzano Sant'Andrea <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Blello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spinone al Lago <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sovere <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Filago <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Telgate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Terno d'Isola <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fuipiano Valle Imagna <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fornovo San Giovanni <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scanzorosciate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sarnico <s> Province of Bergamo <p> different from <o> province of Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fara Olivana con Sola <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fara Gera d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ubiale Clanezzo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Treviolo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagnatica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barbata <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Azzano San Paolo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aviatico <s> Province of Bergamo <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Covo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Costa di Serina <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Costa di Mezzate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tavernola Bergamasca <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taleggio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sedrina <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schilpario <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre Boldone <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bedulita <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berbenno <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gandino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gandellino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Urgnano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Selvino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontanella <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fonteno <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brignano Gera d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gorlago <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ghisalba <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barzana <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bariano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bracca <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Branzi <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villongo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Almenno San Salvatore <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Almè <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre Pallavicina <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre de' Roveri <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boltiere <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bolgare <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trescore Balneario <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Treviglio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verdello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vertova <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grassobbio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gazzaniga <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaverina Terme <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arzago d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Averara <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cusio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Curno <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leffe <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lenna <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mapello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Madone <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grumello del Monte <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isola di Fondra <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valleve <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valgoglio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gorno <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gorle <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mozzo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mozzanica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valnegra <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valtorta <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gromo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grone <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Viadanica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valbondione <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valbrembo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vedeseta <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verdellino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mezzoldo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vigano San Martino <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vigolo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Milan <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gandosso <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bonate Sotto <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bonate Sopra <s> Province of Bergamo <p> head of government <o> Matteo Rossi <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brembate di Sopra <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brembate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mornico al Serio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morengo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calcio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calcinate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moio de' Calvi <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Misano di Gera d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Levate <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Locatello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oltre il Colle <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lallio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isso <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Val Brembilla <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> circle of Bergamo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bottanuco <s> Province of Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bengbu <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lovere <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brusaporto <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brumano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oneta <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oltressenda Alta <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo di Terzo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bossico <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lurano <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luzzana <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zandobbio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vilminore di Scalve <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ornica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Onore <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orio al Serio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monasterolo del Castello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Medolago <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Martinengo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa d'Almè <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nembro <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Olmo al Brembo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zibo <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zanica <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zogno <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canonica d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Camerata Cornello <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa di Serio <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa d'Ogna <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calusco d'Adda <s> Province of Bergamo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calvenzano </Graph>
<Text> :Luke the Evangelist is one of the Four Evangelists--the four traditionally ascribed authors of the canonical gospels. The Early Church Fathers ascribed to him authorship of both the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Prominent figures in early Christianity such as Jerome and Eusebius later reaffirmed his authorship, although a lack of conclusive evidence as to the identity of the author of the works has led to discussion in scholarly circles, both secular and religious. The New Testament mentions Luke briefly a few times, and the Epistle to the Colossians refers to him as a physician ; thus he is thought to have been both a physician and a disciple of Paul. Since the early years of the faith, Christians have regarded him as a saint. He is believed to have been a martyr, reportedly having been hanged from an olive tree, though some believe otherwise. The Catholic Church and other major denominations venerate him as Saint Luke the Evangelist and as a patron saint of artists, physicians, bachelors, notaries, butchers, brewers, and others; his feast day is 18 October. Many scholars believe that Luke was a physician who lived in the Hellenistic city of Antioch in Ancient Syria, born of a Greek family, although some scholars and theologians think Luke was a Hellenic Jew. While it has been widely accepted that the theology of Luke-Acts points to a gentile Christian writing for a gentile audience, some have concluded that it is more plausible that Luke-Acts is directed to a community made up of both Jewish and gentile Christians since there is stress on the scriptural roots of the gentile mission . DNA testing on what Christian tradition holds to be his body has revealed it to be of Syrian ancestry. Construction is a general term meaning the art and science of forming objects, systems, or organizations. It comes from the Latin word constructio and Old French construction. To 'construct' is a verb: the act of building, and the noun is construction: how something is built or the nature of its structure. In its most widely used context, construction covers the processes involved in delivering buildings, infrastructure, industrial facilities, and associated activities through to the end of their life. It typically starts with planning, financing, and design that continues until the asset is built and ready for use. Construction also covers repairs and maintenance work, any works to expand, extend and improve the asset, and its eventual demolition, dismantling or decommissioning. The construction industry contributes significantly to many countries' gross domestic products . Global expenditure on construction activities was about $4 trillion in 2012. In 2022, expenditure on the construction industry exceeded $11 trillion a year, equivalent to about 13 percent of global GDP. This spending was forecasted to rise to around $14.8 trillion in 2030. Although the construction industry promotes economic development and brings many non-monetary benefits to many countries, it is one of the most hazardous industries. For example, about 20% of US industry fatalities in 2019 happened in construction. Lombardy is an administrative region of Italy that covers 23,844 km2 ; it is located in northern Italy and has a population of about 10 million people, constituting more than one-sixth of Italy's population. Lombardy is located between the Alps mountain range and tributaries of the river Po, and includes Milan, its capital, the largest metropolitan area in the country, and among the largest in the EU. Its territory is divided into 1,502 comuni , distributed in twelve administrative subdivisions . The region ranks first in Italy in terms of population, population density and number of local authorities, while it is fourth in terms of surface area, after Sicily, Piedmont and Sardinia. It is the second most populous region of the European Union , and the second region of the European Union by nominal GDP. Lombardy is the first region of Italy in terms of economic importance, contributing to approximately a fifth of the national gross domestic product . Lombardy is a member of the Four Motors for Europe, an international economical organization whose other members are Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany, Catalonia in Spain, and Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes in France. Milan is the economic capital of Italy and is a global financial centre. Of the fifty-eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Italy, eleven are in Lombardy, tying in with Castile and Leon in northwest-central Spain. Virgil, Pliny the Elder, Ambrose, Gerolamo Cardano, Caravaggio, Claudio Monteverdi, Antonio Stradivari, Cesare Beccaria, Alessandro Volta, and Alessandro Manzoni; and popes John XXIII and Paul VI originated in the area of modern-day Lombardy region. The Four Motors for Europe is a transnational, interregional network of four highly industrialized and research-oriented regions in Europe. Rhone-Alpes of France, Baden-Wurttemberg of Germany, Catalonia of Spain and Lombardy of Italy signed an agreement of cooperation on September 9, 1988, in Stuttgart, Germany. The so-called Memorandum sets out to increase economic and social cooperation between the regions, which do not possess a common border. The agreement was to have the four regions cooperate in a long term relationship in the fields of science, research, education, environment, culture, and other sectors. The purpose of this relationship was to foster the regional dimension within the European Union as well as increasing the potential for economic growth within the four regions. These regions focus on the exchange of information with each other to expand their technology and R&D. The group works selectively with associated partners. The Four Motors have since expanded to include Wales of the United Kingdom, Flanders of Belgium, Lesser Poland of Poland and Quebec of Canada as associate members, while Rhone-Alpes merged with Auvergne in 2016, to create Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. The province of Bergamo is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Bergamo. The province has a population of 1,103,768 , an area of 2,754.91 square kilometers , and contains 242 comuni . The province of Bergamo borders the province of Sondrio to the north, the province of Brescia to the east, the province of Cremona to the south and the Metropolitan City of Milan and the provinces of Monza and Brianza and Lecco to the west. The northern part spans the Orobian Alps with the highest point being Mount Coca at 3,052 meters . Its rivers include the Serio, Dezzo, Cherio, Brembo, and Adda. Its valleys include the Seriana, Cavallina, and Brembana. Other, smaller but important valleys include the Valle Imagna, the Val di Scalve, the Val Brembilla, the Val Serina, and the Val Taleggio. The southern part is mainly made up of flatlands. In the east, Lake Iseo forms its boundary which the Oglio from the Camonica Valley flows through. Minerals are found in the area of Trescore Balneario and San Pellegrino and other places. The low-lying areas are rich in pastures along with corn, wine, grain, rice and flax that are cultivated. Hunting is common. Very common is also the breeding of poultry, pigs with modern techniques, and the traditional sheep herding. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Middle Ages <p> has part(s) <o> High Middle Ages <s> Middle Ages <p> location <o> Europe <s> Middle Ages <p> facet of <o> human history <s> Middle Ages <p> studied in <o> medieval studies <s> Middle Ages <p> followed by <o> Renaissance <s> Middle Ages <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Middle Ages <p> has part(s) <o> late Middle Ages <s> Middle Ages <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Middle Ages <p> studied in <o> medieval archaeology <s> Middle Ages <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Middle Ages <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> Middle Ages <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Middle Ages <s> Middle Ages <p> has part(s) <o> Early Middle Ages <s> Middle Ages <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Middle Ages <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Middle Ages <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> Middle Ages <p> instance of <o> age <s> Middle Ages <p> followed by <o> Age of Discovery <s> Middle Ages <p> follows <o> ancient history <s> Middle Ages <p> studied in <o> medieval history <s> Middle Ages <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Middle Ages <p> follows <o> late antiquity <s> Middle Ages <p> followed by <o> early modern period <s> Middle Ages <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Middle Ages <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of the Middle Ages <s> Middle Ages <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Middle Ages <s> late Middle Ages <p> location <o> Europe <s> late Middle Ages <p> followed by <o> Renaissance <s> late Middle Ages <p> follows <o> High Middle Ages <s> late Middle Ages <p> followed by <o> early modern period <s> late Middle Ages <p> part of <o> Middle Ages <s> late Middle Ages <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> late Middle Ages <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Late Middle Ages <s> Baroque <p> location <o> Europe <s> Baroque <p> location <o> Russia <s> Baroque <p> instance of <o> art movement <s> Baroque <p> follows <o> Renaissance <s> Baroque <p> follows <o> mannerism <s> Baroque <p> instance of <o> style <s> Baroque <p> location <o> New World <s> Baroque <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Baroque <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Baroque <p> instance of <o> cultural movement <s> Baroque <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> Baroque <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Baroque <p> has part(s) <o> Baroque literature <s> Baroque <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Baroque <p> has part(s) <o> Baroque art <s> Baroque <p> influenced by <o> Council of Trent <s> Baroque <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Baroque <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Baroque <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Baroque <s> Baroque <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Baroque <p> has part(s) <o> Early Baroque <s> Baroque <p> has part(s) <o> High Baroque <s> Baroque <p> has part(s) <o> Late Baroque <s> Baroque <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Baroque <s> Gothic art <p> country <o> Italy <s> Gothic art <p> country <o> France <s> Gothic art <p> different from <o> gothic rock <s> Gothic art <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Gothic art <p> country <o> Holy Roman Empire <s> Gothic art <p> followed by <o> Renaissance <s> Gothic art <p> has part(s) <o> Gothic architecture <s> Gothic art <p> follows <o> Romanesque art <s> Gothic art <p> has part(s) <o> International Gothic <s> Gothic art <p> named after <o> Goths <s> Gothic art <p> instance of <o> art movement <s> Gothic art <p> instance of <o> art style <s> Gothic art <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gothic art <p> has effect <o> Gothic Revival <s> Gothic art <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Gothic art <p> subclass of <o> medieval art <s> Gothic art <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages <s> Gothic art <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gothic art <s> Gothic art <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> location <o> Italy <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> part of <o> Renaissance <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> instance of <o> art movement <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> instance of <o> style <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> instance of <o> architectural style <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> instance of <o> cultural movement <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> instance of <o> art style <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> followed by <o> Early Renaissance <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> Proto-Renaissance <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 9 <s> Italian Renaissance <p> country <o> Italy <s> Italian Renaissance <p> instance of <o> cultural movement <s> Italian Renaissance <p> part of <o> Renaissance <s> Italian Renaissance <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Italian Renaissance <s> Italian Renaissance <p> described by source <o> Classic art <s> Italian Renaissance <p> has part(s) <o> Italian Renaissance painting <s> Renaissance art <p> time period <o> Renaissance <s> Renaissance art <p> facet of <o> art history <s> Renaissance art <p> has part(s) <o> Renaissance literature <s> Renaissance art <p> has part(s) <o> Renaissance sculpture <s> Renaissance art <p> has part(s) <o> Renaissance dance <s> Renaissance art <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Renaissance art <p> has part(s) <o> Renaissance theatre <s> Renaissance art <p> has part(s) <o> Renaissance music <s> Renaissance art <p> has part(s) <o> Renaissance architecture <s> Renaissance art <p> instance of <o> art style <s> Renaissance art <p> instance of <o> aspect in a historical period <s> Renaissance art <p> has part(s) <o> Renaissance painting <s> Renaissance art <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Renaissance art <s> Renaissance art <p> facet of <o> history of the Renaissance <s> Renaissance art <p> subclass of <o> аrt of Europe <s> cultural movement <p> subclass of <o> social movement <s> cultural movement <p> subclass of <o> group action <s> cultural movement <p> Wikidata property <o> movement <s> cultural movement <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cultural movement <s> art movement <p> subclass of <o> art style <s> art movement <p> subclass of <o> art <s> art movement <p> has list <o> list of art movements <s> art movement <p> subclass of <o> cultural movement <s> art movement <p> different from <o> art group <s> art movement <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox art movement <s> art movement <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Art movements <s> Early Renaissance <p> instance of <o> art movement <s> Early Renaissance <p> part of <o> Renaissance <s> Early Renaissance <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> Early Renaissance <p> follows <o> Proto-Renaissance <s> Early Renaissance <p> followed by <o> High Renaissance </Graph>
<Text> :In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages or medieval period lasted approximately from 500 AD to 1500, although some prefer other start and end dates. The Middle Ages is the second of the three traditional divisions of Western history: antiquity, medieval, and modern. Major developments include the predominance of agriculture in the economy, the exploitation of the peasantry, slow interregional communication, and the fragility of state bureaucracy. The medieval period is itself sometimes subdivided into the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages, and the early medieval period is alternatively referred to as the Dark Ages. Population decline, counterurbanisation, the collapse of centralised authority, the mass migration of tribes , and Christianisation, which had begun in late antiquity, continued into the Early Middle Ages. The movements of peoples led to the disintegrartion of the Western Roman Empire, and the rise of new kingdoms. In the post-Roman world, taxation declined, the army was financed through land grants, and the blending of Later Roman civilisation and the invaders' traditions is well documented. The Eastern Roman Empire survived but lost the Middle East and North Africa to Muslim conquerors in the 7th century. Although the Carolingian dynasty of the Franks reunited much of the Western Roman lands by the early 9th century, the Carolingian Empire quickly fell apart into competing kingdoms, duchies, and lordships. During the High Middle Ages, which began after 1000, the population of Europe increased greatly as the Medieval Warm Period allowed crop yields to increase, and technological and agricultural innovations introduced a "commercial revolution". Slavery nearly disappeared, and peasants could improve their status by moving to faraway regions in return for economic and legal concessions. New towns developed from local commercial centers, and urban artisans united into local guilds to protect their common interests. Western church leaders accepted papal supremacy to get rid of lay influence, which accelerated the separation of the western Catholic and eastern Orthodox Churches, and triggered the Investiture Controversy. With the spread of heavy cavalry, a new aristocracy emerged who stabilised their position through strict inheritance customs. In the system of feudalism, the noble knights owed military service to their lords in return for the lands they had received in fief. Stone castles were built in regions where central authority was weak but by the end of the period state power was in the rise. The Western European peasants' and aristocrats' movement towards the peripheries of Europe, often in the guise of crusades, led to the expansion of Latin Christendom against the neighbouring Muslim, pagan, and Orthodox peoples. The spread of cathedral schools and universities stimulated a new method of intellectual discussions, with an emphasis on rational argumentation, known as scholasticism. Mass pilgrimages prompted the construction of massive Romanesque churches, while structural innovations led to the development of the more delicate Gothic architecture. The Late Middle Ages was marked by difficulties and calamities including famine, plague, and war, which significantly diminished the population of Europe: between 1347 and 1350, the Black Death killed about a third of Europeans. Controversy, heresy, and the Western Schism within the Catholic Church paralleled the interstate conflict, civil strife, and peasant revolts in the secular world. Cultural and technological developments transformed European society, concluding the Late Middle Ages and beginning the early modern period. The Late Middle Ages or Late Medieval period was the period of European history lasting from AD 1300 to 1500. The late Middle Ages followed the High Middle Ages and preceded the onset of the early modern period . Around 1350, centuries of prosperity and growth in Europe came to a halt. A series of famines and plagues, including the Great Famine of 1315-1317 and the Black Death, reduced the population to around half of what it had been before the calamities. Along with depopulation came social unrest and endemic warfare. France and England experienced serious peasant uprisings, such as the Jacquerie and the Peasants' Revolt, as well as over a century of intermittent conflict, the Hundred Years' War. To add to the many problems of the period, the unity of the Catholic Church was temporarily shattered by the Western Schism. Collectively, those events are sometimes called the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages. Despite the crises, the 14th century was also a time of great progress in the arts and sciences. Following a renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman texts that took root in the High Middle Ages, the Italian Renaissance began. The absorption of Latin texts had started before the Renaissance of the 12th century through contact with Arabs during the Crusades, but the availability of important Greek texts accelerated with the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks, when many Byzantine scholars had to seek refuge in the West, particularly Italy. Combined with this influx of classical ideas was the invention of printing, which facilitated the dissemination of the printed word and democratized learning. Those two things would later lead to the Reformation. Toward the end of the period, the Age of Discovery began. The expansion of the Ottoman Empire cut off trading possibilities with the East. Europeans were forced to seek new trading routes, leading to the Spanish expedition under Christopher Columbus to the Americas in 1492 and Vasco da Gama's voyage to Africa and India in 1498. Their discoveries strengthened the economy and power of European nations. The Baroque or Baroquism is a Western style of architecture, music, dance, painting, sculpture, poetry, and other arts that flourished from the early 17th century until the 1750s. It followed Renaissance art and Mannerism and preceded the Rococo and Neoclassical styles. It was encouraged by the Catholic Church as a means to counter the simplicity and austerity of Protestant architecture, art, and music, though Lutheran Baroque art developed in parts of Europe as well. The Baroque style used contrast, movement, exuberant detail, deep color, grandeur, and surprise to achieve a sense of awe. The style began at the start of the 17th century in Rome, then spread rapidly to the rest of Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, then to Austria, southern Germany, and Poland. By the 1730s, it had evolved into an even more flamboyant style, called rocaille or Rococo, which appeared in France and Central Europe until the mid to late 18th century. In the territories of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires including the Iberian Peninsula it continued, together with new styles, until the first decade of the 19th century. In the decorative arts, the style employs plentiful and intricate ornamentation. The departure from Renaissance classicism has its own ways in each country. But a general feature is that everywhere the starting point is the ornamental elements introduced by the Renaissance. The classical repertoire is crowded, dense, overlapping, loaded, in order to provoke shock effects. New motifs introduced by Baroque are: the cartouche, trophies and weapons, baskets of fruit or flowers, and others, made in marquetry, stucco, or carved. The English word baroque comes directly from the French. Some scholars state that the French word originated from the Portuguese term barroco 'a flawed pearl', pointing to the Latin verruca 'wart', or to a word with the Romance suffix -occu . Other sources suggest a Medieval Latin term used in logic, baroco, as the most likely source. Gothic art was a style of medieval art that developed in Northern France out of Romanesque art in the 12th century AD, led by the concurrent development of Gothic architecture. It spread to all of Western Europe, and much of Northern, Southern and Central Europe, never quite effacing more classical styles in Italy. In the late 14th century, the sophisticated court style of International Gothic developed, which continued to evolve until the late 15th century. In many areas, especially Germany, Late Gothic art continued well into the 16th century, before being subsumed into Renaissance art. Primary media in the Gothic period included sculpture, panel painting, stained glass, fresco and illuminated manuscripts. The easily recognizable shifts in architecture from Romanesque to Gothic, and Gothic to Renaissance styles, are typically used to define the periods in art in all media, although in many ways figurative art developed at a different pace. The earliest Gothic art was monumental sculpture, on the walls of Cathedrals and abbeys. Christian art was often typological in nature , showing the stories of the New Testament and the Old Testament side by side. Saints' lives were often depicted. Images of the Virgin Mary changed from the Byzantine iconic form to a more human and affectionate mother, cuddling her infant, swaying from her hip, and showing the refined manners of a well-born aristocratic courtly lady. Secular art came into its own during this period with the rise of cities, foundation of universities, increase in trade, the establishment of a money-based economy and the creation of a bourgeois class who could afford to patronize the arts and commission works, resulting in a proliferation of paintings and illuminated manuscripts. Increased literacy and a growing body of secular vernacular literature encouraged the representation of secular themes in art. With the growth of cities, trade guilds were formed and artists were often required to be members of a painters' guild. As a result, because of better record keeping, more artists are known to us by name in this period than any previous; some artists were even so bold as to sign their names. Gothic art emerged in Ile-de-France, France, in the early 12th century, at the Abbey Church of St Denis built by Abbot Suger. The style rapidly spread beyond its origins in architecture to sculpture, both monumental and personal in size, textile art, and painting, which took a variety of forms, including fresco, stained glass, the illuminated manuscript, and panel painting. Monastic orders, especially the Cistercians and the Carthusians, were important builders who disseminated the style and developed distinctive variants of it across Europe. Regional variations of architecture remained important, even when, by the late 14th century, a coherent universal style known as International Gothic had evolved, which continued until the late 15th century, and beyond in many areas. Italian Renaissance painting is the painting of the period beginning in the late 13th century and flourishing from the early 15th to late 16th centuries, occurring in the Italian Peninsula, which was at that time divided into many political states, some independent but others controlled by external powers. The painters of Renaissance Italy, although often attached to particular courts and with loyalties to particular towns, nonetheless wandered the length and breadth of Italy, often occupying a diplomatic status and disseminating artistic and philosophical ideas. The city of Florence in Tuscany is renowned as the birthplace of the Renaissance, and in particular of Renaissance painting, although later in the era Rome and Venice assumed increasing importance in painting. A detailed background is given in the companion articles Renaissance art and Renaissance architecture. Italian Renaissance painting is most often divided into four periods: the Proto-Renaissance , the Early Renaissance , the High Renaissance , and Mannerism . The dates for these periods represent the overall trend in Italian painting and do not cover all painters as the lives of individual artists and their personal styles overlapped these periods. The Proto-Renaissance begins with the professional life of the painter Giotto and includes Taddeo Gaddi, Orcagna, and Altichiero. The Early Renaissance style was started by Masaccio and then further developed by Fra Angelico, Paolo Uccello, Piero della Francesca, Sandro Botticelli, Verrocchio, Domenico Ghirlandaio, and Giovanni Bellini. The High Renaissance period was that of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Andrea del Sarto, Coreggio, Giorgione, the latter works of Giovanni Bellini, and Titian. The Mannerist period, dealt with in a separate article, included the latter works of Michelangelo, as well as Pontormo, Parmigianino, Bronzino, and Tintoretto. The influences upon the development of Renaissance painting in Italy are those that also affected architecture, engineering, philosophy, language, literature, natural sciences, politics, ethics, theology, and other aspects of Italian society during the Renaissance period. The following is a summary of points dealt with more fully in the main articles that are cited above. The Italian Renaissance was a period in Italian history covering the 15th and 16th centuries. The period is known for the initial development of the broader Renaissance culture that spread across Western Europe and marked the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. Proponents of a "long Renaissance" argue that it started around the year 1300 and lasted until about 1600. In some fields, a Proto-Renaissance, beginning around 1250, is typically accepted. The French word renaissance means "rebirth", and defines the period as one of cultural revival and renewed interest in classical antiquity after the centuries during what Renaissance humanists labelled as the "Dark Ages". The Italian Renaissance historian Giorgio Vasari used the term rinascita in his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects in 1550, but the concept became widespread only in the 19th century, after the work of scholars such as Jules Michelet and Jacob Burckhardt. The Renaissance began in Tuscany in Central Italy and centred in the city of Florence. The Florentine Republic, one of the several city-states of the peninsula, rose to economic and political prominence by providing credit for European monarchs and by laying down the groundwork for developments in capitalism and in banking. Renaissance culture later spread to Venice, the heart of a Mediterranean empire and in control of the trade routes with the east since its participation in the Crusades and following the journeys of Marco Polo between 1271 and 1295. Thus Italy renewed contact with the remains of ancient Greek culture, which provided humanist scholars with new texts. Finally the Renaissance had a significant effect on the Papal States and on Rome, largely rebuilt by humanist and Renaissance popes, such as Julius II and Leo X , who frequently became involved in Italian politics, in arbitrating disputes between competing colonial powers and in opposing the Protestant Reformation, which started c. 1517. The Italian Renaissance has a reputation for its achievements in painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, philosophy, science, technology, and exploration. Italy became the recognized European leader in all these areas by the late 15th century, during the era of the Peace of Lodi agreed between Italian states. The Italian Renaissance peaked in the mid-16th century as domestic disputes and foreign invasions plunged the region into the turmoil of the Italian Wars . However, the ideas and ideals of the Italian Renaissance spread into the rest of Europe, setting off the Northern Renaissance from the late 15th century. Italian explorers from the maritime republics served under the auspices of European monarchs, ushering in the Age of Discovery. The most famous among them include Christopher Columbus , Giovanni da Verrazzano , Amerigo Vespucci , and John Cabot . Italian scientists such as Falloppio, Tartaglia, Galileo and Torricelli played key roles in the Scientific Revolution, and foreigners such as Copernicus and Vesalius worked in Italian universities. Historiographers have proposed various events and dates of the 17th century, such as the conclusion of the European wars of religion in 1648, as marking the end of the Renaissance. Accounts of proto-Renaissance literature usually begin with the three great Italian writers of the 14th century: Dante Alighieri , Petrarch , and Boccaccio . Famous vernacular poets of the Renaissance include the epic authors Luigi Pulci , Matteo Maria Boiardo , Ludovico Ariosto , and Torquato Tasso . 15th-century writers such as the poet Poliziano and the Platonist philosopher Marsilio Ficino made extensive translations from both Latin and Greek. In the early 16th century, Baldassare Castiglione laid out his vision of the ideal gentleman and lady in The Book of the Courtier , while Niccolo Machiavelli cast a jaundiced eye on la verita effettuale della cosa 'the effectual truth of things' in The Prince, composed, in humanistic style, chiefly of parallel ancient and modern examples of virtu. Historians of the period include Machiavelli himself, his friend and critic Francesco Guicciardini and Giovanni Botero . The Aldine Press, founded in 1494 by the printer Aldo Manuzio, active in Venice, developed Italic type and pocket editions that one could carry in one's pocket; it became the first to publish printed editions of books in Ancient Greek. Venice also became the birthplace of the commedia dell'arte. Renaissance art is the painting, sculpture, and decorative arts of the period of European history known as the Renaissance, which emerged as a distinct style in Italy in about AD 1400, in parallel with developments which occurred in philosophy, literature, music, science, and technology. Renaissance art took as its foundation the art of Classical antiquity, perceived as the noblest of ancient traditions, but transformed that tradition by absorbing recent developments in the art of Northern Europe and by applying contemporary scientific knowledge. Along with Renaissance humanist philosophy, it spread throughout Europe, affecting both artists and their patrons with the development of new techniques and new artistic sensibilities. For art historians, Renaissance art marks the transition of Europe from the medieval period to the Early Modern age. The body of art, including painting, sculpture, architecture, music and literature identified as "Renaissance art" was primarily produced during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries in Europe under the combined influences of an increased awareness of nature, a revival of classical learning, and a more individualistic view of man. Scholars no longer believe that the Renaissance marked an abrupt break with medieval values, as is suggested by the French word renaissance, literally meaning "rebirth". In many parts of Europe, Early Renaissance art was created in parallel with Late Medieval art. Many influences on the development of Renaissance men and women in the early 15th century have been credited with the emergence of Renaissance art; they are the same as those that affected philosophy, literature, architecture, theology, science, government and other aspects of society. The following list presents a summary of changes to social and cultural conditions which have been identified as factors which contributed to the development of Renaissance art. Each is dealt with more fully in the main articles cited above. The scholars of Renaissance period focused on present life and ways improve human life. They did not pay much attention to medieval philosophy or religion. During this period, scholars and humanists like Erasmus, Dante and Petrarch criticized superstitious beliefs and also questioned them. The concept of education also widened its spectrum and focused more on creating 'an ideal man' who would have a fair understanding of arts, music, poetry and literature and would have the ability to appreciate these aspects of life. In Italy in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, the sculpture of Nicola Pisano and his son Giovanni Pisano, working at Pisa, Siena and Pistoia shows markedly classicising tendencies, probably influenced by the familiarity of these artists with ancient Roman sarcophagi. Their masterpieces are the pulpits of the Baptistery and Cathedral of Pisa. A cultural movement is a change in the way a number of different disciplines approach their work. This embodies all art forms, the sciences, and philosophies. Historically, different nations or regions of the world have gone through their own independent sequence of movements in culture, but as world communications have accelerated this geographical distinction has become less distinct. When cultural movements go through revolutions from one to the next, genres tend to get attacked and mixed up, and often new genres are generated and old ones fade.: These changes are often reactions against the prior cultural form, which typically has grown stale and repetitive. An obsession emerges among the mainstream with the new movement, and the old one falls into neglect - sometimes it dies out entirely, but often it chugs along favored in a few disciplines and occasionally making reappearances . There is continual argument over the precise definition of each of these periods, and one historian might group them differently, or choose different names or descriptions. As well, even though in many cases the popular change from one to the next can be swift and sudden, the beginning and end of movements are somewhat subjective, as the movements did not spring fresh into existence out of the blue and did not come to an abrupt end and lose total support, as would be suggested by a date range. Thus use of the term "period" is somewhat deceptive. "Period" also suggests a linearity of development, whereas it has not been uncommon for two or more distinctive cultural approaches to be active at the same time. Historians will be able to find distinctive traces of a cultural movement before its accepted beginning, and there will always be new creations in old forms. So it can be more useful to think in terms of broad "movements" that have rough beginnings and endings. Yet for historical perspective, some rough date ranges will be provided for each to indicate the "height" or accepted time span of the movement. This current article covers Western, notably European and American cultural movements. They have, however, been paralleled by cultural movements in East Asia and elsewhere. In the late 20th and early 21st century in Thailand, for example, there has been a cultural shift away from Western social and political values more toward Japanese and Chinese. As well, That culture has reinvigorated monarchical concepts to accommodate state shifts away from Western ideology regarding democracy and monarchies. An art movement is a tendency or style in art with a specific art philosophy or goal, followed by a group of artists during a specific period of time, or, at least, with the heyday of the movement defined within a number of years. Art movements were especially important in modern art, when each consecutive movement was considered a new avant-garde movement. Western art had been, from the Renaissance up to the middle of the 19th century, underpinned by the logic of perspective and an attempt to reproduce an illusion of visible reality . By the end of the 19th century many artists felt a need to create a new style which would encompass the fundamental changes taking place in technology, science and philosophy . According to theories associated with modernism and also the concept of postmodernism, art movements are especially important during the period of time corresponding to modern art. The period of time called "modern art" is posited to have changed approximately halfway through the 20th century and art made afterward is generally called contemporary art. Postmodernism in visual art begins and functions as a parallel to late modernism and refers to that period after the "modern" period called contemporary art. The postmodern period began during late modernism , and according to some theorists postmodernism ended in the 21st century. During the period of time corresponding to "modern art" each consecutive movement was often considered a new avant-garde. Also during the period of time referred to as "modern art" each movement was seen corresponding to a somewhat grandiose rethinking of all that came before it, concerning the visual arts. Generally there was a commonality of visual style linking the works and artists included in an art movement. Verbal expression and explanation of movements has come from the artists themselves, sometimes in the form of an art manifesto, and sometimes from art critics and others who may explain their understanding of the meaning of the new art then being produced. In the visual arts, many artists, theorists, art critics, art collectors, art dealers and others mindful of the unbroken continuation of modernism and the continuation of modern art even into the contemporary era, ascribe to and welcome new philosophies of art as they appear. Postmodernist theorists posit that the idea of art movements are no longer as applicable, or no longer as discernible, as the notion of art movements had been before the postmodern era. There are many theorists however who doubt as to whether or not such an era was actually a fact; or just a passing fad. Renaissance art is the painting, sculpture, and decorative arts of the period of European history known as the Renaissance, which emerged as a distinct style in Italy in about AD 1400, in parallel with developments which occurred in philosophy, literature, music, science, and technology. Renaissance art took as its foundation the art of Classical antiquity, perceived as the noblest of ancient traditions, but transformed that tradition by absorbing recent developments in the art of Northern Europe and by applying contemporary scientific knowledge. Along with Renaissance humanist philosophy, it spread throughout Europe, affecting both artists and their patrons with the development of new techniques and new artistic sensibilities. For art historians, Renaissance art marks the transition of Europe from the medieval period to the Early Modern age. The body of art, including painting, sculpture, architecture, music and literature identified as "Renaissance art" was primarily produced during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries in Europe under the combined influences of an increased awareness of nature, a revival of classical learning, and a more individualistic view of man. Scholars no longer believe that the Renaissance marked an abrupt break with medieval values, as is suggested by the French word renaissance, literally meaning "rebirth". In many parts of Europe, Early Renaissance art was created in parallel with Late Medieval art. Many influences on the development of Renaissance men and women in the early 15th century have been credited with the emergence of Renaissance art; they are the same as those that affected philosophy, literature, architecture, theology, science, government and other aspects of society. The following list presents a summary of changes to social and cultural conditions which have been identified as factors which contributed to the development of Renaissance art. Each is dealt with more fully in the main articles cited above. The scholars of Renaissance period focused on present life and ways improve human life. They did not pay much attention to medieval philosophy or religion. During this period, scholars and humanists like Erasmus, Dante and Petrarch criticized superstitious beliefs and also questioned them. The concept of education also widened its spectrum and focused more on creating 'an ideal man' who would have a fair understanding of arts, music, poetry and literature and would have the ability to appreciate these aspects of life. In Italy in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, the sculpture of Nicola Pisano and his son Giovanni Pisano, working at Pisa, Siena and Pistoia shows markedly classicising tendencies, probably influenced by the familiarity of these artists with ancient Roman sarcophagi. Their masterpieces are the pulpits of the Baptistery and Cathedral of Pisa. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Lombardy <p> category's main topic <o> Lombardy <s> Category:Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> president of Lombardy <p> country <o> Italy <s> president of Lombardy <p> part of <o> Government of Lombardy <s> president of Lombardy <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Government of Lombardy <s> president of Lombardy <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lombardy <s> president of Lombardy <p> subclass of <o> president of Italian region <s> president of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> public office <s> president of Lombardy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Presidents of Lombardy <s> president of Lombardy <p> officeholder <o> Attilio Fontana <s> president of Lombardy <p> has list <o> list of presidents of Lombardy <s> president of Lombardy <p> official residence <o> Palazzo Lombardia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rea <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oliva Gessi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pancarana <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Retorbido <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieve del Cairo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rovescala <s> Province of Pavia <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca de' Giorgi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Biscossi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montecalvo Versiggia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rognano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albonese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monticelli Pavese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Velezzo Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Volpara <s> Province of Pavia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Pavia <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montescano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cassolnovo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bornasco <s> Province of Pavia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Martino Siccomario <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Genesio ed Uniti <s> Province of Pavia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Pavia <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cornale e Bastida <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Travacò Siccomario <s> Province of Pavia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pietra de' Giorgi <s> Province of Pavia <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parona <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albuzzano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgoratto Mormorolo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Galliavola <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tromello <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lomello <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mezzana Bigli <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mornico Losana <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceretto Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagnaria <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stradella <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Maria della Versa <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Semiana <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cecima <s> Province of Pavia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verrua Po <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suardi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pizzale <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bastida Pancarana <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponte Nizza <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calvignano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scaldasole <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castana <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casorate Primo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rivanazzano Terme <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sartirana Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gambarana <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieve Albignola <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villanterio <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Filighera <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Breme <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Voghera <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pinarolo Po <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cura Carpignano <s> Province of Pavia <p> capital <o> Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colli Verdi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corteolona e Genzone <s> Province of Pavia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Vercelli <s> Province of Pavia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Alessandria <s> Province of Pavia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Novara <s> Province of Pavia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lodi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arena Po <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montesegale <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Redavalle <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Inverno e Monteleone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zerbolò <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giorgio di Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Giussago <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gravellona Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Piacenza <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cava Manara <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mede <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lirio <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valle Salimbene <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casanova Lonati <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nicorvo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Olevano di Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barbianello <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgarello <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Candia Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albaredo Arnaboldi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Portalbera <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieve Porto Morone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Miradolo Terme <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Alessio con Vialone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sommo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre d'Isola <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vistarino <s> Province of Pavia <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vellezzo Bellini <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vidigulfo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelnovetto <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelletto di Branduzzo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bereguardo <s> Province of Pavia <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Giuletta <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belgioioso <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Varzi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zinasco <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marzano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torrazza Coste <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trovo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magherno <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fortunago <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Confienza <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Siziano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cilavegna <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Campospinoso Albaredo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Langosco <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Copiano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casatisma <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Val di Nizza <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Robecco Pavese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mezzana Rabattone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casteggio <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montebello della Battaglia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cergnago <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montalto Pavese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zeccone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castello d'Agogna <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valeggio <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Codevilla <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo San Siro <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canneto Pavese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Landriano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Certosa di Pavia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rosasco <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dorno <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frascarolo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casei Gerola <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Linarolo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gropello Cairoli <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Silvano Pietra <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo Priolo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carbonara al Ticino <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre Beretti e Castellaro <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Angelo Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Zenone al Po <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cigognola <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceranova <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bressana Bottarone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Garlasco <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corana <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brallo di Pregola <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lardirago <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sannazzaro de' Burgondi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montù Beccaria <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ottobiano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spessa <s> Province of Pavia <p> head of government <o> Vittorio Poma <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcignago <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rocca Susella <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bosnasco <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Golferenzo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Robbio <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Godiasco Salice Terme <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trivolzio <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verretto <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gambolò <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vigevano <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Badia Pavese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corvino San Quirico <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ferrera Erbognone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mortara <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Broni <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Romagnese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alagna <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torrevecchia Pia <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Battuda <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villanova d'Ardenghi <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zenevredo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gerenzago <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palestro <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roncaro <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Menconico <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torricella Verzate <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mezzanino <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre de' Negri <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Damiano al Colle <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bascapè <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cozzo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lungavilla <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zavattarello <s> Province of Pavia <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Milan <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zeme <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zerbo <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cervesina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Cipriano Po <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Margherita di Staffora <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Cristina e Bissone <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre d'Arese <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chignolo Po <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valle Lomellina <s> Province of Pavia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Costa de' Nobili <s> Category:Births in Lombardy <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> Lombardy <s> Category:Births in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lazzate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Muggiò <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Monza and Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Monza and Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> shares border with <o> Province of Como <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vimercate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> shares border with <o> Province of Varese <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lecco <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Monza e Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ronco Briantino <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cornate d'Adda <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> shares border with <o> Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meda <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cogliate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> capital <o> Monza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Misinto <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Triuggio <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bellusco <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sovico <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Monza and Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Veduggio con Colzano <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Biassono <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lentate sul Seveso <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Burago di Molgora <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Busnago <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Camparada <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Usmate Velate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mezzago <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barlassina <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Briosco <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cavenago di Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sulbiate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Concorezzo <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brugherio <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Giorgezio City <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caponago <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nova Milanese <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carnate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Besana in Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Correzzana <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Limbiate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Desio <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albiate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lissone <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aicurzio <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villasanta <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Macherio <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roncello <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Agrate Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Varedo <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Giussano <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Seregno <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bovisio-Masciago <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verano Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vedano al Lambro <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bernareggio <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carate Brianza <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lesmo <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Renate <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Seveso <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arcore <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceriano Laghetto <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ornago <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> head of government <o> Luca Santambrogio <s> Province of Monza and Brianza <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Milan <s> geography of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> geography of Lombardy <p> facet of <o> Lombardy <s> geography of Lombardy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Lombardy <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> official symbol <o> Ginkgo biloba <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> country <o> Japan <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Japan <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> located in time zone <o> Japan Standard Time <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> replaces <o> Kawachi Province <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> replaces <o> Asada Domain <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> member of <o> Union of Kansai Governments <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 12th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> official symbol <o> Prunus mume <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> highest point <o> Mount Kongō <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lombardy <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Osaka Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Osaka Plain <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> official symbol <o> Bull-headed Shrike <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> official symbol <o> Primula sieboldii <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> California <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> Primorsky Krai <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> East Java <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> currency <o> yen <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> replaces <o> Takatsuki Domain <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> replaces <o> Sakai Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> Queensland <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> replaces <o> Toyosaki Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> replaces <o> Osaka Garrison <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Osaka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of Osaka Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> mascot <o> Mozuyan <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> head of government <o> Ichirō Matsui <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Osaka prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 11th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 13th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 15th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 17th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 18th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 2nd district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 16th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 1st district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 14th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> shares border with <o> Hyogo Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> legal form <o> ordinary local public entity <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Osaka Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Osaka prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Osaka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> shares border with <o> Wakayama Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 7th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 10th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 19th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 4th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 3rd district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 9th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 6th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 8th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka at-large district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> associated electoral district <o> Osaka 5th district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> instance of <o> prefecture of Japan <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sakai <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Osakasayama <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Daito <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Osaka prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> shares border with <o> Nara Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> twinned administrative body <o> Val-d'Oise <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tondabayashi <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> shares border with <o> Kyoto Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Higashiosaka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hirakata <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Takatsuki <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Osaka Prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Osaka prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> capital <o> Osaka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> head of government <o> Fusae Ōta <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neyagawa <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Toyonaka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Osaka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minō <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yao <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Habikino <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moriguchi <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shijonawate <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Matsubara <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Settsu <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fujiidera <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> head of government <o> Tōru Hashimoto <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Izumi <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ibaraki <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kadoma <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suita <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Senboku district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mishima district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ikeda <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kishiwada <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Katano <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hannan <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kawachinagano <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> instance of <o> fu <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Izumiotsu <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kashiwara <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sennan district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minamikawachi district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Toyono district <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kaizuka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Izumisano <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sennan <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Osaka Bay <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> flag <o> flag of Osaka prefecture <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> head of government <o> Hirofumi Yoshimura <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> head of government <o> Kazuo Nakagawa <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> head of government <o> Knock Yokoyama <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Takaishi <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> named after <o> Ōsaka <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> legislative body <o> Osaka Prefectural Assembly <s> Osaka Prefecture <p> executive body <o> Ōsaka Prefectural Government <s> cultural region <p> said to be the same as <o> cultural area <s> cultural region <p> said to be the same as <o> ethnic territory <s> cultural region <p> subclass of <o> geographic region <s> cultural region <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cultural regions <s> cultural region <p> partially coincident with <o> human-geographic territorial entity <s> cultural region <p> partially coincident with <o> linguistic region <s> cultural region <p> facet of <o> human geography <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cologne <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Concesio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Comezzano-Cizzago <s> Province of Brescia <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Brescia <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corzano <s> Province of Brescia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Agnosine <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alfianello <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vezza d'Oglio <s> Province of Brescia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corteno Golgi <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corte Franca <s> Province of Brescia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gambara <s> Province of Brescia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Cremona <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gargnano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gavardo <s> Province of Brescia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Verona <s> Province of Brescia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Gervasio Bresciano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quinzano d'Oglio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Remedello <s> Province of Brescia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Acquafredda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adro <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sale Marasino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sabbio Chiese <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anfo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ghedi <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Darfo Boario Terme <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dello <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Erbusco <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Esine <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gardone Riviera <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gardone Val Trompia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Angolo Terme <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Artogne <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rudiano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roè Volciano <s> Province of Brescia <p> different from <o> Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Desenzano del Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Edolo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roccafranca <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rezzato <s> Province of Brescia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Mantua <s> Province of Brescia <p> shares border with <o> Province of Sondrio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salò <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Felice del Benaco <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rodengo-Saiano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roncadelle <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bassano Bresciano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barghe <s> Province of Brescia <p> capital <o> Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gianico <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gottolengo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagnolo Mella <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Azzano Mella <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gussago <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Idro <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barbariga <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagolino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Irma <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Incudine <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Iseo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isorella <s> Province of Brescia <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bovezzo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bovegno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Paolo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Zeno Naviglio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bione <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo San Giacomo <s> Province of Brescia <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rovato <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiesse <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Flero <s> Province of Brescia <p> shares border with <o> Trentino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Manerba del Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Manerbio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brione <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Seniga <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sellero <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bedizzole <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Travagliato <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Toscolano-Maderno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maclodio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magasa <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sirmione <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Serle <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgosatollo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verolanuova <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valvestino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Milzano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capriano del Colle <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capovalle <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lavenone <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berzo Demo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berlingo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Soiano del Lago <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sonico <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lograto <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lodrino <s> Province of Brescia <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Province of Brescia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saviore dell'Adamello <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sarezzo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calvagese della Riviera <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calcinato <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tremosine <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trenzano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sulzano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Botticino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borno <s> Province of Brescia <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Brescia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lumezzane <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Isola <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monticelli Brusati <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lozio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Losine <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capriolo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Limone sul Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vestone <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Urago d'Oglio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Treviso Bresciano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verolavecchia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moniga del Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bienno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berzo Inferiore <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tignale <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torbole Casaglia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Carcina <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villachiara <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calvisano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capo di Ponte <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Mella <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelcovati <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tavernole sul Mella <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Temù <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cimbergo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cividate Camuno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longhena <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lonato del Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Malonno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Breno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carpenedolo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castegnato <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Braone <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brandico <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontevico <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pertica Bassa <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pezzaze <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marmentino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcheno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Malegno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mairano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cazzago San Martino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castrezzato <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontoglio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pozzolengo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vallio Terme <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cellatica <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cedegolo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Niardo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nuvolento <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cevo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chiari <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pertica Alta <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nave <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mazzano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marone <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zone <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montichiari <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montirone <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collebeato <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coccaglio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castenedolo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casto <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villanuova sul Clisi <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vione <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ossimo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Odolo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nuvolera <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Padenghe sul Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paderno Franciacorta <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Visano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vobarno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palazzolo sull'Oglio <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paitone <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Polpenazze del Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pompiano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Offlaga <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ome <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poncarale <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponte di Legno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ospitaletto <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orzivecchi <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Provaglio d'Iseo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pralboino <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Preseglie <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paisco Loveno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paratico <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paspardo <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Passirano <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pavone del Mella <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Polaveno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pisogne <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Provaglio Val Sabbia <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Prevalle <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Muscoline <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mura <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cigole <s> Province of Brescia <p> head of government <o> Daniele Molgora <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ono San Pietro <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orzinuovi <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pian Camuno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piancogno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Puegnago del Garda <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cerveno <s> Province of Brescia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceto <s> Attilio Fontana <p> instance of <o> human <s> Attilio Fontana <p> country of citizenship <o> Italy <s> Attilio Fontana <p> native language <o> Italian <s> Attilio Fontana <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Attilio Fontana <p> place of birth <o> Varese <s> Attilio Fontana <p> member of political party <o> Lega Nord <s> Attilio Fontana <p> educated at <o> University of Milan <s> Attilio Fontana <p> different from <o> Attilio Fontana <s> Attilio Fontana <p> family name <o> Fontana <s> Attilio Fontana <p> award received <o> Gold Collar for Sports Merit <s> Attilio Fontana <p> given name <o> Attilio <s> Attilio Fontana <p> position held <o> president of Lombardy <s> Attilio Fontana <p> position held <o> president of the Regional Council of Lombardy <s> Attilio Fontana <p> position held <o> mayor of Varese <s> Attilio Fontana <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Attilio Fontana <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Attilio Fontana <p> candidacy in election <o> 2018 Lombard regional election </Graph>
<Text> :Originally appointed by the Regional Council of Lombardy, since 1995 de facto and 2000 de jure, the president is elected by popular vote every five years under universal suffrage: the candidate who receives a plurality of votes is elected. The office is connected to the Regional Council, which is elected contextually: a majority bonus hugely increases the number of his supporters in the assembly. The Council and the president are linked by an alleged relationship of confidence: if the president resigns or he is dismissed by the Council, a snap election is called for both the legislative and the executive offices, because in no case the two bodies can be chosen separately. The popular election of the president and the relationship of confidence between him and the legislature, allow to identify the Lombard model of government as a particular form of semi-presidential system. The president of Lombardy promulgates regional laws and regulations and can receive special administrative functions by the national government. The president is one of the eighty members of the Regional Council and, in this capacity, can propose new laws. The province of Pavia is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its capital is Pavia. As of 2015, the province has a population of 548,722 inhabitants and an area of 2,968.64 square kilometres ; the town of Pavia has a population of 72,205. The city Pavia was initially settled by the Ligures and was later occupied by Gaulish tribes; it was conquered by the Romans in 220 BCE. Named "Ticinum" by the Romans, the town was reinforced and became a key part of their defenses in northern Italy; despite this, the town was sacked by Attila, the ruler of the Hunnic Empire, in 452 CE, and then again by Odoacer in 476 CE. In the sixth century it was the capital of German tribe the Lombards and survived an attempted Frankish invasion. However, following the death of Charlemagne, the Lombard territory became part of Frankish territory. In the 12th century, it became a commune after Frankish rule ceased, and Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor fortified areas of the commune and he was crowned in Pavia in 1155. The University of Pavia was founded in 1361. Starting from 1359, Pavia and its neighbourhood were owned by the Visconti and then the Sforza of Milan, until, in 1499, the Duchy of Milan became a Spanish possession. It was the scene of a Franco-Imperial battle in 1525, in which Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor defeated Francis I of France. In 1707 and again 1774, parts of the so-called "principality of Pavia", a province of the Duchy under the Spaniards, were sold to Piedmont; these changes were restored after the collapse of the French Empire in 1814. The Province of Pavia is in the region of Lombardy in northwestern Italy. It is bounded to the north by the provinces of Milan and Lodi, to the southeast by the Province of Piacenza , and to the southwest it is bounded by the Province of Alessandria . The province is crossed by the rivers Ticino and Po, which meet four kilometres south of the capital, Pavia. The province contains 190 communes and the River Po is navigable up to its confluence with the Ticino. There are three regions of the province, the Pavese, which is entirely in the Po Valley, the Lomellina, which is also completely in the Po Valley but between the Ticino and the Po, and Oltrepo, to the south of the Po and which includes Monte Lesima ), a mountain in the Apennine Mountains which is the highest point in the province. The territory of Siccomario, at the confluence of the two great rivers, should properly be included in Lomellina, but for historical reasons it is considered part of Pavese. Another large river flowing through the province is the Olona. It was officially created by splitting the north-eastern part from the province of Milan on 12 May 2004, and became executive after the provincial elections of 6 and 7 June 2009. The province had a population of 871,735 divided in 55 comuni . It has an area of 405 square kilometres , that is one of the smallest provincial territories of Italy and a population of about 0.9 million, with a population density of more than 2,000 people per square kilometre, given by its heavily urbanized territory that is part of the urban area of Milan. The capital and largest commune is Monza , only 15 kilometres from Milan. The other largest municipalities are Seregno, Desio, Limbiate, Lissone, Vimercate, Cesano Maderno and Brugherio. It borders the provinces of Lecco and Como to the north, the province of Varese to the west, the province of Bergamo to the east and the Metropolitan City of Milan to the south-east. Lombardy is an administrative region of Italy that is split into four geographic regions -- mountains, alpine forest, and the upper and lower plains south of the Po river. These are crossed and dotted by dozens of rivers and lakes, the latter of which include some of the largest in Italy. The territory is the fourth largest in Italy by surface area with 24,000 square kilometres . Lombardy's northern border is between the Valtellina and the valleys of the Rhine and the Inn. To the east, Lake Garda and the Mincio separate Lombardy from the other Italian regions, as does the Po in the south with the exception of the Mantuan and Pavese Oltrepo . The western boundary is formed by the Lake Maggiore and the Ticino, except the Lomellina. Mountains make up 40 % of Lombardy's area. The Alps make up the northern section of Lombardy and then shrink into the Prealps, which themselves ease into hills and the valleys of the Po Valley. Along the Prealps are some of the largest lakes in Italy while numerous rivers and streams cut the mountains into deep and narrow valleys. In a small area of the Oltrepo Pavese rise hills and the Ligurian Apennines . The Lombard Alps are all named after the ancient peoples who dwelled in them in the time of the Roman Empire. The Lepontine Alps are named for the Lepontii, the Rhaetian Alps for the Rhaetians, and the Orobie Alps for the Orobii. There are four prominent massifs in the Lombard Alps: the Bregaglia Range, Piz Bernina, Ortles-Cevedale Range , and the Adamello Range . The first three of these rise between the Rhine and Inn in the north and the Adda and Oglioto in the south and therefore are only partly in Italy. The Adamello Range on the other hand is located between the Adda and Adige and thus entirely within Italy. The highest elevated locality to be found in Lombardy is the secondary peak of the Piz Bernina, La Spedla, at 4,020 metres . Another prominent peak is Monte Cevedale, standing 3,764-metre tall. The Forni glacier ) is located in the Ortles-Cevedale Range. Osaka Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located in the Kansai region of Honshu. Osaka Prefecture has a population of 8,778,035 and has a geographic area of 1,905 square kilometres . Osaka Prefecture borders Hyogo Prefecture to the northwest, Kyoto Prefecture to the north, Nara Prefecture to the southeast, and Wakayama Prefecture to the south. Osaka is the capital and largest city of Osaka Prefecture, and the third-largest city in Japan, with other major cities including Sakai, Higashiosaka, and Hirakata. Osaka Prefecture is the third-most-populous prefecture, but by geographic area the second-smallest; at 4,600 inhabitants per square kilometre it is the second-most densely populated, below only Tokyo. Osaka Prefecture is one of Japan's two "urban prefectures" using the designation fu rather than the standard ken for prefectures, along with Kyoto Prefecture. Osaka Prefecture forms the center of the Keihanshin metropolitan area, the second-most-populated urban region in Japan after the Greater Tokyo area and one of the world's most productive regions by GDP. Osaka Prefecture was created on June 21, 1868, at the very beginning of the Meiji era. During the instigation of Fuhanken Sanchisei in 1868, the prefecture received its suffix fu, designating it as a prefecture. On September 1, 1956, the city of Osaka was promoted to a city designated by government ordinance and thereby divided into 24 wards. Sakai became the second city in the prefecture to be promoted to a city designated by government ordinance on April 1, 2006, and was divided into seven wards. In anthropology and geography, a cultural area, cultural region, cultural sphere, or culture area refers to a geography with one relatively homogeneous human activity or complex of activities . Such activities are often associated with an ethnolinguistic group and with the territory it inhabits. Specific cultures often do not limit their geographic coverage to the borders of a nation state, or to smaller subdivisions of a state. A precursor to the concept of culture areas originated with museum curators and ethnologists during the late 1800s as means of arranging exhibits, combined with the work of taxonomy. The American anthropologists Clark Wissler and Alfred Kroeber further developed this version of the concept on the premise that cultural areas represent longstanding cultural divisions. This iteration of the concept is sometimes criticized as arbitrary, but the organization of human communities into cultural areas remains a common practice throughout the social sciences. Cultural geography also utilizes the concept of culture areas. Cultural geography originated within the Berkeley School, and is primarily associated with Carl O. Sauer and his colleagues. Sauer viewed culture as "an agent within a natural area that was a medium to be cultivated to produce the cultural landscape." Sauer's concept was later criticized as deterministic, and geographer Yi-Fu Tuan and others proposed versions that enabled scholars to account for phenomenological experience as well. This revision became known as humanistic geography. The period within which humanistic geography is now known as the "cultural turn." Cultural "spheres of influence" may also overlap or form concentric structures of macrocultures encompassing smaller local cultures. Different boundaries may also be drawn depending on the particular aspect of interest, such as religion and folklore vs dress, or architecture vs language. The province of Brescia is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. It has a population of some 1,265,964 and its capital is the city of Brescia. With an area of 4,785 km2, it is the biggest province of Lombardy. It is also the second province of the region for the number of inhabitants and fifth in Italy . It borders the province of Sondrio to the north and north west, the province of Bergamo to the west, the province of Cremona to the south west and south, the province of Mantua to the south. On its northeastern border, Lake Garda - Italy's largest - is divided between Brescia and the neighboring provinces of Verona and Trentino . The province stretches between Lake Iseo in the west, Lake Garda in the east, the Southern Rhaetian Alps in the north and the Lombardian plains in the south. The main rivers of the province are the Oglio, the Mella and the Chiese. A long-time member of Lega Lombarda and Lega Nord , he was Mayor of Induno Olona from 1995 to 1999. Fontana, with LN, was elected in the 2000 regional election and 2005 regional election to the Regional Council of Lombardy, of which he functioned as President until July 2006. He stepped down from that office after being elected Mayor of Varese with 57.8% of the vote in the first round of 28 May 2006. He was re-elected in May 2011 with 53.8% of the vote in a run-off. Fontana, ineligible to run for reelection due to term limits, left the office in June 2016. In 2007 Fontana was the lawyer of Andrea Mascetti in the case against the left-wing journalist and television host Michele Santoro from who they won: with this court case Fontana obtained notoriety at national level. Some journalists in July 2016 speculated a nomination of Fontana as LN candidate in 2018 election for President of Lombardy if the incumbent Governor Roberto Maroni - who was elected in 2013 regional election for a five-year term with the support of Lega Lombarda and Lega Nord, the parties of Maroni and Fontana, and with the support of the others parties members of the 2013 center right coalition - will not run for a second consecutive term; in January 2018, when Maroni announced his retirement from politics, Fontana was selected as Centre-right candidate to the Presidency of Lombardy. For the media, his experience as Mayor and Salvini's popularity are among the strengths of his candidacy. On 15 January 2018, Fontana stated that the Western culture was in danger due to the migration flows from Africa. This created many protests as well as criticisms from the centre-left Democratic Party and the big tent anti-establishment Five Star Movement . Because of the controversy he apologised for his remarks, declaring that it was a slip of the tongue and an expressive error, not due to inherent racism of him or his party. Fontana's principal rivals were Giorgio Gori and Dario Violi . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Province of Lecco <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bellano <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Annone di Brianza <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lomagna <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nibionno <s> Province of Lecco <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Olgiate Molgora <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Esino Lario <s> Province of Lecco <p> owner of <o> Villa Monastero <s> Province of Lecco <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Lecco <s> Province of Lecco <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Lecco <s> Province of Lecco <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Lecco <s> Province of Lecco <p> shares border with <o> Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Lecco <p> shares border with <o> Province of Monza and Brianza <s> Province of Lecco <p> shares border with <o> Province of Como <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sirtori <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colle Brianza <s> Province of Lecco <p> shares border with <o> Province of Sondrio <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carenno <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dorio <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Valletta Brianza <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Verderio <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valvarrone <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity 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entity <o> Valgreghentino <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vendrogno <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Galbiate <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parlasco <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cernusco Lombardone <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Osnago <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rogeno <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colico <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calolziocorte <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cassago Brianza <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Malgrate <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pescate <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Premana <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oggiono <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lierna <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Molteno <s> Province of Lecco <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Missaglia <s> Province of Cremona <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalbuttano ed Uniti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corte de' Frati <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capralba <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalmorano <s> Province of Cremona <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chieve <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaiano Cremasco <s> Province of Cremona <p> shares border with <o> Province of Brescia <s> Province of Cremona <p> capital <o> Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Province of Cremona <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Madignano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vescovato <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casteldidone <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gussola <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spineda <s> Province of Cremona <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Agnadello <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gadesco-Pieve Delmona <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casaletto di Sopra <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Gabbiano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paderno Ponchielli <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Camisano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trigolo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casale Cremasco-Vidolasco <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Izano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Bassano <s> Province of Cremona <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People born in the Provence of Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ostiano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalmaggiore <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gerre de' Caprioli <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cremosano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vailate <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagnolo Cremasco <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Credera Rubbiano <s> Province of Cremona <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lodi <s> Province of Cremona <p> shares border with <o> Province of Mantua <s> Province of Cremona <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Cremona <p> shares border with <o> Province of Piacenza <s> Province of Cremona <p> shares border with <o> Province of Parma <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scandolara Ravara <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grumello Cremonese ed Uniti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isola Dovarese <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trescore Cremasco <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spinadesco <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fiesco <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torricella del Pizzo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Romanengo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pandino <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ripalta Cremasca <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Soresina <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Soncino <s> Province of Cremona <p> shares border with <o> Province of Bergamo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieve San Giacomo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Motta Baluffi <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Azzanello <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corte de' Cortesi con Cignone <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ripalta Guerina <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cella Dati <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torre de' Picenardi <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ricengo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Offanengo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rivolta d'Adda <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Annicco <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montodine <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bonemerse <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Genivolta <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieve d'Olmi <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pozzaglio ed Uniti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bordolano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Volongo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piadena Drizzona <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cumignano sul Naviglio <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Formigara <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Martignana di Po <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rivarolo del Re ed Uniti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quintano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pizzighettone <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieranica <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gombito <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Crotta d'Adda <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dovera <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Persico Dosimo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grontardo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gabbioneta-Binanuova <s> Province of Cremona <p> follows <o> province of Cremona <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cappella de' Picenardi <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Daniele Po <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calvatone <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Crema <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sospiro <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Palazzo Pignano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelvisconti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelleone <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casaletto Ceredano <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cingia de' Botti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torlino Vimercati <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tornata <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Derovere <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cappella Cantone <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pescarolo ed Uniti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Spino d'Adda <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Malagnino <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pessina Cremonese <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Solarolo Rainerio <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Campagnola Cremasca <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Martino del Lago <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ripalta Arpina <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salvirola <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scandolara Ripa d'Oglio <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stagno Lombardo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Olmeneta <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Acquanegra Cremonese <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ticengo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sesto ed Uniti <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Voltido <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelverde <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giovanni in Croce <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pianengo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cicognolo <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sergnano <s> Province of Cremona <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Milan <s> Province of Cremona <p> head of government <o> Massimiliano Salini <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casaletto Vaprio <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Robecco d'Oglio <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Cremasco <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capergnanica <s> Province of Cremona <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moscazzano <s> Province of Lodi <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Lodi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Lodi <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Lodi <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Lodi <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meleti <s> Province of Lodi <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caselle Landi <s> Province of Lodi <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Lodi <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sant'Angelo Lodigiano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montanaso Lombardo <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mulazzano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villanova del Sillaro <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corte Palasio <s> Province of Lodi <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Lodi <s> Province of Lodi <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Lodi <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalpusterlengo <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lodi Vecchio <s> Province of Lodi <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Lodi <p> shares border with <o> Province of Piacenza <s> Province of Lodi <p> shares border with <o> Province of Pavia <s> Province of Lodi <p> capital <o> Lodi <s> Province of Lodi <p> shares border with <o> Province of Cremona <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lodi <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ospedaletto Lodigiano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cervignano d'Adda <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castiglione d'Adda <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelnuovo Bocca d'Adda <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maccastorna <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Abbadia Cerreto <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Comazzo <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ossago Lodigiano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieve Fissiraga <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Terranova dei Passerini <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo San Giovanni <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Codogno <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corno Giovine <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mairago <s> Province of Lodi <p> different from <o> Lodi <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Crespiatica <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marudo <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Camairago <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borghetto Lodigiano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Fiorano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Livraga <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valera Fratta <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bertonico <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boffalora d'Adda <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cornovecchio <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brembio <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casaletto Lodigiano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orio Litta <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salerano sul Lambro <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guardamiglio <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fombio <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Massalengo <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Somaglia <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caselle Lurani <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cornegliano Laudense <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Rocco al Porto <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Martino in Strada <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Graffignana <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santo Stefano Lodigiano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castiraga Vidardo <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Senna Lodigiana <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Galgagnano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Turano Lodigiano <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tavazzano con Villavesco <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Merlino <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zelo Buon Persico <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maleo <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalmaiocco <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sordio <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Secugnago <s> Province of Lodi <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cavenago d'Adda <s> Province of Lodi <p> shares border with <o> Metropolitan City of Milan <s> Category:Films shot in Lombardy <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> Lombardy <s> Category:Films shot in Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Lombardy <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> Lombardy <s> Category:Burials in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Category:Burials in Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> country <o> Italy <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lombardy <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> regional council <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> chairperson <o> Davide Boni <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> headquarters location <o> Pirelli Tower <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> chairperson <o> Attilio Fontana <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> unicameral legislature <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> chairperson <o> Giulio Achille De Capitani <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> chairperson <o> Ettore Adalberto Albertoni <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> office held by head of the organization <o> president of the Regional Council of Lombardy <s> Regional Council of Lombardy <p> has part(s) <o> member of the Regional Council of Lombardy <s> Langobardia <p> named after <o> Lombards <s> Langobardia <p> location <o> Italian Peninsula <s> Langobardia <p> instance of <o> cultural region <s> Langobardia <p> different from <o> Longobardia <s> Langobardia <p> instance of <o> historical region <s> Langobardia <p> time period <o> Early Middle Ages <s> Langobardia <p> has part(s) <o> Langobardia Major <s> Langobardia <p> has part(s) <o> Langobardia Minor <s> province of Milan <p> different from <o> province of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Settala <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Inveruno <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vermezzo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Masate <s> province of Milan <p> country <o> Italy <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magenta <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cassano d'Adda <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaprio d'Adda <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Legnano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Abbiategrasso <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baranzate <s> province of Milan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> province of Milan <p> capital <o> Milan <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Busto Garolfo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magnago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Milan <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Vittore Olona <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vanzaghello <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> Province of Monza and Brianza <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> Province of Lodi <s> province of Milan <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casorezzo <s> province of Milan <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Metropolitan City of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> owner of <o> Apotheosis of Angelo della Vecchia <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cornaredo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paderno Dugnano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bollate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Cortese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Solaro <s> province of Milan <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> Province of Novara <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rho <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cisliano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albairate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Truccazzano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaggiano <s> province of Milan <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arconate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bresso <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Buscate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dairago <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> Province of Pavia <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giuliano Milanese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pioltello <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vittuone <s> province of Milan <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> province of Milan <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> province of Milan <p> replaced by <o> Metropolitan City of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parabiago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zelo Surrigone <s> province of Milan <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in the province of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Donato Milanese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morimondo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rozzano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castano Primo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Garbagnate Milanese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Zenone al Lambro <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canegrate <s> province of Milan <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Milan <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> Province of Varese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Segrate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Basiglio <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bernate Ticino <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> Province of Bergamo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Besate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arluno <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cesate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Novate Milanese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Colombano al Lambro <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Basiano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bubbiano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carugate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bellinzago Lombardo <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> Province of Cremona <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vimodrone <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dresano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Melegnano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Melzo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pero <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vignate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trezzano Rosa <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcallo con Casone <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cologno Monzese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bareggio <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colturano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Noviglio <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cusago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cormano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casarile <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Binasco <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giorgio su Legnano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Peschiera Borromeo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sedriano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mediglia <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lacchiarella <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cerro al Lambro <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pantigliate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pozzuolo Martesana <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cusano Milanino <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lainate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Locate di Triulzi <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vernate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mesero <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pregnana Milanese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pogliano Milanese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sesto San Giovanni <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pieve Emanuele <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gessate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Assago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cuggiono <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cesano Boscone <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bussero <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cerro Maggiore <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liscate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paullo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corbetta <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Settimo Milanese <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vanzago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pessano con Bornago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Robecco sul Naviglio <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ozzero <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nosate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santo Stefano Ticino <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Inzago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Senago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gorgonzola <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zibido San Giacomo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cambiago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cassinetta di Lugagnano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cinisello Balsamo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gudo Visconti <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nerviano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tribiano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rescaldina <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trezzano sul Naviglio <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Buccinasco <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pozzo d'Adda <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Robecchetto con Induno <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vizzolo Predabissi <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corsico <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rosate <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Opera <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trezzo sull'Adda <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carpiano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boffalora sopra Ticino <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grezzago <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Turbigo <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rodano <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Motta Visconti <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cernusco sul Naviglio <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cassina de' Pecchi <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Calvignasco <s> province of Milan <p> instance of <o> former province of Italy <s> province of Milan <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ossona <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> province of Como <s> province of Milan <p> shares border with <o> province of Varese <s> province of Milan <p> head of government <o> Guido Podestà <s> Portal:Lombardy <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Lombardy <s> Portal:Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Lombardy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lombardy portal <s> Category:Deaths in Lombardy <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> Lombardy <s> Category:Deaths in Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :The Province of Lecco was established by the President of the Republic in Decree No. 250 of 6 March 1992. Elections for the appointment of the first President of the Province of Lecco were held on 23 April 1995 and 7 May 1995 . The proclamation of the 1st President, Mario Anghileri, occurred on 9 May 1995. The Province of Lecco is situated in northern central Italy. It is bordered to the north and west by the Province of Como, to the east and north with the Province of Sondrio, to the east by the Province of Bergamo, and to the south with the Province of Monza and Brianza. The province of Lecco has an area of only 805.61 square kilometres , with some 600 square kilometres located across the Adda River, in Valsassina. The remaining land is located in the Oggionese, the Casatese, and the Meratese, with an additional 16 square kilometres belonging to the municipality of Oliveto Lario, located on the other side of Lake Como, in Vallassina, within the pre-Alpine Lecchese. 70% of the province is mountainous and the other 30% is hilly. The highest point is Mount Legnone in the north of the province, 2,609 metres high; at the center of the spectacular Grigne. In the west, is Monte Cornizzolo lake at 1,240 metres and Monte Rai at 1,259 metres . In the east of the province is Monte Serrada and the Resegone di Lecco, 1,875 metres with its characteristic shape reminiscent of the teeth of a saw. In the center-south is Monte Barro at 922 metres , in the Monte Barro Regional Park. The province contains numerous lakes, with Lake Como and Lake Annone in the comunes of Garlate and Olginate. To the west, the comunes of Rogeno, Bosisio Parini, and Cesana Brianza overlook Lake Pusiano. There is also an abundance of rivers, including the main Adda river and the Lambro, running through Costa Masnaga, Rogeno, and Nibionno. Other smaller rivers are the Molgora, the Bevera, a tributary of the Lambro, the Pioverna flowing in Valsassina, and Varro flowing in Val Varrone. Airuno, Annone di Brianza, Barzago, Barzano, Bosisio Parini, Brivio, Bulciago, Calco, Casatenovo, Cassago Brianza, Castello di Brianza, Cernusco Lombardone, Cesana Brianza, Civate, Colle Brianza, Costa Masnaga, Cremella, Dolzago, Ello, Galbiate, Garlate, Garbagnate Monastero, Imbersago, La Valletta Brianza, Lomagna, Merate, Missaglia, Molteno, Montevecchia, Monticello Brianza, Nibionno, Oggiono, Olgiate Molgora, Olginate, Osnago, Paderno d'Adda, Robbiate, Rogeno, Santa Maria Hoe, Sirone, Sirtori, Suello, Valgreghentino, Verderio, Vigano The province of Cremona is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its capital city is Cremona. The province occupies the central section of Padana Plain, so the whole territory is flat, without any mountains or hills, crossed by several rivers, such as the Serio and Adda, and artificial canals, most of which are used for irrigation. Lombardy has been inhabited since ancient times and Stone Age and Bronze Age rock drawings and artefacts have been found there. From the fifth century BC, Gallic tribes invaded and settled in the region, building several cities and ruling the land as far as the Adriatic Sea. From the third century BC the Romans expanded their sphere of influence into the area, and in 194 BC, the whole of what is now Lombardy, became a Roman province called Gallia Cisalpina. The Romans overwhelmed the previous civilisations and Lombardy became one of the richest and best-developed areas in Italy. It was here in 313 AD that the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great issued the famous Edict of Milan that gave freedom of religion to all people in the Roman Empire. Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, Lombardy was invaded by successive waves of tribes, the last of which was the Germanic Lombards in the late sixth century. Stability followed until 774, when the Frankish king Charlemagne conquered the area and annexed the Kingdom of the Lombards to his empire. The province of Lodi is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its provincial capital is the city of Lodi. As of 2017, it has a population of 229,541 inhabitants over an area of c. 783 square kilometres , giving the province a population density of 293.2 inhabitants per square kilometre. The provincial president is Francesco Passerini. The city of Lodi was first settled during the fifth century BC by Celtic tribes, before being occupied by the Romans in 222 BC; by 89 BC it was called Laus Pompeia, the central city of the Lodi Vecchio. The history of the province in the Lombard and Frankish period is poorly documented, but the city of Lodi controlled the important trading route from Milan southwards to Cremona, Piacenza and the lower stretches of the River Lambro. In 1025, the German emperor Conrad II granted certain rights to the Archbishop of Milan which caused land ownership to change and tensions in the region to flare. Allied with the Holy Roman Emperor but independent, Laus Pomperia fought against the Milanesi in the twelfth century, and the city was destroyed in 1111 and again in 1158, which marked the end of the city on the old location. A request made of Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, to rebuild the city near the Adda River was granted. The city, however, joined his opponents, the Lombard League, in 1167. Its citizens fought against Frederick at the Battle of Legnano in 1176. Still, it continued to have problems with Milan until the city was conquered in 1335 by lord of Milan Azzone Visconti. It remained peaceful until it was invaded in the 1490s. The first significant Italian victory by Napoleon took place in the province on 10 May 1796, where the 5,000 men-strong forces of Napoleon defeated Austrian forces of 10,000 men. It fell under Austrian rule until the Austrians left the city in 1859 and it was ruled by Marshal Patrice de MacMahon, Duke of Magenta's French forces from 10 June 1859. It later became a part of the kingdom of Italy and became a component of the province of Milan. The province of Lodi is one of twelve provinces in the region of Lombardy in northwestern Italy. It is about 780 square kilometres in area and is delineated by rivers; the right bank of the Adda nearly surrounds it, and a further part of the boundary is formed by the left bank of the Lambro and of the Po. The province is bounded on the east by the Province of Cremona, the Metropolitan City of Milan to the north and by the Province of Pavia to the west. The land is mostly gently sloping or flat and the soil is alluvial loam. It is used to grow fodder crops, which are mown up to eight times a year, rice, wheat, maize, sugarbeet and vegetables. The political system of the Regions of Italy was changed in 1995, when a semi-presidential system was introduced. If until that year the council was elected under a pure proportional system and the President of Lombardy was chosen and dismissed by the council, since 1995 the President and the council are jointly elected by the people. The Regional Council of Lombardy is composed of 80 members. From 1995 to 2012, 64 councillors were elected in provincial constituencies by proportional representation using the largest remainder method with a Droop quota and open lists, while 16 councillors came from a "regional list", including the President-elect. One seat was reserved for the candidate who came second. If a coalition won more than 40 seats with PR, as happened during the 2000 election, only 8 candidates from the regional list would be chosen and the number of those elected in provincial constituencies will be 72. If the winning coalition received less than 50% of votes, as happened during the 1995 election, special seats were added to the council to ensure a large majority for the President's coalition. A new Lombard electoral law was adopted on 26 October 2012. While the President of Lombardy and the leader of the opposition are still elected at-large, 78 councillors, instead of 64 as it was before, are elected by party lists under a form of semi-proportional representation. The winning coalition receives a jackpot of at least 45 seats, which are divided between all majority parties using the D'Hondt method, as it happens between the losing lists. Each party then distributes its seats to its provincial lists, where candidates are openly selected. The council is elected for a five-year term, but, if the President suffers a vote of no confidence, resigns or dies, under the simul stabunt, simul cadent clause introduced in 1999 , also the council is dissolved and a snap election is called. The province of Milan was a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its capital was the city of Milan. The area of the former province is highly urbanized, with more than 2,000 inhabitants/km2, the third highest population density among Italian provinces, just below the densities of the provinces of Naples and of Monza e Brianza, the latter of which was created in 2004 from the north-eastern part of the province of Milan. On 1 January 2015 the province was replaced by the Metropolitan City of Milan. The province of Milan extended over the Po Valley and was bordered by the River Ticino to the west, and the River Adda to the east. It was shaped by its waterways - river and canals that traverse it and sometimes border it, from the Lambro and Olona rivers to the numerous canals, like the Navigli Milanesi; these water runs link farmsteads and villages like Corneliano Bertario, the Castello Borromeo and ancient noble villas to the Canale Villoresi, which is thought to be the longest man-made canal in Italy. The Villoresi is the natural southern border of Brianza, an area in Lombardy noted for its mountains, lakes and plains. It contains six regional natural parks: Parco Adda Nord, Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, Parco delle Groane, Parco Nord Milano, Parco della Valle del Lambro and the Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino. Half of the province is agricultural and flood plain, and most of it is protected by reserves. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Government of Lombardy <p> country <o> Italy <s> Government of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> executive branch <s> Government of Lombardy <p> headquarters location <o> Milan <s> Government of Lombardy <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lombardy <s> Government of Lombardy <p> office held by head of the organization <o> president of Lombardy <s> Government of Lombardy <p> chairperson <o> Attilio Fontana <s> Government of Lombardy <p> subclass of <o> regional government in Italy <s> Lombardy Open Data Portal <p> country <o> Italy <s> Lombardy Open Data Portal <p> language of work or name <o> Italian <s> Lombardy Open Data Portal <p> instance of <o> open data portal <s> Lombardy Open Data Portal <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Lombardy Open Data Portal <p> main subject <o> Lombardy <s> Category:People from Lombardy <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> Lombardy <s> Category:People from Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People from Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Maps of Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Lombardy <p> category combines topics <o> Lombardy <s> Category:Maps of Lombardy <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Economy of Milan <p> category combines topics <o> Milan <s> Category:Economy of Milan <p> category combines topics <o> economy <s> Category:Economy of Milan <p> category's main topic <o> economy of Milan <s> Category:Economy of Milan <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> instance of <o> human <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> work location <o> Milan <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> place of birth <o> Perugia <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> work location <o> Genoa <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> work location <o> Naples <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> place of death <o> Perugia <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> work location <o> Perugia <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> family name <o> Alessi <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> student of <o> Giovanni Battista Caporali <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> notable work <o> San Barnaba Church <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> work location <o> Bologna <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> notable work <o> Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> given name <o> Galeazzo <s> Galeazzo Alessi <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Mannerist architecture <p> instance of <o> architectural style <s> Mannerist architecture <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mannerist architecture <s> Mannerist architecture <p> subclass of <o> Renaissance architecture <s> Mannerist architecture <p> part of <o> mannerism <s> Piazza della Scala <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Milan <s> Piazza della Scala <p> instance of <o> square <s> Piazza della Scala <p> country <o> China Airlines <s> Piazza della Scala <p> designed by <o> Luca Beltrami <s> Piazza della Scala <p> location <o> Municipio 1 <s> Piazza della Scala <p> named after <o> La Scala <s> Piazza della Scala <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Piazza della Scala <s> Category:Palazzo Marino (Milan) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Palazzo Marino (Milan) <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Commons categories: recently created wikidata items <s> Category:Palazzo Marino (Milan) <p> category's main topic <o> Palazzo Marino <s> Tommaso Marino <p> place of birth <o> Genoa <s> Tommaso Marino <p> place of death <o> Milan <s> Tommaso Marino <p> instance of <o> human <s> Tommaso Marino <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Tommaso Marino <p> given name <o> Tommaso <s> Tommaso Marino <p> occupation <o> banker <s> Tommaso Marino <p> family name <o> Marino <s> Tommaso Marino <p> family <o> House of Marino </Graph>
<Text> :Galeazzo Alessi was an Italian architect from Perugia, known throughout Europe for his distinctive style based on his enthusiasm for ancient architecture. He studied drawing for civil and military architecture under the direction of Giovanni Battista Caporali. For a number of years he lived in Genoa. He was involved in the lay-out of the streets and the restoration of the city walls, as well as being responsible for many of its impressive palazzi, now a part of the World Heritage List. Alessi displayed particular aptitude for organizing compositions on sloping sites. Mannerism is a style in European art that emerged in the later years of the Italian High Renaissance around 1520, spreading by about 1530 and lasting until about the end of the 16th century in Italy, when the Baroque style largely replaced it. Northern Mannerism continued into the early 17th century. Mannerism encompasses a variety of approaches influenced by, and reacting to, the harmonious ideals associated with artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Vasari, and early Michelangelo. Where High Renaissance art emphasizes proportion, balance, and ideal beauty, Mannerism exaggerates such qualities, often resulting in compositions that are asymmetrical or unnaturally elegant. Notable for its artificial qualities, this artistic style privileges compositional tension and instability rather than the balance and clarity of earlier Renaissance painting. Mannerism in literature and music is notable for its highly florid style and intellectual sophistication. The definition of Mannerism and the phases within it continues to be a subject of debate among art historians. For example, some scholars have applied the label to certain early modern forms of literature and music of the 16th and 17th centuries. The term is also used to refer to some late Gothic painters working in northern Europe from about 1500 to 1530, especially the Antwerp Mannerists--a group unrelated to the Italian movement. Mannerism has also been applied by analogy to the Silver Age of Latin literature. The word "Mannerism" derives from the Italian maniera, meaning "style" or "manner". Like the English word "style", maniera can either indicate a specific type of style or indicate an absolute that needs no qualification . In the second edition of his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects , Giorgio Vasari used maniera in three different contexts: to discuss an artist's manner or method of working; to describe a personal or group style, such as the term maniera greca to refer to the medieval Italo-Byzantine style or simply to the maniera of Michelangelo; and to affirm a positive judgment of artistic quality. Vasari was also a Mannerist artist, and he described the period in which he worked as "la maniera moderna", or the "modern style". James V. Mirollo describes how "bella maniera" poets attempted to surpass in virtuosity the sonnets of Petrarch. This notion of "bella maniera" suggests that artists who were thus inspired looked to copying and bettering their predecessors, rather than confronting nature directly. In essence, "bella maniera" utilized the best from a number of source materials, synthesizing it into something new. Piazza della Scala is a pedestrian central square of Milan, Italy, connected to the main square of Milan, Piazza del Duomo, by the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II passage. It is named after the renowned Teatro alla Scala opera house, which occupies the north-western side of the square; the building actually includes both the opera house and the Museo Teatrale alla Scala , dedicated to the history of La Scala and opera in general. On the opposite side to "La Scala", to the south-east, is the facade of Palazzo Marino, Milan's city hall. Another relevant building on the square, on the north-eastern side, is the Palazzo della Banca Commerciale Italiana. The south-western side of the square has the entry to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele as well as Palazzo Beltrami. Most of the architecture of the square is due to architect Luca Beltrami, who designed the eponymous palace, the facade of Palazzo Marino, and the Banca Commerciale Italiana building. The centre of the square is marked by the monument of Leonardo da Vinci by sculptor Pietro Magni . Piazza della Scala is a relatively recent addition to the plan of Milan's centre. The oldest building on the square, Palazzo Marino, dates back to the 16th century ; at the time, nevertheless, the square did not exist . In fact, the main facade of Palazzo Marino was originally the one facing Piazza San Fedele, to the south-east . Likewise, when La Scala was built , it was facing a street rather than a square. It was only in the late 19th century that the authorities of Milan initiated a thorough renovation of the area, which involved the creation of the square. Luca Beltrami first contributed with Palazzo Beltrami , then with the new facade of Palazzo Marino , and, much later, with the Banca Commerciale building . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Toronto <p> different from <o> Toronto <s> Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Toronto <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Toronto <p> different from <o> Toronto <s> Toronto <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Jefferson County <s> Toronto <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Toronto <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Toronto <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Toronto, Ohio <s> Toronto Open Data <p> country <o> Canada <s> Toronto Open Data <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> Toronto Open Data <p> instance of <o> open data portal <s> demographics of Toronto <p> country <o> Canada <s> demographics of Toronto <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Toronto <p> location <o> Toronto <s> demographics of Toronto <p> subclass of <o> demographics of Ontario <s> economy of Toronto <p> country <o> Canada <s> economy of Toronto <p> location <o> Toronto <s> economy of Toronto <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Toronto <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Toronto <s> economy of Toronto <p> subclass of <o> economy of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> country <o> Canada <s> Ontario <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Canada <s> Ontario <p> different from <o> Ontario <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Italian <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> French <s> Ontario <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Ontario <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> English <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Ottawa <s> Ontario <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> open data portal <o> Ontario Open government portal <s> Ontario <p> open data portal <o> Open Data Ontario <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Oneida <s> Ontario <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Ontario <p> lowest point <o> Hudson Bay <s> Ontario <p> bibliography <o> bibliography of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> named after <o> Lake Ontario <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Quebec <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Pennsylvania <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> New York <s> Ontario <p> capital <o> Toronto <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Michigan <s> Ontario <p> replaces <o> Northwest Territories <s> Ontario <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> has cabinet <o> Executive Council of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Wisconsin <s> Ontario <p> continent <o> North America <s> Ontario <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ontario <p> public holiday <o> Boxing Day <s> Ontario <p> list of monuments <o> list of National Historic Sites of Canada in Ontario <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Nunavut <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Ohio <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Chinese <s> Ontario <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Ontario <s> Ontario <p> list of monuments <o> list of historic places in Ontario <s> Ontario <p> public holiday <o> Remembrance Day <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Algonquin <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Mohawk <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Eastern Ojibwa <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Central Ojibwa <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Moose Cree <s> Ontario <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jiangsu <s> Ontario <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Hudson Bay <s> Ontario <p> official language <o> English <s> Ontario <p> owner of <o> Liquor Control Board of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Onondaga <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Quebec Sign Language <s> Ontario <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Ontario <p> head of state <o> Charles III of the United Kingdom <s> Ontario <p> foundational text <o> Constitution Act, 1867 <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Manitoba <s> Ontario <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Ontario <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ontario <s> Ontario <p> replaces <o> Canada West <s> Ontario <p> replaces <o> Keewatin District <s> Ontario <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Great Lakes <s> Ontario <p> shares border with <o> Minnesota <s> Ontario <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Ontario <s> Ontario <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Ontario <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Ontario <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Oji-Cree <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Tuscarora <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Cayuga <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Munsee <s> Ontario <p> replaces <o> Province of Canada <s> Ontario <p> separated from <o> Province of Canada <s> Ontario <p> currency <o> Canadian dollar <s> Ontario <p> office held by head of state <o> monarch of Canada <s> Ontario <p> flag <o> flag of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Death in Ontario <s> Ontario <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Ontario <p> office held by head of government <o> Premier of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Northwestern Ojibwa <s> Ontario <p> basic form of government <o> parliamentary democracy <s> Ontario <p> language used <o> Plautdietsch <s> Ontario <p> history of topic <o> history of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Ontario <s> Ontario <p> driving side <o> right <s> Ontario <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ontario <s> Ontario <p> located in time zone <o> Central Time Zone <s> Ontario <p> instance of <o> province of Canada <s> Ontario <p> highest point <o> Ishpatina Ridge <s> Ontario <p> executive body <o> Government of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> legislative body <o> Parliament of Ontario <s> Ontario <p> head of government <o> Doug Ford <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> country <o> Canada <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> headquarters location <o> Toronto <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> location of formation <o> Toronto <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> industry <o> public transport <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Toronto subway <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Toronto streetcar system <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> instance of <o> transit district <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owned by <o> Municipal government of Toronto <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> archives at <o> City of Toronto Archives <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> High Park Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> McCowan Yard <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Gunns Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Toronto Transit Commission bus system <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> McCaul Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Hillcrest Complex <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Bingham Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Dufferin Gate Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Humber Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Wychwood Barns <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Long Branch Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Greenwood Yard <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> owner of <o> Neville Park Loop <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Toronto Transit Commission <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> replaces <o> Toronto Transportation Commission <s> Toronto Transit Commission <p> history of topic <o> history of the Toronto Transit Commission <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> country <o> Canada <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> occupant <o> PWHL Toronto <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> heritage designation <o> designated heritage property (part IV) <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> sport <o> ice hockey <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> instance of <o> arena <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> occupant <o> Toronto Marlies <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> location <o> Exhibition Place <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> operator <o> Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment <s> Coca-Cola Coliseum <p> significant event <o> 2015 Pan American Games <s> Union Station <p> country <o> Canada <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Richmond Hill line <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> International <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Barrie line <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Milton line <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Lakeshore West line <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Lakeshore East line <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Kitchener line <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Stouffville line <s> Union Station <p> instance of <o> railway station <s> Union Station <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Union Station <p> interchange station <o> Union station <s> Union Station <p> located on street <o> Front Street <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Maple Leaf <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Union Pearson Express <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> The Canadian <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Sarnia–Toronto train <s> Union Station <p> connecting service <o> Windsor–Toronto train <s> Union Station <p> different from <o> Union station <s> Union Station <p> heritage designation <o> national historic site of Canada <s> Union Station <p> part of <o> Union Station Heritage Conservation District <s> Union Station <p> different from <o> Union Station airport train terminal <s> Union Station <p> heritage designation <o> Heritage Railway Station of Canada <s> Union Station <p> instance of <o> through station <s> Union Station <p> connects with <o> Union Station Bus Terminal <s> Union Station <p> connects with <o> Union station <s> Union Station <p> connects with <o> Union Station airport train terminal <s> Union Station <p> different from <o> Toronto Union Station (1873) <s> Union Station <p> different from <o> Union Station Bus Terminal <s> Union Station <p> operator <o> Canadian Pacific Railway <s> Union Station <p> disabled accessibility <o> wheelchair accessible <s> Union Station <p> owned by <o> Metrolinx <s> Union Station <p> instance of <o> Metrolinx mobility hub <s> Union Station <p> instance of <o> elevated station <s> Union Station <p> instance of <o> union station <s> Union Station <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Union Station <p> operator <o> Canadian National Railway <s> Union Station <p> transport network <o> GO Transit rail services <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Exhibition GO Station <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Oakville GO Station <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Washago railway station <s> Union Station <p> owned by <o> Municipal government of Toronto <s> Union Station <p> connecting line <o> Union Station Rail Corridor <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Malton GO Station <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Kennedy GO Station <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Oriole GO Station <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Bloor GO Station <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Danforth GO Station <s> Union Station <p> adjacent station <o> Kipling GO Station <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> country <o> Canada <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> location <o> Toronto <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> occupant <o> Toronto Lynx <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> occupant <o> Toronto Croatia <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> instance of <o> stadium <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> operator <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Centennial Park Stadium <p> sport <o> association football </Graph>
<Text> :Toronto is the most populous city in Canada and the capital city of the Canadian province of Ontario. With a population of 2,794,356 in 2021, it is the fourth-most populous city in North America. The city is the anchor of the Golden Horseshoe, an urban agglomeration of 9,765,188 people surrounding the western end of Lake Ontario, while the Greater Toronto Area proper had a 2021 population of 6,712,341. Toronto is an international centre of business, finance, arts, sports and culture, and is one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world. Indigenous peoples have travelled through and inhabited the Toronto area, located on a broad sloping plateau interspersed with rivers, deep ravines, and urban forest, for more than 10,000 years. After the broadly disputed Toronto Purchase, when the Mississauga surrendered the area to the British Crown, the British established the town of York in 1793 and later designated it as the capital of Upper Canada. During the War of 1812, the town was the site of the Battle of York and suffered heavy damage by American troops. York was renamed and incorporated in 1834 as the city of Toronto. It was designated as the capital of the province of Ontario in 1867 during Canadian Confederation. The city proper has since expanded past its original limits through both annexation and amalgamation to its current area of 630.2 km2 . The diverse population of Toronto reflects its current and historical role as an important destination for immigrants to Canada. About half of its residents were born outside of Canada and over 200 ethnic origins are represented among its inhabitants. While the majority of Torontonians speak English as their primary language, over 160 languages are spoken in the city. The mayor of Toronto is elected by direct popular vote to serve as the chief executive of the city. The Toronto City Council is a unicameral legislative body, comprising 25 councillors since the 2018 municipal election, representing geographical wards throughout the city. Toronto is a prominent centre for music, theatre, motion picture production, and television production, and is home to the headquarters of Canada's major national broadcast networks and media outlets . Its varied cultural institutions, which include numerous museums and galleries, festivals and public events, entertainment districts, national historic sites, and sports activities, attract over 43 million tourists each year. Toronto is known for its many skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, in particular the tallest free-standing structure on land outside of Asia, the CN Tower. Toronto is the most populous city in Canada and the capital city of the Canadian province of Ontario. With a population of 2,794,356 in 2021, it is the fourth-most populous city in North America. The city is the anchor of the Golden Horseshoe, an urban agglomeration of 9,765,188 people surrounding the western end of Lake Ontario, while the Greater Toronto Area proper had a 2021 population of 6,712,341. Toronto is an international centre of business, finance, arts, sports and culture, and is one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world. Indigenous peoples have travelled through and inhabited the Toronto area, located on a broad sloping plateau interspersed with rivers, deep ravines, and urban forest, for more than 10,000 years. After the broadly disputed Toronto Purchase, when the Mississauga surrendered the area to the British Crown, the British established the town of York in 1793 and later designated it as the capital of Upper Canada. During the War of 1812, the town was the site of the Battle of York and suffered heavy damage by American troops. York was renamed and incorporated in 1834 as the city of Toronto. It was designated as the capital of the province of Ontario in 1867 during Canadian Confederation. The city proper has since expanded past its original limits through both annexation and amalgamation to its current area of 630.2 km2 . The diverse population of Toronto reflects its current and historical role as an important destination for immigrants to Canada. About half of its residents were born outside of Canada and over 200 ethnic origins are represented among its inhabitants. While the majority of Torontonians speak English as their primary language, over 160 languages are spoken in the city. The mayor of Toronto is elected by direct popular vote to serve as the chief executive of the city. The Toronto City Council is a unicameral legislative body, comprising 25 councillors since the 2018 municipal election, representing geographical wards throughout the city. Toronto is a prominent centre for music, theatre, motion picture production, and television production, and is home to the headquarters of Canada's major national broadcast networks and media outlets . Its varied cultural institutions, which include numerous museums and galleries, festivals and public events, entertainment districts, national historic sites, and sports activities, attract over 43 million tourists each year. Toronto is known for its many skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, in particular the tallest free-standing structure on land outside of Asia, the CN Tower. Toronto Open Data is an open data initiative by the City of Toronto government in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It provides a "world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to use, modify, and distribute the datasets in all current and future media and formats for any lawful purpose" with proper credit. Four principles are "transparency, participation, accountability, and accessibility." Toronto Open Data website was launched at the Toronto Innovation Showcase forum on November 2, 2009. To meet the demand and expectations, and to increase the accessibility, the new Open Data Portal was launched in May 2018. During the migration process, the former portal was still recommended until all datasets were ready on the new portal. On February 25, 2019, Open Data Toronto announced the movement had been completed. Key features of the new Open Data Portal include enhanced accessibility, dataset previews, developer APIs for all open datasets, visualizations, and more. As of March 2016, data provided in the City of Toronto's open data catalogue, includes over 200 data sets such as Festivals and Events, Licensed Child Care Centers, Priority Investment Neighbourhoods, Wellbeing Neighbourhood index and transportation data. The former Open Data Portal stopped being updated on January 15, 2018, with 292 datasets. As of March 2019, 295 datasets are available on the new Open Data Portal, and the portal is being updated continuously. As of 2010, Toronto Open Data required a click-through license for any reuse, which made it unsuitable for producing physical products . Toronto adopted the Pan Canada Open Government licence in August 2013. The new licence clarified much confusion on behalf of users as to attribution and rights to use data. The demographics of Toronto, Ontario, Canada make Toronto one of the most multicultural and multiracial cities in the world. In 2021, 57.0 percent of the residents of the metropolitan area belonged to a visible minority group, compared with 51.4 percent in 2016, and 13.6 percent in 1981. Toronto also has established ethnic neighbourhoods such as the multiple Chinatowns, Corso Italia, Little Italy, Little India, Greektown, Koreatown, Little Tokyo, Little Jamaica, Little Portugal, Little Malta, Roncesvalles , and Bloor West Village , all of which celebrate the city's multiculturalism. Data from the suburban municipalities are also included for some metrics as most of these municipalities are part of the Toronto CMA . The last complete census by Statistics Canada, which was taken in 2021, estimated there were 2,794,356 living in Toronto, making it the most populous city in Canada and the fourth most populous municipality in North America. 2011 Census population data for the City of Toronto are found readily aggregated at a finer level than the city as a whole at i. the electoral district level and ii. the neighbourhood level. The three ridings with the largest increase in population between 2006 and 2011 in the City of Toronto have been The 2021 Census indicates that 55.7 percent of Toronto's population is composed of visible minorities, compared with 51.5 percent in 2016. According to the 2021 Canadian census, 1,537,285, or approximately 10.7 percent of Canada's visible minority population, live in the city of Toronto; of this, roughly 67 percent are of Asian ancestry. Approximately 34.81 percent of the city's population, or 961,325 individuals in The City of Toronto are Asian Canadians as of 2021. Annually, almost half of all immigrants to Canada settle in the Greater Toronto Area. A study released by the Toronto District School Board in December 2012 found that 66 percent of students ages 4 through 18 came from visible minorities, with over 61% of students in 2012 identifying as Asian. East Asians made up the largest ethnic group , with South Asians coming in second of the city of Toronto's overall population. 46,315 Aboriginals live in Toronto. There is a Hungarian Roma community in Toronto. Many Romani refugees live in Toronto. 61,000 Mexicans live in Toronto. The economy of Toronto is the largest contributor to the Canadian economy, at 20% of the national GDP, and an important economic hub of the world. Toronto is a commercial, distribution, financial and industrial centre. It is Canada's banking and stock exchange centre and is the country's primary wholesale and distribution point. Ontario's wealth of raw materials and hydroelectric power have made Toronto a primary centre of industry. The metropolitan area of Greater Toronto produces more than half of Canada's manufactured goods. The economy of Toronto has had a GDP growth rate of 2.4 percent annually since 2009, outpacing the national average. Toronto's population was 3.025 million people as of 2022, while the population of the Toronto census metropolitan area was 6.47 million during the same year. Toronto is located on a crossroads dating back to aboriginal times with excellent harbours with many rivers. The economy grew based on the settlement of Ontario. During the late 19th century, Toronto became the centre of railways and the supplier of goods to Ontario. Its status as a political centre gave it some stability during periods of economic uncertainty. Toronto saw a large boom after World War II when immigrants, especially from war-decimated Europe, chose the area to settle. Manufacturing, notably automotive manufacturing, grew to supply the population growth. Toronto grew at a faster rate than the other great centre of Canada at the time, Montreal, and surpassed it in the 1970s. Shipping by water was instrumental in Toronto's early growth, but this has diminished to the point where the harbour is lightly used by industry. The area around Pearson Airport, the country's busiest airport, has become one of the largest industrial areas. Further growth in the Toronto area is often attributed to the rise of Quebec separatism, though the extent of its influence is still contested by some, who argue that its effect was exaggerated by the English media. During the 1970s, the Quebec Liberal Party and the Parti Quebecois enacted a series of French-language laws, which were perceived as unfavourable towards English-language businesses and English-speaking Montrealers. Some of the former and a number of the latter subsequently relocated to Toronto, where French proficiency is not a necessity for business or employment. Ontario is the southernmost province of Canada. Located in Central Canada, Ontario is the country's most populous province. As of the 2021 Canadian census, it is home to 38.5 percent of the country's population, and is the second-largest province by total area . Ontario is Canada's fourth-largest jurisdiction in total area of all the Canadian provinces and territories. It is home to the nation's capital, Ottawa, and its most populous city, Toronto, which is Ontario's provincial capital. Ontario is bordered by the province of Manitoba to the west, Hudson Bay and James Bay to the north, and Quebec to the east and northeast. To the south, it is bordered by the U.S. states of Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. Almost all of Ontario's 2,700 km border with the United States follows inland waterways: from the westerly Lake of the Woods, eastward along the major rivers and lakes of the Great Lakes/Saint Lawrence River drainage system. There is only about 1 km of actual land border, made up of portages including Height of Land Portage on the Minnesota border. The great majority of Ontario's population and arable land is in Southern Ontario, and while agriculture remains a significant industry, the region's economy depends highly on manufacturing. In contrast, Northern Ontario is sparsely populated with cold winters and heavy forestation, with mining and forestry making up the region's major industries. Ontario is a term thought to be derived from Indigenous origins, either Ontari:io, a Huron word meaning "great lake", or possibly skanadario, which means "beautiful water" or "sparkling water" in the Iroquoian languages. Ontario has about 250,000 freshwater lakes. The first mention of the name Ontario was in 1641, when "Ontario" was used to describe the land on the north shore of the easternmost part of the Great Lakes. It was adopted as the official name of the new province at Confederation in 1867. The Toronto Transit Commission is the public transport agency that operates bus, subway, streetcar, and paratransit services in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, some of which run into the Peel Region and York Region. It is the oldest and largest of the urban transit service providers in the Greater Toronto Area, with numerous connections to systems serving its surrounding municipalities. Established as the Toronto Transportation Commission in 1921, the TTC owns and operates three rapid transit lines with 70 stations, over 150 bus routes, and 9 streetcar lines. In 2022, the system had a ridership of 577,941,400, or about 2,329,500 per weekday as of the third quarter of 2023. The TTC is the most heavily used urban mass transit system in Canada. Public transit in Toronto started in 1849 with a privately operated transit service. In later years, the city operated some routes, but in 1921 assumed control over all routes and formed the Toronto Transportation Commission to operate them. During this period, streetcars provided the bulk of the service. In 1954, the TTC adopted its present name, opened the first subway line, and greatly expanded its service area to cover the newly formed municipality of Metropolitan Toronto . The system has evolved to feature a wide network of surface routes with the subway lines as the backbone. On February 17, 2008, the TTC made many service improvements, reversing more than a decade of service reductions and only minor improvements. In addition to buses, streetcars, and subways, the TTC also operated the Toronto Island ferry service from 1927 to 1962, when it was transferred to the Metro Parks and Culture department . The TTC also operated a suburban and regional intercity bus operator, Gray Coach Lines, from 1927 to 1990. Gray Coach used interurban coaches to link Toronto to points throughout southern Ontario. In addition, Gray Coach operated tour buses in association with Gray Line Tours. The main terminal was the Metropolitan Toronto Bus Terminal on Elizabeth Street north of Dundas Street, downtown. In 1954, Gray Coach expanded further when it acquired suburban routes from independent bus operators not merged with the TTC as it expanded to cover Metro Toronto. By the 1980s, Gray Coach faced fierce competition in the interurban service in the GTA. The TTC sold Gray Coach Lines in 1990 to Stagecoach Holdings, which split the operation between Greyhound Canada and the government of Ontario three years later. Coca-Cola Coliseum is an arena at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, used for agricultural displays, ice hockey, and trade shows. It was built for the Canadian National Exhibition and the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in 1921. Since 1997 it has been part of the Enercare Centre exhibition complex. It serves as the home arena of the Toronto Marlies ice hockey team, the American Hockey League farm team of the Toronto Maple Leafs. For the 2015 Pan American Games the venue hosted the gymnastics competitions and was known as the Toronto Coliseum. On January 1, 1920, Toronto voters approved by plebiscite a proposal by the Royal Agricultural Fair Association to construct, at a maximum cost of CA$1 million, a new arena for livestock. The City of Toronto government made a call for tenders in the fall of 1920 but the lowest tender was CA$1.9 million, exceeding the mandate approved by plebiscite. The size of the planned building was reduced by half in an attempt to get the cost under CA$1 million and a new call for tenders was done. The lowest tender received was from Anglin-Norcross Ltd. of Montreal for CA$892,000 to build the building to City Architect F. W. Price's specifications. There was a reticence to hire a Montreal firm, and the city held off on awarding the contract while Price sought out construction offers from local firms to do the work using day labour, although the legality of this was questioned. Another issue raised was that the revised arena design needed to be expanded to meet the fair's needs. Anglin-Norcross offered to do the work at a further CA$31,000. It took two City Council votes, but Council finally approved the awarding of the contract to Anglin-Norcross on May 26, 1921. Demolition of existing buildings on the site commenced a few days later and arena work commenced in June 1921. The cornerstone was laid by Toronto Mayor Thomas Church on July 27, 1921, and Robert Fleming, President of the Canadian National Exhibition declared that the building would be the largest of its kind in the world, with a floor space of 8.5 acres . The Fair Association had hoped for the arena to be open by the fall of 1921 to inaugurate the new fair, but it was not ready. The CA$1 million building had its official public opening on December 16, 1921, attended by 5,000 persons to see an athletic meet put on by the "Sportsmen Patriotic Association." Upon completion, the building was billed as the largest of its kind in North America. The name "Coliseum" was given to the building in 1922, in time for the opening of the CNE. The main entrance was to the north, along Manitoba Drive. The southern side of the building was along the main TTC streetcar rail lines serving the CNE, which separated the Coliseum and Industry Buildings to the north, and the later Engineering and Electrical Building to the south. In 1926, additions were built and the complex was claimed to be the largest structure of its kind under one roof in the world. In 1931, the Horse Palace was built next door to provide a permanent building for the stables of the Winter Fair. From 1942 to 1945, the building was used as a training base for the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II and known as the 'Manning Depot'. A photo of it as the RCAF Manning Depot is in the New Westminster Museum and Archives # IHP9562-003. After the war, it mainly hosted equestrian events for the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, the CNE and other events. The arena was also used as a horse barn. In time for the 1963 CNE, the southern facade was reconstructed. As part of the renovation, the southern facade was reclad with black, grey and white siding and a new front plaza was built, with a large "COLISEUM" sign on top. The CNE spent CA$3 million from 1960 until 1963 on "face-lifting" the Coliseum. In 1997, the National Trade Centre exhibition complex was built. The new project removed the 1963 entrance and cladding, restoring the original facade, although the cupola towers on the southern facade had been removed in the 1963 renovation. Access to the Coliseum was moved to the western entrance of the exhibition complex through a hall known as Heritage Court. Centennial Park Stadium is a 2,200-seat stadium in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is primarily used for soccer, track and field, football and occasionally for kabaddi. The park is also used for the ROPSSAA football finals and the PSAA on the first Monday of May for an annual Track and Field Meet. It is located within Centennial Park in the Etobicoke district, just south of Toronto Pearson International Airport and near the intersection of Rathburn Road and Renforth Drive. It was built in 1975. The stadium hosted the first edition of Veteran Athletes Championships in 1975 as well. The stadium is home to the Toronto Lynx soccer clubs . It hosts the Relay For Life in Toronto West event each June, a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society. The stadium hosted the CPSL/CSL Championship finals in 1998, 2010, 2011, and 2014. In 2017, there were calls and support for the stadium to be renamed after former mayor Rob Ford as Rob Ford Memorial Stadium, but city council voted down the motion 11 to 24 on October 4, 2017. In 2023, amid the re-imagining of the park through the Centennial Park Master Plan that was also approved in 2021, city council again considered a motion to rename the stadium after Ford, this time passing 17 to 6. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Ford Performance Centre <p> country <o> Canada <s> Ford Performance Centre <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Ford Performance Centre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Ford Performance Centre <p> operator <o> Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment <s> Ford Performance Centre <p> instance of <o> sports venue <s> Ford Performance Centre <p> sport <o> ice hockey <s> Ford Performance Centre <p> occupant <o> Toronto Furies <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> country <o> Canada <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> sport <o> baseball <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> occupant <o> Toronto Argonauts <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> sport <o> Canadian football <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> instance of <o> multi-purpose sports venue <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> structure replaced by <o> BMO Field <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> occupant <o> Toronto Blue Jays <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> operator <o> Toronto <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> sport <o> association football <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> occupant <o> Toronto Blizzard <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> named after <o> Exhibition Place <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Exhibition Place <s> Exhibition Stadium <p> significant event <o> start of manufacturing <s> Esther Shiner Stadium <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Esther Shiner Stadium <p> country <o> Canada <s> Esther Shiner Stadium <p> location <o> Toronto <s> Esther Shiner Stadium <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Esther Shiner Stadium <p> occupant <o> North York Astros <s> Esther Shiner Stadium <p> instance of <o> stadium <s> geography of Toronto <p> country <o> Canada <s> geography of Toronto <p> facet of <o> Toronto <s> geography of Toronto <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> geography of Toronto <p> subclass of <o> urban geography <s> geography of Toronto <p> subclass of <o> geography of Ontario <s> geography of Toronto <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Toronto <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Greater Toronto Area <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> named after <o> Toronto <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> country <o> Canada <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> part of <o> Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Greater Toronto Area <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of Durham <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of York <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of Peel <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> instance of <o> metropolitan area <s> Greater Toronto Area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of Halton <s> Category:Toronto <p> category's main topic <o> Toronto <s> Category:Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> depicts <o> Toronto <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> main subject <o> medicine <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> instance of <o> fonds <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> instance of <o> archival collection <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> level of description <o> fonds <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> has part(s) <o> correspondence <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> collection <o> Osler Library of the History of Medicine <s> Charles Lewis Fonds <p> maintained by <o> Osler Library of the History of Medicine <s> Portal:Toronto <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Toronto <s> Portal:Toronto <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Toronto portal <s> Portal:Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Category:Deaths in Toronto <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> Toronto <s> Category:Deaths in Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Toronto <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Toronto <s> Category:Deaths in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> country <o> Canada <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Toronto <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> officeholder <o> John Tory <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> instance of <o> public office <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> officeholder <o> Rob Ford <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> official residence <o> Toronto City Hall <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> officeholder <o> David Miller <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> officeholder <o> Mel Lastman <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> officeholder <o> Olivia Chow <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> part of <o> Toronto City Council <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> replaces <o> Mayor of East York <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> replaces <o> Chairman of the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of Toronto <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> has list <o> list of mayors of Toronto <s> Mayor of Toronto <p> subclass of <o> mayor of a place in Ontario </Graph>
<Text> :The Ford Performance Centre, formerly Mastercard Centre For Hockey Excellence, is a hockey facility located in the Etobicoke district of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It has four ice pads and is the official practice facility of the Toronto Maple Leafs NHL hockey team, and their AHL affiliate the Toronto Marlies. The building also houses offices for Hockey Canada and the Hockey Hall of Fame and was home to the Toronto Furies of the Canadian Women's Hockey League. The land is owned by the Toronto District School Board as 400 Kipling Avenue. The Ford Performance Centre was built as a joint venture between the Toronto Maple Leafs, the City of Toronto government and the Lakeshore Lions Club at a cost of CA$44 million, after cost overruns drove up the cost from $33.65 million, to replace the nearby Lakeshore Lions Arena. The Lions Club contributed $40 million to the project, with the city providing a $35.5 million loan guarantee. The Toronto District School Board leased the land for the arena to the Lakeshore Lions for a 50-year term. Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment spent a further $5 million on training and medical facilities to make the building the practice rink of their two hockey teams, the Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Marlies. The Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey School is also held at the arena. MLSE pays $600,000 annually to rent the building. Mastercard purchased the naming rights to the facility for $525,000 a year. The facility, which is located at 400 Kipling Avenue in the New Toronto neighbourhood of Toronto, opened in September 2009. It has four NHL-sized rinks, one of which can be expanded to Olympic dimensions with 1000 seats, as well as extensive training facilities. According to Mastercard, the arena is "the first community ice facility to be built in the Toronto-area in the last 25 years." The arena was originally operated by the Lakeshore Lions Club, but in June 2011, with the arena unable to deal with its rising debt and on the verge of defaulting, the City of Toronto decided to take control and assume its $43.4 million debt. The arena had planned to have a restaurant and sporting goods store at the facility, but were unable to find a tenant leading to the financial difficulties. Canadian National Exhibition Stadium was a multi-purpose stadium in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on the grounds of Exhibition Place. Originally built for Canadian National Exhibition events, the stadium served as the home of the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League from 1959 to 1988, the Toronto Blue Jays of Major League Baseball from 1977 to 1989, and the Toronto Blizzard of the North American Soccer League from 1979 to 1983. The stadium hosted the Grey Cup game 12 times over a 24-year period. Exhibition Stadium was the fourth stadium to be built on its site since 1879. When the original grandstand was lost due to a fire in 1906, it was quickly rebuilt. A second fire destroyed the stadium in 1947, which led to the city constructing a covered north-side grandstand for CA$3 million in 1948. This part of the stadium's structure stayed even as the stadium underwent various changes to its configuration over the years until its 1999 closure. Many rock concerts were also held at the stadium, both the grandstand and the whole stadium were used for popular rock and pop acts such as Pink Floyd, The Who, U2, David Bowie, Chicago, New Order, Depeche Mode, Iron Maiden, Rush, Van Halen, Guns N' Roses, Kim Mitchell, Bruce Springsteen, INXS, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Elton John, Whitney Houston and Janis Joplin, New Kids On The Block. When the Toronto Argonauts moved from Varsity Stadium for the 1959 season, a smaller CA$650,000 bleacher section was added along the south sideline. In this form the stadium seated 33,150. Esther Shiner Stadium is a multi-purpose outdoor sports facility in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located in the former city of North York, on the north-west corner of Bathurst Street and Finch Avenue West. Its capacity is 3,000 and is currently the home of North Toronto Nitros of League1 Ontario and FC Vorkuta of the Canadian Soccer League. The stadium plays host to many sporting events including Canadian football, soccer, and athletics. The stadium has hosted the majority of CPSL/CSL Championship finals from 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2014. The stadium was built in June 1984, and was originally named North York Civic Stadium. It was renamed in 1988 in honour of former City of North York Councillor Esther Shiner. In 2004, the stadium was closed for refurbishment, and it reopened on September 15, 2005 with a new artificial playing surface and a running track. The geography of Toronto, Ontario, covers an area of 630 km2 and is bounded by Lake Ontario to the south; Etobicoke Creek, Eglinton Avenue, and Highway 427 to the west; Steeles Avenue to the north; and the Rouge River and the Scarborough-Pickering Townline to the east. In addition to Etobicoke Creek and the Rouge River, the city is trisected by two minor rivers and their tributaries, the Humber River in the west end and the Don River east of downtown. Both flow southward to Lake Ontario at Humber Bay and Toronto Harbour respectively, which are part of the longer Waterfront, as well as Etobicoke Creek and the Rouge River. The concentration and protection of Toronto's many deep ravines allows for large tracts of densely forested valleys with recreational trails within the city. Approximately 26 to 28 percent of Toronto is covered with over ten million trees, a fairly high percentage within a large city in North America and there are ambitious proposals to double the coverage. Some parts of Toronto, such as High Park and the lower Humber River, are located in the northernmost parts of the Carolinian forest zone found in North America. The shoreline of the former Lake Iroquois is a major east-west geological feature, which was formed at the end of the Last Glacial Period. In the west end, Davenport Road follows the ancient shoreline with the steps to Casa Loma rising above and downtown skyscrapers clearly visible to the southeast. It merges with the current Lake Ontario shoreline at the Scarborough Bluffs promontory. The Toronto Islands are the only group of natural islands located on the western shores of Lake Ontario and were formed from the erosion of the Scarborough Bluffs. The Toronto Islands were originally a sand spit until a major storm separated them from the mainland during the mid-19th century. The Greater Toronto Area, commonly referred to as the GTA, includes the City of Toronto and the regional municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel, and York. In total, the region contains 25 urban, suburban, and rural municipalities. The Greater Toronto Area begins in Burlington in Halton Region to the west, and extends along Lake Ontario past downtown Toronto eastward to Clarington in Durham Region. According to the 2021 census, the Census Metropolitan Area of Toronto has a total population of 6.202 million residents, making it the nation's largest, and the 10th-largest in North America. However, the Greater Toronto Area, which is an economic area defined by the Government of Ontario, includes communities which are not included in the CMA as defined by Statistics Canada. Extrapolating the data for all 25 communities in the Greater Toronto Area from the 2021 Census, the total population for the economic region included 6,711,985 people. The Greater Toronto Area is a part of several larger areas in Southern Ontario. The area is also combined with the city of Hamilton to form a conurbation known as the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area . The GTHA combined with Niagara Region form the core of the Golden Horseshoe. The term "Greater Toronto" was first used in writing as early as the 1900s, although at the time, the term only referred to the old city of Toronto and its immediate townships and villages, which became Metropolitan Toronto in 1954 and became the current city of Toronto in 1998. The use of the term involving the four surrounding regional municipalities came into formal use in the mid-1980s, after it was used in a widely discussed report on municipal governance restructuring in the region and was later made official as a provincial planning area. However, it did not come into everyday usage until the mid- to late 1990s. The mayor of Toronto is the head of Toronto City Council and chief executive officer of the municipal government. The mayor is elected alongside city council every four years on the fourth Monday of October; there are no term limits. While in office, mayors are styled His/Her Worship. Much of the role and powers of the mayor of Toronto are set out in the City of Toronto Act, a provincial statute which was first introduced in 1997 and overhauled in 2006, and outlines the mayor's role as head of council and chief executive officer of the City of Toronto. In September 2022, the province passed legislation known as the Strong Mayors, Building More Homes Act, 2022, followed by the Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022, both of which expanded the executive power of the mayor. As head of council, the mayor is responsible for ensuring business is carried out efficiently during council meetings. This has been delegated to the speaker of Toronto City Council, however, the mayor retains the ability to take over as chair during council meetings. Items can be added by the mayor directly to city council's agenda without going through a committee. Additionally, the mayor also holds ex officio membership on all council committees, chairs the Executive Committee, Striking Committee and the Civic Appointments Committee. The mayor has the power to appoint the chairs of other city committees as well as the deputy mayor. With the consent of the mayor, another member of council may take the mayor's place on committees. The head of council is also responsible for declaring states of emergency in the city. Before the passage of the Strong Mayors Act, Toronto's government operated on what has been described as a "weak-mayor" system where council as a whole exercised the city's powers, with the mayor's statutory role being limited to ceremonial functions. In order to advance policy objectives, the mayor uses the position of leadership to act as a consensus builder. The Strong Mayors Act shifted Toronto's government structure into one which resembles a "strong-mayor" system, assigning several administrative powers to the mayor which were previously held by city council or an officer of the city. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> City of Toronto Archives <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> City of Toronto Archives <p> country <o> Canada <s> City of Toronto Archives <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> City of Toronto Archives <p> instance of <o> municipal archive <s> City of Toronto Archives <p> part of <o> Toronto <s> City of Toronto Archives <p> award received <o> Distinguished Service Award <s> Volgograd <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Volga <s> Volgograd <p> country <o> Russia <s> Volgograd <p> capital of <o> Volgograd Oblast <s> Volgograd <p> significant event <o> Battle of Stalingrad <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ruse <s> Volgograd <p> named after <o> Volga <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cologne <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Volgograd <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Volgograd <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kruševac <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kemi <s> Volgograd <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Volgograd <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Volgograd <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+04:00 <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turin <s> Volgograd <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chemnitz <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Płońsk <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sandanski <s> Volgograd <p> capital of <o> Volgograd Urban Okrug <s> Volgograd <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chennai <s> Volgograd <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liège <s> Volgograd <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> İzmir <s> Volgograd <p> patron saint <o> Alexander Nevsky <s> Volgograd <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> heritage designation <o> cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Olevano Romano <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Qujing <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dijon <s> Volgograd <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yerevan <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tiraspol <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cleveland <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Port Said <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ortona <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Constanța <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coventry <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ostrava <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Orlando <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jilin City <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reinickendorf <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chengdu <s> Volgograd <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Volgograd <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hiroshima <s> Volgograd <p> founded by <o> Roman Vasilevich Alferev <s> Volgograd <p> founded by <o> Zasekin <s> Volgograd <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dzerzhinskiy District <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Traktorozavodsky District <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Krasnoarmeysky District <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kirovsky District <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tsentralny District <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sovetsky District <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Krasnooktyabrsky District <s> Volgograd <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Voroshilovskiy District, Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> award received <o> Hero City of the Soviet Union <s> Volgograd <p> instance of <o> city or town <s> Volgograd <p> head of government <o> Andrej Kosolapov <s> Volgograd <p> founded by <o> Ivan Nashchokin <s> Volgograd <p> flag <o> flags of Volgograd <s> Volgograd <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Volgograd Urban Okrug <s> Volgograd <p> award received <o> Sword of Stalingrad <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> country <o> Canada <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> instance of <o> urban park <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> has facility <o> baseball field <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> has facility <o> drinking fountain <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> has facility <o> tennis court <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> located on street <o> Military Trail <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> has facility <o> parking lot <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> has facility <o> splash pad <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> has facility <o> playground <s> Seven Oaks Park <p> maintained by <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Iroquois Park <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Iroquois Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Iroquois Park <p> country <o> Canada <s> Iroquois Park <p> instance of <o> urban park <s> Iroquois Park <p> maintained by <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Iroquois Park <p> has facility <o> parking lot <s> Iroquois Park <p> has facility <o> playground <s> Iroquois Park <p> operator <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Iroquois Park <p> has facility <o> baseball field <s> Iroquois Park <p> has facility <o> public toilet <s> Iroquois Park <p> has facility <o> tennis court <s> North Bendale Park <p> country <o> Canada <s> North Bendale Park <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> North Bendale Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> North Bendale Park <p> instance of <o> urban park <s> North Bendale Park <p> has facility <o> baseball field <s> North Bendale Park <p> has facility <o> tennis court <s> North Bendale Park <p> has facility <o> playground <s> North Bendale Park <p> operator <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Muirlands Park <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Muirlands Park <p> has facility <o> playground <s> Muirlands Park <p> country <o> Canada <s> Muirlands Park <p> has facility <o> association football pitch <s> Muirlands Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Muirlands Park <p> instance of <o> urban park <s> Muirlands Park <p> maintained by <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Muirlands Park <p> has facility <o> baseball field <s> Muirlands Park <p> operator <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Category:Births in Toronto <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> Toronto <s> Category:Births in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Toronto <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Toronto <s> warm-summer humid continental climate <p> subclass of <o> wet continental climate <s> warm-summer humid continental climate <p> subclass of <o> humid continental climate <s> warm-summer humid continental climate <p> instance of <o> category in the Köppen climate classification systems <s> Category:Films shot in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> Toronto <s> Category:Films shot in Toronto <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Toronto <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Toronto <s> Category:Films shot in Toronto <p> list related to category <o> list of films shot in Toronto <s> Category:Burials in Toronto <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> Toronto <s> Category:Burials in Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Burials in Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial </Graph>
<Text> :The City of Toronto Archives is the municipal archives for the City of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It holds records created by the municipal government and its amalgamated former municipalities from 1792 to the present day, as well as non-government records created by private groups and individuals. There are also over one million photographs of Toronto within its collection, with over 50,000 available to view on its website. The oldest record in the Archives is a map of Toronto Harbour dated 1792, and the newest one is a DVD of the previous month's Toronto City Council meeting. Of the 1.2 million photographs within the Toronto Archives collection, the oldest are a set of twenty-five prints of the city taken in 1856-57 by the firm of photographers, Armstrong, Beere and Hime. These are the earliest known photographs of Toronto. Other important photographic collections are the William James collection, the Alexander Galbraith collection and the F. W. Micklethwaite collection, The Globe and Mail collection , as well as over 100,000 photographs taken by city photographers. The present archives building was opened in 1992. It was designed by the architectural firm of Zeidler Roberts, who also designed the Toronto Eaton Centre, as a state-of-the-art purpose-built archives building incorporating a climate controlled records, a central atrium and exhibition area; a 60-seat lecture room and a Research Hall. The original purpose of the building was to hold the records of the government of Metropolitan Toronto. Since amalgamation in 1998, documents from the other six constituent municipalities have been housed there. Prior to amalgamation, the archives were held in the respective city halls. Volgograd , formerly Tsaritsyn , and Stalingrad , is the largest city and the administrative centre of Volgograd Oblast, Russia. The city lies on the western bank of the Volga, covering an area of 859.4 square kilometres , with a population of slightly over one million residents. Volgograd is the sixteenth-largest city by population size in Russia, the second-largest city of the Southern Federal District, and the fourth-largest city on the Volga. The city was founded as the fortress of Tsaritsyn in 1589. By the nineteenth century, Tsaritsyn had become an important river-port and commercial centre, leading to its rapid population growth. In November 1917, at the start of the Russian Civil War, Tsaritsyn came under Bolshevik control. It fell briefly to the White Army in mid-1919 but returned to Bolshevik control in January 1920. In 1925, the city was renamed Stalingrad in honor of Joseph Stalin, who then ruled the country. During World War II, Axis forces attacked the city, leading to the Battle of Stalingrad, arguably the largest and bloodiest battle in the history of warfare, from which it received the title of Hero City. In 1961, Nikita Khrushchev's administration renamed the city Volgograd as part of de-Stalinization. Volgograd today is the site of The Motherland Calls, an 85-metre high statue dedicated to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad, which is the tallest statue in Europe, as well as the tallest statue of a woman in the world. The city has many tourist attractions, such as museums, sandy beaches, and a self-propelled floating church. Volgograd was one of the host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Tsaritsyn has been linked to Turkic Sarigsin or *Sarigsin meaning "Yellow tomb" or Sarigsin "City of the Yellow Throne". In the pre-reform Orthography, the name of Tsaritsyn was written as Tsaritsyn', with the hard sign. Iroquois Park is a 725-acre municipal park in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. It was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, who also designed Louisville's Cherokee Park and Shawnee Park, at what were then the edges of the city. Located south of downtown, Iroquois Park was promoted as "Louisville's Yellowstone". It is built on a large knob covered with old growth forest, and its most prominent feature are the scenic viewpoints atop the hill. The summit of Iroquois Park presents an all-at-once vista of the city of Louisville, seen from the south. A bronze plaque at the site demonstrates the plan of the city's park and parkway system as planned and executed by Olmsted's firm. The park features an amphitheater, basketball courts, 18-hole golf course, a disc golf course and a riding stable. Louisville Metro Parks and partner companies stage concerts, musicals, and other shows each summer at Iroquois Amphitheater. Iroquois Park was one of the three major suburban parks created in the late 19th century in Louisville. In 1889, Mayor Charles Donald Jacob purchased Burnt Knob, a 313-acre tract of land 4 miles south of the city, for $9,000, and was reimbursed by the city treasurer without approval from the city council or public referendum, meaning the original purchase was probably illegal. Jacob also negotiated with landowners between the city and the then-rural park to acquire the right of way for a 150-foot wide "Grand Boulevard", today's Southern Parkway, which still leads to the park. A humid continental climate is a climatic region defined by Russo-German climatologist Wladimir Koppen in 1900, typified by four distinct seasons and large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot summers, and cold and snowy winters. Precipitation is usually distributed throughout the year, but often these regions do have dry seasons. The definition of this climate in terms of temperature is as follows: the mean temperature of the coldest month must be below 0 degC or -3 degC depending on the isotherm, and there must be at least four months whose mean temperatures are at or above 10 degC . In addition, the location in question must not be semi-arid or arid. The cooler Dfb, Dwb, and Dsb subtypes are also known as hemiboreal climates. Although amount of snowfall is not a factor used in defining the humid continental climate, snow during the winter in this type of climate is almost a guarantee, either intermittently throughout the winter months near the poleward or coastal margins, or persistently throughout the winter months elsewhere in the climate zone. Humid continental climates are generally found between latitudes 40deg N and 60deg N, within the central and northeastern portions of North America, Europe, and Asia. Occasionally, they can also be found at higher elevations above other more temperate climate types. They are rare in the Southern Hemisphere, limited to isolated high altitude locations, due to the larger ocean area at that latitude, smaller land mass, and the consequent greater maritime moderation. In the Northern Hemisphere, some of the humid continental climates, typically in Hokkaido, Sakhalin Island, northeastern mainland Europe, Scandinavia, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland are closer to the sea and heavily maritime-influenced and comparable to oceanic climates, with relatively cool summers, significant year-round precipitation and winters being just below the freezing mark . More extreme and inland humid continental climates, sometimes known as "hyper-continental" climates, are found in northeast China, southern Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, most of the southern interior of Canada, and the Upper Midwest, where temperatures in the winter resemble those of adjacent subarctic climates but have longer and generally warmer summers . A more moderate variety, found in places like Northern Honshu, east-central China, the Korean Peninsula, parts of Eastern Europe, parts of southern Ontario, much of the American Midwest, and the Northeast US, the climate combines hotter summer maxima and greater humidity and moderately cold winters and more intermittent snow cover , and is less extreme than the most inland hyper-continental variety. Using the Koppen climate classification, a climate is classified as humid continental when the temperature of the coldest month is below 0 degC or -3 degC and there must be at least four months whose mean temperatures are at or above 10 degC . These temperatures were not arbitrary. In Europe, the -3 degC average temperature isotherm was near the southern extent of winter snowpack. In the United States, it is more common to use the 0 degC isotherm instead. The 10 degC average temperature was found to be roughly the minimum temperature necessary for tree reproduction and growth. Wide temperature ranges are common within this climate zone. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:People from Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> Toronto <s> Category:People from Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Toronto <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People from Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Lake Ontario <p> country <o> Canada <s> Lake Ontario <p> basin country <o> Canada <s> Lake Ontario <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Lake Ontario <p> basin country <o> United States of America <s> Lake Ontario <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> New York <s> Lake Ontario <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Lake Ontario <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Toronto from Niagara-on-the-Lake <s> Lake Ontario <p> drainage basin <o> Lake Ontario drainage basin <s> Lake Ontario <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Lake Ontario <p> part of <o> Great Lakes <s> Lake Ontario <p> part of <o> Canada–United States border <s> Lake Ontario <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Lake Ontario <s> Lake Ontario <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Lake Ontario <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Lake Ontario <p> outflows <o> St. Lawrence River <s> Lake Ontario <p> instance of <o> lake <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Black River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Don River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Genesee River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Russell Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Niagara River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Welland Canal <s> Lake Ontario <p> has part(s) <o> Whitby Harbour <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Corbett Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Rouge River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Cataraqui River (Rideau Canal) <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Eighteen Mile Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Jackson Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Oak Orchard Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Humber River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Etobicoke Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> North Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Oswego River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Credit River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Napanee River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Ganaraska River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> South Sandy Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Millhaven Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Lynde Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Salmon River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Twenty Mile Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Highland Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Mimico Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Sixteen Mile Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Salem Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Port Granby Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Little Salmon River <s> Lake Ontario <p> inflows <o> Cooksville Creek <s> Lake Ontario <p> has part(s) <o> Horsey Bay <s> Lake Ontario <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lake Ontario <s> Ted Reeve Arena <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Ted Reeve Arena <p> instance of <o> sports venue <s> Ted Reeve Arena <p> country <o> Canada <s> Ted Reeve Arena <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Wychwood Barns <p> country <o> Canada <s> Wychwood Barns <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Wychwood Barns <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Wychwood Barns <p> instance of <o> park <s> Wychwood Barns <p> owned by <o> Toronto Transit Commission <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> country <o> Canada <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> maintained by <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> operator <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> instance of <o> urban park <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> named after <o> L'Amoreaux <s> L'Amoreaux Park <p> located on street <o> McNicoll Avenue <s> St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts <p> country <o> Canada <s> St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts <p> instance of <o> theatre building <s> St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts <p> architect <o> Gordon Adamson <s> Milliken Park <p> country <o> Canada <s> Milliken Park <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Milliken Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Milliken Park <p> instance of <o> urban park <s> Milliken Park <p> has facility <o> picnic site <s> Milliken Park <p> has facility <o> public toilet <s> Milliken Park <p> has facility <o> drinking fountain <s> Milliken Park <p> has facility <o> parking lot <s> Milliken Park <p> operator <o> Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division <s> Milliken Park <p> named after <o> Milliken <s> Milliken Park <p> located on street <o> Steeles Avenue <s> Milliken Park <p> has facility <o> playground <s> Lamport Stadium <p> country <o> Canada <s> Lamport Stadium <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Lamport Stadium <p> instance of <o> rugby league venue <s> Lamport Stadium <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Lamport Stadium <p> instance of <o> stadium <s> Lamport Stadium <p> occupant <o> SC Toronto <s> Lamport Stadium <p> occupant <o> Toronto Wolfpack <s> Lamport Stadium <p> sport <o> rugby league <s> Rosedale Field <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Rosedale Field <p> country <o> Canada <s> Rosedale Field <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> Rosedale Field <p> instance of <o> sports venue <s> Rosedale Field <p> operator <o> Rosedale Golf Club <s> Rosedale Field <p> occupant <o> Toronto Argonauts <s> William McBrien Building <p> country <o> Canada <s> William McBrien Building <p> owned by <o> Toronto <s> William McBrien Building <p> instance of <o> building <s> William McBrien Building <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> William McBrien Building <p> occupant <o> Toronto Transit Commission <s> William McBrien Building <p> located on street <o> Yonge Street <s> William McBrien Building <p> architectural style <o> modern architecture <s> William McBrien Building <p> architect <o> Charles B. Dolphin <s> William McBrien Building <p> named after <o> William C. McBrien </Graph>
<Text> :Lake Ontario is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. It is bounded on the north, west, and southwest by the Canadian province of Ontario, and on the south and east by the U.S. state of New York. The Canada-United States border spans the centre of the lake. The Canadian cities of Hamilton, Kingston, Mississauga, and Toronto are located on the lake's northern shorelines, while the American city of Rochester is located on the south shore. In the Huron language, the name Ontari'io means "great lake". Its primary inlet is the Niagara River from Lake Erie. The last in the Great Lakes chain, Lake Ontario serves as the outlet to the Atlantic Ocean via the Saint Lawrence River, comprising the western end of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. The Long Sault control dam, primarily along with the Moses-Saunders Power Dam regulates the water level of the lake. Lake Ontario is the easternmost of the Great Lakes and the smallest in surface area , although it exceeds Lake Erie in volume . It is the 13th largest lake in the world. When its islands are included, the lake's shoreline is 712 miles long. As the last lake in the Great Lakes' hydrologic chain, Lake Ontario has the lowest mean surface elevation of the lakes at 243 feet above sea level; 326 feet lower than its neighbor upstream. Its maximum length is 193 statute miles , and its maximum width is 53 statute miles . The lake's average depth is 47 fathoms 1 foot , with a maximum depth of 133 fathoms 4 feet . The lake's primary source is the Niagara River, draining Lake Erie, with the Saint Lawrence River serving as the outlet. The drainage basin covers 24,720 square miles . As with all the Great Lakes, water levels change both within the year and among years . These water level fluctuations are an integral part of lake ecology and produce and maintain extensive wetlands. The lake also has an important freshwater fishery, although it has been negatively affected by factors including overfishing, water pollution and invasive species. Baymouth bars built by prevailing winds and currents have created a significant number of lagoons and sheltered harbors, mostly near Prince Edward County, Ontario, and the easternmost shores. Perhaps the best-known example is Toronto Bay, chosen as the site of the Upper Canada capital for its strategic harbor. Other prominent examples include Hamilton Harbour, Irondequoit Bay, Presqu'ile Bay, and Sodus Bay. The bars themselves are the sites of long beaches, such as Sandbanks Provincial Park and Sandy Island Beach State Park. These sand bars are often associated with large wetlands, which support large numbers of plant and animal species, as well as providing important rest areas for migratory birds. Presqu'ile, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, is particularly significant in this regard. One unique feature of the lake is the Z-shaped Bay of Quinte which separates Prince Edward County from the Ontario mainland, save for a 2-mile isthmus near Trenton; this feature also supports many wetlands and aquatic plants, as well as associated fisheries. The Ted Reeve Community Arena is a multi-purpose arena that is located on 175 Main Street and Gerrard Street East in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The building was opened in 1954 and named in commemoration to Canadian athlete Ted Reeve, and underwent repair work in 1997 Artscape Wychwood Barns is a community centre and park in the Bracondale Hill area of Toronto. The converted heritage building was built as a streetcar maintenance facility in 1913. It now contains artist housing and studios, public green space, a greenhouse, a farmer's market, a beach volleyball court, a theatre, a dog run, and office space for many local community groups. The site is a total of 5,574 square metres . Wychwood Barns is a former industrial complex of five buildings on 4.3 acres that has been converted into a community centre in an example of adaptive reuse. The original barns were built from 1913 to 1921. They are brick structures, two storeys high with an interior steel structure that was exposed.. Architect Joe Lobko and city councilor Joe Mihevc worked to transform the early 20th-century facility into a multipurpose space. Lobko, with the help of the community, was able to identify the activities missing in the area. He came up with a program of activities that can educate the community, promote partnerships with nonprofit organizations and allow Toronto's culture to grow. Lobko retained most of the exterior envelope, only adding a few additions of glazing. He programmed Barn 1 as private live-work studio and housing for community artists, while Barn 2 was made into a community gathering space. The space became a covered street that is two storeys high, 60 metres long, and 10 meters wide. Barns 3 and 4 are private-public spaces where non-profit organizations can operate. A greenhouse and community gardens are located in Barn 4. Finally, Barn 5 was stripped of its roof as well as south wall and remains exposed to the elements. All that remains is the steel structure that forms the arcade. In 1911, the City of Toronto created the Toronto Civic Railways to serve newly annexed neighbourhoods that the privately owned Toronto Railway Company refused to serve. The St. Clair Carhouse , was constructed to serve the TCR's St. Clair streetcar line. The first three-bay barn was built in 1913, and a second was added in 1916. In 1921, the Toronto Transportation Commission inherited the TCR and added three more barns, two with three bays plus a repair shop with two bays. Streetcars accessed the site from the main lines on St. Clair Avenue, just north of the barns, using tracks running south on Wychwood Avenue. A series of switches led to spur loops into the carhouse and to storage tracks on south side of the property. The facility closed as an active carhouse in 1978, but continued to be used for storage until the 1990s. The St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts is a performing arts theatre complex located in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Situated on Front Street one block east of Yonge Street, it was the City of Toronto's official centennial project, commemorating the 1967 Canadian Centennial. It houses two auditoriums, the 868-seat Bluma Appel Theatre and the 499-seat Jane Mallett Theatre. The centre is municipally owned and was operated from 1983 to 1987 by CentreStage Company . General managers of the St. Lawrence Centre have included Mavor Moore 1966-70, Leon Major 1970-80, Victor C. Polley 1980-1, Bruce Swerdfager 1981-5, Michael Noon circa 1985-94, David Wallett circa 1996-2007, and James Roe in 2007. The CA$2.6-million St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts was designed by Gordon S. Adamson and Associates. It opened on 2 February 1970 after eight years of planning and construction. The building originally housed the 863-seat "Theatre" and the 483-seat "Town Hall". The "Theatre" was initially adaptable for thrust stage, proscenium, and caliper formations, and was used for dramatic presentations until 1982, when it was redesigned by The Thom Partnership and the Theatre Projects Consultants. During the CA$5.3-million renovation, the thrust stage was removed, a balcony and boxes helped increase seating, and an optional orchestra pit was provided. It reopened on 19 March 1983 as the Bluma Appel Theatre, in honour of a major donor, Bluma Appel. Milliken Park railway station serves the west end of Johnstone and the south west of the village of Kilbarchan in Renfrewshire, Scotland. The station is managed by ScotRail and is on the Ayrshire Coast Line. The original Milliken Park station was opened on 21 July 1840 by the Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway and was known as Cochrane Mill. The station was renamed Milliken Park on 1 March 1853 and closed to passengers on 18 April 1966. The site of this station's goods yard is now a bus depot. The signal box remained in use until it was destroyed by fire in an act of vandalism on 1 March 1978. The current station opened on 15 May 1989, by British Rail to the south west of the original on the other side of new Cochranemill Road bridge next to the Corseford Housing Estate. Provision for the station had been made in the siting and construction of the overhead electrification equipment. The Glasgow - Ayr stopping trains call here every 30 minutes off-peak , with extra services at peak times. In the evening, there is an hourly service each way . Allan A. Lamport Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium on King Street West in the Liberty Village neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is the practice facility for the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League. It is also partial home for Canada national rugby league team. The playing surface of the 9,600 seating capacity stadium is also dually marked for soccer and field hockey. The stadium was named for long-time Toronto politician Allan Lamport, who was associated with sporting activities in the city. Lamport Stadium began construction during the winter of 1974 on the site of the Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women. Construction was completed on July 1, 1975. The stadium was originally set to open in April 1976 but was officially opened on September 19, 1976. As part of a deal with the city to convert BMO Field to natural grass, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment spent CA$1.2 million adding a winter bubble to Lamport Stadium in the winter of 2009-2010. MLSE manages the operations of the facility during the winter season, when the field is covered by the dome and community soccer programs are held. The home games of the semi-professional American football team Toronto Athletics Football Team were played at the stadium from 1993 to 1996. The team provided players looking to keep playing sought to be scouted by professional gridiron football teams. The Athletics won the Mid-Continental League Championship in 1993, and was ranked as high as 9th over all in the American Semi Professional Football Rankings in 1995. It could seat 4,000 spectators and could accommodate upwards of 10,000 standing. It was home to the Toronto Argonauts from 1874 to 1877, Toronto Football Club/Toronto Athletic Club 1879-1897 and again from 1908 to 1915. It hosted the Canadian Dominion Football Championship game in 1892, 1894, 1896, 1900, 1905 and 1908. The 3,400 seat stadium and field was originally owned by the Rosedale Golf Club . The grandstand is no longer standing; however, the field is still there and is used for soccer. The namesake golf course moved out in 1909 as The Scottish Ontario and Manitoba Land Company re-developed the area for residential homes. The current field is part of Rosedale Park, owned by the City of Toronto. The home of Rosedale Tennis Club is located in the northern portion of the park. An outdoor skating rink, two sets of tennis courts, a playground, wading pool, and a baseball field are also available in the park. Mooredale House uses the park for a soccer league and baseball league as well as a hockey league. The field is also home to the annual spring park party, Mayfair. The event typically consists of rides, games, flea market and other such carnival-type activities. The event is traditionally on the first Saturday in May. The event is run and funded by Mooredale House. Celebrations surrounding the 100th Grey Cup in 2012 began with the unveiling of a Heritage Toronto commemorative plaque at Rosedale Park. William McBrien Building is the administrative headquarters of the Toronto Transit Commission. Designed by Charles B. Dolphin and opened on February 7, 1958, the seven-storey building is located at 1900 Yonge Street above the Davisville subway station. The building is named for former TTC Chairman William C. McBrien who died in June 1954, shortly after the opening of the Yonge Subway. The TTC's Customer Service Centre is located on the ground floor of the building. The building is 28 metres wide, 50 metres long and contains 11,000 square metres of floor space. Its exterior is made of limestone quarried at Queenston, Ontario. The main-floor lobby is lined with light brown Italian marble. The building incorporates an entrance to Davisville subway station located below street level as well as bus bays at ground level. The building design allows for expansion from its current seven storeys to ten storeys. Prior to the opening of the McBrien Building, the TTC head office was in the old Toronto Board of Trade Building located at the north-east corner of Yonge and Front streets. This was the TTC's first permanent home since April 1922. The TTC outgrew the old building with its limited floor space, and starting in 1928, the TTC had to acquire space elsewhere. Starting in 1953, functions such as purchasing, safety, research, engineering, among others were moved to the J.G. Inglis Building at the Hillcrest Complex. In 1958, the executive, legal and treasury functions moved to the McBrien Building. In 2015, the TTC considered relocating from the building because of ongoing concerns about the state of the building and for head office staff to be in one location. Earlier plans to relocate to Yonge and York Mills had been rejected for costs. As of 2022, the TTC plans to move its headquarters out of the building in 2025, with a TTC master control centre remaining there until 2028. The move would consolidate office space and free up municipally-owned property for redevelopment. The city of Toronto intends to preserve the heritage aspects of the building. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Maps of Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> Toronto <s> Category:Maps of Toronto <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Toronto <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Toronto-related lists <p> category combines topics <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Category:Toronto-related lists <p> category contains <o> Wikimedia list article <s> Category:Toronto-related lists <p> category combines topics <o> Toronto <s> Category:Toronto-related lists <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia lists category <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Quito <p> country <o> Ecuador <s> Quito <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Quito <p> capital of <o> Ecuador <s> Quito <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> Quito <p> official language <o> Quichua <s> Quito <p> head of government <o> Pabel Muñoz <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Quito <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Quito <s> Quito <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraków <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Quito <p> capital of <o> Pichincha <s> Quito <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coral Gables <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Louisville <s> Quito <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from Quito <s> Quito <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Quito <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Quito <p> founded by <o> Sebastián de Belalcázar <s> Quito <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Quito <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Quito <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buxton <s> Quito <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Quito <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Quito Metro <s> Quito <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Quito <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Quito <p> patron saint <o> Virgin of Quito <s> Quito <p> capital of <o> Quito Metro <s> Quito <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Quito <p> patron saint <o> Francis of Assisi <s> Quito <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Quito <s> Quito <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Quito <s> Quito <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Quito <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Quito <p> flag <o> flag of Quito <s> Quito <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Quito <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Quito <s> Quito <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Quito <s> Quito <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Quito <s> Bishkek <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bishkek <s> Bishkek <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Bishkek <s> Bishkek <p> country <o> Kyrgyzstan <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Bishkek <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kyrgyzstan <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Kyrgyzstan <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astana <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Bishkek <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+06:00 <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Frunze European canton <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Chui Canton <s> Bishkek <p> language used <o> Dungan <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic <s> Bishkek <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bishkek <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bishkek <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Bishkek <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bishkek <s> Bishkek <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Bishkek <p> named after <o> Mikhail Frunze <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Kirghiz Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Kirgizkaya Autonomous Oblast <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Colorado Springs <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> Almaty <s> Bishkek <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bishkek <s> Bishkek <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Bishkek <p> twinned administrative body <o> İzmir <s> Bishkek <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bishkek <p> enclave within <o> Chuy Region <s> Bishkek <p> shares border with <o> Chuy Region <s> Bishkek <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bishkek <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Bishkek <p> capital of <o> Pishpeksky Uyezd <s> Bishkek <p> head of government <o> Aziz Surakmatov <s> Bishkek <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity of Kyrgyzstan <s> Bishkek <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bishkek <s> Bishkek <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ala-Archa River <s> Bishkek <p> award received <o> Order of Manas, 1st class <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Beurs van Berlage <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> The Jewish Bride <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Woman in Blue Reading a Letter <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> The Night Watch <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Johan Cruyff Arena <s> Amsterdam <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Driemond <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Holysloot <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Oud Osdorp <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Sloten <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Zunderdorp <s> Amsterdam <p> has works in the collection <o> Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Olympic Stadium <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Amsterdam <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> City of Brussels <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Ransdorp <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> 't Nopeind <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Het Schouw <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Schellingwoude <s> Amsterdam <p> capital <o> Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Syndics of the Drapers' Guild <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Sportpark De Toekomst <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Sporthallen Zuid <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Sportpark Sloten <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Former town hall of Nieuwer-Amstel <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Waternet <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Amsterdam <p> list of monuments <o> list of national monuments in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Ruigoord <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Durgerdam <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Sloterdijk <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Moscow <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Amsterdam <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Government of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> list of monuments <o> list of war memorials in Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> described by source <o> Amsterdam Time Machine <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Copenhagen <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Portrait of Maritge Claesdr Vooght (....-1644) <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Peasant Kermis <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Keizersgracht 609 <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> The Sculpture Gallery of the Felix Meritis Society <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> Museum van der Hoop <s> Amsterdam <p> owner of <o> The Old Town Hall of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> motto <o> Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig <s> Amsterdam <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> North Holland <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> Amsterdam <p> visitor center <o> Stichting Amsterdam Marketing <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beijing <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brasília <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riga <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Managua <s> Amsterdam <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Amstelveen <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Diemen <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude <s> Amsterdam <p> contains settlement <o> Weesp <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nicosia <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Landsmeer <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Haarlemmermeer <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bogotá <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tel Aviv <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Muiden <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Oostzaan <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cannes <s> Amsterdam <p> named after <o> Amstel <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Delfzijl <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam-West <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam-Noord <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam Nieuw-West <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam-Oost <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam-Centrum <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Amstel <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Ouder-Amstel <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Westpoort <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Amsterdam–Rhine Canal <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam-Zuidoost <s> Amsterdam <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam-Zuid <s> Amsterdam <p> head of government <o> Femke Halsema <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Haarlemmertrekvaart <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Noordhollandsch Kanaal <s> Amsterdam <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> municipality of the Netherlands <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Buiksloterkanaal <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Zijkanaal I <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Hoornsloot <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nador <s> Amsterdam <p> flag <o> flag of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Schinkel <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Kostverlorenvaart <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ringvaart <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ringvaart <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Duivendrechtsevaart <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gaasp <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Almere <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Zaanstad <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> De Ronde Venen <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Realengracht <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Slotervaart <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Gooise Meren <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Weesp <s> Amsterdam <p> shares border with <o> Waterland <s> Amsterdam <p> executive body <o> college van burgemeester en wethouders of Amsterdam <s> Amsterdam <p> named after <o> levee <s> Amsterdam <p> located in or next to body of water <o> North Sea Canal <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eskişehir <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manchester <s> Amsterdam <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vancouver <s> Chongqing <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Yangtze <s> Chongqing <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Chongqing <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Chongqing <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> has part(s) <o> Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Antwerp <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hiroshima <s> Chongqing <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Canton of Zürich <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Detroit <s> Chongqing <p> part of <o> South Central China <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brisbane <s> Chongqing <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Chongqing <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Chongqing <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Southwestern China <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chennai <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Addis Ababa <s> Chongqing <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mpumalanga <s> Chongqing <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> People's Republic of China <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba Province <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Onomichi <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Incheon <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nuevo León <s> Chongqing <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People from Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> highest point <o> Mount Guangtou <s> Chongqing <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Chongqing <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zaporizhzhia Oblast <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sør-Trøndelag <s> Chongqing <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Salvador <s> Chongqing <p> language used <o> Western Xiangxi Miao <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Phnom Penh <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vladimir <s> Chongqing <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> language used <o> Eastern Xiangxi Miao <s> Chongqing <p> language used <o> Northern Tujia <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Düsseldorf <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bissau <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seattle <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leicester <s> Chongqing <p> present in work <o> Hitman 3 <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nakhchivan <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yubei District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhong County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiangjin District <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shiraz <s> Chongqing <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Wu River <s> Chongqing <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Jialing River <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Voronezh <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chiang Mai <s> Chongqing <p> instance of <o> city <s> Chongqing <p> capital <o> Yuzhong District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dadukou District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nan'an District <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pekanbaru City <s> Chongqing <p> shares border with <o> Guizhou <s> Chongqing <p> shares border with <o> Hubei <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Changshou District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beibei District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shapingba District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fengdu County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dazu District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qijiang District <s> Chongqing <p> named after <o> Emperor Guangzong of Song <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aswan <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bishan District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiulongpo District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yuzhong District <s> Chongqing <p> party chief representative <o> Chen Min'er <s> Chongqing <p> shares border with <o> Shaanxi <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wanzhou <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Qianjiang District <s> Chongqing <p> instance of <o> direct-administered municipality <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dianjiang County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chengkou County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yongchuan District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nanchuan District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hechuan District <s> Chongqing <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toulouse <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rongchang District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wushan County, Chongqing <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wulong District <s> Chongqing <p> party chief representative <o> Yuan Jiajun <s> Chongqing <p> legislative body <o> Chongqing Municipal People's Congress <s> Chongqing <p> executive body <o> People's Government of Chongqing Municipality <s> Chongqing <p> shares border with <o> Sichuan <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tongliang District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiushan Tujia and Miao Autonomous County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fengjie County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yunyang County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Banan District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fuling District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiangbei District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liangping District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tongnan County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wuxi County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kaizhou District <s> Chongqing <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County <s> Chongqing <p> shares border with <o> Hunan <s> Chongqing <p> head of government <o> Huang Qifan <s> Chongqing <p> head of government <o> Hu Henghua <s> Vaughan <p> head of government <o> Maurizio Bevilacqua <s> Vaughan <p> head of government <o> Steven Del Duca <s> Vaughan <p> country <o> Canada <s> Vaughan <p> instance of <o> city <s> Vaughan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yakutsk <s> Vaughan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yangzhou <s> Vaughan <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Vaughan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lanciano <s> Vaughan <p> shares border with <o> Richmond Hill <s> Vaughan <p> shares border with <o> Brampton <s> Vaughan <p> shares border with <o> Markham <s> Vaughan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sora <s> Vaughan <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Vaughan <p> instance of <o> Category:Suburban communities in Canada <s> Vaughan <p> shares border with <o> Caledon <s> Vaughan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of York <s> Vaughan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ramla <s> Vaughan <p> shares border with <o> King <s> Vaughan <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Vaughan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Delia <s> Vaughan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sanjo <s> Vaughan <p> legislative body <o> Vaughan City Council <s> Vaughan <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Vaughan <s> Vaughan <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Vaughan <s> Vaughan <p> instance of <o> lower-tier municipality <s> Vaughan <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Vaughan <s> Vaughan <p> named after <o> Benjamin Vaughan <s> Vaughan <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Vaughan <s> Vaughan <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vaughan <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> country <o> Canada <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> part of <o> Greater Toronto Area <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Regional Municipality of York <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> replaces <o> County of York <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> capital <o> Newmarket <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Markham <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaughan <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from York Region <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> owner of <o> Vaughan Mills Terminal <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> owner of <o> Cornell Terminal <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aurora <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> headquarters location <o> Newmarket <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Richmond Hill <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Newmarket <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> instance of <o> upper-tier municipality <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> instance of <o> regional municipality of Ontario <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> shares border with <o> Regional Municipality of Durham <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> shares border with <o> Regional Municipality of Peel <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> King <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> East Gwillimbury <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Whitchurch–Stouffville <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> shares border with <o> Simcoe County <s> Regional Municipality of York <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Georgina <s> Brampton <p> country <o> Canada <s> Brampton <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Brampton <p> shares border with <o> Vaughan <s> Brampton <p> instance of <o> city <s> Brampton <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of Peel <s> Brampton <p> shares border with <o> Mississauga <s> Brampton <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Brampton <p> capital of <o> Regional Municipality of Peel <s> Brampton <p> shares border with <o> Caledon <s> Brampton <p> twinned administrative body <o> Benxi <s> Brampton <p> instance of <o> lower-tier municipality <s> Brampton <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Brampton <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Brampton <s> Brampton <p> archives at <o> Region of Peel Archives <s> Brampton <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Brampton <s> Brampton <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People born in Brampton (Ontario) <s> Brampton <p> owner of <o> Brampton Transit <s> Brampton <p> owner of <o> CAA Centre <s> Brampton <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Brampton <s> Brampton <p> legislative body <o> Brampton City Council <s> Markham <p> country <o> Canada <s> Markham <p> continent <o> North America <s> Markham <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Markham <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cary <s> Markham <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nördlingen <s> Markham <p> shares border with <o> Pickering <s> Markham <p> shares border with <o> Whitchurch–Stouffville <s> Markham <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Markham <p> instance of <o> city <s> Markham <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Markham <p> legal form <o> municipal corporation <s> Markham <p> instance of <o> lower-tier municipality <s> Markham <p> named after <o> John Markham <s> Markham <p> legislative body <o> Markham City Council <s> Markham <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of York <s> Markham <p> shares border with <o> Richmond Hill <s> Markham <p> shares border with <o> Vaughan <s> Markham <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Markham, Ontario <s> Markham <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Markham, Ontario <s> Markham <p> owner of <o> Markham Pan Am Centre <s> Markham <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Markham <s> Markham <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Markham </Graph>
<Text> :Quito , officially San Francisco de Quito, is the capital of Ecuador, with an estimated population of 2.8 million in its metropolitan area. It is also the capital of the province of Pichincha. Quito is located in a valley on the eastern slopes of Pichincha, an active stratovolcano in the Andes. Quito's elevation of 2,850 m makes it either the highest or the second highest capital city in the world. This varied standing is because Bolivia is a country with multiple capitals; if La Paz is considered the Bolivian national capital, it tops the list of highest capitals, but if Sucre is specified as the capital, then it is the second highest, behind Quito. Quito is the political and cultural center of Ecuador as the country's major governmental, administrative, and cultural institutions are located within the city. The majority of transnational companies with a presence in Ecuador are headquartered there. It is also one of the country's two major industrial centers--the port city of Guayaquil being the other one. The date of its first habitation is unknown, but archaeological evidence suggests that it was first settled by sedentary populations between 4400 and 1600 BC. In the late fifteenth century, the Inca Emperor Huayna Capac defeated the Quitu, the region's original inhabitants, and incorporated Quito into the Inca Empire, designating it into the capital of the Inca Empire's northern region. The Spanish conquest of the city in 1534 is the date most frequently cited as the city's official founding, making Quito the oldest capital in South America. Bishkek , formerly Pishpek and Frunze, is the capital and largest city of Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek is also the administrative centre of the Chuy Region. The region surrounds the city, although the city itself is not part of the region but rather a region-level unit of Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek is situated near the border with Kazakhstan and has a population of 1,074,075, as of 2021. Bishkek is the primate city of Kyrgyzstan--it is the sole metropolis in the country, and about 17% of all inhabitants of the country live in Bishkek's metropolitan area. The Khanate of Kokand established the fortress of Pishpek in 1825 to control local caravan routes and to collect tribute from Kyrgyz tribes. On 4 September 1860, with the approval of the Kyrgyz, Russian forces led by Colonel Apollon Zimmermann destroyed the fortress. In the present day, the fortress ruins can be found just north of Jibek jolu street, near the new main mosque. A Russian settlement was established in 1868 on the site of the fortress under its original name, Pishpek. It lay within the General Governorship of Russian Turkestan and its Semirechye Oblast. The Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast was established in 1925 in Russian Turkestan, promoting Pishpek to its capital. In 1926, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union renamed the city Frunze, after Bolshevik military leader Mikhail Frunze , who was born there. Frunze became the capital of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic in 1936, during the final stages of national delimitation in the Soviet Union. In 1991, the Kyrgyz parliament changed the capital's name to Bishkek. Bishkek is situated at an altitude of about 800 metres , just off the northern fringe of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too Range, an extension of the Tian Shan mountain range. These mountains rise to a height of 4,895 metres . North of the city, a fertile and gently undulating steppe extends far north into neighbouring Kazakhstan. The river Chuy drains most of the area. Bishkek is connected to the Turkestan-Siberia Railway by a spur line. Amsterdam is the capital and most populated city of the Netherlands. It has a population of 921,402 within the city proper, 1,457,018 in the urban area and 2,480,394 in the metropolitan area. Located in the Dutch province of North Holland, Amsterdam is colloquially referred to as the "Venice of the North", for its large number of canals, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Amsterdam was founded at the mouth of the Amstel River that was dammed to control flooding. Originally a small fishing village in the 12th century, Amsterdam became a major world port during the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century, when the Netherlands was an economic powerhouse. Amsterdam was the leading centre for finance and trade, as well as a hub of secular art production. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the city expanded and new neighborhoods and suburbs were built. The city has a long tradition of openness, liberalism, and tolerance. Cycling is key to the city's modern character, and there are numerous biking paths and lanes spread throughout. Amsterdam's main attractions include its historic canals; the Rijksmuseum, the state museum with Dutch Golden Age art; the Van Gogh Museum; the Dam Square, where the Royal Palace of Amsterdam and former city hall are located; the Amsterdam Museum; Stedelijk Museum, with modern art; the Concertgebouw concert hall; the Anne Frank House; the Scheepvaartmuseum, the Natura Artis Magistra; Hortus Botanicus, NEMO, the red-light district and cannabis coffee shops. The city is known for its nightlife and festival activity; with several nightclubs among the world's most famous. Its artistic heritage, canals and narrow canal houses with gabled facades; well-preserved legacies of the city's 17th-century Golden Age, have attracted millions of visitors annually. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange, founded in 1602, is considered the oldest "modern" securities market stock exchange in the world. As the commercial capital of the Netherlands and one of the top financial centres in Europe, Amsterdam is considered an alpha world city. The city is the cultural capital of the Netherlands. Many large Dutch institutions have their headquarters in the city. Many of the world's largest companies are based here or have established their European headquarters in the city, such as technology companies Uber, Netflix and Tesla. In 2022, Amsterdam was ranked the ninth-best city to live in by the Economist Intelligence Unit and 12th on quality of living for environment and infrastructure by Mercer. The city was ranked 4th place globally as top tech hub in 2019. The Port of Amsterdam is the fifth largest in Europe. The KLM hub and Amsterdam's main airport, Schiphol, is the busiest airport in the Netherlands, third in Europe, and 11th in the world. The Dutch capital is one of the most multicultural cities in the world, with about 180 nationalities represented. Immigration and ethnic segregation in Amsterdam is a current issue. Chongqing is a major city in the People's Republic of China. Chongqing is a connection in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and a base for China's Belt and Road Initiative. Administratively, it is one of the four municipalities under the direct administration of the Central People's Government , and the only such municipality located deep inland. It is therefore not administratively part of Sichuan province. The municipality of Chongqing, roughly the size of Austria or the French region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, includes the city of Chongqing as well as various discontiguous cities. Due to a classification technicality, Chongqing municipality can claim to be the largest city proper in the world--though it does not have the world's largest urban area. Chongqing is the only city in China with a permanent population of over 30 million, however this number includes a large rural population. As of 2022, Chongqing is the largest Chinese city by urban population, with a population of 22.80 million. According to the 2010 census, Chongqing is the most populous Chinese municipality, and also the largest direct-controlled municipality in China, containing 26 districts, eight counties, and four autonomous counties. During the Republic of China era, Chongqing served as its wartime capital during the Second Sino-Japanese War . The current municipality was separated from Sichuan province on 14 March 1997 to help develop the central and western parts of China. As one of China's National Central Cities, it serves as a financial center of the Sichuan Basin and the upstream Yangtze and is a major manufacturing and transportation center. Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, a major aviation hub serving Chongqing metropolitan areas and Western China, is one of the top 50 busiest airports in the world,and the second busiest airport in China. The city's monorail system is the world's longest and busiest monorail system with the greatest number of stations . Chongqing is ranked as a Beta city. Chongqing is the headquarters of the Changan Automobile, one of the "Big Four" car manufacturers of China. As of 2023, the city also hosts 12 foreign representations, the fifth most in China behind Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chengdu. Vaughan is a city in Ontario, Canada. It is located in the Regional Municipality of York, just north of Toronto. Vaughan was the fastest-growing municipality in Canada between 1996 and 2006 with its population increasing by 80.2% during this time period and having nearly doubled in population since 1991. It is the fifth-largest city in the Greater Toronto Area, and the 17th-largest city in Canada. In the late pre-contact period, the Huron-Wendat people populated what is today Vaughan. The Skandatut ancestral Wendat village overlooked the east branch of the Humber River and was once home to approximately 2,000 Huron in the sixteenth century. The site is close to a Huron ossuary uncovered in Kleinburg in 1970, and one kilometre north of the Seed-Barker Huron site. The first European to pass through Vaughan was the French explorer Etienne Brule, who traversed the Humber Trail in 1615. However, it was not until townships were created in 1792 that Vaughan began to see European settlements, as it was considered to be extremely remote and the lack of roads through the region made travel difficult. Despite the hardships of pioneer life, settlers came to Vaughan in considerable numbers. The population grew from 19 men, 5 women, and 30 children in 1800 to 4,300 in 1840. The first people to arrive were mainly Pennsylvania Germans, with a smaller number of families of English descent and a group of French Royalists. This migration from the United States was by 1814 superseded by immigrants from Britain. While many of their predecessors had been agriculturalists, the newer immigrants were highly skilled tradespeople, useful for a growing community. The Regional Municipality of York, also called York Region, is a regional municipality in Southern Ontario, Canada, between Lake Simcoe and Toronto. The region was established after the passing of then Bill 102, An Act to Establish The Regional Municipality of York, in 1970. It replaced the former York County in 1971, and is part of the Greater Toronto Area and the inner ring of the Golden Horseshoe. The regional government is headquartered in Newmarket. The 2021 census population was 1,173,334, with a growth rate of 5.7% from 2016. The Government of Ontario expects its population to surpass 1.5 million residents by 2031. The largest cities in York Region are Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill. At a meeting in Richmond Hill on May 6, 1970, officials representing the municipalities of York County approved plans for the creation of a regional government entity to replace York County. The plan had been presented in 1969 by Darcy McKeough, the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs, taking about a year to determine municipal boundaries within the new regional government. The Regional Municipality of York was created by Act of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in 1970 , which took effect on January 1, 1971. The creation of the regional municipality resulted in the consolidation of the fourteen former municipalities of York County into nine new municipalities: Brampton is a city in the Canadian province of Ontario. It is part of the Greater Toronto Area and is a lower-tier municipality within Peel Region. The city has a population of 656,480 as of the 2021 Census, making it the ninth most populous municipality in Canada and the third most populous city in the Greater Golden Horseshoe urban area, behind Toronto and Mississauga. Before the arrival of British settlers, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation held 648,000 acres of land north of the head of the Lake Purchase lands and extending to the unceded territory of the Chippewa of Lakes Huron and Simcoe. European settlers began to arrive in the area in the 1600s. In October 1818, the chief of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation signed Treaty 19, also known as the Ajetance Purchase, surrendering the area to the British Crown. Prior to the 1830s, most business in Chinguacousy Township took place at Martin Salisbury's tavern. One mile from the corner of Hurontario Street and the 5th Sideroad , William Buffy's tavern was the only significant building. At the time, the intersection was referred to as "Buffy's Corners". By 1834, John Elliott laid out the area in lots for sale, calling it "Brampton", which was soon adopted by others. In 1853, a small agricultural fair was set up by the newly initiated County Agricultural Society of the County of Peel and was held at the corner of Main and Queen streets. Grains, produce, roots, and dairy products were up for sale. Horses and cattle, along with other lesser livestock, were also sold at the market. This agricultural fair eventually became the modern Brampton Fall Fair. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> country <o> Canada <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> capital <o> Brampton <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> shares border with <o> Regional Municipality of York <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brampton <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mississauga <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caledon <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> instance of <o> upper-tier municipality <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> instance of <o> regional municipality of Ontario <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> open data portal <o> Region of Peel Data Portal <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> archives at <o> Region of Peel Archives <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> shares border with <o> Wellington County <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> shares border with <o> Simcoe County <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> owner of <o> Peel County Courthouse <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> owner of <o> 10 Peel Centre Drive <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Regional Municipality of Peel <s> Regional Municipality of Peel <p> replaces <o> Peel County <s> Mississauga <p> open data portal <o> Mississauga Open Data Portal <s> Mississauga <p> country <o> Canada <s> Mississauga <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Mississauga <p> instance of <o> city <s> Mississauga <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Mississauga <s> Mississauga <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Mississauga <s> Mississauga <p> instance of <o> lower-tier municipality <s> Mississauga <p> named after <o> Mississaugas <s> Mississauga <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kariya <s> Mississauga <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Ontario <s> Mississauga <p> legislative body <o> Mississauga City Council <s> Mississauga <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Mississauga <p> shares border with <o> Brampton <s> Mississauga <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Mississauga <s> Mississauga <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Mississauga <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Paramount Fine Foods Centre <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Meadowvale Town Centre Bus Terminal <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Central Parkway <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Mississauga City Centre Transit Terminal <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Dixie <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Cawthra <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Trillium Health Centre <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Spectrum <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Credit Valley Hospital <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> South Common Centre Bus Terminal <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Etobicoke Creek <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Tomken <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Orbitor <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Tahoe <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Erin Mills Town Centre Bus Terminal <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Living Arts Centre <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Dixie Outlet Mall <s> Mississauga <p> owner of <o> Sheridan Centre Bus Terminal <s> Mississauga <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tangerang City <s> Mississauga <p> shares border with <o> Halton Hills <s> Mississauga <p> shares border with <o> Milton <s> Mississauga <p> shares border with <o> Oakville <s> Mississauga <p> archives at <o> Region of Peel Archives <s> Mississauga <p> part of <o> Regional Municipality of Peel <s> Mississauga <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mississauga <s> Mississauga <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of Peel <s> Mississauga <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Mississauga <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Mississauga <s> Mississauga <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Mississauga <s> Eilat <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Eilat from Aqaba <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Eilat <p> country <o> Israel <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Eilat <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Eilat <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Eilat <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Red Sea <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arica <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sopron <s> Eilat <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gulf of Aqaba <s> Eilat <p> part of <o> Negev <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Smolyan <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karlovy Vary <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Durban <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kampen <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ushuaia <s> Eilat <p> located in time zone <o> daylight saving time <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Benidorm <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kamen <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yalta <s> Eilat <p> instance of <o> city council <s> Eilat <p> instance of <o> emporia <s> Eilat <p> head of government <o> Meir Yitzhak Halevi <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Serres <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yinchuan <s> Eilat <p> located in time zone <o> Israel time zone <s> Eilat <p> located in time zone <o> Israel Summer Time <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Palanga <s> Eilat <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beersheba Subdistrict <s> Eilat <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Aqaba from Eilat <s> Eilat <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Eilat <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sorrento <s> Eilat <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Eilat <s> Eilat <p> owner of <o> Eilat Sports Center <s> Eilat <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Eilat <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Eilat <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Piešťany <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Acapulco <s> Eilat <p> twinned administrative body <o> Antibes <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Yamato <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Yamakita <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Hachioji <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Machida <s> Sagamihara <p> country <o> Japan <s> Sagamihara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuxi <s> Sagamihara <p> official symbol <o> Eurasian Skylark <s> Sagamihara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Sagamihara <p> head of government <o> Kentarō Motomura <s> Sagamihara <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Sagamino plateau <s> Sagamihara <p> anthem <o> Sagamihara Shimin no Uta <s> Sagamihara <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Sagami <s> Sagamihara <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Sagamihara <s> Sagamihara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Scarborough <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Asamizo <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Zama <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Tana <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Shiroyama <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Tsukui <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Ōno <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Kamimizo <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Ōsawa <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Aihara <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Sagamiko <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Araiso <s> Sagamihara <p> named after <o> Sagami Province <s> Sagamihara <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Uba River <s> Sagamihara <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Atsu River <s> Sagamihara <p> instance of <o> city designated by government ordinance <s> Sagamihara <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Sagamihara <p> instance of <o> satellite city <s> Sagamihara <p> instance of <o> city of Japan <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Uenohara <s> Sagamihara <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trail <s> Sagamihara <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chūō-ku <s> Sagamihara <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Minami-ku <s> Sagamihara <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 14th district <s> Sagamihara <p> associated electoral district <o> Kanagawa 16th district <s> Sagamihara <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Sagamihara <s> Sagamihara <p> replaced by <o> Zama <s> Sagamihara <p> legal form <o> ordinary local public entity <s> Sagamihara <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Kanagawa Prefecture <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Zama <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Kiyokawa <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Aikawa <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Hinohara <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Doshi <s> Sagamihara <p> shares border with <o> Atsugi <s> Sagamihara <p> legislative body <o> Sagamihara City Council <s> Sagamihara <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Sagamihara, Kanagawa <s> Sagamihara <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Sagamihara <s> Sagamihara <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Sagamihara <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Tama Hills <s> Sagamihara <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Midori-ku <s> Sagamihara <p> official symbol <o> Hydrangea macrophylla <s> Sagamihara <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sagamihara <s> Sagamihara <p> replaces <o> Fujino <s> Sagamihara <p> official symbol <o> Zelkova serrata <s> Sagamihara <p> official color <o> green <s> Serra San Bruno <p> country <o> Italy <s> Serra San Bruno <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toronto <s> Serra San Bruno <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Vibo Valentia <s> Serra San Bruno <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Serra San Bruno <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Serra San Bruno <p> shares border with <o> Arena <s> Serra San Bruno <p> shares border with <o> Gerocarne <s> Serra San Bruno <p> shares border with <o> Stilo <s> Serra San Bruno <p> shares border with <o> Spadola <s> Serra San Bruno <p> shares border with <o> Simbario <s> Serra San Bruno <p> capital <o> Serra San Bruno <s> Serra San Bruno <p> patron saint <o> Bruno of Cologne <s> Serra San Bruno <p> shares border with <o> Mongiana <s> Serra San Bruno <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Serra San Bruno <p> seismic classification <o> 1 <s> Serra San Bruno <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Serra San Bruno <s> Serra San Bruno <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Serra San Bruno <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> country <o> Canada <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Regional Municipality of Durham <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ajax <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pickering <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> shares border with <o> Kawartha Lakes <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oshawa <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clarington <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> instance of <o> census division of Canada <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> instance of <o> regional municipality of Ontario <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> instance of <o> upper-tier municipality <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brock <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Uxbridge <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Scugog <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> shares border with <o> Northumberland County <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> shares border with <o> Regional Municipality of York <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Whitby <s> Regional Municipality of Durham <p> shares border with <o> Simcoe County <s> Pickering <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pickering, Ontario <s> Pickering <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Pickering, Ontario <s> Pickering <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Pickering, Ontario <s> Pickering <p> country <o> Canada <s> Pickering <p> shares border with <o> Toronto <s> Pickering <p> shares border with <o> Ajax <s> Pickering <p> shares border with <o> Whitby <s> Pickering <p> shares border with <o> Markham <s> Pickering <p> instance of <o> city <s> Pickering <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Ontario <s> Pickering <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Regional Municipality of Durham <s> Pickering <p> instance of <o> lower-tier municipality <s> Pickering <p> shares border with <o> Uxbridge <s> Pickering <p> shares border with <o> Whitchurch–Stouffville <s> Pickering <p> shares border with <o> Scugog <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> instance of <o> human <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> military rank <o> lieutenant general <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> given name <o> John <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> conflict <o> American Revolutionary War <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> conflict <o> Siege of Boston <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> educated at <o> Merton College <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> educated at <o> Eton College <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> position held <o> member of the 17th Parliament of Great Britain <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> country of citizenship <o> United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> place of burial <o> Wolford Chapel <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> place of death <o> Exeter <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> child <o> Henry Simcoe <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> occupation <o> politician <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> family name <o> Simcoe <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> conflict <o> Battle of Crooked Billet <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> commander of (DEPRECATED) <o> Cheshire Regiment <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> military branch <o> British Army <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> position held <o> lieutenant governor <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> spouse <o> Elizabeth Simcoe <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> place of birth <o> Cotterstock <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:John Graves Simcoe <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> described by source <o> Dictionary of National Biography, 1885–1900 <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> described by source <o> Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715–1886 <s> John Graves Simcoe <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> flag of Toronto <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Toronto <s> flag of Toronto <p> country <o> Canada <s> flag of Toronto <p> depicts <o> maple leaf <s> flag of Toronto <p> color <o> blue <s> flag of Toronto <p> color <o> white <s> flag of Toronto <p> instance of <o> municipal flag <s> flag of Toronto <p> aspect ratio (W:H) <o> 3:2 <s> flag of Toronto <p> color <o> red <s> Don River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Don River <p> country <o> Canada <s> Don River <p> tributary <o> German Mills Creek <s> Don River <p> tributary <o> Castle Frank Brook <s> Don River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Lake Ontario <s> Don River <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Don River (Ontario) <s> Don River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Don River <p> drainage basin <o> Lake Ontario drainage basin <s> Don River <p> tributary <o> Taylor-Massey Creek </Graph>
<Text> :The Regional Municipality of Peel is a regional municipality in the Greater Toronto Area, Southern Ontario, Canada. It consists of three municipalities to the west and northwest of the city of Toronto: the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the town of Caledon, each of which spans its full east-west width. The regional seat is in Brampton. With a population of about 1.5 million, Peel Region's growth can be credited largely to immigration and transportation infrastructure: seven 400-series highways serve the region and most of Toronto Pearson International Airport is located within its boundaries. Mississauga, which occupies the southernmost portion of the region with over 800,000 residents, is the largest in population in Peel Region and is overall the seventh-largest lower-tier municipality in Canada. It reaches from Lake Ontario north to near Highway 407. Brampton, a city with over 600,000 residents, is located in the centre of the region, while in the north lies the town of Caledon, which is by far the largest town in the area and the most sparsely populated part of the region. The area was first settled in the early 1800s after being divided into townships in 1805; some of the townships came into existence later . County of Peel was formed in 1851. It was named after Sir Robert Peel, the nineteenth-century Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Mississauga , historically known as Toronto Township, is a Canadian city in the province of Ontario, situated on the western shore of Lake Ontario in the Regional Municipality of Peel, adjoining the western border of Toronto. With a population of 717,961 as of 2021, Mississauga is the seventh-most populous municipality in Canada, third-most in Ontario, and second-most in the Greater Toronto Area after Toronto itself. However, for the first time in its history, the city's population declined according to the 2021 census, from a 2016 population of 721,599 to 717,961, a 0.5 per cent decrease. The growth of Mississauga was attributed to its proximity to Toronto. During the latter half of the 20th century, the city attracted a multicultural population and built up a thriving central business district. Malton, a neighbourhood of the city located in its northeast end, is home to Toronto Pearson International Airport, Canada's busiest airport, as well as the headquarters of many Canadian and multinational corporations. Mississauga is not a traditional city, but is instead an amalgamation of three former villages, two townships, and a number of rural hamlets that were significant population centres, with none being clearly dominant, prior to the city's incorporation that later coalesced into a single urban area. Indigenous people have lived in the area for thousands of years and Mississauga is situated on the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabeg people, including the namesake Mississaugas. Most of present-day Mississauga was founded in 1805 as Toronto Township within York County, and became part of Peel County when new counties were formed by splitting off parts of the original county in 1851. Mississauga itself was established in 1968 as a town, and was reincorporated as a city in 1974, when Peel was restructured into a regional municipality. A single site in Mississauga with Hi-Lo projectile points was registered in the Ontario Ministry of Culture database of archaeological sites. Lake Ontario was much smaller at this time, and sites from this period may be 500 m into the lake. Eilat is Israel's southernmost city, with a population of 52,753, a busy port and popular resort at the northern tip of the Red Sea, on what is known in Israel as the Gulf of Eilat and in Jordan as the Gulf of Aqaba. The city is considered a tourist destination for domestic and international tourists heading to Israel. Eilat is part of the Southern Negev Desert, at the southern end of the Arabah, adjacent to the Egyptian resort city of Taba to the south, the Jordanian port city of Aqaba to the east, and within sight of Haql, Saudi Arabia, across the gulf to the southeast. Eilat's arid desert climate and low humidity are moderated by proximity to a warm sea. Temperatures often exceed 40 degC in summer, and 21 degC in winter, while water temperatures range between 20 and 26 degC . Eilat averages 360 sunny days a year. The name Eilat was given to the abandoned frontier post of Umm al-Rashrash in 1949 by the Committee for the Designation of Place-Names in the Negev, referring to Elath, a location mentioned in the Hebrew Bible that is thought to be located nearby in modern Jordan. One committee member, Yeshayahu Press, stated "when the real Eilat finally is in our hands, our settlement will expand and reach over to there." Sagamihara is a city in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. As of 1 May 2021, the city has an estimated population of 723,470, with 334,812 households, and a population density of 1,220 persons per km2. The total area of the city is 328.91 square kilometres . Sagamihara is the third-most-populous city in the prefecture, after Yokohama and Kawasaki, and the fifth most populous suburb of the Greater Tokyo Area. Its northern neighbor is Machida, with which a cross-prefectural merger has been proposed. Sagamihara covers a large area of northwestern Kanagawa Prefecture. The main areas of commercial activity in Sagamihara are located near Hashimoto Station on the JR East Yokohama Line and Keio Sagamihara Line; Sagamihara Station on the Yokohama Line; and Sagami-Ono Station on the Odakyu Odawara Line. Western Sagamihara is within the Tanzawa Mountains. Sagamihara has a humid subtropical climate characterized by warm summers and cool winters with light to no snowfall. The average annual temperature in Sagamihara is 12.6 degC. The average annual rainfall is 1906 mm with September as the wettest month. The temperatures are highest on average in August, at around 23.9 degC, and lowest in January, at around 1.2 degC. The area of modern Sagamihara has been settled since ancient times, and has a number of remains from the Japanese Paleolithic period and Kofun period have been found. It was home to the Yokoyama clan, one of the seven warrior clans of the Musashi region during the early Kamakura period. During the Edo period, the lands around Sagamihara were tenryo territory theoretically administered directly by the Tokugawa Shogunate in Edo; however, in reality, the area was a patchwork of small fiefs held by various hatamoto, as well as exclaves under the control of the Ogino-Yamanaka Domain and Karasuyama Domain. Serra San Bruno is a comune in the Province of Vibo Valentia in the Italian region Calabria, located about 40 kilometres southwest of Catanzaro and about 25 kilometres southeast of Vibo Valentia. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 6,966 and an area of 39.6 square kilometres . Close by is the famous Carthusian monastery, Serra San Bruno Charterhouse , around which the town grew up. The town is named after Saint Bruno of Cologne, who founded the Carthusian Order in 1053 and the Grande Chartreuse, mother house of the Carthusians, near Grenoble, in France. He built the charterhouse of Serra San Bruno in 1095, and died here in 1101. The Regional Municipality of Durham , informally referred to as Durham Region, is a regional municipality in Southern Ontario, Canada. Located east of Toronto and the Regional Municipality of York, Durham forms the east-end of the Greater Toronto Area and part of the Golden Horseshoe region. It has an area of approximately 2,500 km2 . The regional government is headquartered in Whitby. The southern portion of the region, on Lake Ontario is primarily suburban in nature, forming the eastern end of the 905 area code belt of suburbs around Toronto. The northern area comprises rural areas and small towns. The city of Pickering, town of Ajax and the township of Uxbridge are part of the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, while the communities of Oshawa, Whitby, and Clarington comprise the Oshawa Census Metropolitan Area. The Region of Durham was established in 1974 as one of several new regional governments in the Province of Ontario, primarily in fast-growing urban and suburban areas. It encompasses areas that had been part of Ontario County and the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, and was the culmination of a series of studies into municipal governance in the "Oshawa-Centred Region" that had begun in the late 1960s. The boundaries of the region were different from what had been anticipated and announced in late 1972. For example, it was widely expected that Pickering would be annexed to Metropolitan Toronto, which residents had supported in a ballot question. In addition, the region was proposed to extend further east to include Hope Township and the town of Port Hope, and did not include the northern townships of Scott, Brock and Thorah. John Graves Simcoe was a British Army general and the first lieutenant governor of Upper Canada from 1791 until 1796 in southern Ontario and the watersheds of Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. He founded York, which is now known as Toronto, and was instrumental in introducing institutions such as courts of law, trial by jury, English common law, and freehold land tenure, and also in the abolition of slavery in Upper Canada. His long-term goal was the development of Upper Canada as a model community built on aristocratic and conservative principles, designed to demonstrate the superiority of those principles to the republicanism of the United States. His energetic efforts were only partially successful in establishing a local gentry, a thriving Church of England, and an anti-American coalition with select indigenous nations. He is seen by many Canadians as a founding figure in Canadian history, especially by those in Southern Ontario. He is commemorated in Toronto with Simcoe Day. Simcoe was the only surviving son of Cornishman John and Katherine Simcoe . His parents had four children, but he was the only one to live past childhood; Percy drowned in 1764, while Paulet William and John William died as infants. His father was a captain in the Royal Navy who commanded the 60-gun HMS Pembroke during the siege of Louisbourg, with James Cook as his sailing master. He died of pneumonia on 15 May 1759 on board his ship in the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River a few months prior to the siege of Quebec, and was buried at sea. The family then moved to his mother's parental home in Exeter. His paternal grandparents were William and Mary Simcoe. He was educated at Exeter Grammar School and Eton College. He spent a year at Merton College, Oxford; he was then admitted to Lincoln's Inn, but decided to follow the military career for which his father had intended him. He was initiated into Freemasonry in Union Lodge, Exeter on 2 November 1773. The City of Toronto flag, often simply referred to as the flag of Toronto, is the flag adopted by Toronto City Council to represent the city. The flag was designed by Renato De Santis and includes a white outline of Toronto City Hall on a blue field, and a red maple leaf at the base of the towers. An early flag of Toronto was adopted by the former City of Toronto in 1967 and included the city's coat of arms on a blue and white field. However, that flag was replaced by De Santis' design in 1974, which remained in use until the former City of Toronto was amalgamated in 1998. In 1999, a 1:2 proportioned version of De Santis' flag was adopted by the new City of Toronto. The flag of Toronto includes a white outline of the twin towers of the Toronto City Hall slightly left-of-centre on a blue field. The red maple leaf from the Canadian flag sits at the base of the towers, representing the city council chambers. The shape of the space above and between the towers suggests the letter 'T', the city's initial. The design adopted by the City of Toronto in 1999 is proportioned at 1:2, although its original design created by De Santis was proportioned at 2:3. An early flag of Toronto was designed by Eric Arthur and his son, and adopted in 1967 by the former City of Toronto. It featured the city's coat of arms imposed on a blue and white field. The design was criticized by the then mayor of Toronto, William Dennison. The Don is the fifth-longest river in Europe. Flowing from Central Russia to the Sea of Azov in Southern Russia, it is one of Russia's largest rivers and played an important role for traders from the Byzantine Empire. Its basin is between the Dnieper basin to the west, the lower Volga basin immediately to the east, and the Oka basin to the north. Native to much of the basin were Slavic nomads. The Don rises in the town of Novomoskovsk 60 kilometres southeast of Tula south of Moscow), and flows 1,870 kilometres to the Sea of Azov. The river's upper half ribbles south; however, its lower half consists of a great eastern curve, including Voronezh, making its final stretch, an estuary, run west south-west. The main city on the river is Rostov-on-Don. Its main tributary is the Seversky Donets, centred on the mid-eastern end of Ukraine, thus the other country in the overall basin. To the east of a series of three great ship locks and associated ponds is the 101-kilometre Volga-Don Canal. According to the Kurgan hypothesis, the Volga-Don river region was the homeland of the Proto-Indo-Europeans around 4,000 BC. The Don river functioned as a fertile cradle of civilization where the Neolithic farmer culture of the Near East fused with the hunter-gatherer culture of Siberian groups, resulting in the nomadic pastoralism of the Proto-Indo-Europeans. The east Slavic tribe of the Antes inhabited the Don and other areas of Southern and Central Russia. The area around the Don was influenced by the Byzantine Empire because the river was important for traders from Byzantium. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Humber River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Lake Ontario <s> Humber River <p> country <o> Canada <s> Humber River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Humber River <p> tributary <o> Black Creek <s> Humber River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Humber River <p> drainage basin <o> Lake Ontario drainage basin <s> single-tier municipality <p> country <o> Canada <s> single-tier municipality <p> subclass of <o> unitary authority <s> single-tier municipality <p> subclass of <o> municipality of Ontario <s> census division of Canada <p> country <o> Canada <s> census division of Canada <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Census divisions of Canada <s> census division of Canada <p> subclass of <o> census geographic unit of Canada <s> provincial or territorial capital city in Canada <p> country <o> Canada <s> provincial or territorial capital city in Canada <p> subclass of <o> state capital <s> provincial or territorial capital city in Canada <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of Canada <s> Olivia Chow <p> work location <o> Toronto <s> Olivia Chow <p> instance of <o> human <s> Olivia Chow <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Olivia Chow <p> country of citizenship <o> Canada <s> Olivia Chow <p> place of birth <o> Hong Kong <s> Olivia Chow <p> candidacy in election <o> 2011 Canadian federal election <s> Olivia Chow <p> given name <o> Olivia <s> Olivia Chow <p> candidacy in election <o> 2023 Toronto mayoral by-election <s> Olivia Chow <p> copyright status as a creator <o> works protected by copyrights <s> Olivia Chow <p> work location <o> Ottawa <s> Olivia Chow <p> position held <o> Mayor of Toronto <s> Olivia Chow <p> position held <o> member of the House of Commons of Canada <s> Olivia Chow <p> educated at <o> University of Guelph <s> Olivia Chow <p> occupation <o> sculptor <s> Olivia Chow <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Cantonese <s> Olivia Chow <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Olivia Chow <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Olivia Chow <p> family name <o> Chow <s> Olivia Chow <p> educated at <o> Jarvis Collegiate Institute <s> Olivia Chow <p> candidacy in election <o> 2015 Canadian federal election <s> Olivia Chow <p> candidacy in election <o> 2008 Canadian federal election <s> Olivia Chow <p> candidacy in election <o> 2014 Toronto mayoral election <s> Olivia Chow <p> spouse <o> Jack Layton <s> Olivia Chow <p> member of political party <o> New Democratic Party <s> Fort Rouillé <p> instance of <o> fort <s> Fort Rouillé <p> country <o> Canada <s> Fort Rouillé <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Rouge River <p> country <o> Canada <s> Rouge River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ontario <s> Rouge River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toronto <s> Rouge River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Markham <s> Rouge River <p> lake on watercourse <o> Lake Ontario <s> Rouge River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Rouge River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Richmond Hill <s> Rouge River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> St. Lawrence River <s> Rouge River <p> drainage basin <o> Lake Ontario drainage basin <s> Rouge River <p> tributary <o> Beaver Creek <s> coat of arms of Toronto <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Toronto <s> coat of arms of Toronto <p> instance of <o> local coat of arms <s> coat of arms of Toronto <p> country <o> Canada <s> coat of arms of Toronto <p> designed by <o> Robert Watt <s> Toronto City Council <p> country <o> Canada <s> Toronto City Council <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Toronto <s> Toronto City Council <p> instance of <o> mayor–council government <s> Toronto City Council <p> has part(s) <o> member of the Toronto City Council <s> Toronto City Council <p> headquarters location <o> Toronto City Hall <s> São Paulo <p> has part(s) <o> São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> different from <o> São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> São Paulo <p> continent <o> South America <s> São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Brazil <s> São Paulo <p> capital <o> São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> São Paulo <p> named after <o> Paul the Apostle <s> São Paulo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokyo <s> São Paulo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> São Paulo <p> shares border with <o> Minas Gerais <s> São Paulo <p> patron saint <o> Paul the Apostle <s> São Paulo <p> shares border with <o> Paraná <s> São Paulo <p> shares border with <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> São Paulo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gunma Prefecture <s> São Paulo <p> shares border with <o> Mato Grosso do Sul <s> São Paulo <p> part of <o> Southeast Region <s> São Paulo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Toyama Prefecture <s> São Paulo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> São Paulo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokushima Prefecture <s> São Paulo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> São Paulo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mie Prefecture <s> São Paulo <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:São Paulo (state) <s> São Paulo <p> highest point <o> Pedra da Mina <s> São Paulo <p> owner of <o> Ginásio do Ibirapuera <s> São Paulo <p> replaces <o> São Paulo Province <s> São Paulo <p> language used <o> Kaingang <s> São Paulo <p> language used <o> Terêna <s> São Paulo <p> language used <o> Oti <s> São Paulo <p> language used <o> Ava Guarani <s> São Paulo <p> language used <o> Cafundó <s> São Paulo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from São Paulo (state) <s> São Paulo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in São Paulo (state) <s> São Paulo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:São Paulo (state) <s> São Paulo <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in São Paulo (state) <s> São Paulo <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> language used <o> São Paulo Kaingáng <s> São Paulo <p> language used <o> Krenak <s> São Paulo <p> instance of <o> federative unit of Brazil <s> São Paulo <p> economy of topic <o> economy of São Paulo (state) <s> São Paulo <p> geography of topic <o> geography of São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> history of topic <o> history of Sao Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> anthem <o> Bandeirantes Anthem <s> São Paulo <p> flag <o> flag of the State of São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> head of government <o> João Doria <s> São Paulo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> South Atlantic Ocean <s> São Paulo <p> legislative body <o> Legislative Assembly of São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> executive body <o> cabinet of the governor of the state of Sao Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 10 <s> São Paulo <p> open data portal <o> São Paulo Open Data portal <s> São Paulo <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> office held by head of government <o> governor of São Paulo <s> São Paulo <p> owner of <o> Brás <s> São Paulo <p> located in time zone <o> America/Sao_Paulo </Graph>
<Text> :A unitary authority is a local authority responsible for all local government functions within its area or performing additional functions that elsewhere are usually performed by a higher level of sub-national government or the national government. In Ontario the term single-tier municipalities is used, for a similar concept. Their character varies, and while most function as cities with no upper level of government, some function as counties or regional municipalities with no lower municipal subdivisions below them. They exist as individual census divisions, as well as separated municipalities. In Germany, kreisfreie Stadt is the equivalent term for a city with the competences of both the Gemeinde and the Kreis administrative level. The directly elected chief executive officer of a kreisfreie Stadt is called Oberburgermeister . The British counties have no directly corresponding counterpart in Germany. This German system corresponds to statutory cities in Austria and in the Czech Republic. The city of Paris works like a department council and a municipal council. Administratively at state level, it is both a department with a single departmental arrondissement , however the prefecture of Paris is split between the prefecture of police of Paris and the department prefecture . As the department of Paris has no department council elected during departmental elections, it is not subdivided into cantons, but its 20 districts are considered equivalent. Olivia Chow is a Canadian politician who has been the 66th mayor of Toronto since July 12, 2023. Previously, Chow served as the New Democratic Party member of Parliament for Trinity--Spadina from 2006 to 2014, and was a councillor on the Metro Toronto Council from 1992 to the 1998 amalgamation followed by Toronto City Council until 2005. Born in British Hong Kong, Chow was first elected in 1985 as a Toronto school board trustee. She ran in the 1991 Toronto election, where she was elected to Metropolitan Toronto Council and remained active in local Toronto politics until her election to the House of Commons in the 2006 federal election. Her husband, Jack Layton, was also an MP, serving as leader of the Official Opposition in 2011 and leader of the NDP from 2003 until his death in 2011. Chow resigned her seat in Parliament in 2014, to run for mayor in the 2014 election, placing third to John Tory and Doug Ford. Following her 2014 campaign, she joined Toronto Metropolitan University as a distinguished visiting professor. In the 2015 federal election, she unsuccessfully ran in Spadina--Fort York. Chow was elected mayor in 2023 following Tory's resignation, defeating former deputy mayor Ana Bailao and former police chief Mark Saunders. Chow is the first Chinese-Canadian mayor of Toronto, the third female mayor after June Rowlands and Barbara Hall, and the first female mayor post-amalgamation. Chow was born in British Hong Kong, to Ho Sze, a schoolteacher, and Wilson Wai Sun Chow, a school superintendent. She was raised in a middle-class family in Happy Valley, a residential area in Hong Kong. She emigrated to Canada with her family in 1970 at the age of 13, settling in Toronto, where they first lived on the third floor of a rooming house in the Annex, before moving to a high-rise unit in St. James Town. Her father worked odd jobs, such as delivering Chinese food and driving taxis to support the family. Her mother became a seamstress and a maid, and worked in a hotel laundry. Her father suffered from mental illness and was physically abusive towards her half-brother, Andre, and her mother, but "nurturing and loving" towards Olivia. Fort Rouille was a French trading post located in what is now Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Fort Rouille was constructed by the French in 1751, building upon the success of a trading post they established in the area a year earlier, known as Fort Toronto. Fort Rouille was named for Antoine Louis Rouille, who at the time of its establishment was Secretary of State for the Navy in the administration of King Louis XV of France. It served as a trading post with the local indigenous peoples from the region. Fort Rouille was evacuated and burnt down by its French garrison after the French defeat at Fort Niagara in July 1759, during the French and Indian War. The remains of the fort were demolished in the 19th century. The fort site is now part of the public lands of Exhibition Place. The location is marked by an obelisk monument, with the outline of the fort marked in concrete. During the late 17th and 18th centuries, the area surrounding Toronto was frequently used by French fur traders as a shortcut to the upper Great Lakes and the area north of Toronto. In an attempt to secure the trade route from the British, the French established Magasin Royal , a trading post along the Humber River near Baby Point. Completed in 1720, the trading post was abandoned shortly after the British Fort Oswego was completed in 1727, which had diverted trade away from Magasin Royal. In 1750, the French built another trading post named Fort Toronto near the mouth of the Humber River, with the intention of diverting aboriginals using the Toronto Carrying-Place Trail from proceeding to the British fort in Oswego, New York. Known as Fort Toronto , the trading post saw immediate success, with demand outstripping the supply of goods that the post was able to provide. Fort Toronto was built by Pierre Robineau de Portneuf and was located west of Grenadier Pond, next to Jean-Baptiste Rousseau's home at the start of the Toronto Carrying-Place Trail. This encampment was typical of other New France installations in that it commanded an old riverine trade route. The coat of arms of Toronto is a heraldic symbol used to represent the city Toronto. Designed by Robert Watt, the Chief Herald of Canada at the time, for the City of Toronto after its amalgamation in 1998. The arms were granted by the Canadian Heraldic Authority on 11 January 1999. The coat of arms can be described as follows: Or, a pale and a chief Azure. The crest: on a wreath of the colours, issuant from a mural coronet Or, masoned Sable charged with a human heart Gules between two roses Argent, buttoned Or, slipped proper, on a grassy mount Vert, a golden eagle statant, wings elevated and expanded proper. The supporters are: on the dexter, a beaver sejeant proper, collared with a torse Gules, therefrom on a hexagon Or an ash leaf Vert; on the sinister, a brown bear rampant proper, collared with a torse Gules, pendant therefrom a hexagon charged with a columbine flower proper. Both supporters are placed on a grassy mount from which at the base of the shield three wavy streams in pairle reversed Argent each surcharged with another Azure flow into a barry wavy 'lakefront', below which is placed a scroll with the motto Diversity Our Strength between two maple leaves Gules, veined Or, at the extremities of the scroll. The arms displayed on the shield are designed in a way that represents the two towers of Toronto City Hall and the capital letter T, as shown in the image of the arms. The three wavy streams beneath the shield represent the three rivers of Toronto: the Humber, the Don and the Rouge. The barry wavy 'lakefront' represents Lake Ontario. The coats of arms for the current City of Toronto government, the former City of Scarborough, and the former City of York are registered in the Canadian Heraldic Authority's Public Register of Arms, Flags and Badges of Canada. The former City of York was the only former municipality in Metropolitan Toronto to have a motto in Latin, while the mottoes of the other municipalities were in English. Toronto City Council is the governing body of the municipal government of Toronto, Ontario. Meeting at Toronto City Hall, it comprises 25 city councillors and the mayor of Toronto. The current term began on November 15, 2022. The current decision-making framework and committee structure at the City of Toronto was established by the City of Toronto Act, 2006 and came into force January 1, 2007. The decision-making process at the City of Toronto involves committees that report to City Council. Committees propose, review and debate policies and recommendations before their arrival at City Council for debate. Citizens and residents can only make deputations on policy at committees, citizens cannot make public presentations to City Council. The mayor is a member of all committees and is entitled to one vote. The executive committee is an advisory body chaired by the mayor. The executive committee is composed of the mayor, deputy mayor, and the chairs of the four standing committees who are appointed by the mayor and three "at-large" members appointed by City Council. The role of the executive committee is to set the City of Toronto's priorities, manage financial planning and budgeting, labour relations, human resources, and the operation of City Council. The committee existed in the old City of Toronto beginning in 1969. Before that Toronto had a Board of Control, as did former cities North York and Etobicoke. Following the sudden decision by the provincial government to reduce the size of City Council in summer 2018, the committee structure went under review. Before December 1, 2018, there were eleven other committees that reported to Toronto City Council. As of the 2022-2026 term, the four standing policy committees are: Sao Paulo is the most populous city in Brazil and the capital of the state of Sao Paulo. Listed by the GaWC as an alpha global city, Sao Paulo is the most populous city outside of Asia and the world's 20th-largest city proper by population. Additionally, Sao Paulo is the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world. It exerts strong international influences in commerce, finance, arts, and entertainment. The city's name honors the Apostle, Saint Paul of Tarsus. The city's metropolitan area, the Greater Sao Paulo, ranks as the most populous in Brazil and the 12th-most-populous on Earth. The process of conurbation between the metropolitan areas around the Greater Sao Paulo created the Sao Paulo Macrometropolis, a megalopolis with more than 30 million inhabitants, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world. Having the largest economy by GDP in Latin America, the city is home to the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange. Paulista Avenue is the economic core of Sao Paulo. The city has the 23rd largest GDP in the world, representing 10.7% of all Brazilian GDP and 36% of the production of goods and services in the state of Sao Paulo, being home to 63% of established multinationals in Brazil, and was responsible for 28% of the national scientific production in 2005, as measured by the number of science papers published in journals. The metropolis is also home to several of the tallest skyscrapers in Brazil, including the Mirante do Vale, Edificio Italia, Banespa, North Tower and many others. The city has cultural, economic and political influence nationally and internationally. It is home to monuments, parks and museums such as the Latin American Memorial, the Ibirapuera Park, UNASP Sao Paulo Memory Center, Museum of Ipiranga, Sao Paulo Museum of Art, and the Museum of the Portuguese Language. Its main university, the University of Sao Paulo, is considered the best in Brazil and Latin America. The city holds events like the Sao Paulo Jazz Festival, Sao Paulo Art Biennial, the Brazilian Grand Prix, Sao Paulo Fashion Week, the ATP Brasil Open, the Brasil Game Show and the Comic Con Experience. Sao Paulo's LGBT Pride parade ranks second only to the New York City Pride March as the largest LGBT pride parade in the world. Sao Paulo is a cosmopolitan, melting pot city, home to the largest Arab, Italian, and Japanese diasporas, with examples including ethnic neighborhoods of Bixiga, Bom Retiro, and Liberdade. In 2016, inhabitants of the city were native to over 200 countries. People from the city are known as paulistanos, while paulistas designates anyone from the state, including the paulistanos. The city's Latin motto, which it has shared with the battleship and the aircraft carrier named after it, is Non ducor, duco, which translates as "I am not led, I lead." The city, which is also colloquially known as Sampa, Selva de Pedra or Terra da Garoa , is known for its unreliable weather, the size of its helicopter fleet, its architecture, gastronomy, severe traffic congestion and skyscrapers. Sao Paulo was one of the host cities of the 1950 and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Additionally, the city hosted the IV Pan American Games, Miss Universe 2011, and the Sao Paulo Indy 300. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Renaissance <p> different from <o> Renaissance <s> Renaissance <p> instance of <o> historical period <s> early modern period <p> continent <o> Europe <s> early modern period <p> follows <o> Renaissance <s> early modern period <p> follows <o> Middle Ages <s> early modern period <p> follows <o> Age of Discovery <s> early modern period <p> part of <o> modern history <s> early modern period <p> part of <o> periodization <s> early modern period <p> follows <o> late Middle Ages <s> early modern period <p> instance of <o> era <s> early modern period <p> instance of <o> academic major <s> early modern period <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> early modern period <p> follows <o> Postclassical Era <s> early modern period <p> history of topic <o> Early Modern history <s> early modern period <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Early modern period <s> early modern period <p> followed by <o> late modern period <s> outline of the Renaissance <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia outline article <s> Category:Renaissance <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Renaissance <p> template or module that populates category <o> Template:Renaissance navbox <s> Category:Renaissance <p> template or module that populates category <o> Template:Renaissance <s> Category:Renaissance <p> category's main topic <o> Renaissance <s> Template:Renaissance <p> template populates category <o> Category:Renaissance <s> Template:Renaissance <p> template has topic <o> Renaissance <s> Template:Renaissance <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia navigational template <s> Template:Renaissance <p> different from <o> Template:Renaissance navbox <s> Portal:Renaissance <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Renaissance <s> Portal:Renaissance <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> 16th century <s> Portal:Renaissance <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Renaissance <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Renaissance portal <s> Portal:Renaissance <p> followed by <o> Portal:17th century <s> Renaissance studies <p> is the study of <o> Renaissance <s> Renaissance studies <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> Renaissance studies <p> instance of <o> academic major <s> Douglas Adams <p> writing language <o> English <s> Douglas Adams <p> instance of <o> human <s> Douglas Adams <p> work location <o> London <s> Douglas Adams <p> place of birth <o> Cambridge <s> Douglas Adams <p> place of death <o> Santa Barbara <s> Douglas Adams <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Douglas Adams <p> different from <o> Douglas Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> instrument <o> guitar <s> Douglas Adams <p> father <o> Christopher Douglas Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> residence <o> London <s> Douglas Adams <p> native language <o> English <s> Douglas Adams <p> nominated for <o> Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel <s> Douglas Adams <p> nominated for <o> Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation <s> Douglas Adams <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Douglas Adams <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> screenwriter <s> Douglas Adams <p> mother <o> Janet Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> country of citizenship <o> United Kingdom <s> Douglas Adams <p> sibling <o> Susan Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> comedian <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Douglas Adams <p> genre <o> satire <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> playwright <s> Douglas Adams <p> employer <o> BBC <s> Douglas Adams <p> family name <o> Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> related category <o> Category:Films with screenplays by Douglas Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Douglas Adams <p> genre <o> comedy <s> Douglas Adams <p> copyright status as a creator <o> works protected by copyrights <s> Douglas Adams <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Douglas Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Douglas Adams <p> eye color <o> brown <s> Douglas Adams <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Douglas Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> given name <o> Douglas <s> Douglas Adams <p> religion or worldview <o> atheism <s> Douglas Adams <p> ethnic group <o> White British <s> Douglas Adams <p> field of work <o> science fiction literature <s> Douglas Adams <p> employer <o> The Digital Village <s> Douglas Adams <p> notable work <o> The Private Life of Genghis Khan <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> musician <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> novelist <s> Douglas Adams <p> award received <o> Inkpot Award <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> children's writer <s> Douglas Adams <p> genre <o> science fiction <s> Douglas Adams <p> place of burial <o> Highgate Cemetery <s> Douglas Adams <p> member of <o> Groucho Club <s> Douglas Adams <p> occupation <o> science fiction writer <s> Douglas Adams <p> child <o> Polly Adams <s> Douglas Adams <p> notable work <o> The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy pentalogy <s> Douglas Adams <p> educated at <o> Brentwood School <s> Douglas Adams <p> educated at <o> St John's College <s> Douglas Adams <p> spouse <o> Jane Belson <s> Douglas Adams <p> member of <o> Footlights <s> Douglas Adams <p> given name <o> Noël <s> Douglas Adams <p> award received <o> Ditmar Award <s> Douglas Adams <p> residence <o> Brentwood <s> Douglas Adams <p> notable work <o> Dirk Gently series <s> Douglas Adams <p> cause of death <o> myocardial infarction <s> Douglas Adams <p> archives at <o> St John's College Library <s> place of birth <p> complementary property <o> place of death <s> place of birth <p> value hierarchy property <o> located in the administrative territorial entity <s> place of birth <p> related property <o> place of burial <s> place of birth <p> subproperty of <o> location <s> place of birth <p> related property <o> date of birth <s> place of birth <p> related property <o> category for people born here <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> place of birth <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> maternity hospital <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Julius Caesar <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jimmy Carter <s> place of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for birth or death <s> place of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Gioachino Rossini <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Elena Kagan <s> place of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for specifying the location of an event <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> place of birth <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P19 <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> place of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with a single value, but different precisions and references can lead to multiple values <s> place of birth <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> place of birth <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> unknown birth place <s> place of birth <p> inverse label item <o> born here <s> place of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> place of birth <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> place of birth <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> image <p> Wikidata property example <o> Douglas Adams <s> image <p> Wikidata property example <o> San Francisco <s> image <p> related property <o> code (image) <s> image <p> related property <o> traffic sign <s> image <p> related property <o> flag image <s> image <p> related property <o> view <s> image <p> related property <o> image of backside <s> image <p> related property <o> image of frontside <s> image <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> image <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> image <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> image <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> image <p> related property <o> astronomic symbol image <s> image <p> related property <o> locator map image <s> image <p> related property <o> logo image <s> image <p> related property <o> twin town sign <s> image <p> related property <o> image with color chart <s> image <p> related property <o> aerial view <s> image <p> related property <o> reference image <s> image <p> related property <o> page banner <s> image <p> related property <o> language of work or name <s> image <p> property constraint <o> Commons link constraint <s> image <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> image <p> related property <o> coat of arms image <s> image <p> related property <o> seal image <s> image <p> related property <o> document file on Wikimedia Commons <s> image <p> related property <o> location map <s> image <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> image <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> image <p> related property <o> image of grave <s> image <p> related property <o> model image <s> image <p> related property <o> image set <s> image <p> related property <o> spherical panorama image <s> image <p> related property <o> item for this sense <s> image <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> image <s> image <p> Wikidata property example <o> mountain bike <s> image <p> Wikidata property example <o> Parthenon <s> image <p> related property <o> monogram <s> image <p> related property <o> detail map <s> image <p> related property <o> place name sign <s> image <p> related property <o> plaque image <s> image <p> related property <o> winter view <s> image <p> related property <o> schematic <s> image <p> related property <o> signature <s> image <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a source <s> image <p> related property <o> media legend <s> image <p> related property <o> relief location map <s> image <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to link to Commons <s> image <p> related property <o> non-free artwork image URL <s> image <p> related property <o> image of interior <s> image <p> Wikidata property example <o> Cymothoe sangaris <s> image <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> illustration <s> image <p> related property <o> sectional view <s> image <p> related property <o> montage image <s> image <p> related property <o> name (image) <s> image <p> related property <o> related image <s> image <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P18 <s> image <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> image <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for linking to a representative image <s> image <p> instance of <o> curated Wikidata property <s> image <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for lexicographic senses <s> image <p> property constraint <o> format constraint <s> image <p> category for value different from Wikidata <o> Category:Local image different from Wikidata <s> image <p> related property <o> icon <s> image <p> related property <o> film poster <s> image <p> related property <o> image of design plans <s> image <p> category for value same as Wikidata <o> Category:Local image same as Wikidata <s> image <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Local image but no image on Wikidata <s> image <p> related property <o> nighttime view <s> image <p> related property <o> panoramic view </Graph>
<Text> :The Renaissance is a period in history and a cultural movement marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity, covering the 15th and 16th centuries and characterized by an effort to revive and surpass the ideas and achievements of classical antiquity; it was associated with great social change in most fields and disciplines, including art, architecture, politics, literature, exploration and science. It began in the Republic of Florence. The Renaissance's intellectual basis was its version of humanism, derived from the concept of Roman humanitas and the rediscovery of classical Greek philosophy, such as that of Protagoras, who said that "man is the measure of all things". Early examples were the development of perspective in oil painting and the revived knowledge of how to make concrete. Although the invention of metal movable type sped the dissemination of ideas from the later 15th century, the changes of the Renaissance were not uniform across Europe: the first traces appear in Italy as early as the late 13th century, in particular with the writings of Dante and the paintings of Giotto. As a cultural movement, the Renaissance encompassed innovative flowering of Latin and vernacular literatures, beginning with the 14th-century resurgence of learning based on classical sources, which contemporaries credited to Petrarch; the development of linear perspective and other techniques of rendering a more natural reality in painting; and gradual but widespread educational reform. In politics, the Renaissance contributed to the development of the customs and conventions of diplomacy, and in science to an increased reliance on observation and inductive reasoning. Although the Renaissance saw revolutions in many intellectual and social scientific pursuits, as well as the introduction of modern banking and the field of accounting, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments and the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who inspired the term "Renaissance man". The term rinascita first appeared in Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists , the corresponding French word, renaissance, was adopted into English as the term for this period during the 1830s. The early modern period is a historical period that is part of the modern period based primarily on the history of Europe and the broader concept of modernity. There is no exact date that marks the beginning or end of the period and its timeline may vary depending on the area of history being studied. In general, the early modern period is considered to have lasted from the 16th to the 19th centuries . In a European context, it is defined as the period following the Middle Ages and preceding the advent of modernity, sometimes defined as the "late modern period". In the context of global history, the early modern period is often used even in contexts where there is no equivalent "medieval" period. Various events and historical transitions have been proposed as the start of the early modern period, including the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the start of the Renaissance, the end of the Crusades and the beginning of the Age of Discovery. Its end is often marked by the French Revolution, and sometimes also the American Revolution or Napoleon's rise to power. Historians in recent decades have argued that, from a worldwide standpoint, the most important feature of the early modern period was its spreading globalizing character. New economies and institutions emerged, becoming more sophisticated and globally articulated over the course of the period. The early modern period also included the rise of the dominance of mercantilism as an economic theory. Other notable trends of the period include the development of experimental science, increasingly rapid technological progress, secularized civic politics, accelerated travel due to improvements in mapping and ship design, and the emergence of nation states. The early modern period is a subdivision of the most recent of the three major periods of European history: antiquity, the Middle Ages and the modern period. The term "early modern" was first proposed by medieval historian Lynn Thorndike in his 1926 work A Short History of Civilization as a broader alternative to the Renaissance. It was first picked up within the field of economic history during the 1940s and 1950s and gradually spread to other historians in the following decades and became widely known among scholars during the 1990s. Renaissance - cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term is also used more loosely to refer to the historical era, but since the changes of the Renaissance were not uniform across Europe, this is a general use of the term. Renaissance studies is the interdisciplinary study of the Renaissance and early modern period. The field of study often incorporates knowledge from history, art history, literature, music, architecture, history of science, philosophy, classics, and medieval studies. Renaissance studies programs exist at several universities, either as an independent field of study or as a subset of medieval studies, including the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at University of California, Los Angeles. Douglas Noel Adams was an English author, humorist, and screenwriter, best known for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy . Originally a 1978 BBC radio comedy, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy developed into a "trilogy" of five books that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime. It was further developed into a television series, several stage plays, comics, a video game, and a 2005 feature film. Adams's contribution to UK radio is commemorated in The Radio Academy's Hall of Fame. Adams also wrote Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul , and co-wrote The Meaning of Liff , The Deeper Meaning of Liff and Last Chance to See . He wrote two stories for the television series Doctor Who, co-wrote City of Death , and served as script editor for its seventeenth season. He co-wrote the sketch "Patient Abuse" for the final episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. A posthumous collection of his selected works, including the first publication of his final novel, was published as The Salmon of Doubt in 2002. Adams was born in Cambridge on 11 March 1952 to Christopher Douglas Adams , a management consultant and computer salesman, former probation officer and lecturer on probationary group therapy techniques, and nurse Janet , nee Donovan. The family moved a few months after his birth to the East End of London, where his sister, Susan, was born three years later. His parents divorced in 1957; Douglas, Susan and their mother moved then to an RSPCA animal shelter in Brentwood, Essex, run by his maternal grandparents. Each remarried, giving Adams four half-siblings. A great-grandfather was the playwright Benjamin Franklin Wedekind. Adams attended Primrose Hill Primary School in Brentwood. At the age of nine, he passed the entrance exam for Brentwood School. He attended the prep school from 1959 to 1964, then the main school until December 1970. Adams was 6 feet tall by age 12, and stopped growing at 6 feet 5 inches . His form master, Frank Halford, said that Adams's height had made him stand out and that he had been self-conscious about it. His ability to write stories made him well known in the school. Adams became the only student ever to be awarded a ten out of ten by Halford for creative writing - something he remembered for the rest of his life, particularly when facing writer's block. The place of birth or birthplace is the place where a person was born. This place is often used in legal documents, together with name and date of birth, to uniquely identify a person. Practice regarding whether this place should be a country, a territory or a city/town/locality differs in different countries, but often city or territory is used for native-born citizen passports and countries for foreign-born ones. As a general rule with respect to passports, if the place of birth is to be a country, it's determined to be the country that currently has sovereignty over the actual place of birth, regardless of when the birth actually occurred. The place of birth is not necessarily the place where the parents of the new baby live. If the baby is born in a hospital in another place, that place is the place of birth. In many countries, this also means that the government requires that the birth of the new baby is registered in the place of birth. Some countries place less or no importance on the place of birth, instead using alternative geographical characteristics for the purpose of identity documents. For example, Sweden has used the concept of fodelsehemort since 1947. This means that the domicile of the baby's mother is the registered place of birth. The location of the maternity ward or other physical birthplace is considered unimportant. Similarly, Switzerland uses the concept of place of origin. A child born to Swiss parents is automatically assigned the place of origin of the parent with the same last name, so the child either gets their mother's or father's place of origin. A child born to one Swiss parent and one foreign parent acquires the place of origin of their Swiss parent. In a Swiss passport and identity card, the holder's place of origin is stated, not their place of birth. In Japan, the registered domicile is a similar concept. An image is a visual representation. An image can be two-dimensional, such as a drawing, painting, or photograph, or three-dimensional, such as a carving or sculpture. Images may be displayed through other media, including projection on a surface, activation of electronic signals, or digital displays; they can also be reproduced through mechanical means, such as photography, printmaking or photocopying. Images can also be animated through digital or physical processes. In the context of signal processing, an image is a distributed amplitude of color. In optics, the term "image" refers specifically to the reproduction of an object formed by light waves coming from the object. A volatile image exists or is perceived only for a short period. This may be a reflection of an object by a mirror, a projection of a camera obscura, or a scene displayed on a cathode-ray tube. A fixed image, also called a hard copy, is one that has been recorded on a material object, such as paper or textile. A mental image exists in an individual's mind as something one remembers or imagines. The subject of an image need not be real; it may be an abstract concept such as a graph or function, or an imaginary entity. For a mental image to be understood outside of an individual's mind, however, there must be a way of conveying that mental image through the words or visual productions of the subject. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Greater São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Greater São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Greater São Paulo <p> has part(s) <o> São Paulo <s> Greater São Paulo <p> instance of <o> metropolitan region in Brazil <s> Greater São Paulo <p> instance of <o> conurbation <s> São Paulo metropolitan area <p> country <o> Brazil <s> São Paulo metropolitan area <p> instance of <o> mesoregion of Brazil <s> São Paulo metropolitan area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> São Paulo metropolitan area <p> capital <o> São Paulo <s> São Paulo metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santos <s> Pico do Jaraguá <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Pico do Jaraguá <p> continent <o> Americas <s> Pico do Jaraguá <p> mountain range <o> Serra da Cantareira <s> Pico do Jaraguá <p> instance of <o> mountain <s> Pico do Jaraguá <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Category:Deaths in São Paulo <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in São Paulo <p> category combines topics <o> São Paulo <s> Category:Deaths in São Paulo <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in São Paulo <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in São Paulo (city) <s> Category:Deaths in São Paulo <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:São Paulo <p> category's main topic <o> São Paulo <s> Category:São Paulo <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> economy of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> economy of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of São Paulo <p> location <o> São Paulo <s> economy of São Paulo <p> subclass of <o> economy of São Paulo (state) <s> economy of São Paulo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of São Paulo <s> Portal:São Paulo (city) <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> São Paulo <s> Portal:São Paulo (city) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:São Paulo (city) <p> topic's main category <o> Category:São Paulo (city) portal <s> Category:Maps of São Paulo (city) <p> category combines topics <o> São Paulo <s> Category:Maps of São Paulo (city) <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of São Paulo (city) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> municipality of Brazil <p> country <o> Brazil <s> municipality of Brazil <p> properties for this type <o> Brazilian municipality code <s> municipality of Brazil <p> subclass of <o> second-level administrative division <s> municipality of Brazil <p> subclass of <o> municipality <s> municipality of Brazil <p> subclass of <o> electoral unit <s> municipality of Brazil <p> subclass of <o> political territorial entity <s> municipality of Brazil <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of Brazil <s> municipality of Brazil <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Municipalities of Brazil <s> Category:Births in São Paulo (city) <p> category combines topics <o> São Paulo <s> Category:Births in São Paulo (city) <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in São Paulo (city) <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in São Paulo (city) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in São Paulo (city) <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in São Paulo </Graph>
<Text> :The RMSP of Sao Paulo is known as a financial and economic centre of Brazil, with a total population of 20,743,587 inhabitants . The largest municipalities are Sao Paulo, with a population of 11,451,245, Guarulhos with a population of 1,291,784 people, plus several municipalities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, such as Sao Bernardo do Campo and Santo Andre in the ABC Region. The ABC Region in the south of Grande Sao Paulo is an important location for industrial corporations, such as Volkswagen and Ford. It represents the "core" cities of the greater region. The extended metropolitan area of Sao Paulo is an agglomeration of five contiguous metropolitan areas that have grown into one another and three microregions, dominated by Sao Paulo. It has more than 33 million inhabitants, which is 75% of the population of the entire state of Sao Paulo, and consists of the contiguous entities: Pico do Jaragua is the highest mountain in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, at 1135 metres above sea level, located at the Serra da Cantareira. Jaragua means Lord of the Valley in Tupi. In 1580, Afonso Sardinha was settled on the mountain, and found gold there. However, due to the indigenous people who lived there at that time, the mining only began ten years later, after numerous wars. The gold was explored until it was not possible to find it any more, by the 19th century. In 1961, the Jaragua State Park was created. Soon, TV Globo, Bandeirantes and TV Cultura were allowed to build their TV transmitting masts on the mountain. A 130-metre mast was placed on the highest peak, through a Globo-Bandeirantes partnership, while TV Cultura had its mast build on the nearby lower peak. Sao Paulo is one of the largest cities in the world economically, and is expected to be the 6th largest in 2025. According to data of Fecomercio/SP, its gross domestic product in 2017 was R$699.28 billion . The biggest financial center in Brazil and one of the biggest financial centers in the world, Sao Paulo's economy is going through a deep transformation. Once a city with a strong industrial character, Sao Paulo's economy has become increasingly based on the tertiary sector, focusing on services and businesses for the country. The city is also unique among Brazilian cities for its large number of foreign corporations. Many analysts point to Sao Paulo as an important global city, even though this assignment can be criticized considering its serious problems of social exclusion and spatial segregation. Although being the most important financial centre of the country, Sao Paulo also presents a high degree of informality in its economy. Sao Paulo is the business center of the Mercosur economy. Acclaimed as a city of business tourism, attracting today's biggest and most important international events, be they in the economic, cultural, scientific or sporting area. It holds more than 200 events per day, offering more than 250 thousand square meters of space in pavilions and areas for congresses and fairs. This is without taking into account the supply of spaces within hotels, which adds another 70 thousand square meters, suitable for holding events. According to the International Congress and Convention Association that ranks the greatest event centers in the world, Sao Paulo is the most important destination for international events in the Americas. Sao Paulo is also among Top 20 destinations for events in the world and left behind destinations like Madrid, Sydney, Athens and Vancouver. Adding space in nightclubs, cultural and business areas, clubs and other alternatives to these numbers, Sao Paulo boasts approximately 430,000 square meters for the holding of any type of event. There is still the supply of approximately 30,000 apartments of various categories, a number which is to grow significantly in the next two years, predicted to reach 50,000 apartments in 2003, catering for those seeking the more luxurious options of the large chains, to simpler and more economical options. It is worth pointing out that from the tourist attractions the following stand out: gastronomy and culture. With more than 12,000 restaurants of more than 40 different world cuisines, besides the 70 museums, more than 200 cinemas, around 50 theaters, art galleries and cultural centers, Sao Paulo has one of the liveliest night-lives in the world. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:São Bernardo do Campo <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Sao Bernardo do Campo <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Managua <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Linköping <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vittorio Veneto <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> shares border with <o> Santo André <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marostica <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ouro Preto <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in São Bernardo do Campo <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> shares border with <o> São Vicente <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> shares border with <o> Diadema <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aveiro <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Governador Valadares <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Diadema <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from São Bernardo do Campo <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aparecida <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> shares border with <o> São Caetano do Sul <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xapuri <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> instance of <o> big city <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shūnan <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monte Azul <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Açucena <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Várzea Alegre <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> legislative body <o> municipal chamber of Sao Bernardo do Campo <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> twinned administrative body <o> General San Martín Department <s> São Bernardo do Campo <p> shares border with <o> Cubatão <s> Category:Films shot in São Paulo <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in São Paulo <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in São Paulo <p> category combines topics <o> São Paulo <s> Category:Films shot in São Paulo <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in São Paulo <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in São Paulo <s> Category:People from São Paulo <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from São Paulo <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from São Paulo <p> category combines topics <o> São Paulo <s> Category:People from São Paulo <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from São Paulo <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Osasco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Osasco <s> Osasco <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Osasco <s> Osasco <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Osasco <s> Osasco <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Osasco <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Osasco <s> Osasco <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Osasco <s> Osasco <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Osasco <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Osasco <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Osasco <p> shares border with <o> Taboão da Serra <s> Osasco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xuzhou <s> Osasco <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Osasco <p> legislative body <o> municipal chamber of Osasco <s> Osasco <p> shares border with <o> Carapicuíba <s> Osasco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Viana <s> Osasco <p> anthem <o> Hino do município de Osasco <s> Osasco <p> flag <o> flag of Osasco <s> Osasco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gyumri <s> Osasco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tsu <s> Osasco <p> shares border with <o> Barueri <s> Osasco <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jining <s> Osasco <p> shares border with <o> Santana de Parnaíba <s> Osasco <p> shares border with <o> Embu das Artes <s> Osasco <p> shares border with <o> Cotia <s> Guarulhos <p> history of topic <o> History of Guarulhos <s> Guarulhos <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Guarulhos <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Guarulhos <s> Guarulhos <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Guarulhos <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Guarulhos <p> shares border with <o> Itaquaquecetuba <s> Guarulhos <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> Guarulhos <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Guarulhos <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Guarulhos <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Guarulhos <p> shares border with <o> Nazaré Paulista <s> Guarulhos <p> shares border with <o> Arujá <s> Guarulhos <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mejicanos <s> Guarulhos <p> shares border with <o> Mairiporã <s> Guarulhos <p> shares border with <o> Santa Isabel <s> Guarulhos <p> head of government <o> Gustavo Henric Costa <s> Guarulhos <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jardim Presidente Dutra <s> Guarulhos <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guarulhos (district) <s> Guarulhos <p> legislative body <o> Municipal Chamber of Guarulhos <s> Guarulhos <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Guarulhos <s> Guarulhos <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Guarulhos <s> Guarulhos <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Guarulhos <s> Santo André <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Santo André <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Santo André <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Santo André, São Paulo <s> Santo André <p> different from <o> Santo André da Borda do Campo <s> Santo André <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Santo André <s> Santo André <p> different from <o> Santo André <s> Santo André <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sesto San Giovanni <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> Mauá <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> Santos <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> São Bernardo do Campo <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> Mogi das Cruzes <s> Santo André <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santo André <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> Suzano <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> Rio Grande da Serra <s> Santo André <p> named after <o> Andrew the Apostle <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> Cubatão <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> São Caetano do Sul <s> Santo André <p> shares border with <o> Ribeirão Pires <s> Santo André <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Santo André <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Santo André <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capuava <s> Santo André <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paranapiacaba <s> Santo André <p> legislative body <o> Santo André City Council <s> Santo André <p> head of government <o> Paulo Serra <s> Santo André <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Santo André, São Paulo <s> Santo André <p> executive body <o> Santo André City Hall <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> substitute/deputy/replacement of office/officeholder <o> Mayor of São Paulo <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> São Paulo <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> subclass of <o> mayor of a place in São Paulo <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> public office <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> officeholder <o> Ricardo Nunes <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of São Paulo <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> part of <o> City Hall of São Paulo <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Mayors of São Paulo <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> has list <o> list of mayors of São Paulo <s> Mayor of São Paulo <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> City Hall of São Paulo <s> Abidjan <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Abidjan <s> Abidjan <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Abidjan <s> Abidjan <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Abidjan <s> Abidjan <p> continent <o> Africa <s> Abidjan <p> different from <o> Andijan <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Francisco <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Abidjan <p> language used <o> Nzema <s> Abidjan <p> language used <o> Abure <s> Abidjan <p> language used <o> Ebrié <s> Abidjan <p> owner of <o> Felix Houphouet Boigny Stadium <s> Abidjan <p> instance of <o> city <s> Abidjan <p> country <o> Ivory Coast <s> Abidjan <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Abidjan <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liège <s> Abidjan <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tianjin <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marseille <s> Abidjan <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Abidjan <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gulf of Guinea <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Viseu <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Boulogne-Billancourt <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alfortville <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kumasi <s> Abidjan <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pontault-Combault <s> Abidjan <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Abidjan <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Abidjan <p> capital of <o> Lagunes region <s> Abidjan <p> instance of <o> commune of Ivory Coast <s> Abidjan <p> instance of <o> former capital <s> Abidjan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Abidjan Department <s> Abidjan <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Abidjan <s> Abidjan <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Abidjan <p> capital of <o> Abidjan Department <s> Abidjan <p> described by source <o> Great dictionary of geographical names <s> Abidjan <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Abidjan <p> capital of <o> Abidjan Autonomous District <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> instance of <o> human <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Brazilian Portuguese <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> country of citizenship <o> Brazil <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> place of birth <o> São Paulo <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Portuguese <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> native language <o> Portuguese <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> native language <o> Brazilian Portuguese <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> occupation <o> entrepreneur <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> given name <o> Luis <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> member of political party <o> Democratic Movement Party <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> given name <o> Ricardo <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> family name <o> Nunes <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> position held <o> Mayor of São Paulo <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> position held <o> vice-prefeito de São Paulo <s> Ricardo Nunes <p> position held <o> councillor of São Paulo <s> Bamako <p> capital of <o> Mali <s> Bamako <p> capital of <o> Bamako <s> Bamako <p> capital of <o> French Sudan <s> Bamako <p> instance of <o> city <s> Bamako <p> country <o> Mali <s> Bamako <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bamako <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dakar <s> Bamako <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nouakchott <s> Bamako <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bordeaux <s> Bamako <p> language used <o> Bamako Sign Language <s> Bamako <p> language used <o> Kita Maninka <s> Bamako <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Bamako <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bamako <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bamako <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maubeuge <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bobo-Dioulasso <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Banjul <s> Bamako <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bamako <s> Bamako <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bamako <p> instance of <o> first-level administrative division <s> Bamako <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Bamako <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bamako <s> Bamako <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Commune IV <s> Bamako <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Commune 2 <s> Bamako <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Commune 5 <s> Bamako <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Commune 6 <s> Bamako <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bamako <s> Bamako <p> language used <o> Eastern Maninkaka <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ashgabat <s> Bamako <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Bamako <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bamako <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leipzig <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Angers <s> Bamako <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rochester <s> Bamako <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Niger River </Graph>
<Text> :The city was founded by Joao Ramalho in 1553 and was known as Vila de Santo Andre da Borda do Campo de Piratininga, soon transferred to another nearby place, safer from hostile tribes. It is, however, historically perceived as the first Brazilian settlement built away from the sea. The original settlement was then resettled as Sao Bernardo, became a parish in 1812 and became a municipality in 1890. In 1938, it became a part of the Santo Andre district only to be separated again in 1945, as the aftermath of an action from a group of entrepreneurs led by Wallace Cochrane Simonsen, who was eventually appointed as the first mayor of the newborn municipality. The area where Sao Bernardo do Campo, Santo Andre, Sao Caetano do Sul, and Diadema are located was once a farm owned by Benedictine monks, who owned enslaved Africans. By the second half of the 19th century, European immigrants started to come to the area, mainly from Italy. Italians settled in cottages in the rural area of Sao Bernardo do Campo that were called colonias. By the beginning of the 20th century, Japanese immigrants arrived, most of them going to the neighborhood called Cooperativa. Industry, particularly metal works, thrived in the city during the 1960s, when Sao Bernardo do Campo became known as Brazil's Automobile Capital . Many of these plants have since relocated to other regions but the automobile industry remains a vital part of the history of Sao Bernardo do Campo. The city is also known for its furniture industry developed by Italian immigrants, who helped Sao Bernardo do Campo become a high-tech industrial hub. Industrialization also attracted migrants from the Brazilian Northeastern region in the 1960s. Among them was the family of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who grew up in the region. The future president of Brazil worked in automobile factories in Sao Bernardo do Campo in the 1970s, becoming a union and anti-military dictatorship figure. Osasco is a municipality in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, located in the Greater Sao Paulo area and ranking 5th in population among Sao Paulo municipalities. According to the IBGE 2015, Osasco currently has the 9th highest gross domestic product in Brazil, and the 2nd largest in the State of Sao Paulo. The population is 699,944 in an area of 64.95 km2. It is among the world's more dense cities, similar in density to Tokyo and New York City. It's considered the major urban centre of the Western portion of the Greater Sao Paulo. It used to be a district of Sao Paulo City until February 19, 1962, when Osasco became a municipality of its own. The city motto is "Urbs labor", a Latin phrase that means "City work". Osasco was founded in the 19th century by Italian immigrant Antonio Giuseppe Agu . He came from commune Osasco in the province of Turin, Italy. Immigrants from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Armenia, Lebanon, Israel and Japan came to Osasco during the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, and their descendants form the bulk of Osasco's population. Osasco was an industrial city but there was industrial decentralization to other regions and today the city is moving toward the retail and service industries. Osasco is the location of the headquarters of Bradesco, the third largest bank in Brazil. Currently there are a number of large companies with a presence in the city, such as Natura, Coca-Cola, Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Colgate-Palmolive and many others. Osasco is the ninth most productive city in the countryin GDP per capita terms . Guarulhos is a Brazilian municipality. It is the second most populous city in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, the 13th most populous city in Brazil, and is also the most populous city in the country that is not a state capital. In the last few years it has outgrown Campinas. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. Its population is 1,291,784 with an area of 318.68 km2. It ranks eighth by GDP among Brazilian cities; second in Sao Paulo state. . It is the tenth largest suburb in the world. The per capita income for the municipality is R$12,793. Sao Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport , one of the main Brazilian airports, is located there. The city is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Guarulhos. The municipality contains part of the 7,917 hectares Cantareira State Park, created in 1962, which protects a large part of the metropolitan Sao Paulo water supply. It also contains part of the 292,000 hectares Mananciais do Rio Paraiba do Sul Environmental Protection Area, created in 1982 to protect the sources of the Paraiba do Sul river. Guarulhos was founded on December 8, 1560, by the Jesuit priest Manuel de Paiva and entitled Nossa Senhora da Conceicao. Its origin is linked to five other small villages that were in charge of defending the boundaries of Sao Paulo de Piratininga Village against the Tamoios, a wild tribe of Indigenous people that lived in that region. Santo Andre is a Brazilian municipality located in the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. It is part of a group of municipalities known as the ABC Region. According to the most recent census, the population is estimated at 721,368 in an area of 175.8 km2. or about 43,441 Acres of landmass. It is the 15th most developed Brazilian city, and the eighth most developed city in the State of Sao Paulo, according to the UN. The city is also known to be the fifth best city in the country to raise children on the grounds of public and private education and health care. The first settlement named Santo Andre in the region where the modern city stands was founded by Joao Ramalho in 1553, with the name of Santo Andre da Borda do Campo. However, this first village was short lived, as in 1560, the then governor-general of the State of Brazil, Mem de Sa, ordered the transfer of inhabitants to the proximities of the Jesuit college of Sao Paulo, which was deemed to be in a more secure position. A town with the name of Santo Andre would only emerge again in the 1838, when the headquarters of the then municipality of Sao Bernardo was transferred to the proximities of the then-district of Santo Andre, near a train station founded in 1867 by means of the Sao Paulo Railway Company. The town experienced rapid growth beginning in the 1930s. Abidjan is the largest city and the economic capital of the Ivory Coast. As of the 2021 census, Abidjan's population was 6.3 million, which is 21.5 percent of overall population of the country, making it the sixth most populous city proper in Africa, after Lagos, Cairo, Kinshasa, Dar es Salaam, and Johannesburg. A cultural crossroads of West Africa, Abidjan is characterised by a high level of industrialisation and urbanisation. It is also the most populous Dioula-speaking and French-speaking city in Africa . The city expanded quickly after the construction of a new wharf in 1931, followed by its designation as the capital city of the then-French colony in 1933. The completion of the Vridi Canal in 1951 enabled Abidjan to become an important sea port. Abidjan remained the capital of the Ivory Coast after its independence from France in 1960. In 1983, the city of Yamoussoukro was designated as the official political capital of Ivory Coast. However, Abidjan has officially been designated as the "economic capital" of the country, because it is the largest city in the country and the centre of its economic activity. Many political institutions and all foreign embassies continue to be located in Abidjan as well. The Abidjan Autonomous District, which encompasses the city and some of its suburbs, is one of the 14 districts of Ivory Coast. According to oral tradition of the Tchaman as reported in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Cote d'Ivoire, the name "Abidjan" results from a misunderstanding. Legend states that an old man carrying branches to repair the roof of his house met a European explorer who asked him the name of the nearest village. The old man did not speak the language of the explorer, and thought that he was being asked to justify his presence in that place. Terrified by this unexpected meeting, he fled shouting "min-chan m'bidjan", which means in the Ebrie language: "I just cut the leaves." The explorer, thinking that his question had been answered, recorded the name of the locale as Abidjan. A slightly different and less elaborate version of the legend: When the first colonists asked a native man the name of the place, the man misunderstood and replied "M'bi min djan": "I've just been cutting leaves". The son of Portuguese parents, Nunes was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and moved to Portugal where he started practising the sport. He first appeared for G.D. Estoril Praia, joining the club at the age of 12. After emerging through S.L. Benfica's youth system - he only played for its reserves, spending the 2005-06 campaign in the third division - Nunes continued his senior career in the lower leagues of Greece and Cyprus. It was in Cyprus where he had his first taste of top-flight football, appearing in the First Division for AEP Paphos FC and Olympiakos Nicosia. On 31 January 2012, after one and a half seasons in the Portuguese Segunda Liga, Nunes signed a two-and-a-half-year contract with MSK Zilina. In February 2014 he moved teams and countries again, joining Bulgaria's PFC Levski Sofia until June 2015. Although Nunes was born in South Africa, he represented Portugal at under-17 level. This meant that he required permission from FIFA before he could switch allegiance to South Africa, after he had spoken with Gordon Igesund. Bamako is the capital and largest city of Mali, with a 2022 population of 4,227,569. It is located on the Niger River, near the rapids that divide the upper and middle Niger valleys in the southwestern part of the country. Bamako is the nation's administrative center. The city proper is a cercle in its own right. Bamako's river port is located in nearby Koulikoro, along with a major regional trade and conference center. Bamako is the seventh-largest West African urban center after Lagos, Abidjan, Kano, Ibadan, Dakar, and Accra. Locally manufactured goods include textiles, processed meat, and metal goods as well as mining. Commercial fishing occurs on the Niger River. Bamako is known for its vibrant music scene, with various genres such as Malian blues, traditional music, and Afrobeat flourishing in Bamako. Many renowned Malian musicians and bands have emerged from the city. Some notable artists are Salif Keita, Oumou Sangare, Ali Farka Toure, Toumani Diabate and Amadou & Mariam. In recent years, Bamako has seen significant urban development, with the construction of modern buildings, shopping malls, and infrastructure projects aimed at improving the quality of life for its residents. The city is home to many notable institutions such as the University of Bamako, the National Museum of Mali, the Mali National Zoo, the Grand Mosque of Bamako, and the Modibo Keita International Airport. The buildings of Bamako have a unique architectural style. The name Bamako comes from the Bambara word meaning "crocodile river". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Luanda <p> capital of <o> Angola <s> Luanda <p> capital of <o> Luanda Province <s> Luanda <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Atlantic Ocean <s> Luanda <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Luanda <p> country <o> Angola <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maputo <s> Luanda <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Luanda <p> different from <o> Luanda Province <s> Luanda <p> instance of <o> city <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Tomé <s> Luanda <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Luanda <s> Luanda <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Luanda <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Luanda <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Luanda <s> Luanda <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Luanda <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Luanda <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Luanda <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lisbon <s> Luanda <p> capital of <o> Portuguese Angola <s> Luanda <p> member of <o> União das Cidades Capitais Luso-Afro-Américo-Asiáticas <s> Luanda <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> Houston <s> Luanda <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> Porto <s> Luanda <p> twinned administrative body <o> Macau <s> Luanda <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Luanda <p> award received <o> Officer of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword <s> Luanda <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Luanda Province <s> Luanda <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Asunción <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Asunción <s> Asunción <p> different from <o> Asuncion <s> Asunción <p> different from <o> Asunción <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Algiers <s> Asunción <p> capital of <o> Paraguay <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Asunción <p> country <o> Paraguay <s> Asunción <p> instance of <o> city <s> Asunción <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Asunción <p> language used <o> Maká <s> Asunción <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Asunción <p> significant event <o> Foundation of the city of Asunción <s> Asunción <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curitiba <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Carrara <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ragusa <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taipei <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosario <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Asunción <p> office held by head of government <o> Municipal mayor of Asuncion <s> Asunción <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Paraguay River <s> Asunción <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Asunción <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trujillo <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Puebla City <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Plata <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Resistencia <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami-Dade County <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chimbote <s> Asunción <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Asunción <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Asunción <s> Asunción <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Asunción <s> Asunción <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Asunción <p> said to be the same as <o> Capital District <s> Asunción <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Asunción <s> Asunción <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Asunción <s> Asunción <p> instance of <o> capital region <s> Asunción <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Asunción <p> instance of <o> border city <s> Asunción <p> capital of <o> Capital District <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chiba <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Medina de Pomar <s> Asunción <p> named after <o> Assumption of Mary <s> Asunción <p> instance of <o> largest city <s> Asunción <p> twinned administrative body <o> Campinas <s> Asunción <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Capital District <s> Asunción <p> legislative body <o> Municipal Board of Asuncion <s> Asunción <p> executive body <o> Cabinet of Asuncion <s> Córdoba <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Córdoba, Spain <s> Córdoba <p> country <o> Spain <s> Córdoba <p> head of government <o> José María Bellido <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Damascus <s> Córdoba <p> different from <o> Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bukhara <s> Córdoba <p> contains settlement <o> Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> part of <o> Comarca de Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Córdoba <p> owner of <o> Estadio Nuevo Arcángel <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bethlehem <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Córdoba <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Córdoba <p> partially coincident with <o> Corduba <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> patron saint <o> Acisclus <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nuremberg <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curitiba <s> Córdoba <p> significant event <o> Siege of Cordoue <s> Córdoba <p> significant event <o> Siege of Corduba <s> Córdoba <p> significant event <o> Siege of Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fez <s> Córdoba <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Córdoba, Spain <s> Córdoba <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Córdoba Province <s> Córdoba <p> significant event <o> Siege and fall of Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Córdoba, Spain <s> Córdoba <p> history of topic <o> history of Córdoba (Spain) <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Compostela <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bourg-en-Bresse <s> Córdoba <p> contains settlement <o> Alcolea <s> Córdoba <p> patron saint <o> Raphael <s> Córdoba <p> capital of <o> Córdoba Province <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Córdoba <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Córdoba, Spain <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lahore <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kairouan <s> Córdoba <p> part of <o> Red de Juderías de España <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jerez de la Frontera <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Espejo <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> La Carlota <s> Córdoba <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Córdoba (Spain) <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Villafranca de Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Guadalquivir <s> Córdoba <p> patron saint <o> Victoria <s> Córdoba <p> patron saint <o> Acisclus and Victoria <s> Córdoba <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Córdoba, Spain <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Louvière <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Old Havana <s> Córdoba <p> capital <o> Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Adana <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> La Victoria <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Villaviciosa de Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint-Denis <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Córdoba <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia (1902–1905) <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manchester <s> Córdoba <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Arroyo de Cantarranas <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Bujalance <s> Córdoba <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Córdoba <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Castro del Río <s> Córdoba <p> member of <o> Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Smara <s> Córdoba <p> partially coincident with <o> Qurṭubah <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Adamuz <s> Córdoba <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Córdoba, Spain <s> Córdoba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nîmes <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Obejo <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Montemayor <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> El Carpio <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Cañete de las Torres <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Almodóvar del Río <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Guadalcázar <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> La Rambla <s> Córdoba <p> shares border with <o> Fernán Núñez <s> Córdoba <p> instance of <o> municipality of Spain <s> Miami <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Miami <p> different from <o> Miami <s> Miami <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Miami <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Miami <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maracaibo <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sousse <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cochabamba <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Palermo <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Miami <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Miami <p> has list <o> list of people from Miami <s> Miami <p> capital of <o> Miami-Dade County <s> Miami <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Miami <s> Miami <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Miami <s> Miami <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Miami <s> Miami <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Miami metropolitan area <s> Miami <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Miami, Florida <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bogotá <s> Miami <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Miami <s> Miami <p> derivative work <o> Vice City <s> Miami <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Miami <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jeddah <s> Miami <p> owner of <o> Miami Orange Bowl <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ankara <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Or Akiva <s> Miami <p> derivative work <o> Vice City <s> Miami <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Miami, Florida <s> Miami <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Miami <s> Miami <p> described by source <o> Grove Art Online <s> Miami <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lisbon <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amman <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mérida <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Madrid <s> Miami <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Miami <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Miami <s> Miami <p> open data portal <o> city of Miami open data portal <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lima <s> Miami <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Miami <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kingston <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Târgoviște <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Panama City <s> Miami <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Biscayne Bay <s> Miami <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Miami River <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iquique <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kagoshima <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asti <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> El Jadida <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Port-au-Prince <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Medellín <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Varna <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Agadir <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barranquilla <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Miami <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Miami <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Miami-Dade County <s> Miami <p> head of government <o> Francis X. Suarez <s> Miami <p> named after <o> Mayaimi <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mérida <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oran <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cancun <s> Miami <p> twinned administrative body <o> Murcia <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> country <o> Spain <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> capital of <o> Galicia <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> owner of <o> Estadio Multiusos de San Lázaro <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Galicia <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> head of government <o> Goretti Sanmartín Rei <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cáceres <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> instance of <o> municipality of Galicia <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> capital <o> Santiago de Compostela city <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> owner of <o> Pabellón Multiusos Fontes do Sar <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Assisi <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coimbra <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cali <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pisa <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikiproject Toponymy <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> A Coruña Province <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> contains settlement <o> Santiago de Compostela city <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> patron saint <o> St. James the Elder, Apostle <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oviedo <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Qufu <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Las Piedras <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de los Caballeros <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mashhad <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Cuba <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> Ames <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> Teo, A Coruña <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago do Cacém <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> Boqueixón <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> Val do Dubra <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Santiago de Compostela <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> O Pino <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> Oroso <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Qom <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Querétaro <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> member of <o> Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> part of <o> intermunicipal commonwealth of the Santiago de Compostela area <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> Vedra <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> shares border with <o> Trazo <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Veraguas <s> Santiago de Compostela <p> twinned administrative body <o> Le Puy-en-Velay <s> Macau <p> diplomatic relation <o> United States of America <s> Macau <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Macau <p> language used <o> Portuguese <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Christmas <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Good Friday <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> International Workers' Day <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Christmas Eve <s> Macau <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Macau <s> Macau <p> language used <o> Standard Mandarin <s> Macau <p> language used <o> Macanese Patois <s> Macau <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Chinese New Year <s> Macau <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> People's Republic of China <s> Macau <p> electrical plug type <o> Schuko <s> Macau <p> electrical plug type <o> BS 546 <s> Macau <p> language used <o> Cantonese <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Holy Saturday <s> Macau <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Macau <s> Macau <p> emergency phone number <o> 999 <s> Macau <p> electrical plug type <o> BS 1363 <s> Macau <p> member of <o> Interpol <s> Macau <p> member of <o> UNESCO <s> Macau <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Macau <s> Macau <p> language used <o> Mandarin <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> National Day of the People's Republic of China <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> All Souls' Day of deahts <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> City of Brussels <s> Macau <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Macau <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Macau <p> language used <o> Yue Chinese <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lisbon <s> Macau <p> part of <o> People's Republic of China <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Luanda <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> New Year's Day <s> Macau <p> diplomatic relation <o> Hong Kong <s> Macau <p> highest point <o> Alto de Coloane <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Double Ninth Festival <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Buddha's birthday <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Duanwu Festival <s> Macau <p> member of <o> World Trade Organization <s> Macau <p> history of topic <o> History of Macau <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Mid-Autumn Festival <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Praia <s> Macau <p> electrical plug type <o> AC power plugs and sockets: British and related types <s> Macau <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Macau <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Qingming Festival <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Macau <p> official language <o> Portuguese <s> Macau <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Macau <s> Macau <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Macau <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Dongzhi <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Feast of the Immaculate Conception <s> Macau <p> topographic map <o> Atlas of Macau <s> Macau <p> related category <o> Category:Macau-related lists <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Recife <s> Macau <p> office held by head of government <o> Chief Executive of Macau <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Da Nang <s> Macau <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Macau <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Macau <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Porto <s> Macau <p> category of associated people <o> Category:Macau people <s> Macau <p> religion or worldview <o> Buddhism <s> Macau <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maputo <s> Macau <p> instance of <o> dependent territory <s> Macau <p> shares border with <o> Guangdong <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chieti <s> Macau <p> official language <o> Standard Mandarin <s> Macau <p> flag <o> flag of Macau <s> Macau <p> currency <o> Hong Kong dollar <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coimbra <s> Macau <p> patron saint <o> John the Baptist <s> Macau <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Macau <s> Macau <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Macau <s> Macau <p> driving side <o> left <s> Macau <p> executive body <o> Government of Macau <s> Macau <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Macau <p> part of <o> East Asia <s> Macau <p> instance of <o> special administrative region <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Faro <s> Macau <p> heritage designation <o> Heritage of Portuguese Influence <s> Macau <p> located in time zone <o> Macau Standard Time <s> Macau <p> twinned administrative body <o> Linköping Municipality <s> Macau <p> public holiday <o> Macau Special Administrative Region Establishment Day <s> Macau <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .mo <s> Macau <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Macau <s> Macau <p> legislative body <o> Legislative Assembly of Macau <s> Macau <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Macau <p> part of <o> European Union tax haven blacklist <s> Macau <p> different from <o> MACAU <s> Macau <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Macau <p> member of <o> União das Cidades Capitais Luso-Afro-Américo-Asiáticas <s> Macau <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Macau <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Macau <p> currency <o> Macanese pataca <s> Macau <p> coat of arms <o> emblem of Macau <s> Macau <p> religion or worldview <o> Chinese folk religion <s> Macau <p> instance of <o> city-state <s> Macau <p> follows <o> Portuguese Macau <s> Macau <p> official language <o> Cantonese <s> Macau <p> head of government <o> Ho Iat Seng <s> Macau <p> anthem <o> March of the Volunteers <s> Funchal <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Funchal <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Funchal <s> Funchal <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Funchal <s> Funchal <p> public holiday <o> August 21 <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Funchal <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Funchal <p> capital of <o> Madeira <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cape Town <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gibraltar <s> Funchal <p> capital of <o> Madeira Island <s> Funchal <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Funchal <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Praia <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oakland <s> Funchal <p> part of <o> Sites of Globalization <s> Funchal <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Funchal <s> Funchal <p> capital of <o> Madeira <s> Funchal <p> capital of <o> Adjacent Islands of Madeira and Porto Santo <s> Funchal <p> capital of <o> Governo-Geral da Madeira <s> Funchal <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Bedford <s> Funchal <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Madeira <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santos <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Helier <s> Funchal <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Funchal <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Leichlingen <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maui <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Herzliya <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ílhavo <s> Funchal <p> shares border with <o> Santa Cruz <s> Funchal <p> shares border with <o> Machico <s> Funchal <p> shares border with <o> Câmara de Lobos <s> Funchal <p> shares border with <o> Santana <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Parla <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Imaculado Coração de Maria <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> City of Fremantle <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu County <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte <s> Funchal <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Livingstone <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São Pedro <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Maria Maior <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sé <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São Martinho <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São Gonçalo <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santo António <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Luzia <s> Funchal <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São Roque <s> Funchal <p> instance of <o> municipality of Portugal <s> Funchal <p> instance of <o> city of Portugal <s> Funchal <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marrickville <s> İzmir <p> shares border with <o> Manisa <s> İzmir <p> shares border with <o> Aydın <s> İzmir <p> country <o> Turkey <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Volgograd <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Skopje <s> İzmir <p> coextensive with <o> İzmir Province <s> İzmir <p> geography of topic <o> geography of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mumbai <s> İzmir <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> İzmir <p> significant event <o> occupation of Smyrna <s> İzmir <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turin <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ancona <s> İzmir <p> shares border with <o> Balıkesir <s> İzmir <p> instance of <o> metropolitan municipality in Turkey <s> İzmir <p> head of government <o> Tunç Soyer <s> İzmir <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> İzmir Province <s> İzmir <p> significant event <o> Siege of Smyrna <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> İzmir <p> highest point <o> Mount Yamanlar <s> İzmir <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in İzmir <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Narlıdere <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bayraklı <s> İzmir <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in İzmir <s> İzmir <p> capital of <o> İzmir Province <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baku <s> İzmir <p> topic's main category <o> Category:İzmir <s> İzmir <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:İzmir <s> İzmir <p> topic's main template <o> Template:İzmir <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cape Town <s> İzmir <p> history of topic <o> history of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> Köppen climate classification <o> hot-summer Mediterranean climate <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havana <s> İzmir <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in İzmir <s> İzmir <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> İzmir <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from İzmir <s> İzmir <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in İzmir <s> İzmir <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> related category <o> Category:İzmir-related lists <s> İzmir <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject İzmir <s> İzmir <p> significant event <o> Burning of Smyrna <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> İzmir <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bishkek <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Split <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bukhara <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> İzmir <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> İzmir <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> economy of topic <o> economy of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Surabaya <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bremen <s> İzmir <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tianjin <s> İzmir <p> instance of <o> million city <s> İzmir <p> replaces <o> Smyrna <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bornova <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mostar <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuhan <s> İzmir <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Aegean Sea <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odense <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hamyang County <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Long Beach <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chernivtsi <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bălți <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chengdu <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tel Aviv <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sousse <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kardzhali <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Plzeň <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xiamen <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gaziemir <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Constanța <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Famagusta <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Buca <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Karşıyaka <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balçova <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tampa <s> İzmir <p> award received <o> The Europe Prize <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Karabağlar <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> North Nicosia <s> İzmir <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gediz River <s> İzmir <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Gulf of İzmir <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Konak <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Çiğli <s> İzmir <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Güzelbahçe <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shymkent <s> İzmir <p> twinned administrative body <o> Türkmenabat <s> La Plata <p> country <o> Argentina <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> La Plata <p> capital of <o> Buenos Aires Province <s> La Plata <p> capital of <o> La Plata Partido <s> La Plata <p> different from <o> Mar del Plata <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Concepción <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bologna <s> La Plata <p> topic's main category <o> Category:La Plata <s> La Plata <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> La Plata <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> La Plata <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sucre <s> La Plata <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in La Plata <s> La Plata <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in La Plata <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montevideo <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Latina <s> La Plata <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from La Plata <s> La Plata <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> La Plata <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> La Plata <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of La Plata <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chengdu <s> La Plata <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Louisville <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asunción <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maldonado <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Anghiari <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bivongi <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Porto Alegre <s> La Plata <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> La Plata <p> instance of <o> big city <s> La Plata <p> founded by <o> Dardo Rocha <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Cruz de la Sierra <s> La Plata <p> named after <o> Eva Perón <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coro <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beersheba <s> La Plata <p> instance of <o> city of Argentina <s> La Plata <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> La Plata Partido <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zaragoza <s> La Plata <p> twinned administrative body <o> Boulogne-sur-Mer <s> Ningbo <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Ningbo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Ningbo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ningbo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Ningbo <s> Ningbo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Ningbo <p> official symbol <o> Camellia japonica <s> Ningbo <p> official symbol <o> Cinnamomum camphora <s> Ningbo <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Ningbo <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ningbo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ningbo <s> Ningbo <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Ningbo <p> language used <o> Ningbo dialect <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> city <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aachen <s> Ningbo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People from Ningbo <s> Ningbo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Ningbo <s> Ningbo <p> owner of <o> Line 5 <s> Ningbo <p> owner of <o> Line 1 <s> Ningbo <p> owner of <o> Line 4 <s> Ningbo <p> owner of <o> Line 3 <s> Ningbo <p> owner of <o> Line 2 <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Verona <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odesa <s> Ningbo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhejiang <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rouen <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Auckland <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Daegu <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bydgoszcz <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nottingham <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Callao <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> sub-province-level division <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Durango <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beilun District <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cixi City <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zhenhai District <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alytus <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fenghua District <s> Ningbo <p> official language <o> Standard Mandarin <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Ningbo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Masuda <s> Ningbo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Hangzhou Bay <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yuyao City <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haishu District <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiangshan County <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> city specifically designated in the state plan <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jiangbei District <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yinzhou District <s> Ningbo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ninghai County <s> Ningbo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Yao River <s> Ningbo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Yong River <s> Ningbo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Fenghua River <s> Ningbo <p> instance of <o> port settlement </Graph>
<Text> :Luanda is the capital and largest city of Angola. It is Angola's primary port, and its major industrial, cultural and urban centre. Located on Angola's northern Atlantic coast, Luanda is Angola's administrative centre, its chief seaport, and also the capital of the Luanda Province. Luanda and its metropolitan area is the most populous Portuguese-speaking capital city in the world and the most populous Lusophone city outside Brazil, with over 8.3 million inhabitants in 2020 . Among the oldest colonial cities of Africa, it was founded in January 1576 as Sao Paulo da Assuncao de Loanda by Portuguese explorer Paulo Dias de Novais. The city served as the centre of the slave trade to Brazil before its prohibition. At the start of the Angolan Civil War in 1975, most of the white Portuguese left as refugees, principally for Portugal. Luanda's population increased greatly from refugees fleeing the war, but its infrastructure was inadequate to handle the increase. This also caused the exacerbation of slums, or musseques, around Luanda. The city is undergoing a major reconstruction, with many large developments taking place that will alter its cityscape significantly. The industries present in the city include the processing of agricultural products, beverage production, textile, cement, new car assembly plants, construction materials, plastics, metallurgy, cigarettes and shoes. The city is also notable as an economic centre for oil, and a refinery is located in the city. Luanda has been considered one of the most expensive cities in the world for expatriates. The inhabitants of Luanda are mostly members of the ethnic group of the Ambundu, but in recent times there has been an increase of the number of the Bakongo and the Ovimbundu. There exists a European population, consisting mainly of Portuguese. Luanda was the main host city for the matches of the 2010 African Cup of Nations. Portuguese explorer Paulo Dias de Novais founded Luanda on 25 January 1576 as "Sao Paulo da Assumpcao de Loanda", with one hundred families of settlers and four hundred soldiers. In 1618, the Portuguese built the fortress called Fortaleza Sao Pedro da Barra, and they subsequently built two more: Fortaleza de Sao Miguel and Forte de Sao Francisco do Penedo . Of these, the Fortaleza de Sao Miguel is the best preserved. Asuncion is the capital and the largest city of Paraguay. The city stands on the eastern bank of the Paraguay River, almost at the confluence of this river with the Pilcomayo River. The Paraguay River and the Bay of Asuncion in the northwest separate the city from the Occidental Region of Paraguay and from Argentina in the south part of the city. The rest of the city is surrounded by the Central Department. Asuncion is one of the oldest cities in South America and the longest continually inhabited area in the Rio de la Plata Basin; for this reason it is known as "the Mother of Cities". From Asuncion, Spanish colonial expeditions departed to found other cities, including the second foundation of Buenos Aires, that of other important cities such as Villarrica, Corrientes, Santa Fe, Cordoba, Santa Cruz de la Sierra and 65 more. According to the 2022 Paraguayan Census, Asuncion has 477,346 inhabitants, while its metropolitan area exceeds 2.3 million inhabitants, making it the most densely populated area in Paraguay, and also the most productive as it concentrates the 70% of the National GDP. Asuncion is the third most populated "jurisdiction" or "political division" in the country, surpassed by the Central and Alto Parana departments. Administratively, the city forms an autonomous capital district, not a part of any department. The metropolitan area, called Gran Asuncion, includes the cities of San Lorenzo, Fernando de la Mora, Lambare, Luque, Mariano Roque Alonso, Nemby, San Antonio, Limpio, Capiata and Villa Elisa, which are part of the Central Department. The Asuncion metropolitan area has around two million inhabitants. The Asuncion Stock Exchange lists the Municipality of Asuncion as BVPASA: MUA. Asuncion is one of the best cities for investments, both in construction and services, thus being one of the cities in the region with the highest economic growth, nowadays. It is the headquarters of the three state powers , the Cultural Center of the Republic and the different agencies and entities of the State. It used to be the main river port of the country, a function that Villeta occupies today. Despite the situations throughout its history, Asuncion continues to be the center of national and cultural activities. From the capital, the main state resolutions and projects are issued; and the banking, economic, cultural, diplomatic, social, union and industrial entities of the country are centralized. Most of the main routes to the main cities of the country begin here. It is the headquarters of the Permanent Review Court of Mercosur. In the metropolitan area of Asuncion, district of Luque, is the headquarters of the South American Football Confederation. Miami , officially the City of Miami, is a coastal metropolis in the U.S. state of Florida and the seat of Miami-Dade County in South Florida. With a population of 442,241 as of the 2020 census, it is the second-most populous city in Florida after Jacksonville. It is the core of the much larger Miami metropolitan area, which, with a population of 6.14 million, is the second-largest metropolitan area in the Southeast after Atlanta, and the ninth-largest in the United States. Miami has the third-largest skyline in the U.S. with over 300 high-rises, 58 of which exceed 491 ft . Miami is a major center and leader in finance, commerce, culture, arts, and international trade. Miami's metropolitan area is by far the largest urban economy in Florida, with a gross domestic product of $344.9 billion as of 2017. According to a 2018 UBS study of 77 world cities, Miami is the third-richest city in the U.S. and the third-richest globally in purchasing power. Miami is a majority-minority city with a Hispanic and Latino population of 310,472, or 70.2 percent of the city's population, as of 2020. Downtown Miami has one of the largest concentrations of international banks in the U.S. and is home to several large national and international companies. The Health District is home to several major University of Miami-affiliated hospital and health facilities, including Jackson Memorial Hospital, the nation's largest hospital with 1,547 beds, and the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, the University of Miami's academic medical center and teaching hospital, and others engaged in health-related care and research. PortMiami, the city's seaport, is the busiest cruise port in the world in both passenger traffic and cruise lines. The Miami metropolitan area is the second-most visited city or metropolitan statistical area in the U.S. after New York City, with over 4 million visitors as of 2022. Miami has sometimes been called the "Gateway to Latin America" because of the magnitude of its commercial and cultural ties to the region. In 2022, Miami ranked seventh in the U.S. in business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience, and political engagement. Miami was named after the Miami River, derived from Mayaimi, the historic name of Lake Okeechobee and the American Indians who lived around it. Miami is sometimes colloquially referred to as The 305, Magic City, Gateway to the Americas, Gateway to Latin America, Capital of Latin America, and Vice City. Santiago de Compostela, simply Santiago, or Compostela, is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, in northwestern Spain. The city has its origin in the shrine of Saint James the Great, now the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, as the destination of the Way of St. James, a leading Catholic pilgrimage route since the 9th century. In 1985, the city's Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Santiago is the local Galician evolution of Vulgar Latin Sanctus Iacobus "Saint James". According to legend, Compostela derives from the Latin: Campus Stellae ; it seems unlikely, however, that this phrase could have yielded the modern Compostela under normal evolution from Latin to Medieval Galician. Other etymologies derive the name from Latin: compositum; local Vulgar Latin Composita Tella, meaning 'burial ground'; or simply from Latin: compositella, meaning "the well-composed one". Other sites in Galicia share this toponym, akin to Compostilla in the province of Leon. According to medieval legend, the remains of the apostle James, son of Zebedee were brought to Galicia for burial, where they were lost. Eight hundred years later the light of a bright star guided a shepherd, Pelagius the Hermit, who was watching his flock at night to the burial site in Santiago de Compostela. This site was originally called Mount Libredon and its physical topography leads prevalent sea borne winds to clear the cloud deck immediately overhead. The shepherd quickly reported his discovery to the bishop of Iria, Theodemir. The bishop declared that the remains were those of the apostle James and immediately notified King Alfonso II in Oviedo. To honour St. James, the cathedral was built on the spot where his remains were said to have been found. The legend, which included numerous miraculous events, enabled the Catholic faithful to bolster support for their stronghold in northern Spain during the Christian crusades against the Moors, but also led to the growth and development of the city. Macau or Macao , officially the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China , is a city and special administrative region of China in the western Pearl River Delta by the South China Sea. With a population of about 680,000 and an area of 32.9 km2 , it is the most densely populated region in the world. Formerly a Portuguese colony, the territory of Portuguese Macau was first leased by the Ming dynasty to Portugal as a trading post in 1557. Portugal paid an annual rent and administered the territory under Chinese sovereignty until 1887. Portugal later gained perpetual colonial rights in the Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Peking. The colony remained under Portuguese rule until 1999, when it was transferred to China. Macau is a special administrative region of China, which maintains separate governing and economic systems from those of mainland China under the principle of "one country, two systems". The unique blend of Portuguese and Chinese architecture in the city's historic centre has resulted in its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005. Originally a sparsely populated collection of coastal islands, Macau, often referred to as the "Las Vegas of the East", since the late 20th century has become a major resort city and a top destination for gambling tourism. Its gambling industry is seven times larger than that of Las Vegas. The city has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, US$43,770 in 2021, and its GDP per capita by purchasing power parity is one of the highest in the world. Funchal is the capital, largest city and the municipal seat of Portugal's Autonomous Region of Madeira, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. The city has a population of 105,795, making it the sixth largest city in Portugal. Because of its high cultural and historical value, Funchal is one of Portugal's main tourist attractions; it is also popular as a destination for New Year's Eve, and it is the leading Portuguese port on cruise liner dockings. The first settlers named their settlement Funchal after the abundant wild fennel that grew there. The name is formed from the Portuguese word for fennel, funcho, and the suffix -al, to denote "a plantation of fennel": This settlement began around 1424, when the island was divided into two captaincies. The zones that would become the urbanized core of Funchal were founded by Joao Goncalves Zarco who settled there with members of his family. Owing to its geographic location, the site became an important maritime port and its productive soils attracted new settlers. Its coastal position, the most productive on the island, quickly permitted Funchal to develop an urban core and surpass the populations of other settlements. As part of its administrative role, the settlement received its primary lighthouse between 1452 and 1454, when it was elevated to the status of vila and municipal seat. Funchal became an important transfer point for European commercial interests. Christopher Columbus was one of the early settlers, but later many of the merchant families established commercial interests on the island, including: Joao d'Esmenaut from the Picardy region, the Lomelino from Genoa, the Mondragao from Biscay, the Acciauoli from Florence, the Bettencourts from France, the Lemilhana Berenguer from Valencia and many others. Izmir is a metropolitan city on the west coast of Anatolia, and capital of Izmir Province. It is the third most populous city in Turkey, after Istanbul and Ankara, and the largest urban agglomeration on the Aegean Sea. In 2019, the city of Izmir had a population of 2,965,900, while Izmir Province had a total population of 4,367,251. Its built-up area was home to 3,209,179 inhabitants. It extends along the outlying waters of the Gulf of Izmir and inland to the north across the Gediz River Delta; to the east along an alluvial plain created by several small streams; and to slightly more rugged terrain in the south. Izmir has more than 3,000 years of recorded urban history, and up to 8,500 years of history as a human settlement since the Neolithic period. In classical antiquity the city was known as Smyrna - a name which remained in use in English and various other languages until around 1930, when government efforts led the original Greek name to be gradually phased out internationally in favor of its Turkish counterpart Izmir. Until the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey, Izmir had a very large Greek population. The modern name Izmir is the Turkish rendering of the Greek name Smyrna and "Smyrne" . In medieval times, Westerners used forms like Smire, Zmirra, Esmira, Ismira, which was rendered as Izmir into Turkish, originally written as zmyr with the Ottoman Turkish alphabet. La Plata is the capital city of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. According to the 2022 census, the Partido has a population of 772,618 and its metropolitan area, the Greater La Plata, has 938,287 inhabitants. It is located 9 kilometers inland from the southern shore of the Rio de la Plata estuary. La Plata was planned and developed to serve as the provincial capital after the city of Buenos Aires was federalized in 1880. It was officially founded by Governor Dardo Rocha on 19 November 1882. Its construction is fully documented in photographs by Tomas Bradley Sutton. La Plata was briefly known as Ciudad Eva Peron between 1952 and 1955. After La Plata was designated the provincial capital, Rocha was placed in charge of creating the city. He hired urban planner Pedro Benoit, who designed a city layout based on a rationalist conception of urban centers. The city has the shape of a square with a central park and two main diagonal avenues, north to south and east to west. In addition, there are numerous other shorter diagonal streets. This design is copied in a self-similar manner in small blocks of six by six blocks in length. For every six blocks, there is a small park or square. Other than the diagonal streets, all streets are on a rectangular grid and are numbered consecutively. Thus, La Plata is nicknamed "la ciudad de las diagonales" . It is also called "la ciudad de los tilos" , because of the large number of linden trees lining the many streets and squares. The linden tree is one of a number of deciduous Northern Hemisphere tree species which dominate La Plata's parks and streets; ash, horsechestnut, plane, sweetgum and tulip tree are among the other examples. Palms and subtropical broadleaf evergreen trees thrive but are comparatively infrequent. The designs for the government buildings were chosen in an international architectural competition. Thus, the Governor Palace was designed by Italians, the City Hall by Germans, etc. Electric street lighting was installed in 1884 and was the first of its kind in Latin America. Ningbo , formerly romanized as Ningpo, is a major sub-provincial city in northeast Zhejiang province, People's Republic of China. It comprises six urban districts, two satellite county-level cities, and two rural counties, including several islands in Hangzhou Bay and the East China Sea. Ningbo is the southern economic center of the Yangtze Delta megalopolis. The port of Ningbo-Zhoushan, spread across several locations, is the world's busiest port by cargo tonnage and world's third-busiest container port since 2010. Ningbo is the core city and center of the Ningbo Metropolitan Area. To the north, Hangzhou Bay separates Ningbo from Shanghai; to the east lies Zhoushan in the East China Sea; on the west and south, Ningbo borders Shaoxing and Taizhou respectively. As of the 2020 Chinese national census, the entire administrated area of Ningbo City had a population of 9.4 million . Ningbo is one of the 15 sub-provincial cities in China, and is one of the five separate state-planning cities in China , with the municipality possessing a separate state-planning status in many economic departments, rather than being governed by Zhejiang Province. Therefore, Ningbo has provincial-level autonomy in making economic and financial policies. In 2022, the GDP of Ningbo was CNY 1570,43 billion , and it was ranked 12th among 293 cities in China. Moreover, Ningbo is among the wealthiest cities in China; it ranked 8th in terms of average yearly disposable income in the year of 2020. As of 2020, Ningbo has global headquarters and registered offices of over 100 listed companies, and many regional business headquarters. In 2021, Ningbo featured the seventh most listed companies of all cities in China. Furthermore, Ningbo was among the top 10 Chinese cities in the Urban Business Environment Report released by the Chinese state media China Central Television in 2019. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Mendoza <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Mendoza, Argentina <s> Mendoza <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Mendoza <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Mendoza <p> instance of <o> city <s> Mendoza <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bergamo <s> Mendoza <p> instance of <o> municipality <s> Mendoza <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> Mendoza <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nashville <s> Mendoza <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Mendoza <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mendoza Province <s> Mendoza <p> capital of <o> Mendoza Province <s> Mendoza <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ramat Gan <s> Mendoza <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sertãozinho <s> Mendoza <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Mendoza <p> founded by <o> Pedro Castilla <s> Mendoza <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami-Dade County <s> Mendoza <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mendoza, Argentina <s> Mendoza <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Mendoza <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Mendoza <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Mendoza, Argentina <s> Mendoza <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Mendoza <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Mendoza <s> Mendoza <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Mendoza, Argentina <s> Coimbra <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Coimbra <p> shares border with <o> Montemor-o-Velho <s> Coimbra <p> shares border with <o> Condeixa-a-Nova <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Coimbra <p> capital of <o> Portugal <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Padua <s> Coimbra <p> shares border with <o> Miranda do Corvo <s> Coimbra <p> shares border with <o> Mealhada <s> Coimbra <p> shares border with <o> Vila Nova de Poiares <s> Coimbra <p> shares border with <o> Cantanhede <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brasfemes <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santo António dos Olivais <s> Coimbra <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Coimbra <p> shares border with <o> Penacova <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yaroslavl <s> Coimbra <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Portugal <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cernache <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceira <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São Silvestre <s> Coimbra <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Coimbra <p> capital of <o> Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> instance of <o> municipality of Portugal <s> Coimbra <p> instance of <o> city of Portugal <s> Coimbra <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Halle (Saale) <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curitiba <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zaragoza <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Salamanca <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Poitiers <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Compostela <s> Coimbra <p> patron saint <o> Elizabeth of Aragon <s> Coimbra <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Coimbra <p> replaces <o> Aeminium <s> Coimbra <p> said to be the same as <o> Coimbra (city) <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dili <s> Coimbra <p> member of <o> União das Cidades Capitais Luso-Afro-Américo-Asiáticas <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fez <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Coimbra <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cambridge <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aix-en-Provence <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Esch-sur-Alzette <s> Coimbra <p> owner of <o> Estádio Cidade de Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santos <s> Coimbra <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Macau <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Clara <s> Coimbra <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Coimbra Region <s> Coimbra <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beira <s> Coimbra <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> owner of <o> Pavilhão Multiusos de Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Eiras e São Paulo de Frades <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Almalaguês <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Souselas e Botão <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São Martinho de Árvore e Lamarosa <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trouxemil e Torre de Vilela <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Assafarge e Antanhol <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São Martinho do Bispo e Ribeira de Frades <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Antuzede e Vil de Matos <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coimbra (Sé Nova, Santa Cruz, Almedina e São Bartolomeu) <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Clara e Castelo Viegas <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taveiro, Ameal e Arzila <s> Coimbra <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Coimbra <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> São João do Campo <s> Coimbra <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Torres do Mondego <s> Coimbra <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mindelo <s> Coimbra <p> award received <o> Officer of the Military Order of the Tower and Sword <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> country <o> Spain <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Las Palmas de Gran Canaria <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Atlantic Ocean <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> capital <o> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> shares border with <o> Santa Cruz de Tenerife <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> shares border with <o> El Rosario, Tenerife <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> shares border with <o> Tacoronte, Tenerife <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> shares border with <o> Tegueste <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Cruz de Tenerife Province <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> topic's main category <o> Category:San Cristóbal de La Laguna <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> instance of <o> municipality of Spain <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> member of <o> Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Old Havana <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Guamasa <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Valle de Guerra <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Finca España <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> La Cuesta de Arguijón <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Tejina <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Bajamar <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Las Mercedes, Tenerife <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Las Chumberas <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Vega Lagunera <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of San Cristóbal de La Laguna <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> El Ortigal <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Santa María de Gracia <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Los Rodeos <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Las Montañas <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Jardina <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Punta del Hidalgo <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> San Lázaro <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Guajara <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Geneto <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> contains settlement <o> Los Valles <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> heritage designation <o> World Heritage Site <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (ii) <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in San Cristóbal de La Laguna <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> head of government <o> Fernando Clavijo Batlle <s> San Cristóbal de La Laguna <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from San Cristóbal de La Laguna <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> country <o> Romania <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cologne <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> contains settlement <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> capital of <o> Cluj County <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zagreb <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> instance of <o> city <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> owner of <o> Stadionul Ion Moina <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Viterbo <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dijon <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beersheba <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Parma <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zhengzhou <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Province of Parma <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Suwon <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Makati <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> category of people buried here <o> Catdgory:Burials in Cluj-Napoca <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nantes <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> owner of <o> Stadionul Clujana <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Caracas <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eskişehir <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ningbo <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rotherham <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rockford <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Columbia <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cluj County <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Namur <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Korçë <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Braga <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karaganda <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Municipio Chacao <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pécs <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> instance of <o> college town <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> head of government <o> Emil Boc <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> instance of <o> capital of county in Romania <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ungheni <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> twinned administrative body <o> East Lansing <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> instance of <o> municipality of Romania <s> Cluj-Napoca <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Cluj-Napoca <s> Naha <p> country <o> Japan <s> Naha <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+09:00 <s> Naha <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Naha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kawasaki <s> Naha <p> instance of <o> city <s> Naha <p> official symbol <o> Delonix regia <s> Naha <p> official symbol <o> Bougainvillea <s> Naha <p> language used <o> Okinawan <s> Naha <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Vicente <s> Naha <p> located in or next to body of water <o> East China Sea <s> Naha <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Okinawa Prefecture <s> Naha <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ryukyu Kingdom <s> Naha <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Okinawa <s> Naha <p> instance of <o> city of Japan <s> Naha <p> capital of <o> Okinawa Prefecture <s> Naha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu <s> Naha <p> instance of <o> city for international conferences and tourism <s> Naha <p> capital of <o> United States occupation of the Ryukyu Islands <s> Naha <p> shares border with <o> Tomigusuku <s> Naha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Honolulu County <s> Naha <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Naha <s> Naha <p> legal form <o> ordinary local public entity <s> Naha <p> shares border with <o> Nishihara <s> Naha <p> shares border with <o> Haebaru <s> Naha <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Man <s> Naha <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fuzhou <s> Naha <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Naha <s> Naha <p> Köppen climate classification <o> humid subtropical climate <s> Naha <p> official symbol <o> Idea leuconoe <s> Naha <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Naha <s> Naha <p> official symbol <o> Garcinia subelliptica <s> Naha <p> instance of <o> prefectural capital of Japan <s> Naha <p> associated electoral district <o> Okinawa 1st District <s> Naha <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Naha <p> instance of <o> core city of Japan <s> Naha <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Asato River <s> Naha <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Kokuba River <s> Naha <p> named after <o> fishing ground <s> Naha <p> has part(s) <o> Shuri <s> Naha <p> legislative body <o> Naha City Assembly <s> Naha <p> head of government <o> Shiroma Mikiko <s> Naha <p> highest point <o> Mount Bengadake <s> Naha <p> part of <o> Naha metropolitan area <s> Naha <p> owner of <o> Okinawa Cellular Stadium <s> Naha <p> official symbol <o> Thunnus <s> Naha <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Naha <s> Naha <p> significant event <o> Bombing of Okinawa <s> Naha <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Naha <p> has part(s) <o> Mawashi <s> Naha <p> has part(s) <o> Naha Shintoshin <s> Naha <p> has part(s) <o> Oroku <s> Naha <p> shares border with <o> Urasoe <s> Naha <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Naha <s> Naha <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Naha <s> Naha <p> replaces <o> Minato <s> Naha <p> replaces <o> Shuri <s> Naha <p> replaces <o> Mawashi <s> Naha <p> replaces <o> Oroku <s> Naha <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> shares border with <o> Barcelos <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Porto <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> shares border with <o> Vila Nova de Famalicão <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> shares border with <o> Esposende <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Atlantic Ocean <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> instance of <o> municipality of Portugal <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eschborn <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan Area of Porto <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> instance of <o> city of Portugal <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Estela <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rates <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Laundos <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Póvoa de Varzim <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> União das Freguesias de Aguçadoura e Navais <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> União das Freguesias de Aver-o-Mar, Amorim e Terroso <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> União das Freguesias da Póvoa de Varzim, Beiriz e Argivai <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Póvoa de Varzim <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rio de Janeiro <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> shares border with <o> Vila do Conde <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Póvoa de Varzim <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Póvoa de Varzim <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balasar <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Póvoa de Varzim <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Douro Litoral <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Póvoa de Varzim <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Póvoa de Varzim <s> Póvoa de Varzim <p> located in time zone <o> Western European Time <s> Leiria <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Leiria <p> capital of <o> Leiria <s> Leiria <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rheine <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Leiria <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> Leiria <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Leiria <s> Leiria <p> said to be the same as <o> Leiria (city) <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tokushima <s> Leiria <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Leiria <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Leiria <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint-Maur-des-Fossés <s> Leiria <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maringá <s> Leiria <p> described by source <o> Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste <s> Leiria <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Leiria <p> capital of <o> Região de Leiria Subregion <s> Leiria <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Leiria <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Leiria <s> Leiria <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Leiria <s> Leiria <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Região de Leiria Subregion <s> Leiria <p> owner of <o> Estádio Dr. Magalhães Pessoa <s> Leiria <p> shares border with <o> Ourém <s> Leiria <p> shares border with <o> Alcobaça <s> Leiria <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Leiria <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Halton <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Olivenza <s> Leiria <p> shares border with <o> Marinha Grande <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amor <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrabal <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Setúbal <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tongling <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nampula <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Regueira de Pontes <s> Leiria <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Filipe <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bidoeira de Cima <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bajouca <s> Leiria <p> instance of <o> city of Portugal <s> Leiria <p> shares border with <o> Pombal <s> Leiria <p> shares border with <o> Batalha <s> Leiria <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lis River <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maceira <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caranguejeira <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Milagres <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coimbrão <s> Leiria <p> instance of <o> municipality of Portugal <s> Leiria <p> shares border with <o> Porto de Mós <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marrazes e Barosa <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Redondo e Carreira <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Eufémia e Boa Vista <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Santa Catarina da Serra e Chainça <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parceiros e Azoia <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Real e Carvide <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leiria, Pousos, Barreira e Cortes <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Souto da Carpalhosa e Ortigosa <s> Leiria <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colmeias e Memória <s> São Vicente <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of São Vicente (São Paulo) <s> São Vicente <p> country <o> Brazil <s> São Vicente <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> São Vicente <p> shares border with <o> Santos <s> São Vicente <p> different from <o> São Vicente <s> São Vicente <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> São Vicente <p> twinned administrative body <o> Resistencia <s> São Vicente <p> shares border with <o> Cubatão <s> São Vicente <p> shares border with <o> Praia Grande <s> São Vicente <p> twinned administrative body <o> Naha <s> São Vicente <p> shares border with <o> Mongaguá <s> São Vicente <p> shares border with <o> Itanhaém <s> São Vicente <p> shares border with <o> São Bernardo do Campo <s> São Vicente <p> instance of <o> big city <s> São Vicente <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> São Vicente <p> legislative body <o> municipal chamber of Sao Vicente <s> São Vicente <p> topic's main category <o> Category:São Vicente (São Paulo) <s> São Vicente <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Sao Vicente <s> São Vicente <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from São Vicente, São Paulo <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> shares border with <o> Guarulhos <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> shares border with <o> Mogi das Cruzes <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> shares border with <o> Poá <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> shares border with <o> Suzano <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> legislative body <o> municipal chamber of Itaquaquecetuba <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Itaquaquecetuba <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> shares border with <o> Arujá <s> Itaquaquecetuba <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Itaquaquecetuba <s> Mauá <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Mauá <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Mauá <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Mauá <p> shares border with <o> Santo André <s> Mauá <p> shares border with <o> Suzano <s> Mauá <p> shares border with <o> Ribeirão Pires <s> Mauá <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Mauá <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Mauá <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mauá <s> Mauá <p> shares border with <o> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <s> Mauá <p> legislative body <o> municipal chamber of Mauá <s> Mauá <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Mauá </Graph>
<Text> :Coimbra is a city and a municipality in Portugal. The population of the municipality at the 2021 census was 140,796, in an area of 319.40 square kilometres . The fourth-largest agglomerated urban area in Portugal after Lisbon, Porto, and Braga, it is the largest city of the district of Coimbra and the Centro Region. About 460,000 people live in the Regiao de Coimbra, comprising 19 municipalities and extending into an area of 4,336 square kilometres . Among the many archaeological structures dating back to the Roman era, when Coimbra was the settlement of Aeminium, are its well-preserved aqueduct and cryptoporticus. Similarly, buildings from the period when Coimbra was the capital of Portugal still remain. During the late Middle Ages, with its decline as the political centre of the Kingdom of Portugal, Coimbra began to evolve into a major cultural centre. This was in large part helped by the establishment of the first Portuguese university in 1290 in Lisbon and its relocation to Coimbra in 1308, making it the oldest academic institution in the Portuguese-speaking world. Apart from attracting many European and international students, the university is visited by many tourists for its monuments and history. Its historical buildings were classified as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 2013: "Coimbra offers an outstanding example of an integrated university city with a specific urban typology as well as its own ceremonial and cultural traditions that have been kept alive through the ages." The city, located on a hill by the Mondego River, was called Aeminium in Roman times. The Romans founded the civitas of Aeminium in this place at the time of Augustus, which came under the protection of nearby Conimbriga , some 15 kilometres to the south. The roman city was encircled by a wall, and followed an orthogonal plan, with the cardo maximus and decumanus maximus crossing at the Forum. An aqueduct existed, the remains of which were incorporated into a latter medieval renovation. Aeminium fell under the influence, administratively, of the larger city of Conimbriga, until the latter was sacked by the Sueves and Visigoths between 465-8 and abandoned. It became the seat of a diocesis, replacing Conimbriga. Although Conimbriga had been administratively important, Aeminium affirmed its position by being situated at the confluence of the north-south traffic that connected the Roman Bracara Augusta and Olisipo with its waterway, which enabled connections with the interior and coast. The limestone table on which the settlement grew has a dominant position overlooking the Mondego, circled by fertile lands irrigated by its waters. Vestiges of this early history include the cryptoporticus of the former Roman forum . The move of the settlement and bishopric of Conimbriga to Aeminium resulted in the name change to Conimbriga, evolving later to Colimbria. San Cristobal de La Laguna is a city and municipality in the northern part of the island of Tenerife in the Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, on the Canary Islands, Spain. The former capital of the Canary Islands, the city is the third-most populous city of the archipelago and the second-most populous city of the island. In 1999 the historical center of La Laguna was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, after being nominated by Spain. La Laguna is situated alongside the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife; thus, the two cities and municipalities form a single large urban center. Its economy is business-oriented while agriculture dominates the northeastern portion of the city. The urban area dominates the central and the southern parts. A landmark of the city is the Cathedral of La Laguna, which is the Catholic cathedral of Tenerife and its diocese . Important historical figures of the city include Amaro Pargo, one of the famous corsairs of the Golden Age of Piracy, and Jose de Anchieta, Catholic saint, missionary, and founder of the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The 16th- century young woman, Catalina Lercaro, was said to have committed suicide rather than accept an arranged marriage she opposed. Her spectre or ghost is said to haunt her former family mansion, now used as a museum of history of Tenerife. Alonso Fernandez de Lugo named the city as "Villa de San Cristobal de La Gran Laguna",, upon its founding, believed to be related to a nearby pond or lake . The name was later shortened to "San Cristobal de La Laguna". Cluj-Napoca , or simply Cluj , is the second-most populous city in Romania and the seat of Cluj County in the northwestern part of the country. Geographically, it is roughly equidistant from Bucharest ), Budapest ) and Belgrade ). Located in the Somesul Mic river valley, the city is considered the unofficial capital of the historical province of Transylvania. For some decades prior to the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, it was the official capital of the Grand Principality of Transylvania. As of 2021, 286,598 inhabitants lived within the city limits . The Cluj-Napoca metropolitan area had a population of 411,379 people, while the population of the peri-urban area exceeded 420,000 residents. The new metropolitan government of Cluj-Napoca became operational in December 2008. According to a 2007 estimate provided by the County Population Register Service, the city hosts a visible population of students and other non-residents--an average of over 20,000 people each year during 2004-2007. The city spreads out from St. Michael's Church in Unirii Square, built in the 14th century and named after the Archangel Michael, Cluj's patron saint. The boundaries of the municipality contain an area of 179.52 square kilometres . Cluj experienced a decade of decline during the 1990s, its international reputation suffering from the policies of its mayor at the time, Gheorghe Funar. Today, the city is one of the most important academic, cultural, industrial and business centres in Romania. Among other institutions, it hosts the country's largest university, Babes-Bolyai University, with its botanical garden; nationally renowned cultural institutions; as well as the largest Romanian-owned commercial bank. Cluj-Napoca held the titles of European Youth Capital in 2015, and European City of Sport in 2018. On the site of the city was a pre-Roman settlement named Napoca. After the AD 106 Roman conquest of the area, the place was known as Municipium Aelium Hadrianum Napoca. Possible etymologies for Napoca or Napuca include the names of some Dacian tribes such as the Naparis or Napaei, the Greek term napos , meaning "timbered valley" or the Indo-European root *sna-p- , "to flow, to swim, damp". Naha is the capital city of Okinawa Prefecture, the southernmost prefecture of Japan. As of 1 June 2019, the city has an estimated population of 317,405 and a population density of 7,939 persons per km2 . The total area is 39.98 km2 . Naha is located on the East China Sea coast of the southern part of Okinawa Island, the largest of Okinawa Prefecture. The modern city was officially founded on May 20, 1921. Before that, Naha had been for centuries one of the most important and populous sites in Okinawa. Central Naha consists of the Palette Kumoji shopping mall, the Okinawa Prefecture Office, Naha City Hall, and many banks and corporations, located at the west end of Kokusai-dori, the city's main street. Kokusai-dori boasts a 1.6 kilometer long stretch of stores, restaurants and bars. Kokusai-dori ends at the main bus terminal in Okinawa and is served by several stations along the Okinawa Urban Monorail, the only train system in the prefecture. Spurring off from Kokusai-dori is the covered Heiwa-dori Shopping Arcade and Makishi Public Market, a massive shotengai filled with fresh fish, meat, and produce stands, restaurants, tourist goods shops, and liquor shops. Just outside the market area is the neighborhood of Tsuboya , which was once a major center of ceramic production . Povoa de Varzim is a Portuguese city in Northern Portugal and sub-region of Greater Porto, 30 km from its city centre. It sits in a sandy coastal plain, a cuspate foreland, halfway between the Minho and Douro rivers. In 2001, there were 63,470 inhabitants, with 42,396 living in the city proper. The city expanded southwards, to Vila do Conde, and there are about 100,000 inhabitants in the urban area alone. It is the seventh-largest urban agglomeration in Portugal and the third largest in Northern Portugal. Permanent settlement in Povoa de Varzim dates back to around four to six thousand years ago. Around 900 BC, unrest in the region led to the establishment of Cividade de Terroso, a fortified city, which developed maritime trade routes with the civilizations of classical antiquity. Modern Povoa de Varzim emerged after the conquest by the Roman Republic of the city by 138 BC; fishing and fish processing units soon developed, which became the foundations of the local economy. By the 11th century, the fishing industry and fertile farmlands were the economic base of a feudal lordship and Varzim was fiercely disputed between the local overlords and the early Portuguese kings, which resulted in the establishment of the present day's municipality in 1308 and being subjugated to monastic power some years later. Povoa de Varzim's importance reemerged with the Age of Discovery due to its shipbuilders and merchants proficiency and wealth, who traded around the globe in complex trade routes. By the 17th century, the fish processing industry rebounded and, sometime later, Povoa became the dominant fishing port in northern Portugal. Povoa de Varzim has been a well-known beach resort for over three centuries, the most popular in Northern Portugal, which unfolded an influential literary culture and historical-artistic patronage in music and theater. Casino da Povoa is one of the few and prominent gambling venues in Portugal. Leisure and health benefits provided in large sandy beaches attracts national and international visitors. Povoa de Varzim holds other landmarks, especially the traditional Junqueira shopping street, Garrett Theatre, the Ethnography and History Museum, Cividade de Terroso, the Medieval Rates Monastery, Baroque Matriz Church, city Hall and Portuguese vernacular architecture in Praca do Almada, and numerous Portuguese cuisine restaurants that make Povoa de Varzim popular in all Northern Portugal, which started to attract an international following. Farol da Lapa, Farol de Regufe, the main breakwater of the Port of Povoa de Varzim, Carvalhido and Sao Felix Hill are preferred for sightseeing. The city has significant textile and food industries. The town has retained a distinct cultural identity and ancient Norse customs such as the writing system of siglas poveiras, the masseira farming technique and festivals. Discoveries of Acheulean stone tools suggest Povoa de Varzim has been inhabited since the Lower Palaeolithic, around 200,000 BC. The first groups of shepherds settled on the coast where Povoa de Varzim is now located between the 4th millennium and early 2nd millennium BC. A Neolithic-Calcolithic necropolis, with seven known burial mounds, can still be seen around Sao Felix Hill and Cividade Hill. Leiria is a city and municipality in the Central Region of Portugal. It is the 2nd largest city in that same region, with a municipality population of 128,640 in an area of 565.09 square kilometres . It is the seat of its own district and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Leiria-Fatima. The city is part of the historical province of Beira Litoral. The region around Leiria has long been inhabited although its early history is obscure. The first evident inhabitants were the Turduli Oppidani, a Celtici tribe , who established a settlement near present-day Leiria. This settlement was later occupied by the Romans, who expanded it under the original Celtiberian name Collippo. The stones of the ancient Roman town were used in the Middle Ages to build much of Leiria. The name "Leiria" in Portuguese derives from 'leira' ', Old Irish 'lar' 'ground, floor', Breton 'leur' 'ground', Welsh 'llawr' 'floor') meaning an area with small farming plots. It was occupied by the Suebi in 414 until they were forced by the Romans to retreat to Galicia and later incorporated by Leovigild into the Visigoths kingdom in 585 A.D. Later the Moors occupied the area until it was re-captured by the first King of Portugal, Afonso Henriques in 1135, during the Reconquista. South of Leiria in that period was the so-called "no-man's land", until regions further south were permanently taken and re-populated by the Christians. In 1142 Afonso Henriques gave Leiria its first foral to stimulate the colonisation of the region. Itaquaquecetuba, also simply called Itaqua, is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 375,011 in an area of 82.62 square kilometres . It sits at an elevation of 790 metres . The municipality was founded between 1560 and 1563 by Jesuits led by Father Joseph of Anchieta, among native villages near the Tiete River, beginning with the Catholic chapel of Our Lady of Acute, which was established by Father Joseph. The settlement saw little development, and was almost deserted by the early twentieth century. Until 1958 the city was a district of Mogi das Cruzes. Following the emancipation of the municipality that year, the first Mayor, Victorio Eugenio Deliberato, began a campaign of industrial development that had great geographic and economic impact on Itaquaquecetuba in the decades to come. The origin of the city dates back to Itaquaquecetuba of the twelve villages founded by the Jesuit priest Jose de Anchieta, in his long stay in Brazil. Its creation is due to the then president of the province, Bernardo Jose Pinto Gaviao Peixoto, named village of Nossa Senhora da Ajuda, on September 7, 1560, being established in the River Tiete, to catechize the guaianases. The city is served by Line 12 of CPTM . The commuter rail system has 3 train stations: Engenheiro Manoel, Aracare and Itaquaquecetuba. Local bus service is provided by Expresso Planalto and Intercity buses are also available connecting the city to Poa, Mogi das Cruzes, Guarulhos, Aruja, Santa Isabel, Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Suzano and Sao Paulo. Many bus companies operate such routes under permission of EMTU - Empresa Metropolitana de Transportes Urbanos de Sao Paulo, a state-owned company. Maua is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo, in Brazil. Is part of the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. The population as of 2020 is 477,552 inhabitants , the density is 7,500 per square kilometre and the area is 62.6 square kilometres . The density is in fact bigger, since one third of the city is occupied by industries and 10% is countryside or forest. Its name comes from the Tupi language and means the one that is high. As it's a municipality, it can also be translated as high city. However, back when the city was a small village, its name was Pilar, then the name was changed in 1934 into Maua as a homage to Visconde de Maua, entrepreneur which built the Santos-Jundiai railway that passes through the city. Although there are various types of economic activity in the city , Maua is still known as the "capital of china and pottery", because this activity was very important for the development of the municipality. There are two industrial centers and a large petrochemical complex plant where the refinery of Petrobras is located, the RECAP. These poles transformed Maua into one of the largest industrial parks in the country. Major road interventions are being implemented , which, due to the improved access to the city should influence the growth of industrial activity, who nowadays suffers with the bottleneck of the road network and its chronic lack of maintenance. Some companies with headquarters or branches in the municipality of Maua: ALCAN , CGE , Petrobras , LED, Liquigas , Chevron-Oronite , Oxiteno-Ultrapar , Firestone , Saint-Gobain , Magneti Marelli-Cofap . The city is served by CPTM Line 10, passing through the Capuava, Maua and Guapituba stations. It's also served by the METRA bus rapid transit system, having one stop and a trolleybus line which goes to the Sonia Maria terminal. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> West Zone of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> West Zone of São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> West Zone of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> West Zone of São Paulo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Subprefecture of Lapa <s> West Zone of São Paulo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Subprefecture of Butantã <s> West Zone of São Paulo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Subprefecture of Pinheiros <s> Huaibei <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Huaibei <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Huaibei <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Huaibei <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Anhui <s> Huaibei <p> shares border with <o> Xuzhou <s> Huaibei <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Huaibei <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Huaibei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Duji District <s> Huaibei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lieshan District <s> Huaibei <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Huaibei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Xiangshan District, Huaibei <s> Huaibei <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suixi County, Anhui <s> Huaibei <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Huaibei <s> Huaibei <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Huaibei <s> Torreón <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Torreón <s> Torreón <p> country <o> Mexico <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paris <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Antonio <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Torreón <p> instance of <o> city <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Harburg <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Laredo <s> Torreón <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saltillo <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> El Paso <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fresno <s> Torreón <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Torreón <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Reynosa <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterrey <s> Torreón <p> capital of <o> Torreón <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chihuahua City <s> Torreón <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coro <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Culiacán Municipality <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Durango <s> Torreón <p> instance of <o> locality of Mexico <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hermosillo <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Culiacán <s> Torreón <p> twinned administrative body <o> Xalapa <s> Torreón <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Torreón <s> Torreón <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Torreón <s> Góis <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Góis <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> Góis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Góis <s> Góis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Góis <s> Góis <p> capital <o> Góis <s> Góis <p> heritage designation <o> heritage without legal protection <s> Góis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Coimbra <s> Góis <p> instance of <o> town of Portugal <s> Góis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vila Nova do Ceira <s> Góis <p> shares border with <o> Lousã <s> Góis <p> shares border with <o> Pampilhosa da Serra <s> Góis <p> shares border with <o> Pedrógão Grande <s> Góis <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Góis <p> shares border with <o> Arganil <s> Góis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alvares <s> Góis <p> instance of <o> municipality of Portugal <s> Góis <p> shares border with <o> Castanheira de Pera <s> Góis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Coimbra Region <s> Góis <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cadafaz e Colmeal <s> Alta Floresta <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Alta Floresta <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Alta Floresta <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mato Grosso <s> Alta Floresta <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−04:00 <s> Alta Floresta <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Alta Floresta <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Carlinda <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Tabaporã <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Juara <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Novo Progresso <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Nova Canaã do Norte <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Paranaíta <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Jacareacanga <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Nova Monte Verde <s> Alta Floresta <p> shares border with <o> Novo Mundo <s> Alta Floresta <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Poá <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Poá <s> Poá <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Poá <s> Poá <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Poá <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Poá <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Poá <p> shares border with <o> Itaquaquecetuba <s> Poá <p> shares border with <o> Suzano <s> Poá <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Poá <p> shares border with <o> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <s> Poá <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Barueri <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Barueri <p> head of government <o> Rubens Furlan <s> Barueri <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Barueri <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Barueri <p> shares border with <o> Osasco <s> Barueri <p> shares border with <o> Carapicuíba <s> Barueri <p> shares border with <o> Santana de Parnaíba <s> Barueri <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> Barueri <p> shares border with <o> Itapevi <s> Barueri <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Barueri <p> part of <o> São Paulo metropolitan area <s> Barueri <p> shares border with <o> Jandira <s> Barueri <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Barueri <p> legislative body <o> municipal Chamber of Barueri <s> Barueri <p> twinned administrative body <o> Berilo <s> Barueri <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Barueri <s> Barueri <p> part of <o> Osasco <s> Barueri <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Barueri <s> Barueri <p> owner of <o> Arena Barueri <s> Embu das Artes <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Embu das Artes <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Embu das Artes <p> shares border with <o> Itapecerica da Serra <s> Embu das Artes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Embu das Artes <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Embu das Artes <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Embu das Artes <p> instance of <o> tourist resort <s> Embu das Artes <p> shares border with <o> Cotia <s> Embu das Artes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hino <s> Embu das Artes <p> different from <o> Embu <s> Embu das Artes <p> legislative body <o> municipal Chamber of Embu das Artes <s> Embu das Artes <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Embu das Artes <s> Embu das Artes <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Embu das Artes <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Santana de Parnaíba <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Santana de Parnaíba <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> Barueri <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> Osasco <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> Itapevi <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> Araçariguama <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> Cajamar <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> Pirapora do Bom Jesus <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> shares border with <o> São Roque <s> Santana de Parnaíba <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Miami-Dade County <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Miami-Dade County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Miami-Dade County <p> different from <o> Miami County <s> Miami-Dade County <p> different from <o> Miami County <s> Miami-Dade County <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Miami-Dade County, Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Miami-Dade County, Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Kitts and Nevis <s> Miami-Dade County <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Miami-Dade County <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> The Bahamas <s> Miami-Dade County <p> list of monuments <o> National Register of Historic Places listings in Miami-Dade County, Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Zika Corpus <s> Miami-Dade County <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Miami-Dade County, Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Miami-Dade County, Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asunción <s> Miami-Dade County <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Miami-Dade County, Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> different from <o> Miami County <s> Miami-Dade County <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Miami-Dade County, Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cayman Islands <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> San José <s> Miami-Dade County <p> capital <o> Miami <s> Miami-Dade County <p> named after <o> Miami <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iquique <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Province of Asti <s> Miami-Dade County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Miami <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kingston <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Maldonado <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mendoza <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Cruz de la Sierra <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Veracruz <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vitoria <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Petit-Goâve <s> Miami-Dade County <p> shares border with <o> Collier County <s> Miami-Dade County <p> shares border with <o> Monroe County <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pucallpa <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monagas <s> Miami-Dade County <p> shares border with <o> Broward County <s> Miami-Dade County <p> named after <o> Francis Langhorne Dade <s> Miami-Dade County <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lamentin <s> Miami-Dade County <p> instance of <o> county of Florida <s> Miami-Dade County <p> head of government <o> Daniella Levine Cava <s> Miami-Dade County <p> head of government <o> Carlos A. Giménez </Graph>
<Text> :Huaibei is a prefecture-level city in northern Anhui Province, China. It borders Suzhou to the east, Bengbu to the south, Bozhou to the west, and the provinces of Henan to the northwest and Jiangsu to the northeast. The population was 1,970,165 inhabitants as of the 2020 census , all integrated in the built-up area and the city has an administrative area of 2,741 km2 . Huaibei is the home to numerous chemical, construction, machinery, textile, power, electronics, and mineral industrial firms. The city has over 2,000 industrial enterprises, of which 22 large and medium-sized ones are run by the state. The power industry has also developed rapidly and is currently ranked third in eastern China - Huaibei Power Station has a total installed capacity of 950 MW and an annual electricity output of 620 GW. The Huaibei No. 2 Power Station, with the total installed capacity of l.2 GW, is also being built. The textile industry in Huaibei is ranked second in Anhui. It has established a comprehensive system of printing and dyeing, wool and silk spinning, and knitting processes. The textile firms have 200,000 spindles, 15,000 looms, with a printing & dyeing capacity of 110 million meters. Torreon is a city and seat of Torreon Municipality in the Mexican state of Coahuila. As of 2021, the city's population was 735,340. The metropolitan population as of 2015 was 1,497,734, making it the ninth-biggest metropolitan area in the country and the largest metropolitan area in the state of Coahuila, as well as one of Mexico's most important economic and industrial centers. The cities of Torreon; Gomez Palacio, Durango; Lerdo, Durango; Matamoros; Francisco I. Madero; San Pedro; Bermejillo, Durango; and Tlahualilo, Durango form the area of La Laguna or the Comarca Lagunera, a basin within the Chihuahuan Desert. The area was originally a center for ranching. With irrigation, the city became an important center for farming and the processing of cotton. In the middle of the 20th century, it became an industrial city. The cities have industries in textiles, clothing and metals processing. Some important industries and companies have business here, like Penoles, Motores John Deere, Grupo Lala, Yura Corporation, as well as stores like Soriana, Cimaco, and Extra. There are also several shopping malls in the city, including Galerias Laguna, Almanara, Plaza Cuatro Caminos, and InterMall. The first Spanish mission arrived in 1566, led by Fr. Pedro Espinareda. However, the city developed only in the independent Mexican era, around a Torreon built to monitor Rio Nazas's floods, in conjunction with the creation of a railroad connecting to the US border city of El Paso, which gave an economic boom to the city and therefore a population boom as well. The population grew from 200 in 1892 to 34,000 in 1910. Torreon received city status in 1907. During the Mexican Revolution , the city was taken more than once; the most prominent character ever to take the city was the revolutionary general Pancho Villa. It was also the location of the 1911 Torreon massacre, where 303 Chinese immigrants were killed by the revolutionaries over a ten-hour period. During the revolution, Torreon was also the site of an important convention that led to a deal between the rebellious armies. The city is 56 km southwest of historic San Pedro de las Colonias, where some of the Mexican Revolution battles occurred. The municipality of Gois is situated 40 kilometres in Coimbra, in the deep, narrow valley of the Ceira, between the mountains of Carvalhal and Rabadao. The municipality is limited in the north by the municipality of Arganil, east by Pampilhosa da Serra, southwest by Pedrogao Grande and Castanheira de Pera, west by Lousa and northwest by Vila Nova de Poiares. The mountains of the Penedo de Gois, which are part of the Serra da Lousa , at a height of 1,043 metres , have an accentuated orography with many climatic differences; the Lousa represents the end of the southwest-central cordillera, with elevations between 800 metres and 1,200 metres above sea level, with accentuated slopes on the northern flanks and gentle in the south influenced by Atlantic and Mediterranean weather systems. The environment resulted in a diverse vegetation, that includes holm oaks in the dry, sunny regions; and English oak and Pyrenean oak in the humid, colder areas. It is an area of appreciable landscape, composed of quartzite, accompanied by gravel along the flanks. There are a number of watercourses in the municipality, all with a permanent character that support the watersheds of the Zezere and Mondego Rivers. The riparian vegetation, consequently, thrives: specifically, the patches of European alder and communities of Portuguese laurel , with the presence of European holly . These areas include important spaces for the conservation of Iberian Emerald Lizard and particularly the Gold-Striped Salamander , also known as an area of elevated genetic diversity and major vulnerability. Poa is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. The water extracted from Fonte Aurea, or the Golden Fountain, is sold throughout Brazil. The population is 118,349 in an area of 17.26 km2. Poa is one of eleven municipalities considered spa towns by the state of Sao Paulo, fulfilling certain prerequisites set by state law. This status ensures that these municipalities more money from the state to promote regional tourism and beyond that the city acquired the right to add the title "Estancia Hidromineral" to its name, a term which is designated by both the municipal expedient as the official state references. Poa's economy is mainly service-focused, since the installation of polluting industries has been banned since 1970, the year it became a spa town. Territory-wise, is one of the smallest municipalities in the state of Sao Paulo . Verticalization in the city center is discouraged to preserve the small-town atmosphere of the city, with narrow streets and the preservation of several old buildings. The council is not the richest in the region, but still outperforms its neighbors in several social indicators, thus signaling that the economic growth of Poa is more equal and sustainable than in other cities, and that its population has a better quality of life due to public facilities . In indexes like the human development index, the child development index and the index of development of basic education, Poa surpasses all municipalities. In 2007 it was considered one of the safest cities of Sao Paulo, specifically the 5th, behind only Sao Caetano do Sul, Barueri, Caieiras and Mogi das Cruzes. The climate of the city and across the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, is subtropical. Little hot and rainy summer. Mild winters and sub. The average annual temperature is around 18C deg, the coldest month is July and the warmest is February . Annual rainfall is around 1400 mm. An example of a tourist attraction, is the municipal spa Vicente Leporace, located in front of the Fonte Aurea, which was opened in 1970 as a condition for the council to receive the title of hidromineral and tourist resort. After being used for 30 years, it was deactivated at the beginning of the decade, because the mayor at the time, Eduardo Carlos Felippe, felt that there was no need to have a spa in the city. Since then the site is used as a physiotherapy center. Barueri is a Brazilian municipality in the State of Sao Paulo located in the northwestern part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 276,982 in an area of 65.70 km2 . Its boundaries are Santana de Parnaiba to the north, Osasco in the east, Carapicuiba in the Southeast, Jandira to the south and southwest, and Itapevi the west. The city is served by the trains of line 8 of the Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos , . Barueri means "Red flower that amazes" in a Tupi-Guarani language. According to historians, the history of Barueri dates back to November 11, 1560 with the establishment of Nossa Senhora Da Escada Chapel by jesuit missionary Jose de Anchieta and his further settlement. The hamlet grew to the point of the construction, in 1870 of the Sorocabana Railway that initiated its duties in 1875 turning Barueri into an important point of connection between Sao Paulo, Santana de Parnaiba and Pirapora do Bom Jesus. Still belonging to the city of Santana de Parnaiba, Barueri was established as an independent city on December 24, 1948 due to its growth. In 1964, the city's territory shrank to two thirds of its original size when Carapicuiba emancipated from it. The most notable football club in the city is Gremio Barueri, which plays at Arena Barueri, in 2009 played in the Brazilian top league. In February 2010 the team was moved to Presidente Prudente, a city that is located in western Sao Paulo . After moving to Presidente Prudente the team's new home stadium was Estadio Eduardo Jose Farah, which has a maximum capacity of 44,414 people. Embu das Artes, previously and commonly known simply as Embu, is a Brazilian municipality in the State of Sao Paulo. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 276,535 in an area of 70.40 km2. The history of Embu began in 1554, with the arrival of a group of Jesuits of the aldeamento or settlement of Bohi, later M'Boy, halfway between the sea and the Sao Paulo hinterlands. As the Jesuit missions in the interior of Brazil, the primary objective was to convert the native population to Roman Catholicism, in an attempt to use them as farm workers in the region. In 1607 the lands of the village passed to the hands of Fernao Dias , In 1690, the priest Belchior de Pontes initiated the construction of the Igreja do Rosario , when it transferred at the same time to the nucleus of the original village. In 1760, by order of the Portuguese Crown, the Jesuits were expelled from Brazil because they interfered in colonist affairs, such as protecting converted natives from the Bandeiras, which sought to enslave them. The artistic vocation of the city started to project itself in 1937, when Cassio M'Boy, "santeiro" - sculptor of religious images - in Embu, gained first prize at the Exposition Internationel d'Arts Techniques du Paris. Before that, Cassio had been the professor of some renowned artists and received illustrious representatives of the Modernismo movement of 1922, including Anita Malfatti, Tarsila do Amaral, Oswald de Andrade, Menotti Del Picchia, Volpi and Yoshio Takaoka. Santana de Parnaiba is a city and municipality in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 142,301 in an area of 179.95 km2 . It was founded in 1625 near the Tiete River by Susana Dias, an important Bandeirante wife. It was the birthplace of prominent Bandeirante Domingos Jorge Velho. Miami-Dade County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Florida. The county had a population of 2,701,767 as of the 2020 census, making it the most populous county in Florida and the seventh-most populous county in the United States. It is Florida's third largest county in terms of land area with 1,946 square miles . The county seat is Miami, the core of the nation's ninth-largest and world's 65th-largest metropolitan area with a 2020 population of 6.138 million people, exceeding the population of 31 of the nation's 50 states as of 2022. As of 2021, Miami-Dade County has a gross domestic product of $154.9 billion, making it the 14th-largest of the nation's 3,033 counties. The county is home to the Port of Miami on Biscayne Bay, the world's largest passenger port with a world record 5.5 million passengers in 2018, and Miami International Airport, the third largest U.S. airport for international passengers and largest U.S. airport for international cargo. The county's land area of nearly 2,000 square miles exceeds that of two U.S. states, Delaware and Rhode Island. The county is home to several universities and colleges, including the University of Miami in Coral Gables, a private research university that is routinely ranked as one of the nation's top universities and is the county's second-largest employer with nearly 17,000 employees as of 2021. Miami-Dade County is heavily Hispanic and was the most populous majority-Hispanic county in the nation as of 2020. It is home to 34 incorporated cities and many unincorporated areas. The northern, central and eastern portions of the county are heavily urbanized with many high-rise buildings along the coastline, including Miami's Central Business District in Downtown Miami. Southern Miami-Dade County includes the Redland and Homestead areas, which make up the agricultural economy of the county. Agricultural Redland makes up roughly one third of Miami-Dade County's inhabited land area, and is sparsely populated, a stark contrast to the densely populated, urban portions of the county's northern sections. The county includes portions of two national parks. To the west, the county extends into the Everglades National Park and is populated only by a Miccosukee tribal village. Biscayne National Park and the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves are located east of the mainland in Biscayne Bay. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Diadema <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Diadema <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Diadema <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Diadema <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Cuba <s> Diadema <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreuil <s> Diadema <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Bernardo do Campo <s> Diadema <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Diadema <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Diadema <p> legislative body <o> municipal chamber of Diadema <s> Diadema <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Diadema, São Paulo <s> Diadema <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Diadema <s> Diadema <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People of Diadema <s> Cotia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cotia <s> Cotia <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Cotia <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Cotia <s> Cotia <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Cotia <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Cotia <p> shares border with <o> Osasco <s> Cotia <p> shares border with <o> Vargem Grande Paulista <s> Cotia <p> shares border with <o> São Lourenço da Serra <s> Cotia <p> shares border with <o> Carapicuíba <s> Cotia <p> shares border with <o> Embu das Artes <s> Cotia <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Cotia <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Cotia <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kōchi <s> Taboão da Serra <p> shares border with <o> Embu das Artes <s> Taboão da Serra <p> shares border with <o> Cotia <s> Taboão da Serra <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Taboão da Serra <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Taboão da Serra <p> shares border with <o> Osasco <s> Taboão da Serra <p> legislative body <o> municipal Chamber of Taboão da Serra <s> Taboão da Serra <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Taboão da Serra <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Taboão da Serra <s> Taboão da Serra <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Taboão da Serra <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Taboão da Serra <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Taboão da Serra <s> Belmonte <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Belmonte <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> Belmonte <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Belmonte <p> located in time zone <o> UTC±00:00 <s> Belmonte <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Belmonte <s> Belmonte <p> shares border with <o> Guarda <s> Belmonte <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelo Branco <s> Belmonte <p> instance of <o> town of Portugal <s> Belmonte <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Belmonte, Portugal <s> Belmonte <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beiras e Serra da Estrela <s> Belmonte <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caria <s> Belmonte <p> instance of <o> municipality of Portugal <s> Belmonte <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belmonte e Colmeal da Torre <s> Belmonte <p> shares border with <o> Fundão <s> Belmonte <p> shares border with <o> Sabugal <s> Belmonte <p> shares border with <o> Covilhã <s> Belmonte <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maçainhas <s> Belmonte <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Inguias <s> Mairiporã <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mairiporã <s> Mairiporã <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Mairiporã <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Mairiporã <s> Mairiporã <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Mairiporã <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Mairiporã <p> shares border with <o> Guarulhos <s> Mairiporã <p> shares border with <o> Franco da Rocha <s> Mairiporã <p> shares border with <o> Nazaré Paulista <s> Mairiporã <p> shares border with <o> Caieiras <s> Mairiporã <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Mairiporã <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Mairiporã <p> shares border with <o> Bom Jesus dos Perdões <s> Mairiporã <p> shares border with <o> Atibaia <s> Mairiporã <p> anthem <o> Hino do município de Mairiporã <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> country <o> Brazil <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> twinned administrative body <o> Thiene <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vittorio Veneto <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> shares border with <o> São Bernardo do Campo <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> shares border with <o> Santo André <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> instance of <o> big city <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> topic's main category <o> Category:São Caetano do Sul <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from São Caetano do Sul <s> São Caetano do Sul <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of São Caetano do Sul <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Itapecerica da Serra <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Itapecerica da Serra <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> shares border with <o> São Lourenço da Serra <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> shares border with <o> Embu das Artes <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> shares border with <o> Embu-Guaçu <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Itapecerica da Serra <p> shares border with <o> Cotia <s> Tietê River <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Pinheiros River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Piracicaba River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Tamanduateí River <s> Tietê River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Paraná River <s> Tietê River <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Salesópolis <s> Tietê River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Capivari River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Jundiaí River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Lençóis River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Dourado River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Guaio River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Córrego Itaim <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Baquirivu-Guaçu River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Cotia River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Aricanduva River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Jacaré-Guaçu River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Sorocaba River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Batalha River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> São Lourenço River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Capivara River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Jundiaí River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Jaú River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Barueri-Mirim River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Juqueri River <s> Tietê River <p> tributary <o> Jacaré-Pepira River <s> Tietê River <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rio Tietê <s> Tietê River <p> drainage basin <o> Río de la Plata Basin <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> São Paulo <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> color <o> green <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> color <o> red <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> color <o> black <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> color <o> white <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> color <o> gold <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> municipal flag <s> flag of the City of São Paulo <p> aspect ratio (W:H) <o> 10:7 <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Embu-Guaçu <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Embu-guaçu <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> shares border with <o> Itapecerica da Serra <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> shares border with <o> Juquitiba <s> Embu-Guaçu <p> shares border with <o> São Lourenço da Serra </Graph>
<Text> :Cotia is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 253,608 in an area of 323.99 km2. The city is at an elevation of 853 m. Cotia is linked with the Rodovia Raposo Tavares highway. Cotia was founded in 1580, and was an active village during the "bandeiras" expeditions. In 1626, Raposo Tavares and his companions arrived in the city. The "Sitio do Mandu" and "Sitio do Padre Inacio" were some of the first rural houses to be built there. Nowadays, they are preserved by the "Instituto Brasileiro de Patrimonio Cultural. Cotia was declared an independent municipality on April 2, 1856. According to the 1980 demographic census, the city had a population of over 62 thousand people. The city has a densely populated urban area, but the less developed areas to the west attract people interested in ecotourism. The only naturally occurring case of Brazilian hemorrhagic fever took place here. Taboao da Serra is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 293,652 in an area of 20.39 km2. It is the second smallest city in area in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area . The city's climate, as in the whole Greater Sao Paulo, has a monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate , according to the Koppen classification. Summers are rainy and not too warm. The winters are rainless and not too cold. The year average temperature is 63.5 , and the coldest month is July . The hottest month is February with an average temperature of 71.6 . Rainfall is abundant, amounting to an annual average of 1,400 millimetres . It became a municipality in 1889, separating from Guarulhos, it was named "Juqueri", and it comprised also what today are the cities of Franco da Rocha, Caieiras and Francisco Morato. The current name was adopted in December 1948, and means "beautiful city" . Climate: Like in all of the Sao Paulo metropolitan area, the climate is subtropical. Summer is considerably warm and rainy while the winter is mild. The average annual temperature is about 18 degC. The coldest month is July with an average 14 degC and the warmest February with an average 22 degC. The annual pluviometric index is about 1400mm. The municipality contains part of the 7,917 hectares Cantareira State Park, created in 1962, which protects a large part of the metropolitan Sao Paulo water supply. Mairipora is a city in Serra da Cantareira north of Sao Paulo City. It is in a great location for tourists who are searching for connection with nature and tranquility yet close to the capital. The city is rich in many radical sports, like Paraglider in Pico do Olho D'agua, downhill in Trilha da Saracura, the Trilha dos Macacos with waterfalls among others. Sao Caetano do Sul is a city in Sao Paulo state in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 161,957 in an area of 15.33 km2. It is the city with the highest per capita income in Brazil and it also has the highest Human Development Index. It is intensely conurbated with Sao Paulo, Santo Andre and Sao Bernardo do Campo, causing the physical limits between cities to be lost. Sao Caetano do Sul, together with Ferraz de Vasconcelos, is one of two cities in the state of Sao Paulo that are not crossed by any state or federal highway. The region in which the municipality of Sao Caetano do Sul is today is occupied since the 16th century when it was known as Tijucucu. It was an area of estates of residents of the former settlement, later villa , of Santo Andre da Borda do Campo, extinguished by order of the governor-general Mem de Sa. In the seventeenth century a group of Benedictine monks formed in the region, donated by a farmer, the Monastery of Saint Benedict and the Tijucucu Farm, used by the monks to raise cattle. In 1717, the monks began to erect the chapel dedicated to Saint Cajetan di Thiene , the patron saint of bread and work, in the place where the Old Matrix of St. Caetano is today. They passed the farm to be called Farm of Sao Caetano do Tijucucu, then Sao Caetano Farm. Around the farm was developed the district of Sao Caetano, in the same territory of the city of Sao Paulo. It was first enumerated in 1765, when the Morgado de Mateus determined that a census of the population of the Captaincy of Sao Paulo was made. Its inhabitants were farmers and tropeiros and they received the sacraments in the Chapel of Sao Caetano. Itapecerica da Serra is a municipality in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 177,662 in an area of 150.74 km2 . It is located 23 miles southwest of Sao Paulo and at an altitude of 920 m above sea level. The name Itapecerica is believed to come from the Tupi language for slippery stone, and da Serra means of the Mountains in Portuguese. Itapecerica da Serra was founded in 1562 by the Jesuit missionaries. It was one of several settlements Christianized indians, established around the Colegio de Sao Paulo de Piratininga as a first line of defense against raids by hostile Indians. Besides the local inhabitants, the village incorporated natives from the village of Carapicuiba, brought by bandeirante Afonso Sardinha and priest Belchior Pontes. Pollution of the Tiete River began subtly in the 1920s, but it has worsened significantly over time. In September 2010, National Geographic identified the river as the most polluted in Brazil. Despite efforts to clean up the river, it still suffers from pollution and environmental degradation, and some species are threatened, or possibly extinct. One of the first hydroelectric power stations constructed in Brazil, "Usina Parque de Salesopolis", constructed in 1912 by the Sao Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company, is on the Tiete, in the municipality of Salesopolis. It generated energy from the water dropping a height of 72m through a pair of surface pipes. The dam was built at the lip of a waterfall, and thus is only 5m high. Several dams on the river have ship locks to ensure that navigation on the river is possible. The waterway of the Tiete-Parana permits navigation over a length of 1,100 kilometres between Conchas on the River Tiete and Sao Simao , on the Paranaiba River and then, up to ltaipu, attaining 2,400 kilometres of waterway. Barges transport produce at a cost which is lower than road transport with, for example, more than one million metric tons of grains per year being transported an average distance of 700 kilometres . All river ship freight including such commodities like sand, gravel, and sugarcane, total approximately 2 million metric tons. About 450 kilometres of the Tiete River is fully navigable Although the Tiete River is said to be one of the most important rivers economically for the state of Sao Paulo and for the country, the Tiete River is best known for its environmental problems, especially for the stretch through the city of Sao Paulo. Embu-Guacu is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 69,901 in an area of 155.64 km2. The elevation is 408 m. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Cajamar <p> different from <o> Cajamar <s> Cajamar <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Cajamar <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Cajamar <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Cajamar <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Cajamar <s> Cajamar <p> shares border with <o> Jundiaí <s> Cajamar <p> shares border with <o> Santana de Parnaíba <s> Cajamar <p> shares border with <o> Franco da Rocha <s> Cajamar <p> shares border with <o> Caieiras <s> Cajamar <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Cajamar <p> shares border with <o> Pirapora do Bom Jesus <s> Caieiras <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Caieiras <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Caieiras <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Caieiras <p> shares border with <o> Cajamar <s> Caieiras <p> shares border with <o> Franco da Rocha <s> Caieiras <p> shares border with <o> Mairiporã <s> Caieiras <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Caieiras <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Caieiras <s> Caieiras <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Caieiras <s> Itanhaém <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Itanhaém <s> Itanhaém <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Itanhaém <s> Itanhaém <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Itanhaém <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Itanhaém <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Itanhaém <p> shares border with <o> Mongaguá <s> Itanhaém <p> shares border with <o> Juquitiba <s> Itanhaém <p> shares border with <o> Peruíbe <s> Itanhaém <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Itanhaém <p> shares border with <o> São Vicente <s> Itanhaém <p> shares border with <o> Pedro de Toledo <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ferraz de Vasconcelos <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Ferraz de Vasconcelos <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> shares border with <o> Mauá <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> shares border with <o> Poá <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> shares border with <o> Suzano <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Ferraz de Vasconcelos <p> shares border with <o> Ribeirão Pires <s> Juquitiba <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Juquitiba <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Juquitiba <p> shares border with <o> São Paulo <s> Juquitiba <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Juquitiba <p> shares border with <o> São Lourenço da Serra <s> Juquitiba <p> shares border with <o> Pedro de Toledo <s> Juquitiba <p> shares border with <o> Itanhaém <s> Juquitiba <p> shares border with <o> Ibiúna <s> Juquitiba <p> shares border with <o> Embu-Guaçu <s> Juquitiba <p> shares border with <o> Miracatu <s> Juquitiba <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Juquitiba <s> Juquitiba <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Juquitiba <s> Presidente Franco District <p> country <o> Paraguay <s> Presidente Franco District <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Paraná River <s> Presidente Franco District <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Paulo <s> Presidente Franco District <p> instance of <o> district of Paraguay <s> Presidente Franco District <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Presidente Franco District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Alto Paraná Department <s> Pinheiros River <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Pinheiros River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Pinheiros River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Pinheiros River <p> different from <o> Pinheiros <s> Pinheiros River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Tietê River <s> Pinheiros River <p> tributary <o> Córrego da Traição <s> Pinheiros River <p> tributary <o> Jurubatuba River <s> Pinheiros River <p> tributary <o> Guarapiranga River <s> Pinheiros River <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pinheiros River <s> Pinheiros River <p> drainage basin <o> Río de la Plata Basin <s> Anthem of the Municipality of São Paulo <p> form of creative work <o> song <s> Anthem of the Municipality of São Paulo <p> language of work or name <o> Portuguese <s> Anthem of the Municipality of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> musical work/composition <s> Anthem of the Municipality of São Paulo <p> has characteristic <o> regional hymn <s> Central Zone of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Central Zone of São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Central Zone of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> Central Zone of São Paulo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Central Zone of São Paulo <s> East Zone of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> East Zone of São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> East Zone of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo </Graph>
<Text> :Caieiras is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 102,775 in an area of 97.64 km2. Due to the municipality's large reforestation area, it is known as the "City of the Pines". Itanhaem is a municipality in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista. The population is 103,102 in an area of 601.85 km2. The elevation is 4 m. The name Itanhaem comes from the Tupi word ita-nha'e, meaning the plate of rock. Some other Tupinologists believe itanhaem means, ita = rock - and nhaem = that cries; due to the rocky coast and the waves that constantly hit it. Itanhaem was among the greatest tour destinations in the State of Sao Paulo, in the late-1970s. Located in the Southeastern Brazil, the region is surrounded by the tropical Atlantic Forest that shelters many tropical animals such as colorful birds named Saira and animals such as Oncas , Quatis and Sarues. Itanhaem has many beaches: Downtown beach , Fishermen's Beach ; Dream Beach ; Indians' Well Beach , Peruibe Beach and Seagull Beach . Other beaches are located in Peruibe, once part of Itanhaem's territory and in the Jureia-Itatins Ecological Station, the best preserved and biggest sanctuary of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, sheltering endemic species such as the Red-tailed amazon . Among some of the most popular places in Peruibe, there are the falls of Pereque and Paraiso , both forming lakes and waterholes deep enough for a dive among pitus and lambaris . The most popular beaches are the ones of Barra do Una , Carambore, Desertinha, Juquia, Paranapua, Brava, Guarau and Little Guarau ou Guarauzinho; all of them very close to Itanhaem. Polo Italy Grape production in Brazil, the city is a pioneer in the cultivation of fruit. The first seedlings reach the hands of Italian immigrants who fixate on site. With the coming of Japanese agriculture becomes the main economic source. Today, the town hall and public buildings of the city are baptized Palace of Grape Italy. Ferraz de Vasconcelos is situated in the eastern region of Greater Sao Paulo. Altitude: 759 meters above sea level. Limits are Poa and Suzano east, Sao Paulo west, Maua southwest Ribeirao Pires and south Itaquaquecetuba north . Juquitiba is a suburban municipality in the southeastern part of the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo. The population is 31,646 in an area of 522.17 km2. This name comes from the Tupi language. The southern part of the municipality is heavily forested with the Serra do Mar mountain range, the central and the northern parts are predominantly hilly. Tourism is a strong point of Juquitiba. Just 70 km from the state capital, offers contact with the animals and plants of the Atlantic forest. It offers various adventure sports like river rafting Juquia, for example, along with numerous trails and waterfalls. The county contains hostels, campsites and fishing to leisure and hospitality. Presidente Franco is a district and city of the Alto Parana Department, Paraguay. Aside from being the oldest city in Alto Parana Department, it is a place of rich exports of fruits and vegetables. Also, Presidente Franco is well known for Saltos del Monday, a 45 m tall and 120 m wide waterfall, Eastern Paraguay. City located at the junction of rivers Parana and Monday, neighbor of Puerto Iguazu, in Argentina, is called the "City of the Three Borders", since there converge the territories of the countries of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. In 1974 it became a municipality of the third category and in 1979 a first-class municipality. After several years of development and population increase, the city became the head of other river ports such as Puerto Indio, Hernandarias, Marangatu and Carlos Antonio Lopez. It became an outstanding commercial center, being near the river port of Encarnacion and the major commercial products that came. President Franco, is a sort of "mother of cities" in the department because it was the first to be founded. Within the district boundaries are two major attractions that are Monument Scientific Moises Bertoni, botanical interest, ethnic and historic and beautiful Saltos del Monday, natural wonder, station Tape Aviru and today the site of adventure sports. The Pinheiros River is a tributary of the Tiete River that runs 25 kilometres through the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Until 1920, the river was known as Jurubatuba. After being channelized its name was changed to Pinheiros. In southern Sao Paulo the Pinheiros River is impounded in Billings Reservoir. In colonial times, the Pinheiros River was called Jurubatuba, which in the Tupi language means "place with many jerivas palm trees." It came to be called the Pinheiros River by the Jesuits in 1560, when they created an indigenous village called Pinheiros. It was called that because of the large amount of Araucaria that covered the region. The main road that gave access to the village was Caminho de Pinheiros, which is today Rua da Consolacao. The Pinheiros river receives the following tributaries: Jaguare stream, Pirajucara river, Poa stream, Belini stream, Corujas stream, Verde stream, Iguatemi stream, Sapateiro stream, Uberaba stream, Traicao stream, Agua Espraiada stream , Morro do S stream, Ponte Baixa stream, Zavuvus stream and Olaria stream. The sources of these streams are partly in Sao Paulo, partly in the municipality of Taboao da Serra and partly in the municipality of Embu das Artes. From 1926 onwards, the river housed sports clubs on its banks, with swimming races and nautical regattas. Pumping stations generated an abundance of cheap energy, capable of supporting the industrialization of the State. One of the largest commercial and business districts in South America, the region is administered by the subprefecture of Se. It is not concurrent, although often confused, with the regions known as Centro Expandido , a broader area used by the city government for urban planning and road space rationing actions and Centro Historico de Sao Paulo , which, as the name implies, includes only the oldest part of the central region. Officially, the central area is bounded by districts of Municipality Cathedral. However, the social perception of what is called "center of Sao Paulo" varies and may include other areas of city. Until the creation of the administrative office of the Cathedral, the notion of "center" was equivalent to the region of the former administration regional office, who also included the districts of Bras and Pari, currently covered by a Municipality of Mooca. The concept of a central area of Sao Paulo, however, is wider depending on the study is done about the region and may include items such as financial centers Paulista Avenue and Berrini. According to the 2000 census, the total population of the area is 374,002 inhabitants, including the neighborhoods and districts of Se itself, Bela Vista, Bom Retiro, Cambuci, Consolacao, Aclimacao, Bras, Liberdade, Republica and Santa Cecilia. It is the least populated administrative region in the city, albeit one with a wider range of public facilities and jobs. The average income in the area is R$ 2335.54, and each year the central area of Sao Paulo has a rate negative of population growth that reaches 5% per year, according to IBGE and SEADE statistics. This factor contributed to what has been called degradation the region, as some experts in urban studies, with the removal of the Sao Paulo elite of the central areas, occurs along the removal of public stewardship, leading to a sense of abandonment. Despite showing an average income higher than that of other regions of the city, it has many homeless individuals and pockets of poverty, such as the region known as Cracolandia , which has recently been undergoing a controversial process of revitalization by the city government, accused of promoting "social hygiene" through gentrification. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> North Zone of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> North Zone of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> North Zone of São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Northeast Zone <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Northeast Zone <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Northeast Zone <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> South Zone of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> South Zone of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> South Zone of São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Southwest Zone <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Southwest Zone <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> Southwest Zone <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Northwest Zone <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Northwest Zone <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Northwest Zone <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> South-Central Zone <p> country <o> Brazil <s> South-Central Zone <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> South-Central Zone <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> Southeast Zone <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Southeast Zone <p> instance of <o> zone of São Paulo <s> Southeast Zone <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Municipal Chamber of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Municipal Chamber of São Paulo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> São Paulo <s> Municipal Chamber of São Paulo <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> São Paulo <s> Municipal Chamber of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> municipal chamber in Brazil <s> Municipal Chamber of São Paulo <p> headquarters location <o> Palácio Anchieta <s> Municipal Chamber of São Paulo <p> has part(s) <o> councillor of São Paulo <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> country <o> Brazil <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> coat of arms <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> different from <o> coat of arms of São Paulo <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> depicts <o> arm <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> depicts <o> Coffea <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> depicts <o> flag <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> instance of <o> local coat of arms <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> depicts <o> Heraldic imperial crown <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> depicts <o> Order of Christ Cross <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> depicts <o> field <s> coat of arms of São Paulo <p> depicts <o> mural crown <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 14, 1914 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 14, 1914 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 14, 1914 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 14, 1914 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 14, 1914 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 14, 1914 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia </Graph>
<Text> :</Text>
<Graph> : <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 17, 1914 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 17, 1914 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 17, 1914 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 17, 1914 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 17, 1914 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 17, 1914 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 12, 1913 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 12, 1913 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 12, 1913 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 12, 1913 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 12, 1913 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 12, 1913 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 18, 1915 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 18, 1915 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 18, 1915 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 18, 1915 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 18, 1915 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 18, 1915 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 16, 1914 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 16, 1914 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 16, 1914 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 16, 1914 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 16, 1914 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 16, 1914 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 15, 1914 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 15, 1914 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 15, 1914 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 15, 1914 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 15, 1914 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 15, 1914 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 13, 1913 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 13, 1913 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 13, 1913 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 13, 1913 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 13, 1913 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 13, 1913 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Category:Military Encyclopedia (1911—1915) <p> category's main topic <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Category:Military Encyclopedia (1911—1915) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> instance of <o> human <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> conflict <o> World War I <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> allegiance <o> Soviet Union <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> conflict <o> Russo-Japanese War <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> conflict <o> Boxer Rebellion <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> place of death <o> Moscow <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Empire <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> military branch <o> infantry <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> given name <o> Vasily <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> place of birth <o> Radom <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> military branch <o> artillery <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> sibling <o> Fyodor Fyodorovich Novitsky <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> sibling <o> Evgeny Novitsky <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> family name <o> Nowicki <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Order of St. Vladimir, 4th class <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd class <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Stanislaus, 1st class <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> country of citizenship <o> Soviet Union <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> occupation <o> orientalist <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> place of burial <o> Novodevichy Cemetery <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> occupation <o> traveler <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> occupation <o> military leader <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> military branch <o> artillery <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> military rank <o> lieutenant general <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Gold Sword for Bravery <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Anna, 2nd class <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Stanislaus, 3rd class <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Anna, 3rd class <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Stanislaus, 2nd class <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky <p> occupation <o> military historian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 11, 1913 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 11, 1913 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 11, 1913 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 11, 1913 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 11, 1913 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 11, 1913 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 5, 1911 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 5, 1911 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 5, 1911 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 5, 1911 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 5, 1911 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 5, 1911 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia </Graph>
<Text> :Vasily Fedorovich Novitsky was a Russian general during the 19th century of Imperial Russia. During the Russian Revolution, in 1917, he sided with the Bolsheviks. One of the main editors of "Sytin Military Encyclopedia" of 1911-1915 , in charge of the first, "special military knowledge" department. Professor , Honoured Worker of Science . While Captain, in 1888, Novitsky spent four months as a guest of the Indian Army. His Indian studies were released in 1899, in a semi-classified document, Military Sketches of India, which he was held in high regard for, especially since he had detailed the dangerous Leh-Yarkand-Kashgar route. He served as adjutant of the division headquarters and as an officer for errands at the corps headquarters. Novitsky fought in the Russo-Japanese War. From 1901 to 1904 he served as an officer of the General Staff. From 1906 to 1911, he took part in military-geographical expeditions to Mongolia, Afghanistan, India. From 1911 to 1914, he was a regimental commander, and at the same time was one of the editors-in-chief of the Military Encyclopedia . Novitsky was authorised for first department -- special military knowledge -- and the assistant editor was Colonel A. V. Heroys . This department covered the following areas of military affairs: </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 8, 1912 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 8, 1912 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 8, 1912 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 8, 1912 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 8, 1912 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 8, 1912 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 10, 1912–1913 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 10, 1912–1913 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 10, 1912–1913 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 10, 1912–1913 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 10, 1912–1913 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 10, 1912–1913 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 6, 1912 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 6, 1912 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 6, 1912 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 6, 1912 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 6, 1912 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 6, 1912 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 7, 1912 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 7, 1912 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 7, 1912 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 7, 1912 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 7, 1912 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 7, 1912 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 4, 1911 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 4, 1911 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 4, 1911 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 4, 1911 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 4, 1911 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 4, 1911 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 9, 1912 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 9, 1912 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 9, 1912 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 9, 1912 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 9, 1912 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 9, 1912 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 3, 1911 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 3, 1911 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 3, 1911 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 3, 1911 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 3, 1911 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 3, 1911 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 2, 1911 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 2, 1911 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 2, 1911 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 2, 1911 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 2, 1911 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 2, 1911 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 1, 1911 <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 1, 1911 <p> place of publication <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 1, 1911 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 1, 1911 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 1, 1911 <p> part of <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Military Encyclopedia. Volume 1, 1911 <p> publisher <o> Ivan Sytin <s> Ivan Sytin <p> instance of <o> human <s> Ivan Sytin <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Ivan Sytin <p> place of death <o> Moscow <s> Ivan Sytin <p> country of citizenship <o> Soviet Union <s> Ivan Sytin <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Empire <s> Ivan Sytin <p> place of burial <o> Vvedenskoye Cemetery <s> Ivan Sytin <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Ivan Sytin <p> occupation <o> entrepreneur <s> Ivan Sytin <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic <s> Ivan Sytin <p> described by source <o> Concise Literary Encyclopedia <s> Ivan Sytin <p> place of birth <o> Gnezdnikovo <s> Ivan Sytin <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Ivan Sytin <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Ivan Sytin <p> given name <o> Ivan </Graph>
<Text> :Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin was a publisher in the Russian Empire. The son of a Soligalich peasant, he built the largest publishing house in the Russian Empire. Sytin went from his village to Moscow at the age of 13 and opened his own book shop in 1883. He made a fortune through printing millions of almanac-type calendars containing miscellaneous practical information. They were cheap and attractively illustrated. This venture was followed by the very cheap editions of Pushkin's, Gogol's and Tolstoy's works. After their authors' rights expired, Sytin compressed their entire works into one volume that cost as little as 90 kopecks. He was the first publisher to reach the peasants all over Russia and to shape popular taste in the entire country. Between 1887 and 1916, Sytin's printing house in Zamoskvorechye brought out more than 400 primers and textbooks. He later expanded into the publication of popular encyclopaedias such as The Military Encyclopaedia in eighteen volumes, The Encyclopaedia for Children in ten volumes, and the Napoleonic Wars encyclopaedia in seven volumes. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> instance of <o> human <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> work location <o> Uppsala <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> work location <o> Stockholm <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Latin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Johan Christian Fabricius <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Jakob Friedrich Ehrhart <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Swedish <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Daniel Solander <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> country of citizenship <o> Sweden <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> social classification <o> noble <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Systema Naturae <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Johann Gerhard König <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> Royal Society <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> French Academy of Sciences <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> field of work <o> natural science <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> native language <o> Swedish <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Amoenitates Academicae <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Andreas Berlin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Dictionary of Swedish National Biography <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> American Philosophical Society <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> field of work <o> botany <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Erik Acharius <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Carl Alexander Clerck <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Charles De Geer <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> place of death <o> Linnaeus Hammarby <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> father <o> Nils Ingemarsson Linnaeus <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Critica Botanica <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Swedish Literature Bank <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Svenskt konstnärslexikon <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Carl Fredric Adler <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Christopher Tärnström <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Clas Alströmer <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Daniel Rolander <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> instance of <o> lectotype <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Alexander von Karamyschew <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Peter Jonas Bergius <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Peter Ascanius <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Matvey Afonin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> spouse <o> Sara Elisabeth Moræa <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Adam Afzelius <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Martin Vahl <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> sibling <o> Samuel Linnaeus <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Library of the World's Best Literature <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Göran Rothman <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> place of birth <o> Råshult <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> child <o> Carl Linnaeus the Younger <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> naturalist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Hortus Cliffortianus <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Uppsala "Kulturella spår" website <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Anton Rolandsson Martin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> geologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Hoff's Kurze Biographien, vol 2 <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> sibling <o> Sofia Juliana Collin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> sibling <o> Anna Maria Linnæ <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> sibling <o> Emerentia Branting <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student of <o> Olof Celsius <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student of <o> Lars Roberg <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> educated at <o> Uppsala University <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> employer <o> Uppsala University <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Carl Linnaeus <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> field of work <o> medicine <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> autobiographer <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Fundamenta Botanica <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Genera Plantarum <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Praeludia Sponsaliorum Plantarum <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> ornithologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> family name <o> Linné <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Smithsonian Libraries Dibner Library portraits <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> mother <o> Christina Brodersonia <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of the Polar Star <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Olof Torén <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> member of <o> Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> given name <o> Carl <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Carl Linnaeus <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Johan Peter Falck <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Pehr Löfling <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Nicolaas Laurens Burman <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> educated at <o> Lund University <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> family name <o> von Linné <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Matheus Aphonin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Peter Osbeck <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Andreas Rydén <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Methodus <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Musa Cliffortiana <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> place of burial <o> Uppsala Cathedral <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> religion or worldview <o> Church of Sweden <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral advisor <o> Olof Rudbeck the Younger <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> educated at <o> University of Harderwijk <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Carolus Magnus Blom <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Bibliotheca Botanica <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> notable work <o> Species Plantarum <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral advisor <o> Johannes Gorter <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> student <o> Pehr Kalm <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> child <o> Sara Christina von Linné <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> child <o> Lovisa von Linné <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> botanist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> physician <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral student <o> Fredrik Hasselquist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral student <o> Anton Rolandsson Martin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral student <o> Peter Forsskål <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Medicine <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> family <o> Linné family <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> professor <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> biologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> mycologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> entomologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral student <o> Carl Peter Thunberg <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral student <o> Matvey Afonin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral student <o> Alexander von Karamyschew <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> collection items at <o> Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> zoologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> child <o> Elisabeth Christina von Linné <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> bryologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> pteridologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> occupation <o> arachnologist <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> field of work <o> natural history <s> Carl Linnaeus <p> doctoral student <o> Anders Sparrman <s> position held <p> Wikidata property example <o> George Washington <s> position held <p> Wikidata property example <o> Barack Obama <s> position held <p> related property <o> member of <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> position held <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P39 <s> position held <p> Wikidata property example <o> Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> position held <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> position held <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> position held <p> inverse property <o> officeholder <s> position held <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> mandate <s> position held <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> position <s> position held <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> job activity <s> position held <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> public office <s> position held <p> Wikidata property example <o> Stanley Cohen <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> position held <p> instance of <o> title of authority <s> position held <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> position held <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> political coalition <s> position held <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> position held <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> by position held <s> position held <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> historical position <s> position held <p> Wikidata property example <o> Rasmus Møgelvang <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> position held <p> inverse label item <o> position held by <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> position held <p> property constraint <o> required qualifier constraint <s> Earth <p> history of topic <o> history of Earth <s> Earth <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Earth <s> Earth <p> different from <o> soil <s> Earth <p> different from <o> Earth <s> Earth <p> studied in <o> geology <s> Earth <p> studied in <o> geophysics <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Europe <s> Earth <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Earth <s> Earth <p> highest point <o> Mount Everest <s> Earth <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Earth <p> geography of topic <o> world geography <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> continent <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Africa <s> Earth <p> history of topic <o> human history <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> atmosphere of Earth <s> Earth <p> different from <o> land <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Eurasia <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Moon <s> Earth <p> opposite of <o> sky <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Antarctica <s> Earth <p> studied in <o> planetary science <s> Earth <p> has characteristic <o> planetary habitability <s> Earth <p> manifestation of <o> open system <s> Earth <p> history of topic <o> geological history of Earth <s> Earth <p> has characteristic <o> mass of the Earth <s> Earth <p> has characteristic <o> geologic activity <s> Earth <p> lowest point <o> Challenger Deep <s> Earth <p> location <o> Milky Way <s> Earth <p> different from <o> Wikivoyage:Joke articles/Earth <s> Earth <p> different from <o> terrain <s> Earth <p> different from <o> Earth in Adventure Time <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Americas <s> Earth <p> studied in <o> Earth science <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Australian continent <s> Earth <p> parent astronomical body <o> Sun <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Earth's crust <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Asia <s> Earth <p> has characteristic <o> Earth's magnetic field <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> lithosphere <s> Earth <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Earth <p> epoch <o> J2000.0 <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Earth's surface <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Hubble Space Telescope <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Earth <p> notation <o> Earth symbol <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> hemisphere of the Earth <s> Earth <p> said to be the same as <o> world <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Soil Moisture Active Passive <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Libertad 1 <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> SPOT 1 <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> mantle <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory <s> Earth <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Earth (planet) <s> Earth <p> location <o> circumstellar habitable zone <s> Earth <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Earth <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> International Space Station <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> biosphere <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Mir <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Rings of Earth <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Earth's magnetic field <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Earth <p> shape <o> geoid <s> Earth <p> part of <o> Solar System <s> Earth <p> location <o> inner Solar System <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> hydrosphere <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Kordylewski cloud <s> Earth <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Earth <s> Earth <p> instance of <o> inner planet of the Solar System <s> Earth <p> location <o> Local Group <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> TerraSAR-X <s> Earth <p> named after <o> ball <s> Earth <p> has part(s) <o> Earth's core <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> QUESS <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> GSAT-18 <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Earth <p> named after <o> soil <s> Earth <p> named after <o> land <s> Earth <p> type of orbit <o> heliocentric orbit <s> Earth <p> instance of <o> terrestrial planet <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> other moons of Earth <s> Earth <p> part of <o> Earth-Moon system <s> Earth <p> flag <o> flag of the Earth <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> GRACE-1 <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Seeker <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Van Allen Probe B <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Sentinel-2B <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> GRACE-FO 1 <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Telstar 18V <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Van Allen Probe A <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> GRACE-2 <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> GRACE-FO 2 <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> SAMPAN I <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Sentinel-6B <s> Earth <p> child astronomical body <o> Enxaneta <s> Earth <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Earth (astronomical object) <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Der Volks-Brockhaus <s> Earth <p> described by source <o> Dictionary of Common Goods <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> instance of <o> human <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> residence <o> Rome <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> field of work <o> physiology <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> work location <o> Milan <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> residence <o> Milan <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wiki Loves Pride Art & Artists <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> movement <o> Renaissance <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Louvre Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> writing language <o> Italian <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> religion or worldview <o> atheism <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> British Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Museo del Prado <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Alte Pinakothek <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> field of work <o> engineering <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> scientist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> native language <o> Italian <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> work location <o> Venice <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> The Last Supper <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Pinacoteca di Brera <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Pitti <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> residence <o> Venice <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> composer <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Gallerie dell'Accademia <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Palazzo Vecchio <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> astronomer <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> field of work <o> art of painting <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Vatican Museums <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Mona Lisa <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Annunciation <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Victoria and Albert Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> work location <o> Mantua <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> work location <o> Florence <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> place of birth <o> Anchiano <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> physicist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student of <o> John Argyropoulos <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Palace of Fontainebleau <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum in Kraków <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> residence <o> Florence <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Städel Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> different from <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Bavarian State Painting Collections <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Galleria nazionale di Parma <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Biblioteca Ambrosiana <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> critical catalogue <o> Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student of <o> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Leonardo's aerial screw <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Vitruvian Man <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> artist files at <o> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> artist files at <o> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> mathematician <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Fine Arts <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Walker Art Gallery <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Minneapolis Institute of Art <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> sponsor <o> Ludovico Sforza <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> engineer <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> work location <o> Amboise <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> employer <o> Cesare Borgia <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student <o> Pontormo <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student of <o> Andrea del Verrocchio <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Chatsworth House <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Fitzwilliam Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Worcester Art Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> said to be the same as <o> person depicted in Mona Lisa <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> given name <o> Leonardo <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> sponsor <o> Francis I of France <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Virgin of the Rocks <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> lifestyle <o> vegetarianism <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Albertina <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Führermuseum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student <o> Francesco Melzi <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> cause of death <o> cerebral hemorrhage <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Art Institute of Chicago <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> field of work <o> Renaissance architecture <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> diplomat <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> country of citizenship <o> Republic of Florence <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Ashmolean Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> J. Paul Getty Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Head of a Woman <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> handedness <o> left-handedness <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Louvre Abu Dhabi <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> National Galleries Scotland <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée Bonnat-Helleu <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Czartoryski Museum <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Victoria <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student <o> Andrea Solari <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Lady with an Ermine <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> polymath <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> inventor <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> sponsor <o> Lorenzo de' Medici <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Saint John the Baptist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Portrait of Isabella d'Este <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> employer <o> Ludovico Sforza <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Library of the World's Best Literature <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> The Lives of Dutch painters and paintresses <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of World Cultures <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Gallerie degli Uffizi <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of the Ancient People of Lucania <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> place of death <o> Amboise <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> position held <o> ambassador <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> father <o> Ser Piero da Vinci <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> movement <o> High Renaissance <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> designer <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Leonardo da Vinci <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Pinacoteca del Castello Sforzesco <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Gabinetto dei disegni e delle stampe <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> has works in the collection <o> Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Schilder-boeck <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Leonardo da Vinci <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Mathematics <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> architectural draftsperson <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> mother <o> Caterina di Meo Lippi <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> field of work <o> scenography <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> physiologist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> genre <o> religious painting <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> botanist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> zoologist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> place of burial <o> Château d'Amboise <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> chemist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> anatomist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> philosopher <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> caricaturist <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Annunciation <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> civil engineer <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> family name <o> da Vinci <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student <o> Cesare da Sesto <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> student <o> Salaì <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Adoration of the Magi <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> notable work <o> Salvator Mundi <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Leonardo da Vinci: Origins of a Genius <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Leonardo <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> occupation <o> sculptor <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Leonardo da Vinci <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> biosphere <p> instance of <o> geographic envelope <s> biosphere <p> part of <o> Earth <s> biosphere <p> has part(s) <o> forest <s> biosphere <p> has characteristic <o> sustainability <s> biosphere <p> has part(s) <o> biogeocenosis <s> biosphere <p> has part(s) <o> ecosphere <s> biosphere <p> has part(s) <o> Earthling <s> biosphere <p> studied in <o> environmental science <s> biosphere <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Biosphere <s> biosphere <p> subclass of <o> region of space <s> biosphere <p> described by source <o> Bicho <s> biosphere <p> studied in <o> biospherology <s> biosphere <p> studied in <o> global change biology <s> biosphere <p> different from <o> artificial biosphere <s> gender <p> studied in <o> philosophy <s> gender <p> Wikidata property <o> sex or gender <s> gender <p> studied in <o> sociology <s> gender <p> has part(s) <o> gender identity <s> gender <p> facet of <o> gender identity <s> gender <p> studied in <o> feminist theory <s> gender <p> has characteristic <o> gender identity <s> gender <p> studied in <o> gender studies <s> gender <p> instance of <o> concept <s> gender <p> has part(s) <o> gender norm <s> gender <p> subclass of <o> identity <s> gender <p> part of <o> sex of humans <s> gender <p> different from <o> grammatical gender <s> gender <p> part of <o> sexual diversity <s> gender <p> different from <o> sex of humans <s> gender <p> has part(s) <o> gender role <s> gender <p> has part(s) <o> gender stereotype <s> gender <p> different from <o> connector gender <s> gender <p> said to be the same as <o> gendered <s> gender <p> said to be the same as <o> sex or gender <s> gender <p> studied in <o> gender psychology <s> gender <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gender <s> gender <p> has part(s) <o> gender expression <s> gender <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedia of Political Theory (2010 ed.) <s> educated at <p> inverse label item <o> has educated <s> educated at <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> educated at <p> related property <o> student of <s> educated at <p> related property <o> academic degree <s> educated at <p> subproperty of <o> affiliation <s> educated at <p> related property <o> category for alumni of educational institution <s> educated at <p> related property <o> affiliation string <s> educated at <p> Wikidata property example <o> Henry David Thoreau <s> educated at <p> Wikidata property example <o> Stephen Hawking <s> educated at <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P69 <s> educated at <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> educated at <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> educated at <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> educated at <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> educated at <p> Wikidata property example <o> Bertrand Russell <s> educated at <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> educated at <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> educated at <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> educated at <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> educated at <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> alma mater <s> educated at <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to education <s> educated at <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> child <p> inverse label item <o> parent <s> child <p> related property <o> number of children <s> child <p> related property <o> mother <s> child <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> child <p> related property <o> father <s> child <p> subproperty of <o> relative <s> child <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> child <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> child <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> child <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> child <p> inverse property <o> parent <s> child <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P40 <s> child <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> child <p> Wikidata property example <o> Virgin Mary <s> child <p> Wikidata property example <o> Lord Byron <s> child <p> instance of <o> asymmetric Wikidata property <s> child <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> child <p> subproperty of <o> significant person <s> child <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> child <s> child <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> child <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> child <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> child <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> child <p> Wikidata property example <o> Zeus <s> child <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for human relationships <s> child <p> Wikidata property example <o> Kirk Douglas <s> child <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> child <p> related property <o> sibling <s> child <p> Wikidata property example <o> Charles II of England <s> Joan of Arc <p> manner of death <o> capital punishment <s> Joan of Arc <p> feast day <o> May 30 <s> Joan of Arc <p> instance of <o> human <s> Joan of Arc <p> exonerated of <o> heresy <s> Joan of Arc <p> penalty <o> capital punishment <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Hundred Years' War <s> Joan of Arc <p> documentation files at <o> SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts <s> Joan of Arc <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Joan of Arc <p> writing language <o> Middle French <s> Joan of Arc <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Joan of Arc <p> medical condition <o> epilepsy <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Battle of Patay <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Siege of Compiègne <s> Joan of Arc <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Middle French <s> Joan of Arc <p> place of death <o> Rouen <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Joan of Arc <p> allegiance <o> Kingdom of France <s> Joan of Arc <p> cause of death <o> death by burning <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Siege of Orléans <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Battle of Beaugency <s> Joan of Arc <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Joan of Arc <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Joan of Arc <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Joan of Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> native language <o> Middle French <s> Joan of Arc <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Joan of Arc <p> significant event <o> Trial of Joan of Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> occupation <o> military personnel <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Pavlenkov Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Dictionary of Women Worldwide <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Siege of Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Siege of La Charité <s> Joan of Arc <p> killed by <o> Geoffroy Thérage <s> Joan of Arc <p> award received <o> Godfather promotion of Special Military School of Saint-Cyr <s> Joan of Arc <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Joan of Arc <p> father <o> Jacques d'Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Dictionnaire du patrimoine rennais <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Vlastenský slovník historický <s> Joan of Arc <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> wikiProject CDD <s> Joan of Arc <p> significant event <o> Retrial of Joan of Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> sibling <o> Jean d'Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> sibling <o> Pierre d'Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> sibling <o> Jacques of Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> convicted of <o> heresy <s> Joan of Arc <p> charge <o> heresy <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Siege of Paris <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Battle of Meung-sur-Loire <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> March to Reims <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Joan of Arc <p> sibling <o> Catherine d'Arc <s> Joan of Arc <p> mother <o> Isabelle Romée <s> Joan of Arc <p> given name <o> Jehanne <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Joan of Arc <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Joan of Arc <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of France <s> Joan of Arc <p> place of birth <o> Domrémy-la-Pucelle <s> Joan of Arc <p> conflict <o> Battle of Jargeau <s> Joan of Arc <p> significant event <o> interrogation <s> native language <p> subproperty of <o> languages spoken, written or signed <s> native language <p> related property <o> languages spoken, written or signed <s> native language <p> related property <o> writing language <s> native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Miguel de Cervantes <s> native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> William Shakespeare <s> native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe <s> native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Leo Tolstoy <s> native language <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> native language <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> first language <s> native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jules Verne <s> native language <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> native language <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> native language <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> native language <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> native language <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> native language <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a language <s> native language <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> native language <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> native language <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P103 </Graph>
<Text> :Carl Linnaeus , also known after ennoblement in 1761 as Carl von Linne, was a Swedish biologist and physician who formalised binomial nomenclature, the modern system of naming organisms. He is known as the "father of modern taxonomy". Many of his writings were in Latin; his name is rendered in Latin as Carolus Linnaeus and, after his 1761 ennoblement, as Carolus a Linne. Linnaeus was the son of a curate and he was born in Rashult, the countryside of Smaland, in southern Sweden. He received most of his higher education at Uppsala University and began giving lectures in botany there in 1730. He lived abroad between 1735 and 1738, where he studied and also published the first edition of his Systema Naturae in the Netherlands. He then returned to Sweden where he became professor of medicine and botany at Uppsala. In the 1740s, he was sent on several journeys through Sweden to find and classify plants and animals. In the 1750s and 1760s, he continued to collect and classify animals, plants, and minerals, while publishing several volumes. By the time of his death in 1778, he was one of the most acclaimed scientists in Europe. Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau sent him the message: "Tell him I know no greater man on Earth." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote: "With the exception of Shakespeare and Spinoza, I know no one among the no longer living who has influenced me more strongly." Swedish author August Strindberg wrote: "Linnaeus was in reality a poet who happened to become a naturalist." Linnaeus has been called Princeps botanicorum and "The Pliny of the North". He is also considered one of the founders of modern ecology. In botany and zoology, the abbreviation L. is used to indicate Linnaeus as the authority for a species' name. In older publications, the abbreviation "Linn." is found. Linnaeus's remains constitute the type specimen for the species Homo sapiens following the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, since the sole specimen that he is known to have examined was himself. Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. This is enabled by Earth being a water world, the only one in the Solar System sustaining liquid surface water. Almost all of Earth's water is contained in its global ocean, covering 70.8% of Earth's crust. The remaining 29.2% of Earth's crust is land, most of which is located in the form of continental landmasses within one hemisphere, Earth's land hemisphere. Most of Earth's land is somewhat humid and covered by vegetation, while large sheets of ice at Earth's polar deserts retain more water than Earth's groundwater, lakes, rivers and atmospheric water combined. Earth's crust consists of slowly moving tectonic plates, which interact to produce mountain ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Earth has a liquid outer core that generates a magnetosphere capable of deflecting most of the destructive solar winds and cosmic radiation. Earth has a dynamic atmosphere, which sustains Earth's surface conditions and protects it from most meteoroids and UV-light at entry. It has a composition of primarily nitrogen and oxygen. Water vapor is widely present in the atmosphere, forming clouds that cover most of the planet. The water vapor acts as a greenhouse gas and, together with other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide , creates the conditions for both liquid surface water and water vapor to persist via the capturing of energy from the Sun's light. This process maintains the current average surface temperature of 14.76 degC, at which water is liquid under atmospheric pressure. Differences in the amount of captured energy between geographic regions drive atmospheric and ocean currents, producing a global climate system with different climate regions, and a range of weather phenomena such as precipitation, allowing components such as nitrogen to cycle. Earth is rounded into an ellipsoid with a circumference of about 40,000 km. It is the densest planet in the Solar System. Of the four rocky planets, it is the largest and most massive. Earth is about eight light-minutes away from the Sun and orbits it, taking a year to complete one revolution. Earth rotates around its own axis in slightly less than a day . Earth's axis of rotation is tilted with respect to the perpendicular to its orbital plane around the Sun, producing seasons. Earth is orbited by one permanent natural satellite, the Moon, which orbits Earth at 384,400 km and is roughly a quarter as wide as Earth. The Moon's gravity helps stabilize Earth's axis, causes tides and gradually slows Earth's rotation. Tidal locking has made the Moon always face Earth with the same side. Earth, like most other bodies in the Solar System, formed 4.5 billion years ago from gas in the early Solar System. During the first billion years of Earth's history, the ocean formed and then life developed within it. Life spread globally and has been altering Earth's atmosphere and surface, leading to the Great Oxidation Event two billion years ago. Humans emerged 300,000 years ago in Africa and have spread across every continent on Earth. Humans depend on Earth's biosphere and natural resources for their survival, but have increasingly impacted the planet's environment. Humanity's current impact on Earth's climate and biosphere is unsustainable, threatening the livelihood of humans and many other forms of life, and causing widespread extinctions. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect. While his fame initially rested on his achievements as a painter, he has also become known for his notebooks, in which he made drawings and notes on a variety of subjects, including anatomy, astronomy, botany, cartography, painting, and paleontology. Leonardo is widely regarded to have been a genius who epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal, and his collective works comprise a contribution to later generations of artists matched only by that of his younger contemporary Michelangelo. Born out of wedlock to a successful notary and a lower-class woman in, or near, Vinci, he was educated in Florence by the Italian painter and sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio. He began his career in the city, but then spent much time in the service of Ludovico Sforza in Milan. Later, he worked in Florence and Milan again, as well as briefly in Rome, all while attracting a large following of imitators and students. Upon the invitation of Francis I, he spent his last three years in France, where he died in 1519. Since his death, there has not been a time where his achievements, diverse interests, personal life, and empirical thinking have failed to incite interest and admiration, making him a frequent namesake and subject in culture. Leonardo is identified as one of the greatest painters in the history of art and is often credited as the founder of the High Renaissance. Despite having many lost works and fewer than 25 attributed major works - including numerous unfinished works - he created some of the most influential paintings in Western art. His magnum opus, the Mona Lisa, is his best known work and often regarded as the world's most famous painting. The Last Supper is the most reproduced religious painting of all time and his Vitruvian Man drawing is also regarded as a cultural icon. In 2017, Salvator Mundi, attributed in whole or part to Leonardo, was sold at auction for US$450.3 million, setting a new record for the most expensive painting ever sold at public auction. Revered for his technological ingenuity, he conceptualized flying machines, a type of armored fighting vehicle, concentrated solar power, a ratio machine that could be used in an adding machine, and the double hull. Relatively few of his designs were constructed or were even feasible during his lifetime, as the modern scientific approaches to metallurgy and engineering were only in their infancy during the Renaissance. Some of his smaller inventions, however, entered the world of manufacturing unheralded, such as an automated bobbin winder and a machine for testing the tensile strength of wire. He made substantial discoveries in anatomy, civil engineering, hydrodynamics, geology, optics, and tribology, but he did not publish his findings and they had little to no direct influence on subsequent science. The biosphere , also known as the ecosphere , is the worldwide sum of all ecosystems. It can also be termed the zone of life on Earth. The biosphere is virtually a closed system with regard to matter, with minimal inputs and outputs. Regarding energy, it is an open system, with photosynthesis capturing solar energy at a rate of around 100 terawatts. By the most general biophysiological definition, the biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The biosphere is postulated to have evolved, beginning with a process of biopoiesis or biogenesis , at least some 3.5 billion years ago. In a general sense, biospheres are any closed, self-regulating systems containing ecosystems. This includes artificial biospheres such as Biosphere 2 and BIOS-3, and potentially ones on other planets or moons. While the concept has a geological origin, it is an indication of the effect of both Charles Darwin and Matthew F. Maury on the Earth sciences. The biosphere's ecological context comes from the 1920s , preceding the 1935 introduction of the term "ecosystem" by Sir Arthur Tansley . Vernadsky defined ecology as the science of the biosphere. It is an interdisciplinary concept for integrating astronomy, geophysics, meteorology, biogeography, evolution, geology, geochemistry, hydrology and, generally speaking, all life and Earth sciences. Geochemists define the biosphere as being the total sum of living organisms . In this sense, the biosphere is but one of four separate components of the geochemical model, the other three being geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. When these four component spheres are combined into one system, it is known as the ecosphere. This term was coined during the 1960s and encompasses both biological and physical components of the planet. Gender includes the social, psychological, cultural and behavioral aspects of being a man, woman, or other gender identity. Depending on the context, this may include sex-based social structures and gender expression. Most cultures use a gender binary, in which gender is divided into two categories, and people are considered part of one or the other ; those who are outside these groups may fall under the umbrella term non-binary. Some societies have specific genders besides "man" and "woman", such as the hijras of South Asia; these are often referred to as third genders . Most scholars agree that gender is a central characteristic for social organization. In the mid-20th century, a terminological distinction in modern English between biological sex and gender began to develop in the academic areas of psychology, sexology, and feminism. Before the mid-20th century, it was uncommon to use the word gender to refer to anything but grammatical categories. In the 1970s, feminist theory embraced the concept of a distinction between biological sex and the social construct of gender. The distinction between gender and sex is made by most contemporary social scientists in western countries, behavioral scientists and biologists, many legal systems and government bodies, and intergovernmental agencies such as the WHO. The social sciences have a branch devoted to gender studies. Other sciences, such as psychology, sociology, sexology and neuroscience, are interested in the subject. The social sciences sometimes approach gender as a social construct, and gender studies particularly do, while research in the natural sciences investigates whether biological differences in females and males influence the development of gender in humans; both inform the debate about how far biological differences influence the formation of gender identity and gendered behavior. Biopsychosocial approaches to gender include biological, psychological, and social/cultural aspects. The modern English word gender comes from the Middle English gender, gendre, a loanword from Anglo-Norman and Middle French gendre. This, in turn, came from Latin genus. Both words mean "kind", "type", or "sort". They derive ultimately from a Proto-Indo-European root *genh1- 'to beget', which is also the source of kin, kind, king, and many other English words, with cognates widely attested in many Indo-European languages. It appears in Modern French in the word genre and is related to the Greek root gen- , appearing in gene, genesis, and oxygen. The Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language of 1882 defined gender as kind, breed, sex, derived from the Latin ablative case of genus, like genere natus, which refers to birth. The first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary notes the original meaning of gender as "kind" had already become obsolete. A child is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. It may also refer to an unborn human being. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Children generally have fewer rights and responsibilities than adults. They are generally classed as unable to make serious decisions. Child may also describe a relationship with a parent or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties." In the biological sciences, a child is usually defined as a person between birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. Legally, the term child may refer to anyone below the age of majority or some other age limit. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as, "A human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier." This is ratified by 192 of 194 member countries. The term child may also refer to someone below another legally defined age limit unconnected to the age of majority. In Singapore, for example, a child is legally defined as someone under the age of 14 under the "Children and Young Persons Act" whereas the age of majority is 21. In U.S. Immigration Law, a child refers to anyone who is under the age of 21. Joan of Arc is a patron saint of France, honored as a defender of the French nation for her role in the siege of Orleans and her insistence on the coronation of Charles VII of France during the Hundred Years' War. Claiming to be acting under divine guidance, she became a military leader who transcended gender roles and gained recognition as a savior of France. Joan was born to a propertied peasant family at Domremy in northeast France. In 1428, she requested to be taken to Charles, later testifying that she was guided by visions from the archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine to help him save France from English domination. Convinced of her devotion and purity, Charles sent Joan, who was about seventeen years old, to the siege of Orleans as part of a relief army. She arrived at the city in April 1429, wielding her banner and bringing hope to the demoralized French army. Nine days after her arrival, the English abandoned the siege. Joan encouraged the French to aggressively pursue the English during the Loire Campaign, which culminated in another decisive victory at Patay, opening the way for the French army to advance on Reims unopposed, where Charles was crowned as the King of France with Joan at his side. These victories boosted French morale, paving the way for their final triumph in the Hundred Years' War several decades later. After Charles's coronation, Joan participated in the unsuccessful siege of Paris in September 1429 and the failed siege of La Charite in November. Her role in these defeats reduced the court's faith in her. In early 1430, Joan organized a company of volunteers to relieve Compiegne, which had been besieged by the Burgundians--French allies of the English. She was captured by Burgundian troops on 23 May. After trying unsuccessfully to escape, she was handed to the English in November. She was put on trial by Bishop Pierre Cauchon on accusations of heresy, which included blaspheming by wearing men's clothes, acting upon visions that were demonic, and refusing to submit her words and deeds to the judgment of the church. She was declared guilty and burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, aged about nineteen. In 1456, an inquisitorial court reinvestigated Joan's trial and overturned the verdict, declaring that it was tainted by deceit and procedural errors. Joan has been revered as a martyr, and viewed as an obedient daughter of the Roman Catholic Church, an early feminist, and a symbol of freedom and independence. After the French Revolution, she became a national symbol of France. In 1920, Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church and, two years later, was declared one of the patron saints of France. She is portrayed in numerous cultural works, including literature, music, paintings, sculptures, and theater. A first language , native language, native tongue, or mother tongue is the first language a person has been exposed to from birth or within the critical period. In some countries, the term native language or mother tongue refers to the language of one's ethnic group rather than the individual's actual first language. Generally, to state a language as a mother tongue, one must have full native fluency in that language. The first language of a child is part of that child's personal, social and cultural identity. Another impact of the first language is that it brings about the reflection and learning of successful social patterns of acting and speaking. Research suggests that while a non-native speaker may develop fluency in a targeted language after about two years of immersion, it can take between five and seven years for that child to be on the same working level as their native speaking counterparts. The person qualifies as a "native speaker" of a language by being born and immersed in the language during youth, in a family in which the adults shared a similar language experience to the child. Native speakers are considered to be an authority on their given language because of their natural acquisition process regarding the language, as opposed to having learned the language later in life. That is achieved by personal interaction with the language and speakers of the language. Native speakers will not necessarily be knowledgeable about every grammatical rule of the language, but they will have good "intuition" of the rules through their experience with the language. The designation "native language", in its general usage, is thought to be imprecise and subject to various interpretations that are biased linguistically, especially with respect to bilingual children from ethnic minority groups. Many scholars have given definitions of "native language" based on common usage, the emotional relation of the speaker towards the language, and even its dominance in relation to the environment. However, all three criteria lack precision. For many children whose home language differs from the language of the environment , it is debatable which language is their "native language". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Lyon <p> different from <o> Lyon <s> Lyon <p> different from <o> Lyon <s> Lyon <p> different from <o> Lyon <s> Lyon <p> said to be the same as <o> Leon <s> Lyon <p> said to be the same as <o> Leo III <s> Lyon <p> said to be the same as <o> Leo <s> Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Lyon <p> said to be the same as <o> León <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> country <o> France <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Aosta Valley <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Auvergne <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> capital <o> Lyon <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Piedmont <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ain <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Drôme <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Valais <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Canton of Geneva <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Loire <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isère <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Burgundy <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Savoie <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haute-Savoie <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ardèche <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> instance of <o> former French region <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Franche-Comté <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> canton Vaud <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Languedoc-Roussillon <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> legal form <o> region of France <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan France <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> named after <o> Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> named after <o> Rhône <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> legislative body <o> Regional Council of Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Auvergne <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> replaced by <o> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> industry <o> administration publique générale <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> replaces <o> Alpes <s> Rhône-Alpes <p> replaces <o> Rhône <s> Bron <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Bron <p> country <o> France <s> Bron <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bron <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Bron <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Priest <s> Bron <p> shares border with <o> Vénissieux <s> Bron <p> shares border with <o> Vaulx-en-Velin <s> Bron <p> shares border with <o> Villeurbanne <s> Bron <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bron <s> Bron <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Bron <s> Bron <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Bron <s> Bron <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Bron <p> capital of <o> canton of Bron <s> Bron <p> shares border with <o> Chassieu <s> Bron <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bron <s> Bron <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Bron <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cumbernauld <s> Bron <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bron <s> Bron <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Bron <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bron <s> Bron <p> twinned administrative body <o> Grimma <s> Bron <p> head of government <o> Jérémie Bréaud <s> Bron <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bron <s> Bron <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bron <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Villeurbanne <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Villeurbanne <s> Villeurbanne <p> country <o> France <s> Villeurbanne <p> capital of <o> canton of Villeurbanne-Sud <s> Villeurbanne <p> capital of <o> canton of Villeurbanne-Centre <s> Villeurbanne <p> capital of <o> canton of Villeurbanne-Nord <s> Villeurbanne <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khabarovsk <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> Carré de soie <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> Charpennes-Tonkin <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> Saint-Jean <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> Cusset <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> Gratte-ciel <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> La Doua <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> Croix-Luizet <s> Villeurbanne <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Villeurbanne <s> Villeurbanne <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Villeurbanne <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mogilev <s> Villeurbanne <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Villeurbanne <s> Villeurbanne <p> shares border with <o> Bron <s> Villeurbanne <p> shares border with <o> Vaulx-en-Velin <s> Villeurbanne <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Canal de Jonage <s> Villeurbanne <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Villeurbanne <s> Villeurbanne <p> contains settlement <o> Buers <s> Villeurbanne <p> shares border with <o> Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Villeurbanne <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Altenburg <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bat Yam <s> Villeurbanne <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Villeurbanne <s> Villeurbanne <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Villeurbanne <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abanilla <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> Abovyan <s> Villeurbanne <p> twinned administrative body <o> El Eulma <s> Villeurbanne <p> part of <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Villeurbanne <p> head of government <o> Cédric Van Styvendael <s> Villeurbanne <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Villeurbanne <s> Villeurbanne <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Villeurbanne <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Villeurbanne <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rize <s> demographics of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> demographics of Lyon <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Lyon <p> location <o> Lyon <s> demographics of Lyon <p> subclass of <o> demographics of France <s> Łódź <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Łódź <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Łódź <p> country <o> Poland <s> Łódź <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Łódź <p> instance of <o> city <s> Łódź <p> capital of <o> General Government <s> Łódź <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Łódź <p> capital of <o> Łódź Voivodeship <s> Łódź <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Łódź <p> head of government <o> Hanna Zdanowska <s> Łódź <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Łódź <p> flag <o> flag of Łódź <s> Łódź <p> shares border with <o> Łódź East County <s> Łódź <p> shares border with <o> Pabianice County <s> Łódź <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Łódź <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Łódź <s> Łódź <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Łódź <s> Łódź <p> instance of <o> city with powiat rights <s> Łódź <p> coat of arms <o> Łódź coat of arms <s> Łódź <p> capital of <o> Łódź East County <s> Łódź <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Łódź <s> Łódź <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Łódź <s> Łódź <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Łódź <s> Łódź <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> Łódź <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Łódź <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Łódź <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Łódź <p> shares border with <o> Zgierz County <s> Łódź <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Łódź Voivodeship <s> Łódź <p> award received <o> Order of the Builders of People's Poland <s> Łódź <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Łódź <s> Łódź <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Łódź <s> Łódź <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Łódź <s> Łódź <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Łódź <s> Lugdunum <p> country <o> Gaul <s> Lugdunum <p> replaced by <o> Lyon <s> Lugdunum <p> significant person <o> Claudius <s> Lugdunum <p> significant person <o> Caracalla <s> Lugdunum <p> instance of <o> roman colonia <s> Lugdunum <p> instance of <o> Roman city <s> Lugdunum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Gallia Lugdunensis <s> Lugdunum <p> capital of <o> Gallia Lugdunensis <s> Lugdunum <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Lugdunum <p> has part(s) <o> amphitheater of Lyon <s> Lugdunum <p> has part(s) <o> ancient theatre of Lyon <s> Lugdunum <p> has part(s) <o> odeon of Lyon <s> Lugdunum <p> significant person <o> Lucius Munatius Plancus <s> Lugdunum <p> named after <o> Lugus <s> Lugdunum <p> described by source <o> Lyon antique <s> Lugdunum <p> described by source <o> Lyon Carte Archéologique de la Gaule 69/2 <s> Lugdunum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lugdunum <s> Lugdunum <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Roman Provinces <s> Lugdunum <p> heritage designation <o> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <s> Lugdunum <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Lugdunum <s> Oullins <p> country <o> France <s> Oullins <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Oullins <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> Oullins <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Oullins <p> replaced by <o> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <s> Oullins <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Oullins <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Oullins <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Oullins <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nürtingen <s> Oullins <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nerja <s> Oullins <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Oullins <s> Oullins <p> shares border with <o> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Oullins <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Oullins <s> Oullins <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pescia <s> Oullins <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Oullins <p> capital of <o> canton of Oullins <s> Oullins <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Oullins <s> Oullins <p> shares border with <o> Pierre-Bénite <s> Oullins <p> shares border with <o> Chaponost <s> Oullins <p> shares border with <o> La Mulatière <s> Oullins <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Oullins <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Oullins <s> Oullins <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Genis-Laval <s> Oullins <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Oullins <s> Oullins <p> instance of <o> delegated commune <s> Oullins <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Oullins <s> Oullins <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Oullins <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Oullins <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Oullins <s> economy of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> economy of Lyon <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Lyon <p> location <o> Lyon <s> economy of Lyon <p> subclass of <o> economy of France <s> economy of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Lyon <s> Category:Views of Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> Lyon <s> Category:Views of Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :Lyon , traditionally spelled in English as Lyons, is the third-largest city of France. It is located at the confluence of the rivers Rhone and Saone, to the northwest of the French Alps, 391 km southeast of Paris, 278 km north of Marseille, 113 km southwest of Geneva, 58 km northeast of Saint-Etienne. The City of Lyon had a population of 522,000 in 2023 within its small municipal territory of 48 km2 , but together with its suburbs and exurbs the Lyon metropolitan area had a population of 2,293,180 that same year, the second most populated in France. Lyon and 58 suburban municipalities have formed since 2015 the Metropolis of Lyon, a directly elected metropolitan authority now in charge of most urban issues, with a population of 1,416,545 in 2020. Lyon is the prefecture of the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region and seat of the Departmental Council of Rhone . The capital of the Gauls during the Roman Empire, Lyon is the seat of an archbishopric whose holder bears the title of Primate of the Gauls. Lyon became a major economic hub during the Renaissance. The city is recognised for its cuisine and gastronomy, as well as historical and architectural landmarks; as such, the districts of Old Lyon, the Fourviere hill, the Presqu'ile and the slopes of the Croix-Rousse are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lyon was historically an important area for the production and weaving of silk. Lyon played a significant role in the history of cinema since Auguste and Louis Lumiere invented the cinematograph there. The city is also known for its light festival, the Fete des Lumieres, which begins every 8 December and lasts for four days, earning Lyon the title of "Capital of Lights". Economically, Lyon is a major centre for banking, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The city contains a significant software industry with a particular focus on video games; in recent years it has fostered a growing local start-up sector. The home of renowned universities and higher education schools, Lyon is the second-largest student city in France, with a university population of nearly 200,000 students within the Metropolis of Lyon. Lyon hosts the international headquarters of Interpol, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, as well as Euronews. According to the Globalization and World Rankings Research Institute, Lyon is considered a Beta city, as of 2018. It ranked second in France and 40th globally in Mercer's 2019 liveability rankings. Rhone-Alpes was an administrative region of France. Since 1 January 2016, it is part of the new region Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. It is located on the eastern border of the country, towards the south. The region was named after the river Rhone and the Alps mountain range. Its capital, Lyon, is the second-largest metropolitan area in France after Paris. Rhone-Alpes has the sixth-largest economy of any European region. Rhone-Alpes is located in the southeast of France. The neighboring regions are Bourgogne and Franche-Comte to the north, Auvergne to the west, Languedoc-Roussillon to the southwest, and Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur to the south. The eastern part of the region is in the Alps, and borders Switzerland and Italy. The highest peak is Mont Blanc, on the French-Italian border. The central part of the region comprises the river valleys of the Rhone and the Saone. The confluence of these two rivers is at Lyon. The western part of the region contains the start of the Massif Central mountain range. The region also borders or contains major lakes such as Lake Geneva and Lake Annecy. The Ardeche flows through the southwest portion of the region, where it has carved the deepest gorge in Europe. As with the rest of France, French is the only official language of the region. Until the mid-20th century, Arpitan was widely spoken in the whole region, while many of the inhabitants of the south spoke varieties of Occitan; both are in steep decline in this region. There are immigrant populations from Armenia, Italy, North Africa, Poland and Portugal, and elsewhere. Although there have been people in Rhone-Alpes since pre-historic times, the earliest recorded settlers of the region were the Gauls . Cities such as Lyon were founded by them and the region traded with both northern and southern Europe. Most of the area became part of Roman territory during the invasion of Celtic Gaul led by Julius Caesar and was at various times part of the regions of Lugdunensis and Gallia. Lyon itself became a major city in the Roman Empire. In mid-August 1944, prisoners from Montluc prison were taken to Bron Airfield where 109 of them, including 72 Jews, were killed in what would become known as Le Charnier de Bron . Bron AirportLyon-Bron Airport has existed since 1920, although much of its commercial activity was diverted to Satolas , Lyon's main airport, in 1975. It is situated northeast of Lyon, with which it forms the heart of the second-largest metropolitan area in France after that of Paris. Villeurbanne is the second-largest commune in the metropolitan area of Lyon and the 20th most populated in France, and the most populous commune that is not a prefecture or a sub-prefecture. In 2013, Villeurbanne was elected the city with the best administration of France, which attracts more and more people. The current location of downtown Villeurbanne is known to have been inhabited as far back as 6000 BC. Its current name comes from a Gallo-Roman farming area, established at about the same time as Lyon and known as the Villa Urbana . It would then become Urbanum, then Villa Urbane and, ultimately, Villeurbanne. Villeurbanne has belonged to the kingdom of France since 1349. It was then separated from La Guillotiere by the river La Rize, a former branch of the Rhone River. Until the 19th century, the city was merely a patchwork of distinct villages separated by fields and undeveloped land. These villages have mostly survived, and nowadays form the neighborhoods of Charpennes, Cusset, Croix-Luizet, Maisons-Neuves, etc. Lodz is a city in central Poland and a former industrial centre. It is the capital of Lodz Voivodeship, and is located 120 km south-west of Warsaw. As of 2023, Lodz has a population of 655,279, making it the country's fourth largest city. Lodz first appears in records in 14th-century. It was granted town rights in 1423 by the Polish King Wladyslaw II Jagiello and it remained a private town of the Kuyavian bishops and clergy until the late 18th century. In the Second Partition of Poland in 1793, Lodz was annexed to Prussia before becoming part of the Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw; the city joined Congress Poland, a Russian client state, at the 1815 Congress of Vienna. The Second Industrial Revolution brought rapid growth in textile manufacturing and in population owing to the inflow of migrants, notably Germans and Jews. Ever since the industrialization of the area, the city has been multinational and struggled with social inequalities, as documented in the novel The Promised Land by Nobel Prize-winning author Wladyslaw Reymont. The contrasts greatly reflected on the architecture of the city, where luxurious mansions coexisted with red-brick factories and dilapidated tenement houses. The industrial development and demographic surge made Lodz one of the largest cities in Poland. Under the German occupation during World War II Lodz was briefly renamed Litzmannstadt after Karl Litzmann. The city's population was persecuted and its large Jewish minority was forced into a walled zone known as the Lodz Ghetto, from where they were sent to German concentration and extermination camps. The city became Poland's temporary seat of power in 1945. Lodz experienced a sharp demographic and economic decline after 1989. It was only in the 2010s that the city began to experience revitalization of its neglected downtown area. Lodz is ranked by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network on the "Sufficiency" level of global influence and is internationally known for its National Film School, a cradle for the most renowned Polish actors and directors, including Andrzej Wajda and Roman Polanski. In 2017, the city was inducted into the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and named UNESCO City of Film. Lugdunum was an important Roman city in Gaul, established on the current site of Lyon. The Roman city was founded in 43 BC by Lucius Munatius Plancus, but continued an existing Gallic settlement with a likely population of several thousands. It served as the capital of the Roman province of Gallia Lugdunensis and was an important city in the western half of the Roman Empire for centuries. Two emperors, Claudius and Caracalla, were born in Lugdunum. In the period 69-192 AD, the city's population may have numbered 50,000 to 100,000, and possibly up to 200,000 inhabitants. The original Roman city was situated west of the confluence of the Rhone and Saone, on the Fourviere heights. By the late centuries of the empire much of the population was located in the Saone River valley at the foot of Fourviere. The Roman city was founded as Colonia Copia Felix Munatia, a name invoking prosperity and the blessing of the gods. The city became increasingly referred to as Lugdunum by the end of the 1st century AD. During the Middle Ages, Lugdunum was transformed to Lyon by natural sound change. Lugdunum is a latinization of the Gaulish *Lugudunon, meaning "Fortress of Lugus" or, alternately, "Fortress of the champion" . Lyon , traditionally spelled in English as Lyons, is the third-largest city of France. It is located at the confluence of the rivers Rhone and Saone, to the northwest of the French Alps, 391 km southeast of Paris, 278 km north of Marseille, 113 km southwest of Geneva, 58 km northeast of Saint-Etienne. The City of Lyon had a population of 522,000 in 2023 within its small municipal territory of 48 km2 , but together with its suburbs and exurbs the Lyon metropolitan area had a population of 2,293,180 that same year, the second most populated in France. Lyon and 58 suburban municipalities have formed since 2015 the Metropolis of Lyon, a directly elected metropolitan authority now in charge of most urban issues, with a population of 1,416,545 in 2020. Lyon is the prefecture of the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region and seat of the Departmental Council of Rhone . The capital of the Gauls during the Roman Empire, Lyon is the seat of an archbishopric whose holder bears the title of Primate of the Gauls. Lyon became a major economic hub during the Renaissance. The city is recognised for its cuisine and gastronomy, as well as historical and architectural landmarks; as such, the districts of Old Lyon, the Fourviere hill, the Presqu'ile and the slopes of the Croix-Rousse are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lyon was historically an important area for the production and weaving of silk. Lyon played a significant role in the history of cinema since Auguste and Louis Lumiere invented the cinematograph there. The city is also known for its light festival, the Fete des Lumieres, which begins every 8 December and lasts for four days, earning Lyon the title of "Capital of Lights". Economically, Lyon is a major centre for banking, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The city contains a significant software industry with a particular focus on video games; in recent years it has fostered a growing local start-up sector. The home of renowned universities and higher education schools, Lyon is the second-largest student city in France, with a university population of nearly 200,000 students within the Metropolis of Lyon. Lyon hosts the international headquarters of Interpol, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, as well as Euronews. According to the Globalization and World Rankings Research Institute, Lyon is considered a Beta city, as of 2018. It ranked second in France and 40th globally in Mercer's 2019 liveability rankings. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> <p> country <o> France <s> <p> language of work or name <o> French <s> <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> <p> instance of <o> open data portal <s> <p> main subject <o> Lyon <s> <p> main subject <o> open data <s> <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> <p> main subject <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> capital <o> Lugdunum <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> time period <o> Roman Empire <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Roman Empire <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> country <o> Western Roman Empire <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> named after <o> Lugdunum <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Western Roman Empire <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> replaced by <o> Francia <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> country <o> Ancient Rome <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> country <o> Kingdom of the Burgundians <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> instance of <o> Roman province <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gallia Lugdunensis <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> described by source <o> La Gaule Lyonnaise <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> described by source <o> La province romaine de Gaule Lyonnaise <s> Gallia Lugdunensis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Diocese of Gaul <s> City of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> City of Lyon <p> headquarters location <o> Lyon <s> City of Lyon <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lyon <s> City of Lyon <p> different from <o> Lyon <s> City of Lyon <p> owner of <o> ancient theatre of Lyon <s> City of Lyon <p> owner of <o> Hôtel de Ville de Lyon <s> City of Lyon <p> instance of <o> administration municipale of France <s> City of Lyon <p> owner of <o> amphitheater of Lyon <s> City of Lyon <p> owner of <o> Stade de Gerland <s> City of Lyon <p> legal form <o> commune et commune nouvelle <s> City of Lyon <p> industry <o> administration publique générale <s> Category:Lyon <p> category's main topic <o> Lyon <s> Category:Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> history of Lyon <p> facet of <o> Lyon <s> history of Lyon <p> instance of <o> history of a city <s> history of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Lyon <s> history of Lyon <p> part of <o> history of France <s> Écully <p> country <o> France <s> Écully <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Écully <s> Écully <p> capital of <o> canton of Écully <s> Écully <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Écully <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Écully <s> Écully <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Écully <s> Écully <p> shares border with <o> Dardilly <s> Écully <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Écully <p> shares border with <o> Charbonnières-les-Bains <s> Écully <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Écully <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Écully <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Écully <p> shares border with <o> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Écully <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Écully <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Écully <s> Écully <p> shares border with <o> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Écully <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Écully <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Écully <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Écully <s> Écully <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Écully <s> Écully <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Écully <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Écully <s> La Guillotière <p> country <o> France <s> La Guillotière <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> La Guillotière <p> replaced by <o> Lyon <s> La Guillotière <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> La Guillotière <p> instance of <o> neighborhood <s> La Guillotière <p> topic's main category <o> Category:La Guillotière <s> La Guillotière <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> La Guillotière <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of La Guillotière <s> Vénissieux <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Vénissieux <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Vénissieux <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Vénissieux <p> country <o> France <s> Vénissieux <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Vénissieux <s> Vénissieux <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Fons <s> Vénissieux <p> shares border with <o> Bron <s> Vénissieux <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Vénissieux <s> Vénissieux <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Priest <s> Vénissieux <p> shares border with <o> Corbas <s> Vénissieux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Huai'an <s> Vénissieux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Joal-Fadiouth <s> Vénissieux <p> shares border with <o> Feyzin <s> Vénissieux <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Vénissieux <s> Vénissieux <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vénissieux <s> Vénissieux <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nový Jičín <s> Vénissieux <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Vénissieux <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Vénissieux <p> capital of <o> canton of Vénissieux-Nord <s> Vénissieux <p> capital of <o> canton of Vénissieux-Sud <s> Vénissieux <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Vénissieux <s> Vénissieux <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Vénissieux <s> Francheville <p> country <o> France <s> Francheville <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Francheville <p> different from <o> Francheville <s> Francheville <p> different from <o> Francheville <s> Francheville <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Francheville <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Francheville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Francheville <p> different from <o> Francheville <s> Francheville <p> shares border with <o> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Francheville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Francheville <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Yzeron <s> Francheville <p> different from <o> Francheville <s> Francheville <p> shares border with <o> Brindas <s> Francheville <p> shares border with <o> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Francheville <p> twinned administrative body <o> Loano <s> Francheville <p> shares border with <o> Chaponost <s> Francheville <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanau-Steinheim <s> Francheville <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Francheville <s> Francheville <p> different from <o> Francheville <s> Francheville <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Francheville <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kouandé <s> Francheville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Francheville <p> different from <o> La Francheville <s> Francheville <p> shares border with <o> Craponne <s> Francheville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône-et-Loire <s> Francheville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Francheville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Francheville <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Francheville, Rhône <s> Francheville <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Francheville <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Francheville (Métropole de Lyon) <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> country <o> France <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> replaced by <o> Lyon <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of La Croix-Rousse <s> La Croix-Rousse <p> replaces <o> Cuire-la-Croix-Rousse </Graph>
<Text> :Gallia Lugdunensis was a province of the Roman Empire in what is now the modern country of France, part of the Celtic territory of Gaul formerly known as Celtica. It is named after its capital Lugdunum , possibly Roman Europe's major city west of Italy, and a major imperial mint. Outside Lugdunum was the Sanctuary of the Three Gauls, where representatives met to celebrate the cult of Rome and Augustus. In De Bello Gallico describing his conquest of Gaul , Julius Caesar distinguished between provincia nostra in the south of Gaul, which already was a Roman province in his time, and the three other parts of Gaul: the territories of the Aquitani, of the Belgae, and of the Galli also known as the Celtae. The territory of the Galli extended from the rivers Seine and Marne in the north-east, which formed the boundary with Gallia Belgica, to the river Garonne in the south-west, which formed the border with Gallia Aquitania. Under Augustus, Gallia Lugdunensis was created by reducing in size the territory of the Galli: the portion between the river Loire and the Garonne was given to Gallia Aquitania, and central-eastern portions were given to the new province of Germania Superior. The map shows the extent after these reductions. The date of the creation of Gallia Lugdunensis is under discussion, whether between 27 and 25 BC or between 16 and 13 BC, during Augustus' visits to Gaul. It was an imperial province, deemed important enough to be governed by an imperial legate. Under the Tetrarchy , it was first divided into two, Lugdunensis Prima, with its capital at Lyon, and Lugdunensis Secunda, with its capital at Rouen. This division is recorded in the Verona List. Both new provinces belonged to the diocese of Galliae, alongside the Helvetic, Belgian and German provinces. Constantine I divided the provinces again. Lugdunensis Senonia, with its capital at Sens, was split off from Prima, while Lugdunensis Tertia, with its capital at Tours, was separated from Secunda. According to the Notitia Dignitatum, Prima was governed by a consularis, while the other three were governed by a praeses. All the provinces were gradually overrun by invading Franks and Burgundians during the 5th century. What was left of the provinces effectively ceased to exist in AD 486/7 when the Roman general Syagrius, who controlled Secunda and Senonia, was defeated by the Franks. Lyon , traditionally spelled in English as Lyons, is the third-largest city of France. It is located at the confluence of the rivers Rhone and Saone, to the northwest of the French Alps, 391 km southeast of Paris, 278 km north of Marseille, 113 km southwest of Geneva, 58 km northeast of Saint-Etienne. The City of Lyon had a population of 522,000 in 2023 within its small municipal territory of 48 km2 , but together with its suburbs and exurbs the Lyon metropolitan area had a population of 2,293,180 that same year, the second most populated in France. Lyon and 58 suburban municipalities have formed since 2015 the Metropolis of Lyon, a directly elected metropolitan authority now in charge of most urban issues, with a population of 1,416,545 in 2020. Lyon is the prefecture of the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region and seat of the Departmental Council of Rhone . The capital of the Gauls during the Roman Empire, Lyon is the seat of an archbishopric whose holder bears the title of Primate of the Gauls. Lyon became a major economic hub during the Renaissance. The city is recognised for its cuisine and gastronomy, as well as historical and architectural landmarks; as such, the districts of Old Lyon, the Fourviere hill, the Presqu'ile and the slopes of the Croix-Rousse are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lyon was historically an important area for the production and weaving of silk. Lyon played a significant role in the history of cinema since Auguste and Louis Lumiere invented the cinematograph there. The city is also known for its light festival, the Fete des Lumieres, which begins every 8 December and lasts for four days, earning Lyon the title of "Capital of Lights". Economically, Lyon is a major centre for banking, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The city contains a significant software industry with a particular focus on video games; in recent years it has fostered a growing local start-up sector. The home of renowned universities and higher education schools, Lyon is the second-largest student city in France, with a university population of nearly 200,000 students within the Metropolis of Lyon. Lyon hosts the international headquarters of Interpol, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, as well as Euronews. According to the Globalization and World Rankings Research Institute, Lyon is considered a Beta city, as of 2018. It ranked second in France and 40th globally in Mercer's 2019 liveability rankings. Lyon is a city in the south of France. The area has been inhabited since prehistoric times and was one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire, Lugdunum. After the Battle of Lugdunum the city never fully recovered, and Lyon was built out of its ashes becoming a part of the Kingdom of the Burgundians. Colonia Copia Claudia Augusta Lugdunum was an important Roman city in Gaul. Due to its strategic position, the city was founded in 43 BC by Lucius Munatius Plancus and served as the capital of the Roman province Gallia Lugdunensis. The town grew considerably and for 300 years after its foundation Lugdunum was the most important city in north-western Europe. Two emperors, Claudius and Caracalla, were born in Lugdunum. As a cultural crossroad its Christianization occurred very early. In Letters from a Stoic, from the first century AD, Seneca the Younger references the complete destruction and razing of the city in a great fire. Lugdunum was founded under a policy of establishing settlements in newly conquered areas, with the aims of ensuring the stability of those areas and rewarding retired veteran soldiers with land and rights. The settlement initiatives were established by Julius Caesar, and included the cities of Vienne, Noviodunum , and Augusta Raurica. The indigenous people in this area were the Allobroges. The colony was small and not heavily fortified, consisting of raised land and wooden palisades. Named by its founder "Colonia Copia Felix Munatia Lugdunum," later, under Emperor Claudius, it was called "Colonia Copia Claudia Augusta Lugdunensium." The inhabitants then were placed in the Galeria tribe, the freedmen in the Palatina tribe. The circumstances and date of foundation of the city are lost in the mists of time. The site has been settled by humans since the Stone Age, burial pits as well as several polished stone axes, pottery debris, and a hollowed out stone in the form of a basin or mortar were found in 1860 during excavations. In the early days of the Roman Empire the development of the Roman colony and capital of Gaul Lugdunum required the construction of major roads leading to other cities in Gaul. Built by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa two of these roads pass through Ecully. The Roman colony also needed a massive water supply. The aqueducts that brought it from the Mont d'Or and the Brevenne river, crossed Ecully. Ecully benefited from the economic development of Lyon. Rich merchants, aldermen, and notables bought the land and built beautiful houses, attracted in particular by a favorable tax system, obtained in 1485 and confirmed by Henri IV in 1594: the exemption from the taille direct land tax. Some of the city's oldest remaining families settled in the city during this time. It is the location of the Paul Bocuse Institute, which is partially situated inside the Chateau du Vivier. It is also the location of many higher education institutions, including EMLYON Business School, Ecole centrale de Lyon and French National Forensic Institute. Venissieux is located on the southern outskirts of Lyon. The name Venissieux derives from Latin Viniciacum, itself crafted upon a Roman villa landlord named Vinicius. Inhabitants are called "Venissians". Venissieux was part of Nazi-occupied France during World War II. In May 1944, the Allies bombed the Nazi-held factories in the area, with a focus on Berliet factories. On 2 September 1944, Venissieux was liberated by the Allies. Riots in September 1981, occurring particularly in the Venissieux neighborhood of Les Minguettes, were some of the first of their kind in suburban neighborhoods in France. In the summer of 1983, riots again occurred in Les Minguettes, attracting significant media attention, and marked the first time cars were burned as a protest in France. France was experiencing a wave of racist crimes, particularly perpetrated against African immigrants from the Maghreb, particularly the former colony of French Algeria . On 21 March 1983, a police raid led to violent confrontation between a group of young people of Les Minguettes and the police. Demanding the end to police intimidation, a hunger strike began. On 21 June 1983, during a police raid, a police officer shot and seriously injured Toumi Djaidja, the young president of the association SOS Avenir Minguettes. In response, the idea of a nonviolent march emerged in order to attempt to reduce tensions between the police and the youth of Les Minguettes. Priest Christian Delorme and pastor Jean Costil organized an extended, non-violent march, inspired by Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.'s demonstrations calling for the end of segregation in the United States and those of Mahatma Gandhi for Indian independence from the United Kingdom. They demanded equal rights, and an end to injustice and social inequality. The March for Equality and Against Racism grew into a series of events across France through the remainder of 1983. Starting in the late 1980s, major urban renewal programs began transforming the Minguettes neighborhood, replacing old and crowded buildings and reducing high population density; between 1990 and 1999, the district's population declined by more than 2,000. Today, Venissieux is classified 'ZSP' for Priority Security Zone and tarnished due to its high crime rate. The district is home of about 22,000 inhabitants. Unemployment affects 40% of youth. La Croix-Rousse is a hill 254 metres high in the city of Lyon, France, as well as the name of a neighborhood located on this hill. The neighborhood is divided into les pentes and le plateau . This zone is served by Lyon Metro Line C. With 18th century architecture, including unique dwellings for labourers, La Croix-Rousse was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998 to protect Lyon's long history as an important European city. In Lyon, La Croix-Rousse is nicknamed la colline qui travaille in contrast to the better-known hill to the southwest, Fourviere, which is known as la colline qui prie . The district started developing in the 18th century when the silk workshops moved here from the Vieux-Lyon area. The canuts were subject to extremely poor working conditions. On account of these conditions, they staged many worker uprisings, known as the Canut revolts. The first revolt, in October 1831, is considered to be one of the first worker uprisings. The area was immortalized in Paul-Jacques Bonzon's book series Les Six Compagnons, which depicts the adventures of seven young working-class teenagers from the area. The appearance of the neighborhood is heavily influenced by the central role that Lyon played in the silk industry in France. The vast majority of buildings in the area feature large vaulted ceilings with exposed wooden rafters. The larger internal height available in these buildings, compared to other areas in Lyon, was necessary for housing the tall silk looms that were operated in the area. Also of note are the traboules of Croix-Rousse. These are covered passageways used by silk merchants to travel and ferry material between buildings while being sheltered from rain. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Vaise <p> country <o> France <s> Vaise <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> Vaise <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Vaise <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Vaise <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <s> Vaise <p> replaced by <o> Lyon <s> Vaise <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Vaise <p> instance of <o> neighborhood <s> Vaise <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône-et-Loire <s> Vaise <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Vaise <s> Vaise <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Vaise <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Francheville <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> twinned administrative body <o> Limburg an der Lahn <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lichfield <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraljevo <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> capital of <o> canton of Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> shares border with <o> La Mulatière <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Oullins <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Chaponost <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <s> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> coextensive with <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> capital <o> Lyon <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> arrondissement of France <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Mornant <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Saint-Symphorien-d'Ozon <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of l'Arbresle <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Vaugneray <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Genas <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Brignais <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:1st arrondissement of Lyon <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> neighborhood <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> 1st arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> country <o> France <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> instance of <o> municipal archive <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> award received <o> label Culture Libre <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> owned by <o> City of Lyon <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> located on street <o> place des Archives <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> director / manager <o> Henry Joly <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> director / manager <o> Jeanne-Marie Dureau <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> director / manager <o> Henri Hours <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> director / manager <o> Anne Catherine Marin <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> director / manager <o> Louis Faivre d'Arcier <s> Lyon Municipal Archives <p> director / manager <o> Alice Joly <s> Rhône <p> different from <o> Rhône <s> Rhône <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Mediterranean Sea <s> Rhône <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Printze <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Saône <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Eyrieux <s> Rhône <p> basin country <o> Switzerland <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Yzeron <s> Rhône <p> lake on watercourse <o> Lake Geneva <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Isère <s> Rhône <p> drainage basin <o> Rhône basin <s> Rhône <p> country <o> France <s> Rhône <p> basin country <o> France <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Vièze river <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Binna <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Dala <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Morge <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Drance <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Allondon <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Grande Eau <s> Rhône <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Drôme <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Salentse <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Durance <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Massa <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Cèze <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Ay <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Bourbre <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Guiers <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Gier <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Furans <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Lizerne <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Gryonne <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Fier <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Doux <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Valserine <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Aigues <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Galaure <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Véore <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Lauzon <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Lez <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Ouvèze <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Ouvèze <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Ardèche <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Salanfe <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Cance <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Arve <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Épervière <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Buizin <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Varèze <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Sionne <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Sévenne <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Turtmänna <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Illgraben <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Trient <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Ain <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Gardon <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton Vaud <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Valais <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Canton of Geneva <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Rhone Glacier <s> Rhône <p> has list <o> list of bridges over the Rhône River <s> Rhône <p> category for the water basin <o> Category:Rhône basin <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Ägine <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Roubion <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Payre <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Séran <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Sereine <s> Rhône <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Rhône <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Tourne (ruisseau) <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Grand bisse du Lens <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Garon <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Amby <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Perna <s> Rhône <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rhône <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Les Usses <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Raspille <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Gland <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Nant d'Avril <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Meyne <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Laire <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Lienne (Switzerland) <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Rhéby <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Gère <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Faraz <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Mundbach <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Rèche <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Annaz <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Dérivation de Brégnier-Cordon <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Bièvre <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Baltschieder Bach <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Berre <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Bisse-Vieux <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Weisswasser <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Avançon <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Cottey <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Bisse du Sillonin <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Canal de Savières <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Escoutay <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Dolon <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Collières <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Vispa <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Borgne <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Navizence <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Saltina <s> Rhône <p> tributary <o> Lonza <s> Rhône <p> instance of <o> main stream <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rhône <p> different from <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Rhône <p> activity policy in this place <o> no swimming <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> country <o> France <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Rochetaillée-sur-Saône <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Fontaines-sur-Saône <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> replaced by <o> Lyon <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> instance of <o> neighborhood <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône-et-Loire <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <s> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <p> replaces <o> L'Île-Barbe <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Éveux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Sauvages <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Andéol-le-Château <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yzeron <s> Rhône <p> named after <o> Rhône <s> Rhône <p> country <o> France <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chambost-Longessaigne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Limonest <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dareizé <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Denicé <s> Rhône <p> different from <o> Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pontcharra-sur-Turdine <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Germain-sur-l'Arbresle <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villeurbanne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Curis-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cublize <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dommartin <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cailloux-sur-Fontaines <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brindas <s> Rhône <p> capital <o> Lyon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Romain-de-Popey <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vernaison <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Alix <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Cyr-sur-le-Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pierre-Bénite <s> Rhône <p> language used <o> Franco-Provençal <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gleizé <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Valsonne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Simandres <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trades <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Just-d'Avray <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Limas <s> Rhône <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Breuil <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amplepuis <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sarcey <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sourcieux-les-Mines <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lozanne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haute-Rivoire <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Riverie <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bron <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ville-sur-Jarnioux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Soucieu-en-Jarrest <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anse <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montrottier <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Frontenas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trèves <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Souzy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morancé <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cours-la-Ville <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meyzieu <s> Rhône <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rhône (department) <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Vérand <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Symphorien-d'Ozon <s> Rhône <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Rhône <s> Rhône <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sainte-Foy-l'Argentière <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thel <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sérézin-du-Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Millery <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monsols <s> Rhône <p> highest point <o> Mont Saint-Rigaud <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dième <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Genis-les-Ollières <s> Rhône <p> replaces <o> Rhône-et-Loire <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chazay-d'Azergues <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grandris <s> Rhône <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tarare <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Symphorien-sur-Coise <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taponas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Juliénas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colombier-Saugnieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brullioles <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lentilly <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vourles <s> Rhône <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sathonay-Camp <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Odenas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaux-en-Beaujolais <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chamelet <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Toussieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ronno <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ternand <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Clément-sur-Valsonne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cenves <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Romain-en-Gier <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thizy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Vincent-de-Reins <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontaines-sur-Saône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Courzieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tupin-et-Semons <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chénelette <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Beaujeu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Jean-de-Touslas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fleurieux-sur-l'Arbresle <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Villefranche-sur-Saône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arnas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Tour-de-Salvagny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villechenève <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Maurice-sur-Dargoire <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Laurent-de-Mure <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cogny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Marcel-l'Éclairé <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chénas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Genas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Genay, Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Propières <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Pierre-la-Palud <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Étienne-la-Varenne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lucenay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rivolet <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lachassagne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sainte-Colombe <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Mulatière <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagnols <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Theizé <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Clément-de-Vers <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chiroubles <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaulx-en-Velin <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liergues <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chassieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Givors <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longes <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oullins <s> Rhône <p> instance of <o> department of France <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pouilly-le-Monial <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ouroux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montmelas-Saint-Sorlin <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oingt <s> Rhône <p> shares border with <o> Ain <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Francheville <s> Rhône <p> shares border with <o> Isère <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charbonnières-les-Bains <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaugneray <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chambost-Allières <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mions <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Solaize <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Olmes <s> Rhône <p> office held by head of government <o> president of departmental council <s> Rhône <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Rhône <p> shares border with <o> Saône-et-Loire <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Forgeux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Condrieu <s> Rhône <p> replaced by <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaponnay <s> Rhône <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-André-la-Côte <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Julien-sur-Bibost <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montromant <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Feyzin <s> Rhône <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Rhône (department) <s> Rhône <p> different from <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Rhône <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Rhône department <s> Rhône <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Rhône (department) <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Fons <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albigny-sur-Saône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Laurent-de-Chamousset <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Étienne-des-Oullières <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villefranche-sur-Saône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Georges-de-Reneins <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Priest <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lantignié <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pusignan <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sain-Bel <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dardilly <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sathonay-Village <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vénissieux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> shares border with <o> Loire <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Nizier-d'Azergues <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nuelles <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Crépieux-la-Pape <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cours <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Martin-de-Cornas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chervinges <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montanay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jonage <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rillieux <s> Rhône <p> followed by <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marnand <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rochetaillée-sur-Saône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Taluyers <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Lager <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jons <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pollionnay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meaux-la-Montagne <s> Rhône <p> award received <o> Small Cities of Character <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jullié <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Genis-Laval <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grigny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Croix-Rousse <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Émeringes <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcilly-d'Azergues <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rillieux-la-Pape <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Loup <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marchampt <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lancié <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Blacé <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ternay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lissieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Écully <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Mamert <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Jean-d'Ardières <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Savigny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ouilly <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corbas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cuire-la-Croix-Rousse <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaise <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Guillotière <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marennes <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chessy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Pierre-de-Chandieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Julien <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brignais <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lacenas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Craponne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poule-les-Écharmeaux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Jacques-des-Arrêts <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grézieu-la-Varenne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ampuis <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mornant <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jarnioux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Cyr-le-Chatoux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Chapelle-de-Mardore <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Béligny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ambérieux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Clément-les-Places <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Martin-en-Haut <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Ville <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vauxrenard <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Châtillon <s> Rhône <p> shares border with <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Messimy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Bois-d'Oingt <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quincié-en-Beaujolais <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Romain-en-Gal <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Échalas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Thurins <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Joux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Laurent-d'Agny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neuville-sur-Saône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Christophe <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Couzon-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Igny-de-Vers <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fleurieu-sur-Saône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Décines-Charpieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Jean-la-Bussière <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Ardillats <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Claveisolles <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salles-Arbuissonnas-en-Beaujolais <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charentay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Longessaigne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pommiers <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Communay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ancy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Halles <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Haies <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aigueperse <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Avenas <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaponost <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bessenay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belleville <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Azolette <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Aveize <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Les Chères <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sainte-Catherine <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coise <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dracé <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Bonnet-le-Troncy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meys <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belmont-d'Azergues <s> Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grézieu-le-Marché <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bourg-de-Thizy <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sainte-Consorce <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chasselay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quincieux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villié-Morgon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Appolinaire <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sainte-Paule <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Le Perréon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rontalon <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orliénas <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Laurent-de-Vaux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chevinay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Didier-sur-Beaujeu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lamure-sur-Azergues <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Irigny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Genis-l'Argentière <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Larajasse <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Duerne <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mardore <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Affoux <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Légny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Chapelle-sur-Coise <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Sorlin <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cercié <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charly <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brussieu <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Didier-sous-Riverie <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charnay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vernay <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcy-l'Étoile <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pomeys <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ranchal <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Civrieux-d'Azergues <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corcelles-en-Beaujolais <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pont-Trambouze <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> L'Arbresle <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Loire-sur-Rhône <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moiré <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Jean-des-Vignes <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bibost <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fleurie <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Régnié-Durette <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bully <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montagny <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chaussan <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontaines-Saint-Martin <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Laurent-d'Oingt <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Bonnet-des-Bruyères <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Létra <s> Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chassagny <s> Revolt of Lyon against the National Convention <p> country <o> France <s> Revolt of Lyon against the National Convention <p> location <o> Lyon <s> Revolt of Lyon against the National Convention <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Revolt of Lyon against the National Convention <p> instance of <o> conflict <s> Revolt of Lyon against the National Convention <p> significant event <o> revolt of Lyons <s> Revolt of Lyon against the National Convention <p> part of <o> French Revolutionary Wars <s> Revolt of Lyon against the National Convention <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia </Graph>
<Text> :Vaise is a neighborhood of the City of Lyon , located along the Saone at the foot of the plateau Duchere, north-west of the city. Former commune of the Rhone department, Vaise was linked to Lyon on 24 March 1852, to form part of the 5th arrondissement. Vaise was then attached to the 9th arrondissement at its creation on 12 August 1964. It is located only 5 km from the center of Lyon, but is a community in its own right. The town grew as a haven from the industry of Lyon, as it is set high above the city, and there are some panoramas of Lyon and the surrounding area, notably from a park known as the 'Esplanade de Lichfield'. Lyon is said to be the city of three rivers - the Rhone and Saone rivers which converge there - and the Beaujolais wine. Sainte Foy's finest historic asset is remains of a Roman aqueduct and there is a fine seminary, steep narrow walled streets, parks and gardens, and squares in the town center. The arrondissement of Lyon was created in 1800. On 1 January 2015, 101 communes that did not join the newly created Metropolis of Lyon passed from the arrondissement of Lyon to the arrondissement of Villefranche-sur-Saone. On 1 February 2017, 78 communes passed from the arrondissement of Villefranche-sur-Saone to the arrondissement of Lyon. As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Lyon were, as of January 2015: The 1st arrondissement of Lyon, France is one of the nine arrondissements of the City of Lyon. It is located below the hill of Croix-Rousse and on the north part of the Presqu'ile formed by the Saone and the Rhone, the two rivers in Lyon. Les pentes to defend the city. Located in the centre of the presqu'ile, the 1st arrondissement is the smallest of all the arrondissements de Lyon. Around the place des Terreaux, bars and pubs across the street make the 1st arrondissement one of the more animated the night and days. The Rhone is a major river in France and Switzerland, rising in the Alps and flowing west and south through Lake Geneva and southeastern France before discharging into the Mediterranean Sea. At Arles, near its mouth, the river divides into the Great Rhone and the Little Rhone . The resulting delta forms the Camargue region. The river's source is the Rhone Glacier, at the east edge of the Swiss canton of Valais. The glacier is part of the Saint-Gotthard Massif, which gives rise to three other major rivers: the Reuss, Rhine and Ticino. The name Rhone continues the Latin Rhodanus name in Greco-Roman geography. The Gaulish name of the river was *Rodonos or *Rotonos . The Greco-Roman as well as the reconstructed Gaulish name is masculine, as is French le Rhone. This form survives in the Spanish/Portuguese and Italian namesakes, el/o Rodano and il Rodano, respectively. German has adopted the French name but given it the feminine gender, die Rhone. The original German adoption of the Latin name was also masculine, der Rotten; it survives only in the Upper Valais . Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or is a commune in the Metropolis of Lyon, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region, Eastern France. It is situated just north of Lyon, on the right bank of the Saone, also comprising roughly the southern half of Ile Roy , the northern part being part of Fontaines-sur-Saone. In 2020, it had a population of 4,448. The Rhone is a major river in France and Switzerland, rising in the Alps and flowing west and south through Lake Geneva and southeastern France before discharging into the Mediterranean Sea. At Arles, near its mouth, the river divides into the Great Rhone and the Little Rhone . The resulting delta forms the Camargue region. The river's source is the Rhone Glacier, at the east edge of the Swiss canton of Valais. The glacier is part of the Saint-Gotthard Massif, which gives rise to three other major rivers: the Reuss, Rhine and Ticino. The name Rhone continues the Latin Rhodanus name in Greco-Roman geography. The Gaulish name of the river was *Rodonos or *Rotonos . The Greco-Roman as well as the reconstructed Gaulish name is masculine, as is French le Rhone. This form survives in the Spanish/Portuguese and Italian namesakes, el/o Rodano and il Rodano, respectively. German has adopted the French name but given it the feminine gender, die Rhone. The original German adoption of the Latin name was also masculine, der Rotten; it survives only in the Upper Valais . The revolt of Lyon against the National Convention was a counter-revolutionary movement in the city of Lyon during the time of the French Revolution. It was a revolt of moderates against the more radical National Convention, the third government during the French Revolution. It broke out in June 1793 and was put down in October of the same year, after government forces had besieged the city. In 1789 Lyon was the only city in France other than Paris with a population above 100,000. The city was a regional focus for banking, commerce and manufacturing. In terms of employment its leading industry was silk weaving, which directly supported a third of the population. The silk industry in 1789 was in crisis, reflecting the wider economic crisis afflicting France at that time. The city was visited by the keen eyed English documentary writer Arthur Young in December of that year: he estimated that 20,000 people were living from charity and starving. Tax riots broke out in June 1789 and again in July 1790. Citizens hoped that the Estates-General of 1789 would cancel the taxation privileges of the city's merchant oligarchs whereby the burden of taxation fell on those least able to pay, by means of the octroi, a tax on basic necessities. City elections returned a local government that retained the octroi, triggering a new riot in the city. Continuing mutual intransigence over the taxation issue led to fresh riots accompanied by the ransacking of several of the houses belonging to Lyon's richest citizens along with a continuation of the taxation on necessities. These social conflicts bound together the interests of the old royalist elite under the leadership of Jacques Imbert-Colomes with those of the revolutionary patriots surrounding the local industrialist turned politician Jean-Marie Roland. Lower down the social scale, small-scale employers were opposed to taxation that increased living costs of employees whose salaries could therefore not be further cut, and the affected employees thereby felt closer affinity with their bosses and with the manufacturing interest in the city than with the desperate plight of the large numbers of unemployed. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> list of monuments in Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> list of monuments in Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list article <s> list of monuments in Lyon <p> is a list of <o> Historical Monument (France) <s> list of monuments in Lyon <p> category related to list <o> Category:Monuments in Lyon <s> Category:People from Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> Lyon <s> Category:People from Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Lyon <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People from Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> list of streets and squares in Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list of streets <s> list of streets and squares in Lyon <p> is a list of <o> square <s> list of streets and squares in Lyon <p> is a list of <o> thoroughfare <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> language used <o> French <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> replaces <o> Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> country <o> France <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> named after <o> Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> capital <o> Lyon <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> highest point <o> Mont Blanc <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> replaces <o> Auvergne <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Piedmont <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Valais <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> lowest point <o> Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> legal form <o> region of France <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ain <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ardèche <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> named after <o> Auvergne <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cantal <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> open data portal <o> <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Drôme <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Allier <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Canton of Geneva <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Loire <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Isère <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> replaces <o> Auvergne <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Puy-de-Dôme <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> category for people born here <o> Category:People born in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haute-Loire <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haute-Savoie <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Savoie <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Aosta Valley <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> canton Vaud <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Centre-Val de Loire <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> instance of <o> region of France <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> head of government <o> Laurent Wauquiez <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> part of <o> Southeastern France <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan France <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Bourgogne-Franche-Comté <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> Occitania <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> shares border with <o> New Aquitaine <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> flag <o> flag of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> member of <o> Four Motors for Europe <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> legislative body <o> Regional Council of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <p> industry <o> administration publique générale <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> country <o> France <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône-Alpes <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> capital <o> Lyon <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> different from <o> Rhône <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> instance of <o> department of France <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> replaces <o> Rhône <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Villefranche-sur-Saône <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> different from <o> Rhône <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> instance of <o> departmental constituency <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> departmental district of the Rhône <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Rhône <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> capital of <o> canton of Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> country <o> France <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> replaces <o> Cuire-la-Croix-Rousse <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> shares border with <o> Villeurbanne <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> shares border with <o> Rillieux-la-Pape <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> shares border with <o> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> shares border with <o> Fontaines-sur-Saône <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> owner of <o> usine des eaux de Saint-Clair <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nichelino <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> Caluire-et-Cuire <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> La Mulatière <p> country <o> France <s> La Mulatière <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> La Mulatière <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> La Mulatière <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> La Mulatière <p> shares border with <o> Oullins <s> La Mulatière <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> La Mulatière <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> La Mulatière <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> La Mulatière <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> La Mulatière <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> La Mulatière <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> La Mulatière <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> La Mulatière <p> shares border with <o> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <s> La Mulatière <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> La Mulatière <p> shares border with <o> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> La Mulatière <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of La Mulatière <s> La Mulatière <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of La Mulatière <s> La Mulatière <p> topic's main category <o> Category:La Mulatière <s> Grégory Doucet <p> instance of <o> human <s> Grégory Doucet <p> place of birth <o> Paris <s> Grégory Doucet <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Grégory Doucet <p> position held <o> president <s> Grégory Doucet <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Grégory Doucet <p> given name <o> Grégory <s> Grégory Doucet <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Grégory Doucet <p> family name <o> Doucet <s> Grégory Doucet <p> position held <o> mayor of Lyon <s> Grégory Doucet <p> position held <o> municipal councillor of Lyon <s> Grégory Doucet <p> occupation <o> corporate administrative and commercial executive <s> Grégory Doucet <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Grégory Doucet <p> member of political party <o> The Ecologists <s> Grégory Doucet <p> employer <o> Humanity & Inclusion <s> Grégory Doucet <p> participant in <o> International endorsement letter. Barcelona leads the way <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> country <o> France <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Francheville <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> capital of <o> canton of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Charbonnières-les-Bains <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Marcy-l'Étoile <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Craponne <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Genis-les-Ollières <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Écully <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> shares border with <o> Sainte-Consorce <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Curitiba <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> Curitiba <p> continent <o> South America <s> Curitiba <p> significant event <o> invasion <s> Curitiba <p> capital of <o> Paraná <s> Curitiba <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−02:00 <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Curitiba <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Curitiba <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Curitiba <p> country <o> Brazil <s> Curitiba <p> significant event <o> appointment <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montevideo <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asunción <s> Curitiba <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Curitiba <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> patron saint <o> Our Lady of the Candles <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Copenhagen <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Durban <s> Curitiba <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Curitiba <p> dedicated heritage entity <o> Memorial de Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hangzhou <s> Curitiba <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Guadalajara <s> Curitiba <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paraná <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Treviso <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santo Domingo <s> Curitiba <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jacksonville <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Orlando <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bahía Blanca <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Cruz de la Sierra <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Córdoba <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosario <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Suwon <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Himeji <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coimbra <s> Curitiba <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Akureyri <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> Colombo <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> Campo Largo <s> Curitiba <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> São José dos Pinhais <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> Almirante Tamandaré <s> Curitiba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraków <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> Campo Magro <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> Fazenda Rio Grande <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> Araucária <s> Curitiba <p> shares border with <o> Pinhais <s> Curitiba <p> named after <o> pine forest <s> Curitiba <p> anthem <o> Anthem of Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> flag <o> flag of Curitiba <s> Curitiba <p> head of government <o> Rafael Greca <s> Curitiba <p> instance of <o> municipality of Brazil <s> Curitiba <p> legislative body <o> Municipal Chamber of Curitiba </Graph>
<Text> :Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes is a region in southeast-central France created by the 2014 territorial reform of French regions; it resulted from the merger of Auvergne and Rhone-Alpes. The new region came into effect on 1 January 2016, after the regional elections in December 2015. The region covers an area of 69,711 km2 , making it the third largest in metropolitan France; it had a population of 7,994,459 in 2018, second to Ile-de-France. It consists of twelve departments and one territorial collectivity with Lyon as the prefecture. This new region combines diverse geographical, sociological, economic and cultural regions, which was already true of Rhone-Alpes, as well as Auvergne, to a lesser extent. While the old Rhone-Alpes and Auvergne regions each enjoyed a unity defined by axes of communication and the pull of their respective metropoles, the new combination is heterogeneous; it sustained lively opposition from some local officials after its creation. The text of the territorial reform law gives interim names for most of the merged regions, combining the names of their constituent regions alphabetically, separated by hyphens. Permanent names would be proposed by the new regional councils and confirmed by the Conseil d'Etat by 1 October 2016. La Mulatiere is a commune in the Metropolis of Lyon in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region in Eastern France. It is located just southwest of Lyon, on the right bank of the Saone; it is the final commune until its confluence with the Rhone at the southern end of Lyon's Presqu'ile. In 2020, it had a population of 6,617. On 12 September 2019, Doucet was chosen to lead the EELV list in the 2020 municipal election, in which it received an absolute majority of the vote with 52.4% in the second round. It placed first in seven out of nine arrondissements in the second round; Doucet stood as a candidate in the 3rd arrondissement. Elected to the mayorship by the municipal council of Lyon on 4 July 2020, he became the first member of his party to assume the office. He is also a councillor of Lyon Metropolis, where he sits on the Committee on Finance, Institutions, Resources and Territorial Organisation. Several bus lines connect the city to the metro station Gorge de Loup : strong lines C21, C24 and C24E, as well as the normal bus lines 14, 72, 73 and 73E, 86 and 98. Line 5 and 55 also connected the city to other metro stations. Curitiba is the capital and largest city in the state of Parana in Southern Brazil. The city's population was 1,963,726 as of 2021, making it the eighth most populous city in Brazil and the largest in Brazil's South Region. The Curitiba Metropolitan area comprises 29 municipalities with a total population of over 3,731,769 , making it the ninth most populous metropolitan area in the country. The city sits on a plateau at 932 m above sea level. It is located west of the seaport of Paranagua and is served by the Afonso Pena International and Bacacheri airports. Curitiba is an important cultural, political, and economic center in Latin America and hosts the Federal University of Parana, established in 1912. In the 19th century, Curitiba's favorable location between cattle-breeding countryside and marketplaces led to a successful cattle trade and the city's first major expansion. Later, between 1850 and 1950, it grew due to logging and agricultural expansion in Parana State . In the 1850s, waves of European immigrants arrived in Curitiba, mainly Germans, Italians, Poles and Ukrainians, contributing to the city's economic and cultural development and richness in diversity. Nowadays, only small numbers of immigrants arrive, primarily from Middle Eastern and other South American countries. Curitiba's biggest expansion occurred after the 1960s, with innovative urban planning that allowed the population to grow from some hundreds of thousands to more than a million people. Curitiba's economy is based on industry and services and is the fourth largest in Brazil. Economic growth occurred in parallel to a substantial inward flow of Brazilians from other parts of the country, as approximately half of the city's population was not born in Curitiba. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Couzon-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> head of government <o> Patrick Guillot <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> capital <o> Lyon <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villeurbanne <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> instance of <o> arrondissement of France <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Givors <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bron <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Francheville <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Ain <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> head of government <o> Bruno Bernard <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lyon Metropolis <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vénissieux <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> replaces <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Métropole de Lyon <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> open data portal <o> <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Lyon Metropolis <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> industry <o> administration publique générale <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Isère <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Caluire-et-Cuire <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaulx-en-Velin <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dardilly <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Écully <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Priest <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Feyzin <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meyzieu <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Limonest <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rillieux-la-Pape <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Rhône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> coextensive with <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oullins <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> follows <o> Rhône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Genis-les-Ollières <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Mulatière <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Genay, Rhône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charbonnières-les-Bains <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Fons <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Albigny-sur-Saône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Neuville-sur-Saône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Craponne <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rochetaillée-sur-Saône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> shares border with <o> Jons <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fleurieu-sur-Saône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Décines-Charpieu <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Genis-Laval <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Charly <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontaines-Saint-Martin <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cailloux-sur-Fontaines <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Irigny <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Romain-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lissieu <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vernaison <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Couzon-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quincieux <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcy-l'Étoile <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Collonges-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grigny <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Curis-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fontaines-sur-Saône <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pierre-Bénite <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chassieu <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Tour-de-Salvagny <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sathonay-Camp <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Germain-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tassin-la-Demi-Lune <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sathonay-Village <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Solaize <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jonage <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mions <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Montanay <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corbas <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> instance of <o> territorial collectivity of France with special status <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <s> Metropolis of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> Siege of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> Siege of Lyon <p> country <o> Holy Roman Empire <s> Siege of Lyon <p> location <o> Lyon <s> Siege of Lyon <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Saint-Fons <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Fons <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Saint-Fons <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Saint-Fons <p> shares border with <o> Pierre-Bénite <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> capital of <o> canton of Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Fons <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Saint-Fons <p> shares border with <o> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <s> Saint-Fons <p> flag <o> flag of Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Saint-Fons <s> Saint-Fons <p> shares border with <o> Vénissieux <s> Saint-Fons <p> shares border with <o> Feyzin <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Saint-Fons <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lastra a Signa <s> Saint-Fons <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Fons <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Saint-Fons <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kelkheim (Taunus) <s> Saint-Fons <p> shares border with <o> Irigny <s> Category:Births in Lyon <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> Lyon <s> Category:Births in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Lyon <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Lyon <s> Portal:Lyon <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Lyon <s> Portal:Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lyon portal <s> Portal:Lyon <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Portal:Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> mayor of Lyon <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lyon <s> mayor of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> mayor of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of Lyon <s> mayor of Lyon <p> instance of <o> position <s> mayor of Lyon <p> has list <o> list of mayors of Lyon <s> mayor of Lyon <p> subclass of <o> mayor of a place in France <s> St. Louis <p> economy of topic <o> economy of St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> different from <o> St. Louis County <s> St. Louis <p> different from <o> St. Louis County <s> St. Louis <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of St. Louis, Missouri <s> St. Louis <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Greater St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> country <o> United States of America <s> St. Louis <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mississippi River <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> St. Louis <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> named after <o> Louis IX of France <s> St. Louis <p> topic's main category <o> Category:St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> St. Louis <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yokneam Illit <s> St. Louis <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in St. Louis, Missouri <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Samara <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Szczecin <s> St. Louis <p> capital of <o> Missouri Territory <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stuttgart <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> São Luís <s> St. Louis <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Saint Louis <s> St. Louis <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bologna <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> St. Louis <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brčko <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosario <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Suwa <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Donegal <s> St. Louis <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> St. Louis <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in St. Louis by place <s> St. Louis <p> topic's main template <o> Template:St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Luis Potosí <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> County Donegal <s> St. Louis <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> St. Louis <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Georgetown <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bogor City <s> St. Louis <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> geography of topic <o> geography of St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> shares border with <o> St. Louis County <s> St. Louis <p> shares border with <o> St. Clair County <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Galway <s> St. Louis <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Missouri <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuhan <s> St. Louis <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> St. Louis <p> instance of <o> independent city <s> St. Louis <p> located in time zone <o> Central Time Zone <s> St. Louis <p> instance of <o> big city <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint-Louis <s> St. Louis <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nanjing <s> St. Louis <p> flag <o> flag of St. Louis <s> St. Louis <p> head of government <o> Tishaura Jones <s> St. Louis <p> shares border with <o> Madison County <s> Category:Deaths in Lyon <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> Lyon <s> Category:Deaths in Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Lyon <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Lyon <s> Pécs <p> country <o> Hungary <s> Pécs <p> capital of <o> Pécs District <s> Pécs <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pécs <p> capital of <o> Baranya County <s> Pécs <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Pécs <p> different from <o> Peć <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Grenoble <s> Pécs <p> significant event <o> Siege of Pécs <s> Pécs <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pécs <p> significant event <o> Siege of Pécs <s> Pécs <p> significant event <o> Siege of Pécs <s> Pécs <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pécs <s> Pécs <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Pécs <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Pécs <p> owner of <o> Lauber Dezső Sports Hall <s> Pécs <p> owner of <o> Stadion PMFC <s> Pécs <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Pécs <s> Pécs <p> capital of <o> Individual Constituency Baranya County No. 1 <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seattle <s> Pécs <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Pécs <s> Pécs <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Pécs <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dijon <s> Pécs <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Pécs <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Time <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tucson <s> Pécs <p> associated electoral district <o> Individual Constituency Baranya County No. 2 <s> Pécs <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Pécs <s> Pécs <p> associated electoral district <o> Individual Constituency Baranya County No. 1 <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fellbach <s> Pécs <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Pécs <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Osijek <s> Pécs <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Pécs <s> Pécs <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Pécs <s> Pécs <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Pécs <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pula <s> Pécs <p> official language <o> Hungarian <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novi Sad <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraków <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Olomouc <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aix-en-Provence <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Graz <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lahti <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Namur <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arad <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tuzla <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Terracina <s> Pécs <p> award received <o> European Capital of Culture <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sliven <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kütahya <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Cserkút <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Nagykozár <s> Pécs <p> instance of <o> city with county rights <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beyoğlu <s> Pécs <p> instance of <o> city with municipal rights <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Kozármisleny <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Orfű <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Pellérd <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Pécsudvard <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Pogány <s> Pécs <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Pécs <p> instance of <o> County city (council system) <s> Pécs <p> instance of <o> county town <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Bogád <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Keszü <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Martonfa <s> Pécs <p> shares border with <o> Kökény <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Samobor <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fogadó <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gyárváros <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Füzes <s> Pécs <p> head of government <o> Attila Péterffy <s> Pécs <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shiraz <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ispitaalja <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kertváros <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kovácstelep <s> Pécs <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Pécs District <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Postavölgy <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Siklósi városrész <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Szentmiklós <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tüskésrét <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zsebedomb <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Árpádváros <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Északmegyer <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Megyer <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Málom <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Patacs <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Uránváros <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nagyárpád <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rácváros <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Szigeti külváros <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Basamalom <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bolgárkert <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Budai városrész <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balokány <s> Pécs <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belváros <s> Pécs <p> instance of <o> town in Hungary </Graph>
<Text> :Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or is a commune in the Metropolis of Lyon in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region in eastern France. It is one of the richest communities in the Lyon metropolis with a median household income of 89,819EUR per year. The Metropolis of Lyon , also known as Grand Lyon , is a French territorial collectivity located in the east-central region of Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. It is a directly elected metropolitan authority encompassing the city of Lyon and most of its suburbs. It has jurisdiction as both a department and a metropole, taking the territory out of the purview of the department of Rhone. It had a population of 1,411,571 in 2019, 37% of whom lived in the city of Lyon proper. It replaced the Urban Community of Lyon on 1 January 2015, in accordance with the MAPAM Law enacted in January 2014. The first direct metropolitan elections were held in March and June 2020, leading to a victory by The Ecologists. The president of the metropolitan council has been Green leader Bruno Bernard since July 2020. The Metropolis of Lyon covers an area of 533.7 km2 . It covers the city of Lyon and its main suburbs. The rivers Rhone and Saone flow through it. It borders the department Rhone to the northwest and southwest, Ain to the northeast and Isere to the southeast. The siege of Lyon occurred on 9 August to 9 October 1793 when French Republican forces laid siege and captured the city of Lyon, which was the centre of a revolt against the French government during the War of the First Coalition. The Army of the Alps, under the command of Kellermann, was engaged in a campaign in Savoy against the Piedmontese when it received the assignment to head west in order to re-establish central government authority in Lyon, and was able to turn its attention to its new mission only a month later, on 10 August 1793. Two days after that, on 12 August 1793, the rebellious department was split into two, creating on the western side of the river the department of Loire with its capital at Feurs and, on the eastern side, the department of Rhone. Just over a week later, on 21 August, the Paris government sent to Lyon a high level team that included Georges Couthon, a leading member of the Committee of Public Safety and a close colleague of Robespierre himself. The next day the revolutionary army began its bombardment. During September Lyon was encircled, and on 29 September 1793, on the south-western side of the city, the fort at Sainte-Foy was destroyed. On 3 October 1793 Couthon called upon the Lyonnais to surrender, and a truce was observed until 7 October. The various representatives leading the city held a succession of group discussions, and on 8 October they sent a team to negotiate with the government representatives, albeit in the face of the opposition of Precy. At the same time two more of the defenders' forts fell, at Saint-Irenee and Saint-Just. The next day, at dawn, Precy escaped via a district in the north-west of Lyon called Vaise, and went into hiding, turning up shortly afterwards in Switzerland. The city's civil authorities surrendered to the central government representatives at midday. Saint-Fons is a commune in the Metropolis of Lyon, Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, eastern France. It was created in 1888 from part of the commune of Venissieux. St. Louis is an independent city in the U.S. state of Missouri. It is located near the confluence of the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers. In 2020, the city proper had a population of 301,578, while its bi-state metropolitan area, which extends into Illinois, had an estimated population of over 2.8 million. It is the largest metropolitan area in Missouri and the second largest in Illinois. The city's combined statistical area is the 20th largest in the United States. The land that is now St. Louis had been occupied by Native American cultures for thousands of years before European settlement. The city was founded on February 14, 1764, by French fur traders Gilbert Antoine de St. Maxent, Pierre Laclede and Auguste Chouteau. They named it for king Louis IX of France, and it quickly became the regional center of the French Illinois Country. In 1804, the United States acquired St. Louis as part of the Louisiana Purchase. In the 19th century, St. Louis developed as a major port on the Mississippi River; from 1870 until the 1920 census, it was the fourth-largest city in the country. It separated from St. Louis County in 1877, becoming an independent city and limiting its political boundaries. In 1904, it hosted the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, also known as the St. Louis World's Fair, and the Summer Olympics. Designated as a global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network, the GDP of Greater St. Louis was $209.9 billion in 2022. St. Louis has a diverse economy with strengths in the service, manufacturing, trade, transportation, and aviation industries. It is home to fifteen Fortune 1000 companies, seven of which are also Fortune 500 companies. Federal agencies headquartered in the city or with significant operations there include the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Major research universities in Greater St. Louis include Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis University, and the University of Missouri-St. Louis. The Washington University Medical Center in the Central West End neighborhood hosts an agglomeration of medical and pharmaceutical institutions, including Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Pecs is the fifth largest city in Hungary, on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains in the country's southwest, close to the border with Croatia. It is the administrative and economic centre of Baranya County, and the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pecs. A city dating back to ancient times, settled by the Celts and the Romans, it was made an episcopal see in early medieval Hungary. It has the oldest university in the country, and is one of its major cultural centers. It has a rich cultural heritage from the age of a 150-year Ottoman occupation. It is historically a multi-ethnic city where many cultures have interacted through 2000 years of history. In recent times, it has been recognized for its cultural heritage, including being named as one of the European Capital of Culture cities. The Roman-era Christian necropolis in Pecs was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 2000. The earliest name for the territory was its Roman name of Sopianae. The name possibly comes from the plural of the Celtic sop meaning "marsh". Contrary to the popular belief, the name did not signify a single city, and there are no traces of an encircling wall from the early Roman era, only from the 4th century. The medieval city was first mentioned in 871 under the name Quinque Basilicae The name refers to the fact that when constructing the churches of the city, the builders used material from five old Christian chapels. In later Latin documents the city was mentioned as Quinque Ecclesiae . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Mykolaiv <p> different from <o> Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> country <o> Ukraine <s> Mykolaiv <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Mykolaiv <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Batumi <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lublin <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rzeszów <s> Mykolaiv <p> historical region <o> Yedisan <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prešov <s> Mykolaiv <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Mykolaiv <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Mykolaiv <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Galați <s> Mykolaiv <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Mykolaiv <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Mykolaiv <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> different from <o> Mikołajów <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Borjomi <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tianjin <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Weihai <s> Mykolaiv <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kutaisi <s> Mykolaiv <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Southern Bug <s> Mykolaiv <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Mykolaiv <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Inhul River <s> Mykolaiv <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Ukraine <s> Mykolaiv <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> instance of <o> city in Ukraine <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bursa <s> Mykolaiv <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mykolaiv urban hromada <s> Mykolaiv <p> head of government <o> Oleksandr Sienkevych <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tiraspol <s> Mykolaiv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Central District <s> Mykolaiv <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Korabel'nyy Raion <s> Mykolaiv <p> flag <o> flag of Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> award received <o> Hero City of Ukraine <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dezhou <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pleven <s> Mykolaiv <p> twinned administrative body <o> Malko Tarnovo <s> Mykolaiv <p> capital of <o> Mykolaiv Raion <s> Mykolaiv <p> capital of <o> Mykolaiv urban hromada <s> Mykolaiv <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Mykolaiv <s> Mykolaiv <p> public holiday <o> Mykolaiv City Day <s> Aleppo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Aleppo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> country <o> Syria <s> Aleppo <p> different from <o> Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> instance of <o> city <s> Aleppo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Aleppo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> State of Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> language used <o> Kurmanji <s> Aleppo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gaziantep <s> Aleppo <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Aleppo <p> significant event <o> 1947 anti-Jewish riots in Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Aleppo Vilayet <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Aleppo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Zengid dynasty <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Aleppo Eyalet <s> Aleppo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brest <s> Aleppo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Osmangazi <s> Aleppo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Jund Qinnasrin <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Aleppo Governorate <s> Aleppo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Aleppo <p> part of <o> Northwestern Syria <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Syrian Federation <s> Aleppo <p> official language <o> Arabic <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Aleppo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Sheikh Suleiman <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Aleppo <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Aleppo <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Yamhad <s> Aleppo <p> capital of <o> Hamdanid dynasty <s> Aleppo <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Aleppo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mount Simeon District <s> Aleppo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Aleppo <s> Aleppo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Aleppo <s> Jericho <p> different from <o> Jericho <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jericho <p> instance of <o> city <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Jericho <p> capital of <o> Jericho Governorate <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alessandria <s> Jericho <p> official language <o> Arabic <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Jericho <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iași <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pisa <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Giovanni Valdarno <s> Jericho <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Jericho <s> Jericho <p> country <o> State of Palestine <s> Jericho <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Jericho <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Jericho <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Eger <s> Jericho <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:View from Tell es-Sultan <s> Jericho <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from Monastery of the Temptation Téléphérique <s> Jericho <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:View from the Monastery of the Temptation <s> Jericho <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Jericho <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lærdal Municipality <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ilion <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kragujevac <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nantes <s> Jericho <p> instance of <o> tell <s> Jericho <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Jericho Governorate <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Campinas <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Calipatria <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santa Bárbara d'Oeste <s> Jericho <p> named after <o> Yarikh <s> Jericho <p> twinned administrative body <o> Osmangazi <s> Category:Films shot in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> Lyon <s> Category:Films shot in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Lyon <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Lyon <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Lyon <s> Category:Burials in Lyon <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> Lyon <s> Category:Burials in Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Category:Burials in Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> country <o> France <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> replaces <o> Oullins <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Fons <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Genis-Laval <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> La Mulatière <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Chaponost <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Irigny <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> legal form <o> commune nouvelle <s> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <p> replaces <o> Pierre-Bénite <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> country <o> France <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Pierre-Bénite <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> replaced by <o> Oullins-Pierre-Bénite <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Pierre-Bénite <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Genis-Laval <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> twinned administrative body <o> Boville Ernica <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Fons <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> twinned administrative body <o> Markkleeberg <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Irigny <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> instance of <o> delegated commune <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> shares border with <o> Oullins <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Pierre-Bénite <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pierre-Bénite <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> country <o> France <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Dardilly <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Écully <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Limonest <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <p> head of government <o> Véronique Gazan <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Lyon <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Urban Community of Lyon <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Rhône <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Limonest <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrondissement of Lyon <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> shares border with <o> Poleymieux-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> head of government <o> Marie-Hélène Mathieu <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolis of Lyon <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> departmental district of the Rhône <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <s> Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Saint-Didier-au-Mont-d'Or <s> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:2nd arrondissement of Lyon <s> 2nd arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement </Graph>
<Text> :Mykolaiv is a city and a hromada in southern Ukraine. Mykolaiv is the administrative center of Mykolaiv Raion and Mykolaiv Oblast . The city of Mykolaiv, which provides Ukraine with access to the Black Sea, is the location of the most downriver bridge crossing of the Southern Bug river. This city is one of the main shipbuilding centers of the Black Sea. Aside from three shipyards within the city, there are a number of research centers specializing in shipbuilding such as the State Research and Design Shipbuilding Center, Zoria-Mashproekt and others. As of 2022, the city has a population of 470,011 . Mykolaiv holds the honorary title Hero City of Ukraine. The city is known under two names, which differ in Ukrainian and Russian; there are several transliterations of each name. The Ukrainian name of the city is Mikolaiv, transliterated as Mykolaiv. The Russian name, Nikolaev, transliterates as Nikolaev or as Nikolayev. The city's founding was made by the Russian conquests during the Second Russo-Turkish War of 1787-1792. Founded by Prince Grigory Potemkin as Nikolaev, it was the last of the many cities he established. On 27 August 1789, Potemkin ordered its naming near the wharf at the mouth of the Ingul river, on a high, cool and breezy spot where the Ingul river meets the Southern Bug river. To build the city he brought in peasants, soldiers, and Turkish prisoners; 2,500 were working there during 1789. The shipyards were built first . Potemkin named the city after Saint Nicholas, the patron of seafarers, on whose day he had obtained victory at the siege of Ochakov in 1788. The name Nikolaev is known from the legal order Number 1065 by Prince Potemkin to Mikhail Faleev dated 27 August 1789. In 1920, after the establishment of Soviet power, the Odesa provincial council petitioned the Soviet Ukrainian government--the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee --to rename the city of Mykolaiv to Vernoleninsk . As the city of Mykolaiv was a district center of the Odesan province, presumably, the petition would have been initiated by the Odesa city council, but documentary evidence of this so far has not been identified. On 15 April 1924 the Plenum of the Central Administrative-Territorial Commission of the VUTSIK considered and rejected the petition of the Odesan executive committee. Perhaps the members of the Soviet-Ukraine government thought that the name sounded too obsequious. Aleppo is a city in Syria, which serves as the capital of the Aleppo Governorate, the most populous governorate of Syria. With an estimated population of 2,098,000 residents as of 2021, it was Syria's largest city until its population was surpassed by Damascus, the largest in Syria's northern governorates and also one of the largest cities in the Levant region. Aleppo is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world; it may have been inhabited since the sixth millennium BCE. Excavations at Tell as-Sawda and Tell al-Ansari, just south of the old city of Aleppo, show that the area was occupied by Amorites by the latter part of the third millennium BCE. That is also the time at which Aleppo is first mentioned in cuneiform tablets unearthed in Ebla and Mesopotamia, which speak of it as part of the Amorite state of Yamhad, and note its commercial and military importance. Such a long history is attributed to its strategic location as a trading center between the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia. For centuries, Aleppo was the largest city in the Syrian region, and the Ottoman Empire's third-largest after Constantinople and Cairo. The city's significance in history has been its location at one end of the Silk Road, which passed through Central Asia and Mesopotamia. When the Suez Canal was inaugurated in 1869, much trade was diverted to sea and Aleppo began its slow decline. At the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, Aleppo lost its northern hinterland to modern Turkey, as well as the important Baghdad Railway connecting it to Mosul. In the 1940s it lost its main access to the sea, by Antakya and Iskenderun, also to Turkey. The growth in importance of Damascus in the past few decades further exacerbated the situation. This decline may have helped to preserve the old city of Aleppo, its medieval architecture and traditional heritage. It won the title of the Islamic Capital of Culture 2006 and has had a wave of successful restorations of its historic landmarks. The Battle of Aleppo occurred in the city during the Syrian Civil War, and many parts of the city had suffered massive destruction. Affected parts of the city are currently undergoing reconstruction. An estimated 31,000 people were killed in Aleppo during the conflict. Modern-day English-speakers commonly refer to the city as Aleppo. It was known in antiquity as Khalpe, Khalibon, and to the Greeks and Romans as Beroea . During the Crusades, and again during the Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon of 1923-1946, the name Alep was used. Aleppo represents the Italianised version of this. Jericho is a city in the West Bank; it is the administrative seat of the Jericho Governorate of the State of Palestine. Jericho is located in the Jordan Valley, with the Jordan River to the east and Jerusalem to the west. In 2017, it had a population of 20,907. From the end of the era of Mandatory Palestine, the city was annexed and ruled by Jordan from 1949 to 1967 and, with the rest of the West Bank, has been subject to Israeli occupation since 1967; administrative control was handed over to the Palestinian Authority in 1994. Jericho is among the oldest cities in the world, and it is also the city with the oldest known defensive wall. Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of more than 20 successive settlements in Jericho, the first of which dates back 11,000 years , almost to the very beginning of the Holocene epoch of the Earth's history. Copious springs in and around the city have attracted human habitation for thousands of years. Jericho is described in the Bible as the "city of palm trees". In 2023, the archaeological site in the center of the city, known as Tell es-Sultan / Old Jericho, was inscribed in UNESCO's list as a World Heritage Site in the State of Palestine, and described as the "oldest fortified city in the world". Oullins-Pierre-Benite is a commune in the Metropolis of Lyon in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region in eastern France. It was established on 1 January 2024, with the merger of the communes of Oullins and Pierre-Benite. Pierre-Benite, a suburb around 6 kilometers south of Lyon, extends over 440 hectares on the right bank of the river Rhone, alongside the A7 motorway. It is limited to the north by Lyon, to the west by Oullins, to the southwest by Saint-Genis-Laval, to the south by Irigny, and to the east by the Rhone, across from Saint-Fons. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> 5th arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 5th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> 5th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 5th arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 5th arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 5th arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:5th arrondissement of Lyon <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> head of government <o> Rémi Zinck <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:4th arrondissement of Lyon <s> 4th arrondissement of Lyon <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of 4th arrondissement of Lyon <s> 3rd arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:3rd arrondissement of Lyon <s> 3rd arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 3rd arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 3rd arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 3rd arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> head of government <o> Jonas Attenius <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> open data portal <o> Göteborg Municipality Open Data portal <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> open data portal <o> Dataportal Väst <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> country <o> Sweden <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rostock <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aarhus <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> official language <o> Swedish <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraków <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turku <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chicago <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bergen <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> capital <o> Gothenburg <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> owner of <o> Gamla Ullevi <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> part of <o> Bohuslän <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> part of <o> Västergötland <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Lerum Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Kungälv Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Mölndal Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> office held by head of government <o> chairman of the municipal board in Gothenburg Municipality, Sweden <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> owner of <o> Ullevi <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> replaces <o> Kungälv Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Västra Götaland County <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Göta älv <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Ale Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Öckerö Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> main regulatory text <o> The Swedish Local Government Act <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> owner of <o> Got Event <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> owner of <o> Gamla Ullevi <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Gothenburg <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Partille Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Härryda Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> shares border with <o> Kungsbacka Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> replaces <o> Göteborg City <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> instance of <o> municipality of Sweden <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Gothenburg Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Gothenburg Municipality <s> Gothenburg Municipality <p> legal form <o> municipality of Sweden <s> Varna <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Black Sea <s> Varna <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hamburg <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tashkent <s> Varna <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novosibirsk <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amsterdam <s> Varna <p> named after <o> Joseph Stalin <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Genoa <s> Varna <p> capital of <o> Varna Municipality <s> Varna <p> capital of <o> Varna Province <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Varna <p> owner of <o> Palace of Culture and Sports <s> Varna <p> owner of <o> Hristo Borisov Hall <s> Varna <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Varna Municipality <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Varna <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Szeged <s> Varna <p> significant event <o> Siege of Varna <s> Varna <p> different from <o> Varna, Illinois <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Turku <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Malmö Municipality <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shëngjin <s> Varna <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Varna <s> Varna <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Varna <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aqaba <s> Varna <p> head of government <o> Ivan Portnih <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Varna <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saranda <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kavala <s> Varna <p> instance of <o> oblast seat <s> Varna <p> instance of <o> city in Bulgaria <s> Varna <p> instance of <o> municipality seat <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Washington <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vysoké Mýto <s> Varna <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Varna <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Surabaya <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kharkiv <s> Varna <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Varna <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odesa <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dordrecht <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stavanger Municipality <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Barcelona <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novorossiysk <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bayburt <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Medellín <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Memphis <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aalborg <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Liverpool <s> Varna <p> owner of <o> Yuri Gagarin Stadium <s> Varna <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Varna, Bulgaria <s> Varna <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Varna <s> Varna <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Varna <s> Varna <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Varna, Bulgaria <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Varna <p> described by source <o> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Piraeus <s> Varna <p> replaces <o> Odessos <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rostock <s> Varna <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wels <s> Craiova <p> country <o> Romania <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Craiova <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Skopje <s> Craiova <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Craiova <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Craiova <p> capital of <o> Dolj County <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Șimnicu de Jos <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Cernelele de Sus <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ferrara <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shiyan <s> Craiova <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Craiova <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Craiova <s> Craiova <p> category for people born here <o> Births in Craiova <s> Craiova <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Craiova <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Făcăi <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Patras <s> Craiova <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Dolj County <s> Craiova <p> owner of <o> Stadionul CFR <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nanterre <s> Craiova <p> capital <o> Craiova <s> Craiova <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Craiova <s> Craiova <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Craiova <s> Craiova <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Craiova <s> Craiova <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Craiova <s> Craiova <p> instance of <o> college town <s> Craiova <p> instance of <o> municipality of Romania <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kuopio <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vratsa <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Izvorul Rece <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Rovine <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Popoveni <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Mofleni <s> Craiova <p> contains settlement <o> Cernele <s> Craiova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Figueres <s> Craiova <p> owner of <o> Stadionul Ion Oblemenco <s> Craiova <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Craiova <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Craiova <s> Craiova <p> instance of <o> capital of county in Romania <s> Craiova <p> head of government <o> Lia Olguța Vasilescu <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Beersheba <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Beersheba <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montreal <s> Beersheba <p> instance of <o> city <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cebu City <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuppertal <s> Beersheba <p> country <o> Israel <s> Beersheba <p> has part(s) <o> Tel Be'er Sheva <s> Beersheba <p> capital of <o> Southern District <s> Beersheba <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor <s> Beersheba <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Beersheba <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Winnipeg <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rosenheim <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Addis Ababa <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Seattle <s> Beersheba <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Beersheba <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Huai'an <s> Beersheba <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Beersheba <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Adana <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Parramatta <s> Beersheba <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Beersheba <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Beersheba <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Beersheba <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Niš <s> Beersheba <p> owner of <o> Turner Stadium <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oni <s> Beersheba <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Plata <s> Beersheba <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Beersheba <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Beersheba <s> Beersheba <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Beersheba <s> Beersheba <p> head of government <o> Ruvik Danilovich <s> Beersheba <p> owner of <o> Conch Arena <s> Beersheba <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Beersheba Subdistrict <s> Guangzhou <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Los Angeles <s> Guangzhou <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+08:00 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 8 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 4 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 3 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Guangfo Metro <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 1 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 2 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 5 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Zhujiang New Town Automated People Mover System <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> Nordisk familjebok <s> Guangzhou <p> different from <o> Kanton <s> Guangzhou <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> capital of <o> Guangdong <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Guangzhou <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 22 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Guangzhou Metro Line 9 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Guangzhou Metro Line 11 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Guangzhou Metro Line 13 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Guangzhou Metro Line 14 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Guangzhou Metro Line 21 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Guangzhou Metro Line 18 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Haizhu Tram Line 1 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 6 <s> Guangzhou <p> owner of <o> Line 7 <s> Guangzhou <p> country <o> People's Republic of China <s> Guangzhou <p> part of <o> Pearl River Delta <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dubai <s> Guangzhou <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Łódź <s> Guangzhou <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> Book of Jin <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Guangzhou <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ho Chi Minh City <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manila <s> Guangzhou <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Frankfurt <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bangkok <s> Guangzhou <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prague <s> Guangzhou <p> member of <o> World Tourism Cities Federation <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Guangzhou <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Guangzhou <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of Guangzhou <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sydney <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dhaka <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Durban <s> Guangzhou <p> replaces <o> Guangzhou Direct-controlled Municipality <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Surabaya <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bari <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Birmingham <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Valencia <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vancouver <s> Guangzhou <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Guangdong <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fukuoka <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Auckland <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tampere <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Recife <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gwangju <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Viña del Mar <s> Guangzhou <p> shares border with <o> Zhongshan <s> Guangzhou <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Guangzhou <p> shares border with <o> Zhaoqing <s> Guangzhou <p> instance of <o> metropolis <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baiyun District <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arequipa <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huadu District <s> Guangzhou <p> instance of <o> sub-province-level division <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Noboribetsu <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ōita <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zengcheng District <s> Guangzhou <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pearl River <s> Guangzhou <p> instance of <o> prefecture-level city <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Liwan District <s> Guangzhou <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Guangzhou <p> head of government <o> Guo Yonghang <s> Guangzhou <p> legislative body <o> Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Conghua District <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Auckland City <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luogang District <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Haizhu District <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Panyu District <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tianhe District <s> Guangzhou <p> executive body <o> People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality <s> Guangzhou <p> twinned administrative body <o> Linköping Municipality <s> Guangzhou <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Guangzhou <p> capital <o> Yuexiu District <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huangpu District <s> Guangzhou <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yuexiu District <s> 6th arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 6th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 6th arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 6th arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:6th arrondissement of Lyon <s> 6th arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 6th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> 7th arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 7th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 7th arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 7th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Rhône <s> 7th arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 7th arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:7th arrondissement of Lyon </Graph>
<Text> :The 5th arrondissement was created on 24 March 1852 . It is the historic center of Lyon. It is at Fourviere that Munatius Plancus founded the Roman colony of Lugdunum in 43 BC. It was in this arrondissement that the Roman and medieval Lyon flourishes just before crossing the Saone. Historic quarters of Lyon are well known, which are all touristic sites, but behind the Vieux Lyon and Fourviere, there are the residential areas of the Point du Jour, Champvert, Menival, Saint-Irenee which remain misunderstood but still show traces of the Roman past of the city. The Decree of 1 August 1963 linked the town of Saint-Rambert-l'Ile-Barbe to the 5th arrondissement. But the following year, the district was divided, as the northern part became the 9th arrondissement of Lyon . The 3rd arrondissement was created by the Decree of 24 March 1852 . The text of 17 July 1867 the district has shared in two by creating the 6th arrondissement of Lyon. Then the 3rd district found its current limits, after it was split again when the 7th arrondissement of Lyon has been established . Montchat is delimited at the North by the route de Genas, at the East by the Vinatier street and boulevard Pinel, at the south Sud by the Rockefeller Avenue, the place d'Arsonval and the cours Albert Thomas' and at the West by the rue Feuillat. When the first Swedish local government acts were implemented in 1863 the City of Gothenburg, founded and chartered in 1621, became a city municipality with an elected city council . Its territory has since then been added through amalgamations in 1868, 1906, 1922, 1931, 1945, 1948, 1967 and 1974. The local government reform of 1971 made the city a unitary municipality, like all others in the country. The municipality prefers, however, to style itself Goteborgs stad , whenever legally possible. In March 2018 it was reported that the municipality and municipality-owned companies had 236 employees working with public relations , more than Stockholm, to a cost of 400 000 SEK daily or 151 million SEK annually. In 1990 the municipality was subdivided into 21 stadsdelsnamnder , sometimes translated to boroughs, which they really are not. In 2009 the two district boards of Frolunda and Hogsbo were joined. It has been decided that from the start of 2011 many more will be joined leaving 10 new district boards. The boards carry responsibility for primary school, social, leisure, and cultural services within their respective areas. In the election of 1998 three boroughs held local referendums on forming their own municipalities, but their petitions were rejected by the government of Sweden. Craiova , is the largest city in southwestern Romania and capital of Dolj County, situated near the east bank of the river Jiu in central Oltenia. It is a longstanding political center, and is located at approximately equal distances from the Southern Carpathians and the River Danube . Craiova is the chief commercial city west of Bucharest and the most important city of Oltenia. The city prospered as a regional trading centre despite an earthquake in 1790, a plague in 1795, and a Turkish assault in 1802 during which it was burned. Eight villages are administered by the city: Facai, Mofleni, Popoveni, Simnicu de Jos, Cernele, Cernelele de Sus, Izvoru Rece, and Rovine. The last four were a separate commune called Cernele until 1996, when they were merged into the city. There are two possible etymologies for Craiova: Old Slavonic kral , which has been borrowed in Romania as crai and Slavonic krajina . Since no source prior to 1475 mentions the city, it is impossible to tell which of the two words is the real etymology. The name is probably of Serbian origin, due to historical autochthonous minorities in the area. Craiova, which occupied the site of the Dacian and Roman city Pelendava, was formerly the capital of Oltenia. Its ancient bans, the highest ranking boyars of the Wallachian state, were initially those of the Craiovesti family. The bans had the right of minting coins stamped with their own effigies - the origin of the Romanian word ban as used for coins. Beersheba , officially Be'er-Sheva , is the largest city in the Negev desert of southern Israel. Often referred to as the "Capital of the Negev", it is the centre of the fourth-most populous metropolitan area in Israel, the eighth-most populous Israeli city with a population of 211,251, and the second-largest city in area , with a total area of 117,500 dunams . The Biblical site of Beersheba is Tel Be'er Sheva, lying some 4 km distant from the modern city, which was established at the start of the 20th century by the Ottomans. The city was captured by the British-led Australian Light Horse troops in the Battle of Beersheba during World War I. The population of the town was completely changed in 1948-49. Bir Seb'a , as it was then known, had been almost entirely Muslim, and was designated to be part of the Arab state in the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. It was occupied by the Egyptian army from May 1948 until October 1948 when it was captured by the Israel Defense Forces and part of Arab population fled, relocated or was expelled. Today, the metropolitan area is composed of approximately equal Jewish and Arab populations, with a large portion of the Jewish population made up of the descendants of Sephardi Jews and Mizrahi Jews who were expelled from Arab countries after Israel's founding in 1948, as well as smaller communities of Bene Israel and Cochin Jews from India. Second and third waves of immigration have taken place since 1990, bringing Russian-speaking immigrants from the former Soviet Union as well as Beta Israel immigrants from Ethiopia. The Soviet immigrants have made the game of chess a major sport in Beersheba, and it is now Israel's national chess center, with more chess grandmasters per capita than any other city in the world. Then Abraham set seven ewes apart. And Abimelech said to Abraham, "What mean these seven ewes, which you have set apart? And said, "That you are to take these seven ewes from me, to be for me a witness that I have dug this well ." Therefore the name of that place was Be'er Sheba, for there the two of them had sworn .Guangzhou, also known as Canton , is the capital and largest city of Guangdong province in southern China. Located on the Pearl River about 120 km north-northwest of Hong Kong and 145 km north of Macau, Guangzhou has a history of over 2,200 years and was a major terminus of the Silk Road. The port of Guangzhou serves as transportation hub and Guangzhou is one of China's three largest cities. For a long time it was the only Chinese port accessible to most foreign traders. Guangzhou was captured by the British during the First Opium War and no longer enjoyed a monopoly after the war; consequently it lost trade to other ports such as Hong Kong and Shanghai, but continued to serve as a major Entrepot. Due to a high urban population and large volumes of port traffic, Guangzhou is classified as a Large-Port Megacity, the largest type of port city in the world. Following the Second Battle of Chuenpi in 1841, the Treaty of Nanking was signed between Sir Robert Peel on behalf of Queen Victoria and Lin Zexu on behalf of Emperor Xuanzong and has cede Hong Kong to the United Kingdom on 26 January 1841 after the agreement of the Convention of Chuenpi. Due to worldwide travel restrictions at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, the major airport of Guangzhou, briefly became the world's busiest airport by passenger traffic in 2020. Guangzhou is at the heart of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, the most populous built-up metropolitan area in the world, which extends into the neighboring cities of Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Shenzhen and part of Jiangmen, Huizhou, Zhuhai and Macau, forming the largest urban agglomeration on Earth with approximately 65,594,622 residents and part of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone. Administratively, the city holds subprovincial status and is one of China's nine National Central Cities. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, nationals of sub-Saharan Africa who had initially settled in the Middle East and Southeast Asia moved in unprecedented numbers to Guangzhou in response to the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis. The domestic migrant population from other provinces of China in Guangzhou was 40% of the city's total population in 2008. Guangzhou has one of the most expensive real estate markets in China. As of the 2020 census, the registered population of the city's expansive administrative area was 18,676,605 individuals , of whom 16,492,590 lived in 9 urban districts . Guangzhou is the fifth most populous city by urban resident population in China after Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Chongqing. In modern commerce, Guangzhou is best known for its annual Canton Fair, the oldest and largest trade fair in China. For three consecutive years , Forbes ranked Guangzhou as the best commercial city in mainland China. Guangzhou is highly ranked as an Alpha city together with San Francisco and Stockholm. It is a leading financial centre in the Asia-Pacific region and ranks 21st globally in the 2020 Global Financial Centres Index. As an important international city, Guangzhou has hosted numerous international and national sporting events, the most notable being the 2010 Asian Games, the 2010 Asian Para Games, and the 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup. The city hosts 65 foreign representatives, making it the major city hosting the third most foreign representatives in China, after Beijing and Shanghai. As of 2020, Guangzhou ranks 10th in the world and 5th in China for the number of billionaire residents by the Hurun Global Rich List. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:9th arrondissement of Lyon <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Rambert-l'Île-Barbe <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vaise <s> 9th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Saône <s> 8th arrondissement of Lyon <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lyon <s> 8th arrondissement of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> 8th arrondissement of Lyon <p> part of <o> Lyon <s> 8th arrondissement of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 8th arrondissement of Lyon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:8th arrondissement of Lyon <s> Category:Maps of Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Lyon <p> category combines topics <o> Lyon <s> Category:Maps of Lyon <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Bălți <p> country <o> Moldova <s> Bălți <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Bălți <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bălți <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Bălți <p> instance of <o> city <s> Bălți <p> language used <o> Romanian <s> Bălți <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Teioasa <s> Bălți <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Răuțel River <s> Bălți <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Răut <s> Bălți <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Țăpeni <s> Bălți <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Flămânda <s> Bălți <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Bălți <s> Bălți <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Bălți <s> Bălți <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Bălți <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bălți <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bălți <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Daugavpils <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> İzmir <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Narva <s> Bălți <p> executive body <o> Mayor of Bălți <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lyon <s> Bălți <p> part of <o> Nord Development Region <s> Bălți <p> different from <o> Belz <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chernivtsi <s> Bălți <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bălți <s> Bălți <p> named after <o> Bălți <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Płock <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Suceava <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iași <s> Bălți <p> described by source <o> Enciclopedia României <s> Bălți <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gyula <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stryi <s> Bălți <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Bălți <s> Bălți <p> shares border with <o> Sadovoe <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vitebsk <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stará Ľubovňa <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lakeland <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Białystok <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaesong <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tiraspol <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Larissa <s> Bălți <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bălţi <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Milies <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mohyliv-Podilskyi <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nizhny Novgorod <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khmelnytskyi <s> Bălți <p> official language <o> Romanian <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Botoșani <s> Bălți <p> described by source <o> Dicționarul statistic al Basarabiei <s> Bălți <p> described by source <o> Dicționarul geografic al Basarabiei <s> Bălți <p> instance of <o> municipality of Moldova <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miercurea Ciuc <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Smolyan <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vinnytsia <s> Bălți <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Bălți Plain <s> Bălți <p> shares border with <o> Elizaveta <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaunas <s> Bălți <p> different from <o> Bălți Municipality <s> Bălți <p> capital of <o> Bălți Municipality <s> Bălți <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bălții Noi <s> Bălți <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Center, Bălți <s> Bălți <p> twinned administrative body <o> Orsha <s> Bălți <p> flag <o> flag of Bălți <s> Bălți <p> head of government <o> Aleksandr Petkov <s> Bălți <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bălți <s> Bălți <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bălți <s> Bălți <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bălți Municipality <s> Bălți <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pământeni <s> Bălți <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dacia <s> Bălți <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Slobozia <s> Bălți <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Molodova <s> Bălți <p> anthem <o> Orașul meu <s> Saône <p> country <o> France <s> Saône <p> basin country <o> France <s> Saône <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Rhône <s> Saône <p> instance of <o> river <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Vingeanne <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Doubs <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Bèze <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Tille <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Azergues <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Apance <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Ognon <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Ouche <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Reyssouze <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Lanterne river <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Amance <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Durgeon <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Côney <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Dheune <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Chalaronne <s> Saône <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Saône <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Vioménil <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Gourgeonne <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Morthe <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Seille <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Veyle <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Grosne <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Ougeotte <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Ourche <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Salon <s> Saône <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Corne <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Bourbonne <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Formans <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Arlois <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Ardière <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Romaine <s> Saône <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Saône <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Saône <s> Saône <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Petite Grosne <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Mâtre <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Superbe <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Vannon <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Tenise <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Loëze <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> ruisseau du Haut Fer <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Callonne <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Tenarre <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Ruisseau de Rochecardon <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Morgon <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Marverand <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Ruisseau des Échets <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Mouge <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Vouge <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Nizerand <s> Saône <p> tributary <o> Vauxonne <s> Saône <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Saône <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Saône <p> category for the water basin <o> Category:Saône basin <s> Saône <p> drainage basin <o> Saône basin <s> Flag of Lyon <p> country <o> France <s> Flag of Lyon <p> color <o> yellow <s> Flag of Lyon <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lyon <s> Flag of Lyon <p> color <o> red <s> Flag of Lyon <p> color <o> blue <s> Flag of Lyon <p> color <o> white <s> Flag of Lyon <p> instance of <o> municipal flag <s> Flag of Lyon <p> aspect ratio (W:H) <o> 3:2 <s> Tête d'Or Lake <p> country <o> France <s> Tête d'Or Lake <p> inflows <o> Rhône <s> Tête d'Or Lake <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 6th arrondissement of Lyon <s> Tête d'Or Lake <p> instance of <o> artificial lake <s> Tête d'Or Lake <p> location <o> parc de la Tête d'Or <s> mayor of a place in Lombardy <p> country <o> Italy <s> mayor of a place in Lombardy <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Lombardy <s> mayor of a place in Lombardy <p> subclass of <o> mayor <s> mayor of a place in Lombardy <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of places in Lombardy <s> Category:Mayors of Milan <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Mayors of Milan <p> category combines topics <o> person holding this office or position <s> Category:Mayors of Milan <p> category combines topics <o> mayor of Milan <s> Category:Mayors of Milan <p> category's main topic <o> mayor of Milan <s> Category:Mayors of Milan <p> list related to category <o> list of mayors of Milan <s> Category:Mayors of Milan <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Template:Mayors of Milan <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia template <s> Template:Mayors of Milan <p> template has topic <o> mayor of Milan </Graph>
<Text> :The 9th arrondissement of Lyon is one of the nine arrondissements of the City of Lyon. It covers the northwestern quarters Vaise, Gorge de Loup, Saint-Rambert-l'Ile-Barbe, La Duchere and part of Champvert. Balti is a city in Moldova. It is the second largest city in terms of population, area and economic importance, after Chisinau. The city holds the status of municipiu. Sometimes called "the northern capital", it is a major industrial, cultural and commercial centre and transportation hub in the north of the country. It is situated 127 kilometres north of the capital Chisinau, and is located on the river Raut, a tributary of the Dniester, on a hilly landscape in the Balti steppe. The word "balti" in direct translation means "puddle". It is believed that the city had been named thus because it was founded on a hill dominating the wetland formed where the creek Rautel falls into the river Raut. In addition to the official name Balti and the Russian name Bel'tsy , between 1940 and 1989 in Moldovan Cyrillic alphabet, and after 1989 in Russian, the name was/is also rendered in Cyrillic as Belts' . A shield, with alternating six silvery strips , and six blue strips , form the background . The central element of the shield is an archer in red clothes, in the military outfit of Stephen III of Moldavia times . The archer represents the medieval military recruitment, formed by local free peasants. The Saone is a river in Eastern France. It is a right tributary of the Rhone, rising at Viomenil in the Vosges department and joining the Rhone in Lyon, at the southern end of the Presqu'ile. The name Saone derives from that of the Gallic river goddess Souconna, which has also been connected with a local Celtic tribe, the Sequanes. Monastic copyists progressively transformed Souconna to Saoconna, which ultimately gave rise to Saone. The other recorded ancient names for the river were Brigoulus and Arar. Its length is 473 kilometres . Its largest tributary is the Doubs; upstream of receiving the Doubs at Verdun-sur-le-Doubs in Saone-et-Loire, the Saone is called the "Petite Saone" , which reflects the large contribution of the Doubs to the Saone. In fact the Doubs's mean annual flow rate is slightly stronger than that of the Petite Saone, 175 cubic metres per second compared to 160 cubic metres per second ; some thus assert that it is in fact the Saone that flows into the Doubs. Nonetheless the Saone has a substantially larger watershed than the Doubs, at 11,500 square kilometres vs. 7,500 square kilometres . In pre-Roman times the river's name was "Arar", a doubling of the Indo-European root ar . According to Julius Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War this doubling reflected the idea that it was difficult to identify the direction of the river due to its slow rate of flow. The Battle of the Arar was the first major battle of the Gallic Wars. Its current name came from a sacred spring, Sauc-Onna, located at Chalon, which was used by Roman legionaries to refer to the entire river. The flag of Lyon consists of a rectangular cloth on which the elements of its coat of arms are displayed, it is therefore a heraldic flag. Habitually it counts on habitual proportions of 3:2 and it is a flag for civil use, since in the City hall and its dependencies only the French national flag is raised. The shield proper of Lyon consists of a field of gules , in which a lion appears rampant and of silver . This coat of arms is augmented from a heraldic chief, the division occupying the upper third. This is the "Head of France", granted to all "Bonnes Villes", which shows the heraldry of his former monarchs: of azure laden with three golden fleurs de lys . In the 13th century, merchants' guilds embarked on a revolt against the power of the Archbishop-Count of Lyon. These used their own flags with a lion to symbolize their strength, forcing in 1320 King Philip V of France to intervene in this conflict. As a result of the intervention of the king, the city happened to depend directly on the French Crown, being included the list of "Bonnes Villes" and receiving its shield of arms. In 1376, King Charles V simplified its heraldry, reducing to three the indeterminate number of fleurs de lys that hitherto covered the entire space of the royal armories and heraldic chiefs of the "Bonnes Villes". This template's initial visibility currently defaults to autocollapse, meaning that if there is another collapsible item on the page , it is hidden apart from its title bar; if not, it is fully visible. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> list of mayors of Milan <p> is a list of <o> human <s> list of mayors of Milan <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia list of persons by position held <s> list of mayors of Milan <p> category related to list <o> Category:Mayors of Milan <s> list of mayors of Milan <p> part of <o> list of lists of mayors of places in Italy <s> research project <p> participant <o> research institute <s> research project <p> participant <o> scientist <s> research project <p> part of <o> research <s> research project <p> participant <o> researcher <s> research project <p> participant <o> proband <s> research project <p> subclass of <o> project <s> research project <p> subclass of <o> research program <s> research project <p> has part(s) <o> research plan <s> research project <p> participant <o> co-investigator <s> research project <p> said to be the same as <o> research program <s> research project <p> different from <o> research program <s> research project <p> participant <o> principal investigator <s> research project <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Research projects <s> research project <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox research project <s> research project <p> category for eponymous categories <o> Category:Wikipedia categories named after science projects <s> Regesta <p> owned by <o> pope <s> Regesta <p> instance of <o> summary <s> Regesta <p> subclass of <o> artwork copy <s> Regesta <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Regesta <p> subclass of <o> document <s> Regesta <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Akademienprogramm <p> country <o> Germany <s> Akademienprogramm <p> maintained by <o> Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities <s> Regesta Imperii VII <p> instance of <o> collection <s> Regesta Imperii VII <p> part of <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Regesta Imperii VII <p> main subject <o> Louis IV of Bavaria <s> Regesta Friderici <p> instance of <o> collection <s> Regesta Friderici <p> part of <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Regesta Friderici <p> editor <o> Joseph Chmel <s> Regesta Friderici <p> main subject <o> Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor <s> Regesta Imperii II <p> instance of <o> collection <s> Regesta Imperii II <p> part of <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Regesta Imperii II <p> main subject <o> Salian dynasty <s> Regesta Imperii VI <p> instance of <o> collection <s> Regesta Imperii VI <p> part of <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Regesta Imperii XIII <p> instance of <o> collection <s> Regesta Imperii XIII <p> part of <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Regesta Imperii XIII <p> main subject <o> Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> country <o> Germany <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mainz <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> headquarters location <o> Mainz <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> member category <o> Category:Members of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> language used <o> German <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> instance of <o> academy of sciences <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> member of <o> OCLC, Inc. <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> chairperson <o> Gernot Wilhelm <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> member of <o> German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V. <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> instance of <o> public research university <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> member of <o> Informationsdienst Wissenschaft <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> member of <o> Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> member of <o> mainzed <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> chairperson <o> Reiner Anderl <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> has part(s) <o> Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Library <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz <s> Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz <p> legal form <o> Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts </Graph>
<Text> :The current office holder is Giuseppe Sala, a centre-left independent who has been in charge since 2016 leading a progressive alliance composed by the Democratic Party, Green Europe and some civic lists. The last election took place in 2021. According to the Italian Constitution, the mayor of Milan is a member of the Milan's City Council. The mayor and the other 48 city councillors are elected by the Italian and EU citizens residing in Milan. Concurrently, albeit with a different ballot paper, nine presidents and 270 councillors are chosen for the nine assemblies of the nine municipalities, often referred to as zones, in which the city is divided, each one having one president and 30 councillors. All the offices are elected for five-year terms. After the election, the mayor can appoint one vice mayor and up to 16 assessors; together they form the municipal government and they implement the municipal policies, which are determined and controlled by the City Council. The City Council has also the power to dismiss the mayor or any of the assessors with a motion of no confidence. Similar procedures take place at the municipality level, where the mayor is called the president of the municipality and there are three assessors. Since 1993, Italian mayors of municipalities of more than 15,000 inhabitants have been directly elected by their respective electorates. Voters can express their choice for the mayor and for a list of municipal councillors not necessarily supporting the same mayor-candidate . If no mayor-candidate receives a majority of votes, a run-off election is held two weeks later among the top two candidates. In the list choice, each voter can express one or two preferences for councillor candidates; in the case of two preferences, their gender must be different. The party and civic lists supporting the elected mayor are granted a majority of the City Council seats, divided proportionally to each list result, by means of a majority bonus; the remaining seats are then assigned proportionally to the opposition lists. Research is "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge". It involves the collection, organization and analysis of evidence to increase understanding of a topic, characterized by a particular attentiveness to controlling sources of bias and error. These activities are characterized by accounting and controlling for biases. A research project may be an expansion of past work in the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the project as a whole. The primary purposes of basic research are documentation, discovery, interpretation, and the research and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge. Approaches to research depend on epistemologies, which vary considerably both within and between humanities and sciences. There are several forms of research: scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing, practitioner research, life, technological, etc. The scientific study of research practices is known as meta-research. A researcher is a person engaged in conducting research, possibly recognized as an occupation by a formal job title. In order to be a social researcher or a social scientist, one should have enormous knowledge of subjects related to social science that they are specialized in. Similarly, in order to be a natural science researcher, the person should have knowledge of fields related to natural science . Professional associations provide one pathway to mature in the research profession. The word research is derived from the Middle French "recherche", which means "to go about seeking", the term itself being derived from the Old French term "recerchier" a compound word from "re-" + "cerchier", or "sercher", meaning 'search'. The earliest recorded use of the term was in 1577. Papal regesta are the copies, generally entered in special registry volumes, of the papal letters and official documents that are kept in the papal archives. The name is also used to indicate subsequent publications containing such documents, in chronological order, with summaries of their essential contents, for which English diplomatics usually use the term "calendar". The growth of the correspondence of the Holy See is evident even by the end of the 2nd century. Probably from a very early date a copy was made of papal documents before their dispatch, and that the collection of these documents was preserved at the seat of the central administration of the Roman Church. At that time high officials of the Roman State administration, the imperial chancery, the Senate, the consuls, the provincial governments, had all official documents entered in such volumes and preserved in the archives. The books in which these documents were entered were called commentarii regesta, the latter word from regerere, to inscribe. The existence of such papal regesta can be proved for the 4th century and the succeeding era. In his polemic with Rufinus , St. Jerome refers to the archives of the Roman Church, where the letter of Pope Anastasius on the controversy over the doctrines of Origen was preserved. There are also notices concerning the registration of papal letters in the documents of several popes of the 5th century. Thus Pope Zosimus in his letter of 22 Sept., 417, to the bishops of Africa refers to the fact that all the earlier negotiations with Coelestius had been examined at Rome . Consequently, copies of the documents in question must have existed. From this time onwards it remained the fixed custom of the papal chancery to copy the official papers issued by it in registers. From the centuries previous to the pontificate of Innocent III there remain only fragments of the registry volumes of the papal chancery and these in large part merely in later copies. Nearly all the volumes of the papal regesta up to the end of the 12th century have disappeared. The Academy of Sciences and Literature is a scientific academy in Mainz, Germany. It was established in 1949 on an initiative of Alfred Doblin. The academy's goal is to support science and literature, and in doing so to help preserve and promote culture. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Milan metropolitan area <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Milan metropolitan area <p> category's main topic <o> Milan metropolitan area <s> urban agglomeration <p> different from <o> metropolitan area <s> urban agglomeration <p> subclass of <o> urban area <s> urban agglomeration <p> different from <o> conurbation <s> urban agglomeration <p> has part(s) <o> suburb <s> urban agglomeration <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Agglomeration <s> urban agglomeration <p> has part(s) <o> core city <s> urban agglomeration <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Sofia Province <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Sofia Province <p> different from <o> Sofia <s> Sofia Province <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bulgaria <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Yakoruda Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Blagoevgrad Province <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Sofia City Province <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Georgi Damyanovo Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Varshets Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> instance of <o> oblast of Bulgaria <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chavdar Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Botevgrad Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Elin Pelin Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gorna Malina Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mirkovo Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ihtiman Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pravets Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pirdop Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zlatitsa Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Anton Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> capital <o> Sofia <s> Sofia Province <p> different from <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> different from <o> Sofia City Province <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Slivnitsa Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dragoman Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kostenets Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kostinbrod Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Berkovitsa Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Etropole Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Montana Province <s> Sofia Province <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Lovech Province <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Godech Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chelopech Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Svoge Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dolna Banya Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Belitsa Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Samokov Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bozhurishte Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Koprivshtitsa Municipality <s> Sofia Province <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Yugozapaden Planning Region <s> Sofia Province <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sofia Province <s> Sofia Province <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Sofia Province <s> Sofia Province <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Sofia Province <s> Sofia Province <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Sofia Province <s> Sofia Province <p> shares border with <o> Pernik Province <s> Sofia Province <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Sofia Province <s> Sofia Province <p> associated electoral district <o> 26th MMC – Sofia-province <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> capital <o> Sofia <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> different from <o> Sofia <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> different from <o> Sofia Province <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia City Province <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> different from <o> Sofia City Province <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> head of government <o> Vassil Terziev <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> instance of <o> municipality of Bulgaria <s> Sofia Capital Municipality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Shopluk <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Shopluk <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bulgaria <s> Shopluk <p> has part(s) <o> Sofia <s> Sofia City Province <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Sofia City Province <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bulgaria <s> Sofia City Province <p> capital <o> Sofia <s> Sofia City Province <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern European Time <s> Sofia City Province <p> instance of <o> oblast of Bulgaria <s> Sofia City Province <p> shares border with <o> Pernik Province <s> Sofia City Province <p> shares border with <o> Sofia Province <s> Sofia City Province <p> different from <o> Sofia Province <s> Sofia City Province <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Yugozapaden Planning Region <s> Sofia City Province <p> different from <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Sofia City Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Sofia City Province <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sofia City Province <s> Sofia City Province <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Sofia City Province <s> Sofia City Province <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Sofia City Province <s> Sofia City Province <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Sofia City Province <s> Sofia City Province <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Sofia City Province <s> Oborishte District <p> associated electoral district <o> 24th MMC – Sofia-city 24 <s> Oborishte District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Oborishte District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Oborishte District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Oborishte District <p> twinned administrative body <o> Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg <s> Triaditsa District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Triaditsa District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Triaditsa District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Triaditsa District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 <s> Skopje <p> country <o> North Macedonia <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tashkent <s> Skopje <p> capital of <o> North Macedonia <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dijon <s> Skopje <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Skopje <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zaragoza <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Istanbul <s> Skopje <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Skopje <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Skopje <s> Skopje <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Skopje <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ljubljana <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Skopje <p> instance of <o> city <s> Skopje <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Skopje Basin <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zagreb <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bradford <s> Skopje <p> owner of <o> Toše Proeski Arena <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Podgorica <s> Skopje <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Skopje <s> Skopje <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Skopje <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dresden <s> Skopje <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Skopje <s> Skopje <p> connects with <o> European route E65 <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lecce <s> Skopje <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Skopje <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Skopje <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nuremberg <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pittsburgh <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wrocław <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> İzmir <s> Skopje <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Skopje <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Skopje <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Skopje <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Suez <s> Skopje <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Skopje <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tempe <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Belgrade <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Roubaix <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Niš <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Craiova <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Manisa <s> Skopje <p> shares border with <o> Čučer-Sandevo Municipality <s> Skopje <p> flag <o> flag of Skopje <s> Skopje <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Waremme <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chlef <s> Skopje <p> instance of <o> tourist destination <s> Skopje <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nanchang <s> Skopje <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Skopje <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Adana <s> Skopje <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pernik <s> Skopje <p> instance of <o> capital city <s> Skopje <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Vardar <s> Skopje <p> head of government <o> Danela Arsovska <s> Skopje <p> patron saint <o> Theotokos <s> Skopje <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Greater Skopje <s> Pancharevo District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Pancharevo District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Pancharevo District <p> capital <o> Pancharevo <s> Pancharevo District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Pancharevo District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 </Graph>
<Text> :An urban area, built-up area or urban agglomeration is a human settlement with a high population density and an infrastructure of built environment. This is the core of a metropolitan statistical area in the United States, if it contains a population of more than 50,000. Urban areas originate through urbanization, and researchers categorize them as cities, towns, conurbations or suburbs. In urbanism, the term "urban area" contrasts to rural areas such as villages and hamlets; in urban sociology or urban anthropology it contrasts with natural environment. The development of earlier predecessors of modern urban areas during the urban revolution of the 4th millennium BCE led to the formation of human civilization and ultimately to modern urban planning, which along with other human activities such as exploitation of natural resources has led to a human impact on the environment. In 1950, around the world, 764 million people lived in urban areas. By 2014, it was 3.9 billion. The change was driven by a combination of increased total population and increased percent of population living in urban areas. In 2009, the number of people living in urban areas surpassed the number living in rural areas , and since then the world has become more urban than rural. This was the first time that the majority of the world's population lived in a city. In 2014 there were 7.3 billion people living on the planet, of which the global urban population comprised 3.9 billion. The Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs at that time predicted the urban population would occupy 68% of the world population by 2050, with 90% of that growth coming from Africa and Asia. Sofia Province is a province of Bulgaria. The province does not include Sofia in its territories, but Sofia remains its administrative center. The province borders on the provinces of Pernik, Kyustendil, Blagoevgrad, Pazardzhik, Plovdiv, Lovech, Vratsa, Montana and "Sofia City Province" , and borders with Serbia to the northwest. Archaeological excavations near Chavdar suggest that the region has been settled by humans as early as 7,000 years ago. The earliest evidence of a mass settlement dates back to Thracian times, including tumuli which remain poorly studied. According to Thucydides, the areas north of Vitosha were inhabited by the Tilataei and the Treri. The Triballi were also known to have inhabited the region around Serdica. The Serdi, a Celtic tribe that appeared in place of the vanished Treri and Tilataei, were first mentioned in 29 BC. Roman General Marcus Licinius Crassus began his campaign against the Triballi in that year, and in 27 BC his troops captured Serdica. Felix Philipp Kanitz, the first person to study the Iskar Gorge area thoroughly, identified eight Roman castella, which he considered proof of the great strategic importance the Romans placed on the gorge. The road passing through it connected Roman lands from Thessaloniki all the way to Dacia. However, up until modern times, the gorge was poorly accessible because of its rugged terrain. As a result, the inhabitants were partially isolated from the rest of the world, self-reliant, but also safe from wars and invasions. Some of the population of Moesia thus found the Iskar river area an appealing safe haven later in the 5th century, when the province was threatened by Hunnic and Gothic raids. Gothic assaults were followed by large-scale settlement of South Slavs in territories south of the Danube in the early 580s AD. The Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantium, was incapable of defending these territories at the time. With most Byzantine troops protecting the rich Asian provinces from Arab and Persian raids, even small and disorganised Slavic attacks caused much disruption throughout Moesia. The numerous Slavs gradually mixed with and assimilated the native population. The area remained under Byzantine control until 809 AD, when Krum captured Serdica and massacred some 6,000 soldiers and civilians. Sometime in the 10th century, construction of the Boyana Church began as well. The Stolichna Municipality , lit. 'Capital Municipality') is an obshtina in Sofia City Province, Western Bulgaria. It is named after its administrative centre - the city of Sofia, which is also the capital of Sofia City Province and Sofia Province and the capital of Bulgaria as well. The municipality is located mainly in the Sofia Valley, and also in the foots and lower parts of the mountains of Stara planina and Vitosha, Plana, Lozen, Rila. It is home to 1,500,927 inhabitants from which 1.400 million live in Sofia . Balsha, Bankya, Bistritsa, Buhovo, Busmantsi, Chepintsi, Dobroslavtsi, Dolni Bogrov, Dolni Pasarel, German, Gorni Bogrov, Ivanyane, Jeleznitsa, Jelyava, Jiten, Kazichene, Klisura, Kokalyane, Krivina, Kubratovo, Katina, Lokorsko, Lozen, Malo Buchino, Marchaevo, Mirovyane, Mramor, Negovan, Novi Iskar, Pancharevo, Plana, Podgumer, Sofia, Svetovrachene, Vladaya, Voluyak, Voynegovtsi, Yana Shopi or Sopi is a regional term, used by a group of people in the Balkans. The areas traditionally inhabited by the Shopi or Sopi is called Shopluk or Sopluk , a mesoregion. Most of the region is located in Western Bulgaria, with smaller parts in Eastern Serbia and Eastern North Macedonia, where the borders of the three countries meet. The majority of the Shopi identify as Bulgarians, those in the pre-1919 territory of Serbia--as Serbs and those in North Macedonia--as ethnic Macedonians. The boundaries of the Shopluk in Bulgaria are a matter of debate, with the narrowest definition confining them only to the immediate surroundings of the City of Sofia, i.e., the Sofia Valley. The boundaries that are most commonly used overlap with the Bulgarian folklore and ethnographic regions and incorporate Central Western Bulgaria and the Bulgarian-populated areas in Serbia. It is only rarely that the Shopluk is meant to include Northwestern Bulgaria, which is the widest definition . According to Institute for Balkan Studies, the Shopluk was the mountainous area on the borders of Serbia, Bulgaria and North Macedonia, of which boundaries are quite vague, in Serbia the term Sop has always denoted highlanders. Shopluk was used by Bulgarians to refer to the borderlands of Bulgaria, the inhabitants were called Shopi. In Bulgaria, the Shopi designation is currently attributed to villagers around Sofia. According to some Shopluk studies dating back to the early 20th century, the name "Shopi" comes from the staff that local people, mostly pastoralists, used as their main tool. Even today in Bulgaria one of the names of a nice wooden stick is "sopa". Balsha, Bistritsa, Busmantsi, Chepintsi, Dobroslavtsi, Dolni Bogrov, Dolni Pasarel, German, Gorni Bogrov, Ivanyane, Jeleznitsa, Jelyava, Jiten, Kazichene, Klisura, Kokalyane, Krivina, Kubratovo, Katina, Lokorsko, Lozen, Malo Buchino, Marchaevo, Mirovyane, Mramor, Negovan, Pancharevo, Plana, Podgumer, Svetovrachene, Vladaya, Voluyak, Voynegovtsi, Yana Skopje is the capital and largest city of North Macedonia. It is the country's political, cultural, economic, and academic centre. Skopje lies in the Skopje Basin. Scupi is attested for the first time in the second century CE as a city in Roman Dardania. When the Roman Empire was divided into eastern and western halves in 395 AD, Scupi came under Byzantine rule from Constantinople. During much of the early medieval period, the town was contested between the Byzantines and the Bulgarian Empire, whose capital it was between 972 and 992. From 1282, the town was part of the Serbian Empire, and acted as its capital city from 1346 to 1371. In 1392, Skopje was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, who called it Uskub . The town stayed under Ottoman control for over 500 years, serving as the capital of the pashasanjak of Uskup and later the Vilayet of Kosovo. Its central position in the Ottoman Balkans made it a significant centre of commerce and administration during the Ottoman era. In 1912, it was annexed by the Kingdom of Serbia during the Balkan Wars. During World War I the city was seized by the Kingdom of Bulgaria, and, after the war, it became part of the newly formed Kingdom of Yugoslavia as the capital of Vardarska Banovina. In World War II, the city was again captured by Bulgaria and in 1945 became the capital of SR Macedonia, a federated state within Yugoslavia. The city developed rapidly, but this was interrupted in 1963 when it was hit by a disastrous earthquake. Skopje is on the upper course of the Vardar River, and is on a major north-south Balkan route between Belgrade and Athens. It is a centre for the chemical, timber, textile, leather, printing, and metal-processing industries. Industrial development of the city has been accompanied by development of the trade, logistics, and banking sectors, as well as an emphasis on the fields of transportation, culture and sport. According to the last official census from 2021, Skopje had a population of 422,540 inhabitants in its urban area and 526,502 in ten municipalities that form the city and, beside Skopje, include many other less urbanized and rural settlements some of which are 20 km away from the city itself or even border the neighbouring Kosovo. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> father <p> complementary property <o> mother <s> father <p> inverse property <o> child <s> father <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> father <s> father <p> related property <o> stepparent <s> father <p> related property <o> relative <s> father <p> related property <o> godparent <s> father <p> Wikidata property example <o> Indira Gandhi <s> father <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jane Fonda <s> father <p> Wikidata property example <o> Eros <s> father <p> Wikidata property example <o> Michael Douglas <s> father <p> subproperty of <o> parent <s> father <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> father <p> property constraint <o> inverse constraint <s> father <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> father <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> father <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> father <p> instance of <o> asymmetric Wikidata property <s> father <p> inverse label item <o> child <s> father <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for human relationships <s> father <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> father <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> father <p> Wikidata property example <o> Sveinn Björnsson <s> father <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with a single value, but different precisions and references can lead to multiple values <s> father <p> Wikidata property example <o> daughter of Adrian II <s> father <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> father <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> father <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> father <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P22 <s> father <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> father <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> place of death <p> complementary property <o> place of birth <s> place of death <p> subproperty of <o> location <s> place of death <p> related property <o> place of burial <s> place of death <p> related property <o> date of death <s> place of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> René Descartes <s> place of death <p> value hierarchy property <o> located in the administrative territorial entity <s> place of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Captain Nemo <s> place of death <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> place of death <s> place of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Richard Dürr <s> place of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Sung Jae-gi <s> place of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for specifying the location of an event <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> place of death <p> inverse label item <o> died here <s> place of death <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> place of death <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P20 <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> place of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> place of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> place of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with a single value, but different precisions and references can lead to multiple values <s> place of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to describe the death of the subject <s> place of death <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> Adam <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Adam <p> country of citizenship <o> Earth <s> Adam <p> residence <o> Earth <s> Adam <p> worshipped by <o> Islam <s> Adam <p> said to be the same as <o> human <s> Adam <p> worshipped by <o> Judaism <s> Adam <p> manifestation of <o> father <s> Adam <p> creator <o> God in Christianity <s> Adam <p> feast day <o> December 24 <s> Adam <p> place of birth <o> Garden of Eden <s> Adam <p> child <o> Seth <s> Adam <p> residence <o> Garden of Eden <s> Adam <p> made from material <o> soil <s> Adam <p> place of burial <o> Calvary <s> Adam <p> named after <o> Garden of Eden <s> Adam <p> occupation <o> farmer <s> Adam <p> occupation <o> prophet of Islam <s> Adam <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Hebrew <s> Adam <p> worshipped by <o> Baháʼí Faith <s> Adam <p> spouse <o> Lilith <s> Adam <p> different from <o> Adam <s> Adam <p> present in work <o> Paradise Lost <s> Adam <p> worshipped by <o> Catholic Church <s> Adam <p> given name <o> Adam <s> Adam <p> made from material <o> clay <s> Adam <p> child <o> Cain <s> Adam <p> creator <o> Jehovah <s> Adam <p> instance of <o> mythical character <s> Adam <p> partner in business or sport <o> Eve <s> Adam <p> said to be the same as <o> Y-chromosomal Adam <s> Adam <p> creator <o> Elohim <s> Adam <p> place of burial <o> Cavern of the Patriarchs <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Adam <p> instance of <o> protoplast <s> Adam <p> sex or gender <o> androgynos <s> Adam <p> canonization status <o> Patriarchs <s> Adam <p> present in work <o> Torah <s> Adam <p> spouse <o> Eve <s> Adam <p> worshipped by <o> Eastern Orthodox Church <s> Adam <p> given name <o> Adam <s> Adam <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Adam <p> occupation <o> hunter <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Adam <p> different from <o> Adán <s> Adam <p> child <o> Aclima <s> Adam <p> participant in <o> Fall of man <s> Adam <p> creator <o> God in Islam <s> Adam <p> manner of death <o> divine retribution <s> Adam <p> child <o> Abel <s> Adam <p> said to be the same as <o> Adam in Islam <s> Adam <p> manifestation of <o> Image of God <s> Adam <p> notable work <o> Sefer Raziel HaMalakh <s> Adam <p> worshipped by <o> Eastern Catholic Churches <s> Adam <p> said to be the same as <o> Adam Rishon <s> Adam <p> instance of <o> human biblical figure <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> Adam <p> child <o> Awan <s> Adam <p> child <o> Azura <s> Adam <p> occupation <o> gardener <s> Adam <p> creator <o> Yahweh <s> Adam <p> said to be the same as <o> Adam in rabbinic literature <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Church Encyclopedia <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Neues Lexikon des Judentums <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Infernal Dictionary, 6th ed. <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> Adam <p> part of <o> Adam and Eve <s> Adam <p> worshipped by <o> Oriental Orthodox Churches <s> Adam <p> present in work <o> Genesis 4 <s> Adam <p> present in work <o> Divine Principle <s> Adam <p> present in work <o> Genesis 5 <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Adam <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> field of work <p> related property <o> position held <s> field of work <p> related property <o> field of this occupation <s> field of work <p> related property <o> occupation <s> field of work <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P101 <s> field of work <p> inverse label item <o> specialized in this field <s> field of work <p> related property <o> industry <s> field of work <p> related property <o> practiced by <s> field of work <p> subproperty of <o> interested in <s> field of work <p> related property <o> studied in <s> field of work <p> related property <o> interested in <s> field of work <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> field of work <s> field of work <p> related property <o> relevant qualification <s> field of work <p> related property <o> typically sells <s> field of work <p> Wikidata property example <o> Bastian Sick <s> field of work <p> Wikidata property example <o> ACS Award in Pure Chemistry <s> field of work <p> Wikidata property example <o> Marie Curie <s> field of work <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people or organisations <s> field of work <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about positions <s> field of work <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> field of work <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> field of work <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> field of work <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> field of work <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> field of work <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> Marie Curie <p> instance of <o> human <s> Marie Curie <p> writing language <o> French <s> Marie Curie <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Marie Curie <p> residence <o> Paris <s> Marie Curie <p> residence <o> Warsaw <s> Marie Curie <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Mathematics <s> Marie Curie <p> place of birth <o> Warsaw <s> Marie Curie <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Marie Curie <p> place of death <o> Sancellemoz <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Russian Academy of Sciences <s> Marie Curie <p> nominated for <o> Nobel Prize in Physics <s> Marie Curie <p> writing language <o> Polish <s> Marie Curie <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Polish <s> Marie Curie <p> significant event <o> funeral <s> Marie Curie <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Marie Curie <p> country of citizenship <o> Poland <s> Marie Curie <p> field of work <o> physics <s> Marie Curie <p> nominated for <o> Nobel Prize in Chemistry <s> Marie Curie <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> American Philosophical Society <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Marie Curie <p> different from <o> Marie Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> field of work <o> chemistry <s> Marie Curie <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Marie Curie <p> given name <o> Maria <s> Marie Curie <p> archives at <o> Bibliothèque nationale de France <s> Marie Curie <p> given name <o> Marie <s> Marie Curie <p> handedness <o> left-handedness <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Académie Nationale de Médecine <s> Marie Curie <p> native language <o> Polish <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral advisor <o> Gabriel Lippmann <s> Marie Curie <p> spouse <o> Pierre Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Polish Biographical Dictionary <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Academy of Sciences of the USSR <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Royal Czech Society of Sciences <s> Marie Curie <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Marie Curie <p> sibling <o> Bronisława Dłuska <s> Marie Curie <p> position held <o> professor <s> Marie Curie <p> relative <o> Jacques Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> relative <o> Kazimierz Dłuski <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Order of the White Eagle <s> Marie Curie <p> field of work <o> radioactivity <s> Marie Curie <p> cause of death <o> aplastic anemia <s> Marie Curie <p> part of <o> Pierre and Marie Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> relative <o> Helena Dłuska <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation <s> Marie Curie <p> occupation <o> physicist <s> Marie Curie <p> occupation <o> chemist <s> Marie Curie <p> family name <o> Skłodowska <s> Marie Curie <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Empire <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Nobel Prize in Chemistry <s> Marie Curie <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Women In Science <s> Marie Curie <p> participant in <o> 5th Solvay Conference on Physics <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> André-Louis Debierne <s> Marie Curie <p> notable work <o> Treatise on Radioactivity <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Nobel Prize in Physics <s> Marie Curie <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Exciting women in history on Wikipedia <s> Marie Curie <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Smithsonian Libraries Dibner Library portraits <s> Marie Curie <p> child <o> Irène Joliot-Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> sibling <o> Helena Skłodowska-Szaley <s> Marie Curie <p> sibling <o> Józef Skłodowski <s> Marie Curie <p> educated at <o> X LO im. Królowej Jadwigi in Warsaw <s> Marie Curie <p> educated at <o> Flying University <s> Marie Curie <p> employer <o> Sorbonne <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Knight of the Legion of Honour <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Willard Gibbs Award <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Matteucci Medal <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Elliott Cresson Medal <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> Ștefania Mărăcineanu <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> Branca Edmée Marques <s> Marie Curie <p> place of burial <o> Panthéon <s> Marie Curie <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Marie Curie <p> described by source <o> Atomic women <s> Marie Curie <p> participant in <o> 1st Solvay Conference on Physics <s> Marie Curie <p> participant in <o> 3rd Solvay Conference on Physics <s> Marie Curie <p> family name <o> Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> relative <o> Sophie-Claire Depouilly <s> Marie Curie <p> relative <o> Eugène Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> different from <o> Maria Skłodowska <s> Marie Curie <p> present in work <o> Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge <s> Marie Curie <p> relative <o> Józef Boguski <s> Marie Curie <p> mother <o> Bronisława Skłodowska <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> honorary doctor of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Cameron Prize of the University of Edinburgh <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> prix Gegner <s> Marie Curie <p> religion or worldview <o> agnosticism <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> Marguerite Perey <s> Marie Curie <p> family <o> House of Skłodowski <s> Marie Curie <p> educated at <o> Science Faculty of Paris <s> Marie Curie <p> employer <o> Curie Institute <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> Emile Henriot <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> Zheng Dazhang <s> Marie Curie <p> child <o> Ève Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Davy Medal <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Lwów Scientific Society <s> Marie Curie <p> member of <o> Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences <s> Marie Curie <p> father <o> Władysław Skłodowski <s> Marie Curie <p> educated at <o> University of Paris <s> Marie Curie <p> employer <o> University of Paris <s> Marie Curie <p> family name <o> Skłodowska-Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> John Scott Medal <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> Óscar Moreno <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Albert Medal <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Benjamin Franklin Medal <s> Marie Curie <p> award received <o> Actonian Prize <s> Marie Curie <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Marie Curie <s> Marie Curie <p> doctoral student <o> Shi Shiyuan <s> society <p> instance of <o> concept <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> hierarchy <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> social norm <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> social structure <s> society <p> has part(s) of the class <o> human <s> society <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> society <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Society <s> society <p> studied in <o> social science <s> society <p> part of <o> humanity <s> society <p> subclass of <o> group of humans <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> social order <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> sociality <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> social <s> society <p> has part(s) <o> human social group <s> society <p> studied in <o> sociology <s> society <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> society <p> significant person <o> Niklas Luhmann <s> society <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> society <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> society <p> has part(s) of the class <o> group of humans <s> society <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> society <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Society <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> social action <s> society <p> has characteristic <o> social change <s> society <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 6 <s> society <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of society <s> member of political party <p> related property <o> political coalition <s> member of political party <p> related property <o> parliamentary group <s> member of political party <p> related property <o> represents <s> member of political party <p> subproperty of <o> member of <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> member of political party <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> member of political party <s> member of political party <p> related property <o> electoral district <s> member of political party <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> political party <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> member of political party <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> member of political party <p> inverse label item <o> has member <s> member of political party <p> Wikidata property example <o> Leonid Brezhnev <s> member of political party <p> Wikidata property example <o> Guðni Jóhannesson <s> member of political party <p> Wikidata property example <o> Eleanor Roosevelt <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> member of political party <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> member of political party <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P102 <s> member of political party <p> Wikidata property example <o> Deng Xiaoping <s> member of political party <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> occupation <p> value hierarchy property <o> subclass of <s> occupation <p> related property <o> interested in <s> occupation <p> related property <o> position held <s> occupation <p> related property <o> field of work <s> occupation <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> occupation <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> occupation <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Articles with Template:Bio and occupation (actor) not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia <s> occupation <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Articles with Template:Bio and ocupation (association football player) not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia <s> occupation <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P106 <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> occupation <p> related property <o> base salary <s> occupation <p> related property <o> members have occupation <s> occupation <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> profession <s> occupation <p> Wikidata property example <o> Robin Williams <s> occupation <p> Wikidata property example <o> Andrea Bocelli <s> occupation <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> occupation <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio <s> occupation <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> by occupation or profession <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> occupation <p> inverse label item <o> occupation of <s> occupation <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Articles with Template:Bio and occupation (politician) not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia <s> occupation <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> occupation <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about fictional characters <s> occupation <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property used as "depicts" (P180) qualifier on Commons <s> occupation <p> related property <o> field of training <s> occupation <p> related property <o> relevant qualification <s> occupation <p> Wikidata property example <o> Yuri Gagarin <s> occupation <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> occupation <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> sex or gender <p> related property <o> sexual orientation <s> sex or gender <p> related property <o> grammatical gender <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata property example <o> Barney <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> sex or gender <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata property example <o> Taylor Swift <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> biological sex <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> gender <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata property example <o> Tintin <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata property example <o> Kim Petras <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> sex of humans <s> sex or gender <p> inverse label item <o> people or characters of this gender <s> sex or gender <p> Wikidata property example <o> Grumpy Cat <s> sex or gender <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to LGBT <s> sex or gender <p> instance of <o> curated Wikidata property <s> sex or gender <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property used as "depicts" (P180) qualifier on Commons <s> sex or gender <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property about subject’s gender <s> sex or gender <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> sex or gender <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> sex or gender <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> sex or gender <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> sex or gender <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> sex or gender <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Sex or gender not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia <s> sex or gender <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> sex or gender <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P21 <s> sex or gender <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> sex or gender <p> property constraint <o> one-of constraint <s> sex or gender <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> sex or gender <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> sex or gender <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> omnivore <p> subclass of <o> consumer <s> omnivore <p> subclass of <o> animal <s> omnivore <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> omnivore <p> has characteristic <o> trophic level <s> omnivore <p> has characteristic <o> omnivorism </Graph>
<Text> :A father is the male parent of a child. Besides the paternal bonds of a father to his children, the father may have a parental, legal, and social relationship with the child that carries with it certain rights and obligations. A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the infant, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation. A biological father may have legal obligations to a child not raised by him, such as an obligation of monetary support. An adoptive father is a man who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption. A putative father is a man whose biological relationship to a child is alleged but has not been established. A stepfather is a non-biological male parent married to a child's preexisting parent, and may form a family unit but generally does not have the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child. The adjective "paternal" refers to a father and comparatively to "maternal" for a mother. The verb "to father" means to procreate or to sire a child from which also derives the noun "fathering". Biological fathers determine the sex of their child through a sperm cell which either contains an X chromosome , or Y chromosome . Related terms of endearment are dad , baba, papa, pappa, papasita, and pop. A male role model that children can look up to is sometimes referred to as a father-figure. Parental leave is when a father takes time off to support his newly born or adopted baby. Paid paternity leave first began in Sweden in 1976, and is paid in more than half of European Union countries. In the case of male same-sex couples the law often makes no provision for either one or both fathers to take paternity leave. In almost all cultures fathers are regarded as secondary caregivers. This perception is slowly changing with more and more fathers becoming primary caregivers, while mothers go to work, or in single parenting situations and male same-sex parenting couples. A death anniversary is the anniversary of the death of a person. It is the opposite of birthday. It is a custom in several Asian cultures, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, China, Georgia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Myanmar, Iran, Israel, Japan, Bangladesh, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, as well as in other places with significant overseas Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, and Vietnamese populations, to observe the anniversary on which a family member or other significant individual died. There are also similar memorial services that are held at different intervals, such as every week. Although primarily a manifestation of ancestor worship, the tradition has also been associated with Confucianism and Buddhism or Hinduism and Buddhism . In Judaism , such a commemoration is called a yahrtzeit . Celebration of mass in memory of a loved one on or near the anniversary of their death is also a part of Roman Catholic Christian tradition. In China, a death anniversary is called Ji Chen ; jichen or Ji Ri ; jiri. This type of ceremony dates back thousands of years in China and historically involved making sacrifices to the spirits of one's ancestors. Shraadh means to give with devotion or to offer one's respect. Shraadh is a ritual for expressing one's respectful feelings for the ancestors. According to Nepali and Indian texts, a soul has to wander about in the various worlds after death and has to suffer a lot due to past karmas. Shraadh is a means of alleviating this suffering. Adam is the name given in Genesis 1-5 to the first human. Adam is the first human-being aware of God, and features as such in various belief systems . According to Christianity, Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden by eating from the Tree of Knowledge. This action introduced death and sin into the world. This sinful nature infected all his descendants, and led humanity to be expelled from the Garden. Only through the Crucifixion of Jesus, humanity can be redeemed. In Islam, Adam is considered Khalifa on earth. This is understood to mean either that he is God's deputy, the initiation of a new cycle of sentient life on earth, or both. Similar to the account in the Bible, according to the Quran, Adam is placed in a Garden. Tempted by the Tree of Immortality, he sins and loses his abode in the Garden. When Adam repents from his sin, he is forgiven by God. This is seen as a guidance for human-life, who sin, become aware of their mistake, and repent. In Gnostic belief-systems, the bodily creation of Adam is viewed in a negative light. Due to the underlying demonization of matter, Gnostic cosmologies depict the body as a form of prison of Adam's soul. This soul would have been transferred by Sophia onto the creator of the material world, who in turn is tricked into blowing the soul into a body. From this body, Adam rises up and becomes a sentient being. However, to escape from the world of matter, he needs to attain Gnosis. Maria Salomea Sklodowska-Curie , known simply as Marie Curie , was a Polish and naturalised-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person to win a Nobel Prize twice, and the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two scientific fields. Her husband, Pierre Curie, was a co-winner of her first Nobel Prize, making them the first-ever married couple to win the Nobel Prize and launching the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes. She was, in 1906, the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris. She was born in Warsaw, in what was then the Kingdom of Poland, part of the Russian Empire. She studied at Warsaw's clandestine Flying University and began her practical scientific training in Warsaw. In 1891, aged 24, she followed her elder sister Bronislawa to study in Paris, where she earned her higher degrees and conducted her subsequent scientific work. In 1895 she married the French physicist Pierre Curie, and she shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with him and with the physicist Henri Becquerel for their pioneering work developing the theory of "radioactivity"--a term she coined. In 1906 Pierre Curie died in a Paris street accident. Marie won the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery of the elements polonium and radium, using techniques she invented for isolating radioactive isotopes. Under her direction, the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms by the use of radioactive isotopes. She founded the Curie Institute in Paris in 1920, and the Curie Institute in Warsaw in 1932; both remain major medical research centres. During World War I she developed mobile radiography units to provide X-ray services to field hospitals. While a French citizen, Marie Sklodowska Curie, who used both surnames, never lost her sense of Polish identity. She taught her daughters the Polish language and took them on visits to Poland. She named the first chemical element she discovered polonium, after her native country. Marie Curie died in 1934, aged 66, at the Sancellemoz sanatorium in Passy , France, of aplastic anemia likely from exposure to radiation in the course of her scientific research and in the course of her radiological work at field hospitals during World War I. In addition to her Nobel Prizes, she received numerous other honours and tributes; in 1995 she became the first woman to be entombed on her own merits in the Paris Pantheon, and Poland declared 2011 the Year of Marie Curie during the International Year of Chemistry. She is the subject of numerous biographical works. Maria Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, in Congress Poland in the Russian Empire, on 7 November 1867, the fifth and youngest child of well-known teachers Bronislawa, nee Boguska, and Wladyslaw Sklodowski. The elder siblings of Maria were Zofia , Jozef , Bronislawa and Helena . A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. Human social structures are complex and highly cooperative, featuring the specialization of labor via social roles. Societies construct roles and other patterns of behavior by deeming certain actions or concepts acceptable or unacceptable--these expectations around behavior within a given society are known as societal norms. So far as it is collaborative, a society can enable its members to benefit in ways that would otherwise be difficult on an individual basis. Societies vary based on level of technology and type of economic activity. Larger societies with larger food surpluses often exhibit stratification or dominance patterns. Societies can have many different forms of government, various ways of understanding kinship, and different gender roles. Human behavior varies immensely between different societies; humans shape society, but society in turn shapes human beings. The term "society" often refers to a large group of people in an ordered community, in a country or several similar countries, or the 'state of being with other people', e.g. "they lived in medieval society." The term dates back to at least 1513 and comes from the 12th-century French societe meaning 'company'. Societe was in turn derived from the Latin word societas , which in turn was derived from the noun socius . While in ordinary speech, the terms sex and gender are often used interchangeably, in contemporary academic literature the terms often have distinct meanings, especially when referring to people. Sex generally refers to an organism's biological sex, while gender usually refers to either social roles typically associated with the sex of a person or personal identification of one's own gender based on an internal awareness . Most contemporary social scientists, behavioral scientists and biologists, many legal systems and government bodies, and intergovernmental agencies such as the WHO make a distinction between gender and sex. In most individuals, the various biological determinants of sex are congruent, and consistent with the individual's gender identity, but in some circumstances, an individual's assigned sex and gender do not align, and the person may be transgender. Also in some cases, an individual may have sex characteristics that complicate sex assignment, and the person may be intersex. Though sex and gender have been used interchangeably at least as early as the fourteenth century, this usage was not common by the late 1900s. Sexologist John Money pioneered the concept of a distinction between biological sex and gender identity in 1955. Madison Bentley had already defined gender as the "socialized obverse of sex" a decade earlier, in 1945. As originally conceived by Money, gender and sex are analysed together as a single category including both biological and social elements, but later work by Robert Stoller separated the two, designating sex and gender as biological and cultural categories, respectively. Before the work of Bentley, Money and Stoller, the word gender was only regularly used to refer to grammatical categories. The Oxford English Dictionary defines sex as "Either of the two main categories into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions;". A further annotation exists on a separate definition stating that "The word sex tends now to refer to biological differences, while gender often refers to cultural or social ones." An omnivore is an animal that has the ability to eat and survive on both plant and animal matter. Obtaining energy and nutrients from plant and animal matter, omnivores digest carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber, and metabolize the nutrients and energy of the sources absorbed. Often, they have the ability to incorporate food sources such as algae, fungi, and bacteria into their diet. Omnivores come from diverse backgrounds that often independently evolved sophisticated consumption capabilities. For instance, dogs evolved from primarily carnivorous organisms while pigs evolved from primarily herbivorous organisms . Despite this, physical characteristics such as tooth morphology may be reliable indicators of diet in mammals, with such morphological adaptation having been observed in bears. The variety of different animals that are classified as omnivores can be placed into further sub-categories depending on their feeding behaviors. Frugivores include cassowaries, orangutans and grey parrots; insectivores include swallows and pink fairy armadillos; granivores include large ground finches and mice. All of these animals are omnivores, yet still fall into special niches in terms of feeding behavior and preferred foods. Being omnivores gives these animals more food security in stressful times or makes possible living in less consistent environments. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> located in the present-day administrative territorial entity <o> Bulgaria <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> replaced by <o> Bulgaria <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> capital <o> Sofia <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> continent <o> Europe <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> language used <o> Bulgarian <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Petar Mladenov <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> follows <o> Kingdom of Bulgaria <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> official language <o> Bulgarian <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Todor Zhivkov <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Georgi Dimitrov <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> anthem <o> Mila Rodino <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> legislative body <o> National Assembly of Bulgaria <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> currency <o> Bulgarian lev <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> member of <o> Warsaw Pact <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> coat of arms <o> Emblem of the People's Republic of Bulgaria <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> member of <o> COMECON <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> flag <o> flag of Bulgaria <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> topic's main category <o> Category:People's Republic of Bulgaria <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Valko Chervenkov <s> People's Republic of Bulgaria <p> basic form of government <o> people's republic <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> capital <o> Sofia <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> official language <o> Bulgarian <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> language used <o> Bulgarian <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Ferdinand I of Bulgaria <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> religion or worldview <o> Bulgarian Orthodox Church <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> official religion <o> Bulgarian Orthodox Church <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> basic form of government <o> principality <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> currency <o> Bulgarian lev <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Alexander of Battenberg <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> anthem <o> Shumi Maritsa <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> replaced by <o> Kingdom of Bulgaria <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> followed by <o> Kingdom of Bulgaria <s> Principality of Bulgaria <p> legislative body <o> National Assembly of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Turkey <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> conflict <o> World War I <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> capital <o> Sofia <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> official language <o> Bulgarian <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> conflict <o> World War II <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> language used <o> Bulgarian <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Ottoman Empire <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> country <o> Kingdom of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> member of <o> League of Nations <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> conflict <o> First Balkan War <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> conflict <o> Second Balkan War <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> basic form of government <o> constitutional monarchy <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Kingdom of Greece <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> followed by <o> People's Republic of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Ferdinand I of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Boris III of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> religion or worldview <o> Bulgarian Orthodox Church <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> diplomatic relation <o> Ukrainian People's Republic <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> official religion <o> Bulgarian Orthodox Church <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Regency council of the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1944-1946) <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> head of state <o> Regency council of the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1943-1944) <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Kingdom of Romania <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Kingdom of Yugoslavia <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Axis occupation of Serbia <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> currency <o> Bulgarian lev <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kingdom of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> shares border with <o> Democratic Federal Yugoslavia <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> follows <o> Principality of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> replaces <o> Principality of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> legislative body <o> National Assembly of Bulgaria <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> anthem <o> Shumi Maritsa <s> Kingdom of Bulgaria <p> motto <o> Unity makes strength <s> Sredets District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Sredets District <p> location <o> Sofia <s> Sredets District <p> shares border with <o> Oborishte District <s> Sredets District <p> shares border with <o> Triaditsa District <s> Sredets District <p> shares border with <o> Lozenets District <s> Sredets District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Sredets District <p> instance of <o> district <s> Sredets District <p> shares border with <o> Izgrev <s> Sredets District <p> shares border with <o> Slatina District <s> Sredets District <p> shares border with <o> Vazrazhdane District <s> Sredets District <p> different from <o> Sredets Municipality <s> Sredets District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Sredets District <p> part of <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Sredets District <p> associated electoral district <o> 24th MMC – Sofia-city 24 <s> Ovcha Kupel District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Ovcha Kupel District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Ovcha Kupel District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Ovcha Kupel District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Krasno Selo District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Krasno Selo District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Krasno Selo District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Krasno Selo District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 <s> Vitosha District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Vitosha District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Vitosha District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Vitosha District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 <s> Pittsburgh <p> language used <o> English <s> Pittsburgh <p> founded by <o> George Washington <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pittsburgh <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Allegheny Plateau <s> Pittsburgh <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Pittsburgh <p> continent <o> North America <s> Pittsburgh <p> owner of <o> Three Rivers Stadium <s> Pittsburgh <p> owner of <o> Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Pittsburgh <p> significant event <o> Siege of Fort Pitt <s> Pittsburgh <p> capital of <o> Allegheny County <s> Pittsburgh <p> different from <o> Pittsburg <s> Pittsburgh <p> named by <o> John Forbes <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saitama <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Pittsburgh <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Matanzas <s> Pittsburgh <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zagreb <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ōmiya <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> San Isidro <s> Pittsburgh <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> Köppen climate classification <o> hot-summer humid continental climate <s> Pittsburgh <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karmiel <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Naucalpan de Juárez Municipality <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prešov <s> Pittsburgh <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> instance of <o> county seat <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Donetsk <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Skopje <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Fernando de la Mora <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sheffield <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Wuhan <s> Pittsburgh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Allegheny River <s> Pittsburgh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Monongahela River <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Astana <s> Pittsburgh <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ohio River <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Charleroi <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saarbrücken <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hamilton <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ostrava <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gaziantep <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Da Nang <s> Pittsburgh <p> part of <o> Pittsburgh metropolitan area <s> Pittsburgh <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Allegheny County <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Ingram <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Kennedy Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Rosslyn Farms <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Robinson Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Mount Oliver <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Stowe Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Reserve Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> West Mifflin <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Novokuznetsk <s> Pittsburgh <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bilbao <s> Pittsburgh <p> named after <o> William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pittsburgh <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> Pittsburgh <p> owner of <o> Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens <s> Pittsburgh <p> owner of <o> Welcome Sculptures <s> Pittsburgh <p> twinned administrative body <o> Misgav Regional Council <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Homestead <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Crafton <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Munhall <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Aspinwall <s> Pittsburgh <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> list of monuments <o> National Register of Historic Places listings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania <s> Pittsburgh <p> archives at <o> Archives Service Center <s> Pittsburgh <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Millvale <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> McKees Rocks <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> West Homestead <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Green Tree <s> Pittsburgh <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Pittsburgh metropolitan area <s> Pittsburgh <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Ross Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Penn Hills <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Wilkinsburg <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Shaler Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> history of topic <o> history of Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Scott Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Mt. Lebanon <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> O'Hara Township <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Sharpsburg <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Dormont <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Castle Shannon <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Swissvale <s> Pittsburgh <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Pittsburgh <s> Pittsburgh <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Bellevue <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Baldwin <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Brentwood <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania <s> Pittsburgh <p> legislative body <o> Pittsburgh City Council <s> Pittsburgh <p> instance of <o> city of Pennsylvania <s> Pittsburgh <p> instance of <o> home rule municipality of Pennsylvania <s> Pittsburgh <p> shares border with <o> Whitehall <s> Pittsburgh <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania <s> Pittsburgh <p> authority <o> Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania <s> Pittsburgh <p> founded by <o> John Forbes <s> Pittsburgh <p> head of government <o> Ed Gainey <s> Pittsburgh <p> flag <o> flag of Pittsburgh <s> Category:People from Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Sofia <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> Sofia <s> Category:People from Sofia <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:Views of Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> Sofia <s> Category:Views of Sofia <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Views of Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> view </Graph>
<Text> :The People's Republic of Bulgaria , pronounced Narodna republika Bulgariya, NRB), was the official name of Bulgaria when it was a socialist republic from 1946 to 1990, ruled by the Bulgarian Communist Party together with its coalition partner, the Bulgarian Agrarian People's Union. Bulgaria was closely allied and one of the most loyal satellite states of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, sometimes being called the 16th Soviet Republic rather than an independent country. Bulgaria was also part of Comecon as well as a member of the Warsaw Pact. The Bulgarian resistance movement during World War II deposed the Kingdom of Bulgaria administration in the Bulgarian coup d'etat of 1944 which ended the country's alliance with the Axis powers and led to the People's Republic in 1946. The BCP modeled its policies after those of the Soviet Union, transforming the country over the course of a decade from an agrarian peasant society into an industrialized socialist society. In the mid-1950s and after the death of Stalin, the party's hardliners lost influence and a period of social liberalization and stability followed under Todor Zhivkov. Varying degrees of conservative or liberal influence followed. After a new energy and transportation infrastructure was constructed, by 1960 manufacturing became the dominant sector of the economy and Bulgaria became a major exporter of household goods and later of computer technologies, earning it the nickname of "Silicon Valley of the Eastern Bloc". The country's relatively high productivity levels and high scores on social development rankings made it a model for other socialist countries' administrative policies. In 1989, after a few years of liberal influence, political reforms were initiated and Todor Zhivkov, who had served as head of the party since 1954, was removed from office in a BCP congress. In 1990, under the leadership of Aleksandar Lilov, the BCP changed its name to the Bulgarian Socialist Party and adopted social democracy and democratic socialism in place of Marxism-Leninism. Following the BSP victory in the 1990 election, which was the first openly contested multi-party election since 1931, the name of the state was changed to the Republic of Bulgaria. Geographically, the People's Republic of Bulgaria had the same borders as present-day Bulgaria and it bordered the Black Sea to the east; Romania to the north; Yugoslavia to the west and Greece and Turkey to the south. The first elected president Zhelyu Zhelev was inaugurated on 1 August 1990 and became the first oppositional president of Bulgaria in the People's Republic. On 15 November 1990 after the elections the Bulgarian People's Republic was officially renamed to the Republic of Bulgaria. On 5 April 1991 with the new Constitution of Bulgaria all the symbols of the Bulgarian People's Republic were officially dissolved. On 1 March 1941, the Kingdom of Bulgaria signed the Tripartite Pact, and officially became a member of the Axis. Following the German invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece in April, Bulgaria came to occupy large parts of those countries. In 1942, the anti-Axis resistance movement Fatherland Front was formed from a mixture of Communists, Socialists, left-wing Agrarians and Zveno. The Principality of Bulgaria was a vassal state under the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire. It was established by the Treaty of Berlin in 1878. After the Russo-Turkish War ended with a Russian victory, the Treaty of San Stefano was signed by Russia and the Ottoman Empire on 3 March 1878. Under this, a large Bulgarian vassal state was agreed to, which was significantly larger: its lands encompassed nearly all ethnic Bulgarians in the Balkans, and included most of Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia, stretching from the Black Sea to the Aegean. However, the United Kingdom and Austria-Hungary were against the establishment of such a large Russian client state in the Balkans, fearing it would shift the balance of power in the Mediterranean. Due to this, the great powers convened and signed the Treaty of Berlin, superseding the Treaty of San Stefano, which never went into effect. This created a much smaller principality, alongside an autonomous Eastern Rumelia within the Ottoman Empire. In practice, Bulgaria's status as an Ottoman vassal was a legal fiction, and Bulgaria only acknowledged the authority of the Sublime Porte in a formal way. It had its own Constitution, flag and anthem, and conducted its own foreign policy. From 1880, it had its own currency as well. In 1885, a bloodless revolution resulted in Eastern Rumelia being de facto annexed by Bulgaria, which the Ottoman Empire accepted with the Tophane Agreement. On 5 October 1908, Bulgaria declared its independence as the Kingdom of Bulgaria. In 1396 the Bulgarian-Ottoman Wars ended with the fall of the Bulgarian Empire, due to the Ottoman invasion of the Balkans and its own internal divisions. Under Ottoman rule, the Bulgarian nobility was destroyed and the national consciousness suppressed. The Bulgarian National Revival, emerging in the late 18th century, revived Bulgarian identity and stoked the idea of creating a new Bulgarian state. Numerous revolutionary movements and uprisings against the Ottomans occurred alongside similar movements in the rest of the Balkans, culminating in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 to 1878. The Tsardom of Bulgaria , also referred to as the Third Bulgarian Tsardom , sometimes translated in English as the "Kingdom of Bulgaria" , or simply Bulgaria, was a constitutional monarchy in Southeastern Europe, which was established on 5 October 1908, when the Bulgarian state was raised from a principality to a tsardom. Ferdinand, founder of the royal family, was crowned a Tsar at the Declaration of Independence, mainly because of his military plans and for seeking options for unification of all lands in the Balkans region with an ethnic Bulgarian majority . The state was almost constantly at war throughout its existence, lending to its nickname as "the Balkan Prussia". For several years Bulgaria mobilized an army of more than 1 million people from its population of about 5 million, and in the 1910s it engaged in three wars - the First and Second Balkan Wars, and the First World War. Following the First World War the Bulgarian army was disbanded and forbidden to exist by the Allied Powers, and all plans for national unification of the Bulgarian lands failed. Less than two decades later Bulgaria entered the Second World War on the side of the Axis Powers and once again found itself on the losing side, until it switched sides to the Allies in September 1944. In 1946, the monarchy was abolished, its final Tsar was sent into exile, and the Tsardom was replaced by the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Pittsburgh is a city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the county seat of Allegheny County. It is the second-most populous city in Pennsylvania after Philadelphia and the 68th-most populous city in the U.S., with a population of 302,971 as of the 2020 census. The city anchors the Pittsburgh metropolitan area of Western Pennsylvania. Its population of 2.457 million is the largest in both the Ohio Valley and Appalachia, the second-largest in Pennsylvania, the 7th-largest in the Mid-Atlantic region and the 26th-largest in the U.S. Pittsburgh is the principal city of the greater Pittsburgh-Weirton-Steubenville combined statistical area which includes parts of Ohio and West Virginia. Pittsburgh is located in southwest Pennsylvania at the confluence of the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River, which combine to form the Ohio River. It developed as a vital link of the Atlantic coast and Midwest, as the mineral-rich Allegheny Mountains led to the region being contested by the French and British Empires, Virginians, Whiskey Rebels, and Civil War raiders. Pittsburgh is known both as "the Steel City" for its dominant role in the history of the U.S. steel industry, and as the "City of Bridges" for its 446 bridges. For part of the 20th century, Pittsburgh was behind only New York City and Chicago in corporate headquarters employment; it had the most U.S. stockholders per capita. Starting in the post-war era, Pittsburgh leaders began to strategically divest in manufacturing and invest instead in education, science, technology, health care, and art. This led to deindustrialization in the 1970s and 1980s, resulting in massive layoffs among blue-collar workers as steel and other heavy industries declined, and thousands of downtown white-collar workers also losing jobs when several Pittsburgh-based companies moved out. After 1990, Pittsburgh has focused its energies on the healthcare, education, and technology industries. Pittsburgh is home to large medical providers, including the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Allegheny Health Network, and 68 colleges and universities, including research and development leaders Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. The area has served as the federal agency headquarters for cyber defense, software engineering, robotics, energy research, and the nuclear navy. In the private sector, Pittsburgh-based PNC is the nation's fifth-largest bank, and the city is home to eight Fortune 500 companies and seven of the largest 300 U.S. law firms. RAND Corporation, BNY Mellon, Nova, FedEx, Bayer, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have regional headquarters and offices that helped Pittsburgh become the sixth-best area for U.S. job growth. Furthermore, the region is a hub for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and energy extraction. Pittsburgh's rich industrial history left the area with renowned cultural institutions, including the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, the National Aviary, and a diverse cultural district. The city's major league professional sports teams include the Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Penguins, and Pittsburgh Pirates. Pittsburgh is additionally where Jehovah's Witnesses traces its earliest origins, and was the host of the 2009 G20 Pittsburgh summit. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> economy of Sofia <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> economy of Sofia <p> location <o> Sofia <s> economy of Sofia <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> economy of Sofia <p> subclass of <o> economy of Bulgaria <s> economy of Sofia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Sofia <s> Siege of Sofia <p> location <o> Sofia <s> Siege of Sofia <p> part of <o> Bulgarian–Ottoman Wars <s> Siege of Sofia <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Serdica <p> part of <o> Byzantine–Bulgarian Wars <s> Siege of Serdica <p> location <o> Sofia <s> Siege of Serdica <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Category:Maps of Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> Sofia <s> Category:Maps of Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Sofia <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Sofia <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Sofia <p> category's main topic <o> Sofia <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> main subject <o> Bulgaria <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> place of publication <o> Sofia <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> language of work or name <o> Bulgarian <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> instance of <o> written work <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> editor <o> Vasil Golemansky <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> editor <o> Elka Bakalova <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> editor <o> Vasil Gyuzelev <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> editor <o> Anton Donchev <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> author <o> Bulgarian Academy of Sciences <s> Great Encyclopedia “Bulgaria” <p> publisher <o> Trud <s> Category:Births in Sofia <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> Sofia <s> Category:Births in Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Sofia <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Sofia <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Sofia <s> Bankya District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Bankya District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Bankya District <p> capital <o> Bankya <s> Bankya District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Bankya District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Iskar District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Iskar District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Iskar District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Iskar District <p> associated electoral district <o> 24th MMC – Sofia-city 24 <s> Kremikovtsi District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Kremikovtsi District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Kremikovtsi District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Kremikovtsi District <p> associated electoral district <o> 24th MMC – Sofia-city 24 </Graph>
<Text> :The siege of Sofia took place in 1382 or 1385 during the course of the Bulgarian-Ottoman wars. Unable to defend his country from the Ottomans, in 1373 the Bulgarian emperor Ivan Shishman agreed to become an Ottoman vassal and to marry his sister Kera Tamara to their sultan Murad I, while the Ottomans were to return some conquered fortresses. Despite the peace, in the beginning of the 1380s the Ottomans resumed their campaigns and besieged the important city of Sofia which controlled major communication routes to Serbia and Macedonia. There are little records about the siege. After the futile attempts to storm the city, the Ottoman commander Lala Shahin Pasha considered to abandon the siege. However, a Bulgarian renegate managed to lure the city governor ban Yanuka out of the fortress to hunt and the Turks captured him. Leaderless, the Bulgarians surrendered. The city walls were destroyed and an Ottoman garrison was installed. With the way to the north-west cleared, the Ottomans pressed further and captured Pirot and Nis in 1386, thus wedging between Bulgaria and Serbia. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Vrabnitsa District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Vrabnitsa District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Vrabnitsa District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Vrabnitsa District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Novi Iskar District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Novi Iskar District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Novi Iskar District <p> capital <o> Novi Iskar <s> Novi Iskar District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Novi Iskar District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Category:Deaths in Sofia <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> Sofia <s> Category:Deaths in Sofia <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Category:Deaths in Sofia <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Sofia <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Sofia <s> Karlovac <p> country <o> Croatia <s> Karlovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Karlovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Alessandria <s> Karlovac <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Karlovac County <s> Karlovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tauragė <s> Karlovac <p> patron saint <o> Joseph <s> Karlovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kragujevac <s> Karlovac <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Time <s> Karlovac <p> capital of <o> Karlovac County <s> Karlovac <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Karlovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest District VII <s> Karlovac <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kansas City <s> Karlovac <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Karlovac <s> Karlovac <p> connects with <o> European route E65 <s> Karlovac <p> described by source <o> Topographia Provinciarum Austriacarum <s> Karlovac <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Karlovac <p> instance of <o> town in Croatia <s> Karlovac <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Karlovac <s> Karlovac <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Karlovac <s> Karlovac <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Karlovac <s> Karlovac <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Karlovac <s> Karlovac <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Karlovac <s> coat of arms of Sofia <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Sofia <s> coat of arms of Sofia <p> depicts <o> Saint Sophia Church <s> coat of arms of Sofia <p> depicts <o> Vitosha <s> coat of arms of Sofia <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> coat of arms of Sofia <p> instance of <o> local coat of arms <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> instance of <o> church building <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> religion or worldview <o> Eastern Orthodox Church <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> made from material <o> brick <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> architectural style <o> Byzantine architecture <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> diocese <o> Sofia Eparchy <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> instance of <o> Eastern Orthodox church building <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Oborishte District <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> architectural style <o> Early Christian architecture <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of Saint Sophia Church, Sofia <s> Saint Sophia Church <p> named after <o> Holy Wisdom <s> Salalah <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sofia <s> Salalah <p> instance of <o> city <s> Salalah <p> country <o> Oman <s> Salalah <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Dhofar Governorate <s> Salalah <p> described by source <o> History of Ming <s> Salalah <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> Salalah <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Salalah <s> Salalah <p> described by source <o> Ying Ya Sheng Lan <s> Salalah <p> described by source <o> Xiyang fanguo zhi <s> Salalah <p> described by source <o> Xingcha Shenglan <s> Salalah <p> capital of <o> Dhofar Governorate <s> Salalah <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Salalah <s> seat of government <p> subclass of <o> building complex <s> seat of government <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Seats of government <s> Nadezhda District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Nadezhda District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Nadezhda District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Nadezhda District <p> named after <o> Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria <s> Nadezhda District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Vladaya River <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Vladaya River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia <s> Vladaya River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Vladaya River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Vladaya River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Perlovska <s> Vladaya River <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Vitosha <s> Vladaya River <p> drainage basin <o> Iskar </Graph>
<Text> :Karlovac is the administrative centre of Karlovac County. The city is located 56 kilometres southwest of Zagreb and 130 km northeast of Rijeka, and is connected to them via the A1 highway and the M202 railway. The city was named after its founder, Charles II, Archduke of Austria. The German name Karlstadt or Carlstadt has the equivalence in various languages: in Hungarian it is known as Karolyvaros, in Italian as Carlovizza, in Latin as Carolostadium, and in Kajkavian dialect and Slovene as Karlovec. The Austrians built Karlovac from scratch in 1579 in order to strengthen their southern defences against Ottoman encroachments. The establishment of a new city-fortress was a part of the deal between the Protestant nobility of Inner Austria and the archduke Charles II of Austria. In exchange for their religious freedom the nobility agreed to finance the building of a new fortress against the Ottoman Empire. It was founded as a six-pointed star fortress built on the Zrinski estate near the old town of Dubovac at the confluence of the Kupa and Korana rivers. As the city later expanded, the urban area reached as far as the Mreznica and Dobra rivers. The star shape can still be seen around the town. It was originally known as Karlstadt , after the ruling family, upon whose orders construction began on 13 July 1579. The architect of the city was Matija Gambon, whilst work on the new fortress was supervised by George Khevenhuller. It was intentionally built on terrain exposed to flooding and disease from unhealthy water, with the intent to hamper the Turkish advance. The fortress itself was largely complete by September 1580, while moats and ramparts were finished later, between 1582 and 1589. The first church was built in the central square in 1580, but all of the city buildings burned down in the fire of 1594. By 1610, moats and ramparts were repaired, and houses were rebuilt. The coat of arms of Sofia consists of a shield divided into four. The image of the Saint Sofia Church which gave the name to the city takes up the upper left quarter and a humanized picture of the ancient town of Serdica taken from an antique coin is located to the right . At lower left is a golden baldachin and a statue of Apollo Medicus representing the mineral springs around the city, while the lower right quarter is reserved for Vitosha, the mountain at the foot of which Sofia is located. In the middle is another, smaller shield , with a lion rampant, a traditional Bulgarian symbol. A mural crown tops the larger shield. At the bottom is the city motto, "Raste, no ne staree" - Raste, no ne staree . The coat of arms was created for the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1900 by a team of three noted Bulgarian artists and specialists - Haralampi Tachev, Ivan Mrkvicka and Vaclav Dobrusky, as the city was required by the executive committee to submit a symbol in order to take part. The then-Knyaz Ferdinand approved the coat of arms and it was sent to Paris. Changes were made to the original image of the coat of arms in the following years. The motto was first added in 1911 by Haralampi Tachev, who also gave it a final touch by adding a band with the motto and laurel twigs in 1928. A simplified version was suggested by Boris Angelushev in the 1940s, with Ivan Radoev adding a five-pointed star and additionally stylizing the coat of arms in 1974. The 1928 edition of Haralampi Tachev returned into official use after the democratic changes. Salalah is the third-largest city in the Sultanate of Oman, and the largest city in the Dhofar province. Salalah is the birthplace of the former Omani sultan, Qaboos bin Said. Salalah attracts many tourists from other parts of Oman and from abroad during the monsoon/khareef season, from June to September. The climate of the region and the monsoon allows the city to grow some vegetables and fruits like coconut and bananas. There are many gardens within the city where these vegetables and fruits grow. Salalah was the traditional capital of Dhofar, which reached the peak of prosperity in the 13th century thanks to the incense trade. Later it decayed, and in the 19th century it was absorbed by the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman. Between 1932 and 1970, Salalah was the residence of Sultan Said bin Taimur. His son, Qaboos, who acceded to his father's throne in 1970, decided to move his capital to Muscat, the largest city in Oman, where he lived until he quietly left for treatment in Germany. Sultan Qaboos's absence was much regretted in Salalah, where his palace was always kept ready to receive him. His last visits were in 2006 to meet influential tribal and local leaders, and in 2010 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of his accession with a massive parade watched for several hours by an estimated hundred thousand spectators. Despite the Sultan's generally benevolent government running Oman without national taxation thanks to its vast mineral resources, and with all menial work done by Asian labourers, Salalah saw peaceful protests for a few months in 2011 in the domino effect of the Arab Spring. Some Omani protesters requested the dismissal of current ministers, better job opportunities, salary increases, a solution to the increasing cost of living, or the establishment of Islamic banks. In most countries, the nation's capital is also seat of its government, thus that city is appropriately referred to as the national seat of government. The terms are not however, completely synonymous, as some countries' seat of government differs from the capital. The Netherlands, for example, has Amsterdam as its capital but The Hague is the seat of government; and the Philippines, with Manila as its capital but the metropolitan area of the same name ), is the seat of government. The river flows from the northwestern slopes of Cherni Vrah on Vitosha Mountain, crossing Torfeno Branishte Nature Reserve, then submerging beneath Zlatnite Mostove Stone River, turning to the northeast at the village of Vladaya from which the river takes its name, entering Sofia Valley via Vladaya Gorge, and crossing the city of Sofia to flow into the Perlovska in its northeastern suburbs. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Lozenets District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Lozenets District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Lozenets District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Lozenets District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 <s> Ilinden District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Ilinden District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Ilinden District <p> named after <o> Ilinden <s> Ilinden District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Ilinden District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ilinden Rayon <s> Ilinden District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Izgrev District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Izgrev District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Izgrev District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 <s> Izgrev District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Krasna Polyana District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Krasna Polyana District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Krasna Polyana District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Krasna Polyana District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Lyulin District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Lyulin District <p> associated electoral district <o> 25th MMC – Sofia-city 25 <s> Lyulin District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Lyulin District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Studentski District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Studentski District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Studentski District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Studentski District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 <s> Slatina District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Slatina District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Slatina District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Slatina District <p> associated electoral district <o> 24th MMC – Sofia-city 24 <s> Vazrazhdane District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Vazrazhdane District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Vazrazhdane District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Vazrazhdane District <p> associated electoral district <o> 24th MMC – Sofia-city 24 <s> Mladost District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Mladost District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Mladost District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Mladost District <p> associated electoral district <o> 23rd MMC – Sofia-city 23 <s> Poduyane District <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Poduyane District <p> instance of <o> municipal district of Bulgaria <s> Poduyane District <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Poduyane District <p> associated electoral district <o> 24th MMC – Sofia-city 24 <s> Poduyane District <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Poduyane Rayon, Sofia </Graph>
<Text> :</Text>
<Graph> : <s> flag of Sofia <p> instance of <o> flag of populated place <s> Boyanska reka <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Boyanska reka <p> instance of <o> river <s> Boyanska reka <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Vitosha <s> Boyanska reka <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Vitosha <s> Boyanska reka <p> located in protected area <o> Vitosha nature park <s> Boyanska reka <p> drainage basin <o> Danube basin <s> Boyanska reka <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Perlovska <s> Perlovska <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Perlovska <p> instance of <o> river <s> Perlovska <p> drainage basin <o> Iskar <s> Perlovska <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Iskar <s> Perlovska <p> tributary <o> Vladaya River <s> Perlovska <p> tributary <o> Boyanska reka <s> Perlovska <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Dragalevtsi <s> Kakach River <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Kakach River <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Lyulin Mountain <s> Kakach River <p> drainage basin <o> Iskar <s> Kakach River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Iskar <s> Kakach River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Iskar <p> country <o> Bulgaria <s> Iskar <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Iskar <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> Danube <s> Iskar <p> instance of <o> river <s> Iskar <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Iskar <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sofia City Province <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Zlatna Panega <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Perlovska <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Blato River <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Vitoshka Bistritsa <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Palakaria <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Iskretska Reka <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Musalenska Bistritsa <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Cherni Iskar <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Beli Iskar <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Gabrovnitsa <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Lesnovska River <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Gostila <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Malki Iskar <s> Iskar <p> tributary <o> Batuliyska River <s> Iskar <p> drainage basin <o> Danube basin <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> place of birth <o> Samokov <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> instance of <o> human <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> country of citizenship <o> Bulgaria <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Bulgarian <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> occupation <o> school teacher <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> educated at <o> Sofia University <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> member of political party <o> Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> position held <o> Minister of Education and Science <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> position held <o> member of the Bulgarian National Assembly <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> position held <o> Mayor of Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> award received <o> Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> given name <o> Yordanka <s> Yordanka Fandakova <p> candidacy in election <o> First round of 2019 Local elections for Mayor of Sofia Capital Municipality <s> Ílhavo <p> country <o> Portugal <s> Ílhavo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Atlantic Ocean <s> Ílhavo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ílhavo <s> Ílhavo <p> located in time zone <o> Western European Time <s> Ílhavo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ílhavo <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> St. John's <s> Ílhavo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Newark <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Funchal <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> New Bedford <s> Ílhavo <p> shares border with <o> Vagos <s> Ílhavo <p> shares border with <o> Aveiro <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuxhaven <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ihtiman <s> Ílhavo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Aveiro <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paraty <s> Ílhavo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gafanha da Encarnação <s> Ílhavo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gafanha da Nazaré <s> Ílhavo <p> instance of <o> municipality of Portugal <s> Ílhavo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ílhavo (São Salvador) <s> Ílhavo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gafanha do Carmo <s> Ílhavo <p> instance of <o> city of Portugal <s> Ílhavo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Grindavíkurbær <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> country <o> United States of America <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> headquarters location <o> New York City <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> has part(s) <o> ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability USA <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> has part(s) <o> International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> has part(s) <o> ICLEI Africa Secretariat <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> has part(s) <o> ICLEI European Secretariat <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Climate change <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> instance of <o> international organization <s> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <p> partnership with <o> United Cities and Local Governments <s> World Business Council for Sustainable Development <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> World Business Council for Sustainable Development <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Geneva <s> World Business Council for Sustainable Development <p> headquarters location <o> Geneva <s> World Business Council for Sustainable Development <p> instance of <o> organization <s> World Business Council for Sustainable Development <p> founded by <o> Stephan Schmidheiny <s> Carbon Disclosure Project <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Climate change <s> Carbon Disclosure Project <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Carbon Disclosure Project <p> instance of <o> organization </Graph>
<Text> :The river flows from the northern slopes of Cherni Vrah in Vitosha Mountain, crossing Torfeno Branishte Nature Reserve; at the northern foothills of Vitosha the river drops abruptly forming the Boyana waterfall and then crosses the village of Boyana to flow through various neighborhoods of the capital Sofia, partially underneath the city, to finally flow into Perlovska river, near the National Palace of Culture, in the central part of Sofia. Perlovska river is a river in the Sofia Valley in western Bulgaria. The river is 31 km long. It takes its source from the foothills of Vitosha mountain range, runs through the capital Sofia's South Park, separates the two lanes of Evlogi Georgiev Boulevard, runs through the neighbourhood Poduyane, and finally flows into the river Iskar. Perlovska springs from the villa zone of Dragalevtsi just south of the capital at an altitude of 820 m, crosses the Sofia Ring Road, connects the new neighborhoods, parallel to Bulgaria Boulevard, and then crosses the South Park. Under the Bulgaria Boulevard, the river receives its main tributary, the Boyanska reka, and resurfaces at Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Boulevard. From there the Perlovska becomes a canal. In the city the course of the river is completely corrected, in places underground. It flows to the left into the Iskar at 513 m above sea level, 1.2 km northeast of the Obradovski Monastery. Its drainage basin covers a territory of 257 km2 or 3.0% of the catchment area of the Iskar. The largest tributary is the Vladayska reka . The river has high water in April-June, due to the snowmelt in Vitosha, and low water in August-October. The Geographic Dictionary of Bulgaria and the maps of the Geographic Information System - Sofia accept the Boyanska reka, which takes its source at an altitude of 2,170 m, as part of Perlovaska and as its main stem. Yordanka Asenova Fandakova is a Bulgarian politician and former Mayor of Sofia. She was the first woman to hold this position. She was elected on 15 November 2009, after defeating the Bulgarian Socialist Party contender Georgi Kadiev. Fandakova is a member of the conservative GERB party. Fandakova was born in Samokov, Sofia Province. She graduated the 35th Russian Language School in Sofia and the University of Sofia, majoring in Russian Studies. She is married and has a daughter. She was a teacher and head teacher at the 73rd secondary school for foreign languages "Vladislav Gramatik" in Sofia. She became Deputy Mayor of Sofia Municipality of Culture, Education, Sports and Prevention of Abuse in 2007. In October Fandakova took a leave because of campaign-trail for mayor elections in Sofia and was substituted by Sergei Ignatov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science who after she won election was appointed as the new Minister of Education and Science. On 15 November 2009, she was elected as mayor of Sofia. Fandakova received 66.23% of the vote in the elections held on 15 November 2009. The Socialist Party contender Georgi Kadiev received 27.71%, with a turnout of 23.17%. Traditionally, the local women -- As ilhavenses -- are famous for their beauty. It is claimed the city was founded by Greek colonists around 400 BC to whom the beauty of "ilhavenses" women is attributed, but others state that the Phoenician settlers are the ones responsible for that. Ilhavo's nickname is "the city of the lamp" . According to legend, one Sunday during Mass, one of the most important relics of the church was stolen in front of everybody and was never found. The myth continued given Ilhavo that nickname. Museums and visitor attractions in the area include the Maritime Museum of Ilhavo, with its Codfish Aquarium, Santo Andre's Ship Museum and the Investigation and Entrepreneurship Centre, one of the most visited across the country, honouring all those who, in the past and the present, dedicate their lives to fishing, either at deep-sea - such as cod fishing - at the coast or at the lagoon, and even to riverside activities. Of that same type is the Museum of Vista Alegre, yet today, a symbol for national excellence on the fields of creativity, quality and entrepreneurship. It reminds not only the industrial heritage of this factory, but also the path of its working community, living in that which is one of the biggest, oldest and still-working European industrial neighbourhoods, almost a mini-city, where there is a lot to learn and to live. Along with this relevant intangible heritage are the Cardadores, iconic figures from Vale de Ilhavo's traditional Carnival. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development is a CEO-led organization of over 225 international companies. The council is also connected to 60 national and regional business councils and partner organizations. Its origins date back to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit of 1992, when Stephan Schmidheiny, a Swiss business entrepreneur, was appointed chief adviser for business and industry to the secretary general of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development . He created a forum called "Business Council for Sustainable Development", which went on to become Changing Course, a book that coined the concept of eco-efficiency. The WBCSD was created in 1995 as a merger of the Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Industry Council for the Environment and is based at the Maison de la paix in Geneva, Switzerland, with offices in New York and New Delhi. The council works on a variety of issues related to sustainable development. It works to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through the transformation of six economic systems: circular economy, cities and mobility, climate and energy, food, land and water, people and redefining value. Each system transformation is set up as a WBCSD Program with a number of supplementary Projects. The CDP is an international non-profit organisation based in the United Kingdom, Japan, India, China, Germany, Brazil and the United States that helps companies, cities, states, regions and public authorities disclose their environmental impact. It aims to make environmental reporting and risk management a business norm, driving disclosure, insight, and action towards a sustainable economy. In 2022, nearly 18,700 organizations disclosed their environmental information through CDP. CDP piggybacked on GRI's concept of environmental disclosure in 2002, focusing on individual companies rather than on nations. At the time CDP had just 35 investors signing its request for climate information and 245 companies responding. According to the organization, as of 2022, companies worth half of global market capitalization disclose through CDP. CDP works with corporations, cities, states, and regions to help develop carbon emissions reductions strategies. The collection of self-reported data from the companies is supported by over 800 institutional investors with about US$100 trillion in assets. Much of the data elicited has never been collected before. This information is helpful to investors, corporations, and regulators in making informed decisions on taking action towards a sustainable economy by measuring and understanding their environmental impact and taking steps to address and limit their risk to climate change, deforestation and water security. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Open Society Foundations <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Open Society Foundations <p> partnership with <o> International Fund for Agricultural Development <s> Open Society Foundations <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> New York City <s> Open Society Foundations <p> headquarters location <o> New York City <s> Open Society Foundations <p> founded by <o> George Soros <s> Open Society Foundations <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> Open Society Foundations <p> legal form <o> foundation <s> Open Society Foundations <p> named after <o> George Soros <s> Open Society Foundations <p> chairperson <o> George Soros <s> Open Society Foundations <p> political ideology <o> open society <s> Open Society Foundations <p> instance of <o> charitable organization <s> Open Society Foundations <p> headquarters location <o> 224 West 57th Street <s> Open Society Foundations <p> member of <o> Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy <s> Open Society Foundations <p> member of <o> DataCite <s> Open Society Foundations <p> location <o> Next Entertainment World <s> Open Society Foundations <p> member of <o> Open Research Funders Group <s> Open Society Foundations <p> archives at <o> Blinken Open Society Archives <s> Open Society Foundations <p> has part(s) <o> Open Society Fund Praha <s> Open Society Foundations <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Open Society Foundations <s> Open Society Foundations <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Open Society Foundations <p> owner of <o> Radio 101.2 <s> Clean Air Fund <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Clean Air Fund <p> headquarters location <o> London <s> Clean Air Fund <p> legal form <o> private company limited by shares <s> Clean Air Fund <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> Clean Air Fund <p> chief executive officer <o> Jane Burston <s> Porticus Foundation <p> headquarters location <o> Amsterdam <s> Porticus Foundation <p> country <o> Kingdom of the Netherlands <s> Porticus Foundation <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Porticus Foundation <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> Porticus Foundation <p> instance of <o> commandite company <s> Porticus Foundation <p> founded by <o> Brenninkmeijer family <s> Porticus Foundation <p> chief executive officer <o> Melanie Maas Geesteranus <s> Porticus Foundation <p> legal form <o> Kommanditgesellschaft <s> ClimateWorks Foundation <p> instance of <o> organization <s> ClimateWorks Foundation <p> country <o> United States of America <s> ClimateWorks Foundation <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> ClimateWorks Foundation <p> founded by <o> Hal Harvey <s> INGKA Group <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> INGKA Group <p> founded by <o> Ingvar Kamprad <s> INGKA Group <p> has subsidiary <o> Ingka Holding Europe <s> INGKA Group <p> industry <o> retail <s> INGKA Group <p> headquarters location <o> Leiden <s> INGKA Group <p> instance of <o> business <s> INGKA Group <p> parent organization <o> Stichting INGKA Foundation <s> INGKA Group <p> owned by <o> Stichting INGKA Foundation <s> Poul Due Jensen Foundation <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Poul Due Jensen Foundation <p> country <o> Kingdom of Denmark <s> Poul Due Jensen Foundation <p> headquarters location <o> Bjerringbro <s> Poul Due Jensen Foundation <p> founded by <o> Poul Due Jensen <s> Poul Due Jensen Foundation <p> chief executive officer <o> Kim Nøhr Skibsted <s> Poul Due Jensen Foundation <p> legal form <o> erhvervsdrivende fond <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> headquarters location <o> Berlin <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> country <o> Germany <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> operating area <o> Germany <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Germany <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> field of work <o> video game <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> instance of <o> Federal Ministry in Germany <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> chairperson <o> Robert Habeck <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> instance of <o> economic affairs ministry <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> instance of <o> ministry of energy <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> has subsidiary <o> Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> has subsidiary <o> Federal Office of Economics and Export Control <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> has subsidiary <o> Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> has subsidiary <o> Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> has subsidiary <o> Federal Network Agency <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> field of work <o> climate change mitigation <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> part of <o> Government of the Federal Republic of Germany <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> award received <o> BigBrotherAwards <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> has subsidiary <o> Federal Cartel Office <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Minister of Economic Affairs <s> Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action <s> Arup <p> headquarters location <o> London <s> Arup <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Arup <p> partnership with <o> Open Data Institute <s> Arup <p> legal form <o> public limited company <s> Arup <p> notable work <o> Sky Reflector-Net <s> Arup <p> instance of <o> architectural firm <s> Arup <p> has works in the collection <o> MTA Arts & Design Permanent Art Collection <s> Arup <p> instance of <o> business <s> Arup <p> founded by <o> Ove Arup <s> Arup <p> instance of <o> enterprise <s> Arup <p> member of <o> Open Data Institute <s> Arup <p> has subsidiary <o> Arup Group (Canada) <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> country <o> Germany <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> owned by <o> Germany <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> headquarters location <o> Bonn <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Transparency Deutschland <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Latin America Association <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Bundesverband der Personalmanager <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> UNESCO <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> BME <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> German Africa Foundation <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> German Federal Association of Communicators <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> instance of <o> state-owned enterprise <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> German Asia-Pacific Business Association <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Münchner Kreis <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Deutscher Verband für Post, Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> German Youth Hostel Association <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> German Committee for Disaster Reduction <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> instance of <o> aid agency <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> headquarters location <o> Eschborn <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> instance of <o> development agency <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> commissioned by <o> Federal Foreign Office <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> European Movement Germany <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> replaces <o> Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> replaces <o> Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> commissioned by <o> Federal Ministry of Education and Research <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> commissioned by <o> Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> director / manager <o> Tanja Gönner <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> commissioned by <o> Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> German Agricultural Society <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> replaces <o> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> legal form <o> private limited company <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> has subsidiary <o> Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <s> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <p> member of <o> International Union for Conservation of Nature <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> United Kingdom <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> parent organization <o> Government of the United Kingdom <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> has subsidiary <o> Secret Intelligence Service <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> has subsidiary <o> Wilton Park <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> replaces <o> Colonial Office <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> said to be the same as <o> Foreign Office <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> instance of <o> department of the United Kingdom Government <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> instance of <o> foreign affairs ministry <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> director / manager <o> Jeremy Hunt <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> chairperson <o> Simon Fraser <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Foreign and Commonwealth Office <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> headquarters location <o> Foreign Office building <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> replaces <o> Foreign Office <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> replaces <o> Ministry of Overseas Development <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> has subsidiary <o> Overseas Development Administration <s> Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office <p> archives at <o> Leeds University Library </Graph>
<Text> :Open Society Foundations , formerly the Open Society Institute, is a US-based grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. Open Society Foundations financially supports civil society groups around the world, with the stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media. The group's name was inspired by Karl Popper's 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies. As of 2015, the OSF had branches in 37 countries, encompassing a group of country and regional foundations, such as the Open Society Initiative for West Africa, and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa; its headquarters are at 224 West 57th Street in New York City. In 2018, OSF announced it was closing its European office in Budapest and moving to Berlin, in response to legislation passed by the Hungarian government targeting the foundation's activities. As of 2021, OSF has reported expenditures in excess of $16 billion since its establishment in 1993, mostly in grants towards NGOs, aligned with the organization's mission. On May 28, 1984, business magnate George Soros signed a contract between the Soros Foundation and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the founding document of the Soros Foundation Budapest. This was followed by several foundations in the region to help countries move away from Real socialism in the Eastern Bloc. In 1991, the foundation merged with the Fondation pour une Entraide Intellectuelle Europeenne , an affiliate of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, created in 1966 to imbue 'non-conformist' Eastern European scientists with anti-totalitarian and capitalist ideas. ClimateWorks Foundation is a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization founded in 2008. ClimateWorks Foundation's mission is to slow global warming by funding other organizations internationally to help find best practice solutions to cut down on carbon dioxide emissions . In 2016 the nonprofit was listed as one of the Top 100 Largest U.S. Charities by Forbes Magazine. The ClimateWorks Foundation is part of the Partner Circle of the Foundations Platform F20, an international network of foundations and philanthropic organizations. ClimateWorks Foundation was conceptualized and founded by Hal Harvey for a 2007 "Design to Win" report financed by the Hewlett Foundation and other foundations to examine how philanthropists can fight against global warming. Hal Harvey's plan behind ClimateWorks Foundation is a sketched "Sudoku" plan divided into 5 economic sectors: Power, Industry, Buildings, Transport, & Forest. The plan is meant to address emissions of the world's six heaviest CO2 consuming regions; such as: the United States, China, India, Europe, and Latin America. The study outlines the zones that produce the most carbon emissions in the planet and systematically approaches the "30 by 30" goal of reducing 30 gigatons of annual heat emissions by the year 2030. Each square from the "Sudoku" plan depicts how many gigatons of carbon could be saved by nation. Dubbed the "ClimateWorks Sudoku", the Foundation uses this plan in their annual reports and in 2011, reported that China had the potential to save 9.6 gigatons by 2030, while the United States had the potential to save 3.6 gigatons.: 16 The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action , abbreviated BMWK , is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was previously known as the "Ministry of Economy". It was recreated in 2005 as "Ministry of Economics and Technology" after it had previously been merged with other ministries to form the Federal Ministry for Economics and Labour between 2002 and 2005. The ministry is advised by the Council of Advisors on Digital Economy. The historical predecessor of the current Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action was the Reichswirtschaftsamt , founded in 1917. In 1919, this became the Reichswirtschaftsministerium , which existed until 1945. In postwar occupied Germany, its functions were exercised by the Administrative Office of Economy between 1946 and 1949. After the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Ministry of Economics existed from 1949 to 1998. From May 1971 to December 1972, it was temporarily merged with the Federal Ministry of Finance, in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Finance. In 1998 the technology section of the Ministry of Research was added, making it the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Between 2002 and 2005, it was merged with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and one part of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs - the other part being merged with the old Federal Ministry for Health, then the Ministry of Health and Social Security. This transformations aimed to consolidate the policy-fields of economics and labour market, on which the second term of chancellor Gerhard Schroder wanted to focus, into one hand. Because the new Ministry was very large and important, it was often referred to as a super-ministry and its minister as a super-minister . The creation of the new Ministry was widely seen as failed, basically because of the poor performance of the only office-holder Wolfgang Clement. The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH ), often simply shortened to GIZ, is the main German development agency. It is headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn and provides services in the field of international development cooperation and international education work. The organization's self-declared goal is to deliver effective solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions. According to the OECD, Germany's total ODA increased in 2022 due to an increase in in-donor refugee costs and increased contributions to international organisations. It represented 0.83% of gross national income . GIZ's main commissioning party is Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development . Other commissioners include European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector, and governments of other countries. In its projects GIZ works with partners in national governments, actors from the private sector, civil society and research institutions. Additionally, in cooperation with the German Federal Employment Agency, GIZ operates the Centre for International Migration and Development , an agency specialized on international cooperation activities related to global labor mobility. GIZ was established on 1 January 2011, through the merger of three German international development organizations: the Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst , the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit , and Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung . The merger was overseen by Dirk Niebel, federal development minister from 2009 to 2013. His predecessor had previously tried and failed to merge the DED with the KfW. GIZ is one of the world's largest development agencies, with a business volume in excess of EUR3.1 billion in 2019 as well as 22,199 employees spread over more than 120 countries. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office is a department of the Government of the United Kingdom. Equivalent to other countries' ministries of foreign affairs, it was created on 2 September 2020 through the merger of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and the Department for International Development . The FCO was itself created in 1968 by the merger of the Foreign Office and the Commonwealth Office. The department in its various forms is responsible for representing and promoting British interests worldwide. The head of the FCDO is the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, commonly abbreviated to "Foreign Secretary". This is regarded as one of the four most prestigious positions in the Cabinet - the Great Offices of State - alongside those of Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Home Secretary. Former Prime Minister David Cameron was appointed Foreign Secretary on 13 November 2023. The FCDO is managed day-to-day by a civil servant, the permanent under-secretary of state for foreign affairs, who also acts as the Head of His Majesty's Diplomatic Service. Sir Philip Barton took office as permanent under-secretary on 2 September 2020. In addition to the above responsibilities, the FCDO is responsible for the British Overseas Territories, which had previously been administered from 1782 to 1801 by the Home Office, from 1801 to 1854 by the War and Colonial Office, from 1854 to 1966 by the Colonial Office, from 1966 to 1968 by the Commonwealth Office, from 1968 to 2020 by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and since 2020 by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office . This arrangement has been subject to criticism in the UK and in the overseas territories. For example, the chief minister of Anguilla, Victor Banks, said: "We are not foreign; neither are we members of the Commonwealth, so we should have a different interface with the UK that is based on mutual respect". There have been numerous suggestions on ways to improve the relationship between the overseas territories and the UK. Suggestions have included setting up a dedicated department to handle relations with the overseas territories, and the absorption of the OTD in the Cabinet Office, thus affording the overseas territories with better connections to the centre of government. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Global Environment Facility <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Global Environment Facility <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Global Environment Facility <p> headquarters location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Global Environment Facility <p> partnership with <o> International Fund for Agricultural Development <s> Global Environment Facility <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Global Environment Facility <p> chairperson <o> Naoko Ishii <s> World Resources Institute <p> country <o> United States of America <s> World Resources Institute <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> World Resources Institute <p> headquarters location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> World Resources Institute <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> World Resources Institute <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> World Resources Institute <p> founded by <o> James Gustave Speth <s> World Resources Institute <p> legal form <o> 501(c)(3) organization <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> headquarters location <o> London <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> language used <o> English <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> archives at <o> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bloomsbury <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> location <o> London <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> affiliation <o> University of London <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> parent organization <o> University of London <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> instance of <o> higher education institution <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> historic county <o> Middlesex <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> instance of <o> public research university <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> member of <o> Digital Preservation Coalition <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> member of <o> ORCID, Inc. <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> has subsidiary <o> Medical Research Council The Gambia Unit <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> instance of <o> architectural structure <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> instance of <o> educational organization <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> archives at <o> London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Archives <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> heritage designation <o> Grade II listed building <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> has part(s) <o> London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Archives <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> founded by <o> Patrick Manson <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> instance of <o> constituent college <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> architect <o> Verner O. Rees <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> category for alumni of educational institution <o> Category:Alumni of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <s> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> London Borough of Camden <s> Institute for Transportation and Development Policy <p> headquarters location <o> New York City <s> Institute for Transportation and Development Policy <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Institute for Transportation and Development Policy <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> Institute for Transportation and Development Policy <p> instance of <o> non-governmental organization <s> Institute for Transportation and Development Policy <p> field of work <o> bus rapid transit <s> Institute for Transportation and Development Policy <p> legal form <o> 501(c)(3) organization <s> Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy <p> partnership with <o> United Cities and Local Governments <s> Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Climate change <s> Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Climate change <s> Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants <p> headquarters location <o> Paris <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> country <o> United States of America <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> industry <o> transport <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> field of work <o> research <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> instance of <o> council <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> instance of <o> 501(c)(3) organization <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> headquarters location <o> Wilmington <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> field of work <o> technical analysis <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> industry <o> sustainable transport <s> International Council on Clean Transportation <p> legal form <o> 501(c) organization <s> Cities Alliance <p> instance of <o> organization <s> WikiProject Climate change <p> interested in <o> climate <s> WikiProject Climate change <p> instance of <o> WikiProject <s> WikiProject Climate change <p> main subject <o> climate change <s> L’Oréal Foundation <p> country <o> France <s> L’Oréal Foundation <p> instance of <o> organization <s> L’Oréal Foundation <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> L’Oréal Foundation <p> founded by <o> Lindsay Owen-Jones <s> L’Oréal Foundation <p> legal form <o> business foundation <s> L’Oréal Foundation <p> parent organization <o> L’Oréal </Graph>
<Text> :The Global Environment Facility is a multilateral environmental fund that provides grants and blended finance for projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, persistent organic pollutants , mercury, sustainable forest management, food security, and sustainable cities in developing countries. It is the largest source of multilateral funding for biodiversity globally, and distributes more than $1 billion a year on average to address inter-related environmental challenges. The GEF was established ahead of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and includes 184 countries in partnership with international institutions, civil society organizations, and the private sector. It supports country-driven sustainable development initiatives in developing countries that generate global environmental benefits. To date, the GEF has provided more than $22 billion in grants and mobilized another $120 billion in co-financing for more than 5,200 projects and programs. Through its Small Grants Programme , the GEF has provided support to nearly 27,000 civil society and community initiatives in 136 countries. In June 2022, donors to the GEF pledged a record $5.33 billion in support for its latest four-year replenishment cycle, which runs until June 2026. The Global Environment Facility was established in October 1991 under the chairmanship of Mohamed El-Ashry as a $1 billion pilot program in the World Bank to enable developing countries to take action on environmental challenges and to promote sustainable development. The GEF would provide new and additional grants and concessional funding to cover the "incremental" or additional costs associated with transforming a project with national benefits into one with global environmental benefits. In 1992, at the Rio Earth Summit, the GEF was restructured and established as a permanent, separate institution. The decision to make the GEF an independent organization enhanced the involvement of developing countries in the decision-making process and in implementation of the projects. Since 1994, the World Bank has served as the Trustee of the GEF Trust Fund and provides administrative services. The World Resources Institute is a global research non-profit organization established in 1982 with funding from the MacArthur Foundation under the leadership of James Gustave Speth. Subsequent presidents include Jonathan Lash , Andrew D. Steer and current president Ani Dasgupta . WRI studies sustainable practices for business, economics, finance and governance, with the purpose of better supporting human society in six areas: food, forests, water, energy, cities, and climate. The institute's flagship report series is the World Resources Report, each of which deals with a different topic. WRI encourages initiatives for monitoring, data analysis, and risk assessment, including global and open source projects. WRI has maintained a 4 out of 4 stars rating from Charity Navigator since 1 October 2008. The mission of the World Resources Institute is to "move society to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations". It seeks to promote a sustainable human society with a basis of human health and well-being, environmental sustainability, and economic opportunity. WRI partners with local and national governments, private companies, publicly held corporations, and other non-profits, and offers services including global climate change issues, sustainable markets, ecosystem protection, and environmental responsible governance services. The World Resources Institute maintains international offices in the Brazil, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, the Netherlands, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States and is active in over 50 countries. A report by the Center for International Policy's Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative of the top 50 think tanks on the University of Pennsylvania's Global Go-To Think Tanks rating index found that during the period 2014-2018 World Resources Institute received more funding from outside the United States than any other think tank, with a total of more than US$63 million, though this was described as "unsurprising" given the institute's presence in so many countries. In 2014, Stephen M. Ross, an American real estate developer, gave the organization US$30 million to establish the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is a public research university in Bloomsbury, central London, and a member institution of the University of London that specialises in public health and tropical medicine. The institution was founded in 1899 by Sir Patrick Manson, after a donation from the Indian Parsi philanthropist B. D. Petit. Since its foundation it has become one of the most highly placed institutions in global rankings in the fields of public health and infectious diseases. The annual income of the institution for 2021-22 was PS262.0 million, of which PS175.3 million was from research grants and contracts, with expenditures totalling PS291.6 million during the same period. The university has one of the largest endowment per student in the United Kingdom. It was initially located at the Albert Dock Seamen's Hospital in the London Docklands. Just prior to this teaching in tropical medicine had been commenced in 1899 at the Extramural school at Edinburgh and even earlier at London's Livingstone College founded in 1893. Before giving lectures at St George's Hospital, London, in 1895, Livingstone College afforded Manson his first opportunity to teach courses in tropical medicine. Manson's early career was as a physician in the Far East. On his return to London, he was appointed Medical Advisor to the Colonial Office. He strongly believed that physicians should be trained in tropical medicine to treat British colonial administrators and others working throughout Britain's tropical empire. He also encouraged and mentored Ronald Ross during this period to uncover the correct etiology of malaria, which Ross subsequently discovered in 1897, winning the Nobel Prize for his efforts. The original school was established as part of the Seamen's Hospital Society. The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy is a non-governmental non-profit organization that focuses on developing bus rapid transit systems, promoting biking, walking, and non-motorized transport, and improving private bus operators margins. Other programs include parking reform, traffic demand management, and global climate and transport policy. According to its mission statement, ITDP is committed to "promoting sustainable and equitable transportation worldwide." In addition to its role supporting and consulting local governmental efforts to develop more sustainable transportation, ITDP publishes the magazine Sustainable Transport annually, produces the BRT Standard and other research, and sits on the committee for the annual Sustainable Transport Award. ITDP was founded in 1985 by Michael Replogle and other sustainable transport advocates in the United States to counteract the spread of costly and environmentally damaging car-centric urban development models, and to promote biking, walking, and public transit in transportation planning. In its first ten years, ITDP worked to support and grow local bicycle industries in Haiti, Nicaragua, Mozambique, South Africa, and West Africa. By 1989, ITDP's Bikes Not Bombs campaign had shipped 10,000 second-hand bicycles to support health and education efforts in Nicaragua and used these to establish a bicycle assembly industry in that country. ITDP advocated for the redirection of lending activity by the World Bank and other multi-lateral institutions. Where these global institutions had an exclusive focus on road projects, ITDP worked to open up funding for multi-modal transport solutions. ITDP advocated for sustainable transport initiatives in U.S. transportation policy, influencing the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act . Responding to ITDP pressure, the Peace Corps put its volunteers on bicycles rather than motorcycles. The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy was established in 2016 by bringing formally together the Compact of Mayors and the European Union's Covenant of Mayors. It is a global coalition of city leaders addressing climate change by pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the future impacts of climate change. The Compact highlights cities' climate impact while measuring their relative risk levels and carbon pollution. The Compact of Mayors seeks to show the importance of city climate action, both at the local level and around the world. The Compact was launched in 2014 by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the UN Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change. The Compact represents a common effort from global city networks C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group , ICLEI, and United Cities and Local Governments , as well as UN-Habitat, to unite against climate change. 428 global cities have committed to the Compact of Mayors. The collective member cities comprise over 376 million people and 5.19% of the global population. The Compact of Mayors was launched by Ban Ki-moon and Mike Bloomberg on 23 September 2014 at the UN Climate Summit 2014. The announcement detailed a commitment by 228 cities to cut up to 13 gigatons of carbon emissions by 2050. Mayors Eduardo Paes of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Anne Hidalgo of Paris, France and Park Won-soon of Seoul, South Korea joined in the announcement, representing C40, UCLG, and ICLEI. UN-Habitat provided additional support and oversight for the launch of the Compact. On 8 December 2014, World Resources Institute, C40 Cities, and ICLEI revealed the Global Protocol for Community Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories , identified as the first set of standardized global rules for cities to measure and publicly report their carbon pollution emissions. This standard is the baseline on which Compact of Mayors was founded. At the C40 Latin American Mayors Summit on 27 March 2015, Compact of Mayors officials launched the first public recruiting effort, receiving commitments from twenty Latin American mayors to join the Compact and accelerate their push toward low-carbon economies. On 30 June 2015, Mike Bloomberg and Mayor Anne Hidalgo jointly announced their plans to host a Climate Summit for Local Leaders on 4 December at Paris City Hall. The summit will convene mayors from around the world at the COP21 climate negotiations and build upon existing climate commitments under the Compact of Mayors. The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants was launched by the United Nations Environment Programme and six countries--Bangladesh, Canada, Ghana, Mexico, Sweden, and the United States--on 16 February 2012. The CCAC aims to catalyze rapid reductions in short-lived climate pollutants to protect human health, agriculture and the environment. To date, more than $90 million has been pledged to the Climate and Clean Air Coalition from Canada, Denmark, the European Commission, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United States. The program is managed out of the United Nations Environmental Programme through a Secretariat in Paris, France. Short-lived climate pollutants have relatively short lifetime in the atmosphere - a few days to a few decades - and a powerful warming influence on climate. The main short-lived climate pollutants are black carbon, methane and tropospheric ozone, which are the most important contributors to the human enhancement of the global greenhouse effect after CO2. These short-lived climate pollutants are also dangerous air pollutants, with various detrimental impacts on human health, agriculture and ecosystems. Other short-lived climate pollutants include some hydrofluorocarbons . While HFCs are currently present in small quantity in the atmosphere, their contribution to climate forcing is projected to climb to as much as 19% of global CO2 emissions by 2050. Black carbon is a major component of soot and is produced by incomplete combustion of fossil fuel and biomass. It is emitted from various sources including diesel cars and trucks, ships, residential stoves, forest fires, agricultural open burning and some industrial facilities. It has a warming impact on climate 460-1500 times stronger than CO2. Its lifetime varies from a few days to a few weeks. When deposited on ice and snow, black carbon causes both atmospheric warming and an increase of melting rate. It also influences cloud formation and impacts regional circulation and rainfall patterns. In addition, black carbon impacts human health. It is a primary component of particulate matter in air pollution that is the major environmental cause of premature death globally. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is over 20 times more potent than CO2, and has an atmospheric lifetime of about 12 years. It is produced through natural processes , but is also emitted from many man-made sources, including coal mines, natural gas and oil systems, and landfills. Methane directly influences the climate system and also has indirect impacts on human health and ecosystems, in particular through its role as a precursor of tropospheric ozone. The International Council on Clean Transportation is an American multinational non-profit public policy think tank and research institute that provides technical, scientific, and policy analysis to environmental regulators on issues related to environmental, energy, and transportation policy. It is headquartered on K Street in Washington, D.C. and has a regional office in San Francisco, California, both in the United States, with international offices in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Berlin, Germany; and Beijing, China. The ICCT, founded in 2001, is an independent nonprofit organization incorporated under Section 501 of the United States tax code and is funded by the ClimateWorks Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Energy Foundation, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. It operates in Europe as "ICCT Europe - International Council on Clean Transportation Europe gemeinnutzige GmbH" and in Latin America as "Conselho Internacional de Transporte Limpo - ICCT Brasil" with additional operations in the Americas, Africa, Middle East, Asia, and Asia-Pacific. The ICCT commissioned researchers at West Virginia University to test Volkswagen diesel car emissions in 2013. In May 2014, ICCT alerted the US EPA and the California Air Resources Board that the models displayed much higher levels of nitrogen oxide emissions than permitted by law. In September 2015, the EPA said Volkswagen could be liable for up to $18 billion in penalties for using software on almost 500,000 VW and Audi diesel cars sold between 2009 and 2015 that circumvented emissions regulations, unleashing a controversy that led to multiple regulatory probes worldwide. In 2015 an ADAC study of 32 Euro6 cars showed that few complied with on-road emission limits. In 2016 ICCT measured 19 new cars and found that real emissions were 40% higher than they were approved with, primarily due to the lax methods of NEDC-testing. Cities Alliance is a global partnership fighting urban poverty and supporting cities to deliver sustainable development. To manage its activities, the Cities Alliance operates a multi-donor fund with UN Office for Project Services , as host and trustee. Different members provide direction, financing and advocacy. Cities Alliance aims to deliver solutions to urban poverty. Founded in 1999 at the conclusion of the International Mayors Summit, the Cities Alliance's initial members were bilateral aid agencies from the US, Japan, German, the UK, and Canada, in addition to four associations of local authorities. From its inception, the Cities Alliance has been clear in its intention to exclusively "fund partnership-efforts of multiple stakeholders", with the intention of engendering cooperation across the government, NGO, international organization, and citizen advocacy divides to support active local governance, citizenship, and economic growth These efforts implicate "regional staff members in Africa, Asia, and Latin America". The Cities Alliance has additionally "made transparency and access to information an important aspect of its decision-making process" in accordance with principle five of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. This is one of several ways in which the Cities Alliance is in line with current thinking on the subject. Through their country programmes, for instance, they are strengthening "a framework to enhance cooperation between urban stakeholders, and public and private investments in urban communities", echoing the Paris Declaration's themes of harmonisation, alignment, and ownership. In addition to grant distribution and monitoring efforts, the Cities Alliance also serves as "a medium for information and experience sharing between various local governments", to encourage the development of best practices in urban planning, mapping, and service delivery, with knowledge exchanges taking place in various fora. It was this same coordinating function that prompted the Cities Alliance Secretariat's location, first in Washington DC and then in Brussels, in order "to encourage close coordination between the technical assistance role to be promoted by the Cities Alliance" with the larger "urban project lending" function. This move, from Washington DC to Brussels in 2013, corresponded with the departure of the Cities Alliance from the World Bank, at which point it fell under the auspices of the UN Office for Project Services , following a "partnership-driven selection process" to make it their secretariat and trustee. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> country <o> Denmark <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> headquarters location <o> Copenhagen <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Kingdom of Denmark <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Copenhagen Municipality <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> instance of <o> ministries of Denmark <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> instance of <o> foreign affairs ministry <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> location <o> Christianshavn <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> located on street <o> Asiatisk Plads <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> legal form <o> governmental administrative unit in Denmark <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <s> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of World Cultures <s> Realdania <p> country <o> Denmark <s> Realdania <p> headquarters location <o> Copenhagen <s> Realdania <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> Realdania <p> industry <o> nonprofit organization <s> Realdania <p> has subsidiary <o> Realdania Byg <s> Realdania <p> owner of <o> LD Equity 1 <s> Realdania <p> legal form <o> forening med begrænset ansvar <s> Realdania <p> board member <o> Lars Krarup <s> Realdania <p> board member <o> Michael Brockenhuus-Schack <s> Realdania <p> chief executive officer <o> Jesper Nygård <s> Realdania <p> has subsidiary <o> Bolius <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> headquarters location <o> New York City <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> instance of <o> charitable organization <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> instance of <o> umbrella organization <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> founded by <o> Michael Bloomberg <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> legal form <o> limited liability company <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> has part(s) <o> Bloomberg Family Foundation <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> member of <o> C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group <s> Bloomberg Philanthropies <p> chief executive officer <o> Patricia E. Harris <s> Oak Foundation <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Oak Foundation <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Oak Foundation <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chapel Hill <s> World Bank <p> language used <o> English <s> World Bank <p> country <o> United States of America <s> World Bank <p> official observer status in organisation <o> International Organization for Migration <s> World Bank <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> World Bank <p> official language <o> French <s> World Bank <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> World Bank <p> official observer status in organisation <o> Pacific Islands Forum <s> World Bank <p> partnership with <o> International Fund for Agricultural Development <s> World Bank <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> World Bank <p> official language <o> English <s> World Bank <p> official language <o> Arabic <s> World Bank <p> board member <o> Eugene R. Black, Sr. <s> World Bank <p> partnership with <o> United Cities and Local Governments <s> World Bank <p> board member <o> Robert L. Garner <s> World Bank <p> open data portal <o> World Bank Open Data <s> World Bank <p> part of <o> World Bank Group <s> World Bank <p> director / manager <o> Kristalina Georgieva <s> World Bank <p> member of <o> DataCite <s> World Bank <p> has part(s) <o> International Development Association <s> World Bank <p> different from <o> International Bank for Reconstruction and Development <s> World Bank <p> has part(s) <o> International Bank for Reconstruction and Development <s> World Bank <p> industry <o> development aid <s> World Bank <p> member of <o> Confederation of Open Access Repositories <s> World Bank <p> instance of <o> international financial institution <s> World Bank <p> different from <o> World Bank Group <s> World Bank <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> World Bank <p> chairperson <o> Ajaypal Singh Banga <s> World Bank <p> headquarters location <o> World Bank Headquarters <s> World Bank <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> World Bank <p> topic's main category <o> Category:World Bank <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> United Nations <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> country <o> Spain <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> UNESCO <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> European Commission <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> instance of <o> organization <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> official language <o> French <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> World Bank <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> official observer status in organisation <o> International Organization for Migration <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Gothic Quarter <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> headquarters location <o> Barcelona <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> UNICEF <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> participant in <o> United Nations Economic and Social Council <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> gender equality <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> urbanization <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> disaster risk reduction <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> international development <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG Executive Bureau <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG General Assembly <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG World Council <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> Committee on Social Inclusion, Participative Democracy and Human Rights <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG Middle East and West Asia <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> Habitat III <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> Sustainable Development Goals <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> decentralization <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> field of work <o> climate change mitigation <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> chairperson <o> Mohamed Boudra <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> members have occupation <o> mayor <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> official language <o> English <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> World Water Council <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG — North America <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG — Metropolis <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG — Asia-Pacific <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG — Eurasia <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG — Latin America <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG — Forum of Regions <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> UCLG Presidency <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> UN-Water <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> UN Women <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> UCLG — Latin America <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> UCLG Presidency <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> UCLG Sections <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> UCLG Secretary-General <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> UCLG General Assembly <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> UCLG World Council <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> Committee on Social Inclusion, Participative Democracy and Human Rights <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has part(s) <o> UCLG Executive Bureau <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> topic's main category <o> Category:United Cities and Local Governments <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> replaces <o> International Union of Local Authorities <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> general secretary <o> Emilia Saiz <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> located on street <o> Carrer d'Avinyó <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> Council of European Municipalities and Regions <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> has subsidiary <o> United Cities and Local Governments of Africa <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> participant in <o> High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> chairperson <o> İlsur Mätşin <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> replaces <o> United Towns Organisation <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> Association of Netherlands Municipalities <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> office held by head of the organization <o> UCLG President <s> United Cities and Local Governments <p> partnership with <o> Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy <s> Clinton Foundation <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Clinton Foundation <p> founded by <o> Bill Clinton <s> Clinton Foundation <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> New York City <s> Clinton Foundation <p> chairperson <o> Bill Clinton <s> Clinton Foundation <p> headquarters location <o> New York City <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Bill Clinton <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Chelsea Clinton <s> Clinton Foundation <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> Clinton Foundation <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> Clinton Foundation <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Clinton Foundation <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Lisa P. Jackson <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Bruce Lindsey <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Donna Shalala <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Hadeel Ibrahim <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Eric Goosby <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Cheryl Mills <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Rolando Gonzalez-Bunster <s> Clinton Foundation <p> board member <o> Frank Giustra <s> Clinton Foundation <p> legal form <o> 501(c)(3) organization <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Menlo Park <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> founded by <o> Flora Lamson Hewlett <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> founded by <o> William Redington Hewlett <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> member of <o> Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> legal form <o> foundation <s> Hewlett Foundation <p> headquarters location <o> Menlo Park <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> London <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> headquarters location <o> London <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> headquarters location <o> United Kingdom <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> director / manager <o> Chris Hohn <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> instance of <o> business <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> founded by <o> Chris Hohn <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> headquarters location <o> Clifford Street <s> The Children's Investment Fund Management <p> industry <o> hedge fund <s> George Washington University <p> named after <o> George Washington <s> George Washington University <p> country <o> United States of America <s> George Washington University <p> language used <o> English <s> George Washington University <p> different from <o> University of Washington <s> George Washington University <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Loudoun County <s> George Washington University <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> George Washington University <p> instance of <o> private university <s> George Washington University <p> athletics program <o> George Washington Revolutionaries <s> George Washington University <p> category for alumni of educational institution <o> Category:George Washington University alumni <s> George Washington University <p> academic calendar type <o> semester <s> George Washington University <p> location <o> Foxhall <s> George Washington University <p> location <o> Foggy Bottom <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Association of Research Libraries <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Coalition for Networked Information <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Digital Library Federation <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Association of American Colleges and Universities <s> George Washington University <p> significant event <o> mixed-sex education <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Association of American Universities <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> arXiv <s> George Washington University <p> has subsidiary <o> Corcoran College of Art and Design <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> American Council on Education <s> George Washington University <p> has subsidiary <o> George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science <s> George Washington University <p> founded by <o> Luther Rice <s> George Washington University <p> category for employees of the organization <o> Category:George Washington University faculty <s> George Washington University <p> represented by <o> George Washington Revolutionaries <s> George Washington University <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikidata: WikiProject Academic Publisher <s> George Washington University <p> content partnership category <o> Category:Media contributed by the George Washington University <s> George Washington University <p> instance of <o> private not-for-profit educational institution <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Oak Ridge Associated Universities <s> George Washington University <p> instance of <o> open-access publisher <s> George Washington University <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University School of Nursing <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University College of Professional Studies <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> Corcoran College of Art and Design <s> George Washington University <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University Law School <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University Virginia Campus <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> Milken Institute School of Public Health <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> The George Washington University School of Business <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University Art Galleries <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University Medical School <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration <s> George Washington University <p> has subsidiary <o> Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship <s> George Washington University <p> instance of <o> research university <s> George Washington University <p> Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education <o> doctoral universities: very high research activity <s> George Washington University <p> Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education <o> four-year, large, highly residential <s> George Washington University <p> Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education <o> research doctoral: comprehensive programs, with medical/veterinary school <s> George Washington University <p> Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education <o> four-year, full-time, more selective, lower transfer-in <s> George Washington University <p> Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education <o> arts & sciences plus professions, high graduate coexistence <s> George Washington University <p> Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education <o> majority undergraduate <s> George Washington University <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development <s> George Washington University <p> member of <o> ORCID, Inc. <s> George Washington University <p> has part(s) <o> Elliott School of International Affairs <s> George Washington University <p> office held by head of the organization <o> President of the George Washington University <s> George Washington University <p> topic's main category <o> Category:George Washington University </Graph>
<Text> :The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and its overseas representations are in charge of the Danish Realm's foreign policy and relations. Among these tasks are policy towards the Arctic Council, European Union, Nordic Council, development aid, trade policy and legal affairs in relation to the outside world. The ministry services five distinct ministers: the foreign minister, the Minister for Nordic Cooperation, the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, the Minister for European Affairs and the Minister for Development Cooperation. The ministry is led by the head of department and four directors. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs first became its own institution in 1770 as the Foreign Service Department and was renamed The Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1848. Before then, the diplomatic tasks were usually handled by brief individual missions, but the increasing complexity of diplomatic affairs necessitated the creation of a larger organization. The Ministry currently employs thousands of people at home and abroad. Its official role is to further Danish interests in a way that furthers the freedom, security and well-being of Danish citizens abroad, while working for peace and stability in the world. In practice, the organization helps Danish companies in their export markets and Danish citizens in emergency situations abroad through close cooperation between the headquarters on Asiatisk Plads in Copenhagen and the representations abroad. Realdania is a private association in Denmark which supports projects in architecture and planning. It was established in 2000 following the sale of Realkredit Danmark to Danske Bank, when a fund of approximately 20 billion kroner was put aside for "philanthropic" purposes. Realkredit Danmark was owned and controlled by its members , and this set-up was kept in Realdania. Realdania is often erroneously called a private charitable foundation, but Realdania's legal structure is that of an association operating as a business and not a foundation. Only owners of real estate in Denmark can become members of Realdania and participate in electing members of the board. Realdania has several subsidiaries. Realdania's closed structure has provoked criticism, and the association's funds has been called "stray billions" since they are controlled by a small network of people. Its activity is concentrated on supporting projects in architecture and the built environment and is focused on three areas: cities, buildings and architectural heritage. The statutes of Realdania state that the association's purpose is to: It can be seen that investment activities predominate other ones, so that the avowed "philanthropic" or "charitable" nature of Realdania does not particularly stand out. At the end of 2011 Realdania's endowment stood at EUR 2.1 billion. Bloomberg Philanthropies is a philanthropic organization that encompasses all of the charitable giving of founder Michael R. Bloomberg. Headquartered in New York City, Bloomberg Philanthropies focuses its resources on five areas: the environment, public health, the arts, government innovation and education. According to the Foundation Center, Bloomberg Philanthropies was the 10th largest foundation in the United States in 2015, the last year for which data was available. Bloomberg has pledged to donate the majority of his wealth, currently estimated at more than $54 billion. Patti Harris is the CEO of Bloomberg Philanthropies. While working at Bloomberg L.P., Bloomberg donated much of his wealth to medical research, education and the arts. He also sat on the boards of numerous charitable organizations. Beginning in 2004, Bloomberg appeared on Chronicle of Philanthropy's list of top 50 Americans who had donated the most money that year. Between 2004 and 2011, Bloomberg was listed as a top 10 American philanthropist each year. Bloomberg Philanthropies has focused on combating climate change and moving toward clean energy sources. In 2011, the foundation partnered with the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign by donating $50 million toward shutting down coal-fired power plants. On April 8, 2015, Bloomberg Philanthropies increased its support of the Beyond Coal campaign with a $30 million pledge, in order to accelerate the goal of closing and replacing half of all U.S. coal power plants with clean energy by 2017. Beyond Coal expanded into Europe in summer 2017 with a goal of phasing out the use of coal on the continent by 2030. The campaign marked the closure of the last coal-burning power plant in Austria in 2020. 2020 also saw the expansion of Beyond Coal into Asia including the launch in of Korea Beyond Coal in September of that year. In September 2023, Michael Bloomberg announced that Bloomberg Philanthropies would commit an additional $500 million to Beyond Carbon to 'finish the job on coal." Building on the momentum of the Beyond Coal work, Bloomberg Philanthropies launched Beyond Carbon, taking aim at natural gas and combustion-driven cars. In September 2022, launched Beyond Petrochemicals, a campaign to halt permits for and construction of plastics and petrochemical plants. The campaign supports efforts already underway by local communities in Louisiana, Texas and Appalachia. Bloomberg Philanthropies pledged $85 million to the efforts and is focused on blocking construction of more than 120 planned petrochemical plants. The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects. The World Bank is the collective name for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and International Development Association , two of five international organizations owned by the World Bank Group. It was established along with the International Monetary Fund at the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference. After a slow start, its first loan was to France in 1947. In the 1970s, it focused on loans to developing world countries, shifting away from that mission in the 1980s. For the last 30 years, it has included NGOs and environmental groups in its loan portfolio. Its loan strategy is influenced by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, as well as environmental and social safeguards. As of 2022, the World Bank is run by a president and 25 executive directors, as well as 29 various vice presidents. IBRD and IDA have 189 and 174 member countries, respectively. The U.S., Japan, China, Germany and the U.K. have the most voting power. The bank aims loans at developing countries to help reduce poverty. The bank is engaged in several global partnerships and initiatives, and takes a role in working toward addressing climate change. The World Bank operates a number of training wings, and it works with the Clean Air Initiative and the UN Development Business. It works within the Open Data Initiative and hosts an Open Knowledge Repository. The World Bank has been criticized as promoting inflation and harming economic development, causing protests in 1988 and 2000. There has also been criticism of the bank's governance and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The president David Malpass faced strong criticism as he challenged the scientific consensus on climate change. He was replaced by Ajay Banga, supporting climate action. The World Bank Group is an extended family of five international organizations, and the parent organization of the World Bank, the collective name given to the first two listed organizations, the IBRD and the IDA: United Cities and Local Governments is an umbrella international organisation for cities, local and regional governments, and municipal associations throughout the world that is concerned with representing and defending the interests of local governments on the world stage. The organization achieved inclusion of Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities into Agenda 2030, aggregates best local practices into action plans, provides regular updates on the progress and proposals to High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Its day-to-day activities include hosting meetings of mayors and other local and regional leaders, running joint projects with partners, organizing international peer-to-peer training on local policies and practices, and advocacy for the interests of local and regional governments at the UN Since founding in 2004, UCLG is headquartered in Barcelona , with its regional offices in Brasilia, Brussels, Istanbul, Jakarta, Kazan, La Paz, Ottawa & Rabat. It is the largest organization of sub-national governments in the world, with over 240,000 members in over 140 UN Member States and understands itself as the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, de facto representing over half the world's population across seven world regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Euroasia, Europe, Middle East & West Asia, Latin America and North America. UCLG's origins go back to 1913, when the Union Internationale des Villes was set up at the International Congress of the Art of Building Cities and Organising Community Life in Ghent, Belgium. The establishment of the UIV, a permanent office for communication and documentation on municipal issues, marked the birth of the international municipal movement. The association had a Provisional Council of 30 members and its first seat was in Brussels. In 1928, the UIV changed its name to the International Union of Local Authorities . In 1948, IULA's secretariat moved from Ghent to The Hague in the Netherlands, where it remained until 2004. The United Towns Organisation ) was set up in 1957 in Aix-les-Bains, France. It was initially known as the World Federation of Twin Cities . The Clinton Foundation is a nonprofit organization under section 501 of the U.S. tax code. It was established by former president of the United States Bill Clinton with the stated mission to "strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence." Its offices are located in New York City and Little Rock, Arkansas. Through 2016, the foundation had raised an estimated $2 billion from U.S. corporations, foreign governments and corporations, political donors, and various other groups and individuals. The acceptance of funds from wealthy donors has been a source of controversy. The foundation "has won accolades from philanthropy experts and has drawn bipartisan support". Charitable grants are not a major focus of the Clinton Foundation, which instead uses most of its money to carry out its own humanitarian programs. According to the Clinton Foundation's website, neither Bill Clinton nor his daughter, Chelsea Clinton , draws any salary or receives any income from the foundation. When Hillary Clinton was a board member, she reportedly also received no income from the foundation. Beginning in 2015, the foundation was accused of wrongdoing, including a bribery and pay-to-play scheme, but multiple investigations through 2019 found no evidence of malfeasance. The New York Times reported in September 2020 that a federal prosecutor appointed by attorney general Bill Barr to investigate the origins of the 2016 FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation had also sought documents and interviews regarding how the FBI handled an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. In May 2023 it was revealed that the Justice Department had continued to investigate the Foundation until days before the end of the Trump presidency, when FBI officials insisted the DOJ acknowledge in writing that there was no case to bring. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, commonly known as the Hewlett Foundation, is a private foundation, established by Hewlett-Packard cofounder William Redington Hewlett and his wife Flora Lamson Hewlett in 1966. The Hewlett Foundation awards grants to a variety of liberal and progressive causes. With assets of approximately $14 billion, Hewlett is one of the wealthiest grant makers in the United States. The Foundation has grantmaking programs in education, the environment, global development and population, the performing arts, and philanthropy. The Hewlett Foundation is based in Menlo Park, California. Bill and Flora Hewlett consolidated their philanthropic activity into the William R. Hewlett Foundation, which Bill, aged 53, founded in 1966 in their Palo Alto, California, home. Founding board members were Bill, Flora, and the couple's oldest son, Walter Hewlett. The years 1966-1972 were referred to as "the living room years". Flora Hewlett served as a board member and Bill Hewlett was an active part of the foundation until his death. Bill Hewlett sought to fund established organizations operating in his fields of interest. In its first ten years, the foundation awarded close to $15.3 million to organizations involved in education, population, performing arts, environment, health, and social services. In 1972, the foundation's board of directors was expanded with the addition of William A. Hewlett and James S. Hewlett. In 1974, the foundation hired its first executive director, John May, who was also the executive of the San Francisco Foundation. Following Flora Hewlett's death in 1977, and in her memory, the foundation's name was changed to "The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation". Shortly after, the foundation appointed former University of California Chancellor Roger W. Heyns as president, with Bill Hewlett becoming the board chair. The board was expanded with the addition of Eleanor Hewlett Gilmon and Mary Hewlett Jaffe, daughters of Bill and Flora. Since 1981, the majority of the foundation's board has been composed of non-family members. The Children's Investment Fund Management LLP is a London-based hedge fund management firm founded by Chris Hohn in 2003 which manages the Children's Investment Master Fund. TCI makes long-term investments in companies globally. The management company is authorized and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority. Its holding company is TCI Fund Management Limited, based in the Cayman Islands. TCI derives its name from a charitable foundation called the Children's Investment Fund Foundation , set up by Chris Hohn and his ex-wife, Jamie Cooper-Hohn, and initially contributed a proportion of profits to the foundation. In January 2022, TCI was named by the Guardian as the world's top-performing hedge fund. It is known as one of the most aggressive activist investors. Like most hedge funds, TCI requires investors to commit their capital for multi-year periods. This long-term horizon allows the fund greater flexibility when trading and investing capital independent of any potential ad hoc time constraints. TCI derives its name from the Children's Investment Fund Foundation , a charitable foundation set up by Chris Hohn and his ex-wife, Jamie Cooper-Hohn. In an example of "venture philanthropy", CIFF initially received a portion of TCI's profits and other donations. CIFF focuses on improving the lives of children living in poverty in developing countries, and has grown to be one of the largest charities in the United Kingdom. After suffering a 43% loss during the 2008 calendar year, as of July 2009 the previous financial year had seen a rebound of over 70% profit and revenue for TCI. Through changes set in motion in 2012, the fund and foundation were split up. The fund no longer donates money to the foundation on a contractual basis, though it has done so on a discretionary basis. The George Washington University is a private federally chartered research university in Washington, D.C. Originally named Columbian College, it was chartered in 1821 as Washington, D.C.'s first university by the United States Congress. GW is one of six universities in the United States with a congressional charter. GW is classified among "R1: Doctoral Universities - Very High Research Activity." It is a member of the Association of American Universities. The university offers degree programs in seventy-one disciplines, enrolling around 11,500 undergraduate and 15,000 graduate students. The school's athletic teams, the George Washington Revolutionaries, play in the NCAA Division I Atlantic 10 Conference. GW also annually hosts numerous political events, including the World Bank and International Monetary Fund's Annual Meetings. Notable alumni, faculty, and affiliates include 16 foreign heads of state or government, 28 United States senators, 27 United States governors, 18 U.S. Cabinet members, five Nobel laureates, two Olympic medalists, two Academy Award winners, and a Golden Globe winner. GW has over 1,100 active alumni in the U.S. Foreign Service and is one of the largest feeder schools for the diplomatic corps. The first President of the United States, George Washington, long favored the establishment of a university in a central part of the United States. He wrote to the U.S. Congress and others in favor of it, and envisioned it would be in a central part of D.C., stating he hoped the university would educate the most promising students from across the country while reaping the benefits of the nation's capital. Washington included a bequest of his shares in the Potomac Company in his last will and testament, though the shares lost their value and no educational institution ever benefited from them. His desire was shared and encouraged after his death by Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, and they expressed the need to carry out Washington's plans. Finally, in 1821 the Baptist missionary and leading minister Luther Rice secured funds from James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, John C. Calhoun and other benefactors for a college to educate citizens from throughout the young nation in Washington, D.C. A large building was constructed on College Hill, which is now known as Meridian Hill, and on February 9, 1821, President Monroe approved the congressional charter creating the non-denominational Columbian College. Washingtonians, Congress and the academic community celebrated this new institution as the fulfillment of Washington's vision. The first commencement in 1824 was considered an important event for the young city of Washington, D.C. In attendance were President Monroe, John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, the Marquis de Lafayette and other dignitaries. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> FedEx <p> legal form <o> S.A. <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Frederick W. Smith <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Susan Schwab <s> FedEx <p> stock exchange <o> New York Stock Exchange <s> FedEx <p> country <o> United States of America <s> FedEx <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> express mail <s> FedEx <p> industry <o> logistics <s> FedEx <p> instance of <o> business <s> FedEx <p> instance of <o> package delivery <s> FedEx <p> has subsidiary <o> FedEx Office <s> FedEx <p> has subsidiary <o> FedEx Express <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Shirley Ann Jackson <s> FedEx <p> owner of <o> TNT Express <s> FedEx <p> headquarters location <o> Memphis <s> FedEx <p> part of <o> Dow Jones Transportation Average <s> FedEx <p> part of <o> S&P 100 <s> FedEx <p> instance of <o> public company <s> FedEx <p> industry <o> transportation industry <s> FedEx <p> has subsidiary <o> FedEx Ground <s> FedEx <p> founded by <o> Frederick W. Smith <s> FedEx <p> part of <o> S&P 500 <s> FedEx <p> member of <o> Linux Foundation <s> FedEx <p> chairperson <o> Frederick W. Smith <s> FedEx <p> chief executive officer <o> Raj Subramaniam <s> FedEx <p> chairperson <o> David J. Bronczek <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Marvin Ellison <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Tricia Griffith <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Brad Martin <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Steve Gorman <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Raj Subramaniam <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Kim Jabal <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Amy Lane <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Paul S. Walsh <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Nancy A. Norton <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Fred Perpall <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Jim Vena <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> David P. Steiner <s> FedEx <p> board member <o> Joshua Cooper Ramo <s> FedEx <p> director / manager <o> Frederick W. Smith <s> FedEx <p> topic's main category <o> Category:FedEx <s> FedEx <p> location of formation <o> Little Rock <s> Wellcome Trust <p> language used <o> English <s> Wellcome Trust <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> London <s> Wellcome Trust <p> headquarters location <o> London <s> Wellcome Trust <p> instance of <o> research funding <s> Wellcome Trust <p> instance of <o> charitable organization <s> Wellcome Trust <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Wellcome Trust <p> member of <o> ORCID, Inc. <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> The Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research <s> Wellcome Trust <p> member of <o> C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group <s> Wellcome Trust <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Wellcome Trust <s> Wellcome Trust <p> legal form <o> private company limited by shares <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Images <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> NIHR Wellcome Trust Southampton Clinical Research Facility <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Institute of Metabolic Science <s> Wellcome Trust <p> founded by <o> Henry Solomon Wellcome <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Sanger Institute <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Mahosot Hospital <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Gurdon Institute <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has subsidiary <o> Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics <s> Wellcome Trust <p> member of <o> Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment <s> Wellcome Trust <p> member of <o> IIIF Consortium <s> Wellcome Trust <p> member of <o> Open Research Funders Group <s> Wellcome Trust <p> has part(s) <o> Wellcome Collection <s> Wellcome Trust <p> member of <o> Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations <s> Wellcome Trust <p> member of <o> Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness <s> Wellcome Trust <p> described by source <o> Wellcome Foundation <s> charitable organization <p> instance of <o> legal form <s> charitable organization <p> subclass of <o> nonprofit organization <s> charitable organization <p> industry <o> charity <s> charitable organization <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> charitable organization <p> has part(s) <o> charity worker <s> charitable organization <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Charities <s> charitable organization <p> different from <o> philanthropic organization <s> charitable organization <p> different from <o> Charites <s> charitable organization <p> properties for this type <o> Charity Commission no. <s> charitable organization <p> field of work <o> charity <s> Novo Nordisk <p> country <o> Denmark <s> Novo Nordisk <p> external auditor <o> Deloitte <s> Novo Nordisk <p> stock exchange <o> New York Stock Exchange <s> Novo Nordisk <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> glucagon <s> Novo Nordisk <p> instance of <o> business <s> Novo Nordisk <p> instance of <o> public company <s> Novo Nordisk <p> instance of <o> enterprise <s> Novo Nordisk <p> founded by <o> August Krogh <s> Novo Nordisk <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> sex steroid <s> Novo Nordisk <p> has subsidiary <o> Novo Nordisk s.r.o. <s> Novo Nordisk <p> has subsidiary <o> Novo Nordisk (United States) <s> Novo Nordisk <p> has subsidiary <o> Novo Nordisk (Switzerland) <s> Novo Nordisk <p> has subsidiary <o> Novo Nordisk (Germany) <s> Novo Nordisk <p> industry <o> pharmaceutical industry <s> Novo Nordisk <p> stock exchange <o> Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S <s> Novo Nordisk <p> founded by <o> August Kongsted <s> Novo Nordisk <p> founded by <o> Hans Christian Hagedorn <s> Novo Nordisk <p> headquarters location <o> Bagsværd <s> Novo Nordisk <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> growth hormone <s> Novo Nordisk <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Novo Nordisk <s> Novo Nordisk <p> parent organization <o> Novo Holdings <s> Novo Nordisk <p> founded by <o> Marie Krogh <s> Novo Nordisk <p> has subsidiary <o> NNIT <s> Novo Nordisk <p> chief executive officer <o> Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen <s> Novo Nordisk <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> preproinsulin <s> Novo Nordisk <p> legal form <o> aktieselskab <s> Novo Nordisk <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist <s> Novo Nordisk <p> owner of <o> NNIT <s> Qlik <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Qlik <p> location of formation <o> Lund <s> Qlik <p> instance of <o> public company <s> Qlik <p> instance of <o> privately held company <s> Qlik <p> industry <o> software industry <s> Qlik <p> stock exchange <o> Nasdaq <s> Qlik <p> instance of <o> enterprise <s> Qlik <p> instance of <o> business <s> Qlik <p> headquarters location <o> King of Prussia <s> Qlik <p> legal form <o> privately held company <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> country <o> Greece <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> instance of <o> charitable organization <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> legal form <o> foundation <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> headquarters location <o> Athens <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> field of work <o> charity <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> field of work <o> art support <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Athens Municipality <s> Stavros Niarchos Foundation <p> named after <o> Stavros Niarchos <s> VELUX <p> headquarters location <o> Hørsholm <s> VELUX <p> location of formation <o> Hørsholm <s> VELUX <p> country <o> Denmark <s> VELUX <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> roof window <s> VELUX <p> founded by <o> Villum Kann Rasmussen <s> VELUX <p> member of <o> Wi-Fi Alliance <s> VELUX <p> legal form <o> aktieselskab <s> VELUX <p> instance of <o> business <s> VELUX <p> instance of <o> enterprise <s> VELUX <p> industry <o> construction materials industry <s> VELUX <p> parent organization <o> VKR Holding <s> VELUX <p> participant in <o> The People's Meeting 2016 <s> Foundation SED Fund <p> country <o> Kingdom of the Netherlands <s> Foundation SED Fund <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> Foundation SED Fund <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> Foundation SED Fund <p> legal form <o> stichting <s> The Climate Change Collaboration <p> headquarters location <o> London <s> The Climate Change Collaboration <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> The Climate Change Collaboration <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> The Climate Change Collaboration <p> instance of <o> collaboration <s> The Climate Change Collaboration <p> partnership with <o> The Aurora Trust <s> The Climate Change Collaboration <p> partnership with <o> The JJ CHARITABLE TRUST <s> The Climate Change Collaboration <p> partnership with <o> The Mark Leonard Trust <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> instance of <o> nonprofit organization <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> headquarters location <o> Santiago <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> David and Lucile Packard Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Skoll Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Hewlett Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> The Children's Investment Fund Management <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Bloomberg Philanthropies <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Grantham Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Quadrature Climate Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Sequoia Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Breakthrough Energy Coalition <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> funder <o> Zegar Family Foundation <s> The Global Methane Hub <p> chief executive officer <o> Marcelo Mena </Graph>
<Text> :FedEx Corporation, formerly Federal Express Corporation and later FDX Corporation, is an American multinational conglomerate holding company focused on transportation, e-commerce and business services based in Memphis, Tennessee. The name "FedEx" is a syllabic abbreviation of the name of the company's original air division, Federal Express, which was used from 1973 until 2000. FedEx today is best known for its air delivery service, FedEx Express, which was one of the first major shipping companies to offer overnight delivery as a flagship service. Since then, FedEx also started FedEx Ground, FedEx Office , FedEx Supply Chain, FedEx Freight, and various other services across multiple subsidiaries, often meant to respond to its main competitor, UPS. The company is the fifth largest American-headquartered employer globally with 547,000 employees, and FedEx is also one of the top contractors of the US government and assists in the transport of some United States Postal Service packages through their Air Cargo Network contract. FedEx's prominence in both the United States and the world has made it a common topic in popular culture, with examples including the film Cast Away as well as some of its marketing slogans . In addition, FedEx has purchased the naming rights to FedExField of the NFL's Washington Commanders and FedExForum of the NBA's Memphis Grizzlies. FedEx's air shipping services have made its "Superhub" at Memphis International Airport the busiest cargo airport in the world by 2020. The company was founded in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1971 as Federal Express Corporation by Frederick W. Smith, a graduate of Yale University. He drew up the company's concept in a term paper at Yale, in which he called for a system specifically designed for urgent deliveries. While his professor didn't think much of the idea, Smith pressed on. He began formal operations in 1973, when he moved operations to Memphis. Smith said he chose Memphis International Airport for being near the mean population center of the country and for its placid weather. The company grew rapidly, and by 1983 had a billion dollars in revenue, a rarity for a startup company that had never taken part in mergers or acquisitions in its first decade. It expanded to Europe and Asia in 1984. In 1988, it acquired one of its major competitors, Flying Tiger Line, creating the largest full-service cargo airline in the world. In 1994, Federal Express shortened its name to "FedEx" for marketing purposes, officially adopting a nickname that had been used for years. The Wellcome Trust is a charitable foundation focused on health research based in London, in the United Kingdom. It was established in 1936 with legacies from the pharmaceutical magnate Henry Wellcome to fund research to improve human and animal health. The aim of the Trust is to "support science to solve the urgent health challenges facing everyone." It had a financial endowment of PS29.1 billion in 2020, making it the fourth wealthiest charitable foundation in the world. In 2012, the Wellcome Trust was described by the Financial Times as the United Kingdom's largest provider of non-governmental funding for scientific research, and one of the largest providers in the world. According to their annual report, the Wellcome Trust spent GBP PS1.1Bn on charitable activities across their 2019/2020 financial year. According to the OECD, the Wellcome Trust's financing for 2019 development increased by 22% to US$327 million. The Wellcome Trust's operations are run from two buildings on Euston Road in London. The Wellcome Building, at 183 Euston Road, built in 1932 in Portland stone houses the Wellcome Collection and the adjoining glass and steel building at 215 Euston Road is the Gibbs Building, by Hopkins Architects, which opened in 2004 as the administrative headquarters of the Wellcome Trust. In 2019, the Wellcome Trust also opened an office in Berlin. The trust was established to administer the fortune of the American-born British pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome. Its income was derived from what was originally called Burroughs Wellcome, later renamed in the UK as the Wellcome Foundation Ltd. In 1986, the trust sold 25% of Wellcome plc stock to the public. Overseen by incoming Director of Finance Ian Macgregor, this marked the beginning of a period of financial growth that saw the trust's value increase by almost PS14bn in 14 years, as their interests moved beyond the bounds of the pharmaceutical industry. In 1995, the trust divested itself of any interest in pharmaceuticals by selling all remaining stock to Glaxo plc, the company's historic British rival, creating GlaxoWellcome plc. In 2000, the Wellcome name disappeared from the drug business altogether when GlaxoWellcome merged with SmithKline Beecham, to form GlaxoSmithKline plc. A charitable organization or charity is an organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being . The legal definition of a charitable organization varies between countries and in some instances regions of the country. The regulation, the tax treatment, and the way in which charity law affects charitable organizations also vary. Charitable organizations may not use any of their funds to profit individual persons or entities. However, some charitable organizations have come under scrutiny for spending a disproportionate amount of their income to pay the salaries of their leadership. Financial figures are indicators to assess the financial sustainability of a charity, especially to charity evaluators. This information can impact a charity's reputation with donors and societies, and thus the charity's financial gains. To meet the exempt organizational test requirements, a charity has to be exclusively organized and operated, and to receive and pass the exemption test, a charitable organization must follow the public interest and all exempt income should be for the public interest. For example, in many countries of the Commonwealth, charitable organizations must demonstrate that they provide a public benefit. Novo Nordisk A/S is a Danish multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Bagsvaerd with production facilities in nine countries and affiliates or offices in five countries. Novo Nordisk is controlled by majority shareholder Novo Holdings A/S which holds approximately 28% of its shares and a majority of its voting shares. Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services, specifically diabetes care medications and devices. Its main product is the drug semaglutide, used to treat diabetes under the brand name Ozempic and obesity under the brand name Wegovy. Novo Nordisk is also involved with hemostasis management, growth hormone therapy, and hormone replacement therapy. The company makes several drugs under various brand names, including Levemir, Tresiba, NovoLog, Novolin R, NovoSeven, NovoEight, and Victoza. Novo Nordisk employs more than 48,000 people globally, and markets its products in 168 countries. The corporation was created in 1989, through a merger of two Danish companies which date back to the 1920s. The Novo Nordisk logo is the Apis bull, one of the sacred animals of ancient Egypt. Novo Nordisk is a full member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations . The company was ranked 25th among the 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2010 and 72nd in 2014 by Fortune. In January 2012, Novo Nordisk was named the most sustainable company in the world by the business magazine Corporate Knights, while spin-off company Novozymes was named fourth. Novo Nordisk is the largest pharmaceutical company in Denmark. Novo Nordisk's market capitalization exceeded the GDP of Denmark's domestic economy in 2023, and it is the highest valued pharmaceutical company in Europe. Qlik provides a business analytics platform. The software company was founded in 1993 in Lund, Sweden and is now based in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, United States. The company's main products are Qlik Replicate and Qlik Sense, both software for business intelligence and data integration. The company was founded in Lund, Sweden in 1993, by Bjorn Berg and Staffan Gestrelius. Its Swedish headquarters are still in Lund. The company's first product, QuikView , was built to enable users to retrieve detailed data analysis from various systems. Mans Hultman became CEO in 2000, and Lars Bjork became CFO. The first version of the product came out in 1994, and a patent application was made in 1995. QUIK, in the original name of the product, stood for Quality, Understanding, Interaction, and Knowledge. The company focused on the area of business intelligence, growing from 35 employees in 1999 to 70 in 2003. In 2004, the firm decided to expand internationally and moved the company headquarters to the U.S., while development stayed in Lund. That year, it secured $12.5 million in venture capital funding from equity firms Accel Partners and Jerusalem Venture Partners. The Stavros Niarchos Foundation was established in 1996 to honor Greek shipping magnate Stavros Niarchos . Niarchos was one of the world's largest transporters of oil and owned the largest supertanker fleet of his time. In 2012, in response to the socio-economic crisis in Greece, SNF announced a grant initiative of additional $130 million over three years to help ease the adverse effects of the deepening crisis. A new initiative, Recharging the Youth, was announced in 2013 to help create new opportunities for Greece's younger generations and committed an additional $130 million . Upon the completion of the first phase of the program against the Greek Crisis, a second phase was introduced in June 2015, announcing the allocation of another $112 million , intensifying the efforts against the ongoing crisis in Greece and providing immediate support to the most vulnerable groups of society. VELUX is a Danish manufacturing company that specialises in roof windows, skylights, sun tunnels and related accessories. The company is headquartered in Horsholm, Denmark and is a part of VKR Holding A/S. VELUX Group is a founding partner of the global Active House Alliance. VELUX was founded in 1941 by Villum Kann Rasmussen. In 1942 Kann Rasmussen patented his first window, which was designed to make use of natural light and let in air to ventilate previously dark and stuffy lofts. In 1952, the company started its international expansion, offering its products in Sweden and Germany. By 1965, VELUX Group had expanded into 12 markets and, by the early 1970s, had grown from around 300 to more than 1,000 employees. In 1975, VELUX Group expanded to the US and a factory was built there in 1978. In the early 1980s, VELUX expanded to Central and Eastern Europe and by the end of the decade, the company had moved into markets in South America, Asia, and Australia. In 1992, Rasmussen's eldest son, Lars Kann-Rasmussen, born in 1964, took over from Villum, who chaired the management of V. Kann Rasmussen Industrie -- the parent company of the Velux Group. Villum died in 1993 at the age of 84 years. In the next decades, Lars modernized and built the VELUX group into an international company. At the beginning of the 21st century, the VELUX Group employed more than 10,000 employees at production sites in 11 countries. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Wallace Global Fund <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Wallace Global Fund <p> headquarters location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Wallace Global Fund <p> director / manager <o> Ellen Dorsey <s> Wallace Global Fund <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> instance of <o> coalition <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Danish Refugee Council <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> International Institute for Environment and Development <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Argosy Foundation <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Stichting IKEA Foundation <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Open Society Foundations <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> United Cities and Local Governments <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> partnership with <o> United Cities and Local Governments <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> partnership with <o> United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> partnership with <o> C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Robert Bosch Stiftung <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> funder <o> Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> partnership with <o> International Organization for Migration <s> Mayors Migration Council <p> partnership with <o> Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees <s> 120 Park Avenue <p> country <o> United States of America <s> 120 Park Avenue <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Manhattan <s> 120 Park Avenue <p> instance of <o> skyscraper <s> 120 Park Avenue <p> architect <o> Ulrich Franzen <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> named after <o> Victoria <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> historic county <o> Middlesex <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> City of London <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> instance of <o> street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> different from <o> Victoria Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Cannon Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Queen Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Lambeth Hill <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Bread Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Watling Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Bow Lane <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Walbrook <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Mansion House Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> St Andrew's Hill <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Garlick Hill <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Blackfriars Bridge <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Poultry <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> New Bridge Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> St Mildred's Court <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Friday Street <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Black Friars Lane <s> Queen Victoria Street <p> connects with <o> Distaff Lane <s> Bugaboo International <p> instance of <o> business <s> Bugaboo International <p> headquarters location <o> Amsterdam <s> Bugaboo International <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> baby carriage <s> European Climate Foundation <p> instance of <o> organization <s> European Climate Foundation <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> European Climate Foundation <p> headquarters location <o> The Hague <s> European Climate Foundation <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Climate change <s> European Climate Foundation <p> subclass of <o> stichting <s> European Climate Foundation <p> instance of <o> philanthropy <s> European Climate Foundation <p> legal form <o> stichting <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Nationale Postcode Loterij <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Hewlett Foundation <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> The Children's Investment Fund Management <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Rockefeller Brothers Fund <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Stiftung Mercator <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Laudes Foundation <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Porticus Foundation <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Stichting IKEA Foundation <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> ClimateWorks Foundation <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> KR Foundation <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Bloomberg Philanthropies <s> European Climate Foundation <p> funder <o> Oak Foundation <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> industry <o> health care <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Princeton <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> legal form <o> foundation <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> headquarters location <o> Princeton <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> member of <o> Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> founded by <o> Robert Wood Johnson II <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> member of <o> Open Research Funders Group <s> Robert Wood Johnson Foundation <p> chief executive officer <o> Richard E. Besser <s> KR Foundation <p> instance of <o> foundation <s> KR Foundation <p> founded by <o> Villum Foundation <s> KR Foundation <p> country <o> Denmark <s> KR Foundation <p> legal form <o> foundation <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Google <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Larry Page <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> named after <o> alphabet <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> X Development <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> John L. Hennessy <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> owned by <o> Eric Schmidt <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Sergey Brin <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> owned by <o> Larry Page <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> stock exchange <o> Nasdaq <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> founded by <o> Larry Page <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> owned by <o> Sergey Brin <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Waymo <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> headquarters location <o> Mountain View <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Google Fiber <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> part of <o> S&P 500 <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> industry <o> information technology <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Alan Mulally <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> part of <o> Nasdaq-100 <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Owlchemy Labs <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Waymo Holding <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> XXVI Holdings <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Wing <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Google Ireland Holdings Unlimited Company <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> founded by <o> Sergey Brin <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> GV <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Google Nest <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> John Doerr <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> instance of <o> holding company <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> legal form <o> Delaware corporation <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> instance of <o> public company <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> owned by <o> The Vanguard Group <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Loon <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> has subsidiary <o> Calico <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> external auditor <o> Ernst & Young LLP <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Robin Washington <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> R. Martin Chavez <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Sundar Pichai <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Frances Arnold <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Ann Mather <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Alphabet Inc. <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> chief executive officer <o> Sundar Pichai <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> board member <o> Ram Shriram <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> owner of <o> XXVI Holdings <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> instance of <o> business <s> Alphabet Inc. <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Alphabet Inc. <s> Eric Garcetti <p> instance of <o> human <s> Eric Garcetti <p> country of citizenship <o> United States of America <s> Eric Garcetti <p> residence <o> Los Angeles <s> Eric Garcetti <p> residence <o> New York City <s> Eric Garcetti <p> native language <o> English <s> Eric Garcetti <p> work location <o> Los Angeles <s> Eric Garcetti <p> work location <o> New Delhi <s> Eric Garcetti <p> residence <o> London <s> Eric Garcetti <p> religion or worldview <o> Judaism <s> Eric Garcetti <p> employer <o> University of Southern California <s> Eric Garcetti <p> field of work <o> urban planning <s> Eric Garcetti <p> educated at <o> Columbia University <s> Eric Garcetti <p> field of work <o> political science <s> Eric Garcetti <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> Eric Garcetti <p> educated at <o> The Queen's College <s> Eric Garcetti <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Eric Garcetti <p> instrument <o> piano <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Eric Garcetti <p> position held <o> chairperson <s> Eric Garcetti <p> writing language <o> English <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> professor <s> Eric Garcetti <p> member of political party <o> Democratic Party <s> Eric Garcetti <p> residence <o> Oxford <s> Eric Garcetti <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> American English <s> Eric Garcetti <p> educated at <o> School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University <s> Eric Garcetti <p> educated at <o> UCLA Lab School <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> actor <s> Eric Garcetti <p> field of work <o> international relations <s> Eric Garcetti <p> place of birth <o> Good Samaritan Hospital <s> Eric Garcetti <p> award received <o> Rhodes Scholarship <s> Eric Garcetti <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> television actor <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> naval officer <s> Eric Garcetti <p> ethnic group <o> Italian Americans <s> Eric Garcetti <p> father <o> Gil Garcetti <s> Eric Garcetti <p> position held <o> President of the Los Angeles City Council <s> Eric Garcetti <p> educated at <o> Harvard-Westlake School <s> Eric Garcetti <p> educated at <o> London School of Economics and Political Science <s> Eric Garcetti <p> family name <o> Garcetti <s> Eric Garcetti <p> military rank <o> lieutenant (Canadian Navy) <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> climate activist <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> international forum participant <s> Eric Garcetti <p> occupation <o> political scientist <s> Eric Garcetti <p> member of <o> Mayors National Climate Action Agenda <s> Eric Garcetti <p> member of <o> Human Rights Watch <s> Eric Garcetti <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Eric Garcetti <s> Eric Garcetti <p> academic degree <o> Bachelor of Arts <s> Eric Garcetti <p> position held <o> United States Ambassador to India <s> Eric Garcetti <p> position held <o> Mayor of the City of Los Angeles <s> Eric Garcetti <p> participant in <o> Global Conference 2019 <s> Eric Garcetti <p> participant in <o> Global Conference 2021 <s> Eric Garcetti <p> participant in <o> Global Conference 2022 <s> Eric Garcetti <p> ethnic group <o> Mexican Americans <s> Eric Garcetti <p> employer <o> Occidental College <s> Eric Garcetti <p> military branch <o> United States Navy Reserve <s> Eric Garcetti <p> handedness <o> right-handedness <s> Eric Garcetti <p> position held <o> council member <s> Eric Garcetti <p> ethnic group <o> American Jews <s> Eric Garcetti <p> member of <o> Young Storytellers Foundation <s> Eric Garcetti <p> academic degree <o> Master of International Affairs <s> Eric Garcetti <p> residence <o> Getty House <s> Eric Garcetti <p> given name <o> Eric </Graph>
<Text> :Bugaboo International B.V. is a Dutch design company that makes parental products such as pushchairs for infants and toddlers. Its products are available in 50 countries. Bugaboo employs over 1,200 people, working at headquarters in Amsterdam, The Netherlands or in one of the offices in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, United States, France, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Shanghai China and in the assembly plant in Xiamen, China. Bugaboo was founded in 1996 by Max Barenbrug and his then brother-in-law, Eduard Zanen, an entrepreneur and doctor, following an investment by Zanen. Barenbrug started the concept for Bugaboo as a graduation project two years earlier when he was studying at the Design Academy Eindhoven. The first Bugaboo, the "Bugaboo Classic", was launched in Holland in 1999. In 2001, the "Bugaboo Frog" was launched in the United Kingdom and in 2002 in the United States, popularized by its appearance in an episode of the TV show Sex and the City. The European Climate Foundation is an independent philanthropic initiative working to help tackle the climate crisis by fostering the development of a net zero emissions society at the national, European and global level. Its aim is to promote climate and energy related policies that press Europe and other key global players to achieve a net zero greenhouse gas emissions society by 2050. As a foundation, the ECF's main operations are guided by grant making activities, which are strategically distributed among, and implemented by a wide range of organisations engaged in many different types of charitable activities to mitigate climate change. These range from research work to advocacy or public campaigning. The ECF is funded exclusively by philanthropic sources engaged in climate change. It does not accept funding from corporate or government sources. Its funds are not used to engage with political or partisan activities, and do not support political parties, sectarianism or religious purposes. Every grantee is obliged to adhere to these rules when they accept the Foundation's support. As both a convenor and a member of a diverse network, the ECF works closely with many grantee partners, who are active in most European countries, to strengthen European climate action and climate leadership at every level. The Foundation helps partner organisations to innovate and carry out strategic activities that drive urgent and ambitious policies in support of the Paris Agreement objectives and contribute to the public debate on climate action. The aim of this is to help deliver a socially responsible transition to a net zero economy and sustainable society, in Europe and beyond. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is an American philanthropic organization. It is the largest one focused solely on health. Based in Princeton, New Jersey, the foundation focuses on access to health care, public health, health equity, leadership and training, and changing systems to address barriers to health. RWJF has been credited with helping to develop the 911 emergency system, reducing tobacco use among Americans, lowering rates of unwanted teenage pregnancies, and improving perceptions of hospice care. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: supports the development of programs that can be used in community-led initiatives or by government bodies; funds research through surveys and polls; and makes impact investments. According to Pensions & Investments and Foundation Center, the foundation was the fifth-largest in the U.S. in investment assets, as of 2015. As of 2020, the value of its endowment was $13 billion. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was initially established as the Johnson-New Brunswick Foundation in December 1936, and focused on charitable efforts in New Brunswick and Middlesex County, New Jersey. The original board of trustees included Robert Wood Johnson II, John Seward Johnson II, and others. It was renamed the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 1952. Robert Wood Johnson II left a bequest of 10,204,377 shares of Johnson & Johnson stock to the foundation upon his death in 1968. The foundation became a national philanthropy in 1972. The value of the stock was more than US$1 billion, making it the second-largest private foundation at the time. Initially, the foundation worked on improving access to health care, with a focus on impoverished and minority groups, infant and elder care, and mental health. It created a $15 million grant program to contribute to the development of emergency services systems in the United States. Then-president David E. Rogers established a partnership with the National Academy of Sciences to increase oversight of how the funds were used and assess project outcomes. Ultimately, the funds were distributed to 44 grantees in amounts ranging from $350,000 to $400,000. The program funded primary aspects of emergency medical services, including: technology access, such as equipping ambulances with radios; training for ambulance drivers and dispatchers; interagency coordination through a national centralized, regional-based system; and development of the 911 emergency system. In 1973, 11 percent of areas covered by the foundation's program had access to a centralized emergency services system. By 1977, when the program ended, coverage had increased to 95 percent. Alphabet Inc. is an American multinational technology conglomerate holding company headquartered in Mountain View, California. Alphabet is the world's third-largest technology company by revenue and one of the world's most valuable companies. It was created through a restructuring of Google on October 2, 2015, and became the parent company of Google and several former Google subsidiaries. It is considered one of the Big Five American information technology companies, alongside Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft. The establishment of Alphabet Inc. was prompted by a desire to make the core Google business "cleaner and more accountable" while allowing greater autonomy to group companies that operate in businesses other than Internet services. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin announced their resignation from their executive posts in December 2019, with the CEO role to be filled by Sundar Pichai, also the CEO of Google. Page and Brin remain employees, board members, and controlling shareholders of Alphabet Inc. On August 10, 2015, Google announced plans to create a new public holding company, Alphabet Inc. Google co-founder and CEO Larry Page made this announcement in a blog post on Google's official blog. Alphabet was created to restructure Google by moving subsidiaries from Google to Alphabet, thus narrowing Google's scope. The new holding company would consist of Google as well as other businesses including X Development, Calico, Nest, Verily, Fiber, Makani, CapitalG, and GV. Sundar Pichai, the company's Product Chief, became the new chief executive officer of Google, replacing Page, who transitioned to the role of running Alphabet, along with co-founder Sergey Brin. In his announcement, Page stated that the planned holding company would allow for "more management scale, as we can run things independently that aren't very related" to Google. He clarified that, as a result of the new holding company, Google would be "a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead". He further stated that the motivation behind the reorganization is to make Google "cleaner and more accountable and better" and that that he wanted to improve "the transparency and oversight of what we're doing". Eric Michael Garcetti is an American politician and diplomat who has been the United States ambassador to India since May 11, 2023. He was the 42nd mayor of Los Angeles from 2013 until 2022. A member of the Democratic Party, he was first elected in the 2013 election, and re-elected in 2017. A former member of the Los Angeles City Council, Garcetti served as City Council president from 2006 to 2012. He was the city's first elected Jewish mayor, and its second consecutive Mexican-American mayor. He was elected as the youngest mayor in over 100 years, having been 42 at the time of his inauguration. Upon nomination of President Joe Biden after a previously failed nomination the year before, Garcetti was finally confirmed as Ambassador to India by the Senate on a 52-42 vote on March 15, 2023. Garcetti was born on February 4, 1971, in Los Angeles, and was raised in Encino in the San Fernando Valley. He is the son of Sukey and Gil Garcetti, the former Los Angeles County District Attorney. Garcetti's paternal grandfather, Salvador, was born in Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico. Salvador was brought by his family to the United States as a child after his father, Massimo "Max" Garcetti, was murdered by hanging during the Mexican Revolution. Max had immigrated to Mexico from Italy. He married a Mexican woman and became a judge. His paternal grandmother, Juanita Iberri, was born in Arizona, one of 19 children born to an immigrant father from Sonora, Mexico, and an Arizona-born mother whose father and mother were both Mexican. Garcetti's maternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. His maternal grandfather, Harry Roth, founded and ran the clothing brand Louis Roth Clothes. Garcetti's family celebrated Passover and Chanukah, and he attended a Jewish camp. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> human body <p> instance of <o> taxon body type <s> human body <p> subclass of <o> body <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> immune system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> respiratory system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> reproductive system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> neck <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> human digestive system <s> human body <p> studied in <o> human anatomy <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> circulatory system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> endocrine system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> buttocks <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> lymphatic system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> urinary system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> hip <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> integumentary system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> human musculoskeletal system <s> human body <p> has characteristic <o> body surface area <s> human body <p> has characteristic <o> development of the human body <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> human torso <s> human body <p> studied in <o> human physiology <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> human head <s> human body <p> history of topic <o> history of the human body <s> human body <p> subclass of <o> body of vertebrate <s> human body <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Human body <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> human nervous system <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> human leg <s> human body <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Human systems and organs <s> human body <p> has characteristic <o> composition of the human body <s> human body <p> has part(s) <o> human upper limb <s> human body <p> manifestation of <o> Homo sapiens <s> human body <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedia of Political Theory (2010 ed.) <s> human body <p> described by source <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <s> human body <p> described by source <o> Gender Glossar <s> human body <p> has characteristic <o> habit <s> human body <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Human body <s> human body <p> has part(s) of the class <o> human anatomical structure <s> natural environment <p> has part(s) <o> forest <s> natural environment <p> studied in <o> geography <s> natural environment <p> studied in <o> ecology <s> natural environment <p> studied in <o> ecological economics <s> natural environment <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Natural environment <s> natural environment <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Environment <s> natural environment <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Environment sidebar <s> natural environment <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 8 <s> natural environment <p> subclass of <o> physico-geographical object <s> natural environment <p> subclass of <o> environment <s> natural environment <p> studied in <o> environmental sociology <s> mother <p> complementary property <o> father <s> mother <p> inverse property <o> child <s> mother <p> related property <o> godparent <s> mother <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> mother <s> mother <p> related property <o> relative <s> mother <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jesus <s> mother <p> related property <o> stepparent <s> mother <p> subproperty of <o> parent <s> mother <p> Wikidata property example <o> Charles III of the United Kingdom <s> mother <p> Wikidata property example <o> Ares <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> inverse constraint <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> mother <p> instance of <o> asymmetric Wikidata property <s> mother <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for human relationships <s> mother <p> inverse label item <o> child <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> mother <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to women and feminism <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> mother <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P25 <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> mother <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with a single value, but different precisions and references can lead to multiple values <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> mother <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> kinship <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> kinship <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> kinship <p> said to be the same as <o> kinship relation <s> kinship <p> subclass of <o> interpersonal relationship <s> kinship <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> kinship <p> Wikidata property <o> relative <s> kinship <p> Wikidata property <o> family <s> kinship <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> kinship <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> kinship <p> properties for this type <o> family relationship degree <s> kinship <p> properties for this type <o> kinship equivalent in SPARQL at Wikidata <s> kinship <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> kinship <p> has characteristic <o> degree of kinship <s> kinship <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Kinship and descent <s> kinship <p> Wikidata property <o> kinship to subject <s> kinship <p> different from <o> relative <s> kinship <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> intelligence <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> intelligence <p> said to be the same as <o> intellect <s> intelligence <p> opposite of <o> stupidity <s> intelligence <p> instance of <o> phenotypic trait <s> intelligence <p> subclass of <o> cognition <s> intelligence <p> manifestation of <o> mental process <s> intelligence <p> measurement scale <o> Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale <s> intelligence <p> measurement scale <o> Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scales <s> intelligence <p> measurement scale <o> Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test <s> intelligence <p> measurement scale <o> Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children <s> intelligence <p> measurement scale <o> Raven's Progressive Matrices <s> intelligence <p> instance of <o> type of property <s> intelligence <p> subclass of <o> ability <s> intelligence <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> intelligence <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> intelligence <p> has part(s) <o> animal intelligence <s> intelligence <p> described by source <o> Lean Logic <s> intelligence <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Intelligence <s> intelligence <p> has part(s) <o> human intelligence <s> intelligence <p> described by source <o> Kazakhstan. National encyclopedia <s> intelligence <p> has effect <o> mental object <s> intelligence <p> union of <o> list of values as qualifiers <s> interpersonal relationship <p> subclass of <o> human behavior <s> interpersonal relationship <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Close relationships <s> interpersonal relationship <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Interpersonal relationships footer <s> interpersonal relationship <p> subclass of <o> social relation <s> interpersonal relationship <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> interpersonal relationship <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Interpersonal relationships <s> interpersonal relationship <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> interpersonal relationship <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of relationships <s> spouse <p> inverse property <o> spouse <s> spouse <p> qualifier for this property <o> end time <s> spouse <p> qualifier for this property <o> start time <s> spouse <p> qualifier for this property <o> place of marriage <s> spouse <p> related property <o> sidekick of <s> spouse <p> related property <o> unmarried partner <s> spouse <p> inverse label item <o> married to <s> spouse <p> subproperty of <o> relative <s> spouse <p> subproperty of <o> significant person <s> spouse <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> spouse <s> spouse <p> Wikidata property example <o> Peter <s> spouse <p> Wikidata property example <o> Louis XVI of France <s> spouse <p> Wikidata property example <o> Pierre Curie <s> spouse <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut <s> spouse <p> Wikidata property example <o> Galileo Galilei <s> spouse <p> Wikidata property example <o> Marie Antoinette <s> spouse <p> has characteristic <o> description for novalue <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> symmetric constraint <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> spouse <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P26 <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> spouse <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> spouse <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for human relationships <s> spouse <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> spouse <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> unmarried partner <p> related property <o> spouse <s> unmarried partner <p> subproperty of <o> significant person <s> unmarried partner <p> inverse property <o> unmarried partner <s> unmarried partner <p> Wikidata property example <o> George Sand <s> unmarried partner <p> Wikidata property example <o> Simone de Beauvoir <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> symmetric constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> cohabitor <s> unmarried partner <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> unmarried partner <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> unmarried partner <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for human relationships <s> unmarried partner <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P451 <s> unmarried partner <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> Sun Tzu <p> place of birth <o> Wu <s> Sun Tzu <p> instance of <o> human <s> Sun Tzu <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Sun Tzu <p> field of work <o> philosophy <s> Sun Tzu <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Sun Tzu <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Sun Tzu <p> place of death <o> Gusu <s> Sun Tzu <p> father <o> Sun Ping A <s> Sun Tzu <p> country of citizenship <o> Wu <s> Sun Tzu <p> country of citizenship <o> Qi <s> Sun Tzu <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Chinese <s> Sun Tzu <p> notable work <o> The Art of War <s> Sun Tzu <p> occupation <o> military personnel <s> Sun Tzu <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Sun Tzu <p> field of work <o> military strategy <s> Sun Tzu <p> military rank <o> army general <s> Sun Tzu <p> military rank <o> military leader <s> Sun Tzu <p> different from <o> Sun Tzu <s> Sun Tzu <p> described by source <o> Records of the Grand Historian <s> Sun Tzu <p> conflict <o> Spring and Autumn period <s> Sun Tzu <p> allegiance <o> Wu <s> Sun Tzu <p> commander of (DEPRECATED) <o> Wu <s> Sun Tzu <p> child <o> Sun Ming Zi <s> Sun Tzu <p> relative <o> Sun Jian <s> Sun Tzu <p> occupation <o> philosopher <s> Sun Tzu <p> given name <o> Wu <s> Sun Tzu <p> family name <o> Sun <s> Sun Tzu <p> family name <o> Gui <s> Sun Tzu <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sun Tzu <s> Sun Tzu <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> self-consciousness <p> subclass of <o> awareness <s> self-consciousness <p> part of <o> psychology terminology <s> self-consciousness <p> said to be the same as <o> Self-reflection <s> self-consciousness <p> different from <o> self-awareness </Graph>
<Text> :The human body is the entire structure of a human being. It is composed of many different types of cells that together create tissues and subsequently organs and then organ systems. They ensure homeostasis and the viability of the human body. The study of the human body includes anatomy, physiology, histology and embryology. The body varies anatomically in known ways. Physiology focuses on the systems and organs of the human body and their functions. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain homeostasis, with safe levels of substances such as sugar and oxygen in the blood. The adult male body is about 60% water for a total water content of some 42 litres . This is made up of about 19 litres of extracellular fluid including about 3.2 litres of blood plasma and about 8.4 litres of interstitial fluid, and about 23 litres of fluid inside cells. The content, acidity and composition of the water inside and outside cells is carefully maintained. The main electrolytes in body water outside cells are sodium and chloride, whereas within cells it is potassium and other phosphates. The body contains trillions of cells, the fundamental unit of life. At maturity, there are roughly 30 trillion cells, and 38 trillion bacteria in the body, an estimate arrived at by totaling the cell numbers of all the organs of the body and cell types. The skin of the body is also host to billions of commensal organisms as well as immune cells. Not all parts of the body are made from cells. Cells sit in an extracellular matrix that consists of proteins such as collagen, surrounded by extracellular fluids. The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. The term is most often applied to Earth or some parts of Earth. This environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate, weather and natural resources that affect human survival and economic activity. The concept of the natural environment can be distinguished as components: In contrast to the natural environment is the built environment. Built environments are where humans have fundamentally transformed landscapes such as urban settings and agricultural land conversion, the natural environment is greatly changed into a simplified human environment. Even acts which seem less extreme, such as building a mud hut or a photovoltaic system in the desert, the modified environment becomes an artificial one. Though many animals build things to provide a better environment for themselves, they are not human, hence beaver dams, and the works of mound-building termites, are thought of as natural. People cannot find absolutely natural environments on Earth, and naturalness usually varies in a continuum, from 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. The massive environmental changes of humanity in the Anthropocene have fundamentally effected all natural environments: including from climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution from plastic and other chemicals in the air and water. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform. If, for instance, in an agricultural field, the mineralogic composition and the structure of its soil are similar to those of an undisturbed forest soil, but the structure is quite different. Earth science generally recognizes four spheres, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere as correspondent to rocks, water, air, and life respectively. Some scientists include as part of the spheres of the Earth, the cryosphere as a distinct portion of the hydrosphere, as well as the pedosphere as an active and intermixed sphere. Earth science , is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth. There are four major disciplines in earth sciences, namely geography, geology, geophysics and geodesy. These major disciplines use physics, chemistry, biology, chronology and mathematics to build a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the principal areas or spheres of Earth. A mother is the female parent of a child. A woman may be considered a mother by virtue of having given birth, by raising a child who may or may not be her biological offspring, or by supplying her ovum for fertilisation in the case of gestational surrogacy. A biological mother is the female genetic contributor to the creation of the infant, through sexual intercourse or egg donation. A biological mother may have legal obligations to a child not raised by her, such as an obligation of monetary support. An adoptive mother is a female who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption. A putative mother is a female whose biological relationship to a child is alleged but has not been established. A stepmother is a non-biological female parent married to a child's preexisting parent, and may form a family unit but generally does not have the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent in relation to the child. A father is the male counterpart of a mother. Women who are pregnant may be referred to as expectant mothers or mothers-to-be, though such appellations are less readily applied to fathers or adoptive parents. The process of becoming a mother has been referred to as "matrescence". The adjective "maternal" refers to a mother and comparatively to "paternal" for a father. The verb "to mother" means to procreate or to sire a child, or to provide care for a child, from which also derives the noun "mothering". Related terms of endearment are mom , mum , mumsy, mamacita and mammy. A female role model that children can look up to is sometimes referred to as a mother-figure. In anthropology, kinship is the web of social relationships that form an important part of the lives of all humans in all societies, although its exact meanings even within this discipline are often debated. Anthropologist Robin Fox says that the study of kinship is the study of what humans do with these basic facts of life - mating, gestation, parenthood, socialization, siblingship etc. Human society is unique, he argues, in that we are "working with the same raw material as exists in the animal world, but can conceptualize and categorize it to serve social ends." These social ends include the socialization of children and the formation of basic economic, political and religious groups. Kinship can refer both to the patterns of social relationships themselves, or it can refer to the study of the patterns of social relationships in one or more human cultures . Over its history, anthropology has developed a number of related concepts and terms in the study of kinship, such as descent, descent group, lineage, affinity/affine, consanguinity/cognate and fictive kinship. Further, even within these two broad usages of the term, there are different theoretical approaches. Broadly, kinship patterns may be considered to include people related by both descent - i.e. social relations during development - and by marriage. Human kinship relations through marriage are commonly called "affinity" in contrast to the relationships that arise in one's group of origin, which may be called one's descent group. In some cultures, kinship relationships may be considered to extend out to people an individual has economic or political relationships with, or other forms of social connections. Within a culture, some descent groups may be considered to lead back to gods or animal ancestors . This may be conceived of on a more or less literal basis. Kinship can also refer to a principle by which individuals or groups of individuals are organized into social groups, roles, categories and genealogy by means of kinship terminologies. Family relations can be represented concretely or abstractly by degrees of relationship . A relationship may be relative or reflect an absolute . Degrees of relationship are not identical to heirship or legal succession. Many codes of ethics consider the bond of kinship as creating obligations between the related persons stronger than those between strangers, as in Confucian filial piety. Intelligence has been defined in many ways: the capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It can be described as the ability to perceive or infer information; and to retain it as knowledge to be applied to adaptive behaviors within an environment or context. Intelligence is most often studied in humans but has also been observed in both non-human animals and plants despite controversy as to whether some of these forms of life exhibit intelligence. Intelligence in computers or other machines is called artificial intelligence. The word intelligence derives from the Latin nouns intelligentia or intellectus, which in turn stem from the verb intelligere, to comprehend or perceive. In the Middle Ages, the word intellectus became the scholarly technical term for understanding and a translation for the Greek philosophical term nous. This term, however, was strongly linked to the metaphysical and cosmological theories of teleological scholasticism, including theories of the immortality of the soul, and the concept of the active intellect . This approach to the study of nature was strongly rejected by early modern philosophers such as Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and David Hume, all of whom preferred "understanding" in their English philosophical works. Hobbes for example, in his Latin De Corpore, used "intellectus intelligit", translated in the English version as "the understanding understandeth", as a typical example of a logical absurdity. "Intelligence" has therefore become less common in English language philosophy, but it has later been taken up in more contemporary psychology. In 1994 the "Mainstream Science on Intelligence" was published, as an op-ed statement in the Wall Street Journal, as a response to controversy over the book The Bell Curve which proposed policy changes based on purported connections between race and intelligence. It was signed by fifty-two researchers, out of 131 total invited to sign, with 48 explicitly refusing to sign. The op-ed described intelligence thus: In social psychology, an interpersonal relation describes a social association, connection, or affiliation between two or more persons. It overlaps significantly with the concept of social relations, which are the fundamental unit of analysis within the social sciences. Relations vary in degrees of intimacy, self-disclosure, duration, reciprocity, and power distribution. The main themes or trends of the interpersonal relations are: family, kinship, friendship, love, marriage, business, employment, clubs, neighborhoods, ethical values, support and solidarity. Interpersonal relations may be regulated by law, custom, or mutual agreement, and form the basis of social groups and societies. They appear when people communicate or act with each other within specific social contexts, and they thrive on equitable and reciprocal compromises. Interdisciplinary analysis of relationships draws heavily upon the other social sciences, including, but not limited to: anthropology, linguistics, sociology, economics, political science, communication, mathematics, social work, and cultural studies. This scientific analysis had evolved during the 1990s and has become "relationship science", through the research done by Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Hatfield. This interdisciplinary science attempts to provide evidence-based conclusions through the use of data analysis. Romantic relationships have been defined in countless ways, by writers, philosophers, religions, scientists, and in the modern day, relationship counselors. Two popular definitions of love are Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love and Fisher's theory of love. Sternberg defines love in terms of intimacy, passion, and commitment, which he claims exist in varying levels in different romantic relationships. Fisher defines love as composed of three stages: attraction, romantic love, and attachment. Romantic relationships may exist between two people of any gender, or among a group of people, as in polyamory. On the basis of openness, all romantic relationships are of 2 types: open and closed. Closed relationships are strictly against romantic or sexual activity of partners with anyone else outside the relationships. In an open relationship, all partners remain committed to each other, but allow themselves and their partner to have relationships with others. A spouse is a significant other in a marriage or without marriage. In certain contexts, it can also apply to a civil union or common-law marriage. Although a spouse is a form of significant other, the latter term also includes non-marital partners who play a social role similar to that of a spouse, but do not have rights and duties reserved by law to a spouse. A male spouse is called a husband while a female spouse is called a wife. The legal status of a spouse, and the specific rights and obligations associated with that status, vary significantly among the jurisdictions of the world. These regulations are usually described in family law statutes. However, in many parts of the world, where civil marriage is not that prevalent, there is instead customary marriage, which is usually regulated informally by the community. In many parts of the world, spousal rights and obligations are related to the payment of bride price, dowry or dower. Historically, many societies have given sets of rights and obligations to male marital partners that have been very different from the sets of rights and obligations given to female marital partners. In particular, the control of marital property, inheritance rights, and the right to dictate the activities of children of the marriage, have typically been given to male marital partners. However, this practice was curtailed to a great deal in many countries in the twentieth century, and more modern statutes tend to define the rights and duties of a spouse without reference to gender. Among the last European countries to establish full gender equality in marriage were Switzerland. In 1985, a referendum guaranteed women legal equality with men within marriage. The new reforms came into force in January 1988. Although married women in France obtained the right to work without their husbands' permission in 1965, and the paternal authority of a man over his family was ended in 1970 , it was only in 1985 that a legal reform abolished the stipulation that the husband had the sole power to administer the children's property. in the 1980s. In various marriage laws around the world, however, the husband continues to have authority; for instance the Civil Code of Iran states at Article 1105: "In relations between husband and wife; the position of the head of the family is the exclusive right of the husband". Depending on jurisdiction, the refusal or inability of a spouse to perform the marital obligations may constitute a ground for divorce, legal separation or annulment. The latter two options are more prevalent in countries where the dominant religion is Roman Catholicism, some of which introduced divorce only recently . In recent years, many Western countries have adopted no-fault divorce. In some parts of the world, the formal dissolution of a marriage is complicated by the payments and goods which have been exchanged between families . This often makes it difficult to leave a marriage, especially for the woman: in some parts of Africa, once the bride price has been paid, the wife is seen as belonging to the husband and his family; and if she wants to leave, the husband may demand back the bride price that he had paid to the girl's family. The girl's family often cannot or does not want to pay it back. In Western countries, spouses sometimes choose not to have children. In some other parts of the world, there are greater expectations that heterosexual couples will procreate. In some cultures and religions, it is an obligation. In northern Ghana, for example, the payment of bride price signifies a woman's requirement to bear children, and women using birth control are at risks of threats and coercion. Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general, strategist, philosopher, and writer who lived during the Eastern Zhou period . Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, an influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and East Asian philosophy and military thought. Sun Tzu is revered in Chinese and East Asian culture as a legendary historical and military figure. His birth name was Sun Wu and he was known outside of his family by his courtesy name Changqing . The name Sun Tzu--by which he is more popularly known--is an honorific which means "Master Sun". Sun Tzu's historicity is uncertain. The Han dynasty historian Sima Qian and other traditional Chinese historians placed him as a minister to King Helu of Wu and dated his lifetime to 544-496 BC. Modern scholars accepting his historicity place the extant text of The Art of War in the later Warring States period of 475 to 221 BC, based on its style of composition and its descriptions of warfare. Traditional accounts state that the general's descendant Sun Bin wrote a treatise on military tactics, also titled The Art of War. Since both Sun Wu and Sun Bin were referred to as "Sun Tzu" in classical Chinese texts, some historians believed them identical, prior to the rediscovery of Sun Bin's treatise in 1972. Sun Tzu's work has been praised and employed throughout the arc of East Asian military history since its composition, and eventually earned global attention. During the twentieth century, The Art of War grew in popularity and saw practical use in the Western world as well. It remains influential in many contemporary competitive endeavors across the modern world beyond military strategy and warfare, including espionage, culture, governance, business, and sports. The oldest available sources disagree as to where Sun Tzu was born. The Spring and Autumn Annals and Sima Qian's later Records of the Grand Historian state that Sun Tzu was born in Qi. Both sources also agree that Sun Tzu was born in the late Spring and Autumn period and that he was active as a general and strategist, serving King Helu of Wu in the sixth century BC, beginning around 512 BC. Sun Tzu's victories then inspired him to write The Art of War. The Art of War was one of the most widely read military treatises in the subsequent Warring States period, a time of constant war among seven ancient Chinese states--Zhao, Qi, Qin, Chu, Han, Wei, and Yan--who fought to control the vast expanse of fertile territory in Eastern China. Self-consciousness is a sense of oneself. Historically, "self-consciousness" was synonymous with "self-awareness", referring to a state of awareness that one exists and that one has consciousness. While "self-conscious" and "self-aware" are still sometimes used interchangeably, particularly in philosophy, "self-consciousness" has commonly come to refer to a preoccupation with oneself, especially with how others might perceive one's appearance or one's actions. An unpleasant feeling of self-consciousness may occur when one realizes that one is being watched or observed, the feeling that "everyone is looking" at oneself. Some people are habitually more self-conscious than others. Unpleasant feelings of self-consciousness sometimes become associated with shyness or paranoia. When feeling self-conscious, one becomes aware of even the smallest of one's own actions. Such awareness can impair one's ability to perform complex actions. Adolescence is believed to be a time of heightened self-consciousness. A person with a chronic tendency toward self-consciousness may be shy or introverted. Unlike self-awareness, which in a philosophical context is being conscious of oneself as an individual, self-consciousness - being excessively conscious of one's appearance or manner - can be a problem at times. Self-consciousness is often associated with shyness and embarrassment, in which case a lack of pride and low self-esteem can result. In a positive context, self-consciousness may affect the development of identity, for it is during periods of high self-consciousness that people come the closest to knowing themselves objectively. Self-consciousness affects people in varying degrees, as some people are constantly self-monitoring or self-involved, while others are completely oblivious about themselves. Psychologists frequently distinguish between two kinds of self-consciousness, private and public. Private self-consciousness is a tendency to introspect and examine one's inner self and feelings. Public self-consciousness is an awareness of the self as it is viewed by others. This kind of self-consciousness can result in self-monitoring and social anxiety. Both private and public self-consciousness are viewed as personality traits that are relatively stable over time, but they are not correlated. Just because an individual is high on one dimension does not mean that he or she is high on the other. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> OpenCorporates <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> OpenCorporates <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> OpenCorporates <p> Wikidata property <o> OpenCorporates corporate grouping <s> OpenCorporates <p> Wikidata property <o> OpenCorporates ID <s> OpenCorporates <p> programmed in <o> JavaScript <s> OpenCorporates <p> topic's main template <o> Template:OpenCorp <s> OpenCorporates <p> instance of <o> company register <s> OpenCorporates <p> instance of <o> online database <s> OpenCorporates <p> copyright status <o> copyrighted <s> OpenCorporates <p> copyright license <o> Open Database License <s> Siege of Milan <p> different from <o> Siege of Milan <s> Siege of Milan <p> different from <o> Siege of Milan <s> Siege of Milan <p> different from <o> Siege of Milan <s> Siege of Milan <p> different from <o> siege of Milan <s> Siege of Milan <p> different from <o> siege of Milan <s> Siege of Milan <p> different from <o> Siege of Mediolanum <s> Siege of Milan <p> location <o> 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site <s> Mediolanum <p> instance of <o> city <s> Mediolanum <p> named after <o> plain <s> Mediolanum <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Olona <s> Mediolanum <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Mediolanum <p> country <o> Ancient Rome <s> Mediolanum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cisalpine Gaul <s> Mediolanum <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Mediolanum <p> culture <o> Ancient Rome <s> Mediolanum <p> significant event <o> Founding of Milan <s> Mediolanum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mediolanum <s> Mediolanum <p> instance of <o> Roman city <s> Mediolanum <p> instance of <o> ancient city <s> Mediolanum <p> named after <o> middle <s> Mediolanum <p> significant event <o> Siege of Mediolanum <s> Chicago <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Chicago <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Chicago <p> owned by <o> Chicago <s> 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metropolitan area <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Chicago metropolitan area <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Indiana <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cook County <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Newton County <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Des Plaines <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Wisconsin <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kane County <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kendall County <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> DeKalb County <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Evanston <s> Chicago 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contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schaumburg <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bolingbrook <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Skokie <s> Chicago metropolitan area <p> instance of <o> metropolitan statistical area <s> Category:Maps of Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> Chicago <s> Category:Maps of Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Chicago <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :OpenCorporates is a website that shares data on corporations under the copyleft Open Database License. The company, OpenCorporates Ltd, was incorporated on 18 December 2010 by Chris Taggart and Rob McKinnon, and the website was officially launched on 20th. Data is sourced from national business registries in 140 jurisdictions, and presented in a standardised form. Collected data comprises the name of the entity, date of incorporation, registered addresses, and the names of directors. Some data, such as the ownership structure, is contributed by users. In 2011, the site won third place in the Open Data Challenge. Vice President of the European Commission Neelie Kroes said the site "is the kind of resource the Single Market needs and it is encouraging to see that it is being built." The project was represented on the European Union's Core Vocabularies Working Group's Core Business Task Force. In July 2015, OpenCorporates was a finalist in both the Business and Publisher categories at the Open Data Institute Awards. It was announced as the winner of the Open Data Business Award due to work with promoting data transparency in the corporate sector. The Siege and capture of Milan was one of the episodes of the Hun wars fought in Italy. It was carried out by Attila and his Huns in 452, it resulted in the victory of the barbarians and the destruction of Milan. Milan, then called Mediolanum, had been the capital of the Western Roman Empire until 402 AD. Attila invaded Italy in 452 to renew his marriage claim to Honoria. Attila launched an invasion of Italy, passing through Pannonia into Venetia, where he laid siege to Aquileia, a fortified city of great strategic importance: its possession made it possible to control a large part of northern Italy. Attila besieged it for three months but in vain. Legend has it that just as he was about to retire, a white stork took off from a tower on the walls and left the city with its baby on its back. The superstitious Attila at that sight ordered his army to stay: shortly after the part of the walls where the tower left by the stork was located collapsed. Attila was thus able to take possession of the city, which he razed to the ground without leaving any trace of its existence. He then proceeded towards Padua, which he sacked completely. Before his arrival, many of the city's inhabitants sought refuge in the lagoon, where they would later found Venice. After the capture of Aquileia, Attila's advance to Milan took place without difficulty as no city attempted resistance but all opened their doors to the invader out of fear. The city was settled by a Celtic tribe belonging to the Insubres group and belonging to the Golasecca culture under the name Medhelanon around 590 BC, conquered by the Romans in 222 BC, who Latinized the name of the city into Mediolanum, and developed into a key centre of Western Christianity and informal capital of the Western Roman Empire. It declined under the ravages of the Gothic War, its capture by the Lombards in 569, and their decision to make Ticinum the capital of their Kingdom of Italy. During the Principate the population was 40,000 in AD 200; when the city became capital of the Western Roman Empire under emperor Maximian , the population rose to 100,000 people and thus Milan became one of the largest cities in Roman Italy. The city was settled by a Celtic tribe belonging to the Insubres group and belonging to the Golasecca culture around 590 BC under the name Medhelanon According to the legend reported by Livy, the Gaulish king Ambicatus sent his nephew Bellovesus into northern Italy at the head of a party drawn from various Gaulish tribes; this Bellovesus was said to have founded Mediolanum . The Romans, led by consul Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus, fought the Insubres and captured the city in 222 BC; the chief of the Insubres submitted to Rome, giving the Romans control of the city. They eventually conquered the entirety of the region, calling the new province Cisalpine Gaul - "Gaul this side of the Alps" - and may have given the site its Latinized Celtic name: in Gaulish *medio - meant "middle, center" and the name element -lanon is the Celtic equivalent of Latin -planum "plain", thus *Mediolanon meant " in the midst of the plain." Mediolanum was important for its location as a hub in the road network of northern Italy. Polybius describes the country as abounding in wine, and every kind of grain, and in fine wool. Herds of swine, both for public and private supply, were bred in its forests, and the people were well known for their generosity. Chicago is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Illinois and the third-most populous in the United States after New York City and Los Angeles. With a population of 2,746,388 in the 2020 census, it is also the most populous city in the Midwest. As the seat of Cook County, the second-most populous county in the U.S., Chicago is the center of the Chicago metropolitan area. Located on the shore of Lake Michigan, Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837 near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed. It grew rapidly in the mid-19th century. In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed several square miles and left more than 100,000 homeless, but Chicago's population continued to grow. Chicago made noted contributions to urban planning and architecture, such as the Chicago School, the development of the City Beautiful Movement, and the steel-framed skyscraper. Chicago is an international hub for finance, culture, commerce, industry, education, technology, telecommunications, and transportation. It has the largest and most diverse derivatives market in the world, generating 20% of all volume in commodities and financial futures alone. O'Hare International Airport is routinely ranked among the world's top six busiest airports by passenger traffic, and the region is also the nation's railroad hub. The Chicago area has one of the highest gross domestic products in the world, generating $689 billion in 2018. Chicago's economy is diverse, with no single industry employing more than 14% of the workforce. Chicago is a major tourist destination. Chicago's culture has contributed much to the visual arts, literature, film, theater, comedy , food, dance, and music . Chicago is home to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Lyric Opera of Chicago, while the Art Institute of Chicago provides an influential visual arts museum and art school. The Chicago area also hosts the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the University of Illinois Chicago, among other institutions of learning. Chicago has professional sports teams in each of the major professional leagues, including two Major League Baseball teams. Chicago and its suburbs is home to 35 Fortune 500 companies and is a transportation and distribution center. Manufacturing, printing, publishing, insurance, transportation, financial trading and services, and food processing also play major roles in the city's economy. The total economic output of Chicago in gross metropolitan product totaled US$770.7 billion in 2020, surpassing the total economic output of Switzerland and making Chicago's gross metropolitan product the third largest in the United States, after New York and Los Angeles. The city is home to several Fortune 500 companies, including Archer Daniels Midland, Conagra Brands, Exelon, JLL, Kraft Heinz, McDonald's, Mondelez International, Motorola Solutions, Sears, and United Airlines Holdings, although Chicago has experienced an exodus of large corporations since 2020, including Boeing; Citadel LLC; Caterpillar; and Tyson Foods. Three Fortune 500 companies left Chicago in 2022, leaving the city with 35, still second to New York City. The 92-story Trump Tower Chicago, Lakeshore East development, and the 300 North Lasalle office building are projects completed after 2000. Since the Great Recession, other projects, such as the planned 150-story 2000 foot Chicago Spire by architect Santiago Calatrava, have been canceled. Many city neighborhoods are gentrifying at a rapid pace as well, including Humboldt Park, Logan Square, Pilsen, Uptown, Near Southside, and Rogers Park. The massive expansion of O'Hare International Airport and recently reconstructed Dan Ryan Expressway will shape development patterns for years to come. Changes in house prices for the Chicago metropolitan area are publicly tracked on a regular basis using the Case-Shiller index; the statistic is published by Standard & Poor's and is also a component of S&P's 10-city composite index of the value of the residential real estate market. The city houses one of the Federal Reserve Banks, established in 1914. There is also the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. The largest banks in the Chicago region are: JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America , BMO Harris Bank , and Northern Trust. The largest banks headquartered in Chicago are: BMO Harris Bank, Northern Trust, Wintrust Financial, and First Midwest Bank. Many financial institutions are in the Loop. The Chicago metropolitan area, also colloquially referred to as Chicagoland, is the largest metropolitan statistical area in the U.S. state of Illinois, containing the City of Chicago along with its surrounding suburbs and satellite cities. Encompassing 10,286 square mi , the metropolitan area includes the city of Chicago, its suburbs and hinterland, that span 14 counties across northeast Illinois, northwest Indiana, and southeast Wisconsin. The MSA had a 2020 census population of 9,618,502 and the combined statistical area which spans up to 19 counties had a population of nearly 10 million people. The Chicago area is the third largest metropolitan area in the United States and the fourth largest metropolitan area in North America and the largest within the Midwest, and the largest in the Great Lakes megalopolis. Its urban area is one of the forty largest in the world. According to the 2020 Census, the metropolitan's population is approaching the 10 million mark. The metropolitan area has seen a substantial increase of Latin American residents on top of its already large Latino population, and the Asian American population also increased according to the 2020 Census. The metro area has a large number of White, Black, Asian, and Arab American residents, and also has Native American residents in the region, making the Chicago metropolitan area population truly diverse. The Chicago metropolitan area represents about 3 percent of the entire US population. Chicagoland has one of the world's largest and most diversified economies. With more than six million full and part-time employees, the Chicago metropolitan area is a key factor of the Illinois economy, as the state has an annual GDP of over $1 trillion. The Chicago metropolitan area generated an annual gross regional product of approximately $700 billion in 2018. The region is home to more than 400 major corporate headquarters, including 31 in the Fortune 500 such as McDonald's, United, and Blue Cross Blue Shield. With many companies moving to Chicagoland, and many current companies expanding, the area ranked as the nation's top metropolitan area for corporation relocations and expansions for nine consecutive years, the most consecutive years for any region in the country. The Chicago area is home to a number of the nation's leading research universities including the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, DePaul University, Loyola University, and the Illinois Institute of Technology . The University of Chicago and Northwestern University are consistently ranked as two of the best universities in the world. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Denver <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Denver <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Denver <p> capital of <o> Colorado <s> Denver <p> part of <o> Denver metropolitan area <s> Denver <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−07:00 <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Denver <p> coextensive with <o> Denver County <s> Denver <p> Köppen climate classification <o> cold semi-arid climate <s> Denver <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Denver <s> Denver <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Denver, Colorado <s> Denver <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Denver, Colorado <s> Denver <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Denver <s> Denver <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Denver metropolitan area <s> Denver <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Denver <s> Denver <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Denver <s> Denver <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Potenza <s> Denver <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Denver <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chennai <s> Denver <p> list of monuments <o> National Register of Historic Places listings in Denver, Colorado <s> Denver <p> part of <o> Southwestern United States <s> Denver <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Denver, Colorado <s> Denver <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> Denver <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Denver <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Denver <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Denver <s> Denver <p> capital of <o> Denver County <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nairobi <s> Denver <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Denver, Colorado <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cuernavaca <s> Denver <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Denver <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kunming <s> Denver <p> shares border with <o> Aurora <s> Denver <p> head of government <o> Michael Johnston <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Karmiel <s> Denver <p> head of government <o> Michael Hancock <s> Denver <p> flag <o> flag of Denver <s> Denver <p> shares border with <o> Lakewood <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Axum <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Brest <s> Denver <p> named after <o> James W. Denver <s> Denver <p> instance of <o> consolidated city-county <s> Denver <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Denver County <s> Denver <p> located in or next to body of water <o> South Platte River <s> Denver <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Cherry Creek <s> Denver <p> shares border with <o> Englewood <s> Denver <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ulaanbaatar <s> Denver <p> twinned administrative body <o> Takayama <s> Denver <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Chicago <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> instance of <o> public office <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> subclass of <o> mayor of a place in Illinois <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> part of <o> Government of Chicago <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Mayors of Chicago <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Government of Chicago <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> officeholder <o> Brandon Johnson <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> has list <o> list of Chicago mayors <s> Mayor of Chicago <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Mayors of Chicago <s> Great Chicago Fire <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Great Chicago Fire <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Great Chicago Fire <p> location <o> Chicago <s> Great Chicago Fire <p> instance of <o> city fire <s> Great Chicago Fire <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Great Chicago Fire <s> Grand <p> owned by <o> Chicago <s> Grand <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Grand <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Grand <p> different from <o> Grand <s> Grand <p> different from <o> Grand <s> Grand <p> different from <o> Grand station <s> Grand <p> adjacent station <o> Clark/Lake <s> Grand <p> adjacent station <o> Chicago <s> Grand <p> instance of <o> metro station <s> Grand <p> state of use <o> in use <s> Grand <p> connecting line <o> Blue Line <s> Grand <p> transport network <o> Chicago 'L' <s> demographics of Chicago <p> location <o> Chicago <s> demographics of Chicago <p> country <o> United States of America <s> demographics of Chicago <p> instance of <o> demographics of country or region <s> demographics of Chicago <p> subclass of <o> demographics of Illinois <s> demographics of Chicago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Demographics of Chicago, Illinois <s> history of Chicago <p> facet of <o> Chicago <s> history of Chicago <p> country <o> United States of America <s> history of Chicago <p> instance of <o> aspect of history <s> history of Chicago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Chicago <s> Cook County <p> different from <o> Cook County <s> Cook County <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Cook County <p> different from <o> Cook County <s> Cook County <p> different from <o> Cooke County <s> Cook County <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Illinois <s> Cook County <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Cook County, Illinois <s> Cook County <p> capital <o> Chicago <s> Cook County <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Cook County, Illinois <s> Cook County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Cook County <p> located in time zone <o> Central Time Zone <s> Cook County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Cook County <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> Berrien County <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> Will County <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> DuPage County <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> Lake County <s> Cook County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Maywood <s> Cook County <p> authority <o> Cook County Government <s> Cook County <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cook County, Illinois <s> Cook County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barrington <s> Cook County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bridgeview <s> Cook County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oak Lawn <s> Cook County <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Cook County, Illinois <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> Kane County <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> McHenry County <s> Cook County <p> instance of <o> county of Illinois <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> Lake County <s> Cook County <p> shares border with <o> Porter County <s> Cook County <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Cook County, Illinois <s> Cook County <p> list of monuments <o> National Register of Historic Places listings in Cook County, Illinois, outside Chicago and Evanston <s> Cook County <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Glenview <s> Cook County <p> named after <o> Daniel Pope Cook <s> Cook County <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Cook County, Illinois <s> Cook County <p> flag <o> flag of Cook County <s> Century of Progress <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Century of Progress <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Century of Progress <p> instance of <o> world's fair <s> Century of Progress <p> approved by <o> Bureau of International Expositions <s> Century of Progress <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Century of Progress <s> Century of Progress <p> archives at <o> University of Maryland Libraries <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> country <o> United States of America <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> location <o> Chicago <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> instance of <o> world's fair <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> followed by <o> Brussels International Exposition (1897) <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> archives at <o> University of Maryland Libraries <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> approved by <o> Bureau of International Expositions <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> topic's main category <o> Category:World's Columbian Exposition <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> follows <o> Exposition Universelle of 1889 <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> has part(s) <o> World's Congress of Representative Women <s> World's Columbian Exposition <p> commemorates <o> Columbus quadricentennial <s> Skokie <p> shares border with <o> Chicago <s> Skokie <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Skokie <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cook County <s> Skokie <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Skokie, Illinois <s> Skokie <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Skokie, Illinois <s> Skokie <p> shares border with <o> Glenview <s> Skokie <p> shares border with <o> Morton Grove <s> Skokie <p> shares border with <o> Lincolnwood <s> Skokie <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Skokie, Illinois <s> Skokie <p> shares border with <o> Evanston <s> Skokie <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Skokie, Illinois <s> Skokie <p> instance of <o> village <s> Skokie <p> shares border with <o> Wilmette <s> Skokie <p> shares border with <o> Niles <s> Skokie <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Chicago metropolitan area </Graph>
<Text> :Denver is a consolidated city and county, the capital, and most populous city of the U.S. state of Colorado. Its population was 715,522 at the 2020 census, a 19.22% increase since 2010. It is the 19th-most populous city in the United States and the fifth most populous state capital. It is the principal city of the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood metropolitan statistical area, the most populous metropolitan statistical area in Colorado and the first city of the Front Range Urban Corridor. Denver is in the western United States, in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. Its downtown district is immediately east of the confluence of Cherry Creek and the South Platte River, about 12 miles east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. It is named after James W. Denver, a governor of the Kansas Territory. It is nicknamed the Mile High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile above sea level. The 105th meridian west of Greenwich, the longitudinal reference for the Mountain Time Zone, passes directly through Denver Union Station. Denver is ranked as a Beta world city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. The 10-county Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area had a population of 2,963,821 at the 2020 United States census, making it the 19th most populous U.S. metropolitan statistical area. The 12-county Denver-Aurora, CO Combined Statistical Area had a population of 3,623,560 at the 2020 U.S. census, making it the 17th most populous U.S. primary statistical area. Denver is the most populous city of the 18-county Front Range Urban Corridor, an oblong urban region stretching across two states with a population of 5,055,344 at the 2020 U.S. census. Its metropolitan area is the most populous within a 560-mile radius and it is the second-most populous city in the Mountain West after Phoenix, Arizona. In 2016, it was named the best place to live in the United States by U.S. News & World Report. The greater Denver area was inhabited by several Indigenous peoples such as Apaches, Utes, Cheyennes, Comanches, and Arapahoes. Native American names for Denver include Arapaho: Niineniiniicie, Navajo: K'iishzhininli, and Tuapu . By the terms of the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie between the United States and various tribes including the Cheyenne and Arapaho, the United States unilaterally defined and recognized Cheyenne and Arapaho territory as ranging from the North Platte River in present-day Wyoming and Nebraska southward to the Arkansas River in present-day Colorado and Kansas. This definition specifically encompasses the land of modern Metropolitan Denver. But the discovery in November 1858 of gold in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado brought on a gold rush and a consequent flood of white immigration across Cheyenne and Arapaho lands. Colorado territorial officials pressured federal authorities to redefine and reduce the extent of Indian treaty lands. The mayor of Chicago is the chief executive of city government in Chicago, Illinois, the third-largest city in the United States. The mayor is responsible for the administration and management of various city departments, submits proposals and recommendations to the Chicago City Council, is active in the enforcement of the city's ordinances, submits the city's annual budget and appoints city officers, department commissioners or directors, and members of city boards and commissions. During sessions of the city council, the mayor serves as the presiding officer. The mayor is not allowed to vote on issues except in certain instances, most notably where the vote taken on a matter before the body results in a tie. The first mayor was William B. Ogden . Forty-six men and two women , have held the office. Two sets of father and son have been elected Mayor of Chicago: Carter Harrison, Sr. and Carter Harrison, Jr. , as well as Richard J. Daley and Richard M. Daley . Carter Harrison, Jr. was the first mayor to have been born in the city. As an interim mayor, David Duvall Orr held the office for one week, the shortest time period. Richard M. Daley was elected six times becoming Chicago's longest-serving mayor, his 22 years surpassing his father's record of 21 years. The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned in the American city of Chicago during October 8-10, 1871. The fire killed approximately 300 people, destroyed roughly 3.3 square miles of the city including over 17,000 structures, and left more than 100,000 residents homeless. The fire began in a neighborhood southwest of the city center. A long period of hot, dry, windy conditions, and the wooden construction prevalent in the city, led to the conflagration. The fire leapt the south branch of the Chicago River and destroyed much of central Chicago and then leapt the main stem of the river, consuming the Near North Side. Help flowed to the city from near and far after the fire. The city government improved building codes to stop the rapid spread of future fires and rebuilt rapidly to those higher standards. A donation from the United Kingdom spurred the establishment of the Chicago Public Library. The fire is said to have started at about 8:30 p.m. on October 8, in or around a small barn belonging to the O'Leary family that bordered the alley behind 137 W. DeKoven Street. The shed next to the barn was the first building to be consumed by the fire. City officials never determined the cause of the blaze, but the rapid spread of the fire due to a long drought in that year's summer, strong winds from the southwest, and the rapid destruction of the water pumping system, explain the extensive damage of the mainly wooden city structures. There has been much speculation over the years on a single start to the fire. The most popular tale blames Mrs. O'Leary's cow, who allegedly knocked over a lantern; others state that a group of men were gambling inside the barn and knocked over a lantern. Still other speculation suggests that the blaze was related to other fires in the Midwest that day. The fire's spread was aided by the city's use of wood as the predominant building material in a style called balloon frame. More than two-thirds of the structures in Chicago at the time of the fire were made entirely of wood, with most of the houses and buildings being topped with highly combustible tar or shingle roofs. All of the city's sidewalks and many roads were also made of wood. Compounding this problem, Chicago received only 1 inch of rain from July 4 to October 9, causing severe drought conditions before the fire, while strong southwest winds helped to carry flying embers toward the heart of the city.: 144 Chicago's demographics show that it is a large, and ethnically and culturally diverse metropolis. It is the third largest city and metropolitan area in the United States by population. Chicago was home to over 2.7 million people in 2020, accounting for over 25% of the population in the Chicago metropolitan area, home to approximately 9.6 million. The racial makeup of the city in 2020 was 35.9% White, 29.2% Black, 7% Asian, 1.3% Native American or Alaska Native, 10.8% from two or more races, and 15.8% from some other race. The ethnic makeup of the population is 29.8% Hispanic, with 70.2% belonging to a non Hispanic background. English is the primary language of the city. Christianity is the predominant faith. During its first century as a city, Chicago grew at a rate that ranked among the fastest growing in the world. Within the span of forty years, the city's population grew from slightly under 30,000 to over 1 million by 1890. By the close of the 19th century, Chicago was the fifth largest city in the world. Within fifty years of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, the population had tripled to over 3 million. The city's population peaked in the 1950 Census, although two of the three most recent Censuses as of 2024 have shown moderate growth. In the 2010 United States Census, there were 2,695,598 people and 1,194,337 households residing within the city limits of Chicago. More than half the population of the state of Illinois lives in the Chicago metropolitan area. The 2000 United States Census had shown the population density of the city itself was 12,750.3 people per square mile , making it one of the nation's most densely populated cities. There were 1,152,868 housing units at an average density of 5,075.8 per square mile . Chicago has played a central role in American economic, cultural and political history. Since the 1850s Chicago has been one of the dominant metropolises in the Midwestern United States, and has been the largest city in the Midwest since the 1880 census. The area's recorded history begins with the arrival of French explorers, missionaries and fur traders in the late 17th century and their interaction with the local Pottawatomie Native Americans. Jean Baptiste Point du Sable was the first permanent non-indigenous settler in the area, having a house at the mouth of the Chicago River in the late 18th century. There were small settlements and a U.S. Army fort, but the soldiers and settlers were all driven off in 1812. The modern city was incorporated in 1837 by Northern businessmen and grew rapidly from real estate speculation and the realization that it had a commanding position in the emerging inland transportation network, based on lake traffic and railroads, controlling access from the Great Lakes into the Mississippi River basin. Despite a fire in 1871 that destroyed the Central Business District, the city grew exponentially, becoming the nation's rail center and the dominant Midwestern center for manufacturing, commerce, finance, higher education, religion, broadcasting, sports, jazz, and high culture. The city was a magnet for European immigrants--at first Germans, Irish and Scandinavians, then from the 1890s to 1914, Jews, Czechs, Poles and Italians. They were all absorbed in the city's powerful ward-based political machines. Many joined militant labor unions, and Chicago became notorious for its violent strikes, but respected for its high wages. Large numbers of African Americans migrated from the South starting in the World War I era as part of the Great Migration. Mexicans started arriving after 1910, and Puerto Ricans after 1945. The Cook County suburbs grew rapidly after 1945, but the Democratic party machine kept both the city and suburbs under control, especially under mayor Richard J. Daley, who was chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party. Deindustrialization after 1970 closed the stockyards and most of the steel mills and factories, but the city retained its role as a financial and transportation hub. Increasingly it emphasized its service roles in medicine, higher education, and tourism. The city formed the political base for leaders such as Stephen A. Douglas in the 1850s, Adlai Stevenson in the 1950s, and Barack Obama in recent years. At its first appearance in records by explorers, the Chicago area was inhabited by a number of Algonquian peoples, including the Mascouten and Miami. The name "Chicago" is derived from a French rendering of the Native American word shikaakwa, known to botanists as Allium tricoccum, from the Miami-Illinois language. The first known reference to the site of the current city of Chicago as "Checagou" was by Robert de LaSalle around 1679 in a memoir. Henri Joutel, in his journal of 1688, noted that the wild garlic, called "chicagoua", grew abundantly in the area. According to his diary of late September 1687: Cook County is the most populous county in the U.S. state of Illinois and the second-most-populous county in the United States, after Los Angeles County, California. More than 40 percent of all residents of Illinois live within Cook County. As of 2020, the population was 5,275,541. The county seat is Chicago, the most populous city in Illinois and the third most populous city in the United States. The county is at the center of the Chicago metropolitan area. Cook County was incorporated in 1831 and named for Daniel Pope Cook, an early Illinois statesman. It achieved its present boundaries in 1839. Within a century, the county recorded explosive population growth, going from a trading post village with a little over six hundred residents to four million, rivaling Paris by the Great Depression. During the first half of the 20th century it had the absolute majority of Illinois's population. There are more than 800 local governmental units and nearly 130 municipalities located wholly or partially within Cook County, the largest of which is Chicago. The city is home to approximately 54 percent of the entire county's population. The part of the county outside of the Chicago and Evanston city limits is divided into 29 townships; these often divide or share governmental services with local municipalities. Townships within Chicago were abolished in 1902 but are retained for real estate assessment purposes. Evanston Township was formerly coterminous with the City of Evanston but was abolished in 2014. County government is overseen by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, and countywide state government offices include the Circuit Court of Cook County, the Cook County State's Attorney, the Cook County Sheriff, the Cook County Assessor, and Cook County Treasurer. Geographically, the county is the sixth-largest in Illinois by land area and the largest by total area. It shares the state's Lake Michigan shoreline with Lake County. Including its lake area, Cook County has a total area of 1,635 square miles , the largest county in Illinois, of which 945 square miles is land and 690 square miles is water. Land-use in Cook County is mostly urban and densely populated. Within Cook County, the state of Illinois took advantage of its Lake Michigan access and the Chicago Portage, beginning with the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal in 1848. This helped make the region a central transit hub for the nation. Chicago, with its location on the Great Lakes and via the St. Lawrence Seaway, is a global port city, giving Cook County an international shipping port. A Century of Progress International Exposition, also known as the Chicago World's Fair, was a world's fair held in the city of Chicago, Illinois, United States, from 1933 to 1934. The fair, registered under the Bureau International des Expositions , celebrated the city's centennial. Designed largely in Art Deco style, the theme of the fair was technological innovation, and its motto was "Science Finds, Industry Applies, Man Conforms", trumpeting the message that science and American life were wedded. Its architectural symbol was the Sky Ride, a transporter bridge perpendicular to the shore on which one could ride from one side of the fair to the other. One description of the fair noted that the world, "then still mired in the malaise of the Great Depression, could glimpse a happier not-too-distant future, all driven by innovation in science and technology". Fair visitors saw the latest wonders in rail travel, automobiles, architecture and even cigarette-smoking robots. The exposition "emphasized technology and progress, a utopia, or perfect world, founded on democracy and manufacturing." A Century of Progress was organized as an Illinois nonprofit corporation in January 1928 for the purpose of planning and hosting a World's Fair in Chicago in 1934. City officials designated three and a half miles of newly reclaimed land along the shore of Lake Michigan between 12th and 39th streets on the Near South Side for the fairgrounds. Held on a 427 acres portion of Burnham Park, the $37,500,000 exposition was formally opened on May 27, 1933, by U.S. Postmaster General James Farley at a four-hour ceremony at Soldier Field. The fair's opening night began with a nod to the heavens. Lights were automatically activated when the rays of the star Arcturus were detected. The star was chosen as its light had started its journey at about the time of the previous Chicago world's fair--the World's Columbian Exposition--in 1893. The rays were focused on photoelectric cells in a series of astronomical observatories and then transformed into electrical energy which was transmitted to Chicago. The fair buildings were multi-colored, to create a "Rainbow City" as compared to the "White City" of Chicago's earlier World's Columbian Exposition. The buildings generally followed Moderne architecture in contrast to the neoclassical themes used at the 1893 fair. One famous feature of the fair were the performances of fan dancer Sally Rand. Hal Pearl then known as "Chicago's Youngest Organist" and later "The King of the Organ" was the official organist of the fair. Other popular exhibits were the various auto manufacturers, the Midway , and a recreation of important scenes from Chicago's history. The fair also contained exhibits that would seem shocking to modern audiences, including offensive portrayals of African Americans, a "Midget City" complete with "sixty Lilliputians", and an exhibition of incubators containing real babies. The World's Columbian Exposition, also known as the Chicago World's Fair, was a world's fair held in Chicago from May 5 to October 31, 1893, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492. The centerpiece of the Fair, held in Jackson Park, was a large water pool representing the voyage that Columbus took to the New World. Chicago won the right to host the fair over several competing cities, including New York City, Washington, D.C., and St. Louis. The exposition was an influential social and cultural event and had a profound effect on American architecture, the arts, American industrial optimism, and Chicago's image. The layout of the Chicago Columbian Exposition was predominantly designed by John Wellborn Root, Daniel Burnham, Frederick Law Olmsted, and Charles B. Atwood. It was the prototype of what Burnham and his colleagues thought a city should be. It was designed to follow Beaux-Arts principles of design, namely neoclassical architecture principles based on symmetry, balance, and splendor. The color of the material generally used to cover the buildings' facades white staff gave the fairgrounds its nickname, the White City. Many prominent architects designed its 14 "great buildings". Artists and musicians were featured in exhibits and many also made depictions and works of art inspired by the exposition. The exposition covered 690 acres , featuring nearly 200 new but temporary buildings of predominantly neoclassical architecture, canals and lagoons, and people and cultures from 46 countries. More than 27 million people attended the exposition during its six-month run. Its scale and grandeur far exceeded the other world's fairs, and it became a symbol of emerging American exceptionalism, much in the same way that the Great Exhibition became a symbol of the Victorian era United Kingdom. Dedication ceremonies for the fair were held on October 21, 1892, but the fairgrounds were not actually opened to the public until May 1, 1893. The fair continued until October 30, 1893. In addition to recognizing the 400th anniversary of the "discovery of the New World" from the European perspective, the fair also served to show the world that Chicago had risen from the ashes of the Great Chicago Fire, which had destroyed much of the city in 1871. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Blue Island <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Blue Island, Illinois <s> Blue Island <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Blue Island <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Blue Island, Illinois <s> Blue Island <p> shares border with <o> Posen <s> Blue Island <p> shares border with <o> Calumet Park <s> Blue Island <p> shares border with <o> Robbins <s> Blue Island <p> shares border with <o> Chicago <s> Blue Island <p> shares border with <o> Dixmoor <s> Blue Island <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Blue Island <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cook County <s> Blue Island <p> shares border with <o> Riverdale <s> Blue Island <p> shares border with <o> Alsip <s> Category:Chicago <p> category's main topic <o> Chicago <s> Category:Chicago <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> geography of Chicago <p> country <o> United States of America <s> geography of Chicago <p> facet of <o> Chicago <s> geography of Chicago <p> instance of <o> geography of geographic location <s> geography of Chicago <p> subclass of <o> geography of Illinois <s> geography of Chicago <p> subclass of <o> urban geography <s> geography of Chicago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Geography of Chicago <s> Oak Park <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Oak Park <p> shares border with <o> Chicago <s> Oak Park <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cook County <s> Oak Park <p> instance of <o> suburb <s> Oak Park <p> instance of <o> village <s> Oak Park <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Oak Park, Illinois <s> Oak Park <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Oak Park, Illinois <s> Oak Park <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Oak Park <s> Oak Park <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Oak Park, Illinois <s> Category:Deaths in Chicago <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> Chicago <s> Category:Deaths in Chicago <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Chicago <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Chicago <s> Category:Deaths in Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Lake Michigan <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Lake Michigan <p> part of <o> Great Lakes <s> Lake Michigan <p> basin country <o> United States of America <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Lake Michigan <p> has part(s) <o> Green Bay <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lake Michigan <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Lake Michigan <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Lake Michigan <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Lake Michigan <s> Lake Michigan <p> shares border with <o> Upper Peninsula of Michigan <s> Lake Michigan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Michigan <s> Lake Michigan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Illinois <s> Lake Michigan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Wisconsin <s> Lake Michigan <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Lake Michigan <p> shares border with <o> Lower Peninsula of Michigan <s> Lake Michigan <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Lake Michigan <p> outflows <o> Lake Huron <s> Lake Michigan <p> part of <o> Lake Michigan–Huron <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Kalamazoo River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Fox River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Milwaukee River <s> Lake Michigan <p> instance of <o> lake <s> Lake Michigan <p> drainage basin <o> Lake Michigan drainage basin <s> Lake Michigan <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Lake Michigan <s> Lake Michigan <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Indiana <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Grand River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Calumet River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> St. Joseph River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Ahnapee River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Crystal River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Carp Lake River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Cut River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Root River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Big Sable River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Galien River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Platte River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Trail Creek <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Manistee River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Manistique River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Oconto River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Dunes Creek <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Pointe aux Chenes River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Pere Marquette Lake <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Escanaba River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Sheboygan River <s> Lake Michigan <p> inflows <o> Leland River <s> Category:Burials in Chicago by place <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Chicago by place <p> category combines topics <o> Chicago <s> Category:Burials in Chicago by place <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Category:Burials in Chicago by place <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> Chicago <s> Category:Films shot in Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Category:Films shot in Chicago <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Chicago <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Chicago <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Chicago <s> city of Illinois <p> subclass of <o> city in the United States <s> city of Illinois <p> subclass of <o> municipality of Illinois <s> Portal:Chicago <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Chicago <s> Portal:Chicago <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal <s> Portal:Chicago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chicago portal </Graph>
<Text> :Blue Island is a city in Cook County, Illinois, United States, located approximately 16 miles south of Chicago's Loop. Blue Island is adjacent to the city of Chicago and shares its northern boundary with that city's Morgan Park neighborhood. The population was 22,558 at the 2020 United States Census. Blue Island was established in the 1830s as a way station for settlers traveling on the Vincennes Trace, and the settlement prospered because it was conveniently situated a day's journey outside of Chicago. The late-nineteenth-century historian and publisher Alfred T. Andreas made the following observation regarding the appearance of the young community in History of Cook County Illinois , "The location of Blue Island Village is a beautiful one. Nowhere about Chicago is there to be found a more pleasant and desirable resident locality." Since its founding, the city has been an important commercial center in the south Cook County region, although its position in that respect has been eclipsed in recent years as other significant population centers developed around it and the region's commercial resources became spread over a wider area. In addition to its broad long-standing industrial base, the city enjoyed notable growth in the 1840s during the construction of the feeder canal for the Illinois and Michigan Canal and as the center of a large brick-making industry beginning in the 1850s, which eventually gave Blue Island the status of brick-making capital of the world. Beginning in 1883, Blue Island was also host to the car shops of the Rock Island Railroad. Blue Island was home to several breweries, who used the east side of the hill to store their product before the advent of refrigeration, until the Eighteenth Amendment made these breweries illegal in 1919. A large regional hospital and two major clinics are also located in the city. Although initially settled by "Yankee" stock, Blue Island has been the point of entry for many of America's immigrants, beginning in the 1840s with the arrival of a large German population that remained a prominent part of the city's ethnic makeup for many years. By 1850, half of Blue Island's population was either foreign-born or the children of foreign-born residents. Later, significant groups came from Italy, Poland, Sweden and Mexico. Chicago is the third largest city in the United States with an estimated population of 2,744,388 within the city limits in 2020. It is located in the state of Illinois, on the shores of Lake Michigan. The city is the county seat of Cook County. The city of Chicago is located in northern Illinois, United States, at the south western tip of Lake Michigan. It sits on the Saint Lawrence Seaway continental divide at the site of the Chicago Portage, an ancient trade route connecting the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes watersheds. Chicago's present natural geography is a result of the large glaciers of the Ice Age, namely the Wisconsinan Glaciation that carved out the modern basin of Lake Michigan . The city of Chicago itself sits on the Chicago Plain, a flat plain that was once the bottom of ancestral Lake Chicago. This plain has very little topographical relief; in fact, topographical relief is so unusual in the plain that what would be unnoticed hills and ridges in other locales have been given names. The highest natural point within the city limits is in the Beverly neighborhood at 41deg42'12.5''N 87deg40'37''W / 41.703472degN 87.67694degW / 41.703472; -87.67694 at 672 ft . In pioneer days, this hill was called Blue Island, so named because at a distance it looked like an island set in a trackless prairie sea. In fact, it and the nearby Stony Island were both islands in Lake Chicago as it receded. On the North side, the diagonals Clark Street and Ridge Boulevard run along ridges that were once sandbars in the Lake. One special feature of the Chicago area was the now-vanished Mud Lake in the Des Plaines River watershed. During heavy periods of rain or when the Des Plaines overflowed its banks due to downstream ice dams in the early spring, the river would flow through Mud Lake to the South Branch of the Chicago River, forming a favorite portage for early traders and creating the path of the future I&M and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canals. When the city we know today was initially founded in the 1830s, the land was swampy and most of the early building began on low dunes around the Chicago River's mouth. Indeed, Chicago's low lying geography, which ultimately became crucial to its boom town development , could not initially attract substantial early settlement because the tall grass prairie around its lake and river systems was underlain by hard packed glacial clay, making much of the area forbidding wetlands. Thus, the paradox of Chicago's development as a city in the 19th century became taking advantage of this geography, but also overcoming its limitations. North of the city of Chicago, there are steep bluffs and ravines that run along Lake Michigan. In contrast, south of the city of Chicago into Northwest Indiana it is without bluffs, but instead has sand dunes. The greatest example of these can be seen at Indiana Dunes National Park, where some dunes reach up to almost 200 feet. Farther inland, a series of moraines surrounds the Chicago Plain. This surrounding area is hilly and higher than the Chicago Plain. Past the moraines, the land flattens out again, but is interspersed with a few deep river valleys such as the Illinois River, Fox River, Des Plaines River, and Kankakee River. Here you may find rock cliffs and rock ravines, which are absent from the interior Chicago area . Lake Michigan is one of the five Great Lakes of North America. It is the second-largest of the Great Lakes by volume ) and the third-largest by surface area ), after Lake Superior and Lake Huron. To the east, its basin is conjoined with that of Lake Huron through the 3+1/2-mile wide, 295-foot deep Straits of Mackinac, giving it the same surface elevation as its easterly counterpart; the two are geologically a single lake. Lake Michigan is the only one of the five Great Lakes located fully in the United States; the other four are shared between the United States and Canada. Lake Michigan is the world's largest lake by area located fully in one country. It is shared, from west to east, by the U.S. states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Ports along its shores include Chicago in Illinois, Gary in Indiana, Milwaukee and Green Bay in Wisconsin, and Muskegon in Michigan. In the north the lake is flanked by long bays, including Green Bay in the northwest, and Grand Traverse and Little Traverse bays in the northeast. The word "Michigan" is believed to come from the Ojibwe word misikami meaning "great water". Some of the most studied early human inhabitants of the Lake Michigan region were the Hopewell Native Americans. Their culture declined after 800 AD and for the next few hundred years, the region was the home of peoples known as the Late Woodland Native Americans. In the early 17th century, when western European explorers made their first forays into the region, they encountered descendants of the Late Woodland Native Americans: the historic Chippewa; Menominee; Sauk; Fox; Winnebago; Miami; Ottawa; and Potawatomi peoples. The French explorer Jean Nicolet is believed to have been the first European to reach Lake Michigan, possibly in 1634 or 1638. In the earliest European maps of the region, the name of Lake Illinois has been found in addition to that of "Michigan", named for the Illinois Confederation of tribes. During the 1640s and 1650s, the Beaver Wars over the fur trade with the European colonies, initiated by the Iroquois, forced a massive demographic shift as their western neighbors fled the violence. They sought refuge west and north of Lake Michigan. The Straits of Mackinac were an important Native American and fur trade route. Located on the southern side of the straits is the town of Mackinaw City, Michigan, the site of Fort Michilimackinac, a reconstructed French fort founded in 1715, and on the northern side is St. Ignace, Michigan, site of a French Catholic mission to the Indians, founded in 1671. In 1673, Jacques Marquette, Louis Jolliet and their crew of five Metis voyageurs followed Lake Michigan to Green Bay and up the Fox River, nearly to its headwaters, in their search for the Mississippi River. By the late 18th century, the eastern end of the straits was controlled by Fort Mackinac on Mackinac Island, a British colonial and early American military base and fur trade center, founded in 1781. Chicago is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Illinois and the third-most populous in the United States after New York City and Los Angeles. With a population of 2,746,388 in the 2020 census, it is also the most populous city in the Midwest. As the seat of Cook County, the second-most populous county in the U.S., Chicago is the center of the Chicago metropolitan area. Chicago is an international hub for finance, culture, commerce, industry, education, technology, telecommunications, and transportation. It has the largest and most diverse derivatives market in the world, generating 20% of all volume in commodities and financial futures alone. O'Hare International Airport is routinely ranked among the world's top six busiest airports by passenger traffic, and the region is also the nation's railroad hub. The Chicago area has one of the highest gross domestic products in the world, generating $689 billion in 2018. Chicago's economy is diverse, with no single industry employing more than 14% of the workforce. The Chicago White Sox are a Major League Baseball franchise based in Chicago, Illinois. They play in the American League Central division. Since the institution of MLB's Rule 4 Draft, the White Sox have selected 62 players in the first round. Of the 62 players picked in the first round by the Chicago White Sox, 31 have been pitchers, the most of any position. Ten outfielders, eight catchers, five shortstops, five third basemen, and three first basemen were also taken but never a player at second base. Fourteen of the players came from high schools or universities in the state of California, and Florida follows with seven players. The White Sox have also drafted six players from their home state of Illinois. One player has won a championship with the team; Aaron Rowand was part of the 2005 World Series championship team. Frank Thomas was a member of the Chicago White Sox for 16 years, including the 2005 season, but was not part of the World Series roster due to injury. Thomas is also the only first-round draft pick to win the Most Valuable Player Award, winning the honor in both 1993 and 1994. One pick, 1987 selection Jack McDowell, has won the Cy Young Award with the team . The White Sox had the first overall selection twice in the draft, which they used on Danny Goodwin and Harold Baines . The White Sox have failed to sign three of their first-round picks: Danny Goodwin , Steve Buechele , and Bobby Seay . The White Sox did not receive any compensation for Goodwin or Buechele, but they did receive the 51st pick in 1997 for failing to sign Seay. History of Chicago: Windy City * 1871 Great Chicago Fire * Haymarket affair * World's Columbian Exposition * Chicago race riot of 1919 * Chicago Board of Trade * McDonald's * Millennium Park * Cook County Democratic Party </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Des Plaines <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Des Plaines <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Des Plaines <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Des Plaines <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Chicago metropolitan area <s> Des Plaines <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Des Plaines, Illinois <s> Des Plaines <p> shares border with <o> Chicago <s> Des Plaines <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Des Plaines, Illinois <s> Des Plaines <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cook County <s> Des Plaines <p> shares border with <o> Rosemont <s> Des Plaines <p> shares border with <o> Glenview <s> Des Plaines <p> shares border with <o> Elk Grove Village <s> Des Plaines <p> shares border with <o> Park Ridge <s> Des Plaines <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Des Plaines <p> shares border with <o> Mount Prospect <s> Category:People from Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Chicago <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> Chicago <s> Category:People from Chicago <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Chicago <p> list related to category <o> list of people from Chicago <s> Category:People from Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Brandon Johnson <p> instance of <o> human <s> Brandon Johnson <p> country of citizenship <o> United States of America <s> Brandon Johnson <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Brandon Johnson <p> member of political party <o> Democratic Party <s> Brandon Johnson <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Brandon Johnson <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Brandon Johnson <p> occupation <o> teacher <s> Brandon Johnson <p> educated at <o> Aurora University <s> Brandon Johnson <p> place of birth <o> Elgin <s> Brandon Johnson <p> family name <o> Johnson <s> Brandon Johnson <p> position held <o> Mayor of Chicago <s> Brandon Johnson <p> given name <o> Brandon <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> owned by <o> Chicago <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> connecting service <o> Purple Line Express <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> transport network <o> Chicago 'L' <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> instance of <o> metro station <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> instance of <o> elevated station <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> connecting service <o> Green Line <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> connecting service <o> Pink Line <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> connecting service <o> Orange Line <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> connecting service <o> Brown Line <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> adjacent station <o> Adams/Wabash <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> adjacent station <o> State/Lake <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> connecting line <o> The Loop <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> different from <o> Washington/Wells <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> different from <o> Washington station <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> different from <o> Washington station <s> Washington/Wabash station <p> state of use <o> in use <s> WikiProject Chicago <p> main subject <o> Chicago <s> WikiProject Chicago <p> instance of <o> WikiProject <s> WikiProject Chicago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:WikiProject Chicago <s> Category:Births in Chicago <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> Chicago <s> Category:Births in Chicago <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Chicago <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Chicago <s> Category:Births in Chicago <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Park Ridge <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Park Ridge <p> shares border with <o> Chicago <s> Park Ridge <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Park Ridge, Illinois <s> Park Ridge <p> shares border with <o> Maine Township <s> Park Ridge <p> shares border with <o> Edison Park <s> Park Ridge <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Park Ridge <s> Park Ridge <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cook County <s> Park Ridge <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Park Ridge, Illinois <s> Park Ridge <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Park Ridge, Illinois <s> Park Ridge <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Park Ridge <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kinver <s> Evanston <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Chicago metropolitan area <s> Evanston <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Evanston <p> shares border with <o> Chicago <s> Evanston <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cook County <s> Evanston <p> shares border with <o> Wilmette <s> Evanston <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Evanston <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Evanston <p> shares border with <o> Skokie <s> Evanston <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Evanston <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Evanston <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Evanston <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Evanston <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Evanston <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Evanston, Illinois <s> Evanston <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Evanston <s> Evanston <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Evanston, Illinois <s> Evanston <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Born in Evanston, Illinois <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> instance of <o> human <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of France <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject African diaspora <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> place of birth <o> Saint-Marc <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> place of death <o> St. Charles <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> occupation <o> merchant <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> occupation <o> pioneer <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Jean Baptiste Point du Sable <p> given name <o> Jean <s> Fort Dearborn <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Fort Dearborn <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Fort Dearborn <p> followed by <o> Chicago <s> Fort Dearborn <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fort Dearborn <s> Fort Dearborn <p> named after <o> Henry Dearborn <s> Fort Dearborn <p> described by source <o> FortWiki <s> Fort Dearborn <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Fort Dearborn <p> instance of <o> destroyed building or structure <s> Fort Dearborn <p> instance of <o> fort <s> Fort Dearborn <p> architect <o> John Whistler <s> Fort Dearborn <p> heritage designation <o> Chicago Landmark </Graph>
<Text> :Des Plaines is a city in Cook County, Illinois, United States. Per the 2020 census, the population was 60,675. The city is a suburb of Chicago and is located just north of O'Hare International Airport. It is situated on and is named after the Des Plaines River, which runs through the city just east of its downtown area. Potawatomi, Ottawa, and Ojibwe Native American tribes inhabited the Des Plaines River Valley prior to Europeans' arrival. When French explorers and missionaries arrived in the 1600s in what was then the Illinois Country of New France, they named the waterway La Riviere des Plaines as they felt that trees on the river resembled European plane trees. The first white settlers came from the eastern United States in 1833, after the 1833 Treaty of Chicago was negotiated, followed by many German immigrants during the 1840s and '50s. In the 1850s, the land in this area was purchased by the Illinois and Wisconsin Land Company along a railroad line planned between Chicago and Janesville, Wisconsin. In 1852, the developers built a steam-powered mill next to the river to cut local trees into railroad ties. Socrates Rand then bought the mill and converted it into a grist mill, which attracted local farmers. The Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad made its first stop in the area in the fall of 1854. In 1857, the Chicago, St. Paul, and Fond du Lac Railroad began running its route, stopping near the mill on the Des Plaines river, where a small business section had grown up. The railroad platted the prospective town of Rand at the site. In 1859, the Chicago and North Western Railway purchased the rail line, giving the train station the name "Des Plaines." In 1869, the Rand subdivision's name was changed to Des Plaines, and the village of Des Plaines was then incorporated. In 1925, village residents voted to convert to a city form of government and annexed the village of Riverview to the south. Subsequent annexations included the Orchard Place area in 1956. The city experienced rapid growth after World War II and with the opening of nearby O'Hare International Airport. Brandon Johnson is an American educator and politician serving as the 57th mayor of Chicago. A member of the Democratic Party, Johnson was elected mayor in April 2023. He previously served on the Cook County Board of Commissioners from 2018 to 2023, representing the 1st district. Johnson was first elected to the Cook County Board of Commissioners in 2018 after defeating incumbent Commissioner Richard Boykin in the Democratic primary election and winning the general election unopposed. Johnson won reelection to the County Board in 2022. Johnson was elected mayor of Chicago in 2023. In the first round of the election, he and Paul Vallas advanced to a runoff, unseating incumbent mayor Lori Lightfoot. Johnson defeated Vallas in the runoff election and was elected to serve as the 57th mayor of Chicago. He is the city's fourth African-American mayor. Johnson was born in Elgin, Illinois. He was one of ten children born to Andrew and Wilma Jean Johnson. Johnson grew up in Elgin with his nine siblings. His father was a pastor and his parents were occasional foster parents. Johnson's father, Andrew Johnson, also worked at the Elgin Mental Health Center. When Johnson was nineteen years old, his mother died of congestive heart failure. Washington/Wabash is an 'L' station on the CTA's Brown, Green, Orange, Pink, and Purple Lines. The station opened on August 31, 2017. It serves as a consolidation and replacement of the Randolph/Wabash and Madison/Wabash stations. The project was undertaken by the Chicago Department of Transportation. Construction of the $75 million station began in 2015 following the closure of Madison/Wabash in March 2015 and was completed in August 2017. The station is located between Washington and Madison Streets on Wabash Avenue in the Loop. Jean Baptiste Point du Sable is regarded as the first permanent non-native settler of what would later become Chicago, Illinois. He is recognized as the city's founder. The site where he settled near the mouth of the Chicago River around the 1780s is recognized as a National Historic Landmark, now located in Pioneer Court. Point du Sable was of African descent, but little else is known of his early life prior to the 1770s. During his career, the areas where he settled and traded around the Great Lakes and in the Illinois Country changed hands several times between France, Britain, Spain and the United States. Described as handsome and well educated, Point du Sable married a Potawatomi Native American woman, Kitihawa, and they had two children. In 1779, during the American Revolutionary War, he was arrested by the British on suspicion of being an American Patriot sympathizer. In the early 1780s he worked for the British lieutenant-governor of Michilimackinac on an estate at what is now St. Clair, Michigan. Point du Sable is first recorded as living at the mouth of the Chicago River in a trader's journal of early 1790. By then he had established an extensive and prosperous trading settlement in what later became the City of Chicago. He sold his Chicago River property in 1800 and moved to the port of St. Charles, where he was licensed to run a ferry across the Missouri River. Point du Sable's successful role in developing the Chicago River settlement was little recognized until the mid-20th century. There are no records of Point du Sable's life prior to the 1770s. Though it is known from sources during his life that he was of African descent, his birth date, place of birth, and parents are unknown. Juliette Kinzie, another early pioneer of Chicago, never met Point du Sable but said in her 1856 memoir that he was "a native of St. Domingo" . This became generally accepted as his place of birth. Historian Milo Milton Quaife regarded Kinzie's account of Point du Sable as "largely fictitious and wholly unauthenticated", later putting forward a theory that he was of African and French-Canadian origin. A historical novel published in 1953 helped to popularize the claim that Point du Sable was born in 1745 in Saint-Marc in Saint-Domingue . If he was born outside continental North America, there are competing accounts as to whether he entered as a trader or from the north through French Canada, or from the south through French Louisiana. Fort Dearborn was a United States fort, first built in 1803 beside the Chicago River, in what is now Chicago, Illinois. It was constructed by U.S. troops under Captain John Whistler and named in honor of Henry Dearborn, then United States Secretary of War. The original fort was destroyed following the Battle of Fort Dearborn during the War of 1812, and a replacement Fort Dearborn was constructed on the same site in 1816 and decommissioned by 1837. Parts of the fort were lost to the widening of the Chicago River in 1855, and a fire in 1857. The last vestiges of Fort Dearborn were destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The site of the fort is now a Chicago Landmark, located in the Michigan-Wacker Historic District. Human activity in the Chicago area prior to the arrival of European explorers is mostly unknown. In 1673, an expedition headed by Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette was the first recorded to have crossed the Chicago Portage and traveled along the Chicago River. Marquette returned in 1674, and camped for a few days near the mouth of the river. He moved to the portage, where he camped through the winter of 1674-75. Joliet and Marquette did not report any Native Americans living near the Chicago River area at that time. Archaeologists, however, have discovered numerous historic Indian village sites dating to that time elsewhere in the Chicago region. In 1682, Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle had claimed a large territory , for France. Two of de La Salle's men built a stockade at the portage in the winter of 1682/1683. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> flag of Chicago <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Chicago <s> flag of Chicago <p> color <o> white <s> flag of Chicago <p> color <o> red <s> flag of Chicago <p> color <o> sky blue <s> flag of Chicago <p> depicts <o> star <s> flag of Chicago <p> depicts <o> fess <s> flag of Chicago <p> instance of <o> municipal flag <s> flag of Chicago <p> designed by <o> Wallace Rice <s> Chicago River <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Chicago River <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Chicago River <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> South Branch Chicago River <s> Chicago River <p> origin of the watercourse <o> South Branch Chicago River <s> Chicago River <p> origin of the watercourse <o> North Branch Chicago River <s> Chicago River <p> origin of the watercourse <o> Lake Michigan <s> Chicago River <p> instance of <o> river <s> Chicago River <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Chicago River <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Chicago River <p> drainage basin <o> Illinois River drainage basin <s> Chicago River <p> drainage basin <o> Lake Michigan drainage basin <s> Chicago (duplicate) <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Chicago <s> Chicago (duplicate) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia permanent duplicate item <s> Chicago City Council <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Chicago City Council <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Chicago <s> Chicago City Council <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Chicago City Council members <s> Chicago City Council <p> instance of <o> city council <s> Buenos Aires <p> different from <o> Buenos Aires <s> Buenos Aires <p> country <o> Costa Rica <s> Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> city <s> Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> human settlement <s> Buenos Aires <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> district of Costa Rica <s> Buenos Aires <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires Canton <s> Buenos Aires <p> capital of <o> Buenos Aires Canton <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> different from <o> Buenos Aires <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Argentina <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> capital <o> La Plata <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Junín Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Madariaga Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Pinto Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Rodríguez Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Lavalle Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guaminí Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> instance of <o> province of Argentina <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> shares border with <o> Colonia Department <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> shares border with <o> Córdoba Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Azul Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Alvarado Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Exaltación de la Cruz Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> shares border with <o> Entre Ríos Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Florentino Ameghino Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Arenales Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Belgrano Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General La Madrid Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Escobar Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Guido Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Las Heras Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tigre Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Pedro Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tordillo Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Avellaneda Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Fernando Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tres Arroyos Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> 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Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suipacha Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Villegas Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adolfo Gonzales Chaves Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> shares border with <o> Buenos Aires <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−03:00 <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of Buenos Aires Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> owner of <o> Estadio Único Diego Armando Maradona <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Esteban Echeverría Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quilmes Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mar Chiquita Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Matanza Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Almirante Brown Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> shares border with <o> Río Negro Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ramallo Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pehuajó Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morón Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> José C. Paz Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> 9 de Julio Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mercedes Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Cayetano <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> head of government <o> Axel Kicillof <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hipólito Yrigoyen Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trenque Lauquen Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Alvear Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Daireaux Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balcarce Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Viamonte Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Luján Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lincoln Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dolores Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coronel Rosales Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salliqueló Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moreno Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pellegrini Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Salto Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pila Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Nicolás Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chivilcoy Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chacabuco Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carmen de Areco Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coronel Dorrego Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carlos Tejedor Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chascomús Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coronel Suárez Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cañuelas Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bragado Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adolfo Alsina Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Plata Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leandro N. 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<p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Miguel Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pergamino Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Martín Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rauch Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tres de Febrero Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tornquist Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rivadavia Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vicente López Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tandil Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> 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<p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bolívar Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brandsen Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Capitán Sarmiento Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> located in time zone <o> America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Pueyrredón Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tapalqué Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> General Paz Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colón Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Las Flores Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lanús Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> highest point <o> Cerro Tres Picos <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> legislative body <o> Legislature of Buenos Aires Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hurlingham Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Berazategui Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roque Pérez Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Vicente Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ezeiza Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pinamar Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Buenos Aires Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Buenos Aires Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Buenos Aires Province <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ayacucho Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ensenada Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Navarro Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Baradero Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arrecifes Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bahía Blanca Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Benito Juárez <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pilar Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rojas Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Olavarría Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saladillo Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Patagones Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Florencio Varela Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Necochea Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zárate Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saavedra Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcos Paz Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villarino Partido <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> owner of <o> Depietri Railways and Elevators <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> list of monuments <o> Monumental Antenna <s> Buenos Aires Province <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Buenos Aires Province <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> continent <o> South America <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> replaced by <o> Uruguay <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> replaced by <o> Argentina <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> country <o> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> capital <o> Buenos Aires <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> replaced by <o> Tarija Department <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> official religion <o> Catholicism <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> anthem <o> Argentine National Anthem <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> language used <o> Spanish <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> topic's main category <o> Category:United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> replaces <o> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> named after <o> Río de la Plata <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> language used <o> Guarani <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> currency <o> Argentine real <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> significant event <o> May Revolution <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> religion or worldview <o> religion in the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <s> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <p> replaced by <o> Upper Peru <s> federal district <p> subclass of <o> federal territory <s> federal district <p> subclass of <o> political territorial entity <s> federal district <p> different from <o> capital district or territory <s> federal district <p> instance of <o> designation for an administrative territorial entity <s> Category:Maps of Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Maps of Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:Maps of Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Views of Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:Views of Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> view <s> Category:Views of Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category </Graph>
<Text> :The flag of Chicago consists of two light blue horizontal bars, or stripes, on a field of white, each bar one-sixth the height of the full flag, and placed slightly less than one-sixth of the way from the top and bottom. Four bright red stars, with six sharp points each, are set side by side, close together, in the middle third of the flag's surface. Chicago is a city in Illinois, United States. Its flag was adopted in 1917 after the design by Wallace Rice won a City Council sponsored competition. It initially had two stars until 1933, when a third was added. The four-star version has existed since 1939. The three sections of the white field and the two bars represent geographical features of the city, the stars symbolize historical events, and the points of the stars represent important virtues or concepts. The historic events represented by the stars are the establishment of Fort Dearborn, the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, and Century of Progress Exposition of 1933-34. In a review by the North American Vexillological Association of 150 American city flags, the Chicago city flag was ranked second-best with a rating of 9.03 out of 10, behind only the flag of Washington, D.C. The three white background areas of the flag represent, from top to bottom, the North, West, and South sides of the city. The top blue bar represents Lake Michigan and the North Branch of the Chicago River. The bottom blue bar represents the South Branch of the river and the "Great Canal", over the Chicago Portage. The light blue of the flag's two bars is variously called sky blue or pale blue; in a 1917 article of a speech by designer Wallace Rice, it was called "the color of water". The Chicago River is a system of rivers and canals with a combined length of 156 miles that runs through the city of Chicago, including its center . Though not especially long, the river is notable because it is one of the reasons for Chicago's geographic importance: the related Chicago Portage is a link between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River Basin, and ultimately the Gulf of Mexico. The river is also noteworthy for its natural and human-engineered history. In 1887, the Illinois General Assembly decided to reverse the flow of the Chicago River through civil engineering by taking water from Lake Michigan and discharging it into the Mississippi River watershed, partly in response to concerns created by an extreme weather event in 1885 that threatened the city's water supply. In 1889, the Illinois General Assembly created the Chicago Sanitary District to replace the Illinois and Michigan Canal with the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, a much larger waterway, because the former had become inadequate to serve the city's increasing sewage and commercial navigation needs. Completed by 1900, the project reversed the flow of the main stem and South Branch of the Chicago River by using a series of canal locks and increasing the flow from Lake Michigan into the river, causing the river to empty into the new canal instead. In 1999, the system was named a "Civil Engineering Monument of the Millennium" by the American Society of Civil Engineers . The river is represented on the Municipal Flag of Chicago by two horizontal blue stripes. Its three branches serve as the inspiration for the Municipal Device, a three-branched, Y-shaped symbol that is found on many buildings and other structures throughout Chicago. When it followed its natural course, the North and South Branches of the Chicago River converged at Wolf Point to form the main stem, which jogged southward from the present course of the river to avoid a baymouth bar, entering Lake Michigan at about the level of present-day Madison Street. Today, the main stem of the Chicago River flows west from Lake Michigan to Wolf Point, where it converges with the North Branch to form the South Branch, which flows southwest and empties into the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. The Chicago City Council is the legislative branch of the government of the City of Chicago in Illinois. It consists of 50 alderpersons elected from 50 wards to serve four-year terms. The council is called into session regularly, usually monthly, to consider ordinances, orders, and resolutions whose subject matter includes code changes, utilities, taxes, and many other issues. The Chicago City Council Chambers are located in Chicago City Hall, as are the downtown offices of the individual alderpersons and staff. The presiding officer of the council is the Mayor of Chicago, who is usually non-voting, except in rare cases, such as to break a tie. The secretary is the City Clerk of Chicago. Both positions are city-wide elected offices. In the absence of the mayor, an alderperson elected to the position of President Pro Tempore serves as the presiding officer. Alderperson elections are officially nonpartisan; party affiliations below are informational only. Council members also self-organize into caucuses, or blocs that address particular issues. Active caucuses include the Black Caucus, Democratic Socialist Caucus, Latino Caucus, LGBT Caucus, and Progressive Reform Caucus. The city council is internally organized into subject-specific standing committees. Once proposed legislation is drafted, it is assigned to a specific standing committee. After a hearing and deliberation process, the committee votes on whether to report the proposed legislation to the full council, along with recommendations. Buenos Aires , officially the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, is the capital and primate city of Argentina. The city is located on the western shore of the Rio de la Plata, on South America's southeastern coast. "Buenos Aires" is Spanish for "fair winds" or "good airs". Buenos Aires is classified as an Alpha global city, according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network 2020 ranking. The city of Buenos Aires is neither part of Buenos Aires Province nor the Province's capital; rather, it is an autonomous district. In 1880, after decades of political infighting, Buenos Aires was federalized and removed from Buenos Aires Province. The city limits were enlarged to include the towns of Belgrano and Flores; both are now neighborhoods of the city. The 1994 constitutional amendment granted the city autonomy, hence its formal name of Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Its citizens first elected a Chief of Government in 1996; previously, the Mayor was directly appointed by the President of Argentina. The Greater Buenos Aires conurbation, which also includes several Buenos Aires Province districts, constitutes the fifth-most populous metropolitan area in the Americas, with a population of around 13.8 million. It is also the second largest city south of the Tropic of Capricorn. The quality of life in Buenos Aires was ranked 91st in the world in 2018, being one of the best in Latin America. In 2012, it was the most visited city in South America, and the second-most visited city of Latin America. It is known for its preserved eclectic European architecture and rich cultural life. It is a multicultural city that is home to multiple ethnic and religious groups, contributing to its culture as well as to the dialect spoken in the city and in some other parts of the country. This is because since the 19th century, the city, and the country in general, has been a major recipient of millions of immigrants from all over the world, making it a melting pot where several ethnic groups live together. Thus, Buenos Aires is considered one of the most diverse cities of the Americas. Buenos Aires held the 1st FIBA World Championship in 1950 and 11th FIBA World Championship in 1990, the 1st Pan American Games in 1951, was the site of two venues in the 1978 FIFA World Cup and one in the 1982 FIVB Men's World Championship. Most recently, Buenos Aires had a venue in the 2001 FIFA World Youth Championship and in the 2002 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship, hosted the 125th IOC Session in 2013, the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics and the 2018 G20 summit. Buenos Aires , officially the Buenos Aires Province , is the largest and most populous Argentine province. It takes its name from the city of Buenos Aires, the capital of the country, which used to be part of the province and the province's capital until it was federalized in 1880. Since then, in spite of bearing the same name, the province does not include Buenos Aires city, though it does include all other parts of the Greater Buenos Aires metropolitan area. The capital of the province is the city of La Plata, founded in 1882. It is bordered by the provinces of Entre Rios to the northeast, Santa Fe to the north, Cordoba to the northwest, La Pampa to the west, Rio Negro to the south and west and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to the northeast. Uruguay is just across the Rio de la Plata to the northeast, and both are on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Almost the entire province is part of the Pampas geographical region, with the extreme south often considered part of the Patagonia region. The province has a population of about 17.5 million people, which is 38% of Argentina's total population. The province covers an area of 307,571 km2 , which is about 11% of Argentina's total area and makes it the country's largest province. The inhabitants of the province before the 16th-century advent of Spanish colonization were aboriginal peoples such as the Charruas and the Querandies. Their culture was lost over the next 350 years. They were subjected to Eurasian plagues from which few survived. The survivors joined other tribes or have been mostly absorbed by Argentina's European immigration. The United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata , earlier known as the United Provinces of South America , was a name adopted in 1816 by the Congress of Tucuman for the region of South America that declared independence in 1816, with the Sovereign Congress taking place in 1813, during the Argentine War of Independence that began with the May Revolution in 1810. It originally comprised rebellious territories of the former Spanish Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata dependencies and had Buenos Aires as its capital. The name "Provincias del Rio de la Plata" alludes to the Junta Provisional Gubernativa de las Provincias del Rio de la Plata or Primera Junta. It is best known in Argentinean literature as Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata , this being the most common name in use for the country until the enactment of the 1826 Constitution. The Argentine National Anthem refers to the state as "the United Provinces of the South". The Constitution of Argentina recognises Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata as one of the official names of the country, referred to as "Argentine Nation" in modern legislation. The United Provinces of South America were bordered on the south by the sparsely populated territories of the Pampas and Patagonia, home to the Mapuche, Ranquel and Puelche peoples. To the north, the Gran Chaco was populated by the Guaycuru nations. To the northwest, across the Upper Peru, lay the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. Across the Andes, to the west, was the Spanish-controlled Captaincy General of Chile. To the northeast was Colonial Brazil, a part of the Portuguese Empire , later the Empire of Brazil in 1821. The main influences in this were the Enlightenment in Spain, promoting new ideas, and the Peninsular War that left Spain without a legitimate king after the Abdications of Bayonne. The concept of separation of powers gradually became a tool to prevent despotism.: 12 A federal district is a type of administrative division of a federation, usually under the direct control of a federal government and organized sometimes with a single municipal body. Federal districts often include capital districts, and they exist in various federations worldwide. In India, the term "Union Territory" is used for the eight territories governed directly by the Union government , administered by a Lieutenant Governor or an Administrator: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Lakshadweep and Puducherry. Of these, Delhi and Puducherry possess partial statehood with their own elected Chief Ministers. In Malaysia, the term Federal Territory is used for the three territories governed directly by the federal government: Kuala Lumpur , Putrajaya and Labuan . The Federal Capital Territory is a federal territory in central Nigeria. Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, is located in this territory. The Federal Capital Territory was formed in 1976 from parts of the states of Nasarawa, Niger and Kogi. It is within the Middle Belt region of the country. It is administered by the Federal Capital Territory Administration, headed by a minister appointed by the President. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> language of work or name <o> Spanish <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> main subject <o> Buenos Aires <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> instance of <o> open data portal <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> copyright license <o> Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Argentina <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> owned by <o> Buenos Aires City Government <s> Buenos Aires Data <p> copyright status <o> copyrighted <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> official language <o> Spanish <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> capital <o> Buenos Aires <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> different from <o> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> separated from <o> Viceroyalty of Peru <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> country <o> Spanish Empire <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> replaced by <o> United Provinces of the Río de la Plata <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> instance of <o> viceroyalty of the Spanish Empire <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> currency <o> Spanish real <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> highest judicial authority <o> Royal Audiencia of Buenos Aires <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <s> Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata <p> office held by head of government <o> Viceroy of the Rio de la Plata <s> economy of Buenos Aires <p> country <o> Argentina <s> economy of Buenos Aires <p> subclass of <o> economy of Argentina <s> economy of Buenos Aires <p> location <o> Buenos Aires <s> economy of Buenos Aires <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Economy of Buenos Aires <s> economy of Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> regional economy <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Argentina <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Buenos Aires <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> named after <o> Buenos Aires <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Ituzaingó Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Malvinas Argentinas Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Lomas de Zamora Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> San Isidro Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Florencio Varela Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Hurlingham Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> José C. Paz Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Berazategui Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Ezeiza Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> urban agglomeration <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Buenos Aires Province <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Greater Buenos Aires <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Avellaneda Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Esteban Echeverría Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Tigre Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Quilmes Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Morón Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> San Miguel Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Merlo Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Lanús Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> La Matanza Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Almirante Brown Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> San Martín Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> San Fernando Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Moreno Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Tres de Febrero Partido <s> Greater Buenos Aires <p> has part(s) <o> Vicente López Partido <s> Comuna 11 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 11 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 11 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Devoto <s> Comuna 11 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa del Parque <s> Comuna 11 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Santa Rita <s> Comuna 11 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa General Mitre <s> Comuna 11 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Americas <p> economy of topic <o> economy of the Americas <s> Americas <p> part of <o> Earth <s> Americas <p> has part(s) <o> South America <s> Americas <p> discoverer or inventor <o> Christopher Columbus <s> Americas <p> instance of <o> continent <s> Americas <p> has part(s) <o> North America <s> Americas <p> different from <o> United States of America <s> Americas <p> named after <o> Amerigo Vespucci <s> Americas <p> instance of <o> supercontinent <s> Americas <p> instance of <o> part of the world <s> Americas <p> has part(s) <o> Central America <s> Americas <p> highest point <o> Aconcagua <s> Americas <p> said to be the same as <o> New World <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Americas <p> named by <o> Matthias Ringmann <s> Americas <p> part of <o> Earth's surface <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Americas <p> history of topic <o> history of the Americas <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Americas <p> lowest point <o> Laguna del Carbón <s> Americas <p> geography of topic <o> geography of the Americas <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> Americas <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Americas <s> Americas <p> different from <o> Americas <s> Americas <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Americas <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People of the Americas <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Americas <p> described by source <o> Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia <s> Americas <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Americas <s> Americas <p> different from <o> America <s> Americas <p> different from <o> Amèrica <s> Americas <p> different from <o> Amerika <s> Americas <p> different from <o> continental United States <s> Americas <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in America <s> Americas <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in the Americas <s> Americas <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Zika Corpus <s> Americas <p> studied in <o> Americanism <s> History of Buenos Aires <p> country <o> Argentina <s> History of Buenos Aires <p> main subject <o> history <s> History of Buenos Aires <p> main subject <o> Buenos Aires <s> History of Buenos Aires <p> facet of <o> Buenos Aires <s> History of Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> aspect of history <s> History of Buenos Aires <p> topic's main category <o> Category:History of Buenos Aires <s> autonomous city <p> subclass of <o> autonomous administrative territorial entity <s> autonomous city <p> subclass of <o> city <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> instance of <o> human <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> country of citizenship <o> Argentina <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Spanish <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> place of birth <o> Buenos Aires <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholicism <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> educated at <o> Harvard Business School <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> occupation <o> economist <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> educated at <o> University of Buenos Aires <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> given name <o> Horacio <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> position held <o> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> spouse <o> Bárbara Diez <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> member of political party <o> Republican Proposal <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> family name <o> Rodríguez Larreta <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> occupation <o> international forum participant <s> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 <s> Ohio <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Ohio <p> different from <o> Ohio <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ohio <p> lowest point <o> Ohio River <s> Ohio <p> part of <o> Midwestern United States <s> Ohio <p> part of <o> contiguous United States <s> Ohio <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> United States of America <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Ohio <p> continent <o> North America <s> Ohio <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Ohio <p> official symbol <o> Northern Cardinal <s> Ohio <p> located in time zone <o> Eastern Time Zone <s> Ohio <p> located in time zone <o> America/New_York <s> Ohio <p> language used <o> Pennsylvania German <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Ohio <p> open data portal <o> GEOhio <s> Ohio <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> twinned administrative body <o> Jalisco <s> Ohio <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ohio River <s> Ohio <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Shelby County <s> Ohio <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Ohio <s> Ohio <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saitama Prefecture <s> Ohio <p> related category <o> Category:Ohio-related lists <s> Ohio <p> category for maps <o> Category:Ohio maps <s> Ohio <p> archives at <o> Ohio History Center <s> Ohio <p> member of <o> Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Morgan County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Miami County <s> Ohio <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Ohio <s> Ohio <p> motto <o> With God, all things are possible <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marion County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Warren County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Perry County <s> Ohio <p> shares border with <o> Michigan <s> Ohio <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Ohio <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Ohio <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Ohio <s> Ohio <p> shares border with <o> Indiana <s> Ohio <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Ohio <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Noble County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Meigs County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pike County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Preble County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monroe County <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vinton County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Highland County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hocking County <s> Ohio <p> office held by head of government <o> Governor of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> has seal, badge, or sigil <o> Seal of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> foundational text <o> Constitution of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Ohio <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fairfield County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Licking County <s> Ohio <p> highest point <o> Campbell Hill <s> Ohio <p> shares border with <o> West Virginia <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Ohio <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> Ohio <p> shares border with <o> Pennsylvania <s> Ohio <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Death in Ohio <s> Ohio <p> history of topic <o> history of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adams County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Fayette County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guernsey County <s> Ohio <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ohio <s> Ohio <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Erie <s> Ohio <p> motto <o> Ohio. Find It Here. <s> Ohio <p> instance of <o> U.S. state <s> Ohio <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jackson County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gallia County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brown County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Erie County <s> Ohio <p> shares border with <o> Ontario <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hardin County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Knox County <s> Ohio <p> named after <o> Ohio River <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Franklin County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clinton County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lucas County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Henry County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Putnam County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lorain County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Logan County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Muskingum County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jefferson County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Greene County <s> Ohio <p> flag <o> flag of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> shares border with <o> Kentucky <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Geauga County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Trumbull County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ashtabula County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hamilton County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cuyahoga County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Medina County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Defiance County <s> Ohio <p> capital <o> Columbus <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pickaway County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Auglaize County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Paulding County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wayne County <s> Ohio <p> highest judicial authority <o> Supreme Court of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Huron County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lake County <s> Ohio <p> legislative body <o> Ohio General Assembly <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hancock County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Champaign County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Crawford County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ashland County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Columbiana County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuscarawas County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Harrison County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Portage County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wyandot County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Richland County <s> Ohio <p> executive body <o> State of Ohio <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Carroll County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stark County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Williams County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mahoning County <s> Ohio <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Delaware County <s> Ohio <p> contains the 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<Text> :The Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata meaning "River of the Silver", also called "Viceroyalty of the River Plate" in some scholarly writings, in southern South America, was the last to be organized and also the shortest-lived of the Viceroyalties of the Spanish Empire in the Americas. The name "Provincias del Rio de la Plata" was formally adopted in 1810 during the Cortes of Cadiz to designate the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata. The Viceroyalty was established in 1776 from several former Viceroyalty of Peru dependencies that mainly extended over the Rio de la Plata Basin, roughly the present-day territories of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, extending inland from the Atlantic Coast. The colony of Spanish Guinea also depended administratively on the Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata. Buenos Aires, located on the western shore of the Rio de la Plata estuary flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the Portuguese outpost of Colonia del Sacramento, was chosen as the capital. Usually considered one of the late Bourbon Reforms, the organization of this viceroyalty was motivated on both commercial grounds , as well as on security concerns brought about by the growing interest of competing foreign powers in the area. The Spanish Crown wanted to protect its territory against Great Britain and the Kingdom of Portugal. But these Enlightenment reforms proved counterproductive, or perhaps too late, to quell the colonies' demands. The entire history of this Viceroyalty was marked by growing domestic unrest and political instability. Between 1780 and 1782, the Rebellion of Tupac Amaru II inspired a violent Aymara-led revolt across the Upper Peru highlands, demonstrating the great resentment against colonial authorities by both the mestizo and indigenous populations. Twenty-five years later, the Criollos, native-born people of Spanish descent, successfully defended against two successive British attempts to conquer Buenos Aires and Montevideo. This enhanced their sense of autonomy and power at a time when Spanish troops were unable to help. In 1809, the Criollo elite revolted against colonial authorities at La Paz and Chuquisaca, establishing revolutionary governments or juntas. Although short-lived, retroversion of the sovereignty to the people provided a theoretical basis for the legitimacy of the locally based governments . These events proved decisive at the 1810 May Revolution events deposing Viceroy Cisneros at Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires , officially the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, is the capital and primate city of Argentina. The city is located on the western shore of the Rio de la Plata, on South America's southeastern coast. "Buenos Aires" is Spanish for "fair winds" or "good airs". Buenos Aires is classified as an Alpha global city, according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network 2020 ranking. The city of Buenos Aires is neither part of Buenos Aires Province nor the Province's capital; rather, it is an autonomous district. In 1880, after decades of political infighting, Buenos Aires was federalized and removed from Buenos Aires Province. The city limits were enlarged to include the towns of Belgrano and Flores; both are now neighborhoods of the city. The 1994 constitutional amendment granted the city autonomy, hence its formal name of Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Its citizens first elected a Chief of Government in 1996; previously, the Mayor was directly appointed by the President of Argentina. The Greater Buenos Aires conurbation, which also includes several Buenos Aires Province districts, constitutes the fifth-most populous metropolitan area in the Americas, with a population of around 13.8 million. It is also the second largest city south of the Tropic of Capricorn. The quality of life in Buenos Aires was ranked 91st in the world in 2018, being one of the best in Latin America. In 2012, it was the most visited city in South America, and the second-most visited city of Latin America. It is known for its preserved eclectic European architecture and rich cultural life. It is a multicultural city that is home to multiple ethnic and religious groups, contributing to its culture as well as to the dialect spoken in the city and in some other parts of the country. This is because since the 19th century, the city, and the country in general, has been a major recipient of millions of immigrants from all over the world, making it a melting pot where several ethnic groups live together. Thus, Buenos Aires is considered one of the most diverse cities of the Americas. Buenos Aires held the 1st FIBA World Championship in 1950 and 11th FIBA World Championship in 1990, the 1st Pan American Games in 1951, was the site of two venues in the 1978 FIFA World Cup and one in the 1982 FIVB Men's World Championship. Most recently, Buenos Aires had a venue in the 2001 FIFA World Youth Championship and in the 2002 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship, hosted the 125th IOC Session in 2013, the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics and the 2018 G20 summit. Greater Buenos Aires , also known as the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area , refers to the urban agglomeration comprising the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the adjacent 24 partidos in the Province of Buenos Aires. Thus, it does not constitute a single administrative unit. The conurbation spreads south, west and north of Buenos Aires city. To the east, the River Plate serves as a natural boundary. Urban sprawl, especially between 1945 and 1980, created a vast metropolitan area of over 3,800 km2 - or 19 times the area of Buenos Aires proper. The 24 suburban partidos grew more than six-fold in population between the 1947 and 2022 censuses - or nearly 2.5% annually, compared to 1.4% for the nation as a whole. While annual growth for the suburban area slowed to 0.8% between 2010 and 2022, the 14 million inhabitants in the entire 30-county area plus the City of Buenos Aires account for a third of the total population of Argentina and generate nearly half of the country's GDP. The term Gran Buenos Aires was first officially used in 1948, when Governor of Buenos Aires Province Domingo Mercante signed a bill delineating as such an area covering 14 municipalities surrounding the City of Buenos Aires. The term is also related to other expressions that are not necessarily well-defined: the "Buenos Aires' conurbation" , the "Greater Buenos Aires Agglomeration" , and the "Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires" . In colloquial speech, people refer to the "Buenos Aires' conurbation" as the set of municipalities that surround the City of Buenos Aires, and which are mostly populated by working-class or middle-class communities. Comuna 11 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Villa Devoto, Villa del Parque, Villa Santa Rita, and Villa General Mitre. It is located in the midwest of the city, has an area of 14.1 km2 and a total population of 189,832 according to the 2010 census. The Americas, sometimes collectively called America, are a landmass comprising the totality of North and South America. The Americas make up most of the land in Earth's Western Hemisphere and comprise the New World. Along with their associated islands, the Americas cover 8% of Earth's total surface area and 28.4% of its land area. The topography is dominated by the American Cordillera, a long chain of mountains that runs the length of the west coast. The flatter eastern side of the Americas is dominated by large river basins, such as the Amazon, St. Lawrence River-Great Lakes basin, Mississippi, and La Plata. Since the Americas extend 14,000 km from north to south, the climate and ecology vary widely, from the arctic tundra of Northern Canada, Greenland, and Alaska, to the tropical rain forests in Central America and South America. Humans first settled the Americas from Asia between 20,000 and 16,000 years ago. A second migration of Na-Dene speakers followed later from Asia. The subsequent migration of the Inuit into the neoarctic around 3500 BCE completed what is generally regarded as the settlement by the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The first known European settlement in the Americas was by the Norse explorer Leif Erikson. However, the colonization never became permanent and was later abandoned. The Spanish voyages of Christopher Columbus from 1492 to 1504 resulted in permanent contact with European powers, which eventually led to the Columbian exchange and inaugurated a period of exploration, conquest, and colonization whose effects and consequences persist to the present. The Spanish presence involved the enslavement of large numbers of the indigenous population of America. Buenos Aires , officially the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, is the capital and primate city of Argentina. The city is located on the western shore of the Rio de la Plata, on South America's southeastern coast. "Buenos Aires" is Spanish for "fair winds" or "good airs". Buenos Aires is classified as an Alpha global city, according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network 2020 ranking. The city of Buenos Aires is neither part of Buenos Aires Province nor the Province's capital; rather, it is an autonomous district. In 1880, after decades of political infighting, Buenos Aires was federalized and removed from Buenos Aires Province. The city limits were enlarged to include the towns of Belgrano and Flores; both are now neighborhoods of the city. The 1994 constitutional amendment granted the city autonomy, hence its formal name of Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Its citizens first elected a Chief of Government in 1996; previously, the Mayor was directly appointed by the President of Argentina. The Greater Buenos Aires conurbation, which also includes several Buenos Aires Province districts, constitutes the fifth-most populous metropolitan area in the Americas, with a population of around 13.8 million. It is also the second largest city south of the Tropic of Capricorn. The quality of life in Buenos Aires was ranked 91st in the world in 2018, being one of the best in Latin America. In 2012, it was the most visited city in South America, and the second-most visited city of Latin America. It is known for its preserved eclectic European architecture and rich cultural life. It is a multicultural city that is home to multiple ethnic and religious groups, contributing to its culture as well as to the dialect spoken in the city and in some other parts of the country. This is because since the 19th century, the city, and the country in general, has been a major recipient of millions of immigrants from all over the world, making it a melting pot where several ethnic groups live together. Thus, Buenos Aires is considered one of the most diverse cities of the Americas. Buenos Aires held the 1st FIBA World Championship in 1950 and 11th FIBA World Championship in 1990, the 1st Pan American Games in 1951, was the site of two venues in the 1978 FIFA World Cup and one in the 1982 FIVB Men's World Championship. Most recently, Buenos Aires had a venue in the 2001 FIFA World Youth Championship and in the 2002 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship, hosted the 125th IOC Session in 2013, the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics and the 2018 G20 summit. An autonomous city is a type of autonomous administrative division. The most prominent example of this is in Argentina, a federal country with 23 provinces and an autonomous city, officially called the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. In recent years, the term has also been used by the autonomous geographies movement to describe the efforts of urban squatters to fight for community autonomy and self-management. The 1994 amendment of the Constitution of Argentina granted Buenos Aires city, previously the federal district of Argentina, the status of autonomous city, to allow its citizens to directly elect the head of government, which was previously designated by the President, similar to other federal countries. The formal name was changed to Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. In many ways, this district is similar to a province, though its autonomy is more restricted. Another large city that is currently pressing for autonomy is Rosario, in Santa Fe Province. Rosario has nearly 1 million inhabitants , and is usually disfavoured in the distribution of funds and resources, which disproportionately assigns more of its share to the much less populated provincial capital, Santa Fe. Some legislators have proposed that autonomy could be granted to Rosario by passing a law in the ordinary fashion, while others claim an amendment of the provincial constitution is needed. Horacio Rodriguez Larreta is an Argentine economist, politician and the former Chief of Government of the City of Buenos Aires. Larreta was re-elected in 2019 with almost 56% of the votes, becoming the first candidate to win a mayoral election in the first round since the adoption of Buenos Aires's autonomous constitution. He won in every comuna, except Comuna 4 and Comuna 8. Since 2019, he assumed the leadership of the Argentine opposition, Juntos por el Cambio. In February 2023, he announced his candidacy for the presidency in the 2023 general election. He competed against fellow PRO member Patricia Bullrich for the coalition's nomination but lost in the August 2023 primaries with 11% of the vote against Bullrich's 17%. Larreta was born in Buenos Aires on 29 October 1965. On his father's side, Rodriguez Larreta is of Basque descent; his ancestors were a wealthy landowning family from Gipuzkoa. His father, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta was a prominent member of the Integration and Development Movement and chairman of Racing Club, while his great-uncle, the namesake Horacio Rodriguez Larreta was Attorney General of Argentina during the presidency of Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear. Larreta is also descended from the Leloir family, a wealthy family of French Argentines who once owned the lands that are now Parque Leloir, in Ituzaingo, Buenos Aires, and the Unzue family , former owners of the now-demolished Palacio Unzue. He finished high school at the Escuela Argentina Modelo, and graduated with a degree in economics at the University of Buenos Aires in 1988 and obtained a Master in Business Administration in Harvard Business School. He returned to Argentina in 1993. Ohio is a state in the Midwestern region of the United States. Ohio borders Lake Erie to the north, Pennsylvania to the east, West Virginia to the southeast, Kentucky to the southwest, Indiana to the west, and Michigan to the northwest. Of the 50 U.S. states, it is the 34th-largest by area. With a population of nearly 11.8 million, Ohio is the seventh-most populous and tenth-most densely populated state. Its capital and largest city is Columbus, with other large population centers including Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Akron, and Toledo. Ohio is nicknamed the "Buckeye State" after its Ohio buckeye trees, and Ohioans are also known as "Buckeyes". Its flag is the only non-rectangular flag of all U.S. states. Ohio derives its name from the Ohio River that forms its southern border, which, in turn, originated from the Seneca word ohi:yo', meaning "good river", "great river", or "large creek". The state was home to several ancient indigenous civilizations, with humans present as early as 10,000 BCE. It arose from the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains that were contested by various native tribes and European colonists from the 17th century through the Northwest Indian Wars of the late 18th century. Ohio was partitioned from the Northwest Territory, the first frontier of the new United States, becoming the 17th state admitted to the Union on March 1, 1803, and the first under the Northwest Ordinance. It was the first post-colonial free state admitted to the union and became one of the earliest and most influential industrial powerhouses during the 20th century. Although it has transitioned to a more information- and service-based economy in the 21st century, it remains an industrial state, ranking seventh in GDP as of 2019, with the third-largest manufacturing sector and second-largest automobile production. Modeled on its federal counterpart, Ohio's government is composed of the executive branch, led by the governor; the legislative branch, consisting of the bicameral Ohio General Assembly; and the judicial branch, led by the state Supreme Court. Ohio occupies 15 seats in the United States House of Representatives, the seventh-largest delegation. Its politics has been described as moderate; the state is known for its status as both a swing state and a bellwether in national elections. Seven presidents of the United States have come from Ohio, earning it the moniker "the Mother of Presidents". Archeological evidence of spear points of both the Folsom and Clovis types indicate that the Ohio Valley was inhabited by nomadic people as early as 13,000 BC. These early nomads disappeared from Ohio by 1,000 BC. Between 1,000 and 800 BC, the sedentary Adena culture emerged. The Adena established "semi-permanent" villages because they domesticated plants, including sunflowers, and "grew squash and possibly corn"; with hunting and gathering, this cultivation supported more settled, complex villages. The most notable remnant of the Adena culture is the Great Serpent Mound, located in Adams County, Ohio. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Buenos Aires <p> category's main topic <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Buenos Aires <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> human <s> Category:People from Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:People from Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Dirección General del Libro, Bibliotecas y Promoción de la Lectura <p> part of <o> Buenos Aires <s> Dirección General del Libro, Bibliotecas y Promoción de la Lectura <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Dirección General del Libro, Bibliotecas y Promoción de la Lectura <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Dirección General del Libro, Bibliotecas y Promoción de la Lectura <p> instance of <o> government agency <s> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <p> subclass of <o> head of government <s> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Buenos Aires <s> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <p> part of <o> Cabinet of Buenos Aires <s> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <p> replaces <o> Mayor of Buenos Aires <s> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> position <s> Head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires <p> officeholder <o> Horacio Rodríguez Larreta <s> America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires <p> continent <o> Americas <s> America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires <p> instance of <o> IANA time zone <s> America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires <p> named after <o> Buenos Aires <s> first-level administrative division <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity of a specific level <s> first-level administrative division <p> subclass of <o> political territorial entity <s> first-level administrative division <p> next lower rank <o> second-level administrative division <s> first-level administrative division <p> topic's main category <o> Category:First-level administrative divisions by country <s> Zagreb <p> capital <o> Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> Croatia <s> Zagreb <p> country <o> Croatia <s> Zagreb <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Croatia <s> Zagreb <p> instance of <o> county of Croatia <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> London <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lisbon <s> Zagreb <p> related category <o> Category:Zagreb-related lists <s> Zagreb <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Zagreb <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> patron saint <o> Virgin Mary <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> Independent State of Croatia <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> Zagreb County <s> Zagreb <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> open data portal <o> Portal for publishing open data in Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ljubljana <s> Zagreb <p> located in time zone <o> Central European Summer Time <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Warsaw <s> Zagreb <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Zagreb <p> head of government <o> Tomislav Tomašević <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Zagreb <p> instance of <o> town in Croatia <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> Zagreb County (former) <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> Lexicon of Croatian Church music <s> Zagreb <p> owner of <o> Stadion Maksimir <s> Zagreb <p> owner of <o> Dražen Petrović Basketball Hall <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pittsburgh <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> Socialist Republic of Croatia <s> Zagreb <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Zagreb <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Zagreb <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Skopje <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Zagreb <p> said to be the same as <o> Grad Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> connects with <o> European route E65 <s> Zagreb <p> official language <o> Croatian <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vienna <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Shanghai <s> Zagreb <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Zagreb <p> owner of <o> Stadion Kajzerica <s> Zagreb <p> owner of <o> Stadion Kranjčevićeva <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Podgorica <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tirana <s> Zagreb <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest <s> Zagreb <p> history of topic <o> history of Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sarajevo <s> Zagreb <p> capital of <o> Zagreb Oblast <s> Zagreb <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Sava <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tromsø Municipality <s> Zagreb <p> shares border with <o> Zagreb County <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Paz <s> Zagreb <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kraków <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mainz <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bologna <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Prizren <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Palermo <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyoto <s> Zagreb <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Zagreb <s> Zagreb <p> shares border with <o> Krapina-Zagorje County <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cluj-Napoca <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Balakovo <s> Zagreb <p> twinned administrative body <o> Amasya <s> Siege of Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Buenos Aires <p> location <o> Buenos Aires <s> Siege of Buenos Aires <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Category:Films shot in Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:Films shot in Buenos Aires <p> category contains <o> film <s> Category:Films shot in Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Films shot in Buenos Aires <p> opposite of <o> Category:Films set in Buenos Aires <s> Category:Films shot in Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> filming location <s> Cagliari <p> country <o> Italy <s> Cagliari <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Cagliari <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Cagliari <p> seismic classification <o> 4 <s> Cagliari <p> different from <o> Calgary <s> Cagliari <p> twinned administrative body <o> Padua <s> Cagliari <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Cagliari <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Sardinia <s> Cagliari <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kaliningrad <s> Cagliari <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Sardinian <s> Cagliari <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Cagliari <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Cagliari <p> capital of <o> Sardinia <s> Cagliari <p> owner of <o> Palazzo Civico <s> Cagliari <p> owner of <o> PalaPirastu <s> Cagliari <p> owner of <o> Sant'Elia stadium <s> Cagliari <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Assemini <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Selargius <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Cagliari <p> capital of <o> Province of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> capital of <o> Corsica and Sardinia <s> Cagliari <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Quartucciu <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Monserrato <s> Cagliari <p> significant event <o> bombing of Cagliari in World War II <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> Cagliari <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pisa <s> Cagliari <p> significant event <o> Siege of Castel di Castro <s> Cagliari <p> significant event <o> Naval Battle of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Sestu <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Elmas <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Capoterra <s> Cagliari <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Sardinia <s> Cagliari <p> head of government <o> Paolo Truzzu <s> Cagliari <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pirri <s> Cagliari <p> legislative body <o> city council of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> shares border with <o> Quartu Sant'Elena <s> Cagliari <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Cagliari <p> executive body <o> municipal council of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Cagliari <p> patron saint <o> Saturninus of Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Cagliari <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Cagliari <s> Cagliari <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Cagliari </Graph>
<Text> :Argentina is located at a longitude that would naturally put it in the UTC-04:00 or UTC-05:00 time zone; however, it actually uses the UTC-03:00 time zone. Argentina determines whether to change clocks in observation of daylight saving time on a year-by-year basis, and individual provinces may opt out of the federal decision. At present, Argentina does not change clocks. The first official standardization of time in Argentina took place on 31 October 1894, with establishment of UTC-04:00 as the nation's standard time. From 1920 to 1969, the official time switched biannually between UTC-04:00 as standard time in winter and UTC-03:00 as daylight saving time in summer. From 1974 to 1993, clocks advanced again, such that the official time switched biannually between UTC-03:00 as winter DST and UTC-02:00 as summer double DST. In 1993, the national time was fixed at UTC-03:00, called Argentina Time . In 2007 and 2008, biannual switching between UTC-3:00 and UTC-2:00 resumed; in 2009, this was replaced again with year-round UTC-3:00 . Administrative divisions are geographical areas into which a particular independent sovereign state is divided. Such a unit usually has an administrative authority with the power to take administrative or policy decisions for its area. Usually, sovereign states have several levels of administrative division. Common names for the principal administrative divisions include: states , provinces, lands, oblasts and regions. These, in turn, are often subdivided into smaller administrative units known by names such as comarcas, raions or districts, which are further subdivided into municipalities, communes or communities constituting the smallest units of subdivision . Some administrative division names can be used for principal, second-level, or third-level divisions. The exact number of the levels of administrative divisions and their structure largely varies by country . Usually, the smaller the country is , the fewer levels of administrative divisions it has. For example, Vatican City does not have any administrative subdivisions and Monaco has only one level , while such countries as France and Pakistan have five levels each. The United States is composed of states, possessions, territories, and a federal district, each with varying numbers of subdivisions. The principal administrative division of a country is sometimes called the "first-level administrative division" or "first administrative level". Its next subdivision might be called "second-level administrative division" or "second administrative level" and so on. An alternative terminology is provided by the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics which terms the principal division as the second level or NUTS-2. Zagreb is the capital and largest city of Croatia. It is in the north of the country, along the Sava river, at the southern slopes of the Medvednica mountain. Zagreb stands near the international border between Croatia and Slovenia at an elevation of approximately 158 m above sea level. At the 2021 census, the city itself had a population of 767,131, while the population of Zagreb urban agglomeration is slightly above one million people. Zagreb is a city with a rich history dating from Roman times. The oldest settlement in the vicinity of the city was the Roman Andautonia, in today's Scitarjevo. The historical record of the name "Zagreb" dates from 1134, in reference to the foundation of the settlement at Kaptol in 1094. Zagreb became a free royal city in 1242. In 1851, Janko Kamauf became Zagreb's first mayor. Zagreb has special status as a Croatian administrative division--it comprises a consolidated city-county , and is administratively subdivided into 17 city districts. Most of the city districts lie at a low elevation along the valley of the river Sava, but northern and northeastern city districts, such as Podsljeme and Sesvete districts are situated in the foothills of the Medvednica mountain, making the city's geographical image quite diverse. The city extends over 30 km east-west and around 20 km north-south. Zagreb ranks as a global city, with a 'Beta-' rating from the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. The transport connections, the concentration of industry, scientific, and research institutions and industrial tradition underlie its leading economic position in Croatia. Zagreb is the seat of the central government, administrative bodies, and almost all government ministries. Almost all of the largest Croatian companies, media, and scientific institutions have their headquarters in the city. Zagreb is the most important transport hub in Croatia: here Central Europe, the Mediterranean and Southeast Europe meet, making the Zagreb area the centre of the road, rail and air networks of Croatia. It is a city known for its diverse economy, high quality of living, museums, sporting, and entertainment events. Major branches of Zagreb's economy include high-tech industries and the service sector. The etymology of the name Zagreb is unclear. It was used for the united city only from 1852, but it had been in use as the name of the Zagreb Diocese since the 12th century and was increasingly used for the city in the 17th century. The name is first recorded in a charter by the archbishop of Esztergom Felician, dated 1134, mentioned as Zagrabiensem episcopatum. Cagliari is an Italian municipality and the capital and largest city of the island of Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy. It has about 155,000 inhabitants, while its metropolitan city has about 420,000 inhabitants. According to Eurostat, the population of the functional urban area, the commuting zone of Cagliari, rises to 476,975. Cagliari is the 26th largest city in Italy and the largest city on the island of Sardinia. An ancient city with a long history, Cagliari has seen the rule of several civilisations. Under the buildings of the modern city there is a continuous stratification attesting to human settlement over the course of some five thousand years, from the Neolithic to today. Historical sites include the prehistoric Domus de Janas, very damaged by cave activity, a large Carthaginian era necropolis, a Roman era amphitheatre, a Byzantine basilica, three Pisan-era towers and a strong system of fortification that made the town the core of Spanish Habsburg imperial power in the western Mediterranean Sea. Its natural resources have always been its sheltered harbour, the often powerfully fortified hill of Castel di Castro, the modern Casteddu, the salt from its lagoons, and, from the hinterland, wheat from the Campidano plain and silver and other ores from the Iglesiente mines. Cagliari was the capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia from 1324 to 1848, when Turin became the formal capital of the kingdom . Today the city is a regional cultural, educational, political and artistic centre, known for its diverse Art Nouveau architecture and several monuments. It is also Sardinia's economic and industrial hub, having one of the biggest ports in the Mediterranean Sea, an international airport, and the 106th highest income level in Italy , comparable to that of several northern Italian cities. The Cagliari area has been inhabited since the Neolithic. It occupies a favourable position between the sea and a fertile plain and is surrounded by two marshes . There are high mountains nearby, to which people could evacuate if the settlement had to be given up. Relics of prehistoric inhabitants were found in the hill of Monte Claro and in Cape Sant'Elia . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Comuna 12 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 12 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 12 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saavedra <s> Comuna 12 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Pueyrredón <s> Comuna 12 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 12 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Coghlan, Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 12 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Urquiza <s> Comuna 10 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 10 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 10 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Real, Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 10 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vélez Sársfield <s> Comuna 10 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monte Castro <s> Comuna 10 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Luro <s> Comuna 10 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Versalles <s> Comuna 10 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Floresta <s> Comuna 10 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 15 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 15 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 15 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Agronomía <s> Comuna 15 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chacarita <s> Comuna 15 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Crespo <s> Comuna 15 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Paternal, Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 15 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parque Chas <s> Comuna 15 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Ortúzar <s> Comuna 15 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 1 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 1 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Retiro <s> Comuna 1 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 1 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 1 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Puerto Madero <s> Comuna 1 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Telmo <s> Comuna 1 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Constitución <s> Comuna 1 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monserrat <s> Comuna 1 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Nicolás <s> Comuna 4 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Barracas <s> Comuna 4 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 4 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 4 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 4 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> La Boca <s> Comuna 4 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parque Patricios <s> Comuna 4 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nueva Pompeya <s> Comuna 5 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 5 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 5 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Boedo <s> Comuna 5 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Almagro <s> Comuna 5 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 7 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 7 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 7 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Flores <s> Comuna 7 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 7 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Parque Chacabuco <s> Comuna 8 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 8 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Riachuelo <s> Comuna 8 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Lugano <s> Comuna 8 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 8 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villa Soldati <s> Comuna 8 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 3 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 3 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 3 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Balvanera <s> Comuna 3 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Cristóbal <s> Comuna 3 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 13 <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Comuna 13 <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Comuna 13 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belgrano <s> Comuna 13 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Colegiales <s> Comuna 13 <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Núñez <s> Comuna 13 <p> instance of <o> commune of Buenos Aires </Graph>
<Text> :Comuna 12 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Villa Pueyrredon, Villa Urquiza, Coghlan and Saavedra. It is located in the northwest of the city, has an area of 15.6 km2 and a total population of 200,116 according to the 2010 census of which 92,527 are men and 107,589 are women, which represent 46.2% and 53.8% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 191,122 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 4.7%. Comuna 10 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Villa Luro, Velez Sarsfield, Floresta, Monte Castro, Villa Real and Versalles. It is located in the west of the city, has an area of 12.7 km2 and a total population of 166,022 according to the 2010 census of which 76,972 are men and 89,050 are women, which represent 46.4% and 53.6% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 163,209 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 1.7%. Comuna 15 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Villa Ortuzar, Chacarita, Villa Crespo, La Paternal, Agronomia and Parque Chas. It is located in the center-northwest of the city, has an area of 14.6 km2 and a total population of 182,574 according to the 2010 census of which 84,485 are men and 98,089 are women, which represent 46.3% and 53.7% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 182,627 inhabitants, which represents a slight decrease of 0.03% . Comuna 1 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Retiro, San Nicolas, Puerto Madero, San Telmo, Monserrat and Constitucion. It is located in the east of the city, has an area of 17.4 km2 and a total population of 205,886 according to the 2010 census of which 98,097 are men and 107,789 are women, which represent 47.6% and 52.4% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 171,975 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 19.7%. With 50,948 inhabitants born outside the country, it is the commune that registers the highest proportion of foreigners . Comuna 4 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Barracas, La Boca, Nueva Pompeya and Parque Patricios. It is located in the southeast of the city, has an area of 21.6 km2 and a total population of 218,245 according to the 2010 census of which 103,166 are men and 115,079 are women, which represent 47.3% and 52.7% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 215,539 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 1.3%. Comuna 5 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Almagro and Boedo. It is located in the center-east of the city, has an area of 6.7 km2 and a total population of 179,005 according to the 2010 census of which 80,806 are men and 98,199 are women, which represent 45.1% and 54.9% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 173,769 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 3.0%. Comuna 7 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Flores and Parque Chacabuco. It is located in the mid-southwest of the city, has an area of 12.4 km2 and a total population of 220,591 according to the 2010 census of which 102,481 are men and 118,110 are women, which represent 46.5% and 53.5% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 197,333 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 11.8%. It is the commune with the third highest proportion of foreigners , mostly from neighboring countries; 2 of which 47.8% are of Bolivian origin, followed by those of Peruvian and Paraguayan origin . Also noteworthy is the proportion of foreigners of Asian origin . Comuna 8 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Villa Soldati, Villa Lugano, and Villa Riachuelo. It is located in the southwest of the city, has an area of 21.9 km2 and a total population of 187,237 according to the 2010 census of which 89,545 are men and 97,692 are women, which represent 47.8% and 52.2% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 161,642 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 15.8%, being the commune that grew the second most in the last nine years. It is the commune with the second highest proportion of foreigners , mostly from bordering countries, 2 of which 46.6% is of Bolivian origin, followed by those of Paraguayan origin . Comuna 3 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Balvanera and San Cristobal. It is located in the center-east of the city, has an area of 6.4 km2 and a total population of 187,537 according to the 2010 census of which 85,601 are men and 101,936 are women, which represent 45.6% and 54.4% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 184,015 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 1.9%. Comuna 13 is one of the 15 communes in which the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is divided. It is made up of the neighborhoods of Nunez, Belgrano and Colegiales. It is located in the north of the city, has an area of 14.6 km2 and a total population of 231,331 according to the 2010 census of which 103,832 are men and 127,499 are women, which represent 44.9% and 55.1% of the commune respectively. The 2001 census registered 228,226 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 1.4%. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Our Lady of Bonaria <p> instance of <o> title of Virgin Mary <s> Our Lady of Bonaria <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Bergamo <p> country <o> Italy <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Bergamo <p> capital of <o> Province of Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tver <s> Bergamo <p> instance of <o> city <s> Bergamo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Bergamo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bergamo <p> capital of <o> Republic of Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> Bergamo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bergamo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mendoza <s> Bergamo <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Bergamo <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Bergamo <p> heritage designation <o> Tentative World Heritage Site <s> Bergamo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Lallio <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Gorle <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mulhouse <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> La Rioja <s> Bergamo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iv) <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Azzano San Paolo <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Curno <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Mozzo <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Orio al Serio <s> Bergamo <p> capital of <o> province of Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> capital of <o> Serio Department <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Treviolo <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Torre Boldone <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Sorisole <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Stezzano <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Ponteranica <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Seriate <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Paladina <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bengbu <s> Bergamo <p> shares border with <o> Valbrembo <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Greenville <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pueblo <s> Bergamo <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Bergamo <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> patron saint <o> Alexander of Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> member of <o> The most beautiful villages in Italy <s> Bergamo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Olkusz <s> Bergamo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Bergamo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Cochabamba <s> Bergamo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Bergamo <s> Bergamo <p> head of government <o> Giorgio Gori <s> Bergamo <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Bergamo <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Bergamo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Bergame <s> Genoa <p> country <o> Italy <s> Genoa <p> part of <o> Liguria <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Genoa <p> capital of <o> Liguria <s> Genoa <p> instance of <o> city <s> Genoa <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Genoa <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Genoa <p> different from <o> gene <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Mele <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Arenzano <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Bosio <s> Genoa <p> capital of <o> Province of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Athens <s> Genoa <p> patron saint <o> John the Baptist <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Campomorone <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Masone <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rijeka <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Stadio Luigi Ferraris <s> Genoa <p> capital of <o> Republic of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Acqui Terme <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Palazzo Doria Tursi <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Varna <s> Genoa <p> capital of <o> Gênes <s> Genoa <p> has part(s) <o> Palazzi dei Rolli <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Villa Croce <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Palazzo Rosso <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Palazzo Bianco <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Tiglieto <s> Genoa <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Ceranesi <s> Genoa <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marseille <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Genoa <p> head of government <o> Marco Bucci <s> Genoa <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Genoa <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Genoa <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Genoa <p> significant event <o> Siege of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Urbe <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Timișoara <s> Genoa <p> significant event <o> Siege of Genova 1331 <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Villa Imperiale <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chios <s> Genoa <p> significant event <o> Siege of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> significant event <o> Siege of Genova 1522 <s> Genoa <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Genoa <s> Genoa <p> significant event <o> Siege of Genoa 1747 <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Odesa <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Mignanego <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Serra Riccò <s> Genoa <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Villa Gruber De Mari <s> Genoa <p> award received <o> Gold Medal of Military Valour <s> Genoa <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Genoa <s> Genoa <p> legislative body <o> Genoa City Council <s> Genoa <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Forte Sperone <s> Genoa <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Genoa <s> Genoa <p> instance of <o> port settlement <s> Genoa <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Genoa <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Forte Crocetta <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Forte Tenaglia <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Albertis Castle <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Forte Puin <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Doge's Palace, Genoa <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> villa Centurione Doria <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Forte Begato <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Villa Durazzo Pallavicini <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Monte Moro Battery <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Stadio Carlini-Bollesan <s> Genoa <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Genoa <s> Genoa <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Genoa <s> Genoa <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Ligurian Sea <s> Genoa <p> award received <o> European Capital of Culture <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Villa Spinola di San Pietro <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Villa Grimaldi <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Liceo artistico statale Klee Barabino <s> Genoa <p> capital of <o> Ligurian Republic <s> Genoa <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Genoa <s> Genoa <p> owner of <o> Villa Imperiale Scassi <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Beyoğlu <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Latakia <s> Genoa <p> part of <o> Metropolitan City of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> capital of <o> Metropolitan City of Genoa <s> Genoa <p> capital of <o> Genoese Republic <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Columbus <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Baltimore <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aue <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tursi <s> Genoa <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ryazan <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Bargagli <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Montoggio <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Sant’Olcese <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Bogliasco <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Davagna <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Sori <s> Genoa <p> shares border with <o> Sassello <s> Genoa <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Genoa <s> Category:Births in Buenos Aires <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:Births in Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Births in Buenos Aires <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Buenos Aires <s> electoral unit <p> Wikidata property <o> number of constituencies <s> electoral unit <p> Wikidata property <o> electoral district <s> electoral unit <p> Wikidata property <o> associated electoral district <s> electoral unit <p> Wikidata property <o> electoral district number <s> electoral unit <p> subclass of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> electoral unit <p> part of <o> representative democracy <s> electoral unit <p> part of <o> electoral college <s> electoral unit <p> subclass of <o> political territorial entity <s> electoral unit <p> partially coincident with <o> ward <s> electoral unit <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Constituencies <s> electoral unit <p> different from <o> electoral unit (Czechia) <s> electoral unit <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> electoral unit <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> electoral unit <p> has characteristic <o> connectedness <s> electoral unit <p> has characteristic <o> equality <s> Category:Deaths in Buenos Aires <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:Deaths in Buenos Aires <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Buenos Aires <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Buenos Aires <s> Category:Deaths in Buenos Aires <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> country <o> Argentina <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Buenos Aires <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> owned by <o> Buenos Aires <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> instance of <o> theatre building <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> instance of <o> arts centre <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> instance of <o> movie theater <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Teatro General San Martín <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> architect <o> Mario Roberto Álvarez <s> Teatro General San Martín <p> located on street <o> Corrientes Avenue <s> Category:Burials in Buenos Aires by place <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Burials in Buenos Aires by place <p> category combines topics <o> Buenos Aires <s> Category:Burials in Buenos Aires by place <p> category combines topics <o> location of burial <s> Category:Burials in Buenos Aires by place <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Palermo <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens of Palermo <s> Palermo <p> seismic classification <o> 2 <s> Palermo <p> country <o> Italy <s> Palermo <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Palermo <s> Palermo <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Palermo <s> Palermo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Palermo <p> capital of <o> Sicily <s> Palermo <p> capital of <o> Province of Palermo <s> Palermo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Oreto River <s> Palermo <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Palermo <p> patron saint <o> Saint Rosalia <s> Palermo <p> instance of <o> city <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Palermo <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Palermo <p> capital of <o> Emirate of Sicily <s> Palermo <p> owner of <o> Stadio Renzo Barbera <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Düsseldorf <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rijeka <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Palermo <p> owner of <o> Velodromo Paolo Borsellino <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gdańsk <s> Palermo <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Palermo <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zagreb <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Palermo <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Sicily <s> Palermo <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Palermo <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hanoi <s> Palermo <p> capital of <o> Kingdom of Sicily <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Yaroslavl <s> Palermo <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Palermo by place <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Samara <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Villabate <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bethlehem <s> Palermo <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Palermo <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Palermo <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Palermo <p> described by source <o> Italian leaves <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ottawa <s> Palermo <p> significant event <o> Siege of Panormus <s> Palermo <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Palermo <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Miami <s> Palermo <p> different from <o> Panormus <s> Palermo <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Palermo <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Timișoara <s> Palermo <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Tyrrhenian Sea <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Málaga <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sos del Rey Católico <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pistoia <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Palermo <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Santiago de Cuba <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sestu <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bukavu <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Khan Yunis <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tbilisi <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bizerte <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Bagheria <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Altofonte <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Monterey <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Misilmeri <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Belmonte Mezzagno <s> Palermo <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Palermo <s> Palermo <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chengdu <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Torretta <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Ficarazzi <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Isola delle Femmine <s> Palermo <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Circoscrizione 1 <s> Palermo <p> shares border with <o> Monreale <s> Palermo <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Palermo <s> Palermo <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Palermo <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Palermo <p> head of government <o> Roberto Lagalla <s> Palermo <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Metropolitan City of Palermo <s> Palermo <p> legislative body <o> Palermo city council <s> Toulouse <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Toulouse <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kyiv <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Buenos Aires <s> Toulouse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Haute-Garonne <s> Toulouse <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Toulouse <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Düsseldorf <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> Midi-Pyrénées <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> Visigothic Kingdom <s> Toulouse <p> country <o> France <s> Toulouse <p> open data portal <o> Toulouse Métropole Open data portal <s> Toulouse <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> Languedoc <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-15 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-10 <s> Toulouse <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> dedicated heritage entity <o> Archives municipales de Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> County of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-12 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-7 <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Fenouillet <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> Haute-Garonne <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Cugnaux <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Vieille-Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> N'Djamena <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-11 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-1 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-3 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-8 <s> Toulouse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Blagnac <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Colomiers <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Launaguet <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Balma <s> Toulouse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Toulouse-12 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-9 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-6 <s> Toulouse <p> archives at <o> Archives municipales de Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Toulouse <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> owner of <o> Hôtel Dubarry <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> Occitania <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Elche <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Chongqing <s> Toulouse <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Garonne <s> Toulouse <p> owner of <o> The Death of Cleopatra <s> Toulouse <p> owner of <o> Young girl in a park <s> Toulouse <p> owner of <o> Baronne de Crussol <s> Toulouse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> significant event <o> Siege of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-14 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-13 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-4 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-2 <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> canton of Toulouse-5 <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Tournefeuille <s> Toulouse <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Toulouse <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Toulouse <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bristol <s> Toulouse <p> capital of <o> Visigothic Kingdom of Tolosa <s> Toulouse <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Pechbusque <s> Toulouse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Toulouse-15 <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Portet-sur-Garonne <s> Toulouse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Toulouse Métropole <s> Toulouse <p> instance of <o> college town <s> Toulouse <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Toulouse <p> head of government <o> Jean-Luc Moudenc <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Orens-de-Gameville <s> Toulouse <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Toulouse <p> owner of <o> Stadium Municipal <s> Toulouse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Toulouse-14 <s> Toulouse <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Toulouse-13 <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ramallah <s> Toulouse <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stavanger Municipality <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Tel Aviv <s> Toulouse <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Toulouse <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Atlanta <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Ramonville-Saint-Agne <s> Toulouse <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lagos <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> L'Union <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Aucamville <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Labège <s> Toulouse <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Toulouse <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> shares border with <o> Quint-Fonsegrives <s> Toulouse <p> replaces <o> Tolosa <s> Toulouse <p> flag <o> flag of Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Toulouse <s> Toulouse <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Toulouse <p> location <o> Occitania </Graph>
<Text> :Bergamo is a city in the alpine Lombardy region of Northern Italy, approximately 40 km northeast of Milan, and about 30 km from Switzerland, the alpine lakes Como and Iseo and 70 km from Garda and Maggiore. The Bergamo Alps begin immediately north of the city. With a population of around 120,000, Bergamo is the fourth-largest city in Lombardy. Bergamo is the seat of the Province of Bergamo, which counts over 1,103,000 residents . The metropolitan area of Bergamo extends beyond the administrative city limits, spanning over a densely urbanized area with slightly less than 500,000 inhabitants. The Bergamo metropolitan area is itself part of the broader Milan metropolitan area, home to over 8 million people. The city of Bergamo is composed of an old walled core, known as Citta Alta , nestled within a system of hills, and the modern expansion in the plains below. The upper town is encircled by massive Venetian defensive systems that are a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 9 July 2017. Bergamo is well connected to several cities in Italy, thanks to the motorway A4 stretching on the axis between Milan, Verona, and Venice. The city is served by Il Caravaggio International Airport, the third-busiest airport in Italy with 12.3 million passengers in 2017. Bergamo is the second most visited city in Lombardy after Milan. Genoa is a city in and the capital of the Italian region of Liguria, and the sixth-largest city in Italy. In 2023, 558,745 people lived within the city's administrative limits. While its metropolitan area has 813,626 inhabitants, more than 1.5 million people live in the wider metropolitan area stretching along the Italian Riviera. On the Gulf of Genoa in the Ligurian Sea, Genoa has historically been one of the most important ports on the Mediterranean: it is currently the busiest in Italy and in the Mediterranean Sea and twelfth-busiest in the European Union. Genoa was the capital of one of the most powerful maritime republics for over seven centuries, from the 11th century to 1797. Particularly from the 12th century to the 15th century, the city played a leading role in the commercial trade in Europe, becoming one of the largest naval powers of the continent and considered among the wealthiest cities in the world. It was also nicknamed la Superba by Petrarch due to its glories on the seas and impressive landmarks. The city has hosted massive shipyards and steelworks since the 19th century, and its solid financial sector dates back to the Middle Ages. The Bank of Saint George, founded in 1407, is the oldest known state deposit bank in the world and has played an important role in the city's prosperity since the middle of the 15th century. The historical centre, also known as old town, of Genoa is one of the largest and most-densely populated in Europe. Part of it was also inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2006 as Genoa: Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli. Genoa's historical city centre is also known for its narrow lanes and streets that the locals call "caruggi". Genoa is also home to the University of Genoa, which has a history going back to the 15th century, when it was known as Genuense Athenaeum. The city's rich cultural history in art, music and cuisine allowed it to become the 2004 European Capital of Culture. It is the birthplace of Guglielmo Embriaco, Christopher Columbus, Andrea Doria, Niccolo Paganini, Giuseppe Mazzini, Renzo Piano and Grimaldo Canella, founder of the House of Grimaldi, among others. The Teatro General San Martin is an important public theater in Buenos Aires, located on Corrientes Avenue and adjacent to the cultural center of the same name. It is one of the major theaters in Argentina and offers venues for the representation of stage works and film, as well as art exhibitions. Projects for the construction of this theater date to 1908, when Socialist Congressman Alfredo Palacios introduced a bill to that effect. A similar resolution passed the Deliberative Council of the City of Buenos Aires, which authorized the creation of the Buenos Aires People's Theater, and the bill was signed by Mayor Joaquin de Anchorena. On November 26, 1936, Mayor Mariano de Vedia and Mitre provided for the construction of a building to house the Teatro del Pueblo, and on December 23, a theater located on 1530 Corrientes Avenue was expropriated for the purpose. Directed by Leonidas Barletta, the New Theatre received a 25-year concession from the city, though a nationalist 1943 coup d'etat resulted in its rescission on December 3. The Municipal Theater of Buenos Aires was inaugurated in its stead on May 23, 1944, for the promotion and expansion of the theatre in Argentina. The institution was renamed Teatro General San Martin by order of President Juan Peron, in 1950. Peron commissioned local architects Mario Roberto Alvarez and Macedonio Ruiz for the design of a new building for the San Martin, and work on the present building began June 24, 1954. Palermo is a city in southern Italy, the capital of both the autonomous region of Sicily and the Metropolitan City of Palermo, the city's surrounding metropolitan province. The city is noted for its history, culture, architecture and gastronomy, playing an important role throughout much of its existence; it is over 2,700 years old. Palermo is in the northwest of the island of Sicily, by the Gulf of Palermo in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The city was founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians as Sis . Palermo then became a possession of Carthage. Two Greek colonies were established, known collectively as Panormos; the Carthaginians used this name on their coins after the 5th century BC. As Panormus, the town became part of the Roman Republic and Empire for over a thousand years. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule in the Emirate of Sicily when the city became the capital of Sicily for the first time. During this time the city was known as Balarm. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new kingdom, the Kingdom of Sicily, that lasted from 1130 to 1816. The population of Palermo urban area is estimated by Eurostat to be 855,285, while its metropolitan area is the fifth most populated in Italy with around 1.2 million people. In the central area, the city has a population of around 676,000 people. The inhabitants are known as Palermitani or, poetically, panormiti. The languages spoken by its inhabitants are the Italian language and the Palermitano dialect of the Sicilian language. Palermo is Sicily's cultural, economic and tourism capital. It is a city rich in history, culture, art, music and food. Numerous tourists are attracted to the city for its appealing Mediterranean climate, its renowned gastronomy and restaurants, its Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau churches, palaces and buildings, and its nightlife and music. Palermo is the main Sicilian industrial and commercial center: the main industrial sectors include tourism, services, commerce and agriculture. Palermo has an international airport and a significant underground economy. For cultural, artistic and economic reasons, Palermo is one of the largest cities in the Mediterranean and is now among the top tourist destinations in both Italy and Europe. It is the main seat of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalu and Monreale. The city is also going through careful redevelopment, preparing to become one of the major cities of the Euro-Mediterranean area. Toulouse is the prefecture of the French department of Haute-Garonne and of the larger region of Occitania. The city is on the banks of the River Garonne, 150 kilometres from the Mediterranean Sea, 230 km from the Atlantic Ocean and 680 km from Paris. It is the fourth-largest city in France after Paris, Marseille and Lyon, with 504,078 inhabitants within its municipal boundaries ; its metropolitan area has a population of 1.5 million inhabitants . Toulouse is the central city of one of the 22 metropolitan councils of France. Between the 2014 and 2020 censuses, its metropolitan area was the third fastest growing among metropolitan areas larger than 500,000 inhabitants in France. Toulouse is the centre of the European aerospace industry, with the headquarters of Airbus, the SPOT satellite system, ATR and the Aerospace Valley. It hosts the CNES's Toulouse Space Centre which is the largest national space centre in Europe, but also, on the military side, the newly created NATO space centre of excellence and the French Space Command and Space Academy. Safran, Thales Alenia Space, Airbus Defence and Space and Liebherr-Aerospace also have a significant presence in Toulouse. The air route between Toulouse-Blagnac and the Parisian airports is the busiest in France, transporting 3.2 million passengers in 2019. According to the rankings of L'Express and Challenges, Toulouse is the most dynamic French city. Founded by the Romans, the city was the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom in the 5th century and the capital of the province of Languedoc in the Late Middle Ages and early modern period , making it the unofficial capital of the cultural region of Occitania . It is now the capital of the administrative region of Occitania, the second largest region in Metropolitan France. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Template:Infobox person <p> template has topic <o> human <s> Template:Infobox person <p> different from <o> Template:Infobox Biography2 <s> Template:Infobox person <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia infobox template <s> Template:Infobox person <p> different from <o> Template:Infobox person/Wikidata <s> Template:Infobox person <p> different from <o> Template:Bio <s> Template:Infobox person <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Template:Infobox person importer-en <s> Template:Infobox person <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Template:Global Infobox person <s> natural person <p> different from <o> juridical person <s> natural person <p> subclass of <o> human <s> natural person <p> said to be the same as <o> person <s> natural person <p> subclass of <o> legal person <s> natural person <p> different from <o> unincorporated entity <s> natural person <p> different from <o> separate legal entity <s> natural person <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> natural person <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> natural person <p> item operated <o> sole proprietorship <s> country of citizenship <p> related property <o> country <s> country of citizenship <p> subproperty of <o> country <s> country of citizenship <p> Wikidata property example <o> George Washington <s> country of citizenship <p> related property <o> country of origin <s> country of citizenship <p> related property <o> allegiance <s> country of citizenship <p> related property <o> country for sport <s> country of citizenship <p> related property <o> holds diplomatic passport of <s> country of citizenship <p> Wikidata property example <o> Napoleon <s> country of citizenship <p> Wikidata property example <o> Mahatma Gandhi <s> country of citizenship <p> related property <o> permanent resident of <s> country of citizenship <p> Wikidata property example <o> Nelson Mandela <s> country of citizenship <p> Wikidata property example <o> Sergio Mattarella <s> country of citizenship <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> national citizenship <s> country of citizenship <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Articles with Template:Bio and country of citizenship not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia <s> country of citizenship <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property used as "depicts" (P180) qualifier on Commons <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> country of citizenship <p> inverse label item <o> citizen of this country <s> country of citizenship <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P27 <s> date of death <p> complementary property <o> date of birth <s> date of death <p> related property <o> place of death <s> date of death <p> related property <o> place of burial <s> date of death <p> related property <o> date of birth <s> date of death <p> related property <o> cause of death <s> date of death <p> subproperty of <o> end time <s> date of death <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> date of death <p> complementary property <o> date of baptism <s> date of death <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Articles with Template:Bio and date of death not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia <s> date of death <p> subproperty of <o> dissolved, abolished or demolished date <s> date of death <p> related property <o> manner of death <s> date of death <p> related property <o> date of disappearance <s> date of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Isaac Newton <s> date of death <p> related property <o> date of burial or cremation <s> date of death <p> related property <o> floruit <s> date of death <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> date of death <s> date of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Ramesses I <s> date of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Edgar Leopold Layard <s> date of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Victor Grayson <s> date of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> date of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with datatype 'time' <s> date of death <p> has list <o> list of people who died on their birthday <s> date of death <p> has list <o> recent deaths <s> date of death <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P570 <s> date of death <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Property P570 missing at Wikidata, but information available in Wikipedia <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> difference-within-range constraint <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> date of death <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> range constraint <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> date of death <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> date of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with a single value, but different precisions and references can lead to multiple values <s> date of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to describe the death of the subject <s> date of death <p> category for value different from Wikidata <o> Category:P570 different in Wikipedia <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> place of burial <p> subproperty of <o> location <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> James Baldwin <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> Dennis Wilson <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> Joseph Force Crater <s> place of burial <p> related property <o> place of death <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> place of burial <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> place of burial <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P119 <s> place of burial <p> related property <o> image of grave <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> Ramesses I <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> Anne Frank <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> place of burial <p> related property <o> date of burial or cremation <s> place of burial <p> related property <o> category of people buried here <s> place of burial <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> place of burial <p> inverse label item <o> buried here <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> Paracelsus <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> grave <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> Christian Doppler <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> location of burial <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata property example <o> Vasco da Gama <s> place of burial <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to burials, graves, and memorials <s> place of burial <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for specifying the location of an event <s> place of burial <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for birth or death <s> place of burial <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to religions and beliefs <s> place of burial <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> inferred from place of burial <s> person <p> properties for this type <o> given name <s> person <p> different from <o> human <s> person <p> Wikidata property <o> significant person <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> gender <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> pseudonym <s> person <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Human Rights <s> person <p> category for eponymous categories <o> Category:Wikipedia categories named after people <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> family name <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> given name <s> person <p> different from <o> grammatical person <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> personality <s> person <p> said to be the same as <o> natural person <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> personal infrastructure <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> marital status <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> personhood <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> age of a person <s> person <p> different from <o> Fulbe people <s> person <p> subclass of <o> individual <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> mental state <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> personal identity <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> date of birth <s> person <p> different from <o> personhood <s> person <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> personal life <s> person <p> subclass of <o> person or organization <s> person <p> subclass of <o> legal person <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> person property <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> biographic information <s> person <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:People <s> person <p> said to be the same as <o> personal law <s> person <p> different from <o> fictional person <s> person <p> has characteristic <o> adaptive capacity <s> person <p> different from <o> corporate personhood <s> person <p> topic's main category <o> Category:People <s> cause of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to describe the death of the subject <s> cause of death <p> related property <o> cause of destruction <s> cause of death <p> related property <o> manner of death <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Adolf Hitler <s> cause of death <p> related property <o> military casualty classification <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Natalie Wood <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Maximilian Kolbe <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> John Lennon <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Wilt Chamberlain <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Paul Walker <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Alexander Radishchev <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Albert Fish <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jeffrey Dahmer <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> John Wayne Gacy <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> cause of death <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Agrafena Saburova <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Lillian Leitzel <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Andy Kaufman <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Richard Nixon <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> cause of death <p> inverse label item <o> people who died in this manner <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> cause of death <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Adolf Eichmann <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Lou Gehrig <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Michiel de Ruyter <s> cause of death <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P509 <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> cause of death <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Theodore Roosevelt <s> cause of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Heinrich Himmler <s> age of a person <p> Wikidata property <o> age estimated by a dating method <s> age of a person <p> Wikidata property <o> age of subject at event <s> age of a person <p> subclass of <o> physical quantity <s> age of a person <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Mathematics <s> age of a person <p> recommended unit of measurement <o> annum <s> age of a person <p> different from <o> Aomar <s> age of a person <p> different from <o> old age <s> age of a person <p> different from <o> human ageing <s> age of a person <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> age of a person <p> subclass of <o> duration <s> age of a person <p> subclass of <o> age <s> age of a person <p> uses <o> date of birth <s> age of a person <p> part of <o> lifetime <s> age of a person <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ages of man <s> age of a person <p> studied in <o> sociology of age and generations <s> religion or worldview <p> instance of <o> personal data <s> religion or worldview <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> religion or worldview <p> related property <o> political ideology <s> religion or worldview <p> related property <o> religious order <s> religion or worldview <p> related property <o> official religion <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata property example <o> Laozi <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata property example <o> Narendra Modi <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> religious movement <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> religious identity <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> religion <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> doxastic attitude <s> religion or worldview <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to religions and beliefs <s> religion or worldview <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> religion or worldview <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> religion or worldview <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> religion or worldview <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P140 <s> religion or worldview <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> religion or worldview <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> religion or worldview <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> religion or worldview <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> religion or worldview <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> religion or worldview <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> religion or world view <s> religion or worldview <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> religion or worldview <p> inverse label item <o> followers of this religion <s> religion or worldview <p> Wikidata property example <o> Woodland Presbytarian Church <s> ethnic group <p> related property <o> country for sport <s> ethnic group <p> related property <o> country of citizenship <s> ethnic group <p> related property <o> indigenous to <s> ethnic group <p> related property <o> culture <s> ethnic group <p> related property <o> tribe <s> ethnic group <p> related property <o> permanent resident of <s> ethnic group <p> Wikidata property example <o> Mahatma Gandhi <s> ethnic group <p> Wikidata property example <o> Huang Xianfan <s> ethnic group <p> Wikidata property example <o> Karl Marx <s> ethnic group <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> ethnic group <s> ethnic group <p> Wikidata property example <o> Nikita Khrushchev <s> ethnic group <p> Wikidata property example <o> Yasser Arafat <s> ethnic group <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> ethnic group <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> ethnic group <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> ethnic group <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> ethnic group <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> ethnic group <p> category for value same as Wikidata <o> Category:Ethnic groups <s> ethnic group <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> ethnic group <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> ethnic group <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> ethnic group <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P172 <s> ethnic group <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> ethnic group <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Ethnic groups <s> ethnic group <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> ethnic group <p> inverse label item <o> merwan kurê kobanî <s> ethnic group <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint </Graph>
<Text> :Do not use all these parameters for any one person. The list is long to cover a wide range of people. Only use those parameters that convey essential or notable information about the subject, and ensure that this information is sourced in the article or in the infobox itself Any parameters left blank or omitted will not be displayed. Many parameters have alternative names, implemented for compatibility with other templates . The preferred names are shown in the table below. The image in the infobox should be representative of the person who is the subject of the article. For some historical figures, particularly those born in the 18th century or before, this image is often a painting or other artistic depiction of the individual . Persons born in the 20th century onward, such as Barack Obama, are most often represented by a photograph of the individual. When the subject of a biographical article has recently died, particularly those who have been publicly known for decades, editors may come to a consensus on the article's talk page regarding what image would best be suited for the infobox. An example of such a discussion can be found in the talk page archives for Elizabeth II ; in this instance, the 2015 photograph of Elizabeth II that was present in the article's infobox when discussions began was eventually replaced with a photograph of her taken in 1958. In jurisprudence, a natural person is a person that is an individual human being, distinguished from the broader category of a legal person, which may be a private or public organization. Historically, a human being was not necessarily considered a natural person in some jurisdictions where slavery existed rather than a person. According to Maria Helena Diniz, an individual or natural person "is the human being considered as a subject of rights and obligations". Every human being is endowed with legal personality and, therefore, is a subject of law. According to Silvio de Salvo Venosa, "legal personality is a projection of the intimate, psychic personality of each person; it is a social projection of the psychic personality, with legal consequences". However, and in addition, the law also gives personality to other entities, formed by groups of people or assets: these are called legal person. In many cases, fundamental human rights are implicitly granted only to natural persons. For example, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states a person cannot be denied the right to vote based on their sex, or Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees equality rights, apply to natural persons only. Another example of the distinction between natural and legal persons is that a natural person can hold public office, but a corporation cannot. A death anniversary is the anniversary of the death of a person. It is the opposite of birthday. It is a custom in several Asian cultures, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, China, Georgia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Myanmar, Iran, Israel, Japan, Bangladesh, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, as well as in other places with significant overseas Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, and Vietnamese populations, to observe the anniversary on which a family member or other significant individual died. There are also similar memorial services that are held at different intervals, such as every week. Although primarily a manifestation of ancestor worship, the tradition has also been associated with Confucianism and Buddhism or Hinduism and Buddhism . In Judaism , such a commemoration is called a yahrtzeit . Celebration of mass in memory of a loved one on or near the anniversary of their death is also a part of Roman Catholic Christian tradition. In China, a death anniversary is called Ji Chen ; jichen or Ji Ri ; jiri. This type of ceremony dates back thousands of years in China and historically involved making sacrifices to the spirits of one's ancestors. Shraadh means to give with devotion or to offer one's respect. Shraadh is a ritual for expressing one's respectful feelings for the ancestors. According to Nepali and Indian texts, a soul has to wander about in the various worlds after death and has to suffer a lot due to past karmas. Shraadh is a means of alleviating this suffering. A person is a being who has certain capacities or attributes such as reason, morality, consciousness or self-consciousness, and being a part of a culturally established form of social relations such as kinship, ownership of property, or legal responsibility. The defining features of personhood and, consequently, what makes a person count as a person, differ widely among cultures and contexts. In addition to the question of personhood, of what makes a being count as a person to begin with, there are further questions about personal identity and self: both about what makes any particular person that particular person instead of another, and about what makes a person at one time the same person as they were or will be at another time despite any intervening changes. The plural form "people" is often used to refer to an entire nation or ethnic group , and this was the original meaning of the word; it subsequently acquired its use as a plural form of person. The plural form "persons" is often used in philosophical and legal writing. The criteria for being a person... are designed to capture those attributes which are the subject of our most humane concern with ourselves and the source of what we regard as most important and most problematical in our lives.In law, medicine, and statistics, cause of death is an official determination of the conditions resulting in a human's death, which may be recorded on a death certificate. A cause of death is determined by a medical examiner. In rare cases, an autopsy needs to be performed by a pathologist. The cause of death is a specific disease or injury, in contrast to the manner of death, which is a small number of categories like "natural", "accident", "suicide", and "homicide", each with different legal implications. International Classification of Disease codes can be used to record manner and cause of death in a systematic way that makes it easy to compile statistics and more feasible to compare events across jurisdictions. A study published in Preventing Chronic Disease found that only one-third of New York City resident physicians reported believing that the present system of documentation was accurate. Half reported the inability to record "what they felt to be the correct cause of death", citing reasons such as technical limitation and instruction to "put something else". Nearly four-fifths reported being unaware that determinations of "probable", "presumed", or "undetermined" could be made, and fewer than three percent reported ever updating a death certificate when conflicting lab results or other new information became available, and cardiovascular disease was indicated as "the most frequent diagnosis inaccurately reported". Causes of death are sometimes disputed by relatives or members of the public, particularly when some degree of uncertainty or ambiguity exists in relation to the cause of death. On occasion, such disputes may result from, or sometimes instigate, a conspiracy theory. An ethnicity or ethnic group is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of perceived shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups. Those attributes can include a common nation of origin, or common sets of ancestry, traditions, language, history, society, religion, or social treatment. The term ethnicity is often used interchangeably with the term nation, particularly in cases of ethnic nationalism. Ethnicity may be construed as an inherited or societally imposed construct. Ethnic membership tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language, dialect, religion, mythology, folklore, ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, or physical appearance. Ethnic groups may share a narrow or broad spectrum of genetic ancestry, depending on group identification, with many groups having mixed genetic ancestry. By way of language shift, acculturation, adoption, and religious conversion, individuals or groups may over time shift from one ethnic group to another. Ethnic groups may be divided into subgroups or tribes, which over time may become separate ethnic groups themselves due to endogamy or physical isolation from the parent group. Conversely, formerly separate ethnicities can merge to form a pan-ethnicity and may eventually merge into one single ethnicity. Whether through division or amalgamation, the formation of a separate ethnic identity is referred to as ethnogenesis. Although both organic and performative criteria characterise ethnic groups, debate in the past has dichotomised between primordialism and constructivism. Earlier 20th-century "Primordialists" viewed ethnic groups as real phenomena whose distinct characteristics have endured since the distant past. Perspectives that developed after the 1960s increasingly viewed ethnic groups as social constructs, with identity assigned by societal rules. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Humans <p> category's main topic <o> human <s> Category:Humans <p> category's main topic <o> person <s> Category:Humans <p> template or module that populates category <o> Template:Infobox person <s> Category:Humans <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Humans <p> template or module that populates category <o> Template:Infobox Biography2 <s> Category:Humans <p> template or module that populates category <o> Template:Infobox person/Wikidata <s> Category:Humans <p> said to be the same as <o> Category:Homo sapiens <s> Category:Humans <p> different from <o> Category:Homo <s> humanity <p> has part(s) <o> nation <s> humanity <p> has part(s) <o> human <s> humanity <p> location <o> Earth <s> humanity <p> has characteristic <o> world population <s> humanity <p> part of <o> biosphere <s> humanity <p> economy of topic <o> world economy <s> humanity <p> history of topic <o> human history <s> humanity <p> subclass of <o> Hominidae <s> humanity <p> different from <o> human nature <s> humanity <p> different from <o> humanitas <s> humanity <p> different from <o> humanity <s> humanity <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> humanity <p> instance of <o> group of humans <s> humanity <p> instance of <o> population <s> humanity <p> instance of <o> group or class of organisms <s> humanity <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of the world <s> humanity <p> geography of topic <o> human geography <s> humanity <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Humanity <s> humanity <p> different from <o> Humanity <s> lifestyle <p> related property <o> movement <s> lifestyle <p> related property <o> political ideology <s> lifestyle <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> lifestyle <s> lifestyle <p> Wikidata property example <o> Snoop Dogg <s> lifestyle <p> Wikidata property example <o> Alexandra David-Néel <s> lifestyle <p> Wikidata property example <o> Hugh Hefner <s> lifestyle <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> lifestyle <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> lifestyle <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> lifestyle <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> lifestyle <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> lifestyle <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> lifestyle <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> lifestyle <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> lifestyle <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jefferson Clarence Davis <s> lifestyle <p> Wikidata property example <o> Sadegh Hedayat <s> lifestyle <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> date of baptism <p> complementary property <o> date of death <s> date of baptism <p> related property <o> date of birth <s> date of baptism <p> related property <o> date of probate <s> date of baptism <p> Wikidata property example <o> Ludwig van Beethoven <s> date of baptism <p> subproperty of <o> start time <s> date of baptism <p> complementary property <o> date of burial or cremation <s> date of baptism <p> Wikidata property example <o> João de Loureiro <s> date of baptism <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> date of baptism <s> date of baptism <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for a person related event <s> date of baptism <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for birth or death <s> date of baptism <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> baptism <s> date of baptism <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to Christianity <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> single-value constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> difference-within-range constraint <s> date of baptism <p> property constraint <o> range constraint <s> date of baptism <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> baptism in the Catholic Church <s> date of baptism <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> date of baptism <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1636 <s> employer <p> related property <o> occupation <s> employer <p> subproperty of <o> affiliation <s> employer <p> related property <o> affiliation <s> employer <p> related property <o> affiliation string <s> employer <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> employer <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> employer <s> employer <p> Wikidata property example <o> Angela Merkel <s> employer <p> Wikidata property example <o> Hayley Westenra <s> employer <p> Wikidata property example <o> Neil Armstrong <s> employer <p> Wikidata property example <o> Albert Verlinde <s> employer <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> employer <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> employer <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> employer <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> employer <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> employer <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> employer <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> employer <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> employer <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P108 <s> employer <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> employer <p> inverse label item <o> employee <s> bipedalism <p> subclass of <o> terrestrial locomotion <s> bipedalism <p> subclass of <o> animal locomotion <s> bipedalism <p> uses <o> balance <s> individual animal <p> properties for this type <o> place of death <s> individual animal <p> properties for this type <o> sex or gender <s> individual animal <p> properties for this type <o> place of birth <s> individual animal <p> properties for this type <o> date of birth <s> individual animal <p> properties for this type <o> named after <s> individual animal <p> subclass of <o> individual organism <s> individual animal <p> properties for this type <o> date of death <s> individual animal <p> subclass of <o> animal <s> individual animal <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Individual animals <s> individual animal <p> properties for this type <o> individual of taxon <s> individual animal <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox animal <s> given name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jimmy Wales <s> given name <p> qualifier for this property <o> series ordinal <s> given name <p> related property <o> family name <s> given name <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> given name <s> given name <p> subproperty of <o> name <s> given name <p> related property <o> given name version for other gender <s> given name <p> related property <o> Vietnamese middle name <s> given name <p> qualifier for this property <o> regnal ordinal <s> given name <p> related property <o> name <s> given name <p> related property <o> Roman praenomen <s> given name <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> given name <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> given name <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> given name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> given name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a name <s> given name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about fictional characters <s> given name <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> given name <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> given name <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> given name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> given name <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> given name <p> inverse label item <o> bears this given name <s> given name <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P735 <s> given name <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> personality <p> has part(s) <o> behavior <s> personality <p> has part(s) <o> emotion <s> personality <p> facet of <o> psychology <s> personality <p> studied in <o> psychology <s> personality <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> personality <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> personality <p> has characteristic <o> idiosyncrasia <s> personality <p> has characteristic <o> personality type <s> personality <p> has part(s) <o> attitude <s> personality <p> subclass of <o> concept <s> personality <p> instance of <o> type of property <s> personality <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> personality <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1 <s> personality <p> has characteristic <o> personality trait <s> personality <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Personality <s> personality <p> has characteristic <o> personality style <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> properties for this type <o> image <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> model item <o> human <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> model item <o> carrot <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> model item <o> dog <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> model item <o> house cat <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> model item <o> fish <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> different from <o> common name <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> has characteristic <o> common name <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Taxonomy <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Q68235346 <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> instance of <o> metaclass <s> organisms known by a particular common name <p> subclass of <o> group or class of organisms </Graph>
<Text> :Humans are a species of hominid and the only surviving species of the genus Homo. There is only one extant subspecies, H. sapiens sapiens. Humans are notable for their intelligence, language, culture, and technology. Employment is a relationship between two parties regulating the provision of paid labour services. Usually based on a contract, one party, the employer, which might be a corporation, a not-for-profit organization, a co-operative, or any other entity, pays the other, the employee, in return for carrying out assigned work. Employees work in return for wages, which can be paid on the basis of an hourly rate, by piecework or an annual salary, depending on the type of work an employee does, the prevailing conditions of the sector and the bargaining power between the parties. Employees in some sectors may receive gratuities, bonus payments or stock options. In some types of employment, employees may receive benefits in addition to payment. Benefits may include health insurance, housing, disability insurance. Employment is typically governed by employment laws, organisation or legal contracts. An employee contributes labour and expertise to an endeavor of an employer or of a person conducting a business or undertaking and is usually hired to perform specific duties which are packaged into a job. In a corporate context, an employee is a person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. An issue that arises in most companies, especially the ones that are in the gig economy, is the classification of workers. A lot of workers that fulfill gigs are often hired as independent contractors. To categorize a worker as an independent contractor rather than an employee, an independent contractor must agree with the client on what the finished work product will be and then the contractor controls the means and manner of achieving the desired outcome. Secondly, an independent contractor offers services to the public at large, not just to one business, and is responsible for disbursing payments from the client, paying unreimbursed expenses, and providing his or her own tools to complete the job. Third, the relationship of the parties is often evidenced by a written agreement that specifies that the worker is an independent contractor and is not entitled to employee benefits; the services provided by the worker are not key to the business; and the relationship is not permanent. Bipedalism is a form of terrestrial locomotion where a tetrapod moves by means of its two rear limbs or legs. An animal or machine that usually moves in a bipedal manner is known as a biped /'baIped/, meaning 'two feet' . Types of bipedal movement include walking or running and hopping. Several groups of modern species are habitual bipeds whose normal method of locomotion is two-legged. In the Triassic period some groups of archosaurs developed bipedalism; among the dinosaurs, all the early forms and many later groups were habitual or exclusive bipeds; the birds are members of a clade of exclusively bipedal dinosaurs, the theropods. Within mammals, habitual bipedalism has evolved multiple times, with the macropods, kangaroo rats and mice, springhare, hopping mice, pangolins and hominin apes as well as various other extinct groups evolving the trait independently. A larger number of modern species intermittently or briefly use a bipedal gait. Several lizard species move bipedally when running, usually to escape from threats. Many primate and bear species will adopt a bipedal gait in order to reach food or explore their environment, though there are a few cases where they walk on their hind limbs only. Several arboreal primate species, such as gibbons and indriids, exclusively walk on two legs during the brief periods they spend on the ground. Many animals rear up on their hind legs while fighting or copulating. Some animals commonly stand on their hind legs to reach food, keep watch, threaten a competitor or predator, or pose in courtship, but do not move bipedally. Limited and exclusive bipedalism can offer a species several advantages. Bipedalism raises the head; this allows a greater field of vision with improved detection of distant dangers or resources, access to deeper water for wading animals and allows the animals to reach higher food sources with their mouths. While upright, non-locomotory limbs become free for other uses, including manipulation , flight , digging , combat or camouflage. The maximum bipedal speed appears slower than the maximum speed of quadrupedal movement with a flexible backbone - both the ostrich and the red kangaroo can reach speeds of 70 km/h , while the cheetah can exceed 100 km/h . Even though bipedalism is slower at first, over long distances, it has allowed humans to outrun most other animals according to the endurance running hypothesis. Bipedality in kangaroo rats has been hypothesized to improve locomotor performance, which could aid in escaping from predators. A given name is the part of a personal name that identifies a person, potentially with a middle name as well, and differentiates that person from the other members of a group who have a common surname. The term given name refers to a name usually bestowed at or close to the time of birth, usually by the parents of the newborn. A Christian name is the first name which is given at baptism, in Christian custom. In informal situations, given names are often used in a familiar and friendly manner. In more formal situations, a person's surname is more commonly used. The idioms 'on a first-name basis' and 'being on first-name terms' refer to the familiarity inherent in addressing someone by their given name. By contrast, a surname is normally inherited and shared with other members of one's immediate family. Regnal names and religious or monastic names are special given names bestowed upon someone receiving a crown or entering a religious order; such a person then typically becomes known chiefly by that name. The order given name - family name, commonly known as Western name order, is used throughout most European countries and in countries that have cultures predominantly influenced by European culture, including North and South America; North, East, Central and West India; Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines. Personality is any person's collection of interrelated behavioral, cognitive and emotional patterns that comprise a person's unique adjustment to life. These interrelated patterns are relatively stable, but can change over long time periods. Although there is no consensus definition of personality, most theories focus on motivation and psychological interactions with one's environment. Trait-based personality theories, such as those defined by Raymond Cattell, define personality as traits that predict an individual's behavior. On the other hand, more behaviorally-based approaches define personality through learning and habits. Nevertheless, most theories view personality as relatively stable. The study of the psychology of personality, called personality psychology, attempts to explain the tendencies that underlie differences in behavior. Psychologists have taken many different approaches to the study of personality, including biological, cognitive, learning, and trait-based theories, as well as psychodynamic, and humanistic approaches. The various approaches used to study personality today reflect the influence of the first theorists in the field, a group that includes Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Gordon Allport, Hans Eysenck, Abraham Maslow, and Carl Rogers. Personality can be determined through a variety of tests. Due to the fact that personality is a complex idea, the dimensions of personality and scales of such tests vary and often are poorly defined. Two main tools to measure personality are objective tests and projective measures. Examples of such tests are the: Big Five Inventory , Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory , Rorschach Inkblot test, Neurotic Personality Questionnaire KON-2006, or Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire . All of these tests are beneficial because they have both reliability and validity, two factors that make a test accurate. "Each item should be influenced to a degree by the underlying trait construct, giving rise to a pattern of positive intercorrelations so long as all items are oriented in the same direction." A recent, but not well-known, measuring tool that psychologists use is the 16PF. It measures personality based on Cattell's 16-factor theory of personality. Psychologists also use it as a clinical measuring tool to diagnose psychiatric disorders and help with prognosis and therapy planning. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> left-handedness <p> instance of <o> handedness <s> left-handedness <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Left-handedness <s> left-handedness <p> opposite of <o> right-handedness <s> left-handedness <p> different from <o> left-handed <s> left-handedness <p> uses <o> left hand <s> National Gallery of Art <p> country <o> United States of America <s> National Gallery of Art <p> artist files at <o> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <s> National Gallery of Art <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> National Gallery of Art <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of the National Gallery of Art <s> National Gallery of Art <p> accredited by <o> American Alliance of Museums <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of World Cultures <s> National Gallery of Art <p> headquarters location <o> Washington, D.C. <s> National Gallery of Art <p> Wikidata property <o> National Gallery of Art artwork ID <s> National Gallery of Art <p> Wikidata property <o> National Gallery of Art artist ID <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> Lucretia <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> Ginevra de' Benci <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> The Repentant Magdalen <s> National Gallery of Art <p> member of <o> IIIF Consortium <s> National Gallery of Art <p> founded by <o> Andrew W. Mellon <s> National Gallery of Art <p> instance of <o> publisher <s> National Gallery of Art <p> architect <o> John Russell Pope <s> National Gallery of Art <p> architect <o> I. M. Pei <s> National Gallery of Art <p> founded by <o> United States Congress <s> National Gallery of Art <p> member of <o> Association of American University Presses <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> Bulb Fields <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> A Dutch Courtyard <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> Harlequin (Arlequin) <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> Lady with a Fan <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> Portrait of a Youth <s> National Gallery of Art <p> legal form <o> 501(c)(3) organization <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> Prints in the National Gallery of Art <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> National Gallery of Art - Gallery 12 <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> Samuel H. Kress Collection of the National Gallery of Art <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> National Gallery of Art - Gallery 35 <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> National Gallery of Art - Gallery 06 <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> National Gallery of Art - West Building Gallery 18 <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> National Gallery of Art - Gallery 10 <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has part(s) <o> National Gallery of Art - Gallery 51 <s> National Gallery of Art <p> has list <o> list of painters in the National Gallery of Art <s> National Gallery of Art <p> topic's main category <o> Category:National Gallery of Art <s> National Gallery of Art <p> instance of <o> national museum <s> National Gallery of Art <p> owner of <o> Andrew W. Mellon collection <s> National Gallery of Art <p> director / manager <o> Kaywin Feldman <s> National Gallery of Art <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> National Gallery of Art <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> category for alumni of educational institution <o> Category:Alumni of Art Institute of Chicago <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> uses <o> land acknowledgement <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Chicago <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> headquarters location <o> Chicago <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> has works in the collection <o> Tate <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> accredited by <o> American Alliance of Museums <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> has works in the collection <o> Minneapolis Institute of Art <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> instance of <o> educational institution <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> architect <o> Renzo Piano <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> member of <o> International Confederation of Architectural Museums <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> has part(s) <o> ARTIC <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> owner of <o> Joseph Beuys <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> director / manager <o> James Rondeau <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> legal form <o> 501(c)(3) organization <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> has subsidiary <o> School of the Art Institute of Chicago <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Art Institute of Chicago <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> owner of <o> The Rape of Europa <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> owner of <o> A Peasant Woman Digging in Front of Her Cottage <s> Art Institute of Chicago <p> owner of <o> Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac <s> Nationalmuseum <p> country <o> Sweden <s> Nationalmuseum <p> described by source <o> Public register of government agencies in Sweden <s> Nationalmuseum <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> Nationalmuseum <p> described by source <o> <s> Nationalmuseum <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> Sweden <s> Nationalmuseum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Stockholm <s> Nationalmuseum <p> legal form <o> state entity <s> Nationalmuseum <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Nationalmuseum <p> owner of <o> artist list of the National Museum of Sweden <s> Nationalmuseum <p> field of work <o> museum <s> Nationalmuseum <p> architect <o> Friedrich August Stüler <s> Nationalmuseum <p> instance of <o> Swedish government agency <s> Nationalmuseum <p> location <o> Norrmalm <s> Nationalmuseum <p> instance of <o> national museum <s> Nationalmuseum <p> has part(s) <o> National Portrait Gallery of Sweden <s> Nationalmuseum <p> director / manager <o> Susanna Pettersson <s> Nationalmuseum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Stockholm Municipality <s> Nationalmuseum <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Blasieholmen <s> Nationalmuseum <p> parent organization <o> Ministry of Culture <s> Nationalmuseum <p> office held by head of the organization <o> The Director General of Nationalmuseum <s> Nationalmuseum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Nationalmuseum <s> Nationalmuseum <p> Classification of the Functions of Government <o> 08.2.0 - Cultural services (CS) <s> Nationalmuseum <p> artist files at <o> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <s> Nationalmuseum <p> main subject <o> art collection <s> Nationalmuseum <p> has part(s) <o> Nationalmuseum Jamtli <s> Nationalmuseum <p> has part(s) <o> Drottningholm Collection <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> country <o> Hungary <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> architect <o> Albert Schickedanz <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> headquarters location <o> Budapest <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Zugló <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> founded by <o> Lajos Kossuth <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> location <o> Heroes' Square <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> owner of <o> Christ before Pilate <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> owner of <o> Portrait of Justus Criex <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Livius <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> instance of <o> national museum <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> director / manager <o> László Baán <s> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Budapest Museum of Fine Arts <s> Annunciation <p> main subject <o> Annunciation <s> Annunciation <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Annunciation <p> depicts <o> Annunciation <s> Annunciation <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Annunciation <p> depicts <o> Gabriel <s> Annunciation <p> different from <o> Annunciation <s> Annunciation <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Annunciation <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Annunciation <p> creator <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Annunciation <p> movement <o> Italian Renaissance <s> Annunciation <p> location <o> Territorial Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore <s> Annunciation <p> location <o> Monte San Martino <s> Annunciation <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Annunciation <p> collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Annunciation <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Annunciation <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Annunciation <p> location <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Annunciation <p> described by source <o> 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> country <o> Vatican City <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> creator <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> main subject <o> Jerome <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> depicts <o> Jerome <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> movement <o> Italian Renaissance painting <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> collection <o> Pinacoteca Vaticana <s> Saint Jerome in the Wilderness <p> location <o> Pinacoteca Vaticana <s> Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings <p> instance of <o> art catalog <s> Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings <p> instance of <o> catalogue raisonné <s> Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings <p> main subject <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings <p> author <o> Frank Zöllner <s> Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings <p> author <o> Johannes Nathan <s> Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings and Drawings <p> publisher <o> Taschen <s> da Vinci <p> instance of <o> affixed family name <s> da Vinci <p> infix <o> da <s> da Vinci <p> writing system <o> Latin script <s> da Vinci <p> named after <o> Vinci <s> Chatsworth House <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Chatsworth House <p> historic county <o> Derbyshire <s> Chatsworth House <p> architect <o> Joseph Paxton <s> Chatsworth House <p> architect <o> Bess of Hardwick <s> Chatsworth House <p> architect <o> Thomas Archer <s> Chatsworth House <p> manufacturer <o> Bess of Hardwick <s> Chatsworth House <p> located in protected area <o> Peak District National Park <s> Chatsworth House <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of Chatsworth House <s> Chatsworth House <p> instance of <o> English country house <s> Chatsworth House <p> instance of <o> house museum <s> Chatsworth House <p> owned by <o> Duke of Devonshire <s> Chatsworth House <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bakewell <s> Chatsworth House <p> architectural style <o> Italianate architecture <s> Chatsworth House <p> architectural style <o> English Baroque <s> Chatsworth House <p> architect <o> William Talman <s> Chatsworth House <p> instance of <o> country house <s> Chatsworth House <p> has facility <o> accessible toilet <s> Chatsworth House <p> architect <o> Jeffry Wyatville <s> Chatsworth House <p> architect <o> James Paine <s> Chatsworth House <p> part of <o> Chatsworth House Estate <s> Chatsworth House <p> archives at <o> The Devonshire Collection Archives, Chatsworth <s> Chatsworth House <p> heritage designation <o> Grade I listed building <s> Chatsworth House <p> has part(s) <o> Chatsworth Private Theatre <s> Chatsworth House <p> has part(s) <o> The Devonshire Collection Archives, Chatsworth </Graph>
<Text> :In human biology, handedness is an individual's preferential use of one hand, known as the dominant hand, due to it being stronger, faster or more dextrous. The other hand, comparatively often the weaker, less dextrous or simply less subjectively preferred, is called the non-dominant hand. In a study from 1975 on 7,688 children in US grades 1-6, left handers comprised 9.6% of the sample, with 10.5% of male children and 8.7% of female children being left-handed. Overall, around 90% of people are right-handed. Handedness is often defined by one's writing hand, as it is fairly common for people to prefer to do a particular task with a particular hand. There are people with true ambidexterity , but it is rare--most people prefer using one hand for most purposes. Because the vast majority of the population is right-handed, many devices are designed for use by right-handed people, making their use by left-handed people more difficult. In many countries, left-handed people are or were required to write with their right hands. However, left-handed people have an advantage in sports that involves aiming at a target in an area of an opponent's control, as their opponents are more accustomed to the right-handed majority. As a result, they are over-represented in baseball, tennis, fencing, cricket, boxing, and mixed martial arts. Handedness may be measured behaviourally or through questionnaires . The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory has been used since 1971 but contains some dated questions and is hard to score. Revisions have been published by Veale and by Williams. The longer Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire is not widely accessible. More recently, the Flinders Handedness Survey has been developed. Handedness displays a complex inheritance pattern. For example, if both parents of a child are left-handed, there is a 26% chance of that child being left-handed. A large study of twins from 25,732 families by Medland et al. indicates that the heritability of handedness is roughly 24%. The National Gallery of Art is an art museum in Washington, D.C., United States, located on the National Mall, between 3rd and 9th Streets, at Constitution Avenue NW. Open to the public and free of charge, the museum was privately established in 1937 for the American people by a joint resolution of the United States Congress. Andrew W. Mellon donated a substantial art collection and funds for construction. The core collection includes major works of art donated by Paul Mellon, Ailsa Mellon Bruce, Lessing J. Rosenwald, Samuel Henry Kress, Rush Harrison Kress, Peter Arrell Browne Widener, Joseph E. Widener, and Chester Dale. The Gallery's collection of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, sculpture, medals, and decorative arts traces the development of Western art from the Middle Ages to the present, including the only painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Americas and the largest mobile created by Alexander Calder. The Gallery's campus includes the original neoclassical West Building designed by John Russell Pope, which is linked underground to the modernist East Building, designed by I. M. Pei, and is next to the 6.1-acre Sculpture Garden. The Gallery often presents temporary special exhibitions spanning the world and the history of art. It is one of the largest museums in North America. Attendance rose to nearly 3.3 million visitors in 2022, making it first among U.S. art museums, and the second on the list of most-visited museums in the United States. Of the top three art museums in the United States by annual visitors, it is the only one that has no admission fee. Andrew W. Mellon, Pittsburgh banker and Treasury Secretary from 1921 until 1932, began gathering a private collection of old master paintings and sculptures during World War I. During the late 1920s, Mellon decided to direct his collecting efforts towards the establishment of a new national gallery for the United States. In 1930, partly for tax reasons, Mellon formed the A. W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, which was to be the legal owner of works intended for the gallery. In 1930-1931, the Trust made its first major acquisition, 21 paintings from the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg as part of the Soviet sale of Hermitage paintings, including such masterpieces as Raphael's Alba Madonna, Titian's Venus with a Mirror, and Jan van Eyck's Annunciation. The Art Institute of Chicago, founded in 1879, is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the United States. It is based in the Art Institute of Chicago Building in Chicago's Grant Park. Its collection, stewarded by 11 curatorial departments, includes works such as Georges Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Pablo Picasso's The Old Guitarist, Edward Hopper's Nighthawks, and Grant Wood's American Gothic. Its permanent collection of nearly 300,000 works of art is augmented by more than 30 special exhibitions mounted yearly that illuminate aspects of the collection and present curatorial and scientific research. As a research institution, the Art Institute also has a conservation and conservation science department, five conservation laboratories, and Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, one of the nation's largest art history and architecture libraries. The museum's building was constructed for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition and, due to the growth of the collection, several additions have occurred since. The Modern Wing, designed by Renzo Piano, is the most recent expansion, and when it opened in 2009 it increased the museum's footprint to nearly one million square feet. This made it the second largest art museum in the United States, after the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. In 1866, a group of 35 artists founded the Chicago Academy of Design in a studio on Dearborn Street, with the intent to run a free school with its own art gallery. The organization was modeled after European art academies, such as the Royal Academy, with Academicians and Associate Academicians. The academy's charter was granted in March 1867. The museum's operations stretch far beyond the borders of Blasieholmen, including the National Portrait gallery collection at Gripshom, the Gustavsbergporclain museum, several castle collections and the Swedish Institute in Paris . In the summer of 2018, Nationalmuseum Jamtli opened in Ostersund to exhibit parts of the collection in the north of Sweden. The museum's benefactors include King Gustav III and Carl Gustaf Tessin. It was founded in 1792 as Kungliga Museet . The present building was opened in 1866, when it was renamed the Nationalmuseum, and was among the buildings that hosted the 1866 General Industrial Exposition of Stockholm. The current building, built between 1844 and 1866, was inspired by northern Italian Renaissance architecture. It is the design of the German architect Friedrich August Stuler, who also designed the Neues Museum in Berlin. Despite its relatively closed exterior, the building has a spacious interior dominated by a large flight of stairs leading to the topmost galleries. The museum was enlarged in 1961 to accommodate the museum workshops, and the museum's current restaurant was opened in 1996. The building closed for renovation in 2013 and reopened on 13 October 2018. The $132 million overhaul was undertaken to allow for more of the museum's collection to be displayed and to deliver the security, accessibility, fire safety and climate control of a modern institution. It was built by the plans of Albert Schickedanz and Fulop Herzog in an eclectic-neoclassical style , between 1900 and 1906. The museum's collection is made up of international art , including all periods of European art, and comprises more than 100,000 pieces. The collection is made up of older additions such as those from Buda Castle, the Esterhazy and Zichy estates, as well as donations from individual collectors. The Museum's collection is made up of six departments: Egyptian, Antique, Old sculpture gallery, Old master paintings gallery, Modern collection, Graphics collection. The institution celebrated its centenary in 2006. The gallery holds the second largest collection of Egyptian art in central Europe. It comprises a number of collections bought together by Hungarian Egyptologist, Eduard Mahler, in the 1930s. Subsequent digs in Egypt have expanded the collection. Some of the most interesting pieces are the painted mummy sarcophagi. The core of the collection was made up of pieces acquired from Paul Arndt, a classicist from Munich. The exhibition mainly includes works from Ancient Greece and Rome. Most significant is the 3rd century marble statue called the Budapest dancer. The Cyprean and Mycenaean collection is also notable, also the ceramics and bronzes. The 3000 paintings in the collection offer an almost uninterrupted survey of the development of European painting from the 13th to the late 18th centuries. The core of the collection is constituted by the 700 paintings acquired from the Esterhazy estate. The collection is split up into Italian, German, Dutch, Flemish, French, English and Spanish art. The most important works include Maso di Banco's Coronation of the Virgin, Sassetta's Saint Thomas Aquinas at Prayer, Domenico Ghirlandaio's Saint Stephen Martyr, Bernardo Bellotto's The Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Gentile Bellini's Portrait of Caterina Cornaro, Giorgione's Portrait of a Young Man, Raphael's Esterhazy Madonna, Giambattista Pittoni's St Elizabeth Distributing Alms, three works by Corrado Giaquinto, Allegory of Painting, The Angel Annunciant and Moses receiving the Laws, Correggio's Madonna and Child with an Angel, three works by Sebastiano del Piombo, Bronzino's Adoration of the Shepherds as well as his Venus, Cupid and Jealousy, Romanino's Doge Agostino Barbarigo Handing over a Banner to Niccolo Orsini, Titian's Portrait of Doge Marcantonio Trevisani, Tintoretto's Supper at Emmaus, Tiepolo's St James the Greater in the Battle of Clavijo, Durer's Portrait of a Young Man, Bernard van Orley's Portrait of Emperor Charles V, eight pictures by Lucas Cranach the Elder, Pieter Bruegel the Elder's St John the Baptist Preaching, Rubens's Mucius Scaevola Before Porsenna, Murillo's The Christ Child Distributing Bread to Pilgrims, Maarten van Heemskerck's Lamentation, two excellent portraits by Frans Hals, and a particularly strong collection of works by Spanish masters including El Greco, Velazquez and Goya. The Annunciation is, according to the Gospel of Luke, the announcement by the archangel Gabriel to Mary that she would conceive and bear a son through a virgin birth and become the mother of Jesus Christ, the Christian Messiah and Son of God, marking the Incarnation. Gabriel told Mary to name her son Jesus. According to Luke 1:26, the Annunciation occurred "in the sixth month" of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John the Baptist. Many Christians observe this event with the Feast of the Annunciation on 25 March, an approximation of the northern vernal equinox nine full months before Christmas, the ceremonial birthday of Jesus. The Annunciation is a key topic in Christian art in general, as well as in Marian art in the Catholic Church, having been especially prominent during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. A work of art depicting the Annunciation is sometimes itself called an Annunciation. And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: Because no word shall be impossible with God. Saint Jerome in the Wilderness or Saint Jerome in the Desert is a common subject in art depicting Saint Jerome. In practice the same subject is often given titles such as Saint Jerome in Penitence and Saint Jerome Praying . Well-known versions usually given a "wilderness" or "desert" title include: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who was active as a painter, draughtsman, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect. While his fame initially rested on his achievements as a painter, he has also become known for his notebooks, in which he made drawings and notes on a variety of subjects, including anatomy, astronomy, botany, cartography, painting, and paleontology. Leonardo is widely regarded to have been a genius who epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal, and his collective works comprise a contribution to later generations of artists matched only by that of his younger contemporary Michelangelo. Born out of wedlock to a successful notary and a lower-class woman in, or near, Vinci, he was educated in Florence by the Italian painter and sculptor Andrea del Verrocchio. He began his career in the city, but then spent much time in the service of Ludovico Sforza in Milan. Later, he worked in Florence and Milan again, as well as briefly in Rome, all while attracting a large following of imitators and students. Upon the invitation of Francis I, he spent his last three years in France, where he died in 1519. Since his death, there has not been a time where his achievements, diverse interests, personal life, and empirical thinking have failed to incite interest and admiration, making him a frequent namesake and subject in culture. Leonardo is identified as one of the greatest painters in the history of art and is often credited as the founder of the High Renaissance. Despite having many lost works and fewer than 25 attributed major works - including numerous unfinished works - he created some of the most influential paintings in Western art. His magnum opus, the Mona Lisa, is his best known work and often regarded as the world's most famous painting. The Last Supper is the most reproduced religious painting of all time and his Vitruvian Man drawing is also regarded as a cultural icon. In 2017, Salvator Mundi, attributed in whole or part to Leonardo, was sold at auction for US$450.3 million, setting a new record for the most expensive painting ever sold at public auction. Revered for his technological ingenuity, he conceptualized flying machines, a type of armored fighting vehicle, concentrated solar power, a ratio machine that could be used in an adding machine, and the double hull. Relatively few of his designs were constructed or were even feasible during his lifetime, as the modern scientific approaches to metallurgy and engineering were only in their infancy during the Renaissance. Some of his smaller inventions, however, entered the world of manufacturing unheralded, such as an automated bobbin winder and a machine for testing the tensile strength of wire. He made substantial discoveries in anatomy, civil engineering, hydrodynamics, geology, optics, and tribology, but he did not publish his findings and they had little to no direct influence on subsequent science. Chatsworth House is a stately home in the Derbyshire Dales, 4 miles north-east of Bakewell and 9 miles west of Chesterfield, England. The seat of the Duke of Devonshire, it has belonged to the Cavendish family since 1549. It stands on the east bank of the River Derwent, across from hills between the Derwent and Wye valleys, amid parkland backed by wooded hills that rise to heather moorland. The house holds major collections of paintings, furniture, Old Master drawings, neoclassical sculptures and books. Chosen several times as Britain's favourite country house, it is a Grade I listed property from the 17th century, altered in the 18th and 19th centuries. In 2011-2012 it underwent a PS14-million restoration. The owner is the Chatsworth House Trust, an independent charitable foundation formed in 1981, on behalf of the Cavendish family. The name 'Chatsworth' is a corruption of Chetel's-worth, meaning "the Court of Chetel". In the reign of Edward the Confessor, a man of Norse origin named Chetel held lands jointly with a Saxon named Leotnoth in three townships: Ednesoure to the west of the Derwent, and Langoleie and Chetesuorde to the east. Chetel was deposed after the Norman Conquest, and in the Domesday Book of 1086 the Manor of Chetesuorde is listed as the property of the Crown in the custody of William de Peverel. Chatsworth ceased to be a large estate, until the 15th century when it was acquired by the Leche family who owned property nearby. They enclosed the first park at Chatsworth and built a house on the high ground in what is now the south-eastern part of the garden. In 1549 they sold all their property in the area to Sir William Cavendish, Treasurer of the King's Chamber and the husband of Bess of Hardwick, who had persuaded him to sell his property in Suffolk and settle in her native county. Bess began to build the new house in 1553. She selected a site near the river, which was drained by digging a series of reservoirs, which doubled as fish ponds. Sir William died in 1557, but Bess finished the house in the 1560s and lived there with her fourth husband, George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury. In 1568 Shrewsbury was entrusted with the custody of Mary, Queen of Scots, and brought his prisoner to Chatsworth several times from 1570 onwards. She lodged in the apartment now known as the Queen of Scots rooms, on the top floor above the great hall, which faces onto the inner courtyard. An accomplished needlewoman, Bess joined Mary at Chatsworth for extended periods in 1569, 1570, and 1571, during which time they worked together on the Oxburgh Hangings. Bess died in 1608 and Chatsworth was passed to her eldest son, Henry. The estate was purchased from Henry by his brother William Cavendish, 1st Earl of Devonshire, for PS10,000. Few changes were made at Chatsworth until the mid-17th century. William Cavendish, 3rd Earl of Devonshire, was a staunch Royalist, expelled from the House of Lords in 1642. He left England for the safety of the continent and his estates were sequestered. Chatsworth was occupied by both sides during the Civil War, and the 3rd Earl did not return to the house until The Restoration of the monarchy. He reconstructed the principal rooms in an attempt to make them more comfortable, but the Elizabethan house was outdated and unsafe. </Text>
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instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> work location <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P937 <s> work location <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> work location <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> work location <p> inverse label item <o> workplace of <s> work location <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> work location <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> work location <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> work location <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> work location <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> workplace <s> medical condition <p> Wikidata property example <o> Basshunter <s> medical condition <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> medical condition <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> medical condition <p> Wikidata property example <o> Petchara Chaowarat <s> medical condition <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to medicine <s> medical condition <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> medical condition <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> health problem <s> medical condition <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> medical condition <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> medical condition <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> medical condition <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> physiological condition <s> medical condition <p> inverse label item <o> people with this medical condition or symptom <s> medical condition <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> medical condition <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> medical condition <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> medical condition <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> medical condition <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1050 <s> non-human animal <p> does not have part <o> human <s> non-human animal <p> opposite of <o> human <s> non-human animal <p> subclass of <o> animal <s> non-human animal <p> studied in <o> veterinary medicine <s> non-human animal <p> subclass of <o> non-human <s> non-human animal <p> different from <o> non-human <s> non-human animal <p> copyright status as a creator <o> ineligible for copyright protection <s> short name <p> Wikidata property example <o> United States of America <s> short name <p> related property <o> ISO 4 abbreviation <s> short name <p> related property <o> nickname <s> short name <p> subproperty of <o> name <s> short name <p> related property <o> author name string <s> short name <p> related property <o> entry in abbreviations table <s> short name <p> related property <o> name in native language <s> short name <p> related property <o> name <s> short name <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> abbreviation <s> short name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a name <s> short name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> short name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Doctor of Philosophy <s> short name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Elizabeth <s> short name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Orange County <s> short name <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> short name <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> short name <p> property constraint <o> format constraint <s> short name <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1813 <s> short name <p> Wikidata property example <o> International System of Units <s> Homo sapiens <p> said to be the same as <o> human <s> Homo sapiens <p> taxonomic type <o> Carl Linnaeus <s> Homo sapiens <p> different from <o> Homo sapiens sapiens <s> Homo sapiens <p> source of energy <o> vitamin <s> Homo sapiens <p> this taxon is source of <o> breast milk <s> Homo sapiens <p> source of energy <o> carbohydrate <s> Homo sapiens <p> gait <o> human gait <s> Homo sapiens <p> means of locomotion <o> bipedalism <s> Homo sapiens <p> means of locomotion <o> quadrupedalism <s> Homo sapiens <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Homo sapiens <s> Homo sapiens <p> source of energy <o> protein <s> Homo sapiens <p> parent taxon <o> Homo <s> Homo sapiens <p> this taxon is source of <o> human skin <s> Homo sapiens <p> this taxon is source of <o> human organ <s> Homo sapiens <p> described by source <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <s> Homo sapiens <p> this taxon is source of <o> human hair <s> Homo sapiens <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Homo sapiens <p> taxon rank <o> species <s> Homo sapiens <p> source of energy <o> dietary mineral <s> Homo sapiens <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Homo sapiens <p> this taxon is source of <o> head hair <s> Homo sapiens <p> source of energy <o> dietary fiber <s> Homo sapiens <p> different from <o> Human <s> Homo sapiens <p> different from <o> early modern human <s> Homo sapiens <p> has part(s) <o> sclera <s> Homo sapiens <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Invasion Biology <s> Homo sapiens <p> temporal range start <o> Chibanian <s> Homo sapiens <p> instance of <o> taxon <s> Homo sapiens <p> source of energy <o> fat <s> Homo sapiens <p> has characteristic <o> viviparity <s> date of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for birth or death <s> date of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> date of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with a single value, but different precisions and references can lead to multiple values <s> date of birth <p> related property <o> place of birth <s> date of birth <p> related property <o> date of death <s> date of birth <p> instance of <o> orderable Wikidata property <s> date of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> date of birth <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property with datatype 'time' <s> date of birth <p> complementary property <o> date of death <s> date of birth <p> subproperty of <o> inception <s> date of birth <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> date of birth <s> date of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jude Law <s> date of birth <p> related property <o> date of baptism <s> date of birth <p> related property <o> floruit <s> date of birth <p> related property <o> birthday <s> date of birth <p> qualifier for this property <o> sourcing circumstances <s> date of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Isaac Newton <s> date of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Manco Capac <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> date of birth <p> Wikidata property example <o> Lucy F. Simms <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> date of birth <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> range constraint <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> date of birth <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P569 <s> date of birth <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> date of birth <p> has list <o> Birthday today <s> date of birth <p> category for value different from Wikidata <o> Category:Pages with P569 (date of birth) different from Wikidata <s> date of birth <p> category for value same as Wikidata <o> Category:Pages with P569 (date of birth) identical with Wikidata <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> date of birth <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> date of birth <p> category for value not in Wikidata <o> Category:Date of birth not in Wikidata <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> manner of death <s> manner of death <p> related property <o> military casualty classification <s> manner of death <p> related property <o> last words <s> manner of death <p> related property <o> cause of death <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Heinrich Himmler <s> manner of death <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> manner of death <p> inverse label item <o> people who died in this manner <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> John F. Kennedy <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Paul Walker <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Bon Scott <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Adolf Eichmann <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Lou Gehrig <s> manner of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> William Craig <s> manner of death <p> Wikidata property example <o> Rudolf Perešin <s> manner of death <p> property constraint <o> single-value constraint <s> manner of death <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> manner of death <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> manner of death <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> manner of death <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> manner of death <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1196 <s> manner of death <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> manner of death <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> manner of death <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> manner of death <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to describe the death of the subject <s> family name <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> family name <s> family name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> family name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> family name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about fictional characters <s> family name <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a name <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jack Bauer <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Julius Caesar <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Gabriel García Márquez <s> family name <p> qualifier for this property <o> series ordinal <s> family name <p> related property <o> given name <s> family name <p> related property <o> family <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Akihito <s> family name <p> related property <o> second family name in Spanish name <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Oscar Shumsky <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Carolin Schumski <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Kim Bauer <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Galina Barinova <s> family name <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> family name <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Kim Ji-yeon <s> family name <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> family name <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Ursula Heindrichs <s> family name <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> family name <p> subproperty of <o> name <s> family name <p> related property <o> patronym or matronym for this person <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Guðni Jóhannesson <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Aleksandr Barinov <s> family name <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> family name <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> family name <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P734 <s> family name <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> family name <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> family name <p> related property <o> Scandinavian middle family name <s> family name <p> related property <o> surname for other gender <s> family name <p> inverse label item <o> bears this family name <s> family name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Angela Merkel <s> height <p> related property <o> length <s> height <p> related property <o> elevation above sea level <s> height <p> subproperty of <o> length <s> height <p> related property <o> width <s> height <p> related property <o> thickness <s> height <p> Wikidata property example <o> Eiffel Tower <s> height <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> height <s> height <p> related property <o> horizontal depth <s> height <p> type of unit for this property <o> unit of length <s> height <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> human height <s> height <p> Wikidata property example <o> Kenza Tazi <s> height <p> related property <o> topographic prominence <s> height <p> related property <o> vertical depth <s> height <p> Wikidata property example <o> PACCAR Hall <s> height <p> property constraint <o> allowed units constraint <s> height <p> property constraint <o> range constraint <s> height <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> height <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> height <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P2048 <s> height <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> height <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> height <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> height <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for physical quantities <s> height <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> body length <s> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <p> main subject <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia <s> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <p> edition or translation of <o> Collier's Encyclopedia </Graph>
<Text> :A disease is a particular abnormal condition that adversely affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism and is not immediately due to any external injury. Diseases are often known to be medical conditions that are associated with specific signs and symptoms. A disease may be caused by external factors such as pathogens or by internal dysfunctions. For example, internal dysfunctions of the immune system can produce a variety of different diseases, including various forms of immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity, allergies, and autoimmune disorders. In humans, disease is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person affected, or similar problems for those in contact with the person. In this broader sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, isolated symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts and for other purposes these may be considered distinguishable categories. Diseases can affect people not only physically but also mentally, as contracting and living with a disease can alter the affected person's perspective on life. Death due to disease is called death by natural causes. There are four main types of disease: infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases , and physiological diseases. Diseases can also be classified in other ways, such as communicable versus non-communicable diseases. The deadliest diseases in humans are coronary artery disease , followed by cerebrovascular disease and lower respiratory infections. In developed countries, the diseases that cause the most sickness overall are neuropsychiatric conditions, such as depression and anxiety. In an infectious disease, the incubation period is the time between infection and the appearance of symptoms. The latency period is the time between infection and the ability of the disease to spread to another person, which may precede, follow, or be simultaneous with the appearance of symptoms. Some viruses also exhibit a dormant phase, called viral latency, in which the virus hides in the body in an inactive state. For example, varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox in the acute phase; after recovery from chickenpox, the virus may remain dormant in nerve cells for many years, and later cause herpes zoster . Personhood is the status of being a person. Defining personhood is a controversial topic in philosophy and law and is closely tied with legal and political concepts of citizenship, equality, and liberty. According to law, only a legal person has rights, protections, privileges, responsibilities, and legal liability. Personhood continues to be a topic of international debate and has been questioned critically during the abolition of human and nonhuman slavery, in debates about abortion and in fetal rights and/or reproductive rights, in animal rights activism, in theology and ontology, in ethical theory, and in debates about corporate personhood, and the beginning of human personhood. In the 21st century, corporate personhood is an existing Western concept; granting non-human entities personhood, which has also been referred to a "personhood movement", can bridge Western and Indigenous legal systems. Processes through which personhood is recognized socially and legally vary cross-culturally, demonstrating that notions of personhood are not universal. Anthropologist Beth Conklin has shown how personhood is tied to social relations among the Wari' people of Rondonia, Brazil. Bruce Knauft's studies of the Gebusi people of Papua New Guinea depict a context in which individuals become persons incrementally, again through social relations. Likewise, Jane C. Goodale has also examined the construction of personhood in Papua New Guinea. In philosophy, the word "person" may refer to various concepts. The concept of personhood is difficult to define in a way that is universally accepted, due to its historical and cultural variability and the controversies surrounding its use in some contexts. Capacities or attributes common to definitions of personhood can include human nature, agency, self-awareness, a notion of the past and future, and the possession of rights and duties, among others. A nickname is a substitute for the proper name of a person, place or thing. It is commonly used to express affection, amusement, a character trait or defamation of character. It is distinct from a pseudonym, stage name or title, although the concepts can overlap. Also known as sobriquet, it is typically informal. The compound word ekename, literally meaning "additional name", was attested as early as 1303. This word was derived from the Old English phrase eac "also", related to eacian "to increase". By the 15th century, the misdivision of the syllables of the phrase "an ekename" led to its rephrasing as "a nekename". Though the spelling has changed, the pronunciation and meaning of the word have remained relatively stable ever since. English nicknames are generally represented in quotes between the bearer's first and last names . It is also common for the nickname to be identified after a comma following the full real name or later in the body of the text, such as in an obituary . Any middle name is generally omitted, especially in speech. Like English, German uses quotation marks between the first and last names . Other languages may use other conventions; for example, Italian writes the nickname after the full name followed by detto "called" , in Spanish the nickname is written in formal contexts at the end in quotes following alias , in Portuguese the nickname is written after the full name followed by vulgo or between parenthesis ) and Slovenian represents nicknames after a dash or hyphen . The latter may cause confusion because it resembles an English convention sometimes used for married and maiden names. In Viking societies, many people had heiti, vidrnefni, or kenningarnofn which were used in addition to, or instead of, the first name. In some circumstances, the giving of a nickname had a special status in Viking society in that it created a relationship between the name maker and the recipient of the nickname, to the extent that the creation of a nickname also often entailed a formal ceremony and an exchange of gifts known in Old Norse as nafnfestr . Humans or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence. Humans have large brains, enabling more advanced cognitive skills that enable them to thrive and adapt in varied environments, develop highly complex tools, and form complex social structures and civilizations. Humans are highly social, with individual humans tending to belong to a multi-layered network of cooperating, distinct, or even competing social groups - from families and peer groups to corporations and political states. As such, social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, languages, and traditions , each of which bolsters human society. Humans are also highly curious: the desire to understand and influence phenomena has motivated humanity's development of science, technology, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other frameworks of knowledge; humans also study themselves through such domains as anthropology, social science, history, psychology, and medicine. As of March 2024, there are estimated to be more than 8 billion humans alive. Although some scientists equate the term "humans" with all members of the genus Homo, in common usage it generally refers to Homo sapiens, the only extant member. Extinct members of the genus Homo are known as archaic humans, and the term "modern human" is used to distinguish Homo sapiens from archaic humans. Anatomically modern humans emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa, evolving from Homo heidelbergensis or a similar species. Migrating out of Africa, they gradually replaced and interbred with local populations of archaic humans. Multiple hypotheses for the extinction of archaic human species such as Neanderthals include competition, violence, interbreeding with Homo sapiens, or inability to adapt to climate change. For most of their history, humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Humans began exhibiting behavioral modernity about 160,000-60,000 years ago. The Neolithic Revolution, which began in Southwest Asia around 13,000 years ago , saw the emergence of agriculture and permanent human settlement; in turn, this led to the development of civilization and kickstarted a period of continuous population growth and rapid technological change. Since then, a number of civilizations have risen and fallen, while a number of sociocultural and technological developments have resulted in significant changes to the human lifestyle. Genes and the environment influence human biological variation in visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility, mental abilities, body size, and life span. Though humans vary in many traits , humans are among the least genetically diverse primates. Any two humans are at least 99% genetically similar. Humans are sexually dimorphic: generally, males have greater body strength and females have a higher body fat percentage. At puberty, humans develop secondary sex characteristics. Females are capable of pregnancy, usually between puberty, at around 12 years old, and menopause, around the age of 50. A birthday is the anniversary of the birth of a person, or figuratively of an institution. Birthdays of people are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with birthday gifts, birthday cards, a birthday party, or a rite of passage. There is a distinction between birthday and birthdate : the former, except for February 29, occurs each year , while the latter is the complete date when a person was born . In most legal systems, one becomes a legal adult on a particular birthday when they reach the age of majority , and reaching age-specific milestones confers particular rights and responsibilities. At certain ages, one may become eligible to leave full-time education, become subject to military conscription or to enlist in the military, to consent to sexual intercourse, to marry with parental consent, to marry without parental consent, to vote, to run for elected office, to legally purchase alcohol and tobacco products, to purchase lottery tickets, or to obtain a driver's licence. The age of majority is the age when minors cease to legally be considered children and assume control over their persons, actions, and decisions, thereby terminating the legal control and legal responsibilities of their parents or guardians over and for them. Most countries set the age of majority at 18, though it varies by jurisdiction. In many cultures and jurisdictions, if a person's real birthday is not known , then their birthday may be adopted or assigned to a specific day of the year, such as January 1. The birthday of Jesus is celebrated at Christmas. Racehorses are reckoned to become one year old in the year following their birth on the first of January in the Northern Hemisphere and the first of August in the Southern Hemisphere. In many legal jurisdictions, the manner of death is a determination, typically made by the coroner, medical examiner, police, or similar officials, and recorded as a vital statistic. Within the United States and the United Kingdom, a distinction is made between the cause of death, which is a specific disease or injury, versus manner of death, which is primarily a legal determination versus the mechanism of death which does not explain why the person died or the underlying cause of death and can include cardiac arrest or exsanguination. Different categories are used in different jurisdictions, but manner of death determinations include everything from very broad categories like "natural" and "homicide" to specific manners like "traffic accident" or "gunshot wound". In some cases an autopsy is performed, either due to general legal requirements, because the medical cause of death is uncertain, upon the request of family members or guardians, or because the circumstances of death were suspicious. International Classification of Disease codes can be used to record manner and cause of death in a systematic way that makes it easy to compile statistics and more feasible to compare events across jurisdictions. A death by natural causes results from an illness and its complications or an internal malfunction of the body not directly caused by external forces, other than infectious disease. For example, a person dying from complications from pneumonia, diarrheal disease or HIV/AIDS , cancer, stroke or heart disease , or sudden organ failure would most likely be listed as having died from natural causes. "Death by natural causes" is sometimes used as a euphemism for "dying of old age", which is considered problematic as a cause of death ; there are also many non-age-related causes of "natural" death, for legal manner-of-death purposes. There is particular ambiguity around the classification of cardiac deaths triggered by a traumatic incident, such as in stress cardiomyopathy. Liability for a death classified as by natural causes may still be found if a proximate cause is established, as in the 1969 California case People v. Stamp. A surname, family name, or last name is the mostly hereditary portion of one's personal name that indicates one's family. It is typically combined with a given name to form the full name of a person. Depending on culture, the surname may be placed at either the start of a person's name, or at the end. The number of surnames given to an individual also varies: in most cases it is just one, but in many Spanish-speaking countries, two surnames are used for legal purposes. Depending on culture, not all members of a family unit are required to have identical surnames. In some countries, surnames are modified depending on gender and family membership status of a person. Compound surnames can be composed of separate names. Using names has been documented in even the oldest historical records. Examples of surnames are documented in the 11th century by the barons in England. English surnames began as a way of identifying a certain aspect of that individual, such as by trade, father's name, location of birth, or physical features, and were not necessarily inherited. By 1400 most English families, and those from Lowland Scotland, had adopted the use of hereditary surnames. Surnames have not always existed and are still not universal in some cultures. The tradition has arisen separately in different cultures around the world. In China, surnames have been the norm since at least the 2nd century BC. In Europe, the concept of surnames became popular in the Roman Empire and expanded throughout the Mediterranean and Western Europe as a result. During the Middle Ages, that practice died out as Germanic, Persian and other influences took hold. During the late Middle Ages surnames gradually re-emerged, first in the form of bynames, which typically indicated an individual's occupation or area of residence, and gradually evolving into modern surnames. Height is measure of vertical distance, either vertical extent or vertical position . For example, "The height of that building is 50 m" or "The height of an airplane in-flight is about 10,000 m". For example, "Shaq O'Neal is 7 foot 1 inches in vertical height." When the term is used to describe vertical position from sea level, height is more often called altitude. Furthermore, if the point is attached to the Earth , then altitude is called elevation. In a two-dimensional Cartesian space, height is measured along the vertical axis between a specific point and another that does not have the same y-value. If both points happen to have the same y-value, then their relative height is zero. In the case of three-dimensional space, height is measured along the vertical z axis, describing a distance from the x-y plane. The English-language word high is derived from Old English heah, ultimately from Proto-Germanic *xauxa-z, from a PIE base *keuk-. The derived noun height, also the obsolete forms heighth and highth, is from Old English hiehtho, later heahthu, as it were from Proto-Germanic *xaux-itha. </Text>
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Morgan <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> anthropology <p> significant person <o> Margaret Mead <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> Church Encyclopedia <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 7 <s> anthropology <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> anthropology <p> has part(s) <o> linguistic anthropology <s> anthropology <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Anthropology <s> anthropology <p> history of topic <o> history of anthropology <s> anthropology <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> 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Wikidata property related to creative works <s> influenced by <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> influenced by <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> influenced by <p> Wikidata property example <o> Adama Dahico <s> influenced by <p> inverse label item <o> influenced or influences <s> influenced by <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P737 <s> influenced by <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> nickname <p> related property <o> pseudonym <s> nickname <p> related property <o> subject named as <s> nickname <p> Wikidata property example <o> California <s> nickname <p> subproperty of <o> name <s> nickname <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> nickname <s> nickname <p> related property <o> short name <s> nickname <p> Wikidata property example <o> Shaquille O'Neal <s> nickname <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Names <s> nickname <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> nickname <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about organizations <s> nickname <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a name <s> nickname <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> nickname <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> nickname <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> nickname <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> nickname <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1449 <s> nickname <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> nickname <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> member of <p> related property <o> position held <s> member of <p> related property <o> member of sports team <s> member of <p> related property <o> member of political party <s> member of <p> related property <o> family <s> member of <p> related property <o> ethnic group <s> member of <p> related property <o> political coalition <s> member of <p> related property <o> member of the crew of <s> member of <p> related property <o> religious order <s> member of <p> related property <o> participant in <s> member of <p> related property <o> part of <s> member of <p> related property <o> affiliation <s> member of <p> subproperty of <o> part of <s> member of <p> instance of <o> organization <s> member of <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> member of <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P463 <s> member of <p> inverse label item <o> has member <s> member of <p> Wikidata property example <o> Singapore MRT <s> member of <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> member of <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> member of <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> member of <p> Wikidata property example <o> Diana Ross <s> member of <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> member of <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> member of <p> property constraint <o> contemporary constraint <s> member of <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> group member <s> member of <p> Wikidata property example <o> Iron Man <s> member of <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people or organisations <s> member of <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> member <s> member of <p> Wikidata property example <o> Iring Fetscher <s> member of <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> human <p> permanent duplicated item <o> human <s> human <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia permanent duplicate item <s> floruit <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> floruit <s> floruit <p> related property <o> date of disappearance <s> floruit <p> related property <o> work location <s> floruit <p> related property <o> date of death <s> floruit <p> related property <o> date of birth <s> floruit <p> related property <o> work period (start) <s> floruit <p> related property <o> date of the latest one <s> floruit <p> related property <o> work period (end) <s> floruit <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for birth or death <s> floruit <p> Wikidata property example <o> William Baldwin <s> floruit <p> Wikidata property example <o> Trahamunda <s> floruit <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people with datatype 'time' <s> floruit <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1317 <s> floruit <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> floruit <p> property constraint <o> difference-within-range constraint <s> floruit <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> floruit <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> floruit <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> floruit <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> related property <o> official language <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> related property <o> native language <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> related property <o> language of work or name <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> related property <o> language used <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> related property <o> writing language <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> Wikidata property example <o> Confucius <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> Wikidata property example <o> Margrethe II of Denmark <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> inverse label item <o> language spoken by <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a language <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> language proficiency <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> Wikidata property example <o> Koko <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> languages spoken, written or signed <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1412 <s> mass <p> Wikidata property example <o> Pluto <s> mass <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> mass <s> mass <p> class of non-item property value <o> mass <s> mass <p> Wikidata property example <o> Higgs boson <s> mass <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> mass <p> type of unit for this property <o> unit of mass <s> mass <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> mass <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> mass <p> Wikidata property example <o> Honda CBR600F4 <s> mass <p> living people protection class <o> property likely to be challenged <s> mass <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> mass <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to animals and zoology <s> mass <p> property constraint <o> allowed units constraint <s> mass <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> mass <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for physical quantities <s> mass <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> mass <p> Wikidata property example <o> Sage Canaday <s> mass <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P2067 <s> mammal <p> said to be the same as <o> mammal <s> mammal <p> instance of <o> organisms known by a particular common name <s> mammal <p> subclass of <o> vertebrate </Graph>
<Text> :Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, cultures, societies, and linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human species. Social anthropology studies patterns of behavior, while cultural anthropology studies cultural meaning, including norms and values. A portmanteau term sociocultural anthropology is commonly used today. Linguistic anthropology studies how language influences social life. Biological or physical anthropology studies the biological development of humans. Archaeological anthropology, often termed as "anthropology of the past," studies human activity through investigation of physical evidence. It is considered a branch of anthropology in North America and Asia, while in Europe, archaeology is viewed as a discipline in its own right or grouped under other related disciplines, such as history and palaeontology. The abstract noun anthropology is first attested in reference to history. Its present use first appeared in Renaissance Germany in the works of Magnus Hundt and Otto Casmann. Their Neo-Latin anthropologia derived from the combining forms of the Greek words anthropos and logos . Its adjectival form appeared in the works of Aristotle. It began to be used in English, possibly via French Anthropologie, by the early 18th century. Sporadic use of the term for some of the subject matter occurred subsequently, such as the use by Etienne Serres in 1839 to describe the natural history, or paleontology, of man, based on comparative anatomy, and the creation of a chair in anthropology and ethnography in 1850 at the French National Museum of Natural History by Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Breau. Various short-lived organizations of anthropologists had already been formed. The Societe Ethnologique de Paris, the first to use the term ethnology, was formed in 1839 and focused on methodically studying human races. After the death of its founder, William Frederic Edwards, in 1842, it gradually declined in activity until it eventually dissolved in 1862. A nickname is a substitute for the proper name of a person, place or thing. It is commonly used to express affection, amusement, a character trait or defamation of character. It is distinct from a pseudonym, stage name or title, although the concepts can overlap. Also known as sobriquet, it is typically informal. The compound word ekename, literally meaning "additional name", was attested as early as 1303. This word was derived from the Old English phrase eac "also", related to eacian "to increase". By the 15th century, the misdivision of the syllables of the phrase "an ekename" led to its rephrasing as "a nekename". Though the spelling has changed, the pronunciation and meaning of the word have remained relatively stable ever since. English nicknames are generally represented in quotes between the bearer's first and last names . It is also common for the nickname to be identified after a comma following the full real name or later in the body of the text, such as in an obituary . Any middle name is generally omitted, especially in speech. Like English, German uses quotation marks between the first and last names . Other languages may use other conventions; for example, Italian writes the nickname after the full name followed by detto "called" , in Spanish the nickname is written in formal contexts at the end in quotes following alias , in Portuguese the nickname is written after the full name followed by vulgo or between parenthesis ) and Slovenian represents nicknames after a dash or hyphen . The latter may cause confusion because it resembles an English convention sometimes used for married and maiden names. In Viking societies, many people had heiti, vidrnefni, or kenningarnofn which were used in addition to, or instead of, the first name. In some circumstances, the giving of a nickname had a special status in Viking society in that it created a relationship between the name maker and the recipient of the nickname, to the extent that the creation of a nickname also often entailed a formal ceremony and an exchange of gifts known in Old Norse as nafnfestr . Humans or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence. Humans have large brains, enabling more advanced cognitive skills that enable them to thrive and adapt in varied environments, develop highly complex tools, and form complex social structures and civilizations. Humans are highly social, with individual humans tending to belong to a multi-layered network of cooperating, distinct, or even competing social groups - from families and peer groups to corporations and political states. As such, social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, languages, and traditions , each of which bolsters human society. Humans are also highly curious: the desire to understand and influence phenomena has motivated humanity's development of science, technology, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other frameworks of knowledge; humans also study themselves through such domains as anthropology, social science, history, psychology, and medicine. As of March 2024, there are estimated to be more than 8 billion humans alive. Although some scientists equate the term "humans" with all members of the genus Homo, in common usage it generally refers to Homo sapiens, the only extant member. Extinct members of the genus Homo are known as archaic humans, and the term "modern human" is used to distinguish Homo sapiens from archaic humans. Anatomically modern humans emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa, evolving from Homo heidelbergensis or a similar species. Migrating out of Africa, they gradually replaced and interbred with local populations of archaic humans. Multiple hypotheses for the extinction of archaic human species such as Neanderthals include competition, violence, interbreeding with Homo sapiens, or inability to adapt to climate change. For most of their history, humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Humans began exhibiting behavioral modernity about 160,000-60,000 years ago. The Neolithic Revolution, which began in Southwest Asia around 13,000 years ago , saw the emergence of agriculture and permanent human settlement; in turn, this led to the development of civilization and kickstarted a period of continuous population growth and rapid technological change. Since then, a number of civilizations have risen and fallen, while a number of sociocultural and technological developments have resulted in significant changes to the human lifestyle. Genes and the environment influence human biological variation in visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility, mental abilities, body size, and life span. Though humans vary in many traits , humans are among the least genetically diverse primates. Any two humans are at least 99% genetically similar. Humans are sexually dimorphic: generally, males have greater body strength and females have a higher body fat percentage. At puberty, humans develop secondary sex characteristics. Females are capable of pregnancy, usually between puberty, at around 12 years old, and menopause, around the age of 50. Floruit denotes a date or period during which a person was known to have been alive or active. In English, the unabbreviated word may also be used as a noun indicating the time when someone flourished. Broadly, the term is employed in reference to the peak of activity for a person or movement. More specifically, it often is used in genealogy and historical writing when a person's birth or death dates are unknown, but some other evidence exists that indicates when they were alive. For example, if there are wills attested by John Jones in 1204 and 1229, as well as a record of his marriage in 1197, a record concerning him might be written as "John Jones ", even though Jones was born before 1197 and died possibly after 1229. The term is often used in art history when dating the career of an artist. In this context, it denotes the period of the individual's known artistic activity, which would generally be after they had received their training and, for example began signing work or being mentioned in contracts. Mass is an intrinsic property of a body. It was traditionally believed to be related to the quantity of matter in a body, until the discovery of the atom and particle physics. It was found that different atoms and different elementary particles, theoretically with the same amount of matter, have nonetheless different masses. Mass in modern physics has multiple definitions which are conceptually distinct, but physically equivalent. Mass can be experimentally defined as a measure of the body's inertia, meaning the resistance to acceleration when a net force is applied. The object's mass also determines the strength of its gravitational attraction to other bodies. The SI base unit of mass is the kilogram . In physics, mass is not the same as weight, even though mass is often determined by measuring the object's weight using a spring scale, rather than balance scale comparing it directly with known masses. An object on the Moon would weigh less than it does on Earth because of the lower gravity, but it would still have the same mass. This is because weight is a force, while mass is the property that determines the strength of this force. There are several distinct phenomena that can be used to measure mass. Although some theorists have speculated that some of these phenomena could be independent of each other, current experiments have found no difference in results regardless of how it is measured: The mass of an object determines its acceleration in the presence of an applied force. The inertia and the inertial mass describe this property of physical bodies at the qualitative and quantitative level respectively. According to Newton's second law of motion, if a body of fixed mass m is subjected to a single force F, its acceleration a is given by F/m. A body's mass also determines the degree to which it generates and is affected by a gravitational field. If a first body of mass mA is placed at a distance r from a second body of mass mB, each body is subject to an attractive force Fg = GmAmB/r2, where G = 6.67x10-11 Nkg-2m2 is the "universal gravitational constant". This is sometimes referred to as gravitational mass. Repeated experiments since the 17th century have demonstrated that inertial and gravitational mass are identical; since 1915, this observation has been incorporated a priori in the equivalence principle of general relativity. A mammal is a vertebrate animal of the class Mammalia . Mammals are characterized by the presence of milk-producing mammary glands for feeding their young, a neocortex region of the brain, fur or hair, and three middle ear bones. These characteristics distinguish them from reptiles and birds, from which their ancestors diverged in the Carboniferous Period over 300 million years ago. Around 6,400 extant species of mammals have been described and divided into 29 orders. The largest orders of mammals, by number of species, are the rodents, bats, and Eulipotyphla . The next three are the primates , the even-toed ungulates , and the Carnivora . Mammals are the only living members of Synapsida; this clade, together with Sauropsida , constitutes the larger Amniota clade. Early synapsids are referred to as "pelycosaurs". The more advanced therapsids became dominant during the Middle Permian. Mammals originated from cynodonts, an advanced group of therapsids, during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. Modern mammalian achieved their modern diversity in the Paleogene and Neogene periods of the Cenozoic era, after the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs, and have been the dominant terrestrial animal group from 66 million years ago to the present. The basic mammalian body type is quadruped, and most mammals use their four extremities for terrestrial locomotion; but in some, the extremities are adapted for life at sea, in the air, in trees, underground, or on two legs. Mammals range in size from the 30-40 mm bumblebee bat to the 30 m blue whale--possibly the largest animal to have ever lived. Maximum lifespan varies from two years for the shrew to 211 years for the bowhead whale. All modern mammals give birth to live young, except the five species of monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals. The most species-rich group of mammals, the infraclass called placentals, have a placenta, which enables the feeding of the fetus during gestation. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> place of publication <o> London <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> instance of <o> series <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> edition or translation of <o> Domestic Encyclopedia <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> author <o> Anthony Florian Madinger Willich <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> publisher <o> Thomas Hurst <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> publisher <o> Vernor & Hood <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> publisher <o> Anthony Florian Madinger Willich <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> publisher <o> George Kearsley <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> publisher <o> Henry Delahoy Symonds <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> has part(s) <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge, Volume 1 <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> has part(s) <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge, Volume 3 <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> has part(s) <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge, Volume 2 <s> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <p> has part(s) <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge, Volume 4 <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> image <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> place of death <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> place of birth <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> country of citizenship <s> fictional character <p> model item <o> Pepper <s> fictional character <p> model item <o> Boruto Uzumaki <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> sex or gender <s> fictional character <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Narration <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> CharacTour character ID <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> Archive of Our Own tag <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> Personality Database profile ID <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> narrative age <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> LezWatch.TV character ID <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> occupation <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> performer <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> creator <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> cause of death <s> fictional character <p> model item <o> Doraemon <s> fictional character <p> model item <o> Yoh Asakura <s> fictional character <p> category for eponymous categories <o> Category:Wikipedia categories named after fictional characters <s> fictional character <p> has list <o> lists of fictional characters by work <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> date of birth <s> fictional character <p> different from <o> human <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> date of death <s> fictional character <p> properties for this type <o> given 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subclass of <o> fictional entity <s> fictional character <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fictional characters <s> fictional character <p> different from <o> hypothetical person <s> fictional character <p> different from <o> fictional person <s> fictional character <p> different from <o> character that may or may not be fictional <s> fictional character <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox character <s> fictional character <p> subclass of <o> imaginary character <s> fictional character <p> different from <o> imaginary character <s> language <p> has part(s) <o> programming language <s> language <p> has part(s) <o> language <s> language <p> part of <o> communication <s> language <p> has characteristic <o> grammar <s> language <p> different from <o> language <s> language <p> studied in <o> linguistics <s> language <p> has part(s) <o> text <s> language <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Language <s> language <p> partially coincident with <o> speech <s> language 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described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> physical tool <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox tool <s> physical tool <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> physical tool <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> physical tool <p> used by <o> agent <s> physical tool <p> instance of <o> first-order class <s> physical tool <p> instance of <o> type of object <s> physical tool <p> subclass of <o> tool <s> physical tool <p> described by source <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <s> physical tool <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> physical tool <p> has characteristic <o> instrumentality <s> physical tool <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Open Culture / GLAM Glossary <s> physical tool <p> has characteristic <o> type of tool <s> human activity <p> practiced by <o> human <s> human activity <p> 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<p> Wikidata property example <o> Barack Obama <s> birth name <p> related property <o> family name <s> birth name <p> related property <o> married name <s> birth name <p> related property <o> patronym or matronym for this person <s> birth name <p> related property <o> family name identical to this given name <s> birth name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Caitlyn Jenner <s> birth name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Boris Henry <s> birth name <p> subproperty of <o> name <s> birth name <p> living people protection class <o> property that may violate privacy <s> birth name <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> birth name <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> birth name <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jacinda Ardern <s> birth name <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> birth name <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1477 <s> birth name <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers 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<s> human in the center of cosmos <p> part of <o> religion <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> part of <o> religious studies <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> different from <o> human <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> subclass of <o> world view <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> subclass of <o> religion or world view <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> subclass of <o> belief system <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> part of <o> study of history <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> instance of <o> type of world view <s> human in the center of cosmos <p> instance of <o> anthropocentrism <s> Human <p> different from <o> human <s> Human <p> part of <o> Minecraft <s> Human <p> different from <o> Homo sapiens <s> Human <p> subclass of <o> fictional human <s> Human <p> instance of <o> fictional humanoid species <s> Human <p> instance of <o> removed feature <s> Human <p> subclass of <o> Minecraft mob <s> Human <p> first appearance <o> Minecraft <s> Human <p> present in work <o> Minecraft <s> Human <p> media franchise <o> Minecraft <s> Human <p> from narrative universe <o> Minecraft universe <s> Human <p> present in work <o> Minecraft <s> Human <p> different from <o> human <s> Human <p> different from <o> Steve </Graph>
<Text> :In fiction, a character is a person or other being in a narrative . The character may be entirely fictional or based on a real-life person, in which case the distinction of a "fictional" versus "real" character may be made. Derived from the Ancient Greek word kharakter, the English word dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones by Henry Fielding in 1749. From this, the sense of "a part played by an actor" developed. Character, particularly when enacted by an actor in the theater or cinema, involves "the illusion of being a human person". In literature, characters guide readers through their stories, helping them to understand plots and ponder themes. Since the end of the 18th century, the phrase "in character" has been used to describe an effective impersonation by an actor. Since the 19th century, the art of creating characters, as practiced by actors or writers, has been called characterization. A character who stands as a representative of a particular class or group of people is known as a type. Types include both stock characters and those that are more fully individualized. The characters in Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler and August Strindberg's Miss Julie , for example, are representative of specific positions in the social relations of class and gender, such that the conflicts between the characters reveal ideological conflicts. The study of a character requires an analysis of its relations with all of the other characters in the work. The individual status of a character is defined through the network of oppositions that it forms with the other characters. The relation between characters and the action of the story shifts historically, often miming shifts in society and its ideas about human individuality, self-determination, and the social order. In fiction writing, authors create dynamic characters using various methods. Sometimes characters are conjured up from imagination; in other instances, they are created by amplifying the character trait of a real person into a new fictional creation. Language is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary. It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning, both in spoken and written forms, and may also be conveyed through sign languages. Human language is characterized by its cultural and historical diversity, with significant variations observed between cultures and across time. Human languages possess the properties of productivity and displacement, which enable the creation of an infinite number of sentences, and the ability to refer to objects, events, and ideas that are not immediately present in the discourse. The use of human language relies on social convention and is acquired through learning. Estimates of the number of human languages in the world vary between 5,000 and 7,000. Precise estimates depend on an arbitrary distinction established between languages and dialects. Natural languages are spoken, signed, or both; however, any language can be encoded into secondary media using auditory, visual, or tactile stimuli - for example, writing, whistling, signing, or braille. In other words, human language is modality-independent, but written or signed language is the way to inscribe or encode the natural human speech or gestures. Depending on philosophical perspectives regarding the definition of language and meaning, when used as a general concept, "language" may refer to the cognitive ability to learn and use systems of complex communication, or to describe the set of rules that makes up these systems, or the set of utterances that can be produced from those rules. All languages rely on the process of semiosis to relate signs to particular meanings. Oral, manual and tactile languages contain a phonological system that governs how symbols are used to form sequences known as words or morphemes, and a syntactic system that governs how words and morphemes are combined to form phrases and utterances. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Critical examinations of languages, such as philosophy of language, the relationships between language and thought, how words represent experience, etc., have been debated at least since Gorgias and Plato in ancient Greek civilization. Thinkers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau have argued that language originated from emotions, while others like Immanuel Kant have argued that languages originated from rational and logical thought. Twentieth century philosophers such as Ludwig Wittgenstein argued that philosophy is really the study of language itself. Major figures in contemporary linguistics of these times include Ferdinand de Saussure and Noam Chomsky. Human behavior is the potential and expressed capacity of human individuals or groups to respond to internal and external stimuli throughout their life. Behavior is driven by genetic and environmental factors that affect an individual. Behavior is also driven, in part, by thoughts and feelings, which provide insight into individual psyche, revealing such things as attitudes and values. Human behavior is shaped by psychological traits, as personality types vary from person to person, producing different actions and behavior. Social behavior accounts for actions directed at others. It is concerned with the considerable influence of social interaction and culture, as well as ethics, interpersonal relationships, politics, and conflict. Some behaviors are common while others are unusual. The acceptability of behavior depends upon social norms and is regulated by various means of social control. Social norms also condition behavior, whereby humans are pressured into following certain rules and displaying certain behaviors that are deemed acceptable or unacceptable depending on the given society or culture. Cognitive behavior accounts for actions of obtaining and using knowledge. It is concerned with how information is learned and passed on, as well as creative application of knowledge and personal beliefs such as religion. Physiological behavior accounts for actions to maintain the body. It is concerned with basic bodily functions as well as measures taken to maintain health. Economic behavior accounts for actions regarding the development, organization, and use of materials as well as other forms of work. Ecological behavior accounts for actions involving the ecosystem. It is concerned with how humans interact with other organisms and how the environment shapes human behavior. Human behavior is studied by the social sciences, which include psychology, sociology, ethology, and their various branches and schools of thought. There are many different facets of human behavior, and no one definition or field study encompasses it in its entirety. The nature versus nurture debate is one of the fundamental divisions in the study of human behavior; this debate considers whether behavior is predominantly affected by genetic or environmental factors. The study of human behavior sometimes receives public attention due to its intersection with cultural issues, including crime, sexuality, and social inequality. A pseudonym 'lit. falsely named') or alias is a fictitious name that a person assumes for a particular purpose, which differs from their original or true name . This also differs from a new name that entirely or legally replaces an individual's own. Many pseudonym holders use them because they wish to remain anonymous, but anonymity is difficult to achieve and often fraught with legal issues. Pseudonyms include stage names, user names, ring names, pen names, aliases, superhero or villain identities and code names, gamer identifications, and regnal names of emperors, popes, and other monarchs. In some cases, it may also include nicknames. Historically, they have sometimes taken the form of anagrams, Graecisms, and Latinisations. Pseudonyms should not be confused with new names that replace old ones and become the individual's full-time name. Pseudonyms are "part-time" names, used only in certain contexts: to provide a more clear-cut separation between one's private and professional lives, to showcase or enhance a particular persona, or to hide an individual's real identity, as with writers' pen names, graffiti artists' tags, resistance fighters' or terrorists' noms de guerre, computer hackers' handles, and other online identities for services such as social media, online gaming, and internet forums. Actors, musicians, and other performers sometimes use stage names for a degree of privacy, to better market themselves, and other reasons. In some cases, pseudonyms are adopted because they are part of a cultural or organisational tradition; for example, devotional names are used by members of some religious institutes, and "cadre names" are used by Communist party leaders such as Trotsky and Lenin. A birth name is the name given to a person upon birth. The term may be applied to the surname, the given name, or the entire name. Where births are required to be officially registered, the entire name entered onto a birth certificate or birth register may by that fact alone become the person's legal name. The assumption in the Western world is often that the name from birth will persist to adulthood in the normal course of affairs--either throughout life or until marriage. Possible changes of a person's name include middle names, diminutive forms, changes relating to parental status . The term "birth name" is also sometimes used for trans people even in cases where it is still their legal name, similar to the term deadname. The term nee, having feminine grammatical gender, can be used to denote a woman's surname at birth that has been replaced or changed. In most English-speaking cultures, it is specifically applied to a woman's maiden name after her surname has changed due to marriage. The term ne, having masculine grammatical gender, can be used to denote a man's surname at birth that has subsequently been replaced or changed. The diacritic mark is considered significant to its spelling, and ultimately its meaning, but is sometimes omitted. According to Oxford University's Dictionary of Modern English Usage, the terms are typically placed after the current surname . Since they are terms adopted into English , they do not have to be italicized, but they often are. Human food is food which is fit for human consumption, and which humans willingly eat. Not all things that are edible constitute human food. Food is a basic necessity of life, and humans typically seek food out as an instinctual response to hunger. Humans eat various substances for energy, enjoyment and nutritional support. These are usually of plant, animal, or fungal origin, and contain essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Humans are highly adaptable omnivores, and have adapted to obtain food in many different ecosystems. Historically, humans secured food through two main methods: hunting and gathering and agriculture. As agricultural technologies improved, humans settled into agriculture lifestyles with diets shaped by the agriculture opportunities in their region of the world. Geographic and cultural differences have led to the creation of numerous cuisines and culinary arts, including a wide array of ingredients, herbs, spices, techniques, and dishes. As cultures have mixed through forces like international trade and globalization, ingredients have become more widely available beyond their geographic and cultural origins, creating a cosmopolitan exchange of different food traditions and practices. Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever-increasing population of the world is supplied by the industrial food industry, which produces food with intensive agriculture and distributes it through complex food processing and food distribution systems. This system of conventional agriculture relies heavily on fossil fuels, which means that the food and agricultural system is one of the major contributors to climate change, accountable for as much as 37% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing the carbon intensity of the food system and food waste are important mitigation measures in the global response to climate change. The food system has significant impacts on a wide range of other social and political issues, including: sustainability, biological diversity, economics, population growth, water supply, and access to food. The right to food is a "human right" derived from the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights , recognizing the "right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food", as well as the "fundamental right to be free from hunger". Because of these fundamental rights, food security is often a priority international policy activity; for example Sustainable Development Goal 2 "Zero hunger" is meant to eliminate hunger by 2030. Food safety and food security are monitored by international agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute, World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and International Food Information Council, and are often subject to national regulation by institutions, such as the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. Humans or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence. Humans have large brains, enabling more advanced cognitive skills that enable them to thrive and adapt in varied environments, develop highly complex tools, and form complex social structures and civilizations. Humans are highly social, with individual humans tending to belong to a multi-layered network of cooperating, distinct, or even competing social groups - from families and peer groups to corporations and political states. As such, social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, languages, and traditions , each of which bolsters human society. Humans are also highly curious: the desire to understand and influence phenomena has motivated humanity's development of science, technology, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other frameworks of knowledge; humans also study themselves through such domains as anthropology, social science, history, psychology, and medicine. As of March 2024, there are estimated to be more than 8 billion humans alive. Although some scientists equate the term "humans" with all members of the genus Homo, in common usage it generally refers to Homo sapiens, the only extant member. Extinct members of the genus Homo are known as archaic humans, and the term "modern human" is used to distinguish Homo sapiens from archaic humans. Anatomically modern humans emerged around 300,000 years ago in Africa, evolving from Homo heidelbergensis or a similar species. Migrating out of Africa, they gradually replaced and interbred with local populations of archaic humans. Multiple hypotheses for the extinction of archaic human species such as Neanderthals include competition, violence, interbreeding with Homo sapiens, or inability to adapt to climate change. For most of their history, humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Humans began exhibiting behavioral modernity about 160,000-60,000 years ago. The Neolithic Revolution, which began in Southwest Asia around 13,000 years ago , saw the emergence of agriculture and permanent human settlement; in turn, this led to the development of civilization and kickstarted a period of continuous population growth and rapid technological change. Since then, a number of civilizations have risen and fallen, while a number of sociocultural and technological developments have resulted in significant changes to the human lifestyle. Genes and the environment influence human biological variation in visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility, mental abilities, body size, and life span. Though humans vary in many traits , humans are among the least genetically diverse primates. Any two humans are at least 99% genetically similar. Humans are sexually dimorphic: generally, males have greater body strength and females have a higher body fat percentage. At puberty, humans develop secondary sex characteristics. Females are capable of pregnancy, usually between puberty, at around 12 years old, and menopause, around the age of 50. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> perspective-taking <p> instance of <o> social skill <s> perspective-taking <p> subclass of <o> action <s> perspective-taking <p> instance of <o> psychology term <s> perspective-taking <p> instance of <o> human behavior <s> perspective-taking <p> part of <o> empathy <s> perspective-taking <p> part of <o> psychology terminology <s> Tikos <p> instance of <o> human <s> Tikos <p> different from <o> human <s> Tikos <p> country of citizenship <o> People's Republic of China <s> Tikos <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Esperanto <s> Tikos <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Tikos <p> occupation <o> Esperantist <s> artificial physical object <p> properties for this type <o> source of energy <s> artificial physical object <p> properties for this type <o> made from material <s> artificial physical object <p> used by <o> human <s> artificial physical object <p> manufacturer <o> human <s> artificial physical object <p> properties for this type <o> fabrication method <s> artificial physical object <p> part of <o> culture <s> artificial physical object <p> different from <o> archaeological artifact <s> artificial physical object <p> different from <o> Artefact <s> artificial physical object <p> opposite of <o> natural physical object <s> artificial physical object <p> subclass of <o> physical object <s> artificial physical object <p> subclass of <o> artificial object <s> artificial physical object <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Artificial objects <s> human ecology <p> subclass of <o> ecology <s> human ecology <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Human ecology <s> human ecology <p> instance of <o> branch of science <s> human ecology <p> part of <o> ecology <s> human ecology <p> instance of <o> branch of ecology <s> human ecology <p> studied in <o> human disease ecology <s> human ecology <p> practiced by <o> human ecologist <s> human ecology <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> phase of human life <p> has part(s) <o> adolescence <s> phase of human life <p> has part(s) <o> old age <s> phase of human life <p> has part(s) <o> adulthood <s> phase of human life <p> has part(s) <o> childhood <s> phase of human life <p> has part(s) <o> infancy stage <s> phase of human life <p> part of <o> biological life cycle <s> phase of human life <p> instance of <o> matter <s> phase of human life <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Human life stages <s> phase of human life <p> described by source <o> Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft <s> phase of human life <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Human development <s> phase of human life <p> different from <o> phase of life <s> phase of human life <p> subclass of <o> developmental stage of animal <s> phase of human life <p> partially coincident with <o> age group <s> phase of human life <p> different from <o> certain aspects of a person's life <s> artificial object <p> said to be the same as <o> work <s> artificial object <p> has cause <o> human <s> artificial object <p> subclass of <o> object <s> artificial object <p> has characteristic <o> artificiality <s> artificial object <p> opposite of <o> natural object <s> artificial object <p> different from <o> synthetic material <s> artificial object <p> facet of <o> intellectual work <s> artificial object <p> instance of <o> type of object <s> artificial object <p> instance of <o> philosophical concept <s> significant person <p> related property <o> significant place <s> significant person <p> related property <o> partner in business or sport <s> significant person <p> related property <o> significant event <s> significant person <p> Wikidata property example <o> physician <s> significant person <p> Wikidata property example <o> Louis XI of France <s> significant person <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> significant person <p> property constraint <o> value-requires-statement constraint <s> significant person <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> significant person <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> significant person <p> instance of <o> Wikidata qualifier to describe the object of a statement <s> significant person <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property associated with people <s> significant person <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> person <s> significant person <p> property constraint <o> conflicts-with constraint <s> significant person <p> Wikidata property example <o> 2015 State of the Union Address <s> significant person <p> Wikidata property example <o> Costa Serena <s> significant person <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3342 <s> significant person <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> significant person <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> significant person <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> human whose existence is disputed <s> significant person <p> inverse label item <o> significant to <s> sibling <p> inverse label item <o> sibling of <s> sibling <p> inverse property <o> sibling <s> sibling <p> subproperty of <o> relative <s> sibling <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3373 <s> sibling <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> sibling <p> Wikidata property example <o> Lisa Simpson <s> sibling <p> Wikidata property example <o> Elizabeth I of England <s> sibling <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> sibling <s> sibling <p> Wikidata property example <o> Joël Martel <s> sibling <p> Wikidata property example <o> Jan Martel <s> sibling <p> instance of <o> transitive Wikidata property <s> sibling <p> instance of <o> symmetric property <s> sibling <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> sibling <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> sibling <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for human relationships <s> sibling <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property encoding a vCard value <s> sibling <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> sibling <p> property constraint <o> symmetric constraint <s> sibling <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> sibling <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> sibling <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> voice <p> different from <o> voice <s> voice <p> has use <o> singing <s> voice <p> has use <o> speech <s> voice <p> has use <o> crying <s> voice <p> has use <o> laughter <s> voice <p> studied in <o> acoustics <s> voice <p> studied in <o> phonology <s> voice <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> voice <p> has use <o> speech act <s> voice <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Human voice <s> voice <p> has part(s) <o> vocal sound <s> voice <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> voice <p> has characteristic <o> timbre <s> voice <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> voice <p> described by source <o> Infernal Dictionary, 6th ed. <s> voice <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> voice <p> different from <o> Holos <s> voice <p> uses <o> vocal apparatus <s> voice <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> voice <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> voice <p> has use <o> screaming <s> voice <p> part of <o> communication system <s> voice <p> subclass of <o> animal vocalization <s> notable work <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> notable work <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to creative works <s> notable work <p> instance of <o> curated Wikidata property <s> notable work <p> related property <o> notable role <s> notable work <p> related property <o> contributed to creative work <s> notable work <p> Wikidata property example <o> ABBA <s> notable work <p> Wikidata property example <o> J. K. Rowling <s> notable work <p> Wikidata property example <o> School of Avignon <s> notable work <p> Wikidata property example <o> William Shakespeare <s> notable work <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> magnum opus <s> notable work <p> property constraint <o> none-of constraint <s> notable work <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> notable work <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P800 <s> notable work <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> notable work <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> work <s> notable work <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> notable work <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> notable work <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> notable work <p> inverse label item <o> is notable work of </Graph>
<Text> :A vast amount of scientific literature suggests that perspective-taking is crucial to human development and that it may lead to a variety of beneficial outcomes. Perspective-taking may also be possible in some non-human animals. Both theory and research have suggested ages when children begin to perspective-take and how that ability develops over time. Research suggests that certain people who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with comorbid conduct problems or autism may have reduced ability to engage in perspective-taking. Perceptual perspective-taking is the ability to understand how another person experiences things through their senses . Most of the literature devoted to perceptual perspective-taking focuses on visual perspective-taking: the ability to understand the way another person sees things in physical space. Theory of mind is the awareness that people have individual psychological states that differ from one another. Within perspective-taking literature, the term perspective-taking and theory of mind are sometimes used interchangeably; some studies use theory of mind tasks in order to test if someone is engaging in perspective-taking. The two concepts are related but different: theory of mind is the recognition that another person has different thoughts and feelings while perspective-taking is the ability to take on that other person's point of view. Human ecology is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study of the relationship between humans and their natural, social, and built environments. The philosophy and study of human ecology has a diffuse history with advancements in ecology, geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, zoology, epidemiology, public health, and home economics, among others. The roots of ecology as a broader discipline can be traced to the Greeks and a lengthy list of developments in natural history science. Ecology also has notably developed in other cultures. Traditional knowledge, as it is called, includes the human propensity for intuitive knowledge, intelligent relations, understanding, and for passing on information about the natural world and the human experience. The term ecology was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1866 and defined by direct reference to the economy of nature. Like other contemporary researchers of his time, Haeckel adopted his terminology from Carl Linnaeus where human ecological connections were more evident. In his 1749 publication, Specimen academicum de oeconomia naturae, Linnaeus developed a science that included the economy and polis of nature. Polis stems from its Greek roots for a political community , sharing its roots with the word police in reference to the promotion of growth and maintenance of good social order in a community. Linnaeus was also the first to write about the close affinity between humans and primates. Linnaeus presented early ideas found in modern aspects to human ecology, including the balance of nature while highlighting the importance of ecological functions : "In exchange for performing its function satisfactorily, nature provided a species with the necessaries of life": 66 The work of Linnaeus influenced Charles Darwin and other scientists of his time who used Linnaeus' terminology with direct implications on matters of human affairs, ecology, and economics. Ecology is not just biological, but a human science as well. An early and influential social scientist in the history of human ecology was Herbert Spencer. Spencer was influenced by and reciprocated his influence onto the works of Charles Darwin. Herbert Spencer coined the phrase "survival of the fittest", he was an early founder of sociology where he developed the idea of society as an organism, and he created an early precedent for the socio-ecological approach that was the subsequent aim and link between sociology and human ecology. The term artificial objects is closely associated with made by humans or not naturally occurring items that have been sent into space. This is a list of lists of artificial objects in space found on Wikipedia. While some circumstances can cause siblings to be raised separately , most societies have siblings grow up together. This causes the development of strong emotional bonds, with siblinghood considered a unique type of relationship. The emotional bond between siblings is often complicated and is influenced by factors such as parental treatment, birth order, personality, and personal experiences outside the family. Siblings or full-siblings share the same biological parents. Full-siblings are also the most common type of siblings. Twins are siblings that are born from the same pregnancy. Often, twins with a close relationship will develop a twin language from infanthood, a language only shared and understood between the two. Studies corroborate that identical twins appear to display more twin talk than fraternal twins. At about 3, twin talk usually ends. Twins generally share a greater bond due to growing up together and being the same age. Half-siblings are people who share one parent. They may share the same mother but different fathers , or they may have the same father but different mothers . In law , half-siblings have often been accorded treatment unequal to that of full-siblings. Old English common law at one time incorporated inequalities into the laws of intestate succession, with half-siblings taking only half as much property of their intestate siblings' estates as siblings of full-blood. Unequal treatment of this type has been wholly abolished in England, but still exists in Florida. Three-quarter siblings share one parent, while the unshared parents are siblings to each other, for example, if a man has children with two women who are sisters, or a woman has children with a man and his son. In the first case, the children are half-siblings as well as first cousins; in the second, the children are half-siblings as well as an avuncular pair. They're genetically closer than half-siblings but less genetically close than full-siblings, a degree of genetic relationship that is rare in humans and little-studied. Diblings, a portmanteau of donor sibling, or donor-conceived sibling, or donor-sperm sibling, are biologically connected through donated eggs or sperm. Diblings are biologically siblings though not legally for the purposes of family rights and inheritance. The anonymity of donation is seen to add complication to the process of courtship. The human voice consists of sound made by a human being using the vocal tract, including talking, singing, laughing, crying, screaming, shouting, humming or yelling. The human voice frequency is specifically a part of human sound production in which the vocal folds are the primary sound source. Generally speaking, the mechanism for generating the human voice can be subdivided into three parts; the lungs, the vocal folds within the larynx , and the articulators. The lungs, the "pump" must produce adequate airflow and air pressure to vibrate vocal folds. The vocal folds then vibrate to use airflow from the lungs to create audible pulses that form the laryngeal sound source. The muscles of the larynx adjust the length and tension of the vocal folds to 'fine-tune' pitch and tone. The articulators articulate and filter the sound emanating from the larynx and to some degree can interact with the laryngeal airflow to strengthen or weaken it as a sound source. The vocal folds, in combination with the articulators, are capable of producing highly intricate arrays of sound. The tone of voice may be modulated to suggest emotions such as anger, surprise, fear, happiness or sadness. The human voice is used to express emotion, and can also reveal the age and sex of the speaker. Singers use the human voice as an instrument for creating music. Adult men and women typically have different sizes of vocal fold; reflecting the male-female differences in larynx size. Adult male voices are usually lower-pitched and have larger folds. The male vocal folds , are between 17 mm and 25 mm in length. The female vocal folds are between 12.5 mm and 17.5 mm in length. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> name in native language <p> related property <o> native label <s> name in native language <p> related property <o> birth name <s> name in native language <p> related property <o> short name <s> name in native language <p> related property <o> married name <s> name in native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Albert Einstein <s> name in native language <p> subproperty of <o> name <s> name in native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Vladimir Putin <s> name in native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Heinrich Heine <s> name in native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Hayao Miyazaki <s> name in native language <p> Wikidata property example <o> Emomali Rahmon <s> name in native language <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> name <s> name in native language <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> name in native language <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to indicate a name <s> name in native language <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> full name <s> name in native language <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> name in native language <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1559 <s> name in native language <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> name in native language <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for properties <s> name in native language <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> name in native language <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> name in native language <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> full name <p> Wikidata property <o> name <s> full name <p> properties for this type <o> name in native language <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> family name <s> full name <p> Wikidata property <o> name in native language <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> patronymic <s> full name <p> different from <o> name <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> given name <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> middle name <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> matronymic <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> praenomen <s> full name <p> subclass of <o> full object name <s> full name <p> subclass of <o> personal name <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> last name <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> patriname <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> first name <s> full name <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Personal names <s> full name <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> cognomen <s> full name <p> subclass of <o> personal data <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> nomen <s> full name <p> subclass of <o> anthroponym <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> after-name <s> full name <p> has part(s) <o> matriname <s> full name <p> used by <o> personal name system <s> full name <p> disjoint union of <o> list of values as qualifiers <s> field of training <p> related property <o> position held <s> field of training <p> related property <o> occupation <s> field of training <p> related property <o> field of work <s> field of training <p> related property <o> student <s> field of training <p> related property <o> interested in <s> field of training <p> related property <o> academic major <s> field of training <p> related property <o> relevant qualification <s> field of training <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people <s> field of training <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> training <s> field of training <p> Wikidata property example <o> Martin Schulz <s> field of training <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to education <s> field of training <p> Wikidata property example <o> Ralph Herrmann <s> field of training <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> field of training <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> field of training <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> field of training <p> property constraint <o> value-type constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> related property <o> start time <s> date of burial or cremation <p> related property <o> place of burial <s> date of burial or cremation <p> complementary property <o> date of baptism <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> range constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> allowed qualifiers constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> related property <o> date of death <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> single-best-value constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> date of burial or cremation <s> date of burial or cremation <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for birth or death <s> date of burial or cremation <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> burial <s> date of burial or cremation <p> Wikidata property example <o> Bartholomeus Dolendo <s> date of burial or cremation <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for items about people with datatype 'time' <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> citation needed constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> property constraint <o> difference-within-range constraint <s> date of burial or cremation <p> subproperty of <o> point in time <s> date of burial or cremation <p> Wikidata item of this property <o> cremation <s> self-awareness <p> used by <o> human <s> self-awareness <p> subclass of <o> awareness <s> self-awareness <p> subclass of <o> protective factor <s> self-awareness <p> different from <o> self-consciousness <s> mortality <p> facet of <o> human nature <s> mortality <p> facet of <o> religion <s> mortality <p> opposite of <o> immortality <s> mortality <p> subclass of <o> finiteness <s> people <p> different from <o> human <s> people <p> has part(s) <o> human <s> people <p> different from <o> nation <s> people <p> said to be the same as <o> nation <s> people <p> different from <o> ethnic group <s> people <p> partially coincident with <o> peoples <s> people <p> different from <o> Falk <s> people <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> people <p> different from <o> ethnos <s> people <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> people <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> people <p> said to be the same as <o> general public <s> people <p> subclass of <o> group of humans <s> people <p> subclass of <o> human social group <s> people <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> people <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Peoples <s> people <p> different from <o> lower order people <s> people <p> described by source <o> Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language <s> people <p> has characteristic <o> ethnicity <s> people <p> different from <o> Volkstum <s> people <p> different from <o> Povo <s> human history <p> facet of <o> Earth <s> human history <p> facet of <o> human <s> human history <p> significant place <o> Africa <s> human history <p> subclass of <o> history <s> human history <p> different from <o> history of Earth <s> human history <p> significant event <o> Out of Africa I <s> human history <p> significant event <o> neolithic revolution <s> human history <p> facet of <o> humanity <s> human history <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> human history <p> described by source <o> World History Encyclopedia <s> human history <p> studied in <o> world history <s> human history <p> instance of <o> aspect of history <s> human history <p> topic's main category <o> Category:World history <s> human history <p> different from <o> history of Humanity <s> human history <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Human history <s> sociality <p> subclass of <o> social behavior <s> sociality <p> instance of <o> animal behaviour <s> sociality <p> subclass of <o> socialization <s> sociality <p> partially coincident with <o> social <s> sociality <p> different from <o> herd behavior <s> sociality <p> opposite of <o> solitary animal <s> human behavior <p> facet of <o> human <s> human behavior <p> subclass of <o> behavior <s> human behavior <p> has part(s) <o> action <s> human behavior <p> part of <o> culture <s> human behavior <p> studied in <o> psychology <s> human behavior <p> different from <o> animal behaviour <s> human behavior <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Human behavior </Graph>
<Text> :A personal name, full name or prosoponym is the set of names by which an individual person is known, and that can be recited as a word-group, with the understanding that, taken together, they all relate to that one individual. In many cultures, the term is synonymous with the birth name or legal name of the individual. In linguistic classification, personal names are studied within a specific onomastic discipline, called anthroponymy. In Western culture, nearly all individuals possess at least one given name , together with a surname . In the name "James Smith", for example, James is the first name and Smith is the surname. Surnames in the West generally indicate that the individual belongs to a family, a tribe, or a clan, although the exact relationships vary: they may be given at birth, taken upon adoption, changed upon marriage, and so on. Where there are two or more given names, typically only one is used in normal speech. Another naming convention that is used mainly in the Arabic culture and in different other areas across Africa and Asia is connecting the person's given name with a chain of names, starting with the name of the person's father and then the father's father and so on, usually ending with the family name . However, the legal full name of a person usually contains the first three names and the family name at the end, to limit the name in government-issued ID. Men's names and women's names are constructed using the same convention, and a person's name is not altered if they are married. Some cultures, including Western ones, also add patronymics or matronymics, for instance as a middle name as with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky , or as a last name as with Bjork Gudmundsdottir or Heidar Helguson . Similar concepts are present in Eastern cultures. However, in some areas of the world, many people are known by a single name, and so are said to be mononymous. Still other cultures lack the concept of specific, fixed names designating people, either individually or collectively. Certain isolated tribes, such as the Machiguenga of the Amazon, do not use personal names. In philosophy of self, self-awareness is the experience of one's own personality or individuality. It is not to be confused with consciousness in the sense of qualia. While consciousness is being aware of one's body and environment, self-awareness is the recognition of that consciousness. Self-awareness is how an individual experiences and understands their own character, feelings, motives, and desires. Researchers are investigating which part of the brain allows people to be self-aware and how people are biologically programmed to be self-aware. V.S. Ramachandran speculates that mirror neurons may provide the neurological basis of human self-awareness. In an essay written for the Edge Foundation in 2009, Ramachandran gave the following explanation of his theory: "hese neurons can not only help simulate other people's behavior but can be turned 'inward'--as it were--to create second-order representations or meta-representations of your own earlier brain processes. This could be the neural basis of introspection, and of the reciprocity of self awareness and other awareness. There is obviously a chicken-or-egg question here as to which evolved first, but... The main point is that the two co-evolved, mutually enriching each other to create the mature representation of self that characterizes modern humans." In health and medicine, body awareness refers to a person's ability to direct their focus on various internal sensations accurately. Both proprioception and interoception allow individuals to be consciously aware of multiple sensations. Proprioception allows individuals and patients to focus on sensations in their muscles and joints, posture, and balance, while interoception is used to determine sensations of the internal organs, such as fluctuating heartbeat, respiration, lung pain, or satiety. Over-acute body-awareness, under-acute body-awareness, and distorted body-awareness are symptoms present in a variety of health disorders and conditions, such as obesity, anorexia nervosa, and chronic joint pain. For example, a distorted perception of satiety present in a patient suffering from anorexia nervosa. Bodily self-awareness in human development refers to one's awareness of one's body as a physical object with physical properties that can interact with other objects. At only a few months old, toddlers know the relationship between the proprioceptive and visual information they receive. This is called "first-person self-awareness". A people is any plurality of persons considered as a whole. Used in politics and law, the term "a people" refers to the collective or community of an ethnic group or nation. The term "the people" refers to the public or common mass of people of a polity. As such it is a concept of human rights law, international law as well as constitutional law, particularly used for claims of popular sovereignty. Chapter One, Article One of the Charter of the United Nations states that "peoples" have the right to self-determination. Though the mere status as peoples and the right to self-determination, as for example in the case of Indigenous peoples , does not automatically provide for independent sovereignty and therefore secession. Particularly through international Indigenous peoples rights, it was defined what a people constitutes . Both the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire used the Latin term Senatus Populusque Romanus, . This term was fixed abbreviated to Roman legionary standards, and even after the Roman Emperors achieved a state of total personal autocracy, they continued to wield their power in the name of the Senate and People of Rome. In criminal law, in certain jurisdictions, criminal prosecutions are brought in the name of the People. Several U.S. states, including California, Illinois, and New York, use this style. Citations outside the jurisdictions in question usually substitute the name of the state for the words "the People" in the case captions. Four states -- Massachusetts, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky -- refer to themselves as the Commonwealth in case captions and legal process. Other states, such as Indiana, typically refer to themselves as the State in case captions and legal process. Outside the United States, criminal trials in Ireland and the Philippines are prosecuted in the name of the people of their respective states. Modern humans evolved in Africa around 300,000 years ago and initially lived as hunter-gatherers. They migrated out of Africa during the Last Glacial Period and had populated most of the Earth by the time the Ice Age ended 12,000 years ago. Soon afterward, the Agricultural Revolution began in the fertile river valleys of West Asia: humans began the systematic husbandry of plants and animals, and many humans transitioned from a nomadic life to a sedentary existence as farmers in permanent settlements. The growing complexity of human societies necessitated systems of accounting and writing. During the late Bronze Age, Hinduism developed in the Indian subcontinent, while the Axial Age witnessed the growth and institutionalization of religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Jainism, Judaism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. As civilizations flourished, ancient history saw the rise and fall of empires. Subsequent post-classical history, the "Middle Ages" from about 500 to 1500 CE, witnessed the rise of Christianity and Islam. The early modern period, from about 1500 to 1800 CE, saw the Age of Discovery and the Age of Enlightenment. By the 18th century, the accumulation of knowledge and technology had reached a critical mass that brought about the Industrial Revolution and began the late modern period, which started around 1800 CE and continues. Sociality is a survival response to evolutionary pressures. For example, when a mother wasp stays near her larvae in the nest, parasites are less likely to eat the larvae. Biologists suspect that pressures from parasites and other predators selected this behavior in wasps of the family Vespidae. This wasp behaviour evidences the most fundamental characteristic of animal sociality: parental investment. Parental investment is any expenditure of resources to benefit one's offspring. Parental investment detracts from a parent's capacity to invest in future reproduction and aid to kin . An animal that cares for its young but shows no other sociality traits is said to be subsocial. An animal that exhibits a high degree of sociality is called a social animal. The highest degree of sociality recognized by sociobiologists is eusociality. A eusocial taxon is one that exhibits overlapping adult generations, reproductive division of labor, cooperative care of young, and--in the most refined cases--a biological caste system. Solitary animals such as the jaguar do not associate except for courtship and mating. If an animal taxon shows a degree of sociality beyond courtship and mating, but lacks any of the characteristics of eusociality, it is said to be presocial. Although presocial species are much more common than eusocial species, eusocial species have disproportionately large populations. Human behavior is the potential and expressed capacity of human individuals or groups to respond to internal and external stimuli throughout their life. Behavior is driven by genetic and environmental factors that affect an individual. Behavior is also driven, in part, by thoughts and feelings, which provide insight into individual psyche, revealing such things as attitudes and values. Human behavior is shaped by psychological traits, as personality types vary from person to person, producing different actions and behavior. Social behavior accounts for actions directed at others. It is concerned with the considerable influence of social interaction and culture, as well as ethics, interpersonal relationships, politics, and conflict. Some behaviors are common while others are unusual. The acceptability of behavior depends upon social norms and is regulated by various means of social control. Social norms also condition behavior, whereby humans are pressured into following certain rules and displaying certain behaviors that are deemed acceptable or unacceptable depending on the given society or culture. Cognitive behavior accounts for actions of obtaining and using knowledge. It is concerned with how information is learned and passed on, as well as creative application of knowledge and personal beliefs such as religion. Physiological behavior accounts for actions to maintain the body. It is concerned with basic bodily functions as well as measures taken to maintain health. Economic behavior accounts for actions regarding the development, organization, and use of materials as well as other forms of work. Ecological behavior accounts for actions involving the ecosystem. It is concerned with how humans interact with other organisms and how the environment shapes human behavior. Human behavior is studied by the social sciences, which include psychology, sociology, ethology, and their various branches and schools of thought. There are many different facets of human behavior, and no one definition or field study encompasses it in its entirety. The nature versus nurture debate is one of the fundamental divisions in the study of human behavior; this debate considers whether behavior is predominantly affected by genetic or environmental factors. The study of human behavior sometimes receives public attention due to its intersection with cultural issues, including crime, sexuality, and social inequality. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Mantua <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia disambiguation page <s> Mantua <p> different from <o> Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> country <o> Italy <s> Province of Mantua <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lombardy <s> Province of Mantua <p> instance of <o> province of Italy <s> Province of Mantua <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Province of Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Province of Mantua <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Province of Mantua <p> office held by head of government <o> president of the Province of Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> twinned administrative body <o> Paderborn <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Rovigo <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Verona <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Brescia <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Cremona <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Asola <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castellucchio <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Modena <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Ferrara <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Reggio Emilia <s> Province of Mantua <p> shares border with <o> Province of Parma <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Poggio Rusco <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ponti sul Mincio <s> Province of Mantua <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Province of Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> capital <o> Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Piubega <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roncoferraro <s> Province of Mantua <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Province of Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Canneto sull'Oglio <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rivarolo Mantovano <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rodigo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalromano <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casaloldo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Viadana <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Monzambano <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel d'Ario <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Commessaggio <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Casalmoro <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Motteggiana <s> Province of Mantua <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from the Province of Mantua <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Roverbella <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Cavriana <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gazzuolo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giovanni del Dosso <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bagnolo San Vito <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Acquanegra sul Chiese <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sabbioneta <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quistello <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pegognaga <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quingentole <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ceresara <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guidizzolo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marcaria <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giorgio Bigarello <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castiglione delle Stiviere <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moglia <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Schivenoglia <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dosolo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castelbelforte <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Curtatone <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Porto Mantovano <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Villimpenta <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Benedetto Po <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Goito <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gazoldo degli Ippoliti <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Medole <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magnacavallo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bozzolo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Marmirolo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Redondesco <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Martino dall'Argine <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Serravalle a Po <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Castel Goffredo <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo Virgilio <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Suzzara <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pomponesco <s> Province of Mantua <p> head of government <o> Alessandro Pastacci <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Gonzaga <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgo Mantovano <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sermide e Felonica <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Borgocarbonara <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> San Giacomo delle Segnate <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Volta Mantovana <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ostiglia <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mariana Mantovana <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sustinente <s> Province of Mantua <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Solferino <s> Stadio Danilo Martelli <p> country <o> Italy <s> Stadio Danilo Martelli <p> sport <o> association football <s> Stadio Danilo Martelli <p> instance of <o> association football venue <s> Stadio Danilo Martelli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mantua <s> Stadio Danilo Martelli <p> owned by <o> Mantua <s> Stadio Danilo Martelli <p> occupant <o> Mantova FC <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> capital <o> Mantua <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> instance of <o> state in the Holy Roman Empire <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> official language <o> Lombard <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> instance of <o> duchy <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> country <o> Holy Roman Empire <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> country <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> follows <o> Margravate of Mantua <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Duchy of Mantua <s> Duchy of Mantua <p> participant in <o> War of the Montferrat Succession <s> Margravate of Mantua <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Margravate of Mantua <p> capital <o> Mantua <s> Margravate of Mantua <p> official language <o> Lombard <s> Margravate of Mantua <p> country <o> Holy Roman Empire <s> Margravate of Mantua <p> instance of <o> historical country <s> Margravate of Mantua <p> instance of <o> state in the Holy Roman Empire <s> Margravate of Mantua <p> followed by <o> Duchy of Mantua <s> province of Mantua <p> capital <o> Mantua <s> province of Mantua <p> followed by <o> Province of Mantua <s> province of Mantua <p> country <o> Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia <s> province of Mantua <p> instance of <o> province of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia <s> province of Mantua <p> follows <o> Mincio Department <s> province of Mantua <p> capital <o> Mantua <s> province of Mantua <p> followed by <o> Mantua State <s> province of Mantua <p> instance of <o> province of Austrian Lombardy <s> province of Mantua <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Austrian Lombardy <s> province of Mantua <p> follows <o> Duchy of Mantua <s> province of Mantua <p> country <o> Duchy of Milan <s> Mincio Department <p> capital <o> Mantua <s> Mincio Department <p> country <o> Kingdom of Italy <s> Mincio Department <p> country <o> Cisalpine Republic <s> Mincio Department <p> country <o> Italian Republic <s> Mincio Department <p> instance of <o> department <s> Mincio Department <p> instance of <o> department of Cisalpin Republic <s> Mincio Department <p> follows <o> Mantua State <s> Mincio Department <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Italian Republic <s> Mincio Department <p> followed by <o> province of Mantua <s> Mincio Department <p> named after <o> Mincio <s> Category:Deaths in Mantua <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Deaths in Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> Mantua <s> Category:Deaths in Mantua <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Deaths in Mantua <p> opposite of <o> Category:Births in Mantua <s> Category:Deaths in Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> place of death <s> Pushkin <p> country <o> Russia <s> Pushkin <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Pushkin <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Pushkin <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pushkin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Versailles <s> Pushkin <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pushkin <p> capital of <o> Pushkinsky District <s> Pushkin <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Pushkin <s> Pushkin <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Pushkin, Saint Petersburg <s> Pushkin <p> named after <o> Alexander Pushkin <s> Pushkin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aalborg <s> Pushkin <p> capital of <o> Tsarskoselsky Uyezd <s> Pushkin <p> capital of <o> Detskoselsky District <s> Pushkin <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+03:00 <s> Pushkin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Pushkin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Zerbst <s> Pushkin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Rethymno <s> Pushkin <p> instance of <o> city municipality <s> Pushkin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Aalborg Municipality <s> Pushkin <p> twinned administrative body <o> Neukölln <s> Pushkin <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Pushkinsky District <s> Pushkin <p> flag <o> flag of Pushkin <s> Pushkin <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pushkin </Graph>
<Text> :In 2016, Mantua was designated as the Italian Capital of Culture. In 2017, it was named as the European Capital of Gastronomy, included in the Eastern Lombardy District . In 2008, Mantua's centro storico and Sabbioneta were declared by UNESCO to be a World Heritage Site. Mantua's historic power and influence under the Gonzaga family has made it one of the main artistic, cultural, and especially musical hubs of Northern Italy and the country as a whole. Having one of the most splendid courts of Europe of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and early seventeenth centuries. Mantua is noted for its significant role in the history of opera; the city is also known for its architectural treasures and artifacts, elegant palaces, and the medieval and Renaissance cityscape. It is the city where the composer Monteverdi premiered his opera L'Orfeo and to where Romeo was banished in Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. It is the nearest town to the birthplace of the Roman poet Virgil, who is commemorated by a statue at the lakeside park "Piazza Virgiliana". Mantua is surrounded on three sides by artificial lakes, created during the 12th century as the city's defence system. These lakes receive water from the River Mincio, a tributary of the River Po which descends from Lake Garda. The three lakes are called Lago Superiore, Lago di Mezzo, and Lago Inferiore . A fourth lake, Lake Pajolo, which once served as a defensive water ring around the city, dried up at the end of the 18th century. The area and its environs are important not only in naturalistic terms, but also anthropologically and historically; research has highlighted a number of human settlements scattered between Barche di Solferino and Bande di Cavriana, Castellaro and Isolone del Mincio. These dated, without interruption, from Neolithic times to the Bronze Age and the Gallic phases , and ended with Roman residential settlements, which could be traced to the 3rd century AD. The province of Mantua is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Mantua. It is bordered to the north-east by the province of Verona, to the east by the province of Rovigo, to the south by the province of Ferrara, province of Modena, province of Reggio Emilia and province of Parma, to the west by the province of Cremona and to the north-west by the province of Brescia. Founded in the tenth century BC on the plain formed by meanders of the River Mincio, Mantua became an Etruscan town and important trading post for pottery and agricultural products. Despite its defensible position, it was unable to withstand the Celtic invaders in the sixth and fifth centuries BC who overwhelmed it, and the whole area was later conquered by the Romans. By the fifth century AD, the Western Roman Empire was collapsing. Mantua was overrun by a series of invaders, including the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths. After 568 the Lombards seized control of the part of northern Italy which is now known as Lombardy and included Mantua. The current administrative boundaries of the province have deep historical roots, corresponding largely to the Duchy of Mantua, which was a fief of the Holy Roman Empire. The Napoleonic Department of the Mincio became the Province of Mantua at the birth of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia in 1815. Following the Battle of Solferino on 24 June 1859, Franco-Piedmontese troops conquered Lombardy up to the right bank of the Mincio, and the resulting Armistice of Villafranca of 11 June 1859 between France and Austria called for the new provincial boundaries, splitting in two the part of the previous Province of Mantova that was crossed by the new international border. Following the Third Italian War of Independence all of Mantua passed to the Kingdom of Italy. The new provincial boundaries came into effect after laws enacted in 1868. The coat of arms of the province, containing the symbols of Mantua, Bozzolo and Castiglione delle Stiviere, embodies the union of those three areas and was adopted in place of the previous one. Stadio Danilo Martelli is the main stadium in Mantua, Italy. It is named Danilo Martelli, a Mantuan footballer from the 1940s, who died in the Superga air disaster of 1949. It is currently used mostly for football matches and, on occasion, for concerts. It is the home of A.C. Mantova. The Duchy of Mantua was a duchy in Lombardy, northern Italy. Its first duke was Federico II Gonzaga, member of the House of Gonzaga that ruled Mantua since 1328. The following year, the Duchy also acquired the March of Montferrat, thanks to the marriage between Gonzaga and Margaret Paleologa, Marchioness of Montferrat. The Duchy's historic power and influence under the Gonzaga family has made it one of the main artistic, cultural, and especially musical hubs of Northern Italy and the country as a whole. Mantua also had one of the most splendid courts of Italy and Europe in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and early seventeenth centuries. In 1708, after the death of Ferdinando Carlo Gonzaga, the last heir of the Gonzaga family, the Duchy ceased its existence. Their domains were divided between the House of Savoy, that obtained the remaining half of Montferrat, and the House of Habsburg, that obtained the city of Mantua itself. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Mantua was invaded by Byzantines, Lombards and Franks. In the 11th century it became a possession of Boniface of Canossa, marquis of Toscana. The last ruler of the family was the countess Matilde of Canossa , who, according to legend, ordered the construction of the precious Rotonda di San Lorenzo . After the death of Matilde of Canossa, Mantua became a free commune and strenuously defended itself from the Holy Roman Empire in the 12th and 13th centuries. The Marquisate or Margraviate of Mantua was a margraviate located in Lombardy, Northern Italy. Placed under the sovereignty of the House of Gonzaga since its erection in 1433, it was further raised to Duchy in 1530. The Marquisate of Mantua began with Gianfrancesco I Gonzaga who, with the payment of 12,000 gold florins, in 1433 was appointed first marquis by the Emperor Sigismund, of whom he had married his niece Barbara of Brandenburg with his eldest son, Ludovico III Gonzaga. The territorial expansion of the family began with Gianfrancesco, up to occupying some border lands of today's Upper Mantua area, taken from the Brescians, and the territories of Ostiano and Isola Dovarese, wrested from the Cremonese. During the period of the Margraviate, the Gonzaga's coat of arms was enriched with the cross in red set aside by the four eagles. From 1444 to 1478 Ludovico III ruled, which marked a first peak in the city's artistic life. Notable artists such as Andrea Mantegna, Luca Fancelli and Leon Battista Alberti were called to his court, who left an indelible mark on the history of Mantua. The fourth Marquis, Francesco II, renewed his alliance with the House of Este thanks to his marriage to Isabella d'Este, one of the most important women of the Renaissance and of the Italian cultural world of her time. The province of Mantua is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Mantua. It is bordered to the north-east by the province of Verona, to the east by the province of Rovigo, to the south by the province of Ferrara, province of Modena, province of Reggio Emilia and province of Parma, to the west by the province of Cremona and to the north-west by the province of Brescia. Founded in the tenth century BC on the plain formed by meanders of the River Mincio, Mantua became an Etruscan town and important trading post for pottery and agricultural products. Despite its defensible position, it was unable to withstand the Celtic invaders in the sixth and fifth centuries BC who overwhelmed it, and the whole area was later conquered by the Romans. By the fifth century AD, the Western Roman Empire was collapsing. Mantua was overrun by a series of invaders, including the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths. After 568 the Lombards seized control of the part of northern Italy which is now known as Lombardy and included Mantua. The current administrative boundaries of the province have deep historical roots, corresponding largely to the Duchy of Mantua, which was a fief of the Holy Roman Empire. The Napoleonic Department of the Mincio became the Province of Mantua at the birth of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia in 1815. Following the Battle of Solferino on 24 June 1859, Franco-Piedmontese troops conquered Lombardy up to the right bank of the Mincio, and the resulting Armistice of Villafranca of 11 June 1859 between France and Austria called for the new provincial boundaries, splitting in two the part of the previous Province of Mantova that was crossed by the new international border. Following the Third Italian War of Independence all of Mantua passed to the Kingdom of Italy. The new provincial boundaries came into effect after laws enacted in 1868. The coat of arms of the province, containing the symbols of Mantua, Bozzolo and Castiglione delle Stiviere, embodies the union of those three areas and was adopted in place of the previous one. The province of Mantua is a province in the Lombardy region of Italy. Its capital is the city of Mantua. It is bordered to the north-east by the province of Verona, to the east by the province of Rovigo, to the south by the province of Ferrara, province of Modena, province of Reggio Emilia and province of Parma, to the west by the province of Cremona and to the north-west by the province of Brescia. Founded in the tenth century BC on the plain formed by meanders of the River Mincio, Mantua became an Etruscan town and important trading post for pottery and agricultural products. Despite its defensible position, it was unable to withstand the Celtic invaders in the sixth and fifth centuries BC who overwhelmed it, and the whole area was later conquered by the Romans. By the fifth century AD, the Western Roman Empire was collapsing. Mantua was overrun by a series of invaders, including the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths. After 568 the Lombards seized control of the part of northern Italy which is now known as Lombardy and included Mantua. The current administrative boundaries of the province have deep historical roots, corresponding largely to the Duchy of Mantua, which was a fief of the Holy Roman Empire. The Napoleonic Department of the Mincio became the Province of Mantua at the birth of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia in 1815. Following the Battle of Solferino on 24 June 1859, Franco-Piedmontese troops conquered Lombardy up to the right bank of the Mincio, and the resulting Armistice of Villafranca of 11 June 1859 between France and Austria called for the new provincial boundaries, splitting in two the part of the previous Province of Mantova that was crossed by the new international border. Following the Third Italian War of Independence all of Mantua passed to the Kingdom of Italy. The new provincial boundaries came into effect after laws enacted in 1868. The coat of arms of the province, containing the symbols of Mantua, Bozzolo and Castiglione delle Stiviere, embodies the union of those three areas and was adopted in place of the previous one. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era. He is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet, as well as the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was born into the Russian nobility in Moscow. His father, Sergey Lvovich Pushkin, belonged to an old noble family. His maternal great-grandfather was Major-General Abram Petrovich Gannibal, a nobleman of African origin who was kidnapped from his homeland by Ottomans, then freed by the Russian Emperor and raised in the Emperor's court household as his godson. He published his first poem at the age of 15, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Upon graduation from the Lycee, Pushkin recited his controversial poem "Ode to Liberty", one of several that led to his exile by Emperor Alexander I. While under strict surveillance by the Emperor's political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, Boris Godunov. His novel in verse Eugene Onegin was serialized between 1825 and 1832. Pushkin was fatally wounded in a duel with his wife's alleged lover and her sister's husband, Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthes, also known as Dantes-Gekkern, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regiment. Pushkin's father, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin , was descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility that traced its ancestry back to the 12th century. Pushkin's mother, Nadezhda Ossipovna Gannibal , was descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility. She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal and his wife, Maria Alekseyevna Pushkina . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Category:Births in Mantua <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:Births in Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> place of birth <s> Category:Births in Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> Mantua <s> Category:Births in Mantua <p> opposite of <o> Category:Deaths in Mantua <s> Category:Births in Mantua <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:People from Mantua <p> category contains <o> human <s> Category:People from Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> Mantua <s> Category:People from Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> person related to this place <s> Category:People from Mantua <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Porto Mantovano <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Porto Mantovano <p> country <o> Italy <s> Porto Mantovano <p> shares border with <o> Mantua <s> Porto Mantovano <p> shares border with <o> Rodigo <s> Porto Mantovano <p> shares border with <o> Marmirolo <s> Porto Mantovano <p> shares border with <o> Goito <s> Porto Mantovano <p> shares border with <o> San Giorgio Bigarello <s> Porto Mantovano <p> shares border with <o> Roverbella <s> Porto Mantovano <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Porto Mantovano <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Mantua <s> Porto Mantovano <p> shares border with <o> Curtatone <s> Porto Mantovano <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> Porto Mantovano <p> patron saint <o> Anthony of Padua <s> Porto Mantovano <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Porto Mantovano <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Porto Mantovano <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Porto Mantovano <s> Roncoferraro <p> country <o> Italy <s> Roncoferraro <p> shares border with <o> Mantua <s> Roncoferraro <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Roncoferraro <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Roncoferraro <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Mantua <s> Roncoferraro <p> patron saint <o> John the Baptist <s> Roncoferraro <p> shares border with <o> Villimpenta <s> Roncoferraro <p> shares border with <o> Bigarello <s> Roncoferraro <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Roncoferraro <p> capital <o> Roncoferraro <s> Roncoferraro <p> shares border with <o> Bagnolo San Vito <s> Roncoferraro <p> shares border with <o> Castel d'Ario <s> Roncoferraro <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Roncoferraro <s> Roncoferraro <p> shares border with <o> San Giorgio Bigarello <s> Roncoferraro <p> shares border with <o> Sustinente <s> Roncoferraro <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Curtatone <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Curtatone <p> country <o> Italy <s> Curtatone <p> official language <o> Italian <s> Curtatone <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Curtatone <p> shares border with <o> Borgo Virgilio <s> Curtatone <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Curtatone <s> Curtatone <p> shares border with <o> Mantua <s> Curtatone <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Curtatone <s> Curtatone <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Curtatone <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Curtatone <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Mantua <s> Curtatone <p> shares border with <o> Castellucchio <s> Curtatone <p> shares border with <o> Porto Mantovano <s> Curtatone <p> shares border with <o> Rodigo <s> Curtatone <p> shares border with <o> Marcaria <s> Curtatone <p> patron saint <o> Sylvester I <s> Curtatone <p> member of <o> The most beautiful villages in Italy <s> Curtatone <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> country <o> Italy <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> patron saint <o> Saint George <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> shares border with <o> Mantua <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Mantua <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> topic's main category <o> Category:San Giorgio di Mantova <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> shares border with <o> Porto Mantovano <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> shares border with <o> Castel d'Ario <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> shares border with <o> Castelbelforte <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> public holiday <o> patronal festival <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> shares border with <o> Sorgà <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> shares border with <o> Roverbella <s> San Giorgio Bigarello <p> shares border with <o> Roncoferraro <s> Casale Monferrato <p> country <o> Italy <s> Casale Monferrato <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Casale Monferrato <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Casale Monferrato <p> twinned administrative body <o> Pescara <s> Casale Monferrato <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Casale Monferrato <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Casale Monferrato <p> seismic classification <o> 4 <s> Casale Monferrato <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Casale Monferrato <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Casale Monferrato <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Casale Monferrato <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Casale Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Casale Monferrato <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Casale Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> capital of <o> March of Montferrat <s> Casale Monferrato <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Casale Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Balzola <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Coniolo <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Camagna Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Morano sul Po <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Borgo San Martino <s> Casale Monferrato <p> twinned administrative body <o> Gjirokastër <s> Casale Monferrato <p> owner of <o> Stadio Natale Palli <s> Casale Monferrato <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Alessandria <s> Casale Monferrato <p> twinned administrative body <o> Weinstadt <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Frassineto Po <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Conzano <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Occimiano <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Ozzano Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Casale Monferrato <p> capital <o> Casale Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Candia Lomellina <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Rosignano Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Pontestura <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Terruggia <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> San Giorgio Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> significant event <o> Siege of Casale <s> Casale Monferrato <p> significant event <o> Siege of Casale Montferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> significant event <o> Siege of Casale Montferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> significant event <o> Siege of Casale Montferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> significant event <o> Siege of Casale Montferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> significant event <o> Siege of Casale Montferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> significant event <o> Siege of Casale Montferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> patron saint <o> Evasius <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Villanova Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Casale Monferrato <s> Casale Monferrato <p> shares border with <o> Motta de' Conti <s> Casale Monferrato <p> twinned administrative body <o> Trnava <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> country <o> Italy <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> shares border with <o> Mantua <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> shares border with <o> Sustinente <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> shares border with <o> San Benedetto Po <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> shares border with <o> Roncoferraro <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> capital <o> Bagnolo San Vito <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Mantua <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> shares border with <o> Borgo Virgilio <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Bagnolo San Vito <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bagnolo San Vito <s> Hyderabad <p> different from <o> Hyderabad <s> Hyderabad <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Hyderabad <p> country <o> India <s> Hyderabad <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+05:30 <s> Hyderabad <p> official language <o> English <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Kazan <s> Hyderabad <p> authority <o> Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation <s> Hyderabad <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Hyderabad <p> member of <o> Creative Cities Network <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Indianapolis <s> Hyderabad <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Hyderabad district <s> Hyderabad <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Isfahan <s> Hyderabad <p> official language <o> Telugu <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Medellín <s> Hyderabad <p> capital of <o> Telangana <s> Hyderabad <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Hyderabad <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Hyderabad <s> Hyderabad <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Hyderabad <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Suwon <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Riverside <s> Hyderabad <p> instance of <o> city of India <s> Hyderabad <p> instance of <o> state capital <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Hyderabad <p> official language <o> Urdu <s> Hyderabad <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> founded by <o> Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah <s> Hyderabad <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Hyderabad <s> Hyderabad <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Hyderabad, India <s> Hyderabad <p> instance of <o> megacity <s> Hyderabad <p> twinned administrative body <o> Montgomery County <s> Hyderabad <p> instance of <o> million city <s> Giulianova <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Giulianova <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Giulianova <s> Giulianova <p> country <o> Italy <s> Giulianova <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Giulianova <p> shares border with <o> Tortoreto <s> Giulianova <p> shares border with <o> Roseto degli Abruzzi <s> Giulianova <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Giulianova <s> Giulianova <p> patron saint <o> Flavian of Constantinople <s> Giulianova <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Giulianova <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Giulianova <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Salinello <s> Giulianova <p> owner of <o> Stadio Rubens Fadini <s> Giulianova <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Giulianova <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Teramo <s> Giulianova <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Giulianova <s> Giulianova <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Giulianova <s> Giulianova <p> shares border with <o> Mosciano Sant'Angelo </Graph>
<Text> :Roncoferraro is a comune in the Province of Mantua in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 140 kilometres southeast of Milan and about 11 kilometres southeast of Mantua. According to the tradition, the frazione of Governolo was the seat of the meeting between Pope Leo I and Attila in 452. Also in Governolo the condottiero Giovanni dalle Bande Nere was shot by a cannonball in 1526, later dying out of the wounds received. Curtatone is a comune in the province of Mantua, in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 130 kilometres southeast of Milan and about 7 kilometres southwest of Mantua. The municipality of Curtatone is formed by the frazioni Buscoldo, Eremo, Grazie, Levata, Montanara , Ponteventuno, San Lorenzo, and San Silvestro. Curtatone borders the following municipalities: Borgo Virgilio, Castellucchio, Mantua, Marcaria, Porto Mantovano, Rodigo. Its frazione of Grazie is one of I Borghi piu belli d'Italia . San Giorgio Bigarello, until 2018 as San Giorgio di Mantova is a comune in the Province of Mantua in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 130 kilometres east of Milan and about 3 kilometres east of Mantua. The municipality of San Giorgio di Mantova contains the frazioni of Caselle, Casette, Ghisiolo, Mottella , Tripoli, Villanova De Bellis, and Villanova Maiardina. The commune's name refers to an older borough which, during the Napoleonic Wars, was destroyed to make room to fortifications defending Mantua. Casale Monferrato is a town in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy, in the province of Alessandria. It is situated about 60 km east of Turin on the right bank of the Po, where the river runs at the foot of the Montferrat hills. Beyond the river lies the vast plain of the Po valley. An ancient Roman municipium, the town has been the most important trade and manufacturing centre of the area for centuries. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Casale became a free municipality and, in the 15th and early 16th centuries, served as the capital of the House of Palaiologos. Then in 1536, the town passed to the Gonzagas who fortified it with a large citadel. In the 17th century, Casale was heavily involved in the War of the Mantuan Succession and besieged by French and Spanish troops. During the wars of Italian unification the town was a defensive bulwark against the Austrian Empire. In the 1900s Casale, in the middle of the Turin-Milan-Genoa industrial triangle, developed as an important industrial centre, especially known for the production of asbestos cement. A local Eternit factory has been at the centre of a massive environmental scandal, with subsequent high-profile litigation that often made international headlines. The origins of the town are fairly obscure. It is known that the Gaulish settlement of Vardacate existed on the Po in this area, and that it became a Roman municipium. By the beginning of the 8th century, there was a small town under Lombard rule, probably called Sedula or Sedulia. It was here that one Saint Evasius, along with 146 followers, was decapitated on the orders of the Arian Duke Attabulo. Liutprand, King of the Lombards is said to have supported the construction of a church in honour of Evasius. Certainly, the martyr's cult flourished, and by 988 AD, the town had become known as Casale di Sant'Evasio. Bagnolo San Vito is a comune in the Province of Mantua in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 140 kilometres southeast of Milan and about 11 kilometres southeast of Mantua. Hyderabad is the capital and largest city of the Indian state of Telangana. It occupies 650 km2 on the Deccan Plateau along the banks of the Musi River, in the northern part of Southern India. With an average altitude of 542 m , much of Hyderabad is situated on hilly terrain around artificial lakes, including the Hussain Sagar lake, predating the city's founding, in the north of the city centre. According to the 2011 Census of India, Hyderabad is the fourth-most populous city in India with a population of 6.9 million residents within the city limits, and has a population of 9.7 million residents in the metropolitan region, making it the sixth-most populous metropolitan area in India. With an output of US$74 billion, Hyderabad has the fifth-largest urban economy in India. The Qutb Shahi dynasty's Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah established Hyderabad in 1591 to extend the capital beyond the fortified Golconda. In 1687, the city was annexed by the Mughals. In 1724, Asaf Jah I, the Mughal viceroy, declared his sovereignty and founded the Asaf Jahi dynasty, also known as the Nizams. Hyderabad served as the imperial capital of the Asaf Jahis from 1769 to 1948. As capital of the princely state of Hyderabad, the city housed the British Residency and cantonment until Indian independence in 1947. Hyderabad was annexed by the Indian Union in 1948 and continued as a capital of Hyderabad State from 1948 to 1956. After the introduction of the States Reorganisation Act of 1956, Hyderabad was made the capital of the newly formed Andhra Pradesh. In 2014, Andhra Pradesh was split to form the state of Telangana, and Hyderabad became the joint capital of the two states with a transitional arrangement scheduled to end in 2024. Since 1956, the city has housed the Rashtrapati Nilayam, the winter office of the president of India. Relics of the Qutb Shahi and Nizam eras remain visible today; the Charminar has come to symbolise the city. By the end of the early modern era, the Mughal Empire had declined in the Deccan, and the Nizam's patronage attracted men of letters from various parts of the world. A distinctive culture arose from the amalgamation of local and migrated artisans, with painting, handicraft, jewellery, literature, dialect and clothing prominent even today. For its cuisine, the city is listed as a creative city of gastronomy by UNESCO. The Telugu film industry based in the city is the highest-grossing film industry in India as of 2021. Until the 19th century, Hyderabad was known for the pearl industry and was nicknamed the "City of Pearls", and was the only trading centre for Golconda diamonds in the world. Many of the city's historical and traditional bazaars remain open. Hyderabad's central location between the Deccan Plateau and the Western Ghats, and industrialisation throughout the 20th century attracted major Indian research, manufacturing, educational and financial institutions. Since the 1990s, the city has emerged as an Indian hub of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology and information technology. The formation of the special economic zones of Hardware Park and HITEC City, dedicated to information technology, has encouraged leading multinationals to set up operations in Hyderabad. Giulianova is a coastal town and comune in the province of Teramo, Abruzzo region, Italy. The comune also has city status, thus also known as Citta di Giulianova. The town lies in the north of the Abruzzo region, between the Salinello and the Tordino rivers. Giulianova is split between the Paese, the historic town up in the hills, and the lido, the more recent development down by the beach. Tourism plays a big part in the town's economy. The town, characterized by several beaches, is a summer retreat for people from large cities like Rome and Milan, as well as German and French tourists. In pre-Roman times, the Praetutii tribe had a settlement there. In 3rd century BCE Romans established a colony called Castrum Novum in the vicinity of Giulianova. In the Middle Ages, the old Castrum Novum was called Castrum divi Flaviani, and remained an important trade and travel hub, until it was destroyed in 1460, during the Tordino Battle. The local baron Giulio Antonio Acquaviva, founded, in 1471, a new city up on the hill, not far from the older one, calling its Giulia. It was an interesting example of renaissance ideal city, applying the theory of the most important architects of the time, as Leon Battista Alberti and Francesco Di Giorgio Martini, with the cultural environment of whom, he was in contact. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Vilnius <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Oslo <s> Madison <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Madison <p> capital of <o> Wisconsin <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Madison <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−05:00 <s> Madison <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> Madison metropolitan area <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Managua <s> Madison <p> different from <o> Madison <s> Madison <p> instance of <o> city in the United States <s> Madison <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Madison <p> located in time zone <o> Central Time Zone <s> Madison <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Madison, Wisconsin <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Madison <p> named after <o> James Madison <s> Madison <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Madison, Wisconsin <s> Madison <p> capital of <o> Dane County <s> Madison <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Madison, Wisconsin <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marigliano <s> Madison <p> open data portal <o> City of Madison Open Data <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Madison <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Madison, Wisconsin <s> Madison <p> instance of <o> county seat <s> Madison <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Madison, Wisconsin <s> Madison <p> instance of <o> second-class city <s> Madison <p> located in time zone <o> UTC−06:00 <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Camagüey <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Obihiro <s> Madison <p> head of government <o> Satya Rhodes-Conway <s> Madison <p> Köppen climate classification <o> warm-summer humid continental climate <s> Madison <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Madison, Wisconsin <s> Madison <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Madison <s> Madison <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Freiburg im Breisgau <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bahir Dar <s> Madison <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Dane County <s> Madison <p> shares border with <o> Monona <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ainaro <s> Madison <p> location <o> Madison metropolitan area <s> Madison <p> instance of <o> state or insular area capital of the United States <s> Madison <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Mendota <s> Madison <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Monona <s> Madison <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Lake Wingra <s> Madison <p> twinned administrative body <o> Arcatao <s> Madison <p> flag <o> flag of Madison, Wisconsin <s> Oradea <p> country <o> Romania <s> Oradea <p> capital <o> Oradea <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Oradea <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Oradea <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Oradea <s> Oradea <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Oradea <s> Oradea <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Oradea <s> Oradea <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Oradea <s> Oradea <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Buried in Oradea <s> Oradea <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Oradea <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Košice <s> Oradea <p> head of government <o> Florin Birta <s> Oradea <p> instance of <o> big city <s> Oradea <p> instance of <o> capital of county in Romania <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Diamantina <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Debrecen <s> Oradea <p> owner of <o> Stadionul Iuliu Bodola <s> Oradea <p> instance of <o> municipality of Romania <s> Oradea <p> instance of <o> border city <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Givatayim <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ivano-Frankivsk <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Coslada <s> Oradea <p> architectural style <o> Art Nouveau <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Linköping Municipality <s> Oradea <p> shares border with <o> Biharia <s> Oradea <p> contains settlement <o> Oradea <s> Oradea <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Oradea <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Oradea <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Oradea <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Bihor County <s> Oradea <p> capital of <o> Bihor County <s> Oradea <p> capital of <o> Nagyvárad electoral district <s> Oradea <p> capital of <o> Romanian Catholic Eparchy of Oradea Mare <s> Oradea <p> architectural style <o> baroque architecture <s> Oradea <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Oradea <p> twinned administrative body <o> Ceyrat <s> Oradea <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Oradea <s> Oradea <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Oradea <s> Brixen <p> country <o> Italy <s> Brixen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Brixen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Regensburg <s> Brixen <p> described by source <o> Regesta Imperii <s> Brixen <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Brixen <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Brixen <p> seismic classification <o> 4 <s> Brixen <p> category for the view of the item <o> Category:Views of Brixen <s> Brixen <p> described by source <o> Topographia Provinciarum Austriacarum <s> Brixen <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Brixen <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Brixen <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Brixen <s> Brixen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Bled <s> Brixen <p> capital of <o> Eisacktal <s> Brixen <p> capital of <o> Prince-Bishopric of Brixen <s> Brixen <p> shares border with <o> Villnöß <s> Brixen <p> shares border with <o> Natz-Schabs <s> Brixen <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> South Tyrol <s> Brixen <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Brixen <s> Brixen <p> patron saint <o> Cassian of Imola <s> Brixen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Terracina <s> Brixen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hall in Tirol <s> Brixen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marquartstein <s> Brixen <p> twinned administrative body <o> Havlíčkův Brod <s> Brixen <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Brixen <s> Brixen <p> shares border with <o> Vahrn <s> Brixen <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Brixen <p> shares border with <o> Lüsen <s> Brixen <p> shares border with <o> San Martin de Tor <s> Brixen <p> member of <o> Climate Alliance <s> Brixen <p> award received <o> Alpine Town of the Year <s> Brixen <p> shares border with <o> Feldthurns <s> Nevers <p> country <o> France <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> Nièvre <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Minsk <s> Nevers <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Éloi <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Koblenz <s> Nevers <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Loire <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Asmara <s> Nevers <p> shares border with <o> Varennes-Vauzelles <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-Sud <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-Nord <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-Centre <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-Est <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Nevers <s> Nevers <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> St Albans <s> Nevers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Nièvre <s> Nevers <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Nevers <s> Nevers <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Nevers <p> shares border with <o> Sermoise-sur-Loire <s> Nevers <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Marbella <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Hammamet <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Charleville-Mézières <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. Volume 15 <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Nevers <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Nevers <s> Nevers <p> head of government <o> Émile Bourgier <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Curtea de Argeș <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Lund Municipality <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Taizhou <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Budapest District VII <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Siedlce <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Neubrandenburg <s> Nevers <p> shares border with <o> Challuy <s> Nevers <p> located in statistical territorial entity <o> àrea de concentració metropolitana de Nevers <s> Nevers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Nevers <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Sremska Mitrovica <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-1 <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-2 <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-3 <s> Nevers <p> capital of <o> canton of Nevers-4 <s> Nevers <p> shares border with <o> Marzy <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Nevers <p> shares border with <o> Coulanges-lès-Nevers <s> Nevers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Nevers-Sud <s> Nevers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Nevers-Nord <s> Nevers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Nevers-Centre <s> Nevers <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Nevers-Est <s> Nevers <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Nevers <s> Nevers <p> twinned administrative body <o> Stavroupoli <s> Nevers <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of Nevers <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Nevers <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Nevers <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Nièvre <s> Nevers <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Nevers <s> Nevers <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Nevers <s> Weingarten <p> country <o> Germany <s> Weingarten <p> different from <o> Weingarten <s> Weingarten <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Weingarten <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Weingarten <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Weingarten <p> twinned administrative body <o> Grimma <s> Weingarten <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Weingarten <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Weingarten (Württemberg) <s> Weingarten <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Weingarten (Württemberg) <s> Weingarten <p> capital of <o> Weingarten Abbey <s> Weingarten <p> member of <o> Mayors for Peace <s> Weingarten <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Weingarten <s> Weingarten <p> head of government <o> Clemens Moll <s> Weingarten <p> instance of <o> urban municipality in Germany <s> Weingarten <p> instance of <o> Greater district town in Baden-Württemberg <s> Weingarten <p> member of <o> Zweckverband 4IT <s> Weingarten <p> member of <o> Kommunale Informationsverarbeitung Reutlingen-Ulm (KIRU) <s> Weingarten <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mittleres Schussental GVV <s> Weingarten <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Weingarten (Württemberg) <s> Mantua State <p> instance of <o> administrative territorial entity <s> Mantua State <p> capital <o> Mantua <s> Mantua State <p> followed by <o> Mincio Department <s> Mantua State <p> country <o> Austrian Empire <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Sack of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> location <o> Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> part of <o> War of the First Coalition <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> country <o> France <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> Ardennes <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> twinned administrative body <o> Euskirchen <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Ardennes <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Charleville-Centre <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Mézières-Centre-Ouest <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> different from <o> arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> twinned administrative body <o> Dülmen <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nordhausen <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Mézières-Est <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Charleville-La Houillère <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> twinned administrative body <o> Mantua <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Charleville-Mézières-3 <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Charleville-Mézières-2 <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Charleville-Mézières-4 <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> capital of <o> canton of Charleville-Mézières-1 <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> instance of <o> commune of France <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> owner of <o> Salle Bayard <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Nouzonville <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Meuse <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> replaces <o> Mohon <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> replaces <o> Charleville (Ardennes) <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Bogny-sur-Meuse <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Aiglemont <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> La Grandville <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Saint-Laurent <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Warcq <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> replaces <o> Étion <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Mézières-Centre-Ouest <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> twinned administrative body <o> Iida <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> archives at <o> archives municipales de Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Charleville-Centre <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Mézières-Est <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> canton of Charleville-La Houillère <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Montcy-Notre-Dame <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People from Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> replaces <o> Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Damouzy <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> twinned administrative body <o> Nevers <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> award received <o> Croix de guerre 1914–1918 <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Prix-lès-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> replaces <o> Montcy-Saint-Pierre <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> office held by head of government <o> mayor of Charleville-Mézières <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> Villers-Semeuse <s> Charleville-Mézières <p> shares border with <o> La Francheville <s> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <p> part of <o> World Heritage Site <s> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <p> subclass of <o> natural heritage <s> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <p> subclass of <o> cultural heritage <s> part of UNESCO World Heritage Site <p> Wikidata property <o> World Heritage Site ID <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> instance of <o> human <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Latin <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> writing language <o> Latin <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> feast day <o> March 18 <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> consecrator <o> Gregory VII <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> place of birth <o> Milan <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholic Church <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> position held <o> bishop <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> place of death <o> Mantua <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Anselm of Lucca <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> religious order <o> Benedictines <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> occupation <o> Catholic bishop <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> occupation <o> Catholic priest <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> described by source <o> Church Encyclopedia <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> given name <o> Anzelm <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> canonization status <o> saint <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> position held <o> diocesan bishop <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> place of burial <o> Mantua Cathedral <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> position held <o> cardinal <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> occupation <o> canon law jurist <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Anselm of Lucca <p> relative <o> Alexander II </Graph>
<Text> :Oradea is a city in Romania, located in Crisana. The seat of Bihor County, Oradea is one of the most important economic, social and cultural centers in the western part of Romania. The city is located in the north-west of the country, nestled between hills on the Crisana plain, on the banks of the river Crisul Repede, that divides the city into almost equal halves. Located about 10 km from Bors, one of the most important crossing points on Romania's border with Hungary, Oradea ranks ninth among most populated Romanian cities . It covers an area of 11,556 hectares , in an area of contact between the extensions of the Apuseni Mountains and the Crisana-Banat extended plain. Oradea enjoys a high standard of living and ranks among the most livable cities in the country. The city is also a strong industrial center in the region, hosting some of Romania's largest companies. Besides its status as an economic hub, Oradea boasts a rich Art Nouveau architectural heritage and is a member of the Reseau Art Nouveau Network and the Art Nouveau European Route. "Nagy" means great or large in Hungarian, and it helped to differentiate the town from Kisvarda, a town in Hungary, with "kis" meaning little. "Var" means castle or citadel, and "-ad" is a suffix used for settlement names. Brixen is a town and commune in South Tyrol, northern Italy, located about 40 kilometres north of Bolzano. Brixen is the third-largest city and oldest town in the province, with a population of nearly twenty-three thousand. It is located at the confluence of the Eisack and Rienz rivers, and today it is the capital of the Eisack district community. The Brenner Pass, on the Italian-Austrian border, is 45 km to the north of Brixen, and Bolzano lies 40 km to the south. To the east lies the Plose mountain massif with three peaks, the closest of which being the Telegraph peak , formally known as Frollspitze. On the western side, there is the Konigsangerspitze mountain and the Pfeffersberg slope , both of which are located within the Sarntal Alps. Brixen is made up of about 22 smaller villages and hamlets called frazioni. They include: Afers/Eores, Albeins/Albes, Elvas, Gereuth/Caredo, Karnol/Cornale, Klerant/Cleran, Kranebitt/Costa d'Elvas, Mahr/Elvas La Mara, Mairdorf/Villa, Mellaun/Meluno, Milland/Millan, Pairdorf/Perara, Pinzagen/Pinzago, Plabach/Rivapiana, Rutzenberg/Monte Ruzzo, Sarns/Sarnes, St. Andra/Sant'Andrea, St. Leonhard/San Leonardo, Tils/Tiles, Totschling/Tecelinga, Tschotsch/Scezze, and Untereben. Nevers is a town and the prefecture of the Nievre department in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comte region in central France. It was the principal city of the former province of Nivernais. It is 260 km south-southeast of Paris. Nevers first enters written history as Noviodunum, a town held by the Aedui at Roman contact. The quantities of medals and other Roman antiquities found on the site indicate the importance of the place, and in 52 BCE, Julius Caesar made Noviodunum, which he describes as in a convenient position on the banks of the Loire, a depot . There, he had his hostages, corn and military chest, with the money in it allowed him from home for the war, his own and his army's baggage and a great number of horses which had been bought for him in Spain and Italy. After his failure before Gergovia, the Aedui at Noviodunum massacred those who were there to look after stores, the negotiators and the travellers who were in the place. They divided the money and the horses among themselves, carried off in boats all the corn that they could and burned the rest or threw it into the river. Thinking they could not hold the town, they burned it. That was a great loss to Caesar, and it may seem that he was imprudent in leaving such great stores in the power of treacherous allies. However, he was in straits that year, and probably he could not have done other than he did. Charleville-Mezieres is a commune of northern France, capital of the Ardennes department, Grand Est. Charleville-Mezieres is located on the banks of the river Meuse. Charleville was founded by Charles Gonzaga, the 8th duke of Mantua, in 1606. Its inhabitants were known as Carolopolitans . It was prosperous from the 17th century, although its fortifications were dismantled under Louis XIV in 1687 and it passed into French hands in 1708. It was plundered by the Prussians in 1815. France's royal armaments factory was formerly located there and gave its name to the Charleville musket, before being relocated and divided between Tulle and Chatellerault. In the 19th century, the city continued to produce arms through private firms, as well as nails, hardware, wine, spirits, coal, iron, and slate. It boasted a spacious port, a theatre, a large public library, and a museum of natural history. By the mid-19th century, the two towns were linked by a suspension bridge. It was occupied by the German Empire in the First World War and by Nazi Germany in World War II - the town served as the center of the Oberste Heeresleitung for 26 days during World War I. The present commune was established in 1966, the year after another commune, Le Theux, had been merged into Mezieres. The entire resultant commune has a population of about 51,000. With an annual average of 10 degC , Charleville-Mezieres is generally the coolest city of France. Winters are long, cold and gloomy while summers are interchangeably warm or hot but sometimes, even in the middle of July, night temperatures can drop below 5 degC . Under the Koppen-Geiger climate classification, Charleville-Mezieres features a temperate oceanic climate with strong continental influences . The climate is vastly affected by the low mountain Ardennes range nearby. The proximity results in moisture being trapped and excessive precipitation occurs as a result when compared to other parts of northern France. Temperature inversion is also common, which results in strong cold snaps compared to the oceanic climates further west. This results in overnight temperatures below -10 degC happening during most winters as the cold air descends at night. Similar patterns replicate year round, causing Charleville-Mezieres to have cooler summer nights than Nordic coastal areas near the Arctic Circle. The intermittent frosts in May and September also result in a short growing season. Anselm of Lucca , born Anselm of Baggio , was a medieval bishop of Lucca in Italy and a prominent figure in the Investiture Controversy amid the fighting in central Italy between Matilda, countess of Tuscany, and Emperor Henry IV. His uncle Anselm preceded him as bishop of Lucca before being elected to the papacy as Pope Alexander II and so he is sometimes distinguished as Anselm the Younger or Anselm II. Born in Mantua, and was educated there in grammar and dialectic. Anselm was a nephew of Anselm of Lucca the Elder, who became Pope Alexander II in 1061 and designated Anselm to succeed him in his former position as Bishop of Lucca. Alexander sent him to Germany advising him to take investiture from Emperor Henry IV. Alexander II, may have elevated him to the cardinalate ca. 1062. Anselm went to Germany, but was loath to receive the insignia of spiritual power from a temporal ruler and returned without investiture. In 1073, Pope Gregory VII, again appointed Anselm Bishop of Lucca, but advised him not to accept investiture from Henry IV. For some reason, Anselm did so this time, but soon felt such remorse that he resigned his bishopric, and entered the Benedictine Order at Padilirone, a Cluniac monastery near Mantua. Gregory VII ordered him to return to Lucca, and he reluctantly obeyed, but continued to lead the life of a monk. In the years 1077-79, he accepted the transfer of several castles from Countess Matilda, in preparation for Henry's expected campaign, which was carried out in 1081-84. Meanwhile, he attempted to impose the Rule of Saint Augustine upon the canons of his cathedral. Most of the canons refused to submit to the new regulations though they were interdicted by the pope. Anselm was expelled from Lucca around 1080, with the help of Emperor Henry and Guibert, Antipope Clement III, after the defeat of the papal defender, the Countess Matilda of Tuscany at the Battle of Volta Mantovana . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Sack of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Siege of Mantua <p> location <o> Mantua <s> Siege of Mantua <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Mantua <p> part of <o> War of the First Coalition <s> Siege of Mantua <p> participant <o> France <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Sack of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Siege of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantua <p> location <o> Mantua <s> Siege of Mantua <p> part of <o> War of the Second Coalition <s> Siege of Mantua <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Category:Maps of Mantua <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Maps of Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> map <s> Category:Maps of Mantua <p> category combines topics <o> Mantua <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> seismic classification <o> 3 <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> country <o> Italy <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> replaces <o> Virgilio <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> replaces <o> Borgoforte <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> shares border with <o> Motteggiana <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> shares border with <o> Mantua <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> shares border with <o> Viadana <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Province of Mantua <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> shares border with <o> Bagnolo San Vito <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> shares border with <o> Marcaria <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> instance of <o> commune of Italy <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> shares border with <o> Curtatone <s> Borgo Virgilio <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Borgo Virgilio <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> country <o> Italy <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> winner <o> Mantua <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Terni <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Parma <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Pistoia <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Como <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Mantua <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Taranto <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Pisa <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Spoleto <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Aquileia <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> candidate <o> Ercolano <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> follows <o> Italian capital of culture C.E.2015 <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> followed by <o> Italian capital of culture 2017 <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> instance of <o> award ceremony <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> part of the series <o> Italian Capital of Culture <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> subclass of <o> Italian Capital of Culture <s> Italian capital of culture C.E.2016 <p> conferred by <o> Ministry of Culture <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> country <o> Italy <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Mantua <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Sabbioneta <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> heritage designation <o> World Heritage Site <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> has part(s) <o> Mantua <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> has part(s) <o> Sabbioneta <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Po Valley <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (ii) <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> World Heritage criteria <o> World Heritage selection criterion (iii) <s> Mantua and Sabbioneta <p> instance of <o> group <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Sack of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> location <o> Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Siege of Mantoue <p> part of <o> War of the Spanish Succession <s> Sack of Mantua <p> instance of <o> siege <s> Sack of Mantua <p> instance of <o> sack <s> Sack of Mantua <p> location <o> Mantua <s> Sack of Mantua <p> part of <o> War of the Mantuan Succession <s> Sack of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Sack of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Sack of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantua <s> Sack of Mantua <p> different from <o> Siege of Mantoue <s> Category:Mantua <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Mantua <p> category's main topic <o> Mantua <s> Category:Mantua (genus) <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Mantua (genus) <p> category's main topic <o> Mantua </Graph>
<Text> :Borgo Virgilio is a comune in the province of Mantua, in Lombardy, created with effect from 25 May 2014 from the merger of the former comuni of Borgoforte and Virgilio. A local referendum to approve the creation of this comune was held on 1 December 2013, when the outcome of voting across Borgoforte and Virgilio were 68% in favour and 32% against. The War of the Mantuan Succession was a conflict related to the Thirty Years' War and was caused by the death in December 1627 of Vincenzo II, the last male heir in the direct line of the House of Gonzaga and the ruler of the duchies of Mantua and Montferrat. Those territories were key to control of the Spanish Road, an overland route that allowed Habsburg Spain to move recruits and supplies from Italy to their army in Flanders. The result was a proxy war between France, which supported the French-born Duke of Nevers, and Spain, which backed a distant cousin, the Duke of Guastalla. Fighting centred on the fortress of Casale Monferrato, which the Spanish besieged twice, from March 1628 to April 1629 and from September 1629 to October 1630. French intervention on behalf of Nevers in April 1629 led Emperor Ferdinand II to support Spain by transferring Imperial troops from Northern Germany, who captured Mantua in July 1630. However, French reinforcements enabled Nevers to retain Casale, while Ferdinand withdrew his troops in response to Swedish intervention in the Thirty Years' War, and both sides agreed a truce in October 1630. The June 1631 Treaty of Cherasco confirmed Nevers as Duke of Mantua and Montferrat in return for minor territorial losses. More importantly, the treaty left France in possession of Pinerolo and Casale, key fortresses that controlled access to passes through the Alps and protected its southern borders. The diversion of Imperial and Spanish resources from Germany allowed the Swedes to establish themselves within the Holy Roman Empire and was one reason that the Thirty Years' War continued until 1648. Since 1308, the Duchy of Mantua had been ruled by the House of Gonzaga, who also acquired the Duchy of Montferrat in 1574 by marriage. Both territories were part of the Holy Roman Empire and were also of strategic importance to the area known as Lombardy, dominated by the Spanish-governed Duchy of Milan. Control of this region allowed the Habsburg rulers of Spain and Austria to threaten France's restive southern provinces of Languedoc and the Dauphine, as well as protecting the overland supply route known as the Spanish Road. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> branch of biology <p> subclass of <o> branch of science <s> branch of biology <p> instance of <o> second-order class <s> branch of biology <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Branches of biology <s> academic major <p> Wikidata property <o> academic major <s> academic major <p> has effect <o> academic degree <s> academic major <p> subclass of <o> academic discipline <s> academic major <p> facet of <o> undergraduate degree <s> academic major <p> said to be the same as <o> field of study <s> academic discipline <p> properties for this type <o> history of topic <s> academic discipline <p> different from <o> Discipline <s> academic discipline <p> different from <o> Disciplina <s> academic discipline <p> subclass of <o> specialty <s> academic discipline <p> said to be the same as <o> school subject <s> academic discipline <p> said to be the same as <o> field of study <s> academic discipline <p> said to be the same as <o> branch of science <s> academic discipline <p> facet of <o> science <s> academic discipline <p> said to be the same as <o> field of work <s> academic discipline <p> different from <o> Disziplin <s> academic discipline <p> has list <o> outline of academic disciplines <s> academic discipline <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Academic disciplines <s> academic discipline <p> instance of <o> classification system of knowledge <s> academic discipline <p> Wikidata property <o> studied in <s> academic discipline <p> different from <o> Fach <s> methodology <p> is the study of <o> scientific method <s> methodology <p> practiced by <o> methodologist <s> methodology <p> is the study of <o> scholarly method <s> methodology <p> different from <o> methodics <s> methodology <p> subclass of <o> analysis <s> methodology <p> partially coincident with <o> method <s> methodology <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> methodology <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Methodology <s> methodology <p> properties for this type <o> used by <s> biology <p> instance of <o> science <s> biology <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> biology <p> instance of <o> specialty <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> botany <s> biology <p> instance of <o> branch of science <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> anatomy <s> biology <p> is the study of <o> life <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> zoology <s> biology <p> instance of <o> academic major <s> biology <p> has characteristic <o> evolution <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> genetics <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> biophysics <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> biotechnology <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> ecology <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> mycology <s> biology <p> is the study of <o> organism <s> biology <p> instance of <o> field of study <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> cell biology <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> microbiology <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> biochemistry <s> biology <p> partially coincident with <o> paleontology <s> biology <p> subclass of <o> natural science <s> biology <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> biology <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Biology <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> computational biology <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> morphology <s> biology <p> has characteristic <o> biological nomenclature <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> evolutionary biology <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> neurobiology <s> biology <p> history of topic <o> history of biology <s> biology <p> practiced by <o> biologist <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> biology <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> archaeobiology <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Encyclopedic Lexicon <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> biology <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> biology <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Branches of biology <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> biology <p> said to be the same as <o> life sciences <s> biology <p> described by source <o> The Encyclopedia Americana <s> biology <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> biology <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> biology <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Biology <s> biology <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Biology <s> biology <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Biology <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 5 <s> biology <p> has part(s) <o> biology of colour <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica Ninth Edition <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary of I. N. Berezin <s> biology <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> biology <p> practiced by <o> biology student <s> Claude Bernard <p> instance of <o> human <s> Claude Bernard <p> writing language <o> French <s> Claude Bernard <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Claude Bernard <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Claude Bernard <p> place of death <o> Paris <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Académie Française <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> French Academy of Sciences <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Royal Society <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Russian Academy of Sciences <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences <s> Claude Bernard <p> student <o> Étienne Lancereaux <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Hungarian Academy of Sciences <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Académie Nationale de Médecine <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Claude Bernard <p> significant event <o> funeral <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters <s> Claude Bernard <p> influenced by <o> François Magendie <s> Claude Bernard <p> field of work <o> physiology <s> Claude Bernard <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Claude Bernard <p> notable work <o> Milieu intérieur <s> Claude Bernard <p> field of work <o> medicine <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Société Philomathique de Paris <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities <s> Claude Bernard <p> student <o> Ivan Tarkhanov <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Claude Bernard <p> given name <o> Claude <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Svensk uppslagsbok <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Claude Bernard <p> contributed to creative work <o> Popular Science <s> Claude Bernard <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Claude Bernard <p> occupation <o> psychologist <s> Claude Bernard <p> employer <o> Collège de France <s> Claude Bernard <p> occupation <o> professor <s> Claude Bernard <p> member of <o> Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences <s> Claude Bernard <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Claude Bernard <p> family name <o> Bernard <s> Claude Bernard <p> place of birth <o> Saint-Julien <s> Claude Bernard <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Claude Bernard <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Claude Bernard <p> occupation <o> physician writer <s> Claude Bernard <p> occupation <o> physiologist <s> Claude Bernard <p> spouse <o> Marie Françoise Bernard <s> Claude Bernard <p> employer <o> École pratique des hautes études <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Claude Bernard <p> award received <o> Copley Medal <s> Claude Bernard <p> employer <o> Faculté de médecine de Paris <s> Claude Bernard <p> educated at <o> Faculté de médecine de Paris <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Claude Bernard <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Claude Bernard <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Smithsonian Libraries Dibner Library portraits <s> Claude Bernard <p> employer <o> Muséum national d'histoire naturelle <s> Claude Bernard <p> position held <o> president <s> Claude Bernard <p> position held <o> seat 29 of the Académie française <s> Claude Bernard <p> position held <o> Second Empire senator <s> Claude Bernard <p> position held <o> president <s> Claude Bernard <p> award received <o> Commander of the Legion of Honour <s> Claude Bernard <p> educated at <o> Science Faculty of Paris <s> Claude Bernard <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Claude Bernard <p> place of burial <o> Grave of Claude Bernard <s> Claude Bernard <p> place of burial <o> Cimetière du Père-Lachaise <s> Claude Bernard <p> award received <o> Foreign Member of the Royal Society <s> Claude Bernard <p> award received <o> Baly Medal <s> Claude Bernard <p> occupation <o> physician <s> outline of physiology <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia outline article <s> human physiology <p> subclass of <o> physiology <s> human physiology <p> practiced by <o> human physiologist <s> human physiology <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> human physiology <p> described by source <o> Human Physiology <s> human physiology <p> instance of <o> specialty <s> human physiology <p> instance of <o> branch of science <s> human physiology <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> human physiology <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Human physiology <s> Category:Physiology <p> category's main topic <o> physiology <s> Category:Physiology <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia topic category <s> Category:Physiology <p> template or module that populates category <o> Template:Physiology types <s> Tuesday <p> named after <o> Mars <s> Tuesday <p> named after <o> Mars <s> Tuesday <p> follows <o> Monday <s> Tuesday <p> named after <o> 2 <s> Tuesday <p> followed by <o> Wednesday <s> Tuesday <p> named after <o> 3 <s> Tuesday <p> named after <o> Tyr <s> Tuesday <p> different from <o> Tuesday <s> Tuesday <p> instance of <o> day of the week <s> Tuesday <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Tuesday <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Tuesday <p> named after <o> Fire <s> Tuesday <p> subclass of <o> day <s> Tuesday <p> subclass of <o> non-holiday <s> Tuesday <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Tuesday <p> different from <o> Dienstag <s> Tuesday <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Tuesday </Graph>
<Text> :An academic major is the academic discipline to which an undergraduate student formally commits. A student who successfully completes all courses required for the major qualifies for an undergraduate degree. The word major is also sometimes used administratively to refer to the academic discipline pursued by a graduate student or postgraduate student in a master's or doctoral program. An academic major typically involves completion of a combination of required and elective courses in the chosen discipline. The latitude a student has in choosing courses varies from program to program. An academic major is administered by select faculty in an academic department. A major administered by more than one academic department is called an interdisciplinary major. In some settings, students may be permitted to design their own major, subject to faculty approval. In the United States, students are usually not required to choose their major discipline when first enrolling as an undergraduate. In addition, most colleges and universities require that all students take a general core curriculum in the liberal arts. Normally students are required to commit by the end of their second academic year at latest, and some schools even disallow students from declaring a major until this time. A student who declares two academic majors is said to have a double major. A coordinate major is an ancillary major designed to complement the primary one. A coordinate major requires fewer course credits to complete. Many colleges also allow students to declare a minor field, a secondary discipline in which they also take a substantial number of classes, but not so many as would be necessary to complete a major. The roots of the academic major as we now know it first surfaced in the 19th century as "alternative components of the undergraduate degree". Before that, all students receiving an undergraduate degree would be required to study the same slate of courses geared at a comprehensive "liberal education". An academic discipline or academic field is a subdivision of knowledge that is taught and researched at the college or university level. Disciplines are defined and recognized by the academic journals in which research is published, and the learned societies and academic departments or faculties within colleges and universities to which their practitioners belong. Academic disciplines are conventionally divided into the humanities, including language, art and cultural studies, and the scientific disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, and biology; the social sciences are sometimes considered a third category. Individuals associated with academic disciplines are commonly referred to as experts or specialists. Others, who may have studied liberal arts or systems theory rather than concentrating in a specific academic discipline, are classified as generalists. While academic disciplines in and of themselves are more or less focused practices, scholarly approaches such as multidisciplinarity/interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and cross-disciplinarity integrate aspects from multiple academic disciplines, therefore addressing any problems that may arise from narrow concentration within specialized fields of study. For example, professionals may encounter trouble communicating across academic disciplines because of differences in language, specified concepts, or methodology. Some researchers believe that academic disciplines may, in the future, be replaced by what is known as Mode 2 or "post-academic science", which involves the acquisition of cross-disciplinary knowledge through the collaboration of specialists from various academic disciplines. In its most common sense, methodology is the study of research methods. However, the term can also refer to the methods themselves or to the philosophical discussion of associated background assumptions. A method is a structured procedure for bringing about a certain goal, like acquiring knowledge or verifying knowledge claims. This normally involves various steps, like choosing a sample, collecting data from this sample, and interpreting the data. The study of methods concerns a detailed description and analysis of these processes. It includes evaluative aspects by comparing different methods. This way, it is assessed what advantages and disadvantages they have and for what research goals they may be used. These descriptions and evaluations depend on philosophical background assumptions. Examples are how to conceptualize the studied phenomena and what constitutes evidence for or against them. When understood in the widest sense, methodology also includes the discussion of these more abstract issues. Methodologies are traditionally divided into quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research is the main methodology of the natural sciences. It uses precise numerical measurements. Its goal is usually to find universal laws used to make predictions about future events. The dominant methodology in the natural sciences is called the scientific method. It includes steps like observation and the formulation of a hypothesis. Further steps are to test the hypothesis using an experiment, to compare the measurements to the expected results, and to publish the findings. Qualitative research is more characteristic of the social sciences and gives less prominence to exact numerical measurements. It aims more at an in-depth understanding of the meaning of the studied phenomena and less at universal and predictive laws. Common methods found in the social sciences are surveys, interviews, focus groups, and the nominal group technique. They differ from each other concerning their sample size, the types of questions asked, and the general setting. In recent decades, many social scientists have started using mixed-methods research, which combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Many discussions in methodology concern the question of whether the quantitative approach is superior, especially whether it is adequate when applied to the social domain. A few theorists reject methodology as a discipline in general. For example, some argue that it is useless since methods should be used rather than studied. Others hold that it is harmful because it restricts the freedom and creativity of researchers. Methodologists often respond to these objections by claiming that a good methodology helps researchers arrive at reliable theories in an efficient way. The choice of method often matters since the same factual material can lead to different conclusions depending on one's method. Interest in methodology has risen in the 20th century due to the increased importance of interdisciplinary work and the obstacles hindering efficient cooperation. Biology is the scientific study of life. It is a natural science with a broad scope but has several unifying themes that tie it together as a single, coherent field. For instance, all organisms are made up of cells that process hereditary information encoded in genes, which can be transmitted to future generations. Another major theme is evolution, which explains the unity and diversity of life. Energy processing is also important to life as it allows organisms to move, grow, and reproduce. Finally, all organisms are able to regulate their own internal environments. Biologists are able to study life at multiple levels of organization, from the molecular biology of a cell to the anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, and evolution of populations. Hence, there are multiple subdisciplines within biology, each defined by the nature of their research questions and the tools that they use. Like other scientists, biologists use the scientific method to make observations, pose questions, generate hypotheses, perform experiments, and form conclusions about the world around them. Life on Earth, which emerged more than 3.7 billion years ago, is immensely diverse. Biologists have sought to study and classify the various forms of life, from prokaryotic organisms such as archaea and bacteria to eukaryotic organisms such as protists, fungi, plants, and animals. These various organisms contribute to the biodiversity of an ecosystem, where they play specialized roles in the cycling of nutrients and energy through their biophysical environment. The earliest of roots of science, which included medicine, can be traced to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3000 to 1200 BCE. Their contributions shaped ancient Greek natural philosophy. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle contributed extensively to the development of biological knowledge. He explored biological causation and the diversity of life. His successor, Theophrastus, began the scientific study of plants. Scholars of the medieval Islamic world who wrote on biology included al-Jahiz , Al-Dinawari , who wrote on botany, and Rhazes who wrote on anatomy and physiology. Medicine was especially well studied by Islamic scholars working in Greek philosopher traditions, while natural history drew heavily on Aristotelian thought. Claude Bernard was a French physiologist. Historian I. Bernard Cohen of Harvard University called Bernard "one of the greatest of all men of science". He originated the term milieu interieur, and the associated concept of homeostasis . Bernard was born in 1813 in the village of Saint-Julien near Villefranche-sur-Saone. He received his early education in the Jesuit school of that town, and then proceeded to the college at Lyon, which, however, he soon left to become assistant in a druggist's shop. He is sometimes described as an agnostic and even humorously referred to by his colleagues as a "great priest of atheism". Despite this, after his death Cardinal Ferdinand Donnet claimed Bernard was a fervent Catholic, with a biographical entry in the Catholic Encyclopedia. His leisure hours were devoted to the composition of a vaudeville comedy, and the success it achieved moved him to attempt a prose drama in five acts, Arthur de Bretagne. In 1834, at the age of twenty-one, he went to Paris, armed with this play and an introduction to Saint-Marc Girardin, but the critic dissuaded him from adopting literature as a profession, and urged him rather to take up the study of medicine. This advice Bernard followed, and in due course he became interne at the Hotel-Dieu de Paris. In this way he was brought into contact with the great physiologist, Francois Magendie, who served as physician at the hospital. Bernard became 'preparateur' at the College de France in 1841. In 1845, Bernard married Marie Francoise "Fanny" Martin for convenience; the marriage was arranged by a colleague and her dowry helped finance his experiments. In 1847 he was appointed Magendie's deputy-professor at the college, and in 1855 he succeeded him as full professor. In 1860, Bernard was elected an international member of the American Philosophical Society. His field of research was considered inferior at the time, the laboratory assigned to him was simply a "regular cellar." Some time previously Bernard had been chosen to be the first occupant of the newly instituted chair of physiology at the Sorbonne, but no laboratory was provided for his use. It was Louis Napoleon who, after an interview with him in 1864, repaired the deficiency, building a laboratory at the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle in the Jardin des Plantes. At the same time, Napoleon III established a professorship which Bernard accepted, leaving the Sorbonne. In the same year, 1868, he was also admitted a member of the Academie francaise and elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Physiology - scientific study of the normal function in living systems. A branch of biology, its focus is in how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system. The human body is the entire structure of a human being. It is composed of many different types of cells that together create tissues and subsequently organs and then organ systems. They ensure homeostasis and the viability of the human body. The study of the human body includes anatomy, physiology, histology and embryology. The body varies anatomically in known ways. Physiology focuses on the systems and organs of the human body and their functions. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain homeostasis, with safe levels of substances such as sugar and oxygen in the blood. The adult male body is about 60% water for a total water content of some 42 litres . This is made up of about 19 litres of extracellular fluid including about 3.2 litres of blood plasma and about 8.4 litres of interstitial fluid, and about 23 litres of fluid inside cells. The content, acidity and composition of the water inside and outside cells is carefully maintained. The main electrolytes in body water outside cells are sodium and chloride, whereas within cells it is potassium and other phosphates. The body contains trillions of cells, the fundamental unit of life. At maturity, there are roughly 30 trillion cells, and 38 trillion bacteria in the body, an estimate arrived at by totaling the cell numbers of all the organs of the body and cell types. The skin of the body is also host to billions of commensal organisms as well as immune cells. Not all parts of the body are made from cells. Cells sit in an extracellular matrix that consists of proteins such as collagen, surrounded by extracellular fluids. Tuesday is the day of the week between Monday and Wednesday. According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week; thus, Tuesday is the second day of the week. According to many traditional calendars, however, Sunday is the first day of the week, so Tuesday is the third day of the week. In some Muslim countries, Saturday is the first day of the week and thus Tuesday is the fourth day of the week. The English name is derived from Middle English Tewesday, from Old English Tiwesdaeg meaning "Tiw's Day", the day of Tiw or Tyr, the god of single combat, law, and justice in Norse mythology. Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica, and the name of the day is a translation of Latin dies Martis. The name Tuesday derives from the Old English Tiwesdaeg and literally means "Tiw's Day". Tiw is the Old English form of the Proto-Germanic god *Tiwaz, or Tyr in Old Norse. *Tiwaz derives from the Proto-Indo-European base *dei-, *deya-, *didya-, meaning 'to shine', whence comes also such words as "deity". The Latin name dies Martis is equivalent to the Greek emera Areos . In most languages with Latin origins , the day is named after Mars, the Roman parallel of the Ancient Greek Ares . </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> country <o> United Kingdom <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Fitzwilliam Museum <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> headquarters location <o> Cambridge <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> location <o> Cambridge <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> has subsidiary <o> Hamilton Kerr Institute <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> has facility <o> accessible toilet <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> described by source <o> <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> has part(s) <o> Founder's Building <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> has part(s) <o> Fitzwilliam Museum - Room 32 <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of the Fitzwilliam Museum <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> Wikidata property <o> Fitzwilliam Museum artwork ID <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> historic county <o> Cambridgeshire <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Cambridge <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> instance of <o> tourist attraction <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> instance of <o> university museum <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> instance of <o> history museum <s> Fitzwilliam Museum <p> owned by <o> University of Cambridge <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Worcester <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> location <o> Worcester <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> accredited by <o> American Alliance of Museums <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> architect <o> Stephen C. Earle <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> founded by <o> Stephen Salisbury III <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> member of <o> North American Reciprocal Museum Association <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> described by source <o> Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> has part(s) <o> Higgins Armory Museum <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Worcester Art Museum <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> legal form <o> 501(c)(3) organization <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of the Worcester Art Museum <s> Worcester Art Museum <p> owner of <o> Salisbury House <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> Wi-Fi access <o> no <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> uses <o> digital library <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Milan <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> country <o> Italy <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> disabled accessibility <o> wheelchair accessible <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> named after <o> Ambrose <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> founded by <o> Federico Borromeo <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> heritage designation <o> Italian national heritage <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> field of work <o> visual arts <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> has facility <o> library <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> has facility <o> bookstore <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> has facility <o> archive building <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> instance of <o> picture gallery <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> part of <o> Biblioteca Ambrosiana <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> field of work <o> exhibition industry <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> main subject <o> picture gallery <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> has facility <o> cloakroom <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> has facility <o> photo archive <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> owned by <o> Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> has part(s) <o> Aula Leonardi <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> parent organization <o> Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana <s> Pinacoteca Ambrosiana <p> director / manager <o> Marco Navoni <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> instance of <o> human <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> work location <o> Lombardy <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> place of death <o> Milan <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> student of <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Kunsthistorisches Museum <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Bavarian State Painting Collections <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Galleria Borghese <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> J. Paul Getty Museum <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Bratislava City Gallery <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Fitzwilliam Museum <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Ireland <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> National Galleries Scotland <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Grenoble <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> notable work <o> The Adoration of the Magi <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> notable work <o> Leda and the Swan <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> Southampton City Art Gallery <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> National Art Museum of Azerbaijan <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> place of birth <o> Sesto Calende <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> notable work <o> St Jerome <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> given name <o> Cesare <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Capodimonte <s> Cesare da Sesto <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Ancient Art <s> Salaì <p> instance of <o> human <s> Salaì <p> place of death <o> Milan <s> Salaì <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Salaì <p> work location <o> Milan <s> Salaì <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Salaì <p> student of <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Salaì <p> occupation <o> inventor <s> Salaì <p> genre <o> history painting <s> Salaì <p> different from <o> Sarai <s> Salaì <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Salaì <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Salaì <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Salaì <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Salaì <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Salaì <p> place of birth <o> Oreno <s> Salaì <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Salaì <p> given name <o> Gian Giacomo <s> Salaì <p> movement <o> High Renaissance <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> instance of <o> human <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> field of work <o> astronomy <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> field of work <o> mathematics <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> field of work <o> geography <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> student <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> place of birth <o> Florence <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> field of work <o> medicine <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> place of death <o> Florence <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> occupation <o> astronomer <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> occupation <o> physician <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> occupation <o> librarian <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> country of citizenship <o> Republic of Florence <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> occupation <o> geographer <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> occupation <o> mathematician <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> occupation <o> cartographer <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> educated at <o> University of Padua <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> student of <o> Prosdocimus de Beldemandis <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> given name <o> Paolo <s> Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> country of origin <o> United States of America <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> place of publication <o> New York City <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> language of work or name <o> English <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> instance of <o> book series <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> Wikidata property <o> Catholic Encyclopedia ID <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> has edition or translation <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> publisher <o> D. Appleton & Company <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> John Vogel <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Henry Joseph Causse <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Max Jacobi <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Hans Lien Braekstad <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Niccolò Dal-Gal <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Daniel R. Loweree <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> John Mathew Mahony <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Peter Henry Francis Martin Geudens <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Teodoro Rodríguez y Fernández <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> instance of <o> written work <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> Niels Hansen <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> contributor to the creative work or subject <o> João Paulino de Azevedo e Castro <s> Catholic Encyclopedia <p> imprimatur granted by <o> John Murphy Farley <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> creator <o> Leonardo da Vinci <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> depicts <o> Virgin Mary <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> depicts <o> boy <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> depicts <o> mother <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> movement <o> Renaissance <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> has part(s) <o> Virgin of the Rocks <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> has part(s) <o> Virgin of the Rocks <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> main subject <o> Nativity of Jesus <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> main subject <o> Madonna and Child <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> instance of <o> group of paintings <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> instance of <o> artistic theme <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> depicts <o> angel <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> genre <o> religious painting <s> Virgin of the Rocks <p> depicts <o> Christ Child <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Washington, D.C. <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> instance of <o> library <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> instance of <o> research library <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> instance of <o> art library <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> part of <o> Smithsonian Libraries and Archives <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> parent organization <o> National Portrait Gallery <s> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <p> parent organization <o> Smithsonian American Art Museum <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> country <o> United States of America <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> instance of <o> library <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Philadelphia <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> instance of <o> archive <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> instance of <o> art library <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> parent organization <o> Philadelphia Museum of Art <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> headquarters location <o> Perelman Building <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> member of <o> Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration and Innovation <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> member of <o> Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries <s> Philadelphia Museum of Art Library and Archives <p> member of <o> Digital Library Federation </Graph>
<Text> :The Fitzwilliam Museum is the art and antiquities museum of the University of Cambridge. It is located on Trumpington Street opposite Fitzwilliam Street in central Cambridge. It was founded in 1816 under the will of Richard FitzWilliam, 7th Viscount FitzWilliam , and comprises one of the best collections of antiquities and modern art in western Europe. With over half a million objects and artworks in its collections, the displays in the museum explore world history and art from antiquity to the present. The treasures of the museum include artworks by Monet, Picasso, Rubens, Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt, Cezanne, Van Dyck, and Canaletto, as well as a winged bas-relief from Nimrud. Admission to the public is always free. The museum was founded in 1816 with the legacy of the library and art collection of Richard FitzWilliam, 7th Viscount FitzWilliam. The bequest included PS100,000 "to cause to be erected a good substantial museum repository". The Fitzwilliam now contains over 500,000 items and is one of the best museums in the United Kingdom. The collection was initially placed in the Perse School building in Free School Lane. It was moved in 1842 to the Old Schools in central Cambridge, which housed the Cambridge University Library. The "Founder's Building" was built during the period 1837-1843 to the designs of George Basevi, completed by C. R. Cockerell. The decorative carving, pediment and four lions were by William Grinsell Nicholl. The foundation stone of the new building was laid by Gilbert Ainslie in 1837. The museum opened in 1848. The Palladian Entrance Hall, by Edward Middleton Barry, was completed in 1875. A further large bequest was made to the university in 1912 by Charles Brinsley Marlay, including PS80,000 and 84 paintings from his private collection. A two-storey extension to the south-east, paid for partly by the Courtauld family, was added in 1931, greatly expanding the space of the museum and allowing research teams to work on site. The museum has five departments: Antiquities; Applied Arts; Coins and Medals; Rare Manuscripts and Printed Books; and Paintings, Drawings and Prints. Together these cover antiquities from ancient Egypt, Nubia, Greece and Rome, Romano-Egyptian art, Western Asiatic displays, and a new gallery of Cypriot art; applied arts, including English and European pottery and glass, furniture, clocks, fans, armour, Chinese, Japanese and Korean art, rugs and samplers; coins and medals; illuminated, literary and music manuscripts and rare printed books; paintings, including masterpieces by Simone Martini, Domenico Veneziano, Titian, Veronese, Rubens, Van Dyck, van Goyen, Frans Hals, Canaletto, Hogarth, Gainsborough, Constable, Monet, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne and Picasso and a fine collection of 20th-century art; miniatures, drawings, watercolours and prints. Among the notable works in the antiquities collection is a bas-relief from Persepolis, and a colossal caryatid from Eleusis known as the Saint Demetra. The Worcester Art Museum houses over 38,000 works of art dating from antiquity to the present day and representing cultures from all over the world. WAM opened in 1898 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Its holdings include Roman mosaics, European and American art, and a major collection of Japanese prints. Since acquiring the John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection in 2013, WAM is also home to the second largest collection of arms and armor in the Americas. The museum houses collected architecture , acquired paintings by Monet and Gauguin , and presented photography as an art form . The Worcester Art Museum also has a conservation lab and year-round studio art program for adults and youth. In September 1896, Stephen Salisbury III and a group of his friends founded the Art Museum Corporation to build an art institution "for the benefit of all." Salisbury then gave a tract of land, on what was once the Salisbury farm , as well as $100,000 USD to construct a building designed by Worcester architect Stephen C. Earle. The museum formally opened in 1898 with the Rev. Daniel Merriman as its first president. The museum's collection then consisted largely of plaster casts of "antique and Renaissance" sculptures, as well as a selection of 5,000 Japanese prints, drawings, and books, willed to the museum from John Chandler Bancroft, son of John Bancroft. In 1905, Stephen Salisbury died and left the bulk of his five million-dollar estate to the museum. The Worcester Art Museum continued to grow and slowly amassed one of the important art collections in the country, with some of the significant early works donated or loaned by the artist and collector Helen Bigelow Merriman. The Biblioteca Ambrosiana is a historic library in Milan, Italy, also housing the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, the Ambrosian art gallery. Named after Ambrose, the patron saint of Milan, it was founded in 1609 by Cardinal Federico Borromeo, whose agents scoured Western Europe and even Greece and Syria for books and manuscripts. Some major acquisitions of complete libraries were the manuscripts of the Benedictine monastery of Bobbio and the library of the Paduan Vincenzo Pinelli, whose more than 800 manuscripts filled 70 cases when they were sent to Milan and included the famous Iliad, the Ilias Picta. During Cardinal Borromeo's sojourns in Rome, 1585-95 and 1597-1601, he envisioned developing this library in Milan as one open to scholars and that would serve as a bulwark of Catholic scholarship in the service of the Counter-Reformation against the treatises issuing from Protestant presses. To house the cardinal's 15,000 manuscripts and twice that many printed books, construction began in 1603 under designs and direction of Lelio Buzzi and Francesco Maria Richini. When its first reading room, the Sala Fredericiana, opened to the public on 8 December 1609 it was one of the earliest public libraries. One innovation was that its books were housed in cases ranged along the walls, rather than chained to reading tables, the latter a medieval practice seen still today in the Laurentian Library of Florence. A printing press was attached to the library, and a school for instruction in the classical languages. Constant acquisitions, soon augmented by bequests, required enlargement of the space. Borromeo intended an academy and a collection of pictures, for which a new building was initiated in 1611-18 to house the Cardinal's paintings and drawings, the nucleus of the Pinacoteca. Cardinal Borromeo gave his collection of paintings and drawings to the library, too. Shortly after the cardinal's death, his library acquired twelve manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci, including the Codex Atlanticus. The library now contains some 12,000 drawings by European artists, from the 14th through the 19th centuries, which have come from the collections of a wide range of patrons and artists, academicians, collectors, art dealers, and architects. Prized manuscripts, including the Leonardo codices, were requisitioned by the French during the Napoleonic occupation, and only partly returned after 1815. Cesare da Sesto was born in Sesto Calende, Lombardy. He is considered one of the Leonardeschi or artists influenced by Leonardo da Vinci, such as Bernardino Luini and Marco d'Oggiono. He may have trained or worked with Baldassare Peruzzi in Rome in 1505. Of this period, a lunette in Sant'Onofrio and some paintings in Campagnano Romano are attributed to him. From 1514 he sojourned in Naples for six years. In 1515 he finished a monumental polyptych for the Abbey of Santissima Trinita at Cava de' Tirreni and produced Leda and the Swan, a copy after Leonardo's own work on the subject. Back in Milan, he executed a Baptism of Christ, in collaboration with Bernardino Bernazzano and a Salome, acquired by Rudolf II and now at the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna. In 1517 he returned to southern Italy; in Messina executed an Adoration of the Kings which influenced numerous artists of southern Italy, it can be found in the Capodimonte Museum of Naples. Sometime between 1516 and 1519, he completed his Adoration of the Magi. Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno, better known as Salai was an Italian artist and pupil of Leonardo da Vinci from 1490 to 1518. Salai entered Leonardo's household at the age of ten. He created paintings under the name of Andrea Salai. He was described as one of Leonardo's students and lifelong companion and servant and was the model for Leonardo's St. John the Baptist, Bacchus and Angelo incarnato. He joined Leonardo's household at the age of ten as an assistant. Giorgio Vasari describes Salai as "a graceful and beautiful youth with curly hair, in which Leonardo greatly delighted". Although Leonardo described him as "a liar, a thief, stubborn, and a glutton" and he stole from Leonardo on at least five occasions, he kept Salai in his household for more than 25 years, in which Salai trained as an artist. Salai became a capable, although not very impressive, painter, who created several works, including the Monna Vanna, a nude version of the Mona Lisa which may be based on a charcoal sketch by Leonardo. He is also considered one potential creator of the Prado's copy of the Mona Lisa. Leonardo is thought to have used Salai as the model for several of his works, specifically St. John the Baptist, Bacchus and Angelo Incarnato. Some researchers also believe that Salai - and not Lisa del Giocondo - was the real model for the Mona Lisa, but this claim is disputed by the Louvre. During Leonardo's second stay in Milan, he took another young pupil, Francesco Melzi. Unlike Salai, Francesco was a son of a nobleman. When Leonardo traveled to Rome in 1513 and to France in 1516, Salai and Melzi both accompanied him. As an adult, Melzi became secretary and main assistant of Leonardo, and undertook to prepare Leonardo's writings for publication. Vasari wrote that Melzi "at the time of Leonardo was a very beautiful and very much loved young man". In France, Francesco Melzi was greeted as "Italian gentleman living with master Leonardo" and granted donation of 400 ecus, while Salai, 36 years old, was described as "servant" and granted a one time donation of 100 ecus. Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli was born in Florence, the son of the physician Domenico Toscanelli and Biagia Mei. There is no precise information on his education and background. Gustavo Uzielli claimed in 1894 that Toscanelli studied at the University of Padua, but modern authors consider this pure conjecture. Toscanelli lived most of his life in Florence, with occasional excursions to Todi and Rome. He is said to have entered into correspondence with scholars around Europe, but his writings have yet to be thoroughly researched. Thanks to his long life, his intelligence and his wide interests, Toscanelli was one of the central figures in the intellectual and cultural history of Renaissance Florence in its early years. His circle of friends included Filippo Brunelleschi, the architect of the Florence Cathedral, and the philosopher Marsilio Ficino. He knew the mathematician, writer and architect Leon Battista Alberti, and his closest friend was Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa--himself a wide-ranging intellect and early humanist, who dedicated two short mathematical works in 1445 to Toscanelli, and made himself and Toscanelli the interlocutors in a 1458 dialogue titled On Squaring the Circle . When Nicholas of Cusa was on his death bed in the remote Perugian town of Todi in 1464, Toscanelli traversed 120 miles from Florence to be with him. Toscanelli along with Nicholas of Cusa appears to have belonged to a network of Florentine and Roman intellectuals who searched for and studied Greek mathematical works, along with Filelfo, George of Trebizond, and the humanist Pope Nicholas V, in company with Alberti and Brunelleschi. In 1439, the Greek philosopher Gemistos Plethon, attending the Council of Florence, acquainted Toscanelli with the extensive travels, writings and mapping of the 1st century BC/AD Greek geographer Strabo, hitherto unknown in Italy. Nearly 35 years later, the Italian was to follow up this amplified knowledge. The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church, also referred to as the Old Catholic Encyclopedia and the Original Catholic Encyclopedia, is an English-language encyclopedia published in the United States designed to serve the Catholic Church. The first volume appeared in March 1907 and the last three volumes appeared in 1912, followed by a master index volume in 1914 and later supplementary volumes. It was designed "to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine". The Catholic Encyclopedia was published by the Robert Appleton Company , a publishing company incorporated at New York in February 1905 for the express purpose of publishing the encyclopedia. The five members of the encyclopedia's Editorial Board also served as the directors of the company. In 1912, the company's name was changed to The Encyclopedia Press. Publication of the encyclopedia's volumes was the sole business conducted by the company during the project's lifetime. The encyclopedia was designed to serve the Catholic Church, concentrating on information related to the Church and explaining matters from the Catholic point of view. It records the accomplishments of Catholics and others in nearly all intellectual and professional pursuits, including artists, educators, poets and scientists. While more limited in focus than other general encyclopedias, it was far broader in scope than previous efforts at comprehensive Catholic encyclopedias, which covered only internal Church affairs. It offers in-depth portrayals of historical and philosophical ideas, persons and events, from a Catholic perspective, including issues that divide Catholicism from Protestantism and other faith communities. Since the encyclopedia was first published starting in 1907 and has never been updated , many of its entries may be out of date either with respect to the wider culture or to the Catholic ecclesiastical world. In particular, it predates the creation of the Vatican City State and the Second Vatican Council , which introduced changes to Catholic practice. The Virgin of the Rocks , sometimes the Madonna of the Rocks, is the name of two paintings by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci, of the same subject, with a composition which is identical except for several significant details. The version generally considered the prime version, the earlier of the two, is unrestored and hangs in the Louvre in Paris. The other, which was restored between 2008 and 2010, hangs in the National Gallery, London. The works are often known as the Louvre Virgin of the Rocks and London Virgin of the Rocks respectively. The paintings are both nearly 2 metres high and are painted in oils. Both were originally painted on wooden panels, but the Louvre version has been transferred to canvas. Both paintings show the Virgin Mary and child Jesus with the infant John the Baptist and an angel Uriel, in a rocky setting which gives the paintings their usual name. The significant compositional differences are in the gaze and right hand of the angel. There are many minor ways in which the works differ, including the colours, the lighting, the flora, and the way in which sfumato has been used. Although the date of an associated commission is documented, the complete histories of the two paintings are unknown, leading to speculation about which of the two is earlier. Two further paintings are associated with the commission: side panels each containing an angel playing a musical instrument and completed by associates of Leonardo. These are both in the National Gallery, London. The Virgin of the Rocks in the Louvre is considered by most art historians to be the earlier of the two and dates from around 1483-1486. Most authorities agree that the work is entirely by Leonardo. It is about 8 cm taller than the London version. The first certain record of this picture dates from 1625, when it was in the French royal collection. It is generally accepted that this painting was produced to fulfill a commission of 1483 in Milan. It is hypothesised that this painting was privately sold by Leonardo and that the London version was painted at a later date to fill the commission. There are a number of other theories to explain the existence of two paintings. This painting is regarded as a perfect example of Leonardo's "sfumato" technique. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> smoking ban <p> instance of <o> activity policy on smoking <s> smoking ban <p> opposite of <o> smoking allowed <s> smoking ban <p> subclass of <o> prohibition <s> smoking ban <p> subclass of <o> policy <s> smoking ban <p> facet of <o> smoking <s> smoking ban <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Smoking ban <s> art <p> properties for this type <o> Commons category <s> art <p> properties for this type <o> country <s> art <p> part of <o> culture <s> art <p> has characteristic <o> art genre <s> art <p> has characteristic <o> art style <s> art <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> art <p> has characteristic <o> Classificatory disputes about art <s> art <p> subclass of <o> recreation <s> art <p> different from <o> art <s> art <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> art <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> art <p> part of <o> arts <s> art <p> instance of <o> economic sector <s> art <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> art <p> described by source <o> Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus <s> art <p> instance of <o> field of work <s> art <p> instance of <o> essentially contested concept <s> art <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Art <s> art <p> instance of <o> academic major <s> art <p> topic's main category <o> Category:The arts <s> art <p> studied in <o> sociology of art <s> art <p> studied in <o> art history <s> art <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Art+Feminism <s> art <p> properties for this type <o> topic's main category <s> art <p> studied in <o> art practice <s> art <p> instance of <o> matter <s> art <p> different from <o> Sztuka <s> art <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 2 <s> art <p> described by source <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <s> art <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> art <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> art <p> practiced by <o> art writer <s> art <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Arts <s> art <p> has characteristic <o> type of arts <s> art <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> art <p> studied in <o> art <s> art <p> product or material produced or service provided <o> work of art <s> art <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Authority control (arts) <s> art <p> history of topic <o> history of art <s> art <p> practiced by <o> artist <s> art <p> described by source <o> Gujin Tushu Jicheng <s> art <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> art <p> different from <o> work of art <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Japan <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Canada <s> France <p> highest point <o> Mont Blanc <s> France <p> public holiday <o> All Saints' Day <s> France <p> office held by head of state <o> President of the French Republic <s> France <p> lowest point <o> Étang de Lavalduc <s> France <p> has characteristic <o> free country <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Spain <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Belgium <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Republic of Ireland <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Norway <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Luxembourg <s> France <p> history of topic <o> history of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> United Arab Emirates <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> South Korea <s> France <p> member of <o> United Nations <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Hungary <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Vietnam <s> France <p> member of <o> European Union <s> France <p> part of <o> European Union <s> France <p> different from <o> French Fifth Republic <s> France <p> motto <o> Liberté, égalité, fraternité <s> France <p> member of <o> North Atlantic Treaty Organization <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Switzerland <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> United States of America <s> France <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+01:00 <s> France <p> category of associated people <o> Category:French people <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bangladesh <s> France <p> continent <o> Europe <s> France <p> member of <o> UNESCO <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Italy <s> France <p> member of <o> World Health Organization <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Angola <s> France <p> member of <o> World Trade Organization <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Brunei <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Spain <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Belgium <s> France <p> member of <o> G20 <s> France <p> member of <o> Universal Postal Union <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Finland <s> France <p> part of <o> Western Europe <s> France <p> language used <o> Catalan <s> France <p> member of <o> Interpol <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Burundi <s> France <p> member of <o> Council of Europe <s> France <p> country <o> France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Denmark <s> France <p> capital <o> Paris <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Italy <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Tunisia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Luxembourg <s> France <p> member of <o> G8 <s> France <p> language used <o> Basque <s> France <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in France <s> France <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in France <s> France <p> part of <o> European Economic Area <s> France <p> driving side <o> right <s> France <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in France <s> France <p> language used <o> Occitan <s> France <p> production statistics <o> champagne <s> France <p> language used <o> Alsatian <s> France <p> language used <o> Breton <s> France <p> language used <o> Standard French <s> France <p> member of <o> League of Nations <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Switzerland <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Gabon <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Sweden <s> France <p> member of <o> Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development <s> France <p> electrical plug type <o> Europlug <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Republic of the Congo <s> France <p> culture <o> culture of France <s> France <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Atlantic Ocean <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Cape Verde <s> France <p> member of <o> United Nations Security Council <s> France <p> member of <o> Visa Waiver Program <s> France <p> member of <o> CERN <s> France <p> coextensive with <o> France <s> France <p> member of <o> World Meteorological Organization <s> France <p> member of <o> Organisation internationale de la Francophonie <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Austria <s> France <p> geography of topic <o> geography of France <s> France <p> production statistics <o> cider <s> France <p> emergency phone number <o> 18 <s> France <p> emergency phone number <o> 15 <s> France <p> member of <o> Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Poland <s> France <p> member of <o> European Southern Observatory <s> France <p> member of <o> European Air Transport Command <s> France <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Victoria <s> France <p> member of <o> European Coal and Steel Community <s> France <p> member of <o> International Civil Defence Organisation <s> France <p> member of <o> European Economic Community <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Djibouti <s> France <p> part of <o> Pyrenees–Mediterranean Euroregion <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Cameroon <s> France <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> France <p> has seal, badge, or sigil <o> Great Seal of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Libya <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Germany <s> France <p> member of <o> European Space Agency <s> France <p> official language <o> French <s> France <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> France <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject France <s> France <p> foundational text <o> Constitution of France <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Brazil <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Turkey <s> France <p> emergency phone number <o> 112 <s> France <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of France <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Andorra <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mauritius <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mauritania <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Morocco <s> France <p> located in or next to body of water <o> North Sea <s> France <p> emergency phone number <o> 114 <s> France <p> emergency phone number <o> 17 <s> France <p> electrical plug type <o> Type E <s> France <p> railway traffic side <o> right <s> France <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Francia <s> France <p> currency <o> euro <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Egypt <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> United Kingdom <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Uruguay <s> France <p> studied in <o> francology <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> People's Republic of China <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Kosovo <s> France <p> railway traffic side <o> left <s> France <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of France <s> France <p> open data portal <o> <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Rwanda <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mexico <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Greece <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Monaco <s> France <p> instance of <o> republic <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> French Guiana <s> France <p> topic's main category <o> Category:France <s> France <p> economy of topic <o> economy of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Somalia <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Suriname <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Niger <s> France <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of France <s> France <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Mediterranean Sea <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Belarus <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Russia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Brazil <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Centre-Val de Loire <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Christmas <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Brittany <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Ukraine <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Île-de-France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Holy See <s> France <p> has facility <o> crematorium <s> France <p> has facility <o> roundabout <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bulgaria <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Feast of the Ascension <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Germany <s> France <p> replaces <o> Kingdom of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Northern Cyprus <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Good Friday <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Corsica <s> France <p> public holiday <o> International Workers' Day <s> France <p> instance of <o> country <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Guadeloupe <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pays de la Loire <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Assumption of Mary <s> France <p> shares border with <o> Kingdom of the Netherlands <s> France <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mayotte <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Martinique <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Réunion <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Romania <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> New Caledonia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Albania <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Bastille Day <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Azerbaijan <s> France <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> France <p> located in or next to body of water <o> English Channel <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Wallis and Futuna <s> France <p> public holiday <o> New Year's Day <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> French Polynesia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Kurdistan Region <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Victory in Europe Day <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Pierre and Miquelon <s> France <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in France <s> France <p> participant in <o> Rif War <s> France <p> named after <o> Franks <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Barthélemy <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Indonesia <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Whit Monday <s> France <p> described by source <o> Draft History of Qing <s> France <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Andorra <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Algeria <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Martin <s> France <p> office held by head of government <o> Prime Minister of France <s> France <p> flag <o> flag of French <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Monaco <s> France <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica First Edition <s> France <p> basic form of government <o> semi-presidential system <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Armistice Day <s> France <p> central bank <o> Bank of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Singapore <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Serbia <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bourgogne-Franche-Comté <s> France <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Regions of France <s> France <p> head of state <o> Emmanuel Macron <s> France <p> legislative body <o> French Parliament <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Peru <s> France <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> France <p> head of government <o> Gabriel Attal <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> French Southern and Antarctic Lands <s> France <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> France <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> France <p> replaces <o> Free Cities of Menton and Roquebrune <s> France <p> replaces <o> Kingdom of Bora Bora <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Armenia <s> France <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> France <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> France <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> France <p> described by source <o> Vlastenský slovník historický <s> France <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:France <s> France <p> award received <o> The Economist country of the year <s> France <p> participant in <o> May 2019 Burkina Faso hostage rescue <s> France <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .fr <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Australia <s> France <p> public holiday <o> Easter Monday <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Hauts-de-France <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Normandy <s> France <p> anthem <o> La Marseillaise <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> South Africa <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Clipperton Island <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Chad <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Chile <s> France <p> highest judicial authority <o> Conseil d'État <s> France <p> highest judicial authority <o> Court of Audit <s> France <p> highest judicial authority <o> Constitutional Council of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Barbados <s> France <p> highest judicial authority <o> Court of Cassation <s> France <p> highest judicial authority <o> Cour de Justice de la République <s> France <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Georgia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> India <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Grand Est <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> New Aquitaine <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Occitania <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Vanuatu <s> France <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes <s> France <p> executive body <o> Government of France <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Fiji <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mongolia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Haiti <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Venezuela <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> New Zealand <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Iran <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Cambodia <s> France <p> award received <o> Lagun Onari <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Papua New Guinea <s> France <p> instance of <o> sovereign state <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Israel <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Suriname <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Argentina <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Saudi Arabia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Pakistan <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Malaysia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Trinidad and Tobago <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Iraq <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Myanmar <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Colombia <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Syria <s> France <p> member of <o> International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes <s> France <p> member of <o> Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons <s> France <p> member of <o> Asian Development Bank <s> France <p> member of <o> states with nuclear weapons <s> France <p> member of <o> African Development Bank <s> France <p> member of <o> Southeast Asia Treaty Organization <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Taiwan <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Thailand <s> France <p> member of <o> International Bank for Reconstruction and Development <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Lebanon <s> France <p> member of <o> Antarctic Treaty System <s> France <p> member of <o> Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency <s> France <p> member of <o> International Hydrographic Organization <s> France <p> member of <o> International Telecommunication Union <s> France <p> diplomatic relation <o> Turkmenistan <s> France <p> has part(s) <o> Loire Valley <s> France <p> member of <o> Open Government Partnership <s> France <p> member of <o> Nuclear Suppliers Group <s> France <p> member of <o> European Payments Union <s> France <p> member of <o> Missile Technology Control Regime <s> France <p> member of <o> Eurocontrol <s> France <p> member of <o> Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation <s> France <p> member of <o> International Finance Corporation <s> France <p> member of <o> Treaty on Open Skies <s> France <p> member of <o> Schengen Area <s> France <p> member of <o> Movement Coordination Centre Europe <s> France <p> member of <o> Group on Earth Observations <s> France <p> member of <o> Australia Group <s> France <p> member of <o> International Energy Agency <s> France <p> member of <o> International Development Association <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> related property <o> Musée d'Orsay artwork ID <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> related property <o> Atlas ID <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> country <o> France <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> related property <o> Centre Pompidou ID <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> related property <o> Hermitage Museum work ID <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> related property <o> Tretyakov Gallery work ID <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> related property <o> Paris Musées work ID <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> related property <o> Musée des Augustins artwork ID <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Euphronios Krater <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Winged Victory of Samothrace <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> distinct-values constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> applicable 'stated in' value <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> issued by <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Venus de Milo <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> expected completeness <o> always incomplete <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> single-value constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Mona Lisa <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> format constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property constraint <o> label in language constraint <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P9394 <s> Louvre Museum ARK ID <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to identify artworks <s> rue de Rivoli <p> country <o> France <s> rue de Rivoli <p> instance of <o> street <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> place de la Concorde <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> rue de Rivoli <p> terminus <o> place de la Concorde <s> rue de Rivoli <p> destination point <o> place de la Concorde <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue Cambon <s> rue de Rivoli <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Rue de Rivoli (Paris) <s> rue de Rivoli <p> part of <o> road network of Paris <s> rue de Rivoli <p> replaces <o> rue Béthizy <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Halles <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Saint-Denis <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Vieille-du-Temple <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> place du Carrousel <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Saint-Martin <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> boulevard de Sébastopol <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Saint-Antoine <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> place des Pyramides <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> avenue du Général-Lemonnier <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> place du Palais-Royal <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue Bertin-Poirée <s> rue de Rivoli <p> start point <o> rue Saint-Antoine <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Place-Vendôme <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier du Palais-Royal <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois <s> rue de Rivoli <p> terminus <o> rue Saint-Antoine <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de Fourcy <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue de la Monnaie <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de l'Oratoire <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de Lobau <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de Rohan <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de la Coutellerie <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de Sévigné <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue de l'Arbre-Sec <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de Marengo <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de l'Échelle <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de l'Amiral-de-Coligny <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de Mondovi <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue Perrault <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Ferdinand-Duval <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Nicolas-Flamel <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Pavée <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Jean-Tison <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Tiron <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue Malher <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Saint-Bon <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Saint-Roch <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Saint-Florentin <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Cloche-Perce <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de Castiglione <s> rue de Rivoli <p> named after <o> Battle of Rivoli <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Merri <s> rue de Rivoli <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier Saint-Gervais <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Bourg-Tibourg <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue des Halles <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue des Écouffes <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue des Archives <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue de la Tacherie <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Louvre <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Pont-Louis-Philippe <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue des Déchargeurs <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue des Mauvais-Garçons <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Pont-Neuf <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue des Lavandières-Sainte-Opportune <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue des Bourdonnais <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Rue Pierre-Seel <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Place de l'Hôtel de Ville <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Temple <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Renard <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue Rouget-de-L'Isle <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Roule <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue d'Alger <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> rue du Vingt-Neuf-Juillet <s> rue de Rivoli <p> shares border with <o> Passage Walter-Benjamin <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> owned by <o> Louvre Museum <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> genre <o> Veduta <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> genre <o> marine art <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> instance of <o> painting <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> depicts <o> Alvise Giovanni Mocenigo <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> depicts <o> Festa della Sensa <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> depicts <o> bucentaur <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> creator <o> Francesco Guardi <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> part of the series <o> Solennità dogali <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> collection <o> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <s> The Doge Alvise IV. Mocenigo on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Sant'Elena <p> location <o> Room 723 <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> country <o> France <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> commissioned by <o> François Mitterrand <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> significant event <o> construction <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> structural engineer <o> Roger Nicolet <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> instance of <o> pyramid <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> owned by <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> made from material <o> steel <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> architect <o> I. M. Pei <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> made from material <o> glass <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> creator <o> I. M. Pei <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Louvre Pyramid <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> location <o> Cour Napoléon <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> architectural style <o> Egyptian Revival architecture <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> shape <o> square pyramid with equilateral triangle sides <s> Louvre Pyramid <p> part of <o> Louvre Palace <s> debit card <p> different from <o> credit card <s> debit card <p> different from <o> payment card <s> debit card <p> different from <o> charge card <s> debit card <p> subclass of <o> payment card <s> debit card <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Debit cards <s> Art+Feminism <p> founded by <o> Siân Evans <s> Art+Feminism <p> founded by <o> Jacqueline Mabey <s> Art+Feminism <p> founded by <o> Laurel Ptak <s> Art+Feminism <p> instance of <o> non-governmental organization <s> Art+Feminism <p> instance of <o> WikiProject <s> Art+Feminism <p> founded by <o> Michael Mandiberg <s> Art+Feminism <p> chief executive officer <o> Kira Wisniewski <s> Art+Feminism <p> topic's main category <o> Category:ArtAndFeminism <s> Wednesday to Monday <p> has part(s) <o> Monday <s> Wednesday to Monday <p> has part(s) <o> Wednesday <s> Wednesday to Monday <p> has part(s) <o> Thursday <s> Wednesday to Monday <p> has part(s) <o> Friday <s> Wednesday to Monday <p> has part(s) <o> Saturday <s> Wednesday to Monday <p> has part(s) <o> Sunday <s> Wednesday to Monday <p> instance of <o> range of days of the week </Graph>
<Text> :Smoking bans, or smoke-free laws, are public policies, including criminal laws and occupational safety and health regulations, that prohibit tobacco smoking in certain spaces. The spaces most commonly affected by smoking bans are indoor workplaces and buildings open to the public such as restaurants, bars, office buildings, schools, retail stores, hospitals, libraries, transport facilities, and government buildings, in addition to public transport vehicles such as aircraft, buses, watercraft, and trains. However, laws may also prohibit smoking in outdoor areas such as parks, beaches, pedestrian plazas, college and hospital campuses, and within a certain distance from the entrance to a building, and in some cases, private vehicles and multi-unit residences. The most common rationale cited for restrictions on smoking is the negative health effects associated with secondhand smoke , or the inhalation of tobacco smoke by persons who are not smoking. These include diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The number of smoking bans around the world increased substantially in the late 20th century and early 21st century due to increased knowledge about these health risks. Many early smoking restrictions merely required the designation of non-smoking areas in buildings, but policies of this type became less common following evidence that they did not eliminate the health concerns associated with SHS. Opinions on smoking bans vary. Many individuals and organizations such as the World Health Organization support smoking bans on the basis that they improve health outcomes by reducing exposure to SHS and possibly decreasing the number of people who smoke, while others oppose smoking bans and assert that they violate individual and property rights and cause economic hardship, among other issues. Smoking bans are usually enacted in an attempt to protect non-smokers from the effects of secondhand smoke, which include an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other diseases. Laws implementing bans on indoor smoking have been introduced by many countries and other jurisdictions as public knowledge about these health risks increased. Art is a diverse range of human activity and its resulting product that involves creative or imaginative talent generally expressive of technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas. There is no generally agreed definition of what constitutes art, and its interpretation has varied greatly throughout history and across cultures. In the Western tradition, the three classical branches of visual art are painting, sculpture, and architecture. Theatre, dance, and other performing arts, as well as literature, music, film and other media such as interactive media, are included in a broader definition of the arts. Until the 17th century, art referred to any skill or mastery and was not differentiated from crafts or sciences. In modern usage after the 17th century, where aesthetic considerations are paramount, the fine arts are separated and distinguished from acquired skills in general, such as the decorative or applied arts. The nature of art and related concepts, such as creativity and interpretation, are explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics. The resulting artworks are studied in the professional fields of art criticism and the history of art. In the perspective of the history of art, artistic works have existed for almost as long as humankind: from early prehistoric art to contemporary art; however, some theorists think that the typical concept of "artistic works" does not fit well outside modern Western societies. One early sense of the definition of art is closely related to the older Latin meaning, which roughly translates to "skill" or "craft", as associated with words such as "artisan". English words derived from this meaning include artifact, artificial, artifice, medical arts, and military arts. However, there are many other colloquial uses of the word, all with some relation to its etymology. France , officially the French Republic , is a country located primarily in Western Europe. It also includes overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, giving it one of the largest discontiguous exclusive economic zones in the world. Metropolitan France shares borders with Belgium and Luxembourg to the north, Germany to the north east, Switzerland to the east, Italy and Monaco to the south east, Andorra and Spain to the south, and a maritime border with the United Kingdom to the north west. Its metropolitan area extends from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea. Its overseas territories include French Guiana in South America, Saint Pierre and Miquelon in the North Atlantic, the French West Indies, and many islands in Oceania and the Indian Ocean. Its eighteen integral regions span a combined area of 643,801 km2 and have a total population of 68.4 million as of January 2024. France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre; other major urban areas include Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Nantes and Nice. Metropolitan France was settled during the Iron Age by Celtic tribes known as Gauls before Rome annexed the area in 51 BC, leading to a distinct Gallo-Roman culture. In the Early Middle Ages, the Germanic Franks formed the Kingdom of Francia, which became the heartland of the Carolingian Empire. The Treaty of Verdun of 843 partitioned the empire, with West Francia evolving into the Kingdom of France. In the High Middle Ages, France was a powerful but decentralized feudal kingdom, but from the mid-14th to the mid-15th centuries, France was plunged into a dynastic conflict with England known as the Hundred Years' War. In the 16th century, the French Renaissance saw culture flourish and a French colonial empire rise. Internally, France was dominated by the conflict with the House of Habsburg and the French Wars of Religion between Catholics and Huguenots. France was successful in the Thirty Years' War and further increased its influence during the reign of Louis XIV. The French Revolution of 1789 overthrew the Ancien Regime and produced the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which expresses the nation's ideals to this day. France reached its political and military zenith in the early 19th century under Napoleon Bonaparte, subjugating part of continental Europe and establishing the First French Empire. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars significantly shaped the course of European history. The collapse of the empire initiated a period of relative decline, in which France endured a tumultuous succession of governments until the founding of the French Third Republic during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Subsequent decades saw a period of economic prosperity and cultural and scientific flourishing known as the Belle Epoque. France was one of the major participants of World War I, from which it emerged victorious at great human and economic cost. It was among the Allied powers of World War II, but it surrendered and was occupied by the Axis in 1940. Following its liberation in 1944, the short-lived Fourth Republic was established and later dissolved in the course of the defeat in the Algerian War. The current Fifth Republic was formed in 1958 by Charles de Gaulle. Algeria and most French colonies became independent in the 1960s, with the majority retaining close economic and military ties with France. France retains its centuries-long status as a global centre of art, science, and philosophy. It hosts the third-largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is the world's leading tourist destination, receiving over 89 million foreign visitors in 2018. France is a developed country with a high nominal per capita income globally and its advanced economy ranks among the largest in the world. It is a great power in global affairs, being one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and an official nuclear-weapon state. France is a founding and leading member of the European Union and the eurozone, as well as a key member of the Group of Seven, North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , and Francophonie. Rue de Rivoli is a street in central Paris, France. It is a commercial street whose shops include leading fashionable brands. It bears the name of Napoleon's early victory against the Austrian army, at the Battle of Rivoli, fought on 14-15 January 1797. Developed by Napoleon through the heart of the city, it includes on one side the north wing of the Louvre Palace and the Tuileries Gardens. The Rue de Rivoli is an example of a transitional compromise between an environment of prestigious monuments and aristocratic squares, and the results of modern town-planning by municipal authorities. The new street that Napoleon developed through the heart of Paris includes on one side the north wing of the Louvre Palace, and the Tuileries Gardens. Upon completion, it was the first time that a wide, well designed and aesthetically pleasing street bound the north wing of the Louvre Palace. Napoleon's original section of the street opened up eastward from the Place de la Concorde. Builders on the north side of the Place Louis XV, between the Rue de Mondovi and Rue Saint-Florentin, had been constrained by letters patent in 1757 and 1758 to follow a single facade plan. The result was a pleasing uniformity, and Napoleon's planners extended a similar program, which resulted in the arcades and facades that extend for almost a mile along the street. The restored Bourbon King Charles X continued the Rue de Rivoli eastwards from the Louvre, as did King Louis-Philippe. Finally, Emperor Napoleon III extended it into the 17th-century quarter of Le Marais . Beneath the Rue de Rivoli runs one of the main brick-vaulted, oval-sectioned sewers of Paris' much-imitated system, with its sidewalks for the sewer workers. The Louvre Pyramid is a large glass-and-metal structure designed by the Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei. The pyramid is in the main courtyard of the Louvre Palace in Paris, surrounded by three smaller pyramids. The large pyramid serves as the main entrance to the Louvre Museum. Completed in 1989 as part of the broader Grand Louvre project, it has become a landmark of Paris. The Grand Louvre project was announced in 1981 by Francois Mitterrand, the President of France. In 1983 the Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei was selected as its architect. The pyramid structure was initially designed by Pei in late 1983 and presented to the public in early 1984. Constructed entirely with glass segments and metal poles, it reaches a height of 21.6 metres . Its square base has sides of 34 metres and a base surface area of 1,000 square metres . It consists of 603 rhombus-shaped and 70 triangular glass segments. The sides' angle relative to the base is 51.52 degrees, an angle similar to that of Ancient Egyptian pyramids. The pyramid and the underground lobby beneath it were created because of deficiencies with the Louvre's earlier layout, which could no longer handle the increasing number of visitors on an everyday basis. Visitors entering through the pyramid descend into the spacious lobby then ascend into the main Louvre buildings. For design historian Mark Pimlott, "I.M. Pei's plan distributes people effectively from the central concourse to myriad destinations within its vast subterranean network... the architectonic framework evokes, at gigantic scale, an ancient atrium of a Pompeiian villa; the treatment of the opening above, with its tracery of engineered castings and cables, evokes the atria of corporate office buildings; the busy movement of people from all directions suggests the concourses of rail termini or international airports." A debit card, also known as a check card or bank card, is a payment card that can be used in place of cash to make purchases. The card usually consists of the bank's name, a card number, the cardholder's name, and an expiration date, on either the front or the back. Many of the new cards now have a chip on them, which allows people to use their card by touch , or by inserting the card and keying in a PIN as with swiping the magnetic stripe. These are similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, the money for the purchase must be in the cardholder's bank account at the time of the purchase and is immediately transferred directly from that account to the merchant's account to pay for the purchase. Some debit cards carry a stored value with which a payment is made , but most relay a message to the cardholder's bank to withdraw funds from the cardholder's designated bank account. In some cases, the payment card number is assigned exclusively for use on the Internet, and there is no physical card. This is referred to as a virtual card. In many countries, the use of debit cards has become so widespread that they have overtaken checks in volume or have entirely replaced them; in some instances, debit cards have also largely replaced cash transactions. The development of debit cards, unlike credit cards and charge cards, has generally been country-specific, resulting in a number of different systems around the world that are often incompatible. Since the mid-2000s, a number of initiatives have allowed debit cards issued in one country to be used in other countries and allowed their use for internet and phone purchases. Debit cards usually also allow an instant withdrawal of cash, acting as an ATM card for this purpose. Merchants may also offer cashback facilities to customers so that they can withdraw cash along with their purchase. There are usually daily limits on the amount of cash that can be withdrawn. Most debit cards are plastic, but there are cards made of metal and, rarely, wood. Art and Feminism is an annual worldwide edit-a-thon to add content to Wikipedia about women artists, which started in 2014. The project has been described as "a massive multinational effort to correct a persistent bias in Wikipedia, which is disproportionately written by and about men". In 2014, Art+Feminism's inaugural campaign attracted 600 volunteers at 30 separate events. The following year, a total of 1,300 volunteers attended 70 events that took place across 17 different countries, on four continents. Since then more than 20,000 people have taken part in over 1,500 events. This has led to the creation or improvement of over 100,000 Wikipedia articles. The success of Art+Feminism comes from the collective efforts of individuals from various backgrounds such as scholars, Wikipedians, and librarians. These individuals play major roles in pushing their efforts, as society's further growing interest in gender equality within the technological sector. The importance of addressing issues relating closely to gender also aligns closely with the goals of Art+Feminism. Art+Feminism started when Artstor librarian Sian Evans was designing a project for women and art for the Art Libraries Society of North America. Evans talked with fellow curator Jacqueline Mabey, who had been impressed by Wikipedia contributors' organization of edit-a-thon events to commemorate Ada Lovelace. Mabey spoke with Michael Mandiberg, a professor at the City University of New York who had been incorporating Wikipedia into classroom learning. Mandiberg in turn talked with Laurel Ptak, a fellow at the art and technology non-profit Eyebeam, who agreed to help plan the event. The team then recruited local Wikipedians Dorothy Howard, then Wikipedian in residence at Metropolitan New York Library Council; and Richard Knipel, then representing the local chapter of Wikipedia contributors through Wikimedia New York City. One reason for establishing the Art+Feminism project included responding to negative media coverage about Wikipedia's cataloging system. The project continues to fill content gaps in Wikipedia and increase the number of female contributors. Only about 17 percent of biographies on Wikipedia are about women and only about 15 percent of Wikipedia editors are female. Efforts are being made to advocate and better the representation of not only cisgender women but there is also a push to include the voices of transgender and non-binary identifying individuals. There is also an emphasis to specifically fill content gaps on topics on the arts and feminism. Kira Wisniewski was appointed Art+Feminism's executive director in 2020. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Ministry of Culture <p> applies to jurisdiction <o> France <s> Ministry of Culture <p> country <o> France <s> Ministry of Culture <p> headquarters location <o> Palais-Royal <s> Ministry of Culture <p> instance of <o> ministry of culture <s> Ministry of Culture <p> instance of <o> ministry of France <s> Ministry of Culture <p> instance of <o> open-access publisher <s> Ministry of Culture <p> director / manager <o> Franck Riester <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> École européenne supérieure de l'image <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Bibliothèque nationale de France <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Institut supérieur des arts de Toulouse <s> Ministry of Culture <p> member of <o> European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations <s> Ministry of Culture <p> owner of <o> Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux <s> Ministry of Culture <p> owner of <o> Château de Tarascon <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> centre André-Chastel <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Centre for Advanced Renaissance Studies <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain <s> Ministry of Culture <p> parent organization <o> Government of France <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has works in the collection <o> Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Chrono-Environment Laboratory <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archéologie des Amériques <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Cultures et Environnements. Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archéologie et Histoire Ancienne : Méditerranée – Europe <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Travaux et Recherches Archéologiques sur les Cultures, les Espaces et les Sociétés <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Laboratoire Ades <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Préhistoire Europe Afrique <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Institut photonique d'analyse non-destructive européen des matériaux anciens <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Archéologies et Sciences de l’Antiquité <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has subsidiary <o> Centre Camille Jullian <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has part(s) <o> Direction générale des Patrimoines et de l'Architecture <s> Ministry of Culture <p> has part(s) <o> General Delegation for the French language and the languages of France <s> Ministry of Culture <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Ministère de la Culture (France) <s> Ministry of Culture <p> owner of <o> base Mémoire <s> Ministry of Culture <p> owner of <o> Robert Schuman's House <s> Ministry of Culture <p> industry <o> administration publique générale <s> Ministry of Culture <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikidata: WikiProject Academic Publisher <s> Ministry of Culture <p> office held by head of the organization <o> Minister of Culture (France) <s> Ministry of Culture <p> owner of <o> JocondeLab <s> Ministry of Culture <p> legal form <o> ministry of France <s> I. M. Pei <p> instance of <o> human <s> I. M. Pei <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> I. M. Pei <p> notable work <o> Rock and Roll Hall of Fame <s> I. M. Pei <p> notable work <o> Louvre Pyramid <s> I. M. Pei <p> member of <o> Royal Academy of Arts <s> I. M. Pei <p> member of <o> American Academy of Arts and Sciences <s> I. M. Pei <p> member of <o> American Academy of Arts and Letters <s> I. M. Pei <p> country of citizenship <o> United States of America <s> I. M. Pei <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Chinese <s> I. M. Pei <p> notable work <o> Bank of China Tower <s> I. M. Pei <p> member of <o> Chinese Academy of Engineering <s> I. M. Pei <p> family name <o> Bei <s> I. M. Pei <p> member of <o> Committee of 100 <s> I. M. Pei <p> member of <o> Académie d'architecture <s> I. M. Pei <p> copyright status as a creator <o> works protected by copyrights <s> I. M. Pei <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> I. M. Pei <p> field of work <o> architecture <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Architecture Firm Award <s> I. M. Pei <p> place of death <o> Manhattan <s> I. M. Pei <p> notable work <o> Luce Memorial Chapel <s> I. M. Pei <p> ancestral home <o> Suzhou <s> I. M. Pei <p> country of citizenship <o> Taiwan <s> I. M. Pei <p> place of birth <o> Guangzhou <s> I. M. Pei <p> educated at <o> University of Pennsylvania <s> I. M. Pei <p> occupation <o> architect <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Presidential Medal of Freedom <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Pritzker Architecture Prize <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Medal of Liberty <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> honorary doctor of the Tongji University <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> honorary doctor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> honorary doctor of the University of Hong Kong <s> I. M. Pei <p> educated at <o> Harvard Graduate School of Design <s> I. M. Pei <p> has works in the collection <o> Art Institute of Chicago <s> I. M. Pei <p> subject has role <o> centenarian <s> I. M. Pei <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Eugene McDermott Award in the Arts at MIT <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Great Immigrants Award <s> I. M. Pei <p> notable work <o> Bali Refuse Incineration Plant <s> I. M. Pei <p> topic's main category <o> Category:I. M. Pei <s> I. M. Pei <p> father <o> Tsuyee Pei <s> I. M. Pei <p> movement <o> International Style <s> I. M. Pei <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> I. M. Pei <p> employer <o> Webb and Knapp <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Berliner Bär <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Praemium Imperiale <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Royal Gold Medal <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Officer of the Legion of Honour <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> Library of Congress Living Legend <s> I. M. Pei <p> notable work <o> Mastercard International Global Headquarters <s> I. M. Pei <p> notable work <o> The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou <s> I. M. Pei <p> award received <o> National Medal of Arts <s> I. M. Pei <p> artist files at <o> Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library <s> I. M. Pei <p> spouse <o> Eileen Loo <s> I. M. Pei <p> educated at <o> MIT School of Architecture and Planning <s> antiquities <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> antiquities <p> instance of <o> type of object <s> antiquities <p> subclass of <o> ancient art <s> antiquities <p> subclass of <o> archaeological artifact <s> antiquities <p> described by source <o> The Domestic Encyclopædia; Or, A Dictionary Of Facts, And Useful Knowledge <s> antiquities <p> described by source <o> The American Cyclopædia <s> Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Seine <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Seine River <s> Seine <p> country <o> France <s> Seine <p> drainage basin <o> Seine basin <s> Seine <p> activity policy in this place <o> no swimming <s> Seine <p> basin country <o> France <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> École <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Yonne <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Loing <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Marne <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Oise <s> Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seine-et-Marne <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Ardusson <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Arce <s> Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Burgundy <s> Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Champagne-Ardenne <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Andelle <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Aube <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Essonne <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Eure <s> Seine <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Seine <p> mouth of the watercourse <o> English Channel <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Yerres <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Sarce <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Mauldre <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Melda <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Orvin <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Ource <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Hozain <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Vaucouleurs <s> Seine <p> instance of <o> main stream <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Brévon <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Aubette de Meulan <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Source de la Douix <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Almont <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Commerce <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Faverolle <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Châtelet <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Aubette <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Austreberthe <s> Seine <p> has part(s) <o> banks of the Seine <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Ru d'Orgeval <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Ru de Buzot <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Oison <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Vallée Javot <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Mare aux Evées <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Noxe <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Robec <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Ru de Marivel <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Lézarde <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Sainte-Gertrude <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Resson <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Revinson <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Barse <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Bièvre <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Auxence <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Laigne <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Orge <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Epte <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Voulzie <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Cailly <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Risle <s> Seine <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> ru du canal <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Morelle <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Gambon <s> Seine <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Seine <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Normandy <s> Seine <p> origin of the watercourse <o> source of the Seine River <s> Seine <p> topic's main category <o> Category:River Seine <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Vieille Mer <s> Seine <p> tributary <o> Telhuet <s> Seine <p> described by source <o> Real'nyj slovar' klassicheskih drevnostej po Ljubkeru <s> Seine <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Seine <p> category for the water basin <o> Category:Seine basin <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> instance of <o> human <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> place of birth <o> Paris <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> writing language <o> French <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> given name <o> Jean-Luc <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> educated at <o> École du Louvre <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> employer <o> Paris Nanterre University <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> occupation <o> archaeologist <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> occupation <o> art historian <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> position held <o> museum director <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> award received <o> Knight of the National Order of Merit <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> academic degree <o> agrégation d'histoire <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> family name <o> Martinez <s> Jean-Luc Martinez <p> position held <o> President-Director of Musée du Louvre <s> Louvre Palace <p> has part(s) <o> Louvre Pyramid <s> Louvre Palace <p> country <o> France <s> Louvre Palace <p> instance of <o> palace <s> Louvre Palace <p> occupant <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre Palace <p> different from <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> Neoclassical architecture <s> Louvre Palace <p> architect <o> Hector-Martin Lefuel <s> Louvre Palace <p> architect <o> Pierre Lescot <s> Louvre Palace <p> architect <o> I. M. Pei <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> modern architecture <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> Second Empire style <s> Louvre Palace <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> Louvre Palace <p> architect <o> Jacques Lemercier <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> French Baroque architecture <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> French Gothic architecture <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> Louis XIII style <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> baroque revival <s> Louvre Palace <p> located on street <o> rue de Rivoli <s> Louvre Palace <p> architectural style <o> French Renaissance architecture <s> Louvre Palace <p> architect <o> Louis Le Vau <s> Louvre Palace <p> instance of <o> château <s> Louvre Palace <p> significant event <o> Grand Louvre <s> Louvre Palace <p> has part(s) <o> Cour Carrée <s> Louvre Palace <p> has part(s) <o> Sully Wing <s> Louvre Palace <p> has part(s) <o> Richelieu Wing <s> Louvre Palace <p> has part(s) <o> Cour Napoléon <s> Louvre Palace <p> significant event <o> Nouveau Louvre <s> Louvre Palace <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Louvre Palace <s> Louvre Palace <p> has part(s) <o> Denon Wing <s> Louvre Palace <p> described by source <o> The art of the Louvre <s> Louvre Palace <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Louvre Palace <p> heritage designation <o> classified historical monument <s> Louvre Palace <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of the Palais du Louvre <s> Louvre Palace <p> category for the view from the item <o> Category:Views from the Palais du Louvre <s> Louvre Palace <p> category for the exterior of the item <o> Category:Exterior of the Palais du Louvre <s> Louvre-Lens <p> country <o> France <s> Louvre-Lens <p> named after <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre-Lens <p> distributed by <o> Google Play <s> Louvre-Lens <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lens <s> Louvre-Lens <p> named after <o> Lens <s> Louvre-Lens <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Louvre-Lens <p> industry <o> management of historic sites and monuments and similar tourist attractions <s> Louvre-Lens <p> instance of <o> public cultural cooperation establishment <s> Louvre-Lens <p> architect <o> Kazuyo Sejima <s> Louvre-Lens <p> has part(s) <o> Louvre-Lens temporary exhibitions gallery <s> Louvre-Lens <p> has part(s) <o> Grand Gallery of Louvre-Lens <s> Louvre-Lens <p> has part(s) <o> Reception Hall of Louvre-Lens <s> Louvre-Lens <p> has part(s) <o> Louvre-Lens Glass Pavilion <s> Louvre-Lens <p> sponsor <o> Engie Foundation <s> Louvre-Lens <p> sponsor <o> AG2R La Mondiale <s> Louvre-Lens <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Louvre-Lens <s> Louvre-Lens <p> legal form <o> public cultural cooperation establishment <s> Louvre-Lens <p> director / manager <o> Annabelle Ténèze <s> do not touch <p> instance of <o> activity policy <s> do not touch <p> opposite of <o> please touch <s> do not touch <p> facet of <o> touch <s> drinking ban <p> instance of <o> activity policy <s> drinking ban <p> has characteristic <o> prohibition <s> drinking ban <p> facet of <o> drinking <s> don't speak loudly <p> instance of <o> activity policy </Graph>
<Text> :Ieoh Ming Pei FAIA RIBA was an American architect. Born and raised in Shanghai in a Chinese family, Pei drew inspiration at an early age from the garden villas at Suzhou, the traditional retreat of the scholar-gentry to which his family belonged. In 1935, he moved to the United States and enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania's architecture school, but quickly transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Unhappy with the focus on Beaux-Arts architecture at both schools, he spent his free time researching emerging architects, especially Le Corbusier. After graduating, he joined the Harvard Graduate School of Design and befriended the Bauhaus architects Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer. In 1948, Pei was recruited by New York City real estate magnate William Zeckendorf, for whom he worked for seven years before establishing an independent design firm, I. M. Pei & Associates, in 1955. In 1966, that became I. M. Pei & Partners, and became Pei Cobb Freed & Partners in 1989. Pei retired from full-time practice in 1990. In his retirement, he worked as an architectural consultant primarily from his sons' architectural firm Pei Partnership Architects. Pei's first major recognition came with the Mesa Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado . His new stature led to his selection as chief architect for the John F. Kennedy Library in Massachusetts. He went on to design Dallas City Hall and the East Building of the National Gallery of Art. He returned to China for the first time in 1975 to design a hotel at Fragrant Hills and, fifteen years later, designed Bank of China Tower, Hong Kong. In the early 1980s, Pei was the focus of controversy when he designed a glass-and-steel pyramid for the Louvre in Paris. He designed the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, the Miho Museum in Japan, Shigaraki, near Kyoto, and the chapel of the junior and high school: MIHO Institute of Aesthetics, the Suzhou Museum in Suzhou, Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar, and the Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art in Luxembourg. Pei won prizes and awards in the field of architecture, including the AIA Gold Medal in 1979, the first Praemium Imperiale for Architecture in 1989, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, in 2003. In 1983, he won the Pritzker Prize, which is sometimes referred to as the Nobel Prize of architecture. Antiquities are objects from antiquity, especially the civilizations of the Mediterranean: the Classical antiquity of Greece and Rome, Ancient Persia , Ancient Egypt and the other Ancient Near Eastern cultures. Artifacts from earlier periods such as the Mesolithic, and other civilizations from Asia and elsewhere may also be covered by the term. The phenomenon of giving a high value to ancient artifacts is found in other cultures, notably China, where Chinese ritual bronzes, three to two thousand years old, have been avidly collected and imitated for centuries, and the Pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica, where in particular the artifacts of the earliest Olmec civilization are found reburied in significant sites of later cultures up to the Spanish Conquest. The definition of the term is not always precise, and institutional definitions such as museum "Departments of Antiquities" often cover later periods, but in normal usage Gothic objects, for example, would not now be described as antiquities, though in 1700 they might well have been, as the cut-off date for antiquities has tended to retreat since the word was first found in English in 1513. Non-artistic artifacts are now less likely to be called antiquities than in earlier periods. Francis Bacon wrote in 1605: "Antiquities are history defaced, or some remnants of history which have casually escaped the shipwreck of time". The art trade reflects modern usage of the term; Christie's "Department of Antiquities" covers objects "from the dawn of civilization to the Dark Ages, ranging from Western Europe to the Caspian Sea, embracing the cultures of Egypt, Greece, Rome and the Near East." Bonhams use a similar definition: "...4000 B.C to the 12th Century A.D. Geographically they originate from Egypt, the Near East and Europe ..." Official cut-off dates are often later, being unconcerned with precise divisions of art history, and using the term for all historical periods they wish to protect: in Jordan it is 1750, in Hong Kong 1800, and so on. The term is no longer much used in formal academic discussion, because of this imprecision. However, a recent attempt to standardise this and other terms has been carried out. Most, but not all, antiquities have been recovered by archaeology. There is little or no overlap with antiques, which covers objects, not generally discovered as a result of archaeology, at most about three hundred years old, and usually far less. The Seine is a 777-kilometre-long river in northern France. Its drainage basin is in the Paris Basin covering most of northern France. It rises at Source-Seine, 30 kilometres northwest of Dijon in northeastern France in the Langres plateau, flowing through Paris and into the English Channel at Le Havre . It is navigable by ocean-going vessels as far as Rouen, 120 kilometres from the sea. Over 60 percent of its length, as far as Burgundy, is negotiable by large barges and most tour boats, and nearly its whole length is available for recreational boating; excursion boats offer sightseeing tours of the river banks in the capital city, Paris. There are 37 bridges in Paris across the Seine and dozens more outside the city. A notable bridge, which is also the last along the course of the river, is the Pont de Normandie, the ninth longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, which links Le Havre and Honfleur. The Seine rises in the commune of Source-Seine, about 30 kilometres northwest of Dijon. The source has been owned by the city of Paris since 1864. A number of closely associated small ditches or depressions provide the source waters, with an artificial grotto laid out to highlight and contain a deemed main source. The grotto includes a statue of a nymph, a dog, and a dragon. On the same site are the buried remains of a Gallo-Roman temple. Small statues of the dea Sequana "Seine goddess" and other ex-votos found at the same place are now exhibited in the Dijon archaeological museum. The Seine is dredged and ocean-going vessels can dock at Rouen, 120 kilometres from the sea. Commercial craft can use the river beginning at Marcilly-sur-Seine, 516 kilometres to its mouth. Jean-Luc Martinez is the former president of the Louvre. In May 2022 French police charged him with crimes including fraud and money laundering related to antiquities trafficking. Martinez began working at the Louvre in 1997 as a curator. He was the president of the Louvre from 2013 to 2022, and before that, the director of the museum's Greek, Etruscan, and Roman art departments. The Louvre Palace , often referred to simply as the Louvre, is an iconic French palace located on the Right Bank of the Seine in Paris, occupying a vast expanse of land between the Tuileries Gardens and the church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois. Originally a defensive castle, it has served numerous government-related functions in the past, including intermittently as a royal residence between the 14th and 18th centuries. It is now mostly used by the Louvre Museum, which first opened there in 1793. Whereas the area had been inhabited for thousands of years, the Louvre's history starts around 1190 with its first construction as a castle defending the western front of the Wall of Philip II Augustus in the city wall. The Louvre's oldest section still standing above ground, its Lescot Wing, dates from the late 1540s, when Francis I started the replacement of the medieval castle with a new design inspired by classical antiquity and Italian Renaissance architecture. Most parts of the current building were constructed in the 17th and 19th centuries. For more than three centuries, the history of the Louvre has been closely intertwined with that of the Tuileries Palace, created to the west of the Louvre by Catherine de' Medici in 1564 and finally demolished in 1883. The Tuileries was the main seat of French executive power during the last third of that period, from the return of Louis XVI and his court from Versailles in October 1789 until the palace was set on fire during the Paris Commune of 1871. The Pavillon de Flore and Pavillon de Marsan, which used to respectively mark the southern and northern ends of the Tuileries, are now considered part of the Louvre Palace. The Carrousel Garden, first created in the late 19th century in what used to be the great courtyard of the Tuileries , is now considered part of the Tuileries Garden. A less high-profile but historically significant dependency of the Louvre was to its immediate east, the Hotel du Petit-Bourbon, appropriated by the monarchy following the betrayal of the Constable of Bourbon in 1523 and mostly demolished in October 1660 to give way to the Louvre's expansion.: 37 The last remains of the Petit-Bourbon were cleared in the 1760s. The Louvre Palace is situated on the right bank of the Seine, between the Quai Francois Mitterrand to its south, the avenue du General-Lemonnier to its west , the Rue de Rivoli to its north, and the Place du Louvre to its east. The complex occupies about 40 hectares with buildings distributed around two main open spaces: the eastern Cour Carree , which is closed by four wings that form the square of its name, and the central Cour Napoleon, which is open on its western side, beyond the thoroughfare known as Place du Carrousel, towards the Carrousel Garden and the rest of the Tuileries Garden. The Louvre-Lens is an art museum located in Lens, France, approximately 200 kilometers north of Paris. It displays objects from the collections of the Musee du Louvre that are lent to the gallery on a medium- or long-term basis. The Louvre-Lens annex is part of an effort to provide access to French cultural institutions for people who live outside of Paris. Though the museum maintains close institutional links with the Louvre, it is primarily funded by the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. The Ministry of Culture and the Louvre Directorate launched a plan, in 2003, to build a Louvre satellite museum in one of the 22 Regions of France. Only the Nord pas de Calais applied for the museum and proposed six cities: Lille, Lens, Valenciennes, Calais, Bethune and Boulogne-sur-Mer. In 2004, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, then French Prime Minister, announced Lens as the recipient city. The museum site was chosen in hopes of reversing the fortunes of the depressed Lens mining community, which was devastated by both World Wars and the Nazi occupation, and suffered multiple mining catastrophes including the Courrieres mine disaster, the worst in European history, and a 1974 tragedy killing 42 miners. The last mine in Lens closed in 1986, which caused the unemployment rate to rise well above the French national average. "France abandoned us when the coal stopped, and we became a ghost town", said Pas-de-Calais president Daniel Percheron. Officials took inspiration from the economic transformation of the Spanish industrial city of Bilbao, which was caused, in part, by the construction of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao satellite Some Lens locals were critical of the project; they felt that the project to bring culture to their city was "patronizing". Other critics pointed out that the museum makes no attempt to address Lens's turbulent history or its current economic difficulties. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> banker's draft <p> subclass of <o> cheque <s> chèque-vacances <p> instance of <o> voucher <s> chèque-vacances <p> subclass of <o> voucher <s> restitution of Nazi-looted art <p> subclass of <o> restitution <s> restitution of Nazi-looted art <p> subclass of <o> occurrence <s> restitution of Nazi-looted art <p> main subject <o> Nazi plunder <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> instance of <o> human <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> English <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> place of birth <o> United States of America <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> given name <o> Stephen <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> place of birth <o> Philadelphia <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> country of citizenship <o> United States of America <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> affiliation <o> The Blackstone Group <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> family name <o> Schwarzman <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2004 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> member of political party <o> Republican Party <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> FII 4th Edition in Riyadh <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> FII 6th Edition in Riyadh <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2020 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> FII 3rd Edition in Riyadh <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> FII 5th Edition in Riyadh <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> Global Conference 2019 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019 <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> field of work <o> investment <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> occupation <o> chief executive officer <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> educated at <o> Harvard Business School <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> educated at <o> Yale University <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> occupation <o> banker <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> employer <o> Yale University <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> educated at <o> Yale College <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> occupation <o> entrepreneur <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> occupation <o> financier <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> educated at <o> Abington Senior High School <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> educated at <o> Davenport College <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> occupation <o> investment banker <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> occupation <o> patron of the arts <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> child <o> Teddy Schwarzman <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> child <o> Zibby Owens <s> Stephen A. Schwarzman <p> occupation <o> international forum participant <s> Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois <p> country <o> France <s> Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois <p> instance of <o> administrative quarter of Paris <s> Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois <p> named after <o> Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois <s> Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> organization <s> Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Near Eastern Antiquities of the Louvre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Near Eastern and Middle Eastern antiquities in the Louvre <s> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <p> country <o> France <s> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> art collection <s> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <p> location <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiquities in the Louvre <s> Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre <p> country <o> France <s> Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre <p> Wikidata property <o> Artist ID of the Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre <s> Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre <p> director / manager <o> Xavier Salmon <s> Department of Decorative Arts of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Decorative Arts of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> art collection <s> Department of Decorative Arts of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> art collection <s> Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Islamic art in the Louvre </Graph>
<Text> :A banker's draft is a cheque provided to a customer of a bank or acquired from a bank for remittance purposes, that is drawn by the bank, and drawn on another bank or payable through or at a bank. A normal cheque represents an instruction to transfer a sum of money from the drawer's account to the payee's account. When the payee deposits the cheque into their account, the cheque is verified as genuine and the transfer is performed . Any individual or company operating a current account has authority to draw cheques against the funds stored in that account. However, it is impossible to predict when the cheque will be deposited after it is drawn. Because the funds represented by a cheque are not transferred until the cheque is deposited and cleared, it is possible the drawer's account may not have sufficient funds to honour the cheque when the transfer finally occurs. This dishonoured or 'bounced' cheque is now worthless and the payee receives no money, which is why cheques are less secure than cash. By contrast, when an individual requests a banker's draft they must immediately transfer the amount of the draft from their own account to the bank's account. Because the funds of a banker's draft have already been transferred they are proven to be available; unless the draft is a forgery or stolen, or the bank issuing the draft goes out of business before the draft is deposited and cleared, the draft will be honoured. There is a caveat in that the bank protocols may declare the draft too old to be valid; this has been known to happen when the draft is over six years old. Like other types of cheques, a draft must still be cleared and so it will take several days for the funds to become available in the payee's account. Stephen Allen Schwarzman is an American billionaire businessman. He is the chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm he established in 1985 with Peter G. Peterson. Schwarzman was briefly chairman of President Donald Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum. Schwarzman was raised in a Jewish family in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, the son of Arline and Joseph Schwarzman. His father owned Schwarzman's, a former dry-goods store in Philadelphia, and was a graduate of the Wharton School. Schwarzman attended the Abington School District in suburban Philadelphia and graduated from Abington Senior High School in 1965. He attended Yale University, where he was a member of senior society Skull and Bones and founded the Davenport Ballet Society. After graduating in 1969, he briefly served in the U.S. Army Reserve before attending Harvard Business School, where he graduated in 1972. Schwarzman's first job in financial services was with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, an investment bank that merged with Credit Suisse in 2000. After business school, Schwarzman worked at the investment bank Lehman Brothers, became a managing director at age 31, and then head of global mergers and acquisitions. In 1985, Schwarzman and his boss, Peter Peterson, started The Blackstone Group, which initially focused on mergers and acquisitions. Blackstone would branch into business acquisition, real estate, direct lending, alternative assets, and now has some $500 billion in assets under management. The Church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois is a medieval Roman Catholic church in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, directly across from the Louvre Palace. It was named for Saint Germanus of Auxerre, a medieval bishop of Auxerre, who became a papal envoy and met Saint Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris, on his journeys. Genevieve is reputed to have converted queen Clotilde and her husband, French king Clovis I to Christianity at the tomb of Saint Germain in Auxerre. The current church was built in the 13th century, with major modifications in the 15th and 16th centuries. From 1608 until 1806, it was the parish church for inhabitants of the Louvre, and the church contains the tombs of many notable artists and architects who worked on the palace. Since the 2019 fire, which badly damaged Notre-Dame, the cathedral's regular services have been held at Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois. The first place of worship on the site was a small oratory founded in the 5th century to commemorate a meeting of Saint Germanus with Saint Genevieve, the future patron saint of Paris. This structure was replaced by a large church, either by Chilperic I, King of Franks, in about 560, or by Saint Landry of Paris, the bishop of Paris, in about 650. That church was destroyed by the Normans in 886, rebuilt by King Robert II the Pious, and then underwent further construction in the 12th century. The church was, from the Middle Ages, both collegiate and parochial: that is to say that it was partly the seat of a college of canons, and the parish church for all the residents of the district. By the 13th century, it was again considered too small, and was enlarged further. Further changes and additions were made in the 15th and 16th centuries. The current structure is largely from the 15th century, During the Wars of Religion, its bell, "Marie," was rung on the night of 23 August 1572, which signaled the beginning of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. Thousands of Huguenots, who were visiting Paris for a royal wedding, were killed by the city's mob. The church hosted the funeral of Francois de Malherbe in 1628, and that of sculptor Antoine Coysevox in 1720. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris <s> Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre <p> country <o> France <s> Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> art collection <s> Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Egyptian antiquities in the Louvre <s> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <p> has part(s) <o> Paintings Southern Netherlands, Antwerp, 1550-1580, Room 811 (9) <s> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <p> country <o> France <s> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> art collection <s> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <p> has part(s) <o> Room 935 <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 7th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 6th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Seine <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> country <o> France <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 8th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 9th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 5th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> shares border with <o> 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> municipal arrondissement <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Halles <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier du Palais-Royal <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Quartier de la Place-Vendôme <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> has list <o> list of streets in the 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 3rd arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 2nd arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Paris Centre <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> instance of <o> city district <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 11th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main template <o> Template:1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> office held by head of government <o> Mayor of 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> head of government <o> Jean-François Legaret <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> topic's main category <o> Category:1st arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> replaces <o> former 4th arrondissement of Paris <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Paris 1er arrondissement <s> 1st arrondissement of Paris <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in the 1st arrondissement of Paris <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> owned by <o> Abu al-Mutarrif al-Mughira <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> owned by <o> Louvre Museum <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> location <o> Room 185 <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> made from material <o> ivory <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> instance of <o> pyxis <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> country of origin <o> Caliphate of Córdoba <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> collection <o> Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre <s> pyxis of al-Mughira <p> genre <o> ivory carving <s> cash <p> subclass of <o> artificial physical object <s> cash <p> subclass of <o> cash and cash equivalents <s> cash <p> subclass of <o> money <s> cash <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Cash <s> cash <p> opposite of <o> demand deposit <s> cash <p> different from <o> Gotówka, Lublin Voivodeship <s> Laurence des Cars <p> instance of <o> human <s> Laurence des Cars <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Laurence des Cars <p> writing language <o> French <s> Laurence des Cars <p> given name <o> Laurence <s> Laurence des Cars <p> given name <o> Élisabeth <s> Laurence des Cars <p> relative <o> Guy des Cars <s> Laurence des Cars <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Laurence des Cars <p> field of work <o> art history <s> Laurence des Cars <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Laurence des Cars <p> award received <o> Knight of the National Order of Merit <s> Laurence des Cars <p> award received <o> Knight of the Legion of Honour <s> Laurence des Cars <p> award received <o> Officer of the National Order of Merit <s> Laurence des Cars <p> award received <o> Officer of Arts and Letters <s> Laurence des Cars <p> occupation <o> art historian <s> Laurence des Cars <p> occupation <o> university teacher <s> Laurence des Cars <p> place of birth <o> Antony <s> Laurence des Cars <p> field of work <o> art collection <s> Laurence des Cars <p> award received <o> Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres <s> Laurence des Cars <p> position held <o> museum director <s> Laurence des Cars <p> occupation <o> curator <s> Laurence des Cars <p> educated at <o> Institut national du patrimoine <s> Laurence des Cars <p> educated at <o> Paris-Sorbonne University - Paris IV <s> Laurence des Cars <p> educated at <o> École du Louvre <s> Laurence des Cars <p> father <o> Jean des Cars <s> Laurence des Cars <p> field of work <o> curating <s> Laurence des Cars <p> position held <o> President-Director of Musée du Louvre <s> Laurence des Cars <p> family name <o> de Pérusse des Cars <s> Laurence des Cars <p> notable work <o> The Pre-Raphaelites: Romance and Realism <s> musée de France <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Musée de France <s> musée de France <p> foundational text <o> loi n° 2002-5 du 4 janvier 2002 relative aux musées de France <s> musée de France <p> instance of <o> award <s> musée de France <p> country <o> France <s> musée de France <p> has part(s) <o> Musée de la musique <s> Melancholia <p> depicts <o> dog <s> Melancholia <p> location of formation <o> Mantua <s> Melancholia <p> owned by <o> Louvre Museum <s> Melancholia <p> owned by <o> Louis XIV of France <s> Melancholia <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Melancholia <p> depicts <o> meditation <s> Melancholia <p> based on <o> Magdalene in Meditation <s> Melancholia <p> location <o> Room 717 <s> Melancholia <p> genre <o> allegory <s> Melancholia <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Melancholia <p> genre <o> still life <s> Melancholia <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Melancholia <p> different from <o> Magdalene in Meditation <s> Melancholia <p> depicts <o> fidelity <s> Melancholia <p> collection <o> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <s> Melancholia <p> creator <o> Domenico Fetti <s> Melancholia <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Melancholia <p> exhibition history <o> La Galerie du temps <s> Melancholia <p> depicts <o> melancholia <s> Category:Louvre <p> category contains <o> architectural structure <s> Category:Louvre <p> category's main topic <o> Louvre Museum <s> Category:Louvre <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Portal:Louvre Museum <p> Wikimedia portal's main topic <o> Louvre Museum <s> Portal:Louvre Museum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Louvre Museum portal <s> Portal:Louvre Museum <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia portal </Graph>
<Text> :The Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre is a department of the Louvre that is responsible for artifacts from the Nile civilizations which date from 4,000 BC to the 4th century. The collection, comprising over 50,000 pieces, is among the world's largest, overviews Egyptian life spanning Ancient Egypt, the Middle Kingdom, the New Kingdom, Coptic art, and the Roman, Ptolemaic, and Byzantine periods. The department's origins lie in the royal collection, but it was augmented by Napoleon's 1798 expeditionary trip with Dominique Vivant, the future director of the Louvre. After Jean-Francois Champollion translated the Rosetta Stone, Charles X decreed that an Egyptian Antiquities department be created. Champollion advised the purchase of three collections, formed by Edme-Antoine Durand, Henry Salt and Bernardino Drovetti; these additions added 7,000 works. Growth continued via acquisitions by Auguste Mariette, founder of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Mariette, after excavations at Memphis, sent back crates of archaeological finds including The Seated Scribe. Guarded by the Large Sphinx , the collection is housed in around 30 rooms. Holdings include art, papyrus scrolls, mummies, tools, clothing, jewelry, games, musical instruments, and weapons. Pieces from the ancient period include the Gebel el-Arak Knife from 3400 BC, The Seated Scribe, and the Head of King Djedefre. Middle Kingdom art, "known for its gold work and statues", moved from realism to idealization; this is exemplified by the schist statue of Amenemhatankh and the wooden Offering Bearer. The New Kingdom and Coptic Egyptian sections are deep, but the statue of the goddess Nephthys and the limestone depiction of the goddess Hathor demonstrate New Kingdom sentiment and wealth. The 1st arrondissement of Paris is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, this arrondissement is colloquially referred to as le premier . It is governed locally together with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th arrondissement, with which it forms the 1st sector of Paris . Also known as Louvre, the arrondissement is situated principally on the right bank of the River Seine. It also includes the west end of the Ile de la Cite. The locality is one of the oldest areas in Paris, the Ile de la Cite having been the heart of the city of Lutetia, conquered by the Romans in 52 BC, while some parts on the right bank date back to the early Middle Ages. It is the least populated of the city's arrondissements and one of the smallest by area, with a land area of only 1.83 km2 . A significant part of the area is occupied by the Louvre Museum and the Tuileries Gardens. The Forum des Halles is the largest shopping mall in Paris. Much of the remainder of the arrondissement is dedicated to business and administration. The area now occupied by the first arrondissement attained its peak population in the period preceding the re-organization of Paris in 1860. In 1999, the population was 16,888, while the arrondissement hosted 63,056 jobs, making it one of the most active for business after the 2nd, 8th, and 9th. The pyxis made in 968 CE/357AH for Prince al-Mughira is a portable ivory carved container that dates from Medieval Islam's Spanish Umayyad period. It is in the collection of the Louvre in Paris. The container was made in one of the Madinat al-Zahra workshops, near modern-day Cordoba, Spain and is thought to have been a coming-of-age present for the son of caliph 'Abd al-Rahman III. Historical sources say that the prince referred to as al-Mughira was Abu al-Mutarrif al-Mughira, the last born son of the caliph 'Abd al-Rahman III, born to a concubine named Mushtaq. We are certain this pyxis belongs to al-Mughira because of the inscription around the base of the lid which reads: "Blessing from God, goodwill, happiness and prosperity to al-Mughira, son of the Commander of the Faithful, may God's mercy , made in the year 357" Pixides are known as luxury personal vessels given to members of the royal family and are thought to have been used for holding precious gems, jewelry, aromas, perfume etc.; however, the actual purpose of the pyxis of al-Mughira is unknown because there are no traces of any substance on the interior. Though the entire surface of the pyxis is intricately and expertly carved with different forms of decoration, most attention lies within the four main medallions around its diameter. The exterior of the pyxis is elaborately carved and incised elephant ivory, imported by the caliph from North Africa. It is possible the pyxis was originally inlaid with gold and silver but only traces of jade remain. Though discovered with metal hinges mounting the lid on the container, it is believed that the mounts were placed later than the original creation date because no space was allowed for the metal mounts to be placed. This is known because the hinges destroy part of the inscription. Due to these mentioned uncertainties, it is unclear how the lid was intended to be situated on the vessel and thus unknown how the inscription should be read, what is considered front or back and what its relation is to the scenes below. Medallion One displays a scene of two men gathering eggs from falcon nests, which is popularly seen as a symbol for Umayyad power or legitimacy. Scholars have claimed that the synchronism between the falcon and Umayyad power was a current and strong symbol due to such metaphors found in poetry and art during that time period. In particular, 'Abd al-Rahman I al-Dakhil, founder of the Umayyads in al-Andalus, was famously named "the falcon of the Quraysh" by an Abbasid caliph. Because both men are being bitten by dogs it is also suggested that this was an implication of threat to those who would try to grasp power. In bookkeeping and financial accounting, cash is current assets comprising currency or currency equivalents that can be accessed immediately or near-immediately . Cash is seen either as a reserve for payments, in case of a structural or incidental negative cash flow or as a way to avoid a downturn on financial markets. The English word cash originally meant 'money box', and later came to have a secondary meaning 'money'. This secondary usage became the sole meaning in the 18th century. The word cash comes from the Middle French caisse 'money box', which comes from the Old Italian cassa, and ultimately from the Latin capsa 'box'. In Western Europe, after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, coins, silver jewelry and hacksilver were for centuries the only form of money, until Venetian merchants started using silver bars for large transactions in the early Middle Ages. In a separate development, Venetian merchants started using paper bills, instructing their banker to make payments. Similar marked silver bars were in use in lands where the Venetian merchants had established representative offices. The Byzantine Empire and several states in the Balkan area and Kievan Rus also used marked silver bars for large payments. As the world economy developed and silver supplies increased, in particular after the colonization of South America, coins became larger and a standard coin for international payment developed from the 15th century: the Spanish and Spanish colonial coin of 8 reales. Its counterpart in gold was the Venetian ducat. Coin types would compete for markets. By conquering foreign markets, the issuing rulers would enjoy extra income from seigniorage . Successful coin types of high nobility would be copied by lower nobility for seigniorage. Imitations were usually of a lower weight, undermining the popularity of the original. As feudal states coalesced into kingdoms, imitation of silver types abated, but gold coins, in particular, the gold ducat and the gold florin were still issued as trade coins: coins without a fixed value, going by weight. Colonial powers also sought to take away market share from Spain by issuing trade coin equivalents of silver Spanish coins, without much success. Laurence des Cars is a French museum curator and art historian. Since September 2021, she has served as director of the Louvre Museum, having previously headed the Musee d'Orsay and Musee de l'Orangerie. Des Cars was born in Antony, France. She is the daughter of the journalist and writer Jean des Cars and granddaughter of the novelist Guy des Cars . She studied art history at Paris-Sorbonne University and Ecole du Louvre. Des Cars was appointed scientific director of the Agence France-Museums in July 2007, French operator in charge of the development of the Louvre Abu Dhabi. She was also promoted to general curator of heritage in 2011 and was appointed director of the Musee de l'Orangerie in January 2014, by the Minister of Culture, Aurelie Filippetti. On 27 February 2017, she was officially appointed director of the Musee d'Orsay by the then French President Francois Hollande. Des Cars is a chevalier of the Legion of Honour and National Order of Merit, officer of Arts and letters. On 1 December 2022, she was among the guests invited to the state dinner hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden in honor of President Emmanuel Macron at the White House. Museum of France is a title given to the main state museums in France. It was set up by a law of 4 January 2002, known as loi musee , now codified in the code du patrimoine. As of 1 January 2019, the list of Museums of France on Museofile included 1,315 museums and 1,223 as of January 1, 2020. Melancholia or melancholy is a concept found throughout ancient, medieval, and premodern medicine in Europe that describes a condition characterized by markedly depressed mood, bodily complaints, and sometimes hallucinations and delusions. Melancholy was regarded as one of the four temperaments matching the four humours. Until the 18th century, doctors and other scholars classified melancholic conditions as such by their perceived common cause - an excess of a notional fluid known as "black bile", which was commonly linked to the spleen. Hippocrates and other ancient physicians described melancholia as a distinct disease with mental and physical symptoms, including persistent fears and despondencies, poor appetite, abulia, sleeplessness, irritability, and agitation. Later, fixed delusions were added by Galen and other physicians to the list of symptoms. In the Middle Ages, the understanding of melancholia shifted to a religious perspective, with sadness seen as a vice and demonic possession, rather than somatic causes, as a potential cause of the disease. During the late 16th and early 17th centuries, a cultural and literary cult of melancholia emerged in England, linked to Neoplatonist and humanist Marsilio Ficino's transformation of melancholia from a sign of vice into a mark of genius. This fashionable melancholy became a prominent theme in literature, art, and music of the era. Between the late 18th and late 19th centuries, melancholia was a common medical diagnosis. In this period, the focus was on the abnormal beliefs associated with the disorder, rather than depression and affective symptoms. However, in the 20th century, the focus again shifted, and the term became used essentially as a synonym for depression. Indeed, modern concepts of depression as a mood disorder eventually arose from this historical context. Today, the term "melancholia" and "melancholic" are still used in medical diagnostic classification, such as in ICD-11 and DSM-5, to specify certain features that may be present in major depression. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Napoleon <p> instance of <o> human <s> Napoleon <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> Joseph Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> Louis Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> residence <o> Paris <s> Napoleon <p> different from <o> Napoleon <s> Napoleon <p> relative <o> Napoleon III <s> Napoleon <p> religion or worldview <o> Catholicism <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the White Eagle <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Red Eagle <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> Jérôme Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> Lucien Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Corsican <s> Napoleon <p> participant in <o> French Revolution <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Black Eagle <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Ludwig I <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Joseph <s> Napoleon <p> residence <o> Ajaccio <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> monarch <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> Elisa Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Napoleon <p> medical condition <o> epilepsy <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Santiago <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Hubert <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Charles III <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Leopold <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Royal Order of Saint George for the Defense of the Immaculate Conception <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Reunion <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Fidelity <s> Napoleon <p> religion or worldview <o> deism <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> Pauline Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> mount <o> Marengo <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Rue Crown <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> emperor <s> Napoleon <p> residence <o> Elba <s> Napoleon <p> place of birth <o> Ajaccio <s> Napoleon <p> residence <o> Saint Helena <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Crown of Westphalia <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Crown (Württemberg) <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> Caroline Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> has works in the collection <o> Victoria and Albert Museum <s> Napoleon <p> has works in the collection <o> Charents Museum of Literature and Arts <s> Napoleon <p> has works in the collection <o> Wereldmuseum Rotterdam <s> Napoleon <p> has works in the collection <o> Netherlands Photo Museum <s> Napoleon <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Napoleon <p> mount <o> Vizir <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Napoleon <p> cause of death <o> stomach cancer <s> Napoleon <p> child <o> Napoleon II <s> Napoleon <p> native language <o> Corsican <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Iron Crown <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour <s> Napoleon <p> country of citizenship <o> First French Empire <s> Napoleon <p> relative <o> Stéphanie de Beauharnais <s> Napoleon <p> conflict <o> Napoleonic Wars <s> Napoleon <p> unmarried partner <o> Albine de Montholon <s> Napoleon <p> unmarried partner <o> Pauline Fourès <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of St. Andrew <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Royal Order of the Two-Sicilies <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> French Order of Academic Palms <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Canon of Dutch History <s> Napoleon <p> depicted by <o> The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries <s> Napoleon <p> mother <o> Maria-Letizia Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> military rank <o> brigadier general <s> Napoleon <p> spouse <o> Marie Louise I, Duchess of Parma <s> Napoleon <p> spouse <o> Joséphine de Beauharnais <s> Napoleon <p> conflict <o> French Revolutionary Wars <s> Napoleon <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Napoleon <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> New Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Napoleon <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Napoleon <p> child <o> Charles Léon <s> Napoleon <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of World Cultures <s> Napoleon <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Mathematics <s> Napoleon <p> relative <o> Camillo Borghese, 6th Prince of Sulmona <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> military leader <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Royal Order of Spain <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Union <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Three-Golden Fleeces <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Royal Order of the Seraphim <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> sovereign <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Napoleon <p> country of citizenship <o> French First Republic <s> Napoleon <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of France <s> Napoleon <p> writing language <o> French <s> Napoleon <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> grand cross of the Order of Saint Joseph <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of the Elephant <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of the Lion and the Sun First class <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Grand Master of the Legion of Honour <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of Christ <s> Napoleon <p> member of <o> French Academy of Sciences <s> Napoleon <p> unmarried partner <o> Elisabeth de Vaudey <s> Napoleon <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Napoleon <s> Napoleon <p> handedness <o> left-handedness <s> Napoleon <p> father <o> Carlo Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> place of death <o> Longwood House <s> Napoleon <p> archives at <o> Louis Round Wilson Library <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Yuzhakov Big Encyclopedia <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Napoleon <p> child <o> Alexandre Colonna-Walewski <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> military officer <s> Napoleon <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Napoleon <p> relative <o> Eugène de Beauharnais <s> Napoleon <p> family name <o> Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> unmarried partner <o> Eléonore Denuelle de La Plaigne <s> Napoleon <p> unmarried partner <o> Marie Walewska <s> Napoleon <p> position held <o> Emperor of the French <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> art collector <s> Napoleon <p> family <o> House of Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> place of burial <o> Cathédrale Saint-Louis-des-Invalides <s> Napoleon <p> place of burial <o> Valley of the Tomb <s> Napoleon <p> related category <o> Category:Cultural depictions of Napoleon <s> Napoleon <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Napoleon <p> child <o> Eugen Megerle von Mühlfeld <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Anna, 1st class <s> Napoleon <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky <s> Napoleon <p> given name <o> Napoléon <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Pavlenkov Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> SourceWatch List of Dictators <s> Napoleon <p> described by source <o> Outstanding personalities in Dresden and their flats <s> Napoleon <p> significant event <o> coup of 18 Brumaire <s> Napoleon <p> part of <o> Napoleon I of France and Josephine <s> Napoleon <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Provenance <s> Napoleon <p> sibling <o> unnamed daughter Bonaparte <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> militant <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> army officer <s> Napoleon <p> unmarried partner <o> Emilie Kraus von Wolfsberg <s> Napoleon <p> unmarried partner <o> Giuseppina Grassini <s> Napoleon <p> military rank <o> divisional general <s> Napoleon <p> archives at <o> Defence Historical Service <s> Napoleon <p> significant event <o> coronation of Napoleon I <s> Napoleon <p> educated at <o> École Militaire <s> Napoleon <p> occupation <o> statesperson <s> Charles Le Brun <p> instance of <o> human <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Palace of Versailles <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Design Museum Gent <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Ireland <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Groeningemuseum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Skokloster Castle <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Louvre Museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> work location <o> Paris <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Gemäldegalerie <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Städel Museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée de Vulliod Saint-Germain <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of the History of France <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Fine Arts of Reims <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée départemental Georges de La Tour <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée Thomas-Henry <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée de la Cour d'Or <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée d'art et d'histoire de Langres <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée d'art moderne (Saint-Étienne) <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Virginia Museum of Fine Arts <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts de Troyes <s> Charles Le Brun <p> work location <o> Rome <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Kunsthistorisches Museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum Paleis het Loo <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée national du château de Pau <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> musée du Grand Siècle <s> Charles Le Brun <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Bowdoin College Museum of Art <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Hatton Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Shipley Art Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museo del Prado <s> Charles Le Brun <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Victoria and Albert Museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student of <o> Simon Vouet <s> Charles Le Brun <p> sponsor <o> Nicolas Fouquet <s> Charles Le Brun <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Charles Le Brun <p> field of work <o> art of painting <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student of <o> Nicolas Poussin <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée Bonnat-Helleu <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée Ingres Bourdelle <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museo de Arte de Ponce <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée de la Chartreuse de Douai <s> Charles Le Brun <p> sponsor <o> Louis XIV of France <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Führermuseum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Palace Museum in Wilanów <s> Charles Le Brun <p> member of <o> Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture <s> Charles Le Brun <p> place of birth <o> Paris <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student <o> Joseph Vivien <s> Charles Le Brun <p> place of death <o> Paris <s> Charles Le Brun <p> movement <o> Baroque <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Art Institute of Chicago <s> Charles Le Brun <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Charles Le Brun <p> work location <o> Versailles <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student <o> François-Alexandre Verdier <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Fitzwilliam Museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery Prague <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Victoria <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Arras <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des beaux-arts de Marseille <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Uffizi Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student of <o> François Perrier <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Philadelphia Museum of Art <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Statens Museum for Kunst <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Western Art <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Dulwich Picture Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Residenzgalerie Salzburg <s> Charles Le Brun <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Charles Le Brun <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Slovak National Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Minneapolis Institute of Art <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Los Angeles County Museum of Art <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Charles Le Brun <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Charles Le Brun <s> Charles Le Brun <p> given name <o> Charles <s> Charles Le Brun <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Bavarian State Painting Collections <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> J. Paul Getty Museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Galleria Estense <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student <o> Nicolas Bertin <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student <o> Gabriel Revel <s> Charles Le Brun <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Charles Le Brun <p> sponsor <o> Pierre Séguier <s> Charles Le Brun <p> movement <o> classicism <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 4 <s> Charles Le Brun <p> occupation <o> graphic artist <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Detroit Institute of Arts <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Canada <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Montreal Museum of Fine Arts <s> Charles Le Brun <p> occupation <o> printmaker <s> Charles Le Brun <p> genre <o> history painting <s> Charles Le Brun <p> student <o> Louis de Silvestre <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Charles Le Brun <p> employer <o> Gobelins Tapestry Manufactory <s> Charles Le Brun <p> notable work <o> Hall of Mirrors <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Beaux-Arts Tournai <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Nantes Museum of Arts <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba <s> Charles Le Brun <p> place of burial <o> Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet <s> Charles Le Brun <p> sibling <o> Gabriel Le Brun <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Fabre museum <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Museum of Fine Arts, Houston <s> Charles Le Brun <p> has works in the collection <o> Walker Art Gallery <s> Charles Le Brun <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Charles Le Brun <p> notable work <o> Descent from the Cross <s> Charles Le Brun <p> notable work <o> Descent from the Cross <s> Charles Le Brun <p> genre <o> portrait painting <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> The Lives of Dutch painters and paintresses <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> Teutsche Academie der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> The Great Theatre of Dutch Painters <s> Charles Le Brun <p> depicted by <o> Portrait of Charles Le Brun <s> Charles Le Brun <p> genre <o> religious painting <s> Charles Le Brun <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Charles Le Brun <p> family name <o> Le Brun <s> Charles Le Brun <p> occupation <o> architectural draftsperson <s> Charles Le Brun <p> occupation <o> decorator <s> Charles Le Brun <p> position held <o> Premier peintre du Roi <s> Charles Le Brun <p> occupation <o> designer <s> Charles Le Brun <p> employer <o> Garde-Meuble de la Couronne <s> Atlas <p> country <o> France <s> Atlas <p> language of work or name <o> French <s> Atlas <p> instance of <o> database <s> Atlas <p> Wikidata property <o> Atlas ID <s> Atlas <p> owned by <o> Louvre Museum <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> country <o> France <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> inspired by <o> Greek mythology <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> inspired by <o> Titian <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> inspired by <o> The Parnassus <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> location <o> Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> woman <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> Iliad <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> sky <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> Virgil <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> tree <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> Odyssey <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> owned by <o> Louvre Museum <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> poet <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> creator <o> Nicolas Poussin <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> Aeneid <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> owned by <o> Cardinal Mazarin <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> Calliope <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> lyre <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> Mount Parnassus <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> putto <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> movement <o> classicism <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> owned by <o> Jeanne Baptiste d'Albert de Luynes <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> owned by <o> Thomas Charles Hope <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> genre <o> mythological painting <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> instance of <o> painting <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> genre <o> allegory <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> quill <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> Apollo citharoedus <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> owned by <o> Armand de Madaillan <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> depicts <o> laurel wreath <s> The Inspiration of the Poet <p> collection <o> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> owned by <o> Joseph Fesch <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> owned by <o> French State <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> made from material <o> poplar panel <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> creator <o> Carlo Crivelli <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> depicts <o> James of the Marches <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> collection <o> Department of Paintings of the Louvre <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> location <o> La Galerie du temps <s> Saint James of the Marches <p> exhibition history <o> La Galerie du temps <s> archaeological museum <p> different from <o> archeological collection <s> archaeological museum <p> instance of <o> type of museum <s> archaeological museum <p> subclass of <o> art museum <s> archaeological museum <p> subclass of <o> history museum <s> archaeological museum <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Archaeological museums <s> archaeological museum <p> different from <o> history museum <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> country <o> France <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> parent organization <o> Louvre Museum <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> instance of <o> archive <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Liévin <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> significant event <o> foundation stone–laying ceremony <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> instance of <o> research center <s> Louvre Conservation Center <p> instance of <o> museum storage <s> Department of Sculptures of the Louvre <p> country <o> France <s> Department of Sculptures of the Louvre <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> Department of Sculptures of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Department of Sculptures of the Louvre <p> instance of <o> art collection <s> Department of Sculptures of the Louvre <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Sculptures in the Louvre <s> Service of the Museums of France <p> country <o> France <s> Service of the Museums of France <p> instance of <o> ministerial direction <s> Service of the Museums of France <p> replaces <o> Direction des musées de France <s> Service of the Museums of France <p> located on street <o> rue des Pyramides <s> label Tourisme et Handicap <p> country <o> France <s> label Tourisme et Handicap <p> instance of <o> certification mark <s> label Tourisme et Handicap <p> subclass of <o> award <s> label Tourisme et Handicap <p> Wikidata property <o> Tourisme & Handicap ID <s> label Tourisme et Handicap <p> subclass of <o> certification mark <s> label Tourisme et Handicap <p> subclass of <o> patrimoine de France <s> label Tourisme et Handicap <p> creator <o> Michelle Demessine </Graph>
<Text> :Napoleon Bonaparte , later known by his regnal name Napoleon I, was a French emperor and military commander who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. He was the leader of the French Republic as First Consul from 1799 to 1804, then of the French Empire as Emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814, and briefly again in 1815. His political and cultural legacy endures as a celebrated and controversial leader. He initiated many enduring reforms, but has been criticized for his authoritarian rule. He is considered one of the greatest military commanders in history and his wars and campaigns are still studied at military schools worldwide. However, historians still debate the degree to which he was responsible for the Napoleonic Wars, in which between three and six million people died. Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica into a family descended from Italian nobility. He was resentful of the French monarchy, and supported the French Revolution in 1789 while serving in the French army, trying to spread its ideals to his native Corsica. He rose rapidly in the ranks after saving the governing French Directory by firing on royalist insurgents. In 1796, he began a military campaign against the Austrians and their Italian allies, scoring decisive victories, and became a national hero. Two years later he led a military expedition to Egypt that served as a springboard to political power. He engineered a coup in November 1799 and became First Consul of the Republic. In 1804, to consolidate and expand his power, he crowned himself Emperor of the French. Differences with the United Kingdom meant France faced the War of the Third Coalition by 1805. Napoleon shattered this coalition with victories in the Ulm campaign and at the Battle of Austerlitz, which led to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1806, the Fourth Coalition took up arms against him. Napoleon defeated Prussia at the battles of Jena and Auerstedt, marched the Grande Armee into Eastern Europe, and defeated the Russians in June 1807 at Friedland, forcing the defeated nations of the Fourth Coalition to accept the Treaties of Tilsit. Two years later, the Austrians challenged the French again during the War of the Fifth Coalition, but Napoleon solidified his grip over Europe after triumphing at the Battle of Wagram. Hoping to extend the Continental System, his embargo against Britain, Napoleon invaded the Iberian Peninsula and declared his brother Joseph the King of Spain in 1808. The Spanish and the Portuguese revolted in the Peninsular War aided by a British army, culminating in defeat for Napoleon's marshals. Napoleon launched an invasion of Russia in the summer of 1812. The resulting campaign witnessed the catastrophic retreat of Napoleon's Grande Armee. In 1813, Prussia and Austria joined Russian forces in a Sixth Coalition against France, resulting in a large coalition army defeating Napoleon at the Battle of Leipzig. The coalition invaded France and captured Paris, forcing Napoleon to abdicate in April 1814. He was exiled to the island of Elba, between Corsica and Italy. In France, the Bourbons were restored to power. Charles Le Brun was a French painter, physiognomist, art theorist, and a director of several art schools of his time. He served as a court painter to Louis XIV, who declared him "the greatest French artist of all time". Le Brun was a dominant figure in 17th-century French art and was influenced by Nicolas Poussin. Born in Paris, Le Brun attracted the notice of Chancellor Seguier, who placed him at the age of eleven in the studio of Simon Vouet. He was also a pupil of Francois Perrier. At fifteen he received commissions from Cardinal Richelieu, in the execution of which he displayed an ability which obtained the generous commendations of Nicolas Poussin, in whose company Le Brun started for Rome in 1642. In Rome, he remained four years in the receipt of a pension due to the liberality of the chancellor. There he worked under Poussin, adapting the latter's theories of art. While in Rome, Le Brun studied ancient Roman sculpture, made copies after Raphael, and absorbed the influence of the local painters. On his return to Paris in 1646, Le Brun found numerous patrons, of whom Superintendent Fouquet was the most important, for whom he painted a large portrait of Anne of Austria. Employed at Vaux-le-Vicomte, Le Brun ingratiated himself with Mazarin, then secretly pitting Colbert against Fouquet. Atlases have traditionally been bound into book form, but today, many atlases are in multimedia formats. In addition to presenting geographical features and political boundaries, many atlases often feature geopolitical, social, religious, and economic statistics. They also have information about the map and places in it. The use of the word "atlas" in a geographical context dates from 1595 when the German-Flemish geographer Gerardus Mercator published Atlas Sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura . This title provides Mercator's definition of the word as a description of the creation and form of the whole universe, not simply as a collection of maps. The volume that was published posthumously one year after his death is a wide-ranging text but, as the editions evolved, it became simply a collection of maps and it is in that sense that the word was used from the middle of the 17th century. The neologism coined by Mercator was a mark of his respect for the Titan Atlas, the "King of Mauretania", whom he considered to be the first great geographer. The first work that contained systematically arranged maps of uniform size representing the first modern atlas was prepared by Italian cartographer Pietro Coppo in the early 16th century; however, it was not published at that time, so it is conventionally not considered the first atlas. Rather, that title is awarded to the collection of maps Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by the Brabantian cartographer Abraham Ortelius printed in 1570. Atlases published nowadays are quite different from those published in the 16th-19th centuries. Unlike today, most atlases were not bound and ready for the customer to buy, but their possible components were shelved separately. The client could select the contents to their liking, and have the maps coloured/gilded or not. The atlas was then bound. Thus, early printed atlases with the same title page can be different in contents. The painting depicts Apollo, accompanied by infant Cupids and by one of the Muses, about to crown a poet who is writing under his inspiration. It is not known to what the painting alludes, nor what is its exact subject. Perhaps the latter was always indefinite, because the picture appears in Mazarin's inventory of 1653 as Apollo with a Muse and a Poet crowned with Laurels. Its warm colouring reveals the Titianesque strain in Poussin's work; it must have been painted during his first Roman period, at the end of the 1620s. Several other paintings of this period are related to this work: The Inspiration of Anacreon, the Parnassus, and the book frontispiece drawn by Poussin and engraved by Claude Mellan for an edition of Virgil published by the Imprimerie Royale in 1641-1642. Some critics put forward the hypothesis that the model for the Muse, often recognizable in other works of this period by Poussin, may have been Anna Dughet, whom he married in 1630 at San Lorenzo in Lucina . Jacob de Marchia , commonly known in English as Saint James of the Marches, was an Italian Friar Minor, preacher and writer. He was a Papal legate and Inquisitor. He was born Dominic Gangala in the early 1390s to a poor family in Monteprandone, then in the March of Ancona in central Italy along the Adriatic Sea. As a child, he began his studies at Offida under the guidance of his uncle, a priest, who soon afterwards sent him to school in the nearby city of Ascoli Piceno. He later studied at the University of Perugia where he took the degree of Doctor in Canon and Civil law. After a short stay at Florence as tutor for a noble family, and as judge of sorcerers, he was received into the Order of Friars Minor, in the chapel of the Portiuncula, in Assisi, on 26 July 1416. At that time, he took the monastic name Jacobus . Having finished his novitiate at the hermitage of the Carceri, near Assisi, he studied theology at Fiesole, near Florence, with John of Capistrano, under Bernardine of Siena. He began a very austere life fasting nine months of the year. Bernardine told him to moderate his penances. On 13 June 1420, he was ordained a priest and soon began to preach in Tuscany, in the Marches, and in Umbria; for half a century he carried on his spiritual labours, remarkable for the miracles he performed and the numerous conversions he wrought. He helped spread devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. From 1427, James preached penance, combated heretics, and was on legations in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Bohemia, Poland, Hungary, and Bosnia. He was also appointed inquisitor against the Fraticelli, a heretic sect that dissented from the Franciscans on the vow of poverty, among other things. He was sent by the Papal Council as an Inquisitor to Bosnia in 1432-33, working in the Bosnian Vicariate. He returned in 1435 and served as Vicar of Bosnia until 1439. He combated the heresies that he found there, which earned him the hostility of its ruler, King Tvrtko II, and even more of his wife, Queen Dorothea, whom James accused of trying to poison him. He left Bosnia citing King Tvrtko I as the cause of failure of Franciscan mission. Between 1434 and 1439 he worked in Southern Hungary against heretics. In August, 1439, he imprisoned Balint Ujlaki, who first translated the Bible into Hungarian . Many archaeology museum are in the open air, such as the Ancient Agora of Athens and the Roman Forum. Others display artifacts inside buildings, such as National Museum of Beirut and Cairo's Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. Still others, display artifacts both outside and inside, such as the Tibes Indigenous Ceremonial Center. Some archaeology museums, such as the Western Australian Museum, may also exhibit maritime archaeological materials. These appear in its Shipwreck Galleries, a wing of the Maritime Museum. This last museum has also developed a 'museum-without-walls' through a series of underwater wreck trails. An outside museum was erected at an active archaeological dig site in Nyaung-gan cemetery in Myanmar. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Czechs to keep art taken by Nazis <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Mondrian’s heirs file US suit to recover four paintings worth $200m from a German museum <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Un Braque réclamé à Beaubourg <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Five Italian Paintings – Gentili di Giuseppe Heirs v. Musée du Louvre and France <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Were Jews forced to sell medieval treasure to Hermann Goering? <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Chicago's Art Institute settles dispute <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> instance of <o> lawsuit <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> David Cassirer, et al. -v- Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> New York judge orders two Schiele works sent to Christie’s, where they could be auctioned <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Egon Schiele Work Restituted by Museum Ludwig to Sell at Sotheby’s <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Germany: Texas museum stands by ownership of disputed art <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Mondex to return valuable Dutch paintings to Holocaust survivor’s descendants <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Museum Gouda loses Man with a high cap by Ferdinand Bol after decision to restitute the painting to the heirs of Nathan and Benjamin Katz <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Orkin v. Swiss Confederation <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Picasso portrait returned by National Gallery to heirs of Jewish banker persecuted by Nazis <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen restitute two watercolors by Max Pechstein from the Curt Glaser Collection and a painting by N.V. Díaz de la Peña from the George Behrens Collection <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Of hot and noble men: A London art dealer restitutes an El Greco painting seized in Vienna in 1944 <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Schoeps v Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Two New Sculptures for the Frick Collection <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> State of Bavaria Sued in New York Over Contested Paintings <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Owner of Chagall Painting Looted by Nazis Wins It Back in U.S. Court <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> In a Dramatic About-Face, the Kunstmuseum Basel Will Compensate the Heirs of a Jewish Collector for Disputed Works in Its Collection <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Toledo Museum of Art v. Ullin <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Westfield v. Fed. Republic of Germany <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Museums and Heirs Settle Dispute Over Picasso <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Republic of Austria v. Altmann <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Holocaust historians blast MFA stance in legal dispute; Insist pressures of era led to painting's sale <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Estate of Kainer v. UBS AG <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Looted Painting Returned to Jewish Owners <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Heirs Sue Bank Over Sale of Nazi-Looted Art <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Seven Year Saga of Bakalar v. Vavra Ends in Victory for Current Owner of Schiele Drawing and Settles Concerns Over Application of the Laches Defense <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> A Meissen Porcelain Trove Is Set to Shatter Auction Records <s> claim for restitution of an artwork <p> depicted by <o> Zürcher Kunsthaus darf «Madame La Suire» behalten <s> departement of the Byzantine Arts and the Eastern Christians in the Louvre Museum <p> part of <o> Louvre Museum <s> departement of the Byzantine Arts and the Eastern Christians in the Louvre Museum <p> instance of <o> curatorial department of the Louvre <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> depicts <o> nude <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> depicts <o> beard <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> collection <o> Musée Saint-Raymond <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> owned by <o> Musée Saint-Raymond <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> culture <o> Ancient Greece <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> location of discovery <o> Rhodes <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> owned by <o> Louvre Museum <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> made from material <o> terracotta <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> fabrication method <o> engobe <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> depicts <o> himation <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> fabrication method <o> incising <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> instance of <o> lekythos <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> instance of <o> archaeological artifact <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> depicts <o> group of humans <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> location of creation <o> Classical Athens <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> depicts <o> diphros <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> collection <o> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> location <o> Saint-Raymond Museum reserves <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> exhibition history <o> Ex-pots cassés. Histoires de restauration <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> fabrication method <o> highlight <s> Lécythe D.69.2.55 <p> significant event <o> deposit <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> collection <o> Musée Saint-Raymond <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> location of creation <o> Corinth <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> location of discovery <o> Rhodes <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> culture <o> Ancient Greece <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> made from material <o> terracotta <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> instance of <o> alabastron <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> instance of <o> pottery of ancient Greece <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> instance of <o> archaeological artifact <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> collection <o> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> depicts <o> sphinx <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> owned by <o> French State <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> location <o> Saint-Raymond Museum reserves <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> significant event <o> deposit <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> exhibition history <o> Ex-pots cassés. Histoires de restauration <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 51 <p> fabrication method <o> highlight <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> collection <o> Musée Saint-Raymond <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> depicts <o> swan <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> culture <o> Ancient Greece <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> depicts <o> point <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> location of discovery <o> Rhodes <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> made from material <o> terracotta <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> depicts <o> siren <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> fabrication method <o> engobe <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> genre <o> early Corinthian <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> location of creation <o> Corinth <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> depicts <o> tongue (motif) <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> location <o> Saint-Raymond Museum reserves <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> collection <o> Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> depicts <o> rosette <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> instance of <o> aryballos <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> instance of <o> archaeological artifact <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> significant event <o> deposit <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> fabrication method <o> highlight <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> exhibition history <o> Ex-pots cassés. Histoires de restauration <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> fabrication method <o> incising <s> Musée Saint-Raymond, D 69 2 52 <p> owned by <o> French State <s> Claude Perrault <p> instance of <o> human <s> Claude Perrault <p> work location <o> Paris <s> Claude Perrault <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Smithsonian Libraries Dibner Library portraits <s> Claude Perrault <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Claude Perrault <p> sibling <o> Charles Perrault <s> Claude Perrault <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Claude Perrault <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Claude Perrault <p> place of birth <o> Paris <s> Claude Perrault <p> place of death <o> Paris <s> Claude Perrault <p> member of <o> Académie Royale d'Architecture <s> Claude Perrault <p> has works in the collection <o> National Gallery of Art <s> Claude Perrault <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Claude Perrault <p> sibling <o> Pierre Perrault <s> Claude Perrault <p> sibling <o> Nicolas Perrault <s> Claude Perrault <p> notable work <o> Paris Observatory, PSL University <s> Claude Perrault <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Medicine <s> Claude Perrault <p> has works in the collection <o> Musée des Arts et Métiers <s> Claude Perrault <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> writer <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> physician <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> physiologist <s> Claude Perrault <p> member of <o> French Academy of Sciences <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> art theorist <s> Claude Perrault <p> family name <o> Perrault <s> Claude Perrault <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> zoologist <s> Claude Perrault <p> cause of death <o> sepsis <s> Claude Perrault <p> described by source <o> Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Claude Perrault <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Claude Perrault <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Claude Perrault <p> given name <o> Claude <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> biologist <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> botanist <s> Claude Perrault <p> described by source <o> Medvik <s> Claude Perrault <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 9 <s> Claude Perrault <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Claude Perrault <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Claude Perrault <s> Claude Perrault <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of France <s> Claude Perrault <p> notable work <o> Louvre Colonnade <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> translator <s> Claude Perrault <p> occupation <o> anatomist <s> Claude Perrault <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Pierre Lescot <p> instance of <o> human <s> Pierre Lescot <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Pierre Lescot <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Pierre Lescot <p> place of birth <o> Paris <s> Pierre Lescot <p> has works in the collection <o> Louvre Museum <s> Pierre Lescot <p> notable work <o> Aile Lescot <s> Pierre Lescot <p> place of death <o> Paris <s> Pierre Lescot <p> given name <o> Pierre <s> Pierre Lescot <p> country of citizenship <o> France <s> Pierre Lescot <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pierre Lescot <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Pierre Lescot <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Pierre Lescot <p> father <o> Pierre Lescot <s> Pierre Lescot <p> occupation <o> restorer <s> Pierre Lescot <p> family name <o> Lescot <s> Pierre Lescot <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1926–1947) <s> Pierre Lescot <p> described by source <o> Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890) <s> Pierre Lescot <p> occupation <o> painter <s> Pierre Lescot <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Pierre Lescot <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Pierre Lescot <s> Pierre Lescot <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 4 <s> Pierre Lescot <p> occupation <o> sculptor <s> Pierre Lescot <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> President-Director of Musée du Louvre <p> country <o> France <s> President-Director of Musée du Louvre <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Louvre Museum <s> President-Director of Musée du Louvre <p> instance of <o> position <s> President-Director of Musée du Louvre <p> subclass of <o> museum director <s> President-Director of Musée du Louvre <p> subclass of <o> chairperson <s> director of the Museums of France <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Louvre Museum <s> director of the Museums of France <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Direction des musées de France <s> director of the Museums of France <p> organization directed by the office or position <o> Service of the Museums of France <s> director of the Museums of France <p> instance of <o> position <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Japan <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Norway <s> Russia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Pacific Ocean <s> Russia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Black Sea <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Norway <s> Russia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Arctic Ocean <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Canada <s> Russia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Baltic Sea <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Moldova <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Slovenia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Japan <s> Russia <p> follows <o> Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Sweden <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> United States of America <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Belgium <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Perm Krai <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mari El <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Slovakia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Republic of Ireland <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Spain <s> Russia <p> located in or next to body of water <o> Caspian Sea <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bulgaria <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Hungary <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Finland <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Lithuania <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chuvash Republic <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Udmurt Republic <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ulyanovsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tatarstan <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Poland <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sverdlovsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Poland <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> North Macedonia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Romania <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> United States of America <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Sweden <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> People's Republic of China <s> Russia <p> country <o> Russia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Penza Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bashkortostan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Albania <s> Russia <p> continent <o> Asia <s> Russia <p> continent <o> Europe <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Denmark <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bosnia and Herzegovina <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chelyabinsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Altai Krai <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tyumen Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kurgan Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Cyprus <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Switzerland <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Belarus <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Luxembourg <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Lithuania <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tomsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Altai Republic <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Latvia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Omsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kemerovo Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Azerbaijan <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Zabaykalsky Krai <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Austria <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Malta <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Amur Oblast <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Ukraine <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Kazakhstan <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Estonia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sakha <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> North Korea <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Novosibirsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Khakassia <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Azerbaijan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Italy <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Portugal <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Greece <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Georgia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Krasnoyarsk Krai <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Irkutsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Monaco <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Khabarovsk Krai <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> San Marino <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kamchatka Krai <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Turkey <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Magadan Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sakhalin Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Algeria <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> European Union <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Buryatia <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Kazakhstan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Cuba <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Jewish Autonomous Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chukotka Autonomous Okrug <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Sevastopol <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> South Africa <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Montenegro <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Indonesia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Uruguay <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mexico <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Egypt <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Kenya <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Netherlands <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kaliningrad Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Ghana <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Ethiopia <s> Russia <p> ethnic group <o> Tatars <s> Russia <p> ethnic group <o> Chuvash people <s> Russia <p> ethnic group <o> Chechens <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Uzbekistan <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Murmansk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tuva <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bahrain <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Komi Republic <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> France <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moscow Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> United Kingdom <s> Russia <p> ethnic group <o> Russians <s> Russia <p> legislative body <o> Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation <s> Russia <p> flag <o> flag of Russia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Karelia <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Mongolia <s> Russia <p> coat of arms <o> coat of arms of Russia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Armenia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vologda Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Arkhangelsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Singapore <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Germany <s> Russia <p> highest judicial authority <o> Constitutional Court of Russia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> People's Republic of China <s> Russia <p> capital <o> Moscow <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Moscow <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Pskov Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Brazil <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Serbia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Peru <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> North Korea <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Leningrad Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Republic of Crimea <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Chile <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Novgorod Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Yaroslavl Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Australia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Samara Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ryazan Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Vladimir Oblast <s> Russia <p> highest judicial authority <o> Supreme Court of Russia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Belarus <s> Russia <p> ethnic group <o> Ukrainians <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nenets Autonomous Okrug <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kostroma Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> East Timor <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kursk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Nizhny Novgorod Oblast <s> Russia <p> executive body <o> Government of Russia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Smolensk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tver Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Latvia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kaluga Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Cambodia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> New Zealand <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Nauru <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> India <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Bryansk Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ivanovo Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Rostov Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tula Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Iceland <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Argentina <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Oryol Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> European Union <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Voronezh Oblast <s> Russia <p> member of <o> United Nations <s> Russia <p> member of <o> World Health Organization <s> Russia <p> member of <o> UNESCO <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Adygea <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Vanuatu <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Krasnodar Krai <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Lipetsk Oblast <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Interpol <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Volgograd Oblast <s> Russia <p> located in time zone <o> UTC+02:00 <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Commonwealth of Independent States <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Belgorod Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Ingushetia <s> Russia <p> member of <o> United Nations Security Council <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Astrakhan Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Primorsky Krai <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Orenburg Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Mordovia <s> Russia <p> patron saint <o> Andrew the Apostle <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mongolia <s> Russia <p> member of <o> International Civil Defence Organisation <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Fiji <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation <s> Russia <p> member of <o> states with nuclear weapons <s> Russia <p> member of <o> World Trade Organization <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Tambov Oblast <s> Russia <p> member of <o> G20 <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Universal Postal Union <s> Russia <p> part of <o> Post-Soviet states <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Collective Security Treaty Organization <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> North Ossetia–Alania <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Union State <s> Russia <p> member of <o> World Meteorological Organization <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Guyana <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Ecuador <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Honduras <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kalmykia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Karachay-Cherkessia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Stavropol Krai <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Venezuela <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Colombia <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Saratov Oblast <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kabardino-Balkaria <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Dagestan <s> Russia <p> official language <o> Russian <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bolivia <s> Russia <p> member of <o> International Development Association <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Council of the Baltic Sea States <s> Russia <p> member of <o> International Hydrographic Organization <s> Russia <p> member of <o> International Finance Corporation <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Shanghai Cooperation Organisation <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Chechnya <s> Russia <p> contains the administrative territorial entity <o> Kirov Oblast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Guatemala <s> Russia <p> member of <o> International Bank for Reconstruction and Development <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Arctic Council <s> Russia <p> member of <o> International Telecommunication Union <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Trinidad and Tobago <s> Russia <p> instance of <o> country <s> Russia <p> member of <o> BRICS <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons <s> Russia <p> member of <o> BRIC <s> Russia <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .su <s> Russia <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .ru <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Paraguay <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Costa Rica <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Iraq <s> Russia <p> head of state <o> Vladimir Putin <s> Russia <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .рф <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Lebanon <s> Russia <p> instance of <o> federation <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Laos <s> Russia <p> part of <o> European Union tax haven blacklist <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Yemen <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Central Asian Cooperation Organization <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Group on Earth Observations <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Barents Euro-Arctic Council <s> Russia <p> member of <o> ASEAN Regional Forum <s> Russia <p> anthem <o> State Anthem of the Russian Federation <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Myanmar <s> Russia <p> main regulatory text <o> Constitution of Russia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Nepal <s> Russia <p> instance of <o> transcontinental country <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Kyrgyzstan <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Treaty on Open Skies <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Missile Technology Control Regime <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Commonwealth of Independent States Free Trade Area <s> Russia <p> member of <o> Nuclear Suppliers Group <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Panama <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Israel <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Nicaragua <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Malaysia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Sri Lanka <s> Russia <p> instance of <o> secular state <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Oman <s> Russia <p> currency <o> Russian ruble <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> United Arab Emirates <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Vietnam <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Thailand <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Brunei <s> Russia <p> head of government <o> Mikhail Mishustin <s> Russia <p> basic form of government <o> super-presidential republic <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Syria <s> Russia <p> named after <o> Kievan Rus' <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Maldives <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bangladesh <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Pakistan <s> Russia <p> instance of <o> sovereign state <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Turkmenistan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mali <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Tanzania <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Zambia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Tajikistan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Philippines <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Afghanistan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Benin <s> Russia <p> top-level Internet domain <o> .рус <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Angola <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> South Korea <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> South Sudan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Kuwait <s> Russia <p> shares border with <o> Kherson State <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Zimbabwe <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Bhutan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Equatorial Guinea <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Botswana <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Democratic Republic of the Congo <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> the Gambia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Tunisia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Ivory Coast <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Lesotho <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Burkina Faso <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Madagascar <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Guinea-Bissau <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Libya <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Republic of the Congo <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Morocco <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mauritania <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mauritius <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Cape Verde <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Sudan <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Nigeria <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Mozambique <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Eswatini <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Arab League <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Namibia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Uganda <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Senegal <s> Russia <p> replaces <o> Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic <s> Russia <p> replaces <o> Soviet Union <s> Russia <p> separated from <o> Soviet Union <s> Russia <p> significant event <o> First Chechen War <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> South Ossetia <s> Russia <p> public holiday <o> International Women's Day <s> Russia <p> located in/on physical feature <o> Eurasia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Seychelles <s> Russia <p> public holiday <o> Defender of the Fatherland Day <s> Russia <p> highest point <o> Mount Elbrus <s> Russia <p> public holiday <o> New Year's Day <s> Russia <p> participant in <o> Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty <s> Russia <p> central bank <o> Central Bank of Russia <s> Russia <p> office held by head of government <o> Prime Minister of Russia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> State of Palestine <s> Russia <p> significant event <o> 1998 Russian financial crisis <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Draft History of Qing <s> Russia <p> public holiday <o> Unity Day <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Russia <p> public holiday <o> International Workers' Day <s> Russia <p> participant in <o> War in Abkhazia <s> Russia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Russia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Donetsk People's Republic <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Holy See <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Russia <s> Russia <p> significant event <o> Russian invasion of Ukraine <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Rusko <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Ruslan <s> Russia <p> participant in <o> Russian invasion of Ukraine <s> Russia <p> significant event <o> Monetary reform in Russia, 1993 <s> Russia <p> significant event <o> Monetary reform in Russia, 1998 <s> Russia <p> public holiday <o> Russia Day <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Luhansk People's Republic <s> Russia <p> public holiday <o> Victory Day <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Catholic Encyclopedia <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Russia <p> participant in <o> Russian annexation of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts <s> Russia <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Russia topics <s> Russia <p> topic's main Wikimedia portal <o> Portal:Russia <s> Russia <p> diplomatic relation <o> Republic of Abkhazia <s> Russia <p> category of people buried here <o> Category:Burials in Russia <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921 <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Russia <p> significant event <o> annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation <s> Russia <p> participant in <o> annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation <s> Russia <p> category for people born here <o> Category:Births in Russia <s> Russia <p> list of monuments <o> Russian cultural heritage register <s> Russia <p> category for people who died here <o> Category:Deaths in Russia <s> Russia <p> significant event <o> default <s> Russia <p> participant in <o> Russo-Georgian War <s> Russia <p> lowest point <o> Caspian Sea <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Tsardom of Russia <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> 1922 Encyclopædia Britannica <s> Russia <p> described by source <o> The New Student's Reference Work <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Russian <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Finnish <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Russian Sign Language <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tatar <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Udege <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Udmurt <s> Russia <p> office held by head of state <o> President of Russia <s> Russia <p> category for films shot at this location <o> Category:Films shot in Russia <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Rusland <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Veps <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Dargwa <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Ulch <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Abaza <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Nanai <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Skolt Sami <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Ingush <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Adyghe <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Chuvash <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Hinuq <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Kabardian <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Khakas <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Naukan Yupik <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Central Siberian Yupik <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Nga <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Karelian <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Moksha <s> Russia <p> category of associated people <o> Category:People associated with Russia <s> Russia <p> driving side <o> right <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Votic <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Sirenik Eskimo <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Avar <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Alyutor <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Itelmen <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Bashkir <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Russland <s> Russia <p> different from <o> Rusia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Dolgan <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Kalmyk <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Oroch <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tabasaran <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tsez <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Kildin Sami <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Negidal <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tuvan <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Komi-Zyryan <s> Russia <p> has characteristic <o> not-free country <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Khanty <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Ingrian <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Chechen <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Erzya <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Even <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Shor <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Yakut <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Karagas <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Karachay-Balkar <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Buryat <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Bezhta <s> Russia <p> geography of topic <o> geography of Russia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Ket <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Andi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Mansi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Nogai <s> Russia <p> studied in <o> Russian studies <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Lezgian <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Chulym <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Chukchi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Archi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Akkala Sami <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Church Slavonic <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Orok <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Ludic <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Old Church Slavonic <s> Russia <p> emergency phone number <o> 112 <s> Russia <p> electrical plug type <o> Schuko <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Komi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Kamassian <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Ossetian <s> Russia <p> emergency phone number <o> 01 <s> Russia <p> electrical plug type <o> Europlug <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Lithuania <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Koryak <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Selkup <s> Russia <p> culture <o> culture of Russia <s> Russia <p> emergency phone number <o> 103 <s> Russia <p> emergency phone number <o> 101 <s> Russia <p> emergency phone number <o> 03 <s> Russia <p> emergency phone number <o> 102 <s> Russia <p> emergency phone number <o> 02 <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Ukraine <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Poland <s> Russia <p> history of topic <o> history of Russia <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Pannonian Avar <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Karelian <s> Russia <p> office held by head of the organization <o> President of Russia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Kumyk <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Yugh <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Permyak <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Slovakia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tat <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Akhvakh <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Khwarshi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tundra Yukaghir <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Latvia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Southern Altai <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Medny Aleut <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Czech Republic <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Godoberi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Judeo-Tat <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Estonia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Siberian Tatar <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Northern Altai <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Meadow Mari <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> Netherlands <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Hunzib <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Botlikh <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Chamalal <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Southern Yukaghir <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Nenets <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Nivkh <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> North Atlantic Treaty Organization <s> Russia <p> designated as terrorist by <o> European Parliament <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tindi <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tsakhur <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Dargin <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Khalkha Mongolian <s> Russia <p> official observer status in organisation <o> CERN <s> Russia <p> demographics of topic <o> demographics of Russia <s> Russia <p> open data portal <o> Open Data Portal Russia <s> Russia <p> Wikimedia outline <o> outline of Russia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Karata-Tukita <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Bagvalal <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Oirat <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Kerek <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Aghul <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Livvi-Karelian <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Nganasan <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Ter Sami <s> Russia <p> official religion <o> non-denominational <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Lak <s> Russia <p> economy of topic <o> economy of Russia <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tundra Enets <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Russia Buriat <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Forest Enets <s> Russia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Tofa <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Rutul <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Hill Mari <s> Russia <p> language used <o> Mari <s> Russia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have <s> Russia <p> permanent duplicated item <o> Ruslun <s> Russia <p> category for honorary citizens of entity <o> Category:Honorary citizens from Russia <s> Russia <p> category for maps <o> Category:Maps of Russia <s> Russia <p> railway traffic side <o> right <s> Russia <p> maintained by WikiProject <o> WikiProject Russia </Graph>
<Text> :Claude Perrault was a French physician and amateur architect, best known for his participation in the design of the east facade of the Louvre in Paris. He also designed the Paris Observatory and was an anatomist and author who wrote treatises on architecture, physics, and natural history. As physician and natural philosopher, who received a medical degree from the University of Paris in 1642, Perrault became one of the first members of the French Academy of Sciences when it was founded in 1666. A committee commissioned by Louis XIV, the Petit Conseil, comprising Louis Le Vau, Charles Le Brun, and Perrault, designed the east facade of the Louvre. It was begun in 1667 and was essentially complete in 1674. By 1680, Louis XIV had abandoned the Louvre and focused his attention on the Palace of Versailles. The wing behind the east facade was not finished until the 19th century with the advent of Napoleon. The definitive design of the east facade is attributed to Perrault, who made the final alterations needed to accommodate a decision to double the width of the south wing. He also created projects for the joining of the Louvre with the Tuileries Palace and may have devised the use of iron tie rods behind the entablature of the east facade in order to solve engineering problems arising from forces causing stress in the masonry. Perrault designed the Paris Observatory , a research institute of the Academie des Sciences. His design for a triumphal arch on Rue St-Antoine was preferred over the competing designs of Le Brun and Le Vau, but was only partly executed in stone. When the arch was taken down in the 19th century, it was found that he had devised a means of interlocking the stones, without mortar, so that it had become an inseparable mass. He also created a design which used free-standing columns for the reconstruction of the church of Sainte-Genevieve in Paris. Pierre Lescot was a French architect active during the French Renaissance. His most notable works include the Fontaine des Innocents and the Lescot wing of the Louvre in Paris. He played an important role in the introduction of elements of classical architecture into French architecture. Lescot was born in Paris. King Francis I of France took him into his service, and appointed him architect in charge of the building projects at the Palais du Louvre, which transformed the old chateau into the palace that we know. A project put forward by the Italian architect and theorist Sebastiano Serlio was set aside in favor of Lescot's, in which three sides of a square court were to be enclosed by splendid apartments, while on the east, facing the city as it then was, the fourth side was probably destined to be lightly closed with an arcade. Festive corner pavilions of commanding height and adorned by pillars and statues were to replace the medieval towers. Elsewhere in the Louvre, little was actually achieved beyond razing some of the old feudal structure. Though Lescot was confirmed in his position after the king's death by his heir Henry II, and though he worked at the Louvre project until his death, only the west side and part of the south side were completed, comprising the present southwest wing of the Cour Carre, the Aile Lescot, or "Lescot Wing" . Even so, the building was executed from 1546 to 1551 set the mold of French classicism: it is of two stories with an attic richly embellished with Jean Goujon's panels of bas-reliefs; it is crowned by a sloping roof, a traditional feature of French building and practical in a rainy climate. The deeply recessed arch-headed windows of the ground story give the impression of an arcade, while the projecting central and end pavilions bear small round oeil de boeuf windows above them. In the second storey slender fluted pilasters separate the windows, which alternate delicate triangular and arched pediments. Goujon's noble sculpture and architectural ornaments are cleverly subordinated to the construction, but the surviving groundfloor Salle des Caryatides is named for Goujon's four caryatid figures that support the musicians' gallery. Of Lescot's constructions at the Louvre there also remain the Salle des Gardes and the Henry II staircase. His first achievements were the rood-screen in Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois, of which only some sculptures by Goujon have been saved and in Paris the Hotel de Ligneris . Here and especially in the design of the Fountain of Nymphs , his moderate tectonic role is outshone by Goujon's sculpture. He was also responsible for the Chateau de Vallery. Russia , or the Russian Federation, is a country spanning Eastern Europe and North Asia. It is the largest country in the world by area, extending across eleven time zones. It shares land boundaries with fourteen countries. It is the world's ninth-most populous country and Europe's most populous country. The country's capital as well as its largest city is Moscow. Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city and cultural capital. Other major urban areas in the country include Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don. The East Slavs emerged as a recognised group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries CE. The first East Slavic state, Kievan Rus', arose in the 9th century, and in 988, it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire. Rus' ultimately disintegrated, with the Grand Duchy of Moscow growing to become the Tsardom of Russia. By the early 18th century, Russia had vastly expanded through conquest, annexation, and the efforts of Russian explorers, developing into the Russian Empire, which remains the third-largest empire in history. However, with the Russian Revolution in 1917, Russia's monarchic rule was abolished and eventually replaced by the Russian SFSR--the world's first constitutionally socialist state. Following the Russian Civil War, the Russian SFSR established the Soviet Union with three other Soviet republics, within which it was the largest and principal constituent. At the expense of millions of lives, the Soviet Union underwent rapid industrialisation in the 1930s and later played a decisive role for the Allies in World War II by leading large-scale efforts on the Eastern Front. With the onset of the Cold War, it competed with the United States for global ideological influence. The Soviet era of the 20th century saw some of the most significant Russian technological achievements, including the first human-made satellite and the first human expedition into outer space. In 1991, the Russian SFSR emerged from the dissolution of the Soviet Union as the independent Russian Federation. A new constitution was adopted, which established a federal semi-presidential system. Since the turn of the century, Russia's political system has been dominated by Vladimir Putin, under whom the country has experienced democratic backsliding and a shift towards authoritarianism. Russia has been militarily involved in a number of conflicts in former Soviet states and other countries, including its war with Georgia in 2008 and annexation of Crimea in 2014 from neighbouring Ukraine, followed by the further annexation of four other regions in 2022 during an ongoing invasion. Internationally, Russia ranks among the lowest in measurements of democracy, human rights and freedom of the press; the country also has high levels of perceived corruption. The Russian economy ranks 11th by nominal GDP, relying heavily on its abundant natural resources, and 68th by GDP per capita. Its mineral and energy sources are the world's largest, and its figures for oil production and natural gas production rank highly globally. Russia possesses the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and has the third-highest military expenditure. The country is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council; a member state of the G20, SCO, BRICS, APEC, OSCE, and WTO; and the leading member state of post-Soviet organisations such as CIS, CSTO, and EAEU/EEU. Russia is home to 30 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> country <o> Russia <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> related property <o> National Gallery of Armenia work ID <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> related property <o> Tretyakov Gallery work ID <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> related property <o> Louvre Museum ARK ID <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> The Return of the Prodigal Son <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> issued by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Benois Madonna <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Alexander Nevsky's relics <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> property constraint <o> distinct-values constraint <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> property constraint <o> format constraint <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> property constraint <o> single-value constraint <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> expected completeness <o> always incomplete <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> property constraint <o> subject type constraint <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Alexander the Great Taming Bucephalus <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Halberd (Spike) <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property to identify artworks <s> Hermitage Museum work ID <p> applicable 'stated in' value <o> The Hermitage Collections <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> country <o> Russia <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> instance of <o> museum <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> instance of <o> palace <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> instance of <o> tourist attraction <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> instance of <o> architectural landmark <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Vasileostrovsky District <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> architect <o> Giovanni Maria Fontana <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> architect <o> Gottfried Schädel <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> part of <o> Menshikov's Estate, Saint Petersburg <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> part of <o> Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> architectural style <o> Petrine Baroque <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> located on street <o> Universitetskaya Embankment <s> Menshikov Palace (Saint Petersburg) <p> heritage designation <o> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> country <o> Russia <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> instance of <o> theatre building <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of Hermitage Theatre <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> architect <o> Giacomo Quarenghi <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> architectural style <o> classicism <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> located on street <o> Palace Embankment <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> architectural style <o> Neoclassical architecture <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> founded by <o> Catherine II of Russia <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> part of <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> instance of <o> palace theatre <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> founded by <o> Emperor of all the Russias <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Dvortsovy Municipal Okrug <s> Hermitage Theatre <p> heritage designation <o> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <s> H'Art Museum <p> payment types accepted <o> Museumkaart <s> H'Art Museum <p> uses <o> Hermitage Amsterdam <s> H'Art Museum <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> H'Art Museum <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> H'Art Museum <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Amsterdam <s> H'Art Museum <p> headquarters location <o> Amsterdam <s> H'Art Museum <p> located on street <o> Amstel <s> H'Art Museum <p> director / manager <o> Cathelijne Broers <s> Category:Hermitage Museum <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Hermitage Museum <p> category's main topic <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> country <o> Russia <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> location of creation <o> Amsterdam <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> woman <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> different from <o> Rembrandt and Saskia in the parable of the Prodigal Son <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> mother <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> significant event <o> sales <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> father <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> man <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> exhibition history <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> knife <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> main subject <o> Parable of the Prodigal Son <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> domestic worker <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> sandal <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> creator <o> Rembrandt <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> son <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> robe <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> walking stick <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> tassel <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> turban <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> Return of the Prodigal Son <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> instance of <o> painting <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> depicts <o> kneeling <s> The Return of the Prodigal Son <p> genre <o> religious art <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> location of creation <o> Netherlands <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> owned by <o> Alexander I of Russia <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> genre <o> genre art <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> creator <o> Pieter de Hooch <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Woman and a maid with a pail of fish in a courtyard <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <p> country <o> Russia <s> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <p> instance of <o> heritage designation <s> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Objects of cultural heritage of Russia of federal significance <s> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <p> subclass of <o> Russian object of federal importance <s> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <p> subclass of <o> cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Small Hermitage <p> country <o> Russia <s> Small Hermitage <p> founded by <o> Catherine II of Russia <s> Small Hermitage <p> instance of <o> museum building <s> Small Hermitage <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Dvortsovy Municipal Okrug <s> Small Hermitage <p> heritage designation <o> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Small Hermitage <p> architectural style <o> classicism <s> Small Hermitage <p> part of <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Small Hermitage <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of the Small Hermitage <s> Hermitage Museum building at Staraya Derevnya <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Hermitage Museum building at Staraya Derevnya <p> country <o> Russia <s> Hermitage Museum building at Staraya Derevnya <p> instance of <o> building complex <s> Hermitage Museum building at Staraya Derevnya <p> founded by <o> Boris Piotrovsky </Graph>
<Text> :The Menshikov Palace is a Petrine Baroque edifice in Saint Petersburg, situated on Universitetskaya Embankment of the Bolshaya Neva on Vasilyevsky Island. Since 1981, it has served as a public museum, a branch of the Hermitage Museum. The palace was founded in 1710 as a residence of Saint Petersburg Governor General Alexander Menshikov and built by Italian architects Giovanni Maria Fontana, and, later, German architect Gottfried Johann Schadel. It was opened in 1711, but the construction continued until 1727 , when Menshikov with his family was exiled to Siberia and his property was confiscated. In 1731 the First Cadet Corps were established and occupied the palace and neighboring buildings. At the end of the 19th century the Menshikov Palace was restored and became the museum of the Corps. In 1924, its collections were moved to the Hermitage and other museums. From 1956 to 1981 the Menshikov Palace was restored again and finally opened to the public as a branch of the Hermitage Museum with a collection of Russian art of the late 17th-early 18th century. The Hermitage Theatre in Saint Petersburg, Russia is one of five Hermitage buildings lining the Palace Embankment of the Neva River. The Hermitage Theatre was the second theatre of the Winter Palace. It replaced the Russian Imperial Theater, which operated from 1764 until 1783. The Hermitage Theatre was built between 1783 and 1787 at the behest of Catherine the Great to a Palladian design by Giacomo Quarenghi. The crumbling Third Winter Palace of Peter the Great was demolished to make room for the new structure, although its old foundations are still visible in the ground floor. Quarenghi's designs for the theatre were engraved and published in 1787, earning him a European reputation. The semicircular auditorium is decorated with color marble and surrounded with ten niches for statues of Apollo and the muses. As the interior has never been overhauled, the original stage machinery remains in situ, but the elaborate sets, an acclaimed work of the Italian artist Pietro Gonzaga , were lost during the years of Soviet neglect. The ceremonial opening of the theatre took place on 22 November 1785. Though the auditorium could seat no more than 250 spectators, it was often overcrowded. Usually, the performance would be attended by several dozen aristocratic spectators, all invited by the monarch herself. As a sign of gratitude, a separate loge was reserved for the architect Quarenghi and his family. In the 19th century, selected members of the diplomatic corps were admitted to the theatre as well. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the parables of Jesus in the Bible, appearing in Luke 15:11-32. Jesus shares the parable with his disciples, the Pharisees, and others. In the story, a father has two sons. The younger son asks for his portion of inheritance from his father, who grants his son's request. This son, however, is prodigal , thus squandering his fortune and eventually becoming destitute. As consequence, he now must return home empty-handed and intend to beg his father to accept him back as a servant. To the son's surprise, he is not scorned by his father but is welcomed back with celebration and a welcoming party. Envious, the older son refuses to participate in the festivities. The father tells the older son: "you are ever with me, and all that I have is yours, but your younger brother was lost and now he is found." The Prodigal Son is the third and final parable of a cycle on redemption, following the parable of the Lost Sheep and the parable of the Lost Coin. In Revised Common Lectionary and Roman Rite Catholic Lectionary, this parable is read on the fourth Sunday of Lent ; in the latter it is also included in the long form of the Gospel on the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time in Year C, along with the preceding two parables of the cycle. In the Eastern Orthodox Church it is read on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. The parable begins with a man who had two sons, and the younger of them asks his father to give him his share of the estate. The implication is the son could not wait for his father's death for his inheritance, he wanted it immediately. The father agrees and divides his estate between both sons. The State Hermitage Museum is a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It was founded in 1764 when Empress Catherine the Great acquired a collection of paintings from the Berlin merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky. The museum celebrates the anniversary of its founding each year on 7 December, Saint Catherine's Day. It has been open to the public since 1852. The Art Newspaper ranked the museum 10th in their list of the most visited art museums, with 2,812,913 visitors in 2022. Its collections, of which only a small part is on permanent display, comprise over three million items . The collections occupy a large complex of six historic buildings along Palace Embankment, including the Winter Palace, a former residence of Russian emperors. Apart from them, the Menshikov Palace, Museum of Porcelain, Storage Facility at Staraya Derevnya, and the eastern wing of the General Staff Building are also part of the museum. The museum has several exhibition centers abroad. The Hermitage is a federal state property. Since July 1992, the director of the museum has been Mikhail Piotrovsky. Of the six buildings in the main museum complex, five--namely the Winter Palace, Small Hermitage, Old Hermitage, New Hermitage, and Hermitage Theatre--are all open to the public. The entrance ticket for foreign tourists costs more than the fee paid by citizens of Russia and Belarus. However, entrance is free of charge the third Thursday of every month for all visitors, and free daily for students and children. The museum is closed on Mondays. The entrance for individual visitors is located in the Winter Palace, accessible from the Courtyard. A hermitage is the dwelling of a hermit or recluse. The word derives from Old French hermit, ermit "hermit, recluse", from Late Latin eremita, from Greek eremites, that means "people who live alone", which is in turn derived from eremos , "desert". </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Great Hermitage <p> country <o> Russia <s> Great Hermitage <p> architectural style <o> Baroque <s> Great Hermitage <p> instance of <o> museum building <s> Great Hermitage <p> part of <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Great Hermitage <p> architect <o> Yury Felten <s> Great Hermitage <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Dvortsovy Municipal Okrug <s> Great Hermitage <p> heritage designation <o> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Great Hermitage <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of the Great Hermitage <s> General Staff Building <p> country <o> Russia <s> General Staff Building <p> instance of <o> building <s> General Staff Building <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Petersburg <s> General Staff Building <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> General Staff Building <p> part of <o> Hermitage Museum <s> General Staff Building <p> architectural style <o> classicism <s> General Staff Building <p> category for the interior of the item <o> Category:Interior of the Building of the General Staff <s> General Staff Building <p> occupant <o> Hermitage Museum <s> General Staff Building <p> location <o> Palace Square <s> General Staff Building <p> has part(s) <o> Alfred Sisley and Camille Pissaro room - 406 <s> General Staff Building <p> heritage designation <o> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <s> General Staff Building <p> architect <o> Carlo Rossi <s> General Staff Building <p> instance of <o> tourist attraction <s> Category:Interior of the Hermitage <p> category combines topics <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Category:Interior of the Hermitage <p> category combines topics <o> interior <s> Category:Interior of the Hermitage <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia category <s> <p> country <o> Netherlands <s> <p> genre <o> encyclopedia <s> <p> instance of <o> website <s> <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Applied arts <s> <p> main subject <o> jewelry <s> <p> founded by <o> Esther Doornbusch <s> <p> author <o> Esther Doornbusch <s> <p> owned by <o> Esther Doornbusch <s> <p> main subject <o> jewelry design <s> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <p> place of publication <o> Moscow <s> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <p> instance of <o> encyclopedic dictionary <s> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <p> publisher <o> Aleksandr Naumovich Granat <s> Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary <p> has edition or translation <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia <p> country <o> Russia <s> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia <p> language of work or name <o> Russian <s> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia <p> Wikidata property <o> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia artwork ID <s> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia <p> Wikidata property <o> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia museum ID <s> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia <p> instance of <o> online database <s> State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia <p> operator <o> Ministry of Culture of Russia <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> location of creation <o> Italy <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> depicts <o> boy <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> owned by <o> Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> depicts <o> balzo <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> creator <o> Paris Bordone <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Portrait of a Lady with a Boy <p> described by source <o> Theatrum pictorium <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> depicts <o> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> creator <o> Cornelius van Poelenburgh <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> genre <o> landscape art <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> genre <o> mythological painting <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> main subject <o> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> followed by <o> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> owned by <o> Antoine Poullain <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> creator <o> Johannes van Haensbergen <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> pendant of <o> Italianate Landscape with Nymphs <s> Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus <p> made from material <o> panel <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> depicts <o> Cologne <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> depicts <o> man <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> owned by <o> Joséphine de Beauharnais <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> genre <o> landscape art <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> owned by <o> Heinrich, Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza de Kászon <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> location <o> private collection <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> owned by <o> Gallery van Diemen <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> owned by <o> Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister <s> Fantasy Landscape with Aspects of Cologne <p> creator <o> Jan van der Heyden <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> depicts <o> family <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> depicts <o> knife grinder <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> followed by <o> The Knife Grinder and his Family <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> instance of <o> painting <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> genre <o> genre art <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> owned by <o> Antoine Poullain <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> creator <o> Alexandre Moitte <s> The Knife Grinder and his Family <p> made from material <o> panel </Graph>
<Text> :The General Staff Building is an edifice with a 580 m long bow-shaped facade, situated on Palace Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in front of the Winter Palace. The monumental Neoclassical building was designed by Carlo Rossi in the Empire style and built in 1819-1829. It consists of two wings, which are separated by a tripartite triumphal arch adorned by sculptors Stepan Pimenov and Vasily Demuth-Malinovsky and commemorating the Russian victory over Napoleonic France in the Patriotic War of 1812. The arch links Palace Square through Bolshaya Morskaya Street to Nevsky Prospekt. State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia -- a division of The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Regularly updated online catalog. The only electronic database of museum collections in the Russian Federation. Unites all state museums of the Russian Federation. The database contains basic information about each museum object and each museum collection included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation. There are 870 museums registered in the database; registered museum items -- 3 485 8933 . Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus, or Sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus, is a quotation from the Roman comedian Terence that became a proverb in the Early Modern period. Its simplest level of meaning is that love needs food and wine to thrive. It was sometimes shown in art, especially in the period 1550-1630, in Northern Mannerism in Prague and the Low Countries, as well as by Rubens. The phrase derives from Terence's comedy Eunuchus, in which Chremes says to Pythias in the fifth scene of the fourth act , verbum hercle hoc verum erit "sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus" . Thus the phrase was probably a well-known proverb at the time as well. Chremes makes use of it to declare how Pythias seems even more beautiful than usual to him during the rowdy partying after a large meal. Liber, the son of Ceres and god of human prosperity , was later replaced with Bacchus. The phrase is found in a similar form in Cicero, who quotes it as an example of the stylistic device of metonymy. In later times it was universally attributed to Terence. In the Middle Ages, Caesarius of Heisterbach used it in his work, Dialogus miraculorum to warn against luxury and frivolity and to advocate an ascetic lifestyle. It was also employed in this moral sense in the influential Latin florilegium Manipulus florum by Thomas of Ireland as part of a passage misattributed to St. Jerome . Martin Luther quoted it in this sense as well, in a 1518 sermon against the seven deadly sins. With the arrival of Renaissance humanism, the proverb was included with a broader sense in various compilations, such as the Adagia of Erasmus. The earliest German use is in a compilation from Klagenfurt dating to 1468: An wein und brot Leidet Venus not . Further German variants include: Depictions in art divide into those showing Venus, typically with an accompanying Cupid, either "freezing", without food and drink , or more comfortable when supplied with them, usually by the other gods in person. The latter type is more common, but Bartholomeus Spranger and Rubens are among the artists who used both types. Like the Feast of the Gods, another subject popular among the Northern Mannerists, the subject offers the combination of a relatively obscure classical reference and the opportunity for plentiful nudity. The subject appears in paintings, drawings and prints, and compositions are often copied between these media, and between artists. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> country <o> Switzerland <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> different from <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Lausanne <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> instance of <o> memory institution <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> instance of <o> art museum <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> instance of <o> museum building <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> member of <o> Association des Musées de Lausanne et Pully <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> part of <o> list of cultural properties in Lausanne <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> has part(s) <o> Hermitage Foundation collection <s> Hermitage Foundation <p> heritage designation <o> class A Swiss cultural property of national significance <s> Larousse Encyclopedia online <p> different from <o> Larousse Online French Dictionary <s> Larousse Encyclopedia online <p> language of work or name <o> French <s> Larousse Encyclopedia online <p> instance of <o> version, edition or translation <s> Larousse Encyclopedia online <p> edition or translation of <o> Grand Larousse encyclopédique <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> depicts <o> tree <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> depicts <o> house <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> location <o> Rijksmuseum <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> genre <o> landscape art <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Rijksmuseum <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Collection Goudstikker heirs <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> location <o> Munich Central Collecting Point <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> instance of <o> painting <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> described by source <o> Reclaimed. Paintings from the Collection of Jacques Goudstikker <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> described by source <o> Catalog of the paintings on show at the Rijksmuseum in 1956 <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Hermann Göring <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> creator <o> Jan van der Heyden <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> owned by <o> Catherine II of Russia <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> depicts <o> Castle Nijenrode <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> owned by <o> Jacques Goudstikker <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> made from material <o> panel <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Jacques Goudstikker collection <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Instituut Collectie Nederland <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Munich Central Collecting Point <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Hermann Göring Collection <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> View of Nyenrode Castle <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> St. Mark <p> collection <o> Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts <s> St. Mark <p> depicts <o> man <s> St. Mark <p> religion or worldview <o> Christianity <s> St. Mark <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> St. Mark <p> location <o> Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts <s> St. Mark <p> depicts <o> Mark the Evangelist <s> St. Mark <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> St. Mark <p> main subject <o> Mark the Evangelist <s> St. Mark <p> owned by <o> Gerard Hoet <s> St. Mark <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> St. Mark <p> creator <o> Frans Hals <s> St. Mark <p> genre <o> religious art <s> St. Mark <p> instance of <o> painting <s> St. Mark <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> St. Mark <p> part of <o> The Four Evangelists <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> collection <o> Mauritshuis <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> location <o> Mauritshuis <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> owned by <o> William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> instance of <o> painting <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> owned by <o> Valerius Röver <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> owned by <o> Cornelia van der Dussen <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> made from material <o> panel <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> collection <o> Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> creator <o> Jan van der Heyden <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> creator <o> Adriaen van de Velde <s> View of Oudezijds Voorburgwal with the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam <p> genre <o> cityscape <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> French <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> writing language <o> German <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> instance of <o> human <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> occupation <o> monarch <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> has works in the collection <o> Philadelphia Museum of Art <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> residence <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> child <o> Paul I of Russia <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> residence <o> Szczecin <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> place of death <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> native language <o> German <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> social classification <o> nobility <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> social classification <o> royalty <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Empire <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> place of birth <o> Szczecin <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> sex or gender <o> female <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> position held <o> Emperor of all the Russias <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> sibling <o> Frederick Augustus, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> commander of (DEPRECATED) <o> Semenovsky Regiment <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> commander of (DEPRECATED) <o> Preobrazhensky Regiment <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> unmarried partner <o> Stanisław August Poniatowski <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Catherine <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> work location <o> Russia <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> child <o> Alexey Bobrinsky <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> child <o> Anna Petrovna <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject Provenance <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Order of the White Eagle <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Tsaritsyno Park <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Pavlovsk Museum-Preserve <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> New International Encyclopedia <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Order of the Black Eagle <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> noble title <o> Emperor of all the Russias <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> country of citizenship <o> Kingdom of Prussia <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> German <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> military rank <o> colonel <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> member of <o> Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> mother <o> Joanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> unmarried partner <o> Alexander Vasilchikov <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> religion or worldview <o> Russian Orthodox Church <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> place of burial <o> Peter and Paul Cathedral <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> father <o> Christian August, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> cause of death <o> stroke <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> occupation <o> aristocrat <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> given name <o> Catherine <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> unmarried partner <o> Grigory Orlov <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Order of St. Andrew <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Order of St. George <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> commander of (DEPRECATED) <o> Izmaylovsky Regiment <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> noble title <o> Grand Duchess <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> spouse <o> Peter III of Russia <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> occupation <o> politician <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> unmarried partner <o> Grigory Potemkin <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Royal Order of the Seraphim <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Order of Saint Anna <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> named after <o> Catherine of Alexandria <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> present in work <o> Civilization V <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> member of <o> Accademia delle Arti del Disegno <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> manner of death <o> natural causes <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> commander of (DEPRECATED) <o> Life Guard Horse Regiment <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> given name <o> Sophie <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> allegiance <o> Russian Empire <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Catherine the Great <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> notable work <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> noble title <o> German Prince <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> noble title <o> empress consort <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> occupation <o> art collector <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> award received <o> Order of St. Vladimir, 1st class <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Sytin Military Encyclopedia <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> A Wooded Marsh <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> given name <o> Katharina <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> military branch <o> Russian Imperial Guard <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Collection Crozat <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> given name <o> Ekaterina <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Young woman with earrings <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> BEIC Digital Library <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Věnec slávy žen slovanských <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Lexikon deutschsprachiger Epik und Dramatik von Autorinnen 1730–1900 <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Boat at Sunset <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Esther before Ahasuerus <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Landscape with a Maid at the Well <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> View of Nyenrode Castle <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Italianate Landscape with Nymphs <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Portrait of a Member of the Haarlem Civic Guard <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> Pair of Flintlock Pistols of Empress Catherine the Great (1729–1796) <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> described by source <o> Dictionary of Russian Writers of XVIII century. Volume I <s> Catherine II of Russia <p> owner of <o> River Landscape with a View of the Pellecussenpoort <s> Palace Embankment <p> country <o> Russia <s> Palace Embankment <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Palace Embankment <p> instance of <o> thoroughfare <s> Palace Embankment <p> heritage designation <o> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Woman in the Garden <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Woman in the Garden <p> creator <o> Claude Monet <s> Woman in the Garden <p> country <o> Russia <s> Woman in the Garden <p> depicts <o> flower <s> Woman in the Garden <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Woman in the Garden <p> depicts <o> tree <s> Woman in the Garden <p> depicts <o> dress <s> Woman in the Garden <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Woman in the Garden <p> genre <o> landscape art <s> Woman in the Garden <p> depicts <o> Sainte-Adresse <s> Woman in the Garden <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Woman in the Garden <p> depicts <o> umbrella <s> Woman in the Garden <p> movement <o> Impressionism <s> Woman in the Garden <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman in the Garden <p> location of creation <o> Sainte-Adresse <s> Woman in the Garden <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman in the Garden <p> location <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman in the Garden <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Woman in the Garden <p> depicts <o> grass <s> Woman in the Garden <p> exhibition history <o> 4th impressionist exhibition <s> Woman in Black <p> country <o> Russia <s> Woman in Black <p> location of creation <o> Paris <s> Woman in Black <p> depicts <o> woman <s> Woman in Black <p> copyright status <o> public domain <s> Woman in Black <p> owned by <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman in Black <p> collection <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Woman in Black <p> depicts <o> dress <s> Woman in Black <p> depicts <o> white people <s> Woman in Black <p> depicts <o> scarf <s> Woman in Black <p> location <o> Winter Palace <s> Woman in Black <p> creator <o> Pierre-Auguste Renoir <s> Woman in Black <p> made from material <o> oil paint <s> Woman in Black <p> instance of <o> painting <s> Woman in Black <p> genre <o> portrait <s> Woman in Black <p> depicts <o> blouse <s> Woman in Black <p> movement <o> Impressionism <s> Woman in Black <p> owned by <o> Sergei Shchukin <s> Woman in Black <p> made from material <o> canvas <s> Winter Palace <p> commissioned by <o> Peter the Great <s> Winter Palace <p> country <o> Russia <s> Winter Palace <p> part of <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Winter Palace <p> occupant <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Winter Palace <p> founded by <o> Elizabeth I of Russia <s> Winter Palace <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Winter Palace <p> described by source <o> Ottův slovník naučný <s> Winter Palace <p> architect <o> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <s> Winter Palace <p> different from <o> Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan <s> Winter Palace <p> architectural style <o> Elizabethan Baroque <s> Winter Palace <p> described by source <o> Internetowa encyklopedia PWN <s> Winter Palace <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Winter Palace <p> described by source <o> Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1969–1978) <s> Winter Palace <p> instance of <o> palace <s> Winter Palace <p> has use <o> official residence <s> Winter Palace <p> described by source <o> Winter Palace Research <s> Winter Palace <p> heritage designation <o> federal cultural heritage site in Russia <s> Winter Palace <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Winter Palace <s> Winter Palace <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> Winter Palace <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Dvortsovy Municipal Okrug </Graph>
<Text> :Mark the Evangelist also known as John Mark or Saint Mark, is the person who is traditionally ascribed to be the author of the Gospel of Mark. Modern Bible scholars have concluded that the Gospel of Mark was written by an anonymous author rather than by Mark. According to Church tradition, Mark founded the episcopal see of Alexandria, which was one of the five most important sees of early Christianity. His feast day is celebrated on April 25, and his symbol is the winged lion. According to William Lane , an "unbroken tradition" identifies Mark the Evangelist with John Mark, and John Mark as the cousin of Barnabas. However, Hippolytus of Rome, in On the Seventy Apostles, distinguishes Mark the Evangelist , John Mark , and Mark the cousin of Barnabas . According to Hippolytus, they all belonged to the "Seventy Disciples" who were sent out by Jesus to disseminate the gospel in Judea. According to Eusebius of Caesarea, Herod Agrippa I, in his first year of reign over the whole of Judea , killed James, son of Zebedee and arrested Peter, planning to kill him after the Passover. Peter was saved miraculously by angels, and escaped out of the realm of Herod . Peter went to Antioch, then through Asia Minor , and arrived in Rome in the second year of Emperor Claudius . Somewhere on the way, Peter encountered Mark and took him as travel companion and interpreter. Mark the Evangelist wrote down the sermons of Peter, thus composing the Gospel according to Mark, before he left for Alexandria in the third year of Claudius . According to tradition, in AD 49, about 19 years after the Ascension of Jesus, Mark travelled to Alexandria and founded the Church of Alexandria. The Coptic Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria, and the Coptic Catholic Church all trace their origins to this original community. Aspects of the Coptic liturgy can be traced back to Mark himself. He became the first bishop of Alexandria and he is honored as the founder of Christianity in Africa. Catherine II , most commonly known as Catherine the Great, was the reigning empress of Russia from 1762 to 1796. She came to power after overthrowing her husband, Peter III. Under her long reign, inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment, Russia experienced a renaissance of culture and sciences, which led to the founding of many new cities, universities, and theatres, along with a large-scale immigration from the rest of Europe and with the recognition of Russia as one of the great powers of Europe. In her accession to power and her rule of the empire, Catherine often relied on her noble favourites, most notably Count Grigory Orlov and Grigory Potemkin. Assisted by highly successful generals such as Alexander Suvorov and Pyotr Rumyantsev, and admirals such as Samuel Greig and Fyodor Ushakov, she governed at a time when the Russian Empire was expanding rapidly by conquest and diplomacy. In the south, the Crimean Khanate was annexed following victories over the Bar Confederation and the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War. With the support of Great Britain, Russia colonised the territories of New Russia along the coasts of the Black and Azov Seas. In the west, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth--ruled by Catherine's former lover, King Stanislaw August Poniatowski--was eventually partitioned, with the Russian Empire gaining the largest share. In the east, Russians became the first Europeans to colonise Alaska, establishing Russian America. Many cities and towns were founded on Catherine's orders in the newly conquered lands, most notably Yekaterinoslav, Kherson, Nikolayev, and Sevastopol. An admirer of Peter the Great, Catherine continued to modernise Russia along Western European lines. However, military conscription and the economy continued to depend on serfdom, and the increasing demands of the state and of private landowners intensified the exploitation of serf labour. This was one of the chief reasons behind rebellions, including Pugachev's Rebellion of Cossacks, nomads, peoples of the Volga, and peasants. The Manifesto on Freedom of the Nobility, issued during the short reign of Peter III and confirmed by Catherine, freed Russian nobles from compulsory military or state service. The construction of many mansions of the nobility, in the classical style endorsed by the empress, changed the face of the country. She is often included in the ranks of the enlightened despots. As a patron of the arts, she presided over the age of the Russian Enlightenment, including the establishment of the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens, the first state-financed higher education institution for women in Europe. The Palace Embankment or Palace Quay is a street along the Neva River in Central Saint Petersburg which contains the complex of the Hermitage Museum buildings , the Hermitage Theatre, the New Michael Palace, the Saltykov Mansion and the Summer Garden. The embankment was wooden up to 1761, when Catherine the Great ordered court architect Yury Felten to build stone embankments. The street as seen nowadays was laid out between 1763 and 1767, when it used to be a preferred place of residence for the Russian Imperial Nobility. The street begins at the Palace Bridge, where the Admiralty Embankment becomes the Palace Embankment, and the street ends at the Fontanka, where it becomes the Kutuzov Embankment. Filled with his heart's regrets, and leaning Against the rampart's granite shelf, Eugene stood lost in pensive dreaming . The night grew still... with silence falling; Only the sound of sentries calling, Or suddenly from Million Street Some distant droshky's rumbling beat; Or floating on a drowsy river, A lonely boat would sail along, While far away some rousing song Or plaintive horn would make us shiver. But sweeter still, amid such nights, Are Tasso's octaves' soaring flights. For the first edition of this chapter, the poet commissioned an illustration depicting him and Onegin walking together along the quay. Upon receiving the illustration, which represented him leaning on a parapet with his back turned towards the Peter and Paul Fortress, he was exceedingly displeased with the result and scribbled the following epigram underneath : Woman in the Garden is a painting begun in 1866 by Claude Monet when he was a young man of 26. The work was executed en plein air in oil on canvas with a relatively large size of 82 by 101 cm. and currently belongs in the collection of the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia. The woman in the painting is Jeanne-Marguerite Lecadre, the young wife of his well-to-do cousin Paul-Eugene Lecadre. The Lecadres lived at Le Havre and had a country house, Le Coteau, in nearby Sainte-Adresse, in the garden of which the painting was made during a short visit. X-ray analysis has revealed that it was actually painted over a previous picture. The style of the painting is quite composed and detailed, unlike the typically impressionist works for which Monet was later acclaimed. Three principal objects, Jeanne-Marguerite, the central flowering rose bush in the bed of bright red flowers and the flowering bush on the right provide an ordered structure and Jeanne-Marguerite's bright white dress contrasts vividly with the reds, pinks and greens of the garden plants and trees. The subject matter foreshadowed Monet's lifelong passion for painting flowers and gardens in a natural setting. The Woman in Black is a 1983 gothic horror novel by English writer Susan Hill, about a mysterious spectre that haunts a small English town. A television film based on it, also called The Woman in Black, was produced in 1989, with a screenplay by Nigel Kneale. In 2012, another film adaption was released starring Daniel Radcliffe. The book has also been adapted into a stage play by Stephen Mallatratt. The original London production ran 13,232 performances and is the second longest-running play in the history of the West End, after The Mousetrap. The novel is narrated by Arthur Kipps, the young lawyer who formerly worked for Mr. Bentley. One Christmas Eve he is at home with his second wife Esme and four stepchildren who are sharing ghost stories. When he is asked to tell a story, he becomes irritated, leaves the room and decides to write the following horrific experiences from his past in the hope that doing so will exorcise them from his memory. Many years earlier, whilst still a junior solicitor for Bentley, Kipps is summoned to Crythin Gifford, a small market town on the northeast coast of England, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Alice Drablow and settle her estate. He is reluctant to leave his fiancee, Stella, but eager to get away from the dreary London fog. The late Mrs. Drablow was an elderly, reclusive widow who lived alone in the desolate and secluded Eel Marsh House. On his train ride there, he meets Samuel Daily, a wealthy landowner. The Winter Palace is a palace in Saint Petersburg that served as the official residence of the House of Romanov, previous emperors, from 1732 to 1917. The palace and its precincts now house the Hermitage Museum. Floor area is 233,345 square metres. . Total area of the Winter Palace is 14.2 hectares. Situated between Palace Embankment and Palace Square, adjacent to the site of Peter the Great's original Winter Palace, the present and fourth Winter Palace was built and altered almost continuously between the late 1730s and 1837, when it was severely damaged by fire and immediately rebuilt. The storming of the palace in 1917, as depicted in Soviet art and in Sergei Eisenstein's 1928 film October, became a symbol of the October Revolution. The emperors constructed their palaces on a monumental scale that aimed to reflect the might and power of Imperial Russia. From the palace, the tsars ruled over 22,800,000 square kilometers and 125 million subjects by the end of the 19th century. Several architects participated in designing the Winter Palace--most notably the Italian Bartolomeo Rastrelli --in what became known as the Elizabethan Baroque style. The green-and-white palace has the overall shape of an elongated rectangle, and its principal facade is 215 metres long and 30 m high. The Winter Palace has been calculated to contain 1,886 doors, 1,945 windows, 1,500 rooms and 117 staircases. Following a serious fire, the palace's rebuilding of 1837 left the exterior unchanged, but large parts of the interior were redesigned in a variety of tastes and styles, leading the palace to be described as a "19th-century palace inspired by a model in Rococo style". In 1905, the Bloody Sunday occurred when demonstrators marched toward the Winter Palace, but by this time the Imperial Family had chosen to live in the more secure and secluded Alexander Palace at Tsarskoe Selo , and returned to the Winter Palace only for formal and state occasions. Following the February Revolution of 1917, the palace operated for a short time as the seat of the Russian Provisional Government, ultimately led by Alexander Kerensky. Later that same year a detachment of Red Guard soldiers and sailors stormed the palace--a defining moment in the birth of the Soviet state, overthrowing the Provisional Government. Upon returning from his Grand Embassy in 1698, Peter I of Russia embarked on a policy of Westernization and expansion that was to transform the Tsardom of Russia into the Russian Empire and a major European power. This policy was manifested in bricks and mortar by the creation of a new city, Saint Petersburg, in 1703. The culture and design of the new city was intended as a conscious rejection of traditional Byzantine-influenced Russian architecture, such as the then-fashionable Naryshkin Baroque, in favour of the classically inspired architecture prevailing in the great cities of Europe. The Tsar intended that his new city would be designed in a Flemish renaissance style, later known as Petrine Baroque, and this was the style he selected for his new palace in the city. The first Royal residence on the site had been a humble log cabin then known as the Domik Petra I, built in 1704, which faced the River Neva. In 1711 it was transported to the Petrovskaya Naberezhnaya, where it still stands. With the site cleared, the Tsar then embarked on the building of a larger house between 1711 and 1712. This house, today referred to as The First Winter Palace, was designed by Domenico Trezzini. </Text>
<Graph> : <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> instance of <o> human <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of the Lion of Finland <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Medal "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan" <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Medal "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg" <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Russian <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> country of citizenship <o> Russia <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Honour <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Francisc Skorina <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> State Prize of the Russian Federation <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Medal of Anatoly Koni <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> honorary citizen of Saint Petersburg <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Al-Fakhr <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> professorship <o> full member of RAS <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> field of work <o> Qur’an <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> academic degree <o> Doctor of Historical Sciences <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> field of work <o> Yemen <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> member of <o> American Academy of Arts and Sciences <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> native language <o> Russian <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> place of birth <o> Yerevan <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> country of citizenship <o> Soviet Union <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Knight of the Legion of Honour <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Officer of the Legion of Honour <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> given name <o> Mikhail <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> field of work <o> Near East <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Hungarian Order of Merit <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> educated at <o> Saint Petersburg State University <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Honour <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Austrian Decoration for Science and Art <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Orange-Nassau <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> described by source <o> Lentapedia <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> described by source <o> Obalky <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> professorship <o> full professor <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> employer <o> Hermitage Museum <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> father <o> Boris Piotrovsky <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> field of work <o> history of Islam <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order pro Merito Melitensi <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Friendship <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Ordre des Arts et des Lettres <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Royal Order of the Polar Star <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of the Rising Sun <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Alexander Nevsky <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of the Crown <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Merit of the Italian Republic <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order "Duslyk" <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 5th class <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Prize of the President of the Russian Federation <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 2nd class <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 3rd class <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> occupation <o> art historian <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> occupation <o> archaeologist <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2004 <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> participant in <o> World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Pushkin Medal <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> child <o> Boris Piotrovsky <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> child <o> maria piotrovskaya <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> educated at <o> Faculty of Oriental Studies of the St. Petersburg University <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> mother <o> Hripsime Djanpoladjian <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> occupation <o> international forum participant <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order of the "Commonwealth" <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> award received <o> Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 4th class <s> Mikhail Piotrovsky <p> doctoral advisor <o> Piotr Griaznevitch <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> instance of <o> human <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> art director <o> Catherine II of Russia <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Frick Art Reference Library <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Bartolomeo Rastrelli <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> place of birth <o> Paris <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> languages spoken, written or signed <o> Italian <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> has works in the collection <o> Nationalmuseum <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> copyright status as a creator <o> copyrights on works have expired <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> country of citizenship <o> Russian Empire <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Smolny Cathedral <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> field of work <o> architecture <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Saint Andrew's Church <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Winter Palace <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> place of death <o> Saint Petersburg <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Catherine Palace <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Moscow <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> described by source <o> Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> artist files at <o> Frick Art Reference Library <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Rastrelli <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> father <o> Carlo Bartolomeo Rastrelli <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> described by source <o> Russian Biographical Dictionary <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> described by source <o> Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> movement <o> Baroque <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> employer <o> Imperial Academy of Arts <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Anichkov Palace <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> occupation <o> architect <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Stroganov Palace <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Tsarskoye Selo <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Rundāle Palace <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> sex or gender <o> male <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> notable work <o> Vorontsov Palace <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> given name <o> Francesco <s> Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli <p> family name <o> Rastrelli <s> ORCID iD <p> related property <o> ISNI <s> ORCID iD <p> subproperty of <o> ISNI <s> ORCID iD <p> related property <o> VIAF ID <s> ORCID iD <p> related property <o> ACM Digital Library author ID <s> ORCID iD <p> used by <o> Wikipedia <s> ORCID iD <p> related property <o> MR Author ID <s> ORCID iD <p> related property <o> Authorea author ID <s> ORCID iD <p> related property <o> Ringgold ID <s> ORCID iD <p> related property <o> IEEE Xplore author ID <s> ORCID iD <p> applicable 'stated in' value <o> 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property <o> Scopus author ID <s> ResearcherID <p> related property <o> Google Scholar author ID <s> ResearcherID <p> related property <o> ResearchGate profile ID <s> ResearcherID <p> related property <o> Publons author ID <s> ResearcherID <p> related property <o> ORCID iD <s> ResearcherID <p> related property <o> Microsoft Academic ID <s> ResearcherID <p> related property <o> profile URL <s> ResearcherID <p> related property <o> curriculum vitae URL <s> ResearcherID <p> applicable 'stated in' value <o> ResearcherID <s> ResearcherID <p> class of non-item property value <o> ResearcherID <s> ResearcherID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Monika Hestad <s> ResearcherID <p> property constraint <o> format constraint <s> ResearcherID <p> property constraint <o> item-requires-statement constraint <s> ResearcherID <p> property constraint <o> distinct-values constraint <s> ResearcherID <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property for authority control for people <s> ResearcherID <p> property constraint <o> single-value constraint <s> ResearcherID <p> Wikidata property example <o> Vladimir Alexiev <s> ResearcherID <p> property usage tracking category <o> Category:Pages using Wikidata property P1053 <s> ResearcherID <p> property constraint <o> allowed-entity-types constraint <s> ResearcherID <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property of an identifier with a date <s> ResearcherID <p> instance of <o> Wikidata property related to research <s> ResearcherID <p> stability of property value <o> never changes <s> ResearcherID <p> expected completeness <o> always incomplete <s> ResearcherID <p> property constraint <o> property scope constraint <s> interested in <p> related property <o> practiced by <s> interested in <p> related property <o> is the study of <s> interested in <p> related property <o> field of work <s> interested in <p> related property <o> field of this occupation <s> interested in <p> related property <o> field of training <s> interested in <p> related property <o> in 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Infrastructure <s> interested in <p> stability of property value <o> values can be added <s> interested in <p> stability of property value <o> sometimes changes <s> Category:Wikipedia categories named after scientists <p> category combines topics <o> scientist <s> Category:Wikipedia categories named after scientists <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia meta category <s> Category:Wikipedia categories named after scientists <p> category combines topics <o> Wikimedia category <s> Category:Wikipedia categories named after scientists <p> instance of <o> Wikimedia administration category <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> country <o> United States of America <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> field of work <o> Wikidata <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> field of work <o> authority file <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> located in the administrative territorial entity <o> Seattle <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> instance of <o> organization <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> instance of <o> WikiProject <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> field of work <o> bibliographic metadata <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> field of work <o> identity management <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> part of <o> WikiProject University of Washington Libraries <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> part of <o> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> affiliation <o> Program for Cooperative Cataloging <s> WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington <p> affiliation <o> University of Washington Libraries <s> list of values as qualifiers <p> instance of <o> Wikibase value <s> list of values as qualifiers <p> instance of <o> Wikidata internal entity <s> 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<o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> profession <p> described by source <o> Lean Logic <s> profession <p> described by source <o> Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron <s> profession <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Infobox occupation <s> profession <p> topic's main category <o> Category:Professions <s> profession <p> subclass of <o> occupation <s> science <p> practiced by <o> scientist <s> science <p> has part(s) <o> natural science <s> science <p> opposite of <o> pseudoscience <s> science <p> has part(s) <o> social science <s> science <p> instance of <o> academic discipline <s> science <p> instance of <o> Wissenschaft <s> science <p> has part(s) <o> research <s> science <p> subclass of <o> knowledge system <s> science <p> opposite of <o> antiscience <s> science <p> said to be the same as <o> sciences <s> science <p> opposite of <o> non-science <s> science <p> part of <o> science, technology, engineering, and mathematics <s> science <p> studied in <o> 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science <p> has part(s) <o> formal science <s> science <p> has part(s) <o> scientific knowledge <s> science <p> on focus list of Wikimedia project <o> Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4 <s> science <p> has part(s) <o> experimental science <s> science <p> described by source <o> The Nuttall Encyclopædia <s> science <p> studied in <o> science and technology studies <s> science <p> studied in <o> sociology of science <s> science <p> described by source <o> Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> science <p> described by source <o> Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary <s> science <p> topic's main template <o> Template:Science <s> science <p> studied in <o> metascience <s> science <p> described by source <o> Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Vocabulary <s> science <p> studied in <o> scientonomy <s> science <p> has characteristic <o> scientific evidence <s> science <p> practiced by <o> scientist trainee <s> science <p> union of <o> list of values as qualifiers </Graph>
<Text> :He was born in Yerevan in the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic on 9 December 1944 to Boris Piotrovsky, a notable Orientalist and himself the future Director of the Hermitage Museum, and Armenian mother Hripsime Djanpoladjian. At the Leningrad University, Mikhail Piotrovsky obtained a doctorate in Arabic linguistics. After graduating in 1967, he worked as an interpreter in Yemen and took part in archaeological exploration of the Caucasus. After his father's death in 1990, Piotrovsky was appointed Director of the Hermitage in his stead. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Piotrovsky advocated the opening of the Hermitage collections to the wider world, which resulted in the establishment of the Hermitage Rooms in Somerset House, Hermitage Amsterdam and the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum. His tenure was not entirely free of scandals, however. After the museum announced in July 2006 that 221 minor items, including jewelry, Orthodox icons, silverware and richly enameled objects, had been stolen by one of the museum officials, there were calls for Piotrovsky's resignation. After 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Piotrovsky spoke of the importance of cultural bridges and made sure major loans avoided seizure and were returned to Russia. He spoke out against the cancellation of Russian culture but avoided direct references to the war, even as museum partners and international supporters suspended ties. Four months later, Piotrovsky has opened up about the war. He describes Russian culture as an important export, similar to the country's war in Ukraine. "Our recent exhibitions abroad are just a powerful cultural offensive. If you want, a kind of 'special operation', which a lot of people don't like. But we are coming. And no one can be allowed to interfere with our offensive". Piotrovsky was sanctioned by Canada over his support for the war in Ukraine. Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli Rastrelli; 1700 in Paris, Kingdom of France - 29 April 1771 in Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire) was an Italian architect who worked mainly in Russia. He developed an easily recognizable style of Late Baroque, both sumptuous and majestic. His major works, including the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg and the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, are famed for extravagant luxury and opulence of decoration. Rastrelli was born in 1700 in Paris, where his father, Carlo Bartolomeo Rastrelli , a Florentine sculptor and architect who had trained in Rome, was active. Nothing is known about Francesco's Parisian years, but it seems certain that the young man trained and worked in his father's workshop. In 1716, Bartolomeo moved to Saint Petersburg, which became a new Russian capital just a four years before, accompanying his father. His ambition was to combine the latest Italian architectural fashion with traditions of the Muscovite Baroque style. The first important commission came in 1721 when he was asked to build a palace for Prince Demetre Cantemir, former ruler of Moldavia. He was appointed to the post of senior court architect in 1730. His works found favour with female monarchs of his time, and he retained this post throughout the reigns of Empresses Anna and Elizabeth . Rastrelli's last and most ambitious project was the Smolny Convent in St. Petersburg where Empress Elizabeth was to spend the rest of her life. The projected bell-tower was to become the tallest building in St Petersburg and all of Russia. Elizabeth's death in 1762 prevented Rastrelli from completing this grand design. This unique identifier aims at solving the problem of author identification and correct attribution of works. In scientific and academic literature it is common to cite name, surname, and initials of the authors of an article. Sometimes, however, there are authors with the same name, with the same initials, or the journal misspells names, resulting in several spellings for the same authors, and different authors with the same spelling. Researchers can use ResearcherID to claim their published works and link their unique and persistent ResearcherID number to these works for correct attribution. In this way, they can also keep their publication list up to date and online. The combined use of the Digital Object Identifier with the ResearcherID allows a unique association of authors and research articles. It can be used to link researchers with registered trials or identify colleagues and collaborators in the same field of research. In April 2019, ResearcherID was integrated with Publons, a Clarivate Analytics owned platform, where researchers can track their publications, peer reviewing activity, and journal editing work. With ResearcherID now hosted on Publons researchers can keep a more comprehensive view of their research output and contributions in one place. This is particularly important for researchers in fields that predominantly use peer-reviewed conference articles or in fields that focus on publishing books and chapters in books . A profession is a field of work that has been successfully professionalized. It can be defined as a disciplined group of individuals, professionals, who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others. Professional occupations are founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain. Medieval and early modern tradition recognized only three professions: divinity, medicine, and law, which were called the learned professions. A profession is not a trade nor an industry. Some professions change slightly in status and power, but their prestige generally remains stable over time, even if the profession begins to have more required study and formal education. Disciplines formalized more recently, such as architecture, now have equally long periods of study associated with them. Although professions may enjoy relatively high status and public prestige, not all professionals earn high salaries, and even within specific professions there exist significant differences in salary. In law, for example, a corporate defense lawyer working on an hourly basis may earn several times what a prosecutor or public defender earns. Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. Modern science is typically divided into three major branches: the natural sciences , which study the physical world; the social sciences , which study individuals and societies; and the formal sciences , which study formal systems, governed by axioms and rules. There is disagreement whether the formal sciences are science disciplines, because they do not rely on empirical evidence. Applied sciences are disciplines that use scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as in engineering and medicine. The history of science spans the majority of the historical record, with the earliest written records of identifiable predecessors to modern science dating to Bronze Age Egypt and Mesopotamia from around 3000 to 1200 BCE. Their contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and medicine entered and shaped the Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity, whereby formal attempts were made to provide explanations of events in the physical world based on natural causes, while further advancements, including the introduction of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, were made during the Golden Age of India.: 12 Scientific research deteriorated in these regions after the fall of the Western Roman Empire during the early middle ages , but in the Medieval renaissances scholarship flourished again. Some Greek manuscripts lost in Western Europe were preserved and expanded upon in the Middle East during the Islamic Golden Age and later by the efforts of Byzantine Greek scholars who brought Greek manuscripts from the dying Byzantine Empire to Western Europe in the Renaissance. The recovery and assimilation of Greek works and Islamic inquiries into Western Europe from the 10th to 13th century revived "natural philosophy", which was later transformed by the Scientific Revolution that began in the 16th century as new ideas and discoveries departed from previous Greek conceptions and traditions. The scientific method soon played a greater role in knowledge creation and it was not until the 19th century that many of the institutional and professional features of science began to take shape, along with the changing of "natural philosophy" to "natural science". New knowledge in science is advanced by research from scientists who are motivated by curiosity about the world and a desire to solve problems. Contemporary scientific research is highly collaborative and is usually done by teams in academic and research institutions, government agencies, and companies. The practical impact of their work has led to the emergence of science policies that seek to influence the scientific enterprise by prioritizing the ethical and moral development of commercial products, armaments, health care, public infrastructure, and environmental protection. </Text>